#i was on the island you were there too somehow in the storm i couldn’t get to you
augustatheghost · 7 months
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have been listening to florence and thinking about olivia benson being partnered with elliot stabler, patron saint of lost causes
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goodlucktai · 5 months
because it’s his birthday, can I ask for some fluff for the sunshine boy himself 🥺🥺
thankfully his birthday fell on a sunday and i had some extra time !! <3 <3
read on ao3
It’s hard to pin Ace’s little brother down in a way that doesn’t fall short of the truth. 
Summer boy, the villagers sometimes call him, but that’s not right. Luffy in the cold brittle heart of winter shines in exactly the same way he does the whole rest of the year. 
Golden child, and it comes a little closer, but the connotations, Sabo will say, nose wrinkling at something he heard all too often from the soulless tutors his parents hired, aren’t all good.  
Sunshine, Ace calls out once, not knowing he was going to say it until he did. Sabo blinked, taken by surprise. He turned to look at his twin, curiosity clear on his face along with a complete lack of confusion that was telling. 
They both knew who he meant. Luffy knew it, too, and came running the way he always came running when one of his brothers called his name. There were leaves in his hair and scraggly flowering weeds crammed in his pockets and—always—a big smile on his face, bright and beaming. 
It’s easy to complain about him because he makes it easy. Luffy is as low-maintenance as any little kid could be but he has an attention span so short you had to bend down to see it at all and he wouldn’t know how to stop talking if someone put a gun to his head. 
Ace gripes about him all the time, and sometimes he really does get angry at him and lose his patience, but in his heart he would sooner die than live without him. Ace may groan and drag his feet on those days in July when the heat is at its peak and the rainforest is humid and muggy, but he wouldn’t really want the sun to go away. Not really.
They need that stupid thing. The world would be dark and cold and unlivable without it. 
“Sunshine, huh?” Sabo says later that night, with Luffy a haphazard pile of rubber limbs sprawled bonelessly across his legs. 
Ace runs hot, and the idea of his little brother’s deadweight pressing into him on an already warm evening makes him want to kick his feet restlessly. But Sabo carries a chill around with him that he inherited from that mausoleum of a mansion he grew up in. Sabo always manages to feel cold. He never minds when Luffy dogpiles on him, clinging with sticky rubber limbs so that Sabo couldn’t shove him off even if he wanted to. 
Somehow, Luffy is the best at telling when Sabo gets cold. There’s no change in the air or the sky that gives it away—maybe Sabo is quieter than usual, though, or doesn’t laugh as much. So Luffy beelines for him, clambering over whatever or whoever is in his way until he can attach himself to his immediate older brother like a stubborn tree frog. 
Sabo, patient and indulgent where Ace is anything but, smiles down at Luffy when he gets particularly clingy as if Luffy is the one doing him a kindness. 
One day, the Celestial Dragons will come to Dawn Island and blow Sabo’s ship out of the water and blow a hole clean into Ace’s life, and his heart, and his future. He’ll understand then, that chill in Sabo’s house that stuck to him, that was never really about being cold as much as it was about needing warmth. 
Ace runs hot, but sometimes he’ll pass beneath a cluster of the bright tropical birds Sabo liked best, or Makino will drop off a case of the snacks they would always clamor for not knowing they were Sabo’s favorites, and Ace won’t even realize he’s shivering until Luffy crashes into him and loops rubber arms around him over and over and over. The sun coming out after a storm—and it was always there, just behind the clouds, it was always going to come back out. 
It will take Sabo’s departure for Ace to understand why he looked down at their sticky little brother like he wanted to thank him, he just didn’t know the right words. 
For now, Ace scoffs, tossing a stick into the fire. 
“Suits him, right? Annoying and gets in your eyes and follows you everywhere.”
Sabo laughs. Luffy turns his head towards the sound without waking, the way a flower unfolds in the morning light. 
Law is familiar with loss. The weight of it feels like a coat he never managed to outgrow, one that he’s been dragging around since he was a child. Sometimes the shape of it changes. Sometimes it settles a little kinder on his shoulders, not quite so heavy. Sometimes he can almost forget he’s wearing it at all. 
Eventually the grief becomes a thing you live with. Grow with. Something you unbox and sit with from time to time but know how to pack away again. 
But when it’s brand-new it’s a shit-show. 
Strawhat’s is outright destructive. 
The kid breaks apart everything around him, trying to tear enough chunks out of the world that it feels even a fraction of the pain he’s in, and when that isn’t enough he moves onto tearing chunks out of himself.
When Jimbei hauls him out of the forest, trembling and too weak to stand and bleeding through his bandages, Law thinks I risked myself and my crew and my whole goddamn mission for nothing because Strawhat looks like he’s about to drop dead. 
It was a shot in the dark in the first place, and the surgery was long and grueling and just barely on the right side of impossible even for the master of the Op Op Fruit. The only way Strawhat could live through it is if he wanted to. 
Law understands loss. Law once sent himself on a suicide mission when he was barely more than three feet tall because his life was empty where it used to be so full and he couldn’t conceive of anything that could make it worth living again. 
He also learned the hard way—the stubborn, gritted-his-teeth, fought-it-every-step-kicking-and-screaming way—that you can survive losing everything and come out the other side. 
Cora-san showed him that other side. Cora-san carried him there, betraying and abandoning everything else, making a promise he knew was a lie because it was the kindest thing he could do.  
“I love you,” he said, knowing as he said it that he would die because of it. Choosing to. There was no other choice he could make.
And somehow Law survived losing him on top of it all. It was a choice he had to make, too. One he still has to make, some days. 
Fire Fist Ace died in about the worst way he possibly could have. He couldn’t have made it more traumatizing for Strawhat if he had actually tried. But it was an act of love like Cora-san’s. Protecting something more important to him than anything else with his own life, his own body. 
If Strawhat Luffy survives, it will be because he wants to. Because he dug in his heels and put in the work and fought for it. 
Jimbei sits him down on a bed in the recovery room, his deep, proud voice rumbling, “I’m going to find a blanket. You’re freezing.”
Strawhat hums as he leaves, eyes lined with red and puffy from crying. He studies the rust-stained bandages on his hands, flexes his fingers, and looks up at Law.
“I’m cold?” he says, like it’s a question. 
It’s the first coherent thing he’s said since waking up that wasn’t just hopeless, helpless screaming for someone who would never answer him again. Law doesn’t know what exactly he’s asking, but he says, “Heat loss is normal after a surgery. You’ll be fine.” 
There is a brightness to the younger supernova that draws the eye. A boldness that was apparent from the very first moment Law glimpsed him at that auction house in Sabaody. Something simple and magnificent at the same time.
Back then, Law looked at him and saw a stranger it might be worth it to take a chance on.
Now, despite himself, he sees someone young and hurt and far away from home. 
He can’t be for this kid what Cora-san was for him. He can haul someone back from the brink of death but he can’t give them a reason to keep existing. There isn’t enough of himself left to carve out that kind of hope or kindness for someone else. There isn’t enough of himself left to even really want to. 
All he has to offer is, “Shachi is making soup.”
“Sanji’s soup is better,” Strawhat announces with perfect authority, even though there is no way he could possibly know that, having literally never tried Shachi’s cooking before.
Law is too exhausted to feel anything but mildly annoyed. It’s enough of a return to what passes for normalcy that he leans in to begin checking the kid’s vitals. 
Hand on Strawhat’s wrist, he says, “If you want Sanji’s soup so bad, go get it then.”
Strawhat tilts his chin up, defiant. His pulse thunders beneath Law’s fingers, like one or two or a dozen drums. 
“I will!” he declares. 
This is the boy who shot down the World Government flag at Enies Lobby, and attacked a Celestial Dragon while knowing what would come after, and stormed an impenetrable prison and then the front lines of a war, all for one person. 
Each time, for just one person. 
How stupid do you have to be?
How simple and magnificent, like looking up at the same sky you see every day and letting yourself be stunned into stillness by the endless, vivid blue?
By the time Jimbei comes back with a quilt under one arm, and a meal tray in the opposite hand, it’s a much livelier Strawhat Luffy who greets him. 
The recovery room, sparse and sterile, is always a little cold. But as Law sits back in his chair and draws his newest patient’s baffling medical charts closer, the thought occurs, fleeting and insignificant, that it feels warmer than usual. 
Someday, when the Gum Gum Fruit that was never actually the Gum Gum Fruit awakens into something spectacular and Luffy unlocks his fifth and final gear, his crew acclimates with startling quickness. 
His crew, who sometimes had to squint when they looked at him, like they were staring at something high in the sky in the middle of a cloudless afternoon. His friends, who spent every day and night beside him and got used to it early on—the packed heat he put out like a little furnace, the way whatever room he was in would always get warmer when he laughed. His nakama, who loved him in all shapes, in all weather, from the beginning and all the way to the very end. 
“Sun god, huh?” Zoro would say. Discarding a former truth and embracing this new one, as casually as every other impossible thing he had ever done. Future historians would be ripping their hair out, trying to make sense of what it could mean. According to legend, the pirate king’s first mate only said, “Sounds about right.”
But in this moment, in the underbelly of a colosseum, Luffy’s fruit is still just the silly, bouncy thing he ate when he was a little kid and there’s no reason to believe it will ever be anything else. 
He’s wearing a costume that does nothing to hide his identity from the people who really know him. 
He’s anxious and seems torn in two directions, wanting to help his friends but unwilling to leave his big brother’s fire in the hands of someone who wouldn’t use it the way Ace would want. It makes him short-tempered and quicker to pick a fight than usual, frowning at the stranger who approaches him so familiarly. 
He’s the brightest thing for a thousand miles, the focal point of every room he walks into and the center of the galaxy, but not because of any fruit.  
And looking at him, at his wide brown eyes and the curve of a smiling scar on his cheekbone, the chill in Sabo’s chest warms to nothing for the first time in twelve years.  
His little brother, all things summer and golden and shining. Didn’t Ace say it best?
“Hi, sunshine,” Sabo says. 
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azaleakoneko · 11 months
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Doctor’s Orders
Trafalgar D. Water Law x Fem|Reader
Requested by: @strawheart-pirate
A/N: Hii! I went back and forth for a bit about how exactly to do this prompt, but I hope you like it 😊. It was a nice little challenge ❤️‍🩹
Warnings: Super short lived anxiety to set the scene for the fluff! Soft Doctor Law 🫰
Word count: 3.4k
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Please note that just because this work is fluff and appropriate for consumption of any age, that cannot be said about the rest of my blog. This is primarily an 18+ Blog and will stay that way, so keep that in mind, thank you!
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Docking on islands to restock when possible certainly wasn’t unusual, but what was intended to be a short stay somehow turned from one day to three — from three to a week and then two as Law agreed to take on patients in return for the supplies he was receiving.
Normally he would’ve just done the bare minimum to get in and out of a town before getting too comfortable and letting his guard down, but something about this island didn’t want to let go of him. It was like he had been called there and didn’t quite know the reason, that is until he met you.
You were so sweet and personable with himself and his crew as you took it upon yourself to load his temporary office with the required supplies donated by the town. At first he hardly spoke a word to you aside from the usual gratitude, but he couldn’t help but take an interest in you the more you came around — admiring how hard you worked to help them out when you really didn’t need to. Your excuse was always something along the lines of ‘doing your due diligence for the town’, or simple enough excuses of citizens personally asking you to deliver goods on their behalf, but to him it always felt like there were words left unsaid behind those pretty lips of yours.
Eventually he accepted that alongside his frequent supply deliveries would be an opportunity to get to know you better, something he disliked less and less the more you opened up to him. Your smile alone made his heart leap and his face heat in a way that left him wondering for a while if perhaps he had caught something while treating the locals. However, after similar symptoms popping up at things like the sound of your voice, slight lingering touches from your delicate hands when you passed him things, or even the way you’d take an interest in his work — even the doctor had to admit to himself that there was more to his interest than just appreciation and that he indeed wasn’t sick. At least, not the type of sick medicine would cure.
Things continued progressing this way, sweet and slow, until one day there was a sudden heavy storm that threw off the routine he had grown to love.
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“She should have been here by now…” Law said to himself as his mind began to drift to the worst case scenarios as he rose to his feet, shoes thudding against the floor anxiously as he walked over to the heavy wooden door, swinging it open to stare out into the downpour. His heart sank and he had knots in the depths of his stomach at the thought of something terrible happening to you. His eyes scanned the darkened horizon and immediately widened when he saw a soaked figure surrounded by parcels being pelted by a merciless torrent of rain. Without a second thought he had already bolted out the door alongside a snap of lightning and rolling thunder outside, thinking about nothing else other than ensuring you hadn’t been harmed.
“Y/N! What were you even thinking still trying to make your delivery run out here in this nasty weather?” Law said with a bite to his voice, but the tremble gave away his true worry. “Come on, let’s get you inside so I can look you over and make sure these scrapes are just artificial.”
He didn’t even give you a chance to retort as he swept your drenched body up into his arms and began to carry you back inside, disregarding the drips littering the floor as he moved to place you down on the sterilized bed usually reserved for the temporary patients that came to see him. “Just lay back and let me check, alright? You’ve seen me use this before, so there’s nothing to fear y/n-ya.”
You nodded and would’ve attempted to stifle a giggle from his concern if it weren’t for your chattering teeth and trembling body preventing you from finding much of anything funny at the moment. “Mhm, I-I trust y-you Doctor.” You managed to murmur out, feeling a bit guilty for making a mess and causing so much unnecessary concern all because you wanted to keep to your schedule so you could spend another evening chatting with him about everything under the now clouded over sun. You certainly got your wish, but you hoped it didn’t come at the cost of wasting his time. “Oh n-no, the supplies!” You said, attempting to sit up and move.
Law placed a firm yet gentle hand on your shoulder with his eyebrows knit together in concern, not even needing to use much force to get you to lay back down on the mattress. “Supplies be damned — they can always be replaced, you on the other hand can’t be. Now let me do my examination before you try to move again. Doctor's orders, you hear me?”
You complied, wet clothing making a soft squelch against the plastic of the bed as you settled in, laying perfectly still with your gaze locked on him in fascination as he began to use his devil fruit powers to check over you with extreme precision. You already knew it was no use protesting until he had made sure himself, regardless of what you said. “S-So? What’s the verdict Doc? Am I gonna live?” You asked with a smirk, wishing you had a warm change of clothes so your teasing wouldn’t lose part of its playful effect from your continued shivering.
Hearing you joke around paired with the conclusive results of his powers had his shoulders sagging in relief. He sighed and put a tattooed hand to his head, satisfied that you really weren’t injured. “Yeah, thankfully you’re gonna be fine. Seriously though, what were you thinking y/n? You’re lucky you weren’t out there too long before I found you.”
“Still w-worrying about me, Trafalgar? I’m fine, really. I’m just a l-little cold and um, quite d-damp…” You said as you lifted one of your waterlogged sleeves as an example. “I just wanted to bring you what you needed — you’re not mad are you? I’m really sorry, I j-just wanted to see you.” It was clear enough by your honest tone that you were remorseful, but it made you worry if you had said something wrong when you saw him look momentarily bewildered by your innocent confession before it seemed the puzzle pieces finally clicked together in his mind. It was for him.
“…” Law looked upset but said nothing as he shook his head and offered his hand out for you to help you up from the examination table. “No, I’m not mad. Not at you or the situation,” He said as he waited for you to sit up and have a firm grip on his hand. “-so yeah, I was worried about you. Now come on, I’ll show you to the bathroom so you can shower and get warmed up. Wouldn’t want you to actually get sick… I have some things I can give you to change into when you’re done. I’ll leave them by the door and toss your wet clothes into the dryer afterwards. Does that sound okay with you?”
You nodded with a genuine smile, more than happy to have been offered his kindness instead of a frigid biting response on this already chilly evening. “Mhm, t-thank you very much d-doctor.” You muttered thankfully as he ushered you into the bathroom and waited for you to close the door.
Once you turned the water on and began to strip away the wet garments that had been stripping you of your body heat you heard his footsteps recede for a bit, returning a few minutes later with a soft rap on the door with his fingers that read ‘e’ and ‘a’. It nearly made you jump since you weren’t accustomed to showering at someone else’s home, let alone someone you were infatuated with, but he was respectful and as promised left the dry clothing by the door; his yellow sweatshirt with his crew’s symbol and a comfortable pair of sweatpants.
“Take your time, I’ll get started on making something hot for you to drink when you get out. Feel free to use any of the stuff in the shower, I don’t mind. Just leave the wet things on the floor, I’ll take care of them.” He called out as he headed to the kitchen, letting you ease into the steaming water to ease away the chill and scrub away the wet filth.
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When you got out you felt fully refreshed, the shivering from the cold now replaced with a slight nervous tremble as you looked at yourself in his clothes — a slight blush decorating your cheeks. “He’s just being nice, don’t think too much of it..” you said to yourself as you ignored your own words, gripping the front of the hoodie and bringing it up to your nose to inhale the scent that still lingered there. It was a musky pine scent that made butterflies tingle in your stomach before you dropped the material and cleared your throat, not wanting to be flustered when you joined him again.
You left the wet items on the floor despite feeling a bit guilty for leaving a mess, but he did say he would take care of it after all. Since you were done you took one last glance at yourself in the mirror before leaving the bathroom and going to look for him. It didn’t take long, you just followed your nose to the alluring scent of hot chocolate and peppermint to the kitchen; eyes widening in delight when you saw the steaming cup topped with whipped cream just waiting for you on the table across from the considerate doctor himself.
“That smells delicious! Thank you, Trafalgar…” You gasped as you picked up the cup and eagerly took a sip, disregarding the white foam that now covered the top part of your lip. The hot liquid scorched your tongue and throat a little as you gulped it down, but the way it warmed your insides had you sighing contentedly before flashing him a grateful smile. “I don’t know how to repay you for all of this…”
“There is no need for you to repay me y/n. You do plenty just by bringing me supplies and giving me company all the time…” Law said as he held up a hand and shook his head, a light dusting of pink across his cheeks as he looked at you. It also seemed you weren’t the only one that liked how you looked in his clothing, evident by the way he could hardly take his eyes off of you now. “If you really want to thank me though, please be more careful. I like seeing you too, but not if it puts you at risk.” He said before diverting his attention from you and grabbing his own cup in an attempt to hide his embarrassment from sounding like an overprotective partner when it hadn’t even been something in your control — let alone the fact that he was just being a friend to you and nothing more.
At least that’s what he continued to think to himself as he put his cup down and cleared his throat. “I’m really glad that you’re alright though... It’s still too stormy out there for me to feel comfortable sending you home. You can stay here tonight if you’re comfortable with that? I can take the couch — you can go ahead and take the bed for the night.”
You nearly choked on your drink when you heard him offer his bed for the night, but you couldn’t deny that the thought of not having to leave was appealing. You carefully set the cup down with a delicate clink against the table and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. “R-Really? I wouldn’t want to impose… I can take the couch, it’s not a problem. Besides, I’m not even tired yet.” That was true enough. How could you possibly be tired now knowing you would be sleeping under the same roof as your beloved doctor? It seemed impossible, improbable even, yet that was your current predicament thanks to the heavy rains.
“Tired or not it wouldn’t be right to have you sleep on the couch when I have a perfectly good bed you could use. Doctor’s orders.” Law said as a playful smirk began to pull at the corners of his lips, clearly loving being able to take advantage of his title to force your hand on the sleeping arrangements. Not like he minded — he’d fallen asleep in much more uncomfortable places than a soft, warm couch during his countless hours of medicinal study.
You puffed your cheeks up and crossed your arms but knew he’d already made up his mind. “Fine, but can we just… talk for a while? I mean, I did almost die and all just so I could come and give you some company.” Sure it was a dramatization, but he was already not playing fair so you weren’t going to either. “Or are visiting hours done for the night?”
Law scoffed amusedly and walked around the table so he was in front of you before plopping one of his hands on the top of your head to ruffle your hair softly. “I think I can push back visiting hours, just for you. But first... you have something on your face just here—” he mumbled as he raised his other hand, index finger swiping along your top lip to collect the forgotten cream from the hot chocolate before thoughtlessly popping his finger into his mouth, swirling the cream off of his finger with his tongue before realizing that was probably too much.
You were stunned as you watched him, feeling your heart skip from his closeness and the random act of intimacy. “T-Trafalgar…?” You stuttered his name quietly, all hopes of hiding your flushed cheeks gone out the window. If it were possible you’d probably have steam coming out of your ears, but in reality you stood there like a deer in headlights with widened eyes and a yearning expression on your face. Part of you wished he would’ve just kissed you to get it off, only making your mortification worse.
Law thought about it too as he saw your sweet, confused yet wanting expression, but he wasn’t sure if it would be too much so he chose to back off a bit with a sheepish smile as he scratched the back of his head and took a step back. “Sorry, I guess I got a bit carried away didn’t I… Here, let me take your cup. We can just go sit on the couch and talk until you get tired, if I didn’t make things weird?”
It took a moment for your brain to rewire, but when it did you cleared your throat and shook your head. “U-Um it’s not weird, I just wasn’t expecting it. I thought you were going to.. going to um..” you began to say before stopping yourself. “Never mind, it’s not important! S-Sure, sounds good to me.” Never before had you wanted to kick yourself more than in that moment, but he just smiled at you knowingly as he took the cup from you and began to wash it in the sink along with his own before setting them both in the dish rack side by side.
He then led you to the couch and let you get settled before sitting beside you, noticing your feeble attempts at maintaining distance as the two of you discussed everything you’d initially planned on bringing up to him. That didn’t last long however. The more you talked and the later it got, the more you sank into his side until he had his arm slung comfortably behind you, casually holding onto you as if it were a normal thing between the two of you. It was comforting paired with the sound of the rain still pelting the windows outside, urging you to stay inside with Law where it was safe and warm.
“Are you getting tired yet…?” Law asked softly as he raised his other hand to tuck some of your loose strands behind your ear, feeling his heart spill over with warmth and unbridled affection when you looked up at him. His devil fruit allowed him to steal hearts at will, but that look you gave him alone ensured that you had stolen his without even trying. “You look like you’re barely keeping your eyes open. I can carry you to the bed if you need me to, y/n.”
A sleepy pout knitted your brows together and your hand attempted to grip onto his shirt in protest but your grip was hardly strong enough to do so when you were only barely staving off the lull of sleep thanks to his attentiveness and warmth. “I’m not falling asleep. I’m wide awake, see…?” You said as you made a show of widening your eyes just for your lids to quickly return to their half lidded state — your hand partially sliding down his chest since it took everything you had just to stay conscious.
Law chuckled, his laugh reverberating in his chest and making you shake slightly and making it ten times harder to stay awake from hearing the soft pleasant sound you adored so much so closely. “Yeah, I see that…” he said as he sighed and pulled you closer into his side, angling his hold on you so that it would be easier for him to scoop you up and carry you into the room when you finally passed out. “You put up a good fight, but I think it’s the sandman’s shift with you now sweetheart…”
If you were more conscious that comment would’ve sent you into another fluster, but all you could process was him trying to move you and it resulted in you using the last of your energy to cling to him. “Please just let me stay wherever you are, Traffy…”
Law paused for a moment at your use of a nickname on him in return while asking something like that of him. It was so cute watching you fight him even now, and he had to admit it was a nice thought — getting to fall asleep with you tucked inside of his arms, safe from the rainstorm and warm in his bed. He sighed once more and leaned his head down to place a chaste kiss against your forehead as a distraction before swiping you up effortlessly in his arms, head nestled against his shoulder, and took you into the darkness of his organized bedroom to lay you down on his bed.
He placed you down on the bed, helping you slip under the covers with a tender smile on his face as he watched you dig your face into his pillow and visibly relax. “That’s it, get comfortable.” He hummed quietly as he tried to back off and let you fall deeper into the slumber you so badly tried to put off, but your hand caught his when he tried to walk away, your next words making him feel like he had no choice but to give you whatever you wanted.
“Can you please stay with me? I want you here…” You said with a half conscious yawn, struggling to open your eyes and look at him. He’d be sure to tease you in the morning about how you refused to let him leave the room, but for now his resolve crumbled and he crawled into the bed beside you, pulling you against his chest — not even surprised at the contented hum that left your lips as you nuzzled your cheek against his shoulder, eyelids beginning to flutter closed once again now that you’d gotten what you wanted. “Thank you, that’s much better. Goodnight Traffy, you’re the best…”
Law couldn’t take how sweet you were being to him, feeling like he would burst from the happiness he felt. He stroked your hair affectionately with one hand as he gently tilted your face towards his, almost talking himself out of it when he saw your sleepy confused expression, but nonetheless he pressed his lips to yours in a short and sweet kiss. “Goodnight y/n… Sleep well, sweetheart.” Then he sank into the bed and pulled you close once more.
There was so much more he wanted to say, so much he wanted to offer you; like joining him on the Polar Tang when they did decide to leave, but that would have to wait until both of you were rested. For now all he wanted to do was wait out the rain wrapped up in this cozy little bubble with you.
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All content unless otherwise stated belongs to: ©HauntedHeartHowl, previously HowlTheSanjiSimp. Please do not copy, modify, translate, feed my fan fictions to AI, repost or promote my writing or graphics on other platforms. Please DO feel free to comment, reblog or follow <3
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idkfitememate · 9 months
Welcome To Aperture Science
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૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა Pairings : GN! GLaDOS Reader x Raiden Shogun, Kujo, Aether, Dottore & Maillardet
૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა W.K. : 6.5k
໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ Tags/CW&TW : Reader is a insane robot, Mutilation, descriptive gore
໒꒰ྀི˶˙Ⱉ˙˶꒱ྀིა Author’s note : I ran into a bit of a dilemma in writing this. I realized that a lot of you probably would be able to get into the role of you were called “GLaDOS”, so here’s the plan. I tried my hardest to not have to use (y/n), but me thinks I’m gonna have to. The actual operating system will be called “GLaDOS”, but you yourself will be called (y/n). You’re replacing Caroline & GLaDOS. There will be a little surprise - since this is my ver of Portal (AKA throwing Portal into Genshin), so you’ll be introduced as (y/n)! If this ruins the experience, please let me know, and I’ll come up with something different! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
Also! GORE WARNING!!!! THERE WILL BE GORE!! I’ll post a warning right before it starts and a little thing for where it ends!! ☆૮꒰ˊᗜˋ* ꒱ა
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Finding out one of your islands is being used for things unknown is not something you want to wake up too.
But unfortunately, that was what Miss. Raiden Ei was subjected to this morning.
The apparent “island” wasn’t even actually an island. It looked like a small plot of land, with it’s only inhabitant being an old bot that resembled a Fontainian Meka - which was still active and very dangerous - and what looked to be some kind of small, one person hut. But when the fishermen who had found this island somehow managed to enter the hut, they found it actually housed a long, winding staircase that plummeted into the earth.
So of course this news was sent straight to Ei. As the Archon, anything that went on in her Nation’s boundaries that wasn’t documented was immediately brought up to her for investigation. In any other case she would have told the Tenryou Commission to take care of it or otherwise, but seeing as this was seemingly more than just a “island descending into the depths” - the fishermen also reported strange noises coming from below - this seemed like it would need to be handled with a more… direct touch.
Gathering her wits, she made a small “exploration team”. This team consisted of:
1. The Traveler, because why wouldn’t it
2. Kujo Sara, her loyalty will be of use
3. Maillardet, she had heard of his helping with the Icewind Suite Meka. His expertise may be needed.
And finally, though unfortunately,
4. Dottore.
As much as she may have detested the Fatui and their methods, she couldn’t deny they got results. And on top of that she had heard of his experiments on that of Ruin Guards, which again may be needed.
After making her plans and sending off letters to all she believed she may need, the Shogun began to wait.
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It was dark in the Aperture Science building. Though it wasn’t silent. After word from the singular guard at one of many openings alerted human sightings after… years of nothing, you had to admit something inside you was excited.
It was in human and monster nature to be curious of the unknown. And with all the years since your last… nuisance test subject, you figured that Aperture may have been - more likely was - forgotten by those above.
You rapidly repaired test room after test room, rebuilding the facility to the best of your current abilities. Which wasn’t much a problem, because due to the lack of human error, you were able to keep the place up and running with extreme precision.
It looked just like when Aperture was first built.
With different power sources from every nation, keeping powered on was never an issue. The location that had been found by humans was the one that was powered by the never ending lightning storm that surrounded the nation of Inazuma.
The strikes of Electro traveled through the water into sensors placed on the ocean floor, that changed the pure Electro into actual electricity that was then used to power the specific part of Aperture Science that was stationed below it.
The real facility spanned all across Teyvat.
This was only the beginning.
And your cold heart was more than ready for this coming future.
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“I am shocked than and Archon such as yourself has called for me.”
All heads in the room turned to face the masked male.
Kujo immediately summoned her bow and pointed it at the man, while Traveler did the same with his sword. Poor Maillardet only ran behind the armed female, clutching her skirt.
Kujo glanced at him before pushing all attention back on Dottore.
“Please lower your weapons.” Heads whipped to look at the sullen voice of Ei.
“I asked him to be here. Please do not make this experience more difficult than it already may be.” Even she seemed… less than enthused by her actions, but the sudden silence- to soak up her words - was interrupted by the man in question’s laughter.
“And how shocked I was when The Tsaritsa said the Electro Archon herself had asked for my assistance in a ‘pressing matter’! Please, do listen to her and try to not make this difficult?” His grin unwavering. Aether scoffed and Kujo only huffed a small ‘Yes, my Shogun’, before turning to her backseat passenger who hadn’t moved since Dottore’s appearance.
“… What?” The brunette asked. Then he sighed. “Just because I build fighters doesn’t mean I myself can fight, Madame.” He quickly pushed himself off her and dusted both her and him off.
With one more sigh, Ei stood.
“Let us not waste anymore time. There is an odd island off the coast of Amakane Island. On it is a single individual that resembles a Fontainian Meka, and a hut. The odd thing being that this hut holds a staircase that “plummets into the earth”, so say my sources.” She then looked at the Doctor.
“Have your men done anything to this island?” It was a fair question.
It wouldn’t be odd for the Fatui to have a lab or something of the sort in a Nation without the Archon or Nation’s knowledge. In fact, it wouldn’t be the first time. Though - again - Dottore only laughed again.
“No, Miss. Ei. We haven’t any labs that “plummet into the earth”, as you say.” Kujo flinched at him not referring to her Archon by her title, but before she could do anything, she was stopped by a look from said Archon.
“Thank you for being honest,” she hummed, “Then we best be off. Who knows what we shall find and who knows how long we may be.” And she started off.
Following behind her was everyone but Maillardet, who looked confused.
“No equipment? No food provisions?” He glanced a guard who was stationed at a door nearby who shrugged. They both sighed and spoke in unison.
“Vision holders…”
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Making their way to Amakane Island was easy enough. Making their way to the unnamed island was also easy.
The Meka that was guarding the small hut was… tall, to say the least.
“It looks vaguely like a Suppression Specialist Mek mixed with an Assault Specialist Mek…” Maillardet muttered, causing Dottore’s head to whip in his direction.
“So nothing you’ve seen before?” He mused, causing the Fontainian to glare at him.
“No.” He huffed, “It isn’t.” Dottore smirked at that answer.
“Then we have an unknown Meka on our hands? Perhaps made by someone outside of Fontaine-“ “No.” Maillardet interrupted.
“It still has hints of Fontainian handiwork. The way you can see some gears and cogs, as well as the fact that it’s utilizing Fontaine gun tech. It very well could be imbued with Arkeh energy. If I had to guess, Ousia.”
Everyone stared at the man, who blushed.
“What I’m trying to say,” he breathed, “Is that while it’s not any Meka I’ve ever seen, it’s definitely made by Fontainian hands. Sir Aether should know how to deal with it effectively.” Dottore stared at the man.
Aether nodded and jumped off the boat they all currently inhabited, and began to attack. The others stayed back and watched as he gracefully dodged attacks and fought back.
Though, in a sudden switch of attack, the bullets firing from the cannon on its arm changed to Electro-Charged pellets of water. The sudden swap shocked Aether and the Mek was able to land a few solid hits on the man.
Getting fed up, Kujo stood to fight, but Ei held her back.
“Those are Electro-Charged attacks.” “I understand Shogun but-“ “No. We’d only make things worse.” With a huff, the tengu sat down, glaring at the Doctor who dared to chuckle.
The fight continued on for a few more minutes before Aether came out triumphant. As the Mek collapsed, a voice rung out from its destroyed body.
“Warn…ing…Intruders At….Inazuma Ent…rance…Access Not Given…Send Warning To GL…a…” Before finally collapsing. Aether stood overtop its corpse before turning to the others.
“Well… I suppose we can continue onward?” Maillardet questioned, only to be met with everyone else in the boat jumping out onto dry land, once more leaving him behind.
The man grumbled as he slowly pulled himself out the boat, soaking his boots and pants.
By the time he made it, everyone but Dottore had made their way into the hut, on their way down.
“After you.” The bluenette grinned, and Maillardet shuddered.
And then they all made their decent.
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While the staircase itself was long and narrow, surrounded on all sides by pipes and cogs, what they found at the bottom was truly a sight; though they had been going down for a while.
A large open space - like a courtyard. There was artificial sunlight that streamed in from the panels on the ceiling that simulated a blue sky. False grass and trees swayed in a deceptive breeze. A ‘building’ sat before them with glass doors. It was grey and unassuming, the words “Aperture Science Laboratories” was in big lettering above the doors in big, illuminated lighting.
“Incredible…” Dottore mumbled as the group began to make their way down a path that led from the staircase to the building.
Just then, a sharp creaking noise was heard, and the staircase they had just traversed began to retract. It slowly made its way upward, lifting off the ground. Without flinching, Kujo summoned her bow and knocked an arrow, looking for a place to shoot. Finding a button near the staircase labeled ‘emergency shut down’, she shot, hitting it head on.
“Sudden Power Surge Detected At: Inazuma Docking Station. Rerouting Power Surge To Backup Power Supply’s. Emergency Dock Closing System: Initiated.”
And with that, the stairs shot up, effectively sealing the group inside.
“Sorry, Shogun…” was the only thing that left the now embarrassed Kujo’s lips.
“Worry not, I am sure we’ll find another exit eventually. Let us continue forth.” And onward they went.
Walking down the path, Dottore noted that there were hills far beyond the little building before them, fading off into the distance.
“I wonder how long this facility stretches out?..” He wondered aloud. Maillardet grumbled under his breath.
“Hopefully not that far…”
Entering the building they were met with something none of them - minus Dottore - had experienced.
Fluorescent lighting.
The light outside had at least been convincing, but the buzzing overhead and the slight flickering was enough to get under everyone’s - again, minus Dottore’s - skin.
“Whatever is this awful-“
“Welcome, gentleman, to Aperture Science. Humans, Vision Holders, War-Hero’s, Hybrids — you’re here because we want the best, and you’re it. Now, who’s ready to make some science?”
Weapons were immediately drawn from hearing the unusual voice.
“Who dared cut of The Shogun-“
“Now, you already met one another on the boat ride over, so let me introduce myself. I’m Cave Johnson. I own the place.”
Kujo growled.
“Well, Mr. “Cave Johnson”, I recommend you reveal yourself before we-“
“Mr. Johnson! I believe you’re forgetting something..? Or rather, someone..?”
All heads turned to the wall length screen that turned on with the new voice.
They were met with a cartoonish figure of a person, though their head was replaced by the grey, circle logo of Aperture. They were dressed in a white button up with a black vest overtop. With pure black dress pants and black dress shoes. A snow white lab coat over their shoulders and pure white gloves on their hands. The only hint of color or their person was an orange tie.
Dottore was the first to walk over, pressing a gloved hand to the screen.
“This is all absolutely incredible…” he spoke with a grin.
Nobody noticed how the figure flinched away.
“That eager voice you heard is the lovely (y/n), my assistant. They were added as a safety protocol in case some of you get lost. There are screens all of Aperture where they can keep a close eye on you, to make sure you stay in one piece, or at least as close to one piece as we can get you. Now, rest assured, they have transferred your honorarium to the charitable organization of your choice, isn’t that right, (y/n)?”
The figure on the screen - now known as (y/n) - nodded. Or… nodded as best a 2D model may be able to nod.
“That’s right, Mr. Johnson.”
“Since their addition, they have been the backbone of this facility. Pretty as a postcard too. Sorry fellas, they’re married. To science.”
They watched as you walked over on the “screens”, trotting all the way over to a pair of double doors. With one arm behind you, you held an open palm in the direction of said doors.
“Now, if you just follow them, they’ll take you right to the testing sites.”
With that small tidbit of information, the group reluctantly walked their way over to the doors. Pushing through them, they watched as you faded on the other side. Only for the walls of the hallway surrounding them to light up with bright white light, and for you to be on their right side, walking down the hall on your screens.
“There’s a thousand tests performed everyday here in our enrichment spheres. I can’t personally oversee every single one of them, so these pre-recorded messages’ll cover any questions you might have, and respond to any incidents that may occur in the course of your science adventure!”
You continued walking down the long hall, it slowly dipping further and further into the earth, but not to an alarming degree. A tune played throughout the hall, your head bobbing to the beat.
“Recorded..?” Ei asked. She turned to Kujo and Aether, who both shrugged. She then turned to Maillardet who muttered a quick ‘I’ve heard of it… that’s all…’ then looked away. Finally she looked towards Dottore.
“… Recordings are a rather new technology I’ve discovered. It’s a lost technique from long ago, the act of taking the waves of one’s voice down onto a physical form - such as a disk or a vinyl - and relaying those waves through a certain machine to recreate noises. I’ve been able to get my hands on a few, but to find one of such large scale, with moving images to boot! If I can get my hands on whatever is relaying these recordings…” His voice toned back when he realized he was walking alone.
Turning back he noticed that everyone had stopped behind him, confusion written all over their faces. He groaned, slapping a hand over his eyes before dragging it down the side of his face.
“It refers to something hearing noise, then relaying it at a later time when prompted.” And on they continued. It took a moment to catch up to you, as you had continued on your merry way while they had been stopped.
When they made it, Cave Johnson began speaking again.
“Your test assignments will vary, depending on the manner in which you have bent the world to your will.”
They finally made it to the end of the hall, with double doors greeting them. The doors opened automatically, opening to a large space, akin to an auditorium. Doors led off to different halls, each closed off by double doors that were identical to the ones they just came through. The room was surrounded by the Aperture logo, with small tables set up with small experiments on them. Walking past, Maillardet’s eyes glanced at a potato battery.
The most obvious thing in the room were the blue and yellow lines on the floor that each led to another room. You popped up again on a few overhead screens, though now you were sitting at a desk, typing away. You occasionally took a sip from a grey cup.
“Those of you helping us test the repulsion gel today, just follow the blue lines on the floor. Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA I’ve got some good news and some bad news.”
Lights lit up over the blue lines and your figure changed to a looping recording of you walking on the lines and through the door.
“Injected with praying mantis DNA… why would you ever..?” Maillardet wondered with a grimace, while Dottore only smirked.
“I think me and this Mr. Johnson may have something in common. Anything in the name of science.” His grin made Aether shiver.
“Can we please just move on?” The blonde growled. He turned to the two females, only to find Kujo trying to open another door with Ei beside her.
“What are you doing..?” He asked. The General exhaled before turning back to the group.
“Trying to find another way out. Why are we even listening to this Cave Johnson person? We don’t know who he is, we don’t know where he is, we don’t even know what he looks like.” She walked over to another set of doors and tugged.
“She has a point.” Said Ei. “But in that same breath, we don’t know where we are either. The only thing pushing us forward is the voice of Mr. Johnson.” She placed a hand on the tengu’s shoulder.
“I feel it may be in our best interest to listen for now. When we find an exit, we’ll leave immediately.” Kujo sighed and muttered an apology before turning to the blue lines.
The loop of your walking through the doors still played above as everyone filled through the doors.
“Bad news, we’re postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we have a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.”
“WHAT?!-“ shouted Maillardet. “WHY WOULD YOU EVER-“ A hand was slapped over his mouth as Dottore shushed him.
“I want to hear the rest of this.” he whispered.
“Pick up a rifle and follow the yellow line. You’ll know when the test starts.”
“Oh Mr. Johnson…” Dottore swooned.
“Only a rifle..?” Maillardet whimpered.
Kujo groaned. “Don’t worry about that now. We’re following the blue lines. Not the yellow ones.” Ei grinned slightly at the banter.
“They say great science is built on the shoulder of giants. Not here. At Aperture, we do all our science from scratch. No hand holding.”
“I really do like this man.” Dottore grinned.
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Walking along the catwalks was a new feeling. Despite the no longer being really… anywhere… there were still screens nearby that depicted you walking along side the group.
Little to no effort was made to make any kind of conversation. Just the sounds of different kinds of shoes hitting the metal that made up the catwalks.
Though that all changed within a moment.
“Hello..? Hello??”
The sudden voice calling out made everyone come to a stop. Aether brandished his sword and turned to a pair of doors that led off the path they were being led down.
They waited with bated breath as the mechanical whirling of something moving towards them echoed in the open space. The walls themselves seemed to shift as whatever it was made its way to the door…
The doors burst open as a spherical robot with a bright blue eye pushed its way through the doors, pausing when it saw the group.
“Humans..? Humans?? Humans!! Wait… HUMANS?!?!” Its confound shock was extremely apparent, especially with the way it screamed out.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING BACK HERE?!?! I haven’t seen a human since… since… her…” It’s tone grew somber within a second, but then it shook on its… bar??? Grip??? Dottore wanted to know.
“That doesn’t matter, what matters is that you guys are humans! Actual, genuine humans!” It rolled forward on its… whatever and faced them.
“… None of you have the portal gun though.. oh. Do you have those ‘vision’ things? Because I can assure you they won’t be of much help here-”
“And why is that?” Dottore jumped in.
“… Well first off all, it was incredibly rude to cut me off there, secondly, Aperture focused on the sciences that… well, had to do with those who lacked visions. Now don’t get me wrong, there were certainly tests for those who had them but uh… yeah these were mostly for those without.” It nodded.
“I see… now. Do you happen to have a name. Or would you tell us what you are?” The Doctor asked.
“A name..? Right! Oh gosh, I completely forgot about that. Wheatley’s the name and… yeah I don’t know where that was going really. And to answer the other question, I am what’s known as a core, but where are you lot off to?” He introduced. Though before the blue haired doctor could answer, a voice rung out.
“They’re off to test with the repulsion gel, Wheatley.” Your voice ring out, and there you were on the screen, facing them with a hand on your hip. The core seemed the freeze up at your voice, which didn’t go unnoticed.
“Oh! Uh… hey… (y/n)… hehe.” Wheatley seemed uncomfortable at now knowing of your presence, before something seemed to pop into his head.
“But… without the portal gun?”
“You don’t necessarily need a-“
“What’s a portal gun?” Maillardet questioned. You heaved a long sigh and Wheatley seemed to brighten up.
“We’ll only one of, if not the, best things Aperture has ever made, of course! It’s this nifty little gun that allows a person to go from one point, to another in just a snap!.. If I could snap I would to punctuate my point-“
“What he means-“ You interrupted, “Is that it is a special device that allows someone to manipulate space itself by opening up a doorway - otherwise known as a portal - and go from an unreachable point A to unreachable point B… or at the very least a vision-less ‘someone’. We weren’t able to test on those with a vision… or any non-humans with human intelligence; such as Oni from Inazuma or Adepti from Liyue. But even then our knowledge is… limited…”
Wheatley stared at you as you explained the Portal Gun in detail, before scanning the group.
“Oh! There is a vision-less with you!”
Maillardet swallowed nervously.
“Here, you won’t be at a disadvantage if you let us give you the Portal Gun! No need to feel like you may be falling behind… bloody hell you might even be able to go ahead and be advantaged in this situation!” The blue eyed bot explained.
“Wait wait wait… are either of you… alive or uh..” Aether stumbled over his words before you cut him off impatiently.
“Yes we are entirely sentient. Now Wheatley, we can’t make these decisions-“
“I don’t know why you’re complaining. You’ve been moping about for years! All because you ‘don’t have any human testers’ and ‘robots were starting to get the same results’ and ‘humans unpredictability made them unique’ and-“
“That’s enough, you idiot.” “HEY!-“ “Fine. Here’s how this will work, so be quiet and listen.”
Nobody moved.
“We will give your little friend access to The Portal Gun, you complete a couple tests for us, and we help you leave as fast as possible. Deal?”
“Well it doesn’t sound like we get much out of that deal besides our assured exit.” Ei stated, and you groaned.
“You’ll have access to technologies that those above this facility have not had access to for years. Plus, this will practically be free training. Now do we have a deal?” Your impatience was starting to grow clearer and clearer with each passing moment.
“Well-“ “YES!” Maillardet screamed. He didn’t care. This was his chance to truly make a name for himself. If he was able to get this ‘Portal Gun’ outside of the facility, the things he may be able to do with that tech…
Everyone looked at him with shock - though Dottore was more amused than anything - at how fast he agreed.
“Great! Wonderful even! Here, just follow me through here and we’ll get you right as rain, isn’t that right (y/n)?” Wheatley glanced at you as he turned on his rail. If you could, you would’ve rolled your eyes.
They watched as the screen you stood on blinked off, and Wheatley rolled away.
Maillardet followed behind and the others hesitated. Though after that moment of hesitation, they followed behind as well.
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Instead of the grey halls and metal walls they had become accustom to, they were met with greenage and foliage on all sides.
Flora of all kinds blossomed around them, tress that reached higher than any of them could see. They all followed behind the humming core, until he suddenly stopped.
“Now, this is a bit awkward, but my rail system ends here. I’m gonna let go, but I need someone to catch me. Do we have any volunteers..?” Wheatley informed and asked. He looked around the group only to make eye contact with Dottore. Who was grinning. Sharp teeth fully on display.
“Uhm… anyone..?” The robot squeaked. Though the only one who moved closer was Dottore.
He sighed, then ‘steeled’ his nerves.
“Alright, I’ll let go on the count of three- NO, ONE! If I do it on three I’ll chicken out and… mmmm I’m talking to much aren’t I? I’m nervous because of the very real possibility that you may drop me. Not to say you look weak or anything, you actually look quite strong. Has anyone ever told you that? I mean, personally I would prefer to be strong if I had a body… On that note I wished they gave us hands. That’d be nice. Or a way to move while not on the rail systems. They can only go so many places and so far, you know? And some of them end in the oddest of places. I found one that ended over a bottomless pit. Isn’t that just insane? I mean-“
Dottore grumbled something under his breath before moving directly below the blabbering bot. Then he cleared his throat, and screamed:
The high pitched scream Wheatley let out as he fell would’ve been able to convince anyone that he was actually a girl. Dottore’s knees nearly buckled under the sheer weight of the still screaming robot in his arms. After finding his footing, they all stared at Wheatley, who continued to scream for a solid minute before realizing he wasn’t falling anymore.
“AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaa…. Oh. You caught me. That’s a first- Anyway, directions! You’re going to want to follow the greyed out path through the green, and you’ll find a platform behind some broken walls and such. I’ll admit, when you get there it’s a bit of a jump, but I have faith in you lot!” He… grinned??? Well it was as close to a grin as a giant metal eyeball could get.
Everyone hummed in response and continued to trek on. Every now and then Dottore or Ei would ask about a type of flower or plant they saw, only for Wheatley to say he’s neither the flower nor plant core. Which led to Dottore asking about cores and Wheatley offering an explanation.
“Cores are… well to put it in perspective think of the basic parts of your personality. Of what makes you, you. Cores are basically that! We work as the pure forms of interests or emotions. Such as the flower core, who only ever talks about flowers. Or the anger core who… uhm… well. He screams? I guess?” Wheatley answered.
“So… what do you embody? Fear? Worry? Rambling?” Dottore asked, only for Wheatley to shout in objection.
“No! Absolutely not! None of those things! In fact, just for that, I don’t think I want to tell you.” He spun his eye around as to not look at the man carried him, causing Dottore to chuckle.
Maillardet suddenly shot ahead, causing everyone to quickly follow after. Wheatley seemed to understand why he shot ahead.
“There she is.” He muttered.
Just behind a wall, there it was.
Placed on a pedestal, vines and flowers grew all around in a mesmerizing pattern. A small hole in the roof let a halo of light fall onto the midsized device.
It was sleek. It was shiny. White and black mixed together in a perfect blend.
“Isn’t it beautiful? The pride of Aperture. What nearly all of our resources went into after its conception.” Wheatley mused. His focus was entirely on the gun in front of them.
Though his previous statement was true, there was a rather large drop from the platform they were on and the platform the Gun was on.
“You can drop me here.” The core suddenly spoke. Dottore looked down with a bit of a scowl.
“Weren’t you the one who screamed like a baby at falling only about four feet?” He asked. Wheatley scoffed.
“That was the make sure you’d catch me… anyway, I know I can survive this fall. I’ve survived worse. Just drop me and then jump down. It’ll be easier that way.” Wheatley’s voice suddenly got very serious. it lost its lively charm and became something more robotic… which was ironic.
The robot started acting more robotic, and they felt uncomfortable about it.
Dottore scoffed, then dropped the core without care. Though this time, Wheatley didn’t make a sound, just a small grunt when he hit the floor.
‘It can physically feel..?’ Dottore wondered.
Then one by one, they jumped down - Aether catching Maillardet - and began their walk over to the Gun after Dottore picked up Wheatley again.
“Hold on.” The blue eyes core suddenly spoke. His eye turned to a wall, and the panels suddenly shifted. A small control panel pushed itself out, presenting itself to the group.
“Plug me in there. I can make sure nothing hostile happens to pass by.” He explained.
“Hostile..?” Ei questioned and Wheatley, suddenly seeming very tired, sighed.
“Yes. Hostile. Just- Don’t worry about it, okay? I promise nothing will happen.” He glanced back at the group with a drooped eye. Dottore placed him on the panel.
Electricity shot out for a moment, then the core settled. He looked back, then without a word, got pulled back into the wall.
“It looks… so mesmerizing…” Maillardet whispered. He was the closest to the Gun. He hesitantly reached a hand out and touched it. Then, he picked it up and got a grip on it.
“I can’t say I’ve ever shot a gun but…” The mechanic pointed the gun at a wall, away from everyone as they watched.
He shot the gun.
And everyone watched as a pure black circle surrounded by blue latched onto the wall.
Everyone stood in shock.
He hesitantly shot right next to the blue and was met with a circle of orange.
Though now he could see through both.
And they reflected the room back to him.
He walked closer and looked through one and saw everyone looking back at him in silent disbelief.
He stuck a hand through the blue portal.
And watched his hand exit the orange.
He fell back in shock and everyone ran closer. They gathered around him, awe and shock written all across their faces.
“This is…” Dottore spoke.
“… A revelation.” Maillardet finished.
“Truly, isn’t it?”
The third voice broke everyone out of their stupor. They watched as the walls fluctuated and moved, opening the room up into another.
It was dark - pitch black, save for the screen that had only your figure on it. You stared at the group before moving your attention to the Portal Gun.
“Such an expensive piece of equipment it is… hopefully you understand what I’m about to do is only in your best interests.”
The screens blipped off, and a hole in the center of the room opened, a disgusting orange red glow emanating from it.
“Preparations Made. Systems Online. Ready For Emergency Long Fall Boot Insertion. Is Moderator Ready?”
“Yes.” Your voice rung out.
“Participant Ready?”
Before anyone could speak, you spoke for them.
“Participant is ready.”
“All Parties Set. Commencing Insertion.”
Metal wires suddenly shot out from the floor, causing everyone who could to summon weapons. Unfortunately, you had a plan for that.
Your wires shot out and gripped the visions on everyone who had one, but tightly wrapped around both Aether and Ei, quickly picking them up and throwing them into walls.
“Stand down, don’t make this harder than it needs to be.” You warned.
The wires quickly wrapped around the ankles of Maillardet, dragging him forward and making him drop the Gun. Kujo rushed forward but a wire wrapped around her and threw her to the ground.
“Last. Warning.” You said.
They were forced to watch as the vision less man was strapped down to a table that came up front the pit by those wires. Buzz saws and bone saws and needles and others rose from the hole in the ground.
Wires tore at his pants and ripped the boots off his struggling body.
“This is going to hurt. A lot. I don’t personally believe in anesthesia, but feel free to pass out.”
And with that, the first saw turned on and immediately buried itself in his leg, blood spraying and his screams ripping themselves out his throat. You could practically hear the tendons snapping as he cried.
It went until it hit bone, where you moved the buzz saw out of his leg with a sickening *squelch*, pressing the saw into his bone and quickly sawing through.
Everyone - of course, minus Dottore - did their best to look away from the scene, but Kujo couldn’t help the whimper that left her lips when some blood spattered on her face.
After bone, the buzz saw when back to work until the odd cut was completed. It was curved, leaving the front of the lower leg untouched, but the back - up to the upper caff - was completely removed, as well as the ankle and leg. Then the process started all over on the next leg.
“Did you know there was once a surgery with a 300% mortality rate? It was an amputation, much like this one, preformed by a Mr. Robert Liston over two hundred years ago. What happened was his patient died of an infection, his assistant also died of an infection after his fingers had been amputated accidentally, and a witness of shock after the knife came too close. Isn’t that interesting?”
Your words echoed through the chamber over the cries of Maillardet who just lost his other lower leg.
The two amputated leg parts were picked up by robotic claws which threw them into the hole below. Then, two odd looking boots were raised from said hole.
The class took the boots apart and began to assemble them on the man’s body. They were a solid white with black base and a weird black wire at rhetorical back.
The screams grew worse - then silent after Maillardet finally passed out due to pain - as the black wire - which was connected to the black base - was drilled into what was left of the bone. The wire was then shifted, then grafted into the muscle and bone.
The white part was reattached to the black, the straps tightening against what was left of the skin, before it was literally melted onto the boot.
The smell of burning skin, bones and blood filled the room.
“See, wasn’t that easy?”
His body was thrown off the table and next to the Gun.
The wires let go of everyone, and Aether landed on the floor, passed out.
“Why aren’t my abilities working..?” Ei wondered aloud while helping Kujo to her feet.
“You think I wouldn’t recognize a God? News Travels, Beel. We have a few protocols in case a God were to ever wonder into our wonderful facility, but I don’t think I feel like telling you exactly what’s happening to you.”
She quickly looked up above the still open hole in the ground with a glare.
“Stop being a coward and reveal yourself.” She hissed.
“If you insist.”
The lights suddenly turned on, blinding all who were awake.
Dottore stared on in wonder at your body. It resembled that of a human who was suspended from the ceiling. Legs pressed together and arms bound behind them with their back to the floor.
It was the most beautiful piece of machinery he had ever seen.
You slowly turned to face them, the orange light of your eye glaring down at them.
“Let me formally introduce myself, this time without the assistance of a recording. This body you see before you has been dubbed the “Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System”. GLaDOS for short. Though if you prefer it, (y/n) is not off the table.”
“Where… is Wheatley?” Kujo suddenly asked.
“I figured you wouldn’t like him. How shocking you ask. But if you must know… You’re free to reveal yourself.” You mussed.
Silently, the core rode in on a rail in the background on a catwalk. He looks away.
“You’ve payed me back enough, moron. You no longer hold a debt.”
The room was silent.
He had… he betrayed them?
People he didn’t even know?
“… I still feel the itch, you know..?”
Your large head turned to face the blue eyed core.
“I know I’m not the smartest… but I still feel
The itch. It’s like it’s at the back of my brain… and you know what needs to be done to fix it. Please allow me to stay. I won’t… I won’t muck up as bad as I did last time.” His voice was barely above a whisper.
He felt bad and everyone could tell, but you knew that the need to test was able to push back all other thoughts. All other emotions.
It changed people. No matter if they were made of flesh or metal.
And addiction is an addiction. No matter what.
It wouldn’t go away with a bit of cold turkey quitting. That always came with side effects.
The silence was deafening.
If you could smile, you would.
“If you want. I may have final say, but my control over the cores is loose.”
Your gaze turned back to the group who had huddled themselves in a corner, glaring at you.
But you noticed Dottore was staring with less hatred and more… curiosity.
Like a child.
“You understand why I did what I did, don’t you?” Your voice was cold, yet still somehow held some kind of twisted warmth.
“It was to make him stronger. He can survive tests without a hitch now. As soon as he recovers, we’ll be able to continue testing without a hitch. You’ll each be given a relaxation pod while we wait. I’ll be holding up the end of my deal.” You turned away and focused on the screens behind you.
“What… are you..?” Ei asked.
“I thought I answered that question. I am GLaDOS. I am (y/n). I am the current head of Aperture Science.” You turned back to the group.
“And as long as you’re here under my care, I can assure you that we’ll have loads of fun.“
Everyone who was awake was suddenly knocked out by the gas you had been silently filled the room with.
It was time for testing to begin.
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໒꒰ྀི˶˙Ⱉ˙˶꒱ྀིა Author’s note : I hope this is good! Ima be honest, don’t know if any of the explanations for anything that was explained make sense lol. Also, don’t forget to tell me if you were okay with the whole (y/n) thing! ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
This is just in case nothing more gets requested: (y/n)’s transformation went like this: human (Cave’s assistant), mascot (first take on GLaDOS-like system, success), GLaDOS (Cave asked for them [they retained their human personality and memories as the mascot] to be GLaDOS while he was dying, like in the cannon)
Now I’m gonna spend some time on Requests! After which I’ll start on Mora!Creator! Again, I hope you enjoyed! ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა˖⁺‧₊˚
And don’t be scared to request any Automation Reader (Executioner or GLaDOS) okay bye-
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xxchaosjojoxx · 4 months
I want you to see me [2/5] (Penguin x reader)
After the events on Whole Cake Island, you rejoined your Crew, the Heart Pirates, with the strawhats. You never interacted with Shachi, Penguin and the rest of your crew due to your shy personality. Suddenly you can interact with them without any problems and are really close to Sanji on top of it. Even so, Penguin isn’t quite fond of you, seeing you and Sanji flirting with each other makes him a little jealous.
A/N: Backstory time \o\
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Chapter 2: How to become a Heart Pirate
It was just another day in your hometown. The same routine like everyday. You went to the library, working there. Reading, organizing books, waiting for people to help them.
While you were climbing on the ladder to return the books to their place, you could hear that someone opened the door and entered the library. A soft “hello” was coming from the entrance. “I’ll be there right away.” You said and turned your head, getting a glance at the person who entered just now. A tall handsome looking man with a penguin on his hat was all you saw. Without realizing how far you turned to get a better glimpse at him you lost your balance and landed on the ground with a loud thump. The books in your hands were landing on and beside you with a loud crash.
You were rubbing your head and heard fast footsteps running towards you.
“Shoot. Is everything ok? Are you hurt?” You looked up to the handsome man, standing in front of you with a worried look, holding a hand for you to grab. Your glasses fell nearly off, as you jumped up, stepping on another book, tumbling and nearly falling again. A strong hand grabbed your arm while the other hand held your back.
With your (e/c) eyes you were scanning him, he was so close you could barely see his eyes under his hat. With a bright red face you tumbled back and stuttered a “Yeah thank you.”
This man gave you the sweetest smile you’ve ever seen. “I’m relieved. Maybe you should take it slow. Our captain is a doctor. Maybe he should check up on you. Just in case. Take a seat, I will hurry.” With that he stormed outside the library. Your face flushed and you were hearing your rapid heartbeat in your ears. He was such a gentleman.
You smacked your cheeks as you sat down on a chair. “Why am I such an idiot? Why can’t I talk to people like a normal person?!” You ask yourself. You were a shy and introverted person, without having any friends in this town. The townspeople were always nice to you but you wouldn’t consider them friends. You would love to talk to people and be friends with them, but you were too shy and too clumsy. Always making a fool of yourself, stuttering. Who would be friends with someone like you anyway?
You were so lost in thought that you didn’t realize that there was another young man standing in front of you.
“I couldn’t find any bruises with my scan, so I guess you aren’t hurt.”
The young man kneeled before you and you were hiding yourself behind a book.
“Didn’t mean to disturb you. He said you fell down and hurt yourself.”
You were looking at him. /Is this the captain he talked about?/ The man in front of you was tall with black hair and piercing gold-gray eyes. He looked pissed and somehow familiar.
“You are the librarian here?” he asked while you nodded shyly. “Mind If I take a look around?”
“Be my guest.” He shot you a small smile while he went looking around.
As you stood up again and returned the books that fell off with you earlier you heard that he was leaving the library, at least you thought so. You could barely hear him mumbling something. You went towards your desk and saw him reading your notebook that was normally laying on your desk. With fast steps you tried to grab it from him.
He held it high enough so you couldn’t reach it. “Why the hell do you have information about me and the other pirates from the worst generation?” He yelled at you, while grabbing your wrist. You tried to flee from his grip and were panicking. “Please…”
“Were you trying to call the marine?!”
You shocked your head and had tears forming in your eyes. “N-No. It’s just…” You sniffed and whimpered. He waited for a response.
You tried to calm yourself down and took a deep breath,
“It’s for defense.” Now you remember why this man looked familiar. It was Trafalgar Law. Surgeon of the Death. Law looked at you slightly confused.
“You know if pirates try to attack us. Someone has to create a plan on how to defend yourself against those pirates. I just gained all the information and thought about a strategy.”
His grip loosened as he read the next page.
“You gained information about us. Our Bounty, devil fruit power, weapons, crewmember etc.” he said while flipping the pages. “There are various ideas of how to get away with us, based on our combat style and power. How’d you get the information?”
“I like to research.”
“And it was you, who came up with these strategies? For self-defense?"
You nodded.
“You are a good tactician . I could need someone like you in my crew.”
He said calmly and you shrieked. You looked at him with fear in your eyes. “I won’t force you though. Someone who likes gaining knowledge and coming up with strategies like this, is pretty helpful.”
“Y-You won’t harm me or the other townspeople?” He looked at you in disbelief. “I’m not a monster. We just needed to refill some stuff.”
After a while you talked a little bit and you realized that Law is a decent guy. No one ever said that you might be helpful for anyone. As some time passed you thought about his words earlier and agreed to join his crew. Maybe you could be friends with his crew, especially the handsome man from earlier.
~flashback end~
This was the day you met Law and Penguin for the first time. Law was frightening you in the beginning but till this day, he did everything to make you feel comfortable around the Heart Pirates.
“I would love to get some of your love as well, mi amore.” Sanji said while humming. You could only chuckle along with him. While you were with the strawhats on Whole Cake Island you talked a lot about yourself and your crew with Nami and Sanji. The two of them realized pretty early that you also developed a crush on one of your crewmates. It was so easy to open up towards them, you wish you could do the same with your own crew.
“Captain! We should protect Y/N.” Penguin said and Law looked at him annoyed. “I-I mean what if someone tries to harm her? She isn’t the best fighter.”
Law was sighing heavenly. “She is with blackleg-ya. He is capable enough to protect her, if things go wrong. He is one of the reliable members of the strawhats.”
Penguin gulped. “See, I told you, Penguin.” Shachi said. He was annoyed as well after this incident back there. “But he is a pervert who flirts with nearly every woman he sees.”
Law stood up and glared at him. Penguin felt a shiver. Captain could be very intimidating.
“So are you two sometimes. Like I said. He will do anything to protect her. I am sure of it.” And with that Law left the cabin, leaving Penguin, Shachi and Bepo alone.
Shachi was groaning. “Dude Y/N was never really close to us. Why do you care so much about her right now?!”
Bepo tried to calm Shachi down. “Y/N was always nice to me.”
“Wow Bepo. She was nice to you and the captain. Congrats.” Bepo flinched.
It was rare for Shachi to react like that. Penguin knew him better than anyone. Shachi was one of the first people to start a party to welcome you as soon as you joined. But you shook your head while sitting in the corner, reading a book silently. Shachi tried his best every now and then. They all did and thought you were just shy, but you never interacted with anyone on your own. You talk a little to everyone but never exchange words with him or even Shachi. So seeing you and talking so casually towards the strawhats, must’ve been hard for Shachi. “Don’t get mad, Shachi. I’m just concerned. She is our crewmate after all. We have to protect her. Not the strawhats.”
Shachi sighed and lay on the ground while yawning. “Yeah you’re right somehow. So what should we do?”
Penguin was thinking while walking up and down. “I wanna keep an eye on her and their cook. I know that we can’t visit them everyday but maybe this is our chance to get to know her as well.”
Shachi was confused. “Ok I guess you’re right. But why should we keep an eye on this Sangoro guy?” - “Maybe Penguin is worried that he alone can’t help her.” Bepo said.
Penguin was fumbling with his katana. “He touches her all the time. He is strong and capable of protecting her, yeah. But maybe he is the problem and dangerous for her.”
Shachi blinked. “Dude. Are you crushing on her or why are you jealous all of the sudden?”
Penguin turned bright red and began to stutter. “W-What. No. I’m not. We don’t know her well enough for this kinda thing.”
Shachi was grinning. “You can still crushing on her y’know? I get it, she looks really beautiful in this kimono. I do find her attractive as well, even so her attitude sucked.”
Pen tried to hide his flushing face. “Shut up.”
Bepo looked between his two friends. “Why should Penguin crush her? I thought there was a hint that he might like her”, the mink asked, confused.
While Shachi laughed at this. Penguin tried to hide his embarrassment even more.
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forgedroyalseal · 5 months
Part One
That’s what the townsfolk had called the beast that lurked in the shadows of Seacliff. The innkeeper claimed that it could imitate the cry of a baby, a tactic it used to lure people from the safety of their homes and into its waiting jaws. Several farmers told him that it didn’t just pray on sheep and goats, but on foals and calves as well. Will had overheard a group of schoolchildren whispering stories about the demon dog that stalked the shoreline once the sun set. Half wolf, half devil. A monster with glowing red eyes and blood stained teeth. Will had always chalked it up as an overgrown superstition. A ghost story. Until he hear the howl.
Will couldn’t sleep. But these days, he almost never could. Seacliff’s winters were milder than Redmont’s but instead of snow, winter brought violet, booming storms. Waves crashed against the cliffs like stones, shaking the island itself. Rain poured from the heavens so hard, that in the morning, after the storm had passed, the earth would be torn up, branches ripped from trees and thrown across fields. And while Will was grateful that it rarely became cold enough for the rain to turn to ice, the thunderous noise of the storms echoed in Will’s mind, rummaging around until it found the memories he so desperately tried to drown. Memories of teetering on waves so tall they made him feel as though he was floating on a child’s bath toy rather than a massive Skandian ship. Memories of relentless rain, of being soaked to the bone, of forgetting what it felt like to be dry and warm and safe. Even now, years later, the mere sound of crashing waves made his stomach roll and flip, just as it had on the journey to Skandia.
So on nights like tonight, with it raining so heavy Will was certain it would never stop, he tossed and turned in his sheets like that ship in that storm. The sound of the wind and rain was deafening, only interrupted by the roaring thunder that preceded each shock of lightning. Will had laid awake through each and every storm since his arrival in Seacliff, and he was well versed in the crashing symphony that was playing. So when he heard a deep, desperate howl break through, he noticed. He sat up in his bed, white sheets pooling around his waist. There it was again, a howl so loud it somehow cut through the storm. His first thought was wolves, not that he’d ever seen one in Seacliff, but there was something distinctly different to this howl than that of the ones he’s heard from wolves. It was haunting and lonely and with a pathetic realization, it occurred to Will that it was what he imagined his heart would sound like on nights like this if it could speak.
Will shook his head at the thought. He’d spent too many nights awake and alone, it was making him morose. He pulled himself out of bed, covering his bare torso with the shirt that had been discarded on the floor earlier in the evening. Opening the door, he looked out into the black night, eyes searching for the source of the howl. The last thing he wanted to do was to leave the safety and relative warmth of his cabin, but Will could only assumed that whatever poor creature was out there, also didn’t want to be where it was.
“Right then, come on out.” He shouted into the storm. Another howl. “I bet you don’t want to be out here any more than I do,” He yelled, the wind swallowing his words, “so just take cover on the porch.”
He waited, questioning whether or not this was proof that he’s officially lost it. Wasn’t this a sign of madness? Shouting out to the wind and expecting a response. Just as he was about to give up, a pair of shining eyes appeared in the darkness. “Hi there.” Will said gently, praying he wasn’t about to be mauled to death by whatever mysterious beast roamed the cliffs. Gilan would never let him live it down, dead or not.
A flash of lightning illuminated sky, and Will got his first look at the animal in front of him. It was far more dog than beast, though it’s skinny legs seemed endless. It wore a matted cloak of wiry, soot gray fur, a dirty patch on its chest that at one point was probably white. Another rumble of thunder drew out a pitiful whimper from dog, who cowered its head and trembled.
“Oh you poor thing. Come on, it’s ok.” Will crouched down and slowly extended his hand. After a bit of cooing and soft words, the dog finally nudged its head against his palm.
“You’re freezing, buddy. Let’s get you warmed up.” Will shifts back, still crouching, until he’s past the doorway of the cabin. The dog hesitantly follows, its tail tucked firmly between its legs.
Once inside, Will made quick work of finding water and some scraps to feed the dog, then set them down beside the fire in the dishes he had used for Shadow. The dog however, stayed shaking by the door, eyes darting nervously back and forth.
“Right, let’s get you warm first then.” Will grabbed the quilt from the back of the sofa and carefully placed it over the dog. He rubbed down its back, drying it the best he could. In his effort to help bring some warmth back to the dog, he examined it for any injuries, but found none. He did a quick check and patted the dog on its head, who responded with a slight wag of its whip-like tail.
“That’s a good boy. You’ll need a proper bath, but that can wait.” Will stepped back, and decide it was best to let the dog set the pace of the evening. Will walked over and collapsed on the sofa, the cold and lack of sleep crashing into him all at once. He let his eyes droop, but stayed awake. Seconds later there was a quiet clicking of nails from the door the dishes on the floor. Will smiled to himself and kept his eyes shut. Soon enough, he heard more shuffling, then a cold, wet nose was pressing itself against his cheek. He cracked an eye open and smiled at the dog that was face to face with him. He patted at the space beside him on the couch.
“I think we should both try and get some sleep. Dawn will be here before we know it.”
The dog gingerly stepped onto the sofa, circled twice, then plopped down, resting its massive head onto Will’s chest, right above his heart. Will began rubbing patterns into the fur between the dog’s eyes, and soon the calming motion had lulled them both to sleep.
A/N: inspiration for the dog below (yes, it’s an Irish Wolfhound)
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aylish91 · 2 years
A Gaurdian of the Deep
What’s this? A terrible no good month has finally allowed me a bit of inspiration for a written piece? 
This was heavily inspired by @skumhuu ‘s Leviathantale. Want a little Reader X Giant Leviathan? It’s not much but here ya go. haha.
Now multi chapter story on ao3 here.
Y/N. No matter what anyone might tell you, I want you to remember something for me. Always give thanks to the sharks. They are the servants of the guardians and these are their waters. Ask and give thanks for safe passage and make sure that whenever you take, you give back. 
I want you to remember… If you can remember, then maybe one day, even after I am gone… something might be given back in return… 
~ ~ ~ 
You knew better than to brave the waters while the storms raged. Your boat was too small to counter the combination of waves and wind. You also didn’t have enough light without the full moon guiding your way, the lantern and boat’s lights hardly bright enough to shine a few feet ahead. But you knew the way and had forced yourself to make the trip anyway. 
One last offering to the guardians before you were driven from your home island to the mainland. You owed it to your grandmother and yourself to give one last time. 
You almost didn’t make it. 
You certainly wouldn’t be making it back. 
Though you had gotten to your favored rocky platform, the chaotic waves had inevitably slammed your tiny boat into them, effectively throwing you out and sinking the vessel. Your body had been next. For a few terrifying minutes, you were thrashed against the rocks until you were able to somehow pull yourself onto one of the rocky ledges to escape. You don’t know how you managed to keep a grip on the strap to your cooler... 
It was dark, you were covered in cuts and bruises, and your leg had definitely been broken at some point during the ordeal. You were alive, but for how long, you were not sure. 
It was raining and uncharacteristically cold... 
It was while lying there, offering displayed dutifully in front of you, that you saw it. Or rather, him. 
He was just as your grandmother had said. An enormously large being from the depths of the ocean. One of the guardians of your island, body a writhing mass of tentacles with the upper half of a skeleton. The entirety of him was as black as pitch with an occasional sheen of bioluminescence that matched the orb of a light inside his uncovered socket. 
He was absolutely magnificent...
With a voice as deep and dark as the ocean, he spoke to you, asking all manner of questions from why you had continued to give offerings despite his absence, why you came today, and many more seemingly meaningless things. Naturally, you obliged him, speaking with the guardian as if he were an old friend. 
You told him of your island home, who your grandmother was, and how much you owed the being for everything he’d done for your island and your family. You spoke of the company that had taken over and was forcing everyone away, and of how this was meant to be your last offering. You also spoke of all the things the both of you loved. All this and more, well into the night. 
The longer you spoke, the closer his massive form came. Other flashes of light could be seen in the water beyond him, but you had paid them little mind. It wasn’t until your body had stopped shivering and an overwhelming heat overtook you, that you knew your time was coming to an end. 
It was getting harder to focus... 
“Your life is waning...” 
You hummed, finding you had to force your eyes open again. “I suppose it is... Do you think, if I had been more like my grandmother, that we could have met before? Talked together, just like this… You are, beyond my words.” 
A tentacle slowly wrapped around you, pulling you from the ledge. It felt nice against the sudden heat. You couldn’t help but caress the smooth appendage. They were so soft, yet undeniably strong... Another wrapped around your wrist when you were pulled closer to the guardian’s body and everything shifted.
“What is it that you wish, little fish? What would you have me do?” 
You did your best to look up into that beautifully bright orb of his, smiling as your body naturally relaxed. Your words were barely above a whisper. 
“Being able to see you has been enough. I should be offering what’s left of myself to you... So, please. Take it. My soul is yours...” 
Your breath was rugged and your sight was leaving, but you could feel the way your body was gently squeezed, his breath rushed over you. Something brushed against your ear as another breath prickled your neck while you were transferred to what you assumed were his hands…
“You shouldn't offer such a gift so freely little fish. Though you are innocent and kind, I am selfish and greedy. I cannot help but find you too enticing not to accept...” His voice was a rumbling purr.
You were too far gone to reply, limply laying within his hold. As you felt the both of you sink, another voice spoke from the darkness, warm and bright. 
“Brother, shall I—”  
“No. I have decided. I will do it myself.” 
There was a soft chuckle. “Of course, Nightmare.” 
You never felt the water wash over you.
Leviathan Master List         Grand Master Post
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lukerycyja · 2 years
Lone Feather in the Sea of Petals
@zhongrin i have finally did the promised alhaitham fic.
This might be a part one to something i guess?
Paring: Eventual Alhaitham x God!Reader
Tried to do it inclusive to all races, female reader Words:2.9k Warnings: sexual slavery and sexual abuse are discussed, human trafficing, mentions of blood, lmk if there is anymore else I hope i got Alhaitham’s character right
Flowers finally started blooming. Their small, colorful petals started showing their delicate tips, yellow anthers still too deeply hidden to become visible. Green leaves sprinkled across the branches of various trees, still shining with their youth. Soft breeze carried gentle, rich smell, mixed with aroma of the great blue. Storms stopped being so frequent three weeks ago, now only occasionally running through the islands, mostly just bringing rain and stronger wind rather than full on storm. The life finally started. White and golden birds, that resembled cranes, and yet were too different to be one, with various colored tails, flowing gently on the wind, sung their song, sounds pleasurable to the ear and artistic, like a bard singing and playing some not yet invented instrument. Their wings flapping with no sound, swift flight looking weightless and fluid. From time to time some of the feathers in their tails fell, dancing their way to the ground, while pinkish hue slowly replaced gold. There was rush in the streets, everyone running around in frenzy doing their task, yet way too busy for it to be just some morning rush. Various smells filled the air, from sweet pastries to wood wax and burned paper. There was noise, street buzzing with life, from time to time an excited shriek of a child or falling wooden frames cut through it, echoing across the land. Streets were being decorated, performers trained in struggle to achieve perfection. Bakeries and restaurants worked overtime to deliver all of the promised delicacies, while in Cherry Harbor ships docked and departed whole day and night. The trees blooming was enough of a reason on restarting businesses or start going on, but while busy all year long, islands were never this busy. Only time when this happened, was in the spring when storms ceased and the aroma of freshness dominated the air around The Pleasure Archipelago. Blooming Love Festival was almost in full swing.
He knew exactly why he was sent there. He made a mistake. But what was this mistake was a mystery. The problem was, that sages in the Akademiya were very hormonal, and what was once an asset, it could turn quickly into unwanted, digging mole, that had to be exterminated. He was unfortunately a mole now, thrown into small cage, bound and gagged, awaiting extermination. He wouldn’t get killed or deemed insane and thrown into merciless desert thankfully, but he didn’t know if the fate awaiting him wasn’t even worse. He could escape from the desert, but islands were way harder. Also, very limited knowledge was available for planning anything. As far as he knew, living “gifts” could be made into sex slaves, prostitutes, priests or even be sacrificed for the god of love and fertility. There was a lot of possibilities and almost none were certain. And that didn’t help at all. Door to his cell slowly opened, and Yen walked in, carrying a straw and a bottle. She was a young girl found in the desert that somehow ended up being one of the maintenance workers for the Akademiya. It was a miracle she even got this far – desert folk had no place anywhere near Sumeru city according to many of its citizens. “Are you holding up today?” she asked, waiting for his nod. Due to the gag he couldn’t respond of course, he only had his gag taken for meals, when Yen would take it out before leaving. She was understanding, simply because she disliked Akademiya. But what is one desert girl against powerful and controlling form of government. “Ah, that’s good, that’s good. I heard from one sage that was here earlier today that you will be escorted out of the city in the night. They said something about Port Ormos  and shipment across the sea, but I don’t know the details, sorry.” her soft tone was all that he needed to know. His fate was sealed then. “Well, they also mentioned, that you had to be “groomed properly” before departure, but I have no idea what that means. But guessing from the tone, they will make you suffer” she winced. Yen put a straw between his gag and mouth, allowing some water to get into his mouth. He drank as much as he could. He knew that if this was any other person, they would laugh and humiliate him first. She did things fast and gave him very much needed information. He started to like her. Too bad it won’t get anywhere. “They wont miss you” that was the last thing the girl said before leaving. And he was alone again. What was surprising to him, was that there was no physical abuse, they didn’t even spit on him once. Now, getting information that he was supposed to be “groomed”, it confirmed that he had to be in impeccable state. So probably a sacrifice or sex slave. After all, what else? It was a festival of love, not only sweet, but physical one as well. And while sages didn’t respect Lesser Lord Kusanali, and her probable will to attend didn’t matter to them, all of Teyvat knew that the god of love was one of the most feared ones, and no matter Archon or not, every ten years representatives or gods themselves attended the festival to ask for good luck in love or to not have a famine caused by infertile animals and soil. It was said that during the Archon War said god desolated the land and destroyed gods by making them fight for unachievable love. No one dared to fight her later on, instead pleading for her mercy, offering her the position across the Seven. And yet, she refused, preferring to pull on heartstrings of others and bending unbendable to her will. Legends said that Celestia acknowledged her power and gave her a throne in secret. But these were just some tales. What was true was that this god wasn’t known to be merciful and lived with her people in one of the biggest brothels known to man. Next few days were painful and humiliating to a degree. Turns out, “grooming” was exactly it. He was waxed, washed and scrubbed so hard that he felt like he had his skin rubbed off of him, oiled and massaged, which was very painful, and had to do a lot of stretching and dancing. Thankfully, it wasn’t sexual at all, mostly uncomfortable. Stretching was the worst, because despite being athletic and rather agile in his opinion due to sword fight training, he never knew his limbs and spine could bend that much. After a week, his body was sore and his skin had so much oil rubbed in it, that he constantly looked shiny. The smell of it was nice at the beginning, but right now he wanted to swim in mud and roll around in very dirty stables, just to get this intense smell off of him. He felt like his muscles were drenched in it, flowery stench seeping into his bones and making him human air refresher. However today, he was fed breakfast and thrown into a room, bound and gagged. This time however, his hands and legs were bound with silk ribbons and his gag was made out of a bamboo segment, with ribbon tied around his head. He heard sailors talk about arriving tomorrow, if weather will allow them and he knew that next meal will be at the destination. His only hope was to not suddenly develop sea sickness. As he prepared for amazingly passionate wall watching session, someone entered his room. It was a female dressed in Akademiya clothes with Akasha terminal glowing in the barely lit room. She looked at him in disgust, and yet she restrained her face expressions, leaving only eyes betrying her real feelings about being in the same room as him. “You committed crimes against Akademiya and whole nation of Sumeru. However, you did a lot for us. That’s why your punishment isn’t being sent to the desert. We both know that you would escape anyways. I’m giving you a warning. You are a gift, so act like one. Be pretty and obey to whatever commands will be ordered. Otherwise, many will suffer.” She spoke quietly and then left, leaving him in silence again. Well, it’s not like he had a choice to be a brat anyways. His journey was interrupted soon, or at least what felt like soon. It was hard to tell, and his window was out of the reach of his eyes. Its not like he could get up and not lose his teeth after all. Three women and two men entered his tiny room, filling it with various fabrics and cosmetic products. Great. More smelly perfume. They started brushing his hair, while two of them was throwing fabrics in his face and almost instantly taking it back. He didn’t know if he preferred being tortured right now, because they didn’t care if pulling his hair caused him pain or if he wanted to have some privacy, as they took off his clothes and complained about his muscles being an inch too wide to fit in their chosen dress. They treated him like a piece of meat, meant to be sold. Finally they decided on skin tight sleeveless shirt with delicate dendro pattern on it, with knee length simple skirt and decorative obi style belt, along with long, flowy fabric attached to his neck in arms. His forelocks stayed the same, but the rest of his hair was tied, at least as much as it could, with decorative piece behind his ear. He also had heavy earrings, that painfully dragged his irritated ears, after not very pleasant puncture that was done to him without a warning. He was also forced into high tights with holes for his fingers. He thanked whatever was watching him for that knee long skirt. His makeup was also applied in unpleasant way, since one of the men grabbed his face and held it in place, as a lot of dust tickled his nose. He didn’t know why they used colored dust instead of using more wet methods. Did they wanted to torture him as well? Whole experience was very dehumanizing. He didn’t even had his muzzle taken off, for whatever reason. He looked like a doll and his face was tingling with pain. He was sure that he got bruises from the strong grip that man had on his face, but they probably did cover it up in makeup. He lost the track of time during this whole ordeal, and apparently, they were close now.
All of his old life would soon be definitely finished and it was a question if he will die or live without freedom, as a property. He didn’t know what was worse at this point. Finally, the moment has arrived. He was dragged out by two guards outside. Sudden light of sunset blinded him for a second, but his sense of smelling was finally freed from heavy, nauseating perfumes. The air smelled of crisp sea, mouthwatering food and fresh, exotic flowers. It was truly refreshing. The moment his vision returned, he could only wonder at what he was seeing. Harbor was filled to a brim, every inch taken by ships and sailors. Workers dragged various chests out of the ships, each one carefully taken, as if whatever was in there, could shatter easily. But the best sight was the gate. Big statues of man and woman held stone ribbon with flowers coming out of it with doves on it. Stone birds were probably the size of small boat. Real birds meanwhile looked like tiny specks of dust. It was also either a miracle or hard work, that the statues were spotless and decorated with various flowers, while petals floated with the wind. He couldn’t look too long, before he got put in a cage covered in silk and his view was covered. His cage moved and it felt like someone started dragging his caricature of a carriage. Whole experience was still surreal to him, but what could he do. Nothing. His short ride stopped and he was left waiting again. His earrings really started getting on his nerves now, ears hurt under the weight of crystals. He was bound with ribbons now, stuck kneeling, and his knees were now hurting as well. At least on the ship he could sit. This eternal waiting finally ended when he heard bells and then silence. He heard people talking before, and someone giving a speech, but he couldn’t hear exactly what was said. Then, he was dragged out of the cage and forced to stand, finally taking in his surroundings. He was standing in the middle of a small, round plaza, in front of a stage. Around him were various riches, from minerals and fruits, to flowers and books. Behind him, were the Archons, kneeling, along with the highest representatives from each country. He was dragged out by some guard, that the clothes were of unknown origin to him. And someone was sitting on a throne in front of him. Her golden and light pink robes were covering most of the throne. She wore a dress with no sleeves that was showing her bare shoulders. Her (s/c) skin gleamed under the sunset light, with golden shine around it. Her (h/c) hair was carefully tied up and partially covered with cloth tied in it by detailed and delicate hairpins. Cloth also covered most of her face, except for lips covered in glittering, pink dye and impeccable, clean skin. She also had an abundance of golden jewelry covering what clothes could not. The throne was made out of pink crystal, glimmering in the sun. It was trapped in vines, that blood red roses came out of, with glittering water covering freshly opened buds. It’s thorns deep pink color, frighteningly sharp would scare any brave hand from picking flowers. If it wasn’t intimidating enough, weird, black colored birds sat around the stage and a few of them on top of the throne. Birds reminded him of cranes, but with shorter necks and a lot of missing feathers. Their beaks were shorter and curled, similar to an eagle. But their eyes… God, their eyes. Red orbs, filled with hatred and thirst for blood, all looking straight at him, piercing his mortal body and clawing at his soul. Their intense stare was already parting his limbs and sinking into his organs with greedy claws and beaks fighting for scraps of muscle saturated with blood. His blood. He was almost sure, that the only thing keeping them from tearing his flesh between themselves was the goddess on the throne. He noticed that there was another person standing right next to the throne, almost unnoticeable among the birds. His slender and malnourished form with grey skin and dark hair caused him to disappear among the birds, his scarlet eyes filled with the same emotion as them. That… man looked him up and down and snarled with disgust. “And what is this supposed to be” It was more of a statement than a question. Which was honestly surprising, because he didn’t sound disgusted with him but rather aimed at whoever was representing Sumeru, standing in the audience. “It is an offering, your highness. A healthy man that just entered his prime. I’m sure that you will find him useful” one of the sages said. Man sneered and turned his ugly head to the figure on the throne. “Are you accepting this “offering”, my liege?” by the way he spoke the word offering, he wanted to throw Sumeru representatives to the mercy of those awful birds, which meant no mercy at all. Woman seemed to be pondering for some time, and then moved her hand slightly, indicating for them all to move on. Man just mumbled something under his nose and nodded at the guard still holding him. “Take that… thing to the palace and make sure it’s prepared for further use” And with that, guard had unceremoniously thrown him over the shoulder and started walking behind the scene, bowing his head at the god sitting at the throne. Behind it were maids, or what he assumed were maids, all wearing gold and pink silk sarees, their faces covered with a cloth hanging from a silver headband. All were standing behind the throne and he didn’t know if all or any of them were women. But who he was to judge, as he himself was wrapped and covered in so much fabric and makeup, that he didn’t know what he looked like, only that it was supposed to make him look submissive and breedable, like some livestock. Behind the tent that made the back of the stage, was an entrance to a palace. It didn’t have high towers, but it was rather flat, similar to some desert buildings. There was no desert, but there were storms and open sea, so that’s probably why it wasn’t tall. It’s thick, decorative columns alone seemed like guards, watchfully observing all that was before them. The door opened a little, tall and thick, darkness form the inside keeping the contents of the palace safely behind a veil. As the door closed and the last of sunlight was blocked off, the guard dropped him on the ground and then clapped his hands twice. Immediately two servants with covered faces appeared, both dressed in very expensive clothing and jewelry, yet kept modest. The cloth that was covering had a weird symbol on it. It looked like a heart that was melting, with thorns around it. “Prepare him. He is of use.” And with that, the guard was gone.
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
Vigcup Week 2023 Day 3
First Contact
Prompt: Nature
Rated: mature
Warnings: none
Pairings: Hiccup/Viggo, Hiccup & Toothless
Word Count: 2,479
Summary: Viggo, Hiccup, and Toothless are trapped in a snowstorm together and must find shelter so they don’t freeze to death.
Hiccup had never predicted this happening. Any of it. First, Viggo had actually surrendered to him. Second, they’d been hit by a snowstorm on the way back to Dragon’s Edge, and were now landing on an unknown island to take shelter.
The whole thing left Hiccup feeling rather suspicious. He’d gone out on patrol only to find a lone Hunter ship and Viggo aboard, ready to surrender. He knew it was a ploy, knew it was part of his game, but he’d feel better playing said game if he had his friends by his side. 
So, he’d accepted his surrender, bound his hands, and put him on Toothless’ back behind him. 
Now, they were still atop Toothless, though the dragon was trudging through snow. Hiccup had an arm over his face to keep out the driving wind.
“My dear, how are you going to see like that?” Viggo chimed in from behind.
“Don’t call me that,” Hiccup snapped. He made a growling noise at Viggo’s words. “And I don’t have to see. Toothless will find us shelter.”
“And how will he do that without your guidance?” He sounded more than annoyed. The two of them didn’t have any winter gear, so he was most definitely cold like Hiccup.
Hiccup didn’t feel like explaining. With his other hand, fingers icy, he patted Toothless on the neck, and Toothless opened his mouth and let out a whistling noise. With that, he changed direction, and the ground underneath them began to slope uphill. 
“Oh, I see,” Viggo said. “He’s like a bat.”
Hiccup said nothing, greatly annoyed by the man on his dragon’s back with him. 
Well, he was more annoyed with himself, if he was being honest. Why? 
Because he liked the man behind him on Toothless’ back. He liked him a little too much, and he was hoping that this surrender was real, that he could talk him into giving them peace. 
But what better way to make Viggo think he didn’t like him than being short with him? Hiccup couldn’t let him know! He couldn’t let anyone know! 
Hiccup couldn’t follow exactly where Toothless was going; there was too much snow. He was shivering, but trying his best to hide it. He didn’t want to seem weak in front of Viggo. Though, maybe he was shivering too. Maybe those were his hands trembling against his back. 
Finally, the snow stopped falling on them, because Toothless had led them into a cave. Teeth chattering, now unable to hide that he was shivering, Hiccup dismounted and shook snow out of his hair. Viggo just looked at him from Toothless’ back, wearing a scowl. 
“Well, I can’t very well easily get off of Toothless with my hands tied, now can I?” Viggo asked.
Hiccup realized that was the first time Viggo had ever said Toothless’ name, and Toothless realized this too, because he looked back at him, ear twitching.
Huffing, Hiccup decided he would help. After all, he didn’t want Viggo falling face-first on the cavern floor. (Granted, had Snotlout been here, he knew that he would appreciate it.) 
Hiccup guided Viggo off of Toothless, wincing when his hands landed on his armor. The metal was ice to his touch. 
Then they just stood there, the storm whistling and howling outside.
“Okay, we need to get warm somehow,” Hiccup said. He looked at Toothless, and he could read it on his face that he wished that Meatlug was there. Hiccup did too. She’d be able to just leave some lava on the floor that they could gather around to keep warm.
But there was nothing, and Hiccup didn’t have wood for a fire. 
That meant only one thing: 
Sharing body heat. 
Toothless went to the back of the cave, laid down, and warbled to call Hiccup over. Hiccup did so, then sat curled up against Toothless. He wasn’t as warm as a human though, given that he was a cold-blooded dragon. Hiccup looked almost longingly at Viggo. 
“You… cuddle with it-him?” Viggo asked. Hiccup noticed how he changed his language to not call Toothless an “it.” He’d still slipped up, but he was clearly making an effort. 
“Yes?” Hiccup didn’t really know how to respond. It was normal to him to cuddle with Toothless, but he figured to a Dragon Hunter, it appeared extremely foreign. 
Viggo still just stood there, and Hiccup could make out the trembles in his body.
Hiccup cleared his throat, face heating. “W-we should… we should share body heat.”
Viggo nodded, came over, and sat beside Hiccup. 
The instant he touched him, Hiccup yelped.
“Ow! Take off your pauldrons! Why do you wear so many spikes?!”
Viggo held up his bound hands. “Do you want to take them off for me?” He simpered at him, his eyes big and almost coyly pleading. 
Growling behind clenched teeth, Hiccup shakily drew his knife and cut through Viggo’s bonds. Viggo rubbed his wrists after, but gave up, fingers probably too cold to work any feeling back into his wrists. 
Sheathing the knife, Hiccup cuddled closer to Toothless as Viggo began to take off his pauldrons. Or… he was trying to, but his fingers kept slipping.
Viggo cursed under his breath. Hiccup didn’t know what to do. Help him? Help the man he felt attraction to (but shouldn’t) undress? 
Finally, Hiccup couldn’t watch any longer. He found the clasp to the nearest pauldron and, together, he and Viggo were able to unbuckle it and pull it off. 
“Um… do you need more help, or…?”
“Assistance would be appreciated,” Viggo said so quietly he almost mumbled. Viggo Grimborn. Mumbling. 
This is officially the weirdest day of my life, Hiccup decided.
So, Hiccup leaned over Viggo, and together they managed to take off the left pauldron. That still left the belt though… And his breastplate.
“Fuck! It’s freezing!” Hiccup exclaimed, rubbing at his arms through his tunic, trying to not pay attention to Viggo unbuckling his belt.
“Then there is one conclusion we must come to,” Viggo said. He smirked at Hiccup, and Hiccup hated that he liked that smirk. 
“And that is?”
“Think for yourself, my dear.” 
Hiccup huffed. “I’m not undressing.” 
Viggo shrugged. “Then we’ll both freeze to death.” He said it like it was the simplest thing in the world.
Hiccup glanced at Toothless, looking for his opinion on this. Toothless just gave Viggo a nod, telling Hiccup he was right.
“Okay, okay!” Hiccup threw up his hands, and then, he too, began taking off his armor. The leather creaked from being frozen. 
It felt counterintuitive, undressing while freezing to death, but really, once the two were naked and… and cuddling, they’d be nice and warm.
“Hang on.” Once Hiccup had quickly yanked off his tunic, so fast that he wouldn’t be able to think about it, he pulled a quilt from Toothless’ saddlebag. Now they wouldn’t have to necessarily see each other’s naked… parts. 
Then, Hiccup was standing, turning his back to Viggo, and shucking off his clothes as quickly as possible. If he stopped to think, embarrassment (and cold), would freeze him solid.
Viggo was standing to the do the same, but he was taking more time with it than Hiccup had. He seemed assured in what he was doing, like this situation wasn’t awkward at all. 
Hiccup huddled against Toothless and pulled the quilt over himself. He couldn’t help daring a peek at Viggo from behind. He was able to keep his jaw from dropping at the man’s wonderful physique. Muscle outlined every part of him. 
To put it simply, Viggo was beautiful. 
Hiccup quickly turned his head away when Viggo turned and sat next to him. He surrendered one side of the quilt to Viggo.
At first they weren’t touching, and Hiccup didn’t know who was going to make the initial contact. They had to be touching to keep warm. They could die out here if they didn’t. 
But the thought of cuddling with Viggo was so strange that Hiccup didn't know if he could do it.
He didn't have to, apparently, because he felt Viggo shift and his arms wrap around him so that Hiccup's back was against his front. He felt like ice, at the moment, but Hiccup knew that in time the two of them would warm up.
Toothless curled tighter around them as Hiccup and Viggo shifted to lay down. Sitting wasn't very conducive to cuddling for warmth.
Hiccup gasped when Viggo's legs touched his, both from the iciness of his skin and the fact that it was Viggo touching him, their thighs pressed together. He tried not to think too hard about the fact that he could slightly feel Viggo's cock, receded into himself as it was due to the cold.
"Is there a problem, my dear?" Viggo's voice was a purr in his ear.
"N-no," Hiccup stammered. "Not-not at all." He didn't want Viggo to know that he was making him heat in multiple ways.
"Sounds like there is."
"Would you... would you stop?"
"Stop what?"
Hiccup made an irritated growling sound in his throat. "You know what."
Toothless warbled, sounding amused of all things.
"Oh, stay out of it, bud."
"You understand him?" Viggo asked.
"I've been living with him for almost 4 years," Hiccup snapped, but then his voice softened with his next words. He realized he was being too snippy. "Of course I do."
"Fascinating." Viggo sounded genuine. "Absolutely fascinating."
Heat was beginning to come back into Hiccup's body, starting in the center. He could feel it beginning to emanate from Viggo as well. It was a comforting feeling in the bracing cold.
Hiccup found himself sinking into Viggo's arms with a sigh, and Viggo held him tighter. The wind howled and shrieked outside, but in the back of the cave, with each other, it felt like it couldn't touch them.
"You know, Hiccup, I think this is the first time I've seen you relax around me," Viggo noted.
Hiccup's attitude from earlier had faltered, and now, he felt like being sincere. There was something about the intimacy of the situation that was putting cracks in the wall he'd put up around his attraction for this man.
"You're a little tough to relax around."
Viggo sighed through his nose. "Well, we are enemies in a war, I suppose."
Hiccup tilted his head back to look at him. "Why did you surrender to me? What game is this?"
"No game," Viggo said.
Hiccup quirked an eyebrow.
"I... Well... It's not the game you think," Viggo admitted. "You think this move has to do with our war, when really, it's something much smaller."
"What is it then?"
Viggo laughed lightly, and the sound raised the hair on the back of Hiccup's neck. It was a rich, deep sound that Hiccup honestly wouldn't mind hearing more of.
"Seduction, my dear Hiccup."
"Of... me?" Hiccup's face flushed pink.
"Who else?"
Hiccup didn't know what to feel. The man he had a liking for had just admitted his attraction to him while he lay in his arms. The feelings were mutual.
But how could they act on them? They had such opposing ideals, and Viggo had done so many horrible things...
"You've been quiet for a while." Was that a note of nervousness in Viggo's voice?
"I'm... I'm thinking," Hiccup replied. "Just... wow."
"Wow? That's it?"
"Well, no." Hiccup was blushing even harder. He wasn't always good with words, and Viggo just made him worse with them. "I..." Hiccup faltered, unsure of how to continue.
"Face me," Viggo said. It wasn't an order, or a demand, but a request. His words weren't hard.
Hiccup, feeling brave, rolled over to do just that. His back complained about the cold of suddenly not having Viggo's heat against it. However, his front did need warming up too.
Hiccup could feel Toothless watching him curiously. He was the only one who knew how he really felt about Viggo.
Hiccup brought his head up to meet Viggo's gaze despite the fierce blush on his cheeks, and he found himself slipping his arms around his waist in a reciprocal embrace. Viggo was looking at him with raised eyebrows, patient.
"The feelings are mutual." Hiccup was so surprised the words came out, that they were audible. His mouth was dry from having spoken such a truth.
For a moment, Viggo didn't react, didn't say anything, and Hiccup began to wonder if he'd even spoken at all. But then, the chief of the Dragon Hunters was taking his jaw in one hand, leaning forward, and planting a kiss right on his mouth.
Hiccup didn't make any sound at this. He didn't pause, he didn't pull back. Instead, he kissed him back, Dragon Rider and Dragon Hunter locked together in intimacy and warmth.
The kiss was slow and wonderful. It filled Hiccup with a heat not unlike a blush. He supposed kissing someone one was attracted to was also a good way to warm up.
And then his mind jumped to other things.
But he couldn't. He wouldn't. Especially not while leaning against Toothless. He was surprised his best friend hadn't made a comment about this, but, then again, maybe he had, and Hiccup had been too distracted to hear it.
They pulled away together to catch their breaths, and Viggo rubbed a thumb over Hiccup's cheek. He smiled at him, and it was the most genuine, endearing smile Hiccup had ever seen on him.
"And that, my dear, is why I surrendered to you."
"What are your terms?" Hiccup asked softly. He was surprised that his voice was so calm. He just felt right, holding Viggo like this and being held in return. There was something about it that was like flying Toothless. It had all just clicked in that same way.
"Well, I have a few." Viggo's hand dropped from his face, began to wander down his body.
Hiccup laughed, tugging his hand away, and Toothless rumbled.
"Not in front of my dragon!"
Viggo chuckled, shook his head, and put his hand at Hiccup's waist. "Alright, alright. My apologies, dragon."
Hiccup blinked in shock. Had... had Viggo really just apologized to Toothless?
"Well, I'll have to learn how to get along with him, won't I?" Viggo asked in response to Hiccup's expression.
"I-I suppose so." Hiccup looked back towards the entrance of the cave. It was a complete white-out. He couldn't see beyond their shelter. "How long do you think the storm will last?"
Viggo shrugged. "For now, let's not worry about that."
Viggo leaned his head close. "I was thinking we should just enjoy each other's company."
Hiccup tried to snuggle closer, if that was even possible. He put his hand to Viggo's jaw, feeling his beard against his palm.
"I think that's a good idea."
They kissed, and to Hiccup, it felt like flying.
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F/Feb 2021
Day 27 - Historic AU
Pairing - Mermaid!Rita/Pirate!Veridia
Words: 1303
Rating: T
This is the only day of Femslash Feb 2021 I never did at the time, but now almost 3 years later - it exists. It's technically Pirate!AU but since Pirates did exist a long time ago it's still Historic!AU
The wood of the ship groaned under the onslaught from the storm. Waves like mountains smashed into the hull and the wind grabbed everything it could and tossed it all into the sea including some of the crew. 
Veridia watched as two of the men got thrown overboard and immediately swallowed by the waves. 
Rain fells in sheets, drenching everyone on deck and coating the wood in a dangerous puddle. 
“Everyone who is not essential up here, get below deck!” She shouted over the wind. She had to stay and steer but maybe, just maybe she could save as many of her crew as possible. 
First mate Aquata was gripping the railing on the steps up as the ship pitched and rocked.
“The only way we all live through is to get to shelter!! Aquata yelled. “The storm’s too strong!”
“We just have to get past Mako! Once we’re out of the island’s reach we’ll be fine!”
 Mako loomed off their port side. Illuminated by lightning flashes every so often. The island was a sign of death. She never should have come so close. 
The next wave slammed so hard she heard wood crack. 
“Captain, we're taking on water!” Maya staggered up from below. Amaris, Naia and Cameron at her heels. 
“Get to the boats and pray to every God you’ve ever heard of they take mercy and let us pass!” Veridia ordered. 
“Who’s they captain?” Aquata asked.
Veridia had seen them out this way before. Mermaids. Half woman, half fish with long golden tails. Mako was a hotspot but somehow she thought she could get past them. The Mermaids had let her before. 
They were almost clear of the island when the entire ship moved beneath them. Veridia was thrown to the side, crashing into the very wheel she still gripped beneath gloved hands before smacking into the floor. 
“Wave!” Someone yelled. 
The ship was slammed again. Veridia’s grip slipped and she found herself skidding across the soaked deck as the ship tipped. She barely had time to scream before the wood beneath her ran out and she plummeted down into the sea. 
The water hit hard. It was like smashing into concrete, solid concrete that stung her skin and froze her right to her core. The salt stung her eyes and she couldn’t tell which way was up. It was darkness all around.
So this was how it ended. Burning lungs, freezing water, drowned to death in a magic storm. Even if she could somehow get to the surface the waves would immediately throw her under again. She didn’t even know if there was still a ship to get back too if she somehow survived the wave’s onslaught. 
She couldn't hold her breath anymore, nor could she stop the involuntary inhale of sea water. It flooded her lungs. On instinct she coughed only for more water to swarm her. She was drowning. Actually drowning. Notorious pirate captain Veridia Shore and she was drowning. So much for going out guns blazing with her ship like she’d wanted. She was going to die and tides knew what would become of the Ice Bitch, affectionately named for herself after some rotten mouthed pirate had spat in her face and called her just that - “an ice cold bitch” for refusing his advances. The man had been swiftly punched in the face and a bottle smashed on his head. 
The water took over, it was too hard to even try and fight now. She was sinking, the ocean taking her for it’s own. 
The surge of water coming out her lungs in acrid vomit forced her awake. She was awake. Actually awake. She was soaked through and numb, lying on some sand. Her chest and throat burned like hellfire. If this was the afterlife it sucked. 
“You lived,” a woman spoke from her side. 
Veridia barely managed to look over, the storm had taken all her strength, she saw golden scales.
Ah so this was it. She’d survived a storm only to be killed by one of the Mermaids. There was many legends of Mermaids eating those they drowned, grinding their bones for potions and using the very Moon itself to cast dangerous spells. 
“I thought you were gone, but there was this strong fire about you. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a bit of Mermaid in you.”
“I’m not one of you,” Veridia barely managed to spit out. 
The Mermaid laughed. 
“I saved your life, I would think you’d have the sense not to insult me. Save I decide to drag you back out into the shallows and hold you down until you drown.”
Veridia just sagged into the cold, gritty sand. 
“I’ll give you a do over. Would you like me to get you dry?”
“Yes please.” The cold had reached her bones now. Being dry sounded nice. 
Warmth began to envelope her, it was so calming. She could almost close her eyes and just sleep away the rest of her aches…
Something hit her in the leg, hard, jolting her awake.
“You can’t sleep yet. You fall asleep here and someone else will come along and drown you.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“I didn’t feel like it. I like watching the boats pass by, you land people are interesting.”
“You saved me because we’re interesting?”
“And what’s wrong with that?”
Veridia slowly sat herself up and wiped dried sand off her face to get her first look at the Mermaid. The Mermaid was sitting on the sand, a long golden tail curled underneath her with a large, strong looking fin at the end. She had dark red hair clinging to her neck and shoulder. Her tail blended seamlessly into a tanned stomach. Her breasts were covered in a smattering of the same gold scales as her tail. 
“It’s rude to stare,” the Mermaid said and Veridia looked up and took in her face. She was pretty. Very pretty. No one had said Mermaids were pretty. For all the stories she almost expected fanged teeth, webbed ears and gills. 
“Sorry,” Veridia forced out.
The Mermaid smiled and Veridia felt her stomach flutter.
“My name is Rita.”
“Veridia,” the Mer - Rita, repeated. Why did she like how much the Mermaid said her name?
“It’s very nice to meet you Veridia.”
“You too.”
Rita tilted her head slightly and Veridia felt her cheeks flush. The Mermaid’s eyes were scanning her the way Veridia had most likely been doing to her. 
“Did any of my crew make it?”
“Most. Only those that fell overboard drowned. The storm stopped once you fell.”
Rita shrugged, “I stopped it.”
“I’m not part of this pod anymore. Sometimes I interfere with their practices, stop storms, rescue ships, and rescue people.”
“Can you take me back to my ship?”
“I probably can if you really want.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“It looks like such a dirty life. Do you even get to wash?”
“Is being a Mermaid much cleaner?”
“Yes actually, we’re a very clean species. Unlike you land people - we can smell you from your boats. If you really want to go back I’ll take you.”
Veridia staggered up to her feet. 
Rita uncurled her tail and and hauled herself to the incoming wave like a seal. The seemingly tiny wave was enough water for the Mermaid to stretch out and shoot out into the deeper water. Rita surfaced.
“You coming?”
Veridia waded into the water and dove forward far less gracefully than the Mermaid had. She treaded the water best she could while Rita swam around her. 
“What now?”
Rita swam right up to her and cupped her face, “just breathe.”
Veridia’s heart literally skipped a beat. Then the Mermaid’s lips were on her’s. Then she was plunged back into the water again. 
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ja3gerb0mbb · 10 months
bloodsucker chapter 9: lilacs
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word count: 6k
content warnings: talk of death
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3:47 my phone screen read. god damn. it was almost impossible to sleep these days; only getting the kind of sleep where your brain doesn’t turn off. my eyes just feel like they're closed until my alarm goes off, or i wake up in the middle of the night. like tonight. 
getting out of bed, i made my way into the kitchen in desperate need of water. eren sat on one of the island stools; not doing anything. sleep still clouded my memory, i had forgotten about the wistful mood i had gone to sleep on. probably why i was extra restless tonight. i knew he was intent on keeping his bodyguard status, but i couldn’t believe he was still here. 
he turned his head in my direction, oncing me over to make sure i didn’t break all my bones in my sleep somehow. grabbing a cup from the cabinet, i filled it up with ice. “you do know you can’t just follow me around forever, right,” i asked , turning on the tap water. “i mean you can’t really think it’s logical?”
his face lightly frowned, but he kept his features in check. i was so tired of him trying to control everything; it wasn’t impossible to decipher him, but it took too much overthinking. “i know,” he met my eyes before going back to watching my motions intently. “once i know my brother’s back at home, we’ll go back to normal,” normal, huh. 
eren’s version of normal was not eerily standing in my apartment all night. my version was eren going back to ignoring me; clipping conversation even when it was necessary. suddenly, being constantly faced with my feelings was more desirable. i scoffed, “whatcha gonna do about food?” i chucked at myself, treating the situation as a joke. 
looking almost disgusted i had brought it up, he was quick to avert his eyes from my body entirely. “i don’t need yours,” he provided me with no information. i wasn’t stupid; i knew that. but i hadn’t really thought about where he got blood from. 
there were no strange disappearances or unsolved murders, so someone had to be giving him blood willingly. right? jealousy sparked deep in my stomach; i gripped my cup tighter as a response. my knuckles turned white at the thought of him drinking from another girl's neck. my grip tightened further at the thought of him licking at the cut to heal it. 
i made my way back to my room swiftly. in the same manner i had just a few hours ago. “in that case, i hope you're gone by morning.” behind my closed door, i took deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself. i gulped the water in a few swallows, but none of it worked. how much longer were things going to be like this?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“the bitches are texting,” i called to jean, holding his phone in the air. he angrily stormed over to me, “give it,” he demanded, but i let him have his phone back easily. he scanned over the screen, a small smile forming on his face. i poked his leg with my foot, “oh my god, the bitches are texting!”
he was quick to put his phone in his pocket. i laughed at his reaction, but it made me all the more curious. “you’re not gonna tell me?” i exaggerated my frown. he rolled his eyes, “it’s the girl from the lake. the one i talked to with armin,” playboy jean was uncomfortable talking about it. his cheeks were slightly pink, and he rubbed the side of his arm. 
“the lake?! jeans that’s like over three months!” i stared at him in shock. jean was one to brag about all the attention he got; if he kept this quiet, it was probably getting serious. really, it just reminded me how long things with eren haven’t been the same for.  
the front door to jean’s dorm opened up, revealing connie. speak of the devil. “wassup pussies!” he obnoxiously yelled. i covered my laugh with my hand; jean had just told me they got another noise complaint. sasha was right behind him, i could roughly make out armin’s blonde hair somewhere in the doorway. in my distraction, connie had hopped onto my lap. he cupped my cheeks in his hands, sloppily pressing his lips against mine. 
i shoved my hands into his chest, “what the fuck!” i yelled; another noise complaint is coming jean’s way. “you nasty fuck!” i continued, wiping my mouth as connie fell off my lap onto the ground right below the couch. his bald head made a bang on the impact, “argh!” he yelled out in pain. 
jean came over, lifting him up by his armpits, “will you guys shut up!” he whisper-yelled, pointing his free hand in my face. “how is this my fault! con-man just violated me!” i matched jean’s tone of voice. with that, jean pulled his hand back, smacking connie in the back of the head. the sound boomed in the room, and connie fell to his knees. “oh, that ricocheted!” mikasa laughed out at connie's pain. 
she stood right behind me, patting the top of my head in a hello. i smiled up at her before looking over at sasha. she awkwardly stood across the room, looking at mika. i knew sasha’s facial expression well; she was a bit jealous at the contact. smirking at her, i wiggled my brows, catching her attention. 
armin extended his hand out to connie, offering to help him up. “we should probably leave. the laser tag tickets are for five,” he broke all of us out of our trances. armin locked eyes with me, “you have the alcohol, right?” he couldn’t keep the smirk off of his face. 
i slid the bottle of vodka halfway out of my bag, “couldn’t forget,” i giggled, already having a shot flowing through me. 
“you guys, suck,” jean groaned, knowing he was the designated driver, “let’s go!” he made his way out of his dorm. getting up from my spot on the couch, i noticed eren by the front door. my neck jerked back in surprise. he failed to make eye contact with anyone in the room; he was completely zoned out of the conversation. why was he even here?
for the past couple of months, eren had gone back to how things were at the start of the semester. he was gone that morning. i figured he fixed things with his brother; or something. he sat in a different seat in literature, and he didn’t hang out with anyone here. it was occasional when i saw him, and i spoke to him even less. he might've been present, but eren was more like a ghost now. 
the sight of him dampened my mood. my heart picked up its pace, remembering how i had felt about him. i don’t know if my feelings were still there. i pushed them down so far; knowing they would only complicate things. i was the last one to walk out the door; flooding memories made my head dizzy.  
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
jean tightened the laser tag vest around me, “lookin’ snazzy,” he commented. “i feel snazzy,” i lied. the crewneck i wore bunched up slightly under the vest, making my chest felt compacted. maybe i would regret dressing warmer, but the weather was rainy and windy so i didn’t take any chances. i also wore a pair of well broken in jeans; i’d be able to move around easily in them. 
sasha stood next to me, her face pink from the alcohol. we took shots in our car, mikasa and armin took them right outside of the arcade. it was still calculating in their systems, but connie and us were right on the verge of drunk. eren skipped out, keeping his stature. 
our group from the car was all bunched together, mikasa, eren and armin were a few paces separate from us. “so teams..” mikasa started, looking around. armin was still fixing his vest, eren looked like he was forced to be here.. he probably was. “you three are way too overpowered,” jean started, panning his pointed finger at the group of thee. 
“yeah, no way am i getting stuck with two dumbasses,” i motioned to connie and sasha, before giving her back a push to mikasa’s side. i had to hide my smile at her surprised expression. just making things easier for her. armin frowned, “you still have one dumbass, it’s uneven,” he locked eyes with eren. a small smile appeared on his face as he began to talk again, “eren go even it out,” he commanded. 
sasha’s mouth fell open, “what? how is it fair they get the extra person,” she talked over mikasa’s body to armin. i responded for him, “because mika is easily ten people. you’re pretty much guaranteed to win, stop complaining.” my words almost started to slur. one more shot and i would be done for. armin started to waver his position slightly; it was finally hitting him. 
armin and jean went to enter the names on the game board, i couldn’t keep my eyes off of eren. his eye bags had returned in full force. i wondered if he had even fed since… his tied back hair showed the hollows of his cheeks, and his vest made him look skinnier. like he had lost some weight to his body. his face lacked any sort of emotion, even boredom. my heart sank into my stomach at the sight. i didn’t know what to do; i felt completely useless. i couldn’t decide if my presence made things worse or better for him. don’t be stupid, i reminded myself, i doubt it makes any difference. 
“you guys ready?” jean asked, having all the names on the screen in the entryway. affirmations were yelled around the room, but i couldn’t force myself to respond. seeing eren like that instantly sucked the life out of everything. each of the doors opened to a different side of the laser tag arena. jean gave my shoulder a push before running past me. i knew this game was going to be full of tryhards. 
we quickly spread out across the obstacles, but connie trailed me, using me as a shield. “connie!” i whispered, “fuck you! go get jean to cover you,” i peered out from the wall, searching for the red lights of the opposite team. connie was at my back now, doing the same, “no way, he gets mad when i do that!” he was less cautious about keeping his voice down. 
“wonder why!” keeping my knees bent, i moved away from him but he continued on my path. spotting sasha, i brought the laser gun above the railing in front of me; getting a chest shot, “aha!” i yelled as sasha pouted. 
i brought my torso up, raising a fist in the air when armin shot me, disabling my gun. i feigned a look of disbelief with my mouth hung open. “damn armin!” i look just like sasha now. connie popped his gun over the ledge now, getting a shot on armin. he was quick to scurry away, “come on!” he motioned his arm for me to follow. 
my light started flashing again before coming on completely. i spotted jean from my higher vantage point, getting disabled by mikasa. she was quick to hurl her body over the obstacle in front of her. she hadn’t spotted me yet; i aimed for her vest and the shot hit. i ducked before she could spot me; knowing i’d be fucked when her vest wasn’t disabled. in my hiding spot, sasha snuck up on me, disabling me once again, “karma’s a bitch!” she chucked, scattering away. connie wasn’t by me anymore, so i trailed her until my vest was lit up again. 
it was easy to score another point that way; but it didn’t last for long as mikasa made a shot at me, almost entirely on the other side of the area. i groaned out, i fucking suck at laser tag. giggling could be heard echoing from obstacles, but it was covered by the sound of the alarm blaring; announcing that this round was over. i spotted jean going toward the doors, i pushed my gun into him after catching up. 
he looked frightened; head still in the game, before his face softened. “bet i got first,” he gave me a cocky smirk. “i have no objections,” other than mikasa, of course, jean had always been good at laser tag. he was pretty much good at everything. 
looking at the leaderboard, i was second on the blue team. jean was first, no surprise there, with connie third, and eren fourth with no points. sasha was last on her team, but she still managed to rack up a few points. “aw sash, look at your tiny number!” i teased her, and she hid her face in her hands with embarrassment. 
“at least it is a number, eren did you even try?” jean ridiculed him. “fuckin handicapped us!” he muttered, but eren gave a faint twitch of a smile, “so mad over a kiddy game,” he lifted his hand to give jean a pretty heavy whack on the back. 
we could all feel the tension in the air, looking around to gauge each other's reactions. somehow, the tension between eren and jean seemed to just get worse and worse. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
jean and armin’s shoulders bumped into mine with the restless moving around us. rico’s diner was a hotspot around campus. i couldn’t begin to count the late nights i spent here freshman year; none of them included eren, though. he probably spent the same amount of time here as i had, and it was confirmed by hannes. 
“i heard you were here!” hannes strolled over to our overly packed table. eren blinked up at him; barely giving him acknowledgement. hannes didn’t seem that bothered, approaching him and placing a hand on his head. “don’t be so gloomy!” he took his hand, rolling eren’s head around. he pushed himself under the table slightly, pulling his hand away, “you have issues,” he snipped with an angry face. 
giggling slipped through our table; happy at the sight. it was the most emotion he had shown all night. “mm so do all of you,” he glanced around the table, pointing at us, “you’re all drunk!” hannes belly laughed. “i’m not!” jean exclaimed like it would have gotten him brownie points. hannes shot him a glare from the side of his eye, “cheer up eren; or i’m kicking all of you out!” his tone was joking, but we knew he was serious. it wouldn’t be the first time. 
he made his leave, tauntingly patting eren on the back. “fucking eren,” jean sighed, “the reason we lost every round.” the table quieted down; the air quickly became stiff. it had been like this all night; jean trying to get a rise out of eren’s lackluster. 
“jean-boy such a sore loser!” sasha mocked him, “should we call mommy to console you?” the two bickered across the table. armin nudged my arm, grabbing my attention to the napkin origami he made in the ruckus. i laughed at him, “do mine!” i shoved my napkin his way. i watched him fold the corners in but my attention was dragged away by a milkshake being placed in front of me. 
“yay!” i was quick to take the paper around the straw off, shoving it into the thick liquid. “everyone else ordered actual food y/n,” jean sighed at me. 
“yeah, duh, i’m just gonna eat your fries!” i took one off his plate, dipping it into my milkshake. “ooh gimme!” sasha yelled from three spots over. sliding it to her, she grabbed another one of jean’s fries, even though she had a plate of her own. connie did the same; adding a handful from jean’s plate onto his. “you guys can’t be serious,” he complained, trying to tuck his plate away from us. 
eren reached in between his hands, grabbing a fry too, “thanks jean!” he feigned sweetness, exaggerating his bite. jean’s face turned red in anger, and he clamped his fists shut. hannes must’ve brought this side out, but i wasn’t complaining. in the weeks following those events, i tried not to look at him. it just reminded me how things were between us. i had to drag my eyes off him. seeing him like this reminded me of what couldn’t be. 
“armin, you’re good at chemistry,” i interrupted my own thoughts. he turned to me, confused, “yes..” 
“you should tutor jean.. get him off my ass,” i added, fueling jean’s angry state. he shoved his hand into my ribs, “ow!” i flinched inward, massaging the skin so it wouldn’t leave a mark. mikasa started laughing, “no way!” she lightly leaned into sasha, who was pouring alcohol into my milkshake. i was quick to steal it back from her. 
armin scrunched his features in disgust, “yeah, no way. already tried that last year,” he leaned over me to glare at jean. he shook his head, face red as a tomato, “i said i was sorry armin.”
another laugh bubbled in my throat, “what’d you do jean-boy?” i asked, but he didn’t respond. “he stole my physiology paper and just turned it in. dumbass forgot to change the name,” armin said with a bite, obviously still bitter over it. i gasped, “jean! you asshole!” sasha flicked one of her fries at his forehead. it ricocheted off him, landing in my lap. “ew!” i threw it back to sasha, who continued flinging it around the table.
it was then that eren got up from his place, swinging his legs over the back of the table next to us to get out. he said nothing as he walked toward the entrance doors. we all quieted down, moods all falling. even jean’s shoulders slumped. “y/n, can you go check on him?” mikasa asked me, but she didn’t phrase it like i had any other options. 
“um.. are you sure it should be me? he rea-” i tripped over my words, but armin cut me off, “better you than anyone else,” he encouraged. i was unsure as i got up, feet not walking in a straight line. looking back to the table, they were all engaged in conversation again. i was hesitant to exit the restaurant. i don’t know why they thought i should check on him; if anything he responded to my presence the worst out of everyone. i didn’t want to be the reason he leaves again. 
the restaurant lights lit up a few feet in front of me; but the darkness crawled over the treeline eren was walking too, “eren,” i softly called, but his pace didn’t stutter. “you guys are loud,” he spoke without moving his head, so his voice was somewhat muffled by the direction of the wind. 
i laughed, catching up to him. “supersonic hearing?” i joked, but the glare he shot me told me i wasn’t entirely wrong. my laugh died down immediately. he paused his walking, glancing me up and down, “don’t follow me.” my brain told me to go back into the diner, but my feet just wouldn’t move that way. 
“can’t. there's dangerous and scary things in the woods,” i kept my tone light. 
“shouldn’t i be saying that to you?” his face was blank as he continued walking forward. there was a path cut into the forest, but it was hard to make out. like it wasn’t regularly used. i followed right behind him, unable to make myself turn back. eren didn’t either; just accepting my presence. it seemed like the more time away from him i spent, the more i wanted to be near him when i got the chance. the feelings i tried so hard to push down were slowly bubbling back to the surface. 
the ‘path’ was narrow, and it was like an obstacle course, pushing branches up and down to make my way through. eren had less trouble, getting pretty far ahead of me. he wasn’t demanding i turn back, but he wasn’t making it any easier to follow him. 
it was leading us downward, and i could no longer make out eren. the darkness was overwhelming, i shouldn’t have followed him, i was critical in my head, but still i made no move to turn back. it would be easy enough to, but my body refused it, trying to catch back up. below me, the ground was darker, getting cut off by a drop, did he really go this way?
sitting down on the ledge, i attempted to scoot myself down. there was nothing close below me, until my foot was grabbed. i jerked back, not being able to make out anything in the dark. my heart was beating so fast i could feel the throb in my fingertips. eren’s laugh rang out around me, “dangerous and scary you said?” his voice was cold even with his incessant laughing. 
he placed his hands on each of my ankles, making himself more known. “jump,” the command came easy, and i didn’t second guess it. i threw the rest of my body off the ledge, and eren moved his hands from my ankles to around my ribcage. 
he caught me seamlessly, hanging on to my body longer than he needed to. i found myself breathing in the scent i knew he didn’t have; but being close to him was innately comforting. my body noticed his absence as soon as he moved away. “weren’t you asking me to stop following you not too long ago?” he continued down the path. 
my face heated, and i was glad he couldn’t see it in the dark, “different. you’re walking into some random woods,” i argued. now, i felt stupid for insisting he leave me alone. the months of his absence taught me that i would rather have unreciprocated feelings than feel his absence everywhere. 
“they’re not random.” i didn’t say anything, hoping he would take my silence as a sign to continue. “i used to smoke here.” the woods were so dense in this part, the moonlight couldn’t reach it. i felt eren’s finger wrap around one of mine; guiding me through the rest of the forest. “you grew up out here?” the more time i spent with him, the more it seemed like he'd lived here forever. 
“no; i found this freshman year,” i still hadn’t figured out what ‘this’ was. his tone was still cold, even though he was acknowledging me. he was sparse in his answer and i knew i couldn’t ask any more. “you grew up in rose?” he was confident in his assumption; it barely sounded like a question. 
“mm not really. i moved there in high school after my mom..” the topic seemed too hefty to continue in casual conversation,  “i actually lived in liberio for most of my childhood.” eren stilled at the mention of my mom.
“she died?” again he phrased the question like it was fact. i furrowed my brows; why was he acting like he knew me?  “no. she left my freshman year. me and my dad moved to rose. fresh start or something.”
eren stilled again, breathing coming to a halt, finger wrapping around mine even tighter as he continued to make a way for us down the path. “she left us way before then, though. always searching for something ‘more to life’ she’d say. it wasn’t really a surprise,” i chuckled with no humor. why was i telling eren? i covered my mouth with my free hand, trying to prevent any more word vomit from coming out. 
i popped my head over eren’s broad shoulders to see ahead. the vegetation looked less dense, and the moonlight peeked through. he picked up the pace, but was still careful of his footing on the slope. it seemed to go downhill at a steeper rate. 
in the clearing, there was a small pond outlined with rocks; a bigger one overlooked the entrance to the pond, a creek that flowed into it. “nice smoke spot,” i downplayed, looking around at the lilacs around me, there were only a few bushes, but they still held a few blooms, “how are they still alive?” i asked mostly to myself, poking a few of the blossoms. 
“i’m told it’s a mermaid pond,” he smirked at me, going over to the biggest rock. i took one of the smaller pebbles, chucking it at him. “ow!” he yelped dramatically, splashing the water towards me. “don’t!” i scrutinized, “it’s cold!”
eren removed a blunt from his jacket pocket, and a lighter from another. i sat next to him, but kept my distance, “didn’t you drive here?” i noticed him spark up the blunt. he took a big inhale before passing it to me, “you haven’t noticed i don’t get affected by anything?” he asked with blatant oblivion towards me. 
i furrowed my brows in confusion, i had noticed. “then why are you smoking it,” i took a hit of my own, but it was much smaller. it had been a while since i last smoked, anyway. eren was quick to take it back, “mind your own,” i giggled at him; taking another deep inhale. his cheeks and jawline became even more hollow, reminding me how sick he looked. 
“aren’t you hungry?” i motioned to his eye bags; what i figured were a sign he hadn’t fed recently. “yes,” he was quick to answer. “do you wa-” his next answer came even quicker, “no. not from you.. not anymore.” his words stung me. i couldn’t understand the distance he was so desperate to put between us; but i hated having it. “is there something wrong with my blood?” 
he huffed a humorless laugh before shooting me a glare, “we’re not talking about this.”
“we never do,” i sighed. i was always chasing and pestering him for answers. what would happen if i just stopped entirely? he brought the blunt directly in front of my face. he held it steady as i cupped my lips around it, inhaling for more than i could probably handle. unclasping my mouth, i saw eren's hand twitch slightly. 
“why are you here?” his question caught me off guard. the coldness still laced in his voice was another hit to my heart. maybe he could see it, he rephrased, “at sina.” my brows were still furrowed in confusion. i knew continuing conversation would just hurt me more in the long run, but i couldn’t resist.
shrugging my shoulders, “it’s pretty,” i looked up at the sky. the stars were mostly covered by clouds and the tops of trees. “and it’s far enough away from home.” eren didn’t respond to take; just took another deep inhale, like he was hoping it might kick in. “why are you?”
he gave the same shrug i did, “it just kind of called to me,” another puff. “no, i meant why are you still here. why come back?” i tried not to sound harsh. phrasing it like that might tip-toe around the actual reason why he left. he might just answer my questions if i’m not probing them. 
handing the blunt back over, he looked into my eyes. we stared at each other even when i raised the blunt to my mouth yet again. there was nothing behind his eyes; like i just happened to be in his line of sight. “to feel normal.” he offered no other explanation as to what ‘normal’ was. “do you?” the weed was starting to affect me; i was starting to see things philosophically. 
“i’m smoking weed i don’t even feel,” he snatched it away from me. i couldn’t keep the giggle down. grabbing his chin, i turned his head toward me. his eyes gleamed with confusion, but his features didn’t even twitch in acknowledgement. “can i be honest?” the question was a curiosity; and he knew that. eren dipped his head, signaling me to continue. 
“it’s because you don’t try,” i wasn’t criticizing him over it; just pointing out what i had noticed. his absence with everyone.  
“i can’t try to be high.” i removed my grip from his chin, lightly smacking his cheek, “i’m not talking about that.” my eyes rolled into my head. his gaze shifted back towards the water; he didn’t respond. soon enough the blunt was finished. he threw it into the pond; ripples followed throughout the water. “litterer,” i muttered. 
pushing himself off the rock, he made his way back to the path we came in through. i was unsteady on my feet; trying to adjust to the high. my feet tripped and snapped the twigs below me; eren turned around at that. heaving a sigh, he retraced his steps, turning his back to me. “come on,” his voice was bored. 
it was easy enough to grab his shoulders from my leverage point. pushing my body up, my legs made contact with his torso, wrapping around it. his hands came beneath my knees to hold me steady; he was careful not to work them up too high. 
i couldn’t stop myself from playing with his hair while he walked. it was still in a bun, but if i pulled on the hairs that fell out, his grip tightened on my legs. “hey eren?” i asked figuratively. he grumbled in response. 
“are we gonna go back to not talking after tonight?” the thought stirred in me, knowing we were closer to the edge of the treeline. he took a minute to think, “probably,” he let out a breath with the answer. i was unsure of how to read his tone. the alcohol was ebbing out of my system, but the new high overtook it’s place. “i don’t want that,” my voice was low; i barely heard it come out of my mouth. 
eren stopped in his tracks, tightening the grip around my legs, “you can’t be around me.” i could feel his head slightly shake back and forth. “i’m around you right now? a month ago you were following me around because you thought it was the only way i’d be safe. so how is ignoring each other better?”
“you don’t understand the situation.” i brought one of my criss-crossed arms to tilt his cheek; preventing him from staring at the dark ground around us. “i don’t care about the situation. i just want..” i couldn’t finish the sentence. i gripped the cloth of his jacket in my hands; not knowing what else to do with them. 
another breath calmed me down, “i just want you eren. i don’t care about the whole vampire thing, or whatever it entails.” his eyes grew in size, like he was surprised i had actually said the word. i was surprised i said it too; it felt like someone else was talking in my body. 
eren was unnervingly still; not even breathing. his grip behind my knees went lax before he eventually let go entirely. i untied my hands from his neck, so as not to choke him. he was quick to put distance between us, “you can’t want me,” his palms were rubbing against his forehead, back slouched. his breathing increased, “you can’t-you- fuck!” if i didn’t think his breathing could get any quicker, it did. 
grabbing his wrists, i pulled his hands away from his face, “eren snap out of it!” his eyes were fixated on nothing. i pulled harder on his arms; trying to bring him back to reality. but he was trapped in his own head; in a panic attack. my own body started becoming frantic; so unsure of what to do. 
he began taking bigger breaths, trying to calm down, “you have no idea, y/n. i should’ve nev-” i cut off his spiraling, “then give me an idea!” i wasn’t harsh, but i was desperate. what i had said.. something in it opened eren’s floodgates. i had never seen his face display such raw emotion. for the first time; it felt like i really saw eren.  
“y/n i’m- i’m the reason your mom is dead.” my heart stopped. when the beats picked up again, they were irregular and fast. dead?  “eren, what are you talking about?” the rest of my body went numb; my hands loosed their grip on eren’s wrists, slowly falling to my sides. i was frozen; but the stinging in my eyes told me tears were slipping their way out. my body was reacting before my brain could really catch on. 
eren remained silent; still breathing fast and heavy. “please eren you have to tell me,” my voice cracked; it was hard to push out the sentence with the lump in my throat. “how can you be sure..” i asked the next second; not giving him enough time to answer the first. 
he looked into my eyes, scanning over my face, trying to gauge. i doubt my face showed anything other than pure shock, “she had a photo in her hand. it was you.” his hands almost reached toward me; but be brought them back to his sides with a twitch. 
“how?” my voice was even softer than before. i could only hear it because eren had collected his breathing; somewhat. i didn’t understand enough; it was why i didn’t feel much pain. dead was just an empty word to me right now; it had no meaning. eren’s face contorted as he thought on it. his eyes were an endless void, tears springing up within his own. “the ‘something more’ she was looking for was vampirism. she was looking for my father.”
he shuddered at whatever memories popped up in his head. “he’s- he’s twisted,” he had a hard time getting the words out. vampirism.. that’s what my mom had poured her life into. all those late nights in the office she neglected me for; neglected my dad. it was vampirism the whole fucking time. 
part of me had always thought that she remarried when she left. maybe i had a sibling out there; but that wasn’t the case. i had found peace with the fact that my mom had traded me for another kid.. but to trade me for a bloodsucking curse? my stomach turned upside down; i didn’t know how to feel about anything anymore. feeling ebbed back into my system; causing the tears to come out faster. my breathing became choppy as my face contorted. 
eren reached out, again deciding not to touch me. “if it was your father then you aren’t the reason she’s dead, eren.” i met his eyes. they were glossy, already turning red. for the news he dropped on me, i felt calmer than i should be. maybe it’s the high.
his breathing stilled, “i’m sorry. i’m so sorry. i never intended to even meet you.. but it just happened.”
“well you did. and there’s nothing you can do about it now,” my voice broke, another tear slipping past. i felt it drag down my face, getting caught in my lip, “but it doesn’t- this doesn't change the way i feel about you. and maybe i’m fucked up for that but i don’t care.”
it was definitely the high. but was i really supposed to let eren’s dad change my opinion on him? my feelings on him? i would have to figure out why eren felt like it was his fault, but for now i had my mom’s death to grieve. suddenly; being absent and being dead felt like two very different things. how long has she been truly gone for?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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the-masked-ram · 1 year
The Consequences of Love- Dabi x Reader Drabble
CW: Dabi not saying he loves the reader, GN! Reader, NSFW, bitemarks, blood
You couldn’t breathe, his heat was ever hungry, greedy, demanding the oxygen from your lungs as he rocked into you. The sound of his groans in your ear spurred your keening higher. How had you found yourself here, under Dabi? How had you found yourself with him splitting you open, the thick head of his cock nudging so deep inside you felt unbearably full?
You looked at him, with his glinting piercings like stars guiding you home in the shadows of his room. His lips still slick with spit after the sloppy kisses you shared before the two of you were battling for breath.
“Hey, doll face,” he whispered, his voice so throaty and dark it caused you to clench around him. “See something you like?”
You do, fuck, you do. You loved the glitter in his eyes as he mocked you. You loved the bulge in his muscles as he thrusted against you. You loved the way his skin sweated and dripped down on yours, you loved that if you looked down at your torso right now you’d see bite marks. You loved it all, you liked it all, you wanted more though. Your damned greedy little heart beat hard for the man above you.
You tightened and pulsed, and he could feel it. He could feel the oncoming orgasm. His teeth flashed in the darkness, his scarred lips spreading wide as he folded you, to encourage everything to clamp down on him.
“You’re fuckin’ perfect like this, made for me like this,” he whispered.
It was quiet, those words and breaths exchanged all at once. Like a near silent promise that you were made to stay with him forever. That he loved you, though he would never say that out loud. The word love came with complications, it came with dangers. If he just said he didn’t love anyone, it was safe, both for him and you.
Yet, he saw the way you looked at him from across the room, like he was the rock you were clinging to in the storming seas. Somehow, he’d become your island of safety among all that was going wrong in the world. He couldn’t understand it, but he couldn’t hate it either.
Your body was coiling, breaking, tensing until everything was too much. Until you were pushing at Dabi’s stomach and trying to get him to slow down. You couldn’t say the words though, because you couldn’t get the damn breath. It felt too good, you were going to fall apart and you didn’t want Dabi to have to put you back together again.
And though you struggled for air to find a way to say slow down, your body had no issue finding it so your tongue could betray you.
“I love you,” you whispered as you fell over the edge and the tide of your orgasm rose to meet you.
There was no answer, not that it was unexpected. It was always unreciprocated. But when he came seconds later, he looked at you with such agony in his eyes. Like he had something just waiting to be said but instead blood trickled down his chin where he’d bitten his lip. You never understood, though you wondered if somewhere inside, some part of him loved you too.
@arvandus for more content like this and early access please check out my patreon: link
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silentprincess17 · 2 years
would you write a little skyward sword zelink? maybe loftwing racing from island to island or a scavenger hunt on the surface? much love ♡♡♡
Hello Anon! Of course! Here's some cute skyward sword Zelink flying through Skyloft’s skies :)
Kindly betaed by @zeldaelmo
Summary: Link is awakened much too early by Zelda for flying practise. Somewhere along the way he realises he's lost more than a morning's lie in.
Here is the link to read on AO3, with the fic itself under the cut as per your preference :)
An arm pulled incessantly at his sleeve, carrying half his weight and he tumbled his way through sleep, his limbs heavy and lax, his eyes struggling to open against the sheer strength of the sunlight. Hylia above it was too early for this! 
Somehow, he found himself at the landing just by the stairs, with his tormentor laughing at his plight. “Whoever reaches the Lumpy Pumpkin first, wins! Come on Link! You promised!”
He blinked, rubbing his eyes, and there she went, free falling into the sky, air rushing through her pink dress and separating out the strands of her golden blonde hair. His heart did that now familiar flip flop at the sight of her smile. 
Hylia help him. 
He jumped off, nowhere near as elegant as she was. How she managed to be so put together in the morning evaded him. He was barely functioning until midday at least. The nightmares didn’t help either but… 
The wind hurtled through him, fresh cold morning air swept into his lungs, clearing out the cobwebs of sleep in his mind, as he whistled for his loftwing.
Today was their day off the Academy, a week before the Wing Ceremony and he guessed this was part of Zelda’s plan to force him into practise, which he deserved seeing as he had avoided it thus far. 
His loftwing agreed, as together they soared through the clouds and surged back up through the sky, gaining some height. There was nothing quite like flying… he wished he had more time in between all the lessons of swordplay, defence and strategy occupying all his other time. 
He sucked in a deep breath, finally fully awake. She had an (un)fair start to their race but not all hope was lost. It was time to compete. Did Zelda think he’d make this easy? She’d woken him up too soon for that. If they were going to the Lumpy Pumpkin first, which was already quite far out… he suspected there would be more flying done today than he had all week. And they’d be off to a fairer start for those but for now he wanted revenge for being pulled from his warm bed barely an hour after sunrise. 
The sun was still rising, as they flew around Skyloft, curving east towards the Lumpy Pumpkin. Up ahead, he saw Zelda’s loftwing unexpectedly dive, accelerating before she crept back up. What was she doing? 
His gaze flicked up ahead, and spotted the turbo rock tunnel that would surge her forward. 
Oh no you don’t! 
He dived deeper than she did, and careened upwards, a risky move considering she was just underneath him but he edged above her, sharply cutting out her entry into the rock tunnel as she had to fly higher to avoid being hit. He blew forward, jostling on his loftwing and tightening his hold. 
Ha! They’d be no waiting now! 
Diving again, less forcefully this time and more focussed, he gradually built up speed before gliding back up, smoothly landing on the island with a red faced Zelda arriving a few minutes behind him. 
She stormed up to him, stampeding feet with her finger pointing into his chest. “What do you have to say for yourself! That was a ridiculous move to pull! Dangerous and-“
She was so cute when angry. “I won though.” He couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him at her incredulous face. “Ah Zelda.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her towards the entrance. “If I lose, you’ll be upset I didn't win because it means I’m not prepared for next week. If I win, you’re upset because you didn’t win. I’m doomed whichever way things go.” 
The finger threatening to jab his chest actually poked him and he winced. “All I want is for you to win using safe ways of flying! Is that so much to ask?!”
He gently patted her head. “Okay okay I won’t do it again. Promise.”
“Pinkie promise?”
He looped his pinkie with hers, their pact from childhood that they never quite abandoned. 
“Good. Now, I’m hungry. Soup for breakfast? I’ll buy it as my loser’s fee.”
“Okay.” He smiled, and she did too, before her hand found his, his heart flipped in his chest again, as they went inside. 
Half a bowl of soup later, Link ran out, pulling a flailing Zelda tightly his grasp.
“HEY! Link! I’m sorry for putting extra spice in your soup. I thought you’d like it!”
He fanned himself, mouth open, half wanting to scream. “You burnt a hole through my throat!”
“I only put in one teaspoon! I used three in mine! And soup’s meant to be sipped at! And it was hot! I didn’t expect you to down it in a single gulp!” 
Link huffed and puffed, the hot air churning inside him not going away. Her logic didn’t help him, and he moved on. “Not to mention you woke me up so early!”
“Yeah and? Who just performed a never-move in flight? Who didn’t practise at all this week? Who wasn’t awake at the time promised yesterday?” 
That wasn’t his fault! He was making something for her the same way she was making something for him! And seeing as they spent all their time together, that meant he could only work on it at night, in his room. It was taking time to finish the sculpture of Zelda and her loftwing to the standard he wanted. But he couldn’t tell her that now! 
“Just you wait!” He grabbed her hand, pulled her close and jumped, Zelda hollering, as he whistled for his loftwing. The cold air helped calm the fire of acid surging in his stomach at least. 
Thankfully, his loftwing caught them both and stabilised, aiming west for the variety of smaller islands in the distance.
She squealed, clutching his tunic, as they sailed with the wind, her hair fanning out around them. He suddenly realised how close she was. How much of her was touching him. He blushed, crimson, stupidly berating himself for not thinking this through. 
“I’m surprised we haven’t attempted this yet!” She fisted his shirt, using him as a lever to properly place herself across from him, reaching behind to tie her hair with a band across her wrist. 
He laughed, wrapped his arms inadvertently around her as he gripped his loftwing to steer him gently to the left. 
As soon as he leant back to give her space, she chased him, creeping closer still, until her head touched his shoulder. Link felt his heart rate triple, and a red flush creeped up his cheeks. 
Not to mention his loftwing decided it would determine the flight path himself, resisting his instructions to turn back around to the Lumpy Pumpkin so they could get Zelda’s loftwing back. Instead, it seemed they would be taking the scenic route, slowly meandering around the small tufts of land encapsulated in the sky, slowing down entirely. 
“This is nice, Link. It’s peaceful.”
Well, he was already knee deep at this point, so he gave in and leant his head on hers. “Hm.”
Those bright blue eyes shifted to meet his gaze, and he was struck with how beautiful she was in that moment, stray strands of hair framing her face with the rest in a bun, a light blush across her cheeks with a splattering of freckles from time spent in the sun, her lips soft and -
Wait, no, this- was- his brain short-circuited, loops and wires all enmeshed into a huge tangle.
Rapidly blinking he tried to equilibrate. “Hm!”
“We’ll always… have this right?”
“What, you mean peace? That’s hard with you being as chaotic as you are.”
She punched him in his stomach as he laughed. “I mean me and you. We’re always going to have each other’s back?”
He sobered as he realised she was being serious. “Yes. Even if we’re somehow separated, I’ll always find you. I’ll always have your back. Just as you’ll have mine.” 
She smiled then, as bright as the sun. “Okay, now I need to fulfil my side of the bargain. Time to go back to training.”
“Yes, princess.”
"This is for your own good sleepyhead!” She sang, in a singsong voice. 
He shook his head, laughing at how endearing she was, as he surged forward, heading back to the Lumpy Pumpkin for another round of racing.
There was no one quite like his Zelda. He rested his chin on her head again, keen to enjoy the last few moments with the princess of his heart. Ah, Hylia, he was doomed. 
His heart was already in freefall.
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crossroadsdimension · 2 years
The news of Thancred’s sacrifice didn’t keep them down for long. Cross quietly swore to find a way to bring him back -- and make sure no one else didn’t make any sacrifices like that. They didn’t need that, absolutely not.
And yet, Ultima Thule threw countless obstacles in their path. The shades of dragons, from Midgarsormr’s world, crying out for death because they wanted their end, but it would never come.
And their path was barred, by the emotional despair of the dragons here, not wanting to take action and waiting for others to end them. Of their mourning their loss of the world to the machines, and their inability to find new life elsewhere. Even when told of the Father of Dragons, the statements fell on deaf ears.
Estinien, who had spent time with dragons, had had enough of this, and stood in a storm of dynamis to summon the winds that the dragons no longer felt or noticed.
Cross could almost hear their voices on the winds as she rode them to the next island -- because of course Estinien would have them fly.
Fly free, the winds seemed to say, aetherial currents whispering in Estinien’s voice.
Survive, Thancred’s voice echoed, chanting quietly and fading just as quickly as it came. The words seemed in time with her breathing, somehow.
Cross wished to reach out and hang onto their voices, but she couldn’t find them, couldn’t see them. But something about this world’s song was growing louder, more clear. The life that had once lived here was starting to rise up again, growing from a faint, radio-static sound to something clearer. Was this their doing, too?
She didn’t have any time to question it. Or the capacity to. Not with what she and the others had to do, first.
(”Estinien, did you have to put the aether current up here?” Cross reached the top of the sandstone tower, finding the green, swirling energy she needed to grant her mounts flight. She grasped hold of it, the aether giving her understanding of the currents.
The winds offered no answer, but...there was something about the view, and being high up, that tickled the Dragoon in her.
“...if you wanted me up here to see the sights, you could’ve said something.” Talking to them like they were still here was much better than the reality.)
The Ea were...different, from the dragons. Ghosts without form, having shed their bodies, only to want bodies again in order to “properly” die a mortal’s death. Otherwise, they were content to die from inaction, their aether-made bodies dissolving into nothing.
They claimed their knowledge of the universe, and that all things were meant to end, was what led to their inaction and want for death.
Y’shtola, of course, didn’t take kindly to this, but neither did Urianger.
Cross was horrified when the two of them went together. Even when Y’shtola reminded them that the Azem crystal could bring them back and immediately demanded that Cross not use it. It was a promise she could bring them back, but how long did they have until they were lost??
Step forth into the unknown and make it known, Y’shtola whispered as they approached the aether-awoken portal.
Your path is clear, Urianger promised as they entered the realm of Omega’s creators.
Here, too, they found much the same to the Ea. People who sought to make themselves stronger, rather than know everything, turning themselves into machines and losing themselves in the process, because they wanted nothing but strength.
And when they reached the pinnacle of that strength, what was it they could do next? Their leadership stumbled, faltered.
And G’raha stepped forward to offer M-017 an answer.
Fly to even greater heights, G’raha encouraged as his crystal bridge crackled under their feet.
(”I would if you were all here with me,” Cross murmured in reply.)
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o-rchidae · 2 years
Terrortober 2022 Day 1 - Polar
“What? Are you following me now?” Neil couldn’t help the shiver that ran through him as he came face to face with his ex. Of all the cruise liners in all the world, they had to be working on his.
They had shaved their beard off since he had last seen them, which somehow made them look like the world’s tallest child and a little old lady simultaneously. They were dressed in the standard crew uniform, white short sleeved shirt with those stupid little epaulettes and black slacks, crisp and perfect compared to Neil’s coveralls.
“I swear, Billy, I didn’t know you'd be here.” Neil protested, “I didn’t think I'd be here. I thought I was going to be assigned to the Pacific Island cruise. I didn’t know Franklin Ross even ran a Polar cruise. Who goes on a Polar cruise?”
“Whale watchers, Neil, whale watchers.” Billy said, “Do you really expect me to believe that you just happened to get a job with the same company as me by pure coincidence.”
“There’s only so many cruise liners, Billy. Why would I follow you to the Arctic, you made your feelings very clear. 'I never want to see your stupid smirking face again, Cornelius.’ That's what you said.”
"I know what I said. And I stand by it. We had a good thing going, working on that super yacht, and you fucked it all up." It had been good. The owner only used it few weeks a year. Some heir to a famous whiskey distillery who just looked like some guy off the street. That’s how you could tell someone was old money, they never showed it off.
The rest of the year they had the run of the place. A new exotic location every month or so. Pure white beaches, turquoise water. Sydney, Singapore, Palm Beach, St Barts. The captain, Frank Crozier hadn’t given a shit about what they got up to. He’d been a little too fond of his boss’s product. Then it had all fallen apart. If Neil hadn’t agreed to smuggle that cigar shipment from Cuba they might still be working there. They had been lucky it had only been the cigars, he had transported far worse over the years, and they had got off with a fine and getting unceremoniously let go.
"I’m sorry? Which one of us confessed immediately when I told you I had things under control." Neil said angrily, standing his ground. It would have been more effective if Billy hadn’t been a good hear taller than him but he did his best.
“Whatever, just stay out of my way. It’s a big ship, we don’t have to see each other.” Billy said and stormed off.
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embraceyourdestiny · 2 years
Another kh thought that won’t leave my mind: Why is Riku the one to introduced the paopu to the series?
Why not Kairi, Sora’s supposed love interest? Kairi doesn’t even mention the paopu tree at all, Sora and riku are the ones caught up on it and the only time she ever interacts with a paopu before kh3 is when she sees sora drew her one. Never before that or after.
Riku is quite literally the first time we ever see it or it’s mentioned. He appeared with one out of nowhere and even explained the tale. “If two people share on, their destinies become intertwined, they’ll remain a part of their lives no matter what.” As Riku says this, he walks past Sora. They meet in the middle as Riku and Riku disappears from screen as he says “they’ll remain a part of each other’s lives no matter what.” Foreshadowing the events of kh1? With the paopu fruit?
Isn’t it funny how there’s no implication to Kairi at all in his words? Isn’t it funny how after this Selphie calls the paopu “romantic” even though Riku is the only one to talk about or be seen with a paopu around Sora so far?
And it was so randomly too. “C’mon, I know you wanna try it” before he laughs and runs away.“You wanted one, didn’t you?”
Riku remembered, who knows how long ago, Sora mentioning wanting a paopu fruit. It couldn’t have been kh1 sora, could it? Why would sora look so and caught off guard and confused then? That Sora who was awkward about his feelings and didn’t understand them. How long ago did sora say he wanted a paopu and why did Riku keep that thought in mind?
Another thought. Riku gives sora the paopu on a very particular day. It’s the day before the storm. It’s the day before he knows the island is going to fall. Did Riku give sora the paopu fruit because no matter what happened that night, he wanted them to remained intertwined in each other’s lives? That maybe even after he was going to do, Sora wouldn’t leave him?
“I should’ve tried that paopu thing”
There’s only two other moments we see Riku with a paopu.
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Once in official art
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And once on the manga
Why would Riku have a paopu? He has no one to share it with, right? Sora and Kairi are a pair, right? There’s no one left for Riku to have a destiny with, right? He has the paopu all by himself, somehow for some reason, right?
Doesn’t it seem so strange that Riku holds the paopu alone in the first art, looking back at someone, and in the second art he stands next to Sora, who looks down at the paopu in surprise? Who is Riku looking at? Why does Sora look so surprised by the paopu? Why is he the only one looking at it and not the camera?
And isn’t so interesting that Sora and Riku actually do share a paopu? On the keyblade that represents their hearts coming together?
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We never see Sora and Riku share a paopu and yet there it is, attached to ropes woven together like they are in their lives. This is purely symbolic because of how much the paopu means to them. They didn’t actually share a paopu but they didn’t have to. Their wills were stronger than fate. They made themselves apart of each other’s lives no matter what all in their own.
Why did Riku introduce the paopu to the series?
Because Riku wanted to share the paopu with Sora. Because Riku wanted to make sure that he and Sora’s destinies were intertwined. Because Riku loves Sora.
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