#i wanted to reply w something good but ended up scaring myself
ihatebnha · 2 years
I COME BACK TO YOU TALKING ABOUT BARBARIAN BAKUGO AND AOHDKABD yeah he’s the guy who’s just almost nakey a lot of the time. Reminds me when i sent my first ask to you and it was barbarian bakugo 😭 im having a brainrot about him again
CAITIEEEEEEE hello beloved :D hru??
OMENNNNN I'VE BEEN MISSING U SO HARD LATELY, where has my baby been? u don't have to be on tumblr ofc but are u taking care of urself??? eating and sleeping????
i would love to talk about nudist bakugo some more but it would take up so much time and space here that i'd rather just save my thoughts... HOWEVER i think i still have ur first ask to me (at least, i never remember deleting it)... so maybe i should find it again and finally give it to the world.
*eyes emoji* dunno!!! but really, i'm glad to see u <333 *pleading eyes @ u*
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woozvc · 4 months
call you tonight
final (part XIX)
w/c - 1.6k + smau at the end
a/n - and this is it! after so long call you tonight has officially come to an end. I hope the last part of this clears up the eunwoo situation (reading your replies and theories made my day😭😭) and i hope this is an ending you can be satisfied with. thank you so much for all your love and patience on this series. it truly means a lot that you guys stuck around till the end even with my terrible posting schedule 🫶
previous / masterlist
this is it. this is the day.
the event started 20 minutes ago and till now, it's been a success. the auditorium is filled with laughter and dancing, courtesy of jihoons playlists.
you're currently standing at a corner just observing the entire place. a part of you feels at peace that this is finally over, the results will be out today and this is it. a part of you is also shit scared. the past few days have been a rollercoaster.
seungcheols words keep echoing in your head about how you're still important to him and he's changed. you really want to believe him. you really want to give him a-
“hey are you okay?”
you wake out of your trace by jihoons voice.
“yeah I'm fine”
“you seen a bit…distracted” he hands you a cup of lemonade. you take it with a small smile and shrug his comment off. no need to reply when he's right?
“how do you feel, you know, about your performance and all?” you look at him. he shakes his head
“I don't know. all of this feels unreal. I never thought I'd have to perform that too dance but here we are”
“doesn't it scare you?”
“obviously it does, but I find some comfort in it too. maybe it's the fact that a part of me believes taking this chance could end really well. maybe I'll finally let go of my past fears and just let myself be in the moment once.”
“hah.. that sounds nice.”
“yea I guess so. I think whatever happens tonight, I just hope I don't regret it. I want to take that risk”
you open your mouth to reply but you're interrupted by hoshis voice calling jihoon. he gives you a small smile and walks away.
right. regret. don't regret tonight. you decide to leave your spot in the corner when you see hansol walk in. being with a friend is better than being alone.
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so jihoon is an amazing dancer. you were mesmerized, truly. his moves are fluid and his body doesn't miss a single beat. obviously hoshi is amazing too. his sharp and timed movements make him look like he was born for the stage.
the song is also amazing. jihoon later revealed it was called “bring it”. you'll definitely tell him to record it and send it to you.
the auditorium is a bit loud now. one hour till new year and the presidential results are about to be announced. you avoided seungcheol all night today. reason? you don't really know.
maybe you know mentally a part of you won't be able to handle his teasing if he wins. it's all friendly of course, but it doesn't change the fact you really, really want to win.
“hey y/n ready for the results?” jeonghan nudges into you and you push him off with an annoyed whine.
“jeonghan I swear if I don't win you'll have to wipe my tears”
“I won't mind that because I'll be winning”
“this is important to you huh?”
“it's my one shot to prove I'm actually good at something, can't fuck this one up”
“you dont have to prove yourself to anyone you know?”
“this is for me. I need this to tell myself I'm better than I think. I'm done always being known as the problem kid. and who knows maybe this will get me some street cred?” he winks and walks back to his group, knowing if he kept speaking, he would say something something sad and make you feel more stressed than you already do. you'd probably scold him for being so self deprecating too. your eyes follow him walking back and
seungcheol is looking directly at you. his gaze burning deep into you. you look away quickly, taking a deep breath to calm yourself. the music in the room slowly fades out.
“okay ladies and gentlemen are we ready for the most awaited moment of today?��� seungkwans voice echos through the room and so does the cheering of the students.
“honestly? I'm not shocked at the result. I'm so proud of everyone who participated and made it this far. just know all of you are amazing and we as the student council and the teachers love your dedication. so first of all here are the names of the people who made it to the finals”
he starts reading off the list. there's your name and eunwoos name. after a few students he announces jeonghans name and….thats it? what?
this is surely a mistake and the entire auditorium feels so. there's chattering and confused looks all around
“ah yes, there's only 9 participants now. choi seungcheol removed his name because of some unavoidable circumstances so we divided all his votes to all the others”
your head shoots in seungcheols direction. you look at him confused and he smiles at you. he motions you to stay where you are for now. this can't be real? he can't just remove his name?
hansol taps your shoulder and tells you to focus on the stage. you look back at the stage, realizing you completely missed seungkwans dramatic speach on how much he waited for the results etc etc.
“and so, svtct, your student council president is…..y/n!”
there's screaming in the auditorium but this place has never felt so quiet. your legs are numb and your hearing is fucked. you…won? you actually did it?
“y/n go to the stage!!” jeonghan pushes you from the crowd towards the stage. you want to say something to him. you want to apologize for winning to him but
he's smiling so wide.
his eyes are genuine. he's genuinely happy you won. “don't worry about me, my favorite cousin’s win is my win” he grabs your hand and takes you to the stage.
seungkwan helps your walk onto the stage where the teachers are standing to give you your certificate and badge. you receive it, saying a small thank you to the teachers presenting and seungkwan hands you the mic
“any words president?”
any words? what the fuck even are words? you stare at the mic then back at seungkwan. you're glad you've been friends with him for so long that even without words, understands and nods at you
“I think our president wants to save the speach for during school hours to not bore us.. well I hope my speach was dramatic enough, wonwoo I'm looking at you. there's 30 minutes till new years so till then…enjoy!” he looks at jihoon to restart the music and when it does, all the eyes on you slowly move away as seungkwan leads you to the teachers.
they all congratulate you and praise you. after a while one teacher asks
“so who's going to be your vice?”
“jeonghan” there's no hesitation in your voice. the teachers seemed shocked, a bit put off too but they don't question it. they tell you good luck and let you go back to the crowd.
you stand near the stage for a bit. letting it all sink in. all these months of work, all the effort and everything worked out. even the banter with seungcheol worked- right. seungcheol.
you run back to try and find him when eunwoo bumps into you.
“hey y/n! congratulations there's no one who deserves it more than you” he gives you a smile and pat on your shoulder.
“thanks eunwoo”
“are you guys busy” you hear seungcheol behind you and immediately turn to him.
“not busy at all man” eunwoo says and walks off, winking at seungcheol while seungcheol just looks at him disgusted.
“I never liked that guy”
“why did you remove your name”
“he's always given me a bad vibe”
“you wanted this so badly”
“and he keeps flirting with-”
“choi seungcheol answer me.”
you cut him off
“answer you? okay fine. first of all don't call me by my full name. I left presidency because frankly I hate the pressure. I never wanted to be captain anyway. I got forced into it because of my grades and extra curriculars.” he takes a pause to look around the room before continuing.
”i realized I was only doing this because it was expected of me. so I left it. I rejoined the track and badminton team. that's what was important to me before and I'm going to continue it now” he says and looks at you. a small smile playing on his lips.
you're speechless. you always knew seungcheol never really liked captaincy but you didn't know till what extent. you feel bad. you feel bad for the all “why aren't you working” and “why did they make you captain” comments you said to him.
“I'm sorry seungcheol”
“for what”
“for everything”
he smiles. you realize that you're seeing his dimples after so long. he's never smiled that much in front of you before. he looks pretty.
“10 seconds guys!” yells seungkwan into the microphone. seungcheol softly takes your hand and says
“y/n, I know you haven't forgiven me”
“but I have to say”
“I've been thinking a lot”
“you're too important to me”
“I think I like you, more than friends.”
“can you give me a chance?”
“happy new year!” jeonghan comes and hugs you.
you have no idea how this is going to end. you're scared, terrified of this feeling but you won't let this go. you keep your grip on seungcheols hand. slowly the student council joins the hug and the rest of your friends follow. you look around. you're surrounded by people who love you, people who care for you. what could possibly go wrong?
“yeah…I'll take the risk.”
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2months later :
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taglist 🔖 — (thank you to you all <3)
@minhui896 @lirtha97 @haecien @thefroggybazaar @mayashu @jeonghansshitester @wonwoos-wineparty @huening-kawaii @sp1ng @wonwootakemyheart
@ddokye @thepoopdokyeomtouched @zzenkha @nishloves @weird-bookworm @sana-is-ms-rmty @immabecreepin @amxlia-stars
@peachhiz @punkhazardlaw @lockburn-castle @asyre @luchiet @ocyeanicc @wondering-out-loud @odetoyeonjun @tamcitrus @miriamxsworld @kissesfrmwonwoo @cherr-y-eji @jeoncatsworld @youre-on-your-ownkid @addicsvt @bangantokchy @tacosandbitch @sun-daddy-yoriichi @ckline35 @rakshithanotrao @isabellah29 @mangocustard16 @lone-lone-ranger @gyuguys @writingbarnes @scarlet931 @odxrilove @wonwoobestboyy @wollycobbl3-blr
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il0vewomenz · 19 days
𝙎𝙖𝙮𝙖𝙠𝙖, 𝙈𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙤, 𝙆𝙖𝙚𝙙𝙚, 𝙆𝙤𝙠𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙈𝙞𝙪 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙖 𝙎/𝙊 𝙬𝙝𝙤'𝙨 𝙖 𝘽𝙤𝙠𝙤𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚!
Bokodere — character who lashes out with their fists when they get embarrassed from their love interest in order to hide their shyness and feelings of love. They go into fight-or-flight mode when flustered despite not really wanting to hurt their love interest. After some time as they get more used to being affectionate with their love interest they will feel less flustered and will gain control over their aggressive impulses.
TW: Very OOC.
When Sayaka first met you, she thought you were just really shy, and she found it adorable! While introducing herself, she playfully teased you.
Your face turned red, and you accidentally punched her in the face so hard that she fell backwards. "Ah!" She let out a small squeak. She looked up at you and asked, "Um... I'm sorry, did something I say upset you?" Sayaka's voice was soft and gentle. You covered your face in shame and embarrassment. "N-no! I'm so sorry, I don't know why I did that! What's wrong with me..!" You said, feeling incredibly ashamed.
Sayaka lowered her head, her face hidden in shadow. It made you feel even worse, but suddenly she lifted her head with a smile on her face. "It's okay, Y/N, don't worry about it!" You helped her up and asked, "Uh... Are you okay? I punched you pretty hard..." Sayaka chuckled slightly and replied, "Yeah... It hurts a little..." In reality, it hurt a lot, but she didn't want you to feel bad or for you to use your fists on her again.
She had a strong intuition that you didn't have any malicious intentions when you punched her, and she had a knack for reading people. As you spent more time with her, you slowly became more comfortable around her. And when the two of you started dating, you stopped getting so embarrassed over simple affection. Well... You still got embarrassed, but instead of taking it out on Sayaka with your fists, you learned how to control yourself with a little help from her!
Mondo always gets nervous around girls he likes, so it wasn't surprising that he acted that way around you. Most girls tend to get scared off by his loud behavior, but you were different. You got easily embarrassed around him. So, could it be said that both of you are nervous around each other?
Well, yeah. The only difference is that he doesn't hit the girls he likes. "What was that for!?" Mondo asks, his tone rising. "I-I'm so sorry! I couldn't control myself, it was a reflex!" Now Mondo wasn't sure what upset him more - the fact that the girl he likes punched him or that it actually hurt.
Mondo has a severe complex about appearing weak, so the fact that a girl hitting him hurt made him feel weak. "W-why aren't you saying anything... I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to!" You apologize once more. "Don't worry about it! I didn't even feel it!" He says, trying to convince himself more than you. "Really?" You ask, confusion evident on your face. Normally, people would admit it hurt a lot. Your doubt made him slightly more frustrated, but he managed to hide it well. "Hell yeah, it didn't!"
Sorry if you wanted a gender natural reader for Mondo but it was way easier for me to write a female reader when it comes to Mondo!
When Kaede first saw you, she couldn't help but call you cute because of your adorable appearance. Little did she know, that was a big mistake. It made you feel so embarrassed that you reacted impulsively and ended up punching her.
"W-what was that for?" she asks, clearly confused. "Oh my goodness... I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I'm really sorry, it's just a reflex for me when I get embarrassed. I don't know how to handle it, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you, I apologize!"
You blurt out your words in a rush, feeling remorseful. "I-it's okay..." Kaede says, a small bead of sweat forming on her cheek. "One apology is enough..." She says, trying to smile nervously.
Just like you, Kaede can be impulsive at times, but she's trying her best to be patient with you, hoping that you'll do the same and learn to control yourself around her. And if you do, that would be great!
But even she can lose her cool sometimes, especially if you continue to react the same way even when you're dating. "Y/N, please stop hitting me!" she exclaims. She holds your hands in hers and looks into your eyes. "Please, just calm down!"
He would quickly notice how easily flustered you get around him and would take advantage of it by teasing you. When you hit him, his mischievous expression lingers for a few seconds before he dramatically bursts into crocodile tears.
"WAHHHH!! H-how could you hurt me like this!? I was just trying to be friends with you!" Your lips tremble slightly as the blush remains on your face. You try to think of something to say to diffuse the situation, but before you can, he laughs.
"Nee-heehee! Just kidding! You're obviously too weak to hurt me!" That was a lie.
Kokichi continues to tease you, testing your limits. Sometimes it's hard to keep up the facade of being unfazed when he pushes too far. One time, he couldn't hide the pain when you kicked him in his crotch. He fell to the floor, clutching himself. "Agh..! I shouldn't have told them to be rougher!" he thought.
Over time, you start to get used to his teasing, which sometimes annoys him. He doesn't like it when you don't react the way he expects or stop paying attention to him. That's just boring!
Miu is Miu, no doubt about it. It's no wonder you feel embarrassed when you're around her. She's always making those sex jokes and whatnot. So, in a fit of embarrassment, you lash out and smack her in the face.
"What the hell!?" Miu exclaims. "What's your problem!?" She asks, caught off guard and feeling defenseless. "I'm sorry, Miu!" You apologize. "Sorry? Are you apologizing for hitting me or for your lack of chest size!?" She bluntly questions. Your face turns even redder as you struggle to find the right words. "Oh, what's the matter? You seemed pretty confident when you smacked me right in the face!" She reminds you. "Listen, Miu... I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to!" Miu scoffs. "Just don't fuckin' ever do it again!"
This one is very short but I didn't have an idea how to continue this.
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solbach-colbrock · 7 months
Demon Bait - Seth Borden X Reader
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SUMMARY - Turns out demons are drawn to you even more than spirits are to Seth
WARNINGS - established relationship w/ Seth and reader, demonic entities
WORDS - 1.4k
NOTES - this didn’t quite turn out the way that I had hoped but frankly I’m stuck on this one so hopefully its good enough for y’all lol (also I know the gif is being weird shut up)
It was something you had learned the hard way. For some reason, you seemed to be a magnet for demons. Every location that was said to have a demonic presence, you would be targeted by it. You couldn’t even make fun of Seth for being ghost bait anymore because you decidedly had it worse. 
The house had been active since the moment you walked in the door. Most of it was knocking and footsteps, but the spirit box had also turned itself on in Sam’s backpack and emitted a tone that indicated a large temperature change. More concerning than anything was the constant presence you felt over your left shoulder the entire night.
You had stopped vocalizing most of the things you experienced, as the boys had started talking about keeping you out of potentially demonic locations, and you weren’t willing to be benched from any investigations. You only ever told them the small stuff anymore.
You had been investigating this house for around seven hours, and it was finally 3AM. The feeling of being watched had been growing stronger all night, and by now felt like there was someone – or something – standing a mere inch behind you at all times. You felt crowded, to say the least.
The demonic energy was said to be in the master bedroom on the first floor, something that your gut was telling you was true. Earlier in the night, you thought you had seen a shadow figure in this room, and you felt something tug at the back of your shirt as you walked out, as if something was trying to pull you back in. It was the last place you guys had to properly investigate, and you were planning to finish off the night with an Estes session. 
“Are you sure you want to go under for this? You’ve been kinda spacey for the past hour. I don’t want this thing to get to you too much. I can go under if you’d rather sit this one out,” Seth offered. As someone who attracted a lot of paranormal attention, he knew something in that house had an eye for you. He had also done enough investigations with you that he was able to see when something was targeting you. It was scary enough being targeted by normal spirits, so he could only imagine how terrifying it would be to have demons attracted to you.
“I’ll be fine, babe. If I’m not, I’ll pull myself out. I don’t allow these things to harm me if I can help it,” you replied, taking the blindfold from Colby. 
“You say that, but what if you can’t? What if this thing is stronger than you? It already said your name five times tonight. I don’t know if I like this.”
“Seth, I’m an adult. I know what my limits are. This is our last investigation. Tell you what, if you get too scared while I’m under, you can pull me out, okay?”
You and Sam shared the sentiment that, because there were a lot of reports of people being touched or grabbed while in the bed, that you would get the best results while laying on it for your session, although Seth made you compromise on the issue, and you ended up just sitting on it to appease him. He was always very protective of you while doing paranormal stuff, even before you had started dating.
A shadow figure, 8 feet tall and bending down sideways to look at you, showed itself to you in the doorway right before you went under.
“Wow, immediately.”
“Speak. Now.” The putrid smell of smoke filled your nostrils. You scrunched your nose as it seemed to heat up your face.
“We haven’t even asked anything yet. That’s crazy.”
“Who are we speaking to?”
“You know me.”
“We know you? Is this Elizabeth again? We were speaking to you earlier.”
“You wish I…”
“Like ‘you wish I was Elizabeth’, as if what we’re talking to isn’t her?”
“That’s creepy. Tell us your name. Who are we talking to?”
“Are you scared yet?”
“Oh, fuck off, that’s not cool.”
“Borden. Fear.”
“Are you the demon that was said to make Elizabeth set the bedroom on fire?”
“Demon. Beelzebub.”
“We should stop talking to this thing. You know what happens when Y/N-“
“Not yours anymore.”
“I don’t think we should keep-“
When your leg had started shaking, you hadn’t noticed. What you had noticed however, was just how lightheaded you were getting. You almost had to fight to keep your head up. The static of the spirit box was starting to lull you into a meditative state that blocked out even the ability to perceive the feelings in your own body. You took a deep breath and continued listening.
“I set the fires.”
“Fires, plural? Did you set multiple fires?”
“Different people.”
“You made different people set the fires?”
“Pyromaniac demon is a new one.”
“Maybe it wanted to recreate Hell on earth or something.”
“Yours. For you.”
“Our Hell? What-“
“Not leaving with you.”
“Correct, you’re not allowed to leave with us.”
“Can we talk about this really quickly? It makes people set fires, supposedly in order to create a personal Hell. For Elizabeth, it was killing her own sister, and it sounds like it’s made other people do the same.”
“You’re not understanding.”
“What are we not understanding? Help us understand, tell us what you want us to know.”
“You’re losing this one. Y/N. Leave us.”
“Fuck no, pull them out.”
“Mine now. Say goodbye.”
“Pull them the fuck out!”
The red light from the camera blinded you as the headphones and blindfold were ripped from your head. A pair of arms wrapped around you before you could completely remember where you were. All three boys were shouting, you assumed enforcing that whatever was in this house needed to leave you alone. Your head crashed backwards into Seth’s chest, giving yourself a moment to get your bearings back.
“Holy fuck, baby, your nose is bleeding.”
Your hand came away from your face coated in blood that you hadn’t even felt fall. Even under the red light, you could tell it was a lot. Sam rushed to turn the room lights on as Colby stopped recording for the moment. Your well being was now more important than anything. 
The shadow figure still stood in the doorway.
“We’re being watched,” you told them, voice breathy and labored. “We need to leave. Now.”
It was raining outside, but none of you really cared. The cover over the porch provided just enough dry space for the four of you to use. They figured that, even if it wasn’t completely away from the house, it was still outside, which was safer than being in an enclosed space with whatever was going after you. Seth had you drawn into his lap facing him, checking your pupils and wiping at your nose every five seconds to make sure you were recovering.
“How are you feeling? How’s your head?” Colby asked, pressing the back of his hand to your forehead. You lightly swatted him away, feeling crowded enough by your boyfriend.
“Better. I’ll be back to normal in a couple days, but either I’m gonna sleep way too much or not at all for awhile.” You laid yourself on Seth’s chest as the exhaustion gripped your senses.
“You’re staying home and recovering for awhile. I don’t want you even mentioning ghosts for at least a couple months after this,” Seth declared. He rubbed up and down your back to the tempo of your tired breathing.
“Don’t ‘babe’ me. You keep pushing yourself like this, you’re gonna land yourself in the hospital. This is too fucking dangerous for you. You’ll get a demonic attachment if you’re not careful.”
You knew he was right. You had always tried not to let your ability to attract demons scare you, sometimes to a reckless degree. If it were just about you, you probably wouldn’t care as much, but bringing something demonic home with you meant bringing something demonic home to Seth, and your last desire was to put him in any sort of danger.
“…Fine, but only because I like you so much,” you replied, a bit defeated. He squeezed you a bit tighter at that, feeling better about it already.
“Thank you, baby. Now, let’s get you some sage and holy water before we leave. Even I feel fucking unclean after that.”
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double-detonation · 2 months
Double Detonation Chapter 1
I don't remember falling asleep, or it being dark out. At the moment, nothing but darkness is visible to me. Or at least I think, I'm pretty sure I opened my eyes, but I can't tell. Wherever I am, it is a bit tight but warm…and oddly comforting at the same time. Which, doesn't really make sense now that I think about it. It took me a little while to move my hand, but I eventually succeeded. Grazing what felt like another hand, which did not appear to belong to me, I froze. There was someone next to me, who? I thought to myself. Perhaps it's one of my parents. Did I get into an accident or something? Am I in the hospital? Why else can I barely move or do anything? So many questions rattle inside my mind then suddenly, things around me start getting tighter and tighter. OKAY, this is no longer comforting! I wince to myself as whatever this constrictive pressure continues to do to my body. What the fuck is happening!? The pain is getting worse, it is also getting hard to breathe, and the tightness around me is too much…Am I dying? These are my last thoughts as I black out. 
Holding one of their crying children while the other is quickly taken from the room, making the atmosphere in the room rather tense for the new parents. “W-What's Happening!? Why are they taking my baby!.” An exhausted, spikey-haired blonde woman shouts. The brunette husband rushes over after speaking a few words with one of the doctors. “Something is wrong with Kazumi. She… isn't breathing correctly. They're going to get her some air.” He says to his wife. The baby in the woman's arms cries become louder, weakly waving their tiny arms around. The clearly panicked Mother starts to gently rock the baby, her arms shaking slightly as she does so. “Shh, shh, it's okay darling, your sister is going to be alright.” She says aloud, mostly trying to convince herself that rather than the newborn in her arms. The father looks at the two with anxious eyes, pulling up one of the nearby chairs next to the bed. “Mitsuki, do you want me to hold him? You really need to get some rest.” The woman looks over hesitantly, with some reluctance, she hands over their child to him. “I would say no if I wasn't so damn tired…” She mumbles as she eyes the man gently taking a hold of their new son. “It's okay, I'll keep him safe.” He mutters quietly.
Waking up, I open my eyes and take a look around my new surroundings. Seems like I assumed correctly that I ended up in a hospital, but why does everything look so much larger than normal?
“The baby seems to be stable again sir.” A woman's voice said to her right.
A baby?
“Good, you can go ahead and take the baby back to the parents, they will be relieved to see them again.” Another person in the room replies. Seems to be a man's voice this time. All of a sudden, two arms wrap around me, lifting me up gently. Noticing what was wrong my eyes widened dramatically. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, WHY AM I IN A GROWN WOMAN'S ARMS! The nurse takes me to a room, knocking on the door quietly before walking inside.
The blonde woman's eyes darted at the door and she instantly shouted. “KAZUMI!” She struggles to sit back up for a second before her husband quickly helps her. “Careful Mitsuki!”
The nurse walks to stand beside the bed. “It's quite alright Mr. Bakugou, you both must have been very worried.” She says as she gently gives me to the woman they called Mitsuki. 
M-Mitsuki? Bakugou? I must have heard wrong right…There is absolutely no freaking way that's correct.
“Oh goodness, my little Kazumi.” The woman cries as she pulls me closer to her. “I'm so relieved to see that you're okay.” She cooed. “Don't you ever scare me like that again.” She smiles with tears in her eyes as she stares directly at me. The nurse smiles softly and proceeds to walk out of the room to give the parents some much-needed privacy.
The brunette man next to us, who I assume at this point is Masaru, scoots closer to put the baby in his arms and I together. “Look at them…two new beautiful babies.” I look between both of them, unsure of what to do.
“Yes hun, a pair of perfect little angels.” She says softly.
“Welcome to the Bakugou family, Katsuki and Kazumi.” 
                    -Three years later-
So, it would seem that reincarnation is in fact real. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to explain the current situation I've found myself in. Turns out I've been reborn into the Bakugou family. The same ones who have the Katsuki Bakugou as their son. The very same Bakugous from the Anime, Boku no Hero Academia. Who happens to be my new twin brother. At first, I didn't know what to do with this information. However, being the youngest sister in my previous family of three brothers. I've instinctively got back into the groove of being a pain in the ass to my older brother. I thought to myself as I ran from a very angry Katsuki, laughing.
“KAZU, COME BACK HERE!” Katsuki yelled as he chased after me. “Give back my all Might Figure!”
I know it sounds bad, but he started it by messing up my drawing notebook. “Gotta catch me first!” I shouted, sticking my tongue out at him. It took a few minutes of running around the house before he caught up to me, tackling me to the floor. “AAH!” I shouted as Katsuki and I got into a little wrestling match. It didn't last long as we soon heard footsteps coming closer.
“All right knock it off you brats!” Mitsuki calls out, pulling us apart. “What in the hell are you two fighting in the living room for, I just cleaned it a bit ago!”
I paused and looked down sheepishly. Despite Mitsuki being a character I knew in an anime once, she is now my mother. I love her just as much as my old one if not more so, and I know when to stop before she can get too upset. No one wants a pissed-off Mitsuki directed at them. Katsuki takes the opportunity to quickly snatch the figurine from my hands. “Hey!” I shouted as I tried to grab it back. He didn't let up and ran behind our mother.
“Kazumi took my All Might Figure and wouldn't give it back. So I had to fight her for it back!” Mom looked at me expectantly.
“Hey no fair! I did that because he drew all over the picture I was working on!”
Mitsuki looked back at her son. “Katsuki, did you do that?”
Katsuki held his figure close to him. “I- well, um, yes but-”
“Ah- no buts, apologize to your sister for ruining her drawing.”
Katsuki grumbles in annoyance as he fidgets with the toy in his arms. “Sorry…” He half-apologizes. I could tell he didn’t actually mean it, but I smiled anyway. “It’s fine I guess.”
Mother then turned to me.
“And you young lady, apologize to your brother, you know how he is with his All Might stuff. You could have come straight to me and I would have dealt with it. You guys could have ended up hurting yourselves doing that.”
I sigh quietly. Aww, come on! He literally was asking for it! “I’m sorry, I won’t touch your things without asking.” Katsuki huffs. “It’s fine, it was kind of fun playing like that though, we should play fight again!” He says as he grabs my hand and drags me with him.
“Not while you're in the house!” Mom shouts a little too late as we run off.
Mom is currently helping Katsuki and I get dressed for today. Apparently, we’re starting Preschool next week and she is dragging us to go shopping for supplies and stuff. Ugh, I forgot I would have to redo school. Hopefully, my memory from my previous life would help me get better scores this time though. Mitsuki hums softly as she brushes my blonde hair into my usual short, spikey ponytail. I know I could probably do it myself, but I love it when Mom does it. She seems to like doing it anyway so it's a win-win for both of us.
“Now you two, we aren’t going shopping by ourselves. One of my old friends is joining us with her son as well. So you both be nice to him now alright? I heard he was pretty shy.” Mom says as she finishes up my hair, moving on to Katsuki's to try to tame his messy ass bed hair. Oh, is she talking about Inko? Are we going to finally meet Izuku?  “Yes, Okaasan, I will be good. Might want to tell Suki that twice so it can get through his head.”
Katsuki looks at me with his trade-marked, pissed-off face he always makes. “Hey!” He shouts as he tries to jump me.
“Alright knock it off!” Mom says as she quickly pulls back her son, not wanting their clothes to get messed up. “We haven’t even left the fucking house yet, stop fighting!” Mitsuki yells. “And Kazumi, please don’t call me Okaasan, It makes me feel old.” She says as she takes our hands, taking us outside to the car.
“Whatever makes you feel better at night,” Katsuki bounces back before I can, making me laugh as Mom straps us in the backseats of her car. “Oi, you brats, be quiet.” She huffs as she closes the door, gets behind the wheel, starts the vehicle, and drives off.
Mom, Katsuki, and I are currently in front of the store, waiting for the Midoryias to show up. I’m sitting on the sidewalk, while my brother is standing to the side, getting more impatient by the second. I rest my hand against my cheek, looking at the road. I’ve been taking note of the different colored cars that pass by. So far about, fifteen whites, seven silvers, five grays, nine whites, and three random colorful ones.  
“Ugh! Where the heck are they? Mom, you said your friend would be here.” My brother complains. “Be patient Katsuki, there is a bit of traffic today, they’re probably almost here.” Mom and Katsuki start arguing with each other, though I’m not really paying attention. I continue watching the road until my eyes catch a glimpse of a very familiar shade of green hair.
“Mama look someone is coming, I think that is them, isn’t it!” I shout, spotting Inko with a small Izuku holding her hand walking towards us. I know it’s them, but Mother hasn’t told us what they looked like, so I have to sound unsure. Mom turns away from Katsuki and smiles happily, recognizing her old friend. “Inko, Izuku, you guys made it.”
“Of course, I wouldn’t miss our baby's first school shopping trip! Thank you for inviting me along.” The green-haired woman says as she lets go of her child’s hand in favor of wrapping her arms around our Mom. “Of course dear, It’s been a while since we’ve hung out together.” Our parents continue chatting as they start to walk into the store. Katsuki, Izuku, and I are following them closely, though I stop myself from taking a few glances at the green-haired boy as we make our way to the school section to start browsing. I think he noticed though because we caught each other's eyes once awkwardly so I stopped. I did notice that Katsuki walked over to Midoryia and started discussing some notebooks they found with All Might’s face on them. Great, there are two of them now. The boys ran over to the adults and showed them what they had found.
“Momma, look what Kaachan and I found!” Izuku exclaims and shows his Mom the notebooks. “He likes All Might too Mom, can we get them please!” Katsuki also proceeds to throw in some other All Might-themed items in the cart. “These too!.” I shake my head and continue to look for the stuff I wanted. I’m not really a huge fan of having people's faces planted on my notebooks…It’s kind of weird.
Mitsuki sighs. “Yes, we can get them,” Mom says as she looks over towards me. “Kazumi, did you find anything you wanted?”
“Um...” I paused at the selection. My god does everything have to be hero-themed around here!? Why can’t I find a plain ass notebook what the fuck. I was about to say no before my eyes caught onto something, so I picked it up from the shelf. Is…that fucking Eraserhead merch, I didn’t even know Aizawa had this. Mom comes closer to me and stares at the book in my hand.
“Is that the one you wanted dear?” She asked. I stare a bit longer at the notebook. Fuck it, I liked him a lot in the Anime anyway. “Yeah, I'll take it.” I said as I walked over to the cart to put it in. Izuku looks at the notebook in amazement.
“You know about Eraserhead too!” He says with a surprised voice. Katsuki looks over. “Who?”
I looked at him after I put the book in. “Umm, not really.” I lied. “He just looked cool so I picked it over the others.”
“You didn't want to grab an All Might one like us?” Izuku asks, confused.
“A-ah well, I didn't want to pick the same one as my brother, so we wouldn't get them confused. “Ooh! I didn't think about that.” I nodded, humming to myself as we continued shopping.
We finished buying what we needed and were now outside in the parking lot. “This was fun Mitsuki, we should set up future play dates now that our kids are going to be in the same class.” Inko says as she takes a hold of Izuku's hand once more. 
Mom chuckles softly. “Of course! I'll see you later dear!” She says as we watch the others walk off. “Bye Kaachan, bye Kazuchan! I'll see you guys at school!” Izuku waved with his free hand.
See ya later broccoli head.
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tirfpikachu · 7 months
why did i think i was trans? how did i delude myself? it's complicated.
hiya. i'm a butch lesbian woman who was confused since i was 12 year old ish and thought i was transgender -- mostly nonbinary though with some periods where i thought i was a trans guy -- up until 2022. many factors played in that whole mess that went on in my brain and my life. i'm going to be putting it ic because it's ridiculously long :') but feel free to reply etc. i hope stories like mine can make people feel less alone in these experiences and maybe help pain like mine be prevented. i want trans people to be respected while also doing what is best for society and women's rights too.
anyway. here's my story.
to preface, my feelings about transness in general -- i do love many trans people, i saw all the good parts their community has. i still think i do believe in gender dysphoria and sometimes surgeries/hrt being required to help people be safe and happy, but i think alternate routes need to be explored and we need to push for people to unpack their internalized misogyny and homophobia BEFORE they label themselves. the mix of LGB and TQ has created a lot of infighting. with homosexuality it's behavior-driven, attraction-driven, but with being trans it's an identity thing and a disconnect in the brain, it pushes you to change your body or presentation in some way, or ask others to alter how they naturally would treat you with different terms or pronouns. i think there will be more and more detransition stories like mine, the numbers will grow bigger and bigger unless something urgently happens. bc the trans community does NOT or at least VERY RARELY tells someone to slow down the questioning of their gender identity, they do NOT ever question anything, they don't look for internalized sexism in how people describe their gender, they don't do the work to unpack that stuff in their community. and that's just straight up dangerous.
so yeah. how did i get here? honestly i think part of why i thought i was trans was bc i wanted to fit in and i saw the gender euphoria in other ppl and was like wow i want a feeling like that. and honestly in my personal case it was just me having fun doing drag and lowkey cosplaying as male characters i was obsessed with in media. and my DID added to it too bc i would sometimes dissociate and feel that part of me was male or genderless and that's not bc those parts of me were trans that's bc they are a manifestation of my traumas!!! on top of my eating disorder, dysmorphia and psychosis. i really wish ppl i talked to as a teen on tumblr hadn't jumped to "omg you hate your body? you wish you were a boy under patriarchy? you have suuuch trans vibes bestie you'll make the perfect lil softboy uwu" bc then i was extremely lonely at school and at home and just felt soooo excited at the attention i felt happy to fit in, and honestly even my "dysphoria" after that was that i looked like other trans ppl and i thought they were the coolest, i just felt deep admiration. and then i'd show pics online and ppl would hype me up just bc i identified as trans. so then it snowballed into me feeling terrified to go out bc i was scared i'd get misgendered since i was visibly afab and all my friends were trans and very toxic sjw stereotype so i saw cis people as toxic and untrustworthy and i got to write angsty posts about it that got somewhat popular which i loved bc i'm a writer and i loved to fantasize and imagine a sense of justice alongside other warriors... not unlike how i felt joining into the trans community. when deep down i knew i was being the annoying little sister trying to gain older kids's approval and trailing behind lol. the first trans person i met online was this awesome trans guy who did photography and he was a good bit older and i just wanted to look like him so bad so that he would like me. he ended up ghosting me. but i was still obsessed w him so i looked up trans stuff and fell in head first without even a questioning phase :/ which is 100% on me of course! i was just a very impulsive kid and the trans ppl around me lived in this big colorful world full of identities and drama and unconditional support... but i do wish someone had slowed me down and showed me alternate paths, the path of just being gnc.
i was also like. okay i know i'm queer but idk how, but i want to be in this community bc i'm so lonely (as a baby dyke). so i looked at the most opposite identity ever and gay trans man was the furthest away i could go from myself & my gay attraction & my body & my female masculinity. i was constantly dissociated, constantly. i was living in my yaoi fantasies lol like the "perfect" romance bc it wasn't hetero stuff which had scary power dynamics, and it also wasn't lesbian bc that hit too close to home and i'd start to have panic attacks. so i avoided those, tho sometimes i'd read fanfics w a side lesbian relationship.... but pretended to hate them and not care at all. that was actually part of me accepting my attraction to women, like moving slowly over to lesbian ships in fanfics and finally seeing what it would be like. it felt too good. so then i repressed it again or only showed my lesbian attraction when flirting with men online lol. bc of course there needed to be a voyeur, otherwise it's too real and gross and bad. tfw trauma and internalized lesbophobia.
but yeah anyway me obsessing over yaoi really made me think of boys very fondly -- always boys, never men -- and feel this deep warm happy feeling in my stomach. thinking of two boys together was total equality bc there was no woman involved, so no misogyny or weird "too real" feelings. if it had a woman i'd eventually have a total freakout bc i would keep pretending i was the guy in that scenario, which was BAD bc it made me sound like a DYKE. and boys had an actual personality (bc there very few genuine complex female characters at the time so they were all dumb or mean or bland) and they could do sooo much more than girls could so they were Better somehow. but of course if u say boys are better you're a misogynist, so i wanted to BE a boy so i could talk about how much i loved boys. and i loved boys bc i admired them. i wished i could be a "more male" version of a girl. i wanted to embody maleness so that i could create myself a better girlhood. and not even call it girlhood, so it was even cooler. i didn't want to be like the other girls, who were all loser straight boy crazy bullies. or even if there were cool girls with me, they would just annoy me (bc i was always depressed and exhausted from mental illness and untreated disabilities and it made me irritable). so yeah. boys were it. specifically boys bc men sounded almost triggering from my misogyny trauma. like men are the kind that hurt you. but boys are soft and sweet and special and harmless. they're the right kind of male person. the good ones. and they have such vivid relationships with one another and are such complex beings, unlike girls. and now that i'm a boy i'm gonna be the boy with the best morals and no toxic masculinity whatsoever, just a soft little uwu bean with a soft beautiful very typically girly flat chest, like an afab person before puberty, and no facial hair of course except for maybe a slightly lower voice and less fat (i thought it was good riddance at the time bc i was anorexic lol so that just reinforced it). i had this perfect image of myself. but it was always wavering, so i would never feel fully secure in my gender identity but i also couldn't lose my grip and question that i'm not nonbinary/trans bc then i'll have to accept that i'm an afab lesbian with a boring ass female gender. and i would have to disappoint everybody, and worst of all make them look bad for detransitioning. 
but yeah.... i actually am feeling less bad abt just being a bland woman. like i don't need to be special, i can blend in and people won't hurt me bc i'm a loser like in highschool. normality and domesticity are blissful actually, like i'm Just A Girl and i'm basic af or whatever. but there's other boring, gnc girls, and they're cool but they're also in the highschool situation of being "not the kind of girl that gets asked out and family is kinda broke and not noticeably pretty and has failing grades and untreated disorders so therefore an even bigger loser." so yeah i wanted to be different. to be noticed and thought about, and go against the grain. ie, cishet normative things. usually secretly, but then at some point i came out to my family and they got transphobic but also just said gross things to me that made it so that even if i had been wobbly on my identity i now didn't trust them to talk about it so i just repressed feelings and held onto a trans identity even harder. but then i started thinking of girls a LOT and envying lesbian women. who didn't have to worry about gender stuff, and also got to be gay in a way that... suddenly i noticed could be cool too. i had never allowed myself to notice it. but then i did. and i freaked out bc i was dating someone who wasn't a woman kgdkjgk and it felt transphobic af so i just resolved myself that i MUST be trans.
i was deep in the closet lesbian-wise and my brain tricked itself bc i just wasn't ready to accept being a lesbian. i just wasn't. i've only become ready this year!! and that's around the time that my ex broke up w me (or well we both came to the conclusion that i'm a lesbian so being w them would be wrong, and that it turns out they're only into men/enbies). and then i tried to be nonbinary again bc i wanted to get back w them so bad but then i realized it just wasn't me, and i started getting comfy w gay womanhood. and i came to terms with being a single butch lesbian!!! i'm so much better now that i'm radically accepting myself. it was a LOOONG stressful upsetting journey bc i wasn't being myself. but now i am being myself. and i'm clumsy af and kinda dumb and SUUUUPER inexperienced as both a girl loving girls and also just an adult woman in general. like being an adult woman is HARD and idk what i'm doing and i'm barely scraping by and i'm so behind everyone else. but now i gotta deal with it, actually deal with my issues :/ no more internalized lesbophobia & misogyny!! society often defeminizes girls like me and takes womanhood away from marginalized women but no!!! i'm still a woman. i'm weird but i'm just a weird woman and that's fine. some girls are freaks and weirdos and something different but not the differences that were considered "cool" on leftist tumblr as whichever community is most oppressed and has the most funky flags and ultra-microlabels. and i'm sorry to say, it's embarrassing as hell. but i did fetishize transness. i did think of trans people as unironically cooler than regular non-bigoted close-minded cis people, more interesting, better morality, cooler, smarter, etc. and i wanted to make friends and trans/enby online communities were super vibrant in fandom spaces that i was in. so yup. there it is. i'm a trans faker actually, though i was super out of it during it all, i wasn't doing it consciously. i just was ignoring my true identity, being a butch lesbian woman. it's so sad that i felt the need to repress myself like this, it breaks my own heart to think about it. but i did repress myself. i was soooo cruel to myself and was bigoted towards myself. but never again. never again!!! nope sir!!!
another thing -- i think i also used having a trans/nonbinary identity as a way to have an excuse to go no-contact with my abusive family. i was told they were bigots for being vaguely supportive but confused about trans stuff and struggling with the vocabulary and sudden identity discourse, asking embarrassing questions (that i had no answers for bc i wasn’t actually trans but ofc real trans people would) when i told them i was a boy so i get to use that as a reason not to talk to them. bc otherwise they just would never leave me alone. at least that’s how i rationalized it lol. so yeah. here i am. a complete doofus, with very little bit of stubble coming out of my chin that i have to shave daily. and a slightly transmasc-typical voice. i completely blew it, i repressed being a lesbian soooo deeply even though my family wasn't even that homophobic, all things considered, so i definitely could've lived as my true self. i was just ashamed and stubborn and believed all the things in the media and from homophobes. and thought ppl would be scared of me bc the only other lesbian in school was a creep. idk. it's all so embarrassing. but there ya go.
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nightowlfandom · 1 year
Evil! Noctis Lucis Caelum- The Dark Side Of Things Part 3/?
Trigger Warnings: Fem! Reader, talks of demons, evil, death, murder, suggestive content, unaliving people, slight misogyny directed towards the reader, stockholm? not canon so please don’t expect that.
I got spammed for a part 3 like 4 times so here it is. PLEASE do not spam me to get me to update old series. I just decided to out of nowhere. My therapist told me if I wanted too I could update every month until I felt secure enough to return to the internet...so that’s what I’m doing.
... Picking up right after part 2 ended
You sat at the edge of the bed as Noctis trailed his fingers up and down your arm.  “Where do I start?” he laughed nervously.
“The beginning?” you joked. With a funny look, Noctis kissed your lips, gingerly holding your cheek in his hands. 
“After that night, I thought I died. The I woke up in a dark room. I could barely see, or breathe for that matter. I was dragged off shortly after you ran off.” he sighed. “Fuck, I’m glad you got to safety...come here.”
He practically pulled you into his lap as he spoke. “A daemon found me and resurrected me and my friends...for a price.”
“ A PRICE?” You repeated. “You’re scaring me.”
“I had to give up my mortal life, Y/N.” he sighed. “My humanity if you will.”
“...I don’t understand?”
“What’s there to understand, cute little thing?” 
You practically snapped your head in the direction of that voice. It sounded so much like Noctis, but so much deeper and sinister sounding. You watched as a clone of Noctis (the same one you had seen while you were watching him fishing AND when you were in the bathroom) step out of the mirror. “He’s evil and he’s trying to tell you he’s a monster blah blah blah~”
“So I’m not crazy!” you clutched onto Noctis’s arm. “W-who is that?”
“He’s my daemon who doesn’t understand the meaning of subtle.” he growled in reply, protectively wrapping his arms around you. “I told you to fuck off!”
“I just wanted to see the girl you wouldn’t stop talking about.” this Daemon Noctis scoffed. “Y/N was it?”
“Y-yeah?” you raised an eyebrow. “Um...Noctis?” you looked at your boyfriend. 
“I’m so sorry.” he sighed. “I wanted to tell you. I just didn’t know how?”
“No idiot, you were a scared little bitch boy-”
“SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!” Noctis snapped. “Y/N! I’m sorry! Did I scare you?” he took note of the way you jumped at how deep and raspy his voice got. “This moron makes me so mad.” he kissed your temple.
“So in the water...the mirror? That was you looking at me?” you couldn’t help but ask. 
“Glad you noticed, clever girl. I wanted to introduce myself to Noctis’s delectable pet.” he waggled his brows at you. It was weird. It was Noctis’s face, but not his voice.
“I’m not a pet.” you tried to say with confidence.
“Oh but you are.” Daemon Noctis bit his lip. “You’re so cute too.”
“Watch it.” Noctis warned. “Y/N...look at me.” he made you look at him. 
“I knew I saw something. When we went fishing I saw...him.” you looked over at D.N. who winked at you again as soon as you faced him. “I saw him in the water. I saw him in the mirror not too long ago.”
“When we were-”
“Yeah...” you found your face heating up violently.
“DAMNIT!” Noctis took a pillow and hauled it at his demonic doppelganger. It disappeared in a cloud of dark mist and you two were left alone again. “Y/N...I’m so so so- hMM?”
He was shut up by you kissing his lips. Noctis quietly groaned against your lips, holding the side of your face.
“I just got you back.” you pouted. “I don’t care how you’re alive...I’m just glad you are.”
“Even if I’m...evil?” he hesitated to say it. “You heard him-”
“I don’t give a shit what he says...unless you give me a reason to believe it...I don’t care what he says.” you pecked his lips again.
“You’re too good for me baby and you’re way too good to me to...” he bit his lip. “Shit, come here.” he pulled you back onto his lap. “What do you wanna do tomorrow?”
“Hmm...feel like taking me shopping?” you raised an eyebrow.
“You want me to take you shopping...first you steal my heart then you steal my wallet.” he winked.
“Hey! You always used to spoil me.” you pouted. 
“I didn’t say the answer was no, princess” he pecked your lips, rolling his eyes at the way you pouted. “I’d love to dress you up.”
“Noctis, are you sure about this.” you groaned. You weren’t one for bodycon dresses, so why he wanted you to wear one so bad.
“Get out here!” he wolf-whistled. “I wanna see you!”
Groaning dramatically you came out of the dressing rooms. 
“Holy sh-...I sure know how to pick out clothes for you.” he bit his lip. “Who gave you permission to look so god-damn gorgeous?”
“Noctis.” you whined, feeling your face heat up. His praise was not something you were used to but you liked it nonetheless. He sauntered over, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“This dress reminds me of the one you wore on our first date...remember that?”
“When you spilled Lobster Macaroni on me?” you recalled. 
“I still got a second date.” he winked, kissing your lips. Each kiss got more and more deep, his hold on your waist becoming almost desperate. 
Noctis had to be sure to pace himself. He didn’t want to let you go, but he also knew he had to work slowly with you. He just couldn’t expect things to go back to normal, especially after the ball he dropped on you last night. However when you began running your hands through his hair, he couldn’t help but get a little handsy.
“Change back into your clothes, so we can go home, so I can get THOSE clothes off.” he smacked your ass, ushering you back into the dressing room.
“Ack! Okay okay. Mr. Handsy...mind getting my zipper?”
“Anything for you.”
After you changed back, and purchased said dress, you had greeted Noctis who was still outside the fitting room.
“Ready to go?”
“Yep! Ready as I’ll ever be-”
It was then you saw a huge flash, nearly blinding you. You dropped your shopping bags and shielded your eyes. “Ow!” you whined.
“Shit! Princess, you okay?”
“If I didn’t need glasses before, I might now.” you winced, rubbing your eyes. When your vision adjusted, you saw some dude with a camera, smirking.
“Well if it isn’t the Crown Prince himself. You know, everyone is saying you faked your death? Instead of addressing it you’re out with a groupie.”
“What the fuck did you just say?” Noctis glowered.
“Hm, I wonder how much the news would pay to see the crown prince getting cozy with some rando girl in a mall dressing room of all places.”
“Noct, it’s fine-” you put a hand over it, only to yank it back when you felt the searing pain of a burn against your fingers. His skin was hot, about as hot as concrete during the hottest day of summer. “Shit!” you winced. Thankfully the pain lasted less than a second, but it didn’t ease your confusion, not in the slightest bit.
That’s when you say it...his eyes turning bright red...like that night.
“You wanna say that again...buddy?” he slowly walked up to the slimeball of a paparazzi. 
“I said...it’d be a shame if the press found out you were out playing with one of your wh-” he didn’t have time to finish his insult because Noct wrapped a hand around his neck. Now he was gagging, and gasping for air.
“Big mistake...” he growled. Before you knew it...Noctis’ demon had come out of the mirror.
“Having fun yet, princess?” he winked at you as he stood with the real Noct.
“Kill him.” Your Noct demanded.
“Hey shopkeep, you were never here, go and take your 30 minute break.” he looked back at the cashier who suddenly appeared to be under a trance, when they walked away from the register. “When are you gonna learn to respect boundaries, good sir?”
“P-please...don’t-” the man choked.
“Sorry...I don’t take kindly to being insulted, but you made the mistake of bringing my princess into this...and I can’t forgive that.” Noct cackled. “I’d cover my eyes if I were you Y/N.”
“Noctis no!...” You risked it and grabbed his hand again. “Please don’t.”
“Y/N, didn’t you hear him? He called you a-”
“You don’t have to waste your energy on him...um..I-” you tried to think of something to save this idiots life. You didn’t even care that he took your picture, or insulted you. You just wanted him to go away. “Please?” you whimpered. “We were having fun..and-”
“...” you watched your boyfriend’s eyes shift back to their beautiful ocean blue color. “This woman just saved your life, asshole.”
“If I even so much as see one of her FINGERS in the news, let’s just say I hope you can take pictures with your feet...IF I let you live that long.” His demonic counterpart threatened, and like that he disappeared.
“Now get the fuck out of my face...before I change my mind.” Noctis let go from his grasp on the mans neck. Before you could say anything, Noctis took you into a huge hug. “I’m so sorry Y/N...Did I scare you?”
“A little.” you confessed. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know....I just- I can’t control it sometimes. When it comes to you...I get so-” he paused. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Nothing...not a thing is wrong with you Noct...I love you, you know that right?”
“...Yeah...yeah. I love you so much, princess”
Noctis pulled you into another hug again, opting to ignore his daemon morph out of the shadows.
Follow him...and if he tries anything...kill him.
Already on it...just make sure you don’t scare her again.
yeah....I’ll try
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auroragehenna · 8 months
No matter how much you squirm you won‘t get out ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
AI-less Whumptober
Day 13 (Words carved into skin)
TW/CW: Deranged whumper vision, creepy whumper, pet whump, defiant whumpee-trying at least, scared whumpee, sadistic whumper, intimate whumper, carving, owning, cconditioned pet whumpees, magical whump, electrocution, lady whump Word count: 2'031
When Harmonia woke up, she did not expect to see Electra wait for her. Sitting on an armchair next to her at the fireplace. Where the fuck did that Ash bather get that chair now?! She quickly sat up, wings flapping a bit. "What are you doing here? So early.”, she asked.
Electra raised an eyebrow.
“I mean-good morning, Ma’am. ", Harmonia quickly corrected her mistake.
Electra smiled. "Well, I am here to sweeten up your morning and I have some good news for you."
"What are they, Ma'am?" Did I finally make it?!
“You're allowed to eat in the cafeteria with the other dolls. For good behaviour!" she replied, still smiling.
“Really? Thank you, Ma'am!" Stupid idiot.
Electra got up and waited for her angel to prepare herself and follow her outside. She led her through the labyrinth of hallways in the mansion until they arrived at a big double door. Two guards were placed on either side. “Now, go inside. Eat. And then wait for me afterwards. Don’t cause me any trouble. Have I made myself clear?”
“Yes, Ma’am. Thank you.”
Electra nodded contently and walked away while the guards opened the door.
Harmonia walked a few steps into the gigantic room until her brain could finally process what her eyes were seeing. Her legs gave in under her and she fell to her knees. There were rows and rows of creatures. Tables filled with them. Barely any empty seats. She couldn’t even clearly see the end of the hall. I never knew there were so many… But before more despair could sink in she was pushed hard into the small of her back by a guard. She had to keep moving. As if in trance she got up, went to get her food-and it looked way better than what she had eaten so far-and searched for an empty seat. Finally she found one towards the end of the hall. Harmonia sat down on the wooden seat and was glad that her legs carried her this far. She felt sick but she knew she needed to eat. Otherwise she would only regret it later.
Next to her was a boy that looked like he was a fae. With short, fluffy hair and elegant clothes. Opposite of her were a centaur laying on a special furniture and a girl that looked like she was a cupid. Or had been a cupid. But definitely an angel.
Harmonia gulped. She scanned the girl’s red hair and her pink dress uniform. Her white wings were smaller than Harmonia’s but way fluffier. She eventually noticed something was off, looked up and met her gaze. She looked terrified and instantly ripped her gaze away.
“You should really eat.”, the fae boy said. “There’s not so much time and you’re already late.”
That’s not wrong, she thought. “Thanks. You’re right.”
The three were loosely holding conversation while Harmonia was eating. They were talking about what they would do today. The fae boy wanted to go outside. Cupid wanted to talk to the others if she could. Specifically to one in particular and the centaur just wanted to lay near the fire, their once broken legs were aching badly today. But they all said the same thing. As long as Electra didn’t need them.
“Aren’t you tired of this?! How can you just accept that that’s all there is? She’s a monster! How can you be okay with that?!”, Harmonia interrupted them with silent urgency.
“Be okay with it? We love her. And she loves us. She’s given us everything. You’ll see.”, Cupid said.
“But you can’t say things like that!”, the centaur said.
“It’s rude. And mean.”, Fae-boy added.
Harmonia was just sitting there in shock but she didn’t want to give up yet. “She tortured you!! Kidnapped you from your old lives and imprisoned you! When was the last time any of you-“
“Quiet!”, Cupid now said sternly. “You’re talking non-sense. And I don’t want to get into trouble only because you’re in denial! The world outside has hurt you but trust me she can make it better. She will make you right.”
Harmonia just sat there, staring at her emptied plate, and trying not to throw up. Then a loud bell sounded and instantly all the creatures around her got up and walked orderly out of the hall. Harmonia followed, again as if in trance until she was held back by the guards.
“You wait here.”
Harmonia rolled her eyes, but she didn’t have to wait very long.
«So? How did it go?" asked the demoness's cold voice from behind Harmonia. She quickly spun around, bowing her head. "It was a very interesting experience, Ma'am, thank you. Electra raised her eyebrows. "So, you had no trouble whatsoever?" she asked again. "I mean the food was something I have never eaten before, and probably something you wouldn't find in Paradisio.-But it was tasty!" Electra took a fast step forward and slapped Harmonia hard across the face. Harmonia's head flew to the side and as the sound echoed in the hallway. She felt the painful sting of the slap paired with a faint needles and pins of electricity. "You're lying to me, doll.", she warned coldly.
"N-No." Harmonia tried.
"Oh please, don't try to make yourself sadder than you are."
Harmonia sent her a hateful glare through the fear that had settled deep in her bones by now.
"Did you really think I didn't know that you would try to turn my dolls against me? Did you really think I trusted you enough to let you out? No, you haven't yet seen the right way, and this was a test to prove it to me and to yourself. Now come along. I am gracious enough to still help you. And we will also have to punish your disobedience, am I right?"
"Bullshit!", Harmonia cussed out.
"You can either come willingly or I can make you, your choice."
"Okay, okay.. ..I'm coming…"
Electra led her through the labyrinth of hallways until they somehow arrived at a familiar wide staircase. Honestly how was her orientation in this mansion so bad?! Yes, she hadn't been let outside of her room much but still. This couldn't be right. Carefully, afraid of overstepping a boundary she reached out and let her white skin grace over the marble of the railing. It felt so familiar. An ache flared up in her heart and she had to hold back tears. "Fuck, I wanna go home.", she whispered to herself.
Electra's gaze quickly shot back to where Harmonia was walking. She had heard the girl's comment and as much as it angered her, she could make use of this yet.
After a few minutes the two arrived before a dark wooden door. It wasn't Electra's bedroom that's for sure. That door looked different. The door now opened after Electra had laid her hand on it. She stepped to the side and made a gesture for her to walk first.
"After you, my doll."
Harmonia suppressed the urge to roll her eyes and walked into the dim room. It had no windows, but a large number of spotlights illuminated the room. Now she could see that the walls were over and over covered with portraits. There must be pictures of thousands of creatures, she guessed by the length of this gallery. There were little plackets with text under each picture. Harmonia read one under the picture of what looked like a night elf or something. There was the date when she was kidnapped and how, the date in which she became...obedient and date of death.
Electra kept silent, just watching her doll. She could see the horror on her face. It was beautiful and she was excited at the thought of getting to see more of it very soon. Her angel looked down the hall and her wings twitched nervously. Then she looked up. Electra guessed that she was trying to calculate the number of slaves she owns and had owned. Then her doll slowly turned around, wings spreading out threateningly. "Yes? Speak your mind.", she encouraged her.
“You’re a monster. How can you do this? What is wrong with you?!”
Electra just chuckled humourlessly. “I thought I made clear that you shouldn’t call me that last time, my doll. Did I not?”
Harmonia shivered but she didn’t let go. “These are all people! They have their own lives! You-You’re-They don’t love you! They’re just scared!”
“Yes. Criminals”, she drawled the word out. “They were all on a misguided path. Unhappy says the fucking criminal herself, hypocritical bitch I took them in and gave them a better life. And all I ask for in return for saving them is a bit of devotion and obedience. That is not too much to ask for. Soon enough you will see it too.”. She stepped forward to Harmonia, from the flick of her finger a fine line of electricity shot towards her angels left wing. She instantly pulled them in in pain and her demeanour significantly lost fire. Electra gently but firmly grabbed her shoulders and led her forward to the end of the gallery. There were some newer looking portraits and Electra guided her angel to one particular portrait.
Harmonia’s breath caught as she recognized who was on the picture. It was her! It was a picture from when she was still with her family. Filled with dread she forced her gaze lower, onto the metal plaquette. There was the date of her capture-her failed mission. There was no date of death yet. And at the date of obedience-Harmonia froze, dread settling itself in her so overwhelmingly powerful that she couldn’t sense anything else.
Date of obedience: Soon…
“So? Have you seen enough?”, Electra murmured next to her doll’s ear, nuzzling her head into her fluffy hair. I really hate to do this to you but I need to make sure my message settles in. I can’t stand seeing you suffer for so long. She pulled a blade out of the folds of her clothing and with ease let it magically pass though the layers of clothing. As soon as she felt the tip of the knife touch skin she heard Harmonia whimper. A silent, barely audible, beautiful sound. She began to carve, line for line, using her magic to cauterize the wounds instantly. With another flick of her hand she projected a mirrored image in front of Harmonia’s face, so she could see what she was working on. But her angel struggled and nearly made her mess up. “Stop!-Moving so much! I might hurt you.”, she warned and was pleased to feel her doll’s resistance die. She finished the circle around her work and felt the old-known feeling confirm that she did everything right. “This.”, she said slowly, simultaneously craving the word on the line of her spine upwards, between her wings. “Is.”, another whimper from Harmonia, “Home.”, she finished and stepped back to admire her work. Her sigil and three words lining herself up over her back. Electra heard a broken sob coming from Harmonia. She gently turned her angel around, cupping her doll’s cheek, wiping away a tear. “Hey, I’m sorry my dear, I don’t want to hurt you, I’m only trying to help. So you don’t plague yourself. As soon as you understand that you will be happy. Truly happy. Come here.”, she said and hugged her angel, careful not to touch the wounds on her back.
Harmonia started sobbing in the demoness’ arms, she didn’t want to but there was no stopping it. She barely realized that they were leaving the room, walking with her head buried in Electra’s clothing and the demoness’ arm wrapped around her. She only faintly realized that they sat on a bed and her hands were pulled up and chained to a bed post. She felt Electra’s arms wrap around her again and the softness of the bed and allowed herself to just cry.
Electra held her angel tightly and the last thing her maids saw of her before they closed the door was the triumphant sadistic grin laying on her face.
Taglist: @yourlocalgaefae33, @princessofhe11, @greatkittencloud, @bisexuawolfsalt, @ailesswhumptober Series introductory post
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genshinrail · 2 years
A Moment To Rember - C1
Xiao x Reader | Fluff
Word count: 4048
Summary: You've fallen for a mysterious young man at Wangshu Inn, and you're willing to do anything to get his attention.
A/N: I wrote this about a year ago when I just got Xiao. My first Genshin Impact fan fic. I was also somewhat new to the game so I didn't know much.
You had done so much to get his attention. The strange short man with dark almost black hair and some teal highlights in it. His eyes were a beautiful shiny yellow, but he never smiled. The first time you saw him, was on the balcony of the Wangshu Inn. The moonlight was beautifully illuminating his pale frame. He was just standing there near the railing, looking up to space. However, suddenly he had turned his head and stared straight at you. You could never forget that moment. You had instant butterflies in your stomach. But the moment was cut short, as chef Yanxiao called for you to help. You didn’t see the stranger after that for a while.
But no matter what, you couldn’t forget him. You wanted to see him again. You asked Verr Goldet about the stranger.
“Oh, I know him”, she replied. “You want to meet him? He likes good food, especially our almond tofu. So why don’t you cook for him and offer it.”
You were chef Smiley Yanxiao’s assistant, so you knew a thing or two about cooking, even though he didn’t allow you to make food for the guests. You had done two dishes. Almond tofu and noodles with mountain delicacies. Boss had given you very specific instructions, which honestly sounded weird. “With the food, go to the balcony, and then pray for the gods”, she had said. With your two dishes, you had gone up to the balcony. You thought about him, meanwhile praying for Rex Lapis for the stranger to appear.
“What are you doing?” 
The stranger had appeared behind you. You almost dropped your food from the sudden scare.
“D-Do you want food?” is what you said then. You smacked yourself in your head for being so awkward.
He just stared at you, no expressions on his face. It was a little unsettling. But he walked up to you and picked your noodles and started eating.
“Do you like it?” you asked.
“It is decent”, he replied.
Another moment you’d never forget. He finished the food very quickly, so you offered him the almond tofu. He was eating it so fast. You wondered if he just has a good appetite or if your food really was that good. When he had finished, you took the plate and the bowl.
“Did you want something?” he asked.
You blinked rapidly, feeling your cheeks heating up.
“Uh, what’s…” you paused nervously. “What’s your name?”
“My name is not important”, the man replied bluntly.
Out of nowhere, you told him your name, as if your mouth moved on its own. The man raised his brow ever so slightly. He looked a little confused and maybe irritated. 
“Now that I’ve introduced myself”, you said. “It’s only polite for you to tell me your name.”
He sighed. He was definitely irritated.
“You may call me ’Xiao’”, he started walking past you. “If that is all, then I shall leave.”
You could only stand there, staring inside the inn. After a good thirty seconds, you turned around, “W-wait!”
But, Xiao had mystically disappeared. You walked up to the railing, feeling a strange wind that felt was going up. You were confused. You ended up explaining it as him jumping off and gliding out of sight. It wouldn’t have been the first time you saw people doing that.
Days had gone by, and you saw Xiao only a few times after that. However, when you tried to go talk to him, something distracted you and he was already out of sight. It was frustrating, to say the least. You’d cook food for him a few times, but even those moments were cut short as he wouldn’t keep up a conversation. He was the most anti-social man you had ever met.
But you couldn’t deny your growing feelings for Xiao. Every time you saw him, even if it was but a moment, you felt excited and happy. And you would keep giving him food, even if just to have a few minutes' worths of conversation. Each time you got to look at him from close and hear his voice, the butterflies in your stomach would feel stronger. It was like a teenage crush. You’d do anything to get him to stay with you for a little longer.
You talked to Verr Goldet about Xiao again, she seemed to know him somewhat. There must be something else you could do.
“Well”, she started thinking. “I think he likes flowers.”
“Yes, especially Qingxin flowers.”
Your eyes opened wide. “The white flower that only grows on top of mountain cliffs?”
She laughed lightly. “Yes, that one.”
You groaned in frustration. You had never seen a Qingxin flower in the wild because you had never gone up to the mountains. Why couldn’t he like Gaze Lillies or Silk flowers? They’re everywhere in Liyue Harbor.
“You could go to Liyue Harbor and ask the man who sells flowers”, she suggested.
You shook your head. “First, I don’t like him. Second, I think picking the flower up myself is much more…” You paused for a moment. What did you even want to say?
“Romantic?” she teased.
Your cheeks heated up and you looked at her in shock. You shook your head roughly and fast as you were embarrassed.
“N-no… Personal!”
She chuckled, flashing you a smirk. “That too.”
You glared at her. Then sighed again. “I’ll figure something out…”
You tried to come up with a plan. Going to buy the flowers in Liyue was out of the question, and you had heard from a traveler there was a florist in Monstadt, but it was far away and it was unlikely they would have Qingxin flowers anyway. You were already considering simply picking some silk flowers that were close by. But then again, you really wanted it to be a special moment. A new moment to remember forever. The only way that could happen, as if you went out there and picked the flowers yourself.
And so, you grabbed a book about plants. You checked Qingxin flowers. They showed the most likely places they’re growing in. Which was at Qingyun Peak, with that strange floating rock up high. You would look at it, dreaming of visiting it somehow. But, Qingyun Peak was dangerous to go in by yourself. 
In the book, they also mentioned the big cliff near Quili Plains, close to Wangshu Inn. There were a few smaller cliffs near it, perhaps one of them would have these flowers. The way over there was also safe, unlike the road to Minlin which was full of all kinds of danger. You made your decision. It was time to get ready for a hike, it seemed.
You asked Huai’an for a free day, then told Smiley Yanxiao that you’d be away for a day, packed some essentials, and headed out. You didn’t dare to tell where you were going, since you didn’t want to be scolded. Verr Goldet, Huai’an and Smiley Yanxiao may have been your employers, but they were also your family.
The road to the cliff was familiar to you, as it was in the same direction as Liyue Harbor. You’d been to the city a few times. You hoped this trip would be done within a day or two.
You tried to avoid any danger. Hilichurls, slimes, and treasure hoarders were hanging out near the road you took. You were no fighter, the closest thing to a weapon you had ever held was a kitchen knife. But being small and invisible, you were great at hiding and sneaking. The best tactic to survive was to not fight at all.
The travel had gone smoothly and you hadn’t bumped into any danger. There was only one hilichurl camp and a few slimes on the way, but you sneaked by undetected. When you were getting closer to the big cliff, you noticed a few manageable-looking cliffs near it. There was one particular that looked high enough to have the flowers, but small enough for you to climb.
The cliff was behind Zhu’s Inn which was in between Wangshu and Liyue Harbor. Perfect, you were starving. You walked up to the Inn and took a seat at one of the bamboo tables outside. A worker walked to you with a smile on her face.
“Would you like to order?” 
“Uh yes, I’ll take Stir-fried filet, thank you”, you smiled back.
“Alright, just wait a moment.”
You took a deep breath, feeling the refreshing air. It was a beautiful day. The Inn, however, felt lonely. There were no other customers besides you. It was still a very peaceful location.
The worker came back to you with your food, placing it in front of you.
“I hope you enjoy!”
While you ate, you started dreaming of the moment you’d give Xiao the flowers. Would he smile? Would he sigh grumpily like always? Maybe he would want to speak with you more? Your sight turned up at the cliff. Was it a reckless idea? Maybe. But you were too far now, no turning back. After you had eaten, you paid for your food and headed up to the cliff.
When you were next to it, you started feeling uneasy. It was so much bigger than you anticipated. So much to climb. You were in so-so shape, so even the small cliff felt big. But there seemed to be multiple small points along the way, where you could rest your feet and legs. Carefully, you figured out a strategy for how to climb up. When you had made sure of a way to get up in one piece, you took a deep breath, placed your hands on points that stuck out, and started going up.
At first, it went on pretty well. You could get a good crib off the cliff and you managed to get to the first resting point with ease. The next point was a little further away up, but you just had to try not to push yourself to get there faster, truly channel your strength and go slowly. And that's how it kept going, one step at a time. One time, you’d stop to look down. Your heart started racing. The sudden realization that if you slipped and lost your crib, you could fall down to your death. For some reason, that was something you didn’t think about before. You thought if you’d fall, it would be at the bottom where you’d maybe at worst get a little injured. This was definitely not a good idea. Your heart was pounding even faster and louder, but you couldn’t stop now. Had to keep going, for Xiao.
Just a few more climbs, and you’d be at the top. Just a few meters more. Your arms and legs were aching, but you pushed through. You almost closed your eyes and let your body simply go on its own. It felt like you were on autopilot. For a moment, you stopped, looking up. You were so close. 
With your final strength, you took a crib off the edge and pulled yourself up. You lay on the hard surface for a bit, staring up at the sky. The sun had already moved so much, it was almost dawn. Did it take you that long? When you had rested enough, you sat up. On all fours, you looked down. Your balance was sifting when you noticed how high up you were. It’s not like you were scared of heights, no you enjoyed looking down from the balcony of Wangshu Inn, but perhaps the comforting safety of the railing kept you calm. But on that cliff, one mistake and you’d be flying.
You crawled back away from the edge, slowly. The air up there was very fresh, however. You let the cool breeze blow on your face for a bit. It would’ve been nice to just sit there and watch the scenery in front of you. You saw Luhua Pool very well, even the high mountains of Minlin. It was a beautiful sight. But you were there for a reason, and you shook your head from the small dozing.
As you turned around, you already saw it. A little bouquet of Qingxin flowers. They looked so lonely there, like waiting for someone to get them. And here you were, making their wish come true. They were beautiful, simple yet rich. You got up close and leaned down to sniff. The scent was calming. They fit Xiao well. A beautiful, calm, yet lonely individual. You grabbed the bunch and pulled them out of the rock, then set them in your bag as carefully as possible. Mission accomplished!
Or so you thought until you realized: you had no plan to get back down.
Climbing up was easy enough, but doing the same down, was at least twice as hard. The resting points were too far away from each other for you to just jump on them. You couldn’t simply walk down. You didn’t have a gliding license or any gliding wings at all for you to just fly down. So the only way down was to climb again.
You positioned yourself at the edge, carefully trying to lower yourself. You tried to find one of the grabbing points, a little rock to put your foot on. When you felt something, you let your weight on it. Then your other foot, to another rock. You made sure to have a good grip on the edge.
You were confident, and lowered yourself down, searching for another place to put your foot on. 
Then, it happened. You tried to place your foot on something but slipped. It completely messed up your balance, and so your other foot also slipped. You hung by the cliff, desperately trying to find a spot to place your feet on again. But, perhaps you were panicking too much for you to think clearly, and all the flailing made the crip on the edge loosen.
“No no no-!” you yelped.
Slowly, one by one your fingers gave up, until you were hanging onto your dear life with just your right hand.
“Please, help me…!”
You couldn’t hold on anymore. It was too much for you.
You fell.
Suddenly, you were swooped by some strange force. It felt like wind caught you. But the wind felt warm, and… human. Before you knew it, you were safely on the ground. Well, not on the ground really.
A pair of familiar yellow eyes met yours, and that’s when you realized, you were held by the very person you almost died for.
“X-Xiao?” you stared at the man with wide eyes.
He placed you on the ground, without saying a word. But he felt different from his usual calm self. He was glaring at you.
“I… how-?”
“What were you doing?” he asked with his voice raised a tad.
“I- what?” you were speechless.
He groaned annoyingly. “You mortals don’t think. You could have died!”
Mortals? You were confused, to say the least. But, above all, you felt guilty. You had made Xiao angry.
“I climbed up the cliff…” you responded quietly.
Xiao huffed, glaring at you more. “Why would you do something so stupid??”
You felt almost tearing up. You took the Qingxin flowers out of your bag and held them at him, pushing your face down.
“I went to pick up these…”
“You risked your life for some flowers?” he asked, his tone still angry.
“I…” you took a deep breath. “I picked them for you!”
You lifted your head up to look at Xiao. He looked taken aback, his eyebrows risen, mouth slightly open. He stared at you with that expression for a moment.
“For me?”
You nodded your head firmly, still holding the flowers at him.
His eyes narrowed, and expression softened. “Why would you-?”
“Because…” you began. “I heard you like Qingxin flowers… And I wanted to surprise you.”
Xiao blinked a few times, staying silent. He sighed. It wasn’t an annoyed sigh, however. It felt sad.
“You risked your life… for me?” he asked. He looked back at you. “Why? Why do you want to talk to me so much? You mortals-”
“Because I like you!”
Xiao’s eyes widened. Your cheeks heated up. You had no control over your lips again this time. It all started to feel ridiculous. You couldn’t read his expression, other than he was surprised. The silence you two shared was making you more nervous. Please say something.
“What are you talking about?” he asked. “Stop speaking nonsense. I’ll take you back to Wangshu Inn-. Wha-??”
You had taken a step further and wrapped your arms around Xiao’s slim frame. All that had happened, you falling down and almost dying, Xiao being angry at you and you confessing your feelings for him all of a sudden. If it was the last time you could talk to him, you wanted it to last as long as possible.
“I’m sorry…” you said with a shaky voice.
“What are you-?” Xiao groaned. “Why are you apologizing?”
“I made you angry…” you spoke, your head buried in his chest. “I just wanted to surprise you, to make you happy… But I ruined it all, didn’t I?”
You lifted your head up, looking at Xiao. Your eyes were tearing up. Xiao’s eyes widened again and he gasped softly.
“You didn’t… Ugh.” He took a deep breath. “I don’t know what to call this emotion I have… but it is not anger.”
You blinked, staring at the yellow-eyed man with confused eyes. Why was he speaking so strangely?
“You… you don’t know?”
He groaned. “I am not that familiar with human emotions.”
There he went again, speaking like he wasn’t human. You started thinking, remembering the times he had disappeared like thin air, and just now, how did he know you were in danger and how on earth did he even save you?
“Xiao…” you let go of him. “How…? How did you know I was in danger? How did you save me?”
He let out a deep sigh. “I heard you call my name. So I flew here as soon as I could.”
“I am confused”, you simply said. “My head is hurting…”
“If you’re hurt, you should rest”, he said. You swear you could hear some concern in his tone. “I’ll take you back.”
“No”, you replied. Xiao’s brow rose. “Please explain to me. Who are you??”
He looked down to the ground, then at you. It was like he was thinking if he should tell you or not. Until he nodded to himself.
“I am Xiao, the conqueror of demons”, he said calmly. “I’m an adeptus.”
And there it was. Your eyes widened, as wide as they could. Suddenly, it all made sense. He would randomly appear, you made an offering for him with food, and he didn’t glide away, he used some adeptus powers to go from place to place. He could hear you call his name because you were praying for him. His appearance even, how didn’t you realize it sooner? He didn’t look like a regular human for sure.
“You’re an… adeptus?”
“Yes”, he said.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you asked.
Xiao looked confused. “There was no reason to. I do not meddle with idle mortal chit-chat.”
You let out a chuckle, mumbling to yourself. “That explains the grumpiness, and not being social.”
Everything seemed even worse now. You not only had caught feelings for a beautiful man, but you had caught feelings for an adeptus. Speaking about liking someone out of your league. It was all so much more awkward.
“Well… thank you”, you said. “Thank you for rescuing me even though you’re probably busy with your adeptus business.”
Xiao let out a huff. “You sound like you are not important.”
“Well… I am, as you said, just a mere mortal…” 
“Do you think I like to be me?”, he asked. “It’s not easy being me.”
You felt strange sadness. All you saw, when you looked at Xiao, was a beautiful and wonderful man. 
“But, Xiao… you’re so amazing”, again, your mouth was talking on its own.
“Amazing? Not even close.”
“Look, I went out of my way to pick you flowers that only grow on high cliffs”, you noted. “If you weren’t amazing, then why did I even do this trip?”
Xiao stayed silent for a moment. “You are truly special…”
“Hm?” you raised your brows.
“I’ve been intrigued by you for a while now”, he admitted. “I have never met a human who was so persistent as you. A human so patient. I don’t know what I would have done if you had fallen down…”
“To think that you risked your life for me”, his hand clenched into a fist. “Huh-?”
Once again, you wrapped your arms around him, hugging him gently. He felt comforting, like a calm wind.
“Thank you,” you said. “Thank you for saving me.”
“Hmph”, he awkwardly placed his hand on your head. “No need. Of course, I would save you.”
You buried your head against his shoulder. You didn’t want to let go. The idea of this moment ending, hurt. Your heart was beating calmly, which was odd. You’d expect your whole body to go crazy, you were holding the man you had a crush on after all. But it was a very comforting moment, a moment you wouldn’t forget.
“Please…” you suddenly begged. “Don’t go… I’ve been trying to spend time with you for so long... “
Xiao sighed. “I’m not…”
He placed his finger under your chin, making you look at him. You could feel your cheeks heating up again, this time, you possibly were blushing. Xiao let out a soft gasp, then he quickly looked away from you. It was kind of cute. Maybe he had a soft side to him.
“Look-”, he started. “We can spend more time together…”
What? Was he serious? You stared at him with your eyes wide open, lips slowly turning into a smile.
“But only if you promise me”, he said. “Do not go and do something so stupid again, got it?”
The smile on your lips was a lot more prominent, and you nodded your head firmly.
“If you want to go somewhere high, you ask me”, he said. “I’ll take you there safely.”
You nodded again.
Then silence. You were still holding him, and you noticed, that he had his hand resting on your side as well. Xiao seemed to notice it too as he pushed his head down and pushed you away gently.
“S-so”, he stuttered a little. “We should go back. It’s late. I know you mortals need sleep.”
Now that you knew he was an adeptus, suddenly you adored him even more. There were so many things you wanted to show him and do with him. The sky was already dark, and your eyes went up to Qingyun Peak. You gasped lightly.
“What is it?” Xiao asked you.
“That rock up there”, you pointed at the floating rock that was glowing jade green. “It’s so beautiful… I wish I could go up there…”
Xiao turned in the direction of the peak, looking at it longingly. You both gazed up at the mountains, staying quiet for a long moment. It was peaceful, romantic even. So many beautiful moments to remember, all with Xiao. And you wished there would be many more to come.
You changed your gaze to Xiao. A few seconds later he looked at you back. You smiled, then took one of the Qingxin flowers and reached to place one on his ear. Xiao blinked, his eyes widening. He looked so cute. He was staring at you with wide eyes, the flower framed his face beautifully.
“It suits you”, you smiled widely. “You look so cute!”
Xiao groaned softly, but didn’t take the flower off or anything. He looked embarrassed, absolutely adorable.
“Stop playing games,” he muttered. “Let us go back to Wangshu Inn.”
You grabbed his hand and held it, letting out a small giggle. Xiao groaned again but didn’t shoo your hand away or anything. Instead, he started leading you away to the road. You two walked back to Wangshu Inn, your hands holding for the entire time.
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just-sonic-things · 7 months
Something Going on in Green Hill (Part 3)
T//W: Verbal & Physical Abuse, Homophobia
A/N: I will put a text cut where that begins, in case you don't wish to read that.
Shadow's POV:
I don't know how we managed to pull this big of a crowd for a lame ass "Romeo and Juliet" production, but I'm sure there was some weird elements at play. I was able to get through the majority of it okay, until... I saw a familiar figure in the front row. Of course, I was more than happy to see Knuckles. However, it was my father's silhouette that greeted me instead of my mother's. "What the fuck... HE'S here?" I thought to myself, looking to the other actors in mild panic. Amy seemed to sense my distress, asking me what was wrong, before our next scene together. She saw him. There was my dad. Amy's face went pale, just saying that she would be there if I needed her after the show.
Amy and I just performed the best we could, earning wild applause in the end of the show. I saw Knuckles stand up and applaud me, throwing a single red rose in my direction. I blushed, picking it up and quickly reading the note on it. "Good job, Romeo. You stole my heart too". Adorable. However... I felt my heart pounding in my chest as soon as I saw my dad creeping in the audience.
He was standing there, faking a smile until he saw me. Then, he lunged at me. Amy, true to her word, stood in front of me with her large hammer to protect me and Knuckles held him back. My father demanded that Knuckles unhand him right this instant. Knuckles shook his head angrily.
"What the fuck is going on here?" Knuckles angrily screamed.
"So. Shadow. You did it. You somehow even further disgraced our family. You and your gay shit here tonight. I did football and basketball when I was your age. Imagine how pissed off your grandparents would be if they could see you up on that stage, fuckin' speaking stupid Old English and prancing around like a damn faggot!" Shadow's dad yelled, escaping Knuckles' grip.
Everyone was already staring at us, I could feel their confusion and fear in their bones. Then, a familiar feeling. Punches to the face. I screamed after each one, crying once my father was pulled off of me by Security. My father was yelling more and more homophobic slurs in my direction as he was being dragged out. "After the shameful display I saw tonight, you're no longer my son. Only some fruity fairy boy" he screamed. I stopped Security and him for a moment, asking very angrily why he came to see the show then, if he knew he'd be like this.
"I had to see just how much of a disgrace this was. I thought that if I tried hard enough, I could still mold you into a decent man. One that doesn't like taking it up the ass-"
"That's ENOUGH, CELIO. You're gonna disown me at this point, so fuck you" I exclaim, walking off.
I try to find Knuckles in all this mess and I see him sitting alone with Amy, really worried. I show up, black eye and all. Knuckles said he wanted to kill Celio, upon seeing him yell at me and hit me like that. I sigh heavily. "It's whatever at this point. He wants nothing to do with me" I reply coldly. Knuckles hugs me close to him, taking me to get some ice for the eye to soothe swelling.
After a while of waiting for my mom to show up, she rolled up looking incredibly concerned and scared. She apologized a bunch for allowing herself to submit to my father still & for him to be able to convince her to let him see my show. She held me in her arms and cried a little. She then looked to Knuckles, asking how badly hurt I was or was it just the black eye. He nodded. "Just the eye, Ma'am" he replied. She breathed a breath of relief and took me to the doctor to have it looked at. It was all fine, and nothing too big to worry about. Just some more rest and ice on it and the swelling should stop.
Knuckles' POV:
The next day at school, Shadow wore sunglasses to cover his eye. He would explain to the teachers that he felt it was necessary & that his father was already well on his way to Jail at this point. But he wanted to cover up his injury so that no one could point fingers. I supported him through this, pretty much never leaving his side today. I could tell he liked the extra attention he got from me though. Plenty of hugging, cuddles and kisses. I just wanted to show him just how much I cared for him after all. Shadow and I sat together at Lunch again that day and I was just praising him left & right for his performance as Romeo the other night. He blushed, insisting that he wasn't that good.
"Bullshit. I was super immersed in the world of Shakespeare. Shad, you blew me away. You're certainly MY Romeo" I said, pulling him close for a kiss.
Shadow kissed me back, smiling as he rested his head onto my chest. We continued on with Lunch and just talking about stuff with each other to distract from the glaringly obvious horrible thing that happened last night.
After Lunch though, we walked to History. Super boring class, but at least Shadow sat behind me. I would occasionally bug him while he was taking notes or drawing and try to write little notes in his notebook to him. We did this back and forth for a little while, until a whole page was full of our random sayings and scribblings. The teacher was clearly dumb, thinking I was helping him take notes or something. Shadow and I just ignored everyone's glares and focused in on ourselves. History class came and went, the last class of the day being... Art. Well, that was Shadow's last class. Although, he asked and his mom said it was okay for me to come over for a little while after school.
Shadow's mom was so genuinely sweet and caring. She prepared snacks for us and would check in on us every once in a while. Although, I think she got the hint that we were dating once she walked in on us kissing. She just smiled softly. "Young love" I heard her say dreamily, as she closed Shadow's door.
Shadow's POV:
My mom just saw us kissing, holy shit. It wasn't intended to be like that when I did eventually "Come out" to her, but I guess she didn't need the obvious pointed out to her. Unless she thought I was Bisexual instead of just being straight up Gay.
After a while, Knuckles and I walked out of my room and saw my mom sitting on the couch. I told her the obvious.
"Sweetie, I knew for a while. I was just waiting for you to know first. I'm proud of you regardless of who you love" my mom said with her signature, wholesome smile. I hugged her, and Knuckles did too.
"Thank you so much, Mom. I love you too" I reply.
Knuckles insisted on leaving after this, but my mom made dinner for all three of us, so she insisted that he at least stay for dinner. Knuckles agreed, as we all talked over dinner. She asked about Knuckles, stating that he didn't have to reveal anything he wasn't comfortable with talking about. Knuckles smiled at her, stating that it was fine, that she was simply curious about the men I'd probably date. "I'm Bisexual, but with a heavier preference for men" Knuckles responded with a warm smile. My mom nodded and patted him on the back.
"Again. Whatever makes you happy! Love who you love. Just know that I'm on your side. The both of you" she said.
"Thanks! I appreciate that more than you know" Knuckles replied with a sigh of genuine relief.
After Knuckles left, my mom and I spent the night watching YouTube videos together & chatting. She could be chilled out when she wanted to be, but she was mostly a working woman. She made time for me, and I appreciated the hell out of her for it.
Part 1: ( Here )
Part 2: ( Here )
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juviaenochian · 1 year
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu and Juvia Enochian's Past pt 2
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"Then, why am I here?" she asked. "It's not safe for you out there," Headmaster Kirigiri replied, "That, and we...um..." "We what?" she asked. "We just want you to be safe," he sighed, "We can't have you wandering around." "So, you just wanna keep me locked up in here," she narrowed her eyes, "Is that it?" "We want you to have a normal life." "I want a life? Hahahaha!" she chuckled, "I have no life!" "I..." "I don't need you," she said, "You're scared of me.... Just admit it...." "No, we're not scared," Headmaster Kirigiri replied, "We just think you'd be better off staying here." "Yeaaaah," she sighed, "You're afraid of me..." "No," he shook his head, "We're not." "What are you so afraid of," she put her hands on her hips, "You can't handle me?" "A-As I said," he stammered, "We just want to protect you." "Hahaha!" she laughed,
"Do this for me.... Don't. Expel. Kuzuryu.... Understand?" "W-What do you want?" "It doesn't matter," she sighed, "Just do it," She glared at him, "I don't want to see you. Okay?" "O-Okay," he nodded, "I won't." "Good," she turned her back on him, "I gotta go." "I'll walk you," he said. "No," she replied, "I'll be fine," She stood in front of his office and patted her pocket, The Yakuza boy was in shock of what happened, he looked back at the headmaster. "What just happened?" he asked. "She's...special," Headmaster Kirigiri replied, "Don't worry about it." Fuyuhiko just sighed, "Okay," "Come on," he opened the door to his office, "I'll show you out." "No, it's okay," Fuyuhiko said, "I can do it myself." "Are you sure?" Headmaster Kirigiri asked. "Yeah," he nodded, "I got it." "Alright." He was still in shock of what just happened. He was walking down the hallway towards his class. "Why would she do that?" he thought, "What's her problem?" He reached his class and saw that everyone was there. He went to his desk that was next to his childhood friend/bodyguard Peko Pekoyama: Ultimate Swordswoman. "Is there something wrong, Young Master?" she asked. "I-I'll tell you later," he answered. "Okay," she sat down, "Please hurry." He sat down in his desk and took out his notebook, "Class," Chisa Yukizome, the teacher of Class 77, said, "We have a student from Class 66 joining us today. I was informed that her entire class was expelled so, she's going to be with us for the whole school year," she gestured to someone to enter the classroom and to Fuyuhiko's surprise, it was Juvia, "Everyone, Meet Juvia Enochian from Class 66." Everyone said hi to her while Juvia just stood there, "Juvia," Chisa called, "Are you okay?" "Yes," she answered, "I'm fine." "Alright," Chisa sighed, "Please do have a seat." The Encyclopedia walks through the class and found a seat right next to Sonia Nevermind, The Ultimate Princess. "Um...," Juvia said, "Can I sit here?" "Sure," Sonia replied, "But, isn't the seat next to you... taken?" "I don't care," Juvia smiled, "It's fine." "Okay," Sonia replied, "If you say so." "Please have a seat," Chisa smiled and Juvia sat down. "I take it you know everyone here," Chisa asked. "Yep," she nodded, "I tutored some of them." "You're a tutor?" "Yup," she nodded. "You must be really good." "Thank you," Juvia smiled. "Now, let's start the lesson," Chisa took out a book from the shelf, "Today, we'll be discussing Romeo and Juliet." "Doesn't that play suck?" asked Chiaki Nanami, The Ultimate Gamer. "We'll get into that," Chisa smiled, "After we finish reading." "Ah." "Juvia," Chisa called, "Why don't you recite it for us?" "Ahh," she stood up, "Yes, ma'am." "Start," Chisa smiled. She took a deep breath and said, "These violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which as they kiss consume. The sweetest honey Is loathsome in his own deliciousness And in the taste confounds the appetite. Therefore love moderately; long love doth so; Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow." Everyone gasped, including Fuyuhiko, "What...was that?" "It...it was amazing," Sonia stuttered, "How did you memorize that?" "I...," Juvia paused, "I read it many times." "It's...amazing," Fuyuhiko muttered. "Thank you," she smiled. "You...you must be...," Sonia stuttered, "A genius." "I think you're mistaken," Juvia shook her head, "I'm just a simple girl with facts." "Huh?" Sonia blinked. "Didn't you hear what I said?" Juvia asked, "I told you I'm a tutor, which means I tutor people about different subjects, including Shakespeare." "Oh," Sonia blinked, "I thought you were a genius."
"They said that I am, okay?", she said mildly annoyed. "Okay," Sonia apologized, "I apologize for my misunderstanding." "It's okay," Juvia shrugged, "I get insulted like that all the time." "I can't believe it," Sonia muttered, "You're the nicest person I've ever met." "It's probably because I'm used to people insulting me," Juvia replied, "That makes me a good tutor." "I...," Sonia sighed, "I guess you're right." "Now," Chisa interrupted, "Let's continue." Nagito Komaeda, The Ultimate Lucky Student, stood up with the book and read, "O serpent heart, hid with a flowering face! Did ever dragon keep so fair a cave? Beautiful tyrant! fiend angelical! Dove-feather'd raven! wolvish-ravening lamb! Despised substance of divinest show! Just opposite to what thou justly seem'st, A damned saint, an honourable villain! O nature, what hadst thou to do in hell; When thou didst bower the spirit of a fiend In mortal paradise of such sweet flesh? Was ever book containing such vile matter So fairly bound? O that deceit should dwell In such a gorgeous palace!"
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wave2tyun · 3 months
alex!! i saw ur lil ramble last night and i totally get what u mean abt being paralysed from emotions..
sometimes it gets to the point where im kinda numb and just let myself rot which.. i never used to do cuz i used to just deal w it and not let myself process anything and tbh not doing anything scares me 😭 but its so good that uve been getting urself up and doing basic stuff, being kind to yourself has also really helped even if its hard most days
and on homesickness! i think i remember seeing u study abroad, me too!!! i hope you're finding people and things that take your mind off of it bc it honestly helps hehe and i hope u can keep in touch w people from home too every now then.
life's so crazy and uncertain sometimes i wish i was like 16 forever ... but its fine.. i hope you'll see much better days too 💕💗💓💞💘
hiiii!!!🥹🥹💞💖 omg i'm so sorry for taking this long to reply to your ask- uni has been quite exhausting and i didn't want to hurriedly write something back to you :(((((((<3
it's the exact same situation for me as well, i never used to do it or at least not this much/often:( and sometimes it's like i randomly snap back to reality in the middle of it and it makes me feel so guilty....😭 it scares me as well, making me feel like there's just something wrong with me. i keep telling myself that there must be a better way to spend my free time or deal with x thing than just letting myself rot. i'm trying to make a change, and just like you said, being kind to yourself can really help- you don't need to have this crazy ass routine and not every day has to be super productive for you to feel proud of how you spent your time- which is why i think it's really important to start giving yourself a pat on the back for doing or simply attempting to do even the most basic of chores, such as preparing a meal!!
and omg you're studying abroad too??🥹🥹 it's an experience that i don't regret, but homesickness can strike so hard on some days!! it was difficult dealing with it during my 1st semester at uni because i felt lonely and didn't really know people, but now it's better!! i found some people that i really click with and we've been getting closer, i have some plans to hang out with them soon actually and i will visit my family at the end of april too🥹 sometimes even just having a phone call with your parents can help, finally getting a chance to take a break from english and speak in your native language can feel so relieving??😭😭😭
ahhhhh i wish so too:( things were so much simpler and we most likely didn't even fully realise it. but it's okay, despite our hardships having taken a much more different shape, i think we'll be able to get through it, things will turn out alright!!!! :(<333
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mangoshorthand · 9 months
I have a really personal request of thats ok w u. my first time having sex i was called ugly and obese, and it still sticks with me nowadays so i shy away from being fully exposed/on top/having the lights on bc im scared they were right and its gonna happen again - so how would 5 deal w this in a partner? if this is too weird 4 u then just ignore
Hi anon,
I made another post before but I wanted to be sure that you got this reply. Your request is not too weird at all. I am so sorry that happened to you. I'm fat myself and, whether you are or not, I can't imagine how damaging that would be coming from the first person you allowed that level of vulnerability and access to your body. The fact that this sort of person exists makes me angry. I truly hope you can get your confidence back.
Again, not sure if you're fat or not, but I can promise you that, as much as society stigmatises a larger body shape, most men very much like looking at all the juicy parts and will find a larger body hot as fuck. You shouldn't ever feel inadequate or like you have to cover up because of that loser. I want to turn this request as a fic. I'm not sure how long it will take me because I want to get it right but I have already started work. I wanted you to know that I'm far from ignoring your request. I do have an ask, however: would you mind inboxing or DM-ing me any details you're comfortable revealing that might help me make this fic true to your life experience? At a minimum, it would be useful for me to know your gender, the gender of the fucking fuckwad who abused you and anything you think it might be good for me to know when writing a Five who is comforting you. I really want this to make you feel comfortable and validated, so if you're comfortable DM-ing me, I am happy to make this a collaborative process where you have early access to the google doc I'm working on and make sure that you're comfortable with the end result before I post. I would even be happy to keep this fic private and not post it to Tumblr if that's something you would like. If you choose to DM me and are happy for the fic to be posted on Tumblr, I will obviously respect your anonymity and not reveal your username. Otherwise, just stick to the inbox, but be aware that I have to post your half of the conversation on my blog if I need to communicate with you.
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clbagdka · 2 years
× a little atory i made I asked my friend to give a genre n 3 random words n this is what i came up with
× I got a little lazy at the end so if u have any better idea lmk n I'll change it
× Genre: horror
× Random words: spiders, doll, black lolita dress
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"girl wgat r u gonna be for Halloween?" "I'm gonna be a haunted doll " "omg girl yk i'm scared of dolls"
The next day they both met at the pondok near their neighborhood
"I didn't expect u to be a clown.." "yeh this outfit was kinda last minute as well" "yk we should go trick or treating at neighborhood sebelah"
They make their way to the neighborhood sebelah. While they were walking there, they passed some rubbish bin in an ally. "Hey, why did u stopped walking?" Asked Elli. "That doll in the rubbish bin kinda looks like...you". Replied Carmillia. "What do you m-" she stopped as she saw the doll. "You both have the same black lolita dress. "We kinda looks like twin don't we?" Said Elliana while she make her way to take the doll. "Wa-wait Elli I don't think it's a good idea to take the doll" "Well, if no one wants this cute doll I might as well take it?"
While Elliana is holding the doll Carmillia saw the doll moving it's head to her.
"Elliana... don't u think this doll is.. haunted?" "What, u must be joking" "Well I saw it moving it's head.." "Girl 💀 don't be so scared it's just a doll n don't need to be so scared I'm the one who's holding the doll not you, if the doll rlly is haunted it will attack me instead" "Elli, I'm just- yk what whatever let's just go trick or treating"
After they both finished trick or treating,
"see we got all these candies n I'm still fine" "Yeh shut up let's jusy go home n don't u even think about keeping that creepy a$ doll" "finee see u tmr ig"
At Elliana's home
"pft no away I'm throwing away thia doll Imma put this on my bed n go shower"
After she's done showering
"wait, where did thw doll went.." "um I'm just gonna find it tmr my little sister prob took it or something"
Bed time
"Wait y r there so many SPIDERS!!" "The doll, it's floating!" "yk u were so nice for not leaving mw in the rubbish bin n u brought me teick or treating w u n ur friend, i can say that ur friend has been a little rude to me, but my old owner did treated me worst. N I am planning on getting revenge though in order to do that, I will need a human body to disguise myself n since u were the only human that was braved enough to take me home, I'll say that u don't deserve this gorgeous body of yours so I'll just it instead" after the doll fished it's chitchat it started doing ritual apa entah la aku oun tktau n started possesing the human n putting her soul in the haunted doll.
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spenciegoob · 3 years
A Special Kind of Man
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this fic swap is for @safertokiss​​ ... I really hope you like it, emma bc this was so fun to write lol
A/N: OMG! this is a part of my first fic swap and the first time I’ve done something like this with so many people, it’s been so cool.
Summary: Spencer Reid was a virgin, you knew that. What you didn’t expect however was how much he was really holding back.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Content Warnings: loss of virginity (spencer), mommy kink, penetrate sex, unprotected sex, creampie
Word Count: 2.4K
I always knew Spencer Reid was special, and sure, everyone he’s ever had a conversation with would look at this 24 year old kid spewing facts that no human would think to ever learn about, stockpiling knowledge about, well, everything. I’m sure he amazes people with his mind, I too am amazed when he opens his mouth and the exact number of a certain model Ford truck that is bought every year falls out.
But what else I knew about Spencer that made him more special, more worshipable was beyond anything anyone outside our closed doors would know, and my god would I ever be a fool if I didn’t do just that; worship him.
I would have continued to believe that somewhere down the line, someone would have been smart enough to give that man every piece of love and attention he deserves, because let me be perfectly candid, Spencer was beautiful. His jawline that never lacked the tension of holding back every nugget of knowledge he had stored in that beautiful brain of his, and the eyes like honey that stare up at me with an innocence and desperation alike every time I straddle his lap.
Spencer Reid was not only worth worshipping, but he believed that I deserve that kind of dedication and preach as well.
I never did quite ask if he was a virgin, but in the back of my mind I always knew he had been surrounded by blind fools his whole life in the way he grasped onto my body and whimpered in my mouth every time I perched myself onto him. He would never go further than heavy petting, which meant neither did I. Spencer may be worth worshipping, but I would never push him to receive such.
So, when we found ourselves entangled once again, my legs spread to wrap around his hips as he sat perched against the back of the couch, and I felt the coolness of his hesitant fingers snake their way under my shirt, I was surprised into pulling away from the heavy kiss we were sharing. Immediately his hands, that initially sent a chill hurtling up my spine only to fill me with warmth, returned back to my waist over the shirt, scared that he had done something wrong.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to,” he whispered, looking down and rushing through the words with so much embarrassment and fear of my reaction as if I could ever imagine tantalizing or walking away from him.
“Do you want to?” I asked, and personally thanked whoever was listening that Spencer Reid was a profiler, because even if I wanted to, I couldn’t hide the lust in my eyes, or the breathiness to my voice. He had, unbeknownst to my partner here, left me having to take deep breaths and positively buzzing. Like I said, I always knew he was special.
“Put my hands under your shirt?” Came his reply, and I may have never been a profiler, but I could hear, behind the confusion, fear of my rejection plaguing his mind.
“Yes,” I whispered, my lips grazing his cheek where I placed a soft kiss. Spencer’s grip on me tightened as I moved towards his ear, subconsciously pulling my hips down onto him. “Whatever you want, pretty boy.”
“You!” The exclamation was a shout mixed with a gasp once I sunk my teeth into his ear lobe. At first, I had not thought to take Spencer’s words so seriously. We were in the heat of the moment, hands grasping onto one another and lips finding skin, but then my sweet boy pushed me far back only so he could look in my eyes with the confidence of a man who just won the lottery to state. “I want you.”
There were multiple things I took note of when looking down at Spencer. The first being that he had only taken his eyes off of my own in favor of glancing down at my lips, then back at me before raising his eyebrows in silent question. The second was that he had not stopped squirming underneath me, the hard on trapped in his work slacks having to be uncomfortable by now, and the every few seconds he found friction against my own clothed center could not have been helping as much as he needed.
The third, and final thing I noticed buried deep into blown pupils and wide, boyish eyes was the lust, desperation, the need for me the same I held for him. Spencer Reid wanted nothing more in this moment than to show me he was a good boy, a special boy.
“Are you sure?” I barely got through the last word before Spencer started nodding. “I need words, pretty boy.”
“Yes,” his tone was already breathy, and we haven’t even started. “Yes, please. I’m ready.”
I didn’t wait, grabbing a hold of my sweet boy’s cheeks and bringing his face down to meet our lips. The kiss was slow, passionate of course, but I wanted to take my time with him. The way I see this going is spending carefully calculated time on every part of his body, worshipping him and giving him all of my love in the form of soft bites and deliberate touches. Spencer Reid was handing me all of him, and I would be foolish not to return the favor.
Spencer and I were not going into this blind, because no matter how embarrassed he got, we somehow ended up having a very enlightening conversation in the past, even if at first it had started as a joke.
“Not everything Freud has said in his life was completely untrue,” was what started the argument. Spencer, in his oh so need to discredit the behaviorists and psychoanalysts of the past, jumped at the opportunity to prove me wrong, but I wasn’t going to let him this time. “While he may have gone about it the… wrong way, Freud was onto something.”
I had unbeknownst to Spencer got up from my seat, and was quietly tiptoeing over to him. “You don’t agree that you wouldn enjoy calling me Mommy in bed, pretty boy?”
“I-I um…” Is what ended the argument.
I pulled back, admiring his swollen lips and eyes fluttering open before pulling my shirt over my head, giving Spencer a full view of my now bare chest. The only way I could describe his face was similar to what I would imagine someone’s expression would be if they had made a groundbreaking discovery. His eyes grew wide and his jaw went slack in surprise, plus he didn’t hesitate to shift his gaze to my breasts. I could feel his hands loosen their grip on my waist, fingertips itching to move up my body to feel more of me.
“Can- can I touch them?” He whispered, not taking his eyes off the body part in question. Spencer was still looking at my chest in awestruck, and I would be lying if I said it didn’t make me feel the same way I thought of him.; beautiful, worshipable, special.
I nodded my head, grabbing onto Spencer’s wrists where his hands still remained at my sides and slowly dragged them up to chest. There was no more hesitation, he pressed his palms onto my breasts and grabbed them, pushing them together before kneading them.
“Oh my god, they’re s-so soft” he gasped, eyes blowing wide.“I w-want you. Please, M-”
Spencer stopped himself, and I could feel the muscles in his body tensing at the accidental slip of the name I so desperately wanted to pull from him now that I knew he felt the same about it.
“What was that?” I hummed against him, starting to softly grind our aching centers against each other, eliciting the sweetest moans from the sweetest boy while he continued to palm my breasts.
“Please. Mommy, please.” And there it was, my title for the evening and the reason for the growing wetness at my core.
“Only because you asked so nicely.” The buttons on his shirt were harder to undo than I would like to admit, his fingers that have moved on to tweak my nipples pulling my concentration and causing me to moan quietly as I worked. Eventually I accomplished getting his shirt open, and he helped me to push it off his shoulders and off of him.
I ran my hand down his chest, relishing the whimpers falling from his lips and my featherlight touch traveling further to the waistband of his pants.
“Bedroom,” I whispered, attempting to remove myself from his lap in favor of moving this party to a more comfortable place than the couch. Spencer had other plans.
“Wait,” he shouted, grabbing my hand and pulling me back down on top of him. “I-I like it here.”
“On the couch, pretty boy?” It wasn’t that the position we were in wasn’t feasible, but this was Spencer’s first time. I wanted to make it as special as I could, starting with an actual bed.
“I want to be close to you.” If his words didn’t pull at my heartstrings, the way he looked down instead of in my eyes again did.
“Okay,” I agreed, and it was the truth, because the warmth spreading through me at the feeling of our bodies pressed so closely together was intoxicating. Spencer went to go unbutton my jeans, but I stopped him. Not because I didn’t want them off, but because he hadn’t realized that my plans for him included him sitting there and looking pretty like he always does. “Let me take care of you, sweet boy.”
I finished the job Spencer had started, getting up to unbutton my jeans and pull them down my legs. I heard him gasp at the sight of me now in only a pink thong before reaching out and making grabby hands at me. Instead of sitting back on his lap, I sunk to my knees on the floor, repeating the process on his work slacks and stripping him down to his boxers.
“Is this okay?” I asked, running my hands up and down his thighs in the most soothing manner. He responded with a hard nod and an ‘Yes, Mommy,’ shifting his hips closer to my hands in hopes that I would touch him where he craved the most. What kind of person would I be if I didn’t give him what he wanted. I didn’t use my hands, however, lowering my face to where there was an evident wet spot of precum on his boxers and placed a gentle kiss through the fabric on the tip of his dick.
Immediately his hands shot out to grab onto the sides of my face, forcing me away from his member to look up at him insead.
“I- I’m not going to last long like that,” he whispered. “Please, I need you, Mommy, please.”
I stood up, returning to my position perched onto his lap and smashing my lips to his. This kiss was much different than the ones we’ve shared previously, it was rushed, uncalculated and heavy. Tongues fought against each other and I caught his little whimpers in my mouth every time our cores rubbed against each other.
I grabbed onto the waistband of his boxers, asking one last time if he was sure. When I got his permission, I pulled them down to reveal himself to me, and my god was he beautiful. The tip was red and leaking precum, and I used my thumb to gather some and bring it to my mouth. Spencer’s jaw went slack again, watching me suck his cum off my digit and not taking my eyes off his own. I shifted once again to hover over him, pulling my panties to the side.
“Are you ready?” I asked, grabbing his hard cock and readying the tip to my entrance. He attempted to buck his hips up and enter me, but I continued to tease him by rubbing my wetness over him without entering just yet.
“Yes. Please, Mommy.” I sunk down, reveling in the way his eyes grew wide and his hands shot up to grab onto any part of me. Slowly, I inched down, feeling the stretch he provided and we both were moaning at the feeling.
“Is this okay?” I asked once more, getting a nod and a gasp at the feeling of me around him in return. His hips were trying to buck up into me, but I wouldn’t let him, lifting up slowly and slamming back down to the hilt.
“Oh my god,” he praised once again, screwing his eyes shut and panting. I picked up a rhythm bouncing on his cock with feaverish intent, neither of us were going to last long, both of us hypersensitive to each other.
Spencer opened his eyes, and couldn’t find where to look. He started with my breasts bouncing in his face with my increased speed, and moved on to where our bodies met, watching himself disappear into me. Lastly, he stopped at my face, finding me already staring down at him with my mouth agape and mewls escaping me.
From there we gazed into each other’s eyes, Spencer not holding back any of his sweet moans and gasps that sounded like garbled versions of my name. The knot in my stomach tightened further when I shifted slightly and felt his tip graze my sweet spot. He must have been close to, his hips thrusting up softly to meet my own in an attempt to chase his high. I reached down to rub my clit, wanting to fall off the edge together.
“I-I’m gonna cum,” he panted out, and I clenched around him at the sound of him whimpering. “Ah- ah ah, Mommy please!”
I increased the pressure on my clit, the coil in my stomach reaching its end when I shouted “Cum with me, pretty boy.”
Spencer’s hands gripped onto my waist with bruising pressure as we reached our highs together, crashing down with a shout of each other’s name as I felt his cum cover my pulsing walls. The feeling was indescribable, extending my orgasm and milking him for everything he has.
I slumped forward, resting my head against his sweaty shoulder as we attempted to catch our breaths. Spencer’s arms wrapped around me fully, pulling me closer to him and nuzzling his face into my neck, the sentiment making me smile.
“Are you okay?” I asked once our breathing returned to normal and the cloudiness of my post organsm brain melted. He just pulled me impossibly closer, laying kisses on the expanse of my neck he could reach.
“I’m more than okay. That was- that was-”
“Yeah, I know.” I giggled at his awestruck tone, mimicking his movements and nuzzling deep in his neck, breathing in his sweet scent.
Like I said, Spencer Reid was a special kind of man.
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bakuhoes-dumbass · 3 years
Aberration - Chapter 3
MHA!Various x Fem!Reader
Words: 2.8k
A/N: Third chap, here we go! It’ll start picking up soon. I know there isn’t much ‘horror’ rn, but it will get there, I promise. Also, I’m sorry Tamaki’s part is a bit longer than Hawks. I just adore Tamaki so much and he deserves the world and lots of hugs and kithes.
Warnings: Yandere Themes, Mentions of murder, blood, felonies, bullying, swearing. More to come.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of MHA, just this story. In no way does this reflect the characters, writers or VAs of the show/manga. MINORS DNI.
Aberration Masterlist
"Good afternoon Mr. Keigo, my name is Y/N and I'll-" You look up from your notes to see a half naked man with blonde hair and bright red bird wings lounging on his bed. Your jaw drops and you hold your clipboard up in front of your suddenly heated face.
Keigo looks over to you with his brows raised. "Well well, looks like we've got ourselves a new baby bird. How…" The handsome man's lips turn up into a cocky smirk.
You peek over your clipboard to see his cocky smirk and hide your eyes again. "Keigo, would you please put on a shirt?"
He chuckles and wiggles his eyebrows. "What, too embarrassed to look at me, baby bird? I'll tell you what. You tell me who you are, and if you're single, and I'll cover myself."
"My name is Y/N. I'm the newest scientist in this facility, here to observe you, hoping it helps to find a cure. And there is no need for you to know my relationship status."
"Ah, ah, ah. If you don't tell me, you'll have to do this interview while gazing at my gorgeous body." You hear the cockiness in his voice.
"I swear to fu- fine, yes I'm currently happily single. Now, please put your shirt on." You mumble under your breath, "this is so inappropriate."
After a minute of rustling, Keigo leans back onto his bed. "Okay, my single baby bird. I'm all covered up for you."
You lower your clipboard just below your eyes to make sure, seeing the smirking bird man lounging on his bed with a shirt on. You finally lower your clipboard all the way before giving a curt nod. Making your way to the desk chair, you smile at the man.
"Thank you, Keigo. As I said before, my name is Y/N and I'm here to get to know you."
He snickers, "well, I'm here to answer any questions you have for me, baby bird. Fire away."
You sigh and open your notebook. "Must you call me such a name?"
"Awe, do you not like when I call you that?"
Sighing once more, you decide to just move on. You know you'll end up going in circles. "Please state your full name, age and date of birth for me."
"My name is Keigo Takami. I'm 28 years old. My birthday is December 28th." He paused to let you write that down before opening his mouth again. "Did you need my star sign and my relationship status? Well, I'm a Capricorn and I am definitely sin-"
"Nope, that's enough." You cut him off before he could ramble on even more. "Now, can you tell me what your quirk is exactly?"
Keigo blinks before turning around, the chains on his ankles clanking against the bed frame. Your eyes light up being able to actually see the giant, beautiful red bird wings coming from his back. You frowned slightly noticing they were pinned down, preventing him from being able to use them.
"Does that hurt? Having them pinned like that?" You tilt your head eyes following the edges of each feather.
Keigo lets out a quiet chuckle, eyeing you from over his shoulder. "A little. But nothing I can't handle. Why, is my baby bird worried about little ole me?"
Your frown turns into a glare and you clear your throat. "So, what exactly can you do with these wings of yours?"
Keigo's mouth twitches into a smirk as he turns back around to face you. "Well, I can fly. And I can also disconnect each feather from my wings and use them individually."
You nod, not wanting to show how impressed you were, knowing he'd make a crack at it. You finish writing down that information before asking your next question. "Now, can you tell me why you are here?"
"Getting down to the nitty-gritty, I see. Well, I was arrested and charged with Drug Trafficking, Forgery and Assault." You look at him, motioning him to continue. He shrugs. "There isn't much else to it. I'm a mafia leader. This shit happens on a daily basis, for years. Just so happened that I eventually got caught, on account of a leak in my group. Fortunately, for me, I use other people to do the killing for me. So that means they couldn't get me with murder." He cocks his head. "Unfortunately, though, trafficking and forgery are also felonies, so. That's why I'm here."
"So you spent your life moving copious amounts of drugs, forging money and assaulting clients who did you wrong?"
Keigo thinks about your words for a moment and nods. "Essentially, yes."
"Alright then." You stand up and bow your head to the mafia leader who was watching you carefully. "I will take my leave, as I have one more inmate to see before the end of my shift." You head towards the door, but pause for a moment. "Oh, and Keigo?" You turn your head to look at him over your shoulder. "Your wings are beautiful."
Keigo's eyes widen and his jaw drops slightly, watching you walk out that door. His face turns bright red after processing your words. He mutters under his breath, "oh, baby bird…"
After shutting the door behind you, you breathe out. Aizawa looks up from his phone. "How'd it go?"
You raise a brow, "what, you weren't watching me through the security cameras like before?"
"Oh, I was," he deadpanned. "But, visually, it didn't look as compromising as the last two visits. The cameras don't pick up audio."
"Well, besides the lack of clothing in the beginning and the incessant flirting, I was pleasantly surprised."
Aizawa looked at his watch. "Now, I think we have time for one more before we have to turn in paperwork and unchain the more dangerous inmates from their beds to give them some room to stretch out." Aizawa flips through the profiles before stopping on one. "How about Amajiki?"
You turn to his profile and scan the words in front of you. "A cannibal, huh. Well that's not something you see every day."
"I think he'd be good to end the day with. Despite him being, well, a cannibal, he's actually extremely reserved and quite timid. I don't think he'd try to hurt you or get close to you. He suffers from borderline personality disorder, as you see." Aizawa looks up from his notes and eyes you. "However, he is a level 10. He may come across as innocent and somewhat angelic, but remember, he is one of the most dangerous criminals in this facility. He has multiple murders under his belt. So just keep that in mind."
You nod your head, slightly bouncing with excitement. This one sounds quite interesting to you. You've never met a cannibal before and this one has a quirk that sounds intriguing. Aizawa sighs before turning away from Hawk's door and heading further down the long hallway. He stops in front of a heavy door and scans you in.
Once you step inside the white room, you furrow your brows, not really noticing anyone. That's when you hear a small whimper and a few muffled, stuttered words coming from the floor next to the bed.
"W-Who are you?"
You lean to the side to see an indigo-haired figure huddled against the wall between the desk and the bed. You notice his body is trembling, only his eyes visible through his bangs, his arms covering the rest of his face. Head tilted, you squat down from a distance and smile.
"Hi there, Amajiki. My name is Y/N. I'm the newest scientist at this facility. I'm here to talk to you and get to know you to help further our findings for a cure. I'd like to be friends, if that's possible." You reply gently. You can tell he's scared out of his mind.
He raises his head up, giving you a full view of his…
Your eyes widen slightly. The bottom half of Amajiki's face, from his nose to under his chin, is completely covered by a silver muzzle. It's strapped around his head and locked in place by a padlock. Your eyes travel down to see his wrists chained together with quirk cancelling cuffs and, as you expected, both of his ankles are chained to the heavy duty bed frame.
"They have you muzzled like that?" You stare in disbelief, slightly angered at the treatment. You understand that he's a known cannibal, but to strap that heavy muzzle around his head on top of chains already weighing him down.
Amajiki nods shyly, "y-yeah. I guess it's because of the whole e-eating people… thing."
You sit yourself down on the floor across from him, your notes in your lap. "Is it uncomfortable?" He nods slowly, his eyes avoiding yours. You give him a small smile. "I'm sorry."
His eyes shoot to yours, confusion flashing through them. "Why are you sorry?"
"It...seems like a lot of you are possibly being mistreated here. I've noticed a few things here and there."
Amajiki's brows furrow. "And why should you care? W-We're criminals."
"True. However, this facility isn't supposed to be judge, jury and executioner. You're entitled to a fair trial, just like everyone else. That includes not being mistreated." Your smile never leaves your face as you look the man in the eyes. "I am not only here to research a cure, but make sure in doing so, it won't harm any of you. It'll be humane, I promise." Amajiki just stares at you with an unreadable expression. You sigh and click your pen. "Do you mind if I ask you some questions, Amajiki?" He shakes his head but stays quiet.
"Can you please state your full name, age and date of birth?"
"U-um. Tamaki Amajiki, 25, March 4th."
"Thank you. And what is your quirk?"
Amajiki hugs his knees tighter. "I-It's called Manifestation. Essentially, whatever I eat and digest, I can manifest as a body part."
Your leg bounces in excitement. "So, if you were to eat, let's say, Takoyaki, you can turn your hand into tentacles?" He nods his head. Your eyes light up. "That is incredible, Amajiki. That's such a powerful quirk!"
Amajiki's eyes widened, a blush spreading across his cheeks that were partially hidden under his muzzle. This is the first time he's ever been thankful to have this thing attached to his face. "U-um, t-thanks."
You let out a soft giggle and continue writing in your notes. "Here's a little bit more of a difficult question, Amajiki. Can you please tell me why you are incarcerated in this facility?"
Amajiki stays quiet, not looking at you. You notice his hesitation. You think for a moment before looking around the room. Amajiki sneaks a glance at you, watching you look around the room. His brows furrow. "W-What are you…"
You finally spot the locations of the camera and move your body so your back was facing it. Ignoring his question, you place your pen down directly in front of you so only Amajiki can see. You furrow your brows in concentration and stick your tongue out as you hover your hand over your pen. To Amajiki's utter shock, the pen starts floating in the air.
"Y-You have a quirk?!"
You nod your head and release the pen from your power. "Yeah, I do. It's nothing fancy like yours, but it is a mutation, nonetheless. Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone who understands more of your situation than you might think. So that's why I wanted to show you." You smile at the man, who is looking at you with pure adoration. "Please, keep this to yourself. I don't know what Aizawa would do if he found out about it." 
"I-I won't tell anyone, I promise."
You giggle and sit back down in your original spot. "Thank you. Now, can you please tell me why you're in this facility?"
He nods his head, still slightly dazed about this new-found information. "I was charged with multiple counts of 1st degree murder a-and…" his voice drops to a whisper, "s-serial cannibalism."
You couldn't help your interest in the subject and started rambling. "Would you be so kind as to explain how this came about? Did you grow up into a family of cannibals or-"
"NO!" He lashes out, causing you to flinch slightly. He winces as your reaction, not intending to scare you. "N-no. Nothing like that. It happened… against my will, so to say?" Amajiki sighs and rests his chin on his arms, not meeting your eyes. "I was one of the only kids in my small town to have been born with a mutation. My parents tried to hide it, tried to hide me. I don't know if it was from fear of people hurting me or fear of everyone judging them for having me."
He blinks a few times before continuing. "The town I lived in was small, a bad side to say the least. Lots of low-lifes and gangs running around. Well, long story short, someone found out about me and what my quirk was. They kidnapped me and…" He trails off. Suddenly, his eyes snapped to yours, an uncomfortable and intense feeling overwhelming you. "They forced me to eat another person, someone with a quirk. They wanted to see if I could turn their power into my own."
He cocks his head and lets out a cackle, still making eye contact with you. "Can you believe that?! It actually worked! So what did they do? They forced me to eat ANOTHER quirk user. They wanted to turn me into an ultimate weapon." Amajiki lets out a strange noise, sounding like a mixture between a guttural sob and a laugh. "Well, the joke was on them in the end. I ended up killing and eating them in the end and escaping. But after that point, something mutated further in my quirk. I couldn't stop craving human flesh." He shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath. "A-And that's why I'm here now."
Your eyes are wide and your breath is heavy. Something inside you feels a sense of panic, looking at the clearly broken man in front of you. It's so much information to take in, you stay quiet for awhile, your body on high alert. Amajiki notices how quiet you are and he opens his eyes. He notices a terrified look on your face and internally panics.
"W-Wait, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I-I'm not going to hurt you." He finally moves out from his huddled form and kneels instead, the sound of chains clinking together snapping you out of it. "I-I would n-never hurt you." He whispers the last part, hoping you wouldn't hear it.
You clear your throat after taking a few deep breaths. "T-Thank you for telling me this, Amajiki. It was really brave of you to relive those experiences." You look at him and notice the fear and concern in his face. Giving him a small smile, you close your notebook. "I'm fine, I promise." You stand up on shaky legs and bow your head. "I need to get going."
Amajiki quickly stands up, making you slightly flinch again, which doesn't go unnoticed by him. "Y-You're leaving already? Will I get to see you again?"
"You will. I'm an employee here now, so I'll be the one to check up on all the inmates and work on everyone's individual sessions." You turn your back and walk to the door. "I'll see you later, Amajiki."
The indigo-haired man watches you walk through his door, longing written across his face. The only thing running through his mind are thoughts of the pretty telekinesis that made his heart race.
Once out the door, Aizawa meets you in the hallway. "How'd it go with the man-eater?"
You scowl at the doctor. "Why do you say things like that? He has a name."
"He's a criminal, Y/N. They're all criminals. Shouldn't matter what we call them." He rolls his eyes. "Just come with me. We have to finish our paperwork before the end of the day."
You grumble under your breath but follow the tired-looking doctor to his office. "You also need to prepare yourself for tomorrow. You will be meeting Kaminari, Midoriya, Shinso, Bakugo, Todoroki, Dabi and Kai. And 5 out of the 7 are level 8 and above."
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