#i think i just need to care less. make it not perfect <<<would rather die than do this
broke-on-books · 6 months
Why the hell can't I pick a topic for my term paper... I've been agonizing on this for THREE DAYS now. It's due in a WEEK. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
"Pick an incident in international relations" THATS LIKE MOST OF HISTORY
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sukunas-wife · 8 months
I'm in desperate need of sukuna just catering to his pregnant wife. Like he's being too careful, caring and overall really really cautious around her. I just need some sweet stuff between the two. Idk how it'll happen but it must, and I think you'll be the perfect person for it♡♡♡ i love your work sm istg i could just smoosh u into a big hug, reading your posts just makes me all giddy and melt. thank you in advance!!!
Stop Ilysm 🥺🤍 imma do my best 🥹
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In no way was Ryomen Sukuna a domestic man, much less a man who would show mercy or an ounce of emotion. Yet here he stood, both sets of arms crossed over his chest hard stare following your waddle around the garden, his face was void of emotions but internal something was ignited. Subconsciously, his body led him to find you almost always when he would wander about aimlessly in thought. Here he was, standing on the engawa. His eyes ran over your body, the small swell in your tummy was a pain in his ass but there wasn’t a thing he wouldn’t do to ensure your safety and his child’s. He was lucky you hadn’t noticed him or you’d probably demand something from him and there he would have to go to please you.
The cold rush of air on his skin didn't bother him, but he saw how you shivered, tucking your hands into the sleeves of your robes resting them on your swollen belly. You were persistent and stubborn it didn't surprise when the second rush of wind came and you side eyed the empty air as if threatening a being. You sighed continuing your walk in the garden, fingers grazing the flowers of the garden. The garden you had begged him to make because it had been your dream to have a lavish royal garden of your own. He remembers the first time he allowed you out of his sight, he found you sitting on a stone bench under the shade of a blooming sakura tree, you must’ve felt like one of those silly little princesses with how you slowly lifted your hand to catch falling blooms.
You felt the shift in the air but weren’t bothered to turn around and greet him, you were busy on your little adventure. You were looking for the perfect place, you kept walking until you came to a decent open space, in the centre was a ring of bushes. Staring at the space you started to space out thinking only pulled back to reality by your husband when he draped his Haori over your shoulders. He stood behind you, a pair of arms around you carefully tying it closed. His scent and warmth lingered over your skin when he stepped away, you looked back over your shoulder and up at him. He was looking past you at the bushes you were staring at, one of his left hands rested on your left shoulder. He brought a right hand up to his face, squeezing his cheek bones and running his hand down his face like he was thinking, “what have you decided?” You hummed, “A plum tree right there, as our child grows so will the tree, when he’s old enough to eat fruit it’ll start to bloom.” Sukuna didn’t understand the sentiment behind having your child grow up with his or her own tree. In the end one of them would die and they would have to part ways. “Uraume” “Yes Lord Sukuna.” It was an unspoken command. It was one of many he’d be giving for the next few months.
“…su?” Your voice was lost in the dark before you tried to sit up whispering, “..sukuna.. kuna… suuuu.” You laid a hand on your husband's chest rubbing circles, he took a slow deep breath opening his eyes to look at you. “Yes y/n?” Your hand trailed to his lower shoulder trailing down his arm and taking his hand holding it in your lap between both of your smaller hands in comparison. “I..I’m hungry..” he was looking at you with soft lidded eyes. His lower set of eyes opened when he sat up the arm he had wrapped around you in his sleep and moved to rub your side, he did his best to whisper “What do you need?” He never asked what do you want like it was a bothersome request, but rather what do you need like it was something necessary for you to keep living. “I want the melon from that fruit stand in the village. The one they had at the top in a small crate…” his mouth opened slightly like he was going to say something. Because here’s the thing, he bought that melon when he saw your eyes linger on it a little too long. But at the moment Uraume wasn’t there and he didn’t wanna carry around a small crate while he had things to do so he told the Vendor he would be back for it, and if he tried to sell it or let anything happen to it, it would be his life for that melon. He closed his mouth, “I…” he moved so he was sitting on the edge of the bed, “I’ll be right back.” You sat there rubbing your belly when he left, it didn’t feel like long considering the King of Curses was inhumanely fast. What took him longer was rummaging through the fruit vendor's stand looking for that cursed crate and melon. Finally he found it tucked away with a note in beg red characters, “LORD SUKUNA DO NOT DAMAGE DO NOT SELL AT ANY EXPENSE THE EMPEROR'S PREGNANT WIFE CAN STARVE IF IT SPARES MY LIFE.” He laughed to himself, a smug smile on his face, “These fools do have brains, how refreshing.”
He made it home and had your ladies in waiting bring you to the table, there he cracked open the crate showing you the perfect honeydew melon that had a thin layer of condensation making it look like the night dew had blessed it. Your tummy growled and your eyes shined bright for everyone to see. It was funny to see the melon on a red cushion in the crate before Sukuna carefully pulled it out and placed it on a wooden slab asking how you wanted it. You told him to cut it into slices, you watched him turn down the knife a lady in waiting offered him only to use to dismantle. It was faster, cleaner and efficient, he chose the best piece shaking off the seeds and handing it to you. You bought into it and it was the best thing in the world, until you finished your third piece and decided you didn’t want it anymore you were full and it started to taste funny. Your ladies in waiting giggled and Sukuna sighed when they started to clean it up, they decided to save the rest for you if you started craving it for at least the next two days.
It wasn't long after that night, you found yourself awake at another ungodly hour of the night. You felt queasy and quickly jumped out of bed, rushing to the large washroom Sukuna loved to bathe in. You grabbed one of the brand new chamber pots the ladies in waiting had bought at Sukuna’s command for when you'd get sick in the morning. You thought you were alone but there was your husband, one arm rubbing your back, the other stilling your chalky hands, the second pair braiding your hair back and out of the way. Following you immediately he snapped at one of the servants to bring water and something to settle your stomach if it was needed. For now he provided the best comfort he could. His warm hands on your cold back and shaky hands might not have stopped your nausea but it was comforting to know he was there with you even if he could’ve just rolled over and slept. You would’ve kissed him or at least his cheek if you didn’t feel so dirty and your tummy didn’t ache and feel empty in a weird way.
Here stood the King of Curses, it was past midday. He was lucky your cravings were during daylight this time but what he didn't understand was why you wanted to top your dango with crumbled salted egg yolk and mochi with dried squid topping. It made him sick and he was more than willing to eat raw human flesh. He sat there making sure the waiter never let your cup empty or your plates void of food but he stopped when you tried to top fried squid with a chocolate and red bean paste.
“Enough y/n, you will make yourself nauseous before the morning nausea starts tomorrow.” His voice and look were stern and authoritative which caused you to pout, “…fine.”
Of course that didn’t stop you from packing your left over into a little wooden bento box to take home.
So when you were hungry after being carried over half of the trip home you decided to eat that sinful concoction you called a meal. Just to find your bento had been tampered with and only had red bean paste buns and chocolate mochi. Your puffed out cheeks match your belly perfectly when you went around looking for Sukuna. Only to barge in on him having a conversation with Kenjaku. “Where’s my squid!” Kenjaku was surprised someone had the gall to raise their voice and be so demanding with the king of curses, “Not now Y/n” Sukuna tried to give you a look to tell you now isn’t an appropriate time, that didn’t stop you from getting closer seeing Kanjaku’s look of surprise when he saw your stomach swollen and prominent. The King of Curses’s wife was indeed pregnant meaning it was entirely possible for a curse to impregnate a human… but could a human.. “I told YOU I wanted that squid!” Your teary eyes had Sukuna’s eye twitching his mind was Screaming ‘dammit woman out of all the times you could cry and make a scene and walk out like THAT it had to be in front of this deranged man-?” He cleared his throat “URAUME- Yes Lord Sukuna.”
Uraume was quick to fry up squid for you, fresh, hot and crispy. It was perfect. His jaw dropped when he saw how you squeezed a drop of red bean paste and chocolate mochi filling on the squid just to take a bite. He also didn’t hesitate in running at you with one of the brand new chamber pots when all of your lunch came back up with that cursed squid. Your husband walked in and sighed, he looked at you as you wiped your mouth, “What did I tell you.” You avoided eye contact, “To not..” he placed a hand on your back rubbing up and down your spine, Uraume was quick to bring water.
Finally, here was Sukuna kneeling in front of you between your legs. You were close to birthing so this had become a very common position for you. Your robes were open and he was listening to your stomach. He could hear very clearly and distinct your heart beat from your child’s. That little heart beat was strong and present no doubt his child. You always ran your hand over his hair, your nails scratching his scalp and he’d humm before finally pulling back. Spreading oil over his hands. All those Japanese Camellia seeds he forced servants to gather and extract oil from because you’d become self conscious of your body and the marks in your skin where your skin was stretching. He’d kneel there between your legs, warm hands rubbing your belly, sides, breasts and thighs down with the oil that everyone had sworn would help you prevent and recover from stretch marks. As much as he’d like to have advanced on you in these situations, he would've been doing this for your last trimester daily. There was no doubt in his mind he would’ve induced early labour, so there he sat pent up but tending to your silly little self conscious needs. Honestly, how could you think yourself ugly when he thought you looked perfectly swollen with his child. If he chose you, why would you belittle yourself? He doesn’t choose and take things that don’t meet his ridiculously high standards. So he doesn’t understand why all of a sudden the change in your mindset. But he’s here with you muttering comforting words against your stomach and thighs if it help you truly understand how he feels about you.
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Squishy: @sad-darksoul @satorisgirl @bontensbabygirl @lupita97lm @queen-luna-007 @venus-seeks
@cyder-puff @bofadeezs
Perm: @sakuxxi @mercymccann @certainduckanchor @najiiix @bakugou-katsukis-wife @amitiel-truth @souyasplushie @mylovelessnightmare @ynjimenez @dolliira
Broken🥺: @cyder-puff @simpforyoubitch @domainofmarie @ilovemybabies378
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
could you do asexual reader x Jason Todd headcanons?
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I know this hdc won’t resonate for most in the ace community, cuz it’s a spectrum, but I hopes it at least resonates with some, even if it’s one person. That’s more enough for me. (Also sorry for the shit writing as usual)
Jason doesn’t mind that you’re asexual. You were still you at the end of the day, so he doesn’t understand why some people tend to make a big deal out of it.
It’s not like you being asexual was hurting anyone but he guessed that some people just harbour vast amounts of hate for things they don’t/refuse to understand bc they’ve been conditioned into thinking that it’s a bad thing.
Others are just cunts that Jason gladly beats the piss out of in your honour. (Acephobes plz die disrespectfully thanks)
He will not tolerate any sort of disrespect towards you and needless to say having a six foot something man who’s built like an absolute tank is enough to silence those types of people rather quickly.
He’s more then willing to do this for anyone that you knew who was ace, aro, or was in the LGBTQIA community in general, that he becomes a someone that a lot of them could come to when in need of help, or was just in need of a safe space.
He’s unbothered by it because as long as he’s helping someone in need, he’s more than willing to offer his shoulder for them to cry on.
(I just like the idea of Jason being a protector of LGBTQIA youths.)
After all he once took joy in beating the absolute piss out of a biphobe for Tim. Sure he may not have a great relationship with his siblings, but he’s not one to ignore when they’re being treated like shit for being who they were.
He respects your boundaries and will always ask whether or not it was okay for him to kiss you, to which you’d always have to tell him that it was more then okay for him to kiss you.
He understands that asexuality was a spectrum and would ask which part of the spectrum you were apart of, and acts in accordance to make sure that you’re more than comfortable in your relationship.
He’s always finding ways to constantly learn about asexuality and more. He’s even got a whole bookshelf dedicated to LGBTQIA history because he wants to better himself and do right by you and other people who look up to him to protect them. He takes that shit seriously.
He just loves you very much and wants you to feel as though you could tell him anything that’s bothering you and he’ll gladly bring you its head if you’d like just to prove it.
If you are okay with kisses and the like, be prepared to be swarmed by it at every possible opportunity with this teddy bear, for he will smother your face in kisses as he holds you against him, smiling upon hearing you laugh and poor attempts in pushing him away. It’s a highlight of his day because when you’re happy, he’s happy.
You don’t like sex? That’s okay! He’ll make you have Junk food dates with him where you stuff your faces either pizza with stuffed crust (you can eat it in reverse) and garlic bread and watch shitty movies as you cuddle on the couch.
You: you don’t think I’m broken?
Jason; no. Why, who’s told you that you were broken because it’s a bunch of bullshit. You’re the most important person in my life and I’d do just about anything for you, no matter how big or small it may seem because at the end of the day I want to see you happy. So listen to me sweetheart and listen good, you are not broken. You are perfection incarnate in my eyes, you are everything I could’ve hoped to have by my side for you’ve never judged me, so I don’t see why I should judge you for being your truest self. Thats a bit hypocritical don’t you think?
Jason: So don’t ever think you’re broken when you’re far from it, you are whole and you are more than enough. I don’t care if we have sex on occasion or not at all, your happiness is all I care about. I want you to be happy for the rest of our lives together because now I’ve got you I’m not letting you go. Ever. I couldn’t care less about anything else but when it concerns you, I’d move mountains to make things better for you. I love you chipmunk, please don’t ever feel like you’re broken when you’re so much more than that, and I’ll spend the rest of my life proving it.
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lionhanie · 3 months
lee riwoo ; everything i didn’t say
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VERY angsty (be warned i cried), ex boyfriend! riwoo, first love gone wrong :(, i refer to riwoo by his birth name (sanghyeok), did not really proofread :P
word count: 1.4k
warnings: cursing, relationship issues (yikes), angst
this work is part of my boynextdoor as old 5sos songs series! ↳ if you want to listen to the song, link is here
a/n: i can't lie i think i wrote riwoo out to be kind of a douche in this but it was For The Angst ok. and also he's remorseful about it so... it's fine i guess loooool
likes ♡ and reblogs ↺ always appreciated!
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sanghyeok is stuck in a loop. photobooth pictures of the two of you, the (now) dead bouquet you got him after his first performance, the hoodie that you’d always wear when you came over. he can’t look around his apartment without being reminded of your relationship, but he’d rather die than get rid of the remaining traces of you in his life. the two of you were highschool sweethearts; becoming dance partners at random in a club after school and the rest was history.
your chemistry was unmatched, not just while you were dancing together, but even when the music stopped, it was just you two in your own world. really, it was perfect-- everyone around you two was convinced you guys were going to be together forever with the way you looked at each other with literal hearts in your eyes. 
that is, until it was time for the two of you to part following your graduation. sanghyeok was moving a 3-hour train ride away from your hometown, making it much harder to see each other frequently. it worked for a while, he likes to think. every other saturday, you’d always wake up early in the morning to catch the first train over to your boyfriend-- but even then, you’d only get to spend less than a full twenty four hours together before you needed to go home for class on monday. there wasn’t any… bad blood between you two per se, but rather life seemed to get in the way of your relationship. 
“the way you held me / i wish that i’d put you first / i was wrong i admit, numb from your kiss / while you were slipping through my finger tips” 
sanghyeok was heavily involved in the dance club at his university, oftentimes running to practice immediately after class. practice /alone/ would eat up a couple hours of his limited free time, and the rest of the time he would spend trying to catch up with coursework that was slowly creeping up on him.
his texts become less frequent, and when he does finally send you a message, he’d never be active long enough to actually have a meaningful conversation. the two of you pinky promised that you’d try to call every night to keep in touch, but sanghyeok would often miss your designated calling time, explaining that he was still in the studio, or was stuck trying to learn the material from this week’s classes, or that he was simply too tired to call that night. 
“all the wrongs that i hoped would erase from your memories / holding onto a broken and empty heart / flowers i should’ve bought / all the hours i lost / wish i could take it back to the start”
maybe he was too naive to think that the distance would be fine-- that your relationship would be exactly how it was in high school, where the two of you had butterflies in your stomach each time you saw each other. he didn’t realize how neglectful he’d been until you called him in tears one day, a little past one am (and long past your usual 9pm call time, that he missed, again), when he was on his way back to his apartment after practice. huh? that’s odd. you aren’t usually up this late.
“do you even care anymore? i want you to be honest, sanghyeok, please.” your voice is coarse, it’s obvious that you’ve been crying, especially with the small hiccups you can’t seem to hide as you speak. “if you aren’t going to try anymore, we should just break up.” 
“y/n? baby, what are you saying right now? what do you mean we should break up?” 
you almost scoff at his words, in complete disbelief that /he/ doesn’t even know what he’s doing wrong. “this is the fourth time this week you’ve avoided our calls. jesus, have you even read any of the past texts i’ve sent you?” your voice breaks, filled with both frustration and utter heartbreak. 
“to be honest, i really needed you tonight. you know, you’re not the only one who’s busy. life has been kicking me in the ass lately and the only thing that keeps me going recently is the thought of hearing your voice at the end of the day, but now i can’t even get that! shit, i’ve been so patient with you, sanghyeok-- with us.” 
“hey, i’m sorry, okay? i’m sorry i didn’t read your texts earlier, and sorry for missing our call earlier..” he takes the phone away from his ear, checking the time and putting you on speaker. 1:15 AM. he hasn’t even started studying for the test he has in the morning. “but can we talk about this tomorrow? i just left the studio, and i really need to get to studying once i get to the apartment. and there’s no rehearsal tomorrow, so i’ll be able to call-”
“you don’t get it, don’t you? it doesn’t matter that tomorrow you’ll finally be able to call, it’s the fact that i’m always your last priority these days. it fucking hurts, sanghyeok. you’re my number one, and yet i can’t even get a text back from you anymore.” he stops in his tracks, listening to you on the other end of the phone. surely he hasn’t missed that many of your calls. he was almost certain he texted you good morning the second he woke up. he curses under his breath at himself when he looks at his notifications. 2 missed calls. over 10 texts from both yesterday and today, unopened. he must’ve forgotten. 
“we aren’t in high school anymore, okay? it shouldn’t be a burden to put in a little bit more effort for someone you love, even if you’re further away now… you always used to send me flowers whenever you missed me, or call me in the middle of the day just to hear my voice. what happened to us?” your sniffles stopped by now, instead being replaced with all of the emotions from the past couple weeks finally being aired out. 
“why am i always the one who wakes up at four in the morning every weekend just to spend some time with you? why do i have to be the one to sit and wait for your calls, only to see that you’re busy again? damnit, i just wish i knew you still loved me, sanghyeok.” he can feel his heart drop to the pit of his stomach. 
“with all of the mistakes i’ve made / from all the letters that i’ve saved / this is everything i didn’t say / i wish i could’ve made you stay / and i’m the only one to blame / i know that it’s a little too late” 
fuck. he’s crying again. he can’t recall how many times he’s reread the love letters you once exchanged in high school. they used to sit in a pretty decorated cardboard box on his desk, but his bedside drawer is their new home; it’s much easier to read them every night when they’re right next to him. he’s extra careful not to get any of his tears on your writing, just in case those are the last letters you’ll ever write for him.
if he had just noticed sooner… if he wasn’t so focused on himself, maybe he would’ve seen how much the person he loved most was hurting, all because of him. sanghyeok almost feels sick thinking about how you kept in your feelings for so long; enduring all the pain in hopes that he would turn things around eventually. 
“i hope you know / for you i’d sacrifice / to make this right / some day i’m sure / we’ll pass each other by / until that time…” 
and at the end of the night, when sanghyeok’s head hurts from crying for too long, and another tissue box is empty beside him, he goes for a walk. it’s his routine, after all. he’ll walk down the same dim path he walked on the night you two broke up, and he will sit on a bench and look up at the sky through the clearing between the trees. he’s waiting for a shooting star.
...by the time that star comes, he’s already prepared with his wish. he doesn’t even need to think about what he wants most in this world, because he knows the only thing he would wish for is one more chance to make things right with you.
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© lionhanie 2024 ; all rights reserved!
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crownmemes · 10 months
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Mean Sentences, Vol. 4
(Mean sentences from various sources. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"What do you know about fair or right? You're a coward."
"You're going to Hell, just like I am."
"I don't care where you go, but I want all and any part of you gone."
"I don't have enough respect for you to be scared."
"I'm proud of what I am. I believe in what I do. Can you say that?"
"I have seen my share of the hideous, of the disgusting, and the repellent, but you are the most perfect expression I will ever see of all that is vile and hateful in life."
"If I could get up, I'd kick your ass."
"I think there's another possibility here, and that's just that you're a bitch."
"I bet you're the kind of guy who makes girls want to hang themselves."
"You mean nothing to me."
"I'm sensing you are a control freak."
"I'm not your friend. What gave you that idea?"
"You have big daddy issues."
"Your future is a fucked up joyride."
"I don't think you can do it."
"I see your renowned arrogance has been left quite intact."
"Are you jealous? It's most unbecoming."
"Most people would rather stick their fingers in a wall socket than spend a minute with you."
"You come off so rational, but maybe you know less than you think."
"You're only a rebel from the waist downwards."
"They never question it, do they? Your power and authority? When you're really such a coward."
"I sometimes expect too much of you."
"Do you know why you're not afraid to die? You're more afraid of living."
"You know what you're like. You bury your head in the sand."
"You have no shame."
"You are gentle, and that is a grave weakness. "
"You must be so lonely."
"You don't understand what it is to live."
"My first impression was correct. You are a barbarian."
"You're clinging onto me because there's nothing else going on in your life!"
"I can't tell you how wrong you are. How wrong you've always been."
"You fear the world too much."
"Is that how you get girls to like you? By bribing them?"
"You don't fit in. You don't fit anywhere that's normal."
"You're a bully, and all bullies are cowards."
"I was an emotional statement. I don't expect you to understand it."
"You can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality."
"You damn me for my secrets, but you're afraid to speak the truth."
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helplesspuppet-bsd · 6 months
I Missed You
Warnings: None 
Tetchou x Gn! Reader
Enjoy the pure fluff 
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You still remember the day when you gave Tetchou that gift. 
“Hm, what’s this? A bracelet?” Tetchou asked as he looked at you and you nodded with excitement “Put it on Tetchou.” You said, happiness and excitement pouring from your voice. Tetchou let out a small chuckle, and complied with your demands, he looked at the bracelet, seeing that it was white and had a button with a simplified picture of the sun on it.  You showed him yours; it was black and had the same button and had the crescent moon on it. You pressed the button and Tetchou felt a vibration from it, he looked at it until the vibrating stopped and looked at you after it did. “I thought, since you’re always home at the ungodly hours of the night, I thought this could be a good way to let each other know we miss each other.” You explained as you felt heat reach your cheeks turning them red.  Tetchou only went up to kiss you, you, of course returned the kiss to your loving boyfriend. “I love you, my Blossom.” Tetchou whispers in your ears as he places his head on your shoulder.  It was a magical day, Tetchou treated it as if it was the most valuable treasure in the world. To him, it probably was. You feeling the vibrations of the bracelet from Tetchou pressing the button on his bracelet made your heart go in all different directions. The comfort Tetchou felt when he was having a rougher day than usual when he knew you were missing and thinking about him from the bracelet.  Even when you two had the bracelet, Tetchou would still tell you how much he missed you, before he kissed your sweet lips. 
Tetchou was currently in a meeting with the rest of the other haunting dogs, he wasn’t scared to keep the bracelet hidden from his team, although they hadn’t seen it yet. Halfway through the meeting he clicked the button, the click was quiet enough, that it would’ve gone unnoticed if Jouno wasn’t in the room, he could care less about if he clicked it during the meeting, if he missed you, he missed you. 
“Tetchou, what did you press?” Jouno asked, slightly annoyed with him not paying full attention to the meeting. Jouno’s question caught the attention of the other Hunting Dog members. “Oh, I just miss my lover, this lets them know that.” He explained rather simply as he looked at the bracelet as he watched the sun image to light up and feeling the bracelet vibrate. 
“You have a partner?” Fukuchi asked as he looked at Tetchou  
“Yes. And I would die for them.” Tetchou responded with no hesitation as he looked at Fukuchi. The rest of the Hunting Dogs look at Jouno for conformation Jouno shrugged “What, he’s telling the truth. I don’t know how he managed to get someone to deal with him, but he did.” Jouno said while giving Tetchou a light insult. 
“Tetchou.” Teruko said with a stern voice, Tetchou looked at the smallest Hunting Dog “You need to introduce us to this lover of yours one day!” She said with a smirk “I will have to see what my blossom says.” Tetchou responds as he looked away from Teruko with his eyes now closed as he heard the chuckles of his co-workers at the silly nickname he called you. 
The day ended as he was making his way back to the home he and you shared, that was provided to him by the government due to his position in the Hunting Dogs. 
The house wasn’t large. It didn’t need to be. It was the perfect size for both of you, and maybe a few more additions to their already perfect life. 
He felt his bracelet vibrate again once he was near, he could look up and see his house in the near distance. He smiled at it. A few more minutes and he entered the house quietly, wanting to hug you, kiss your beautiful face and tell you how much he missed and loved you. 
He found you in the kitchen, grabbing a drink, Tetchou stopped for a second, really taking in just how beautiful you are, before he walked up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, burying his head in your shoulder. 
Tetchou hummed “I missed you my Blossom...” He whispered you turned your head to look at him before chuckling “I missed you too, Tetchou.” You responded as you looked at him, as his closed eyes open. “I can tell. You pressed your bracelet so many times today.” Tetchou then said as he leaned up to kiss your temple and making his way down to your cheek and then your neck. Placing gentle, loving kisses on your tender skin. 
“I love you, my Blossom.” Tetchou whispered in your ear as he led you to your shared room and laid down with you cuddling up t him. 
“It’s getting late, sleep. I will be here in the morning. I promise.” Tetchou whispered, it was getting late, and you snuggled up to him, closing your eyes and falling asleep next to him. It was something that never happened often, so it made this much more special to you and Tetchou. 
Tetchou looked at you with a fond smile before he fell asleep himself, peacefully in his arms. 
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Lyney & Lynette when GN S/O is on their period
tw; just blood, aches, nausea.. anything you'd expect out of a period pretty much
further notes: first post on this blog! very hopeful to get at least a couple requests this week. hopefully i didn't mischaracterize too bad, even if it's pretty much bound to happen with the majority of fan content
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A less mentioned and yet convenient pro to pyro visions is how it can make the owner of the vision warmer, a perfect thing to know when your boyfriend has one. Especially when you're on your period. He'd be sure to allow you to enjoy it too, resting one of his hands on wherever your aching while he rests next to you.
Of course- don't think that Lyney'd stop with just helping your aches. Oh no. He'd be sure to spoil you more than usual, going out of his way to ensure you have all the candies and chocolates you'd ever want plus more. He'll be sure to start making you extra during breakfast too, you'll need the extra iron to help with all the blood loss after all.
Also not ashamed to buy you period products! ^^ He'd try and find whatever you asked for, and 99% he'll actually get the right thing + some sort of gift (usually consisting of stuffed animals or chocolates).
If you're nauseous he'd probably be pretty good help with that too, Lyney tends to take care of his siblings and even himself when sick so he's rather experienced in this field. Master at holding people's hair while rubbing the back.
Probably thinks to try and distract you with some magic tricks, whether this works or not is entirely up to you but honestly it's the thought that counts.
All together pretty good boyfriend for someone on their period, he tries his very hardest and luckily he is pretty knowledgable in this subject due to him having his sister and all. Probably made a joke about doing a magic trick and make your blood disappear at some point though, so he ends up ranking at a 9/10 due to his tomfoolery.
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Lynette honestly is a pretty solid period partner, she wouldn't coddle you as much as Lyney but that doesn't mean she'll just sit and be useless either.
She definitely knows some helpful tricks (as in like life-hacks not magic tricks) to help deal with it due to her being on stage quite frequently and all. This primarily consists of ways to help make things easier for going on with day to day life without being in complete misery constantly.
Would take you to get some nice desserts more often too, as in the beginning of every morning before she goes off to perform and whatever else she does throughout the day. Nice warm drink included too, even if it isn't tea.
Will also obviously get you whatever period products you need, though unlike her brother it'll just be what you need, kind of. If she has a little spare change then that might change the result, though this'll likely just be a bit of candy or something of the like.
Primarily just trying to help you more than anything, also pretty good if your sick. Wouldn't comfort you as much as Lyney but makes up for it by making sure medicine is consistenly in the counter and that you always have a good place to throw up
In general Lynette is more convenience over comfort when it's up to periods, not uncaring just not acting like your gonna die. Helpful and considerate without being too over-bearing out anything. Another 9/10 experience, point only deducted due to her probably trying to wash your clothes from any blood with the washing machine then breaking the washing machine with your clothes still in it. Still reccomend either way.
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inhuman-obey-me · 1 year
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I really....really meant to do this way sooner, I’m so sorry, but I'm finally back with the next segment of characters!! Part 3 will come later, featuring the undateables, but for now, hope you enjoy this one!
Click here for Part 1 - Older Brothers
Part 2 - Younger Brothers
cw: mentions of past abuse + sexual assault, body horror, violence, torture, gore
Or, as these tags so accurately put it last time:
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When you tell Satan that you have something heavy to share, he is the perfect gentleman about it, making sure you feel safe and comforted and giving you space if/when you need it
He memorizes every word that falls from your lips, holding each one preciously in his mind as he holds you in his arms
His heart breaks as you describe what happened to you, and even though he always keeps his own wrath hidden away as much as he can, he thinks guiltily to the times where it has emerged around you
In that moment, he swears to himself he'll never allow it to happen again -- even if you know what he's like, even if you understand him and his rage, he could never forgive himself if he caused you the kind of pain you're describing now
For any anger you may have about it, however, you can express it as much as you want around him, with his own powers helping you let it out safely and absorbing some of it from you when it seems like it's too much for you
On intimacy, he's always been quite shy with you, but he takes care to be a bit more delicate now as well, a little less abrupt and a little bit more communicative about what he wants to do, stopping immediately to check in if you seem uncomfortable in any way
After a few days, though, the wrath in him is about ready to burst, and for all the rage he feels for what this disgusting human did to you...
No, no, he's not going to immediately tear the fucker to shreds, he can't let them die that quickly, no
No, this person is going to suffer for what they did to you
He starts with just a light curse, as a warmup -- invisible barriers just pop up in their path from time to time, causing them to randomly trip and fall whenever they're walking around
While casting the spell, however, he can't help but grow angrier and angrier thinking about what they did to you
He hits them with no less than twenty-two other curses before he collects himself enough to put the spellbook down, each of which would be fairly minor on their own, but which collectively add up to a very miserable existence of constant embarrassments, humiliations, frustrations, and injuries
When he looks in on the damage a week later, he's rather pleased to find them utterly broken down, covered head-to-toe in little bruises and cuts
He's far from done however, and in the dead of night, he whisks them away to an old, abandoned house said to be haunted by vengeful ghosts, much like the stories of the House of Lamentation
There, he immobilizes them with another curse and sets to work with a sharp-tipped pen, carving every last word of what you told him into your ex's flesh
His hand is steady as the pen slices into their body, but each time he reaches a part that especially infuriates him, he can't help but dig the pen a bit deeper in, taking vicious delight in the way their eyes water in those moments, and the wheeze of pain that emerges from their frozen lips
Once he's written out everything you told him across their body, he does what would be unthinkable to an actual book but what he finds perfectly fitting for this human stain upon the world, and sets up a pulley to gradually lower them into a firepit in the backyard
As they are slowly engulfed by the flames, he reads the whole tale upon their body out loud to them, making sure they hear every last word and know exactly what they did wrong before they finally perish
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The Avatar of Lust, while he perfectly understands and embodies desire, is not forgiving of those who disregard consent
To him, so much of the fun comes from seeing that desire and pleasure emerge from his partner, so what the fuck is even the point if they don't want it?
But, as the beautiful and beloved Asmodeus, it's his job to keep everyone smiling and bright, and that's exactly what he's going to do for you
As you tell him about your past, he alternates between fussing over you to try to make you feel better, and quietly fuming over what your ex did
Over time, he helps you feel more in control of your own body again as well, empowering you to feel like it's really yours and yours alone, mixing fashion with feelings of safety and comfort, and always ready with the compliments to boost your self-esteem
Gradually, only if you want to, he'll help you get comfortable with intimacy again -- with his sensitivity to lust, he can always tell if something starts to feel wrong to you, and he'll stop immediately if that happens
Whether you want to take it slow, or try out some wild kink that might be therapeutic, or anything else, he's just excited for anything you want to do, and he'll make sure it's the best possible experience for you
As for your ex, he's sure they'll land themselves down in the Devildom eventually anyway, but if you want them taken care of sooner than that, he'll have a blast doing it -- it's been a while since he's had to a good chance to really use his scorpion venom!
And if not, hey, he'll have a chance to wreak his revenge when they eventually do arrive, in any case
He'll even invite you along too, if you'd like a turn at revenge by your own hands <3
Though his eyes can charm anyone, sometimes he finds it almost more fun to shrink them with magic and physically string them up like a puppet, and he's happy to hand you the reins if you want them
For his own fun, he manipulates the marionette strings to have your ex dance their way through any number of dangerous settings -- spikes, lava, fire, swamps, ghostly manors, you name it
He makes sure they hit every trap or flame on the way through, and malevolently flings them into those points in the most painful ways possible
With the strings, he also bends their body in impossibly painful ways, contorting them into bizarre and freakish poses and laughing over how ridiculous they look
If you want to participate, he teaches you how to move them around too
When you decide you've had enough, he drags the limp doll that your ex has become through coals and discards the charred remains into a lake of corrosive acid
There, your ex, still just barely conscious, feels their body slowly breaking down until they dissolve to nothing
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Beelzebub, in his ever-protective way, grows angry as you tell him about your abusive ex, but first and foremost his concern is making sure you're okay
He's quiet -- quieter than usual, even -- but fully present for you, reassuring you in the warm comfort of his large embrace
He holds you gently the whole time you're talking, and even for a while after, making sure you're feeling okay before he lets go
As thanks for being brave enough to talk about it, and for trusting him enough to tell him, he takes you out for anything at all that you'd like to eat, showering you with affection
He's perfectly happy to take it slow if/when you do eventually decide to ease into anything sexual, and he's so, so careful about his strength and size
His excellent sense of smell helps to guide him too, able to pick up the scents of happiness, desire, fear, lack thereof if you're dissociating, etc., and he adjusts himself accordingly to keep you feeling safe
And in general, though he may not have known you back then, he's filled with resolve to at least protect you from here on out
He won't fail to keep safe someone he cares about, not again -- and that means taking care of any lingering threats from your old life, too
It takes a bit of searching for Beelzebub to find your ex, but he goes up to the human realm and manages to seek them out soon enough because flies are good at seeking out rotting piles of trash
It takes a lot of restraint not to gobble them up on the spot and be done with it, but for how much they put you through, he thinks they deserve to suffer at least a bit
He snatches them away to a hidden alley behind a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant, long after they've closed for the night but with the fragrant scent of meaty burgers still lingering through the air
If the shot of venom didn't already leave their muscles feeling tender, the incessant hits of the brutal physical beating from Beel certainly does
No part of their body is spared from the onslaught of punches and kicks, as joints pop apart and bones start peeking out from flesh through the wounds
Thin, spear-like tubes emerge from Beelzebub's mouth, piercing various veins across their neck and arms so he can drink up all the blood from their veins before it spills out all over the alley floor -- it'd be a waste of a perfectly good drink, after all
Once they're fully drained, he cracks open their carcass, carving each bone loose with knife-like claws for him to crunch on
Then into the restaurant's industrial meat grinder goes the rest of their body
Beel feasts with a certain satisfaction that night upon piles and piles of cheese-world humanburgers human-world cheeseburgers
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As you tell Belphegor about your past and your history with your abusive ex, he gives you his full, undivided attention
His stomach drops, as his prior deception and manipulation of you comes into full focus in light of all you had already been through
Holding you close, he whispers words of comfort and strokes your head gently until you fall asleep for the night, holding his own rest at bay until he's sure you've drifted off first
As a quiet, unspoken apology, he places soft and peaceful dreams upon you that night, filling your dream world with all the things he knows you love
If you're open to it, he also later creates dreams for you where things happened differently, quick to pull you out if anything starts going wrong but letting you get a redo on those traumatic moments where you have more power or where you can watch a cartoonish anvil drop on your ex's head to stop them, whatever works really
Intimacy comes gradually, if/when you're ready, happy to follow or take the lead as you prefer, but communicative every step of the way so that you always feel safe
And as for your ex...
Belphegor already held the opinion for a long time that humans were shit -- but until this moment, he had dropped his desires to destroy them, after everything with Lilith had come to light
But you're still a human, after all, and he loves you, so he'll settle for taking care of just this particular shitstain of a human being
Needless to say, your ex never knows a peaceful night's sleep again
Each time they close their eyes to rest, devilish apparitions appear at the edges of their vision, and menacing claws and teeth rip at their ankles, chasing them across worlds
At times, when the teeth manage to catch them in their grasp, their dreams turn to endless loops of being chewed up and spit out over and over on end
The resulting constant exhaustion is a nightmare of its own, as they begin to fear falling asleep and desperately try to wake themselves any time they feel sleep coming on
However, in their waking hours, too, Belphie twists and warps shadows around them, until the lines between life and dreams blur together
They are practically sobbing for death by the time he comes for them personally, though he's not so merciful as to be quick about it even then
He chokes them to unconsciousness but lets go each time they fall unconscious, dragging the sharp prickly parts of his tail across their face to wake them back up before doing it over again
Once their face has been torn up beyond recognition by these repeated cycles, he finishes them off by trampling across their body in cow form and leaving them to suffocate slowly from their punctured lungs
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honeycollectswhump · 1 year
you think i actually care about you? cute.
with pet whumpee who started to truly love whumper and believed whumper loved them too
Love and Worship
CW: pet whump, dehumanization, cigarette burns
There is a certain kind of satisfaction linked to spending one’s evening alone in the big hall, surrounded by nothing but gold and jewels, resting on only the softest cushions while occasionally being fed grapes by servants with shaking hands. Others may call it a dream; Mireille calls it a well-deserved daily life.
Everything is beautiful, just as it is supposed to be. The furniture is spotless, having been meticulously cleaned the second Mireille leaves the room, each gem is polished like the morning sun. The servants –about a dozen– wear only the finest clothes, which are almost as expensive and certainly prettier than anything they deserve. 
But what they deserve doesn’t matter, and who cares about the message trying to be sent, when the domestics look like they were taken from the streets? 
This, the big hall, the rooms, every single floor is art. They are a stage for only the finest performers, and sometimes that means having to clothe simple actors in garments more expensive than their life is worth.
It’s a price Mireille is more than willing to pay. Money is never an issue and of course, they don’t outshine her.
Mireille leans back, letting her long black hair drape over the backrest, and takes a drag from the cigarette held loosely in her hand. She looks like a painting, like the pride and joy of a knowledgeable collector. Every single movement is deliberately elegant in a way that has been taught to her since childhood. A woman like her is worth her weight in gold.
Smoking is just another habit she picked up along the way. It’s part of a perfectly curated image, the mysterious lady, the untouchable femme fatale. A calculated show, one that Mireille cannot go without and the thought of abandoning it makes her hands shake, even though she’d rather die than admit it.
Decidedly, she stops that train of thought before any conclusions could be drawn that would be unbecoming for a lady of her calibre. 
Mireille draws in a deep breath through her cigarette and blows the smoke in the air, watching it drift lazily through the hall. Right next to her, her ashtray kneels on the floor, waiting patiently. 
Out of all of her purchases, he’s her favourite. He is undoubtedly beautiful, about as fine as a diamond, with golden hair and shining blue eyes. But then again, Mireille paid good money for his looks. His beauty is not a compliment, it’s the majority of his worth. She would not be satisfied with anything less than perfection.
Her adoration for her companion-decor goes further than his beauty and the entertainment he brings into her life though. There is something about this particular item that her other servants lack, whose fondness for her doesn’t go beyond an innate, natural sense of loyalty.
Her ashtray worships her. Mireille doesn’t need to hear him say it (and it’s not like he was made to speak in the first place). She can simply tell by the way he looks at her with nothing but pure reverence in his eyes. He offers himself up with eagerness and wears the burns like compliments on his skin. 
It’s intoxicating. 
All of her life, men and women alike have adored her, but this is a different, addicting kind of love. Without a doubt, she is the centre of his universe and Mireille would not have it any other way.
The cigarette is nearly burned to the end. After one last drag, she turns her attention towards her ashtray, pondering how she is going to leave a mark this time. There is so much to choose from, although the little round scars are beginning to pile up. It’s a game for her and a blessing for him. 
“Give me your tongue, won’t you?” Mireille purrs and the ashtray complies immediately, of course. He straightens, eager to have received a command –both mindless puppet and loyal mutt–, and holds out his tongue for her. The thought of disobeying her order would never even cross his mind. 
Something about the way he offers up such a vulnerable part of himself without hesitation gives Mireille a rush every single time. She presses the still-glowing cigarette end into the soft but marred flesh. It should cause a visceral reaction, even after the scar tissue must have numbed the nerve ends.
Her servants would whimper and cry in his place. They wouldn’t know what to do with themselves, shaking in anticipation and fear of the pain. Instead, her ashtray barely shudders and keeps his body rigid and still until she is done.
Only then does he lift his eyes to her face, searching for her satisfaction. Just being allowed to look at her is reward enough for her ashtray, and his eyes shimmer with devotion. When she graces him with a smile, he vibrates with excitement and joy. 
She lifts her hand to his head and pets him and the ashtray all but presses into her touch, content with a job well done. That’s the difference between her servants and her ashtray. He is looking forward to getting burned by her, there is nothing in the whole wide world that he’d rather do.
“You really are enjoying this, huh? Do you actually think I care about you? That’s so cute.” Mireille smiles.
And her stupid little ashtray just melts under a touch he thinks speaks of mutual affection.
taglist: @whumpsday, @2in1whump, @sodacreampuff, @webbo0 let me know if you want to be added or removed :)
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tenderhungering · 4 months
Men & Glory: The Revered and The Reviled
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God told me I was forgiven and then he split me open
Late Night With The Devil places a lot of emphasis on worship. Be that a religion, a lover, wealth or power. But it feels an awful lot like at the end of this worship always lies another man. An all-seeing powerful one that you feel less than around, one that you can comfort yourself (or fear) in knowing they are what is leading your life for you.
Before I had even finished the film, and I saw Gus beginning to split himself open to rid himself of the worms that lived inside of him, those that were a constant paranoia he thought he only had to worry about externally, unaware that his fear was so deep inside of him that it become the perfect home for it, I noticed he wore a cross.
Not that a cross is anything out of the ordinary to see on someone. But he wore it underneath his clothes, near his chest, dear to him. A succor. It's especially ironic since he was dressed as the devil earlier in the film. But he took it off surprisingly soon (I thought he was going to wear it the entire night since it was a Halloween special!).
I'm not sure where I'm headed with this specifically but him wearing a devil costume despite being the only character we see show devotion to a religion is making me want to dig a little deeper. Something about how much he is willing to do for the network. For Jack. Going against belief for the sake of others. Did he believe he was being punished for that? For caring for Jack?
Gus is awfully selfless in every action that he seems to take. I don't think anything he did in the film came from self-interest. He was concerned for his own safety, of course, but him constantly saying the crew and him spoke gave indication he was a solace for them, someone to go to when things got hard. He was worried for everyone!
I think he has been with Jack for so many years and has seen the man go through so much that he thought Jack seemed to act in a feverish way. But what seemed to really get me is that he told Jack he was not a bad man. Jack, you're a good man. You know better than this. You are not yourself. I know you.
But of course, he is always dismissed in his concerns. Almost in an emasculating way. He's just the sidekick to Jack, the comedic relief, the one who doesn't quite get the jokes that Jack says. Less than. On screen that is. You would think they know Gus is just playing the part but the way he is condescended seems to show otherwise, like they cannot differentiate between him on camera and off. The lines have blurred. Gus you need to learn to just take it. You don't have control around here. None of us do.
It's like being punished for stepping out of line. For committing the sin of putting himself first before the God they worship and that God is the network. This all knowing presence that rewards you for how much blood you are able to feed into it. You must dedicate yourself to it. It demands it. You and I might worship different things, Gus, but we both know that they're both bigger than you and I.
You have made the mistake of viewing Jack as the one that had any charge. As much as you plead for him to return to that old friend of yours, he is long gone. If he was split open, the worms you fear so much would fall right out of him the same as you. He is nothing but a man. You have given him the glory that is reserved only for kings. And as Jack's last name implies (Delroy = Of The King), he is not a king but rather belonging to one. He is a hunting dog taking orders. And you the prey. And the worms will return you back to the dirt. You will become one with them. But even then, that is not enough. The worms that eat you do not die and their fire is not quenched.
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thewriterghost · 2 years
Lab Night
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: You were working late and Bucky was worried.
Note: This is my first time writing for Marvel and it's been a while since I last wrote in English so, sorry in advance if it doesn't make sense or it has mistakes (it probably does). Also, English is not my first language. I appreciate all the feedback!
Night was fresh and lab was calling to you, as Tony stated before pulling you into the giant lab of his. And to say that you were simply delighted to be there, would be an understatement. All sorts of technology were surrounding practically every surface the laboratory had. The walls had different sized mechanical arms and legs, and things you couldn’t recognize but know that they belong to some project of Tony’s. Every table had a half finished or nearly finished project on it. As you walked in, Tony was busy with clearing a surface for your equipment.
“So, what do you want to work on?”
“Well, water tanks were easy to use on the last mission.” You sat down in front of the white and glass table, which was clear after Tony pushed a lot of things aside. Or one should say, he ordered FRIDAY to push things aside. You continued. “But the fuel tanks? Not so much.”
You had to use a water tank so that you always had water around to manipulate, and a fuel tank to be able to light a flame when you need to use your fire abilities. Being able to control four elements of nature wasn’t easy when you don’t have the elements near you. Luckily, air and earth were all around you most of the time. You were still working on perfecting your manipulation skills, but if you were to ask the Avengers, they would easily say that they depend on your skills greatly even if they’re not at full capacity yet.
“We could look at the plans again, see if we can alter anything.”
The ticking of the clock echoed through the lab. Tony had to leave a while ago, to say goodnight to Morgan, and told you to go to bed as well but you wanted to take another look at the plans before you hit the bed.
“What are you doing this late?” You looked up to see the source of the voice. A certain super soldier was leaning against the door frame with a stern look on his face, his metal arm shining under the lab’s white lights. He looked tired.
You didn’t bother answering verbally, instead just pointed to the table you were working on.
“It’s three in the morning.”
“Time is an illusion.” You joked. He didn’t laugh. Of course, he didn’t. Instead, he chose to glare as always. As Sam once said to you, you get used to it.
When neither of you spoke, he walked in and stood in front of your table as he continued.
“You are a human being, who needs sleep.” He said slowly, as if he was speaking to a child. That side of him, the one that worries about you in times like this, was one of your favorites to encounter. He would act like he couldn’t care less, and yet he would be there, trying to take care of you while trying to look like he was in fact not taking care of you. That made you smile. Not a lot of people saw that side, you thought. Only you, and of course Steve. Maybe sometimes Sam. He would rather die than to admit it, though.
“Exactly. Who needs sleep?” You grinned. He groaned. You'd be lying if you said you didn't like messing with him.
“Don’t force me to physically drag you out of here.”
“Fine! I’ll leave!” You huffed. “I was just taking another look at something. I think I was close to actually find a better way to release fuel from the tank.” You narrowed your eyes as you looked through everything on the table once more. Yes, Tony had already changed a few aspects of the tanks, but you weren’t sure if you could’ve done something else or not.
“Sleep deprivation. That’s what you are close to.” He turned around. “Come on.”
You put the plans back to where they belong and followed him outside of the lab. At that moment, you realized that it was three in the morning, yet he was wide awake, pulling you out of the lab.
“Why are you up at three in the morning?” You asked as both of you started walking down the corridor.
“I was thirsty.”
“But your room is closer to the kitchen, and you didn’t even have to go through here.” You tilted your head with curiosity as you looked at him.
“I thought I should check the lab before going back to bed. So what?” He said, his eyes were looking ahead. This exchange would seem normal to people who didn’t know Bucky or his interactions with you, but luckily you were aware of his tiny habits of speaking with you. Whenever he asked you a question, he would always flash a glance towards you. It wouldn’t matter if you were alone or not, it was something he’d done regardless. So, when he didn’t look at you in the slightest it got you suspicious.
“Why, though?” You pushed the subject once more.
He stopped in the middle of the corridor and turned towards you. His blue eyes were fixated on you.
“Because you weren’t at your room, alright?” His voice wasn’t raised, yet the look on his face was enough to tell you to drop it. You both would be surprised if you did.
“You went to my room? Why? Did you need something?”
He didn’t respond. Instead, he started walking again, towards the end of the corridor where your rooms waited just across each other.
“Bucky?” You asked, while you tried to keep up with his steps.
“It was nothing. Just drop it.” He said as he stopped in front of your room. You stood in front of him. Not asking, but still curious. You had your reasons though; Bucky would never come to your room in the middle of the night if it wasn’t important.
He sighed. “Had a nightmare and I thought I’d come see you for a second.” He mumbled, his eyes looking everywhere but you. You could tell he was embarrassed to say that long before you realized his cheeks had a light shade of pink to them, even though he still looked dead serious.
“I’m fine.” He quickly added. “Everything is fine.”
“I’m the one that’s supposed to say that.” Standing on tiptoe, you wrapped your arms around his neck, and continued. “You’re fine. Everything is fine.” He wrapped his arms around you in response. You didn’t need Wanda’s abilities to know that he was thankful for the hug. The way he hugged you and buried his face in your neck was enough to let you know that. You ran your fingers through his hair, to try and comfort him.
“Do you want to watch a movie or something?” You asked as he pulled away.
“It’s three in the morning.” He stated the obvious thing that you refuse to acknowledge.
“Your point?” There was that stern look once again.
“Fine, fine, we’ll sleep.” You dragged him to your room. After all, you wouldn’t be able to leave him on his own after he chose to come to you at that hour.
“Only if you’ll actually sleep.” He said as the both of you walked into your room. You went ahead and pulled your covers.
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hottakehoulihan · 2 months
This is a rant/musing/meandering about Worm fans WRT Wildbow. I think it's time I at least once made myself an unsubtly dissenting voice, since silence indicates agreement to so many. Move on if you like. This is probably mostly for me.
I'm white, from the USA, grew up with thrift store clothes and scavenged pencils but got to visit the dentist when needed, and was raised in the same ethnocentric, homophobic, fatphobic, ableist, Puritan-influenced culture that most of us were. I try to routinely examine and correct my biases and blind spots. I am trying to see what I might be missing, with as open a mind as I can manage.
I reread Worm (fourth readthrough, but my retention is meh) these last few months actually looking for any evidence at all I could find of the various phobias (all of them, it seems, and also the vaunted hates-drug-users) that some folk like to assert Wildbow has. I didn't find much that didn't--IMHO--more closely fit an accurate description of how the characters (including Taylor, who is literally a child that grew up in an even less-enlightened environment than most of us) are biased. This, coupled with an unfortunate shortsightedness of methodology (do NOT use dice when you write your story. It seems like a good idea to naive youth, but We Do Not Live in a world where you can just let RNG dictate that your [insert bad thing] is committed by [insert group that is already stereotyped as doing that bad thing]. (Though sometimes that's gonna happen in real life too, and art depicting things that happen in real life is Not Always Bad you just have to be careful about context and tone.) Also, try not to accidentally/subconsciously follow Hayes code-influenced patterns. ...though that's hard to do when you're making almost EVERY character a morally grey one) is all the support I see.
Whew, that was a weird parenthetical juxtaposition. Should I rewrite? Nah; it's already taking too much time.
Seriously, how many actually 100% goodguy fleshed characters does Worm have? Arguably zero. Even Yamada and Legend, by dint of having to work within the confines of their structures, made concessions to evils. Dinah made her ruthless calculus decisions just as Cauldron did. Taylor's famously grey self-justifications were agonized over no more or less than Parian's. A perfect character would be a blemish, arguably. (I'll just take Amy as my woobie; after more than a dozen years of emotional abuse and neglect by her kidnappers, she deserves a bit of consideration and rehabilitation.)
And just like I'm willing to assume that Gregor's somehow flawed, like he offscreen asserted that there are acceptable civilian losses when you're doing crimes or assaulting Cauldrons, and that's clearly bullshit because there's no actual evidence Gregor is anything less than perfect but it's easier to assume evils (and more fun to talk shit) than not, I figure a bunch of folk are trying to fit in by agreeing and priming their confirmation biases accordingly.
And this is without, even, considering the millions of other words in non-Worm stuff. You're gonna read Pale and tell me this same junk?
...though, well, perhaps my cutie Biscuit, and a thing Louise said about addicts essentially vanishing from the lives of their loved ones, might count as being against habitual recreational narcotic use. I'll think about that over my next bottle of wine.
I like reading light novels, and fluffy fanfics, and similar, even though usually the characters involved seldom have what you might call facets. When the retired orc warrior who started a gnomish coffeeshop moves on to her next volume, I'm there, and I don't care if I never find out that she once had to choose between leaving baby goblins to die in a fire or saving a teammate from a spike trap.
I've read so many stories where there's no such thing as an 'ism', or rather there's just no example of representation, because every character is two steps away from being an AFGNCAAP (Ageless, Faceless, Gender-Neutral, Culturally-Ambiguous Adventure Person)
I think Wildbow is serious about trying to always be a better writer in the approaching-MFA sense. I see efforts to portray believable behavior of real "human" (whether human or not) characters from multiple backgrounds, in a world that scans as plausibly diverged from the same sort of ugly we live in today.
I do not see any more latent phobias of any sort than I see in pretty much anything else available to read, from fanfic to bestseller lists to "new favorites" lists at the local library. In fact, I see markedly less, to include some (fuck 'em) commenters complaining about shoehorned-in wokeness.
It's weird to me that, given the body of work and the literal black-and-white facts about who and what exist within, and the extra time and effort the author made and makes (too much, IMO) generously engaging with the fans, the default is to diss the author for not doing even more. In their first work. Of which half the concept and much of the worldbuilding dated from grade-school practice. And it's still great.
And I'm saying this about a story where a significant number of the villains are literally white male nazis, torturemurderers, and literally inhuman terrorists. You wouldn't expect people to be demanding a lot of nuance if you were an outsider to this story. But Worm delivers, IMO.
This is not in response to anything recent; I've been chewing on this for years prior to even joining tumblr or creating this username.
tl;dr: Are you sure you're not talking shit about Wildbow just to fit in with the other cool snarksters and feel cool and cynical and superior? Instead of sincere? Because I went looking, and, respectfully, I think you're wrong. And it's a bit ugly and sad.
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
i just saw that you are biased towards vasco tabasco as well 👀👀👀👀 i beg for anything, i have read all the fics on this app twice and im getting withdrawals from my bit tit himbo 😭
Tell me who isn't biased towards our baby Tabasco and I'll fight them!!
Ty for the ask! I just love Vasco so much. He's THE ride or die and has always treated little Daniel so kindly from the start.
He doesn't always get it right but he tries and he learns and his heart is in the right place 😭😭
I feel like there's just SO much I want to read and know about Vasco. HC, x reader, drabbles, novels. But here you go anon, take some wordvom instead
Vasco Headcannons
The Burn Knuckles said they started the gang just cos they like him. Vasco was probably just shouting about protecting people and being all pure then attracting all these macho dudes that were going down the wrong path. He has a sense of justice that is just... Irrefutable. The kind that kids have before they grow up and get cynical and corrupted and he reminds them of a simpler time.
Also he's strong af so if you don't want to die, you come around to his view pretty quickly.
Damon Goh the rubber ducky guy hid away his ducks until Vasco saw them one day and was like 'omg!! These are so cute!!' with his typical heart eyes and asked for one. Since then, Damon just unapologetically carries them around.
No idea Leonn Lee is a girl. Doesnt care if she is, Burn Knuckles membership is open to all.
Doesn't know there's a tool council, thought it was something for architect class. Never made the connection with the Tool nicknames either.
Unapologetic crier. You've seen his tears. Encourages Burn Knuckles to show their emotions. They hold therapy sessions like a confessional but apart from Jace - Vasco and the rest of the gang share 1 braincell so no good can come from this.
Makes friends everywhere he goes. We've seen Vasco make his own crew out of the Homeless, and that's just how he is. He's made friends with BEARS like cmon.
Not that great with names or faces though, and he's just a general clown so he doesn't actually remember a lot of people.
Has a rather childlike and innocent view of the world with justice and lookism. It used to be pretty black and white but he learns and is understanding of the shades of grey pretty quickly. Let's be real, if Vasco was leader of the world - we would all be a lot better off.
Toxic masculinity who? Gender roles what? Zero interest in subscribing to men can't do this or women shouldn't do that. Will be the best provider or househusband ever, whatever makes his partner happy!
Daniel or Jay busy or out of town? If Vasco is available, he will be looking after Enu or Jays puppies. This is absolutely non negotiable. He always gets first dibs.
Seen and heard enough about Vin Jin to think there's no redeeming features with this guy. Although Vasco might be the only person that thinks his rap is pretty good lol
Very little sense of self awareness and decorum around girls. Not really sure where he's going wrong until Jay spruced him up and his post-date download with Jace.
Says he's married to the Burn Knuckles and he's talked less about finding a partner since then. In all honesty he finds the dressing up and the flowery words exhausting. He just wants to find someone that loves him for him, BNC uniform and all :(
And this is the perfect segue into...
Tumblr media
Vasco x Reader headcannons
Vasco is the ultimate friends to lover trope. He needs to get to know you first and your personality before he can begin to develops feelings for you. Your morals aligning with his is a must.
Doesn't think too hard on confessing if he likes you. He's a straight forward guy. Main obstacle is Jace giving him terrible advice based on trashy romcoms.
Only Jace (occasionally) or family call him Euntae. Will be so flustered if you do.
He is 100% innocent your honour!!! You likely need to take the initiative in the relationship. He's a romantic at heart but doesn't know how to express himself and is worried about being too foward. First hand hold? First embrace? First kiss? Gonna be all you.
Gets more relaxed the longer you date. Once he's more confident of your comfort levels and knowing that he can be himself around you, will initiate a lot more.
Not a huge fan of PDA but loves holding hands and holding you. It just feels right with you in his arms.
Vasco would naturally be the big spoon, but omg if you were the big spoon? He has never felt so protected and loved and will absolutely melt.
Huge fan of couples outfits. Not the cool ones, the cheesier the better. "If found return to Y/N" "I'm Y/N". And tbh Zack is sick with jealousy that him and Mira don't do that.
Still has an old fashioned sense of chivalry where he wouldn't want you to fight even if you could. After seeing you fight a few times though, he reluctantly let's you get on with things. Will try to step in where possible, but more that he doesn't want to see you get hurt.
Loves the novelty of classic dates at first, especially after seeing and reading about it all so much. Fancy 3 course meals, grabbing a coffee together.
After a while though, would prefer to just have more meaningful dates and take you to his favourite places. Even if it's that Fish Soup place lol, but you don't mind cos you can see how happy he is and being with Vasco is enough.
Expect good morning texts, good night video calls and everything in between! This man isn't afraid of the double or triple text. There's a lot of "I can't wait to see you!" and "I miss you!!" and just random ones like "I tried to buy milk but forgot my wallet lol"
As long as it's not against his morals, he will do A N Y T H I N G for you. Tired? Foot massage. Craving at 3am? Let me run right out. Prefer him clean shaven? Hold on I'll get the razor. He loves you so so much and it shows!
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
Ask from wlwdwtys that was so big I decided to make it a separate post! Fault spoilers and violence mention incoming. Warning: BEEFY
1. What would the plot look like in a swap au? Specifically, the characters swap personalities. How they came to develop such different personalities in the same circumstances? Who knows. You, probably. Specifically, Tubbo swaps with Wilbur (cause I thought that their morals differ the most.), Phil swaps with Ranboo (their attachment styles and powers do not match up at all. Imagine being like 100000 and still having social anxiety.) and the Blade swaps with Tommy. Ranboo got chucked in cause there are 5 characters in the fault crew and it didn't match up.
Interesting ask given how much their backstories and powers influence personalities and morality systems. Alright I need new names to keep this straight. Wilbur in Tubbo body is Wilbee, reverse is Tubbur. The Blade in Tommy body is The Dagger, reverse is Tommurder. Ranboo in Philza body is Ranburn, reverse is Philzand but is probably never going to be important. I think for the sake of keeping Ranboo’s personality we might make them an embodiment of Fire and Fluster rather than Fire and Fury lmao.
Wilbee would come to a rather similar philosophy to Tubbo, albeit for different reasons. Tubbo and Wil are pretty different re: humans and society, though Wilbur tends to be the easiest swayed towards pacifism because running usually has the least risk and he cares about survival not revenge. Wilbee is a pragmatist and only attacks so it won’t die, but bee stings would kill it, so it would tend towards pacifism but not care about enforcing that belief on others. Fascinating. Tubbur is big on controlling the void, sees any use of it as a corruption that jeopardizes the world. Relies heavily on Ranburn for containment. Ranburn works surprisingly well on the philosophy front since cRanboo and Philza both have the stance of picking people not sides (or ethics). Very much less gung-ho about murder. But nobody’s perfect. 
Early timeline changes: Ranburn adopts Tubbur. Or perhaps this Collection looks more like a romantic relationship for bee duo…? Mm. The timeline would have to shift pretty wildly for that to have them meet later once Tubbur is an adult, but it wouldn’t have many long term impacts. Which could be the case, since Ranburn probably isn’t going on a revenge quest after Anderson dies. (Ending 1: Ranburn and Tubbur never meet.) Unlike Wilbur, Tubbos’ reaction to isolation was to desperately reach out to anyone they could. Would be pretty injured trust still since Rhodes intervened when Tubbo was 5/Phil when Wilbur was 14 vs being an adult, but Tubbur would be far easier to win over. Now, Tubbo can be very dishonest about their emotions, but they wouldn’t mistake their longing for loathing like Wilbur does. But they are also about as desperate for connections to people as Tommy is. Fully I think they’d set up a house in the middle of nowhere and live really peacefully, using online connections to help Tubbur’s isolation. (Ending 2: Tommurder never finds them). Tommurder probably roams around looking just like The Blade. He’s less looking for control over The Blood God (which is poor compared to The Blade) and more looking for people to ~pester~ talk to. Integrates himself in the group if he finds Ranburn and Tubbur. The Dagger/Tommurder summoning goes pretty much the same. Ranburn doesn’t have the same principles about promises as Philza, only people. They would immediately rescue everyone (Ending 3: SBI saved, Wilbee has no one in the Foundation).
I can’t picture baby Wilbee Collecting Jasmine, so the community isn’t going to become hostile to it. Which is good because Wilbee needs no reinforcement on that end. Wilbee is HELLA distrustful of Rhodes at first. But Rhodes is a patient and determined sort, though it might take a couple years to get through that thick hive skull. Wilbee has a far more stable childhood, and turns out even more pro human than Tubbo since they still dealt with things like getting shot by Jasmine’s parents and so can be cautious. (Ending 4: Wilbee isn’t cautious enough, word gets out. The Foundation captures him as a kid. After years in the Foundation during a crucial developmental period, it likely loses hope by the time the rest are captured and is useless for escapes because he wouldn’t be looking for others decades later. Everyone is trapped) Without survival pressure, Wilbee is a lot more chill guy and lets the more silly overdramatic sections of his personality out. Doesn’t understand the concept of privacy in the slightest and loves listening to all the town gossip. Wilbur also has far better control on his anomalous instincts than Tubbo, and so I figure avoids the changeling impulse to add people to the Hive and thus never really figures out that section of his powers. Rhodes likely isn’t Collected, which will make the morally gray areas in the Foundation easier. (Ending 5: No missing person’s case opens for Rhodes. Wilbee isn’t captured by the Foundation. Everyone else is trapped) Potentially Wilbee has the same impulse to search the world like Tubbo, and is captured later. 
Philzand would literally not die to Lawrence Lethe. Rip to Sandboo but he’s built different. Potentially Lawrence could be dead? That would have ramifications. 
Part 1: Conviction: Ranburn does NOT pull off the yandere dad thing at all. Hallway never happens, and The Dagger wouldn’t have a complex about not escaping even if it did. And Tommy wouldn’t lose the will to fight because as Tommurder he always wins which reinforces that he should keep going. But Ranburn also wouldn’t have the same level of therapy during visits that the Collected relied on to survive the Foundation, so in some ways they’re a lot worse off than with Philza’s support. 
The Blade and Tommy have the most similar personalities, and could easily fulfil the same actions albeit with different intentions. Perhaps at capture The Dagger is fighting instead of freezing, but he’s kidnapped either way. Tommurder does anything for his friends and gives into The Blood God to rescue The Dagger, which he still wouldn’t tell because he doesn’t want to be abandoned by The Dagger. And Tommurder’s difficulties with being alone lead to him breaking out a lot and getting The Blade tortured more. Tommurder’s worse at controlling The Blood God, but they’re also on friendlier terms since Tommurder just needs anyone to talk to, and so over the loneliness of the Foundation they probably develop a good relationship. The Dagger is very willing to use Red to attack given it’s his choice, and has good control since he’s analytical and willful and can figure out how to actually wield it effectively, unlike Tommy. Also not as reluctant about gallows duty like Tommy, which means less harm to him than Tommy suffered initially. The gloves never become a thing. 
The Dagger is still chill and happy enough, which draws Wilbee in, who has no qualms about the murder jokes since Wilbee only avoids personally killing. The Dagger is more than willing to escape into the vents and try to team up with Wilbee. But when told to starve or kill, Wilbee murders Rosalind to same himself. (Ending 6: They do not escape with Rosalind) (Ending 7: on the very rare chance Wilbee thinks his survival odds go up if he chooses to starve and lose a hand to keep Rosalind alive -which. God there isn’t a chance in hell it does- then Lawrence Lethe has been killed by Philzand and will not prevent their breach. The Dagger and Wilbee escape. Ranburn, Tommurder, and Tubbur are still trapped)
The Dagger is used to being turned on and perceived as a monster through Red tests, but Wilbee is far more pragmatic about that. “If you had to be a monster to survive, then you’ll have survived. If those ‘friends’ of yours wanted you to be a person like them they would have ensured you were never in a position to be forced to make that choice in the first place.” 
Ergo, The Dagger has far more trust that Ranburn wouldn’t forsake their promise to him. Perhaps misplaced, Ranburn doesn’t have Philza’s strength of convictions, but Techno also chooses to keep trusting people long past when he should, so it works out either way. UnCollected arc avoided. Yippee. 
Also The Dagger has wayyy healthier relationships to other people than Tommy does, so when his mini escapes are found out, he doesn’t consider never seeing Wilbee a fate worse than death. (Ending 8: Tommurder is not summoned, no one escapes. The Dagger doesn’t stop trying to break out to see Wilbee, but eventually enough security keeps the both of them separated.) (Ending 9: Tommurder is summoned. Since Jasmine isn’t in the Hive, the orphan loophole isn’t a problem! So Wilbee is safe. Except Tommurder doesn’t have enough control on The Blood God for loopholes to matter because there are barely rules in the first place. Everyone in the room except The Dagger is slaughtered. Having a good relationship with The Blood God only helps if Tommurder knows who to stop him from killing. Wilbee fights back but does not survive, or does on a very very small population incapable of moving its body.) (Ending 10: They try to escape. Lawrence was killed by Philzand, they are trapped in a safe room and fail to escape) (Escape 11: If Lawrence is alive, Rosalind is not in the Hive, so Lawrence is not convinced to help them. He’s probably killed by The Dagger. Fail to escape). (Ending 12: The Dagger is non-compliant in the Dr. Blake confrontation. Guards are kept in the room, and he is overpowered. The Dagger does not escape, but everyone else does). Also Dr. Blake will continue to cause so many problems in the following sections since The Dagger wouldn’t deal with her like Tommy did. Tommy win for once pog??
Part 2: Acquittal: At this point I have no idea how they’re out or how Wilbee survived, though he’s probably trying to figure out a way to kill Tommurder without getting slaughtered because he sees him as a direct threat to survival. (Ending 13: Wilbee realizes that The Blood God operates on an individual basis. According to a news article a swarm of bees can kill a half ton boar slowly and painfully. Tommurder’s death is very very ugly)
(Ending 14: Ranburn goes through Amnestic Arc. Wilbee would like to help (doesn’t have neg rep from Hallway and UnCollection) but thinks it’s too risky and isn’t invested in helping a guy it doesn’t know even for The Dagger’s sake. Doesn’t care about The Dagger promising he’d help. Ranburn, Charlie, Halo, and Skeppy are trapped in the foundation) (Ending 15: Ranburn does receive help from Wilbee. Ranburn is not vicious enough to claw their way through the entire Foundation. The 4 are trapped) (Ending 16: Ranburn is desperate enough to carve their way through the Foundation. Lawrence was killed by Philzand and can’t get Halo and Skeppy free. Ranburn and Charlie get out). Ranburn is NOT staying in the Foundation. Are you KIDDING?! Which could potentially negate the siege arc, though Ranburn is sentimental enough to want to take back that domestic bliss he had with Tubbur even if the house is surrounded on all sides. It would not be Rosalind’s house though. 
(Ending 17: if Ranburn held up w amnestics, Tubbur is completely against use of the void, no Greg arc (sadg). The Dagger could manage to hold off for a while but it’s likely the Red infected would murder everyone but him. Dead or recaptured) (Ending 18: Ranburn shows up to Rosalind house, not vicious enough to drive off the Foundation siege). The Dagger and Tommurder could potentially go fairly far, since they have complimentary powers. It’s genuinely pretty scary what they can do. Foundation is driven off, and the gang races off…in a random direction. Rosalind isn’t part of the Hive, so they aren’t going to Chicago. (Ending 19: Wilbee is not ride or die for The Dagger, figures they can manage better without everyone because more confident in self-sufficiency than Tubbo. Like. Nobody does it like clingy duo.)
Greg problems avoided because Tubbur is vigilant. Loose a very cool scene, but it’s fine. If we assume Wilbee survived with amputations, he would fall into the same pitfall as Tubbo given his avoidant coping style. So it’s ending up with chronic pain too. Isn’t terrified of Ranburn and is the practical sort so may spring for the corrective surgery unlike Tubbo. Not sure how well it would go, Ranburn doesn’t have the same hyper-competent tendencies Philza does. 
Past what’s published I see absolutely no way for the plot to continue in any semblance of what it’s like now, plus spoilers. It becomes heavily reliant on a complex weave of character flaws and relationship dynamics that just. Aren’t present. 
Some bullet points of things that change:
Tubbos’ morals and issues with the group are a driving force of tension, and is heavily influenced by their backstory. While peaceful, Wilbee simply isn’t so adamant on enforcing it on others, and Tubbur scraped by their entire childhood alone and so doesn’t have that same strict no kill policy though they try to be more peaceful. And Ranburn isn’t super bloodthirsty, The Dagger sees attacking as very useful but also knows his powerset could lead to collateral damage, and Tommurder prefers friends to fighting and has convinced The Blood God to go along to some extent. So like…toss out most of the philosophical discussions I guess…and drama. So the Tubbo-Wilbur swap has caused the most problems over all. I think the same would’ve been true for anyone swapped in for Tubbo tho, since they’re designed to be opposed to most of the group. 
No Glove arc. Glad we could avoid making Tommurder and The Dagger a more toxic friendship? Because Tommurder would deffo enable self destructive behavior but The Dagger doesn’t have that trigger and wouldn’t try to brute force his own trauma like that. Ignore it and pretend everything is fine? Hella, but that’s also a Tommy trait. Also no minor fallout with The Dagger and Tubbur over accidental triggering, which also avoids bonding and fight scene. The Dagger is just cribbing stuff no problem. 
Tommurder actually talks to The Blood God and can avoid The Blade’s panic, doubling down, and character growth. But also Tommurder could potentially just have Wilbee and The Blood God actually talk to one another to directly address that trauma. 
None of the continuing fallout of UnCollection arc. So the Hallway is never confronted but also never happened so idk. 
Rosalind isn’t in Hive so they never go to the Parra-Cardozo household. Amnestics arc 2 never happens, no one tries to save Philzand. And anyway Lawrence is dead no redemption arc for him loser. Niki still trapped. 
All of the interpersonal drama tbh
Man I’m just scrolling through my outline and it all falls apart. The further it goes on the more dependent it is on the past choices of characters and how they would act, and so much of the story is derived from relationship rifts that are dependent on philosophies and traumas that simply aren’t the same anymore. And section 3 just won’t occur at all because the sequence of events leading to the group making the decision to begin fighting the Foundation on both soft and hard power levels doesn’t have the context or the character philosophies to occur the way it will in Fault, and so that entire section just wouldn’t occur (stuff like void madness, two major villains, meeting Niki, everyone having negative character development, so so so much). Who knew a plot devised from thinking through how specific characters respond to situations would fall apart when those are different characters! 
Anyway this ask was a blast, thanks so much. 
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dnovep · 8 days
noah is gay!!!! tell us all about it :3!!
tysm for asking, let's talk about it!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ bearing in mind i just woke up & my memory of anything not right in front of me ('the dream thieves' is in my hands rn) is nyot good sooo sorry for any glaring errors 😬
wait i'm going to grab the first book send me luck i don't get dizzy getting out of bed too quick hahah
ok i got all 3 other books from the series we're in business baby
1. barrington whelk, family, & his alive days:
resentful, entitled, angry, lonely whelk is like that for a lot of obvious reasons but is also a mirror to noah. even after he was murdered brutally noah still loves glitter in snow globes & blue's spiky hair & playing with ronan. despite all the voices he hears whelk is alone & separate from his coworkers, noah is part of a family (even if not all of him is really there). tl;dr whelk is a reversing mirror to noah - & both are gay! comp het in an all-boys school for kids of rich & successful parents who stereotypically demand success & the perfect-seeming life (declan and the ashleys, get high grades or you're out, how much do those uniforms cost per year?). the czernys seem lovely at noah's funeral but who knows what pressures noah felt from them/school teachers/society or how much or little they acknowledged the existence of non-cishet identities. cabeswater takes adam's control over himself, his security in his own body, "I sacrifice myself." next to that, adam giving up everything, noah says "I almost woke up Cabeswater, we were close enough to do that." it's less how 'close' they were & actually how much whelk valued noah, reciprocated or not. or, this is noah talking, maybe noah thought they nearly woke up cabeswater, thought they were close enough to do that, but whelk didn't care enough for it to do that. noah makes excuses for whelk killing him (with crushing parallels to things people say in real life for people they love who hurt them). i'm including this whole paragraph because there's more here: ""You don't understand," Noah whispered. Blue was afraid he would disappear. This, she understood, had been a secret, carried inside him for seven years [since he died], and he still didn't want to confess it. "He was upset. He'd lost everything. If he'd been thinking straight, I don't he would've... he didn't mean to... we were friends like - are you afraid of Gansey?"" in the 7 years after he killed noah whelk didn't let himself miss him until it looks like he's going to die (neeve, ritual) at which point the guilt & all the good things about noah hits him & he feels "this terrible weight". of course all of this could be platonic but yeah it's just fun in a really heartbreaking & tragic way to think that they had Something almost romantic. "It was a strange, old expression, one that Whelk hadn't heard since his own days at Aglionby, when he, too, had been tight as ticks with his room-mate Czerny. [and they were room-mates!] He felt a hollowness inside him, like he was hungry, like he should've stayed home and drunk more to commemorate this miserable day." "Only Whelk and Czerny, treasure hunters and troublemakers, cared about [St Mark's Day's] existence." "Czerny and Whelk had returned, a half-dozen times, taking readings (next to the circle, there were six different numbers in Czerny's handwriting), digging in the dirt for possible artefacts, watching overnight for signs of supernatural activity." "All Whelk could find out was that the line loved reciprocity and sacrifice, but that was frustratingly vague." before whelk's family lost all their money him & noah kept pushing the ritual to wake the ley line back, there wasn't a desperate need (& maybe they liked staying there together overnight, taking readings, chatting). whelk's second girlfriend was "technically" noah's girlfriend.
2. adam vs whelk:
adam kills whelk. "[To Noah] Adam said, rather more ferocious than he'd been a moment before, "A friend wouldn't kill you."" whelk's ambition & the value he put on his family's good standing & his obsession after his dad's arrested and his family loses their money vs adam's ambition & the value he puts on improving his own good standing & his obsessive drive to push himself forward and up. "Adam had several things he thought about saying, but when he opened his mouth, it was none of those things. "Why Noah?" he asked. "Why not someone horrible?" Whelk closed his eyes for a bare second. "I'm not having this conversation. Why are you here?"" whelk hears 'voices' from his deal with cabeswater, adam sees 'ghosts' from his deal with cabeswater.
[when noah slips from time does that mean whelk does too?? or does he come back to life, if he never killed noah?? or does everything stay the same & they just fill in gaps where noah was to make it make sense???]
3. ronan & noah & The Secret.
"Noah said to Ronan, "I know why you're mad." Ronan sneered at him, but his pulse heaved. "Tell me then, Prophet." Noah said, "It's not my job to tell other people's secrets."" (this quote is so interesting - whose secret is it?? does he mean he can't tell ronan his own secret? or future!ronan's secret? someone else's??) [i could add more here about ronan & noah & cabeswater & cars, noah's red mustang, & both being gay but it's been nearly 90 mins & i'm getting sleepy again]
4. noah dies so gansey lives,
noah & whelk die vs adam & ronan live, whelk kills noah, adam saves ronan (& vice versa).
5. the blue kiss:
noah died when he was 17 - still learning about himself, still ("technically") dating a girl, so it makes sense that his ghost is still stuck in that mindset. maybe it's too early for him to realise he liked girls as friends, not romantically, maybe it's denial, maybe he never gets to work that out about himself. comp het, pressures of being in a rich family sent to a fancy & demanding school. offers to kiss blue if she's "curious" about how it feels, rubs the mark on his cheek from where whelk killed him before he does. the first kiss is a mess, the second is "a lot like kissing a dishwasher". "Blue squinted. "Are you sure you've done this before?" "Hey!" he protested. "It's weird for me, cause it's you." "Well, it's weird for me because it's you.""We can stop." "Maybe we should." then he refers to how kisses look in movies & says to imagine & copy those movie kisses - ok comp het, ok playing the part. after the 3rd kiss, "His smudge had got very dark, and he was cold enough that she shivered. Blue gave him a watery smile. "That was super nice." He shrugged, eyes doleful, shoulders curled in on themselves. He was fading. It wasn't that she could see through him. It was that it was hard to remember what he looked like, even while she was looking at him. When he turned his head, she saw him swallow. He mumbled, "I'd ask you out, if I was alive." Nothing was fair."
i listened to my noah playlist while writing this so shameless plug:
(i don't think maggie wrote him as gay, this is just fun playing about a character i love hahah)
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sleepy-vix · 5 months
What would your ideal book be like (as in, what theoretical book would be your absolute favourite) what genre, page count, setting, characters, etc would it have?
oohhhh this is such an interesting ask. hmm i'll have to lay this out in dot points
also i am indecisive and messy so my opinions will probably change idk T-T
alr here we go
- genre: psychological novel? im not exactly sure what the genre is but i love when books follow a mentally ill character that's just trying their best to navigate through life, and the book is about the way they interact with their surrounds and respond to issues and cope with their past and come to decisions, iykwim?
BUT I WANT FANTASY in it too so it will be epic. i love fantasy world building and i love when it makes so so so much sense. it would be cool if they had elements and got sorted into elemental groups too- that is so satisfying and fun to read.
- page count: probably 500. personally i think a normal book is 300, and it seems daunting when it's got like 700 pagesz but considering that this is my ideal book, i think i'd be sad if it had less than 400 pages (cus the story would be over soon) so i'd say 500 pages is the perfect amount.
- setting: in terms of time, i never really cared for it. i realise that i should probably have a preference on which century i like to read, but i find that characters can be mentally ill and epic no matter if they are from the future or the past.
in terms of location, hmm i wouldn't want to read about a character being anywhere with tropical or summery vibes. i like my characters knee deep in snow and drenched from head to toe in rain. it keeps them depressed and relatable ^^ (/hj....?)
oh also it would be cool if the country and places were mad up, since that this is a fantasy.
WAIT OR asia. i am obsessed with books that focuses on/is based off asia :)
- characters: trios are the best and i will die on that hill. ok like i dont need the trios to be together 24/7 but i need there to be THREE main characters if you know what i mean. one of them can be an antihero idc. it just has to be THREE.
oh also i love to read in the perspective of characters who are ambitious and feisty and impulsive because they're the opposite of me. but also i'd like them (idc abt gender) to be cunning, witty and good at making plans.
another character that i need in the trio is the smart one. there HAS to be a smart side character or else i will NOT fall in love with the book. i need the character who makes all the entensive plans. i need the character who is a walking dictionary. i need the character who hates to fight and would rather be learning but is somehow good at it and therefore forced to fight alongside the makn character. (oopsies im just describing the poppy war. but that is not a crime ;])
if its a soldier poet king trio i will be obsessed with it forever and ever
ok so for the stuff that u didnt ask but im gonna include:
-writing style: advanced. work my mind to death but enrichen it at the same time. i dont mind a difficult and layered magic system- in fact i LOVE THOSE, as long as they make sense and they are creative. do not give me that "she let out a breath she didnt know she was holding" bs.
i want "the night circus" level description when it comes to settings. i need to see taste hear smell FEEL the fucking surroundings
-vibe: doomed from the start. i dont want my characters to be happy. make me fall in love and then break my heart and do not apologise for it :,) (shit am i masochistic? damn)
- others: it would be cool if it is somehow relevant to our present irl current political state/ real world problems. it would be even cooler if it somehow fits a ton of mitski songs. also gayness is very welcomed
yeahh thats all i got for now. oops i wrote alot. at the start of my reply i was thinking along the lines of solitaire and crime and punishment and no longer human, but then it was all scrapped and i based it all off of the poppy war trilogy because it did fantasy and character dynamics/personalities/backstories SO RIGHT.
tysmmm for this ask. i would love to ask it right back, but i dont know who you are :(( ahsvsj feel free to tell me anyways tho in my askbox as an anon !!
*this was not proofread
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