#i was gonna do a 9 set first but i could not deal w small gifs today lol so here's a respectable 8 set <3
possession1981 · 3 years
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btob 4u ❀ 201129 for @justdoityo
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msjjmaybank · 3 years
Outer Banks
JJ x OC!sisterroutledge
John B's sister returns home after years on the run? What happens when JJ Maybank feels his childhood crush spark once more?
John B
The guidance counselor sits at her desk, looking over my file. "John, it has come to our attention that you are an unemancipated minor living on your own." Shit... "No... No. No."
"I need honesty to help you. That's what we want, right?" I nod, silently. "Okay, then when is the last time you spoke to your uncle?" I conjure up the lie quickly. "Uh... 34 minutes ago." "When's the last time you saw him?" "Two hours and... 43 minutes ago?"
"John, we're gonna come out there tomorrow to talk to your uncle. If he's not there, we're gonna move forward with foster care. I want to assure you, we're gonna find you a safe and loving home."
They actually thought I was gonna be happy to hear that. And that's where this story starts. My dad missing, my uncle MIA, and the Bride of Frankenstein threatening foster care.
That night we got shitfaced. Nothing like a good time to forget about your missing family. I stumble inside the house dragging my fingers over the pictures I pass so often. JJ pats my back in passing as he goes to (Y/n)'s old room. "I'm crashing, dude." I nod silently staring at my dad. I grab the fame in my hands, "I wish you were here."
The truck crosses the line... The Outer Banks, paradise on earth. As the truck nears the cut I take a deep breath before jumping and rolling off the truck and into the grass on the side of the road. "Haha! SHIT!" I yell with the adrenaline pumping through my veins.
I stand up brushing my legs off. I sigh happily, then take my first step back home.
I can't fight the pull in the corner of my lips as the house comes into view. As I near the door, my nerves building. I haven't seen my dad or John B in years. I tug my bag behind me as I enter the old house. I walk into the hallway placing my hand on the golden knob of the office my father protects with strict precautions.
"AHH!" Suddenly I am thrown to the ground with a body on top of me. "Get the light!" A guy yells out as I thrash underneath the figure. Light rips the darkness away as it spreads around the room.
That's when I noticed him, JJ Maybank holding down my upper body as John B let light into the room. I smile up at him, no longer struggling.
He looks down at me with wide eyes. "(Y/n)," he says my name with such smoothness, I melt internally. I reach my hand up ruffling his hair, "Miss me, Maybank?
John B stands over us looking down upon me. I slide out from under JJ, leaving him in shock. "John!" I jump in his arms hugging him with every bit of strength I have. "I missed you so much," I whispered into his chest.
He hugs me tightly, kissing the top of my head, he cries softly, "you're back." I pull away with a smile. "I'm not going anywhere again." He pulls me in again, strangling me. "Wait!" He pulls back again, keeping me at arm's length. "Did- did you find mom?" I let my smile drop, "yeah, I did." He smiles, "how was she?" I shake my head, I remove myself from John's arms and sit on the couch, "she kicked me out a year after I found her. She was so excited at first..." I feel the tears welling up, "then I ran out of money."
JJ moves from his spot at the end of the hall, he takes the seat beside me, he places his arm around me, "I'm sorry, (y/n)." I look at him and smile. How did I go so long without him?
I look at John B, "is dad home?"
The air grows cold, stiff, dead... the two boys look at each other. John walks closer, sitting down in front of me, he grabs my hands. "(Y/n)... he's not... here." I nod, "okay, when will he be back?"
I feel JJ's finger tighten around my frame. John B's eyes swell with tears. My smile drops my chest burns, my emotions rage. I shake my head, "no. He's here. Stop being a dick." I stand and move to the office door, banging on it. "Dad, open up!" I bang harder, twisting and jerking the golden knob. "DAD!" I hit the door harder, and harder. He's not gone. Not now. Not when I finally got back.
I throw myself against the door as hard as I can, I run back to do it again but JJ grabs me and holds me in his arms tightly. "No!" I scream out, my blood feels like fire, my eyes burn with tears as they pour down my cheeks.
John B sits on the floor as JJ holds me. John B wipes his streaming tears. He grabs my cheeks, "calm down, please, (y/n)." I breathe heavily, holding onto JJ. "W-what happened, John?"
"He got lost at sea." The pit in my stomach drops, "at sea?" He nods, "9 months ago." I look up to the office door once more, that stupid treasure.
The two guys stand, I attempt to make my own way, but JJ scoops me up in his arms. I stare at him feeling the overwhelming thumping in my chest. He sits me down on the couch beside John. I shake my head, running my fingers through my hair. "This is unreal."
JJ pats my leg lightly, "We'll help you through it, (y/n)." He brings a string of hair behind my ear. John B stares at him, "come on, (y/n). Your room is still set up." John B tugs me down the hall and to my room.
I walk in and smile, I wipe another tear as it rolls down my cheek. "It's so dirty," "Blame JJ." "Hey!" JJ protests.
Both boys stand in the doorway. "Get some rest, sis," John says before backing away. He pulls JJ with him, but JJ runs back leaning his head in the doorway. "If you need anything, I'll be on the couch, (y/n)." I nod making my way to the bed, "thank you, JJ." He nods with a small smile. He stands there just smiling until his body is pulled back. John B grabs the doorknob and closes the door shut cutting off communication between JJ and I.
When we were younger John B would practically puke at JJ and I. We were just little kids with big crushes. I was 9 and he was 6 when he first proposed to me. He stomps over, a bundle of front yard flowers in his hand, he holds them out to me as dad, John B, and I work on the boat. JJ clears his throat, "(y/n), I have to say something." He stands tall on the dock, his chest out, and hair blowing in the wind. Dad looks up at JJ and shakes his head with a smile, he turns to me, "don't be rude, girl." I stand to the doc, meeting JJ. "Yes?" I ask holding back my smile. He huffs before getting down on one knee, and holding out the flowers, "I want to marry you." Dad busts out and John B scoffs, "you're not marrying my sister." "Says who?" "Says me!"
"Boys!" I yell, cutting off their argument. I look down to JJ, my heart hammering, I snatch the flowers and smell them, "you have a deal, Maybank." He jumps and claps in the air, "yes!" He hugs me and kisses my cheek 100 times over.
Over time we grew closer and we matured. I was 14 and he was 12 when he first kissed me under the moonlight at the beach. Begged me to stray from Pope and John B just so he could get me alone. "Can we... can I kiss you, (y/n)?" I blush looking down, "I've never kissed anyone, JJ." He shakes his head, grabbing my hands, "Me neither!" He stares at me, grabs my cheeks softly, and brings our faces closer. God, we were so young. They had to make the rule because of us! No macking at all. Period.
In front of anyone at least...
JJ and I never ever spoke about our relationship. We never even clarified what we were to each other. Since he has asked to marry we just stuck with that! It wasn't known that we had this relationship, Pope and John would have died! They thought JJ and I just flirted because it made them uncomfortable, but nope, behind closed doors, we were a different story. Nights he would spend at our house he would wait for everyone to go to sleep, then sneak into my room, appearing the next day as if he just arrived when in reality he was cuddled up in my blankets for hours upon end.
JJ Maybank... where should we pick up?
I awake in the morning to the sun in my eyes. Correction... not the sun, the son of a bitch shining the sun in my eyes directed by a small handheld mirror. I groan rolling over. "Damn, princess, you sleep hard." I sit up and rub my eyes over my face. "Good morning to you too, JJ." He shoots me a smug smile before jumping on the bed. "John B went to the store. He flipped out this morning when he saw the cabinets empty." He lies next to me, playing in my hair. "We should... talk... ya know?" I smirk at him, "then talk."
"I'm back!" "Shit," I sigh, standing, I open the door leaving the blond alone. I jump on John B's back laughing. "What'd ya get me?" I see him smile as he tosses me around. "Basics. Your favorite." He pulls out ice cream making me squeal. "Oh, it's been years!" I grab the container out of his hands, tearing into it.
JJ walks in slyly. John B looks at him confused, "Why were you in there?" JJ stops in his tracks, points to the room we were in, and goes blank, "Uh- I... uh."
"He woke me up." John B's shoulders relax as he nods. "When I was in town I saw the report of Hurricane Agatha coming. I'll have to reschedule to DCS meeting."
"DCS? What are they coming for?" John B sighs, "16 years old and no dad. They're going to put me in the system."
I stab my spoon into the ice cream. "Uh, no. That's not happening." I stand up placing my hands on my hips posing as a hero, "I will be your guardian." John B narrows his eyes with a small smile. "That wouldn't fly.
John B stares at me with wide eyes, "You're 19!" I nod with a smirk. "I'll just get a job. How could they say no? I'm a fit guardian." JJ and John B jump together as they comprehend the news. I look out the window at the dark sky coming in.
"What do you say we all catch some waves?" I ask the boys. Thunderclaps loudly as I finish my thought, but does that stop us Pogues? Never. JJ looks out at the clouds, then shakes his head, if it's going to storm that bad, then I need to get more bud, but you two go, bond, do whatever brother and sister do. I'll be back later." He slides past me, letting his hand land on the small of my back, allowing chills to travel up my spine
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thran-duils · 3 years
My Perfect Pet
Title: My Perfect Pet Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark!Boss Tony Stark. Reader disobeys Mr. Stark’s order to work in his office and learns her lesson for disobeying when he tells her to do something. Words: 2,303 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Dom/sub, fingering, shameless smut, boss/employee relationship, punishment, office sex Author’s Note: I had a dream, alright? I got distracted from the other fics because of it.
Masterpost (mobile)
You walked into one of the old filing rooms where one of the old assistants was already working to scan old documents in. A whole archive had been discovered recently and they needed all of the papers uploaded onto the Stark database.
Aeisha looked up when you walked in and cocked an eyebrow. “Oh, I thought Abby was going to be down here with me.”
“She really wanted to be around and in Mr. Stark’s office.”
When you had arrived this morning, the head security told you where you were supposed to be. Mr. Stark gave orders at the beginning of the day where all of you were supposed to be and he had wanted you assisting him today. But Abby had complained to you, pouting. You figured it was not a big deal and told her you would take her job down in the filing room instead. She had been ecstatic.
The other girl snorted and said, “Of course she does. She’s been trying to get him to fuck her for months.”
You stammered, “W-what?”
“He has his favorites. She wants to be one of them.” She held up her phone, the newest version, and smirked, “He gives good gifts to keep us away from HR. Not that I would ever consider that.”
“You… have sex with him?”
Aeisha shrugged, “When he wants. It’s not often. In between the ladies at his parties and some other girls in the building, there’s time in between.” She saw the look on your face and gave a hearty laugh. “He’s good in bed. Don’t worry. When I said I wouldn’t consider going to HR, I mean it. That man knows how to work my pussy.”
‘That’s not what I’m worried about,” you muttered, opening one of the boxes. ‘I didn’t know I was gonna have to potentially fuck my boss if he ever gets a wild hair. Wasn’t in the job description. Sure, he’s extremely attractive – sexy – but, Jesus. That’s asking for issues if you ever wanna be in a relationship with someone and he’s still expecting it. Maybe I should be thanking Abby for taking his office today.”
Aeisha closed the scanner and shot you a curious look. “Wait… did you clear that switch with him?”
You shook your head and she rose her eyebrows, looking concerned.
“What?”’ you asked worriedly. “I didn’t think it would be a big deal. We are both gonna do the same thing no matter where we are at.”
“He wanted to see you in there, Y/N. He’s very specific about his instructions.”
Your stomach did a flip flop and you asked worriedly, “Am I going to get in trouble?”
Aeisha shrugged, “Who knows? If he hasn’t sent Abby back down here in the next twenty minutes, maybe it’ll just slide.”
You did not want to lose this job; it was well paying, especially for NYC.
“I guess I’ll just… go up there if she gets put back down here,” you said slowly, thumbing through the files.
You picked some of the papers up and asked Aeisha where she was filing the paperwork before going to your own scanner. You kept tensing whenever you heard someone walk by, thinking it was Abby coming down to fetch you and make you go upstairs where Mr. Stark wanted to see you. It was customary for you to wear pencil line skirts and low-cut shirts with heels, something that had been encouraged by the hiring manager. And you learned quickly it was just the norm with all of the assistants. Thankfully, you had already had a good enough collection started with going out wear that was easily masked as office wear. Such as the bodycon dress you were wearing today, the long zipper up the back that you had had to have your roommate help you with. But now you wondered if maybe you should cut back on it a little bit, knowing what you did now.
Shaking your head, you pushed the thoughts of your mind, focusing on your work.
It was almost 9:00pm when you were walking back from the filing room. You told your immediate supervisor that you would take a few more hours today to be able to get off early tomorrow for your appointment tomorrow afternoon a few weeks ago.
You stopped though outside Mr. Stark’s office, hearing noises coming from within. You furrowed your brow confused considering how late it was. You put your hand on the door, your ear coming closer. Someone yelped loudly inside and you threw the door open in alarm, thinking someone was getting hurt.
Upon seeing Mr. Stark being straddled by a naked woman and another kissing him beside them on the couch, you almost vomited in embarrassment.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Stark. I thought—goodnight!” you stammered, closing the door clumsily and rushing off.
You were not surprised in the slightest when you arrived the next morning that Mr. Stark wanted you in his office. Reluctantly, you walked to the door and knocked. He called from inside and you took a deep breath, your heart hammering. All you could see was them on the couch last night and feel your mortification that had kept you up half the night.
He was working off to the side of his desk with a hologram table, his back to you. He was wearing a three-piece suit as usual, sans the jacket, all black.
You did not know what to say – if you should say anything too – so you just stood there awkwardly until he sensed the awkwardness too and turned around. You did not miss the slight smirk that graced his lips at the sight of you.
“Mhm, Y/N. Good morning,” he greeted you, closing the hologram and turning around to stride back to his desk.
“Good morning, Mr. Stark,” you managed to say.
He sat on the edge of the desk, running his eyes over you. You had chosen a mid-thigh dress, still showing leg but the top was long sleeved, no cleavage.
You blurted becoming uncomfortable with the silence, “I really am sorry.”
“For?” he questioned.
That caught you off guard and you stammered, “U-uh. Last night?”
“Oh, that,” Tony chuckled. “I didn’t know anyone was still on the floor. Quite a surprise to see you. Did throw the vibe off a bit, took me out of my element, really.” He cleared his throat and said, “As a matter of fact, thank you for apologizing because the sex really wasn’t as great as it was going to be if I hadn’t of seen you. Because it just reminded me of earlier in the day when I was expecting to see you when I came in the morning and I was severely annoyed when it wasn’t you. So, I was just a little irked during the whole threesome.”
He snickered seeing you at loss for words. “Well, I figure you can make it up to me. We can break in the couch. Just you and me.”
A strangled noise left your throat. “What?”
“Did I stammer? You disobeyed what I asked yesterday. I was gonna let it slide and give you a chance to make it right next time – aka this morning when I requested you again to be in here. I like my assistants in the building to follow directions specifically how I ask them. But then, you came in and interrupted when I was about to plow two of the hottest models on the market right now and threw off my vibe.”
That sounded so ridiculous, you said before you could stop yourself, “You still had sex with them.”
His eyes crinkled with his dangerous smile. “That’s cheeky. You are very determined to get me even more riled up, aren’t you? I didn’t mark you as bratty. Everyone’s got their surprises though...”
He stood up from the desk and you fought to stand your ground, your hands still folded in front of you. His eyes were searching hungrily, eyeing you up like a piece of meat.
“You’re definitely not a top rider like Vivian or Aeisha. They love sitting in my lap… reverse cowgirl…” Heat came to your cheeks as he ran his eyes over you again, lingering on your legs. A wicked smirk came to his face as he met your gaze again. “No. That’s not you. Not at all. You’re a perfect candidate for training.”
“In fact, we can have your first lesson now. Lock the door.”
“Mr. Stark—”
He sat on the couch and said, “Do you remember me just saying that I like my assistants to listen? And follow directions just as they’re told? This is your chance to do that. So, impress me, sweetheart. Or leave the building and don’t come back. I’ll have someone mail your check or direct deposit. Whatever the hell you have set up.”
You stared at him in bewilderment, and he was staring back, a hard look in his eyes. He was not messing around. Swallowing sharply, you turned on your heel and went to the door, sliding the lock into place. You turned around, your heart thumping.
“Take your dress off. Put this blindfold on,” he ordered, reaching for the piece of cloth on the table. You had failed to notice it sitting there before; he had already had this on his mind before you had come in apparently. “And get over my knee.”
Mortified, you took a step back towards the door and his eyes flashed at the movement.
“What’s it gonna be, sweetheart?”
You had a choice, really you did. You could find other work, but you did not want to. Sucking down a deep breath, you walked over towards him. He reached forward again and grabbed a small remote, clicking it. The large TV turned on at the end of the office and he turned on a random show, turning the volume up.
Your dress fell to your ankles and you stepped out of it. There was a fire sparked seeing the way he was looking at you, drinking you in. But it made you extremely nervous too; what if this went sideways and you lost the job anyway?
The blindfold was waiting on his thigh and you reached for it, putting it on and laid across his lap. You could feel his length through his dress pants, causing heat to come to your core already as well. You squirmed with the anticipation.
He smacked your ass hard and you gasped loudly with the sting. His hand caressed at your ass, squeezing. “Look at that nice jiggle you had just there. You’re gonna tell me you’re sorry when this is all done and take this like an obedient girl. Right?”
“’Right, sir’,” Tony corrected you.
“Right, sir,” you squeaked in repeat back to him.
He hummed in approval before he smacked you again, harder this time. He yanked your underwear down and ordered you to kick them off. He helped getting them around your heels and you felt him toss them. His hand was back on your ass, squeezing and admiring. Another smack landed and then another, drawing a low groan from you.
Tony’s fingers delved past your wet folds, running up and down your sex. A finger slipped in as his thumb massaged your clit, causing you to pant in need.
“Look at you, you little wanton harlot,” Tony husked, adding another finger.
He pulled his hand away and laid another hard smack across your cheeks, leaving wetness from you.
“Spread your legs,” he ordered.
You did what he told you and you squealed when he slapped your pussy, instinctively clenching and driving your hips forward.
“Keep them open!”
Hesitantly, you did what he said, and you cried out softly when he smacked your pussy again, repeatedly. The contact was reverberating, stimulating. He was driving you insane, loving the contact on your clit from each hit. You heard him spit and his other hand came to rub at your tight ring, wet from his spit, while the other found your nub again, circling faster now. He was working you too well, it was too much pressure. You did not want to come all over him, and you clenched again, trying to stop him from touching you.
He laid a rough smack across your ass and growled, “I told you to keep your legs open!”
Whimpering, you opened your legs again to him and he praised, “Good girl. Now, are you, sorry, pet?” You nodded and he squeezed at your nub causing you to whine sharply. “Tell me!”
“I’m sorry, sir!”
“Mhm, you’re a fast learner. Such a good girl. But what are you sorry for?” he asked, his fingers picking up speed.
“Not listening to you! For interrupting you!” you panted, gripping at the couch fabric.
“Yeah, that was really naughty of you,” Tony agreed, his knuckles brushing your sex as he hit your g spot. “Very naughty.” Your breath was quick and short, and he cooed, “Sweetheart, do you need to come?”
“Yes, sir! Please!” you begged, embarrassed simultaneously how easily you had come unraveled. How easy it was for you to fall into this role.
Tony hit your spot again and you moaned pathetically. “You can let go. Come for me.”
You cried out, shaking, coming undone around his fingers. His other hand came to your throat, holding tight as he continued to stroke you, slower now as you shook with your release. He squeezed in slightly and that only added a cherry on top to your orgasm.
Empty of him, you heard him salaciously sucking on his fingers, his other hand still flexing gently on your throat, and he hummed in approval again. “I think with some more lessons, you can shape up to my perfect pet.”
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld
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anagentinwriting · 3 years
Lifeline - Part 11
Summary: (First Responders!AU) Moving to Los Angeles and living with your brother, Thor, was never part of your plan nor was being a 9-1-1 dispatcher, but plans change when you are faced with your own emergencies. In your case, it was leaving behind a relationship that wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. Will this be the fresh start you were hoping for or will your past find a way to catch up with you?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Odinson!Sister Reader
Word Count: 2500+
Warnings: Heart attack, fluff, angst, language
Lifeline Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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It was a slow day at the call center, which was a good thing, and you couldn’t help but wonder what Steve was planning. Earlier, he texted you, asking if you wanted to get lunch together, and you accepted. It’s been a couple of weeks since you hung out and had a movie night, but since then, you’ve hung out a few other times at your house watching movies and talking. It was innocent fun, nothing serious, two friends enjoying each other’s company. But, you did fall asleep on him one night after a late shift, but luckily, he didn’t seem to mind. Neither of you labeled them as dates because neither of you were looking for a relationship. You both joked about them being dates though, but they never blossomed into anything, even though one night you hoped they would. 
Your phone line ringing pulled you from your daydream. “911, what’s your emergency?”
“Um...my daddy can hardly breathe?”
“Okay, hold on for a second, sweetie.” The address popped right up since she was calling from a landline and you dispatched an ambulance to their location. It was much easier to send help when they called from landlines; cell phones were tricky because you needed to go through the carrier if you needed to get their exact location. “The ambulance is on their way.”
“Good...they need to get here real fast,” the little girl said in a calm voice.
“Okay, sweetie, what’s your name?
“Duranna Dey. My daddy’s name is Rhomann Dey.”
“Okay. How old are you, Duranna?
“I am five years old.” 
“Okay, Duranna, I need to know if your father is still awake?”
“Yeah. He called 911-- then couldn’t really talk--he gave me the phone then.”
“Your dad is a smart man. Duranna, is your front door unlocked?”
“Uh…is our front door unlocked, Daddy? Uh, no.”
“Okay, Duranna, can you go and unlock the front door for me?”
“Sure…okay, I am going to go. Don’t worry, Daddy!” You heard shuffling over the line. “Front door  unlocked.”
“That’s good, Duranna. Now can you go ask your dad if this has ever happened to him before?”
“Yeah,” she said as you heard shuffling through the phone. “Dad, has this ever happened before? He says no, and he is still awake.”
“Good. Can you ask him if he has any kind of chest pain?”
“Do you have chest pain? Yes, yes, he does.”
“Okay, hold on for a second, okay, Duranna.”
“Okay,” she replied.
You radioed the paramedics over your headset and told them the situation so they would know what they were walking into upon their arrival.
“I’m back, Duranna. Is he still awake?”
“Yeah, we’re in our jammies. Is that going to be okay, or should we get changed?”
“No, that will be fine,” you smiled at her question. “I need you to stay with your dad to make sure he stays awake.”
“Okay. I got it. Stay calm, Dad.” You could hear sirens coming over the line. “They are here now; should I hang up?”
“Yes, Duranna, you can hang up.”
“Okay, thank you, bye.”
The line went dead, and you couldn’t help but smile. Duranna was one strong, calm, brave little girl in her given situation, where some adults wouldn’t be. It was surprising, and you couldn’t help but praise her parents. You sighed, taking off your headset and setting it on the table as you went on your lunch break. 
When you walked out of your building, you saw Steve standing outside holding onto a leash with a beautiful golden retriever attached to it. You smiled, walking right up to them and crouched down to pet him. 
“Awww, you must be Cosmo,” you cooed, scrunching up his face in your hands, and quickly licked your cheek. “You’re so cute, yes you are.”
“He wanted to meet you. Wouldn’t shut up about it all morning,” Steve grinned under his baseball cap. 
“Well, it is lovely to meet you, too,” You added, bopping him on the nose. You stood up, smiling at Steve. “What are we doing for lunch?”
“Since I brought Cosmo, I thought we could take a stroll through the park. I know there are a few food trucks in the area we could check out.”
“Sounds fun,” you smirked, walking next to Steve with Cosmo out in front. “How has Cosmo been adjusting?”
“He’s doing better. He’s a little off at certain times during the day, but the vet says it’s pretty normal, and it’s all a part of the process.”
“Well, he looks happy.” You let out a soft chuckle, watching Cosmo look around with his tongue hanging out. “And he is so cute.”
“Thanks for the compliment. You know dogs do take after their owners,” he winked, forcing you to roll your eyes.
“Okay, wise guy,” you scoffed, nudging him in his side. “How’s Station 107?”
Steve cleared his throat. “Your brother gave me permission to ask you out a while ago, and he keeps reminding me about it.”
You chuckled. “Did he? Clearly, he doesn’t know how much of a guy you are.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You come off all innocent, but let’s be real, you’re a real troublemaker.”
“I will neither confirm nor deny that information,” he chuckled, waving it off as you shake your head at him.
“It’s crazy how he gave you permission, yet you haven’t done anything about it?” You questioned, narrowing your eyes at him. “And here's Cosmo, who by the way I just met, and he has already gotten further with me than you have.”
“That hurts.” Steve feigned a pained look, holding his hand over his heart. “In my defense, I didn’t want you to feel pressured or pushed into something you weren’t ready for.”
“You never did, and that’s what makes you a good man, Steve,” you confessed, seeing his signature smirk spread across his face.  “But, my life is enough of a mess as it is, and I wouldn’t expect you or anyone else to try and take that on.”
“That’s not it at all. I’m not worried about what happened in your past. I mean, I hate what you had to go through, but it’s never going to scare me off.”
You had no words. No comeback. All you could do was smile. You reached over and grabbed a hold of his hand. “Friends, hold hands, right?”
“Yeah, last time I checked,” he grinned, squeezing your hand. You felt your face heat up under his gaze as you looked away. You tried to weld your lips together, but it was no use. You had a feeling a smile would be plastered on your face all through lunch.
You and Steve settle on getting Mexican at Wade’s Chimichangas truck when you noticed the other truck was an ice cream truck. You stood in line and noticed the guy taking orders was very chatty and looked oddly similar to Ryan Reynolds. 
“Next, oh, and what a cute couple you two are,” the Ryan Reynolds look-alike said. “I’m Wade, owner of Wade’s Chimichangas. Oh, and this sugar bear with the mustache behind me is Peter W. He saw my want ad in the paper, and he was an instant hire.” He smiled, but then it quickly turned into a frown. “This is actually the second time I hired him, the first time is when I hired him to be a part of X-force, and he died early on. Then, I time-traveled back in time after stealing this special watch from your universe's Thanos and brought Peter back to life at the end. Oops, spoiler alert,” he shrugged, staring at the empty space beside you. 
“I’m sorry,” Steve asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he tried to gauge the situation.
“Sorry,” he smiled. “This--” he twirled his finger in the air “--this is the wrong universe. Well, that universe technically doesn’t exist anymore since Mickey Mouse bought out Fox, and I’m not talking about the cute fox from Fox and the Hound either. No siree, this Fox was more expensive than my favorite shoe company’s net worth.” He shook his head back and forth, chuckling. “It’s going to be crazy fun! My place is safe and secure, but can’t say the same for that Australian Showman.” He nodded but stopped when a realization dawned on him. “Oh wait, dammit, he got out a few years too early. What a shame, he’s gonna miss out on some really big paychecks, but who cares about that guy anyway,” he signed. “Anyways, what can I get you two?”
“I’ll take the Almost Famous Chimichanga with rice,” Steve ordered. 
“Oh, being safe and not going with beans, smart move, Captain,” Wade replied with a wink. “And for the lady and canine?” You gave Wade your order and ordered Cosmo a simple taco.
“Cosmo doesn’t need a taco,” Steve added, shaking his head. 
“So, no taco for the canine? I am taking copious notes here.” You looked to Wade to see him licking his lips with a pen and small notebook pad in his hand. 
“Yes, taco,” you answered, and Cosmo barked.
“Majority wins. Fire up the stove, Peter. It will be a couple of minutes, folks,” Wade announced. “If only there was a superpower to make food. I mean, he or she, I’m not sexist, could solve world hunger with just a flick of their wrist or magic wand.”
“Wow, that guy must be going through something,” Steve uttered loud enough for you to hear as you both moved down the side of the truck to the pickup area. 
“Captain, you have no idea,” Wade looked over his shoulder and shot you both a tight smile. “Am I right, Peter?”
“He is,” Peter nodded, placing an order on the serving counter. “Order for the lovely couple and a taco for the gorgeous golden retriever. 
“Thanks, Peter.” You pulled your wallet from your purse, but when you looked up, Steve was already handing Peter some cash.
“My treat,” he replied, answering your silent question. 
“Next time, it’s on me.” 
“Deal,” Steve smirked, getting his change back from Peter.
“Is he a Purebred?” Peter asked, looking down at Cosmo with a smile.
“I’m not sure I rescued him.”
“That’s incredible. My wife, Susan, and I thought about adopting, but she’s been training hard with her personal trainer, Gus, a few times a week, so we weren’t sure if we were ready for a dog. I mean, some of the workouts can last like four hours, but it is doing wonders for her, and it shows.” 
“Well, when you both feel ready, give adoption a chance.” 
“I will. I’m sorry to keep you from your date with all the questions.”
“Hey, it’s alright,” Steve waved it off. “That’s how you keep customers coming back, right?”
“That’s right,” Peter chuckled. “Thanks for choosing Wade’s Chimichangas. Have a good afternoon, folks.”
You grabbed your’s and Cosmo’s baskets, and Steve grabbed his, making your way over to the open benches near the sidewalk. You plopped down with Steve taking the spot next to you, and Cosmo sat right in front of you, wagging his tail and waiting for his taco.  You smirked at him, tearing off a piece and giving it to him.
“Are you getting the feeling that Susan is cheating on Peter, too?” Steve asked, taking a bite of his chimichanga. 
“Yes, I thought I was the only one thinking that,” you answered, shaking your head. “Poor guy, he seems like a good one, too.”
A comfortable silence fell between you two as you ate. It was tasty, better than you expected it would be; you weren’t sure if it was the seasoning or sauce, but you would be a returning customer. Cosmo whined, staring into your eyes as you tore off another piece and gave it to him. 
Steve smirked. “You’re gonna teach him to be a beggar.”
“Don’t listen to your dad. If you want to be a beggar, you be a beggar.” You patted him on the head, and he licked your hand. 
“Wow,” Steve mouthed, making you hit him on the arm. He cracked a contagious smile, leaning into you, and you couldn’t help but laugh as you pushed him off you. 
“You’re such as ass sometimes.”
“I am one of LA’s finest asses according to Sam,” he replied, forcing you to scoff.
Taking the last bite of your lunch, you glanced at Steve, finishing off his chimichanga. He wiped his lips with his napkin and winked at you. You rolled your eyes, leaning forward and rubbing Cosmo on the head. You didn’t want to go back to work. All you wanted to do was hang out with Steve and Cosmo for the rest of the day. You sighed, looking down at your watch.
“Should we start heading back?” Steve inquired, placing a hand on your forearm. You looked at his hand, a shy smile appearing on your face. 
“Uh yeah, we probably should.” 
He stood up, offering his hand, which you took without hesitation. He squeezed your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, sending a warm, comforting sensation flow through your body.  You could feel your face grow warm as you stared at Cosmo walking in front of you. You bit your lip, peeking over at Steve, not missing the smirk you were beginning to love appear across his lips. 
He pulled you to stop in front of your building, letting go of your hand, and you turned to face him. “Thanks for getting lunch with me and for bringing Cosmo. It was nice to meet him.” You smiled down at the dog, wagging his tail with his tongue hanging out. 
“I think he enjoyed meeting you, too,” He chuckled, running a hand through his hair. “Listen, I don’t know if you’ve heard about this yet, but there is this first responders charity grill out slash softball tournament this weekend. I was wondering if...”
“Yeah,” you interrupted him. “Thor already invited me, and I was planning on going.”
“Cool.” He nodded, clenching his jaw. “But, I was curious if you wanted to be my date?”
You rubbed your lips together, a smile itching its way across your lips.  “Did you finally have the nerve to ask me out?” You nudged him with your elbow repeatedly until he cracked a smile. 
“Like I said, I didn’t want to pressure you into anything.” He sighed, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. 
“No, it’s not that. I’m just surprised you’re already planning a second date, and we aren’t even done with the first one yet.”
His jaw dropped open as quickly as he snapped it shut. If you weren’t watching him, you would have missed it. “I never said this was a date.” 
“Yeah, but Cosmo told me it was, so who do you think I’m gonna believe. The guy I have been hanging out with or a dog willing to share all your secrets with me.”  You shrugged with both hands in front of you, trying to weigh out your best option.
“Cosmo,” Steve looked down at his dog, shaking his head. “You can’t be telling YN all my secrets.”
“He’s a talker. Aren’t you Cosmo?” You cooed, making him bark in agreement. You smiled, reaching out to scratch his head one last time. You peeked up at Steve, not missing the gentle smile fading from his lips.
“How about it, YN? Do you want to go out on another date with me?”
“Yeah,” you grinned, nodding your head. “I’d like that.”
AN: Thanks for reading Part 11! We are over halfway through this story and there is so much more to come! And I am excited to share it with you all! The call about the daughter and father actually was something that happened and became national news a long time ago. I came across it while I was trying to find some 911 type calls/scenarios, and figured Rhomann and Duranna Dey would be a good fit for it. And she finally got to meet Cosmo! He is actually the dog from Guardians of the Galaxy! It is just a small cameo in that movie, but I love throwing in those easter eggs if you haven’t figured that out yet, haha! Did you like the Wade Wilson and Peter W cameo?! I thought it would be an entertaining addition and Wade breaking that fourth wall is always a fun time! The slow burn may finally be coming to an end. Let's just hope this charity softball tournament/grill-out date turns into a success! As always, thanks for reading, and don't forget comments are always welcome! 
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
Daniel and YN part 9 🌗🌗
“Sensei, I think we have a lead on Daniel and YN.” “Tell me more, Tomura.” Shigaraki’s spine tingles when his master speaks.
His father figure, his sensei. Desperate to please, he pulled up the file his rat in the police station grabbed. “Last week there was an incident at the cafe in the pink district. There were several vases destroyed from an unknown explosion. The windows were cracked from trembling so hard. Almost all the footage tapes were melted, melted in the camera holder. When examined, the broken materials were giving off radiation. Radiation so bad it left a cop in the hospital.” “Interesting… you said almost all the footage?” “Yes. My rat got me the only tape that survived. When I watched it, I think I saw them.” AFO tilted his head. It was progressing faster than planned, but of course he was prepared for that possibility. Daniel seemed to be more subject to his emotions than his sister. Over the years AFO did not see an improvement on his mental development. It seemed that he would need to intervene sooner than expected if he did not want to lose his child to a hero. “Sensei. There’s also news that All Might and his protege are investigating the incident.” Now that was a complication. All Might and his other child should not be allowed total influence over the two. It was time to enact a different plan. One that involved seeing his past wife. “Thank you Tomura. I want you to keep an eye out for them. They are not to be harmed. I have to make arrangements. When you find them make sure you keep a nullifier on hand. In case Daniel needs to be calmed down.” With that, AFO hung up and opened a portal to the Midoryia household. He hasn’t gone by Midoryia for a long time, but even so he did not expect a warm welcome from his past wife. And when she opened the door to him, the look of worry on her face confirmed his suspicions. “They’re not here. Izuku is out trying to find YN. You can’t lash out at him or All Might. They’re-” “I plan to find them first. Izuku is not capable of handling Daniel’s quirk if they upset him. And you underestimate YN. She is very adept at hiding and defense.” “How would you know?” “Because I keep a watchful eye on all my children.” “All your..?” “Four years before we conceived Izuku, I donated my DNA for a little… experiment. The mother had a minor quirk involving radiation. From that pregnancy cane Daniel. Four years later, months after we conceived Izuku, I had my DNA donated again. YN was born from that.” “They 're just experiments to you?” “At first, yes. I did not plan to get attached. But I did. And I have been attached since. I was there when Daniel first displayed reminances of a quirk. I was there when YN learned to balance herself on a high wire. I found them when they were lost. I arranged for her mother’s job to move her to this district and apartment building. I’m the reason you gained custody of them if you recall the deal we made.” “I…” “My point is I may not have been there for Izuku’s life but I have been there for my other two. And I don’t plan to relinquish my children to All Might or those heroes. Is that understood, All Might?” Inko turned around to see her son and his mentor standing in the doorway. Both were glaring at the villain. Ready to ounce at him if need be. But without him she would lose the children. “Mom get away from him.” “Is that any way to speak to your father Izuku?” “YOU LEFT!” Before the fighting could get any worse Inko stood between them. “My baby, my love.” She turned to All Might and Izuku. “We may not like it but he is their father. And he probably would be useful to returning YN and Daniel safely. We have to sit down and figure this out. For them.” So with great tension, Two rivals sat across a dinner table along with a green haired boy and a troubled mother. All discussing the custody of two individuals that didn’t belong to them. 🌗🌗
Daniel and YN part 10 🌗🌗
Sometimes YN wished she had made more of an effort to make friends. Yes Daniel was her best and closest friend, but it would be nice to have a girl or boy her own age to talk to. Someone that she could talk about stupid crap with. She tried being friends with Izuku when she and her brother officially moved in with the Midoryia’s, but they never saw her or Daniel as their own people. Izuku never really cared that YN was great at math. The best in her class. That she had a tiny interest in math because the answers were always exact and never had to be debated. He didn’t bother to care that YN liked reading romance and horror stories, that she really liked cheesy murder mystery movies with a twist villain hidden in plain sight. Izuku knew those things about her, but he just wrote it down in his notebook and filed it away like she wasn’t a person. They were no better to Daniel either. He was treated like an incompetant child. Like he was stupid and a baby. Sure he was disabled but he wasn’t incapable of everything. If they bothered talking and treating him like a person they’d see how complex he was. They’d see that he was so talented when he painted, that he could find a focus on the small important details. That Daniel, while he couldn’t understand complex emotions, could create beautiful things. Daniel had a delayed mind, but he loved figuring out puzzles. Daniel loved pinwheels and painted windmills, loved when they spun to beautiful colours. But did they care, no they saw only a child that needed to be coddled and kept away from how beautiful the world could be. YN couldn’t help but tear up as she held her knees to her chest. Why? Why couldn’t Izuku have been the friend she needed when her parents died? Why didn’t she try harder to make friends when she was at public school? Why did she act so introverted and angry at everyone? Just as she was about to cry, YN felt two long arms wrap around her. “Why you sad?” “It’s nothing really. I just… I really miss momma and pop. I really wish they were here.” “....Me too.” So the two hugged tightly. For tonight and every night that will come, they’ll have each other. In another place, a skinny blue haired villain placed a severed hand on his face. Determined to please his master, his father figure, Shigaraki set out to find the two troubled teens. They couldn’t be hidden forever. Besides, AFO should be allowed to see his children. He was their father, by blood. Shigaraki wasn’t an idiot though. He knew that the incident caused a commotion for those hungry for power. Ready to use quirk off the Boy. Shigaraki made sure to send some of his underlings out to gather intel and report whether or not other crimelords had their sights and claws on the teens. He had to be careful not to cause a scene and bring the heroes upon them. As the cold night blew his hair slightly, Shigaraki pondered the situation. Sensei had a wife, and three children? But not all share the same mother. He didn’t raise his three children, but he looked after them. But out of all of them Sensei chose to raise Shigaraki. He felt special. Sensei wanted to be near him. Nonetheless, these two were family. His sorta siblings. And he would bring them home. 🌗🌗
Daniel and YN part 11 🌗🌗
Young Izuku had the foundations to be a great hero. He was kind, string in heart, brave, and a little stupid. Toshinori knew that he would make a fine owner of OFA. And when he trained the boy he saw the makings of a new symbol of peace. Inko was a beautiful woman, even if she was too anxious to notice. He felt this urge to love and protect her. And over the months with her and Izuku, they formed a genuine love. Toshinori was a little concerned at first when he met YN and Daniel though. He did not really understand why they were kept so sheltered and why they were so babied. YN seemed like a capable young woman. But like with Izuku and Inko, the more time he spent near them, the more he felt protective, loving, obsessive. “Ah, good morning young YN. How was your night?” “What do you think. You stole my switchblade.” Inko seemed to bristle a bit at YN’s angry tone. “Sweetie.. We just thought that you could get hurt. It’s for the best. You know that w-” “That you only want the best for me. Yea I heard the same argument over and over again. And each time it’s still bull.” Before either could reprimand her, she stomped to her room slamming the door. Mornings usually weren’t so great. Especially when the night before they had to make big decisions regr=arding her safety. On All Might’s days off he would spend time with the Midoryia’s, sometimes it would go smoothly and sometimes the mood couldn’t surpass a funeral. All Might felt that he should’ve noticed the signs that YN was going to run away sooner. Perhaps then he could have intervened and then the whole family could air out why things were the way they were.
The first signs had to be when YN kept interfering with the way Inko felt was right to take care of poor Daniel. “Come on Daniel, It’s time to go to the learning center.” “Oh sweetie, I forgot to tell you that we pulled Daniel out of the center classes.” “What?” When YN’s face turned, All Might could see that a screaming match would begin, well not really a match considering young YN would be doing all the screaming. He was just here to pick up young Midoryia but he couldn’t help but stop in. “Well it’s just that Daniel learns so much better at a home, and the center is full of so many people that would be mean to him. Besides, he doesn’t really need to be at the center when I can take care of him.” “Yes he does! How is he gonna learn to cook and clean and manage any type of money if you refuse to let him learn!?!” “Daniel’s mind can’t handle all the new information. He might start to panic and his quirk might-” “YOU don’t know a GODDAMN thing about him! About what is best for him! You wanna do what’s best for my brother?! Than STOP treating him like he’s completely incompetent!” Before she could yell another word All Might stepped in with his trademark ‘I AM HERE’ . “Now young YN that’s no way to speak to your foster mother. She just believes that someone more personal should be teaching Daniel these things. That's not so bad is it?” “But-” “IS IT?” “Fine.I’ll get my school work done early so that I can teach Daniel in the afternoon.”
With that the argument was resolved. If only that was the last time she lashed out at them. If only he prevented the biggest fight that broke out between Izuku and YN. “Will you stop pestering him about his quirk?! It obviously makes him uncomfortable!” YN had walked into the room seeing Izuku asking Daniel all sorts of questions about his quirk and how he used it. It would’ve been fine had he stopped at the first two questions, but he kept going on and on. Wouldn’t stop asking about the destructive qualities, or about how his mind sometimes couldn’t comprehend his own quirk. Izuku didn’t notice how uncomfortable Daniel was getting. “I was just asking him some questions!” “You were being a jerk!” Before Izuku could yell at her again, the table and the mirrors broke. Both turned to see Daniel staring furious and scared, tears streaming down his cheeks. “Don’t scream at my sister!” He spoke angrily. He was so brave, so ready to defend his baby sister. Daniel could’ve brought the whole room down, had All Might in his ultimate form not stepped and stopped him. All Might should’ve known not to grab him and held him down. He should’ve known that the constriction made Daniel panic. Made him destroy more things to make it stop. The screaming continued, until YN grabbed her brother and calmed him. They barricaded themselves in her room that night. And in the morning, the three tried to act like it didn’t happen. All Might took the kids out for the day. Celebrating Izuku’s placement in the hero program. The signs were there that day. The signs that they were going to run. That they were going to leave. If only All Might had seen the signs. If only Toshinori hadn’t gotten attached to them. 🌗🌗
Daniel and YN part 12 🌗🌗
Toshinori was a good man. He wasn’t perfect but he was a good man. He had a moral code and knew right from wrong. Though selfish desires sometimes took his attention more than the moral desires. He knew it was wrong to smother and coddle Daniel and YN, but he couldn’t help wanting to protect them. Even if they didn’t want it. He felt like Izuku, YN, and Daniel were like his children. He felt just as protective over Izuku as he was over YN and Daniel. But he couldn’t coddle him like the other two. He had a duty to Nana to pass on OFA, Izuku had to live up to that power now. And he was so dedicated to being a hero. Toshinori wanted to do right by all the kids. He felt that it was his duty to find his missing kids, and bring them home. Let YN know that he didn’t feel angry that she left. Let Daniel know that he was sorry. So before he could work with his arch enemy, he decided to learn more about the two. So that when they were found again, he could show them that he was ready to be a real mentor figure, a guardian. When he entered YN’s room, it was not what he expected. He thought the sullen looking problem child would have grunge posters, a dirty room, torn up clothes and what not. Imagine his surprise when he saw colourful mini lantern lights strung over the walls. A math book along with several romance and horror storybooks. Her bedspread was a mix of several pillows and a giant comforter. Something that he’s sure would look inviting after a long day. There was a fluffy rug that cushioned his feet. The curtains were dark and cut out all light. On her bookshelf there was a collection of old murder mystery and comedy movies. When he popped one into the small tv player, he felt a stronger connection than before with her. Laughing at the cheesy twists and overacting. She was more than just a quirkless victim. She felt like a daughter to him. Toshinori never understood why he never went into Daniel’s room before. Of course Inko was there. Holding Daniel’s favorite pillow. This room, like the other, was a window into someone that Toshinori never actually knew. For some reason he thought Daniel would have soft light wall colors and some doodles on the wall. But the walls were an earthy dark blue. His blankets were patterned with prints of old paintings. There were canvases of unfinished pieces of art littered around the desk and bed. Notes and papers of unconnected thoughts all tucked away in a drawer. He spotted a framed photo of what he assumed were Daniel’s parents. Hidden under his pillows. When he saw the ceiling, it was a mix of a starry night sky but had handprints all over. In various colors. Touching his own hand to the print, Toshinori felt a connection to the boy. It was like a click happened. He wasn’t just a boy struggling with his developmental disability. Daniel saw the world in colors and was just frustrated that no one could understand those colors. Daniel wasn’t an emotionally compromised person with a violent quirk, he was a boy who wanted to be happy and understood. That day, Toshinori finally felt the wall that was preventing him from really understanding these two was finally lifted. And had he been listening to his moral side he would’ve known to not pursue them. But his selfish side won that fight. With his new understanding came an ugly obsession. A protective instinct to hold and protect them even more. Whilst quirkless YN might be strong and smart, she was too emotional and easy to provoke. Daniel might not be safe out there either. He loses control when people don’t understand. But Toshinori understood now. He would keep his children safe. Izuku, Daniel, and YN. Even if he had to work with the devil. “I’ll bring you home. Everything will be okay. Because I am here.” 🌗🌗
Amazing work as always moon anon! The story has become quite interesting! Its inspiring me to write for platonic AFO, something that I've not talked about for quite a while. Him and well, Erasermic
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nishisun · 3 years
couples therapy w/ KUROO!
pairing: kenma kozume x reader
summery: y/n and kenma attend “couples therapy” little did y/n know, there would be a rather pleasant suprised.
genre: just fluff and tiny angst
a/n: this is really rushed because ik y’all are waiting for another dorm buddies part so i wrote this in the middle of the night cause i was bored. i hope you like it LWNAJDHAJDHD. also, i hate reading my works so if there’s any errors i apologize
[recording. patients: kenma kozume & l/n y/n]
[kuroo] hello, kenma-san, l/n-san. how are you both doing today?
[kenma] why are we doing this again?
[kuroo] well KENMA, i already told you, this is good for my training and even better for my resume!
[kuroo] back to the question, y/n-san?
[y/n] (sighs) to be honest, i could be better.
[y/n] uh, kuroo, no need for the honorific titles.
[kuroo] right. kenma?
[kenma] i’ve been.. okay.
[kuroo] okay, so, one of your close friends, kuroo-san i think it was, scheduled you both for this session in which you both agreed to take, am i right?
[y/n] ... aren’t you—
[kenma] ...
[y/n] (looks at kenma, and then sighs and looks back at kuroo) uh— yeah, we did.
[kuroo] okay so, first, i want to know the reasons why you both are here, starting with kenma.
[kuroo] kenma, why are you here today?
[kenma] because you forced me to
[kuroo] ...
[kuroo] A for effort kenma! but that’s not the only reason.
[kenma] well, i’m here to... better this relationship.
[kuroo] okay, why?
[kenma] ... what?
[kuroo] why do you want to better this relationship you have with y/n?
[kenma] ... i don’t know.
[y/n] (scoffs) kozume, really?
[kenma] (shrugs)
[kuroo] so, you don’t know why you want to better this relationship?
[kenma] ...
[kuroo] well, if that’s the case, why are you here? do you want y/n to leave?
[kenma] ...
[y/n] (scoffs) kuroo, thank you so much for attempting to help, but i think it’s just best i go—
[kenma] no! wait. please y/n, wait.
[y/n] kenma, you know i’m trying my best to be patient with you, but it seems to me like you’re not putting effort! i’ve really tried. i did. all i’m asking is to at least put some effort.
[kenma] i know, i know you are. i’m sorry.
[y/n] it’s fine, kozume.
[kuroo] alright then, kenma—
[kenma] i want to better this relationship... because i care about y/n. a lot.
[kuroo] and?
[kenma] and..? (looks at y/n) and uh.. because she makes me happy. i feel.. happier when she’s with me.
[kuroo] thank you so much for sharing. now, y/n, why are you here today?
[y/n] i’m here because i’m willing to give kenma and this relationship a second chance.
[kuroo] (writes notes) that’s very good to hear. thank you for sharing that.
[kuroo] now, it has come to my attention that you both are currently not together, am i right?
(kenma and y/n glance at each other)
[kenma] ...
[y/n] uh, yes, that’s true.
[kuroo] okay. (shuffles through notes) now, a week before you both came here, i asked you both to come here with a video—
[kenma] kuroo, maybe the video isn’t necessary—
[y/n] video? i wasn’t aware of a—
[kuroo] ah, yes. let me rephrase that. i asked kenma actually, he insisted.
[kenma] you forced me—
[kuroo] not important!
[y/n] kenma?
[kenma] (sighs) i... made a video... apologizing because i didn’t think you’d want to see me.. and i’m bad at communicating... kuroo thought it was a good idea.
[kuroo] would you like to see the video, y/n?
[y/n] yes please
[kuroo] okay, i’m just gonna leave and let you both watch the video.
[kenma] maybe i should come with you-
[kuroo] no. (slams door)
“okay, it’s recording!” kuroo says behind the camera, giving kenma a thumbs up.
“kuroo honestly, this seems stupid. i don’t even know what to say.”
“say whatever comes in your head. this is a great way for you to realize how important y/n is to you.” he reassures behind the camera. kenma gives kuroo an unsure look as he plays around with his fingers.
kenma sighs and gives kuroo a bored look as he’s adjusting the angle of the camera and once he catches kenma staring, he straightens up and sighs as well. “kenma, you’re not good with words. yes, i know this. making this video is a great way for you to release emotions that you’ve concealed. i know you may think it’s stupid right now, but you’ll be suprised how much you’ve said by the end of this. even if you decide to keep this video to yourself, you’ll feel better. trust me.”
kenma nods slightly, still giving kuroo an unsure look as he readjusted the camera once more.
“pretend i’m not even here!”
“i’m trying to but you keep talking.”
“right. i’ll stop”
“uh.. hi y/n. if you’re seeing this, i want you to know that I’m... sorry for not being there for you when you needed me the most. I’m sorry for neglecting you in our relationship. I’m sorry that it took me so long to realize you were the one for me.” kenma looks down at the ground, pursing his lips and sighs. he looks behind the camera to see a smiling kuroo who’s shaking his head, signaling that kenma should keep going.
“I love you, so much. The truth is, I’m not very good at expressing my feelings, which you already know and you’ve accepted me for it. i just wanna tell you that i really do appreciate that. not a lot of people can handle someone like me and the fact that you could just proves how amazing you are.” kenma is looking everywhere but the camera. he looks up at the ceiling and smiles as he reminisces the first time he met you.
“When you first told me you loved me, I warned you, saying ‘You do know what you’re going to be dealing with, right?’ and you told me, and i remember, with a proud and positive voice you said , ‘Yes, I do. And i’m willing to have the best time with you, even if it’s going to end up being the best romance or the worst heart break.’” I laughed at that. You used to crack me up all the time. I missed that.
“Nowadays, I lay on my bed that used to be ours, staring at the wall for hours wishing you were there with me. Crazy, isn’t it? Because when you were with me I never wanted to do anything with you. Well, that’s not the case. It’s not that i didn’t want anything to do with you, i just... i don’t really know. As stupid as it sounds.. i didn’t think you deserved someone like me. You were— are still too good for me. I guess.. i always pushed you away because I wanted you to realize that.” kenma let’s out a silent laugh and sighs. He looks at kuroo for a brief moment and then looks away, fumbling with his fingers.
“uh... it’s been hard to do a lot of things without you lately. Remember when you’d always have to remind me to eat? Even though I pushed you away, you’d still try to get me to eat because you cared so much for my well-being. You always put me first and I hate myself for not doing the same when it came to you.”
“I miss you so much. I miss your voice. I miss everything about you and it hurts me so much that you’re gone... That I was the one that let you go. Everyday I lay in bed wondering if i should call you just to hear your voice. I wonder if you’d answer. Probably not. You probably hate me for letting you go. Trust me, I hate myself for it too. I hate that it took me actually letting you go for me to realize just how much i needed you.”
“It’s quiet at home. It doesn’t even feel like home without you, y/n. I miss the TV being on your favorite show at 9 in the morning as you’d sit on the couch with both our breakfast set on the table as you waited for me to wake up and eat with you.” kenma puts his hands on his face and sighs again for what seems like the hundredth time today.
“i’m an idiot.”
“kenma, no you aren’t. although you haven’t been.. the smartest recently, i’m happy you’re realizing your mistakes. you’re doing great by the way.” kuroo says, giving the faux blond a reassuring smile.
“thank you.” kenma nods.
“I’m sorry for all the pain I caused you. When I broke up with you, I hated the pained expression you had on your face. I thought I was doing what was best for you without even letting you have a say. You were begging me to not do this to you, but I didn’t listen.”
“I’m not trying to make this video to seek your forgiveness.. i’m probably not going to show this to you anyway. i’ll keep this as a lesson to not let go of the one person you love the most because i love you, y/n.”
“is that it?” kuroo asks,
“uh...” kenma thinks for a second, and then shakes his head “yeah. i think i’m done.”
By now you’re already tearing up. Tears of joy. You know how hard this must’ve been for Kenma but the fact that he was willing to step out of his comfort zone for you spoke volumes. He was sitting next to you, as you stared down at the phone that had already turned off covering your mouth and it’s your hands. Kenma didn’t know whether to comfort you, scared that you may reject his touch.
“i’m... sorry—“
“dont, kenma.” you sigh. kenma has a pained expression on his face.
You wipe your tears off your face and look up at him giving him a smile. Out of nowhere, a sudden urge of confidence came through you and you basically tackling him in a hug.
“you’re an idiot, you know that, right?”
“yeah, i know.” kenma huffs out a laugh as you chuckle. he hugs you back, gripping you tight with fear that this moment might end.
“i’ve missed you.” kenma places his head in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent as he plays with his fingers that are wrapped around you.
“i’ve missed you too,” you break off the hug and sit up straight next to him. he’s looking at you— staring actually, you don’t think he’s aware of what he’s doing. “earth to kenma?” you wave your hand in front of his face and he rubs his eyes and chuckles.
“sorry.” he turns and faces forward, still having a small smile on his face.
“hey, what’s up with all of these apologies? are you gonna do something or not?”
kenma turns back to you in confusion, furrowing his brows and you cross your arms smirking, waiting for kenma to understand. Once he finally understands what you’re trying to say, he’s the one hugging you.
“will you take me back, y/n?” he asks— or mumbles. you don’t care though. he’s done enough today. what matters is that he tried. why wouldn’t you give him a second chance?
“of course i will, kozume.” you say, rubbing his back. “hey kenma,”
“a video, really?”
“shut up, i don’t want to talk about it. i just really missed you, okay.”
you laugh at that. you hear the door of that room open. it was kuroo, who was already having a smirk on his face. that idiot.
“a new couple in town, might i ask?”
“oh fuck off, kuroo.” kenma mumbles through your chest, you and kuroo laugh at how annoyed kenma seems.
“see kenma, i told you. chicks love romantic gestures.” kenma lifts his head up from where it’s resting in your chest and glares at kuroo.
“i wouldn’t say that was romantic, but it’s the thought that counts i guess!” you laugh, kenma turns back to look at you and you can’t help but laugh once again at kenma’s expressive facial expressions “but it was cute though. i loved it, baby.”
kenma drops his head back in your chest with a grumble and you caress his hair as kuroo crosses his arms and looks at you both with a smile.
“you guys are soulmates.” he says.
“you think so?”
“nah,” his shakes his head, “i know so.”
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tags: @tazinva
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willowbird · 3 years
Hey! For the au + trope + prompt thing, could you do 1 for au, 9 for trope and 27 for prompt with pynch?
(P.S: I just remembered you have already done one with pynch, so you can do this one with another ship of your choosing if this one feels repetitive!)
Roommates AU, strangers to lovers, “that was a very bad idea. 0/10 would not recommend.” ~ for pynch!
I am more than happy to write 10,000 roommate aus for these idiots <3
It all started with an only mildly suspicious ad on craigslist:
Roommate needed $275/mo - utilities included must be ok with corvids good w/cars a plus - rent discount if u can prove it
Adam wasn't an idiot. He knew something that was too good to be true when he saw it. He also knew that answering a craigslist ad for a roommate was a good way to get stabbed, robbed, and God only knew what else.
And yet...
Sometimes, when your options were limited it really was better to take every possible avenue to get away from the devil you know - even if that means sharing a small apartment with the devil you don't.
Well, the devil and his pet raven. And really, Chainsaw was by far the more agreeable of the two.
That being said, it wasn't like Ronan was awful. He was an asshole, and he was downright grumpy bastard anytime before 11am. He listened to terrible music, if that trash could ever be considered such. Chainsaw was a sweetheart, though, always bringing Adam new shinies for his approval and sitting with him while he worked on a paper or research or any number of other assignments for his degree.
(Taking the risk that he had by jumping at that craigslist ad meant that he was able to cut back on his hours a little bit at work, go to school full time, and start amassing a savings account.)
And, okay, Ronan probably had some merits too. He could cook, for one thing. Not to say that Adam couldn't cook. He could - he just didn't like to. If it were up to him, he'd probably subsist on saltines and hard-boiled eggs. In fact, he had done exactly that for the first two weeks living with Ronan until the other man had dropped a full plate of breakfast in front of him, stole his crackers, and pointed at him. "Eat like a fucking grown-up," he'd said -and... well, that was that. Sure, Adam had tried to protest, but Ronan had just... started making food for the both of them and maybe if it was shitty food or even mediocre in quality Adam would have been able to ignore it - but it killed something inside Adam to waste food. Especially good food. And Ronan's food was fucking amazing.
So, there was that.
He also wasn't an absolute terror to be around. Having a conversation with Ronan Lynch was a choose-your-own-adventure novel written by very high geniuses. You really never knew what you were going to get and each alternate path was bound to be either completely bat-shit crazy or a humbling level of profound. Not only that, but Ronan didn't pull that alpha-male bullshit so many other men did where they refused to admit they didn't know something. No, when Adam proved that he knew what he was talking about when it came to cars, Ronan just said "teach me?" with such open intensity that Adam couldn't really tell him 'no', alright?
And then there were days like today, where Adam got home from an early shift at the garage to find Ronan sitting halfway out of their third-floor apartment, securing a thick rope to a hook above the window that definitely hadn't been there when Adam left that morning.
"Are you about to do something stupid again?" Adam called up to him as he got out of his car. Upon hearing his voice, Chainsaw (who had been circling anxiously above) crowed out a warbled imitation of speech that sounded a lot like 'Atom' and coasted down to him.
"Me? Stupid? Nah, this is gonna be fucking amazing," Ronan called back without looking away from his work.
Chainsaw landed on Adam's shoulder and clapped her beak affectionately near his ear. Adam dutifully lifted a hand to stroke at the soft feathers of her neck. If he also whispered 'hello beautiful girl, is your papa making trouble for you again?' it was between him and the bird and Ronan would never need to know.
Chainsaw crooned a tense 'kreh!' that Adam took as an affirmative.
"What exactly are you doing, Ronan Lynch?" Adam called up as he took another look at the setup, walking closer to the building. The rope that Ronan had just finished tying to the hook was already secured to a tree on the edge of the parking lot, the one that stood awkwardly out from the rest of the tree line. Their apartment complex was situated right on the edge of a forest preserve. A lot of Ronan's hair-brained ideas usually came back to the forest in one way or another.
"This is just a test run. If I can get it to work right, I'm going to set a line straight into the forest."
"Mm, yes, because... leaving civilization through a door is beneath you?"
Ronan paused, then grinned down at him, the expression somehow both boyish and savage in a way that always made Adam's heart jump for some reason. "Actually, yeah. Literally."
Adam rolled his eyes but didn't bother to fight the smile. "Punk."
"I resent that. I reject all labels, Parrish - you know that."
"Uh-huh. Sure. Well if you-- Ronan what are you doing?"
Ronan had produced what looked like a fucking tie (was that the one Ronan's brother Declan had been wearing when he came by for dinner a couple weeks back?) and had wrapped one end around his hand. As Adam watched, he flicked the loose end of the tie over the taut rope and then wrapped it around his other hand.
"Told you it was a test run, Parrish. That mean's I've actually got to test it."
"Ronan I don't think--"
But it was too late. Ronan had already jumped out of the fucking third-floor window like he was expecting to fly. For a second or two, he sort of did. The rope bowed but supported him and the smooth tie provided little friction as Ronan began to zoom down at a steep angle. Then the rope shuddered and went completely slack, the hook having torn free from the side of the building where it clearly had not been properly anchored. Ronan plummeted like a stone in a still pond.
"Ronan!" Adam did not make the active decision to move, but he was suddenly sprinting to where the jumbled heap of Ronan Lynch had landed on the rough pavement. Chainsaw had already launched ahead and was hopping around near Ronan's head, squawking out anxious reprimands of 'Kerah! Kerah!'
Adam skidded to his knees beside Ronan just as the other man was shakily trying to sit up. "What the FUCK Ronan Lynch!? What were you thinking!? You can't just jump out of a God-forsaken third-floor window like that. Do you want to be killed?" Adam didn't even care that the rural-Virginian flavor of his youth had coated his words in a thick batter, he was so mad.
Ronan blinked at him and there was a strange mix of confusion and pain and... something else on his face. "Scared, Parrish?" The words did not come out as teasing as they normally would.
"Scared? Scared? Of course I was scared. You... you fucking idiot!" Adam had to give himself a moment. He raked his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath, then another. He closed his eyes and tried to center himself. Fear and anger would get him nowhere, even if the fear had already set its nasty little hooks into each and every one of his nerve endings and the anger felt like the only way to burn them away.
A hand touched his shoulder, then his cheek. Adam opened his eyes and Ronan was wearing another indecipherable expression, his dark eyes hooded, his mouth pursed.
"Come on," Adam said as he leaned back so he could stand up. "Can you stand?" Chainsaw continued to hop around, but she'd stopped her distressed shouting, perhaps sensing that Adam was taking control and feeling more comfortable knowing that he would set things to rights, whatever that might mean.
Ronan was quiet for a moment, then seemed to shake himself out of his thoughts before giving a derisive snort. "It was just a little fall, Parrish, I'm --fuck!" Ronan had just tried to stand up, but his knee buckled out from under him as soon as he put his weight on it. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, alright. Alright. Shit. Fuck. That was a very bad idea. 0/10 would not recommend."
"The standing or the stupid fucking stunt you pulled jumping out of a goddamn window?" Adam asked. He attempted to make it as dry as possible, trying to get them back to some kind of equilibrium, but his heart was still racing a bit too fast and he could hear the angry bite in his own words.
Still didn't stop him from instantly stepping forward and catching Ronan, though. He wound an arm around Ronan's waist, guiding Ronan's arm over his shoulders so he could support him.
"The standing, of course. Shit! Ah... fuck. My idea for the apartment-forest zipline is fucking genius thank you."
Adam helped Ronan hobble forward, taking them back toward his car instead of the building. "Yeah. Right. Whatever you say, Lynch."
"Where are we going?"
"To the hospital, dumbass," Adam said with a roll of his eyes, all but shoving Ronan into the passenger seat. He held the door open for Chainsaw to be able to swoop in and land on the idiot's lap. The least Ronan could do was soothe her for the drive.
"You don't have--"
Adam cut him off with a glare. "We. Are. Going. To. The. Hospital. Am I being perfectly clear?"
"...yes." Ronan glared back, but then sank down in his seat, expression mulish.
Adam fixed him with a hard stare that lasted another few heartbeats, then gave a nod and snapped the door shut.
So yes, Ronan Lynch wasn't all that bad. Sometimes the devil you don't really is the better choice. Because sometimes that devil has a cute bird and makes good food and has great conversation. If he also scares the shit out of you on the regular and makes your heart race inexplicably, well, that's not so bad a deal. Right?
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douxspider · 4 years
— 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞. (3)
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( spoilers for “the devil all the time” ) — Waking up at Reader's place, we finally get a glimpse at Arvin's POV. Though, while their relationship seems to be moving forward, it seems like the whole 'running away into the sunset' deal only happens in fiction.
+ this is the third part to peachy keen! (ao3 link)
warnings: angst, almost smutty but nothing explicit is written, mentions of murder, preston teagardin lmao, rated mature word count: 4,244 published: 9/24/20 ao3 link — part 1, 2
— — • — — 
When Arvin woke up leaned against you, he felt his face turn into a beet shade of red. Slowly parting from your leaning form on the couch, he rubbed his eye, unaware that he had an actual decent rest in such a cramped position. He hardly ever felt comfortable enough to sleep in his own bed. Usually, attempts at sleep were mostly met with staring at the ceiling blankly, recalling haunting memories on repeat in his head.
His thoughts were blank when he fell asleep. Arvin was met with nothing but the television’s staticy audio and the sound of your quiet breathing.
He looked over to take in your features— what amazing features, he thought— and found his hand carefully creeping to the side of your face to brush the knuckle of a finger near your ear, tucking a strand of hair behind it lovingly.
Arvin loved you.
He knew he shouldn’t— he knew he had no idea what love was— but within the few months spent together, Arvin knew he liked you too much to be calling it ‘liking’ and ‘platonic’.
That one stormy evening alongside memories of beating the hell out of Lenora’s bullies, blood and bruising splattering his knuckles like paint, he needed a place to clear his head. He needed a place that was quiet in every way shape and form. Arvin had been driving with a foggy haze before his eyes had locked onto McCann Boys. Arvin wasn’t hungry. He wasn’t anything, he just needed to sit somewhere other than a damn car where he could swerve into a building and die.
When he stepped in, the immediate smell of sweetness overloaded his senses, and he found himself hesitantly sitting down in a booth, wringing the cloth against his knuckles in a patterned fashion.
Then you approached.
And by God, had you been the prettiest sight to see. If it were on any other day, Arvin would’ve been sure to come up with better words than asking if he had to buy anything.
That’s not how you talk to a pretty face, his father would scold in his head, y’wanna smile at ‘er, and make her feel all sorts of butterflies. Y’gotta make her feel like the only girl in the world, son.
Arvin often had his father’s coaching in his head when it came to things like this. Though, it didn’t really make sense most of the time. His father didn’t live long enough to meet Arvin in his ‘girl phase’. This was more than a phase, he promised himself, looking at your resting form. And my, had the universe been so forgiving of him, making sunlight drawing from blinds rest on your features, highlighting your skin and making you look like a pure, unadulterated angel.
He wanted you.
Arvin bit his bottom lip. He wanted you so bad. He wanted to keep you forever. He wanted to take you away from this lowly place in Ohio and bring you somewhere nice, somewhere with beaches and sunshine, away from disgusting preachers, dried blood and judgmental eyes.
Realizing the first time you went to that church, Arvin could see the way that no-good priest looked at you. He knew what that man did to Lenora. He knew everything. Arvin got up from the couch, his fists turning stark white as he paced towards the apartment door, red building at the sides of his eyes. Arvin had to protect all the girls in town. He had to. For Lenora, for Y/N. He had to go and—
Hearing a voice that reminded him of bells, Arvin turned around, seeing you slowly rise up from the couch and looking over to make contact with him. “Where are you going?”
Your sleepy tone was so amiable. Your eyes were so dazed, blinking as you gave a small sniffle, scratching at your shoulder.
“I was…” Arvin trailed off before coming back towards you, kneeling in front of the couch and giving a smile as he took your hand. “I was gonna get you breakfast. As a thank you.” A lie, but it was fine. He was planning on watching the priest. Though, breakfast didn’t sound too bad. Time with you was worth more than anything else. You were all he had, next to his grandmother and uncle.
You smiled. He melted a little inside.
“You don’t need to get me anything,” you murmured as you clutched onto his hand. Your eyes were studious, flitting around his body, and he suddenly felt small. “Are you okay? I’m sorry about the sleeping stuff… if your neck was stiff, I mean, I’d feel bad—”
“Y/N,” Arvin spoke sternly, “that was the best sleep I’ve ever had in my life.”
Your eyes turned round, diluting slightly once they met the sunlight.
Arvin could hear his father’s berating tone in the back of his head. Say it. Be a man. He looked at the ground, holding onto your hand for dear life, uneasily balancing his weight on his knee. Though, Arvin couldn’t say anything. Nothing was coming out. There you were, waiting so patiently, being so patient with him, and he was at a lack for words.
Words wouldn’t fix this. Only action. Action would fix everything, Arvin knew this. He was taught this. He was always better physically expressing his thoughts and feelings than vocally or emotionally.
Releasing one of his hands from yours, he curved one underneath your palm and pulled your soft, untouched knuckles against his lips, giving a kiss. These knuckles have never hurt a soul. This being had never hurt anyone. Arvin would make sure it would stay that way.
He glanced upwards, his cap altering his view slightly, and he could make out the way your cheeks turned a different shade, inviting lips gaping slightly.
Smiling against your skin, Arvin moved his free hand to the top of yours and gazed at you. To his surprise, he watched as your thumb rolled circles against his own. You were smiling, and it was a smile to take in. Oh, it was.
“You’re sweet, Arvin,” you giggled so beautifully and he wanted to listen to his name coming out of your mouth on repeat, “...I kinda want donuts.”
Arvin couldn’t help but give a laugh under his breath at the change of moods. He stood up, continuously holding your hand as he refused to let it go, and said, “Let’s get donuts, then.”
He was angry. He was a pot boiling. Staring at Preston from afar, he watched from his car as the man interacted with a female shopowner who was fresh out of highschool. Arvin’s leg bounced within his vehicle, the sun setting, and he continued to survey.
Preston would interact with girls other than his wife. He would bring girls into his car and do unspeakable, unlawful things with them, then proceed to go back to the place he calls home and force himself onto his wife.
Arvin clutched onto the wheel.
While Preston was a horrible man who deserved the worst punishment from all graces of any lord, he found himself growing frustrated. Not even just about Lenora or all the sweet innocence the man took, Arvin found himself growing frustrated at his own damn self.
He would think about Y/N.
No, not doing such acts as those forcefully, imagining the same power dynamic, he would never. He meant it when he said he didn’t hurt girls. Arvin despised the man. He despised him and he wanted him gone. He wanted that man to suffer for what he did to his sister. Though, at points, he would drive up to your apartment and stare at the window that belonged to you. He would lick his chapped lips and his hand would shake as it reached the door handle. Then, Arvin would grow a clear sense of mind, he would receive clarity, and he would drive to the opposite side of town just to avoid even thinking about touching you in such a passionate way.
After a few days, Arvin decided.
He’d have to leave you behind.
He loved you, but he also loved Lenora, and Lenora deserved justice. Arvin could hear her voice already, pleading for him to let it go. To just let the man be. To leave. Do anything else. Settle down with you somewhere far, far away, start a life, start a family. Be free.
“I ain’t ever let anything go, ‘Nora.”
The priest was dead.
Arvin’s blood rushed through his veins as the sun set on the horizon, him zooming through the city streets, eagerly approaching your apartment.
God, it was a thrill. The adrenaline coursing through his veins after watching the damned predator fall onto the church floor bleeding from his wounds was cathartic. It made Arvin’s head whirl and turn dizzy. He had no moral thoughts, he was no longer moral, no longer a man that could be forgiven. Arvin felt the rage that built up within him for years be released with three gunshots, the guilt and agony of being alone and misjudged by any person left behind within the church.
Sitting in the car and hearing the blinker click at him, he turned it off once pulling into the lot. He took off his cap, carding his fingers through his hair, debating if he was really going to let you go.
Y/N offered a future he couldn’t take. It hurt more than anything.
Arvin glanced up at your patio, seeing you move from behind the window. You were only a silhouette. You were yet to be discovered by him in this manner, this new Arvin Russell. You wouldn’t recognize him, he thought, he wouldn’t recognize you.
It would be a completely different take on his life. He was no longer himself. Was he better, or worse? Was he a criminal, or a vigilante? Arvin didn’t know what to do. It hadn’t set in yet that he was no longer only capable of beating bullies shitless. He was so much more than that. He was more.
Arvin could do anything.
It was dark out. He finally found the courage to yank open the door handle and step out of his car. He didn’t bother to lock it, he had nothing to lose.
Entering the apartment’s doors, smelling various spices of cooking or hearing children laughing from very muffled walls, Arvin found himself stomping up the steps, his heart beating against his ribs uneasily.
Staring at the room, noticing that the others around were vacant, Arvin could just about do anything. No one would know.
He clenched his fists a few times before finally knocking on the door with his knuckles. It was like the first time you two had met, his very knuckles expressing his pain and anguish, and you read onto the signs of a lonely man seeking solace. Arvin was still bruised and broken; just not in any place where you could see it.
You opened the door, and your mouth opened before closing abruptly. Arvin knew he must’ve looked like he just killed someone. Well, he did, but you didn’t know about that.
Arvin wanted you. Though, he’d be careful, you were the one delicate thing in his life. He had to treat you with care. He had to treat you so gently this night, for it would be your last with him.
Taking a step inside, he moved his hand up and cupped your cheek, moving his thumb— once holding a gun used to kill— so that it wiped gingerly beneath your bottom lip. Your jaw fidgeted slightly as you were attempting to find words. Though, your hand didn’t disagree with his actions. Instead, it met the back of his palm, planted gently on top of his own hand that held your cheek.
Confident, Arvin moved in closer and pulled you towards him, meeting your lips with his. You made a soft noise in your throat and it set Arvin’s mind on fire. Flames danced between your faces, and he felt you eagerly kiss back, your arms snaking across his shoulders as he found himself kicking the door with the back of his heel to close it shut.
Your hands found themselves on the surface of his head and pushing off his cap to knot fingers in his hair. Arvin didn’t even care. His body was burning underneath your touch as he found himself pressing you against the nearest flat surface, which was your dining room table that held a vase with hand picked flowers resting inside and a sweet floral mat keeping it level. You were so adorable, he swooned in his head, you were so precious to him and oh so good. You’re so good.
Wife material, Arvin’s head was screaming, he wanted to steal you away and marry you. You were lifted onto the mahogany table, Arvin’s tongue swiping at your bottom lip. You were so good, submitting your mouth to him, letting him roam the inside and clutch onto your hips so tightly it could bruise. Feeling your soft, untouched, blessed hands clutch onto his belt line had him push his pelvis closer to yours.
“Arvin—” you attempted, but he wouldn’t let you. No, he wouldn’t let you worry. You didn’t need to worry about anything, not with him around. He was your protector, he would keep you safe, he wouldn’t let you die or leave. He wouldn’t let you be hurt by anyone. Thinking about keeping you close to him in his arms, just this close, making you sigh from pleasure as Arvin plastered kisses down your jaw and to your neck to test the waters of what made you quiver; it was enough to drive him insane.
He found his teeth scraping at your flesh and you gasped, arching your body upwards and he felt your hips grind against his middle. It made him give out a guttural growl of need.
“Arvin, wait— wait, honey, stop—”
Arvin didn’t want to. Though, he would, just for your sake. He lifted his head up to meet yours, and once you made eye contact with him, your expression changed from flustered to concerned. Nurturing. Your hand met his cheek, your thumb gently rubbing itself underneath his eye, and he moved a hand to hold your wrist and gently kiss your palm.
Your voice was so soft, so sweet, as if you raised it any further it would blow Arvin away. “What’s going on?”
He wanted to tell you everything. You were so kind, you were everything, you were the sun and stars and sky. Nuzzling into your hand, he murmured, “Nothin’...”
“It’s clearly something if you come into my apartment and start kissing me like this, Russell,” you spoke, his last name strong in your city accent. Your voice was so stern, so dead set on uncovering him, and Arvin gazed at you, still high from revenge and loving you.
He hesitated. Arvin pinched his lips together, licking them faintly, still tasting your lip scrub on them.
Your warm hands met his burning face, handling them so sweetly. “You don’t need to give me specifics,” you started, “...just give me something, Arvin, so I know you’re in your right mind.”
Your name made his eyes flutter shut, nudging his nose against yours. “Say m’name like that again, sweet girl…”
“Arvin.” Your tone was more of a warning. It pulled him back from the sea of desire.
Arvin sighed, mumbling, “I had a revelation, darlin’…” his thumb rolled circles into your wrist, “I had a good day… ‘m a free man, Y/N. I wanna share this with you.” He opened his eyes to see you gazing at him so sweetly. “Let me have this night with you, pretty girl. I wanna make you feel as good as me. I’m sober, I promise, ‘m just intoxicated by the thought of you.”
“Such a flirt,” you whispered against his lips, and he felt himself smirking.
“Only for you.”
Your beautiful, reflective eyes stared into his. Then, they shut, and you moved your head forward to slowly encapture his lips. Arvin was more than eager to requite this. Fervor filled his loins as he clutched your thigh once it was squeezing against his side.
“Sweet baby girl,” he whispered into your ear, “Can we move this to your bed?”
When Arvin woke up, he had never felt more exhausted. He was hit with a newfound clarity. There was a soft gray shade leaking from the windows, and he squinted at the clock from across the room— wiping the fogginess from his eyes— and took notice that it was in the early hours of five a.m. Arvin went to move, but was barricaded by something clinging to his side.
His eyes were round as saucers as he took a hold of your nude bodies entangled.
Flushed, he quickly whipped his head back ahead, staring at the ceiling.
The confidence he had last night was almost embarrassing. Though, he licked his teeth and looked back to you, his fingers carding through your hair. Your hair was so soft to the touch, so perfect for someone like you, never missing the latest trends.
Arvin gave a hum of contentment, taking in your features in the early morning. Last night was full of unbridled desire, a fervor that the both of you had been bottling up for who knows how long. Perhaps, since that rainy day in the bakery, there had been that weird spark that compelled you both to do this.
He buried his nose in your sweet scented hair, pressing his lips against your warm forehead, hearing you shuffle and murmur under your breath. You were still very much asleep.
Taking in your sleeping face for the last time, Arvin gave a pained smile. He didn’t want to leave you at all. He wanted to keep you forever— he wanted to wake up to this every day— but he couldn’t let you become an accomplice. Arvin had to protect you.
With that, he managed to sneak his way out of your koala arms and legs and get dressed in his old clothing. Reading over the letter he wrote yesterday, Arvin felt his heart break with each word. You didn’t deserve this. You deserved better than him— someone who could keep themselves together, who wasn’t so haunted by the past. You came to this city to escape yours, and he couldn’t drag you into his. He had to escape too. Some part of him knew you would understand that with time.
Arvin had stopped by a bakery quickly, ordering a lemon and poppyseed muffin with the most bittersweet feeling, coming back to your room to see you were still dead asleep.
He placed the muffin box down on the nightstand and folded the letter so that it stood up with your name on a proud display. Arvin’s hand wringed its way through his hair before he stared at his ragged blue cap for a moment, placing it alongside the muffin and letter.
Arvin leaned down to kiss you on the lips briefly, you giving a sleepy hum, pursuing your lips lazily before drifting unconscious again. He noticed that the sun was just rising.
The sunset brought a bit of hope. He watched you sleep for a bit, the purple turning into a golden on your features, before he made his exit.
Your body felt like jello. Giving a groan, your hands scavenged the sheets for the warm body that accompanied you that night, but you were left with a cold absence. Cracking your eyes open and grunting at the shine of the sun, the clock spoke nine a.m, and you were surprised Arvin was not with you.
You licked your lips and sat up. Stretching your spine, you noticed you were nude and blushed, pulling the sheets up your chest. “Arvin?” You called, noticing the lack of your friend— lover? Boyfriend? Friend with benefits?— and gave a long exhale. Luckily you had the day off, as convenient as that was.
Looking over, you noticed the hat, muffin box, and letter. Your name was in bold pencil, and you tilted your head curiously before leaning over and peering through the plastic cover. You smiled and saw the dark spots of poppyseeds on the treat. It was sentimental, and your heart nearly burst.
Gazing at the hat, you were inquiring if he just managed to leave it behind.
You decided to take the letter, opening it up and not preparing for what you’d read.
You’re probably wondering where I am right now. I am too. If you asked me right now, I wouldn’t be able to give you an answer.
I did something that can’t be forgiven. Maybe not by the Lord, definitely not by law, uncertain by you. I don’t want you to worry. I’m safe. I can’t come back. I can’t give you a number or address. I don’t know where I’m going, I don’t know who I will be.
The world ain’t been kind. I know it ain’t been kind to you either. I don’t want to make things even worse for you, sweet girl. You’re everything I didn’t deserve. You said to me a long time ago that I deserve good, but I don’t. You are such a good girl, so much so I can’t have you. A part of me wants to be selfish and keep you. I know I can’t. I can’t do that to you.
You’re gonna hear about that preacher man. You’re gonna hear things about me, probably. I just want you to know I did it because I had to. You need to know that. I couldn’t be alive knowing Lenora wasn’t and he was. I’m sorry, baby.
I’m sorry for leaving you. I don’t want to. There’s nothing I want more than for you to be with me right now, pretty girl. I’d give everything just to see you every morning, every afternoon, every night. Ever since that day where you forgave me for the first time for my sins, smoking and drinking black coffee, I know what else I could fight for. I know what I could have just for myself. The sad part is, God is a sadist, and he won’t let me have you.
You asked me if I like Puppy Love, and I do. I’m listening to music for once as I write this, and I understand all the stuff they cry about on the radio. I know what it means to love. My heart ain’t ever been this broke before, sweetheart. 
I love you, Y/N.
As I said, we’ll be seeing each other again. Look out for postcards from my initials.
When you finished, wet spots had been dotting the paper, and the last two initials were the final nail in the coffin. You let out a choked sob, leaning over to clutch onto the paper close to your chest. You collapsed onto the sheets, weeping, unable to comprehend. You kept asking why, why, why, even though it was right in front of you.
You flipped the page, noting the sweet lyrics on the back.
I cry each night, my tears are for you, my tears are all in vain, I hope, I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you’ll be back in my arms once again.
Sniffling and wiping at your nose, you gave a few sobs, pressing your palm against your damp cheeks until they turned red.
You folded the paper and placed it back on your nightstand, curling in on yourself, clutching your sheets that still had Arvin’s presence lingering on them. Pressing them against your wet, hot face, you gave a few soft wheezes.
How could you tell Arvin you loved him, too? How could you write back to him? How could you sleep at night, not knowing he was okay? That there was no way you could tell him you’d wait forever for him?
You must’ve managed to doze off, as the sun was no longer as golden as before. The skies were a clear blue, and you managed to tug on tolerable clothes. Standing on your patio, you clutched the metal railings, staring down at the town with dismay. He was no longer here. This town no longer held that charming spark that you’d learn to love.
Walking back inside, you gazed at the letter, muffin, and hat. Leaning over, you grabbed the blue cap and rubbed your thumbs against the torn fabric, pressing the lid against your lips and kissing it. At least you had this— something you rarely saw him without. He gave you this, and your heart soared at the thought. Placing it on the top of your head, you took the lemon and poppyseed muffin and headed towards McCann Boys.
Marilyn perked at your presence, speaking, “Sweetpea, it’s not your workday.”
“I’m here as a guest,” you murmured, gazing at her, and Marilyn’s eyebrows rose at your expression. She gave a sorry nod at you, continuing to swipe down the counters.
You sat in the booth you and Arvin met at, and you took your seat, gazing at the ashtray emptily. Picking at the muffin, you fixed your cap to hide your face.
The radio near the coffee player began to sing. Your heart dropped, and you recalled the oh-so familiar lyrics.
...This is not a puppy love.
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cosmicbash · 3 years
One the angsty prompt ideas I’ve been thinking about is Kells practicing how to cook for weeks so he can surprise Em by cooking him dinner, maybe for an anniversary or something, and on the day Kells has planned to surprise him, Em is hours late, leaving Kells alone for the evening. If you’re interested maybe you could write something like this? 🥰
3 years together. One thousand and ninety five fucking days between him and this old dorky man.
It's insane. Downright impossible to believe but Colson knows it's as real and true as the 2 year sobriety chip he's got hung around his neck on the gold chain Marshall gifted him with it this morning.
Both their relationship and his sobriety are as intertwined as their lives are now. Marshall's like the glue that holds all of his pieces together. Picking Colson back up, time and time again whenever he shattered in the beginning and filling in the gaps with his own loose pieces until it was Colson's turn to do the same. Which, by then, it only made sense to combine their puzzles and broaden the picture.
Now Marshall swoops in for Casie's PTA meetings he can’t make during tour. Holding the phone and helping him FaceTime for soccer games and school conferences when flight delays or bad luck keeps him late.
Colson tags along to Whitney's first few dates out in LA, weaving through the public spaces Marshall never could without drawing attention just to make sure she's safe and respected.
They tag team any situation involving the girls, even though Alaina and Hailey both still snicker at him from time to time, and Casie rolls her eyes at Marshall's rules. They're more than just dating now.
They're family.
And even just thinking about that brings tears to Colson's eyes.
Or maybe it's the onions. Baze said chewing gum helped mitigate this fucking problem but goddammit does it burn-
He has no idea how he got it in his mind that he could actually cook a meal, let alone a full anniversary dinner for Marshall but here he is. A pot and pan already cooking on the stove and his fingers knicked a dozen times in his rush to cut up more veggies for the sauce. 
It's insane.
But Colson's following through with it anyway, because he fucking loves Marshall and that bastard cooks dinner for them every single holiday or occasion so it's about time he stepped up to the plate and did it himself. 
Plus he's been secretly practicing for weeks with Baze over both FaceTime and a few in person lessons. Perfecting his simmering styles and meat seasoning to make the tastiest meal he can manage all on his own.
So far the last three times he's made the dish his bassist had given stellar reviews so there's little chance he'll somehow fuck it up tonight knowing it's for Marshall…..at least, he hopes.
The minor setbacks his butchered fingers have brought aside though, so far everything was coming along perfectly. His noodles are boiling (never over the rim, thank you wooden spoon trick), his meats marinating, and as soon as he tosses these sliced onions in his sauce will be cooking down beautifully.
All in all the night is starting to look like it just might be perfect.
Until 6 o'clock passes by and Colson's ears never pick up the click of the front door knob, or the hum of Marshall's escalade pulling up front outside.
The food's still simmering, minutes away from being actually done so he doesn't worry too much. Sure he was hoping to have a sweet moment where his boyfriend comes home and catches him cooking at the stove like a traditional housewife, but seeing his face when the food's done and plated promises to be just as cute.
Besides, Marshall has always fit the housewife role so much better than him anyway. Even the apron Colson's wearing is one of the older rapper's, stolen from his small collection in the pantry to protect his designer sweater.
Colson doesn't start to worry at 6. Traffic can be a bitch.
7 though? And then 7:30 when his texts go unread and his calls ring all the way through to voice-mail? That's when the blonde starts to fret. 
He's luckily put off plating because some brief flash on uncertainty had run through him after the food finished so it's stayed warm and simmering on the stove. But even that had to come to an end before 7:30 because his sauce would singe or his noodles might squish, so now Colson's trying to keep busy by perfecting the presentation. Shaky fingers swiping around the edges of Marshall's plate to clean up a splatter of sauce. Every Chopped Judge rambling off feedback in his head until he has it looking like something he's certain even Gordon fucking Ramsey would ask for a bite of.
By 8 the dinner table is set. His plate, Marshall's, the bucket of low alcoholic wine they both love chilling as a centerpiece. Colson even lights a few candles and adds some flowers from this mornings gift exchanges to keep himself from screaming.
There's a pit in his stomach that's steadily been growing though. Every passing minute and glance to his phone where he finds no change only carving it deeper. 
Marshall should be home. He never runs this late at the studio without a call, let alone without a message. He's treated his work like any other 9-5 job since before they ever even got together, always strict about his routine and careful to make up for over run hours by leaving earlier the next day. Usually Colson likes to bust his balls and insist he live a little more spontaneously but tonight isn't the one to pull that.
Especially not if it means Marshall's going to completely forget to check his fucking phone and leave him trying not to think the worst.
Colson only males it another 5 minutes before he caves and texts Paul. Fingers tapping fast across his screen to draft multiple desperate sounding messages before he finally settles on a "Em bust his phone again?" That feels just casual enough to not embarrass him in the off chance Marshall decides to burst through the front door seconds after it sends.
The door stays closed though and Paul doesn't open the message at all. 
Now Colson can't even start passive aggressively eating dinner on his own if he wanted too. The pit in his stomach has torn itself open wide into a nauseous chasm. Every scary possibility he wanted to avoid thinking about spilling forth from the dark trench like ghouls.
He's dead. Some crazy fan broke into the studio and shot the whole place up. No one's gotten around to tell him yet, that's all. They're too busy dealing with the fallout.
No, Em's security is beyond top tier, and with how close Colson and his current bodyguard are he knows the guy would call him immediately. Marshall's fine.
Unless… what if he was in a car accident? Or some road rage incident gone fatal? Colson's seen Marshall's short temper flare up while driving. They've made dozens of jokes about it in the past, so is it really that unreasonable to believe?
Colson's pacing in the front haul when he calls Porter. Phone tucked between his ear and shoulder while he fights his shoe laces, heart racing in his chest. Prepping to fly out of the house the second Denaun tells him what fucking hospital Marshall's staying in, praying it's at the ICU section and not some fucking morgue.
"Kelly?" The older man sounds confused when he finally answers. Voice high and tone light like he's expecting this to be a butt dial. "What's up man?"
The lack of rush or worry in Denaun's voice almost soothes Colson's panic right on the spot. Surely he wouldn't sound so casual if something had happened. 
It's enough to keep Colson from immediately pleading for Marshall's safety at the least. "H-hey, uh nothing really-" Maybe Marshall is even with him right now, realizing how fucking late its gotten and how shit of a boyfriend he's been and that's why Denaun sounds awkward too. "Just uh, waiting for Marsh to get his slow ass home ya know? Sorry, aheh, I'm probably sounding like a fucking needy girlfriend right now, calling his friends and shit-" the longer Colson rambles the more embarrassed he actually feels in the moment.
God he must sound pathetic right now. Panicking over Marshall being a few hours late.
"Waiting? Didn't Marshall head out like 2 hours ago?"
Colson's blood feels like actual ice in his veins.
"He isn't home? I mean, I know he was gonna stop at- fuck is it already half past 8? Marshall seriously isn't home?" Denaun's sudden panic only heightens Colson's own, but he can't get any more words to come out. Not with how a rock feels like it's jumped up his throat. "Shit, Ryan are you getting through to him? Try Paul-"
Ryan's there too? 
"What? Paul's gotta fucking answer-"
They can't get ahold of Paul either?
"Kelly have you-"
Marshall's missing. Colson's been standing around making dinner for hours, worrying over the portion sizes and appearance of his plates and Marshall's been fucking missing. What kind of partner is he? What will he even tell Hailey? Alaina? And fuck Casie is supposed to be coming up this weekend so they can all go vacation together before his next tour-
The front door bumping into his shoe startles Colson out of his frozen panic. Denaun's angry shouting dropping from his ear, as he twists and meets a pair of sheepish blue eyes peeking around the hardwood.
"Is that my apron?"
So fucking dead.
"Is this your--" Colson's fingers are curling around the edge of the door so fast he doesn't even care that it makes his phone fly to the floor. "That's what you want to fucking say to me!?" His anger is boiling fast, replacing the cold in his veins with lava. "You fucking piece of-"
Marshall stumbling inside with the yanked door is expected, but the flash of bandages and a sling douse Colson's flames like a bucket of water. "Ow, fuck just give me a second to explain-"
He's hurt.
Now with all of Marshall visible Colson's hyperaware of dry blood splattered on his white graphic tee and scratches partially hidden within the rapper's beard along his cheek. "I got in an accident out on the M-8, it was minor but-"
Colson really can't handle all these rapid mood switches Marshall is putting him through today.
“You fucking idiot-“ Tears are bubbling up in his eyes and it’s like his hands can’t reach his partner fast enough. Pulling Marshall into his arms for a tight hug despite the pained noises his actions inspire. “Stupid, old asshole-“ Marshall’s hurt, the cars probably wrecked, but he’s home and that’s enough of a relief to finally smother that pit weighing down his stomach. “Don’t ever scare me like that again!”
A moment passes before he’s hugged back, shock more than likely freezing his partner up but when Marshall does loop his good arm around Colson he pulls him close. So close Colson is the one who’s bones feel like they might ache. “Can’t make any promises about that,” The older rapper’s palm feels warm when it climbs to cup his neck, Marshall’s face turning to press a kiss into Colson’s throat. 
That brush of lips is the final crack to release the flood gates.
"I love you."
"I know."
"I really really fucking love you."
"I know baby."
"I don't care how old your ass is, you better hold out and fucking die after me like a proper goddamn boyfriend, you hear me Marshall?" He's getting snot all over the older rapper's shirt. Full on smearing it across his own cheek and the fabric with every pointless rub of his face. "I love you so fucking much. Can't do this without you."
"Told you I'm not dying after you unless you kill me first, and I'm chasing you into the afterlife once you do go too. Fuck all the marriage shit, death ain't parting us either you brat." Marshall's tone is light and his palm is doing wonders to comfort him by rubbing circles into his back. It's enough to slow his hiccupped breathing down a few notches. "I dunno if you noticed but, I'm a little obsessed with you."
That drags out a wet snort. "Y-yeah?" When Colson pulls back to meet Marshall's eyes he swears he can see a wet shimmer starting to glaze over his partner’s as well. "Prove it then."
There's a flicker of something in blue eyes, so fast that Colson almost thinks he hallucinates the emotion altogether. But then Marshall's wrapped up arm wiggles between their bodies. The dark blue of the sling catching and sliding so his scratched up fist can shimmy its way partially out. "Planned on it-" There's something clutched tight there, black peeking out from between Marshall's finger and thumb. It's got Colson's heart dropping down into his stomach all over again. "What do you think I was driving so late on the M-8 for?"
"Marshall-" It can't be.
"Colson." But his shithead of an accident victim boyfriend is pulling back, both his good arm and slung arm awkwardly flailing in the air for a moment as he drops down on one knee. The visible wince not hidden as well as Colson imagines the man wants it to be. But Marshall's eyes are softening, and the blonde feels completely cemented in place. The only part of him moving being the uncontrollable shaky quiver of his bottom lip. "I had a whole moment planned, there were flowers, balloons, and those stupidly expensive alcoholic chocolates you love, but they all got absolutely trashed in the crash. Like, half of Detroit is probably going to think the Macies Thanksgiving parade started early. Paul called to have it all replaced, and honestly some intern is probably going to come banging on the door in about 20 minutes but I don't want to wait-" There's a flash of genuine worry that's furrowing the skin between Marshall's brows as he continues. "So I'm sorry this isn't gonna be that fancy perfect proposal you've always dreamed of-"
"Shut up." Colson's voice can't go above a whisper. His tone quick and clipped from how anxious he is to hear the man finally finish. "Just- shut up, ask me. Ask me Marsh, please-"
"Fine, always need to rush me."The rapper's lip quirks at the corners. Hands transferring the small box between eachother with a bit of fumbling. "Will you, Colson Baker-" Until Marshall can finally get it open with an audible clunk. "Legally commit to being with my annoying old ass forever?" 
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snickiebear · 3 years
yo nadia <3333 i'm bored in my online classes and u reblogged the questions thingy at the right time lmao, so get ready: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 17, 23, 24, 28, 30!!!, 34, 38, 39, 40 (the intimacy of being understood) (imma stop here lol) (also i'm sorry u're not feeling well, ily and hope u'll feel better soon!! <33333)
ELE ILY. (and thank you, i’m stayin home today cause,,, yeah. i appreciate you sm.) you’re the literal best, i adore you. 
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction?
The first fanfiction i read was for The Lunar Chronicles when I was like 11?? and it was 100% on accident and it scarred me because it was a hardcore porn one with a period kink and i was like WHAT IS THIS??? OH MY GOD???? LMAOOOOO i didn’t pick it back up until i was 13-14 and really got into the Fairy Tail fandom. I still reread my favorites on ff.net cause i love them. 
As for writing, I wrote a horrible, terrible x-men fanfiction when I was twelve. (my friend still brings it up and REFUSES to delete it so it still gets comments and views, that shit HAUNTS ME ELE.) then tried again for Fairy Tail, posted like two chapters before taking it down cause i wasn’t really feeling it. And then I posted The Intimacy Of Being Understood and here we are. 
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
OMGG okok 
@mouseymightymarvellous ‘s We Were Screaming In Color (Only A Possibility) yes, yes I KNOW. i always point into mousey’s direction but i WILL always advocate that everyone reads her fics, they’re literally so beautiful???? i just happen to be rereading WWSIN rn 
@safelycapricious ‘s Shaking Up And Breaking Down series. I found this like?? idfk but i’ve been raving about it ever since. ALSO CHECK OUT THEIR FICS IN GENERAL. 
fuck i have more than three but also check out @ambivalens999 ‘s Masks
i do wanna make a fic rec thing where i just rav about my favs,,, might do that later or sum
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
Omniscient third person. I don’t like it. Like I can understand that it can be a little hard to stay in one person’s perspective but, in my opinion, if you can, it shows how disciplined you are as a writer. Plus, i just get so confused when I go from A’s thoughts to suddenly what B is thinking about A. 
When writers use ‘ ‘ instead of “ “. When writers put thoughts in ‘ ‘ instead of just italicizing them. It’s small things but like they just bother me sO MUCH. most of the time i can ignore it and try to enjoy but other times i just dip. 
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
@espoir-et-reves !!!!! THEIR SHISAKU FICS ARE SO SO SO SO SO GOOD. And they have a warring states one going on THAT I AM SO OBSESSED WITH. 
@writer168 idk if they’re really “underrated” but THEY HAVE SUCH GREAT FICS ON AO3. Like theres an AU with sakura, kiba, and shino that i reread constantly because it just. is. so. fucking. GOOD. and they posted a new one that i’m YELLING about. 
@eggtoasties okay they only have 2 in the naruto fandom (one shisaku which is still ongoing) BUT THEIR WRITING STYLE IS SO NICE?? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I still go back and reread their shikasaku one cause UGH i can’t get enough. I love it. 
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for?
Fandoms: Naruto, Soul Eater, The Old Guard, ATLA
Parings: KakaSaku/ShikaSaku/ShiSaku/MultiSaku, SoMa, Joe X Nicky, Zukka
Character: SAKURA. I will read anything with Sakura as the main character and her being a fuckin badass or becoming a badass. I love her.
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback?
aha.. haha.. well. I check my email like three times an hour. its the first thing i check in the mornings too. I’m literally a whore for praise and literally eat up feedback like its going out of style. I also reread a lot of my stuff because i make so many mistakes and spelling errors, or the spacing is weird oR SOMETHING. plus, literally any and all comments make my day, i go back and reread them cause they just make me feel so tingly and warm like “wow. this person enjoyed the fic/my writing enough to tell me. thats HUGE!”
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
Angry, feral, bloodied, morally gray women. They aren’t bad guys, they’re probably the good guy, but that doesn’t mean they cant be fucking raging at the world with raw knuckles and blood on their teeth. I just love an angry woman who struggles with her emotions and just has so much inner conflict but that doesn’t take away from her character or badassery, it adds to it. 
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
The fake dating or miscommunication troupe. LIKE GUYS JUST TALK. AND TELL EACH OTHER OMFG. the entire like obliviousness of “nah they dont like me” while the They holds their hand and kisses their cheek. MOFO WHAT. it makes me so impatient and like mad HAAHHAHA. its probably because i’m a pretty confrontational person so seeing stuff like that just “cmon bro, USE YO HEAD.”
28. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie: pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc)?
I have yet to receive a negative comment! Which i was really surprised about tbh. As for deadlines or pressure to update, i just kind of do whatever. I do set goals, but i set them flexible enough that hey, if i can’t do it, that’s okay. 
I have a lot of mini goals, like “i want to write this chapter and get it done this week” and then the large goal is “FINISH BY END OF MAY” so i have time. 
Actually, now that I think on it, the entire pressure to update thing is probably why i’m waiting until I have all of OL&W written to post it weekly,, cause well. I wouldn’t wanna leave you guys waiting as I tried to write and work out the next chapters and stuff, you know?
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
Have you seen the way the dead dance, World Breaker? They roar, half mad and starving. Do you not wish, do you not hope to see them twist and bend and dance to your will?
Shikamaru snarls, looking behind his shoulders to where his Shadows lay. “Patience.” He spits. “Is of the essence, Things of Ancient. Know your place as the dark you are.”
34. How much of yourself and your life experiences do you put into your writing? What do you think your readers’ image of you is?
None of my experiences match up to anything I write tbh,,, probably the only thing that is me in my writing is maybe the emotional turmoil? I’m pretty emotionally and mentally mature because from a pretty young age i started forming my own opinions, started looking into the world around us and being like “dude what the fuck this is not what disney advertised”. Then i started talking (read: arguing and debating) with my dad about a lot of it. So, like emotions are kind of hard for me. Like i’m pretty good at controlling them or understanding them, but still. idk its hard to explain ig.
Like the weight of stress, the anger, the sadness. It’s kind of therapeutic to write. Cause i don’t know how to put those feelings to verbal words so writing them really helps. 
As for my readers’ image? Probably like some kind of hunched over figure typing away in the dark with a maniacal grin on their face. I honestly don’t know AHHAHAHA but it is fun to think about. I think they’d see me as someone with potential but a lot of room to grow and someone who is imperfect but in a charming way LMAOOOO
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)?
I’m gonna be real honest. Its probably like a 2. I’m a bit of a control freak so I almost always go in chronological order, my writing is pretty linear. Unless, i get bored and jump to one of my fav parts. It's pretty much i sit down, i open the doc, read over my notes and just start writing. 
It’s a little boring to explain AHAHAHA but once i get into the groove of things its really fucking great, I can like feel myself in the world, I can feel what i want the characters to, i love it. I catch myself mouthing the words as i type too, which i find hilarious.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I rather like how raw my writing is sometimes. Which might sound really vain, but i do like the way i word things or describe things. I love juxtaposition and repetition, or making a good ole circle back to some minute detail that wouldn’t stand out until i repeat it at the end and you’re like “omg” AHAHAHAHA.
Like those little poetic snippets or certain wording i just sit back and go “damn thats kinda good nadia! go you!’ HAHAHA  
40. How did you come up with the idea for The Intimacy Of Being Understood?
AAAAA this fic is like my first child, my pride and joy LMAO
so the idea initially came when i was reading some fic, idk if it was even naruto, but i was like “i don't like this, but i do like the rain symbolism.” And I knew i wanted to write something kind of slow paced, something a little sad and angsty, but would show KakaSaku slowly but surely falling in love.
Idk if you’ve noticed but a lot of my fics, the pairings don’t change each other dramatically. They accept each other as they are and then they grow with together. Like that acceptance is something i just love writing, its so subtle, it isn’t something you declare. Its simply “I am going to love you. I am going to love you despite your flaws and faults. I am going to love you unconditionally because I know you, I understand you, and there is nothing you could do to drive me away.” 
The fic kind of wrote itself after that first scene. I kept going back to the rain, go being ghosts, and resurrection, and the small epiphanies one gets. I wanted to focus on each character’s growth with each other. They didn’t find light in life because of each other, but with each other. And i think that’s my favorite thing about that fic. 
I wanted something raw and real and just something beautiful. I’m actually really proud of it tbh. Would i go back and rewrite/edit it? Oh of course! I’d do that with every single one of my fics, but i’m not gonna cause i think its in its rawest form right now. :))))
ask me shit plz
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lovee-infected · 4 years
♦♥ Paint them red ♠♣
[Yandere!Riddle Rosehearts x reader] [pr 1] [pr 2]
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(y/n) was only 9 when she first found her hidden place through the forest . An area covered by tallest of trees and darkest of shadows .
(y/n) found herself gazing upon the large table covered with a dirty white table cloth .Two cracked teapots on two sides of it , several small teacups in front of seven wooden chairs set all around .
" W-wow"
As the cold wind started to Howl , she slowly walked closer to be the uninvited guest to this party , admiring the pace and forest's small surprise for her.
She bowed down as a proper apology to the imaginary guests .
" Sorry for being late !"
Taking a seat , she found a hat with multiple bruises and different colorful fabrics on it , having it's sunlight colors turned black and gray as the result of being left out there for days ; dare to say years .
"Mad hatter..!"
She turned around to catch each and every easter egg , waiting there for her to discover them .
A broken chest clock . (Y/n) carefully picked it up , realizing it's cold and wet body while smelling its ringed copper .
"My my , March heir is late again? "
(y/n) giggled as she tries to sound as legit as possible
"Well he'd better be early , or Queen of hearts would be off with his he-"
(y/n) Froze as she heared bushes shaking . She didn't realize how she dropped the chest clock until she sound of broken glass shook her .
'Who was there?'
"Wh...who is there...?"
no anwser came
(y/n) said , trying her best to hide her fear from exploding and voice from shaking . Hearing the bushes shaking wasn't supposed to be any big deal , but things are different when you're all alone into the woods .
" Hello...?"
"C...come out !"
She dared to step forward trying to get a better sight of whatever was going on behind the bushes . Seeing the! shaking again she let out a silent scream .
Once again , silence poured the atmosphere .
(y/n) slowly lowered herself , picking up a rock
"Last chance ; come out ! Or you'll regret it !!"
This was taking too long...
"Okay ! Take it !!"
She angrily threw it to the bushes , just to make making something or better to say , someone, smirk playfully :
" You're really terrible at targeting , aren't you ?"
Hearing the voice , (y/n) first froze . Then want mad again :
" AND YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE AT MAKING SMALL TALK !" , she shouted angrily , face as red as a tomato now .
"Me ? stalking ? " , the childish voice continued to tease her : "Then what would you say about entering one's private place uninvitedly . You're lucky it's not with the Queen of hearts ; she would've been off with your head by the time you realized..," the boy giggled sarcastically .
(Y/n) got even redder but now , there was a bit of shame as well . This place ? One's private area ? No way .
She couldn't imagine once in a hundred times that such a mess might actually be owned by someone . At least it could've been kept...cleaner .
" If I were you , I would've considered at least wiping off the dust once in a month ! Also , if you really "own" this messed up tea party , then stop sneaking LIKE A RAT and show yourself !" , it might've been too much to call someone mad at you for stepping into their property 'rat' , but that was no big deal since they were just children .
For the third time , silence granted the atmosphere
"If you don't , then I'll come there myse-"
She was cut off as the red haired kid came out of the shadows , giving her an uninterested look .
" First , I wasn't sneaking ; I was ' watching ' . You've been doing the same for your first 10 minutes here. Also , this isn't a simple tea party , this is a non- birthday party . Tea parties don't have many deserts served and won't usually have more than 6 guests . That's the difference "
(y/n) went speechless , she meant to kick the bastard who's been scaring her and instead , she was given a presentation about differences between tea parties and non-birthday paries . 'Whoever this guy is , he surely has a thing for non-birthday parties' , she thought . Taking her time to analyse the boy more carefully , she realized that he was actually... cute . Short messy red hair with a weird hair cut that shaped a heart upon his head , shiny silver eyes that kinda matched the dirty color of that dirty tablecloth , tidy clothes that proved that he did come from a high class family indeed ...
'Such an ironic attitude is a total contrast to this cute appearance'
"What's your name ? "
"Ah...what?",she was suddenly pulled out of her day dreaming and for a second , didn't get what she was asked.
"Your name , I said," Riddle replied .
She felt awkward taking for too long to anwser such a childish question so decided to take advantage of it
"Don't you know the appropriate way to ask for a lady's name ? " , she tried to sound as mature as possible
"If it's a "lady" who has stepped into my property , I think this way's appropriate enough, "
He got (y/n) in that point so there was no need to be offended
"It's....(y/n)," she mumbled slowly , giving him a look as an expect of his name .
He smiled at your name and stepped closer to you: " I'm Riddle , pleasure to meet you ,(y/n) "
He patiently brought you his hand to shake it .
" Pleasure to meet you to , Riddle "
The ironic atmosphere now seemed to be gone , even the forest didn't feel as dark and cold as a few seconds ago .
" Well well , (y/n) . I'm not gonna be off with your head but I'm not gonna let you pass like nothing has happened either ," he said holding a smirk .
His was still teasing her , but she were getting used to his cringy attitude . 'Perhaps he isn't that bad after all , ' she thought .
"And now ? What are "you" going to do to me ? Trial me in a court or push me into a rabbit hole ?" you asked with a playful tone , not minding to tease him back a little bit .
Riddle's smile disappeared , making him break eye contact with you . This wasn't the anwser he was expecting .
He took a quick look around before having his eye caught on something .
A small grin appeared upon his lips : " Neither , I've got a better idea,"
"Huh?" she asked , raising an eyebrow
'God , this boy is taking a joke seriously ,maybe I should've explained better...'
"Paint them red , all of them ," he said pointing to rose bushes surrounding them .
"Paint what....?" , she asked , still unsure if it was another joke .
"This area's surrounded by white roses . Queen of hearts would've been really disappointed if she were here , wouldn't she? She probably would've wanted them all...red "
(y/n) Couldn't really get if he was kidding or not but she found not the smallest of sense of humor into his solid tune .
She sighed , asking : " Okay , how should I be coloring them , then ? "
"Use those," Riddle ordered , pointing to back of you .
You returned to see a paint can with a paint brush on it . It took her a few minutes to stop watching since it seemed pretty odd to her. 'They weren't there before...' she thought.
"If I lose my temper , you lose head girl . So be fast." Riddle warned her ; not that (y/n) was taking him seriously though...not yet
(y/n) bowed down to pick the brush and paint can . She trembled a bit when her hand firstly touched thr can's unexpectedly cold fuselage. She pulled it up , trying to open it
" why doesn't it open ?" she mumbled while struggling with the can , trying to open it . 'Just how hard has this thing been sealed ?!' she held it between her thigh dragging it's door with all her power left in her fist .
" Ouch-! "
She managed to catch the can before having all the color spilled , that was close . She sat once again at the dirty , wet ground ; staring at the half empty , opened can . She then realised red color on her finger .
"You had your finger cut by just opening a can? " , Riddle questioned .
'How long has he been standing there ?' she thought , realizing how close he was to her now .
You rose your head to find Riddle staring at you , arms crossed and eyes a little bit widened .
"Here , take my hand," he said offering you his hand . She held his hand , expecting him to pull it and helo her stand up , but he did nothing but to hold her hand , making have to raise using her only one hand . She relied her hand on the earth , feeling the wet soil and small rocks within her fingers. With one push , she stood up , slightly pulling her hand from Riddle's , but he didn't let go . He wasn't looking into her face , yet he was staring at her finger , which was covered in dirt and small sight of blood .
"Can you , let go of my hand?" (y/n) asked uncomfortably , she didn't really enjoy the way he was starting at her finger.
Riddle silently rose his head and locked eyes with her : " Are you gonna waste that ?"
"Waste what...?"
" Your blood ,"
(y/n) stood blank at the anwser , more from how calm and serious it was said . She uncomfortably tried to free her hand from his fist : " What do you mean by wasting my-"
She didn't get to continue as Riddle pulled her hand with him , almost making her fall . He brings himself closer to the rose bushes , pulling (y/n) with him .
"Hey ! what are you-," she protested ; not that Riddle was actually listening.
Riddle pulls her closer to the white bushes , letting go of her hand and holding her finger instead .
"Right there..." he lowly whispered , holding her finger with one hand while putting the other on her waist , slightly making (y/n) bow down , her face too close to touch the thorns.
He gently brings her finger closer to a rose , softly putting it on a petal as if your finger was kissing it . He slowly moves her finger to spread the color , turning the lifeless white to a deep , glossy red . (Y/n) could feel his warm breathes upon her neck , along with the sound of his heart beating at her back :
All so calm and gentle , followed by an organized rhythm coming one after one , never in a hurry....
He continued to paint the roses with your blood ; until your finger gets too dry to be used . He carefully pulls her finger back , makimg sure that it won't be touched by any thorns , then pulling back all her body from the roses .
Riddle suddenly let go of her hand a body , making (y/n) lose balance for a second .
"Fine then , get to your work . They aren't gonna be colored on their own," he mumbled , clearing his throat . (y/n) sighed again . The gentle and calm painter holding her tightly before was now gone . The strict ruler of forest was back . But why did he have to turn away ?As he was turning his head from her , was that , blush she saw upon his pale cheeks ?
"Get to work . We haven't got all day " he ordered .
Well at least , this Riddle made more sense than the one which...which was there a few minutes ago or whatever-
Quickly , (y/n) picked up the brush and can , not wanting Riddle to be mad at her again.
If she were trying to be honest , she must have admitted that it wasn't too bad being ordered around by the redhead . He seemed to have his own childish trends along with his cold, strict personality . Also , she did agree that she found him cute .
It was not only because of his naturally rare hair color together with his chubby cheeks and silver eyes , but she was also attracted to his ,well, dramatical side . She could still feel his slender fingers on her waist ; so soft and gentle , yet strong . (Y/n) wasn't sure why , but she felt attached to those very few seconds . As a child , she might've considered those "moments" as part of her romantic fantasies , until the day she finds her own prince charming holding her close and gentle ; showing her a true happy ending and making her finally believe in fairy tales ; to have a happy ending .
Ah but how wrong she was...
Both about those seductive minutes and fairy tales
(y/n) was unexpectedly stopped . 'What's the matter? There are still half of the bushes left ,' she thoughtv. What was wrong ? Wasn't he satisfied with the color or hadn't she colored them properly ? Could that be her wasting too much color on each rose ? She didn't know-
Hundreds of thoughts scaped her mind in a matter of seconds as she tried to find out what might've dissatisfied Riddle : " Um , anything wrong ?"
"Hm , should it be ?" he replied . A small grin started to appear on his lips as he got closer to rose bushes , checking their each and every detail from petals to leaves. "Well I can't deny it , I'm impressed ," he said , cutting a flower from its bush : " The color's solid and well spreaded , neither too tender nor too thick , it's just like a glacier of ice covering the petals , " He steps toward you , not taking his eyes off the flower for even a second . He brushes his finger upon the petals , careful not to ruin or harm them : " Eventhough it's colored , I can still feel it's softness under my fingers . Most of the flowers turn rough and scaly with color on them..."
He continues to explore each and every detail left on the flower , making (y/n) more and more attached . She could even say that this made her admire Riddle as he was , such a patient and accuracy wasn't something you'd get to see everyday , he did surely have an eye for detail . Each and every reply from him seemed like a million to her , making her want more of it . Before she could've realized , Riddle was now really close to her . With now their breathes meeting , it was just a few inches away . (y/n) moved her eyes from the ground to the rose and then , from the rose to Riddle's eyes . Suddenly she feels butterflies in his stomach , making her gulp and hold her breathe .
"Nice job done , (y/n)"
(y/n) could feel blood rushing to her cheeks again time but it was greater this time , making her face sweat a bit .
Riddle didn't move an eyebrow , he simply kept watching ; again . (y/n) Found his gaze a bit uncomfortable , deciding to bring on a subject to wreck this unsettling silence : " Shall I paint these last ones as well?" she said , pointing to the roses behind your back with your paintbrush ; still wet in red .
"Indeed , " Riddle nodded .
"But not today"
Once again , he turns to بوته ها , slowly moving his hand above the roses as he walked , giving his movement a soft , yet organized , rhythm .
"It's starting to get dark already , it would be such a pitty if you lost your way through the woods , wouldn't it ?"
His words made (y/n) recognize how fast time had passed : She'd got there a while after the sunrise and now it was... What time was it ? 6 ? 7 ? She couldn't tell .
She looked up to the grayish sky ; now all covered in dark clouds . She couldn't quite keep her eyes open as wind started to blew , getting soil and dust into her eyes and making all trees and bushes shake heavily . She could hear crows cawing as they all flew away , filling the sky with portraits of wandering shadows .
Riddle came to you , not being the least affected by the unsettling atmosphere :
"30 days "
You thought that you must have misheard him through that thunder of sounds , but there was no mistake . He was speaking loud and clear
"You'll be returning herr in 30 days , one month . I'd be waiting here . Don't be late , miss (y/n) ,"
(y/n) didn't know how to reply , so wasn't she going to paint the rest till then ? Was he trying to tease her even more by making this game last for another month or... she was being invited to an actual tea party ?
(y/n) didn't get to anwser as a flash of lightning brightened the sky , making her let out a silent scream . She just quickly shook her head as an okay and started to run out of the place. At the moment , (y/n) didn't get why she agreed to such a nonsense. But soon it came clear that it wasn't a request ;
it was an order.
And all she could do was showing her obedience toward the redhead , even if it didn't make any sense.
As she was panting heavily trying to find her way within endless trees and wild winds , her minb was running toward the silver eyed boy . His words , his gaze , his eyes , he surely was much of a riddle after all... a complicated one of course .
There was something about him that busied her mind :
~"You'll be returning to me in 30 days , one month . I'd be waiting here for you to come . Don't be late for the non-birthday party , miss (y/n)"~
His voice echoed through her head , making her smile . She couldn't deny being hyped for the next time they met and getting to know this new friend of her better . There were hundreds of questions popping in her mind already , giving her a sense of curiosity and excitement .
Days flew away and before she could've imagined , (y/n) was standing again within the treeless area , but not quite the same as the last time :
(y/n) Could feel the smell of steamed tea combined with softness of sweet vanilla , then having it even better with a mild scent of fresh flowers through the air .
Table looked... different now . Broken teapots were replaced with classic , florid ones and previously dirty , gray tablecloth was white and tiddy . Empty plates and dishes were filled with colorful shortcakes , sandwiches , marshmallows and other eye-catching desserts .
She couldn't help but to hold tip of her dress bowing down in respect of her host's hospitality , who has been watching her for minutes now .
" 2 minutes late , any excuses ?" , Riddle said coming out of the shadows, holding a clock in his hand .
"Almost lost my way though the woods , that's why ," (y/n) said . Trying to seem as polite as possible ; in contrast to her last time .
Riddle sighed , definitely not even a bit satisfied with the anwser . But he wasn't really fascinated either since it was (y/n) they were talking about .
"Anyways , let's not delay the party anymore . May I ? " , he said , genty holding his hand to her with a soft smile . ' He can really be much of a gentleman sometimes ' , she thought . Riddle patiently leads her to the other side of table , pulling the chair for hair to sit . " What a gentleman ," (y/n) smirked , taking her seat . Riddle sat at the other side of table , locking eyes with her . " And now , let the non-birthday party begin ! Happy non-birthday to you (y/n) ! " Riddle says cheerfully , rising his tea cup . (y/n) giggled softly , taking her own tea cup , this was going to be long day...
" Happy non-birthday to you too , Riddle !"
"Enough for today "
'Again..?', (y/n) thought . She stood up to see the amount of roses done with coloring : a quarter of them were still left... she'd just painted half of what was left from the other time . "Um...I can finish them toda-"
"No," Riddle cut her off : "It's already pretty late . I don't want you getting lost ."
"It's not that la-" she recognized how late it really was by looking at the sky . How did it pass so fast ? Perhaps it was because of how much they talked while having a... non-birthday party. She couldn't feel time passing at all .
" So...when should I be back for...the rest of them ?"
Riddle smiled at your question , more because of seeing you willing for a next time .
"30 days , one month . Don't be late..."
(y/n) smiled slowly taking her way to the woods . Just before getting to far from Riddle to see , she turned back gently bowing down : " Thanks for the tea , Riddle "
Riddle just shook a head as a you're welcome , but that was enough for (y/n) . She'd never expected him to be this hospitable with her , and that was already more than enough for her .
On her way back , something was stock in her mind again : Was she really going to finish the roses next time or would it end up with one eighth of them left ? Or was the redhead afraid of not seeing her again if this little game of him didn't continue ? Come to think of it , they all seemed cute to young , naive (y/n) , cheerful about her new friend.
But there were other consequences as well she didn't notice at the time
The new roses growing after their monthly duration was just one of them...
Tagging : @yandere-romanticaa @roaringyouth @tsuisute @yandere-wishes @yandere-of-your-dreams @ghostiebabey @twst-soul @kanaverni @twistedlymad ♥
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I would love to hear more about the stories themselves and your thoughts as an author, like which stories came to you easily to write vs which plotlines did you really have to wrestle with (aside from the monstrosity that is anryuu epic), which ones have your personal favourite storylines and which ones do you think you'll be able to work on for the rest of the year? just small behind the scenes questions bcs i dont know what to ask really im just excited to read them as they come ;;;;
Oh boy. This is uhhh.... gonna be a rant lmao. I appreciate the ask a lot! :D Having a chance to talk about the stories when someone wants to hear is very nice, so thank you!!! 
Under a cut because long. 
Anryuu Epic is a big deal right now. It’s enough of a monstrosity that it has to have its own blog too ( @anryuuepic ), and, well... I can’t write it for quite a while. Because of its sheer size, there’s just so much worldbuilding, plotting, and character development that has to be done to keep everything straight that I won’t be able to actually start on it for at least a couple more years, depending on how much time I have to work on it... I love it, I really do, but damn is the work overwhelming.
Execution Program is a tricky case. I have the entire first part figured out in pretty good detail in my head, except for the actual play-by-play plotting, and as well as I know the whole concept, I probably could write it next year if I wanted to... but the issue comes in that I really want it to be a visual media. A manga or webcomic is what I’m aiming for, but considering that drawing is not my thing at all, I’m kind of stuck tbh. :/ I’m just holding onto it until I can figure something out. And considering doing a prototype written version. 
Infinite 9 needs a lot of work. I had one concept originally that I decided I didn’t like, so now, it needs fixed up almost entirely. Once I sit down and get it figured out, it should be short enough to handle fairly easily, but I still have some major worldbuilding/plot debates to make decisions on. 
Memento Mori is in a similar boat. I changed the original concept not too long ago, so now, I need to make sense of things in the new way. I have the plot pretty well figured out, but character-building just hasn’t wanted to work out for me. Once I actually sit down and do it, it won’t be too lengthy/difficult I don’t think, but again, I have to get the time and motivation to do that. 
Herman’s story is another case of me needing it to be a visual material. I’m basically dead-set on it being somehow animated, mostly because I don’t think the jokes will work in any other way. Like with Execution Program, I’m just kind of holding onto it for now... 
Here There be Monsters is another old favorite. It was a huge focus of mine during my teen years, and tbh, will probably be third largest of these stories in terms of book number and sheer length. It want it to be complicated, but my old designs and ideas need a lot of fleshing out now that I have an adult mind going for me, and it feels kind of intimidating. ;w; Like with Anryuu, I’ll need to figure out a lot of stuff before I can actually write it. 
STASIS is actually kind of started! I plan to write it very soon, but I need to rewatch/read its inspirations again before I can go for it. I have the entire thing plotted out in detail, so it’s just a matter of when I get those media consumed again. Which is... difficult, considering how busy I tend to be. 
Higanbana Club is another one that I probably could do at almost any time with a bit of plotting and figuring out the last major elements needed. The problem with it is that I’ve been told (and agree) that I should wait a bit before I do it. It’s a very important story to me, so people have told me that I should wait until I have a few novels under my belt before attempting something that matters so much. And I think that’s a fair point. 
Vanishing Line, I could also likely start at any time. I’d need to work out the details of the plot and a few more characters, but overall, it’s in a state where minimal work could have it ready to go! I know the ending, most of the plot, and everything, so it wouldn’t be too hard to get together and go for when I have the chance. It’s a story that’s come to me very easily/quickly. 
Four Years is tied with Angelica’s Eden for the second-largest/longest of my stories. I didn’t exactly intend for it to happen at first, but the longer I look at what I want the plot and story to be, the more it expands. There’s a LOT of things that I want to include and a lot of development that I want to happen. Tbh, my biggest hurdle with it is expanding the cast, since the first time I tried to write it (in 2017) failed mostly because I didn’t have enough people to work with... or people motivating me. >.> I’d like to do stuff with it soon, I think. 
Asteria Garden is yet another case of me having changed the original idea (it was too... happy) and needing to rework stuff for it to be writable. Again, I need to fix just, a lot, so it’s a matter of me having the time to sit down and make sense of everything. 
Chamillane has undergone some recent rework too— namely, that it became a three-part story instead of the one-part one I had assumed it would be. Stephane went from the main villain to one of three, and I’m going to have to adjust a lot to make that work. That said, I adore the other two antagonists I came up with, and I can’t wait to make their stories work!
The Girls of Virtue has been both an incredible experience and the biggest thorn in my side I’ve ever written. I love it dearly, I really do, but the pace at which I’ve written it makes me want to beat myself. I know it’s because life keeps beating me over the head with a stick, but I’m so disappointed in how slow it’s been. ;w; That said, we’re like four chapters away from the end, so look forward to that as soon as I can get it done! Hopefully soon. 
SILVER is one where I’m kind of.... confused? I thought I had a clear idea for it, but the longer I thought about it, the more off it started to seem, and now, I’m looking at some big questions that need to be answered. I still love what I’m doing with it (especially Marlow!), but there are some pretty major issues that I need to sort through before it becomes writeable.
Angelica’s Eden.... yikes. It’s another one where it got out of control very fast, and now, I’m looking at a presumable seven parts to the full thing. I love where it’s going, but considering that it’s tied for current second-longest along with Four Years, I have a lot of work that needs to be done before it’s in writeable shape. The plot is coming along pretty well, though! The three parts I do have are tying together nicely, and I just need to brainstorm the other pieces that will pull the whole thing into one coherent storyline~
Yamitsuki is current kind of on hold? I need to get at least a good chunk of the way into Nightfall before I start it, so it’s just sitting at its blog, @yamitsukigame , before I get around to doing serious work on it. I’m having fun with the characters, but it needs to wait for a while. 
Nightfall. Ah, the original work that’s so popular it almost offends me. XD I don’t know what I did to make it go over so well, but it almost bothers me that it gets so much more traction than everything else. I love the attention, I really do, and it is quite the experience.... it’s just a little bizarre to me that it became so well-loved out of absolutely nowhere? Actually, now that I think about it, it’s also probably one of my longest. Just in game form. I need to work on it more often, but hhhhnn motivationnnnn is slow. 
White Snow, last of all! It’s another one that’s pretty much ready to write— I’m just having a hard time catching the mood when it’s still in the heat of early fall. I think it’ll come to me again quickly once winter starts up, so expect something then, most likely! It’ll be pretty short, I think, so here’s hoping I can handle it at a good pace when I get there? 
Thanks again for the ask, anon!!! :D
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winchest09 · 4 years
A Man’s Best Friend - Chapter Two
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Pairing:  Dean Winchester x Reader (eventually) / Dog!Dean x Reader (platonic owner/pet kinda deal)
Universe:  Canon. Set in the episode Dog Dean Afternoon (Season 9)
Rating: 15+ W/C: 4585
Warnings: swearing, lil angst, crack (?),  lil fluff if you squint.
A/N: So…here is chapter two of this lil series! Hope you like it and it makes you laugh and/or smile! Thanks to all that read <3
Special thanks to this absolute babe @katehuntington​ for being my beta <3 You’re an absolute worldie and I love ya!
Love you all.
– I absolutely adore your reactions, so please if you do read; reblog, comment or send me an ask and let me know how you feel! It means the world to me.
A Man’s Best Friend Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Let me know what you think!
——————————————– Chapter Two ——————————————–
The crisp breeze filtered in through the window of the car, Dean’s nose stuck to the opening as he allowed himself to breathe in the fresh morning air. Nothing but the sound of the engine humming coupled with the soft melodies of the old rock bleeding through the stereo, could be heard. He huffed slightly, the short puff of air leaving a cloud of condensation against the pane as his mind recapped over the events in the past twelve hours. 
The next morning had been awkward on Dean’s part. Learning how to dog was harder than he originally thought. When he first woke, he forgot he was laying on the Y/N’s sofa and rolled off as he stretched, a ball of fumbling limbs as he tried to brace himself for the impact, forgetting that he didn’t have hands. The reality of his situation hit him as hard as he hit the floor and he let out a low growl in frustration. He was hungry, thirsty and desperate for his human legs. The sound of soft padding feet down the stairway made his ears prick as he slowly made his way to the hall, the vision of Y/N coming down the stairs had greeted him. So much for him getting away before sunrise. 
She looked as sombre as the night before, her cheeks red and blotchy as she wiped at her cheek, her phone clutched tightly in her hand. She had given him an appreciative pat on the head before shuffling past him into the kitchen, grabbing a mug to fix herself some coffee. Dean had sat in the doorway and just watched her as she stood looking out through the window, her fixated stare on the outside world only breaking each time her cellphone had rung. She would immediately silence the call before fresh tears would begin to roll down her cheeks. He didn’t have to have superpowers to deduct the situation. From the boyfriend nod from Mrs Kirkman, to the amount of Kleenex she got through last night to the now vacant look on her face; this was heartbreak. 
Eventually, she’d turned off her cell and began making some breakfast. He knew he should have been more focused on finding a way to get out of the house and back to Sam, yet his grumbling tummy told him that it may be a smart idea to eat first. Dean’s mouth watered at the smell of the fresh bacon crisping on the stove, his bright green eyes wide and wanting, as he focused on the meat. Y/N had smiled when she noticed how he had moved from the doorway to sit closer to his next meal, his tail slightly wagging when she cracked some eggs into the pan. To Dean, it felt like the meal was taking forever to arrive, so when Y/N plated up and bent down to place it in front of him, he felt elated, his tail quickly and uncontrollably whipping from side to side. Not the healthiest meal for a dog to be eating, she had uttered to him, but it was all she had available until she went to the store. 
Dean could only assume that was where they were headed now, the makeshift leash from the night before around his neck as he leant against the car’s window. He was trying to take in all the sights as they passed him, his nose trying to account any familiar scents he could use at a later date to find his way back to his brother. If he could just get back to Baby, he knew Sam would find the car eventually and then maybe find him.
She best not have a scratch on her, he thought as his mind went to his beloved Impala that had been left parked up down a sidestreet. If he could just go back twenty four hours, he would never have agreed to that damn spell and he wouldn’t be in the predicament that he was in now. 
Noticing that they were slowing down, Dean turned his attention towards the driver who was putting her car in park before pulling her keys from the ignition. Y/N turned to him and offered him a small smile, her gentle hand coming to caress his head before she turned to exit the vehicle. He quickly looked around his surroundings, noticing that there wasn’t a pet store close to where she had parked which piqued his curiosity. There was the odd grocery store, a bar, a couple of clothes shops and a veterinary surgery.
It was then Dean remembered Y/N’s words from the previous night, how she would bring him here to see if she could find an owner. How could he forget? His ears immediately flattened against his head as a wave of uncertainty washed over him. Maybe she was going into the grocery stores, especially after what she said this morning about going to the store but as she made her way around to his side, he was starting to think he was wrong. Really wrong. 
“It’ll be alright, boy,” she reassured as she opened the door, her hand coming to grab the leash before he could even think of running. The last thing he needed was to be manhandled by someone who thought he was just a regular dog, because he was anything but ordinary. 
With a gentle tug, Dean took the small leap from the car seat to land on the asphalt, the tarmac warm under his paws. He waited for the brief moment it took Y/N to lock the car before she walked with him around to the sidewalk and sure enough, she was walking the pair of them closer to the vets. He couldn’t help but feel his tail curl between his legs, the thought of a complete stranger touching him all over, examining him and his private areas. Oh hell no.
Before he could begin to struggle, Y/N had opened the door to the surgery and motioned for him to walk in first. Dean’s ears tucked back as he lowered his head slightly, his green eyes flickering around the few other animals that were waiting to be seen. He could hear them, an array of voices clashing together as soon as he set foot in the place. The worried words that were being exchanged and muttered, as each pet stayed close to their owners. He was no different, he stayed close to Y/N’s side as she walked up to the reception, feeling incredibly out of place.
“Hi, I’m here to get this dog checked for a chip? Appointment under Ms Y/L/N?” she spoke softly, her hand absentmindedly reaching down to stroke Dean behind the ears, an affectionate move he noticed she did often. After receiving her confirmation of check in, Y/N walked them over to an available seat before she protectively caged Dean in between her legs. 
First time? 
The voice made Dean look around, peeking through Y/N’s legs as he tried to identify the source. His mossy orbs scanned the room, taking in each human as they sat comforting their pets or looking at their cell phones. It was only when he looked to the side of him that he saw a Chocolate labrador, the fur around his muzzle and eyes greyed with age. 
Are you talking to me? Dean directed his question back to the dog at the side of him, a part of him thinking he was crazy for even attempting to speak to him. However, the labrador's hazel eyes stared back at him as he rearranged his footing. 
Well I’m looking at you, aren’t I? The labrador sassed, quickly flicking his nose into the air as if to add attitude to his words. Dean just angled his head to the side, physically showing his confusion as he took in just what was happening. He was having a conversation with another dog. His new friend shuffled closer to him, causing Dean’s ears to slowly raise to attention. Listen to my advice, don’t believe them when they say it won’t hurt and definitely do not let them near your ass. Trust me. 
If Dean could raise an eyebrow, he would. His expression right now would be one of pure bewilderment. He heard Y/N tell the nurse that he was here to be checked for a chip so what had that got to do with his ass?
My ass?! Why would they go near my ass? His voice an octave higher, thanks to worry and overthinking. 
Wow… the labrador scoffed, his jowls flapping with the huff of air that left his mouth, but before he could explain to Dean his reasoning behind his warning, his owner had stood up and began to usher him into an adjoining room. 
Hey...wait! Dean called but the dog didn’t respond, leaving the ideas in his head to go wild. He didn’t understand why on earth anyone would want to go near his rectal area when it came to scanning for a chip. After a brief moment of thought, it clicked and if Dean had eyebrows they’d be in his hairline. They’re not gonna stick a thermometer up my ass, are they?! He quickly looked up at Y/N, praying in that moment she could hear his thoughts before he quickly glanced back at the door the labrador had gone through. Oh god, no. Please, no!
“Ms Y/L/N?” The vet called out her name and Dean immediately panicked, the idea of anything going up his ass making him highly uneasy. He tried his hardest to dig his paws into the linoleum floor, friction failing him as he was unable to grip on to anything. Come on, Y/N, we don’t have to do this. 
His green eyes were full of worry as he was ushered through into the examination room, the male vet closing the door behind him when Y/N had made sure he was over the threshold. He moved quickly to hide behind the back of her legs, not knowing what else to do in this circumstance other than to keep in a sitting position to protect himself from any unwanted entry. 
“Pop him up here.” The aging man patted the black topped examination table as he rearranged the spectacles on his nose. Dean watched as he turned to view what he could only assume was his records on the computer. Good luck finding anything, buddy. 
Before Dean could think of moving, Y/N had turned around and hooked her arms under his middle, lifting him onto the table with some difficulty. It didn’t help matters that he was trying his hardest to deadweight himself to the floor to prevent this appointment from progressing. Unfortunately for Dean, he wasn’t the 6ft human he was forty eight hours ago, nor was he the same weight, making it easy for the woman to move him. 
“So, we’re looking for a chip?” the vet asked, pushing his glasses up his nose again as he walked closer Dean. Automatically, the older Winchester’s gazed in each of the vet’s hands for any offending tool. Please no thermometre. Please no thermometre. 
“Yes, I found him last night. Trying to see if he belongs to anyone,” Y/N replied, politely, and the man just nodded as he brought his large hands in front of Dean, gently grasping at his muzzle, as he pulled back the jowls to check his teeth. 
What are you doing? Dean thought, feeling highly uncomfortable but the vet continued, looking into his ears and checking his eyes. His hands travelled lower, encouraging Dean to stand whilst he checked over his abdomen, taking a stethoscope to listen to his heart. Once the metal touched his skin, Dean jumped slightly. Hey, that’s cold! 
The vet pursed his lips and gave a satisfactory hum, letting Y/N know that he was happy before he pulled the listening buds of his tool from his ears. Dean felt relieved for a moment, thinking that was the end of the examination, but it was far from over. The aging man came towards him with a funny looking machine, a long white artifact which beeped loudly as soon as it was turned on. Dean closed his eyes tightly, preparing himself for whatever fresh pain he was about to experience. Yet when nothing came, he slowly took the chance to open them again. 
“Doesn’t seem to have one,” the vet concurred, placing the scanner to one side as he pulled off his reading glasses. 
That was it? Dean thought, gradually relaxing his tense muscles, Well, that wasn’t that terrifying. 
“So what now?” Y/N asked, her hand coming to stroke just behind Dean’s ear, making him tilt his head slightly at the familiar sign of affection, taking comfort from her touch.  
“Well, I can take him off your hands and we can pass him on to the pound,” the vet suggested, leaning against his desk and folding his arms. Dean had to stop himself from shaking his head. Oh no, not happening. I’m getting back to Sam. 
“What happens if his owners don’t show?” she asked, worriedly, her hand now widening to stroke down his back. There was a brief pause, the room becoming thick with a heavy silence, as the man simply offered her a empathetic look. Dean didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand the look that rested on the vet’s face, and neither did Y/N. “Oh no, not happening. I’ll take him,” she flustered, her voice straining slightly as she struggled to pick Dean up from the table to move him to the floor. Rummaging through her purse, she pulled out a small rectangle card.
Y/N handed over what Dean could only assume was her details before she began to usher him out of the door as quickly as she could. She walked them back towards the reception, promptly paying for the service, before guiding them both back out into the street. 
I’ve got to get out of this, Dean thought, looking up at her as she took a deep breath next him. He knew he couldn’t run, the leash around his neck preventing him from doing that, but he still needed to come up with some sort of plan to get back to his little brother. He needed to not be a dog anymore.
“Well, boy, looks like it’s just me and you for a few days, until your owner shows up. If you even have one,” Y/N sighed, bending down to be at eye level as she used both her hands to rub his ears. 
Dean saw the sincerity in her eyes. As kind as that is, I need to get to Sam, Y/N.
Of course, his request had fallen on deaf ears, Y/N being none the wiser to his desperate thoughts. She stood quickly, her hand briefly running through her hair as she looked down the street, her eyes briefly landed on the police station on the corner of the street. It was then that a small smile creeped on her lips, notifying Dean that she must be forming some sort of plan. 
“Hey, I have an idea,” she announced, looking down at him before she gently tugged on the makeshift lease, encouraging him to walk alongside her. 
The new found bounce in her step as she moved had him curious. Should I be worried?
Dean kept up with Y/N’s wide strides with ease, glancing up at her every now again as they approached the police station. She took the few steps that led to the entrance two at a time whilst he stayed close to her side. As she entered, Y/N took a moment to look around at the noticeboards, Dean guessing that she may be looking for missing dog posters before she walked towards the reception and rang the bell to be seen. With a big sigh, Dean sat himself down next to her legs, his back leaning against the counter as he watched a handful of people come and go. He listened to how Y/N asked to report a lost dog, her voice mixing in with the receptionists’ as he battled with his thoughts.  Just how the hell am I going to get out of this one?
He tried to switch off and focus on forming a plan to somehow get back to the motel he and his little brother were staying in. He could remember the address but getting to it from this unknown location with no maps, or opposable thumbs, was near enough impossible. It was then his ears perked up at a familiar voice, he sat a little straighter as his head tilted to the side to really try and hone in on the sound. I know that voice. 
Moving to stand on all paws, he peered around Y/N’s legs only to see a giant of a man, well in this form anyway, walking out from a nearby office. Dressed in a sharp suit and tie, his long chestnut hair tucked behind his ears and manners that would make their mom proud. Dean couldn’t help but start barking in excitement, his tail moving a million miles an hour. Holy batman, that’s Sam! 
“Shh boy, it’s alright!” Y/N tried to calm him, bending down to pat his side softly to try and calm him, although it didn’t register. She pulled him back slightly, attempting to reign him in and shushing him as softly as she could. However, Dean struggled against her. You don’t understand, that’s my brother. 
“I’m so sorry, Officer, I didn’t know he did this,” she apologised, looking over at Sam with flushed cheeks, clearly embarrassed at Dean’s outburst as he continued to bark and pull on his makeshift leash. Sam just smiled, not bothered in the slightest as he held up one hand, the other clutching his fake badge. 
“That’s alright, not to worry,” he chuckled, looking from Y/N to Dean as he came to bend down in front of him, a little frown etched on his brow. “He’s not yours?” Sam questioned, holding out his palm for the dog to sniff. If he could grimace, Dean would. Dude, I ain’t sniffing your hand, who knows where you’ve been.  
“Technically...no. I found him last night and i’m just trying to locate the owner,” she explained and Sam just nodded, his head only moving slightly as he brought his hand to pet Dean’s back. 
Sam, it’s me. Look at me, look at my eyes! Fed up, he moved forward sharply, getting as close to Sam as possible to try and get him to recognize that the pitbull in front of him was his older brother. However Sam just laughed softly, moving backwards to gain back his personal space. Come on, bro. It’s me! How can you not realise it’s me?!
“He seems to like you, though,” Y/N giggled, relaxing slightly at the sight of an overly friendly pup with the ‘federal agent’. 
“I’m just a dog person,” Sam offered, a smile still on his lips as he brought his free hand down to make a fuss of the excitable dog in front of him. He took a moment to really look at the dog, tilting his head slightly as his brows furrowed. C’man, Sammy, piece it together. 
“Where did you find him?” the youngest Winchester asked, look back over at the woman who was looking on fondly at the affectionate exchange. 
“In an alleyway just north of here,” she explained, her face contorting slightly as she remembers the way she found him. “If no one comes forward, looks like I’ve got myself a new dog,” she half laughed, however the smile that stayed stuck to her lips told him that she wouldn’t mind in the slightest if that were to be the case. 
“Ms Y/L/N?” A police officer had come from the back, clipboard in hand and was holding open a door waiting to take Y/N’s statement. 
“That’s me, come on, boy!” she encouraged but Dean wouldn’t move. Instead, he lay down on the spot in front of his little brother, trying to deadweight himself to make it harder for her to move him. Y/N was visibly becoming embarrassed, her cheeks turning red and her eyes darting between Sam and the police officer but Dean couldn’t let his brother go. Not now he’d found him, no matter how bad he currently felt for making her look a fool. 
“It’s okay, i’ll watch him while you fill in the information. I don't mind,” Sam offered, allowing his hand to gently take hold of the makeshift leash as he smiled warmly at Y/N. Dean tried his hardest to refrain from shaking his head. Ah, Sammy. Always the knight in shining armor. 
“Thank you,” she replied, sincerely, hesitantly passing over the leash to Sam before following the police officer into an office. 
It’s just me and you now, little brother, Dean thought as he sat himself down, Sam offering him a warm smile while he brought his hand up to stroke behind his ears, only for the pitbull to lean back away from him. Nuh-uh, enough of the lovey dovey stuff. You need to realise who I am. 
Dean took a brief second to look at his surroundings, trying to work out what limited things he could to try and show Sam that his older brother was actually sitting on the floor in front of him with four legs and puppy dog nose. His evergreen orbs caught a brief sight of the fake badge in Sam’s hand. Immediately, Dean leans forwards and nudges it with his nose, trying to show that he knew it was fake. It just made Sam chuckle, however, moving it away from him slightly. Not missing a beat, Dean moved forward quickly and took it in his mouth, pulling it from his brother's hand before spitting it out on the floor in front of him, one large paw pressed upon it. 
“Hey, come on, don’t do that,” Sam softly scolded, trying to bat Dean’s paw off of the badge but the dog just pushed on his hand, stopping him from doing so. Sam, it’s me. Come on, dude, use that brain of yours. 
“What’s your deal?” The youngest Winchester frowned, albeit mildly as he looked into the emerald eyes of the pitbull, the lines in his brow slowly fading. He stayed like that for a few moments and Dean could feel hope rising in his chest. It was then Sam’s face fully softened. “Ah, look at that cute face, you don’t know what i’m talking about, huh?” he chuckled. 
Really, Sam? Really!?  The pitbull breathed out a frustrated sigh, a little grumble following as he looked around the room once more, searching for something else which could help his case of getting through to Sam. It was then that Dean spotted an advertisement for a local pie shop. Quickly bowing his head, he picked up the fake badge and darted to where the advertisement was, pulling on the makeshift lead as hard as he could to get Sam to move. 
Curious, the youngest Winchester followed, his eyebrows knitting together when he watched the pitbull jump up the wall, resting his two front paws next to the bottom of the poster. Dean began to nudge the poster with the badge that was in his mouth before looking over his shoulder back at his brother, hoping that this would be enough for Sam to click onto what he was trying to insinuate. Fed up with the taste of the leather, the older Winchester spat out the fraudulent object before sitting back down to stare up at Sam, raising his right front paw as he tried to gesture to both objects with what little mobility he had. Dean saw the moment of realisation in his little brother’s face, his expression became slack and he swallowed hard, briefly looking over his shoulder to see if anyone was watching. 
“Dean?” he whispered, lowering himself to really look at him. 
Dean barked. FINALLY! 
“No, it can’t be,” Sam baffled, turning his head slightly to give him an incredulous look. “If you’re my brother, bark twice.” Without pausing, Dean did as he was asked before stopping to look up into the eyes of his little brother. He watched how his lips slowly curled up into a smile before that smile broke into a wide beaming grin. A chuckle followed which led into full belly laughter. 
Dude, it’s not funny. Dean barked a few more times at him before waving his paws to try and hit Sam in the face to get him to shut up. My junk is on show for all to see and I’ve just been manhandled by a...man. 
“Oh my god, this is priceless,” Sam strained, his voice higher than normal as he struggled to catch his breath, wiping at his eyes with his palms to catch the happy tears. All Dean could do was stare until the man in front of him regained his composure. “So the spell did more than just allow you to speak to dogs, huh?” he asked and Dean slowly nodded his head, earning another small chuckle. 
“Alright, I’ll look into it. You need to stay with your new owner until I figure this out, I’ve already blown the idea that you could have been my lost dog.” Dean whined at that, not liking the proposition. “Dean, if I take you with me now, I’ll be arrested for dognapping or something. I know where to find you, I’ll get her address from the records, alright?” With a huff, Dean slowly nodded before he lay down in defeat on the floor.
“Good boy,” Sam teased, picking up his badge before trying to pat Dean on the head only to have him move out the way. 
The sound of a heavy door opening behind them made both Dean and Sam look in the direction of the noise. With a grateful smile, Y/N shook the police officers hand, muttering her goodbyes and thank yous as she did. She quickly made her way over to where the two brothers were situated, none the wiser of their situation and completely oblivious to Sam’s amused look. 
“Thanks for watching him,” she told him, gratefully, holding her hand out for the leash to be returned. 
“You’re welcome,” Sam replied, still trying to bite back a smile. Clearing his throat, trying to regain his serious FBI composure, he passes the lead to Y/N before placing his hands in his pockets. “All done?” 
“Yeah, report filed. So if anyone’s lost him, they’ll know he’s with me,” she explained, bending down to give Dean an affectionate stroke and checking if he was okay. 
 “I’m sure you’ll do a good job of looking after him,” he complimented. Sam was still finding it hard to hold a straight face, rolling his lips under his teeth to stop any more laughter from leaving him. He had to leave before blowing his cover. “I best be going, things to look into. Have a nice day, Miss.” 
“Have a good day,” she returned before bowing her head to look down at the dog that was fastly becoming her new companion. “Well, boy, time to get you some supplies from the pet store.”
Dean sighed. Son of a bitch.
——————————————– Chapter Three –> (Coming soon) ——————————————–
A/N: I hope this made you guys smile! Thanks so much for reading. Please let me know your thoughts if you have time <3
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Forever Babes:
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Dean Queens: @x-waywardaf-x​ / @adoptdontshoppets​ / @roonyxx​ / @akshi8278​ / @squirrelnotsam​ / @ellewritesfix05​ / @mellilla-rose​ /
A Man’s Best Friend:
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hongism · 4 years
finding beauty in your darkest places - chapter 9
➻ Pairing: reader x ???
➻ Genre: Psychiatric Clinic!au, Angst, Fluff
➻ Word Count: 5894
➻ Warnings: strong language; deals with mental and emotional illnesses and disorders as a heavy theme of the story, future graphic depictions of disorders - please do not read if this makes you uncomfortable
➻ Rating: PG-13/PG-15
➻ Summary: Everyone has their issues, and everyone deals with them differently. Jungkook thinks that avoiding his problems is the best option out there. aka Jeon Jungkook is the newest patient at the Omelas Specialized Psychiatric Clinic, and he just wants to get in and out as quickly as possible so that he can go back to university and be with his friends again. Of course, that doesn’t work out according to his plan.
➻ a/n: so i know this has been a loNG ass time coming but here’s chapter 9!!! i hope you all enjoy it, i don’t have much of a preface to this so let’s just jump into it!
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Finding Beauty in Your Darkest Places Chapter Nine: Control
"W-What?" Jungkook asks, still in too much shock to think straight or say anything else. You laugh at the expression on his face and release his shirt. Jungkook falls back to the floor unceremoniously, hitting the tile with a small thud, and watches as you stand up straight.
 "Y/N, come on! You can't push him around without warning, the poor kid. You knocked him down too." Seokjin chastises you for your actions, and Jungkook looks back to see the man close behind him. You stick out your tongue in response as you squat down beside Jungkook to be more at eye level with him.
 "I'm certain that I know exactly where Taehyung's bear is." You grin again, the smile unable to be contained, and Jungkook notes that. He notes how the smile reaches your eyes, the usually dull film over them gone and replaced by a shining new resolve. Is it… is it because of the bear?
"Where is it then?" He asks, propping himself up with his hands.
 "It's obvious. I can't believe we didn't look there sooner. I should've known." You stand up straight once more, the smile never leaving your lips as you look down at Jungkook. "Come on, follow me." Jungkook does as asked and hastily gets to his feet. You are already on your way across the room, not waiting to see if Jungkook will follow you or not, and he looks back at Seokjin. The older man merely shrugs.
 "I'll see you later, Jungkook." He waves at the younger before heading in the opposite direction and leaving Jungkook to chase after you.
 "H-Hey, where are we headed?" He asks as he falls into step with you.
 "Oh? The library of course."
 "Why—why would it be there though?"
 "Early on – when Mingyu was still new to the clinic – he would hide things on top of the bookcases in the library because he was always so much taller than most other people. It was rather easy for him to keep things there instead of risking having the nurses find them in his room. Since he never spent time reading, people never assumed that he would keep things there. Namjoon caught him in there once putting things on the top of the shelves and told me about it, so we used to keep an eye on things in there. We never… well, we haven't done that recently because we assumed Mingyu had outgrown his childish shenanigans. But anyway, I should've known that he would've put it there. Makes so much sense looking back on it now."
 "How do you—how did you confirm that it was Mingyu who took it?"
 "There's no need to confirm anything, it was already obvious. Having known Mingyu for so many years now, I guess I could say it's an inevitable outcome." You shrug, slowing your pace a little.
 "You seem very happy about it," Jungkook comments. He realizes a moment later when your expression flattens and turns deadpan that it was the wrong thing to say.
 "Of course I'm happy about it. Taehyung will stop being upset with me once I give him the bear back. Things will go back to normal, and Hoseok will come back to the clinic soon as well. Everything will be fine again. Normal and fixed, at least for the time being."
 Jungkook panics. The black water swirls around his ankles again, he feels its presence looming, feels it biting at his skin, the cold of it sending chills through his whole body. It swells around him, filling his vision until all he can see are your eyes. Your dark eyes filled with hope. Hope that is about to be dashed and crushed and swept away because of his actions. He can't say anything in response, he can't agree with you or offer any encouraging words. He knows things are about to crash and burn. It's about to turn sour, and Jungkook isn't quite sure of what will happen when it all crumbles, but he knows it won't be good for anyone.
 The two of you reach the library as Jungkook's black water reaches his waist. Namjoon sits inside, in the same position he was in the first day Jungkook came to the clinic. Although it was not all too long ago, Jungkook notes that it feels like forever since that day.
 "Oh hi Namjoon," you greet, the small smile returning to your lips. Jungkook hates it. He despises it, realizing that he would rather you be hopeless than see your hopes be crushed by his actions. Selfish. Selfish. "Jungkook, give me a hand and help me reach the shelf, yea?"
 "What are you two doing?" Namjoon asks and snaps the book in his hands shut. You barely spare him a glance as you usher Jungkook towards one of the shelves near the wall.
 "I had an epiphany last night and realized something," you explain.
 "She came to visit Yoongi while I was gone yesterday." Seokjin's words are still fresh in his mind, and they still sting a bit too much for Jungkook's liking. He doesn't bring it up to either you or Namjoon, although it continues to linger in his mind as he watches you glance around the bookcases.
 "Hey, are you gonna help me up, Jungkookie? I think I see something up there." You point to one of the shelves, and Jungkook follows your line of sight to the top of the shelf.
 "Why do you need up there?" Namjoon asks. He sets his book to the side and watches you turn back to look at him.
 "I'm certain that Mingyu put the bear up there. Do you remember what he used to do with the smuggled cigarettes and alcohol?"
 "Yea yea, I remember that. I'll get it for you." He gets up and moves towards where you're standing by the shelves, nudging you aside with his elbow.
 "No, you aren't tall enough to reach the top either," you complain, elbowing him in the side as well.
 "Oh shush, Y/N, I'm gonna help you up." Namjoon catches your elbow before you can hit him again and tugs you closer, then hoists you up by the waist. Jungkook can't do anything except stand back and watch the scene, feeling strangely out of place. "Hey, don't kick me."
 "I didn't mean to!"
 "Sure you didn't."
 "Oh fuck off, Joon. You know I would've kicked a lot harder if I meant it."
 The scene is oddly domestic, something out of place in the clinic, something Jungkook isn't used to seeing or witnessing, and certainly not something he is used to seeing from you and Namjoon. Namjoon laughs at your response and lifts you up a bit higher. You pad around on the top of the shelf, swiping something from the top. It falls to the ground in a cloud of dust. Jungkook blinks down at it, eyes wide.
 Sure enough, there lies a stuffed bear, greyed by dust, and his lips part in shock at the sight of it. Something much smaller lies next to it, also dark with dirt and dust, but Jungkook can't make out what it is from the distance he's at. 
 "Y/N…" He starts, not sure what to say. Namjoon lowers you to the floor again then bends over. He misses the bear completely; instead, reaching for the plastic bag and lifting it. He wipes the dust away with his thumb.
 "Fuck," he mutters under his breath.
 "Wha-at is it?" Jungkook inquires, leaning over to look closer.
 "A bag of pills." You lean over as well. One hand rests on Namjoon's shoulder, the other lingers at your hip, and a sigh escapes your lips as you look down at the bag. "Why is it here though, Joon? Who's is it?"
 "I don't know. I rarely see anyone come in here, but obviously, it belongs to either Yesung or Mingyu. Don't know why they would keep it here of all places though."
 "It doesn't look like the pills either of them take."
 "Did they… did they take the pills from someone else for some reason?" Jungkook asks. You look his way, head tilting to the side as you mull over his words. 
 "Has anyone discussed leaving soon, Jungkookie?"
 "Um, yea actually. Jimin mentioned that Mi-Miyeon? Yea, Miyeon could be on her way out." You shake your head at his words. 
 "That can't be right," you say as you shift your gaze to Namjoon. "Miyeon doesn't take any pills, does she?"
 "No, she's strictly in the ED division as far as I know. No reason for her to take pills in the first place. Besides, these are narcotics. Among all the patients, I'm the only one who is assigned to take them. No way in hell I'd give those pills to anyone, let alone Mingyu or Yesung."
 "So…?" Jungkook trails off, waiting for Namjoon to follow up on his comment.
 "So they must be getting the pills from a staff member."
 "Why on earth would they need them though?" You ask. Your grip tightens on Namjoon's shoulder, and he glances down at you with a darkening expression. "And why the hell would they keep them here?" Your tone increases in fervor. Namjoon shakes his head, not saying anything for a moment. He continues with a quiet voice.
 "They're up to something, I know it but… honestly, we cannot worry about that right now. If someone were to find us with the pills, we would get in serious trouble. That may be exactly what Mingyu and Yesung want. So please, Y/N, please just forget about it for now. It's not important. We should just leave them here for the time being." A frown comes across your lips.
 "Mingyu and Yesung have never done anything drastic, Joon. You don't think – do you think they might try something?"
 "I'm sure Yesung isn't the one behind it if they are. He just does whatever Mingyu says because that's what is easiest for him. Y/N, please try to trust me on this. I'll try my best to figure this out so you don't need to worry about it." Namjoon brings a hand up, resting it atop yours, and he squeezes gently. You blink back at him.
 "I already trust you, Joon. You don't need to ask that."
 "I know but…” Namjoon trails off, not finishing his train of thought as a sad gleam overtakes his features. He looks away and shifts his gaze to the floor instead. "Take the bear to Taehyung. He's been waiting long enough, hasn't he?"
 "You're right," you murmur before retracting your hand from Namjoon's shoulder. Bending down, you lift the bear into your grasp and give a few measly swipes at the dust.
 "Jungkook, could you hang back for a minute? I'd like to chat."
 You glance between Namjoon and Jungkook, eyes narrowed and skeptical. Jungkook bites at his lower lip. Your stare is lingering, increasing his discomfort and the anxiety bubbling in his gut. A moment later, you turn away though and do not question Namjoon's request.
 "I'll see you both at dinner then." You slip out of the library without further comment. The moment you're out of sight, Namjoon grabs hold of Jungkook's arm and tugs him further into the room.
 "Things are getting worse between Y/N and Taehyung. And by worse, I mean quite a lot worse. Y/N thinks it's all because of the bear because Taehyung hasn't said anything." 
 "I know that. Seokjin mentioned it earlier."
 "Well, yes, that's fantastic, Jungkook. It's a big problem. If she gives him the bear, it is not going to fix anything. She will continue to think that she did something wrong because of what you did. To make matters worse, Hoseok is coming back to the clinic tonight."
 "He's scheduled to come back around mealtime, which means he will most likely be there during dinner. Y/N still doesn't know about the pills or him trying to overdose," Namjoon explains in a hushed tone. Jungkook merely shakes his head as he looks back at the man. 
 "I don't – I don't know what you want me to do. I don't understand what you want me to do, Namjoon. You already told her to take the bear to Taehyung. What am I supposed to do?" Namjoon laughs at Jungkook's coming, a breathy sound that lilts through the air for a moment. He quiets down even further with his next words.
 "She's not doing that though. She's in the hallway trying to listen in on our conversation. I know her all too well. But, Jungkook, she can't sit at Hoseok's table tonight. She really can't. I don't even think she should see him in the first place."
 "No…" Jungkook mutters. He leans away from Namjoon, eyes crossing the older man's face. "No. She needs to see him, and she needs to give the bear to Taehyung. It will make her happy, Namjoon. She needs that."
 "At what cost, Jungkook? For what? A sliver of happiness? I refuse to risk her sanity and wellbeing for a brief moment of happiness."
 "Yoongi would. He'd want her to be happy and do whatever it takes to make her happy." Jungkook pulls his arm away from Namjoon, but the man only grips him harder and keeps him rooted to the spot.
 "I'm not Yoongi, Jungkook! I have lost more than one person because I just wanted them to be happy. It fucking backfired so I refuse to risk that for Y/N as well. She is all I have left."
 "Things change. It doesn't mean it will be the same for Y/N."
 Namjoon's arm falls limply by his side. He looks down at the floor, and Jungkook can't see the expression that rests on his face but he isn't sure that he really wants to out of fear of what he might see. 
 "I can't risk that, Jungkook," he whispers, voice so quiet that Jungkook has to lean in to hear him better. "She's the only one I have left. Everyone else has abandoned me. I don't have anyone else in my life, not even outside the clinic. I was dropped here when I was 16. My family never came back to check on me or talk to me or anything. She is all I have left. I can't lose her no matter what."
 "Then are you going to keep her here forever? Just because you're being selfish? How long has she been here because you refused to let her go?" Jungkook steps away from Namjoon, nearly tripping over his own feet. Namjoon… how long have you forced her to stay? Namjoon doesn't answer his questions, and Jungkook continues to glare at him with fury in his eyes. "I refuse to help you keep her miserable. That's not what she deserves, that's not what anyone deserves. If it makes her happy, then I'll do that. That's how you know someone truly cares about your wellbeing." 
 Jungkook turns on his heel, leaving the library without further comment and anger boiling in his gut. As soon as he turns the corner outside the door, he spots you. You're standing a couple feet away from the door, leaning against the wall with the stuffed bear hanging loosely in your grasp. Just as Namjoon said you would be.
 "Take the bear to Taehyung," you say. You make no comment on whether you overheard his conversation with Namjoon or not, but Jungkook certainly does not want to press the matter. "Just leave it on his bed or tell him that you were the one who found it, I don't care."
 "Why don't you want to do it yourself?" Jungkook says, head tilting to the side as he asks the question. "You deserve to give it to him."
 "I really don't," you answer with a small shake of your head. "At the end of the day, I don't deserve anything, so it doesn't really matter."
 "That's not true," Jungkook protests. He frowns back at you, your face stoic in comparison to his. "Taehyung would be more than thrilled if you gave the bear back to him." As soon as he concludes his sentence, you chuck the stuffed bear at him without warning. It bounces off Jungkook's chest and hits the floor with a soft thud. "Don't... don't do this, Y/N."
 "What am I doing wrong? Tell me why I can't do this. It's my life. I deserve to make these decisions for myself, don't I?"
 "You're trying to throw away your relationship with Taehyung," Jungkook bites out between gritted teeth. 
 "That's not true."
 "You are pushing him away to save yourself."
 "You're lying." You push away from the wall. Spit leaves your mouth as you hiss your words at him, pure vehemence in your tone. You begin to walk down the hall, and Jungkook rushes to pick up the bear from the floor and chase after you. "Stop fucking following me." 
 Jungkook persists still, hot on your heels as you move. "I'm not following you," he says under his breath. 
 "Fuck off, Jungkook. I won't say it again."
 "Is it because of what Namjoon said? Did you listen to our conversation?"
 "No, I actually didn't. I heard about ten percent of your fucking conversation and decided I didn't want to hear the rest. God, I could really use some cigarettes right about now." You bring a hand to your head, rubbing at the skin there as though it'll alleviate any of the pain Jungkook knows you must be in. "Before you make a smartass comment, I know it's bad for me and it won't help in the long run. I need that fucking temporary relief now."
 "I know you do," Jungkook mutters. You opt not to acknowledge him or his words, continuing to march through the clinic with Jungkook following you like a lost dog. It isn't until the two of you reach the hall of bedrooms that you decide to speak to Jungkook again.
 "I am still here for no other reason than that I am a bad person. I cannot get better. That is all. Don't sling accusations at anyone except for me." You slip into a room without even checking to see if it belongs to you. Jungkook blinks at the floor where you just stood. If he knew what to say, he might say it but he falls short. Yet again. I don't… I can't help. I don't know how to help. I caused this and yet – and yet I can't even try to fix things.
 A sigh leaves Jungkook's lips. He turns away from the door and moves for his own, carrying the stuffed bear still. Stepping into his room, the chill is what hits him first. It's a cool draft from the AC, and Jungkook shivers under it, subconsciously bringing the bear closer to his chest. It's pointless really because Jungkook sets it down on Taehyung's pillow a moment later. It's only when he puts it down that he realizes you didn't step into your own room in the hallway. Rather you stopped at the room just before yours – Yoongi's. Jungkook hesitates just before sitting on his bed. The conversation he shared with Seokjin earlier in the day returns to mind, the older man's words coming to the forefront of his memory. 
 "They care about each other – Y/N and Yoongi that is – but it's always seemed as though they have a really twisted way of showing it."
 It makes much more sense now. The differences in your relationship with Yoongi and your relationship with Namjoon. How any time something goes wrong you run to Yoongi rather than Namjoon, you search for Yoongi for comfort when Jungkook imagines Namjoon is a better option. How you and Yoongi cannot seem to hold a conversation without arguing. You mentioned that you had a different kind of trust with Yoongi, and now that Jungkook has an insight into Namjoon's feelings and mind, he sees why Namjoon chooses not to ask personal questions of you. Perhaps Namjoon is scared of what he might hear or he's worried that you'll say that you are doing better.
 Had someone asked Jungkook whether he thought Yoongi actually cared for you on the first day in the clinic, Jungkook would have said he didn't without any hesitation. Now, however, Jungkook sees that Yoongi is the only one who truly cares about your well-being.
 "I know it won't help, and it's certainly not good for her in any way. I'm just doing what I can though. If that's the only thing I can do for her, then so be it. It would've been a bad idea no doubt. I can't say no to her though."
 Jungkook can't figure where the line is. Caring about someone so much that you would be willing to do things that could hurt them in the long run versus refusing to give them momentary happiness because you know it could hurt them in the long run. He doesn't know which is better. Is it better to risk hurting someone or prevent them from small happiness? 
 "I didn't need to know why. I don't need to know every little detail about what's going on in her life, to be honest. The things I do for her are enough, and I do them because I care about her. That's that."
 He can't say no to you. Maybe that's the secret behind it all. Just not be able to say no, yet Jungkook thinks that would be an issue in the long run regardless. I wonder... does Y/N think the same about Yoongi? Does she want the same things he does? Jungkook clenches his palms around the fabric of his sweats, knuckles turning white from the pressure. She claims to know, she says she knows that it's bad for her. And yet Yoongi would still drop everything to give them to her.
 Jungkook turns on his heel. It's not any of his business really. It doesn't involve him or matter in the slightest. In the long run, what is it going to do for him?
 Selfish. Selfish. Why? Who are you? Why does it matter?
 Jungkook shakes his head. The voice intrudes, pushing through logic and replacing it with emotion.
 Think. Think. Jungkook. Think. Don't you know? Can't you figure it out? Stupid. Useless. Fucking idiot. Think. You're so useless. 
 Jungkook stumbles and nearly trips over his own feet. Grabbing for the wall, he steadies himself long enough to scoot towards the door.
 Quit fighting. Are you fucking stupid? Just let it happen. Let me in. 
 Jungkook slams his head against the wall. Leave me alone. Just leave me alone. Fuck off. I don't need you right now. Jungkook hits his head a bit harder. The pressure helps alleviate some of the pressure for only a few moments before the voices are rushing back in, rushing to disturb Jungkook's peace of mind yet again. He slides the door open. I need you to leave me alone. Go away. Go.
 Slipping back into the hallway, Jungkook slaps the side of his head with the flat of his hand as though that will help the voices leave. They are only relatively quiet when he's in the presence of other people, talking, chatting, listening, just doing anything other than being alone with his own head. He isn't wholly sure where he's walking to, but his feet take him past your room, Yoongi's room, and the one beside his. He stops before one of the white sliding doors and without thinking twice knocks on it.
 It slides open with little effort seconds later, and the girl behind it blinks up at Jungkook with confusion gleaming in her brown eyes. 
 "Uh… hello?"
 Jungkook stares down at her, an equal amount of confusion on his own features no doubt. Why… am I here?
 "Oh, are you here to see Hyewon?" The girl asks, head tilting to the side as she looks back at Jungkook. "It's Jungkook, right?"
 "U-Um, yea, yea I'm Jungkook. Is – uh, is Hyewon available right now?" Jungkook asks in response, a similar tilt to his chin. 
 "She is, yes," she answers. Jungkook can't quite place her name but knows that he's seen her sitting alongside Mingyu and Yesung with Hyewon before. "But… you aren't supposed to go into other patient's bedrooms without permission or accompaniment by a nurse?"
 "It's fine, Hanuel." Hyewon steps into Jungkook's line of sight, her platinum blonde hair tied up behind her head in a high bun. Jungkook glances away from the girl in front of him – Hanuel – in favor of looking at Hyewon. "He already got permission from a nurse."
 "O-Oh, I'm sorry for assuming." Hanuel shifts and steps out of Jungkook's path.
 "Can you give a few minutes to talk one on one, Hanuel? It won't be long I promise."
 Hanuel nods in response, her hair bouncing along with the motion, and slides past Jungkook to step into the hallway. Jungkook takes her place in the room, eyes still on Hanuel. The door slides shut behind him, the brightness from the hall dissipates and leaves Jungkook and Hyewon in a dark room.
 "You can turn on the lights if you wish. Hanuel needs it to be dark in here, but if you'd rather turn them on, that's fine." Hyewon motions over Jungkook's shoulder towards the light switch. He just shakes his head in response, fingers coming back to toy at the material of his sweatpants as the black waters of anxiety lap at his ankles. "Why are you here, Jungkook?"
 "Wh-Why did you cover for me and lie to Hanuel?"
 "Oh? Did you not ask a nurse for permission?" Jungkook denies it with another shake of his head. "Then whatever you want to talk about must be important. I don't mind. It's not like you're breaking any big rules."
 "Oh… yea."
 "Why are you here, Jungkook?" Hyewon repeats. She doesn't move, still glued to the same spot on the carpet as before, and Jungkook doesn't move either. 
 "I-I don't kn-know. I guess, I guess I just need a distraction?"
 "What do you mean?"
 "I want to – I don't know. I want to just get my mind off things for a bit. I'm sick of thinking so damn hard. I just want to stop for a bit."
 A laugh breaks through the lingering tension in the room. Jungkook peers at Hyewon as though she's grown a second head, the laugh out of place in the hush of their exchanged words. She clutches at her stomach as she laughs, the crisp sound echoes in the small room, and she slides down to sit on the carpet a moment later.
 "Well then… how may I assist you, Mr. Jeon?" Hyewon motions towards the space in front of her, the invitation clear. Jungkook moves forward with hesitant steps and falls into a similar sitting position across from her. 
 "I don't know. You can talk about anything, I guess."
 "I doubt you really want to hear my life story, Jungkook."
 He shrugs. "Try me."
 "Hm, if I tell you a bit about myself, then I expect the same in return." Hyewon points at Jungkook with her index finger, a narrow to her eyes that Jungkook winces at. "Oh chill, Jungkook. It's not an attack, it's just a fair exchange."
 "Okay, y-yea. That's fine, I guess."
 Hyewon pauses at Jungkook's stutter and hesitance. The narrow of her eyes increases. "Is something wrong with you?"
 "What? What – Why would you think that?" Jungkook blanches at her question, panic arising quickly in his gut, the black water swirling up to his hips, and his breath starts to leave him a bit quicker.
 "Well, don't take this the wrong way but you seem… relaxed? Confident? Maybe not confident, but just weirdly out of character. No offense but you normally act like a blubbering mess and can barely speak without stuttering at every word. Not to mention how you freeze up whenever someone asks something personal of you."
 "I'm just listening to your earlier advice," Jungkook says. It's a quickly uttered white lie but a good cover nonetheless. 
 "My advice? What do you mean?"
 "A-About Yoongi, Y/N and Namjoon. Uh, I know – I know what kind of people they are now." Hyewon's eyes go wide, and her lips part at bit at Jungkook's words.
 "Really? That didn't take much effort on my part. So, do you remember what really happened the night of Hoseok's episode now?"
 The question catches Jungkook off-guard. He leans back, spine straightened and rigid, and blinks at Hyewon with no words coming out of his open mouth. I know what happened. 
 "You're doing a shitty job at distracting me," Jungkook hisses. Hyewon answers with a laugh, another clear and crisp sound that tears through the room. She throws her head back while laughing.
 "Sorry about that." Hyewon clears her throat, tucking a strand of hair that's fallen from her bun behind her ear. "I could tell you a bit about my story. If that would help in any way?"
 "Sure, yeah, that sounds… fine."
 "Ha, don't sound so enthusiastic. Well, I guess I can start with my childhood? As a child, there was this – this sort of terrible accident in my life. I don't want to go too in-depth on it, and frankly, I don't remember all too much about it. But I know I lost some people who were very important to me. My struggles started there, I guess, but the remaining people in my life tried to brush it off as a normal reaction to tragedy. For a while, I believed them and wanted to brush it off the same way they did, so I tried shutting it out of my mind.
 "Well as I got older, I tried taking away the pain with other things. Drinking all sorts of things, every drug in existence, sex – anything to try and block it out for even five minutes. After a debacle, I was stuck in here because they thought it was the obvious solution. I mean, what else could they do?" Hyewon pauses, looking up at the ceiling and focusing on something up there. Jungkook peers at her as a cynical smile crosses her lips. "It's funny, you know. It's funny how only when you start doing things for yourself and trying to help yourself, people think something is wrong with you. Taking care of yourself is equal to being crazy. They never believe you when you say something is wrong with you. It's only when you take control. When they disapprove of what you're doing with your life and how you're behaving, they take control. They make the rules. They lock you away because they don't understand.
 "I was happy. I was enjoying myself, I was doing what I wanted. Free from pain and misery and the horrors I had to survive. Every damn day I asked myself, "Why did I survive and not them?". I didn't have control until I took control for myself. It wasn't until I did that I finally started living. And yet they told me that I didn't deserve to live. Sure, I would've ended up dead at some point from all the alcohol and drugs I was taking. At least… at least I was feeling something other than pain. At least I was living. They don't care about that one bit. They don't care about the pain you're in. All they care about is what image it presents. How it looks to people on the outside. The lack of control."
 "Control…" Jungkook mutters to himself. The words strike a chord, bite deep at his skin, resonate so much in him that it physically hurts. His chest tightens, heart clenching at the walls around it, and he blinks at Hyewon with narrowed eyes. A mirror, but not. Same story, different telling. Same life, different paths taken. All leading to the same place...
 "It stressed me out, to be honest," Hyewon says, voice falling to a broken whisper. Her chin dips to her chest. "Thinking about how no matter what you do, it's never enough for them. But at some point, you have to realize that… it's not about doing it for them. You don't owe them anything. It's about what you owe to yourself. The things you do for yourself are enough, and that's the truth of it. So, how about you, Jungkook? What were your juicy methods of taking the pain away? And how did they land you here?"
 "I…" Jungkook trails off. He swallows roughly around the lump in his throat, the black waters of anxiety quickly rushing to lap at his feet in the moment of weakness. A mirror. A mirror. She's a mirror. Vulnerable. Trust. I can’t trust her. No, I can. I can trust her. "I just would work out and control what I ate. I needed control. Had to have some sort of control in my life. Those were the only things I knew how to control. Just work out until I couldn't even feel my body anymore. Control what I ate until – until I was perfect. It was just easiest to do."
 Hyewon laughs. "Why did you never try alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, or sex? That would've taken care of the problem in an instant."
 "I wasn't interested."
 "In what?"
 "I never wanted to do something bad for me or that I would regret eventually. I've never been interested in alcohol or cigarettes, drugs are off the table. I never wanted to put more drugs in my body than I'm forced to already. Didn't want to add to the growing list of issues I have with my condition. As for sex, I've never been in a relationship, so I didn't even consider it."
 "I have never regretted a single thing I did. Besides, you don't have to be in a relationship to have sex." Hyewon smiles at him, and the expression sends a surge of embarrassment through his system.
 "I-I know that. I know. I know but I would rather it be something meaningful and worth something. Not something to take the pain away."
 "Don't knock it until you try it, Jungkook," Hyewon scoffs. A knock interrupts Hyewon's train of thought. The door slides open, Hanuel steps back in, and Jungkook leans away from the girl across from him. 
 "I'm sorry. The lights outside were bothering me."
 "It's fine, it's fine. I was just leaving." Jungkook gets up, moving back from the carpet. "Th-Thank you, Hyewon. For talking with me."
 "No problem, Jungkook. Drop by any time you need me."
 "I'll keep that in mind." Jungkook turns away from Hyewon and heads for the door where Hanuel stands. He steps past her, moves into the hallway, and walks back to his room with heavy feet. He barely has time to think about his conversation with Hyewon, everything is moving quickly again. He has enough time to make it to his door and find it wide open. Again, he finds an unexpected sight. Again, he finds Taehyung sitting on the edge of his bed, something in his hands. Except this time it isn't Jungkook's journal. It's a small stuffed bear covered in dark dust.
a/n: okay first of all, so so sorry for such a delay in updates for my series!!! i’ve been doing requests for such a long time that i completely lost track of time! i hope you all like this chapter, please let me know what you think of it 🥺👉👈
tag list: @succulentjinkook​ @mxrzan​
consider sending me a ko-fi!!
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ya-like-space · 4 years
Oranges, A Warm Summer’s Breeze, and Home
Souji didn’t want to leave. In the short year he was there, Inaba had become his home. The only place he’d ever felt like he truly belonged. As he watched his friends and family grow farther and farther away from the train window, tears slowly started to run down his cheeks. He’s leaving behind the best thing that’s ever happened to him. When the platform was no more than a speck in the distance, Souji sat back in his seat. Closing his eyes, he drifts off to sleep.
 He wakes up hours later to a station announcement. Wiping the sleep from his eyes, he grabs his bag from the overhead. Stepping off the train, a rush of emotion hits him. It hadn’t been long since he’d been in Tokyo, but it felt like forever. It all felt wrong. A sense of unfamiliarity flowed throughout him as he walked through the busy streets. Compared to Inaba, everything was so much bigger. 
 Dreading walking into his parent’s apartment again, Souji stood outside the door, counting. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ...10.  Upon reaching 10, he flung open the door. Duffel bag in hand, he raced quickly and quietly to his bedroom. His parents weren’t home, and wouldn’t be for another two days. Couldn’t even make it home to greet their own son. Setting his bag down, he flopped onto his bed. He didn’t want to unpack, knowing if he did, the reality of the situation would set in. Instead, he settled for glaring at all the boxes already in his room. They had arrived days prior. 
 He can still remember how hard it was for him to pack. A part of him wanted to leave everything there, exactly how it was, so when he came back it would all be the same. But the rational part of him had won out, and he called Yosuke over to help him. Though it probably hadn’t been necessary, Souji had wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. They had gotten all of the things he was taking with him packed in only an hour. Leaving them the rest of the day to spend with each other. Not wanting to be in his empty room anymore, Yosuke had suggested they take a walk to the Samegawa. Or at least, that’s what Souji thought was going to happen.
 Yosuke had confessed to him. Down by the riverbank, in the same place they had their fight. He had broken down when they got there, spilling his heart to Souji. Yosuke kissed him that day, arms looped around Souji’s back, hands in his hair. They walked home together hand in hand, tear tracks still visible on Yosuke’s cheeks.
 Souji already misses Inaba, and he’s barely been in Tokyo an hour. It wasn’t fair that he had to leave. That he had to go back to an empty apartment, to parents who were never home, to parents who used him, and a new school of people who don’t know what he’s been through. 
 That night, Souji dreamt of a warm embrace and a rushing river.
 Even though he really didn’t want to, Souji began unpacking his stuff. He started with the duffel bag, which was mostly empty. Other than a few changes of clothes, and his toiletries. 
 But when he opened the first box, instead of the muted black of the old t-shirt that Souji had thought would be on top, there was a rumpled lump of orange fabric on top, which was revealed to be a very familiar hoodie when he pulled it out of the box by one sleeve. It was one of Yosuke’s hoodies, the one he’d been wearing when he’d helped Souji pack up his room, in fact. Tears begin streaming down his face. Souji lifts the hoodie out of the box, burying his face in it. It smells like oranges, a warm summer's breeze, and home. He stays like this for a while, before attempting to compose himself. Flipping over the hoodie, he sees something that was previously hidden. A little pink sticky note, stuck to the underside of the cloth. 
  I’ll miss u partner <3
 That breaks him. Souji crumples into a ball on the floor, unable to stop sobbing. A good 10 minutes go by before he can even think again. When he finally manages to collect himself, he gets an idea. His parents arrive tomorrow, so he’ll have to leave early in the morning. He buys a one way ticket to Inaba, and repacks all of his things. This has to work. Before he goes to bed, he sends a text to Dojima, telling him about the plan. Dojima immediately agrees, telling Souji he’ll pick him up from the station tomorrow.
 Souji gets up the next morning, and writes a note to his parents. Placing it on the dining room table, it feels like a weight has been lifted from him. He walks back to the train station. On the ride back to Inaba, Souji wonders if he did the right thing. But then he looks down at the hoodie he slipped on that morning, before leaving. All doubts leave his mind at the first sight of orange. He rests his head against the window as the gentle rumbling of the train lulls him into a peaceful sleep.
 When he wakes, the conductor is announcing Yasoinaba Station is only minutes away. Souji grabs his duffel bag and moves to the other side of the train. It’s almost like coming here the first time, with the empty compartment and empty station. He meets Dojima outside, getting into the passenger seat of the car.
 Dojima turns his head to look at him. Ruffling Souji’s hair he smiles, “Hey there kiddo. It’s good to see you.”
 Souji smiles back at him.
 “It’s only been a day,” he pauses, his expression softening slightly, “but I missed you too, Uncle.”
 The drive back to the house is silent. But it’s the good kind of silence. The kind that calms you, and steadies your nerves. Souji’s half expecting to be bombarded by Nanako when they get inside, but instead, the house is dark. 
 “Nanako went to play at a friend’s house today. She should be home soon.”
 “Oh. Okay.”
 Souji had been excited to see his cousin, but he was fine with waiting. It would give him and his Uncle time to sort some things out.
 “Now. Souji. Are you sure you want to do this? Because if you are, 
I’m willing to do whatever needs to be done.”
 Dojima wasn’t an idiot. He had seen the signs of abuse in his nephew when he had first arrived in Inaba,  and as much as he would like to believe his sister wouldn’t do something like that, he knew it was true. And when Souji had sent him a message asking about  this, well, he couldn’t deny it anymore. He cared about Souji, and wanted him to be safe.
 “Yes. I’m sure. I don’t want to be a part of that family anymore, I don’t want to be treated like a doll, like I’m just there for their entertainment. I want to be here, with my real family.”
 “That’s all I needed to know. Now let’s get this paperwork filled out.”
 Nanako arrived home hours after they had finished filing everything out. Her face had lit up upon seeing Souji.
 “Big Bro!”
 She jumped into him, squeezing her arms around his middle.
“What are you doing here?”
 He smiles down at her.
 “I decided I’m not going back to the city.”
 The three of them spent that night redoing Souji’s room, and eating take-away. Souji had decided he was gonna surprise Yosuke tomorrow. His shift at Junes ended at 3, so all he had to do was show up after it was over.
 When Souji woke the next morning, Dojima was arguing with someone on the phone. Souji’s parents, most likely. He listened for a while, barely able to make out any of the words. They sounded angry, and he was glad that he didn’t have to deal with them. Dojima hung up the phone, finally noticing Souji.
 “Hm? Oh, good morning Souji.”
 “Are my parents angry?”
 Dojima nodded, motioning for Souji to sit.
 “They seem to think they own you, and that they reserve the right to control your every move.”
 His expression darkened.
 “Souji. You should’ve said something sooner.”
 “I know. But I was afraid too.”
 “Well, as long as you’re safe now.”
 Souji smiled softly, “Yeah. I am.”
 After speaking with his Uncle for a bit longer, and getting the last of the adoption papers filled, he headed to the Samegawa to kill time. It was a little hard getting there, since he nearly ran into Yukiko on the way. Souji wasn’t quite ready to tell the rest of the team he was in Inaba again, in case something went wrong. The only exception being Yosuke. He really wanted to see Yosuke again, but he had to wait. Souji spent the next few hours down by the riverbank, listening to the rushing water.
 Before he knew it, it was almost 3, and Souji made his way to Junes. His plan was to wait near the back entrance, where Yosuke parks his bike. That way, if someone he knew was in Junes, they wouldn’t see him.
  One minute. 30 seconds. 15 seconds. Now!  Yosuke walked through the door, right on time. At first, he didn’t notice Souji was there. But then he saw him standing, right next to his bike. Yosuke barreled into him, laughing happily.
 “Souji! What are you doing here?”
But then Souji said the best thing Yosuke had heard all day.
 "I'm not going," suddenly Souji had him pushed up against a wall, and was kissing him. It wasn't a gentle kiss either, it was hard and demanding and so full of need that Yosuke started to feel a little dizzy.
 "W-what?" he managed to stutter, utterly bewildered by the turn of events.
 "Tell me you love me," Souji requested.
 Now Yosuke definitely wasn’t expecting that, his face flushing a deep red. Souji was looking at him, but the look in his eyes was something Yosuke had never seen before. Something like panic, or desperation. For some reason Souji had come all the way back to Inaba, and the least Yosuke could do was grant this small request.
 "I love you, Souji.”
 Souji practically squeezed him to death in a hug, burying his face in the side of Yosuke's neck with a noise that sounded suspiciously like a sob.
 "Say it again," he repeated, voice muffled by Yosuke's shirt. Yosuke grinned, feeling warmth flow throughout him.
 "I love you," he sighed, wrapping his arms around Souji in return.
  There’s that smell again. Souji breathed in deeply. Oranges, a warm summer's breeze, and home.
He’s finally home.
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@souyoweek2020​ Day 6 | scent
One more day! I've had the idea for this fic in my head, ever since I finished the game for the first time. I always thought there should've been an ending where Souji got to stay in Inaba. This ended up being a tad bit heavier then i wanted, but it kind’ve took on a life of its own while I was writing it. 
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jq37 · 4 years
The Royal Report– A Crown of Candy Ep 14 Encounter in the Ice Cream Temple
We All Scream
We return to the Ice Cream Temple after the absolute bombshell that the SPF engineered Jet’s death as a way to get the Candians to her lair and gear up for the fight that that revelation obviously triggered. We get a better idea of the battlefield with the amazing Rick Perry set--like even by his standards it’s amazing, fog is involved. The party is on a ledge on one side of the room and there are huge levitating Popsicles and ice cream cones between them and a massive tower of frozen desserts which has the chocolate egg stuck in it in a little alcove.
As the fight begins, the SPF quickly cycles through all her glamours before revealing her true form, a huge, blue/purple, many-faced, many-winged, angelic type being--but angel in the, “We’re saying ‘be not afraid’ not as a formality but because we know we look scary,” sense. And with a Nat 20 initiative she goes to cast something in a cone that would have hit everyone for 8d8 damage but Rina dispels it with a clutch 5th level Counterspell (rolling exactly the DC without even adding her mod), absolutely foiling Brennan. In celebration, she finally puts the crown on Amethar tossed to her a couple of eps back.
Cumulus does some crazy monk movement to jump all the way across to the alcove with the egg. Unfortunately, the SPF immediately uses a legendary action to hit him with with a Ray of Frost for 27 damage and then gets a lair action to skewer him with an icicle, fully dropping him to death saves. The one small mercy is that Cumulus falls towards the egg, not into the mist.
Liam takes some shots at the SPF, and learns that she has both a really high AC and some kind of Mirror Image spell going to take some of her hits. He also eats the Peppermint Heart Seed the SPF returned to them, hoping it will give him flight like it did to Preston (almost jumping off the ledge to test it) but Brennan rolls on the Wild Magic Table and it instead makes the entire party Invisible. 
Ruby (at Brennan’s mischievous suggestion) jumps off the edge so she’ll be in range to use Mage Hand, ties it to the end of the rope to the closest floating Popsicles (the orange one), and hangs on. In the distance, she can hear her aunts cheering for her. The SPF blasts her with some cold damage, insisting she just wants to take her somewhere safe but Ruby is having none of that.
Amethar throws some javelins which just gets rid of some of the illusions. The SPF does some more damage to Ruby.
Theo, student of Lazuli, realizes that the SPF is like a dragon sitting atop all this magical treasure but she’s not the source of the magic per se and they should be able to get the floating Popsicles to move at their command. He tells everyone and then holds his turn to see if Rina does anything crazy. Rina Thundersteps herself and Theo to the Popsicle Ruby is hanging onto and uses Winterscoop like an oar to try and move it (DC 10 Wis check w/ advantage--Brennan’s one small mercy). She gets it and yells to her guys to jump onto the other Popsicle (the red one) but they aren’t able to move it. With the rest of his held turn, Theo cast Protection From Evil and Good on Rina. 
The SPF tries to blast Rina’s group with another cone attack but Rina stops it cold (ha) with another Counterspell, viably breaking Brennan.
Cumulus fails a death save. Theo takes some cold damage which he lessens with Absorb Elements. Then the SPF casts a spell on Ruby, entering her mind and saying, “You came to me in the glade. Wherever you go, I go.” And she hears a scream from Jet as the SPF begins stitching her own shadow to Ruby. (Spooky, hate that!)
Liam jumps on the red Popsicle and attacks the SPF again, getting rid of the last of her protective illusion.
Ruby swings up to where Cumulus and the egg is. She the rope to Cumulus and pushes him off the edge (Zac’s Face: *Immediate Concern*) so they can pull him up and help him. She also does an Insight check on the egg and feels that the outside is cold but there’s a deep rumbling from within.    
Amethar jumps onto the red Popsicle and is finally able to move it. He gets closer to the SPF to throw some javelins and gets a hit this time but, unfortunately, as the SPF is hit, an identical wound dealing half damage appears on Ruby. Ruby yells this info to everyone else.
Theo again delays his action to wait for Rina to act. Rina Healing Word’s Cumulus both because he’s down and to boost her movement by ten (she gets that free 10 feet of Fly when she casts a spell) and she uses that movement to get within range of the egg and cast Bonfire (a cantrip) on the egg (Ruby insisting she could have done it without help). Brennan, womped thrice, needs a 12 or higher on 2d8 to damage the egg. Rina gets a 13 on the dice without having to even do any Sorcery shenanigans. 
The egg cracks, releasing hot steam, the smell of cinnamon and the most ADORABLE baby dragon that imprints on Rina immediately. Rina coos that she finally has a family.”
“That is mine,” the SPF says.
“Not anymore,” Rina replies. 
Ruby’s Big Day
Jon Bon nails the SPF with a throwing ax, doing half damage to Ruby again.
The SPF does a ton of damage to the red Popsicle peeps and Swifty and Gooey look ROUGH.
Cumulus (after determining that the SPF connection with Ruby will fade soon) jumps and grapples the SPF, doing a successful Stunning Strike, but the SPF uses a legendary resistance to come out of stun and then attacks him, paralyzing him and leaving him to fall.
Ruby tries to figure out if she can do something and Rina says if she trusts her and holds her action, she can do something to help. But it’s not necessary because, on his turn, Liam hits the SPF with a crossbow bolt (Ruby takes no damage as the connection has faded) and then moves the Popsicle under where Cumulus is going to land. The SPF hits Liam for 25 points of damage, taking him down to 9. 
Even though she doesn’t need it to save Cumulus anymore, Ruby still delays her turn to get movement help from Rina (reluctantly). Amethar catches Cumulus out of the air before he hits the Popsicle and then does almost 50 points of damage to the SPF with Payment Day now that he’s in melee range. 
Theo moves the orange Popsicle closer to where the action is happening, Misty Steps to the floating ice cream cone between his Popsicle and the other one, then tries to boomerang his sword to hit the SPF, but it doesn’t hit. 
Rina (slipping into a very Fig manner of speech for a second) asks Ruby, “You wanna go for a ride?” Ruby accepts and Rina (after telling Cinnamon--the newly christened dragon--to fly over to her when he has a chance) Thundersteps herself and Ruby over to the very crowded orange Popsicle with the SPF. She also casts Create Bonfire on the SPF which does double damage--24.
And Ruby decides to take her held turn.
She casts Green Flame Blade on Flickerish--Jet’s sword--and says, “For Jet, bitch.” 
Yak flies over to give her advantage (and make this as cinematic as possible).
Nat 20 bay-bee!
So she’s getting extra dice from Green Flame Blade, Rogue Sneak Attack, Flickerish’s Superiority Dice, and the Nat 20. Siobhan is rolling a DM number of dice here and you truly love to see it. 
Brennan, sensing that, writes a number on a folded piece of paper and hands it to her. The amount of HP the SPF has left. Then he has her roll in the Box of Doom. She lets those colorful dice fly and counts them up--while Brennan looks on with increasing consternation in the background.   
She opens the piece of paper.  
Ruby lands graceful, balancing with her circus training, shadow of Jet being cast tall on the wall of the cavern.
“Can’t you come home with me?” asks the SPF.
“Why don’t you come home with me?”
Ruby thrusts the sword forward and the SPF (who Brennan says was literally just about to use her 9th level spell slot to cast Wish and restore all her HP) is no more. 
Cold Shoulder
Fight over, the mist begins to clear. They see the floor of the cavern is just magical items on magical items and Swifty is stoked as hell. The magic of this place goes from painfully freezing cold and sickly sweet to the good kind of crisp cold and welcoming availability.  
Ruby in her ear hears 4 voices:
“Proud of you, kid.”
“You make it look effortless. I am so proud.”
“Sweetheart, I don’t know where we’re going next. It was nice to be here, but we’re gonna go somewhere we don’t know, but we’re gonna go there together.”
“I was fourth in line and I didn’t know that we were all gonna say something. They didn’t tell me.”
“Look after her please,” Ruby says.
“I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else.”  
Then she feels the embrace of her shadow and it returns to its place.
(“I love you so much. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.”) 
Rina says to Ruby that she could have finished off the SPF herself but she wanted to let her have the killing blow because it clearly meant a lot to her. She doesn’t know if that will mean anything to her now and she feels that maybe she’s wasting her time continually trying to reach out to her but maybe, someday, it will get through to her. 
Rina’s guys escort her away and she can tell that Gooey has something on her mind. Rina gives her permission to speak freely and Gooey (with Swifty and Jon Bon chiming in) basically says, “Fuck the Candians. They treat you like shit. We’re your real family. You’re gonna be a dope ass queen.”
“You know, it’s funny. That’s the first time someone has called me queen and it hasn’t felt uncomfortable. It actually felt really good.”
Ruby takes another moment of silence for Jet. Theo says that it was always Jet’s dream to be fighting with and for the common people which is Rina’s whole thing. They should be rallying behind her. Ruby and Amethar never even wanted to rule--now he gets to be a warrior again like he wanted. Amethar shoots back with his perspective on the last 4 weeks: his daughter died, he died twice, he decided he was gonna finally man up and bam, it turns out he’s not even king anymore. So excuse him for not being the most gung ho person in the world.  
Theo says that he trusts that Amethar is on board but Rina doesn’t know him. From her POV, this is just unprovoked shunning.
“You have two living daughters.”
Ruby goes to talk to Rina and, on a Nat 20 Insight, sees that all her guys are fully ready to remorselessly kill her if given the order. Still, she presses on, laying out her cards: Her entire worldview has imploded in a matter of weeks. Her twin sister just died. She’s going through so much and now this too? She can’t accept Rina as both her sister and her queen. She has to pick one.
“I understand that you lost everything,” Rina says, “but I was born with nothing.” She says that she was actually very excited to meet Ruby and have a sister and finally not be alone anymore, tears cracking through her cold facade for a moment. But then she gathers herself. 
“If I must choose, then I choose to be your queen.” 
“Very well.”
Rina and her crew exit the Temple and start down the mountain. Everyone except for Liam follows them. Liam goes to check on the hoard and rolls a 24 Investigation check. At the base of the tower he sees an old lair with ancient chocolate eggshells. He knows this is the dark space from his dreams and he knows this was once a dragon lair. At the center of the nest (which is still somehow warm), there’s a little ember that glows brighter as he approaches. It grows red and bright, filling his vision, a hand reaches out, grabs his throat and pulls and we end the ep!   
Medal of Honor
Killing a god should be enough to get anyone this spot.
But killing a god with only a 7 point margin on a Nat 20 in order to avenger your sister’s death with her own sword a turn before said god was about to down a Full Restore?
Ooh, man. All hail Princess Ruby Rocks baby!
Things I’m Concerned About
OK, I mentioned last week I was worried about Rina doing a Cat's in the Cradle but I said I’d elaborate later and what I feared seems to be materializing so I’m going to talk about it now. Rina clearly had a certain vision of what she wanted this family reunion to look like and, for valid reasons, it’s not happening that way. They’re not really bonding. So what this ends up being is them relying on her in battle but brushing her off socially--at least that’s what it looks like from her POV. And like, she’s been around for like 2 days so it’s kind of unreasonable for her to expect them to be fully on board already but I see where she’s coming from. If I grew up as basically a Dickensian orphan and a princess told me a sob story (however valid) I wouldn’t be impressed. It would be a complicated situation even without a war happening in the background. On top of that, Rina is surrounded by Yes-Men which concerned me from the start when Gooey pulled her aside that first time. The last time we had the potential for serious party conflict in D20 (not counting Bloodkeep because I maintain that, despite the setup and Brennan’s best efforts, that was never going to happen) was the Kingston/Pete situation and that ended up fizzling out but idk man. That conversation Rina had about how it felt kinda nice to be called queen? That def set off some alarm bells in my head. I don’t know enough about GoT to know if this is a totally valid statement but when she got the dragon and then that convo happened I was like...hmm...how does Dany’s story end again?
Lol also, whatever the heck is going on with Liam and the dragon. Really this should be first but, I’m gonna be real, the Rina thing was so much that I fully forgot this was a thing that also happened. 
I’m concerned about whatever happens next ep that was so bad they’ve been talking about it for ages. Feeling pretty trepid about that my guys. 
We haven’t heard from Annabelle and Primsy in a while and that doesn’t necessarily mean anything bad but...hmm...
Five A Few More Things
Ah yes, the return of the, “Why can’t a butterscotch bird help me perform first aid?” argument. “Are you telling me a bird can’t save someone’s life?”
“Give me the child.” Brennan, I know I say this a lot but if anything happens to Cinnamon...a single thing...a solitary hitpoint...Brennan…
 There's a bit where Cumulus rolls like a 9 and Ally goes, “Can he get advantage from the egg?” And Siobhan makes a face like, “Fully what?” but then a second later is like, “That’s a great question,” totally straight-faced and it’s so funny.
I wonder if Rina’s peeps feel the way they do about the whole party? Because Theo is honestly (in Murph’s words) also one of her goons practically and Cumulus pledged the orders’ services to her. You’d think they’d get consideration. 
When Cinnamon gives Rina a Help action she goes, “I’ve never gotten  Help action before,” and I understand what she meant but also, lol, she gets Help actions like every turn from her guys.
“Don’t come after my distant cousin!”
Very happy that if combat is happening in our story eps we’re getting some story in our combat eps. Getting a significant chunk of immediate aftermath is very cool and something I often wished for in the other main seasons.
FYI: Celestial is Liam’s Greater Favored Enemy. 
Brennan really does love to undercut the tenseness of the situations of his dark world by reminding us all that it’s also deeply stupid and made of candy and I think that’s great. 
One More Thing
Two big fandom art things are happening right now that I want to shout out:
(1) Until the 24th, D20 is accepting CoC fanart for their finale montage. The email is [email protected] and the details are on their Twitter. 
(2) A fan run event is also happening--as big bang (which is a fanfic-visual art team-up thing that I’m learning about for the first time but seems really cool). Info for that is here. 
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