#i want romanogers back
slutisnotabadword · 2 years
MCU’s biggest fumbles:
1. A proper, rated r Black Widow movie AFTER Iron Man 2.
2. Steve’s Nomad story after Civil War
3. Not making Stevenat or Winterwidow happen.
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woulddieforloki · 2 years
i wanna write a valentines day fic but idk who or what to write it about lol
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natashaslesbian · 7 months
From the ‘Tiny Dancer’ series
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Summary: when looking for your mama you find her cuddling with Steve. Natasha has to face the new challenge of telling you the truth about the new love in her life
Word Count: 1.7k
Parings: (Kid!Reader x Mom!Natasha) (Romanogers) (Kid!Reader x Steve)
“Mama?” You called out into the hallway and your feet padded along the floor “mommy?” You called again. As soon as auntie Kate went to use the bathroom you took the opportunity to search for your mama. You missed Natasha so much, although she had only been gone for a few hours. You knew she was still in the tower, Kate said she was busy working. “Mommy where are you?” You said as you pushed open her office door, the empty chair causing you to frown. You hobbled down the stairs to the gym, somewhere that you were not supposed to go without supervision. Maybe Natasha was training.
“Little spider?” Clint said when he heard you shuffling across the floor “what are you doing down here” he said as he came to kneel in front of you “I can’t find mommy” you frowned “do you know where she is?” You asked “is she not in her office kiddo?” Your uncle said as he pulled you to sit on your knee “no, I looked there” you drew your gaze away from Clint’s gaze “I’m sorry for coming to the gym by myself, I just wanna find mama” you sighed as you wiped your nose. Clint pulled out the handkerchief he kept special for you “it’s alright y/n” he said as he gently wiped your stuffy nose “do you want me to help you find mom?” You nodded “yes please”
You searched the kitchen, the living area, your bedroom, mommy’s bedroom and even auntie Yelena’s room but you couldn’t find Natasha anywhere. Meanwhile on the towers rooftop gardens, Clint was talking a panicked Kate down from her rambling “I thought she might have gotten up here and I was so scared!” She spat out “it’s alright, she’s down in her bedroom” Clint said “she’s waiting for me there” he guided Kate back down into the tower to your bedroom. “Y/n oh my goodness!” Your aunt said as she rushed into your bedroom “don’t you ever do that again you scared me” you dropped your gaze, thinking you were in trouble “I’m sorry auntie Katie” you mumbled “it’s ok y/n, you’re not in trouble you just gotta let someone know where you are” the two of you hugged it out and continued your search for Natasha along with Clint.
“Uncle Tony hasn’t seen her either, I’ve asked everyone!” You loudly sighed, throwing your arms into the air. “Are you sure you asked everyone angel?” Kate said as you came to settle on her lap, you racked your brain for a few moments thinking so hard you felt like your eyes would pop out. Suddenly it hit you “Uncle Steve!” You abruptly said “I didn’t ask uncle Stevie! Come one!” You jumped down onto the carpet and pulled Kate to her feet, knocking into Clint when rushing out of the room. “Woah! Where are you two going in such a hurry?” He asked “I gotta ask uncle Steve if he’s seen mama!” You called back, still pulling Kate along the corridor. Only did you let go of her hand when you reached Steve’s bedroom “Uncle Steve!” You called as you opened his door with no invitation “have you seen…” you stopped in your tracks when you finally found your lost love “mama?”
“Hey sweetheart” Natasha said as she sat up abruptly rubbing her tired eyes “are you okay?” She asked “why are you sleeping with uncle Steve?” You innocently asked, missing the way Clint chuckled at your choice of words (they weren’t exactly too far from the truth) The assassin shot daggers at Clint before turning her focus back to you “I was just having a nap darling” she said. Your inner widow sass started to come through as you stood with a large pour and tightly crossed arms “I’m not silly mama!” You said “what do you mean sweet pea?” Asked Steve “you were holding mama how uncle Clint holds auntie Laura! Have you been kissing my mommy?” You demanded. Clint and Kate took the opportunity to sneak away from the situation before you exploded into emotions “y/n baby calm down” Natasha said as she stood up from the bed “no!” You yelled “you’re my mommy! You’re only allowed to cuddle with me!” You said through angry tears “y/n don’t be rude sweetheart, mommy’s allowed to spend time with her friends too isn’t she?” Natasha asked as she came down to your level “Uncle Steve isn’t your friend! He’s your boyfriend! You’ve been spending time with him instead of me!” You said through choked sobs “baby girl mama’s allowed to spend time with other people just like you do, you gotta share remember y/n” you were still young and still learning so much, but sharing your mommy was defiantly not something you were happy about “but you’re my mama!” You cried and hurried from the room, leaving a stunned Steve and devastated Natasha, she didn’t want you to find out like this.
“Mommy doesn’t love me anymore uncle Clint!” You cried into the agents shoulder “oh y/n that’s not true!” He said “your mom loves you more than anything, and I think she loves Steve too but in a different way” Clint explained “wha-what do you mean?” You sniffled “well, you see your mommy loves you the way I love your cousins, us moms and dads have special hearts made just for you!” Your sobs started to subside as the new conversation caught your attention “they do?” You asked “they do! When you were born your mom got a brand new heart just for you so that she can give you all the love in the world” Clint continued “so you see now she has two hearts, one especially made for you and one to love another” you wiped your red eyes and shifted on Clint’s lap “I think that your mommy uses her second heart to love Steve the way I love your aunty Laura. So you see y/n your moms love for you hasn’t got smaller, she’s always going to love you no matter who else is in her life” Clint concluded his little speech with his signature smile and was rather pleased to see that you were no longer crying. “So mommy still loves me?” You asked your uncle “and she loves Steve too?” Clint nodded “I love mommy and Steve too” you said “you see, even your tiny little heart can fit so much love inside it! I think you should go find your mom and let her know that you love her” Clint suggested and you were off his lap and out the door before he could stop you.
You sprinted down the corridor, heading back to Steve’s bedroom. You turned a corner and crashed straight into a pair of legs, the force knocking you to the floor. “Y/n!” Natasha cried “I’m sorry baby I didn’t see you, are you okay?” Your moms fear only increased when you jumped up and threw your arms around her “oh I’m sorry baby, shh, it’s okay” she cooed for a moment before realising that there were no sniffles in the air “y/n?” Nat said as she pulled back from the hug. “I love you mommy!” You smiled brightly at her “I love you too baby” Natasha said, a little confused. “I’m sorry for being rude mama, I didn’t mean too” you pleaded “I just want you to still love me even if you love Steve too” you said as you pulled on your moms sweatshirt “oh y/n” Nat sighed “of course I’m still going to love you, I will always love you tiny dancer, you’re my world and no one else comes before you” your mama said as she gently kissed your forehead. “You’re mommy’s best friend and you always will be” she finished. “I know mama, uncle Clint told me about your two hearts and how one of them is just for me!” You exclaimed brightly. “Well uncle Clint is right you know” Natasha said as she lent down to touch your nose with hers. The widow was constantly impressed with Clint’s smart ways of calming you down. “Is Stevie still in his room?” You asked your mom.
Natasha led you back into Steve’s room, hand in hand. The solider sat up immediately at your presence. “Hi Stevie” you shyly said “hey y/n” Steve replied. You waddled over to his bed and climbed up to sit next to him while Natasha stood by the doorframe. “I’m sorry for being mean unc- Steve” you mumbled “that’s okay y/n” the avenger said. “I was just scared that mommy wouldn’t love me anymore, but now I know that she will because she has two hearts, one for me and one for you” you said, kicking your legs slightly. “Um- yes well that’s right you know” Steve muddled through his sentence. “Do you love my mama?” You asked “I do, very much y/n” Steve said “and you’ll always be nice to her” you said with your biggest puppy eyes “I promise I will” Steve smiled. “And you’ll share her with me?” You said “always” Steve said. You thought for a moment and glanced at your mom then back at Steve. “Will you be my papa then?” You quietly asked. Natasha felt her heart swell with love, she had never expected you to welcome Steve so easily. “Is that what you’d like?” The solider asked “yes please” you mumbled behind your sleeve “then of course I’ll be your papa” Steve smiled. You immediately climbed up and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, and shortly, Natasha came to join you both.
You always thought it would just be you and your mommy, and at first you were scared that Steve was going to take her away. Now however, you were excited to spend more time with Steve (he was secretly one of your favourite people in the avengers.) Over the next few days you did everything together and you got to see just how happy your mom was with your new papa. Natasha still had all the love in the world saved up for you, and she made sure to continue to shower you in it. You were sad when Steve had to leave for a 2 day mission and you missed him more than you thought possible. It was safe to say that you liked this new expansion of your little family, and you couldn’t wait for all the fun you were going to have together.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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star-kovs · 6 months
hi everyone!
i was on a semi-hiatus for a while but i’m back. since it’s been a bit, i wanted re-introduce myself: i’m kat, she/her 24. i’m an editor and i love to support other creators too! I track #userkaterina.
phew. now that that’s out of the way, i am looking for new blogs to follow! especially those who post about my current faves: marvel, ouat, the 100, b99, new girl, shadow and bone, the summer i turned pretty, pjo, bridgerton
i’m also a big shipper and some of my favorites include: captain swan, bellarke, gweter, peraltiago, ness, bonrad, kanthony, polin
please boost this! and i hope to make some new friends here soon 😊
tagging a few mutuals: @arabellas @favroitecrime @gretaonieogou @clarkgriffon @karolsen @colins-bridgerton @romanogers @useragarfield @bellamysgriffin @daphne-miles @jakeyp @trueloveistreacherous @laylakeating
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bulkyphrase · 4 months
Hey! I know you have a post containing Winter!Steve works, do you have any more to share with us?
I sure do! Below are few more stories that feature Steve as the Winter Soldier instead of (or in addition to) Bucky.
And if you haven't already, check out one of my earlier lists, Villain(ish) Steve, which features stories with brainwashed/reluctant villain Steve Rogers.
Thanks so much for the ask!
Sleeping With Ghosts by @rohkeutta, art by @cobaltmoony, @esaael (Stucky | Mature | 33,918 words)
Summary: The first two years after Bucky gets out of the ice are-- surprisingly easy. Serve his country, learn to use his charmed robot hand, make friends, don’t think about the spark of magic in him that’s gone out, see the world, try to live with the grief (try to live with the grief, try to--) Maybe they’re not that easy, in the end, but he’s settling - until he gets reluctantly pulled out of the Army and has Steve’s shield (Steve’s shield, its magic wary and curious and half-dormant) thrust onto him again, even though he’s already turned it down once before. The world has changed and so has he, but as he tries to immerse himself into a new life, he meets a ghost he could never leave behind.
Ghosts by Shaish (@shaishwrites) (Stucky | Explicit | 70,380 words | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence)
Summary: What if Steve and Bucky both fell in 1944?
More below the cut!
who he might be by Mici (noharlembeat) (@eggsac) (Stucky | Mature | 39,938 words | Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death)
Summary: There are ways worlds overlap, and this is one of them, the tiny divergences that make us who we are, that run events the way they are. Bucky Barnes looks out at the world and he knows that he had always prepared for a world without Steve, but really, he didn't think it would look like this, like toxic lights and shining streets, like how every pulp book he ever read had shown the future. It's so brilliant. Bucky wants to just say, hey, Stevie, look. But Steve isn't there. Until he is.
The One Where Steve is Tony's Weakness by @jinxquickfoot (Gen | Teen And Up Audiences | 7,156 words)
Summary: Tony had come straight back the moment he’d received Natasha’s call. Three words—“HYDRA has Steve”. -------------------------------------- After surrendering himself to HYDRA, Steve Rogers reappears in Tony's life, forcing Tony to choose between his teammate's life and his own.
Folie a Deux by cloud_wolfbane (@cloudwolfbane) (Stucky | Explicit | 55,156 words | Graphic Depictions Of Violence)
Summary: When Bucky falls off the train in the Alps, Steve follows, and Russia gains two of the greatest assassins that ever lived.
every love story is a ghost story by lazyfish (@bobbiamorse) (Romanogers | Teen And Up Audiences | 10,451 words)
Summary: When Natasha is a child, she falls in love with the ghost story that is the Winter Soldier. When Natasha is an adult, she falls in love with the man that is Steve Rogers.
These last two are WIPs that haven't been updated in years, but I think they're well worth reading even in their incomplete state
Will the Real Captain America Please Stand Up? by @theoestofocs (Stucky | Teen And Up Audiences | 45,304 words | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Summary: On that fateful train raid in 1945, the angle of the HYDRA agent's gun knocked Steve back towards the ruptured wall of the train car. Bucky couldn't reach him in time. Steve fell. Bucky copes by crashing a plane. Seventy years later, Bucky wakes up, and finds himself in a world that's happy to let him take over as the new Captain America. He kind of hates it, but what's he gonna do? The real Cap, Steve Rogers, is long dead. (Right?)
Switched by @danveresque (Stucky, Bucky/Loki | Explicit | 40,649 words)
Summary: Bucky Barnes wakes up seventy years in the future, and everything is a few degrees off from where it should be.
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Marvel Masterlist
Hey, hey! Welcome to my Marvel Masterlist!
Here is the link to my Main Masterlist and My Navigation
And my requests currently are CLOSED
And I no longer write for these characters or this fandom for personal reasons (I still enjoy the show, but I just don't read or write fanfics for it anymore)!
Last Updated On: 11|12|23
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All Characters (MCU & XMEN)
Ghost of Them (🥀)
All Characters
Do They Give Good Hugs/How Often Do They Hug You (❤️)
The Avengers Reaction To You Slapping Them (❤️🤷‍♀️)
Morning Sweetheart (🥀)
I Once Asked If It Was Between Me and Him, Who Would You Choose?: Part 1 (🥀)
And They Chose Him: Part 2 (🌹)
I Killed Them (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
Bucky Barnes
Embraces (🌹)
I'm Sorry (🌹)
They Forgot, But That's Okay (🌹)
All You Need Is Love (Gender Neutral Reader) (🌹)
High? Hi (Gender Neutral Reader) (🤷‍♀️)
Just Sleep (🌹)
Loki Come Down (🥀✨)
You’re An Idiot, But I Love You (Trans-Male Reader) (🌹)
Got You (🌸)
Soulmate AU: Version 1 (🌹)
Soulmate AU: Version 2 (🌹)
Those Are Mine (🌸)
Hanahaki Disease AU (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
Peter Parker (Tom Holland)
Everything Changed (🌹🥀)
Being With Him Includes (❤️)
Another Life (🥀)
We'll Get Through (🌹)
I'm Lonely Without You (🌹🥀)
Stupid For You (🌹)
Soulmate AU (🌹)
Wait For Me To Come Home (🌹🥀✨)
You Tried (Peter’s POV) (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
Peter's Reaction To The End of S7EP12 Of The Clone Wars (🌸)
Your House: Part 1 (🥀)
We Weren't Perfect: Part 2 (🥀)
I'm Happy For You: Part 3 (🌹🥀)
Unexpected (🤷‍♀️)
My Yellow (Gender Neutral Reader) (🌹)
Here (Male Reader) (🌹)
Worst Couple (🥀)
Happy Halloween (Gender Neutral Reader) (🌹)
I'm Fine (Stark!Reader) (🥀)
I Love You 10,000 (Stark!Reader) (🥀)
I'm Just--I Know (Stark!Reader) (🌹)
Hanahaki Disease AU (🌹)
Let Me Help (Stark!Reader) (🌹)
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
He Just Did (🥀)
I'm Sick And Tired Of It All (🌹🥀)
Natasha Romanoff
Happy Birthday (Romanogers!Reader) (🌹)
I Love and Miss You (🥀)
Something Like That (🌸)
Pietro Maximoff
Hanahaki Disease AU (🥀)
Sam Wilson (No Longer Write For)
My Daughter? (🌹)
Steve Rogers
Soulmate AU (🌹)
Little Things That You Do That Steve Loves/Finds Cute (❤️)
I Thought You Left Me For Good (🌹🥀)
Happy Birthday (Romanogers!Reader) (🌹)
Hanahaki Disease AU (🤷‍♀️)
Something Like That (🌸)
I’m Sorry For Ignoring You (Male Reader) (🌹)
Tony Stark (No Longer Write For)
Hanahaki Disease AU (🌹🥀)
All Characters
Do They Give Good Hugs/How Often Do They Hug You (❤️)
Liar! (🥀)
I Want To Go Back! (🥀)
It’s All My Fault (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
The X-Men’s Reactions To You Slapping Them (❤️🤷‍♀️)
Alex Summers (Havok)
Yeah, In A Cowboy Hat (Gender Neutral Reader) (🌹)
Friends or Lovers? (🥀)
You're Jealous (🌹)
Take It and Go (🥀)
But You’re Not Mine (Gender Neutral Reader): Version 1 (🥀)
But You’re Not Mine (Gender Neutral Reader): Version 2 (🥀)
Charles Xavier (Professor X)
All So Sudden (🌹)
Early Morning Watch (🌹)
Hank McCoy (Beast)
You Weren’t The Only One! (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
Jean Gray
I Love You (🌹)
Warmth (Gender Neutral Reader) (🌹)
It's Okay Jean (Platonic!Reader) (🤷‍♀️✨)
Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler)
You Are Doing Amazing (🌹)
Logan Howlett (Wolverine)
Thank You (Gender Neutral Reader) (🌹)
Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver)
Everything Will Be Fine (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
Scott Summers (Cyclops)
5 More Minutes (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
Warren Worthington III (Angel)
All I Have Are Flashes (🤷‍♀️)
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ninazadzia · 1 year
Why I ship Bucklena, and I hope the Thunderbolts movie pairs them together
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Link to the fanmade trailer this screenshot is pulled from here. 
Okay, so I’ll start off by saying this - if the execs at Marvel Studios have the cojones to make Yelena asexual/aroace, like she is in the comics (at least from what I’ve seen online, haven’t read all of the comics so I can’t speak to how canon this is), I am 100% on board, and give the studio a lot of credit for showcasing asexual representation in a *huge* property.
However, as this twitter thread delineates way more eloquently than I could ever hope to, there is a very good chance that either Yelena’s sexuality will not be addressed at all in the Thunderbolts movie, or they’ll pair her in a heterosexual relationship - in which case, if it’s the latter, Bucky Barnes is the obvious (and, imho, only) choice. But before I say anything else, I just wanted to get that out of the way - I am all for asexual representation in Marvel properties, and genuinely, if Yelena being asexual is explicitly made canon in the MCU, I’m on board. *Editing to add, because this was an oversight on my part ~ if Yelena is confirmed as lesbian/bisexual, and the writers decide to pair her with a woman (like, say, Kate Bishop or Wanda Maximoff), I’d support that as well. FOR THE RECORD*
But until that happens ~ Yelena Belova and Bucky Barnes are the best potential pairing in the MCU, imho, possibly ever.
In case you’re new here + haven’t been spammed by the Bucklena fanfiction writing kick I’ve been on these last couple of months - hi, I’m your resident 27-year-old fanfic writer, and I’ve written fanfic for over half of my lifetime, for just about every fandom you can think of. I generally veer towards pairings that are canon-adjacent (not quite crackships, *could* feasibly be made canon, but it likely isn’t gonna happen), and in the MCU have shipped ScarletStrange, Romanogers, Kate Bishop x Peter Parker, etc. Given that Bucky and Yelena are about to be in a movie together, and not currently engaged in existing romantic relationship - of the list of pairings I’ve outlined above, they’re the most likely to wind up having some sort of romantic relationship. And I’mma tell you why I’d be excited to see that happen.
#1) They have similar backgrounds, and can relate easily to one another
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This one is fairly self-explanatory - their stories have obvious parallels. Both were brainwashed by Russian organizations, turned into assassins against their will, and defected/escaped later on in life. While Bucky has displayed clear signs of PTSD, from what we’ve seen, Yelena is a little tougher to read/more stoic, however this could be a front - regardless, their respective ways of dealing with their past traumas could be an interesting dynamic to explore in the Thunderbolts movie, particularly since of the two of them, Bucky is going to take on more of a “Team Leader” role, if you will. Maybe part of Bucky’s job is going to be to get Yelena to open up? Whatever it is, I’m game.
#2) While they have a hard exterior, both are not-so-secret softies, and are sentimental when it comes to their found families
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Case in point: Yelena’s reaction to Alexei calling their family unit back in Ohio “fake,” and Bucky’s reaction to Sam giving up Cap’s shield in Falcon + The Winter Soldier. They’ve both lost so much (their biological families, friends, years of their lives to evil organizations, etc.), and neither of them have much of a support system + family unit. And while that alone shouldn’t be the basis of a relationship, the way they view their “found families,” and the respect they both have for it - Bucky with Steve, and Yelena with Melina, Alexei and Natasha - shows they have similar values, and want the same things, even if they don’t state it explicitly.
#3) Yelena is effortlessly charismatic, and Bucky - while a bit out of practice - can be quite charming, too
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Look no further than Yelena’s scenes with Kate Bishop in Hawkeye, and Bucky in just about all of the first Captain America movie - Yelena isn’t necessarily flirty, per se, but she has a natural charisma that radiates in her conversations. And Bucky, while definitely rusty and in need of some of some practice, is a complete flirt when he’s interested in someone, which could make for some entertaining banter + chemistry between the two. 
And, finally ~
#4) They both deserve love + happiness, probably more than any two characters in the MCU
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This is another one, imho, that’s pretty self explanatory - Bucky and Yelena have both been through A LOT. They’ve both lost people, spent years of their lives brainwashed, and somehow, they’re still standing - and beyond that, they still live by a moral code, and aren’t villains/didn’t allow their traumas to make them evil. They deserve some happiness, and if it’s as a romantic relationship, awesome.
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Fanmix Part One
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Image above by @the-romanogers-revival
Link to the Spotify Playlist is at the bottom of the post
To Hell & Back (Maren Morris)
You didn't save me * You didn't think I needed saving * You didn't change me * You didn't think I needed changing
You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This (Toby Keith)
I've got a funny feeling * The moment that your lips touched mine * Something shot right through me * My heart skipped a beat in time
Halo (Beyonce)
Remember those walls I built? * Well, baby, they're tumblin' down * And they didn't even put up a fight * They didn't even make a sound
An Innocent Man (Billy Joel)
I know you don't want to hear what I say * I know you're gonna keep turning away * But I've been there and if I can survive * I can keep you alive
Lost My Mind (Finneas)
Am I in your head * Half as often as you're on my mind? * If I don't make sense * Please, forgive me, * I can't sleep at night * At least, not alone * Not anymore
The River And The Highway (Pam Tillis)
But every now and then, he offers her a shoulder * Every now and then, she overflows * Every now and then, a bridge crosses over * It's a moment, every lover knows
Leather and Lace (Stevie Nicks & Don Henley)
Sometimes I'm a strong man * Sometimes cold and scared * And sometimes I cry * But that time I saw you * I knew with you to light my nights * Somehow I'd get by
Not Just A Woman (Rob Thomas)
She's just a woman * Not just a woman * She's terrified * And she's unafraid * She'll change her mind * With the change of the seasons * She's every reason * You'll ever need
Army (Lady A)
So if anybody thinks I'm a hero * When they watch me walk right into the flames * I'm just marching to the sound of her heartbeat * Yeah, I'm a soldier * But if I'm a soldier * She's an army
Everything (Alanis Morissette)
You see everything, you see every part * You see all my light and you love my dark * You dig everything of which I'm ashamed * There's not anything to which you can't relate * And you're still here
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leennaan · 2 years
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A/N this is not my art I got it from pinterest all cred to the artist
A/N also posted on my Wattpad: @ leennaan
I am sorry but this is not proofread
@curiousgalacticsoul here is your request. Sorry that it took me so long but some stuff happend. But anyways here it is:
Endgame's battle of Earth is done, Nat's alive. Now romanogers can finally retire from superhero life and life a peaceful life, maybe near pepperony's home
Endgame's battle of Earth is done, Nat's alive. Now romanogers can finally retire from superhero life and life a peaceful life, maybe near pepperony's home
Today was the 15th of June 2024.
Almost one year after the war against Thanos.
It was one of the most scary days in Steve’s life and at the same time one of the best.
If somebody had told him a year ago that they would win and get everybody back he wouldn’t have believed it.
But here he was, standing in front of a big window looking over the big garden they shared with Tony and Pepper. A long table was standing in front of the Stark house. He could see Pepper decorating the table. Tony was running around with little Morgan, his arm better but still not fully functional. He smiled while watching the small family outside, preparing for Morgan’s Birthday-Party.
A knock on the bedroom door interrupted his train of thoughts.
“Steve?! Are you ready? Pepper is probably already waiting for us.”
He smiled as soon as he heard the voice. Natasha was standing in the door, arms crossed and a small smile on her lips.
Every time he looked at her, he couldn’t believe that she was really there.
The few hours he believed she was dead, were the worst of his life.
The moment she walked out of one of Stranges portals, with her signature smirk, would be forever burned into his brain. The relief he felt when she hugged him, after they won, when he could feel that she was truly there and not just an imagination of his brain.
“Penny for your thoughts.”
Natasha was now standing directly in front of him, her arms wrapped around his shoulder.
“Just how lucky I am to be standing here today, with you by my side. All our friends joining us today to celebrate Morgan’s sixth birthday. I love you, Nat.”
He bent down and connected their lips in a sweet kiss.
“I love you too. Now common, we really need to get going.”
Together they walked outside and then the short path over to Peppers and Tony’s house. They greeted the small family and congratulated the little girl.
“Auntie Nat, Uncle Steve!
Look what Daddy got me! “ Morgan was running up to them with full speed, a little robot similar to Dum-E following her.
Steve and Natasha kneeled down to greet Morgan and to look at her new friend.
“Daddy says he had one just like me now. I named him Griffin, after Harry Potters House! Mommy let me watch the first one together with Peter last time he visited and I want to be in Gryffindor just like Harry.” Rambled Morgan.
She looked cute like that.
“He looks really nice! Griffin is such a good name for your little friend!” Sayed Natasha while she hugged the girl. Griffin standing next to them watching their interaction.
“Uhh I really enjoyed watching Harry Potter when I watched it with Nat. Next time you visited we should watch the second Movie if your Mother allows.”
“Oh yay! Can we? I am going to ask Mummy right away!”
And before either of the two adults could say anything else, Morgan was running away on her search for her Mother.
Steve stood up from his crouching position and held out his hand to help Nat up.
“Come on, let’s great the others.”
While the couple chatted with the birthday girl, some of the others arrived.
Wanda and Vision where standing with Pepper, a big wrapped box in Wandas hands. Morgan was running up to them happy, to see another aunt and kind of uncle of hers.
Clint, Laura and the kids had just arrived and where now walking the path down to them. “Auntie Nat! Uncle Steve! I missed you sooo sooo much!” Nathaniel was the first who spotted them and flung himself into Steve’s arms, who catched him and hoisted him up on his hip.
“We missed you too buddy! How is school? You have to tell me everything!”
While they talked almost everyone else arrived and the birthday party was in full swing.
Around noon it was time for the cake. Everyone was seated around the table, talking and having fun.
Steve had his arm slung around Natasha’s shoulders, while she was talking to Wanda.
He was so happy, that everything turned out like this. That they could be sitting here together as one big family, celebrating Morgan’s Birthday and just enjoying life. But his thoughts were interrupted by a long whistle and Natasha’s head snapped around, whistling back almost immediately. When he looked up to Natasha’s and his house he could make out a small person, who he knew was Yelena, Natasha’s sister.
Natasha had told him about her in the five years of the blip and after they brought everyone back Natasha had tried to contact her for ages, but no luck. Turned out, someone had told Yelena that Natasha had died while fighting against Thanos and she had gone rought. Trying to find the one she thought was responsible for her death. Long story short around the Easter holidays Clint was visiting New York with his kids and Yelena found him, they fought and Clint told her what really happened and afterwards Yelena and Natasha reconnected again.
Natasha had stood up and was now walking towards Yelena, who he now saw wasn’t standing alone. Another woman was standing next to her, taller than Yelena but he couldn’t say who it was.
When they arrived at the table everyone was joyful to see Yelena again. And while everyone greeted the her the other woman was standing next to Clint and his family greeting them and talking to them. “Everyone, may I Introduce you to the new Hawkeye! This is Kate we met while I was in New York, I helped her with some problems and she helped me with Yelena over here!”
“Hey! She did not help you! She was trying to fight me with Hot sauce!”
“Come one Yel. We said we wouldn’t talk about it. Anyways. Hey everyone I am Kate. Kate Bishop. Big fan of you guys. Nice to meet you all.”
It was good to see, that eventho the original Avengers we’re slowly retiring, someone else was brave enough to stand up and do the work.
Steve and Natasha had agreed to stop with the avenging and while he had given Sam the Shield, Natasha had a long talk with Yelena and she agreed to step into her sisters shoes, at least for know.
So now they were sitting all together, new and old generation and just talking about the good things in life.
He jumped a bit when ge heard Nat whispering in his ear. “You are thinking really loud.”
He had to chuckle before he answers her. “ Just thinking about how lucky we are. How lucky I am to have this family. That I have you by my side. I Love you Nat.” The smile that she gave him was a real one. One he saw more and more since they retired. “I love you too, Steve. I am so happy to be here with all of you, and especially you.”
When he leaned in to kiss her. He heard none other than Tony wolf whistle. “Get a room you too.”
Yeah. They were lucky to have this. Family.
All was Well.
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alltheficsiwant · 2 years
Main Masterlist
Hi I'm J and this is my master list of stories. I have only written several and I focus my posting mainly on Ao3 but fret not. All stories there will be posted here. :) If you don't have an Ao3 account, you can find my works here too.
I am a big fan of Dramione, Bucky Barnes, Marvel BOTH Comics and Cinematic Universe and Eddie Munson. I write with a reader insert and if I'm writing for a couple like Dramione or Romanogers; I usually put myself in the story. The girl, who is asian, five feet flat and an introvert and has a name that starts with J. That would be me written in the story. Here is the list below. Categorized by the Character I write. This will be updated from time to time. :) I mainly post on Ao3 with my series but my one shots will be posted here in my tumblr first. :)
FOR TAGLIST: Please make sure to follow me and message me through my ASK if you want to be included. :D Thankieee!
🤗 - Fluff
💔 - Angst
🖤 - Dark Themes Involved
🌶 - Smut/Lemon
Warnings: My story is for 18+ readers. I have the tendency to be dark and I'm a bit graphic with violence, mentions of blood, rape or other dark themes. Please be warned.
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➡ Same Old Hawkins, Or Not? (Eddie Munson x Harrington!F!reader) 🤗💔🖤 [COMPLETE; Undergoing Editing] Summary: After a series of unfortunate events in Utah that she would rather forget which she moved to from Hawkins. Reader moves back to her old hometown just in time for her senior year. She half expected it to be the same old boring Hawkins as she remembered back at middle school. 
She was wrong. Apparently, Hawkins is now home to the monsters she thought only existed in D&D and now she is in the middle of an impending doom on her beloved hometown. Really, she was just passing through and now she might have a reason to stay.
Yeah, it’s nothing to do with her small crush on a certain fellow senior. A metal head who is always up to no good. It’s really about saving the town she is starting to love again, yes?
➡ Here We Go Again (Sequel to Same Old Hawkins, Or Not?) 🤗💔🖤 [COMPLETED] Summary: The Summer of '85 is on the roll. Reader has started her job as a printing personnel in the Hawkins Post with the help of Nancy and Jonathan who are both in their internship as a writer and photographer respectively. Eddie on the other hand is working as a part time mechanic at Jaeger’s Auto shop while Steve continues to work at Scoop’s Ahoy with Robin alongside him.
The kids, well, they are enjoying their summer with the mall in full operation and the upcoming fair that is being planned by the Mayor. Really, as long as all of the upside down remains quiet, everything will be great.
Unfortunately, their plans are going to be in ruins when one Billy Hargrove starts to take interest in the reader. Though, it was much better if it was just some misguided infatuation but apparently there is much more into it than meets the eye.
Reader was really happy not to deal with the upside down and would face a million Billy Hargrove, in fact the rest of them would be happy not to deal with it at all. Apparently, its not done yet. It is just getting started.
➡ Magnetic Attraction (Werewolf!Eddie x Human!Reader) 🌶🤗💔 In Progress.... [Writing parts]
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➡ Mind Palace : Lee Bodecker 🖤💔 In Progress... [Set in a Universe called Mind Palace. It will have Eddie and Bucky soon and other characters I can write on. Lee is the first one to enter]
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➡Untitled Dramione 🤗💔 In Progress... [Set still in HP Universe but altered. Already four parts in.]
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tammyisobsessedwith · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag @mrsbsmooth 🥰
How many works do you have on AO3?
24. I also have another 40 fics posted on my old ff.net account that I always mean to cross-post and forget 😅
What’s your total AO3 word account?
366,872. I have another 321,055 words in ff.net. I had no idea it was that much!
What fandoms do you write for?
In AO3, I have works for the MCU (Captain America, The Avengers), plus What If…? And Agents of SHIELD, Love Island the Game, Too Hot To Handle: Love is a Game and Heaven’s Secret (Romance Club).
In ff.net I still have fics for Sailor Moon, Harry Potter, Chicago PD, Chicago Med, Chicago Fire, Grey’s Anatomy, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Mentalist.
Top five fics by kudos
To Build a Home (MCU)
Avengers Initiative: Reset (MCU/Agents of SHIELD/What if…?)
Drawing Hope on the Skyline (MCU)
A Real Relationship (LITG)
Lights Will Guide You Home (MCU)
Do you respond to comments?
Sometimes. I’m admittedly very bad at engaging back, I used to be way better at it when I was publishing things regularly. I still love and appreciate all the comments and kudos so much!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I guess that would be Stuck, but then it’s got a sequel where it’s not such a sad ending after all.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
My oneshots are usually happy endings. I have so many unfinished WIPs, it’s a whole other thing. I guess To Build a Home is the only “long” project I ever finished and it’s my idea of a happy ending for the pairing.
Do you get hate on fics?
No. I think I only ever got one rude comment in all my fics, I can’t even remember what it was now, but I just deleted it and went on a tirade in my author’s note in the next chapter, I was really upset 😭
Do you write smut?
I started writing it in recent years. I’m not the best at it, but I find it very fun 🤭
Craziest crossover:
The only crossover I have is Avengers Initiative: Reset and it kind of makes sense since it’s all within the MCU and adjacent universe.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think one of my old fics in ff.net got translated into another language at some point, but I can’t really remember which one now. Oh and I used to translate my old fics into Portuguese too.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have, Love Island, Actually with my girls @i-boop-you, @crimswnred and @ellegreenwxy ❤️
All time favorite ship?
Considering the amount of words I wrote/read for them, it’s got to be Steve/Natasha (CapWidow, Romanogers) from the MCU. But I’m such a shipper, I have so many pairings I love.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sadly, all of them. I’m very bad at finishing projects and once I lose my inspiration to work on something it’s practically impossible I’ll get back into it at a later time.
What are your writing strengths?
I hate this question because I’m very bad at knowing myself as a writer. I’ve heard I’m good at dialogue tags, like I know how to convey the right reactions/emotions with a few words without getting too much into inner monologue. Which makes sense because usually I start writing something with the dialogue, the back and forth and then I’ll work on the scene around it.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I also hate this question because I know there’s so much I need to work on, but it’s hard for me to list them all down at the same time. I mentioned I’m terrible at finishing long projects so that’s one. I know my characters when I’m writing them but at the same time it’s hard for me to translate that into my writing. I have a really hard time creating original characters, my MCs are just facets of myself in general, so it’s hard for me to really get into their characterization.
Thoughts on dialogues in another language?
I’m totally fine with it, I think I’ve done it in a couple of fics. As long as there’s the translation somewhere (author’s notes, in brackets or narration) I don’t mind.
First fandom you wrote in?
Sailor Moon, back when I was 14 years old and used an actual notebook.
Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ahhh there’s so many of them! I’m really proud of the ones I wrote for the MCU, they were a lot of fun. I have a Sailor Moon long fic I spent years writing, I still think of going back and finishing it. Recently I’ve been obsessed with Heaven’s Secret though so if I have to pick one it’s probably Prayers on his Lips. It was just so much fun getting back into writing after I went through a very long pause in all my projects.
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i think a lot about a fat nat. maybe where she has started gaining weight (maybe a lot of weight) and can see her stomach really beginning to grow. stretch marks line her sides and now moving around is getting a little more difficult. well maybe nat decides to lose the weight for whatever reason. maybe she's embarrassed. except now she has loose skin and she hates it. i picture her deciding that she wants to fit back into her skin. now she's back to gaining and soon she has outgrown her old size. maybe she has some support from a feeder.
I am always thinking about fat Natasha 😮‍💨😮‍💨 there's just something so good about her
And I love your idea!! I think it's a great idea, she probably (because of the way society is 🙃) would feel embarrassed or upset about gaining weight. Like, as everybody knows, society is especially shitty to women that aren't stick thin or who don't have curves in the "right places". And then, the idea of fitting back into her own body, despite what others may say is so sweet.
But... I've been having my own thoughts™️ about fat Natasha recently that I need to get out, so, I'm using your ask as an excuse. I hope that's okay! 😅 Don't think your idea isn't good, because it really really is! I just need an excuse to ramble lmao
Unbeta'd, as always. Warning: for romanogers (Natasha × Steve) belly kink with all-day-stuffing, bloating, tight clothes, dom/sub dynamics (dom Nat/sub Steve), feedee Natasha, feeder Steve, vibrators, etc.
I cannot stop thinking about dom feedee Natasha paired with submissive pre-serum Steve.
Specifically, I've been in the mood for trans Steve lately. Idk why, but, I've been thinking about him 😏
He's a fucking spitfire with everyone but Natasha. He trusts Natasha, he knows she sees him as the man he is and his deeply buried need to submit doesn't change his manhood. He can submit to her and he can submit hard.
Beyond submitting to Natasha, Steve enjoys feeding Natasha - he can't bake or cook for shit - but he will go and get anything she wants or needs. He will order anything. He will drive her to any restaurant and pay for the massive amounts of lavish food she desires, no matter how expensive. He will do anything for her. It's to the point that Natasha will smile wolfishly at him, tell him she's feeling peckish, and instantly Steve is asking what she needs, practically begging to be told so he can bring it to her.
Seemingly with every snack, meal, or dessert he brings her, she becomes plumper. She grows rounder. She turns lazier. She becomes even more demanding, unwilling to do things herself when she could have her good little sub do it for her.
Steve adores these changes.
And Natasha adores them too.
So, as often as they can, they make a day of it. Steve submits and feeds his girlfriend at her beckon, listening to her every order.
In the morning Natasha will pull herself clumsily up into a sitting position, the sheets pool around her, revealing her soft, soft, soft body. Already, she's huffing and puffing some under her body weight, unused to having to haul it around because she has grown so fast. Nat moves (a little inelegantly, thanks to that extra weight 🥵) until her back rests against the headboard. Meanwhile, her belly rests on her soft thighs and her tits rest on top of her belly. She went to bed naked, so she's still naked now.
She is beautiful. Big and beautiful.
This early in the morning, her belly isn't yet taut and hard from being stuffed, although it is still gurgling from all she ate the day before, especially dinner and a few rounds of rich dessert, her body trying to figure out what to do with all that extra food.
Natasha is more of a morning person than Steve, so she waits - smiling to herself, her back to the headboard - until Steve wakes up. He drools a little in his sleep. It's cute.
When Steve finally wakes up, he makes a sleepy noise of interest and presses himself against her plush side eagerly - he knows what they have planned for today and cannot wait. Steve's naked too. Already, he can't help but react to her so soft and fat. His t-dick swelling, growing slick between his legs, as hot blood rushes south. Yes.
Natasha hums, letting him pull himself tighter against her side, enjoying the feeling of her fat against his lean muscle and bone. But, before long she grabs her fat belly and runs her fingers through Steve's short, golden hair with her other hand, "I'm hungry."
Steve is instantly scrambling to get up, he knows that's his cue.
He stops.
"I didn't say you could go yet," she murmurs, she doesn't need to be loud to be heard.
"Yes, right. Y-yeah," he nods, still frozen in place, "'m sorry, 'Tasha."
"It's fine." She pinches his cheek then taps it a little, a mock slap that doesn't even hurt, "I know you're just excited to help me grow."
Steve blushes too hard for just having started. Grow. Yes. He wants her bigger. Please.
"Before you get me my breakfast..." she pauses, "why don't you sit in my lap, hmm?"
Steve nods frantically and squishes himself as close to her as he can, moaning a little at the weight of her belly and tits against him. Plush. Soft.
"Good, good boy." She purs, running her hands down his shoulders and back, scratching nails over his skin until he shivers. Eventually, she reaches his ass and pinches him there too. "I know you normally fill me up, but I want you full today too. Can't have you starving all day while you stuff me."
Steve gasps. Shifting in her lap. He's grown even more wet now. God.
Natasha doesn't say anything more, just raises an imposing eyebrow at him.
"Yes, yes please, I- anything you want, I want you to, to, mmm, yes, d-do that-" he stumbles over his words even worse as Natasha runs her fingers between his cheeks, over his asshole, and to his wet entrance. Her fingertips just tease him. Then. She pulls away. Oh, God, he gasps.
She leans over enough to access their bedside table and pulls out one of their vibrators. Steve gasps again, not in complaint but in anticipation. The vibrator is not the biggest one in there but... one that could stay in for a long time. Smooth and just thick enough without being too thick. It's a powerful vibe too. Not one to play around with 🥴
Natasha asks him if he wants it.
Steve does. He really does. His core throbs with want. He wants to be stuffed full like that while he works hard to stuff Natasha with food to her liking. Her command.
Natasha moves forward, pushing them both down onto the bed. Steve under her, herself on top.
Steve moans, flattened under her.
He feels smothered into the bed under her weight.
Quickly, her hands cleverly find his entrance and tease him with the vibrator until he can take it in one smooth, slow, deep slide. She knows he's wet enough and he likes the way the stretch feels. Burning. Obvious.
Oh, oh, ohhh.
Natasha gives him only a minute to process the feeling before digging her hands into his hip and ordering him, "breakfast. I'm hungry, baby." Lifting off of him. Giving him space to clumsily roll off of the bed and go and fetch her too much food, all the while clenching because although he wasn't ordered to not let the toy fall out... he doesn't want to chance disobeying her.
Too much food. Steve fetches her all the food she wants - enough to make multiple trips needed, multiple full breakfast trays.
While he gathers the fixings, Natasha slips into an easy mini-dress. She doesn't bother with a bra, but she does slip on panties. Mostly because she knows it drives Steve crazy to see her panties when her dress starts to slide up as her belly demands more and more space. Also, because she's almost too big for this dress and she feels like growing out of it while wearing it.
Steve delivers breakfast, walking into the bedroom with a tray in his hands. Natasha eats it, sparing just enough food for Steve to have his own breakfast. She tells him exactly what to eat and he does. She tells him when to grind down and when to clench on the toy and he does. He already wants to come but she won't let him.
Not too long after the multi-course breakfast is done, Steve delivers snacks, walking into the bedroom with handfuls of family-sized share bags. Natasha destroys them all. She only starts panting at the tail end. Her capacity never fails to astound Steve. He can't imagine what it feels like for her to be so, so stuffed full. A huge boulder of fat and food attached to her middle. Steve thinks, a little, about grinding into it and has to stop himself. He throbs. He aches. But he can't. Natasha hasn't said so.
Eventually, Steve delivers lunch, walking into the bedroom with another tray. His arms are shaking, he doesn't understand where this is going to go and how it's going to fit in her 🥴. Natasha packs it all away. Jesus. But... as she eats, she turns on the vibrator inside Steve. So, Steve sounds like he's the one struggling. Panting, biting down whimpers. Squirming. Dripping. His connection between pleasing Natasha, feeding Natasha, and his own sexual pleasure is fully reinforced.
Steve brings her more snacks later. And...
By the time dinner comes, Natasha is full.
Full. Full. Full.
Natasha's gut is no longer soft and gurgle-y because it's not stuffed and so hungry. Now, Natasha's gut is rock hard, stuffed taut, and gurgle-y because the food inside her is trying and trying and trying to find new space, knowing that Natasha is not going to stop eating and it should get out of her way.
Steve is different too. He's no longer walking in and out of the bedroom where Natasha is parked, fat and full, on their bed.
He's ordered dinner from Natasha's favorite restaurant and he's holding the bag of it not in his hands but between his teeth. He's holding it in his mouth. Because. He's on his hands and knees.
Steve is crawling now.
He can't fucking stand. His legs are shaking and his head is swimming as he vibrates with arousal from watching Natasha laze about and grow and grow, fuller and fuller, all the while Steve gets to lay by her side like a beloved pet. Steve is also literally vibrating with arousal because he's still got the vibrator in. And the rumbling is controlled by the remote at Natasha's fingertips. On and off. On and off. On on on. Off. On.
Steve has to crawl. He's too strung out. He's dripping. He can hardly contain himself, watching Natasha huff and puff and force down the last of her food. She moans and complains about her skin. It feels so tight. And it's only going to get tighter...
Dinner just came.
She's not letting the food go to waste. She's going to eat it all. And Steve has to rub her tight, full belly for her as she stuffs her face. She would order him to feed her, but the vibrations trembling through him mean he'd spill everywhere anyway. Plus, she jokes that Steve's shaking will be like having a massage chair for her belly rather than her feet. It'll feel good. Steve doesn't need any more encouragement. He wants to get his hands on that belly. Now.
He does. She feels unbelievably good. Hard. Fat. Hot.
Natasha can't even burp anymore. She's so, so full. There's no gas or air. It's an entire ball of food attached to her. Stretching her fat out to look a little less thick. Her stretch marks are even more red than normal under her dress. Straining.
Steve is not painfully full, but he's whining like he is. He is this close to rubbing his t-dick against her taut gut now that he's close enough too. Sitting in what's left of her lap, rubbing her gut. And her gut...
Oh, God.
Steve doesn't understand how she's still squeezed into her mini-dress. She looks like her fat should he popping the seams, spilling out like Pillsbury biscuit dough. How?
Her mini-dress... Steve imagines that the fabric of her dress would feel so nice against him. It would be the perfect type of friction on his t-dick and the soaked surface of his thighs and between his thighs too. 🥴🥵 He can already feel it. It makes his head spin. He barely restrains himself from squeezing her as hard as he can, trying to not spontaneously orgasm right in her lap, completely untouched.
And, fuck, as if reality is bending to the fever-hot thoughts that are rushing through Steve's mind, Natasha's dress is FINALLY rolling up more and more as she stuffs her face. Moaning, groaning, burping as much as she can around the desperate mouthfuls. She's scarfing down like she hasn't seen food in years. Her panties are fully exposed. Steve would be able to see them if he moved his head, looking around - looking under - her massive tummy.
Then there's an inch or two of her gut on display. The dress is so, so tight that the part of her belly that is exposed pushes out a few inches from the part of her gut still constricted. Steve cannot imagine how fucking massive she's going to be once her dress is forced up to her tits, resting just under them. Leaving her gut fully bare.
Natasha sucks down her soda through a straw, gulping, gulping, gulping. It's so much. So much that Steve swears he can see her expanding.
She's making sounds that he's never heard before. It's indescribable. She's clearly overfull and struggling. Pushing her own limits. Steve wants to go back to rubbing her but he's frozen, hands hovering, as her dress rolls up her gut.
He'll be able to rub himself against her taut, bare flesh soon. And she'd get so slick with his wetness, leaking out from around his vibrator. Steve uncontrollably shudders, imagining her breathy, exhausted voice commanding him to completely lick his mess off of the globe of her belly. His slick and his come. Clean it with his tongue. Leave her gut shiny and clean. No hands allowed.
Oh, God.
Steve whines like he's dying. The sound just gets worse - louder - when the dress screams. The seams want to split as Nat keeps pushing herself further and further. Fatter and fatter. They don't split. The dress rolls up faster than Steve could snap his fingers and her gut spills the rest of the way out.
Her gut hangs out.
Tighter than tight. Bright, hot red. Her stretchmarks have little pin-pricks of red dots around them. She is getting more stretch marks. Right now.
She could actually pop.
Natasha moans the way she does when she comes. Ragged. Almost growling. Completely whiped out and satisfied.
Steve can't make a sound. He can't move. He can't breathe. If he does... anything he does... it's going to set him off. He doesn't know if he will explode or if he will come or if there's a difference.
Natasha snaps her greasy fingers and gestures frantically toward her pussy, or, more accurately, she gestures past her gut, "face. Get, unngh, get your face, uh, uh, ah-against my pussy. Lick me. I wanna come. I don't think-I can't move. God."
Steve can do nothing but obey. He wants to lick her. He wants to drink her in. Every fat, stretched-to-the-edge-of-her-capacity inch.
Just as Steve dives in, impatiently pulling her panties to the side, she turns the vibrator on high and permits him to orgasm, touch himself, and even hump the fucking bed, just so long as he doesn't fucking stop eating her out until she tells him to. She wants to come. She wants to come a few times. Helplessly turned on by how huge she has managed to get.
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themculibrary · 8 months
Fics With Titles That Start With B Masterlist 2
part one
Bad in the Blood (ao3) - thelittlestpurplecat steve/bucky E, 90k
Summary: Bucky Barnes leads a charmed life. As the son of the most powerful, and arguably most dangerous man in Brooklyn, all he had to do was want something, and it was his. People fell over themselves to garner a little favor from him, and his family; that is, until Steve Rogers.
Bucky finds himself drawn to the prickly little nothing of a kid who dared to turn him down, but the set up is far from perfect. Steve's family has gotten in the mob's bad graces, and Bucky find himself torn between family loyalties, and the boy who make him, for the first time, feel something for someone other than himself.
Bad Romance (ao3) - elcapitan_rogers, sleeplessinbudapest steve/natasha E, 54k
Summary: The new teacher hates Natasha. Or does he? (Romanogers AU- Teacher/Student)
Behind Bars (ao3) - sara_holmes bucky/clint M, 32k
Summary: Reasons that Bucky has vowed never to get involved in Steve’s fights ever again: 1. He’s landed himself in jail, 2. The jail is in the ass-end of Latveria, 3. The only other American within a hundred clicks is an asshole, 4. Said asshole happens to be his cellmate and Bucky’s stuck with him.
Bend Around the Wind (ao3) - Scyllaya loki/tony E, 403k
Summary: A few months after the battle of New York the God Loki appears back on Stark Tower under chaotic circumstances. This time however he is on the run. Tony Stark gets caught up in the crossfire and is taken along with the Aesir. Can the two of them ever make truce in order to get away? And even if they do, how does one escape from such a dark corner of the universe, when they are so very far away from the Nine Realms, that not even Loki knows the way back home. But first, they need to survive.
Better When I’m With You (ao3) - thelilacfield wanda/vision T, 69k
Summary: He’s had a number of firsts. Virginia Reed, his first crush. Wanda Maximoff, his first kiss. Eve Simon, his first heartbreak. Mandy Fournier, the first girl who said yes when he asked her to dance. And he’s becoming increasingly certain that Sam Wilson is his first love.
Vision writes a letter each time he has a crush so consuming he can’t forget it. They are tiny pieces of his heart, written out for his eyes only, a way to say goodbye.
Until the day they’re sent out.
between wanting and needing (ao3) - snarkymuch bucky/steve/tony E, 123k
Summary: An abused sub, a traumatized switch, and gentle dom come together to heal. This is their story.
BIG & small (ao3) - hobbitdragon bruce/natasha M, 10k
Summary: I saw Age of Ultron, loved Natasha/Bruce, but hated how Joss did it. Here's my version of how this pairing should go.
blondie (ao3) - luckybxrnes bucky/clint, steve/tony, wanda/natasha, pietro/peter T, 188k
Summary: when james buchanan barnes and clint barton meet for the first time, it ends with clint in a dumpster and a broken hearing aid.
maybe it wasn't his best idea to yell at another assassian and try to fight him on a rooftop.
eight years later, clint is a little smarter and james is trying his best to be okay.
Blue As True As Blue Can Be (ao3) - aaralyn bruce/tony M, 77k
Summary: Tony Stark has worked hard to make sure everyone sees exactly what he wants them to. After all, they'd all rather see the asshole with the too-bright smile than the terrified person underneath who is desperately trying to conceal that which has caused him so much pain. Trust him, he knows.
(Tony Stark is a mutant, and his father had made sure to note /exactly/ how he felt about that. Now, with the Avengers living with him full-time, it's getting more and more difficult to hide the part of him that almost no one still alive knows about.)
Blue Lips, Blue Veins (ao3) - romanoff steve/tony E, 300k
Summary: Tony Stark is Iron Man.
Before that, he was an man with bigger heart than brain. Before that, he was an asshole with a bigger mouth than sense. And before that, he was was a scared little boy. Not that it matters. Stark's always have had iron in their backbone.
Born from the Earth (ao3) - venusm steve/tony, clint/phil, tony/oc E, 277k
Summary: Tony Stark's born an omega in a world where that means he's supposed to follow certain social rules. He becomes Iron Man anyway: Fuck biology.
If only his biology (and the world) would quit fucking him back.
Brookland House (ao3) - Ark steve/bucky E, 8k
Summary: “You seem distressed, my angel. Are you not pleased with the match? The word from court is that Lord James Barnes is an upstanding gentleman, not given to the wild circles around the Prince Regent. And Steve, it was he who asked for you. The young man has kept you in mind all these years -- despite our circumstances.”
Bruises on My Skin (ao3) - pherryt bucky/clint T, 8k
Summary: When you get unexplained bruises appearing on your skin, you're one of the rare few to have found your soulmate. What happens to them, is echoed on you to a lesser degree - but usually it doesn't happen till you're much older.
Clint's first bruise appeared when he was five. He didn't feel so lucky.
Bucky Barnes Hates Christmas (ao3) - QuestinWitchFace sam/bucky T, 19k
Summary: Bucky tries to survive the Avengers Christmas party and the Wilson family Christmas despite not feeling very Christmas-y. Also, yeah, he's in love with Sam Wilson.
bucky's first christmas (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor sam/bucky T, 2k
Summary: It's Bucky's first Christmas back since escaping the Winter Soldier, and Sam promised Steve that he would try his best to make it the most magical Christmas for Bucky. Bucky's not quite as excited as Sam is about this idea.
built from scraps (ao3) - peterstank T, 138k
Summary: or: the one where tony was dusted instead of peter, so he and pepper try to figure out the whole ‘family’ thing together.
(oh, and it turns out that the man who died in peter’s arms on an alien planet is his biological father. who knew, right?)
Bulletproof (ao3) - foxxcub steve/tony E, 20k
Summary: At age fifteen, Steve Rogers had been in love with Tony Stark.
By age twenty, he’d (mostly) gotten over it. And then he promptly became Tony Stark's fuck buddy.
burn the ice and call me dirty (ao3) - squadrickchestopher bucky/clint E, 4k
Summary: “I’ve got talented hands,” James says, dropping his voice lower. “If you’re up for it, I could give you a more...personal demonstration.”
It’s a cheesy line, all things considered, but it goes right through Clint like a lightning strike, lighting up his nervous system in all the best ways. “Uh...”
“If you want,” James adds. “It’s up to you.”
“I want,” Clint says, probably too fast to be as smooth as he was hoping for. “Definitely.”
But I Still Feel You (ao3) - pensversusswords steve/tony T, 16k
Summary: Tony knows a lot of things about Steve. He knows that Steve is a stubborn pain in the ass, he knows that he's got a heart of gold, and he knows Steve would rather punch his way out of a tricky situation than talk himself out of it.
But the one thing Tony knows the most: he's hopelessly, tragically in love with Steve.
In which Tony is impulsive, Steve is confused, and they work it out in the end. Eventually.
But My Smile Still Stays On (ao3) - Meddalarksen, victoriousscarf loki/tony T, 42k
Summary: It's pretty well assumed by people that you shouldn't chase after the people that try to shove you off a table when you kiss them. Except, Tony Stark has never been most people, and he's hardly used to being rejected, even by someone as quiet or gorgeous as fashion design student Loki Laufeyson.
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bikananjarrus · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
finally getting around to this, thank you @astromechs for the tag!!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mainly star wars and marvel! though i don't write marvel as much anymore (the mcu really burned me too many times lol and just took away a lot of my inspiration/motivation to write for it). so mostly star wars nowadays, but occasionally i will sprinkle in a fic for a different fandom!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
a. we find ourselves when we lose everything else - 519 kudos
b. our time in the dark - 518 kudos
c. risk everything we have (and just let our walls cave in) - 426 kudos
d. if loves elastic (then were we born to test it’s reach) - 391 kudos
e. revelations (come to us in recovery) - 388 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
no 🙈. weirdly enough, i was a lot better about responding years ago on my ff. net account. but i don't really do it on ao3, honestly because i'm just a little lazy about it lol. but i promise i read every single one and know that if you've ever left a comment, i appreciate it so so much!!
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably broken things. it's a romanogers soulmate last words au which ended in a major character death. but you know. last words au, death. it made sense haha.
i've also written a couple canon-compliant character study type fics, including one for natasha romanoff, one for cassian andor/rogue one crew, some for leia organa (post-tfa), and well, none of those end very happily sooooo.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhhhhhhh why was this so hard asdffglkhglj. i write a lot of agnst and hurt/comfort lol. but my fic, the weight of your love, is just pure kanera fluff. and these two kanera fics that i've posted on tumblr (but not on ao3 yet), are just silly and fun and fluffy.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not really, thankfully. i mean, i've gotten some not-so-nice comments in the past (again, mainly on ff.net) but i've never gotten anything super aggressive or confrontational, so i'm grateful to be in nice corners of fandom!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
occasionally yes. typically i insert my smut scenes into longer fics though. (i do have a bunch of unpublished half-written smut fics that i haven't gotten the courage to finish and post yet, bc i'm not always the most confident in my smut writing but maybe one day!)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not really. i'm not even the best at coming up with AUs, much less crossovers lol. i think the closest i've gotten to a crossover is an agents of shield/mcu crossover, which shouldn't even BE a crossover, but considering that the mcu never acknowledged AoS, it kinda feels like it is. anyway, wrote a fic where daisy johnson and bucky barnes are bffs, and i'm quite fond of it!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yeah :/ i had somebody take one of my fics and (related to next question) translate it and put it on wattpad. i couldn't message the author and my attempts to contact wattpad got me nowhere so i kinda just let it go.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
looking at last question, technically yes. but other than that, not yet! i would be very honored if someone wanted to translate one of my fics though, and would have absolutely no problem with it! (so long as they asked and didn't steal it asdkfsjd)
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
only bits and pieces of shared aus with friends for fun, but haven’t published anything.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
kanera and romanogers, hands down. kanan and hera are more recent, but i fell in love with both their characters and them as a couple so fast, and i absolutely love writing for them. they're going to stick with me forever. and steve and natasha.... my loves. fell in love with them when i saw catws the first time and haven't looked back. they've stuck with me the longest, i think. and even though i don't write marvel as much anymore, i still think about them a lot, and there's a lot of stevenat wips i have that i still hope to finish one day.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
whew ummmmm. there's a couple of romanogers fics (specifically finishing our time in the dark and the follow-up to revelations which is an endgame fix-it) that i have told myself i will finish. and i want to! but it will really take a major push to get me back into the headspace to write for marvel again. genuinely, endgame drained so much of the love and inspiration i had so 😔 i hope i can prove myself wrong one day!
i also have ambitions to do a star wars sequels rewrite, but it feels so big lol, so idk if i'll ever actually get around to finishing it. but the bits i have written for it i have so much love for.
16. What are your writing strengths?
digging deep into character emotions and their headspaces. that's something i really like exploring. also i think i'm pretty good about including small details, particularly with using the different senses and using those to help set the scene, and whatnot. in short, description and emotion are my strong suits!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
humor. i think i can be funny sometimes in my writing, but i definitely don't think i'm as good at humor as other people. and especially funny dialogue and banter, that's something i feel like i have to think about more. so still working on that!
i also don't know if this is a true weakness, but i literally don't know when to stop writing asdfljgldkj. i feel like lately it's so hard for me to write short fics (unless i do it in a mad burst in one sitting). but if i'm thinking a lot about a fic, chances are it's going to be 5k MINIMUM.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i'm not real comfortable with it, especially if i don't speak the language. if it's a very short phrase or a singular word, i will try to use a translator and other online investigating (and then nicely ask people to correct me in the comments if i'm wrong lol). but if i want to have the character speaking full sentences i will usually type it out in english and then use "they said in [insert language here]" as the tagline.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
if we're going wayyy back, technically the first fic i wrote was a bones fic when i was in middleschool lmao. i wrote it in a notebook, never published it online. but i first posted fics online in high school (as a freshman i think), and i think the first fics i published were for percy jackson and supernatural lol.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
probably revelations. looking at it now, there are certainly things i would change about this one, but i wrote it on and off for 3 years, so i was just really proud when i finally finished it. and there are still a lot of character moments i wrote into this one that i still love.
also you are my solid ground. plot does not really exist in this fic, but i had the best time writing the steve/nat/sam dynamic. literally dream trio.
(real talk, some of my fave fics are ones that i haven't finished yet/haven't published yet. i think my newest favorite fic is the kanan character study one i'm working on now. i still have a little bit to go, but i'm really close to finishing it, and i'm just so proud of it. there's so much about it that i love and i can't wait to share it (hopefully by the end of the year!)).
no pressure tagging: @effie-trinket and anyone else who would like to participate!
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natrogersfics · 1 year
I thought the Romanogers fandom was small, but then I joined other fandoms that are truly small. For example in AO3 one has 10 pages, then 18 and the last one 37, obviously they’re not all works of them as the main couple, so it’s painful. And Romanogers while not the biggest you have constant new stories, you have a ton of AU’s, canon divergences, and so many scenarios. I long for some AU’s in these other fandoms but I’m definitely not a writer. And I say this because before Romanogers I only read works of this canon pairing that has like 600 pages of works in AO3, so again I was fed all kinds of AU’s and canon divergences 😅 I heard people say that Steve/Nat were not popular and had a small amount of followers but honestly I think that’s a lie, there are canon mcu couples that have very little works in AO3 and they’re mostly one shots (I’m looking at you Scott/Hope 🥹). So what I mean with all the ranting is that I’m so thankful for all the writers in the fandom that keep gifting us with awesome works 💖💖💖
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I am thankful for all the writers past and present who fed and who continue to feed the Romanogers fandom with amazing content as well, anon! We truly reap the benefits of their labor of love.
And hey, I wasn’t a writer either when I decided to take a crack at writing my own fic back in 2016, so if you’re up for writing your own, I definitely encourage you to do so. Create that story you’ve always wanted to read. I’m sure the fandoms you’re part of (regardless of size) will appreciate it. :-)
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bulkyphrase · 3 months
Fluffy Steve Fest Rec List Day 5 - Bedroom
It's @fluffystevefest day 5! The theme for Friday is Bedroom, and after a short break from following the themes and prompts, this list is back on track!
These are a few of my favorite soft, bedroom activity-related fics.
Ground Me by @vassalady (Romanogers, Mature, 1,461 words)
Summary: When Steve needs to let go, he goes to Natasha, who takes care of him.
You’re My Medicine by @blossomsinthemist (Stony, Explicit, 11,691 words)
Summary: It was just that Steve liked harder kinks, and it seemed like the kind of thing that would appeal to the intense sensation play side of him, always pushing himself and looking for something to send him flying higher. It wasn’t the same as a flogger stinging over his back, but it was more intimate, more invasive, Tony figured—the same intensity, but in a totally different way, and maybe … gentler, softer. Something it would be easier for Tony to give him the way he wanted it, even the way he liked it. Written for Day Fifteen of Kinktober: Sounding.
The Ice in Windless Cold by Isagel (@isagelc) (OT6, Explicit, 11,883 words)
Summary: "I dream about the ice," Steve says. "About being in the ice."
Amenity by AccursedSpatula (Thundershield, Explicit, 3,891 words)
Summary: "If you truly do not desire this, then I shall stop. But otherwise, I have no qualms about offering you a bit of...comfort."
All Is Good That Is Desired by archwrites (Arch) (James "Bucky" Barnes/Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Explicit, 12,920 words)
Summary: Steve gets drugged to the gills, and Peggy and Bucky have to deal with the fallout. Note: dubcon of the sex pollen variety, though it’s as consensual as sex pollen can get.
The To-Do List by @ipoiledi (Romanogers, Explicit, 4,088 words)
Summary: “Miss me?” “Yeah, actually.” Steve’s chest gets an inflating, happy feeling. “Oh,” he says, dumbly. “Me too. You want some coffee?” “How about liquor?” “It’s noon.” “No-o, don’t pull the Captain America face on me,” she says, grinning. “I know you. Come on.” “Yeah, what the hell. Fire up something trashy on Netflix.”
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