#i think if my mom were still around she'd be very proud of me and i think she'd adore Harry
dykeomania · 2 years
𝒎𝒊𝒂'𝒔 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕 𝒃𝒍𝒖𝒓𝒃𝒔: parenthood (3).
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: parenthood means stress, and endurance, and exhaustion, and learning curves, and ... sometimes, really, really, really good sex?
𝐚/𝐧: this is my Parenthood (Thought) Piece because i understand that i am mentally 30 but i llloooooooooooveeee a good domesticity concept i eat that shit up nnomnomnonmonmnom. i needed to talk about early parenthood with ellie and i needed to talk about some of the ... Alternate Consequences ... of early parenting .. if you will. this was fun. this was also composed between the hours of like, 2-4am. i think it's pretty literate, and kind of alright. you may have a fun time reading it. if you don't, sorry i'll venmo you a dollar. not ssssure if i really have anything else to say, honestly. proofread (at a very early hour, mind you) but i always make mistakes, i'll always edit over time.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: i understand these tags are like super weird and i always preface my fics like "fuck around and find out," but just to be clear, this fic does not sexualize children in any way. any way. just to really make that clear. mentions of you and ellie being engaged. joel's technically alive. mentions of children. parental uncertainty. stress. a little bit of sub bottom!ellie. we're dipping our toes in. also dom top!ellie. mentions of oral (both receiving), mentions of vaginal penetration (reader receiving). both ellie and the reader being milfs / ellie thinking its really hot how you are a good mom (there are still so many things in this category that i could've hit that im probably not even thinking of, so if y'all like this and wanna talk about them, Please talk to me) i write in past tense for literally all of it and this is just a me thing, but that's not really my style, so things may be .. off. or maybe it's just me. maybe i'm tripping. we'll see. it's like, 4am. so.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 4.1k, just about (i did too much).
.   .   .   .
you both lived on the farm. it was a quiet, proud little life that you lead. a picturesque actualization of all of the little thoughts and dreams that you and ellie have had about living together, about having a family. though, parenthood was new, and difficult. there were some nights that the baby wouldn't stop crying, and both of you would take turns feeling like shit -- one usually at a grander magnitude than the other --  because neither of you would know what to do. what, am i like, a bad mom? does he hate me? you spent time convincing each other that that is simply not the case, and that this was all part of the process. that you were both new, and learning, and that it's okay.
if you knew nothing else, whether that be due to not having experienced parenthood before or the delirium accompanying the heavy set bags and dark circled ruminating under both of your eyes, then you did know that there were a few things for certain: he will suck his thumb. his cries will turn to wails which will turn to sniffles, which will turn to sighs. he will get tired. he will roll over, and coo, and will go to sleep.... eventually.
granted, while this mentality in general made things easier throughout the early days of raising your newborn son, there was still no doubt that it was.. exhausting. in every way. parenting was a constant learning curve, and it took tolls on both of you in different ways. for ellie, she'd get quiet. snippy, even, and gain a little bit too much audacity at times. a snarky remark or demonstration of blatant impatience towards something minuscule, but still hurtful. her frustration would always point toward some deeper issue that she often struggled met with annoyance first, and words second. one of the first things that ellie learned while parenting was that she was really bad at communicating. she'd find herself throughout the first three, maybe even six months, constantly finding ways to say sorry.. even without saying really having said it. like, slipping into bed when after you'd finally went to sleep, and pressing kisses to your temple. or making sure the dishrack was completely empty, so you'd have one less thing to work about. albeit she struggled to verbally explain that while she understood you were too, she was just.. a little tired.
maybe it was the sleep deprivation, or her willingness to take up most of the tasks that required attention in areas other than just the inside of the home. which.. you did have to admit, were a little bit more intense than cleaning and washing dishes. no one asked her to do all of that. she took it upon herself to do extraneous tasks, like fix the fucking roof, during the peak of summer. and you'd always offer to help, truly. but it was always no, i've got it. you've got other stuff to do. you just go play with him, and i'll be in to take over in a little, okay?
you would, at times, have to sit her down and remind her to take it slow. that the roof isn't really bothering either of you, right now, and it won't until .. october, probably. that it's okay to swap out, if need be. she can do dishes, cook if she wants (burn down the house, if she wants), clean up while you go fix the wiring of the fence, tend to the horses, whatever the fuck she feels the need to do, on top of having to do already.
you would have to remind her, that she just can't do everything all at once. and that's okay. but that's also neither of your faults.
both you and parenthood alike would teach her to .. slow down, take it easy, and to talk.
ellie would have to teach you something similar, believe it or not. your back hurt. your tits wouldn't stop fucking leaking, and ever since you gave birth, you wouldn't stop getting these aching migraines that made your ears ring. you quite literally found yourself bending over backwards, trying to do everything all at once all of the time (sound familiar?), because you knew that it was as much of your job as it was ellie's. you can change the diapers, you can pump the breastmilk, you can clean the house, you can stop him from crying, you can read him books (that he couldn't understand, yet, technically), you could do everything. and theoretically, you could. and you would, until it made you frayed, and unhealthy.
that would be enough to make ellie to step in, put her hand on your shoulder, and advise you in a tone that was about as gentle as it was stern:
hey, let maria take him for a couple of days. you're tense -- i can feel you from across the house.
despite the anxiety and the frustration and the sleep deprivation and the exhaustion, you really would feel grateful to be experiencing this trying time together. there were some patterns characterizing it that were obviously stressful, and anxiety-inducing. but there were some consistencies throughout it that were be sweet, and tender. like, running each other warm baths. sitting – either in the bath, with the other, or on the toilet, or the side of the bath – and talking in low volume, not really out of fear of waking the baby, but just to kind of relish in the pocket of peace that existed between the two of you in that moment. the affection never died between the two of you. you were always snuggling close to each other when it came time for bed. always pressing tender kisses to each other's shoulders, holding each other's hands, circling your thumbs and indexes over each other's engagement rings.
… But!
you know... i'm a whore. so honestly, what really spurred this whole thought, is the fact that .. during parenthood your sex lives would practically be nonexistent. and it's not something that either of you really notice, until one of you explicitly brought it up. raising a child -- especially raising one in an environment that you both worked to keep safe, secured, and comfortable -- is a lot of work.
it wouldn't dawn upon either of you until you both were eating one night at the table - another tradition that you did not forfeit. you managed to dance around the subject due to something entirely tangential, and then it hit you, and you said – out of pure realization, ellie, we haven't had sex in .. like, months.
and just like that, the consequences of at least 98 days of involuntarily celibacy hit you both like a fucking truck.
for you, it came in the form of .. the simple reminder that your soon-to-be-wife is really... really fucking physically flawless. you'd notice this everytime she'd wear short-sleeves, or shirts no sleeves, which was really only.. every once in a while, as jackson got colder, or whenever you both woke up. sometimes you'd find yourself looking at ellie's back profile as she sat upright on the bed, adjacent and turned from you, stretching a big, grand stretch, and you'd feel a specific heat beginning to tickle the insides of your thighs. you found it harder to keep your gazes to yourself as ellie exited the shower, muscles apparent, and glistening. her whole body was littered with scars, and yet she was still so gorgeous. it was hard to believe that even for a second you failed to recall – or be conscious of – the fact that as much of a teddy-bear as she was, you were practically dating a fucking sculpture.
naturally, you would act on your desires first. and frankly, ellie would be so willing to lean into them. 
she'd be lying if she said sometimes she didn't wake feeling a bit restless, and like there was only one thing that soothe her. she craved it, sometimes – your hands, on her. all she needed were some quick rubs against her clit and kisses against her skin to motivate her to get out of bed and feed the animals. and she was so, so fortunate to have a fiancée good enough to her to give her just that.
she dared, shame on her, to forget how good you could make her feel. ellie never really let anyone touch her, before she met you. before she met you, she was honestly convinced a lot of the parts "down there" didn't work. she could hardly achieve making herself cum. it’d take so long. ellie hardly masturbated because she’d get impatient in any ordeal that wasn’t some needy, feral 3am occurrence that left her stirring, sweaty, and overwhelmed. it was a lot of buildup for what she saw as, in the end, very little payoff. and as far as other people making her cum went? well, no one had ever gotten that far. frankly, she didn’t think anyone would get that far.
that was until she met you.
it definitely wasn’t easy. there were a lot of tired wrists and upper biceps, and your jaw did get pretty sore. her pussy was gorgeously messy. but her clit liked to hide sometimes underneath the extra skin. when you found it, you learned that it was usually, extremely sensitive. but you told her that that was okay. you could make that work.
you spent a lot of time learning all of the technicalities. what was too much, what wasn’t enough. what to say to her; how fast to rub her.
it paid off, because about a month into dating, you showed her that it — and frankly, anything — was possible. just takes a little bit of time, and patience, kisses and whispers of affirmation how about how good she feels. how good she’s doing. takes some listening, intently, to what she needs. to what her body needs. 
can feel you twitching. you want my finger right here?
fuck, yeah. right there. just like that, baby -- please don't fuckin' stop.
and once you got good at it (and you got so fucking good at it), ellie couldn’t get enough. she jokes, regularly, that that’s one of the reasons why she’s going to marry you.
ellie's voice in the mornings would breathless and empty. all bostonian accent, rasp, and nothing else. they were vulnerable. whenever she'd let you between her thighs and you placed those kitten licks across her clit transitioning into these longer, learned drags, her moans would break, like glass. her hips would shuffle. sometimes, you’d have to hold her still.
no no, fucking running. it’s okay. just let me. can you let me? can you let me take care of you, baby?
fuck. yes. yes, yes, fuck. s— sorry just – oh, fuck.
it would mostly just be wake-me-ups. but ellie's back would always be arching by the middle of it. she'd find herself gasping, and sighing, and fucking -- against your tongue, against your finger -- and gripping onto whatever, all while mumbling to gods she didn't believe in.
that feels so, so so fucking – g–good.
so fucking good to me; feels so good, babe, thinki'mgonnacum–
ellie's orgasms hit her the same way every time. hard. ridiculously hard. leaving her breathing heavy, and screwing her eyes shut while she grasped at your hand, or your hair. her thighs would tense -- sometimes scramble -- and then collapse, after a while. she became this perfect amalgamation of tinted cheeks, chapped pink lips, messy brown hair, and sticky skin. 
she was such a fucking .. painting. she's so incredible.
the plan, as she wrote it, often was to immediately get out of bed after you made her cum. but oftentimes, she couldn't do anything for the first couple of minutes except lie there, body just a sack of bones and jello. her head would rest instead of pressing into yours, or would nuzzle its way deep into your neck. both occasions a precursor to her finally catching her breath. when she moves her head to kiss you, capturing your lips in something thankful, and sweet, it is almost always grounding for the both of you.
so much better. holy shit, babe.
and that's not to say that ellie would never act on her desires. she was always just a little more calculated.
for ellie, her frustrations would creep up on her in the weirdest ways. it would be.. small things. things that were, actually, probably mutual. watching you wash the dishes, even when you’re not bent in a particularly promiscuous way. watching you cook, even when she wasn't really watching you, 'cause she was keeping the baby busy. but what really did her in was watching how you handled your son. something about seeing you have him on your hip, cooing at him or laughing with him, or playing with him, or smothering his cheek in big kisses that elicited these big, big giggles from him, drove her.. a very, questionable? kind of crazy? it was pure. it was so sweet, and most of the time, it was just that. but you were so, good with him. after so many months, despite all of the struggle, you really did blossom into a beautiful, capable mother, who still held the glow and all of the weight from the pregnancy and just–
ellie would realize how good it all looked on you. she would feel.. really proud.
and it made her feel like you ..  deserved something.
you both remember the first night she’d acted on her desires like it was yesterday. it was on the night that you two had hosted a dinner party for all of your mutual close friends and people who you called family. the dinner was a 3-week-long process of grocery picking, tablecloth finding, invitation designing, and recipe collecting. it honestly stressed you out more than it did ellie because, to be honest, she was kind of just there for moral support. it was your idea, after having had maria over for dinner once. and it was a great idea. but it left you drained – defeated from the final week of preparations, which was especially hectic. when you bathed that night, you bathed alone, a little overstimulated from the day. but you’d let ellie run the bath, though. only because she insisted on doing so. 
the soak cured some of the ache that settled deep into your joints, muscles, and bones.. but not all of it. after you'd set the tub to drain, brushed your teeth, and wrapped a towel around your body, you entered the room with an expected level of silence. you slathered moisturizer on your face, over your arms, over your stretch marks. when it came time to take off your jewlery, the rings – except the prized one – came off easily. but when it came to your necklace, your hands were simply too slippery. you sucked your teeth. you always did this. 
you eventually sighed, filling your lungs to call:
hey, bug. can you come help me take this necklace off, please?
ellie eventually would appear behind you, probably shuffling off of the bed or rounding some corner after changing and becoming into her own definition of comfortable. if she seriously complained, you didn’t hear it. you only felt her, how her hand placed itself on your shoulder just to let you know that she was behind you.
some things never change, move your hair over.
you do as asked, and hang your head. ellie's fingers brush against your skin with a kind of delicacy that makes shivers run down your spine. you lift your eyes, catching ellie's in the mirror before you. yours, heavier than hers.
you watched as she fought a smile, or a smirk. either was a given with her, honestly — in retrospect, it was most likely the latter. you couldn’t really tell, though. she’d dipped her head, eyes fixated on her fingers that fiddled with your necklace clasp.
you did a really nice job on the dinner, tonight.
suddenly, you were the one fighting the smile. you watched her, still.
oh, you like.. completely knocked it out of the park. you did great. it was really, really really nice.
you didnt know if ellie was referring to the food, or the setup, or the wine choices – whichever. but something about the appraisal made your head buzz, like you were coming down off a two glasses of champagne (which.. maybe you were). ellie successfully removed your necklace, and yet didn’t back away. instead, she pressed herself closer to your back, and tilted her head so that she could speak just above the top of your ear,
you looked really nice, too.
been waiting for you to settle down, a bit. so i could tell you.
you probably hummed something in response, something that was probably suggestive but also thankful at the same time. it gets lost, though. because ellie bent down, and placed these slow, unassuming, appreciative kisses down your neck, and against the plateau of your shoulder. between those words and the way her hands lingered over your skin, the way she was breathing you in and drinking up the moment, and your scent, made you melt into her way too easily. like butter in a warm pan.
you exhale, like you've been meaning to for .. you don't even know how long.
you realize though, that the house is quiet. too quiet. there is a stillness to it that makes the pit of your stomach twist, and anxiety and guilt bubble in the base of it before you could even stop it.
...where's our baby?
you felt ellie grin against your shoulder. she masked it with a peck,
he’s at joel’s.
and then you felt her tongue drag across your skin. a long, open-mouthed kiss across the midpoint of your neck. she presses the padding of her tongue against tender flesh, sucks hard enough for blood to make the skin bloom, and almost -- against your own will -- makes your eyes roll shut.
the simple act -- acts rather, of ellie coordinating behind your back to have the baby taken off your hands (you knew it for a few days –  it's always a few days). she thought she was so slick. it was odd, how much relief those three words gave you,
but at the same time, you kind of wanted to be mad at her.
it was hard to, though. but you couldn't think straight, with how her hands were moving over you, over your towel. with her pelvis pressed against your ass, and her lips on your neck.
you tried,
he was fine here. everything was .. fine, ellie.
but she was so..
i never said everything wasn't fine.
i just think... you've had a really long, stressful week.
you hate how your body reacts to ellie's hands smoothing up your towel. your whole body broke out into goosebumps, seemingly trying to fit into the pores of ellie's palm, 
and i think i wanna make it better.
ellie's breath was hot on your ear, and you didn’t realize it, but your head was already tilted. your eyes had begun to flutter closed. you felt yourself, almost swaying against her. your mouth hung as her teeth grazed over sensitive flesh. her tongue pressed against familiar spots that had been untouched -- like the rest of you -- for so, so long. it was too activating.
in your best effort of defense, you spun yourself to turn around to face her. ellie’s head was tilted, her eyes were low. her breath spanned over your mouth while your palm laid flat against her chest. you stalled – shivering, shaking, suddenly caught in a rapture of toiling emotion that you hadn't felt that strongly in .. god knows how long.
her head dipped back into your neck. she pressed her cotton-clad hips against your towel-covered ones, and it just wasn’t enough. it was a lot, and yet, not enough.
your hand snaked over the nape of her neck as you breathed against your cheek, whole body feeling heavy and compliant. your knees were jelly. you could feel your clit. pulsing, and pleading. it ached as you feel ellie's hand slip over the backs of your thighs, inching under the cusps of your ass.
you needed something. you needed anything. you like to think that you had no idea what necessity meant before this moment, because you had never felt it so strongly. it knocked the wind out of you, only leading you to ask – to plead, without pleading,
e... ellie?
and she understood.
ellie’s head lifted from the crook of your neck she crashed her lips upon yours. the kiss was heavy, and deep. your knees buckled, and where you swore you may fall, she made sure you didn’t. you were shuddering, a hand suddenly possessive around the back her neck. her hands suddenly possessive and stabilizing with the grips she held on your ass. months worth of unknown tension relinquished itself in the pushes and pulls you demanded from each other's bodies while teeth clattered and bit into chapped flesh, turned glossy. moans and breaths circumvented between the two of you, and suddenly, the whole room felt like it was on fire.
she delivered a verbal command, teeth tugging at your lower lip as she half-way parted from it, 
you’d used whatever remainder of your energy to follow the simple instruction, your legs wrapping around ellie's waist like she was your lifeline. they remained around her as your back fell against the duvet, and as she kissed you so deep, your head ran dizzy and your body was left no choice but to arch into her.
you remember your hand smoothing over her abdomen, and reaching up to grab her chest. you remember sighing into her mouth over the fact that you could. you relished in the moan she released your mouth, and only returned it halfway. 
you remember gripping her and massaging her and bucking your bare hips up against her in hopes of making her make that noise again, louder. you remember how she bucked her hips into you in hopes of the same sentiment, her waistband grazing against your bair clit cauisng her to succeed far quicker than you. 
the night was filled with mind-blurring, fuck-until-the-sun-rises kind of sex. sex that you had no idea your body had needed until ellie had given it to you. your body reeled with every kiss that she'd placed over your skin – you’d watched as she peeled back your towel, and replaced bits and segments of the fabric with her lips in soft, attentive kisses.  it was hard to believe that they would transpire into messy, sloppy things. wet, tantilizing things that would trek down the axis of your body. that would hold your body hostage as her tongue and her lips worked on your clit to bring you closer and closer to your third orgasm of the hour. 
your body wasn’t used to it. any of it. it was, however, too used to and hyperaware of having a tiny human in the house that you simply couldn’t wake at this time of night.
you were shuffling, at one point, scrambling to put a hand on your mouth, or to bite your own knuckle.  when that didn’t work, you let your head fall over to a pillow while you fucked up against ellie’s tongue and bit the fabric, trying so hard not to moan. but you felt yourself cracking. 
you’ll never forget how ellie looked up at you. eyes a deep, pointed shade of green as she shook her head – mouth still attached to your clit – which in and of itself had almost made you cry. when she pulled away, it was the only time you let yourself make a noise. only because the whine that was ripped out of you was entirely unanticipated, just like her action.
her breath rippled over your the nerves as she ran her fingertip up, and down your hole. you whimpered, hips shifting up relfexivley, cunt tightening just from the invitation. nearly gushing from the feeling of her beginning to small rub circles against it, instead.
i’ve missed you so fucking much.
she dipped a finger inside of you with such ease, and no warning. a long, slender digit bottomed out inside your cunt, before she pushed in another, and made your jaw go slack. her eyes hung on yours – glossed over with lust and a bit narrow as a result of the devious smile that’d begun to overtake her expression.
she’d begun pumping her fingers.
he’s not here, baby.
it’s just us.
her fingers were so fucking long, you swore to god, you would never want a life without them in it. couldn’t bear another 3, 4, 5 months without having them in you. jesus fuck.
wanna hear you. 
wanna hear you be as loud as you fuckin’ want.
ellie emphasized her words by proceeding to fuck you faster. her tongue latched back onto your clit, rolling over and slurping at the nerves, rolling beads of saliva and your juices into and against the bundle. the sound of your cunt was so encompassing, it was hard to believe that it became the backdrop for the moans that ellie had ripped out of you. that made it into, and mostly out of, the pillow, amidst a sea of praise and bucking hips.
the next morning was luxuriuosly unproductive. ellie had only woke to feed the animals and returned to bed and slept with you until noon. she was always affectionate, come mornings. but especially riding off of the honeymoon buzz of the night prior, she made the morning after memorably tender, often pressing kisses to your forehead, and your shoulder, regardless of how awake both you or she was. she’d whisper sweet nothings into your ear, promises of how much she loved you. how she’s really glad this is how she gets to spend her life, as long as it’s with you. all of the sugary things that eventually caramelize into jokes and giggles and laughter, and that how you’d know it was time to get up.
it’s safe to say that parenthood brought you and ellie both very interesting things. it brought you challenges, and it brought you lows. it brought you highs, and photographs, and moments where you did feel like all of your hard-work was paying off, even when it didn’t seem that way. having a family meant having the opportunity to open your house up to people you who you loved. having a family meant having traditions, and things to fall back on – things that you would develop over time, as you learned more and discovered more of what you wanted. and having a family with ellie meant that you could fall back on each other, no matter how tough things got.
.. it also just meant sometimes having really.. really good sex. 
(whenever you remembered that that was something that the two of you could actually do, that is.)
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noeou · 2 years
hello:) this is based off of aces halloween card because he has a line something like saying he has his makeup down and wants to try on us sometime. could you possibly do the first years x reader headcanons of them doing the readers makeup !! i love your crush ones
letting them do your makeup, willingly... or not.
includes: ace trappola, deuce spade, epel felmier, and sebek zigvolt. ( x gn!reader )
next parts: currently unavailable.
contains: fluff! romantic.
sincerely noe ,⠀thank you for your kind words, nonnie! im glad you enjoyed them and will enjoy these just as much :) there is no jack or silver because i can't see them being interested in makeup to that extent, i'm sorry.
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although it may not look like it, ace is a lot better at makeup than you'd think. he's very quick about it as well. 
when you asked him to do your makeup for no particular reason, he was actually excited. spent the whole night looking at different styles that would suit you and practice on himself. yes, he did fall asleep with makeup on his face, doesn't matter.
you first got brunch at sam's, it was (in a way) awkward with ace just staring at your face but what did you expect?
"wow, you brought a lot more than i'd expect."
you stared at your once empty vanity filled with the supplies he brought. you didn't know whether to be flattered at his effort or offended at the fact he thought he'd need this much.
"only the best for the prefect," he mumbled, mind clearly elsewhere.
he worked in silence. it was kind of funny, how close he was to your face yet not once making eye contact with you. the concentration is truly on another level.
it didn't take too long before he stepped away, somewhat proud of his first attempt on your face. 
"that was a lot harder than i thought it'd be." ace sighed, glad to finally rest his arm.
you glared at him for that statement, despite knowing what he truly meant. as much as you wanted to bring up how rude the statement could be interpreted, you noticed something was off. ace was much, much paler than usual, other than his eyes that were darkened.
standing to get a better look at his face, you finally were able to look in the mirror (he wanted you to be surprised so he had you turned away.)
no, you were not met with a monstrosity. three hearts of different sizes were made around your left eye, resembling the single one on ace's. you never would have expected such a thing from the ace trappola, infamous prankster.
a gentle snore interrupted your thoughts; a grin tugging at the corner of your lips, you worked to move him to a more comfortable spot to get some rest.
he learned a lot of what he knows from his mother. to start, he'd catch his mom watching makeup tutorials as background noise while she'd do anything. that's how he was introduced to the art. 
when you asked him to do your makeup, the one he wanted to do immediately came to mind. it was one he was still working on perfecting, it was inspired by one of the characters in a drama his mother frequented; his favorite one (don't tell anyone.)
before getting to work, he watched the first episode with you to show you who the look was inspired by. he kept it on as he worked, not getting distracted for a moment.
"can you look up for me?" deuce requested, gently pulling your chin upward.
"she's actually pretty cool," you hummed, eyes still glued to the screen. "i can see why you chose her as inspiration."
he tapped your nose with the end of the brush in his hands, scoffing at your comment. "i chose her because she's my favorite in the show."
"just like i'm your favorite in this wonderland?"
"you are aware that i can mess your makeup up at any given moment, right?" deuce said, glaring.
"okayokay–" you grinned, "i'll stop."
which you did, until you didn't.
funny enough he finished when the show did. and the show wasn't short. nonetheless, you took so many pictures with and without him. going as far as to fix your hair like hers, just to tease him further. 
"i'm never doing this again." he groaned, falling into a pillow to hide his flushed face. it was his best attempt at tuning out your professions of love in anaccent similar to the character's.
he needed a face to practice makeup on that wasn't plastic in order to complete vil's assignment, leading us to where we are now. 
while he may not be a makeup pro, he could be mistaken for one given how much attention to detail there is in his work. the precision is unmatched among his peers, apple carving was to thank for that. 
he went for a more minimalistic look, if only it didn't sting as much as it did. 
the melody of piano being played in another room made sitting through this easier than it was, humming along to that epel put you through an hour's worth of skincare (not including the time you spent on it the night prior to) before getting to the makeup part. 
an unexplainable joy filled you when there was only lip gloss left on the table, you watched as epel began tidying up his other belongings before finishing the last part.
he quickly dragged his thumb across your lower lip, to check that the chapstick had already been absorbed. the warmth in your face was at first our of shyness at the unexpected gesture, which quickly turned to irritation when your lips began to sting.
"my lips burn, again!" you poked the skin around it, wanting to wipe off the plumper but at the same time not wanting to mess up the hours of progress. 
"don't talk, ya might get some in your mouth." epel said, looking up at you for a brief moment. "i need to take pictures, don't mess it up."
"wasn't planning on it…" after a few more minutes of silence, an idea struck you, "as long as you kiss it better."
taking advantage of the confusion in his face, you quickly pressed a kiss to his cheek. at least you won't be suffering alone.
out of the other, he is definitely the most shy about being able to do makeup. he doesn't keep his knowledge secret, but he doesn't go out of his way to tell people about it either. 
he knows a lot about more traditional styles, finding the modern ones very… silly, if you will. 
given his more tradition preferences, sebek is definitely one to never use products found in stores. he makes his own. and yes, he does use them very often.
over a break, lilia convinced him to take you with them to briar valley. they planned a ball for a reason you can't recall, but it's allowed you to learn more about this side of sebek.
it took him a while to stop being flustered with the amount of skincare and make supplies he's mad. when he did, he most certainly geeked out about it. it was more of like what styles you do when, and techniques. 
"ooh, we match!" you grinned excitedly, looking at your face in the mirror.
you noticed a light shade of pink dust his ears at you observation.
"it's tradition that knights match with their lover at gatherings like these."
“what? really?” you gaped, you’ve truly come a long way.
it was almost like yesterday he was embarrassed to know you exist and now he’s willing to show your relationship to those he’s grown up with.
you pressed a kiss to his cheek before (debatably) skipping off to change.
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onestormeynight · 28 days
Nellie Gets Jealous
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"How was school, honey?" Rosie asked Nellie over dinner. They were still waiting for Robin and Ida to join them.
"Fine, I guess," she said. "I don't really like my classmates. They're dumb. I don't understand why they can't read like I can."
"Everyone has their own strengths, Nel. You come from a very literate household. Not everyone is so lucky."
"It's not like it's hard."
"That's not the tune you were singing when you first started to read."
Nellie rolled her eyes.
"Is there anything you do like about school?"
Nellie was silent, pushing her food around her plate. Rosie let the silence sit; she knew better than to push with Nellie. She'd say it or she wouldn't and no one would make that decision but her.
"I like poetry," she mumbled. "Ida and I went to the school library and got some books. I got a Poe book. She got something stupid like Junie B. Jones or something."
"Well, I'm proud of you for challenging yourself. Poe is not always an easy read. If you're confused about anything, we can go over it together if you want."
She gave a weak smile. "Thanks, Mom. I think I'd like that."
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Ida and Robin walked into the house at that moment. Both were laughing and warm from the early summer sun. They grabbed their plates with barely a hello and continued with their conversation.
"You're a natural, Ida. You can come fishing with me any time you want to as long as your homework is done."
"Thank you! I like taking Costello, too, can he come?!"
"I don't see an issue with that, lovey. He stays quiet so he won't scare the fish."
Ida giggled. "That was so much fun!"
Robin beamed at his daughter, unaware of the glares he was getting from Nellie behind his back. Both were so engrossed in their joy, they didn't see the jealousy boiling over on Nellie.
"I don't see what's so great about hurting innocent fish," She snapped at them. "You're both cruel."
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Robin was taken aback at her outburst. "Nellie! Lots of people fish. I've made some great friends doing so."
"Then you're all cruel."
"Maybe you should come with us next time, Nel. I'd be happy to teach you."
She glared at her plate and stabbed at a meatball. "I don't like to leave the porch," she mumbled. "Granny died because she went outside."
"Okay, honey, that is not what happened to Grandma," Rosie said, touching Nellie's shoulder. "Grandma was old. It was just her time. Death is part of everyone's lives."
"I'm not leaving the house and it's cruel of you to try and make me! It's cruel that you leave me out like this! I hate you!" She pushed her dinner away and ran up the stairs, tears falling from her eyes.
Rosie put a hand over her face while Robin assured Ida she did nothing wrong.
"Go on, eat your dinner, lovey, we'll talk to your sister."
"Don't," Ida said, holding back her own tears. "She doesn't want to talk to you right now."
"Leave her be," Rosie added, patting the chair next to her. "The hurt is too big right now. Let her calm down."
After a few moment, Robin asked "is she really afraid to leave the house?"
"Yes," said Ida. "She's really scared at school. It makes her mean. She's better when she's home."
Rosie really wished her mom was there. This was not something she knew how to coach her daughter through.
((prev)) ((next))
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sam came in with another dumb grin on his face, and told annie that he'd gone over to his sister's place a few days ago and that she'd been in just a robe. he said they sat on the couch to chat and have tea and he could see a good portion of her bush. he said after a minute he pointed it out, and she'd opened her legs to look down at her self and had basically flashed her entire pussy at him. and he went "whoa" and she said, "nothing you haven't seen before," and he said, "that's true," and he said, "do you like that, that you don't feel like you have to cover up for me?" and she said, "yeah it is kind of nice," and took her robe off. and they sat there and visited and had tea while she just sat naked on her couch. annie asked him why he didn't pull out his dick and he laughed and said, "maybe when she comes to my house or something."
then he told annie that he had honestly really enjoyed the conversation they'd had, and that her nudity had helped him be honest and forthright with her and made him feel like he could trust her more.
so annie took off her shirt.
"uh," sam said.
annie unhooked her bra and took it off. "well, you said this makes you feel more honest and forthright, right? so it's probably good for therapy."
"you have amazing tits," he said. "sorry."
"it's fine, i know," annie said.
he looked at her pants, expectantly. annie hadn't planned to take the rest off, but fuck it. she stood up, unhooked her pants, and pulled them and her panties down, and sat back down in her chair on her knees so he could see her bush.
"can i get naked too?" he said.
"of course," annie said.
he stripped down quickly. he had a big dick, which was moderately hard. he gestured apologetically at it.
"it's fine," annie said. "i don't mind."
and then they talked. they talked about his connection to his sister vs. his connection with his parents. they talked about what his sister seemed to have in life and what parts of it he wanted and what parts repelled him. and then their hour was up, which annie demonstrated by pulling her pants and panties back on.
"you're like, very radical in your approach," he said. "i love it."
annie felt pretty proud of herself that evening, and stopped for a solo cocktail and chatted with her father on the phone.
"have you ever fucked a patient?" she asked him. "be honest."
"yeah," he said. "a few of them."
"what were they like?"
"younger women," he said. "when you kids were little and your mom wasn't fucking me that often."
"how young?"
"18, 19."
"hot," annie said.
"it really was."
"did you do them in your office?"
"sometimes. sometimes i went back to their apartments."
"did you continue on as their therapist?"
"yes," he said. "why are you screwing another patient?"
"no," she said. "i got naked for one today."
"why?" he asked.
"a show of intimacy."
"is that why you're always naked around me?"
"yes, plus i'm just hungry for your approval in all ways. including your sexual approval."
"well, I'm not sure how i'd grant you that."
"i could suck you off."
he laughed. "you would, wouldn't you?"
"of course," she said.
"well, you're a very loyal woman. i like that. i don't need you to do that to me but i'm happy to help you feel more approved of in other ways."
"you should touch me more often," annie said. "just more physical affection in general. i think that would fix me, emotionally."
"okay," he said. "i will keep that in mind."
and he did seem to. the next time he visited annie, both in her apartment and in public he put his hands on her a lot. the small of her back, her ass, her hand, her wrist, her face. after he left, annie eagerly fucked robbie's brains out.
that evening, still buzzing and horny, she went to dinner with richard. lately she'd been meeting him at his office for "sessions" which she was no longer even charging him for. they were visits, social calls, really, and they'd sit in his office and chat for an hour or more.
tonight, after a lovely, boozy dinner, they went back to richard's apartment and had a very wild fuck. richard drunkenly told annie he wanted to fuck a baby into her, and she begged him to cum inside her, which he did.
"would you really want to get me pregnant?" annie asked him after.
"well, i don't want more children. but i do think you'd look very sexy pregnant," he said.
"i agree," she said. "you know who else would look good pregnant? sophie."
"i am not ready to be a grandfather, but i agree," he said. instinctively, he started playing with annie's pubic hair. "my two hairy women."
"how is sophie's bush looking these days?"
"not sure," he said. "you can ask her."
annie called sophie on facetime. it was 7am in france, and she answered from her bed.
"morning," she said. "what are you two up to?"
"just having a nice evening," annie said. "i was asking your dad about your bush and he said he didn't know how it looked lately."
"oh, i have been remiss," she said. she turned her phone camera to the other side and moved her blankets and pulled her panties down. annie and richard looked at her full mound of dark pubic hair. "very full right now."
"gorgeous" annie said.
"and you?" sophie asked.
annie turned the camera around and moved the blankets, giving sophie a view of her bush and of richard's cock. annie instinctively began to stroke richard with her free hand.
"ooh, are you gonna make him cum for me?" sophie asked. richard chuckled.
"of course," annie said. she handed richard the phone and went down on him.
"well, this is new," richard said, holding the phone-- annie gathered that sophie had reversed the camera again so her father could see her face, but she could see his cock in annie's mouth, because he said, "it's nice to see your face."
"it's nice to see your cock being taken care of," sophie said. "plus you don't want to see what i'm doing now."
richard was very hard. annie was doing her most visually appealing work for sophie, licking his shaft, sucking his balls, spitting on him.
"annie you are so fucking good," sophie said, loudly so annie could hear. then she said, quieter, "are you gonna cum for me, daddy?"
when richard started to shoot his cum on annie's tongue, she moved her mouth to show as much of it as she could. she spit his cum back onto his shaft and then licked it up, and then repeated the process.
"oh god!" sophie gasped. "fuck!"
richard turned the phone to show annie that sophie had reversed the camera again and was showing herself frantically rubbing her clit.
"daddy?" sophie called.
"yes honey," he said softly.
"i'm fucking cumming."
"good girl," he told her.
"oh my GOD," she said. her phone dropped into her bed for a moment. they could hear her breathing. "that was the best orgasm i have had since i got back," she said.
a few days later when annie saw richard again, he told her that sophie had called twice now to do a repeat performance for him. not asking to see anything, just asking if he'd watch her jerk off.
"how do you like it?" she asked.
"it makes me feel very powerful," he said. "but also, my god does her pussy look like her mother's."
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tethrras · 3 months
rambling about kara and leandra under the cut because i'm crazy and need to sort out my thoughts
i think kara's relationship w leandra is one she never gets closure with and neither is carver's death. from her early teen years kara started rebelling because she knew malcolm loved beth more and knew leandra loved the twins more and even tho she'd tried to help them growing up she just got sooo jealous and eventually was like ok fuck this fuck you all. and she was really troublesome and got into a lot of shit and fucked off all the time and tried sleeping around from such an early age to feel SOMETHING and then one day beth got genuinely hurt while kara was around and kara was like oh seeing the kids hurt is terrible actually. and then she became their protector again and more Passionately this time but she still didn't want leandra to think she was doing it bc leandra wanted her to. she sort of felt like she was the thing that had ruined her parents' entire life and she felt like she could Never be good enough so she was like well i'm not even gonna care and i'm not even gonna try fuck you no matter what mom no i'm not gonna make you running away from the circle worth it dad. WHATEVER. <3
that was what made her very anti-authority like....... even if beth wasn't a mage and she didn't have to protect her from templars she'd still say fuck the templars because she believes in freedom above all else. even if mages can turn into abominations she's like well let them make the choices that lead them there, outside pressure is not going to help them, it just makes things worse, etc etc, no i'm not projecting at all what are you talking about. ironically she had a better childhood than most people because the truth is leandra and malcolm were not very strict with her at all, they just wanted her to take care of the twins and whenever she fucked up it just contributed to that belief that she was the biggest fuck up in the world. and then she was like well if i don't care whether other people think i fuck up then i probs won't feel like i fucked up. so her own moral standard adjusted to what SHE thinks is right or wrong and not anyone else.
i think she lashes out at leandra for bringing up carver even without making it sound like hawke's fault bc kara does feel deep down that she DID fail but that realization is so painful that it would cripple her and depress her and make her fall into a hole so deep she wouldn't be able to crawl out of it. but at the same time kara fucking hates gamlen and hates how he treats all of them. so poor leandra gets this whiplash of kara standing up for her and being like idk how he could treat you like that you're his SISTER does that not MATTER and then leandra's like i miss carver </3 and kara's like jesus fucking christ mom shut up about carver. i think with more stability and ironically beth being with the wardens takes a lot of ease off hawke and leandra's relationship and they end up getting a tiny tiny bit closer btwn acts 1 and 2 and kara's like oh yeah i don't actually hate my mom and she's pretty cool when she's not making me feel like shit. and even then leandra doesn't know enough about her life anymore to comment so they actually get in a good place and they're sharing their lives with each other and eating dinner together. and then leandra goes and dies <3 and then Instantly kara's like fuck i was such an idiot i'm her daughter i'm supposed to make her proud and i didn't even try. she still saw leandra as that authority figure even when she was the one who needed the MOST care, more than bethany and carver ever did, and she hates herself for it very deeply and then whenever she talks about it she blames leandra and is like yeah my mom was a bitch lol to cover up her feelings. it's easier to feel guilty about speaking ill of the dead than admitting you're the reason they're dead in the first place
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ambalambs · 7 months
You mentioned Miko's mom. Tell me more. What is she like? How is their relationship? How did she come to adopt him? Tell me all about her!
Okie dokie lets try this again lol gonna cross my fingers and hope the readmore doesn't break this time too
Hmm what can I say about miko's adopted mom. She's a hyur, mother of two (three with miko), married to a farmer. She's the classic farmers wife lol excellent cook and home maker and pro at keeping her crazy kids in line. And her son may be the wol but she has a skillet and she's not afraid to use it lol she's definitely the one who had the final say in keeping miko. She's basically that meme of "I've only had miko for a day but if anything were to happen to him I would kill everyone in this room including myself" lol she just really loves her smol miqo'te son.
His family adopted him when he was very young (still not 100% on his exact age cuz what even are ages in xiv but he was at least younger than 10) it was right after his village had been razed and he had been alone wandering around in the woods at night in the cold cuz it was the dead of winter and snowing. He took refuge in their barn and they noticed him sneaking in there and just kinda kept him lol I could go into deeper detail on all that but I won't do that here or risk putting a whole fanfic in this answer lol but miko was immediately very loved by her and her husband and their kids. She reminded him a lot of his real mom with just how warm and caring she was that it helped sort of ease the pain and fill the void of losing his real mom so recently. She also has a family history in music so she had a lot of instruments miko had never even heard or seen before. Miko's real mom could sing but she never played instruments so that was something new and exciting for him that his new mom could teach him.
Which just a little snippet of info on his real mom since sometimes I mention her but don't specify which mom im talking about and this seems like a good spot to talk a little about her too lol. But basically miko was super close to his real mom. He was basically the only little boy in his village at the time and had the echo so the other kids thought he was wierd so he was lonely a lot. But his mom would bring him along when she'd gather herbs and theyd pick flowers and he'd always try to find some feathers so when theyd come back home to the village she could braid them into his hair. She was very good at singing so theyd sing together or she'd sing him lots of lullabies. She was just very strong and loving and beautiful and kept him from getting too disheartened by the other kids.
But as for miko's relationship with his adopted mom now its very good! She worries about him a lot with the whole being the wol thing but he writes to her and tells her all about his adventures when he can. Most of his letters he sends home are addressed to her, always assuming she'll read them to the rest of the family anyway lol but he does try to omit the more darker parts of his journey but a mother always knows. She misses him a lot tho and does sometimes wish he had stayed to work on the farm instead of running off to be an adventurer or that he was able to visit more often but she's very proud of him for all he's done regardless. She is just one tough lady tho for having raised her own kids AND a hyperactive teenaged miqo'te boy lol tbh she, and the family of course, are most likely the reason miko managed to grow up still being good, compassionate, and silly instead of becoming cold with revenge in his heart for what he had lost as a child. So honestly she did a pretty good job raising the boy I think 👍
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imunbreakabledude · 15 days
a smattering of maeveannie concepts...
i was thinking about my post the other night where i talked about how i have trouble imagining maeveannie in a more long term relationship, or outside of a big plot arc that tracks similarly to the plot of the show (i.e. fighting homelander/vought together).
it remains nigh impossible for me to picture an AU where they're totally outside of this context, because... the fact that they are the heroes Queen Maeve and Starlight, and Maeve having been a precursor/idol for Annie, feel like such key parts of their dynamic, that if you take that away, they feel like different characters to me.
i still was trying to imagine a version where they meet "outside" of that. like in their off duty time blowing off some steam they both just wanna fuck some women and meet just as maeve and annie, even tho they still ARE supes. this is tough, though, because if their age/positioning is still kept, presumably annie would at least know who maeve is, and maeve wouldn't be able to have much of a casual private life if she's already famous. but maaaaybe an AU where like, queen maeve has some top secret inner circle or club where she has a selection of women who are pre-vetted for secrecy brought to her for trysts. and annie is selected and they hook up and annie's not too famous at this point like maybe christian supe fans/midwesterners know her but the majority of the population would not recognize her outside of costume (or even in costume). so maeve fucks her and has no idea she's a supe, like maeve is so used to holding back her strength when fuckin normies that she doesn't even necessarily feel a difference w annie (also she's probably drunk+high as fuck). but imagine her SURPRISE when annie joins the seven just a few weeks/months later......!
ok. that's one.
I also have been thinking about the notion of an AU where Maeve never got with Elena, because as I wrote about before, that relationship is so important to me (emotionally) but also to my conception of Maeve that in any maeveannie AU i am always thinking about like - well, where's elena, why is maeve not still hung up on her? and I've already written versions where maeve just Moves On (or Elena moves on lol). but for the sake of imagining it, what WOULD an AU where Maeve never met Elena look like...? I mean. I think she'd still have some hookups w women on the DL but possibly have even more fear/shame around queerness... like the idea of maeve and annie somehow getting together if NEITHER of them has ever done a real Relatinoship with a woman before, it's... well it's different. harder to picture
that could maybe overlap, though, with an idea i had like YEARS ago, mainly for shitpost's sake....
imagine an AU where annie beats maeve to coming out. like they're both in the seven and annie is closeted but aware she is queer and has been for some time, but hasn't come out due to pressure from her mom/her religious branding. but maybe she decides to come out publicly in her big speech at the believe expo. and it's still huge fallout with her community and w vought yeah just like in the show. but then there's also maeve quietly FURIOUS because like. how dare she. how DARE the new girl beat her to the punch, not like she was ever PLANNING to come out while in the seven, but still, if anyone was GOING to, it should be HER, and also this new girl deciding to be "open" about it after like a month in the group makes maeve feel like she's done something wrong by hiding it, like she's not brave or liberated enough or whatever.... this could very easily spiral into your classic "closeted bully picks on out and proud hero until one day shoving turns into violent kissing" AU lmao. but if i were to actually write it i'd want to give it a lil more depth than that. but also yeah this DOES intrigue me a bit as I've written annie's queerness different ways before (the 'oh i never thought about it too much before but yeah I guess I do like women!' bi vibe, as well as the 'ohhh deep down i knew for a long time but compulsory heterosexuality stopped me from realizing it' lesbian vibe), both times w maeve being the 'one' that makes her realize/accept it. and even though that seems the most INTUITIVE way to go about it, given that maeve is the Canon Queer character and annie is not... on the other hand, by their respective personalities and positions in the universe, it is fun and kind of makes sense to imagine that annie, coming of age half-a-generation later, at a time when LGTBTQ acceptance and visibility was rapidly increasing, would hypothetically come to accept her queerness at a younger age... and not only that, but with her personality being a lot more unapologetic/righteous/making a "stand" about things than maeve, i do think an annie who KNOWS she is queer would probably want to be out within her supe persona and be that Representation for others. Additionally, coming in as the 2nd woman in the seven, she's not already bearing the weight of that "first" so it might feel mentally easier to take on the "first queer" label... yeah, this concept intrigues me, even if it feels a bit unusual at first.
alsooooo in the "annie comes out" AU you just have to imagine madelyn's reaction like she defo knows about Maeve of course she does and has subtly pressured her to stay in the closet over the years so she's like fuck now i have TWO of them and also Fuck bc she surely picked the christian virgin-ass girl thinking "this is one girl that Maeve surely won't have a Thing with" and then realizes not only does she have to deal with an unplanned queer hero but also will have to deal with maeve having an emotional meltdown about her own identity + an emotional meltdown from surely falling in love with this girl lolol
(that angle ALSO appeals to me because previously in maeveannie fics i've had, madelyn hasn't had much relevance. and I loveeeeee writing about madelyn in relation to maeve, yall know that, but even tho her dynamic with annie is less Vitally important, I still think it's soooooo interesting, particularly how she could be positioned between the two of them, how annie can more naturally/easily see Madelyn as an enemy/obstacle, whereas for Maeve it's.... COMPLICATED, and yeah, now i'm imagining this AU where madelyn is trying to puppeteer/manipulate both annie and maeve in different ways at once, in a very gay very Women™ version of how she puppeteers maeve & homelander simultaneously in [my vision of] the canon universe....!)
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marinerainbow · 1 year
My OC's as parents
🦋Betty Locera🦋
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Betty was raised in a big, loving household. So she has zero qualms showering her daughter Flower (@marshmallow-biscuit-blog's OC) with love. But her mother also made sure she and all of her siblings grew up with thick skin, and Betty wants the same for Flower too.
She doesn't berate Flower or anything like that, and she knows that not all kids can be raised the same way. But Betty does try to teach Flower how to take jokes and how to handle rough housing- especially from her cousins. She also tries to teach her how to stick up for herself and love herself no matter what.
Betty also doesn't have any issues with kids doing housework. So Flower, or any other siblings she may have, will never be bored "Ma, there's nothing to do." "Oh there ain't? Why don't 'ya help me with tilling the garden then?"
Betty is not afraid to punish her kid(s). As a first-time mother, she was a little unsure, but got the hang of it soon enough. She'll grab her kid by the ear if they're throwing a fit in the store, she'll assign extra chores or ground Flower if she did something bad, it all depends on what the crime was.
On a final, kind of sad note. I'm considering giving Betty fertility issues. She wouldn't have found out until after she and her partner started trying to have kids, so Flower wasn't adopted because of that. Betty does still have a child in one of my ship timeliness for her, but it took a lot of time and she would have almost given up.
🔎Detective Sketch 🔎
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Sketch honestly never planned on being a parent. They were never interested in finding anyone to start a family, and they didn't lead a kid friendly life. So when Rooty (@marshmallow-biscuit-blog's OC) came into their life as their daughter, they were not prepared.
Sure, Rooty had been following them around before, and they had started to warm up to the kid and grew concerned for her... But that was completely different than having her live under their care! But they for damn sure weren't going to turn Rooty away. So guess who picked up parenting books?
Sketch does try their best, but they are constantly stressed and questioning if what they did that day was right. They try to keep a calm exterior so Rooty doesn't get scared by their uncertainty, but a lot of the times they slip up.
They do have trouble showing affection. Both because they didn't have their own parents around, and they're just not that kind of person. But Rooty and any other kid they might have is one of the few exceptions, so they try for her. Even if they do still struggle with it.
Partly because they are unsure of themselves and partly because they know how dangerous people can be, Sketch is a little overprotective. They won't fret over her if she scrapped her knee, but the first time Rooty and Mugs started dating, they did keep a close eye on things.
It'll take them a long time to fully get the hang of things. And there will be some things that they screw up. But they do their best to make sure Rooty knows she is loved.
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(I was having a hard time finding a mom gif for Prism. So please accept this sea otter mom and her pup)
Prism is a very loving person, and she had a good example growing up with Owl, so she's not afraid of having kids. She actually looks forward to one day starting her own family.
She'd be the most excited about being mom, I think. Like she'd view morning sickness as a happy thing despite how nauseated she or her partner would get. Though it doesn't distract her from any of her concerns.
Prism also goes to Owl for help or answers to any questions she'd have since he raised her. Which he is more than happy to help with raising his grandchildren.
Prism might be a little hesitant to teach her children how to fight, simply because she doesn't want them to get hurt. But if her children wanted to, she would be happy to teach them what she knew of combat. If any of them wanted to be a guardian like her, Prism would be so proud, but also scared for them. Especially if Wizeman is still I'm power during this time.
She might also struggle a bit when the kids reach their teen years. Prism is a little naive, and she wouldn't expect all the moodiness and new struggles that come with the territory. But she'll still love her children all the same, and will do her best to be there for them.
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Poppy does want a family someday. However she is also really scared of messing up too. She knows that she's not in a great position right now, and she wants to try to move someplace safer before trying. So Poppy would try to have a planned parenthood.
If things go according to plan, Poppy is more calm and collected. Though if this was a surprise, then she will be worrying and stressed the entire time. Especially if she was a single mother.
Poppy is terrified of her children getting hurt. Especially by her hand. So for the first few years, she'd be very fretful of them; staying awake at night in case they cry for her, baby proofing the house like there's no tomorrow, and even bringing a first aid kit on outings.
She's also scared of being too harsh on her kids. But that doesn't mean she let's her kids have free reign. Poppy would try to teach her children rather than yell or use punishments. Like if they got into a fight with another kid, "You wouldn't want your toy taken from you, right?" "Right." "Do you think they liked it when you took theirs then?" "... No." "Exactly. Now, what should you do?" "Return it?" "And apologize."
I think out of everyone here, Poppy would take it the hardest if her kids went into asshole phases. Especially if they lash out at her and say things like how they hate her. She'd give them space if they did so, both for their sake and her own in all honesty. Though she wouldn't want them to know how badly it hurts her.
On a happier note, Poppy would also probably be the more helpful parent when they start dating. She'd make absolutely sure that they don't think that their worth is tied to how many partners they may have, and would give the best advice she could if they went through a breakup.
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desnas · 1 year
△ Taro, if you could bring back your moms and tell them one thing each, what would it be?
from this ask prompt!
invasiveness: 7/10. taro really is an open book about most things, though this is just... difficult for them to talk about!
The commander's bright eyes are on you for a moment before they fall to the floor immediately. "Oh... ah, well..." A smile plays on their lips, but it melts away, replaced by a quiet kind of melancholy.
The grief has never been easy, but there is a difference, Taro thinks, to offering memorial and respects, to cling to the fond and beautiful memories before their two mothers were taken from them. It is less... complex and more instinctive.
He doesn't have to linger on all the why's and the what's. He wants them back in his life, and he knows that like he knows the Mwangi Expanse-- truly and deeply. But... this... "One thing each," He parrots your words, hunching over in thought. "What would I tell them?"
Well, it's clear by Taro's deflating disposition that traversing into this territory of thought is... especially painful. "So many things. You expect me to decide? Tch." A laugh, to break their own tension. "Very well, then."
They resolve, their face softening with joy. Perhaps it would be wise start with their Bonuwat mother. "My human mama-- her name is Ngozi. She was a very serious woman." They giggle. "I suppose I would tell her thank you-- for balancing a life of adventure and excitement with ... stability."
Taro straightens a bit. She seems to have found the words she was looking for. "My upbringing was all the right kinds of chaotic, but... she always knew when it was too much for me." The commander nods at you, as if to provide affirmation to herself. "She always knew how to ground me. Taught me patience and self-control. I have carried it with me, the entire way. When the world around me becomes too loud, I think of her words. Her presence... calming me."
Blinking slowly, the half-elf looks up, now speaking to someone else-- someone incorporeal and far away. "Thank you for being my rock in such a wild world."
There's a long pause, Taro's posture tightening as they lower their head. "Imana." They say it with finality, and though the ease they once possessed has dimmed, there is still a fondness in their words. "I want to forgive her someday, for not telling mama and I.... about..."
A sharp inhale.
"About the curse. I wish I could ask her why she'd lied to us, but a part of me already knows. I know because I am more like her than I am my mama, in many ways." They swallow dryly, smile fading. "It's still hard to forgive her, but never for a moment have I stopped fiercely loving my elven mother. Such a vibrant woman full of life. That's all she wanted, at the end of the day-- to make the world a bit more colorful and beautiful."
Taro chews at their lip, tears springing to their eyes. "I miss them both ardently. I hope they are proud of me."
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rednite-dork · 1 year
Ooh i'm sorry but I have to add multiple because I'm really curious!! 2, 8, 13, 17, 23, 30 !!
I don't mind the multiples!! I'm glad u want to hear more about my MC!! 🥰
2. Were they a hatstall or easily sorted?
Answered here ❤
8. Quidditch role and/or favorite broom.
This bad boy right here.
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Ember Dash Broom. Because of never been in a Quidditch match before, Susan's not that interested in Quidditch so she's not part of a team.
Though, if she must choose a role, she probably would choose to be a seeker. She likes to go fast.
13. Favorite spell/potion/beast?
She likes to use Disillusionment and Confringo because of how good they are in combat and in exploration.
Disillusionment is useful for any kind of situation when you need to avoid enemies in her adventures, or annoying students who want your attention, or teachers who want to give you extra assignments. But mostly she uses it to not get caught for looting.
Confringo is explosive as it is precise, so that's why it's Susan's favorite spell. Susan likes to combat in long distance range, and this spell enables that for her.
Susan doesn't have a favorite potion, and she rarely uses anything else except Wiggenweld potion when needed. She might feel a bit wary of using other potions as well.
Her favorite beast has to be a Hippogriff. They're proud and majestic creatures, and they're also very loyal - something that Susan admires in other people as well. It was easy for her to gain Highwing's trust, and they quickly developed having a mutual respect for each other.
17. Tell me about your MC's family. Do they have parents? Siblings? Cousins? What's their relationship with them like?
Answered here ❤
23. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
She got a doll as a gift from her mom's side of family when she was born. She carried it around for most of her childhood, and slept with it until she no longer was interested in it at the age of 12 and she stored it away, to collect dust. It had become quite cursed-looking thing by then and despite its looks, Susan still wants to keep it in her possession, unwilling to throw it away at any circumstances.
30. What does your MC see in the Mirror of Erised?
Hmmm... In the events of Hogwarts Legacy, I'd think she'd see her father, smiling and interacting with her the way he did before she went to Hogwarts. She was really hurt by her father's actions as she left, and despite holding a grudge, sometimes she wishes she could go back in time before she got her magic, just because of how simple those times were.
Hogwarts Legacy MC Ask Game
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year
i know you didn’t rb it, but i wanted to send you some fanfic writer asks anyway (if you want to do them!!) how about - 3, 4, 18, 19? 💖
AWWW this is so sweet thank you!! of course!!! <3
3. what’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
i feel like it would be a lie to say anything other than my genderfluid gene fanfiction just bcuz i spent a ridiculous amount of time on it and still reread it somewhat frequently lol but other than that im also proud of the fanfiction i wrote abt bob's mom and her death :) very interesting themes to explore and i liked writing the childhood flashbacks
4. how many wips do you have right now?
there are so many i couldn't even count them all probably at least 30+ but for fanfictions im actively working on or TRYING to work on uhh maybe like 5 or 6 depends on the day. always starting new ideas
18. what’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
i definitely dont remember every line of dialogue ive ever written so i might be forgetting something but i really like linda talking to louise abt consent as a toddler ("Louise, I promise that we will NEVER try to steal your bunny ears, or tell you to take them off and not give them back to you afterwards. Not ever. We know that you love your bunny ears, and I made 'em special for you. Even if you're the baddest, meanest girl in the whole world, those bunny ears belong to you. They'll always be yours. Nobody is ever allowed to take them off without your permission, except for you. Not even Mommy or Daddy is allowed to do that.") and tina telling zeke that she'll always be there for him ("I'll be here for you no matter how scary it gets," Tina whispered.)
19. give us a small teaser from one of your wips
not sure if this counts as small but it doesn't make sense without the full context i dont think?? not even sure if im ever going to finish this one but its cute. it isnt from my tina x jimmy jr childhood friends to lovers fanfic btw this is just a silly sleepover fic i was writing
Jimmy Junior looked at Tina as she talked. She was wearing purple horse pajamas and he thought that they looked cool. "Do you want me to paint your nails?"
He had to have zoned out of their conversation, because he had no idea what was going on but Zeke was looking at Tina like everything she was saying made perfect sense. He had a goofy smile.
"Hell yeah! I want you use black for mine, and give 'em red and orange flames comin' off my fingers. That'll look cool as hell."
"What about you, Jimmy Junior?" Tina asked.
Tina was never cruel to him. She'd never teased him for his lisp or said that his dancing was stupid and annoying, even when they were fighting and she had every reason to be insulting to him. He wasn't always an amazing friend to her and he hadn't said enough how much he appreciated that she'd been there for him since preschool. They'd grown up together. Tina had been around when his younger brothers were born, and when his parents got their divorce finalized and he couldn't stop crying during school. They'd played together on the playground and shared their first kiss at her thirteenth birthday party, and through everything Jimmy Junior always knew that Tina loved him and had a good heart. Better than his.
He still couldn't help but pause for a second and try to figure out if she was trying to embarrass him or make a mockery of him somehow. Nobody had ever asked to paint his nails before, and he'd honestly considered makeup something that was completely forbidden. It was condemned only to his mother's bathroom cabinet and taken out when she was going on a date with somebody she wanted to impress. He wasn't ALLOWED to wear makeup.
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Tig's Daughter, Chapter 2
Word Count:  2.1k
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Alex’s POV
"Is it bad that I sort of remember this place?" 
Dad smiled at me as I got out of the car. He ran to my side and grabbed my backpack, "dad I only have one bag. I can get it."
"That's bullshit that your mother threw away all of your stuff when you were at work," he growled, "I'll have the prospect or Gemma take you shopping. You're gonna need clothes for school when it starts up next month."
"Yeah," he laughed, "don't tell me you thought I was gonna let you off scott free when it came to that."
"You didn't graduate," I began, "hell neither did Fawn."
"Yeah," he sighed, "but you are going to go to school. And you are going to graduate. I want you to have a better life than I have."
"Your life doesn't look so bad."
"Tig, thank god your back," a younger guy said, running up to him, "Clay's telling me there's a beamer that's coming in."
"Fucking deal with it then, prospect," dad growled at him, "I'm off today. I brought my kid home."
"Your kid?"
"Yeah," he scoffed, "people have them sometimes. It's a result of fucking without a condom."
"Sorry kiddo," he sighed, sparing me a glance. Then he turned to the prospect once more, "see, you got me swearing in front of my kid, half-sack. GO TO WORK!"
As he ran away, dad turned back to me, "who was that?"
"The prospect?" he asked, "name's half-sack."
"What's his real name?"
"Well, I think you scared Kip," I said, pointing into the garage. He was asking another guy about something, and it looked like he was annoying him just as much, “poor guy looks scared half to death.”
"He's still getting his bearings," dad shrugged, "he's only been here a month and a half.  But he’s alright.  Veteran…served in Iraq.  We’re not scaring him, trust me."
"And you guys are already putting him to work in the garage?"
He shrugged, "not my call."
Then he turned around, and we were facing the clubhouse.
"Is this where we're staying?"
"Yeah," he nodded, "at least until I can find us a place. When your mom left me, she forced me to sell the house. It was in both of our names. Been living in the dorms ever since."
"Well, that's kind of depressing."
"Hey, we take what we can get," he shrugged, "I didn't have you...or your sisters...and that day when Missy died...I didn't have anything left."
I sighed, knowing that was all too true.
When mom walked out on dad, she'd pretty much taken any asset he'd had. Part of me always believed that if Missy hadn't been shot that day, she would have tried to take her too, just to spite my dad.
"So do you want the tour, kiddo?"
I nodded, "sure."
He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and led me into the clubhouse. It still looked as big as I'd remembered it. When we walked inside, I noticed a few women hanging around the bar or cleaning up. Dead ahead was a room with a big table.
Out walked two guys. A heavy-set guy with a full beard, and a taller, more brute looking man with white hair.
"Clay, Bobby, this is my kid."
Dad sounded almost proud when he said that, pushing me ahead of himself slightly.
The heavy-set man was first to come up. He wrapped me up in a hug, "Oh kiddo, you've grown so much since I last saw you. Tig, she's gotten so big.  How long has it been?  Ten, no, eleven years?"
"Do I know you?"
"Elvis," he smiled, holding himself out to me, “Bobby Elvis, babydoll.”
My eyes went wide.  I remembered him.  He was the man who would always act like he was Elvis Presley.
"That's right," he smiled, imitating Elvis. I laughed and hugged him again, "thank you. Thank you very much."
"Oh my god," I exclaimed, "I'm sorry I didn't recognize you!"
"It's fine doll," he laughed, "you were probably five or six the last time I saw you."
"OH MY GOD, ALEXIS!" a woman's voice yelled, "TIGGER IS THIS REALLY HER?"
I turned, but just quick enough that the woman in front of me didn't bowl me over. She wrapped me up in the tightest hug I'd ever felt. Closing my eyes, I relaxed into her scent.  It was one that I couldn’t forget.  I felt myself sliding into the comfort and familiarity of her. 
I smiled and held the woman who'd been like a real mother to me for the first six years of my life, "Gemma."
She let me go just long enough to bring a hand to her mouth, "oh baby, you've grown so much. You're such a beautiful young lady."
"I missed you, Gem."
She pulled me back into a second hug and she began to pet my hair, "oh baby, I'm never letting that evil woman tear you away from us again. Even if it means putting a bullet in her, myself."
"Feel free," I laughed, “I won’t stop you.”
She let go of me and I turned to the white-haired man. The president of the club.
He tried to act like it was no big deal, and he held a hand out to me.
"Good to see you."
"Oh, who you kidding," he laughed, pulling me into a hug as well. My façade broke as the man who was my best friend as a kid practically lifted me off the ground, "it's been too long kiddo.  You’ve been far too far from home.”"
"I know."
"You're home now though," Gemma smiled once Clay had finally let me go, "and that's all that matters. Come on sweetie, let me show you to the dorms so you can put your stuff down. We'll send the prospect out to the car to get the rest of your stuff."
"Oh, I uh, only have a backpack." I said, gesturing to my dad, who was still holding it, "I don't have much.  My mom threw out most of my stuff when I was working a double at the diner."
"Well that just won't do," she frowned, her hand reaching out to stroke my cheek, "you're seventeen sweetheart, you need to have options.  You’re a growing young lady."
"Just not too many options," dad said as Gemma grabbed my hand and started leading me out of the clubhouse, "GEMMA SHE'S ONLY SEVENTEEN!"
"Forget what your dad says," Gemma smiled as she used the keyless entry to her car, "we're going shopping and I'm spoiling the hell out of you baby." 
"I'm not seventeen."
"What?" dad asked, "yes you are. You're seventeen. You were born-"
"Dad...I'm eighteen."
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"You know, I'm glad that bitch finally gave you back to your father."
"I’m glad I’m not the only one.”
"What do you mean, sweetheart?"
"Dad says that mom couldn't have been all that bad," I shrugged, "but he doesn't know what it was like living with her. He wasn't there when she forgot my birthday. He wasn't there when I learned how to ride a bike because my downstairs neighbors taught me. Wasn't there when mom pulled me out of school-"
"Your mom pulled you out of school?"
"Last year," I nodded, "she tried forcing me to go down with the corner with her, but once I told a neighbor, she got me a job under the table at a diner down the street. I got myself a fake ID and everything and started working a second job she didn't know about. Stashed some money away so that I could disappear when I turned 18."
I looked up at Gemma, putting my phone in my lap. She genuinely looked shocked at what I was telling her.
"Baby, that's not okay."
"I'm fine," I admitted, "Dad tried to keep in touch. I remember he would call, and mom wouldn't let him talk to me. She'd just scream about money...and he'd tried to visit a few times...but he always sent me a birthday gift.  I knew he didn’t forget about me, and it made things a little more…bearable."
She looked sad as she focused back on the road.  We didn't say another word until we pulled back into TM. When we got out, she ordered the prospect to get my bags.
She truly had bought me a lot, saying that dad would foot the bill later.  But part of me knew she wouldn't give dad the bill.  He looked like he was barely making it by as it was.
I mean, I know mom took everything from him, but it didn't seem like he ever stopped giving what he had left to me.  As I walked into the clubhouse yet again, I saw dad sitting at the bar talking to Clay.
I ran up and wrapped my arms around him.  He turned partially in his seat and smiled when he realized it was me.
"So we got the rest of the day together," he smiled, "been talking with the guys. They're gonna let us spend some time together. Only thing I got going on is church tomorrow evening."
"Church?" I laughed, "when did you become religious."
"It's what we call our little get togethers," Clay laughed, taking a swig of his beer, "We just have to get together and vote on some things."
"Oh," I laughed, "I was gonna say, dad was never religious."
"They're religious about their bikes," Gemma laughed, putting an arm around Clay. They greeted one another with a kiss, and she turned back to me, "did you wanna go back out with me? I have to run a few more errands so I can do dinner tomorrow night. You're coming to that, right?"
"Let Tiggy spend some time with his little girl," Clay laughed, wrapping an arm around Gemma and pulling her close, "who knows how long she'll still wanna spend time with her old man."
Just then a loud noise broke us from our conversation.
"What the hell was that?"
"Guys, you gotta see this!" Half sack said, running into the clubhouse, "something just exploded."
We all followed him outside.
It looked like it was a bit further out, but the noise was getting louder, and a second, even bigger explosion went off.
"Holy shit!"
"Oh my god."
I looked back to my dad, but he was already looking to Clay.
"That ours?"
"Shit," Clay hissed, nodding towards my dad, "call the boys. We've gotta get everyone here. NOW!"
Without another word, dad pulled out his cell phone and began dialling up numbers.
"What's going on, Gemma?"
"Looks like you're stuck with me, sweetheart," she sighed, "let's go back in and get you unpacked. Your dad's gonna be busy for quite a while."
"But wha-"
But I was cut off by a third explosion developing from the area.  She sighed as she turned me around and led me back into the clubhouse like this was some everyday occurrence.
"Is this normal?"
"Well not that, exactly," she sighed as we walked back towards the dorms, "but there's always something going on in this town."
"I'd expect an explosion in Oakland, but not here," I admitted, “That’s crazy.”
Gemma shrugged, opening a door at the end of the hall.  Walking in, I took note of what Gemma had already done to make it more acceptable for a teenage girl.
The bags were haphazardly dropped in the room by the dresser. On top of the dresser was a picture of me and dad with Missy. He was laying on a couch and Missy was laying on him, and a six-year-old me was snuggled up right alongside of her.
That was a few months before she died.
I think that was one of the last pictures dad had taken of us.  Sighing to myself, I walked up, touching the frame.
"Your dad had his copy in his wallet," she said softly, "I borrowed it to make a copy so that you would have it."
"Dad had this in his wallet?"
"Yeah," she laughed, "on the back it says 'my girls' and it was dated 1998."
"Yeah," I smiled, "that was back at the house before mom left dad. They never tell you that you're in the good old days, you know. That shit always slips by and you never know it."
"Tell me about it," she laughed, "I remember 1998 so well. Jax was turning 20. They let him prospect for the club. It felt like he was still my baby boy."
"I'm sure he still is, Gemma."
"He'll always be my baby boy," she shrugged, "but you're right, sweetheart. Things have definitely changed since then." 
Chapter 3
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sharpenurdamnknife · 1 year
Could you describe your relationship with your younger sister, Cassy, and how it has evolved since taking on the role of caregiver? How do you balance being both a sister and a mother figure to her?
"Oh very interesting question." Piper smiled at the memories. "By the time Cassie was born, I was already in my mid-20s. I guess the benefit to being a man is that when you can have sex with a junior partner you can have kids with a 26-year age gap." She smirked, shaking her head. "I mean way to be a stereotype right? The only thing better would have been if it was with his secretary. Anyway- None of that really has all that much to do with Cassie. My dad brought her home, convinced the other woman not to derail her career, and signed over her parental rights and my dad then convinced my mother to take her in as their own. Legally my mom adopted her- all very hush hush ya know?"
"But my mother wasn't even a good mom to her biological daughter- me. So I pretty much knew it would be a shit show. Before Cassie was born we were all but estranged. I'd check in once in a while and they would pretend to be proud that their daughter was a lead chef in a Michelin-star-rated restaurant. But we didn't really see each other or talk all that much. When Cassie was born though I changed that- I started coming back home at least once a month for a long weekend, sometimes more than that. When she was five I gave her one of those kiddie phones that only have my number in it so she could call me whenever she wanted. I'd call her a few times a week. But-" Her eyebrows furrowed. "She started getting....more shy. Like normal 4 or 5 year olds make alot of noise. They run around. The break things and babble to try and learn how to speak. She...she acted like she was scared to talk. I can't remember when I was her age- obviously but I remember being told to sush. I remember being told to look cute, to smile for pictures. I remember when I got a little older my mom teaching me what to say to different people. I dont know if it was to butter them up or make them feel bad...I remember getting scolded if I didn't." She seemed to get lost in her thoughts for a moment, in those very distant memories. The ones where you sort of remember but not completely.
"I knew that was happening with her. When I found out that she'd been left at home with a nanny and my mother had left on a cruise after my father died, I knew. I knew that she was hiding. That she was afraid if she said the wrong thing or was even too loud my mother would be cruel and claim that it was just the truth." She shook her head. "You cant tell a kid that they aren't really yours. Its mean. It will screw them up."
"When I came home, Cassie was so so damn happy but every night she would come into my room for the first few months to make sure I was still there. Sometimes she still does." She admitted, sadness tinging her voice instead of anger. "The first time I worked a late night the babysitter called me because Cassie was terrified I wasn't coming home and had locked herself in the closet and wouldn't come out."
Piper had to stop, pushing tears from the corner of her eyes with the heel of her hand. "We had to get over that. It took a while." Her voice was wavering and she had to take a break, breathing deeply. "I've tried to get her to talk about it, tried to get her involved with other kids at school but she's still so shy. I hope that it will get better with time. That she won't remember this like I barely do. That she'll gradually see that she has someone consistent in her life that's not going to leave her because she isn't exactly what they expected her to be. I never expected to be a parent. I never planned on it. I might - no I do sort of suck at it but at least she'll know what having a sort of maternal figure feels like you know? Even if she might hate me sometimes."
"I think thats one of the hardest parts to explain to people. We always had food, and clothes and a bed and even had money. But that doesn't mean we were loved. That doesn't mean that she wasn't neglected...I know what thats like, to even feel guilty as an adult talking about it. I'm not going to let her go through that."
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Hey I'm about to go to sleep but PLEASE for the love of GOD tell me more about your strange little demon bug boy (affectionate) he's everything to me
He reminds me of a love-bug (those bugs that come around this time of year that are black with red heads that mate and die and everyone finds them incredibly annoying?) [I like them personally </3]
Also this poor gayboy is going THROUGH it I need to give it a hug and a kiss on the forehead please please please tell me everything btw I'm insane about your guy ok? Tysm and also I hope you filled your pill box, sleep good, drink water, and eat food. Gn man 👍
WAAA YOURE SO FUCKING SWEET IM GONNA CRY I love this piece of shit man sooo much. I didn't know love bugs were REAL but im storing this information in my brain youre so fucking correct
Here's a bunch of miscellaneous information about it that didn't end up in the giant 24 paragraph post:
- It's so fucking bad at video games bro. Its SO BAD at video games. It streams on twitch and it loves to speedrun stuff but its speedruns take like 8 hours. for games that normal people can get through in 1 hour. and its still so proud of itself every time it pb's
- I don't know his gender and I sure as fuck don't know his sexuality. He falls in love with every single person he meets without fail. I've been calling him pan but I do not fucking know if thats correct and at this point I think its funnier if I never know
- Amedeo wasn't actually all that hated by the other members of the gamer club before things got bad. Eden was willing to hang out with him if he asked, he just never did. Aiden genuinely enjoyed his company, before he. Yknow. Killed them. But even after that they at least think he's entertaining to fuck with so that's gotta count for something. People didn't... HATE him for the most part
- On that note, it and Eden's friendship FUCKS ME UP MAN, oh my god. When she finds it in the manors backyard she tackle hugs it before it can run. It thought she hated it, and she didn't. She just wanted it to come inside and eat something. It's such an important moment for it, it's something it'd never forget. So when months/years later, she comes to it, shaking, barely able to get the words out, telling it it was the only person she could think to come to and the only person who would understand what she'd done, the people who's lives she'd just ruined. Amedeo is ready to Kill for her. It tells her the same comforts she told it all that time ago. When it had ended up in the manor, it ended up falling asleep on the couch resting its head on Eden. When Eden comes to it, she ends up falling asleep resting her head on it. And that fucking kills me. They would die and kill for each other
- He actually has a very normal and loving relationship with his parents so if you thought all of his issues mustve been because of the way he was raised, surprise! He's Just Like This AHFSGDAFHSHD He still regularly calls his mom to tell her he loves her <3 She likes to watch his speedrun streams and call him to tell him he's doing a good job and she's so proud
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00katrinka00 · 5 months
Landcaster Legacy Gen 7 Update #59
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Dear Diary, Today is moving day. Jenna's nana was willing to rent us a place in Del Sol Valley, and I can't wait until we get there. I know with hard work and dedication I will be able to become the absolute best signer in the save file. -Violet
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As soon as Violet stepped downstairs, Grandpa Matthew pulled her in for a hug. "I'm going to miss you so very much," he told her. "Oh, Grandpa, we'll be fine." "I know you will be; I'm not worried about you. Make sure you watch that great great grandmother of yours though."
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"Haha, Matthew," replied Lacy and she pulled her Grandson in for a hug. "This isn't my first time living in Del Sol, remember." "I'm only teasing," Matthew assured her. "I'm ten times more responsible than Violet, you should be having me watch over her." "I don't think so."
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After goodbyes were said in Copperdale, Mads and Ethan helped the girls move their things to Del Sol Valley. "That looks like everything," replied Ethan. "Thanks for everything, Dad," said Violet. "Just make good choices," he told her. "I know you're going to do great things."
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"Oh, Lacy," Mads began to say. "I know these last few months have been hard on you, but feel free to call whenever." "Thanks, Mads," replied Lacy. "Seriously, if you just need someone to talk to, if you want meals prepped, anything, just call." "Will do."
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Hugs were exchanged. In the moment Mads wasn't feeling too emotional, but she knew that would change as soon as she and Ethan left. As soon as it fully hit her that half of her children were out of the house. What would she do now? Mades contemplated going back to work.
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While Lacy bid her goodbyes to Ethan, Violet stood with her mother. "I love you so much sweetheart." "Love you too mom." "You're probably tired of hearing this but make good choices. You have so much potential to do wonderful things, and I'm proud of you." "Thanks mom."
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After Mads and Ethan departed, Violet turned to Jenna and Lacy. "Okay, so why did I get stuck with the smallest room?" "Um, maybe, because I'm the one who got us the house," Jenna said. "I was forced to room with you for 4 years. I deserve the larger space," replied Lacy. "Ugh!"
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"We should start looking for jobs," Violet changed the subject. She knew their bedrooms wasn't going to be a topic she'd win. "It's our first night in Del Sol," complained Lacy. "She's right though," Jenna agreed with Violet. "We will need jobs to pay rent."
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After their conversation, Jenna headed to her room to film a video in the hopes she might finally be able to receive some royalties. Violet began her job search online. She was really willing to take just about any job out there, at least until her music career took off.
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After she finished filming, Jenna headed out into the living room to watch TV. Meanwhile, lacy was checking herself out in the mirror, and very much so NOT looking for a job. "You look amazing," Lacy told herself, and then an idea popped into her head.
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"We should go out to the club tonight!" Lacy exclaimed excitedly. "But what about work?" asked Jenna. "It's still our first night, we should go out and celebrate. We can deal with the job thing tomorrow," Lacy tried to convince her. "Okay fine!" Jenna agreed excitedly.
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Lacy headed to Violet's room to invite her. "It'll be so much fun, Vi." "Lacy, no, I have songs I have to write, demo music to record, and a filler job to find. I simply cannot go gallivanting around the city drinking in clubs all night." "You used to be fun." "Lacy, NO!"
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While Jenna and Lacy got ready, Violet decided to try writing some songs, so she headed to the piano. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" asked Jenna. "I'm sure," Violet replied "You're just going to sit around the house all night?" "Pretty much." "See you later then."
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Jenna and Lacy immediately headed to the dance floor. After a few songs, Jenna spotted a very attractive stranger at the bar. "Lacy, do you see that hot guy over there?" "Yeah." "Should I go talk to him?" "I don't see why not," replied Lacy. Jenna headed for the bar. "Good luck!"
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While Jenna chatted up the attractive man at the bar, Lacy spotted an attractive sim of her own. "Hey there," Lacy greeted her. "I couldn't help but notice you." "Same to you," the women replied. "I'm, Carla." "Lacy." "You come here often?" Carla asked.
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Carla pulled Lacy over to a much quieter part of the club. They spent a bit of time talking, and flirting with one another, but all the talking very quickly subsided.
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"You want to head back to my place?" Lacy asked. "Absolutely," Carla replied Lacy headed over to where Jenna still sat with the man at the bar. "You ready?" "One sec," Jenna then turned back to the man. "We're going to head out, but I did give you my number. Make sure to use it."
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Once home, Jenna headed to bed, and Lacy brought Carla back to her room. "It's nice to be alone, somewhere quiet," she muttered. "I know what you mean," replied Carla.
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spicywhumper · 8 months
@febuwhump 2024: day 06. "you lied to me"
series: war dog (crimson history) | rating: teen and up audiences | word count: 1,143
content warning: implied/mentioned stepcest & sex, emotional whump
Jennifer has tried to not be be jealous.
she remembers Mother telling her she'd marry Aunt Jocelyn – and it didn't take long for her to feel comfortable calling her Mom – and she had been excited. she was only seven, but she already adored Mom's four year-old. Jessie was the cutest baby, and Jocelyn always looked all proud and happy to see them playing.
by the time Jennifer was ten, Jessie already looked the same age as her. at twelve, outsiders would guess Jessie was the older kid. Jennifer was a little envy, but cuddles were great because Jessie could wrap around her easily and keep her all warm and safe.
jealousy started to show its ugly head when she was thirteen and Mother had said Jessie had the potential to be the greatest magician of their coven, therefore she needed to be trained by Joan herself. (in hindsight, Jennifer thinks nobody should start combat and heavy training at the tender age of ten, looking older than that or not). Mom clearly disliked it, she shifted more attention to Jennifer – but never neglecting Jessie when she had the opportunity to be around her daughter.
Jennifer thinks jealousy had sparked possessiveness in her, and when, one day, Jessie had come around to ask her about kissing, she gave in easily. she gave in knowing that there was no way it was right, but if this part of Jessie was hers, it'd be easier to deal with everything else. and it was, despite having a bunk bed, they slept together more often than not (even if Jennifer was waiting for... something, they never went further than wandering hands and humping like horny dogs).
it's jealousy that makes so angry when she accidentally finds the empty pill bottle. as sheltered as they living in the coven, Jennifer recognized birth control pills.
now she's in the first actual argument with Jessie. pissed off, upset, and hurt.
"you lied to me!" it's accusatory, and angry, irrationally so. "you said it was only me."
"it was at the time."
"at the time? you say it every time we do something."
"stop it, we're not supposed to exclusive or anything. we're stepsisters that kiss and play around. we never even had actual sex."
"because I wanted your first time to be special!"
she looks stricken for a moment before reverting to oddly empty, calm behavior: "well, too late for that."
"not your business?"
"not my business?" she let anger take over. "or now you're such a slut that you don't even remember their name?"
"shut up."
"so you are a slut. should've known, considering who initiated this shit."
"you're jealous."
"am not."
"you're jealous and the idea that I might fuck other people makes you awful."
"you're on fucking birth control!"
"and that's my choice! because it's my body!"
"so you let anyone fill you up like a cheap slut?"
"at least I'm not a freak like you!"
Jennifer started the argument, escalated it, and that's just Jessie saying hurtful things because Jeniffer's saying hurtful things. but her brain isn't working very rationally at the thought of someone else touching her Jessie. moan their name and cling onto them like she does with Jennifer (even when she's doing nothing but let her thigh press against Jessie's sensitive area between her legs).
her hand closes in a fist and she swings.
she regrets immediately. and her knuckles hurt as if she just hit a brick wall. and Jessie's head doesn't move, she's as solid and still as a statue. and Jennifer isn't weak, she's half werewolf, the only person who defeats her in strength tests is Jessie.
for a second, Jennifer swears there's only deep, dark crimson in her eyes. Jessie growls, it's deep and angry, her canines never looked this sharp and lethal. her own breath hitches, so used to calm, quiet and tame Jessica that she forgets the girl has good fifteen centimeters and several kilograms of pure muscle on her. she forgets the girl is considered the strongest magician of the coven, with potential to become stronger as she matures.
she's reminded why they badmouth Jessica by calling her demon spawn in and the devil's child.
(it doesn't matter if they do know that falling all Spirits "demons" is a form of blasphemy. even if they. even if they know what Joselyn has risked to have her.)
it feels like the very non-human part of Jessie is considering how it'll torture then kill Jennifer. her tongue pokes her canines, licks her lips as her nostrils flare. like she's thinking of how tasty Jennifer could be and will pounce on her neck in the next twenty seconds.
"Jessie, I'm sorry-"
"you don't have the right to be jealous about everything!" she pushes her, way less harder than expected. digs her finger on her chest and she sounds accusatory in a way that's too fair for Jennifer to not understand she's being honest. "you're all jealous of Mother mentoring and training me, I don't want it! it's exhausting, it's painful, and pain doesn't make me stronger. you're jealous that I'm the strongest, that's Jocelyn's fault. if I wasn't, Joan wouldn't train me. you'd be in this place and I don't think you can handle it."
she snatches the empty pill bottle, Jennifer can only stare at her, wide eyes and impressed by the danger she represents. has her eyes always bad this red-ish tone underneath? has she always looked this intimidating, so, honest-to-god terrifying?
"I don't belong to you, I'm not your personal little whore. what if I go around sucking anyone else's cock? what if I'm riding random guys as if my life depends on that? you're not the master of me," she brands the bottle of pills. "shouldn't your possessive ass be glad that I'm making sure I'm not giving them the babies I can't give you? if you can't give me what I want, I'm a fucking sex demon, of course I was going to look for it somewhere else."
"I try to treat you good," she says through the hurt, she says through fear. "and you thank me by acting like a slut?"
"I'm a fucking sex demon."
"I know. I told you..."
"it was awful! it should have been with you, but it wasn't and it was awful and you know nothing. you know fucking nothing, so shut the fuck up before you make this even worse."
Jennifer doesn't have words for that.
silently, shaking, she watches Jessica turn on her heels and leave the room much more calmly than expected from the intensity of their arguments.
part of her hopes that it was a lie (but she knows it's not, whoever had the audacity of being Jessie's first, they die a worst job than Jessie would actually tell her.)
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