#i think her realization that the experiment cant happen is also her realization that shes just. her. not good or bad inherently just flawed
conartisthaiji · 3 months
"libby gets a corruption arc" my hot take is that she thinks that she's corrupted herself by traveling back to her time on the energy of a nuclear explosion, she thinks that she's corrupted herself by killing her ex-boyfriend and atlas, but she HASN'T actually. she thinks she has to be evil but really she's just made decisions that she doesn't want to accept
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yelloworangesoda · 2 months
maxwell and sammy are all mine and i love them like my children but its pretty hard to divorce them from fnaf enough to make them straight up ocs. sammy especially bc hes technically not my oc, even if i made up every aspect about him except his name and dead twin sister
#my point being i keep seeing oc post and going ‘omg me about sammy’ but sammy isnt an oc. technically#i literally wont even change his name if i do ever just make him all mine. i love him sammy is my bff forevers.#sammy smiles real wide and has sharp canines. he cant stand silence and talks to himself CONSTANTLY and its worse around other people#he interrupts people a lot by accident. and is really bad about holding friendships and doesnt reach out to people. after he took max in it#was impossible to shut him up bc someone was actually there now. he has serious trust issues and thinks ppl dont like him bc he thinks#everyone to have some big secret theyre all collectively keeping from him to keep him ‘’safe’’ which stems from. his mom doing this to him#about his sister and dad she just straight up refused to tell him until he found out on his own. so for 11 years he knew that. they for sure#you cant just split up your family in half in a divorce. something seems incredibly wrong about that but he didnt know what actually#happened there. also they were young when she died but he still felt like a part of him went missing and without the knowledge she died he#assumed. hed see her again and fill that hole. and of course that wasnt true. so anyway he struggles to make and keep friends#hes had like 8 different partners who lasted more than a month (most of them didnt want to deal with max) and he cant keep any of them bc a#a lot of people meet this cute charming guy with a lot to say and realize hes literally like this all the time and it stops being cute and#starts being annoying. he wanted to have kids bc he really likes kids but nobody wants him unfortunately and also he had. max for 8 years#and max is for sure his kid (from his perspective max is weird about it bc max thinks of his dad. as his Parent and sammy as more of#brother) but like max was not really what he was thinking when he thought he wanted kids right. and he feels bad about thinking that but#he does. think that. he wants a kid of his own. sammy is a therapist for kids with trauma specifically so that also impacts his ability to#have a kid. he worries that. bc of his personal experience of what Can happen that he may in turn be a helicopter parent or way#overprotective. yknow. he#ive got to go to bed omg. i got enough thoughts down!!!!#simons spouting#a lot of this is just awfully written but you cant read back or edit tags on mobile. not my fault
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anyway atsushi who keeps his eyes closed around ppl he feels safe with - so mostly the agency
kunikida sees him first and assumes he's napping and 'wakes him up' and atsushi, who doesn't realize yet why he's doing it is a little embarrassed
kunikida notices it again when theyre walking to a case, atsushi squished in between him and dazai, eyes closed, and he knows that he's not napping but he also doesn't get it
dazai realizes whats up but thinks it only happens cuz of kunikida becuz surely not him
but then one day he's telling atsushi about some prank he's pulling on kunikida and atsushi is nodding along, eyes shut and he's like oh
kyouka misses all the times it happens around her just becuz its not strange to see someone lying on the couch at their home, eyes closed, so how is she supposed to know that he's only doing it becuz he feels safe ???
ranpo knows whats going on and is very pleased when atsushi sits next to him on the train to their mission with his eyes closed - until they accidentally missed their stop becuz ranpo didn't know where they were going
when it happens to ranpo, everyone starts picking up that somethings going on
dazai and ranpo know for sure - and through ranpo yosano knows too - and everyone knows atsushi closes his eyes around them for some reason but they arent really sure why
atsushi doesn't close his eyes around yosano - not until theyre hanging out and yosano takes her long white coat off and leaves it behind becuz she doesn't need it and in minutes atsushi is at complete ease around her
junichiro keeps his hand on atsushi's arm when theyre walking or in public so that if atsushi's eyes are closed he doesn't bump into anything or anyone
kenji initially thinks that atsushi is trying to mimic ranpo and yeah fair enough but then when he realizes he closes his eyes around atsushi too which does cause them to bump into each other but also its sweet so
it takes atsushi the longest to do so around fukuzawa - not becuz he has anything against the man - but becuz he's a figure w/ authority over atsushi and atsushi doesn't have the best experience. where he knows yosano well enough and only her long white coat makes him hesitate, and for all of kunikida's scolding - his hands are kind when they ruffle atsushi hair and his eyes are filled with concern as he makes sure atsushi is eating - but atsushi rarely sees the president in comparison
the first time he's in his presence with his eyes closed fukuzawa is touched
when everyone in the agency finds out what it means its like:
yosano, dazai, ranpo - already knew
kenji - figured it out
kyouka - reevaluating every time atsushi has ever closed his eyes
kunikida - bright red, spluttering remembering how often atsushi does it in his presence
junichiro - pleased and vowing to close his eyes too
haruno and naomi - "atsushi are you actually a cat who turns into a human"
anyway who else
lucy thinks he's not listening to her when he does it and when he tells her she gets flustered calls him an idiot and then gives him a present to show her own appreciation of him and then pretends to not know what he's talking about
i dont know how to describe akutagawa's reaction to his boyfriend, who he had an antagonistic and violent relationship with in the beginning, thinking that akutagawa - violent, kills without thought, weapon more than human - is safe
akutagawa's whos ability has only been a monster is able to use it in front of atsushi w/o atsushi ever thinking its unsafe
all that trust and love atsushi has carefully put out for akutagawa - yeah i cant describe the emotions akutagawa would feel to be this loved, this trusted
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Oh, please, dear author, how could we not love our little cutie patootie? Our babygirl did nothing wrong. <3
Beside that i always wondered why Mornie did that. (Sorry if you already answered this and i missed it!) I think i read one side story (which was from the second book i think?) from where i got the impresion that Mornie and Manny go waay back. So it always confused me why she suddenly decided to go against his orders. Not only that but why she then went to him after she failed him. Surely she must have known that nothing good awaited her? (And also, she doesn't seem to be too scarred from that bite, which should have been a horrific experience for her... Not that i am calling for blood ... or anything... haha... just you know... a nightmare or two cant hurt~)
Manerkol is forever babygirl ❤️☺️✌️
So uhh... Dis be a bit spoilery, but since it will never be explicitly touched upon in the books...
Mornie is kind of...in love...with him. Like, big time.
She is always trying to prove herself, have him look at her for just a moment longer.
But she was starting to realize that nothing she did ever made an impression on him.
Then, when he told her not to harm the MC, she was shocked to her core.
There was no strategic advantage to extending extra effort to ensure the MC's safety.
But what hurt the most was how Manerkol delivered the order.
His eyes had momentarily flashed with smoldering heat before he glanced to the side.
To anyone other than her, it would have seemed as something so small and unnoticeable that it was rendered inconsequential.
His voice got just a breath huskier, raspier. The sound of it alone was enough to shatter her concentration.
All her dreams, condensed to this one, fragile moment.
But the name that fell from his lips was not Mornie's.
And then he was walking away in a soft swiss of robes and the scent of jasmine left in the air.
So you will excuse her if she got a bit jealous. You will excuse her if she got a bit upset.
The way she saw it was:
1) Get the MC trussed up like a chicken, terrify them, make them feel as ugly as she was.
2) Bring them back to Manerkol as swiftly as possible and finally get the recognition she deserved. The attention.
3) Why wait for months to achieve what could be done in a couple of weeks with the right approach?
3) She was running out of time.
And then when she failed... She went back to him dreading what he would say to her, but she did not think for a moment he would actually hurt her.
She thought she was different from everyone else.
She knew he would forgive her.
As for the bite uh...she remembers that it happened. She understands what it means.
But she does actively remember it. She cannot recall images, sounds, nor a single detail.
Just a clinging, toxic black. As for her nonchalant behavior afterwards...
Trauma is a very peculiar thing, and suppression and disassociation can override everything else.
So, for those of you thirsty for her blood, I hope you can take some comfort in knowing that Manerkol did a stellar job punishing her...
That's not to say you may not get a chance to deal with her personally in the game lol!
Sorry if the answer got a bit heavy 😅
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lakesbian · 5 months
Put the Undersiders in a busy airport or train station. How do they handle it? Who gets onto a the wrong flight/train? How many times would Aisha use her power to get into the cockpit or engine room of the train?
oh my GOD how is putting the undersiders in a busy airport or train station not one of the Situations we've put them in yet. this is great. paging @simurghed urgently. everyone please share your undersiders go to busy airport or train station thoughts this is my favorite kind of autism to engage in
brian is like. You know he's being brian about this. you know he's got his schedule printed out and all the tickets pointed out and they're in some little binder and he's making sure he specifically is carrying it the whole time. and the one time lisa casually reminds him to make sure he has xyz necessary item he's like I Have It, Don't Be Neurotic, because his coping mechanism for being nervous and feeling like a woman is questioning his Authority (<- assumed as the main and eternal coping mechanism) is misogyny. love him.
obviously taylor is bringing bugs with her wherever they go and i like to imagine if theyre sitting down in an airport waiting for a really long time and they were in one of the areas where the birds have gotten inside and are nesting + looking for food (that's a universal airport feature right? the birds that got indoors and just live there now?) she might entertain alec and aisha and also herself by flying bugs around 4 the birds and leading them on little hunting excursions and into loops and shit.
aisha takes selfies in the cockpit or engine room (shes posing next to the pilot and making bunny ears behind their head with her fingers) whenever she gets bored and then comes back to show them to alec and brian realizes theres Muffled Laughter happening in their row after aishas been Not There for a while and is like. hmm. that cant be good. and is doing a really bad job of trying to twist himself out of his seat casual-style to find out whats all that then. i can also imagine him insisting on seating himself next to aisha
...three seat plane rows. brian sitting in the middle of aisha and alec and having a wretched time. taylor rachel and lisa lezzing it up in the row in front of them.
i think alec would really enjoy take-off on a plane because Wheee he's all floaty :) and then spend the next however many hours experiencing boredom-induced ego death. possible activities include: fiddling around on his ds. making a little teenager-typical 2011-era flipaclip animation. accidentally falling asleep on brian's arm and starting to snore and drool while aisha is doing the same thing on his other arm. watching a bad movie on his little in-flight tv screen and hopefully trying to engage both brian and aisha in conversation about it because he wants to have friends.
okay i diverged from the point of air Port or train Station sorry. ive never been in a real train station so i have less to speak for there but i think it would be fun to watch the undersiders get crotchety with each other in a long line for overpriced airport food.
imagine if you will brian and taylor trying to fit comfortably in a Nappable Position in the chairs in the flight waiting area. leg cramp city
i think this would all probably be very stressful for rachel :( maybe she andt aylor should hold hands about it. to be safe.
i want to see how lisa tries to make waiting in an airport an enriching and fulfilling activity for taylor so bad. honestly it would probably be no matter what. real bonding experience.
brian laborn tries to carry 9 suitcases at once: and other fun adventures in toxic masculinity
alec vasil has to go pee, right now, for approximately 10-15 minutes, when he's asked to find something in a heavy bag: and other fun adventures in shirking responsibility
aisha laborn's mysterious magical snack manifestation: and other fun adventures in robbing the airport
you know if they were at a busy train station brian would do that thing where he ushers the undersiders around physically and it is fully an indicator of his psychological issues but also it'd be cute. it'd be cute to watch him blocking the crowd so everyone else could move more comfortably and use his Height Advantage to guide everyone most efficiently by pressing on their backs. his psychological issues are endearing
people keep asking about How Much Longer Until Boarding and lisa starts getting bored and providing real-time updates of the Precise amount of time left. if theres a delay she reads out why too
its nice. to imagine if they could have a fun time going to locations.
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crushedsweets · 9 months
h music moon anon back again
what instruments do u think each creep would play? i think toby would play drums or something as an outlet for his emotions
tim plays an ancient acoustic guitar that’s missing like 2 strings and the wood is literally rotting (he’s had it since like 1999 and refuses to get rid of it)
nina sings. she defo had a yt cover channel at one point
unsure for the rest.. hm
- 🌙
oo. omg. yes. i like this. just a reminder that i really have no experience with instruments but i think its cool. half/most of these characters DON'T play in my au, BUT IF THEY DID....
toby and drums for sure, BUT realistically his parents would never let that happen in their house and he wouldn't really wanna put in the effort to get a drum set to the cabin. but listen. harmonica toby. yeah. not expanding
tim and acoutstic guitar but its fucked up and ugly and he only keeps it because he's attatched to it but its so bad
nina singing is also sooo fucking canon. she'd prob try to learn guitar at some point but then realized she had to cut her nails and callous her fingers, so she gave up immediately LMFAOO
brian... mmm... honestly guitar is pretty fitting for him too. he'd be one of those guys at parties who starts playing and he's so incredibly mediocre at it.
i feel like i could see like. childhood kate playing the piano cuz her mom wants her to. but she was always complaining and whining and getting mad about it, and then her life was ruined by the operator when she was like 14, so.. she couldnt play even if she tried
natalie also wouldnt play anything, but i could see her like having one of those fucked up out of tune pianos thrown in the barn that she found for free on the side of the road and had to get tims truck to move it. idk if anyone knows rio romeo, but how their piano sounds basically.. WHICH I LIKE. i love it.
jack and liek a fucking flute. i legit have no reason to explain this, but jack and a flute. bros lung capacity is crazy
sally and . yall know how lisa simpson is with the saxophone or whatevr. yeah. little sally with a saxophone half her size
ben also would not play shit, but i could see him trying to make music with like. the computer. i really dont know what its called but im sure u guys get what im talking about
NOW JEFF. jeffs parents would have let him get a drum set in the garage (he wouldve bullied his own parents into agreeing to it). he wouldve thought he was sooo fucking cool and soooooo fucking funny when he was so severely NOT.
liu and another like, flute clarinet saxophone type thing.. mayhaps the piano. something classy or whatever i guess
jane and the piano. cannot accept anything else.
lulu and.. the harp... her family was crazy rich growing up...... she plays the damn harp.
ann and a violin. cant explain it. sorry. but ann and a violin.
sadie and something goofy and like playful like a tambourine.. dancing around slapping the thing and her dress is all bouncing w her and aww.
dina and also something like classy i guess. im inclined to put her w the harp too cuz like angel wings and yeah idfk . but theres no way more than 1 of them plays the harp so ill put this bitch on the piano !!!
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artoutoftheblue · 4 months
Hey guys. Uh. So my parents have officially sent me over the edge at this point and have destroyed any shred of mental stability I had left. I dont want to get into why exactly that has happened, and it's taking a lot out of me to even write this post.
I need a break.
I need a break from everything that has been causing me stress. Unfortunately, now Tumblr is turning into one of those things.
At this moment, I dont take joy in coming online like I used to. It used to be a great experience for me. It was something I used to get away from it all. All of my problems could be ignored because I always distracted myself from the issue instead of facing it.
And now I cant distract myself from these new issues arising. I dont even have the willpower to draw anymore, which used to be an even better distraction.
All of these problems began in Italy. When I had to go there for a field trip. When I realized that my sister really doesnt give a shit about me. She barely took care of me over there. She ignored any time I had a mental breakdown caused by her actions.
The shit that happened over there never stopped. It may not be as bad as it was over there, but I think a part of my stability just shattered completely during that trip, and over time it's been getting slowly chipped away at by my parents and sister, until there was nothing left of it except for glass shards laying on the ground that are too small to be able to be put back together.
For my own sanity and so I dont resort to anything drastic, I will be going offline until further notice. Maybe look into some meds to help me out as well.
I am also considering removing all of my aus from the tsams tag. I love them too much to get rid of them, but I dont believe that they should be a part of that fandom anymore. The fandom has started to build into something that I no longer wish to be a part of. I will still do crossovers and such, but the aus themselves will no longer be a part of tsams. It sucks. I never thought I would ever in a million years decide that the fandom was no longer for me. But I just dont feel welcome anymore. And I'm sorry about that.
With all that being said, I'm gone. I dont know when I'll come back, but I wish you all nothing but the best. Take care, love y'all.
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wiihtigo · 4 months
i sent an ask sayinh "NELL DIED????" but then tumblr gavev me a scary error message so maybe it ate it... sorry if it didnt but NELL DIED?
SOB...YES.....I DIDNT WANT IT TO HAPPEN..!!! i encourage you to go knock down the door of @megamind2010 for more in depth answers about nell lore if youre a ladybughead.
but the basic deal is that this happens...later...sometime later. in their lives. ladybug following the proud blue beetle line of being exploded in action (i drew smthn inspired by the despair i feel when i think about this ^_^)
this affects casey really badly. ARE YOU SURPRISED..? DID YOU THINK SHE WAS HEARTLESS? so did I. mm basically she goes like catatonic immediately after (even through the funeral which michelle has to guide her to like she could float away at any second)
michelle is a supportive presence for her during this because shes like jeez idk she might kill herself im worried. and shes ALSO fucked up about nell dying bcuz she was involved in the same event ladybug was killed in (goldstars very first crisis event we;re so proud of her) and you know. shes never experienced the classic superhero experience of one of your hero peers dying horribly tragically. so her looking after casey is probably also her way of coping, like a way of keeping her hands busy because shes realizing hero work is actually kind of scary
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shes only broken out of her 0__0 state by ..um. BOOSTER GOLD COMING OVER BECAUSE HE WAS LIKE MAN..SHOULD I SAY SOMETHING? (hes genuinely a little worried) (BUT NO DONT)
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ive posted these before without context but this was the context LOL
seeing booster breaks the dam in her heart and all her feelings coming flooding out in form of crazy migraine inducing rage (im getting deja vu) and she throws shit at him screaming at him to GTFO and hes like crawling away with a broken nose OK good talk and ted and michelle are like WHY TF DID YOU DO THAT?and after that casey goes into the worst state of depression shes ever experienced in her life...ive mentioned in an ask before i think that she doesnt really get sad? when bad things happen to her she just gets angry. she never cries genuine tears. so the state she gets into here is really scarily jarring because its so fucking WEEEIRDLY OUT OF CHARACTER. she spends all day crying and whenever michelle comes over now she feels sick looking at her and she cries and cries and cries and whines that she doesnt want to see her she wants nell and she stays holed up in their apartment until shes kicked out because no ones paying rent and shes moves cities without saying a word to anyone. she only realized after she died that she actually did love (EW. sorry) nell and now she doesnt even have any way of knowing if they couldve done anythng with that. she hates booster more than ever she hates ted she cant talk to michelle anymore she hates gotham she hates her life she hates everything, eventually she does get a job in the film industry as like a screenwriter/editor but she hates that its not exactly what she wanted that shes just barely almost there and she should be excited to be so close to her goals but shes not so shes just this grouchy miserable (but good at her job!) woman that no one wants to talk to and then she dies. the end.
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(but look-- here they are reunited in hell..!)
wehwwww SORRY FOR JUST COVERING CASEYS SIDE OF THINGS AND NOT NELLS....i figure youd get more juicy details if you ask marty :)
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enden-k · 3 months
Can I ask what makes Arlecchino evil? I'm v much a villain enjoyer and like some morally greyness, but I genuinely didn't pick up on a lot of bad stuff with Arlecchino. She was super helpful during Fontaine and seemed to be the only powerful person who cared about helping the common folk when the water levels were rising.
I'm not here to start an argument, just wanna expand my view 🙏
dw didnt think u want to argue! i will also use this to say i wont tolerate arguments, this goes for everyone here
i will talk about sensitive themes under the cut (mentions of when i was groomed/emotionally abused by my adoptive father/mentions of abuse/grooming in general) so if someones not good with this, be warned please and dont click for your emotional comfort.
i really love arlecchino (theres also difficult, personal reasons ig) and id rather wait for her to arrive to get more information than we have so far through other characters/side quests/main quest but well.
her goals aligned with ours in the fontaine quest which is why we have the impression shes a good/nice person, especially considering our other meetings with the harbingers we met so far (signora, childe, scara, dottore) and the situations. shes very calm and diplomatic (lets see how it changes in the next update when we fight her)
but we shouldnt forget how the travellers on their toes the entire time/everytime they come in contact with arle. its because shes a harbinger after all. shes a danger. her graceful politeness and calmness is supposed to have you on guard, make your hairs rise. shes mentioned to be manipulative and shes manipulating others to achieve what she wants by being nice and calm. she has ulterior motives. we should be careful. this is my impression based on my own gaming experience and idk if it was the same w others, but bc of us being on guard around her i was always prepared for her to turn on us until the end of the main quest.
anw, arle is supposed to be intimidating and have you wary. even tho she comes off as nice and polite, having done good and helped in the main story. its bc thats what she wanted and you happened to have the same goal. also lets not forget scaras and childes thoughts about her which already tells a lot
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she has two sides. the one we saw in the quest, the graceful, calm, polite face to get what she wants. and the other, the one scara and childe talk about here, the one they call "crazy"
not to mention her codename, "the knave". what does it mean? servant. what else does it mean? "dishonest/deceitful man". basically, swindler. isnt it perfect?
shes manipulative and whatever her "true" nature is, we dont know (yet). she may have "good intentions" here or there but will achieve them no matter what it takes.
as for the thing you can consider as bad; the house of the hearth is an orphanage that raises children into fatui agents. only those who have potential join the ranks while the others are kept close (its not known whats done with them afaik). theyre basically grooming/raising child soldiers/spies.
before the sensitive stuff comes up, for the ppl who dont want to proceed, arlecchino fools/manipulates you into thinking shes a nice person/good parent. its amazing and so in character for her. its also scary how some ppl cant see the abuse/manipulation unless you went through this too or well. just actually read and realize it.
arlecchino is an emotionally manipulative parental figure. now, this is coming from someone who went through heavy abuse/was groomed by their adoptive father who was extremely manipulative and i spot so many things very well known to me. others who went through the same get this feeling. these signs you immediately recognize.
you get punished for the tiniest mistakes and when you get loved, it makes you forget all that was done to you, just for that tiny bit of affection you crave. you try to do your best, to do everything asked and expected of you, not to disappoint the only parent you have and youre dependent on, to be a good kid deserving of love and when you slip up youre in shambles. there was a time i did a tiny mistake by accident and my father said to me in the coldest voice "you broke my trust" and i remember so vividly how it broke me, how i cried until i got sick. i was physically abused before and none of it hurt me more than this. it still gets to me after all those years. emotional manipulation is cruel
what im trying to say is, she came in a time of need. taken as a savior while it just is one abuser swapped out with another. like my adoptive father having me dependent, giving me love i never received and being everything i wanted, making me believe hes everything i need, a common thing abusers do. wanting to do everything youre asked of and do it good, the fear of disappointing and being punished, believing you deserved it bc its your fault and treating your abuser like a savior, being conditioned. this is whats happening.
now, arle genuinely loves and protects her children; its very clear that the life of the children matter to her the most (look at childes line and freminet/lynette etc) - she was one of them too after all. so, its possible to love and still do these. moral greyness etcetc
anyway idk if its understandable or if i can explain it in proper words while maintaining a good distance so ill add the voicelines of the siblings heavily implying this, and also a tweet adressing this that brings it to proper words, better than i can say
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tweet here bc tmblr doesnt insert the link properly
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What do you think would have happened to change the course of history as we know it in the show if the guy who accompanies his friend for the betty-aura maria double date was genuinely interested in getting to know her (at least being a friend to her)...maybe they had a common interest in say finance or books or music. Betty wrote in her diary that men seek for desirable women and she didn't feel like that. What if this guy made a decent attempt to connect to her and wanted to see her again. Your opinions are so interesting and I want to hear your thoughts. Thank you and have a good day.
Omgggg I looooove this question!! But also it's so complicated to answer because this supposes to alter a LOOOOT! On one hand we can go for the realistic route of "if Betty hadn't had her hope of love fully crushed and she had actually seen that another man could have had an interest in her, she wouldn't have beeb so utterly blind and devoted towards Armando" especially because the night of the doubke date is the night that Betty gives on on love. On the other hand, we can also take the also canon but less realistic view of "Armando and Betty were destined to be and once Betty fell for Armando there was no going back nor person that ever made her doubt it," given that they share a canonical psychic or soul bond. In other words, would Betty give it a chance with someone else, or would her love blind her to anh other possibility but Armando?
Although I DEFINITELY think that a love rival would have spiced things up and quickened Armando's realization of his own feelings, which I loooove and it's why I DESPERATELY wanna write about that lmao. After all, he did have the biggest jump in his own feelings for Betty when he learned about Nicolás, except that this would be an even bigger kick in the face because he doesn't yet have the embargo excuse! And also, he could actually get to see a real peak of Betty being courted. I've actually been trying to write a short story based on the idea of a rival!
Anyways, let's see!
Imagining that the guy, Rafael (canon name) actually liked Betty would imply that we need to re imagine his whole personality lmao that canon ratman is canonically too uncool for my girlie, but let's say that he is a now a cool guy. He's charming, fun, and actually not superficial. He's open to friendship
He doesn't immediately reject Betty at all, and is in an active conversation with Betty through the whole night. He doesn't leave early, and let's say they even dance a little. They're in a friendly convo but there's no romantic spark.
In any case, Aura Maria is still happy for Betty! She's enjoying her time with the other guy but she's happy to see that Betty and Rafael are getting along, even if she's a bit sad that there's obviously no attraction between them
Anyways, Betty gets a little later home, and when her mom asks about how it went, Betty is so happy to tell her she had an actual good time! She writes in her diary that she had a good time but can't help but feel a little disappointed, because she noticed the guy wasn't into her like that
At this point it's where the major change happens, because this is the night that Betty is fully convinced that she will never experience love, that men only like beautiful women, that the powerhouse of her life must be work, and that Armando is the only man who will ever want and need her, even if it's only because of her work
In this scenario, Betty isn't as pessimistic as she was in the novela. She is just a little sad, but she didn't give up on love fully, because she wasn't fully rejected and mistreated like in the novela. She actually has a bit of hope because the guy and her exchanged numbers.
This supposes a BIG change because it's due to the devoted mentality that Betty agrees to do everything Armando asks for
Given that the dude is from Medellin, this would imply that they cant see each other often, and their relationship, fully platonic at first, would be mainly through phone
So this means Armando doesn't really have to know about him for a while
Obviously Aura Maria would mention Rafael and their night out all together to the rest of the Cuartel, but Betty would shut all of that down arguing that they just ended up as friends
But this is definitely a source for the Cuartel to gossip and tease her! They would definitely ask her if she's now over Nicolás, and she'd say no
Betty and this dude's friendship would continue for a while, but at the same time, Betty spends most of her time with Armando, which also furthers her crush on him, because after all, I really don't think Betty would ever fully love another man
(This is mainly because it's heavily implied in the show thay Armando and Betty share a special psychic connection and that it's probably faithed to be, like when Armando yelled her name and she heard it all the way to Cartagena lmao I don't think either of them would have been happy with any other partner)
There would need to be a point in which Rafael comes back, and that would probably be when things really get going!
Him being away is the main reason why I don't think it would fully develop into a relationship. Betty just wouldn't be able to lower enough of her barriers like that
It'd be interesting to see when him comjng back happens, but for the fun of it, let's say this happens before the embargo. Just to change this up a little from the canon "Nicolás is Betty's bf" canon paranoia
Imagine this dude coming over to Ecomoda one day showing up with a bouquet for Betty. Aura Maria would be sooooo happy for her and would so quickly call her to her office to tell her he's there!!
Would Betty accept these flowers?? Probably she'd be a bit hesitant but get them at the end. She's kinda flattered with them but remember she still has so many barriers up because of the trauma she went through
What for Rafael and any other man may be a simple gentlemanly and romantic present for their lady love, for Betty it can be a painful reminder of what happened. It's not thay she doesn't want to give herself the opportunity to love, it's just that fear will always remain after such trauma
With Armando, after all, she was already fully devoted and trusting of him because he had demonstrated through actions, words, and even conversations with Mario that he appreciated and trusted her fully, and even when their relationship started Betty continued to be full of doubts but she loved him so much that she couldn't close herself to the experience. He made her feel safe enough to lower her barriers and push herself through her doubts. With Rafael it's hard to get to this level of trust and safety when they basically just communicated through phone for a while
Anyways, imagine Betty coming back to her office holding this big bouquet of roses. Imagine Armando's stunned face for a moment, before asking what is that and why she has it, before Betty laughingly and dismissingly saying a friend got it for her
Imagine his killer stare. Just imagine that lmao
His deadfaced, teeth gritted, muscle tensed, sarcastic and dry comment of "what a romantic 'friend', right?" Lmaoooo
He'd totally spiral. He'd be in a terrible mood the whole day!
Imagine he goes out of his office because he's so angry and the first thing he hears Bertha and Sofia talking about is Rafael lmao
He's definitely go as far as to ask Aura Maria about this dude once he finds out they're friends
He'd be so angry and mortified with no apparent reason as to why when learning those two had been on a date, dancing and chatting and having fun
Ohhhh, imagine that same day Armando actually gets to meet him!! Perhaps Rafael goes to Ecomoda yo invite Betty to lunch
Lmao imagine Armando witnessing that and making up something like a lunch meeting just so she doesn't go
To me this scenario is soooo hilarous, the idea of a rival kills me because it's so full of potential for funny jealous Armando and Mario teasing him about it lmao i want a full fanfiction of this😂😂
Anyways, I don't really think this would become a full relationship. There may be some interest between the parts but I don't think it'd be strong enough to become a relationship and they can always use the distance excuse
Maybe Rafael realizes that Betty's appearence is a deal breaker after all, after months of only talking through phone and basically forgetting how she looks. It wouldn't be such a stretch, after all, it's basically Armando's situation in the sense that they like Betty's personality very very much but they can't break past her appearence
Armandk was forced to see past that due to the embargo, but Rafael can just walk away. He has no real attachment, and ghe "situationship" can easily be broken up becauseof the "distance" between where they live
But the simple fact of knowing that Betty can actually be desirable for other men, see it first hand, and that she's interested in dating, will definitely make Armando be extra alert
It's also the realization that Betty is sweet, kind, and devoted to other people. It's basically the same realization Armando has when he first heard about Betty havin a bf, except that he is now seeing it with his own eyes!
Would this quicken things? Feeling wise, absolutely. Action wise? Hard to say. Armando still has so many prejudices and his own barriers up
Although it would definitely later be fuel for Calderón's tease and further of Armando's paranoia.
Something like "Well, maybe her crush on Nicolás is stronger than we thought, after all she also rejected that other dude. And an uggo of such magnitude giving up an opportunity like that? It has to be love!" Every time Betty rejects Armando or tries to break up
On the other hand, if this man turns out to be more Michel like, given that he is introduced so early in the story, he could change everything. It all depend on how his personality and goals are, but given that he's a canonical asshole and this scenario supposes re inventing him completely, it opens so many possibilities
Since he's a blanck slate, how do we want him to be according to what story we want? Is he carefree and laid back? Protective and serious? Fun and trusting?
Because if we go full Michel mode, he could have wanted to make Betty his gf and take her away from that toxic work environment to take her to work where he does, resulting in Ecomoda collapsing under Armando's bad decisions
Would they be happy? No, Betty and Armandk are faithed to be and they definitely wouldn't be happy without each other
This whole idea of Rafael offers soooo many scenarios, depending on when he shows up, what his intentions are or end up being, in what point of Betty's arch he appears, etc!
So much fanfic material omg
The question made me crack my brain open trying to put a single answer to a vlear scenario but since there are so many choices I put a bit of everything. I think it endedup being more scrambled than of usual lmao
Thank you for the question!
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pennyluna · 4 months
Misunderstandings Part 2
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (18+) Wordcount: around 1.8+k
Genre: working together au. Cold playboy au. Future something au. 18+
This is the story from Yoongi's POV... explaining his sudden change!
WARNING: This story contains some bad words/strong language! Contains also spicy scenes, so please be aware before reading it.
I'm in my Hotel Suite, my brain wont shut off, so much chaos going on and in the middle of it all is the answer to that song I've been working on, I finally found the missing piece to complete it and that is why I am getting dressed up and waiting for the private driver to pick me up and take me to the studio. I get on the SUV that has been waiting for me in the underground parking and head to the studio.
I've been working for a while and decided to open a bottle of wine, The song is coming up pretty good, I have no doubt it will be another hit. Working on this new album has been hard but it has been a great experience, visiting different places and getting to know new people have made it even better.
I took a break to make a phone call and stretch my legs in the hallway but when I return to the studio I realize that I'm locked outside. -I left the damn keys inside, fucking great-.
Security said they would call (Y/N) for the spare keys. -Dammit- Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike her, in fact the moment those elevator doors opened that first day and we made eye contact, something clicked in my head, she is gorgeous! Her eyes showed irritation no doubt due to our being late but her smile hid it well, her hair a little messy on top of her head with a couple of strands framing her face, her lips plump and perfectly pink. Like I said, GORGEOUS. I stared at her so much that I couldn't even hear a word of what she said and don't get me started on the building tour, I have no clue of where anything is, my eyes never left her. 
After a couple of one on one meetings the sexual tensions between us was strong and undeniable so after those meetings I tried to be careful, I didn't want to get too close, I didn't want a rumor to start, I am very aware of my player reputation and she doesn't seem like the girl you play with. So her coming here at almost midnight when I had some wine and no one else is around doesn't seem like a good idea, yet here I am waiting in front of the elevator for her.
I'm holding my phone trying my best not to stare at her when the elevator doors open, she is not wearing her usual office clothes and  looks hot, she has a cute smile on and proceeds to walk to the studio door, following behind I cant help but look at her and my eyes land on her ass, so perfect in those skinny jeans -Good job not staring jackass- she opens the door and I invite her in -Its okay, nothing will happen, I've got it under control.- She is looking around my studio in awe and my ayes are roaming her body, until they land on her perfect boobs, I can see the outline of her nipples -FUCK!!!- I offer her a glass of wine since it seemed she had already been drinking some, I smelted it in her mixed with whatever she washed her hair with, I think its honey.
We've been talking for a while, we have some things in common, she talks passionately and I cant help but stare, she is smart and funny and bold at the same time, so refreshing. We are getting along well but some how now I am holding her wrist and holding her close to me, I cant take my eyes off her, my eyes now landing on her breast -God I want to suck on them- I shake my head and proceed to stand up abruptly walking away from her, this is not a good idea, us happening is not a good idea.
We agree on her leaving and once she is out of the studio I feel restless, I stay there, door open and heart racing -I did the right thing-. After a few minutes later she suddenly appears at the door again, she walks in explaining how she had forgotten her things and when she walks to leave again I raise my hand to wave goodbye but grab her wrist instead. -It took everything in me to let her walk away once, I was not gonna let it happen a second time-
"Maybe you should stay"
I pull her to me and wait for her to stop me, to ask me to let her go but instead she simply says "Maybe you should stay too"
-FUUCK-  She didn't pull away from me so I don't  wait for any other words and proceed to kiss her passionately, giving a start to the things I've been thinking of doing to her since the first moment our eyes connected.
.............................. The morning after................................
I wake up still a bit tired from last night and look around, I'm still in the studio with (Y/N) in my arms, she looks so peaceful, so beautiful and all the memories from last night get back to me, the sex was amazing, the way she moaned my name, the way she tasted, our bodies were made for each other. -God she is perfect and she is mine-. I've never felt this way about another girl before.
I get up carefully to avoid waking her up, I want to get us coffee first so I head to the mini kitchen on this floor to make us some but the machine isn't working so I head to the 21st floor where (Y/N) office is, I know they have a working machine there. There is not many people in the building at this time so I am not too worried about someone seeing me grab two cups.
Getting closer to the kitchen I start hearing voices, I listen for a bit trying to make out how many people could be there but suddenly I hear my name followed by some giggles, so I don't move and start contemplating maybe getting coffee somewhere else, then (Y/N) name comes up and my curiosity makes me pay more attention.
"ㅡ yeah she totally got lucky"
"ugh yeah she gets to work with Min Yoongi" her tone seems a bit annoyed and I wonder how this girl would feel if she knew I was overhearing this conversation.
"He is so hot!! I wish I could work under him... if you know what I mean" she sounds flirty and I cant help but roll my eyes.
a third girl joins in "OMG Girl, no! be professional!" I have heard her voice before but I cant think of her face.
"What? you wouldn't do it? After all he has a certain reputation" the flirty one says.
"I totally would let him doㅡ" says the second girl before she is interrupted by the girl who's voice I know.
She sounds a little flustered "NOㅡyou could loose your job. Getting Involved withㅡ. Even just a rumor about it would ruin her. (Y/N) wouldn't risk her career and her reputation over some dick. She would get kicked out of the industry." -WHAT??-
I seem to stop listening after that final statement and start walking back to the studio -She could loose her job, she could loose it all. She loves her career- my mind is foggy and now there is no trace of that hopeful calm I had when I woke up with her in my arms. She had told me how much she loves her job and The Idea that my being with her would ruin her entire career is making me sick, my reputation could ruin her. I need to do something, I cant be the reason she looses everything she has worked so hard for.
By the time I walk back into the studio I have made a decision, we cant happen, I need to distance myself and I need to make sure I do it carefully so this wont disrupt our work relationship, so that I can continue to see her even if I cant have her. I practice my speech sitting at my desk, waiting for her to wake up.
When I hear her moving around I tense and pretend to do some work in my computer, my chest feels tight.
She walks towards me and I cant bring myself to look at her because I know just looking into her eyes will stop me from doing what's best for her. I open my mouth to speak but there is no trace of my speech in my head anymore.
"Your bag and Keys are by the piano" -Why do i sound so cold? this is not what i wanted to go for-
she starts speaking, she sounds disappointed and I cant bear it so still without looking at her I dismiss her "I will see you at the meeting this afternoon".
She seems to start breathing heavily, grabs her things and walks to the door. I can feel her looking at me, almost like if she was waiting for me to stop her... but I wont. Not this time. She opens the door and leaves and my heart seems to go with her.
I couldn't do any work in the studio after she left, specially not after I found her tank top so I headed back to my hotel suite taking it with me and decided to get some rest before the meeting this afternoon.
At the meeting I tried to act as natural as I could, but after not being able to get much rest this morning, it was obvious that I wasn't going to be focusing much and with (Y/N) in the room it was going to be almost impossible. I wanted to know if she was okay, I wanted her close.
(Y/N) got into the conference room looking flawless as usual, at first glance she looked like her normal self but looking at her up close, her eyes looked a bit red and tired. The meeting went smoothly even though I did not pay much attention to anything but her. I don't understand why but she had been mine for just a few hours and I was already addicted, how is that even possible! I need to start acting like the cold player everyone says I am and being it with her will hurt me.
I barely saw (Y/N) in the next few days, it has been hell. she would send her assistant interpreter to collect or deliver any documents needed from me or to assist in minor events, when asked about it she said it was for training purposes. The 2 times we had to meet for one on one meetings, she was direct and professional but cold and fuck that was hurting me. There was no trace of her sweetness and it is torture. I miss her.  I can't have her being cold with me But how can I have her back without destroying what she has worked so hard for? 
Tonight I have an event she can't avoid, I have to be at The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and it being an important point of the schedule, the main interpreter was expected to be there. I have a plan in mind and I will put it in motion tonight at the after party!
A.N: I hope you like this one, any feedback is welcome and I would really appreciate likes a reblogs. The next couple of chapters have already been written and I am working on publishing at least once a week! If you have any requests please send them too.
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exauhstedsunflower · 11 months
I dont even have real thoughts. Just,
When I was 10/11 and forced myself to move on from playing with my Barbie’s because I was exposed to society and growing up and it seemed like something I had to do. Going back for my dolls one day after months deciding I needed to do something I loved only to find out my mom threw them away because I stopped playing with them. Being devastated. This reinforcing that there is something wrong with me because I shouldn’t want to play with dolls anymore anyway. The barbie movie not quite healing that wound but softening the blow when I think about it now.
Getting my nails done in hot pink every time at 12 and then at 13 getting them in blue. Painting my nails pink two weeks ago because I was excited about the barbie move and feeling at peace.
Seeing my best friend since I was 9 in pink for the first time in I cant even remember and us both feeling nostalgic and free and beautiful.
Me being 14 and my brother being 11 and him discovering the patriarchy. Him making sexist jokes. Me screaming at him. My grandmother laughing at us fighting. Me crying about it to this day, even though I’m 22my brother is now 19 and nothing like that anymore. Me seeing myself in Barbie and my brother in ken as they grow apart and then back together. Realizing that even though Ken hurt Barbie, barbie is the one to tell him its ok in the end. Ken not apologizing. Seeing us in them once again and feeling an ache in my chest.
Wanting to watch the scene where Barbie says she doesn’t feel pretty anymore and why she doesn’t feel pretty. Why she doesn’t feel like who she is supposed to be. Her face. My face as I start crying. My heart breaking as I realize that I have felt that, and that if its being portrayed here that it’s a universal experience to have that breakdown, to have a friend say ‘you are beautiful, you are enough. You’re not wrong, the world is.’, to not believe them fully, though you do accept that they’re probably right. The fact that she’s not wearing makeup in that scene. She’s broken down into her barest form, and her barest form is wrecked because the world has fucked her up and made her think she’s not enough.
Barbie panicking as Mattel tries to literally put her in a box. The people that are technically responsible for her, the people who she believes will help her, are not only not who she thought they would be, but they try to put her back in a box. Her not being able to be put back into a box. She knows too much now. She’s seen and felt and thought too much. She can’t be what they want her to be even when they try to force her. Impossible standards not even ending with people you’re meant to trust. Barbie being alone in that moment. Barbie finding a friend who gets it and not being alone anymore. Barbie not realizing that until the friend refuses to let her drown. The friendships that women make under the pressure of the world being something so beautiful and heartbreaking and necessary.
Sasha being exposed to something good and nice in pink for once instead of something hating on whatever the pink thing is and slowly smiling more, becoming herself. How this exposure can help young girls so much. Before this not only hurting herself by distancing herself from her mom and feminism but also hurting other women in the face of the pain society has slowly caused her because she has given up on herself and on society the way society has given up on her and itself.
in the end, Barbie not even advocating for herself even after everything she’s learned about feminism and what the world with do to women who let it swallow them whole. Sasha, who previously was not much of a girls girl, being the one to say “What about Barbie?” Everyone saying “Yeah, actually, what about Barbie?” Because she deserves a happy ending too. Barbie was standing in the back and out of the way not only in this scene but in most of the ending scenes actually, which is a wonderful portrayal of what all of these things that have happened to Barbie can do to a woman, regardless of how strong or empowered she was or may have seemed. Barbie, the main character of the movie, becoming quiet and contemplative and unsure, and relegating herself to the background because of all of this. Barbie being surprised to see people wanting something good for her. Barbie not knowing what she wants. Barbie absolutely knowing what she wants the whole movie but dancing around it because as a woman you are put in a box and you’re not supposed to say what you want. Even as a barbie. (“I have never wanted anything to change!” “I only ever wanted things to stay the same!” “I don’t know what I want anymore.”) but “It takes two to open a portal.” And so many more sly comments about how Barbie caused all this too. Barbie not even being proud of her accomplishments by the ending when they’re in the void. Ruth only figuring out What Barbie wants because of a comment, a self effacing comment. Barbie asking permission to be herself. She’s been affected negatively by the world, and yet is choosing to live in it anyway. As are the women of the world. Barbie didn’t need permission. But she asked anyway, she probably wouldn’t have done it is Ruth said no. If anyone had protested at all. Because as a woman she is self sacrificing and making sure everyone is ok with things before doing it. Ruth not showing Barbie life as a woman in the end, because Barbie already knows what that’s like. She’s not asking to be a woman, she is a woman, she’s asking to be human, for which life is nuanced and beautiful. As is being a woman, though in very different ways.
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binalakai · 9 months
i also wish people would be more receptive to relationship speculation, at the very least. there were so many moments in fionna and cake where simon and fionna’s interactions had me raising my eyebrows and thinking “wow, what’s up with this chemistry rn?” but i know posting about it to see if others also noticed would get me dogpiled lol. glad i’m not the only one entertaining the ship and its implications to/for the characters it encompasses.
also winter king/simon is intriguing as well, if only in a weird homestuck self-shipping (dave and davesprite anyone?) kind of way where both characters get to have major epiphanies bc they’re basically looking into a mirror (may be more of a funhouse mirror for winter king/simon but still works lol)
i do not ship any of these pairings, please dont take this post from a shipping perspective
i apologize in advanced if this post is said messy. its given an opening to many things ive been thinking about since the start of the show and i know i wanna come back to it in case any new developments were to happen at the final season 1 episodes tldr; Kai Talks About how much i Love Very Messed Up Pairings, not because i want them to actually be together, but because i am NOT the type to ignore Seeds That Have been Planted in canon so i will Grow Horrible Realizations i've been having out of them
YEAH NO BECAUSE I LIKE. I JUST WANNA POINT OUT WHAT'S CANON OKAY!! i think this post is like. the only one ive seen that Has Pointed out The Adventure Time Ice King/Fionna dynamic in the lenses of the Simon we have today....and even then thats just a joke post :")
because like. okay. i need people to think about this for a second: yes, ice king didn't Come With with Fionna and Cake's existence, but why in the world would he Choose to be responsible for writing it? for bringing their stories to life and showing off a world that's been living in his head? i genuinely think people don't really like the ugly side of how badly loneliness has mutated Ice King's way of thinking (i mean for gods sake the guy tries to kiss/get with anyone, mf cant even recognize the person he claims to be falling in love with). that, yeah. of course if he had a World Living inside his brain that felt so Real to him that he CONSTANTLY wished for it to not only but true, but one that would be close to him!! one that would welcome him!!!! no matter what itd be, romantic, platonic, To the point of Worship....like ANYTHING that would bring him closer to genuine Connection in his alienating experience. NOTABLY for fionna The Human!!! the human that parallels a real life actual kid that mostly has kicked Ice King's ass to eventually treating him like a Poor confused Old Lost Guy. still, i need to stress the kind of dynamic finn and the ice king have is NOWHERE near the kind of dynamic fionna and ice king have (and even with simon developments included). . ...except this time around, even when he does have his own parallel Ice Queen existing manifesting the Must Needed Rival for their universe to make sense, mutating her character into something that to make her more Vicious/Violent, making Ice King seem Nicer In Comparison and dare i say that, yeah...! some of that HAS been carried onto modern day Fionna!! who CANONICALLY has romantic feelings towards ice prince and the winter king, parallels to ice king/simon himself! just. sorry but i NEED both Simon and Fionna to like. Read Those Stories. I Need them to revisit the VERY specific stories that Ice King felt the need to tell in the first place, his and other people in their lives' inclusions. it would not only reinforce Simon's Influence in the world Period, something that he found himself doubting on ...but also I NEEEEEEDDD to see that can of worms opened. i NEED for Fionna to see for herself the people SHE'S supposed to be representing. i NEED for her to see what kind of void she's been filling in Ice King/Simon's time of existence. i NEED for her to see how big the Obsession GOT, how badly Ice King needed that outlet of escapism (and how much Simon still returns to it in the present day)
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^ this moment has been living in my brain ever since the announcement of the Fionna and Cake series that Fionna's fixation on the ice prince, her life, her..everything in general, is more or less a Weird Reflection of the lives of People living Greater Lives than she ever believed to have lived, combined with how said proclaimed experiences of Magic have only been recorded by a guy who Inserted Himself in a world she doesnt even recall living in Im surprised that. hasnt been so Stressed yet in show. im prepared to eat my words if they DO come back to it. but for the time being i really wish Fionna found out how desperate Simon/Ice King was for someone to acknowledge and Desire His Existence, to a degree that would be absolutely humiliating/weird to uncover but Necessary to come back to in order to truly understand the Scope of what 1000+ years of Madness through Ostracization (from others and eventually the Self) Does to a MF
__________ AS OF FOR MY THOUGHTS ON THE WINTER KING, he alas only truly an episode to explore. but the thoughts still exist nonetheless!!! for the most part i can only truly indulge in it out of pure hilarity for its existence, while acknowledging how much im so thankful that winter king was characterized as he was n didnt overstay his welcome, as i didnt find him necessary to stay in the narrative . there's a lot of feelings i have about simon/ice king's perception of himself alone, and how most of it is Either Negative or Overcompensation Due to his own self negativity. which makes me curious on what could come of a Better Version of Himself, looking at the version of himself that has "failed" to conquer the crown the way he has, but contemplated on pursuing romantically, even for a brief moment honestly, i dont blame people for being invested in this pairing (in comparison to fionna/simon, where i cannot myself entertain it even as a joke unlike this one). it makes me curious on what the Winter King's definition of romance is in comparison to Simon's. what could even be desirable, possibly, in the eye's of the Winter King? Does the love of someone you'll go mad over truly make you a Better Person Or Worse? Simon and Winter King existing in the same room together brings up so many questions and possible ways to explore Simon's character. wayyyyyyyyyy less of a "this can be simon's way of practicing self love" thing and MUCH more of a "These Guys Kissing each other would be the equivalent of the Narcissus Tale but with a Distorted Reflection that only Represents You because the reflection Demands That of you"
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trainingdummyrabbit · 7 months
Mmm you every have scenario's regarding near-human Angela swimming in your head? Like how Angela could eventually potentially feel the cold and be affected by it.
The first time she actually gets sick she's absolutely suffering from the experience. The patron librarians noticing and freaking the fuck out until someone like Hokma or Roland strolls in being like "everyone calm your tits it's just a damn cold". meanwhile Angela gets to be miserably dramatic as she tries to power through the illness.
Alternatively, Angela initially not getting why Roland wasn't feeling great after the Snow Queen abnormality fight being that she couldn't feel the cold yet.
Then Angela goes on to the final realization, gets to the Frost Splinter phase and being able to feel and be affected by the cold, is immediately like "...I suddenly realize why they didn't like that fight. (=n=);" and just- *it's clear the brain worm thoughts are winning tonight*
Sorry for the ramble just your headcanons for Angela gives me a lot of joy and inspiration, I'd love to hear your thoughts on your personal near-human Angela headcanons if you have any!
ouhghg man iam Always thinking abt stuff like this yea. yeag? yea. ijust always wonder about how. weird. it must be, suddenly dealing with a whole slew of mess youve never had to. like, by all means, very trivial things, but odd nonetheless.
like, you ever think about how weird it is to stop perceiving time so slow? just, eventually, slowly but surely, there's this... quiet. this silence. and its silence, it creeps up on you-- it doesnt announce its arrival. how relieving must that have been? to stop or slow down and realize: its quiet. nothing is firing off in the back of your head-- after all, youve spent your entire life juggling anything and everything at all times-- how must it suddenly feel to truly and finally just... sit. and wait. and have nothing happen?
...and then theres The Issues. again, it must be really strange, suddenly seeing everything at full speed. processing and storing information at a much much slower rate than youre used to. and then there's the whole New Senses and New Processes thing-- which presents a state i like to refer to as the Reverse Time Dilation. congrats! everything is simultaneously so much more and so much less engaging than youre used to, which somehow conjoins into being both Very Understimulating and Very Overstimulating. at the same time. all of the sudden. so yknow, fun things.
like yeah you could explain away a lot of this but at the same time i cant help but imagine moments off-screen where angela simply has to take a moment and just turn off a while face down on the desk because Everything All The Time and also fuck she can hear herself breathing just. all the time now. that's just all the time? you can just feel your clothes on you all the time? and lying down, her breath is warm and thats nice, but also its warm and that is so, so annoying with everything else going on too.
or like, how quickly she mustve been able to come to conclusions and process information, and now she has to slow down considerably because well. the fallible human mind misremembers, makes mistakes, forgets. which is the point, but also ugh. uuuuuughhhhh.
all in all, Angela's Kind Of Annoying But Ultimately Not That Bad ... whatever that can be called.
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nutal · 1 month
like omg imagine this with adam is kinda tipsy one night and tryna get an also semi-tipsy (?) lute to sneak out w him and taking her on a late night drive for the kicks and he just ends up speeding while going crazy blasting AC/DC or something while they ramble to each other abt shitty, crazy, dumb, wild things and experiences that have happened to them in their lives and just laughing it up like crazy and then every once in a while lute’s somewhat sober brain kicks in and realizes she has to keep this guy in check so shes like ok maybe u should let me take the wheel and hes like nah women cant drivvee and then he almost hits the curb
and then they somehow both get super drunk by the end of the night and they stumble back to their quarters at like two in the morning and while Lute tries to hold herself together, Adam isn’t even trying. Sera finds out but before she can scold them abt it they both pass out like right in front of her and its just so silly
i just wanna write a silly one shot of this SO BAD itd be so funny THE BRAINROT CONSUMES WHAT DO WE THINK??
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thebearme · 10 months
Chie and yosuke headcanons???
(also I love your pikmen art)
The two are siblings energy (srry yochie shippers, they're gay in this house!)
Both have bi wife energy.
They have little "sleepovers" where they dye their hair then Chie raids the fridge and sleeps on the couch.
They are the type of bestie that say the fucking RUDEST UNCALLED FOR SHIT to each other and be cool by next week.
Fr tho sometimes they hit a nerve and then the other would get the silent treatment or a kick to the balls.
Yosuke sometimes dogsits for Chie.
Chie and Yosuke both have a crush on Beyonce.
Yosuke LOVES scaring her.
Chie has many siblings (she's a middle child) while Yosuke is a only child.
The twos theme song IS childish war.
The first time Yosuke got kicked was when he put a bug in her face as a joke.
Chie used to help Yosuke when he fell but it just happened too often so she stopped.
The two are wealthy. Chie comes from old money while Yosuke's new.
Chie's wealth did start going down because of Junes but she CAN'T completely blame Yosuke like the town does, it's not his fault.
Because of her family tighter budget especially on food, Chie would go hungry alot of the time. (mostly cause she would give alot of her food to her siblings) Chie wouldn't tell anyone ESPECIALLY YOSUKE! But Yosuke would catch on after all the demands for stake.
This leads Chie to help out Yosuke at work for some cash. (she would tell her fam that yosuke beg her to help instead of saying she's working there.)
Chie's families business is one of the places Junes collaborates with in the epilogue. 
Chie is one of the rare people Yosuke finds in his life that LIKES FROGS! at least she doesn't hate them
Yosuke let her try some of his weed. It was a interesting experience.
When Yosuke talks about his time in the city to Chie she finds the 'cities' part fun but not much the people. She can tell Yosuke is looking at his past friends with rose tinted glasses, they sound like assholes.
The two would realize that they BOTH have a self-sacrifice nature and that it's bad. fr like i love you both but you two need therapy
Chie shares her bandage with Yosuke after battle.
Chie has met Yosuke's parents before and 1) THEY'RE SO NICE SHE CANT BE MAD AT THEM BECUZ OF JUNES. 2) Yosuke's mom is hot.
Yosuke would fully plan out a murder if She EVER says that tho.
Yosuke would carry Chie home when she injure herself while training at the riverbank.
As much Chie wants to roast him, he does play a damn good guitar riff.
Welp that's all I can think of for now (and ty for the pikmin thing)
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