#i want my roses to live!! genuinely thought I'd killed them but once they were outside they seemed to do a lot better
autistic-shaiapouf · 2 years
Not only is my mini rose actually alive still after I put it outside, but it's also hosting a whole bunch of bugs ☺️💕
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weepinglevi · 3 years
Not alone but still on his own
summary: levi and reader have a conversation the night before the mission to retake shiganshina district. warnings: angsty angst but also some comfort word count: around 1k A/N: i don't know what came over me but please have this angsty mess. levi always messes with my heart. please enjoy and thank you for reading!
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You knew something was amiss the moment he stepped through the door - usually, he would let his tense shoulders sink a little, shake off the hardships of the day and fall back into his favorite armchair by the old fireplace. Sometimes he'd even stretch out like a cat, always seeming to grow a few inches once he could relax with a cup of tea.
But he met you with a tight stare and an emotionless face. The second you opened your mouth his hand rose to his face, stopping your words before they even left your lips. He sighed, stalked to the table where you were sitting, and sank to his knees in front of you. "Promise me something," voice weary and grabbing your hands tightly. His brows furrowed and strands of his hair falling like a curtain before his eyes.
"What's wrong?" you asked even though you already knew the answer. Levi has told you what he had been meaning to do, that he would try to convince Erwin not to join in tomorrows' venture to Shiganshina District. The rasp in his voice letting you know that he had ultimately failed in doing so.
"I tried, y/n, I really tried." the words came with a shaky tone, almost broken, "Even told him I'd break his legs, I -"
"You did all you could," you freed your hands from his, brought them up to his face, and brushed his jet black hair away from his eyes, "We both knew how important this mission is for him." Your thumbs rubbed his temples, trying to release some of his tension.
A laugh broke from his lips, a sad sound followed by a sharp 'tsk' as he shook his head no, "He will die tomorrow."
"Not if we're there to help him, he won't," you wanted to sound convincing. You truly did, but knowing what was awaiting you, it was merely a pathetic attempt - a lie both of you had agreed to tell each other until the day would come where the only thing left to do was to live through it. And so far the two of you have always managed to see it through. To come out at the other side. More broken, more people left to mourn, but still - you've always managed to get him back with you.
His gaze trailed off - finding a place somewhere behind your head and concentrating on it - as he took a deep breath, "That's what I've been wanting to tell you. I don't want you to join us tomorrow."
Without even realizing it, your hands fell back into your lap. "Excuse me?"
"I don't want you to join us."
"I understood the first time but Levi, I- Why?" he should've known what he was asking of you was impossible. You couldn't just sit here and do nothing, knowing your friends would risk their lives out there. Knowing that Levi was with them, not alone but still on his own. Still without you.
He stood up and ran his hands through his hair - feverishly pacing back and forth in front of you. You felt as if someone placed a spell on you, you wanted to get up, to bring him to a halt, and to wrap your arms around him.
After what felt like hours passed by, Levi finally stood still. His back turned to you, he pleaded: "I just can't bear the fear of losing you, too. Without you, I - I wouldn't know what to do."
All the arguments you could've come up with came crashing down at those words. You knew how much it must have cost him to tell you this. To open himself up to you, completely. There stood humanity's strongest, professing his greatest fear to you.
From one moment to the next you stood behind him, grasping at his shoulder and wordlessly turning him to face you. Grey eyes filled with despair, he tried to laugh. It was a mangled sound, hitting you somewhere deep within your chest. "Pathetic, isn't it?" he attempted to turn away again but you pulled him closer.
"No," you breathed against his ear, "I understand."
You stood there for a long time, hearts beating against each others' chest, slowly finding a rhythm. With everything that was to come tomorrow, you found yourself wishing this moment wouldn't ever end.
Because you knew that whenever things seemed to be going well, everything always went terribly wrong. Levi knew that, too. He just had to. How else could he come up with his masterful plans? His foresight has oftentimes saved your life. A sense of dread crept up your spine, leaving you feeling completely helpless.
Still, you slowly took a step back, "Just promise me you'll come back to me."
A shudder went through Levi's body and you felt him relax instantly. "I promise," he looked straight at you, such ambition in his eyes.
You made the right decision, even though the thought of seeing him leave tomorrow already killed you. You tried to place a genuine smile on your lips. "Wouldn't want you to be mad at me tonight," you let go of his shoulders and turned away, "Come, we should go to bed."
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As you were laying beside Levi, all you could think of was how this could very well be the last night the two of you would share on this earth. You pulled him closer, fingers trailing the nape of his neck as you burrowed your nose in his hair. Breathing in, you tried to take in his scent with every fiber of your being. You wanted to make sure you'd never forget this moment. How he felt against you, or how his hair tickled your chin. God, you loved this man.
And tomorrow, you would have to let him ride into almost certain death while you stayed behind. Not on your own, but still alone - the thought from earlier kept ringing in your head. All you could do was believe in Levi, that he would keep his promise and come back to you.
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addendum: please go read the work of art @kojinnie has in store for you! fate had it's way with the two of us and she wrote the perfect parallel for erwin x reader a few weeks ago. (i now consider this a collaborative project istg.) it is absolutely beautiful so please go and cry your hearts out with me. 😭 you can find it here. also give her a follow and shower her with love, she's the best.
wanna be tagged in my next work? fill out this form.
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lepusrufus · 3 years
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Lil' Mia and Miranda thing since I dragged you guys down the rarepair hell with me~
Lab equipment was really not meant to blend well within a lived-in home. And it didn't. The plush carpet on top of wooden floors giving way to the smooth lab flooring that squeaked under boots not appropriate for the setting created an odd contrast. Not that that was uncharacteristic for Miranda, any of her workspaces falling perfectly under the description of an organized mess, with particular emphasis on mess.
With Rose sleeping peacefully in the room generously, suspiciously so, provided by Miranda, Mia decided to stretch her legs by walking around the manor, the baby monitor connected to her phone. The building was relatively big, albeit quite old, tucked in the woods somewhere between the Beneviento house and the factory, with a tunnel conveniently connecting it to the labs running under the town. It had close to no spatial organization, bedrooms and labs and storage rooms alternating by patterns known only by the so-called goddess, or most likely not even by her.
Mia did not trust the woman. Not with the memories of the prison cell and the kidnapping of her daughter for experiments still fresh in her mind. But, the tiredness of motherhood and the odd loneliness that came with being the only two inhabitants of the house that were capable of coherent speech as of now, had her longing for some company.
It was an easy task finding Miranda, the soft cries of Eva guiding her down a short hallway to a lab door left ajar. Inside, the woman was sat at a desk, a laptop with half written reports and notes in front of her, pushed out of the grasp of the fussing infant in her arms. Miranda was far too busy trying to calm her daughter down enough to fall asleep to notice Mia leaning on the doorframe, curiously observing the scene. Oddly human, in her failing attempt to get her child to stop crying, when at any given time she could get anyone to kneel before her and bend over backwards to her every whim. Yet a small infant was giving her so much trouble.
"Need a hand?" Mia offered with a small chuckle. Should she even offer her help?
"I am fine thank you." But a slightly louder wail from Eva came with perfect timing to disprove her words.
Miranda's shoulders seemed to slump ever so slightly as her eyes closed slowly, the usual makeup replaced by dark circles, testimony to the long hours spent going through decades of research and reports while also caring for her newly reborn daughter. It was oddly bittersweet, to see a woman so dignified otherwise all but beg the small child to go to sleep so she could finish her work.
Work, Mia concluded, that was rather essential for the whole place, and also her home for now, to continue existing the way it was. With a sigh she walked up to the desk and gently stoked Eva's short brunette hair. "Here, let me hold her. At least until you finish typing whatever it is you're doing," she said waving a hand in the direction of the forgotten computer, who's screen had turned black by now.
There were a few long seconds of hesitation, but a weary glance at the mountain of files on the other side of the desk that she was yet to go through convinced Miranda to finally allow her daughter slip into Mia's arms. It took maybe five minutes of cooing and a one sided conversation made in silly voices to turn the cries into giggles, small hands trying to grasp at Mia's finger that was ticklishly caressing puffy cheeks. Exhausted from crying, Eva's eyes slowly fluttered shut and she was gingerly lowered into a crib set by the desk, one of the many scattered around the house.
Miranda watched the scene unfold with uncharacteristic softness slipping by the icy mask of her steely eyes. Even goddesses can be caught by surprise it seemed, and whether it was due to the apparent skills that Mia had with calming Eva down or at how she was willing to help despite their precarious position was up to debate.
"Shouldn't you be better at this," Mia asked, pulling one of the chairs closer to sit in. "I know it's been, what, two or three centuries or something but haven't you done this before?"
Her question was obviously poking fun for the most part, but Miranda couldn't help the tired sigh that crawled its way from the depths of her now useless lungs.
"No, actually. I haven't," she responded curtly as she grabbed one of the files and opened it in order to transcribe its contents in a digital file. "At least not on my own," she added upon remembering the numerous subjects she helped raise during her time working with The Connections.
"Oh? Did you have a sweet loving husband once upon a time? Do tell me more," Mia said leaning her chin on her palms as if she were a teenager at a sleepover talking about crushes, although the memory of Ethan clawing its way to the forefront of her thoughts made her grimace slightly, until she pushed it back down in the depths of her mind.
It was foolish perhaps, acting like that around a woman that could, and would with the right motivation, kill her in the blink of an eye. Truth be told though, Mia was bored out of her mind, so what better way to pass the time than push Miranda's buttons, especially when she seemed too tired to retaliate.
The so-called goddess grimaced, at least ten different reasons to find the thought outrageous flashing through her mind and, settling on the most obvious one, looked at her, one eyebrow raised. "I was a nun."
Mia leaned back in her chair, looking at the black head covering hanging from a hook behind the door, together with black robes. She had to wonder if they were the same ancient ones or if she replaced them every once in a while.
"Yeah, I couldn't tell," she chuckled. "A nun turned goddess. How ironic don't you think."
"Worshipping was never quite up my alley. And neither were men," she replied flatly, turning the pages in front of her and typing the relevant information in the file she had open on the screen.
Mia's eyes widened slightly with an amused oh. "So was she raised by the convent then?"
Was this information really to be given out? Mirada did not like talking about her past, or personal information in general. Gods did not need backstories, they simply were.
She sighed. "No, no. Her parents died when she was four and with nobody else to look for her, she was brought to us." Miranda gave a small shrug, pausing to type up decades old results on lycans. "I was the newest there, so the nuns dumped her on me. I was so mad at first, but she's always been such a brilliant little girl, even back then. She would ask for a bedtime story and did not complain when I'd start reading from one of the medical books I stole from the merchant. There was just something about her that made her grow on me."
With the paragraph done, she pushed her chair back, quietly so as to not have its legs scratch against the linoleum floor, and walked to another, smaller desk pushed against a wall. From there, she walked back to the crib where the small infant was sleeping peacefully, a small doll in hand. Doll that Mia recognized immediately, as an identical one was by her own daughter's sleeping form, back in their room. It was a small replica of Angie, plush and soft to the touch, unlike its real life wooden counterpart, the white dress made of delicate silk. Both toys had been made by Donna herself as gifts.
"But as you can guess, she was well past a toddler when she was placed in my care," Miranda finished, leaving the doll just by her sleeping daughter's side.
"So you suck with babies," Mia concluded with a grin. She would have laughed, but had enough clarity of mind to be quiet.
Miranda simply gave her a tired glare before rolling her eyes. She went back to her desk and opened a new file to be transcribed, this one on the reservoir's structure.
"I can care for them," she started, an odd almost imperceptible strain in her voice. "It just gets trickier when it's my own daughter and not an act."
Mia nodded absent mindedly, eyes darting to Eva. To see a woman with such power and ruthlessness, who could level the whole town to the ground if she so pleased, show such raw genuine affection towards the child made some of the notions in her brain crumble to the ground. Miranda was still the same woman who, ironically enough, experimented on more children than she cared to count, but then again Mia was also a willing participant in said experiments so was she really that much better?
She definitely was, Mia concluded, choosing to ignore a small pang at her heart when she watched all the ice in those gray eyes melt into tenderness while looking at her daughter. Instead, she started toying with one of the many pens scattered on the desk.
"Since I'm staying here, I don't mind helping you out with her," Mia said quietly, keeping her eyes on the small giraffe doodle she was doing on a napkin.
It wasn't for Miranda's sake really. She simply wanted the best for Eva, the child completely innocent unlike the atrocities committed by her mother throughout the last few centuries. Besides, it would be nice for Rose to have a friend not unlike herself, given the yet to be understood power both girls possessed.
"There's no need-"
"Consider it a thank you for letting us stay here, without a sniper pointing at my daughter's head at all times," Mia finished, a slither of ire slipping into her tone on the last words, the memory of a rookie agent panicking and pointing his gun to Rose for the unforgivable crime of being a hungry crying child seared behind her eyelids.
Miranda sighed, an odd sense of relief washing over her. After centuries of trying to bring her back, you'd think the she would do anything to spend each and every second with Eva, not letting anyone else care for her in any capacity, but truth be told, the prospect of not facing motherhood completely alone, even if Mia was helping her solely out of some sense of obligation, did not sound half bad.
"As you wish," she finally said, going back to the half written paragraph her mind drifted away from minutes earlier.
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n1kolaiz · 3 years
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thank u @dazaistabletop for getting me so interested in Fitzgerald's character. ur my favourite Fitz kinnie ok mwah( ˘ ³˘)♥
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald's novel— The Great Gatsby— was a love story that involved Jay Gatsby, whose mannerisms and characteristics appear to be quite similar to Fitzgerald in the Bungou Stray Dogs adaptation. I just finished reading The Great Gatsby so I thought I'd just make a comparison between the main protagonist of the novel and the main antagonist in BSD's Guild Arc.
Other than the fact that both Jay and Fitzgerald share similar character traits (ambitious, arrogant, and optimistic) the relationships Jay had with the other characters of the novel and the interactions that Fitzgerald had with the other characters of BSD are quite similar, too. I'll focus on three specific associations that both Fitzgerald and Jay experienced in a parallel manner:
Zelda Fitzgerald and Daisy Buchanan
Tom Buchanan
Louisa May Alcott and Nick Carraway
in case anyone hasn't read it but wants to :)
To avoid confusion, every time I mention Fitzgerald from here on out, I mean the character from BSD; I will specify my references if it comes to the author.
The Great Gatsby had its plot set around the time of the Roaring Twenties: the aftermath of World War I, the peak of socialite culture, and the growth of a prosperous economy and general wealth altogether.
The Roaring Twenties was also a time of luxurious pleasure and liquor, where people indulged themselves and got addicted to hedonism— the pursuit of gratification.
The Great Gatsby was actually written on the basis to prove how corrupt this age was, and the existence of such corruption was vaguely hinted by various factors, one of which included Jay Gatsby's actual source of income: being involved in the affairs of the black market. This proves that illegal activities were not uncommon around that time, as people did anything they could to achieve materialistic gains.
This isn't a history lesson, I promise.
Both Jay Gatsby and Fitzgerald had grown up in poverty and disliked the concept of being anything short of wealthy. They both worked extremely hard to attain financial abundance.
I presume that not everything they did was actually legal when it came to gaining money. As mentioned before, Jay was involved in criminal activities which founded the basis of his wealth, while Fitz once mentioned that in order to own a gun, he had to kill 4 people. He goes on to tell us that he ended up owning that specific gun's manufacturer eventually.
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Daisy Buchanan and Zelda Fitzgerald.
The Great Gatsby is actually centered around Jay Gatsby's rather obsessive infatuation with Daisy.
Daisy was a beautiful lady with a incredibly charming nature— she didn't have much trouble with attracting many men back then before she got married to Tom Buchanan, the antagonist of the story and the rival of Jay Gatsby.
"Her voice was full of money," he said suddenly.
That was it. I'd never understood before. It was full of money— that was the inexhaustible chair that rose and fell in it, the jingle of it. the cymbals' song of it... High in a white palace the King's daughter, the golden girl...
Daisy and Jay Gatsby fell in love right before he was sent off to war and a few years before she met Tom. Before they were separated, Jay's dream of gaining wealth and status was primarily flamed by his intention of reaching Daisy's social ranking in order to be worthy of her love.
Initially, because of how passionate he was about his love for her, Jay lied to Daisy about his wealth. It was only after the War did he actually gain the riches he aimed for. By the time he did achieve his monetary goals, Daisy had married Tom already. Consequently, Jay hosted a bunch of lavish parties in order to gain her attention, prove himself and his love for her, and ultimately, win her back.
Jay perceived Daisy as a literal angel, void of any flaw whatsoever. He even tells Nick, the main character, that the fact that numerous men got romantically involved with such a lady just increased her value altogether.
But what gave it an air of breathless intensity was that Daisy lived there— it was as casual a thing to her as his tent out at camp was to him. There was a ripe mystery about it, a hint of bedrooms, of gay and radiant activities taking place through its corridors, and of romances that were not musty and laid away already in lavender but fresh and breathing and redolent of this year's shining motor cars and of dances whose flowers were scarcely withered. It excited him too that many men had already loved Daisy— it increased her value in his eyes. He felt their presence all about the house, pervading the air with the shades and echoes of still vibrant emotions.
As the story unfolded, Daisy's character was torn apart for a proper, more brutally realistic perspective of her true character, revealing a shallow, selfish lady who solely placed her interest in money and luxury, the things which she often took refuge in when things went wrong. As the plot developed itself, the actuality that Jay fell in love with the idea of Daisy, instead of Daisy herself, was much more evident. And it took quite some time for him to discover and acknowledge the truth.
Fitzgerald's love for Zelda was very apparent, too, except that it seemed more genuine and pragmatic. Not much is speculated about Fitz and Zelda's relationship in the Guild Arc, but his love for her was very deep, as everything he did was for her and their deceased daughter.
Side note: Fitzgerald (the author) based Daisy's character partially on Zelda, as both women were brought up in wealthy families and took a general liking to lifestyles revolving around money and ease.
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Fitzgerald was in love with Zelda, a woman plagued by a debilitating illness. In The Great Gatsby, Jay was in love with a woman who was plagued by the deceptive addiction of self-satisfaction gained by pleasure and whatnot. Zelda was impaired by an mental illness, while Daisy was intoxicated by the security of money and prestige. This is an abstract suggestion though. Personally, that's how I interpreted this correlation when it came to examining these dynamics in their respective universes.
Tom Buchanan
As mentioned before, Thomas Buchanan was Daisy's husband and Jay's rival who had similar characteristics in matters of personality. The Toms in both book and anime were arrogant and cunning, which pretty much vouches for their selfishness.
In the book, Tom is supposedly the love of Daisy's life, except that she just married him for his money instead of waiting for Gatsby. Then again, Tom was involved in a love affair outside his marriage with a lady named Myrtle Wilson. Tom cheated on Daisy by getting involved with Myrtle. On the other hand, Daisy was unfaithful to Tom by keeping her love and relationship with Jay a secret from him.
The climax of the story partly revolves around Myrtle dying in a hit-and-run car accident. The grand twist was that Daisy was the one driving the car, and the car actually belonged to Gatsby. Because the car belonged to Gatsby, George Wilson, the husband of Myrtle, was bent on revenge and tracked down the car. He ended up killing Jay Gatsby, and soon after that, he killed himself.
It was quite a scandal, but Daisy estranged herself from such a tedious matter. In fact, when Jay died, she did not even attend his funeral. Tom was under the impression that Gatsby was the one who killed his mistress, not Daisy, his wife. Either ways, Nick described them in a way that sums up what became of them after Jay's death:
They were careless people, Tom and Daisy— they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made...
It's interesting to note that in chapter 45 of the BSD manga, Tom appears as the antagonist who was later found guilty of murdering his employee, but the blame was originally put on T.J Eckleburg, the inventor of the Eyes of God.
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Side note: T.J. Eckleburg was actually an optician who appeared on a billboard advertisement in the novel. This billboard was used as a personification by Nick Carraway, which was meant to embody the representation of a displeased overseer who observed the events that unfolded before him. The Eyes of God has a similar concept: scrutinising everything with an accuracy of 97%. It's a personal speculation, but the Eyes of God was proven to be of utmost importance in the Cannibalism Arc when it came to capturing Fyodor Dostoevsky. Likewise, T.J. Eckleburg's eyes showed how corruption and misconduct never escaped his judgmental visage.
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sorry about the quality of the manga panels ;-;
In the manga, Fitzgerald manages to triumph over Tom by betraying his trust altogether in order to obtain the ownership of the Eyes of God and Tom's company. This stands in contrast to what became of Jay in the novel, but the protagonist got what he wanted in this universe.
Keep in mind that Fitzgerald didn't act according to fulfil what justice required; it was purely business. Just like Jay Gatsby put on the facade of a plain, rich man who was really just bootlegging his way to opulence, Fitzgerald wasn't afraid to betray someone's trust to get what he wanted.
Nick Carraway and Louisa May Alcott
If I were to pick a character that represented Louisa May Alcott in BSD from the book, I'd pick the narrator himself: Nick Carraway. Again, this is my personal interpretation, so the association between these two characters is just my personal opinion.
Nick Carraway was known as the more reserved, cynical protagonist compared to Jay. The both of them developed a cordial friendship as the story progressed.
Nick initially took a liking to Gatsby, who was his neighbour. The enigmatic aura Gatsby emitted called for Nick's attention, and in the same way, Gatsby reciprocated his interest in Nick by making the effort to acquaint himself with him.
He had one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life. It faced, or seemed to face, the whole external world for an instant and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just as far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself.
There were a few times which suggests that Nick didn't like the way Gatsby acted or spoke. Nevertheless, Nick was the only one who stuck with Gatsby until the end.
"They're a rotten crowd," I shouted across the lawn. "You're worth the whole damn bunch put together.
(This was the last thing Nick said to Jay before he died.)
At first, Nick was intrigued by Jay's mystical nature and peculiar idiosyncrasies, but found that Gatsby was a very strange, but 'morally bad' man. However, over time, Nick became one of the few who managed to recognise Gatsby's idealistic ambitions; he saw through all the fame and wealth and found a mere human being capable of being entrapped by love's snares. Basically, he understood Gatsby, despite disagreeing with his actions and even his behaviour at times.
As for Louisa, well, it is a known fact that she was loyal to Fitzgerald because of how much she respected and trusted him.
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Both Nick and Louisa were intelligent, witty people with generally nice, honest, and reserved dispositions. Their self-contained demeanours make it very easy to get along with the more exurbent/dominant personas of Gatsby and Fitzgerald. So in the event where each pair was isolated from the rest of the world, they had each other to depend on.
Next morning I sent the butler to New York with a letter to Wolfsheim, which asked for information and urged him to come out on the next train. That request seemed superfluous when I wrote it. I was sure he’d start when he saw the newspapers, just as I was sure a there’d be a wire from Daisy before noon – but neither a wire nor Mr. Wolfsheim arrived; no one arrived except more police and photographers and newspaper men. When the butler brought back Wolfsheim’s answer I began to have a feeling of defiance, of scornful solidarity between Gatsby and me against them all.
Such a dynamic created a close bond of trust. Just as Nick was not hesitant to stick by Gatsby's side, Louisa went to great extents just to return Fitzgerald back to his former leading position and work together with him.
Side note: Nick Carraway is suggested to have the INTP personality type, while Louisa is most likely an INFP. Both these personalities are strikingly similar in many ways. They are individualistic in thinking and described as 'seekers' of their place in the world. If you're interested in a more detailed comparison, check this post out
Alright, that's about it for my speculations; I hope they weren't too messy. Thank you so much for reading!
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“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
- Nick Carraway, The Great Gatsby
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justice4harwin · 3 years
Light’s Corruption- Chapter V
Pairing: The DarklingxAlina
Summary:With few friends at the Little Palace, Alina must work to win the favour of her fellow grisha and their commander, who makes her feel light headed every time she sees him.
After training in Os Alta for two years, the king grows tired of waiting and demands the Sun Summoner joins a western post near the Fjerdan border along with the rest of The Second Army to test her abilities.
Something happens. Suddenly, Alina wants blood to run down the rivers and those who stand in her and The Darkling’s way will be blinded by her light and swallowed by his shadows.
It won’t be pretty
Rating: 18+
Click here for chapter 4
As usual, tags are in the comments. If you dont wanna be tagged, dont be afraid to let me know. If you wanna be tagged, let me know too. I dont bite...anymore lmao
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Chapter 5: Heartrenders
Days went by, and they turned into weeks. The leaves fell off the trees, a crunchy sea of red, orange, yellow and brown, and Alina wanted to pile them all on and throw herself inside.
She'd do it the first chance she got, but for that she had to beat the gardeners before they took the piles and burnt them to depressing ashes.
She talked to Michail some more during they rounds around the lake and had her rematch with Natasha.
She lost. Again. She laughed it off. Again. Natasha said she hadn't been so easy to defeat that second time, to which Alina smiled almost genuinely. Progress.
Baghra refused to see her still, and Alina was too proud to go back to her, so she tried to practice on her own. She'd hide away on the far sides of the gardens where the other grisha rarely went to and try to gain more control. It was a slow process; the temptation to let her power run free and vast was always there and trying to tame that always left her exhausted. She had no trouble falling asleep, yet each day the bags underneath her eyes seemed to deepen, as did her appetite. Alina was pretty sure that summoning should be for the better, but more than once, she had thoroughly considered laying down on the cold grass and take a nap there instead of walking all the way back to the Little Palace.
The General wasn't back yet, and much to Alina's confusion, frustration and shame, she worried. Maybe that too had something to do with the bags underneath her eyes. She tended to dream of him in all kinds of scenarios, each less pleasant than the last. It made her wake up sweaty and choking for air.
More than once, she almost wrote to him, only if just to make sure he was alright. But he had to be. Otherwise, word would've spread quickly…right?
She always talked herself out of it though. His presence was missed, her mind was making up all kind of tricks to make her reach out to him like a pathetic girl begging for attention.
The thought reminded her of Baghra's opinion of her, which only strengthened her resolve to not write to him.
She had had enough of begging, enough of getting scrapes of affection from a man who hadn't even bother to write once; she wouldn't do it again, no matter how much her heart tried to pull her to him.
But then her eyes would drift back to the black, shadow rose that laid on her nightstand, the little bit of gold on its inside long dead, and her heart would race and some form of reassurance would fall gently over her, like a blanket shielding her body.
She'd reach out and take it in her hands. It had no thorns. Her fingers would run through its petals, as soft as those of a real rose, but with something deeper in there. There was something more alive inside that rose than in any flower in all of Ravka; it was deep, powerful, and dark. It scared and alluded to her in the same measure, and she'd stare at it fascinated for an unfathomable long time.
She wondered if The Darkling could feel her caressing his shadows; and how he'd feel about it.
Besides Michail and Natasha, Alina didn’t seem to be progressing very much. They exchanged niceties and some jokes, even paired up during training, but there was not much more to it.
She told herself to be patient. These things took time.
One early afternoon, Genya showed up on her room unannounced. Alina hurried to hide her rose inside her nightstand; she wasn't sure why, but she wanted it to be her little secret.
"The Queen just left Os Alta." the redhead smiled. "As did the king. They'll be gone for two days on a hunting trip."
"A hunting trip?"
"Yes, where they kill animals for the fun of it. Like one of those brutish size competitions men seem to like so much."
Alina snorted.
"So…"there was a gleam to her friend's eyes, and the summoner leaned back and frowned slightly, almost scared. "I could sneak you into the Grand Palace and into Her Royal Bitch's wardrobe."
"We'll get in trouble, Gen."
"Oh, please; have some faith in me." she placed her elbows on the desk and her chin atop of her hands, almost looking angelic. "Do you really think I'd get you in trouble?"
"Well, then you're wrong." she straightened up and tugged on Alina's arm. "C'mon; there's so many gowns and habits: she rarely wears them twice. We're not stealing; no one will know."
"How many gowns?" she asked, genuinely curious. She had seen the queen on two official occasions, the first time when she arrived from the camps near Kribirsk, and the second when she was invited to her ridiculous tea parade. Still, she had seen her in passing a few times as she strolled the grounds. A part of Alina felt ashamed of the jealousy she felt upon seeing her beautiful clothes and jewels.
There she was, living in a palace, wearing a kefta and being pampered, yet she dared to want more.
"Hundreds!" the Tailor whispered excitedly. "And they'll look much better on us anyway."
She gave in a little to temptation. They would just try them on and leave them again. No one would know, and maybe she'd be satisfied then.
"Alright, alright. But we better not get caught."
"Don't worry, we won't."
They left the bedroom and ran down the stairs, Genya holding onto the blue sleeve of her friend as she rambled about all the different fabrics and patterns and accessories while Alina tried to keep up with her, listening to every word while watching her step. The last thing she needed was to trip down the stairs.
That'd be a sad way to go for her.
"You'll love it. I promise!" Genya turned to give her a smile, but Alina's eyes drifted to the looming figure appearing in her line of vision.
The Darkling walked into the Little Palace accompanied by Ivan, Fedyor and a third heartrender.
It was a woman, a little bit older than Alina probably, but only for a few years. She was tall, with long, brown hair cascading down her back. Her kefta, which hugged her rounded figure nicely, gave her away as a fellow heartrender.
The Darkling noticed them approaching. Alina tried to search something in his eyes, anything that gave away any sort of emotion that could cause in him to see her again, but she saw nothing but his usual coolness.
The Summoner and the Tailor came to a stop and bowed.
"Moi Soverennyi." they bowed respectfully.
"Miss Starkov, Miss Safin; it has been some time." he looked from one to the other. "May I inquire as to your present activities?"
"Nothing we're not supposed to do." Alina spat out, earning herself a dainty elbow to the ribs.
General Kirigan rose an eyebrow.
"I see. See to it that it stays that way."
"Of course, sir." spoke Genya, serious all of a sudden.
The man turned and contemplated the strange woman for a moment, then gestured at Alina with a gloved hand.
"This is Alina Starkov, our Sun Summoner." he looked at her, those pools of grey catching her breath. "Miss Starkov, may I introduce you to Nina Zenik. She is one of my best agents and has just recently returned from an assignment in Shu Han."
The woman's green eyes settled on Alina, taking her in. Something glittered in there.
"So, she is real after all."
"Would I lie to you?" was The Darkling's reply.
"You forgot to mention how pretty she is." Nina ignored him, taking a long, stealth step towards her and catching a tendril of Alina's dark hair in her fingers.
"Um, it's a pleasure to meet you." The Sun Summoner managed to say, nervous under the woman scrutiny.
"Oh, a pleasure indeed, sun bean." Nina smiled, amusement shining in her eyes as Alina's face heated up. "I can't wait to make your acquaintance."
Before Alina could even think of an answer -for the woman's pretty eyes were too distracting- The Darkling cleared his throat.
"Not for some time, I am afraid." he said. Alina finally turned her gaze to him. There was something dark and intense in the way he was staring at Nina's back, his jaw tense. "Miss Starkov has quite the busy schedule."
Alina felt Genya tensing beside her. Nina's eyes slid momentarily, as if she could see The Darkling behind her, and nodded, winking at her before receding.
"Certainly. I can only imagine." she turned a charming smile on him. "Should we discuss my mission in private?"
"Of course." he answered almost, almost too quickly. He made a gesture for her to go in first.
"See you around, sun bean."
Alina choked on her own saliva as she struggled to say her farewell.
Ivan left with them without even glancing in their direction; Fedyor was kind enough to give them each a courteous smile.
Genya was giggling like an idiot.
"Shut up."
Now she was laughing. 
During their training one day, Alina decided to pair up with her. Many grisha gave her a myriad of odd looks, and for a moment, Alina feared she might be about to face another Zoya.
Nina seemed to not to notice them and beckoned her forward.
People seemed to like Nina, Alina observed. The woman had charm and wit; the Sun Summoner really had to try to not get jealous of those traits. She reminded herself that Nina had been at the Little Palace for years, not one season and a half.
They circled each other, taking their measures.
Alina didn't want to be the one to strike first. That always had seemed to go wrong thus far, so she waited.
The heartrender went to the left, so Alina turned, only to be tricked as she received a blow on her right. She winced and stood back, more alert. She didn't want to make a ridicule again.
"You're small and skinny." the heartrender whispered. Alina arched an eyebrow. "I'm bigger and stronger, so your best option is to tire me out."
"I'm not exactly the fastest person."
Nina threw a punch and, luckily, Alina blocked it successfully.
She shook her head.
"Speed and resistance don't need to go hand in hand."
Alina didn't dare to look around to see if anyone else could hear them. She hoped not. Botkin would most certainly disapprove of his students giving each other advice on how to defeat them.
So, with Nina's words in mind, Alina did her best to block and recede. She tried, mostly unsuccessfully, to punch and kick, and received a wince and an "ouch" as Nina rubbed her calf.
The Summoner could feel everyone still watching, Marie and Nadia cheering her on; Sergei and Michail more reserved since she was fighting a fellow red sporter.
Then, Alina caught a glimpse. It was a second, and before she even knew it, she was taking a chance.
Nina was placing her foot down, twisting it as if to test it, and the next she was laying on her back, Alina having all but hurled herself at the woman, grabbing her middle section with all her strength and pushing.
They landed on the ground, and in the disbelief, the Summoner almost forgot to fully immobilize her opponent the way Botkin had taught her.
"You know," Nina gasped, the breath having abandoned her lungs. "There's better ways to get on top of me, sun bean, but if you like it rough-"
Alina blushed in embarrassment, both for having potentially hurt her and for the path those words were leading to.
"Are you alright?" she interrupted hurriedly. "Did I hurt you?"
Nina tried to laugh and cried instead.
"Shit, sun bean. You do have some strength in that tiny body after all."
"Alright!" Botkin clapped his hands twice, coming over toward them. "The little girl wins again, …finally."
Alina was almost offended. At least Marie and Nadia were cheering, as were some others Etherealki. She noticed Sergei and Michail exchanging some coins and scowled.
"Healer." she called, and one hurried to Nina's side.
"It's just a broken rib." the woman said, setting herself to work.
Nina raised an eyebrow.
"Well, I'm impressed, sun bean. I didn't actually think you'd win."
Alina found a new hiding spot where to practice her summoning. It was a most secluded corner, surrounded by old trees, an unkept stone bench and a dirty sculpture of a woman.
She really wanted to be offended.
With eyes wide, she forgot all about her practice, raced and jumped in, laughing childishly to herself.
She looked up and took in the warmth of the sun with pleasure, her face basking in it as her hands ran through leaves and sticks. It was actually a little uncomfortable, but fun.
She almost wished she could sink in and stay there forever, with the sun warming her body and the crunchy leaves all around her.
There was a big pile of leaves.
"Did you fall?"
A shadow took the light from her face, and she found The Darkling standing over her, looking down with something akin to curiosity.
"No. I just jumped."
"Into a pile of dirt?"
"It's not dirt. Besides, it's fun!" she extended a hand. "Wanna try?"
He huffed. Her cheeks heated up. She should've known better.
He took her hand and pulled her up, the mere contact making everything about him feel more intense as usual.
She held onto him.
"How did you find me?"
"You are my Sun Summoner; did you really think I would let you wander about the palace grounds unguarded?"
"Do you have me followed?" she had never noticed.
"For your safety."
"I thought this was the safest place in all of Ravka."
"I am not taking any chances with you, Alina." he replied, eyes guarded, face soft.
"Well, I've never noticed them."
"It means they are doing a good job. I would not want you to live scared, looking over your shoulder all the time."
"I might as well start now that I know."
He opened his mouth and then closed it, thumb rubbing the back of her hand. Alina wondered if he noticed what he was doing.
"You are right." he stepped closer, pulling a leaf off her hair. "But you need not fear, especially while I am on the palace grounds."
"Because not even the dumbest drüskelle would dare to cross paths with you?"
"Nor would the boldest noble."
Alina frowned. The nobles of Os Alta?
She nodded slowly.
"I have scared you." he stated, studying her face. "I apologize."
"No, no." she let go of his hand. "You just made me wearier."
"That is just how life at court is." he offered, not unkindly. "This is not just an army sometimes, especially for you and I."
Alina looked at him, questioning.
"There is no one else like us, Alina." he said, approaching her once more. The calmness, the facts were gone, replaced by a fire she wanted to step into. The vehemence in his voice made her shiver and want to take refuge in his cloak. "There never will be."
She thought about it. What exactly did he mean by that?
He reached out again and plucked another leaf from her hair, then took her face in his hands. She tilted her head up, desperate for a look into those eyes.
Her heart drummed on her ribcage, wanting to break free.
"I-" words failed her as he studied her face, like she was something unique he wanted to memorize.
His thumb ran over her lips, and she exhaled heavily at the feel.
"I forgot what I came here to tell you." he whispered in confidence, his eyes on her parted lips.
"I don't care."
One of his hands left her face and wrapped around her waist, pressing her against his hard chest. Alina almost gasped, hands coming up to rest on his shoulders. He pressed his forehead against hers and closed his eyes, hiding the conflict she had briefly witnessed there.
Alina made a choice.
She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his.
He reciprocated immediately, holding her tighter and pushing his tongue inside her mouth, demanding a dominance she was more than willing to give him.
She had been kissed, but never like this. It was a first kiss that felt like the last; its intensity so beautifully crushing and chaotic. It was like he was a missing part of her, long searched for and finally found. It was like she was the most precious, addictive treasure, something to be cherished and corrupted at the same time.
Alina was willing to let him do as he wanted with her.
Her hands pulled at his hair, earning a growl. Their eyes met briefly, the desire in them fighting to see whose was grander, before kissing again.
It was like he wanted to pull her closer still, the barrier of clothes too much. Something told Alina that the lack of them wouldn't satisfy either of them anyways.
He kissed her jaw, travelling his way up to her earlobe.
"You make me weak." he whispered harshly, only to proceed to ravish the parts of her neck that were exposed.
"You make me strong." she answered, craning her neck to give him better access.
Growling, he gave her ass a hard squeeze and pushed her back against a tree. She could feel the tug and crunches of the leaves as he buried his hands in her hair but didn't care.
She wanted more.
And more.
She drew his lips back to hers. He reached for the belt which held her kefta closed.
The next thing Alina knew was that she was standing against a tree, her back aching and her body cold, yet her face hot.
She looked at The Darkling, who seemed almost unperturbed as he smoothly fixed his hair and clothes, standing at a respectable distance from her.
Ivan appeared, seeming to be in a hurry.
Alina narrowed her eyes at him. As if she didn't dislike him enough already, the little shit.
"Moi Soverennyi, you are needed in the king's counsel immediately."
"Tell that grump I shall be there shortly."
Ivan bowed and left, not even acknowledging Alina's presence.
The Darkling cleared his throat. She turned her dark gaze on him, cheeks burning against the cold air, lips probably bruised.
What had just happened?
She wasn't sure, but she wanted to do it again. The Darkling, on the other hand, remained stoic as he stared into her eyes, as if nothing had occurred between them.
"I understand that you have been training on your own;" he said, as if he were talking to any other grisha, ever polite and smooth, voice reassuring yet commanding." I shall speak to Baghra so you may return to your lessons."
"But I don't wann-"
With him gone, the early winter sun felt cold.
"Miss Starkov." he bowed to her respectfully and marched away, disappearing from view within seconds.
Click here for chapter 6
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capri-ramblings · 4 years
Queen & Chaos
An original Yandere Twst Fic.
Summary: In the Rose Kingdom, far but near, peaceful yet chaotic, a coup has overthrown its original Queen of Hearts, leaving her throne vacant and no later filled by Riddle Rosehearts, a young yet powerful mage with a ruthlessness as sharp as any blade, but the hidden sceptre he keeps near him is what terrifies people the most.
With the smile of a Cheshire cat and a glimmer of madness made only for the Hatter, You stand in-between the chaos of this Twisted world as if you're dancing to a tune only you can hear.
Pairing: Yandere Riddle X FemReader
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Chapter one
Riddle woke up to the sound of thudding outside his room. The walls of his castles trembling at what seemed to be a rhythm of marching soldiers.
His eyes fluttered open and saw the ceiling first, his limbs heavy and mouth dry. He tried moving his body but found that he could not.
Instantly, his mind went back to the tea party he had earlier that day and he bitterly decided that someone had spiked his usual tea with some sort of paralyzer.
"How dare they?" The words screamed in his head, and though he had no control over his own expression, Riddle was scowling internally.
Once he knew the culprits,it would be off with their heads.
When the marching stopped and the door to his bedroom swung opened, Riddle heard a familiar voice; The current Knight Commander's.
"Is he awake?" Asked a voice Riddle couldn't recognized, hushed and timid.
The Knight Commander strode to the side of his bed,eyes narrowing at the sight of the immobile Riddle.
"He is."
There was a silence before the second voice spoke up again, somehow a tad louder and filled with rejoice.
"Then, we've done it?" They said "We've subdued the Queen of Hearts?"
A string of cheers came after that, and Riddle felt the rush of his own blood boiling within his veins. To think that there would be those who would oppose of his ruling...Riddle partially held the blame to himself. He should've been more aware. Should've kept a tighter leash on his people.
The frustration must've shown on his face somehow, because the Knight Commander seemed to hold a pitiful look in his stern eyes when he stared down at him then.
"Forgive me." Was what Riddle heard as the man took out a small dagger and placed it against Riddle's throat.
He pressed hard into his skin, would've slit his throat in that moment if the footsoldiers at the door entrance hadn't suddenly started dancing.
The Knight Commander turned his head to the group, puzzlement in his gaze as he told them to stop.
"What are you doing? The mission isn't over yet! This is no time to celebrate!"
"W-We're not,Sir!" Said one of the soldiers before he did a turn and linked his arm with another.
"We can't seem to control our bodies!"
The Knight Commander then whipped his head back to Riddle, a look of panic residing in his features.
He wanted to speak but his train of thoughts were cut off by a laugh that echoed through the halls.
"What do we have here,I wonder?" You waltzed into the room via the strings of dancing soldiers almost effortlessly. Steps light and quick whilst you switched from soldier to soldier until you came to the foot of Riddle's bed and gave the Knight Commander a curtsy as a finishing touch.
The man looked to you with a mix of disdain and horror. The realization of his mistake dawning on him harshly.
"Curiouser,and curiouser" You murmured, thoughtfully before your gaze went up to Riddle's stiff form and a smile graced your lips.
"Did the Queen of Hearts got pushed into a stalemate? I would've never thought I'd see the day, really. You're full of surprises aren't you,Your Highness?"
Your words are playful. A lilt of fondness and admiration laced in a twisted obsession.
Yes. The Knight Commander had forgotten one important detail in his meticulous plan. He had omitted your existence, and that truly was an unfortunate choice.
After all, how could a Queen rule without her sceptre?
"I would applaud you, Sir" You said, turning promptly to the Knight Commander who immediately placed his hand on the hilt of his sword while the one with the dagger tightened, its blade pressing into the nub of Riddle's throat.
Something in your stomach churned at the sight of it all. Seeing how Riddle looked ever so defenceless and how a man of great esteem was risking his and many other lives to ensue the end of a tyrannical rule.
You felt like crying. Oh,how pitiful.
How exciting.
"But I don't think an applause is what you're after"
"I am after the rights of the people" He snapped "The right to have a ruler who would not run their people down to the ground at the slightest hint of disobedience."
"Oh?" You nodded your head, an empty habit rather than an understanding gesture. "You sound so serious all of the sudden...Tell me,were you planning on killing him?"
You trailed your gaze back to Riddle,then felt the silence given to you by the Knight Commander as a form of a 'Yes'.
"Well,you can." You said "I'd let you do just that if that's what you really desire."
Riddle didn't have to say anything then for you to know he was cursing your disloyalty at the moment. The way his chest heaved heavily was already a sign of his great displeasure.
But alas, you were simply making an offer. He didn't need to be so ruffled up. He wasn't going to die, yet.
"How about it?" You prompted with your hands held in the air, surrendering. The smile you wore was so genuine, so very absent of ill intent, and yet the Knight Commander couldn't help but flinch from it. The bitter taste of cruelty dripping from the way your eyes seemed to glaze over.
"What are you implying?"
"Come now. Didn't I say it already? If that's the greatest desire you have, then I'll let you fulfill it."
"You're going to let him die?" The Knight Commander scoffed, "I know who you are, and if your reputation exceeds you then you would never let him die."
Your heart did a small flutter at that. A tinge of embarrassment causing your cheeks to flush. Did your dedication seem too vivid? Oh, how unsightly.
"He is my Queen,yes. That much is true, but in speaking of this current matter, I wouldn't really be letting him die if you agreed to my offer"
You placed your hands behind your back, stealing a quick glance at Riddle who still seemed under the influence of the drug.
"What offer?"
Your lips smiled at the question. You really thought he was going to draw out this conversation with how stoic he was, which would've ended this whole dilemma quickly since then you would've been annoyed and killed the entire group yourself.
"Oh, it's a promising one!", Your hands clapped together as you cheered this out, before the lightness of your demeanor disappeared and the room suddenly fell into a dark disposition. A swell of tension and cruelty intertwined.
"You're free to kill him and bring peace to your people as you said you would, but then I get to have your men. The entire battalion. Your army of dutiful soldiers would be my collection of dancing nutcrackers. Fair deal, isn't it?"
It was such a quick shift of mood, that when the Knight Commander hurled his sword in your direction, you almost thought you'd lose your head.
"Are you mad?" He yelled, breathless and ragged. You smiled at him oddly,head tilting.
"I'm not." You replied then grinned half heartedly. "But you seem to be filled to the brim with it,don't you? Your eyes are flaring, Commander."
"Do you think I would give my people to you? Do you take me as a desperate fool?" The tip of his sword glistened maliciously in your face, and you estimated that if he moved toward you then you'd have no chance of deflecting.
"Well, what did you expect? The price of a Queen would be an entire army wouldn't it? How could I give away something so valuable without expecting anything in return?".
"I refuse." The Knight Commander growled,his expression taut and etched with a sort of rage that had you frowning in annoyance.
"Won't you think it over a bit more at least? Your men would die if you don't choose a side."
Ah,that seemed to catch his attention, didn't it? A small smile formed on your lips and you nodded your head again.
"It's obvious isn't it? If you choose to kill the Queen in exchange for your men, then at least one group would walk to see another day. Oh,but if you refused, then you'd all die. Which is a shame. You know I've always wanted a set of toy soldiers ever since I was young"
The force of the blade coming at you was overwhelming, but quick to slither away, you stepped within the circle of the dancing soldiers and had one of them take the first slice of the blade.
The blood curdling scream escaping the poor soldier caused the Knight Commander to seize his attack, as he watched one of his men fall the ground with a dull thud. The deep crimson of his blood soaking the wooden boards.
He stared, horrified at what he'd done before his gaze lifted and he flared his anger in your direction.
Though, when he began to move forward, you were frowning and seemed to be glaring back at him.
Or rather,behind him.
"Enough of your games."
The Knight Commander spun around a second too late as Riddle snatched the dagger from his hand and thrusted it into the nape of his neck. His cold rage tinting the grey in his eyes as he stared the man down from where he stood on his bed.
Riddle felt the last shred of energy he had left him in the breath he took to calm his nerves, and as the Knight Commander began struggling to take the blade out, he fell back onto his mattress.
"Clean this up,____" You heard him mutter out, the sound of your name on his tongue making it harder for you to stay irritated at the fact he'd ruin your fun.
Letting out a sigh, you pursed your lips.
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beetlegoose01 · 4 years
stolen whispers: chapter 1
AN: this fic isn’t a request, it’s a story i’ve been preparing for a lil while and I’m so excited to share this with you all <3
I’ll link it on my Archive if you prefer to read it there. Also warning, there’s quite a few OCs.
Time: 2028 (Scorbus have been married for two years)
Summary: When a new generation of Death Eaters kidnap Scorpius, Albus and Rose put aside their differences to rescue him.
TW: Kidnapping/Language/minor violence
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Two witches wearing shadowy black robes entered the tavern, finding a table near the back. They ordered their mead, waiting for their third partner impatiently. It was a crowded area, so thankfully there was a small chance they would be overheard.
"We don't want more mead." The first woman growled, tapping her long nails at the table. The bartender, a tall man with a mustache put the drinks down.
"I didn't think so." He lips curled into a grin as he morphed into a younger man with wild dusty brown hair, wearing matching robes. He was handsome, but had an eerie presence to him. Any reasonable person would have at least flinched at the transformation, though neither witch did. "Hello ladies." He grinned cheekily.
"Soren, enough playing games." The second woman said, though she was smirking.
Soren barked out a laugh. "It was funny, Mara. And you know it."
The first woman, Lilith narrowed her eyes. She pulled down her hood, revealing cascading inky black hair down her shoulders. A scar that showed no sign of mending was down her cheek. "Your skills are impressive, but useless if you don't use them for our own gain. Don't forget that." She pulled her hood back.
"Understood." He murmured, taking a seat.
"We have much to discuss," She continued, flicking her wand idly. "Our current plan in action. Our...act of revenge. It's been thirty years since The Tenebris was wrongfully killed. I am sick and tired of his name being tossed around in history like he was some monster. He was on the right side."
"Are you certain we want to call the Dark Lord that?" Mara asked suspiciously.
"Shh! You know if anyone hears us, they'll lock us up for good. For speaking our minds." Lilith said. "It's safer we call him by his code name."
Her companions nodded.
"Because of his loss, we have mudbloods in positions of power. Our siblings that fought for his cause are locked up. Or worse, dead."
Mara and Soren looked grim.
"If we had more allies, perhaps we would have had a chance." Soren noted. "We weren't even alive then but...I have a feeling if we were..."
"Just because we weren't alive then, doesn't mean we don't have opinions over the lives stolen!" Mara argued. "That damn Harry Potter."
"Correct. And Soren is right too. For once. If we had more allies, or better yet...certain allies didn't betray us. The Malfoys for instance." She took a sip of her drink.
"Are you suggesting something?" Mara asked.
"Of course I am, don't be so daft." Lilian said, deadly calm. "I want to make that family suffer for what they did. My uncle Vincent Crabbe died for their selfishness. Draco Malfoy had a chance to save him, and he refused like the coward he is. His mother Narcissa lied to Tenebris' face. They are backstabbing filth that besmirched the Sacred 28. No, it isn't just about their betrayal or avenging those we lost in the war. Think of the big picture. They have the capabilities to join our side. To...respawn a new generation of Death Eaters. But that's not all...
"The Malfoys have lots of gold." She drawled. "Surely, they'll spare a few for us in exchange for something important. Or rather...someone."
"Someone?" Soren paused. "What are you suggesting?"
"Regretfully, Astoria Malfoy has passed on." Mara didn't sound the least bit sympathetic, instead stated it blandly. "So using her as a ransom for Draco is a no go."
"Ah, but there is still someone left." Lillian said, removing a small photograph from her cloak, she slid it across the table.
A young man with platinum hair was pictured, beaming brightly in Healer Robes.
"Scorpius Malfoy."
Soren and Mara exchanged a look of satisfaction.
"Bring him to me."
The best thing about mornings, at least to Albus, was waking up beside his husband. The sun's bright rays peaked through the window of their cream colored bedroom, slowly stirring them both awake. If it was up to him, he would stay in their warm bed, arms wrapped around Scorpius until noon.
Scorpius rolled over, so that they were facing each other. His eyes fluttered open, and Albus felt his heart melt at his sapphire eyes.
"Hi." He yawned. His voice was slightly croaky, no doubt from the morning.
Albus replied by nuzzling his nose, then kissed his cheek. "Hi honey."
Scorpius laughed lightly. "Let's get up then. Start the day? It's a Saturday. We have the whole weekend to spend together."
"I'd rather spend it here with you."
Bathilda mewed from the kitchen.
"But our child is hungry." Scorpius teased, stretching as he slid out of bed. Albus begrudgingly slumped after him, not eager to wake up before ten am. But his own stomach was growling too.
"Speaking of children," Albus said, starting to work on their breakfast as Scorpius poured Bathilda's food. "Iris is pregnant again. James told me through a Howler yesterday."
"Really?" Scorpius' eyes widened. "That's great news!"
"Yeah, not for my ears." He commented dryly, still traumatized by James' excited screeching in his ear. "Baby number three." He whistled. "Do you think they're trying to make an entire quidditch team? With Teddy and Vic's lot included, they're on their way."
Though he was joking, Scorpius noticed that Albus was glowing, happy for his brother and sister in law. That was one of the many reasons he loved Albus. His love for his siblings.
"Perhaps. When are they due?"
"September. Which means...that's where they scurried off to last Christmas party." Albus quipped. "To have a little fun."
"Albus!" Scorpius scolded. "Honestly, only you would make a beautiful moment gross."
"It's life, Scorp!" He chuckled. "You're a Healer, you should know these things."
"We'll have to visit. Maybe bring a gift basket to congratulate them." He mused, smiling fondly. "I can't wait to meet our new niece or nephew." There was a wistful look in his eye that Albus caught.
"You've got that look on your face." He noted, amused. He served the plates of bacon sandwiches on the table.
"What do you mean?"
"That Scorpius 'I want something but I'm not going to spell it out for you' face."
"Yes, oh." Albus said, forest green eyes brightening in amusement. "What's up?" He took a seat, tucking into breakfast.
"Well," Scorpius started, staring at his food. "I was thinking..." He stopped himself, hesitant to continue his train of thoughts.
"Yeah?" Albus nudged him gently.
"I want a child." He said, his voice quiet, but firm. "I love my nieces and nephews so much, but they aren't...ours. I want to start a family with you, Albus. Raise a little one of our own to be bright and wonderful and brave and..."
Albus' expression softened. "I do too. You know I do, Scorpius. It's just...difficult right now." He stared at his wedding band. "You know it's harder for us than any hetero couple." He waved his hand vaguely. "Adoption is hard, surrogacy is expensive. Maybe once we settled into our careers more, we can talk about it."
"I think we're ready to go beyond just talking about it, Al."
"We're still young. We've still got time. But...I definitely want to work it out. Somehow, we will. We always do."
Scorpius beamed, reaching to kiss Albus' knuckle. "Thank you." He sat up abruptly. "Oh, I almost forgot- it's the farmer's market today."
Albus snorted. "You're exactly like your dad, you know?"
"Yes yes yes, but we should go!" Scorpius said, levitating the plates to the sink and it automatically was clean due to the floating sponges.
"We? I've got some work to do. I'm not very fond of small talk with old people selling fruit."
"Al, it's really good fruit." Scorpius said seriously. "And it's not all old people. I've seen some of our old schoolmates there."
Albus cringed. "That's even worse."
"Don't be so dramatic. Are you still coming?"
"Mm, but I should really finish this article. Go on without me."
"If you're sure...do you want me to bring anything back?"
Albus thought for a moment. "Those strawberries Ms. Beaker sells. Please? Strawberries and cream sounds so good right now."
"Brilliant, I'm on it." Scorpius did a mock salute.
"Have fun." Al waved as Scorpius appatered, leaving the kitchen empty. Albus went straight to work on his article.
The market was lively and merry, despite the early hour. Scorpius had stopped by the strawberry stand first, in case he forgot.
Ever since they had moved two years ago, Scorpius had found himself drawn to the quaint farmer's market. Not because of the delicious, fresh food, but to socialize. He made quite a few friends with the muggles who lived around there...mostly old ladies. The early days of their marriage, Albus would join him. Before life got in the way, and work had to be done.
Not that he wasn't busy himself. He only had two days off as a Healer, sometimes less. He didn't know how they would manage childcare, but like Al had said, it was best not to dwell on the future.
"Scorpius? Is that you?"
He turned around, following the voice from behind him. "Polly ...Chapman?" He uttered blandly, praying he wasn't mistaken. He didn't have the best memory- even with old schoolmates who bullied him.
"Yep." Polly said, laughing lightly. "It's me. Been a while."
"It has." Scorpius shifted his weight. "How are things?"
"Great!" She smiled, swishing her blonde ponytail, the same air of confidence from when she was a teenager. "Yann and I are engaged."
"Oh! That's wonderful." Scorpius said, pretending to sound pleased. "Congratulations!"
"Thank you. I proposed to them last month. It was just as I had dreamed."
"How is...Yann?" Scorpius did not actually care how Yann was.
"They're good! Brilliant actually, since they passed Auror training." Polly looked genuinely proud of them, which he had to admit was adorable. "Are you and Albus still..."
"Yes, yes. We um, er- we've been married almost two years actually." He added.
"Aw, that's very sweet. You two were always very close, yeah?" Polly looked at him, and Scorpius nearly walked backwards, intimidated by her stance. She still was extremely scary, like a lioness but with a great sense of fashion. "I know...Yann, Karl and I weren't the best to you two but perhaps we could..." She trailed off. "I'd like you both to come. To the wedding. If you'd like."
That...wasn't what he was expecting. He half expected her to invite him to another Blood Ball.
"Pardon?" Scorpius asked, dumbfounded. "I mean- yeah, that sounds great! Fun! Yes. That sounds nice. I'll bring it up to Al."
Polly was glowing. "Brill! I've got to go, but we should all hang out sometime. Like old times."
Like old times? Scorpius thought. When did they ever hang out?
Nodding mutely, he walked away from Polly with a puzzled, but cheerful expression. He hadn't completely fucked up the conversation, which was always a plus. It still felt odd that Polly Chapman of all people was talking to him, let alone inviting him to her wedding. It was bizarre.
He passed the final vendor, and was surprised and amused to see a tiny girl, no more than seven standing behind it. She had a Brownie uniform on, bright rosy cheeks and pigtails included.
"Would you like a biscuit?" She squealed.
It had taken him a moment to respond, he was still thinking of Polly being kind to him "Oh erm- of course." It was impossible to say no to an adorable small child. He reached for some muggle money, handing her the pound notes. "Just the one box please."
"Okie dokie!" She said, handing him the box. She waited a moment, pouting. "Go on, try it." She urged.
"I really shouldn't I-"
"Please?" The little girl gave him the most pitiful expression. "It's for a good cause, mister. We're helping orphaned puppies find homes."
"Well, alright. For the puppies." He fumbled open the box, taking a polite bite out of the cookie. It was a classic lemon cookie with powdered sugar, one of his favorites. But the second he swallowed, he felt dizzy all of a sudden. "What..." He stumbled back. "Oh my," He gulped, the entire market swirling around him. Something wasn’t right. "is there something in..." 
He would be damned if he let this happen without some sort of fight. Throwing his basket aside, he collapsed, slipping into unconsciousness.
"We've got him."
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wickedbarnes · 5 years
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not | John Wick x Reader
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PROMPT: Hanahaki Disease AU! Reader realizes she's in love with John but John, on the other hand, can't reciprocate the feelings because he's still in love with Helen. And so, reader begins to cough blood red rose petals...
WARNING: Major angst. Blood. Get your tissues ready.
NOTE: This is my take on the fictional disease so please don't attack me if some of the concepts of it is wrong. I just did it so there would be more impact to the story. An explanation for my take on the Hanahaki will be provided down below at the end of the oneshot to avoid any confusions. Other than that, please enjoy!
If there was one thing you hated doing, it was breaking promises. And you rarely did it unless it was really necessary. But you hated it when you did. And this... this was a promise you swore you would never break. But here you were, staring down at your bloody palm, examining the rose petals that stuck to your skin.
A lone tear cascaded down your cheek as you wiped the blood from your lips.
It finally got to you. The disease. The same disease that had killed your beloved Mother. And you were sure it was the same one that was going to kill you.
You vividly remembered how your Mother would gush about how beautiful love was. How magical it is and how you'd feel as if you were floating when you experienced it. And in a way, she has a point. But not everything was easy.
Because along with love comes pain. The pain of a broken heart. And as you grew up you realized that love was only beautiful when it was reciprocated. When the person you love is in love with you as well. But like your mom, you weren't so lucky.
You had no one but John now. When your Mother died of the Hanahaki Disease, you swore- vowed, rather, that you would never fall in love. But that was, until John.
The moment you saw the man, you could tell just how miserable he seemed but there was something about him that just drew you in. He charmed women without even noticing it. And so you did the unthinkable and was bold enough to go ask him what drink he wanted and that it was on you.
You worked as a bartender in the Red Circle. And when you spotted John you had no idea what type of man he was and what type of world he lives in. But even after that, you didn't care. You still stuck with him.
And you didn't even plan on doing so. You just wanted to give the man something to look forward to. Something to give him a little boost. But when chaos broke and you were almost shot by Viggo's men, John was brave enough to catch the bullet himself before the rest of them ran out thinking they had finally killed the Baba Yaga.
That night, you couldn't just leave him there dying. You had insisted he goes to the hospital but he told you not to and instructed you to take him to the Continental. The hotel where you didn't even know housed assassins like him. You didn't know why but you had stayed with him the whole while he was being patched up despite the fact he kept telling you to leave because it would be dangerous.
But the stubborn person you are, you decided to stay. And the rest was history from there.
You felt it creep up on you. You could tell because you felt the same itch in your throat that didn't seem to go away ever since your feelings for John got stronger. But the moment you realized you were in love with him, fate had finally decided to give you a sign that the feelings you have for the man just wasn't mutual.
And in a way, you kind of understood why. The wedding band on John's finger was proof of that. It was the proof of his undying love for his late wife, Helen. Who were you to compete with that?
The whole situation caused you to let a laugh under your breath. How ironic. John Wick never intends on hurting you. And yet here he was, being the reason why you're ill today.
"Y/N, you need to rest, you've been coughing all day and you don't look too good. I can handle it from here." John tried to approach you but you instinctively moved away from him and sat down on the couch yourself. Your reaction took him aback but he quickly regained his composure and sat down next to you but made sure to give you some distance.
You were pretty sure the handkerchief you were coughing into was full of blood by now and you prayed no petal would fall off or it would only worry John even more. You suspected he knows about the disease as well.
Day by day, it was getting hard for you to breathe. You knew the plant inside your lungs was growing and every night you had battled and hoped it wouldn't be your last night. Even sleeping had come to terrify you. You were afraid you wouldn't wake up anymore.
"Y/N, are you alright? You're not telling me what's going on, I have to know so I can take care of you." John would say, concern written all over his face and your heart ached at the sight because you knew he only meant that as a friend.
"I'm fine, John, I'll be okay I told you it's just allergies." You sighed and stood up to get a glass of water when you felt the familiar itch on your throat creeping up again. But the moment you took a step forward, you leaned forward and began to heave as you wretched out blood along with rose petals on John's floor.
You somehow felt embarrassed but your body fell on the floor as you kept throwing up blood. John was almost sure he would've had a heart attack with what he saw. He immediately went over to you and rubbed your back, panic beginning to creep up in his body.
This was like when Helen was ill.
When you were finished throwing up, you opened your mouth to apologize but you found yourself going limp and passing out in John's arms.
John looked at the blood and rose petals that were smeared all over his floor. The realization hit him like a truck as his face began to go pale. He looked down at your unconscious body in horror.
"Y/N, what the hell..."
John couldn't even fathom looking at you like this. Pale and sickly looking. He hadn't noticed just how much you had lost weight and how horrible the bags under your eyes looked. You were always with him but he was too caught up in work that he barely had time to see how his friend was doing.
He knew about the Hanahaki disease. John remembered how someone in Ruska Roma died because of it. But he never expected you to get it.
The assassin pinched the bridge of his nose and leaned back against the uncomfortable plastic chair. Who the hell were you in love with? You had never mentioned anyone from work that caught your eye. Nor did you introduce anyone to John. The idea of someone being the root of all this caused him to clench his fists until his knuckles turned white.
Whoever it was that didn't love you back, John was sure he was going to get a piece of his damn mind.
John's thoughts were cut off when the doctor came in and greeted him with a polite smile. When he looked at Y/N's records, the doctor let out a sigh and John knew this wasn't a good sign.
"Does she have family?" The doctor, Dr. Mercer had asked to which John responded by shaking his head no.
"I'm the only one she has now." Dr. Mercer nodded.
"Mr. Wick, I'm gonna be honest. Miss Y/L/N is in critical condition. The amount of blood that she threw up was very alarming. I'm sure you're aware of the Hanahaki Disease?" John nodded solemnly at the question and never took his eyes off you.
"Well, the plant inside her lungs is growing more and more. And it won't be long until it fully suffocates her. Looking at her x-rays right here, you can see that the plant is almost corrupting her lungs fully." Dr. Mercer showed your x-ray scan to John to which he took carefully and it only made the situation even real.
Was he going to lose another important person in his life? He already lost Helen and Daisy. He only has Dog now. Could he really lose you, too?
"Is there a cure to this?"
"There is. But... both of them aren't as easy as they sound." John looked up at the doctor with a confused look causing Dr. Mercer to sigh.
"In order to cure the patient, the person she's in love with has to love her back. And I don't mean platonic love. I mean, real genuine love. If that doesn't work, then we can surgically remove the root of the plant from her lungs."
John perked up at the mention of surgical removal of the plant. Obviously, whoever this person is didn't love you enough to even cure you. John felt that option two was the only logical option left. Or else, you'd die.
"I think I'd like the plant to be surgically removed from her."
"Mr. Wick, I think the patient has to decide for that. Because even though it could cure her, it would erase everything she felt and remembered about the person. Once the operation is done and successful, that person never existed for her. And unfortunately, Y/N here would be stripped away of the ability to experience romantic love. The removal of the root will cause that as well."
John couldn't believe what he was hearing. Y/N won't experience romantic love anymore? He looked at your frail body and put a hand over his face. He'd heard Dr. Mercer excuse himself but all John could think of was how he was going to save you.
He doesn't want you to live up your life not knowing how it feels to be in love and be loved by the person you're in love with. But if you don't do anything about this, you'd be six feet underground and time was slowly running out.
John's thoughts abruptly stopped when he noticed you waking up from a deep sleep. You had been out of it for about fourteen hours.
You fluttered your eyes open and took in your surroundings. Your throat felt really dry and you could use a tall drink of water. Looking around, your eyes soon fell on John who stood up from his chair and smiled softly down at you.
Your heart fluttered at how beautiful he is. You almost mistook him for an angel.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked softly and brushed away some of your hair away from your face. His touch sent shivers down your spine and in a way, it hurt for him to be here. He was so gentle and patient. Was he like that with Helen? Or was he even more loving when it came to her?
"Like death." You laughed softly as you averted your eyes to the glass of water that was sitting on the table beside your bed, "Can I get a drink, please?"
John immediately took the glass of water and helped you sit up from your bed so you could drink. You were dehydrated from the amount of blood you just threw up hours ago. John gently patted your head when he saw that you drank all of the water from the glass.
"Good girl." He'd praise you and your heart swelled at it but it made you cough a bit.
John sat back down on the plastic chair but brought it closer by your bed as he looked at you in the eye.
"Y/N, who did this to you?" He asked. It took you about a minute to figure out what he was on about. And then you remembered the disease. Your situation probably took a turn for the worse and you assumed what had happened earlier almost scared John to death.
"Y/N." John sighed. "You're one of my most trusted friend. The only friend I probably trust with my whole life, really. But you need to tell me what the fuck is going on. You're dying, honey, and someone is the cause of all this and it's frustrating that I don't know who it is."
It's you, you wanted to say but the words didn't come out the way you wanted them to. You didn't want to see the look on John's face when you laid out the truth. Even now, on the verge of death, you were afraid of what he'd think. You knew he has a lot on his plate and he's just getting the chance to finally grieve for Helen. You didn't want nor had the heart to tell him that he's the reason why you're dying.
"It's no one, John, he-" You pursed your lips and let out a breath as you looked down at your hands that were slightly stained with your own blood, "He went away he- he loves someone else and that's all you need to know."
John nodded and although he was frustrated you didn't tell him everything, you knew it was just because you didn't wanna dive back into the fact that this person didn't reciprocate the feelings you felt. So he understood.
"Y/N, Dr. Mercer gave me two options so you could be cured and he-"
"John, I can't be cured, he doesn't love me." You said firmly and it felt so different saying it in front of him like this when he has no idea it was him all along that you were in love with.
"I know, darling, I know." He grabbed your hand comfortingly and you almost hated him for acting like this when all along you knew it was just platonic. You were just a friend to him. Nothing more and nothing less.
"But then he told me about option two. Option two is that you can get the plant surgically removed from your lungs." You perked up at hearing this.
You never knew it could get surgically removed. Your mother never told you. So why didn't she do it?
"W-What? What do you mean I can get it surgically removed?" You asked as tears began to fill your eyes but John was patient enough to talk you through it.
"You can, it's possible. But it's not that easy, Y/N." He let out another sigh before looking up at your tear filled eyes, "When the operation is successful, all the memories you have of that person will be gone. Including your feelings for him. It was like he never existed. Apart from that, once the plant is removed from your body, you ability to experience romantic love wouldn't be there anymore."
Tears cascaded down your cheeks. Not because you wouldn't be able to fall in love again. But because the thought of forgetting John scared you so much. Were you going to remember him again? Can he reintroduce himself again to you? Or should you not go through with option two?
At that moment, you finally realized why your mother never had the plant inside her get removed. It was far more painful than anything else.
"I'm sorry for your loss, Jonathan." Winston would say as he poured a drink for the assassin and John just nodded at him in thanks.
"Some things are beyond our control." John replied as he took a big gulp of his drink. He needed it right now after all.
He just came back from the hospital and that was the first time in a while John had felt so overwhelmed. The hatred he had for himself just increased a ton.
You decided to go through with the operation after giving it a deep thought for a the whole day. John was happy. Although you weren't able to experience romantic love anymore, he assured you he'd be by your side every step of the way. Just like you had been for him.
But what came next almost made him collapse down to his knees.
Aurelio decided to pay you a little visit when your operation was done. He had found out about what had happened from John and you knew the man well enough that he could give you discounts whenever your car had problems.
When it was time for visitors, John felt ecstatic. You were alive. He wasn't losing someone important from him again. When they got inside the room, you had already woken up and had a nurse slowly help you sit up from your bed but the moment your eyes fell on John, he noticed the slight confusion written on your face.
"Y/N, God, I'm so happy the operation was successful." John smiled and tucked a piece of your hair and he noticed how your body stilled from the touch as you looked up at him with wide eyes.
Thhe reaction was weird but John brushed it off and thought that maybe, it was a side effect from the pain killers you'd been taking.
"Aurelio's here and brought you some stuff. You like those cookies from the bakery near his shop, right?" You found yourself nodding slowly at the man's question even though you had no idea who he is.
Who was he? And how does he know your name? How did he know you liked those chocolate chip cookies from that bakery near Aurelio's shop? It was starting to freak you out.
John took notice of your reaction and the nurse excused herself when she was finished checking your vitals. John put a finger underneath your chin to make you look up at him and in your eyes, he saw fear.
You never looked at him like that. Never. Not even once.
"Y/N, darling, what's wrong? Did I do something, why are you-"
"Who are you?" You asked, cutting him off and John looked at Aurelio to see if what he heard was right.
Aurelio looked at him and then back at you with shock written on his face.
"What? Y/N, it's me, John. Your friend, your best friend." John replied but you had no recollection of the man in front of you so you shook your head slowly.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so confused I don't know who you are." You apologized shyly and looked at Aurelio. "Aurelio, is he a friend of yours? I really don't remember him, I don't wanna seem so rude."
John stood there in his spot, completely frozen. You remember Aurelio but you had forgotten him. That could only mean one thing...
"Come on, Y/N, stop fooling around this isn't funny. Tell me you're just joking and you know who I am." John's voice was laced with desperation now and you took notice of how his eyes were starting to fill with tears and you had a sense he hated crying in front of people.
Why did you feel so guilty? As if you'd done something wrong?
You looked up at the man apologetically and shook your head at him. "I'm so sorry, John, I really don't know who you are. I believe I just met you. Aurelio would have introduced you to me back then but... I don't remember that he has."
John couldn't take it. Everything was so overwhelming. When he gruffly excused himself you watched as he hurriedly made his way out of your room and Aurelio followed soon after probably to chase after him.
You had no idea of who he was but you could never forget how heartbroken he seemed when he looked at you.
Did you know him before?
John, on the other hand, needed to get out of there and he ignored Aurelio's calls as he got into his car and sped down the road. He felt guilty for leaving you there all alone, probably so confused as to why you were there in the first place but he just needed to have his space.
And so here he was, sharing a drink with Winston.
"You weren't entirely fair with her as well, Jonathan. You couldn't blame her if she hadn't told you."
"I was grieving for my wife." John stated to which Winston replied with a hum.
"But you could've showed her you felt the same way. Maybe told her. Hanahaki disease is a complicated kind of illness. Y/N believed you were still in love with Helen. And maybe you still are. That's why she was on the verge of dying that day. But it could all have been cured if you two had just acted on your feelings right away. A lot of people die from that, you know."
John stayed silent and poured himself another drink.
He had moved on from Helen a year after the whole incident with Viggo and his son. If Helen was alive, she would've wanted John to live his life fully and that was the only way he could honor her. And he did, and that was thanks to you.
You were like a breath of fresh air and John was scared he might ruin the peace that you had in your life. And he kind of did in a way. But you were too stubborn to leave until he just couldn't handle the thought of you leaving.
Like you, it crept up on John and the familiar itch on his throat, as if he was about to cough kept popping out of nowhere. Especially when you were near him. And for a moment, he didn't want to believe he caught it. He couldn't be possibly catching feelings for you it was a dangerous game to play.
John believed everything he touched turns to ash and he wasn't turning you into one. You deserved far more better than that. And it'd be impossible for you to feel the same way about him, he's too damaged to be loved at this point. But it's true when they say that you can't help who you fall in love.
But today, today was different than the others. John placed the glass down and leaned back on his chair and soon leaned forward when he began to cough and cough and cough.
Winston looked at John with an unreadable expression on his face. As if he knew it was coming. Somehow, he felt bad for the man. He had lost his wife and the dog she gave to him. And in a way he lost you even though you were still perfectly alive.
And now the disease had caught up to him.
His hunch was right when he saw the blood on John's palm. John stared down at it and noticed that there were petals of your favorite flower sticking onto his hand along with his own blood.
The assassin stayed silent as he grabbed his handkerchief from his coat and wiped the bloody residue off his skin.
Winston poured the man another drink but this time, he didn't pour himself some. He knew John needed it more than he did.
"Are you going to remove it or not?"
John looked at Winston but the manager took it upon himself to get up from the chair and leave Jonathan alone in the rooftop to decide.
This was all a bad case of wrong timing and lack of courage, obviously. And John leaned back against the chair and pinched the bridge of his nose as he felt a tear slip down his cheek.
Was he ready to go? Or will he risk forgetting about you like you did to him?
John realized just how difficult this all was. He realized now that it hurt to have you forget about him completely. Like he was dead to you. But knowing you, you would've made the decision just so you could live for John's sake. He knew you decided to live even though it would be hard on the both of you.
Because in your mind, you probably chose to live and see John again even though you had forgotten about him rather than die and let him live this world all alone without you.
But would it be the same for John? Could he really forget about you? Or was it time for him to go and let you be free?
Either way, as he began to cough once again, he knew that he needed to think fast and decide.
Time is gold and he's slowly running out of that.
A/N: I know in some stories this is not how the Hanahaki disease works but this is my take on it. Reader almost died because she believed that John would never love her the way she did. When all along, John was slowly developing feelings for her and while he did, he also didn't believe she'd have feelings for him because he believes he's too damaged to be loved. To put it shortly, my understanding of the Hanahaki is that as long as the protagonist believes the enamoured doesn't love them back, they'll slowly die. But as long as the enamoured confesses to the protagonist, they'll be cured of the disease. And if that doesn't work, the plant can be surgically removed.
The disease caught up to John and the reader because they didn't act upon their feelings and confessed to each other right away. They both believed everything was platonic between them. As a result, they kept it to themselves until it slowly killed them. In other words, this is all a bad case of wrong timing and lack of courage to say what they really wanted to say to each other.
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misstrashchan · 5 years
The Man With Two Souls, Pt. 2
Okay, so this ended up being a fucking long part 2 to my previous meta post. There was a lot I wanted to get down, and if it doesn't make sense or you don't agree with it, that's fine, I'd just be happy if you read it. Now I can rest until the finale comes and beats me up.
So, there's a few more Salem and Adam parallels to start off with like
(8) Having the same reaction to hearing someone mention Blake and Oz and the possibility of them getting the upper hand against them
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(9) Chronologically after this happens (we see Adam destroy the throne room in Volume 6 episode 2, but we see him lose his mask at the end of the Adam trailer) deciding to go after Blake on his own while Salem creates the winged Beringel grimm and plans to go to Atlas herself, presumably to go after Oscar/Ozpin so he doesn't get in the way of her plans (as well as Ruby since she clearly needs her as well)
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"If you want something done right, you do it yourself" - Volume 6 Chapter 13
(10) Adam and Salem telling Blake and Oz about how they're going to destroy them and those around them
"The ability to derive strength from hope is undoubtedly mankind's greatest attribute. Which is why I will focus all of my effort to snuff it out. How does it feel? Knowing that all your time and effort has been for nothing. That your guardians have failed you. That everything you've built will be torn down before your very eyes."
"So you send your guardians, your huntsman and huntresses. And when they fail and you turn to your smaller soul, know that you send her to the same pitiful demise. This is the beginning of the end, Ozpin. And I can't wait to watch you burn." - Salem, Volume 3 Chapter 12
"What you want is impossible! But I understand. Because all I want is you, Blake. And as I set out and deliver the justice mankind so greatly deserves, I will make it my mission to destroy everything you love. Starting with her." - Adam, Volume 3 Chapter 11
(11) Salem and Adam's perception of Oz and Blake affecting their perspective of themselves... and the audience.
Okay, this one's honestly kind of weird. For so, so long there were a lot of people who bought into the idea that Ozpin was secretly evil or somehow worse than Salem, or that he'd done something terrible and unforgivable to Salem. I fully admit, I was one of those people. I mean, I didn't think he was evil, but the way Salem talked to him at the end of volume 3, listening to the song Divide, I thought, he must have done something bad to Salem, right? How could she hate him so much otherwise?
And the worst thing he did... was leave her. When he couldn't go along with being a genocidal dictator of the whole world alongside Salem, and didn't want their children to be a part of that either.
And as for Adam, he tells Blake that she hurt him more than anybody because she left him.
"All sorts of people hurt me in all sorts of different ways. But no one hurt me quite like you, Blake. You didn't leave scars. You just left me alone." - Adam, Volume 6 Chapter 12
And Salem would also have been hurt from Ozma trying to leave her. Especially when you think about her backstory, how she was kept isolated in a tower, and instead of finding freedom in the outside world, found it in Ozma. And then he died, and she was alone again. And then the Gods destroyed humanity, and Salem is left alone one again for god knows how long.
"Once again, Salem was alone." - Volume 6 Chapter 3
And weirdly, similar to Ozpin there were people who bought into Adam's false perception of Blake too. That Blake is somehow the one who hurt Adam more than he hurt her (which is, completely insane).
And Salem and Adam want Oz and Blake to feel that way. To be paralyzed with self hatred and doubt, to be stuck in the past, and feel as if everything is their fault. That Salem and Adam are their responsibility, at first to save them, and then to stop them.
You see it with Adam's gaslighting, trying to paint her as an unfaithful coward. And I mean, just listen to the song Divide. The whole song is Salem trying to make out Ozpin to be the villain, that she's killing people but the real murderer is him for trying to give people hope, even if it was hope based on a desperate lie.
"It was you who ended their lives! Made them to dig their own graves! With your dark, sick, cruel design, convinced them their world could be saved." - Divide
And there were a lot of people convinced by Salem's song Divide that Ozpin was far worse than he really was, to the point it was surprising that he hadn't wronged Salem in some way like most people were expecting.
And Adam tries to make Blake believe that she's a coward, that she's selfish and weak, that running away from her problems is all she knows how to do.
And for a long while, Blake believed he was right. That she was toxic to the people around her, that she made things worse for them. And there were some people in the fandom who thought that she really was this toxic person.
It's actually kind of scary, but Salem and Adam managed to manipulate not only Blake and Oz's perception of themselves, but also the audience as well in how they saw them.
I don't doubt for a moment this is going to extend to Oscar as well if she meets him, that she'll likely try to convince him that he's just Ozpin and that he, Oscar, doesn't matter, and he'll fail and make the same mistakes as their past lives. Which undoubtedly parts of the fandom are going to take Salem's false perception of Oscar to heart as well and believe her.
Which brings me to move on from Blake's parallels with her first "soul" and Ozpin, to her second "soul" and Oscar.
Now Blake alluding to the Man with Two Souls is metaphorical, while in Oscar's case it's very literal, and it's no coincidence she's the one who first introduces us to the concept to us with the book she's reading during the Shining Beacon.
"...It's about a man with two souls. Each fighting for control over his body"
(It's important to note that the conflict between the two souls is not one of Good vs Evil)
Blake's conflict of her two metaphorical souls fighting for control, is the false perception Adam had of Blake and who she used to be with him, her past that she can't escape, and the struggle for her smaller, more honest soul, trying to define herself and decide who she wants to be. And for Oscar, he's struggling to define himself and decide who he wants to be, because of the merge with Ozpin, and that his past will become Oscar's too.
Both of them want to do the right thing and rise to their challenges, but it seems like such an impossible task to them that they're afraid to meet it.
"I'm... scared. I'm more scared than I've ever been. Than I ever thought was possible. I always knew I wanted to be more than a farmhand. But this? Who would ask for this?" - Oscar, Volume 5 Chapter 5
"I joined the Academy because I knew that Huntsman and Huntresses were regarded as the most noble warriors in the world. Always fighting for good. But I never really thought past that. When I leave the Academy what will I... How can I undo so many years of hate?" - Blake, Volume 2, Chapter 10
But the person who sees Blake's "other soul" the person she's truly capable of being, who she really is, even when she can't herself, is Yang.
"I'm sure you'll figure something out. You're not one to back down from a challenge Blake." - Yang, Volume 2 Chapter 10
And the one who sees Oscar and who he's capable of being even when he can't himself, is Ruby.
"Hey Oscar? I know this isn't going to be easy. But the fact that you're trying says a lot about you. You're braver than you think." - Ruby, Volume 5 Chapter 5
Blake and Oscar are also the first people we see Yang and Ruby open up to about their past trauma. The difference between the two being that in the Burning the Candle scene Yang is more willing to be vulnerable around Blake, to let her guard down and open up to her about her abandonment issues and how they've affected her.
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Because as a more emotionally mature character she understands she needs to do that in order to properly relate to Blake so she can offer her support. She gets frustrated however when Blake still refuses her support, and so she has to give her a push to accept it.
Ruby, however, isn't as emotionally mature as Yang, and doesn't find it easy to let down her guard and talk about her emotions. Her mentality being described as "I don't have time for my emotions, I've got to make sure everybody else is okay" - RWBY Rewind: Ruby Rose Rewinds With Us
She feels like she constantly needs to be a pillar of strength and support for everyone around her as a leader. She has a hard time opening up about her own feelings and being vulnerable around others. For her, it seems much more natural to internalize those feelings rather than face them head on. As a leader, she feels she isn't supposed to show fear or doubt. If she admits how she's hurting or how scared she is, she'd be afraid of those around her losing faith.
Ironically, it's Ozpin's words of advice to her that enforce this mentality
"But if you aren't constantly performing at your best, what reason do you give others to follow you?"
So even though only a minute ago Oscar saw that Ruby was clearly upset over something (being reminded of Penny's death)
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Ruby then goes on to act like nothing's wrong when she then attempts to reassure Oscar. And it feels like a performance, and though Ruby genuinely does want to reassure him, it comes across as insincere to him. He's frustrated because Ruby isn't being honest about how she's feeling, and is only concerned with his feelings.
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So in the Dojo scene we have Oscar start to push Ruby past that flawed mentality that Ozpin enforced, to be more honest about how she's feeling, to talk about how the Fall of Beacon and the loss of Phyrra and Penny affected her, how she's afraid of Salem killing people she cares about, and that she'd kill anyone regardless.
And with both Ruby and Yang opening up about their past experiences they can relate to Blake and Oscar's own fears, doubts and insecurities. Blake's need for answers and Oscar's fear of the fight with Salem, and Yang's need for answers and Ruby's fear of the fight with Salem.
"I told you! I'm not telling you to stop! I haven't. To this day I still want to know what happened to my mother and why she left me. But I will never let that search control me. We're going to find the answers we're looking for Blake. But if we destroy ourselves in the process what good are we?" - Yang, Volume 2 Chapter 6
"I am scared! But not just for me. What happened at Beacon shows that Salem doesn't care if you're standing against her or not. She'll kill anybody. And that, scares me most of all. Phyrra... Penny... I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt. That I didn't think about them every day since I lost them. That I didn't wish I had spent more time with them. If it had been me instead, I know they would have kept fighting too. No matter how dangerous it was. So that's what I choose to do. To keep moving forward." - Ruby, Volume 5 Chapter 5
And by demonstrating their own resolve, as well as their belief in the kind of people Blake and Oscar are capable of being that inspires them to be that person.
"I'm. Not. Running."
"You. Will." - Blake and Adam, Volume 3 Chapter 11
"She made a choice. To put others before herself. And so do I."
"Then you've chosen death." - Oscar and Hazel, Volume 5 Chapter 12
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There's also Blake expressing her doubt in Yang during volume 3 after she attacked Mecury, causing Yang to question her own judgement.
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She compares it to how Adam used to attack people, and of course she knows Yang wouldn't do something like that without good reason, but she can't but feel like the situation is very familiar. And Blake knows Yang isn't Adam, and makes it clear that she's decided to trust Yang.
"I want to trust you. I will trust you." - Volume 3 Chapter 8
But despite that, Blake's words do still weigh on her mind even when she's alone, where Qrow comes to talk to her about what happened and reassure her, and then they end up talking about her mum.
And then with Ruby in volume 7, Oscar expresses his doubt in Ruby in her decision to lie and hide the truth from Ironwood, comparing it to how Ozpin did the same to them, which, similar to Yang, causes Ruby to question her own judgement. And obviously he knows Ruby isn't Ozpin, that she probably had a good reason for lying. But again, the situation just feels so familiar.
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But ultimately he decides to put his trust in Ruby, even before Ironwood.
"I do believe in you. But not only you." - Volume 7 Chapter 7
And by episode 9 they're both on the same page in deciding to choose the truth over fear. (if only James could have stayed on that page too)
Similarly to Yang, we see Ruby alone in episode 4 of volume 7, and you can tell Oscar's words are still weighing on her mind, as Qrow comes over to talk to her and she asks him if she is like Ozpin, and he reassures her that she's not, and then they end up talking about her mother.
Okay, so I'm going to go out on a limb here, and you can call me out on my bullshit if you like, but I'm making a prediction (like, 12 hours from the finale, but hey, it might happen later in the series for all I know)
If we're going full in on the parallels here, remember how Yang lost an arm trying to protect Blake from Adam, and afterwards Blake ends up leaving Yang like Raven, believing she'd be better off without her?
And how Salem is on her way to Atlas after hearing Ozpin had reincarnated, the foreshadowing for Ruby losing an eye and them bringing up her trauma around Summer in Chapter 11?
On top of her wanting Ruby alive?
I'm gonna guess Ruby loses an eye trying to protect Oscar, and then afterwards either Oscar or Ruby tries to sacrifice and give themselves up to Salem, except it ends up being a hollow sacrifice like Summer's
"I didn't have a choice I did what I had to do I made a sacrifice but forced a bigger sacrifice on you!" - Red like Roses Part 2
Because Salem would end up taking both of them either way. I actually can't imagine a scenario where she doesn't, because she needs both of them. But one of them has a worse fate, a "bigger sacrifice" in store for them when they reach Evernight (which I'm still thinking is Ruby)
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imaginesfromdiahell · 7 years
Can you do some Sakimaki headcannons? ^^ How they act with their S/O is fine. Thanks!!! HUGE fan btw. I love you guys! You're so amazing!!! ❤ And because Mod Rosie adopted Azuza, I'd love to babysit xD I'LL BE THE BEST BABYSITTER TO EVER LIVE I SWEAR!!!
Hi, yes, hello, this is Mod Rosie, I’ll need a babysitter when I return to college so that sounds like a solid plan my man
anyway here’s ur headcanons
He would be significantly more expressive.  And by that I mean not very much, but noticeably more emotive.  
He’s surprisingly pretty good at communicating.  He just says what’s on his mind whenever he feels like it and is very, very direct about what he wants.  It’s good, but it can be flustering from time to time.
Not very fond of pet names.  He’ll accept some modest ones like “babe” or “dear” but if you call him Shu Bear he might murder.
Most of all, he’s definitely more emotional, at least around his s/o.  He wouldn’t be scared of expressing himself, whether that be in joy (like sending really, really adorable pictures of animals or his favorite composition at the time) or sadness (like crying).
Also, if you don’t expect cuddling in bed with his s/o you are very, very wrong.  Shu is extremely cuddly when alone with his s/o.
He’s not a fan of PDA per se, just because he thinks that when other people do it, it’s gross.  That being said, if he wants to hold his s/o’s hand, his s/o’s hand will be held.  End of story.  On that note, he likes holding hands.
Reiji is a ton more sarcastic around his s/o.  Lots of dry and dark humor.  It’s basically the stuff he would sort of chuckle to himself when doing busywork alone, but now he has someone to listen!
That being said, he tends to ramble on a lot.  He really likes it when his s/o just sort of sits there and listens to him, because he has a lot to say, and no one aside from him to really give a shit.  He’ll never admit it under normal circumstances, but he appreciates that immensely.
He MELTS under praise.  Even if he seems to be completely unphased, it’s not true.  He is lying.  Even calling him cute simply destroys him.  This poor boy has been neglected his entire life this is a literal blessing to him.
He’s definitely a lot more lenient with his s/o than anyone else in the godforsaken mansion, but he’s also a lot stricter when it comes to his s/o’s safety.  This can cause a lot of fights, and Reiji, since it’s about the person he loves, can get very emotional in them.  He genuinely means well, for once, so the best one can do is sit down and talk to him.
He will start petty disagreements over nothing just to pester his s/o.  You think that blazer is red?  No bitch, it’s blood orange.
He avoids PDA entirely, as he sees it as impolite, but you can bet your ass that if he’s sitting next to his s/o on the couch, his arm will be around them.
Definitely a ton more open with his s/o.  A lot less of the “I’m the greatest” schtick, since he can trust them with anything.  He has no doubts that his s/o will love him for who he is, so he tends to let his guard down a lot.
He smiles a lot more!!!! How could he not!!!!!! He’s just so god damn in love!!!!!!!!! The living embodiment of the “i love my fuckign girlfriend” meme.
EXTREMELY physical, and I don’t even mean this in a sexual way.  He just loves physical contact.  It’s reassuring to him; he knows it’s not a dream, it’s real, he genuinely has someone he’s in love with that loves him back.  Whether it’s by hand-holding, arm around their shoulders, hugging, or anything else, Ayato is always attached to his s/o.
Very doting.  If his s/o was in a bind, he would move mountains to help them.  Number one most supportive boyfriend.  Would literally put his entire being on the line for his s/o because god damn he is just so fucking in love.  As you can see, Ayato never does anything half-ass, romance included.
Definitely not the traditional romantic; unless his s/o really wanted it, he would never do like fancy candlelit dinners and shit.  He focuses more on what he thinks he and his s/o will enjoy the most.  He’d probably also enjoy lazy nights at the mansion a lot, too.
Would definitely write the sappiest love songs and serenade the FUCK out of his s/o. 
If you expected the yandere to tone down, you’re wrong.  It tones the fuck up.  He’s highkey extremely possessive and gets jealous easier than any of the other guys.  His s/o’s hanging out with another boy???who is this boy????where is he from????can I kill him immediately this second????? It would definitely cause a lot of arguments, but he means it out of love.
Kanato’s favorite thing is resting his head in his s/o’s lap, with his s/o stroking his hair.  They don’t even have to be talking; just the two of them there enjoying each other is enough for him.
Surprisingly also very supportive, but in a more destructive way.  S/o wants a new job?  Okay, shred up every other application so they have to hire you.  S/o wants to be the new student council president?  No problem, just sabotage the other candidate.
That being said, he does genuinely listen to his s/o, and would probably (begrudgingly) tone down the shit if they were angry.  He’d still get highkey frustrated and take it out in other ways though.  Like baking!
Bakes apology cakes because he is not very good at expressing himself in words.
Hopeless romantic.  Is anyone surprised?  Nope, and neither would his s/o be when they discover his bedroom lit by only candles with rose petals on the bed.
Number one best listener!  He listens to everything with genuine care and tries to give the best advice possible!  Unfortunately, his plan usually involves intercourse in some way shape or form so it never really works.  Like, ever.
He cares about the little things.  It’s not that he’s obsessed or living in a bubble, he just really wants his s/o to be happy.  He’ll do almost anything for his s/o, aside from maybe murder depending on the day.  Well, killing in the name of your s/o is kinda romantic, so maybe.
Loves seeing his s/o in expensive things.  Fancy clothes, fancy jewelry, fancy shoes, fancy ;) lingerie ;) so he tends to spoil them quite a bit.
Contrary to popular belief, his mind is not always in the gutter.  It’s like, usually at least half a step away, but he genuinely enjoys going on casual dates that don’t lead to intercourse, like stargazing.  He loves stargazing.
Probably the only brother actually into PDA, so here’s to hoping his s/o at least doesn’t mind it.
This boy makes a conscious effort day in and day out to be as gentle as possible at all times.  He’s scared to even hug his s/o too hard.  Once he gets past that initial fear, in private, he is by far the most affectionate out of the brothers.  If he and his s/o have time alone to cuddle, no if and or buts.  It’s happening.
He only gives gifts on anniversaries and holidays, but his gifts are always extremely well thought out and have some sort of meaning to them.  He puts a lot of effort into picking something he thinks his s/o would genuinely love.
Pal, Subaru would die if called by a pet name.  Darling, sweetheart, honey, love, he melts every single time and gets this cute little giddy grin on his face.
Subaru is all-around very cautious about what to do with an s/o.  He always asks before doing anything.  Even something as little as holding their hand.  He’s all about keeping them as comfortable as possible.
He’d definitely try to be super romantic but probably fall short of something traditional and beat himself up over it, but it always ends up being sweet and well thought out.  He just wants the best for his s/o and tries very hard to make everything special.
He also isn’t a huge fan of PDA.  Too shy.  Plus lord knows Kou would not shut up about it if he saw Subaru being super duper fucking adorable with his s/o.
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fontainebleau22 · 7 years
I'd happily read 'DVD commentary' of all of Homecoming, but if I MUST be choosy haha, could you do the saloon scene from chapter 4?:) I guess starting from where Billy goes up to the bar, and up to when he says he'll go after Vasquez after Vasquez has stormed out!
Thanks for the ask! Twobackground comments on this extract: first, these two chapters weren’t in theoriginal plan for the fic, which was to be entirely Goody’s point of view, andit was only because wanderingsmith said that I really needed to show Billy’sperspective too that I added them – I distinctly remember whining, ‘But I don’twant to write the whole wagon train trip to Odessa!’ Though in the end I was veryglad that she pushed me into it. But because of that, chapters 3 and 4 were less plannedout than the others, and went through quite a lot of changes. 
Second,I’ve been thinking a lot about dialogue recently, and have come to think that Icould do better with it than I have to date; specifically, reading otherpeople’s dialogue, I think I don’t put in enough comment on what my speakersare thinking or how they’re reacting, and this extract seems an example of whatI mean. If I had to write it again I think I’d do it differently, because I’mnot very satisfied with it now. 
The first round of drinks went downeasily, the burn of the whisky as welcome as the bath, and Billy went to thebar to fetch the second. 
He was standing, foot on the rail,when a voice behind him exclaimed, ‘Hey, I know you! I’d know you anywhere withthose fancy toothpicks: Rocks is the name, ain’t it?’ 
He tensed, bracing himself fortrouble, but the man addressing him didn’t seem threatening: he was plainlydressed, slightly flushed with drink and wearing an expression of pleasedinterest. 
Asnoted above, I took a long time to decide whether Billy should actually getinto the ring to fight, or whether he should just be tempted to do so, and in the end Iwent with the latter as less distracting to the narrative. But I wanted to makethe point that Billy genuinely gets a lot of his sense of self and pride fromhis fighting abilities. 
‘And?’ Billy asked warily, castinga glance back to the table where the others were sitting. 
Thisis obviously playing against the expectation of ‘Billy goes into a bar and getsan unfriendly reception’. 
‘My brother and I made twenty bucksbacking you in a fight, year or two ago. You’re quite the article - realquick.’ The man at his shoulder resembled him so closely that he had to be thebrother. 
Therewere lots of brothers in the Old West, like Earl and his brother. I did in oneversion give them names (one was called Lyle, I think), but they faded inimportance. 
‘Where was that?’ asked Billy,relaxing again. 
‘Fort Verde.No, but you should have seen him,’ he remarked to the room at large, ‘it was aneducation. Texan fellow there thought he had a fast draw, but this one – youdidn’t see his hand move. And those knives …’ 
‘Glad I was able to help you to aprofit.’ 
‘Let us buy you a drink – seemsonly fair.’ 
‘Appreciate it, but no thanks,’said Billy, gesturing back to the table. 
Yep.Not impressive. Needs more context, both exterior and interior.
‘You here to fight?’ asked thebrother eagerly. ‘Because we’d put our money on you no question.’ 
‘Could do,’ said Billy, glovedfists flexing unconsciously. And again he was at a loss: for all those monthshe spent suspicious and unconvinced that he needed a manager, now where wasGoody to put an arm round the man’s shoulders and hatch a plan, to set up themeet, to let him play the taciturn fighter? 
‘Say though,’ said the first man,‘there’s a place out back of the horse dealer’s where they shoot targets: youcould take on the local talent there, make some money.’ 
‘Might be,’ he said, appraisingthem, ‘I could come, but it would pay both our advantage to keep it quiet.’ 
Idid like the idea of the two brothers boasting about making money from theprevious fight and thereby undermining their prospects in the current one. 
‘Sure thing, Mr Rocks,’ said thefirst man, raising his glass conspiratorially.
 Adverbs ...
 He took the fresh bottle back tothe table to confront three pairs of accusing eyes. ‘Should you be consideringthat?’ asked Sam directly, and the assumption in the question had him bristlinginstantly. 
Ihad Sam and Billy rubbing each other up the wrong way in every conversation from the moment they meetin chapter 3, and I hope it comes across that Billy’s just hopelesslyoversensitive because he feels guilty at leaving Goody behind and takeseverything Sam says the wrong way. 
‘It’s how I earned my and Goody’sliving for the last six years,’ he said shortly, ‘and it’s none of yourconcern.’ 
‘Cuchillero, how can you take the risk?’ asked Vasquez, concern inhis eyes. 
Theidea of Vasquez having a nickname for Billy I think came from Villa-Kulla, andit struck me as extremely likely, though I changed it to cuchillero(knife-fighter). 
Billy smiled, showing his teeth.‘Risk? I’m the best. I’ve been in more fights than you could count and I’ve wonthem all. I know a hundred tricks to make sure I’m the man walks out of thearena alive. You can come and watch me.’ 
Iliked this: Billy touched on his pride. Remember that the others never knew himand Goody before, not even Sam, so they have no idea of their history. 
‘Idiota,’ said Vasquez, ‘there’s always a first time.’ 
‘Like I said,’ Billy’s tone wasdeliberately even, ‘none of your concern.’ 
‘I would not be so stupid,’ hissedVasquez, ‘Joshua cannot do without me, and neither – ‘ 
Coulddo better with the context here again. 
Billy crashed the bottle down.‘Shut up.’ Teddy looked from one to the other of them in consternation. 
‘I will not. I will not carry yourcorpse home to Goodnight.’ 
There’sa lot packed into this line. First the practicalities: Goody worried that Billywould die on the journey, and be buried somewhere he’d never see; Vasquez showsus the other side of this concern – what would you do if your friend was killedaway from home? Second, Goody’s dreams see Billy dead through various causes(in a competition, at the river crossing), and this shows how easily they couldcome true. And obviously, Vasquez knows a lot of how bad Billy is feelingbecause he feels it himself about Faraday (though for different reasons) sohe’s overidentifying with him. 
The quarrel was beginning to drawattention and Sam leaned forward to intervene. ‘Vasquez, let it go. No need tobe talking about taking corpses home.’ 
‘You laugh, but it is serious,’snarled Vasquez. ‘The job, it is one thing, but this?’ 
‘I don’t need your permission,’said Billy flatly, ‘any of you.’ 
‘You think it is all the same asbefore?’ 
Thetransition point of this argument was one I struggled with for ages. I knewwhere I wanted it to go, and I knew who said what, but it took forever to makethe two parts of the quarrel bridge from one to the other, and (again) I’mstill not entirely satisfied with it. 
‘Nobody’s saying that,’ said Sam,‘but we all came through.’ 
‘Yes, we all lived. You were nothurt at all, and Billy is well again, and Goodnight too, and Joshua, and we areall as we were.’ 
‘Goody had it hard, and Faradaymost of all, everyone knows that. We all owe him. But he’s a tough man tokill.’ 
Context,woman! I really think this is not so good. 
‘Que pendejada,’ spat Vasquez furiously, ‘you, all of you, do notsee how he is.’ 
Sam laughed. ‘Come on, this isJoshua Faraday we’re talking about, the man who survived being chased, shot atand then blown up: he’s a walking miracle.’ 
Vasquez thumped his fists on thetable, making the glasses bounce and rattle. ‘No, you do not understand. Youwill not understand. You say you are his friends, yet you close your eyes towhat is in front of you. He lost his fingers. He cannot walk withoutdifficulty. He cannot ride for a whole day. He is deaf. And he is ashamed. I doall I can to make it as it was, I tell him what he cannot hear, I built a houseto make it easy for him, I keep away the people he does not like to see him; ifI died, what would he do?’ 
AsI’ve said before, I really want everyone to live, but given Faraday’s recklessand selfless act, I think this is the absolute minimum injury I can get awaywith if he does recover. I know some readers find it too gloomy, but I do planto write the coda to this series to show how Faraday and Vasquez end up in ahappy-ever-after too. 
The three of them stared, shockedto silence by the stark description. ‘I should not be here,’ said Vasquezheavily, standing up. ‘I wish I was not.’ And he stalked out, heads turningcuriously after him. 
The noise of the bar started up againaround them, but they sat in silence until Sam said, ‘I’m a damn fool, don’tneed anyone to tell me that.’ 
‘He really so bad?’ asked Teddy. ‘Imean, I know how he was hurt, but he recovered, my brother Henry said he wasdoing fine.’ 
Thisis trying to get at the difference between what Faraday feels and how he seemsto other people; that a lot of the condescension or mockery that he thinks hesees is in fact internally-generated. 
‘Goody once said to me, some paidmore than others for Rose Creek, and he was right.After he was well again, I thought it was over.’ Sam’s face was clouded. ‘I’mto blame, for not seeing how it is.’ 
Ihad written Winter’s Lease: Septemberalready by the time I wrote this, so the echo is a deliberate one. 
‘We all are,’ said Billy, pushinghis glass away untouched. ‘I’ll talk to him.’ 
…and the lead in to the scene that I always knew was coming: Billy and Vasquezsharing cigarettes in a hotel room, to match the intimacy of Goody and Faradaysleeping in the same bed.
So,overall, B-: could do better!
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