#i think its racism i swear to god
cherry-shipping · 1 year
ok so anyway while were on the topic of fanfiction it pisses me off to no fucking end when fanfic authors depict papyrus as some naive gullible sweet innocent little kid who doesnt know or understand anything, ESPECIALLY if its a fic dealing with monster racism and xenophobia. ive seen so many fucking fanfics talking about that where papyrus is written as some sort of innocent ball of sunshine who cant understand the harsh reality he lives in....... like shut the FUCK UP!!!!! he KNOWS!!! the thing is hes SMART and KIND and WILL NOT LET YOU BE MEAN TO HIM!!!!!! thats why he reacts positively even if you pick the mean dialogue options in the game!!! he KNOWS youre trying to hurt his feelings but he wants to be your friend SO BAD he LITERALLY will not let you!!!!! and it works!!!!!! hes not stupid!!!!! you guys are just ableist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ofbreathandflame · 1 year
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ganondoodle · 3 months
so, doing this as an extra post bc i dont want to spam op nor invite more disaster into their post (sorry)
(i get annoyed, i get frustrated, but i rarely get pissed off, so if this sounds aggressive to you, it is; i have had enough of arguing with people -even if most of that arguing has happened on twitter-)
someone had replied (and later apparently deleted) something along the lines of "well zelda wanted to restore hyrule at the end of botw and what is so bad about ganondorf always being the bad guy in the way that he is?"
so first off, while i know hyrule and KINGDOM of hyrule is often used as an equally interchangeable word to refer to the world there, i dont think she meant the kingdom or its or its monarchy when she said that (does she? i dont have the end in my head rn and pretty sure its a lil different than english anyway) and much more the LAND of hyrule, its still in shambles even if people have found ways to live with it- that is an interpretation of me mostly, you can think what you want in that regard idc
secondly .... im not gonna get into that rant bc you cannot be seriosuly asking what is bad about how ganondorf is presented, treated in the games (espeically in totk) and his role and "writing" (oh geez i dont know maybe all the racism and stereotypes?? also, frankly boring ass writing, if your villain can be replaced by a cloud of toxic goo incapable of speech and nothing would change except saving money for voice actors that dont fit the role that is not a great look- hes never gotten much but totk is a new low)
then theres this reply
astro-shark3113 replied: "You're kidding right? If she cared about reinstating the monarchy then why is the castle still in disrepair after five years? Why does she become a teacher and live in a cottage with her boyfriend instead of taking on duties as princess? She clearly wants to help people and be a leader but she can do that without wanting to be a Queen. Please be real"
i am not kidding and i AM being real, i think you need to look at the game without your rose tinted glasses for a second; the castle is still in ruin? what the hell do you expect, theres no soldiers and very few servants left, repairing anything is quite impossible in that time and frankly not a priority (not proof of her not caring lol) also there is a plan for it at the very least given the camps with the hyrule crest all over it in the ruins of castle town- we dont SEE her as a teacher, or living a "normal" life, that happens in between the game, its flavor text, what HAPPENS in the game is her being taught a lessson on who she needs to be and what hyrule needs to be (pretty in your face too, she gets sent to paradise past of the "first" king that is some supposedly godly thing from the HEAVENS and watches him and his queen die at the hands of the eviiil guy, the last scene in the game mimics perfectly the scene where everyone that god king got under his rule swears undying loyalty to her ffs); she does live in that house, but what other option is there, set up camp in the collapsing throne room all alone?? nigh everyone from that time is long dead and the only one she actually knows is link who happens to have a house (bc impa doesnt care i guess idk), with her ""boyfriend"" is also interesting, a "boyfriend" that apparently is locked in the basement, lives in the woods or straight up dematerlializes when theres no big bad in need of stabbing bc why the hell does no one fucking know him in hateno??? not even the kids that come to the house EVERY SINGLE DAY?? and taking on duties as a princess, she very much does? just bc she doesnt get physically carried around in a castle doesnt mean she isnt doing royal stuff (also, again, that happens BETWEEN the games, not actually in totk), she still sees herself as the princess, everyone calls her that, she herself calls herself that (if the memorial stones are anything to go by) and everyone listens to the most overtly stupid and nonsensical stuff that zelda puppet says (even her friends follow that order without even asking back???) after over 100 years of there not being a kingdom as such its pretty weird how everyone immediately, even the ones not alive for the calamity event, snaps into blindly following her orders
"she can still lead without being a queen", did we play the same game?? totk? TEARS of the KINGDOM?? (its zeldas tears, she IS the kingdom) that game?? the game couldnt be more directly telling you that its whole point is that royal family holy and good and how much everyone has to sacrifice to uphold the holy kingdom bc its the only thing that keeps evil man from overtaking it!! including turnign herself into a farmable, glorified stone pedestal for the entirety of the actual game and then that sacrifice not meanign shit bc she just gets deus ex machina'd back (i didnt need her to stay a dragon, though it would have been the better choice if she still didnt get an active part in the game i would kill for her to have been a capable companion instead of the stupid ghost sages, and you dont even get to actually do anything for it, it just happens), not even the nuclear pebble is lost, how great! she and everyone else that is a leader of their people has a nuclear pebble now!! they will not let a bad evil man be a threat ever again!! like the point to bring her back in that utterly unsatisfying way is that otherwise the royal line wouldnt exist anymore, its a blessing of her ancient ancestors!! woohooo!!
and the thing is, i LIKE botw zelda, i liked her character, that she wasnt the typically maiden princessy type, her struggle (even if i find the way she unlocked her powers lame), i do NOT like totk zelda, after the intro of the game she is a princessy maiden standing prettily at the side of the god king that rules the only thing keeping evil at bay, the level of how much totk disrespects her makes me mad on her behalf but i have ranted about that alone enough as well
and with this i am DONE talking about this game, i have ranted so much about it, made my points carefully clear over and over, said that i dont have the nerves left to be nice anymore about it given how much shit alone on twitter i had to live through just bc i dared mildly critisizing the damn game, if you comment some snarky "be real" thing again im just gonna go straight to blockign people bc i am done with this
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bitterkarella · 1 year
Midnight Pals: Yellow
Robert Chambers: Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I call this the tale of the yellow sign Chambers: the scary part is that its yellow Barker: how do you figure Chambers: well, it’s the scariest color Barker: Barker: what
Chambers: yellow is the scariest color Barker: what the hell are you talking about Lovecraft: no he’s right Barker: oh well of course YOU’D think so howard Barker: you just agree with anything that Robert says Barker: also you know the racism
King: well think about it King: [musical accompaniment swells] you couldn’t have the king in yellow without yellow King: could you? Barker: what's going on here
King: you couldn’t have the yellow sign without yellow King: could you? Barker: i swear to god if this is a musical number
King: you couldn’t have the yellow wallpaper without yellow King: could you? King: you couldn’t have the once yellow house without yellow King: could you? Lovecraft: and you can’t have a yellow peril without yellow! King: you couldn't King: King: you’re not helping howard
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lyra-heartstring · 2 months
TW: Mentions of Sh, suicide, Od, racism ( self directed/internalized )
Before i start, the racism part of this is genuinely only to myself. I dont care what race other people are, i just hate mine.
Letter for the boy in the mirror that i wish to kill.
Spending the past 16 years of my life being ugly has been my enternal hell. I have to live everyday knowing im conventionally unattractive and no matter the clothes i wear and the way i style myself ill always be ugly. I have wonderful outfits that i think are really fucking cool or just nice and casual, but the only issue is my face and my skin. I dont want to deal with this shit, i hate my skin tone and i hate everyone trying to tell me to be proud of it. " Black is beautiful "Go fuck yourself, im not and for some reason everyone feels the need to let me know like i havent had to live with this body that i wish wasn't nine. "You're ugly" " who would like you" " you can atleast try to be funny " all of you can die, im tired of you and your fake sympathetic bullshit or the rejections in which i get infantalized bc people dont wwnt to be mean, just for me to find out wbt what they were thinking later. I get it im ugly and i tucking hate my race every issue i have stems in some way shape or form from those 2 factors (gender is another but that's a seperate rant on its own ) and don't give me that bullshit " its just your style " " dress nicely " fashion is a looks thing irregardless of how u want to spin it. Outfits look good because of how the person looks and for some fucking reason nothing works with me. My parents are trying to style me as some proper black christiwn boy, thats litterally the entire opposite of what i want to be. i have to deal with everyone tell me shit like " your outfit looks good", hoping one day they talk about me. " your shirt is nice " what about me?, " your outfit is cute ", what about me?. Ive spent years living as the billshit excuse of a human being with people shoving it down throat that im ugly, but THE SECOND I TRY TO KILL MY SELF OR I CUT MYSELF EVERYONE IS SUDDENLY THE GOOD SAMARITAN READY TO SAVE ME FROM MY TROUBLES. " Im jealous of you ", " i wish i looked like you ", " you arent ugly " I swear to every single celestial being i will rip off the head of the next person who tries to spoon feed me this bullshit. Im the person who is better off taking the photos, the one in the back of the pictures being blocked by people and thanks to my fucking skin tone i looked like some fucked up horror monster in polaroids. Now that its been 16 years of not a single person being there for me, suddenly everyone is some empath and knows how i feel. " i relate " " i understand how you " NO YOU FUCKING DONT, YOU POST AESTHETIC PHOTOS OF YOURSELF WEEKLY, HAVE PEOPLE HITTING ON YOU, WEAR WHATEVER YOU WANT BC U ARE ATTRACTIVE ANYWAYS SO ANYTHING U WEAR IS A " fit ". GO FUCKING KILL YOURSELF, TRY BEING THE PERSON THAT EVERYONR IS SUPRISED MANAGES TO DATE SOMEONE, ITS NOT THE SURPRISED OF " we didnt know " ITS THE BULLSHIT SURPRISE WHETE THEY ACY LIKE YOUR PARTNER IS BLIND OR YOU ARR PAYING THE PERSON TO DATE YOU. ITS THAT BULLSHIT SURPRISE YHAT SOMEONE ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH LIKES YOU. IF YOU EVEN GO THROUGH A PORTION OF THAT THEN MAYBE SAY U UNDERSTAND ME, DONT TRY TO RELATE TO MY STORY WHEN YOUR BIGGEST WORRY IS BEING HIT ON. MY BIGGEST WORRY IS BEING CALLED CREEPY BC I SAID I LIKE SOMEONE, OR A WEIRDO BC I CONFESS TO SOMEONE " i like you " BC ITS CRAZY THAT MY ABORTED FETUS LOOK-A-LIKE SELF HAS YHE AUDACITY TO DEVELOP FEELINGS WHILR LOOKING THE WAY I DO. EVERYONE ELSE CAUSE DO THE SAME SHIT AND ITS A SILLY FUN HIGHSCHOOL EXPERIENCE, ITS FUNNY, AKWARD, ROMANTIC. What i would give to be a different person, different hair, different face, different race, different voice, the amout i would throw away just for that is unmeasureable. To the higher beings i hate you for what you have
done to me, people worship you for what you have fone for them, and im suppossed to join along and be thankful of the gift of life when my life has been nothing but a curse. I hate you for how i look, i hate that everyday i have to find new methods to not think or look into mirrors bc my immediate reaction to commit suicide. Im 16 with a violent hatred towards my face, a waste of space incomplete cell called my body, the urge/desire to kill myself the second i think abt how i look, pure hatred and negativity. I spend all my time cutting because the moment the blade leaves my skin i remember im ugly. The many nights i stare into the mirror with the pills in my hand as i cry for being dealt this shit of a hand from life. I hope for happiness one day but ik that i will never find it nor will i let go of this anger. To the few people reading this
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areyougonnabe · 1 year
Tell us your favourite fact or piece of information about a polar expedition
this is the one that comes up in conversation the most that the people i'm talking to (fellow polar nerds) don't know - but basically, one of my areas of interest is THIS mfer, Sir Clements Markham. now let it be known i don't like him or "stan" him by any means i think he's for the most part a terrible person lolol but i am fascinated by him and have done a lot of research into his life and work:
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most people know him as the guy above, the *ahem* controversial old fogey who was more or less the driving force behind the british end of the heroic age of polar exploration. but when he was a teenager, and looked like THIS:
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he was on one of the early Franklin search expeditions in 1850-51, on board the Assistance under Captain Ommanney, sister of the Resolute under Captain Austin. this was his last journey with the Royal Navy - he only lasted about five years, he wasn't really cut out for the lifestyle (except for the parts where he got have intense life-destroying crushes on his superior officers) - but it was definitely the most impactful. it left markham with a singular, youthful and optimistic impression as to what polar exploration was all about. homosocial camaraderie, midwinter entertainment, effortful manhauling, geographical discovery, honor and bravery in service to the Empire. et cetera. (can you see where this eventually is going?)
this myth-through-experience grew and grew over his adult life as he worked his way up through the imperial bureaucracy, first at the India Office and later at the Royal Geographical Society, which was to be his most long-lasting professional association.
he participated in the organization of the Nares expedition in 1875, but when that was a resolute failure he bided his time until the 1890s, when support for antarctic discovery began to grow amongst the scientific establishment.
during the time that he was working on drumming up support for what would eventually become Scott's first expedition on the Discovery, in the mid-to-late 1890s, he was working on a, let's say, "private manual of devotion." this was a lengthy manuscript with an equally lengthy title:
James Fitzjames: the story of the friendship, devoted zeal for the service, high souled courage, self denial, and heroic deaths of 129 British Naval Officers and Seamen - A Romance based on information and on facts so authentic and so numerous that it must be very near to the truth.
as you can probably tell already. this was a piece of work. its first few chapters are indeed "based on information" - biographies of Franklin and his officers, often using details Markham received secondhand from men he'd met who actually knew them. (apparently he went around asking everyone he ever met if they'd known anyone on the FE and could they tell him about them which, relatable)
but then after the ships leave Disko and the historical record, the story turns to pure fancy. markham is, as you may have noticed from the title, absolutely obsessed with James Fitzjames to a psychosexual level. he was the "beau ideal" of an officer to Markham. (they never met!!! i might emphasize!!!!!) according to good old clem, if Fitzjames had been in charge of the expedition entire, it would never have perished - the fate that befell them was due to Franklin and Crozier's aged stiffness and inability to adapt.
going into detail about the rest of this frankly bonkers fanfiction would take ALL DAY i swear to god BUT highlights include: a self-insert character named "Baby" who swears fealty to Fitzjames, at least three midwinter theatricals described in detail incl. crossdressing, egregious and disgusting racism against the inuit, pop culture references, a complete and hilarious mix-up of the expedition ranks due to clem not having access to the full roster (jopson as caulker's mate!!!!), and of course lots and LOTS of men dying piously and nigh-erotically in each others' arms. of course there is no cannibalism whatsoever and the men are devoted to the naval hierarchy until the very end.
anyway, the fetishization of youth and inexperience which is visible in the story is quite glaringly tied to markham's selection of scott for the 1901 expedition. at the very least subconsciously, he wanted to recreate the FE with a "Fitzjames" in charge, thinking that would be the key to success.
and to that we can only say: LO fucking L.
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porcelaintoybox23 · 2 years
I’m so sick and tired of being expected to accept racism in fandom spaces. I’m sick of enlightened centrists trotting out the same idiotic goddam brainless argument of “it’s fantasy, so black/brown people don’t have to exist.” I’m sick of excusing the racism and colorism within many asian cultures and cultures in general. I’m sick of coons and pick-me’s rushing to be a shield against valid criticism from minority groups. I’m glad “you’re not offended”, fuck off you ignorant sellout. Sometimes, overzealous westerners speak over us out of misguided support or virtue signaling, but you don’t get to use that to ignore us. Plenty of POC are ticked.
It’s absolutely maddening sitting here watching the fuckwits who think MLK being murdered ended racism and the “we’re not like those sensitive Americans” crowd mock people for being mad that games like Genshin pretend that tan, not melaninated, tan people don’t fucking exist. “Wait for Sumeru.” “oh well it’s too early to tell, wait for Natlan.” People waited until Sumeru and look at the crap we got. I don’t care if Kusanali is based on a Buddhist poem, they already whitewashed Al-Haitham and Tighnari, might as well let the loli bait be brown. Colorism may be prevalent, but we’re still a porn category. I’m just saying, it’s a little weird that we don’t don’t have any male child characters but get the archetypal “she looks like child, but is actually 500 years old.”
I can already see the dick riders discussing Natlan. I swear to fucking god, some dipshit on Reddit had the nerve to say “these are the same people who think everyone in Africa is black.” Bitch, I will fucking deck you. Africa is majority black. The white colonizers and their descendants in South Africa don’t represent us. I’m pretty sure North Africa has been claimed by Sumeru, but I want to let you know that region is diverse. There are black people living there and tan people. Ahh I know, so scary when you can’t live in your aryan world where the evil, dumb fantasy races are darker skinned.
The genshin fandom is disgustingly racist. I have never believed that racism will ever go away. I know I have to sit and be grateful that the white people around me got over their “racism phase” as if that’s normal. As if we should be normalizing this nonsense. People will, unironically, see a game/show/movie/book where 99.999999% of the characters are white and bitch that some us want a poc. I remember when Star Wars came out and people lost their minds over a black man being a main character.
It’s fucking sickening. I love fandom spaces. I’m a nerd, a geek, a weeb whatever but no matter where I go there’s always racism and sexism. People expect you to grovel over fucking crumbs. They added dark skinned npcs after the backlash and people were saying “see! You guys are the real racists!”
A black cosplayer posts a pic and gets hated on for not “accurately depicting” the character while white cosplayers see no issue in not accurately depicting the Japanese character they’re dressed as.
You all can’t be this stupid. I’m done giving people this excuse. You know and you don’t care. At least have the fucking spine to be open about it.
I’m honestly at the point where I don’t think China and Japan should be allowed to have brown and black people in their media. The few good examples don’t outweigh the years of caricature. Hoyoverse should just commit to its racist bullshit and not include darker skinned characters at all. Fe3h should never have included racism when it’s poorly discussed, barely addressed, and the perpetrators receive no consequences for their thinking.
I didn’t even touch on the orientalist designs, but there are many SWANA and MENA people who have created designs infinitely better than Hoyo’s.
No matter what decade, or country minorities are always expected to lick crumbs off the floor with no complaints. Racism in reality, racism in fandom. We’re fucking stuck with the lesser of two evils and you jackals still put a fucking knife in our backs.
Am I being irrationally angry? Who the fuck knows, but that’s what a lifetime of frustration will do to you. I don’t fucking care if you disagree. I’m done arguing.
Jesus hell, Candace who is supposed to be Nubian, Sudanese is paler than my foot. C’mon!
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box4brains · 4 months
On Law, Lies and Love
Hi! I will once again be (gushing) talking about Trafalgar Law.
Setting some ground lines; I am a manga reader, and as the anime is based on the manga, I consider manga canon, with everything else being in different levels of canon-ified fannon. (ie, if something happens in the anime that isn’t in the manga, like a filler or a movie, I view it as “friendly suggestion” rather than canon). That being said, I do enjoy watching the anime reactions on yt, so I will be taking things that I noticed in the anime into this… “character study” (for lack of a better word). A fair warning; I’m Swedish, so English isn’t my first language (so apologies if I use words wrong). I don’t speak Japanese either, I do know some stuff, but again, apologies if I misunderstand anything here.
Deep dive into Laws psyche after the cut;
Let’s dive deeper into how I view Laws character/personality in the manga/show. Specifically towards the topic of “love” and “lies”, who I think has an extremely complex (if not convoluted) relationship with.
Let’s go into something that might be a bit of an HC for me, it’s based on little hints throughout the series, so I don’t begrudge anyone that would disagree… and that is; that Law is, in fact, incredibly gullible. It’s only the fact that life basically kicked him in the face- twice- before the age of 14 that has him extremely suspicious and distrustful about anything and everything he hears.
And the fact I bring this up is because it all ties back into the discussion about love and lies.
So Law was born into an environment that not only looked magical and beautiful, but where (I believe) he grew up into something as close to an utopia I feel anything could be in the world of One Piece. There was no classism, no racism (though I think that might be because I doubt that there was much diversity in Flevance), health care was free, jobs and education plentiful and nothing to complicate someone’s desire to chase either of them. Religion was a cornerstone of their way of life (viewing their ways of life as a blessing from God).
In every way imaginable, a tightly knit community viewing their compassion and love for each other as perhaps a greater source of pride than the metal that had made their country so wealthy in the first place.
That’s how Law grows up. And due to his gullible nature, he takes it all in. People are fundamentally good and kind, because of course they are, that’s what he’s been told. It’s one of the fundamental truths of the universe as far as Law’s concerned. It’s the privilege of a human being to be kind and humble, to help others in need isn’t a virtue, it’s something fundamental that makes people people. It’s a blessing and gift from God, to be able to help and be there for others.
So Law, as a small child, takes all he’s taught and for many, many years, questions nothing and takes all his little responsibilities with the outmost seriousness.
He brings home hurt animals (and sometimes people), when Lami is born he decides that he too wants to be a doctor, just like his parents. His parents that he loves and cherish more than anything else in the world, Lami quickly rising to a close second, though Law thinks she’s in a special category, one just for her. (His parents laugh and explain what he’s feeling and his role as an older brother, Law swears then and there that he’s going to protect Lami no matter what.)
Time flies, and one day an mysterious disease starts rearing its ugly head. Law is confused, and slowly getting more and more scared as the numbers grows. One day a border wall is built around the country. He watches as the navy comes to take the royal family away and at first he’s confused, he thinks that maybe they left to get help, but they never come back, neither the royal family nor the navy. No help comes from the world at all. In fact, it’s the opposite. The borders are completely closed, no one can get out, no food or aid is getting in either.
Law worries, but his parents tell him to have faith, they are fighting to find a cure… surely once they find the cause, the cure won’t be far behind, and this whole nightmare will be a thing of the past. Law believes them, because he knows that they would never lie to him or hurt him.
Well, they eventually find the cause of the outbreak. It’s the very thing that made them rich and allowed Flevance to become known throughout the world as “the pride of the North”. They don’t understand, the metal was supposed to be safe to mine, all attempts to get help from the outside world is met with cold and damning silence. They’ve more or less abandoned Law to take care of himself and Lami, all their efforts and energy is poured into trying to find something, some way, to save the people afflicted, to save their children’s lives.
Law puts his whole faith into his family, into the God he was raised to worship, he doesn’t know why they are afflicted the way they are, but he refuses to disbelieve either God or his parents. They are his corner stones in life. They will pull through.
He spends most of his time repeating this to himself, to Lami, and he works hard doing anything and everything he can to try and help his sister.
He’s not a doctor (not yet, he tells himself) but he knows how important hope and belief is to a patient. So he tells Lami what she needs to hear to keep her spirit up, even if he has to lie to do so. He’s certain that any negative impact the lies will cause will be worth it as long as Lami recovers. He prays everyday for God to show mercy on them and help them in their need.
Law stays by his sister’s side nearly every waking moment. He will sometimes sneak out to meet the Sister of the church when Lami is asleep in the hopes that the prayers in the church will reach God better, or to ask for guidance and advice (Law doesn’t go to his parents, he’s terrified he’ll distract them from finding a cure).
Otherwise his days consist of sitting by his sisters side, holding her hand and giving her whatever help or assistance that he can offer to alleviate her suffering. Sometimes when it’s really bad (or more often after all the painkillers and other medications that helped with the pain had run out) he’d crawl into bed with her and gently cradle her little body as he’d sing softly to her.
While all this is happening, Law is afraid, he is terrified, but he can’t show it, he needs to be strong for Lami and he doesn’t dare ad to his parents woes by letting fear tear him down. No, he has to be strong, he can’t let the fact that he’s just a scared little child cause his parents to falter in their desperate search for the cure. If he breaks, they will worry, even more than they already do, and then who will care for Lami? Law is positive that his parents only have the power to devote themselves to the research as they do because they believe that Law and Lami will be okay with each other. But if Law can’t stay strong, how can he care for Lami and keep her strong? How can he keep his parents strong and confident that the only thing they need to focus on is curing the disease if they have to worry about their children or split their efforts between research and caring for Law and Lami?
No, Law would rather his soul be damned for all eternity than risk being the reason his parents don’t find the cure in time (because there is a cure, Law is certain, his parents told him not to worry, and therefore there’s a cure, Law knows)
It’s only when night falls and Lami sleeps and Law is alone and desperately trying to keep the fear he feels clawing at his chest by praying or checking on his parents. If they are busy he usually sneaks out to talk to the Sister in their church. He often confesses to her about the fear that threatens to make him crumble and she always listens to him with the same kind, understanding smile she always has, before reminding him that god sees, god hears, and god cares. She praise Law for his goodness and caring heart, and that god will reward him and give him the strength he needs to overcome this ordeal, all he needs to do is believe and ask.
Law always leaves the church feeling better, like something inside him has strengthened, and he carries his head high in hope and belief in god, in the Sister, and in his parents. Determined to not let something as silly as fear cause him to doubt everything he knows and loves.
But on the nights when Lami isn’t the only one who is sleeping, Law usually tries to tuck in the exhausted bodies of his parents. He tries to shuffle the papers into neat little piles so that it’s not a total mess when his parents eventually wake up again. He tries to not pay attention to the stuff that is written on those papers, but he’s always been a curious child and he’s so, so desperate for anything that can be good news, a breakthrough, anything.
But the stuff in the papers are damning stuff. He lears about the real truth about the disease. It’s not a disease at all, but poison. He learns that Lami has less than a year left to live. He learns that he will be dead and gone long before he’s even 15. He learns that there’s no cure…
Despite everything, Law refuses to give in to despair. His parents haven’t given up, so there has to be hope (there is always hope) and Law would never disbelieve his parents. They’re working so hard, there’s no way it won’t work out… God would never repay them with despair, god would never forsake them! …Right?
So Law continue to do all he can to assist, all he can to remain strong, all he can to plead to god to help them.
And then that fateful night happened.
And Law is alone.
Which brings me to a question that formed a lot of the hc I just brought up; “why did Law leave Flevance?”
Why was a roughly 10 y/o child so desperate to get out, he hid among the bodies of friends, neighbors and other people he knew?
The answer I reached was; he still believed, in people, in the world. In the goodness he’d been taught existed in everyone since he was old enough to understand what happens around him.
That’s not to say that Law wasn’t in total chock, he most definitely was, and that’s why he defaults to his teachings as a child.
So he escapes, probably convinced that there’s some kind of madness at play, maybe the people attacking Flevance has all been possessed by demons or something. He has to get out, he needs to contact authorities, the madness needs to stop and the people responsible to be held accountable.
He fears people but his programmed response to all of this is to find a trusted adult and let them handle it. It’s a war going on inside of him and he trusts nobody anymore. And that distrust is definitely what saved him in the beginning. Because Law learns that the world is nothing like what he’s been taught. The world isn’t great, people aren’t kind, and there’s nothing out there that cares… not about him, and not about anything else.
Law is chocked to learn that people starve to death. People die from treatable issues because they can’t afford to pay a doctor to treat them. People living without a home or dying because they can’t find shelter from the elements.
Law could never picture such a thing. It was beyond the evil things in his comic books. This was what the world was? This horrible, heartless thing? This was what people chose? This was what was preferred over the life he’d known where love and compassion and understanding ruled? It was incomprehensible, illogical and wrong.
Law ends up consumed by rage. How dares the world be this disgusting? How dares the world play him like this? To make bliss and happiness all he knew and then rip it away from him so cruley? How dare the world be this craven thing, not worthy to even exist in the first place? Law swears that he’ll destroy this world - this hell, unworthy to exist in the first place - or at least do as much as he can to reach that goal before he dies.
But to reach his goal, he can’t be alone. So he searches for the best candidate to get the job done. And he finds it, one day when he spots a weird smiley-face with a line across it.
But I’m getting ahead of myself, the influence on love and lies that Law got from the Don Quixote is a different post.
What I want to focus on is before that.
What is Laws relationship with love and lies up to this point?
I very much believe that he’d been taught that lying is fundamentally wrong. Though perhaps always not a good thing to do, sometimes it’s the better of two evils. That to lie is to lose people’s trust. All the pretty normal stuff you feel like people learns about lying.
And about love? To be there, to protect and care for. And how did Law care for Lami? He lied, to keep her spirits up and trying to keep her strong, he lied to keep her safe and sound. I believe he probably also lied to his parents in a desire to keep them going strong too. Maybe he lied to the Sister sometimes too, though we do see him opening up to her.
Law strikes me as a scared child, desperately trying to keep it together to not add to his parents workload and worries. He probably carried a worlds worth of troubles on his shoulders but was unwilling to show it. Children are prone to bottle things up and try their damn hardest in situations no child should deal with. I feel like Law is one of those children. He’d be unwilling to let people know that he’s “drowning” because he knows in the crisis at hand, everyone else is “drowning” too.
And after he gets out of Flevance, he has nothing and no-one. He needs to unravel all the lies he’s been taught all his life. And he needs to come to some sort of rationalization around the people he loved, and the lies that they told.
The crux of the matter is that I feel like Law was so, so under-prepared for the reality of the OP world. He was raised to live in a world that didn’t exist. And then traumatized and thrown out in a dog-eat-dog world. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was “bounties” placed on people with white/amber lead and fear mongering propaganda to whip the public into a frenzy knowing how the WG handled Robin.
Again, I think a lot of the conclusions that Law would come to will be further explained (and tied into) the things that Doflamingo would teach Law, so it’s something to put in this posts “second part”.
But I’ve been chatting into the void for far too long already. I’m interested in hearing other people’s thoughts and speculations on Law’s past and his relationship with love and lies… though that last part is probably better to wait until I finish the second half of this huge topic… whenever that is, lol😅
I just see Law as some who links love and lies together. Who doesn’t necessarily think in “truth or lies” but in “cause and effect”. So regardless if someone is lying or not is less relevant to him as the reason for lying.
A lie or a truth, regardless of which, are told with a desired outcome in mind. It can be to hurt, to manipulate, to protect, regardless, the intent from the person in question matters more to Law, it helps him with knowing how to deal with the person in question.
I think it’s something that Doflamingo would teach him, how to dissect people so that you can manipulate them better.
Law just (unfortunately?) can’t be vulnerable with people and will use lies and manipulation to help and/or protect the people who he cares about.
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gooberschmoober · 9 months
I have a good feeling that I’m gonna get attacked for this but at this point I couldn’t care less. Despite not playing splatoon anymore, all of you guys are fucking delusional. And when I say this I’m talking about the hardcore Frye fans that are crying and pissing over loosing for like the sixth time in a row idk. Again, outside perspective I haven’t played any game since the second one but the amount of people I’ve seen threatening anyone who voted for Shiver and even destroying their own switches out of frustration is pathetic.
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Honestly, I think this entire fucking fandom is pathetic and I’m glad I’m not apart of it anymore. Any of you extreme Frye enjoyers who can’t handle losing a competitive game please just don’t interact with me and try not to tell me to kill myself. I also find it very hypocritical how a lot of these people are calling anyone who voted for Shiver racist but make very racist remarks themselves. Such as this.
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No words can describe how baffled I am. I think a lot of people here are forgetting that splatoon 3 (to my knowledge) takes results from all over the world unlike the first two. Since Shiver is really popular she’s constantly winning, it’s that simple. Now don’t get me wrong, when I was a fetus I used to get mad over my splat teams not winning but never to this extent???
I’m not gonna block you for voting for Frye or being a Splatoon enjoyer in general but a majority of you need to get checked out and touch some grass. This is sad and I swear to god if I get any comments calling me a racist or some shit I’m going ballistic.
And I also might as well state this, no I don’t hate Frye. Hell I quite like the character but cause of this fandom I’m starting to dislike her. A lot of you are ruining not only her reputation but the entire game and its community. Not every single Frye voter is being this outrageous may I also remind but it is a concerning amount.
TL;DR: Hardcore Frye fans are sad and need to find a life instead of crying over a squid girl
(Oh and I don’t care if a majority of this is trolling, that doesn’t excuse actual racism and harassment. Especially against minors)
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batteryrose · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
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Oh wow thank you for thinking of me. I'm still alive I've just been touching a lot of grass lately (unfortunately) and I don't have the quiet and the space to write again yet. but these are my five favourites so far:
on Violence (link leads to AO3) Nokto/Adam. Tags: scriptfic, political stuff, slow burn
long fic with unique format, it was really fun to write at the time. Many topics and themes I wish were talked about in ikepri. Haven't finished it but I don't press myself about it (in hopes I'll continue it later)
Boundless Treaty Nokto/Silvio/Adam. Tags: NSFW, threesome, porn without plot, bunch of teasing going on
The tags should tell enough. This one got good reviews for my friends so… I mean…
Dirty Deeds done Dirt Cheap Nokto / Silvio, feat. Adam Tags: profanities, lots and lots of profanities, suggestive scenes
This one is also pretty fun. I got kinda overboard with the swearing. I have no idea why but when I'm writing these three I tend to write from Silvio's perspective and when it's just Nokto and Adam I write from Nokto's perspective. Have I ever written from Adam's perspective??
Anyway it's about Silvio crushing on Nokto while they are unfortunately in some diplomatique(TM) conflict
What happens on earth, stays on earth.  Nokto/Adam Tags:  Soulmate AU, Suicidal ideation, racism, war setting, implied major character death, happy ending, Nokto’s 1st POV
I feel like I'm the One and Only fan of this fic mannn I think it could be better but the heart is there. Actually no several of my friends were a fan of it too, which is enough. BUT MORE PEOPLE NEED TO READ IT! JUST BECAUSE ITS 6K WORDS DOESNT MEAN YOU CANT READ IT!
Anyway it's a soulmate AU, and also some sort of worst-case-scenario AU, where Yashpari is thoroughly ruled by Obsidian and Adam still serves in its military, and Rhodolite is losing really bad in the war. Nokto is a prisoner being transferred by Adam.
God Between us and All Harm Chevalier/Elfrind Tags: NSFW, war setting, loyalty/devotion love, mutual masturbation
This one was one of my best fic for a while. writing chevalier and elfrind always got me all fucked up. I Need more people to read this because it's not a sexy porn its PORN WITH THEMES. THEMES OF DEVOUR AND SUCH
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dirtytransmasc · 9 months
I need to go on a rant, cause I'm sick and tired and if a TG fan wants to check me on anything I said, go ahead and do it, cause I feel like with how frustrated I am, I might step out of line (I'm trying my hardest not to I swear)
genuine question, what happens when *Those* TB stans go out of their way to """""discourse""""" (argue to the point that they make stuff up, resort to insults, or remove any and all context form a situation to make their take make sense) and then get absolutely destroyed, almost every time?
like after they bombard your page/inbox with more asks/rude comments/etc. what happens?
also, why do they do it? if they're not willing to have a constructive conversation and don't care about plot at all, why do they strive to have "conversation" at all. like I get the ego boost and their need to preach their love for TB, but at the same time, isn't it tiring?
espeically when they target people they must very well know aren't gonna change their minds? like neither of us are gonna shift our footing bud, just leave it?
and then the attention seeking, dear god. if I ignore or block these people, they pop back up with a vengance, and then I'm risking danger to myself and my page (via death/harm threats, cyberbullying, dox threats even which take my safe place away) but if I react I give them what they want.
what my question really is, is why do some TB stans have to act like toddlers? I don't say this to belittle or insult or call names, that just the only way I can describe it. the impulsivity. the anger, the short tempers, the immaturity. it makes this fandom a hellhole I don't want to be a part of.
and yeah, it sucks for TG fans, but you wanna know who it also sucks for? other TB fans, ones who don't follow this blind worship of the TB characters, the TB fans who like TG as well, TB fans that enjoy genuninly discoursing.
like... I don't want to say "TB fanbase get your fans please, be a productive fandom, share space with TG and set a precedent so we don't all have to be miserable" cause that kinda unfair, fandom shouldn't be a job or something to be tasked with, but at the same time, I kinda do. I kinda wanna say it cause while I can't speak for all of TG fans, I know a majority of the people I'm close with in this fandom can agree, there's a constant degree of just... bleh. I won't say we're all miserable or considering quitting the fandom, but its just like, "why do we have to put up with this?"
like, why do we have to get rude asks? why do people have to make targeted posts about us/our content? why can't we just enjoy the fandom space?
I'm just tired. this isn't my first rodeo, it's so far from it. its happened in a lot of fandom's I've been in, and no matter what they're always those fans no matter where you go. I will give it to this fandom to be the worst, cause the level of eugenics like talk of blood purity and in-universe and out of universe racism is actually insane.
so while I've accepted that no fandom will ever be perfect I can't help but think, why? why does it have to be like this. it may be a fruitless conversation to have, as I've never seen it work before, but I'm really tired of just taking it and keeping my mouth shut.
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the-owl-house-takes · 9 months
“How is Belos a colonizer??” Bro needs a basic history 💀 How do you think Belos got to Connecticut in the first place? Also he genuinely colonized the Boiling Isles with how he took over don’t overlook that.
He can hate multiple things?? LMFAO the puritans hated tons of minorities witches included, even if we take the puritan shit out Belos is still bigoted I don’t understand why people are trying to defend him? 💀 He’s literally Belos
“He was not racist where the hell did that come from” bro do you hear what you’re saying - think about what time period he came from.
“There’s quite literally no homophobia or transphobia in toh” that’s only limited to the Boiling Isles 💀 and Belos definitely not from there
“I think it came from Luz being a POC” “it’s not a race thing” “idk where that idea that witches are a race came from but it’s definitely odd” literally just look at where Belos came from. All bigotry ties together mind you. For example you can’t advocating for women’s rights while being transphobic (TERFS) cause then you’re putting not only trans people down - but yourself and other minorities as well. It all connects. Also nobody is saying witches are a race 💀I don’t understand how Belos fans in all the time brainrot ting over Belos don’t realize what time period he came from and how’d it effect him?? (I am a Belos fan myself)
“It’s a fictional character guys!”
Yeah and people love thinking realistically abt him lmao. The fictional character arguments are always so lazy + ignore the real-world messages - yes he’s a fictional character. People like him because he’s so realistic. There are real, yes real people out there, who if they had the chance - would do the exact same things he did just to get rid of a minority. Thats not an exaggeration that’s simple how deep bigotry can run and I love how Belos’ can be portrayed in multiple ways.
Also saying that Belos only hates magic purely because Caleb got ‘corrupted’ by a witch is not correct at all. That bigotry was there longgg long ago 💀 if anything that only amplified it. Belos doesn’t have a justifiable reason to hate witches/magic (Caleb falling in love with a witch is not justified hatred.) he simply does it because he holds those bias & allegories for 400+ years. Note this can extend to how differing witches are to humans in Belos’ eyes. How LGBTQ+ is acceptable for witches while in humans it’s sinful, unnatural, etc. How witches don’t have racism (I swear to god if one more person tells me that there’s no people of color on the Boiling Isles, HAVE YOU SEEN GUS?? 💀) whereas Belos came from an era where racism (to put in its simplest terms) was very much thriving!
The Boiling Isles represents literally everything a bigot like Belos would be against, witches included. Witches can be gay, witches can be people of color, etc. “Belos hates witches only” doesn’t really work for him and what his character is written for. He’s an allegory of bigotry and with the way he acts & speaks you can definitely see it. Fiction affects reality and reality affects fiction.
“He wanted control over the magic and to limit it to what he wanted.” That’s true! I’m unsure where you were going with this? He actually didn’t want this, he only used the coven system as a way to kill everybody easily in one take. He simply needed to gain control over magic first - that was never apart of his original plan. He was out here to kill because the boiling isles represents everything he is against.
“But Caleb came from the same time period and he’s not bad!”
I love comparing Caleb & Belos together sm. Further cementing into the ground that Belos being a bigot is all his doing is because Caleb unlearned the bigotry. Caleb was also a colonizer, he was also a witch hunter! He also likely held those other harmful beliefs for most of his life! But Caleb changed, whereas Belos clung to those beliefs. That’s why I love these two they’re a great example of why bigotry is taught and can be unlearned! Acknowledging this can add to their stories more, give them more depth, add more realism to an already scary villain! The reason Belos is so scary as a villain is because of how real he is - there genuinely are people out there who’d do the same as him if given the chance.
As a POC who studies a lot about how bigotry develops - I love studying Belos, he’s very well written in this regard imo! I feel like people who don’t want to acknowledge the rest of Belos’ bigotry miss the point of his entire character arc 😭 he’s somebody who fell into the deep extremes of bias & hate - let him be hateful.
I hope this helped the original person to have a better understanding of this topic? They seemed ill informed/uneducated so I hope my rant helped 😭(not saying that as an insult btw)
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maddyshome · 8 months
i think yall gotta pipe down. if gojo somehow returns this manga will be incredibly dumb. like whats the point of showing the readers his version of afterlife? his end seems like an end. whats the point of going on and on and on all over again with gojo and sukuna? why? gege finished him off because his character arc was long over and he was basically disrupting. there is just no universe where gojo would not be taken out of the story. be it by killing or wounding him.
if he comes back its going to be hella cheap writing.
gege can idk try to make sukuna's lawsuit about the murder of gojo satoru or something.
like how can someone be so obsessed with a fictional character that they start throwing BS bcs they dont like what happened with that character.
you need to stop at one point. stop reading. stop scrolling just stop. find another thing to do.
i just dont get it. maybe im too old or something. but i truly cannot deal with yall hardcore fans...you are aware...that gojo..canon gojo is a pretty shitty person right? this is just the draco malfoy fandom but anime version. and gen z.
whats even crazier are geto suguru fans like.. dude is basically hitler wannabe. with the whole genocide, cult and weird ass racism thing thinking normal people are mindless animals like you cannot make this shit up.
if hitler were handsome would people like him because he was just a sad man with a painful past?
my god, what am i saying? there are people alive who empathize with fucking hitler. of course a fictional character would be loved.
how can you, as a person, reach the point where you are making excuses for genocide
world is a scary place i swear
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real-jane · 2 years
Escape Birthday Challenge
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🎃This is my Spooky Birthday/1000 followers Celebration Challenge!🎃
Thank you so much for supporting me. No matter how you found me, I’m thrilled that you decided to stay. October 15th will mark one year of writing for the Marvel fandom (that’s right–nostalgia for the new will be one year old next month!!), but I’ve been in this game a lot longer than that. Fanfic is my favorite hobby, and likely always will be. I love being here with you all! 
For this challenge, the theme is 👻ESCAPE👻. However you want to interpret that. Vague, literal, it’s all fair game!
(rules under the cut)
Any fandom/pairing is welcome! 
I’m open to submissions from most common fandom tropes, but please avoid extreme body horror, sexualization of minors, bigotry, racism and racist themes (esp in Halloween costume choices for characters. No appropriation will be tolerated). 
Please tag appropriately. 
Smut is welcome and encouraged, as is spooky/scary content. 
No word count limit. Please use a *read more* cut if over 500 words. 
If you’ve found this and you don’t follow me, you’re still welcome to submit. 
**Bonus points if you write me some lovely Women-Loving-Women content, or somehow incorporate the number 33 for my new age!**
Submissions due by Dec. 31st! I will compile a masterlist as submissions roll in. My actual birthday is October 16th, but please don’t feel obligated to submit by then.
–Tag your fics with #katesbirthdayESCAPE or #ESCAPEbirthdaychallenge so I can find them, and tag me, too!
Prompt Ideas:
Spooky 👻
A basement contains jars filled with unusual specimens.
The clock starts running backwards.
The empty swing is swinging.
New powers they can’t control.
No reflection in the mirror.
Power goes out.
Doors opening and closing on their own.
All the houseplants are dead.
Waking up in a panic.
Sudden dizziness.
Romantic 🦇
7 minutes in heaven.
The enemy who understands you more than anyone else.
Accidentally matching costumes.
First date haunted house.
They’re both scared but neither want to admit it.
Autumn carnival.
Sharing a blanket.
Carving pumpkins.
Baking something.
Making it to their loved one, no matter the cost.
Scary 🕸️
A person has the ability to make other people very ill.
The dead walk out of the sea.
A person finds new photos of herself on her cell phone that she didn’t take.
A couple vacationing in a remote area begins having the same nightmares.
The television switches to another station of its own accord.
A woman is happy when her dead loved one comes back to life… but he’s changed.
Tourists on a ghost tour, along with their guide, fall into the hands of an evil presence.
People begin sleepwalking and doing strange things in their sleep.
It always happens when he’s alone in the car.
Phantom pains.
Dialogue ideas: 🎃
"Look, I dressed up as you."
"That costume really is convincing."
"I don't believe in ghosts."
"Hey, this isn't funny."
"Do you think keeping your eyes shut will keep you safe?"
"You've heard the stories about what happened in that house, right?"
"There's no one here."
"He was right behind me."
"I swear, that door was locked a minute ago."
"I think we're lost."
“Why do you have to look at me like that?”
“Oh god, how can you manage to switch from cute to sexy in under a second?”
“I’m so lucky.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“Is this the moment that we kiss?”
“The more I look at you, the more I think we need to leave.”
“What took you so long? I missed you…”
“I’m asking because I’ve seen the way you look at me.”
“I think I’m in love with you and I don’t know what to do.”
“Don’t look at me like that and then feign innocence.”
“I shouldn’t be allowed to be this happy.”
“You keep saying that we’re just friends, but you look at me too long for that to be true.”
“Please don’t love me the way you loved your exes.”
“Please come home, this doesn’t feel right.”
“Will you stay the night?”
“Hold my hand.”
“My heart hurts when I look at you.”
“Don’t blame it on the alcohol.”
“Kiss me like you mean it.”
“Don’t leave me like that again, you scared me.”
“You were never the person I wanted, but you were the only one I ever needed.”
“I hope we last.”
“You don’t know half of the things you do to me.”
Tagging potentially interested humans! No pressure either way: @peterhollandkait @abovethesmokestacks @mannien @motsdouxdejanie-inactive @buckysbirdie @fandoms-writings @sanguineterrain @thornsnvultures @indyluckycharlie @foreverindreamlandd @adecila @naarna @mayasreadingnook @obsidianvibranium @writing-for-marvel @majestyeverlasting @sweetdreamsbuck @amixedwitch @elixirfromthestars @wonderful-writes
my masterlist
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How do you feel when you come from a working class POC area and go into this middle class white area? To me it's like going into another world but I am interested to listen to how YOU see/feel. I go into this office to clean and all the people are white and they have wine parties??? They talk about cheeses? They all look pretty and smell expensive not like my whack ass victorias secret body spray lolll and it's SO inchhhhhrestiiiing seeing them interact. I wonder what that's like. How do you view them? Am i weird for being curious about them?
It is wild to me. Cleaning at a school is interesting because it seems to attract a pretty specific type of white woman to become teachers. I swear to god every time I get to work and see them gathered in the hall or something it activates my fight or flight because like, Well Dressed White Women Aged 30-50 are like, typically the worst people to come across in my experience, with regards to just entitlement and racism.
You might think that being a teacher might like, mean they're kind or understanding or something but nope. They're the type to leave passive-aggressive notes about how you missed something while cleaning or complain to your boss because there's a smudge on one of their mirrors. Hell, I try to be kind right, I smile and nod and try to say some pleasantries because I'm used to If I Am Not The Pinnacle of Benevolence and Nonthreatening then I won't be treated as a person. But like, straight up these women do not acknowledge me, at most they might do a white person smile, but usually they do not even react. One of them was leaving while I was gathering the trash, and I told her in you know, my Pleasant Soft Pitched Up Voice "Have a nice night! :)" and she like did not even look back and was just like "yeah." in the same tone and cadence one might say "whatever" and that's probably the most interaction I've gotten aside from a one woman who spoke to me like I was a child who didn't know English. (They do, however, chat extensively with my coworker, a white woman).
Like, I've had to clean and grab trash from rooms while teachers are in it chatting with each other about like, going to their lake house or like talk about getting their home renovated or going out to brunch and they literally don't even acknowledge my presence except for to move their leg slightly so I can grab their trashcan. I've accidentally walked in on meetings and nobody even seems to notice. When I take out the trash I can sometimes see like, boxes of fancy cookies they got for the class that would cost a whole day's pay at least and fancy coffees that they just dump in the trash and leave me to clean up or food or office supplies that are perfectly good.
I do feel you on how its really interesting watching them interact and what they talk about and just look at their belongings. I don't think its weird to think its interesting and find them curious lmao.
I'm kinda used to being in this position of being seen as The Help (i.e. invisible). It feels to me almost like I'm some sort of rogue or spy, infiltrating some strange place of high society. But you know, instead of sneaking in the shadows killing people and gathering intel, I'm just walking in plain sight and cleaning bathrooms lmao. But hey, gotta try and keep my morale up somehow, I'd rather feel like an undercover rogue than an underpaid custodian lmao.
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1eos · 2 years
i hate the argument of boycotts will make idols sad/disappointed bc it implies that the idols have no critical thinking skills or access to social media like... oh yeah totally all idols being mistreated are little babies who don't understand they're being mistreated and will be very sad if they see their fans boycott to help improve their situation
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speak on it!!!!!!!!!!! its so weird like do you, random person from bumfuck, pennsylvania think that this person living thru the mistreatment doesn't understand that they should be paid for the services they are providing? do you think they go oh well im sick all the time, cant rest, cant get paid, always working 24/7 but thank god my fans are streaming music i'll never get a cut from? that makes all my misery worth it like i swear the worst racism a kpop idol will ever face is from their own snot nosed fans
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