#i think we're more in the area of “in a scenario where we are actually limitless there's no way to prove him wrong” and thus
bekolxeram · 3 days
The ever so observant @misterapril pointed out in this post that there may be a fake plane crash scenario on Hotshots while a real one (possibly with Athena onboard) is happening, explaining the 2 different planes we see in bts material.
I've mentioned numerous times before, this cockpit mock up belongs to an aircraft from the A320s family.
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The cockpit mockup seems to be from the same type of aircraft as well. It's a narrow body judging by the proportion, and the 2 Boeing narrow body airliners (737 and 757) both have cabin doors working like a regular door, namely rotation outwards to open. While all Airbus doors pop straight out and move to the side without rotating.
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B737 door vs A320 door
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This aircraft on the other hand looks more like a wide body to me, simply because a narrow body airliner doesn't have enough ground clearance to fit a whole firetruck under its wing. It's a Boeing for sure, look at the cockpit windows. I'm leaning towards it being a 767 instead of a 777, simply because a 777 should be a bit larger and I see no winglet on the wing (can be a perspective issue, 777 has raked wingtips that might not show up if you take a photo leveled with the wings).
Well, thanks to @misterapril, I've just noticed something that should be super obvious if I wasn't blinded by the plane.
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This is not the Ontario Airport tower.
So we know Angela filmed something at ONT terminal 2. The hangar with all the firetrucks and ambulances is also there. What you may not know is that said hangar is right next to the ONT control tower, so I always assumed the night scene with the Boeing plane and the 119 truck was also filmed there.
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But guys, they're not the same tower.
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The one behind the firetruck is the San Bernardino Airport tower.
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In fact, I'm pretty sure I know exactly where they filmed this particular scene, taking into consideration other landmarks visible in the same bts photo.
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I think this video posted by Kenny was filmed in the same location.
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I believe they are the same building. You can judge it on your own by watching this clip. It's also the only area within the airfield with highway like markings, leading straight out of a fire station.
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Why is this piece of information important you may ask? Well, we've been speculating the 2 different planes conundrum might be due to budget/production constraint. In S1, the show bought an actual 757 from an airplane boneyard in Arizona and shipped it piece by piece to California. It was such a headache.
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Do you know San Bernardino Airport is also a boneyard? I can imagine Tim says, "don't worry about logistics, we're taking the filming straight to the boneyard this time!" So everything is possible, you have all sorts of retired airliners you can play with for cheap. There's also the possibility that the Boeing we see is just parked nearby, maybe it has nothing to do with filming.
Do you know what else San Bernardino Airport has? A USFS air base. In 7x04 they used the Helinet hangar and its (mostly news) helicopters for the Harbor tour scene, right? San Bernardino is filled with actual firefighting air tankers and helicopters. Perhaps they would be generous enough to let the show take a few shots of a certain helicopter flying around, I don't know, saving people?
EDIT: From the same bts video Kenny posted, I think they're standing under the horizontal stabilizer of a plane? I might be seeing things, and it's not very important, just curious.
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voiceofthesilly · 9 months
If me thoughts were more coherent id type up a thing about how if it weren't for our specific circumstances stubborn would often doom us but alas
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tanadrin · 2 months
could you elaborate, why do you believe that people online continue to talk about the flint water crisis as if it were still active? Is it just ignorance of the solution or are there ongoing health issues?
i mean i think people do that bc "everything is fucked and nothing ever gets better" is a genre of post that tickles the limbic system, and in the attention economy of the internet, anything that tickles the limbic system tends to do well, bc it produces engagement. outrage, and outrage-adjacent things, and cliches like "why is no one talking about [major news article everyone is talking about]" and "don't get excited about apparently-good-thing X, here's why it's actually just as bad as [completely different thing it is in no way just as bad as]" and all that other stuff.
and because negativity and outrage--even negativity with no underlying substance--makes a bigger splash than positive stuff with real underlying substance, continuing to repeat "flint doesn't have clean water" (a crisis that did genuinely drag on for a very long time!) has more salience than the news that flint's water problem was fixed (something that took a long time when it finally was properly tackled and didn't generate a single large headline).
there's kind of a similar dynamic in climate news actually, where genuine improvements in areas like energy storage and clean energy rollout and new nuclear permitting don't make a dent in people's narrative that everything is fucked and we're making no progress because IPCC forecasts about what would happen if we hit 4 degrees of warming are genuinely very bad and scary (and, thankfully, no longer on the table!), whereas the boring policy details of stuff in the Inflation Reduction Act, or China's continuing expansion of EV manufacturing are, well... boring. although climate news is different in other ways--like, the planet will continue to warm until carbon emissions are net negative, so even as we make progress on that issue the crisis continues. it's not all good news. but there is good news there, which just gets much less traction online bc of the dynamics of how news works on the internet.
needless to say, though, i think if you want to have an accurate understanding of the world you need to internally mentally check your own tendency to succumb to engagement bait like this. worst case scenario you fall into a doom loop, which i think is pretty unhealthy just in general. but if you notice somebody post something compelling, and you click on their username, and it turns out that all they post is about how the world is fucked, and nothing good ever happens, and we're all gonna die, i think you should be suspicious of them and their motives. not because doomposting is inherently manipulative or deceptive--a lot of people genuinely are doomers! but that doesn't mean they're not responding to the limbic incentives of social media, either. after all, if you too express nothing but pessimism and outrage, then the people addicted to pessimism and outrage will applaud you for being Very Serious and give you lots of engagement and attention, and you will react accordingly.
and also, you know. some people do just lie on the internet for attention. that is absolutely a thing that happens. i am not inclined to bend over backwards to try to reconstruct a generous framing of those lies where maybe people somehow are under the mistaken impression that there is some ongoing sub-problem affecting flint that they have mistaken for being isomorphic to the original crisis. some of them are just liars!
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ilikekidsshows · 2 months
Since you mentioned the name several times now I looked up who Nikki Maxwell is. From the basic description of her on her wiki page I can kinda see some similiarities to Marinette and now I wonder if you have some more in-depth comparisons between the two to share that would explain your remark on Marinette beeing a copy of her. I think the description of the character doesn't make her seem particularly unique and a character-type I'd expect to appear often in these kind of youth novels.
Sure thing! Here's some fun facts about the Dork Diaries series, one of the most best-selling kids’ books of the 2000s, that have been translated into 50+ languages, including French:
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Nikki's iconic look is having her hair in pigtails.
She often babysits a small girl with pigtails.
She is a good artist.
She is, despite her poor self esteem, very talented in many areas.
She is extremely clumsy and prone to getting into embarrassing situations.
She gets overly embarrassed about the most inconsequential things.
She has a tendency for highly exaggerated panic spirals, where she comes up with imaginary scenarios that are full of fantastical events and are often illustrated in an anime/manga style.
She gets mad easily and it can take her a while to get over perceived slights.
She’s a bad liar but people believe her anyway.
She is a huge hypocrite, who often does things she claims to not do. (Unlike Marinette, her internal narration almost always points this out.)
She has a crush on a boy in her class, mostly based on the fact that he is nice, and her rival in school also likes him.
Brandon, said crush, is very popular but still a loner, and socially awkward.
MacKenzie, Nikki's rival, is a rich blonde bully who wears diamonds often (and very familiar-looking sunglasses at one point). Despite her vast resources, she always loses against Nikki in whatever they're competing in.
MacKenzie is a more classic “queen bee”, than Chloé, but does get called such canonically.
MacKenzie eventually transfers schools because she stopped having power and prestige over her classmates.
Nikki's biggest character flaw is a lack of communication, where she puts off telling people things she thinks they won't like hearing. (Unlike Marinette, she actually has to make it up to people when they find out she's been lying to them.)
A typical plotline in Dork Diaries is that, despite being well-liked, having devoted friends and caring parents, Nikki often hides her problems from them and struggles needlessly.
Nikki eventually gains a secondary love interest, André, who looks eerily similar to Luka in illustrations, in addition to having Astruc's favorite French guys' name.
Nikki's classmates include characters named Max, Chloe and Zoe, with Chloe and Zoe being closely associated with each other. (You know what I always say: two is a coincidence, three is a pattern, and we're now counting four same names.)
Many of these things are, to be fair, very basic school drama protagonist cliches. However, when it's this much similarity between two supposedly unrelated characters, especially with some of the highly specific similarities here, like the animesque imagine spots, it's a pattern and not a coincidence. Is the pattern that there's some template both Nikki and Marinette are based on (like how Vegeta and Hiei’s similarities are because they’re both based off the same older character), or did Astruc copy his protagonist from a mega hit of children’s, especially girls’, literature to try to copy that success? Who knows. It's not like we can expect Astruc to be honest about whether or not he copied Marinette's personality from literature.
I know Astruc hasn't actually read the stuff he claims to have read, so that's a point in favor of Astruc being a too lazy reader to copy someone else's work. However, he must have grown familiar with all these tropes somehow. You can’t hit this many hallmarks of a genre without being somewhat familiar with it, and this genre is the most prolific in literature, and there is research data showing that children often prefer either books or television, so he could reasonably expect the audience not to realize how copy-pasted Marinette is.
Miraculous and Dork Diaries share DNA. How directly they’re related I can’t tell, because I’m not that knowledgeable about the school drama genre.
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hypersomniagame · 8 months
Hi! For all of you who follow HYPERSOMNIA, or are just stopping by, let me introduce you to this post to really set the tone.
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For 2024, I am going to try to release a dev log about HYPERSOMNIA once a month, may come earlier, may come a little late, but I'm doing this to help give insight on to how the game is going, and to give me motivation to work on the game.
First things first, big news!
After a while of back and forwarding with Valve, I've finally got a Steam page to call my own, and MAN is it bizarre seeing my weird little RPG in my Steam library. Like, that's my logo, and my key art, and screenshots of MY game, that's so weird. It doesn't feel real. BUT IT IS!
And, I would really really really really really appreciate it if you would consider wishlisting the game on Steam. It helps with the algorithm, and my happiness because I like seeing numbers go up, it feels good.
I even drew this as a announcement/commemoration for the page going live.
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(P.S; if you couldn't tell, I really like Half-Life, it's one of my favorite game series.)
A new trailer is in the works! We were accepted for this year's MOTHER Direct (4th time baby, whoo!)
The trailer has been coming along well, I hope to show more battle oriented clips that I've missed the last few years, like special moves.
Can you believe I've never actually gotten to adding those in the game? I mean, they come set-up in default RPG Maker projects but I've never gotten around to revamping them until now, year 4 of engine work. Isn't that strange?
I also hope to improve on editing in the trailers. Whenever I finish a trailer I come back a few months later to notice minor points where I was kinda sloppy.
I'm not much of a video editor, (I only learned so I could edit trailers on my own) but I'd like to keep them at a good presentable quality. You gotta have standards with that kinda stuff, it's important!
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Abilities are now implemented! And work! Wahoo!
In HYPERSOMNIA, players are able to switch abilities between party members. I find this a really interesting mechanic for how simple it seems, you get to choose who plays what role in your party. I think this is HUGE, and opens up a lot of unique scenarios for the game's encounters. I've had this planned for years, as far back as 2021 if I can recall, so it's super cool seeing it in game.
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Mapping is being worked on!
I've also been working on mapping out more areas of the game! The forest part you hopefully saw in the last trailer is almost completely mapped. I've been working on the second part to it and am hoping to finish it sometime soon.
Mapping forests really suck. THOUGH, almost all the maps for the first chapter of the game are done! That's just another step closer to the demo. (Which, FYI, will be on Steam and Itch! ^^)
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I've also been working on re-spriting older scenes!
This one's been really fun to do, I've been going back and redoing older stuff from the 2022 trailer, like this train! It's weird seeing it side by side, because you can definitely see where it's come from but at the same time, it looks so different.
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(Also side note, these sprites are CRUSTY! EWWW!)
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Lastly, Script and Music updates!
The script for HYPERSOMNIA's first act has been completed! with just 37 pages of just cutscene dialog alone! We're also currently working on wrapping up NPC dialog! Not much else to say.
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And music is being worked on!
Music has been making some progress! I like to lay out demo's for areas I'm mapping out to help make both the music and scene come together. (Also, to help break up the eerie silence when playtesting...)
Speaking of music, FIREBALL, the games main battle theme, was recently delisted on our YouTube channel.
We did this because we decided we wanted to resample FIREBALL, and found that it's best to not have the song uploaded until a complete, final version is made. At least for the demo, it could possibly change before the final game but that's a bit too far in the future for me to think about fully.
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Hey! Thanks for reading the whole dev log! Unless you just skipped to the end, you should probably go back up and read it. there's a steam page now. and some cool ross art at the top. you're missing out!
I hope this was like, readable to you all. I'm new to this whole dev log thing, so if you read it all the way through, let me know! It'd be cool!
I'd like to use this portion to pretty much just advertise Unique Indie RPG's.
Have you ever seen that strange purple square at the beginning of the 2nd and 3rd HYPERSOMNIA trailers?
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Yeah, that! That's UNIQUE INDIE RPG's, which is a Discord community for you guessed it, Unique Indie RPG videogames developed by people like me! Or you! Or whoever! Who cares!
I help run it with some of my friends, and we all share cool stuff about our videogames! There's a ton of other SUPER cool RPG Maker games there like Astral Guard [LINK], or SOMEWHEN [LINK], or even MOMOinc [LINK]!
And of course, HYPERSOMNIA. It's a really laid back community, we're all super chill. Come swing by! We'd love to have ya, and SHOW US YOUR GAME!
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angelnbm · 6 months
nah because yuji form sukuna and megumi form sukuna are twins and i refuse to take criticism for this
college athletes sukuna forms!megumi & yuuji x nerdy reader DISCLAIMERS : whole lot of cursing, suggestive scenarios & flirting.
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"You just had to give me that pass, Aniki. These amateurs don't know what they're fucking doing."
Yuuji had a loose tongue after a bad game, one that could never keep the two out of trouble with their coach. Despite the talent he has, the boy was always whining to his twim brother about every little detail of each quarter in the lockerooms.
"Watch your mouth."
Megumi would hiss at him, hands pushing his borther away from his personal space. It was agitating him how much the duo kept getting into discourse over the smallest of things.
"Coach told us to distribute the ball - to pass the ball to everyone else, it's not my fault that they don't know what they're doing. Now fix that fuckin' attitude."
With all the head butting and cursing they'd throw at each other, they'd watch each other's backs and take care of one another. Yuuji was starting to let his GPA go lower each month and Megumi was ready to kick his head in for acting so arrogant and cocky thinking that he'd stay on the team with the grades he was getting but instead he reaches out to you.
The tutor from the History Deparment.
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You were the only one who really knew what the professors expected from students. You were observant, attentive, very meticulous with your work which is why you were tutoring other students after hours and get paid for it.
You became their saving grace. Once he had your number, he didn't hesitate to call and explain the situation.
"He's arrogant and incompetent but please, you are my last -"
"Don't finish that sentence, just bring him to the south dorms. We'll meet in the common area, yeah? Be sure that he at least brings a pencil."
You've heard of the twins once before from the students you've met through tutoring them, not that you've actually seen them before - till that night you all met.
You sat down as the two walked over, their stpes would slow down halfway, as your hands organize your books on the table you caught both of them staring at you for a good minute "I don't have all night for this." You'd whisper to yourself, turning your head over to the duo.
Both were broad and taller than most, considering the sport they played, you expected nothing less. As your eyes met with theirs, they cleared their throats and walking a lot faster toward the table.
Once seated, Megumi, the one you spoke to and looked the most put together shoved his younger brother's head down to follow his own to both introduce themselves and apologize "We're sorry-"
"No we're not."
The youngest would interrupt him, swatting away Megumi's hand "You're single, right? I've seen you around, you're just my type."
You could only look at the two and chuckle at his attempt at flirting but it didn't hurt to follow his little game and so "You have a test and a project coming up, don't you? Let's start there."
Yuuji's smile got bigger and throughout the three hours of making him understand the material it never faded, not once. All the while Megumi kept sparing you some glances as he did his own project, you could see his notes from where you were seated.
They were neat and his handwriting was so much more cohesive than his brother's but Yuuji had his own charm. Being so forward and not afraid to express himself wasn't something you could ignore.
The common room had emptied itself out before you could notice and all three of you had an empty stomach, the grumbling coming from each was enough proof.
"Now that we made some progress, can we pay your services with some dinner? You down for ramen?" Megumi suggested, leaning towards you just a tad before he stood up to take a big stretch.
"Only if you're buying, I gave out my allowance yesterday.." Yuuji pouts, leaning back towards his seat, Megumi flicking his forehead accordingly.
Your eyes were stuck on them while your hands closed the books just to have them organized. You couldn't look away - similar tattoos, the slight difference in hairstyle, their demeanor - each little detail of the two had you stuck like a magnet and ultimately you agreed to dinner.
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A couple of weeks pass and rumors got to spread around campus suggesting that you were a slut, being seen with the twins for all this time made you their little sex slave but it's not something you paid much attention to since it had happened before.
"What the fuck is this?"
Megumi would be the first to find out about the rumor as the word slut and sex slave were written in black and red on your dorm door, visibly angry at the stupidities one would go to to sabotage someone he's considered special.
"Ah, don't worry about it, it's nothing." You shrug it off while unlocking the vandalized door, he'd stop you mid way leaning against the frame while turning you to face him.
"To me it's not."
He was close, your hand would lay down on his chest to see if it calmed him down like it did Yuuji but to not avail "Megs.. I'll report it to the RA and call it a day, yeah?" You'd tell him softly, your heart beating a lot faster than normal. He'd get closer, whispering "That's not enough.." his free hand wrapping itself around your waist to bring you even closer to him.
Megumi would pull away from you to reveal Yuuji standing in the middle of the halway, making your eyes widen "Yuuji.. This isn't.." You stammered, pushing the eldest away “This isn’t what I think it is, right? Is that what she’s trying to say, Aniki?” Megumi looks over at his brother, scoffing lightly.
"And if it is? What the fuck are you gonna do about it?"
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nardos-primetime · 5 months
Boy howdy okay *cracks knuckles* I'm gonna forewarn this with my takes on the turtles and Murder is not exactly the popular opinion so take it as you will.
First and foremost for any of the turtles to commit a PREMEDITATED murder (assuming we are talking strictly canon) the only one who would actually plan and go through with this is Leo. "What about Donnie?" No. He wouldn't. Leo on the other hand has shown the kind of rage he goes into not only when his family is in explicit danger but when he believes someone is specifically responsible for that. I don't think murder would be the first thing he jumps to, and it would take quite the scenario for it to wrap around to that (i.e. and enemy that keeps coming back and hurting them) but it's not off the table.
This makes him also number one to kill someone due to a fit of protective anger. So like, if you're gonna taunt a hamato while playing with their lives I wouldn't recommend doing so without knowing where Leo is.
And second is Raph, kind of a similar scenario, but I think Raph's would stem more from fear than direct anger. Frightened that if he doesn't do something, things will get worse, and in a fit of panicked rage well...
Third is Mikey, shocker. It would take a LOT to snap Mikey into a state where he's pissed off enough to actually kill someone but like, we DID see his reaction to his favorite pizza places getting torn down. I feel if at any point he concluded there was no longer a peaceful solution to a fight, he'd bring down the axe.
And my unpopular opinion is that Donnie is at the bottom of this list. MAINLY because he has so many other methods at his disposal to handle enemies. Knock them unconscious, leak all their nudes, dig up tons of blackmail, toss a bomb that makes them itch. Sure he also gets protective anger, but he almost never feels the need to resort to murder to solve a problem. And also, in some cases, he would just think death is a mercy. I truly don't think Donnie would kill someone with intent, but it could happen accidentally.
None of this counts kraang as people all these turtles will exploded these bitches on sight.
I did tag for blood but idk
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Some Doodles for fun, didn't really have ideas for the other two since I mainly wanted to respond to the concepts overall hehe.
Coming from an overall concept of Canon and it being premeditated and more of a separate kill, I agree that Leo is first in line for that shit. Though, I do feel like he'd have the most potential alongside Donnie to actually get away with it after the fact.
The difference with Donnie is exactly as you said. Donnie's petty. If he WERE to do something premeditated, he would absolutely go for other methods first, maybe even torture if we're hitting something similar to murder. Physical or Psychological. I feel like the difference with a more Canon approach of Donnie is that he would kill on accident. Whether it's going too far in a fight or his tech malfunctioning, I doubt he'd directly go into a fight with murder as the actual intent. Even if he did use other methods, I feel like the most likely case is him accidentally going too far. Especially since we know he has issues with that already.
Leo is one of the most directly dangerous. If he deemed it, you would be easy to get. We're talking about a fast runner with portals and two perfectly sharp swords. He's also good a good manipulator if he really wants to be. It's not hard to imagine him talking someone out of an area of protection if he can't be asked to use mystics that time.
Raph, I agree completely. It would be a mixture of anger and fear that pushes him to that point. He probably wouldn't tell the others. I can't see him planning something out prior and telling the others, I think he'd be afraid of judgment and maybe even fear from the others the most, even if he was doing it for their protection. I feel like overall, he leans the most between accidental and nonaccidental, I could definitely see both happening with him.
Mikey would totally be the most difficult to get to that point, and I agree that it would probably only be if he saw no other way out. But I also think Mikey would be the first to take this kind of position in a battle for some god forsaken reason. I feel like in the heat of the moment, his brothers would be too focused on protecting each other or getting out of there, I can totally see Mikey freezing realizing what has to be done before the others. Leo wouldn't kill anything mid battle on purpose, that's far too risky, Raph and Donnie as I've said prior are likely to have accidents in such a scenario, Mikey would be the only one I can see putting his foot down intentionally in a battle for some reason. Even if his view of the situation is incorrect. Which ironically means he would probably be the most likely one to get caught. (If he didn't crumble under guilt later.)
I feel like in terms of getting caught with the others, Raph would crumble under the guilt as well, likely being the second from Mikey to get caught. Third would be Donnie, as much as he might be able to clean up after himself at first, but without any support in his endeavors and the fact they almost all may be accidents, I think he'd get cocky.
Leo would potentially get lazy, too. Or maybe stop caring when under the context of the others already getting caught. Hell, Leo's extremely adrenaline junky coded imo. Maybe a few of his kills became less reasonable and more him shoving excuses in after getting too comfortable. But by the point the others are all taken in, assuming they can't get out, Leo would probably have one last hoorah in a feeble attempt to break them out. If he ends up doing it, he'd look like a monster but have his brothers back. If he doesn't... well with their luck, they'll at least get cells kind of near each other.
Of course, there are multiple ways to read into things. This is obviously leaning in on a more Canon approach. If we were involving a few more headcanons from me, Donnie would definitely go up to number 2 in danger on the list, lol /hj
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monalovesstarsz · 2 months
Maybe we could
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Genre: Non idol au, Hospital au
Pairings: Shy sick sunghoonxchronic illness shy y/n (I clearly don't know how to do this)
Summary: Y/n starts to spend a lot of time in a hospital due to her health and its super lonely until she meets sunghoon and they agree to try their best to live as regular teens.
Warnings: uhh I'm not totally sure but illnesses, thoughts of death, hospitals, depression, mentions of death (probably) Kys joke, sick joke, death joke.
Not proof read 🙈
"WAIT EXCUSE ME?!?!?" you said horrified that he had known this whole time. Before the elevator door closes Gisellse sticks her foot in it to get more answers
"it's okay I know, you've been following me for the past couple of days I should be the one asking questions don't you think?" Sunghoon giggled slightly from seeing your reaction
"I-um I uh don't know what you're talking about sunghoon y-you sound crazy!" No he was right but you tried your best to make it seem like he was lying even though your stutter did not help your case at all.
"Now that I think about it we're were pretty obvious y/n."
"Giselle!!!" You smacked her arm and groaned in response
"It's okay it made my day most of the time! Although I thought you would approach me sooner and it was pretty creepy of you." You could tell he was trying to contain his laugh and once again you groaned in response.
"How long have you known?"
"Uhh I had my suspicion the first two or three days but then the day when I felt like you had been following me extra I turned and you were reading a magazine very intently." You waited for him to finish his sentence but you noticed he thought that was enough of an answer.
"So? That's normal."
"It was upside down y/n"
"So you know where I'll be tomorrow right?" Asked sunghoon as Giselle finally moved her foot from the elevator.
"Yeah yeah you'll be in the lounge area reading a book" you said while you sarcastically rolled your eyes and let out a sigh. You couldn't believe it he had known for more than half of the time.
"Okay see you tomorrow y/n!" And with that the elevator door closed.
"Great." You muttered you knew you were gonna loose sleep over this for sure it was just to humiliating for it not to.
Gisellse finally broke the awkward embarrassing silence."Well time for you to go back to your room and eat dinner. I can't believe he knew I mean it was obvious and you gotta admit he's a pretty good actor for pretending he didn't know!" And you groaned hiding your face in your hands as your elbows rested on your knees hunched over as Gisellse wheeled you into your room.
"So he has known this entire time?!" Asked Hanni through the phone.
"That's what he said. I mean it was so embarrassing Nini like he has known this whole time ughhhh!" You as answered.
Danielle tried to make you feel better "Well maybe he didn't think much about it he still talked to you and you said you talked for awhile so that must be a good thing right?"
"Nah she totally bombed that he totally thinks she's in love with him and that you're a total creep."
"Go kill yourself Jake." You joked annoyed at his totally realistic scenario (sadly).
"Y/n you're fine he probably thinks that's cute so he probably likes you back." Jay said in the way you knew he had shrugged when he said that.
"Jay I do Nawt like him like that and I hope to goodness he does once again thinks that I like him."
"Nah man she totally likes him no scratch that she loooooves him she practically has hearts in her eyes when she talks about Mr. 'Ice prince'." He said love in a higher pitched voice and ice prince in quotation marks because Jake doesn't know his actual name.
"Jake didn't I already tell you to go kill yourself? Go jump of a very steep rocky cliff or something." You said sarcastically rolling your eyes.
"Yeah yeah you'd probably cry yourself to sleep every night if I ever did that"
"Yeah right." You mumbled
"Okayy but y/n didn't you tell me he's very good looking?" Danielle asked causing you to blush but thankfully your phone camera didn't pick it up.
"Uh yeah I did but that doesn't mean I like him let alone that I'm in love with him" you answered quickly but maybe too quickly. You saying that he was good looking was an understatement because wow. He could easily get a model or idol contract. He was incredibly good looking and still you were not giving him enough credit.
"Yeah she's in love but he probably doesn't like you back cuz your a creep" you had enough of Jake's playful banter so you had to say something besides go kys.
"Will I remind you I was only a creep cuz I'm lonely in this hospital and you guys don't visit me enough? Oh I'm sick and there's a chance I might possibly die." You said jokingly while you faked cough to really sell it.
"I will visit you y/n, but maybe when you're six feet under." Ooh next time you see him in person you would for sure not let him get away with it. You started to fake cry that turned into a sob.
"You're so *sniffle cruel *sniffle jake *fake sob." You said while wiping away fake tears.
"I'm sowy y/niee pwease forgive me I'm saur saur sowwyy." Jake said while giving the camera puppy dogs and doing the uwu pose.
And in return he got multiple Ewws from Danielle and Hanni.
"What the fuck was that." Jay said
"No way!! I got a vid of you doing that Jake!!!!" You said laughing hysterically.
"What do you mean y/n?."
"I started screen recording cuz I had a feeling you would do something hilarious!!" You were still laughing hysterically.
"What oh my gosh y/n you have to send that to me like right now!" Danielle had also started laughing
"Wait send it to me please I need that video y/n!" Hanni said.
"Yeah I'll need it too for blackmailing and stuff."
"what?! You don't need to blackmail me jay we are the bestest of friends my very dear jay!"
You had checked the time when Giselle began to speak "Sorry to interrupt the fun guys but Y/n has to do her routine for bed now." That reminded you about the fact that you were where you were. In the hospital because you're not okay. Some days were so bad you barely could get out of bed but you did (to follow sunghoon). You had found out that something was wrong with your stomach organs (idk if this is very accurate so ignore if it is). It kinda made you down because your friends could go to school, hangout in public places. It's okay you'll get better though right?
"kayy then bye guys call you soon and if you guys don't visit soon I'll murder you all... Im just joking guys but please visit hate to sound like an annoying ex so visit now!." You said giggling.
"Okay bye bye guys- oh wait y/n next time tell us what the guys name is you haven't told me!"you kept forgetting.
"Oops kay remind me then!" You were followed by an okay and multiple byes.
You were in your bed trying to sleep but you couldn't stop thinking about being in here. It wasn't right to be like this when you're supposed to be a normal teen. I mean people your age went out to movies and malls. They disobeyed their parents and snuck out. The idea has always scared you so sneak out you did not, but you missed going to the mall with Hanni and Danielle while you dragged Jake and Jay along with you. You missed when Jake and Jay would in return drag you to watch the latest horror movie even though you don't particularly enjoy them. You missed going to watch jay and Jake play at the basketball games which you hadn't enjoyed but ever since they played you actually realized they were fun. Especially when you guys won wait- 'Oh my gosh' you though. Sunghoon had been here for years! Had he gone to school? Had he been to the mall recently? Watched the latest horror movie? Gone to a high school basketball game? It made you so so sad. He had missed so much of his life he he hadn't gone out. Then you made up your mind. You weren't gonna let this being sick thing control your and sunghoons life. Sunghoon probably hasn't lived as a teenager since ever, seeing from what Giselle had told you about him. So tomorrow you would ask him about what he thinks about this living life to the fullest. Hopefully you wouldn't back out of asking him.
"Heyy Y/n how was your morning?" Sunghoon asked with a very pretty smile. He was just wearing grey sweatpants and a black hoodie. While you wore a white tank top with grey baggy sweats and a light pink zip up hoodie. He sat where you had first seen him. He always sits in the lounge/Food area. You liked this area it's either quiet and the sun shines in through the windows beautifully or it was filled with people interacting with each other. Well it wasn't filled filled but it was enjoyable to see people laughing around. It reminded you of school but without the studying part.
"Hi Sunghoon! My morning was fine I just watched some t.v shows.. How was your morning?"
"Same I slept longer than usual so I didn't do much."
An awkward silence took over. You and Sunghoon were both very very awkward people so you didn't know what to talk to him about. It was a miracle you two talked about whatever yesterday and for a while too, but you realized you two only talked about random things you actually never really got to know him.
"So what got you into ice skating?" You broke the silence but it wasn't the best conversation starter since it would probably be a normal quick answer.
"Oh well when I was a kid I was less social I guess so my parents put me into hockey so I wouldn't be friendless." He lets out a small giggle with made you happy that he was smiling "But I tried figure skating once and I loved it a lot. It felt better because I didn't have like hockey gear, so I asked my parents and they signed me up right away."
"Oh so you had trouble talking to kids too? "
"Yeah don't tell me you did also?"
"I did I was friends with these kids throughout elementary but they just bullied me so I didn't make a lot of friends."
"What about your friends that you told me about?"
"I met them through my Orchestra class. I met my friend Jake and Danielle through my orchestra class, and I met jay and Hanni through them and we've been friends since middle school."
"So does that mean you know how to play an instrument?"
"Yeah I know the violin. So does Jake but Danielle plays Viola."
"That's cool I wished I was in a music class but figure skating took up most of my time at so I didn't really get to go to school. That brings me back to what I was wondering. Why do you want to learn to ice skate?".
"Uhm I don't know? Why wouldn't you want to learn how to skate on ice?" You giggled.
"It seems very fun and like when I see people do it they look so airy if that makes sense which it might not."
"Ohhh I get you. I guess I'm just cool like that knowing how to ice skate and like a pro too. You'll have a great teacher."
"Sure sure" you said rolling your eyes sarcastically.
"Y'know that makes me wonder why do you want to learn how to draw?" You had actually been wondering this for since he asked you about it but you figured he just wanted a hobby to do.
"I just want a hobby to keep me busy during these times. Plus we'll get to know each other better since you'll be the one teaching me right?" You were right about the hobby part, but the part he said after made your heart flutter a little bit. You couldn't believe he actually wanted to be your friend. Which made you wonder another question.
"Also, why didn't you get weirded out? I mean like when I followed you? Like that was pretty creepy dude like that was so so weird."
"Well when you put it like that, that was really really weird. I'm joking but not really. I just figured you were curious about me. I guess I also thought that you wanted to be friends."
"In my defense I was curious about you and I also wanted to be your friend. I just didn't come up with a normal solution to my problem so I thought i'd follow you." You said shrugging
"See I was right! You also need to figure out how to make friends because following people and stalking them is a little crazy" he said laughing as you groaned in embarrassment. Although you were happy he smiled at you. Gosh he was really pretty. Wait you shouldn't think that or your friends will be right.
"Yeah I do need to figure that out" you said sighing.
"So when did you start to draw?"
"Oh I think I've always drawn. Like Ive done it my whole life but I'm not that good to be honest."
"Nah you're just being shy! I saw your drawings last night and they were really good!Like the ones on your wall were so colorful!"
"Thank you!!" You were getting very flustered "I mean I'm okay but Im not very creative... Well actually lately I have been because I've been having weird dreams but i'm very creative."
"You're a very good artist y/n and you are very creative those dreams prove it!!"
"Thank you Sunghoon you're very kind" you were a giggly mess but you tried to hide it.
"Ohh sunghoon I brought my sketchbook and some pencils so if you want to draw?" You had totally forgotten that you did bring your art supplies but sunghoons compliments reminded you.
"I was hoping you did! I'm not good so you're gonna have to give me some pointers cuz I kinda suck"
"I don't believe you I bet you're great at drawing!!"
You gave sunghoon a piece of paper and a pencil. He told you that he was gonna draw a picture he found on Pinterest of a butterfly. 15 minutes later you were proven wrong, he kinda did suck at drawing.
"I told ya y/n.."
"Well yeah I guess you were right .. But Everyone has their skill level and you just need to practice!! Simple as that"
"I suck but with you're help I won't!"
"Okay I'm not sure how I can help you but I'll try my best ?" You were asking yourself that more than anything but it's fine you were going to be able to spend more time with him.
" I bet you're a great teacher!!Anyway whatcha drawing y/n??"
"Hmm?" You looked up at sunghoon once again. You had been so focused on drawing and listening to sunghoon that you drew him AND a penguin. Why a penguin? Maybe it was because they reminded you oddly of sunghoon.
"Oh uhm nothing important just uh..." you shouldn't have drawn him that's too creepy (but following him around the hospital wasn't).
"Just what?"
Maybe the penguin was more acceptable but the drawing of him was a no go, but before you could possibly scribble out his face he took your sketchbook from you.
"I'm sorry I just was to focused on what to draw and I was listening to you talk and I guess I just stared drawing and I kno-"
"Y/n this is really good!! I don't think I've ever had anyone draw me ever before!!! I'm actually really flattered and happy!! You really captured my good looks" Sunghoon said the last part with a cocky smirk.
"You actually like it? That's a relief cuz I thought you were think I'm a total creep once again"
"I could still think that you're a good artist and a creep"
"Whatever sunghoon" rolling your eyes as you said that.
"Wait what's this? A penguin? it's really cute!"
"Oh yeah penguins remind me of you I guess so I drew that subconsciously while I listened to you talk. Its adorable huh?"
"what? No."
"hey what? What do you mean no? "
"I'm not cute or adorable! I'm handsome and manly"
"Sunghoon I hate to break it to you but you're low-key a cutie"
"Nuh uh I'm hot and sexy"
"Yuh huh your cute!" Wait a second you just called him cute, but you didn't mean it like he was cute cute. Well he is but you meant it in like a cute penguin kind of way.
"Nuh uh once again. I'm very very hot."
"Sure bud whatever you say cutie"
"Whatever y/n. You should teach me how to draw a penguin though!!"
You started to teach him about drawing circles to map out your drawing and then continuing to go into detail and stuff. It took him about an hour to get something he liked and something that was acceptable to show you. As he drew he was focused so you guys stopped talking. Letting you start to think about what you were gonna ask him. You were nervous but you didn't know why. It was just a simple question. Okay it was now or never. At least that's what you thought.
"Uhm Sunghoon?"
"hmm?" He was so focused he didn't even look up.
"I was wondering if you miss being a teenager?"
"What do you mean y/n?" He didn't sound annoyed or mad so you continued.
"Well what I mean is do you miss living your life? You don't have to answer me but I haven't been here for very long and I miss it. Well I know I'm gonna be here awhile so I guess it's just fomo."
"oh I get it, I do miss it y/n you don't have to be afraid to ask. Ive been here longer so you can always ask me about stuff like this y/n. " Whew that was a relief.
"But it's not just me being curious. I don't want to just live my so called best years of my life in the hospital." You were worried if it sounded rude to say but it was good to get this off your chest. Ever since you started feeling sick you had missed out on lots of stuff. Ever since you got into the hospital you started to think a lot more about death. Sure it was kinda sad but that's what your brain had always wondered, and now especially since there's a bigger chance of you dying now. You wondered what happened after. Where would you go? Is there anything after? What would happen to your famiily and friends. Would they miss you? Or would they be glad that you weren't a burden anymore. Very sad and morbid thoughts but you couldn't help it. Before you could get lost in thought sunghoon started to talk
"Yeah it makes me gloomy sometimes too but it's okay but not okay if that makes sense"
"Well sunghoon I was thinking that you and me could try our best to live like regular teens? Like I dunno maybe we could go to basketball games, movies, maybe mall trips stuff like that?" You braced yourself for the worst. You were so scared of the rejection even if it was just between friends.
"That's a really great idea y/n! I've always wanted to do all that stuff but I didn't really have friends my age around here but now I do!!"
"I'm really glad you agreed sunghoon! My schools having a home game next week would you wanna go?"
"Yes I do really want to go! Will I be able to meet your friends?"
"Yeah I'll let them know that we're going!"
That was not as bad as you thought. You thought that he was gonna reject you and never speak to you ever again, but once again you over reacted and he wants to be your friend still!!
"Y/n I'm gonna be honest though I'm a little nervous. Ive never gone to a high school game before and ice skating didn't really help my socialness like my parents though it would.."
"It's okay sunghoon, they're super fun and people at my school are going to be nice to you. Especially the girls they'll think you're a model or something. They'll be obsessed."
"Hm? Do you think I'm attractive?"
Uhm no? Yes? What was the right response??
₍⁠₍⁠ ⁠◝⁠(⁠ ゚⁠∀⁠ ゚⁠ ⁠)⁠◟⁠ ⁠⁾⁠⁾
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pathsofoak · 2 months
16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 36
i could not decide so it's many now nbcxvnnb
Ooohhh I like these 👀
16. I'll love you (platonically, in my case) if...
Okay I actually stared at this question for like 10 minutes trying to find out what my prerequisites for friendship are that aren't scarily low bars lfgjdljgfj but I think in general I feel safest/happiest around people who don't mind my rambling about my interests. Unless we're talking small acute things in which case I love you if you bring me brownies and strawberry tea 😌
17. Someone you miss
You, @itsthemxze, @mazegays, @smalleymcsmall, and @thominho-incorrectquotes XD
19. A fact about your personality
I get incredibly excited about categorizing things and the like, and organizing stuff (as in tidying and putting x thing in y place, not event organization). I think it's where my love of spreadsheets comes from 🤔
20. What I hate most about myself
I kept listing things and thinking about them and then it got too personal for a public post each time or I realized it's something other people have told me and I just internalized lmao so attempt number 5, I.... (quite literally 5 minutes later) Nope. I got nothing, sorry 😅 (but said information can be unlocked in discord dms)
21. What I love most about myself
I get very ambitious and enthusiastic about projects I'm invested in (sometimes a little too ambitious 😂), and if I'm invested enough I can stick with them for a very long time. Case in point, The Cold Half
36. Where would I like to live
I don't think I have a preference for any specific town, city, or country (though as far as countries go, places where I can manage with German or Dutch are preferred)
Walking distance from a current friend (but in a more realistic scenario, up to half an hour of travel time by whatever means of transport is most accessible to me is acceptable too). In every period in my life where I've had friends, they lived very far away so the hurdle to actually go there is quite big and we don't get to hang out physically much. I never really had that experience of playing outside with friends on the regular, I saw/see people at school/uni/the internet, and that's mostly it.
Other than that I think I'd like to live in a more urban area, I grew up rurally and everything is very far away. I don't need to live smack-dab in the middle of it, though.
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theformerbastard · 4 months
who is/are your comfort character(s)? My love for Jane Lane is pretty well documented.
lighter or matches? When I was a smoker I was obsessed with lighters but matches smell so goddamn good.
do you leave the window open at night? I hate windows so much.
which cryptyd being do you believe in? Bigfoot. I deadass keep my eyes peeled when I drive thru super wooded areas. I think most of the other ones are just people seein' barn owls but Bigfoot is out there, man.
what color are your eyes? Blue
why did you do that? Wanted to
hair-ties or scrunchies? When I had hair I was all about hair-ties
how many water bottles are in your room right now? Got a 2 liter of diet pepsi in the mini fridge
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee? None coffee
would you slaughter the rich? I mean...no? I know what this is actually askin', I just don't like the wording
favorite extracurricular activity? Drinkin'
what kind of day is it? It's chewsdy innit (it's Thursday but that was the first thing that came to mind)
when was the last time you ate? Like...minutes ago
do you love the smell of earth after it rains? I've never understood people that say "smells like rain"
are you a parent? (all answers qualify) nope
can you drive? yep
are you farsighted or nearsighted? near
what hair products do you use? water
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails? I can paint my own but I think I'd be shit at paintin' someone elses
do you say soda or pop? Soda. People that say pop are lunatics.
something you’ve kept since childhood? anxiety
what type of person are you? anxious
how do you feel about chilly weather? BIG fan
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing? Playin' roller hockey (where my Kevin Smith fans at?)
perfume/body spray or lotion? On me? Nothin'
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times? Every awkward encouter I've had since I was like 7
about how many hours of sleep did you get? depends
do you wear a mask? *Jim Carrey doin' Ben Stein* we all wear masks...metaphorically speaking
how do you like your shower water? In the shower
is there dishes in your room? Nope
what type of music keeps you grounded? Country
do you have a favorite towel? Used to. It was light purple. Fuck. Such a good fuckin' towel.
the last adventure you’ve been on? *in my best Jeff Bridges voice* ya know...uhhh we're like in it, man.
is there a song you know every word to by heart? Yes
what’s your timezone? Depends
how many times have you changed your url? A few
someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years? Brooke
a soap bar that smells good? Irish spring
do you use lip balm? Nope
did you have any snacks today? Bag of cheetos for lunch #healthnut
how do you take your coffee? I don't
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site? Instagram
what’s your take on spicy foods? I'm a bitch
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it? That's dark and I don't like that my brain is actually comin' up with names
can you remember what happened yesterday? I'd have to think really hard
favorite holiday film? While You Were Sleeping. It counts.
what was the last message you sent? "ALLLLLLL?!?!!" When @didee-anne told me she wanted me to answer all of these
when did you first try an alcohol beverage? I'm not good with ages but a "friend" gave me a shot of wild turkey and a shot of bacardi 151 in high school. I'd tried my dads beer before that but the shots feel more...significant.
can you skip rocks? It's been years but yeah
can i tag you in random stuff? Why not
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I have returned. And today I come with quite a number of ships so like brace yourselves, I'll keep popping in between my work. Speaking of prongsfoot, can we talk about just how perfect Remus/Peter would be?
1. They'll be the EPITOME of soft cottagecore. Baking, reading, picnics, growing plants, taking care of any wounded animals in the nearby area they'll just be so sidnsmsjdlsnsjdb
2. Peter knits. And he makes all the sweaters for Remus. And Remus absolutely adores watching him walking around with yarn and needles just going at it whenever wherever he gets the chance to
3. Cut to Remus being absolutely destroyed when it gets to him that Sirius killed his boyfriend but not being able to do anything as he sinks into his mind and never comes out. The reason he goes to Hogwarts in Harry's 3rd year is because he knows Sirius will be there. Him trying to kill him and Sirius trying to explain what really happened. And him demanding proof cause he's never seen Sirius be more... serious about anything else. And then the betrayal he feels when he sees said proof. Cut to him burning all the sweaters.
4. In this scenario, I like to think Peter started our as a spy for Dumbledore but he got turned into a death eaters for reals. Or he thought that the baby Voldy was targeting was actually Neville and he convinced himself that once Neville was taken care of, all his friends and his boyfriend will be safe. I have no idea where I'm going with this
5. They're both not players but they'll go up to the stands whenever prongsfoot is practicing and it'll be a cute double date
6. Remus can't figure out his feelings and talk about them for the life of him. But Peter, even tho shy, is very honest and cut the crap kind of person. With a little encouragement from Jamie, it works out really well.
7. Peter started getting into poetry because of Remus. (I actually was gonna type books there but my fingers just went and said poetry so we're going with it) He first started reading them to impress Remus but he couldn't actually understand them much. Later he fell in love with them. Or more specifically, he fell in love with how excited Remus got when talking about them. They'll both be in the kitchen and Peter will be walking around doing whatever needs to be done for what he is baking and Remus will be sat in one corner of the tabletop and talking animatedly about whichever poem he read/ was reading.
8. Ohhh they'll be so soft with each other I'm gonna cry. Sorry I'm making my point again. But like imagine like blurry sunlight coming in through paper thin curtains and baby's breathe flowers nestled between sunflowers and the smell of a bakery and the comfort in old sweaters and soft shy glances and pinkies intertwined and wishing on dandelions. That's them.
Ok I actually really likes doing that (8). It was kind of like a moodboard but with words. I'm gonna start doing it for all the ships now hehe. I'll come back later and do the same for the older ships I was ranting to you about (do you maybe happen to remember which ones they were? Or do you have them tagged?)
9. Their shipname would probably be "Moontail" I think... other possibilities are wormy which just sounds like a nickname for Pete. Or moonworm which isn't that bad ig but idk.
10. I think their ship is the one with the least possibility of an angsty beginning. Hit me with whatever you got tho. I think I'm slowly seeping back into my fluff phase from my smut phase (dw the cycle will continue and I'll be back to angst again lmfao)
Pls keep popping up I love it when you do :D I sadly won't be able to reply tho bc I have cooking today 😔 so you'll have to wait until I'm back home
1) they so are, you are so correct!
2) omg he doesssss. it's his go-to gift for everyone, but especially for remus <3
3) oh fuck... that's so heartbreaking wtf :( but I can absolutely see it happen
4) I don't think that it would make sense that he thought the baby he was talking about neville at the beginning sure, but he told voldemort where the potters where so obviously he knew that it wasn't neville
5) absolutely. they wear matching sweaters :)
6) yesss. like I said before peter confesses first
7) awweee that's so cute! I can totally see that happen omgg
8) I love this. every time I see ships or characters described like that I melt. pls do do that :D
9) moontail sounds so cute omg >w< but moonworm is kinda cute too
10) "unrequited" that's all I'm going to say (it's my go-to lol)
I can't wait to see what else you come up with :)
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paleparearchive · 1 month
SummerTime Melancholy ~ The Night Flowers I Look Up At With You
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Giotto's Scenario
Chapter 2 ( 1 - 2 - 3 )
Clerk: Welcome.
Giotto: It's Bondone, who had a reservation at the back of the room. My companion will come later.
Clerk: Yes, sir. I will show you to your seats.
… … …
Raffaello: –Giotto-san, sorry I’m late.
Giotto: Raffaello! I've been waitin' for a loong time~
Raffaello: My apologies…
Giotto: No no, I'm just kiddin'! I just got here too! See, I only ordered a drink!
(That guy, he's got a lot on his mind, huh? What happened…)
Raffaello: –What did you want to talk about in the atelier, Giotto-san? Let me hear that first.
Giotto: Oh, right. There’s gonna be an event in the near future sponsored by the salon Kuroda regularly deals with, right? I was asked by my superior to participate in the live painting for the event. I was told he asked ya to be my partner, is that true?
Raffaello: I was told that too. … I see, so you were talking about the live painting.
Actually, I have a problem with that too.
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
Giotto: You're also wonderin' ‘bout participatin' in the live painting?
Raffaello: It is just… How should I put it?
Giotto: Ah, I rushed the conversation. My bad.
First of all, ya need to drink. Ya need to have a moist throat to talk. It’ll be better for ya to get ready to talk.
Raffaello: Thank you…
… … …
Giotto: –C’mon, Raffaello. Ya can order for more.
Raffaello: No, thank you. If I drink too much, I will get off track from what I want to talk about. I have had enough.
Giotto: Ya sure of that?
Raffaello: Yes.
… So, this is just a rumor, so I am not sure if it is true or not. But I heard that Ingres-kun was banned from the salon.
Giotto: Ingres? Why him again…
Raffaello: I think he caused a violent incident.
Giotto: A violent incident, ya say?
Raffaello: Yes– Ah, this is my fault. Because I made a fool like me his mentor, even if only temporarily. I was not able to guide Ingres-kun properly as a painter…!
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
Giotto: It's not your fault, you know, Raffaello?
Raffaello: But I have not seen Ingres-kun since I heard that rumor. I feel like he adored me a lot before that. I think he also had some thoughts on my teachings. Because of a teacher like that, oh God.
Giotto: Did ya hear that from Ingres himself?
Raffaello: I cannot confirm that with him. First of all, I do not even know where he is.
Giotto: But that doesn't mean you…
Raffaello: And then, I wonder… I could not even draw a picture for some reason. Maybe I am no longer a good artist.
I do not think I would do well if I took on live painting in this condition.
Giotto: (He blames himself and sees everythin' in a negative light. That’s a bad tendency. If I don't do somethin', he's gonna break his brush. Before that happens, before his mind crushes, I must do somethin’–)
Hey, Raffaello!
Raffaello: … What?
Giotto: Join me in turnin’ down the live painting request!
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
Giotto: (Raffaello thinks Ingres failed ‘cause of him. If I had been the perfect teacher, the one who could paint the perfect picture... I would’ve been able to guide the young talents well. Goin’ to live paintin’ in such a state would be like poisonin’ yourself.
Raffaello: Turning down the live painting request?
Giotto: Raffaello. We're artists. Whether it’s to resolve our problems or face ourselves, ain’t paintin’ supposed to be indispensable for living creatures like us?
So I came up with a great idea. And I want ya to go along with it.
Raffaello: Me?
Giotto: On the day of the event, why don't we do some live painting, just the two of us?
Raffaello: Live painting, just the two of us?
Giotto: Of course, it ain’t the kinda thing you'd bring in guests for. It's just us painting live. It’ll just be us doing live painting.
As people gather at the event site, the remote areas should be quieter. It wouldn't be a bad idea to pick up the brush in that distant place, unbound and unburdened by anythin’, would it?
Raffaello: … Fufu, it surely would be nice and easy-going.
Giotto: Right?
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
Raffaello: However, for me painting is…
Giotto: Ya don't gotta try to finish it. That’s the kinda distraction it should be.
Raffaello: I see.
–I want to paint a picture.
Giotto: Me too.
Raffaello: Alright. Let us do it, just the two of us.
Giotto: Aight, then it’s a deal!
… … …
Giotto: Okay, today I gotta write critiques to the rest of the paintings. I'd like to get it done as soon as possible before my boss comes to check on me–
Salon owner: Good morning, Giotto. Let me ask this immediately, you'll take care of the live painting, right?
Giotto: Ah… My apologies, but I was thinkin’ of turnin’ it down.
Salon owner: What!? Even Raffaello said no, and now you too!?
Giotto: I'm sorry. I'll do a good job with the critiques for the competition…
Salon owner: I’m asking you to be really brisky with that, please! I'll be back to check on you!
Giotto: (... Even though it was my decision, it’s still hard not to, let’s say, “live up” to people’s expectations…)
Even so, I feel like I’ll be able to open up somethin’ thanks to the live painting with Raffaello.
Aight, I’ll do my best!
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astralartefact · 1 year
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Divine Akeha Analysis Post
the gacha game gives us another lore bomb on a random thursday and i felt a calling, this is my moment to shine
this is your warning, voice of cards forsaken maiden spoilers below. seeing as it is legit canon nier now, you might want to check it out before looking at this! i will spoil my personal favorite reveal of that game, so be warned
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this hastly made conspiracy board is brought to you by a "I told you so"-induced fugue state
The Pink Petals
The Lunar Tear is firmly on the spot of "most notorious flower in the NieR universe", so much so that people more often than not conflate them with Zero's flower - and while her flower is probably very much purposefully similar to a lunar tear it actually was precedented by something else too:
Pink Petals have actually been a thing since Drakengard 1, where they were used with Manah to give her a "flower girl at a wedding" sort of thing, probably just to make her creepy man voice even more creepy or to serve as a visual side piece to Furiae's twisted romance.
Even if they didn't intend this to mean anything back then they later picked that back up with Zero's pink eye flower which now continues this symbolism for the 'influence of the watchers/gods'.
2. The Black Flower (sword not entity)
Divine Akeha's sword kind of resembles Zero's sword from her Collab Design, mainly in the way the sword neck (?not the handle, the part right in front of the handle) is decorated going down into the blade and the shape of the blade towards the tip. While I'm not as convinced on this point as on the others, this might be on purpose too: The Black Flower (this time the entity in Zero's eye) is as we know some extension of the watchers/gods. Symbolically it makes sense to me to now take that blade as a reference point for weapons based on the power of gods - and especially since the "Black Flower" in Zero's eye is actually pink, this would serve as a full circle moment too.
3. Lac and Mommy
Her design is 100% based on Lac. There's just absolutely no way it isn't. The colors are the same (grey, red and black), she wears a crown like both Lac and the Ivory Spirit and has two red hair ornaments where his red horns would be - but especially the area around the ornamental piece on her obi is strikingly similar to the button on his belly, the design on the metal piece itself is very similar and then above it is red just like his mouth and below it she has the white of his belly..
For the people that haven't played Forsaken Maiden, Lac is one of your party members and as it turns out towards the end of the game he is a god who's out to sacrifice Laty for his own survival. Laty then sacrifices herself to basically imprison the gods into her dream realm.
There is this other god though, she barely has a presence in the story, but she eventually appears as the person who held Lac's puppet body the entire time: The Ivory Spirit. You can read more about my thoughts about her here, but in summary even if she is not the Mother Beast from Drakengard, she very much could be Mommy, who I miss dearly and I just want to see her again.
(That's btw the reveal I mentioned in my warning blip, the moment when the game non-chalantly turns Lac's card around and she's just there is just so eerie, even knowing that it's coming takes so much away from it and combined with the "THAT'S HER RIGHT???" of thinking she has to be the mother beast, especially given that lanca/mini-zero is her maiden... hands down my favorite moment of all VoC games, I think about it so often)
And now we're here and Divine Akeha with a pink petal sword wears a Lac outfit.
Basically, Voice of Cards is 100% confirmed NieR canon. Expect some of the other Divine costumes to look like the other spirits.
Btw, the Lead Scenario Writer of the Sun and Moon arc Yuki Wada was also the Lead Writer of Forsaken Maiden, just so you know whose name you can curse for this.
(This also fuels my Laty => Seeds of Destruction => Cage theory btw)
edit: character story
How many times have I heard. Have I seen. How their words fade into the air. Drown in fresh blood. Is someone there. Is someone present. Yes. If so, there is no reason for me to exist in the same space.
May salvation come to those who wait for it. May punishment come to those who need it. We worship. We pray. We believe she who sits on the heavenly throne is listening.
weapon story
Flowers bloom when she smiles. Her joy spreads vitality. Buds bloom as she does.
Birds sing when she sends word. They lend their wings as she speaks to us.
The wind howls as she despairs. The heavens rage as she weeps for our tragedies.
The moon shines when she comes to us. She leads our human sacrifices away as we sleep.
(thank you nierrein.guide, you provide a most valuable service)
There aren't any particularly outstanding references in the stories as far as I can tell, even the mention of flowers isn't particularly noteworthy tbh. The most !!! to me is the line "We believe she who sits on the heavenly throne is listening" since it refers to a female god, but that doesn't have to be the Ivory Spirit/Queen Beast, that could just as much be referring to Divine Akeha or an entirely different god such as Amaterasu or something like that, same with the entirety of the weapon story.
I personally also like the line "May Punishment come to those who need it" using "need" instead of "deserve". Very CrimePun of them.
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forgottenaster · 1 year
Genshin Impact “Forbidden Knowledge” Scenario
This is a scenario I thought about that felt a little bit more realistic in the world of Teyvat if we were to ever be ‘isekai'd’ into the game. (Sumeru Archon Quest Spoiler) You speak in Pink + Italics, rest of the characters are in Orange + Italics. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ (Gender of the reader is unspecified)
Realistically in a situation where we find ourselves in Teyvat, I don't see ourselves becoming a figure worthy of great praises, I wouldn't put it in a way where we're above all other Gods, rather, we are the unknown, for us to come from another world, or another universe at that, we would be classified as forbidden knowledge in flesh and bone, and because forbidden knowledge is something that's very dangerous in the world of Teyvat, we'd be subjected to probably death at the hands of The Heavenly Principles, we are an entity that doesn't exist in the memories that's recorded in Irminsul, we are an entity that's not meant to exist in their world.
Why you ask? Remember what happened to the civilization of King Deshret? What happened to Irminsul? What happens upon contact with forbidden knowledge? In my understanding at least, the people in Teyvat who come in contact with forbidden knowledge becomes overwhelmed with everything that enters their mi1nd, forbidden knowledge might be something that mortals and creatures alike in Teyvat can't grasp or seem to come to an understanding with, their brains can't handle the information that's being given which leads to the brain being overstimulated, call it insanity or whatever you see it as.
Haha, I don't even know if it's canon that forbidden knowledge can lead to a casualty but I like to believe it can, just for this scenario, think of it as us in the real world trying to gain knowledge on extraterrestrial life forms, secrets of Area 51 and such, things that we regular civilians are never meant to know anything about.
I know there'll also be a question about how we'd be classified as forbidden knowledge, the only answer I can give is that we might have somehow bypassed the Eye of The Gods, that we somehow weren't caught by The Heavenly Principles but now that our existence is known by that above we're targeted for elimination.
An extra I'll add in that the Traveler might also be classified as forbidden knowledge if they weren't caught and stripped of their memories and powers by The Heavenly Principles, since they both come from many different worlds they're both bound to know many things that's not meant to be shared with just anybody, so when the traveler finds themselves under Starnatch Cliff in the beginning of the game with the only memory is that of the Unknown God and their sibling whose journey had been ended, I see it making a bit of sense that the traveler could've possibly been forbidden knowledge too. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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Now onto the actual scenarios, you one day wake up to find yourself.... Let's say you find yourself in The depths of The Chasm, an unusual place to land or spawn into, no actual reasoning to it, you're panicked and afraid, not understanding the current predicament you currently find yourself in, but after some time you recollect yourself and figure a way out of the place, miraculously evading the monsters that litter the place and once you've finally made contact with the bright sun of the outside world above, you make it your journey to try and find a way to get out of there, you know you don't belong there.
After traversing through the terrains of Liyue you finally arrive at Liyue Harbor where you begin to ask for guidance, any knowledge you recieve though is useless, because you know everything about Liyue already, so you continue on with your journey but let's have it that you happen to fall into the timeline where the Liyue Archon Quest occurs, being a witness to the staged death of an Archon who wants to retire, you fall victim to being a suspect with having a hand at this along with a familiar golden haired outlander and their little floating companion, after all, you currently wear a foreign attire as well in the eyes of these mortals don't you? Merely another outlander is what you are in their eyes.
The Traveler and their companion flee and you follow along hastily, trying your best not to be caught by the Qixing, you know where this is going, you know another familiar face will come to the rescue for the traveler, but what about you? All three faces now turn towards you, huffing air as you try to breathe from running off and jumping down a flight of stairs to evade the Qixing, the flying fellow who you recognize as Paimon approaches you asking where you came from and why you followed them but judging by your attire they know you must've also been seen as a suspect to this day's events, though the Traveler seems wary at first, but they're quick to warm up to you, understanding very much that you both come from a similar situation but you know that it's not quite the case, you don't comment on it though and leave it as it is.
Right now though, there's no time to discuss any trivial matters, what should come first is taking the chance to escape the grasps of the Qixing so you, the Traveler and Paimon come into a silent agreement to trust in the words of the man who claims to be “Childe” and follow along with him as he leads all you away from the eyes of the Qixing.
Once you've all collected yourselves you began to discuss what course of action was best to do in the situation and thus, Childe suggests the three of you: Traveler, Paimon and You, to head to Jueyun Karst in order to meet with the adepti to prove to them of your innocence, once again though, you already know where this is going, you'll be meeting Cloud Retainer, Xiao, Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper though after some time and having gone through the Sumeru Archon Quest already, you seem to have forgotten that Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper had existed as well yet you were well aware of their existence somehow, and during your time heading off towards Jueyun Karst, it was the perfect time for questions before to finally rise again, Paimon being the first to ask as the tiny being bombarded you with questions after questions: “Where are you from?!” “Do you also come from another world like the Traveler??!” “Do you have a floating companion like Paimon too??!!!” You don't answer any of the questions, in fact, all you had to say was. “I think I might be the personification of some thing that's not meant to exist in this world, but yes, in other words I am an outlander too” You're quick to cover it up though, choosing to silence yourself lest you further attract unwanted attention from above, you know to yourself you're human, so even you can't be subjected to being given a vision.
Should I continue this?
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auroras-void · 3 months
Something I've noticed is absent from the harm reduction voting discussion around biden is that because the electoral college exists, some people actually *should* be voting third party.
If you live in a safe state like California or Alabama, your vote (for the presidency) essentially does not count. Biden is going to win California no matter what and Trump is going to win Alabama no matter what.
It's a bullshit unfair undemocratic system, but it's what we're stuck with and we should be working around it.
If you live in an even *slightly* contested state you *need* to be voting for Biden to keep Trump from enacting project 2025, which is a nightmare scenario for the country and the world that will do irreparable damage.
But if you don't, then I think the people saying not to vote for Biden have a point. He's a deplorable genocide enabling old man who needs to be replaced. The most effective thing you can do in a safe state *is* to vote third party or independent as a protest vote. A non vote means nothing to anyone, but higher third party turnout gets attention of candidates deciding their policies in democratic primaries.
This also applies down ballot too! And actually it's even more important in local races where third parties are more able to get larger shares of the vote.
In any safe race you *should* vote third party. In contested races you go for harm reduction. Research all candidates in your local races thoroughly. Having good local politicians can help insulate your immediate community from a lot of the damage being done at the federal level.
My area recently managed to go beyond basic queer anti discrimination laws and push for broader protections for *any* non traditional families, including polyamorous ones! That's a huge meaningful win and it was accomplished at the *Municipal* level, because local politicians here know they aren't progressive enough they'll lose voters to the Peace and Freedom or Green party.
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this question is a major downer, so tw for animal death.
is there a more humane way to deal with invasive reptiles outside of just culling them? i hate the idea that the only way to fix the issue is to kill animals that didn't even ask to be there in the first place. obviously they can't be pets because they aren't socialized, but would it be possible to have sanctuaries for them, where they can live comfortably without damaging the environment? i know i'm being naive here, but i'd like to think it'd be worth a try. i know it'd only save a couple hundred at absolute best, but the idea that they're all just doomed due to situations outside of their control is so upsetting. odds are this is just a reality i'll have to get used to, but i want to know your thoughts on it.
sorry for the sad question, i know talking about these things is just depressing as hell when you're a reptile lover who also cares about the environment as a whole.
This is one of the really tough things about invasive species. Unfortunately, in most cases, I think culling is just the all-around best option.
Sometimes, invasive lizards especially can be taken from the wild to be pets - can't just leave 'em in the wild, after all, and some wild-caught lizards (like house geckos and anoles) tend to do pretty well in captivity. Check out my invasive reptiles tag for some potential invasive pets. This is the only case where I'll ever be okay with taking wild animals for pets, and even these will usually be hands-off pets, but it's better than leaving them in the wild as long as you know what you're doing and the care is appropriate. In fact, if you catch an invasive reptile, it's actually illegal to release them!
Usually, though, culling is the best option. I know it's super sad - it makes me sad, too! Burmese pythons especially tend to hit me super hard, I adore Burms...but I adore them at zoos or in the homes of qualified keepers, not in the Everglades, y'know? As much as I'd like to set up a Burmese python sanctuary, that's just a lot of resources going away from native reptiles, and it's a small dent in the number of invasive snakes at best.
One thing that helps me with this sad situation is remembering that animals don't really conceptualize death the way we do. When we cull an invasive reptile, we're not only helping a local ecosystem get back on balance, we're also preventing the invasive reptile from having to live in an area where it's just not meant to be. Animals don't feel death, but I know it's hard to remember that we're honestly the ones who worry the most about this scenario.
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