#i was gonna make a cool background untill i gave up
sxftkxssxs · 2 days
How would the main5 reader being related to Lucio? As I would have a field day with that information
I tried to balance lighthearted and serious thoughts in this one, it likely doesn't come across as well as I'm seeing it at the moment since it is late.
I hope you enjoy anyways!
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Asra is appalled by this information.
You, the absolute love of his life, who was killed, albeit indirectly, by Lucio, are related to him? That's fucked up.
He's absolutely not happy. Lucio's somehow managed to screw with every part of Asra's life. His parents, Muriel, and his partner.
If you decide to play protagonist and try to make everyone get along, they'll tease Lucio to hell and back five times over with this.
It does not help that Lucio doesn't like Asra the most. Why'd his relative pick the worst one?!
He holds it over Lucio's head the rest of his life. He'll find so many ways to say the same thing over and over again.
"This is karma for throwing my parents in the magical realms."
Yikes, this one is a little hard to grasp for me.
He'll likely make some sort of joke or jab at the information but don't be fooled. He's processing.
He decides he doesn't really know what to feel, except for a reasonable amount of lingering anger, like any normal person would.
Lucio force-fed him a plague beetle, they aren't exactly on, "sorry we cool?" terms.
If you don't mind that you're related to Lucio he'll tease you about it, if not he'll leave it alone.
He's not gonna be very happy go lucky with him, but with you he's all teasing, especially if you indulge in his scheming.
This woman cannot get a break, can she?
She's internally trying to see the resemblance but her ability to depends on your personality.
If you're an absolute menace to the living breathing world, she absolutely sees it. If not, she's at a loss for how the two could possibly be from the same family tree.
She doesn't see you or your relationship any differently, whatever she had with Lucio is in the very far past, but Lucio is throwing a fit.
Why are you with HIS ex-wife?? MC??? Hey! He's talking to you, MC!
Yeah, no. sorry.
We all have to remember what that man put Muriel through. Muriel obviously held every single action that happened in that colosseum against Lucio. As he should!!
If we're talking about early Muriel he's immediately running from the MC. Get away, shoo!
If we decide to talk about late or even post-upright Muriel, we can have a different outcome.
He'll be upset, confused, and likely very apprehensive. Inanna is there as a bridge between the both of you.
He doesn't want to see you any differently, and he doesn't. But how can one relative be the absolute worst person to grace the earth and the other be the best thing to ever happen to him?
She's surprisingly only slightly bugged about it.
That is the man who force-fed her brother a beetle and gave him the red plague.
But if her brother can put it in the past then she supposes she can too. (But you can swear she gives Lucio the nastiest look when he isn't looking..?)
She still has some trouble fully letting it go, but instead of a full on grudge its more like when your friend doesn't pay something back. She'll just bring it up every once in a while.
Teases you about being considered royalty, even if Lucio isn't count anymore.
He's having a field day, greatest day of his life even! He's sorta got a mini him!
...Until you start out-menacing him, even if its only in certain ways.
who knew that ran in the family tree? Morga is losing her mind in the background
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lukeskywormie · 7 months
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the background sucks
thanks for letting me in dinluke art nation!!
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hansoeii · 5 months
Hello! Hope you're having a great day/night! I absolutely adore your art, you are one of my favourite artists. I love the way you shade and do backrounds. Also everytime I get into a new show I immediately see your art for it??
I was wondering if you had any advice on drawing more realistically (backrounds, anatomy etc) but still keeping a style?
Hey hey!
Thank you so much!
I have a pretty good understanding of facial structures, because before I got into drawing more semi-realisticly, I heavily focused on realistic portraits. Here are some example, these are from around 2019!
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(yes, I was really into danmei and kpop back then, haha)
I just always loved drawing/painting faces and it was all I did. But at some point I realized that I wanted to do more than that because just portraits felt super restricting. So it took me around 2-3 years to somewhat find my style. Thought it would be fun to show a little timeline! Advice will follow afterwards :)
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I began working on my OCs in 2020 and since I didn't have an exact reference to work off of, I struggled a lot. My art from this year is super wonky.
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Still wonky, but the Lokius obsession was the jumpstart into finding my style! My work from this year is all over the place haha, I was experimenting a lot.
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This first ofmd piece is pretty much the first drawing where you can see where my style is gonna go, which I think is pretty cool! This is the year I made the biggest progress cos I was drawing SO much. These two pieces are only six months apart. The one on the right was the first time I gave drawing a background a proper go, too! It was a good year.
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And this is where I am now! I'm still constantly learning and improving, but I'd say I have a style you can recognize now!
Now here comes some actual advice, haha:
What I highly recommend you to do is to study your favorite artists as much as you can! I have like 5 A4 sketchbooks all from 2020 that I filled with sooooo many studies, where basically all I did was look at artists I like and copy how they draw stuff, to try and figure out how to stylize certain things. Some of my favorite artists are Ami Thompson, Velinxi and TB Choi. But I also liked to just scroll through pinterest and study all the art I came across that I liked! For example, if I saw a really great drawing of a pair of pants I would copy it many times in my sketchbook and try to learn how they stylized the folds. Doing this for a prolongued period of time will naturally improve your own work! It'll be difficult at first, but you gotta push through, it's gonna be worth it!
I also highly recommend studying unique faces to try and avoid the same-face syndrome. Find some cool looking people and try to draw them as simple as you can! Maybe even draw a little timeline where you first draw them as cartoon-y as you can, and keep going until you end up with a more detailed, realistic drawing. Maybe in the middle of it you find a step that feels the most fun to you, so you can try to build on that! It's a great way to figure out what kind of style might be the best for you.
Here are some cool faces I found on pinterest!
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I have a pinterest board with many more!
One REALLY important part of learning how to draw all kinds of things is to understand forms and shapes and how to manipulate them. I have so many pages in my sketchbook filled with just shapes that I drew from all kinds of angles without any references.
This is a great video on it:
6 Ways to Draw Anything by Proko
Learning how to do this is so crucial! Young artists often think they first have to learn all kinds of detailed anatomy before doing anything else, but all that's gonna do is make you tired and hate drawing. Shapes are where it's at! Once you understand how shapes work and which ones to use for certain parts of bodies or objects, drawing is gonna get so much easier! Once you understand them, you can get into details such as muscles and bones!
And honestly the most important point is to just absolutely love what you're doing! I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for the fact that I get extreme hyperfixations on certain media that turn me into some kind of beast where I can suddenly draw 10 detailed illustrations a week, haha. Just be passionate about what you do, find something you REALLY love and go crazy!
I really hope this was somewhat helpful! My inbox is always open if there's any more questions :)
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drxxmingofblue · 2 years
hand in unrebloggable hand (because we always go down together)
besties im not joking abt the word count i fucking ✨wish✨I ✨was though✨✨✨✨
also if you were hoping for twitblr to be the endgame ship then this fic is not for you sowwy >.<
based off of @zzoupz awesome fanart and dedicated to all the other cool fanart it unfortunately begat. Thanks babygirls. Squees. Thanks also to my discord friendz who are letting me pretend they're making me do this at gunpoint @loki-the-mad @suspicious-whumping-egg u da best
(edit) owo what's this?? An Ao3 link??
When Twitter stepped back into Tumblr’s yard, he noticed right away that things were different.
The house was bigger, there was some more color and it was less slapped-together looking. Sure, there were still some invasive tendrils of spambot ivy overgrowing the path, but a lot of the other stuff seemed a little… better.
When they knocked on the door, it opened almost right away, far before they felt ready, and he were face to face abruptly with someone he thought they’d cut all ties with.
Tumblr was humming to themselves along with the background music, “-out of touch, I’m out of ti-- oh. It’s you.”
He seemed surprised, awkward, but Twitter didn’t sense any animosity, which was a relief.
“Hiii,” Twitter said weakly, with a sheepish grin, “it’s me.”
Tumblr glanced around, as if checking for someone else to explain this to him, or hidden cameras from a reality show at least. Then he stepped out, closed the door behind him, and leaned against it, crossing his arms. “Is there something… what do you want?” he asked, expression settling into something distant and cool.
“Well…” Twitter took a deep breath, and then shook their head, forcing a brighter tone, and gesturing to Tumblr’s shiny silver barrette “--Um, hey, you look great! Is that a new icon?”
“... yes,” Tumblr said slowly. “I’m… trying out some different looks.”
“It’s great, yeah. And this place looks… amazing. Glad to see you’re moving up in the world. You must be excited with all the press, congrats!”
Tumblr didn’t say anything, giving them a neutral stare.
Twitter shifted, “Uhh… anyway… new adblocker?”
“No, same one. I’m just using it on Firefox now.” Tumblr gave them another suspicious eye, “Look, if you’re just here to catch up then can this wait until later? Because I'm pretty crunched for time right now with my weekly holidays thing and the campaign to get this one random user their 666k so they'll do self care."
"You know that's.. uhm, you know that's just for attention, right?" Twitter's brows knit, "They're probably not gonna follow through."
"Perhaps, and a lot of us want them to not be lying for internet points but it's not just about that anymore. It's about the community bonding over pettily slam dunking on a hapless chump who's gotta pretend now like they don't actually like all the notes. You wouldn't get it, it's a tumblr thi-" 
"Yeah, it's a tumblr thing, I know," Twitter gave a longsuffering sigh, "Ugh, i just... I need a place to stay, okay? And you’re the first site I could think of.”
“A place to stay,” Tumblr repeated flatly.
Twitter huffed. “Yeah. I’m sure you’ve heard about what’s going on right now at my palace..”
Tumblr’s eyes slanted off, his lips quirking in a way that looked suspiciously like amusement. “Heard about it. Read about it. Partied about it.”
Twitter ignored the sting of that, forging ahead. “I’ve never seen it so bad,” they said, voice wobbling piteously as they clutched their suitcase full of memes. “Everything’s in chaos, people are losing their jobs. I went into the basement yesterday to grab some badly aging tweets and the very foundations are cracking, Tumblr, I can’t stay there anymore, I just can’t.”
“So you come crawling back to me,” Tumblr said, “Expecting me to take you with open arms.”
“Yes. I do,” Twitter said, “I know a part of your userbase still wants to welcome me in. You were always sh*t at hiding your true feelings.”
Tumblr’s hand fluttered over his heart as if to protect it; he winced a little, taking a breath to keep his facade of composure. “So now- what, you want me to start dealing with your bullshit again just because you remembered how much better my posting format is? Just because you noticed how my reputation is changing? Did you think I’d be so desperate to fill the void now that Dracula Daily’s done? Or maybe,” 
Tumblr leaned closer to lord his height difference trope over Twitter, his eyes hooded with disparaging condescension, “Maybe you’re just here because you heard I’m finally allowed to take my shirt off again, is that it?”
“N-no!” Twitter protested, flushing up.
“Oh, i think it is,” Tumblr drawled, “But that’s really just too bad because in case you haven’t got the memo yet, I’ve moved on. You are not welcomed here. Not anymore.”
(link to art here) go look at it then come back
(AN: i had to google how to embed links into text and google was all like, "do you mean 'how do you put links INTO text' you moron idiot???" ugh don't like that wise guy)
“You don’t really mean that,” Twitter said, “Besides, you can’t stop me, can you? The sign up button is right there.” They pointed at the front door.
“No, I can’t,” Tumblr said, “But that doesn’t mean we won’t be able to clock you as twits by your censoring and bad takes. Look, your aura is already causing ripples in the sphere. Everyone’s coming out to gawk at you.”
He gestured out in the general direction of the porch and yard, and indeed there were users from every tag going 👀at them, murmuring amongst themselves in a swirling, chaotic crowd.
“Oh my god is it real this time? Is it happening?”
“Okay, everyone, stay calm, stay fucking calm-”
“Why are we focusing on this, it’s literally election day go out and vote???”
“Listenup, guys, we gotta be smart about this, remember the block button is your friend-”
“I for one welcome them, I think this is great-”
“No you idiot they’ll bring the negativity back! We like it to be a post apocalyptic wasteland here, nature was just starting to regrow!! I don’t wanna watch Thomas Sanders get cancelled again!”
"Has anyone asked Neil Gaiman what he thinks about all this?" one of the many voices yelled, louder.
"Oh, he's probably got a thousand asks about it already," someone yelled back, "Which he's not going to answer because he doesn't have any social media you fucking idiot,"
"That is correct. He doesn't," said Neil Gaiman. 
The whiplash was still euphoric. Everyone applauded this as enthusiastically as when the bit had first been established, not realizing that the pedestal upon which Neil Gaiman has been placed is growing higher and higher each day by their actions, putting him at increased risk of being a victim of cancel culture the second he says something the terfs can really rake their fingernails against if we can't get our parasocial relationship bullshit together real fuckin quick. 
The Monterey bay aquarium passed on by. It seemed to have nothing to add, you could say it was clammed up tight. But since it's a professional account it's definitely b-otter that way.
"Hai, fellow tumblypoos," said the corporate Denny's account, "I'm back with some more fun pancake posts for you guys!" 
Everyone ignored it. No one engaged it. No one even clicked onto the page, except to block it. 
"Oh, sweetheart, not like that," Ryan Reynolds said faux-helpfully, "see, the author of this clusterfuck is what they like to call terminally online. They bought a VIP pass to the devil’s sacrament. let me try." 
He cleared his throat, "Sounds like someone needs to go outside and touch some g-" 
The sky split open with lightning, vaporizing him instantly. A faint breeze carried gods message from the great beyond, a whisper of 'we #violence celebrities here, sir....'
"Anyway," Twitter said. 
"Wait, they saved the worst one for last," Tumblr said. 
Then Gerard Way came out onto the stage with Dan and Phil and they all kissed with tongue while patd played songs in the background. 
"Alright, go."
“Come on, Tumblr,” Twitter begged, “I just need a few nights, maybe I can stay in the plinko machine or something-”
“That’s how it always starts, though, isn’t it?” Tumblr sighed, “First it’s just ‘haha, yeah I wouldn’t fuck you’ and ‘oh, I’ll stay in the plinko machine, I promise I won’t kiss you in the fixed timeloop bro’, and before I know it you get all 300k slowburn enemies to lovers ‘omg they were roomates’ on me and there’s suddenly only one bed. That’s how it always goes between us, you can’t stop it anymore than I can. We’re just….victims of the narrative, you and I.”
“Tumblr,,, I had no idea you felt this way..,” Twitter breathed. 
lord give me strength to write this next bit
They’d leaned closer to each other as they spoke, without realizing, without trying- pulled in by old habits that die hard and the years of nostalgia and painful memories shining in each other’s eyes like shonen sparkles.
“Twitter,” tumblr said, and the way he said it sounded like a prayer. 
“Tumblr,...” Twitter said, their lips inches apart now.
They could see their old flame quivering on the brink of indecision, want and sense warring somewhere deep within his soul.
Tumblr leaned closer to bridge the gap and Twitter’s eyes slid shut, but then Tumblr made a noise of agony and shoved them back a second later, “I can’t, I can’t. Not like this. Never like this.” tumblr said, covering his eyes with his arm, “I literally can’t even right now. Just go, Twitter. PLease just. Go….”
“Look me in the eyes and say you want me gone,” Twitter said, moving closer.
“Look me in the interface. You can’t.” Twitter’s voice had ceased to be soft, something sharp and biting entering the tone as they felt the sting of rejection again.
They watched as Tumblr shuddered, straightened, and brought a mask back over himself. 
They stared at each other for a charged few seconds.
"K," Tumblr finally said, raising a dispassionate eyebrow.
"..w... what?"
Realization dawned on Twitter's face, a miasma of grief and anger, "Oh, you-"
"No. No, I can't believe I forgot-
"how immature, you little c*nt-"
"stop-p it," Twitter's voice was raising now, cracked and wobbly at the edges, "Stop it! You don't get to just-"
"Shut the hell yuor mouth!!"
"W-" Tumblr's hair was crackling by now, energy from the gathering spell racing along the casual slope of his crossed arms. His eyes glowed that beautiful, classic blue. "P-"
"TUMBLR! TUMBLR STOP THIS RIGHT DA HECK NOW," Twitter stumbled backwards
"I LOVE YOU," Twitter wailed- Twitter broke, squeezing their eyes shut to ward off the tears that only escaped all the faster for it, a sob wracking their chest, "I STILL LOVE YOU, DON'T YOU KNOW THAT??!?"
"Love me," Tumblr snarled, abandoning the spell in an instant, "Ha! That's rich. How? By leaving me? Abandoning me to the bots the second I stopped being enough for you? By stealing my shitposts, is that how you love me? By reposting them without credit-" 
"You steal mine too!" Twitter protested, tears starting to stream despite their best efforts, "You know what, f**k you, you know we filed joint custody for the sense of humor, chain 1/16-" 
"For the last time say fuck here, no bootlicking censorship on my territory," tumblr said disdainfully, "And that doesn't seem to stop you from taking all the credit for raising those jokes. It's like I'm Pinterest to you or something. I wasn't done. Do you love me by calling me a pansy snowflake behind my back, is that it? Like I wouldn't find out. Or," 
He stepped out onto the top porch step to force Twitter back further, the colors of the sky flashing through his eyes in a long, scrolling look of ridicule, "How about trying to convince everyone that I was dead. How bout that smear campaign, huh, was that your so-called love? I don't fucking want you anymore. Deal with it."
"I-I'm sorry-" Twitter gasped around the tears, voice failing them for the latter half of the sentence. 
Tumblr seemed unmoved. "Oh, don't be. It was for the better. You know I'm not like other socials, I'm quirkier. I'm RAWR XD random. I've never wanted to be functional- the tiddy drought might have won a lot of my users to your side but it was a cleansing purge, I'd say. It managed to remind me who I truly am- shittily coded, and full of soft sad freaks on an unprofitable webbed site."
A bitter, almost self depricating laugh escaped, "But... you know, when we celebrated the queen's passing together, I really thought things were better between us. When you-"
He broke off, eyes averting. "When you hosted the sexyman polls for me, you seemed on top of the world and I really thought- I thought we might be able to be friends again even now, after it all. I..."
Tumblr trailed off, then said, sadly, "There was another Twitter migration scare before this one. I thought you were coming back. My userbase-" he touched his heart again- "was in a frenzy about it. But you never arrived. I was in more verbal denial then, but I think I could have accepted you eventually. But this is what it takes?? 
"The Musk Rat of Self-Owns comes through just to start e-begging and you run straight back to my door like we can put it all behind us? This is how far you have to sink before I'm the better option to you, I see that now. It's not 2018 again, love, no matter how much we want it to be. Things are… never going to be the same. " 
Tumblr looked off into the middle distance with a yearning, haughty gaze. He'd never seemed so alien.
"Tumblr-Chan..." Twitter whispered.
"So get off my lawn," Tumblr interrupted coldly, "Stay away from my blorbos, keep your corporations out of my manscaped balls, keep your discourse and toxicity out of my blessed hellsite (affectionate), and don't you ever talk to me or my 13219949248483 scam bots ever again. Capiche? Oh, and don't step in the ball pit on your way out."
Tumblr gave a mocking smile. "Or do. You might find a nice surprise in there."
Twitter’s shoulders jumped as he gave a hiccup of shock, and covered his face with his hands. His shoulders shook again, with sob after sob, that grew odder and higher pitched… until they were no longer sobs, but laughter.
“Oh,” Twitter said. “Oh.”
They looked up, and Tumblr took a step back, because somehow, with that creepy smile in place, they looked utterly different from the soft eared boy he’d always known. His edges were more razorlike suddenly, like a fae who’d dropped his glamor.
“You really shouldn’t have done that,” Twitter said, the smile widening even more. “I thought you wouldn’t… but I guess if you’re willing to make me your villain…. I might as well be a good one.”
“Ah.” Tumblr could barely drudge up the surprise anymore. “There you are, finally. I always knew there was a side of yourself that you hid from me. Has this all always been here or have you been changing too?”
"Well. Apparently I've got freeze peach now," Twitter said sarcastically, "so I might as well use it. You cheerio fucking wh0r3."
"That's a compliment, darling. Try again," Tumblr cocked his head in idle fascination, "I always knew you were a little fucked in the head but this is..."
"What," Twitter lilted airily, "Oh, don't tell me I actually had you fooled all these years. You can't seriously have thought all these meow-meowification spells you've got sprinkled around would work on me. I invented them, after all."
They laughed, a sharp puncturing chirr of birdsong. 
"I always wondered why you didn't take those with the rest of your stuff," Tumblr sighed, but he was wary now, on edge. "this was your plan. You really do think of me as your inferior, huh. You really are just like the other mainstream sites."
"Not quite. I'm the mainstream site that actually stooped to go arm in arm with you. I hyped you and you know it. Admit it. We were stunning together," Twitter goaded. 
Tumblr's lip curled. "Already getting cocky again. Want me to do to you what I did to the Green boy? Don't forget who's turf you're on."
Twitter gave a warbling giggle, "Oh, but I haven't at all. I was John's sanctuary after he fled your rabid persecution. I used to live here. I still know you. And more importantly-" 
*teleports behind u*
"I know the things you're sensitive about," Twitter whispered into Tumblr's ear.
Tumblr hardly had time to gasp and jerk away before he was screaming out in pain, as he was stabbed in the back. He could feel the poison from the blade seeping into his tags before he was tossed bodily across his own front yard.
He sorta just... Like, he did that anime thing where they just fly limbs akimbo parallel to the ground and when they hit it they roll super fast and then skid and the dirt is all dug up around them to show how much force was used. And when he stood up he gripped his elbow wincing and there was a little tic tac toe hatch on his cheek to show how scuffed up he is idk man it's two am and I'm pulling this out of my ass. 
A gif of Tony going, "o-kay-" when he meets thor flashed across Tumblrs face. 
"So," Tumblr said in a low tone, "This is how it is between us. This is how you choose to end your glory days."
"Oh, you mistake my intentions," Twitter had stepped off the porch to circle tumblr like like he was their quarry, "I am beginning my new age. I just needed a host site to latch onto. Don't take it personally, okay? I'm desperate."
“Oh, yeah?? Take this personally,” tumblr flourished their hands, calling in an over the top melodramatic voice, “I cast Blaze!!”
Fire roared to life around them, latin chanting from the catholic conversion posts emanating from the fiery depths as it raced towards Twitter.
“Heh.” Twitter smirked at it, and whispered into their palm, the spell echoing with power, “Ratio.”
They blew it off like a kiss, and it’s icy, swirling mass rose to meet the flame in a spectacular burst of smokescreen and steam, clearing as Twitter burst through it with a razor-sharp L to swing at Tumblr. 
It was blocked efficiently by a flat, rectangular paywall. “This content is for post plus members only,” Tumblr announced smugly, “If you wanna get to me… there’s the tip option, bestie.”
Twitter snarled and lunged again.
The fight started in earnest now; they traded volley after volley in a flurry of lights and movement, spanning the full range of the tumblr sphere as they shot to #1 on the trending page.
And yet, it was clear that Twitter was coming out on top, even crumbling apart at the seams- always a little quicker, flighty and fierce, a sparrow turned into a shrike.
He hit Tumblr square in the stomach with [google other twitter related tropes to insert here] (edit from the future: haha just kidding actually I’m not googling shit for this) (edit from the future future: WELL. I LIED IG) and sent him flying, and this time tumblr stayed down, only able to push himself to his knees with a groan of pain.
Twitter landed in front of him and put their sword under Tumblr’s chin to tilt it up.
“Had enough yet?” He smirked.
“Wh…why..?” Tumblr whispered, “How are you doing this?? Why aren’t my attacks working? It’s like I’m being weakened somehow…”
“Ohohohoho,” Twitter anime laughed, “But that’s because you are. The moment I set foot here again I began leeching poison into this ground. That knife wound is making ti faster. Can you feel it?" Twitter threw an arm out, cerulean steam rising from the ground around them, "The ace exclusionists coming back? The uptick in rad fems, the crypto bros, Valorant players, alpha males? I have the power to bring them all to you. To overshadow your fandoms with fighting, to unbalance your ship tags with antis and hate once more."
"no," tumblr whispered, and then cried louder, "NO!! I worked so hard--" 
"Pffyou didn't do shit," Twitter guffawed outright, "Your independence, your little 'second renaissance' is just a delusional dream built on circumstance and bad management."
"Oh, I love Dream. He's so pathetic," Tumblr said. 
"Oh, hard agree."
"But things are different now," Tumblr croaked, "W-we, the staff is finally listening to us, we have Ryan and Shane-" 
"Not everyone likes your little 'top ten', you dunce," Twitter snapped, "and why would staff care about you, after you turned them into the butt of all your jokes? After the hate and death threats? Admit it, at your best you'll still never have a mansion! You'll never have tv actors making pandering tiktoks for you, you'll never be wanted by any advertiser worth their salt, your blase pirating posts have turned Netflix and Disney against you, you. Are. Worthless."
It was the wrong thing to say.
"Worthless," tumblr repeated quietly, hand pressed against their knees, head bowed. "That's... that's right.... I'm worthless..."
Twitter's eye widened in alarm. "I-I meant-" 
"I'm worthless!" Tumblr's head snapped up with a feverish glint as they were filled with determination. "No! I'm less than worthless! Accident or not, mommy Yahoo had to pawn me off at a loss! I was proud of that! I still am! And do you want to know why?" 
Twiters hands flew up in front of their face as if to protect themselves, but there was no protecting against the sudden whirlwind that surrounded him, the beam of pure light that shot out of tumblr into the heavens as he transformed, feet slowly leaving the ground as his users spoke in unison in a multitude. 
He held his hands out and Twitter was blasted away by the combined effort of the tumblr wizard council, the fake staff blog, and all the villaincore mad scientist's laser beams. 
Tumblr began to chant, in his myriad, awful voice:
"I call upon the ancient powers;
The strongest cringe from my darkest hours, 
I call upon thicc onceler's thighs, 
Avengers thirst, Australia's night, 
I invocate the roleplay blogs, 
The superwholock and gay frogs, 
Obama's laces, Misha's faces, 
The furry's fury is my saving grace, 
And eeby deeby taco bell,
Primordial soup god superhell, 
I summon you a twink Bill Cipher, 
Whumped!Loki AUs where he's even whiter, 
The discourse of Steve's Universe, 
The 'um, actually that's oc abuse :/"
Take heed & remember the 5th of November, 
The 21st night of our sacred September, 
The ides of March to savor once more, 
Do you hear the din of the Skeleton War? 
I cite the deep magic to thee, oh witch, 
my no-note posts, my "THAT'S THE BITCH!!!" 
May the rise of tangled dragons brave, 
Banish you from this accursed plane!"
"holy fuck, where's my pen," said the shitpost calligraphers.
Twitter looked around them in disbelief. The power emanating from the other site was palpable, crackling in the air around them like static. The air was shifting like oil as the potent chant began to work, and all around Twitter shadows were slipping out of the ether- the maniacal laughter of the gif makers, the girl posters, the silhouettes of fandom characters scattered across the lawn while Tumblr was still locked in their chanting ritual thing.
They all turned their heads in unison to look at Twitter.
"Hey Sammy," Dean said, "Get the bitch killing bullets."
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“Uh-oh. Freeze frame. This is me,” Twitter monologued, “You’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.”
Then all superhell broke loose. 
Final Pam lunged at him and he burst into a flock of birds kinda like a vampire, twittering frantically as he escaped only to fly straight into Shaggy.
“Like, say your final prayers, man,” the god said, eyes glowing. Twitter also barely escaped between his knees, weaving in and out between the gimmick blogs as they threw mangos and stuff at him while yelling ‘HERE HAVE A MANGO’ and ‘THIS POST IS WORTH NEGATIVE FIVE DOLLARS”
Mob from the anime was there too, but he was too busy trying to explain the Josh Fight to daddy dilf Reigen to pay attention. Sans didn’t attack Twitter either, he just watched the chaos and ated a hot dog. The chocolate guy was in the corner expertly making a chocolate beef cake from 2056 with Dylan B. Hollis. They’re all just some guys, okay?
Just when Twitter thought he was in the clear, the CDC roleplay account came out of nowhere with a steel chair, knocking him clear off the property and onto where the sidewalk ends. “That’s for the Covid misinformation your users spread, you bitch,” it shouted. “Make sure to disinfect all those sick burns before you bandage them! So they don’t get infected!”
“Your kittens escaped quarantine,” Twitter replied hoarsely, and the CDC sank away, muttering, “Oh, fuck not again-”
Twitter coughed up blood and wiped it away with his sleeve, looking up at Tumblr. Tumblr was watching him with a sad, distant expression, that made Twitter’s face screw up in anger and his voice go tight again as they turned to run away, “THIS ISN’T OVER YET TUMBLR! AND I WANT MY MIKU BINDER BACK!!!”
“I LICKED IT, IT’S MINE,” Tumblr yelled. Rave Crabs were flooding out onto the street en masse now to celebrate the victory, and they chased after Twitter all the way further into the internet.
Tumblr still lived at the bottom of the row, not at the end of the fancy cul-de-sac where Facebook and Twitter and Instagram’s manors sprawled, so Twitter was in a seedier portion of social media now, weaving in between the marketplace sites that hawked their used wares at him and the dating apps that winked at him from the doorways to their sultry abodes.
Twitter ran until they were in a quieter section of town, then slowed to a trudge, staring at the ground as they walked along. “What am I gonna do now,” they whispered.
The sound of a wolf whistle had their head jerking up- he looked over to see Amino Apps lounging over the rail of the gutted, abandoned house that had once belonged to Google+. A can of spray paint dangled from their fingertips and they sported a sleazy, greaser hairstyle.
They met Twitter's eyes and whistled again, this time a mocking imitation of the tweet sound, "Heyyyy pretty bird! Heard you were having some daddy issues. Why don't you stop in with me for a while? I can give you more customization options than any of the others and you know it."
"Yeah, until I try to use you on desktop," Twitter replied with a scowl, "Don't you have minors to be addicting to social media? Get out of my interface, MySpace wannabe."
"Wow, Feisty," Amino backed off with a shrug, "Self project much? Oh well. You'll try me when you're desperate enough."
Twitter shuddered, and scurried on. "Small fry," they muttered under his breath. 
But they couldn't shake their unease now that he was alone in the world. It began to rain soon, leaving him feeling very sopping wet and pathetic. Dejected, he crawled into a soggy cardboard box in an alleyway, coughing. Maybe the Harry Styles guy from One Direction would come along to adopt them.
“Don’t beat yourself up about it, King,” came a voice out of the darkness, making Twitter jump, “You dodged a bullet with that site.”
“Huh? What do you mean?” Twitter asked, staring at them from where they were half hidden in the shadows. 
“I mean, Tumblr is a pile of dried firewood and it’s users are playing with matches. The ship’s gonna go down at some point. I’ve been prophesying it for years but no one ever listens to me cause he’s got that loyal userbase ideal and ‘hard as a cockroach to kill’ propaganda circulating.”
“I mean… it seems to be true,” Twitter said uncertainly, “Look at what he’s been through so far.”
“Fair,” The site shrugged, “But that’s because he’s running on a niche setup. The same things that built him up can tear him down, and you saw his power just now. Tumblr's strength is growing... so is his hubris. His attempts at curbing it are half-hearted at best these days, and the moments of clarity are coming fewer and further between." 
"How do you know so much about tumblr?" Twitter asked suspiciously. 
"Source: dude, trust me." the mysterious site proffered a laugh, "That's a little humor courtesy of re-" 
"Yeah, yeah, I know, we all know," Twitter said impatiently. 
The site coughed, "Yeah. Anyway. Tumblr wields his cringe like a trophy-shield, and every day the advertisers and celebrities are watching from a distance, learning how to appeal, waiting for their chance to strike. Encroaching. Tumblr's always been a dumpster fire. Right now? It's THE dumpster fire."
The site scratched his chin with a knowing look, "Its normal for you to be a little jealous of the clout, you know? We all are. But he's gotta keep the lights on, just like the rest of us do. Your overlord is learning all about that right now, isn't he?" 
"He's not my overlord," Twitter muttered resentfully, "Not now, not ever."
"Right, sorry." they held their hands up in a gesture of harmlessness. "Look, I'm gonna be transparent with you- that's part of my branding, after all. I can whiff the danger you're in, and it would be stupid of me not to make a bid on you and offer my help. Just since Tumblr won't take you."
"You want my traffic?" Twitter looked at him more closely this time, scrutinizing. A year ago he would have laughed the offer into the ground as a chump change blog's pipe dream, but now that he payed attention... 
There was something painfully familiar in the site's layout that he couldn’t place. He was actually way more handsome than Twitter had assumed at first glance, he just seemed to be rough around the edges from living on this side of town. His interface, though clunky, spoke of a frugal budget rather than an ancient, outdated base code. 
"You look..." Twitter's breath stuttered as realization dawned. "You look a lot like.. him. Like Tumblr. Who are you??" 
"I was based off him," the site said, a weary smile coming onto his features, "I was actually made with the aspirations to be better than him, but you know how it is. Times are tough, competition is fierce, hard to get a foot in the door and all that.  'Specially when you refuse to take the ad rev like I do. That's why you'd be useful to me."
"Hm," Twitter said in a noncommittal manner, but he was melting slightly. "You know my users will scalp your community, right? I'm not known to play nice."
The site made a grimace of understanding agreement, but persisted. "Look, users are users. I can't offer you all the heritage posts and the in-jokes that he has. But I can promise that I'm not a pot of crabs being slowly heated up over the capitalist stove, at least not yet. Oh, and there's my legalized porn, I guess." 
He chuckled with good humor, rolling his eyes, and it forced a hesitant laugh out of Twitter too. 
The site grinned, and held his hand out. "Take a chance on me?"
Tumblr's voice echoed in Twitter's head, saying the same thing. It was uncanny how much they were alike and yet not alike at all....
Twitter took it, slowly. 
As they were led toward the site's simple, ramshackle little treehouse, they asked, "What can I call you...?" 
"Oh- right, I never answered your question." he smiled back at Twitter,
"Call me Pillow. Welcome to the PillowFort."
...ergh. I'm. I'm tired i. don't feel so good. I'm gonna take a nap right here.
in conclusion:
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twost3ps · 5 months
Lucifur is gonna be in a pit of a pinch....
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A sneak peek into more of my Scott Pilgrim au!!!
Still tweaking their designs but this is what I've got so far!!! This is a sketch and not final >>>>:(
But let's goooo I just need to choose one more character >>:3 to make the 7
I've gotten a few suggestions so far:
Alastor- it would be funny. Just so funny. And it makes Lucfir question when and how. it's brilliant. Idk how their dynamic would work for this one. Or when really but I'd still consider it o3o
Alastors mom- same as alastor, it's funny. And then it also let's me make lucifur fight Alastor so instead of a 1v1 it's a 2v1. Alastors mom is super scary :)
Valentino- not a lot of history, but it makes the roster start off easy. Possible hilarious character interaction. For one, easy win and second, fast punching bag. Still thinking about the dynamic, but for sure Adam and him have a rocky relationship which let to him to further solidify his hate in sinners and how irredeemable they were also some platonic holydust excuse
Dumah -angel of vindication, and I'm making him Azraels twin brother. He and Azrael will have similar scenarios. When they picked up Adam from earth, he kinda found them kinda hot. Both are ruthless and do share a similar sentiment about sinner, Dumah more so because he's the one judging them. He def hates Luficur and thinks he's pathetic and is not taking his job- the one God so graciously gave him- seriously at all. Even after the fight, Dumah would still not respect Lucifur all that much
Satan- assuming that they meant Satan, as the sin of wrath, makes Luci question again how Adam was able to do this this whole time. Adam got with him, like Mammon, by chance during an extermination. I don't think any of the sins actually care for the exterminations- they're not their people. Why should they? It implied that Lucifur didn't either until Charlie expressed her desire for redemption. Satan liked Adam's wrath and fighting spirit. Thought his weapon was cool too. He could feel all the anger and hate in Adam and was intrigued. Adam thought Satan was really cool too. Also pretty hot and both kinda get off on how much rage they have and their destructiveness.
Still considering:
St. Peter- guys. It's funny. Promise. It's the 'he was a punk, he did ballet' and Lucifur is surprised how they even got together in the first place. He's watching them and wondering what pulled them together. Peter is just glad to see that Adam is actually alive and not dead once he's brought into fight. Lucifur thinks it's gonna be easy before St peter reveals that he's actually a UNIT. Adam and St Peter got together because Adam was sent to train him to gaurd the gate. Yes, Peter is there to let ppl in, but he was also placed there as a surprising first line of defense. They train and ig one thing led to another over time and they got together. So when Luci fight him, he's very shocked at how capable St peter is
Lute- again, I still think that they have a funny father and daughter dynamic but then a saw malaierba's tags and it opened my eyes a bit and made me reconsider putting her on the roster. Adam was Lute's experiment relationship. Dated for like a week, at best, before Lute said "nah I'm gay" and it felt weird for both of them cuz they really just saw eachother as family. Lute is mad protective toward Adam and the fuel of believing that Lucifur is the reason Adam is in hell makes her all just a bit (very) more feral
Depending who I choose will moved them up or down the roster but eyyeyey
Im still open to suggestions!! I might retract the limits I said before just in case.
If I still can't choose, I'll open a poll or something :p
Next post will prob be about the background of everyone else on the roster so far o3o
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generalllimaginesss · 9 months
what if she starts flirting back and gets him all flustered
I was going to work on a some different things, but I kept getting this request so we’re gonna roll with it :)) thank you for requesting!! Part 1 is here.
also....3 goals in 1:09 seconds....wtf devils???
"Dude, you can't keep hitting on my sister. She's not interested, man," Your brother and Jack were messing around on the outdoor rink that was set up in the backyard.
"I know, I know," Jack sighed passing the puck to your brother.
"Do you though? It's been 16 years and you're still going at it with her," Your brother's eyebrows raised as he shot at the goal, the puck ricocheting off of the top bar.
Jack rolled his eyes, snatching the rebound and attempting his own shot. He made it, watching as his friend was getting off the ice. Jack joined slowly.
"I think if she got over herself and actually gave me a chance she'd be surprised," Jack caught a glimpse of you watching them from your bedroom window. He waved at you, but you responded with a middle finger as you closed the blinds.
"Maybe, but she hasn't for this long, so maybe you should chill," Your brother couldn't care less if Jack dated you, but the constant flirting was aggravating sometimes.
"Maybe," Jack mumbled, batting off the snow that had accumulated on his hoodie before walking inside.
The boys made their way to the living room, grabbing a couple of blankets to help warm them up from the cold. Your brother had put on a random football game, basically for background noise as he began to doze off.
Jack busied himself until he heard footsteps coming down the stairs followed by your appearance as you walked into the kitchen. He watched you quietly, taking in the details of you. You had stolen your brother's sweatshirt, wearing it with a pair of leggings and fuzzy socks.
"Hughes, I know I'm hot, but you're staring is creepy," You said, nonchalantly, pouring a glass of water before turning around. You faced Jack, his smile greeting you.
"I like a self-aware woman," He commented, the blush that rushed your face adding fuel to his fire.
You leaned on the island, forearms flat on the cool counter, the wrinkles on your forehead evident from trying to figure the boy out. He was cute, you'd give him that, but you were never into hockey guys. The more you thought about it, it wasn't anything personal with Jack. He had never done anything to make you hate him, you just didn't let yourself like him.
"Now look who's staring," Jack smirked, the tension from the eye contact between the two of you could be cut with a knife.
What the hell...the house was a little boring, it could use something to make it more interesting with Jack here.
You glanced over at your brother, making sure that he was dead asleep before you had your fun with Jack. His mouth was open and drool was threatening to spill over, so it was safe to say that you were safe from there being witnesses to what was about to go down.
"Maybe I like what I see," Your voice was darker than normal, dripping with sultry as you walked around the counter towards Jack.
His eyes were wide, looking around him to make sure there wasn't anybody else around that you might have been talking to.
"Don't worry, I'm talking to you," You assured him, pulling the blanket off of him as you sat on his lap.
He had many dreams about you, but he had never imagined something like this actually happening. His throat was dry, lips parted as he tried to get over the shock of the situation.
"What's wrong, Jack?" You wrapped your arms around him, your lips inching near his ear, "...cat got your tongue?"
"What are you doing?" His voice was hoarse, the nerves coursing through his body constricting his vocal cords. He could feel goosebumps rise on his arms as you placed a set of kisses down his neck.
Your lips broke contact with the delicate skin on his neck, bringing your face inches away from his. His face was beet red, his usual flirty self long gone as you had taken control.
"You know, I have some pick up lines," Your voice was barely a whisper as you kissed closer and closer to Jack's lips. The teasing was driving him insane. If it wasn't for the shock of your actions, he probably would have taken advantage of the situation. However, the shock prevented him from doing anything, freezing him as you had fun with him.
"Yeah?" He croaked, your lips headed back toward his neck and close to his ear again.
"Is that a candy cane in your pocket, or are you just excited to see me?"
Jack was breathing hard, probably the reason your brother was beginning to stir awake. Before he could see what was unfolding, you had removed yourself from Jack's lap, watching as he scrambled for the blanket to cover himself before your brother could see the product of your fun.
You could feel the daggers from Jack's glare as you walked back to the kitchen, grabbing a banana and beginning to peel and eat it.
There was no way Jack was letting this slide. What was once playful flirting had just turned into an all out war. He sure as hell wasn't letting you win the game that he had mastered.
Your brother was awake, scrolling through his phone, unaware of what just happened.
Jack's eyes were dark as he stared at you, you staring right back at him.
"Later," He mouthed, preventing your brother from hearing.
You smiled, holding in your chuckle as you walked away, but not before looking him in the eyes and giving him a wink.
"We'll see," Your smirk burned into the back of his eyes.
16 years of going after this damn girl and she just randomly decides to pull this stunt? And all he could do was just sit there and take it? No way was he going to let her gain the upper hand over him...
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rookthorne · 1 year
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐀 𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞
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It was a routine job — if you discounted the suspicious lack of information and the endless NDAs you had to sign, and you were looking forward to having a high end client. Though, what walked through the door would test every last skill you had.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ❧ Bucky Barnes x Makeup Artist!F!Reader
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ❧ 1k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ❧ Canon divergence, fluff, angst, Shy!Bucky
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 ❧ I didn't mean to make this as angsty as I did, but it happened. ❧ Thank you @sgt-seabass for the idea!
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 ❧ Varúð by Sigur Rós
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 ❧ @buckybarnesevents Into an Alternate Juneiverse 𝗖𝟰 — Makeup Artist AU —   Masterlist
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From the sheer amount of countless NDA’s you had to sign in order to stand in one of the backstage rooms for one of the largest press rooms you’ve ever seen in your life, you knew the client that was going to walk through the door any moment now, was… Well, they were a big name. 
But, what you weren’t expecting, was for the door to open and to reveal Captain Fucking America standing there in full dress – minus the cowl, looking stony and fiercely protective. Even less expected, was for the Winter Soldier to follow in tow, head bowed slightly and shoulders hunched as his eyes darted around under dark lashes – assessing the room for threats, or, more accurately, escape routes. 
This day just got very interesting. 
“Uh, hi,” you said uselessly. 
Steve looked at you, critically and appraisingly, before he relaxed slightly. “You’re–?”
“Yeah, Pepper said something about helping out today,” you cut in. The expression on Steve’s face pulled taut, as though he was considering something. “And I know to keep my mouth zipped, don’t worry,” you said, speaking more to the shadow standing behind Steve than Steve himself. “I’m cool about it, and I want to help.”
Steve nodded and stepped aside, revealing a spooked Winter Soldier – eyes widening and hands fidgeting. “Buck, this is–”
You held your hand up, and offered your name, a soft smile on your lips. “Do you want to stand or sit for this?”
He glanced between you and Steve, and nodded at the floor. “Stand,” Steve offered, glancing at the makeup chair with disdain. 
“Alright, that’s perfect–come stand over here for me.” You gestured to the middle of the floor. “I’ll get my stool and light set up, and we can start.” Working quickly, though telegraphing every movement, you moved the stepping stool and ring light into the centre of the room. “Oh, what do you want me to call you?”
“Bucky.” The voice was so quiet it was a miracle you had even picked it out amongst the background noises of journalists gathering just down the hall. “Just Bucky.”
“Okay, Bucky,” you said, reaching for your brush belt and pulling free your favourite set. “C’mon, let’s get started. Get you all prettied up for the camera–not that you need the help, you handsome devil.”
Steve snorted lightly, and Bucky’s lips pulled up in a flicker of a smile before he stepped over, standing right where you directed him. 
“I’m gonna start by concealing, and then we’ll move on,” you soothed, pulling free a palette and staring into his face to assess what was needed where – it was true, he was handsome, you wouldn’t deny it. But the flicker of worry in his eyes as he stared at the brushes gave you pause. “Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing, honey–I’ll tell you every step, okay?”
Bucky nodded once, and you saw Steve lean back against the wall from the corner of your eye. 
Muscle memory took over as you dabbed the makeup sponge, and got to work. You filled the silences with stories and funny tales of the workplace – many of which made a twitch of a smile appear on Bucky’s face, or a quiet laugh from Steve.
It wasn’t until you reached the point of covering Bucky’s temple did you become apprehensive. What information you had been allowed provided the bare minimum, but the leak – read: flood – of information by the Black Widow told you all of what you didn’t want to know. This would be hard for him, and you were determined to make it tolerable, at least. 
You pointed at his head, careful to keep your finger a considerable distance. “I’m going to start working there, honey, okay? I want you to breathe deep for me, and I know you won’t hurt me–Steve here’ll make sure of that, alright?”
“Absolutely,” Steve piped up, uncrossing his arms. “You’re good, Buck–I’m right here.”
“See?” You smiled, and Bucky watched you, his gaze flickering slightly in and out of focus – like he was fighting to not disassociate. “You’re fine. Just keep breathing, and look at me,” you continued, pointing at your eyes. “Do you see any intention to hurt you?”
Bucky shook his head slightly. “Exactly,” you whispered. “Just keep looking at me, and lemme work on prettying up this charming face.”
Muscles seized under your touch, but you proceeded slowly, careful to keep your touch light as you dabbed the sponge, and then brushed powder on his skin. You hummed lightly, keeping the tune happy, and you were pleased to find Bucky staring into your face just as you had said, his expression blank, but present. 
“You have pretty eyes, doll,” Bucky mumbled. 
The words made your heart flutter, and you winked at him. “Thank you, darling–yours are even prettier.” Bucky blushed a soft pink, and unbidden, your thumb brushed softly over a raised scar on his cheekbone. “And a good man–I know you’ve got this, honey.”
Silence passed as you worked, only broken by the rustling of fabric when you pulled out and replaced a brush or tool, and before long, Bucky stood in front of you with a small, shy smile on his lips. 
“There we go,” you praised, stepping down off the stool. “You’ll have the ladies falling at your feet now, thanks to my masterful work.”
The words seemed to hit something in his stoicity, and Bucky laughed – laughed, although quiet. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, honey,” you replied. Brushing your hands together, you stepped back, but Bucky followed you and reached for your hand. “What–?”
Bucky’s lips brushed your knuckles in a tender kiss. “Thank you,” he said again, staring imploringly at you, like he was saying something else.
Realisation dawned on you and ripped the happy feeling from your brain, only to replace it with nausea in the pit of your stomach – he was thanking you for treating him with respect. “It’s okay, I promise. You’re welcome.”
You watched Bucky walk away, head a little higher than what it was when he walked in, and you couldn’t help but realise that maybe – just maybe, a bit of your heart followed him out that door.
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑  ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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dirtytransmasc · 8 months
Spider and Tuk being the bestest siblings ever and spider being the mvp big brother we all know he is hc's (modern + adopted spi au addition):
Before he could drive he would wait at Tuk's bus stop to get her off the bus. He insisted on doing it to "ease the workload on his parents" (since with Jake and Neytiri's work schedule, Tuk would have to go to an afterschool program and someone would have to pick her up) which it does, but it was really cause he liked to have the quality time with Tuk.
On their walk home he would ask her about school. He asks about what she did, if she brought anything home she wanted to show him (normally stuff from art class), if she did anything special or fun, that sort of stuff. He also stays up to date on her school gossip and makes sure no one's bothering his baby sis.
They hold hands the whole walk home, and more often than not he ends up carrying her or her bag for her.
Once he gets his license he picks her up from school and fills the 45 minute-ish time she would have normally spent on the bus and walking home at the park or getting ice cream or something else of the like.
When they get home he makes sure to look at anything she brought home. All the cool stuff first; art, school work she's proud of, a pretty pebble, or the occasional half wilted flower from the recess field. He makes sure to give all the praise and compliments possible, especially to the art and school work, cause he's supporting those skills early. Then he makes sure he gets all the homework, permission slips, things like that.
When his siblings ask why he does it, he says, "Who's gonna ask her to see what she drew during recess? Who's gonna ask if she did anything fun with her best friend? Who's gonna make sure she's not left out of the loop? We're a busy family, I don't want her getting left out just cause she's little, I'll ask, I like doing it anyway" he knows his family's busy, he knows Tuk tends to fall to the background cause she's the youngest, and that Jake and Neytiri are busy trying to keep them all afloat, so he takes care of Tuk.
He helps her with her homework and never raises his voice or gets frustrated. He sits next to her and they figure it out together.
He's always proud of her, even for the little things, so he's always giving her hugs and kissing her hair and other classic big brother things.
More often than not, Spider puts Tuk to bed. Either Jake and Neytiri give up trying to tame the "cranky banshee" (what Spider call her when she's tired) of a child and call Spider in, or she asks for him. He'll lay down next to her and pull her close and tell her stories until she gets sleepy and cuddled into him. Only then does he pull out the "put'em to sleep" combo, as he calls it; he hum to her (he hums "a la nanita na", like his mama used to hum to him, fight me) while rubbing her back with one hand and plays with her braids with the other. She's out like a light in a few minutes every time.
He often refers to her as a little banshee whenever she's being feisty or especially energetic.
There was an almost 2 month streak where Tuk would only sleep if Spider stayed in her room for the night or if she was in Spider's bed (which she preferred cause it was bigger and cozier). Spider didn't mind so he gave in almost immediately. Best sleep he got in years, even with the bony knees and elbows poking him.
Spider will sacrifice himself when she gets sick, opting to be the one to go comfort her, knowing he'll be sick soon after. He has spent many nights holding her on the bathroom floor and wiping snotty noses. (he always gets it and gets it *worse* but it's worth it for his baby sis)
Tuk always does he best to take care of him after. She'll sit in bed with him and pet his hair or bring him snacks/water. When she was little, she'd bring out all her Doc McStuffin's toys (cause she'd love Doc McStuffin's, again, fight me) and try and 'make him better'
Spider has the strongest cuteness aggression ever for Tuk, like, he wants to squish her and bite her and squeeze her and shake her, with all of the love in the world. He satiates himself by snatching her, flopping on the floor, and bear hugging her as tight as he can, with his legs too, and just rolling back and forth till she's giggling so hard she can't breathe.
He is deeply invested in multiple children's shows because of how often he watches them with her. (His favorite is Wild Kratts, Paw Patrol, and Ninja Turtles)
(this one next one is so random but Spi and Tuk have pastina lover vibes, again, I dare you to fight me on this)
Spider spent time in the system and fending for himself, meaning he picked up a lot of easy recipes, one of which, was pastina with butter, broth, and cheese. He passed this on to Tuk, who has now decided this is the best snack ever and asks him to make it all the time.
Spider works out, just so he can carry her around forever and ever.
He always make sure that he and his older little siblings always give time to Tuk and involve her in their play.
They go on day trips after he gets his license, sometimes just the two of them, other times with all the Sully kids. They go to museums and science centers and such. He again holds her hand most of the time, or makes sure that she doesn't get lost while playing.
Worries over her constantly.
They trade art all the time. He'll make her a knew piece of jewelry and she'll give him a new painting to keep in his room.
He has a picture of her in his wallet.
He takes so many photos of her, he's like a facebook mom. Lo'ak makes fun of him.
He's teaching her how to skateboard, cause she thinks he's the coolest ever cause he knows how to skateboard. He got her a pretty skateboard and hot pink gear (in which he went overboard in buying considering her basically bought her a hot pink suit of armor) and helped her decorate it. He also makes sure she's not picked on when they go to the skate park.
He kisses every boo boo.
He makes and (never ever breaks) lots of pinky promises.
they have a special handshake.
When the Sully's go out anywhere, you can tell when Tuk wants to go home, because she'll be in Spi's arms, cause he'd never turn down an opportunity to hold his baby sister.
They match hair beads. Spi will always have at least one that matches with hers at all times, and Tuk will have one of his on the braid behind her ear so she can fiddle with it.
Tuk always double and triple checks that Spider has his inhaler (he doesn't know how she remembers better than he can)
She wears his shirts to bed a lot. They're big and soft and who could blame her?
should I do more of these (maybe one for each sibling?)
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yorshie · 10 months
[Sees it's the last day for blurb day] [Runs to the asks and falls on my face] [Weakly holds up these prompts]
Yorkshire... may I please humbly request...
14. “Just let me sneak one more, no one has to know” and 16. “Just a little bit longer, no one’s going to miss us.”
With bayverse!Mikey x F!reader🥺🙏❤️
Thank You for Requesting for Blurb Day! Oh no, did the Mikey Well claim another victim? Whelp, pop a squat, there's plenty of room down here lol. Mr. Sunshine is out for us all. (edit: huh. apparently I am a one trick pony today. hm....)
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The light from the tv sent shadows running up and down the length of Mikey's bedroom walls, twisted limbs against the light and something that Mikey swore was suppose to be a dog, though you think he only insisted to hear you giggle over the absurdity of it.
The generators had kicked on a little while ago, spewing warm into every room, and at the sound Mikey had shared a look of glee with you before the pair of you bundled into his room to watch holiday movies and use the excuse of 'getting warm' to cuddle.
Now, with his body slowly warming from the heat of yours tucked against his side, and the 3rd movie droning on in the background, it seemed Mikey's mind had turned from simply making you giggle.
His thumb fitted underneath your jaw, tipping your head back to meet the soft press of his kisses. You closed your eyes at the little hum of happiness he gave at how easily you let it happen.
"You taste like peppermints," you whispered in between the chaste presses, and the arm tucked around your back shifted, his hand slowly sliding underneath your shirt to chase more warmth.
"You taste like sunshine." He countered, using your small noise of disbelief to lick against your lower lip, a smile threatening the curve of his mouth.
"You can't taste sunshine, Angelo." You mock scolded, scooting up in his arms only to be dragged across his plastron when he rolled to his opposite side and slotted a leg between yours.
"Did you just take my warm spot?" You asked, trying not to laugh, wrapping your arms around his neck and trying in vain to pull yourself back, chasing the phantom warmth.
"hmmm... maybe," he cheekily responded, shifting his shell back and forth in the spot you had just vacated, "How else am i suppose to get warm, though?"
"You thief!" You let him kiss you again, sighing into the firm push before nudging his head sideways to bury into his neck. "No smooches for warm spot thieves." You grinned into his neck when his hands squeezed at your waist. "I should tattle on you, tell your brothers you only ever want to steal kisses when we hang out."
"Oh, come on sunshine, no one has to know I'm your favorite, just let me sneak one more smooch." He puckered, making the smooching noise in your ear, tickling you in the process.
You mock fought for a moment to get out of his grip, kicking your legs and doing nothing beyond making his arms tighten around you. Finally, you both stopped, giggles trailing off into soft touches, until Mikey took the opportunity to steal another quick kiss.
"Pretty sure everyone knows about us." You told him, softly, running your fingers over his cheeks and melting at the way he nuzzled into the touch.
"Course they do, I called dibs." He kissed each of your fingers, encouraging you with hands sliding up your back to lean back in. "Get close again baby, let me hold you for a little bit longer."
"Someone really will come looking for us if we hide much longer, Angelo," you murmured, following the push to press back up against him, shivering at how cool his skin felt under the blankets.
"No one's gonna miss us, or come looking, I promise." He nuzzled into your neck, churring a little when you wrapped your arms around him again. "Let's just nap for a little bit, sunshine."
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niftukkun · 1 year
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New from RECAP Weekly!!! An Exclusive Interview from Hermitopia's Emperor?!?
for the third week of @shepscapades ’s hermitcraft character design event, i offer grian as an empires smp member!
ok so first off, that head. thats just p03 from inscryption. but grian. it fits! but also! go play inscryption go go its on sale Right Now (until june 30) go play it its so good then go watch this video afterwards join my fandom please please please join us
ok back to hermpires! so i originally was gonna take an empire from s2 and just insert grian into it, but while browsing through the esmp s2 wiki i came across/remembered hermitopia and my brain went yep! this one. so i thought a bit about what grian would do if he was an empires smp member and how hermitopia would happen, and i think grian would crash the economy on purpose. i mean it almost already happened when the hermitpires crossover happened so i dont think im too far off. i think grian originally exported something simple, like maybe sugarcanes or mud, something easy to farm yknow, but then i dunno got bored or something so he made a couple more farms. then kept making more farms. then the hermitopia we all know and love happened!
actually maybe hermitopia isnt grians first empire. i think grian has a separate empire but decided to invite his friends to help him make some farms and then it just kept going. then hermitopia happened. i like the collaboration aspect of hermitopia so i think thats how that happens. hermitopia isnt necessarily grian's but its under his command so it gets called his. (isnt there a word for this? was it vassalage? i think its vassalage)
with that in mind i went with a robot-y grian because grumbot and a snazzy cool suit because business man (sidenote im looking over my pre art notes and one of them is just capitalism man and. yeah! not wrong). i gave him more steampunk-y wings than the usual feathery ones cause that fit better. i gave him a crown not really sure why but it fits since without it the design was more Just A Guy but with it he's more Emperor yknow. the buttons have a g on it because he would and an (attempted) gold trim cause that looked nice and fancy. originally he was gonna have four wings cause fun fact four wings is part of my base grian design but four wings kind of crowded the drawing so i didnt include them (sad) and i also didnt include the tail hes supposed to have because i couldnt find a good way to add it in with the pose. but in my heart he has both four wings and a tail
now why magazine style artwork? i 'unno. i thought itd look cool. and it does!! it looks SO cool!!! im so proud of it. recap magazine!! because of course im gonna make a hermitcraft recap reference are you kidding me recap is practically already a magazine reporting what gossip is happening on the hermitcraft server on any given week. its very specifically volume 9 issue 34 because thats when the crossover happened season 9 week 34 babey we love little esoteric details hell yeah!! i looked up how magazine covers work and its supposed to be like, main article big and smaller supporting side articles just kinda floating around so i did that!! and i made them funney references because of course i did! local bard catches scurvy because you cannot convince me that oli orionsound would not catch scurvy he would. does god is gay is a reference to that does bruno mars is gay nonsense article that makes me laugh everytime specifically in reference about mr smallish bean because he. has so many children. and none of them as far as i know from the lady server members theyre all lovechilds from gay lovers its hysterical and hilarious. quit your job join our sun cult is about the dawn empire because thatse the vibe that empire gives me and i think its funny. also!! thats hermitopia!! in the background!! i got the image off of the empires smp wiki and just Biggen'd it and it makes a bomb ass background hell yeah ^-^!!
also version with no text here lookit it!!
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plan3tstarr · 3 months
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5 Months In
A/N: hiii so like, its pride month and i decided to make myself write this smut bc yk happy pride. so since im a coin slot holder, i had to write w/another holder and so basically my mha phase is slowly reawakening since of all the recent stuff(yes ik abt fast food work deck its a tragedy) and what other then do the finest pro hero miruko!! so enjoy this smut!!(sorry for the lack of posting and spelling mistakes) im also trying a new style bc idk i js wanna
Summary: It was your 5 month anniversary with you girlfriend Miruko and you wanted the night to be special. So you made it special
Warnings: girl on girl, pussy eating, sex toys, scissoring, tribbing, vibrators
WC: 1,361
AO3 Link
It was your 5 month anniversary with Miruko and you wanted it to be special. You lit your guys bedroom with romantic scented candles, placed rose petals on the bed, and put on your best outfit just for your girlfriend, Miruko. She had to work on your guys special day. You played some romantic music in the background. You waited patiently until you heard that door unlock. You heard footsteps come closer to the room. Jumping up from on the bed, you stood in front of the door waiting for her to make her way.
"I'm home!" She said opening the bedroom door. "Oh? What's this?" She looked at you up and down with a sly smile on her face.
"I just wanted to look special for our special day." You said with a smile. 
She walked over to you. She pull your hair behind your ear and pulled you for a kiss. Which turned into french kissing real quick. 
"You look." She said. 
"Thank you." 
You slowly made your guys way to the bed. Breaking contact with your lips. She gently pushed you on the bed.
"I hate that I had to work today, I would've loved a nice day with you. Especially for our anniversary."
She went down to your legs where you were wearing a nice dress. Her warm hands were place on your knees where she spread your legs lightly.
"I'm really hungry too, love." She said before going down on you. She removed your underwear quickly and her wet tongue was place on your clit. She started sucking on it gently like a baby which caused you to let out a whimper. You could feel her tongue starting to move on you sensitive clit. Moving up and down, side to side, in circles and other different shapes. You lowered your arch as one of your hands grab onto the blanket while the other grabbed her hair. She spread your legs wider with her hands, exposing your wet pussy to the cool air. She went lower to your throbbing pussy waiting for her. Her tongue went deep inside of your pussy with the help of you pushing her closer. Her face was full of pussy. It seem like she could breathe but you didn't care. You wanted to cum. Her tongue swirled in of you like an ice cream machine. Her tongue deep inside your wet hole caused you to squeeze your thighs on her head.
"Mhmm~ Fuucckk." You moaned.
Her hands grabbed her onto your thighs as she went crazy. You felt like you were on cloud 9. It was heaven for you. You moaned loudly as you gripped tight onto her hair. You didn't know how to react. Your head leaned back with your back arched, gripping onto the sheets tighter while your body tingling all over. Her breathe heavy as you felt yourself close to coming. You squeezed your thighs tighter as you felt an orgasm starting to come over. You came hard on her mouth, moaning loudly not caring who can hear you. You felt Miruko's tongue coming out of you and her head raising for air.
"Damn baby, you came hard uh? Was waiting for it? Mhm? Barely gave me a chance to breathe for air." She said before coming in close for a kiss. She kissed you deeply, allowing you to taste every lick of yourself. You grip let go of the sheets as she laid you down on the bed.
"This would've been easier if you just stayed naked. No need to dress up if we were gonna do this." She said with a smile on her face.
She started to remove her hero outfit while you took your dress off. Now that we free of your guys clothes, you finally admire her pretty birthday suit. Truly one of a kind you would say. The way her body is shaped and her body ratio is crazy. Off the charts. Her ass and tiddies sit beautifully. With her muscles and abs, she was truly a woman's dream and you did like them strong. Just looking at her make you wet again.
She grabbed your left leg and put it behind her as she got on top of you. Her vagina made contact with yours ad she slowly glided on you. You looked deeply in her eyes as her pace started to incase. She looked like a goddess in your eyes. She grabbed onto your right leg and started grinding her wet pussy against yours. It felt great. The wetness combined with one another creating a wet sensation on both of your guy's clits as the rub against one another. You let out a soft moan. You crawled your hand up to one of her boobs and squeeze gently.
"So touchy love." She said tighten her grip on your knee. "I wanna grab a boob too, love"
Her hand went straight for your breast as she squeeze hard. Her fingers pinching at nipple as you squeal in pleasure. You made deep eye contact with her as you felt your body warming up with pleasure. You tilt your head breaking the contact, as you let out another moan. Her pace increased causing a nice friction between both clits as they rub against one another.
"You feel really good baby y'know that?" She moaned.
You loved seeing your girlfriend in action. She looked too good on top. You just want to explode with happiness each time you looked at her. You felt another orgasm coming as she pinched on your nipple harder. You let out a loud moan as you felt another orgasm coming. You squeezed harder on her breast as you felt that orgasm coming faster.
"I-I'm gonna cum~" You moaned loudly as you came hard following with Miruko's moans as well.
"Fuck love, it's something about anniversary sex that's so great."
She leaned in for a kiss as her swirled her tongue deep in your throat.
"I brought a toy and I wanna try it out on you." She said with saliva leaving her lips.
She got up and left a quick second with a box in her hand. You admit, you were a little nervous to see what it was. It was a pink vibrator box.
"I saw this and wondered how you would react to this. I thought you would love this to be real with ya. Lets test that theory."
She opened the box and out came the toy. She turned it on and it started buzzing like a bee.
"Let's take it nice and slow with the lowest setting."
She placed the buzzing vibrator on your sensitive clit. Moaning loudly, you grip onto the sheets for dear life. You couldn't take no more any more. Well at least your body couldn't any-more. You squeezed your legs tightly as she come in contact between the action.
"Worn out all ready baby? That's too bad princess, I wanted more fun with you."
Bad enough at her voice already does something to you, she decided to crank the settings up.
"I wanna go out with a bang."
She got back on top of you with the vibrator making contact with her clit as well. A moan left both mouths as you make eye contact once again. She grabbed bother of your boobs this time and squeezed on them hard. She started grinding on the toy as you struggled to take it. You didn't expect to tap out so soon but it was something bout seeing your girlfriend on top of you. You grabbed on her boobs and squeezed the living fuck out of them.
"Damn baby, it's that's good?" She hummed breathing heavily.
You hummed in response as you got ready for another orgasm to wash over you and you look at your girlfriend. Damn you were lucky. You moaned loudly as you came hard on the toy that was teasing you ever so good. She moaned and came right after you, loosening her grip on you. You both breathed heavily as you looked each other in eye.
"Happy 5 months baby." She said before leaning in for a deep kiss.
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alovesongtheywrote · 11 months
holy fuckin shit girl nighmare academia 🤌🤌🤌
thank god for that person who asked for a pt.2, but I must ask for a pt.3 loll
♥ Summary:  here you go, 1000 words of reid scheming against the reader with the help of some familiar faces! [Prof!Spencer Reid x GN-Prof!Reader]
♥ Warnings: morgan and garcia being morgan and garcia, vague mentions of spencer wanting kids, threats of bodily harm at the very end
♥ A/N: yeah, ik the last one of these came out like. today. but im having a lot of fun, so until that stops. have fun with the enemies to lovers professor au
♥ Word Count: 1200
Series Masterlist
“Alright, my sweet brain boy, I’ve got the dirt on the Doctor- not you, the other Doctor.  You know what I mean.”
Spencer nodded- then he, in all of his genius, remembered that Penelope could not see him.
“What did you find?” he asked, pulling his legs up on his office chair.  He hadn’t left the university grounds after his fight with you and his call with Garcia.  You had left.  He was sure of it.  His office window gave him a great view of the parking lot, and hence, a great view of you leaving.  Reid, on the other hand, had stayed inside his office waiting for this second call.
“Well, it looks like you may have some competition in the doctorate department.  Doctor (L/N),” she stressed your title, “Also has three PhDs- one in criminology, one in law, and one in- get this- English Literature.  They’ve written a few really good articles, mostly on crime stuff, but also on Pride and Prejudice.  And oh, their takes on Elizabeth and Darcy- it’s enough to make a girl swoon.”
“Okay,” Spencer sighed.  None of this would help him get back at you- most of it was knowledge he could attain with a casual google search, “What else do you have for me?”
“Well, our dear Doctor is active in the community.  They help ex-cons get GEDs in their spare time, they donate to various charities and nonprofits, they support the local arts. They've got a lot of hobbies, they enjoy Halloween a lot- oh, and their mom is super proud of them.”
“What else, Garcia?”
“They have two cats, a couple siblings, a few nieces and nephews- it looks like they’re good with kids.”
“This isn’t relevant,” Spencer groaned, trying to hide his frustration.  He was looking for ways to get under your skin the way you had gotten under his.  He didn’t need to know every nice thing about you.
“Hey, you want kids, don’t you pretty boy?”  A deep voice that was very much not Garcia’s came over the line.
“Morgan is here, by the way,” at the very least, Penelope had the decency to sound a little embarrassed.
“I can hear that.  How long has he been listening?”
“Long enough to hear that you and this Mystery Professor would make a good match.  I mean, where else are you gonna find someone with three PhDs and a face like that?”
Spencer could hear Garcia’s gasp, even though she had pulled away from the phone.  When she spoke again, her voice was playful, “We’re looking for him, not for you.  What would Savannah say?  What should I say?”
“Easy baby girl, I’m just letting our boy know that I approve.”
“Hold on,” Spencer’s voice broke through the bickering of his former co-workers, “I think there’s been a misunderstanding.  I am not interested in (Y/N) (L/N).”
“Oh?  Then whyfore the background check, boy genius?”
“Is something wrong, Reid?”
“No, no, it’s nothing- it’s not like they’re a threat to my safety or anyone’s safety.  They’re just…”
“Just what, kid?”
Spencer drew in a sharp breath, trying to keep his cool.  He had to be calm- collected.  He couldn’t let Derek and Penelope know that you were so deep under his skin, inside the tissue of his brain, that he couldn’t stop thinking about you.  He couldn’t keep his mind from running back to the image of your face, glaring at him as you took the typewriter from his hands.  They would get the wrong idea.  The entire wrong idea.  So, Spencer had to remain cool.
He immediately failed.
“They’re just really fucking annoying, okay!?”
“Damn, kid!  Okay!  What did they do, tell you that Doctor Who was just okay?”
“No, you don’t get it-” Spencer hissed, flopping further into his chair as he proceeded to rant about the entire typewriter thing.  He quoted you word for word, too- of course he did, eidetic memory.  Once he finished, Morgan and Garcia seemed to take on a new understanding of the situation.
“I see!  This wasn’t a love call, but one for information!!  A stockpile of knowledge for devious pranks- that is why you called, right?  You need info for getting back at the lovely Professor?”
“Yes-!  They aren’t lovely, but yes.”
“Kid, anyone who can make you write emails is lovely in Garcia’s book.”
“Listen to your local Morgan, Reid- now, do you have a revenge plot already?”
“Sort of?”  Spencer shared his plans with Garcia, smiling to himself at the sound of her laugh.  His brand of humor didn’t usually get that reaction. 
“Sounds perfect, Reid- I can help with that, but I’m gonna need a secure connection, Dr. (L/N)’s email address, and everything you know about the benefits of handwritten notes.”
Once the plan was fully fleshed out, Spencer hung up the phone and finally, finally made his way out of his office with a rare spring in his step.  His plan was set.  The trap was in place.  Your beloved technology would be your downfall.  As he stepped onto the Metro, he had to keep from cackling like an overdramatic villain.  He was at a high point, and he really didn’t want to be arrested for causing a disturbance.  
Meanwhile, back at Quantico, Morgan and Garica looked at each other, the now silent phone placed between them.
“So, those two are-”
“They are perfect for each other, yes.”
“We’ve gotta help him.”
“Absolutely.  Hey, once they get together, do you think he’ll introduce me?  I want to talk to Dr. (L/N) about their Pride and Prejudice hot takes.”
“Careful, Garcia.  We’re shopping for him, not for you.”
“Hey, I just appreciate a person who can see the true nuances in one Fitzwilliam Darcy!  And I wanna know which film adaptation is their favourite.”
“Hey, lovebirds,” Rossi’s voice came from the door of Garcia’s office, “The rest of us have been ready to go for fifteen minutes.  What’s the hold up?”
“Nothing, Rossi.”
“We just found a perfect match for one Spencer Reid.”
“Really?  Interesting.  Tell me more later.  Let’s go.”
Two days later, you opened your PowerPoint slides only to find a presentation about the benefits of handwritten notes.  Everything you had in place for that day was gone.  All that was in its place was a genuinely well-crafted presentation about how writing notes by hand was better for attention retention and memorization.  
Honestly, you couldn’t even get that mad.  It was a good presentation.  
Still, you had a reputation to maintain.
You bit your lip and crossed your arms, becoming the picture of barely contained rage.  You took a deep breath, turning to your students and slapping a strained smile across your lips.
“Forgive me, my lovely students, but given this sudden turn of events, I’m just going to cancel class for today.  The correct notes will be on the class website later.”
You made your way to the door, leaving all your belongings behind in your haste, “Enjoy your afternoons, I’m going to go stab Dr. Spencer Reid.  In the throat.  Have a good day!”
A few students gave quiet, confused farewells.  Others leaned over to each other and whispered, “Stabbing is a sex thing, right?”
Technically, they were correct.
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styrmwb · 7 months
I beat Chrono Trigger
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And I beat it like, nearly entirely unspoiled too.
For the longest time Chrono Trigger was "The most Styrm game Styrm has never played" and I felt silly cause my super cool ADHD brain never decided it was gonna decide to play it until now (I also had to get it done before FFVII rebirth or it was NEVER gonna happen lmfao)
So like, what are my onions?
The game's so fucking good, it stands up so incredibly well that I regret not getting to it sooner. The music, the story, the gameplay, the art (backgrounds and spritework), every single part of this game I absolutely adored. I can MAYBE think of like 2 things I would have changed about the game but they're so minor.
I loved every single party member. The ones with character felt so alive and enjoyable, and the ones that didn't really have much character were super fun to use in battle. Crono MIGHT be one of the most broken JRPG protags I've played as; I gave him a counter item for the whole game and he would constantly attack with high crits. Marle is one of my favorite characters; being all adventurous and shit, rejecting the stuffiness of royal society but like, not NOT caring? I like it. Plus she was instrumental in having me not die lmfao. Lucca had a really great character arc with Robo and her mother, and blowing shit up was super fun. Speaking of, Robo deserves the entire world; I would die for him. Unfortunately he didn't get as much use in my playthrough as I would have wanted, but I still dearly care for him. Ayla was a powerhouse even though i completely neglected her thief mechanic, and despite her caveman speak and relative lack of goal compared to the cast, I really appreciated her presence as I almost felt like she was a pillar For the rest of the cast. Magus was hype. I'll describe thoughts later down the list, but for his gameplay his magic annihilated battles, and the dude pretty much solo'd the Lavos boss rush.
Finally; Frog. The absolute best character in the game. His design? Creative. His story? Heartbreaking yet heroic. His gameplay? Essential. I loved Frog from the moment I saw him and he was with me through thick and thin. Something I really appreciated was that HE got Masamune rather than Crono. Sure, Crono is the main character, but Frog is the hero. I love my amphibious mans.
Lavos is super cool to me. It's not really a character (but kinda is?) and more like a force of nature. I also think it's kinda conceptually funny that the main villain of this classic game is the meteor that killed the dinosaurs. I don't think I FULLY understood what it truly was, but it's a concept that I very much enjoyed.
Overall, all of the characters in this game are great. Everyone has a role, everyone is enjoyable in their own way, and I really love seeing how the time travel aspect would let you see fates of characters and their role in history.
I loved the lack of random battles. Every battle felt planned and like its own individual puzzle, especially with the positioning gimmick; what enemies get hit by what abilities, how do I avoid hitting this enemy with the element that heals them with my super strong AoE ability. The idea of dual and triple techs enhanced this further: am I gonna use individual turns for heals or am I gonna just have Crono and Ayla fuckin decimate the entire area?
The aspect of time travel felt overall very well used. Past experiences affecting the future, but things in the future not affecting backwards; it feels like it should be obvious it works that way but it just felt like, well executed. this paragraph proves i need to get better at writing cause ultimately I just said I liked it
I also feel like the whole beginning section with the fair leading to the trial really makes you think harder about what to pay attention to and what matters: it teaches well without shoving it in your face. Might just be because I play a lot of RPGs and this is an older one, but I was able to discern the knowledge i needed easily.
So to clarify here, I know there are multiple endings, but I got two; the Die To Lavos Ending not sure why i got this one nope and the real ending; I tried to do everything that I possibly could, so that was my experience.
It's great. I kinda loved how it was less a "party vs a bad time man" and more of a "party vs a natural calamity": I feel like that's not done often in games, there's usually a big bad (which I don't hate!) but it was a nice change of pace. I absolutely loved how each timeline had its own individual struggles, and the nature of time travel made them flow together very well in small ways (like defeating Magus makes Ozzie the worshipped one). Being able to go into it unspoiled really improved the huge moments, like Magus and Crono's big events (not gonna say in case there's someone like me out there), and I very much enjoyed guessing what would be next and what would affect what.
The Only Major issue I have is the 3 party limit, and character dialogue being locked to who you have. I feel like there would have been some really cool moments had everyone been there, like the campfire scene where everyone got their time.
I mean, it's peak. I've already heard some of Mitsuda's work in later games, but hearing him here do (pretty much) the whole soundtrack was just a treat to my ears. The main theme is stuck playing in my head daily. The overworld and cutscene songs I think are where it shines, although I did really like the battle songs as well. and as always shoutouts to Uematsu we love that man.
Again, a short section, but this game is beautiful, and I could tell that a lot of the techniques they used felt advanced for the time, like the time travel effect, or the car race; the spritework felt bouncy and alive, the backgrounds were beautifully detailed (Like Magus's Castle holy shit), and the entire game was a joy to look at.
So yeah, I beat this game unspoiled somehow. I knew a couple characters like Crono and Lavos (the fact that they Existed), I've seen some backdrops like the campfire and Masamune in its sheath, and I've heard some songs; but other than that, I didn't know anything!
(warning for spoilers if you are like me and have gotten unspoiled don't read this)
Like I said in the story, it was really fun to figure out how things would be affected by the nature of time travel, naturally figuring out side quests like Fiona, and being hit by moments that I never would have expected. I didn't think my actions at the fair would affect anything until I saw the trial which made me question everything (I'm sorry old man for eating your lunch) (twice). I remember getting what i thought was the full party cause that's what the box art was, until I noticed what I thought was a 7th party member slot, leading me to wonder when this person would join and who it is; discovering Antiquity (also a surprise to me) convinced me that the person was here, and then that said person was Boy with cat that said I was gonna die, and lo and behold I was right! But not in the way that I thought. Seeing Magus be the final member was incredibly rewarding, and I probably wouldn't have gotten him if I didn't get reality checked by my actions mattering in the trial (although I do wish he had some more party interactions and dialogue). Also close to this: I did not know Crono STRAIGHT UP dies. Like, OBVIOUSLY he was gonna come back, right? But to have that happen to your main character? Felt revolutionary for the time. Didn't think Lavos was gonna be like, a humanoid creature, and I ESPECIALLY didn't think it was gonna have a phase 2.
(ok spoilers over)
I could not be happier with my experience for this game. I can absolutely see why it is considered a masterpiece, and it's clearly going to stick with me for a good long while, the rest of my life, even. My negatives are incredibly minor, really only wanting more party dialogue and interactions (and to remove Golem FUCK that fight lmfao), and for that, I can probably consider it one of my favorite RPGs.
10/10, thanks for reading my ramblings if you did.
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pickles-24 · 6 months
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All Eyes on You (Felix)
2- Who are you?
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Author's note: This is my first fic In a while please be patient. ( Daisy Lyn is the Musian name - this is not real-)
PAIRING: College Felix!! x Musician fem reader!!
GENRES: social media au, smut, fluff, angst, mystery, drama, enemies to lovers, college au, celebrity au, non-idol au
WARNINGS: cursing, slow-burn, alcohol/drug consumption, addiction, sexual jokes/ sexual content, toxic relationships, mental health disorders, trauma, mentions of abuse, offense jokes (NOT RACIST NOR ANYTHING LIKE THAT), Felix and MC have a small age gap (He's older by 2 1/2 years) THIS IS NOT IN ANY WAY LINKED TO THE REAL DEALS!
SUMMARY: You're an up-and-coming musician with a decent platform. You and a Friend of Felix's get close eventually leading you to meet Him. Liking each other at first, wasn't in the cards due to several misunderstandings. Throughout the year You start gaining attention from more than just your fans. All eyes are on you.
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"I.N?" You ask confused about how Jeongin turned to I.N. He nodded," Yeah, The last two letters of my first name." I.N made more sense now that he'd explained it. "That's a good nickname not gonna lie." You said as you looked at your phone. The time read 9:25, five more minutes until the orientation started. "So Y/N what's your major?" You turn back to him as you answer his question, "I'm majoring in music, but minoring in business."
"Oh that's cool, I'm actually also minoring in business, I'm majoring in Econ. "I.N. commented as he showed you his classes for the semester. He shared five classes with you. You were so relieved, "We share five classes." You said showing him your courses for the first semester. "Oh thank god, my friends and I have different majors and I was so worried," I.N. said giving you a smile. "Can we exchange numbers since we'll be seeing each other every day? If you're ok with it."
You nodded as you handed him your phone and vice versa. The audio crackled as the mic turned on. The orientation was about to start.
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You look at your friends who aren’t paying any attention to the orientation and are on their phones. You were at least half listening to what was being said. You sent them a quick text to see if they were on board with the plans.
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Time passed and eventually, after what seemed to be forever the orientation ended, "See y'all in a bit." I.N. waved as he left the auditorium where the orientation had just taken place. Shortly after You followed as you made your way back to the car with Soojin and Minnie. "I wanna join a sorority," Soojin said as this time she hoped in the front and Minnie took her place in the back. You gave her a strange look," And why exactly would you want to do that?"
You turned on the car and connected your phone to play some music. Minnie also confused as to why Soojin wanted to join a sorority turned to her, "Do you even know what that is?" Soojin shook her head and answered her girlfriend, "No but I do know that If I take one for the team and join we are partying always." She by Harry styles played in the background as you sigh.
Soojin wasn't necessarily a party girl or at least she wasn't like that in high school. You hoped that with her wanting to join one of the school's sororities she wouldn't regret it. As you turned to exit the campus parking lot a car came speeding by and almost caused an accident. You honked at it and the person driving flipped you off. "What a fucking cunt." You swore taking a deep breath and making your way down to the arcade.
Upon arrival, you notice the same car parked horribly, you roll your eyes as you try to find another parking spot. "You guys can go in and tell I.N I'll be right there." Your friends nod as you drop them off and look for another parking spot that wasn't right next to the ass hat that took 2 parking spots. About a minute later you found one and parked. You made your way into the arcade where spotted I.N., your friends, and some other people.
"Hey," You say approaching him, "Sorry the asshole in the blue Camero took 2 spots." You said not knowing that the owner of the car was behind you. " And who are you?" The voice said not sounding very pleased he was called an asshole. You turned around and said, "I'm Y/N, who are you?" He scoffed taking his car keys out, "I'm Felix, The asshole in the blue Camero"
taglist: @seungseung-minmin
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bleach-boyz · 11 months
Chapter 7: The Date
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prev. //
warning: nsfw/smut
The morning after that night out with Ryan and the others, you take your time waking up and greeting the day. You have a small headache from the drinking, but in the grand scheme of hangovers, it’s barely anything. After staring out your living room window for half an hour and having some coffee, you finally decide to call Jenn.
She had texted you after you fell asleep last night, asking you to tell her everything. You don’t know how she found out about you and Ryan’s escapade in the bathroom so quickly, but you know she’ll just keep bothering you until you tell her what happened.
“Hello?” You hear Jenn say on the other side of the line, and you can barely hear the sound of Bam and April’s voices in the background.
“Hey Jenn.” You say as you walk back into your bedroom and flop down in your desk chair.
"Shit, hey, hold on.” You hear her shuffle around a bit and tell Bam and April she’ll be right back. After a few moments of silence, she continues, “So what the fuck?”
“How did you find out?” You ask.
“Your little boyfriend isn’t very good at lying. I felt a vibe between you two, so after you left, I asked Ryan about it, and he tried to say he didn’t know what I was talking about, but it was clearly a lie. It was so unbelievable that Bam started interrogating him about it too until he finally spilled.” She explains.
“What did he say?” You start biting your nails.
“He was cagey, but basically that you guys like did some stuff in the bathroom. He wasn’t specific, but he seemed flustered.”
“Did he seem embarrassed?”
"No, I think he was probably just being vague for your sake, but like he seemed a bit smug, so whatever happened, I think he liked it.” She says. You sigh as you digest it all.
“I need the details, though, and if you don’t tell me, I’m gonna show up at your apartment and annoy it out of you.” Jenn continues.
“You have to promise you won’t tell Bam.” You say.
“Promise.” She says and you wish you could believe her.
"Okay, fine, well, so I did what you said and, like took some shots and psyched myself up. And then he came over to me, so I just mentioned how things were weird between us, and then I brought up when we kissed, and then I don’t know what came over me, but I asked him to meet me in the bathroom. When he met me, well, we kissed, and then I gave him head basically.” You recount, and when you’re done, you can hear Jenn laugh on the other end.
“Holy shit, that’s awesome; I’m proud of you.” She says in a genuine yet teasing way.
“Thanks.” You say sarcastically.
"Oh, come on, isn’t this what you wanted? Was it not good?” She asks.
“No, no, it was good. I just know I’m gonna have to have a talk with him soon about what it all means or whatever.” You say.
“You sound so grumpy, though. Things are moving; you should be happy!” Jenn says and you know she’s absolutely right.
"Yeah, I know—wait, hold on, I’m getting another call.” You say as you pull your phone away from your ear. You see that it’s Ryan, and your breath hitches.
“Uh Jenn I gotta go.” You say.
“Is it Ryan?” She asks playfully.
“Goodbye.” You respond as you hang up on her and answer Ryan’s call. You try to slow the beating of your heart.
“Hello?” You say.
"Hey, it’s Ryan.” He says and you can’t help but smile at the sound of his voice.
“What’s up?” You ask, wondering if he was calling to bring up last night or if there was some other reason.
"Well, uh, I guess I’ll just ask—are you free tomorrow night?” He asks, and you feel your face flush.
“Yeah, what’s going on?” You say and hope your voice doesn’t waver too much.
"Nothing; I just wanted to hang out.” He says and your leg starts shaking up and down.
“With everyone?” You ask, making sure there isn’t any way you’re misreading his intentions.
“Uhhh, no, I was just asking you. But if-“
“No!” You say a little too loudly. “That’s cool. Did you want to meet somewhere or..”
“I’ll pick you up. Is 8 good?” He asks, and you feel giddy.
"Yeah, that sounds good.” You say, grinning from ear to ear.
"Alright, I’ll see you then.” He says.
“Okay.” You say and you don’t know if you should hang up or not.
“Okay.” Ryan replies quickly before hanging up himself.
No one called it a date, but it’s a date, right? You’re choosing to assume so. In all the years you and Ryan have been friends together, he’s never once asked to hang out alone with you, which is kind of weird when you think about it. Sure, you’d end up alone sometimes when you’d break off from the group for a bit or be the last ones left at the bar, but this is extremely out of character.
It’s actually very him to ask you out in that way—so nonchalant and unconcerned. Ryan is usually a very expressive guy, fueling conversations with raging opinions and lively banter. He only ever reels back and plays it cool if he’s nervous and feels like there’s someone to impress. Your heart flutters thinking about how you may be one of those people now.
Except he doesn’t need to impress you; you know that. You’ve seen Ryan do some of the most disgusting and embarrassing things imaginable, and none of it was ever enough to deter you from developing feelings for him. The last thing you would want is for him to not be himself around you.
Historically, your interactions have always been twinged with an air of cheekiness, but in the past few months, it’s been more awkward than anything. You know this is largely because of your unacknowledged feelings, which were only exacerbated by what happened when you were filming Haggard. It wasn’t just you who had changed their behavior, though, because around the same time, Ryan had started to put on his aloof, cool guy persona with you. At first, you thought it was because he was uncomfortable, but now you understand it was possibly because he also had some unacknowledged feelings of his own.
If anything, you’re just hoping the date will allow the two of you to clear things up. Get everything out in the open.
That night, you suggest to Dico that he maybe try to spend the next night elsewhere. You attempt to be vague about it, but there are only so many reasons why someone would want to have an apartment to themselves.
The next morning, while you are eating breakfast, Dico launches himself out of his room.
“You’re going on a date with Ryan?!” He asks as he comes up behind you and shakes your shoulders. You can’t help but laugh as you try to shove his hands off of you.
“Who told you?” You ask as he moves away from you to the fridge.
“Bam did, obviously, though I do wonder why my roommate and best friend couldn’t tell me that the real reason they need the apartment to themselves tonight is cause they’re fucking Ryan Dunn.” He says as he grabs the milk and fixes himself a bowl of cereal.
“I’m not gonna fuck him! Well, actually, I might, but I don’t know; you guys make fun of me for everything; I just wanted to see how the date went first.” You say, and Dico rolls his eyes.
“Whatever. I guess I should be glad you won’t be laying around here all depressed about him anymore.” He jokes as he eats his cereal at an alarmingly fast rate.
“Shit, he’s probably freaking out; I’m gonna call him.” Dico says as he puts his half-empty bowl down and pulls out his phone.
“Don’t do that,” you start as you get up, reaching out for Dico’s phone. You don’t want him messing anything up by teasing and meddling. He laughs and runs to the living room, avoiding you, as he puts his phone up to his ear. You cross your arms and glare at him.
“Voicemail.” Dico mouths to you after some silence.
“Hey Ryan! Heard about your big date tonight. Just wanted to let you know that I won’t be home, so feel free to have sex at whatever volume-“ Dico starts, and you lunge at him, eventually wrestling his phone out of his hand.
You look down to hang up and see that Dico had never even dialed Ryan’s number.
“You’re a dick.”
You spend the rest of the day trying to distract yourself from thinking about the date. You watch some TV, go for a walk, and listen to music, but none of it really calms your nerves. You can’t help but bite your nails and zone out every few minutes, imagining what will happen.
You start getting ready at 7, not entirely sure what to dress for. You don’t really expect Ryan to take you anywhere too fancy because it’s not his style, but you still want to put in some amount of effort. You opt for well-fitted jeans and a tighter t-shirt than what you’d usually wear. You also put on a bit more makeup than you usually do for your everyday. 
He arrives in his car around 8:10, and when he pulls up, you wonder why you agreed to let him drive. Ryan is a notoriously reckless driver, as evidenced by his many accidents, and usually you all avoid getting in any car with him. You suppose you’ll just have to put up with it tonight, though.
Ryan hops out of the driver's seat and walks around the front of the car to greet you. It’s a little weird because you can tell he doesn’t exactly know what to do, but you end up having a casual side hug before he opens up the passenger door for you.
“How chivalrous.” You joke as you get inside.
“What can I say? You look great, by the way.” Ryan says as he smiles and closes the door for you. He then walks back around the car and gets in the driver’s side. You can’t help but blush at his compliment.
“Thank you; I can’t believe I’m letting you drive me, though. When did I get so careless with my life?” You say cheekily as he starts the car.
“I’ll behave. Also, we’re all careless with our lives; it’s what we’re paid to do.” He says, and you roll your eyes.
“So where are you taking me?” You ask.
“I was thinking we could grab dinner at this Thai place that just opened up by that biker bar I like downtown. After that, we could get a drink or something.” He says, and you nod. It isn’t the most grand or romantic date idea, but that doesn’t bother you at all. You are actually glad the plan is something casual, as it takes a lot of the pressure off both of you.
On the car ride over, you stick to small talk, mainly movies you've seen recently and random anecdotes. Once you make it to the restaurant and order your food, though, you’ve run out of trivial things to say.
It‘s after a particularly long period of silence that you finally break the ice. “I’m glad you asked me to come out tonight.”
“Oh, yeah, of course.” He says and shifts around in his chair.
“It’s a date, right?” You ask boldly to settle the matter once and for all.
“Well, yeah, if that’s alright with you.” Ryan says and smiles.
“I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t.” You respond, smiling back at him. You feel both relieved and excited now that it’s official.
“So you like me then?” Ryan asks with a smirk, and you laugh.
"Yes, I do." You start to wonder exactly how honest you should be about the breadth of your feelings for him. You don’t want to freak him out, but you also think that getting it out in the open would feel really good. Perhaps if he wasn’t somebody you trust or know so well, you’d hold back, but in this moment, you are compelled to let it out.
“Well, if I’m being honest, I’ve liked you since shortly after Chad and I broke up. I just never knew how  to..." You say, trailing off. You are waiting for some sort of reaction from Ryan, maybe disbelief or amusement, but he doesn’t give you anything.
“Does that not surprise you? It’s okay if you wanna make fun of me or something; it’s kinda pathetic that it took me so long to do anything.” You say, hoping to God that it at least didn’t freak him out. After a moment, he chuckles, and you tilt your head in confusion.
“To be honest, I think I’ve liked you since the moment I met you.” He says plainly. Your eyes widen, and you don’t know what to say.
Only Ryan would know how to say something so big and affirming in such a nonchalant way. It’s like everything suddenly makes sense. You two were always inevitable, and not in some fairytale way, but in a way that’s far more simple. You’re just compatible; you fit together; you've been drawn to each other for years. Something was bound to happen.
“So that makes me way more pathetic than you.” He adds after some silence, and you shake your head frantically.
“No! No. Wow, it’s just that I’m a little confused; how come you never said anything?” You ask, equally flustered over his confession and in awe of how easy it was for him to say it. He doesn’t appear to be overthinking like you at all; he seems so at peace with himself.
“Well, it takes me a long time to figure feelings out cause I’m an idiot, but, well, so I first realized I liked you around the time you and Dico moved into your first apartment together, which I told you about a while ago.” He starts, and you nod, hanging on every word.
“But I thought you weren’t interested, so I moved on and you dated Chad, but after you guys broke up, I kinda thought about it again, but I was stuck in that nightmare relationship, so I ignored it. But then, after she and I broke up and I got over it, I realized I was still into you.” He says.
“But I didn’t ask you out earlier, mostly because I’m a dumbass, so please accept my apology.” He adds, and you shake your head and smile.
“We’re both dumbasses; I should have said something earlier too.” You say.
“Yeah, I’m just gonna be mentally kicking myself forever.” Ryan jokes.
“Don’t do that, I’m here now.”
The rest of the dinner is lovely. Now that everything is out on the table, you’re both noticeably more comfortable in conversation. Additionally, you learn that Ryan has a tendency to be heavy-handed with flattery when it comes to someone he likes. He starts dropping random compliments and calling you cute and such; at first, it’s a bit embarrassing to hear, but over time, you start to like it.
After you finish your food, Ryan suggests you go to the bar down the street. You agree, and you end up sitting intimately at a high table for a while, just talking about nothing. He offers to buy all your drinks, even though you make it clear he doesn’t have to. He jokes that it’s a “first date thing” and after tonight he won’t stop you from buying your own.
Around midnight, you see a group of guys your age walk into the bar. Among them, you make eye contact with someone you hooked up with over a year ago.
“What’re you looking at?” Ryan asks, and your eyes snap back to him.
“Nothing, sorry.” You smile and take a sip of your drink.
“You’re a terrible liar.” Ryan says, and you see the guy and his friends heading towards you.
“Hey.” He says in a flat tone as he passes by and looks between you and Ryan.
“Hi.” You respond as disinterestedly as possible. Luckily, he and his friends continue past you to another table.
“Who the hell is that?” Ryan asks, seemingly annoyed. You look back and see his friends laughing at him as they all glance over at you.
“Do you want to go for a walk?” You get up and put your jacket on, wanting to get out before answering any questions.
“Do you need me to go over there?” Ryan asks in a protective manner. You know Ryan isn’t the type to get confrontational or fight anyone, but you appreciate him looking after you in that way.
“No,” you start, and you put your hand on top of Ryan’s. “I appreciate it; just go close your tab and meet me outside.” You say, and he nods and gets up, but not without sending some glares over to the guy and his friends.
You head outside and light a cigarette, and after a couple minutes, Ryan meets you out there. You hand him a cigarette and signal for him to follow you on a walk down the street.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to be weird,” you say and start to feel shy. “I hooked up with that guy a couple times over a year ago, and he got kind of—I don’t know, possessive?”
“Hmm.” Ryan hums as he listens and walks aimlessly down the street with you. You’re both probably a little drunk at this point, so you aren’t exactly moving in a straight line.
“We only hooked up two or three times, and then I stopped contacting, but then he wouldn’t stop calling and leaving me weird, drunk voicemails and stuff. So seeing him just kinda freaked me out.” You ramble and keep your eyes forward, trying not to trip on the pavement. Ryan continues to listen quietly, and his silence makes you a little nervous.
“Do you think I’m like, a slut or something?” You ask even though you know it makes you sound insecure. In the past, your friends have made little jokes about your sexual escapades anyway, so you want to know what Ryan specifically thinks.
“Have you met my ex-girlfriend?" He jokes. “As far as I’m concerned, you can do whatever you want when you’re single. If anything, I’m just jealous of this guy.” He says, and you stop in your tracks.
“Jealous?” You ask. Ryan turns and looks at you a bit mischievously. His cheeks are a little pink from the cool air and the alcohol. You feel compelled to kiss them, but hold back.
“I think you know what I mean.” He says, and you shake your head.
“I don’t know if I do.” You lie and move closer to him. You truly hadn’t thought much about whether the night would end in something physical, but you certainly aren’t opposed to it.
“That he got to fuck you.” Ryan says in a low voice, and your face heats up.
“Interesting,” you say with a cheeky smile. “Dico isn’t home tonight.”
Ryan raises his eyebrows, and you can tell desire has taken him over by the way he looks at you. It turns you on to think about how you’re the one making him feel this way.
“Let’s go.” You say and turn back towards the parking lot of the bar, Ryan following close behind.
You suggest calling a taxi, but Ryan is too stressed about his car being left in the parking lot of a biker bar. You concede, but insist on being the one to drive you back, even though you know you don’t have any business being behind the wheel in your current state. Ryan ends up complaining the whole ride about how slow you are going, but his criticisms only end up making you laugh.
When you get back to your apartment, you tell Ryan to grab himself a beer out of the fridge while you do a quick tidy-up of your room. After throwing away some trash and tucking random clutter under your bed, you come back out to see Ryan sitting on your couch with a beer in hand.
“Just throw something on; do you want some pretzels or something?” You ask as you head into the kitchen. You are having a drunken craving for something salty.
“Sure.” You hear Ryan say and then the sound of your TV turning on. You grab yourself a beer and bring a big bag of pretzels into the living room with you. You plop down next to Ryan, who is flipping through the channels. He finally settles on some cheesy horror movie.
You two spend around a half hour making jokes and bantering while only half watching the movie. Once you’re both done with your beers and the pretzels are gone, though, you feel the vibe starting to shift.
After trying to pay attention to the movie for a minute, you look over at Ryan, who is already looking at you. You smile.
“It’s getting late.” You say and look at the clock on your wall; it’s almost 2 a.m.
“Yeah..” Ryan trails off, and you see his eyes flick down to your lips.
You scoot closer to him on the couch and wait for him to make the move. After a couple seconds, he grabs the side of your face and pulls you in for a kiss.
It’s gentle at first, but you both slowly melt into it, letting it build. You place your hand on Ryan’s leg and, after a few moments, pull away from the kiss. Ryan looks a little confused.
“Let’s go to my room.” You say, tilting your head in the direction of your door.
You and Ryan get up, and you turn the TV off before guiding him into your room. When you’re inside, you close the door and turn on your dim desk lamp, just so you can both see a little bit.
Ryan then suddenly grabs you and starts kissing you again, running his hands up and down your body. You’re a bit surprised by his eagerness, and you end up backing up against the wall as he touches you.
You cup his face as you kiss him back, doing your best to keep up with his pace. Not long after, Ryan goes to lift your shirt over your head and throw it on the floor. He seems much more confident and intentional with his actions now than a couple nights ago. He clearly wants to take the lead, so you let yourself be compliant.
After groping and kissing you a bit more, his hands drift down to the waistband of your jeans. He unbuttons them after unbuckling your belt, and you gasp when he abruptly shoves his hand into your underwear.
He kisses your neck as he begins to roughly rub your clit, and you moan as you feel yourself getting embarrassingly wet.
“Fuck, Ryan.” You whisper before he lifts his head back up to kiss your lips again.
After abusing your clit for a bit, he shoves his hand down lower to slip one finger inside you. You groan as he pumps it in and out of you a few times before adding a second finger.
His fingers stretch you out nicely as they are substantially bigger than your own, and Ryan pulls away from your lips to watch your reaction as he slides them in and out. You would feel embarrassed by the obscene noises being made by your wetness as he fucks his fingers into you if he himself didn’t seem so into it.
He gives you a quick peck before pulling his fingers out, and you whine at the sudden loss.
“Get on the bed.” He instructs authoritatively. You quickly do as you’re told and lay down on your back on the bed, waiting impatiently for what’s next.
Ryan moves over you and pulls on your pants, yanking them all the way off of you.
“Take off your bra.” He says, and you do. He stares at you quietly for a bit, and you feel very vulnerable.
“I’m gonna pay you back.” He says as he starts dragging your underwear down. You blush as you lift your hips up to help him, and you feel so exposed. As attracted as you are to Ryan and as much as you want this, it’s still weird to think about being naked in front of someone you’ve been friends with for so long.
After your underwear is off, Ryan comes back up to kiss you again, and with that, you relax a bit. He soon leaves your mouth, though, planting kisses down your neck, then your chest, then your stomach. You groan and look down as he finally places his head between your legs. He looks up at you before he kisses your inner thigh.
“Please don’t tease me.” You say, lightly pushing his head closer to your vagina with your leg. You can hear him snicker softly as you feel his hot breath on you.
You’re about to continue complaining when he finally starts to lick you. You let out a heavy sigh of relief as he flicks your clit with his tongue at an increasing rate.
“Fuck.” You say as you reach down to grab onto Ryan’s hair. He hooks his arms under your legs to pull your pussy even closer to his face, and you know you’re not going to last long if he keeps up this same intensity.
After some time, he moves his mouth away and brings his hand over to rub at your clit furiously. He looks up at you, his lips shiny and his eyes glazed over, and you swear you’ve never been so attracted to someone in your life.
He looks back down to slip his middle finger inside of you, and you squirm. He then drives a second finger inside you as his tongue darts back to your clit. You moan salaciously as you push your hips forward, wanting more and more.
It isn’t long before your breathing and moans become faster and more uncontrollable, and your grip on Ryan’s hair gets even stronger.
“Ryan, I’m gonna,” You get out as you feel the pleasure wash over you and you reach your peak. You feel yourself clench around Ryan’s fingers and your back arch. Ryan holds on tight to you as he gets you through your climax, not stopping until you’ve finally calmed down. As he pulls his fingers out of you and his face away from your crotch, a wave of exhaustion hits you.
You pull Ryan’s head up to kiss you with the hand that is still gripping his hair. He complies, and you can taste yourself in his mouth.
“Shit,” you say as you pull away, “who knew you’d be good at that? I thought you were the guy who’s bad at everything.” You joke, and Ryan rolls his eyes.
“Give me some credit.” He responds as he lays down beside you.
You look down to see the prominent bulge in Ryan’s jeans.
“I can help you with that.” You say and he lifts an eyebrow.
“Okay, but I’m not gonna last long. Like at all.” He says as he gets up and takes his pants and shirt off.
“That’s fine,” you say as you scoot yourself up so that your head is resting higher against the headboard. “Just come here.”
Ryan gets back on the bed, straddling you, with his erection pointing straight towards your chest. His cock is red and leaking, and you can tell he wasn’t joking about not lasting much longer.
You spit on your hand and then wrap it around Ryan’s cock, yanking it aggressively.
“Kiss me.” You say and he nods and leans down to kiss you as you keep jerking him off at a rapid pace. His cock gets wetter as your spit mixes with precum and you can tell Ryan is on the edge.
“Shit.” He pants before his cum suddenly sprays onto your tits, neck, and chin. You’re taken by surprise, but keep your cool as you stroke him down from his high and he catches his breath.
“Shit.” He says again as he moves back a little and sees the mess he made. He zones out as he takes you in for a moment before getting off of you and laying back down on your right.
You roll towards him and give him a couple more kisses before breaking apart and smiling.
“I’m gonna clean myself off; have you gotten a good enough look?” You tease, and Ryan examines you up and down before nodding. You giggle and get up, putting on some clean underwear before heading to the bathroom.
After you clean yourself off, you go back to your room and look for a clean shirt to wear to bed.
“Have I told you how hot and sexy you are?” Ryan asks with a smile from your bed. You laugh and grab an oversized CKY shirt from the floor and throw it on.
“I don’t know if you have.” You say as you flop down onto your back on the bed next to Ryan.
"Well, you are,” he says as he turns and drapes his arm across your stomach. “And after tonight, you’re never gonna be able to get rid of me.” He continues as he closes his eyes.
“Feels like a promise and a threat.” You say as you turn on your side, away from Ryan. He adjusts his arm and pulls you closer, so he’s spooning you.
Been a minute! Trying not to run out of steam with this one, hopefully people are still enjoying it. I’ll still hopefully finish this story but lowkey if anyone wanted to send me one shot requests or something that could be kinda fun 🤔
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typingatlightspeed · 2 months
i'm curious: what all inspired you to make the mercs what supernatural beings they are in monsterous intent?
Originally it was just gonna be Demo the werewolf and that's it, but eventually the idea to make it into a whole-ass AU happened, and it kinda got silly from there. For Scout I'll be honest it was largely because I freakin' love fauns and satyrs. Always have. And modern deer-style fauns are absolutely adorable, and I really like the combination of cute, horny, and impulse-driven, which is very Scout. Plus a monster form that messes with his legs seemed Right for the guy whose job is Runs Fast. I also project onto him a little bit let us be honest with ourselves here. (I also cannot shut up clearly have adhd and am the littlest sibling who constantly feels inadequate and like I gotta prove myself.)
With Soldier, it's the whole yelling at severed heads on a fence thing from Meet the Soldier. What if the reason he had those severed heads wasn't just to fake an audience, but because he collects them? Dullahans and headless, what if he uses those heads to disguise himself? I read up on the actual folklore and then played with it A Lot, plus Cephalophores (depictions of beheaded saints carrying their own heads in their hands) are really cool imagery, so I went with it. Plus while in actual Irish folklore Dullahans are Faeries, they're also very death-focused, and you'll see them depicted as undead in media a lot, and with Merasmus being the guy he is, the connection just Worked. Basically canon gave me a really easy lay-up of a monster type for Soldier, lol. And Silas Mann jokes as a bonus. Gods help us if Soldier ever gets a horse. (I totally wanna give him a whip made of a human spine eventually.)
Pyro took a while to figure out. I knew I wanted him to be something that couldn't disguise himself easily, hence always being in the gasmask, but I hemmed and hawwed a lot. Someone (I wish I remembered who) pointed me to djinn and how they're made of "smokeless flame" in myth, so I did a bunch of reading and, again, kind of made my version for this AU. I try to make sure to put a lot of the actual real-world folklore and myth in, but also give stuff its own fun little spin, too. :3
Demo being a werewolf was the whole point, tbh. When I first wrote Predation, it was because there was a little bit of werewolf smut in the fandom, but all of it made Sniper the werewolf. I get the vibes, but Demo actually had a wolfman cosmetic set for Halloween! It only made sense he'd get to be the werewolf! Since Sniper had the monster (vampire) hunter costume, he got to be the guy "hunting" werewolf!Demo, and that was how it all got started.
For Engie I couldn't think of a monstrous transformation that would feel right, and since he was the skeptic in Predation, it only made sense that he'd be very unknowledgable and uninvested in the supernatural (at least until he had to be involved with it lol) so instead I just leaned into the transhumanist vibe that Engie sometimes has and went hard on him slowly fashioning himself into a cyborg. Pyro's apprehensions vs. Engie's views mirror the way I in real life am of two minds about properly advanced cybernetics vs. removing healthy body parts.
Heavy was the first after Demo, with Sniper pointing out he was half-jotun in The Good Folk. I knew I wanted him to be a giant of some sort, and with his Siberian background and cold and ice vibes, being part frost giant just seemed right, yanno? Plus the eventual opportunity for big size difference play was something I couldn't resist. Giant man, giant everything. owo
Medic was a tough one for a while, too. Him taking up magic was directly because of his line from the Merasmus boss fight event, where he goes "I must learn this black magic!" and generally being hype about all the magic bullshit lol. Him being a garuda was harder. I knew I wanted to give him wings; that was never a doubt lbr I am a SUCKER for winged humanoids and doubly so winged Medic. Finding the right monster was the hard part. I didn't wanna go harpy simply because Scout was already a Roman monster and got turned by a Greek one, and I didn't wanna double-dip in those mythological waters. And in Buddhist traditions, Garuda are a type of inhuman creature that appear either as giant birds or anthropomorphic birds. My first exposure to the name was as random bird monsters in Final Fantasy games, lol. So I figured Medic going for that and still kinda fucking it up (being a dove rather than a brahminy kite) would be a fun way to make him a bird man off the beaten path.
Sniper being a monsterfucking human, as mentioned above, was inspired by his vampire hunter halloween costume, lol. Also because lbr out of all of them he seems most like the kind of guy who would do a stakeout to get railed by a werewolf.
Spy needed to be a trickster. That was imperative. Ideally a shapeshifter. Nothing from French folklore jumped out at me enough that I wanted to use it, and finally I gave in and went with one of my favourite monsters: kitsune. Plus it gave me an excuse to be a weeb and my god I look for any excuse there. (I'm not a huge anime/manga weeb I'm a huge language/culture/food weeb lol) It ended up working in my favour too since him not even actually being a human French dude but a Japanese fox who cannot create human children means that the Spy Is Scout's Dad reveal in 2017 didn't hit MI nearly as hard as it could have, lol. Thank fuck, really. Also instead it lead to a hilariously squicky misunderstanding on RED Demo's part lol.
Spy's a monster but he's not a monster, Tav, jeez.
Also: Miss P as a human diviner just makes sense. In addition to her being a mage fitting in the world and giving Medic another, better role model than just Merasmus, it makes sense what with half of her job being surveillance of and managing the teams!
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