#i try to make excuses for it. i say that it was an honest accident. a mistake that anyone would make
caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
You know sometimes I think being misgendered doesn't bother me much but then someone I KNOW, someone who knows me and knows I'm transgender and even IS TRANS themself sometimes misgenders me and I'm reminded that no matter how accepting or supportive or similar to me they are, no one will see me as a guy until I look and sound like their idea of one.
And idk that bothers me a lot. Like I don't want to have to change just to be seen for who I am because then, is it actually who I really am or is it just a performance ABOUT who I really am?
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leviismybby · 10 months
How the aot veterans notice that you and Levi are secretly an item...
Let's be honest, he knew it even before you two got together. Erwin is a very observing man, hardly anything that is going on in the headquarters can get past him. The first time he noticed that something was up was when Levi started to butt in while he was doing the plans for expeditions, always sneakily trying to put you in the safest position possible. It was always "Name isn't skilled enough to be here" or "She would do better if you put her over here". Another thing he noticed is that you two started to attend meetings late with some lame excuse, he just dismissed it but enjoyed how much you both struggled to keep the act up.
However one day you two don't show up to work at all, spending all day having "fun" in Levi's room and the excuses Erwin heard the next almost made him laugh. "And where were you two?" He asked as you and Levi entered his office, his eyebrow raised. "We were busy." Levi says but he knows that it's not enough. "I was giving her private training all day yesterday." Erwin nods, not believing a single word. "Is that so? And why didn't you inform me about this?" Levi scoffs, he knows he shouldn't lie to Erwin but he can't just say that you two were fucking like rabbits the whole day yesterday. "I thought that it wasn't important." Erwin sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose at Levi's words. "For Ymir's sake just say that you two were having sex and stop with this nonsense." Your mouth drops right open at the commander's words, a slight blush creeping on your cheeks meanwhile Levi scoffs at Erwin. Guess he did not have to lie to his superior officer anymore, the cat was out of the bag anyway.
It was their number-one entertainment besides spending the whole day doing titan research. They noticed it mostly because of Levi and how his behavior would change around you. Little things like, how often he sat next to you, how close the two of you would stand to each other anytime you were next to one another. One of the biggest giveaways was Levi's hand on your lower back which suggested that the two of you were already intimate with one another. They saw you once brush a fur off his uniform jacket, that was where Hange got their confirmation. For the next few weeks, they noticed even more, on one occasion, you had your hand resting on his thigh while you two were sitting down. It took everything in them not to bug you or Levi about it that is, until they saw love bites on your neck, they couldn't help but look at your neck and that's when they had to say something. "Damn name. Someone is getting it good huh?" You start to cough at their words and Levi looks up from his tea. "What are you talking about?" Hange snickers. "Your neck, Levi isn't going easy on you is he?" "Shut the fuck up four-eyes."
He is the one who keeps his nose out of everyone's business but even he couldn't help but feel intrigued when he noticed that Levi had your scent on him one morning. "Hmm.." He would hum, finding it strange just how strong your smell on Levi was. So he waited to see if you would smell like Levi too and he got his opportunity when you sat next to him in the mass hall at dinner. He side-eyes you, you indeed had Levi's cologne on you. "Mhh..." He hums again and looks between you and Levi. "So do you two use the same shampoo and soap or?" Miche asks, looking at your reactions. "What are you japping about?" Levi asks, already annoyed that Miche is asking such a thing. "Don't play me for a fool. You two smell like each other. Why is that?" You and Levi stay quiet and the silence is enough for Miche. "Ah, I see..." He can't help but nod in approval. "Well good luck. At least know we know where Levi is taking his stress out."
Now....she downright catches you two making out and it was by pure accident. She borrowed a shirt from you and wanted to return it so you told her to just bring it to your room when she had the time. Bad idea. Levi was sitting on your bed, you on his lap as you kissed passionately. His hands were rubbing your back under your shirt, you moaned softly against his lips. Levi's hands move to your hips and he grinds you on top of him, you get the message, and just as you are about to pull your shirt over your head when. "Name here is your shirt back- oh..." Nanaba stood in the doorway, her eyes going wide as she saw the position you two were in. It took a few seconds to register what happened but Levi spoke before you. "Fucking...fuck off. Can't you see we are busy?" He says, his voice harsh, his hands still on your hips. Nanaba chuckles. "Alright, alright, keep on....yeah. And use protection" "Out!" Levi yells and Nanaba smiles before closing the door behind her. "....I forgot to lock the door..." You try not to laugh at the situation when you see Levi's annoyed face. "Whatever. Now let's get back to what we were starting." You smile as he resumes kissing you.
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taesanrot · 2 months
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[earrings] anton x reader | 1.5k words fwb!anton, secret relationship kinda, theyre in a bit of a limbo hehe syn. in which anton accidently leaves behind evidence of his stay last night note. first anton au hehe, also my first riize fic in a minute. hope u guys r enjoying this series so far :)
now playing: earrings by malcolm todd
"her love is your head, you lost your earrings in her bed"
anton was fucked, he was sure of that. it only took a glance at his reflection in the mirror to notice the jewelry he was missing, his usual earrings nowhere to be seen.
hand shooting up to feel his jewelry-less earlobes, he sighed and massaged his temples slowly. it was barely 10 in the morning, and he'd just trudged back to his place after being shooed out of your apartment.
you and anton were … complicated, for a lack of better terms. if the two of you were being honest, you'd say you were talking — although you definitely did a lot more than that when you were together.
anton didn't mind the slower pace; he wasn't itching to jump into anything super quickly, and he enjoyed getting to know you bit by bit.
what he struggled with a little more was you requesting to keep things between the two of you a secret. your friend circles were pretty much merged, and you weren't super keen on letting them in on your escapades with the taller boy just yet.
this meant quiet excuses away from larger functions, meeting up to walk to one of your places, and panicked morning afters.usually he had until at least noon to make his way back to his own place, but today you'd promised your friends that you'd study for a calculus exam with them.
anton groaned and whined when you'd shaken him awake at nine in the morning, saying something about some people coming over in an hour. he could barely hear over his exhaustion, eyes bleary as he looked at your face hovering above him.
you were trying to explain that his friends were on their way but all he could focus on was the strands of your soft hair falling in his face and how good you smelled. you eventually herded the poor boy out of your apartment, sending him on his way back home with a wet kiss to his cheek and a protein bar.
what neither of you seemed to remember were anton's earrings sitting in the small tray on your nightstand. they were the earrings he wore everywhere — gold links with his initials engraved on the front.
over time, anton made a habit of taking them off and placing them on your nightstand before getting in bed with you. the two of you learned the hard way that keeping them on in bed was not a good idea; the second time anton came over, your hair had gotten tangled in the metal and he almost lost an earlobe.
groggily pulling his phone out of his pocket, anton debated sending you a text. he typed it out before hesitating. what if someone looked at your phone screen and saw the text from him? how would you explain yourself? frustrated, anton shut his phone off and tossed it onto his bed.
god, anton hated sneaking around. but he liked you, more than he'd like to admit, and the last thing he wanted was go against what you asked of him. he just hoped that no one would notice the earrings before going to take a shower.
"morning." seunghan greeted you cheerfully as you answered the door. shotaro and sohee followed after, waving at you before walking into your apartment.
"sup, ning." as you shut the door you heard shotaro greet ningning, who had arrived 10 minutes earlier and was sitting in your living room.
eventually, the 5 of you migrated to your bedroom to study — you, ningning, and sohee were sprawled across the floor while shotaro and seunghan sat on your bed. your calculus notes were strewn about, having studied for what felt like days.
yawning and stretching his arms, seunghan sat up a bit, taking his attention off of the chapter you guys were reviewing. the rest of you were chattering with each other, reviewing a practice problem that was particularly confusing.
"ugh, what time is it?" he mumbled, leaning over to look at the clock on your nightstand. his phone was somewhere in your blankets and his notes, and he wasn't keen on looking for it.
before his eyes could drift to your alarm clock sitting on the nightstand, his attention was caught by something shiny glinting at his eyes.
your focus was pulled from your notes as you heard a soft gasp from the direction of your bed. looking up, your eyes widened at the sight in front of you.
seunghan had one of anton's earrings in his fingers, eyes squinting as he inspected it curiously.
"are these anton's?" he asked suspiciously, turning to look at you. his lips were curled slightly upwards, clearly amused by the discovery. your cheeks burned in embarrassment as you stumbled over your words, not knowing what to say.
"uh-" before you could deny it, sohee interjected.
"they totally are! he wears those like every day!" sohee exclaimed. shotaro and ningning also looked up from their work, both of them giggling at how obviously flustered you were.
"no they're not, those are mine." you mumbled unconvincingly, cringing at how bad your lie was.
"you're lying! i can see his initials on them!" seunghan was leaning across the bed to show the rest of your friends, all of them nodding in agreement.
"y/n why do you have those?" ningning's head tilted confusedly as she turned in your direction. after a beat of silence, a look of realization passed across shotaro's face.
"he was here, wasn't he?" he asked, the knowing smile on his face growing even bigger. you choked on your spit at his question, coughing lightly.
"what are you talking about?" sohee rolled his eyes and seunghan laughed loudly at your weak response.
"hyung's right, he totally was here!"
"did he spend the night?"
"oh my god y/n did you guys fuck?"
"ok, enough!" you spoke up, finally finding your voice. you gulped nervously before continuing. "yes, anton was here last night. we've been seeing each other for a while."
you let out the biggest breath, one you didn't even know you were holding as the words escaped your mouth. seunghan was the first one to break the silence following your announcement.
"i fucking knew it!" he exclaimed, taking you by surprise.
"huh?" you asked, perplexed.
"you know you guys aren't that subtle right?" ningning laughed as she spoke, ruffling your hair gently. "we all noticed you two leaving every function together."
"not to mention the way you basically eye fuck each other 24/7" sohee fake gagged, earning a punch in the arm from you.
after his whirlwind of a morning, anton decided to shower and take a well-deserved nap. unlike you, he did not have calculus test to study for, so after washing up he climbed into his covers and caught up on some much needed sleep.
a couple hours later, he finally woke up, groaning at the sun shining onto his face. it was late afternoon, and the light shined directly on his eyes, making going back to sleep nearly impossible. stretching his arms and legs, he rubbed his eyes and sat up groggily, grabbing his phone to check the time.
to his surprise, he was greeted by what seemed like 100 notifications from his messages. clicking them open, his eyes widened as the words came into focus.
it was in fact, your friends' group chat discussing the two of your and your not-so-secret arrangement. his eyes nearly popped out of his head reading the texts, still groggy from just waking up.
scrolling through the rest of his notifications quickly, he clicked on one with your name.
3 missed calls from y/n <3
[2:03 p.m.] y/n <3: r u asleep? call me when you see this
anton's fingers were practically shaking as he dialed your number, each ring making him wish the earth would open up and swallow him whole. his anxious thoughts were interrupted by your soft voice.
"um… did you see the groupchat?" anton winced. straight to the point, then.
"yeah… i'm sorry. i forgot them in a rush this morning" he felt like he was holding his breath waiting for you to answer, until he heard you chuckle on the other end of the line.
"anton, it's okay."
"what? but i thought-"
"it's about time we told them anyways, i'm tired of sneaking around." you laughed as you heard anton stutter on the line.
"plus, i like you, a lot."
"me too." he spoke softly, his heart nearly exploding in his chest. you smiled on the other end; his timidness never failed to make you feel giddy.
"good, cause it would've been really awkward if you didn't" you giggled, fiddling with the end of your shirt.
"so … does this mean i can take you on a real date now?"
"hmmm i guess that's fine" you answered teasingly. anton sighed dramatically on the other end, slapping a hand over his chest so loud that even you could hear it.
"in that case, what are you doing tonight?"
[bonus] the groupchat
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cerise-on-top · 10 months
Cast Finds Out Reader is Ticklish
I felt like writing something stupid and fun again. What it says in the title, but this time König is in it as well. I wanna have a tickle fight with some of these characters so bad, it's unreal. Some mentions of how they react when you try to get them back as well.
Price: He didn’t mean to, it was an honest accident in his case. All he wanted was to make sure you were okay, the fact you recoiled from his touch giggling did make him a bit curious, though. Once he sees that everything is fine he might graze you again just to hear you giggle and find you swatting at him. If you aren’t paying attention properly and are simply sitting in a chair, your face buried in your arms instead, he’ll poke you to get you to listen to him. He won’t go all out on you, it would take a lot of provocation from your side. He is ticklish too, just not in the places one would normally expect. If you wanna get him good, you need to get his palms or his shoulders. Good luck, though. While he may be kind enough to give you a few seconds of a headstart, there is no way you’re going to outrun him forever. Holds grudges like there’s no tomorrow too and will get you eventually, even if you’ve forgotten about it.
Gaz: He was likely goofing around with Soap when he saw you just shortly after and decided he wanted to see if he could get you too. No accidents in his case, he just straight up goes for it. While he might ask you beforehand whether or not you’re ticklish, the end result is always gonna be the same: He’ll try it out either way and scout out where you’re sensitive. Unfortunately, he’s also very persistent, so he can and will figure it out eventually. It’s not that hard to get back at him, though, he’s ticklish just about anywhere and will try to fight you on it. In all honesty, it’s a fun thing for him, especially with you, so he doesn’t hate it. Sparring is nice, beating someone else into submission also has its moments, but sometimes all you need is to skitter your fingers over someone’s ribs and hear them shriek as they fight you off. The both of you being ticklish is something he’d rather take to his grave, but if Soap ever got wind of it then he certainly wouldn’t stop him. Team ups will happen regularly once you all know of each other’s weaknesses.
Ghost: You might think he wouldn’t care all that much, but he thinks it’s actually kind of amusing. Once it’s only the two of you and you’re very close, he might try to find an excuse to touch you just to hear you giggle. Ask him to train you in hand-to-hand combat, I’m praying for you that your neck isn’t ticklish. His hold on your neck is gentle, yes, but it’s enough to drive you mad. That will also be one of the few times you can make out what he’s feeling by looking at his eyes. Squirm all you want, you’re not getting out of his grasp all that easily. In fact, you might just make it worse for yourself when he has to hold you down and gently squeezes you. You could try to get back at him, but it won’t do you much good. He can and will hold in his reactions for a while, with the mask only aiding him in that. Don’t surprise him, though, since you’ll be elbowed in the face, but other than that, it’s fair game. He is ticklish, chest and the spot where the ribs meet the back are the worst ones for him, but he’s gonna get you before you get him.
Soap: Not an accident either, he didn’t ask you beforehand though. If he can get you to smile in any way, shape or form, he knows he’s won, but he’s also a bit relentless. If you can smile, then you can laugh and he isn’t above using his military training to get what he wants. Yeah, he’s ruthless, but will stop immediately if you ask him to and make sure you’re okay. Also the kind to tease you and laugh along with you, especially if you’re a bit of a squirmer. Like Gaz, you can get him back fairly easily, but that only motivates him to get you even better and make sure you’ll be laughing your head off. It’s just a fun little game. Who breaks first? Who can take it the longest? Who will try to run away first? He sees it as a bonding activity with you and isn’t afraid to tickle you while hugging you as well. As mentioned before, once you, him and Gaz know you’re all ticklish it’s gonna get a bit more intense. While they are sweethearts at times, just hope you won’t be on the receiving end from both of them.
Alejandro: He was probably trying to show you affection by running his hands over your back when you flinched away, a big goofy grin on your face. While he might have a hunch of what happened immediately, he won’t confirm his suspicions if there’s company. Once you’re alone? Get ready to get wrecked. Your beloved colonel is serious enough most of the time as it is, sometimes you just need to let loose as well, especially over something that’s not serious in the slightest. He’ll actively encourage you to try and get him back as well, making it an even fight. While he might have the advantage of being among the stronger soldiers, he’ll let you get him back, making it a bit easier for you. That holds especially true if you’re a civilian. He’ll give you many chances to pin him down, but once he’s had enough you’re definitely next. Will start some tickle fights, will lose some if he really wants to let go and just have a good time with you. While he might admit that if you’re extremely close, don’t count on it. He has his pride, but being a goofball is also good. Once you’re both tuckered out there’s a chance he might become a bit more cuddly with you.
Rodolfo: In all fairness, it was probably you who found out he was ticklish first. It’s a bit embarrassing to him, but since he knows you’re a good sport who won’t tell anyone, he allows it. At some point, he will try to fight back, though, and discover that you’re ticklish as well. It doesn’t take a whole lot for him to want to tickle you, he thinks your reactions are just so adorable, but he’s very self-aware and knows that, realistically speaking, you’re gonna get him worse than he could ever get you. That’s a fair trade for him, though, since he gets to goof around. Won’t start anything very often, he’ll rely on you doing so. And when he does? He’s very gentle. He won’t wrestle you as roughly as Soap, for example, but if you’ve annoyed him enough he’ll take his time until he's certain you’re sorry. It’s a good method of showing someone they’ve messed up since it’s not a harmful thing. If gentle tickles drive you mad, he’ll know, but he doesn’t want to hurt you either, which is why he won’t be rough. Once you’re completely beat he apologizes for going overboard and brings you snacks and drinks to make sure you’re alright.
Valeria: Gives you a certain🤨look but more smiley when she finds out. That’s definitely something she’s going to lovingly bully you for when she gets the chance. You can try to get her back, you’re not going to succeed. Not only are you never going to find her ticklish spots, she makes sure they’ll essentially be unreachable for you. To be honest, she doesn’t even know whether or not she even is ticklish, but she’s not going to take any chances. Try to tickle her and you’ll be gotten good. She is merciless and will do whatever she can to make sure you won’t forget about this. In those cases she’s not above restraining you somehow either to make sure you learn your lesson. You’re not gonna get her, but she might find it fun to get you instead, might call you her little stress ball and squeeze you when she feels like it. Or you might be a squeaky toy. Either way, you won’t even think about tickling her instead. She’s also very tease-y and will point out how you react to certain stimuli. Belittles you a bit too, but that’s just her brand. If she really tuckered you out she’ll show some sympathy and let you stay with her for a while. You’ll be in good hands and all your needs will be accounted for.
Graves: He probably found out sooner rather than later given how touchy he is. While he may simply laugh it off at first and not give it too much thought, it will be something he remembers. You’ve been bad? You told the Shadows an embarrassing anecdote about him? Yeah, you’ll be sorry. The more you squirm the more he knows he’s doing a good job at keeping you in line. He’ll leave you absolutely breathless by the end of it, but knows your limits well enough to not go overboard. You certainly wouldn’t be the first or only one to get some revenge on him. Try to get some of the Shadows on your side first, though. Graves is a strong authority figure, but even he can’t fight off ten of you. It does happen from time to time that the Shadows get him when he’s overworking himself again and needs a break. Yes, he always gets revenge since he knows each and every single one of them, but he knows you all mean well. Even so, he has his pride and needs to show his company that he’s a feared leader. If you don’t run away as soon as you’re done with him he’ll be a bit softer on you since you’re checking up on your commander, but don’t expect him to forgive or forget.
Alex: He probably found out when he gave you a hug, so it wasn’t on purpose either. However, he thinks it’s such a cute detail about you. He can make you laugh just by fluttering his fingers over certain spots. From time to time he will weaponise this knowledge. You’re being mean to yourself today? Not a chance while he has to say something about it. His favorite form of tickling you is by simply trapping you in a hug and making sure you can’t escape. You’re more than welcome to fight back, though. He’s almost as ticklish as Gaz, so it’s not very hard to get him to crumble. And yes, he does push you away and fall to the floor if you have a go at it for too long. Thinks it’s an adorable little bonding activity and might initiate some fights here and there but will absolutely never go overboard. As soon as you seem tired or ask him to stop he will. While he has been through a lot and thus can take it quite well, he expects you to stop as well when he asks you to. No matter how much you struggle to get away from him, he will chase you down to the ends of the Earth to see your eyes filled with mirth like that. Laughs along with you, no matter what.
Farah: When she was very young she used to fight with her brother like that from time to time. These days she doesn’t have time for these sorts of things at all. Doesn’t mean she wouldn’t goof around from time to time if she could, though. Like Price, she was likely checking up on you to make sure you were okay and found out. The fact that you’re sensitive makes her smile a little bit, it’s just the tiniest bit funny. On those days where she doesn’t have to fear for everyone’s safety, when she can relax just the tiniest bit, she might poke you a little bit to see you flinch and maybe squeal a bit, but 9/10 times it won’t be more than that. If you decide to get her back, beware that she’s very likely to win either way. She can hold her reactions in well enough, so aside from the initial jerk you won’t get too much out of her. Raises her eyebrow and gives you a few seconds to run away from her before she gets you, a broad smile on her face. Despite not being very tall, she’s extremely nimble and quick, so no matter how far you run she’s gonna catch up to you eventually. Please do play-fight like this every once in a while with her, she definitely won’t mind or say no when nothing of importance is going on at the moment.
Laswell: “Oh, you’re ticklish.” She has no qualms whatsoever about mentioning that fact casually. It’s not something she’ll be malicious about, plenty of people are ticklish in this world, it’s kind of cute that you’re one of them. If you’re cuddling she might gently scratch at a spot she can reach just to hear you whine and have you try to get out of her grasp. Won’t pin you down, if you wanna get away from her then you can. For that same reason she won’t chase you either, she’s just too mature for that. If she wanted to, she could, though. Try to tickle her back, you’ll elicit some adorable little giggles from her, which is a privilege only the people closest to her get. Not too keen on tickle fights, but if you don’t pay attention to her she’ll tickle you a bit to get you to listen, even if people are around. She’s not intense by any means, a few scribbles here, some squeezes there, but she’s extremely observant. She’ll know what your worst spots are before you yourself do. If she wanted to, she could destroy you in any way possible, but she likes you too much to do that, so she simply leaves it at being gentle. 
Nikolai: Laswell plays nice, Nikolai doesn’t. Once this guy has you in his grasps you’re done for, you won’t get away until he’s satisfied. In private he’s not afraid to be a little idiot and tickle you silly for any reason. Sometimes there isn’t one either aside from him simply wanting to. If you fight back he’ll incapacitate you first in a harmless manner before he keeps going. You’re not going to win against him. Once in a blue moon, he might consider letting you get back at him for a moment before he turns the tables. Very fast, very rough, very observant, unfortunately also a bit mischievous. Not to Soap’s degree, but if you’re not holding anything fragile or valuable he might squeeze you a bit or run a finger down your back. It’s a not so gentle reminder that he knows your little weakness and is going to use it against you. If he’s teased you about it, you can be certain you’re gonna get tickled to tears on the same day. While Nikolai could hold in any and all reactions he has, even longer than Ghost could, he thinks it’s more fun to let you get a glimpse of what you could achieve before taking it all away from you.
König: If you’re brave enough to tickle him and survive the punishment, only then would he ever figure it out. Doesn’t think about that sort of thing at all, but it will cross his mind more often once he knows you’re sensitive. If you’re particularly close he might be a little shit and hold something out of your reach or simply far enough away from you that you’ll have to lift your arm. That’s when he’ll strike. It’s absolutely stupid, but his end goal is to get as many reactions out of you as possible, the stronger the better. A real fiend when it comes to tickling as well, he’s aware of his size and strength, so he greatly tones it down. One arm is holding you close so you can’t escape with enough strength to not hurt you, the other one is gently grazing wherever it can reach. However, if you twist and turn enough to get back at him he’s done for. Yes, he could take it if he was in a perilous situation, but he probably isn’t with you so he sort of just falls apart. Armpits and neck are a real killer for him, the shock will cause him to let you go. But as soon as he’s composed enough again you’re in for it. Once he feels some pity he might let you go.
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daisiescomelate · 6 months
Hi I don't know if your requests are open or who you write for, but if you write for Shinsou can I get a Shinsou in love headcanon list? ♡
Hello!! I've never written Shinsou before but I'll try :3 It's a little bit longer than the post about Katsuki in love but I hope you like it ❤️
A/N: Shinsou always striked me as an overthinker.
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💜 Shinsou in love is very self aware. He was quick to admit to himself that you were his type since the moment he saw you from a distance, and even if it made him feel troubled, he noticed pretty much immediately when those feelings started to develop as something else, something more.
💜 Shinsou in love had never approached someone he liked before so he was kind of awkward the whole time until he decided there was nothing else he could do other than gather some courage and tap on your shoulder to just say whatever.
💜 Shinsou in love made a total of two attempts to strike a conversation with you, but because you didn’t completely understand how his quirk worked you got caught by it almost instantly both times. It was too embarrassing for him, embarrassing to the point he didn’t want to risk it again a third time; and to make things worse, it made him fall a little bit self conscious about his quirk like in the old times.
💜 Shinsou in love who dropped any thoughts of ever going to get anywhere with you because of this issue, and decided to let his crush die with time.
💜 Shinsou in love who never expected to be the type to experience a pinch in his heart when seeing his crush from afar.
💜 Shinsou in love who after a few months thought of a different approach because giving up so soon seemed a bit lame. He came up with the idea of getting closer to you by trying to get along with the people who were usually around you and with whom he didn’t mind messing up with. He failed. He had never been the popular type, anyways –people were usually scared of him for being the quiet, serious guy with the bad attitude.
💜 Shinsou in love who called it quits and told himself this wasn’t that big of a deal.
💜 Shinsou in love who eventually stopped checking social media as often as he usually did because you kept popping out on his feed. He didn’t want to block you or unfollow you because he didn’t want you to get the wrong idea. He got a new hobby instead, doing crafts. He wasn’t that good at it either to be honest, but he needed something to kill time –and to keep his mind busy, distract himself.
💜 Shinsou in love who began to avoid places you usually frequented because any progress he felt he made about overcoming his crush shattered the moment he saw you somewhere.
💜 Shinsou in love who accidentally made friends with someone you knew on a random day. He found out when that person introduced you to him during a friend’s night out and he couldn't believe his luck.
💜 Shinsou in love whose heart squeezed and whose stomach did a little flip when after a few outs together he realized you had learn about how to communicate with him without falling for his quirk. He suspected your common friend taught you how, after noticing the way Shinso went quiet around you not to set you up by accident.
💜 Shinsou in love who made his best to keep his face from showing what finally being able to have silly, random conversations with you did to him.
💜 Shinsou in love whose number you got from the group chat and you messaged once to send him a video you talked about to him during lunch.
💜 Shinsou in love who, despite himself, since then tried to come up with endless excuses to keep texting you in your private chat.
💜 Shinsou in love who at last found himself staring at his ceiling at three in the morning on a random thursday, his phone screen lighting up the dark of his room. He had realized what he felt for you was beyond a crush after he caught himself rereading for the third time the texts you two had been sending to each other until late hours of the night, when it became too hard for you to stay up and you had to apologize to go to bed.
💜 Shinsou in love who felt his chest hurt, laying on his bed and covering his eyes with both hands, trying to think how to get himself out of this mess. What hunted him the most was the fact that you were as nice and dedicated to everyone as you were to him. It was quite obvious to him that you just saw him as a friend.
💜 Shinsou in love that couldn’t think of confessing without feeling like he was overstepping and putting you into an awkward position.
💜 Shinsou in love who tried once again to swallow his feelings but started to feel suffocated by them.
💜 Shinsou in love who never expected to be this kind of a coward.
💜 Shinsou in love who stood up, turned his nightlight on and grabbed pen and paper, and told himself to just ‘get it over with’.
💜 Shinsou in love who wrote his confession in the form of an apology and put it on his pocket. He told himself he had one week to give this to you because if he kept delaying this whole deal there was no way his feelings wouldn’t eventually mess with your friendship.
💜 Shinsou in love who gave you the letter feeling like an idiot one night outside of a restaurant after having dinner with your group of friends. As he handed it over, he told you that if you decided not to bring up the letter after that night he would know what it meant, and would do his best not to ever mention it again either.
💜 Shinsou in love who got startled when you suddenly jumped to hug him without even looking at the letter. You knew exactly what it said without reading it because of the way he avoided your eyes while he handed it to you, and because you felt exactly the same way.
💜 Shinsou in love who after his initial shock hugged you back and buried his nose on your neck.
💜 Shinsou in love who got just a tiny bit emotional about it but will forever deny it.
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emo-trash101 · 6 months
Hello dearie!
How's your day?
Yes,yes,I'm back already,I know!
It's just that I just love your writing,and you said that you'd let me ask whenever so,here I am!
You already know me,so let's just get to the ask!
May I have any Hazbin hotel character (only Hazbin,but any character you want to write for! Only preference is Alastor- If you could write multiple that'd be great,but that's up to you,honey!) with a Platonic!GN!Friend!Reader that gets talked a lot behind their back (maybe by fake friends or just random people),but they know about it,and when the characters ask about it,they just say "It doesn't matter" or something along those lines? Would they stop the people talking behind their backs? Would they get angry? That's up to you!
That's all for me! I hope you enjoy writing this as much as my last one!!
Stay proud, don't forget to take care of yourself!!
-Nina <33
OMG YIPPEE YOUR BACKK!!! You can always spend time in my requests, because I love writing them! But definitely, and I absolutely love this concept!
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Angel Dust, Alastor, and Lucifer x Bullied! Reader
!Platonic relationship!
Pronouns: Second person, gender neutral
Tw: Shitty friends, Alastor in general
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Angel Dust -
- This man gets it to absolutely no degree.
- Like he absolutely has had friends who were untrustworthy and just garbage human beings.
- That being said, this would likely become a conversation after you get him to hang out with your other group of friends. Y'all probably clubbing or going to a bar.
- After awhile you go to use the restroom which leaves him with your garbage other friends.
- Then they start talking to him, trying to get him to agree that you're annoying and whatever other bullshit they try to spout.
- Angel (being the loyal puppy he is) immediately starts to tear your friends a new one for being such asshats. He continues yelling at them until you get out of the bathroom.
- He immediately starts telling you what they said, still glaring at them aggressively. And he is hardcore shocked when you just respond with "It's fine"
- Cause like bitch, no it's not.
- He is definitely very appalled, and ends up dragging you out of there and giving you a slightly aggressive pep talk on your self worth and being worth more than shitty friends.
- in all, he tries to love and support you, but sometimes he's really sure you were dropped on your head as a baby.
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Alastor -
- I am being as honest as possible when I say this man most likely has no experience when it comes to this.
- Like he deals with annoying assholes by just plain killing them. There, problem solved.
- You probably brought your friends to the hotel to try and introduce them to everyone, and during this time they seemed sweet as peach cobbler. But Alastor definitely picked up on their hidden intentions.
- After you walk away (Charlie definitely dragged you away to help with something), he sneaks up on them and makes them his newest addition to his radio station. After all, he can't be having people hurting his little pet (I swear this man is a literal red flag, run.)
- When you return he doesn't even really mention it to you, he just tells you your friends "Went home early"
- Safe to say you never saw those friends again.
- In all, probably the most efficient when it came to his approach.
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Lucifer -
- As I mentioned in a previous post, Lucifer is definitely a people pleaser. He tries to constantly help people and make excuses for them.
- However, when he sees his loved ones (*cough* you *cough*) being used it's another situation entirely.
- He most likely meets your friends by accident, just walking through the streets of hell with you when you run into them (spending time without you).
- Y'all actually have a really good conversation before you realize you forgot something in the last store you were in and run to go grab it.
- After you leave one of your friends makes a really ill intended joke about you being forgetful, and lets just say that Lucifer did not take that kindly.
- He immediately yells at them for a good couple of minutes, and then leaves to go find you after deciding they were not worth anyone's time.
- He brings up their comments to you and after you just brush them off he doesn't get mad per-say, just really sad that it's happened so much it doesn't even affect you.
- In all, he tries to just keep you busy and away from them as much as possible, because at least you have someone who thinks you're amazing.
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This was really relatable while I was writing it, and I just wanted to say if any of y'all are being treated like this by anyone just cut them off. They are not worth your energy and time.
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gabbytbll · 2 months
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Maeve x Female Reader
Authors note: I hope you love this Anon! you said to pick and i picked my queen Maeve eheh but anyways! there will be mistakes and i did just start this show and I love it a lot so far so please bare with me she will be OOC! also this is Maeve in season 1 or 2!
she was never with Elena!
Warnings!: angst, crying, hurt reader, homophobia, lesbian sex, rough sex, strap on, blindfolds, making out, fingering, praise, manhandling, jealousy, sex toys, filming, worship, spanking, DOM Maeve!!, voyeurism, Human reader, Maeve is trying!, HOMELANDER!!! (yes, he is a warning)
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♤ She loves you a lot, so she is very scared for you to get hurt from her or anyone else.
♤ Before the both of you got into a relationship you both meet by you working at Vought on one of the lower floors and you bumped into her.
♤ She didn't like you for a while until you kept seeing each other on accident (it wasn't she was curious of you because she thought you looked cute for a human).
♤ As the both of you started to get to know each other you both started to hang out more at the Vought tower secretly.
♤ You were the first to confess to her thinking she didn't like you (she does, she just don't know what to do cause what if her reputation falls apart or home lander finds out).
♤ After you confessed to her she kind of distanced herself away from you because she thinks Homelander might find out and hurt you (but she hurt you more).
♤ When you got together you both promised you and her tell each other everything no secrets.
♤ She doesn't give affection to you in public because it hasn't been approved by Vought (she hasn't told them about you yet).
♤ She loves to cuddle you on the couch watching movies together after a hard day at work.
♤ She loves to wear matching shirts or matching with you in general whenever she goes undercover.
♤ While you're at work she loves to leave food at your desk secretly or she makes someone else give it to you using an excuse saying your family said give it to her while she was passing by.
♤ She has pictures taken of you up on her walls in her bedroom so that when she wakes up, she sees your beautiful face in the morning.
♤ When you and her finally went public the world loved it, it made you feel more free in your relationship.
♤ She loves PDA I'm talking making out in front of everyone just so they know you belong to her.
♤ She loves when you wear her hero suit, she thinks it looks hot on you (she just loves you wearing it her clothes in general).
♤ Homelander hates you for some reason (he doesn't like the both of you together because your both girls) he always tries to bribe you into breaking up with her or blackmail you (it never works).
♤ Maeve thinks you're the one for her, you make her so happy, and she feels free for once it's like she doesn't have to think about anything with you.
♤ She loves to go on sunset dates with a picnic, she has so many pictures of you in the sunset she says it's some of her favorite pictures she ever took.
•She loves to give you flowers
•She would get a tattoo of your name on her left thigh or arm
•She will marry you one day like she promised
•She loves to listen to music that reminds you of her
•You will always be her number 1 hero to her
both of y'all's song would be always forever I think
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sexual content warning is advised
♧ I feel like she would be a hard Dom cause let's be honest here she is strong as hell and she would love to manhandle you.
♧ She loves how you sound in bed she is so obsessed with you.
♧ She has recording of you so she can always listen to it later (god forbid someone hacks her phone the only thing they are going to see is you and her together and your sex tapes).
♧ She hates when people flirt with you so she walks up to you and say something like I loved your moans last night, your pussy was tighter last night, etc. (she thinks you're too good for them plus she like the face that person makes when she says something dirty to you).
♧ She has a ton of sex toys she has a special secret room for sexual activities just for the both of you (it's scary).
♧ She has water, snacks, etc over to the side just in case you or her need anything.
♧ She is definitely a giver, sometimes she one gets you off just because she feels like you need it more than her.
♧ She loves to worship your body slowly as she fingers you with three fingers.
♧ She loves to make you masturbate Infront of you while she films you or just to watch you with a small smirk on her face because she knows it humiliates you.
♧ Oh she loves to blindfold you whenever she's in a good mood she likes to think it makes you feel more pleasure because you don't know what she's going to do to you next.
♧ She hates when you playfully flirt back with a guy you don't know, so when you get home, she makes you go to the playroom and strip and lay down over her knees so she can spank you as punishment.
♧ She loves to fuck you with her big pink dildo strap fast or slow it don't matter she just loves watching you squirm in pleasure.
♧ She loves to scissor you the most rather than fucking you with the strap on because she can feel you better against her (plus she gets more pleasure from it)
♧ She loves to manhandle you whenever she can in the bedroom, she thinks it's hot plus she can put u into any position she wants quicky.
•She has a small scar under her ribs
•She loves to give you hickeys
•Sometimes she plays sexy music in the bed
•One time you fuck in Vought's bathroom
•She has a mole on her right thigh
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I hope this is good I kind of rushed this! but I want to say thank you to Anon for requesting this i had so much fun doing this!! make sure you like and comment i greatly appreciate it!!♡♡
Also I posted this early whoops☺
©️ gabbytbll. do not copy, repost, or translate across other sites. do not copy my sentence structures, plot or characterization.
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poisonedprose · 1 year
ellie who can’t stand to see her pretty girl cry :(
she, of all ppl, knows how difficult life is like this and she wishes so badly that she could take away every ounce of pain wracking your brain. but she can’t. you both know that. all she can do is love you the best she knows how. hug you and listen to you and kiss the tears off your face <3 and she hopes to god that it’s enough. that she’s enough.
i didn’t mean to make this so sad i just love her
₊˚✧ go ahead and cry little girl
ellie williams x fem!reader
warnings: 1k words, death/murder talk, established relationship, cursing, crying obvi, hurt/comfort, pet names (babe, pretty girl, honey, sweet girl)
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It wasn't often that you cried, choosing to hold a strong persona in front of people. You being the one that people went to for comfort, never the other way around. You were fine and content with that. Truthfully, that's the ideal situation for you. 
You struggled with your emotions, never being brought up where feelings were a good thing. Even though you were surrounded by people who practically preached how feelings were good, you still stayed in your shell. Choosing to not be a so-called 'burden.' 
But when Joel yelled at you for being so reckless on patrol you couldn't help but excuse yourself quickly to seek shelter in the comfort of your bed. It was an accident, but Joel took things like this seriously. You weren't dumb, you knew every time someone fucked up someone else's life was on the line. And today, it was Ellie's life that just so happened to be on the line.  
You had overlooked a certain part of the area you were exploring, giving Ellie the okay to talk normally again. Unfortunately, you overlooked one silent clicker that seemed to come out of nowhere. It probably would have ripped Ellie's head off if Joel hadn't arrived just in time. It's not that you didn't try to help, you did. Your gun was out of ammo and you were trying your quickest to reload it as soon as possible, but your hands were just too shaky from the fright of your girlfriend possibly being eaten alive.
It seemed like it was just one mistake after another. Ellie was quick to forgive you, admitting it was just an honest mistake and it could have easily been her in your situation. Joel, on the other hand, was fuming. You had honestly never seen him so mad. You didn't say anything but an apology, knowing he was probably just as scared as you were. 
It didn't mean, it didn't hurt though. You knew you deserved it, but you still couldn't help the burning feeling in the back of your throat and the way your lip trembled ever so slightly. You excused yourself quietly, Joel muttered something about how you were taking the easy way out followed by Ellie telling him to lay off.
The wind was cold on your face in contrast to the hot, salty tears that began to stain your face. Your arms were stuffed close to your chest, crossed with your hands under your armpits. You tried your best to keep your sobs quiet as to not alert anyone. Most of the people who resided in Jackson were at the movie night that was being held, so you didn't have to worry about many people seeing you. 
You could feel your heart drop when you heard your name being called in the distance. You quickly untuck your arms and rubbed the tears off your face with whatever you could, your hands, your sleeves, whatever. "Hey, babe, don't listen to Joel. He's just angry." Ellie spoke as she came up behind you, waiting for you to turn around, but you never did. "Babe?" She stepped to the side of you, trying to look at your face and it didn't take a genius to notice you were crying. 
To be honest, Ellie didn't know what to do. She'd comforted a bunch of people before. Dina, Cat, Jesse (believe it or not), and even Joel, but never you. Hearing your small sniffles was enough to break her heart. "Hey," Her voice was soft but not patronizing. She wrapped her arms around you, offering a hug for comfort. She rested her chin on the top of your head and your tears just flowed more.   
You tried to stop yourself, you tried telling yourself that Joel was just upset and that he didn't mean his harsh words even if you might have deserved them, but now it was about more than just Joel. It was Joel's words, it was Ellie almost dying, it was everything that you said that wasn't a big deal but it was. 
"Shhh. You're okay." Her hand stroked your hair, trying to offer you any comfort that she could. "I'm okay, everyone's okay. Okay?" She swallowed thickly as she listened to the sound of your wretched sobs. "Come on, pretty girl, stop crying." She kissed the top of your head a few times before gently pushing you off her chest so she could look at you. 
"'M sorry." You hiccuped as she wiped away the tears that continued to fall with her thumbs. "Don't apologize." She shook her head, almost annoyed that those words even made it out of your mouth for having a human reaction. You shook your head in return, knowing that she didn't quite get what you meant. 
"'M sorry that I didn't see the clicker." Still, Ellie just shook her head as she held your face in her hands, and a new crack in her heart formed with every tear that fell. "Honey, it's not your fault, okay? The only reason you should be apologizing is if that was just an elaborate plan to get rid of me and it didn't work." She felt relieved once she heard your sweet laugh. 
She knew you were going to be okay, that you were strong enough to pick yourself up if you needed to but she was glad she was here. She was glad she could wipe the tears off your face as she told you dumb jokes to make you laugh. "You okay, sweet girl?" She whispered as she kissed your cheeks, or as she would call it, kissing the tears off your face. 
"I will be if you're here." She rolled her eyes at the cheesiness but there was a relieved feeling in her chest that she was actually helping you feel even the slightest bit better. "Cringe." She whispered before leaning down to kiss your salty, tear-stained lips with her hands snaking around your waist. "You love it, Williams." You returned the kiss, tasting the saltiness on your lips. "Yeah, I guess I do, huh." 
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mattypattypinky · 3 months
Dude the moment u said that u were able to write reqs for joy as well ?? I started ascending istg
May i req a crush hc for joy plsss 😔
I'm gonna assume this means crush hc's as in, what Joy would be like if she had a crush on someone, or if u would have a crush on her
So I'm going to write both
I got super excited by this ask teehee
Joy Crush Headcannons
(x reader)
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If Joy had a crush on you
First off I feel like if she had a crush on you you'd know, or be able to slightly tell. I feel like she'd do this thing where she unintentionally picks favorites.
Or she just gets really giddy around you and excited to be talking or working with you, especially if the crush is a big crush.
I'm talking like, how excited she was to see Rainbow Unicorn excited.
I feel like mooost of the emotions would know.
She wants people to know, she wants to talk about it, but she doesn't want to outright do it herself. Like she'd suggest playing truth or dare in HQ just to rig it so that she can talk about crushes.
she asks other emotions if they have a crush if someone else picks truth and she deliberately picks truth to try and bait somebody to ask her about if she has one, but nobody does because they know she does already and they know who (its you)
She would write notes and sign them as a secret admirer but her handwriting is very recognizable and the way she writes the notes is also very clearly her
She kind of has a superiority complex on accident, she's fully convinced you're going to like her back - I mean who wouldn't she's JOY. - She kind of is just being all secretive for fun, because its silly and she is trying to draw it out.
She'd probably deny having a crush outright if accused, like "PSSSH whaat naah...",
if anyone guessed someone that isn't you she'd make a really grossed out face like how she does to rileys imaginary boyfriend or lance. She's really picky so like if anyone thought she liked someone other than you she'd be like... where did they get that why would i like (person)...
She'd make up excuses to do chores with you, she tries to arrange it so you go on dream duty with her and if anyone accuses her of something because of it she'd be like "Psssh but it's fun with a friend, besides four eyes see waaaay better than two."
She'd claim she needs help with a really easy task, and if another emotion offers she'd backtrack and say she doesn't need help (She's trying to get YOU to help her... Not anyone else)
She'd probably make you gifts and pretend it was just a 'thing she made for fun' and 'DECIDED' to give to you and then she doesn't make anybody else a gift. She'd feign it as a coincidence because she was making it for fun, not for you, she just HAPPENED to decide to give you the gift.
(It was for you)
Sadness definitely knows about the crush just saying, she's top bunk to Joy, Joy's probably talked to Sadness when she can't sleep. Like, PSST, Sadness, you awake? and she's like... I am now... And she starts talking about her crush in a whisper
This is part of why everyone already knows she has a crush on you. She's NOT quiet at ALL. She tries to be, but she isn't.
If the crush takes place during Inside Out 1, I feel like she'd purposefully not hog the panel from you.
She'd probably know a lot of things and ways to make you happy, just because she pays attention to stuff like that, and she would, especially to you.
I'm gonna be honest I feel like she'd also sleep talk about you. Like nothing is gonna let that woman keep her secret, not even her sleep.
She'd bundle up into her sheets and hug at her pillow, giggle in her sleep and mumble something random that's happening in her dream. You're probably on some date with her in it.
Actually she'd overcompensate soooooo much. Even if you said a joke that was GENUINELY not funny, she'd start laughing and keel over. Maybe she doesn't even like it herself she's just sucking up so hard.
She'd also try to impress you with knowledge she randomly knows about that she can't cite, but she knows it.
Love language is actually kiiind of patronizing, unintentionally. She'd pat your head, pinch your cheek, cup your face, etc. When talking to you.
I feel like if she ever confessed or if you found out she'd be a little afraid and not know what to do, since she didn't think it would get this far and she'd be afraid of commitment
If you had a crush on Joy
... She's oblivious first of all AHAHA
If you had a crush on her, she'd be super duper oblivious, even if YOU made it obvious. Infact it's surprising to the other emotions how much she doesn't notice.
Either that, or she noticed and doesn't comment because she doesn't know how to respond to it yet, but I heavily doubt that.
She thinks kind of self-centeredly, so she thinks since she's so obvious when she has a crush, everyone else will be super obvious. So when you're subtle, she has no idea.
... If someone told her you had a crush on her, she'd laugh and call them paranoid, or accuse them of making some silly theory. 'We're FRIEEENDS!' - Even though it is VERY VERY CLEAR you think otherwise.
If enough people told her they thought you might have a crush on her, I feel like she'd get a little suspicious, but even when she's tuned in she'd have trouble noticing the behaviorisms of you experiencing a crush.
If she suspects you like her, she'll probe and pry. She would do things to try to get you to spill the tea to her. She'd offer to go to chores with her to see how you react.
Eventually she'd probably make some sort of joke, like, 'See you're being so NORMAL, that's so funny because like, the other emotions thought you might have some CRUSH on me - isn't that hilarious???'
She'd do the same or similar things she does when she has a crush in attempt to get you to spill. She'd ask you to do things with her, she'd ask around to see if anyone has been told specifically by you, she'd try to convince you to play truth or dare with her, or some other game to get you to spill.
If you gave her ANYTHING, if she had a suspicion that you like her, she'd over analyze it. If you give her a note, she'll read it multiple times to see if theres any hint or clue. Implied subtext. If you give her a song, she'd over analyze the lyrics to see if it meant anything.
I feel like she'd pull the crush card alot if you're being weird she just starts going 'Ahaha, if I didn't know you well enough I'd suspect you have a crush on me!' (she's trying to pry it out of you)
I feel like she'd be too scared to just ask you herself as I like to think she's afraid of commitment. I feel like she'd enjoy drawing it out and if you actually confessed it would baffle her and I feel like she wouldn't quite know what to say.
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another special thank u to my bf for helping me come up w these @fenny-self-ships <3333
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captain039 · 4 months
Cooper Howard(The Ghoul) x reader 
Warnings: Violence, blood, gore, AOB dynamics, heat, oral F receiving, smut, swearing, fallout stuff, implied cousin incest, virgin reader, drug usage, needles, plus size reader, sexual assault
Previous part <-
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The next time you wake up is worse. Whatever week long pre-heat your teacher was on about was wrong, it’s been a day max. You tremble every five seconds, the mess between your thighs makes you grimace, the pulsing need makes you whine. You’re not sure where the alpha went, not even sure if he stayed to be honest. You were struggling with this sad excuse of a nest, you’ve thrown a few purified water cans in anger by accident by how pitiful your sleeping station was. You cried a few times over it, moved to the other corner and stared at it in anger hoping it’d go up in flames.
A knock comes and you jump from your spot at the other corner away from your nest.
“Omega?” The alpha calls and you glare at the door.
“I have a damn name!” You snap before realising you yelled at an alpha. He laughs though, lets out a small chuckle and you feel yourself relax a bit.
“You best stop throwing them cans” he says voice a little annoyed and your glare returns.
“You try being in here!” You snarl at him kicking the cupboard for emphasis only to wince at the pain flaring through your toes.
“You try not having enough things to make a good nest with!” The words sound silly as soon as they leave your mouth and you feel like crying again. No where in this room was there any repellents.
“Go away!” You end up saying in your over emotional state, wishing you could either bash your head against a wall or magically teleport home. The other option going through your mind is to let the alpha in and have his way, it’s been a constant thought in your brain, it makes your thighs clench together in need. You hear shuffling outside, things being placed before a note is slipped under and footsteps leave. You frown grabbing the note seeing the word supplies on there. You wait a few minutes hoping he’s truely gone from the doorway and slowly move the gurney away from the door. You open it slowly catching his scent but he’s not nearby. You see more food and water, what you don’t expect though is blankets, foam coverings, couch padding too. Your lower lip trembles and you grab the items he’s supplied and go back to your nest. You forget the door, forget the food and water you make a semi appropriate looking nest and sag in relief when you’re finished. You forget to close the door but it allows you to hear the voices outside, ones that aren’t your alpha. You tense as they speak something about it being illegal to kill a business. What sort of business was this? Organ harvester? Surely that wasn’t legal. Too caught up in your mind you don’t hear the approaching steps before it’s too late. Someone whistles and makes you jolt, you hear grunting and snarling outside as the man in a sheriffs outfit stared at you with a wide grin smirk.
“Boss’ll be happy bout this” he says as two more men join him. Despite jolting up and going for the gurney to ram into them it does very little, one wraps his arms around your arms and middle, caging you against him and it sets your body on high alert. He feels wrong, feels gross against your skin as you thrash and struggle.
“Keeping this for later ghoul?” The man in the sheriffs outfit asks. They’ve got him tied up a piece of cloth tied around his jaw and mouth hands tied behind his back. He’s got a crazy look in his eyes as he sees you before he’s death glaring the man in the sheriffs suit. You’re dragged along by the sheriff, exposed in a white singlet and black tight shorts, no shoes or boots. Your feet are killing you, you think there’s cuts and bruises now on them. You struggle to walk, struggle to do anything with your heat hitting you fully now. You walk for hours before you finally see a building a head and hope that’s where you’re going. You always try to glance back at the tied up alpha, but you get pushed over if you do.
You finally arrive at the place, being forced on your knees between two men while the alpha is forced to sit down in front of the stranger.
“Two gifts” the man laughs as the man in the sheriffs outfit takes off the alphas bindings. He sits perfectly still and calmly making you more nervous.
“Never seen one so fresh and untainted” the stranger eyes you, licking his lips like you were jello cake.
“Now ghoul, says here you’re wanted” he laughs and slides across a piece of paper. Ghoul, you didn’t know what it was, was it his name? What he was? It didn’t sound very pleasing.
“For?” Alpha asks leaning back in the chair.
“For the helping of getting the bounty to where it needed to go and not eliminating it” the man shrugs following with a causal lean back.
“Hm” is all he replies.
“See now, I was tryna get the head” you see him shift ever so slightly, hand on his gun subtly and you suck in a breath.
“But thou shall get side tracked by bullshit every time” he mutters before shots ring off. It’s like a slo-mo the man behind the desk is dead, head blown off and then the sheriff behind him, before the two standing by you go to rush him full force only to end with holes on there chests. You don’t move afraid to move, afraid to open your eyes till a hand smooths your hair and your alpha cuts your ropes. You rub your hands together and sigh a bit finding your legs numb and not moving. You see him kneel by you, glove hand brushing your cheek, making you look at him. You blink too slowly, you are achey and needy at once.
“Legs not working?” He cocks his head to the side and you look away cheeks a flame. You try not to breathe while he’s this close. You’re surprised by how much restraint he has too, from what your teacher said natural born alphas turn into mindless, rut mind filled, beasts according to her.
“I’m fine” you mumble having to take a small breath and regretting it. You bite your tongue so you don’t make a sound and force your legs to move. You don’t get far, the cuts and burns on your feet making you stumble back to the ground and you lean your head against the wall.
“Just leave me here” you mumble glancing at the dead bodies before closing your eyes. Damn it you wished he’d get out of your breathing space.
“Fraid I won’t do that” he says and you look to him.
“You wanted the head sure you can chase after my sister” why were you being so annoyed and pushy? You glance to your pip boy seeing the flashing image of vault tech bobble head moving slowly. You feel a gloved hand on your face again and you’re forced to look at him, face inches from yours. His pupils are blown, his mouth slightly open eyebrows narrowed down. He growls letting your chin go and lifting you up with surprising ease. You cling to him not wanting to fall arms around his neck as he carry’s you up the stairs.
“Put me down- what-“ you stutter out words as he kicks open a few doors, grunting annoyed before kicking the last one open. He smirks in victory and you see the double bed there. You almost sigh in relief at the look of a real bed, he lays you down on it and you sigh instantly turning to your side and curling in on yourself, head on the comforting pillow. It smells like the beta downstairs though and you huff slightly. You think he’s gonna leave, but he kicks the door shut and locks it before pushing the dresser in front of it. He opens one of the other door and you see a bathroom in there which he hums too. You watch him like hawk would, unsure of what he’s doing locking himself in a room with an omega in full blown heat. He checks the windows, closes the curtains before he’s kicking off his shoes, tugging off his gun belt and bandolier and chucking them on a near by chair.
“I don’t-“ you don’t understand what he’s doing. Before he’s crawling on the bed and over you staring down at you intently after he slips his hat off.
“You’re mine” his voice is low and breathy making you tense and gulp. You nod without thought unsure of what it means. He coaxes you with a hand to lie on your back and you do avoiding your legs touching his. He’s on his hands and knees above you, duster coat drooping off his sides. He watches you and you watch him intently breathing a little heavily through your nose. He leans down carefully slowly, before his lips ghost over your neck. The fan of breath makes you shudder and open your mouth to breathe properly you hear him inhale deeply before sighing out loudly. You tilt your head to the side hands gripping the sheets under you. He hums approvingly and it makes your stomach clench before lips are pressed against your pulse point.
“200 goddamn years” he mutters sucking harshly on the spot he just kissed and you frown a little at his words.
It’s sickly sweet her scent, like apple pie and ice cream on a Saturday night mixed with whiskey. Her skins smooth all over from what he can see, exposed legs and arms, neck and collar bone. It’s been dizzying the past goddamn days as soon as she charged at him and struggled on top he knew what was happening. Could smell the change in her scent, feel her body heat way more. You’ve never been in heat, he can tell, with Barb she’d always been prepared and less chaotic than this. You’ve probably been forced not to have one, forced into their little fucked up experiments, it makes him growl at the thought and makes you whimper in response. He’s quick to hush you, enjoying the way he can feel your pulse hammering against his tongue, the way your sweat tastes better than any liquor or meds he’s ever had. He wants to bite, wants to sink his teeth in as you cum around his knot like a good little omega. The thought makes him hard as a rock but he can’t yet. You’ve never been touched and he doesn’t want to hurt you, he never meant to hurt you. He hates himself every hour for how he hit you with his gun and lassoed you. Hates that as soon as he smelt you in Filly he’d been set a stray from the bounty, now on his own personal bounty to have you. Course you didn’t even know what or who he was, he never spilled his name or nature till the bastards down stairs did. He saw red the whole time they were walking, your scent hitting him harder when you were being dragged out front then forced on your knees. He would’ve killed them sooner if he didn’t keep his wits, would’ve probably used tooth and nail to tear them apart. His gloved hand eases to caress your side while the other holds him up, he can feel you radiating with warmth from here. He forces your legs open as he shuffled and moves knees between your legs before kissing up your neck and jaw. You’ve got a lust filled glaze in your eyes and he smirks at the red flush of your cheeks, the way your mouth is slightly parted from a little foreplay. It’s been 200 years since he’s felt like this, he misses it. With barb it was sickly sweet but not the nice sickly sweet, the kind that keeps you up at night. Barb wasn’t his, despite having Janey he never claimed her, they’d argue over it every night before he’d end it with mindless sex and hope it’d be ok.
He presses his lips to yours a little harshly, he doesn’t know any better and you moan into him. It’s teeth and lips with him, but you take it he knows you can. Your hands finally leave the bed and grip him, you don’t know where to hold so you just hold his shirt tightly. He feels bad and wrong about doing this but he needs it, he needs it more than anything.
“Alpha” it slips from your lips to his and his whole body alights. He stalls for a little bit before crashing his lips back to yours, he lays his lower half down, pressing himself into you and you whine. He needs you to know his name, you need to know but it doesn’t come no matter how hard he kisses you. Your hands move from his shirt to his face stopping the kiss, your panting lips red and swollen, face beautiful flushed. He falters feeling your warm hands against his leather scarred face, he won’t ever admit it but he’s scared to look in a mirror, afraid to see what he’s truely become. Sometimes he swore your not blood sister figured him out, her intense stare offs with him. He doesn’t understand gently as he goes to kiss you again but you move your head back. He frowns at you watching your eyes dance over his face, feels your fingers go over every grove and dip of his face, you trace his cheeks, around his eyes, his forehead, jaw, over his lips too. He finds that his eyes close mind slipping to a past life of when Barb used to run her hands over his face, usually fussing about makeup or hair. Never this gently though, it’d never be this gentle.
“Cooper” he mutters waiting a moment before opening your eyes, you’re frowning slightly before muttering his name with a small smile and he forces his lips back to yours.
Next part ->
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 month
I think CC had a huuuge problem with fleshing out Genesis and Angeal to be honest. I feel like the personalities they’ve been given by the fandom are mostly fanon and don’t have that much substantiation in canon because AG were both largely used as plot devices- which again I think is a big problem because it doesn’t make you feel or understand either of the characters or why they behave the way they do. By the end of CC I felt really bad for Sephiroth, was ambivalent toward Angeal but still felt a twinge of sadness because of how sad Zack was over him, and absolutely loathed Genesis. I’m still not Genesis’ biggest fan but the canon characterization has made him a bit more endearing, though when I go back to canon and see him I’m left disliking him all over again. Unless you really dig into CC lore you have no idea how Genesis felt about Sephiroth, it just comes off like he was always jealous of him and that the relationship was painfully one-sided with Sephiroth practically begging for his friendship. It doesn’t help that 80% of Genesis’ dialogue is Loveless quotes and the other 20% is him being angry and hateful. I guess it’s justified, but unlike with Sephiroth and Angeal you never see Genesis being anything but hateful. With the other two I found myself sympathizing and mourning the loss of the people they were prior to realizing the truth, but with Genesis I wished he’d just shut up and go away already. The training room scene also doesn’t help his case, because first it starts out with Genesis being cocky and wanting to take Sephiroth alone- despite Angeal’s warning- and then later on blasts his best friend in the face with a fire ball all while talking about being a hero. He purposefully escalates the fight, then when Sephiroth gets serious Genesis gets injured and crap really hits the fan- and all this could’ve been avoided if Genesis hadn’t had an inferiority complex the size of the moon. I also find it hard to excuse this whole sequence of events because this was prior to his degradation, and while it’s unclear whether it had started even before his injury, I’m going to say he was still mostly in his right state of mind and he still behaves like he has no care for his friends, even his childhood friend who was trying to keep the spar friendly and prevent it from turning into a fight to the death.
Sorry about the rant, but that other anon talking about Genesis also brought back my thoughts about him and I felt like sharing since I’ve never really written them out.
Canon vs fanon aside, there's a lot of context and nuance often lost when adapting Japanese dialogue to fit English contexts. My biggest gripe with the training room scene in english is how Genesis proclaims "The world needs a new hero" right before he fights Sephiroth, suggesting he wants to take Sephiroth's place/ be better than him. But then you look at translations like this one and that scene gains a whole new meaning. Genesis instead says "I too would like to become a hero." And rather than the cocky "That's no way to talk to a hero," before he blasts Angeal in the face with a fire ball, he states "All I want is to be a hero."
The training room scene is a lost cause, because it's easy to place the blame on any one of them, or on whoever decided to go in there that day, or even on the fight itself, but accidents happen. But in the end, no one is truly to blame because none of them asked for Jenova cells or to be part of the Jenova Project, and the truth is that if it hadn't been the training room incident, something else would have triggered the degradation, or the conflict as a whole, and they would have been doomed regardless.
And that's why Genesis is so angry, and why he's so desperate for the cure that he keeps reciting what (in his mind) is the answer to the cure. I guess the reason we never see him be anything but reactive to the situation he's in because when we're introduced to him, shit has already hit the fan. He's deserted already. The first scene we see in Crisis Core literally has Angeal answer the phone and get the news that Genesis left. The only crumb of pre-degradation Genesis we get is the training room scene which—as mentioned above—got mistranslated in English, so of course we're going to think Genesis was hot-headed and envious (which in all honesty he could've just as well have been).
It's easier to sympathize with Angeal and Sephiroth because everything that's happening is happening because Genesis revolted against Shinra, and I get that. But what makes me sympathize with Genesis (and this is coming from someone who used to hate him) is the degradation and his motives. He wants a cure. He wants to live, and it's hard to live when your body is working against you and literally degrading because of something completely out of your control. On top of that, the people after you, the organization you've always aspired to be a part of because of your childhood hero, your friends including that hero, are on the side of those who did this to you.
Don't know if this makes any sense because I'm literally trying not to fall asleep writing this out asfshsjska
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val-ur-pal · 5 months
Jackson hate is a little forced imo cause he’s really just a teenage boy battling depression and grief and is constantly stressed and anxious about things being out of his control for really no reason. Like you have to remember Jackson has known these people for only a couple of months at this point and they bullied him and Exer made his life shit for a good bit of it 😭 now I love Exer that’s my princess and Jackson has made mistakes but it’s what makes him an interesting and dynamic character, people complain all the time that Jackson is boring and one note but he’s really not if you pay attention to his flaws as character traits and not just “oh Jackson here we go again 🙄”
For just season 3 stuff so far he’s kept 1. leaving therapy a secret from Pam 2. Not telling anyone about the diary and Used the diary to manipulate Exer (both consciously and unconsciously) and 3. Spent time with the reds as a form of getting information and its kinda manipulation tbh so I just wanted to give my 2 cents on it in defense and criticism of Jackson cause he’s paralleling Exer in a lot of ways and it’s unfair that he gets shit on so much when Exer is loved and praised by the fandom (again Exer is my favourite character).
1. Leaving therapy a secret from Pam is not a good thing Jackson is doing, he shouldn’t have kept it from her and he shouldn’t have lied that it wasn’t that big of a deal because a big theme in this comic is that keeping secrets and lying really hurts people and relationships and you need to be open and honest with those you love. That being said it’s a really hard subject that he’s still getting over himself, therapy was a safe space for him where he was finally in control and was heard not just listened to. He’s still getting over this and he could barely even talk to Harry for weeks without feeling horrible so yea it’s a really troubling thing for him to think about. He told the detention kids because sometimes it’s easier to be open with friends who get the situation than your girlfriend who you don’t want to disappoint because she was so happy you were getting better and how do you tell her your world fell apart all over again and you’re scared. I’m not saying this excuses his actions I just think there needs to be a bit more understanding here, Jackson should have told her sooner and tell her that he’s not happy about it but he’s also not ready to talk about it just yet, it’ll be good for him to open up to Pam more instead of trying to keep up an illusion that he’s doing great but it’s a hard thing to shake.
2. Telling anyone about the Diary, especially Exer is not fucking easy at all. Some of you are making it sound like if he just told them everything would go smoothly and well and that he’s the bad guy for keeping it hidden. So go on and tell me how exactly you’d tell the person who bullied you over petty reasons that you might have accidentally manipulated and fabricated their feelings and that you’re the reason he apologized, you’re the reason he got a job and started over, you’re the reason he confessed as is dating his boyfriend and that none of it is real and that you did it all by accident. Because that’s exactly what Jackson thinks he did, while I don’t agree with Jackson’s theory he’s convinced of it himself. For all Jackson knows Exer really is that prick back in season 1 and the only reason he changed is cause he wrote it down. That’s a lot of weight on your shoulders especially the whole romance thing I mean Jackson wholeheartedly thinks he accidentally manipulated Exer into falling in love with someone and that’s a very heavy burden to carry cause wtf do you do with that as a 17 y/o depressed child. Not to mention that the Diary is his therapy journal so that’s his one healthy outlet destroyed and he feels guilty about ever coping using it so that only fuels his self hatred and mental health issues. All of this without mentioning he’s still grieving over his mother who gave him the damn thing and now he can’t even have that once connection he has with her because of course it’s tied to Exer the person who’s made his life so difficult up till now. NOW!! Pause, this does not excuse his actions but it does explain them, Jackson is not in the right here because at the end of the day he does need to talk to Ex about it because, accident or not, he’s manipulating him and he needs to know. It’s actually incredibly interesting how much this parallels to season 1 Exer, Exer who started purposely using his magic to cause harm and then slowly losing control and doing it by accident (all while not telling Jackson he has magic which made it hurt so much more) versus Jackson’s harm being on accident at first but now he’s experimenting and knowingly causing changes to Exer. This is a big flaw of Jackson’s, he wants to understand before he takes action but only in ways that benefit him. He wanted to understand Exer’s magic before he told Pam and now he wants to understand his own before he tells anyone and we all saw how that turned out with Pam and the others in season 1/2 so Jack’s definitely going to learn his lesson. Remember that if Exer got that mad cause he was jealous over petty things how do you think Jackson, who thinks he’s one of the only reason Exer became nice, thinks Exer is gonna react to something as big as this!!
3. This is a bad thing aaallll around and Jackson needs to stop 😭!!! Jackson hanging out with the reds just because he wants to study Exer is not a good thing but it’s an interesting character flaw!! This goes back to what I was saying earlier, he wants to know and understand and will fixate on it so bad he neglects the consequences. Not only is he harming the reds by manipulating them into thinking he cares and is friends with them he’s also really hurting himself. As much as I would love for them all to be friends again, Jackson just isn’t in that headspace right now where he can. He’s so obsessed with the magic and how it’s affected him that he can’t get over the bullying, he can’t get over how Exer used his magic to hurt him, he can’t get over him hurting Pam, he can’t accept the many apologies, he hasn’t even accepted that Exer wasn’t in control all the time. He just can’t move on. He needs to move on and not because what happened wasn’t hurtful and is all in the past now (it’s been like 2 months since Halloween mind you) but because he needs to let go and prioritize himself instead of holding onto all this anger. He’s not just an asshole who can’t get over being bullied (which like even if he was that’s valid to a degree), he’s so obsessed with regaining control of his life and understanding what the fuck is going on that he’s actively choosing to hurt himself to hang out with people he doesn’t like. He doesn’t have to be their friends and he doesn’t have to forgive them, yes they’ve gotten better and yes they’re sorry but tbh if my bullies apologized and everything I would not forgive them and I’d certainly not be friends with them. They just need to go their separate ways until Jackson knows what he wants. But it’s hard. Being 17 and struggling with mental health (IN THE 80s!!) is very very hard and that’s before you even begin with the magic shit so cut him some slack.
Anyways this was so long and rambley I’m sorry, I just don’t love the Jackson hate I see when he and Exer are so similar but he doesn’t get the grace of being adored and pawed at. Do I love Jackson? Not as much as I do Exer but I get him, I get being a teen trying to save myself while everything around me keeps trying to push me down so I respond in anger and I’m so over everyone being so mean to him. I could go on for ages and make more points but that’s it for now so!!!! Anyways support Paola on patreon 🩷🩷🩷
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danaty-consolation · 5 months
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Okay I am going to respond to this just once, so all the asks and comments about this topic will be ignored from now on.
Everyone is free to think, like and ship whatever they want, canon or fanon is there to make people happy, and everyone should respect each other opinions.
Now, I am going to be brutally honest here.
If we follow what you two say, that means Ryu is coded as bisexual, since she is attracted to women and men.
Ryu never had a positive male view in her life, Ataru, Mendou and her classmates? All perverts towards her. Her father? Had I even had to say how horrible he was in forcing his daughter to act and dress as a male just because his sick dream was having one?
Women are the only gender that see Ryu by who she is, a woman, not because of her body but also because of her as a person. They never tried to abuse her, they mostly showed her only kindness without any ulterior motives contrary to the men in her life.
So guess what? It makes sense for her to have her guard up with Nagisa after what he tried to do with her, even if he was pressured bc of a non-existent time limit it doesn't excuse his actions.
However later on, when they live together he is only respectful to her. No touching or hugging, the only time that that happens is because he is asleep, and he only has seen her changing or almost naked by accident.
But the thing here is that Nagisa is the one that tries to talk to her, and is only because Ryu is scared of him thanks to all the males in her life trying to use her in some way and Nagisa's past actions that make her wary of him. She thinks he is like other men and he deserves it because he acted like one of the men she knows.
Nevertheless, we see him actually being honest with her and respecting her wishes and feelings in the last scenes, ready to leave because he thought she hated him. Something that no men had done to her before.
The bar is in hell but at least Nagisa is trying and Ryu see's this.
He is already a better love interest that Konatsu and Tsubasa of Ukyo in Ranma 1/2.
Yes his introduction was late, but he at least received development with Ryu.
Canon or Fanon don't change a thing in fandoms, people love and support what they like.
And we should all respect each other opinions when they have valid arguments, being facts or preferences.
However, I did need to share my analysis because some people in the Urusei Yatsura fandom only saw the old anime and ova's without reading the manga so they may not know a lot of the context later on with Nagisa and Ryu. Heck, I didn't even expected for David pro to animate the one-night's battle chapters next week!
And if they still don't like it after reading my analysis, well good for them! It's totally understandable and I won't judge them or anything because we have different opinions!
The perfect character with flaws that follow the narrative most perfectly can have people who hate them! Some without reasons and some with valid reasons.
Maybe is because of the design? The personality? Something doesn't make people like them and that is okay!
People are free to block the users or tags, so they can still be happy and not ruin the fun of others.
I will keep loving Nagisa and shipping him with Ryu, because of the last analysis I made, some points I covered in this post, and because my opinion of them is really positive.
We are all grown-ups and if some are not, at least act as one for the fandom and to have a more healthy interaction and feed with everyone.
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I've been thinking about ASoUE again so this is gonna be a long one. Kit accused Olaf of hurting people and he responded with a tiny scoffing laugh and the line that "people hurt him" and this, this just so perfectly captures both Olaf's character and one of the main points I think Daniel Handler was trying to make throughout the series. Olaf never wants to take responsibility for his actions right, but he never tries to say his actions aren't wicked. His distinction is that he believes his wickedness is justified. He believes because others wronged him, he is justified to wrong others. It comes down to what I like to call "the circle of cruelty" We are told that Olaf's "mentors" basically took him and twisted him when he was young and vulnerable. (And of course, we can’t not mention his father’s death. Sure it was an accident but he wasn’t necessarily incorrect in perceiving this as a wrong against him. And anyways, the dart may not have been meant to hit his father, but it was meant for someone.) They didn't just teach him to be cruel, they taught him by being cruel. In The Slippery Slope, we see for once Olaf is the scared, submissive, and ingratiating one. His mentors constantly berate him, mock his attempts to please them, and they tell him "they weren't emotionally distant, he just wasn't worthy of praise." We are given indications Olaf felt manipulated by them through the entirety of their relationship and even considered it to be akin to Stockholm's Syndrome. We see as the show progresses and Olaf grows increasingly unhinged, he is more and more cruel to his own hench people. Who in turn are cruel to the circus recruits, who are cruel to the Baudelaires. Which means, the mentors to Olaf-Olaf to the hench people-the hench people to the circus recruits-the circus recruits to literally anyone they think they might be capable of bullying. So, in essence, one cruel and wicked person makes other cruel and wicked people who continue to do the same. Now here me out, this is one of the ways Daniel Handler is telling us "Look, after all you've seen you've come to hate Olaf. But he is the way he is for a reason. Horrible things happened to him and horrible people turned him inside out. But its no excuse." See, Olaf refuses to take responsibility by saying, its fine because others did it to him too. He doesn't try to say he was manipulated into doing it, he just sees it as "the way of the world". And at the end he talks about man handing on misery to man and how it deepens and you shouldn't have kids that you hand that misery on too. He handed his misery on to the Baudelaires but he warns them not to do the same, and make no mistake, the way he abruptly turned to look at them was a warning. He recognized that those who came before him had a lot to do with shaping his life, and even though he misplaced all the blame, he was right in a way. But Daniel Handler never for a moment justifies Olaf. He shocks us by unexpectedly delivering emotion and even sympathy for this brutal man we came to hate, but he never makes us say "poor Olaf" What happened to him was horrible, but the way he handled it was horrible. Its all about how you handle it, and whether or not you choose to pass on the cruelty. And its so beautiful to see that despite everything the Baudelaires endured, they broke the cycle. They didn't let Olaf drive them into becoming him. And let's be honest, isn't that part of the reason he hates them so much? Because he sees himself in them, but they made the right choice he couldn't make? After all, we get an entire scene during which he recounts V.F.D.’s injustices against the Baudelaires. But that's a different rant. The Baudelaires maintained their morals despite the hard choices they had to make, and they raised Beatrice without letting all that cruelty reach her. Its such a great way of showing us cruelty and abuse and the way it shapes people and grows, but also how every individual is responsible for their own actions. The cycle should be broken and it can be.
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ladykailitha · 2 years
The Subtleties of Steve Harrington Part 3
These next parts a little on the rougher side emotionally. But his friends aren’t trying to be malicious they just don’t have all the facts.
Part 1 Part 2
The morning before
“Come on, Nancy,” Robin said. “It’ll be fun!”
“It’s a gay bar, Robin,” Nancy protested. “Only you and Eddie will feel comfortable there.”
Jonathan scoffed. “I’ve been to a gay bar before. You might have to fob off a couple of advances but just tell them you’re in a relationship and they tend to leave you alone.”
Nancy frowned. “When did you go to a gay bar?”
“Out in a California,” Jonathan admitted. “And it was by accident. But yeah. It’s lots of fun.”
“I guess it’ll be okay,” Nancy sighed. “At least I’ll have Jon and Steve to keep me company in being straight in a gay bar.”
Jonathan who had been taking a drink, spit it out.
Nancy came running over patting his back. “Are you all right?”
After he had finished coughing he gave Nancy a hug and kissed her temple. “Love, Steve isn’t straight.”
Nancy pushed him away. “Yes, he is.”
“No. He’s. Not,” Robin said and then turned to Jonathan. “I didn’t realize he had come out to you, though.”
Jonathan just chuckled. “I never said he did. But it’s really obvious has a thing for both.”
Nancy frowned. “But I’ve only ever seen him date girls.”
“And when would he have been able to date guys?” Robin asked. “It’s scary enough being a lesbian, but believe me when I say that right now, being a gay man is a death sentence either from within or from without.”
Jonathan nodded. “He’s got a crush on Eddie, love.”
Nancy’s frown deepened, now faced with proof she went digging through he memories. Starting with the Upside Down bullshit.
Robin cocked his head and grinned. “Yeah. Oh.” She gave Nancy a hug. “If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t see until I was told either.”
Jonathan’s eyebrows shot up. “How?”
Robin blushed. “Let’s just that Steve’s gaydar is way better than mine. Mine is practically broken.”
Jonathan just shook his head.
One Week After
“I’m telling you, dumb ass,” Erica growled at Lucas, “there is no way that Steve is dating Eddie.”
Lucas threw his arms in the air. “What would it take for you to see it?”
El tilted her head to the side. “You can like boys and girls?”
Erica rolled her eyes. “Well, duh. Of course that’s a thing.”
“Hey!” Max growled. “She didn’t know.”
Erica mumbled her apology. “It’s just Steve. The man is the slut.”
Max rolled her eyes. “And that precludes him from liking guys, how?”
Erica sighed. “It doesn’t. Honest! But Eddie? Eddie is one and done kind of guy. I just can’t see them together.”
El tilted her head. “Not true.”
Erica raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”
El smiled sweetly. “Steve may like sex, but he is clearly is a romantic. If he found someone who loved as deeply and as strongly as he does, he would be a one and done, too.”
Erica grumbled. “Yeah, I guess.”
Max rolled her eyes again. “Look, Steve has never been straight the entire time I’ve known him and the fact that he and Eddie are together is super cute.”
Lucas raised his eyebrows. “Thank you for the assist, but holy hell, how did you see it and I didn’t? I had to told.”
Max looked down at her hands. “Billy.”
Lucas sat down hard. “Oh fuck.”
Max lifted her head and waved her hands. “He wouldn’t, he didn’t. But I could tell Steve would have been down to fuck. Like once: to get it out of his system or whatever.”
“But, it’s Billy...” Lucas said, anguished.  
“You can hate someone and still find them attractive, love,” Joyce said from the doorway.
Lucas looked up. “Hey, Mrs Byers.”
Joyce smiled softly at him.
“This doesn’t get out this room, you hear me?” Max said. “Steve doesn’t know I know about Billy. It would kill him if it got out. He hates the fact he was attracted to Billy.”
“And I don’t doubt,” Joyce said gently, “that after getting his had bashed in by the guy that whatever feelings he had went up in smoke. Because he would pick you kids over literally anyone else.”
El looked up at her and smiled. “Except Eddie.”
Joyce softened even further. “No, baby girl. I think even then. If Eddie asked Steve to chose between you kids and him, Steve would pick you kids every time.”
“But Eddie would never ask,” Max said firmly.
Joyce smiled. “No. He never would.”
One Month Later
Jim Hopper was used to having his world rocked. Ever since Sara died, he had taken hit after hit. He should be used to it by now.
But no, it seemed the universe had one more surprise left for him.
They had been having barbecues at Steve’s house all summer and Hopper wanted one at his new place (oh so wonderfully supplied by the US government).
So on a lovely July evening he invited everyone over. Even the Munsons. Not that Hop had a problem with Wayne Munson, not exactly. Wayne was a good man and really tried his best to raise a troubled kid all on his own. And now that he had El, he could sympathize a lot more.
No, Hop thought with a heavy sigh. It was Eddie Munson that was problem. He was all too familiar with Refer Rick and his favorite dealer.
And it was because said dealer was dealing the night Chrissy Cunningham died that he got roped into all this shit.
Of course, Joyce had wheedled him to inviting them. Because the kids loved him. Eddie Munson was the Pied Piper as far as Jim Hopper was concerned. Sweet and charming. Laughing and playing with the kids. Letting them be kids. Immediately treating El and Will like they had always been a part of the group. He did take a little bit longer to warm up to Jonathan. Though admittedly that had been a two-way street on that one.
Steve, Dustin, hell, even the kid himself had all told Hop that he didn’t deal anymore. He had been scared literally straight.
But the inner cop in Hop had trouble believing it.
But he had promised Joyce and El that he would play nice and limit the growling to things he was actually doing wrong and not just growling in general.
This though? This was the last straw. He had finally been proved right about the kid when he caught Eddie cornering Steve behind the tree.
Hop grabbed Eddie by the scruff and hauled him off of Steve.
“Hey!” Eddie and Steve protested.
Joyce and Dustin came running, both hoping to defuse this before anyone else came over.
“Jim!” she hissed. “Put Eddie down.”
Hop looked at everyone’s faces and started to wonder if he misread the situation.
“Yes, Hop,” Steve through gritted teeth. “Please unhand my boyfriend.”
Hop glared at him. “Boyfriend?”
Joyce sighed. “I think you forgot to tell Jim something, love.”
Steve and Eddie blinked as Dustin threw his arms in the air.
“You, doofus,” he said, fondly and then turned to Hop. “Steve and Eddie have been dating for a month.”
Hop’s jaw dropped. “Steve’s gay?”
“Bisexual,” Steve explained. “I don’t know how people keep having that reaction, honestly.”
Dustin grinned. “Heterosexual goggles.”
Eddie laughed and ruffled Steve’s hair. “This should have been the first clue our Stevie liked the boys.”
Steve yelped and darted away as everyone but Hop laughed.
“You could do so much better than Eddie Munson,” he said, looking up in frustration. “Why?”
Steve shook his head. “No, I couldn’t.”
Eddie blushed. “Babe, you’re just saying that.”
Steve pulled him close. “No, I’m not. Everybody keeps looking at each of us with such blinders on. Seeing what they only want to see. For me, it’s a rich, straight, Christian white boy with a silver spoon in his mouth and the world at his feet. Instead of what I really am, a bisexual disaster with a minimum wage job who only knows how to protect kids from monsters.
“And then there’s you, sunshine. People see you as a criminal, Satan-worshiping cult leader, instead of the sweetest, kindest, most loving person I’ve ever met. I’m happy you’re mine.”
Eddie blushed. And Hop, he flushed red too. But his was from shame. Because Steve was right. He had seen both boys that way. Let his prejudices cloud his judgment.
Those two boys had done more for this town than pretty much the entire population had it’s entire history. They deserved his respect if nothing else.
“I’m sorry I misjudged the situation and both you boys,” he grumbled. “But next time, go somewhere more secluded to make out. Please. For my sanity if nothing else.”
Eddie and Steve shared a guilty glance.
“Yes, sir,” Eddie mumbled.
“Yes, Hop,” Steve murmured.
Joyce beamed at them. “Now that we have that settled, let’s go get something to eat.”
Hop watched Eddie and Steve walked off holding hands, Eddie dancing in front of Steve.
“Sap!” Eddie called playfully.
Steve yanked on Eddie’s hand, causing the two boys to stumbled together into each others’ arms. “You love it.”
Eddie’s face got soft. “I do. I love you so much, Stevie.”
They kissed so softly it made Hop’s heart ache. It was a truly fucked up world where these two boys had hide themselves from the world to be happy.
Because, fuck. Yeah. These boys were perfect for each other.
Part 4
Tag List: @awkwardgravity1 @maya-custodios-dionach @spectrum-spectre @wonderland-girl143-blog @estrellami-1 @evix-syne666
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i've got to make a play
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Pairing: Azul Ashengrotto x gn!Reader
Writing Genre: story
Genres: enemies to friends to lovers, fluff
Words: ~5.0k
Warnings: discussion of mining accidents/deaths (historically), me creating lore for Twisted Wonderland's mining industry -- and for Sage Island.
Notes: Since it's Azul's birthday I felt inspired to create him with one of my favorite tropes -- enemies to friends to lovers! I'd also like to note that I wrote this while I was sick, so hopefully it flows properly
Read it on ao3!
If there was anything more frustrating than your lack of magic, it was Azul Ashengrotto. The grandiose octomer with a cunning intellect masquerading as a benevolent wish-granter with no shortage of connections. You, however, were a deferential human with an honest attitude simulating a stubborn person with sharp wit swindling their way through a new world.
Needless to say, being partnered for a project together would be immensely frustrating… Professor Trein seemingly did not care, as he assigned you to work with the housewarden on the largest presentation of the semester.
That's what led you to a quiet argument with Azul in the library:
"Friede states here that the Kirchbarkau Mine is home to large amounts of silver and magestones.” you stated, taking note of the basic fact.
“Kirchbarkau does not contain magestones – the Lindewerra Mine does." the octomer corrected.
You huffed. "Really? And where did you read that?"
"The Economics of Mining Production in Pyroxene by Frederic Lyer."
"Lyer, huh? Where did you find it?"
"This library. Now are you done with your interrogation?"
You eyed him up and down suspiciously, "I suppose. For now."
Azul's eyes drifted to you from above his glasses, leveling you with an annoyed glare. You chuckled at his irritation before going back to flipping through the blue book in front of you.
The cool-toned lighting of the Mostro Lounge did not serve to soothe your grinding nerves. The cause? Octavinelle's housewarden and his kindness-laced condescension.
Looking over your notes? He crosses out what you've written and adds his paragraphs of thought.
Trying to divy up tasks? His back-handed words override your say.
And everytime you dish it back to him? A glare and retorts fill your eyes and ears.
Now, sitting across from him, you found yourself an inch away from grabbing and snapping his glasses.
"Are you finished ridiculing me?" you questioned with a sarcastic smile.
"Yes. For now." he spoke, reciprocating your smile and using your quip from the previous day.
You shook your head lightly at his actions before taking a sip from your lemonade.
"Anyways, I would like for us to go into town tomorrow to analyze and report on the island’s imports from Kirchbarkau. I would also like to visit the library there, since we have exhausted the colleges.”
“Alright. It sounds like a plan then, boss."
He huffed in vexation at your nickname before gathering his things and writing you one last note.
"If you'll excuse me, I have to return to work now. Jade will handle your bill."
You slid the paper toward you, who watched him with a smirk as he stood.
"What if you aren't excused?"
He looked slightly stunned at your audacity before asking, “And why wouldn’t I be?” 
You smiled smally and displayed a faux shy look as you stated, “I want to buy you dinner.”
He seemed dazed and somewhat embarrassed. “Why?”
You grinned roguishly, “Well, Mr. Ashengrotto, you’re handsome, charming, whip-smart and… quite frankly, I have a thing for humiliation.”
His flustered features quickly dropped into distaste as he scoffed and walked off. Your laugh sounded through the establishment, drawing a few eyes to you.
“It seems you’ve left quite the impression on Azul." Jade observed, setting a black leather clad folder on your table.
You hummed, "He is very easy to tease."
A smirk appeared on the vice's face, "Indeed."
We'll meet at 8 in the morning on Main Street near the gate.
You placed the note containing Azul's sprawling handwriting back into your bag. The streaming river passing by Sam's shop felt like a soothing brush over your unexplainable anxiety. As you ascended the stairs leading to Main Street, you admired the morning sun falling over the crown shaped arches leading to the Colosseum. The grey cobblestone under your feet eventually led you to the gate where the silver-haired mer stood.
"Good morning, Y/n." he greeted simply.
"Good morning, Azul." you returned.
"Before we leave campus, I want to go over today's itinerary. First, we'll visit a precious metal refinery before going to…"
The last of his words drifted to the background as you suddenly noticed how… pleasant… Azul looked this morning. A navy button-up, dark grey slacks, dress shoes, and a watch replaced his uniforms today, and the formal simplicity only added to his attractiveness.
“...and we’ll end the day at the Sage Island Library.”
You shook back to attention as he finished speaking. 
“Great! Now we just have to maneuver the zig-zag path down this mountain!” you added sarcastically.
He chuckled lightly in agreement, “I still do not see how the college has not come up with better transportation into town.”
You watched as he asked the nearby ghosts to open the large metal gates, slightly flustered at the different energy that surrounded your dynamic today.
The signature white and red colors of Sage Island reflected the morning light beautifully. The canaled water flowing in from the sea created a lovely reflection on the architecture, and you couldn’t help but admire the soft breeze as you followed Azul into a large shop titled: Precious Metal Refinery. A middle-aged man dressed in a white button-up, brown slacks, suspenders, and boots took notice of you and rapidly made his way to the door.
“You must be the students from Night Raven, correct? I’m Finley Heisenberg, the owner of this establishment.” he asked, sticking out his hand.
You exchanged names and formalities before he began guiding you through the small-scale factory as you and Azul took your own notes on his statements.
“First of all, we’re divided into two separate shops. Here, we take the precious metal scrap from Sage Island’s jewelers, dentists, crematoriums, and pawn shops, and isolate them through multiple processes to achieve them at their purest form. Afterward, we export them from the Southeastern Port where they travel north across the Coral Sea to the Queendom of Roses and occasionally south toward the Afterglow Savanna.”
He turned right, guiding you to an area where the air turned hotter.
“This is where we conduct pyrolysis. In this process, the noble-metalliferous products – your precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum – are released from the other materials by solidifying in a melt to become cinder and then poured off or oxidized.”
Finley walked further down the concrete floor to three vats.
“Here is where the metals can undergo the alternative initial process of hydrolysis. The noble metals are dissolved either in aqua regia, which is a solution consisting of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid, or in a solution of hydrochloric acid and chlorine gas. Subsequently, certain metals can be precipitated or reduced directly with salt, gas, organic and/or nitro hydrate connection.”
He took the both of you back to the front near a wooden door bridging the small factory to the next shop.
“Afterwards they go through cleaning stages or are recrystallized. The precious metals are separated from the metal salt by calcination. The noble-metalliferous materials are hydrolyzed first and pyrolyzed thereafter. The processes are better yielding when using catalysts that may sometimes contain precious metals themselves. When using catalysts, the recycling product is removed in each case and driven several times through the cycle.”
After his conclusion, he opened the door and gestured you through, “This is our manufacturing facility. Here we review, package, and track our exports. That’s about all there is to it within our side of it. Precious metals can be used for jewelry, electricity, medical technology, transportation vehicles, and so much more.”
“Thank you for your time, Mr. Heisenberg. I wish you great success.” you spoke with a nod.
“You’re welcome and thank you.” he stated.
By the time you left Finley’s refinery, the sun was nearing a perfect midday. The next stop on your schedule was a small business – Seville’s Jewelers. The owner was a young woman by the name of Lucia Seville. She told you that she had inherited the business from her mother, and that most establishments on Sage Island were generational. She shared her products, and you took note of the more robust yet charming look they had. According to Lucia, they were jewels she would purchase (with company money) from the local gem shows or import from the nearby Land of Dawning. She shared how funds were tight sometimes due to the process of acquiring materials, but with the money and connections that her mother established, it was never as difficult as it was for others she had met. With a few conclusory statements, you headed to your third destination of the day.
Dear’s Diamonds and Jewelry was the sign that a well-gardened and well–painted shop boasted. It was owned by a middle-aged man named Jim Dear IV, a third-generation jeweler of a company based in Pyroxene with a chain on the Isle. He said he relocated here since he had fallen in love with the environment back when he attended Royal Sword Academy. He stated that his own son was now enrolled there, and questioned if either of you knew him – unfortunately you had yet to meet.
After concluding your small talk, he showed you to one of the brightly lit cases containing shining rings, bracelets, and watches. He displayed the careful cuts of the jewels and even assembled a few pieces in front of you. He showed you how the watches were pieced together and discussed his sources for silver and platinum. When asked, he delved further into how the rings were heated, shaped, and went into the little details of refining them and personalizing them. Upon further interview, his charisma and pride for his business truly shone through.
After exchanging pleasant farewells, your interviews of the day were over.
You smiled as you strolled the streets, still infected by Jim’s enthusiasm.
Azul's gaze looked slightly perplexed before shifting to teasing, “You’ve never smiled so genuinely in my presence before, has my charm bewitched you so?”
A smirk bloomed on your face, “No, Jim Dear is just a dear.”
He chuckled quietly, “You’re insufferable.”
You reciprocated his chortle, “I could say the same for you.”
Your second to last destination – the Sage Island Museum. It was one of the largest buildings in town, and just so happened to have an exhibit dedicated to the history of mining. It was organized by most prevalent to least, with Pyroxene’s section first.
The Kirchbarkau Mine is a silver mine in the state of Aicher, Pyroxene. Its development led to the growth of the surrounding town and eventual capital, Hirschfeld, in the 1880s. Its orebody ran 24% silver, an extraordinarily high grade. It was acquired by Louis Richter in 1883.
Throughout the first decade of the 20th century, it was the most productive silver mine in Aicher. When the Industrial Revolution hit northern Pyroxene in the 1920s, the Kirchbarkau mine rose to become the highest silver yield in the region.
You shifted right to meet Azul at the History section.
The presence of silver ore in the Marloffstein Mountains of northwest Aicher may have been known as early as 1877, but the first mining claim was filed on 4 October 1878. In 1878, southern residents migrated north during what is known simply as the Northern Diffusion. One group in particular – the Visser Party, did not like the quality of the water. So, they sent 19-year-old Johann Visser to look for a better quality. During his search he found a spring along a very large cliff of limestone, known today as Burgfelsen, and on his return an outcrop containing silver in a canyon later known as Grabstein-Schlucht. When he arrived back at camp, he had his father send word back south to the city of Vaugervand, asking for the local government to file a claim over Johann’s findings. After a lengthy back-and-forth through post, the city agreed to file their claim and name Johann Visser in all notices of mining locations that he discovered. They provided him with money, materials, tools, food, and a map to the mining claim site, all in return for a share of future profits.
With this, the Visser family and their accompanying settlers formed the historic town of Hirschfeld in 1880. Similar to the appeal of gold in the west, the attraction to silver in the north drew the southern citizens there upon the spread of job requests for miners, and the average man needing a job. Quickly the town blossomed into a city, and had their own local government established. The name of the famous mine comes from the first mayor, Wilhelm Kirchbarkau, who personally endorsed the project. Soon enough, the Kirchbarkau Mine was operational and the amounts of silver ore being harvested boosted Hirschfeld’s economy greatly. With the rise in new technology and the importance of the noble metal increasing, more and more people gathered near its source, hoping to find the precious shiny grey themselves.
By 1883, the city had achieved its position as Aicher’s capital and cemented itself in history.
The soon-to-set sun casted shades of peach over the green, red, and white landscape. Many shadows fell upon the eastern island from the mountains, but the Southeastern Port was still illuminated. The warm cup of tea in your hand served slightly to fight the growing chill of the wind. The sounds of the water became louder as you heard the waves crashing against the side of the island. Port workers had begun to retire for the evening, heading back to their families for dinner. It was a pleasant reminder of life outside of NRC, and a refreshing break from your history project.
“I remember seeing this port once when I was younger.”
You turned your head to the left, witnessing an odd mix of emotions on Azul’s face.
“I had a… particularly rough day… and wanted a place where I could just be alone. I hid in the water between a few rocks over there, but curiosity drew me out. There were sailor's docking in for the evening, and one happened to drop a gold coin in the water. It was risky but I retrieved it,” he sighed somewhat contentedly, “If it weren’t for the sailor’s mishap, I never would have grown to enjoy coin collecting.”
Before you could respond, he abruptly straightened and spoke.
“Well, that’s all in the past now. Why don’t we head to the library? It’s getting dark and I believe they will close in just two hours.”
The Sage Island Library displayed gorgeous white bookshelves trimmed in gold. A small cafe was placed next door with large glass double doors separating it from the collection of books. The copious amounts of literature seemed like a herculean task to venture through, but luckily your silver-haired companion had a list prepared:
The Uncovered History of the Kirchbarkau Mine by Marguerite Beausoleil
Silver and Gold: How the Precious Metals Came to Be So Valuable by Eeva Laitinen
Pyroxene, A Nation Built on Nature’s Riches by Ira Brighton
After gathering the books, you found an unoccupied set of a table and two plush chairs. Azul left to fetch two hot cups of earl grey, and you settled into one of the chairs with the first book. Looking through the table of contents, you found the section you were searching for:
Chapter 4: The Devil Inside
The mining work conducted inside Kirchbarkau was extremely hazardous. After Louis Richter’s acquisition of the “Silver Queen”, the operators he appointed often routinely demanded that the miners work unpaid for long hours. They subjected the miners to intrusive physical strip searches, and followed dangerous practices like blasting while miners were in the mine and not permitting safety operators on drills and elevators.
A miner’s union was organized in 1914, when the mine was the site of a strike. Louis Richter resisted union organizing and illegally used private police to arrest more than 1200 miners and fellow protestors. They put them on railroad cars and expelled them from the city and area in what became known as the Hirschfeld Expulsion.
In one incident, a miner by the name of Herman Anson brutally murdered five of his coworkers in what is known as the Kirchbarkau Massacre. Anson had been stranded with his crew in the mine, but it is suspected that he trapped them. He used his tools to end their lives and they were not discovered until the following morning. Herman Anson was immediately arrested, and it was found upon investigation that it was not his first time killing. This tragedy has led to one of the most infamous spectral tales of the mine.
The sound of a heavy paper cup being placed on wood drew your attention from the grim details.
“I apologize, I was trying not to disrupt you.”
“No need, if anything it’s welcome.”
“Really?” he queried, sitting down across from you.
“Yes, the information is chilling.”
He grabbed his notepad before saying, “Would you mind recounting the details?”
As he wrote and you spoke, you couldn’t help the confusion you felt. From the start of the day to now at the end, something had seemed… different.
With more thought, you found that it was simple – you were more open to each other.
A small smile grew on your face as you finished relaying what you read. Maybe getting to know the octomer wouldn’t be that bad.
The following evening when you walked into the Mostro Lounge, you heard a shout from Floyd that Azul wanted to see you in the VIP room tonight rather than a booth. You sent an acknowledging shout back before venturing to the office.
Entering the room, you were greeted by familiar cool colors which popped when surrounded by dark woods, leather, and literature. At the forefront of the space was Azul, who was seated at his desk going through paperwork.
“Please, have a seat,” he began, gesturing to one of the leather loveseats, “I will have to continue working, but I would like for you to go over our notes from yesterday with me while I do so.” 
“Alright, sounds good.” you responded, sitting down on the left loveseat.
Seven different piles of paper sat on the oceanic coffee table, all from your trip into town. Three were of your interviews with Finley Heisenberg, Lucia Seville, and Jim Dear IV. The other four were notes from the museum and library. 
You grabbed the set from Finley first and got to work.
By the time you finished your review of the final book, your brain felt exhausted with the information. With a sigh you stood from the loveseat and approached one of the many shelves of books. You sensed eyes on your back as you scanned over the titles; many involved finance, economics, and history, but every now and then you found old mystery and romance novels. 
A book by the title Pleasure & Preconception drew your attention, and you reached out to grab it.
“What are you doing?” a seemingly weary Azul asked.
“I’m finished going over the notes, and you should take a break – there’s plenty of books in here so why not read one of them?” you replied, taking the spot closer to the silver-haired mer on the loveseat.
He seemed hesitant at the prospect, and even more so when he glanced at the book in your hands for a second time.
“What? Are you afraid I’ll find out you're just a hopeless romantic at heart?” you teased, opening the book to the first chapter.
He huffed before rising from his desk. He took the seat across from you on the opposite leather loveseat and settled in.
“I suppose I can spare a few minutes.”
With a small smile you began reading the classic romance aloud. The tale started with the protagonist and love interest’s initial dislike of each other. As you read further, you couldn’t help but see a growing parallel between their story and yours. Too immersed in the book, you failed to notice a rather exhausted Azul slowly falling asleep across from you. When you did, you quietly placed the book on the coffee table and decided to take a quick nap yourself.
Slowly, your eyes drifted open as your senses returned to consciousness. Rubbing your neck and lightly stretching your limbs, you noticed a still-sleeping Azul on the loveseat. His brows were furrowed, and his chest rose and fell rapidly. He seemed distressed, and when a hushed whimper left his lips, you decided to try and wake him.
Gently shaking his left arm, you calmly spoke, “Hey… Azul, wake up.”
After two more tries, he jolted awake with an element of panic. He was disheveled and his features looked perturbed as he took notice of your presence.
“Are you alright?” you questioned.
He cleared his throat, straightened his tie, and brushed off his clothes before standing from the loveseat.
“I’m perfectly fine.” he stated, trying to save face.
You sighed, not wanting to press any further, “Okay.”
He sat down at his desk and quickly shoved himself back into numbers and logistics.
As you gathered your things, you left him with one final sentence.
“Just remember that despite everything, I’m here if you need me.”
“What is it, Azul?” you asked groggily into the phone.
“I’m just calling in the favor you offered me.” he replied, sounding tiredly anxious.
You chuckled before dragging your hand across your face and shifting your blankets over.
“Remind me to never give you any leverage.”
“Why not?” he queried as light shuffling noises could be heard from the receiver.
“Are you really asking me that when you’re so infamous for swindling?”
“I could say the same for you. I’m not the only one that’s garnered the reputation of being a trickster.”
“I suppose you’re right.” you answered as you descended Ramshackle’s staircase.
“When am I not?” he teased.
You huffed as you turned on the kitchen light, “Your arrogance will be the death of me.”
“Are you sure it won’t be my charm?”
“Careful, Azul, you’re starting to sound like me.”
He snickered as you grabbed a mug and tea bag. You sat in a comfortable silence as you grabbed a kettle and filled it with water before setting it on the stove to heat.
“What are you doing?” you questioned.
“What are you doing?” he retorted.
You sighed halfheartedly, “If I tell you, will you tell me?”
“It seems like a fair deal.” he agreed.
"I'm making tea."
"What kind?"
He hummed.
"Now hold up your side of the bargain." you spoke playfully, taking the now whistling kettle off of the stove.
"I'm going through my records.”
“What kind?” you copied.
“My personal vinyl collection.”
You let quiet take over as he continued carding through the artists. You placed the tea bag into your mug and poured the hot water over the blend. As you left the kitchen and turned off the light, you decided to rest on the couch you had recently reupholstered for the dorm. A sage green blanket rested near two throw pillows, and you curled up into the cozy space before turning on the nearby lamp. A soft melody flowed through the phone, signaling that the silver-haired mer had chosen his album for the night.
Feeling comfortable and curious you asked, “Do you like music?”
“Quite so. It’s naturally something enjoyed by merfolk, but discovering the vast amount on land has been a lovely endeavor.”
“It seems so.” you said quietly before taking a sip of your tea.
The beautiful voice coming from the record only served to make the atmosphere restful, and soon you found yourself struggling to keep your eyes open.
When you woke up the next morning to a frantic Grim shaking you awake and shouting about being late, you realized that you had fallen asleep on the phone with the housewarden.
Tonight, the environment of the Lounge faded to the background as your focus remained on its owner. You had come to begin assembling the final form of your presentation, but Azul had offered for you to share dinner first, and who would deny a good meal? Your food had been ordered and after a few bites you found it being set to the side in favor of inquisitive conversation.
"I am sure you already know plenty about me." Azul responded with slight playfulness.
"No, I truly don't! All I know is that you started collecting coins as a child, and that you enjoy Juliet Alderidge novels and vintage music." you retorted, stirring the special drink you had chosen for the night.
"And that is plenty."
You exhaled, "Okay, then what if I give you an irresistible offer?"
"I'm listening."
"I ask you three questions and you can ask me as many as you want, but I have to answer truthfully."
"Do you think you have any truly irresistible information?"
"You wound me." you said, feigning a pout.
"How unfortunate. I suppose I'll just have to satiate your curiosity, then." he spoke, leaning forward and folding his hands under his chin.
"I suppose so." you replied, mimicking his action.
With your charitable victory, you discovered three things about the silver-haired mer. One, when he was child, he would spend the occasional weekend preparing and gathering all kinds of little things to create his own dishes and serve them to his mother as if she were a judge. He commented that she always gave him a good rating even if he himself could tell it was not the greatest. Two, his first visit to the Southeastern Port was not the last, as his affinity for unique or rare currency, especially on land as a mer, grew. And three, his dislike for you had only been a facade since your first study day. He always enjoyed your banter and couldn't help but welcome the friendship you now had.
It brightened your mood to hear his stories, and you felt more of a bond with him afterward. When he told you the truth of his feelings however, you couldn't help but experience slight embarrassment and… happiness. You had to admit that you felt the same, it is lovely getting to know him.
Dinner and drinks continued until closing that evening, but neither of you seemed to mind.
Cream-coloured papers covered the entirety of the aquatic coffee table in front of you, black ink scattered all over them. Azul sat to your right on the leather loveseat, reorganizing the information as he saw fit. A notebook rested in your lap containing scribbled handwriting depicting different ideas and ways to connect themes from your studies. A few empty glasses sat forgotten on the edge of his desk, adding a worn feel that matched the crumpled balls of lined paper on the opposite loveseat. Tonight, was the final night of the two-week deadline the class had been given and everyone would be immersed in their work.
You ripped out the necessary pages of your notebook and spread them out on the loveseat vertically between you and Azul. He rose briefly to grab his own writing materials before you embarked on the hours-long journey of creating your final presentation.
A fresh glass of lemonade and butterfly pea flower tea rested in your right hand as you sighed contentedly.
“Now, just to revise and edit.” the housewarden stated, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
He leaned backward onto the plush backing of the loveseat, angling his head backward and sighing himself. Silence hung in the air as you simply stared at him, a peculiar admiration in your gaze. He removed his glasses and set them down beside him, and your eyes drifted to the delicate curve of his nose. He soon noticed your observance, causing his ocean blue eyes to meet yours. The eye contact flustered you, but your gaze didn’t stray.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked, one of his silver brows quirking.
You waited for a moment before replying, “I think you’re beautiful.”
He seemed shocked – staring at you for a moment wide-eyed before looking away.
You chose to elaborate, “You know, two weeks ago I couldn’t stand you, but after our day in town I felt like something had shifted. We became more open to each other, and slowly as I got to know and see more of you… I found myself feeling more and more in love with you.”
He slowly appeared embarrassed, then stunned, and finally tender. He took a deep breath before turning back toward you.
“I have to admit that I carry the same sentiment.”
You gently grabbed his right hand in yours, caringly slotting your fingers between his and squeezing. Your hand left his before you slid it back under, tilting his fingers toward you. A kiss was placed on the back of his hand before your thumb rubbed over it. His eyes met yours once more, a determined look on his features and a light pink color to his cheeks.
In a bold move, he leaned forward and captured your lips with his. You were momentarily surprised by the action, but quickly softened to his touch. The movement of his lips on yours were fondly warm, and so was the kiss you left on his cheek as he retreated.
Professor Trein’s classroom of students went silent as they focussed on the presentation being given by you and your partner. Your voices sounded throughout the space, sharing the research that had brought you closer. Little glances would be shared as the other spoke, leaving a light sensation in your chest that would jump every time your hands brushed. They were simple actions, but they left you feeling like shining silver every time.
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