#i was 2 when ninjago came out
knwatchesninjago · 8 months
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Let's just say that I'm really enjoying rewatching Ninjago!! Lol!! Alsooo...
Happy Belated 13th Birthday, Ninjago!!!
I was so busy yesterday, so sorry about my late b-day gift, loll!! :DD
I really like how this came out!! Cole looks soo cute!! <33333
As you can see, I really had so much fun with the eyes, lol!!!
Drawn on Magma Studio
Inspired by this:
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Anyways, byeeeeeeee!!!! See y'all when I do Episode 4, loll!! :DDD
~KN out~
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fandomsnrambles · 4 months
You know, i didnt really realise this until i was reading into it properly but
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It says that Garmadon took more risks after the Aspheera incident, not after the venom. Which implies the venom didn’t make him reckless and impulsive which i’d assumed at first tbh, ive seen a lot of posts say it too.
Which kinda implies the venom more likely affects emotions which are already there and probably amplifies them by corrupting said feelings?
I mean, it says here Garmadon became impulsive after the Aspheera incident, where the FSM started talking to them less out of paranoia and probably realising his kids weren’t mature enough to know about certain things.
What if the reason why is that the Aspheera incident and his father’s reaction caused resentment to build up in Garmadon? Then Garmadon started questioning his father and started seeing much less reason to obey his father as well so took risks and broke rules.
Then he got bitten by a snake whose venom caused him to become more impulsive and affected his thoughts and feelings? I say this because of the “It’s all Wu’s fault!” thing he said in the show. In other books, Garmadon goes on to blame himself not Wu, which really shows how he really feels and how he first blamed Wu due to the venom, not because of how he felt.
(Tbh i also feel if Wu was the one who got bit, Garmadon would blame himself the same way Wu did for centuries after. Like “I’m his big brother! Why didn’t I go? Why was I such a coward?”
On another note, sad Wu hours 😔, my boy had to grow up fast because of trauma. To be honest, it’s not uncommon for 7-year olds to test the limits of whats allowed and whats not. Breaking rules is normal kid behaviour to me, it’s just more extreme because Wu and Garmadon are the FSM’s kids (whose basically god in Ninjago.)
I imagine 7-year old Wu didn’t properly understand the consequence or the concept of going onto Serpentine land. Which isn’t illogical, he’s 7 years old. I imagine Garmadon was at least 10 (or maybe Wu was 10 and Garmadon was 13 idk) which means Garmadon being more responsible is more understandable, he knew more than Wu and understood more.
I also still find it so so sad how their roles flipped. Wu was always more curious and explorative which is why he went everywhere. I bet you he was the kid running and throwing himself in mud with his brother screaming at him not too lmao, or even the kid eating random plants as Garmadon tried to stop him. Wu’s curiosity and recklessness is still in him in adulthood, he’s very unhinged if you actually look deeper into him.
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localguy2 · 1 year
(DR episode 9 Spoilers, rambling and theorising about some stuff).
Okay what i wanna know is why was Zane in the pod in the first place, did he go in there willingly or was did someone put him there?
He says that the last thing he remembers is when they went into the merge thingy, but his GI is different?
There's a few explanations for this:
1) Zane was awake for after the merge for a bit before he went into the pod/got put there.
2) just animation stuff.
To be honest I don't wanna say its option 2 simply because it wouldn't have made much difference if they used his Core GI.
Nya and Kai had there core GIs on for sometime even when they joined up with Lloyd, and Zane was barely in the show, only at the end of Episode 9 and most of 10, compared to Kai and Nya who were on screen for longer.
So... What was it than?
It's either that some portions of his memory were wiped out for after the merge, or someone just took him there.
Heck could it even be Wu's doing?
There was a whole other monastery below the original monastery, and Zane just happened to be there, perfectly contained in that pod.
And it appears that the Monastery can somehow alter the space underneath it, what should've been the Samurai-X cave was instead an opening into a new monastery.
Not to mention it was that Wu yellow orb that led Kai and Nya there, like wtf is going on?
So it makes you wonder if Wu specifically put some sort of spell on Zane to keep him safe in there, or if it was some other force forcing Zane in there.
Also when Zane wakes up he just... Seemingly knows everything???
"It is time for the Imperium monastery, to rise."
Rise? Rise where? For all we know this thing could end up anywhere, sure the name sorta gives it away but can you really be sure it'll end up in Imperium?
Hello? Look I know he said that in episode 10 when he hooked himself into the computer, it told him that the place's name was the "Imperium Monastery", but it still feels really odd that he says that it's time for the whole thing to "Rise".
It's really weird, and it's concerning when you realise that Nya says its been years since the merge, just for how long was he in there? And why?
This is all wack man... I wanna know what theories yall have.
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thesinglesock · 2 years
a half-serious wishlist for the eventual new era of Ninjago:
20 minute episodes instead of 10
they let Kai be mentally unstable again
female main protagonist that doesn't get paired up. like it's not even hinted at.
feel free to add your own
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i-m-art-ix · 5 months
Ninjago headcanons just FSM family
(Sorry for my English but it is not my native language)
Lloyd discovered one day that if he just calls Wu uncle he can get out of any trouble (because Wu adores his nephew), which he often uses to his advantage, for example, when he was still a child, he would often approach Wu and ask for various things, and if Wu did not agree, he would simply say "Okay, Uncle Wu" in the saddest voice he could, which made Wu immediately change his mind and agree. As Lloyd got older he stopped using it as much but still does it sometimes. Best of all, everyone is aware of this except Wu himself, so if the ninja want to do something and know that Wu won't agree, they send Lloyd to "convince" Wu.
FSM was a teenage parent, I'm mean in season 15 it was said that when he came to ninjago he was still a child and as we know hybrids age differently so I'm sure when he created Wu and Garmadon (I don't give a damn that this man had a woman, I just don't see it) he was still a teenager and mentally he could have been about 18-20 years old.
I'm sure FSM tried to be a good parent but didn't know what to do, apart from the fact that he was still a teenager at the time, this man never had any idea what a healthy family should look like, he literally was a child soldier and had to choose between dragons and Oni and I suspect that neither the dragons or the Oni were not very nice to him and they probably didn't have much affection for him. And unfortunately it was visible, but he loved his sons (and he certainly loves his grandson).
So screw the canon, Wu never loved Misako, he didn't like her at first (because he claimed she was stealing his brother because Garmadon only talked about her), later he started liking her and then they became good friends.
So when I said that Wu doesn't love Misako, I mean that Wu is gay, no really look at the teenage version of him, he can't be straight.
I am sure that Wu was the creator of many fashion trends, considering that back then there was not much fashion and Wu had the power to create, he had to create many clothes that no one had ever seen before. Many of these clothes were very sexy and revealed a lot of things.
Due to the way Wu dressed, many men stared at him and flirted with him, which of course neither Garmadon or their father not liked, that's why they never sent Wu to the city alone, someone always went with him and whenever a man tried to hit on him he got a death glare from Garmadon or FSM (which must have been terrifying, as if God himself wants to kill you because you thought in a erotic way about his son and also Garmadon who is the essence of destruction and intends to rip out your organs for looking at his younger brother).
FSM loves his grandson, the guy literally gave him his golden power without a second thought and even let him choose between life and death, he must adore Lloyd.
Before the events of Season 1, when Lloyd was expelled from school and wandered the streets, FSM was his guardian angel. He made sure Lloyd didn't hurt himself, and when he did something to himself, he simply accelerated his regeneration with his divine powers, when Lloyd had nothing to eat, he directed him to places where food could be easily obtained. In episode 1 of season 1, when Lloyd gets to the tomb, he falls over perfectly to avoid being hypnotized and the leader of the snakes hypnotized himself, it not way that this kid failed perfectly, I'm actually sure that his grandfather helped him
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coolestzed · 4 months
Alright, I’ve been holding this inside for years but I’m finally gonna say it.
Misako haters are actually fucking annoying at this point.
They always were to me, but now, they’re just OBJECTIVELY an annoyance. And they need to STOP.
They take literally ANY chance to slander her, even when it’s completely unwarranted. Like, I’d just look at a picture of her on Pinterest, and there’d be multiple comments going "the world’s worst mother". Or I’d see content about Koko and there’d always be comments comparing her and Misako and going like "Koko way better fuck Misako".
I’d even see a fucking meme and people would slander Misako. Like they couldn’t resist.
And that’s not even mentioning his people constantly make her seem way worse than she actually is. Im not gonna quote everything, but basically they act like she never does good things for Lloyd. That she doesn’t care about him at all! And it’s just- so WILDY out of character!! And it’s the same vice versa! I saw a funny Ninjago video the other day with a "your mom" joke and someone in the comments was like "jokes on you, Lloyd would never call Misako mom". I’m just?????? Yes he DOES????? ALL THE TIME???
People just act like their relationship is nonexistent! Like they don’t care about each other, or that Misako doesn’t care about Lloyd! Which is OBVIOUSLY not true!
People claim that she disappears every other season but the only seasons she was absent in are 12 and 13. Also, she has a job. She goes on expeditions. Obviously she’s not there 100% of the time. And she and Lloyd clearly spend time together off screen.
People don’t even acknowledge the reason why she left in the first place. They act like she dropped him off at a boarding school and dipped to take a vaycay. She was literally trying to stop her husband and son from having to fight to the death. You ever think about that? You ever think about how SHE felt in the situation? With her husband being consumed by evil and later being banished, and learning that he and their son would have to fight each other? She was HORRIFIED and GRIEVING! Ultimately she did it to save her family. It doesn’t make leaving Lloyd right but it’s understandable.
But apparently not to almost all of the fandom.
Most of y’all, completely ignore that, and everything else that came after season 2.
Misako constantly being worried about Lloyd in Tournament of Elements and Possession.
Both of them spending Day of the Departed together.
Her getting/building the Destiny’s Shadow as a birthday gift for Lloyd.
How she supported, fought beside, and risked her life for Lloyd in Hunted.
How she wanted to stay and fight with him during MoTO but only went inside because Lloyd urged her to protect the civilians.
Not to mention just their general interactions. THEY’RE ALWAYS HAPPY TO SEE EACH OTHER!!! Do you know how many times they hug?!
And this dialogue here:
"Aren’t you going to kiss your mother goodbye?"
"Mooom, we've-we've talked about this-"
Lloyd and Misako have a good, healthy and loving relationship. Misako has long since made up for her mistake and they’ve moved on.
*deep breath*
Look, she’s not perfect. Obviously. She fucked up. But who in this series hasn’t? She came back, and she’s made sure to be a better mother to Lloyd. He forgave her, and they have a good relationship now. They’re close.
She wouldn’t be as hated if the writers didn’t do her dirty. Her introduction wasn’t handled the best, and having her and Lloyd have a more in depth discussion would’ve made the reunion and forgiveness feel less rushed and forced. That love triangle with Wu and Garmadon certainly didn’t do her any favors either. 😑
Regardless, her character’s gotten better over the seasons. Again, she and Lloyd and close and have a good relationship.
But hardly anyone acknowledges that, almost everyone in the fandom hyper fixates on that one mistake from years ago. They don’t pay attention to anything else. Like how she’s a better mother, or how she’s just a generally good person.
You aren’t supposed to judge characters or irl people solely on their past mistakes. Especially when they’ve already made up for them. Thats why the "Misako’s a horrible mother" statement is always bullshit to me.
Seriously, Misako’s been a part of Lloyd’s life longer than she’s been absent from it at this point.
The amount of passionate, unforgiving hate she gets is so undeserved and over the top. Too many people are projecting their own issues onto her. Or just being plain hateful. It’s not fair to define her entire character on a single mistake that she’s long made up for.
And it’s definitely not fair to people that actually like Misako. Often times on the few positive posts about her, there’d be Misako haters in the notes or reblogs complaining about her or insulting her, or just stating they hate her but love the content. And that is completely uncool and rude. It’s so unnecessary. You don’t do that, that’s so shitty. The again Misako haters have a habit of spouting unnecessary hate. Like it’s a terminal condition they have.
So, please, for the love of god, COOL IT. Stop and think, try to ACTUALLY look at her character without the veil of blind hatred.
If you still dislike or hate her, fine! But if you’re gonna detest her, at least hate her as she is and don’t make her worse than she actually is to justify hating her more.
And PLEASE stop bashing her at every turn, it’s annoying, upsetting, unwarranted, unnecessary, and just not good.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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my-apollo-gies · 6 days
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“The sun is fun, the land is dandy I only talk to dogs because they don't understand me My teeth are yellow, hello world Would you like me a little better if they were white like yours? I need to purge my urges, shame, shame, shame I need an alibi to justify, somebody to blame It's a halibut, party bitch, give it a name and say, "Hey, hey"
- alien blues by vundabar
“‘So even if we win, we lose?’ What Kai had said couldn’t be more true. ‘How can everything turn out so right but so wrong at the same time?’”
- when you think you’re all alone
“Was this really over? Had they really defeated the djinn? He wanted to think so, to reassure his mind, but he couldn’t- not now, because thinking of it, meant thinking of absolutely everything that had happened, and too many emotions at the same time, and-”
- bending but never breaking
this was a really interesting drawing tbh, went through the 5 stges of greif when it came to jays face and head (wytyaa)
i love these 2 fics and yall should expect more art about them both very often, im doing rereads of both fics
thanks to @mondothebombo for writing wytyaa (when you think you’re all alone) and thanks to @writing-hat for writing bbnb (bending, but never breaking)
huge recommendation to read these awesome fics, but please be careful, they are very dark fics. theyre my favourite ninjago dead doves (possibly my favourite dead doves out of any fandom tbh) but they are dead dove for a reason!!!
also please let me know if any of you are liking my new posting style when it comes to my art (the song lyrics, fic quotes, etc!)
you can reply or reblog this to ask to join the taglist (on a separate reblog)
i yap too much istg
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destinysbounty · 7 months
pls explain the stupid powers thing where they came from lloyd but suddenly now theyre genetic out of nowhere bc the former is the stupider of the 2.
Oh my god Raine I am so sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for like 50 years, I completely forgot about this ask. If it's any consolation, I made diagrams!
So the bottom line is, the elemental powers ARE heritable. And although the Lloyd thing makes things complicated, it doesn't change that.
First, let's talk about Golden Power. As I understand it, Golden Power is a godlike power first wielded by the FSM and used to create Ninjago. Again, correct me if I'm mistaken, but my understanding of it is that it's essentially an amalgamation of the four Elements of Creation.
Despite being extensions of Golden Power, these four elements still operate much like normal elements - that is, under normal conditions.
See, Golden Power is also hereditary. It was passed down from the FSM into his grandson Lloyd. Kind of. Lloyd inherited an essence of his grandfather's power.
(Yes, yes, I know Energy technically classifies as an elemental essence rather than an elemental power. But even then this still tracks.)
The way I see it, Energy acts more as a foundation. A connection. Think movie rules, where "green" is the thing holding everything together. Energy is the foundation upon which the others ebb and flow, it is the thing that connects their elements together. The glue that connects the Elements of Creation and forms Golden Power.
Here's another way to think about it. Let's assume that this whole elemental network of Golden Power operates a bit like a circuit (more or less). Each of the four Elements of Creation act as a battery and Golden Power is the lightbulb, with Green Energy being the wires and circuitry connecting everything together. Like so:
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When the whole circuit is complete and properly functioning, power is being diverted from the sources of power - the four elements - and transferred through the circuitry into the lightbulb. Under these conditions, the four elements would be considerably diminished on account of having their power diverted into something else, while the lightbulb would be brightly lit.
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In some cases like in season 1 and most of season 2, this simply manifests as a diminished access to their own elemental power that must be supplemented with the use of their Golden Weapons (which in themselves are artifacts of Golden Power that have been attuned to particular elements). They still have some access to their power, and even more so after unlocking their True Potentials, but that access was inhibited on account of much of their power being routed into this Golden Power/Energy circuit system.
(Note that this isn't a perfect analogy - unlike batteries, elemental power is not a limited resource but is instead constantly regenerating. I think of it a bit like blood - finite in the moment, but so long as we are healthy we can consistently produce more every day. Hence why Nya was able to regain her powers without instantly being connected to the sea: in the context of this analogy, you might think of her power being drained as bloodletting. The new power she developed was new and untainted by her former connection to the sea. I know all these analogies are starting to get confusing though, so feel free to disregard this.)
Now in past generations, the Green Ninja hadn't been born yet. So the actual circuitry itself wasn't present, meaning there was nothing to connect these elements together. Nothing to spend from their elemental reserves. So while Golden Power cannot form under these conditions, the previous EMs could use the full extent of their power without issue.
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But then Lloyd was born, and the ethereal threads of power tying their elements together finally entered the system - thereby diverting those four powers into a greater collective of Golden Power. Even if Lloyd hadn't unlocked his True Potential, the system itself had taken shape, waiting for him to be ready to use it.
Then in the latter half season 2, the og4 completely divested what little they had of their powers at the time. And due to the increased energy demands of Lloyd's awakened USM form/abilities, any scrap of power they may have generated thereafter would immediately be converted into Golden Power instead.
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Then in season 3, they returned to the Temple of Light to reverse this transference. and this is, unfortunately, where the circuit metaphor starts to fall apart. But for the sake of argument, just let me have this.
When Lloyd did returned his friends' powers to them, he also completely dissolved his Golden Power in the process, restoring them to their pre-GP conditions but in fact to what their power levels would have been in a non-GP environment. That is, they were finally able to access the full extent of their elemental abilities because the lightbulb wasn't there to transfer their energy away. Similar to what the system looked like back before Lloyd was born. This is why they were able to actually wield their elemental powers without the use of the Golden Weapons, when in the past that had only been possible through their True Potential.
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(Yes, I know this isn't really how circuits work. I took an electrical engineering class in high school, and you have no idea how much the inaccuracies pain me. I mean I did warn you the analogy would fall apart. But I've put too much work into these diagrams to turn back now.)
Now, as for why their powers didn't work in season 5...that's a whole other headache. My best guess is that Morro attempted to reset the system to its prior GP state, but since he didn't do it properly through the Temple of Light everything just kinda got a little fucky for everyone instead.
The TLDR is that the og4's elemental powers don't come from Lloyd, per se, but he does sort of act as a conduit (ha) for their powers. And his capacity as that conduit can at times inhibit or enhance their own indvidual elemental potentiality.
...does this make sense, like at all? I feel like I just did a bunch of incomprehensible rambling that no one else would be able to understand. Listen, Ninjago's magic system is agonizingly convoluted enough as it is. I'm just doing my best 😭😭😭
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lightning-and-dragons · 6 months
So, after seeing Jay in part one of season 2, I began to wonder how Jay could become a villain, as many people have theorized (I love these theories so much, I would love to see him have a villain arc!).
Here's how I think it could happen with what we know about Jay now (sort of told in a story form....I'm a fanfic writer, so that's my default lol):
Jay was used to emptiness. Ever since he lost his memories, there was a void inside of him, a void created by not knowing. Not knowing who he was before the Merge. Not knowing his favorite color. Not knowing what he was like. Not knowing if anyone out there loved him. Not knowing if he even liked himself.
It was a numbing feeling, like staying still while the world moved around him, like being left behind as everyone moved ahead. He couldn't feel anything with that emptiness, that numbness in his heart. Perhaps feelings were something one gained from knowing who you were. Knowing where you came from. Knowing who loved you.
He pretended he could feel, that his world wasn't numb inside, and it worked to the people around him, but he could never trick himself.
Nothing in the Administration could fill that void. Nothing could make him feel much of anything. He tried to fill the void with paperwork, and then videogames, yet nothing could make him feel like there was something in him. That there was something about his life worth celebrating. Nothing made him feel like he was a person, someone with a history, someone people could like. Nothing made him feel real. Everyone at the Administration just treated him like another worker, which he guessed he was, and the emptiness grew.
The emptiness got bigger when he discovered that he could control lightning. He found that he had all that power, so much strength, yet no one to celebrate it with. Which made the power useless, didn't it? He couldn't use it in the Administration or else he could get terminated, he couldn't tell anyone, he couldn't do anything with it. It became just as useless as everything else about him, the him now and most likely the him from before.
The excitement he had felt soon disappeared, along with the worry. There was nothing he could do about it, and the numbness returned.
When he met that skeleton-person when the Administration was sent to find the machine known as Zane, Jay felt something change in him. The person had looked at him with confusion when he spoke up, and showed some care to how he felt about the job he was in. Sure, she was probably just trying to escape, but her words filled the emptiness, made him feel like a person, that there was something more to him that just a member of the Administration. And when he saw himself, dressed in something close to a ninja gi, in the yellow orbs reflection, he felt confusion and awe, the void filling once again.
It was in that moment that he wanted the void filled completely. He didn't want to live as an empty shell anymore. He wanted to be a person, someone more than an agent. And he hungered for it.
He was tired of being empty. He wanted to feel again. He wanted to be someone.
So, he escaped the Administration, leaving it as quickly as he could, searching, fighting to fill that void again, to feel more than numb, to find out who he could be. Could he be more than what he was? Was he meant to be someone incredible?
That was when Lord Ras found him. Ras promised Jay a life that he could be proud of, that would make Jay worth something, that his name would be known. That he could feel more than he had felt in years. That the void that Jay felt could be filled.
The emptiness in him screamed to be filled again, and he could already feel Ras' praises, his promises, filling it.
Jay didn't hesitate to put on the wolf mask that was handed to him.
And, with the resounding note of a gong, the emptiness was gone.
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snugglebugs · 6 months
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KAI SMITH flip (caregiver-leaning!)
Kai Ninjago Smith is ABSOLUTELY an age regressor are you KIDDING me are you JOKING me. He is BASICALLY CANONICALLY an age regressor!!!!
> "I bet he loves being treated like a baby..." (Nya, Season 14, Episode 6, Call From The Abyss)... Yeah he does because he IS a baby. He is THE baby. He is BABY.
His entire traumatic backstory is that, after his parents were taken from him from an early age, he had to step into a parental role for his little sister and become the adult of the family while still being a child himself. He had to grow up before he even really had a chance to grow at all. On-screen, we see that once his parents return and he's no longer forced into that role of responsibility, he canonically regresses into childish habits and language we have never before seen him use or display beforehand.
"Ham and cheese sandwiches with crispy bacon? Oh thanks, Mommy! You're the best! Mm... bacon is the best, too!" (Kai, Season 14, Episode 6, Call From The Abyss).
Conclusion? Kai Smith is the most age-regressor to ever age regress ever I will not take criticism because I am OBJECTIVELY CORRECT.
Anyway!! I think Kai is regresses from 5-9~ years old. We can tell from his diction that he doesn't seem to be a baby regressor (at least in this scene), as he's capable of fully-formed sentences and has the cognitive skills required to play video games, so that leads me to believe he might be a little-middlespace regressor! Kai's parents left when he was around 5, so it makes sense he wouldn't be an infant regressor, but around the little-middle spectrum, regressing into the same range of years in which he didn't have a chance to be a child before.
I don't just think he's an age regressor, though, I also think he's a flip, too! He definitely has some care-giving tendencies built-in to him from having to be a caretaker for his little sister for so many years, and so he pretty naturally slips into the role of a big brother caregiver! I imagine he leans more towards the caregiving side then the regressing side, just because being a caregiver is what he's used to being - what he's always had to be - but that may be prone to change as he becomes more comfortable with his regression! He hates regressing around the other age regressors, especially when they're regressed, because he feels like when they're small he has to be big and adult to take care of them regardless of his own headspace. We can see his caregiver tendencies displayed in... countless interactions with Lloyd. Speaking of...
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I am, once again, OBJECTIVELY correct. Lloyd is basically canonically an age regressor. He IS canonically an age regressor. He is, quite literally, a child stuck in a teenager's body -- as in he was a child and then magic age-up tea turned his body into a teenager's but still left him with the mental capacity of a child. Which is the DEFINITION of what an age regressor is!! Bodily an adult but mentally a child!! He IS an age regressor!!!!
And even if that WASN'T the case, he'd probably be an age regressor anyway, because, like. Look at him. He had the weight of the world on his shoulders since he was, like, eight, was unable to be a child because he had to endure constant rigorous training and when he WASN'T training he was undergoing countless traumatic experiences while he was still a child.
> Lloyd: "Well...The latest issue of Starfarer just came in at Doomsday Comix and it's a limited run, so if I don't go out and get it, it's going to sell out. Last they left off, intergalactic rogue Fritz Donnegan was surrounded by the Imperial Sludge, and if I don't find out if he gets out alright, I think I might have my own doomsday!" Kai: "The fate of Ninjago rests on your shoulders. As the Green Ninja, you have a giant responsibility to hold. I'm sorry, but you don't have time for such childish things." Lloyd: "Other kids get to play and have fun. All I ever do is train..." (Season 2, Episode 18, Child's Play)
I don't even think I need to argue my case that hard for why Lloyd is an age regressor. I think it'd be harder to argue why he ISN'T an age regressor, actually. TRY to argue that he's not an age regressor. TRY. I BET you CAN'T.
I don't have much evidence for this one, but I imagine he may be a pet regressor, too! He's an oni-dragon-hybrid, after all, and his heritage have proven to come with strong instincts regarding this animalistic half of his genes, as seen throughout the Oni Trilogy.
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Look at him. JUST LOOK AT HIM. The most caregiver to ever caregive ever forever. He has chronic can't-stop-adopting-children syndrome. He's adopted, like, three separate children at this point. It is becoming a problem.
"Huh? Oh, no. Don't make that face. Don't cry. Oh, I can't take it any more. Hey, look at me. Hehe. Yeah. I'm not sad. Ha-ha, I'm not crying. Oh, fine. But this is between you and me. Shine, little glow worm, glimmer glimmer. Hey there, don't get dimmer, dimmer. You like that, huh? Well, there's more where that came from. Glow, little glow worm. Glow and Glimmer—" (Cole, Season 8, Episode 5, Dead Man's Squall)
When his mentor canonically (mentally & physically) regressed into an infant his first and immediate instinct was to adopt and care for them. If that isn't agere caregiver behaviour I don't know WHAT is. HE BECAME THE FATHER TO AN INDIVIDUAL REGRESSED FROM THEIR NORMAL HEADSPACE INTO A CHILD.... HE'S LITERALLY A CAREGIVER GUYS!!!!!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE YOU WANT ME TO SAY!!!!!!! I AM JUST STRAIGHT-UP CORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!
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JAY WALKER padded regressor!
"Jay: Aah! [He picks up a ruined stuffed toy.] Mister Cuddlywomp… [sobs] is a teddy bear I used to love when I was five, but now he's totally lame and—
Cole: We know you still sleep with him.
Jay: And I don't care who knows it! Mister Cuddlywomp..." (Season 7, Episode 6, The Attack)
Jay Walker is DEFINTELY a regressor. His personality has been noted to be very child-like and babyish at times, to the point where the fandom (and showwriters) tend to infantilize him, despite the fact that in his own right he can be a very serious character when he need be. As much as I do believe he's an age regressor, it's important to remember he can be very capable and competent character when he's big, too, and not to define him by his regression!
If he's any regressor, it's definitely a padded regressor. Throughout the show, it's become a running bit that he's a bedwetter and has a weak bladder:
"Jay: But I don't wanna get wet. I...I only have one pair of underwear.
Kai: Jay, this is no time to be making jokes. The Bounty can only take so much.
"Jay: You think I'm trying to be funny?" (Season 2, Episode 9, The Last Voyage)
"Harumi: Uh, forgive me, but is that...underwear?
Jay: We're usually more organized. Ahem. But our leader got lost in a time-stream. Uh, they're Cole's.
Cole: They're blue!
Kai: You're lucky they're not yellow." (Season 8, Episode 3, The Oni & The Dragon)
"Oh, that reminds me, Jay, honey, I need to teach you how to bleach your boxer shorts." (Maya, Season 14, Episode 7, Unsinkable)
"Jet Jack: Then tell us, who do these diapers belong to?
Kai: Oh, those are Jay's. Tell 'em, Jay.
Jay: Oh. I have a weak bladder." (Season 9, Episode 2, Iron & Stone)
These are only a few of many, many examples (You can find others throughout the show, such as in Only One Can Remain, The Darkness Remains, Darkness Within, etc), and though it's usually spun as a joke, there's no harm and shame in it! In conclusion
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ZANE JULIEN caregiver!
"I was built to protect those who can't protect themselves!" (Zane, Season 3, Episode 8, The Titanium Ninja)
I don't know what else you want me to say guys... he said so himself.,,,,,,. was built to protect those who can't protect themselves...,.....
Zane's entire identity is hinged around adaptability. Though I could go on a WHOLE 'NOTHER ESSAY about Zane's relationship with identity, the point here is that he often adapts to what people need him to be! I mean, he downloaded thousands pieces of detective media onto his hardware in order to try to track down the other ninja after they went missing, if called for I imagine he could very easily slip into the role of caretaker (he WOULD download hundreds of resources on age regression to help the other ninja)!
I don't have a lot of evidence for this one beside source: bro trust me but bro. trust me. The Vibes,,,, theyre there
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These are just my personal headcanons based on evidence I've gathered from the show - I am in NO WAY saying these are the only headcanons or that they are the "correct" ones!! In fact, if you have DIFFERENT headcanons for the ninja (esp. ones I didn't provide a lot of detail for), I encourage you to share them in the tags, I'd love to hear other's opinions!!!! ^^
If this gets enough interested, I might make a pt. 2, so stay tuned!!
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mouwrites · 7 months
oo that morro one HIT. thank you thank you
if you dont mind, can we get a part 2 with a premise of the day of departed lil short special?
for comfort i mean
Ofc dear!! Sorry this came out sorta long ^^”
Word count: 1.2k
Ninjago - Waiting for Your Morro
Part I here!
When Wu told you that today was all about remembering, there was no doubt that you’d come here. It was somewhere that reminded you of your old love; you spent your early years flying kites with him in this quiet meadow, and in later years he’d impress you with his wind powers by making the long grass flop this way and that.
You slowly tread through the grass, cool and soft in the night air, breathing in familiar scents of grass and wildflowers. You were used to the sky being a vibrant blue, but today it was black and speckled with stars. Still, you could remember everything vividly.
“Y/n, Y/n, are you watching?”
“I’m watching, Morro!”
“Okay, look at—that!”
“Oh wow! Did Wu teach you that?”
“Yup! My training’s going pretty well, eh?”
“Yeah… you’re gonna be a master in no time…”
The innocent dark head of hair flopped to one side quizzically, a sad look coming into those dark eyes. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“You won’t forget me when you’re all great and powerful, will you?”
“Y/n, how many times do I have to tell you? It’s you and me, forever and ever! No matter what!”
“I know, but…”
“Shh!” His hands grabbed your face, forcing your gaze up from your feet to his eyes. “When I’m the most powerful ninja, you’re going to be right there beside me. And if you’re not, I’m going to hunt you down and force you to be with me!”
You couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled out of you at that. “Okay then. But I’d never say no to you.”
“And I’d never let you go anyway.”
You picked a flower bud, still green as it had not bloomed yet, and twisted it between your fingers. You let out a shivering breath and tucked it behind your ear. It stung to remember, but you knew that this was what today was all about.
I refuse to forget you, Morro. Even if it hurts to remember.
You managed to dry the steady flow of tears that came from your eyes on your way back to the museum. You sniffed sharply when you realized you were the last one coming back; the other ninjas were already talking among themselves at the top of the steps.
As you hurried up to meet them, you noticed an air of trouble emulating from their serious faces and grim voices.
You were planning to ask what was wrong, but the looks they gave you when they saw you approaching silenced you before that could happen. They were first surprised to see you, then they each adopted a unique impression of awkwardness. They exchanged knowing looks and grimaced, and Kai kept glancing over behind them.
The way they were standing seemed to be shielding someone, and you guessed that whoever this person was, they were the reason that the ninjas were acting so awkward.
Jay was the first to say something. “Uh, we should be on our way, guys…”
He was met with (almost too eager) responses.
“Yup! Lots to do!”
“We’ll explain later, Y/n. See ya!”
“Bye bye now!”
“Have fun, you kids!”
That last response, which had come from Kai, caught you off guard. You turned to watch the ninjas as they scurried past you, quizzically quirking up your brow.
Suddenly it was all obvious. The final clue had come in the form of a voice, a voice you could never forget, the voice that played in your head whenever there was a second of silence.
You whirled around, eyes huge. And there he was.
Your arms were around each other before either of you could even remember moving, and there was the sound of laughing sobs muffled in cloth as you buried your faces in each other.
“I knew—” you hiccuped, squeezing tighter, “I knew I’d see you again.”
“So did I. Nothing can keep us separated,” he mused, pulling away to give you a mischievous look. It was as if you never spent a day apart.
There was a moment of breathless silence. Morro was looking you over, his eyes shining with pure affection. “You’re beautiful.”
You smiled. “You said that before.”
“I’ll say it again. And again. And again, until the end of time. You’re beautiful,” he squeezed your hand.
You looked down at your interlocked fingers, a twinge of sadness tainting your joy.
“I waited for you, you know. Every day. Every night.”
He blinked at you; you weren’t quite sure if it was because he hadn’t expected such devotion, or if he just hadn’t expected the change in mood.
“I tried to come back. I… I wanted to see you, too.”
“Did you?” Your eyes were teary when they met his, and you looked away shamefully when you saw the same pain in his eyes.
“I did. But… there are rules. Rules that not even I can break. And you know how I like to break rules.”
You let out a weak laugh. “…I understand.”
You felt his fingers under your chin, and you were gently guided back to his gaze.
“Y/n, remember what I said? It’s you and me, forever and ever.”
You laughed again, more genuinely this time, but with tears trickling down your cheeks. “You remember that?”
“I remember everything I promised to you. And I live by those promises. Well, maybe not live anymore,” he smirked, but shook his head to dismiss the little jest. “We may be in different realms, but we’re still tied to each other. And one day, that long cord that separates us will grow shorter, and you’ll be at my side again. We just have to be patient.”
Your lips pressed into a thin line, and you gave the slightest of nods.
“I knew you’d understand… you were always the reasonable one.”
You embraced again, limbs tight around each other. You breathed unsteadily into his shoulder for a long time, trying to collect yourself before facing him again, and at the same time basking in his touch.
When you came apart again you held on to each other’s forearms, your stomachs still pressed together with your faces fervently close.
“You’ve waited for me,” Morro whispered, his dark eyes dripping with wist and admiration, “but this is the last time I can come to you.”
You closed your eyes, your head dropping. Your forehead hit his, and he continued:
“Now it’s my turn to wait for you. And don’t you rush to get to me,” he chided, pressing his forehead firmly into yours in a show of affection. “Just try to live happily, okay?”
“Okay.” The word came out in a quivering rasp that was really not much more than a whisper.
You opened your eyes, finding a profound smile on Morro’s lips that somehow caught on your own face.
You knew it was time to say goodbye, but despite this your tears chose to stop flowing at this moment.
“Hey,” Morro said, clearly as an afterthought that would be the last thing he said to you in a long time, “guess what?”
“I love you.”
You found yourself laughing, giving his shoulder a hardy punch as the attitude of old friends once more overtook your demeanor. “You’re an idiot.”
But just as he went to leave, you had to shout: “Hey!”
You knew that there would be no more tears; his promises put a new hope in your heart that far overpowered any sorrow you had. You knew you’d be together again someday, but now you were sure of it. And so you spoke with the voice of someone saying goodbye to a lover they’d see later that same day when you said:
“I love you too.”
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Thanks so much for this request! And thanks for reading, take care sweet duckies!! <33
(divider by saradika)
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l1-b1 · 2 months
If someone was going to get into Ninjago for the first time, where would you recommend starting?
There are multiple approaches!
Approach 1 that I now in 2024 would recommend is actually starting with dragons rising! (I know starting with the latest series sounds weird but hear me out)
As a new viewer, Ninjago Dragons Rising actually works well as an introduction to the ninjago universe and introduces new and old characters! The writing is of higher quality and animation is good. Of course you will not be aware of all the things that has happened in ninjago timeline but ninjago dragons rising does a great job introducing you to ninjago! Which I honestly think can work as an “oh wow this is cool I gotta check out the previous series” which can motivate you to sit through the rest of the seasons of Ninjago that came before Dragons Rising! Because ngl some parts of the earlier seasons can be more difficult to get through as it can feel quite slow at times (it is a kids show after all) and there’s a LOT of seasons
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Approach 2 is the classic chronological one!
This approach can be a bit harder to get through as you would then be going through 17 seasons in total from first to last!
-ninjago pilots (they are a bit hard to find, when I had a total rewatch I watched them in low quality on yt lol)
-season 1 Rise of the snakes
-season 2 Legacy of the green ninja
-season 3 Rebooted
-season 4 Tournament of elements
-season 5 Possession
-season 6 Skybound
-Lego ninjago special: Day of departed (this one is also hard to find, I found the English version on Vimeo)
-season 7 Hands of time
-season 8 sons of garmadon
-season 9 Hunted
-season 10 March of the oni
-season 11 secrets of the forbidden spinjitzu
-season 12 prime empire
-season 13 master of the mountain
-(Lego ninjago miniseries: The island)
-season 14 Seabound
-season 15 Crystalized
-“Season 16” Dragons Rising season 1
-“season 17” Dragons Rising season 2
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Side content that aren’t essential to watch to have the complete timeline :
-the Lego Ninjago Movie (basically an alternative ninjago universe)
-the YouTube shorts! This playlist has put together all YouTube shorts so they’re easy to find!
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As you can see, there is A LOT of content to get through, which is why I recommend starting with Dragons Rising, it makes it easier to start with something fresh and new and then going back and see everything that built up to Dragons Rising!
Some fans will insist you’ll need to start at the very beginning to watch ninjago but that is not true. This show is 13 years old, starting with dragons rising can be a new fun way to explore the ninjago universe! Dragons Rising does a good job introducing new fans to this 13 year old franchise!
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rott1ngbra1n · 5 months
First off! I wanna go ahead and drop some fun art stuff I’ve been doing as I’ve been watching Dragons Rising season 2, which I’ve been loving!
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I did a version of Arin before but it wasn’t my favorite so a redo! More AlleyCat stuff and obligatory Cole, because I love him.
I do have more Ninjago Art I want to do (Still need to finish that Cole and Morro friend piece-) and I have some other fandom art I also want to do, but I’ll explain more under the cut as well as why I’ve been gone or a bit less active everywhere. This is optional you do not have to read under the cut!
TW// Transphobia
For those unaware I am a trans man, I go by a different name: both online and IRL (online for privacy’s sake), I also work as a barista due to being a college student and needing to save money for moving away from my own transphobic parents. That’s a whole other story. But at work there was a coworker of mine who was consistently transphobic towards me whenever we worked together. It had been going on since June of last year (The irony of it starting during pride month made me and my friends laugh) but it escalated after I returned from New York, so much so I had to go to management.
Myself. Management had been informed by my best friend (who also works with me) about it and was told it was “gossip”. Ok. Sure- So I informed management of the new incidents and was told I had options, the first being to have a meeting with me, the transphobe, and my manager to discuss the issues. I said no so my manager went to the DM to find another solution. To give even more context, the transphobe couldn’t even be transphobic to my face most times it was always told behind my back to my best friend.
That’s how I knew my manager talked to the transphobe one on one, cause the transphobe right after the meeting went to said best friend. Telling her “not to tell me as she didn’t want to start drama” Cool, I feel so cool. I was very mad, went back to my manager with it, had that meeting with myself, the transphobe, and manager. Where my emotions were downplayed and the transphobe said she had “never interacted with a trans person before and didn’t know what she said was wrong.” OK.
After that we assumed it was over, my manager made an incident report, but it didn’t stop the transphobe still kept talking behind my back to others. Despite me talking respectfully of her. More context all the talking behind my back happened at work while on the clock. After a while I just went about my day, then Ethics and Compliance called. They spoke to everyone involved, including me and I relayed more about my testimony. They said they would be investigating and I assumed it would take a while, then finally. I was informed that the transphobe was in fact fired.
This whole situation, along with other personal stuff going on with me, caused so much stress. To the point I tended to fallback into habits I had thought I fixed, mainly regarding my physical health. Even at points hating myself for just existing and having been born wrong.
I’m thankfully doing so much better now and have recently gotten diagnosed with Autism, something I knew I had but didn’t fully understand for a while. I’ve been getting better existing in a world knowing the people that are my blood hate me, knowing that eventually, I will never be able to be loved by my parents or sister. I have friends and coworkers who support me and I want to support other people in this community.
With that said I’m back to making more art! I’m building a portfolio for animation and to intern next year, I also will be trying to post more animations to here when I finish them! I also will still be active in the Ninjago fandom, I’ve loved this show since it came out in 2011 y’all can pry it from my cold dead hands-
But I do want to make more original work, I want to do more Star Wars work, QSMP art and animations, and more Musical Theater art whether it be Broadway or Indie productions. I hope people enjoy what I make, especially some of my original characters as I’ve gotten to work on Cybernetic more thanks to my animation class. You’ll see more of it as we go!
Thank you if you’ve read this and thank you for supporting me!
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acesgarden · 11 months
can you please do a movie Lloyd X reader basically this takes place after the movie so everyone in Ninjago city knows that Lloyd is the green ninja but back to the plot Lloyd is currently going through the Oni and dragon equivalent of puberty so he is growing 2 new arms, horns, Wings and a tail and the reader always visit and Lloyd is starting to feel insecure so the reader shows Lloyd all the messages on her phone and all of them are from there school saying that Lloyd will always be the city green ninja and so on and Lloyd is happy that everyone will accept him and the reader and Lloyd end up cuddling and then garmadon walks in accidentally and processed to embarrass Lloyd in front of the reader and the reader pushes garmadon out of Lloyd room and the reader locks the door so both the reader and Lloyd can have cuddling in peace and the reader says that she loves him no matter what he will look like
Helloooo! I wanna say thank you to who sent in all those requests although i’ve only decided to do two of them ^^’ I still appreciate it!! I am excited to write this one hehe. I’m a sucker for comfort stuff (thought this turned out more like a hurt comfort tbh) so I hope this does the request right! (cause it kinda deviates from the request a bit) I apologize for how long this took to get out. 😭
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“In my eyes, you are everything”
Pairing ->
Movie!Lloyd G. x F!Reader
Warnings ->
Blood mentions, OOC Lloyd(?)
Summary ->
After the events of the movie, Y/n and Lloyd officially get together and often sneak into each other's houses. But one thing Lloyd just so happens to forgets to mention is the fact he has Oni and Dragon blood. And Y/n only finds out when she stumbles upon Lloyd panicking over going through changes. Aka Y/n comforts Lloyd going through Oni/Dragon puberty.
1.7k Words | Masterlist
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Footsteps trudged against the pavement of Ninjago city. Today had been a long day for Y/n, but work was always exhausting. What made it worth the wait though was getting to see her best friend and boyfriend, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon.
Her pace quicken the second she saw that familiar apartment complex. She rushed to the alleyway as soon as she reached it and found the usual fire escape. Rusty as it was the fire escape was surprisingly sound. Climbing past the first…second…third, and finally on the fourth floor.
There wasn’t much to see through the curtains but if Y/n was right.. the window slid open with ease and she climbed in. The room was nice, surprisingly messy but overall organized. She scanned the room even with how familiar it was. Yet there was no sign of Lloyd.
“Must be getting a snack or something..” she mumbled plopping onto his bed starfish style. The feeling of soft sheets let her sink into the familiar mattress sighing contently. She always got jealous of this because seriously?! How does he get one this comfortable!
Y/n stared at the ceiling, more specifically as the spinning fan. The clock ticking in the background producing a rhythmical melody. A minute passed and Y/n got a little curious but stayed still, then another passed, and another. Still remaining comfortable until about five minutes. That’s when She began to worry. Had she misread the texts? Were they supposed to meet at her house?
Rolling over and pulling out her phone to opening their conversation from earlier. And right there, clear as day it confirmed they were in fact supposed to meet at Lloyd’s…but where was he? Y/n concerned shot him a text asking if he was okay and where he was. She put her phone down afterwards resuming staring at the ceiling.
A noise came from the bathroom, like something got knocked over and a pained hiss followed behind it. Worry flooded her systems as she hastily rushed to the bathroom door. Y/n knocked calling out “Lloyd? Is that you?” No answer. “Lloyd” and again there was no answer. So she tried the door handle, unlocked. She peeked in before swinging the door open. There stood Lloyd facing the mirror, hands messing with something on his head, and a box of bandages spilt over on the floor. “Lloyd..” Y/n moved closer but he just turned away like he was ashamed of something. “Whats wrong Lloyd? Are you hurt?” Y/n questioned, her voice soft.
Lloyd turned his head slightly and Y/n places a hand on his shoulder, he turned towards her hesitantly. Finally, as the two stood face to face Y/n cupped the teens cheek looking him over. There was dried blood matted into his hair, on his fingers and under his nails, on his forehead too. Two horns were visibly poking through his hair. And without a second thought he was pulled into a hug, tightly but not to tight either. She could feel his tears soaking her clothes but didn’t care.
Lloyd was gripping her hard, she still did not care, only pulling him closer. his knees felt weak as they both slowly sank to the floor. She rubbed circles into his back and ran fingers through his messy hair. “You wanna tell me what’s going on?” Y/n asked pulling away now holding Lloyd’s face in her hands. He didn’t say anything at first.
“Puberty..” Lloyd mumbled which led to a slightly confused look forming on her face. “Puberty?” She stated and Lloyd nodded. “Oni…Dragon? Puberty” Lloyd added and Y/n nodded “mmm.” She pushed his hair out of his face, wiping away the tears. “How do you feel right now?”
“Weird and and scared, scared of how people will see me now that not only am I, a Garmadon, but also..a monster.” The last part was spoken softly as he adverted his eyes from her. He didn’t want her to see the forming tears.
“Monster? No no no. Lloyd. You are not a monster. You’re changing and that is okay. I remember this story..The First Spinjitzu Master..he was the mix of Oni and Dragon..right?”
Lloyd nodded, not seeing why that story was relevant.
“and he had two sons, one of them being Garmadon, your father.”
Again, Lloyd nodded starting to catch on.
“It’s because of your heritage is it not then?”
For a third time Lloyd nodded.
“Then there is no reason to call yourself a monster. You should be proud to wear these. A symbol of your heritage and a reminder to yourself and the people that even now there is still a great person protecting them. This realm, and everything you stand for.”
Lloyd glanced back at her, sniffling.
“Mhm… I think we should probably get you cleaned up.” Y/n said referring to the dried up blood. She watched Lloyd awkwardly smiled and nodded. Getting up she looked around the bathroom.
“Sink cabinets.”
“Thanks” Y/n replied crouching down, opening the sink, grabbing an excess cloth before going to damp it with water. Getting on the ground she pushed Lloyd’s hair out of the way again and pressed the cloth to his forehead wiping the blood.
Lloyd hummed as if holding in the pain. “I know, it’ll hurt for a bit..once I get the blood off i’ll need to clean it so it doesn’t get infected.” Y/n explained continuing her work. She finished with his forehead moving on to his fingers and under nails. That was much significantly easier to clean. Y/n turned back to the sink’s cabinets for the med kit, and grabbing rubbing alcohol. “Ok, this will hurt. I’m gonna count to three so brace yourself.” She warned getting the gauze ready.
“Ok, 1, 2, 3” she began to clean the wound as Lloyd hissed trying to pull away. “Moving is only gonna make it worse.” Y/n warned..again.
Lloyd mumbles trying to not move as much.
Y/n finished and dressed the wounds. “How’s that?”
Lloyd nodded, “better thank you..” He watched his girlfriend nod and peck his forehead.
“Cmon, let’s go get comfy.” Y/n pulled up Lloyd and they walked back to the bed to get comfortable, maybe watch a show or something. She plopped down by the top while Lloyd sat at the edge near the bottom. Something was still bothering him it seemed. So she flipped over putting her head in her hands.
“You feeling any better?” Y/n asked.
“not really..” was the reply.
Y/n sat up, “come here.” She patted the place beside her. Her boyfriend moved closer and leaned on her. She pulled him closer. Her fingers brushing through his hair once again.
“I love you Lloyd, nothings ever gonna change that.”
Lloyd nodded “I know that..I love you to, so much. I’m just scared how others will see me” he spoke. “That they will no longer see me as their green ninja..that i’m..” He didn’t finish his statement.
Y/n gave him a look “Lloyd.”
Lloyd continued “different enough to be shammed, that I reflect my father more than my uncle or or the First Spinjitzu Master. I don’t want people to be afraid of me-“
“What if they start being afraid of me!-“
Y/n pecked his lips. “Lloyd!” He just stared at her “You are and will always be this cities green ninja, you are this cities hero, They are not afraid of you, they love you Lloyd.” Y/n cupped her boyfriend’s face.
“You are my hero, you are my favorite person in all of Ninjago, because you are you.” Y/n began pecking his face, starting on his forehead, eyelids, nose, cheeks, lips. “I love every inch of you. In my eyes, you are everything. You’re my world, heart, and sun. I smile every time you text me, every time I see you, your appearance will never change that.”
“How would you know that?”
Y/n looked confused, “what do you mean?”
“How do you know they don’t hate me.”
Y/n shows him her phone, she had Chirp pulled up. On the trending page were #GreenNinja, #Weloveyougreenninja, #LloydGarmadon, etc. She turned her phone away to click on one of the hashtags and turned it back scrolling through all the chirps. hundreds, thousands, of them about how the cites green ninja and hero. How they love him, congrats on saving the city and many more. That wasn’t all, she pulled the phone away and opened Instabook. Scrolling through hashtags related to him, even showing post from many of the students and school.
“They don’t Lloyd, they love you, as do I. Don’t forget that okay?”
Lloyd stared at her before tackling her in a hug. Causing his girlfriend to giggle, Y/n paused not even realizing till now “you have four arms?”
“…you don’t mind them?” Lloyd asked.
“What? No! they’re awesome! I mean like with four arms just think of all the things you could do, climbing faster, fighting faster! Plussss you can give me more cuddlessss.” Y/n said booping Lloyd’s nose. She pecked him and began to run her fingers through his hair.
They fell into a comfortable silence, just her and Lloyd together. Everything was alright in the world as if it remained only them two. Lloyd falling asleep on her as she falls asleep holding him.
Y/n looked down with a small smile, Lloyd looked half asleep by now. Especially in all this peace and quiet-
The door slammed open.
“Guess I spoke to soon..” mumbled Y/n
Lloyd shot up looking in the direction of the door and groaned plopping back onto Y/n. “Go away dad”
“Oh, did I interrupt something?” Garmadon spoke with a teasing tone and a raised eyebrow.
Lloyd’s face turned red which Y/n got a glimpse of. Burry his face into her more. Y/n just giggled at his response.
“You know you should really lock the door, son” Lloyd groaned “daddd.” All Y/n could do was giggle at this interaction.
Another head peaked through the open doorway. “Honey we should leave the kids alone. Let them have their fun.” Koko, Lloyd’s mom, winked.
“Moooomm not you too!”
Koko laughed. “Okay okay, we’ll leave you alone. Cmon you.” His mom dragged away Garmadon.
“Thanks Mrs. G!” Y/n Yelled out as Lloyd used his elemental power to shut and lock the door.
The two got comfortable again, cuddling up and laughing. Eventually falling asleep together, embracing themselves in each other’s warmth and arms.
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sunnylighter · 4 months
I read your ninjago series x movie fic (GiGAU) and I really love it, just recently got back to ninjago and have been searching through ao3 for good fics. Your fic was really good–no–great! I like how you wrote it.
I'm also here to inform you that you've been in a hiatus for a year.
Anyways, got any good ninjago series x movie fics you can recommend? Or any great fics in particular? (Mostly the series x movie fic) I'm pretty desperate ;u;
Yeah, and it will probably be a while yet before I get back to it. I'm burned out on Ninjago right now, but I'll get back to it eventually. It helps I haven't watched a good few of the more recent seasons, so there will be new stuff for me to sink my teeth into when I get back to it.
As for fic Recommendations:
My Dad is Bad but Still Family, by KayHau. This was written by my beta reader, and was a big chunk of what inspired me to write my fics. It's more of a merging of the movie and series, but it is very good. Kay Hau also wrote a series of gift-fics for the Grass is Greener which are canon to the AU, so check her out. Basically, in a mash-up of movie and show canon, what would happen if Lloyd had been raised by his dad, only to find he had a great destiny to fulfill.
Summoning Gone Wrong, by Doctor_Who_Fan85 is a funny take on what would have happened if in season 8 of the show, Harumi summoned Movie Garmadon instead of the undead one from the show. I beta-read this one, and it was fun to do.
That's Ninja Swag (It's Nothing New) by Fabro-de-omres (Fabro). It's a reincarnation fic. A 'What if the Movie Ninja are the reincarnations of the Show Ninja in the far future and start regaining their past memories' fic. I highly recommend it for the feels.
Of course, no series-movie crossover fic is complete without Same People, But Not Really, by @KittyDemon9000. What if Kai got sent to the Movie-verse, and how long would it take him to adopt all the Movie Ninja? It's a really great one, and I can't recommend it enough.
Enter the Ninjaverse by BionicStars. I didn't finish this one, but it's about the return of the Time Twins and Lloyd chasing them across the multi-verse to stop them.
Switched! also by Doctor_Who_Fan85. Another Show Lloyd and Movie Lloyd switcharoo. Poor boys.
Tantamount by Bamboosauce. Using the Tornado of Creation to stop the Oni sends the Show Ninja rocketing into the Movie-verse. There's not much to it, but I enjoy seeing the Movie Ninja freak out about it.
It's Me (Version 2-point-0) by lloydskywalkers. Okay, all the previous ones are on AO3, but this one is on Fanfiction.Net. It is honestly one of my favorites, and what first got me thinking about crossing over the show and the movie in any meaningful way. It's a oneshot that was written before March of the Oni came out, and has the author's imagining of how the oni could be. When one of the Oni come after Show Lloyd and drag him through the multi-verse, he ends up landing on his movie counterpart, and the two work together to avoid their murderous Oni Aunt.
That's all the ones I can find in my Bookmarks list on AO3 and FF. More may have come out since I burned out on Ninjago, so keep your eyes open. I hope you enjoy my recommendations.
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One of my favorite new little guys is Arin from Ninjago Dragons Rising!! The show is a sequel series to the previous Ninjago shows, where an event merges all the realms into one and many people end up missing or separated from loved ones. Arin was a little boy when the Merge happened and has no idea if his parents are safe or still around and his biggest motivator is to try and find them.
He loves the ninja and with them initially missing after the Merge he was inspired by them to be heroic and kind like them. He learned Spinjitzu (the main form of martial arts the ninja use lol) all by himself, which the ninja were all impressed by when they re-emerge because it’s a hard skill to learn.
He’s so kind and silly!! Arin always tries to see the best in people :) but he will try to kick ass if he has to. His favorite thing to do is bake pies, it’s so cute. He specifically got his hair cut as the Zane (after one of the original ninja).
Arin’s season 2 arc involves him feeling frustrated over his stagnant growth as a ninja since he has no powers, his Spinjitzu isn’t getting any better even with guidance, and he’s no closer to finding his parents and feels he’s letting them down by not getting better quickly 😢 which is just like nooo it’s okay you’ll get there it takes time 😢
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I will say a lot of the (straight, white) male demographic who watch Ninjago suck. They’re so homophobic (one of the original ninjas seems to be getting a male love interest in DR) and racist. They deny that Arin is Black, when his design seems to indicate he is AND he has a Black VA (Christian Heywood).
Anyways, I really love Arin he’s just so adorable and sweet and fun :) he’s a representation of Ninjago fans with his love of the ninja and I can’t wait to see where his character goes when part 2 of season 2 is released!! Wait omg also his little ninja suit has horns!!! It’s the best!!
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Fandom is always gone fandom, unfortunately. I do think they could have had skin colored blocks to alleviate this issue, but yeah the coding would be kind of obvious between his hair and his voice. His hair is definitely afro textured (if the Lego blocks can do it, you all can do it too!) That's so cute though!
Hot Chocolate: I LOVED Ninjago when it first came out! It had ninjas, that was all I needed honestly. I fell off because I stopped watching TV as much but I'm happy to hear about our little Black boy Arin! He's my son now. So anyone who's got something to say can meet me outside, and that's on chawls.
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