#i went a whole play w/ these four interacting off each other please
sourgrapelaffytaffy · 5 years
I don’t think we appreciate just how hilarious this scene is
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realcube · 3 years
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characters ♡ oikawa, tendou & sakusa
tw ♡ children, cursing & mentions of arson
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♡ he is pretty much a professional babysitter, or so he thought
♡ which is why he accepted when you asked if he could help you take care of your nieces/nephews for the weekend
♡ i mean, he takes care of his nephew all the time so how hard could babysitting possibly be? it was basically a free pass to spend the day with you 
♡ however, he began to regret his decision as he sat on your couch and realised that he wouldn’t be able to get even somewhat intimate with you when there was constantly an annoying little boy clinging to his arm, asking him if he had any games on his phone
♡ “sorry, kid.” oikawa smiled, clenching his jaw to hide the rage but it wasn’t very effective, “i’ve not got any games. maybe you could go play with your toys or something.” 
♡ he let out a sigh, making the mistake of thinking that would be the end of their interaction
♡ “can’t you just download some?” the boy retaliated
♡ you snickered, watching as the energy visibly drained from oikawa, yet he still wore his frighteningly bright grin
♡ “i’ve not got any storage.” 
♡ “then delete some of your apps or photos.” the boy said with a shrug, then proceeded to point at oikawa’s home screen, which happened to be a picture of him and you in front of an ethereal sunset, “start with that one. you both look like dorks.”
♡ you and oikawa’s unified gasps of offence were enough to show the boy that he was able to do exactly what he intended; piss y’all off
♡ hence, with a final mischievous snicker, he dashed off
♡ “i hate kids.” oikawa muttered, inspecting his homescreen to see if he really did look like a ‘dork’, “what is his problem?”
♡ “what if our kids turn out like that?” you joked 
♡ his eyes widened momentarily, turning to look at you with an uncharacteristically sheepish expression, “our w--”
♡ “mr kawa!” a cry could be heard from the kitchen so without hesitation, you both hopped to your feet and rushed over there as quick as you could 
♡ once you both reached the area the yell came from, you were fortunately not greeted by anything gruesome 
♡ instead, you both got to behold two children trying to reach the top shelf with the power on friendship; the taller boy was standing on a chair, while the toddler held it still 
♡ however, his grip on the jar of the Nutella must’ve loosened at some point as it now lay dejectedly on the ground, half spilled across the tiles and the other half drenching the toddler, not that they seemed to mind though 
♡ in fact, it looked like they were having the time of their — albeit, short — life
♡ the container was only plastic, hence you didn’t have to worry about shards when you darted over to the poor, chocolate-covered baby and scooped them up into your arms, “are you guys, okay?!”
♡ “yeah.” the boy chuckled, noticing that holding the toddler was transferring the chocolate onto you too
♡ “if you wanted nutella, you could’ve just asked.” oikawa sighed, helping the boy get down safely from the chair before putting the object back at it’s intended spot at the dinner table 
♡ “you could have gotten seriously hurt! i thought you would know better than to do something like this.” you scolded, becoming even more furious as the baby continued to playfully slap your face with their grimy hands, “please don’t do that again.”
♡ before they boy got the chance to do anything besides murmur a vague apology, oikawa interjected, “they won’t get the chance.”
♡ and he was right
♡ after cleaning everything up (including the child, which took forever), you didn’t let either of the rascals out of your sight until your duties as babysitters were complete 
♡ “i think we handled that pretty well.” oikawa mused, gathering his stuff along with you as you both got ready to leave
♡ “yeah, maybe we should do this again sometime.” you suggested, but it was followed by a few second was complete silence
♡ until you both burst out laughing 
♡ “yeah, never again.” you agreed
♡ “the kids can take care of themselves.” oikawa said with shrug, offering his hand to you, before you both strutted out of the disaster house
♡ ever since then, it was a common inside joke between you to, when in the vicinity of a kid causing mayhem or being a nuisance, whisper to each or exchange a look that says, ‘it’s a great day to not be babysitting.’  
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♡ at first, you thought that asking tendou for help babysitting would be a bad idea bc he is just as hyperactive as the damn kids sometimes so he’d probably not be the best influence 
♡ and you knew this bc one time you happened to run into him while out in the park with the kids and you asked him to watch them for literally a minute so you could run to the bathroom but when you came back all you almost had a heart attack because tendou was teaching them fkn tricks on the monkey bars 
♡ however, you then realised that if the kids were busy committing arson with uncle tendou, then they wouldn’t be bothering you 
♡ so here you are, playing monopoly with your boyfriend, a seven year-old and a one year-old
♡ well, it was less like monopoly and more like debate class since none of you could agree on the rules
♡ “well, uncle ten,” the older sibling began, in a very matter-of-factly tone, “if i burn your property down, then i  don’t have to pay you for landing on it.”
♡ “but then you also go to jail.” you pointed out
♡ “not if the police don’t catch me.”
♡ you burst out laughing, meanwhile tendou kept his business face on, “good point, but watch this.” tendou spoke as he rolled the dice, though no matter what if he got a number between four and seven, he would end up landing on somebody’s property
♡ he got a four
♡ picking up his piece, he moved it across each square individually and once he was due to land on your property, he knocked his piece over
♡ “whoops, i slipped.” he chuckled, though his friendly aura immediately dropped as he looked you dead in the eye and said, “i’m suing.”
♡ “you can’t sue me because you tripped!” you yelled 
♡ “i guess i just fell for you.” he said, resulting in the kids both making gagging noises before he stuck out his hand, “100 monopoly dollars, please.”
♡ “like i said,” you tried your best to stay strong and not laugh at his shitting pickup line, “i’m not giving you any money, you fell!”
♡ “i guess we’ll have to take this matter to court then.” tendou said, tapping the shoulder of the one year-old who was currently chewing on a 500 bill which you quickly had to confiscate 
♡ “judge, do you think (y/n) owes me 100 monopoly dollars for poor health and safety conduct?”
♡ “yes.”
♡ “that is the only word they know how to say!” you cried, begrudgingly handing over the money 
♡ “thank you, angel.” tendou cooed, adding your singular bill to the pile he had already stored up; the winner of the game had already been decided 
♡ and although you and the seven year-old kid both cried later after getting your asses kicked in monopoly (the one year-old cried too but they were just hungry), you all went out to get food and actually had a pretty good time
♡ it became a routine for tendou to help you babysit whenever he got the chance and y’all would always play table top games
♡ also when tendou got accepted into culinary school, he’d teach/show the kids what dishes he has learned to prepare and let them help by stirring the pot, adding spices etc etc
♡ and even when he moved to Paris, on special occasions, a box of chocolates would suddenly appear at the kids’ door and all the little pieces would be shaped and moulded into some of their favourite characters or made out of their favourite flavours 
♡ and at one point the kids even insisted that you teach them how to make chocolates so they can send some back to uncle tendou <33
♡ they weren’t the best, but when tendou received the misshapen, slightly stale chocolates at his apartment, addressed from you and the children, he cried
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♡ his first response when you asked if he could help you babysit was ofc ‘ew no 🤢’
♡ needless to say it took a lot mansplain manipulate malewifing to convince him to come over 
♡ but once he did, obviously he was in his full protective gear; there was no way in hell he was going to catch whatever germs the little goblins have
♡ honestly he almost sprayed a chid in the face with hand sanitizer when they came running up to him with open arms, trying to give him a hug 
♡ which was unusual because the kids don’t tend to be overly friendly with new people, but you just brushed it off and figured that sakusa must’ve been an exception
♡ during his time babysitting, sakusa spend most of his energy trying to avoid the children at all costs that it basically became a game of tag, with you helping the child try to reach sakusa, and him hiding
♡ but honestly you couldn’t complain since the whole time the child was playing, they were safe with you rather than playing with fire 
♡ until later you were reminded of their odd fondness for sakusa when they insisted that sakusa carry them to their bedroom when it was their nap time
♡ and as you were shifting through the books, looking for a story to read, it hit you why they seemed to be so familiar with sakusa
♡ it’s because he looked exactly like the prince in one of their favourite story books; same hair, both tall and they even had similar moles to each other
♡ upon noticing this, you immediately showed sakusa and was quite amused
♡ in fact, he found it so cute that he gave both you and the toddler a lil’ kiss on the cheek, as a parting gift — mask off and everything
♡ he ended up reading the story and the kid fell into deep slumber by the time he reached the second page
♡ letting out a sigh of relief, sakusa slumped onto the ground, allowing his own eyes to flutter shut for a moment, “what a day.”
♡ you shuffled over to you could lay down beside him, “indeed it was, prince sakusa.”
♡ “shut up.” he teased, poking your rib slightly before absently intertwining his fingers with your own
♡ next thing you knew, you were both awakened by the sound of a grumpy toddler...
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ptersparkers · 4 years
pogue v. kook
summary: after an unexpected event that leaves you in shambles, topper thorton, rafe cameron, and kelce prove to be unliekly friends. 
warnings: typos, probably. 
notes: i had this idea and posted it, to which i got some good feedback, and then @anonymous0writer​ entertained all of my ideas so i thought why not have her write some of it. i’ve also made an option to be removed from my taglist. it’s getting quite long and there will be no hard feelings if you want to be removed. 
this is my gif. please credit if using. 
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You were not a Kook. 
Not by blood, anyway. Kiara and Sarah had roped you in on the “Kook lifestyle” over the years with sleepovers and other shenanigans, and despite being the only one out of the trio who was a Pogue, it never felt like you were disparaged. Upon meeting them for the first time at fifteen when you moved to the Outer Banks, you knew that these girls would be the type of people you’d want to keep around for a while. Now that all of you were about to embark on the next chapter of your lives, it seemed like the perfect summer to relax before leaving for college.
You were aware, mostly because of JJ, the attitude Pogues held towards the residents on the other side of the island. Then came Sarah dating Topper, Rafe’s insistence on annoying the absolute hell out of all of you, and Kelce’s back and forth attitude when he was with his friends versus when he was alone. It was tiring and even you had to admit life would’ve been better if you were ignorant towards the “Kook vs. Pogue” debacle. You were a Pogue through and through. 
When JJ asked you to be his girlfriend eight months ago, you felt like things were falling into place and your life was running how it should be. You two had been the first to break the sacred rule that John B. seemed to be the only one to reinforce and none of the other Pogues had any objections about your relationship as you two had been pining after one another for what seemed like an eternity. 
But a month ago was when you felt a sudden change. It was unspoken, subtle, and hard to pinpoint. JJ became less available and wasn’t as forthcoming as he usually was. You could tell he became more reserved and it looked as if he had to force himself to sit next to you on the HMS Pogue or greet you with a kiss when you arrived at the Chateau. Your mind immediately went to his home life and you decided not to ask any questions, knowing JJ would much rather deal with it on his own and come to you if he needed anything. 
However, seeing all of the Pogues laugh at the far left table on the outdoor patio at The Wreck had put the first seed of doubt in your mind. JJ was sitting next to Kiara while John B. and Sarah were in front of them, Pope on the end, laughing loudly that you were sure the other beachgoers were able to hear them from the other end. You had been walking aimlessly, wanting to breath the scent of salt air and walked the short path you usually took when you wanted to clear your mind when you stumbled upon the Pogues hanging out with one another, seemingly without inviting you. You tried not to think about it too much. 
By this time, you noticed the sudden change in JJ’s mood and attitude. When you were around, he barely spoke and averted his gaze whenever you tried to reach out for him. His muscles would tense when you’d lean on his chest or grab his hand but you noticed he had no issue letting Pope jump on his back as a joke or hold his hand out for Kiara when she stepped off of the boat. 
The hurt in your chest grew every time you’d put your hypothesis -- you being the only person he shied away from -- to the test, it left you with internal pain as you realized JJ was talking to you less. He didn’t come over as often as he used to nor did he volunteer to walk you home like he always did. JJ almost never kissed you in public, opting to kiss your cheek instead or give you a loose hug as a way of saying hello or goodbye. But when you sat the other Pogues interacting with JJ, it was business as usual. You thought about talking to the others about what you’d been noticing, but every time you saw them around JJ, it was a reminder that they were friends long before you moved onto the island three years prior. 
You knew it wasn’t your place to talk to them about the issues you were having, and you knew you were most likely blowing this feeling out of proportion. You rationalized by telling yourself what you had been noticing was nothing but your mind playing tricks on you and it wasn’t like the Pogues were ignoring you in full. The lost touches JJ failed to make up, the eyes that dropped to the floor when you entered, the hushed tones when you spoke up felt like it happened more often as you started to overthink. It left you feeling hollow inside as if there was a vacuum of space that wasn’t able to be filled no matter how many times you tried to distract yourself. 
The feeling of uneasiness in your stomach first began when you and the rest of the Pogues were lounging in the living room of the Chateau one evening. You were on the couch with JJ, you were on one side while he was on the other side when, usually, you’d be perched on his chest. Your stomach sank as JJ laughed, eyes lighting up in the way you loved, when Kiara started dancing, hips swaying to the soft beat of music pumping from her phone. As soon as your blonde haired boyfriend practically leaped up once the girl gestured for him to join her, you felt your body disconnect. Almost as if you were watching the whole scene play out from outside your body. 
There you were, sitting on the couch, frozen and Kiara danced with your boyfriend when you struggled to get him to acknowledge you. You watched silently as Kiara moved her hips while JJ’s fingertips grazed the material of her shirt as he brought her closer, dancing along to the invisible steps Kiara set in place. It was like they’d been practicing for days, learning each other’s moves before they were even made. His body moved gracefully with hers, easy and free. You weren’t sure what hurt more, seeing JJ dance with Kiara the way he used to with you or your friends encouraging their antics and not questioning why they were so close.
Your throat closed up and it became hard to swallow as your heart gave a little ache. The feeling in your gut worsened when JJ moved naturally with Kiara because when he returned to you, he was stiff and tense under your desperate touch. His eyes wouldn’t light up with joy as they settled on you, if they did at all. However, they did as he spun Kiara around, her curls bouncing as his toothy grin emerged, lighting up the Chateau. The familiar smile did nothing to soothe your bad feeling. 
No matter how much you yearned for your familiar JJ back and the ease of hanging out with the Pogues, you didn’t move. Your fingers didn’t twitch and your eyes didn’t water as you watched the Pogues slowly join the dancing pair, the four a picturesque scene painted before your eyes, and you hated it. You hated the way they’d been slipping through your fingers and easing you out of their life so easily. You hated knowing they were just fine as friends before you entered the picture and that they wouldn’t bat an eye if you left. As the increasingly negative thoughts jumbled in your head, rising to a symphony of noise, you only saw red. The tears burning the back of your eyes stung, but you refused to cry in front of them. But there was no way you were going to stay, feeling hopeless as you watched your boyfriend and friends slip away. 
Pushing yourself up from the couch roughly, you stood, anger seizing your veins. “I’m leaving.” You stated, the words choppy and lined with barbed wire. 
The Pogues stopped, halting in their easy movements as they watched you leave in a hurry, steps thudding against the wooden porch and then crunching against the gravel as you fled. John B. looked at JJ with a glance but the blond shrugged and watched the door after you left, not bothering to walk out to ask why you had left so abruptly. 
Though that was the last time you set foot in the Chateau for the rest of the week, the sick feeling sitting dormant in your gut worsened. As much as you missed your friends -- when they wanted you around -- you refused to go back to the place you felt like you lost them. 
But in a cruel twist of fate, you were forced to as you had forgotten your board at John B’s. You begrudgingly headed back with a sigh. As you walked down the worn path of John B.’s drive way, intending to just grab the surfboard and leave, you had the sickening feeling that the wave was about to break. The wave had been building all this time, and now, as you arrived at the door of the Chateau, the ripped screen door flapping softly in the breeze as your hand was poised to open it, you knew it was gonna crash. 
With a sudden rush of bravery or stupidity, you pushed open the door of the Chateau, expecting the Pogues to be on the couch talking or eating. But they weren’t there. No one except the last two people you wanted to see. 
JJ and Kiara. JJ with his hands on Kiara’s hips as she sat on his lap, tongue down his throat. Kissing. JJ and Kiara kissing.
You stood on the threshold of the doorway and dropped your metal keys on the wooden floor, causing Kiara and JJ to look at you abruptly. Her eyes widened as she jumped off of JJ’s lap and pushed him away, JJ doing the same as you tried to pick your keys up without looking at either of them. Your hair kept getting in the way as you tried to hold back your tears, not wanting them to see your reaction when you picked up your house keys and turned around. 
“Wait!” JJ called out for you. You turned around for a brief moment and watched as he ran after you with Kiara in tow, standing awkwardly at the door frame with her hands crossed over her chest. She avoided your gaze as you looked back and forth between two people you thought were your friends.
“Are you serious?” you asked softly, your voice breaking in the process. JJ winced when he heard you speak. 
“Y/N,” he breathed, but he couldn’t find an excuse in his brain that was worthy enough.  
“With her?” you asked, finding it harder to fight back the tears. 
“Hey,” JJ said, a little edge in his voice that told you all you needed to know. “That’s your best friend.”
“No, she’s not,” you said. “Neither of you are my friends.” 
“Don’t walk away,” JJ pleaded as you turned around. He jumped forward to reach for your arm, pulling you back gently to ask for your forgiveness, but you knew he was only sorry because he got caught. 
“We’re done, JJ,” you said, pointing between the both of you. You turned towards Kiara and motioned the same. “We are not friends.” 
“Y/N,” Kiara said, her voice breaking the same as yours had done a mere moment ago when her guilt settled in. “I swear we didn’t mean for this to happen.” 
“But it did happen,” you replied. “You were making out with my boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, and you feel guilty because I caught you doing it.”
“Don’t throw away our friendship,” JJ pleaded with erratic breaths. He could feel his chest compress as if someone had been throwing continuous punches without letting him take a breather. “We can fix this. We can fix us.” 
“As far as I’m concerned,” you began, throat tight, but you had to get the words out, “you threw away our friendship the minute you decided to cheat on me.” You turned towards Kiara. “How could you do this?” 
Kiara looked at you with glossy eyes and you recalled all the times you would’ve dropped everything to comfort her and dry her teary eyes, but now you couldn’t be bothered to give her a tissue. You scoffed and chose not to spare either one of them a glance as you turned away, your heart beating in your chest, running to the clearing above the beachside. 
You sat on a patch of rock overlooking the ocean below you with your knees to your chest, water droplets splashing on your kneecaps from tears you were trying to hold back. The sound of the birds chirping above you and the water roaring below you weren’t enough to drown the negative thoughts swimming in your head and you were left with a bitter, empty feeling as you wished to be one of the beachgoers who enjoyed the sunny day. 
“Mind if I sit?” a voice asked from behind you. You turned around after wiping your nose and underneath your eyes with the back of your hand and saw Topper Thorton standing, looking down at you with an expression you couldn’t read. 
“If you’re here to make fun of me,” you said, trying to make it seem like you hadn’t been crying a few minutes prior to his arrival, “I’m not really in the mood.” 
Topper shook his head and sat next to you, leaving adequate space between the both of you. When he realized you weren’t objecting or told him to go away, he mimicked your stance and pulled his knees to his chest as he looked at where your gaze was. Topper could hear your quiet breaths as you tried to calm yourself down and he tried not to look at the dark circles beneath your eyes. In truth, the boy hadn’t found any reason to find you annoying or hate you completely, but it wasn’t hard to put you into the group he never got along with. You tried to ignore his presence, finding that, for once, he was not being as annoying as he was when he was with Rafe and Kelce.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Topper asked awkwardly. You laughed ironically, wiped your eyes, and looked at him with an incredulous expression. 
“Why do you care? I don’t want to be the subject of whatever you and your friends laugh about.” 
Topper shook his head and he knew he had no reason to be mad at what you said. He knew how he and his friends were. There was no denying how brutal they could be as they teased your friends, that much Topper knew. But he couldn’t stop himself from following you when he saw you run past him hastily, disappearing into the bushes. Topper’s curiosity got the better of him and he couldn’t explain the heartbreak he felt in his chest for you when he saw your usually bright and chirpy demeanor crumble into a teary-eyes ball on the warm rock below him.
“I’m not gonna make fun of you,” he said softly, turning his head to look at you. You stared ahead and wiped your eyes once again, not knowing how to respond. “I know what you think of me and I know you have no reason to trust what I’m saying, but I just want to know if you’re okay.” 
You stole a glance at Topper and saw he was looking at you already. His shoulders were relaxed and his attention seemed to be completely devoted to you, which was an odd thought to come across. You’d never spoken to Topper without Kelce or Rafe beside him, nor did you have any pleasant conversations with the boy who claimed to care for your wellbeing. Topper made no effort to comment on your unruly appearance, or the fact that your eyes continuously leaked with tears you desperately tried to hide, but part of you didn't care. He was the first person in a while to ask if you were doing okay.
“No,” you said, your voice breaking. Topper’s heart softened. “I, uh, I just walked in on JJ and Kiara kissing.” Topper’s eyes widened. He may not have enjoyed his time around the Pogues, but even he knew how infatuated the two of you were with each other. 
“What?” he asked, surprised. You laughed in self pity and shook your head, wiping your eyes once more.
“I never thought he’d cheat on me,” you replied. “He always talked about wanting to tell the truth and being loyal to his friends but he couldn’t extend that decency to me.” 
Topper knew this feeling all too well. While his relationship with Sarah might’ve sprouted because of their parents’ expectations, he grew to like the girl more and more as each day passed and he felt as if Sarah felt the same. It wasn’t until a year prior that he learned about her infidelity, with John B. no less, and he felt as if his world was coming to a complete stop. The girl he was infatuated with had no problem running into the arms of someone he didn’t get along with, and Topper was sure his distaste for Pogues increased because of that. 
“I know how you feel,” he said quietly. He averted your gaze when you looked at him in favor of looking at the ocean. “When Sarah cheated on me with John B., I just came to terms that I probably loved her.” 
“It sucks, doesn’t it?” you asked rhetorically. Topper let out a breath. 
“It does,” he said. “Deep down I know it’s wrong, but John B’s the reason I don’t like Pogues anymore.” 
“C’mon, Topper. Did you ever like Pogues?” you joked. Upon hearing your voice sound less accusatory and more playful, Topper allowed himself to laugh. “Do you know why it’s frustrating, to me at least, when Kooks mess with Pogues?” 
“No, I don’t,” Topper said genuinely. 
“It’s because people make fun of us for what we were born with,” you explained. “I didn’t ask to be born to a family that has to work to live. It’s hard to live comfortably knowing people who have a lot of money make fun of me because I don’t. It’s not anybody’s fault for what they were born into. It just hurts a little.” 
The boy, naive in his own right, felt oddly at peace with your confession. Internally, he knew he was privileged and saw the way Rafe would boast about his expenses and privileges, and he knew neither him nor Kelce would be as vocal about it as Rafe was. Still, his friends encouraged the unruly behaviour towards the Pogues and he never second guessed it. But hearing your confession, especially when you were trying to make your voice steady and catch your breath from previously crying, made him think about all the times he’d wanted to tell Rafe to leave the Pogues alone. 
“I’m sorry,” Topper apologized sincerely. “For whatever it’s worth.” 
You smiled, the corners of your mouth curving into a small smile that didn’t go unnoticed by Topper. He bit his cheek, trying not to show how proud he was of himself for brightening your mood, even if it was by a short stretch. The both of you let a comfortable silence settle in, the sound of laughter below you while the sky remained bright and sunny. 
“Hey,” Topper began, looking at you. You turn towards him and he sees that you aren’t crying anymore. “Do you want to, I don’t know, hang out sometime?”
“Topper, if this is your way of asking me out--”
“No!” he said abruptly, clearing his throat. “I just mean that, if you want a friend, I’m here for you.” 
“Really?” you asked. 
“Yeah,” he said softly. “I mean it. No games, nothing.” 
“Thanks,” you said, moving your hair behind your ear. Topper pulled out his phone and asked you to put your phone number in his contacts, sending you a text message to make sure you had his number. You were aware of the risk you were taking, and how you might end up being the laughing stock of the Figure Eight residents, but at this moment, you didn’t care.
It’d been a little less than a week since you fled the Chateau and Topper had found you on the rock. And since then, you felt happier. No more friends pushing you out of their life or cheating boyfriends. While you would’ve never thought you’d be friends with Kooks, especially the likes of Rafe Cameron, you liked it. You had to say you almost liked them better. The boys were outrageous in the best way and after you got used to being with them, it felt so easy to slip into old habits of trusting people with your delicate feelings. 
When Topper had initially introduced you to Kelce and Topper, Kelce was less reluctant to “initiate” you into their friend group compared to Rafe. The boy, ignorant in his own right, wasn’t afraid of hiding his distaste for you because you were a Pogue. 
“Rafe, you never have anything important to say so I suggest you think before you speak or shut up altogether.” 
Rafe shut his mouth when you spoke as you eyed him down. Kelce and Topper were laughing behind you as Rafe’s cheeks turned red with a blush, embarrassed to have been caught being called out. Begrudgingly, Rafe welcomed you onto his boat and spent the next four hours getting to know you and decided that he was wrong about the kind of person you were. With a little time and convincing, Rafe had promised to never mess with the Pogues or make fun of them for being one, and you found yourself considering Rafe as one of your best friends just as he considered you the same.  
The sun was beating on your back, the water sliding down your skin cooling you off as you returned from a dip in Rafe’s pool. You hum, leaning back in your pool side chair, the cold glass of lemonade spiked with whatever alcohol Kelce got his hands on pressed against your cheek as you tried to battle the heat. 
“You good there, Princess?” Rafe called out from across the pool as he emerged from the sliding glass doors with a newly opened beer in his hand. 
“It’s too hot,” you complained. 
“No shit, Sherlock,” Kelce said, laughing as he jumped into the pool. 
“Show off,” you muttered at his near perfect dive. 
“Okay, be honest,” Topper piped, looking at you while tipping his beer in your direction. “I’m pretty sure the Pogues think we all have a thing for you, so, if you had to fuck someone, who would it be?” 
“Is that even a question? Rafe, in a heartbeat.” 
“Don’t mind if I do,” Rafe said, sliding his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose to wink at you, 
“Please don’t fuck in front of me,” Topper said, sighing as he closed his eyes. 
“Why would you say that?” you said coyly, enjoying his reaction. “We’d never.” 
“She’s too smart for her own good,” Kelce said, joining the three of you by the pool chairs. 
“Not to be too cheesy, or anything,” you began. 
“Uh-oh,” said Rafe. “She’s about to get cheesy.”
“Shut up, idiot,” you muttered. “As I was saying.”
“As you were saying,” Kelce repeated. You gave him the finger. 
“As I was saying,” you repeated, “I know all of you know what happened between me and the Pogues and I’m really happy that I found you guys as friends. I never feel pressured to do anything when I’m with you guys and I appreciate that you let me have a life outside of this friendship.” 
“Pogues are bitches,” Rafe said. You gave him a look. “For what they did to you.”
“And you didn’t deserve to be cheated on,” Topper said. You pouted, putting your hands over your heart as you rested your head on his shoulder. 
“Guys, I'm going to cry,” you teased, pretending to wipe tears from underneath your eyes. 
The rest of the afternoon was spent by the pool before moving to Rafe’s living room to watch an endless amount of movies, forgetting that the world outside existed. 
The beach wasn’t as busy as usual despite the warm weather. You and the three boys decided to head to the water after they agreed to learn how to surf upon your insistence and neither of them could deny your kind smile when your lips pouted and your eyes widened. 
“Okay, that’s enough,” Kelce said, falling on his beach towel after trying his hand at surfing. You walked behind him, laughing as you watched his body lay limp on the towel. Rafe and Topper had given up not too long ago, opting to sit on the sand and dry, tanning in the sun while taking videos of Kelce trying to surf for the first time. Your skin felt cool from the ocean water and you motioned for Topper to hand you your water bottle. Rafe squinted as he watched you gulp from the spout, his sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose. 
“How are you so fucking good at surfing?” he asked. 
“Been doing it since I could swim,” you said with a shrug, tossing the water bottle in your tote bag. 
“Damn,” Kelce muttered. 
“Is that JJ?” Topper asked nonchalantly, looking in the distance. You turned to where his gaze was and tensed your jaw when you saw JJ, accompanied by your former friends, kicking a soccer ball not too far from where you and the Kooks sat. 
“I don’t want to think about it or talk to them,” you said, groaning as you situated yourself on your beach towel. You brought your knees to your chest and put your sunglasses on, trying to make yourself seem smaller than you were. 
“It’s okay,” Rafe said. “We can fight them if you want us to.”
“No,” you interjected, knowing Rafe was kidding, but you knew he’d do it if you asked. “You don’t need to do that. We’re all adults here.”
“Except Rafe,” said Kelce. You chuckled, your mind temporarily distracted from the Pogues. 
You caught Kiara’s eye and turned around before she could say or do anything else, opting to keep yourself busy by straightening your beach towel. Topper and Kelce tried to distract themselves by talking to one another and Rafe, knowing how you felt about your former friends, glared at them from behind his sunglasses. 
“Are you serious?” you heard JJ say from a distance. You looked up and saw him scoff as he dropped his beach towel on the floor and walked to you, seeing you surrounded by three of his least favorite people. “You’re hanging out with Kooks now?” 
“What’s it to you?” Rafe asked nonchalantly with a hint of annoyance. JJ looked beside you, where Rafe was sitting, and scoffed. 
“You let him speak for you now?” 
“I don’t need to explain anything to you,” you replied calmly. 
“So you decided to go ‘full kook’ and abandon your friends and, what, are you and Rafe fucking?” 
You looked at him from where you sat and gave him an incredulous look, standing up from where you sat and faced him. You crossed your arms across your chest as you thought how ironic it was for him to be complaining about the company you kept when you caught him cheating on you not too long ago. 
“You don’t get to ask me that when you cheated on me with Kiara,” you said aloud, gesturing at the other three Pogues walked tentatively towards the both of you, careful to keep their distance as you spoke.
“And you chose to be friends with them?” JJ asked. 
“Listen,” you said. “All of you have been friends way longer than I’ve been friends with you and for the past few months, all of you have been acting like I’m not even there.” 
“We didn’t--”
“You did, JJ,” you said, snapping your fingers in front of his face to acquire his attention. “You pulled away from me with no explanation and got annoyed every time I would ask if you were okay. You never bothered to call or text me anymore and ignored me whenever we were together, JJ.” 
“So you’re ditching your friends for some Kooks?” John B. asked. 
“I haven’t felt like I was one of your friends and every time I wanted to talk about it, all of you shut me out. I know you’ve all been hanging out without me and I’m pretty sure you guys knew JJ and Kiara were messing with each other too.” 
“But we’re your friends,” Pope pleaded. He looked back and forth between you and the boys who were sitting next to you. 
“Well now she’s found other friends,” Kelce spoke. “Maybe she’s allowed to have other friends.” 
“Not with dipshits like you,” JJ spat. 
“I’m allowed to have other friends,” you said. “With you guys, I felt like I couldn’t be friends with anyone else because all we did was hang out with each other. I never felt like I could do anything if it wasn’t with any of you.”
“Y/N,” Kiara began, “we didn’t--”
“You don’t get to talk to me and beg for my friendship,” you directed at Kiara. “You don’t get to tell me what a good friend is when you were fucking around with JJ behind my back. You kissed my boyfriend. It’s always about ‘family’ with all of you until you feel like something’s threatening that. All of you are so dependent on each other that you can’t accept when somebody wants to have a life of their own. None of you have been my friend for the past few months and, quite frankly, I’m done being treated like a rag doll.”
“And the Kooks are better?” JJ asked. 
“They make me feel included,” you said. “I don’t feel like I have to choose. I can be my own person when I’m with them and none of them made me feel ashamed for wanting a life without them. So, yeah, the Kooks are better.” 
Even the four teenagers standing in front of you had to admit they enjoyed how the three boys stopped messing with them like the previous summer and they hadn’t pieced it together until they saw you sitting with them at the beach. 
“Neither of you,” you said, pointing between Kiara and JJ, “get to tell me how to feel. You made your beds, now lay in it.” 
Hastily, you picked up your beach towel and paid no mind to the four pairs of eyes watching you leave. Topper, who noticed you neglected to pick up your bag, grabbed it for you as he beckoned for the other two boys to do the same. Neither Topper, Rafe, nor Kelce spared the Pogues another glance and, for once, it wasn’t because of their status; it was because they made you feel less than you were.  
“You know we love you, right?” Topper asked, bumping your shoulder with his. 
“I’m glad someone does,” you mumbled, rubbing your temple. 
You left the beach without another word and sat in the passenger seat of Rafe’s car, not bothering to look at your former friends as you drove away. But you felt a newfound sense of peace as you sat in the passenger seat, watching as Rafe queued a playlist, Kelce giving you a gentle smile, and Topper patting your shoulder as a silence gesture of telling you he was proud of you. All would be okay.
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@lilpeekabooze @thatbloodymuggle @couldyouspeaklouder @apoguecalledjj @collectiveuniverses @starkeymarkey @goldenharryvol6 @teenwaywardasgardian @milamaybank @merchantjjreply @lustgardn @curlybrownhairedboys @booksandshish @ilymarkchan @ihatemyself21 @bailspogue @deathcompass @alternativehp @keepingupwiththepogues @kylosleftbuttcheek @stargazingstarkey @rafescameron @katrynec @ilovejjmaybank @teamnick @jjaybank @kiarascarreras @sunwardsss @fandomtravels @jeyramarie @honeybunchcalum @ughitslizz @sleepyhollands @adanielle8 @jeyramarie @paradigmax @whoseblogsthis @sweetlysilent @outerbanksbro @i-mmunity @extratragic @jjbaby @jj-bxby @jjmaybanksbaby @drewswannabegirl @letsgotothehop @sugarcoatedcalum @wiensrsoldier @serious-killer @karleeluv @jj-baebank @secretmoonphantom @outerbankslut @obxsummer @poguesrforlife @broken-jj @sortagaysortahigh @erraaxh @haharudy @kimxft @rubjeffo @hannahrisacher @family-buisnes @king-ronnoc @sexytholland @28cnn @maraseavey @jurassicjosie @bolaurel 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SFW Alphabet | Ryohei Arisu
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character: Ryohei Alice
Genre: fluff
Author’s Note: I’m trying to write a lot of AiB x reader content because there’s not a lot of it on tumblr and I’m sure you guys want more. The only thing is I want it to be well-written and not rushed so it’s actually enjoyable to read, so I’m so sorry if some take longer than expected! 😓 Please request something if you want to! 
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*This based in the real world, not in the Borderland
A - Affection
(How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Alice would be rather shy with physical affection I feel
If he’s new into a relationship, he would probably ask before making any sort of physical contact with you
He respects boundaries like a true gentleman
As the relationship progresses, he would become more confident in his actions, showing his love for you more often
He wouldn’t be overly affectionate or unaffectionate, just somewhere in the middle
I think he would enjoy just quality time with you more than constantly feeling the need to touch you
B - Best Friend
(What would they be like as a best friend?)
Alice as a best friend would be so much fun
He seems like such a laid back and chill person, being open-minded and nonjudgmental
You and him would probably play video-games together all the time, being incredibly competitive and bantering the whole time
You and him would go out late at night just to go get food together and play games at a local arcade
There wouldn’t be a day when you’re not together, sticking by each others sides through thick and thin
You would probably have friendly arguments every time you are together, teasing and mocking each other in a harmless matter
As a group of four, Alice, Chota, Karube and you would be like peas in a pod
C - Cuddles
(Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Alice would adore cuddles, but would be so shy to ask for them
You would have to be the one to initiate a cuddling session, probably by sitting on his lap, taking him by surprise
He would probably rest his head on your shoulder while you were on a long train or bus ride together, eventually falling asleep next to you
If you and him were cuddling on the couch, Alice wouldn’t let you leave
“Alice. I need to pee, let me go.” “But I just got comfy!”
He’d act offended when you eventually escape the cage that is his limbs
His favourite cuddling position would be him lying on his back while you’re spread out on top of him, head resting on his chest
He likes this position because he can kiss the top of your hair and stay warm underneath your body
D - Domestic
(Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
It would take a few years of dating for Alice and you to move in together
He loves the fantasy of a teen love situation where you two would sneak out together and go on late night dates
He would be afraid that when you move in together eventually, you would lose that thrill between you too
But after giving in and buying an apartment with you, he wouldn’t regret it at all
In a living situation, Alice would try to help you around the house as much as possible
You would have different chores assigned to each of you, making it fair
I feel like he wouldn’t be able to cook, like at all
Better he sticks to cleaning and laundry whilst you handle cooking meals for both of you
E - Ending
(If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If you were to break it off with him, it would honestly break him
But of course, he would hate to show that it gets to him, his sadness would come out in anger
He would overthink for weeks, wondering where he went wrong
Would probably get drunk at some bars a few nights and drunk text you, saying how much he misses you
If he was to break it off with you, he would feel incredibly guilty
Even if he had wanted to do it for a while, he would feel so bad after seeing tears running down your face
He would probably cry too and would have to fight the urge to scoop you into his arms and hold you as you cry
F - Fiancé(e)
(How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Wouldn’t want to rush into things, preferring to take things slow
He likes to live in the moment without worrying about the past or future
I think having someone who would want to get married quickly would scare him off
Don’t get me wrong, he would be completely committed to you, it would just take time for him to get to that point
Never has the biggest urge to get married, honestly doesn’t see it as incredibly important
He would want to get married later in his life, as long as it’s with the right person
G - Gentle
(How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He is such a gentlemen, no one can convince me otherwise
He would be so gentle with you, treating you like a piece of art
Wouldn’t even grab your arm or try to cheekily jump-scare you, in fear that he would accidentally hurt you
If you guys were having a heated moment, he would hesitate before placing his hands on you
You would have to tell him that it’s okay and place his hands on you yourself
Emotionally, he would try his absolute best to understand you
Although he would be a bit awkward when it comes to deep emotions, he would be so cautious in his words and actions when you’re in a emotionally vulnerable situation
So considerate and gentle, never wanting to make you uncomfortable in any way
H - Hugs
(Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He would honestly give the best hugs
I think he would prefer hugs over kisses, because he loves the close feeling of having you snuggled up against him
He would always do the running hug every time he met up with you, always having the same level of excitement from seeing your face
He would also love walking down the street with your arms around each other
The small simple gesture makes him so comforted and warm inside
I - I Love You
(How fast do they say the L-word?)
Would be so shy to say it
He would probably say it when he thinks your asleep, whispering it into your ear while brushing your hair out of your face
When you open your eyes and respond, he looks like he’s seen a ghost
“What did you say Alice?” “Uh... nothing. It doesn’t matter.”
He would roll his body to face the other way, trying to fall asleep
You would lean over his shoulder and say you love him too while he’s just about to fall unconscious
He would snap awake, looking up at you in surprise with his wide eyes
You’d spend the night tucked so close to each other then, giving each other sweet kisses and shy compliments
J - Jealousy
(How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I actually can see him getting jealous very easily
Like even if you hung out with one of your male best friends, Alice would ask everything about the guy
It would come from a good place though, he would be scared of you finding someone better than him
When he gets jealous, he would become really quiet and passive aggressive
Would never admit that he’s jealous, no matter how hard you try to get him to confess
But it would be pretty easy to tell, even your friends would notice
If you were out together with Karube and Chota, Alice would feel a bit upset if you spent most of the time talking to one of them instead of him
When this happens, he’ll wrap an arm around your waist and press you to his side, just to remind you he’s there as well
K- Kisses
(What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He would have random clingy moments where he would beg you for endless kisses
He would purse his lips and close his eyes playfully waiting for you kiss him
It would always make him blush, no matter how long you’ve been together
His favourite place to kiss you would be your nose
He loves the way your face scrunches up when he does it, always making him fall just a little bit more in love
His favourite place to be kissed would simply be his lips
He loves the intimacy of it and would love it when you surprise him with a sudden kiss to his lips
L - Little Ones
(How are they around children?)
Would actually really like kids
I feel like he would like babies more than toddlers though
He would find them so adorable, but the thought of babysitting or having a kid of his own makes him nervous
He would like them, but wouldn’t be able to look after them well
If you two had to babysit for a family member, I think he’d really enjoy watching you interacting with the kid
If in the future you two had children of your own, he would want to wait quite a while, probably until after marriage if you planned to get married
M - Morning
(How are mornings spent with them?)
You both would always wake up late, no matter the day
Would probably be from playing video-games together all night or just staying awake for hours and talking / cuddling
If he woke up before you, he would tuck you under the covers again if they fell during the night and leave the room, wanting to leave you sleeping peacefully
But some mornings if he wants you to wake up with him, he would lay his entire body across you and whine for you to wake up
“Y/N... babyyy-” “What?” “Wake up, I’m bored.” “No.” “pLeAsE!”
He would be impossible to wake up though
You could throw stuff at him, yell in his ears, jump on top of him, but he would not open his eyes
It’s like as if someone knocked him out
You would have to resort to dragging him off the bed by his legs
N - Night
(How are nights spent with them?)
You would always go to sleep late, there was never a night where you would go to sleep before 12:00am
Even if you fell asleep, Alice would wake you up again because he would want to spend more time with you
You would talk and play video-games together until you either passed out on the bed on top of each other
If you fell asleep on the couch, Alice and you would be complaining the whole day tomorrow about your back pains
Sometimes, but very rarely, you would have deep conversations, then afterwards fall asleep with your limbs wrapped around each other tightly
O - Open
(When would they start revealing things about themselves?)
It would take time for him to open up
I feel like with Alice you’d have to earn his trust, he doesn’t just give it out for free
He would rarely talk about his feelings on a deep level
Even after years of being together, he’d still be a bit reserved
It wouldn’t be personal, I just think Alice would prefer to keep his strong emotions inside
Although, if something really got to him, he would probably break his walls a bit
He would hold things inside until they got too hard to handle
He’d have a big cry with you comforting him, then be fine again
It would mean the world to him if you sat and listened to him for hours and valued his emotions
P - Patience
(How easily angered are they?)
Honestly, quite easily
Depends really what it’s about
Fights between you too wouldn’t happen often, but he would get in bad moods a few times a week
He gets quite frustrated with minor things though, like if his phone or computer wasn’t working properly
He’d get over it really quick though
If he was to become mad at you, he would tell you straight up why he’s upset
He would despise it if you walked away and didn’t face the issue
When he’s really upset, he may say things that he doesn’t really mean in the heat of the moment
But he would always apologize after he’s calmed down, giving hugs and kisses for the rest of the day endlessly
Q - Quizzes
(How much would they remember about their partner?)
I feel like he’d actually be kind of bad at this
He would keep a few common things memorized, like your favourite movie or place
But sometimes he would forget minor things
He would feel awful about it though
It’s not that he doesn’t care enough, he just has a bad memory
After a while, he would begin to keep notes in his phone about things you like so he has ideas for birthday presents and anniversary gifts
Always has the best intentions, he’s just a little slow
R - Remember
(What is their favourite moment in their relationship?)
His most favourite moment would be a date you guys went on together during the first few months of dating
He had come over to your house and invited you to go for a walk with him around town
After buying late night takeaway snacks at a restaurant, he brought you to a quiet building and climbed the stairs all the way to the top
You two sat there for hours, eating your food and laughing until you couldn’t breath while looking out over the city’s fluorescent lights
He loved this night with you especially, because he thinks you looked gorgeous with the city lights dancing across your skin
I think this was the night he realized that he was in love with you, watching you smile and laugh with hearts in his eyes
S - Security
(How protective are they of their partner? How would they protect their partner? How would they like to be protected?)
Would try to hide it, but he would secretly be so cautious about your safety
He’s knows that he’s not the strongest or fittest person, but he still tries his best to make you feel safe
When you’re out in public at night, he always has his arm around your shoulder or your waist, just to make sure you stay close to him
If someone you didn’t know approached you and was acting a little too friendly, Alice would glare at them over your shoulder and distract you
If someone was to say something rude or offensive towards you, oh no
Alice would go OFF
He would swear and yell at them before you even get the chance to defend yourself
There would be times where you would have to physically drag him away because you were afraid he would throw a punch
T - Try
(How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Would try his best for special events
He’d be very bad at keeping secrets or surprises, you would most of the time find out what he has planned
But you wouldn’t tell him that you know so you don’t upset him when he gets really excited about surprising you
He would do the usual on your anniversary, flowers and chocolates with a cute date planned
He would love buying you cute little gadgets and books that he’s read that he think you would like
He would prefer simple, movie dates most of the time, but maybe once every two months you would go out for a cliché romantic dinner
U - Ugly
(What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Definitely his gaming
Sometimes he would play it for hours on end, not giving you much attention
I mean most the time you would join him or watch him play, but after a while it would get a little old
The only way to distract him enough to get him off the game is to sit on his lap facing him and kiss his neck
He would freeze up and drop the game immediately
“Okay fine! I’ll give you attention!”
V - Vanity
(How concerned are they with their looks?)
Wouldn’t be his priority
Obviously because of his overgrown hair, he doesn’t care hugely for his looks
I mean if you guys were going out together, he would put in his best effort to look decent for you
But if it’s just a day at home, he wouldn’t give less of a toss what he looks like
He doesn’t get insecure about himself often, he knows you love him no matter what he looks like
W - Whole
(Would they feel incomplete without their partner?)
He would value his partner over most things in his life
I mean, I do see him as a independent personality, so if he dated someone who was super clingy, I think he would find them irritating
He loves you so much, but he does need his time alone
He doesn’t think you constantly need to be all over someone and always be beside them to love them with your whole heart
So, he would love you more than anything, but he wouldn’t feel the need to depend on you for everything
X - Xtra
(A random headcanon for them)
He would love if you were best friends with Karube and Chota
Seeing his most favourite people in the world all get along would make him so happy
I think it would bring him a sense of security if you’re close to them as well, because he can trust them to take care of you if you need it when he’s not there
They would tease you and Alice all the time just to mess with you
Chota would love to have intelligent conversations with you like the lil’ nerd he is
And Karube would love to drink and banter with you
They would honestly be such a fun group of friends to hang out with
You would never be bored with them
Y - Yuck
(What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
I mentioned before briefly, but he would hate a really clingy and possessive partner
He is independent and an introvert, so he would like his time alone with no one else every now and then
Having a partner that constantly has to be touching him or talking to him would be so annoying
He finds it really obnoxious, so he would prefer someone with a personality that is logical, reasonable and holds good morals
Z - Zzz
(What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He definitely snores
Not incredibly loud, but little snorts would leave him every now and then during the night
Sometimes if he does it for a while, you would nudge him with your leg to wake him up
Of course, he denies it, not believing that he snores
It’s not until you record his snores on your phone would he realize it
“There’s no way. That’s so embarrassing oh my god.”
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redgillan · 4 years
Under Pastel Skies - 10
Sugar daddy!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Modern!AU Bucky doesn’t need anyone, especially not a sugar baby. He isn’t that desperate… but she smiles so sweetly and she’s endearingly awkward, and he’s so lonely. She’s an artist, a painter, the type of person who always puts others before herself. Throwing caution to the wind Bucky offers her a place to live, a place where she can finally paint whatever her heart desires. He doesn’t need much in return; a friend, a muse.
Word Count: 6,179
Warnings: nothing new
A/N: Hey it’s me, daddy! ...well apparently. I really gotta take a chill pill... these chapters are getting way too long. But anyway, I hope you enjoy it, my babies are soft and sensitive :’) Thank you for reading, I truly appreciate it!
Wannabe sugar daddies don’t interact, idc if you have money, eat it and leave me be.
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You looked around the bar while you sipped your drink, a 12 dollar grapefruit juice and club soda cocktail. There weren’t many people at one in the afternoon, mostly suits and wealthy tourists, though you half expected to find Natasha hiding in the back with a hat, a large pair of sunglasses and an unfolded newspaper.
From the rug to the chairs and armchairs, everything was either black or white. You ran your index finger over the intricate calligraphy on the back of your chair. It was a number: 5.
Turning back around, you glanced at the clock and mentally cursed yourself for always being so early. You hated being late, and arriving less than ten minutes early counted as late in your book. You were nervous to see Wanda after all this time.
You hadn’t been expecting her to stay at a hotel on the Upper East Side. You wondered how she could afford it, but decided it was none of your business.
“I had a feeling you’d be here already.” That familiar voice brought back fond childhood memories and other not so pleasant memories. “You’re always early.”
You didn’t move a muscle as Wanda took a seat next to you, number 6. She signalled the bartender and ordered a latte. Meanwhile you played with your straw, trying to subtly steal a glance at her.
“What did you do to your hair?” you asked with a grimace, turning your body toward her.
Without looking at you, she raised her brows in mild exasperation. “I dyed it.”
“It’s orange.”
“Okay,” she sighed. “I get it. You’re angry with me.”
“Oh,” you drawled out. “I’m well past angry. I was angry four years ago, now I just don’t care anymore.”
“You don’t care about me anymore?”
“No, and it’s not like you cared about me, or Scott, or Okoye.” You paused. “Or mom.”
Wanda had a shocked look on her face as she finally met your eyes. “That’s low. You have no idea-”
“No, you have no idea what it was like to live in that house after you all left. You have absolutely no idea,” you said, enunciating each word between your teeth, “because you weren’t there, because you left us –you left me. Six years, Wanda.”
She looked away and you saw her bottom lip quiver. She clenched her jaw and took a small sip of her latte. You instantly felt bad for snapping at her. You didn’t like confrontation. Hated arguing. You internalized. It was difficult for you to acknowledge that you had a right to express your feelings.
“I, uh,” Wanda said, then cleared her throat. “I knew you weren’t going to welcome me with open arms, and I know what I did was wrong, but I’d like us to be a family again. If it’s not too late.”
“It’s not too late,” you said with a small sigh. “But I’m not going to instantly forgive you just because you’re back.”
“I know.”
“What made you come back?”
She fiddled with her fingers in her lap and you noticed the ring on her fourth finger. It was a beautiful vintage-inspired ring made of black rhodium with an ornate cadenza halo in the centre.
A terrible thought occurred to you, making your stomach twist painfully. You didn’t know her at all. Not anymore. You had missed so much of your sister’s life. Or more accurately; she had cut you out of her life, and it was painful.
“I went to London,” Wanda said, unaware of your inner turmoil. “I saw Uncle Michael. He asked me if I was here to see mom, and I said, ‘No, mom’s in New York.’ And then he told me-” she tilted her head to look at you “-he told me mom was sick, that you and Okoye put her in a nursing home not far from his apartment. I didn’t believe him, so he took me to mom and she-” She paused, staring straight ahead as if she was caught in the memory
“She looked at you like she didn’t know you,” you said, knowing exactly where the story was going because it had happened to you too.
“Yeah,” Wanda breathed out, tears in her eyes. “I never felt so alone. They told her I was her daughter, but she didn’t recognize me. She kept asking Uncle Michael who I was, then she got mad because she was adamant she never had children.”
“I know,” you said sympathetically.
“I wanted to see you and apologize for not being the sister you deserve. For not being here when you needed me most.”
“Where were you all this time?” you asked, practically begged for an answer.
Her shoulders tensed and she straightened up in her seat. “Just travelling.”
“I know, I got your postcards.” You nodded toward the engagement ring on her finger. “I guess I should say congratulations.”
“Mhh,” she said running the pad of her thumb over the diamond. “It’s funny I never thought I’d fall in love and get married. I don’t need a man in my life to make me feel whole. Mom raised us alone, we’re independent and strong.” A small smile graced her lips. “But I found someone sweet and charming, someone who makes me feel safe and calm.”
“Are you writing your vows?”
“Har har,” she deadpanned, rolling her eyes, a faint smile on her lips. You’d missed her, missed your banter. “You haven’t changed.”
“If you say so,” you said in a sombre voice. You looked at the clock above the bar. “Listen, I have to go but I’m happy you found someone. I’d like to meet him one day. I bet he doesn’t know about your Baby Spice phase.”
You jumped off the bar stool and picked up your jacket. Wanda turned in her seat, catching your wrist as you looped your purse over your shoulder.
“Can you stay a little longer?” she asked, looking at you with pleading eyes. “Just a minute.”
She let go of your wrist. “Scott’s been released last month. I talked to him on the phone and asked him to fly to New York. He should be here tomorrow. I also talked to Okoye, I asked her to come here. We have things to discuss. I know things will never be the same, not after Pietro, not after mom, but we can try. We’re still a family.”
“Great,” you replied. Your word came out with more force than you had intended, but you didn’t apologize. They were all coming back for Wanda but when your mother needed help, you were all alone.
“Yeah,” Wanda whispered, her eyes cast down. “I was thinking we could all meet up for dinner. Okoye’s bringing her boyfriend so if you... if you have a partner-”
“I’m single.”
“Oh, uh, you can bring Natasha if you want.”
“No, thanks.” You reached into your purse and pulled out one of your business cards. “Text me, okay? I really gotta go.”
She smiled as she read your card. “You’re an artist? Splotchy, I’m so proud of you!”
That damn nickname... “I still haven't found a gallery. Not many people want to represent an unknown artist but I’m not giving up.”
“You never give up,” Wanda said with a gentle smile. “That’s why I love you.”
You took a cab to Natasha’s apartment. It had been three weeks since Sam moved to D.C., and Nat was having a hard time finding a job in her field.
She didn’t want to find another sugar daddy. It seemed ridiculous since she was still carrying a massive torch for Sam. She had saved enough money to live on until she could find a job and a new place to live.
“I’m officially done,” she grumbled in lieu of a greeting. “Job hunting sucks. New York sucks. Life sucks.”
“Pretty bold statement.”
You entered the apartment and plopped down next to her on the sofa. With a groan, she wrestled out of her blouse and threw it on the floor, leaving her in a simple white spaghetti-strap shirt and a pair of black trousers.
“I hate wearing a suit.”
“You look good in them.”
“I know,” she cried out. “I hate wearing suits when it’s all for nothing. I’m not the boss, I’m no one. Just another doofus with a college degree standing here like-” she cupped her hands together, as if she was holding a bowl, and looked at you with a pout. “Please, sir, I want some more.”
“I don’t understand why you didn’t get the job,” you said, biting back a laugh. “I would hire you for that spot on Oliver Twist impression.”
She laughed. “I think I lost my fire. People used to be scared of me. Remember? I miss that.”
“You’re a psycho,” you snorted, using her shoulder as a pillow. “If it’s any consolation, Bucky’s terrified of you.”
She pressed her cheek against the top of your head and sighed. You stayed in that position for a few more seconds before you told Natasha what had happened with Wanda. She offered to go with you to your family gathering but you insisted you wanted to go alone.
“I gotta go,” you said. “Bucky’s taking me to dinner.”
“Oh,” she cooed, “is he finally going to propose?”
“That’s very funny,” you deadpanned. “I was starting to feel cooped up in our apartment so we decided to go out. Have fun, y’know.”
“Our apartment,” Natasha repeated with a lopsided smirk before she burst into a fit of giggles.
“Whatever,” you grumbled, embarrassed.
“That’s cute.” She pinched your cheek and you batted her hand away. “You should talk to him.”
“Don’t start.”
“What? I’m just saying-”
“Natasha,” you cut her off. “Stop asking me to talk to him. It’s not going to happen, and it’s giving me so much anxiety. You couldn’t talk to Sam, what makes you think I can talk to Bucky?”
She looked at you for a long moment. “I know you love him.”
You pressed your lips into a thin line, considering. You had never really been in love before but falling in love with Bucky had been so easy. And it was particularly scary because you had never been in a relationship, only flings.
“I do,” you admitted quietly. Saying it out loud was both freeing and terrifying.
“Don’t lose him.”
You knew Natasha missed Sam, she’d told you about it, but she wasn’t the kind of woman who let others see her pain. She confided in you and her friend, Clint, but other than that she rarely shared her problems with others.
Her bony shoulder was digging uncomfortably into your cheek so you shifted and let your head rest against her chest. She started playing with your hair. “Have you heard from Sam?”
“Not since he left,” she replied, then glanced down at you. “Have you?”
She tried to sound casual so you played along and acted like you couldn’t hear her heart jackhammering in her chest. “He called the landline the other day. Bucky wasn’t home so I answered.”
“The landline?” Natasha repeated with a scoff. “Your husband is old.”
“He asked if you were okay,” you said, choosing to ignore her comment. “You should call him.”
She stayed quiet for so long, you began to worry. You tilted your head to look at her, she had a faraway look in her eyes. You didn’t want to break her trance but she was starting to scare you.
You booped her chin and almost immediately a soft smile touched her lips. She cleared her throat, then checked her watch.
“You should go, you’re going to be late.”
“It’s okay,” you said. You couldn’t leave, not when she looked so sad. You knew Bucky would understand. “We can order some pizza, binge watch something on Netflix and go out for ice cream later. Like we used to.”
She laughed softly. “That sounds amazing. I kinda want to be alone tonight though, and Bucky’s waiting for you. I’m fine, I promise.” She looked down at you with a kind smile. “Rain check?”    
With a heavy heart, you left Natasha and started walking to the restaurant. The clouds above you were low and dark, masking the setting sun. You smiled, remembering the day you and Bucky went to the park.
You had wanted to go paint outside but you got caught in a rainstorm on the way home. As rain poured down on the both of you, you caught Bucky’s hand and tried to run to the nearest subway entrance but he didn’t budge.
He stayed in the middle of the street, still holding your hand, and grinned at you while people rushed around you. His hair was plastered to his head, little rivulets of water running down his nose. He smiled at you, bright and playful, and you almost melted on the spot.
What’s the rush, sweet angel?
When you got home, you both changed into dry clothes and sat in front of the fireplace with a bowl of soup. He looked adorable with his slightly damp hair, a few big curls flopping down onto his forehead. When you started sneezing, he adjusted the blanket around you.
The next day, you felt a little feverish and Bucky took care of you. He pressed his lips to your forehead, checking your temperature. Your mother used to do that too. You doubted the accuracy of that little test but you couldn’t care less. It felt incredibly comforting. They should teach it in med school.
Bucky was waiting for you in front of the restaurant. The weather was warmer now, and you were pleased to see that his maroon bomber jacket was back. It was a rerun of the night you had met him.
“Hey you,” he said, dropping a quick kiss on your cheek. “How did it go with Wanda?”
“Good, I guess. It could have been way worse.” You paused to look at him. “You okay? You look a little nervous. We don’t have to-”
“I’m okay,” he chuckled, smoothing his hand down his jacket, lightly patting his pocket. “Shall we?”
You cocked an eyebrow at him. “Promise me you’re not over-exerting yourself again.”
He stood in front of you, smiling kindly. “I promise.”
It had been a while since he had a panic attack, but they were always impressive and you couldn’t stand the thought of him trapped in his own mind, battling his demons alone.
You must have been silent too long because Bucky cupped the side of your face and said, “Thank you for taking care of me, angel. But I promise you, I’m fine. So what do you say? Wanna have dinner with me?”
You playfully rolled your eyes at him as he flashed you a cocky grin.
The restaurant was a quaint little place in Midtown with curved black leather booths lining the walls and simple cutlery. There were books everywhere, arranged neatly on the shelves along the walls. The place was well-lit, yet still cosy and calm.
Despite the hour, the restaurant wasn’t crowded. There was a couple, probably in their sixties, enjoying their meals together. Several people were eating alone, a book opened next to their plate, and a few others were browsing the shelves looking for something to read.
While you ate, you filled Bucky in on your conversation with Wanda. He didn’t interrupt you, he listened to you ramble on about how much you didn’t want to go to her reunion dinner.
“You can invite them over for dinner,” he said. You almost choked on your food. “Call me crazy but I think you’d feel more at ease if you were in a familiar environment.”
He had a point. You had no idea what that night had in store for you, and you definitely didn’t want to cause a scene in a restaurant. You weren’t one for airing your dirty laundry in public.
“I know that our... um, friendship is a little unconventional but I’d like to meet them.”
“Really? Wait,” you said, spotting a bit of tomato sauce on his chin. “You have something on your chin.” You reached over and used your napkin to wipe it away. “You eat like a wolf.”
“Mhh thanks.” He swallowed his mouthful of pasta and washed it down with a gulp of water. “To be honest with you, I’m a sucker for family reunions. I love watching people’s faces when they see someone they haven’t seen in a very long time.”
“I’m not sure it’ll be a happy one.”
“Well, then you could probably use some moral support,” he said. “And I’m curious if they ever gave you a silly nickname. Or maybe they’ll share some funny anecdotes.”
You stopped mid-bite and swallowed quickly, your eyes widening in fear. You couldn’t let that happen, Scott and Okoye would jump at the chance to tease you. “Oh, no, no, no! You are never meeting them.”
He laughed. “I bet you were a cute kid. I imagine you in some paint-stained overalls, hula hooping through the 90s, listening to the Spice Girls and watching Saturday morning cartoons with a bowl of cereal or a plate of pancakes.”
“You’re not too far off.” You grinned.
“You don’t have to make a decision right now,” he said in a more serious tone. “But think about it, okay?”
Inviting your siblings and their partners over for dinner was a bad idea. You could already picture their faces upon seeing Bucky. It would turn into an interrogation, and it would be absolutely unbearable.
But then again, you didn’t think you could endure the reunion without him.
The waiter came over to collect your dirty plates and asked if there would be anything else. He recited the dessert specialties and you ordered something that sounded both extravagant and mouth-watering.
“I have something for you,” Bucky broke the silence between you.
You responded with a curious yet playful frown and a tilt of your head. He glanced down at the table for a second as he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a slim jewellery box.
He placed it on the table next to his glass and let his fingertips linger on the lid, caressing it slowly as he hesitated. Then with a smooth flick of his wrist, he slid the box across the table. Your eyes flickered between the box and Bucky’s worried expression.
Inside the box, nestled in cream velvet, was a gold artist’s palette pendant with a delicate chain. The pendant had two paint brushes sticking out of the palette and four tiny stones representing the colours waiting to be mixed; ruby, sapphire, emerald and topaz.
It was incredibly tiny, about the length of two staples, but it made the details even more impressive. You could tell it was an old piece. There were light signs of wear and the design reminded you of the 1930s. It looked full of stories from previous owners. A testimony of love, passion and devotion.
“Oh,” you gasped as if all the air had been punched out of you. Bucky straightened up and jerked forward in his seat, his eyes round with anticipation. “Oh,” you repeated dumbly, at a loss for words.
“I saw it in the window of an antique shop on the way here,” he said.
That was a lie.
He had spent weeks searching for the perfect charm. He had a very specific idea of what he wanted to buy. Until one day, he found it. It reminded him of you; delicate, discreet, irreplaceable.
“Bucky,” you sighed, spellbound. “It’s... it’s beautiful.”
“It reminded me of you.” He met your eyes, smiled, and extended his hand in your direction. “Can I?”
Without hesitation you removed the necklace from its box and gave it to Bucky. After living with him for about six months, you knew there was nothing he couldn’t do. Even fasten your necklace with one hand.
He stood up and rounded the table, sitting next to you on the booth. You turned, giving him your back as he slipped the necklace around your neck. You held the pendant in the little dip between your collarbones at the base of your throat and let the ends of the chain dangle down your back.
“I noticed you haven’t been painting a lot since-” Bucky trailed off. Since you had a meltdown in your studio, since you realized your art was not good enough. Since you realized your dreams were too big to accomplish.
You looked over your shoulder and watched him fumble with the spring ring clasp. You couldn’t see what he was doing but he seemed entirely focused on the task at hand.
“Inspiration is a fickle thing, it comes and goes,” he continued. “I worry about you. You put too much pressure on yourself visiting galleries and trying to match their vision. I want you to remember who you are. You’re an artist. Never doubt yourself or your skills.”
He secured the chain around your neck and adjusted the necklace so that the little palette fell nicely above the neckline of your sweater. You stared at him wide eyed and amazed, and he smiled tenderly at you.
“Thank you,” you said quietly. “I’ll never take it off.”
“My pleasure, angel.”
“I really love it but it’s too much,” you said as he returned to his seat. “I don’t want you to think I’m after your money. I’m so grateful for your help, you do so much for me already.”
“I know you’re not after my money, but it’s mine and I’ll spend it as I please. I know you like gifts with meaning. And all I want is to make you happy.”
“You want to make me happy?” you asked, dumbfounded.
“Of course, I do.”
It was a foreign concept to you, you could hardly comprehend it. He wasn’t your childhood best friend, he wasn’t your brother or your mother’s brother, and yet he wanted to be the one who put a smile on your face.
You weren’t used to random acts of kindness. You spent most of your life taking care of others, making sure they had everything they needed, you forgot what it was like to feel loved.
And it all became so much clearer.
You knew in your heart that your feelings for Bucky weren’t one sided. Not when he looked at you like that. Not when he touched you like you were the most precious thing in the world.
There was a mutual, yet silent, understanding between you. This is good. Let’s not make things complicated. Even though we both want to.  And you abided by that unspoken rule, not wanting to make things more complicated.
Your eyes were overflowing with tears. When a tear escaped, you felt it bounce on your cheekbone before it landed near your pendant. You rolled your eyes at yourself and smiled.
“Why am I always crying?” you said, laughing a little. “I’m not sad, I swear. These are happy tears.” Bucky’s smile was calm and sure. “Wait, I’m just gonna-” you trailed off, wiping the back of your hand under your nose with an embarrassed laugh.
“You’re beautiful.”
You lay in bed that night, replaying those three words in your head until you fell asleep.
It took you a couple of days to come to term with the realization that your feelings weren’t one sided. A little voice in your head tried to protect your heart, it said: Don’t get your hopes up. Remember what happened last time.
But that voice was quiet, almost too quiet to hear.
Against your better judgement, you agreed to invite your siblings over for dinner. All you had to do was call Wanda’s hotel and ask the hotel staff to pass along a message. Easy-peasy.
Well, in theory, because it turned out to be stressed depressed lemon zest.
There were things Bucky didn’t know about you and your family, things that you had intentionally kept from him. One of these things was your brother’s criminal record.
Bucky had asked you a few times what Scott did for a living and you always gave him the same rehearsed answer. “Scott has a master’s degree in electrical engineering but he’s between jobs at the moment.” It wasn’t a total lie but it wasn’t the whole truth either.
You finally decided to tell him everything.
Scott was a thief. Before Cassie was born, and thanks to his computer skills, he used to steal from criminals and give back to those they had stolen from. He promised his wife, Maggie, that he would stop after Cassie’s birth.
He took up a job at VistaCorp but noticed that the company was overcharging their customers. Thinking that it was a coding error, he fixed it before his boss, Geoff Zorick, ordered him to change it back. It made him realize that the company was intentionally overcharging their customers.
He was fired soon after. Maggie begged him not to get involved, she begged him to think of his family but Scott didn’t listen. He broke into the company’s headquarters, hacked their system and redistributed the stolen money. Then he broke into Zorick’s house, stole a bunch of stuff and drove Zorick’s car into the pool.
He got five years.
Bucky was a little shocked but he took these new revelations well.
“People make mistakes,” he said. “He paid for his mistake, and not seeing his little girl for five years is punishment enough.” He bumped his shoulder against yours and grinned. “He sounds like a chaotic Robin Hood. I can’t wait to meet him.”
You chuckled. “Are you sure you don’t mind?”
“So... you’re not going to hide your valuables in a closet somewhere?”
“I would but I’m not sure you’d like to be stuck in the closet all night.” You rolled your eyes and huffed, thinking he wasn��t taking you seriously. He laughed quietly. “The only valuable thing I own is the bookmark my niece made for me, everything else is meaningless. And I don’t judge people on their worst mistakes.”
“You sound like Natasha,” you chuckled lowly. “But I’m glad you think that way.”
“That being said, they have a lot of apologizing and making up to do. They left you all alone. It isn’t right.”
You squirmed in your seat. “Argh, I don’t know. It’s in the past now, I don’t want to dwell on it. We were all miserable back then, and I’m not exactly blameless here.”
Bucky gave you a puzzled look. “You took care of your mom when she was sick, you sold your childhood home. You found your mom a nursing home where she gets the best treatment possible. You put your dreams on hold to pay her hospital bills. You did everything you could.”
“No, that’s not true,” you replied, biting your bottom lip.
You tried to find the courage to say it out loud. It was something that ate away at your soul. Your biggest mistake.
“I should have known something was wrong with her,” you said, rushing the words out. “At first she started misplacing things like her car keys, her glasses or the remote. She always had a good excuse, like was tired or stressed, but I should have known.”
“I misplace my keys all the time, angel. Sometimes it doesn’t mean anything. You can’t blame yourself for that.”
“She’s my mom, I’ve known her all my life. I should have noticed something was wrong. If I had, maybe she’d still be with us, living in our old house.”
“C’mere,” he said, extending his arm toward you. You didn’t hesitate, you abandoned your seat on the sofa and wrapped your arms around him, your face buried in his chest. “I understand why you feel that way,” he said, stroking your hair. “But you did everything you could. You didn’t fail her. Alzheimer is... well it’s a sneaky disease. There are a lot of things we don’t understand. It’s unfair to blame yourself for something completely out of your control.”
“Maybe,” you mumbled, your voice muffled against his shirt. “But it still hurts.”
“I know,” he cooed, his fingernails grazing your scalp. “I know, my angel.”
You stayed like that for some time, your cheek pressed against his shirt. You focused on the calm rhythm of his breathing and tried to match it. He gently ran his fingers up and down your back, calming you almost instantly.
You were terrified to see your siblings again. Despite Bucky’s reassuring words, a part of you still believed that you could have done more to help your mom, and you were afraid your siblings would feel the same.
“It’s going to be okay,” Bucky said, seemingly reading your thoughts. “I won’t let them belittle your efforts.”
The next day, you called Wanda’s hotel and left a message with the receptionist. Wanda called you back a few hours later, saying that she would love to have dinner at your place instead of going out.
She sounded surprised, and you could tell she had a lot of questions, but she knew she wasn’t in your good graces yet so she simply told you that she couldn’t wait to see your apartment and spend the evening with you.
Meanwhile Bucky was having some sort of nervous breakdown.
A few days before the party, he started to obsessively clean his apartment. Every single room had that distinctive lemony scent, his homemade disinfectant, except your room. It was still a line he refused to cross no matter how strong the urge might be.
He often had those spells but they usually didn’t last more than a few hours. You could see the tears in his eyes and the disgust on his face; grimaces that had been triggered by the realization that he still couldn’t control his need to constantly clean and tidy. His OCD had been dormant, not gone.
You knew it was hard for him to meet new people. He had offered to invite your siblings because he knew it would make you feel more at ease. He didn’t care about his own needs. This man was willing to endure anything for you. How could you not fall in love with him?
You let him clean. You knew from past experience that it wasn’t something he could control and getting involved usually did more harm than good. You made sure he knew you were there and that you were not judging him in any way.
He felt so physically and emotionally drained afterwards that you simply held him in your arms until he fell asleep.
On the day of the party, you were chopping dried apricots in the kitchen while Bucky was making sure the chicken pieces weren’t sticking to the bottom of the pan.
You had wanted to order dinner from the restaurant down the street, and Bucky wanted to cook. You told him that cooking a meal for seven people was pretty stressful but he simply shrugged.
“I can do it, angel.”
“I know but you don’t have to do it.”
“Yeah, I do,” he replied with a sad smile.
You remembered him telling you that his ex-girlfriend often babied him in front of her friends and that it always made him feel weak and pathetic. He wanted to prove himself. He wanted to prove that, even with only one arm, he was able to cook a meal for an entire family.
“Okay, fine,” you reluctantly agreed. “But you’re not doing this alone.” He opened his mouth to protest but you raised your hand and touched a finger to his lips. “You can’t change my mind. I’ll be your sous-chef, and that’s final.”
So you ended up cutting vegetables for him. He made two tagines, one with meat and one with vegetables, in case anyone had any allergies or dietary restrictions.
Once the kitchen was spotless, you both went to your rooms to get ready for the night. It didn’t take you long so you checked on the tagines and waited for Bucky. The smell of harissa and coriander wrapped around you like a comforting hug.
You stole a dinner roll and checked the time on your phone. Nearly seven. A wave of anxiety rolled through the pit of your stomach. You took a deep, calming breath and decided to go check on Bucky.
As you reached the top of the stairs, you heard a deep, frustrated groan followed by a whine. Stifling a giggle, you tiptoed down the hallway towards his bathroom.
“C’mon, stay put or I’ll cut you!”
“Do you often threaten your hair?” you asked, leaning against the door frame. He gasped and jerked away from the sink. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. Is everything okay?”
“I can’t do anything with my hair,” he complained. “I’m this close to shave the whole damn thing.”
You pushed yourself off the door frame and moved toward him. “Mhh, why not. A buzz-cut would make you look super dangerous.”
“You think so?” he frowned.
“Yeah,” you replied enthusiastically as you perched yourself on the counter by the sink. “A buzz-cut and a beard. Now that’s a look.”
He ran his hand over the dark stubble on his cheeks. “I already have the beard.”
“You’re halfway there.” You watched him consider what you were offering. “You know what, never mind. Your hair is too pretty to cut.”
“I should cut it though. It’s getting too long, I can’t style it.”
“Oh, poor you with your thick, fluffy hair,” you teased.
“It’s a gift, and also a curse,” he sighed with a whimsical grimace.
You laughed. “Come here, I’ll help you tame the monster on your head.”
He chuckled as he stepped between your parted legs. You took the hair dryer and a comb from the counter and started working on his hair. Despite its messy appearance, the comb ran smoothly through the strands.
“I think we need a safe word tonight,” you said while you worked.
“A safe word?” he repeated, confused. “Why would we need one?”
“Just in case,” you replied with a shrug. “I love my siblings but they can be quite a handful. So if you’re tired or if you feel overwhelmed, you just say the word and I’ll politely ask them to leave.”
“All right. Same goes for you.” He made a face. “What’s the safe word?”
“I don’t know,” you said, your eyes focused on his hair. “Flamingo?” You pulled back to look at him. “I saw an amazing documentary about baby flamingos the other day. See? It works.”
“Okay, okay,” he said, laughing. “Flamingo it is.”
You picked up his hair gel and applied some to his hair.
“There you go,” you said, smoothing the hair over his temples before sliding your fingers down the sculpted curve of his cheekbones. “Ready to break some hearts.”
It was a joke, but your voice came out breathy and small. Bucky didn’t say a word. He pressed himself closer to you, and you resisted the urge to wrap your legs around him.
He rested his hand on your thigh, then slid it from your thigh to your waist and lingered there for a few seconds. He gazed into your eyes for a moment; careful, cautious. You cupped his face between your hands, feeling the bristle on his cheeks against your palms. It was rough against your sensitive skin.
He slid his hand up your side, fingers passing over your ribs, and you let out a gasping sigh as he rested his hand over your heart.
“Did I break your heart, sweetheart?” he asked, his voice low.
“Just cracked.”
He cupped the back of your neck and massaged lightly while he looked at you longingly. He continued to stare at you as you moved your hands to his chest, feeling the strong thud of his heart beneath your palm.
“I-uh,” he started, then licked his lips. “Angel, I-”
The intercom buzzed loudly, awakening the two of you from your trance. Bucky took a step back and closed his eyes. You were glad you were sitting, because your legs felt unusually weak.
“You ready?” he asked, breathless.
You didn’t trust yourself to speak, so you nodded.
You followed Bucky to the kitchen and answered the intercom, giving Wanda the apartment number. Bucky busied himself setting the table, unable to look you in the eye. You didn’t know what to say.
Finally, he stopped moving around and faced you.
“Who am I tonight? Who do you want me to be?”
You had anticipated his question. After all it was a legitimate question to ask giving the nature of your relationship.
“Just you,” you told him. You were tired of lies and half-truths.
A knock at the door startled you.
You opened the door, your hands shaking uncontrollably. You couldn’t help but gasp at the sight of Wanda, Okoye and Scott standing in front of you, each with a bottle of wine. There were two men behind them, both looking extremely uncomfortable.
“Hey Splotchy, long time no see, right?”
Part 11
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donaidk · 4 years
Eyes Off You - Mick Schumacher
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*Repost as I wanted it in a separate post rather than an ask, to make my blog organized. Hope you guys don’t mind :)*
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I have changed things up a little but I hope you will still enjoy this! I loved writing it and tried to use everything you mentioned. Thank you for requesting and also reading!
TW: Body image issues (mild)
Note to Anon: Please never ever think like you’re not worth it just because you’re ‘out of someone’s league’! I wasted years of my life hating myself and feeling like crap just because people made me think I wasn’t worth anything. You’re unique and they’re just blind to see it. Rock on and show them that they’re the ones who are not worth your worrying, anxitey and thoughts! Love you! ❤️
Masterlist | Request
Links - Inspiration song | Dress (in deep red) | Jewelry
When Mick asked me to dress up and meet him in the park close to our house, I can’t lie that it wasn’t a bit confusing. I didn’t remember the date to be anything special really, and I couldn’t get myself to remember if we had anything planned for the day previously. He just got back home for their usual longer summer break between race weekends, which we usually spent laying around in bed for a few days before we felt energized enough to spend time outside the confinement of our home. But now he was up on his feet already on the first day, making us take a walk around the city and as it turns out he had plans for the following days as well. I couldn’t lie, it made me excited but at the same time so confused, about where all of this energy was coming from. Normally I waited with my vacation time off work for him, and only took out days when it was sure that he was going to be free. This meant I was quite busy with work during the remaining days of the year, making me tired and grumpy for the first days I had off in between. It was lucky that on most occasions we had at least a week together, which meant I could lay around lazy for a few days before we would get on with our planned activities. He did surprise me by not letting me just waste a day or two.
My mind started running at the speed of light when I found the little note on our bed, telling me to dress up pretty because he would take me out as soon as he’s gonna be back from his family’s place. I always loved surprises, even more the ones he planned out for us, but knowing we had to go out or it stepped onto a territory that made my anxiety skyrocket. I was never the social type, as I felt content with the group of friends I had since our high-school years. I knew I could trust them and never really tried to meet other people, be it a party or any kind of set up where you had to communicate with strangers. That’s probably why I never really accompanied him to any ceremonies or team parties when I had the chance. It was clear to me that I would just be an anxious mess, and I really didn’t need his friends and colleagues to realise how much Mick and I didn’t match. It was enough when my own brain stood against me and tried to persuade me into believing what we had would never truly work out in the long run. In moments like that I couldn’t even make out how we went from meeting at the beach in Hawaii to today.
° ° °
I didn’t really know how my friends got me to go with them to Hawaii as a summer vacation, and having been here with them for the past half a week I have felt a bit of regret. What was strange that I did enjoy myself and all the plans we had, even if every night I felt like I would rather be home and just relax in my own bedroom, maybe going out with my family for walks or meals at max. That was enough for my social side usually for a whole year. Having people around me 24/7, that tried interacting with me all the time was exhausting. The only thing that made this holiday bearable was that they knew all of this and gave me space when they saw I would need it, but pushed me to take part in the original plan when I was just making up excuses.
Our usual plans consisted of sleeping, eating, going to the beach, taking walks and repeating all four of those activities until our holiday would end. It was usually the beach that I missed out on when I needed a bit of time for myself, but still made sure I spent more time with them than I did alone in our rented house. It would have been a waste of time and money if I didn’t challenge myself a little bit, to be more outgoing. I still wasn’t adventurous enough to for example be in front of them in only a bikini or bathing suit, but I luckily never felt overdressed with my shorts and sleeveless shirts while playing some kind of sports in the sand. Thanks to the boys in our group it was usually football as there were some goals set up in the shade, but we sometimes could get them to play some volleyball too. I probably looked out of place next to all of them wearing their bathing suits or pants and then there I was in full clothing. The only way I could distract myself by only paying attention to the games we played trying to win for our team.
It was maybe our fifth day when we started to see another group of people around our age attending the beach every day. We spent a day just passing each other before one of them challenged us for a volleyball ‘tournament’ and then the next day a football one. It turned into a daily activity and even I was surprised how much I enjoyed it, both the games we played and the conversations we had. They seemed really cool and with several of them I felt like we would be quite good friends outside this holiday. One of them stood out to me even more than the other few guys, by the name of Mick. The girls of course saw it from the outside and I was teased for until the last day when I got myself together and in the end swapped phone numbers with him.
I still didn’t think too much into it, knowing we will probably just forget about even meeting each other. I can still remember how surprised I was when just days after getting back to my usual home routine he texted me, announcing that he’s gonna be in my hometown soon and that he would live to meet up with me. And he didn’t disappoint, going for lunch and a walk around the city with me in just a few weeks time. I can still feel how fast my heart was beating when he revealed to me why he was here and how I felt like a complete fool for thinking he was just a normal kid. I couldn’t have been farther off the truth. That was the first day when I could laugh at my own stupidity whole heartedly, as I couldn’t hold back my embarrassed chuckling at hearing him laugh. If someone told me I’ll get the chance to listen to his laugh almost every day in our future, I would have called them crazy for sure.
° ° °
Putting the little note aside onto the bedside table as I sat down on the mattress, laying back still trying to figure out what he could have planned for us. I was just turning a bit to get my head on my pillow, with my hand sliding under it as I usually liked to sleep when my fingers met with something there that felt like paper. Pulling it out my eyes met with another now purple colored post-it, with his handwriting on it, saying ’It’s gonna be just the two of us, don’t stress about it’ and a little kissy face making me chuckle. He knew me too well and this note showed that he really did think about any possibility so he wouldn’t have to be home to get me out of the house. With a sigh I pushed myself off the bed so I could open up the wardrobe and in a way I knew there would be a twist even before I could see inside. Next to all my usual dresses and blouses hanging under the shelves was another black hanger with a white protector fabric encasing the dress it was probably holding up. The note on it was a simple winky face and I took it out with my head shaking at his antics and how I should have known he would get me something to wear.
I laid it onto our bed, opening up the protector’s zipper and my smile grew wider as my eyes caught the deep red colour of the silk that was hiding under it. Seconds later I was already lifting up the hanger, the dress itself following it flowing through the air with such an ease it made you think it was probably made from it with how light it was. When I turned it around my mind was just about to go into panic mode again at how open the backside was, but the note I discovered stuck to it made me take a deep breath and calm down instantly. ’Remember Hockenheim in 2018?’ I read the words slowly and couldn’t help but smile at the memory it brought up in my mind.
° ° °
When Mick invited me to the Hockenheim GP, the last three races of their season, everyone knew it would be a weekend for celebrations as whatever would have happened he was winning the Championship and no one could stop him. His point advantage put him into a position where not even the driver who was in second place could switch him out, even if they won all three races and Mick would miss out on them. Everything seemed relaxed around his part of the team as everyone knew this last weekend was like a celebratory run for them after all the hard work they put into the season.
The first race wasn’t his best ever but then took second place in both the second and third one, securing his title for the season. As soon as he was out of the car it was all about celebrating both his and the team’s performance. I had the widest grin of my life on my face as we watched him step onto the podium receiving his P2 trophy  and  then later the one for the Driver’s Championship. It took us three times the usual time to get back to the hotel as everyone was taking pictures with him. Even I got one with him, with which I couldn’t hold back from posting about his achievement. It felt like eternity until we were back at the hotel, and the P2 trophy was still in my hand as we entered his room. I was holding it right until he swept me up into a tight hug and I rather placed it onto the coffee table, before I would drop it.
It wasn’t a surprise when after dinner and a couple of drinks we ended up in the bed together with his shirt already off and mine pushed halfway up my torso when I came to my senses. My mind panicked immediately at all the imagined scenarios coming to me, about him leaving after seeing how I actually look. I was always insecure about my whole body, but mainly my back as my skin there was always full of spots and scarring. The thought of him seeing it freaked me out, don’t even start me on thinking about him touching it. Coming back from my thoughts I took in a shaky but deep breath making him glance at me, pushing himself up a little. I just tried kissing him, to get him to continue but there was worry in his eyes and even though he quickly pecked my lips once again he wasn’t getting back to his previous actions.
“ I’m not going any further until you tell me what got you so out of it. ” He stated, still looking me in the eyes and making me gulp. “ What’s the matter? We don’t have to do anything, there’s no musts here. Just tell me what’s wrong, please. ” He asked again, making me just shake my head as I didn’t trust my voice. I felt like his eyes were boring into me so deep he could see my soul.
“ It’s stupid… but I’m just not… not perfect in any way? ” I finally spoke up, making him furrow his brows in confusion as one of his hands came up to my face to get my hair off my cheek. I knew he was trying to get more info out of me.
“ What isn’t perfect? ” He asked like I just told him something stupid, that doesn’t even exist. I debated telling him or just  making a run for it and maybe never talking to him again as anxiety made my throat close up for a second.
“ Everything? Mostly my back. ” I answered him in the end, my next blink lasting longer than usual as I needed a second to compose myself. “ It’s just bumpy and gross. ” I added, not really knowing where my sudden courage came from. When my eyes opened up he was still looking at me but then pushed himself up a little, my hands falling onto my stomach from his sides.
“ Turn around. ” He said, making my heart miss the next beat and my eyes widen. “ Please.” He added with a sigh, sending me a calming smile and my body moved on it’s own sitting up before I turned my back to him. “ Can we take this off? ” I heard his voice as two of his fingers came under the material of my shirt. I was about to shake my head but then it ended up as a nod. If I trusted someone it was him.
After helping me pull my t-shirt off he let me lay back down and I turned my head to the side as it was back on the pillow. Like this I could also see him, giving me the possibility to stop him he was about to do something I wouldn’t have liked. He first just left a little kiss on my cheek, making me smile contently and almost forgetting what was happening, before he went down my neck and my back with his lips. My breath was stuck in my throat until his face came back to mine and I forced some air into my lungs.
“ There’s nothing wrong with you, your body, your back or your skin. Yeah? Nothing wrong. ” He told me again, laying back down next to, with his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. “ The only thing wrong here is the idiot who made you think you’re any less than perfect. ” He added, kissing me and I felt like I would never be able to separate from him. Lucky I wouldn’t have to for at least the next month.
° ° °
As I took the little slip of paper off my fingers ran over the silky fabric, the delicate little chain catching my sight with the sparkling diamonds following each other for the whole length of it. It was a strange jewelry and took me a second to understand it was deliberately placed at the back and not in the front of it. The image inside my head made me gasp as I imagined how it would look on someone and how it would accentuate their back, the shiny metal catching everyone’s glance. Even though my skin was in it’s best ever state I was still quite conscious about it, and made sure most of the time to wear things that I knew would cover any imperfection of it. I knew that his plan with this was to make sure I finally embraced it, how I should have then even back then.
I fought with myself for a bit but then took the dress off the hanger and laid it down onto the bed. I still had to take a shower and do both my makeup and hair. I stayed with the most minimal amount of makeup, mostly focusing on my eyeliner and mascara with some nude colored lipstick that wasn’t far off the original color of my lips. I didn’t spend lots of time on my hair either, letting it flow freely after going through it with a brush and parting it at the usual place. The last step was getting into the dress and zipping it up on the side. When I felt like I had everything with a last check in the full body mirror I was about to change my mind at my reflection when I noticed one more little note from him. ‘You look perfect, don’t question it. Car waiting for you in front of the building.’ There was the time too, when the car would arrive at ours, which was minutes away and with a last sigh I took a thin blazer from the wardrobe before putting on my heels and leaving the house. I locked the door, making sure I won’t be able to get back inside easily, so I couldn’t change my mind.
I didn’t even have to wait a minute longer for a car to park down in front of the exit and I got in without a question when the driver called out my name. I wasn’t even anxious anymore when he restarted the engine, more like excited. So much I felt like I couldn’t sit through our drive. We were waiting at a red light and from my seat I could see the park, which was Mick’s and my favourite place for morning runs or even picnics, making me reach up to my neck, my fingers immediately wrapping around the little pendant that was hanging there on a delicate gold chain.
I remember seeing him crashing into a tyre wall and waiting for him to finally confirm that he was alright. It was the first time since I started watching the races that I saw him getting so close to being hurt and I wasn’t looking forward to any more of these. He probably knew that I would be a bit upset, worried about his well being after realising how dangerous their job actually was. It was just two days later when we were already home and he gave me a little box. It contained a medium sized pendant, quite similar to his. I knew his was from his family, to bring luck to him and I hoped mine would bring some more luck not even just to me but him too. From the moment I put it on, I never took it off again for longer than an hour.
“ We’re here. ” The driver’s voice made me blink away the memory that came up for me, making me turn my head towards him. “ He’s waiting. ” He added with a smile, pointing towards the entrance of the little park that I knew so well.
I quickly thanked him for getting me here before leaving the vehicle and going towards the open gates. We usually just walked by this place and I always found it astonishing as it looked like a fairy land with the lightning all around the place and the pagodas, where people could just sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea with some desserts. However, now it was empty, and the only thing that I could hear was soft music playing in one of the small buildings. Having no clue about where I should go my only hope was following the sound to one of the more hidden pagodas, that was lit up outside even more than the others. I was getting confused and almost giving up when he finally stood up and I could let out a relieved sigh. There was a huge grin on his face, making me smile too although I felt a little embarrassed even though it was only him standing in front of me. I knew he would never give me a reason to feel bad about myself or what I was wearing.
“ You look stunning. ” He came up to me, pulling me into a hug and leaving a kiss on my lips. “ I’m really happy you stayed with the dress. ” He added, making me smile up at him as I initiated another kiss between us, before I let him lead me into the little building.
“ Thank you. This is fabulous as well. I knew it was beautiful, but never thought it’s this cozy. ” I looked around again, not even paying too much attention to him, completely missing him taking my blazer off my shoulder so he could hang it on the wall next to his one.
“ I've wanted to take you here since we first saw it. It was just never the perfect timing. ” He let out a sigh, his hand coming up to my back and it sent a shiver down my spine as the jewelry’s colder chain got in contact with my skin. I knew he saw and maybe even felt it, but never commented on it, deeming it a normal reaction.
“ It would have made it the perfect timing. ” I shrugged a little, sitting down on the chair he pulled out for me, before sitting down opposite me. “ Other than it being too cold to just sit around, I can’t really think about anything that would make me wanna leave early. ” I looked around again. My eyes followed the fairy lights’ cable running all around us and up a tree next to the pagoda.
Having the place for ourselves made it even more magical than how it would normally feel like. Even though we weren’t served by a waitress he had everything we could need, next to the table. He prepared sandwiches with little fruit salads and also our favourite drink. I’m sure we would be having coffee if we were here in the morning, but I also knew we would never sleep if we got caffeine in our systems now. From the outside it probably looked funny as we ate the sandwiches while wearing clothes that would fit into the poshest restaurants but I wouldn’t have changed one bit about tonight. Everything was part of what when considered a perfect date, even if it wouldn’t mean the same for another couple. Everyone’s taste is different and that’s what made it even better, that I could see how much Mick knew my favourite details. I still couldn’t believe what I did to deserve the life I had now and all the changes Mick brought into it by being next to me whenever I would need him and the support.
I was about to thank him for everything, that he made this happen, when he pulled his phone out and I could see as he opened up his camera started recording a video. Instead of lifting it up to record us, he propped it up on the table in a way that it would take in the space next to our pagoda, before standing up and going to the music player that controlled the whole system around the garden. I followed him with my eyes, curiously waiting to hear the song he would choose. I recognised it just two seconds into the start of it, making me not even think about it when he reached out his hand towards me. It was our song, however cliche that is, that we danced to in Hawaii, at the beach party that we attended on the last day of my holiday. Back then I thought we would never ever meet again in person, thought we would be parting ways forever as I had to leave with my friends. It would have been a perfect last memory for the few weeks we spent there, but it became even more magical when there was a text waiting for me to turn on my phone that turned into us talking on the phone constantly and then meeting again in my home town just a few months later.
Even though neither of us was a good dancer we made it work, swaying left and right to the slow beats of the song with my arms around his neck and his circling my hips and resting on the small of my back. I let my eyes close and my head slowly fall forward until my forehead was resting on his shoulder. I felt as he rested his head on mine for a second before his lips left a kiss on my jaw and then neck, followed by several on the skin of my shoulder.
“ This is perfect. ” I sighed out, and I was sure my mum would tease me about how I was beaming with a smile so wide the Cheshire cat could be jealous. I wasn’t ready for it to end and was glad of his choice when the song restarted, meaning the silence didn’t break the moment.
“ What do you think about making our forever this perfect? ” I felt his breath on my neck from his whispering, and I nodded with a smile, not thinking much of it. It was when he stepped back a little and I could see the little box in his hand when my hand came up to cover my surprised expression. “ I know you never thought a silly holiday with friends would end with something like this, but I’m planning on making that just one of the things that worked out quite well in our life. Will you be my partner in making everything better and marry me? ” He asked, already on one knee and opening up the top of the box, revealing a ring that was shining in the light coming from the lanterns and fairy lights.
The only thing I could remember after that was him standing next to me again, the both of us enveloped in a hug while I could already feel the comforting weight of the ring on my finger. The song was still flowing through the air around us, making me feel like I was part of the imaginary world built up inside my head, that I thought would never be my reality. I couldn’t wrap my mind around all the images and thoughts that were running around my head about our future, but feeling his embrace around my body I knew it would all workout. I already had him and that was everything I needed to live my life happy. Or should I say our life now?    
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cygnetofthesea · 3 years
Happy Mother’s Day, Iris
In honor of Mother’s Day, here’s a little bit of Iris celebrating with her family. Happy Mother’s Day to all the loving, doting mothers and mother figures!
On AO3
It was the smell of fresh coffee and the touch of soft lips pressing against her cheek and lips that woke her up. She kept her eyes closed as a smile broke across her face and the kisses traveled up to her lids.
She sighed in complete and utter contentment, reaching up to thread her fingers through her husband's hair. She stroked the thick locks, feeling his hum against her skin.
"Happy Mother's Day," he greeted her softly
"Thank you. How are the babies?" she murmured, her voice raspy from lack of use.
"Perfect as always."
Iris burst out laughing, finally opening her eyes to see Barry sprawled horizontally on his side of the bed, fully dressed and his legs dangling off the side. She leaned over and kissed the space between his brows, endeared by his goofy smile.
"Perfect, huh? I mean, they are perfectly beautiful but well-behaved? I don't know about that."
"They sure take the 'terrible twos' to the next level," he agreed. "The parenting books definitely were not written with them in mind. Want to sleep in a little more? You might need it."
He brushed a strand of hair from her forehead as she shook her head. "Uh-uh, I want to see the tornado twins."
They shared a smile, remembering how Cisco gave Nora and Bart the nickname after they had started vibrating slightly in place. They found that when the brother and sister were together and playing with McSnurtle, their excitement went up a level that caused them to vibrate in place. Barry and Iris had lunged to grab them before anything else could happen but it was safe to say, they kept the babies' interaction with McSnurtle to a minimum until Cisco finished his dampening bracelets for them.
Barry's smile dropped slightly, looking off to the side. She knew that look: his speed force senses were tingling, which meant the babies were acting up again.
Barry sped away and in a flash brought back little Bart and Nora in his arms as Iris sat up in bed. Her face lit up, any traces of grogginess washing away at the sight of her gorgeous babies. Her heart felt like they had doubled in size as she reached over to grab the nearest baby, Bart.
He made grabby hands at her, settling them on her hair and locket when she kissed his chubby cheeks. She leaned over to smooch Nora's too as Barry settled in next to her.
"It’s like      your    speed force senses were tingling," he said with a chuckle. "They spotted McSnurtle."
"Mama, Snurtle play!" Nora squealed before leaning over Barry's arm and turning to her mom as though she had the turtle she so coveted.
"Sn-snurtle play, Mama," Bart repeated looking at his mom inquisitively.
Iris smooched both her babies again after brushing their wispy curls. "Not today, babes. We're going to try to make it without incident today. Ok?" she asked, nodding with a smile.
The twins were only two-years old but it didn't stop Iris from talking to them like they understood complex language. She just loved the wide-eyed looks they gave her in return. Plus, Barry more than made up for it in the baby-talk department.
Case in point, he was leaning over Nora just then, adopting a goofy voice. "You wanna pway with McSnurtle the turtle? You want to pway wid him? Yes you dooo."
Nora just gave him the same wide-eyed look Bart had just given her. "Snurtle!" she repeated as though attempting to conjure him up.
Barry turned Nora to face Bart more fully and Iris did the same with Bart. They found when they didn't get their way, the best thing to do was let them play with each other and they'd forget all about their baby plights.
Barry grinned at Iris crookedly as the babies fought against their holds to play with each other. They released them, keeping a careful eye on their crawling bodies.
"I wanted you to have breakfast in bed without interruptions," Barry said, taking hold of her hand.
It was only then Iris noticed the familiar rolling breakfast tray covered with an assortment of her favorite foods and a single frangipani that could only be found in Bali. She spotted some familiar foods that definitely were not from Central City.
"Oh my god!" she squealed, drawing the attention of her babies before they turned back to their light wrestling. "Is that pan au chocolate from Gérard Mulot?" she asked in a perfect French accent.
It was her favorite bakery in Paris that she took Barry to on their third anniversary. She had fallen in love with the place that Barry made sure to get it for every special occasion or really, whenever Iris was in the mood for it.
Barry rolled the tray over her and let her dig in. "Yup and the one from Marais, too. Nothing but the best for my beautiful baby mama," he said pressing a kiss to her cheekbone.
She groaned in pleasure as the smooth, dark chocolate blended perfectly with the warm, flaky croissant in her mouth. "Holy sh-crap. If the kids weren't here, I'd pounce on you."
"Oh that can most definitely be arranged," he murmured, wrapping his arms around her. He took the piece of pastry she offered, licking the chocolate from her finger. "Tonight, after the portraits and dinner, it's just you and me. I have a whole day planned with us and the kids, it'll be enough to tucker them out for the night."
"Oh yeah?" she asked, sliding a grape in her mouth as she looked at from underneath her lashes. "And what exactly is going to happen once the twins are asleep?"
He peeked at said twins—they were happily occupied with a Flash plush toy, squealing "Dada!"—before leaning over to lick at her lips, taking any of the residual pastry with him. He kissed her, letting his tongue slide into her mouth to taste her.
"Oh I don't know, maybe we could watch Inception and light up that oyster candle thing," he said in a deep and husky voice.
She knew he was using his bedroom voice and normally it would make her body tingle enough to tackle him, but his words made her giggle against his lips. She leaned into the kiss some more, tilting her head to take in his lips because yes, despite the humor his words evoked, she would always want him.
She pulled away slowly, watching as he took his time opening his eyes, the flutter of his lashes making her heart clench.
"You still really think it was that combo that knocked me up?"
He looked at her, his cheeks flushed with desire, but he looked sheepish. "Hey, the guy said oysters were an aphrodisiac." The guy being a young waiter at the Japanese restaurant where Barry had gone to pick up their takeout.
"Please babe, as if we ever needed any aphrodisiac. Your libido is plenty." She pulled at her lower lip. "So is mine, come to think of it. Who knew nerds were my weakness. Or maybe it's just you."
"It better just be me," Barry growled, pretending to bite her. She pushed at his shoulder with a laugh.
"Besides, it's the act of      eating oyster     that's supposed to be the aphrodisiac, not sniffing an oyster-scented candle. Which I still can't believe you tracked down."
"Ok, we can skip the oyster candle," he amended.
"And how about I give you a nice massage instead."
"Yes, please."  
 "With Inception on or off?"
Iris snorted. "Definitely off. I don't need Hans Zimmer making our lovemaking feel dramatic and scary. But we are watching it first."
"You got it." He kissed again and then grabbed a familiar looking album. It melted her heart every time she saw it and remembered the first time Barry presented it to her.
Iris has been four months pregnant with the twins and hadn't even thought of Mother's Day other than to buy flowers for Nora and Francine's graves. Despite her mother being absent in her life, she was grateful that she had at least given her Wally and been a mother to him. She had brought the flowers home only to be greeted with a huge arrangement sitting on their dinner table next to a brand new photo album.
She looked at the arrangement curiously before turning to Barry who was bringing over a matcha mille crepe cake from her favorite place in New York City. She had been craving matcha anything as of late and Barry never hesitated to speed over to Prince Tea House over in East End to get them for her.
"Hey babe, I already got the flowers," she said, gesturing at the bouquets in her arm.
He beamed at her, his eyes soft. It was that look he always gave her, that was reserved just for her: as though she was a marvel he couldn't believe existed. As though she was the impossible and not him and his speedster abilities.
"They're for you. Happy Mother's Day, Iris."
 Maybe it was her hormones—most definitely—or maybe it was that look he was giving her, but Iris could feel her eyes welling up. Barry immediately set the mille crepe down and gathered her in his arms, the flowers crushing in between them.
"You're a mom, Iris. A beautiful, wonderful one at that. You have been since the moment Nora walked into our lives that day and you deserve to be celebrated."
 She sniffled and gave him a watery smile. "And you're a dad."
Barry shook his head. "It's not the same. I…I wasn't there for Nora like I should have been, the way you were," he said with regret and residual grief. "But I'm going to do better this time around. I will be anything you and our babies need."
Iris cupped his cheek, stroking the five o'clock shadow there. "I know you will."
She knew it in her heart that he would do anything and everything for them. She kissed him softly, savoring the moment with his scent mixing with the flowers around them.
She pulled away and looked at the album. "But what's that?"
He grabbed the album and presented it to her. On the front cover, he had placed a candid picture of her, smiling brightly with a frangipani tucked behind her ear and a bundle of them in her hands. Barry had made it a habit to collect a bundle of flowers that surrounded the resort where they stayed. It was a large and private area that made it feel like they were in their own little world.
"I want to commemorate every moment of this," he said. "Just like I want to honor every single moment of our lives together. You're the most incredible woman, Iris West-Allen, and I know you're going to be the most incredible mother. I want our children to be able to see their mother every step of the way. How she carried them with love and nurtured them with the utmost care and compassion. Even while they were wreaking havoc on her hormones."
He had looked like he was going to say more, but Iris couldn't wait any longer. She took the album from him and set them on the table with the flowers and kissed him with everything in her.
When she eventually pulled away, she pressed their foreheads together, their heavy breaths mingling together.
"I love you Barry Allen."
"I love you, Iris West-Allen."
And so began tradition. Barry had taken a portrait of Iris with their camera, her wedding ring sparkling brightly as she rested her hand on her belly, curving around it as though protecting their babies. And she was protecting them, just as Barry would protect her.
This Mother's Day, they would be adding a third picture to the album, with the twins slightly bigger than the last photo.
Barry hugged her to him, the album against his chest with her image on the outside. "Ready to add to this?"
Iris glanced over at her babies fooling around on their bed and then turned to her husband, her heart full. She felt like the luckiest woman in the world.
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yandere-ac · 4 years
I love your blog so much!! 💞💞💞💞 If you want to, maybe a yandere K.K. Slider 🥺👉👈
Yandere K.K. Slider X Reader
(There were two requests for this but I accidentally deleted one because I’m a dumb fuck)
C / O/C = Coffee of choice
K.K. Slider was not your average dog. You see, he was a world famous celebrity who was popular for his music. He was a dog who had it all yet...had nothing. He had money, fame, friends, fans, people throwing themselves at him! But he’d never really felt happy with any of it. Because of his fame, people put him up on a pedestal. And become of THAT he couldn’t interact with anyone like a normal person. He was always THE world famous K.K. Slider to these people, not ever just K.K.
But he had to accept it, if he didn’t he’d have gone depressed by now. At least he wasn’t famous for doing something proper, then people would call him stuff like “Mr. Slider” good lord, then he would DEFINITELY be depressed. But still, he did have some close friends who treated him like an equal instead of some star.
In a studio not far off, a cat with fluffy white fur was storming around, checking so that everything was in place. He was wearing a white checkered muffler, topping it off with a brown paperboy hat. “Mic? Check! Guitar? Check! Amplifiers? Check! K.K.?...god damnit- where the hell is he at?” The felines tail whisked in annoyance as he pinched the bridge of his tiny, pink nose. “Umm...we don’t know sir-“ “stay here I’ll get him. Make sure everything’s in check, CRACK ON EVERYONE! ...this dog is going to be the death of me” He mumbles the last part under his breath as everyone around him continued to unload all of the equipment, walking at a brisk pace he was wondering how he got into this situation. The cat looked all over, in his lounge, all over the studio, he made multiple calls to him only to get no response. He knew that there was only one place left where he hadn’t looked. The roof. “God damnit Tota...” and so he climbed up the studio latter up to the roof, and sure enough. There he sat. Totakeke Slider.
“The latter again? When are you actually gonna climb like a normal Cat?” The white dog said, staring off into the distance, not turning around to look at the cat behind him. “Really Totakeke? The roof? What is this, the third time? Ye can’t just bunk off work when there’s a rehearsal about to begin” K.K. felt himself chuckle as he turned around to look at his frustrated friend. “Wow, three times now and you’ve yet to look up here first” he smiled, making the cat tense up. “Uh!- don’t change the subject! You’re the one who’s not at his own bloody rehearsal!” He approached his friend only to be pulled down to the ground next to him. “Chill out daddio. It’s in two hours” K.K looked out over the sky, letting out a wonderful sigh. “Yeah? And ye are supposed to be practicing! What happens if ye forget the lyrics? If ye forget what to play?” “Seamus” “if ye mess up the song?” “Seamus!” What if-“ K.K. grabbed ahold of his friends face, mushing his cheeks in between his paws. “Dude, chill out. I’m not gonna forget the lyrics to the songs. I wrote them!” K.K. said, letting out a little laugh at his agents spastic behaviour. Seamus face got light pink as he realized that he was rambling. “Ah yes of course...I’m sorry” K.K.s muffled laugh was now more amplified, he patted Seamus on the back as he did so. “No worries, I just wished you didn’t stress so much. I’m tellin ya, everyday I swear I can see grey hair on that scalp of yours” “dONT YER EVEN JOKE ABOUT THAT TOTA!”
“Alright people lets wrap it up! Ye did good today!” K.K. was walking off stage when he heard the gentle pats against the floor, he knew who was approaching him. “What’s happening Shimo!” He turned around to greet the little penguin as she ran towards him. “O-Oh! Did you hear me? K.K.?” She asked, very much startled about the musicians ability to know she was coming. “The whole studio hear ye lass” Seamus was quick to reply as he helped the others with carrying all the equipments. “Ah! I see...eheheh” Shimo gave a sheepish smile as she scratched her neck. “Heh, well did ya need something butternut?” K.K. asked her. “Well...I was gonna ask...after the next show, would you maybe give two cans of yours private autographs?” She asked, twiddling her fins together. “Of course I can! I love giving fans autographs! Who are they?” He asked excitedly. He always loved giving back to his fans, back when he wasn’t as popular and more of a freelance artist he didn’t even make people pay for his music. But that was then. Now his agents where always pushing him to capitalise on his fame. So nowadays he always took any chance possible to give back to the ones who took him as to where he is now. “Well, they’re two kids, one of the is a boy. His name is joji, he’s a five year human and the other one is a girl, kim, also five and a human” “A human?! Hah! Haven’t seen me one o’ those for quite some time!” Seamus was, once again, quick to quip in. Was that true? He was gonna meet not one but two humans? He’d seen many humans before at his concerts and he’d met a few of them but it was always so interesting to see them. Because for every human there was at least 4 animals to accompany them. It was just much rarer to be a human than to be an animal. “Well I would love to, and I’m sure we can made time after the show right Seamus?” K.K. and Shimo turned to his agent whom only responded by looking at the pair with a displeased look. “Well...I guess if they’re willin ta stay for a while after the show than sure, I don’t see a problem” this made the penguins eyes light up. “Oh thank you guys! They’ll be so happy to hear this!”
“Ahh it’s nothin lass. But uh these kids, they’re gonna have a parent accompanying them right? We don’t want two little children runnin’ around our studio without supervision” Seamus said walking towards the two. Shimo gave him a smile. “Yes! They’ll be accompanied by a family member! Don’t worry they won’t cause any trouble, Joji is an angel” Shimo assures the cat infront of her. “Right, right. Well, again, then there won’t be any trou-“ before Seamus could could finish his sentence, Shimo tackled him into a hug. And soon after that K.K. let out a small chuckle as he took the annoyed cat into a side hug. “Oh thank you Seamus! Thank you thank you thank you!”
“Agh! Get off me! Quit laughin’ Tota before I smack yer face off!”
“K.K.! K.K.!”
“Thank you! Everyone! I love you all! You’re all amazing!” The sound of his adoring fans was almost ear deafening, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. He loved each and everyone of them just as much as way back when he had about 30 fans. He still remember the day when he blew out and gained a large following, he remembered how happy he felt knowing that people enjoyed his music. And still today he loved his fans. Even if they were a little...intense. As he went backstage a white arm clung around him by the shoulder and he was walked away from all the noice. “Alright so you go change, tidy up, drink some water, just freshen up. We’ll get the wee lad and lass in `ere shortly alright?”
“Okey, thanks Seamus” The star said, walking to his lounge. This had been a good show, or at least he felt so. After washing off and chilling for a while he went out of his lounge to find Shimo. He opened his door and-
Oh no. He hit someone in the face with the door. He ran out to help whoever he hit. “Oh my god are you oke-“ he stoppped himself before he could even start. Looking at the person before him, It was a human. They were rubbing one spot on their forehead bending over. “...uh...oh! Are you alright? I didn’t mean to hit you? Do you like...need ice?” The human groaned as they rose up again to meet his gaze. “No no, it’s- it’s alright I just- I got scared by the door suddenly just swinging open. It’s okey really” they looked at him and...my god. This human was very cute. Suddenly, a second smaller human popped out behind them. He was grabbing the fabric that surrounded the older ones legs with one arm while the other one was surrounded by a red cast. And then a thing small human ran out from behind the first ones legs and looked at him with big eyes...oh!
“You’re Kim and joji right?” He asked looking at the small girl and boy. At that they let out a little gasp and nodded. They boy seeming less shy. “Well, do you want an autograph little dudes?” He said as he crouched down to be on the same level as the kid. The boy, joji nodded as he ran up to him. K.K. snickered at the kids sudden enthusiasm as he took out a pen and paper. He looked first at the girl. “What do you want it to say?”
“To Kim, from your grooviest pop star ever! K.K. Slider! And then a buncha hearts and starts!” She said very enthusiastically. “Righto” he signed the paper and gave it to her. “Well little guy, what do you want it to say?”
“...to...to my biggest fan, Joji. Rock on, From K.K. Slider” joji said. This kid was just adorable. As he reached out for more paper the boy declined and pointed to his cats. Oh right! K.K. felt a little stupid for not realising that he wanted his cast signed, but he of course signed it. “Now what do we say kids?” The older one said. “Thank you K.K. Slider” the two of them said, as they said this they ran over to him and gave him a big hug. It took K.K. Of guard but he happily returned the hug. After a few seconds he got a bright idea. “Hey, wanna check out the stage?” The kids let out yet another gasp as he said this. “Yes! Please! Y/N can we please go see the stage?” They turned around to look at the older one, seemingly named Y/N. “Well, if it’s okey for K.K. Slider. Then sure. I do have to talk to Shimo about something”
And so the four went towards the stage. Joji was riding on K.K. Sliders back and Kim was happily skipping besides them, holding K.Ks hand. Y/N was trailing behind them. As K.K. opened the door to a bunch of animals running around, none of them really paying any mind to the dog. “Alright where do you wanna go to first? The production team? The stage?” Before they could answer Y/N walked up to one of the agents and tried to get their attention. “Exude me ms. Do you know where Shimo is? I have to ask her something” when the agent shook her head Y/N simply let out a sigh. “I think I know where she is. Hey frans could you show the kids around? I’ll help Y/N out” K.K. said as he helped Joji off his back. The two children followed after the agent as K.K. motioned for Y/N to follow him. “Shall we?”
As the two of them walked, they stroke up a conversation. “So are you a fan? Or just here for your kids?” “Oh well, i wouldn’t say I’m a fan. I do listen to some of your music now and again but this is the first time I’ve been to one of your concerts. Also, Kim and Joji aren’t my kids, they’re my sisters kids. I’m just their sitter for the evening” “Ah yes of course. Well did you enjoy the concert?” He asked as he walked closer to them. “I did. You’re a very talented musician K.K. Slider” “you can just call me Totakeke, it’s alright” K.K. Said with a grin. “okey, totakeke” they relied smiling back at him. They were so beautiful/handsome/stylish. Their lushes hair, their shining eyes, their soft skin. Everything about them, it drove him nuts. He’s never felt this about anyone even if he’s been in countless relationships. This wasn’t your average crush or even love. He wanted to have them. He wanted to cherish them. He wanted to-
“Oh! Shimo! There you are! I wanted to ask you if” the rest of the conversation became blurred for K.K.. He couldn’t focus on anything but them. What was this feeling! It was like a drug! And like every addict, he wanted more. He waited until the conversation was over to approach Y/N once more. “Hey Y/N...I just wanted to ask you if...umm...if you’d like to...maybe like...go out sometime?” God damn it. Why was he acting so awkwardly, he’s usually such a smooth talker but- “like a date? Sure I’d be happy to” at that moment K.K. Could feel his heart explode! “O-Oh! Yeah! Groovy! Well do you wanna meet up at the park at 3?” The two of them made plans to meet and the whole time, K.K. could feel his tail wag more and more violently. He couldn’t wait until 3 tomorrow.
Where were you!? Where you not coming!? Oh god he scared you off didn’t he? He really didn’t want to do something drastic but if you’re not gonna show up he might have to go against his rules. But just as he was considering doing something crazy he heard the sound of footsteps coming close. “Hi! I’m so sorry I’m late! Traffic was holding me up” It was you! You had arrived after all! “Oh! No worries daddio. Traffic can be a little extreme around these parts. But don’t worry, where we’re going is not very crowded and it won’t be overflowing with people” k.k. Said, flashing a toothy grin. “Oh where are we going?” y/N asked tilting their head slightly. “Oh you’ll see, c'mon!” With that K.K. Grabbed ahold of Y/N’s hand as they started running somewhere. All while Y/N had no clue of where they were going. After awhile, the pare arrived at a cozy little establishment called “brewsters coffie”. As the two walked in, K.K. grabbed Y/Ns hand. As they opened the door, the bell on top of it made a little sound. “Yo brews!” K.K. Greeted the bird behind the counter. “Hello K.K. who’s the lady friend?” The bird, Brewster, asked. “This is Y/N, they’re my date” K.K. responded. “Well you know our couples discount right? Also, it’s karaoke night so feel free to put on any old song” Brewster said going back to cleaning a cup.
“Alright so what do you want? I’m gonna take a (C/ O/C)” Y/N said as they sat down in a booth. “I think I’m just gonna have a latte” K.K. replied. And so, the two ordered and waited. As the date progressed both of them engaged more and more in their conversation, telling each other about them self’s and asking about each other. “So yeah, I started singing way back when I was just a lil pupper. It’s been my passion ever since” K.K. Said resting his chin in his one paw. As he looked at Y/N, the only thing he could think of was how amazing they were. Not only were their looks stunning but they were so interesting. Anytime they told him about something of themself he could feel his heart skip a beat. He wanted this human all for himself. If only there was a way for him to keep them. “Yeah, it must be cool to be a super star, practically everyone knows you. It’s silly really but...well I’ve always wanted to be a singer. I’ve written some songs but none have really ever gained any attention. I figured that I didn’t have time to try and get recognition right now. I got a job and such” Y/N said sheepishly, as if their dream was dumb. “Wait, stop the press. Say what? Can you sing or do you play instruments?” K.K. asked, even more excited now. If Y/N sang, they were a package deal. “Well, I do know how to play a few instruments but I mainly sing.” OH. MY. GOD. “Well come on! Show me what you got! Let’s do some karaoke!” Without giving his date a chance to respond he quickly grabbed ahold of their hand and booked it to the karaoke machine. “What do you wanna play? Good ol Brewster has a lotta songs and artists” Y/N thought for a moment before they lit up. “Oh! Does it have the ink spots? It’s a little old but I like the vibe of their songs” Y/N said as they typed in the song of their choosing. And luckily enough, it came up. ”Nice! Do you wanna do it on duet mode?” They asked him. In which he happily agreed. They started up the song and let the first line of text appear with the song.
“I don’t wanna set the world on fire...I just want to start a flame in your heart...” K.K. started, soon the timer ticked down for Y/N to sing their part. “In my heart I have but one desire, and that one is you. No other will do” as Y/N sung their first part. K.K. Could feel himself almost explode. Their voice, it was smooth as butter, yet soft and clean. He loved it, it was amazing! He wanted to only hear that voice! The two of them sang through the whole song. And then another one. And then another one. They say there for 40 minutes, just singing. Getting lost in each other’s eyes. After some songs they sat back down at their booth, having a breather as they were both exhausted. “Wow, Y/N your voice...it’s...it’s angelic! You should absolutely do this for a living!” K.K. said eccentric. “Oh stop it you” Y/N said bashfully as a light pink blush appeared on their face. “No I’m serious! You’re voice is so good! I wish you would get more attention....wait! I got it!” K.K. Exclaimed as he grabbed a hold of Y/Ns shoulders. “I’m about to go on a tour soon, why don’t you follow with! That way you can gain attention to your singing and we could maybe continue this relationship!” K.K. said happily. “Oh...I don’t know Tota...isn’t it a bit soon?” They asked in return. “Maybe but what’s life if you don’t take any chances, imagine it! You could become rich and famous! If you ever feel like backing out you can totally do so as well!” He wanted them to join him so desperately. If they didn’t say yes, he might have to trap them in his tour buss...
“Okey! Let’s do it! I’d love to tour with you Totakeke!” They’re eyes lit up when they answered.
Yes! Finally! He had a way of keeping them with him for a couple of months. And by then they were absolutely gonna fall for him! It was a perfect plan! His fans would love the two of them and if they ever tried to break up, his fans would peer pressure them into getting back together with them! It was the perfect plan! Oh Y/N! The tour was in a couple of weeks but he couldn’t wait until then! The idea of you being trapped with him. With nowhere to run to, it made his tail wag.
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shidoukanae · 4 years
YGO! Questionnaire
Tagged by @cipher-wise​
Favorite series:
My favorite series based on what I watched and enjoyed would have to be Arc-V!!! It's honestly the series that got me to adore YGO when previously I'd seen YGO as, and I chilidishly quote, "uncool". Everything about Arc-V is pretty much wonderful: Yuya's presence as a "everyone MUST be happy" kind of character in a plot that discusses themes of war, revenge, and despair is absolutely refreshing (especially when Yuya's ideals of happiness are stripped from him and made a mockery of by, *coughs* one of my favorite characters in the franchise *coughs*). 
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I love how the four Yuu boys are a wonderful combination of "protagonists" (/anatagonists) and how they each play off of each other's weaknesses and strengths, often acting as mirrors to each other in their individual dimensions while having amazing interactions (Yugo and Yuri, anyone? Yuri and Yuya?).
I admire how the endgame plot is a perversion of Yuya's ideals: he gets what he wants, showering happiness upon all, but that "happiness" is corrupted into the notion of entertainment. While Yuya seeks to provide people with smiles and laughter, to give them hope to work together through tough times and to stay strong in the face of adversity, his "counterparts" in the endgame are really good at acting as Yuya's mirror: showing that his style of performing can also be used to appease the bloodthirst of one's own self and that happiness can be corrupted into self-deserving power.
...Hard to put that into exact words without spoiling a lot of things but, gosh, let's just say that Yuri and ____ are the perfect mirrors to Yuya in terms of what his entertainment dueling style is meant to be.
The plot over all is pretty good! I won't lie and say it stands strong all the way throughout the story but the first half is amazing and there are some pretty strong episodes in the second half (Yugo and Rin, the parasite episodes in general, Yuri Yuri YURI). I can definitely say that the humor is there, the characters are amazing (if nothing else, watch for the Yuu Boys, the Bracelet Gals, and Shun versus Sora!!) and having come into the show around episode 104, I was pleasantly surprised by the trip Arc-V brought me and how it played with its protagonist, giving him hope, kicking him down, and toying with his mind - just like the way a warzone might to any idealistic individual.
In terms of other series, I like VRAINS but only up to like episode 19 (or the end of the Data Bank arc). It had potential and I kept hoping it would get better but the plot was constantly floundering, there are plot holes abundant (sewer monsters, ugh), character development is inconsistent not to mention very shallow, VRAINS has some of the best side characters but they're kicked to the curb by a bland protagonist and a villain that could've been so much cooler but they made him a sympathetic mess.
...I have a lot of gripes with VRAINS but, if it were to ever be rewritten with clear goalposts and plot twists in mind (not to mention development on ideas like Charisma Duelists because at the end of the show I still have not a fucking clue what a Charisma Duelists is or was) I would say it has potential to become my favorite series but Arc-V clearly beats it for me in every category lmao.
Zexal’s also really good too!!! I don’t get all the hate behind it because it’s actually really interesting and engaging (also IV’s definition of fanservice is literally the only type of fanservice I will ever accept) and I think I’ve even cried a couple of times during the course of the plot which is like,,, shocking considering it’s not a show I thought I’d cry over (I cried in Arc-V too but goddamn does tiny Yuya just want to make you tear up lmao). This show is really good emotionally and it’s literally so stupid how Kaito carries a lot of the early and middle game of the show yet most of the meat of the plot doesn’t begin to unravel until the second season.
Also, if you ever want to watch a show of 100+ episodes that is so masterfully written that there is foreshadowing for stuff in like episode 130+ on EPISODE ONE, please watch this. Literally there are so many hints of what is going to happen in the future in the early episodes and you won’t really be able to tell what those hints are until you’ve finished the show but goddamn when you go back and rewatch things it does indeed feel amazing how much foreshadowing they threaded into the show without you ever knowing...(please don’t search for spoilers if you intend to watch this. I went into the show knowing some spoilers tho not all and, while I was still pleased by what I watched, I honestly can agree the show is A Lot Better without knowing ANYTHING)
Favorite Protagonist: Yuya. For sure, out of all the series, Yuya. 
He’s a refreshing protagonist, especially considering he shines in a world of war and despair. He’s also someone who you empathize with right at the start and want to hope in, especially since he is the “happiness” in a word of “madness” and “sorrow”. He’s not someone out to save the world (not really, anyways), but his actions touch on the lives of others anyways, giving people in a hope in a world that is otherwise cruel and heartless. Also, it really helps that he’s able to pull you into his world of “egaos”, making you believe in him and root for him despite how cheesy his ideals may or may not sound.
Also love how, despite being the centerpiece of “happiness”, Yuya isn’t allowed to always be happy :> Not spoiling plot related things but if you like protagonists going off the rails insane at times, Yuya’s definitely a fun protagonist for that!!!
Favorite Rival:
Kaito Tenjou!!! Literally the best rival in the series that I’ve seen. Everything about him is literally perfect ngl. From the way he’s chillingly introduced, with the spine-tingling whistles and cruel, almost merciless nature, to the way he slowly becomes sympathetic while also remaining a terrifying presence whenever he appears...I love him????
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Favorite BFF:
Does Shoichi count? Because like...he’s Yusaku’s closest friend and ally in the series and I generally don’t pay attention to the other BFF’s in the other series (or at least, the ones I can recall bc I know in Zexal that Yuma has a whole group of friends lmao).
But I like Shoichi!! He cares about Yusaku a lot, is pretty damn cool as a sidekick hacker, his sideplot with his brother was actually honestly endearing and I loved the mystery about him. His early-game jokes w/ Ai to tease Yusaku were also a good laugh.
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Favorite GFF: 
Not a girl friend forever for the main protagonist (although she like...lowkey confessed to him...though that plot really never went anywhere so I still don’t know what the fuck THAT was about) but,,, Ema Bessho,,
If y’all knew me back in my peak YGO days when VRAINS was airing,,, this gal was and STILL is my favorite girl of the YGO series. Even though she was pretty much done dirty imo I still love her (even despite considering she’s been made a damsel-in-distress at least three times, she’s only ever won one duel on-screen despite being supposedly good at dueling, ngl they could’ve done so much more with her but tbh she’s mostly just an asset to solve problems at whim and barely gets character development/does nothing but watch and spectate stuff late-game).
Even though she’s like...the unfortunate side character who’s probably meant to be more fanservice than interesting, in the first 19 episodes (and even the Revolver vs. her fight as well as the one time she meets Aoi IRL early-game) made her out to be a lot cooler and complex than she ended up being. I mean,,, a hacker gal who’s self-serving, cynical, and cold-hearted taking on the tasks of her (potentially ex) boyfriend while being really nice to his sister to the point she baffles even herself,,, we could’ve had a really unique and cool character to play around with here but instead we got...cool-ass character with potential to be something more reduced to a spectator with nothing better to do than idolize the main protagonist and have a plot with her brother that honestly detracted from her character more than it added to it imo.
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Also Ema could’ve been a female Yuri but,,, nope,,, they decided she was better as a background piece instead TwT
Favorite Villain: Yuri.
Literally Yuri.
I could choose the leather jacket w/ fluff boi in a certain series because hot damn was that guy convincing AF that he wasn’t an evil psychopath (and even while knowing that he was, I still got fooled into thinking he was a good guy somehow omg) however,,, I’ve always held a love for Yuri and the way he’s been portrayed.
Despite ALWAYS being the bad guy, the show has always made this purple fucker into the most entertaining character on-screen. He even beats Yuya sometimes in terms of how entertaining he is - that’s literally how good he is,,
Also his facial expressions are amazing, he’s a VERY VALID threat to the main cast (and his creeper levels are not only off the charts but literally called out by the main female protagonist herself lmao), and he acts as the perfect foil to Yuya, battling not to entertain others but to entertain himself.
Also, he likes killing people.
No this is not a joke.
He literally likes killing people. And is pretty sadistic about it, too.
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(^^^^ for those who don’t get the joke, “Fusion” is pronounced “Yuugo” which sounds similar to “Yugo” which is what,,, Yuri is making fun of,,, more context is needed of course but this is a Great Running Gag)
Favorite card:
I don’t know if it actually exists as an actual card but...that crystal dragon from the YGO movie with the glass pyramid. Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon...it’s really pretty...I love it...
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Favorite Episode:
I’m...too lazy to search for names of these episodes but I can give brief summaries of them,,, because I can’t choose,,,
Arc-V: Shun vs. Sora (ALL episodes). Hot damn if you have never watched YGO but want to try and see for yourself why people like it: WATCH THESE EPISODES. I can’t explain how amazing these episodes are and, while I admit jumping straight into them might have you missing out on some important context (such as who Shun is or why Sora’s battle tactics lead to revelation) it’s honestly an amazing fight regardless. The battle starts off plain enough - there’s obvious tension, it seems like a typical fight of a battle royale, etc. - my god does the battle ramp up in emotional tension and promptly kick you in the gut with not only how blindsided you’ve been, but it also showcases just how cruel these “entertainment duels” can really get.
Any episode with Yuri. Literally any episode he’s in. 
I think this is like...episode 8 of VRAINS...but whenever it is that Akira hires Ema to find the reason why Aoi just...straight up got knocked into a coma. Literally this is my favorite episode when it comes to Ema. The way she makes fun of Akira even while aware of his situation,,, her cruel selfishness and desire for money bubbling to the surface, the way she confesses how she can’t be trusted willingly and still asks Akira why he’s hiring her,,, god I love this episode in terms of what Ema could’ve always been.
Episode 13 (/14?) of Zexal!!! This is the episode Kaito appears and when the show REALLY picks up. Kaito is a fun bastard of a rival and tbh I don’t think I’ll ever stop getting chills of him walking in, debris frozen in time all around him, as he approaches his victim, whistling an eerie children’s tune as he gets ready to close in for the kill,,,,
Favorite Deck to Use:
I don’t...really play the game itself but...I have used a couple of decks and I guess you can say I really love Raid Raptors??? First of all, those warbirds make really fun sounds I love ‘em in the anime but they’re also just fun to use in general (even tho I used a,,, very basic deck for them,,, I love them still).
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Fusion, Ritual, Synchro, XYZ, Pendulum or Link:
XYZ bc it’s really the only summoning method I’m used to lol :P. Also XYZ loyalist I guess???? 
Years in fandom: roughly five to six years iirc? I mean, I was a fan of the early day YGO and watched it as a kid but not active enough to be in the fandom for it lmao. Also not in the fandom atm because Sevens lost my attention (it’s a good show!!! I’m just unfortunately more a fan of things with serious plots and darker themes and it’s hard for me to stomach slice-of-life shows that don’t focus on a mature and engaging plot). However, Arc-V and Zexal holds a special place in my heart (as does VRAINS, begrudgingly) and so I occasionally find myself wandering back to these shows like right now,,, 
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cocastyle · 5 years
The In-Between Chapter 6
Stranger Things x It Crossover
with some Bill Denbrough x reader
Word Count - 7,455
Warning - cursing (if people don’t like that kind of stuff)
A/N- so I kind of got carried away with this chapter and wrote over 7000 words lol, but I couldn’t really split this chapter up considering what’s about to come in the next chapter so I just left it as is (the next chapter is going to have so many interactions with the two groups you won’t be ready!) I really hope you all like this chapter because I worked hard on it and am actually really proud of the way it turned out! leave a comment with your thoughts on the chapter and with any predictions that you have for the future🤩
if you would like to be added to the tag list, let me know!
T H E I N - B E T W E E N
Intro The Losers’ Club The Party Prolouge 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Epilogue
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"Wh-Wh-What is she doing?" Bill whispered as he gently nudged Y/N's side.
The girl stared ahead at Eleven who was busy putting a radio on a station that only had static playing before she glanced at Bill. She sent him a small smile that had him blushing and smiling back. "You'll see," she whispered.
Y/N let out a small gasp as she remembered something and quickly disappeared up the stairs and into her house before returning a few seconds later with a cloth in her hand. She walked over and handed it to Eleven who gave her a small smile before beginning to fold it and wrap it around her eyes like a blindfold.
"A blindfold?" Richie asked. He then smirked before winking in Eleven's direction. "Kinky. Now all we need is some handcuffs and-"
"Beep beep Richie!" the Losers Club cried out while the Party all looked at Richie in disgust.
Y/N shook her head at the boy before looking to the Party with an apologetic smile, "Sorry about him. He hadn't quite matured yet if you can't tell."
"Hey!" Richie complained.
"Oh hush," Y/N told him making the boy pout. She chuckled and ruffled his hair much to his annoyance before she turned her attention back to Eleven who was finished setting up.
"Remember, you have to be quiet," Y/N reminded the Losers, making a point to stare at Richie longer than the others. They all nodded before looking to Eleven who was now sitting on the ground, the radio static playing behind her.
The room was so quiet that one could have heard a pin drop. The prospect of Eleven doing something that could help them with their mission to find Mine being enough to make even Richie keep his mouth shut.
It took a minute, but Eleven suddenly let out a small gasp before whispering, "Mike."
Y/N noticed Wheeler frown a little at that seeing as she was talking about a different Mike instead of him. It was unusual that was for sure and Y/N had thought it was weird knowing two Mikes as well when she first moved to Derry. But since she had called him Wheeler since they were kids, calling Mike Hanlon by his first name hadn't been too weird for her.
"I. . .I see him," Eleven whispered out making the Losers all furrow their eyebrows and look to Y/N confused. She just gave them a look and gestured towards Eleven in response and they all looked back to the girl who had some blood starting to peak out from her nose.
"He. . .He's hiding by some water," Eleven said.
"The quarry," Y/N muttered as she looked to the others. Their eyes widened slightly and they watched as Y/N walked over and bent down in front of her friend.
Y/N reached out and gently took ahold of Eleven's hand, the girl instantly latching onto hers in return. "Tell Mike that we're coming for him," Y/N whispered, tears springing in her eyes. "Tell him he's going to be okay."
"Your friends. . .they're coming for you. Hang in there, Mike. You're going to be okay," Eleven muttered, although Y/N knew she was talking to Mike Hanlon.
"Hurry," a voice suddenly came from the radio causing the Losers and Y/N to jump in surprise at the sound of their friend's voice. "Please hurry."
Eleven's face then scrunched up in pain and she let out a loud gasp before ripping the blindfold from her face. Her eyes frantically looked around before locking with Y/N's. "He's okay," she assured him. Y/N wiped away her tears and gave Eleven a small smile before hugging her friend in thanks.
"What the fuck was that?”
The two girls pulled away from each other to see the Losers looking more confused then ever. "What the fuck just happened?" Richie questioned, his eyes wide. "What did she do and how the hell does she know that Mike is okay?"
Y/N took in a deep breath before standing up and slowly approaching her friends. "Guys, so Eleven kind of has these powers. She was able to mentally connect with Mike and get a picture of where he was and give him a message," Y/N explained.
"I'm sorry. What?" Stan asked confused.
"Powers like superpowers?" Ben questioned.
"I guess," Y/N replied. "I know it's hard to understand but-"
"Hard to understand? It's crazy! You know what, I'm calling bullshit," Richie announced.
"But Mike's voice-" Y/N began.
"We don't even know if that was his voice because all I could hear was a bunch of fucking static! How am I supposed to believe you when the only thing that I saw happen was that girl get a fucking nosebleed and bleed all over your basement?" Richie asked.
Wheeler narrowed his eyes at the boy and went over to his girlfriend who he helped off the ground while Eleven wiped the blood from her nose. He was about to say something when he saw Y/N raise an eyebrow at the boy and cross her arms.
"You want proof? Evidence?" Y/N questioned, not a look of hesitation on her face. Richie was silent before nodding his head. "Okay, asshole. Here's your fucking proof."
She then walked over to one of the closet doors of the basement before opening it and walking back over to the group. Richie was about to question her when the door slammed shut making him and the other Losers all jump in surprise.
The door then began to open and slam shut repeatedly and Richie was hesitant before he turned to look at Eleven who had one hand up in the air. The door slammed shut for a final time and Eleven lowered her hand before wiping the small bit of blood below her nose away.
"Holy shit! She's an X-Men!" Eddie exclaimed in disbelief making Dustin chuckle since he had thought the same thing when he first met Eleven.
Y/N smirked and looked to Richie while the other Losers and the Party watched the girl in amusement. "That enough proof for you?" she asked.
Richie made a face in response and Y/N chuckled before looking between the groups and clapping her hands together. "Now. . .we may know that Mike is okay right now, but that doesn't mean he will be forever. We need to start making plans and preparing because first thing after school tomorrow, we are going to the Well House to save Mike and kill those other motherfuckers before it's too late. Everyone okay with that?" Y/N announced.
The Parry and the Losers' Club all nodded in agreement and Y/N smirked.
"Great. Let's get to work."
- - -
Bill bit his lip in concentration as he used a ruler to draw lines through the map of Derry. His job, and the job of all the Losers, was to split a map of Derry up into four different sectors. When they left to go find Mike tomorrow, half of the whole group would be staying behind while the other half broke off into pairs and searched the specific sections of the Upside Down's version of Derry.
Since the Upside Down was pretty much a replica of the real world, Y/N had thought it would be a good idea to use a map of Derry to break up the sections. Because the Losers knew Derry the best, they had offered to split the map up while the Party got weapons ready seeing as they knew what would work best against a demogorgon if it were to attack.
Y/N had started out with the Losers at first, but it hadn't taken long for her to migrate over to the Party whom she had been spending the last hour with. The Losers hadn't thought much of it at first, but they couldn't help but notice the way she seemed to totally forget about them as she laughed and joked around with the Party, a smile on her face that looked nothing like the usual smile they got to see.
Bill had to force himself not to look up, reminding himself that Y/N was just excited to see her friends again. That's why Bill had put all his effort into the maps he was making, Beverly being the only other person to help him while Stan, Ben, Eddie, and Richie all watched Y/N and the Party with frowns on their faces and jealously coursing through their blood.
Glares were on the four boys faces and they only narrowed their eyes more at the sight of Y/N with her arms linked with Will as she talked to Steve and Lucas. "She forgot about us," Stan whispered softly, sadness laced in his voice despite his angered appearance.
"I can't believe it," Ben muttered, feeling awful at the idea that the Party made Y/N happier than they did. Him and the others could tell by the look of pure joy on her face just how much happier she was around the Party and that only fueled their jealousy more.
"Well believe it, Benny. We're yesterday's news," Richie frowned, glaring slightly as a bitter taste filled his mouth.
"Look how happy they make her. I don't think I've ever made her laugh that hard," Eddie muttered sadly as he too came to the realization that Y/N was happier around the Party than she was around them.
"It's cause you're not funny, Eds," Richie shot back. "No wonder Y/N left us. We're a bunch of losers literally."
"Sh-Sh-Shut up," Bill called out, tired of their behavior and tones.
Richie whirled around so fast that he whacked Eddie who let out a cry of protest. "Are you fucking kidding me?" he said as he looked at Bill in disbelief. When Bill didn't look up, Richie stomped over to his friend. "Are you fucking kidding me?"
"Are you really so blind that you don't see your girl over there with her arms fucking linked with another boy? He's stealing her right in front of your eyes, dumbass. How are you not the slightest bit mad or jealous?" Richie asked. "Cause me being Y/N's friend and seeing her talking to them and not us is making me mad and I'm not the one that had a crush on her."
Bill frowned at that and looked up, but he froze at the sight of Y/N  laughing at something Dustin had told her as she leaned into Will and wiped at her tears. Her arm was linked with Will's like Richie had said and she was resting her head on his shoulder as she looked up at Dustin with a huge grin on her face.
Bill's heart broke at the sight.
Bill cleared his throat and quickly looked away, blinking fast to keep the tears from coming. "Sh-Sh-She's not my g-g-girl. She can d-d-do whatever the h-h-hell she w-w-wants," he muttered.
Richie felt a wave of guilt wash over him once he realized how upset he had just made his friend, but Y/N's laughter had him turning back to look at her, a new wave of anger washing over him at the fact that she was now hurting Bill without even knowing it.
"How can someone be that funny? I mean, there's no way!" Richie exclaimed.
"Aren't they supposed to be gathering weapons anyways? Not joking around?" Stan asked.
"They did gather weapons," Ben pointed out as he gestured towards the few crowbars, bats, and other weapons they had gathered. "They even got flashlights and rope."
"Still, how are they so funny? Especially that Wheeler kid. She must be laughing at how funny looking he is," Richie concluded making the others raise their eyebrows at him.
Beverly rolled her eyes at Richie before glancing at Bill who was busy glaring at Will and Dustin. Beverly scoffed and stood up causing the Losers to all snap their attention over to her.
"Are you all being serious right now?" Beverly asked while the boys all gave her confused looks, not understanding what she was getting at. "You know that Y/N cares about each of you more than life itself, but you also need to understand that she can care about other people just as much. They were her first friends, guys. That group went through so much shit together just like we have and they haven't seen each other in two whole years!"
The boys didn't respond and Beverly just gave them an angry look as she narrowed her eyes. "I swear to God if Y/N hears one word from your jealous asses I will kill you. Now stop being self conscious pussies and be happy for your friend," she spat before she stormed away from the group and over to the Party.
They watched as Y/N's eyes lit up at the sight of Beverly before she grabbed the girl's arm and pulled her over to Max and Eleven, the four girls instantly falling into conversation. The boys all felt a wave of guilt wash over them, but none of them felt like going over and trying to talk to Y/N or the rest of the members of the Party.
It took only a minute before Richie, Eddie, Stan and Ben returned to their complaining as they watched their friend, but Bill took the longest to return back to what he had been doing before. His eyes were still on Y/N and his heart ached as he watched her.
He knew there was some truth to Beverly's words, but it was hard to believe everything she said after he had seen how happy Y/N was. How come he couldn't make her laugh like that? Or smile like that?
He would do anything to be in the receiving end of that smile. Hell, he would probably swoon at the sight.
Did she not like him the way he thought she had? For a moment he had thought she maybe returned his feelings, but now he wasn't so sure. If she had then he would be able to make her that happy, right?
Bill let out a small sigh and took in a deep breath before going back to the maps, trying everything in his power not to let his feelings get to him so much. But even he couldn't stop the one traitor tear from falling down his face as he realized he would never be able to make Y/N as happy as he had hoped.
If only he knew how he looked in Y/N's eyes. Then maybe he wouldn't have doubted himself and maybe he wouldn't have ended up hurting her later that night.
- - -
"Y/N!" Eleven cried out as she jumped onto the girl from behind, a laugh escaping her lips as she wrapped her arms around her giggling friend who had been busy sorting through the weapons with Steve and Wheeler.
"El!" Y/N mockingly yelled back as she looked over her shoulder at her friend.
Eleven chuckled and got off of her before glancing over at Steve and Wheeler. "I'm going to steal her for a few minutes," she said. She didn't bother waiting for a response from the boys before she was dragging Y/N away and over to where Beverly and Max were sitting.
"No, yeah I love your hair! I always wanted to try and cut mine short, but I'm afraid it will turn out bad," Max said as she looked at Beverly's haircut. "Who cut your hair because it looks so good!"
"I did actually," Beverly told her.
"No way!" Max gasped. "It looks so good, Beverly!"
"Thanks," Beverly said before she happened to notice Eleven and Y/N walking up to them. "Oh, hey Y/N!"
"Hey," Y/N greeted as Max also turned to look at her friends. Max's eyes lit up at the sight of the girl and she was quick to stand up before her and Eleven practically shoved Y/N into the place Max had just been sitting.
"Woah, okay," Y/N muttered as she adjusted herself so that she was more comfortable. When she looked back up, Eleven and Max were looking at her expectantly while Beverly gave her an apologetic smile.
"What?" Y/N asked, her eyes narrowing in curiosity as she wondered what her friends were up to.
"So we've been talking to Beverly," Max began. "She was telling us some funny stories about you when we heard some interesting stuff and-"
"Tell us about you and Bill!" Eleven interrupted, her eyes shining with excitement as she clasped her hands together and tucked them under her chin.
Y/N's eyes widened. "Me and Bill? Wh-What about me and Bill?" she asked. "We're just friends."
Max and Eleven both gave each other a look before raising their eyebrows at their friend. "Come on. We can tell by the way you look at him that you like him. Just admit it," Max prompted.
"What?" Y/N asked, her voice high and her face a dark shade of red. "Me like Bill?"
"Friends don't lie. You like him, Y/N. Admit it," Eleven insisted.
Y/N blushed even more before burying her face into her hands. "Okay, I like him," she whispered, not looking up to watch as her friends let out squeals and began to whack each other.
"We knew it!" Max exclaimed. "Beverly already told us, but like, we knew it!"
Y/N lifted her head to glance over at Beverly who smiled sheepishly. "They did already know it," Beverly said.
"So it's that obvious?" Y/N asked with wide eyes filled with horror at the thought of Bill knowing that she liked him.
"To everyone but you two," Eleven said.
"Yeah, Bill's kind of oblivious," Beverly agreed. "I don't think he knows."
Y/N let out a small sigh of relief causing Max to raise an eyebrow. "Would it be so bad if he did?" the red head asked.
"I mean, I guess not," Y/N whispered as she looked down. She would love to be able to tell Bill how she felt, to let him know just how much he meant to her even if he didn't feel the same way.
"But," Beverly said, already knowing that wasn't all the girl had to say.
"What if it ruins our friendship? What if he doesn't feel the same way?" Y/N asked.
The three girls' mouths dropped open at the same time before they all laughed. "First of all, he does feel the same way. It's obvious just by the way he looks at you like you're an angel walking on this earth," Max said.
"Secondly, it won't ruin your friendship," Eleven told her.
"What they said. I'm pretty sure that even if you and Bill went south that you two would still be friends. You two have been close ever since you moved here, Y/N. He wouldn't be the type of person to push you away like that. Besides, I wouldn't let him and I'm sure El and Max wouldn't either," Beverly said.
"Yeah, we'd beat his ass," Max agreed while Eleven nodded her head in agreement.
Y/N chuckled and smiled softly at her friends. "Thanks. I love you all so much," she said causing Eleven, Max, and Beverly to smile before they pulled the girl in for a group hug.
When they pulled away, they thankfully let the topic of Bill drop. Max and Eleven began talking to Beverly about her hair again and about her relationship with Ben while Y/N slowly zoned out.
She let her eyes flicker over to Bill who was across the room still working on the maps and trying to fold them. As if sensing her gaze, his eyes flickered up and locked with hers. Y/N sent a small smile in his direction, but to her surprise he didn't even smile before he just looked down at the maps again.
Y/N blinked in surprise before quickly looking away with a sad look on her face, not noticing the way that Bill looked back up at her sadly after.
- - -
It was around eleven o'clock that night before Y/N heard Ben call out, "We'll see you in the morning, Y/N!"
The girl quieted down her laughter and looked away from Lucas and Wheeler and over to where Beverly and Ben were standing by the stairs. Y/N was quick to get up and she smiled as she made her way across the room to hug both Ben and Beverly.
At the sight of her smile and the fact that she had left her other friends just to hug him goodbye, Ben suddenly felt a wave of guilt wash over him as he realized how wrong he had been earlier for judging the girl and for complaining about her hanging out with her other friends.
"Night, guys. I'll see you in the morning," Y/N said before pulling away to look for the others. Her smile slowly disappeared once she realized that Richie, Eddie, Stan, and Bill were all gone.
"Where. . .where did the others go?" Y/N questioned as she looked to Ben and Beverly confused.
Ben looked down at his shoes before saying, "They all left a little bit ago. Bill went first and then Richie, Eddie, and Stan followed not too long after."
"Why?" Y/N asked, trying not to sound upset. "They didn't even start goodbye."
Ben didn't respond and Y/N frowned before saying, "Uh. . .I guess I'll see you guys in the morning, yeah?"
Beverly and Ben nodded with small smiles before turning to go up the stairs. "Bye, Y/N," the two called out before disappearing into the night.
Y/N kind of stood there for a moment after the door closed behind them, her thoughts racing as she tried to think of a reason for her friends' sudden departure. Had she done something wrong? Were they okay?
Hands on her shoulders made her jump slightly, but she instantly relaxed when she looked over her shoulder to see Steve standing right behind her. He titled his head slightly and gave her one of his warm smiles before asking with a hint of worry on his voice, "You okay, squirt?"
Y/N turned completely to face him before smiling softly and hugging the boy. She dug her face into his side and he wrapped his arms around her with no questions asked. Y/N was silent as she breathed in his scent, a small feeling of familiarity and her childhood washing over her.
"I'm doing good," she whispered, her heart warm due to the fact that her two friend groups had finally met and she had them both by her side. "I'll be better when Mike's home though. He's so sweet and kind. We like to go out to his farm sometimes and I'll help him with the animals. You're going to love him."
"As long as he's not like Trashmouth, I'm sure I will," Steve laughed making Y/N chuckle softly as she pulled away to look at the boy.
"Oh, Richie's not that bad. He can take things far and curse most of the time, but he's got a kind heart and he is probably one of the best people you'll meet once you really get to know him," Y/N said, a smile on her face as she talked about her friend.
"They all are in fact. I mean, you've got Stan who is easy to relate with. When he knows I'm having a bad day, he always takes me bird watching and doesn't pester me with what's wrong, only stays by my side so I'm not alone. Then there's Ben who is the sweetest little human being you'll ever meet. He's the boy that will go to the library all the time with me just to research random things."
"We've got Eddie who is practically the mother of the group sometimes. He cares about my health more than I do and is always making sure that I'm okay. There's a little hammock in one of the group's hang out spots and he'll always sit with me and we'll read comics together. Then you've got Beverly who's a total badass. I tell her practically everything and I swear she knows more about me than I do. Every Saturday morning, we take a break from the boys and will go out to breakfast and catch up."
"Finally, you've got Bill. He's the one that I'm closest to out of all of them. He was my first real friend and helped me a lot on my first day of school," Y/N said. She looked down and smiled fondly as she whispered, "I'll never be able to pay him back for what he's done for me." She was quiet for a second before looking up at Steve and saying, "He means a lot to me. They all do really."
Steve smiled softly at the girl as she rambled in about her friends, a warm feeling of relief washing over him as he realized that Y/N has been fine and loved over the past two years.
"You really care about those friends of yours, huh?" Steve asked, a knowing look on his face.
Y/N smiled fondly and nodded her head as she softly said, "They're my best friends. I would do anything for them just like I would for you guys."
Steve's smile grew slightly at that, thankful that Y/N had some pretty great friends by her side. Y/N smiled back before turning to check and make sure that the weapons and maps were ready. Once she knew that they were, she clapped her hands together once before saying to the Party, "Okay, now that we have a plan to head out after school tomorrow and everything is all set up. . .who wants to watch a movie?"
The Party all perked up at that. "Yes! Star Wars please!" Will exclaimed.
"What? No, let's watch Back to the Future," Dustin complained.
"I vote Star Wars," Max agreed.
"Me too," Lucas said.
"No, guys. Back to the Future all the way," Wheeler argued while Eleven nodded her head in agreement.
"Back to the Future's the one where the mom is trying to hook up with her son, right?" Steve asked.
"I mean that's not the point of the movie, but yes," Y/N said with a small laugh.
"Okay, I vote that one," Steve said.
"Sorry, Will. I've got to go with Back to the Future which means that Back to the Future wins," Y/N said making the boy pout. Y/N just gave him a small smile which he returned before she gestured towards the stairs that led up to her house. "I'll be back."
In just a matter of minutes, Y/N had sprinted upstairs and found the movie. She had received a call from her parents a few hours before about how they had a last minute business conference an hour away that they had to go to and would be gone for the next couple of days, so it was no surprise that no one was around when she was running around trying to find the movie.
Upon finding the movie, Y/N began to make her way towards the basement when she paused next to the phone. She stared at it in silence for a moment before setting the movie down, picking up the phone, and dialing the number that she knew by heart due to the many late night conversations she had with the person on the other end of the line.
"Bill?" Y/N said. "It's Y/N."
"Oh. H-H-Hi, Y/N," Bill muttered.
Y/N frowned slightly, but shrugged it off. "I just wanted to call and see if you were okay. You left early, so I wasn't sure if something was wrong," she said.
"I'm f-f-fine," Bill replied, leaving his reply at that and his tone coming out colder and sharper than usual.
Y/N blinked in surprise before nervously chuckling, "Oh, okay. That's good. Why. . .why did you leave without saying goodbye?"
"I w-w-was just tired which I s-s-still am. I'll s-s-see you in the m-m-morning, okay?" Bill told her.
"Oh, okay. Um. . .goodni-" but before Y/N could finish what she asked saying, the boy had hung up. Y/N stood there in silence, her grip on the phone loosening slightly as tears began to fill her eyes. Swallowing thickly, the girl blinked rapidly to stop her tears before taking in a deep breath.
Bill is just tired, she reminded herself. He's not trying to be mean.
Once she had calmed herself down, Y/N put a smile on her face and bounded down the stairs of her basement to have a movie night with her friends. They had all passed out within an hour, Y/N with her head against Steve's side, her feet in Dustin's lap and Will's head on her stomach. Just below them on the floor were Wheeler and Eleven cuddled up together and Max and Lucas doing the same thing.
Y/N found herself looking around the group for a quick second as she drifted in and out of consciousness. She couldn't help but smile as she remembered the nights like these that they used to have before she left Hawkins. Nancy and Jonathan had been with them too and Joyce and Hopper had been the ones to cover them all with blankets while they slept.
So with her friends surrounding her, Y/N fell asleep with memories of Hawkins and her old life filling her head.
- - -
Y/N didn't know what to think when she woke up the next day to find that everyone in the Losers' Club except for Beverly weren't talking to her. Bill hadn't even been waiting for her that morning like he usually did before they rode to school together.
Everyone was either avoiding her like Bill was or being weird and looking uncomfortable around her like Eddie was. Y/N didn't know what she had done wrong, so she went through the day having no one but Beverly by her side.
Y/N almost felt bad for having chosen to wear Bill's jacket to school that day, a sinking feeling in her gut as she thought that maybe that was only making Bill more mad at her. Beverly wouldn't tell her why he or the others were and at her in the first place, so Y/N didn't even know how to fix anything.
This meant that when lunch rolled around, it was even quieter than usual. It was actually completely silent and not even Richie had some snarky thing to say. The group all just ate their food in silence with Y/N sparing sad glances in her friends' directions while Beverly glared at the boys, pissed at the way they were acting.
Y/N tried to strike up a conversation a few times, but it always received a one word answer in response before silence followed. After a while, Y/N gave up and most of the lunch period was spent with the boys staring at their meals while Y/N stared at them with a saddened and hurt expression.
It wasn't until everyone was getting ready to leave that Y/N let out a sigh and said, "Hey, I don't know what I did, but I just wanted to tell you guys thank you for being so nice to my friends last night."
This surprised the group and they all slowly looked up at her, finally allowing their eyes to lock on her face.
"Those guys mean about as much to me as you guys do and I've been wanting to introduce you all for so long. I really hoped you guys liked them. Anyway, I'm rambling, but I really appreciate it," she told them as she gave them all a small smile despite the tears that had begun to fill her eyes.
The group all stared at her in silence as the bell rang behind them, signaling that the lunch period was over. Y/N let out another sigh and stood up as she grabbed her things. "Uh. . .I'll see you guys later," she whispered before hurrying away from the table and out of the cafeteria, leaving the boys feeling guilty.
Beverly shook her head at the boys as she stood up. "You guys are ridiculous. Not only did you not give her friends a chance last night, but now you're punishing Y/N for talking to her other friends instead of you by ignoring her? I'm disappointed in all of you," she said.
Her eyes flickered over to Bill and they narrowed. "Especially you, Bill. We all know you care about her, so why the hell would you treat her the way that you have been? She told me about the phone call last night. She called to check and see if your dumbass was okay and you were rude and snippy with her before you had the audacity to hang up on her? What the fuck were you thinking?" she asked in disbelief.
"You all need to apologize to Y/N for the way you have been acting. She has talked so highly of you to the others and you all have done nothing but prove her wrong. There's no way we are going to be able to help Mike and defeat the Upside Down and It with you all sad and not thinking straight. So man up and go apologize before you lose her for real," Beverly spat before she angrily got up from the table and stormed out of the cafeteria, no doubt going to try and find Y/N.
"Did you see how upset Y/N looked when she left?" Eddie whispered, a sinking feeling in his stomach as he broke the moment of silence that had fallen over them after Beverly left.
"She looked like she was about to cry," Ben said just above a whisper.
"We did that," Stan muttered, his head bowed as he stared at his hands sadly.
"Fuck," Richie muttered as a feeling of intense guilt hit both him and the other Losers. "We messed up big time, boys."
Bill was silent as he stared at the doors Y/N had walked through only moments before. He hadn't been blind and had noticed her wearing his jacket today, the sight making his heart flutter. But as he looked from the door to the jacket that Y/N had secretly left behind on her seat for Bill was enough to make his heart break.
Richie was right. They had messed up.
They had messed up bad.
- - -
The final bell of the day made Y/N feel both relieved and scared. Relieved because she was finally going to be able to save Mike, but scared because she would have to go back into the Upside Down and she had a sinking feeling in her gut about what was going to happen.
She hadn't seen the guys for the rest of the day, but Beverly had made sure to always stick by her side. That's how the two ended up leaving the school together with their arms locked and small laughs escaping their lips as Y/N told Beverly about the time Dustin sang the song 'Never-Ending Story' with his girlfriend Susie over a walkie talkie system for everyone to see.
"I'm not even kidding," Y/N laughed. "Just picture it. Everyone is either being chased by the fucking Mindflayer or trying to save the world and I'm sitting there watching Dustin sing his heart out with Lucas' little sister by my side. It was hilarious!"
Beverly laughed so hard that she snorted. "I bet it was. I can't believe-" she began, but she trailed off once she saw Y/N smile disappear as she froze beside her. Beverly turned her head to see what Y/N was looking at and instantly frowned at the sight of the boys all standing by their bikes waiting for the two girls.
Beverly released Y/N's arm and Y/an glanced at her friends before looking away and walking over to her bike. "I'm surprised you all waited for me," Y/N said in a monotone voice as she approached her bike.
Eddie was the first to break and he sighed before saying, "We're sorry for the way we've been acting."
Y/N froze at that and rested her hands on her bike handles before looking up at the group. "What?" she asked, both her and Beverly staring at the boys in surprise. Although Beverly was smiling slightly due to the fact that the boys were finally apologizing after a long day of no one talking to each other.
"Yeah, the way we acted was unacceptable," Ben agreed. "And we're sorry for that."
"We. . .we were jealous," Stan admitted making Y/N blink in surprise.
"Jealous?" she asked confused.
"We were jealous of your other friends. We. . .we thought you were forgetting about us, that you didn't care about us like you did them. So we turned into a bunch of fucking jealous assholes and hurt you in the process," Richie sighed and the fact that he was speaking his feelings was enough to make Y/N realize how serious they were being.
"Guys. . ."she whispered sadly, hating that she made them feel like that. "I don't want you to ever feel like that, okay? I love you all so fucking much that it scares me sometimes to be completely honest. I've known you for what, two years now? I've known the others my whole life, so of course things are going to be a little different around them. But that does not mean I don't love and care about you guys any less. The Losers' Club is my family, you guys are my family. You're my life honestly and I wouldn't trade moving here for the world."
The Losers' all teared up a little at those words and Ben was the first to drop his bike to go over and hug Y/N. The girl chuckled and hugged the boy back while the others quickly came over to hug her as well. She hugged Eddie and Stan before hugging Beverly and Richie who held her the tightest.
The one thing about Richie was that he tried to act like he didn't care when he actually cared the most, so Y/N made a point to hug him back just as hard which made the boy dig his face into her shoulder as he held her.
Once she had hugged each of them, she pulled away to see Bill kind of standing there by himself. The two hadn't hugged or even spoken to each other yet and Y/N knew that their talk was going to be a little longer and more personal than the other. Bill must've known too because he glanced at his friends and gave them a pleading look as he said, "C-C-Can you all give us a m-m-minute?"
"Yeah," Beverly said. "We'll ride on ahead and you two can catch up, okay?"
Then, before the others could complain, Beverly pushed the boys to their bikes and they all began to bike away. That left Y/N and Bill standing there at the front of the school with their bikes by their side.
Y/N looked down at her feet before whispering, "You done ignoring me now?"
There was a beat of silence and she slowly looked up through her eyelashes only to have Bill rush forward and hug her, the action making both of their bikes fall over and hit the ground. Y/N's arms were out in surprise, but she didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around the boy, closing her eyes as she breathed in his scent.
"I'm s-s-sorry," Bill whispered into her ear as he practically cradled her head against his body. "I'm so sorry. I let R-R-Richie get to me and the w-w-way I acted around you was un-un-unacceptable. I mean, even that ph-ph-phone call was rude. You w-w-were just checking up on m-m-me and I hung up on you w-w-without even giving a r-r-reason. I didn't mean to h-h-hurt you and I'm so s-s-sorry for that."
"Why'd you do it? What did Richie say?" Y/N asked softly as she pulled away to look at the boy.
"What Richie said wasn't important," Bill told her, his head bowed. "It was what I told myself that got in the way."
"And what did you tell yourself?" she questioned.
"I-I-I thought I c-c-couldn't make you as h-h-happy as they could," Bill admitted. "Th-Th-That I would n-n-never make you as h-h-happy as they could."
Y/N's face softened at that and she furrowed her eyebrows as she lifted a hand up and placed it against Bill's cheek. "Bill, why would you think such a thing?" she asked, the disbelief evident in her voice.
"The w-w-way you laughed. . .the way you s-s-smiled. . .I'd never seen you l-l-look that happy," Bill muttered.
"Bill, that's not true in any way, shape, or form," she assured him. Y/N lovingly rubbed her thumb against his cheek before smiling softly at him.
"I'm my happiest when I'm with you."
Bill blushed at that, his eyes flickering over her face before he leaned forward and rested his forehead against her own. The two both let their eyes close as they enjoyed this moment, their arms holding onto each other while their foreheads touched.
"I r-r-really am sorry," Bill whispered, not opening his eyes.
Y/N smiled softly and opened her eyes long enough so that she could push herself up on her tip toes and press a kiss to Bill's cheek. He instantly leaned into her touch, his arm that was around her pulling her even closer to his body if that was possible.
"I forgive you," Y/N assured him once she had pulled away, Bill turning his face so that their noses brushed against each other and their eyes locked. Both of their faces were red and they were silent for a moment before Y/N smiled and said, "You should know better than to listen to Richie."
Bill chuckled softly and pulled away to press a small kiss to her forehead before he pulled away from her and went over to his backpack. "Yeah, p-p-probably not my s-s-smartest move," he said as he opened his backpack and pulled out his jacket. The same jacket that Y/N had in her possession only a few hours before.
Y/N's smile dropped slightly at the sight. "Oh, I should've told you that I was leaving it for you. I hadn’t meant to keep it so long," she told him, but the boy only smiled and walked over to her with it in his hand.
"I-I-I want you to w-w-wear it," Bill admitted, both of the teens' faces growing redder by the second.
"Really?" Y/N asked, her face lighting up slightly and a hopeful tone in her voice.
Bill nodded and Y/N smiled before turning around. Bill held the jacket up and she slid her arms into the sleeves before Bill put the jacket on her the rest of the way. She turned around and gave the boy a teasing smile.
"So how do I look?" Y/N asked as she struck a few poses for him, a giggle escaping her lips as she did.
Bill chuckled and smiled fondly at the girl. "Beautiful," he told her. "Just like always."
Y/N blushed slightly before going to grab her bike. She picked it up before sending a small smile in Bill's direction. "Come on, Bill. It's time to go save our friend," she said.
And with that, the two got onto their bikes and began to bike after their friends, Bill's eyes locked on Y/N and his jacket that was blowing in the wind behind her.
* * *
Tag List
@witch-of-all-things-soft @nightbu-g @vickeystar @daniellajocelyn @alexthe80swhore @ren-ni @floralpiper @starshininginthedark @aimee-lucass @marvelismylifffe @dwcljh @sycard @connor---murphy @tinycolorwhispers @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @izzyisavengersupernaturaltrash @theamandarenee @amberkay284 @gryffingirl @dejewskoo @artlovingbre @jacinta-lexianne @gabiatthedisco @littlemaeve @newhopenessie @pheonix-nin @captn-sprkl-fngrs @flaredflowersuits @madelinelikesfics @mysteryartisticwriter @that-one-book-girl @spnsquirrel @galaxsea-707 @felicia-can-fly @whoops-im-gay-now @hollandcomics @lauren-theicecreamslinger @peterhollandd @princessserena23 @hollandstanleythomas @you-s-suckbowers @hitoshi-s-stupid-bitch @deviantly-gayy @pastel-rose-water @gothackedalready @fandoms-all-around-catiel @danas-wonderland @c00ln3rdz @lastjeon @fraeppuccino @80sthottie @hawkxyes @milk-n-cheese @mileven-reddie @kimseungminsgf @roboturtle16 @maxinemayficld
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chelsfic · 5 years
Chapter 10 - Inherited - Dracula/OFC - Dracula 2020 fanfic
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine
A/N: The last chapter ended with a door closing. This one will end with a door opening. Also the requisite vampire looking in through the window scene. The chapter *after* this one will have a smut scene, I promise! If you like this and would like to be added to the tag list just let me know! Also, all of my love and respect to everyone who has read, liked, commented, reblogged, sent messages, and just generally interacted with this fic from the beginning. Readers like you are why fanfic writers keep creating. So, thanks!
Summary: An angsty interlude of lovers parted. Dracula works out how not to be a douche. The last chapter ended with a door closing. This one will end with a door opening. Also the requisite vampire looking in through the window scene. 
Each morning since she left Emilie rose from bed with a listless spirit and went through the motions of dressing and preparing for her day. She’d taken a job at the hand laundry workshop in town and she spent long hours each day soaking, scrubbing, drying and ironing. It was exhausting work that left the delicate skin of her hands cracked and her back aching.  She never returned home until after sunset. Emilie supposed it was good to be so busy for she had no energy for anything when she got home other than a quick supper and getting into bed. There was certainly no time to think about the Count. About the taste of love in his blood, the flare of joy she’d felt at the discovery, so quickly extinguished by his...horrible, pig headed cruelty. No, she didn’t have time even to dwell on the confection of emerald green silk that still hung up on the wall in the corner of her room: a ghost of a life that seemed so long ago, so far removed.
She told herself these lies to get through the day. But at night, in the darkness of her little bedroom, she let the tears fall for her love. She still loved him though she was also furious at him. And she felt him still, too, through the ethereal connection that bound them together. His emotions were a whirling confusion of impressions without context that she couldn’t interpret into any meaningful idea of his actions or thoughts. Sometimes she felt waves of lust and exaltation from him. She assumed he must be feeding at those times. But other times she felt his weariness, his amusement, his boredom, his anger...and his sadness. His sadness was like a bruise on her soul. She longed to reach out to him and comfort him. Sometimes she tried, sending her thoughts in his direction and trying to inject them with warmth, comfort and love. She was always met by the sudden slamming shut of a barrier between them. It sent an icy chill down her spine when he cut himself off from her--it felt like losing one half of herself. And it would invariably send her into a black mood of mourning for the rest of the night. In her most desperate hours she prayed to God and asked, demanded to know what she’d done wrong. All she ever did was love and serve Dracula. Why had he forsaken her? But it was not the word of God she heard in response, but her mother’s words echoing back to her from that last day at Carfax. Men of power may play with our lives, our affections as they wish.
Dracula rose each night with the ghost of a sob in his throat as if he’d swallowed a suicidal songbird before going to sleep. He knew it belonged to Emilie. He could taste her emotions through their connection just as surely as he’d tasted her blood. Since...that night she tasted like poisoned happiness and bitter regrets. He tried to harden his heart towards her, to occupy himself with pleasure, blood, lives, but she was still there, always. Like an annoying little spark inside his chest that at times burned and other times seemed to suffer and wither. 
He felt her reaching for him sometimes, a psychic assault of goodness and warmth that made his skin crawl in self-loathing. He tried keeping her out, putting up his mental defenses. It did work. But he was weak and each time he shut her out the hollow emptiness on the other end of the connection would unnerve him. It was like she wasn’t there, like she was dead. He always came back, drawing back the curtain just for a peek at the other side. To know she was safe. And each time he felt the black oppression of her sadness at being cut off from him. It was suffocating.
So, in keeping with his recent trend, he ran from the overwhelming emotions. In a fit of stubbornness and to prove to himself that he belonged to no one and certainly not a silly housekeeper, he met with his solicitor to inform him of the cessation of payments to the Andrews family. Renfield was pleased to scratch that expense from his ledger book. The sycophant was always gratified to improve his master’s wealth and cut expenses.
“Very good,” he sniveled, smiling like the cat who’d caught the canary. “And what about the house?”
Count Dracula raised his brows in question, “What house, Renfield?”
Here the solicitor chuckled, “The Andrews’s residence, of course. We--that is, you are the landlord.”
Dracula looked into the man’s eyes, gleaming with delight and greed, and felt the sudden urge to snap his neck. 
“The house, well...they’ll remain living there, I expect. I don’t think the family has designs on moving anywhere else.”
“Yes, but the rent. The rent was included in Miss Emilie’s salary,” Renfield prompted. 
Dracula felt the meanness go out of him. The idea of throwing Emilie onto the street... This whole meeting was a mistake. His shoulders sagged and he waved a dismissive hand as he responded, “Nevermind, Renfield. Forget about this meeting.”
The force of suggestion in his words left the solicitor gazing at him with a look of blank happiness for a moment before he came to his senses again. The Count tutted sympathetically as he led the man out of his office and down the corridor to the front door. He probably should try to cut back on glamouring Renfield. The man was starting to go a little...off.
Before he ushered him out the door he paused and asked, “Renfield, you arranged for company tonight, didn’t you?”
“Oh!” Renfield beamed, “Yes, master, a visiting Countess from France. She has a distant cousin who lives in town but she’s taking her leave of them tonight and departing very early in the morning. So…”
“So,” Dracula agreed. “Very good.”
He stood back from the doorway as Renfield opened it to the daylight and took his leave. Fresh blood tonight, he parted his lips and salivated at the thought. She wouldn’t compare to Emilie, but he’d make do.
The Countess turned out to be such a vulgar gossip that if he weren’t weary from his talk with Renfield he would have snapped her neck on the spot and flew off to the next county to find some suitable shepherd boy to sate his appetite. Instead he urged the Countess to indulge in seconds at dinner, hoping to quiet her ceaseless chatter.
“Where are your servants, Count Dracula?” the woman demanded impertinently. “You’ve no one to serve the table? How odd!”
Dracula showed her his teeth in a menacing smile, “I’m between housekeepers at the moment, Countess.”
She lifted a knowing brow, “Ah, yes, I think my cousin may have mentioned something along those lines. One of the daughters of that Andrews woman? You recently sacked her? What was it, theft? It’s a shame we can’t expect virtue in our servant class anymore, isn’t it?”
Dracula put his arm on the back of her chair and clenched his fingers into the wood, “It seems that nothing is beneath your notice, Countess.”
She sniffed haughtily, “I like to get to know the places I visit….You know, I think I saw that girl the other day. Yes, I did! I remember my cousin remarking, ‘There goes the Andrews girl. She’s sorry she lost her cozy spot with the Count now, I reckon.’ And he was right. She was dreadfully thin and worn out looking. Her hands were bright red! From working with those chemicals they use in the laundry houses. Well...she won’t steal again that’s for sure…”
Dracula made it hurt when the time came. He relished the horrible woman’s cries and struggles as he quenched the life from her. All the while his mind’s eye supplied him with the image of Emilie: tired, starved, and maimed from hard labor. When he finished he drew back and let the blood run down his chin and drip onto the corpse’s ashen face. He was the picture of a pagan god feasting on a human sacrifice. He cracked her spine with a twist of the neck and let her drop to the floor in an undignified heap.
The Andrews family house was located on the main road in a section of town primarily occupied by merchants. It was a place they’d never have been able to manage without their special arrangement with the Count. Dracula, who came so infrequently into town, had never been inside. He stood across the wide street and regarded the modest brick dwelling. The windows in the parlor were illuminated and cast cheery yellow light out onto the dark street. He could feel Emilie’s presence inside the home and it lent the whole scene an air of fragile beauty. A loving home, glowing with hope and goodness against the forces of the night. Dracula rolled his eyes at his own train of thought and crossed the street. A force of the night coming to call.
Before approaching the door he detoured through the flower bed and stood outside the parlor window looking in. Emilie sat by herself beside the fire. There was a pile of knitting in her lap, but her hands were still. She gazed into the fire and he saw tear tracks on her cheeks. He regarded her critically and admitted that the Countess’s observations had been accurate. Emilie looked weak, thin and tired. Her hands were raw and cracked and her face looked despondent. He had never seen her like this. Not even when she’d first come to him and she was too frightened to stand in his presence without trembling. The Count felt a deep self-disgust that he was the cause of her unhappiness. He did not know at what point he’d begun to care but there was something forged between them that he could not deny.
He turned away from the sad scene and went to the door. He heard a rustle of commotion at his knock. Shortly the door creaked open allowing the cheerful light from within to spill out illuminating the tall, dark form of Count Dracula.
Emilie stood with one hand on the doorknob and the other over her heart. She gasped upon seeing him there, conjured, it seemed, from her own yearning.
“Vlad?” she breathed.
“Hello, Emilie,” he replied, aiming for cavalier.
Emilie took a beat to recover before asking, “Won’t you come inside?”
Dracula grinned in response but didn’t yet move forward.
“If you’ll invite me,” he replied.
Emilie smiled, dimples appearing in her cheeks although her eyes remained sad and guarded.
“Come inside, Dracula.”
@charlesdances @mr-kisskiss-bangbang @dracula-s-bride @haleyea​ @irrelevantwriter​ @felicityofbakerstreet​ @festering-queen​ @kaddis-world​ @leah-halliwell92​
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hylianfury · 5 years
A castle in the woods
So, I’m going with it. Tomorrow I’ll write a new chapter of the zora fic which is my current priority but under the cut have a snipped about the whole Cursed!Link thing. With four major WIP (Sunstone, Zora, Parkour and the kid who doesn’t really like Sidon) and one planned (Concubine Link au) I don’t feel like turning THIS in a complete work but... in the meanwhile  I also won’t shy away from writing bits of it. 
Before we start: the original post and that one fanart that started it all.
Keep in mind this Link is really different from my usual take on him and largely socially inept because he hasn’t really, REALLY been around people for centuries. And this bit here starts after Sidon failed reaching one of the shrines. For the castle itself imagine a building surrounded by a korok-forest like forest. You can find it only if you truly want, you can leave whenever you decide a wish ain’t worth risking your life. Fic is under the cut since for now it doesn’t feel right putting it on AO3. Please check the tags for safety. will be tagged as “Castle!Au”
When Sidon regained consciousness all his body could register was pain, there wasn’t a single muscle that wasn’t aching and the large burn on his shoulder felt somehow even worse than before… and that filled him with relief.
If he could feel pain it meant he was still alive, he escaped the metallic spider abomination of the forest and its destructive rays even if Sidon could only barely remember making it to the castle’s entrance before falling on the cobblestone below the main stairway, he could remember the house’s master looking down at him from the balcony with his usual unreadable expression as he ran for his life, and… nothing else.
He made it inside, uh? Good. Sidon tried to stir, his eyes still closed, only to find out he lacked the energy even to lift a finger. He let out a small grunt as a pang of pain crossed through his shoulder and heard something move at his side. Who… a korok? But they made no sounds beside their ethereal laughters, they weren’t really corporeal enough to interact with anything but their master.
His eyelids were incredibly heavy but Sidon managed to push them open only to find himself staring at an old, purple drape looming over his head and bits of ceiling that could be seen through rips in the fabric. Where… he was on a bed? How. He could feel an old, uncomfortable mattress under his back, the next thing he processed was that his body felt cold and his clothes had been removed. And someone was touching him.
Sidon turned his head only to gasp finding the castle’s owner sitting by his side, he wasn’t looking directly at him but gently passing a towel over the open wound of his forearm. He… he tended to him, didn’t he? Most of the cuts he got were roughly covered in bandages even if it was a terrible work, and even in the darkness of the room he could tell he had been cleaned… more or less.
Oh, Hylia, was it necessary to take all his clothes off? At least he still had his underwear but… he knew he had open cuts everywhere but… not to mention the other man’s fingers were bloody cold, did he needed clothes or what?
No, no, he was in pain and getting angry over nothing, it was already a miracle he survived, Sidon couldn’t complain, no matter how weird and unpleasant the whole situation was. Being alive was good, he now knew what was awaiting him in the castle’s cursed forest and once he figured out how to deal with it he was going to be one step closer to get his wish fulfilled.
Sidon sighed looking away from his host, he knew he was trying to help, only Hylia knew why, but every touch was still painful and he didn’t want to look at his own flesh. Wait… was he in the forbidden room? The only place in the castle he had not been granted access? It seemed so and it wasn’t exactly what he expected.
Unlike the rest of the castle the bedroom seemed to belong to a different era, something he perhaps saw while studying medieval history when he was a kid, and it was falling apart. It wasn’t withered out only by time, furniture had been thrown around and broken into pieces, a sword was stuck in the wardrobe door and all mirrors had been shattered.
It was only when he stopped studying the dust covered curtains, one of the few still intact pieces of decoration, that he realized they were still up for a reason, no matters how time was slowly making them fall apart: there wasn’t a single forest spirit in the room, he couldn’t hear a single laughter, but right behind the window they were gathering in mass, enough to obscure the light coming from outside.
“Hungry. Tasty.”
Sidon’s head slowly turned to look at his host, he heard him talk only twice before and his voice was still more comparable to a low rasp than anything else. The master was still slowly treating his wounds, the basin of water he used to damp towels wasn’t the only thing covered in blood Sidon noticed looking at the other’s robe. And his hands were shaking. He could barely see it, the movement was barely perceptible, but it was there.
The hylian’s jaw dropped slightly as he tried to offer the other a questioning look, useless considering the blond man seemed dead set on avoiding his eyes, focusing instead on covering the burns with a brown, smelly paste.
Why… if he collapsed before reaching the main door how was he still alive? The spirits had shown multiple times interest in tasting his blood and he even noticed the master of the mansion eyeing him like he had a delicious steak in front instead… yet he still breathed, he didn’t wake up with the blonde’s teeth tearing him apart, he woke up on what Sidon could assume being his bed, naked, with most of his wounds roughly treated.
“Then...” His mouth felt so dry and he could barely whisper no matters how hard he tried ”why aren’t they feasting? I’m defenseless right now.”
For the first time since he woke up the owner decided to look at him, a short uncertain glance as he seemed to consider if he wanted to answer or not. His lips parted twice, not a sound coming from them, then he seemed to sigh in defeat.
“Can’t enter.”
“Then why am I here? Didn’t I lose your game?”
No reply came for a long moment and Sidon almost resigned himself once more to the owner’s usual silence when his host’s face contorted in rage. He literally slammed the bowl he was using to hold whatever medicinal paste he made against the floor opting to point a thin finger against Sidon’s chest.
“Big nosed idiot, take guardian here!”
Guardian. The bright spider thing he only managed to escape running zig zag between trees was a guardian, an appropriate name for a killing machine that almost managed to murder him as soon as he approached the shrine of courage.
It still didn’t explain why the other decided to drag him to safety, nor why he was trying to take care of him despite clear lack of knowledge about medicine. Wait. Wait… those black things on his legs were…
“Please tell me those aren’t leeches.”
He couldn’t even feel them biting his skin over the pain he felt on everything else but he was quite sure he lost enough blood as it was. The owner seemed just genuinely confused over Sidon’s reaction, that was probably the most expressive he had seen him since he crossed the gates.
“Always… good?”
“No. Never good. I don’t know how long you’ve been here but leeches aren’t good. I vaguely remember some mumbo jumbo about bad fluids from back in the dark days but it’s been proven false.”
He was greeted by a very skeptical glare but in the end the other moved, thin pale hands gathering the animals one by one, and left the bed. The wooden frame cracked loudly as the owner’s bed was lifted and Sidon almost attempted to offer a small joke, he wanted to take his head off the situation, but what he saw as the other opened the door made him freeze in fear.
There were enough koroks outside to make almost a wall with their bodies and for the first time he managed to see them without their usual mask: their little mouths were gaping holes full of teeth, their eyes empty black dots. They were pressing against each other trying to reach for him, growling and scratching the air but being kept at bay by… something. They scattered when the small hylian threw the blood filled leeches in their direction but only because they started fighting each other to get their hands on the apparently delicious treat.
‘you’re being bad now, Fallen One’ he heard a voice chirping, followed by another. And then another. ‘Fairy Boy is so selfish’ ‘We want to play too’ ‘You can’t keep him for yourself’ ‘Let us in’ ‘She can’t keep us out forever’ ‘Bad, Fairy Boy, bad’
As soon as the door was slammed in front of their face silence fell once more and the blonde man slowly returned to sit on the mattress with a weird expression on his face. Again, that was more feelings in the last ten minutes than Sidon had seen him show in weeks.
“Blood frenzy. Unsafe. When safer, you leave.”
That sounded like an order, not a suggestion like the last two times. He just didn’t understand why the master wanted him to leave so badly, the koroks were clearly awaiting his demise and- oh…
“You...” It was an absurd idea, he wanted to blame how stupid it was on his current situation and the blood loss, but it seemed to tie together some of the other man’s strange behaviors and why he went out of his way to drag Sidon’s bloodied body to his room. “...you are not their master.
Blue eyes widened just a little but the other seemed to regain composure quickly, his face returning unreadable as usual. It didn’t matter, what Sidon managed to see in that short instant was enough to confirm his suspicious. But… how? The blonde man lived with those creatures, if stories were true he had been part of the household from the very beginning as well, he was described as a fae-like creature who existed to lure unsuspecting men and maiden in.
Yet there he was, barely speaking, barely eating and while he couldn’t really deny how fair his features were he mostly wore old robes and didn’t seem to care about what Sidon thought of him. Not to mention he had been nowhere to be seen until he crossed the gate, the blonde didn’t really have a part in him finding the Castle.
“If you aren’t their master… then who are you?”
Not a single word escaped the other man’s lips, he simply got back up on his feet once more, walked to the door opening it again and, ignoring the snarling and loud Koroks he stepped between them, the spirits parting just enough to let him pass and ripping his clothes where Sidon’s blood stained them. He tried to call for him, honestly afraid of being left alone, but the door closed before he could get any word out.
And then there was only silence. 
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okietokiee · 5 years
from the 45 otp prompts, 25 w skwistok? :D
25. “I can’t be mad at you.”
This prompt is so cute and became long, shameless Fluff :’) 
Skwistok / Anniversary 
Skwisgaar was extremely proud. Though that was arguably his default mode, he had an extremely valid reason at the moment (other than being the fastest guitarist to ever grace the earth). 
His and Toki’s one-year anniversary had been fast-approaching for the past month. But now it was finally the day-of, and he was the most prepared he could ever possibly be. 
He wasn’t known as an esteemed playboy without good reason; he truly was a romantic at heart. And, though he could admit past romantic endeavors were mostly shallow and just a means to an end, he could honestly say this time was different. This time he was out to woo Toki and absolutely reinvent the world’s idea of romance. In a good way. 
And it started with an -eughhh- healthy breakfast in bed. 
After a klokateer handed Skwisgaar the impeccably prepared tray full of assorted fruits Toki was annoyingly fond of in addition to his favored brand of sugary cereal, Skwisgaar was on his way. 
Toki was still deeply asleep, spread out like a starfish smack-dab in the middle of Skwisgaar’s four-poster sized bed, where he had previously left him to retrieve his first surprise. 
The swede smiled fondly and set down the tray by the bed, plopping down and peppering Toki’s face with a multitude of quick, sloppy kisses. 
Toki was slowly stirred awake, and he giggled, returning Skwisgaar’s smooches with his own. He even started making some moves bring his kisses a bit lower, and he was incredibly surprised when Skwisgaar stopped his movements with a small push and cough. 
“Whats wrongs?” Toki asked, sitting up and stretching his sore muscles.
Skwisgaar grinned. “I gots yous breakfast,” he declared, as he picked up the tray from the floor and set it on Toki’s lap. 
To say Toki was confused would be an understatement, but he was never the type to look at a horse’s gift on the mouth. Or however that phrase went. Especially when that horse was an incredibly sexy Swedish guitar God with a tray of Toki’s absolute favorite foods to start the day with. He wasted no time and was munching happily. Skwisgaar even humored him and was currently eating a crisp red apple with no complaints. 
“Afters yous done gets yous swimsuit readies, we goinks somewhere,” Skwisgaar said with an air of nonchalance, sneaking glances at his boyfriend. 
“Where’s we goins Skwisgaar?” Toki asked after finishing his glass of orange juice. 
Skwisgaar smirked. “You’ll sees.” 
An hour later, if Toki’s excited, ear-splitting screech was anything to go by, he was pleased with this surprise. 
“I can’ts believes you buys de whole Splasharoonie Water Parks!” Toki yelled gleefully, already tearing off his clothes and eyeing the tallest waterslide. 
Skwisgaar gave a nonchalant hand wave. “Pfft, it no big deals. Nots dat expensives anyway. Besides now we cans come here whenever we wants,” he finished with a smile. 
And though both boys could rest assured that they could now visit the famous waterpark whenever they felt like it, the day was not wasted and by the end of the day they both tried every waterslide at least twice and were comfortably exhausted.
After a couple hours of lying close together on a beach chair, idly playing with each other’s hair and laughing about any stupid subject or observation that comes up, Skwisgaar surprised Toki once again. 
“You hungries?” Skwisgaar asked, combing his fingers through Toki’s chocolate locks. 
“Starvings! You wants to heads back nows?” Toki answered, sitting up a little. 
Skwisgaar grinned. “Nos, stays down, I gots it,” he said as he grabbed his Deathphone from the nearby side table and sent a quick text. 
Within minutes, a group of Klokateers approached and began setting up a picturesque picnic right in front of them, complete with a woven basket, Norwegian delicacies, and a generous assortment of booze. It was heaven. 
Toki was both incredibly overjoyed and completely bewildered now.
Skwisgaar beamed, expecting his well-deserved praise and kisses right about now. “Yes Toki? It’s nice, ja?”
“Ja, it’s amazings! Buts…” 
This caused Skwisgaar to pause. He gave his man a scrutinizing stare. “What ams wrong? Dey forgets de stinky herrings? Gotdammit! I tolds dem dams klokateers-”
He was cut off from his rant by Toki’s light tugging on his arm. “No, no! It ams absolutely perfects! It’s just…”
Skwisgaar was confused and frustrated now. “Whats? Spits it out.”
Toki was flustered and finally got out a strained, “Why?”
For a painfully long moment, Skwisgaar had no idea how to respond. He briefly considered the idea that Toki was pulling his leg, and he let out a scoff. “It ams obvious you dildos. You knows what days it is.” 
Toki still had that annoyingly confused look in his big blue eyes. “I’m sorries Skwisgaar, what’s you mean?”
That was definitely the straw that obliterated the camel’s hip, and Skwisgaar angrily replied, “Our one years anniversaries you dildo!” 
Toki paled. “That ams today?”
Skwisgaar let out a frustrated groan. “Yes, it ams been on dis day for de past, I don’t know, year?” He said snidely, his good mood ruined. “I can’ts believes you forgets!” Outraged, the Swede pushed Toki off him and stood up, marching away.
Toki scrambled up, chasing after his boyfriend and trying to apologize. “Toki ams so sorries Skwisgaar! I aments goods at rememberings dese tings, and I didn’t realize you was de type to wants to celebrates dis!” 
Skwisgaar abruptly turned around. “Of course I wants to celebrates today! It’s my first anniversaries with someones I-” Skwisgaar paused, cutting himself off. He flushed red with anger and maybe a hint of something else. “Euuuuughh, it don’ts matters anymores… I ams goinks home…” He finished dejectedly, blocking out whatever fervent apologies and promises Toki made. 
The following day was full of Skwisgaar, understandably, locking himself up in his room with just his guitar for company to sulk, avoiding the object of both his affection and ire in every way he could. 
It was also full of Toki desperately trying to make it up to his man, in whatever way he could. He’d already caused the deaths of 2 klokateers after an attempt at baking Skwisgaar a cake, and he was prepared to lose more if needed. 
But his current plan (to the relief of his manager and employees) did not involve any potentially life-threatening machinery. 
He was dressed in a strikingly similar fashion to his Steve Vai phase years ago, but this time in a blindingly bright, glittery red 4-piece suit with his flying-V tucked under his arm. 
He looked cartoonishly absurd, and the rest of Dethklok was not blind to that. 
“Er… Toki, you sure Skwisgaar will appreciate this, uh… what are you doing again?” Nathan asked, already pretty used to the Scandinavian couple’s lovers quarrels. 
“I’m goins to serenade him,” Toki declared proudly.
Pickles gave a big laugh, and walked up to give Toki is supportive clap on the back. “You gett’em kid. He’ll love it.” 
Murderface rolled his eyes and mumbled vaguely encouraging, vaguely insulting platitudes Toki’s way. 
Toki, emboldened by his friend’s support, marched confidently up to Skwisgaar’s door and gave it a hard succession of knocks. 
“Gos aways!” Was his only muffled reply. 
With a nervous sigh, he plugged his guitar into a nearby amp brought by a klokateer and he prepared to make a complete and utter fool of himself. 
Within moments, the halls of Mordhaus was flooded with the smooth, dramatic sounds of Air Supply partnered with Toki’s broken, tone-deaf english. Which was quickly followed by Pickles’ barely contained laughter. 
“Ams all outta loves! Ams so losts wivouts you! I knows you was rights-”
Toki was so lost in the sappy music, he didn’t even notice as the Swede’s door slowly creaked open and the object of his desperate love slowly stepped out into the hallway to bear witness to his passionate tribute. 
As he finished with an intense improvised guitar solo that honestly rivaled his best live shows, he was surprised to hear the melodic laughter of his song’s intended recipient. 
“Skwisgaar!” Toki cried, throwing his guitar aside and shamelessly wrapping his arms around the taller man. 
“Toki ams so sorries! I never wanteds to forgets our anniversaries! I does anyting-”
He was cut off with an abrupt, fiery kiss from the Swede himself, and when they both separated after a long, amazing moment, he completely forgot what he was saying. 
“Toki… I just can’ts be mad at yous can I? You dumb dildos,” Skwisgaar said fondly, holding his idiot boyfriend in his arms. 
“Sos yous forgives mes?” Toki asked hopefully, smiling widely. 
Skwisgaar laughed. “I guess, afters a performance likes dat. Why can’ts you play dat well in rehearsals?” He teased. 
“Oh, shuts up,” Toki laughingly replied.
He playfully shoved his Swedish boyfriend straight back into his room where he followed, and he made sure to shut the door tight. 
Within moments, the halls of Mordhaus were filled with even more romantic sounds, although these sounds were more reminiscent to a dirty video than an 80s love song.
- - - - -
I guess I don’t really know what drabble means?? I’m sorry this ended up wayyy longer than originally planned ;-; But I was overtaken by the sap and needed to write it LOL 
Also, I blame @little-murmaider  for her Skwisgaar loving Stevie Wonder hc, because now I’m an absolute sucker for Skwistok interacting with soft, painfully sappy love songs
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gotatext · 5 years
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by this point im p sure u all know the drill.... i’m nora, 23, she/her, gmt and tonight matthew im going to be greta o’driscoll, a terrible person but a hot one which frankly makes it almost ok. here is her pinterest..... this intro is literally just copied n pasted frm the last time i played her so soz if u’ve read it like 10+ times.... 
「 diana silvers. cis-female. 」have you seen greta o’driscoll around yet? i hear she decided to be in POTENTAS for their SOPHOMORE year as a CRIMINAL PSYCHOLOGY major. the 20 year old SHEPHERD is known to be tenacious, magnetic, capricious and evasive. ➨ the muse is written by nora, she/her, gmt.
was adopted as an infant. had two foster moms and two older sisters so always surrounded by women. lived in a boarding house, very much like the one in 20th century women, with lodgers coming in and out all the time, mostly artsy young women because her gay moms were both high school teachers trying to set up their own arts collective. one of her moms left when she was 4, n she doesn’t really remember her.
while living with entirely women made her super into catlin moran and the guilty feminist, as a teenager she often let boys walk all over her bc she just craved male attention jst bcos she’d never really experienced it. saw it as something aspirational, like sitting in the back of chad’s second-hand truck while he drove you to macdonalds and offered you and his five friends with identical haircuts weed was the height of being cool to greta, she wanted to be their dream girl, even if it meant compromising her beliefs
was always a really sporty bitch. it started with a junior athletics squad, which turned into athletics and cheer, which then became athletics, cheer and hockey until she basically was doing a different activity every night. she came to see her body as a tool that she could make work for her if she trained it up and this attitude’s always kind of stayed with her that as long as her body is strong she is capable of anything. runs every day. 
bubbly bitch but also massive snake. metaphorically and literally, always shedding her skin. loyal to few, ruled by none, out for herself, babey!! every place she goes, she becomes a new character, someone who’s a figment of her imagination, as if each city is repertory theatre and she’s a character actress, so as a result som ppl think she’s called rita, some ppl know her as margot, she just flicks through identities like nobodies business.
left school at 18 n went backpacking around the states making money in the casinos by being a shot girl (yeehaw) and trying to make it as a mysterious 1920s widow with a smoky voice, a dark secret n a heart of gold, looking for love in the big city. all she found was producers and acting agents who’d promise her stardom n actually just fuck her in a motel n then ignore her calls.
TW domestic violence, TW gun, her watershed moment came when she met luke in sioux falls while she was working at a strip club. he was a few years older and had a car, and they kind of went from seeing each other to being that super intense couple who are just necking all the time.
they got engaged like 3 months after they met n rented a flat together, much to her family’s annoyance but she was 19 so there wasn’t much they could do. their relationship was super super intense though, often really heightened and when they fought it could become quite violent, but she’d pass it off as just him being really passionate.
one of their fights got really heated and greta threatened him with the gun he kept in the glove box of his vauxhall corsa, but the safety was off and she accidentally shot him. she pleaded self defence in the trial n cos of the amount of times she’d been hospitalised for various concussions n things like ‘fallling down the stairs’ the police were like yea… pretty watertight evidence that he was a bastard who [chicago voice] had it coming….. 
she’s now under witness protection, rehoused in livingstone as a sports-scholarship student, due to the amount of police involvement in the area, it would mean should one of luke’s family members try to track her down, she’d be relatively safe
massive sports fanatic. plays tennis. on the cheer team. was a track superstar in her high school. honestly just that sporty bitch, you’ll see her doing lines at a party at half four and then on your way to your 9am lecture you see her running across the park like a fresh fucking daisy who is this bitch. maybe it’s maybelline, maybe its coke.
massive feminist. low key quite scared of powerful men bcos of her ex. wants to start a female only lesbian commune bc she misses her childhood in a south dakota boarding house and has endless support for women. honestly annoyed that she is attracted to men, would so be 100% gay if it was a choice. cuffs her jeans and can’t drive. is That bisexual. skateboards. wears backwards caps.  i hate her 
isn’t a foward-planner, however. greta prefers to leave her options open, play the field, live in a spontaneous manners so her study style is mostly cramming a few days before a test, or staying up all night writing an essay on a massive adrenline boost powered by red bull or probably adderall, scribbling (or typing) furiously into the night.
has an addictive personality. seems unable to do anything in a small dose, she has to let it utterly consume her. with sports, she’s fiercely competitive. with alcohol, it’s never a shot, it’s a whole bottle – wine or whiskey – she’ll be table dancing before the night’s up and making out with someone she’ll regret in the morning. 
not afraid to go after what she wants !! ambitious academically and romantically thirsty !! she loves the adrenaline of the chase. when someone’s easy to get, she becomes bored. very bisexual and very proud of it. feminist as fuck nd part of a queer representation in the arts group which holds fortnightly meetings to discuss lgbt representation in film, literature, art etc.
old soul in a young person’s body. all the shit that has gone on has kind of aged her. she’s quite cynical about everything now. always smoking smoking smoking. very edie sedgwick in that way.  little girls skirts bought for next-to-nothing at the market because she’s skinny enough to get away with it, barely long enough to cover your bum, and then the ugliest baggy sweater you’ve ever seen thrown over it.
likes old things. old books, old music, old houses, it reminds her of happier times like when she wasn’t alive. buys all her music on vinyl and has a gramphone because “The Sound quality is Better” kfdsjj.
super into pop art and andy warhol. puts female friendships above everything but at the same time, would fuck her best friends man
her clothing style is like…. vintage thrift store but make it preppy. berets and cute hats, neck scarves, large fluffy cardigans or like those leathery jackets with big suede fringes on them, mini skirts (very 70s), and knee high socks or boots. quite often she’ll be in sports kit, maybe a cute tennis skirt, n when she’s feeling casual she’ll wear like, a talking heads tshirt with a pair of mom jeans and converse, but otherwise, the library is her catwalk.
a bubble of pink gum on chapped lips, mom jeans, a beaten up pair of adidas, denim jackets, strawberry laces, knee-highs, chapped lips, peeling sticky plasters, split knuckles, bruises you try to cover with concealer, stick and poke tattoos, hot coffee, sleep caught in your eyes on a lazy afternoon, kissing girls, cigarette smoke shrouding you like a veil, alien conspiracy theories and sci-fi paperbacks, doc martens with fraying laces, the red string of a thong peaking out purposely from jeans, leonine arch of your back and that stellar smile that says ‘you have no idea who you’re dealing with’, a rucksack permanently packed for the move, a streak of red across your lips, roller blades, cut knees, not eating your greens, smiling with a mouthful of blood, and piercing your own ears with a safety pin when your mom wouldn’t take you, kate moss posters lining the walls of a teenage bedroom, his name scrawled in rage across the pages of a diary, thumb holes poked through the cuffs of your sleeves, a tennis racket you punched through in a fit of temper, feet pounding the earth until your soles bleed crimson, sleeping in a cherry lip balm and scrunchies to keep the wild locks from your eyes.
wanted plots
frinds !! unlikely friends !! toxic friends !! former best friends separated by sports rivalries ! sporting friends who are on other teams but who she absolutely loves playin against!!! 
since greta literally can’t differentiate between romantic and platonic love, she’s got off with so many of her mates, so i want awkward friendships where they nearly dated, or exes that have now just turned into weird friendships
 girls from the cheer team who she’s like, weirdly intimate with like the shower together but its not a Thing cos the other girls straight !!! what do u mean !! aha just fun !
and I want like, fellow criminology students who are like?? how is this bitch still passing?? i swear she goes out every night?? 
she works part time at a fast food restaurant, i want a mate that just goes and sits in there talking to her until her manager gets angry. 
ppl she did a few modules with ie. art history, bio-med, film studies, before changing course and somehow sort of remaining in touch with
 ppl who she runs track with. 
someone she’s trying to make a zine with. 
here’s a list of plots on her old blog if u want any of them w her.
would love plots of any type, throw them all at me please, i cnt wait to interact w all of u. like this if u want me to message you about connections / plots! xo
full biography if u can be bothered
trigger warnings: drugs, domestic abuse, gun.
you never meant for it to happen. you’d heard the stories, of girls who let their man walk all over them, and thought to yourself “i’ll never be one of those girls…” the kind that eat low-fat yoghurt and drink slim fast to shred a few extra pounds because he said she was getting round in the tummy, or the ones who spent their evenings tied to a kitchen sink drinking wine while him and the boys played poker, wishing god, if only I could get out of here. not you, not you raised by strong women, four bright shining beacons. single mother with her hard-as-nails attitude and her stony glares, elder sisters (twins) one ginger, one blonde, one doctor, one lawyer, both determined to take a bullet to the brain and a hammer to the patriarchy before they let a man touch them without asking. you were always so inferior, so insecure and small, like a bird (like a sparrow) with blonde plaits down your back sucking tropicana whilst your busom buds sucked dick, their lips permanently ripe with stories of their sexual exploits, fake tan and glittered nails whilst you sat in the unbroken egg of virginity wondering what it was like to be loved. one day you found out.
lily milligan’s parents gone and a free house for the night, bottles of ouzo and tequila swiped from your mother’s liquor cabinet thinking she wouldn’t know (she always knew) your legs, hardened from pep squad, slut dropping on a kitchen table because the boys thought it would be fun to get the quiet girl drunk. you’d never had a sip before that night. band t-shirts, denim shorts and the split soles of rotten converse that you refuse to let go of, you still clutched with both hands to your youth, but in a tube top now (borrowed from alice carmichael who had a sister in college) and a short tennis skirt, your feet not in trainers but in thigh-high boots. uncomfy as hell but lily said you needed to look sexy. you didn’t know if you wanted to be sexy. you didn’t know what kind of girl you were, if you were even a girl at all. but robbie looked at you like he knew exactly who you were, like he knew you better than you knew yourself, and his lips had the pink cupid’s bow of a movie star, and his hair was dark locks, curling like a mane. his hands were soft, and suddenly on your waist, and after three more shots his lips were on yours and his name was the only sound in your head and on your lips as you lost it in lily’s college sister’s bedroom beneath the glare of a T-Pain poster. you bled for what seemed like hours, his hand still in yours, kissing on the sofa as truth tellers and dare devils continued to spin a bottle of unprecedented youth. you thought it was love. robbie was the one. he loved you, you knew it, how else could someone be so soft? but soon he grew bored, scrunched up your paper heart and set it alight. then came the tears, the hatred, the ‘fuck robbie, in fact, fuck all boys.’ and that you did.
you were known for being easy. any boy could be yours for a night, as long as he promised to love you for those few short breaths and pants before you cried yourself to sleep. you felt poisoned, but poisonous as well, as if by ensnaring these young boys you were gaining power over them, and not the other way around. soon it started to work. they’d want more, but you’d deny them it, sick of sucking off silly schoolboys, they’d call you a tease, a vixen. maybe you were, but you couldn’t help but want older men. you got the history teacher first time, him bending you over his desk to sneak a hand up your tennis skirt as the after-school clubs carried on next door, unawares. love didn’t exist, not for you. it was nothing but a game for pretty young girls to play, bubble gum in their canines and a hand tugging at the hem of their cheer skirt.
there was so much anger inside of your small body, ‘beware of boys and their hook-like words’. hockey helped. there was something formidable about the feeling of a stick like a weapon in your hands and the thwack it made against thighs in the heat of a scrum - “slipped, sorry!” - you’d utter with a snakeskin smile, millicent quinn knowing that you’d hit her on purpose because she shagged robbie at that party last week. she couldn’t prove it, cobbled acne on her forehead turning green with disgust. ben came into your life like a car crash. two years your senior, with a baseball jacket and shoulders like a god. he became your personal hero. on the pitch, he was lethal. together, you could bring anyone to their ruin. each day after last period he’d be waiting in his car. you’d leap into his arms like a girl-half starved, love me, love me, love me, your heated kisses the envy of every junior girl. he was yours for three blissful years, utterly yours, and you were his, his star-spangled girl, and he was your knight - you were both the same, playing games, always difficult to predict. it was a shock to all when he proposed, high-school sweethearts find love in south dakota.
the engagement was a bittersweet affair; three months – you barely out of your gingham print skirts and into a graduation gown, him, a surly quarterback towering above your sisters, cigarette at his lips and a scowl like a fart in a lift. they hated him. so did you. but you were eighteen and in love, and he fitted the cookie cutter mould. everyone wanted him, and you had him. you had him and you were happy, happy, happy, and he loved you. he said he’d give you the world, anything you wanted hand-picked and given to you. instead, he gave you a jack russell terrier and a flat you couldn’t swing a cat in, wallpaper peeling like the rotten bits inside of you, the bits that only he knew. and you got tireder and tireder of the sad excuse of a life he’d picked out for you, him out doing god knows what to pay the bills, and you dancing on tables to pave your way to stardom, and this was love, this was real, until the shine wore off and your fresh-faced, dimple-cheeked cheerleader facade faded and the ugliness started to reveal itself, the whining, the petulance, the sharp-tempered cruelty, the mind games, the need to always win, win, win. he was dull, he was boring, he was nothing like the boy the girls had said he was and no chiselled six pack could hide his lack of anything remotely interesting, your patience wearing thin until it snapped like rubber, a rucksack on your back, running shoes on your feet and the joint bank account emptied into your eighth grade birthday wallet.
you built your small fortunes working the casinos of sioux falls, a crimson dress and an attitude to match. bookish archie with his little dipper freckles was fun for a month, before he became just as dull and dreary as the rest. a three hour bus and you were in minneapolis, bright eyed and bushy tailed, fresh meat ready for the pickings. a hostel here, a friendly co-worker’s sofa there as you made what you could by taking off your clothes and shaking your ass like you were back in pep squad, doing what you did best. you met your fair share of creeps, and soon it was back on the road to escape a wide-eyed stalker and a restless itch for more. milwaukee, chicago, you made the roads your own. log cabins and lodgings, and the occasional motel, a beaten up pick up truck purchased at a scrap merchants – you got a few miles out of it before it bit the dust, and when you finally set it alight after nights spent lounging across the driver’s seat, a parka tucked over you as a duvet, you were sad to see it go. you’re nomadic by fault, never attaching to place, people or things, creating a new personality in every place you go like a character actress; each town is a different repertory theatre, and you’re the star. a compulsive liar, you even fib about your own name, to some you’re ellen, nineteen, bookish, a law student who likes smoking and cosmos. to someone else you’re rita, you’re twenty five and look young for your age, like smoking, comics and fucking in public places.
in the bright lights of michigan, you found charlie, sweet charlie, too good for you, though you let him spoil you while he thought you were the small town girl of his dreams. next came abigail, who was fun until the jealously kicked in, and then luke, gorgeous luke, dangerous, exciting, who despite his temper, despite the fights, despite bruises down your spine and your teeth marks on his arms, loved you with the strength of a wild fire. there was destruction in your wishbones, a savageness from the field, from the pitch and now somehow in his arms, you were godly. he was cruel, he was careless, and he refused to fall at your feet like so many other boys had, which only you made you want him all the more. you were rage incarnate. you hated him so fiercely you thought you might kill him, so he played the only card you wouldn’t predict; proposed.
the house you shared was a backstreet flat in detroit, you making your name as a downtown singer while he footed the bill with pills. they had a drug for anything these days, to dull the senses, to pick them up, to drive you to insanity or pull you out of the madness hole. the two of you lived like criminals on the run (you never told him that you were, living out your days as the enigma he wanted you to be), you with your voice like caramel and fishnet legs. you were his and his alone until his hand was at your throat and the gun was in your hands screaming at him to stop, stop, stop, until a bullet stoppered his brain, crimson staining linoleum as you cast yourself out like lucifer. self defence was decreed the moment they saw your violet neck, black tears and headlight eyes and mind screaming red, red, red like the pom-poms you shook so willingly in school and the insides of his skull. you were gone, and “you” was born, renamed “greta”, boxed, shipped-out, and next-day delivered to livingstone where under witness protection you were a student, blank slate, fresh-faced in a place where no one knew your name, doing what you always did and starting again.
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living-dead-parker · 6 years
12 Days of Christmas; Charity Event - P.P
Summary: Day 4 - The night of Y/N’s annual Christmas charity event approaches and Peter learns some awesome news! Also, who knew Peter could be so cheeky?
Warnings: cussing maybe, fluff, and sexual innuendos 
Word Count: 2k
series masterlist | masterlist 
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The glass and diamond Tiffany's ornaments shimmer under the light you shine upon them. Peter plugs in the cord into an outlet, illuminating the 14 foot Christmas tree that would later be auctioned off. Its monetary value was at around 20 thousand dollars, as a lot of the ornaments were from Tiffany's and most of them were custom made. Along with that, the star was made with some 24K gold. It's also a 14-foot tree so that in itself is pricey. Next to the large tree stands a table with all sorts of other auction items. After inspecting the tree, you move on to the kitchen, checking to see that the kitchen staff is all accounted for and had everything they need.
The doors would open soon and the guests would be arriving not too long after. The room has a warmer feel than it did last night as the room is illuminated in warmer colors. Yellows, reds, and some greens here and there. Lot's of gold too. You fix the wrinkles in your red dress, matching the same dress Morgan is wearing. She chose matching dresses, and you agreed, thinking it was a cute idea. The dresses were red and reached a bit above your knees. They had a black belt with a yellow buckle under the bust and had some white cotton-like material at the ends of the sleeves. The dress came with a matching red overcoat with the same white cotton-like material on the lining of the coat. You both even have matching Santa hat headbands. However, she wears the small kid heels with the straps while you wear knee-high boots.
Peter walks up behind you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. Turning, you can't help but bite your lips as you check him out.  He's in a burgundy suit with his hair slicked over to the side. You press a kiss to his lips, wanting him close to you. However, you hear someone clear their throat, causing the two of you to pull away.
"Hey, I'm not old enough to be a grandfather, so please stop."
You roll your eyes playfully, pulling your father into a hug. He wraps his arms around you in a tight hug, giving you a kiss on your forehead. He's always been super close with you, often confiding in you with so many things he feels he can't tell Pepper. Not that he doesn't trust Pepper, he just doesn't want her to be disappointed in him, so he usually tells you things first. When Tony pulls away, he walks over to the table set up in front of everybody and takes a seat at his usual spot. You see Pepper taking her seat, followed by May, Michelle, and Ned. Morgan is with Pepper and it feels like it's the first time this week she's left your side. You didn't mind having Morgan at your hip because you wanted to lay down the foundation of your relationship with her early on. That she can count on her big sister with anything, and never to be scared to talk to you.
Once the others were settled, you walk over to the back hall as the doors are being opened. Gently, you push Peter up against the wall, holding him in place. You press a kiss to his lips, wanting him to stay in place. When you pull away, he chuckles, smiling down at you. His hands rest on your hips as you check the time. You have five minutes until you both head out, so you make sure to take advantage of the time while you can.
"Peter, this year, you're hosting with me." you tell him. His eyes go wide, unsure of how to feel about that.
"W-what? What do you me-"
"I didn't want you to see the posters or any promotional stuff for the event because I had a surprise for you. I know I should've told you before, but I didn't want you to back out last minute from pure fear," you tell him with a guilty smile on your perfect lips. Peter's brows furrow deeper, a look of pure curiosity in his eyes as he looks over at you.
"Why? What did you do?"
With an innocent smile, you wrap your arms around him. "I may or may not have put you as Co-runner for the event. As in, we plan, structure, and host the event together. I wanted to try the hosting this year and see if you liked it. See if you wanna have a role in this whole thing."
Peter's eyes are wide and his cheeks become blushed as he looks over at you. He hesitates to answer at first, but eventually, he does come around, smiling at you. Peter checks his watch and notices there's only one more minute left. So, he holds his arm out for you, which you eagerly take. Once the clock says six sharp, you open the door, grabbing the two mics on a small table near the very door. You hand one to Peter as the crowd cheers for the two of you.
Giving it a couple minutes the crowd eventually calms down. "Good evening everyone!" you speak into the mic, not once tearing your arm from Peter's grip. "I'm Y/N Stark and this is my boyfriend and co-host for tonight, Peter Parker!"
"Good evening, everyone," Peter says as he nervously plays with the cloth of your jacket. He looks at you as you begin to speak.
"This is the fourth annual Stark Christmas Charity Event and we welcome you to enjoy a night of entertainment and fun. Tonight we have some musical performers and comedy acts. We also have a special message from my father, Tony Stark!" you say excitedly. You and Peter head over to the table as Tony stands up from his seat.
"Welcome everyone," he starts, his voice loud and proud. "I just wanna say that I'm proud of Y/N for planning this and making it all a reality. I myself wanted to start something like this, but I never really knew how to execute it or where to start. Seeing my daughter work everything out night and day for the past 12 months was such a fascinating experience as she takes her work seriously and does everything with love and passion."
Tony takes a seat and suddenly, everyone's focus is on Peter as he begins to speak. "Please enjoy your meals, the bar is only one dollar per drink and we will open up the dancefloor later on in the night," Peter explains. He goes on to introduce the first act of the night, some comedian who is up and coming. Tony felt he was promising and that he could get laughs out of everybody.
As the night went on, everybody seemed to have a good time. Laughs are shared through the night, people are up and dancing to the performers and everyone seems to be feeling good. You were slightly infuriated when you saw that Adam Wesley and his father showed up that night, but fortunately enough, they never approached you or interacted in any way. Peter hosting was becoming easier to him and while he didn't want to admit it, he was a natural. This took May by surprise as he was typically shy and never one to have the spotlight.
"Once again, I'd like to say thank you to everybody here. It's time for the auction portion of the night. So, here we have my good friends Michelle and Ned passing around the bidder numbers. Take one and we will record the numbers of every winning bidder," you state. Peter walks up to you, deciding to help with the auction.
Once everyone is settled, you begin again. "The first item of the night is a travel package. A two week stay at the Four Seasons Jimbaran Bay resort in Bali. Each villa has its own private pool, as well as options for floating breakfasts, rose baths and it's located near plenty of nightlife. Opening bid starts at five hundred dollars."
Each item, bids came in left and right. Tony always liked to be the first to bid high, wanting to set the price a bit higher. So when people did bid, he'd manage to get the prices somewhere in the thousands. Each prize was hitting it out of the park and the final item was up on the podium now, and everybody was intrigued.
"The next item is the signature Stark Christmas tree. Adorned with custom-made Tiffany's ornaments, a gold-encrusted star, and diamond encrusted ornaments, amassing a height of 14 feet, this tree starts off at 15 grand," you state. The paddles go up and the bids start. By the end of it, the tree is sold for 50 grand.
"That concludes tonight's auction and tonight's event. Thank you all so much for joining us and helping out with our cause. We hope to see you all again next year. Good night!" you exclaim excitedly. The crowd cheers and everybody stands up, saying goodbye to other people they know.
People begin to approach you and congratulate you and Peter on the night's success. They mention how fun it was and for the first time in a while, you see Peter feeling comfortable talking to as many people as he is. Even May, once again, is shocked to see Peter openly speak with all these businessmen and women. By the end of it, Tony and Pepper decide to call it a night, taking a sleeping Morgan with them. After an hour, the room clears out and now it's just you and Peter, standing under the warm lights in the room. His hands are resting on your hips and your arms wrap around his neck.
"Thank you for tonight, Pete." you whisper. He shakes his head as he looks into your eyes. Slowly, the two of you begin to sway side to side. Leaning down, he presses his lips to yours as the two of you dance to nothing.
The kiss is sweet and passionate as he pulls you closer to him. He tastes like peppermint and peach schnapps, which takes you by surprise. He notices as you stop kissing back so he pulls away and looks at you.
"What's wrong?" he asks.
"Not that I'm totally against it, but were you drinking tonight?" you ask him. He playfully rolls his eyes and chuckles as he continues swaying side to side with you.
"I just had two and my spidey metabolism won't even let me get drunk, trust me." he tells you. With a giggle, you nod, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"How did I get so lucky to get you?" you ask. Peter shakes his head, quick to shut that down. But you couldn't agree more. You were more than lucky to be with him and that's a fact.
"If anything, I'm the lucky one. I don't deserve you."
"Don't say that. You're literally the best person in the world, I don't deserve you. You're so nice and cute. You make me happy and you're selfless-"
"And you are all of those things too. You aren't like all the other rich snobs who rub it in people's faces and you're so hot. Like, I often find myself in shock that you chose me of all people." Peter says, causing you to get all warm inside, becoming putty in his grip. He giggles at your reaction before leaning down to kiss your neck.
"Morgan will probably be sleeping in your parents' beds tonight, we have your room all to ourselves tonight and I am on such a high from hosting tonight and that Santa dress is doing you no justice-"
"Oh shut it, let's get out of here then," you respond, grabbing his arm and pulling him along to the exit.
"Christmas is coming early for me!" Peter says excitedly.
"If you say something like that again, you won't be at all," you say through giggles. Peter can be really cheeky, but it's one of the many things you love about him.
"I know I've been naughty, but I can be a good boy," Peter continues.
"That's it. The mood's been killed. I was gonna be a ho ho ho for you tonight but those privileges have been taken away now, Parker."
Please leave me requests/asks. Also, leave feedback or talk to me about anything!!
Taglist (let me know if you wanna be added/removed): @bookgirlunicorn @bands-and-shietz @wolfgamzee​
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io-saar · 6 years
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Star sign: Aquarius 
Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first four songs that pop up:
Waveless - Just a Gent
High You Are - What so Not, Branchez
Streamers - Wave Racer
The Trouble With Us - Marcus Marr, Chet Faker
BONUS: Hey Now - Matt and Kim
Because I really just love listening to my music and I’ll be honest, this playlist runs hot is SO FUCKING LIT!!! 🔥
Grab the nearest book to you and turn to page 23, what line is 17?
“…more complex forms that historians of the Stone Age have accepted for decades.”
Courtesy of Art Through the Ages. My art history textbook. 
Ever had a poem written about you?
Probably some lovesick kid in middle school who was in love with the quiet, artistic goth girl but never had the courage to talk to her and show it to her. I started a cult that wrote poems to each other in a notebook we all passed around though. Does that count?
When was the last time you played the air guitar?
Literally last month when my boyfriend and I were doing a music trivia night with my mom and my cousins. I had been nominated by the entire table to participate in the intermission dance competition and boy howdy.... I went hard.
One sound you hate and one you love:
I hate hate hate HATE when people chew over the microphone. That shit is literally right in my ear and I go 0 to 100 real quick when I have to call that shit out. 
The squeaking sounds of a baby sloth. Please consider.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Oh absolutely! I haven’t seen any myself but after my grandpa died, my mom and I were 96% sure he was haunting the house. At night, you would hear the sounds of the stairs creaking like he was coming up the steps and after I moved into the basement downstairs (into the room he used to sleep in no less), I would hear the sound of his recliner upstairs rocking back and forth through the floor above me but when I would go to investigate... there was never anybody there and the chair was always perfectly still. 
I’ve moved out since then.
Do you believe in aliens?
Sure but I’m guessing that they’re smart enough not to make contact with the likes of us. Can’t really blame them!
Do you drive and if so have you gotten in a crash?
I do drive and YES! I have gotten into a total of TWO car crashes. Both my fault but ya know, I’m alive and both instances have taught me to be a better driver. 
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Y’know, oddly enough, yes. It smells like pickles to me so I really enjoy when I get to pump my own gas. 
Last movie you’ve seen?
I think it was with the boyfriend watching Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. That I promptly fell asleep to half way through cause Michael Cera’s performance just puts me to sleep. Everyone else was great in that movie! 
Worst injury you’ve ever had?
I never had just one injury stand out above the rest but when I was little, I was really tall, lanky, and really, really clumsy. When I was 5, I hopped off a really high bench, missed the fucking floor, and broken my elbow. For 7 years after that, I managed to break a bone EVERY FUCKING YEAR! Sometimes the same bone twice!  
Do you have any obsessions right now?
Do you hold grudges?
It depends. I can only think of one grudge I really keep holding onto but that’s a whole story and I never have to interact with that person ever again. I don’t have nearly enough energy to hold more than one grudge at a time! 
That and I’m just not one to stay angry at anyone or anything for more than a day. If you ever really upset me, usually I just need a nap and then we’re cool after that.
In a relationship?
Happily with @fortress-and-flame! He is the sweetest and the most supportive, considerate man I’ve ever met. My friends and I are very convinced he doesn’t have a mean bone in his body! 
Tagged by: @ffxivfisticuffs & @oyuudatass
Tagging: @fortress-and-flame @blood-of-the-dragons @guaca-mholi @locke-rinannis @panda-ffxiv & anyone else that wants to get personal! I know it’s not for everyone.
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