#i wanna cosplay him one day
subsequentibis · 3 months
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super last minute, but since me and my fiance are going to be at anthrocon i'm throwing together a 1B15 cosplay! tv heads are mercifully easy to make, i'm just going to try to paint the mesh in there white or replace it with white mesh if that doesn't work, and then paint a lil smiley face on :-)
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idledreams4 · 4 months
bonding with my classmates over The Boys, Gotham, the Destiel shenanigans, and a con we're both going to is amazing. Not undoing the curse I put on either of them, but we are on better terms now ^w^
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abimee · 2 years
i cpul;d go on forever about amaurot. the specific people. thinking about the descriptionds for the philos and aidos minion and having a moment ill brb
#if you wanna know how big of an amaurot fan i am i log out every day no matter what in amaurot#i only ever have out my ancient one or philos minion. i have a locked glam plate thats the sophist robes that ive had since i got them#i switch between living memory and shepard to the stars as my singular two titles. ive dpone every single quest in elpis#literally just did them as a lvl 90 including that bitch of a scavenger hunt one before anybody knew how to do it#ive collected almost every single minion related to amaurot even by the smallest margin including the nagxian cat#and fat cat purely because they show up in an elpis quest#i have almost every single piece of ktisis gear sitting in a retainer and i have duplicates of the pieces i really like in my glam dresser#my top three favorite songs are mortal instants miracle works and dynamis#i own a handmade elpis flower given to me by an azem cosplayer. i cosplayed hythlo at sacanime. i bought $80 in amaurot merch#im deeply unwell. and i dont even like greek mythos i never had a greek mythos phase as a kid i thought greek stuff was boring#this isnt born out of any sort of deeper love i think the ancients just give me brain problems#UPDATE: mags also got me an amaurot keychain i keep on my jesus beater and moosh made me an ancient one doll#i hand sewed two sophist robes after having never sewed a garment in my life.#something deeply wrong with him (he is in love with the idea of a collective society who live for the love of the world)
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lionblaze03-2 · 1 month
you SHOULD watch fight club movie of all time <333 tyler and narrator have a similar "mentor guy who helps main character for a while but then starts to get too malicious with it" thing going on like the squip and jeremy also thats so cool you got to go see it omgg ^__^
I will give it a watch sometime soon… just 4 u ✨
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insightstaff · 4 months
In a shocking twist of events, my cosplay motivation is back stronger than ever and now I'm in the spot of "just finished the current project and I SHOULD take a long break, but I wanna work on the next one sooooooo bad and I can't" 😔
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kaibutsushidousha · 6 months
Kodaka April Fools tweets 2024
Lying just because it's April Fools' is so dull. Honestly painful to watch. Lying in general doesn't do you any good. In my younger days, I told every lie I could, saying some genuinely insane stuff about being a supreme leader of evil and whatnot, and thanks to that, now that I'm in my thirties, I got famous for all the wrong reasons and can't find a stable job because people think I'm associated with the yakuza... Sigh, I wanna deck my cringe younger self's face. Quit lying for fun while you can.
My classmates aren't doing great either. Thinking you're hot shit during your school days always comes back to bite you... My advice to my past self: slow and steady effort is worth more than any talent. Also, the part of life you spent larping with that silly horse laugh is not going to be one you'll want to remember later. I wish I could make that clear to him. White lies aren't a thing. Talent is never enough. My class is proof of that. Wanna know what my classmates are like now that we're in our thirties?
Akamatsu became a piano teacher. Her player skills capped off in her teens, it seems. But she's not that good at teaching so she's considered kinda mid at her job. And now she's struggling with the father of a student incessantly hitting on her. Tough world to live in.
Toujou opened a housekeeping company but she was too strict with her employees so everyone quit. And now she's doing everything on her own. Sucks to be in your thirties without any successors or employees. She's a prime example of how being so much better than anyone else doesn't do you any good. Well, she's always working for celebrities, so she's doing well financially, but I heard about some major court fight about a missing item under suspicion of theft from one of her clients. That can't be nice.
Yumeno got to her thirties still saying magic is real, so she's past the point of no return. She agrees that's an unhinged way to live, but she's too old to suddenly change gimmicks. Work takes her all over the country, but her gimmick doesn't allow her to publicly drink, so she has to get plastered alone in her hotel room after shows. I wish she could fix her life with real magic.
Harukawa? ...Haven't heard that name in a long time. Now she was a living edgy fantasy. The past tense was because I hadn't heard of her in a long time. I don't know the details, but apparently, she went to some war zone outside of Japan because her first love didn't want to date her. Takes some real edgelord to react to a broken heart like that, but if she's still alive, I have no idea how her thirties are treating her. My personal guess is that she's a mother of many.
Chabashira opened her Aikido school but is having a hard time attracting students. So she had the idea of starting an anti-sexual-harassment campaign that could double as advertisement, but thanks to her cluelessness when it comes to romance, she got canceled for mistakenly tossing men in regular couples. She's still doing the "degenerate males" bit in her thirties. Girl really needs to get on with the times. Rumor goes that she still downs huge packs of tequila bottles with Yumeno every now and then. Really don't think there's any salvaging her reputation.
Shirogane is an office lady still continuing her cosplay hobby on the side. She could be doing well if she knew how to keep her mouth shut but frequently rambles about cosplay history and etiquette, so no one likes having her around. Stay emotionally dependent on a single hobby long enough and your passion starts to close you off to others. That's her problem.
Angie was the most successful in the class! She made big money both on the art and the religion fronts. However, there were some controversies about her devotees selling counterfeits of her paintings at exorbitant prices and one magazine made a huge news coverage of it, which resulted in her catching the police's attention. She's been recently untraceable, with the rumors saying that she'll never be back to Japan.
Oh, and Iruma... Up until some point, she had the best life of all of us. She made big money off of her inventions' patents. So far so good. Things only started going off-rails after she married an ex-stripper. The two started a YouTube channel together. And later, her husband ran in last year's elections and lost big time. They got an awful debt from his election campaign and she had to get into side jobs to pay it off. And her husband? Disappeared. No word from Iruma herself about what happened. Tough world to live in.
No further updates from Kodaka in the past 3 hours, so I assume he went to sleep and will come back to tweet about the 7 remaining boys in the morning.
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yakdee · 5 months
Payu’s racing suit: A masterclass in foreplay and kink exploration
One helluva title, huh? Well listen, I’ve been cursed with a great attention to detail (the notes app is sick of me atp) and an even greater desire to share so here we are. Wanna come along for the ride?
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It's race day and this is the first time we get to see Payu in his gear, hence this very important full-body shot for which audience is quite grateful (I took the liberty of speaking for all of us, but if you disagree, remember that denial is a river in Egypt 😌). Though we will come to see later on, that no one is as grateful as Rain.
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One thing about Rain, he's going to brat. And as amused as Payu is, he's going to nip it right in the bud (hair tousle, my beloved 😭). That aside, we know that Payu is almost always in tune with Rain, and he can clearly see that baby boy is more than loving how he looks in his racing gear. And Rain saying that his suit is cool a second time gives Payu the confirmation he needs, and an opening for foreplay and the exploration of Rain's budding cosplay kink.
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Now despite rendering Rain parched and speechless at that thought of him stripping out of his gear, leave it to Payu to take it to the next level.
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Rain is visibly excited. And although he has not verbally responded, his body language is speaking volumes, even if at this point he doesn't fully get what Payu is implying.
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Payu has essentially given Rain the permission to dress him within the boundaries of cosplay, and confirms this by asking Rain to help with putting on his gloves.
Now I'd like to think the purpose of Payu's request two-fold: (1) to show (just the audience atp because Rain doesn't understand what's happening yet) that he’s noticed the beginnings of Rain's kink and (2) to engage another one of Rain's senses as he continues their foreplay. So far there's been sight, sound, smell, and now Payu has added touch.
We all know that Payu probably entertained the idea of having Rain go full-contact right in the middle of the garage, but he still has a race to win so the gloves will have to do for now.
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The race is over and Payu has fulfilled his promise to Rain: he has claimed victory unscathed. And now Payu is looking forward to his reward: reaping the benefits all of that glorious foreplay.
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By the time they get home, Rain is damn near feral. He’s so turned on that even Payu is pleasantly surprised. And honestly can we blame Rain? We’ve established that Payu looks hot in his racing gear, but he looks even hotter winning in his racing gear. The latter is not lost on Rain and it’s showing in the way he’s kissing and touching Payu.
Ah yes, the touching … let's focus on that.
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As they’re kissing, Rain’s hand glides along Payu’s side, pulling him close, and lingering for a bit to feel the fit and structure of the suit against Payu's body — the smooth feel of the elbow pad and the grain of the leather on Payu’s ass.
Side note: I find it fascinating that Payu starts mirroring Rain’s movements for a bit. I don’t know whether they’re just really locked in and hot for each other or it’s meant to be a form of subconscious reassurance for Rain (both. both is good.), but whatever it is seems to be working because Rain’s energy is at 1000%.
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Baby boy is so lost in the sauce that even palms and strokes Payu through the suit (he really said "all hands on di—" I'm sorry lol), later pulling him close to feel the full weight of all of that leather on his body.
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Now, we could say that this is just the way people touch each other while in the midst of a pre-sex make out session, but that is not the case here. Payu can feel the difference and remarks on it, continuing their earlier conversation at the garage.
Another side note: Imagine being so in tune and obsessed with your partner that you're able to continue conversations hours later as if the passage of time doesn’t exist. Absolute insanity.
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Anyway~ naked and deep in throes of passion, it's at this point they switch gears for a bit (pun intended) with it being Rain's turn to do the talking.
From the garage up until now, Payu has a created a safe space for Rain to release his inhibitions (s/o to my girl Natasha Bedingfield 🎶) and explore this new side of himself. And while that's true, the rules established in their D/s relationship are still in place. One of them is no swearing. But Rain is feeling carefree and especially bratty, so he levels up the dirty talk, adding some profanity to spice things up.
They both know that a punishment is inevitable, but there's some nuance involved. Rain is the midst of self-discovery, so Payu opts for a less severe punishment for the swearing. He bites Rain's lips, but he does it with degree of playfulness that encourages Rain to continue. Without the swearing, of course.
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Taking the hint and most importantly, staying on theme (i.e. riding Payu like a finely-tuned motorcycle … again, I'm sorry lol), Rain takes over both verbally and physically, and it is absolutely doing it for Payu.
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In fact, Payu is so pleased that he offers Rain a lifetime subscription of free riding lessons. All jokes aside, the way that Payu responds (in that he mirrors Rain's word choice) shows that he is enjoying this cosplay scene just as much as Rain.
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Thoroughly spent and content after crossing yet another finish line for the day, Payu reassures and encourages Rain once more. And in turn, Rain checks in with Payu confirming that everything was enjoyable for the both of them.
Communication? We love to see it.
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Even while basking in the afterglow of their bisexually-lit post-coital bliss, that race suit is still on Rain's mind. Again, can we really blame him? He realizes that the cosplay aspect of it is something that he likes. And although things seemed to come naturally to him, this is still very much uncharted territory for Rain. Payu acknowledges this and provides aftercare in the form of teasing encouragement, promising to purchase a few costumes for later cosplay sessions.
Rain may not be ready to fully accept his newfound kink, but knows that he can explore it further with Payu whenever he's ready. And the open and consistent communication they've had during this time will help them build a solid foundation to do that.
If you made to this point, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed and I'll catch you in the next one :)
Bonus: An update from the special episode
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A few months have passed and as you can see our lovely couple has indeed gone on to further explore their cosplay kink.
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AND they even added a few others to the mix. Good for them and may the kinks be ever in their favor.
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thepepsislvt · 8 months
nobody asked for this but im gonna give you my top 5 baby girls and their pros and cons
in order even bc im insane
this also turned out to be more of a drabbles so yall still getting fed
number 5: Sanji
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literally such a sweetheart
traumatized just like me
always coming with the best insults
best cuddles cant tell me im wrong
so fucking kind <3
supports my nic addiction
also doesnt smoke around you if you dont like it
probably wouldnt even look at me until i show him my tits (im a trans guy)
probably smokes a pack a day
thinks he can out smoke me when im literally a feind for nic
on the off chance he gets in a relationship with me he still would flirt with other women and i have abandonment issues
Number 4: Ace
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Also very much a sweetheart
hes silly and knows how to always make you laugh
personal heater for the winter
will let you trace his freckles
best kisses ong
make cute little shapes with his flames
probably wont let you wear his hat
will fake punch you like a brother
too damn sexy
also way too hot during the summer like do not cuddle me i will not go to sleep in the heat
Number 3: Bartolomeo
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his hair is green meaning hes gotta be a walking green flag
will let you wear his clothes
especially his jacket
wants to kiss you every chance he can
fanboys over anything
hypes you up for anything you want to do
doesnt clean his piercings so you have to force him
doesnt understand personal space
Number 2: Rosinante
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another man that will let you wear his clothes
theyre gonna be huge since hes 9 foot 7
big friendly giant
when he trips bc hes clumsy he requires your kisses to feel better
will pick you up and carry you around if you let him
lets you help him with his makeup
always makes time for you no matter what hes doing
smile brighter than my future
Number 1: Izou
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bro is damn gorgeous
will ask your opinion on everything when shopping for makeup
will even do your makeup if you want him to
self care king
even when youre not feeling it he will at least help you do the most basic things
very patient with only you
big on protecting you
smooches your forehead or temple a ton
has you help with his nightly routine
has you ALWAYS help with his nightly routine
“oh im too tired can you do it yourself tonight?”
“Thats too damn bad my hair needs to shine brighter than the sun”
always looks more stunning than you (when is it my turn buddy >:( )
doing his makeup last over an hour
(this one is personal but i wanna cosplay him so bad but hes so feminine im scared i might get mad dysphoria)
thats all :)
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 10 months
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lowkey..just lowkey.. thinkin about waking up one day and seeing dragon! bakugou in your house…accompanied by a giant hole in your wall.
you’re so confused you can barely process it. there’s a handsome man passed out on your floor and from what you can see (which is basically everything since his shirt is torn to shreds) he looks injured. you also live on the third floor so you have no idea how he landed here, but you think the huge sprawled out wings on his back, his tail and those huge reddish horns that scream “ i’m a mythical being !!” might be the reason.
but there is one thing you’re able to think about and that’s how much money will it cost to fix your damn wall??
you call off work. you call it a family emergency because you don’t think “a shirtless man i think might be a demon just blasted through my wall and he looks injured” is gonna fly over well with your boss.
he seems to be able to heal himself because his wounds look better than when you first laid eyes on him and you can see that his skin looks like it’s restitching itself almost, you decide to help him out a bit and at least dress his wounds up the best you can with the little you know about doctor..stuff.
when he comes to though, he acts like you’re the one who knocked him out. he’s snarling and scowling at you, sharp teeth on display while he growls at you from the comfort of your fucking couch. he spits out all types of curses at you, you’re shocked because they come out so naturally. you’d honestly expected him to speak like some type of caveman and for a second you think this is just a very rude man in very convincing cosplay.
he keeps insulting you and he’s a little too good at it, so much so that it actually hurts your feelings a little. he keeps yapping about how if you didn’t let him out this instant he’ll have you grilled and barbecued or how he’d make quick work of you and have you sold to some merchants for a good amount of gold, since you “look like you’re not worth that much.” you’re a little pissed now. you scowl at him and you feel silly for calling off work and not pushing this huge asshole out of your flat and leaving whatever knocked him out to deal with him.
“you’re the one who blasted a hole in my wall, you jerk ! i say i’m the one who should have you sold if you can’t reimburse me for this, asshole ! and if you wanna walk out without a shirt on and get arrested like a creep, the door’s right there.” you don’t care to see him, because you would’ve seen how his eyes widened to the size of saucers at your retorts. you’ve never been more irritated in your entire life when you stalk to your room to get some much needed rest and to fight off the headache you can already feel slamming against your skull. “even demon men are insufferable.” you mutter bitterly before slamming the door.
you somehow managed to fall back asleep because when you open your eyes again it’s about 10 am. you’re frantic for a moment because you think this was somehow just a very vivid dream and you’re so late for work now. you slam your door open wide eyed and your wall is intact.
shit, your boss was gonna let you have it—
you catch something from the corner of your eye. the insufferable demon man is staring..glaring(?) at you but it’s not as intense as earlier,though. and he’s very much still seated on your couch.
“m-my wall..” you trail off. he clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes at you “i fixed it” he gruffs out.
you like how his voice sounds when he isn’t screaming and threatening you, you immediately scold yourself for thinking like that. he stares and keeps staring at you and you can’t decipher what he’s thinking
“oh..” you gasp “thank you.” he clicks his tongue again and looks away from you. just as much of an ass, but you guessed he felt a little bad about your wall, enough to fix it..somehow. you won’t ask for details.
you can’t will yourself to move past your doorframe so you decide to lean on it a little bit, rubbing your fuzzy socked foot against your calf, you catch him staring at the sudden movement before he looks back up at you. “so are you…a demon or something?” he scoffs for what feels like the umpteenth time today “don’t insult me, human.” he snarls then his face relaxes just slightly “m’ a dragon.” he grumbles.
“oh, wow” the little amount of fantasy manga you’ve read could never have prepared you for this.
you thank him for fixing your wall and he glares at you like he’s mad about it. but then he says he owes it to you for healing him. pointing towards his bandage covered chest. you feel your cheeks burn a little and you’re waving him off, telling him it’s no big deal and somehow his brows furrow even harder. “..so ? what do you want from me?” he growls when you tilt your head at him in confusion “don’t play dumb with me, filthy human ! what do you want in exchange for saving me ?”
“ohh…” you moan. then you shrug “i mean, you already fixed my wall, so i don’t really need anything from you, unless you can make my boss give me a promotion.” you giggle at your own joke and you wave him off again when he looks at you questioningly “nevermind.” you giggle.
he ignores you “you don’t want anything..nothing ?” he speaks apprehensively like he expects you to trick him, you shake your head. he looks bothered by it. he lowers his head and his eyebrows furrow in frustration then he growls.
you think maybe, maybe, he’s the type to feel bad whenever they feel like they can’t repay some type of service. you hadn’t noticed he was apparently on death’s door when you bandaged him up before and it makes you sweat drop a little bit, you try your best to shake it off. he stands up to leave, but he glances at you and suddenly his feet have stopped moving like he’s stuck there and he stares. he doesn’t even look mad like you’ve gotten used to him being for the short amount of time you’ve known him, he just looks confused. he stares at you and you stare at him and for a reason that you cannot understand you don’t want him to leave.
“ um !” you shrink into yourself, embarrassed from his gaze and the fact you were suddenly so loud. “well..you can’t exactly go out like this, it’ll be bad for you i think..it might attract attention to see a wounded shirtless guy walking around, people might take you for..i dunno—” you stumble “a crazy, dangerous person ! yeah, and if that happens they might take you away..so..that’d be bad for you, right ?” you hope he doesn’t realize how much you’re bullshitting around for an excuse but he almost seems to humor you when he crosses his arms across his toned chest.
“what do you suggest i do then, human ?” he growls lowly. he stalks towards you slowly, never breaking eye contact. you will yourself to stay with your feet planted firmly to the ground and head held up somewhat high as you stare up at him, damn he’s tall.
“ you stay here until you’re fully healed, if you wanna make it up to me. it would honestly save me so much trouble” it’s the truth. you can’t help but feel bad when the thought of him getting captured or experimented on crosses your mind, even if he is an asshole, but you don’t say that. you hold out your hand for him to shake “deal ?”
he squints at you and stares and you stare back. usually he would’ve stayed true to his threat and burned you alive by now, the trivial lives of humans are none of his concern. and yet for some reason he himself doesn’t know the answer to he stayed, even fixed up your damn wall you were whining about and even considered apologizing to you..which he absolutely never does !
there’s something different about you and he wants to find out what that something is. so, not so begrudgingly he slowly grasps your hand and squeezes lightly. he ignores the tiny voice in his head that tells him how soft and perfect your hand feels in his.
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sleepynoons · 2 months
umemiya x afab!f!reader (characters aged up), nsfw, 18+, not beta read
cw: oral + fingering (receiving), stockings/tights fetish, cosplay, body worship because umemiya is absolutely smitten with you, slight body insecurity (nothing very specific, just mentions of reader needing reassurance), couch sex, praise kink!!!!
cw: this is a few days late, but this was written for bunny day (august 2nd). some context: reader + umemiya are adults and y'all live together, reader is in a slutty bunny costume, tsubakino is the real mvp. not sure how i feel about this one-shot, i wrote it with my clit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
IT WAS supposed to be a simple surprise. you had told tsubakino about wanting to play a prank on umemiya on bunny day, something along the lines of wearing a small get-up to tease your boyfriend. tsubakino loved your idea and promised to help prepare you a costume for the day.
what you didn’t expect was tsubakino to gift you a whole bunny bodysuit with accompanying fishnet stockings, a floppy-eared headband, and a miniskirt.
you’re mortified as you stand in front of the mirror. you feel absolutely awkward in the outfit. umemiya’s waiting for you in the living room, and you should be returning from “the bathroom” any moment now. you could change back, pretend like everything’s normal, but then you’d feel bad for wasting tsubakino’s efforts.
mustering your courage, you sigh and try to fake some semblance of confidence. you tiptoe out of your shared bedroom with umemiya back to the living room, where he’s sitting on the couch, back turned to you.
here goes nothing.
you cover umemiya’s eyes with your palms and chirp, “i have a surprise for you!”
he laughs, bright and easygoing like wind chimes. “for what?” he asks.
“keep your eyes closed,” you say. you shuffle your way around the couch so that you’re standing in front of your boyfriend. you clear your throat, feeling another surge of nervousness. “do you know what day it is today?”
innocently, he shakes his head no.
“well,” you explain, “it’s bunny day, so i thought i’d do a little something for it. you know, just for fun.”
umemiya grins widely and practically vibrates in his seat, like a kid waiting to receive a sweet treat. you tap him gently on the shoulder to indicate that he can look now.
umemiya’s eyes widen as they drink you and your scandalous outfit in. you’re fidgeting underneath his gaze, wringing your clammy hands behind your back. you don’t want to ask for his opinion in fear of his response.
but you shouldn’t have hesitated because your boyfriend dramatically falls onto his knees onto the floor and practically kisses your feet.
“baby, you look so good! it suits you so well!” he exclaims. you laugh as he wraps his arms around your torso and hugs you tightly, pressing his cheek to your stomach. then, he looks up, steely grey eyes meeting yours, and smiles softly. “you look stunning,” he breathes, voice oozing pure adoration.
you fluster at his words. umemiya’s never been afraid to shower you with praise, yet even after years together, you still get shy at his straightforwardness. truly, his love feels like a tight squeeze to your heart, and you’re almost pained by how much you love him back.
“are you sure?” you ask meekly.
he plants a firm, long kiss to the spot right underneath your belly button before suggesting, “i can show you if you want.”
he stands up, still holding you close, and helps you lie down on the couch. it’s a little cramped, but your boyfriend manages to slip a knee in between your parted legs and places his hands on either side of your head. he leans down, capturing your lips with his, and begins to make out with you. he licks into your mouth and swallows all of your moans as he rocks his leg into your core.
in between gasps, as the two of you break apart to breathe before colliding together again, umemiya squeezes in sweet praises and words of affirmation. 
“look so sexy and naughty. i’m so lucky to be the only one who can see you like this.”
“wanna strip you and mark you all over, so everyone knows that you’re mine.”
“angel, you’re so good to me, and i promise i’ll make you feel good, too.”
your back arches at his words, trying to press up into umemiya’s body. he takes it as a signal to give you more.
he starts making his way downward. he sucks bruises and hickeys onto your neck. blows on your exposed cleavage and ghosts his lips over your perked nipples, already visible from underneath the thin fabric of the bodysuit. when he reaches your hips, umemiya slides his head underneath your miniskirt and uses his teeth to pull the bottom of the bodysuit to the side.
you whimper as umemiya mouths at your core. there is no doubt that your pussy is drooling, the crotch of your stockings sticking to your panties, and you can feel every lap of umemiya’s tongue as he uses the tip to trace your folds and lick at your clit. his hands are gripping your thighs, fingers hooking into and tugging at the fishnets.
umemiya’s never told you this before, but he loves it when you wear stockings. the shine of the fabric, how it stretches around your legs, the way the waistband slightly cinches at your waist – everything about you in tights arouses him incredibly. even though you were so nervous at first, you still oozed sex appeal, and he has to hold himself back from completely ravaging you.
he hums as you gush again. your body is twitching, shuddering as he makes love to your pussy, and he can feel your hole fluttering open and close, in need of something to fill it up. it’s a shame, he thinks for a brief moment, before he sits up and rips your fishnets open. you gasp, surprised at the sudden display of strength, but you don’t have the chance to speak up as your boyfriend shifts your panties aside and presses two of his thick fingers into you.
he pumps them quickly, curling his fingers when he presses deep inside and teasing your entrance when he glides out. his other hand is busy playing with your chest, his palm grasping and fondling your breasts with gentle tugs. barely breathing, you’re seeing white flashes in your vision as umemiya works your body, and when he nudges against that spot, you let out an especially loud moan.
your boyfriend perks up at the sound. he needs to hear you make that noise again. “one more time, angel,” he coos.
you can’t refuse even if you wanted to because umemiya adds one more finger and bullies your sweet spot over and over and over again while swiping your clit with the heel of his palm. all you can do is cry out his name and sense your orgasm build up at an accelerating pace, pussy burning and fluttering at the relentless stimulation.
“baby, you’re about to cum, right?” the question is rhetorical, because it’s obvious that you are, and even if it wasn’t, umemiya’s well-aware that you can’t hear him over your moaning. your boyfriends smirks to himself as he watches you lose yourself to the pleasure that he’s giving to you. but if he had to choose, he thoroughly enjoys the sight of you climaxing much, much more.
so he leans over and groans into your ear, “cum for me, pretty girl.”
and you do. your body behaves so obediently, back arching and pussy clamping down on his fingers in response, and whine, feeling wave after wave of your orgasm crash over. umemiya tries his best to work you through your high, curling and prodding with his fingertips as best as he can. 
when you calm down and your mind clears up a bit, you look up, admiring umemiya and his satisfied expression. weakly, you reach up, trying to wrap your arms around his neck. your boyfriend understands, whispering affirmations and placing light pecks against your temple as you hold onto him.
in this position, though, you can feel umemiya’s length pressing firmly against your thigh. after all that umemiya’s given you, you know you can’t finish tonight without pleasuring him.
“hajime…,” you say, voice small and slightly cracking. 
“yes, angel?” he replies.
you wriggle your hips, feeling your core reignite, and mumble shyly, “wanna make you cum.”
something inside umemiya snaps. you’re just too good to him. 
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diorsluv · 5 months
casual , part 9
“ i have anger issues ”
series m. list previous chapter
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liked by jackhughes, edwards.73, and 154,238 others
yourusername hughes-a-palooza ⁉️
tagged: lhughes_06, jackhughes, _quinnhughes
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→ yourusername idk about weekly bae..
→ username47 at least monthly please 😭😭 yourusername
colecaufield quinn?!?!?!
→ _quinnhughes oh god
→ yourusername LMFAOOO
→ trevorzegras more blackmail 😈
_quinnhughes mom didn’t let you and luke sit together on planes for a reason
→ yourusername i accidentally spill coffee on him once and then all of a sudden i’m banned from sitting next to him 😔
→ lhughes_06 it was not an accident.
→ yourusername YES IT WAS??
→ jackhughes rosie i watched you PICK THE CUP UP and pour it on his lap
→ _quinnhughes wtf no she just separated you because you were annoying as hell
→ lhughes_06 oh
→ yourusername erm…
username32 STOP the toy story costumes are too adorable
username77 BABY QUINN
username91 omg i need to see all the baby photo albums right now
adamfantilli so when were you gonna tell me you’ve been cosplaying since you were 3
→ yourusername it’s called dressing up for halloween 😐😐
→ adamfantilli which is technically cosplaying
→ luca.fantilli bro why are you so obsessed with cosplaying
→ rutgermcgroarty do you have something you wanna tell us adam???
→ adamfantilli 🤐
→ g.brindley4 is that why i found a red and white wig in your closet the other day??
→ yourusername MY HERO COSPLAY?? 😭
→ markestapa todoroki cosplay is insane
→ yourusername 🫶
edwards.73 the costumes r cute
→ yourusername you seem super thrilled!!!!
→ edwards.73 cuz they’re cute but you’re cuter
→ yourusername oh 😨
→ markestapa this is quite public if i do say so myself
→ lhughes_06 🤢🤢
→ mackie.samo i actually threw up reading this
→ edwards.73 mackie you’re quite literally sick right now
username85 i want my kids to be like this
username13 jim n ellen got us with the good pics ‼️
_alexturcotte did you and jack always match costumes??
→ yourusername our mom switched it every year but jack was the best costume twin 😔😔
→ _quinnhughes okay our lorax and onceler costume was good though
→ yourusername …….no!
→ colecaufield who was the lorax???
→ yourusername take a wild guess 😑
→ _quinnhughes you lost rock paper scissors fair and square yourusername
dylanduke25 i like how you and quinn NEVER have pics together
→ yourusername i have yet to find a picture of only us in an old photo
rutgermcgroarty when will you post the pics of us 😔
→ yourusername rut sweetie they’re my BROTHERS i have to post them occasionally
→ yourusername and also i just posted us???
→ rutgermcgroarty you have an entire album of us.
→ yourusername i have one for vivi too and i barely post me and her 😰😰
→ rutgermcgroarty SIX. HUNDRED. PHOTOS.
→ mackie.samo 600????
→ rutgermcgroarty 694 to be exact 😒
→ markestapa SO BASICALLY 700?!?!?!?!
→ colecaufield what happened to the other boyfriend
→ dylanduke25 yk rosie if i didn’t know who your not-boyfriend is, i would think it was rut
→ rutgermcgroarty ..duker that’s not a good thing
→ dylanduke25 i know
username62 i will be dressing my children up in toy story costumes thank you.
markestapa i’ve never heard him scream in agony so loudly before
→ yourusername wait what??? what happened to him
→ markestapa you and your little “best friend”
→ rutgermcgroarty yeah that’s all there is
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liked by _alexturcotte, luca.fantilli, and 97,255 others
yourusername went on a cooking rampage tn 🫢
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edwards.73 that food looks pretty good im not gonna lie
→ yourusername yeah this random guy made it for me
→ edwards.73 random???
→ yourusername mhm it was so weird.. he had the key to my apartment and everything
→ edwards.73 man i think that’s pretty unsafe rosie
→ yourusername it’s okay tho i thought he was cute so i let him stay ☺️
→ edwards.73 oh 😳
luca.fantilli LET HER COOK 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
→ yourusername aaaaaand you’re blocked
→ markestapa LET HER COOK 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
→ rutgermcgroarty LET HER COOK 😝😝😝😝😝😝
→ dylanduke25 LET HER COOK 😈😈😈😈😈😈
→ mackie.samo LET HER COOK 😼😼😼😼😼😼
→ yourusername you’re all HORRIBLE
→ luca.fantilli 😘
→ markestapa 😘😘
→ rutgermcgroarty 😘😘😘
→ dylanduke25 😘😘😘😘
→ mackie.samo 😘😘😘😘😘
trevorzegras goddamn big back lemme have some
→ yourusername ⁉️⁉️⁉️
→ jackhughes u just got clipped bro
→ _quinnhughes 📸
username75 is that… HIM??
username90 bae stop actin like you don’t know we know it’s ethan
username23 AWW cooking date so cute
_alexturcotte oh are those brownies for me 😁
→ yourusername you n trev r always trying to steal my food bro 😒😒
→ _alexturcotte what can i say ur a good cook
→ yourusername U CALLED MY PASTA SHIT
username6 stop the plating is so gourmet
colecaufield you and luke’s gf are like the same person
→ yourusername LUKE??? GF???? WHENNNNN?????? lhughes_06
→ lhughes_06 thanks a lot cole
→ yourusername EXPLAIN
→ jackhughes you know her veeeeeery well
→ yourusername VIVIAN?!?!?!
→ vivianliu oh god no 😭😭
username44 cole’s stirring up the family drama
username19 damnn those cookies r looking good girl
→ yourusername i tried to perfect my recipe 😈
rutgermcgroarty name drop the guy rn
→ yourusername dude ur acting like ur the one in the pics 🙄🙄
→ rutgermcgroarty who said i wasnt
→ yourusername i did.
→ lhughes_06 is this supposed to be a tactic to confuse everyone
→ rutgermcgroarty we’ll never know 🤫
mackie.samo when was the last time you willingly ate pizza
→ yourusername tonight 😐
→ mackie.samo because he made you do it……… right??
→ yourusername NO he just wanted to do it so i did
adamfantilli wtf rosie i just looked at the boys gc and hes literally obsessed with you
→ yourusername um 😃
→ adamfantilli NOT LIKE THAT
→ adamfantilli but he’s just being a big pussy rn
→ yourusername that’s what they’re all saying 🙄🙄
→ edwards.73 DUDE you gotta stop leaking the gc convos
→ luca.fantilli fr it’s unacceptable
→ yourusername stfu luca u sent me screenshots like two days ago
→ rutgermcgroarty TRAITOR luca.fantilli
→ yourusername and u just gave me ur phone to scroll through rutgermcgroarty
→ mackie.samo as the spokesperson i’d like to say we’re kicking u all out
→ adamfantilli NO PLEASE
→ rutgermcgroarty WE’LL DO ANYTHING
→ luca.fantilli WAIT PLEASE FORGIVE US
_quinnhughes so as your older brother it’s my job to steal your food
→ yourusername 🫤
→ _quinnhughes and we’re playing the wings tomorrow so i will be stopping by and stealing half the stuff in your fridge
→ yourusername thanks for the warning asshole
→ _quinnhughes any time u little shit
→ jackhughes hey that was my nickname for her 😞
→ lhughes_06 i thought i was the little shit????
→ vivianliu how did you guys manage to go from posting each other to arguing over who was the little shit 😭😭
username7 forearms 😵‍💫😵‍💫
liked by yourusername
username30 get urself a man who will have cooking dates with u 🙌
lhughes_06 u make enough food to feed the entire family
→ yourusername mom taught me well 🤗
→ lhughes_06 but u literally never fed me when we lived together??
→ yourusername yes. i. did.
→ jackhughes lukey says u “NEVERRRR” fed him
→ _quinnhughes mom and dads genes
→ yourusername bc i’ve been feeding him HALF of my food every time he walked into the damn room
→ yourusername SINCE WE WERE 14
→ jackhughes ur not wrong
→ yourusername no shit
username13 girlll im tryna cook like u
username9 cutiessss 💕
username27 babe ima need u to hard launch alreadyyy
vivianliu rosie.
→ yourusername vivi.
→ vivianliu i know you cook and bake when you’re stressed or anxious
→ yourusername whatttt no
→ vivianliu is it about him 🤨
→ yourusername no!
→ vivianliu mmmmmkay
notes ) she’s a bit of a short one BUT HERES TO THE STARS’ SATURDAY NIGHT WIN AND THE WIN FROM TN ‼️ the stress was fucking insane and my heart was BEATING but we did it 🙏 a celebratory chapter if you will
tags: @dancerbailey3 @hughesfein @loveforaugust @alwaysclassyeagle @love4ldr @inhoodmood @bunting58 @crazycat-ladys-blog @smoooore @bunbunbl0gs @lilasianmeat
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princessbrunette · 3 months
If kook!reader ask pogue!rafe to come with her to midsummer would he go?
yes but not without rejecting you one million times. it’s not because he doesn’t wanna hang with you particularly. he’s already fucked you a few times by this point and he’s starting to get a little too attached to the point it makes him mad. it’s because he knows he’ll stick out like a sore thumb. you’re a kook, and you’re just about tolerable — so he would rather not spend the evening cosplaying as wealthy and talking to people he knew looked down on him. it challenged his dignity.
but then you’re looking up at him, that fucking baby bunny rabbit lost puppy needy kitty look with the big eyes and pouty lips and twitching nose, tilting your head and lowering your voice — asking him if you’d done something wrong, as if you couldn’t fathom why a pogue like him wouldn’t wanna be paraded around midsummers.
“there was a god damn storm a few days ago, m’up to my neck in repairs for the same assholes who’re gonna be there ‘cos they can’t do shit for themselves. you really think i wanna spend the night in a fuckin’ rent-a-tux gettin’ talked down on? nah, sorry. no. take one of your other little friends.” he dismisses you, throwing the rag over his shoulder beneath the blistering sun on his work-site where you’d come to visit him, wearing your prettiest sundress in hopes to have buttered him up.
“rafe! s’not like that. the vibes are like, really good there so everyone’s gonna be nice! and drunk! they had this really good champagne last year and it’s all free, don’t you wanna try it rafe? you don’t have to talk to anyone but me!” you beg, all whiny and fuckable so he’s walking away to his station, hoping you get the hint and leave him alone. as usual, you don’t.
“answers no, kid. go home.” he drawls but you tug on his arm until he turns, forcing your body up against his making some other builders wolf whistle in the distance. “y’know you’re on some real thin ice, okay?”
“i’ll let you put in in my butt?” you pout and he frowns, eyes darting around.
“you— what?”
“c’mon rafe, anything you want. don’t make me go there alone. s’embarrassing.”
“so don’t go alone. already told you, take one of your kook friends, know you got plenty of those who i’m sure are dyin’ to hang off your arm the whole night.”
his lack of care over you seeing other people stings, and you blink up at him, all hurt and scorn.
“fine. i’ll ask jj, i think he’s gonna be there anyway, working and stuff. maybe i can pull some strings and get him to be my date inste—”
“jesus chr— alright… fuck. i’ll come. but if i hate it i’m leaving…yeah?” he forcefully detaches your arms from him and bends at the waist to stare into your eyes, making sure you got the message. you seem happy enough, nodding and shooting forward quickly enough to peck him on the lips. he stands up straight with an exasperated eye roll. “and what’d i tell you about the PDA shit whilst i’m at work?” he scolds, but he doesn’t really care that much, he’d even go as far as to say you looked pretty adorable, skipping off happily.
“yeah, yeah — i’ll text you the details!” you squeal, disappearing away from his workplace. you were gonna be the death of him.
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xkotaro16w · 5 months
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—𝙻𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚊 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚊𝚛 𝙷𝚊𝚜 𝚊 𝚃𝚠𝚒𝚗 𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝙲𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝙳𝚞𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚗 𝙰𝚌𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝙰𝚕𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚖𝚢 𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜—
Summary: Scenario/short scenario where Leona has a twin or a clone of him due to an accident in his alchemy class.
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x GN!S/O.
CW: Fluff, swearing, slight comedy (?), grammatical error, OOC.
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What a miracle, Leona went to his class! Thanks to you who blackmailed him (sweetly), so he can attend the class. Now that you remember it again, alchemy class in here is like a whole circus!
Yes, a whole circus! Remember that day when Grim almost set the class on fire? Or perhaps the ADeuce almost blown off the class (or they did it once)? Perhaps in a worse case is Rook’s experiments. It is hilarious, dangerous, but also fun at the same time! This time is more hilarious. Another accident happened in alchemy class, more correctly Leona’s class. The victim? Leona himself. The perpetrator? Let us search who is it later. The smoke starts to surround the room, the students are running out from the class and coughing.
Oh no, the lion beastman will tear whoever that person is who did this to him. Rook calls out at his name and searches for him. This class will get a long lecture from Crewel later after he helps Leona.
“Roi du Leon! Are you alright?”
Rook grabs his shoulder and Leona’s nostril feels like it is dead because of the poison’s scent. They thought they are the only students left inside the class, not until another familiar voice comes out from the smoke.
“What the fuck? Ugh, this is why I do not wanna attend these stupid classes…”
Wait, what? The hunter’s face looks very surprised and stares back at Leona. No, he did not say anything. Then, who? The mysterious person comes out from the smoke and stares both at Leona and Rook with surprise.
Oh, this is hilarious.
Before Leona could open his mouth, Crewel’s voice rings to their ears. As soon as the smoke becomes thinner, people still only can see half of their bodies. Even Crewel could not believe what he sees! Leona Kingscholar is TWO, NOT ONE! Twins? Clone? What? How? Even Leona himself does not understand what just happened! The teacher sighs and tells them to get out from the class first. The students stare at the twins! Clone? Twin? One Leona is more than enough, BUT TWO? Oh, dear Great Seven, please spare the students’ life. They are not going to make it with two Leonas. One is… A threat to their lives already.
“Who the fuck are you?”
“No, who the fuck are you, huh?”
“Stop imitating me, bastard!”
This scene is very hilarious! Leona vs. Leona himself. Gosh, Rook almost laughs at the scene! Who would not laugh in here? Leona cursing to himself! Gold moment, everyone. Crewel comes out from the class and explains the potion that got Leona. Of course, as a teacher of alchemy, he MUST bring his student back to their normal form. Crewel tells Leona to wait while he makes the potion to cure him.
The twins grunt and mumble about classes are stupid and waste their nap times. When they head to the Botanical Garden, they can hear Ruggie’s surprise’s voice. One Leona is enough to make the hyena suffers, AND NOW TWO? Good luck, Ruggie. Ruggie drops the bag accidentally from his hand. What is this? What? Two Leonas? Which one is the real one? Is this the end of Ruggie’s life? The left Leona growls and gives a short explanation about what happened. Now that makes Ruggie laughs. Come on, it is RARE for him to be a victim in the alchemy class, right? Unless someone is very desperate to die in his hand.
After a few minutes of them chattering, you come to the Botanical Garden. It is time to visit your lazy boyfriend! As you open the Botanical Garden’s door, two lions look towards you. Wait, why are there two Leonas? Who is this? Leona’s secret twin? Or perhaps someone is cosplaying as Leona? Is he Farena who disguise himself as Leona so he could watch over Leona?
The lion sighs and explains ONCE MORE just for you, their beloved herbivore. Can you handle two Leonas at the same time, herbivore? You will learn from now on, good luck for you too! Ruggie excuses himself and whispers good luck to you. This is going to be difficult and it is going to be a very long day. When you want to sit down, the right Leona pulls you to his lap and causes you to sit on his lap.
“C’mere, herbivore…”
“Hey! Don’t just snatch away MY herbivore!”
“YOURS? Who the fuck- “
“Stop it, Leona… S?”
They look at you with a sharp gaze. Alright, this is VERY difficult. They keep fighting whose herbivore are you! His or his, left or right, Leona or Leona, etc. Even during the whole lunch time, these lions cannot shut up.
“Ok, enough…”
As his, no, THEIR S/O, you try to make them shut up and stop the fighting. As you sigh and look at the two of them, you try to advise them that you are their significant other because both are the same person. Right?  When the nap time comes again, you feel like you are trapped in between two clingy lions. You cannot and will not be able to get away from Leona(s). You are lying down in the middle of two huge lion beastmen and you expect yourself to escape from there? How fool of you, S/O.
Even when Leona has a magift practice, you should have seen Jack and Epel reactions seeing two Leonas are going to play and practice magift. Is this what you call your biggest rival is yourself? 
“Le-Leona senpai?! Wh-who is this beside you?!” Jack points at the other Leona, who cares which one is real at this point.
“Leona-san?! Why there are two of you?!” Epel says right after Jack spoke.
The lion beastman only growls in frustration, does he need to explain it again and again? Yet for this time he only says it was an accident in alchemy class by a bastard student he is still searching their head, which makes them wonder who has the audacity to do this to the Leona Kingscholar.
When you watch the practice itself, you can see everyone is looking at you to help them escape this hell immediately. Why is that damn Crewel taking too much time to make the cure? Cannot he see that the whole academy is suffering with two Leonas (except Rook who enjoys it and thinks of it as a part of… Amusement to his own needs). Ruggie suggests to put one Leona in a team, and put the other to the other team, so it will balance each team (who wants to play magift with two Leonas in one team anyway?). Leona sighs, thinking that it does not sound bad either. Unfortunately, today’s practice does feel like hell itself. Each time is very exhausted dealing with Leona. Surprisingly Leona enjoys it, who would have thought that dealing with himself in magift is thrilling, unlike dealing the other weaklings. Maybe he should try to challenge the other him in a chess, that would be interesting.
At the end of the day, Leona prefers to have just one of him because he can have you all by himself. Right after Crewel gives him the potion for the cure, the other him disappears, making the whole Savannaclaw can breathe again. It is suffocating to have two Leonas for the Savannaclaw’s students. If they fuck up and make Leona’s mood worse, say good bye! May the Great Seven bless their souls. All he needs is your touch after he is back to normal and after dealing with a lot of annoying things. Oh, no worries, he WILL NOT forgive the perpetrator who did this to him. He sighs in relief and pulls you closer to his body. Now, you are all his alone.
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toxinoire · 2 months
Out of boredom I'm just gonna make more Mean Girls headcanons because you people seem to really love those.
• Cady is a picky eater. She can eat dishes that are so extreme, but show her mashed potatoes and god forbid scrambled eggs mixed with bell peppers and she will go "No."
• Gretchen owns a lot of glitter pens. She fucking loves glitter pens.
• Janis is into coding. She had to learn it once because a digital website for art she uses crashed so out of spite, she learned coding.
• Regina does know how to sew and make clothes even. She just doesn't do it a lot, so by far the only person who knew was Janis. It wasn't until Christmas where Regina gave handmade everyone jackets and beanies with designs specific to them that they learned.
• Karen knows to play the fucking accordion. The way everyone learned was that they snuck into the school's music room, there was this one dusty accordion and out of boredom, Karen just picked it up and started playing Get Him Back by Olivia Rodrigo on the damn thing.
• Janis and Gretchen are a fucking detective pair. Someone in their group got made of or is sick but hiding it? They're the first ones to figure it out.
• Damian is the parent of the friend group.
• Regina and Cady have a shared thing for Greek Mythology.
• Karen can and will read their emotions and their entire being if they don't wanna admit something with the most angelic smile you've ever seen.
• Cady sleeps early, but you cannot drag her out of bed at any time before seven.
• Janis and Regina used to have a height chart but not for the "I wonder which one will be taller" reasons that most do, they had it because they were so adamant to know which one of them would be cuddle sized. They never talked about it until one day, in Janis's house, Gretchen fucking found it.
• Don't be fooled by Cady's height, she's feral as shit and will kick your ass.
• Karen is scared of frogs.
• Regina is secretly into flower language.
• Damian has RTC cosplays hidden in his closet. Yes, even Karnak.
• Everyone still wonders how Cady did not cry during while watching Titanic.
• Gretchen is into anime, but not the cutesy ones. The gorey ones. It's a coping mechanism don't judge her.
• Speaking of coping mechanisms, so far, Janis's healthiest one is dying her hair tips/streaks a different color when things go to shit.
• Regina will just hide and come back when she's good. Her friends hate that she does that.
• Karen has once the sent the group chat a gif of a walking sign and it left everyone wondering where the fuck did she find that.
• Gretchen is into romances and she always sees multiple tropes in her friends.
• Surprisingly, now that Regina has her head out of her ass, she actually is a fucking treasure trove of ideal character tropes.
• Damian and Cady carry Hello Kitty band aids around all the time.
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mila-mi-mi · 26 days
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Life changing (sorta)
So yeah here’s some medic doodles. I hope you love them. But the reason why medic is in this post is not a coincidence.
Hem the beach thing is because I wanted to do summer drawings. It has nothing to do with him specifically.
(A bit of a long ramble. Feel free to skip)
Yesterday evening I got a letter in my mail. My acceptance letter. I have been trying to get into one for so long. Yesterday I received the confirmation I can finally do the last step (a four year one but still.) to complete a childhood dream. A dream I’ve been chasing since forever. Most people and some friends see only my dumb art and sometimes forget what I do on the side. Don’t get me wrong, I adore drawing. I love making pictures for people and hearing how I make them happy. (Which is so damn surreal. I’ve so far heard some of the most welcoming and warm words I have in years about my work.)
But if there’s one thing I’ve wanted to do more, it’s being a medic. To be the one to care for people and be able to bring comfort and save lives. I have been in the hospital recently for nothing too major but still it was kinda scary. But nice people who worked there made me feel less afraid and not ashamed to be scared. Saying they’d be there. I wanna have that effect on people. I don’t know where I’ll end up working one day, but I hope that wherever I will end up that I’ll be good.
Maybe I should cosplay as medic when I graduate. Not during the ceremony ofc. But after. (But that’s very far ahead atm)
I know that long captions are not fun. And emotional stuff is…ehh? If you read it all. Thank you. And let me tell you that I hope, wherever you may be, that your dreams will be within in your reach. I wish you the best.
If you read this euh…you’ll get a high five. Drop an 🍊 in the comments and we can high-five. ( very cool )
Groetjes 🤍
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
I tried to resist. (I didn't try at all.)
Instead I got carried away and wrote this.
*drops the Satan cat collar smut and runs*
(Special thanks to everyone who gave me some input on this idea. I'm still rusty with writing at the moment, so I apologize if it's terrible. I'm considering writing an alternate version involving some pegging... so let me know if you wanna see that lol.)
Okay, you can read the alternate version here.
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GN!MC x Satan
Warnings: soft dom!MC, cat collar with bell and cat ears, praising, use of Tantan as a nickname (because I love it lol), lil bit of biting, penetration (reader receiving), please let me know if I've forgotten something
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It might be difficult to tell from an outside perspective, but you knew that Satan was soft for you. The way he trusted you entirely with his feelings, even his anger, let you know that he was perhaps more comfortable with you than anyone else.
So it wasn't entirely a surprise when you started to pick up on some little hints of something he didn't seem to have worked up the courage to ask you directly.
You weren't sure what was happening right away. It started one day when he showed you a collection of cat collars that were for sale online. He scrolled through the pictures on his phone, finally stopping on one with a little bell.
"This one is especially cute, don't you think?" he asked.
You smiled indulgently. "Yeah it is. Are you going to get it for one of the strays in the garden?"
Satan blinked as if he was surprised by this suggestion. He looked at you and the confusion in his eyes was clear. Then you watched as a deep blush spread across his face. "R-right," he said. "Yes."
He immediately changed the subject, but you couldn't stop thinking about his reaction. Like maybe the two of you had been talking about different things.
You puzzled over this for a little while, a suspicion starting to form in the back of your mind.
Confirmation came in the form of a cosplay catalog that Levi left in the common room. The cover featured an anime character wearing cat ears and a collar.
Satan picked up the catalog and you could tell that he had known it was there. "Levi must have left this here," he said. He showed it to you. "Wh-what do you think?"
You looked at the cover. "Hmm," you said. "I like the cat ears. The collar should have a bell, though."
You watched in satisfaction as Satan's face flushed so hard and fast you thought steam might come out of his ears.
After that, you knew what you had to do.
You were careful about your purchase. You made sure it was obtained discreetly.
The collar itself was thick and black with a large silver buckle and a round silver bell. You had chosen black cat ears to match. You left them on Satan's bed with a note that said, Is this what you had in mind? MC.
And then you waited.
The next time you saw Satan was at breakfast. He sat across the table from you and met your eyes directly. He held your gaze for a moment too long before looking away. Nobody else seemed to notice and he acted completely normal the rest of the day.
You had no other indication of his reaction to your gift. For days, you waited for him to do something or say something. Was he upset? He wasn't acting angry.
And then one day you walked into your room and nearly died on the spot. As soon as you recovered, you closed the door and made sure it was locked. And that's when you remembered that everyone else was out of the house today. Was that what Satan had been waiting for?
You turned back to your bed to take in the sight of him.
There he sat, on his knees, with his hands pressed onto the bed between them. The collar was clasped perfectly around his neck, the bell and buckle shining. The cat ears were nestled in his hair, their black tufts a nice contrast to his bright blond. He was frowning, his eyes were closed, his face flushed, and he wore absolutely nothing else.
You slowly approached him, watching him as he stayed still. When you got to the edge of the bed, you stopped. You cupped his cheek, tilting his head to look up at you, even though his eyes stayed closed.
"Look at you," you said softly. "What a beautiful boy you are."
Satan's blush deepened, but he opened his eyes. You saw desire and pleasure and nervousness and embarrassment tumbling through the shades of green.
You brought up your other hand and held his face. "Don't be embarrassed. You look amazing."
The frown eased just a little. "I didn't think you would actually want to do this."
Your eyes widened in surprise. "What? Why would you think that?"
Satan looked away from you. "It doesn't… make you uncomfortable?"
You rested your hands on his shoulders and kissed his forehead. "No. It makes me horny as fuck. And I can see what it's doing to you, too."
You looked down deliberately where Satan's cock had been steadily growing as soon as you got close.
Satan buried his face in his hands, causing the bell around his neck to jingle slightly.
"No, no, no," you said softly, pulling his hands away. He opened his mouth like he was going to protest, but you cut him off with a kiss.
Satan responded to you instantly, opening his mouth for you. As your tongues entwined, you let go of one of his wrists to reach up and grab the collar. You used it to pull his head back, giving you easier access to his mouth as his hand now tugged on the edge of your shirt.
You pulled away to kiss the wrist of the hand you still held, trailing your lips down his arm and up his shoulder. He was breathing heavily as you traced your tongue along the edge of skin where the collar stopped, ringing the bell playfully with your fingers.
Satan moaned, his tugs on your shirt feeble but persistent.
You gave in, moving away from him to remove the shirt quickly, along with all the rest of your clothes. He waited patiently, mouth open, skin flushed, cock straining.
You sat beside him on the bed, putting two fingers beneath the collar to pull him toward you. He moved easily with your guidance, the bell tinkling ever so softly as you caught his swollen lips with yours again.
You ran a teasing finger along the shaft of his cock and it came away covered in pre-cum. Satan whined against your lips and the sound of it sent a shiver through your body.
You pulled away just a little bit. "Use your words, Tantan. Or would you rather meow for me?"
Satan shuddered and the bell tinkled. "Please, MC," he said, his voice low and gruff. It seemed he wasn't quite comfortable enough to meow and his eyes were closed again, his face turned slightly away.
"Look at me," you said.
Obediently, Satan opened his eyes and looked at you. He might have been frowning if he wasn't so overcome with lust in that moment. You took in the darkness of his eyes, the heat clearly visible on his skin, the expression that vacillated between need and embarrassment.
You realized you could tease him for hours if you really wanted to. You also knew that he would let you. Something about the way he was looking at you let you know that he was trusting you entirely. That he was putting himself in your hands, letting you do whatever you wanted to with him.
Certainly, part of this had been previously discussed. The two of you had an established routine, after all. But he was entrusting you with more than he normally did and you recognized that extra vulnerability.
The light of your room hit the silver of the bell around his neck. You took in the collar, the ears. Maybe next time, you could get him to meow for you.
For now, though, you wanted nothing more than to hear that bell chime with every thrust.
You leaned forward, running your fingertips down his cheek. "You're such a good boy," you said, loving the way he seemed to melt whenever you praised him.
You took hold of his collar again, this time pulling him with you as you lay back on your bed. You had considered other positions, but you wanted to see that bell as it sounded through the room.
Satan moved where you guided him, but when you let go of the collar, he no longer waited for your direction. He put his lips on your neck, his hands on your hips, and you could feel the tip of his cock pressing gently against you.
Satan hesitated, pulling up to look into your eyes. It was as though he caught himself being too eager and now he needed your confirmation.
You smirked. "Go ahead. You've earned it."
Satan didn't wait for anything else and he sank his cock into your heat. You arched as sensation filled you, your eyes fixed on the brightness of the bell around his neck.
To your great satisfaction, that bell did indeed jingle with every thrust, louder than it had from anything else. The sound mingled with your own moans as you gripped Satan's arms. He was rumbling deeply, seemingly okay with purring if not meowing.
Satan didn't seem to notice anything other than what he was feeling inside you, but he couldn't hold back from nipping at your skin. You gasped every time his teeth pierced you, a little zing of pain to go with your overwhelming pleasure.
"S-Satan," you moaned out, feeling yourself getting close, the tension rising.
Satan seemed to understand what you needed. He reached between your bodies so he could stimulate you further with his hand. You gasped and your hips rose up into him.
You reached up to grab the collar, wanting to hold onto it as your entire body tensed hard, the brightness shattering behind your eyes as you cried out Satan's name, the bell continuing to tinkle merrily through it all.
Satan strained hard against the collar, but you still had it in your grip. You felt the warmth of his cum filling you and your fingers slipped away as you collapsed back against the bed.
Satan looked at you, a question in his eyes. The cat ears were still on his head, but they were askew, poking oddly out of his blond hair.
You reached up to fix them. "Promise me you'll wear these again."
Satan let out a huff, frowning. "I couldn't refuse you even if I wanted to."
You smirked. "Good thing you don't want to, then."
Perhaps next time, you would bring a little leash, too. You were curious about how he would react to such an addition. Although he seemed unlikely to do this again when his brothers were around, so you might have to wait. You caught yourself kind of hoping one of his brothers would come home just to hear the consistent jingling of the bell on Satan's cat collar.
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