#i want brutasha back
celestialsister0918 · 9 months
Fic Writing Review 2023
Thanks for tagging me, @gammacousin!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either. (Copied and pasted)
Words and Fics
Word Count:
Fic Count:
6 started. 5 completed
Most Productive Month: February by far, thanks to Kinkuary!
Top Five by Hits
The One He Needs Right Now: Jim Gordon's Kinkuary: 5941
What I'm Thinking About (Sirius x Ginny): 3600
A Window Not Missed (Bruce x Nat): 2107
A Window Closed (Bruce x Nat): 1101
In the Sepulcher by the Sea (Sirius x Severus): 684
Top Five by Kudos
A Window Not Missed (Bruce x Nat): 96
What I'm Thinking About (Sirius x Ginny): 61
A Window Closed (Bruce x Nat): 47
In the Sepulcher by the Sea (Sirius x Severus): 32
The One He Needs Right Now: Jim Gordon's Kinkuary: 24
Fandom events:
Two @trulymadlydeeplyfest fests! 1 in February and 1 in October. Both Harry Potter. I'm so bad at knowing where all the fests are so those are my only two.
Upcoming Plans:
To Complete:
Finish "A Window Closed" (Bruce x Nat)
Start "A Window Opened" (Bruce x Nat)
Start "A Special Election" (Jim Gordon x NEW OC) - I have one chapter written and some dialogue prompts for chapter 2. I'm soooo excited for this one.
Other Ideas:
Continue one-off Sirius and other Gary Oldman character one-shots on Tumblr.
Write a Jackson Lamb piece
Maybe write a Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova one-shot if the mood strikes
Write another Gary Oldman RPF (many dialogue prompts already written). Here's my first Gary RPF if interested... it was set during the Dracula filming. The new one will be set after his divorce from Alex but before Gisele.
I took a couple long breaks from writing this year. After finishing "Submissioner Gordon" in December of 2022, I was at a pretty bad low from lack of interaction with that fic. My heart has NEVER been in something as much as it was that fic, so to have so many hits and so little interaction made me think everyone hated it. Yet I continued the story with the Kinkuary prompts, where I wrote a short fic every day for 28 days. Again, I feel like it bombed.
At the same time, I made what I thought would be my last hurrah in the Harry Potter fandom, and it didn't do so great either. I was in a BAD spot comparing myself to other writers, so I took a long hiatus.
During that break, I started watching the entire MCU with my son, start to finish. My brain grabbed onto Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff and would NOT let go. So in May, I began publishing the "Never Say Never" series, where I try to fix their story.
The feedback from the Marvel fandom and Brutasha readers/writers really warmed my heart and got me back in the groove. I am forever thankful to them, because it truly restored my confidence in writing.
I will always be thankful for my Wizarding World series and the Submissioner Gordon/Daddy Issues universe, and my brain loves to revisit those stories and characters. It's just bittersweet because it never really found its audience. However the feedback I got from my foray into the MCU fandom has built my confidence enough that I am able to write in HP and Dark Knight without really worrying what others think. I am just doing it for me and my love for the characters. I know my writing isn't bad--- it's just not a lot of people's cup of tea.
I also want to give a shoutout to the small but steadfast Gary Oldman fandom I have found on Tumblr and Instagram. They've become very dear to my heart, and I love that we can share random thirst posts together when so many others just don't get it.
If anyone is reading this, please share your 2023 stats and reflections as well! I love writers supporting writers. Happy 2024 to you all!
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gammacousin · 1 year
Inspired by comments in the Brutasha discord
The one where Jen and Bruce find Betty as a non verbal red she-hulk…
Jennifer Walters: “Hey Doc? I don’t think Betty’s actually dangerous.”
Bruce Banner: *at his desk* “Really?! Well! In that case let’s keep her. I’ve always wanted a pet, that could kill me!”
Jennifer Walters: “What if we just send her back in the Time Machine. It’ll be like she never left and everything goes back to normal.”
Bruce Banner: “That is a horrible idea! March right out into public with her roaring?! Then I guess we just, waltz right up to the Avengers Compound, right?!”
At the compound:
Bruce Banner: “Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!”
Jennifer Walters: “Oh hey!” *waving at Bucky* “We’re rehearsing a scene from the upcoming company rendition of uhhh Rogers 2. It’s a musical. Yeah…When Peggy spots Steve robbing from her back in time -…it’s a song. ‘Put that thing back where it came from or so help meeee. So help me, so help me,’ and cut! It’s a work in progress, we are still working on it.”
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springdandelixn · 2 years
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No one asked for this but I’m posting one regardless.
What’s your name? What can I call you?
Call me Bean or Beanie. 
Who are your muses?
A while back, I used to write for ScarletVision (Vision and Wanda). I dabbled a little on Brutasha (Bruce and Natasha) as well, but now my main OTP is Jorleesi (Jorah and Daenerys).
I now mostly write Reader fics with my muses Jorah Mormont, Vision, and Loki. 
Other characters I have written for are Steve Rogers, Thor and Tony Stark. I may add some Game of Characters soon.
What genre do you write in?
I personally prefer writing dark, angst and smut. Not so much on fluff but I don’t shy away from that either.
I also prefer writing AUs than canon. I dunno. There’s just something fascinating about taking out characters from the environment we know they came from and putting them in new ones.
Do you take requests?
I do when I announce that I do.
Can I be added to your tag list?
I don’t have one any longer but you can follow my archives blog and turn on notifications if you want updates on my stories or updates on new stories I post.
Miscellaneous Notes:
I don’t have a posting schedule. Mainly because I write very slow and I don’t want to keep your hopes up when I don’t post on a date I’ve mentioned. So, updates will come when they are ready to be released into the wild. 
TBH, ask me questions about my fics. Send me anon questions or DM me about why you want to strangle my character or why you want to cuddle them. I would love that a lot.
That is all. Thank you! 
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itzjulianajj · 2 years
Ok so you know America Chavez right? She has the power to travel through the Multiverse. Wanda wanted that power so she could find a universe where her kids lived so she could be with them. Of course it didn't really go so well... But I recently saw this.
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And it got me thinking...
If Dr. Strange helps America control her powers to find a specific universe...
What If she went to a universe where Tony, Steve, and Nat and Gamora where alive, but everyone else is gone?
We see in What If...? 'Episode 8: What If Ultron Won?' that Nat was the last person in her universe because Ultron killed everyone else and eventually Clint sacrificed himself. So she was the last one left. And on the last episode, episode 9, the Watcher sent Natasha to a universe that lost their Natasha. And no-one would miss that Natasha because everyone on her universe died.
And so that brings me to my theory.
When America has full control of her powers, she can find a universe where Tony, Steve, Nat and Gamora are alive but everyone else is gone. It could be like, what if Thanos won and they are the only ones left. Or America could find a universe where it was just Tony or it was just Steve, or just Nat, or just Gamora and then after she gets one of them, she finds another universe where it's just one of them, y'know? We can get them all back, without redoing Endgame or Infinity War, because this can happen any time in the future of the MCU.
Now let's talk about memory. So, y'know in Endgame when Loki escapes and we get Loki back in the series Loki, the new Loki we get only has his memories up to the point of Avengers 1. So everything that happened after that, everything he's done to help save the world, everything he's done with Thor, all the good things he's done, he doesn't remember any of that. So even if we get Steve, Tony, Nat and Gamora back it would kinda be a bummer if they don't remember some things of what they all did together. So that's why I would think that the event that made everyone else besides them die, would be Thanos winning in Endgame. So they would have all their memories up to the point of Endgame. And ik it would be very sad for them to know that in their universe/s they lost, but at least they get to go to a universe where they won.
And because of this theory, all those Stucky shippers could possibly have Stucky back, all those Romanogers shippers could possibly get Romanogers, all those Brutasha shippers could possibly have Brutasha, and the Starmora shippers can possibly get Starmora back. And we can possibly have all the other ships and friendships back.
So basically, this theory could potentially come true, if Kevin Feige wishes it. But even if it doesn't come true, it's still a cool thought.
If you made it to the end, good job! Thanks for taking your time to read this, have a great day/night! (And if you like this theory pls like and reblog, if you have a question, just ask in the comments!)
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finntasticmxfinn · 5 years
Post-endgame story...
It is all spoilers at this point.
About spoilers: I am here, posting because Endgame fucked up my emotions. I have been crying on and off since I finished watching the movie. Watching Nat fall from the cliff, gove up her chance at happiness and family was triggering, haunting and just plain sucky. Nat deserved better. Her fans deserved more. I am not taking this well. *Actually, no, this is 'wrong.' I think. Realities diverge only when a stone is moved. They would need 2014 Nat. Just take the Gamora/ Nebula conversation and replace it with Nat and Clint. Convince Nat, like Gamora convinced her past self that the future is bleak. Clint went to Vormir with his best friend but left alone. 2014 Nat is in 2023, like 2014 Gamora. Both their later versions die-- Nat soon after, Gamora four years later. Thanos needed to kill Gamora to get the soul stone to snap half the universe out of existence, and the snap still happened because Banner had to snap again to undo it.
Bruce watches as Steve passing their time, returning to his 'unchanged' world. Bruce almost cries-- if only he could go back too to see the woman he had once considered running away with. But he had wished for her back when he had snapped to bring their dusted friends back to battle Thanos again, and she could not be reached. Now Steve had taken the stones back, taking Bruce's chance to try to save Nat again with him.
As the sorceress supreme had said, they had no right to disrupt different timelines. It had to be this way. Nat would not want harm to come to anyone, anywhere hecause of her. He watches his friends watching an interaction a bit away. Nat was not here. She had made her choice-- to leave them. He remembers he too had made a choice, albeit one of lesser significance, to leave her.
It is Steve in the distance, an older Steve but a Steve who knew them well enough to hand Sam his shield. Bruce blinks. On that bench, sat a man who had lived. Bruce shakes his head. Their timeline was in good hands with Sam. It would be in better terms with Nat back as well, or maybe she would like to spend her time elsewhere, letting their friends be the Avengers. She could finally relax, knowing lives were safe in this crazy dimension screwy world. Nat could not make that decision though. Her forced silence on the matter would haunt him. He wanted to know what Nat would do-- not Black Widow, their Nat, who had finally seemed comfortable in this world, like she belonged.
She belonged in this world. Did the other timelines matter less, as the soceress supreme had argued? He now had the brains and the brawn, but he was not going to touch that. He would touch the Pym particles and the Time Heist device though. He would touch tranquilizers and peanut butter and Nat when he dragged her back to where she belonged.
His friends are still standing in silence when he returns, just processing, he presumed. Well, they were about to have one ore thing to process-- or many things if they tried to tease out the effect on the other timeline Bruce's Nat Heist would cause. Yeah, they might not get the Soul Stone without her to throw off a cliff. Or they might anyway because they are the Avengers, dammit, and they avenge. Whatever it takes.
"Guys, I found her," Bruce calls. His voice is loud enough to stir the slightly drugged Nat. Nat now alert, her spy instincts having taken over, tries to sit up in his arms, causing him to drop her to his feet.
She steadies herself against his body. "... drugged...? Why peanut butter?" She collaspes forward. "Peanut butter has been my comfort these past..." She stabilizes herself again. "Something happened?"
"You didn't miss much." Just the fulfillment of your one wish these past five years, Bruce thinks.
"Miss much? What did you do, Bruce?"
The remaining team is staring at the pair. "Yes, Bruce, what did you do?"
Nat Heist, he thinks. They were not taking this from him.
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So what are your thoughts on Brutasha (since the recent ask reminded me of the other two og avengers that you didn't do, and the relationship they got into...)?
I am haunted by "hiding the zucchini" that's how I feel about Brutasha.
But to actually answer your question, remember I come from MCU land, I've never read the comics, watched only part of other Marvel TV adaptations (i.e. a few episodes of animated X-Men here and there). So, things that require BUT THE COMICS are not going to work for me. I'm well aware that things happened in the comics but all I have to go on is what the MCU delivers to my doorstep.
So, back to these two per the MCU.
The MCU was desperately trying to hook Natasha up with somebody. We have her first being a femme fatale with Tony, admittedly this was never serious as he had the Pepper/Tony thing going on, but still clearly there. Then we get some intense flirting/friendship with Steve Rogers for a while (though that this is also going on while Steve has other desperate love interest of Peggy's granddaughter is a bit interesting). Then we get Bruce out of nowhere.
As the only female avenger for the first few iterations, there was clearly a dying need on someone's end to pair her up with somebody. It's her destiny.
And Bruce came out of nowhere, just like the rest of them.
We're suddenly told in Ultron that Bruce and Natasha are in a relationship. "Wow, where did that come from?" because the first time we saw them meet, in the last Avengers film that gave them both screen time, Natasha strong armed Bruce into joining the Avengers, boarding a helicarrier, and having the absolute worst time. Natasha is the face of SHIELD, Bruce... isn't a huge fan.
But regardless, we're told the relationship is a thing and we get... a lot of awkward to back that up. Such as weird lullabies showing that only Natasha can get Bruce to transform back from Hulk and uh some very very cringe jokes from Tony.
Of a memorably bad movie, the Brutasha was perhaps the most memorably awful part of that movie. And that's saying something, as that movie had Ultron cracking jokes about eggs.
And then Bruce goes into space and we sort of forget about that whole relationship for a while except for a few odd mentions to convince us that it was totally a legitimate and deep thing.
It was just so desperate to me, to desperately get me invested into a ship that no one wanted and no one cared about with two characters that the franchise had spent the least time on at that point.
NPC A and NPC B are in a relationship! Don't you love it? Don't you have intense feelings about it?
Are you sure?
What if I give it more screen time without developing the characters?
Still don't like it, huh?
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
My honest opinions on canon MCU pairings
Or at least. As close to canon as we’re gonna get
Pepperony. The first pairing the the movies. And therefore the best
Steggy. I may marginally prefer scarlet america but it doesn’t mean I hate steggy. I still say that both Steve and Peggy got the endings they needed
Brutasha. So much potential. Sadly it can never happen because Natasha’s six feet under. But I still have my imagination. So there
Claura. I love them. But they need more screentime together
Thorkyrie. So much potential. I just wish they’d met in a better movie than ragnarok
Spideychelle. What we had was great. But unfortunately the higher ups listened to the whiners who complained Peter had it too easy and now he’s alone, dirt poor, friendless and Michelleless. So thanks for that. Not.
Starmora. Had great potential. Sadly we’re right back to square one right now. But. Hopefully they can get back on track.
Kragula. Same deal as starmora. Had great potential. Sadly we’re right back to square one right now. But. Hopefully they can get back on track.
Wandavision. Same deal as steggy. I marginally prefer scarlet america. But hey. He made her happy for a bit so it’s not so bad.
Sarahbucky. We. Need. More. Plus. The idea of Sam’s former flames (yes I’m also a samsteve shipper) brother may get with Sam’s sister is just so much fun to me personally.
Langdyne. They’re great. But they need so much lore screentime
Sylki. Honestly did not care one way or the other. But now I just want it to happen to piss off the fans who fooled themselves into thinking he’d be getting a leg over with Owen Wilson.
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
Fear & Desire - Legacies ❤️‍🔥P43❤️‍🔥 Change of Plans
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
On your way to Thors room, you spotted him and Seven in the common room drawing. Dropping you off, Bucky left the three of you alone. You didn’t disturb them, you simply stood in the doorway for a while just observing them. Seven loved spending time with her uncle, you imagined how life would be if she were to have a brother. He’d be younger than her but he’d still protect her. They’d always have each other. In an ideal world, you were able to effortlessly birth Jotun babies without the fear of their dad being assassinated by their grandad or of you being torn in half but alas, this wasn’t an ideal word. This was reality. Things weren’t so effortless or easy. Snapping your head from the thoughts, you cleared your throat alerting them both of your presence.
“Y/y-n.” Thor stuttered, glancing at you before quickly looking down.
“Hey Thor, princess.” You greeted them both as you stepped towards them. “Whatcha drawing?” You asked, leaning over them as you stood behind their chairs.
“A-a castle” Thor answered, turning his head away from you.
“Thor, are you alright?” You giggled at his behaviour, he seemed fine before you walked in.
“I-yes-.” He assured, turning towards you before quickly looking away again seeing that you were still leant over.
“What’s the matter?“
“I don’t know what to say” he tried to explain “last night— you—I saw.”
“Oh gods” you gasped as realisation hit you. “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be, they are lovely but reserved for your eyes only I think.” He tried to dismiss.
“Well Lokis too” you added.
“Where is Loki?” Thor asked, quickly changing the subject whilst Seven continued to colour in the castle Thor had drawn her.
“He’s in my room I think” you replied, recalling your previous conversation with him. The conversation that left you almost gasping for air. You pulled out a chair, sitting with the pair as you grabbed a piece of paper and a pen before mindlessly drawing shapes.
After a while of the three of you drawing, your mind began to drift to Loki. Why hadn’t he come to look for you? Was he upset? Surely not. He couldn’t have possibly had his mind set on having another child. You both weren’t even settled with the first one. It must’ve just been a passing thought that he settled on and would overcome by tomorrow. Loki was always like this, fixating on something for a while before letting the thought pass. Hopefully this would be the same.
“Y/n, you’re in here” You heard Natasha cheer.
“Hey Nat.”
“Hey y/n.”
“Hey Yelena.”
“Y/N, I’ve got a surprise for Sev.” Natasha smiled.
“Go ahead.” You prompted before Natasha moved her hands from behind her back revealing a beautiful little baby pink frock with sequins causing Seven to gasp as she dropped the pen she was holding in her hand.
“Nat is this for the wedding?” You grinned, running your eyes over the gorgeous dress and picturing Seven in it.
“Yes.” Nat nodded “the flower girl needs a dress.”
“Flower gorlll.” Seven clapped.
“You’ve sorted out the flower girl dress before the bridesmaids? That’s a different approach. Anyways it doesn’t matter because we’ve got time.”
“Actually y/n” Nat began “we’ve moved the wedding.”
“To when?” You queried, raising a brow.
“This Saturday” she beamed.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got everything planned.” Nat winked.
“Natasha Romanoff, what are we wearing?”
“She wants us dressed in our suits.” Steve interrupted as he entered, ruffling Sevens hair.
“Surely not” you pleaded.
“I wouldn’t want it any other way. It’s my wedding, my rules. When you’re getting married, you can make us wear whatever you want but for now, dust off your combat gear y/n, our next mission is the Nabruce wedding.” She exhaled.
“Nabruce?” You laughed “that sounds ridiculous.”
“I said they should be called Brutasha.” Bucky added, walking into the room and giving Seven a packet of sweets.
“How about Bromanoff?” You suggested causing everyone to laugh.
Eventually more people came in and the realisation that Natasha’s wedding was practically at the end of the week set in. She and Bruce loved each other, there was no point waiting any longer plus Tony could secure whatever they wanted so there was that. Still not seeing Loki, you decided to excuse yourself and Seven as you headed back to your room. When you opened the door, there was no sign of Loki. You then knocked on his door and received no answer. Opening it, you stepped inside and called for Loki but there was no reply.
“I wonder where daddy is” you spoke, looking around the room from where you stood.
“Daaadyyy?” Seven called but there was still no answer. You decided to pick Seven up, holding her as you made your way to her room, relief running over you when your eyes settled on Loki who was sitting in a chair and looking through her baby photo albums. You put Seven down and she ran towards Loki who scooped her up, sitting her on his lap.
“Look, there’s you” he spoke softly pointing to one of the pictures of Seven as a newborn “so small and precious.
“She’s still small and precious Loki.”
“Indeed she’s still a small precious princess” he agreed, kissing her cheek before turning the page “but I just— I can’t help but feel upset and angered that I missed so much. Yes I have her now but I missed so much y/n, I just missed so much.” He said just above a whisper in a melancholy tone.
“Loki” you said as you walked towards the pair. Crouching down in front of him you brought one of his hands to your lips before quickly kissing it “you’ve got lifetimes with her, what’s a few years? Nothing compared to thousands.”
“I know but I missed the important parts. The feeds, the—” he began to list.
“No Loki, the important parts are right here. You here with her right now is important okay.”
“You’re right. What would I do without you my love” Loki smiled, closing the photo album and placing it on the table before pulling you up to sit on his other lap.
“Hmmm.” You hummed “also, Nat is getting married on Saturday. She brought Sev a flower girl dress.” You told him as you stroked the back of his hair.
“What’s everyone else wearing?” Loki questioned with an amused expression “surely she won’t be able to sort out everything before Saturday.”
“Here’s the funny part, she wants us all in our avenged gear.” You laughed “I wonder if she’ll wear a dress?”
“I better polish off my horns then.” Loki smiled “come on, time to feed my girls.” He said, tapping your back before you stood up. He held Seven as the three of you made your way towards the kitchen.
“Iceeee creammmm.”
“No Sev.”
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Yes Loki get those horns out 😁 also Sev is the communal child 🤣🤣
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novamirmir · 3 years
can u write a natasha x fem reader fanfic based on favorite crime by olivia rodrigo where nat cheats and distances her self from the reader and they have been dating for awhile. and nat breaks up with r after she like confronts her about it? thank you love 😁
Genre: ANGST :)
Word count: 986
Request: yes
Warnings: Cheating, couple of swearwords. Not much else I don't think. Maybe just general pain?
A/N: I had so much fun writing this. I mean it totally broke my cold dead heart but I loved this request. I did make Brucie boy kinda the bad guy in this because Brutasha hurts me. I hope this is what you were looking for anon <3
Favorite crime
Loving Natasha Romanoff was…different. It was a whirlwind of excitement, danger and passion. It was the kind of love that consumed you wholly and left you burnt, bruised and wanting more. And I loved her completely.
Know that I loved you so bad I let you treat me like that I was your willing accomplice, honey
The signs first started when date nights went from nearly every night to a few times a month. I was naïve. I assumed it was just work. She is an international spy and full-time avenger. The date nights ceased to exist a month before it happened.
And I watched as you fled the scene Doe-eyed as you buried me One heart broke, four hands bloody
The arguments started soon after. It would be over little things, things that shouldn’t even matter. I would leave a pair of dirty socks on the floor; Natasha wouldn’t put the toilet seat down. It was like a well-oiled machine the amount we would argue, throw things, cry. Well, I was the one crying. Never in front of her though. The scoffs were too much at this point.
The things I did Just so I could call you mine The things you did Well, I hope I was your favorite crime
Yet, even with all the bitter things we said to each other, we would always end up in bed, having rough sex. There was no loving touches or pillow talk. It was raw and carnal and held nothing but hurt.
You used me as an alibi I crossed my heart as you crossed the line And I defended you to all my friends
“Y/n, she can’t treat you like this.” Carol told me as we sat drinking whatever alcohol was placed in front of us.
“It’s fine. I’m sure she was just called away on an important mission.”
Carol hit the bar with her hand. “It’s your damn birthday. She’s your fucking girlfriend. Did she even tell you happy birthday?”
I didn’t answer that. I just took another shot and hoped I could erase the image of her laughing with Bruce the way I used to make her laugh.
And now, every time a siren sounds I wonder if you're around 'Cause you know that I'd do it all again
I was sent on a mission. Tony needed some chemical from some top-secret lab. It was supposed to be the key for fixing the Hulk. I wasn’t confident it would considering the amount of times the building had to be evacuated because of a failure to fix ‘code green’. It took me less than two days to get the right chemical. Less than two days for everything to go to shit.
When I entered the Avengers compound, Jarvis instructed me to go straight to the lab so Tony could start work right away.
“Y/n! Haven’t seen you around in a while. If you could drop this off at Bruce’s room then we can catch up while I work.”
I had missed Tony’s vibrance. He always had a funny story, and the silences were never awkward. It’s bittersweet to think about the damage that we do 'Cause I was going down, but I was doing it with you Yeah, everything we broke, and all the trouble that we made But I say that I hate you with a smile on my face
I wish I could say that when I opened Bruce’s door and saw a certain redhead there too, I was hurt, that my heart broke in two. But that would be a lie. I was so tired I wasn’t even shocked. I just placed the bag down and walked out. I continued walking for what felt like eternity until I reached my apartment 5 blocks away.
Oh, look what we became
That night, Natasha came over.
“Here are your things.” I passed her a box filled with little things she had left at our my place. “I don’t want my things back. Burn them for all I care.” I turned around to close the door, but she put her foot in the gap before I could.
“Let’s talk?”
“No. you know I have hard limits and cheating is one of them.”
“Listen there’s no need to be bitter about it. You just don’t fit into my life. You never could. You were a fun little distraction from my feelings for Bruce because I thought he could never be with a monster like me. And besides” She lets out a dry laugh “He’s got a real dick.”
I wanted to tell her she wasn’t a monster. But she was, just not in the way she thought. She wasn’t a monster because of all those people she had killed, or that she couldn’t have children. She was a monster for not just breaking up with me. For playing this hideous game where neither of us were really happy. Sure, I could have broken up with her but she was never around so when it came down to it, there was no one to break up with.
“Leave. I don’t ever want to see you again.”
“Well that’s going to be tough considering we work in the same place y/n” She rolled her eyes
“Not anymore.” I reached into my pocket and showed her the plane ticket that took me back to my hometown.
All the things I did Just so I could call you mine All the things you did Well, I hope I was your favorite crime
That whirlwind, the danger, the addictive taste of Natasha Romanoff was one of the best things in my life. Perhaps that’s why it completely destroyed me. Why it ruined me for any other type of love.
Your favorite crime Your favorite crime 'Cause baby, you were mine
And yet now, as I sit here looking back, I see that what I was describing wasn’t love, but lust.
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Hey 👋
I know you ship brutasha, but i read one of your work recently, which was about ironwidow...
I ship ironwidow
Can you write a fic in which natasha and tony are married, and nat got pregnant, and I want everything happening in 10 months In this fic, from nat breaking the news to tony, and then them breaking the news to the rest of the avengers, and then write something about all the fun they have during this 10 months and then finally this story ends when they give birth to a girl... BTW they left the avengers after the got married
*Natasha looked down at the stick in her hand. Two red lines. She wasn't imagining it. She ran out of the bathroom and tapped her husband on the shoulder. *
Tony: This better be important. I'm on the phone with Steve about the trainees.
Natasha: You promised you'd stop worrying about the team after we left.
Tony: I know. I know. Focus on us.
Natasha: And the family we're building.
Tony: Eventually.
Natasha: No, right now.
*She held up the test and Tony's jaw dropped.*
Tony: Rogers, I'm gonna need to call you back.
*Tony hung up the phone and hugged his wife. *
Tony: When did you find out?
Natasha: Ten minutes ago.
Tony: How are we gonna tell the team? When should we tell them?
Natasha: After the first trimester is over.
*A few months later, the Avengers received an urgent video call from Tony. Natasha held up a grainy black and white picture.*
Tony: Look what we made!
*Most of the team gasped excitedly. Thor wasn't quite sure what he was looking at. *
Thor: That is a terrible camera. I can't even see you two. Who took that picture?
Sam: It's an ultrasound.
Thor: What?
Wanda: See that little blob right there? That's a baby.
Thor: I'm pretty sure that's a peanut. Why are we all excited about a poor-quality picture of a peanut?
Natasha: Wanda's right, that's a baby. See the head? And those right there are the legs. The picture looks so grainy because the baby isn't born yet. I'm pregnant!
Thor: You guys are having a kid? That's amazing! What does any of this have to do with the peanut in the picture?
Tony: That's not a peanut, it's a baby.
Thor: Whatever you say, Stark.
*Thor rolled his eyes and whispered to Steve. *
Thor: What kind of idiot can't tell the difference between a peanut shell and a baby?
*As six more months went by, Natasha and Tony prepared for their little girl to come into their lives. They set up the perfect nursery, thought up dozens of names, and researched everything they could think of. Soon, it was time to welcome their daughter into the world. She was born with dark hair and striking blue eyes. Unfortunately, they now had a dilemma.*
Tony: So, which name are we using?
Natasha: Now that we've met her, none of these names seem to fit. This entire list is basically useless.
Tony: I'm sure that's not true. What about Daisy?
Natasha: I can already tell she's not quiet enough to be a flower.
Tony: Elizabeth?
Natasha: Too many syllables. This one has a lot of energy. We're going to need to be able to call her name quickly.
Tony: Annie?
Natasha: She doesn't look like an Annie.
Tony: Why don't we forget the list. What do you think she looks like?
Natasha: I can tell you she's not a Mary or a Sarah.
Tony: Penny.
Natasha: What?
Tony: Penny. We can nickname her peanut.
Natasha: Because of what Thor said?
Tony: Yep.
Natasha: I love it.
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ynscrazylife · 4 years
Hi again! I don't really know if you want to write this request (most people don't like brutasha) but could you write (only if you want to) after AoU (Bruce didn't disappear) he decides to introduce Natasha (his gf) to his teen daughter (reader)? Idk, some platonic! Nat x reader and they trying to bond.
Honestly I don’t really ship Brutasha but I’m cool with this!
Summary: After Avengers: Age of Ultron, Bruce Banner (Hulk) and Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) are dating. Bruce decides to introduce Natasha to his daughter, Y/N, and the woman and the teenager start to bond. By the end, Y/B is begging Bruce to make Natasha her step-mom.
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Y/N Banner was the teenage daughter of Bruce Banner and his ex-girlfriend (before he became Hulk). Her parents had shared custody of her - Y/N living with her father for a week every other week. While Y/N did know her father was the Hulk and was an Avenger, she hadn’t known her father was in a relationship. Safe to say, when she found out, she was excited, and even more excited as in this very moment, her father was bringing over his girlfriend to introduce the two.
She was sitting in her room now, thinking about who the woman would be. A doctor like her dad? Maybe she was a SHIELD Agents - or maybe she was a completely ordinary woman. Well, Y/N’s wonderings were cut off when she heard the noise of the key turning and the door opening.
Immediately, Y/N leapt up and ran to meet her father and -
Black Widow??
Holy crap. Y/N stared in awe. Her father was dating Natasha Romanoff, another Avenger, and Y/N’s favorite superhero (don’t tell her dad).
“Hi Y/N,” Bruce greeted with a chuckle, seeing his daughter’s flabbergasted face. Natasha joined in with his laugh.
“How the - you’re dating Black Widow?” Y/N asked her dad, looking back-and-forth between the redhead and the brunette.
Bruce glanced at Natasha. “Yes, I am . . . You say that with such an overwhelming amount of shock,” he joked, feigning hurt.
Y/N blinked and composed herself, walking towards the two adults until she tripped over mid-air.
“She’s adorable,” Natasha whispered to Bruce before speaking louder to Y/N. “I’m Natasha, but you can just call me Nat.”
Y/N nodded. “O-okay. I’m Y/N,” she said, and then promptly stuck her hand out.
Natasha chuckled before shaking her hand.
“Why don’t you two get to know each other while I make lunch?” Bruce suggested, looking first at his girlfriend and then at his daughter.
“Sounds great!” Natasha said, before her attention focused on Y/N. “Can you show me your room?”
Y/N nodded and marched off, her heart racing. She led the spy into her room, which was covered with Avengers posters, most notably her dad, and other bands and pop-stars.
“I love your room,” Natasha observed, making Y/N smile as she closed her bedroom door.
“Don’t tell my dad, but you’re my favorite Avenger,” Y/N whispered, making the other woman laugh.
“I’m flattered,” Natasha said, before placing herself on the teenager’s bed. “Tell me about yourself.”
Y/N thought a bit before sitting next to Natasha. “Well, if my dad asks, I’m not dating. He’s always on me about that stuff. Ummmm, I love cats and dogs! Can’t choose between them. Oh, and I want to help people, like my dad, but I’m not that good with science. I’ve actually been wanting to maybe become involved with SHIELD . . . Until it sorta fell,” she said, not really sure how to explain herself.
“Sometimes I get . . . Worried about my dad. He’s hard on himself, and I worry that he’s going to get hurt or something. I know I have my mom, but she’s not too fond of him being an Avenger either, and she can be a little cold,” Y/N admitted.
“I’m-I’m sorry,” she said quickly. “I shouldn’t be unloading this stuff. It’s just that . . . You’re the first adult I can really talk to about this stuff. My friends help but they usually want autographs from the Avengers, and I had one friend only friends with me because of that.” Y/N stopped, realizing she was rambling on.
“Oh, no, honey, it’s fine!” Natasha quickly assured, and placed an arm around Y/N. “I know telling you not to worry about dad doesn’t really help, yeah? But honestly, he rarely gets injured injured, you know? He usually patches up the rest of us.”
Y/N nodded with a slight smile, feeling a little better.
“And that friend who was only friends with you for the autograph? They suck. You deserve so much better than that,” Natasha added, hugging her.
“Thanks,” Y/N said a little quietly.
“Well, I have a best friend named Clint, and I used to be a SHIELD agent. I’ve had a rough past, but your dad has really helped me turn it around and recognize self-love,” Natasha said.
The two continued to laugh and talk for the next fifteen minutes. Y/N told her what was going on in her life (insert whatever’s going on in your life here), and Natasha was able to comfort her, give her advice, and talk to her. In turn, Y/N inquired about Natasha’s life and about her dad, as it was sometimes hard to talk to him or know things about him with him being an Avenger.
It was then that Y/N got the idea to play a board game. They continued to play that until Y/N won, and suddenly she excused herself from the room.
“Dad,” she said, running into the kitchen. Her dad turned around from the kitchen counter. “You need to marry Natasha! Like, seriously. She’s AWESOME and she would be a great step-mom! Please, please, please.”
Bruce laughed, and then looked over his shoulder, spotting Natasha. Y/N turned around. She was grinning.
“Yeah, Banner,” she agreed with a smirk. “When are you gonna propose?”
Y/N squealed.
“You know, little Banner,” Natasha said, looking down at Y/N. “You make me laugh. Not too many people can do that. You’re great.”
Y/N had the biggest grin throughout the day, where she spent it eating with her dad and Natasha and talking until sunset.
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Chapter 12, Finale of "A Window Not Missed" posted to AO3. Work rated M.
Thank you for sticking with me while I made decisions on the direction of this fic. Even though I am marking "A Window Not Missed" complete after this chapter, I WILL be continuing Bruce and Nat's (and Hulk's) story through Endgame and beyond. I just decided that with that much material and that much time to either jump or cover, the narrative would be better served by a series than a giant fic. The series will be called "Never Say Never," and Part II will be entitled "A Window Closed." I believe it will cover Ragnarok/Civil War and Infinity War, with a third installment covering Endgame and beyond. I hope you will follow along and let me know your thoughts along the way! Thank you for welcoming me to the Marvel fandom so warmly. Brutasha fans are the best!
Hulk swallowed, feeling something sad behind his eyes as he looked between her face and her open palm. She’d said she needed him, hadn’t she? And here she was already trying to get Banner back…
She needed Hulk. She wants Banner. Widow only needs Hulk to fight… to destroy.
The realization hit him, yet he couldn’t look away from her. He loved her too much. 
Her eyes were confusing. She looked like she loved him too. But Widow lied a lot. Hulk knew that. He’d heard Banner worry about that sometimes, about whether she really loved them or if she was just being a spy. 
When Banner was a little boy, he’d been fascinated by magnets. That’s what it felt like with Widow’s hand like this. Magnets. Even now, as Hulk felt like something had reached into his chest and cut his heart open, his palm still found hers…
All of a sudden pellets of fire hit his back like flaming rain. He let out a roar and dived forward to shield Nat, teeth gritted as the quinjet zoomed by with Ultron inside. Hulk knew he was the only one that could get to that hunk of metal now, but Sokovia was still rising, and that rescue craft would soon be gone. Hulk had to get his Nat to safety, even if she didn’t want him with her. 
He scooped her up effortlessly, hurling them both into the air toward the helicarrier. Her curls tickled his chest in the breeze, and her eyes peered up at him. They were big, beautiful— but Hulk still couldn’t read them. He just knew he loved her, and that even though love was supposed to feel good, somehow this hurt. 
Gingerly he laid her down on the surface of the craft, wishing he were laying her down on something else entirely, and that the world wasn’t always going to hell around them. 
‘Bye, Widow , he thought sadly, but he said nothing. Words were hard, and Banner didn’t let him get enough practice with them. Instead Hulk heard the pounding of his own feet, and he catapulted into the doorway of the jet, sending the metal murderbot thousands of feet down. 
Sick hunk of metal. 
Hulk played around with some buttons. He was never much for machines. Banner liked them, but to Hulk they were boring, cold, and empty. He kind of wished he knew more about them now though. Finally he hit a button that did something, sealing the door of the jet. Somewhere deep in his brain, Hulk was aware of Banner struggling, and he imagined the doctor throwing himself against a door, trying to break it open. But this time it was Hulk that refused to break down the wall. 
“Banner need a break. Hulk in charge . ”
But Nat!
“Nat only want fight. Like bad little witch said. Nat push Banner. Nat trick Hulk.” 
No! You don’t understand her, Hulk! Let me out now! I can fix this! 
“Fix for Nat and Banner. No fix for Hulk.”
Silence. Banner couldn’t argue with that, could he? Because it was true. 
“Hey, big guy.”
That low voice that always tickled his ear and made his pants want to burst suddenly played with his mind once again. Hulk whipped around and saw her face trapped in some kind of box. Brow furrowed, he stalked toward it. 
“We did it, the job's finished,” she declared. “Now I need you to turn this bird around, okay?”
Her full lips were pink… light. Hulk liked them better that way, better than that deep, dangerous red that Banner liked. Her eyes were watery and her voice seemed like it wanted to shake, but it didn’t. Widow was always good at keeping cool. 
“We can't track you in stealth mode, so help me out,” she continued. “I need you—”
Need me? Everyone always need Hulk. Then they forget Hulk. Nobody ever want Hulk. Only need.
With one touch on that clear box, she was gone. Hulk felt like part of him broke in that split second. But was it really a part of him, or of Banner? 
Hulk reclined back in the cockpit and gazed out at the endless trail of clouds that stretched before him. They were easy, peaceful. They didn’t want anything from him. They just seemed to carry him along. 
Part of him hoped her face would pop back up again. Hulk wasn’t sure what he’d done to make Nat disappear from the box. Hulk reached out a couple of times to see if he could bring her back, but he only felt an empty space where her face had been. Banner, wherever he was, had quieted down. It was for the best, Hulk knew. They couldn’t hurt anyone up here. And she couldn’t hurt them.
Maybe, with enough time and with everything finally quiet up here, Hulk would learn to talk. And maybe Bruce Banner would learn to listen. 
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wtnrscap · 4 years
Cursed Words- Seventeen
Pairings- Bucky Barnes x Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Bruce Banner, mentions of past Natasha Romanoff x Clint Barton.
Summary- The third time it happens, you still don’t know why he runs. After the rejection at Tony’s party, you don’t think you’ll ever be able to look Bucky in the eyes again. Just your luck that Steve sends you on a mission with him soon after. 
Warnings- (18+) Mentions of blood, death, injury detail, PTSD, panic and anxiety attacks. Fluff. Dirty talk, dirty fantasies. Eventual smut.
A/N- This kinda short because I expect the next chapter to be quite long. Chapter 4 is when we really start to explore Bucky’s PTSD and past. And you, the reader, realises what’s happening. Taglist open.
Cursed Words Masterlist
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“He ran away from me Natasha! What else can be the problem beside me? I’ve just been too stupid to see it until now...” you sigh and place your coffee on the table with a bang. Nat smiles sadly at you, “You don’t know that. I mean, think about it, the first time it happened you were talking about wanting to kill a dude and the second time you basically admitted to liking him.”
“The words ‘I like you’ never left my mouth. I just said he was a good friend.”
“You guys definitely aren’t friends. Your hobby is making him blush one a day. Other than that, you barely talk. Your secret crush is out.”
You groan loudly and bang your forehead on the granite, “I’m a idiot. Not just that, I’m a desperate idiot! I just let my thoughts slip out and now here, doing the coffee drink of shame! I’ll never be able to look him in the eyes again.”
“Look, if it makes you feel any better, I got into this situation with Clint and that’s the reason we never ended up together,”
You lift your head up and cock an eyebrow, “You kept saying things that made Clint freak out and casued to him run away making you feel stupid and worthless?”
“... Not excatly, no...”
“I’m sorry Nat but don’t compare Clintasha to me and Bucky.”
“It’s your ship name...” you smirk, “But I prefer Brutasha.”
Nat flushes and stands up, “Whatever, I’ve got training. No! Wait a minute! There was something I was supposed to tell you. What was it... Oh yeah, Steve wants you in the boardroom.”
“What?” you jump up, “Since when?”
“About... an hour ago... Sorry, I forgot!”
“Nice of you to join us, Y/N. We started without you,” frowns Steve as you collaspe through the door. Ignoring the smirks of Sam, you fall into a seat next to Bucky, barely looking at him, “Sorry. You sent Nat after me, right?”
“Well she got distracted.”
Steve throws a file at you, “Your here now and we have a mission for you. You’ll be teaming up with Bucky and Sam to confiscate and collect. We had a call from some cops in Queens about a drugdealer with some impressive toys.”
“That’s... That’s a Chitauri gun...” you stare at the screen in surprise. Steve nods his head, “From what we could gather, the weapons are from 2012, meaning someone in and around Queens is dealing in alien tech. Your mission is to confiscate the guns and collect information as to where they came from. No fighting. The drugdealer isn’t our concern. Have you got that?”
“Damn it!” Bucky mutters as he follows you into the superstore. His eyes scan the checkout area before jumps into the air, scanning how big the store is, “We’ll never find him in here!”
“He’s got a Chitauri gun and he can only go out the way he came in, this is like a walk in the park,” you respond. Bucky bristles, “Well, I’m glad you’re having fun!”
“Definitely. Sam?”
Sam’s voice feeds into your ear, “This wouldn’t have happened if I’d been allowed onto the field. Also, I think that you should head him towards to the entrance where Bucky will be waiting for him. Try not to cause mass panic.”
“People are already staring at us, mass panic is unavoidable. And for your infromation, Birdbrain, you were supposed to be reading heat patterns. How did you not notice a third person in the room?”
“I ordered room service!”
“You were slacking! I knew it!” snaps Bucky. You wave a hand in front of his face and stare at him with wide eyes, “Shut up and stay here! I’ll heed him to you.”
It doesn’t take you long to find him hiding out in the frozen aisle and you smirk at him, hands on your hips, “You can make this easy for me and stay where you are or you can make it fun and run. Your call.”
The man stares at you in shock and horror before turning on the spot and running. As you chase him, a blast of light and heat causes you to duck and roll. Bucky’s voice fills your ear, “Y/N? Are you okay? What’s happening?”
“He just tried to shoot me. Hit the bread aisle. I’m fine. He’s coming your way!”
As you round the corner Bucky lunges and time seems to slow down as a superstore worker appears out of nowhere. Bucky’s eyes widen as he flips in midair, mising the worker by inches and letting the target go. In desperation, you leap forward and yank the Chitauri gun out of the target’s hand. Wrapping your arms around it, you hit the floor painfully and watch as the target disappaers. A yell makes you jump, “What the hell kid? I’m an Avenger!”
“Bucky! Leave... Peter alone! It’s not his fault!”
“He just sabotaged the whole mission!”
Peter shrinks away as you smile at him, “How old are you?”
Peter mutters something inaudible and you sigh, “Bucky, he didn’t know! He’s a seventeen year old kid! Let’s just get out of here.”
You watch as Bucky suddenly runs from the store, his hair whipping around his face and that worthless feeling hits you. He’s running from you again.
With a sigh, you pelt after him, almost losing him on the crowded street. After a quick chase, he ducks into an alley. You rest hand against the brick, struggling for breath when you see him on the floor, his head between his knees and shoulders shaking. Something’s majorly wrong.
Kneeling beside him, you take the com out of his ear and lift his head up. There are tears in his empty eyes and sweat on his brow. His face is pale and you can tell he’s a mess. You gently lean a hand against his shocking warm cheek, “Bucky? Are you okay? Tell me what’s wrong, please...”
Bucky looks at you, but you can tell he’s not seeing you, “He’s coming. That man, his face, his sins, he’s coming...”
“Who is he? Tell me!” you beg and surprise hits you as a tear rolls down your face. Bucky nestles into your hand, “He’ll kill us all. He’ll kill you. He has no remorse...”
Taking a uncertan step back, you run your hands through your sweaty hair, heavy breaths filling the space between you and Bucky, “You need help, Bucky. There’s something seriously wrong with you. You need help. And I can’t help you. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry...”
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themculibrary · 4 years
Bruce And Natasha (Brutasha) Masterlist
Links Last Checked: March 2nd, 2024
part two
although it's so romantic on the borderline tonight. (ao3) - paperclipbitch T, 6k
Summary: Post-movie. “You shouldn’t google yourself,” Natasha tells Bruce.
A Temporary Arrangement (ao3) - subjunctive T, 8k
Summary: Natasha doesn't have a lot of options; Stark Tower is a last resort. She doesn't expect to stay long.
Cafecito (ao3) - lindmere E, 8k
Summary: Written for this prompt on the Avengers kink meme: "The more he thinks about it, the more Bruce feels guilty about that whole trying to kill Nat on the helicarrier thing. The fact that he's attracted to her doesn't help, and he dodges her, burying himself in his work. Meanwhile, Natasha's been meaning to talk to him and make it clear that she's not scared of the other guy anymore, that there are no hard feelings over the incident...The UST is especially difficult because he thinks in general it'll get ugly if he tries to have sex at all, but Nat thinks otherwise, and maybe the best approach is for her to take the lead and let him relax and enjoy it."
Escaping the Soulstone (ao3) - Marilianne11 G, 30k
Summary: When the soulstone is returned, Natasha returns to the land of the living, with a new friend. All they want is to get back, so when the guardian presents them with the opportunity to leave, they take it, no matter the cost. What could possibly go wrong when two assassins and the Red Skull himself are travelling together?
falling asleep in warzones (ao3) - heroisms (tiny_white_hats) T, 4k
Summary: Eventually, Bruce comes home.
For a Handful of Diamonds (ao3) - ellievolia T, 11k
Summary: Natasha and Bruce are sent on an undercover mission to keep the world from imploding, yet again.
Gaja (ao3) - rustingroses T, 6k
Summary: The doors to the prison cell slammed open, and a woman in a low-cut scarlet dress that perfectly matched her hair came striding in. Her locks curled around ivory shoulders and a gold necklace, framing a serious face. Her lips, too, matched her hair, drawing the eyes irrevocably to that full mouth, made for sin. Her clear blue-grey eyes glinted even in the dim overhead lighting. Aphrodite wouldn’t have turned her nose up at such a figure or face; if the goddess possessed even a portion of this woman’s beauty and grace, no wonder Paris had given Aphrodite the apple.
Of course, as far as he could recall, no goddess carried a pair of strappy gold heels in one hand and a gun in the other.
Huh, Bruce thought woozily as the Hulk roared with frustration and rage at this new threat. Bruce tightened his grip on the Hulk and the cage of anger that contained it, forcing it to yield to him. Bruce had chosen to be here, and had not chosen lightly. This woman would not wrest his control from him. I didn’t know hallucinations were a side effect of this drug.
Heat (ao3) - Deastar E, 22k
Summary: Imprisoned together in a cave, Bruce and Natasha turn their higher thought processes to escape. But not all instincts are bad instincts.
Hold My Breath and Jump Right In (ao3) - DevilDoll E, 2k
Summary: "She won't be happy until she's pushed back at him, shown him she's not afraid, proven she can handle him."
If Running's a Plan (ao3) - FestiveFerret T, 98k
Summary: “We need you in New York, Agent Romanoff. I have a new assignment for you.”
“Well I hope it's more relaxing than this one,” she quipped, throwing a blood-covered glass shard to the floor.
“Just sent the briefing through.” Fury hung up abruptly. He was never one for small talk.
Natasha stretched her ankle out, frowning when a few of the cuts beaded up with fresh blood. Picking up her phone again she opened the briefing and flipped through it. Her frown deepened.
“Bozhe moi.”
I Want to Hold Your Hand - likemewhenimangry T, 2k
Summary: Five times Natasha held Bruce’s hand. Subtle and lovely.
Matryoshka (ao3) - hegemony E, 23k
Summary: She finds space inside herself for him.
My Unshaped Form (ao3) - atrata E, 26k
Summary: Of all the people they could have sent, they send Bruce Banner. In his defense, he seems to realize he has no chance of finding her.
o fill me with strength (ao3) - zauberer_sirin E, 5k
Summary: The rescue mission is a success but Natasha is angry, everybody is making a fuss and the only one pushing the right buttons is Bruce .
Something Beautiful (ao3) - Aerith_Mon_Kishu, Autumn_Froste E, 35k
Summary: Natasha can calm the Hulk down, and do even more than that. During Age of Ultron their relationship advances to a point neither of them thought possible. Sex is her best weapon and it seems like it works on him too. Even the Hulk's strength and body can't destroy her entirely after a brutal night, and she tries to get further, to wipe out her ledger until she has saved him. None of them thought they actually created a by-product, that makes everything even more difficult now.
extract: “Let's see what surprises you have for me, Doctor.” She knelt next to him, her hand gently caressing his torso, down, down until they slipped beneath the waistband of his shorts, the prominent erection already visible. Her eyes never left his, waiting for them to change their hue, as she grabbed his shaft, a small smile on her lips as she felt him thick and pulsing.
Sun's Getting Low (ao3) - mrstater T, 65k
Summary: SHIELD's collapse leaves Natasha uncertain of her place in the world. While Bruce enjoys life at Avengers Tower, he continues to doubt whether he's more an asset than a liability to the team. Can they learn to trust each other--and themselves--enough to help each other find what they're looking for?
There's a Dearth of Poetry About Spies (ao3) - Thassalia E, 17k
Summary: "It’s truly a fantasy, and one she could spin, for him, but spies don’t work like that -- in breathless, charged teams. They need steady hands, even heart rates. And if she were somewhere she thought she’d get caught she’d just leave, or lie. Eliminate the threat one way or another."
Spies, and control, and figuring out how to see each other clearly. Bruce and Natasha fail at the sex romp through Europe. Well, they fail at the romping. Starts mid-IM3, continues until AoU but isn't particularly compliant.
to love and to hold (ao3) - lazywriter7 T, 4k
Summary His expression was a little too brittle. “Lucky for you I’m a bit too much of a coward for sex, then.”
But Natasha’s lips only flattened, gaze implacable. “Have you thought not wanting to do something might not be the same as being a coward?”
Venus in Retrograde (ao3) - Meatball42 G, 2k
Summary: Natasha finds her lover again in Wakanda, like a bottle thrown to the sea and washed up on a distant shore.
Walking With Spiders (ao3) - atrata E, 5k
Summary: "Let's be clear," he says. "It's going to be a long time before I believe anything you have to say."
Bruce and Natasha after Age of Ultron.
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redvelvetnat · 3 years
Obvious choice but Nat for the ask game ✌🏼
♡ work song by hozier reminds me of her
♡ she definitely smells like vanilla or oak
♡ i believe in blackhill rights all day long babyyyy
♡ brutasha makes me want to vomit
♡ caps winter soldier trio (her, sam, and steve) makes my heart warm
♡ i generally agree with most headcanons about her but i headcanon her as lesbian vs bi
♡ i think she definitely sleeps on her back, she probably learned to do that in the red room because it’s the easiest position to get in and out of bed
♡ i might just be a whore but agent romanoff + ssa emily prentiss? yes yes yes
♡ the white suit in black widow holds a special place in my heart
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mrslaufeyson002 · 3 years
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Rise Chapter 8 part 2
I was going with Steve as his date/girlfriend. The party was filled with a lot of people. Steve and Sam were playing pool as I stood by nearby watching. Sam was being cocky (like he always is) and I laugh along with Steve. Sam ended up winning. "If I had known it was gonna be a firefight, I would have called." Steve says talking about the mission from earlier. "No, no. I'm not actually sorry. I'm just trying to sound tough." Sam says and then points at me. "Was Taylor a part of this?" I shook my head no. "I was stuck on babysitting duty." I look over to Thor and Loki, then excused myself.
I join Thor and Loki by the bar. Loki glares at me, but I didn't react. Steve joins us and wraps his arm around my waist. Loki glares at Steve, but like me, he doesn't react. We were all drinking and talking (except Loki) when an old man walks up to us.
"I gotta have some of that" he says referring to the bottle in Thor's hand. "Oh, no, no, no." Thor says replies, almost like he is telling a toddler no. "See this...This was aged for a thousand years in the barrels built from the wreck of Grunhel's fleet. It is not meant for mortal men or woman." I'm confused and about to ask a question, when another old man near by makes himself aware. "Neither was Omaha Beach, blondie. Stop trying to scare us. Come on." He says, clearly wanting whatever was in the bottle. Thor was hesitant at first, but pours the old man some. I pour myself some more champagne, but kept wondering what would happen to someone like me with a little drop from that bottle. I watched as the old guys reaction. He was really drunk and needed help walking out of here. That's what it does.
Steve and I saw Nat and Bruce at the bar. We walked over and heard a bit of the conversation. "So what do you think? Should I fight this? Or run with it?" Natasha asks Bruce. "Run with it, right? Or did he...was he...What did he do that was so wrong to you?"
"Not a thing. But never say never." She walks away and we walk closer to Bruce. "It's nice." Steve says to Bruce. "What is?" Bruce stumbles on the word 'what'. "You and Natasha, of course." I smirk slightly. "I ship Brutasha."
"No, we haven't...That wasn't..." I laugh a little. "It's okay, Bruce." Steve adds in, "Nobody's breaking any bylaws. It's just she's not the most open person in the world. But with you she seems very relaxed."
"No, Natasha, she's just...She likes to flirt." I walk up closer to Bruce. "I've seen her flirt, up close. This ain't that." Bruce scoffs and Steve walks up to stand next to me. "Look, as maybe the world's leading authority on waiting too long, don't." Steve holds my hand and we walk off to say bye to the guests and thank them for coming.
We gathered around as a group, eating Shwarma, talking, and laughing with each other (except for Loki, again). Loki kept glaring at Steve. "But it's a trick." Clint doesn't believe the whole 'being worthy' thing. "No, no, it's much more than that." Clint continues with a mocking voice. "Ah, whosoever be worthy shall haveth the power." Thor laughs, but in a serious tone, Clint continues, "Whatever, man! It's a trick." Thor holds his hand out to the hammer in a 'go ahead' way and says, "Be my guest."
"Come on. Really? Clint asks in a 'are you serious' tone. "Clint, you've had a tough week. We won't hold it against you if can't lift it up." Tony teases Clint and everyone laughs. Clint grabs the handle of Mjolnir and grunts as he can't lift it. "I still don't know how you do it."
"Smell the silent judgement?" Stark teases Barton again. "Please, Stark, by all means." Clint challenges Tony.
Tony clears his throat as he gets up off the couch. "Never one to shrink from an honest challenge." He walks over to the hammer and tries to and fails like Clint. "I'll be right back." He comes back with a piece of his armor. He still can't, even with both hands. Rhodey even tries to help him out, but they can't lift it.
Bruce stands up to try. He stands on the table and grips the hammer with both hands. He tries and tries, but fails as well.
Steve gets up to try. Loki rolls his eyes at him. Steve doesn't even grunt and the hammer moves a tiny bit. Thor looked upset for a second, but Steve being the nice guy he is, pretends he can't pick it up.
Bruce looks at Nat and I. "Do you girls want to try?"
"Oh, no, no. That's not a question I need answered."
"I agree with Nat."
I'm talking and laughing with Bruce and Nat, when I heard Maria Hill say, "Steve, he said a bad Language word." I couldn't stop laughing and Steve just looks at Tony. "Did you tell everyone about that?"
"The handle's imprinted, right? Like a security code." Tony suggests and Thor stands up. "Yes, it's a very interesting theory. I have a simpler one." He picks up Mjolnir and flips it in the air. "You're all not worthy." Everyone groans and laughs at Thor's statement.
There was a sudden high-pitched noise and it made everyone flinch or tense up. A weird voice speaks up and the elevator closes. "Worthy." A broken robot is awake and moving around (one of Tony's). He also had wires tangled around him. Everyone looked to see what was happening. "No. How could you be worthy? You're all killers." It points to all of us. "Stark?" I ask my voice trembling a little. "Jarvis." Tony says trying to get the A.I. butler online and awake. "I'm sorry, I was asleep. Or I was a dream." The robot continued. "Reboot Legionnaire OS. We got a buggy suit." Tony says tapping a hologram like pad. "There was this noise. And I was tangled in...In...Strings. I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy."
"You killed someone?" Steve asks the malfunctioning robot. "Wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world, we're faced with ugly choices." Thor asks him a question. "Who are you?"
"I see a suit of armor flying around the world." It plays a recording of Tony's voice. "Ultron."
"In the flesh. Or, no, not yet. Not this chrysalis. But I'm ready. I'm on a mission."
"What mission?" I ask trying not to stumble on my words. "Peace in our time." An army of robots burst through the wall and I tensed up. I was waiting for one of them to hit me, but nothing hit me. I looked down at my hand and I couldn't see anything. Was I invisible? I couldn't tell, but I stayed where I was, too afraid to move. A robot almost flew into me, but before it could, Loki must have scene or sensed me, because he picked me up and threw himself (and me) over the bar. I landed on top of him and I blushed. "Thank you...for saving me." He chuckles. "You're welcome, Taylor." I peek my head up over the bar and saw Steve destroy the last robot with his shield.
"That was dramatic." Ultron says irritated. "I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve? With these? These puppets?" He crushes the robots head. "There's only one path to peace. The Avengers' extinction." Thor destroys Ultron with Mjolnir, or at least he thought he did, but instead I heard his voice say, "I had strings, but now I'm free." Then the lights in his robotic eyes went off. We all just headed into the lab to discuss what just happened.
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Jesy Nelson as Dr. Dawn Palmer
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