#i wanted to work with tones cause lately i noticed my arts are messy
cheesomancer · 4 months
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Waterfall 🚿
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alwaysmarveling · 3 years
The Incident, The Aftermath
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Warnings: Amputation, an explosion, hints at PTSD (it’s a wee bit sad but I promise it gets happier)
Word Count: ~3k
A/N: So I finally got the guts to post something... If you like it, thank Camz :) If you don’t, sorry mi dude, I’m working on it (but constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!).
You’d slipped into the tank top and shorts easily enough, and here you were standing in front of your dresser. One look at the unruly mop atop your head caused you to let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You carefully ran the brush through your hair, allowing the knots to loosen up one by one.
You’d been leaving your hair down every day since The Incident, but that was two weeks ago. Assuming everything healed properly, Tony and Bruce were going to fit you for a prosthetic in a week, but until then you had to work with what you had… which was one less arm than you were used to having your entire life.
The universe wasn’t being very thoughtful of your adjustment—it was supposed to get up to ninety-five degrees today—so maybe today would be the day to try putting it up. You had seen some people do it on YouTube, and it didn’t seem that difficult. Plus, if you had enough dexterity to wield a knife with one hand and still leave your opponent in pieces, you should be able to put up your hair with one hand easy peasy.
You stared at your reflection in the mirror, unsure of what to really do with it. You didn’t see a braid working. You could pin some of it to the side so that it wouldn’t fall in your face, but with the heat, you wanted it completely up. A messy bun could work, though; it was simple, got the hair off of your neck, and it was meant to be a bit untidy. Perfect. With the style in mind, you pushed an elastic around your wrist and set off to work.
Twisting your hair was easy enough. Looping it around to actually form a bun was slightly more difficult, but you managed. When it came time to actually loop the elastic around the bun, though, things got more complicated.
You copied the video, pressing your head against the wall to hold your hair in place while you secured the elastic. However, looping the elastic around the bun without significantly shifting your hair was proving to be extremely difficult. Nevertheless, you managed to do it. The mirror then filled with your reflection as you examined your handiwork.
Handiwork was one word for it. Simply put, it looked like a toddler had done your hair. You weren’t sure how exactly you had messed up since you couldn’t really see behind your head, but you could see the result, and it wasn’t pretty. You let out a puff of air, pulling the elastic out and reaching for your brush. One glance at the clock told you you had enough time for two or three more attempts before you had to call it a day.
Five tries later, you were no better off than you were before. Sure, the bun was supposed to be messy, but there was a certain art to a messy bun. This just looked like a giant cat spit a hairball on top of your head. On top of that, you were now running late to meet Wanda for grocery shopping.
“Miss Y/N,” FRIDAY started.
“Tell her I’ll be down in five,” you sighed, your eyes brimming with tears. You supposed one more day of leaving your hair down wouldn’t kill you even if it was going to be hot, but you just wanted to be able to take care of yourself. You hated seeing the looks of sympathy your teammates gave you every time you had to ask for help for the simplest things, whether it be grabbing a plate at the bottom of the stack or setting up equipment for training.
Sure, things were getting a little easier, like dressing yourself without help. You could deal with the phantom pain. It was excruciating, but pain was one part of the job that you were used to. You had also managed to hide your frustration from the team pretty well since The Incident, but you weren’t sure if that made it any better; half of them seemed like they were walking on eggshells when they were around you.
When it came to the nightmares, though, that was much harder to hide, especially considering you shared a bed with one of the lightest sleepers in the world. You hated waking her up every night, your body soaked in sweat and chest heaving as you forced yourself to remember that it was all over, forced your mind to believe that you were safe even when your body didn’t.
Before you could really understand what was happening, your emotions from the last few weeks bubbled over. Anger, frustration, anguish, and countless others flew to the surface, demanding to be released. Your fingers dug into your hair, yanking on the elastic—along with several strands of hair—until they flew out, hitting the floor somewhere you didn’t care to find. The hairbrush was next, being snatched from the top of the dresser and chucked at the door as hard as you could manage.
“What the- Y/N? Are you okay, babe?”
The thwack of the brush hitting the door caused you to flinch even though you were the one who caused it. Not processing your girlfriend’s muffled words at first, your eyes widened as you stepped back, and for a split second you were transported back to The Incident.
You grabbed the last civilian who had fallen behind the others, practically tossing them out of the building before it could explode.
“Y/N! Get out of-” Before Steve could finish his sentence, the building burst into flame, and the blast sent you flying in the air.
When you came to, the only thing you could focus on was the excruciating pain radiating from your elbow. You couldn’t make out exactly what had happened to it, but, wow, to say it hurt was an understatement.
It was several minutes later before the ringing cleared from your ears and you finally realized someone was talking to you.
“Y/N! Y/N, love, please, where are you?” The familiar voice drove you to use the little energy you had left, lifting your head off of the pavement to scan your surroundings. The dust and debris from the explosion made it difficult to see, but you could just make out her shape a few feet away from you.
“Turn… around, you doofus… I’m… behind you,” you wheezed out before letting your head hit the ground.
“Y/N! Oh my god, I thought we-” The second the former assassin saw you, her mouth dropped.
“What is it, Natty?” you asked weakly.
“Nothing, sweetheart. Just give me a second, okay? I’m going to get the rest of the team so we can get you out of here.”
“Liar,” you wheezed, half-teasing, half-panicked, but your girlfriend had already turned around. Squinting your eyes, you could just make out the small movements of her lips that told you she was talking, but the chaos and your pain and exhaustion—and probably blood loss, but you didn’t know that at the time—was making it impossible to hear what she was saying.
“Okay, they’re coming,” she reassured you, kneeling down next to you.
“What happened?” you tried again.
“You’re a hero, babe,” the redhead murmured, smoothing back your hair and brushing dirt from your face.
“Yeah?” Your voice was growing weaker, and you were becoming loopier than someone who had just come out of wisdom teeth surgery. Natasha knew it was only moments until you passed out.
“Yeah, you did it, sweet girl. You saved them all.”
“I did? I seriously hope Helen is a superhero too because someone’s going to need to save my arm. God, it hurts.” Natasha only let out a huff at your poor attempt at a joke, but you appreciated it nonetheless.
“Just hold on a little longer for me, okay? Can you do that?��� Something wet hit your cheek, making you realize that your girlfriend was crying.
“Of course,” you scoffed. “Don’t…” You left her hanging.
After what felt like years, you finally regained your breath and returned to the present. “I’m fine,” you yelled out, your voice wavering. You knew Natasha wouldn’t believe you. Not only was she your girlfriend, but she was literally one of the best spies in the world. Sure enough, she tried to open the door, her efforts in vain since you’d locked it when you were changing.
“Hon, can you please open the door?”
“I’m fine, Nat,” you breathed out, your tone slightly more stable.
“Just let me in,” she pleaded. “Please?” Her soft voice made you sigh in resignation as you wiped your eyes. You tugged your fingers through your hair, trying to tame the bird’s nest on your head at least a little before showing yourself to her.
“Hi,” you practically whispered, not making eye contact with her once you had opened the door.
“Hey,” she responded softly, taking your hand in one of hers and using her other hand to lift up your chin. Rather than saying anything else immediately, she pressed a soft kiss to the top of your forehead as her second hand slid down to completely wrap your one hand in both of hers. The two of you stood in the doorway for a while, eyes closed and hand in hand. You weren’t a super soldier, but you were sure you could hear both of your heartbeats, yours slowing down to beat in tandem with hers.
“You okay?” she finally asked. You nodded slightly, your breathing now back to normal and the tears no longer streaming down your face.
Natasha always had a way of calming you down. You didn’t get frustrated or angry often, but when you did… the rest of the Avengers always joked that you were seconds away from becoming the next Hulk.
The former assassin slowly reached up to untangle your locks, noticing how you flinched when she first reached your hairline.
“I’ve been thinking,” she started with the faintest hint of uncertainty, “It’s been a while since I did your hair, and I saw this new hairstyle online that I thought would look really good on you…”
“Thank you,” you sighed quietly as you leaned into her touch.
“My pleasure,” your girlfriend smirked, pushing you inside your shared bedroom and closing the door behind her. She guided you to sit on the floor as she sat on the edge of the bed behind you. Brush in hand, Nat started sectioning off your hair. A small smile graced her face when you closed your eyes, allowing yourself to fully enjoy the contact.
Now halfway down your head, she spoke up again. “You know I’ll always be here for you, right?
“Nat…” you warned, although you had nothing to say afterwards, and the redhead took advantage of that.
“I can only imagine how upset you feel about losing your arm-”
“Nat,” you interrupted, your voice slightly harder this time. Natasha sighed as she continued to braid your hair.
“I’m just trying to say that I’m here for you. I was here for you before, and I’m here for you now. The number of limbs that you have doesn’t affect that. It also doesn’t affect your worth. You’re not useless, Y/N. You never were, and you certainly aren’t now.” Despite your best efforts, tears began to trail down your face. Natasha pursed her lips at the sight but continued, knowing that if she stopped now she wouldn’t have another chance to say what she needed to. “You are-” Nat’s fingers froze when you mumbled out something unintelligible, the hand over your mouth preventing you from enunciating. “What was that?” You sighed before speaking again.
“It’s not the arm. It’s not just the arm,” you corrected.
“Then what is it?” She resumed braiding your hair, her voice matching the tenderness in her hands.
“It’s- it’s the- god, this is embarrassing.”
“You have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about, love. I’ll never judge you for anything you’re feeling,” the redhead promised, pausing once again to brush her lips above your brow bone.
“It’s the fear, Nat. I can’t go one second without thinking about the explosion. About… losing it. I’m scared 24/7, Nat, and even if I could forget about it for even a moment, I have a constant reminder.” Natasha didn’t have to see your face to know that your eyes had flickered to the remainder of your arm that hung by your side. “And, god,” you laughed bitterly, “god, does it make me feel weak. What kind of Avenger constantly lives in fear and panic? How am I ever supposed to help anyone like this?”
“Y/N.” She stopped braiding your hair for the third time, pulling on it slightly so that you were forced to meet her eyes above you. “You are the strongest person I know. I know you’re scared, but guess what? You went through something super traumatic. It’s okay to be scared. Honestly, I might be more concerned if you came out of that and you weren’t scared at all. All of us get scared, and that’s perfectly valid because being scared does not make you weak. Being scared means you value your life, and that’s a good thing.” She paused her speech to relax her grip on your hair, but your head remained tilted, captivated by the passion and emotion that filled your girlfriend’s face and voice.
“And the Avenger that lives in fear and panic is the same one that was ready to give up her life to save people. You helped people in the past not because you had two arms or because you weren’t scared of stuff. You helped them for the sole reason that you made a commitment to helping others, to making the world a better place, and that is the sole reason why you will still be able to help others.” Natasha’s whole body was trembling. The hands that held your hair were white at the fingertips as she clenched them. 
“I admire you more than anyone else in the world. You’re a hero, Y/N. Not ‘were,’ but ‘are.’ You’re the hero of every single person whose life you saved, and you’re my hero.”
“I didn’t-” Despite your interruption, the spy didn’t stop talking.
“You saved my life, Y/N, the second you walked into it. You give me a reason to live, to wake up every morning. And you’re my hero even more so now than before because you get up every day with a smile on your face, no matter what’s thrown at you.”
“Not much of a smile now,” you sniffed. Despite the tears that blurred your vision, you couldn’t stop the corner of your lips from curling up slightly. Nat laughed at the juxtaposition, finishing up the intricate braids woven in your hair before turning you around to face her.
“But look how quickly that changed,” she teased, pecking your lips after she wiped the tears from your face.
“Thank you,” you repeated for the second time in less than fifteen minutes.
“It was my pleasure. Plus, I was right, this hairstyle does look really good on you.” You bit your lip in embarrassment as you turned your gaze to the floor. “I’ll always do your hair for you, milaya.”
“I was actually thinking of shaving it off,” you smirked. As you examined your reflection in the mirror, you couldn’t help but agree with Natasha. You looked good, missing arm and all. A little teary-eyed and runny-nosed, but amazing nonetheless.
“Don’t you dare,” your girlfriend scoffed. “I know I said I wasn’t leaving, but I might at that,” she winked.
“Hey!” You tackled her to the ground. Reaching for her abdomen, her eyes widened as your grin grew larger.
“Y/N, don’t you dare-” You talked over her, not paying attention to her threat.
“I can still tickle you with one arm.” The spy didn’t get the chance to respond before you pounced, smiling at the sound of her laughter.
“Stop, Y/N, please!” she managed to get out.
“Are you going to leave me then? Huh?”
“No, no! I won’t! I’ll never leave you! Please, just stop!” You let up on the tickling, gently brushing away the hair that was thrown over her face seconds ago. “Great,” Nat groaned, “now I need to redo my hair.”
“Sorry,” you giggled sheepishly. Seeing the pout on her face, you bent down and met her lips with yours.
“I meant it, though.”
“That you need to fix your hair?” Natasha laughed at the way your head had adorably cocked to one side.
“No, silly, that you’re my hero. That you’re the strongest, most admirable person I know. That I’ll always be there for you, and that I’ll always do your hair for you, even when you don’t need me to do it for you any longer.”
“I love you.” You kissed her again. “And I will always love you.” Noticing a slight shift in her face, you paused, studying her expression. “Don’t you dare start singing that song.”
“Miss Y/N, Miss Maximoff is wondering if you are alright.”
“Shoot, I need to go grocery shopping with Wanda!” You scrambled to get off of the floor, smoothing out your clothes before looking for your shoes. “Uh, FRIDAY, tell her I’m so sorry and I’m coming down right now.”
“One more for the road?” Nat pouted just before you reached the door.
“Of course. Thank you again, for everything.” Your lips melted together for a second before you pulled away.
“Wanda, I’m here, I’m so, so sorry!” You half-ran, half-slid down the hallway to meet your best friend at the door.
“Hey,” Wanda turned to greet you. “What took you-” She paused upon making eye contact with you. “I like your hair,” she grinned.
“Thanks,” you smiled back, “Nat did it for me.”
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corie-the-writer · 3 years
Won’t Let Go - Chapter 6
Chapter 6 Several weeks had passed since Jay had made it official with Sophia. He couldn't have been happier. The couple had fallen into a routine that they both were happy with. The nights Sophia worked at the bar, Jay would come hang out until she was done for the evening. If she had a late night and Jay had to work early the next morning, he would go up to her apartment to sleep until she had gotten in. On the nights that Sophia had off, they would go on various dates, and during the day when Jay was at work, she would often stop by with lunch for them. Since the summer days were close to ending, they had decided to take a couple days off to head to a cabin to get away from Chicago for four days, before arriving back for the annual Chicago Fire and Chicago PD cook-out. Jay had enjoyed his time at the cabin with the dark haired woman. During the day the would lounge around on the beach, swam around in the lake, then once the sun had started to set, they would sit on the small dock near their cabin to watch the sunset, and then Jay would whisk her away into the cabin to make love. On the final night they were there, Jay and Sophia had cooked dinner together. Sophia had been wearing nothing but Jay's t-shirt, while Jay had nothing but a pair of black briefs on. They had just finished making love, and Sophia had declared that she was hungry. Jay was standing at the stove, while Sophia was sitting on the counter, her face was free of make-up, the suntan illuminating her skin, and her dark hair was in a messy bun on her head. He had walked to stand between her legs, his hands on her hips as she wrapped her delicate hands around his neck. " I love you..." Jay had let the words slip from his mouth slow and quietly, knowing that he in fact loved the woman in front of him. He had almost gulped realizing that he had said those three words out loud but knew that he couldn't take them back, even if he wanted to. His blue eyes found hers and she was looking back at him, almost into his soul and repeated the words with a kind smile on her face. "Earth to Halstead..." Jay blinked his eyes a few times from the picnic table he was sitting at to see Adam Ruzek sitting across from him, "I said how was your guys trip to the cabin?" Adam questioned again with a chuckle. "It was good." Jay let out a breathy laugh, "It was really good." Jay reached for his water to take a drink, noticing that Sophia was sitting in the grass on a large blanket with her little sister reading a book. "Man you've got it bad." Adam turned to look over his shoulder seeing that Jay was staring lovingly at his girlfriend. "Okay, listen up..." Chief Boden's deep voice caused Jay and Adam to look towards the older man, "Every year we hold a volleyball tournament, PD verus fire." Chief started out causing the police department and firehouse to begin to cheer since it had been a fun rival between the two departments, "This is how it will go, PD and fire will pick two teams each. Each department will play one game, whoever wins advances until there are two teams left. Whoever wins gets bragging rights until next years tournament." Chief explained, "Now keep it friendly, and keep it fun. We will be starting in twenty minutes." Jay and Adam pushed themselves up from the picnic table and headed towards where PD was starting to gather around. Jay had noticed Sophia smiling at him and he had shot her a wink. Halstead knew that one team would consist of him, Ruzek, Atwater, Kim, Antonio, and Vanessa. So he had just stood around listening to who would be on the second team. Sophia watched as her mother had called for Annabelle since the volleyball games were getting started, so the oldest Herrmann child moved towards the edge of the beach to sit and watch the games. As she sat down, Jay had jogged over to her, resting his hands on her knees. "You're gonna cheer for me, right?" Jay questioned with a boyish smile. "I don't know about it." Sophia smiled back, "You're going against my dad and friends..." Sophia added causing Jay to put a hand over his heart playfully pretending to be hurt. "Halstead, let's go!" Christopher Herrmann yelled for the detective causing Sophia to grin. "Love you..." Jay ducked his lips down to kiss hers before running back to the sand to start to game. . . Later that evening Sophia was sitting in Mollys next to Jay as he nursed a beer in one hand, while his other arm was laced around her shoulders, hearing Firehouse 51 brag about winning the volleyball game. Sophia chuckled as Jay leaned towards her to kiss her temple, "If you would have been my cheerleader, we would have won." Jay spoke causing the table to laugh as they drank their beers. "I doubt that. You ate more sand than you hit the ball." Sophia teased causing a round of laughter. "I kept tripping because I'm use to running on pavement, not in sand." Jay stated with a playfully stern tone causing Sophia to roll her eyebrows. Sophia was enjoying her night off with Jay and all of her friends, listening to the banter between her father, Chief Boden Jay Halstead and Adam Ruzek. She was about to get up from the table to get another beer when Stella Kidd approached. "Hey Soph..." Stella grabbed her arm gently and leaned into her ear, "Noah is here looking for you." Stella spoke quietly into her ear causing her to furrow her eyebrows within seconds. "What?" Sophia questioned quietly glancing to Jay to see him speaking to her father and then back to Stella, "You sure it's him?" Sophia questioned and watched her friend nod. "Yeah. He said that he needed to speak with you, that he would be outside because he did not want to interrupt." Stella explained. Sophia was internally groaning because she had yet to find the right time to tell Jay about her past with Noah. It had never came up, but now that Noah was in Chicago, she wasn't sure where to even begin with that entire conversation. "I'll be back..." Sophia commented to Jay, moving from the bar table and heading towards the front door after giving Stella a knowing look. Walking out into the chilly air, Sophia's dark blue eyes scanned the area for the familiar face. She was able to easily make out his dark suit, his large frame leaning against a black vehicle across the street. His arms crossed over his chest as he looked down the road. "Noah." Sophia approached him, "What are you doing here?" Sophia questioned. "Good to see you darlin..." Noah moved to hug her, Sophia froze for a moment as the man wrapped his arms around her and then pulled back, causing him to chuckle, "I know we didn't end things on the best note, but I wanted to be respectful enough to let you know that I'll be in town for a couple of months." Noah explained. "Oh..." Sophia hummed, not entirely sure why he had wanted her to know. "I have a couple of people who are interested in your artwork." Noah explained, "A couple of business men's wives are wanting to get in touch with you about some of your paintings." Noah added. Sophia took a breath and looked up to the tall man, "I don't really need the money, I'm pretty well set from the paintings I sold before I came back." Sophia stated, knowing that Noah was wanting to make sure that she was financially okay. Noah let out a laugh, "I'm aware of that. These women are wanting to pay ten thousand for your paintings, if not more." Sophia's eyes nearly bugged out of her head causing Noah to chuckle lightly, "Look, there's no funny business as you like to call it." Noah started, "They were in the apartment I'm staying at while I'm  here and saw the artwork of yours I have displayed and fell in love, asked me to reach out." Noah explained. Sophia knew that Noah was always a fan of her art and tried like hell to help her spread her work around to different people they had came across. Sophia found herself nodding her head, "Yeah, okay..." Sophia knew that the extra money would help her to find an actual home to buy so she could settle down in Chicago finally. "Soph?" Sophia heard her boyfriend's voice, and she turned to look over her shoulder to see Jay Halstead standing outside Molly's with his eyebrows furrowed. "I'll be in touch." Jay Halstead watched as the dark haired man in a suit leaned down to kiss Sophia's cheek before getting into his car and driving away. Jay watched as Sophia's shoulders dropped before she headed towards him. "Who was that?" He found himself questioning.
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boredoverlord · 3 years
Bucky X Reader - Hold the Line
I came in here to show you a good time, so here's my personal work and my very first fanfiction of all time. And because I'm a thirsty bitch, of course it's smut.
Summary : As a young and talented psychologist specializing in difficult people in prison, you believed in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work with the SHIELD. Turned out you were tricked to work for HYDRA.
For three years they made you do horrors in the name of an ideology you despised, but you may have found the occasion to finally make a change for the good, when they introduced you to your new patient. 
The Winter Soldier.
Rating : Explicit, please kids, look away ( of course you won't because you're cute little rebels, but please do it)
Word count : 6.4k (chapter 1)
TW:   Light BDSM (for now) Because Bucky is a massive Sub and it seems nobody agrees with me, so I have to do the lord's work here.
Foul language, mention of violence and murder, Masturbation, male orgasm and a tiiiny bit of choking. I started lightly 
 Please consider reading this on Archive of our own or read it below the cut. Lemme know what you think !
Chapter 1: A Story of Almost Everything
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You never were the type to brag. But one thing you know is : you’re damn good at your job. Years and years of psychology studies, you barely got to parties, you hardly made any friends, and your sleeping schedule is still a nightmare. Those were sacrifices you did for one sole purpose : helping others. To be the last resort for people who have lost everything. You always firmly believed that you could make a change in the world, even the slightest, even for just one person. That would have been enough to make your lifetime worthy. What's more noble than just a genuine try to make it better, after all ? So you wasted your youth on studies, without a damn blink. And never one ounce of regret. You did it because it felt right. You’re not very brave, but you decided to face your fear a couple of times. You even were an intern in a high security prison, talking to broken men and women who hated your guts. Trying to lead them to another path of life. You heard stories that could break any mind. Only time could tell if you actually helped them. But that’s part of the job. Hope. And hard work.
  That’s why when you started to have a growing reputation, at 26 after five years of studies and several years working in prison and rehabilitation, you were ecstatic when S.H.I.E.L.D contacted you. You quit everything, starting with your homeland in Europe, to fly to Washington DC, to visit the headquarters. The new building, the thrill of novelty, the clean rooms, the medical wing, and Alexander Pierce himself coming to shake your hand and telling you personally the wonders they have in mind for the psychology field. You could prepare people to save the world, you could have all the resources to make research, and fix minds that were supposed to be beyond repair. It was supposed to be just a quick trip, but the visit wasn’t even done when you looked at your guide with enthusiasm : you weren’t going home. Just cancel the fly. You’re taking the job immediately.   It was three years ago.
Enough to understand how fucked you are.
 You didn’t save anyone, you didn’t even work to make the world a better place. Oh but you did work to make a change. A change for HYDRA. They tortured you to make you swallow their ideology, but even if your body surrendered, your mind didn’t, even if it was still a perpetual work on yourself. You never believed in this masquerade, but you know it doesn’t matter. Because HYDRA knows how good you are at your job, and you’re a precious asset. So precious that they pushed all your buttons to make you obey. You tried to act and escape. Their last resort is the Damocles sword they put over your family’s head. Next act of rebellion, heads will roll. And it won’t be yours : no, no. HYDRA won’t give you this relief. It will be your loved ones. So you’re doing what you have to do. It’s the most cowardly choice, you know it. And you’re ashamed. But you’re too terrorised to make it otherwise. So you’re here to twist people's minds to swallow whatever Hydra wants. You make them understand the importance of the organization, when they can’t take it anymore, you make them understand that not only they can, but they must . You saw vulnerable people giving their life to this awful cause, and you are the person to make them understand it was the right thing to do. They gave you kind people with dreams, morals and passion, and you turn this into anger, hate and war, worshipping a crazy doctrine that spoils everything you believed and fought for. You have blood on your hands. You’re THAT good at your job.
 So when they called you for a highly secret mission, you weren’t exactly surprised. Just disgusted by them, and mostly yourself. In the guts of what was called the Ideal Federal Saving Bank, you’re obediently following the chef himself : Alexander Pierce, to your next place of action. “I believe you have read your mission’s order, Y/N ?” “Yes Sir.” You said. “It did mention I will have the whole file today, though. I need to take a look at my patient so I can work in proper condition.” “Whatever you call it.” He said, opening the door of the clandestine laboratory in the now abandoned bank. If not for the machinery, we could still believe that those art deco walls filled with safes would still contain treasures of a lifetime for some people. Now there is nothing of value in here, not even the very skin of every PoS present. And you were including yourself. Making your way in the middle of the heavy set up, you slowly reach the pod in the middle, chewing secretly the interior of your cheeks. You know what’s inside, and it makes you want to puke. Mr Pierce continued “Doctor, as your mission was presented to you, your one on only assignment will be the physical and mostly the psychological perfect condition of the Winter Soldier, for the entire length of this mission on american soil.” Basically, be sure his brain is a fucking slushy. You reluctantly nodded and drew closer. “What’s his condition ?” At the top of your height, barely 5’3, you tiptoed to actually look at him by the window of the cryostasis chamber, since you never got this close of a look, not without the file and basically crumbs of info that were thrown at your face. They expected you to keep a dog on a leash, not making actual work on him, and it shows. White man, late 20s to early 30s, approx 5”7, long dark messy hair, not shaved, geez, it seemed like the poor guy was barely cleaned up before being pushed here.  Good physical condition, breathing was steady. You could see the steam of his breath on the glass. He may be clinically asleep, but she highly doubted he would be in his best shape. He looked uncomfortable, and tired. It wasn’t a restorative sleep. It was a prison. You couldn’t help but notice his prosthetic arm, even if that was the only thing you knew about him. It’s a fascinating work of science, that’s for sure. And even if transhumanism and biomechanical wasn’t your forte, you wanted to have a closer look, to satisfy your curiosity. One of the scientists watching his screen responded : “He’s gently defrozing, should be half conscious in 5 minutes. You may want to take a step down.” You ignore that, and lean your hand to your superior. “May I finally have what I have been asking for ?” With the most irritating smile, he gave you the Winter Soldier’s File and you quickly opened it to have a first look at all the fuss. Basic physical information, previous missions report, date of entering and ending of cryostasis, bare minimal medical record, notes by her predecessor, fucking trigger words to make him kneel like a 12 years old in front of any boysband... nothing about his previous life, his antics, his name, actual disorders, no name, nor adresses… You glaced a bit at Pierce and threw a polite smile. He knows what he’s doing, and he knows you know. You’re extremely good with very violent patients. You have endured rapists and murderers spiting in your face and swearing to bite your head off and fucking your skull. You were traumatized and you cried yourself to sleep, but the following day you did your job again. You’re just here to handle the worst of the worst. And you’re going to do it.
Or he’s going to break your neck and fuck your skull. You’re fine with that.
“Thank you it’s going to be very helpful.” As helpful as a band-aid on a wooden leg. “What’s this device ?” You point your chin to another machine not far away from it. One of the two men finishing installing it, raised his head to look at you. “A memory suppressing machine. Usually he doesn’t need it as much as he used to, but it’s mainly for safety. He must be prepared.” “He’s in a state where he willingly takes it. So don’t hesitate if he’s starting to be annoying, or excited. That can happen. But that mean you would probably have to work more with him to make him fully ready for his mission,” “Understood, thank you for clarification gentlemen.” You smiled and they smiled back. You’re a woman, so you’re used to it. Basically this shit was supposed to hack his brain, and it must be painful. “I would strongly recommend not using it at such a time. From what I quickly read he needs stability and time. Wiping everything out will more likely create more confusion.” You took a look at the file again and took it upon yourself to not have your eyes double in size and screaming at this bunch of idiots. “... and it does seem he’s using it a lot.” 
“We want the asset to be as focused as possible.”
“I understand that, but that's a temporary solution at best. He’s got a brain, not a harddrive. We still don’t know how it can store information, and if it can…” “The last time we used him was five years ago…” Started Pierce, with diplomaty, but also with a tone that wasn’t allowing any more debate on the matter. “And this mission is an absolute priority. The asset is strictly under cryostasis procedure as soon as he’s not needed anymore. The machine will be used if needed.” “I understand your point.” You absolute psychopath. “Then my request is simply to be here if it happens, and to be able to control the shocks. Also, I insist that he must be in perfect condition when you launch the procedure, I’ll personally make it happen and give you a green light.” “Thank you for your hard work.” He said, raising his hand, that you promptly and politely shook. You could feel the angry grasp. “I know you’re the perfect woman for this hard job. Your work is an inspiration for us all.” You wish you could end your life right here right now, instead of being told such atrocities. But you think about your mom and dad. At this time of year they start to prepare the pool for the summer, for the future neighborhood barbecues where they will brag to everyone about their incredible psychiatrist daughter who is doing secret stuff over sea to help save the world. You have to be strong. At least for them. At least for now.
“Hail Hydra.”
“Hail Hydra.” You responded, while your tongue feels like sandpaper.
  “Ok he’s starting to wake up…” Someone warns, as Pierce leaves the room, unbothered. The pod opens before your eyes, as the asset -you hate this term- is being roughly handled and carried away by two dudes to his seat. The one dangerously close to the memory suppressing machine. You squatted in front of him, the time for him to blink several times and look around him. Confused, but it’s not exactly his first rodeo either. His eyes are quickly focused on the first thing in front of him : you. He looked like he was trying to remember who you are, but quickly realized he didn’t know you. Two blue spears digging right into your soul. That’s making you a bit uncomfortable. The same weird feeling of unease you have when a cat is watching you taking a shower. “Hi.” You started, in english, even if he could be from italy you had no freaking clue. You guessed that he was probably slavic. But the file says he’s speaking more than ten languages. And it wasn’t specified when and how the hell did he learn that. “Can you hear me?” He took a few more seconds to look at you, probably the time to finish reading every embarrassing moment of your life, right into your eyes, like your drunk 18th birthday when you finished in your panties swimming in a city fountain, but he nodded eventually. You actually know this look. But it’s the first time you have a super soldier in front of you so it’s of a rare intensity. He’s dissecting you. Gathering information. His eyes moved slightly down : a recent scar on your neck. Right : an ex piercing on the top of your ear, now unusable. Down left : he just realized you’re slightly unbalanced so he knows you have a hip issue. And down right : he’s looking at your hand, you don’t really know what he saw here, maybe calculating how to break them ? You were literally a foot in a viper’s nest. Were you terrified ? Absolutely. Will that forbid you to do your job ? Nope. “Can you follow the light ?” You asked, moving slowly your phone’s lamp from left to right in front of his eyes. He did it without questioning. “Ok good.” You tried a smile, not really knowing why. If he was at least a tenth as clever as the file said he was, he perfectly know that you’re here to fuck him up. But you couldn’t help it. Poor dude. He was visibly more or less your age. He could have been a prince, or thief, a womanizer, or a priest, whatever, HYDRA took everything from him. From his free will, of his right to grow old, to his sleep. “Can you tell me your name ?” He frowned, perplexed. “Winter Soldier.” Shitty answer but at least he was fully aware, and his tongue was working properly. “Nice to meet you, I’m doctor Y/N. We’re here to work together in preparation of your next assignment. Do you understand ?” He nodded, unimpressed. “Good, can you get up ?” He did, so you did it too. And he realized that you were… very short. His eyes literally went up and slooowly down. That was a bit mean, actually. You carefully took a glance behind you, and your eyeroll could probably trigger an earthquake. “Can you all nice gentlemen let down a bit of their weapon ?” You said at the 6 dudes with rifles literally fixed on him, ready to shoot at the wrong twitch of muscle. No wonder he wasn’t talkative. “You won’t say that when he will break your neck with two fingers, ‘mam.”
“He’s pretty stable for now. Plus he’s not fully awake, let’s give him time before threatening him, shall we ?”
Nobody moved for ten seconds before one of them complied, since you didn’t move. The rest of the bunch reluctantly followed . You looked at your patient, hoping that that would have made him a bit more relaxed. Nope, he didn’t give a shit. He wasn't even looking at them. He was looking at you. You’re the mystery of this room to him. But you didn’t need extra vision to understand that Docs treated him like a guinea pig, so he was very understandably extra careful with you. Standing on his feet, all his muscles ready for action,  that’s the exact moment you realized how close you two were. Indeed, if he decided to, your jaw would fly across the room in a single move. You never had such a display of sheer raw strength, and you could feel the heat of his body radiate.
 “He needs a shower, and clothings.” You said, having a look at his 5 years old combat suit still reeking the smell of his sweat. It was intoxicating. They didn’t even allow him to clean himself. Poor dude was frozen in his own filth for the last five years. And you didn’t know why you took an even deeper breath. “And I’m talking about comfy workout clothes, no combat suit. Please escort him and handle him with care, before bringing him to my office.” You actually decided to be sure he wouldn’t be mistreated, by waiting outside the man’s bathrooms. You weren’t certain of how he could react, and you didn’t trust anyone here. If one of them decided to do a piss contest with your patient, it could end badly. So you put your hands in your pockets, looking at the two armed men waiting for the most dangerous assassin in the world to finish scrubbing himself with soap. The atmosphere was heavy and the silence was loud in itself. Even the sound of the shower was stressful and menacing.
 When the Soldier was escorted to your improvised office into the archive, directly linked to a storage room that will be your bedroom for the next weeks, you let him take a seat and promptly blocked the access to the room of the two escort members. “Thank you sirs, that will be all. Please wait here.” They look at you like you just told them you were dating their daughters. “Sorry Miss, but we can’t…” “Sorry Doctor , and I can’t work properly with weapons in my office.” You raised your hand, showing your device on your wrist. Something that would not only call for aid by a simple pressure, but could stun an opponent. Neither them nor you were stupid : it wouldn’t stop The Winter Soldier, maybe he would blink a second at most. But you really wanted to be alone with him. Was he dangerous ? Yes. Were you absolutely certain that you would leave this room alive if you closed this door to their face ? No. But it’s been three years since your priority wasn’t your survival anymore. So you forced a smile and slapped the door. They needed you more than you needed them, so they will obey.
“Douchebags.” You muttered to yourself while coming back to your desk. Your patient didn’t even move a muscle at your little argument. He wasn’t totally inexpressive actually, mostly terribly broody. His hair was still wet from the shower he took, wearing cargo pants, heavy boots and hoodies, generic clothes by HYDRA. You got those too, since you’re not allowed to carry anything personal for mission to mission. You had a tablet for books, music and movies, but that was it. You haven’t opened your shelves yet, but you know it’s full of ugly clothes and generic black panties of doom. 
You took a large inspiration, sat on your desk in front of him, and started : “Ok ‘Winter Soldier’... how are you doing ?” He didn’t even flinch. He was staring into your soul with his eyes lost into dark circles. Depriving someone of proper sleep is a basic rule for brainwash. “You enjoyed the shower ?” Nothing. You waited for a bit to see if he would finally respond. Ten seconds. Twenty. fourty. a minute. When he gathered that you were actually looking for an answer, visibly a first one for him, he finally gave you the courtesy of one. “Yes.” “Perfect.” You didn’t hide your slight smile and tiled your head. “I’ll be sure you’re in your best condition for your next mission. If something’s on your mind, I need to know about it. Nothing will get out of this room. Both of our priorities are your goal, and your condition is the key to success. Which makes you , my high top priority. Do you understand me ?” “Yes.”
“Ok so let’s get going.” You took another file, and took a picture out, ready to handle it to him. “Is the name : Nicholas Fury, ringing some bells to you?” “Yes.” He took it inside his titanium fingers and finally moved his piercing blue eyes away from you to look at the picture. “In two weeks, you’ll be in Washington DC. An entire squad will be deployed to assassinate him. Fury is the leader of the S.H.I.E.L.D, not a mere target. He will break free and fight back. That will be when you’ll show up.” He wasn’t looking at the picture anymore. One thing for sure : at least he was paying attention to you, and what you were saying. And that made you actually kind of proud of yourself. “That was part one. I’ll personally supervise your training with the VR machine and your physical health and condition. I really need you to communicate with me all the time about anything that could be in your mind. The more focused you are, the more Hydra’s plan will succeed.” And what’s that plan ? You have not a single clue. You were a cog in the machine, disposable. Not much more than him. “Do you understand ?” “I understand.” Oh shit, two words this time!
“Good.” You smiled. He didn’t. You move your hands closer to him, to take a grip on the picture. He opened his prosthetic hand, leaving you to take it back. Nothing in his gesture seems dangerous. Just normal, somehow cordial. “I must ask : are you in any pain right now ?” His eyes significantly get from right to left. He must probably wonder why you are asking him that. Did nobody ever ask him such basic questions like : ‘are you in pain?’ This man's sole purpose was to fight, that made no damn sense for you.
“Sir ?” You insisted for an answer, even if the ‘sir’ sounded absolutely ridiculous to your ears. You didn’t know his name, and you don’t feel comfortable calling him “Winter Soldier” , “Soldier”, “Sir De Winter”, “Hey you,he soviet assassin” so it will be “Sir” for now. “Sir are you in pain right now ?” “I’m not in pain.” A complete sentence, that’s progress. You breathed a bit better “Ok good.” You got up from your desk, which was honestly barely taller that him remaining on his chair. He didn’t let go of your eyes and you decided to make a bold move. For now, he was always being responsive so you slowly moved your hands toward him. To his prosthetic hand. “May I take a look, please ?” You glanced at each other, nobody made the first move. In complete silence, if it wasn’t for both of your breaths. You’re almost sure that it has been at least 5 minutes since you decided to speak again. Slowly, and gently, with no signs of confrontation in your body language or speech. “I will not do it until you comply. And you can refuse the contact.” He didn’t answer right away but he finally nodded. 
Slowly, you took his hand into yours, lifting it from his thigh where it was resting. At the beginning it was just taking a look. But he wasn’t making any moves, so you decided to take your observation a little further. You used your other hands to start to move each finger separately, taking a step closer to him. Finally, you made one  of your hands slowly sliding into the hoodie, to feel the muscles, the nerves, how it feels like a real arm. It was cold, but you felt it shudder to your touch. That was the line you decided to not take it further.
“Thank you, Soldier.” You said with a smile, taking away your hands from him. You moved behind your desk, opening your notepad to take a bunch of notes, breaking the contact with him. Just a second. But when you raised your eyes again, The Winter Soldier wasn’t in sight.  
 You shuddered and didn’t make a single move. If it wasn’t for your fingers grasping your desk. You did your best to have a steady respiration and not start to panic. Your throat dried up immediately. You took a deep breath and say : “Please, get back to your seat.” You slowly moved your head to look right back at him. He was standing. His eyes were black, taking loud deep breaths, fixing your behind your shoulder. Tall. Dangerous. You were terrorised. And he could smell it. He didn’t move so you stood up as well, and slowly faced him. You try to remain in total control of your body and not start to fidget. You could scream for help, but for whatever reason, you still had the feeling you could handle the situation. Trying to convince yourself that it wasn’t the first time a patient was disobedient. The only difference was that this one could crush your skull in a bat of an eye, 
 “Get back.” You said once again, bearing his piercing eyes, but he didn’t budge. So you took out your hand and put it on his chest. You felt like an ant against a mountain, but you pushed him a bit. “We will go nowhere this way.” You resumed trying to get a step closer, even if it will be creating a proximity that could be even more lethal to you. “So please, get back to…”
Something happened. It was obvious, and clear as day : you felt the bulge between his legs. Right above your navel. Hardening even more now that he could feel your body. You decided immediately to repress the shameful feeling of your very inside warming up and tickling you. “Winter Soldier.” You growled, angry but trying your best to remain as professional as you could. Of course, of fucking course. This guy was gorged on serum and hormones, quick, violent actions, and adrenaline. Pumping in his veins, burning 24/7. His body was on the edge all the time, and he just awoke from a dreamless slumber. He was a human, whatever all these idiots were thinking, not a freakin’ cyborg. When was the last time he saw a woman that he didn’t smash the head on a wall ? You even suspected that Pierce was counting on it. Nonetheless, you were alone in an office, literally glued with the world's most dangerous assassin, who was having a massive hard-on. Throbbing against you. You had your share of very awkward situations in your short life time. But nothing, nothing prepared you for this. And you had even less of an idea of what to do because he was doing nothing . He was feeling uncomfortable, that you could say, but he wasn’t really doing any moves to attack you, or even take you. He was standing here, with heavy breathing, his eyes still piercing you. And you slowly slided your gaze to his lips, finding the vision of his hard laboured breath strangely mesmerizing.
 Short of ideas, your reflexes took the best (or the worst) of you, and without you realizing it, your hand was around his neck. Your palm pressured on his glottis, and you clearly felt him swallow. As clearly as you felt him becoming even harder. Your breath was starting to shake, as you felt a not-so subtle chill coursing your spin. You drew his face and your face closer, as you finally moved forward, forcing him to move as well. Forcing was a strong word : the last time you hit a punching bag, you hurt yourself and sobbed for an hour. But for whatever reason, he did whatever you wanted. As if he was testing your resolve to make him obey. But there was nothing on his file about this behaviour. He tried to attack, kill and escape. Nothing about testing the limits of anyone.
“You. Will. Sit. Down!” you spat, through your teeth, forcing even more your grip around his neck, as your other hand was reaching for his hair. You pulled it, not too harshly, but you could definitely smell the musk, and the wetness of what stayed of his shower.
You did it. He was sitting down again. And your bodies departed for one another. For once he tried to escape your gaze, which was a strangely human reaction. You both managed to get your breath back, before you decided to call the guard to adjourn your observation.
As soon as the door closed behind them, you felt your legs giving up and you sat on the ground, back against your desk, a small wimp leaving your throat. You felt your eyes starting to wet, and your teeth rattled a bit so you tried to cuddle yourself to try to retake control on your body. Your hands were shaking uncontrollably as his intoxicating smell was still all around you. It was by far one of the most terrifying experiences you ever felt, and it was all clouded by the phantom feeling of his body against yours. You could still feel his gaze, his heat, his… well, his cock against your belly. You were still chilling, trying to repress whatever you were feeling at this instant. Because it wasn’t right, for you. Nor him. Everyone in this godforsaken organisation was treating him like a dog, just here to attack and do tricks, but you swore to yourself not to do the same. You will succeed at your mission, but you’ll do it from the crumbs of humanity and morality that HYDRA left you. You will do anything possible that the mission will be complete, the most painless possible for this broken man you just saw. Wait a second.
Painless .
You jumped on your feet, ignoring the numbness of your legs caused by the shock, and you ran at the door, screaming at the three men at the end of the corridor. “HEY !” The guards startled a bit and looked at you “I changed my mind. Bring the Winter Soldier back to my office.” They briefly exchange what seems to be a bunch of insults about you, but they comply to bring the Soldier back. Him ? He seemed absolutely unbothered. 
You closed the door behind the both of you, to the face of the guards yet again. He was standing here, showing his back as you slowly got back in front of him. Hands in your pocket, not really sure of what to do nor how to do it. He was looking at you, this same feeling of unease than before. And for reasons : a small glance confirmed that he was still rock hard. You didn’t make any move for a long time, until you finally put your hand on his chest. You felt his breathing becoming slightly quicker. “You’re not in pain.” You whispered, and he shook his head, negatively. “That was the wrong question. I’m sorry... “ Without you noticing, you had the palm of your hand on his cheek, scrubing lightly his stubble with your thumb as an apology. You breathed in, just couldn’t believe what you were about to say. “Do you need help ?” His expression didn’t change, but his eyes ? They became a bit brighter, you could even see a bit of relief when you saw him nod.
You swiftly move your other index on his pillowy lips as you still lower your voice. “They cannot hear us.” He nodded again as the only feeling of your finger as close to his mouth made him shiver with anticipation. He was literally dying of anything that could relieve him. And for what you understood, as your conversation continued, he trusted you with his body, to provide him with the sweet touch he has been totally deprived of. You slowly push away your index to gently slide your thumb between his lips, and he sighed with pleasure as he took it with an eagerness you would never have believed possible. The most deadly assassin in the world, the legendary Winter Soldier that everyone wishes he wasn’t real, was purring while sucking your finger. If you weren’t the shrink, you’ll be needing one immediately. You gently moved him to make him sit in his chair, he was way too tall for you to handle this with ease. “What about the showers?” You asked him, as you removed your thumb to make it gently slide on his lips, your other hand crawling across his chest to his pants. He swallowed before whispering. “I could but... “ his well built square jaws started to tense, with a visible revulsion. “... They can watch.” Disgusting. He couldn’t even close the damn door of the shower. “You’re safe here.” You said as your hand was finally reaching the bulge behind his Hydra cargo pants. You didn’t know what you expected but… it was way beyond that. He hissed a bit at the feeling of your hand as you started to touch it gently over the fabric. 
Now he was panting, looking at you as you were a single oasis after years of thirst in the desert. “Please…” You heard, barely audible when he was starting to lose it. “I got you, but you have to promise me to be good.” “Anything. Please…” 
And at your very surprise, you obliged him. Using your hand to plunge into his pants, while the other fast pressed into his mouth, muffing the immediate deep moan that escaped at the very second you touched his pulsing penis. He started panting even more, as he used his flesh arm to drive you onto him. His forehead against yours. You couldn’t stop yourself from getting closer and closer. Actually you let go of his -massive- erection a second to just drop out his pants, and his breach. You stopped a second, only to watch him begging you with his eyes, as you could feel his saliva at the palm of your hand while you muzzled him. It was it. You realized what kind of power you have over this man. He has been used and abused in every single way, but for once : someone’s finally doing what he wanted. You had his pleasure in your very hands, and for once in years, you could finally help someone. So you’re gonna do it, you’re going to make him feel good. Very good. “Good boy.” You muttered, without knowing where the hell that could come from, and you reached him again. Stroking your hands up and down his shaft, nourishing yourself over the vibration of his muffled moans against your hand. His eyes weren't leaving yours, if it wasn’t for when they seemed to roll to the sky. His vision periodically blackened by the waves of forbidden pleasure he was feeling over his body, who was barely him anymore. Your eyes were gorging on the vision of his handsome muscular man, surrendering himself to your touch, sweating, trembling and panting for you. You were saluted by an utterly satisfied noise the moment you decided to lean over his manhood to drip a large amount of your own saliva moist what was already on the edge of ruin. You rolled your thumb against his tip, massage his veins with just one finger… anything to make him feel something. Anything that wasn’t pure anger, hatred or apathy. You were inclined to believe the file saying that he was nothing but a perfectly built weapon for HYDRA to command. But now, when you tickled, teased and made him shiver, and you felt all his sincere gratitude, you were certain : There is a man in here. And he was finally feeling good .
But soon, it wasn’t enough anymore. Seeing his bare thighs, powerful, thicken by years of training and super soldier serum, tensed by all the nerves and muscles deliciously answering to your call, made your inside warmed up. Your core was aching, screaming for proximity and intimacy, and before you understood what happened, you sat astride on his left thigh. The soft flesh between your legs immediately responded with delight, making you shiver. Almost instantly, you felt his grip on your hip, of the cold metal digging into your flesh with despair. It was a super soldier, with the stamina of several dozen men, but it’s been so long, and you were touching him with perfection. You felt his head on your shoulder, and slowly you started licking his temple, tasting the very fruit of your hard work : his sweat. 
Galvanized by his intoxicating smell, and the thrusting he started giving to your hand, you started to move like a snake, rocking against his skin, looking for some pressure despite the fabric of your pants, mercilessly acting like a barrier of your own pleasure. You could get it off, but it was a limit that you forbid yourself to cross. But it’s true, as you were working him, you couldn’t stop yourself to think of how this would feel. Sliding inside you. You were so very short and fragile, and compared to your hand, his phallus was gigantic. He could ruin you, split you in half, using his bare hands and make you do anything. But the only person in control here, were you. And only you. You never felt anything like this before. And it’s highly probable than neither did he. You tried to vanish the thought, but the more you could feel his thigh between yours, the more you became obsessed.
 The more he was approaching, the more eager the soldier became. Both of his hands firmly gripped on your behind, almost certain that it will leave bruises, but you didn’t care at this very moment. His grunts against your hands became more and more intense, and you started to feel he was about to give in. In between your fingers, small drips of salivas were started to escape. You couldn’t give up your grip now, so you made it even more tight, drawing your lips closer to your hands, you whispered as your sore wrist fastened its path “I’m here for you. Give everything to me.”
 His panting became incontrolable, his eyes rolled out, his head dropped back, before he finally reached his peak. You felt the deep vibration of his ultimate cry on your hand, as your other hand was dripping of hot seed. You slowly removed your other hand from his face, and could contemplate your masterpiece :  the Soldier absolutely looked like a mess, with his red face, his eyes blinking furiously, covered with his own saliva. You left his leg, both your hands dripping of his bodily fluids. You used the one that was on his lips to pick his head and forced him to look at you. You ravished your vision of this man who absolutely surrendered to your good care, deeply satisfied with your attention. You cradled his face, and you took a large lick of his spit from his chin to his mouth. Where he leaned for a wet and warm kiss. You took a good taste of him, intoxicated by whatever pheromones he could diffuse around you.
 You look at him another few seconds, before recluandly moving away, to the bathroom where you not only washed your hands, but came back with a wet towel. You first cleaned with infinite care his face, and then his genitals, making sure he wouldn’t have any kind of unpleasant sensation as he had a big day ahead of him. You were his doctor and caretaker, and he had a mission to prepare. He seemed to respond well to the cleaning, not really expressive, but he made no sudden move. You could see him sighing with ease, closing his eyes as he rubbed his cheek in your palm again, when you were caressing him with the wet towel. You could still hear a loud satisfying purr. If you didn’t specifically ask him to kill someone less that an hour ago, you would actually find this absolutely adorable.
 You breathed in and out, making sure he was okay. “Are you feeling better ?...” He nodded, visibly relaxed, as he was closing his pants but not much more expressive than before. He stood up, in front of you, like nothing happened. “Yes.” But to your surprise he added a second later. “Thank you, doctor.” You smiled at him as you couldn’t keep yourself from making your knuckles caressing his cheek, and finally tracking the shape of his jaws. “Good boy.” You heard yourself say, wondering what the fuck was wrong with you.He didn’t react. All the shivers, purring,  sighing, and moans disappeared as soon as his pants closed. It was for the best, and you quickly took your hand back, clearing your throat. You call the guards. The Winter Soldier was fully ready for his mission preparation, and you asked them to give him some time to recover from… his cryostatic, before you would start the procedure.
 In the meantime, you need a shower. A long, hot, steamy, shower. 
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yunhowhoitiss · 4 years
𝐜𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞𝐮𝐦
𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭!𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨 𝐱 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐟𝐞𝐦)
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.5k+
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff, fantasy au (?), slow burn, angst if you squint, ft co-worker jongho :)
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: You’re finally starting to make ends meet when you start working at your school’s local café, but the world is so full of surprises.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: reader panics a bit(?)
𝐚/𝐧: I came up with this at 4am a couple days ago so it’s not my proudest, but I felt bad just letting it sit in my drafts so here you go :) enjoy!
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The gentle smell of freshly baked pastries, accompanied by the stronger aroma of ground coffee beans, wafted through the comfy café. There was a constant chatter as customers scattered around the joint whilst waiting, disguising the soft hum coming from behind the coffee machine. Your face was out of sight, except your hair peeked out above the espresso machine where you were pouring a latté, entertaining yourself by decorating a small heart in the foam. A smile tugged at the corners of your lips as your eyes turned to soft crescents when soft wisps of your hair had fallen out of your bun and across the sides of your forehead. The steam floating from the cup caressed your hands as you picked up the mug along with an assortment of macaroons. 
“Order for Julie: four macaroons, a chai latté, and an espresso affogato, extra dry!” You announced through the coffee shop, turning a few heads. 
You made your way back to the station to continue other orders but stopped as you noticed something missing; you had run out of cinnamon to top off drinks. Your coworker ought to know where another carton would be, so you turned towards the kitchen to find him wrist-deep in bread dough. 
“Jongho, where are the extra containers of cinnamon again?”
“Oh, those are in the grey cabinet below the pastry display,” he smiled back, all the while kneading the dough. 
Flashing him an ‘ok’ sign, you headed back to the front of the shop. You hadn’t been working at the Crescent Café very long, but you happened to be a pretty fast learner, according to Jongho; you could make latte art before other trainees could even make a latte. Quickly getting back to work, you served a customer until something caught you eye whilst jotting down an order on your notepad; had the writing been on your wrist all day? It must just be something I wrote down earlier, you thought.
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As the sun made its way towards the horizon, you returned to the comfort of your small apartment to freshen up, eat dinner, and momentarily forget your academic responsibilities— homework, ugh-- before heading to school again the next day. You entered you apartment with a relived sigh and threw your keys onto a nearby dresser, mumbling "I'm home" to nobody in particular. Too lazy to go to your room, you simply undressed as you walked towards the bathroom, leaving a trail of clothing behind you. Note to self: clean that up later. 
The moment you stepped into the shower, your shoulders loosened as the hot water washed away your tension. The writing on your wrist caught your eye again. Scrutinizing the messy handwriting, you saw what seemed to be a shopping list. 
“Eggs, lucky charms, and aftershave,” you read aloud. 
Aftershave? I don’t use that. Could it be… you were lost thought, not noticing the warm steam filling the bathroom. You rubbed at your soapy skin frantically in an attempt to wash off the pen, to no avail. Lately, although rarely, you’d started to notice small bruises or random marks on your skin; you’d never seen writing, though. You briefly wondered if there was possibly another person causing this, but you only saw such things in movies or books... right? 
Your heart rate started to pick up, and a heavy sensation built up in your chest. It isn’t possible, it can’t be. The cramped space of your shower started to feel suffocating. Nearly slipping, you jumped out of the shower and dried yourself off. You got dressed in whatever shirt and sweats you found hanging around your bedroom. Was something wrong with you? Am I imagining things? I’m not going crazy, right?  Worrisome thoughts flooded your mind as you spiralled deeper into a panic. Calm down. Don’t skip to conclusions. You threw yourself onto the bed. In and out. It’s that simple, you consoled yourself. Slowly but surely, you felt your heart come to a rest. 
When you lifted your hand up above your head the writing was still there, unchanged. So you weren’t losing your mind. Could somebody else be the cause of this? Was someone else somehow writing on your skin? No, you felt stupid for even considering the thought; otherworldly things like that only happened in comics or movies. Nevertheless, it was the only possibility that made sense to you in the moment. You let your curiosity get the best of you, and paced towards the living room to grab a pen off the coffee table. On your right hand, you simply wrote "Hi," in hopes of eliciting some sort of response.
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The following day proved to be a rather sunny, warm Monday, but you had to spend your time in a closed lecture hall. The cold-toned ceiling lights were much too bright for your liking, and the monotonous professor spouted information maybe only a handful of people were genuinely listening to. That morning, you had woken up to find the list on your wrist gone, leaving only your own message from the night before. You started to think you'd really had a hallucination of some sort. 
Half an hour into the lecture, you were already bored out of your mind and absentmindedly sketching intricate doodles on your notebook. I should just give up on biochemistry and become an artist, you mused to yourself. You remained focused on your art, while marks started to take shape on the back of your hand. Your soft eyes widened almost comically at the sight, and you shot a brief look to the people around you to make sure they hadn’t seen anything. Whipping your head back to your hand, you saw that the words stopped writing themselves, leaving a short message saying “Am I going nuts?” 
Wondering the same thing yourself, you jotted down a response below it: “I dunno, you tell me,” followed by a cheeky smiley face. If this really was real, you might as well make a good first impression. 
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Weeks trickled into months as you made short exchanges with your newly discovered friend. Some nights you would write “good night” followed by a drawn heart, earning a sweet “sleep well” in return. You would frequently wake up to thoughtful words written on the palm of your hand, or you'd kindly ask your companion how they were doing when you had a quiet day at work. Even so, all you had learned about this person was their name, age, and that they were a student as well. Yunho was a twenty-one-year-old elementary education major with a minor in physiology-- he also worked as a dance teacher on weekends. You still didn’t know much about each other, so the messages never went further than greetings and simple conversations. 
Be that as it may, you liked it like that. Your relationship wasn’t complex; it felt comfortable and pure, and you didn’t want to change it.
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Mellow spring afternoons at the café had always been your favourite. The wispy clouds in the sky were painted a buttery yellow by the slowly setting sun, and a steady stream of nearby students stopped by for coffee. Your new friend had sweetly noted "It's golden hour. Made me think of you," on your palm, leaving you in a bubbly mood. You had started your shift by drawing a heart on your wrist, hoping your secret companion would see it. 
You worked by the espresso machine as usual, humming to yourself as always. The bell rang, indicating that customers had arrived; it was a group of what seemed to be three guys and a girl. 
“We’ll be right with you!” you called. You turned towards the kitchen.  “Jongho, can you take their orders?” Silence. “Pretty please? I need to clean up my station.” you persisted. 
“Fine, yeah,” you heard your colleague grumble. 
As you tidied up behind the machine, you felt as though someone was watching you from the counter. You lifted your head curiously, meeting a pair of inquisitive doe eyes coloured a soft hazelnut brown. The warm eyes instantly turned into friendly half-moons as the boy smiled shyly upon being caught staring. You hurried back to cleaning up your station, hoping to hide the pink tint of your cheeks, but the red shade consuming your ears gave you away. 
Jongho handed you the cups for their orders and walked over to the pastry display. You got started on a hot chocolate and three iced americanos, getting back into your “barista brain,” as you liked to call it. After finishing the drinks, you called out "Three iced americanos, a hot chocolate, and two blueberry muffins!” 
You turned around to grab straws, and you overheard one of the guys say “I’ll grab ‘em, you guys can stay here.” You made your way back to the counter, looking up only to be met with the boy from earlier. Butterflies littered your stomach, fluttering up into your chest. “Oh, um, here are some straws,” you smiled gingerly.
“Thanks. Could I please get a sleeve as well?” he asked, “For my hot chocolate.”
“Of course!”
As you handed him the cardboard sleeve, his hands caught your eye. Not only were they the most beautiful hands you'd ever laid eyes on, but the boy had a heart drawn on the valley of skin between his left thumb and wrist, exactly where you had drawn one on your own hand just a while earlier. He seemed to recognize the message on your palm as well; a confused expression ghosted over his face. Gathering all your courage, you nodded towards his hand and did your best to form a coherent sentence. “That’s—”
“Your heart,” he interrupted, “Right?” 
You giggled softly in response, barely containing your excitement.
“Right,” you smiled down at your feet in an attempt to hide the bashful grin that pulled at your lips. A hand popped up in front of you.
“Nice to meet you, y/n. My name’s Yunho-- Oh, but you know that already, don’t you?” Yunho chuckled sheepishly. You looked up and slipped your hand into his, shaking it gently. His hands were warm, fingertips ever so soft.
“Nice to meet you too.”
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ryvgvji · 4 years
Surprise! | Eijirou Kirishima
Happy late birthday to my baby boy Kiripima!!❤️✨
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genre: fluff with slight smut
warnings: lap dance? light cursing, suggestive writing (this falls into the fem.reader region, but all are welcome to read. i tried my best to not make it steer toward writing for women alone)
summary: you decide to throw your boyfriend a surprise birthday party and invite some old classmates and friends over to celebrate all together.
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this is probably the longest post i’ve ever made. i really hope y’all enjoy
(apologies for any grammar errors)
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today was a special special day. it’s your boyfriend Kirishima's birthday. for your boyfriend of many loving and happy years, you decided that you wanted to show him your appreciation for him. with him being a pro hero and you working as a first responder, you never got to celebrate special events like this with him because he’d often be caught up with patrols and saving civilians. but this year you were determined to change that. last week you contacted your old classmates and close friends of you both and let them know you wanted to throw him a surprise party, instantly they said they will be there. so you rented out a VIP section in the most famous club in Japan and contacted the club’s manager to let them know about the event and asked if you could give a playlist to the DJ. it was an easy process and everything was set.
you had woken up early enough to make Kirishima and yourself some breakfast. you made waffles with bacon and sausages. almost finished with breakfast, you heard someone’s feet dragging across the floor from around the corner. you saw a messy-haired Kirishima rubbing his eyes yawning with a slumped over posture. “‘g’ morning baby, how come you up so early?” he walked into the kitchen, coming up behind you placing his head on your shoulders kissing your cheek. “good morning handsome. i’m just making breakfast for the best birthday boy in the world.” you say as you place the food into plates and turned off the stove. turning around you faced your boyfriend who still had some drool on the corner of his mouth. you placed a kiss to his lips and smiled. “y/n you didn’t have to do that.” he pouted. “but i wanted to. come on, let’s eat.”
picking up your plates, you guys walked over to the dining table and took a seat beside each other. no wasting anytime Kirishima picked up his fork and started to eat. he hummed out in approval as he swilled down the food. you smiled at him before picking up your fork. “i’m glad you enjoying it Kiri.” you guys are together, occasionally having small talk about work and such.
“you know, i almost forgot that today was my birthday.” he laughed as he gulped his orange juice. “man you're getting old, baby.” you teased him. he laughed leaning his head back slightly, “please, don’t remind me cutie.” you smiled looking away feeling butterflies flutter in your stomach. Kirishima notices this and turns to you taking your face into his hand so you look at him. “what’s up cutie?” his eyes focused on your face. you smiled once again. he was so breathtaking that you couldn’t help it. “what?” he’s also smiling showing a couple of sharp teeth. “your amazing.” you sighed looking into his crimson eyes. a light blush spreads to his cheek and he leans in only inches from your face. “not as amazing and perfect as you though better half. you make everything better in life since you walked into it. you make me feel like the best man in the world. you make me wanna work hard, be the best version of myself, y’ know? i love you cutie.” you could see your vision getting more and more blurry with each word that he whispers to you. you let the tears slip down your cheek as he quickly wipes them away with his thumb. “Kiri, i’m supposed to be sweet talking you, not the other way around.” you chuckled holding your hand on top of his. he kisses your lips, laughing. “oh please. go and fresh up for work, i’ll take care of the dishes.”
you now at work you were working on some paperwork as the day started to slowly end. many patients are seen and a few lectures with your colleagues are held. you had received a couple of cards from the small kids that came in for a check-up to give to Kirishima. it was such a cute interaction with them. it makes you smile when you think about all the little kids your boyfriend has inspired and encouraged to do their best in everything. he was just perfect. simple as that. the alarm on your apple watch went off signaling that it’s time for you to go back home. at the same time, you received a call from your good friend Mina and your best friend. “girl, we’re about five minutes away.” your best friend spoke. “okay. i’m just logging out now. i’ll be there soon.” “okay, cya, much!” you hung up that phone then packing up your stuff and exiting your office. “bye guys, i’ll see you next week!” you called it to the others in the office. “bye y/n!” they chimed. “be sure tell Kirishima happy birthday for us and give him a treat.” one of your acquaintances said. “sure will!!” you laughed and waved hopping onto the elevator.
you walked out of the establishment saying goodbye to the security guards. you saw your best friend’s car right in the front and hurriedly walked over. “y/n!!” they exclaimed. “yes?!” you giggle, mocking their tone of voice. “you ready to surprise your man?” “yes, i am!!” “then let’s go!” Mina cheers. your friend put the car in drive and start your journey home.
arriving at your apartment building, you park at the front and get out of the car. straight through the front entrance into elevators, you press on your floor number and go up. you open your apartment door, stepping inside and turning on the light with your friends close behind. “okay lemme go and take a shower. you guys can do whatever you want.” you put your keys and bag down on a chair nearby then proceeding to your bathroom.
after a nice good shower, you walk into your shared room to see Mina and your bestie sitting on the bed watching TV while chatting. “you guys know what are you wearing?” you asked them as you apply lotion to your body. “yeah i have it with me in my bag.” Mina spoke as she looked through her phone. “same here. lemme go get it.” your friend exits the room before turning with all your bags at hand. “your bags were out there so i just picked them up.” she hands Mina her bag and places yours on the stand by your TV. after putting on undergarments you went through your bag to see a message from Kiri. you slide it open and read it.
My Hero 💫❤️ - hey cutie, i’m almost finished with patrol i’ll be home in an hour and a half ❤️
you smile and text a quick “okay❤️” then shutting off your phone. “y’all it’s time. he said he’s leaving work in an hour and a half.” “alright! let’s get this show on the road.” your friend unpacks her bag taking out her clothes and takes out some makeup. Mina does the same. you go into your closet reaching for your outfit. for a little more fun you turn on your TV to YT and play some music while getting ready. you tell Mina to shoot Bakugou a text and tell him to get ready and your friend starts on your makeup. “yes ma’am!”
as your friend put the finishing touches on your eyebrows and lips, you hear your phone ring. Mina reads you the caller ID telling you that it’s Bakugou. you take the phone and answer. “hey Bakugou, wassup?” “yo y/n, i just finished my patrol and i’m in the office. Kirishima is still on patrol so i’m waiting for him. you guys almost finished?” he questioned you. “i just finished my makeup so now i’m going to get dressed. do you know how longer Kiri will be patrolling?” on the other end Bakugou let’s out a sigh. “i don’t know maybe about 20 more minutes.” he grumbles. “but I'm gonna go and take a shower and change. i guess you lemme know when you guys are finally finished painting your faces with clown makeup and are going to leave.” you laughed. “it’s not clowning makeup! aight bet i’ll text you.” “m’kay, bye idiot.” “bye nasty.” the call ended and you got up from the chair to go look in your mirror. “this is good! you should do this for a living!” you praised your best friend’s work of art. “oh stop it. i’m glad you like it.” you nod and smile. “okay now i’m going to do my makeup, you go get dressed up.” she rushed you. you took your clothes and entered your bathroom.
“are y’all ready?” you come into the room in your outfit. you had on a deep blue, almost black like a strapless dress that was open through in a V shape with a string looped in it. you paired that with a denim distressed crop jacket, some black heels, and your rhinestone purse that had a strap. to top it all off you wore the matching earring and necklace that Kirishima had gotten you for your anniversary gift. “damn girl!! looking like a million fucking dollars!” your friend exclaimed checking out your outfit. “thank you.” walking over to look in the mirror you spray some good smelling perfume on and touch on up your hair. damn, you do look good. “alright. we all ready?” you asked your best friend. “mhm, Mina is all ready and is in the living room talking with Sero, Kami, and some others.” “okay, let’s get going now. Kiri should be finished with patrol now so im gonna text Bakugou and tell him that we’re leaving. you guys can go along, i’m gonna take my car cause i still gotta pick up the cake.” you reassured her. “alright. see you in a bit hon, bye.” she leaned in and gave you a hug then leaving.
you just picked up Kirishima’s cake and was on your way to the club now. you’ve been calling all the guests and let them know that they should be at the club now and answered any questions that. as you are a few blocks away from the club, you get a call from Bakugou saying that Kirishima got out of the shower and changed into new clothes. “okay, i’m just pulling up to the club. you gonna drive here?” “yeah. also, i’m gonna pick up the extra idiots Kaminari and Sero on the way.” he explains to you. “bet. i already told Denki and Sero that when you guys are getting close to blindfold him.” “okay. see you in a bit.” with an approving hum you hung up the phone. after shutting on the car, you got out and walking into the club. instantly music fills your ears and your eyes slightly strain from the lowly dim room with different colored lights. moving deeper into the club by the VIP, people start acknowledging your presence cheered and wooed for you.
“you're finally here y/n, i was wondering what was taking you so long.” your best friend comes and takes the cake from you set it on the big table in front of you guys. “sorry, it was but if a drive.” you put your phone in your purse and onto your shoulder. walking closer you see many familiar faces. Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, and Uraraka were chatting when they saw you and waved to you. you saw Tokoyami, Tsuyu, Jirou and Hagakure sat next to each other on their phones. glancing around more you notice Shinsou, your old teacher Aizawa, Hawks, Tetsutetsu all spread out minding their own business. walking into the booth to say hi to everyone, you see two people who you haven’t seen in so long. you other two besties. you grinned and slightly jogged over to them pulling them into hugs. “it’s been way too long. i’m so glad that y’all could make it!” you smiled. “of course!” one of them spoke. “anything for you y/n.” the other said. “i think this is gonna be a great night. this was a good idea y/n.” “i know right, this night is gonna be legendary.”
after a long chit chat and catching up with your besties and classmates, you moved to talk to the manager about the situation and thank them once again for this being able to happen. “sure thing Ms. y/n. Mr. Eijirou is a very lucky man. i hope he enjoys his time.” you thanked them before ending the conversation and walking to the DJ to make sure that they had your playlist set. once they started to play the music you headed over to the bar to order some drinks for everyone. you return to VIP with two trays of multiple mixed drinks. “thanks.” they each mumbled as you passed them their drinks. “y/n.” you turn around and see Momo and Aoyama walking in the club. “hey!” you walked over to hug them. “how’s life been treating y’all?” “amazing. as you can see i still look good.” Aoyama playfully winked at you making you giggle. “yes, i can. what about you Momo?” “i’m just here. i recently got engaged to the love of my life.” she smiled revealing to you the ring on her finger. “oh my god, congrats girl. i hope i’ll be invited to the wedding.” you poked her sides. she laughs, “yes you are dear, don’t worry.” “okay. well, go ahead and settle in the booth over there with everyone else. i’ll take care of drinks.” “thank you y/n.” they walked to the booth and took a seat.
after a couple of minutes and you were now dancing with some of your friends, your phone went off in your purse and you took it out. it was Bakugou calling you. “hey Bakugou.” “we’re here and he’s blindfolded.” he told you. “okay. you guys can come in now.” “alright. bye.” the called ended. you hurried over to the DJ requesting that you could have the mic. “hello, everyone. Bakugou is here with Kirishima. do you think we could be extra quiet and surprise him?” you questioned everyone in the club. they all cheered and stopped their chatter. the DJ turned down the music as you gave them back the microphone. just then the door for the club opened letting in the cool breeze of the evening as four men walked in all laughing and slightly pushing each other. they quickly silence themselves due to enter the room.
“bro, what the hell. where did y’all bring me?” Kirishima spoke. you walked over to him. from your heels clicking on the wooden tiles he could tell somebody was around. “who is that?” he asked. smiling you reach up and pushed the makeshift blindfold that around his head up to on his forehead. immediately his eyes widen. “y/n?” “surprise!” you shouted along with everyone. Kirishima was so astonished. “w-wha- how?” he looks around seeing familiar faces. “this is for you baby.” you reach and wrap your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. he wraps him around you at the same time kissing you back deeply. pulling away you could see tears on his cheek as he looks you in your eyes. you use your thumbs to wipe them away. “baby doesn’t cry. it’s okay.” you softly massaged his cheeks. “y/n i wasn’t expecting this. y-your too good for me.” “aww, Kiri. come on, some people want to see you.” you lead him over to the VIP booth to see everyone.
so far the night was going great. many drinks and shots were ordered, some people already slightly tipsy. others just enjoyed the free chips that were passed out. you though. you were celebrating yourself. a whole lot. you and your besties along with Mina and Hagakure were all on the dance floor. y’all are dancing around having fun. then the song Instruction challenge that was on your playlist, starts to play. you get so hype and your besties know what’s about to happen. because you guys were being loud, you guys earned the attention of a couple of other people on the floor and they started to spread out making space for you. you also caught some of your friend's eyes like Todoroki, Iida, Hawks, etc.
as the beat played you slowly removed your jacket as you move your hips slowly whining before going into position to twerk. Mina and your best friend took their phones out to record. you also removed your heels and handed it to one of the girls. this drew even more attention from people and including your boyfriend. “what is she doing?” he eyed you in curiosity. “oh i know.” Momo and Aoyama laughed to themselves. even more confused, he moved closer to get a better look.
when the song said “just sit down, just bounce pon de dick.” everyone's eyes went wide, some people face like Midoriya, Kaminari and Shinsou got a bit red. they were not expecting that. to make circumstances even worst for them, you started to twerk. you moved your ass up and down to the beat of the song. your dress moving against you adding that extra jiggle from the slightly loose fabric.
your friends sang along to the lyric hyping you up so much. “so manage it, manage it!” they cheered as you threw it in a circle. “pon de one side, pon de one side, kotch pon de one side, one side.” you bent over bending your right knee to support yourself as you stretch your left leg. you reach for your left ankle to grip onto it as you moved left ass cheek. you moved it to the beat of the song.
at this point Kirishima was at a loss for words and a bit turned on the least to say. this was new to him. you could move like that? then straighten your leg so your bent over, you shake your ass when the song said “move de batty jaw now.” one of your friends started to throw money onto your ass and smack you on your ass. “oh my god y/n.” Sero laughed, totally unfazed by what’s happening. when they thought it was the end, “knock de pussy pon de damn concrete.” played. you went into a split and did exactly what they said, you knocked it on the concrete. twice. when the song ended your friend cheered for you and the other on the dance floor clapped. you smiled and thanked them before beginning to gather your stuff together and walk over to the booth.
“whew, that was a lot.” you breathed dabbing your head with a napkin before taking a sip of the water Kirishima was drinking. “you have no idea.” Shinsou spoke scratching the back of his neck with raised eyebrows. you laughed knowing exactly what he meant. “my bad. that’s just my song.” you shrugged with a smile. you look at Kirishima who was watching you. “yes Kirishima? your staring” you taunted him. “huh? oh, uh. nothing.” he frantically explained. laughing at his cute response you place your hand in his hair giving him little pets. “come on, let’s have some fun!” Mina exclaimed to everyone. Uraraka, Tsuyu, Aoyama, Momo, and Kaminari get up with no hesitation, following over to the dance floor. others like Todoroki, Shinsou, and Tokoyami stayed sitting down and watched. “would you like to join me, birthday boy?” you smirked as you outstretched a hand towards Kirishima. he accepted. “yes i would!”
you’ve been dancing for a while now with everyone and having the time of your life with your boyfriend’s arms around your waist, not letting up. dancing from songs like the Cha Cha Slide and teaching Kirishima how to Kontrol by Maleek Berry and whining into Kirishima as he matched your movements going low to the floor anytime you got lower. you even danced to La Romana by Bad Bunny with the Latino king himself Sero. you even caught one of your friends going crazy throwing it back on him as he caught it. everyone went crazy videoing them and hyping them up. the club was hype, and the excitement was far from ending as you had something planned for Kirishima at the end.
now back at the booth, telling Kiri that you need to go to the bathroom you excused yourself and went for the cake that you had bought. with the help of Todoroki, you successfully got to bring the cake to the table. you had placed the candles on it and lit them with a lighter. you placed the cake in front of Kirishima and placed a kiss on his cheek saying the words, “happy birthday baby.” he smiled as everyone cheered for him and wished him well. “go on! make a wish!” Aoyama urged him. taking your hand in his, he closed his eyes then blew out the candles. “thank you.” he kissed your hand. you smile, “anything for you baby.” “alright let’s have some cake!!” Tesutesu cheered. you feed Kirishima the cake, teasing as you smeared icing on his nose.
it’s been a while since you guys been sitting and chatting. you decided it was the best time for your surprise now as it was well close to 3 am. some people like Bakugou, Shinsou, and Deku were sleeping. some chatter was still going on but it was minimal. so you inquired of Mina and Kaminari to help you out with setting up. you told Mina to take care of the song with the DJ and Kaminari to place a chair in the middle of the dance floor for Kirishima to sit in. you woke up those how were sleeping and explained to everyone that you had something in store for Kirishima. “what else is there to do idiot?” Bakugou grumbles, upset that you woke him up from slumber. “promise me, you’ll want to see this.” you walk to the bathroom to get yourself ready and wait for your cue.
“what’s happening?” Kirishima asked his friend Kaminari as he was nudging him to the chair on the dance floor. “sh, just enjoy bro!” he gave him a thumbs up and went back to where everyone else was. “can i please have everyone’s attention.” Mina called through the mic by the DJ station. Kirishima landed his attention on her. “Kirishima, today’s a very special day. and we all have that we were able to spend it with you.” she started. Kirishima leans back in the chair with a smile on his face mouthing a ‘thank you’ to her. “and as the night is coming to a close, your sexy ass girlfriend named y/n has a show for you right now.” now everyone has their phones out at recording. “performing to Ride by Ciara, the big booty, big titty, make you cream your pants, y/n y/l/n!!!”
the song starts and you walked out of the bathroom that was by the bar. Kirishima turned to see you slowly walking out. your hand grazing against the counter as you seductively watched him walking down the bar. taking a strawberry that was in a cup, you placed it in your mouth bit sucking on the juice that was in the fruit. you placed the stem in the glass before slowing walking over to Kirishima, right leg in front of the other. the sound of your heels against the floor echo in the room with music.
reaching to Kirishima, he looks at you with wide eyes. you go behind him, you move your hand to grip his face in place a kiss to his lips then walking around in front of him. “i can do it big. i can do it long. i can do it whenever or however you want.” you lip-sync the song as you parted Kirishima’s leg placing yourself in between them. you continue to sing. “i market it so good, they can’t wait till you try me.” knelt, lean your face dangerously close to his crotch and roll your body before standing up straight. you turn around to face the crowd and you walked a few inches from him. you bend over with your back arched and your hands on your knees. you whine your hips being sure to slowly move in circles occasionally toking your hips to the side. sliding down to the floor with your ass in the air you continue to circle your hips. “they love the way i ride it. they love the way i ride it.”
Kirishima watching your every move, feeling very hot now having a full view of your ass in his face. his bottom lip found their way between his teeth as he didn’t let his eyes off you like your hip land flat on the floor in a fast motion causing your ass to jiggle. you turn around on your back, slowly moving your upper half off the floor until you sat up. with your arms grazing over your body brushing over your breast. you give them a slight squeeze and made a lewd face that makes Kirishima’s head loll back to the side as he made a pained expression showing his desperation. you stood to your feet and took your shoes off as a part of the dance. “i do it to him right, it’s like mmh-mmh good.” you bend your knees going down so you're on your toe and open your legs so Kirishima can see. you go into a split from here and move up and down.
“yes y/n!!!” Mina cheered for you. your eyes stay on Kirishima as you blew him a kiss. he smiled and motions you over to him. you crawl on all fours you stop before Kirishima. you move your hands up his body to his neck as he tilts your head up and looks at you. “baby, i need you.” you settle both your hands on his arm and take his fingers into mouth humming around them. “shit.” he swears.
pulling away you inch away a bit before putting your head down to the floor. using your arms to brace yourself, you use your legs to push off the ground so that you are on your head. you open your legs and move them gradually making them wave. leaning back you rest your legs on Kirishima’s thighs. he comes down positioning a hand behind your head and one around your waist pulling your body up. you encircle your arms around his neck having him extra close to your face. “Woo!!!” Kaminari and Hagakure shouted for you two as everyone roared as well.
“he love the way i ride it. he love the way i ride it.” you sang to Kirishima as you move your hips against him. you grind onto him. Kirishima lets out a groan. “holy fuck baby.” he pulls you closer by the arm around your waist and bucks up into you, using the hand on the back of your neck to pull you into a needy kiss. you kiss him back moving your tongue against his. you could feel his dick cock hardened through his jeans. it pressed right against your now soaked panties under your dress.
you move legs so that your feet were also set on his thighs. moving your lips down to his neck you still grind against him. you hear him let out a breathy moan and lean his head back, eyes squeezed shut. “y/n... i-i can’t.” he whines and moves his hand down to your ass. you twerk your ass against his hand. he smacks your ass and grabs it, using it as leverage to grind you harder down on him and buck up into you.
“you like this?” you could hear him whimper out a ‘yes’ as he still grinds your down onto him you pull away so that you sit upright on his hard member. you twerk your ass and smile at him. you lightly bounce on him causing him to slightly set off his quirk. pulling you back into him, he places your head on his shoulder and moves his hands under your dress.
without even thinking he moves your dress up so that your ass is on full exhibition for all to see. “YESSSS Y/N!!!!” Aoyama cheers for you. Kirishima lands a hard smack to your ass feeling the skin jiggle and you flinch in his lap with a moan in his ear. he bunches your panties and pulls it between your ass. “this is all mine. tonight you’re gonna get it.” he says. you lean into his lips giving him a faint kiss.
you fix yourself and moved so that you were standing again. swiveling around you strut away before coming to a stop. you reach under your dress and removed your panties. you threw it towards Kirishima and walked away. everyone went wild. then the music ended. “give it up for y/n!” Mina spoke through the mic. everyone clapped for you and you gleam taking a bow. “thank you all for making this night a memorable and happy night for my sexy warrior Eijirou Kirishima.” you direct toward Kirishima who hand your panties in hand and watching you with hooded eyes. “i love you baby.” you said to him.
“y/n that was fricken amazing! look.” Hagakure showed you her phone. you watched as you and Kirishima grind against each, kissing and moaning. you felt your face heat with embarrassment. “oh my god. i did that.” you laughed and hid your face in your hands. “girl there’s nothing to be afraid of, we all know what goes on behind the close door.” Aoyama leaned in his hands and winked at you. “and from the looks of it, Kirishima appeared to be enjoying himself as well.” your friend implied at the phone to when Kirishima had rolled your dress up and slapped your ass. “by the way, nice ass.” Mina winked at you.
“Kirishima bro how does it feel?” Kaminari and Sero surround Kirishima as he walked back to the booth. “you have no idea bro.” he smirks looking at you as you talked with your friends. “dude you were going all out. grabbing her ass like it’s no one’s business.” Sero shows him the video. he watches as his hands grabbed on your ass grinding into you. he could feel his dick twitch against his thigh from the view of your ass. “you look a bit excited there shitty hair.” Bakugou spoke suggestively. Kirishima moved his hands to cover his prominent boner. “oh, he’s ready.” Jirou laughed. “Kiri’s gonna get some tonight!” Tetsutetsu chimed.
“babe, you ready to go home?” Kirishima came up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist. you shiver as his teeth rake against your ear. “oop, y/n. looks like you won’t be able to walk for days.” your best friend wooed. you only laugh, jokingly telling them to shut up. “yeah. you ready?” you replied to Kirishima. he nods his head nuzzled into your neck. “okay. lemme get my panties to put back on.” you ran your hands through his hair. “no i’ll think i’ll keep it. makes things more interesting.” he says to you. your friends hear and squeal. “y/n is getting fucked senseless tonight!!” Mina hollers. he looks at her from your neck. “you have no idea.” turning you around his arms, he picks you up and wraps your legs on his midsections. he slaps your ass and kisses your neck. he gathers your belongings and says goodbyes and goodnights to everyone, walking out the door with you.
you all know what happened after that
part 2
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think-thonkin · 4 years
Different kind of grief
Have you ever experienced a friendship or relationship breaking apart so terribly and irreparably that you grieve it like you'd grieve for a recently deceased loved one?
Like you don't even grieve the person, but the companionship, the late night talks that exposed questions about existence and deeply hidden feelings coming into star-brightened darkness, the occasional laughing fits, the warm smiles, the content silences...
She was the last one I had. In person I mean. I cherish and appreciate my online friends with a soul-crushing passion, but the in-person companionship I crave is a kind of void that they just cannot fulfill, not anytime soon at least.
We were unhappy even before our relationship changed labels, I think. We didn't have much in common anymore, after (then) 15 years of having been friends, our interests and expectations in life and romance had drifted apart instead of closer together and it should have been the first sign that turning our relationship into a romantic one was a terrible idea.
I was unhappy, I ended up being the initiator of practically everything, be it touch or conversation or addressing problems. It was always me that stepped forward, and the lines between platonic and romantic felt like a blurry and dangerous path to tread on without her telling me what is too far and what isn't, so sticking to small displays of affection like occasionally holding hands and a few gentle kisses to the cheek or forehead were the most bravery I could muster and the most I received in turn. I was touchstarved and desperately craving physical proximity, in part to battle my internalized self hatred that told me I was undesirable and only her last resort choice after 3 failed relationships of her own.
One time she exploded on me, her years worth of bottled up frustration and anger at the world bubbling up over a relatively small situation via text, intentionally twisting my words to be angry with me and vent more of her tension. She apologized later, but the panic attack I had that day would stick with me for far longer still.
I would start noticing when she lied about her feelings.
The way I recognized her typing style shift, her voice grow meek, the sudden increase of time required to form responses. Seeing the signs was easy, but discerning the cause was always about as clear to me as milk.
I was taught that honesty and communication were key in maintaining healthy relationships, so I would ask her if I did something wrong or if we needed to talk something out in any way, because I had noticed her tone change mid-conversation.
She would always insist that everything was fine, maintaining her facade of the perfectly composed adult.
I believed her and reinforced the chains that bound me to her.
We would start writing less, seeing each other less, despite only living two blocks apart. It was more and more difficult to get any mutually beneficial conversation going and we'd get frustrated being around each other in person after as little as 3 hours too. She at some point insulted my interests and got angry at me for struggling to share hers. I've tried to bring our lack of intimacy and unclear boundaries to attention too one day, only to have her shake her head and tell me that she's fine with whatever, that she doesn't need much to be happy. What we had didn't cut it for me and it had hurt, having my feelings ignored like this, so I refrained from trying again.
I thought it better to not poke the sleeping bear anyways.
Then, someone new tumbled into my life, someone with a passion as sparkling and intense as my own, a lonely soul masked in a charmingly awkward, ironic bravado and bluntly thrown quips. It didn't take long for us to click and converse on the daily. The more we learned of each other, the more similarities we found.
He lives several hundred kilometers away, but it still took only two months of daily texting and several hours of voice and videochat for me to fall head over heels.
I felt so unbelievably guilty.
I couldn't sever the chains that tied me to her out of fear of playing into her insecurities, but by the time I met him I had already been feeling like a bird stuck in a cage - solely there for her comfort, putting her feelings before my own, always. I was unhappy, we weren't working. But I cared more about her than myself, so I told myself I wouldn't break up with her.
And yet she’d deserved to know the truth, so as soon as I realized my feelings I confessed about it to her.
Things got messy from there, too much back and forth with me desperately clawing for any bit of selfish compromise I could get my hands on.
She eventually had enough of it and broke up with me, but we promised we'd stay friends.
She put on her porcelain mask of careful indifference and things went smoothly for a while.
It didn't take long for the mask to crack though. It was too frail to withstand her jealousy, her heartache, and eventually it fell apart.
She came to me with misinterpreted situations and long ago wrongdoings I've comitted, in her mind to intentionally cross her, talking over me when I attempted to correct her or defend myself, accusing me of being a lying, backstabbing bitch who was not an ounce better than the grovelling, attention-starved crybabies that play the victim card at and every opportinity. Then she insulted me and my loved ones up and down.
Then she left.
And I wailed as my shaking fingers blocked her on every site I could think of, terrified of her wrath and scared of more to come.
And then I hated her, for her hypocrisy and the hurt she's inflicted on me, as the realization of her small manipulative tactics to keep me bound to her slowly sunk in (for the sake of maintaining her anonymity I will not go into detail about how specifically she manipulated me, but know that there was what I now understand to have been some gaslighting involved).
Now, over a year after she confronted me, all I have left are the glowing embers of grief replacing my rage, and the understanding that I too have made more mistakes than I can count and had originally realized.
Now it doesn't matter who had ultimately been at fault, or whether or not her behavior was hypocritical or just.
All I know is that now I am lonely and tired.
Tired of being angry and hurt.
Tired of remembering her in all those little, painful ways that have shaped my life over the 16 years I've known her.
I still have him and my online friends and feel more balanced and supported than I've ever been, but in losing her I have also lost my only remaining real life friend and along with it, the kind of companionship my online friends cannot give.
She's written me a letter together with some old art of mine since that last fateful conflict, actually.
It made all of my emotions flare up again.
On the first read it had felt sincere, she was apologizing for not letting me defend myself in our last conversation all those months ago, that she's doing better now, especially in handling her emotions more openly and hasn't had any outbursts since. She also said she'd send me the art pieces and gifts I've given her over the years back if she found more of them.
On the second read it felt like salt in an open wound, an attempt to rub in that she is over me, better off without me while I was still stuck in my grief and hurt. I've written countless drafts of response letters, ranging from long and infuriated, to brief and sorrowful, to sarcastically apologetic until eventually I gave up trying altogether. Too stricken with negative emotions to think clearly.
I'm still unsure which outcome would be pettier of me, trying to get the last word in, or deciding she doesn't deserve an answer? Would sending her a response incite an attempt to mend our lost friendship and rekindle it, or would not answering imply my agreement to have her send back more items in the future?
It made me realize that I don't actually want her back in my life.
That it's not her that I miss, but rather the easy in-person companionship I've had with her, the happiness and comfort that comes with it.
By writing this post I was kind of hoping to find a different kind of closure, by getting my thoughts and feelings out about it all without actually writing her back.
I'm still hurting and lonely, but it's gotten better, continues to get better.
If you've read this far - and really, I don't think there's much of a reason you would, you don't know me after all, so why should you care - thank you for lending a patient ear to a grieving stranger.
If you think that you are who this whole post is centered around:
I genuinely do hope you are doing well. That you will find happiness, comfort, genuine companionship and a warm meal and bed to return to every day.
I just wish for it to be far away from my own.
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skiller0dani · 4 years
Cherry Pie (1) | Billy Mitman
smut | slow burn  requests info wanna be on a Timmy taglist? click here
surprise I wrote a Billy short series! For this however I’m not using Y/N, I have an actual OC name picked out for this character. I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. 
lemme also clear some stuff up YES this is a teacher/student relationship story NO there are no adult/under-aged person relationships  YES I made Billy 18 in this story, because lets say he’s in his final semester of senior year.  NO smut will not be in every chapter of this short story. It’s a SLOW BURN. meaning I will be adding sexual tension to every chapter to build up the anticipation for when it finally happens. 
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| Upon realizing her emotional and mental health was in desperate need of assistance, Miss Rachel Stevens had requested a week off in order to address these issues with a professional. To sub her senior English Class is Miss. Alice Perribow, the resident Art teacher at Valley High School. | 
Alice Perribow was what you’d imagine as a well put together woman. Smart, well dressed, on time, prepared, as a teacher she was the definition of responsible. This was simply to mask the fact that her entire life was falling apart, going through a messy divorce and property battle over her perfect house with her soon to be ex husband was causing some outside stress. Alice never brought home stress to work, she allowed herself to indulge in the happiness her job gave her, even for 8 hours a day. So when Rachel Stevens came knocking on Alice’s office door after hours and pleaded her to sub- Alice was hesitant to say yes but agreed anyway. She always has had an inability to say no to people who have shown her nothing but kindness, and Rachel was very kind. Alice’s hair was messier than it normally would have been this Monday morning, she had been running late due to a mistimed alarm. Her brunette hair was thrown up in a messy bun and her short heels clicked down the hallway as she rushed to Rachel’s classroom. The only way Alice could make this work was by subbing in the afternoon, the librarian Mr. Fredricks subbed the morning classes. Alice also had to teach Art in the morning, but didn’t have classes in the afternoon, usually just private lessons with students. 
Alice was quite pleased to see no students waiting in the classroom when she pushed in, and unceremoniously dropped her things onto the desk sending a binder of papers crashing to the ground. “Shit,” Alice mumbled to herself as she crouched down to gather the papers. Suddenly a pair of dark tennis shoes joined her as someone crouched to help her pick up the papers. When Alice looked up, her throat closed only slightly upon looking into the greenest eyes she’s ever seen. A pair of green eyes that belonged to Billy Mitman, “thank you Billy.” Alice smiled, taking the papers from him as she stands. She’d seen Billy around the hallways before, and he’d also been by her office a few times for piano lessons. “Of course Miss Perribow.” He says, flashing her a smile before turning down the row of chairs to his desk. His eyes stayed on her and he only wondered where Miss Stevens was for a fleeting moment before his focus returned to Miss Perribow. She was beautiful, her dark hair framed her face perfectly and her eyes were so bright as she turned to the whiteboard. Miss Perribow was a bit curvier than Miss Stevens, and Billy couldn’t take his eyes off the way those jeans hugged her hips. Billy knows it’s wrong for him to be thinking of his teachers this way, but girls his own age don’t interest him. 
She so gracefully wrote her name out on the whiteboard as more students trickled in. Margot came in and beamed when she saw Miss Perribow, “good afternoon Miss Perribow!” She exclaimed and Alice turned with a smile on her face. Alice already knew Margot fairly well, she had taken Alice’s Art class every single year of her high school career. “Margot, so good to see you.” Alice said, a dimple popping out on her left cheek. Billy smiles fondly at the small dimple in her cheek. Soon the first bell was ringing and Alice closed the door before turning to address the class, “I’m sure a lot of you already know me but in case you don’t- I’m Miss Perribow. I’m going to be the afternoon sub for Miss Stevens this week.” She smiled and Billy noticed two boys adjacent to his left sharing a look before turning their horny gaze back towards Alice. “So from what I understand is that you were about to start the Canterbury Tales yeah?” She asks for clarification, and Margot nodded happily. Alice smiles warmly at Margot before pulling a copy of the book, “what would you say the overall theme of this tale is?” She asks and the entire room falls into silence. Margot glances around before raising her hand, “it’s clearly about courtly love. These two men, once family nearly beat each other to death to prove they deserve her affections. In my opinion, it’s a tale of how poisoning love can be.” 
One of the boys to Billy’s left snickers, “did we read the same thing? Because I’m pretty sure one of them got sick from a gnarly case of blue balls.” He says with a smirk, and most of the class erupts in laughter. He’s a big guy, definitely a football player and built like a tank. In fact if Billy recalls correctly, that’s what most people call him: Tank, even though his real name is Leon. He leans forward on his desk, eyeing Alice. “Do you know what that is Miss Perribow?” Tank smiles slyly and Billy feels annoyance bubbling in his chest. Alice manages a small smile as she turns her attention towards Tank, “you know Leon, I think it would be a much better idea to return to the Knights Tale.” Alice dismisses but Tank turns to his friends and smirks before clearing his throat loudly. “It’s when a girl gets a guys engine revving, and he pops a hard one, but then she doesn’t do anything about it. She just leaves him there with blue balls. Get it? Cause they’re sad.” Tank raises an eyebrow as Alice turns to look back at him. She smiles warmly, doing her best to keep her frustration at bay as she strolls down the row towards Tank’s desk. She leans over on Tank’s desk, placing her palms flat on the surface of the desk. “Tank, it seems you have forgotten that I know your mother personally. Shall I give her a call and inform her that you thought it would be appropriate to educate the class on sex ed today?” She asks, her tone serious while Tank’s cheeks turn scarlet.
The class giggles quietly as Tank sinks back into his desk, but when Alice turns Tank whips his phone out and snaps a photo of her ass. “Delete that.” Billy snaps loudly, drawing Tank’s attention as well as everyone else in the room. Alice turns, her eyebrows furrowed as Tank and Billy are locked in a deep glaring match. “What the hell are you talking about freak?” Tank snaps and Billy takes a deep breath through his nose as Alice makes her way back down the row of desks. “I saw you take a picture of Miss Perribow, and I know you didn’t take it because you really like her jeans.” Billy snaps and Alice’s eyebrows raise as she turns towards Tank. Tank’s cheeks are red, but not with embarrassment- this time it’s with anger. “Leon, please see me after class. Billy, you too.” Alice says, looking over the both of them before returning to the lesson. Billy keeps his eyes on Tank for the remainder of class, and he hates when he sees Tank shamelessly look down Alice’s shirt. When the bell rings, neither of the boys move as Alice walks towards them and sits in the desk in front of Billy. Their eyes meet and Alice quickly looks away when she feels the tingles shoot through her body. “Somebody want to tell me what’s going on here?” She asks, looking between the boys. 
“Yeah Tank is a pervert and took a picture of your ass.” Billy snaps, his voice tense as he glares over at Tank. Alice’s cheeks flush as she averts her eyes to Tank, “is that true?” She asks and Tank rolls his eyes. “Which part? Because no I’m not a pervert, I’m a lover baby. Did I take a picture of your ass? Hell yeah, I’ll need some jack off material for later.” Tank snickers, simply enjoying the rise he gets out Billy with every word out of his mouth. Billy pushes up from his desk angrily, and Tank stands too. The two of them are chest to chest and they stand eye to eye, although Billy is the same height as Tank- he’s not nearly as muscular. Alice stands, and when Tank’s eyes avert to her Billy immediately steps in front of her. “Boys, you both need to calm down. I think this conversation should be continued in Mr. Alvarez’s office.” Alice says, trying to move between the boys but Billy won’t let her get anywhere near Tank. “I’d happily bend you over his desk if that’s what you mean.” Tank smiles and Billy is lurching forward before Alice arms curl around him to hold him back. “Tank you need to leave,” Alice snaps and he shrugs as he casually walks out of the classroom. The bell rings again, signaling the end of the school day as Billy stands in the classroom- his chest heaving. 
“Billy, you know he was saying that just to make you angry right?” Alice says gently, and he shrugs as he reaches for his bag. Billy begins to head for the door when Alice’s left hand catches his eye, “Miss Perribow, aren’t you married?” He asks, stopping when he notices her lack of wedding ring. Alice is surprised to say the least, she didn’t imagine any of her students paid that much attention. “We’re um- separated.” Alice explains awkwardly and Billy nods as his eyes stay fixed on her. Alice’s cheeks heat up under Billy’s gaze and she takes a deep breath to control her emotions. She’s just lonely without Ben that’s all, she’s projecting her feelings of loneliness on a handsome student. He’s a teenager, and she needs to get herself together. “What happened?” He asked and what scared Alice the most about Billy’s question, was how genuinely he asked her. The look on his face makes her think he genuinely cares, but she knows about Billy. Rachel gave her a bit of a warning on Billy’s own issues with projecting his feelings on others. He doesn’t really care, he’s just projecting. “Sometimes things just don’t work out.” Alice smiles through the breaking of her heart. She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear, ignoring the look that Billy is giving her. A look that says he isn’t buying her bullshit line. 
“Was he a douchebag or something?” Billy asks, sitting back against a front row desk as Alice begins to pack up her things into her bag. “Billy, language.” Alice scolds gently, ignoring the cheeky smile on Billy’s face when he notices her flushed cheeks. “He did something didn’t he?” Billy says, and Alice gives him another look before sighing deeply and running a hand down her face. “Yes he did, and I don’t really want to talk about it.” Alice says and Billy nods instantly, a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips. Alice turns to her book and begins to look over the lesson for tomorrow as Billy makes his way out of the classroom, and he nearly says something he shouldn’t but he bites his tongue. Alice spends at least another hour sitting at that desk, writing out the lesson for tomorrow. In the back of her mind her thoughts drift back to Billy, he’s charming and sweet in a boyish way. He’s smart, and he thinks deep thoughts- Rachel says he thinks quite philosophically. Tank however is becoming a problem that deeply concerns Alice, he’s much taller and much stronger than she is. The next morning she’ll have to talk to Mr. Alvarez about him. 
The sun is setting when Alice makes her way towards the parking lot but out of the corner of her eye she sees a figure leaning against the school. Turning her head, her cheeks warm when she sees Billy leaning against the brick wall with a cigarette in his mouth. “Billy?” She calls, and he glances her way with a smile on his face. Alice hugs her bag to her chest as she makes her way towards Billy, “what are you still doing here?” She asks him and Billy shrugs, taking another drag from his cigarette. He rests his head back, his signature blue hoodie loosely hanging around his shoulders. “Skipped the bus.” He says with a smile as he blows smoke out. He turns his gaze to hers and he cocks an eyebrow when he notices her cheeks warm. Alice steps back, “why?” She asks him, and he chuckles as he drops his cigarette butt to the ground before putting it out with his shoe. Billy pushes off the wall and steps towards Alice, and her breath catches in her throat. “I wanted to see you Miss Perribow,” Billy breathes and Alice feels a shiver run down her back. This is a student. Alice steps back further, trying to distance herself from Billy. “Billy that’s- that’s not appropriate. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Alice says, her voice rushed as she turns towards her car. 
“I don’t have a ride, so I hope you’re comfortable leaving a student alone at night with no way to get home. Guess I’ll have to walk.” Billy says, his voice lilted mischievously. Alice halts, her back still facing him. As a teacher, she can’t leave him here alone. “I’ll give you a ride, this once.” Alice says and Billy smirks as he lifts his bag over his shoulder before falling into step next to Alice. “It’ll be our little secret Miss Perribow.” He says with a wink and Alice simply slides into the driver seat of her car. The silence in the car is a tad bit uncomfortable as Alice pulls the car out of the parking lot, and heads towards Billy’s house. “Is Perribow your maiden name?” Billy asks suddenly, the street lamps illuminating his face as the car passes underneath them. Alice bites at her bottom lip as she turns the corner, “yeah it is.” She says and Billy nods with a soft hum. Alice dreads heading back home, Ben is probably there and she doesn’t feel like facing him at this moment. “What did he do? Your ex-husband?” Billy asks, his voice soft as he looks over at her with gentle eyes. Alice feels a rush of emotion sneak up on her, god this is so unprofessional. She keeps her eyes on the road as she softly sniffles, “he cheated on me.” Billy is quiet, but Alice knows his eyes are on her. 
When the tears come, Alice feels beyond embarrassed and refuses to look at Billy. “Pull over.” He says, and Alice pulls in front of a house putting the car in park. She wipes her eyes as she turns to look at him, “is this your house?” She asks, trying to divert the attention from her misty eyes. Billy turns in his seat to look at her, one of his hands coming to hold hers. “No, but you shouldn’t be alone right now.” He says and Alice pulls her hand from his while quickly shaking her head. Alice takes a deep breath before turning to look at him, “Billy no I need to get you home, your parents are worried sick I’m sure.” She argues, it’s time to be the responsible adult. Billy stubbornly shakes is head, “nope told them I was hanging with Sam and wouldn’t be home until late. Look if you don’t want me here I’ll get out and just hang out until later-” Billy starts, turning to get out of the car but Alice places a hand on his arm to stop him. “Just tell me where you live-” She asks but Billy opens the door and exits the car. With a heavy sigh Alice exits her car after him, “Billy! It’s not safe for you alone.” She tries to reason but he just keeps walking. Feeling panic and worry for his well being Alice calls out after him once more. 
“Okay you’re right! I don’t want to be alone, but you are a student. An underaged student. I’m breaking a law just being with you now after hours.” Billy stops, and then turns to look at her. Their eyes lock as he makes his way back towards her, “I’m old enough to know what I want. I want to help you tonight.” Billy argues but Alice waves her hands. Why does she have to be so drawn to him? “You’re 17 Billy.” She protests and Billy laughs bitterly. “I’m turning 18 tomorrow. I’m practically an adult already.” He says, and she knows she won’t change his mind- it’ll be dangerous for him to wander around at night alone. “Billy-” She starts but Billy cuts her off, “Alice.” Her words die in her throat as she shivers upon hearing her name roll off Billy’s tongue. Alice stands silent, her eyes fluttering as she looks at Billy and finally she enters her car. Billy slides into the passenger seat, “I’m hungry for ice cream. I have money.” He says and Alice feels reluctant and anxious as she hesitantly starts the engine of her car. She takes off towards the nearest ice cream shop, ignoring how her heart races in his presence. Alice is aware of Billy’s behavioral issues, and she’s not sure if he’s currently on his medication or not. 
Once they’d gotten ice cream and parked in an empty parking lot, Billy turned to Alice again. “Who did he cheat on you with?” He asks and Alice has no idea why he is so interested in her failed marriage, but it is kind of nice to talk to someone about it. “His secretary. Screwed her at work, came home to me.” Alice laughed bitterly, not even worrying about being professional anymore. Clearly it doesn’t matter to Billy whether or not she’s his teacher, he’s determined to break down her walls. “He sounds like a dick.” Billy says and the simplicity of his comment, despite how complicated their situation is makes Alice laugh softly. Alice spoons more ice cream into her mouth, “yeah he is a dick.” She agrees and Billy smiles next to her. Alice turns to look at Billy, admiring his side profile for a moment longer then she should. “Billy, why don’t you hang out with people your age? Instead you spent time with Miss Stevens, and now me.” She asks and Billy pauses, as though he’s searching for the right words. “Because you’re smart, beautiful, experienced. You’re a real person, not just some high school kid caught up in shit that doesn’t actually matter.” He says, his eyes locking on hers once again. Before Alice can even move Billy is leaning over the center console and pressing his lips to hers. Alice freezes for a moment before melting against him, her lips moving with his for a fraction of a second before her mind once again returns to clarity. 
Alice yanks away from him, panic pounding in her chest. “You’re 17, and I’m your teacher what the hell am I doing?” Alice panics, her hands fumbling to start the car. Billy tries to reach for her hand, but she won’t even touch him. “Alice it’s okay, I know what I want-” He starts but Alice vigorously shakes her head, her hands digging into her hair as she drops her head to the steering wheel. Billy reaches out for her once more, “Alice you didn’t do anything wrong. I wanted that.” He reassures her with a hand rubbing down her back but Alice snaps up and gently pushes his hand off her- despite the fact that he was actually calming her down. “My name is Miss Perribow, and you need to tell me where you live William.” She says sternly, her eyes focused straight ahead. Billy leans back in his seat, mumbling his address and she takes off. Alice’s hands are trembling as she drives quickly, and she hates how her lips are still tingling from the slight contact with his. This is wrong. How she’s feeling is wrong. “Alice, I know you wanted it. I felt you lean into me, and you can deny it all you want but I felt the spark. I know you felt it too.” Billy snaps once they arrive at his house, slamming the car door once he exits. 
Alice exhales a shaky breath once his front door is closed and she drives down to her house, which funnily enough isn’t far from Billy’s house. When the garage closes behind her, she drags herself into the house and sure enough Ben is sitting at the kitchen counter. “Where have you been? I’ve been so worried baby,” He says, his voice soft with concern as he stands to approach her. Alice waves him off, feeling bile rising in her throat when he calls her baby. “Ben please don’t.” She sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose with her pointer and thumb as she kicks her shoes off. “Don’t call me that. You know we’re divorcing.” She says, her voice tired and he doesn’t push her. He watches her trudge up the stairs, but something about her seems off tonight. Like her mind is elsewhere. As Alice pulls herself into bed, she can’t get a certain pair of green eyes out of her head. She can’t forget the feeling of his lips on hers, and she knows the rest of this week is going to be more difficult than she’d anticipated. 
***taglist*** @irishbish​ @90sthemedsunsets​ @newletas​ @londonmademedoit​ @80sangelics​
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border-spam · 4 years
Please please pleeeaseee I love my girl Tyreen I just want to see some nice things about her uwu just.. ah, idk, just tell me if you got any ideas about nice and kind (or maybe something cute? You can't tell me she's not like that sometimes even if its SUPER rare) things that Ty would do when nobody was around. (Let's give her some love too, pls)
The Tyreen that exists in private or with her brother in earlier COV eras, is a very different being to the persona she fronts for others.
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Source : Joseffyne Robinson, check out their fantastic art
Within my AU and early/mid COV:
Ty’s natural speaking manner is well enunciated and smooth, without her lilting singsong habit you hear during broadcasts, or her streameresque emphasis on short, punchy words in a sentence.
She and her twin have a touch of their father’s accent that’s generally only audible during emotional moments like when highly amused or very angry, but her default speaking tone is calm and direct with a slight bite to her T’s.
Leda passed on her enunciation and vocabulary through lessons to the twins as she wholeheartedly believed the family would leave Nekrotafeyo at some point, and thought the kids would do well to be understandable anywhere they visited with neutral and clear accents.
Tyreen’s left hand is damaged from a long term injury since her childhood, and the white glove she wears is more to hide what she perceives as a weakness than to protect others from her powers. Cloth does practically nothing to prevent The Leech consuming what she touches, a lesson she learned the hard way in the childhood trauma that lead to her fingers being crushed.
She has regular mobility but the knuckles and back of her hand are noticeably scarred and can get painful in the joints during stormy weather. 
The only person aware of this issue is her twin, and she often seeks him out on nights when the pain is bad. His hand is big, strong, and practiced at massaging out the burn of the dull ache in her knuckles.
Sitting together watching bullshit on a massive echofeed in their shared cloister while he squeezes and cracks the joints for her is one of the shared unspoken bonding activities that continue all the way till late COV (though extremely rarely).
Ty is obsessed with shitty romcom movies. It doesn’t matter how low their EchoCritic score is, it doesn’t matter how scathing the reviews, she has watched it and enjoyed it. The worse, the better. 
She knows deep down that she’s living vicariously through them, but it’s not something she wants to waste her time thinking about in too much depth.
Has an encyclopedic knowledge of terrible quotes from said movies and enjoys dropping them randomly in streams (much to Troy’s absolute disgust as he gestures violently at the script she’s deviating from while he stands off camera), and then likes to follow up on what viewers are saying online. Who noticed, who watched the crap that one was from, who’s arguing over if she’s doing it ironically or not.
Lives for drama, and it doesn’t have to be the vicious kind. These kind of fun little nods to fans who are paying attention give her a buzz that’s.. nice! It actually feels like being part of something innocent? Normal? It feels like being part of something she’s welcome within as a peer rather than… Well. Rather than being the thing being worshipped.
Ty is very messy and her living quarters are rarely anything but a state. It’s not that she want’s them to be like this, it’s just that no matter how tidy she tries to be, she always seem to somehow end up with more mess. If she spends an hour focusing on cleaning up her bedchamber, she will walk into a living quarter that is somehow worse than before she started, and it eventually overwhelms her to the point of frustration.
(Troy has automated a routine with his ship’s service bots to maintain her personal quarters as well after giving up on her ever breaking out of this cycle, to which she is very thankful for.)
Bites her nails when nervous or worried, and can do so till the point they bleed. She’s never been able to break out of this habit and isn’t proud of it. It’s a remnant of her time with Typhon and a little reminder of him whenever she catches herself gnawing on a nail edge, and she hates that she can’t stop.
Her duties as God Queen take up almost all her spare time. If she’s not live streaming then she’s taking offerings, or doling out punishment to penitent worshippers desperate to be smote by her touch, or sitting in boring ass meetings with corporate sleezebags while Troy works them over. Smirking between fingers as she rests her chin in her hand, watching as her silver tongued twin lets them think they have the upper hand in the dealings, till suddenly they don’t.
In her wind down time she’s either watching movies in comfy indoor clothes, tank tops and shorts, or indulging her actual hobby. Tyreen Calypso spends a lot of time making soap.
The optional luxury of bathing was one of the first things she can remember being shocked by when they landed on Pandora. They had been hygienic on Nekro, as much as possible, but washing there was heating water over the ancient holo stove the family used for cooking, then scouring yourself with that nasty-ass soap Grouse made out of animal fat every few days.
There was nothing enjoyable about it, it was a chore that had to be done, same as cleaning clothes or cookware, so when she had her first bath in a bathroom with three (3) different liquids that smelled great that she could use to clean her hair??? Mind. Blown.
Soon as she had her own ship, she filled the bathroom with soaps, ointments, anything that smelled good and felt good and let her melt in her bath for hours on end. It was only a couple of months later when Troy offhandedly mentioned she “Could just make that stuff yourself, ya know. Loads of echo tutorials on it. Might be fun.” And Ty’s brain popped.
She could do it herself. The herbs, spices, and oils she used were dried or refined, nothing was alive, nothing would wilt at her touch, and it became an enjoyable messy hobby for her to play with when the mood hit. 
She flutters her eyelashes at any comments on her scent ever since, because she made it and damn straight it’s delicious. She gifts Troy little bars based on his own tastes often too, it’s a wordless way to make clear she values the work he puts in for their cause. 
Tyreen sways towards warm citrus. Sharp grapefruit and black pepper, rose and patchouli, pomelo and juniper. She’s inviting and hot to scent. Troy prefers cleaner, spiced smells. Bergamot and sandalwood, ceder and seasalt, lemongrass and witch-hazel. She takes genuine pride in noting when he’s been using something she made for him over what he’d usually buy.
Her hair is naturally a very deep brown as opposed to black like her twin’s is, she doesn’t enjoy the upkeep for her white bleached style but it’s part of her aesthetic at this point, and her God Queen aesthetic is worth any price.
Asks are Open!
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⚘ Karasuno Alumni (Daichi Sawamura)
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Genre: Slice of Life, AU, Fluff, Friendship
Word Count: 3,132
Pairing: Reader x Daichi
World: Haikyuu
Prompt(s): A bought the last piece of [item] that B was about to get. / “I have nothing to lose.” / Tattoo Artist AU
Author’s Note: This was written for the weekly-prompt (08/19/20) over on @hqbookclub​ ‘s discord server – you should check it out if you haven’t It should be noted that I do not have tattoos and I know nothing about tattooing. I asked a couple different people and watched a couple videos, but it’s hard to understand if you haven’t experienced it yourself so I kinda just wrote what I imagine would take place and how it would feel. So yeah.
You didn’t get cravings very often, but when you did, they drove you absolutely batty until you got the object that you suddenly desired so badly. This was especially annoying at midnight when all you wanted to do was sleep but your brain wouldn’t stop craving for some strawberry flake pocky which, not so conveniently, was sold only at the quick mart about twenty minutes away from your house.
With a groan, you forced yourself out of bed, throwing on whatever clothes you could find quickly as you grumbled under your breath about how much you hated your brain and its ability to act like a damn toddler. And nearly thirty minutes later, you found yourself approaching the quick mart, still grumbling under your breath, though, at this point, it was more noises than words.
The glass doors slid open, a burst of cold air hitting the top of your head and causing a shiver to go down your spine. The cashier, a young girl that should probably be in bed and not working at one in the morning, smiled brightly upon your entrance.
You nodded at her before heading toward the back of the store where your precious pocky was located. The pocky was lined up at the end of the aisle, appearing in your line of sight as soon as you turned the corner, but the lack of flavors was startling. Normally, the shelf would be packed with the treats, but they had clearly become much more popular than normal. The shelves were nearly empty, offering only a few boxes in varying flavors. Your eyes scanned what was left, praying to whatever deity you could think of that they had the flavor you so desired.
Just as your eyes landed on the strawberry flake pocky, a large hand shot out, fingers curling around the very last box before pulling it from the shelf. Time seemed to move in slow motion as your eyes trained on the box like a hawk, watching as it was placed into the plastic basket being held by the perpetrator.
The man in question was pretty tall, standing probably around five-foot-nine, and his body was well defined with muscles. You could just barely make out the tattoo of a crow in mid-flight peeking out from the collar of his sweater. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t think he was attractive with his messy raven hair and dark brown eyes, but the only thing you could focus on was the fact that he had just taken the last feckin’ box of strawberry flake pocky.
He finally noticed your intense stare, turning his dark eyes to meet yours. “It’s not polite to stare, you know,” he teased, the corner of his lips twitching up.
You scowled at him. “It’s also not polite to steal someone’s pocky!”
His brow quirked at that, amusement dancing in his eyes. “I didn’t steal anything. It was on the shelf, free for anyone to take. Maybe you should have been faster.”
In your tired, annoyed state, you didn’t recognize the teasing tone he was using and took it as a challenge. When he tried to step past you, your hand shot up, palm flat against his chest to push him backward. You resolve faltered for just a moment when you felt his toned chest tensing beneath your hand, but you quickly shook the thoughts from your head. “Give me back my pocky, you jerk!”
His eyes darkened, smile turning to a scowl as he grabbed your wrist to remove your hand from his chest. You could feel how strong he was from the amount of restraint he was showing. If he wanted to, he could easily hurt you, but his grip was soft, just enough to hold you back. “Maybe if you asked nicely I would have considered it, but since you’re being so rude, I’m gonna say no. Have a good night.” He released his grip on your wrist and headed for the front of the store.
Your eyes widened a bit at his words and you realized that you were being a complete jerk. Sure, you could use the lack of sleep and your shitty day as an excuse, but it was just that – an excuse. Shaking your head, you bolted toward the front of the store, intent on apologizing to the man, but he was already gone. You could only stand there feeling like a shitty person for being so rude to a man you had never even met before.
“Y/N!” Tsuko, your childhood best friend, burst into your dorm room without knocking and, since you were in the middle of erasing a failed equation, you ended up jumping and tearing the page.
You groaned, slamming your face onto the desk. Math was bad enough, but now you had to recopy everything because of the torn page and that did not sound like a good time for you. “How many times do I have to tell you to knock, woman?”
“Sorry~” She giggled, not sounding the least bit sorry. “I have the best news!”
You hummed as you tore the page from the notebook, beginning to re-copy the notes on a fresh, clean one. You were not really interested in whatever gossip she had to offer this time because this was a regular occurrence with her and it was mostly about other student’s relationships.
“Okay, so,” she plopped down on the side of your bed. “I met a guy in class today that knows Anne, you know, the exchange student from the states, who is good friends with Ako, that really cute football scholar in his third year, who heard from Carl, the half-Japanese kid that’s weirdly obsessed with tomatoes, who is best friends with Nia, that girl that was featured in Art Monthly in January, who happens to know -”
You slammed your head back on the desk, the notes completely forgotten as her word vomit swirled in your ears. First off, you didn’t know any of those people and you really didn’t care about them or what incredible thing they had passed along to a million different people. It was like one of those chain games you played as a kid – one person says something before passing it on to another and, by the time it got to the end of the line, it was something completely different from what it once was. “Tsuko, please spare me any further pain and just get to the point.”
She rolled her brown eyes, “You’re so dramatic, Y/N. Anywho, let’s get tattoos!”
“Nia knows a guy that does tattoos at a discounted price for Karasuno alumni!” She clapped her hands excitedly. “I set us up with an appointment tomorrow afternoon!”
“You -” your eye twitched in annoyance as you looked at her, but your gaze softened when you saw how excited she was. She had always been super into tattoos and had dreamed of getting one since she was thirteen-years-old and her mom married a guy that was covered in them. You were happy she was finally getting one, but why did you have to get one, as well? Sure, you thought tattoos were absolutely gorgeous and you could definitely appreciate an attractive man with them, but you had never actually considered getting one yourself. “I don’t know… What would I even get? Aren’t tattoos supposed to have meaning behind them? It’s not really something you just decide on the fly, you know?”
“That’s true,” she agreed, tapping her chin. “But you really loved your time at Karasuno, right? You said it was the best time of your life! So why not commemorate that with a tattoo?”
You frowned. “Getting the name of a high school tattooed on my body sounds super tacky.”
“Not the name!” She clicked her tongue in annoyance before pulling out her phone. After a few taps, she stood up to thrust the device in your face, showing off various drawings and designs of crows. “You can get the school’s mascot – a crow!”
You hummed as you took her phone, scrolling through the various images she had found on google with a simple search. Some of them did look pretty cool and you had loved your time at Karasuno. Sometimes you even found yourself wishing that you were back in high school when things were so much simpler and easier. The more you thought about the idea, the more you liked it.
“So~, what do you say?” Tsuko clapped her hands together, giving you the best puppy dog eyes she could manage.
“Well,” you answered after a moment’s pause. “I guess I have nothing to lose. Sure, let’s do it.”
“Yes!” She threw her arms around your neck, squeezing you against her chest. “You’re the bestest friend in the world, Y/N!”
You slapped her arms frantically, “Then let me breathe!”
“Oh, oops.” With a giggle, she released you, allowing you to take in a large gulp of air.
Tsuko parked the car in front of the small tattoo shop nestled between a used bookstore and a fast-food chicken place. This did little to boost your confidence and you grabbed her arm before she could leave the car.
“Are you sure this place is legit? Did you research it? Look up reviews? What’s the -”
“Y/N!” She rolled her eyes. “This place comes highly recommended. Don’t tell me you’re going to chicken out at the last moment.”
“I’m not, I just…”
“Come on, we’re gonna be late for our appointment!”
With a sigh, you climbed out of her car and followed her to the door, glancing up at the bell above the door when it chimed loudly. On either side of the door were metal chairs lined against the class walls. Directly across from the door was an L-shaped desk with a computer on the right and various drawings scattered across its surface. A wall hid the tattooing area, offering a small opening on the left to pass through.
Tsuko stepped up to the counter while you hung back a bit, staying near the door. A moment passed before a tall man with a shaved head appeared in the doorway, covered in head to toe in various tattoo styles, piercings in both ears and on the left side of his bottom lip. He honestly looked terrifying.
His small eyes fell on Tsuko and his face brightened, a streak of red crawling across his face as he practically skipped over to the counter. “Hey, babe! You lookin’ to get a tattoo?”
“We are!” Tsuko chirped, clearly interested in this man even though she had only just met him. “We have an appointment, actually.”
“I gotchu,” he winked, stepping behind the counter to check the computer. “Ah, you two the Karasuno alumni?”
“Perfect! Come on back and we’ll get to work!”
Tsuko didn’t hesitate to follow him and you sighed, trailing behind as you chewed on your bottom lip. Honestly, you were feeling kind of scared, but you didn’t want your best friend to think bad of you for chickening out, as she called it. How bad could it be, really? You weren’t afraid of needles and your pain tolerance was pretty high, so you were confident that you could make it through. Plus, you’d have a pretty bomb tattoo to show for it.
‘Hopefully,’ you thought as your eyes scanned the framed drawings lining the backroom. ‘These drawings look amazing, but there’s no way to prove that they did these.’
The man led the two of you to one of the plush chairs, motioning with his arms as his eyes stayed trained on your friend. “Have a seat, princess, and I’ll be right with you!”
She giggled in response, falling into the chair with a flushed face.
“As for you,” his eyes fell on you and you swallowed at how darker they got. “Follow me!”
You glanced at your friend, but her eyes were trained on the man’s back, offering you no support as you followed him a few chairs down on the opposite side of the room.
“Have a seat,” he grinned at you before turning toward the back of the room where a lone door sat, cupping his mouth. “Yo, Daichi! You got a customer!”
You pulled out the folded piece of paper in your pocket that had several printed illustrations of crows in various poses. You had printed it out last night to try and help out the tattooer rather just saying, ‘I want a crow.’
“Hello, my name is Daichi and I’ll be -”
Your eyes met dark ones that widened in time with your own. Standing before you in a tight, black muscle shirt was the man that had taken your pocky the other night. Without any sleeves, you could see the dragon tattoo curling around his left arm, a light pink lotus flower clutched between its claws. On his right bicep was a crow sitting atop a volleyball and, of course, the crow in mid-flight could be seen more clearly on his neck.
Daichi cleared his throat, putting on an obviously forced smile. “I’ll be your tattooist today. What are you looking to get?”
“O-Oh, umm…” You handed him the paper with a shaking hand, unable to look him in the eye. Your face was burning with embarrassment and you were torn on whether or not you should mention what happened that night. You really wanted to apologize, but you weren’t entirely sure how, especially when one wrong word could land you in a world of hurt.
He took the paper, careful not to touch your hand with his as he glanced over the printed designs. “You want a crow?”
“Y-Yeah,” you cleared your throat, shifting in your seat. “I really enjoyed my time at Karasuno, so…”
He smiled down at the paper, settling himself on the rolling stool as he grabbed a sketchbook from beneath the counter. “Is there a specific design you want?”
“Not really. Umm… whatever you think would look nice.” You rubbed the back of your neck, glancing at your friend, but neither her nor the other man were paying either of you any mind.
“How about this?” He held up the sketchbook, showing off a small crow in mid-hop, its eyes trained on a butterfly flying above its head. Small feathers were spread out around it. It was such a simple design, but you fell in love the moment you saw it.
“Yes, that looks amazing!”
“Cool. I’ll be right back.” He stood up, tearing the drawing from the book before returning to the room at the back. When he returned, he was carrying a thin piece of paper that he held gently between his fingers. “Where do you want to get it?”
You glanced at the paper, taking note of its small size. “My upper arm?” You lifted the sleeve of the t-shirt on your left arm, looking up at him for approval.
“Can you take your shirt off, please?”
“W-What?” Your cheeks burned at the sudden request.
“The sleeve might get in the way of the tattoo and ruin it. It’s better if it’s not in the way.” Daichi explained, setting the paper on the table beside the chair before setting up the tools.
Swallowing your nerves, you glanced at him before pulling the shirt over your head, holding it across your chest. He didn’t even spare you a glance as he rolled over to your side, slipping his hands into black gloves before cleaning the area where the tattoo would be placed. The stencil was cold as he carefully smoothed it out across your skin, pressing hard to ensure that the ink transferred. When he was satisfied, he slowly peeled it away, the ink stuck to your skin.
Daichi’s dark eyes met yours as he picked up the ink gun. “Are you ready?” You nodded, taking a deep breath. “Remember to breathe and try not to tense up, it’ll make it hurt worse. If it gets too much or you start to feel lightheaded, let me know and we’ll take a break. I’m going to start now.”
“Okay.” Your eyes followed his movements as he clicked on the gun, lowering the needle to your skin. You sucked in a breath at the strange stinging feeling upon your skin, as if you were getting a shot multiple times. You found yourself focusing on the pain and it was making you feel light-headed – you had to distract yourself. “Hey, I uhh… I’m sorry.”
“Hm?” He didn’t glance away from his work, carefully tracing the lines with the needle. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, it’s just… the other night in the quick mart…” You chewed on your bottom lip as you searched your brain for the proper words, meeting his dark eyes when he paused his ministrations to glance at you. “I want to apologize. I was such a jerk to you even though I didn’t know you and… I’m sorry.”
Daichi hummed, the corners of his lips twitching up as he returned to the tattoo, his tone teasing. “Are you just apologizing so I won’t mess up your tattoo?”
“What? N-No, that’s not -” You paused when he started laughing, bringing the gun away from your skin so he wouldn’t mess up the tattoo. “You’re teasing me.”
“Yup,” his dark eyes sparkled with amusement. “Don’t worry, I’m not so petty that I’d mark up someone’s skin over something like that. To be honest, I had forgotten all about it until I saw you.”
Seeing him so close to you made your heart pick up speed because he was a really gorgeous man and you adored his laugh. You wanted to get to know him more, so you threw caution to the wind, looking up at him through your lashes. “Can I… make it up to you? Maybe I can buy you some lunch or something.”
“That sounds nice,” he smiled warmly, his eyes lighting up.
“Way to go, Daichi!” The other man waggled his eyebrows as he looked at the two of you, a smirk upon his lips. “And you always yell at me for trying to date the clients!”
Daichi scowled over his shoulder, a light shade of pink coming to his cheeks. “Shut it, Tanaka! Focus on your client.”
“Oh trust me, I am~” Tanaka wiggled his brows again, this time at Tsuko who giggled in response.
“We should go on a double date!” She suggested happily, to which Tanaka nodded enthusiastically.
Daichi sighed, giving you a sheepish look. “You up for a double date?”
You glanced at your best friend and her new love interest before giving him a smile. “Something tells me we don’t have a choice.”
“Definitely not,” he laughed.
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pocket-clown · 5 years
Breaking up with Arthur Fleck | angst, optional fluff
// original request: Hello! I was just wondering if you’d be interested in doing some breakup headcanons? It could have a happy ending if you want, I just love angst lol. But I totally understand if this isn’t something you’re interested in writing.
AN: I’ve been writing a ton of angst lately, and this shit h u r t e d to write. I included two endings; the first is a happy and (somewhat) fluffy ending, the second is an unhappy, angsty ending, so everyone can choose which end they want ‘cause I know some people dislike angst without a happy end.
thank you for the request, anon!
Words: 3,240 (for all three parts together)
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You loved Arthur, and he loved you. 
Neither of you had ever, in the entirety of your lives, felt such strong feelings of pure adoration and love for anyone else like you did for each other. 
You saw each other at the best and worst of times; you saw your respective quirks, your strengths, your flaws - you saw each other for who you really were, and you still pulled each other close and let each other in to your own unique, yet strangely similar worlds. 
You had never felt so safe, so secure, so loved before in your life, and you tried so hard to return those feelings tenfold.
And that’s why it hurt so, so badly. 
You and Arthur loved each other, and with that love came the desire to help, the desire to guide the other through the tunnel to the light - the desire to fix. 
You loved Arthur in his entirety; his positive and negative aspects made him him, and you knew that he had deep-seeded issues so embedded in his psyche that he'd most likely spend the majority of the rest of his life in therapy, and while you didn't have it as bad, you had your own fair share of traumas, struggles, and shortcomings. You didn't want to fix each other in the sense that you viewed the other as something broken, rather you wanted to fix what was hurting the other, thus relieving them of their pain. 
Yes, you loved each other, but love could not fix. Love could not cure - and as time went on, you began to question your relationship with Arthur and reevaluate who you really were and your place in his life. 
- You began to wonder if maybe, maybe, you were in the way of things. 
So often did Arthur work himself into a frenzy over you; his concern for not only the well being of his mother but now yours as well often left him neglecting himself rather severely. His concern with making sure you and your needs were taken care of was so sweet and selfless, but at the same time rarely did he ever do the same for himself. 
You tried equally as hard to care for him; you stressed and worried, you picked up extra hours at work so you could help him with bills - you wanted nothing more than to return that same level of love and devotion. You'd get left burnt out, exhausted mentally and physically but you were okay with it, to a degree - relationships needed work, and you wanted nothing but the best for him. 
But as time went on, it became harder and harder to watch how hard Arthur pushed himself. It, at times, was devastating to see how sore and exhausted he was, and then for him to minimize how stressed he was just to make sure you were okay, broke your heart. 
You loved Arthur and he loved you, but you started to wonder if maybe he'd be better off not in a relationship with you. Had it not been for you, then perhaps he could work on himself and work on overcoming what struggles he had without you and your needs in the way. Yes, you loved him - but you wanted what was best for him, and a quiet, hissing little voice in the back of your mind said that you were what was worst for him. He needed to focus on himself, and you felt you were in the way of that. 
As usual, so in tune with you and your emotions, Arthur immediately noticed your silence and withdrawal, and you watched with a pained heart as he fret about it. You could see the gears in his head working overtime as he tried to piece together the puzzle of the Whos, Whats, Wheres, and Whys of what went wrong - as he tried to figure out what he did wrong, so he could fix it. 
Like the sweet, sweet man that is Arthur, he did everything in his power to bring you back. He became overly, tooth-rottingly sweet; your name was almost forgone entirely and you became known almost solely as his love, his sweetheart, his darling. Each time you visited his apartment from your own you noticed how it was tidier than the last time, and he even tried to cook for you on a few occasions. He read his new material to you as quickly as it filled his journal, and told you as often as he could, sometimes even seconds apart, that he loved you.
Each increasingly gentle and affectionate kiss and touch from him only fed your love for him - but in doing that, did it add more fuel to the fire that was your guilt for essentially robbing him of what he deserved. You couldn't help but feel that you were undeserving - that you were unworthy of someone as loving as Arthur. 
You wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of your life with Arthur, but you felt that all you did was add more to his plate. You felt that your presence in his life just added more stress and more for him to worry about, and both of those just added more in the way of his progress. 
The breakup is sad, messy, and abrupt; even just the way the words felt leaving your mouth as the two of you sat watching a late Murray rerun one night made you feel sick to your stomach; 
"I think we should break up." 
Your voice was so small and hushed that you weren’t sure if he even heard you, but it seemed that it just took a moment for the weight of the words and the fact that you had even made that statement to fully settle. Arthur turned to you, his eyes wide and eyebrows knit, a look of complete shock and utter heartbreak on his face - "Y/N - honey - what?" 
"I've just -” You paused to take a deep breath, knowing that there was no taking back what you were about to say. “I've been doing a lot of thinking, and… and I don't think it's good for us to be together, Arthur." 
Despite not looking at him from your spot on the far end of the couch, you could feel his eyes boring into you and you pleaded with whatever higher power there was that he wouldn't be hurt - that he wouldn't get upset, that he could just accept it and move on - 
But you were an idiot for thinking that. You were too in love, too drawn to each other for either of you to take the prospect of a breakup without any hurt, tears, or resistance. 
"Please, Y/N, please -" Arthur quickly scoot closer to you, subsequently closing the gap that was between your bodies, and he placed his hand on your thigh - but you pulled away, far too ashamed of yourself to let him touch you. "Please, sweetheart, why are you saying that? Tell me what's wrong, tell me so I can fix it - what did I do?" 
Rarely did Arthur ever cry; most of his stress, his anxiety, his upset - the majority of his angst manifested in those painful laughing fits that took him, and while crying did often happen along with them, for Arthur to just cry shattered your heart and crushed the pieces. He was not a noisy crier in the slightest, but you didn't need to look at him to know that he was tearful; his sniffling, and the tremulous, raw tone of his voice told you he was on the verge of a total meltdown and you squeezed your eyes shut in response to tears of your own, trying so hard to ignore the comforting feeling of his hand cupping your face in an attempt to coax you into looking at him as he whispered to you.
"M-My love, please - please don't leave me, please don't say that, I'll fix whatever it is - I'll do better, I'll be better, just please, Y/N, I love you…" 
He was rambling at this point, tripping over his words as his voice trembled in his attempt to piece together his thoughts coherently and fight to keep himself from losing it. You could feel his breath against your face, rapid and uneven, and for each sniffle from him did you squeeze your eyes shut tighter against the burning threat of your own tears. 
Which was fruitless. "That's the thing, Arthur…" The second you opened your mouth did the tears pour from your eyes, and you turned your head away when he reached up to try and wipe them away. "We can't - you can't - fix things! I love you so, so much Arthur, but we can't fix each other. Seeing you get so hurt and stressed because you're worried about me is - it's too much. It's unhealthy and it's just going to hurt us more." With your words did you stand up, a step to the right so you could sit on the arm of the couch, facing away from him. 
He remained silent, and you took that as your cue to continue. "We shouldn't be together because we just get too worked up over the other, and you can't focus on yourself - you can't take care of yourself - because I'm just in the way. 
"Oh, Y/N - that is not true!" Arthur jumped up from his spot, rounding the couch so he could stand in front of you. "Don't you - don't you dare think that you're anything bad to me -!"
He was shouting, but you knew it wasn’t coming from a place of anger. "You're going to wake your mom up, Art."
"I don't care about that - I care about this, I care about you, Y/N! I love you - please, please, sweetheart, please let me fix it, please - " Before you could respond, Arthur crumpled down onto his knees in front of you, his hands coming to rest on your own in your lap. The touch from him was enough to finally bring you to look at him, and the look on his face could've killed you; his cheeks were stained with tears, his eyes were glassy, his nose red and his bottom lip quivering - never in your time with him had you seen him so distressed, and knowing that you were the cause of it made you hate yourself. You knew you needed to end it fast before things got any worse; the last thing you wanted was to drag it on and on and on and end up hurting him even more.
"I'm sorry - I made my decision… I love you but I can't do this, Arthur, it isn't going to work."
And with that, you were gone. Your sweater was plucked from the coathanger by the door, and you didn't bother even putting your shoes on, instead just scooping them up as pushing the door open as you did so. You ignored how cold and filthy the hallway floor of the complex felt against your socked feet, just like you ignored how badly the lump in your throat hurt from your attempts at staving off your sobs, just like you ignored how Arthur called your name just as you rounded the corner, down into the stairwell. 
After that night, you only ever left your apartment for work, and you left and returned at odd hours because you knew that Arthur would be waiting at your usual time and you couldn't stomach the thought of seeing him. 
And how it hurt to feel that way. Your stomach was in knots constantly, and day in and day out were you a shaky, anxious mess of an impending total shutdown. How terribly you missed Arthur; you felt like you had literally lost a part of you, and you felt sick with worry over how he was coping. You were still so madly in love with the man who made you feel at home for once in your life, but you couldn't help but feel that maybe this was for the better. 
Days off were spent restless in bed, and nights were sleepless. Once upon a time, had you found yourself unable to sleep would you have then gone to Arthur's apartment knowing fully that he was most likely awake as well, and the two of you would spend the next two, three, four hours on his couch, limbs tangled and heads cradled on the shoulders of the other until you were both tired enough to sleep, parting so reluctantly despite knowing you’d be seeing each other again in a mere few hours.
But you no longer had the luxury that was Arthur Fleck's presence. His apartment was two floors above your own, and knowing that he was so close was simultaneously so painful yet so comforting that sometimes you'd have to stop yourself from running up there and begging for him to take you back. Any time you, for whatever reason, found yourself in the hallway did you swear you could you sometimes catch a faint breeze of the scent of the brand of cigarettes he smoked and it comforted you; making you hope that it wasn't just wafting down from upstairs, but that he had actually come by. 
The break up never got easier, but dealing with it did. About three weeks had passed, and while your heart was still struggling to pull through with the absence of him, you were managing.
Good End: 
Until late one insomnia-ridden night when you were up, watching something on television half-past one in the morning and you heard a peculiar sound. 
It was a gentle, brief scraping sound, followed by a soft pat. Initially, you assumed it was a mouse or rat running rampant in your apartment, so when you stood up to switch on the lamp to get a better look around did you realize what it actually was. 
Under your door was an envelope. Stark white against the dingy mat that was most likely older than you were that came with your apartment, and from your spot could you just make out Arthur's neatly-messy handwriting on the front of it - "Y/N". 
You slapped your hand over your mouth to muffle how pathetically you whimpered, and after taking a look through the peephole to make sure he wasn't out there and that the coast was clear, you slumped down against the door, your fingers carefully peeling open the envelope as if it were made from such delicately fine paper that even a shred of force would tear it. 
The first thing you noticed was how the margins of the paper (which you realized had been torn from his journal, meaning he probably wrote multiple drafts to get it right) were absolutely filled with hearts and smiley faces; towards the bottom, a sad face had been drawn, the words "me when your gon" under it, and a similar note under a nearby smiley face reading "me with you". 
The waterworks flowed after that; tears falling from your eyes in such haste that you couldn't wipe them in time to keep them from falling onto the letter in your hands. Arthur's true, raw feelings had been poured out; sentence after sentence about how he loved you so much, how you made him feel so happy, and how hearing you laugh at his jokes made his bad days feel good. 
In his own unique way that was so Arthur did he tell you that you made things better for him, not worse; you gave him something to think about, something to look at and focus on; “your vary prety”, “your smile makes my hart feel warm”, “you make things eazer eazier”, “you help me a lot”, “i love you vary much”, that you weren't a distraction from him getting better - if anything, you distracted him from the bad sometimes. No, his negative thoughts were always going to be there and sometimes nothing could be done to help them, but having you by his side helped. 
You felt so fucking selfish for how you ended things. You hadn’t even stopped to think or ask how Arthur felt about it; instead, you just shut yourself off from him with your insecurities and negative thoughts and broke his heart so abruptly that he was left blindsided. You were disgusted with yourself, but that didn’t matter - what mattered to you was how much Arthur loved you, and how you needed to let him know how much you loved him.
No, love couldn’t fix. Love couldn’t cure. But from love came support and understanding, and those were two stepping stones to getting, at least mildly, better. You loved Arthur, and he loved you, and so paying no mind to how late it was getting you sat on the edge of your couch, paper and pen flat on your coffee table, and started on your response.
Bad End: 
You were managing, until he started showing up at your apartment and your place of work. Though for the latter he'd never, ever go in - but if you glanced up and out the window at the right time, you'd be able to catch a brief glimpse of beige as he ducked behind a corner, and occasionally on your commute home would that familiar, evocative scent of the smoke from his cigarettes seem to trail you. 
It wasn't daily that he'd show up at your apartment, rather only a handful of times a week, and each time would he knock; four, five, six gentle raps of his knuckles against the chipping metal door - but you'd ignore it. You'd pretend that you weren't home, that you were sleeping, that you just didn't hear it - but Arthur wasn't stupid. Arthur wasn't that naïve. He knew you were home, and he knew you were ignoring him, and every bit of you - your heart, your brain, your legs, your hands - every bit screamed and pleaded with you to open the door and let him in - but you couldn't. You couldn't. It was too late for anything. 
As the days dragged on, you found yourself ignoring even phone calls. Had it been work calling you'd be in trouble, but you told yourself that in that instance would you lie and say your phone was broken - but you knew it wasn't work. You knew it was Arthur, and you felt like such a cruel, vile person for so blatantly ignoring him when he was trying so damn hard to reach out to you. 
As days turned to weeks, and weeks to a month, you found yourself wondering which hurt worse; so outright ignoring the man you loved as he tried so desperately to reach you and probably making him think you hated him - or the fact that his attempts at doing so were beginning to steadily decrease. 
What were once almost daily visits to your apartment, nightly calls, and weekly stops at your work dwindled down to only once or twice a week, then only three or four times a month - then to nothing. The scent of lingering smoke dissipated, and the only time you ever saw him was if you caught brief glimpses of that beige sweater you had loved so much in public, or if your subconscious tormented you sadistically with tender dreams about the life you could've had with the man you swore you'd marry. 
But it was too late. 
@tahliamalfoydepp @tsukiakarinobara @smol-nari​ @ajokeformur-ray​ @lavenderheartz​ @lady-carnivals-stuff​ @darknessisafriend​ @emissarydecksetter​ @soulsdontbreaktheybeeend​ @fleckcmscott​ @oldloverhippiemusic​ @hearthurfleck​ @sgtsavoytruffle​ @honking4joker​ @art-hurfleck​ (let me know if you’d like to be added!)
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lesgetittkookie · 6 years
wonderwall - jeon jeongukk (I)
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this photo does not belong to me. credits go to whoever created this edit. 
⤖ genre: fluff, smut, angst
⤖ pairing:  tattooartist!jeongukk x reader
⤖ warnings: unprotective sex, oral sex (male & female receiving), fingering, dry humping
⤖ summary: a story in which you meet a boy who turns your boring world upside down
⤖ word count: 9.4 k
⤖ author’s note: this will be a small series with parts that i plan on updating for the next few weeks. would love for you to support me with some feedback bc im curious about what you guys think. thanks. 
update: any words that are underlined within the text will lead you to a visual. in this part, it would be the outfit in case you want to see how it looks!
won • der  • wall, adjective 
Someone you find yourself thinking about all the time; a person you are completely infatuated with. 
There was a harsh ray of sunlight hitting Jeongukk’s face that causes him to blink his eyes open from his deep sleep. He lets out a low groan as his face scrunches up in annoyance due to waking up so early with a pounding headache.
He leans up on his elbows, rubbing the corner of his eyes tiredly with one hand as he adjusts to his surroundings. He looks around the unfamiliar setting, wondering where he was but that cluelessness quickly dissipates when he notices a girl lying next to him in bed with the lack of clothing.
He hisses, cautiously and slowly getting up the bed without making any noise. He looks around for his pants and briefs, noticing that a sock is missing from his foot as well. He finds his briefs hanging from the doorknob somehow while his jeans were in the corner of the room.
He quietly pulls them both on, wincing when the floor creaks beneath him and the girl stirs in her sleep. He panics when he doesn’t find his shirt anywhere, looking around the room in a silent frantic. 
He gives up on finding the shirt, saying fuck it because he has nothing to lose. At least he found his pants because walking out in public with his dick hanging out is worse than no shirt.
Making sure he’s got everything else, he leaves the apartment in a haste without looking behind. As he walks out of the building, there are people around that give him odd looks most likely due to the lack of his shirt. The ink engraved onto his skin that almost covers up his entire upper body are on full display. However, Jeongukk does not feel embarrassed at all.
The boy takes pride in the tattoos on his body, loving the way it looks on his tan skin. He looks down at his watch, seeing that he’s probably going to be late for work and Yoongi is going to kick his ass because this is like the fifth time in a month.
It takes a moment to realize where he is before he scans the street signs and walks towards the one that leads him to the tattoo parlor he works at. He decides to skip on stopping by his flat since he’s already running late. He probably has a spare t-shirt at his little workstation.
He’s out of breathe once he reaches the parlor, sweat running down his muscular tatted back but he couldn’t care less. He’s two minutes late which is better than being twenty minutes late if he had decided to stop by his place earlier.
He sees an old lady walk by him with a white poodle on a leash and bows at her out of politeness while she gives him a disgusted look due to his lack of shirt and inked skin. He brushes it off, pulling the glass door open.  
“Well look who finally shows up,” Jeongukk’s co-worker slash best friend greets him at the front desk as he holds a pen in his hand. There’s an amused smirk on his face as his large eyes scan over Jeongukk’s appearance.
“Not in the mood, Tae,” Jeongukk grunts, going into the back room to find a spare t-shirt lying around.
“I could tell. Your shirt is missing and do you know you were walking around in public with hickies all over your neck?” He points out, zoning in onto the marks.
Jeongukk’s eyes go wide and he quickly looks into the mirror on the wall, fingers running over the bruises. He lets out a groan, unable to remember if he warned the girl about leaving marks. 
“She really did a number on you huh? It looks like a leech attacked you,” Taehyung says as he observes his neck beside him. He reaches up to touch the marks but Jeongukk quickly smacks his hand away.
Taehyung winces, let out a small ow! and he rubs his hand. “That wasn’t necessary.”
Before Jeongukk could speak, another deep voice interrupts the two that causes Jeongukk to freeze in place.
“I see you’ve had a busy night Jeongukk,” His boss, Yoongi says with a judgmental tone.  
“Hyung, I’m sorry,” Jeongukk apologizes, avoiding his narrowed eyes.
Yoongi lets out a sigh, “Whatever, Jeongukk. Your client is gonna be here in five so wash up and put on a shirt.” He doesn’t say anything else, turning around and going back into his small office.
Taehyung lightly smacks Jeongukk’s back, causing the younger to wince in pain.
“Also remember that we’re leaving early tonight for that job.” Taehyung reminds him as he goes to his station.  
Jeongukk furrows his eyebrows, confused as to what Taehyung is talking about. He pulls the black shirt on and runs his hands through his messy black hair.
“What job?” He asks him.
Taehyung lets out an exasperated sigh, “I told you it’s the one where we both have to be servers at this huge party. The man who owns Sapphire resorts is having it for his daughter who just came back from studying abroad in London. She’s suppose to take over the company soon so it’s like some celebration.”
Jeongukk only recalls some of what Taehyung had said the previous time he brought it up. It completely slipped his mind that it would be so soon and now he’s dreading it with his hangover.
“Do I have to go?” Jeongukk asks as he looks at the time on the clock.
“Of course you do. We’re getting paid a shit ton of money. Plus, we’ll get free booze and left overs. I heard the food is being cooked by the chefs of Jungsik Seoul. We can’t even afford an appetizer there with both of our checks combined!” Taehyung’s voice is filled with excitement as he explains to Jeongukk.
Jeongukk doesn’t think he could go near alcohol anytime soon after last night but free quaity food does sound quite tempting. He could also pay ahead for rent and have some extra money that he could send to his mother and little brother. He purses his lips in contemplation before letting out a defeated sigh, “Fine.”
Taehyung who was anticipating his answer now pumps his fist with a  loud, “Yesssss.”
“Remember to wear a black button down and some slacks,” Taehyung informs him as they both glance at the shop’s door that opens with their clients.
“Whatever,” Jeongukk grumbles before leading his client to the back.
“I don’t understand why he’s throwing me this party when it’s clearly about him showing off his wealth,” You complain to Jimin as you watch the nail technician apply a glittery nail polish to your freshly manicured nails.
“Maybe he just wants to celebrate that you’re finally home after two years of being away,” Jimin mumbles as a lady massages his face with various creams.
“Or maybe he doesn’t give a shit about that at all and wants to show people how he got what he wanted and his daughter is compliant to whatever he says.” Your voice seeps with bitterness as you speak.
Jimin lets out a sigh, not knowing what to say because he knows that it’s probably true. Your father has hardly ever cared for your wishes and he’s been telling you to do everything he has said your whole life.
You’ve only been back in Korea for a day and your father had informed you as soon as you stepped into the office to greet him that there was going to be a celebration for your arrival and graduating from business school. He hadn’t even came to your graduation yet he wants to celebrate for your accomplishments. His words, not yours.
You had no other choice but to listen without a word because you knew you couldn’t really argue with him. You never win in your arguments with him and it’s  not like you could’ve then too.
“Babe, you could sneak it a little bit after your dad has introduced you. I’m sure he won’t notice. Then we could hang out in your room and drink booze and watch movies. Like old times,” He tries to make you feel better with his suggestion and your mouth slightly lifts up at his words. It sounded like a good way to spend the night.
“Can we also critique art works while we’re drunk?” You plead, watching his face carefully.
Jimin peeks one eye open, turning his head to look at you with a miserable look on his face, “Fine. Only because it’s about you and I’ve missed you so we’ll do anything you want.”
You give him a bright happy smile before looking down at your nails, still dreading for the uneventful night to come.
“This is stupid as fuck,” Jeongukk says to Taehyung as he sits down in the older boy’s beat up car.
“Boohoo, it’s just for a night,” Taehyung tells him as he pulls away from the apartment building and starts driving on the road.
“A night of serving food to stuck up rich people who I could care less about,” Jeongukk grumbles while he plays piano tiles on his phone.
“Who knows, maybe you’ll find a hot rich girl to take home,” Taehyung says as he changes lanes.
“I don’t plan on hooking up with any girls tonight. I’m still pissed as fuck because of the girl from the previous night who left hickies all over my neck,” Jeongukk mutters, running his hand over his marked up neck.
“You were probably too drunk to even tell her something so specific,” Taehyung chuckles while Jeongukk keeps his mouth shut, knowing he can’t speak anything in his defense.
“Fuck off,” The younger grumbles, tapping his thumbs against the screen more aggressively.
“It’ll only be a couple of hours and then we can eat, get paid, and leave,” Taehyung tries to make the other feel a bit better.
“Whatever, the food better be good,” says Jeongukk and Taehyung nods rapidly.
“Oh don’t worry, it’ll be good. These people don’t play around. They’re rich as fuck so I doubt they would have food with shitty quality.” The car halts as they near a large hotel where there are fancy and expensive cars being taken over by valet parking.
Taehyung drives his car into the parking garage, turning off the beat up station wagon once they find a parking space. Jeongukk lets out a tired sigh as he unravels himself from the belt and exits the car, following the other boy in tow.
He just wants to get it over with and go home.
“Y/N, sit still!” Jimin scolds as he brushes the eye shadow over your lids.
You let out a sigh, gripping the arms of the chair as the boy continues to apply makeup to your face. Guests of the party are already arriving yet you haven’t even put on your dress yet. Jimin, on the other hand, is dressed in head to toe in his designer gucci suit that is embroidered with delicate flower designs and jewels.
“My face feels so heavy, Jimin,” You groan, opening your eyes once you no longer feel the brush tickling your skin.
“I’m almost done,” He promises, applying a berry lipstick to your plump lips. He picks up a brush and sweeps a golden highlight over the apple of your cheeks to make your skin glow.
“Okay,” He spins your chair around so you look into the mirror, “Ta-da, you look so beautiful.” Jimin compliments as he fixes the strands of hairs that fell loose from your little messy bun.
“You did a good job,” You praise, unable to recognize yourself in the mirror.
“Thank you,” He bows, “I’ve had a lot of practice while you were away.” He informs you, running his hand through his silver hair. “Now change into your dress before your dad complains.”
“It’s not like I give a shit about him,” You snort, picking up the satin silk dress that has a deep v dipping down the chest.
“I’m assuming I don’t wear a bra,” You ask him as you observe the outfit.
“Of course not! You’re gonna look hot as fuck in this outfit,” He says, turning away once he sees you unravel your silk robe.
“It’s not like I’m trying to impress anyone,” You say, pulling the dress over your head and fixing it around your chest area when you felt like your cleavage was spilling out. You were afraid to have a nip slip during the party.
“Jimin! Everyone might see my boobs if this slips.” You complain, trying to adjust the silk fabric.
“You look so good though, holy fuck!” He scans over your outfit with a satisfied grin. “Y/N, you need to get laid tonight. If I wasn’t gay, I’d totally bang you.”
“Shut up,” You lightly hit his arm, “Help me fix this,” You pout, letting the boy adjust the straps and cover your goods. He then puts on a thick diamond choker around your neck to complete the look.
“Wow,” Jimin steps back and puts his hands on his hips, “I really did that.” He says proudly.
You roll your eyes, picking up your phone and clutch. Once you grab all of your things, Jimin grabs the room key and leads you out of the suite. You wrap your arm around his, feeling anxious with all of the attention you’re about to receive from the people downstairs.
Jeongukk was tired as fuck and it’s only been fifteen minutes into his job as serving. He’s annoyed as fuck when someone asks him for a specific kind of drink and not the ones he holds on the tray. Just take the fucking rose is what he wants to say but he has to refrain himself from doing so.
Ever since he walked into the room, he’s felt the hungry eyes of many women dig into skin as they hung onto the arms of their rich husbands who were too busy discussing business deals to notice. 
He could care less about the women, just trying to get through the job. He is in no mood to deal sleep with a married woman considering his last experience didn’t end well when he had to walk out of the house with a bruised face when the woman’s husband came home to his wife moaning Jeongukk’s name while he was eating her out. 
He decided he was not going down that route again. Unless he was really in need of sex. 
He could also feel some people stare at him for the tattoos he has on both of his arms and neck. His button down doesn’t really do justice in covering them up as they rise up when he has to carry the tray of drinks. 
Jeongukk was just handing a group of people some wine when there is a deep voice that speaks through the microphone, halting everyone’s chatter. 
People stop to look up at the man who was the reason behind this whole party, holding their expensive glasses of wine and champagne as they watch him give out a small speech. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for those who have attended tonight’s event. This event is a celebration for my beautiful young daughter, Y/N, who as some of you know, just came back from studying abroad at the University of Oxford in London for business school. It was so hard for me when she was away but I’m happy to announce that she’s back and she’s ready to take over my position at the company.” The aged man speaks proudly though the microphone, holding a certain glint in his eyes. Jeongukk stops to watch as everyone holds up their drinks in a toast. “A toast to my daughter and her success!” Everyone cheers and drink from their glasses while Jeongukk just rolls his eyes. 
“Y/N, do you have anything you want to say?” He hears the man ask his daughter and Jeongukk’s eyes wander to the girl. 
He feels his breathe hitch in his throat at the sight of her, a tightness in his chest. It felt like the air just got knocked out of his lungs as soon as he lays his eyes on her. She’s beautiful, he thought. The way her satin silk dress clings to her curvy body, the deep plunge of the neckline revealing a bit of her breasts. There’s a diamond choker caged around her neck that sparkles more than anything else in the room as the lights of the chandeliers cause them to glitter. But what really catches Jeongukk’s attention was her face and the way she did not look as happy as she should. 
He watches as the girl gives her father a small, fake smile as she takes the mic from his hands and says in a soft voice, “Thank you to everyone who attended. I hope you enjoy the rest of your night.” And with that, she hands her father the mic back before looping her arm through the arm of a handsome man with silver hair who must be her boyfriend, Jeongukk thinks. 
He shakes his head, letting out a sigh before taking his empty tray back to the kitchen. There’s no way he would talk to her. She may be just like the rest of the snobby people in this room who are dressed in clothes that cost probably more than his entire rent. 
He gives an annoyed glare when he runs into another waiter that accidentally spills wine over his shirt. 
The scrawny man apologizes profusely, intimidated by the other’s tattoos and piercing eyes and Jeongukk just shakes his head before walking back into the kitchen.
“Y/N, are you really just going to eat throughout this whole party?” Jimin asks you as he watches you stuff your face with the small appetizers at the table. 
“No,” You speak through a mouth full of food, “I’m going to eat and drink for the whole party,” You correct, causing the silver haired boy to roll his eyes. 
“I just want you to be careful,” Jimin pouts while one of his hand reaches up to thumb away the sauce at the corner of your lips. 
“I am!” You tell him, grabbing a glass of wine off the server’s tray when they walk by. “Did you hear what my dad said up there?” Your voice slightly tremors. “I’m taking over his position. Isn’t that great?” There was no enthusiasm or excitement in your tone, just sadness and fear. 
Jimin watches as his best friend unhappily downs glass after glass of wine. “I know, baby. I’m so sorry,” His hand reaches up to rub your arm in a soothing way. He leans forward to wrap his arms around you, “I wish I could do more to help you.” He whispers. 
You shake your head, holding his torso tighter, “You being here is enough for me.” You tell him truthfully because without the support of your best friend, you would be so lost. 
Once you two pull back, you give him a pat on the shoulder. “Please go talk with other people. I know you had your eyes on a cute waiter earlier but you didn’t want to leave me,” You say in a knowing tone. 
Jimin pretends like he doesn’t know what you’re talking about as his eyes scan the room not so subtlety for the young man who he’s pretty sure had tattoos on his arms. 
“Jiminnnnn, I promise I’ll be fine! I don’t want you to feel like you have to stay with me the whole time,” You tell him. He doesn’t need to deal with your mopey mood, knowing that he’s the type of person that likes to socialize with others. 
“What if I’m just staying with you because I missed you?” Jimin pathetically makes the excuse. 
“I missed you too but I’m sure that’s not the case,” You grab his shoulders and turn him around so you could push him towards the crowd of people, “Now go find that man.” 
Jimin lets out a defeated sigh, “Fine but you keep your phone on you and let me know when you want to leave okay? Or if you need anything at all?” His voice is stern as he looks at you. 
“Yes mom, I promise. Now gooo,” You push him away, causing the boy to grumble and fix his suit as he disappears into the sea of people. 
You slightly smile before picking up your clutch from the table and looking around to see if there was anywhere you could sit. You take no interest in some of the people who hold a lingering gaze on your figure as you walk through the crowd. 
Your eyes narrow in on a bar where there is less people, pursing your lips before saying, “bingo.” 
Once you reach the bar and sit down at a stool, you ask the bar tender to give you a stronger drink. Your arms rest on the top as you wait for your drink, tapping your nails against the counter. 
You lightly jump in your seat when you feel someone sit on the stool beside you and they speak in deep honey-filled voice, “Water please.” 
You try not to turn your whole head to look at his face but your eyes scan over the intricate tattoo designs that are engraved into the skin of his arm, trying to make out what they are. 
The man clears his throat as he says a small thanks to the bartender who hands him his glass of water. You look at him confusedly, wondering why someone would want to order a water. 
You build up all of your courage and ask, “Not a fan of alcohol?” 
This immediately causes the man to stop in the process of drinking water and turn over to look at you. You feel his eyes on the side of your face but you don’t turn your head to look at him, your hand swirling the straw in your drink. 
He clears his throat again before looking down at his glass of water, “Nah, just hungover. Feel like I’ve had enough alcohol for the next few days.” 
This causes your lips to slightly tilt up at the sound of his voice as he speaks to you. 
“That much huh?” You say in a mused tone. 
“You have no idea. I came into work without a fucking shirt on,” He grumbles out. 
You snort at his words, turning your head to finally look at him. You feel slightly out of breathe when you scan over his appearance. He has raven black hair with bangs that cover his forehead. A large nose with a perfect slope and large doe eyes with brown irises that stare into yours. Silver hoops pierce his ears along with multiple small pieces of metal that pierce through his skin. He has tattoos that are inked into his neck and both arms, his figure built and lean. He is a beautiful man. 
“I’m sure some people weren’t complaining,” You say, not knowing where you suddenly got the confidence from. 
The boy bites down a smirk but is unable to control it as he feels it overtake his lips. “You think you would’ve been?” 
“Probably not,” Your eyes don’t waver from his face as you take a sip of your drink. 
You notice how his eyes zone in onto your plump lips that are wrapped around the straw. You hold back your own smile. 
“Good to know,” He slightly nods, “So why are you sitting at a bar all alone while there is a party being thrown for you?” He asks you. 
You let out a dreaded sigh, looking back at the ice melting in your drink. “I’d say this party is more for my dad, not me.” 
You don’t know why you’re telling this to a hot stranger but since he asked, you don’t know what else to say. You just feel like if you lie to him, he’ll know so there’s no point.
“Didn’t want to come back?” He asks you curiously. 
“Of course not. I knew the moment I’d be back, all of these responsibilities would be thrown on me,” You answer, mind drifting off to your father’s words about taking over the business. 
“I suppose you’re talking about taking up his position?” He clarifies and you look at him in interest. 
“I want to say yes but I’m worried you’re some undercover journalist who wants to get information from me,” You narrow your eyes at him, “Are you?” You knew that he was most likely not but you wanted to know who this man was. 
The boy snorts, looking down at his tatted arms, “Far from it actually,” He chuckles, “I’m a college drop out who works at a tattoo parlor with his two friends and I was able to be a server tonight to make some extra cash on the side,” He casually explains to her. 
You look at him in surprise, feeling more curious about the boy. “Tattoo parlor? Did you do those yourself?” Your eyes flit down to the tattoos on his arms. 
“Most of them. I designed them and had my friend do the ones I couldn’t reach,” He answers. “You’re not going to snitch on me for sitting on the job?” He asks in amusement. 
You snort, “I could care less. In fact, maybe I’d like it if you kept me some company since there’s nothing else to do at this party...” You trail off, wanting to know the boy’s name. 
He notices your questioning gaze and replies with, “Jeongukk. And I’m assuming your name is Y/N,” He says and you nod. “What about your boyfriend? Couldn’t he keep you company?” 
You look at him in ridiculously, “Boyfriend? I don’t have a boyfriend.” You don’t know where he got that idea from. 
“So the man who walked you down wasn’t your boyfriend?” Jeongukk asks her. 
Realization strikes upon your face and then you look at him with an amused smile, “That was my best friend, Park Jimin, who is very much gay. He saw a cute waiter so I told him he could run off to find him.” 
Jeonguk slightly smiles, nodding his head, “Good to know.” 
“Girlfriend?” You ask him in curiousness, noticing a bruise on his neck. 
“Nah,” he shakes his head, “No girlfriend.” 
You purse your lips before saying, “The hickey on your neck says otherwise.” You point out. 
Jeongukk’s hand immediately reaches up to his neck, rubbing over the mark as he curses under his breathe. “You see that’s from a recent hook up and I was too drunk to notice her making the mark.” 
You believe he’s being honest so you nod understandingly before asking, “You don’t like being marked?” 
Jeongukk looks at the counter top in thought before answering, “I prefer to be the one marking.” He speaks in a slightly seductive and deep whisper that causes a tingle in between your legs as your stomach flutters. 
You feel his warm breathe on your face as his head leans slightly down towards your own. Your own eyes nervously look into his, feeling as if he was looking into your soul. 
“Y/N!” Your hear the sound of your father’s voice calling your name which causes you to quickly pull away from Jeongukk. “Please come meet some of my business partners,” He calls and you let out a sigh, nodding your head but your eyes don’t look away from Jeongukk who stares at you with intrigued eyes. 
“I’m coming,” You call back out, standing up from the stool a little too fast that it almost causes you to tip over but Jeongukk quickly puts his hand on your hip to keep you steady. 
You feel your breathe hitch in your throat as your chest rises from breathing heavy. You look down at the veiny hand on your hip, gulping once he pulls away, touching lingering on your skin. 
“Guess it was nice meeting you?” Jeongukk says more like a question. 
You look down at him with pursed lips, glancing over at your father who was talking to his friends before you quickly whisper down into his ear, “Meet me near the restrooms in ten.” You then stand up straightly again and walk towards your father who smiles brightly, putting his arm around your shoulder as he introduces you to his colleagues. 
Jeongukk didn’t miss the way your hips swayed as when you walked and how your whole backside was on display as the dress had a low dip just above the dimples of your back. 
His knuckles turn white as he grips his glass tightly from the sexual tension he felt when he talked to you. The way your eyes would linger on his tattoos. How your plump berry lips wrapped around the straw when you knew he was watching. How your satin dress clung to your body while your skin glowed under the twinkling chandeliers. You took his breathe away. 
He had noticed you sitting at the bar and purposely decided to sit on the stool next to you, catching your floral scent when he casually asked the bartender for his glass of water. What he didn’t expect was for you to initiate a conversation with him. 
Your voice was soft and delicate when you spoke. He didn’t miss the sadness in your eyes when you spoke about your father. He didn’t expect you to be so open and honest considering he was just a stranger. He also didn’t fail to notice the fire that lit your eyes when spoke about his preference of leaving marks on her skin. 
Although he didn’t plan on hooking up with anyone tonight, that thought completely went into the trash once you started talking to him. 
He felt the excitement bubble in his stomach when he had heard you whisper in his ear that you wanted to see him again in a couple of minutes. Jeongukk decides that he just needs one drink because although he is a confident man when it comes to women, he felt slightly nervous about you. 
There was something about your beauty that he found so ethereal. How you were dressed in head to toe in expensive clothes but your personality quite different from what he expected. He was enamored by your presence around him. 
“Can I get a small glass of whiskey?” He asks the bartender who nods, pouring him a glass. 
He quickly downs the drink, feeling the liquid burn in his throat as he drinks it in one go. The glass slams against the counter, causing the person beside him to flinch but he pays no mind. He wipes his mouth, glancing over to see your eyes catching a glimpse of what he’s doing, a small smile on your lips that he knows is because of how he’s reacting and not because of what the person you’re speaking to is saying. 
He narrows his eyes at you before heading towards the restrooms outside of the hall and away from the people. He completely neglects the job he was suppose to be doing originally, more eager over what you two are about to do. 
Taehyung could get an explanation later.
“Fuck,” You moan against Jeongukk’s mouth as his tongue pushes past your lips to meet your tongue. His hands are running down your sides, brushing over your bare back while yours are tangled in his silky black hair. 
As soon as he had stepped in the hallways secluded from everyone else, not even five minutes later you had came to the area with your hand running down his back which had caused him to turn around only to be met with your lips pressing against his. 
He was taken by surprise when it happened but he quickly got over it and responded to your kiss which had then led you to where you are now: a storage closet where the two of your are making out with your hands all over each other. 
Jeongukk pulls his lips away from yours, grabbing ahold of the sides of your face before kissing his way down your neck. Your head tips back to rest against the wall behind you as you let the handsome man suck a bruise right above your breast. 
One of your hands trail down from his hair all the way across his built chest to the front of his slacks. You’re able to feel his large bulge pushing against the fabric as you rub against it. Jeongukk hisses into your skin but continues to create marks across your chest. 
You feel the strap of your dress slide of your shoulder, revealing your left breast and Jeongukk takes that moment to kiss around your areola before he wraps his lips around your perked nipple. You bite down on your lip to hold back a loud moan so that no one outside of the room hears you while your hand holds the back of his head, pushing him further into your chest. 
His tongue swirls around your nipple before he digs his teeth into your skin, causing the wetness between your legs to soak the fabric of your underwear. 
“Jeongukk,” You call out in pleasure as he kisses your nipple one last time before pulling back to look at you. The both of your eyes meet, appearance disheveled from touching each other. His shirt was halfway unbuttoned, revealing more of his tattooed chest and washboard abs. 
Without a second thought, your finger trails down from the top of his collarbone to his chest, feeling the muscle as it contracts beneath your touch. He leans down to kiss your lips again, addicted to the feeling of your lips on his. 
Your eyes shut as you breathe through your nose, loving the feeling of how his arms wrapped around your waist as he kisses you. After a few more lingering kisses, you pull back to catch your breathe as does he. 
“I want you to...” You start as your hand trails down his chest to his pants, “keep me company for the rest of the night.” You whisper, eyes taking in the designs on his chest. 
Jeongukk exhales through his nose, looking at you with his dark eyes as he allows you to touch his skin. He feels his heart slightly speed up at your suggestion and he wants nothing more than to take you right there. 
But he refrains himself from doing so and asks, “In here?” 
Your eyes meet his against but your hand doesn’t leave his chest. Your mouth lifts up in amusement at his question and you shake your head. 
“I have the key to a suite upstairs,” You inform him and he nods, feeling elated. 
“Well then, let’s go check it out,” He smiles and you lean in to kiss him again because his lips look so inviting. 
He helps you fix the strap of your dress by adjusting it on your shoulder again and you make sure the fabric of the dress is covering your breasts. Meanwhile Jeongukk buttons his shirt and runs his hands through his hair to make himself look somewhat decent when you two walk out. 
Once you grab the clutch your dropped onto floor when you two came in earlier, you open the door and look behind you before looking outside to make sure no one was around before you grab his hand and lead him out. 
The both of you walk towards the elevator in quick footsteps before anyone else catches you and the actions made you feel giddy. 
Once your inside, Jeongukk asks, “What floor?” to which you reply, “Thirteen.” And soon as the button is pressed, he pushes you against the wall, arms on either side of your head as your lips meet in another heated kiss. 
Your hands immediately reach up to grab the side of his neck, lips moving with his as the kiss is filled with lust. At this rate, the wetness between your leg trails down your inner thigh and you could both smell your arousal which only turns on the boy even more as his hips grind into yours. 
You gasp into his mouth, scrunching up his shirt in your hand as you let him grind against your crotch with his own hard bulge. One of his hands move down to your ass, giving it a small squeeze and you moan into his mouth, wanting more. 
“Baby, you’re so hot,” Jeongukk speaks against your mouth, “I couldn’t take my eyes off of you when I first saw you.” He tells her, unable to stop himself from speaking the truth. 
He starts to kiss down your neck again, causing you to tilt your head to the side eyes shutting in pleasure. When you hear the ding of the elevator, they immediately open and you pull back from his lips as you watch the doors open. 
Jeongukk can’t help but hook his hands beneath your thighs and pick you up into his strong arms so that your legs wrap around his waist. Your satin dress hikes up your thighs, revealing your whole left leg due to the slit on the side and you’re pretty sure you could feel your ass peeking out but in that moment you did not care. 
Your arms are wrapped around his neck, lips trailing kisses down his neck as he carries you down the hall. 
“Room 13E,” You mumble, lips sucking the skin of his neck into your mouth. You knew he was the one who likes to mark but you felt the urge to create a bruise so that others could see your work. 
Once he reaches right outside the door, you’re slammed against the door and you quickly reach into your clutch to grab the key card. He grabs it from your hand, sliding it through the lock in a haste and then he turns the knob to push it open. He holds you up against him by one arm, making the muscles in his arm flex as the other works on swinging open the door. 
When you get inside, he wraps both of his hands around your thighs again and kicks the door shut behind him with his foot. You drop your clutch onto the floor carelessly as he leads you to the large king sized bed that is sat in the middle of the room. 
His knees knocking against the edge of the mattress as he drops you onto the bed while he stands above you his lips red from kissing you, hair messy from the countless times you grabbed onto it. 
“I’m gonna eat you out. Do you want that, baby? Do you want my mouth on your pussy?” He asks you and you nod, legs involuntarily spreading open in an inviting manner. 
He unbuttons his hair, feeling the sweat trickle down his neck and you sit up on your elbow as you watch the shirt unravel from his torso to reveal his chest that is covered with tattoos. There is a beautiful large rose on his side with the veins that run across his stomach with thorns and petals. 
You watch as he unbuckles his belt, sliding it out of the loops and throwing it behind him. You don’t fail to miss his crotch area where his bulge is pushing against the fabric. You push yourself up from the bed, knees sinking into the mattress as you grab the waist of his pants. Your lips lick over the fabric of his blank pants, causing Jeongukk’s hand to immediately go into your hair. 
Your eyes don’t leave his as he watches you unbutton the pants with your hands and then pull the zipper down with your teeth. His breathe hitches in his throat as you kiss his cock through his black briefs while your hands completely push his pants down to his ankles. 
Jeongukk grips your wrists, taking you by surprise and he pushes you back against the mattress. 
“Let me taste you first,” He tells you, pushing your dress up your thighs to reveal your soaking thong. He notices your inner thigh glistening as it trails from your entrance and his first instinct is to bend down to lick over your underwear. 
You let out a moan of surprise, feeling the heat of his tongue through your underwear. You tangle your hands in his hair as he sucks on your clit. The heels of your shoes dig into his shoulder as he rub his finger over your underwear. 
His lips trail over your thighs and you feel his warm breathe on your inner thigh, his tongue licking up the wetness that was dripping through the fabric of your underwear. Your chest is heaving heavily as you feel his thumb hook around the side of your underwear and he tugs it down, sitting up so he could completely pull it off. 
He leans down to kiss you on the lips, his bulge touching your pussy and you’re able to feel it clearly through his boxers. You moan, nails dinging into his back as Jeongukk continues to grind against your entrance. 
“Fuck, Jeongukk please,” You moan into his mouth, letting him roam his tongue around your mouth. 
“Please what hm?” 
“Please fuck me, please,” You beg, causing him to smirk against your mouth. 
“Be patient,” He tells you before trailing kisses down your chest until he reaches your entrance. 
You finally feel his mouth wrap around your clit, sucking on it harshly and you thrash against the bed as your heels dig into his shoulders again. You shut your eyes in pleasure as you feel his tongue trail down from your clitoris to your slit, tongue spreading your folds to taste your wetness. 
“Oh fuck, Jeongukk please please please,” You beg, feeling his hand rub over your bundle of nerves as his tongue pushes into your entrance. You feel the warmth of his tongue pushing against your walls, making you cry out louder. One of his inked arms holds you down as it presses against your stomach while the other teases against your entrance. 
When he pulls his tongue away, his finger immediately slips inside of you and hooks around your entrance, causing you to moan even louder. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as you let him pleasure until you’ve reached your high. You pull the strap of your dress down, grabbing onto your breast and squeezing it. 
Jeongukk pulls away, lips glistening with your arousal. He notices your hand touching your breast and he adds another finger into you, feeling your walls clench around him. 
His heel smacks against your clit as he fucks into your pussy with his fingers at a harsher pace and you can’t stop moaning out loud. He adds more stimulation by spitting on your clit and then using the thumb of his other hand to rub it vigorously. 
“J-Jeongukk, please, fuck me, please,” You beg, eyes wet because you wanted his cock in you so bad. 
“You’ll get it soon,” He promises, leaning down to wrap his lips around your clit again and sucking on it while his fingers are still fucking into your entrance. 
“‘M gonna come,” Your voice is hoarse when you speak. 
Jeongukk picks up his pace with his fingers and you cry out when you feel yourself reaching your climax, stomach bursting at the sudden rush of electricity shooting down your spine. 
“Cum for me,” Jeongukk says, watching as you let out a loud gasp, throwing your head back. 
You release all over his fingers, feeling overwhelmed by the stimulation. 
Once Jeongukk pulls his fingers out, he drags them to his mouth, sucking on his cum covered fingers while he looks into your eyes. You let out a heavy breathe, eyes trailing down to his boxers that hold his length. You sit up and grab ahold of the waistband, tugging them down. 
Jeongukk watches you carefully as you wrap your hand around his length and rub your thumb across his slit that is dripping with pre-cum. The head of his cock was an angry red, blood rushed to the muscle. He lets out a groan when he feels your lips envelope the head. 
You look up at his face as you trail your mouth up his girth, sucking and tonguing at the head. Your plush lips suction onto the underside of his shaft, the tip of your tongue tracing the vein that bulges there. 
Jeongukk groans out loud, muttering a small fuck, when he feels your lips wrap around his throbbing tip and glide down his cock. He watches you with a heaving chest as your cheeks hollow, swallowing the entirety of his cock into your mouth until he hits the back of your throat. 
You feels your eyes water at the feeling but you don’t stop bobbing up and down, your wrist twisting and tightening around the rest of his cock. He pushes his hair back from your face and tucks it behind your ear as he continues to watch you suck him off. 
When he sees his vision start to turn white, he pulls out of your mouth with a loud pop and it causes a look of confusion to take over your face. 
“I wanna come inside of you,” He tells you, pushing the straps of your dress off of your arms so that it pools around your waist and then tugs it until he could throw it behind his shoulder. 
He was about to ask you if you had a condom but you beat him to it by telling him, “I’m on the pill.” He hesitates before nodding and then pushes you so your back meets the mattress. 
He then climbs over you, holding himself up by his elbows on either side of your head. He leans all of his weight on his left elbow while his right hand brushes across your cheek and he leans forward to press his lips to yours. His hand trails down your body, running over your breast and smoothing down to your stomach. 
His fingers brush of your clit covered in arousal, causing you to moan in his mouth and he takes that moment to slip his tongue to touch yours. He then grabs his cock, rubbing his tip over your clit in circular motions which makes you jerk immediately. You let out another moan, biting down on his lower lip as you push your hips forward into his touch. 
After teasing you for a few more seconds, he slides his cock down your slit, spreading your folds and you breathe heavily as you feel him near your entrance where you ache for him the most. You were waiting for him to slip inside of you and fill you to the brim. 
“Please,” You beg when you only feel his head slide into your entrance. 
“More?” He asks and you could hear the amusement in his voice. 
You nod vigorously, gripping onto his shoulders so hard that your nails dig into them. 
Jeongukk finally decides to slide into your pussy completely, being engulfed by your warm, wet walls. He lets out a groan in combination with a sigh while you whimper, adjusting his thick girth. He pulls back again until only the tip was left in your entrance making your whine which turns into a loud cry of pleasure when he slams back into your not even five second later. 
You pull him closer to you, turning your head to the side as he kisses down your neck while he continues to pound into you. The sound of his hips smacking against yours bounces across the walls and you can’t stop moaning his name as he hits a particular spot inside of you. 
“Fuck fuck fuck,” You cry and he watches your face as it lays against the pillow. Your eyes were slightly smeared with makeup and there was sweat trickling down your silk like skin but he was still entranced by your beauty. It encouraged to satisfy you even more, bringing his hand to your clit to rub it at a fast pace. 
You gasp at the added stimulation, shutting your eyes and chanting yes yes yes over and over again. The boy doesn’t stop thrusting into you, picking up his pace as you feel yourself reaching your high again. 
Jeongukk groans as he feels his stomach churning, blood rushing to his cock and doesn’t stop pulling and pushing back in. He watches the way your pussy swallows his entire cock, spilling out your juices.  
At this point, you’re both sure that the residents in the room beside you might be able to hear you but neither of you pay any mind to them. Your nails scratched against Jeongukk’s broad back and he hisses at the feeling but doesn’t stop you. 
“I’m gonna come,” You whimper, grabbing one of your breasts and squeezing it.  
“I’m almost there. I’m gonna come in your pussy. Is that what you want?” He asks your breathless and you just nod, words unable to escape your mouth. 
He leans down to kiss you again, tongue swiping across your plush lips and you open your mouth again so he could slide his tongue against yours. You could see your vision turn white as you release around his cock, moaning loudly. Jeongukk continues to thrust into you until he fills himself spurt into your entrance, filling your pussy with his load. 
He grabs the sides of your face, holding you closer so your lips move sync. The sound of your kissing lips is now the only thing you two could hear. Jeongukk stays inside of you for a few more seconds as he makes out with you but you both have to pull away to catch your breathe. 
You whimper as he slowly pulls out, watching your cum mixed with his, drip out of your entrance. He falls onto his back beside you on the mattress, running his hands through his hair that is soaked with sweat. The both of you are breathing heavily, eyes shut as you try to calm down. 
You felt him get up from the mattress but you didn’t have it in you to see why. Your hear the bathroom light turn on and the water running. 
With one eye blinking open, you watch him come back with a small wet towel in his hand. You’re fascinated with the way his body moves, muscles flexing beneath his skin and the ink all over his body telling stories that you couldn’t understand. You feel him wipe down between your legs and you sigh in content as he cleans you up. He then unstraps your heels, pulling them off your feet and throwing them onto the floor. 
You were feeling surprised at his actions, never have hooked up with a man who cleans you up as gently as him after sex. Usually you’d have to go to the bathroom on your own and then quietly sneak out. However, Jeongukk didn’t like he was leaving just yet. 
You give him a small appreciative smile as your eyes meet and you see the corner of his mouth lift just a little bit before he looks away. He then turns back around, displaying a huge tattooed dragon on his back that you never saw before. It ran down his entire toned back, details of the design causing your mouth to become ajar. Your eyes glance down at his toned, perky ass and you quickly look away, feeling your cheeks flush. 
Jeongukk walks out of the bathroom, picking up his black briefs from the floor and sliding them up his legs. You then notice him pick up his slacks and shirt, causing your heart to race in your chest. 
Without thinking you speak, “You could stay the night if you want.” 
He halts his actions, eyes meeting yours in surprise. You clear your throat, glancing down at your fingers while you say, “I mean until tomorrow morning. If you want.” 
“You sure?” He asks you, avoiding to look at you. 
“Mhm,” You hum, rolling to the left side of the bed and tugging the blanket over your body. “You could sleep on the bed. I don’t move around too much in my sleep.” 
You shut your eyes, feeling yourself drift off but you were still aware that Jeongukk hadn’t moved. You tried not to turn around yet your heart was racing in your chest when you heard the sound of his feet pad against the floor. 
Jeongukk pulls the blanket back, sliding in beside you with and keeps a little distance between the two of you. You try not the breathe too fast, trying to make it seem like you’ve fallen asleep. It’s hard to believe that not even ten minutes ago, this man balls deep inside of you while you were screaming his name and now you two are awkwardly laying beside each other like a bunch of shy strangers. 
You feel yourself slip into unconsciousness, body completely worn out. However, you fall asleep with a small smile on your face without even realizing it was because of the boy beside you. 
Jeongukk sees your chest rise slowly as you’re in a deep slumber. His mind drifts back to what you two had just done and he could still remember how your breathlessly called out his name while he pounded into you. The way you threw your head back against the pillow and let him take you over and over again. 
When you had asked him to stay, he was taken by surprise. He quite frankly didn’t feel like dealing with Taehyung downstairs anyways but he certainly didn’t think he could stay. He expected you to kick him out a few minutes later but instead you moved over and let him sleep in your bed beside you, clueless to how much you intrigued the boy as you slept soundly. 
He’s not the kind of man that pays too much attention to the women he sleeps with. He appreciates the women’s beauty and loves to show them how much he could pleasure them in so many different ways but he never went passed that extent. There was something about you that drew him in the moment he laid eyes on you and it wasn’t just your alluring presence. 
He couldn’t fight off the sleep that overtakes him and he lets himself be swept away into a world full of dreams. 
You blink your eyes open slowly, scrunching up your face when you feel a light hitting your face. You sigh in annoyance flipping your head to the other side of the pillow so you face away from the window that has the sunlight shining through. 
With your still half awake mind, you remember that there was a body beside yours the night before but is no longer there. You quickly open your eyes, seeing the left side of the bed devoid of a man with the tattooed body. You sit up and see that his clothes are gone from the floor too and the bathroom light is off. 
A cold draft causes you to shiver and you realize you’re still completely nude beneath the blanket. You let out a slightly disappointed sigh, feeling your heart ache because for some reason you hoped that Jeongukk would still be laying beside you when you wake up in the morning. 
He was so handsome. His entire aura drew you in with his skin that was covered in tattoos, brown eyes that would become a shade darker when they’re filled with lust. His raven black hair that brushed across his forehead. The smooth and strongly built muscles of his entire body. He was different from other men you slept with. He took care of you after you had sex, taking his time gently clean you up with his skilled hands. 
You pressed your legs together when you thought about the way he made you come with his tongue and fingers and then again with his cock. You had never felt so much pleasure from another man in your life. He was mysterious and charming. 
You think back to that small smirk he gave you when you flirted with him. You remember how it caused shivers to run down your spine and how you wanted to see more of it.
You drop against the mattress again, your hair splaying around the pillow and you’re mind unable to stop thinking about Jeongukk. 
You were probably never going to see him again. It seems like he didn’t really care to stay either, probably thinking of it as a one night stand. 
Forgetting about him just might be for the best when your two worlds are completely different. 
so how was it? 
please let me know what you think so i could continue to write future parts bc i have a lot planned :) 
love, m. 
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 5 years
art | kim taehyung
pairing: taehyung x reader
genre: enemies to lovers (i guess?), artist!reader, artist!taehyung, some fluff at the end
word count: 2.3k
a/n: hope u enjoy, let me know what you think! ^_^
The art gallery room was lively, people chattering everywhere and complimenting the art. Every now and then, you could hear the clink of champagne glasses whenever some important business men would meet and immediately start talking, some more knowingly than others, about the most popular piece of the evening: a painting of a woman wearing a red dress, flowing in the wind.
Accordingly, you decided to also wear a red dress tonight. Many people would come up to you and ask if it was a full body painting of yourself. The woman in the painting was facing her back to the viewer, with only her head turned to one side and looking down, slightly smiling. You decided to keep her facial features vague, allowing people’s imaginations to fly off to whoever they wanted to picture in the painting the most. So when they asked who you captured so beautifully in your work, you would simply say: “it’s whoever you want it to be.”
Needless to say, you were feeling quite proud. The gallery opening seemed to be a success and you even had some potential buyers already.
As the artist, you stood out in your red gown in the sea of black suits and dresses. However, there was a certain person who broke the pattern as soon as they stepped into the gallery. You didn’t expect to match outfits tonight. Actually, you didn’t even expect to see him tonight, considering that you were rivals in the market and pretty much hated each other.
Childhood friend and fellow artist, Kim Taehyung was the kind of person that never really goes away. You didn’t remember that well when the two of you became so harsh and distant. When you both went to art school, it didn’t take long for Taehyung to find a new group of people to hang out with that, frankly, didn’t want to have anything to do with you. And he followed. He soon stopped talking to you, and every interaction you had since then was hostile, cold and almost always cut short.
But that didn’t mean he ever left your mind completely. It wasn’t that easy to avoid him altogether either, since you lived in the same city and often went to the same places. You just got used to ignoring each other, or at least pretending to ignore him when, in reality, you would always steal a glance his way. You would always catch him deep in conversation, laughing with his friends or telling some stupid story.
About a month ago, you hurriedly walked into the nearest coffee shop you could find because you were so late to work and couldn’t afford running on only two hours of sleep. The least you could do was put some caffeine in your system.
While you were impatiently waiting in front of the counter for the stupid coffee machine to do its job, you spotted him – stupid Taehyung, surrounded by three or four other people. You tried not to pay them any attention at first, but the story he was telling made you turn your eyes their way. You guessed they were sharing childhood memories or some dumb thing like that, because he was describing perfectly well how ‘this girl he knew’ made a total fool or herself in middle school once, tripping and falling in front of hundreds of people because she thought she was ‘talent show’ material that one time.
You hated to acknowledge right then that that girl he was talking about was none other than you. Still, you were glad that he wasn’t giving away any names because, given the maturity level of those people he called his friends, you were sure you would be getting teased out of your mind by them. Not that that would actually upset you, it would just be incredibly annoying.
It was too late when you noticed that, even though your coffee was ready and the waitress was dumbfoundedly watching you (after all, you came in such a hurry, almost yelling at her to make you some damn coffee), you were staring at the black-haired man returning your gaze. He just smirked and raised his eyebrows, and that made you snap back to reality. You grabbed your burning coffee and made a run for it, leaving Taehyung and his friends to their stupid stories.
That was the last interaction you had up until now. People payed him little attention when he entered the gallery, despite the bright shade of red that he sported. He went straight for the paintings, not looking at you even once, although you thought he must have noticed you. You didn’t mind, though. “Let him do his thing and then leave.”
Soon after you finished your thought, you saw a 40-something man approach you. Champagne glass in his hand, he was boasting about how talented you were at such a young age, how unique your work was, how incredibly impressed he felt. You never met this man in your life, so your best shot at getting away from him was to nod politely, smile and say “thank you” over and over until he decided to leave. Unfortunately, though, he didn’t seem to get enough of your smiles and nods, putting his arm around your waist and going off about his vision for your bright future.
At this point, you were feeling uncomfortable, to say the least. You put your hand on his chest, trying to push him away – he wouldn’t even budge. You looked around the room, trying to find a familiar face that could help you. They were all forming small groups, though, paying attention to no one but the people in front of them and, occasionally, the painting they were next to.
You saw Taehyung sitting in front of the red dress painting, hands in his pockets, looking at you from the corner of his eye. So he did notice you, after all. You tilted your head slightly, the man holding you too preoccupied with his own words to notice, letting Taehyung know you wanted him to come to you. He immediately got the message and in a few long steps he was by your side.
“I’ve been waiting for a chance to talk to you all evening and never seemed to get any.” he interrupted the older man, making sure he understood him loud and clear. “What do you say, got a minute now?”
The creepy bastard slid his hand off of your waist, excusing himself and finally leaving.
“Thank you, Tae, I really needed that.” you sighed, feeling relieved.
“Tae? You haven’t called me that in ages.”
You felt heat rush up to your cheeks, and you were sure the blush you were already wearing for the evening got about ten times more intense.
“Yeah, whatever. Forget about it. Thanks again.”
You wanted to leave quickly, letting him go back to whatever he was doing. But before you could even take a step to get away from him, he grabbed your hand.
“Wait a minute now. I meant what I said, that I wanted to talk to you.”
“Taehyung, I don’t even know what you’re doing here. What could you possibly want to talk to me about?”
“I came to check out a friend’s work. Is that a crime?”
“Since when are we friends, Tae? I thought that time was long gone.” He still hasn’t let go of your hand and you looked down at it quite irritated. He immediately broke the contact and you hated to admit you were left feeling a little bit cold. You quickly brushed off the sensation by straightening your back.
“Can you come outside with me for a second?” he asked, shoving his hands back in his pockets.
“Can’t you do this inside?”
“No, I need to talk to you somewhere quiet.”
“Okay,” you gave in quickly, “but just for five minutes.”
He nodded and put his hand on your lower back, guiding you to the exit. His hands were warm, so warm. You were already missing his touch when you stepped into the cold air and he reatreated his hand once again.
“I need to show you something and I need you to come with me.” He didn’t waste any time saying what he had to say, taking you by surprise a bit.
“Come with you? Where?”
“To my place. It’ll be quick, promise.”
“Taehyung, I can’t just leave in the middle of my own gallery opening. I’m going back inside.”
“Y/N, wait.” He hesitated for a second. “Okay, I shouldn’t have just asked you out of the blue like that. But I really need you to come with me, it’s important, alright? Please.”
For whatever reason, you sighed and accepted. You didn’t go back inside to leave word to the gallery owner that you were leaving, hoping it wouldn’t take long enough for people to notice your absence. They all seemed very absorbed in what they were doing anyway.
You got into the back of a cab with Taehyung, feeling a bit embarrassed when the driver felt the need to comment:
“My, my, what a lovely pair.”
You realised how strange you must have looked, two people dressed fully in red, as if going to a theme party.
You didn’t say anything, letting Taehyung carry the conversation if he wanted to. But his words were meant for you, not the driver.
“I heard a lot of people say that’s you in the red dress painting, you know.” he said quietly, but not even turning his face to you, deciding to look out the window instead. “But I know that can’t be you.”
“Yeah, ‘cause you know me so well. How can you tell?” It was true, though, you never intented to paint a self portrait. The choice to wear the red dress tonight was just for fun, not to be taken as something deeper than it actually was.
“She’s looking down and smiling. You never do that. The only time you look down is when you’re close to crying because you hate it when you cry and don’t want your face to be seen.” He paused and turned his head to face you. “I hope at least that hasn’t changed about you.” His tone was harsh, his face serious.
“It didn’t.” you spoke in a soft voice, keeping your eyes on his.
The rest of the ride was mostly quiet, Taehyung giving directions when needed. When you finally arrived to his door, he quickly unlocked it and invited you in. You weren’t surprised to find out how messy he was – clothes thrown around in the living room, lights on in the kitchen, a bowl of chips questionably placed on the thin TV – he’s always been like this.
“Sorry for the mess, I didn’t actually plan this ahead.”
“It’s alright, I guess you could say I’m used to it.” You mentally scolded yourself for bringing up your past friendship, thinking if he would react in any way, but his light chuckle reassured you you didn’t screw up.
“Come with me.” he urged, heading towards what you could only assume was his home art studio, the smell of fresh paint giving it away. You followed him quietly, taking your time to look at every art work he had displayed on his desk and walls.
“They’re all really good, Taehyung. Is this what you wanted to show me? That your art is good? Because I knew that already, you kn–“
When he took the fabric off a painting he kept hidden behind the door, you stoppped dead in your tracks. It was hard to find something to say when you were looking at, well, you.
This time it really was a portrait. Tangled hair, large staring eyes and lips slightly parted, your expression was beautifully captured on a white canvas worked by an expert hand. The painted version of you held a coffee cup in her hand, swirls of steam coming out of it and blurring your face slightly.
Your silence must have lasted long enough, because Taehyung decided to fill it in himself:
“I’m still working on it, you know. I only started about three weeks ago. If you don’t like it, just say so, it’s alright.”
“Taehyung, I don’t know what to say, I’m truly amazed.” You hated your brain for not being able to come up with something, anything, about you surprised you were, how little you expected this. Instead, you asked a simple question: “why?”
“I guess you coming into that coffee shop looking like you totally didn’t have your life together was some sort of inspiration. Don’t worry, you’re not my muse yet. But you looked beautiful and I wanted to make that last forever.”
“I’m honored, Tae. Really.”
“Yeah, you are. Shut up.”
You scoffed, but couldn’t help the smile forming on your lips.
“Why did you paint me with the coffee in my hand, though? I don’t remember holding it right then.”
“Because you looked too much like an idiot just standing there looking at me so I hade to make it more bearable somehow.”
You put a hand over your heart, mimicking a very convincing heartbreak.
“I thought I looked beautiful. Why must you lie to me like this?”
He didn’t answer, finding random things to fidget with, clearly uncomfortable. You decided to drop the act and asked:
“What do you plan to do with this, though?”
“Keep it, I guess,” he shrugged, “unless you want it. After it’s finished, of course.”
“Yeah, I’d like to have it.” You smiled. “But now I gotta return the favor and give you something of mine, right? Come on, let’s go back to the gallery and hope they didn’t miss us too bad.”
“I’d like the woman in the red dress, if you please.” he said smugly.
Little did you know, he meant that in more ways than one.
@tikki-transforme-moi BITCH
If you don't write a second part to this imma riot
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chimchimsauce · 5 years
Maniac: Stalker
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Over the course of one week, Min Yoongi transitioned from YN’s sweet, lovable boyfriend into a complete nightmare - a maniac determined to make her life hell.
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Rain patters down on the roof as YN taps the edge of her pencil against her five subject notebook, trying to think of what she should write next. This essay she’s working on isn’t due for another month, but if here’s something she hates, it’s the possibility of turning anything in late. She’d much rather stay up all night weeks early and be finished than to stress and cram last minute.
But for now, she’s sufficiently stuck, mind blanking on what she could possibly add to her essay about historical English literature. With a sigh, YN pushes away from her desk to massage her temples. As an art major, YN wishes she could just focus on her paintings instead of having to take general education classes, but sadly that is not the case.
She rolls her head around to loosen her stiff muscles and trots downstairs for a midnight snack. Thankfully, the college YN attends isn’t far from her childhood home, allowing her to save thousands by not living in the dorm. It also means that YN can work on her art projects without having to worry about creeping into her roommate’s personal space. YN downs a glass of water and looks at the clock, realizing that it’s already a little past one in the morning.
“That’s a good enough excuse to pick up that essay again this weekend,” she says to herself, drying her glass and placing it back into the cupboard.
Someone (most likely her Dad) left the TV on, so YN grabs the remote to turn it off, hesitating when she realizes the door to her art studio is slightly open. Frowning, YN leaves the TV on and goes to investigate. She knows that she hasn’t been in the studio today - hasn’t even been in there this week. Her parents know not to go in there because YN is very particular about not letting anyone see her work until it’s finished. So why . . .
The overhead lights buzz when she turns them on, humming lowly in a sound that is usually comforting to her. Her workspace is illuminated, a large drawing table taking up most of the space inside. Shelves full of paint, brushes, and other art supplies line the walls, as well as a gigantic mural her parents let her paint when it became apparent that art was her passion back in middle school. In the furthest corner, right next to the only and slightly opened window (did she do that?) is an easel holding a covered painting, one she hasn’t been able to work on for months.
With her throat suddenly feeling dry, YN places the TV remote on the table and makes her way to the window, being sure to close it tightly and lock it. For a moment, she stalls in front of the covered painting, almost wanting to reach out and reveal what’s hidden underneath. Just as her fingers brush across the cloth, lightning strikes, startling her so thoroughly that she trips over her own feet and grasps the cloth as a lifeline, ultimately landing firmly on her butt and revealing the half-finished painting in all of its glory. YN freezes as she is forced to come face to face with her creation, face to face with the portrait of the only man she’s ever loved - the only man she’s ever hated.
The memories come rushing in even though she tries not to think about it, tries not to let the past affect her. And yet . . .
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The day is warm. It’s the middle of May and classes have just ended for the year. YN can barely believe that she’s successfully made it through her first year of college. All she wants to do now is head home and take a three-day-long nap. Before she can head to her car to begin making that dream a reality, something cold touches her forearm, causing her to jump slightly. When she turns, she is greeted by her happily smiling boyfriend.
“Yoongi!” she shouts, hitting his arm playfully, “What are you doing here?”
“I came to congratulate you on surviving her for a whole year,” he says, placing the beverage into her hand, “Oh, and to give you think. I know you probably haven’t had anything to drink all day.”
YN smiles sheepishly, looking bashful.
“You got me there,” she says, taking his gift and cracking it open.
The bubbles feel nice on her throat.
“But I know you’re up to something else,” she says, eyeing him somewhat warily.
The two of them have been dating since her junior year of high school. She knows Yoongi like the back of her hand by now.
“Just . . . stuff with my Dad again. He’s pissing me off.”
“Oh no,” YN says, reaching out with her free hand to touch his shoulder, “Is everything alright?”
Yoongi has always had a bit of a rocky relationship with his father. His mother passed away when he was just twelve years old, and his dad has taken up some toxic ways of handling stress. From gambling to drugs and alcohol, his dad has done and tried it all. It put Yoongi in a really rough place, so by the time he met YN, he was just about to go down that path his won self. But YN and her family reminded him of the good days, the days when his father made him feel safe and loved. She made him oh so desperately want to be a better person than his father had the ability to be, encouraging him to follow his dreams of becoming a producer and landing them both at the prestigious college they attend today.
Yoongi shrugs.
“Alright enough. He wants me to head home for a bit to talk about something important. I’m not sure what it is, but I wanted to let you know that I won’t be home for family dinner tonight.”
Yoongi is practically part of YN’s family at this point. Her parents adore him and her mother has been dropping some not so subtle hints about a wedding some time in the future.
“Okay. I’ll be sure to tell my mom,” she says.
Yoongi pulls her into a tight hug, one which betrays his true anxieties about his upcoming trip. YN isn’t sure what his dad told him, so all she can do is melt into his embrace and rub his back, being there for him.
“Thanks for the drink,” she says once he pulls away, “And I’ll see you soon, okay? I love you.”
“I love you more,” Yoomgi replies, kissing the top of her head and heading off, disappearing into the fray.
If only YN had known how much her life would change, she would have stopped him from going, screamed and kicked until he agreed to stay with her, to not go visit his despicable, scummy excuse for a dad. But hindsight is 20/20.
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Yoongi didn’t call her when he returned from visiting his father. In fact, he was blatantly ignoring all of her calls. Paranoia began to build up inside of her, the young woman worrying that something had happened to her beloved boyfriend.
It wasn’t until she tried to visit him at his shared apartment to demand answers that she even began to understand what happened.
“He what?” YN asks, blinking at one of Yoongi’s roommates in confusion.
“Yoongi moved out a few days ago. Didn’t tell us why, just handed us a stack of hundreds, grabbed his stuff and left. He didn’t tell you?”
“I - no . . .” YN says, perplexed beyond belief.
What on Earth is happening?
“Sorry . . .” the other man (YN thinks his name is Jungkook) says, smiling apologetically at her.
“No, thank you for telling me,” she says, readjusting her purse on her shoulder and turning around, trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
She tries to call Yoongi again but is once more sent to voicemail. Determined to find him, YN embarks on a trip across town, checking all of Yoongi’s usual hang out spots. He isn’t in the coffee shop or the comic book store. She can’t find him at the independent recording studio or at the park where he likes to write songs.
Thoroughly exhausted and so nervous she’s almost shaking, YN steps into a small restaurant - the most expensive one in the area. She’d never be able to afford to eat there, but her friend Taehyung works as a waiter here and he usually takes his break around this time. She just really needs some comfort right now.
The waitstaff doesn’t look too disgusted by her casual attire and somewhat messy appearance - they’re used to her showing up to see Taehyung.
Thankfully he’s on his break, just like she predicted.
“Oh my gosh, Tae,” YN says as the two of them slide into a booth near the corner of the restaurant, “I think I’m losing my mind.”
“Why? What’s wrong?” her best friend asks, concerned.
YN doesn’t usually get this frazzled
“Yoongi’s basically shut me out and disappeared off the face of the planet,” YN says, clenching her fists together as if that will help anything at all.
“Did you guys have a fight or something?” Taehyung asks, frowning.
Yoongi and YN have always been a power couple. The two rarely got into a fight at all, and when they did they soon blew over completely.
“No. Last weekend he went to visit his dad and then radio silence. He was perfectly fine beforehand. I don’t know what’s wrong. And Tae . . .” YN says, leaning forward and widening her eyes, “He left his apartment! Pulled out of the lease and everything!”
“What?!” Taehyung says, this tone catching the attention of some of the other patrons who send him a dirty look, “Is he okay?! Did his dad do something?!”
“I don’t know!” YN says, glad not to be the only one freaking out, “Should I call the police?”
Before Taehyung can reply, the door opens and a small crowd of men enters. At first, YN doesn’t pay them any attention at all. They’re dressed just like everyone else - wearing outfits that probably cost a whole semester of tuition. They settle into the booth in the corner, one table between them and YN. Their chattering is obnoxious in a way that only rich brats can pull off. It’s as if they don’t even notice the other people in the restaurant.
The college town they’re in has a strange mix of really rich and not so rich people. It’s definitely a higher-end area with a great school that recently began to give out a ton of scholarships, pulling in a lot of different people from different backgrounds. You can definitely still tell who is who, though.
The group of men all take their seats and YN’s breath catches in her throat as she catches sight of her boyfriend. He’s almost unrecognizable. His dark hair has been bleached blonde, the color of white corn. He’s dressed to the nines too, wearing outfits YN knows for a fact he didn’t own last week.
“What the fuck,” she whispers, causing Taehyugn to turn around.
The other man’s eyebrows knit in confusion.
“What about that broad we see you hanging out with, Min Suga?” one of the boys asks loudly, leaning against the booth with a confidence that falls straight into the arrogant category.
“Hm?” Yoongi asks.
It’s clear that he hasn’t caught sight of YN yet. She’s just about to stand up and rush over to him, but Taehyung stops her.
“Maybe we should just watch for a bit,” he whispers, sinking low into the booth and peeping as conspicuously as possible.
“What? But . . .”
“Shh!” Taehyung hisses.
“Yeah, Suga, that arty girl. She your girlfriend? I see you hanging out all the time,” a different guy says.
“Oh please!” The third person says, “No way in hell. Everyone knows that art hoes are crazy.”
YN’s shoulders tense up and she has to fight the words springing up in her throat. Surely her Yoongi will -
“Nah, she’s just some weirdo who likes hanging around me. We went to the same high school and she’s used that as an excuse to cling onto me.
“Ah. So she’s a watcher,” Guy one says.
“A stalker!”
“A psychopath!”
All four of them cackle like a pack of hyenas. It’s then that Yoongi finally looks up and catches YN’s eye.
“She’s a fucking maniac,” he says, looking YN dead in the eye.
Her world comes to a screeching halt as Yoongi dismisses her so cruelly and completely without explanation.
“I’m leaving,” she tells Taehyung, standing up to leave as tears gather in her eyes.
“Isn’t that her now?” One of the others says, “Did she follow you here as well?”
“What a fucking creep!”
“Hey!” One of them shouts loudly, catching the attention of everyone in the venue, “Stop being such a psycho! Don’t you know that people like you aren’t anything to people like us? Stop bothering Suga and fuck off!”
Before YN can even move, something cold covers her skin and glass shatters on the floor, causing a few people to scream.
One of them had snatched a pitcher of water from one of the waiters and thrown it at her.
“The fuck is your problem, man!” Taehyung demands, no longer able to stand idly by.
“Don’t,” YN whispers to him, skin stinging from the glass that sliced her. Tears are falling down her face now, “You have to worry about your job,”
“Fuck this job!” Taehyung says, getting ready to snatch one of those arrogant assholes by the collar and wring his neck.
“Kim Taehyung!” A voice shouts.
It’s his manager.
“Hand over your badge right now! That is no way to treat a guest!”
The two of them are then shoved out of the restaurant, Taehyung comforting a sobbing and trembling YN as best he can. It was the first day of her new life - the first day of hell.
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YN rises to her feet and recovers the painting, shaking. Lightning flashes once more and she swears she sees a figure outside in her yard.
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Hey there! I hope you guys enjoy this little miniseries I have planned for this month! If you want to be tagged, add yourself here.
Tag List:
@bartiertae @helperofthenight​ @knjkitten​ @coffeeismylife28​@childofmoonbeams​ @lizardthewizzard @jalexa83 @crackhead1-800 @kawaiimusiccollection​ @bibbykins​ @btsenchanting 
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artificialqueens · 6 years
You won a seven nights stay in Paris, ch 2 (Branjie) - Evelyn Bubbles
Ehy there! It’s your girl Ev back on the beat, so happy for all the love on the first chapter, this is a slow burn so stay tuned you won’t regret it. I want to gradually build some tension and in this chapter we’ll see some. Enjoy! Also just wanted to add that this fanfiction doesn’t take in consideration canon, so take this as they never had a thing on the show and they’re falling in love just now.
Waking up alone in Paris is one thing, waking up besides a handsome man in a beautiful bed in an even more beautiful apartment in the best part of the city is another. Brooke yawned, lazily turning off the alarm set for 8 am, and gradually lifted Vanessa’s arm from her waist. “Please mom, five more minutes…”. “I’m not your mom, Vanjielina… and you’re heavy”, Brooke giggled sitting on the bed and gently running her fingers through her friend’s messy hair. She wasn’t much of a touchy-feely type, except for her cats, which she loved to cuddle with, but Vanessa had that warm and welcoming aura to her, she couldn’t help but relax and open up. The day before they had just walked to Notre Dame (a quite long walk actually), got an ice cream, took some nice pictures on one of the bridges, hanging out like life long friends. Then, they had come back to their apartment, quite wasted from the crazy jet lag, and they had fallen asleep almost immediately; Vanessa still had her t-shirt on. Brooke thanked her for forgetting to take that off: she didn’t know what she would’ve done seeing her toned chest naked, with that amber skin exposed and flushed. Brooke went to the bathroom, grabbing a pair of comfy jeans and a t-shirt, and took a nice shower, casually leaving the door open. She didn’t know what she meant with that: was it an invitation? Was it just because they were close enough at that point? They had in fact spent so many weeks shoulder to shoulder, but the atmosphere during Drag Race filming was radically different from the relaxing vacation they were having. That many men all together, cut off from the rest of the world, it was hard to resist. It was then when Brooke had started to look at Vanessa differently. But when they came home she thought that it had been just a consequence of the situation, a casualty. Instead, as the words of the iconic song said, the cause had been removed… but the symptom stayed. She immediately switched the water temperature from hot to cold. She needed it.
“Where we going today sis?”, Vanessa asked as soon as they stepped out of the house. “The Musée d’Orsay. There are a lot of beautiful sculptures and paintings there, even some Van Goghs. I planned this trip hoping to go with my best friend, and he’s kinda into arts, so I hope you don’t get too bored”, Brooke said slightly worried. Classic Canadian courtesy. Vanessa smiled and patted her arm: “Don’t worry sis it’s all good. I love arts. Plus, you could explain some shit to me. You’re giving me this cultured vibe”. “I’m really not, but thank you. In the museums I usually try to listen to a guide who’s telling stuff to a group of tourists, and I grab some info from them. We could do the same thing”. “Yeah, I love mooching culture. Agreed. Let’s go”. “I wouldn’t call it mooching”. “How would you call it”. “Oh, we’re just there… casually listening”. “Why don’t you get an audio guide then”. Brooke smirked: “I’d rather listen to your weird comments about the paitings and sculptures. You can be really funny Vanj". “Maybe that’s the best compliment you’ve ever given me. But how can I blame y'all, it’s true”. “Don’t flatter yourself too much. Now let’s get on this subway, it’s damn late”.
Vanessa was completely silent, staring at one of the biggest paintings in the whole museum, “L'école de Platon”. She bit her lip and got closer to the painting. Brooke found her like that, eyes scanning every single inch of the painting with an inquisitive stare. “Hey Vanjielina”, she asked, “What are you looking at?”. “This painting. I know no French but apparently it’s like a lesson or something. Plato is teaching. Beautiful, isn’t it”. Brooke approached her to look at the painting, but Vanessa grabbed her by the arm and brought them a few feet back. “Here. You have to watch it from afar first, and then you can get closer. Just like with another person”, she said, unusually soft. Then, she went back to her previous spot, standing perfectly still, captivated. So, Brooke let her eyes admire the stunning painting from the perspective Vanessa had chose for her: the scene depicted was a garden in Ancient Greece, where many beautiful young men, barely clothed, were listening to the philosopher talk. Brooke got one step closer, and as she walked towards the painting she started noticing more and more details: the veins of the leaves, the single strands of hair, the lights and shadows of the boys’ muscles. Vanessa became part of the painting herself: the curve of her back, her hand on her hip, the tight fabric of the jeans agains her legs, her short, dark hair hidden under her hat, they all seemed to fuse with the painting, as if she was listening to Plato as well, covered in only a piece of pastel fabric, with laurel leaves on her head. Brooke walked right besides her, and stood still as she examined the lines of her nose, lips and chin from just a few inches away. “Have you noticed?”. “What?”, Brooke asked. “All the details. Amazing”. Vanessa had never sounded more serious. Brooke nodded: “Were they all this gay in Ancient Greece?”, she asked jokingly, referring to the boys’ naked bodies all so close to each other. Vanessa chuckled: “If so, gimme a damn time machine girl because this looks like literal heaven. I mean, look at their abs and thighs. Fuck. Perfection. Look, they even have a goddamn white peacock there. It can’t get any gayer than this”. “Trust me, we can find a gayer painting”. Vanessa smirked: “Wanna bet?”. They shook hands: “Bet”.
Vanessa and Brooke spent two hours total, almost running all around the Musee D'Orsay, trying to find a gayer painting, failing miserably. They found each other again in front of which was probably the biggest work of art in the whole museum, called “Les Romains de la Décadence”, a scene of daily life in the Roman era, at the baths. “Found anything?”. “Nope”, Vanessa shook her head. “Well, that ecol of something something was pretty gay. I doubt we’ll find anything better in the whole damn vacation”. “So you give up, mh”. “I’m not giving up, I’m just saying it’s fucking hard. And also I’m hungry, I wanna eat. Let’s get out of here”. “Agreed”. They turnt around, going towards the entrance, when Vanessa stopped suddenly and pointed at the big painting. “Wait, Brooke, sis!”, she laughed, “This lady looks like you in drag”. Brooke followed Vanessa’s finger as she was guided to a beautiful woman wrapped in white clothes, laying in the centre of the painting. She looked slightly bored, but beautiful indeed, and she has a long nose and big lips. “She only kinda looks like me”, Brooke said, “But thanks, it means you find me as beautiful as a work of art”. Vanessa’s big brown eyes were all over her. Then, she said simply: “Yes”.
They had lunch at a local café, sitting alone at a table eating pan au chocolat, a classical french sweet with bread and dark chocolate, and got coffees. T hey weren’t in the mood for an actual lunch, they would’ve had plenty of occasions for that in the next few days. “It’s so fucking good”, Vanessa said biting into her pan au chocolat. “I know right? We don’t have this in Canada. Or at least not this good”. “I’m a slut for good chocolate”. “You’re a slut in general”. “Excuse me, I’m a respectable young lady!”. Brooke laughed and took a sip of her coffee. “What’s up next then?”, Vanessa asked after a couple of seconds of silence. Brooke looked at her notes app: “Mont Martre tonight, and I’ve also found the best crepes place in all Paris at the bottom of the hill. You like cheese, right?”. “Bitch have you seen me? I ain’t got this thick eating fruits and shits. I love cheese”. Brooke chuckled: “Happy to hear that, because they do excellent cheese crepes. And also sweet ones, like with nuts and strawberries and whatever you want. It should be super good”. Vanessa smiled widely: “You got me excited now, fuck! You’ve really planned this mh?”. “Yeah I did, even though it’s a plan shaped around Steve and me, so like… do you wanna go to the Louvre some time?”. “That’s where the Mona Lisa is, right? Of course I wanna go, I wanna see what’s the buzz all about. Like, is she really that special? Miss Thing thinks she’s a legend but they haven’t seen my portrait yet”. “Do you have a portrait?”. Vanessa hesitated for a second: “Well, no, I don’t, but I’ll have one”. “Where?”. “In the painter place. Isn’t it in Mont Martre?”. Brooke smiled, suprised: “Oh, so you know about it”. “I do know shit bitch! I’m very eloquent”, says Vanessa taking another sip. They didn’t get up until the sun had started setting in the beautiful Parisian sky.
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baby-daddy-bella · 6 years
Have a Little Fun (Part One)
Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x reader
Wordcount: 1,522
Cast list
My masterlist
Part 2, Part 3
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A/N: hey! This is my first time writing for Roger/Ben, so sorry for any inconsistencies or weird flaws in the characters. This is part 1/3 & the others will be out in the next couple of days hopefully. I named the character Nancy for ease when writing, but it’s still an x reader. Enjoy! <3
31st January 1975
London, England
The door clicked quietly, as she turned the brass key inside it’s lock. Seconds later, Nancy had opened the door and taken a step inside, stumbling slightly over a small collection of mail that was spread across the door mat. Once she had shut the door and placed her handbag on the floor, the young woman picked up the pile from the ground and sifted through it hopefully.
Within seconds, she had found one specific envelope and discarded the rest of the mail, placing the pile on the kitchen counter when she reached it.
The envelope read:
34B Crayton Road
It was written in a messy handwriting that she knew well. She tore it open and grabbed the thin piece of paper inside. A Polaroid picture and another, smaller sheet of thick paper fell out of the letter and into her hand. She read it’s careful words with a smile on her face.
23rd January 1975
Hello my love, I hope you’re well. There’s not a day that goes by when I don’t think about you. I miss you endlessly and the boys told me to say that they miss you too.
The tour has been amazing so far and we start the American leg in a couple of weeks. I suppose you already know that, but  thought I should mention it anyway, since that’s the reason I’m writing. Long story short, I want you to travel around with us...if you’d like that? You’re incredibly welcome to stay for the rest of the tour if you’re up for it? We’ll be out here until April and then finish the whole thing in Asia in May. We’d have an amazing time. The two of us always said we’d love to travel together...so bring some nice dresses and I’ll take you out while we’re out there. Bring a load of party clothes too, because you’ll definitely need them. You can come and watch us play too...if you want to. I’d really love that. And I’m sure the other boys would too. God knows I want nothing more than to see you. It’s been just under three months but it feels like a year since we last saw each other. And it would mean the world to me if you were to travel with us for a few months. I’m counting down the days already.
You’re forever in my mind and my heart,
Lots of love, Roger xxx
She folded the letter in half, as it had been within the envelope, and focussed her attention on the other items that had been inside. In her hand she held a plane ticket to Cleveland for the 7th of February. She placed it on the kitchen counter along with the letter and envelope and then turned her attention to the Polaroid photo that had accompanied the letter. It was a picture of the four band members—sat in an Italian cafe with a collection of food, tea and magazines spread across the table. There was a small caption written below the image,
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See you soon <3
Nancy slipped the picture into the pocket on her jeans with the intention of putting it into her purse later on.
She made her way upstairs after a hard day at work with a wide, excited grin on her face. Nancy ran herself a bubble bath and decided she would call Roger the next day, since she had worked the evening shift at the local diner and so it would be too late for him to be awake or available to talk to her. Especially since he was in Barcelona, which she knew was an hour ahead of London. John Lennon’s Imagine played softly from the record player in her bedroom, which was directly next to the bathroom, meaning she only had to leave the door open slightly for the song to be enjoyed properly. She sung along quietly to the tune with her eyes closed and her body submerged beneath the warm water and the thick layer of bubbles on top of it.
6th February 1975
London, England
Nancy dialled the phone number he had given her and held the phone to her ear, patiently awaiting a response from the other end. Moments later, he answered.
“Hello.” She said.
“Hello gorgeous.” He replied, causing a smile to spread across her face. She twisted the phone line around her finger through habit.
“Wherefore art thou Romeo?” She asked, smirking. He chuckled slightly.
“Cincinnati.” He simply replied, “Its great here—I can’t wait to see you, though.”
“I can’t wait to see you either.” She rested the phone between her ear and shoulder and sat down on the chest of draws beside her.
“How’s your day been?”
“It’s been good. The girls at work brought in a couple of things and we had a little bit of a sending off party during our lunch break. They’re all sad to see me go, but Patricia said I’m welcome back when I return, which is great to hear because I love working at the Doctor’s surgery. Plus they’re all so nice there and—“
Roger cut her off, “You look sexy in your uniform?” He smirked.
She rolled her eyes and chuckled, “I didn’t have to give that back...” she admitted, laughing a little more. He did the same. “Anyway, I better get some more packing done.” Nancy concluded, sighing.
“You’re not done yet? How much more do you have to do?” He asked.
“Well, I thought I was almost done, but since I found out how much you liked my nurse’s uniform, I might have to rethink my outfit choices.” She joked, continuing to twirl the wire around her finger. He chuckled down the line and she smiled at the sound.
Suddenly, the door to Roger and Brian’s shared hotel room flung open and Brian May entered the room looking slightly startled.
“Rog, mate, one of the girls you were with last night is here—said she wants to see you again.” He said, clearly not noticing that his band mate was on the phone. Roger’s heart started to beat fast and Nancy’s skin was littered with goosebumps. Despite the fact that the couple had agreed on an open relationship due to the distance and Roger’s new lifestyle, they had never mentioned it to each other or had anyone else mention it in the two’s shared presence . The couple suddenly became lost for words, Roger’s facial expression indicating the situation to Brian. He covered his open mouth with his hand. Roger covered the bottom end of the phone with his palm.
“Tell her I’m sick and that she shouldn’t come back here.” He said, before closing his eyes and rubbing his face, by the time he opened them again Brian had gone. The other side of the line was silent.
“So I’ll see you tomorrow?” Roger asked, subconsciously confirming to himself that she still planned on coming. Of course, she had agreed to the terms of an open relationship and so it wouldn’t have made any sense for her not to expect Roger to be having one-night-stands with other girls, but hearing it said out loud at such an unexpected time startled Nancy.
“Yeah. Yeah, see you tomorrow, Roger.”
“Goodbye Nancy.”
“Goodbye.” She simply said, before putting her phone back into its holder. Roger held the phone to his ear for a few seconds longer just listening to the dead line. He too placed the phone back into its holder and sighed loudly.
When Brian returned, he found Roger face down on his bed, with his head buried in one of the hotel’s soft pillows. Brian placed a bottle of coca-cola on his own bed-side-table and sat down on his bed.
“I’m sorry Rog, I’m guessing that was Nancy?”
“It’s fine. She was a little startled to hear it, but I think she’s alright.” Roger said, slowly sitting up as he spoke. “It’s only what we agreed. Its not like I went behind her back.”
Brian nodded, “So she’s still coming?”
Roger nodded also, “Yeah. I’m a little bit nervous, though.”
“Sorry if that’s my fault.”
“Your fault? No, it’s nothing to do with that. I guess it’s because I haven’t seen her in ages.”
“How long has it been?”
“Three months nearly.”
“And you’re sure she’s fine with the whole open relationship thing?”
“Yeah, we’ve been together for however long and she’s always been fine with it.”
“Fair enough then. She’s a nice girl though, mate, it’s those ones you have to try and keep around.”
“Yeah I know.” Roger said, his tone a little snappy. Yes, Brian was his friend, but that didn’t give him jurisdiction over his life choices. Honestly, it made him a little uncomfortable to talk about the subject anyway, a message that Brian received clearly, as he quickly changed the subject to the plans before the show that evening.
A/N: This sucks a little bit, sorry! Parts 2 & 3 out very soon x 
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