#i was looking up what the heck her family's names are in my notes
plumadot · 3 months
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i don't think i ever shared the full arts of my dnd character on this blog for some reason??? this is roselle she's a little bard who made a pact with a fey creature for the power to make her drawings come to life!!! :D and now she's lost in barovia :'))))))) all of this art is almost two years old but i still like it!!!
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empress-simps · 3 months
A Gryffindor's Grief
Pairing: James Potter x Fem! Slytherin! Reader
CW: Reader's family and language
Genre: Angst
Note: My first ever marauders fic! Kinda nervous to post this ngl… I'm still thinking if I should make a second part. I want to hear what you guys think about this! Requests are open! Photos used are from Pinterest! Credits to the owner!
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It was forbidden love, really.
Those little moments of not-so-accidental touches, stealing glances, and discreet smiles sent each other's way were your means of communicating with each other.
James Fleamont Potter, a Gryffindor boy that was absolutely smitten with You; Slytherin's Princess.
An odd combination that would only lead to chaos.
Being one of the sacred twenty-eight wizarding families meant that you command power and respect from everyone you meet— intentionally or unintentionally. The idea about blood purity, power, and influence was already in your mind as soon as you were able to grasp things your toddler brain could handle.
You were taught to only mingle with pure-blood families, people who could be useful and loyal to you, and those with power, influence, and wealth. Your family’s distaste for muggles and muggleborns were also ingrained into your mind, as if they programmed you to believe what they believed in. It wasn’t that hard, after all you were surrounded by rich witches and wizards who are blood supremacists.
For someone who grew up with those ideals and values, you thought it was right. Although, your belief came tumbling down the longer you spend time at Hogwarts and got to know James Potter and the rest of the Marauders.
James, he made you feel alive.
It felt as if he was the breath of fresh air that you never knew you needed. Away from that suffocating Malfoy Manor, the scrutinizing gazes of your family, and away from rich pure blood problems. Being with him felt exhilarating, he was the buzz in your life. James brought so much joy into your dark, lavish, and empty lifestyle.
It was quite funny, picturing him as your knight in shining armor, whisking you away from your pretty, gold cage.
"Malfoy!" Evan Rosier, a pure-blooded Slytherin raised his hand in your direction, motioning you to come over and sit beside him during breakfast in the great hall. Cold eyes like Lucius Malfoy's travelled in his direction, a questioning brow raised.
"Rosier, you are being too loud." She commented, walking, and sitting next to him before greeting the person beside him, Regulus Black.
"Good morning, Regulus."
"Good morning, Y/n."
Barty Crouch Jr. looked up from his meal and snickered at the both of you. "Good morning, Mum and Dad." He teased, greeting you both as Evan laughed along with the other Slytherins near them. Heck even Severus has a small smirk planted on his face. "If you wish to make your family line extinct, then please feel free to continue with your remarks, Crouch."
He smirked, putting his hands up in mock surrender "Just kidding, Y/n. Geez. Rough summer, I suppose?"
You felt your lips press into a thin line, an obvious answer to the question; It was horrendous.
Evan’s laughter slowly dies, he shakes his head, “Give her a break mate, she just got the biggest news of her life during summer. Isn’t that right Y/n-“
“Shut your mouth Rosier if you do not want to be hexed into next month.” Her empty threat really doesn’t do damage to Evan, he just shrugged, taking it as a warning that you’re not in the mood for jokes.
Your father, Abraxas Malfoy and older brother, Lucius Malfoy made a huge decision for your future. Hearing rumors here and there about their Slytherin Princess being romantically involved with a blood traitor in Gryffindor enraged your father, Abraxas. That will certainly not do, they will not sit idly and watch as the Malfoy name be... tainted with those rumors.
You remember how you felt dread entering your system, fighting the urge to run and throw up as you mustered up a façade, “Those are just baseless rumors, a plot to ruin my image in school." You held your head high, praying they do not see the truth.
Abraxas stared at you, his daughter, with a monotone expression. "Your brother and I do not care whether those ridiculous rumors are true or not." Lucius nods, agreeing. What a lie. You know your family well enough to not believe what comes out of their mouths in situations like this.
"We do not care if you had relations with the boy, even though it is rumored that he is a blood traitor, you knew well enough not to fool around with mudbloods. Well done, Y/n. Perhaps you could change his views, get him to join our cause.” Lucius looked at you. You could press your lips into a thin line, trying to find an answer.
 “That tactless boy's role is to only be a bed warmer for you, remember that Y/n." Your father stood from the chair he sat in the drawing room. Slowly walking towards you. “Although, I suppose it ends now. I heard Lady Walburga Black is looking for a potential bride to their heir, Regulus Black.”
After a week, it was official; You are to be wedded to Regulus Black, your friend, Sirius’ brother.
You could not do anything about the arrangement, what fight would you have put up? A young girl like you, who does not have any power, influence, and wealth could only suck it up and accept.
How you wish it was James you were betrothed to.
“James, you came.” You breathed out, seeing him take off the invisibility cloak. The moonlight in the astronomy tower complimented his features, he offered a small smile sitting beside you.
The stakes were high, you were sure underlings of your brother (and possibly father) in the school have their eyes trained to you as you enter another year in Hogwarts. You would need to find new ways to meet up with your lover. Regulus’ eyes discreetly looked towards James, who is undeniably looking at you.
“Wouldn’t want for my girl to be alone, you know?”
He joked, intertwining his finger with you, a second nature to the both of you. Squeezing his hand, you softly looked at him. “I missed you, pothead.” He leaned towards your face, kissing you on the forehead. One of the things he does that never fails to make you feel flustered. “I missed you too, love.” You rolled her eyes, slightly shoving him playfully, “Stop being sappy, Pothead.”
“You secretly like it, love. You can’t lie to me.” He grinned, although the last sentence made you tense up. James shot you a concerned look, noticing your body language. “Something wrong, love?” You were torn, deciding on whether you tell him about the engagement rather than keeping quiet and leaving him in the dark about your current situation.
“I got engaged.” Before you could even stop yourself, the words flew out of your mouth. Shit. It wasn’t how she planned to tell him. The light atmosphere suddenly became dark and heavy. You can feel James turn rigid, freezing up as he muttered. “So, it was true, huh?” He scoffed bitterly, hurt overtaking his features. “James…” You gently called, carefully placing a hand on his shoulder. He flinched, turning his body away from you.
She tried to ignore the hurt she felt, pushing it down as she understood why James was acting this way.  “Sirius told me.” He choked out, still not looking at you. James really does know you well, answering the question you haven’t even voiced out yet. The slight tremble in his voice made your heart crack. You bit your lip, of course Sirius found out; he was still a Black after all.
“I love you, James. I really do.”
You spoke to him, you raised your hand, about to put a hand on his back that was still facing you but deciding against it before it touched him. Your hands faltering before dropping down to your sides. He shakes his head violently, his curly locks getting messier than they already were.
“Don’t… Don’t say it like that, love.” He pleaded, slowly turning to face you again, eyes glistening with unshed tears. “Don’t say it like you’re about to leave me. This. Us.” He croaked; you felt his large hands placed on top of yours. He brought it up to his lips, kissing the knuckles.
“James…” You managed to utter out, voice getting caught at the throat.
James knew he was acting like a child, but damn- he never thought it could hurt this much. He pictured both of you marrying each other, living in a large house with a big backyard because he insisted it will be great for when you have kids. Merlin, he even imagined about 3 or 4 kids looking like the perfect mix of you both, running out and about with their names already carefully thought out.
out. He daydreamed that the both of you grow old, watching you tell stories to your grandkids about their grandfather’s mischief during your years at Hogwarts.
“I have to, James.” She chokes out, tears spilling onto her cheeks. Those four little words made James’ little bubble of happiness burst with just a bat of an eye.
“Don’t… don’t do this to me, love.” He pleaded; he even went down onto his knees as he saw you standing up from your place beside him. Poor James, luckily it was only you, the moon, and the walls of the Astronomy Tower watched him become a wreck.
“I love you, please remember that you will always have my heart, James. I wish you find happiness.” The part ‘without me’ was unsaid but was heard. It took a lot of courage, strength, and self-control not to fall apart. Deep down, you wanted James to say the same to you, proclaiming his love again for the last time you’ll be together.
“I love you Y/n, so much. No one will ever make me feel the way you did. I’ll find a way; a way for us to be happy together. I swear on my life.” He promised, looking at you straight in the eye. You could only close your eyes before smiling at him, trying to blink the tears away. Stars, you hoped James really does find a way.
“Goodbye, Potter.” She turns, walking away.
Maybe Slytherins and Gryffindors really aren’t meant to be together.
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aestherin · 1 year
37: it's all yours
NOTE a gift from me 🤍 a long chapter. thank you for waiting!! 🤍
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This is surely a nightmare.
You swore you could cry from the sheer feeling of dread alone.
'What the actual fuck is this? Why are we here? Hello? What is this? This is surely the wrong stop. I wanna scream. Why here oh my god?'
Even though you were still inside your manager's car, it was visible how gray the skies were. Rain wasn't present, at least not yet, but the clouds looked so heavy, as if they were carrying a heavy burden.
They looked just about ready to burst.
You found it laughable, how even the heavens above seemed to reflect how you were feeling.
Your manager took the liberty of opening your car door for you, mainly because you were taking too long. "Get off."
You looked up at her, holding tightly to your seatbelt and refusing to let go.
"I don't wanna get out."
"Why are we here in this haunting place anyway?" You forced a smile, which she returned with a suspicious one. "I told you, didn't I? The CEO of Cypressus wants to meet you."
"Why else would we be here?" She questioned back, now also removing your seatbelt for you. "If you don't get out, we would be late for our appointment. That's not a good impression to make for a VIP, [Name]."
"Why are we meeting at Ayato's family house?" You cried out.
"Oh, this is his house? I didn't know. I just followed the address their CEO gave me."
This is eerie. Something about this is not right. Why —
"Stop thinking. Clear your mind, we have someone to meet."
The immense friction between the ground and your shoes (caused by your manager literally dragging you) can be heard, aside from you and your companion's quick banters. Well, it was actually mostly you crying out questions and her attempting to make you shut up.
Going through the short path on the way to the estate's gate, you noticed that barely anything has changed. As expected, their residence was well-maintained. Given the amount of staff and resources they have, it would be even weirder if they did not manage to keep the estate in its pristine state.
The only difference between your previous visit and now?
No personnel of the Kamisato clan is on sight.
Perhaps they are all inside? Or all of them have day offs today? Or maybe they all decided to file a leave on the very same day? Maybe the CEO of that famous bubble tea shop rented out the whole place to meet you? Wait, is a family residence even available for rent —
"We're here," your manager stated as both of you arrived at the gate.
"I really don't wanna do this."
"You're just gonna talk."
"'You're'? You mean me? Not 'we'? Are you leaving me alone?" You were on the verge of crying. It wasn't that you were sad. It was out of nervousness. Thank Celestia that no matter what heavy emotion you feel, you tend to cry.
Sad? Crying. Anxious? Sobbing. Angry? In tears.
Amidst your internal chaos, your beloved manager simply shrugged. "He requested to talk to you personally, not me."
"And you obliged?"
"It's for your own good."
"You sound like my mother."
"You think I don't notice that you're stalling?" she eyed you. You then felt both hands on your shoulder, forcing you to face the estate that brought you so many memories all at once. A little push, and voila!
You're all alone now.
It was not until you heard the heavy sound of the gate shutting that you turned around. "What the fuck?! Manager?!"
"Best wishes!" She yelled from the other side. Best wishes? Really? It's not like she's sending me off to get married, right?
... Right?
You stayed as still as a stone for a few minutes. Was this place really deserted? And where the heck is Cypressus' CEO? Is he inside? Should you go inside? Do you even dare to enter?
You gave your wristwatch a glance and realized you're already a few minutes late beyond call time. Maybe you really should stop wasting time outside and go in.
You were only able to take a few steps along the stoned path before you heard the main door creak.
It was a sound that could be heard anywhere, and yet... this specific noise, in this very place... it made your heart drop.
What you saw was even worse.
You could've died.
Out came a tall, fine man in an all white outfit consisting of a simple button-down and slacks, still oh so refined as ever.
How many days has it been? Or maybe even weeks, since you last saw each other?
Your heart was confused.
Those enchanting lavender eyes of his remained on you. They were magnetic, yet repelling all the same. Magnetic in a sense that you want nothing to do but just run straight into his arms, because you missed him so damn much. Repelling, because at the same time, you also want to run away for fear of confrontation.
Fear of falling even deeper.
Fear of falling into the depths, until no return.
Your lips slightly parted. It was hard to breathe — this instance, this atmosphere, his presence. It was too much. Too much for your little brittle heart to handle.
"[Name]," he uttered.
Fuck. And now you heard his voice? You were surely on the road to damnation.
Meanwhile, you weren't aware, but the man in front of you was likewise, dying. Dying to get close, dying to touch you, hug you, kiss you.
Dying to be with you, again.
Ayato silently rejoiced that you did not run away immediately at the sight of him. He feared that once you saw him, you would instantly go away, far and out of his reach. Thank the archons she stayed.
As he made his way towards you, you stayed still. You didn't even know how you managed to keep the eye contact with him. And then you notice.
He is a remarkable actor, but you've seen his genuine smile plenty enough to know that everything he's outright expressing is feigned. His lips may display a slight curve, but his eyes... They never lie. In them were weariness, sadness... longing.
Ayato now stood directly in front of you. "Hey," his voice cracked. "I missed you."
"Hi," you forced out a smile too.
It was a long time of looking at each other in silence, with faux smiles plastered on. No one dared to make a noise, nor an action.
Until Ayato couldn't take it anymore and pulled you into a tight hug.
His head sunk on your shoulders. You could feel all of his weight on you, as if he was deliberately sharing with you how exhausted he was from everything. How spent he was, and how your appearance at his house today was his only saving grace in a long time.
You froze.
You felt him shift slightly — no, he was shaking.
"Love," desperation was evident in his voice. "I —"
Ayato couldn't even talk. The composure he tried so hard to muster while waiting for you crumbled, just like that. One glimpse of you, and he broke. Are you now thinking how pathetic he is? Do you despise him now? Of course you do. Why wouldn't —
He felt your fingers caress his hair.
A simple gesture. Yet when it was combined with so much pining, sorrow, and despair... he couldn't stop himself anymore from sobbing in your embrace.
His last attempt at faking collectedness was hiding himself even further into the crook of your neck.
"Why are you crying?" You spoke softly. "I should be the one doing that," you joked.
"I know." Ayato's voice was muffled. Despite the situation, you can't help thinking how cute he was like this. Of course, you definitely prefer him being his usual cool self over him being a broken mess.
But it was a wonder, getting to see him like this, and getting to experience a new side of him.
The two of you stayed like that for a while: him trying to hide his crying in your shoulder (although his faint noises ratted him out) and you continuing to run your fingers through the tufts of his hair.
It wasn't awkward at all, contrary to what one would expect. Rather, it was warm and comfortable, not until he pulled himself away.
Your eyes travelled down, together with him.
"I'm sorry," his voice was low as he looked up at you. Kamisato Ayato, the renowned celebrity, the man with sharp lavender eyes, the scheming man that you've grown to love, the man that you would put above everything, even yourself, just fell to his knees. Groveling. Pleading. Begging.
But what exactly was he sorry for? Weren't you the one who owes an apology? After all, you were the one who suddenly announced that you two 'broke up' — as if there was even really something going on — without even waiting a response from him.
Then you ghosted everyone.
So really, what was your darling actor sorry for?
He held your hands, eyes still on you. "For everything, love. For dragging you into this whole mess. For being an asshole. For being such a stupid fuck."
Ayato breathed.
"For being a damned coward who is afraid of rejection and can't even express his feelings genuinely that he urged you into entering a faking relationship with himself just so he can experience having one with you."
"So please," he leaned his forehead against your thigh, now looking down. "Forgive me and let me fix everything."
"Ayato —"
"Let me fix everything, with me by your side. With us, together."
With that, he was forced to look up as you pulled him. Ayato was still holding your hand even after the change in position, refusing to let you go.
"Ayato." This time, it's you whose voice wavers. "We can't. You know we can't. At least I can't."
"[Name]," he whined. "Love, please."
You took in his appearance. He looked like a mess, everything about him was. His disheveled hair, his teary eyes, his inconsistent breathing.
And yet, you still found him flawless.
"You don't have to forgive me right away. Fuck, you can even torment me. I just want us to be like before, maybe even better," Ayato beseeched.
"I can't believe you still want me," you forced a laugh. "I left you. Announced a break up. I fucking ignored you. All without notice."
"And I deserved all of it."
"No you didn't! You treated me so, so right," tears were now seeping. "You were everything I could ever ask for, love. And what was I to you in return?"
You sobbed.
You hated how memories of everything flashed in your mind.
How he was the perfect fucking lover despite everything being fake, how he never slighted you at the very least, how unfair you were to him sometimes (most times), how he would do just about anything you want, how you kept steering away from him without a word, how unreasonable you were after seeing a single fucking tweet online.
How you left him hanging.
"I was someone who was swayed easily! I was unfair. I kept doubting you, even if I didn't have the right to. You were perfect, I was flawed. You —"
"I wasn't perfect. I know that. Because if I was, you wouldn't have to suffer like how you've been," Ayato frowned. He knew he was the one to blame, and yet... why were you blaming only yourself?
He does not like it when you talk that way about yourself. If you could see yourself through his eyes, he wonders, would you still look at yourself as someone so low and unworthy? He attempts to change the topic subtly. "We're both human. We aren't flawless. A perfect fucking match, [Name]. So why don't we just be with each other —"
"— but I hurt you!"
"And I don't give a fuck." He breathes. "Heck, I would even let you do it again — infinite times more if you wish. Pain me. Hurt me. Break my heart all you want — it's all yours, love."
"But for God's sake, [Name]... please don't leave me."
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privacy — ayato x reader smau
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yngjwonluvr · 2 months
𝗨𝗡𝗘𝗫𝗣𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗗𝗟𝗬 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗥𝗦 // ʏᴀɴɢ ᴊᴜɴɢᴡᴏɴ
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pairing: non-idol! jungwon x fem! reader
genre: smau, fluff, enemies to lovers
warnings: swearings, mention of humiliation, goofy jungwon
wordcount: 868 not proofread
author's note: Happy Sunday, y'all! Got nothing to do so I made this. I know it's boring ++I'm not good at writing but still did my best. Hope you guys like it!
synopsis: In the competitive world of business, longstanding rivals Jungwon and (oc) are forced into an uneasy partnership when their families orchestrate a merger to save their companies and make a stronger bond. Complicating matters further, they find themselves bound by an arranged marriage. They have to face their rivalry and determine whether there is true love between them or if their marriage is doomed to fail as they work through the difficulties of combining their personal and professional lives.
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“What?!?! But dad-” I was about to make an excuse about the information that I just heard when my dad cut me off, saying “You can’t say no, dear; you already signed the partnership contract.” He said, making me sigh. “But I didn’t know that it was going to be him who would be my partner for this project.” I reasoned it out. “But dear, a contract is a contract. No more excuses, okay? Whether you like it or not, you’ll work with him.”
I nodded and left my dad’s office, feeling defeated by the fact that I had to work with my longtime enemy, who’s known for his looks, intelligence, and wealth. I guess you already know him….yes! The one and only YANG JUNGWON. He’s the son of my father’s friend. But Dad and Uncle being the best of friends doesn’t make me close to Jungwon. Instead, annoyance and anger took over. Why? Because he rejected me harshly and freaking embarrassed me 3 years ago at their house party when I told him that I liked him, and he answered, saying, "I don't like spoiled brats," and started laughing with his friends. And from that day on, I started hating him to the point that seeing his face made me want to break his bones.
‘Aish, I’m stressing myself more just by thinking of him.’ My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my secretary call my name. “Yes, Lia? Do I have a meeting later?” I asked. “Oh, no, Miss Yn. Your mom just wanted me to tell you that you guys are going to have a family dinner at the Yang's residence later at 7 pm,” she stated, which made me roll my eyes. “Aish, again? Alright, I’ll take note of that. Thanks for telling me.” She smiled and bowed before leaving as I went to my office to continue the work that I had left when my dad called me to his office.
“I bet the partnership will be our topic tonight,” I sigh.
----------------T I M E S K I P—--------------
I flinched when I heard my phone ringing. I groaned before answering the call without looking at the caller’s ID. “Hello?” I started. “Oh, Yn dear, are you still planning to attend our family dinner tonight?” the person on the other line sweetly asked, which made my eyes widen. It’s Jungwon’s mother. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry auntie, I must’ve fallen asleep while doing my work and didn’t notice the time,” I explained. "It's okay, dear. Take your time. We are not rushing you," she assured. "Okay, Auntie, I'll just pack my things and call Dad to fetch me." I said, "No need, dear. Take your time; I already sent someone to fetch you there since your parents are here already." Auntie said. “Okay, Auntie, I'll be leaving now,” I said, informing her that I needed to go. “Alright. Take care, dear. Bye,” she hung up, as I left my office and went to the parking lot.
I was peacefully walking in the parking lot while using my phone when something hit me—a candy wrapper. “Oopss,” my eyes automatically shut, and I felt like it rolled back inside my head. “What the heck are you doing here, Yang Jungwon? ”I turn around and see him grinning so widely that my blood boils in irritation. “What's with the full name, Missy? And chill, am I not allowed to see my lovely business partner? "He answered with a smirk while leaning on his car hood. Hearing his last two words pissed me more. "I am not working with an arrogant man, like you." He chuckled and played the lollipop in his mouth. He took the lollipop out of his mouth and offered it to me. "Do you want to have a taste?" he asked. "Yuck," I said, turning my back on him as I started walking away. "Hm, planning to ditch the dinner? "Jungwon asked. "Nah, not this time," I answered as I continued walking.
"Then should we go? "He asked, which made me stop walking and turn to face him again. "What did you say? 'I asked, wanting him to repeat what he said to make sure that I heard it right. "I said, if we should go already?" he repeated while walking towards me. "Huh? What do you mean, "if we should go? Yang, "I asked confusedly, "Oh, mom didn't tell you? "Tell me what? "I asked back. "Tell you that she asked me to fetch you." Jungwon answered my question with a smirk, holding my hand as he started pulling me towards his car. "What??? But why him, Untieeeee?" I whine while trying to escape from his grip as he laughs. "Yah, let's go; it's already 6:40," he said. "I know, and I don't want to go with you, Yang," I protest. "But you don't have a choice," he said while opening the passenger seat door. He made me sit there and go to the driver's seat. "Plus, we're going to be late. My wife doesn't like being late, right?" he added while giggling as he started driving.
‘Right, business partners also mean you are in a fixed marriage.’
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Semi-Finals - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Sister Michael
She drives a DeLorean. She does judo on Fridays. She likes a good statue and despises the French. Her full nun name is Sister George Michael, after the guy from Wham!. She is the fiercest nun you’ll ever come across and, if you’re attending Lady Immaculate College, she’s the woman in charge. So whatever you do, if you’re feeling anxious or worried or just need a chat: don’t come crying to her.
joined the nunnery for the free accommodation?
she does love a good statue it has to be said
She is the headmistress of a catholic school <3
sister michael so reminds me of the nuns who taught me. they're tough and sometimes a little harsher than a woman who dedicated her life to god should be but they're also wonderful people. i had a nun teacher who was 60 years old and would do handstands. another nun (also in her 60s) told me god was nonbinary. another was really mean and made me cry. (so did the handstand nun.) while the catholic girls school is The Catholic Experience, the school wouldn't have been the same for me or the derry girls without at least one nun who seemed to have sprung up out of the ground fully formed, ageless.
In sonic destruction (the AI generated fan thing snapcube made a while ago) shadow was catholic or something which I think is reallyyyyyyy funny
Ok listen. I know this is a stretch but hear me out. He says “oh my God” in the Twitter takeovers so we know this is a possibility. I see him as a Christ-like figure because I saw his whole confrontation with Mephiles and was like “this is a thing that happened in the Bible??” and the pose Mephiles shows him in is literally like a crucifixion and Mephiles is meant to be a demon / false prophet reference. And also he’s called a demon in Shadow The Hedgehog 2005 then the guy who calls him that is like “I was wrong I’m sorry” and that also reminds me of a thing with Jesus in The Bible. But the biggest reason is his whole thing with Maria cause I think he’d come to earth and hear Ave Maria once and convert to Catholicism idk he’s like we’re comforted by a female familial figure named Mary sometimes called Maria?? And her color is blue????? Heck yeah I’m in because I Will Cry. Also feel free to share this as propaganda obv even if he doesn’t get in the bracket just. It’s funny.
I feel like he’d battle a lot with being seen or portrayed as a demon and how the aliens he’s related to very much look and act like demons idk lmao- and also I feel like confession would just be good for him I think he needs it for his mental health
There is a debate on the lovely website tunblr that Shadow T. Hedgehog is an allegory for Jesus Christ.
He is Jesus, idk what to tell you. He lived, he was sealed away, he was awakened again and deemed the ultimate lifeforms, he’s angry but not evil, does what he believes is best for people and the world at any given time. Total loser.
Vote for Shadow the Hedgehog
There seems to be some confusion in the notes. He is Catholic. It may not be explicit, but it can be inferred.
Shadow was created by Professor Gerald Robotnik, and for the early part of his life, lived with Gerald and his granddaughter, Maria Robotnik.
Robotnik is not a made-up name. Google Search results may only bring up pages related to the Robotniks of the Sonic the Hedgehog series, however, it is a rarely used Polish surname. Poland is a historically Catholic nation, and… come on. Maria is the most Catholic name ever. The Robotniks are Catholic. Shadow was created and raised by Catholics.
Now you may be wondering to yourself: Does Catholicism even exist in Sonic? The answer is yes, at least in the Archie comics, where Protestants are explicitly mentioned.
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Couple this with the fact that several characters, including Shadow, have canonically taken the Lord’s name in vain, it is reasonable to infer that Christianity, and therefore Catholicism, exists.
So… while Shadow’s own religious beliefs may not have been explicitly addressed… at minimum:
Catholic is a cultural designation that Shadow will always be allowed to claim based on the family that made him.
Whether he’d actually want to claim that designation is a different conversation, but the other propaganda does a fine job of explaining why it may be appropriate to headcanon him as a practicing Catholic.
Now that we’ve established that Shadow has as much of a right to be in this tournament as anyone else, there’s one very important reason you should vote for him:
It would be funny if he won.
Thank you.
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Essays are done!! Here’s some Shadow propaganda because the propaganda we currently have sucks and I need to fix that. While yes, Shadow being Catholic is a meme, there is more to outside of the simple “fandub said so” and its not quite stated its Catholicism but just how he behaves and his actions. There’s a lot of Sonic content so I will try to keep this brief. Gonna get headcanons out of the way.
Shadow is Chilean and so are Maria and Gerald Robotnik because I fucking say so and they’re Catholic. He definitely had un rosario next to his like. Bed or test tube whatever he slept in. So did Maria btw. Alright let’s move on because I am 100% correct.
Let’s start with some background for Shadow. Shadow was created as a cure for a girl called Maria and he grew to care for her as a sister and loved her deeply. He was artificially created but still holds a soul that is similar to Maria’s. Long story short, Maria is killed protecting Shadow who watches as she’s shot in front of him. He has his memories tampered by Maria’s grandfather, Gerald, who manipulates him into carrying out revenge on the Earth, even if Shadow ends up as collateral.
Shadow struggles with frequent identity crises, even before Maria’s death and always wondered what his purpose was, what he was made to do. Was he a weapon? Was he a cure? He’s the Ultimate Lifeform, but what does that truly mean? ? He’s Shadow, but what more is there to him? He doesn’t know what his purpose is other than what others have prescribed to him, and he guides himself through the will of others (something that he breaks through afterwards but not yet). Shadow at his core is self-sacrificing and constantly punishes himself. This is where you can see some of that good old guilt that everyone has been using as propaganda, but we also see someone who is giving and kind.
He is snarky in the game, especially when interacting with Sonic, but he’s having what is essentially an ongoing mental breakdown but keeps moving because it is his duty to his sister. He doesn’t believe himself important enough to continue on after her and sees it in himself to act out on “Maria’s wishes”. After the revelation that Maria’s final wish for Shadow was for him to make those on Earth happy and to protect them, he immediately sacrifices himself to do so.
Okay, that’s a lot and you’re probably asking “Okay, you mentioned he is a giving person and yeah he has guilt, but that’s not really Catholicism” and yes you would be right! So let’s go into the more important part of being Catholic. The charity, the community, the kindness, etc. Shadow is a very reserved person and has the habit of being a dumb teenager because well. Yeah. Anyways, he definitely has a soft spot for those he cares about and while his whole arc (in my opinion) is about finding the freedom of self-autonomy, it is also Shadow growing as a person and deciding not to save people because others have told him he needs to, but because he wants to. It is born from his soul and its his nature to care for people. It is who he is, and he knows it now. He’s not doing it because he’s a hero or because he is told to do so. Shadow is a very giving person and I think people tend to forget about that especially due to bad writing from the past decade or so. He is also stated to help out at food shelters and volunteers a lot. He is proud and a bit prickly, but he cares so deeply about those he loves. He is stronger with his loved ones and will always do his best to protect them. These are minor, yeah, but you don’t need sweeping and enormous acts to get attention for the good deeds you do. Most of what you apply of Catholicism is done at the personal level, between your friends, family, and community.He also goes to Mass whenever he can and if he can’t he goes to the capilla and also does the sign of the cross whenever he runs by a church. Cutting this off because this is already 740-ish words and I had to send these across multiple asks I am so sorry Catholic mod
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gethooked · 4 months
My girl and her family ~ HOOK imagine
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Authors note: This will be my last fic/imagine for a while I just need to take a break for my mental health. I will also be taking a break mostly from posting on Tumblr but you will see me reposting fics/imagines from other writers. But once I’m out of this funk I will get back to writing.
Can you please do a story where Hook and Reader have been dating for 6 months and Reader finally wants her parents Hook is nervous as heck but Reader tells him that everything is going to be fine and that he’s been nervous without a reason and when he meets her parents they adore him and welcome him into the family?! - requested by @brideofinfamy
Tyler and I have been dating for six months now. He promised me that he would meet my parents once we got to six months. And he kept that promise. He was nervous in my opinion for no reason whatsoever. My parents were chill people, they just wanted to make sure that their daughter was well taken care of and not taken advantage of.
As we got to my parent's house I noticed Tyler getting more nervous. I grabbed his hand squeezed it and kissed it. With a kiss following on his lips. After he calmed down a little bit he got out and walked to my side of the car to help me out. As I got out he grabbed my hand and kissed it also and then kissed me on the side of my head.
He did this to let me know that he would hopefully be fine. As we were walking up to the front door my mom whipped the door open. Came running over to us gave me a big hug and gave Tyler a big hug also. After she let go she walked us into the house. As we got in my dad was cooking and Tyler immediately walked in to introduce himself and offer his assistance.
My dad accepted his help but before he could tell Tyler what to do I walked in. He was me and smiled and wrapped me in a big bear hug. I accepted his hug and squeezed him as best as I could myself. Tyler watched as this was going on as he knew how much my relationships with my parents mattered to me. He smiled and waited for the hug to be over.
My dad let me go and told me to go relax with my mom, which I gladly accepted. What I failed to hear while they were finishing everything up was what they were talking about. They were talking about our relationship. How we met, our first date, how he felt about me. My mom did her own asking questions about him and asked me everything she could think of to me.
I answered each question with a smile on my face and she noticed this and knew how much I loved him just by the smile. My dad called our names and told us dinner was ready. As we walked into the dining room we saw that everything was already set up. We sat down and the boys sat down next to us. Tyler and I on one side, my mom and dad on the other.
Throughout dinner, my parents would ask Tyler and me questions which we would answer. The questions would be random or would go with whatever we were talking about. As dinner was finished no one had room for dessert. Tyler and I offered to clean up so my parent could relax. My parents greatly accepted.
As we were cleaning up, Tyler and I talked about how he thinks my parents like him or not. He said he wasn’t sure because it was his first time meeting my parents so he couldn’t read them yet. I told him I think he’s alright and that they accept him dating their daughter. He just looked at me confused. I told him because with every question he answered both of my parents smiled at the answers which meant it was a good answer.
When we got done we walked into the living room and my parents were watching TV. Once they noticed us, they shut the TV off and just smiled at us. Which was kind of creepy. After a few seconds, my dad spoke up and said he approved of Tyler. This made Tyler smile, knowing that it made me happy they accepted him.
We stayed a little bit longer and chilled out with my parents watching TV and just talking. During this, I knew I wanted to marry him in the future with the way he clicked with both of my parents right away.
Taglist: @99hook @carlybow @saramusazzi99
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you're losing me (three) | am. targaryen and j. velaryon
Description: The family reunion happens and you announce your engagement with Aemond. You realize that the Targaryens are an eccentric bunch. Rating: General Audiences Author's Note: Sorry for the Taylor erasure, I was just to lazy to come up with songs hehehe part two
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You were wearing a white-satin dress that reached past your knees. It was a vintage Chanel '70 - that was certainly worth it's price. After a few hours of interviewing Aemond, you soon realized that their family was old money - coming from the very bowels of fortune, and Aemond was one of the few members that strived to be different - the few members of the family that the world knew.
You've spent a lot of time with the Old Money folks - you used to work in a country club down in Singapore. They were stingy - and stealth with their money. That observation was evident in the outfit that you wore today - nothing too flashy or bold.
"Are we ready?" he asks, and you turn to look at him. His bowtie was crooked - in a cute way. You smile, walking towards him and adjusting his bowtie. "We are." you reply, holding onto his hand while you walked down the marble staircase.
This was the life that you wanted as a teenager - a trophy wife to a rich man, not ever worrying about money or doing work. Your smile deepens, realizing that you looked amazing and sophisticated. It was a facade, but it was nice to pretend once in a while. He leads you out of the hotel room, the valet stops in front of you - flashing the paparazzi's a good view of the couple.
"I'm nervous," you admit, staring at his flashy car. Mingling with the rich was easy, but meeting the rich family of your fake boyfriend was going to be hard. A smile finds itself etched on his lips, opening the door for you to enter. "Just look pretty, my dear - that's all I want." he licked his lips, entering the car after you.
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The car stopped in front of a mansion - heck, it actually looked more like castle. There were guests everywhere - and lights that illuminated the pathway that led to a zen garden. "You said family reunion." you quoted him and his lips turned into a thin line - telling you that he didn't expect this much guests either.
"My mother was quite a socialite back in the day - and all of these people were her friends." he explained, trying to regain his calm. He wasn't prepared to show you to his family's entire circle. He opened the compartment beside him - removing the emerald ring from it's box. "Now, remember the story - I proposed on the beach." he reminded and you nod.
A servant begins to open the doors to the car. "Now let's meet the vipers." he took a deep breath, plastering a fake smile on his face before exiting the vehicle and helping you do the same.
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Jace wasn't expecting to see you today. The lady in white that managed to steal the heart of his uncle. He wanted to hate you, but he couldn't - not when you were already over him. God knows how many times he's listened to the songs that you made about him.
A million little times.
He's only felt alive when you were the one describing him - immortalizing him with your soft melodies. His jaw clenches as he watches his uncle's hands snake around your waist, his hands were in the places that he used to be in. Aemond whispers something in your ears, and you couldn't help but giggle.
"Isn't that (Your Name)?" his mother inquires while holding a glass of champagne. Rhaenyra's eyes widen, seeing the man beside you. "Oh, Jace." she cooed, pitying him in that very situation. "I'm alright, mom." he forced himself to smile - taking a lazy sip of his champagne. Jace couldn't understand why he was missing you.
He had everything he wanted - the respect of his fellow writers, all the money in the world, and freedom. Why was he missing the shackles that he fought to remove? You told him that you wanted to teach him what forever felt like - but why was forever falling away from his fingertips? Now, you are just one of the girls that he's loved before - not the one.
Aemond begins walking in his direction - a smug grin was on his face, but there was no way that his uncle knew. "Jacey," the man teased, one hand wrapped around you - and the other wrapped around a glass of merlot. His uncle was glowing.
"Uncle Almond," Jace responded using their childhood nicknames. "Have you met this lovely lady?" Aemond tilted his head, expecting you to smile warmly at his nephew - but you gawked at the sight of Jace. You didn't know that they were related. "Uncle?" she inquired, choking on air.
"I'm too young to be an uncle, huh?" he chuckled, staring at his nephew up and down. "I didn't expect you here, (Your Name)." Jace proceeded with caution, he stared deep into your eyes - searching for the warmth that used to fill it when you looked at him. "I could say the same," you answered, grip around Aemond's back tightening.
Something shimmery in your fingers catches his eyes. An engagement ring - green, like his step-grandmother's favorite color. "Congratulations on the engagement." he smiled, feeling happy for you. Marriage was all you ever wanted - all that you desired. He was glad that you were about to have it. "Thank you," you smile, bringing the ring closer for him to view it.
"When she's the one wrapped around your arms - you can't let her go." Aemond stared at your face - basking in your glory. Jace nodded, feeling bitterness creep up his throat. "I know the feeling." he paused, taking another sip of his champagne.
He should've fought the world to have you beside him. He should've took you dancing, bowling, skating - bought you flowers everyday, but he didn't. He was blind and entitled. He didn't know what he had until it was gone. "Well - excuse us, Jacey, I believe that dinner is about to begin." Aemond smiles, pulling you away from him.
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(your first name): i like shiny things but i'd marry you with paper rings. 3 new songs out at midnight. (courtesy of the 3 sleepless nights where I was talking to @officialaemondtargaryen)
23, 912 comments 2, 903,294 likes
sharterpack: It's so nice seeing mom with a man that allows her to post him. If Jace Velaryon has 0 haters, I am dead.
ynkitten009: ya'll the lyrics were leaked 💀
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(your name)'s kitten fanbase ya'll i'm sobbing because y/n wrote "i wouldn't marry me either." for jace, but she wore "i like shiny things but i'd marry you with paper rings." for aemond 😭 JACAERYS VELARYON YOU ARE ON THIN FUCKING ICE.
wandamaximoffdefender "i find myself running home to your sweet nothings." JACE, YOU LITERALLY GAVE HER NOTHING BFFR !
PaperRingsStan13 When he's no longer her Cornelia Street, Sweet Nothing, King of My Heart, Endgame, Cruel Summer, and Peace because someone else is her Lover, Dress, and Paper Rings.
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Your phone wouldn't stop buzzing, all of your fans were tagging you in their recent twitter posts. A small chuckle escapes your mouth, and you place the phone on silent mode. "You're doing a good job," he compliments, helping you sit down on your chair. "So (Your Name), should I even call you that? I think sister is much better," Helaena makes her way beside you - you smile at her.
"I think sister is much better too." you answer, and her smile deepens. "I actually love your songs," she began to rant - taking note of all the lyrical devices you used in your songs. "I hyper-fixated on them one time, and I know all of the lyrics." she exaggerated - and Aemond places himself in the middle of the both of you.
"That's enough, Helaena." he whined, seeing that the crowds were beginning to make their way towards the dinner table. His father, Viserys, clinks his glass - earning everyone's attention. "I want to make a toast to my son, Aemond, who brought us his lovely fiancee." Viserys boasted, and everyone begins clapping.
"I want everyone to eat as much as they like - and drink as much as their wives let them." he joked, and the entire crowd laughs. "Our family will only grow bigger." he smiled and everyone settled into their chairs.
part four>>
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@glame @xcinnamonmalfoyx @winxchesters @yentroucnagol @hotchnerswife @itsabby15 @mxxny-lupin @joliettes @kemillyfreitas @mxtantrights @urmomsgirlfriend1 @kravitzwhore @sweethoneyblossom1 @introverbatim @flrboyd
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tamaruaart · 5 months
An introduction to my LMK characters :D
So I want to give you all an actual introduction to my LMK/JTTW babies-
So this will be that :) (Note: These are their lmk designs, I might post their jttw book designs some other time)
Zhaoyan "Zhao" Whang'e🍑
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Zhaoyan is a Peach Maiden with the gift of healing that was passed down to the girls in her family. Zhao is very calm and motherly, she mostly just takes care of the plants and fruits from the Celestial Realm. However when she's not in the Celestial Realm, she's in Megapolis keeping MK company, MK and Zhao have a very Aunty-Nephew relationship.
Though she might seem social considering she's very good with kids and doesn't seem to have trouble with appealing to people, Zhao is very quiet and actively tries not to make many friends. This is mostly because of her past problems with her relationship towards her family and friends. With her leaving her family because of their mistreatment towards her, and the death of some people that were very close to her, who's death she still hasn't fully recovered from. But don't you worry, MK and Mei are working on helping her past these issues with the help of the gang™ >:)
Quanshuǐ Wǔ🌺
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Quanshuǐ is a very warm and sweet person! She's talkative and loves animals. Though she is very sweet she's incredibly clumsy, often messing things up. In her past this lead her to be very critiqued by her fellow Flora Maidens, they would nag her day and night about how she just messes everything up. Because of this Quanshuǐ developed HUGE self worth issues and anxiety.... Or at least until she met Zhao
Zhaoyan was the sister Quanshuǐ never had, instead of tending to flowers who won't judge her all day, she was hanging around the many Gardens of peaches in the celestial realm. Eventually Quanshuǐ took a crack at people again by trying to befriend the other Peach Maidens as well, which she succeeded in doing!
The Peach Maiden's are sorta like her aunties now. She still has a bit of anxiety but for once instead of being around people who make her feel worthless over every single mistake, she's around people who love and appreciate her for who she really is :'))
(The sparrow named Huā is Quanshuǐ's best buddie. Quanshuǐ found Huā injured in the forest one day while she was tending to a rose bush. She took Huā to Zhao so she could heal her, and Zhao told Quanshuǐ she could take care of the sparrow because Zhao isn't the best with any other animals that aren't cats lol)
Yueliang "Yue"🌙
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(off topic but why my man be standin' there like: 🧍‍♂️)
Yueliang or Yue as they call him, is an immortal Moon Spirit. He was born from a magical orchid that only grows on the Moon and after Chang'e- the goddess of the Moon found him she decided to take Yue in. Even these days he visits Chang'e very very often. Because that is his mama :>
Yue is a very silly and a "talk before you think" kinda' guy. He's very, very, very charismatic, respectless and chaotic. Nowadays he acts as a Jade Messenger because of his incredible speed. He delivers messages from the Jade Emperor to the other deities, sometimes he even delivers fake rude messages just to cause drama. He gets punished every time but he's just like "Yk what? T'was worth it. >:)".
Not to mention that Zhao and Quanshuǐ are his number 1 prank victims. He once turned all the Immortality Peaches invisible and the Peach Maidens & Quanshuǐ were just freaking the heck out, and he was just spying on them being like: Hehe look at them go :D
And ye, that's everyone for now! If I do make more LMK OCs I will edit this post. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you'll enjoy these little fella's as much as I do! :)
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randomgentlefolk · 2 months
One last...One last review...before...*gasp for air*...it all fall into the pit of daily pass...*dramatically fall into the ground*
ALL THOSE CHAPTERS. Those were some damn rollercoasters. And yet with everything we've been through, we're finally here...
Let's get right into it
JACK FINALLY REUNITING WITH LEELATHAE!! Relationship goal fr <3 This whole Leelathae portrait stuff is actually making me curious about some things. For instance like, does Leelathe still sleep? I mean, she's pretty much a spirit now, right? Does she still do daily human acitivities, or does she roam around the castle all day?
It's awesome to see what the pastel siblings are doing now! :D
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First of all, Lorena definitely deserve that A+++++. No questions asked. Hopefully this can make up for her whole grade, considering she said she has never gotten an A in her entire life XD
I love how Maria is becoming really ambitious towards her dream!
And Gwen bonding with her mom's side of the family <3 That is simply so sweet. It looks like Jamie love those food XD I wonder what are the recipes for those dishes.
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Also pretty curious what those little beads are! I assume they are berries?
Jamie and Leopold creating lots of paintings so Leelathae can venture around!! Since Leelathae can also visit dreams, do you think she visits each of her children's dream every night?
Old guard name reveal HECK YEAH!! I've been waiting for that. So happy he got all those recognitions and promotion!!
And Becket getting demoted lmaoo
Is it rude for me to say that with what Beckett did before the invasion (ignore Frederick), and how he immediately decided to confess to Maria without any consideration for the room, he kindaa had it coming? xd I get that he was excited but don't just do that man.
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Just wanted to say I absolutely love Lorena's outfit in this panel! Between all of the pastel siblings, her fashion style has always been my favorite. VOTE QUEEN LORENA WOOOOO!!!!
Everyone's getting their appreciations like they deserve!! I'm happy for everyone.
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The Cursed Princess Club!! Everyone may have a hard time accepting them at first but they always have their family and friends' back <3 Love how Tori is just "CLAP YOU HEATHENS" Lmao XD
Also the fact that Whitney is just standing there so awkwardly :') he looks like the standing emoji.
Welp, out of the town and to the prison we go~
Leland not getting any visitors in the prison is honestly a really good punishment; a painful one too. How we see in the last chapters about how he realized that Jack actually love him and he has a breakdown, Isolde's speech to him about what else could he possible want, realizing that this whole time he has had everything. And now he's rotting in jail losing everything he once had. All because of envy and hatred. Just because he wasn't satisfied until he could see the man he once love the most suffer. Emotionally, that's really fucking painful.
Out of the prison we go~
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So, Pizza exist in the CPC universe? XD That's not supposed to be surprising but I was taken aback for some reason. I guess CPC is set after the 18th century, then!
I can imagine it already. With Suzie moving to the Pastel Kingdom, Lorena will definitely hang out with her almost everyday. Them sparring and eating at a cafe in their free time <3 Sometimes Lance would join too :] They would share notes!!
FINALLY THEY STOLE THE PORTRAIT BACK!! I wonder where they will hang it up? Maybe at the Cpc? Or at the Pastel Palace?
Jack declaring the cpc's forest as a protected place is so damn awesome like, he cares about his daughter's friends!! ALSO THE SPIDER TALKING ABOUT NEWEST MEMBER?? I wonder who...
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This panel is everything for me.
BENEDICT IS SO DAMN DEVOTED WHAT??? BRO He tricked the sea cucumber to curse him so he can find his lover!!! (This sounds so confusing out of context lmao) TRUE RELATIONSHIP GOAL.
BLAQUELYN LOOKS SO PRETTY???? I LOVE HER FASHION STYLE SO MUCH!! She rocks that outfit fr!! But Greyden 💀 Deep down I'm still wondering how very little of his hair could make a whole damn coat..
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Holy shit. First of all another point about the outfits cause I loveee observing everyone's outfit!! Their wedding dress is absolutely!! Pretty!!! The details Lambcat put is amazing. I can see that Jolie's wearing high heels, so can we assume she and Nell has the same height? Absolutely adore how Jolie's dress has ruffles look while Nell's more silky!!
The wedding's decoration is totally magical too!! It looks so majestic and angelic.
Celso and Aurelia is a couple I would never expect but honestly? I'm not complaining. Imagine their date is them sitting at a cafe right at the window seats, watching people outside while roasting each one of them <3 Dream date fr
I do hope it's true love though because if not, R.I.P Celso XD
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Holy shit.. EVERYONE PLEASE, ALLOW ME TO MAKE YET ANOTHER FASHION REVIEW. BECAUSE GOODNESS GRACIOUS THIS DRESS IS MAKING ME SWOON. OKAY DAMN YOU GO MARIA YOU GO. First of all the blue fabric looks so metallic, I love that!! The light blue glittery ruffles with little pearls on its edges are also gorgeous. I love the lace necklace complimenting the dress and especially, I fricking love the blue transculent fabric on her arms!!! She looks so graceful.
She got noticed by her idol!!! That is so dang amazing. How she looks in the album cover is also just, woah.
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Blaine buddy you cannot just do that. You cannot just. No. Please I'm begging you, reunite with your family. You can go on ahead with your self discovery journey, of course! But at least visit them once or twice :') Your mom is real worried about you, man...
I hope there's going to be a spin off or something about Blaine's journey...
Monika opening her jewelry store and achieving her dream!! So proud of her :D and Gwen opening her own bakery!!
Unfortunately I've run out of picture space...
Gwen can finally see her own reflection I am so proud of her :') She love herself!!
Goodness...Leelathae's letter... I need a moment to sob.
I fricking love the message this webtoon gives, man. It's just so damn wholesome and important. Beauty is on the inside. It's a simple message but damn it really is important to understand that message!!
Gwen is wearing braids Y'ALL 😭😭 SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL
Okay, I'm wondering about something here! In the panel where the pastel family are having breakfast together, we can see Leelathae eating pancakes in her portrait too! Does this mean she can eat? Can food be transported to portraits? Or did Leopold paint a pancake or smth XD
Gwen and Frederick holding hands in front of the CPC building while being surrounded by sunflowers which once scare Frederick but now he looks so happy and in peace. I'm so glad everyone each got their deserved ending :')
Well, I suppose this is the last review, then. That's kind of sad, to be honest. But I've loved writing each of my reviews, and I want to say thank you to people who have interracted with them. I always love hearing y'all's thought and theories!! Maybe one day I'll find a new webtoon series which I can write these reviews on!! But for now, this shall be the last cpc review I write!
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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mayullla · 2 years
Title: Your new home at Hawks's apartment
Characters: Hawks / Keigo Takami (Mainly), Miruko (My Hero Academia/BNHA)
Summary: After Hawks adopted you, you were shown to your new home a luxurious apartment that belongs to the pro hero Hawks.
Warnings/tags: Slowburn platonic yandere, fem!child!reader, smidge agnst, reader has a "healing" quirk, the obsessions themes are not obvious here but will happen at one point so just in case I am putting this here Note: Kind of a part 2, if you want to see part 1 head over to the list!
Little healer here! list
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Your tiny gasp as he leaped from the window of his apartment. Delighted you were laughing as you held on to his neck tightly as he told you but not enough to choke him.
"MISTER-SAN IS SO COOL!!!" You shouted at him as you looked down at the tiny buildings. You are so high up in the sky! Hawks was holding you in his arms as you two flew across buildings and houses.
You were so high up people looked like ants when they use to be so tall. Everything was so yellow.
"Hold on tight, kid and don't take of that mask it will be hard to see if you remove it."
The first place he went to was his agency. Everybody greeted him casually yet when they saw you almost everyone froze. They were so quick to assume that you were his daughter by blood.
"Was that why you left a few days?! To get her??"
"How come you haven't told us anything about you having a daughter!!"
"Why didn't you say anything!! She is sooo cute!!"
"What about the news articles?! What am I supposed to say here!!"
Hawks had to quickly silence them and explain to them that you were adopted and not his real "real" daughter. And when he wanted to introduce you to them it seemed that you have disappeared from his side to behind his leg. The suddenly loud voices surprised you a bit and when all of the people's eyes were on you you can't help but hide even more.
Why are you so cute??
"She wasn't this shy before... probably cause there are way too many people here. Come one kid introduce yourself."
Hawks had to slowly help you out into introducing yourself to his agency, shyly you told them your name almost hesitant when you said Keigo's family name. Dear really why are you so adorable?? The whole agency was practically cooing over you at how cute you were.
Almost instantly you were given soo many sweets and candies by everyone that you needed a plastic bag to carry them all. Keigo casually took the bag later unable to bare laughing as he watched you struggle to carry the plastic bag as big as you.
"Would you look who it is! Hawks!" You looked to your side to see a woman with bunny ears and the most mischievous smile. "Are you back from your holi-"
The woman looked at you surprised and you looked at her surprised, the both of you made eye contact. "So who is the unlucky woman you la-" "Shut up."
Hero name Mirko also known as Rumi Usagiyama, Hawks was quick to introduce the both of you also explaining that he had adopted you. "Ehhh what made you think you wanted to become a father so fast?" Mirko smirked at him crossing her arms. Keigo rolled his eyes.
"So little bunny, how is it living with pro hero Hawks?" Mirko asked squatting right beside you to get to your height. You looked at her rabbit ears curiously "It is fun! Mister-san is super nice and funny. He also made the best pancakes I ever tried!" You told her with enthusiasm.
"She is so cute, how the heck did you find her?" Mikro asked Keigo as she played with your cheeks. Squishing both of them, so puffy but still could use a little more fat in them. "Jealous?" Hawks huffed, a smirk on his face.
Mirko was about to say a witty comeback before she felt something odd in her arm. Fast she let go of your face jumping back, high alert as she looked at you cautiously. You covered your cheeks pouting adorably.
You did something, Mirko had dropped her guard just a little for a moment there while chatting with you. She felt as if something entered her veins.
"What did you do kid?" Mirko asked glancing at her hand. It was a strange feeling almost as if something was crawling in her veins. It wasn't uncomfortable, almost warm but... unfamiliar. "Mirko-san had a cut on her arm that looks painful." You grumbled.
Mirko quickly checked the cut it was true that she had a cut on her arm after some fight with villains this early morning. It wasn't really serious and she planned on getting it treated later but it was gone, all that was left was a thin line that told her it was not from her own imagination.
"Little Birdie here had a quirk that heals, she healed me when I got into a little trouble with some villains," Hawks explained, with a smirk this time on his face. "Her skills if trained properly can be on par with recovery girl's skills if not better."
The tension soon died down as Hawks explained how you and he meet and Mirko and Hawks started shooting jabs at each other. Mirko thanked you for healing her giving your head a little ruffle.
"She is so cute plus she can heal! Hey. Give little bunny to me I will be a better caretaker than you."
"In your dreams."
You and Keigo soon took your leave heading to the mall to buy a few things more for you and your room that he asked most to be delivered back. After heading to the market and buying some groceries you and Keigo started to head back to his apartment.
"Mister I wanna ask you something." You were sitting on his shoulders as you held on to his head. "Hmmm?" Keigo grunted allowing you to continue.
"You must be honest with me!" You looked down at him. Keigo wondered why you were asking this but nodded his head. "Did Mister adopt me because of my quirk?"
Unconsciously he paused mid-step unable to answer for a moment needing to think a little. But it seemed that his silence was enough for you to understand what was going on.
"It is fine Mister." You told him placing your small head on his head, "I understand." You told him.
You didn't give him a chance to answer.
It was something that maybe you may have come to expect seeing that your tone wasn't surprised at all. And somehow it surprised Keigo a bit at this reaction... would he call it mature he was sure but it left a guilty feeling, you were at such a young age but you didn't expect much from him...
It gave an ugly feeling inside.
And a certain fear that you have closed yourself from him now.
But what can he do now?
Your actions were the same as yesterday when you got to the apartment but even he knew how you weren't as talkative as yesterday. Silently going to bed after telling him how fun today was as it was your first time going to the arcade and that you will save enough tickets to get a friend for Mr. Hawks the hawk plushie. That you were thankful for the books and colored pencils that he got you. Especially that red bow pin that you told him looked like a red butterfly.
You didn't ask him to stay beside you while you go to sleep instead you were the one to close the door to your room when he thought that he must follow to keep you company.
It was hard for Keigo to sleep that night.
Too quiet.
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yuyu1024 · 5 months
I think... I love you
Pairings: Yunho × y/n x Mingi
Genre/tags: arrange marriaged, love triangle,
Warning: 🔞🔞🔞📢 cheating (don't do this) smut/angst, cursing, pet names, a hint of family relationship issue but not much, smoking, fetish/kinks, jealousy
~~~ [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 4.2k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
Note: continutation of 'Won't you regret it?' I hope its a good part 2 for you guys
-- also question... if you are the FL... who would you chose?
Likes and reblogs are much appreciated 😊
"Are you alright?"
Yunho enters our bedroom bathroom where I am standing in front of the mirror, zoning out. He is busy undoing all the buttons of his white shirt.
"Since we came back from my parent's house... you've been quiet."
Usually when we are together, I nag. Just a tiny bit. Or maybe not nag but you know chat. I rarely talk to anybody since I got married so, I talk whenever he is arround.
I always tell him what I did during the times he was gone like updating him since he have no clue what the heck is going on with me coz he is not the type to chat with you when he is away. He just text. Though very seldom.
"Yunho..." my eyes darts at him, through the mirror
"Hmm?" He answers while he's facing away and undressing.
"Can we have sex tonight?"
(I know what you may think. That sex is just my main purpose in life but i swear its not. I just... idk... find it... my go to when i dont know what to do? Plus how can I not want it if I have Yunho as my guy?)
He pauses unbuckling his belt and turns around, "do you really want to?"
I sigh as I face him as well. "I want sex. I miss sex." Then I look down at my dirty skirt. "I missed.... you... I guess..." I trail off, a whisper.
This is very out of my character. I admit I do ask him for sex when I want and need it. But saying I miss him outloud... thats new from me.
And yes he always ask me if I really want to. He always wants me to confirm what I want and need. He always makes sure that I am completely 100% okay with it. Because Yunho, well I did mention that he is amazing at sex right? Or if I haven't. HE IS. and If i also forgot to say that boy have kinks and fetishes, He does have. Also even though He looks like an angel, he does rough sex as well especially when he's really in his momentum.
I was stunned when we had our first rough sex during our honeymoon. I almost didn't recognized him. But that was fun. It was an experienced I never had before. (Don't worry it's not too extreme. Just a little spank, choking and tying my hands sort of thing. And this man loves biting my neck and shoulder)
"What did you say?" He asks. His eyes are wide and looks lost
I roll my eyes and turn my back to him. "Nothing..." he didn't heard me.
I guess I am a bit relieved he didn't heard me say I miss him. Because how dare me utter those words after what I did today? I let his friend, his bestfriend, eat me out and even agreed to have sex the next time we meet.
I am evil. I always tag myself as the poor girl who got married to a guy who I don't love, the girl her parent's threw under the bus and the girl who have nothing besides be a wife to him. The fuck? I am the worst person ever. Between the two of us, I am the devil.
"Well... do you want to have sex or not?" I ask again
He's now behind me. He snakes his arms around my waist as he watches me through the mirror.
"Don't you miss having sex with me?" I spat
"What do you mean?"
I turn again to face him, looking up. "Whenever you're home. I always ask you for sex. While.... You never do."
He crunches his brows "I do."
He does but of course the emotional girl in me feels like I ask for sex more than him.
"Not as many as I do."
"Does that matter?" He smiles
"Yes!" Not really. Maybe I just want more of him wanting me and needing me.
"Hmm?" He takes a step back, confused but still smiling. He's not offended by my drama
"Well... It makes me think that when you're away you must ha--" I pause for a second. I was supposed to add more drama by asking if he fucks other chicks than me but I saw something. "What is that?" I panic a little. It's bandage on his lower abdomen. Almost hidding on the hem of his pants. It's not big but still. "What happened?"
"Oh. It's just a small cut."
"Just a small cut? From where? How?" I look closer. "It's new..." I glance up at him, worried. "Yuyu... what happened...?"
"It's nothing..."
"Are you sure?"
He nods. "Yes... don't worry..."
Fuck. He is smiling. I guess it's not a big deal?
I sigh heavily. But it's not a relieved exhale. I know this has something to do with his work. He can always lie but I know. I am not that stupid.
We have been having sex coz... duh we are married. So we see each other naked. I've seen a few scars from his back and arms already. He might think because they are not big so its not that noticable. However I do see it. How can I not see it? I drool just gazing at his figure. I see everything.
"Hey..." he moves closer again and this time, super close that I could feel his boner through my skirt. "Don't frown... I just got back. And I want to see you smiling... not like that..." he softly says.
He cups my face with his one hand and plants the most delicate kiss I have ever received from him on the corner of my lips.
"I missed you too..." he adds before a smile creeps back in over his lips. "And... Yuyu...?" He suddenly says.
Oh crap he heard? Both? And now He's fucking teasing me! Wait. Did I really called him Yuyu outloud? Shit! That nickname is supposed to be for me only. Crap!
"Where did that came from?" He leans lower, making me arch my body to give him access and starts to kiss me on my neck. "Can you... Say it again..." he says in between kisses on my skin
"No..." I whine as I close my eyes
"Please... say it again..." he is talking so delicately all of a sudden. Sounding like a whine but a seductive request. "Say it..." his hands then gropes my boobs. My weakness.
"If I say it again... will you fuck me?"
My mouth then drops as his one hand goes straight to my core. He is caressing it and rubbing his palm on it, making me feel his fingers through my panties.
"Still on birth control?" He asks
I nod as we both look at each others eyes.
He lifted me up, positioned me where I could sit comfotably on the top of our marble sink and spread my legs apart.
"You have no plans tomorrow.. right?" He tears up my panties making me gasp. "Coz... It will be a long night..." he snarls while he puts his pants and underwear down in one go.
I shake my head, answering no. I can't speak. I am... I am losing my mind.
He holds onto his length, aligning it with my folds and. "Answer me." He growls before he eases himself in. Full and strong.
"No!" I squeal. "I.. I have... I have no..." I put my arms around his nape, grabbing for dear life. "I have no plans..." I am breathing heavily.
My toes curls as he thrusts. Holy shit!
"Yunho! Ah!"
He is aggressive. This is different but good. Did he really meant it when he said he missed me too? Miss me how? Just for sex or miss ME?
"FUCK!" I hug him as he pounces me.
We both ruined our masters bathroom. It got messy. I need to personally rearrange our sink as I every beauty product, perfumes, body lotions and etc  got thrown on the floor. Plus the towels  oh god our towels. Hmm. We need to buy new ones.
After spending time together last night, in my surprise he didn't leave the following day. He actually fucking stayed and I woke up afterwards, still embraced by him. He's sleeping so peacefuly beside me. I finally saw him again, looking like a baby and dreaming.
This is what I want. This is what I need. This is what will make me fall in love with him. The in between the sex. Him being there, present and us having morning talks and etc. Yes sex is part of anyone's life (as long as you want it of course) but the beauty of having someone beside you, always is different.
Maybe I am selfish to wish something from a man who married me for business but I hope I could atleast get this from him. I am not asking and wishing for him to love me (if ever I get to truly learn to love him through out this marriage) I just want him to be a partner to me. I want to have and experience what my parents didn't gave me growing up. Spending time with me, giving me the attention I need even without asking and care. That's all. I know not everyone can love me but atleast just those three. Just.... that. It's not an impossible wish right?
But then again, do I even have a right to wish these from him?
I have been zoning out a lot these past few days. I have been contemplating and thinking about me and Yunho. Mostly about me, about my random emotions, my needs and wants.
I am definitely at lost. I may be an adult but my brain can't handle this type of adulting called the "Feelings". Especially when it gets complicated like this because of my shit descisions. Meaning hooking up with Mingi.
Why did I even did it? Like what had gotten into me? I am not like this. I know I value people's feelings. Why did I break when Mingi had his hands on my boobs that day. Why did I spread my legs for him? Why? Why?!
Am I that hungry for sex from Yunho that core just said hello to the next guy that's had the same length as my husband even though its different type of dish?
Fuck. Now I am thinking about these men as food. I am CRAZY!
"Hello baby girl..."
I jump on my seat as Mingi shows up, kissing me on the cheek.
"What the fuck?" I hiss at him, glaring even. "Why did you kiss me?" I look around and could see Mrs. Jeong and Mrs. Song from afar busy looking at the set of jewelries on the table.
Fuck. I almost had a heart attack. Glad they are busy and focused on the sparkles.
"It's just a kiss on a cheek baby." He says in his low voice, a whisper.
"Still...." I exhale, exasperated
"You are not responding to my texts lately." He says as he sits down at the chair across me.
"I got busy."
"Busy?" He repeats, sounding a bit amused. "We had a deal..."
"I am doing it... the painting... I mean."
He chuckles, leaning forward resting his elbows on his knees. "Baby girl... that's not the only canvas we planned to paint... remember?" I see his eyes scanning me from my chest down to the thing between my legs. "I was promised a sex... you gave me little taste of what heaven feels like and you're suddenly backing out?"
I look away and try to focus on Yunho's mother picking jewelries she would like to wear for the ball.
"Can we talk about the painting later?" I say a bit louder so the others could hear.
He chuckles and lay his back, resting. "Fine."
"Is everything alright?" Mrs. Jeong asks
"Yes." I answer smiling.
"I see." She then goes to sit down beside me and shows me this amazing diamiond tear drop earrings. "This would really go well with the black heart neckline gown of yours.. for the ball."
I look at it and my jaw drop how pretty it is. "It will... but..."
"But?" Mrs. Song butts in. "What you mean but? That's one heck of an expensive earring darling... don't you like it?"
"Oh gosh... I do... I do, Mrs. Song.. " I hold her hands and thanked her for the jewelries she brought for us to check and chose from. However...
"Did Yunho said, you two will not go to the ball?" Mrs. Jeong asks
I press my lips together. Not responding to the question. But of course, Yunho's mom knows it already.
"That boy and socializing..." she sighs
"Your son is not going again? But he said he will. He said he will atleast try once he gets married. And now he is married with this wonderful woman.. why is he not coming again?" Mrs. Song says
"Yunho really can't keep promises. What's new?" Mingi stands up and goes to stand near the open window. He's going to smoke again.
"Even if he promised to his mother?" Mrs. Song is bothered and sad.
She was expecting to see me and Yunho to the ball she will be hosting for this halloween season. It's for charity and also her favorite time of the year so she's very excited. She wants everyone to be present and to have fun.
"Even to me... his godmother?" She pouts
"We all know he's like that... work is important to him than us..." he puffs a smoke out. "Sorry Mrs. Jeong..." he adds
"It's okay dear. I know it already so..." Mrs. Jeong puts the earrings back to its case and just smiles at me. "Anyways... we can still hope for next time."
"Yeah... we can." I mumble
So, it's not only me who have issues with Yunho keeping promises and being present.
"So," Mrs. Jeong stands up, hands together and smiling. "We will go now and do more meetings with the coordinators for the ball. Final run downs of the flow of the party, theme and set designs... how about you two?"
"I'll stay." Mingi answers immediately. "We have to talk about commission..."
"Commission?" Both of the ladies repeat
"He requested for me to paint a portrait of him..."
"Really?" Mrs. Song sound surprise
"Money will go to charity." I add
"That's good then!" Mrs. Song is happy to hear the word charity. "Looking forward for the painting... we can display it at the house when its done."
"Sure will." Mingi answers.
The moment everyone left the room and silence fills up the emptiness, Mingi chuckles as he sees how frozen I got onto my seat.
"I'm not going to hurt you." He says
"I know." I look down at my knotted fingers on my lap.
Yes. Mingi may look like he'd beat anyone up but he is gentle with me. Nice with me. I never once feel like he means any harm. Well except on our first meeting months ago. We argued yes but he is still sweet to me.
"Are you thinking about Yunho? On why he does not want to go to the ball?"
I look up at him and nod.
His snorts a laugh. "It's been awhile since you two got married. Don't you guys had any getting to know each other talks? Or its always sex when you two are together?"
My eyes twitching at his claims. (Though he is right)
"Anyways... don't care about your sex life with him." He walks back to the chair from earlier and puts off his cigarette on the ash tray.
"So?" I ask
"You should ask your husband about it...not me..."
"I did. He just said he's busy that day."
"That's lie. Every one's schedule of each families that are invited for that day, are all clear. It had been agreed on for years now. It has been a tradition for decades now. So... ask him again.
"Oh..." my back finally touches the foam of the chair I am sitting on.
Oh Yunho. Why is it so hard for him to talk to me? Be open with me? Did I not give him enough reason to trust me and to feel safe around me?
I had shared my life with him. The stories from my mother and the stories from me, He knows a lot about me more than anyone. My first crush, the first time I got my heart broken, the insight about my feelings about my parents and relatives. Even stories about my struggles with relationship with people. I showed him vulnerability. And yet, it is still one sided.
Yes he did tell stories about him too. His life when he was a kid, during his university days and his hobbies. But those are common knowledge (I think). All of that are also known by his family and friends. He never shared his own thoughts and feelings to me. He never let his guard down with me. It's always positive. Everything is okay and good.
Maybe for him, whatever we have, will remain a contract. Just a signed piece of paper for him no matter.
I think, I should just stop thinking about him. I should stop overthinking about us and whatever feelings I am slowling building for him. I will only get hurt at the end. I am just someone for him to have sex with when he's home.
I know, I know he did say he missed me too. Twice. But maybe he just says that because he miss sex. Not actually me.
"You're frowning..."
I glance up and see Mingi standing infront of me, leaning in as he lightly flicks me on the forehead.
"You're not listening to me..."
"What? Did you say something? Sorry... I was--" I stop. I could not tell him what I was thinking.
"Was what?"
"Nothing." I mumble before I get off my seat. "I'm just gonna go..."
"You're going? Just like that?" He says as I walk pass him. "You are in my house..."
"So?" He repeats, "Baby girl, didn't I made you feel good? Didn't you like my tongue in your pussy?" Here we go again. He is teasing me again. He always ask this whenever we meet.
I glare at him. "Stop." Hushing him as someone might hear him.
"Don't worry... everyone is gone. This is my house."
"What you mean gone?" I look around
"I don't have anyone here... I'm alone."
"That can't be."
"Oh yes... it can. My staff only comes here during the weekdays and they don't stay pass 6pm. I like my privacy."
"So you mean..."
"Yes." He slowly comes closer and closer. "It's a Saturday too... the staff you saw with my mother are hers. And they left with her already so..."
My back then hits a wall from whatever room we are in.
"We can do what was promised to me months ago and no one will know." He smirks as his body finally reaches mine.
"We can't..." I say quietly
"Why not?" He whispers, lowering his head and kissing me on the cheek. "I know you liked what we did last time..."
"I did." I can't lie about that.
"So what's holding you back?" His hand roams around my curves until it reaches the buttons of my blouse. "You like this right? You like it when I play around your nipples..."
He hasn't finished opening my blouse, he just slid in his fingers in so it could touch my laced covered tip. He's teasing me. He wants me to react.
"Stop..." I say
"You tell me to stop... but baby girl... if you could only see how aroused you look right now..." he grabs my face with both hands and tilt it up so I could look up at him. "I just touched you and your eyes are already dreaming for more..."
"We can't do this... It was a mistake..."
"It maybe a mistake for you baby girl. But for me..." he finally kisses me. His tongue invades my mouth until a moan carries my soul out of my body. "You are my heaven right now."
That's it. I am gone. I didn't even fight the urge. This officially makes me a whore.
Mingi carries me with while we kiss. He sits back down at the chair from earlier but now I am with him. No, actually, on top of him. I am riding him.
"Ugh!" He throws his head back, hands gripping on my hips. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"
This is so wrong. Why don't I have a backbone to say no to Mingi? What the hell is wrong with me?
"Ahh!" I cry as I bounce faster and made him go deeper in me. "It's so good..." my voice is shaky
"You take me so well." He say breathing heavily. His brows creases and mouth in an O. "Fuck!"
After a few more strokes, both of us came together. I collapse onto him. I drained all my energy squating on him.
"That was amazing..." he says
I could hear his heart beating so fast as my head rests on his chest.
"Y/n..." he calls my name
"If ever..."
"If ever what...?" I ask closing my eyes.
"If ever you decided to end thing with Yunho... I want you to know... that I'll be here waiting for you."
My eyes flings open, "What did you say?" I got up so fast
"I am willing to marry you... if you and Yunho don't work out."
"M-marry? What the fuck are you saying? Your dick is still inside me and you go on saying if I get divorce one day.. you will... marry me?"
"Yes." He answers it like its nothing yet he looks so darn serious.
"You think... he will divorce me?"
"No... he will not... which sucks. Because who will divorce someone like you...?" He caresses my cheek and smile. "I am just laying it out to you... the other option you have if it does happen... I am not wishing any harm into your marriage baby girl... well besides more sex with you I guess..." he smiles and then winks
"You are crazy." I roll my eyes at him
"I am. I know that." Then he grunts as he slowly moves his hips again. "Crazy as I am offering and willing to be your lover even just behind closed doors."
I could feel him get harder again in me. He's aroused again. I haven't recovered from the high yet and here he goes again. I'm still hugging his length.
"You're blushing reacting to my dick moving in you." He teases
"S-shut up." I moan the words out as my inside tenses up again with him rocking me on him.
"Baby girl..." he hugs me and breathe in my scent. "Ahhh..." he is moaning along with me.
Fuck what is this. We just had sex just a few minutes ago and now we are doing it again. I am not complaining though coz holy shit it was good. A different good. However this one, this second one... feels different.
"Y/n..." he says my name again. His hands around my body and his face resting on my chest. "Y/n..."
All of a sudden, the bad boy, aggressive and blunt Mingi becomes tame and yearning.
"Let me be your lover." He mumbles. "I don't think I can't move on from you after this...." he then trails kisses on my chest up to my neck. "I want to be with you... even just like this... to pleasure you..."
My body then reacts to his words. I know it did. I felt him clench onto me when I felt something in me dwells up a strong emotion.
"Fuck..." he breathes burrying his face on my neck. "Please... y/n...ahhh... please... Say yes... say yes to me. I-I need you..."
I am crying. This is my first time hearing someone say they want to be with me. I know he might be just saying it out of his sex high but hearing the words... and him getting vulnerable because of me.
What did I do to him to make him want me? We only saw each a few times after the first meeting. Most of it was us talking about the painting and him doing poses for me for inspirations. Yes it were more than a handful of lunch dates, still related to the painting and all but... he got feelings for me?
Is it because my brain is so messed up thinking about me and Yunho, our complicated relationship that I missed the part that Mingi and I got a connection? That we got to know each other more than I realized?
But this is wrong. I am married. Fuck, I'm so confused.
"Oh, Mingi..." I moan his name as he sensually bites my earlobe.
"Say yes....I beg you." He lifts me up and move us both to the sofa. He's now on top of me and finally sees the tears coming out of my eyes. "Don't cry..." he kisses my damp cheek. "I promise, I'll make you happy and safe..."
"As I said... I don't give a fuck about your sex life with Yunho. I don't give a damn fuck about your marriage. I want you. I need you." He leans in to kiss me again. "And I think... I love you."
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armoricaroyalty · 7 months
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author's note: now here are those wholesome sibling relationships we have all come to love and expect from my story!
Transcript under the cut.
Nakawe Palace // Armorican State Visit - Day 2
REPORTER | ...I'm live outside of Nakawe Palace, where the press and members of the public alike have gathered following unconfirmed reports that Crown Princess Rosalind has, for 3 years, conducted a secret relationship. REPORTER | This afternoon, Uspanian tabloid The Concordia Times broke the story of the Crown Princess's relationship with Komrebigan national—and accused murderer—Hakane Satō, also known as Mary Yokoyama. REPORTER | [offscreen] In 2013, Yokoyama was named as a person of interest in the still-unsolved disappearance of her husband, Noah Satō. She was questioned by Komorebigan police in 2013 and again in 2014, but released without charge. Blackwell Palace has yet to comment on this developing story... MARY | [offscreen] Are you sure this is a good idea? ROSALIND | Do you have a better one? MARY | No, but give me a week— ROSALIND | We don't have a week. ROSALIND | [in Komorebigo] Darling, is everything alright? You seem upset. MARY | [forcing a smile] I'm fine. [knock on door] ROSALIND | That's them, now. ROSALIND | You're late. MARY | Good to see you both. EMILY | Don't look at me! I was ready to go while he was still putting his contacts in. FREDERICK | Sorry. I was late getting back from Canarís. I ran into an old friend... ROSALIND | Well...whatever! Come in! Sit down! We need to talk... ROSALIND | So...I'm sure you've seen the news by now. FREDERICK | Heck, I've seen the reporters. They're still all outside, by the way. EMILY | Frederick... ROSALIND | Can you not be a smug know-it-all for 15 minutes? This is serious. ROSALIND | We don't know how the story got out. We're looking into potential leaks, but in the meantime, we can't allow the press to run with this. The longer it's in the headlines, the worse it'll be for the family. EMILY | I'm so sorry, Your Highness. This must be so difficult— FREDERICK | You've got friends in the press. Can't you get Vance Marshall or one of his cronies to kill this one for you? He's done it before. ROSALIND | It's too late for that. It's all over the Uspanian press and the major Armorican networks have already picked it up. Our only option now is damage control, and we'll need something big to bury this one. ROSALIND | [sighs] We need you. Both of you. EMILY | Both of us? FREDERICK | I don't think I like where this is headed... ROSALIND | [offscreen] The only thing that people love more than a royal scandal is a royal wedding. EMILY | ... FREDERICK | ... FREDERICK | Roz, are you shitting me? EMILY | Frederick— FREDERICK | You want me to propose just to bury an embarrassing story? ROSALIND | What's the big deal? You were going to do it, anyway— FREDERICK | get shit from the press every single day of my life! And you have never once lifted a finger to defend me, but I'm supposed to make major life decisions to spare you a couple weeks of bad press? ROSALIND | [offscreen] I am the Crown Princess— FREDERICK | Yeah! I know! You've never once let anyone forget it. ROSALIND | [offscreen] —I have to be beyond reproach. ROSALIND | Unlike you, I do not have the luxury of making mistakes. Everything I do has to be perfect, for the sake of the entire family! Everyone depends on me, Freddy! Do you really think the Armorican taxpayer would keep paying for your fuck-ups if I wasn't included in the bargain? FREDERICK | Oh, poor you, it must be sOoOo fucking hard being the chosen one! ROSALIND | IT'S NOT MY FAULT I WAS BORN FIRST YOU ENTITLED LITTLE— EMILY | [offscreen] [sobs] FREDERICK | ...Em?
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siryouarebeingmocked · 3 months
Carter and Lovecraft, by Jonathan L. Howard (2015)
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I really wanted to like this book.
I've read a few Lovecraft novels and stories, and I liked them. So when I saw this on my friend's bookshelf, I borrowed it, and read it.
Tried to.
The first real fly in the ointment? NYPD protag sees his partner take a 9mm retirement in front of him on a creepy case, and becomes a private detective. Mysterious lawyer shows up at his office one day and says there was a bookstore owner in Providence, Rhode Island, who has been missing and just declared dead.
The protag gets the bookshop. He's not sure why.
Protag goes to the bookshop. Owner's niece, Emily, is there. She's been running the shop alone since the owner vanished, and she co-ran it when he was alive. Also, she's biracial. Would be played by Zoe Kravitz in the movie, he thinks.
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Her name is Lovecraft.
As in, she's a descendant of ol' Howard Philips.
She notes the irony; a black-ish "mulatto" descendant of an anti-black racist.
"Okay," I think, as I checked the publication date. "You've gotten that token bit out of the way. Now, can we move on?"
Apparently not.
As protag starts looking into the disappearance and other weird stuff, he decides he needs to get his eye in. So he goes to a gun range, where he needs to sign up for the NRA first
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and ends the session by "re-engaging the safety" on his Glock.
Fun fact: stock Glocks don't have manual safeties, AFAIK.
In the next chapter, protag thinks about how he used the gun. He hates the NRA and the whole "gun fetish" thing, but he needs the iron, just in case.
Two strikes. Three if you count the safety thing.
Yes, I know an NYPD cop might be a bit bigoted about the issue, especially considering how his partner died. But it really feels like the writer's opinion.
In fact, let me just-
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Yep. The writer is British. This sounds awfully familiar.
It was about this time that I realized something. The protagonist has no traits that aren't directly related to being a cop or detective. Absolutely none.
I don't think we know what he does in his off hours. No friends. Nothing but the job.
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Heck, Miss Lovecraft has more personality than him, and she takes up a lot less screen time.
Protag decides to give Lovecraft half the business, so he can become a silent partner. People start dying in physically impossible ways - like the dude who drowned in his dry car in a parking lot - our hero looks into it.
He also ends up learning about a local family, the Waites. Rich, keep to themselves on their own land, been around since before the area was officially settled, apparently.
The local who tells him about all this says the younger ones are oddly attractive. The family has distinctive big eyes.
Anyone remotely familiar with HP Lovecraft just went "Oh, right, they're fishmen. Got it." I've seen this trope done better before, like in the comic Shadowgirls.
Hero looks into the archives, finds records of a racist Town Council rant by an early Waite, back when they were still into trading. Including slaves. Specifically, patriarch Newton Waite went to a council meeting and said black people should serve others, and shouldn't have self-determination.
The archivist intern says it's was "a different time", and that's just how people were back then.
Of course, he adds "People who talk like that now - no pass for them."
End scene.
Like this extremely mainstream, boring opinion is some kind of
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In the next scene, protag chats about the fit he had near the Waite place. Learns about another mysterious death. When he chats about it with Emily, he suddenly realizes she's hot.
Then the narration tells us that he was a racist bigot in his teens, though he thought he was being sensible at the time. He now knows he was wrong, but he still feels sparks of it when he reads about some black kid doing some stereotypically black thing, which gives certain white people "a hard-on of righteousness".
And, of course, his time spent walking away from "instinctive racism" means his dating pool opened up. Like Emily Lovecraft, for example.
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The most stereotypically black thing would probably be crime. Or being a single mom or deadbeat dad.
 Sadly, I know of plenty of black people - from my black majority home country - who fall into one of those categories. Or two. Three if you include "poverty", but we're Developing, so that barely even counts.
Also, this basically came out of nowhere. Not Emily being hot - I mean, look at Zoe Kravitz - but his unsolicited thoughts on racism.
All of these issues have also been issues for many concerned black people. For decades. The 'stereotypically black things' might be bad themselves, not because they make racist white people feel smug.
This is precisely where I closed the book for good. I would've put away the bookmarks, but I needed the page so I could write this rant.
Honestly, writing all this made me realize that I should've given up long before I made it halfway through the book. But I just kept hoping it would get better.
Doing the same well-worn cliches in a modern setting doesn't really make them interesting. Neither do the little 'racism is bad, mmmkay?' bits.
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walrus150915 · 10 months
The most random out-of-order Nimona headcanons I've scrambled out of my mind and put in my notes as coherent as I could bc there's a LOTTTT
• I don't think Nimona uses specific names to label her sexuality/gender. Was she in love with Gloreth? Maybe she was. Maybe she was not. Does she like boys? Who knows, she sure doesn't. What's her gender? Nimona. That's it
• I think Ballister did try to be the cis ally™ and figure out the label Nimona would use but she'd just shrug her shoulders and say "I don't know, boss, it seems like you care about it more than I do"
• And even though she's NOT a girl, she uses she/her pronouns because 💥YOUR PRONOUNS DON'T DEFINE YOUR GENDER💥 you may use she/her and not be a girl, he/him and not be a boy, I even saw cis people use they/them simply bc they're comfortable. And that's okay!
• Although she's comfortable with people calling her he/they/neopronouns you name it. Just. Not it/its. You know the reasons😬
• Nimona is left-handed and it's CANON actually I am SO HAPPY as a left-handed person she's just like me fr💥💥
• Nimona isn't a big fan of domestic bliss Ambrosius and Ballister spend most of their time in (plus they're very sappy and very much disgustingly in love, Nimona's stoic organism can't handle their mushiness for the dear life), she's like an independent cat I think: comes to hang out, eats, spends time with her father-not-really figures and goes away for weeks only to come back again. She travels the world my dudes✨
• I think she has a bunch of photos from the places she'd been to and talks about her adventures a lot!
• Nimona also is the best cook of the fam I'm afraid. Ballister cooks, like, the bare minimum to serve himself as a functioning adult (rice, salad, pasta, some meat like you know the deal) but nothing too complicated. Ambrosius is a nepo baby who's probably lived in palaces and mansions with dozens of servants do you really think he's good at cooking😭 as he distanced himself from the Institute and moved in with Bal I think he learnt to cook, still not great at it.
• Nimona though? SHE CAN DO *ANYTHING* like she's madly good at cooking. It might look like she's burning the kitchen down only to reveal that she was putting Gordon Ramsay to shame!
Speaking of BallBros
• Ballister's experience is close to a second gen immigrant. Ambrosius's experience is close to a third gen immigrant. They can't be immigrants bc of the context of the story?? I DON'T CARE☺
• Ambrosius doesn't speak his mother tongue except for like a few words or phrases he's heard at home. His older relatives probably make fun of him for it on family gatherings. His parents didn't teach him because they didn't want him to stick out (totally not self projecting here - yeah I'm a third gen immigrant hiii)
• Ballister tho? I think Urdu was his first language but he learned English along the way
• And it kinda mixes in his head so he forgets the words from both languages sometimes and replaces them with the word from the other one (HA my experience again)
• When he's experiencing hard emotions, be it anger, happiness, sadness, or is overwhelmed, he drops English entirely and just starts bantering in Urdu
• Ambrosius didn't know Ballister was bilingual but when he learnt it? He was amazed and I think... Kinda jealous because he didn't get to learn Korean himself (self projection yeahhhhhh)
• "You know your mother tongue? Damn! I wish I did too!"
• That said, Ballister has no idea how to shorten Ambrosius's name (WHAT THE HECK IS THIS NAME BRO WHAT ARE YOU, GOD'S FOOD???), so he sticks to Urdu endearments, "luv" (in the most British accent possible) and "darling"
People who say French/Spanish are the romantic languages are wrong LISTEN TO URDU OR INDIAN LANGUAGES OR ARABIC. THAT'S WHERE LOVE IS DUDE
• Ambrosius has learnt like a few words in Urdu and tries to rizz up Ballister by saying some basic words like "jaan", "mohabbat" and just😭😭😭 fails😭😭😭 because he's a cringefail man😭😭😭
I remember trying to ask out my (NOW EX😔) gf who's Italian by writing "will you be my girlfriend?" in Italian and I used GOOGLE TRANSLATION🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️ SHE UNDERSTOOD THAT I USED GOOGLE AND POINTED IT OUT AS A JOKE BUT I CRINGED AT MYSELF SO HARD..... Ambrosius would totally do that too and Ballister would chuckle and pull him in a kiss bc he loves this cringefail man so much
• Ambrosius also serenades like I KNOW DAMN WELL HE DOES. He goes "this one's for you, Bal" with a wink and sings like the sappiest most disgusting love ballad ever and Ballister tries his best not to laugh because that's his beloved boyfriend but also like.... So cringe. So embarrassing😭😭 Nimona has more balls than her boss so she would outright say that it's cringe
• Also. I don't agree with people saying Ambrosius's a jock because have you seen this man?? He's a theatre kid. The worst kind of theatre kid. Even after not being a kid anymore he's still a theatre kid. BRO IS A HAMILTON FAN UNIRONICALLY, OF COURSE HE IS. He makes weirdass references to musicals and giggles like an idiot
• Can we agree that Ambrosius was an awakening for many teenagers because OOOOH BOY he sure would be mine. Some pop news youtube channel probably has a video of him reading the kingdom's equivalent of "thirst tweets", like yknow this type of vids😭😭
While we're on the topic of thirst tweets
• Diego the squire runs a fan page account with edits of Ballister like he's some pop celebrity
• He also may or may not write self-indulgent "Ballister x reader" fanfiction in his off duty time
• Also hc that when Ballister was on the run he saw some "WANTED" poster of him and hang up on the wall like yeah boy's crush is EMBARRASSING (can we blame him? I'm the same with Riz Ahmed)
• Todd would be on the "straight" side of their equivalent to TikTok. You know the ones with shirtless men with the same haircuts who think they're hot when in reality they're not?? That's what Todd and his friends are up to in their free time *throws up*
To wrap it all up NOT with Todd, some super random ones:
• Ballister and Ambrosius force Nimona to take her shoes off ("DO NOT bring your European nonsense in this ethnic household") in their house even though she doesn't even have boots on😭😭 it's just her skin😭😭😭 so she morphs her form to simply be shoeless😭😭😭😭
• Ambrosius knows how to tap dance. Idk don't question it I just think he does
• Nimona plays piano YEAH SHE DOES she's lived for 1000+ years man she can do anything
• Ballister's hair routine is "genetics, coconut oil n some prayers"
Yeah that's it I'll probably make a part 2 because it's not all... These characters have occupied my mind and won't let it go🧍‍♂️
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ceruleansx · 1 year
request from : energyellow46
let me go | finnick odair
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↳ finnick odair x reader x annie x gabs
↳ warnings : emotion, basically that
↳ summary : first, finnick was called. then gabs was called. annie knew how special gabs was to finnick, so she volunteered. you knew that annie was to important to finnick, so you volunteered.
↳ a/n : annie is reader's sister, and annie's dating finnick
"finnick odair." effie announced.
you heared a quick gasp and sob from the back. heads were turned, only to find annie on her knees with her hand covering her mouth.
you turned to the side and saw finnick walking up, looking towards annie's direction. his face was in utter guilt, and he knew that he couldn't do anything about it.
you've been best friends with finnick for forever, and you always suspected that annie and finnick had a thing. to your surprise, they started dating a year ago.
their gonna be a forever couple, you knew it. you could tell by the way annie talks about him, and the way he looks at her.
you had to turn away, still wishing yourself that you wouldn't get called.
effie stuck her hand in the bown and ruffled her hand a little bit. she opened the note and widened her eyes slightly. she went up to the mic.
"mags flanagan."
your body did a jump at the sound of her name. oh god. mags was the most important person to finnick, other than annie.
everyone stared at mags as she walked down, all wondering how an old lady can do this. you looked at finnick's face, seeing the utter horror.
"no no no." you heared someone whisper to the back of you. you didn't think much of it.
"wait NO!!" you heared annie yell. every single person turned and watched.
annie left the crowd and went to the middle, where the guards were already blocking her. "please-" she sobbed.
"i volunteer!! please!!" she sobbed and went on her knees.
"not mags.." she whisper-sobbed, yet everyone could hear her.
it was utterly heartbreaking. annie's family was sobbing, finnick was about to break down, and you yourself felt like tearing up.
"well then." effie clears her throat. "we have a volunteer!!"
no one clapped at her attempt of happiness.
"NO ANNIE PLEASE DON'T" finnick yelled.
"I HAVE TO FINNICK." annie was stumbling and crying as she walked up to the stage.
"annie- i can't lose you.." he cried. "please~"
you both looked at them. if they both had to go in, one of them would have to die. it would be so heartbreaking for each of them. no one knew them like you did, and you made the biggest decision ever.
"ANNIE STOP." you yelled from across the crowd.
she stopped walking up the stage, giving you a 'what the heck are you doing' look.
"i volunteer as tribute." you said loudly.
you heared your mom cry from a distance, but you were to emotional to look back.
"no y/n-"
you cut annie off, "no annie get back. i'm going. not you. please trust me on this one"
she still stood there, but not for long as the guards grabbed her and took her back to the crowd. they held both her arms as she fought ficiously trying to escape.
as the guardsms were taking her back, you walked forward. before passing her, you went in front of her and grabbed her face.
you connected your forhead with hers and whispered, "ill bring him back home for you, i promise."
she sniffed, "i love you, don't die on me out there.. okay?"
you nodded quickly , "i promise."
you two separted as you walked up the stage. you caught a glimpse of finnick's face. once again, utter horror.
"my my, never knew so many people wanted to join." effie chuckled. "well then, our new tributes for the annual 75th hunger games!!"
music started playing as the door behind you opened and the tributes started to go back home. you and finnick walked next to each other, your gaze stiff and foward.
"why did you do that..?" finnick said softly.
you still didnt look at him. "i want you to come home safe for annie."
you were trying not to cry with those words, but you kept strong, focused on your mission of trying to keep finnick alive. he was strong, but you were a little bit stronger.
he gave you one last guilty look before facing foward. as you two walked, every happy memory flashed in your mind.
welcome to the 75th hunger games.
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forever1kay · 10 months
I’ll Buy You A Pony
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Pairing(s): Miguel O’Hara x Fem!Black!Reader, Miguel O’Hara x Fem!Afro Latina!OC (familial)
Notes: So I recently found out that our beloved Miggy has Equinophobia, or in other words has a fear of horses. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to write about it! Besides that, I wrote this while I was half sleep and I didn’t feel like proof reading so please keep that in mind. I hope y’all enjoy!
Warnings: Fear of horses, a few annoying friends, Miguel pees on himself in front of all of you, biting (from the horse), children, sabotage, two grown yet childish idiots, passing out, profanity. Let me know if I forgot anything!
From the moment Janina was old enough enjoy anything, she’d loved horses. Her favorite show was my little pony, her first word was pony, and her favorite bathing suits have all had some form of a horse on them. She was obsessed.
When she’d asked for a Pony for her sixth birthday, you knew it was a no go due to her father’s equinophobia . What you didn’t know is that when you declined her request, she’d asked your parents the exact same question.
The two of them love their grand babies with all their heart. With the amount of money they have, they buy them everything they want within reason.
On a normal day, they’d never think a horse was a reasonable gift. But for a birthday? Heck yeah!
“NiNi, we have a gift for you, love.” Your mother spoke, pulling Nina into her lap.
“Really, Nana?” Nina asked, a small smile adorning her tanned face, “What is it?”
And when your dad walks into your large backyard, pulling a small horse next to him, all hell breaks loose.
Nina’s eyes light up and she leaps from your mothers lap, running her way over to her grandpa and the horse. “Wow, a real life horse! Mommy, daddy, come look!”
Miguel looks at you and frowns a little. You give him a look before turning back to your daughter and her newfound best friend.
“Daddy’s legs hurt a little right now, baby. I’ll come meet your pony.” You tell her.
You pat Miguel on the shoulder before walking over to your daughter and the pony.
“What are you gonna name her, baby?” You ask.
Janina huffs. “She’s a boy, mommy! You should never assume!”
You laugh at her slip up before apologizing.
“I’m sorry, baby. What’s his name?”
“Mommy Jr.”
“Mommy Jr?”
“But what about Sparkle? Or Stud? Maybe even Flashlight?”
“Well Uncle Johnny said I should name him Mommy Jr!”
You whip your head around to face both of her Uncles that go by that name.
There was Jonathan, your brother, and Johansen, Miguel’s friend from who knows where. Both of them shared a similar personality and were always getting your daughter into trouble.
“Which one of y’all idiots told my baby to name this horse after me?”
Both of them looked at each other and then back at you before bursting into laughter.
“You can’t lie, n/n. He kind of looks like you!” Johansen admitted.
“Yeah,” your brother joined in, “Y’all both got that grown man look going on for you.”
You continue to argue with the two, not noticing your father and Janina walking over to your husband. They pull him out of his seat to the side of you furthest from the horse.
“Aww, Miggy.” You look at him, quickly cleansing your mouth of all the curses you had aimed at Jonathan and Johansen. “It’s okay, we won’t let the horse eat you. Come here.”
Miguel allows you to drag him in the middle but he still squeezes himself tightly against you.
“How can I ever be a man if my six year old daughter finds out I’m afraid of horses?” Miguel whispers in your ear.
You turn to face him. “It’s a phobia, baby. Everyone is afraid of something.”
“Who do you know that’s afraid of horses?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.
You don’t answer, only prompting to shush him and get him to loosen up.
“Time for a picture!” Your mom speaks. Your dad hands Nina to Miguel and he puts on the most realistic smile he could manage.
Your mother peaks at you all from behind the the camera and smiles. “On three, say Mommy Jr!”
She begins to count up from one, but right before she says three, Miguel squeals and tries his hardest to jump onto you.
“Cielo, cielo!” He yells, gripping you tightly.
You look at him worriedly. “What’s wrong?”
“He bit my pants!”
You look behind Miguel at the miniature horse who obviously can’t take a hint and nudges your husbands leg once again.
Miguel gulps loudly and looks down at the horse who—unfortunately for him—was staring right back at him.
Miguel shrieks and runs to the other side of you, away from the horse. The horse seemed to be in a playful mood and decided to follow Miguel wherever he went.
Eventually, your daughter grew tired of the run around and jumped from her father’s arms, running over to sit with her uncles. Your party guests watch in amusement and you try to block the horse from your husband.
To your surprise, the horse got around you and approached your husband. He passed out, and both Johnnys stood to their feet, looking over the table at your husband.
“Damn! That nigga scared of horses!”
A few hours later, Miguel blinks his eyes open, squirming uncomfortably as he adjusts to his surroundings.
“Babe!” You squeal, running over to the hospital bed. “You’re okay!”
Miguel side eyes you. “I recall being in the presence of a horse?”
“Um…” you rub the back of your neck. “Yeah.”
“Why was the horse chasing me?” He asks.
“Dumb and dumber put some apple slices in your pocket.”
Miguel frowns.
“If it makes you feel any better, I cut Jonathan’s wicks and put nair in Johansen’s shampoo. You know how crazy they are about their hair.”
Miguel chuckles a little and scoots over to the right, patting the spot next to him. You squeeze in there with him and rest your head on his shoulder.
“Besides that,” you start, “you had a panic attack and it was pretty severe, I guess. They said you’ll be free to go today, but they also had a few extra notes for you. You’re better off hearing it from a doctor.” You start to sit up. “I can go get one if-“
“No!” He protests, grabbing your arm and pulling you back into him. “Stay with me for a little.”
“Okay then.”
“Did I worry anyone?”
“Nah, everyone was too busy laughing.”
“I passed out and people were laughing?”
“You kind of…” you take a deep breath and prepare to answer him, but a doctor walks in to check on him and notices he’s awake.
You promise to tell him later.
Ever since the doctor interrupted your earlier conversation with Miguel, his curiosity had been eating away at him. What happened to him? Why was everyone laughing?
He walks to the bathroom door and knocks on it.
“Baby?” He speaks loudly through the door.
“Yes?” You yell over the stream of water coming from the shower head.
“What happened to me when I passed out?” He asks nervously.
“We will discuss this when I get out.” You respond.
Miguel huffs before stomping his way to Nina’s room where she lay on the floor playing with her Shopkins.
“Nina?” He asks, taking a seat next to her.
She looks up at him. “Yes, daddy?”
“What happened when I passed out?” He asks, picking up one of her dolls.
“Oh, you peed.” She says casually.
His eyes widen. “I peed?”
Miguel gulps. “W-was it noticeable?”
Nina raises an eyebrow, confused by the big word her father had used. “What?”
He rephrases his question. “Could people tell that I peed?”
“Oh, yeah!” Nina giggles. “It was really bad. Mommy had to throw away your pants and uncle Johnny took a picture of you.”
Miguel chuckles, thinking his daughter was joking, but she only blinked at him.
“Why are you laughing daddy? I’d want to run away if I were you.”
A lightbulb goes off in Miguel’s head at his daughter’s words. He kisses her head before running back to you in the bathroom.
“We are moving to Mexico.”
“Boy, get out my bathroom!”
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© forever1kay 2023 - please don’t translate, convert, copy, paraphrase, repost, or alter any of my works without my permission.
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