#i wasn't sure which muse of yours this would have fit best so i hope it's okay that i left it open-ended ;W;
midnightcrw · 8 months
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Pairing: Alastor x fem!reader
Summary: Lucifer visits the Hazbin Hotel because his daughter called him, but there he sees a good friend he hasn't seen in a long time.
Warnings: Swearing, mention of discrimination (this is fluff, by the way)
a/n: This is my first time writing for Alastor and anything related to the Hazbin Hotel, so I hope you all will like it. Please tell me if there's anything in this one shot that might offend anyone, and I'll do my best to change it or clarify my thought process.
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Charlie was walking around in circles because of the fact that her dad was going to come over to the hazbin hotel for the first time.
And while everyone seemed quite unbothered, she couldn't calm down while Vaggie was currently helping Sir Pentious put up the decorations.
"You have been walking around in circles for the last fifteen minutes, darling," your voice was heard as you put a hand on Charlie's shoulder.
She stopped abruptly as she felt the weight on her shoulder and turned her head slightly to look into your eyes, "It's just been a while since I've seen him and I really want this to go well."
Her usual optimistic tone was much less energetic and confident as she started to look around, clearly avoiding your eyes.
You let out a sigh, a small smile finding its way to your lips as you cupped her chin between your thumb and forefinger, "There's nothing to panic about. I'm sure everything will go perfectly."
Your words seemed to calm the blonde down a bit as she gave you a slight nod, "I hope you're right," she muttered as you let go of her chin.
With that, Charlie made her way over to Vaggie to look at the decorations she had put up with Sir Pentious.
You just smiled at the sight when you suddenly heard a low static behind you, "She's been all over the place since the call," Alastor mused, his sharp grin never leaving his face.
Rolling your eyes at him, you opened your mouth to speak, "Let her be, she's trying her best."
"Oh, I know, my dear. I want the best for Charlie too," Alastor's words made you shake your head, knowing there was more to it, but even with you, he wasn't eager to share that information.
If you had known that you would be bound to him even in hell, you would have run as fast as you could in your mortal life.
But your 'lovely' husband had a way with words even then. Even if the two of you didn't marry for love, there was definitely something there.
Back in New Orleans, Alastor had a hard time because he was half Creole. He was always at a disadvantage because he did not fit into the standard, even though he tried his best to somehow blend in.
But radio was really the perfect solution and a passion of his. It even helped him because no one saw his face and only had to listen to his voice, which even he had forced to sound different, his usual deep tone becoming much higher to fit into the society.
And once he became famous, he even started to change his appearance. His usually dark brown wavy hair was straightened by him, while he also started to dress like the rest of the crowd.
But even then it never seemed to be enough. His tan complexion was still striking to some, as people began to gossip about him from time to time.
The prejudices against him never stopped, as people even started to question him because he wasn't married, making him out to be a cruel man who couldn't even find love, and that's where you came in, to get rid of at least one of the many talked about topics about him. At least then the people of New Orleans would know that Alastor really was a lovable man.
You really couldn't have cared less about the standards and the gossip that had made its way when Alastor started to pursue you back then. Even though he did not even reveal his intentions at first, you could still tell that there was more to it than just love in itself.
And even after he revealed his true intention behind a marriage, you accepted it. You didn't really have anything to lose anyway, and his charming words seemed to sway you somehow.
However, getting married and playing the role of a happily married couple had been a struggle. Both of you being at each other's throats, but never really being able to truly hate each other, was definitely odd.
But leaving that aside for now, there were more important matters at hand as you let go of your thoughts of the past.
"Just don't ruin this for her," your stern tone was obvious and with that you went over to help Niffty with cleaning up.
A few minutes passed and everything seemed to be perfect now, but not for Charlie.
"What if he hates the way the hotel looks?" She asked herself, her hands pulling tightly on her hair.
"He won't. You don't have to worry. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you at all," Vaggie said in a reassuring voice as she put an arm around her girlfriend's shoulder and gave her a small kiss on the forehead.
That little gesture made Charlie blush as she leaned against Vaggie, trying to calm herself, and when she felt ready, she made her way to the door.
"Okay everyone, it's showtime!" She said with a smile on her face, looking at everyone as the door was suddenly flung open by Lucifer, who said his daughters name and hugged her tightly.
Standing near the door, Alastor looked at the two of them with a crazy glint in his eyes and his never-ending smile showing his teeth.
And that's when you knew that this wasn't going to end well.
As Lucifer looked around the hotel, Alastor didn't seem happy at all, angry at the fact that he was being ignored.
"It's got a lot of character... What in the unholy hell is that?" Lucifer asked in a disbelieving tone, as a frown made its way onto his face.
Already knowing that Alastor wasn't going to hold back now, you let out a heavy sigh as you rubbed your temple.
"Just some of the renovations we had done. Adds a bit of color, don't you think?" Your husband's voice was heard as Lucifer then proceeded to ask who he even was.
And with the blink of an eye, Alastor is now at Lucifer's side. "I'm Alastor. Pleasure to be meeting you, sir. Quite a pleasure," he replied as he wiped his hand on his coat.
You were about to slam your head against the wall when you felt someone tugging at your dress. "He's a bad boy," Niffty said in an excited tone, staring at the King of Hell while you just felt a shiver run down your spine in disgust at your friend being lusted upon.
"You might have heard of me from my radio broadcast," Alastor said with a sinister grin on his face as he held his microphone. Knowing him, he loves to be acknowledged and it didn't look like Lucifer was going to give him any of that.
"Nope, I guess that's why Charlie called it the Hazbin Hotel," Lucifer said, emphasizing the 'haz'.
"Hahaha! It was actually my idea!"
"Hahaha! Well, it's not very clever!"
"Haha! Fuck you!"
Hearing that, you immediately made your way to Alastor as you and Charlie interrupted them, earning a look of shock from Lucifer.
"Is it really you?" Lucifer asked, his eyes wide as he looked at you. And before you could even answer, he threw himself at you, nearly crushing you to a second death and leaving you breathless.
"It's been years!" The King of Hell shouted as he let go of you to examine your face. You let out a chuckle, "It has indeed been a long time."
The interaction between the two of you naturally caught everyone's attention, as they all had a confused look on their faces, except for Alastor, who seemed to be losing his patience by the second.
Not even letting you two continue reminiscing, Alastor put an arm around your waist, causing you to gasp in surprise, as he wasn't usually the one to show off your relationship, especially to Overlords and anyone above that position.
"From where do you know him, my love?" Alastor's static-like voice was heard loud and clear as he pulled you even closer.
Before you could answer, Lucifer interrupted. "My love?!" He asked in disbelief and disgust.
"Oh, yes. 'My love,' the beautiful woman I'm so smitten by," Alastor was really putting on a show as he even planted a small kiss on your temple.
Your arm made its way around your husband's back as you pinched his waist in annoyance, eliciting a small static screech from Alastor.
"You really have some nerve, don't you?" you whispered in a caustic tone as your face came closer to his, wanting only him to hear it.
But even with that, the man dressed in red didn't shy away to take it completely somewhere else, "Just a few minutes, my darling. Then we'll have some time alone. Oh, and how she loves it, almost shameless, isn't she?" Alastor went on talking while you cursed him in your head.
You knew he was only doing it to rile Lucifer up, but of course the rest of them didn't know that.
"So Freaky Face does fuck," Angel Dust mused with a grin on his face as Husk slapped him on the back of the head.
"You sleep with that?" Lucifer asked in a disgusted tone as he ran towards you, pulling you out of Alastor's tight grip as he took a few steps away from your husband.
"Are you sure this is what you want for your future? Are you even sure it is worth of dating?" The short man asked you, almost even praying for you.
You apparently forgot to mention that you and Alastor have been married for decades, but you definitely wouldn't tell him that right now.
"It's a he," you simply replied.
"Well, I couldn't care less about it."
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imagines--galore · 1 year
“I’m not jealous! It’s just… you’re mine!” with peter parker, please? he's the one saying it! thank you in advance! 🫶🏻
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. Use of a curse word but that's it. A/N: So.......since there was no specification to which version of Peter we're talking about, I thought this fit the MCU Peter Parker more, so I hope thats alright!
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"Well! I'd say that was a successful block party!" You stated happily as you entered the apartment you shared with your boyfriend. "We also probably gave Mrs Harris a heart attack by flaunting our relationship so openly." You chuckled as you referred to a resident living in your building who didn't think it was proper for a young lady to be living with a man when they were not married.
Peter gave a small smile, moving to put some leftovers you had gotten from the block party onto the small dining table you shared. You pulled off your shoes and sighed as you sank into the couch, glad to be off your feet. "Everything went off without a hitch, and I'm so glad I signed up for being in charge of the activities for the kids. They were a blast."
As part of the block party, you had contributed by making different fun activities for the younger kids to do while their parents went off to take a little time to themselves and enjoy the party as well. All day long you had entertained kids ranging from the age of five till twelve. You had been yanked in a hundred different directions by them the entire day, yet you didn't mind it. Playing with kids always brought you joy.
"You know? I'm thinking of signing up as a volunteer at the kindergarten nearby, it was so fun being around kids." You mused as Peter came to sit beside you. Turning your gaze to your boyfriend you gave a grin. "What do you think?"
You waited eagerly for his reply.
"Sure, if thats what you want." He said flatly with a shrug of his shoulders.
You blinked.
That was certainly not the response you had been expecting.
"Is everything alright Peter?" You asked, shifting slightly so you were sitting next to him, a hand on his shoulder.
"Everything's fine." He replied before pursing his lips tightly, as if physically stopping himself from saying anything further.
You shook your head. "No. Something is wrong. You've been acting weird all day."
"Oh so now you notice?!" You were taken aback at the sharp retort. Deciding to take the more patient route, one that you had adopted for the entire day given how you had been dealing with children you spoke in a soft tone. "What do you mean?"
Peter looked like he wanted to keep quiet, but with a small nod you hoped to encourage him to go on.
"Today was the one day we were supposed to hang out. Do stuff together and just spend time. And I was really looking forward to it since we've both been so busy the past couple weeks. But you spent the entire day on duty, after you said it would only be half a day. You spent the entire day playing with the kids and we didn't get to spend any time together."
He was breathing deeply by the time he had finished ranting.
Your mouth parted, your mind feeling a little fuzzy as you tried your best to catch up with what he had just said. Finally it all clicked into place and a wide smile of disbelief pulled at your lips.
"Oh my god! Peter! Were you jealous?!" You exclaimed, already feeling a giggle bubble in your chest, but you quickly pushed it down, not wanting to embarrass him further.
His cheeks were already turning red and panic shone in his eyes as he turned away from you. "I wasn't jealous!" He denied, crossing his arms over his chest and.....pouting.
Oh good Lord, he was pouting!
He looked so adorable.
"So let me see if I have this right, you, Peter Parker, Spiderman, savior of New York, are jealous of a bunch of kids because I gave them my attention for a day?" You asked hoping you would clarify the situation further. And also because you wanted to tease him about it.
As you spoke he suddenly stood, walking a few paces away before turning around to glare at you. "I'm not jealous." He stated, though the lack of conviction in his tone wouldn't fool anybody. "Its just....." He trailed off and looked as if he were struggling to find the words to say what he felt.
"You're mine."
A beat of silence which was broken by a sound that was a cross between a squeal and a giggle as you practically threw yourself in your boyfriend's arms. It was a true testament to his strength that he was able to catch you. He hardly had any time to recover from your sudden leap when you began to shower his face with kisses.
"You are so fucking adorable!" You emphasized each word with a loud smooch. You pulled back, laughing at the absolute dumbstruck look on his face, and the impressions of your lips that you had left behind. You had been wearing a slightly darker lipstick that you had kept reapplying throughout the day. He gave you a drunken smile at your sudden display of affection.
"I'm sorry if you felt neglected today." You said, arms wrapped around him. "How about I promise that you have my undivided attention for the next-" You glanced at the nearby clock. "Forty eight hours? I mean we have the whole weekend in front of us."
Peter seemed to have recovered from your affectionate attack as he hummed in contemplation. "Only if I get to choose the activities we'll be doing. I'm sure you're done with planning after today." He offered, a playful gleam in his eyes.
You grinned. "Deal."
To seal the little pact, you tilted your head back and kissed his lips, smiling as you felt him lean your entire body against yours, making you stumble back into the couch. Your body hit the soft cushions with a thump, but you barely noticed as you pulled Peter down with you, eager to sink into his embrace.
"All mine?" He whispered against your lips, before moving to trail down hot quick kisses along the curve of your neck.
"All yours." You whispered in a breathy tone as you felt the first buttons of your blouse come undone.
It was going to be a long night, yet you wouldn't have it any other way.
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star-railfanboy · 1 year
Their Muse
|Hello everyone that comes across this. This is my first writing for Honkai Star Rail. It's going to be a modern au in which the reader is best friends with some of the Star Rail boys and is an artist. The reader will also be smaller than all of the boys. Feel free to change the pronouns to fit your own. Anyways I hope you have a wonderful day or night and please enjoy.
Scenario: You both were considered a pair it's rare to see one without the other. You were always with a sketchbook or something to draw on in your free time. You've been friends since childhood. He constantly wished to see what you had been drawing and is quite surprised when he manages to get a glimpse one day.
Caelus, and Dan Heng (separately) x A Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: long, minor spoiler character spoilers?, and (minor injuy mentions nothing graphic). |
Caelus and (Name) were hanging out at a new Cafe together. It was one if their free moments and were going to be joined by their other two friends eventually. "I'm bored." Caelus whined leaning against his long time friend. He wasn't even allowed to rummage through the trash cans on the way because they stopped him.
Caelus had had a long time crush on (Name) but felt he had better luck with some trash can than them. It was hard for him to gauge what they thought of him. After all they've always treated him the same way. He admired them for a variety of reasons and always enjoyed their presence.
"Well if you're so bored you can pull up your game you're always playing on your phone. Dan Heng should be here soon after all he sent a text saying so in our group chat. Then we'll just be waiting on March and it's anyone's guess to when she'll arrive." (Name) stated while doodling something in their sketchbook. They occasionally glanced up at him making him pout.
Caelus was looking at them intensely as if begging them to entertain him. He was a being of chaos and needed something going on. "How about you show me what your drawing or teach me to draw instead?" He suggested.
He wasn't sure if it was his gaze or his question but he noticed their cheeks turn pink and they quickly shut their sketchbook "I'm going to order another drink would you like anything?"
Caelus perked up at their words. It meant they were going to treat him. "Can I get another juice?" He asked. They simply nodded placing the sketchbook down and getting up. He noticed the sketchbook was still on the table after they went to the counter. He felt a strong sense of complusion come over him.
The two had been friends for so long but for some reason after they graduated high school (Name) stopped showing him their art. It irrated him because he loved their art. Curiosity had over taken him and he glanced around to see them still at the counter ordering. He sneakily grabbed the sketchbook.
He gently flipped it open. His eyes widened in surprise as he flipped through the pages. They were all very well done sketches of him during different outings the two had. When he got to the most recent page which they were just sketching on and it was him sitting there. He glanced back at them and saw them still waiting for their drinks. His face felt like it was on fire.
He quickly shut the book and contemplated the morality of the actions he just performed. All these years they had started drawing him. The drawings were super flattering. One might think they were drawing a model if they were shown it.
"Hey Caelus why are you so flustered?" March's voice quickly snapped him out his thought. He look up at her. Then watched as she noticed (Name)'s sketchbook and her eyes lit up. She quickly grabbed it as they came back to the table.
They placed Caelus' drink right in front of him. Then set their's down before trying to grab their sketchbook from their hyperactive friend. "March I love you but my drawings are private!" Their face had become a deep red. While March held it away from them.
"No! You let Dan Heng see it once but Caelus and I never get to. Just a peak to make it fair. Caelus you wanna see it too don't you?" She whined holding it away from the other. Caelus looked at the two. His guilt was eating away at him. He had a choice to make. He didn't want to be dishonest and March seeing what's in it would mean playing a game of a thousand questions.
Thankfully he didn't have to ponder too much because their stoic friend showed up grabbing the sketchbook from March 7th. "When I saw their sketchbook it was merely because they were asked for my opinion on a drawing. They'll show us when they want to." He simply said handing the book back to them.
"Caelus you have to be curious too right? After all you two are always together and have been friends for like ever. You should help me convince the buzz kills." March whined shaking his arm. Caelus felt it was better to own up to his crimes before March gets back on the topic of his blush.
He cleared his throat looking away rubbing the back of his neck. "I was so I glanced at it while (Name) was getting us some more drinks" He admitted refusing to look at the others.
"Oh did you see their note then?" Dan Heng asked wondering if he should take March somewhere else while the other two talk. Caelus looked surprised again and noticed (Name) was hiding their face with the book. "I didn't. (Name) give it back I need to see this note." He said getting up and reaching for it. They were now playing keep away from him. It was futile because his arms were longer.
"It's not in here anymore I ripped it out." They stated. Caelus looked disappointed. "Wait what's in the sketchbook!?!?" March questioned before being lead away towards the counter by Dan Heng. "We're going to go order drinks while you two sort things out." He said walking away with March.
(Name)'s face was now on fire refusing to look at the other. Caelus leaned down. "So why were you so ashamed of showing me all these drawings. They are very flattering and to know you use me as your art muse makes me happy." He teased. "If you liked me you could've just said so after all the feeling is the same." He said giving a smile.
He grabbed their hand which made their face become more red. He kissed their forehead and the two heard a click. They looked over to see March holding her camera towards them with eyes shining. "You two need to allow me to be apart of the wedding!" She said excitedly.
"They aren't exactly dating just yet though it will be nice to not hear anymore of their pinning." Dan Heng stated crossing his arms. (Name) just wanted to disappear into the floor.
Dan Heng:
Dan Heng got along well with his best friends. Sometimes he'd wonder what it would be like to date them. The two have always been able to spend several hours together in a comfortable silence. He'd be reading while (Name) would be drawing. He never was shown their art work which made him a bit disappointed but he refused to press them in the matter. He figured they would show him if they wished for him to see.
When the two went off to college together they decided to rent an apartment together. After all they've always been near one another since they were young. There was a point he had lost his memories for a bit due to an injury. He started falling in love with them after that incident. A lot of his old friends abandoned him during that time simply because they didn't wish to rebuild the relationship.
However (Name) told him that it was ok he didn't remember them. They wanted to stay by his side even if it meant their friendship had to start over. He regained all the memories he had lost though. He was glad they didn't leave him.
After all that he started noticing very little things about them. He also realized he liked listening to their voice and seeing their smile. It wasn't until he was on an outing with Himiko and Mr. Yang where Himiko pointed out he was in love with his best friend. The idea was reinforced when he was with Caelus and invited him to a study session with the two. Caelus stated he didn't want to be a third wheel to the couple and was planning a date with a trash can instead.
Dan Heng was surprised that a few people had brought the matter of a crush up to him. He wasn't able to deny his feelings now though he didn't want anything to change so he remained quiet about them. Being able to spend his evenings with them while they drew and he read was enough for him.
He was heading home from some of his biology classes. He had gotten out early which was rare but he wasn't complaining. He was gifted a new book from (Name) that he wanted to start reading.
He figured that they wouldn't be home yet when he walked through the door. He went to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. On the counter he noticed (Name)'s sketchbook laying there open. He would be lying if he wasn't curious. So he took a quick peak at the page it was open to.
His face immediately heated up. He hid his blush behind his hand. It was a very well drawn sketch oh himself. There were some hearts neatly drawn around it in the blank space. He quickly took a picture of it and sent it to Caelus asking if he knew what it meant. He wouldn't dare send it to March 7th as he couldn't handle the teasing from her at the moment.
'They like you in the same way you like them is my only guess. That drawing is very flattering. Do you think they'd draw me of I asked them?' Caleus had quickly responded. Dan Heng felt his thoughts racing for a second. 'I'm unsure if they would they tend to keep their art private as they draw for themself. Do you mind if we meet up I need help sorting my thoughts?'
Caelus immediately responded with a pompom emoji and 'Be there soon.' Dan Heng had to admit he was glad his friend was sometimes happy to help. Though he wondered if. It was conditioned into him from being asked all the time.
Within a few minutes there was a knock on the door. Dan Heng went to answer and saw Caelus who invited himself in. He walked over to the counter and saw the sketchbook. "Have you looked at any other pages?" He asked.
The black haired male shook his head no. "I don't think I was supposed to see this page. They told me earlier they left in a rush because they had forgotten about their class today." He answered. He watched the taller male walk over and start flipping through the pages.
Dan Heng frowned. "We shouldn't look through it without their permission." He said. Gold eyes looked back at him unbothered. "Shouldn't have left it where I could find it. Be glad March isn't here. She'd be taking pictures of every drawing and sending them to everyone." He stated matter of factly.
"They definitely like you back. This sketchbook is filled to the brim with drawings of you when you two hang out and when we're together as a group. Hey they drew me as a raccoon! Rude." Caelus said with a blank expression.
Dan Heng raised an eyebrow at his friend. "It's pretty accurate if you asked me. What should I do about this situation?" He asked himself. "Ask them out. Though you'll probably get too in your head if you do it in person. I'm gonna ask March and Himiko how they'd do it." Caelus answered closing the sketchbook. "Once you're dating they owe me a drawing of me that isn't a raccoon." He pulled out his phone.
He sent a messages to Kafka instead of the two he mentioned March would ask too many questions and he didn't wanna deal with it and Himiko would just tell him to be honest. He noticed Dan Heng's eyes went wide at the two he mentioned. "Caelus please tell you didn't actually ask those two?" He said.
"Nah I asked someone else whose good at romance." Caelus said waiting for her to respond. Romance wasn't his Forte after all when he was down on his luck he considered dating a trash can. He saw the message. 'If you're too shy to do it in person just write them a letter and let them find it. Though your future lover will need to get my approval kiddo.'
Caelus then grabbed Dan Heng's phone. "What are you doing?" He asked. The silver haired boy rolled his eyes. "Just trust me." The taller male pulled up (Name)'s contact. He typed out a confession that sounded like Dan Heng's writing. He immediately sent the message. "Here's your phone back." He said handing it back to him.
Dan Heng's eyes went wide and he quickly tried deleting the message from the chat log but froze when he saw three dots indicating they had seen the message and was typing a response. Caelus was watching the chaos with an entertained smile. While Dan Heng was standing there frozen.
His face felt like it was on fire when they said they liked him back and was wondering if he wanted to go on a date. He was now contemplating hitting Caelus or thanking him. "I'm gonna be your best man right?" The golden eyed boy asked.
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space-dragon-ace · 2 years
Hi Ace!
I would like to request some festival things! I'm gonna send a few asks so you can pick and choose which are your faves to write! <3
To start off! Can I request a Venti/Reader having a good old time together at Weinlesefest? Like Venti and the reader sampling plenty of wines having a tipsy old time and pestering their friends? Immortal reader could work too! Perhaps they have a moment to think about their past friends and how they laughed with them at the festival too?
Festival days
Pairing: Venti x gn!Reader Word count: 1403 Description: Another Festival in Mondstadt. Some things never change, even when they do Additional warnings: Mention of alcohol consummation Tagging: @gh0stchoir, @coco-goat-milk
Festivals were, with no doubt, your favorite events in Mondstadt. And while it was the same every year, it was also different every time. The people changed from year to year, and you loved to observe these changes. Strangers could turn into friends, friends could turn into lovers, children could gain a sibling, parents could gain a child. But of course, the opposite was also true. Some couples broke up, some people died, some friends parted ways. Such was life, such was time. It was the most beautiful, but also the most cruel mistress one could have. Not that you minded, you knew that your life couldn't be all cupcakes and rainbows. After all, to make cupcakes you needed to break some eggs, and to see a rainbow, there had to be rain. No coin had only one side, and so you took the bad alongside the good, happy to be able to experience all of these emotions. And it wasn't like everything changed. There was one constant that was always the same, and that was your best friend and boyfriend, Venti. Also known as the Anemo Archon Barbatos, not that he ever used that title formally. It was rather funny when he thanked himself, only to realize belated that he did it. Never failed to make you laugh, especially when he got embarrassed by it, pulling his cap down his face and pulling his braids. How were you supposed not to swoon and squeal when that happened?! He was just too adorable for you to handle. And everyone in the City knew that, knew from the way you smiled when you were about to meet up with him, knew from the way you'd skip some steps. The elders often commented how cute this 'young love' was. Oh, if only they knew this 'young love' was older than their own elders had been. Then again, you and Venti chose carefully who was told about your immortality.
„[Y/N]!“, someone called, and you had just enough time to turn around and catch your boyfriend as he leaped at you. Laughing, you two twirled around, before stopping, simply giggling at one another. „So, are you ready for some wine sampling?~“, Venti asked with a bright smile. You nodded, smiling. „I am~ Though, don't be mad if I'm sticking to juices as well. Someone has to stay half-sober and make sure you don't fall into a fountain while singing~“ Venti gasp, mock-offended, and put a hand over his chest. „That was one time! I can not believe you'd still hold it over my head!“ He looked at you, trying his best to seem offended. It look horribly silly, and you couldn't help but burst into a new fit of giggles, which he quickly joined. Nothing like teasing and banter with your best friend in all of Teyvat. „So, think Diluc will let you sample a lot? Because my bet is he stops you after five samples, tops“, you mused, swinging Venti's hand around as you walked to the Winery. Venti laughed, nodding. „Oh yeah, he so would. But that could look bad for the business, so I'm hoping he won't do anything. And if, I count on your puppy eyes. You know he has a weakness for them.“ You snorted a bit, because yes, Venti was right. Diluc did had a weakness when you made puppy eyes at him, something you tended to abuse to get your (or Venti's) will. Needless to say, the redhead hated your guts for it. Even more so once Kaeya started teasing him about it. The argument that the Calvary Captain had the same weakness wasn't fruitful, since Kaeya had no problem openly admitting he found you adorable. Speaking of him... „I bet Kaeya is there, too. We should hang out with him later. Oh! And with Jean too! And maybe you and Barbara could give a little concert! Your voices sound so pretty together!“, you proposed, smiling the whole while as you rambled. Venti listened, smiling. You were so pretty when you talked about your friends.
Sampling the different wines turned out to be more fun that you expected. You stayed more sober than Venti, just to be sure he wouldn't do anything stupid. And also because you didn't want your drunk state to turn sad and waste time crying over silly things like how pretty a flower was. That could be done the next time, when there wasn't a festival going on. Right now, you opted to watch over your boyfriend and chat with the Calvary Captain, who still flirted with you. Both of you for that matter, he wouldn't leave Venti out. Which was fine, flirting was just Kaeya's way of communication with just about everyone. You, Venti, Diluc, Jean... whoever he talked to, one could expect at least one flirty compliment. And you and Venti, you flirted right back, trying to one-up each other with how cheesy and dumb the compliments got. It always ended with you three in a giggle fit, and a very annoyed Diluc. Who got even more annoyed from then one, since the moment you heard him huff, all your attention would be on him. And for all stoic Diluc was, he could not take three people shamelessly flirting with him at once. Which led to... „Kicked out from wine sampling, I can't believe it!“, Venti pouted, crossing his arms as he marched through the streets. You laughed a bit, grinning. „Well, your last compliment was a bit extreme. I mean, did you saw how he blushed? His face had no difference from his hair! Kaeya nearly choked on his wine he was laughing so hard!“ Venti smiled, nodding in agreement. It had been rather fun seeing Diluc so flustered, even though now, he was back on having to pay for his wine and cider. Not the worst thing to happen, he would get the money with his singing. Speaking of which, you had mentioned collaborating with Barbara. Surely that would lead to a few more people opening their pouches and tossing a coin. Maybe the next thing on his agenda should be seeking out the blonde idol and asking her to sing along to his songs. Or make you ask her, that was likely to get the better result. He smiled at you, opening his mouth to- „Hey... Wanna go to Windrise?“ you asked, cutting him off. Venti blinked a bit, but nodded. „Yeah, sure.“
Windrise was pretty quiet at this time, with most people being in the city. It was good for you, you wanted peace and quiet for the moment. Both of you sat down under Venessa's tree, and you pulled out a candle from your bag, lighting it. Venti hummed, watching you curiously, unable to really figure out what you were planning. Your smile was a mixture of happy and sad, as were you eyes. A nostalgic aura surrounded you, and if anyone else could see you now, they'd understand just how old you had to be. „They would have loved it“, you whispered, „How Mondstadt grew and flourishes. How wonderful the people here are.“ Venti nodded in agreement, not needing to ask who 'they' were. You meant all the friends you had made, and who were no longer in this world. „I'm sure Vennessa would love to meet Kaeya. Or Diluc. Or both. Who do you think she'd be more annoyed with?“ „Oh, that's easy. Definitely Kaeya, I mean, she was basically a female version of Diluc.“ „Yeah, exactly! Don't you think she and Diluc would annoy the living daylight out of each other with their similarities?!“ Both of you laughed, nodding to each other. Of course you missed your passed friends, but you didn't saw the use in always being sad when you thought of them. Of course you were, sometimes. There was no need for toxic positivity and denying any and all negative emotions. But only being sad that something was over, or someone was gone, was equally dumb. You could mourn and miss, but you could also be happy that you got to experience and know the things that were over. And on festivals, happiness should rule. And what better way to reminisce about the past then remember silly memories with Venti, and make up dumb hypothetical scenarios that left you laughing so loud, some people in the city were sure to hear their god.
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griseldabanks · 1 year
For the count the ways ask game: Steve and Bucky, "You're my idiot".
Let Me Count the Ways ask game
“You sure you're gonna be okay?” Bucky asked for the fifth time.
Steve waved weakly at him from the mound of blankets he'd burrowed under on the bed. “Not gonna croak just 'cause you went to work,” he sniffled.
“I dunno, you sound pretty croaky to me,” Bucky said, wrapping his scarf around his neck and pulling on his gloves as he looked critically at his best friend's bleary-eyed gaze. It wasn't a good joke, and Steve didn't laugh. Not that he would have laughed even if Bucky had told the best zinger anyone had ever thought up, probably.
“Get outta here,” Steve mumbled. “I'll be fine.”
“Okay.” Bucky reluctantly backed out of the bedroom. “I left you extra water. And some books. And I'll come straight home from work.”
“I know, Buck.”
“Just...don't do anything stupid until I come back, all right?”
Steve started to reply, but broke into a coughing fit before he could finish. Bucky hesitated on the threshold, but Steve waved him impatiently away, so Bucky closed the bedroom door and headed out, chased by the sounds of Steve's hacking cough.
Bucky hurried down the stairs and down the street; he was already late, and he knew he would get an earful once he got to work. But he just couldn't shake the worry. All the way to work, in every idle moment throughout the day, his thoughts kept returning to Steve—especially when he glanced out the window at lunch and saw snow blowing past.
Maybe the worry was ingrained into him after all these years, like a habit he'd never be able to shake. Steve made it really easy to worry about him, notwithstanding all of his protests and reassurances. Besides, this had been a particularly hard year. This winter was bitterly cold, and money was tight. The summer had been brutally hot, as well—so hot you could feel your brain melting, and that hadn't done wonders for Steve's health either.
And...the other thing. The thing they never talked about. The emptiness in Steve's life since that awful, awful day.
Maybe we should talk about it, Bucky mused as he trudged back home at the end of the day, bowing his head against the wind that drove snowflakes like icy spears against his skin. Maybe it's worse because we never bring it up. If we could just...talk about her. Remember the good things. Maybe then...he could let her go. Move on.
Bucky knew nothing was ever going to be the same, not without Miss Sarah. But there was still a lingering deadness in Steve's eyes sometimes, like he wasn't really there. Like he was floating away, like he was going to meet his mother again in a place Bucky couldn't follow.
With a sigh of relief, Bucky stepped through the front door to the apartment he shared with Steve, which was dark and silent in the winter evening. He stamped the slush off his shoes as quietly as he could and didn't call out, hoping that the quiet meant Steve was sleeping.
But as he pulled off his scarf, he glanced up and froze. The door to the bedroom stood ajar. The room inside was dark, but Bucky could make out the blankets thrown back.
The bed was empty.
With a curse, Bucky turned on his heel and bolted back out the door. He tore down the stairs and back out into the street, squinting into the snow blowing harder and harder in his face. “Steve!” he called, but there was no response.
Picking a direction at random, Bucky hurried up the street. There weren't many people on the sidewalk, not in this weather. They all seemed to be hustling homeward, heads bent against the wind.
As the seconds ticked by and Bucky still didn't find Steve huddling in any of the doorways or alleys he frantically searched, dread filled Bucky's chest like the icy gasps of air in his lungs. Steve was sick. He'd been running a fever for days, and if he'd come out on a day like this, he could already be....
Cupping his hands around his mouth, Bucky screamed, “Steve!” He kept going, slipping and sliding on the ice forming on the sidewalk, running aimlessly and howling Steve's name as loud as he could, as if to banish the terror bubbling up inside him.
In place of the fear, anger clouded his vision as much as the sleet pelting him. What was Steve thinking anyway, going for a walk on a day like this? He wouldn't last long out here even on one of his better days, but he was sick! And now Bucky had to stay out here looking for him, and he was probably going to catch his death, and then....
Bucky came to a sudden stop. He didn't think he'd heard anything—it would have been hard to hear even someone who was shouting on a day like this—but something drew his attention to the alleyway he'd just passed. He turned back, trying to shield his face with his arm as he squinted into the darkness next to Mr. Botticelli's butcher shop.
Was that...a shoe? Sticking out from behind the garbage cans, which had been overturned as if someone had stumbled against them....
Bucky rushed forward, dropping to his knees next to a very familiar form wrapped in a coat. He lay sprawled on his face in a pile of half-frozen trash, without hat or gloves or scarf, lying awfully still. As Bucky rolled him over, he saw the deathly pallor of Steve's cheeks, grey from the cold.
“Stevie!” he cried, shaking him by the shoulders. “Come on, pal, don't do this to me! I told you not to be an idiot!”
Sluggishly, Steve cracked his eyes open and let out a weak cough. Bucky had never heard anything more wonderful in his life.
“Come on, let's get you home.” Bucky shrugged out of his coat and wrapped it around Steve's shoulders before heaving him up into his arms. He hated how easy it was. Steve didn't even make a token protest as Bucky picked him up like a baby and hurried back the way he'd come.
It was marginally easier to get back home, with the wind at his back the whole way. Bucky barely even noticed the snow and ice pelting his back and soaking him through to the skin. All he cared about was getting Steve home as fast as possible.
Finally, gasping for breath and shivering all over, Bucky stumbled up the last few steps and fumbled with the door to their apartment. He realized he hadn't even closed it all the way, in his haste to find Steve.
For the next few minutes, Bucky bustled around. He stripped off their sopping wet clothes and replaced them with clean, dry ones, tucking Steve back in bed under his mountain of blankets. He heated water for tea and a hot water bottle, but even with those heat sources, Steve was still shivering.
Bucky wasn't a nurse like Miss Sarah had been. He couldn't tell if the shivering was from the cold outside, or the fever within. He wasn't sure if he should be trying to warm Steve up or cool him off, but he couldn't stand to hear the way Steve's teeth kept chattering. So he crawled under the covers as well and pulled Steve closer, wrapping his arms and legs around him.
“Gonna catch what I've got,” Steve mumbled, but the shivers were already dying down.
“You don't get to lecture me, idiot,” Bucky said fiercely, resting his forehead against Steve's clammy temple. “What the hell were you doing out there?”
“Going to Mom.” Steve blinked blearily at him, like that was a perfectly normal thing to say.
“In a blizzard?” Bucky spluttered at him. “The cemetery's a mile away! What were you going to do, just walk there? You've got a fever, Steve! You can hardly make it to the toilet without keeling over!”
“I know, I...I wasn't...th-thinking straight....” He broke into a coughing fit, weakly turning his head to the side so he didn't cough directly into Bucky's face. Then he started choking and wheezing around the congestion in his lungs, and Bucky hastily helped him sit up, thumping him on the back until the fit was past.
Easing Steve back down and carefully tucking the blankets back around him, Bucky eyed his best friend anxiously. He looked utterly exhausted—huge bags under his eyes, his cheekbones jutting out in his pale face, his hair still damp from the snow. In this moment, while his breath wheezed in and out, he looked like he was on death's doorstep. But that thin chest still rose and fell, and that was all that mattered.
Steve cracked his eyes open again and found Bucky's. “I...I know I'm...an idiot,” he whispered. “Sorry.”
With a sigh, Bucky lay back down and pulled Steve into his arms. “Yeah. But you're my idiot. So don't you die on me too, okay?”
Out of nowhere, tears flooded his eyes. Tears of the fear that had chilled him to the bone when he'd realized Steve was missing. Tears of relief that he was okay. Tears of grief, still so potent even after all this time.
Cold, trembling fingers brushed against his cheek. He blinked the tears away to find Steve watching him with concern, his gaze intent even through the haze of fever. “I'm not going to die, Buck. Not today.”
Bucky covered Steve's hand with his, hoping to warm it up. With a sniffle, he nodded. “Keep it that way.”
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mythvoiced · 4 years
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@etherealve​ | "What are you doing here?" (To Yoshino) random      question      prompts. 
“My best, clearly,” with one hand on her hip, Yoshino uses the other to gesture to the wending machine she’s stood in front of, making her and her new companion the only two people filling the people-void of this particular street corner. So close to the surrounding nature, this wending machine has been one of Yoshino’s favourite trip goals ever since she’s first discovered it and the chocolate bars within it.
Sweet and at the same time salty, a taste combination Yoshino would have never dreamt of longing for this deeply, but now can hardly live without. The lack of change in her pocketless dresses has never been a problem, her shapeshifting abilities and the amount of tricks she has accumulated up her sleeves for reaching into places she should technically be too large for, have always helped her.
Until today.
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It seems that someone realised that something continously managed to slip its hand or otherwise into the machine and installed a mechanism that would only allow for anything to reach into it after some coins had been thrown into it.
A foot clad in a flat shoe hits the ground in sync with the girl’s huff. Her gaze seems distant as she stares at the street under her feet. Then her head lifts and she stares at her companion. “Help me break this wending machine.”
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beneathashadytree · 3 years
(1/2)I just read your Bertholdt piece with the reader forgiving him after being taken to Marley and it was beautiful 🥺 Can I please request a continuation of it, with the reader already pregnant in the timeline of s4? Bertholdt takes s/o with him during the festival but he excuses themselves from attending the play as his s/o begins to feel unwell. Cue the Scouts and Eren's attack on Marley a short while later. In the ongoing chaos the Scouts manage to spot Bertholdt and their friend
(2/2)-who has been kidnapped for years and is now 9 months pregnant to their shock. Bertholdt's s/o starts to go into labor due to the stress unfolding at once when their former squad and friends spot them. How would things go down between all of them, with Bertholdt having to help his s/o through a difficult labor while simultaneously facing their past choices in the face, due to being seen by their (former?) friends now. Angst and lots of bitterswetness please. Thank you so much ❤️🤧♥️
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Warnings : lots of curse words, one implication of sex, mentions of childbirth, reader is female!
Genre : angst to fluff
Word count : 3.8K words
Synopsis : Bertholdt now knows what it means to face the demons of your past.
Click here to read part 1
Additional notes : In all honesty, I'm not a fan of having to write continuations of my old works, because it usually causes a burn-out, since I write them as one shots to prevent that from happening in the first place. But since I was a fan of the idea, I tried my best to do it justice---but I'm not entirely sure if it's one of my best works 😅 I left it with a sort-of open ending by the way! Hope you enjoy this, and your feedback is most welcomed!
Requests : Are open! Check the rules over here.
Want to support me financially? Here’s my CashApp!
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"Are you sure it's alright for you to be out? You're reaching the end of the third trimester, and you really shouldn't be exhausting yourself."
The palpable worry apparent in his voice caught her attention, and she turned to find him frowning and scratching his stubble. He looked as though the mere thought of her even stepping out of his sight would send him into a fit of anxiety---which probably wasn't far off from the truth.
Doing her best to give him a reassuring smile, she took his hand in hers, "Bertl, the doctor said it was fine, so don't sweat it, 'mkay?" her thumb drawing comforting circles on the back of his palm, she began to look around, drinking in the flamboyant sights, vibrant colors, and lively chatter that surrounded her from every direction, sighing contentedly, "Plus, it's been so long since I've seen everyone so happy. I couldn't miss out."
Her boyfriend bit his lip anxiously, still looking nervous despite the fact that he towered over everyone with his height, "I don't know... sweetheart, there's a lot of people around, you know. You could get knocked over."
She chuckled, "Honestly, I'm so close to having them pop out of me that if I did fall, I'd probably roll over."
"You're going to send me into a heart attack if you keep saying stuff like that," Bertholdt exasperatedly said, much to her amusement.
"Look, there's Reiner and the others!" she waved excitedly, watching as the kids stumbled over their own feet in a hurry to wave back at the girl who'd snatched the heart of the brunette they idolized.
It only took them a couple of seconds before they diverted their attention back to stalls that they practically drooled over, and the girl let out a giggle, knowing well that they'd use their sad faces to lure Reiner into the trap of buying them food from every single stand---and Porco and Pieck provided them the support they needed to rope him in.
"Reiner always looks happy with the warrior candidates," Bertholdt mused softly as he walked with his lover, arms hooked as he did his best to let her lean her weight onto him, "I mean, it's rare enough to see him with a smile nowadays..."
Noticing the drop in his expression, she nodded grimly, "Yeah. It sometimes worries me," a bittersweet laugh escaped her, "Can't believe the man I resented is now one I fret over."
Bertholdt awkwardly looked away, not meeting her eyes as he pretended to inspect the fabrics of the exported dresses in front of him, and she almost cooed at how unconsciously endearing he sometimes was when he felt "a pang of jealousy" as he'd once embarrassedly called it.
"You should really stop worrying when you're my handsome man," she clicked her tongue, lightly nudging him with her elbow and earning a blush from him, fingers dropping from the skirt he'd been holding up, "It's not like I've ever stopped loving you."
"Not even when you found out the truth?" he asked hesitantly, and she shook her head so quickly it left no room for doubt.
Before he could open his mouth and ask for a kiss, she visibly winced, stilling in place. As she grimaced, one of her hands reached up to her belly, filling the already-worriesome man with concern as he tried to eye her for any symptoms.
"What's wrong? Are you in pain? Is the baby okay?" he rushed all at once, dropping her arm and turning to face her properly, his hands flying to gingerly touch her protruding stomach, the girl's breathing growing heavier for a few seconds at a time before relaxing altogether.
He frowned at her lack of reply, reaching up to touch her forehead, "You're warm. Can you tell me what's wrong?"
With an unsure shake of her head, she huffed, barely speaking up, "I'm not feeling too well," opting to lean against the wooden planks of a jewelry, her actions began to catch the attention of passers-by, which sent Bertholdt further into a panic, not knowing what to do when she wasn't letting him on on what exactly she was feeling.
Right in the midst of his frenzy, a hand clamped on his shoulder, and he whipped around, a rare look of annoyance on his face, asking a quick, "Is it urgent?" to Porco, who arched his brow at the uncharacteristic attitude the normally-reserved man had donned.
"Commander Magath wants us to head to the front lines of the audience," he pointed at their designated seats, "Your girlfriend should have a seat with the other Eldian citizens."
"She's sick now," Bertholdt snapped, ruffling his hair in frustration, "I can't leave her behind. Can't this wait? It's just a goddamn play."
Taken aback as the girl began to sway, Porco furrowed his brows, "I mean, I can try to pull a few strings, but I don't think the government would turn a blind eye to their killing machine being absent."
Nodding without even looking back at the blonde, the taller of the two pressed his fingers to her wrist, trying to measure her pulse as best as he could, ushering her to the nearest seat possible, ignoring how the area began to gradually clear out of the people who were now so eager to watch the upcoming much-awaited Tybur performance unfold.
The worried father-to-be couldn't care less about the cacophony of sounds coming from the direction of the stage. He'd completely tuned every single one of his senses out to anything other than attending to his seemingly-ill woman.
As he laid her down on a creaky bench (the only available option, given the fact that they were all alone in the middle of a street), he grew more worried as she gritted her teeth, a look of pain flashing across her face for a few moments before she exhaled a heavy puff of air.
"My stomach, it just hurts," she winced, no doubt feeling another tug of inexplicable pain, clamoring to take his hand in hers, "And... I don't know, I just feel uneasy. I can't really describe it. All I know is that everything feels suffocating right now, and I feel as though I'm taking multiple blows to the gut."
The warrior groaned, "Great. Just when every damn doctor is out of reach, we face an issue when you've had a completely stable pregnancy so far," he brushed her hair back from her sticky forehead, wishing there was anything he could do to ease her discomfort, maybe by bringing her temperature down first---but then again, as intelligent as he was, he was still powerless without a medical degree and all the necessary tools that came with the job.
"It's fine, it'll probably pass in a bit," giving him a weak smile, she squeezed his hand, "We have to remain level-headed so we could properly take action if needed."
It was all she managed to say, before multiple rumbles shook the earth beneath their feet, stunning Bertholdt into a shock. He stilled in his place, eyes widening as, mere moments later, the abandoned festival road filled with the sounds of zipping wires and shots being fired, as black dots raced past them before they could even register it. Even the woman barely noticed the agonizing pain as it came once again, instead finding herself hypnotized by the familiar sight and sound she could never forget.
"Wait, is that... Bertholdt?" a yell came from somewhere amidst that buzzing cloud of black bodysuits, metal armor clinking as they slammed forcefully against the side of the building, "Fuck, Jean, Sasha, come here now, it's that son of a bitch!"
No sooner did the venomous words escape his mouth did two figures come tumbling down, unceremoniously trying to scramble as fast as they could in the direction of the two in the middle of the road.
"Is that... her?" Sasha gasped, breaking into a sprint, only briefly glancing at her companion, "Connie, tell me I'm imagining things."
"You're not," ash-brown hair in a mullet now, the boy they'd once known as the brash Jean stood almost head to head with Bertholdt, a Connie with much longer hair on his other side, murderous eyes landing on him, "That bastard kidnapped her, and don't you fucking dare forget it."
Bertholdt didn't know how to react, beads of prespiration running down his neck. Half of him wanted to obliterate them for even thinking of showing up, certain of the fact that they came with not-so-innocent intent, while the other half of him was too busy worrying to death about how to shield his heavily pregnant partner from any harm that might befall them in the process. He couldn't afford to be hasty or careless, yet all he wanted to do was throw himself in the face of the people who now despised him in order to protect his small family.
"So you knocked her up, after you've had your way with her?" Connie's face held the most disgusted look he'd ever seen, words laced with posion as he seemed to wish death upon him the very instant he saw their old friend with their hand on a large belly, "You're really scummy, aren't you?"
The man's eyes widened, only now coming to realize the implications of their word, "No! It's not---"
The sickening sound of a crunch resounded through the street as Jean's fist met his nose, the pounding ache almost instant the moment his punch landed on Bertholdt's face---bitterly, he thought to himself that this truly wasn't anything unlike him; in fact, he'd have been surprised if Jean hadn't hot-headedly tried to beat him to a pulp with his own bare hands, in a way to serve justice by himself. And it was ironic how, after being someone he'd relied on and looked up to, it was only a matter of time before he became his greatest enemy.
"Please," Sasha harshly whispered as the taller brunette groaned in pain on the ground, "Just shut the fuck up, you spineless coward. I can't stand to hear your voice. "
Gritting his teeth, Jean squeezed his eyes shut, "You're the reason why Armin's dead, when you never should've fucking lived," grabbing him by the collar, fury blazing in his eyes, he brought the man with the crooked nose up to his height, "Tell me, how is it fair you get to live a happy life, when his had to end early because of you?"
A whine of pain interrupted their deadly eye contact, causing them to turn with concerned facial expressions to the blanched girl who now was clinging onto Connie's hand desperately, knuckles turning white. Huffing for a couple of seconds, she winced before speaking up in a wobbly voice.
"As much as I understand where you're all coming from, I don't think this is the time for it, when I'm about to give birth to a child."
"You're what?!" a collective shout came from, and Bertholdt was once again dropped to the floor as Jean recoiled from the shock, before he was scrambling to get up and run to her side, worry overtaking his features.
When he sat on the dirt road, he pushed Connie and Sasha's looming figures aside, "How? When? Is it---"
"Not fine obviously," she snapped, before sighing, "Just... get me a doctor. In any damn way, the contractions are getting closer."
"Must've been that pain," he muttered under his breath, concluding that her seeming-illness was just her contractions, "Did your water break?"
"Obviously, considering the fact that I've soiled my dress and that I'm having faster contractions?" she exaspseratedly said, realizing that Bertholdt was growing more panicked than she was, and losing common sense in the process, "Stress isn't good for a pregnant woman, and that's all I've been feeling for the past ten minutes, for fuck's sake."
"We just had to help you out," Sasha frowned, "He's the bastard who did this to you---"
The girl cried out in pain, interrupting Sasha's protests as another contraction ripped through her body, sending her muscles spasming and urging the flustered Bertholdt to run away from his old comrades and in the direction of the main streets that slowly started flooding with people, probably in hopes of finding any stray doctor amidst the chaos that had ensued in an almost-apocalyptic manner. He yelled out a plea for them to make sure she stays put, to which Connie almost hisses at him that he has no right to give them any orders, despite the fact that he still worryingly watched over the shivering girl.
"Sasha," she croaked out, causing the girl to hurriedly clasp her hands, before launching into a ramble as Jean took her other side, gently brushing her hair away from her forehead.
"Don't worry, we'll get you out of here, as soon as the baby's born we'll take off and run before Erwin picks us up with the airship, and the we'll be back to Paradis in no time and---"
With what little energy she could muster, she flicked the girl's cheek, "Sasha. This was all consensual."
She blinked twice, before the trio snapped up with an incredulous, "Huh?!"
Another wave of contractions took over, this time causing her to hunch over as much as she possibly could with her bulging tummy, squeezing the girl's hands almost hard enough to break a few bones, and she must've had incredible strength to not even utter a word of discomfort---or maybe she was too shocked by her previous confession  to speak.
After the pain had momentarily subsided (or at the very least became tolerable), the girl spoke up again, "He's my boyfriend."
"Back the fuck up," Connie's eyes were comically wide as he asked, "You like that... thing? You wanted to carry his child?'
If she hadn't been screaming her lungs seconds later, she would've even laughed at his reaction. Heaving and panting, she could only limply wave at Jean, "Doctor's not gonna make it in time. Stand near my feet."
"Wait, what?" he went a few shades paler, gaping as she pulled her skirt upwards with the help of the still-in-a-bit-of-a-daze Sasha, and the bearded young man staggered at the sight.
"You're gonna have to deliver my baby."
Before he could even utter a word of protest, another blood-curdling scream escaped her, and he had to swallow down the urge to pass out, diving between her knees with a silent prayer that he wouldn't heave his stomach's contents out.
Cooing against her chest and hastily swaddled in a makeshift towel made of celebratory fabrics sold in a stall they knew would never see another owner, the baby was blissfully silent after having cried his little lungs out for the past minutes he'd been brought into this world. Though it might've felt suffocating under different circumstances and with different people, having the trio she remembered as being rambunctious surrounding her as quiet as mice was a heartwrenching sight she never expected she'd see.
"He's so tiny," Sasha sniffled, eyes wide open in wonder and awe as she observed him breathe silently, "Not like his giant tree-ass dad."
Jean lightly tapped her upside the head, "Language," he grumbled un a low voice, "There's a child."
Connie whispered as he lightly brushed the baby's small tuft of dark brown hair, "Wonder how things ended up like this."
As she leaned back against Sasha's firm body, she sighed, "I just learnt that we're not that much better off to be persecuting him."
"He's the reason your parents are dead, not to mention why we couldn't see you for years and mistook you for dead," Jean dead-panned, eyebrows furrowed as he watched the newborn with conflicted eyes, "We're retaliating after their attacks."
"They were only kids, Jean, and he thought taking me along was the best decision, meanwhile this attack you're speaking of..." she drifted off, shaking her head, "I can't tell you he's a good man, because that's subjective. All I can tell you is that I can now, at the very least, understand him enough to forgive him."
"We're not that kind, though," Sasha smiled sadly at her, "Not all of us have it in our hearts to be that forgiving."
"You guys have every right to be bitter," the exhausted woman slumped against her old friend, "It was my choice to get with him. You befriending him is not an obligation."
Just as Connie sniffled, ready to launch into a heartfelt speech, a tall figure hurtled towards them, no control over his legs as he nearly crashed into his unsuspecting form.
"I got the doctor, he's right----here..." coming to a halt in front of her with his nose bandaged up and pointing at a man whose silhouette they could vaguely make out, Bertholdt grew quiet after he let out a small gasp, slowly and very carefully taking a seat where Sasha had sat, right behind her and looking down at the baby who was the perfect mix of their features, ever so delicate-looking and adorable.
"Can you believe we made him?" his girlfriend whispered, doting eyes resting on their son's peaceful sleeping face, "Look at him."
Gulping, Bertholdt tried and failed to speak steadily, "He's so precious. He came when I wasn't looking, huh?"
With a grateful but tired smile, she nodded, "Jean helped me birth him. As kind as ever."
The brunette in question looked away, a nice reddish hue to his face as he grew flustered under her praise, "It's just the bare minimum. It's not like you gave me a choice eitherways."
"Still, thank you," Bertholdt's words were sincere, though Jean's shoulders remained tense as he proceeded to ignore the man he considered the world's filthiest traitor, "For taking care of her while I was gone."
"Better be the last I see of you," he mumbled, but the way Bertholdt flinched a little told his girlfriend that he'd overheard the venomous words.
Before she could break any possible spat that might occur between the two, and without even taking notice of the fact that the doctor Bertholdt had dragged along with him was nowhere to be found anyways, Connie's voice interrupted.
"It's Erwin's signal," he scowled, head raised as he glanced up at the sky, looking for something that the couple couldn't see, "We've got to go, can't waste any time. The plan should be executed by now."
With a nod, the other two gathered their haphazardly strewn equipment from the ground, dusting them as they reattached them to their suits. The new parents watching over their child who slept soundly against the woman's chest with pure adoration, they paid them no mind as the three began to squabble in hushed voices over something.
Soon enough, the small family was shaken out of their little world as the familiar sound of ODM gear cut through the night air.
"Get to somewhere safe," Sasha gave the vague advice as she lifted her makeshift gun, though the couple knew that the words were directed at them all, even if she'd internally wished the man to drop dead, "This part of the internment zone probably won't be safe for a long while."
With a nod, the young father agreed, "We're probably going to move out to the edge of the town."
Connie's voice grew further away as the metal wire began to pull him up, a small smile on his face without looking back, "And who knows, we might be back to see the little kid someday."
Choking on her words as she felt a deep feeling of melancholy settle down inside her, she said, "Y-yeah, I think he'd like that."
Having stayed behind for last, Jean paused as he adjusted the buckles on his gear, a chilly look directed towards Bertholdt, before he turned back to the girl he'd once considered a close friend, features softening, "If anything ever happens, you've got a home back in Paradis. With us."
Before she could even manage a gentle laugh and reassure him that as much as she appreciated his offer, she implicitly trusted her boyfriend, his mullet was soon up in the air without a second glance, what seemed like a conflicted look on his face before he vanished into the distance, the sight of the inseparable trio after all these years quickly becoming nothing more than a mere memory to her.
And Bertholdt didn't quite know what to do with himself. Fret over every single detail about the birth that he'd missed in his hurry to find a doctor? Turn his old comrades' vitriol over and over in his mind and have it haunt his nights as their hatred always did to him? Dote over his lover's limp form and shower her in affection and affirmation, in hopes of reassuring both her and himself?
He didn't know. He never quite knew what the right thing to do was. His moral compass was every bit as fucked up as the people he'd considered devils claimed it was; that much he knew for sure. It was his daily internal battle; figuring out which path to take in the smallest aspects of life, and whether or not it would be considered the "right" decision further down the line.
A soft cry interrupted his whirring thoughts, and he was shaken out of his stupor by a small fist curling around his pinky finger. Pale green eyes welled up with tears he couldn't stop from coming, and he could only do his best to hold back the sobs as his newborn son clung to him as best as he could. His newborn son; the life he'd created with the woman he loved moreso than life itself---the one person he wanted to become the man he never was able to be.
"We'll be fine, right?" he choked out, rubbing his stubble against her cheek gently, earning a fond giggle as he embraced her even tighter from behind, the world apart from the small bench they sat on falling into background noise, "We're gonna be okay, yeah?"
"Silly man," she breathed out, eyes fluttering shut as her breath began to even out, her sheer exhaustion taking the reigns of her consciousness, "I didn't doubt for a second that we will."
After the encounter he refused to question further, he remembered all his failures, shortcomings, and sins that left his nose banged up, and a sour taste in his mouth, like the detestable aftertaste of medicine that never quite wore off. But when she dozed off in his arms, safe and sound with his newborn son that he already adored to pieces within mere minutes of meeting his small self that almost mirrored the couple, he felt an odd warmth and happiness overlap inside of him with his jumbled emotions.
He could only describe the feeling as being bittersweet.
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Taglist: @blondeboyfriend
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cafeacademia · 3 years
Love Between The Pages | Chapter 4 Finale
Blaise Zabini x Reader
Chapter Summary: You and Blaise slowly come to terms with the feelings that have been hanging in the air, along with the future of the book club.
Warnings: The tiniest dash of angst for about 0.1 seconds, boatloads of fluff.
Word count: Approx 2800
A/N: Hi loves! Here is the final part of this series! Wow I was not ready for this to be over, I've found this series incredibly comforting to write. It took me a little while to write the last part purely because I just wasn't quite ready to end it yet, but I'm really really happy with how this chapter came out. Additionally, I'm really looking forward to writing more for sweet Blaise and I've been thinking about writing a few standalone pieces that might fit into this little universe. I'm not sure yet!! Let me know if you're interested. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this series, I am so SO proud of it, thank you so so SO much for reading it! 💕
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It was a calm, quiet afternoon, the old loft windows in the library were pushed open and secured on their old latches, the smell of fresh air mixed with the ever cosy scent of wood polish and old books making it all the more delightful to spend time in the library. Sifting through your bag, you pulled out the books you needed to return to Madam Pince, wondering what you might pick up this week, deciding that it needed to be something special.
You clocked Theo walking in with Cho and Neville at either side of him, the three of them chatting quietly amongst themselves as they began to make their way across to the table you all usually sat at. Looking over towards them as you placed your books on the library check out desk, you realised that having him there had become normal. Having all three of the Slytherin boys in your group had become normal and you weren’t sure you really wanted it to end.
“All of you have been reading a lot of romance as of late.” Madam Pince observed as she slid the books across the desk so she could stamp the library slips inside of the covers. “It’s spring, it brings out the romance, doesn’t it?” You said, idly fiddling with the closure on your bag, missing the way Madam Pince gave you a knowing look. “I suppose it does.” She replied before stamping your library slip and handing it back to you.
Stepping across the library floor, you made your way through the rows of shelves, passing the tables of students chatting and studying quietly, some of them reading, others getting their homework done before the weekend. But as you continued towards the table near the back where the golden hour of sun glowed so beautifully across the deep chestnut hues of the furniture and the aged spines of books that were all positioned neatly on their shelves, you caught sight of him. Blaise.
You wondered if he hadn’t noticed you first, his eyes seemingly already on your approaching figure, his smile bright and lopsided, a sight you had gotten fast used to and yet did not want to lose so quickly in the matter of an hour. “There you are.” He said, stepping over towards you with a book in hand. “Here I am.” You smiled, looking up at him with a sweet smile on your lips, trying your best to conceal the way his smile and his voice made your heart leap.
You had not yet forgotten the way his hand had felt in yours just a week prior, the way he had brushed his fingers against yours and held you with such a gentle grip. Was it too much to ask for that again? To feel the fluttering of something akin to love in your chest or the light airy feeling of something new, something delightfully thrilling.
“What are you reading this week?” You asked quietly as he placed the book he had been looking at back on the shelf. “What would you have me read?” Blaise asked, watching as you pulled your bag off your shoulder and pulled out a chair to set it down on. “Me?” You almost gasped, sounding a little surprised by the question. “Well is there anyone else I’d ask for book recommendations?” Blaise teased, stepping a little closer to you and placing his hand on the back of the chair you had placed your bag on. Smiling shyly and struggling to meet his gaze, you giggled softly. “I suppose not.” You replied, shrugging off your robes to get more comfortable.
“Jane Eyre.” You suddenly said, looking up at him. “You should read Jane Eyre.” You added, awkwardly fiddling with your robes as you draped them over the back of your seat. “Is it romance?” He asked. You knew by now that he was very fond of romance, especially period romance and while it surprised you, it also warmed your heart to know he loved a genre you enjoyed too. “Yes, it’s a classic romance.” You replied. Blaise smiled. He always found himself gazing at you with an uncontrollable smile, it was impossible to keep his usually controlled demeanor in check around you. Perhaps it was your shyness that just seemed so sweet, or maybe it was your kind, gentle nature that made him inexplicably happy.
“Show me where to find it?” Blaise asked, holding out his hand for you. Glancing down at his hand, you felt your heart flutter. What if this wasn’t all a one off feeling between you, perhaps he too was immersed by lingering thoughts of love and attraction. “Of course.” You replied, gently placing your hand in his. Your touch was hesitant at first, his eyes capturing yours for a moment as he carefully grasped your hand in his. Blaise was gentle and soft, his touch just as exhilarating and sweet as the previous week and you felt your breath hitch in your throat before you met his eyes with an amative gaze.
Gently you closed your fingers around his hand and led him towards one of the many sections of muggle fiction within the library. As you both dipped between a couple of bookshelves, you watched as Hermione and Draco rushed in with Ginny in front of them, Hermione hissing at them both about how they were late and it was all Malfoy’s fault.
And while Blaise snorted at their antics, the two of you overhearing Hermione whisper yell as they all began to settle down at the nearby table, you trawled through the shelves in search of a copy of Jane Eyre, all while his hand held yours.
“Here it is.” You spoke softly, reaching up to grasp the copy, a soft dusty pink clothbound spine with a beautifully imprinted and silver embossed title. Blaise smiled at you as he gently took the book from you with his free hand, still holding onto you with the other. “Let me pick one out for you?” He asked, watching as you nodded, smiling rather uncontrollably. How was it that he knew just how to fluster you? All you needed was a sweet boy to hold your hand and talk to you about books and here Blaise Zabini was, doing those exact things and making it seem so romantic.
If only he knew how it made you feel. How he made you feel.
A soft, pale powder blue copy of Arabella was passed to you moments later. “Theo told me this was a good book.” Blaise said, watching as you smiled down at the book in your hands. “Did he now? I never thought Theo would be interested in Regency romance.” You mused, peering around the edge of the bookcase to catch a glimpse of the Slytherin sitting side by side with Neville, who now he seemed closer than ever with, along with Cho who seemed to have warmed up to him. You smiled, watching as Theo read a book over Neville’s shoulder. You managed to see which novel it was they were reading when Neville shuffled around a bit, revealing the lovely old illustrated cover of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
“Neither did I, but he seems to be full of surprises.” Blaise said softly as he leaned over you, his hand landing gently on your upper arm, the warmth of his presence behind you nearly melted you, nearly made you want to lean back into him. But you were not more than friends with the odd soft touch and longing gaze. In truth it felt as if it could be more, but knowing this was his last week that he would have to attend your book club, you were still unsure if this was something fleeting.
You found yourself perfectly comfortable beside Blaise as you read together in a comfortable chair, his arm resting over the back of the seat behind you while he held his book in the other hand. You tried hard not to lean into his side and you stayed comfortably close.
And while the bell tolled lowly in the background, signalling the turn of the hour, you still had hope that the boys might stay, because it truly would not be the same without them.
Getting up from your seat, you began to walk back towards the table, though you were stopped in your paces when you felt Blaise’s hand rest softly on your shoulder.
“Sweetheart.” Blaise’s low voice rolled through you, warm, sweet and yet there was an edge to it that scared you, that scared your heart. Turning in his grip, you faced him shyly, the sweet name he used for you making your chest warm and your thoughts hazy with adoration. Adoration that you quickly pushed aside. But it all seemed like a helpless attempt when Blaise reached up, gently brushing the backs of his fingers against your cheek. You leaned into him, into his warm touch, your eyes fluttering shut for a moment, breath hitching at the intimacy of the moment. And you looked up at him, eyes softening with something akin to fear and something deeper, something that looked as if it swam deep below the surface.
“What is it?” You asked, clutching the book tightly against your chest. “There’s something on your mind.” He prompted, watching as you looked shyly down at your feet. “This is all fleeting. You’ll leave and- this will have been no more than part of your detention.” You voiced your worry, somehow confident enough to let your feelings air, ones you had been hesitant to even acknowledge for several weeks now; though you still could not meet his eyes no matter how easy it had been to say the words.
There was a soft sigh, heavy swallow before his fingers gently lifted your chin. “You truly think I’d leave after all this club has brought me?” Blaise asked. “It’s much more than just books and an hour of reading in company each week.” He said. “It’s friendship,” Blaise tilted his head towards Neville, Theo and Cho. “And the way your club brought out the better in all of us.” He smiled softly, his eyes now on Draco as he read quietly with Hermione and Ginny, the three of them sharing the odd bit of chatter now and again. “And for me it’s something else. You make me feel,” He paused, the words resting on his tongue. Wonderful. Accepted. In love. “You make me feel like I’m meant to be here. You make me feel.” Blaise stopped. Because you did make him feel. You made him feel everything. Others might have stunted his feelings in the past, things slowly adding up to prompt him to build his mask of stoic temperament. But it was your passion and your love and kindness that brought out the things in Blaise that he long had forgotten. You made him feel energetic, as if there was nothing more amazing in the world than being in your presence and sharing a moment with you.
“What I’m trying to say is that I’m not leaving after this week. I’m not leaving as long as you’ll allow me to stay. This club has become my escape just as books always have been and you have been my guide.” He explained. “You’ll stay?” You asked, barely above a whisper. “As long as you’ll have me.” Blaise spoke softly to you, your eyes meeting his, wide with the warmth of adoration and the softness of simple romance.
And where his words failed to express what he truly felt in his muddled moment, encased in worry and a desperate rush to get it all out, he made up for with gestures of his feelings instead. Leaning in, Blaise gently pressed you against the bookcase, carefully taking the book you held in your grasp and placing both of your books on the shelf beside you. “Can I kiss you?” He asked, words brushing softly against your lips, your heart fluttering and racing with the wild, unequivocal feelings of love. “Please.” It was a whisper, one that was not desperate nor rushed, but soft and sweet and accompanied by the way your lashes fluttered, eyes slowly sliding shut as Blaise closed the gap between you, his lips meeting yours with a gentle touch.
His kiss was slow and sweet, his thumb coming up to rest against your cheek as he held you, one hand at the nape of your neck and the other resting at your waist. His lips captured yours in a moment of slow, amative bliss, kissing you tenderly until you found yourself breathless, your delicate fingers grasping at the edges of his Slytherin robes.
Slowly parting from you, just enough to catch your gaze, Blaise smiled softly. You felt stunned, but in the best of ways, mind reeling with thoughts and feelings of love. You supposed there had always been something so peaceful about sharing time together to read, but even more so now that you had allowed your feelings to feel.
“I got you something.” Neville said shyly, one hand rubbing the back of his neck as he held out a beautiful old copy of The Secret Garden for Theo to take, the brunette grinning at his friend before taking it from him. “You shouldn’t.” He shook his head, unable to stop himself from beaming at the kind gesture. “Thank you. I’ll read it with you next week.” Theo said, gently patting Neville’s shoulder. “You’re not leaving the club?” Neville asked, his voice full of hope. Theo glanced around the group, his eyes landing on Cho and Neville. “Nah, I have a feeling that even if I tried to leave I’d end up back here anyway.” He grinned, the three of them sharing great delight as Neville pulled Theo in for an unexpected, though appreciated hug.
“I suppose you’ll go back to bullying us again, will you?” Hermione asked Draco as she began to pack her bag. Draco eyed her, his glare softening. It was not love he felt, more something like the beginnings of a friendship. His eyes travelled around the room, falling onto you and Blaise for a moment and then over to Theo and his new found friendships. Attending the club had been a punishment and while Draco had acted as if he hated it, he knew that beyond his usually brooding and snarky behaviour, he had begun to hold the club in high regards. “No.” Draco said simply. “No?” Ginny asked, looking up at him with a challenging stare. “I can’t bully people I like, can I?” He sneered, and while it came out rather unfriendly, they all knew that he was being sincere. That Draco had actually grown fond of you all. “Will you come back next week?” Hermione asked. “We’ll see, Granger.” Were his last words to her before he pulled his bag onto his shoulder and took his leave.
“I’ll walk you back to your common room, sweetheart.” Blaise said, waiting until you had pulled your robes back on before he gently took your hand in his. “And perhaps we can plan a date?” He added, watching as your smile became uncontrollable and you giggled in your flustered, shy state, overwhelmed but in the best of ways. “I’d love that.”
And with that, Blaise pulled you close. He put his arm around your shoulders, his hand leaning down to hold your hand as you made your way out of the library as a pair, but not for the last time. There would be many more times, your hand in his each time. And you counted yourself lucky, because you had found love between the pages and it was undeniably real.
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Blaise Zabini Taglist (OPEN):
@paintballkid711 @megantje123 @chaotic-fae-queen @slytherinwh0re @frecklesandfirecrackers @starofthedawn @mingyuahjumma @dracosaccount @90smalfoy @fuckingdraco @loving-life-my-way @cpetrova @miraclesoflove @struggling-bee @weasleywhore @little-me204 @dreaming-about-fanfictions @eli-malfoy-asf @ur-local-reality-shifter @voidmalfoy @wh0re4blaise @cherie-draco @lazypeachsoul @sistheselenophile @sw33tgirl
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simpfortetsu · 4 years
you’re not my muse
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☾ you and tsukki had been together for quite a while now. you're an aspiring artist and your boyfriend seems to think that most of your artwork is based around him... how is he supposed to react when you tell him he's wrong
pairing(s): gn!reader x tsukishima kei warning(s): none. sulky tsukki for like two(2) seconds genre: fluff againnnn word count: 1301 note: this one's for you @out-of-my-way-extras !! again, the ending isn’t particularly my favorite, but its okayyyy. as always everyone please let me know what you think about this one:)
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you were having a block again. that much tsukki could tell. he could tell by the way that you were just sitting there staring at the blank canvas and then picking up the coffee he had just made you, before setting the mug back down. you would do this before starting to run your fingers through your hair and massage your scalp. 'it helps to get the blood flowing in my brain' you told him when you started doing more and more art in his apartment. he had promptly rolled his eyes and told you that he was sure that wasn't how you would get ideas for the work that you were doing. but he massaged your head whenever you asked him to nonetheless.
after watching you for a few moments, he came up behind you and placed his hands on your shoulders. you instinctively leaned back into him, while place your hands down into your lap. you shifted your head to look up at him. "how can i help you good sir?" you inquired jokingly, a small smile making its way across your lips.
he rolled his eyes, a signature reaction that you had become accustomed to, but a smile played across his lips as well. "well, shortcake, i decided to come and help get the blood flowing, since you obviously can't seem to do it right," he teased you, while placing his hands on your head. you shifted back to where he could use his freaking huge hands to massage you. you sighed, still leaning into his touch, while racking your brain on what you should do.
you had a chance at a gala coming up and you wanted at least one of your newer pieces in it. your style was always changing after all.
as you sat there and tsukki continued to massage you, a comfortable silence engulfed you both. it was all a part of the process. this was the prime time for you to think about things that inspired you. whether it was literally something you just happened to glance at in the room. or if it was something you had read in the news. or even if it was something, or someone, in your life. that much tsukishima knew.
he also knew that you could only sit still and stay quiet for so long before you started to complain about how you couldn't think of what to do. "tsukki," you drew out his name in a groan, flopping forward, away from his hands. he shook his head, lowering himself to the ground so that he could sit beside you. instead of saying anything, he chopped the back of your head with his hand. though it did elicit another groan from you, you also sat up to shoot him a small glare. you definitely weren't going to be getting any work done bent over and complaining, that tsukishima knew as well.
"what the hell was that for?" you mumbled, rubbing the area he had just hit. it hadn't really hurt all that much, but you dramatized it in hopes of possibly making your boyfriend feel at least a little bad.
"don't you have a muse or something that you can turn to in times like this?" he questioned. though he tried his best not to seem too cocky about his prospected question, tsukki had a sneaking suspicion that he was exactly that. though you had never said anything about it, he had begun to notice patterns about your artwork ever since the two of you had gotten more serious. that is, when you started to do art in the spare bedroom of his apartment.
he thought he had been imagining at first, and maybe he still was, but there were things that started to stick out to him. like the way that objects around the apartment would end up somehow being reflected in your work. or how there were a lot more portraits of people that wore glasses since you two had been seeing each other. or even how your conversations, or things he was passionate about, had seemed to make their way into your art. it was a subtle thing, but tsukishima kei had always been observant.
you pondered the thought of having a muse. it had been something that many people asked you whenever you were very passionate about one of your pieces. newsflash, that was almost all of them. but having a muse was never something that really concerned you. if you were inspired then that was the end of it. because for you it was always different. you were always learning new ways to express yourself through your art and that was one of the things you loved the most about it.
"ya know. i don't really think so." your response was short, but it sounded as if you were questioning yourself.
"oh. i see." your boyfriend's response seemed off. when you looked away from your canvas, you saw that his usual smirk wasn't there. though it was replaced with his signature scowl, that was something that you rarely ever saw these days. you leaned over and poked his cheek to which he flinched away from you. "what the hell are you doing y/n?" he asked as you reached to do it to him again.
"well what's wrong with you kei?" you had only said that you didn't have a muse. you didn't understand why that would bother him so much.
that was until it dawned on you. when people typically said that they had muses, it was their significant other. or someone important to them. with that realization you broke into a fit of laughter.
"are you dying?" tsukki asked incredulously. one second you were trying to poke his face and the next you looked like you were having a seizure.
"you.. you want to be my muse don't you?" you gasped in between words, trying to catch your breath from you sudden outburst. the look on your boyfriend's face was priceless as he tried his best to hide the fact that he did, in fact, want to be your muse.
"so what if i do?"
"well then i'd tell you you're an idiot," you responded placing a kiss on his cheek. his eyes brows furrowed even further at that. "you know i take my inspiration from everywhere. especially the places where we're together you dork. so no you are not my muse. you, we, us. that's my inspiration.
"of course other things too. but those things don't really hold to the pieces that i've made with the inspiration of us, or you, or something to do with this apartment in mind." you finished your small spiel only to look to see that tsukki had a grin on his face.
"you're an idiot you know that?" he said to you with a laugh, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you to him.
"now what do you mean?" you whined, your lips forming a small pout.
"you basically just said that i was your muse. or at least our relationship. that "inspiration" behind your art you're talking about. that's literally the definition of muse shortcake." tsukki's response was very to the point, and if not for the smug little smirk that sat upon his lips you would have hit him upside the head like he had done to you earlier.
but instead you only reached up to place a hand on the cheek of your boyfriend, tsukishima kei. your muse, as he so wanted to be called. his leaned into your touch, his lips hovering above yours. "i guess i'll have to change your name in my phone to 'my muse' then," you teased, your lips brushing against his.
he pressed his lips softly against yours before responding. "you better."
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nulltune · 3 years
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
OKAY....... TBH I FEEL LIKE THE FLOWER AESTHETIC HAS BECOME QUITE PROMINENT WITH MY HAKUNO....... i will admit, there's not really a lot in canon to back it up (just a scene of a white rose being placed at the spot hakuno died) and i'm not really sure when exactly this motif came up tbh! it miight be especially prominent now because the fc i edit for my icons for her has flowers as a pretty big motif, but hey, it really fits with how i want to portray her! so i will deem it canon for my hakuno 😤 there's just something about flowers in general that remind me of her,, and i associate her with spring as well actually! or maybe the first flower blooming after a cold winter... a single flower perservering through the harsh winter... a flower that seems so delicate and out of reach... imagery like that just s c r eams hakuno to me.
...also the fact that flowers are a fleeting thing and will all eventually wilt and die-- it may sound cruel of me but that just especially reminds me of hakuno lmao
enough of my little rambling on that though! 😳 as for hakuno and flowers, she likes 'em! honestly, it's hard to gift hakuno something she wouldn't like — even if you give her the Worst Thing Ever, she'd still hold some appreciation for it as long as you have good intentions — but flowers are definitely one of her more favored gifts. most definitely up there with food (the way to a moon girl's heart is thru her stomach.... /hj). it's also one of the things she'd likely gift to others as well, and considering her financial situation... the only thing she can afford via picking them from the wild. f for moon lady. hakuno's the type that really really appreciates even the most little and simplest things in life, so even a random flower you pluck off the road to give to her could definitely earn you some friendship points with this girl. with flowers, it's a mix for an appreciation of its aesthetic beauty and also the the deeper meaning behind them as well. the symbolism and meaning behind flowers in general but also, the language of flowers.
but before we get into that! i should mention that pre-amnesia human hakuno had spent a lot of time in hospitals. during these times, she'd receive flowers as a show of support from those she cared about, and as a way to liven up her lonely little empty hospital room. those memories are gone, but i like to think that they're not entirely forgotten. maybe something like her heart remembers? so-- yeah! that's another reason behind her liking them so much :,)
an added layer as to why hakuno is so fond of flowers is that my hakuno is decently-versed in the language of flowers, she'd really like how even a simple flower could carry so much meaning behind them. when she's on the giving end, she definitely puts a lot of thought into choosing the flowers that best convey her feelings while making it look pleasant all the while (which-- is very hard for me as the writer who has to do the research for all that orz). no worries about messing up by giving her a flower with the wrong message though! hakuno's particularly harsh on herself, but she doesn't hold others to that same standard (in this case, and other cases as well..).
so if you unknowingly give her something that has a terrible meaning tied to it, she'll assume that the giver wasn't aware of it (she's also very blunt and honest, so she'd probably let them know too) (hakuno vc yeah, the flowers you gave me actually symbolize death and giving them to someone means hoping for their early death :|) (she'd still like it a lot tho!!). however, she's likely just as dismissive of the meanings if they have a good connotation. say... someone gives her a bouquet that's just hakuno lovemail galore with full knowledge of what the flowers mean, hakuno would understand the meaning but she has a terrible tendency to self-doubt herself — due to her horrible horrible perception of herself and zero self confidence and so on and so forth — so while she'd be happy to receive it, i think she'd also think something along the lines of this is much too kind for me... she'd accept it, of course, but definitely feels some weird sense of guilt along with it. it's hard for her to accept anything good for herself y'know? :,)
as for her favorite flowers, i need to make it clear that while the flower that best symbolize her are white roses (also the flower i tried to incorporate into her icon border, i hope you can tell orz) and dandelions, those are not her favorites. moon girl does not know self love how could she like anything related to herself 🤪. a big theme of my character is the concept of her self, how it's so closely tied to others, or the lack thereof. as how it relates to her favorite flowers, like many of her favorite things, it would have something to do with someone important to her. someone she deeply cares about. so this could be a very verse-dependent thing, depending on who she's interacted with and all that jazz — but generally speaking, her favorite would be cherry blossoms. she likes it by association of someone with the same name, sakura, but also because it reminds her of her experiences in the far side of the moon. cherry blossoms are also symbolic of spring, the time of renewal, and the fleeting nature of life; all of which are topics that can really resonate with hakuno.
another flower she likes, purely based on the meaning and symbolism behind them are forget-me-nots. it's a bit melancholic, and from the name itself, i think you can guess why these flowers strike so deep to her. when you give someone these tiny blooms, it represents a promise that you will always remember them and will keep them in your thoughts. you see, hakuno fears being forgotten; which is very cruel when she, by design, is made to be forgettable and insignificant ^_T. so she might have a lil bit of an attachment to these little flowers. as someone very knowledgable in history and myths, hakuno is not unfamiliar with the legends behind the forget-me-nots — like the one the knight and his lady, or the flower that had forgotten its name — which only serve to add on to her liking of these flowers. i maay be looking too much into it, but the basic elements of those legends tie in quite well with hakuno as well. the knight who died wanting to make his lady happy (by getting her the flowers she wanted); and the flower that forgot its name but was renamed forget-me-not and promised that its name wouldn't be forgotten. something something hakuno's self-sacrificing nature and want to make others happy... something something hakuno's lack of an identity paradoxically being a big part of her identity...
valentine's day alphabet, still accepting!
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Chapter 39
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The Road So Far
Is this still worth it?
The SEVEN Inch Wound
Gary 'Roach' Sanderson
Task Force 141 Base - Gym
Roach finally got his seal of approval. After weeks of physical therapy and daily check ups, he was now finally fit for battle and he was lucky enough that Nero was still under the radar. He wouldn't want to miss out on the battle he started. He was lucky enough that they were exonerated when Shepherd surrendered, because if they continued to be fugitives, Roach would not have access to appropriate medical attention.
It has been almost a month after the events in Afghanistan and Task Force 141 was already re-established, Samantha and Maxine were housed on a nearby compound where veteran's families lived under the safety of government protection. During his time in the infirmary, Maxine was always there to visit, telling him tales about dreams she recovered as time went by. Roach was glad she was returning to normal and that no matter how her memories came back, her treatment towards him was the same.
"Good to see you back on your feet, my man." Rocket went up to him and did their fist bump, a series of elaborate claps then finished off with finger guns accompanied by their almost realistic attempt at pistol fires.
"Haha. Yeah? I'm glad I'm back." He waved as Rocket pointed at his back. Roach turned to see Maxine, carrying a packed lunch, waiting at the end of the hallway.
"Hey you. Just in time for lunch as always." He smiled, wrapping an arm around her as they made their way to the mess hall.
"Glad to see you smiling and walking about." She says, as her palms ran across his firm chest, tracing the scar that changed his life.
"Yeah, finally passed the damn physical test." He grinned as they sat down at their usual table, the only table which consisted of two tables stuck together to form an eight seater.
The rest of Roach's closest comrades were already there. Alex, guessing what Samantha packed for him. Soap and France arguing which meal choice was best for them and Ghost, who was already halfway through his lunch while the rest of his comrades haven't even started yet.
"Good to have you back, buddy." Ghost greeted with a wide grin on his face, well technically only half of his face was shown.
"Hey man. I sure am glad. How have you been doing?" he joked. They constantly visit him in their free time, so there was actually nothing to catch up on.
"The rest of the squad proceeded to badger Roach with questions about everything they wanted to know. Roach enjoyed the hot seat as the military mess hall felt like the university cafeteria.
"So, any news about Nero?" He finally asked as soon as everyone was done with him. The table felt awfully quiet.
"None." France was the first to speak up. Everyone else nodded and frowned.
"Shit. Guess our only choice is to wait." He added.
"Shepherd didn't have any leads towards Nero. Their last contact was the exchange of blueprints and after that, he was gone." Soap explained the situation.
"The missing persons?" Gary asked.
"Still missing." Alex commented.
"And there are still a few additions every other day as indicated by the FBI and DHS." Ghost added.
"Is interpol still involved?" Roach turned to Ghost.
"They're still after the traces of EMP equipment from the missing persons. Their new lead is that Nero's team is trying out a lethal kind of grenade. One that explodes without damaging property. If he's planning invasion, this is actually a good idea without ruining too much of the invaded country." He replied. Roach nodded at the theory. EMPs only damage mechanical equipment and this was a good call for the bad side.
"I never knew they'd think of this kind of weaponry. I always expected bioweapons being the last of modern warfare." Ghost muttered.
"Well, that was what happened in Verdansk and we stopped it. We could do that again." Alex tried to boost morale.
"Yeah. We'll do whatever it takes." Roach agreed and they continued lunch.
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By the time he started training, Roach focused back on his Sniper techniques. His wound may have affected his previous breathing training and it was only inevitable that he'd train it again. He wanted to master the long ranged rifle as it was vital towards his development as a soldier.
"Back on the scope huh." Ghost huffed as they reached their 200 yard mark, by the hill just outside the base.
"Glad you could help me on this one." Roach unzipped the sniper bag and began scouting the area.
"You sure this is your spot?" Ghost asked, using his hand as a visor against the hot afternoon sun.
"Yeah. This fits."
"Suit yourself." He chuckled as Roach snapped every attachment of the rifle, from the bipod stand to the clicker adjustments.
He peeked at the scope and looked at his target. Five small cans standing on top of a log 200 yards away.
"Remember what I told you." Ghost mused as he looked at Roach steadying his breathing.
"Damn." He added as he noticed the change in wind.
"Yeah, damn. I just was about to fire it." Roach muttered as he took another deep breath and began to hold still as his crosshairs adjusted to the shift.
A loud fire echoed across the hills as dust scattered on the ground where Roach fired. He was about a few inches off.
"Great. Do that again but change your adjustments." Ghost said as consolation.
"Yeah got it." He rolled his dial once again and accounted for the wind, easing his breath and fired again. The loud sound once again echoed through the hills, followed by a soft metal can flying away from the log.
"There you go! A clean hit." Ghost congratulated as he tapped Roach's back while he reloaded his sniper and aimed again.
Roach stayed at that spot until it was too dark to continue and Ghost accompanied him until such time. On their way back, Ghost opened up to something that has been bothering him ever since.
"Roach. Do you mind if I say something important?" He asked and it made Roach stop on his tracks.
"Yeah. What's up." Roach asked.
"I've already sent my formal letter, but I just wanted you to have a heads up on the matter." Formal letter. Roach's heart started to pound as his mind automatically thought of him quitting or leaving.
"Letter about?" he asked. His mouth almost felt dry. He didn't want him to leave. Not again.
"Transferring department. Alexandra offered me a spot on the Interpol. I told you this first because I knew that if you were on my shoes, you'd go too, right? Do whatever makes you happy?" he said, quoting Roach's famous words.
He isn't wrong about doing what makes him happy, but his decision didn't feel right either, or maybe because he just doesn't want Ghost to go.
"Well, you bet I'd go for that option too!" Roach said, trying to validate his decision despite not wanting it. It was sad to see him go, but for the first time in ages, Ghost actually acknowledged the term happy.
"I knew you'd understand." he smiled and continued their trail back to the base where Roach remained quiet until they reached the base just in time for dinner.
After dinner, Roach opted for a night jog around the base to clear his mind off of Ghost leaving. After the second lap, he soon noticed Alex catching up to him.
"Wonderful weather for an evening run, huh?" He asked all cheery as he's quite used to his heavier and more realistic leg.
"Yeah. It is. Good to see you're liking Samantha's surprise." Gary nodded and removed his earphones.
"You know, it's really a surprise when I'm the only one who doesn't know about it." He commented.
"It feels like a real leg, actually. The wonders of modern technology never ceases to amaze me." He mused as they both took the turn.
"Yeah? That's good to hear. Pretty sure Samantha loved the way you thanked her." Roach teased as Alex chuckled, like he recalled some memory.
"Oh yeah, she did." Alex nodded suggestively, the kind that Roach didn't want to ask anymore.
"This your last lap?" Roach asked as Alex slowed down for his cooldown, turning to the set of exercise bars.
"Yep. See ya!" He waved as he started his cooldown.
Gary took three more laps just to make sure he's exhausted for the night, so that once he got in his bed, no more thoughts would assault his mind, hindering him from sleep.
There was only one way out of it. And it was accepting Ghost's inevitable departure from the 141.
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The next morning, the 141 was briefed on a possible lead on Nero. This time, Ghost wasn't in the room and that meant that his letter was now approved.
"Okay lads. We've received word on a supply drop activity from Nero. We intercepted an unencrypted call signal to an abandoned port just off the coast of Sierra Leone, Africa. If intel is correct, we're going to be dealing with someone who goes by 'Volt', Nero's bomb maker." Price paced in front of the huge screen showing details regarding their mission.
"Volt is a high value individual who must not be killed. He's our only hope towards Nero. The intercepted call came from the USA, and it's quite impossible that Nero is here, so he must've used a secure line. Jack will be staying in the base as our new Operations Command as suggested by Laswell. Overlord will continue his role as our commanding officer as well." Price added making clear about the jurisdiction.
"Damp and dry Africa." Soap muttered.
"Have you been there?" France asked.
"Only in Egypt. My mom used to tag me along her trips." he replied.
"Recon suggests a high chance of militia activity, so our standard rules of engagement; treat anyone as hostile. Volt's compound will be surrounded by his own personal army and they're willing to shoot any unwanted visitors. He also has access to a port, so I'm sending the Charlie team to stand by the shore and make sure they're not planning an escape." he added.
"I'm leading the Alpha team and our task is to infiltrate his base and secure Volt for intel. Bravo team, led by Alex, will act as our support when things go south. As bonus, we need to destroy any trace of bomb making equipment.
Roach, I want you to man our new air support tools from above as soon as we confirm that there are no SAMs on his base." He shot his glare on Roach and he nodded. Guess he isn't on the ground tomorrow.
"We leave tomorrow at 0300. Make your necessary preparations especially on our brand new comms equipment. Ones that are immune to EMP blasts. Dismissed." He said as everyone got up and went on their way. Gary purposefully left himself behind so he could ask Price about the Ghost situation.
"Hey there lad. You feeling good?" Price approached as soon as he noticed Roach.
"I just have a question about the mission."
"Sure. What about it? Any suggestions?"
"No no. The plan is fine. Where will Ghost be?" Price gave him a worried stare.
"Ah. Didn't he tell you about his transfer?" He crossed his arms and stared at Roach.
"He did… but why did you allow it?"
"Well, it certainly looked like he was happy to go there. And I had no power over his commendations." Price reasoned as they walked out of the briefing room.
"Oh. I thought he was going to have one last mission with us." Roach smiled as he walked back to the room. Ghost wasn't a fan of goodbyes. Maybe because he knew they'll meet again.
Sierra Leone, Africa
"This is Hunter One-One requesting sitrep, over." Roach phoned his allies who were already on the ground for support. This mission was their vital lead towards Nero. He wished that the guy Volt was here so that they could finally finish the war before everyone else gets hurt.
Before he could man the air support, he needed to confirm that there were no SAMs present on their base so he could safely provide suppressing fire from above.
Next Chapter : The SIXth Ship
Notification Squad my Beloved
@whimsywispsblog @ricinbach @bumblingbee1 @smokeywhalee @samatedeansbroccoli @enderio
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supersizemeplz · 4 years
Bearer of Gifts
Winston Duke x Black PlusSized Reader
Another #supersizedfic short. For @muse-of-mbaku and all my Winston fans. Dare I say, Smut? (That’s the warning, lol). I kind of just went with the flow for this one. Hope you enjoy. Ain’t he fine? 🤤
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The faint sounds of cars found their way to your apartment from the street below. Whether honking or softly thumping with bass. The television gave off soft mumbling aside from the droning sounds that came along with you scrolling through your social media timeline. Two soft pings sounded before the message banner slid down into view.
You up, sweetness?
The brightness of your phone lit up your face. Showing off the smile you gave at the sight of the name that accompanied the message. You could almost hear the hushed cadence of his voice saying the words to you.
He'd brought the name out of no where weeks before during a cuddling session. The deep and husky rasp of his seductive whispering soothing you as his fingers danced along your skin. Those thick digits of his pressing into your thigh gently, moving up to grope your soft backside. His soft lips brushing against your earlobe as he smiled. He mumbled the nickname into your ear, chuckling when he seen your cheeks rise from a grin.
"My sweetness.." You mumbled the words he had spoken to you, in memory. Smiling like a fool in the dark, you began your reply. The clicking of the keyboard overpowered the television for a moment.
Yeah. Watching movies, knowing damn well need to be sleep.
You can't sleep either?
The familiar sending tone told you that the message had delivered. Three dots popped up immediately, doing their dance as you awaited his answer. Then they were gone. You raised an eyebrow, giving the screen a few moments before you went back to social media. Waiting for him would only make the time drag by so.
Suddenly two pings surprised you, followed by another identical duo. Attachments? You tapped the banner, using the shortcut to the message thread. "Good googly moogly." With a quick tap, you took a closer look at the photo. The hum that left your throat was unintentional, an unconscious reaction to the sight before you.
Can you tell that I'm fighting it?
Hearting the photos was obvious like a second nature. You admired the photos for a second more, moaning softly with delight at his sex appeal. Your fingers went back to tapping the screen for your response as you crossed your ankles, squeezing your thighs lightly.
Did you just take these thirst traps for me, sir? 👀
Me? Thirst trapping? Noooo..
The sarcasm was dripping from the text, and you just knew he was smirking. Handsome devil. You laughed, opting to FaceTime him instead of texting back. The phone trilled twice before he answered, smiling that charming smile of his. He rubbed a hand over his hair.
"So that's what took you so long to text back, I see.." You grinned, holding your phone out to show your whole face. "You want to tease me."He looked at you with low eyes, taking you in with a satisfied hum.
"You know I wouldn't tease your pretty ass like that, sweetness." He spoke with amusement. His voice was deeper than usual, probably from sleep trying to win him over. "Not unless I plan on gifting you something to ease your troubles."
You caught his hinting as he licked his lips. A chill ran down your spine and you tingled at the memory of his last teasing session. With a raise of your arched brow, you shifted in the sheets to get more comfortable. "Ease my troubles, huh? You know, I really do like gifts."
He smiled at the your slight change in tone, getting up from the bed to do something. His background showed different parts of his bedroom as he moved around. "I know you do.. Maybe I can come over and give you a few tonight?" The camera was on him again once he'd propped his phone on his dresser. Exposing his bare upper body before it disappeared beneath a shirt. "..if you'd let me?"
"I think that can be arranged.." You smiled as he picked up the phone again. "You and your thirst traps owe me an apology." He barked out a laugh at that before you'd hung up. Standing from your bed, you danced your way to the bathroom to freshen up.
15 minutes.
It took him that long to make it to you. Thanks to it being midnight and the traffic being close to non-existent. An extra five minutes was dedicated to getting from his car, to your door, and following the satisfying sway of your silk covered backside as it led the way down the hall to your room.
The soft scent of the candle you'd lit half an hour ago caught his nose. He grinned as it gave a different mood to the bedroom. You stood in front of the bed, opening your robe and dropping it to reveal your pajama set. Silk like the robe and fitted to your body. "And I'm the one teasing?" He spoke up, watching you with clouded lust that only amplified once you'd opened the door.
You didn't answer, only smirking as you took a seat to watch him. Watching him undress was a favorite of yours. He had taken a liking to your watchful eye as well, taking his time to tease you further. Knowing that you were ready to pounce on him, he'd be waiting for the day that you finally did so.
He pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it aside onto the chair that sat at your desk. You didn't say a word as he awaited an answer as he adjusted his sweats. They sat dangerously low on his hips, giving your imagination a few scenarios to work with. His smooth skin had a shine to it, most likely from the Shea butter he'd use after every shower. Those massive arms of his flexed with his movements, along with his chest. You were damn near drooling.
He chuckled at your silence, enjoying the fact that you were admiring him. He'd done the same to you countless times. "Focus, sweetness." You looked up at him, lips parted as you tried your best to not melt beneath him. The faint scent of his cologne was doing more for you than he knew. "Can I ease your troubles?" His teasing voice lowered to a mumble.
Your lips held his attention for a moment before he caught your eyes once again. Lifting a hand to his jaw, your fingertips gently ran over his beard. Nails massaging at his chin once you heard the soft hum he exhaled. "Please.." You whispered the confirmation, making him smile.
His lips caught yours with several pecks and a hungry kiss. Both his hands pressed into the mattress on either sides of you as he focused on the taste of your soft lips. "I swear you have the sweetest lips.." He mumbled the statement, brushing his nose against your jaw as he took in your scent.
His chain hung from his neck, brushing against your chest as he peppered his loving kisses along your skin. You sucked in a breath once he'd worked his way to your breasts, working them from beneath the cool fabric that once housed them. A freed hand worked at the waistband of your shorts, inching them down until they hit the floor with a soft thump.
Like a reflex, your knees pulled closer to your stomach to open you to him. He'd grinned at the simple action once he'd placed his last love mark of the moment between your breasts. You moaned at the warm touches of him, feeling the soft touches he placed at the back of your thighs. To fuse with the slow kisses and gentle bites.
"Win.." The softness of your voice still caught his ear, making him look to you. Your upper body had propped itself onto your elbows with a want to view the care it was receiving. He groaned at your lustful eyes, feeling the effects of his own excitement stiffening in his sweats. "Shit.." Your curse slipped past your lips as a low pant once he began his experienced touches.
His fingertips were glossed in your natural lubricant, shining in the light of subtle blue LED that lined the room. An arm wrapped around your thigh loosely as a safety net when he really began his magic. Your soft moans motivated his moves, helping the flow that he chose in each passing moment. "No ma'am. Eyes on me, sweetness." He called to you, speaking in that low tone he knew you liked. Though it came easily.
You gasped at the dancing of his tongue, lifting your hips from the sheets as his lips met your center. "Oh my gahh.." Looking away from him, your eyes were shut softly but your brows were pushed together. He hummed, smacking your thigh as you ignored his recent demand.
His lips gave you rest for a moment as he chuckled, giving a gentle tug of your thighs to pull her closer. "Let me see those pretty eyes of yours.." He sweet talked you, pressing wet kisses to your thighs. "Yeah, sweetness?"
You moaned, nodding before you looked at him with eyes full of want. "Yess.." He twitched at the sexual desire in them. Soft sound of your puddle got louder the sloppier he became. It'd be a lie if he'd said his beard wasn't glistening with you.
"That's more like it, baby.." He praised, resting his mouth to tease with the subtle strokes of his fingers. You mumbled his name in a daze as he watched you began to unfold. "You sound so good saying my name. Say it louder for me.."
And his mouth joined the fun once again. You cursed out, throwing your head back and breaking eye contact. He didn't bother to try and regain eye contact because he knew it'd be useless. Your soul was being slurped from your body and he had the privilege to be the culprit doing so.
Once your hands found his hair, you couldn't choose whether to push him away or closer. So you let him decide, to which he chose to continue the sweet torture. He was, for sure, your favorite bearer of gifts.
@sisterwifeudaku @kumkaniudaku @wawakanda-btch @theunsweetenedtruth @marvelmaree @chaneajoyyy @wakanda-inspired @princesskillmonger @liviy00 @xsweetdellzx @killmongerdispussy @thehomierobbstark @princessstevens @killmongerthiskoochie @cecereads209 @beautifullmelodyxx @soufcakmistress @melodyofmbaku
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yhmisun · 4 years
*//𝒇𝒊𝒍𝒆: introducing 𝐘𝐄𝐎 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐔𝐍!
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hi petals 🥰 i'm so thrilled to be here with you all and bringing you this gullible little lioness!i promise i'll get to all ims soon, but my alias is penny, my pronouns are she/her and i'm in the est tz! this is my bby misun - the very soft-spoken principal of kwangsook academy. despite the shady way she ended up with it, she quite loves her job, as well as all the students and faculty at kwangsook :D i will have her full bio up sometime soon, but for now, you can find some relevant links and some bullet points under the cut! if you'd like to plot something out, feel free to hit the heart so i know and i'll come buzz you in ims! tw - brief mentions of death cw - workplace affair
statistics. // bio. // headcanons. // plots. // musing blog. // pinterest.
━  ❖ (kim ahyoung “yura,” cis female, she/her) hey thank you for coming to town hall to update your information yeo misun! you’re a citizen correct? good to know! are you enjoying yourself around yunhwa? you’ve been staying here two years right? i’m glad! remind me, are you born on 14/12/1992? we’re so lucky to have someone so dedicated around as a principal at kwangsook academy even if sometimes you can be credulous. hope to see you around the house #3034, hwesakgu!
born and raised in busan, the city was imbued in misun's veins. she was in love with how the highest skyscrapers mingled with the clouds on overcast days and how life always seemed to be racing by. her childhood was a happy one, as she gained a younger brother and sister along the way.
her mother was a science teacher and her father a commercial fisherman at the local dock. it wasn't uncommon for him to be gone for weeks at a time in order to bring an income into the household, so misun was often left in charge of her younger siblings. it was something she thrived at honestly, as she'd always had this nurturing way about her. she didn't even argue with her siblings much, she mostly just played peacekeeper when they fought amongst themselves.
she ran through the typical cycle of dream occupations as any child would. she had a particularly tight grasp on astronomy for awhile, but she also always appreciated her mother's work in the field of education.
misun could be be rather mild-mannered, but she loved to run free in the yard, as if the fence that boxed it in existed in another realm entirely. as she grew older, she picked up several hobbies that always seemed to lend to a tranquil state of mind, as it was her favorite feeling in the world. painting and surfing were two of her favorite things to do, once she learned the basics of them. some of her most cherished memories of her father were the trips they took to the beach whenever he was home for the week so that he could see what she had learned for himself. she'd never forget the proud smile he wore.
[tw:death] she was fourteen when her father's boat sank in the korea strait, he and all of his crew being lost in the tragedy. they were at least able to hold a funeral for him; and misun always knew it was something that could happen in the logical side of her brain - but that was rarely the side she wanted to agree with. it was extremely hard on the family for his already too brief presence to have lessened to nothing, and it was years before any sense of normalcy was felt. [end tw]
it was fortunate that misun was so prone to being a parental figure in the household, as she was able to help her mother with her brother and sister while the woman grieved. it was simply in misun's nature to forego her own feelings to give another what they needed.
there was a desperate need for the lost income to be restored in some way, as her father had been the primary breadwinner for the family. her mother's salary as a teacher simply wasn't going to hold four people afloat in the city for very long. misun spent years juggling her workload in school along with working part-time, putting her all into not only bringing home good grades that her mom could be proud of, but helping to keep the family's bills paid, as well.
by the time she graduated, misun had excelled so much in her studies, that she was offered two different scholarships, both of which would have easily covered the expenses of attaining her degree, a miraculous offer for the family who had no way to afford college for any of the three children in it.
the college experience was everything misun had hoped for; a chance to better herself, find herself and take a bit of a break from the full workload she'd been carrying for so long. she still worked part time, so that she could slowly add to the college funds of her brother and sister while she attended school herself, but it was nice to have such a heavy focus on her studies.
she'd come to find that she wanted to go beyond teaching. she enjoyed the thought of administrative duties in the school system; fighting the good fight so that students could always have the help they needed to prosper. it wasn't just about filling their brains with meaningless facts they'd forget over a summer anymore - it was about making sure they had the tools to make it in life.
while she did receive some brief classroom training as a teacher in her initial transition, once misun got her master's degree, she was able to fill the position of principal at one of the schools in the city. she fell in love with it immediately, as it fit right in with her facilitating nature. she had a knack for keeping the peace around the school and making sure things ran smoothly so that all the teachers and other faculty could do their jobs properly.
she even had a positive working relationship with the local school board and her superiors, one of whom seemed to have taken quite a shine to her. he'd find any opportunity to speak with her, even about the silliest things. it was quite odd for misun to see him go back and forth from a very personable man to a very stuffy superintendent on an almost weekly basis, but there was definitely something charming about him.
before she really knew it, he'd swept misun off her feet entirely. suddenly they were sharing their lunch breaks at romantic cafes and making excuses to see each other during inconvenient times. misun always saw the best in people, and the things she saw in him made her feel love on an intense plane. she felt special with him; wanted. she might have said he'd broken down all her barriers, if she'd ever bothered to put them up.
as sweet as the feelings were, she supposed she knew the relationship was inappropriate considering that he was practically her boss. still, she didn't want to let go of the happiness she felt, and that she thought he had felt to.
it wasn't long before he informed her of his suspicions that some of his co-workers had an inkling he was having an affair with one of the school faculty members in the area. he seemed to know it was only a matter of time before the truth would come out, so he would cover his tracks. he would make sure no one ever found out.
initially, they were only meant to 'cool things off' a bit so that the suspicion would die down. admittedly, if word got out about them, misun knew it would be quite the scandal, and he may have to step down from his position. it seemed like the logical thing to do to lay low for awhile.
she didn't see the next part coming, though; apparently it had been decided that she would take the hit entirely, in order to save them both. her superintendent had crafted the brilliant plan to transfer her to kwangsook academy out in the small town of yunhwa and away from the city that she'd always known and loved. she wouldn't have to worry, he'd told her. the job was all but hers after the glowing recommendation he gave her. 'thank goodness, right? now you won't have to face any humiliation.'
she was confused, hurt and more angry than she had ever been in her life. as lovely as yunhwa was, it wasn't her home back in busan. it wasn't her school district. why was it her life that had been uprooted, and hers alone? was he suffering any undesired changes in his life in the city? did he even care at all that she was gone?
still though, misun's resilience remained steadfast, even after her heart was broken. as bitter as she was about the forced move, she'd been given a job to do, and she was going to going to do it right. getting used to the small town lifestyle has been a major adjustment for her, but she's not really one to complain about her circumstances.
two years on, and she remains in yunhwa, functioning as the head of kwangsook academy. as lost as she'd felt initially, she's come to fit in at the school at last. she's a rather amicable person who gets along well with the other teachers and staff members. she's always willing to lend a helping hand when it's needed, and is extremely dedicated to making sure the school has everything it needs in the way of funding, materials, healthy lunches and meaningful extracurriculars. as unassuming as misun can be sometimes, she's very protective of her students!
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x-spooks · 4 years
Serial Kisses. One: An Off Encounter.
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Paired up with Kim Jong-In aka Exo's Kai.
Genre: Spicy Fluff
Rated: PG-13
The hollow scrape of your nameless black heels off SM's public sidewalk was the only thing keeping you focused. You took a deep breath through your nose and let it chill in your lungs for a second as your hand grabbed the SM logo door and pulled it open. You stepped into the main lobby with all the confidence of a someone who was actually supposed to be in this building. As your grandmother had always said, 'Fake it until you Make it.'
You forced your eyes to zone in on the Reception Desk. With strong, eased, steps you broke the distance between the door and the receptionist. Idol mode kicked in automictically, a pleasant smile pulled at the corners of your naturally pouty lips.
The receptionist greeted you kindly in what you assumed was English and began to ask you questions.
"I don't mean to interrupt you," your voice was in polite mode, "I don't speak English," you offered with only half an ounce of gilt. You were usually mistook for a foreigner, "I'm Korean." You presented.
The receptionist was instantly apologetic. You ignored the skeptical gleam in her blue lensed eyes. You learned early on even if you prove you were born and raise in Korea no one believed you.
"I'm Kang Dal-Rea," you smiled with confidence, "I have an appointment with Park Hyun-Woo."
In her embarrassment, she lowered her gaze and quickly started to tap at the keyboard before her. She was about to pick up a phone, when you felt a soft tap on your shoulder.
Your eyes moved from the receptionist to the individual. It was a man in his early thirties with a welcoming smile on his kind featured face, "Kang Dal-Rea?" His bow of acknowledgement was barely a nod. "I'm Park Hyun-Woo."
You turn to face him. You bow at the waist a slightly. The movement pulled a few loose strands of two toned hair from your low bun. The purple based black fading into white tipped hair framed the sides of your face, "I'm happy to meet you." your smile only slipped of a moment, "I am Kang Dal-Rea."
"We are very excited you agreed to meet with us," he offered as he gestured in the directions of the secured employee only entrance, "We know you've been busy after that amazing performance." He began to lead the way.
You followed while keeping your eyes fixed on the side of his face. You honest didn't want to see or be drawn into the riches of the building or the people with in.
"I personally want to thank you for giving us this time," He continued.
It occurred to you he was laying it of thick, "No, It was nice to be considered for the opportunity," you counter feeling slightly uncomfortable by the overly politeness. You were led to believe this was an audition to be a backup dancer.
He barely led you past the security barriers when his phone began to buzz. He flashed you a apologetic grin and took out his phone looking at the screen. "I'm sorry," he offered a small bow of his head, "I have to take this."
Your hands flash a quick 'no problem' motion as your eyes glanced back towards the main entrance. Maybe this wasn't going to be worth being nervous about, you thought while finally taking in your surroundings. The lobby was flashy.
"Oh," Mr. Park voiced a bit too loudly for a phone call, "I mean if you aren't in a rush."
Your eyes found their way back to Mr. Park who was approached by a cute women in her early twenties who seemed to be a little too into fashion. Your eyes narrow slightly as you recognized the petite trendy Idol as BlackPink's Jennie. Why would she be in the SM building? Maybe a collab?
You were brought from your thoughts by her voice, "I would be happy to take her to the meeting room for you." Her polite smile didn't reach her eyes. "Which meeting room?"
"Three." Mr Park answered with worry lacing his smooth voice. He then gave you a little wave, "I shouldn't be long. The contract is waiting for you though, so please look it over." He smiled while walking away and answering his call.
"I was surprised to see you here," Jennie's voice demanded your full attention. Her eyes were dragging down your frame. Her facial expression was sour as she took in your no brand high-waisted black pencil skirt and men's black long sleeved button down tucked in.
"My eyes are up here." You flashed her a sly smirk as your four inch heels made you tall enough to look down at her.
She blatantly ignored your words and started for the elevators, "Did your little group finally break up?" Her voice took on a mockingly sympathetic tone. "Too ba-
"No," you voiced with pride while you approached the elevator. You stamped the up button with your finger since Jennie made no attempt, "We're just waiting for our brothers to come back from enlistment." you admitted a bit more information than you normally would in an effort to stop her from talking.
"Hmm...What was the groups concept again?" Jennie seemed unbothered by your bluntness.
"We're mythical creatures swore to protect Dynasty." You answered.
"Oh. I see. And what are you supposed to be?" She gave you the side eye.
"Aren't you giving yourself a little too much credit?" Her gaze roamed up your frame again.
The ding of the elevator was the soul reason you kept your composure, "I would agree with you," You spoke honestly nodding slightly as you followed her on to the elevator. You positioned yourself behind her, "but I did get a few compliments from Top and G-dragon on Show Me the Money." You hoped that would shut her up since rumor has it she was G-Dragon's new girlfriend.
You watched her shoulders tense up. She pressed the number you needed, "They must've been being kind." she offered with a sharpness you couldn't ignore.
A satisficed expression took hold of your features. You were never the one who needed to have the last word to feel validated. Just getting her slightly annoyed was enough for you.
The rest of the elevator ride was quiet. The doors opened up on almost every floor, filling it up.
"Jennie," an acquaintance of hers entered the elevator. The conversation was hushed, but you tried your best to ease drop. "Are you here to see Kai? I heard he was looking for a new dance partner. Is that why you're here as his muse? Are you back together?"
"Shhh...People might hear you." Jennie sounded like she was smiling and wasn't being hushed about it. As if she wanted people to actually be intrigued enough to listen in. "Kai and I aren't together." she confirmed, but left everything else open ended.
You couldn't help roll your eyes.
Jennie got off at the next floor after saying her goodbyes. You politely had to squeeze out of the back and apologize for hitting your duffle bag off someone arms. You bowed to the whole elevator as the doors closed.
"It's down that hall," she scuffed, "It's clearly marked three."
You bow your head slightly, "Thank you for your guidance. Hope the day sees you off well." you overlook her silence and began down the hall not caring which direction she went in.
You found the door. You softly knocked on it then entered when you didn't hear anything. The large room was fitted with a table that ran it's length. The chair's looked modern, but comfortable. The lighting was a bit over kill, but you guessed if you had money to blow on light fixtures, you would too.
You walked around the table to the white envelope on it's surface. You pulled out the chair in front of it and the one next to it. You took off your duffle and set it in the empty chair then sat yourself in the one with paper work. You instinctively slid out of your heels stretching your ankles while your fingers undid the envelope. You slip out the paper work and started looking it over.
You were on the tenth piece of paper when you heard the door click open. You instantly straightened you spine and slipped your heels back on as you stood.
It was Mr. Park with another man in tow. "Oh please," Mr. Park tone was melting with his apologies, "forgive me. We had a little miscommunication. I'm completely at fault."
"No worries." You made sure to bow to the new man, "Sincerely, I was reading over the contract."
"Oh good," Mr. Park's cheerful voice came back in full force, "is there anything you have questions about?"
"How long is this offer open for?" It was quite a bit of money and you didn't want to sign without your fathers' lawyers looking it over.
"If you could have your amendments in by the end of the week so we can adjust accordantly. We would like to hire you for the performance. Is there anything you see that needs immediate attention?" Mr. Park's asked while seeming to get more nervous with each word that left his lips.
You glanced over his face, "Of course not." You tried to ease his worries, "I will hand this over to our lawyer today and if there is any issues I'll contact you."
"I was under the impression you were an independent group." The man beside Mr. Park spoke up. He seemed more of a manager with his laid back fit rather Mr. Park's suit. "Did that change?"
"No, it hasn't. I am an in an independent group." You confirmed. "But my father own an independent personal security company. He has his lawyers look over everything before he allows me to sign."
"A smart man." Mr. Park commented trying to ease the unexpected tension. "Has he been hired to guard anyone we would know?"
"I honestly don't get too evolved in his work." You answered as casually as possible.
Mr. Park nodded simply, "Oh, excuse my rudeness," He gestured to the man beside him, "This is Manager Jun." he paused and you bow your head again to the man, "If everything goes as smoothly as we hope. He will be your go to man."
"It's nice to meet you." You raise your gaze to meet his, "I'm Kang Dal-Rea." You glance back to Mr. Park, "Oh, I am confused on one thing."
"Do I not have to audition for the spot?"
A gently chuckle left his lips, "Of course not K-
"You were personally requested by the talent." Manager Jun butts in. His gaze is narrowed on the side of Mr. Park's face.
If he felt it he didn't seem to care and so you tried to ignore it as well. You let those words sink into your skin. Someone asked for you and that was why Mr. Park was acting so sickly sweet.
Suddenly your chest felt light with pride. You almost excused the buzzing in your ears as excitement but Manager Jun's narrowed gaze fixed on you. It was your phone. You quickly ripped open your duffle and fished for you I-phone. You pulled it out. Wow was it already this late? An image of Hiro was on your screen. "Excuse me." You answered it. "Hiro, I'm still in the meeting."
"Still?" His deep voice was annoyed, "I'm out front."
"It's night time." He replied as if you were an idiot.
You nodded and looked back to the two man, "Is there anything else you would like to talk over?"
"Boyfriend?" Manager Jun asked bluntly.
Hiro heard and began to laugh, "She wishes."
You could just imagine the sinister smirk on his handsome features. He would look even more like a real life anime character with his freshly dyed pink hair, "Manager Jun," You look the man dead in his obsidian narrowed stare, "I'm not your concern yet," you reminded in a calm tone. "but no."
"I'm waiting." Hiro remarked then there was the click.
You tossed the phone back in the bag and zipped it back up. You slug it over your shoulder and started to gather your contract. "If that's all for today. It was a nice to meet both of you."
"Don't you want to meet the person you'll be dancing with?" Mr. Park asked. He received another death glare from Manager Jun.
"I'm sure they're busy." you commented as you stuffed the papers back into the envelope, "Please tell them I'm looking forward to working with them."
"I will," Mr. Park promised, "Mr Manager Jun, would you please escort Miss Kang back to the lobby?"
He nodded.
You rounded the table and Manager Jun snatched your duffle bag from you once you were in reach. You were about to protest, but the serious look on his face made you reframe.
You made it out of the building in fifteen minutes. Hiro had his back to you and seemed to be staring off into the city life.
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youremeimyou · 5 years
The Lesser Gods of Bangtanis(pt.3)
Introduction - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
pairings: Kim Taehyung x reader, Jeon Jungkook x reader, OT7(this fic is about all of the boys’ characters, not just ‘Y/Nxsomeone’ focused) genre: angst, fluff, comedy, adventure.. -fantasy au, medieval au, magic au, royal au word count: 3.9k warnings: psychic episode?(trance-like state)
Description: Princess Y/N, who holds the fate of her people on her shoulders arrives at the kingdom of Bangtanis, that is the home of our mighty heroes. What will the destiny of our heroes be, when she brings along a threat called dark magic and a little bit of love with her?
A/N: Back with pt3 after a long time.. I don’t wanna quit on this fic cuz I really like the story so I’ll try really hard to get motivated for the next parts as well(feedback really helps) Anyways, this part is actually just Y/N and Tae going on a fancy royal date. But of course with a little twist at the end. Enjoy!
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Prince Taehyung arrived at the cottage and saw that there were two horses outside the door. He pet the horses and went in. As soon as he was inside, Y/N and Jungkook -who had obviously been discussing something, sitting closely on the sofa- immediately stopped talking and whipped their heads towards the door.
"You're back!" the princess mused. She didn't know why his return made her feel giddy inside.
"Seems like I'm interrupting." Taehyung replied coldly as he stared at Jungkook, who had already gotten up in order to leave.
"Of course not, my lord. In fact I was just leaving." The younger boy respectfully stated before walking to the door. "Have a good night, my lord. Sleep well, Y/N." And with that he went out, rendering the prince dumbfounded with the way he adressed the princess. That shy village boy just bid her goodnight in a very sincere way.
"So what are the news from the castle?" Y/N went closer to Taehyung and sat on a chair. But he was busy noticing the bread crumbs on the table. "Did you eat with Jungkook?" he asked without looking at her.
"Oh, Guk said his sister prepared something for him. He shared it with me."
"Guk, is it?" The prince was even more bothered than before. Since when were those two such good friends?
"Hm?" Y/N acted like she didn't catch the annoyed tone in his voice.
"Well I hope you enjoyed your little picnic. I'll have this lovely meal by myself, then." He took the food he brought from the castle out of his bag and placed them on plates. Y/N's eyes grew big, it looked delicious. "It's been a long while since we ate, though." she said while staring at the food Taehyung was enjoying. After a while, he pushed some of the plates in front of her, silently offering her to join. She smiled excitedly in return.
"So did you talk to the king? What did he say?" Y/N asked, her voice muffled because of the food.
"Yes. He said he'll announce his final decision tomorrow at the feast."
Y/N gulped down her last bite in shock. "Feast?!" She got up from her seat before continuing. "What feast?" Taehyung knew she'd protest to such an idea.
"The traditional welcoming feast. They're really strict about these things. It's in order to help the people feel as though things are okay, I guess." Taehyung also stood up and started cleaning the table from food crumbs. He was very calm, in contrast to Y/N.
"But things aren't okay! I want to know if-"
"Namjoon hyung is most likely to announce good news, like that he'll send reinforcements." Taehyung added as he organized the chairs around the table back in place.
Y/N's protests stopped immediately and her eyes started sparkling. "Really?"
"Yeah. After our last talk, he seemed to have finally made his mind that he'll help."
Hearing this made Y/N so happy that in a moment of excitement she leaped towards Taehyung, capturing him in a tight hug. He was surprised at first but then he wrapped his arms around her, too. After staying like that for some time, Y/N realized what she was doing and quickly retreated back.
"Sorry, I-" the princess cursed on the inside for blushing over something so simple. "I'm just really glad to hear that." And Taehyung understood her excitement. He too was glad. Almost like it was his own kingdom that would be saved. He gave her a warm smile.
"You have to appear at the feast tomorrow, though. Hyung wants to talk to you."
Even though the idea of a feast at a time like this felt absurd, Y/N knew kingdoms had to maintain traditions at rough times for their people's sake. So she nodded without any more complaints.
"But you can't make an appearance wearing these boy trousers of yours." Taehyung teased. She was wearing the same shirt and pants she wore the day she arrived in the city. Instead of the daily robes the prince had borrowed for her from Duchess Minji.
"Hey, I washed these yesterday. They're clean and presentable." Y/N never really was comfortable wearing dresses in daily life because she'd always be running around, sparring or horse riding.
"But they don't exactly match the dress code for a fancy event, do they?"
The princess rolled her eyes. "I don't have my luggage here-" she was interrupted by Taehyung clearing his throat and pointing at the side of the door where he put her luggage after carrying it here on his way back.
"You brought it.." Everytime he'd act thoughtful like this, it caught Y/N off guard.
"Still, you probably don't have anything fancy in there. So I also brought this." He handed her the fancy gown he bought from the royal tailor. A dark red night dress with delicate embroidery stitched around the neck cleavage. Even Y/N who didn't really like dresses thought it was beautiful. "I think this will fit you perfectly." Taehyung's mouth curved up to form his signiture smirk.
"Whatever, Prince Smug."
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The next day Y/N woke up to find Taehyung already gone. He had left a note on the table that read,
"Be ready before sundown and don't go running off to Jungkook or anything. I'll come pick you up and take you to the castle."
She was planning to spar with Jungkook again, today. But after all the effort the prince seemed to be making for her and her cause, she decided to do as he said.
Sundown came by fast. Y/N had done her best to look her most presentable self but there was no sign of the prince. The princess couldn't wait to talk with King Namjoon, to thank him and discuss details. Her impatience growing every minute, she decided to wait outside. So that when he arrives, she could scold the prince immediately for being late. But.. Then he showed up, running down the forest path on his beautiful, radiant white horse.
He stopped in front of Y/N, wearing a confused look. "Why are you outside?" It took a moment for Y/N to register his words. Nobody could deny the prince's natural attractiveness. But in this graceful formal attire, he was a sight for sore eyes to say the least.
"I- you were-"
"Late, I know. I'm sorry. I was trying to look more presentable." He had to take a quick breath once he took in the way Y/N looked. "But- I would've tried harder if I knew you'd be looking like this."
The princess nervously blinked. Where were her words? Why couldn't she mutter them out? She hoped the darkness of the evening was hiding the slight red of her cheeks.
"I was definetely spot on again with your body measurements." Prince Smug was back with his endless teasing, which brought Y/N out of the daze she was in. "Well, you almost look like an actual prince like this." Taehyung lifted an eyebrow but Y/N added quickly. "I'm pretty sure it's the horse, though."
He rolled his eyes and held out his hand to help her get on the horse. Being always eager to prove her skills, she wouldn't have normally taken his hand. But since tonight was a special occasion, she decided to play the lady role a little better.
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The royal ballroom was bigger than the one at the princess' castle. Decorations for the feast were wonderful and if it wasn't for the chaos that was going on back at her home, she could really enjoy attending this event.
Taehyung stopped her suddenly and pulled her to a corner outside of the hall. "I forgot- if anyone asks, you are a duchess that came with the princess. We should come up with a name, too." He kept listing female names he knew. It was quite a long list.
"I won't remember any of those. My double's name is Yuna. I can use that."
"Okay, Yuna it is. Just stay close to me, no one would be suspicious of someone I brought with me." He said and took Y/N's hand to place it softly on his arm. Then they entered the hall once again but this time the prince seemed even more graceful as they strolled inside.
Everyone expected him to sit beside the king and his advisors as he usually does. But instead, he pulled a seat away from where all the high ranking people were, helped the princess sit down and took the seat next to her for himself. All the attention in the room was focused on the two. Until Jung Hoseok started speaking.
"Thank you all for coming. Despite the unfortunate events that are occuring, we are grateful to have Princess Y/N and her company here with us. Let us all come together and support each other through these hard times."
A round of applause came from the crowd and then the king started talking. "Times are indeed hard for the curse of dark magic has returned." People gasped in terror. "But, it cannot be as strong as it used to be. And we as a kingdom that won't stand for cruelty, shall help our friends in overcoming this threat." Some people were surprised, some were afraid and some seemed to support the idea. But the princess was the happiest of all. Taehyung could see it all over her face.
Meals and drinks were served and there was music in the background. But after a while the music stopped. Only a drum roll could be heard. Y/N saw everyone turning their heads to the door in excitement. Then, the jester made an entrance. A man was throwing knives at him from the other side and he dodged every single one while elegantly dancing and twirling around. The princess was shocked. Was he crazy? One wrong move and he could easily be killed.
When he was done, the crowd gave him a standing ovation. But the jester kept the show going with more amazing moves, magic tricks and dance numbers. Y/N had never seen such an entertainment from a jester before, or from anyone.
The show finished and the jester took a seat next to Taehyung and Y/N after reciving another round of applause. Y/N turned to him. "That was.. How did you do all of those? Your performance was incredable!" Jimin smiled and blushed shyly, as if he didn't just make everyone in the room fall in love with him.
"We thank our jester who never ceases to impress us with new and unbelievable shows." Kim Seokjin said as he gathered the people's attention. "It is time however, for another type of entertainment. Princess Y/N, would you mind joining us for a rather fun tradition of ours?"
Taehyung had to hold Y/N's arm to stop her from getting up after the mention of her name. "Having a double is new for you, isn't it?" He was right. It was kind of hard getting used to it for Y/N. Her double on the other hand got up at once and walked towards the center of the hall. "Of course, it would be an honour." Thank god Yuna was a good actress.
"We usually have representitives of both kingdoms participate in something as an icebreaker and even cultural bonding. I thought you might represent yours and for us it could be.." Seokjin trailed off, searching around the room for a candidate. "Well, a prince would suit best for a princess so it shall be Prince Kim Taehyung."
Taehyung had been selected to put on a quick show like this many times, in many feasts with many princesses. Unsurprised, he went next to Yuna, Y/N’s double. But on the inside he wished he could be doing this with the actual princess, somehow.
“Excellent! As our guest of honour, you should choose what you’ll show the good people here, princess. Would you like to sing? Or dance?” Kim Seokjin asked excitedly while Yuna looked around, unsurely. “You can even throw some knives at him like earlier with the jester if you’d like.” Seokjin joked in a teasing tone and everyone laughed at his suggestion.
“I heard you were an actor, Prince Taehyung. I also love theatre, so.. perhaps a quick scene?”
Taehyung was surprised. Normally most would choose to have a dance with the tall, handsome prince. But it made sense as he thought more about it, since Yuna was already acting, even in that very moment. So he politely nodded and went next to Kim Seokjin who was still standing near his seat.
“Who is that lady standing over there by her lonesome?” he asked Seokjin, clearly in character. And Seokjin -another theatre artist- caught up quickly. “I know not, sir.”
Taehyung started walking slowly towards Yuna again. “Oh, she teaches torches how to burn bright. She stands out against the night. Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope’s ear. Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear. Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I never saw true beauty till this night.”
While he said his lines, every women was shooting jealous stares at who they thought was the princess. But Taehyung’s attention was focused on the actual one, who was sitting behind her double. Which had left Y/N baffled. She quickly blamed the little vine she had, convincing herself the eye contact with the prince was an illusion of her mind.
Even Yuna, who happened to be a great actress was left speechless at Taehyung's performance and couldn't come up with a response. So the show ended quickly with the crowd applauding. Yuna and Taehyung went back to their seats after bowing to each other and the feast went on.
"I told you I was an actor, princess. How did you like my performance?" Taehyung asked Y/N in a low voice.
She responded as quietly. "You're lucky you were up there with Yuna. I would've chosen to throw knives." Taehyung faked a dramatic gasp and they both giggled. "Tell me Prince Romantic, which one of these lovely duchesses have you borrowed this dress from? I thought I'd be able to tell from the way she'd look at me but more than just one are sending me death stares." Y/N asked as she searched the hall with her eyes.
"I didn't borrow it. I had seen this dress in the royal tailor's chambers, once. He never sold it to any of the duchesses, claiming that it was a speacial piece of art."
"How did you get your hands on it, then?"
"I convinced him that this piece of art would be worn by someone no less than art, herself."
Y/N wasn't expecting such a compliment and therefore she was once more baffled and very much embarresed at her blushing cheeks. She wanted to not be speechless at his words but her mind couldn't come up with anything. Thankfully, King Namjoon interrupted.
“I don’t think I’ve met this fair lady you’re accompanying tonight, Taehyung?”
“Oh, my lord I’m sorry. This is Duchess Yuna who came with Princess Y/N.” the two played along, making sure people nearby would hear and not get suspicious. Then the king took a seat next to Y/N and began talking in a low voice. “My lady, I’m sorry for the inconvinience. You hide yourself while this whole feast was organized primarely for you.” The king seemed somehow intimidating to Y/N at first but now she could see the kind side of him.
“It’s alright, really. I’m just glad to have the chance to talk to you, my lord.”
“As I’ve said earlier, we are willing to help you. But I need to prepare my men before sending them out to fight the creatures of the night. They might be the best warriors in the realm but even they don’t know the terrors of dark magic.”
“Of course, I agree. And I have to add that I’m very thankful for your support.”
The king sincerely smiled and continued. “I’m still not sure if my reinforcements will be enough. What about your army?”
“They’re all locked in the dungeons. At least.. they were when I left.” The princess could feel sorrow bulding up inside her again at the thought of leaving. But there was no other choice. “If we can free them, they’ll be ready to fight.” And of course, if they’re not dead.
“I don’t think creatures of the night would kill them. Instead they’d want to use them to enhance their army. So, they’d be trying to break them.” The king said as if he read Y/N’s mind. But Y/N knew her people were strong minded. She could feel that there was still hope. “I know they’ll hold on until their last breath.” She said confidently.
“Then, we shall free them once we’re there.”
After discussing all of the details the king went back to his throne and a short while later, the feast came to an end. People one by one started to leave.
“I think we should also be heading back.” Taehyung whispered in Y/N’s ear. She nodded but before they could leave, Min Yoongi showed up, requesting to talk to the princess. Taehyung could tell he wanted to speak only with her so he went to find Jimin, leaving them alone.
“I hope the cottage is alright for you, princess. I know it’s not much but-”
“No! It’s more then enough Lord Yoongi. Thank you for allowing me to stay there.” Y/N really didn’t care for comfort in her situation. She was in fact glad to be out of sight.
“Listen, princess. I know the king has decided to send our men to help your kingdom. I want you to know I was against it.”
This came as a shock to Y/N.
“Not because I’m unsympathetic, but because I have exprience when it comes to dark magic.” His face became gloomy and his voice almost trembled as he spoke. “But the king would never go back on his word. We’ll face nightmares beyond your worst imaginations in order to save your land. So, I need to know if you're strong enough to make hard choices.”
What did he mean by that? Y/N couldn’t understand. But she knew one thing. “I don’t know what I’ll face but I assure you, there is nothing I wouldn’t do to save the people I love and care about. I hope that's a good enough answer for you.”
Min Yoongi nodded after staring her in the eyes for a while and left. Just as he was going, Taehyung came back with Jimin beside him. “Are you ready to go?”
Taehyung noticed the confusion on her face but decided to ask her about it when they get to the cottage, where they could speak freely. It was silent as him, Y/N and Jimin walked out of ballroom and into the hallway. Unable to bare the tension, Jimin decided to crack a couple of stupid jokes and comments about the night. Which eventually had Taehyung cackling and even the confused princess smiling. But then something happened.
Jimin suddenly collapsed to the ground. He was shaking and unconscious. There was no response as Taehyung and Y/N called out his name time after time, panic taking over them. His eyeballs had gone completely white and his pupils were gone. While Taehyung helplessly called for the guards, Jimin finally came out of it. Eyes going back to normal and his consciousness returning.
“Jimin! Are you alright? What happened? What-”
Y/N stopped Taehyung from yelling loudly. “Let’s just get him to the physician.”
With the guards’ help they carried him to the physician’s chambers quickly. After examining him carefully he shook his head from side to side in confusion. “There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with him. Not physically, at least.”
“Are you absolutely sure, physician?” Taehyung’s tone was deadly serious. Not that it wasn’t obvious before but the extreme concern on his features showed Y/N clearly how much he really cared for his best friend.
“Yes, my lord. As always, he’s very healthy.”
Jimin tried to stand up but Taehyung stopped him from moving. “Not so fast, jester.”
“Taehyung you heard the phys-”
“I saw you back there and you were not alright, Jimin.”
Jimin gave up with a sigh. “Okay, I’ll tell you what’s going on. But we have to get out of here first.”
They got out of the room and went to Jimin’s chambers, all the while the prince cautiously watched the jester. They sat Jimin down and he started explaining.
“This isn’t the first time. I thought they were just nightmares but now-” he stopped himself. But Taehyung was impatient. “What? What do you see?” he asked.
Jimin hesitantly answered. “It’s always the same thing. You on your knees. And a blade run through your chest.” Neither Taehyung nor Y/N was expecting that.
“And there’s a man in front of you, looking down at you. It feels like I know him in the dream. But I can’t make him out when I wake up.”
Both Y/N and Taehyung were looking at him in complete shock and utter confusion. Jimin faked a smile. “It’s just a recurring dream, guys-”
“A dream you suddenly start to have going in a trance when a moment ago you were wide awake?” Y/N cut him off. “Jimin, you’re having visions.”
He laughed in disbelief. “I’m not an oracle, princess.”
“But you do have magic. I could tell from the moment I met you. You’re always subtle but I’ve spent time with many wizards, it didn’t escape my attention.”
“Oh, come on. Do you deny always being able to tell when people lie? And you can tell exactly what people are thinking just by looking at them, can’t you? You’re a reader. It’s rare even amongst wizards but it’s obvious that’s what you are!”
It was silent for a moment. Y/N guessed Taehyung was trying to process all that new information.
“I always follow your hunches and you never turn out to be wrong. Thinking back to all of those moments, there literally isn’t a single time you weren’t right!” It looked like Taehyung was having a moment of clarity. But then he frowned. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”
“I never thought it was magic, I swear! I always thought I had strong senses. That’s probably all there is to it anyway-”
“That morning you brought me and Y/N breakfast, you just came storming in. But I know for a fact that I locked the door the night before.”
And Jimin’s moment of clarity hit him right then. “I know. It was locked. I just wished it wouldn’t be and.. it wasn’t anymore.” he admitted. Both to them and to himself.
“And these visions are proof that your skill are improving-” Y/N tried to explain more but Jimin snapped at her. “No! They can’t be visions of the future that would mean that Taehyung-” he lowered his volume before continuing. “that he’s going to get fatally wounded.”
As if they didn’t have enough troubles at hand everything had gotten ten times more complicated. Taehyung made them promise not to speak of this anywhere for the time being, in order to protect Jimin’s identity as an unregistered wizard. And they all swore to trying to figure all of this out together as a team.
A/N: Soo yeah.. things are probably about to go downhill from now on. Though idk when it'll come out, pt4 is in my plans if anyone follows the series. The theatre piece is from Romeo and Juliet(with a few adjustments of mine to make it fit the story) because no way could I write an actual improv, way out of my league. Thank you if you read my thing and hope you enjoyed it :) pls stay at home, wash your hands and take good care of yourself.
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minghaoss-archive · 5 years
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elysian ♡nakamoto yuta(m)
summary: crisp summer days in a foreign country and a terrible heartbreak.
or in which nakamoto yuta is your first everything.
pairing : nct yuta x female reader
warnings : exhibitionism kink, fingering.
banner made by the kindest @lovingyong
The airplane's icy cold conditioning compels you to snuggle into the cheap purple blanket. Flights are not your best companion. Especially when it's past midnight. Given your aviophobia, you always grow nauseous or fidgety and the mundane sight of the night sky does nothing to distract you too.
But today your fears take a back seat because the sky is a brilliant gray, stitched generously with numberless diamonds and your trembling hand is clasped tightly by long, warm fingers.
Which belong to man who has your toes curling.
You try not to think too hard about how close Yuta is to you. His cologne wafts into your nostrils, hypnotizing you, luring you into his touch.
You hope he doesn't take notice of just how much he affects you because it's daunting, how your heart hammers in your chest when he's around you, how your head feels light, how your skin burns under his - and he's not even trying.
Had your love for your best friend, Mark been so shallow that you'd begun to forget what he'd done just in a matter of a week? What if Yuta betrays you just like he had? How do you trust him? It's too soon for you to move on. It's too soon and all too petrifying.
Yuta will hurt you and you can't let him affect you this much yet. Because who could love you? You don't even fit into the world of romantics with your empty list of experiences. He had been with girls before, like everyone else and you hadn't. How do you know he wasn't going to take advantage of you like Mark had?
Contradicted, suspicious and insecure, just as you had been since the day you've known him, you unlace your hand from his.
You need time.
He makes you want to fall in love again and it's too soon, you ponder whilst watching cottony clouds disappear into the indigo streaks of a departing night.
Peaceful it is, nature. It takes your mind off things. Serene. The sapphire strokes of midnight has you love struck. So tranquil that it almost blurs out the vivid memory of your shared kiss. Almost.
You hiss when a frosty set of digits graze your bare thighs. "What are you looking at?" He chuckles into your ear, voice low as his fingers dance around the supple skin. "Are you ignoring me again, baby?"
You're convinced words are an alien language when the digits ride up your skirt and rest at the lining of your underwear. There's a shift in the purply blanket, a prominent bulge of his fingers.
You freeze when attendance carries a snack trolley past the pair of you, afraid the lining of his hand under the blanket would make the dirty little act look less like innocent hand holding, even though the entire lounge is lit only by a faint yellow light overhead.
"Yuta, what-t are you doing?" He calmly plugs in your headphones with his idle hand, routing your tele to the entertainment channel. "I told you I hate being ignored." Yuta hums nonchalantly, as if he isn't running his fingers along your folds.
A cool puff of his breath, his fingers tucking a strand behind your ear. The way his adam's apple bobs when your wetness dampens his fingers- it's all you can think about. It's all you know.
"Why don't you just let me have you?" His teeth nibble down on your earlobe, eliciting a low mewl from you. Your eyes are glossed over whilst you whisper his name, and only his name. He's all you can think about. "Do you think about Mark this way?" You shake your head a no as he quickens the pace of his rubs.
He simpers against the reddened flesh, continuing to push your underwear aside."You're going to be quiet for me, yeah? Don't want everyone to hear you, do you?"
"Yuta." You lightly grasp onto his wrist, eyes glued the side of his jaw. His pupils are splendidly shiny, pitch black as he looks to you with an inscrutable expression on his face. "Or you want them to know what happens when you ignore me? Do you want him to know what he's missing?" Your body jolts forward into his hand while he rubs your clit in slow circles. His head is tilted towards the younger boy who watches Cinderella with widened, child-like eyes.
You can barely formulate words, your vision blurs, as he rolls his thumb on your sensitive little nub. You can't think about anything other than Yuta and he knows this all too well. "You're so pretty, angel. Such a pretty cunt." He grins proudly, shifting the blanket to get a good look at you, his arm flexes with a particularly rough press of his fingers when you mutter a low profanity under your breath.
"Do you want me to stop, princess?" You'd be lying if you said it didn't excite you. Mostly because you've never done something like this before. Mostly because it was Yuta who is doing it to you.
It feels surreal when he touches you. Be it a gesture as simple as holding your hand or something as intimate as fucking you with his fingers.
His lips ghost over the corner of your mouth, raven hair falling over his eyes as he watches the way your lips twist into a tight 'O' with each flick of his thumb, "Kiss me. Please." His sharp gaze softens at your desperate ask. As if he wanted to spoil you..as if he'd give you everything you wanted had you just asked.
He briefly pulls his fingers away, to press a nimble kiss to your lips. Like he needs it, like he needs your touch, your mouth, the familiar taste of coffee and yoghurt. The taste he's been looking to have on his tongue from the first day he's kissed you. He holds you like he doesn't know how to go on without you. As if he needs you and only you. Like he can't get enough of you, your kisses, your moans, your cunt.
You're so innocent and all he wants is to ruin you. Spoil you with everything he has.
He hums against your lips, tugging you back by a light pull of your hair.
His slick fingers push into his mouth once he's pulled away, eyes never leaving yours. The lewd sight of Yuta's spit collecting around the sopping fingers has you pressing your thighs together.
You can't believe Nakamoto Yuta, your senior at college, is wrapped around your finger. With his mouth swollen and the way he smiles with your wetness smeared on his pretty little mouth - like there's not a force in this world that could make him wipe it off. "Please." You whine, coaxing him to resume. You want him. You want all of him.
"Keep your eyes on the tele." You bite into your bottom lip as the blue screen lights your face up.
The sight is something Yuta wishes to have captured and taken with him for the rest of his life. Your brows are bunched up as you whimper lowly under your breath, there's an unmistakable imperial red color dusting along the apples of your cheeks.
His fingers are dragged back continuously and pushed right into your core. You gyrate your hips into his hand but he presses you right back down. "Stop moving so much, baby, they'll know."
Warmth coils inside your stomach and build and builds till he curls his fingers along that sweet spot of yours that makes you see stars.
Yuta presses a kiss to your heated cheek when you loll your head back into the seat. "Good girl." You sigh, chest rising and falling at the after effect of your high.
"You okay?" comes Mark's voice, a voice you can barely hear. "Mhm." You whimper in oversensitivity.
You've been ignoring him for an entire week and now is no different, he thinks initially as you barely answer. Still, looks to you in confusion, curious he is, knowing your fear of flying.
Sure, he had broken your heart but he still wouldn't want you to be afraid. But little did he know.
A heavy feeling of hurt forms in his chest for a reason he can't quite explain. Didn't he kiss another girl when he knew you were in love with him? Had he loved you back? Had he been to scared then?
Mark identifies this feeling as defeat, as jealousy when he looks to the charming male sat beside you. Had he lost you for good? Are you really okay? He looks to you with concern written all over his face, disregarding his ill musings with a shake of his head. He had you for all himself. Even though he didn't love you back.
Though it's only when your seating mate looks to him, does he realize just how wrong he is. There's a rubicund tint across his nape whilst his brows rise and fall in realization. Yuta licks off his index with a pop and winks at Mark. "Sweet." He says to him before turning to kiss the crown of your head. "My angel's so sweet."
a/n let me know what you think, I'll post the entire story if you guys like it only. D: otherwise.... this is it afdjgkjl sorry :c
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