#i want it to be AS CLOSE to canon AS POSSIBLE
babycharmander · 3 days
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theaceace · 2 days
I know that canonically (show-wise, at least) St Hilarion's worked to cover up Charles' death, and nothing was ever really done about the disappearance of Edwin and the other boys, but even so, do you think the school has a reputation for being haunted??
I'm imagining Niko following various ghost-hunter groups online, especially when the agency doesn't have many cases going on, and occasionally the boys will mirror hop over to an interesting-sounding location, and they'll even get a real case as a result
So when she tells them that one of the teams is planning to investigate St Hilarion's (either it's been closed for a while or they have special permission to go during the summer holidays), Edwin and Charles steel themselves and decide to go, in case there are other ghosts there that need help ('can't imagine a worse place to be trapped for the rest of my afterlife' says Charles, who has been to literal hell. Edwin, who spent 70 years in literal hell, agrees)
So they go, with Niko and Crystal as moral/emotional support, except when they get there they realise they've fucked up and are there on the same day/night as the ghost hunters. They could come back some other time, but what if there really are ghosts here that are suffering? No one wants to take that chance, so Crystal uses her powers to convince them that she and Niko are there for work experience, or are friends of a friend, or are here to replace one of the tech guys who called in sick
Both Charles and Edwin are tense and uncomfortable returning to the place they died - Edwin had gone there after he escaped Hell because he didn't know where else to go, but they've built themselves a home now with the agency. This isn't like before, when it was the closest place to familiar he could find. Charles, meanwhile, feels colder and colder the longer they're there - his hair is wet, there are bruises flaring and spreading, and a faint rattle in his chest that would have become pneumonia if he'd lived long enough
But they need to be sure there aren't any other lost ghosts stuck here that need their help crossing over, so they keep going
(maybe, as a consequence of a door to hell being opened in the school, there are unusual happenings, maybe there's still a place where the line between earth and hell is very thin, maybe there's some fragment of a demon left behind, and they can do something about it)
Anyway, the most important thing is that Charles, either accidentally or in a fit of pique at the whole situation, knocks something over just as one of the paranormal investigators is asking for spirits to make their presence known. In fact, this happens repeatedly - the boys move things, change things around, their presence is detected somehow with the equipment. Crystal and Niko are doing their best to distract the team and ruin as much of the footage as possible, and at least once the boys do something on purpose, maybe because someone is being a creep to the girls (and yes, they both know that Crystal and Niko are more than capable of taking care of themselves, but this way scares the asshole more and is also funnier), and then also to fuck with their readings
Anyway, it's coming to the end of the night, the problem has been identified, and whaddaya knows, of course it's in the attic where they both died. This is fine, why wouldn't it be fine. They get started, draw some (invisible, ghostly) runes and start working their magic when, of course, the paranormal investigators turn up, because this is thought to be the most 'active' area of the school, and the body of a schoolboy was found here in the 80s
Yeah, they try to contact 'any of the boys who disappeared in 1916' and Charles. It would be fine if they weren't so irritatingly loud, Edwin's trying to concentrate, and Charles is now shivering and dripping wet, but they managed to ignore the team right up until they start speculating that Charles was killed by one of the angry spirits from 1916
At which point, Charles - half visible, clearly enraged, looking very much like the half-drowned and frozen kid he was, like a proper ghost - tells them to fuck off already before they get hurt, they don't understand anything, and how dare they give a shit now when it's too late
Which is, of course, the exact moment Edwin finishes the spell, and causes some sort of a magical rebound that fritzes the cameras for a second, throws furniture around, and knocks them all flying. When the cameras start up again, they catch Edwin kneeling by Charles, holding his hand, and softly telling him that it's ok, it's over, they can go now. Charles sniffs and smiles and knocks their foreheads together and says yeah, let's get out of here, and together they fade from view
The investigators think this means gay love can pierce the veil of death and save the day that now that the truth of their story is known the ghosts have moved on, and it's all thanks to them! How beautiful, how wonderful, how affirming! Perhaps one of the boys from 1916 tried to help Charles, and when that didn't work, they both stayed to try and protect other people from these violent spirits, and now their unfinished business is finished! It's so tragic and touching story
Charles and Edwin, who are putting their tools back in the backpack, roll their eyes and smile at each other
On the way out, Charles swipes the memory cards from the cameras, Edwin inscribes a couple of sneaky runes on various pieces of equipment to fuck with it, and Crystal uses her powers to make sure they all remember a couple of details differently, so later they won't be able to agree on a bunch of stuff
The episode they were trying to make can't be released, their social media posts about the experience are full of details that don't match up, and fans are bitterly disappointed
Crystal and Niko watch the footage Charles stole with Jenny and the Night Nurse back at the agency. Jenny turns it into a drinking game. Charles does a dramatic reading of the posts with added commentary while Edwin pretends he's not laughing. They buy t-shirts of the paranormal investigators and wear them ironically. They leave anonymous comments
Just. The dead boy detectives having to work around ghost hunters, in a world where ghosts definitely, tangibly exist
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fourteentrout · 3 days
ACOTAR tag game 💕
thanks for tagging me @mathiwrites ! I don't normally do these even when tagged because i never know who to tag, a lot of times everyone i think of is already tagged LOL, but i figured id start today!
I don't think I've seen one around, and figured this might be fun to do!
Answer the questions below & tag whoever you want, or make it an open tag!!
Who's your favourite ACOTAR character?
My boy tamlin!!
Who's your least favourite character?
Hm....hmmmm...oh Amren for sure.
Say something nice about your least favourite character.
She has a cool character concept and i thought it was really sweet and endearing when she gave feyre the bracelet (necklace?) to help her get through the Prison trip without panicking
Who's your favourite High Lord? (If you picked one for your fav character, then who's your second fav!)
Oooh hm not to be a copycat but I loved tarquin from the moment he was introduced, he was an instant fav and i was kind of sad that he didn't have more involvement later on that didn't have to do with the whole feyre and rhys betraying his trust thing
Favourite MINOR character?
ooh i dont know if this is minor enough but i've come to really like jurian. i didn't really have much of an opinion on him for most of the series and then for some reason in silver flames when he was in it for like 2 seconds i was like wait a minute why haven't i been more into this guy he kinda fucks
Favourite ship? (Crackships included!)
tamsand by far. though azris is becoming a close second.
Favourite court and why?
well i loved the spring court aesthetic from the first book, but at this point in the series I think I'd say maybe actually dawn. it just sounded so pretty, and i think it would be one of the subtler, less overwhelming courts while still being awe-inspiring.
Make up a brand new court RIGHT NOW, NO PREP JUST VIBES.
oh shoot um okay court of clouds?? people who specialize in wind manipulation, likely populated by a race related to the Peregryns or Drakon's race? an actual cloud court like in the sky could be a vibe I think. perhaps it would be more removed from the politics of prythian--they'd still have a High Lord, but maybe it would be more of a military government or something.
What relationship would you have wanted to see more of in the books?
oh wow i mean i am always here for more rhys and tamlin content obviously, but i would have also loved to see more of like stories and stuff about the sentries from the spring court that went over the wall, like Andras. andras and lucien's relationship in particular would be one I would have liked to know more about. I also really want to see Azriel and his mom.
What's your unpopular opinion?
god what ISN'T my unpopular opinion. hm. i think feyre's whole reasoning for wanting a baby out of seemingly nowhere is dumb. like i get it, yolo, life can be cut short, but like i really do not feel like she picked a good time to have a baby, nor do i think she is remotely ready to be a mother. when she realized she wanted kids in acofas, it wasn't a strong enough argument for me to actually like get behind her decision.
What's your favourite headcanon/fan canon?
omg i have so many I literally started a list lol. the first one on it is kind of silly, it's that Helion is actually the faerie romance author sellyn drake that nesta, emerie, and gwyn like
If you were swept away to Prythian, what's ONE thing you would want to do?
go to a festival! not necessarily something as crazy as calanmai, but i would love to go to some sort of celebration. maybe starfall?
If you could have ONE faerie ability seen in the books, which would it be?
shapeshifting without a doubt
thanks again for the tag! ill tag @cheap-spirits @achaotichuman @thedickgraysons @wingsdippedingold @hugevanserrass @lady-of-sevenwaters @the-darkestminds @msbrownwithacrown @tamlinsnailtech and anyone else who wants to contribute!! if were mutuals and i didnt tag u im sorry i tried to think of as many as possible LOL but yeah definitely feel free to contribute if you want to! this was fun
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dindjarindiaries · 3 days
Senator's Shadow - Chapter 5
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summary: Hunter navigates the sweet haunting of your stolen moment in the secret base as the conflict on Eirus rages on.
pairing: hunter (the bad batch) x fem!reader
rating: mature (18+)
tags: bodyguard romance, forbidden love, fluff & angst, emotional & physical hurt/comfort, canon-typical violence, injuries & blood, trauma, eventual/mild smut
word count: 6.624k
chapter 4 ⟸ series masterlist ⟹ chapter 6
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chapter 5 ⟹
Hunter woke with a start, his heart racing loud enough to thump against his eardrums as he gathered his bearings. He had to look next to him to make sure he was really alone in bed.
Because in his dreams, he had been in that secret base with you again, chasing the sweet taste of your affection in endless succession.
Hunter exhaled and ran a hand over his face. He glanced down and checked on the wound over his left side, lifting the secure wrap to see that it had made quite a bit of progress in healing overnight. Tech was going to want to check up on it again, if only to update the data he had already started to collect.
His comm chimed repeatedly on the bedside table. Hunter sighed and reached over to grab it, lifting it to his haunted lips as he spoke. “Yeah, I’m awake, Tech.”
“Good. Before you take over, it would be wise for me to do another analysis of your wound.”
Hunter smiled to himself. Even after all this time, it still amazed him how well he knew his squad. “Sure. I’ll let you in.”
Hunter set aside the comm and grunted as he stood from the bed. He was pleased to learn that he could walk without hunching over, a small yet crucial step in his healing. Hunter opened his door just as Tech walked up to it, and Hunter stood aside to let his brother enter.
“How was your shift?” Hunter hoped his strong concern wasn’t evident in his tone. He followed Tech inside of the room and sat on the end of his bed.
“As uneventful as usual.” Tech spoke while he worked, holding his datapad in one hand and a medical scanner in the other. “I imagine it was the same for Wrecker, who is now switching with Crosshair.”
Hunter’s brow furrowed. “‘Imagine?’ Do you know that for sure?”
Tech sighed and paused what he was doing, his helmet tilting at the sergeant. “Hunter, you cannot act as if it is a strong or even likely possibility that something has gone astray without us already being informed about it. We have, so far, had zero issues during our watch shifts.”
Still, Tech’s gaze softened at Hunter behind his goggles.
“Though I do understand that recent events have likely made you even more wary. You experienced a very close call.”
Hunter was the next one to soften as he reached forward to set a reassuring hand on Tech’s shoulder. “I’m fine, Tech.”
Tech lifted the scanner. “We have yet to prove that.”
Hunter huffed and let his hand fall back to his side. He took the wrap and moved it aside, letting Tech have access to the wound. The scanner’s red, gridded light assessed the skin while Tech fixed his attention on his datapad.
“Remarkable.” Tech’s eyes were wide with approval as he studied the data. Hunter lifted his brow. “The wound has healed almost exponentially overnight.” He gestured absentmindedly to the wrap that Hunter was beginning to secure back over his skin. “It would seem your effective work with the bandaging has paid off.”
There was a longing ache that struck deep within Hunter’s chest at the memory he hadn’t even been awake for. “I wish I could take the credit for it.”
Tech froze, his stare finding Hunter’s. “What do you mean?”
Hunter exhaled a soft breath and prepared himself for what was to come. “I wasn’t the one who wrapped it.”
Tech’s eyes narrowed before they widened even more than before. “Oh.” The skin around his eyes wrinkled as he no doubt smiled to himself underneath his helmet. “So, the senator had to gain access to—.”
“How else would she have done it, Tech?” Hunter couldn’t keep the defensive edge out of his tone as he raised an eyebrow at his brother. He shrugged and averted Tech’s gaze. “I wasn’t even conscious when she wrapped it, anyway.”
It was hard to miss Tech’s amused snickering. “Your wistful tone implies that you wish you had been.”
Hunter’s stare snapped back to Tech’s. “Wistful? That wasn’t…” He stopped, acknowledging his defeat. Hunter sighed and leaned forward, resting his elbows upon his knees. “I’m just not happy about the fact that I was out.”
“Understandable. To be in such a state of helplessness is difficult for anyone, especially a leader such as yourself.” Tech’s hand gestured to Hunter even as he continued to tap around the datapad. “I can imagine it was even more undesirable when you had the senator in your care.”
Hunter’s jaw tightened. That was something he had been trying not to think of. “I would feel the same if it was any of you.”
Tech shot Hunter a quick glance. “Certainly.” Before Hunter could even try to argue, Tech went on. “I have to say, this does explain the dazed behavior you exhibited during our return to the capitol. I had assumed it was from the loss of blood.”
“It was.” Hunter pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut. All he found behind his eyelids were the same hauntings that had filled his dreams. “The lack of consciousness didn’t help, either.”
Tech hummed. “That is a fair assumption.” He set his datapad on his belt and nodded. “According to this data, you should be just fine to complete your normal activities, so long as you keep the wrap on for now. I will check on it again later this evening.”
Hunter relaxed his posture again and smiled at his brother. “Thanks, Tech.” He gestured with his head to the door. “Go get some rest.”
Tech offered a two-fingered salute before he turned on his heel and left the room. Hunter stayed where he was for a moment, hanging his head as he forced himself to focus on the day ahead. The galaxy couldn’t stop all because of a single, stolen moment with you, even if neither of you had even gotten the chance to talk about it yet.
Hunter was quick as he suited up, though he continued to mind the wrapping on his side. It was hard not to remember the way you had helped him with this process just over a day’s time ago, but this was also something Hunter had been doing on his own for years, and recalling the mundane routine made it just a little bit easier to get through.
His helmet was already on as he stepped out of his room, taking over the empty place where Tech had been before at your doors. With his back facing them, Hunter shut out everything except the farthest spaces to which his senses could reach, threatening to overwhelm them completely in favor of drowning out his own mind.
It had been long enough for a small throb to invade both his temples when he finally heard movement just behind your doors. Hunter shut down his senses, but still waited until the doors opened to turn around. As soon as his visor found you, he picked up on a skipping heartbeat, but it was impossible to tell if it was yours or his own.
Your first moment alone together since…
“Good morning, Sergeant.” Your voice was as kind as ever as you bowed your head at him, though your gaze never left his. There was a confusing mixture of emotions hidden within its depths.
“Senator.” Hunter returned the gesture. “I hope you slept well.”
Your eyes flashed with a light Hunter couldn’t quite catch, but you smiled nevertheless. “I did.” Your brow furrowed as your stare lowered to his side. “How’s your wound?”
The corners of Hunter’s mouth began to rise at your evident concern. “Much better. Tech said it’s almost completely healed.” Hunter dared to take just a small step closer to you. “He also said the effectiveness of the wrap had much to do with it.”
You beamed at him, maintaining your intense stare. “That makes me very happy to hear.” Some of the light in your eyes faded as you embraced your vulnerability. “I was very worried.”
Hunter’s chest ached for you. “You don’t have to worry about me, Senator.”
This time, you were the one to take another step closer to him. Hunter tried not to consider how little room there was left between the two of you. “But I do, Hunter, just as you do for me.”
And there it was, the simple utterance of his name that filled Hunter with an unprecedented rush of warmth. It was only the second time he had heard you say it without his title, and it made him remember the first—that sweet, pleased sigh of longing that could get him to do just about anything for your sake.
The sound of a door opening snapped the two of you out of your shared haze. Both your heads turned to face Echo as he stepped through the threshold of his room. Hunter’s visor looked down at his feet as he stepped back to make room for his brother, though he could feel the burn of Echo’s observant gaze even through his own helmet.
“Sorry if I… interrupted something.” Echo didn’t bother to hide the smug smile in his voice. “I thought I heard some voices out here.”
“No apology necessary, Echo.” You were able to keep your voice even, something Hunter couldn’t trust himself to do, as you smiled at Echo. “The sergeant was just about to do the wake-up call.”
Your words were his reminder to do just that. Hunter lifted his fingers to the side of his helmet and spoke. “Time to get a move on, boys. Crosshair, you can head inside.”
Crosshair’s cool voice was quick to respond. “Goody.”
“What are you up to today, Senator?” Echo asked the question Hunter wanted to, but beat him to it. “Anything exciting?”
You huffed. “I’m afraid not. I have to try my hand at more diplomatic resolutions today.”
Your brow had furrowed with a weariness Hunter recognized all too well. He was captivated by an urge to reach out for you, but he tightened his fist to keep his hand at his side. “How’s that been going?” Hunter at least used his words to check in on you.
Your gaze slid over to his, and what he found there was less than promising. “Exactly how you’d imagine it would.”
Hunter tilted his helmet at you. It was the only gesture of reassurance he could offer with Echo, and soon to be more of the squad, around. “Well, we’re hitting the ground running today. We’re heading back to the village to check in with the residents and see if there’s anything we missed.”
“Thank you.” Your stare softened at him. “I wish I could go with you, but… duty calls.”
Hunter released a gentle exhale as the sounds of doors opening surrounded them. “As always.”
“Mornin’, everyone!” Wrecker sounded as joyful as usual before he clapped a hand on Hunter’s shoulder. He grunted, but stood his ground and turned his helmet to face his brother. “You actually joining us today, Sarge?”
Hunter nodded in Tech’s direction. “He cleared me for action.”
Tech pushed his goggles up and kept his finger lifted. “To be clear, it was the scanner that provided the data. I simply analyzed it for the most accurate results.”
The doors to the senator’s suite opened, and you stepped aside as Crosshair joined the group and somehow responded to Tech’s statement. “How many times are you going to explain that to us?”
Meanwhile, Hunter sighed at Crosshair’s actions. “I told you all already, we shouldn’t be reentering through that passage unless we have to. We don’t want to draw unnecessary attention to it.”
Crosshair lifted his helmet to show Hunter his unimpressed look. “And having one of us standing directly outside the secret door isn’t drawing attention?”
Hunter tightened his jaw. “I just don’t think the senator would appreciate us coming and going from her suite unannounced.”
“I trust you all, Sergeant.” Your voice captured Hunter’s attention, and he turned his helmet to face you. “If it calls for less suspicion than reentering through the main exits, then it’s fine by me.”
“Ha!” Wrecker nudged Echo, who was closest to his other side. “She really is one of us, now.”
Hunter furrowed his brow at whatever unspoken conversation Wrecker was referencing, but you continued before he could ask about it. “I don’t take that compliment lightly, Wrecker. Thank you.” You beamed at Wrecker and set a hand on his armored shoulder. Hunter smiled. “I should get going, as should all of you. If you need to report,” you paused and turned to face Hunter, “you know how to reach me.”
Hunter nodded dutifully. You offered one last smile before you began to walk down the long corridor, where some of your personal guards were already waiting. He watched you until you reached them, his chest weighing heavier and heavier the further you got.
“Hunter?” Echo’s voice snapped Hunter’s attention back to the squad. He faced Echo, whose helmet had tilted at him. “Our orders?”
“Right.” Hunter had an easy time focusing back on the mission. He had yet to lead his squad into a single mission failure, after all. “We’re heading back to the village. We’ll do a sweep to make sure the hostiles are gone, and we’ll take any information we can get from the locals. We have to figure out where and how they’ll strike next.”
The squad nodded, and Hunter led them out of the capitol. Silence sat between the group until they reached the woods that surrounded the village. Wrecker was the one who walked up to Hunter’s side and started to speak. “So, Hunter, you’re really feeling better?”
Hunter tilted his head towards his brother. “Yeah, Wrecker.” He patted his hand against Wrecker’s back. “It was just a partial hit. Don’t even worry about it.”
“But it still led to a great deal of bleeding,” Tech insisted. “Had it not been for the senator, it is quite possible you could have bled out.”
“Had it not been for who?” Echo’s interest was clearly piqued.
Hunter sighed and palmed his helmet. He should’ve known better than to think he would be leaving all this back at the capitol.
“It was the senator who bandaged Hunter’s wound.” Tech’s matter-of-fact tone only made the information sound even worse somehow. “He told me so this morning after I had assessed it.”
Crosshair’s tone had just as much amusement as Echo’s did. “Were you going to tell the rest of us that too, Hunter?”
“If it ever became relevant, then yes, I would have.”
Wrecker suddenly gasped. It alerted Hunter until he heard what his brother had to say. “Wait… so that means the senator had to see—.”
Hunter wasn’t going to let him finish that sentence. “We get it, Wrecker.”
Tech couldn’t help himself from providing even more of the context Hunter had given him earlier. “Hunter was not conscious at the time.”
Crosshair huffed. “Bummer.”
Echo was next. “Do you wish you had been?”
Hunter chuckled. “Why would anyone rather be unconscious?”
Echo gave his helmet a quick tilt at that. “Fair point.”
Wrecker shrugged. “I don’t know, it’s kinda nice sometimes.”
“Not when it happens like that.” Hunter gave him a quick look. “Trust me.”
“It does at least explain your long absence before our rendezvous.” Tech, as always, was trying to do the math. “Though I can’t imagine where you could have possibly kept cover for so long.”
“An old base.” Hunter pointed to the far distance. “From the senator’s freedom fighting days. She got us both there.”
“While you were out?” Wrecker let out a whistle. “Wow, she’s even stronger than I thought.”
Hunter smiled to himself. “Yeah, she’s full of surprises.”
Crosshair’s voice was low as he responded. “You would know.”
Hunter curled up his fists at his sides, but said nothing. The group snickered amongst themselves as Hunter reached out with his senses. He was met with the familiarity of the village, which threatened to bring back memories he couldn’t afford to dwell on—especially not while he was alone with his squad. “We’re here.”
Hunter stopped the group and turned to face them. His straightened posture alone caused all of them to follow suit, turning themselves from teasing brothers to focused soldiers.
“The first priority is sweeping the village, and making sure the people are still safe.” Hunter scanned the group. “Wrecker, Crosshair, and Tech, take the western half. Echo and I will take the other. Rendezvous back in the middle if you haven’t found anything.”
“Roger that, Sarge!” Wrecker gripped his blaster tighter and followed Crosshair and Tech to their side of the village. Hunter nodded at Echo before they headed for their half. He tried not to dwell on what had happened the last time he was there.
But Echo knew him well, even if he hadn’t been around as long as his other brothers. “Hunter.” His voice was low, almost like a warning, as Hunter used his senses to scout the area. “What really happened at that base?”
Hunter shot Echo a quick look. “What are you talking about?”
Echo huffed. “I know we’ve been getting on your case about the senator ever since we started this mission, but this morning was different.” He tilted his helmet at Hunter. “I felt that tension.”
Hunter tightened his jaw. “You’re reading into things too much.”
Echo scoffed. “Am I?” Hunter didn’t respond to that. Echo took his silence as an invitation to go on. “Look, Hunter, they didn’t make me an ARC trooper just because of my skills. It was also because of my ability to read people and situations. And that?” Echo let out a curt laugh. “That situation was easier to read than any plan I’ve ever had to decipher.”
Hunter exhaled. The heaviness of it all began to weigh on his shoulders as they pushed on through the village. “Don’t worry about it.” He had been doing enough worrying about it, about you, for the two of them—for all of them, if he was being honest.
Echo remained silent for a minute or so before he spoke out again. “Did you kiss her?”
Hunter’s helmet had never whipped around faster than it did then. “What?”
Echo met his brother’s gaze. “Is that what happened in the base? Did you two kiss?”
Hunter considered his next words carefully. Of course it had to be Echo, the one member of the squad he could never get away with lying to, who would figure it out first. With a small breath, Hunter prepared to answer. “Even if we did—.”
Echo set a firm hand on Hunter’s chestplate, keeping him from walking ahead. He leaned his helmet close to Hunter’s, keeping his voice low for the sake of privacy. “So, you did kiss?”
Hunter’s helmet tilted. “I said even if we did, it wouldn’t matter.” His gaze fell, though his visor remained where it was, as he spoke the same truth Echo had warned him of days ago. “The senator knows the rules, and so do I.”
Echo dropped his hand and gave his head an incredulous shake. “Come on, Hunter. Fuck the rules.” He pointed his finger into Hunter’s chestplate, near his heart. “You’re in love.”
“Love?” Hunter raised both his hands and shook his helmet. “Echo, that’s a big reach.”
“Is it?” Echo crossed his arms. “I know what I saw this morning.”
Hunter exhaled and set a hand on his hip. “Were you not the one reminding me of the rules just a few days ago?”
Echo chuckled. “Maybe I just wanted to know that you were serious about this.”
Hunter’s visor fell as he began to think through it all. It was an impossible task, especially with Echo’s expectant gaze on him. “I… don’t really know what to make of it.” He raised his gaze back to Echo’s. “All I know is that the senator has a duty to fulfill, and so do I.” Hunter gestured with his helmet to the village around them. “That’s what I have to focus on.”
Hunter started to walk forward past Echo, but he was stopped by Echo’s hand on his armored shoulder. He turned his helmet to face his brother. “Just remember, Hunter.” Echo nodded, giving Hunter’s shoulder a gentle pat. “You deserve to be happy, too.”
Hunter was too shocked by Echo’s words to say anything in response. Thankfully, Echo didn’t expect him to. He dropped his hand and continued walking, remaining in stride alongside Hunter as they continued their search. His words, however, were seared into Hunter’s memory, clouding each sense that he tried to reach out with.
Happiness wasn’t a luxury he had granted himself ever since he was put in command of his squad countless years ago. Could it really be something he prioritized, especially in a situation as delicate and dangerous as this?
That wasn’t a question he could answer, at least not now. Not when it felt like this village was still smoking from the explosion that had taken both you and him with it. No one was hurt this time around, but if Hunter didn’t focus on the task set before him, then people—your people—could get hurt next time.
Not to mention the fact he had his own squad to look after, his brothers. They were quite literally bred for war, and until he got them all onto the other side of it safely, he would continue to focus on them above all else.
Even if his mind, and his rapidly beating heart, would often drift back to you.
Hunter and Echo’s search was fruitless, and it wasn’t long before they met back up with the others in the middle of the village. The people there were frightened, but Hunter didn’t blame them. He still tried his best to coax them into conversation, attempting to get anything that would be useful. It was a vain effort.
“Hunter.” Echo’s sigh broke Hunter out of another pointless conversation. Hunter nodded at the villager to dismiss himself before he turned to his brother, who had removed his helmet to reveal his furrowed brow. “We’re not getting anywhere with this.”
Hunter exhaled a deep breath of his own and removed his helmet as well. “I know.” His gaze scanned the area as he thought through their next steps. “Now that they know someone’s countering these attacks, they’re being even more secretive.”
Crosshair slid into the conversation with a tilted helmet. “I still think somebody’s hiding something.”
Hunter raised an eyebrow at him. “We’re not gonna interrogate these people, Crosshair. We’ve already been bothering them enough.”
“They will not offer us a solution, anyway.” Tech was tapping away on his datapad as he joined the quickly forming huddle. “Considering our sweep for hostiles directly after the blast came up fruitless, they had already retreated at that point. Clearly, they were not ready for such a failure, and falling back was their best option.”
“Because they weren’t trained fighters.” Echo’s stare looked off into the distance as he spoke. Hunter’s brow knit together, but before he could speak, Echo returned Hunter’s stare and continued. “That’s what the senator said that night.”
Hunter ached just thinking of you. His jaw tightened as he continued to hold Echo’s gaze. “What are you getting at, Echo?”
Echo lifted a hand to gesture to their surroundings. “This place was an easy target for non-trained fighters. All they had to do was plant a bunch of explosives and set them off. Hunter…” he paused to convey his severity, “they’re saving their trained fighters for something.”
“Or someone.” Tech finished the thought Echo hadn’t spoken aloud. Hunter went cold, an icy chill running along his spine and souring his stomach. “An ingenious theory, Echo, that is quite sensible.” His attention went back to his datapad for a moment. “It is very likely that the trained fighters will strike the senator’s home village next. It would not only be a desirable target, but it would also achieve their goal of drawing her out.”
“We need to find out when this attack will happen.” Hunter’s response was immediate. He had to put one foot in front of the other and continue planning. His mind was given no other option. “When it does, we have to convince the senator to stay behind.”
Wrecker was the one to chuckle at Hunter’s words. “Good luck with that, Sarge. She almost loves action as much as I do.”
Hunter couldn’t even entertain the thought of you being there. “She’ll do what’s best for her people, and her people need her alive.” He nodded at the four pairs of eyes that looked upon him. “She’ll stay.”
“It is also possible that they will send a group to the planetary capitol in the event that she has stayed behind.” Tech offered up this information so nonchalantly that it added even more fuel to Hunter’s panicked fire. “Without us there, she would be more vulnerable to such a targeted attack.”
Hunter’s armored shoulders rose with a breath as he fell upon the realization. “That warning they sent during the banquet… this is how they’re making her choose.”
“It’s a lose-lose.” Echo looked around the group, but pointedly at Hunter, as he continued the sergeant’s train of thought. “If she stays, she’ll be at risk. If she doesn’t, then they’ll know she’s countering their attacks.”
“Why don’t we split up?” Wrecker offered the idea with a lilt of hopefulness. “One or two of us can stay at the capitol, and the rest can fight.”
Hunter shook his head. “We can’t split our forces. We have no idea how many fighters we’ll be against at the village, and that’s not a chance I’m willing to take. These aren’t battle droids.”
Hunter worked his jaw, quieting the volume of his worries to focus on a new plan—but there was nothing he could, not without you there to offer your own input. He couldn’t speak on your behalf when the stakes were this high.
“It’ll be her choice.” Hunter narrowed his eyes as he looked at his squad. “And whatever that choice is, we’re standing behind her.”
Everyone nodded. Hunter smiled with satisfaction and turned to face Tech.
“How far is the village from here?”
Tech was quick to map it out. “About a standard hour on foot.”
Hunter nodded and slid his helmet over his head. “Get ready for a scenic walk, boys. We should at least make sure this theory of ours is true.”
Wrecker grumbled, but didn’t make any other protests. Hunter led the group with Tech, and they remained silent the entire way there. Hunter’s mind was much too busy for him to say anything, and he was working overtime not to dwell on his worries for you. This would only put more pressure on you, and that was the last thing he wanted.
Once Tech had given him the warning of their proximity to the village, Hunter reached out with his senses. It wasn’t long before he held up his fist to stop the group, lowering himself closer to the ground and sifting the dirt through his gloved fingers.
It told him a story of fighters on foot, boots running through the soil in a nearly endless stream. When he closed his eyes, he could hear the rumblings of a massive camp, nothing distinct enough to make out but surely enough to confirm their presence.
“There’s a camp.” Hunter rose back to his full height and pointed to the source. “Let’s try to scope it out.”
He quickened his pace, and the squad followed suit. When they got close, Hunter stopped them again, instructing Crosshair to get up high. The rest of them waited, and Hunter drew out his binocs to see if he could catch sight of them at their lower position.
“I see it.” Crosshair’s words captured everyone’s attention as they looked up at him. “Good call not splitting our forces, Hunter. I’m clocking at least two dozen of them here.”
Hunter sighed, lowering one of his hands from the binocs to tighten it into a fist. “And they probably have more forces doing patrols.” He slid his binocs back into his pack and motioned for Crosshair to climb down. “Looks like we’ve got our work cut out for us. We’ll come back tomorrow to see if we can get an estimate on when the attack will happen. For now…”
Hunter paused, staring at the sky through the trees. With all their searching and traveling, he hadn’t realized just how quickly time was passing.
“We have to head back. Once we’ve gotten some chow, I’ll brief the senator.”
With that, Hunter began to lead the way back to the capitol. The silence on the way back was solely centered around Hunter, as he heard the chatter of the squad behind him throughout the journey. All he could do was plan out exactly how he would confess this to you.
There was only one thing he knew for certain: satisfying his own desires had just become even less of a priority.
Hunter remained lost in his thoughts even as they returned to the capitol and had a meal. He was working out countless plans and strategies, seeing if there were any scenarios in which you wouldn’t have to make such a choice. Time and time again, he came up with nothing. They had crafted a brilliant strategy. It made Hunter miss fighting battle droids.
Tech and Echo were the first two on watch, with Echo joining Hunter outside the doors to the senator’s suite. Tech had already made his way to the secret door on the outside. Hunter exchanged a nod with Echo before he knocked on the doors, preparing himself for a briefing that was going to be harder than any other.
Your doors opened in short order, and for a moment, Hunter enjoyed the sweeping wave of relief and comfort he earned simply from laying his eyes on you. The way you beamed at him suggested that you were doing the very same. “Sergeant.” You bowed your head in greeting before turning to Echo. “Echo.”
“Ma’am.” Echo returned your slight bow.
“Senator, I have our briefing ready for you.” Hunter gestured with his gaze to the inside of your suite. “May I?”
You stepped back and lifted your arm. “By all means, Sergeant. I’m eager to hear what you have to say.”
Hunter tightened his jaw, and he struggled not to make it obvious. He could feel Echo’s stare burning into the back of his head until the doors closed, leaving you and him alone inside your suite. If he wasn’t holding such a new, heavy weight on his shoulders, Hunter would have had half a mind to continue what you both had started in that secret base.
“How did it go?” It was your hopeful voice that drew Hunter from the dark depths of his mind. His stare found yours, and the way your expression started to fall meant that he wasn’t as good at hiding from you as he hoped he would be.
Hunter focused on the positives first. “There wasn’t much in the village, but you’ll be happy to hear that everyone there is okay.”
You exhaled a heavy breath and closed your eyes, lowering your head for a long moment. “Good.” Your eyes reopened and settled back on Hunter again. “I really needed to hear that.”
Hunter was able to manage a small yet genuine smile. “I’m glad I could deliver some good news.”
Your brow furrowed. “What’s the bad news?”
Of course you still saw that written all over him. A single smile wasn’t going to fool someone as intelligent as you. Hunter took a deep breath and looked to the side for a moment, waiting until he had regathered his thoughts to take a step closer to you and speak in a low voice. “We know where the next attack will be.”
Hunter paused, giving you time. You said nothing, but the way your fingers fumbled together over your middle spoke for you.
“They’re targeting your home village.”
You stared at him in pure disbelief for a few breaths. Hunter searched every inch of your gaze for something, but what he found instead was the quickened pace of your heartbeat. It was different from the way it had drummed so rhythmically against his ears when your lips were on his; this was a panicked beat, one that Hunter was used to hearing so much more often.
You raised a hand to your lips before you spoke. “When?”
Hunter shook his head. “We’re not sure yet. Our goal for tomorrow is finding that out.” He sighed, making sure you had nothing else to say before he went on. “That’s not all of it.”
Your brow rose, but the defeat in your gaze was hard to overlook. Hunter wished more than anything he didn’t have to say the words, even if you had to hear them.
“They’re the trained fighters you once fought with. We found at least two dozen at a camp by your village. Right now, our biggest theory is that on the night of the attack, they’ll send a few fighters here to go after you.”
Hunter gave you time to process his words, and that’s when he saw the defeat completely overtake you. “That means…” You couldn’t bring the truth to light.
Hunter would do that for you, too. “They’re going to make you choose, Senator, just as they warned you at the banquet.” His gaze fell from yours. “Either they’ll find you here, or they’ll find you there.”
When Hunter gained the faith to look at you again, his chest constricted at the sight of your hand covering the side of your face. Your eyes were closed as if you were in pain, and the way your free hand was gripping your arm suggested the very same thing. Hunter took another small step closer to you.
“I’m sorry you have to make this choice. I know I told you before that you wouldn’t have to.” Hunter nodded, even if your closed eyes kept you from seeing it. “But you don’t have to do it alone. We’re standing behind whatever decision you make.”
You continued to remain where you were for a few more moments. When you reopened your eyes and lowered your hand, Hunter saw the sparkling tears at your waterline. His brow wrinkled together as a familiar sense of strong concern washed over him.
“Senator?” Hunter’s voice was soft as he spoke. He reached a hand towards your face, but hesitated, instead resolving to set it upon your shoulder.
“I’m sorry. I just…” Your breath caught, the tears shining in your eyes even more as you avoided Hunter’s gaze. “Nothing is working. Diplomacy is failing, they’re outnumbering us in combat, and I just… I don’t know what to do.”
You paused, your stare slowly sliding to meet Hunter’s again. His own heart crumbled apart when he saw the pure devastation and desperation in your eyes.
“I never wanted any of this. They were the ones who chose me.” You closed your eyes and shook your head. “I’m tired, I’m angry, and…” you paused, your eyes reopening to meet Hunter’s as your voice lowered to a broken whisper, “I’m scared, Hunter.”
You reached out in a subtle movement, but Hunter understood it and accepted it before could even make sense of it. He set his helmet aside and took you into his arms, letting you hold tight to his middle as your head fell into the space between his armor and his neck. One of his hands pressed upon your back as the other held your head in place, and his chin rested upon your head as he reached out with his senses.
You were taking small breaths to steady yourself, though it at least didn’t sound like you were crying. Your heartbeat was still faster than usual, but so was his, and he had no doubt that this intimate touch was responsible for it. But Hunter couldn’t, and didn’t, dwell on that. What mattered most was putting you at ease.
“I’m sorry this is happening to you.” Hunter closed his eyes for a moment. “I wish I could make it stop. I had hoped my whole squad could make that possible.”
“It’s not your fault.” Your voice was slightly muffled by Hunter’s armor as you responded. “You’ve helped in more ways than you know.” You paused. “You all have.”
“And we’ll continue to.” Hunter gained the faith to ease himself away from you. Still, he kept himself close, and he finally let himself touch your face. His gloved hands held either side of it as he nodded at you. “You don’t have to do this alone. Not as long as we’re here.”
Your hands found his wrists and held them tightly. Hunter was pleased to see the ghost of a smile tugging on your lips. “Thank you.”
Hunter returned your small smile. “No need.” His brow furrowed as he returned to a state of soft severity for you. “You don’t have to make this choice yet. There’s still time for that. What you need to do right now is rest.”
He caught your gaze flickering to his lips for a moment before you nodded. “I’ll try my best.”
“Good.” Hunter bent down to kiss your forehead before he could think better of it. For as new as the action was, it was instinctual, and he didn’t have to give it a second thought. He pulled away and dropped his hands from your face as he instead turned to grab his helmet again. “I should get some rest, too. Tomorrow could be a long day.”
Hunter saw you nodding once again in his periphery. “Yes, that’s a wise decision.”
Once his helmet was tucked underneath his arm, Hunter stopped and caught your stare. For a long moment, he considered staying and allowing you to drown your worries in the pleasure of what you had shared just two nights ago. Then, reality fell into place once again, and he remembered the burning feeling of Echo’s stare as he had entered the suite. Hunter bowed his head and spoke in a low voice. “Goodnight, Senator.”
Hunter turned and began to walk towards the doors, but your voice stopped him in his tracks. “Hunter?”
He turned on his heel, making himself face you again. You walked up to him and caressed the tattooed half of his face, pressing your lips against his other cheek. The skipping heartbeat he heard was no doubt his own as you pulled away with lingering lips and a warm smile.
“Sweet dreams.”
Hunter nodded, returning your smile before he summoned all his strength to turn around and keep going. There was a lot that awaited him on the other side of the door: a smug Echo, a long night of restless sleep, and an early watch shift that would no doubt be full of more planning. But it was the warmth of your words and actions that would make it all bearable, even if Hunter couldn’t let himself ask for more of it just yet.
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chapter 4 ⟸ series masterlist ⟹ chapter 6
hunter tag list: @zenrobbins0021 @cw80831 @yunggoblin @maddiedrmr @Molmcb
senator’s shadow tag list: @violetlilly2020 @jellybeanstacey0519 @dindadjarin
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blackbatcass · 5 hours
helloo :D
So, I keep seeing people saying that Jason is Bruce’s favorite child, and the only one that was actually like a son to Bruce. (aside from Damian) Also that just because Dick and Bruce were partners/brothers too, it means that Dick isn’t really like Bruce’s son. How Jason and Bruce are each other’s favorite and Dick wishes he could be Bruce’s son (basically it just gets worse and worse jekskenjske)
But then I saw SO MANY posts about this (just getting harsher and harsher LMAO) and I thought I’d ask someone who knew more. So, yeah, here I am!
Thanks for answering if you do, and have a wonderful day!
anon do you want me dead. is that what's happening here
JK JK my first fanon jason ask... what a historic day! basically you're completely right. I don't know where this frankly insane take comes from but whenever me, my mutuals, and pretty much anyone in this corner of the dc fandom sees a post like it we roll our eyes to the heavens. to put it simply the idea that jason is bruce's favorite and the only one he actually loved like a son is a complete fucking lie lol.
first of all to claim that bruce didn't love dick like a son is......I mean. let's just say people saying that have probably never read a comic with bruce and dick before. literally the number one thing to know about these characters is that the love bruce and dick have for each other can be seen from outer space. they have never been normal about each other. bruce raised dick since he was eight. they are thee og codependent father-son partners 'we saved each other we are pack bonded for life if anything happened to him i'd kill everyone in this room and then myself' duo. I mean... there is nuance to be had where they had a very complicated tangled up hard-to-label relationship that had elements of being father & son, elements of being brothers, and ofc partners as batman and robin but that is a function of their relationship being TOO crazy and close not the other way around lol. it is patently true that bruce and dick know each other better than anyone else in the world. it is pretty much true that if you're going to play the favorites game, it's hard to deny that dick is bruce's favorite. that's his eldest his most trusted his saving grace his person who understands him better than anyone. I could pull like an endless amount of panels as evidence that dick was bruce's favorite. there are so many 'dick is the only thing i did right' 'i only feel pride when i look at nightwing' etc etc. dick is his child in every way that matters basically
which is not to say that jason isn't bruce's son! he definitely is! bruce does love jason, but jason was his second kid lol. and it's...i mean jason was robin for a very short time in the grand scheme of things. you can blow through his robin run super fast because it's just not very long. the idea that bruce loved jason more or there's more of a father-son bond to be found in the few issues they were together for as opposed to the 10 years dick was robin is actually insane. bruce literally admitted that the reason he let jason be robin was because he missed dick. lol. lmao even.
basically yeah claiming that jason is bruce's favorite and dick was never treated as bruce's son is just a lie. it's not true. it's like that 'jason is tim's favorite robin' nonsense that was going around a few months ago; it completely ignores canon and essential character elements in jason's favor. I don't know why some jason fans are so obsessed with putting him up on a pedestal by bashing other characters on his behalf. and like...it is possible to have two sons? and love them both? lmfao? and that's not even getting into like tim and cass (also bruce's adopted children). I don't know why people just decided this was a thing but it is false<3
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fabbyf1 · 19 hours
I’m not sure of this is how to go about this correctly.
I’m not sure what your position is on others drawing inspiration/directly from your incredible fan fiction writing but, on Ao3 there is a fic called ❤️lestappen- One shorts💙 by lestapeeen. The most recent chapter (14) is very similar to the monza chapter of long live(twwct) specifically the piggy back and proposal promise. some of the dialogue is exactly the same.
I figured you should know. If it’s a cool with you or if you knew already, sorry to be a bother.
DISCLAIMER: This post, by no means, is asking for ANYBODY to send this author mentioned (and tagged) below hate. On anon or main. I have been pretty damn clear with my feelings on the matter below. They know what they've done, and I won't stand for it. Nobody needs to make this worse by sending them death threats. With that out of the way, let's deep dive, shall we?
First off, god bless you, bestie. God BLESS you. I want to smooch you on your incredibly wonderful forehead. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. I cannot be everywhere at once and cannot possibly read every fanfic posted to AO3, but it's not fucking cool for people to straight-up plagiarize my shit.
Secondly, I'd like to ask that if ANY of my followers come across something that looks very suspiciously similar to my fics, please let me know. You can for sure send it on anon, or send me a dm.
Now, with that being said, I clicked on this fucking fic not knowing what to think. I went into it with a pretty open mind, knowing that there are quite a few authors currently posting fics that are verrrrrrrrrrry similar to my writing style. I've gotten pretty close to calling a few of these authors out but haven't for a few reasons.
Fanfics based on the same ship, in the same canon setting, are always going to be... let's use the word "similar" here. The plot can only change so much when you're following canon events, you know? I don’t write AUs, so I’m only going off canon-inspired fics. My fics generally follow along with canon timelines and therefore, other author’s fics that follow the same timeline are going to be... similar. I get that and accept that.
Characterizations are bound to be... well, fuck it, let's use that word "similar" again. I'm gonna be pretty forgiving when someone's Max is damn near the same as my Max because one: I'm a good and forgiving person, and two: I think my characters (while totally fucking fictional) are very life-like to the real person. So, with that in mind, when I read a fic with characterizations similar to mine... I will usually give somebody grace... and accept that maybe, just possibly, they see Max Verstappen (the person) the same way I do (fictionally) and it’s a big old coincidence that our fics read so similar. You know? Does that make sense?
But with all that being said, I’m not a fucking idiot. 
And honestly? I give more grace than I should on this goddamn website. (lmfao, respectfully.) This is sadly not the first time that somebody has very much written in my likeness, and I know it won't be the last. But this is definitely the boldest version of plagiarism I've seen. I haven’t clicked on any chapter except for 14, and I heavily skimmed the first part, but let’s take a little deep dive into some of the highlights. Because I will show the receipts, bestie.
from their story:
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from long live:
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..... right, let's move on.
from their story:
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from long live:
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okay................. sure
from their story:
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from long live:
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If you're going to plagiarize my shit... you could at least put it in a different font, so to speak. "Hey, can I copy your homework?” “Sure, but change it up a bit.” 
Girlie pop, you stopped even trying to change it the fuck up. 
Let me be clear: I do not authorize anybody to translate, re-post or distribute my work without my written consent. This is in a disclaimer (that I will post below) in every single one of my fics. Taking MY dialogue is NOT okay. 
Direct quote from the beginning note of Long Live:  DISCLAIMER #4: This is 100% fictional, and I do not own any person, team, or sponsor referenced in this story. I mean no offense to any person(s) mentioned and characterized in this story. I am not affiliated with any part of Formula 1 or its subsections. Please do not translate, re-post, or distribute my work without my written consent. I will cry.
To sum up, writing is not easy, and it takes time and effort. Time away from my friends, my girlfriend, my family. Time away from my job and my other hobbies. Long Live is 76 thousand words and took me countless hours to write.
To have somebody so blatantly and disrespectfully post MY SHIT as their own and not even try to give me credit? To not write a note that said, “Heyyyyy go read long live, which I [clearly] really enjoyed!” or even a “Some of this dialogue was inspired by @fabbyf1” or even just a “lmfao some of this i didn’t write but the rest i did” really pisses me off.
Why did it ever have to come to this?
I am SO disappointed right now.
Happy fucking Friday, I guess.
For full transparency, here is the link to their fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55255699 and here is the link to their tumblr: @l-estappen
Here is the link to MY fic, which was posted on April 2nd, 2023, and written in Google Docs with revision history about a month before that. I have receipts out the fucking ass, my dear. https://archiveofourown.org/works/46190509/chapters/116284915
Be well.
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neverevan · 1 day
btw idgaf about the discourse, it's so childish I can't even take it seriously... but I can't stop thinking about the day the guys at work were discussing how almost every single one of their girlfriends wanted to call them daddy in bed... mind you, these guys are anywhere between 22 and 40. this shit is so vanilla that it passes for work convo, I can't with some of you all.
Buck is canonically/canon-implied into edging and exhibitionism and who knows what else he got up to with the presumably (possibly, close to) three-digit-number amount of people he had slept with.
and like it or not he is, in fact, dating the guy who made the suggestion — that same suggestion that made him grin ear to ear, like...... if you can't be an adult about this just watch something else, I'm begging.
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Fixing Gabriel's Writing via a Corruption Arc
Like it or not, Miraculous considers Gabriel Agreste to be a loving father. If he wasn't, then you wouldn't get things like the season five ending or this bit from Queen Wasp:
Gabriel: (guilt-ridden) I don't want to break our promise, but… I can't keep putting our son in danger. Style Queen was supposed to be my masterpiece… but even she failed. I feel like I've done all I possibly could, you know? I'll never be able to fulfill my wish without Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous. (Scene shows Emilie in her coffin) Forgive me, Emilie. I'm giving you up, Nooroo.
But this side of him only shows up in big dramatic moments. When it comes to his more general writing, he's a full out cartoon villain and terrible parent, which is why I've said there's a lot of valid ways to write him. His character is wildly inconsistent. This is a problem that is easily fixed via an actual corruption arc where he goes from somewhat decent parent to monster. There's a couple ways to do this, but here's how I'd do it in the context of keeping canon mostly intact:
Early seasons needed to make Gabriel come across as more openly grief stricken. Really highlight the fact that Emilie's death changed something major about him and his relationship with his son. This is one of the reasons I like a more nuanced Chloe. If you let her and Adrien be actual friends, then you can have her make statements to indicate that Adrien used to be quite close with both of his parents and that Gabriel used to be a good father. You can also have Adrien make statements like this to Plagg, I just like the Chloe angle more as she's more blunt while Adrien is more likely to hide his pain/focus on the positives.
Have Gabriel be unwilling to send akumas to areas where Adrien is. Episodes like Riposte should be impossible as Gabriel will be wholly unwilling to let akumas go after his son. This also lets you justify Adrien being locked up. As is, Gabriel just comes across like a jerk. If he's only banning Adrien from going out in order to keep his son safe? Well, he's still a jerk, but at the very least, he's a jerk who worries about his son's physical well being. Origins saw Adrien sneaking out of the house, so keep that element and make this be the reason he gets caught up in akuma attacks.
As time goes on, Gabriel gets more desperate and more willing to take risks. Lots of things could trigger this such as Ladybug always resetting everything, making him feel less concerned about hurting others. After all, he'll fix everything with his wish and, if he fails, then Ladybug will do it for him. There's really no way to lose here. Style Queen could become a turning point where Gabriel finally willingly put Adrien at risk and he feels awful, but make that also be the closest he's ever come. Have Gabriel decided that risking Adrien is worth the cost if it brings them back Emilie.
After that, things start to go downhill. Gabriel draws away from his son more and more due to guilt, but he's convinced he's in the right because he wants Emilie back so bad. The ends justify the means and all that. This can lead into several different types of endings, but the general feeling of Gabriel's final ending should have an element of pity. He's a villain, but he's a villain many could easily become.
This is the kind of path canon needed to walk if they wanted the season five ending to feel realistic. As is, it's going to read as total nonsense to most fans because they're going to go off of the way Gabriel was played in your standard, monster-of-the-week episode. They're not going to think about those core characterization episodes that were supposed to define Gabriel because those episodes are just too uncommon and too antithetical to the way Gabriel tended to be written.
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olath124 · 2 days
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Random shot from my... At this point scary big stash of shots. And brace yourself... It's long.
♡Name: Violet Wright.
♡Nicknames: V, just V.
♡Age: 32
♡Pronouns: She, her.
♡Sexuality: Pansexual. Doesn't care about the gender, has to feel the ✨️vibe✨️.
♡Hair Color and style:
Her natural hair color is dark brown, but she always dyes them in turquoise with pink accents. She varies a lot with her hairstyle. Usually, she keeps her hair long but mostly tied up in buns. Only when she feels really comfortable she keeps her hair down. Since she’s with Kurt she wears her hair more and more often down, preferring softer and more feminine hairstyles. After the surgery, she’ll cut her hair short and return to her natural color, but she’ll grow it back and will go back to her turquoise and pink color. 
♡Eye Color:
Her natural color is green, she tries to keep her Kiroshi as close as possible to her real color.
♡Height: 165 cm (5’5”)! Short queen! But well, Hansen canonically is 5’9”, so he can suck it!
♡Body Type: She’s athletic. She’s used to running around a lot.
Violet would say normal. She’s a bit skittish with relationships, a bit insecure, very irrational and volatile.
Really affectionate, needy and whiny with those she really cares about.
A tattoo Misty designed for her with a mandala on her neck. (I want to redraw it and make it more like a big peony, tough, we’ll see! Yes, Violet is a big WIP)
♡Piercings: Many on her ears, nothing else.
♡Any definable features such as: Birthmarks, Scars, Freckles, Beauty Marks, Accent when they talk, Lisp, Natural slurring of words, Walk with a subtle limp, ect.
She has a bunch of birthmarks on her face (not really freckles) and many different scars around her body. On her right leg now she has a scar in a shape of “K” that the two dumb-dumbs keep refreshing now and then.
Does killing Maelstrom and Scavs count as a hobby? If not, she likes to cook (with poor results because she can’t really follow instructions and tends to improvise). Only, and I mean it, only when she’s alone (or well, with Johnny at most) she sings. She’s actually not bad at it!
♡Gang/Occupation {Mox, Max Tac, etc}
None. She’s a free merc. 
Who are we kidding? At the end she’s with Barghest. Or at least under their protection.
♡Do they smoke?
She started to smoke with Johnny. Now she smokes with Kurt. Not really a habit, she smokes only if she’s stressed out or if the person she’s talking to is smoking.
♡Do they drink? Is so, what's their poison of choice?
As with smoking, she’s a social drinker. Doesn’t drink alone, but loves to drink in company. She rarely gets drunk, though. Doesn’t really like to lose control, only to get tipsy to make social interactions easier!
♡What do they usually wear on a normal day?
Synth-leather pants, a t-shirt or a top, a synth-leather jacket, sneakers, or boots. She loves black and blue stuff.
♡What do they wear when they "Get dressed up"? And what would be considered a "special occasion" to them {such as an "Oh they're gonna be there so I have to look my best." Or an "It's our anniversary".}
A special occasion is when Kurt asks her to get dressed up. She doesn’t care about dresses too much, but she likes it when he buys her dresses and asks her to wear them. Her favorite one is a short blue velvet dress, with a deep cleavage and exposed back with little dainty silver chains that cover the cleavage.  Maybe because it’s his first gift to her.
♡What do they smell like? {For example: they smell like cinnamon flavored liquor, cigarettes, leather, and motor oil.}
Blood, sweet and jasmine. After she got her shit together mostly simply jasmine.
♡How do they walk? Do they sway their hips? Do they walk with a sense of determination? Do they bounce as they walk? Etc.
When she doesn’t think of it she walks almost as if she’s hiding. Always keeping her surroundings under control, finding possible hiding spots or advantage points. When she’s in a good place or feels protected she’s straighter and more confident in her stride.
♡Are they more of an early bird or a night owl?
An always exhausted pigeon. She doesn’t have fixed hours and sleeps whenever she can. Used to sleep in the morning but with Kurt she got used to waking up (at least briefly) at 6 to have breakfast together and a morning talk.
♡If you had to use one word to define them, what word would you use?
♡What words or catchphrases do they say that's unique to that character?
For everyone probably some kind of swear: “Fuck!” Or “Fuck It!”
For Kurt… they have a ritualistic phrase she uses when she needs him to be rough with her and it's: “I want you. I need you. I'll always be yours” (the final part may vary). So it's her phrase in his eyes.
♡Favorite Season
♡Favorite type of weather {Thunderstorms, sunny, etc}
She likes those cold winter sunny mornings. She’d love to see the snow, but not a thing she’s gonna see in NC.
♡Do they have someone they're with relationship-wise? If so, who?
Yeah. Where she’s at in (my yet unpublished) writing she’s officially with Hansen. In the published part they are together only in his head XD.
♡Main Ship/Pairings
Kvio. So yeah, Kurt/Violet.
♡Side Pairings
Do I have to count them??? Between official characters only, Vio has been with: Jackie, Judy, River. Not Panam because she’s not interested (but damn, Vio tried hard!). There’s also the weird thing she has with Johnny. If she never met Hansen they would have probably end up together.
♡Favorite/Self-indulgent Pairings
The favorite remains Kvio… The self-indulgent is an Aon/Vio/Alt sandwich XD! 
♡How do they show affection to their loved one?
TOUCH. She don’t generally like to touch people… But with people she likes she’s very touchy. Not in an extreme way, but if she’s close to a person she loves she’s probably touching their arm, or slipping her hand under their or laying her head on their shoulder. She is really affectionate and really needs a lot of physical contact.
♡How do they sit in a chair?
Normally? But usually quite comfortably, legs slightly open or a leg over the other. Definitely not feminine or elegant
♡How do they sit in a chair {uncomfortable version}
Legs closed, straight back, probably fidgeting with her hands.
♡What do they wear to bed?
T-shirt and underwear. But she’s been gifted a blue silk nightgown and she likes it too. She still thinks it’s too fancy for sleeping in it, though.
♡How do they usually sleep? {Side sleeper, back, fetal position, backwards, nest sleeper, blanket mountain, etc}
She starts in fetal position, or all cuddly, she ends sleeping on her back, sometimes she throws her arms and legs around.
♡How do they sleep in a place they don't know? {Can't due to anxiety, in small bursts of sleep that are short lived, holding themselves, etc}
If she's in a “safe space” the same as usual. If it’s not so safe she wakes up now and then checking her surroundings. She also is very receptive to any possible sound.
♡Do they have to have a form of "white noise" in order to sleep? {The sound of a fan, the sound of rain, the sound of a city, etc}
No, but she appreciates the sound of the waterfall behind Kurt’s bed a lot.
♡What's a place they go to feel comfortable, that's their "spot" they always go when they're upset?
El Coyote Cojo, Misty’s shop, or Viktor’s clinic. Like a stray cat who makes a tour of her favorite places for food and cuddles.
♡What do they do when they're nervous? {Fidget with jewelry, pick at nails, bite nails/lips, play with knife/zippo lighter, etc}
If she needs to fake it, she focuses on something repetitive. Like the tap of her finger on something. If not she usually avoids other people's eyes and tries to make herself invisible, she tends to do things with her hands but it's more uncontrollable.
♡What is their "tell" for lying?
She tends not to watch people in the eyes when she’s lying about something personal. If it’s professional stuff, though it’s quite harder to tell.
♡What is their favorite color?
Turquoise and blue.
♡Favorite flower/plant
♡Favorite sweet of choice
She's not really a sweet person. But well, who doesn't like chocolate?
♡Do they have any pets? If so, tell me about them
She had Nibbles, but with her erratic schedules she preferred to leave him with Misty.
*Takes a deep, sad breath* Violet Norris is technically her pet. And well, Shark Norris, too. If Kurt really has a “Proudest Shark Daddy” shirt, she has a “Proudest Shark Mommy'' shirt. Just to freak her out. That shirt is always in the laundry basket anyway. And if she wears it she becomes extra clumsy and spills something on it.
But of course, she's not allowed to tinker with the aquarium or to feed them without supervision. Not that she would anyway.
♡What are their triggers {If they have any}? If so, what calms them down?
The only real trigger for her is the feeling of abandonment or the fear of losing people she cares about. Only realizing that she’s not being left alone, preferably with physical contact calms her down.
♡If they could visit anywhere in the world, where would they go and why?
She… doesn’t know! She has seen very little outside of Night City and Atlanta, so the world… It feels so overwhelming. 
♡What is their favorite comfort meal?
Mama Welles’s food. Doesn’t really matter what!
♡Do they have a food they hate?
Food is food, she could eat everything. But well, she doesn’t love industrial-made food, but that’s what she eats the most anyway.
♡What is their favorite {non-alcoholic} drink?
She likes Tiancha Pomegranate.
♡What are their plans for the future {if they have any}?
She doesn’t make plans for the future. But if she could she would keep everything as it is. Living in the Black Sapphire with Kurt, doing gigs without being completely swallowed by them.
♡What's a song that "fits" them?
There’s a whole playlist…
But if I had to choose one this is her song.
♡Give me 5 facts/random bits of information about them
She once cooked a cake that tasted like fish. She still doesn't know what went wrong that time. Poor Jackie, it was for his birthday.
Still has a shark plushie and a T-shirt Kurt gave her when she was 3 years old. She couldn't sleep without both when she was a kid.
Violet secretly likes both Shark and Violet Norris a lot. Mostly because they bring out a silly/boomer side in their owner she didn't know before.
Violet can't dance. For real. She simply wiggles her arms around without any coordination.
She knitted a sweater for Nibbles. Never finished it though.
♡Give me their backstory {can be long, or brief.}
Born in 6th Street’s turf. Her father killed her mother, but she doesn't remember most of it. It was gruesome, though, so that even a 15-year-old Kurt was shaken by it at the time. He killed her father and she was under his protection for a few years until he joined the army. In one day she lost both her best friend and her mother because he used to lie about her death.
Since then she hated living there but didn't know what else to do until she ran into Valentino's turf at 13.
She was lucky enough to meet Jackie and become friends with him. He introduced her to his mom and friends. The first time she felt loved like in a family. They eventually got together from 15 to 18. But she didn't love his affiliation with Valentinos and to avoid being sucked into another gang she broke up with him and moved to Atlanta. She moved back after 5 years. Jackie was no longer with Valentinos and they started to work on gigs together as friends. They never got back together, though, in truth they really weren't right for each other.
That's until the Heist and everything else (which happens a lot of years later).
She met Kurt again, but they didn't recognize each other and hooked up. After they found out who the other was, everything seemed terribly (and a bit freakily) right and perfect. (The truth is that if they did know beforehand they would have lost every inch of sexual tension between them xD)
Now they're mostly together. With ups and downs because communication is hard for both of them.
♡Free Space! Give me any sort of extra information about them you'd like to share
Really, I think I've exhausted everything xD
Template from @vincentmatthews, template here. Have fun !
Can I tag people??? Of course I'll tag people!
Obviously with no pressure.
@ouroboros-hideout @blackrevell @cybervesna @cyberholic77 @streetkid-named-desire
@astellehope @dustymagpie @sofia-in-nc @theviridianbunny
And everyone who wants to!
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Base Yandere Sentient CatNap Headcanons: Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These (Poppy Playtime)
[Hello, My sexy muffins I am back with a new chapter, in this chapter it is SENTIENT Catnap, no Children Souls! I hope that you all enjoy this chapter here!] 
Disclaimer 2: Catnap is once again sentient but he is not yandere in canon! This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon!! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Thank you!) 
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Sentient CatNap From Poppy Playtime- 
.At the Start Catnap was more so docile and gentle 
.He cares for children and would want them to get good nights of sleep 
.He had been very loyal to them, but that changed with the prototype. 
.The prototype promised him the one person that he loved the most, and that person was you. 
.He fell for you the moment you started to work at Play co, working closely with him to help take care of the children.
.He was protective of you and very much loyal to you as well, but he wanted more. 
.You would leave the factory time and time again, leaving him behind and he hated it. 
.This caused him to have a hatred for the factory workers to whom he was once loyal. 
.As a yandere he is very protective and possessive. 
.He does not want to share you with anyone else and he made sure that you were safe and sound from other toys and monsters. 
.He is the yandere that would follow you around and if you got in trouble or went too far he would pick you up by the back of your shirt and carry you back to where you are supposed to be. 
.He is the type of yandere who also is always watching you, how you work, and how you have relationships with others. 
.He hated when you would spend time with others and he did not like sharing you. 
.So he would have dealt with his rivals by trying to keep them from you as much as possible and even swiping at them if they spent too much time with you. 
.After the hour of Joy though he would have killed any rivals that tried to get close to you, especially ones like Dog Day. 
.He is the type of yandere that also, stalks his prey and even stalks you. 
.Following close behind and ready to pounce on rivals to end their lives or teach them a lesson. 
.Or to pounce on you and snuggle you or take you back to where you belong. 
.He would love to use his gas on you to put you asleep. 
.This way if you got close to leaving him he can knock you out. 
.He also uses it to break you down and play mind games with you mentally. 
.That way your will to fight against him and leave him is broken down and you will learn that you can never ever leave him. 
.He would have confessed his love on the hour of joy, telling you how much he loved you and that he would keep you. 
.If you say yes he is over the moon and lets you hide so you are safe from the massacre that happens. 
.If you say no? Well, then you are knocked out with the gas and are hidden while the massacre happens. 
.He comes back once it is over and makes sure you are okay. 
.Either way, you will be trapped in the factory and he will snuggle you always even when your life has ended and you have become nothing but a corpse. 
.You are his, in life and death. 
.If he does get the prototype to help him he will be able to turn you into a monster as well, then you will be by his side, forever and ever. 
.Also, remember, your sweet dreams are made of the obsessive love that CatNap has for you. 
.Be his good little kitten and you will have nothing but sweet dreams. 
.Be a naughty little kitty and your mind will be tormented until it breaks and all you know is Catnap. 
.Sweet Dreams are Made Of These, who are you to disagree~ 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done, I hope that you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins! DogDay will come up soon I hope!] 
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autisticrosewilson · 3 days
Todd Family Tree pt. 1
I know you guys have been waiting with baited breath for this (Read: no one but me and a handful of select mutuals care), but fret not because it's finally here.
Let's start with the side of Jason's family we know the most about, Willis's. A lot of things I'll have to say about Willis himself will be things I've said before with maybe some new additions, but a lot of the focus will be on his relationships with his family anyway so hopefully it won't get too repetitive.
Someone on my last Todd Family post commented that the Ma Gunn aspect may have been retconned, however I already integrated it into my personal canon so let's just keep going shall we?
Also shout-out to @perseus-jackass who let me ramble to them about all of this and helped me iron out some of the finer details!
The Todd/Gunn Family; Canon:
- Willis reportedly named Jason after his father, Jason Todd Sr.
- Faye Gunn II is the niece of Willis which implies Willis has at least one sibling that is never mentioned, although Faye was either raised by or very close to Ma
- Faye was named after Ma implying that whichever sibling she was raised by was close to Ma
- Assuming Gunn is her maiden name, or perhaps an alias, she didn't keep her husband's last name and Jason Sr. Is never mentioned, which could mean that they split or that he's dead
- Obviously from a meta textual stand point the reason Ma Gunn was never mentioned as Jason's grandmother is because it was a later retcon, but in universe this and Willis's choice to keep his father's last name implies he wasn't fond of his mother/was closer to his father
Sub note: The candidates for Jason's mother included Lady Shiva (I'll get into my thoughts on her in Part 3) and an Israeli woman. Edit: @ammomancer informed me that Jason was Spanish (Basque specifically) in the Bombshells continuity as well!
- Ma was implied to be from Australia, and likely taught there for a time.
- Ma implied that she had sons, and possibly that they're dead. (I have obviously disregarded this, but I'm not against the interpretation that one or both of the girls are trans.)
So my version of Jason is black/Asian/Latino! I think he's Japanese/Indian from his mom and black/Latino from Willis so keep that in mind.
Fleshing Them Out; My Expansion:
I'll start with Ma Gunn, since we see the most of her in the comics and she has the most groundwork laid for her already. Mostly I'd like to make her a little more complex.
She's proven to be a ruthlessly pragmatic character, but I don't see her being someone who does what she does for fun. She's someone who values control, someone who doesn't take perceived slights lightly. I imagine growing up a woman on Gotham's streets with so many relations to organized crime builds grit, spawns bitterness and hate. She seems like the type to value tradition - in the Gotham crime family way- this is how she was raised and the way she raised her own children. There is no changing the world they live in, only surviving it. I think she really wanted to teach her kids, both the ones she birthed and the ones she fosters, how to survive.
That's not to say she really cares though, I don't think she's close enough to anyone to really care, even if maybe in the early days of motherhood she wanted to be. She's a stone cold bitch and she's proud of it, she made her kids strong and look at the reputation it's given her. Ma Gunn's school for wayward boys isn't just for strays anymore, there are some big names dropping their brats off for training these days. Crime lord daycare. Truly, only in Gotham.
Jason Todd Sr. Is a non-character. We know basically nothing but his name and that his marriage failed, and he's probably very dead. Which may or may not be related to said failed marriage.
Do I think Ma hired a hit on her husband? I wouldn't put it past her. I think she'd get rid of anyone if they were dragging her or the family down.
We can assume he was close to Willis, and I like to think that Mr. Todd was the homemaker because I can't really imagine Ma staying home to tend the kids. It's more likely her version of family bonding was a bank heist. Willis may have very well learned to drive from high speed car chases.
I think it would be very funny if Mr. Todd is from some third or fourth rate crime family that's using a mechanic shop as a front but Mr. Todd was actually really interested in it so he got an engineering degree and had little to nothing to do with the actual crime side of things. Maybe his family married him off to make him someone else's problem and while the Gunn's aren't a notable crime family they have a lot of resources and a lot of contacts, not to mention the small army of feral children.
Ma thought she was getting a seasoned criminal to help fund her illicit activities but instead he's a stay at home dad who has turned their home into a board game because he insists on fixing it all himself (if you use the microwave the doorbell might ring and you need a screw driver to use the shower ect.)
A lot of the experiences I associate Jason having with Willis I imagine Willis had with Mr. Todd, doing homework together, working on cars in the garage, Willis definitely learned how to cook from Mr. Todd because I just don't think Ma can do better than hamburger helper and public school lunch.
For the sibling situation, and I have no real evidence canon has completely left the building with this one, but I think he has sisters. Middle child Willis and also boy who grew up with all sisters Willis is real to me for reasons I couldn't say.
Completely made both of them up, but this is my house I can do what I want.
I'll start with the oldest sister, who I've decided to call Celia. I think she's the closest to her mother, the one who took over after her. Probably a serious, studious kind of person, she grew up with more opportunities than Ma did so she probably had more schooling. I can definitely see Celia as someone who worked her ass off to bring home good grades to make her mom proud and always falling short because Ma didn't really value traditional education.
Her and Willis definitely clashed growing up, Willis never liked Ma but Celia idolized her. Where Ma's crude demeanor and distance drove Willis to acts of rebellion it made Celia even more desperate to please.
Although I'm sure Willis would deny it, I think it's still a sore spot to him that Celia's way kind of worked. Once she got old enough to really learn about the business Celia was great at it, Ma started coming around to the benefits of having someone better with the numbers and paperwork.
I think that even after Willis leaves he genuinely tries to keep in touch with everyone, I don't think he ever stops trying to reach out to Celia. I don't think he agrees with who she became even if he saw it coming, regardless of how much he doesn't like their mother (he'd never say he hates her) Celia is still the girl who put bandaids on his scraped knees and let him crawl into her bed when he had nightmares and he can't bring himself to cut contact with her.
Celia is nicer than Ma, more adept at caring for the kids and because of this she earns their trust more which ultimately makes them more loyal to the Gunn's. This is a purposeful tactic because although she does see the kids as her own she doesn't see anything wrong with manipulating them for her gain. They're family, and family always want to help each other.
Jason was not allowed to visit his auntie, and didn't even know his grandmother was still alive.
I don't think she'd have a husband or boyfriend, a romantic relationship would take too much attention away from her business and if there's one thing she learned from her mother it's that a man would only drag her down or try to control her.
Willis is, to the surprise of no one, is who I have the most to say about but I'll try to keep it brief. For all he gets a bad rep I think he's a family man at heart, I'm positive he always planned on kids even if he wasn't sure about settling down with anyone at first.
Mostly because his mom kept trying to arrange marriages which is how he ended up dating Sheila for a time...which obviously didn't work out. One could say he wasn't keen on a repeat performance after that fell apart.
Man whore I fear, Gotham's fourth most bisexual man. Where's that one post about the goon who causes a distraction for his boss by making out with the bank teller and his wife. That's literally him Willis Todd ghost wrote that post. I'll get more into his various relationships in Part 3.
This man was born to tell dad jokes and wear funky ties but he's forced to live a life of violence and crime. Because of poverty and generational trauma.
I think the most tragic part of Willis Todd is that he tried. He loved his wife and he loved Jason and he gave everything he had to providing for them so Jason wouldn't have to grow up like he did but it ended the same anyway. And he'd never be disappointed in Jason, although Jason thinks he would, because home knows his son and he knows Jason wouldn't do it unless he really thought he was helping people.
I know everyone holds the opinion that Catherine was the most serious about Jason's school but I argue it's Willis, Cathy taught Jason to love learning but Willis taught him the importance of it. I think Willis always got good grades but he never went to college because part of ditching his family was ditching their money and most of what he made went towards supporting himself.
I've named the youngest sister Joan, and I think it's important to define her relationships more than her personality for reasons I'll get into in a bit.
For continuity's and sake I'll say she was a pre-teen when Willis moved out at 18-19, which would give her a large gap between both Willis and Celia - who I imagine are maybe two or three years apart - age wise. So while Willis likely tried to take care of her, to influence her away from their mom and sister, I don't think he was super fond of being at home to begin with so I don't think he was around much and I think Mr. Todd died not long after she was born so she didn't really have the gentle hand that Wills did growing up.
This left her with little to rely on but Ma and Celia, it was a real rock and hard place. Ma is honest in her ruthlessness at least, but Celia uses her love as a tool for manipulation. I'm sure she grew up right beside the other kids at Ma's school.
So I think it's no wonder that when she found herself with a baby she had no clue how to take care of, it was very easy for her mom and sister to convince her to give the baby over. Easy for Joan to decide that her daughter was in better hands with Celia as her mother.
And then Joan...vanished. No note, no phone call, no body. Most suspect it was Ma who did it, even though the woman had her kids - former and present - rip the city apart looking for her. No one knows the full story, and no one knows Joan Gunn's whereabouts.
Well, no one except Willis Todd, not that anyone else knows that.
Faye Gunn II has a lot of potential. I think there's a chance for her to parallel Jason. They both grew up on the streets and both have affiliations with organized crime, but where Faye is comfortable perpetuating the cycle of violence expected of the Gunn women Jason spends every night busting his ass to make sure another kid never has to go through what he did.
I also think it would be fun if maybe Faye wasn't entirely human, y'know give her a little bit of meta gene as a treat. Beast Boy isn't using the name Changeling anymore and I've long subscribed to Gotham operating by faerie rules so maybe she can borrow it for a few issues.
I don't have many thoughts on her as is but I'd like to do more with her in the future!
This got really long and I'm certain it will only get longer with the next additions. The next part will focus on the Clemens/Johnson family! Catherine Todd lovers stay tuned for part 2. Remember that all of this is just how I view them based on the cookie crumbs we get about them in canon.
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olivescales3 · 16 hours
Legends of Chima Pride Flags (part 1)
I tried making them align with canon characterization and worldbuilding as much as possible. I took a little bit of liberties to speculate how they would behave in the future too, of course while taking into consideration the effects of canon events.
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(do not remove the watermark; do not tag as furry)
Because we don't know if animals feel the same type of sexual/romantic attraction like humans do, the animals from Chima are *at least* on the aroace spectrum due to them literally being just evolved, highly intelligent versions of their predecessors. Chi was made by the Phoenixes, which do not reproduce sexually; Chima animals' behavior and anatomy is almost identical to those of the Phoenixes, since language, third pair of limbs, among other Phoenix traits were projected evolutionarily onto them; this thus leaves the conclusion that 'human' romance and sex is not a thing for Chima animals, since it's also non-existent for the Phoenixes.
Laval is shown, throughout the show, that he is a caring lion who was also willing to choose a mate in the last episode, which is why I chose the partnering aroace flag for him. He doesn't have a specific choice of the partner's sex per se, since there weren't any teenage lions for him to be paired with (and the show not being focused on romance; point being that all romance subplots were pretty forced), and him choosing Li'ella really felt like it was some kind of last resort, so I kept that up to interpretation.
Cragger being hurt by those close to him (his parents' death + Crooler using him), along with his overall discontent about his existence being possibly forsaken due to Crunket, his mother, having an affair with Laval's uncle, Lavertus, all at a young age makes me assign him the non-partnering aroace orientation. During the first season of the show, Cragger's mental state is extremely fuzzy and miserable for a tween; he willingly told Laval to kill him out of spite, then attempted to personally murder him by letting the lion prince drown alone— all of it while behaving and speaking in ways that showed his depressing anguish. However, even if the later seasons show Cragger as a childish youngling that barely has any care in the world, he's still pretty aware about other's wrongdoings; he explicitly called out Fluminox' selfishness— "you let your son escape because you were feeling sorry for yourself?"; and he made backhanded jokes against Lavertus. It's not like Cragger would consciously be non-partnering, but the lingering, instinctive trauma would make him not want to have a mate.
Worriz was an easy pick for non-partnering aroace. He's constantly described in canon as a cunning liar who is willing to hide his true intentions– that is, gaining tremendous advantage in power– beneath treaties and promises. Not only that, but in Legends of Chima: Laval's Journey, Worriz immediately turned against Cragger when he understood that he was not getting his hands on the 'Triple Chi'; in the same game, he was shown to not be afraid of threatening others with extreme violence, like when he straight up told Eris he would maul her after he got his hands on the Triple Chi. His horrible violence doesn't end with just words; he directed attacks against the Eagle Tribe TWICE: once by attempting to pull the entire Eagle Spire down, which would cause as many casualties as possible, and twice by setting the Eagle Library on fire and subsequently erasing the tribe's culture and discoveries from existence, an event that happened in Laval's Journey. Of course, he'd make an exception for Windra since they're both vicious and violent... Worriz' violence is not the 'cause' of him being non-partnering; he is, in general, a real and terrifying threat, and would take advantage of anyone if he could— he wouldn't see relationships as innocent and would twist it to gain some kind of power.
Crooler was a hard pick. It's not known much of her besides her using Cragger, but the reason behind those acts are shown explicitly in the show to be envy, and not personal like one would assume. She was capable of demonstrating remorse to a certain extent, and told Cragger a few times she loved him. The honesty of these emotions are not known, but the fact that she was able to show a less 'evil' side of her places her view of relationships into question. If she grows into a better person, then she might get into a healthy relationship, but if she continues to be cunning then she won't. This nuance made me choose demi-partnering for her.
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fried-manto · 2 years
What do you want to be when you be when you grow up?
Interview taking place pre-recital:
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A really cool person! Like a basketball star player! That's really great Kel! Yeah, basketball sounds cool!
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I wanna be someone like Mari! ...or at least someone cooler than Kel. Hey!
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O-oh uhm... a gardener maybe? Or a photographer..? I really know what to choose... why don't you do both? Yeah just do both Basil! O- okay..!
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...A cook... mom probably wouldn't like it though... Go for it Hero! Yeah! you're like the best cook ever! Thats right! Oh c'mon Hero~ O- okay Mari.. thanks guys..!
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Hmm...a teacher maybe? A piano teacher perhaps? You should do it Mari, you're a great teacher! ...is she though..? SHUSH! Awww thank you Aubrey~
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An astronaut, an artist, an adventurer, a writer, a musician.......i don't really know. That's okay Sunny, we still got plenty of time, you can decide when you get older! Yeah dude! We'll be cool people together! Mhmm! That's right little brother, it's great you have so many to choose from! You got a bright future ahead of you Sunny! ...Thanks...
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frogs-in3-hills · 1 year
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process of me figuring out how to draw these buff little weirdos :>
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zei-ord-art · 5 months
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funky lil portraits of everyone to go w the line up
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ilonacho · 3 months
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cock shame
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