#i want to die! :)
isabelopaque · 4 months
i love living in a world where colleges can offer housing in tiers and if you want to "save money" your tier doesnt get air conditioning or personal bathrooms. surely this says nothing about how our society views poor people
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leechloach · 2 months
Oh my way back from a drive yesterday I swerved and hit a reflector and someone behind me, turned bc they saw and thought I was drunk and yelled at me while I was checking for damage on my car and they called the cops on my so I got pulled over trying to make it home and got pulled over. I did the brethalyzer which was 0.00 bc I was not fucking drunck or high on anywdrugs At All!!! I failed the feild sobriety test bc my balance is bad so I DUI while driving sober and spent the night in jail :)
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literally can’t do this it’s 77 degrees in my apartment and my smoke detector has gone off TWICE FOR NO REASON AND IT’S 4:00AM AND I HAVE TO GO TO WORK TOMORROW
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semiotomatics · 10 months
my will to live at any given moment is inversely proportional to how much pain im in
anyway can someone please just fucking kill me already
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idsb · 1 year
taxes make me wanna die so bad like. I know it's technically a low percentage but how the fuck can the US gov. say "this person made $26,000 after their business expenses this year? let's take $4k of it 😈" like hi IRS sorry but are you aware I have to fucking eat and have a roof over my head???????????? that is so much goddamn money to take on like. NOTHING.
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tearfest · 2 years
just a teeny tiny rant in the tags before i do my prep work < / 3 i’ll hopefully be on later!
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ldr-is-my-life · 3 months
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planefood · 3 months
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rules for thee and not for me
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catmask · 1 year
my mom loves to lie and like she always swears she was NEVER homophobic or anything to me as a child “i even have a gay work friend” but a really funny memory resurfaced recently where i asked if i could use birthday money i had to buy a rainbow flag when i was like ??? 7?? because i LOVED rainbows. and she said no that means something Evil and god will hate you . so what did i do. but ask my grandmom for a rainbow sweater for christmas and proceed to only wear that sweater for three years when it got cold because i didnt like the idea that god hated colors and i wanted to challenge him
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lastoneout · 1 year
People don't like to admit it bcs cringe or w/e but Homestuck really did revolutionize the webcomic as a storytelling medium and I am endlessly frustrated that before webcomic artists could really stretch our legs fucking webtoonz swooped in, set a new, more restrictive standard, and then monetized and monopolized the ever living fuck out of the concept of The Webcomic until it drove away anyone who couldn't be a professional quality manga artist for free, and now the only webcomics that actually feel like spiritual successors to Homestuck are so obscure they're basically cult classics that you have to beg people to read.
Like it's just so wild to be in high school and see Homestuck be like "we're using like fifteen different artistic mediums to tell this story bcs we can" and be really fucking inspired by that, only to grow up and see basically every webcomic ever have to conform to One Single Standard or fucking perish.
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datcravat · 1 month
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this place is so fruity!
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atlantus · 3 months
hey body! i am not being hunted for sport! in fact, i am doing exactly what i love to do at my own pace and i am helping other people learn how to do the things i love! hey body! i am not in danger! i am in charge! i am the expert! i have all the knowledge! if anything i am the predator in this situation, why do i want to pull out my intestines and eat them?
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galaxymagitech · 4 months
Bruce: Congratulations, Jason! You’re the first of my kids to graduate college!
Dick: Yeah, first and only one for all eternity!
Bruce: *Ignoring Dick by sheer willpower* Anyway, what are you planning to do next?
Jason: I think I’m going to continue my education in English Lit.
Bruce: *nervously* Great. You’ll get a Master’s Degree, right?
Jason: …
Bruce: …right?
Jason: Actually, I’m going for a PhD.
Bruce: This is a terrible joke. You’re over the supervillainy, right, Jay?
Jason: Look, my application to GothamU’s PhD program was accepted!
Bruce: No child! Of mine! Will get! A PhD!!!
Jason: I’m hoping to be a literature professor at GothamU, if I survive long enough.
Bruce: *screams incoherently*
Dick: I think you broke him.
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sreppub · 4 months
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jason ignored the clearly labeled tupperware and ate tim’s leftover garlic chicken pasta
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valtsv · 1 year
my main advice for writing an enemies to lovers relationship is to resist the urge to make the characters' loathing and attraction mutually exclusive opposing forces. it's okay if they're getting weirdly into it and having Thoughts whilst also sincerely wanting to kill each other with hammers.
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mikelogan · 6 months
now that i've finished the gifset that took me three days (so help me GOD IF IT FLOPS), i have to try and find something to eat despite having litchrally no money and no groceries and then bawl my eyes out some more while i write another appeal letter to a piece of shit insurance company for my long-term disability claim (which they're almost certainly going to deny, leaving me without any source of income while i apply for government disability)
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