#i think it should be a basic human right for everyone to be baby girl. and if they're afraid to be baby girl they should examine that.
A basic human skill that people usually lock down around the age of three or four is impulse control. To conceptualize an action and it’s consequences before taking it. Maybe considering how that action affects other people. We then refine it through most of our childhood.
When I was a teenager my hold on this ability became… tenuous. I became a volatile and dangerous creature.
It’s probably not unique to me, but I had a perfect storm in terms of mental upsets. I had just mastered enough basic social skills, so I finally had a strong group of friends when my dad suddenly needed to move for work. Ripped away from my support network, blooming with hormones, I was dragged to Arizona. I was always a child of forests and mist and suddenly everything was hot, dry, and extremely pointy and aggressive.
Additionally to being abruptly transplanted I found myself an object of affection in a way I’d never been before. Lonely and desperate to make friends the only people who wanted to spend time with me had romantic designs. I just wanted to figure out my shit but I had a baby lesbian flirting with increasing aggression in art, a soft boy making heart eyes at me in biology, a senior nerd asking if I wanted to play Halo at his house and could he hold my hand?
Reader, I snapped. I didn’t want this romantic attention but I also didn’t want to be alone. My brain coped the only way it knew how, by simply cutting out decision making. Any action was the right action to take.
It started with the boy in biology. I’d stolen his pencil out of mischief and to my overwhelming fury instead of trying to steal it back he just softened his eyes and chucked me gently under my chin, a gesture so overtly sweet and romantic that I saw red.
I stabbed him with his own pencil.
I honestly and truly have no memory of it. It happened as fast as a snake striking and I was instantly filled with terrified remorse. Unfortunately that manifested as psychotic giggling.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t- I don’t know why- I’m so sorry!” I said, while hysterically laughing. I ended up having lodged some graphite in his palm and had to tweeze it out with my nails while apologizing furiously. (It’s very important to note here that he forgave me and we’re still friends)
That was weird, I thought. Why didn’t I think before I stabbed someone?
The next event was equally catastrophic, and I had even less reason to do it. In gym with two girls I was tentatively befriending, we were warming up running laps. I started racing one of them. At breakneck speed we were sprinting around the gym.
This time, there was a blip of thought before I fucked up. I should get the other girl! I have no idea why or what the plan was but I turned on a swivel and body checked the other girl. We both fell down in immense pain. I think that’s the moment I broke my tailbone. Her knees were horribly bruised and she looked at me in bewildered pain. “Why did you do that?!”
I had no idea. I apologized and helped her up, both of us hobbling like newborn horses, bruised and hurting.
By this time there’d been enough social upheavals that I was reduced to spending time with some girls I had nothing in common with and low key disliked. Sat at a table listening to this girl talk about how she wanted to be a stripper when she grew up I thought, You’d better put the cap on before you throw it.
I then chucked my empty water bottle directly at her face. It bounced off her forehead with a bop! that would have made a sound mixer weep at its perfection.
All eyes turned to me is startlement. I stared back at her, stunned by my own action, just as confused as everyone else at the table as to why I’d done that. One of the girls to my right said, “Were you trying to hit that fly?”
“Yes!” I lied, “I’m sorry, I thought I could hit the fly!”
Everyone laughed at my antics and I joined in rather than admit I had just chucked something at her for no reason.
Things did start to improve after that. I solidified a friendship with the girl I’d raced (who I developed a massive crush on and ten years later would go on to date). My outbursts turned more whimsical rather than aggressive. Like accosting a girl leaving the cafeteria to look deeply into her eyes and say with great compassion, “It’s going to be alright.”
My new friend and I snuck into the van that delivered our cafeterias baked goods and lay giggling in the back. When I’d impulsively hopped in she’d joined me and made it a game.
After a year in Arizona I broke down crying to my mother, an act of great desperation, and we ended up moving back home. My impulse control returned to normal teenage levels and life resumed in a happier state of mind.
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sciderman · 5 months
Sci why is every big male superhero secretly submissive or submissive-leaning? Peter is into Gwen, MJ an Fel, who are assertive, headstrong leading types who treat Pete as a total babygirl. Same with Wolverine who's canon kinky sub. Same for Batman who's main love interest is often canon dominatrix based on her previous work. Superman is into Lois Lane who definetly tops. And there's MORE!
um, well first off, who isn't into that
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amusingmusie · 4 months
More questions about Evie? Ask and you shall receive!
Al and baby Evie. What would that look like? Does he dote on the baby, leave her to Nel, try (and fail) support the demon spawn he brought into the world? Basically, would he be a good father, and does he carry the burden equally?
Honestly, I think Nel would make a pretty great mom seeing as she basically raised Grace from birth, and Grace turned out fine! Nel does seem to have a nasty habit of raising agents of chaos, though. Maybe it wasn't actually Al's fault 🤔
Presuming, once again, that Al was alive for this, does he keep up with his habits? Does being responsible for a child who might cry a lot at night put him at a higher risk of being caught missing, and cut down on the murder time? Or who knows, maybe morals kicked in, and the thought of being caught and leaving Nel alone with a kid was a line not even he would cross (he's a murderer, not a monster).
And what was baby Evie like!!! Quiet baby? Loud baby? A nightmare in private, but an angel in public? She seems like the type to need constant attention.
There have also been a lot of hints that Evie is Violent. Did Nel do a good job instilling fear of the law into her? Or did Evie inherit her father's "hobbies," too?
What about his powers? Is there anything inherent about them that Evie might get? Or would she have needed Al's guidance in order to use her abilities. And if Al was alive, would he have taught her?
Does she have actual friends? I know that Nel is a loner and Al doesn't really care if his "friends" lived or died, but does Evie have any genuine human connection - outside of her arch nemesis ofc (don't tell her I said that). Like a bitch pack or a best friend who roam the school tormenting everyone they meet. Just as a treat.
Also, Roxy: what's her story? Is she a young Nel with a new look and (hopefully) no nicotine addiction? Does she get to have friends?
Let me know if I should break these asks up more in the future to avoid the wall-of-text problem! Once again, don’t feel pressured to answer any of the questions if you don’t want to or if it’s spoiler territory. Take care of yourself! Don't get lost or stolen!!!
YIPPEEEE!!! For pride month I am answering a yummy ask about one of my favorite evil lesbians.
In the little thought-world-brainrot-center I've created for Evie, Alastor isn't exactly around to know about her let alone interact with her. If he WAS around, I mean, he'd try his best to make sure the kid doesn't hurt herself since she is an extension of himself and he appreciates that, but I don't see him being the best dad. Emotional comfort? He doesn't do that. Teaching her to dissect things? Now that he can do!
I actually jokingly refer to an alt timeline in which Nel gets pregnant as "the good ending" because it's the only thing that would stop Alastor's charitable side hobbies in their tracks. Not because he has a change of heart- he just literally cannot find the time for it, and he knows Nel would cave his skull in if she caught him. He'd maybe try sneaking out one (one) night and then the ginger sits up in bed from a dead sleep and just says "fuck. no."...he gets right back in and doesn't sneak out again until Evie is older.
Evie was a pretty good baby! She didn't become an odd little cretin til she could walk, because then baby girl decided she wanted to play in the knife drawer.
She is violent in a way, but she actually takes more after Nel's brand than Alastor's. As weird as she is, and as sweetly as she threatens people, she doesn't resort to violence unless you've fucked with her or someone she cares about. It's that same sort of momma bear mauling-style that Nel has combined with Alastor's lack of remorse/excitement. It's not like she's killed anyone though, or even seriously maimed anyone. She has the capability, but not the urge. I know I jokingly call her an evil lesbian, but she's not actually evil. Just a menace.
I actually have always played around with the idea of Miss Genevieve being very spiritually attuned! I know that the supernatural takes a backseat role in my fic (for now anyway, that'll fucking change soon enough) so for Evie's story, I wanted it to play a much larger role. She's the kind of kid to look at someone and go "March 15th, 1933" and then skip away like it's nothing. Nel got used to it really, really fast. There's more than just her and Evie living in their house, after all. If Al was around, I don't know if he could have helped? I write him as someone who is aware but perhaps not the most integrated into the paranormal world (while alive). He'd definitely find it funny that Evie is though.
Evie has friends, but not close friends. Her story is hard to explain without spoiling my fic so all I can say is that she isn't a loner, but is incredibly lonely at times. Most of her relationships are shallow since she doesn't let others in. While her weird, chaotic nature isn't a front at all, she does rely on it to keep others at arms length if they get too close. She's incredibly popular with people she doesn't know well to the point that she has sort of created a little clique for herself. They don't really see beyond what she shows them. For those she's "closer" to who see her oddities, she uses those oddities and back-handed comments to keep them from getting close. Only Nel and Grace (and eventually Roxxy) are let in.
Roxy my beloved. She's much more than just another Nelly; she actually leans a little opposite to Nel, she's a slacker and usually gets in trouble pretty constantly. She's got a lot of anger from family expectations but she reacted to those expectations completely differently than Miss Penelope did. Roxxy actually has more close friends than Evie. Nobody would really see it unless they saw how fake Evie is with people (Husk would have a field day with that girl).
Thank youuuu for all the questions and I'm sorry it took me a while to answer them!
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maria-ruta · 1 year
i miss ronya she was so cool. how's she doing these days
awww thank you!!! <3 <3 <3
I miss her too UvU
the game ended on moment when all the demons were defeated and sent back to hell (except for Nafanya and Gra'azt, who now became leader of big group of drow and continues to get more drow on his side from Lolth(shes not happy about it lol))
Ronya got married to goblin widow Hikt (they threw the bouket in Sarit's face so hehe he's next lol) and now Ronya is mama of Hikt's kids from her last marrige - one allready young adult goblin booy, little girl, and baby boy (I don't remember where I wrote their names rip OTL)
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(this hella cool bugbear design is work of my friend @tench-art)
Mao completelly turned into fairy and only had one year and one day left in mortal plane to live, and after that she will be joining the Wild Hunt
And Chiviss ( @tench-art 's character) became small demigod and now he had his own illithyd ship, his paladin friend Valya(they are in love but very slowburn/akward about it) and clone of human monk Lee who now has to help Chiviss by doing good things and help fixing stuff he fucked up - and Chiviss plans to travel across other worlds on his ship
AND WITH ALL THAT Ronya was left the only one to rule Fort Asshole (Sarit gave it that name and it stuck X'D ) the fort, that became shelter for many many people throghout our game - basically it was like big town or small city at this point
The game ended at Ronya being like "wait so whos gonna take care of the Fort now?"
and everyone were like "well now YOU are the queen of Fort Asshole, Ronya! your responsibility now byeeee"
But I think Ronya will found a union with other leaders of the different groups of citizens of Fort Asshole
such as orcs Hector and Azog, who represent the interests of orcs
myconid Lubomab, who represents the interests of myconids
Ronya herself as leader of goblins and bugbears
and half-orc Lidia, who represents the interests of everyone else and all kinds of minorities
and together they will come up with something X'D how to take care of the city and trading and etc. Fort Asshole became very important trading point, since now it has the big portal cirlce to the surface, while the last city(Malonderit, I cant find how the city should be written right, I only remember how it was pronaunced so eh), that had the portal to the surface - doesnt have it anymore. So yeah, Fort Asshole has all the chances of becoming big city eventually
I know from what our DM said, that at some point other bugbears of the city will become overly proud and will think of themselves more than other species, bc "our leader is so cool! she is the best and the strongest, and everyone else is weak loosers" so Ronya would have to beat some sense into them
she would tell them(more like angrily roar) that she would never get where she is now without help of her friends and comrades (hell she even DIED once and they had to get her ass a new fucking body), that everyone is equal here and that they should stop embarrassing her. And she would also add that its not bugbears who are stronger than everybody but its particularly HER who's stronger than everybody XD and if anyone of those bugbear assholes wants to argue with that - they can challange her to battle in orcs' arena and see if they could win her in wrestling battle. nobody's up for it? theN SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!
ALSO Ronya promissed her wife Hikt that she won't be risking her life as much as she did during demon invasion anymore so I guess her life gets less adventurie now
She would gladly teach kids her knowladge of hunting, tracking, scouting, and nature of underdark in general... when she has time lol, bc being leader is hella busy job (she didn't want it but she was choosen to do it U_U )
(idk what else to add haha you can ask anything specific if you want. but im very pleased you want to know more about Ronya, Thank you)
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thedevilsoftruth · 6 months
Haven't posted in a while, but something that was really bugging me a lot was some shit I noticed when rewatching the Moon Knight series that I think a lot of comic book fans could relate to. I know, Mr " um actually " comic book guy is talking right now but imma need you all to bare with me here for a second. and before any of you start typing, please remember everything said here is MY opinion. All I ask is that you're respectful. I'm going to start of with how I don't understand the hype around this motherfucker.
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Literally the most whiniest mf in the ENTIRETY of the MCU. The only people who can like or tolerate this bitch are mfs who have 9 hours of daily screen time on TikTok, listen to hyperpop music and think that he's a soft uwu meow meow baby girl hurt emo princess boy.
Moon Knight is literally one of the most metal superheros out there and the directors saw that and said, " now imagine that but we make his woman so much better than him and water him down and completely change his back story and then wipe our asses with it, spit on it and then pretend we were trying to show representation. " Like what the fuck are you fucking doing?
My first problem is that I felt like this show focused too much on Layla and her relationship to Marc... Nvm, Sorry I lied. Not Marc, fucking STEVEN. This show isn't about " Layla ", its about MARC and Steven and JAKE. (I'll talk about Jake later) Like can we just... " Are you an Egyptian superhero? " " I am. 🥺" GIRL BYE 💀💀 this part of this show was so bad it made eternals look good. This was cringe on the level of seeing your mother do a dab. All that episode 6 was about was Layla kicking ass and that's it. I don't understand why Kevin Feige has the urge to make everything about badass women. Like theres ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with that, I love badass women and we need more women superheros, but I'm just saying, I came here to watch MOON KNIGHT not Layla El-faouly.
So funny how they make a show about Marc Spector and he only gets like 20 minutes out of the 6 hours of the entirety of the show. I think the most time he got on screen was like episode five and maybe two but that's about it. It felt like he was only there to make things depressing and to make Steven Grant have better character development because he himself is just so fucking boring and not funny. Marc Spector is so much more than " I got hit as a kid and my alter ego is fucking my ex wife. " He's a Jewish antihero struggling with a personality disorder that's eating his life away and a toxic relationship with a man who's been basically lying, emotionally abusing, and manipulating him since his CHILDHOOD. What I love most about Marc Spector is that he's not like all other these mighty superheros, he's just some dude. He just some dude with real human struggles like you and me, trying to figure himself out and navigate through his disorder. Marc should have had a bigger role in this show but I guess Steven Grant and Layla were more interesting than him. Steven is the main course, Layla is the desert and Marc is the salad off to the side that's barley been eaten.
Steven Grant is not a shy British man with great manners who works in a gift shop and is giving in his moms flat, he's a savvy millionaire ( who's from Chicago, Illinois, so as Marc and Jake ) who works in the film industry and lives in a mansion. Those are two completely different characters. Everyone that I've seen who's criticized Steven in the slightest has said that he was bland, boring, and the producers were trying too hard to make him funny. You can't try to have something that's just straight up sad happening with a character and then pretend that it's funny and try to make it into comedy. That's just not how it works and it's not realistic. That's why movies like The Crow are good and movies like Renfield are bad. The Crow takes itself seriously and is genuinely sad but lightly sprinkled with comedy, Renfield wanted to be a bit sad, but ruined itself by trying to hard to make every scene funny.
The only good scene in this entire show is the scene where Marc says, " you are you the only real superpower I ever had " or whatever the fuck. I didn't pay attention because all I could think about was the scene from frozen where Anna fucking froze and Elsa cried about it and then unfroze her with her tears or something. I guess her tears must have been really hot.
What I'll give Muhammad Diab credit for is casting. Having Layla be Egyptian is good, and having Oscar Isaac casted as Marc is also really good. Everyone In the comics is white for a character normally centered around Egyptian bullshit. They also got Khonshus personality right and that's about it.
I hate how the producers said that this show was all about " representation" and then didn't add Frenchie, who is a gay french guy in it or Bushman who is a black mercenary because he was " too much like Killmonger " ( which doesn't make any fucking sense because they are drastically different on so many levels but okay. ) they also said that this show is they're most brutal and violent show yet, but they were " violent " ( and bloody-ish ) the first three episodes and then just kinda gave up towards the end.
For the last thing, I'm gonna talk about Jake finally. Just pretend that I'm sighing right now. Like a really audible, dramatic sigh.
I get they wanted for us to differentiate the differences between each personality with accents but Jake doesn't need to speak Spanish. He doesn't speak Spanish in the comics and having him do it is completely unnecessary. I get it's Hollywood and Hollywood needs to make everything sexy and attractive, but Jake Lockley is the least sexiest alter of Marc Spector. He doesn't wear a suit with black leather gloves or drive a limousine, he's a fucking taxi cab driver with a really weird mustache who wears a turtle neck. When I think sexy, I don't think taxi driver. And it ruins the point of Jake Lockley as well because Marc uses Jake to see what's going on on the streets in New York. New York is really busy and crowded, so people are more prone to using a taxi, not a limousine unless you're bougie and rich.
Anyways that was my rant. Good night.
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Ok so his story (chronologically) is that he was trying to save a girl with his best friend and got trapped in a basically-cult at the age of 16. And in this cult he and best friend lost ALL ability to feel emotions. For TEN YEARS. and the whole time he was trying to get closer to cult leader in order to find out about what happened to the girl, and it’s basically saïx and his friend against the entire world. When you (player character) meet him its after those ten years have passed and his best friend regained emotions and left him basically alone in this horrible situation and hes just so angry and betrayed and hes convincing himself that he doesn't care about it and ALSO hes like kinda 50% possessed by the cult leader in a way? and during this segment he’s basically the Worst Guy. Hes aggressive to best friends NEW friends and this leads to him kinda ensuring the destruction of both best friend and his new friends (he intentionally stabs best friend), so yeah. He sucks a lot. But fan interpretations are always “oooh saix did a BAD THING and thats bad so he should be put in a nuclear reactor” which ignores his situation COMPLETELY or theyre like “ooooh hes my precious baby and he was hurt :( he was sad and had no agency whatsoever :( so every character should forgive him immediately” which. Is almost worse tbh because he really did spend a whole game harrasing two 16 year olds for being friends with someone.
Six (long propaganda)
Once again (just like with every morally grey character I think) there's a war between "she's a monster" and "she's an angel".
Six, as a character, is very cool because there's no dialogue or anything in the Little Nightmares games, and a lot of things that are just not showed. The whole point is everyone can have their own interpretations and theories. But Six is just so disrespected by the fandom !
On one side, it's "she's a monster, we hate her, she's selfish and uses people to get what she wants !"
On the other side it's "she's a kid and my favorite character so by default she can't be a bad person, she's actually a sweet and pure angel !"
None of them are right.
For the first ones... Six isn't that much of a monster. And I'm gonna say it : yes, she is a literal kid. That doesn't mean she can't be bad, but she thinks like a kid. She probably cared for Mono before she betrayed him – we can see her trying to help him when he was in the TVs. She probably has a reason why she betrayed him. There's a lot of different theories on that and none of them is more valid than the others because again you're meant to have your own interpretation, so I won't tell any of the popular theories here. You can think she did it for selfish reasons. That doesn't mean she's a literal monster, and that doesn't mean the people who don't think it was selfish are mischaracterizing her.
For the second ones... I don't even know what to tell you. If there's one CLEAR thing in these games, it's that Six is morally grey and could do something scary at any moment. As the player you're literally MEANT to be scared of her and what she could do. In the first game you are meant to slowly realize her hunger isn't human. You can also see how she doesn't try to help any of the kids trapped here, she's just helping herself. In the second one she does scary thing all along the game to keep you scared that she could kill and eat Mono at any time, only for her to betray him in the worst way possible at the end. We don't know her reasons but she still did it.
Six is a morally grey character. She's just a kid trying to survive in a world full of monsters. She's also full of darkness, acts like a creep and eats literal people. You can't say she's "just a monster", the same way you can't say she's "a little angel who did nothing wrong".
(Different Propaganda)The whole thing with Little Nightmares is that the world is terrifying and horrible. It is eat or be eaten in the most literal sense. Six does what she has to to survive. Has she done some bad things? Yes. Was it her fault? …Debatable. But the fandom treats this CHILD like she’s the worst person to ever exist. Like, she’s not even ten years old. She’s a survivor. Mono did plenty of questionable things too, but I’ve never seen anyone hate on him.
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davidmann95 · 2 years
Twitter nearly packed it in last night, so transcribing a thread of mine from this year I liked here for posterity, with minor edits and a bit of reformatting:
A thread on how Superman's development over the decades inadvertently mirrors stages of human development, because even though I took 'Superman guy' out of my bio to avoid pigeonholing myself if I don't do this sort of thing occasionally I will explode.
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Golden Age is simple - he's a newborn. The world's a hazy outline, and the big baby is destructively tantruming against everything Wrong in it.
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He doesn't even have the object permanence to get that someone doesn't become a new person when they put on glasses!
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By the Silver Age as a kid he's a little more cognizant. He's got friends and recognizes family, it feels like he's all-powerful and should be able to easily have whatever he wants yet at the same time he's constantly powerless, undermined, and under assault by the mean 'ol world.
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(He's also kind of a little shit who thinks in black and white terms of right-and-wrong but delights in his ability to find 'loopholes' around the rules, and everyone generally indulges him.)
Bronze is the awkward teen years, wracked by ennui,
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and a soaring sense of potential and self-importance.
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While more mature and capable of great insight, he's blissfully blind to how deeply, deeply stupid his world still frequently is.
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Then the Byrne/Triangle years - he's grown-up, buttoned-up, a movie star now and putting on a professional front without his neuroses so blatantly on display.
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He's even trying for something like an adult relationship after vacillating between 'I can't be tied down' and 'girls are icky'
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He is however also helplessly getting his ass kicked or otherwise humiliated by the powers that be now on a semi-regular basis, because this is the Real World, Son!
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In the 2000s and 2010s you start to get Superman as father - allegorically at first in starting to be treated as such by the rest of the 'superhero community', with Cir-El, Kon-El being revealed as his clone/kid/brother/whatever, Chris Kent, and culminating in Jon Kent.
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(Illustration by Sebastian Fiumara)
This era's naturally bookended by Manchester Black telling him that he's a fuddy-duddy stick in the mud dweeb who's out of touch with The Kids.
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(As pointed out by @charlottefinn the New 52 at least for the present-day stuff is in this context basically his midlife crisis - or perhaps midlife Crisis - where he leaves his wife and awkwardly dates around, gets a shiny new wardrobe, and generally acts like he's 20 again.)
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(Prior to recent events, we were) entering the full-on middle aged era of Superman where he's slowing down if still very active,
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the kid's out of the house,
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and with so many years behind him he's reassessing.
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(And even aside from a strategy however sensible in context of 'leaves Earth to hang out with a bunch of cool young people and get back to his alien-fighting dictator-toppling glory days', lest you think that midlife crisis is fully over:)
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Like a lot of Superman - like a lot of any character that exists on this sort of broad scale - this definitely wasn't deliberate, but lines up neatly and lends a certain weight. Following to the logical conclusion, we can expect this Jon and Clark in 30 more years:
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I googled 'Old Man Superman' to get that last cover since to my surprise I didn't already have it saved and found this extremely cool design by Giannis Milonogiannis and Ladon Alex, so here's your reward for making it to the end.
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crimswnred · 10 months
volume VIII thoughts
*I played it almost entirely before they removed the episodes so maybe they changed a few things here and there
tried my best to remember that my baby Rafael is TRAUMATIZED and that love island makes u too dramatic
daphne what's ur problem??
bonnie I couldn't care less abt you it's me and Uma against the world idgaf
me and Uma talking to every guy in this villa except our men because they are being little bitches alright
these men are dumb btw
why is everyone telling me Alex doesn't really like me and just used me to get back at Uma like I know it's the truth but please shut up?? you are hurting my feelings omg
wasn't Bryson supposed to like me or smth?
(I wanna say I'm loyal to Rafa but Evan is one hell of an eye candy)
and Travis... he's there, ig?
I was planning on giving Rafael a lesson but you know what he's perfect
he said all the right things 😭😭 guys I'm in love
no Daphne I do not accept your apology esp bc I know you'll be an awful human being for the rest of the game 🥱
a cake challenge?
that challenge was a copypaste of season 2's cake challenge but even more boring
I'm not even surprised Bonnie and Bryson lost like who tf thinks that dolphin party ocean life luxurious is a good wedding cake theme
anywaysss me and Rafa won 🫶 yayy
I'm not really counting bc my game is modded but I'm sure I spent too many gems this volume FUSEBOX WHAT'S UP
whatever I don't care about what's everyone's couple like
Rafa is this close 🤏 from asking us to be exclusive
the "I'm falling and you should let yourself fall too" speech was GORGEOUS oh my gawd
yes Daphne he asked me on a date catch up we are a COUPLEEEEEE
Travis why are you upset? we talked like five times, AT BEST.
alright so this game is becoming messy now
because what do you mean by COMPETITIVE DATING?????
cringe awkward oh my god someone stop this
let's pretend the last episode didn't happen
the boys are in a cult
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and bedtime boytime is basically what the rep crew did on a regular day in season 1, handstands? beat boxing? just say we miss Rohan and Tim next time
(except season 1 wasn't cringe af omg)
final recoupling oh my lord
btw I just realised the girls' PJ are just their undies? lol
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
Pls bb don't take this as an attack 😩😩😩I am genuinly trynna figure this out
First I respect the lgbt+ community fully, right !
I was wondering
Can you really say you are bi or gay or lesbian when you are attracted to this specific type but it is concerly the reflexion of the opposite sex you are attracted to, just because it's got this type of intimate parts does justify it ? Not so well said I know, in the end. But you get me
Example... : I say I am lesbian, I am a woman attracted to a woman that's got nothing feminine in her other than a vulva and a vagina. So you are obviously attracted to male "energy", but because it's got a "women genital" you refer yourself as lesbian ?
Do you get me ?
It's like this violet of Arcane thing. She is a women. Yes. But everything is a male metaphor in her.
The only thing I don't like is the non keeping of the male and female essence, it's still important. Otherwise there wouldn't be babies in the world and just chaos, because we don't respect the natural image of basically the essence life 🥺❤
Again I am not putting all of this in question !! It's just that sometimes I try to understand and I can't... Not because I don't want to obv
You can call me head blocked, stupid, not open to change
But I assure you that if I wasn't I wouldn't ask myself all of theses questions honey 🙈🌈
Thank you A for your read, smooches ❤❤❤
Hi! First of all thank you for approaching this respectfully! I think yours is a loaded question and I can only answer my own experience and my own point of view, so pls don’t assume this is how everyone feels!
So for me, i say i like girls because i like girls! Their femininity or masculinity (we can debate what that even means) has very little to do with it. If we’re talking about Vi, I love her personality first and foremost, her drive, confidence, charisma, i love how she looks and I think it’s a bit unfair to reduce her to her masculine energy, because she’s so much more than that! Since we’re talking about arcane specifically, i am also attracted to Caitlyn and Mel, both of which are very traditionally “feminine”
I think my point of view is that, as humans, we have evolved far past a necessity to only exist to procreate and to perpetuate the human race. I think we have evolved to be individuals with dreams and desires and aspirations, and I think we have evolved past the need to be put in very binary, restrictive boxes that only inhibit us and limit our potential and our very short lives! I think we should live to fulfill those dreams and aspirations, and that looks different to everyone. If you respect and require those more traditional values that’s entirely fine, just the same way as it is if you don’t and your life is not reliant on the same things!
I hope this makes sense i’m kinda drunk and maybe not at my most eloquent!
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space--cadet-glow · 6 months
Theory/Over-Analysis: "…Infinite Pleasure Spawning" Part 2: Random Observations
Following what I'm working on for "A Certain Sage…", this Part will be a series of random observations for "…The Infinite Pleasure Spawning Drama". There's not as much to note as in "A Certain Sage…", but… Whatever. This one's just WEIRD.
The title card is a lightly-cracked egg
How and why did Belaf start laying eggs? …Even the narration has no fucking clue. ---[insert the "Anything goes in Wonderland~" joke from Phelan Porteous here]
Belaf is male, yet has somehow spawned a birth canal ---Transmasc Belaf confirmed??? ---Or did the Abyss do this, too?
Vueko says "otsukare-sama" to congratulate Belaf on laying the egg, which is basically a catch-all phrase for when someone has finished a job and/or finished doing hard work ---I bring this up because it's written entirely in hiragana, and may I remind you of that one 2chan thread where this dude basically trolled everyone by writing "otsukare-sama" entirely in hiragana??? ---This will be expanded upon in Part Three ---Also in this panel, Vueko is literally wiping Belaf's ass
The eggs look just like chicken eggs ---Apparently, the Sages were too scared to check what's inside of them
As the days pass, the eggs gradually get bigger and bigger ---And, naturally, the bigger the egg, the harder it is to "birth" ---YES, THE NARRATION SAYS "BIRTH"
Belaf disappears into his room for a few days ---He even refuses to eat, claiming that his portion should be saved for Irumyuui because she's "a growing girl" ---Speaking of which, WHERE THE HELL IS IRUMYUUI?! ---This is the only time she's mentioned; she is never seen, either. ---You'd think she'd be right up there trying to help, given her tribe's obsession with fertility???
Turns out, the eggs got stuck ---Belaf literally looks pregnant now ---That's why he was avoiding everyone and trying to starve; he didn't want anyone to see his huge belly ---He is full of eggs ---He was terrified of having to "birth" the increasingly-bigger eggs because of how painful it was getting
Wazukyan may or may not have been a chicken farmer at one point??? ---He mentions chickens and how they'd occasionally get eggs stuck; and mentions something about a "land base"??? ---If anyone can make better sense of this panel, be my guest
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10. Wazukyan borrows Vueko's sex dungeon-- I mean-- "workspace"
11. The Interference Units give Belaf some sort of medicine/pain reliever ---Where was the medicine earlier when he was literally laying an egg in front of Vueko??? ---Why didn't he ask for it sooner??? ---It, like, worked instantly, soooo…????????
12. Wazukyan's bright idea? "Let's lube up the eggs! Make 'em slippery~!" ---The worst part? IT FUCKING WORKS.
13. Belaf lays eight eggs all in one go ---WHY ARE THE EGGS SURROUNDED BY HEARTS ---ANSWER ME, ANNOUU-SAN
15. Belaf's breasts start producing milk ---This implies that his body was producing hormones for the eggs as if they were human??? ---If the eggs ever hatched… Would they be sentient? Would they even BE human??? ---I'm scared
16. I present to you, the feminine equivalent to the "papa pole": the "mama nipple"
17. Belaf panics because he has to deliver one gigantic fucking egg ---He is terrified and Wazukyan continues to have a dopey smile on his face
18. Wazukyan gently wipes away Belaf's tears…
20. The egg is, in Wazukyan's own words, "about the size of a baby's head". ---Meanwhile, Belaf's just sprawled there on the floor and hasn't moved an inch ---Like seriously; his eyes are rolled back in his head ---Is he okay?
21. There's one last egg. A teeny-weeny little one ---AND WAZUKYAN IMMEDIATELY DROPS IT AND BREAKS IT
22. There's a Gory Discretion Shot, and we never see what was actually IN the egg ---Wazukyan doesn't react in horror or anything at all really; but then again, should we be rating gore based off of the dude who eats rats?
23. Time skip of an unspecified amount; and Vueko's out in the new garden ---The eggs were buried there to be fertiliser for the plants and flowers
24. But then, Vueko notices the grave ---Where did it come from? ---Who made it and why? ---Who or what is buried there…? ---This is never answered
THE END. I'm not joking. That's how it ends. Now, onto the theories in Part Three~!
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foxespen · 1 year
Sins of the Father
Optimus had made many mistakes in his past, and he’s made just as many sacrifices to atone for them. But he may have gotten his second chance to make amends.
--- In their youth, Optimus and Elita-1 decided to take the next step and bring new life into the universe. After He lost his conjux, Optimus didn't feel worthy of being a sire and arranged for their sparkling to go somewhere safe. Stellacycles later, one conversation leads him to look further into Bumblebee's past, seeing too many connections to be a coincidence. Could the scout be his sparkling?
AO3 link
Other chapters: 2, 3
Chapter 1
“I don’t think the rest of the letters are gonna fit, Sari.” Bulkhead says as the young girl writes in large letters, reaching the end of the card half way through the word ‘father’. “Just write the rest really small and thin, that should do it!” Bumblebee suggests. Humans were very fascinating, in Optimus’ opinion, especially their unique customs. He reflects on this as he watches Sari work on a ‘Father’s Day’ card with Bulkhead and Bumblebee. Cybertronians didn't really have such holidays, so Optimus was glad to see it first hand.
Sari nods and writes the uneven letters. As she studies her handwriting, an inquisitive look crosses her face. “ Hey, do autobots have parents?”
Bulkhead exchanges a look with Bumblebee, “ uh… sometimes? I mean some do, like me, but not everyone does.” He scratches at the back of his helm as he tries to explain. Optimus jumps in “Technically we can, but since the war it’s less common. Most bots were protoforms, including myself, so we don’t have carriers and sires- or mothers and fathers.” Prowl nods in agreement, “I was also a protoform; a lot of them were in military programs as ready made soldiers, you can say.” Ratchet’s optics remained on the datapad. “My folks passed to the well of allsparks a long time ago. They were also medbots; helped me get the training i needed.” “My sire also passed, but my carrier still lives on our old energon farm. I try to send her letters when I can, but they can be slow this far out in space.” Bulkhead adds.
Sari nods, turning towards the scout next to her. “ What about you Bee?
“Huh? Well, I did, but I never met them. Probably also already passed.” “Probably?” Ratchet questioned. “I think so,” Bumblebee explains “I grew up in an orphanage on Iacon, from what I know they took in a lot of sparklings- I think you guys would call them babies- from autobots that offlined. So, I'm guessing they did as well.” “Hm, I think I know which one you're talking about. That place got subsidies from the war effort, and encouraged the kids to enlist when they could.” Ratchet shakes his helm. “Yeah, that sounds about right.” Bumblebee agrees with a shrug. “Well anywho… Sari, what’cha think for the inside of the card?”
As the young girl returns her attention to the paper, Optimus excuses himself before walking to his quarters. The conversation weighs heavy on his processor, dredging up many bad memories. He ventures to his desk, picking through datapads to find the young scout’s file. It contained basic information: he is barely old enough to be out of the academy, has behavioral issues, and is a ‘pint sized soldier that’s a mediocre fighter at best”. Optimus notes that parts of this report were written by Sentinel, so he takes it with some salt, or however the human saying goes. He finds the mandatory background check from the orphanage. The name brings a twinge to his spark, Bumblebee’s assessment had been accurate. Optimus had heard of many recruits putting their young in the home, few were able to return…some unwilling after everything they’d gone through. His optics trail to the photo that collects dust on his desk. A young couple stares back at him, his own young face and the visage of his conjux. There was a time where the thought of not having Elita-1 in his arms seemed like an impossibility. She was someone he’d hoped to spend the rest of their lifecycles with. In their youth they had wanted to take the next step and bring new life into the world. They’d been so excited, and when the time came to hold their sparkling Optimus knew his spark had been stolen once again. The little one had his carrier’s pretty yellow color, and his curious optics, at least according to Elita. Everything was perfect… then they went to Archa Seven. It was supposed to be simple: find an alleged abandoned Decepticon ship. At the time he was most worried about the trouble they might get into with their superiors. Little did he know that would be the last he'd see of Elita… Optimus had made many mistakes in his past, and he’s made just as many sacrifices to atone for them. When he’d returned, he felt lost in his own processor. Drowning in his own grief and guilt. A wedge had formed between him and Sentinel, destroying their friendship, and he buried himself in whatever work he could get. He felt he didn’t deserve to be a sire… so he’d made arrangements for his sparkling to go somewhere safe. An orphanage on Iacon, one he knew received funding and where he knew the little one would be taken care of. And though he’d promised to not look back, it weighed heavy in the back of his processor nearly everyday of his life. He kept telling himself that he’d done what was right. He couldn’t protect his conjux, and he wasn’t going to let himself fail again. His optics lock with Bumblebee’s profile photo, the bright yellow plating searing his processor. The orphanage is the same, and assuming his math is right, so is the scout’s age. Optimus let out a curse as rubs at his faceplate. He knows he can’t jump to any conclusions, and he was most likely looking too much into simple coincidence. He needs to investigate further.
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calronhunt · 1 year
does crane feel any actual maternal feelings towards condor and warbler? whats her deal in general? also i think she and ebonystar should be evil moms together with their baby girls hanging out
Towards Condor: no, towards Warbler: maybe some!
Crane and Condor's relationship is like, I keep saying it's weird but it's like two people who are just roleplaying a super doting/weirdly obsessive mother/son relationship despite being about the same age and making everyone else uncomfortable. I do not think they actually see each other in this way at all, but Crane likes the power that being called "mom" gives her over Condor so she enjoys it. Also she for sure gets a kick out of making other people uncomfortable outside of the Flock.
Crane and Warbler's relationship is a little bit more traditional adoptive mom/daughter kind of thing because warbler is a good bit younger than Crane. Everyone else is about "adult" age for cats while Warbler I believe to be like. a teen. about 14/15 if translated into human age. Crane is protective of her and does care for her, but that doesn't mean it's not rife with abuse. Warbler wasn't a child/kitten when adopted, and was essentially placed into this role of being Crane's daughter/Condor's little sister without basically any consent from Warbler. She goes along with it because she feels owned to Crane taking her in after the death of her parents during the war. Like, Warbler didn't get to decide that Crane was now her mom, Crane decided that for her. And I think that Crane does plan to use the power over being called "mom" to make Warbler do anything she wants, kinda like how she does with Condor.
SORRY I'M RAMBLING. Crane's whole deal in general is that she's the leader of a group of cats called The Flock. They all have bird names within and if you join you gotta change your name to a bird. The Flock was the main "other army" in a sense during the war with The King and grew SUPER LARGE during the war because The King kept conquering other groups. now that the war is over, Crane is now the leader of a crazy large group of cats, and that power and influence might be going to her head a bit lol. I think her thought pattern is like "Yeah the king failed and uniting all the groups but i'm a good person and can do it the right way."
ALSO THEY SHOULD, evil moms have to stick together in these trying times
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plutonicmirror · 2 years
Zero Hour (1994) #0 [and Zero Hour in general]
Let’s continue my Zero Hour first reading. After skipping some filler tie-in issues, I reached the finale. Again, funny numbering gimmick with a 0 issue. I think Marvel also had something similar with their -1 issues back then. Oh, the 90s!
Hal Jordan Parallax reveals his master plan: “I’m gonna erase the universe so hard, I’m gonna create a new one where everything is right and everyone is happy™”. Classic case of a hero reacting to tragedy the readers are supposed to know about the Emerald Twilight story arc, but I’m LARPing as a snot-eating 10yo in 1994 who just started reading comics and doesn’t have enough attention span to know the lore with absurd amounts of cope and a plan that sounds extremely good on paper, but that other heroes must oppose because morality yadda yadda yadda. Looking at you, Injusticeverse.
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Shout-out to my man Danger, a D-lister that was brought to the final fight fOr a ReAsOn. I’m gonna be honest, I skipped his tie-in because I couldn’t give a fuck about who he was. I usually like me some B/C/D/Z listers, but I also don’t give a fuck about DC’s Titans and his book was apparently tied to that whole mess so I was like “meh, next”. I mean, this young dude is a nobody right....?
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*one trip to a comics wiki later*
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Ahem, moving on. The Spectre shows up looking for REVENGE after all of the JSA folks get ultra aged up or straight up deleted from existence, even though they had previously asked him for help and he was like “nah that’s human bullshit, I ain’t movin’ any finger”. Good job, asshole.
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So yeah, remember our D-lister? Turns out his power (which is absorbing energy and making explosions) is specifically needed to counter Parallax’s new Big Bang. So our heroes’ plan is...to recreate the universe exactly as it was. So basically Parallax’s plan but done by them because fuck you Parallax, you don’t get to play God. Except...it doesn’t come out exactly as it was, because there’s “““subtle changes”““. In a meta way, this event was supposed to be a soft reboot to fix some of the fuckery that Crisis on Infinite Earths (a big event I haven’t read yet out of fear) caused. Was it accomplished? According to Comic Pop’s Back Issues video on this event... it kind of wasn’t. Sidenote, I highly recommend that channel’s Back Issues series, after reading an event it’s fun to watch a recap that adds background bits for the uncultured (like me) even if I sometimes feel the critique of the host is too harsh.
A not-Killing-Joke’d Batgirl from another timeline who temporarily sided with Parallax because she was doing her best “I want to be a real boy” Pinocchio impersonation got killed in the heat of the moment, so the other normal-powered hero in the room (Green Arrow) gets pissed at his former bestie. After this whole event he ragequits btw and apparently a common joke is that many readers think that should be the standard reaction to the whole thing.
Parallax is seemingly killed but it’s comics so he’ll be fine, trust the process. If I recall correctly, Hal gets to be the new Spectre for a while [*Vietnam flashbacks of Identity Crisis*]. I forgot to mention that the current Green Lantern of the time Kyle Rayner and Wally West were also “killed off”. Again, they’ll be fine. I just didn’t care enough to read a wiki and find out how they come back. But that bit brings us to this “oh yeah, that happened” moment:
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Power Girl was pregnant and gave birth to a baby with the help of Wonder Woman who conveniently decided to play midwife instead of stepping up to the threath. Bue hey, guess who also was sort of born in the aftermath of this event? That’s right, I was! So surely that means that baby is a very important char-
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Whoops, nevermind.
“7/10 it was alright” - IGN.
The contrarian in me doesn’t hate it like most nerds out there do, but it’s certainly not the greatest event ever written. Granted I went in without knowledge of a lot of stuff, like how was I supposed to make sense of what was happening in the Hawkman tie-in issue aka the whole “let’s try to solve the problem of having multiple origins for this character by literally merging them all into one” thing? How could I know what CoIE fuckery needed to be fixed if I don’t know the big impact of CoIE besides Supergirl being killed off (this fact is cultural osmosis at this point)? Did it matter to me in the long run? Not really, because it’s not like I feel compelled to keep reading DC continuity and make sense of it for the time being. The art was good, the colors were pretty, the Parallax suit was rad, the pose Ollie made at the end was Jojo-esque and dramatic, Batman fucking off from the final fight via being killed was good.
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Now, the tie-ins. Some of them were fun, some of them were a drag to read because I had no idea of background info for most of them. Almost all of the Superman tie-ins were fun to read with the exception of Steel because I was tired of wiki-hunting when I reached his issue, shout out to the alternate Jor-El and Lara, the Alpha Centurion and the “Superman tries to save the Kents during the chronal rift” stories (Superman vol. 2 #93, Adventures of Superman #516, Action Comics #703 respectively). The Legion of Superheroes and adjacent issues were extremely confusing to me as a casual but oddly engaging. I had no idea what was happening but it was sort of fun. It revived my itch to read LoSH comics even if I’m still feeling overwhelmed at the mere thought of going further with that task. Oh yeah, the silent Green Arrow issue was a lot of fun! (Green Arrow vol. 2 #90).
The characters introduced were a mixed bag. On one hand we have Bart Allen aka Impulse, who was created in the prequel to this event and was sort of interesting. But then the chronal rift time erasure bullshit happens and since he’s from the 30th century he basically does nothing of importance... Alpha Centurion, as I mentioned, was a fun read in his Adventures issue but in the core event he was... a convenient minion. Thriumph? Thriump was an annoying character, one of those “oh yeah he was totally there in the beggining of the big team but the big name characters just don’t remember tee hee!”. Don’t worry though, he would later die of a cold. Or something like that. Extant felt edgy throughout most of the core issues and the tie-ins, he really had that Madara Uchiha endgame villain energy...until he was revealed to be just a pawn that was just rebelling. And then he fucks off. Shout-out to this specific goofy panel:
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Tie-in issues skipped: Anima #7, Batman: Shadow of the Bat #31, Damage #6, Robin vol. 2 #10, Showcase ‘94 #10, Steel #8, Team Titans #24 (yeah, this team got erased from existence and I just couldn’t care), The Darkstars #24. Also skipped: all of the Zero Month aftermath gimmick #0/soft reboot issues.
New Year’s resolution when it comes to DC? I’ll get around reading the 70s Green Arrow and Green Lantern book. Ever since I found some academic paper on it that mentioned the words environmentalism and malthusian I was like “ok wtf I have to read this”.
Tytyty for reading my blog.
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lunaekalenda · 2 years
Own Character's Post: no one asked about edition! today with: Mei and Jian
warning: under the line you'll meet the most crackhead couple but still the cutest one i have ever wrote, also, a feminist plot, ancient china inspired lore in which i spent more time doing research that in my own uni works, my protected babies, me basically screaming about them and a couple extra scenes i have made specifically in the case i ever publish this and anyone asks for romantic extras to fill the void of the dramas i'm gonna write (this is a joke. the first part, i mean. angst is confirmed). sorry in advance. also, let me know if you would like to meet my other characters (such as Yvonne, Martiño, Ares, Ryu, Micah or Shi hehe) also, plot is still in development so patience pls jfhafjka. i hope you love them as much as i do &lt;3
Mei Yun
Mei Yun is the third kid from a family of seven children. She's honest, smart and quite a daydreamer most of the time. Even when girls couldn't study on her times (and less a girl from the lowest class like her.), his big brother's drinking buddy turned out to be a royal scribe, one of the highest public charges, for the Prince Li at the Blue Palace ( in Olquivilla, the capital of the south district of the island), and, illegally and by secret, he accepts to give classes to her as a favor to his brother, for all the times he has helped him. What the scribe didn't expect to find was a writer. With all the letters. A girl with an imagination beyond humans, someone whose words tangled so beautifully ones with others, with so many stories to tell. As an author himself, he's amazed by her capability of tangle the plots, to give characters real emotions and her ability of avoiding plot holes. But, still, she has a big problem: being literate for a girl her age, without any type of relation with high class people, and, specially, without a husband, something she doesn't need and something she doesn't want, is forbidden and punished. She's almost 22, and it will be fast when the royal palace assigns her some type of horrible candidate to marry, the one she will accept, or else she'll be accused of practicing the old demoniac magic and burned alive, to say the least. But, so unexpectedly, the same man that saved her stories, is willing to save her life by asking for her hand in marriage. Maybe he has other reasons to stay near her.
Jian Gao
On the other hand, Jian Gao is the youngest of two. Raised up by his granny and feeling as the needed and unwanted male heir that the Gao needed, he writes romantic stories to try to find the real meaning of love, to try to get an idea of that idilic, romantic relationships he has dreaming of since he studied abroad, reading tons and tons of novels, for his translator condition. Even when he's the Prince's right hand, Jian likes to be, as much as the Prince himself does, mixed with the people on the city. Talk with them, help them, learn from them. And his very favorite liquor is from the little tavern in front of the Yun's house, where he meets Tai Yun, Mei's older brother, who helps him at nights he feels the most stressed and becomes a friend with who Jian loves to share a cup. In exchange, Tai asks Jian a complicated question: to help his sister to learn how to write more complex, a forbidden action that could cost his work, her life, and all of her family's money. But when he meets her, asking why she wants to learn, he listens to her ideas, to her plots. And he thinks everyone should be able to read those words, and to feel, even through a book, the intense feeling she's willing to share. And, somehow, he feels an strange attraction to her stories.
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so here they are! <3 the plot is still under construction, after all, jian wasn't going to be anything more than a scribe in one chapter and mei a side character and crush of the prince, but i felt like i needed to give them the leadership they deserve! i wanted to write something light hearted (not like stalker bc i swear i can't handle this bunch of little devils), but something to just make people smile and fall in love slowly with the way the two of them see love as. omg i'm so nervous i'm sorry dhjfkhal i feel like i'm presenting my children. and now i'm leaving here a couple of extras i wrote for them <3 i hope you enjoy and pls lemme know any opinion or criticism aaa
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Extra 1
(...) "Tai is at the inn. Grandma is here" Kumiko says. I bend down to kiss her hair before leaving.
"Tell her I've gone to take something to Tai, that I'll be back before dinner" I leave the living room and the house quickly. I see Tai's large silhouette sitting at one of the tables outside, his hand holding a small glass. He's talking to someone.
"Hey, Mei!" Tai shouts when he sees me. I sigh when I hear him, walking towards his table. Tai is too loud when he drinks, and I'm sure he's not even drunk yet. "Sit with us, sis."
When I reach my brother's table, the bodies that kept me from seeing his companion dissipate. It's another man. Tall, perhaps a little more mature than the last time I saw him. This time, he wears his hair down, a couple of front locks pulled back, leaving his profile in full view. I know he's smiling when he speaks, even though his glass covers his mouth.
"Long time no see, Yun Mei." Jian's voice is still as calm as ever when he speaks to me. His movements, even though he's had a little to drink, are just as fluid and elegant, slow but graceful. Her cheeks are slightly flushed, so I sense that the scribe must have more alcohol on him than he appears to have. Tai pats a seat next to him, but I don't trust him. I don't want to tell my brother about this here, he might shout it out loud and expose all three of us. Me, for writing. Him, for lying to the Prince. Jian, for disobeying the law. I decide to keep quiet for the moment. My old tutor is still watching me. Although the last time he taught me I had already turned nineteen, it is true that I had changed. However, he is still the same as ever. "How have you been?"
My cheeks begin to redden as I notice Jian's golden gaze above me, his fingers playing with the small glass near his mouth, which glistens from the traces of alcohol he just licked. "Good…. Thank you," he smiles at me before getting up and paying. "Do you have to go now?" I ask. Jian sighs, the smile returning to his lips as he turns to me.
"I'm… Maybe I'm not quite sober…" his hand moves up to my cheek. "And you look beautiful, as always…" With one last smile, Jian leaves the little square, walking calmly back to his house. Tai puts an arm around my shoulders.
"Let's go, Tai."
Jian's caress still tingles on my skin as I walk back to my brother. I remember feeling that the first time we kissed. Going home with my finger on my lips as I felt them tingle. Hui Ying had compared it to the brush of a butterfly's wings on the skin. I looked back, but Jian's slender silhouette had already disappeared.
I liked Jian. I liked him a lot, ever since the day he came through my front door claiming he was coming to give me lessons, when I was days away from being twenty and he had just turned twenty-four. It had started to rain and the bottom of his hanfu was wet, and his hair was dripping incessantly on his face. I prepared hot tea for both of us and offered him Tai's dry clothes, which he declined. We started the class and there I realized how attractive I found him, how intelligent he is and how gently he smiled at me when I was wrong. My heart was beating especially fast when his huge hand rested on top of mine, helping me to trace the drawing accurately. It was common for him to do that, but my body never got used to the touch. I would look up at him in awe, my cheeks flushed and my eyes sparkling. With each passing class, his closeness began to become more comfortable, how he would lift my chin with two fingers to look at him when I became frustrated after a very difficult word; how he would reach over my shoulder to read during our classes, the innocent brushes of our hands when we exchanged papers. The attraction turned out to be mutual after a year of teaching, when the brushes were no longer casual but sought after. Jian would go for walks with me in the huge garden of his house when he attended class there, always with his hair down and without any adornment to show his superior position to mine. We would walk while he explained to me what scribe's work in the palace was like, while we laughed at any nonsense and he gently brushed my hair away from my face to look me in the eyes.
Jian, at any rate, never did anything I didn't want him to. He stood by until I allowed him to kiss me, the hand touches were purely casual until he took my hand. I still remember the hint of tea and alcohol from the last kiss we shared, just before he gave me the most painful letter I had ever received.
It was an envelope with a leaf from the peach tree we liked to sit on, and a piece of paper written in handwriting that didn't look like his, blurry and shaky.
"We can't see each other anymore." (...)
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Extra 2 ok no more angst i swear this one is even painful from the corniness
(...) "It's a good idea, after all, he is an erudite" my father talks to himself as if trying to convince himself that Tai's idea is not terrible. Kumiko keeps watching me, studying my reactions despite being so young. My mother has a huge smile and my grandmother has my hand locked in hers. Opposite on the table, Hai holds a half-asleep Zihao in her arms, listening intently. "Still, aren't the parents who search for the daughter-in-law? Why a poor young woman? I mean, my daughter, you are beautiful and intelligent, a good match…. but shouldn't he marry a noblewoman?" Tai asks for silence as he picks up the letter. He rereads it quickly. "Apparently, Jian Gao spoke so highly of Mei to his parents that they allowed Jian to marry her. You can tell he loves her very much." Everyone's gaze falls on me. It's true, Jian loves me, as much as I love him. But marriage is a big thing. Especially for a girl like me, used to eating just enough dinner to keep from fainting from hunger, reusing and sewing the same hanfu over and over again, and pretending to be illiterate on a daily basis while i study next to him. To marry a man like him. An erudite, a royal scribe, taught in all the arts and excelled in letters, with a job in the royal chamber of scribes. Known as an author, with addictive literature. And very attractive. Tall, amber-eyed and pale-skinned, with rosy lips and an easy smile. Women whisper when they see him pass by, offering to carry his books or fix his manbun. Always so attentive and affectionate, so close….
"….which is why I think they should get married." Tai finishes.
"Are you unhappy with the proposal," Jian asks later, walking beside me near the watercourse in his garden. The hanfu he gave me fits me well, as if it was sewn for me. I clear my throat and force myself to smile, though I don't look directly at him.
"No, no. It just caught me by surprise, that's all. I'm not unhappy." Though Jian gives me a worried look, which means he doesn't quite trust what I say, he sighs and continues walking silently. As is common, he does not wear any ornaments in his hair or hanfu to show his superior position, despite being on his property. When I arrived at his house, perhaps a little before the appointed time, Jian was just finishing taking a bath. His servant ushered me into the sitting room to wait for him, and I saw him appear shortly after with his damp hair tied up in a high bun. He looked so ethereal and unreal. I could tell he looked like an appetizing future, but it terrified me. To be the mistress of a house like that, to walk beside him as his wife. To be seen as property.
I know Jian doesn't intend that. His eyes are sincere when he speaks, but I can't help but think so. It's what people will say, deep down. Jian stops walking, his hand gripping my waist, making me stop. He watches me closely, amber eyes roaming my face, so close, I could even count the dark flecks glinting in his irises.
"I don't know what you're thinking," he murmurs, softly. "But really, Mei. Don't do something you don't want to do. I don't want to force you into anything, let alone pressure you. I want you to have the final say. Not me, not your father, not mine. You." Jian's fingers are even faster than my tears when he wipes them away.
"It's not for me…" I whisper. Jian watches me, listening carefully. "I don't want people talking about you. That I'm younger than you, that I'm poor, that I'm not one of those pretty candidates the matchmaker is looking for. That you let yourself be lured by a girl with a lust for money."
Jian smiles subtly, before pressing his lips gently against my forehead.
"Mei…" he pulls away from me slowly, fixing his eyes on mine again. "I don't care what people say about me. The important thing is that I'll have you by my side. And I know what I feel, just like you know what you feel. As long as we are sure, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks." (..)
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im so mad at myself. is it even my turn to vent yet probably not but fuck the rules baby
uh. tw for me yapping about suicide and general queerphobia and bullying and shit
i keep fucking staying up until 5 am on my phone because im scared of sleeping because i might have nightmares about otherwise trivial things that irritate me because im a stupid self centered bitch whos so scared of a little bit of hate because apparently its almost like that person wants to kill me.
and staying up on my phone isn't even the thing im worried about here its the fact that im mostly on tumblr. because its the only place i feel safe. and what if my mom finds it through the apps i spend the most time on and looks at my blog and sees that i dont strictly use she/her pronouns and supports palestine and supports all queer identities and actually does kill me. or at least does something that leads to me. you know. committing chapter 8 my life ends here.
and also the fact that i stay up all night and go to sleep until 1 pm. i feel so disgusting and lazy depression probably doesnt even excuse it atp im probably just looking for comfort since nobody else can give it to me i mean others have it far worse than i do lol
and Him. dont fucking forget about Him. i had a fucking nightmare about him touching me. not even in anywhere intimate just on my head. just the idea of him making any form of physical contact with me is fucking repulsive. im absolutely terrified to go back to school because what if hes planning things to do to hurt me. what if he has more friends to harm me. what if he hurts Her because Shes one of the only people who trusts me. he didnt even do that much he just made me extremely uncomfortable
literally the only four things keeping me from killing myself are my online friends and the spicy cookies from the hit korean mobile game franchise known as cookie run (specifically only peperoncino and habanero and capsaicin and the other scovillia cookies but my prove is still pointen) and the haha funny wario game released for the nintendo wii on july 24 2008 and the one girl from my school i have an extremely obsessive crush on and if she Finds Out™ then 3/4 of those things (or all 4 if she's sick enough to keep me out of school to "protect me further from the gay agenda") are gonna be taken away from me and. quick question to my mom. do you want a dead child? no? then get your shit together and stop making baseless threats against me for having human decency.
"why do you hide everything from me????????? 🥺🥺🥺" well if you never made those threats to me because i reacted in an almost justified way when you were being hateful about trans people i would have felt more comfortable telling you things. and dont even try and say "but i support the gays too!!!!!!! but not the mutilation psychos!!!!!!" youd probably tell someone to stop shoving it in their faces if you saw even a little tiny lesbian flag pin on their jacket. and stop using psycho for every person you ever so slightly have beef with. its getting annoying and not everyone who thinks trans people should have basic rights has a psychotic disorder. thank you <3
i wouldve been more hopeful about everything if my parents didnt have fucking fox news on every evening and not one not two but THREE FUCKING PRO TRUMP SHITSTUFF in their front yard. these fuckers never learn. i hope blue wins this year so i can see them wail and bitch about their stupid little fascist orange losing. but again thats just one of the dumb little trivial things that frustrate me beyond my limits. i find it funny how i pretend im just. not interested in anything political but. does a backflip
my fucking god can someone just fucking euthanize me. wait not even that. just fucking torture me and keep me alive. like do some wild shit. make the devil shiver even more than he would when a nice guy loses his temper.
i know im overreacting. i know im just making shit up like the self centered pile of flesh i am. but im so mad right now im beyond livid i might blast glittertown in my earbuds again to at least dull the rage
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maguro13-2 · 8 months
Shattered Hero ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Episode Maka Pt.6
[The Hunt ~ End of Planets - Kenichi Tokoi]
Hotaru/Saturn : Father! Please, snap out of it! You're already dead! You don't have to do this!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Sorry, Hotaru. But he ain't your daddy anymore! It's a giant heartless jerk!
Rei/Mars : Now he's one of the darksides! He became Heartless Tomoe!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Alrigh guys! Get ready to take this sucker--
Usagi/Sailor Moon : ...Down?
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : (groans in pain) Who blasted at me!?
Duo Maxwell : Hey, f*ckface!
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : What do you think you're doing in my way of killing the Sailor Scouts! (sees Deathscythe standing in front of him, holding out with it's scythe)
Duo Maxwell : Mr. Tomoe, I have one thing to say to you. Like man, you're a bad father! Time to give you the proper meaning of having better parenting! This will be your last!
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : I won't back down from a coward! I'll send you to hell, immediately!
Duo Maxwell : Then find another place besides Hell! You devil!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Unbelievable! That giant robot just him in one punch!
Duo Maxwell : Now, girls! Now's your chance! Use your magical superheroes to attack him!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Right! This should be a piece of cake!
(the sailor scouts use their magical superpowers to attack Darkside)
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Let's see if he likes magical girl power! Talk about a superhero cliche moment!
Minako/Venus : Uhh, guys? I don't think our superpowers is working, maybe!
Ami/Mercury : What is this guy made of!?
Makoto/Jupiter : He's too black and too strong!
Scouts : Excuse me!?
Makoto/Jupiter : You know the coffee thing from Malcom X, I basically heard from final boss level on that DS game they played! You know the song from that game, It came from civil rights movement speech! Totally rush style!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Can't you think a better joke than that?
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : Foolish, Sailor Scouts! Can't you see that this is a perfect body that I needed. This body is made from Pureblood heartless and I am immune to magical girl powers that don't work on darksides! I was born to be flawless against you!
Duo Maxwell : Oh crap! that's right! Magical Girl powers are useless against heartless like Darkside! Unless...*DING!* I figured it out! The weapon that goes against the heartless is a Keyblade! It only works on Video Game logic!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : A keyblade! Pffft! You must be crazy! There's no way that I ever pulled a--(summons a Keyblade) Oh, wow! I gotta have one of these babies before!
Hotaru/Saturn : Usagi! That thing in your hand! Is that...
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Oh this? I found out that a kid named Sora has the ability to summon this from his heart. It only works on video game logic.
Makoto/Jupiter : Logic? That can't be right. It will never work for us! (summons a keyblade and as well for the scouts)
Rei/Mars : Woah! This thing came out of my hand!
Minako/Venus : So this is what the powers of a Keyblade look like! That is video game logic!
Duo Maxwell : Hurry, use it now!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Got it! Okay, scouts! Is everyone!
Scouts : Yeah!
Usagi/Sailor : Okay! Here goes (charges Keyblade) Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto! Together!
Scouts : [in unison] IN THE NAME OF THE MOON, WE'LL PUNISH YOU!!!
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : (yells in pain) The light! But why! It only works on me!? That's not possible! How can the Sailor Scouts uses the power of light!? I can't be defeated by a bunch of vixens in superhero clothing!
Duo Maxwell : And now...You're out of the question!
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : Hotaru. This world, you and I, have a special purpose for what it means to have a heart for us. Humans will over come their fear one day and get a chance step out of shadows and into the light itself. I was designated to complete my research of what your heart says and I dedicated it. Hotaru, please, spare me. Spare me and I will let you and all of your friends go. I needed you, you needed me!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Can it, professor! This is the real world that we all live and we can do it for ourselves to make a one big future and that makes the Sailor Scouts one big family! You got yourself a deal with your problems to worry about! That's on you, Mr. Tomoe!
Hotaru/Saturn : Sorry that I mean to bother you and it pains me to tell you something before I even let you go. Professor Tomoe, listen to my words, the Sailor Scouts are my family now and I have opened my heart to come clean and to tell you one last for you, the reason why I chose their side to be with them because...[determined] YOU'RE NOT MY FATHER ANYMORE!!! GO TO HELL, YOU HEARTLESS DEVIL!
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : But, Hotaru! I...I don't derseve to die like this! Please, give me to say--
Duo Maxwell : --onara! So, beat it!
*DBZ/One Piece : SLASH!*
Duo Maxwell : Finally it's over!
[Mission Accomplished - Kenichi Tokoi]
Usagi/Sailor Moon : (laughs triumphantly) We won again, guys! Evil never wins! Justice has been prevailed!
Minako/Venus : Thank god that insane father of a sailor scout is gone! The keyblades sure do come in handy! That's video game logic for ya!
Makoto/Jupiter : We're finally free from that evil scientist!
Rei/Mars : At last, the nightmare is over!
Hotaru/Saturn : I...I did it! I finally did it to avenge you, mom. I am no longer bounded by our cursed pasts, we've begun to walk towards the future. It's time for me to move on and live life the fullest.
"later at Sailor Senshi Headquaters..."
Luna : Excellent work, sailor scouts! You did a fine job on taking down the enemy intrustion. Thanks to you, Usagi. You show your friends the courage you needed another threat.
Usagi : Heh! No problem! It was all part of my plan! We finally saved Tokyo, but they might come back to the city, we're still figuring out that why would a 14-year old girl would attack the city and the American Public. Hmmm...I believe it has something to do with a queen that looks alike her twin, another twin from around 70 years ago. Let's just put that in the book for sure. I bet a look alike of that 14-year old girl is behind all of that. Well, at least we saved the city from harm.
Luna : Correct, Celestial 9 is very proud on you completing your task, I will look into the reports on whether they made the mission a success, that is all I ever wanted to hear. Remember, we must look on the threats on all inter-related crimes and the people of this here planet needs the cases to be solved. We Sailor Senshis are a taskforce to defend the human race from the forces of evil, and it is out job to keep Earth safe from ever being harmed. Alright, Senshis, you're all dismissed.
Usagi : Yeah, no probs.
(scene cuts)
Usagi : Man, what a rough battle. Too bad that it's sorrowful that we had to take down your "crazy" father back there. Yeah, I know, my archenemies or rivals from the past are much kind of a jerk nowadays. Thanks for keeping my friends from a ever going corrupted into supervillains, that would've real messed but how did you get the Sailor Scouts back to their humanity?
Hotaru : Easy. "Nanomachines, son!" That's how sci-fi works, they harden in response to the shapes of physical trauma. I'm aware that line will ever be foreshadowed as a meme by the year 2013. You probably know that Nanomachines might be in our friends' bodies, but, they have been removed thanks to the powers of medical science. Our medical research team had to extract their bodies Since Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were saved from their archenemies and so does the bad men in the streets of Tokyo.
Usagi : I'm glad you got that right. No men in any country would harm a superhero like me,would they? They wanna harm superheroes, they messed with the wrong girl! I am Sailor Moon and that will forerver be my superhero secret. So it's cool, that I would indeed come back to see mom again.
Ikuko/Usagi's Mom : Yowza! Usagi, what are you doing here at a place like this? And haven't you forgot that you got school tomorrow?
[Comedy - Hideaki Kobayashi]
Usagi : M...Mom!? Wait a sec! What are you doing here?
Hotaru : Relax, Mrs Tsukino. I'm her friend and this is the new Sailor Senshi Headquarters.
Ikuko Tsukino : The new what? Oh you mean, you are her friend from that other school? Well, it is a pleasure to meet you on your daily basis, I'm Usagi's mother nice to meet you being, umm, is it me or does it look you not wearing any...
Hotaru : It's cool being here, isn't it? But we don't wear our Senshi uniforms at HQ, we only work here without any clothes. We are simply allowed in our birthday suit or in our optional clothing such bare skin. But I guess you became the first person to see HQ fully clothed.
Ikuko Tsukino : Well then, my apologies, young ma'am. I'm so sorry for my eavesdropping. Usagi-chan, you might be a hero to keep your secrets, but you're still my daughter and you have school tomorrow.
Usagi : Yeah, mom. So I like it here as a secret, I got work as a Superhero, but do I really have school like now? How long has it been. Wait, if this is the year 2006, then why is pluto considered to be a planet? Hotaru, How many years have we've been sleeping for over a year and a decade from the past?
Hotaru : Umm, according to my calculations, our friends in 1999, but I believe it's about, umm, like seven years since the Dead Busters we're killed!
Usagi :Wait, you're telling me that I've been asleep at the place for...Seven years!? How long since our old tv show was debuted?
Hotaru : After Naoko and Togashi's marriage, before that, let's just say that our tv show have debuted around...14 years. No we originally debuted about....15 years. (Usagi tilts and then collapses)
Hotaru : Don't worry, you'll get use to it.
Mrs Tsukino : Well, at least she's got school Tomorrow.
[What a Pity! - Kenta Nagata]
[Iris shot]
Usagi : Wow! This is going to be lucky day for me, isn't me!? I missed the 90s.
[iris out]
~ Act 5 : Family of Heroes ~
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