#i used to be a huge fan on dA
sun-marie · 9 months
It's been a while since I last thought seriously about Dr*gon A*e (even prior to falling in love with BG3) and I think a big part of that is I'm not as big a fan of the setting and the worldbuilding as I used to be. Like to me it really does feel like BW looked at typical fantasy settings and went "hmm okay but what if there was Catholic-enforced racism and abelism". And like. Cool thought experiment bro. Do we really need three games made by primarily white guys about that.
#dragon age critical#marie speaks#idk if ableism is the best comparison for mage oppression but idk you get my larger point#I've heard that DA was supposedly BW's critical response to settings like Forgotten Realms after making the og BG games#and idk if that's true but I'd be willing to believe that bc that's what a lot of it's world building feels like#“oh u thought the elves where gonna be ethereal and respected? nah they're a haphazard blend of irl oppressed groups”#“oh u thought this fantasy world was gonna have a plethora of interesting and dynamic deities and gods? nah it's just fantasy Catholicism”#“oh u thought people who can use magic would have respected places in society? nah they're locked in jail for being Different”#like I feel like these ideas were kinda cool for one game. An expanded thought experiment#but idk if they were strong enough to sustain an entire franchise#without significantly expanding their pool of writers to get the perspectives of people they're attempting to represent at least#but that's a whole different issue#anyway DA has some legit cool concepts like the Grey Wardens that I will always love#and most of their early character work is still really strong#but for me every time that setting rears it's head problems arise#anyway if you're still a DA fan that's totally fine! I'm very happy for you!#don't let my salty ramblings spoil what resonates with you from these games#I'm just reflecting bc it used to be a huge part of my life especially through like all of highschool#and now it's just. not.
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bpdanakins · 4 months
idk why they decided to make this trailer a lineup for fortnite: dragon age addition it's. certainly a directional choice.
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Days ago saw a post about writing fanfic of your characters but being from where you live instead of the original country so you dont struggle with accurate portrayal. thinking of how amazing would be a brazilian jatp au.
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giggly-argent · 2 years
Keiichi used to be a Mega Man FC? As a massive Mega Man fan, I must know more! :D Any information you remember about Aria? - blackflame
Oh god I am Cringing deeply in my core rn 😭 I can't remember Anything about her aside from her design, some animal companion (Coda or smth maybe), and having this 30 smth year old doctor that built her, but I made her when I was like 10 so I'm sure none of it made sense anyway sjgndnb
But since her design is literally Seared into my memory, I might try to draw her when I get off work!
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elliespectacular · 7 months
Hi! I'm sure you probably get asked this a lot given your long-time standing with the YTP community, but I was curious if you had any beginner tips for a newer YTPers hoping to learn the trade? I've been on and off editing videos for a couple years now using whatever free-ish programs I can work with until I have a steady income, but I'd love to hear any suggestions you may have about editing videos YTP style in general as well! So far sentence-mixing has been my favorite part of the process. Been a huge fan of your channel since I was a little kid, my older bro introduced me with the 'Lord of Da Things' video ages ago. To this day I can't watch The Fellowship of the Ring without falling out in laughter. It makes me so happy to see that you're still doing your thing, all these years later too. Take care and have an awesome day!
Tips for beginners:
Make any* joke that pops into your head. Did you laugh out loud at any point while editing the joke? Keep it in. No? Cut it.
Make "random" edits, like edits where you don't have a specific goal. Reverse stuff for the hell of it, make cuts in unintuitive spots, throw in some effects you've never tried before. Experiment and get inspired by what happens!
YTP is as low-stakes as it gets. Sometimes it can be rewarding to challenge yourself a little bit and make a joke more complex than usual, but there's nothing wrong with cutting some corners**. It can add to the charm in a way.
Post what you make and don't get too bogged-down by whether it's "good" or whatever. Show it to people, find out what makes them laugh, what they find interesting, and think about why those things connect with people.
For sentence-mixing, it's handy to have a transcript of the source video handy so you can ctrl+f for words/phrases/syllables
*Don't do anything distasteful or make people say things you'd be ashamed to repeat. I'm not gonna stop you or anything, but don't do anything you think you might eventually regret.
**Shortcuts can be things like reusing a piece of sentence-mixing or an animation you've already done, or repeating a joke that applies in multiple contexts. If you use AI in the current year I *will* wag my finger and nod disapprovingly.
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tallsc · 1 year
Hello fellow QSMP Tumblr people, I would like to make a offer and would love to see if this can catch on.
If we're adopting A1, let's go all out. We're taking care of this kid.
At least three times a week, someone on Tumblr, under the "qsmp a1 tasks" tag, should draw or write something about A1 doing at least one of the official tasks for that day or the prior few days (cause I know it takes time to draw or write). It doesn't have to be huge, could be anything from a sketch to a full picture or comic, from a few sentences to a full short story, as long as it appears under the tag and has something to do with A1 and one of the recent tasks! (Please say somewhere what task you're doing and what day it was from.)
A1 doesn't mind what name you use - Ai, Aaron, Ivan, just A1, something else entirely - as long as you still use the right tag so everyone can see that there's been a task completed. They also use any pronouns and have a whole wardrobe of accessories, again as long as it's clear in the art or story that the egg is A1 and not one of the other eggs.
Feel free though to include yourself or your OCs or one of the QSMP members or none or all of them, this is just a series of writing/drawing prompts with a purpose, go wild and have fun!
Due to it being Saturday already, required tasks won't start until this Monday. After that, let's see how long we can keep our community's new kid going!
Updates account
If anyone would like to translate this into any of the other three languages, I will gladly add the translations to this post and credit you for doing so. I want to make this visible and accessible to as many people as possible.
Translations below (French by @lb1412, Portuguese by @aurora-bore-aura)
Oi pessoal do QSMP Tumblr, eu queria fazer uma oferta e eu adoraria ver se isso irá se espalhar mais.
Se a gente tá adotando A1, vamos com tudo. A gente vai cuidar dessa criança.
Três vezes por semana pelo menos, alguém no Tumblr, na tag "qsmp a1 tasks", tem que postar um desenho ou escrever sobre A1 fazendo uma das tarefas oficiais daquele dia ou uns dias antes (porque eu sei que leva tempo pra fazer arte). Não precisa ser muito, pode ser um esboço(sketch) pra um desenho completo ou quadrinho, de algumas frases para uma pequena história completa. Que precisa é ao menos aparecer na tag e ter relação com A1 e as tarefas recentes! (Por favor diga em algum lugar que tarefa se tá fazendo e que dia foi ela)
A1 não tem preferência com o nome ou pronome que você usar — Ai, Aaron, Ivan, só A1, algum outro que se faça — desde que você ainda use a tag dita pra que todo mundo veja que tarefa foi feita. Além de liberdade de pronomes ele tem um armário cheio de acessórios, então por favor deixe claro em algum lugar da sua arte ou história que o ovo é o A1 e não um dos outros.
Sinta-se livre pra incluir você, ou um dos seus personagens, ou um dos membros do QSMP, ou ninguém, ou todo mundo acima. Isso aqui é só uma série de sinopses para desenhar/escrever com um propósito, se solta e se divirta!
Como já é sábado, as tarefas necessárias não vão aparecer até segunda-feira. Depois da revelação, vamos ver por quanto tempo podemos manter a nova criança da comunidade!
Salut les fans du QSMP, j'ai une proposition à vous faire et j'adorerais voir si ça peut devenir concret.
Quitte à adopter A1, sortons le grand jeu. On va s'occuper de cet enfant.
Il faudrait qu'au moins trois fois par semaine, quelqu'un sur Tumblr dessine ou écrive quelque chose où A1 fait au moins l'une des tâches officielles du jour ou de l'un des jours précédents (parce que je sais que dessiner ou écrire, ça prend du temps), et le poste sur le tag "qsmp a1 tasks". Pas besoin de faire quelque chose d'y mettre énormément d'efforts, ça pourrait être n'importe quoi, d'un croquis à une illustration ou BD complète, de quelques phrases à une courte histoire complète, tant que c'est posté dans le tag et que ça a un lien avec A1 et l'une des tâches récentes ! (S'il vous plaît, notez quelque part de quelle tâche vous vous chargez et le jour auquel ça correspond.)
Peu importe quel nom vous utilisez pour A1 (Ai, Aaron, Ivan, juste A1, ou même un tout autre nom), cela ne lea dérange pas tant que vous utilisez le bon tag pour que tout le monde puisse voir qu'une tâche a été accomplie. Iel utilise n'importe quels pronoms et possède toute une galerie d'accessoires, tant, encore une fois, qu'il est clair dans le dessin ou l'histoire qu'il s'agit d'A1 et pas d'un autre œuf.
Sentez-vous libre de vous inclure vous, vos OCs, l'un des membres du QSMP, tous les membres, ou même aucun, ce ne sont qu'une série de prompts de dessin/d'écriture avec un but précis, faites-vous plaisir et amusez-vous bien !
Puisqu'on est déjà samedi, les tâches nécessaires ne compteront pas avant lundi. Après ça, essayons de voir combien de temps la communauté peut maintenir notre nouvel enfant en vie !
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alanaartdream · 13 days
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Ok it’s new day and I have better lighting and more drawings for my Fairy Timmy with Jimmy Timmy power hour Nicktoons unite and now with new drawings fairly odd parents a new wish added to the mix (( also you can ask questions about my ideas if you want; don’t mind getting distracted from stress of working food services for a hospital asking about my
Drawings au ideas))
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I was trying out these staedtler high lighters today ( normally I rather use watercolour pencils and markers but sometimes if I’m feeling lazy or a bit tried out I just like to grab my little pencil case and sketch while in bed before I start the day;; but some of my high lighters lids popped off or they just started to dry up so had to find something to replace some of the ones that dry out;; I might look into getting some watercolours markers/pens in the future to try that out )
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Ok now onto my fairy Timmy with nicktoons unite gang now I believe when fairy Timmy grows up he’ll be helping with the Da Rules but also be a fairy Lawyer and Felicity would besides her other fairy jobs (she helps artists/ writers and people who create stuff to get inspiration for their creations and get them out of artists/ writers blocks as well as help cats find humans who will give them forever homes but she also keeps track of all of fairyworld records and being as lawyers always need to check the records for their cases it makes cents they become work friends) also see Cupid showing up complaining to Timmy of how he can’t find get Felicity to fall in love with anyone even though he’s been trying and Timmy and Jimmy have to remind him
She’s asexual/ demisexual so she’s not the type to fall in love like straights would do witch just has him huffing away while hazel who just popped into with Wanda cosmo and peri to laugh remembering how much Cupid gave her troubles with her parents (( apparently she made a wish to meet Timmy after Peri Wanda and cosmo ended up talking about him and Timmy was hanging out in Jimmy’s lab going over a tricky problem that seemed to happen with the Da Rules books and being how smart Jimmy is was getting some advice with that tricky book’s rules))
Jimmy not a fan of kids in his lab so keeping an eye on her while Hazel meeting Fairy Timmy and Peri is explaining how Timmy helps out the Nicktoons unite gang when he’s not busy with his fairy work in fairy world and if you want to check out other universes and if you want to check out other universes you have to get felicity or Timmy to check in with Jimmy Neutron who’s one of the leading professors on universes travel witch is when Hazel truly gets a good look at Jimmy & is surprised to learn he’s human and not a fairy witch is when Timmy has to quickly poof in felicity to explain with records/ paperwork that Jimmy; the Nicktoons unite gang along with Timmy have saved fairy world and all of the universes so often that to keep all the universes safe it’s better that they know fairies exist and have signed the right papers to be allowed to know about fairies and fairy world (heck fairy world ended up giving Jimmy Danny and their friends metals for helping them soo much there was a huge party and everything all the Nicktoons untie gang were invited and given metals for the occasion)
(( if you want to add Dev into this could have it he complains how come Jimmy & Danny are allowed into fairyworld later on when Jimmy and Danny are over for check over involving ghost rules in the Da Rules book and peri looking worn out at dev’s antics while Danny and Jimmy give the kid annoyed looks and Timmy’s trying to comfort Peri saying looks like you got remy like kid as his first godkid
Also could see later on when Dev ended working with Anti fairies Timmy was at Jimmy’s lab and was doing his best to save Timmy from magical back up and get Timmy back to fairyworld along with Danny’s help and they ended up up helping Hazel out in saving fairy world I could see Jimmy wanting to rip Dev’s dad for what nearly happened to Timmy but Jimmy had managed to keep from happening with Hazel’s help; Danny had to hold Jimmy back while Timmy had to get his lawyer side up and ask peri about how he wanted to handle this case with Dev
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elen-benfelen · 8 months
welsh remus guide pt.1
As a casual marauders fan (if such a thing exists lmao), I’ve noticed a growing love/interest towards Remus being Welsh and exploring what this means regarding accent, mannerisms and language. Seeing Welsh being butchered by the use of google translate, whilst understandable that people would turn to it, is actually physically painful at times. And so!! I’ve decided to start collecting some language tips and bits of info to help anyone who wants to Welshify their Remus. The source? My upbringing as a first language Welsh speaker in South-West Wales.
The most popular head canons I’ve seen, some based on scraps of info from canon, is that Remus is either South Walian (specifically South-East Wales - aka the Cardiff area) or North Walian. I’ve only lived in North Wales for just under a month so I have a rough idea of NW slang but I’m no expert. I have lived in Cardiff for about 3 years so I have a stronger grasp on broad South Walian slang.
This is to say - I will try and give words and bits of info I think would be useful to know but my ask box is always open to more specific questions. I’m also a nerd towards the Welsh language so this is going to be an unnecessarily deep dive into it.
First Lesson
Gogs - North Walians
Hwntws - South Walians
Gogs (short for Gogledd meaning North) and Hwntws have an age old rivalry. Our accents are very different and even our Welsh can have a huge variety of slang and accents.
Milk - Llaeth (Hwntw) Llefrith (Gog)
Now - Nawr (H) Rwan (G)
Whilst plenty of Welsh folks have very English sounding accents, if someone has a distinctly Welsh accent you can usually tell pretty quickly where they’re from. Accents within the Welsh language itself tend to be rather strong and distinctive for most people. It is extremely common for someone to ask you where you’re from once they find out you speak Welsh. Probably cause Wales isn’t that big and only like 20% ish of us speak Welsh??? Idk. It just is a thing. So like:
“O, da chi’n siarad Cymraeg?” (Oh, you speak Welsh?)
“Ydw! Wyt ti o’r Gogledd?” (I do! Are you from the North?)
“Yndw, dwi o Gaernarfon. Ble yda chi’n byw?” (I do, I’m from Caernarfon. Where do you live?)
“Fi o Rhydaman.” (I’m from Ammanford.)
Hopefully that dialogue feels human and not like two robots talking but you get the gist of it lmao. So, for those of you who want to make another of the characters, such as Lily, Welsh as well, it wouldn’t be out of place for them to try and establish where the other is from when first meeting. But also be aware that their slang and language would be different if they’re not from the same area (as with any language or country).
Conclusion: You cannot slap the blanket label of Welsh on Remus and then have him speak any old welsh and use any slang and such. So either choose somewhere specific or throw a dart and stick with where it lands.
Note: I am not the collective consciousness of every Welsh person. My experience is not universal - especially when it comes to North Walian things. This is just meant to serve as a general guide. Hope this helps and good luck with your writing!
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creativesnek · 1 year
The Chat really loves Bowser
Luigi sat by his desk, getting his cameras and headphones ready for a live stream. The soft glow of the studio lights illuminated the room, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement. His heart with a mix of nervousness and exhilaration as he prepared to connect with his audience.
As he adjusted the angle of his cameras, Luigi couldn't help but reflect on how far he had come. What started as a simple hobby had now transformed into a full-fledged career. His passion for gaming and technology had propelled him into the world of live streaming, where he could share his experiences and connect with like-minded individuals from all corners of the globe.
He still can’t believe he acquired such a huge fanbase.  A lot of people seemed to like his personality and actually liked his commentary; even his videos on mushroom foraging garnered thousands of views within the hour. It made Luigi very proud of himself; plus, his interactions with his fans have been nothing but enjoyable. 
The door to his room opened. He looked over his shoulder and smiled at Bowser. The red-haired Koopa stepped into his room, then kissed his forehead. “I’m going to go pick up Junior,” he said. 
“Okay, be safe!”
He reached up and scratched his chin, earning some happy chirps from him before he walked out again. Luigi smiled softly at his boyfriend’s retreating back before returning to his previous activities. As soon as he sat down, he switched into his streamer mode. The screens came to life and the cameras started recording. Luigi grinned, “Welcome back everybody! Tis I, WeegeBoard9000!” he said while laughing. The chat immediately started rolling with comments as people greeted him and made donations.
With a swift motion, Luigi's fingers danced across the keyboard, skillfully navigating through the game menus. As the game loaded, he took a moment to acknowledge some of the comments popping up on the screen.
"Hey WeegeBoard9000! Long time no see!" one viewer exclaimed.
"Luigi, you're my favorite streamer! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us today!" another chimed in.
*Peach_hime donated 30 bits! Hi, Weeg! Gimme ten minutes and I’ll hop on.*
“Ew, the gamer twink’s back.” said the very obvious account of Wario.
Luigi sneakily kicked him out before moving on with his stream. He delved into the game, he skillfully maneuvered through its challenges while simultaneously keeping an eye on the chat. He responded to questions, shared tips and tricks with fellow gamers, and engaged in lighthearted banter with his audience.
*King donated 2500 bits! Stay hydrated darling ;)*
Ohh~ his highness has made an appearance!
Man, i wish i had a stream daddy 😔
Where iz this mf getting so much coin??!
Comments of similar caliber followed. Luigi tried to hide his blush, recognizing his boyfriend’s account. Bowser always makes it a personal mission to donate something during his streams. Luigi couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in his chest as he read the comments praising Bowser's generosity. It was moments like these that reminded him why he fell in love with Bowser in the first place. Despite his tough exterior, Bowser had a heart of gold.
*prince donated 100 bits! HiWEEGIE!”
The lil man’s here too
Baby boi, protecc the bean
Luigi chuckled and thanked Junior for the donation; he probably asked his dad to donate for him too. With the chat taken care of for a bit, the streamer continued his game for several hours, tuning out the outside world.
The stream was in full-swing now as Luigi and a few online friends were collecting items to fight a boss. Luigi was so engrossed with preparations that he didn’t hear the noise of the front door opening or the familiar pitter patter of feet on the wooden floor. The door opened a bit as Junior yelled a greeting before closing the door. The man glanced back at the noise, smiled, then proceeded with the game. 
Without him noticing, Bowser went into his room. At the sight of him, the chat went absolutely ballistic. 
Hunk alert, hello🥵
Ayo, who dat 🫦
Luigi glanced at the last comment then swiveled his chair around; Bowser wrapped his bulky arms around him and kissed the top of his head. “Dinner’s gonna be ready in a few minutes, so don’t stay too long,” he whispered into his hair. Luigi’s face and ears reddened at the gesture, considering Bowser was, in fact, shell-less and basically pulled his face into his chest. He thinks he replied… Probably. The donations going off was what called his attention.
Muscle man and he cooks? Luigi, bag him.
Weeg has that unspoken rizz
Luigi looked up. “Whoa, whoa. Calm down everybody,”
His subscribers didn’t listen, sending many sporadic comments and blush-inducing questions. The donation bell kept blowing up.
*BooKing donated 500 bits! Luigi, u have all of dat to urself?!*
*BadBitchPrincess donated 1500 bits! L ultimate rizzlord😌*
Can he come back pls?
Bring back the dilf, ty.
Glory o glory, what a helluva way to die 🫡
Luigi nervously snorted and pulled his hat over his head, giving up on taking back control. Guess the chat really likes Bowser.
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bratzforchris · 7 months
Maybe Jake webber with a poc reader ? i haven’t seen any :) 🫶🏾
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Summary: In which Jake's girlfriend teaches him how to really cook
Pairing: Jake x Latina!reader
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 706
A/N: Thank you for the request! The race wasn't specified here, so I choose Latinx because I'm Hispanic :)
Jake was very excited for multiple reasons. One, you would be joining him for a cooking stream, and two, he would finally taste the cooking you had bragged about for so long. You two had only been dating for about three months, and he was very excited to taste your food. Jake loved trying all sorts of foods from different places, and since you were Hispanic, you had promised him you would make some of the dishes you had grown up on. 
“Hello!” he boomed, ever the loud talker. “Today I am here with my lovely girlfriend, Y/N,” Jake paused to wrap an arm around your waist and kiss you. “And she’s going to teach us how to make Arroz…con, con…Guandules?” he looked to you for approval, stumbling a bit over the Spanish words.
You giggled and kissed his cheek. “Close enough.”
“Let’s get started!” he exclaimed. 
You and Jake bustled around the kitchen for a while, getting out ingredients and setting the water for the rice to boil. You would occasionally acknowledge the chat when they asked about your relationship with Jake. Even though you were still rather new to Jake and his whole career, you loved his viewers. They were extremely kind to you and so far were so supportive of your relationship. 
“That looks like foreskin.” Jake commented as you dumped a can of kidney beans into a saucepan on the stove. 
“Oh my god, shut up,” You laughed. “We have to eat this, y’know.”
The stream exploded with laughing remarks and comments about how it wouldn’t be a Jake video with a foreskin joke. You brushed your curly hair out of your eyes and laughed again, grabbing a variety of peppers and spices. 
“Woah, babe. I’m a white man.” Jake said as you added sliced jalapenos with the seeds still attached into the beans. 
“This is the way my mom always used to make it.” You hummed fondly, kissing Jake as you stirred the food and added a variety of spices, to include cayenne pepper. 
“You’re probably gonna give me diarrhea.” he retorted, but hugged you from behind nonetheless. 
You quickly combined the rice and beans and made two plates of food, handing Jake his to show to his stream. “Ta da!”
“Well, this looks amazing and Mama Bear is hungry. Should we do a taste test?” he asked the stream. 
The chat was full of confirming remarks, both because they wanted to know how your cooking was, and because they were very eager to see Jake’s reaction after the amount of spice that had been added to the food. Being used to eating such spicy food, you really didn’t understand why everyone was freaking out, but then again, flavors and spice were a big part of Hispanic culture. 
You both shoveled a bite of your food into your mouths, chewing thoughtfully. You swallowed with a huge smile on your face, quite proud of your dish. However, when you looked over at Jake, he did not appear to be having a great time. 
“Holy fuck,” Jake panted after he painstakingly swallowed. “That’s so fucking spicy. What did you put in that?”
“You saw what I put in there.” You laughed, getting a good laugh out of his reaction. 
Jake threw open the refrigerator door and grabbed the gallon of milk, immediately taking a swig from the carton. “Oh my god.”
“It’s not that spicy!” You and the stream were laughing at his predicament. 
Finally, your boyfriend set the milk down, fanning his tongue. “My stomach is burning.”
“Poor baby,” You giggled, kissing his pouty lips. “So, did you like it?”
“It would be amazing…if it didn’t taste like I was eating out of Satan’s asshole.” Jake groaned, relishing in your touch. 
“Chat, should he take another bite?” You asked. 
“NO, he should not,” Jake picked you up and spun you around. “Thank you for the food, baby. I love you.”
The chat went absolutely wild over all your cute moments with Jake, and you knew the clips would be all over social media later, but for now, you just enjoyed the soft moment between you two and the utter love that came from sharing your culture with the man you loved.  
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askchilchuck · 7 days
May it be alright to ask if we can learn a bit about you, our lovely admin 😊
Btw you're doing awesome! Keep up the great work ♡
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Huh? What do you mean admi- Chilchuck is yanked out of frame.
HI you’re incredibly sweet!
I’m not super good with this kind of stuff so I’ll go over the basics.
My name is Sophie. I’m 26. I live in the Pacific NW in the US (hence why my schedule sticks to PST usually). And I work an office job, which is why I get a lot of free time during work days lol.
HUGE Dunmeshi (and especially Chilchuck) fan, but I also really like MHA (Keigo/Hawks my beloved 💖) even if the ending made me really sad. (Hori should’ve taken a hiatus IMO. I fully believe he would’ve been up to following through with the plot lines he set up if he wasn’t pressured to keep his pace.)
I was also violently reminded of my massive Peter/Quicksilver (x-men movies) crush when he showed up for .2 seconds at the end of DP3, so I’ve been wanting to watch those again with my mom some time.
I’ve been on Tumblr since I was in high school. I came over from DA where I used to post my fics before my mom found out and got me into AO3 (fandom runs in the family lol. She’s also a professional author/editor and was like “no kid of MINE is gonna post to fucking da” lol.)
Not sure what else to say so I’ll give you a fun fact: I hate coffee AND tea! If I need caffein I’ll drink a Ghost energy drink (preferably the red Sour Patch Kids one) and if I want a hot drink I’ll go for hot cocoa. Also for soda I’m on team Dr. Pepper and will die on this hill lol.
That’s all I can think of, but if any of you have any questions I’m more than happy to answer! I’ll check up on the comments on this post throughout today if you’d like.
Thank you for being awesome, it makes doing this a lot of fun. 💖
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thesoundsofpain15 · 2 months
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I drew this when I was 13, when I used to be a huge fan of Magic Kaito. Well, it is such nostalgia; even tho I went off this boy and...well...
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jjkamochoso · 5 months
Hii!! I love how you write noritoshi sm i wish more people liked him!! Maybe a coffee date with noritoshi x reader and it starts raining :3
Omg THANK YOU!!! I’m the biggest Noritoshi fan and I’m glad I’m not the only one lol he’s such a cutie!! He deserves so much attention😤 Anyway I LOVE this prompt, it’s literally so freaking adorable, thanks for sending it in!!! I hope you enjoy this lil story🥺🫶
The Most Delightful Rainy Da(y)te
Noritoshi Kamo x gn!reader
Warnings: none
"Hey, y/n... Would you maybe want to get some coffee? With me? Just us, together... sometime?"
Noritoshi Kamo was standing in front of you, nervous as can be, sporting a smile (a grimace, really) that could only be described as awkward and completely unsure. It was totally opposite of his usual collected, almost aloof, demeanor. He thought he was making a fool of himself; you found it the most endearing he'd ever looked.
"Are you asking me on a date?"
"Is... is that okay if I am?"
You raised a brow. "If? You aren't sure?"
That had Noritoshi sweating. As he floundered out a response, this clearly not going as smoothly as he planned, you quieted him with a laugh.
"Noritoshi, I'm just teasing you. I'd love to go on a date with you."
That conversation was what led you to meet the blood manipulator outside of a quaint cafe in a sleepy Kyoto neighborhood. You were happy to dress up a bit for the occasion, opting for a comfy yet stylish outfit. When Noritoshi entered your view, you were in awe of how attractive he was. He was in an all black ensemble and looked sleek as ever, even with his hair left untied and loosely framing his face.
"If you don't mind me saying, you look really good," he complimented upon greeting you.
"As do you, Kamo. I'd say you clean up well but you always look handsome," you replied, trying to hide your grin from seeing his face dusted with a light pink blush. He opened the door for you as you stepped inside the cafe, grateful for the rush of warmth upon entering. It was springtime but the chilly days had not yet come to pass. The cafe wasn't busy, you two being its only patrons at the moment. The atmosphere was calm but not enough to calm your nerves at the prospect of being on a date with Noritoshi. You'd had a huge crush on him for a long time so when he finally asked you out, you were beyond ecstatic. Even though you knew he was a kind person, you still found yourself anxious as you got ready for your date, running through all the possible bad scenarios that could happen. Noritoshi did the same thing, too. His overactive imagination had him picturing the worst outcomes if he went on this date with you and he almost canceled due to sheer nerves. Now that he was here with you, though, having already conquered (and succeeding in) the hard part of asking you out, he felt himself relax a bit in your presence. You two sat across from each other at a table in the back corner to enjoy some privacy as you got to know one another. When he pulled your chair out for you then scooted you in, you felt your heart flutter. He was such a gentleman! His actions might have been more old fashioned than what you were used to but you appreciated his high level of attentiveness. There were two menus on the table and you both reached for one at the same time, resulting in your fingers brushing. Pulling away like you received a strong electric shock, both of you apologized profusely at your blunder, though secretly wishing it could happen again so you could chase that heart pounding feeling. He let you pick up your menu first and you started browsing all the different coffee and tea selections they offered. For such a small place, there were lots of options to choose from. Your eyes began to wander from the printed paper in your hands and landed on Noritoshi as you admired him. His sharp features were highlighted under the glow of the cafe lights and he looked positively ethereal as he studied his menu. His broad shoulders and sculpted biceps were accentuated by the tight fitting black long sleeve he sported under the black blazer that he had shed when you sat down, resting it on the back of his chair. Some longer pieces of his hair fell into his face and when he pushed them behind his ear, he caught your eye. You averted your gaze as fast as possible, not wanting to admit you were staring.
"So, do you come here a lot?" you asked, busying yourself behind the menu and getting back to deciding your order.
"Yes, I'm here often. I like how quiet it is. Most of the other cafes here are too bustling and noisy for me but this one is never like that. Their coffee is the best I've ever had--and I've had a lot of coffee."
"Well," you said, closing the menu, "you've made my decision easy, then. I'll have whatever you get."
Noritoshi's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you sure? I don't know what you like yet and I don't want to order something you might hate."
"I trust you."
Although you two were dealing with something trivial, certainly not a life or death situation, Noritoshi's stomach still did flips when he heard you say that. Trust was very important to him, something he didn't give or take lightly, but in that moment, it was like something clicked into place. Here you were, looking at him so earnestly about a topic so laughably unserious, yet he could tell that you absolutely meant what you said in every sense of its meaning. You were wearing your heart on your sleeve so nonchalantly, waiting for him to grab ahold of it and never let go, and boy, did he want to. He gulped as his feelings for you amplified moreso than he ever thought possible for a first date and it only started less than 10 minutes ago. He was definitely in over his head.
When the waiter came over, Noritoshi ordered you both the same drink and you were excited to try his suggestion. You also ordered some delicious sounding pastries to share. As you waited for your food and drinks, you began to engage in meaningful conversation. Noritoshi was a very intellectual, mature man, but he was fun, too, and you liked being able to talk with him about all sorts of subjects, from world politics to gossip to the beautiful tree that stood strong outside the window next to you. You found it easy to get enthralled in his words, his soft voice lulling you into a state of relaxation. Watching him speak quickly became your favorite source of entertainment. HIs contemplative nature made him a fantastic listener as well. He nodded along with everything you said and he mulled over what you had discussed before he included his own insights. As you both spoke, you easily got lost in each other's eyes. His gray ones sparkled when he talked about something he was particularly interested in, like archery, and yours glistened whenever you got passionate about the topic at hand. You even felt yourselves lean in toward each other more and more as the date went on, trying to attain closeness in a subtle way. When the waiter finally brought over your order, you were ready to taste what Noritoshi had chosen for you. Carefully blowing on the steaming hot cup, you took a sip of the coffee and immediately knew it was your new favorite. The coffee had a rich, full flavor, but wasn't too overpowering. There was a hint of sweetness and the pleasant aftertaste made for a perfect finish.
"This is beyond amazing. I see why you're here often," you said, taking a bite of pastry and then another drink. You set your cup down and went to continue what you were last talking about but Noritoshi cut in.
"You have a little..." He pointed to his face. Embarrassed, you tried to wipe off whatever it was, but the slight chuckle from the man in front of you led you to assume you didn't get it in the slightest.
"Do you mind if I help?" he asked, and you obliged. Noritoshi had a napkin in hand and leaned over the table. He gently held your chin with his thumb and forefinger as he dabbed your upper lip and side of mouth and you felt like you could've fainted then and there. His hands, like everything else about him, were strong and steady, yet held a tenderness unlike anything you'd experienced in the past. The light hearted smile he wore had not an ounce of malice or disgust as he wiped your face like it was something he'd done a million times before. You felt the pad of his thumb reach up and ghost over your bottom lip.
"There," Noritoshi said, barely above a whisper, "all clean."
"Thank you," you muttered, your heart pounding from his actions. He sat back down, taking a long drink of his coffee as he stared out the window. It was silent between you but not uncomfortably so. All of a sudden, you heard the pitter patter of raindrops hit the cafe ceiling. You hadn't noticed the dark clouds roll in during your date; you were much too interested in Noritoshi.
"I love the rain," he mused, a dreamy tone present in his voice.
"We can move to the booth by the window if you want a better view," you proposed and Noritoshi readily accepted. He took the spot next to the window while you slid in the bench next to him. He got goosebumps from how close your face was to his, your warm breath hitting his cool skin. You were struck by a sudden onset of bravery so you put your hand in his and rested your head on his shoulder, keeping your eyes focused on the nature scene outside the window. He stiffened from the unexpected contact at first but quickly melted into your embrace, his heart overflowing with joy and love. He laid his own head on yours, finding the position quite comfortable and natural. Normally he would never dream of engaging in public displays of affection like this, too afraid of what his clan or peers might think, but he couldn't care less at that point. He was extremely happy for once, in that moment, just you, the rain, and his favorite coffee keeping him company and he would stay like that forever if he could. You sat there and watched the rain quietly until it started letting up into a sprinkle, and by that time you needed to head home. You reluctantly lifted your head from his shoulder and let go of his hand in order to exit the booth. Noritoshi paid for your meal and you thanked him profusely, trying to at least give him some money, but he wasn't having it.
"There's no need for that, really. It's the least I can do. Your company is worth much more than a few coffees and pastries."
"Fine," you conceded, "but the next date is on me."
Noritoshi was taken aback. Next time? You're already planning another date? You really did like him?! He was beyond relieved but his poor heart couldn't catch a break from all the excitement-- he'd barely recovered before you gave him a kiss on the cheek, dangerously close to his lips.
"That's also the least I can do. Now, may I walk a fine gentleman like yourself back home?"
"Under one condition."
"And what will that be?"
"I walk you home first."
You playfully scoffed. "That's the lamest thing you've said all day." You then tilted your head, pretending to think, before taking his hand in yours once again as you started the walk to your place. "But I still really like you so you get a pass."
The rain had stayed light on the walk home, but the temperature seemed to drop a considerable amount. Noritoshi noticed you shivering and easily slipped his jacket off, putting it around your shoulders. The rest of the walk went by much too quick for your liking. You'd prefer to spend more time with Noritoshi, but alas you arrived at your front door. You went to give him his jacket back, but he stopped you.
"I'll get it from you on the next date. It looks much better on you than it does on me anyway," he said, his flirting making your face warm. You bid him farewell and he was on his way, but you knew you wouldn't miss him too bad if you had his jacket that smelled of his delicious cologne and the promise of seeing him again soon. You felt your phone buzz not too long after you settled in at home and pulled it out of your pocket to see you had a text from Noritoshi:
Thank you for today, I had such a lovely time getting to know you and I look forward to seeing what the next date brings us. Also, I don't like being in debt to anyone so next time I see you, I owe you a kiss :)
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midorisudachi · 8 months
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“The Inquisitor And Her Commander”
As some of you may have noticed, I am a huge fan of the Dragon Age games, especially Dragon Age Inquisition. Last year, I had planned on drawing all the main [playable] characters up until Dragon Age Day (which took place on December 4th), but I just didn’t have time to draw more than three characters (the Inquisitor, Solas, & Varric…please check them out in my gallery) due to being busy with work and other things. I’ll eventually draw the other characters when I gather more motivation to do so.
For now, please enjoy this piece. I hope everybody likes this. I worked very hard on this artwork. It took longer than usual to create, due to all the small details, the poses, & the armour. (Armour is not easy to draw for me!) For those of you who are DAI fans, you may recognize the flowers: Crystal Grace on the bottom and Andraste’s Grace on the top. I know Andraste’s Grace is not in DAI, but I thought it would be pretty to add to the artwork (since it technically exists in the Thedas world).
 My OC Inquisitor is named Bryony Trevelyan. She is actually my 2nd Inquisitor character, the first one having been an elf (which I may draw someday). I had been playing DAI for the 3rd time, a few months ago, as a male character (since I wanted him to be in a romance with Dorian, so yes, my male Inquisitor is gay), but I stopped for a bit since I am playing Skyrim at the moment (with updates & mods). Anyway, back on the main subject: I drew Inquisitor Bryony Trevelyan in the Armor of the Dragon Hunter outfit (from the Jaws of Hakkon DLC), which I had altered the colours by tinting it with Veil Quartz. I based her crown from concept art for DAI. So much armour in the game! Which I love, especially since the DA games don’t give female characters the stereotypical skimpy outfits…I love that I get to make my female characters wear bad-ass armour.
Cullen Rutherford is such an adorable and slightly awkward character around my Inquisitor. I knew I had to romance him right away, because his looks are the type of man I am attracted to in real life. (I’m not going to lie…in the game, he’s hot for a video game character. Ha ha!) I’ve always enjoyed the flirting in the DA games when it comes to the relationships. The best scene was right before their first kiss, when Cullen got interrupted by a member of the Inquisition, and then got mad about it. Ha ha. I liked when my Inquisitor asked Cullen, “The day you kissed me on the battlements…how long had you wanted to do that?” And Cullen replied (with a laugh), “Longer that I should admit.” Awwwww.
I also liked the part in the Winter Palace, when all these people were flirting with Cullen, and one asked him, “Are you married, Commander?” And Cullen replied, “Not yet, but I am…already taken.” Double awwww, because a loyal man is so dreamy. :3 I actually had Bryony & Cullen get married in the last DLC. :3 They adopt a Mabari (dog), too!
I love DAI too much. :D It’s such a fun game with the most gorgeous graphics (especially on the Xbox Series X).
Drawn with Sakura Pigma Micron pens, then coloured in with a mixture of Copic Markers & Ohuhu Markers. I used Koi Watercolours for the background. White accents done with both a gel pen and white watercolour. Gold acrylic was used for the Inquisition Symbol & the lines, which the scanner absolutely murders...the gold is such a pretty, shimmery metallic in real life. The light green around my art was done in Photoshop Elements.
Dragon Age Inquisition © Bioware & Electronic Arts
Fan artwork © Jacqueline E. McNeese
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Headcanons for LBP 2 characters
Larry Da Vinci
Bisexual. Definitely
Hopeless Romantic, I think it is canon
He used to be a teacher, retired, then the Negativatron happened, and he went back to teaching
The 3D glasses are just for looks, he doesn't actually need them
CLUMSY, I think this one is also Canon cause he's always getting hurt
Autistic, social ques are hard and he's always overthinking every little interaction. He can convince himself that someone is in love with him easily.
Avalon Centrifuge
Gay, very gay
Very confident, to a fault. He'll claim he's right on something he's completely wrong on. Even when he knows he's wrong.
Autistic!!!! He hyperfixates on whatever he's working on, he talks more than he probably should, and also has the social ques problem.
Yes, he's got a crush on Larry
Him and Larry are Best Friends
So it might be Canon, might not be, but Sirius Oculus is his older brother
Victoria Von Bathysphere
She is a huge sweetie, just like her pastries
She can cook too! She just prefers baking.
She could be the smartest person in the alliance, but she doesn't think so
Clive Handforth
Straight, but he's not sure that he actually is
Was a nerd in school
He was the shortest in the friend group (Avalon, Clive, Herbert) but now he's the second tallest. Avalon is the shortest now.
Maybe has a crush on Herbert, he doesn't know
Drinks more coffee than you even know
He's bipolar, has fits of happiness then drops down to horrible lows
Eve Silva Paragorica
She's actually a robot and was made to be a model for clothes and accessories.
She hated it. Became a nurse instead, she wanted to help people
Her hair is like, galaxy colored. Stars and all
She's a good chiropractor too
She's definitely a lo-fi fan, chill music is her vibe
Herbert Higginbotham
Asexual. Hes actually not interested in any touch, he doesn't even like hand holding.
Actually had a really rough childhood, he doesn't talk about it and is working on healing from it
He's tall. Probably the tallest in the alliance
He hates loud noises
ADHD, very severe. He just can't focus unless he's able to fixate on it. If he doesn't want to do it, he just. Won't.
He's always working on Huge Spaceship, giving it upgrades and new features all the time
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marimayscarlett · 7 months
Another list of unrealistic wishes for the 2024 tour
Back at it again with the delusional takes and here to make it everyone elses problem - a very warm welcome to volume 2 of our wishes for the upcoming Rammstein tour ✨ This time again carefully put together by @wizzardclown @gothtoast and me, with additional wonderful influences by my dear @m---e---l. Thank you ladies 🤍
(Read our first list here and please consider checking out the great suggestions in the notes!)
Set list and concert organisation in general
first up, the question of the supporting act: -> either not happening in general, since none of us actually want to endure another round of the piano tinkling, so we though about this concept:
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This way, we get an even longer concert with no distraction from the pure Rammstein sound.
-> or, another idea which came to mind: to celebrate the literary-genius Flake, he could give us a reading of one of his books before the concert, lighten up the mood and feeding the masses with entertaining facts. Additionally, Richard could play some piano in the background during it, for dramatic effect (like the piano accompaniment during silent movies back in the old days).
Opener for the concert this year: 'Haifisch'. Would be an amazing and appreciative nod towards the fans in regards to the support the band was shown last year.
'Zwitter': a banger to set the sexual ambiguous mood for the evening.
'Mein Land': Not sure if they every played this one live, but it would be a fitting song to get some summer vibes going.
for sunset rather fittingly 'Sonne'.
Off to the first proper segment, welcome to the 👻haunting hour👻: fitting for the upcoming night time, a creepy conglomerate consisting of: -> 'Wilder Wein' (I could write a whole chapter about this song, it's so captivating), followed by 'Spieluhr' -> 'Hilf mir': perfect for some new haunting stage show (maybe as a replacement for 'Puppe'; or to quote @wizzardclown: 'When in doubt, set Flake on fire') -> 'Heirate mich': preferably with some 'sliding on his knees/a rolling board'-Till -> to end this phase with a classic: 'Du riechst so gut' is an absolute MUST.
following: 'Rein Raus', some relaxing ASMR to lighten the mood.
Welcome to the next section: 🔥Some like it hot🔥, consisting of: -> 'Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen': camera focus has to be on Schneider. -> 'Asche zu Asche' with burning mics (!). -> 'Du hast' with its fire rockets (my favourite pyro in the whole concert) because no Rammstein concert can exist without this song, that's a physical law, and additionally Richard would be sad if he couldn't play it. -> 'Engel' preferably with the iconic wings (poor Till really has to go all in during this concert).
as a moment to take a breather: Mutter.
'Deutschland': a song we all wait for, with a huge meaning, just overall a perfect piece - yet no remix this time, since we need the time to slide right into the next phase of the concert:
💗questionable on-stage actions and homoerotica galore💗, consisting of: -> 'Mein Teil', with dilf dad-dance moves AND several guitarist kisses (what better moment than the dick eating song for it) -> 'Zick Zack' with at least some sort of elaborate costumes, -> 'Feuerräder', for the perfect vibe with Flake riding on Till's back, neon tube ready to knock seven bells out of his tormentor (justice for Flake), additionally maybe Oliver skating with his roller skates which emit flames in the background and more guitarist kisses
after this breathtaking segment, how about some 'Anna'-sing along! Scream the name of your fave on the top of your lungs and show your love for him 💘
finally some unrealistic (as if the whole list isn't a fever dream already) wishes : 'Eifersucht' and 'Fellfrosch'. To finally give Olli's sick bass lines the stage they deserve 😤
2. some more outfit ideas
long hair Schneider with his handband, because this was a look:
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leg belts for Richard 🖤
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and last but not least, this is a PSA: If Frau Schneider makes an appearance and decides to grace us with her presence, consider everything on this list to be obsolete. Seeing the mother again would be the greatest joy of all, we don't need anything more 🙇🏼‍♀️🙏🏼
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