#i will always be thinking about people like rolling their eyes at jensen and bryce being together
mydemonsdrivealimo · 7 months
have been and will continue to be offline but im popping in just to tell you all that i am once again thinking about bryce and his instant attraction to jensen purely bc he looked like a badass bitch. the piercings, the tattoos, the fucking MOTORCYCLE literally just stab him through the heart. he literally didn't even care if jensen turned him down just the chance to be in his presence was enough
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misschanadlerbong · 2 years
Chapter 9 - Part 1
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Summary: Y/N was not doing so well in her studies so she seeks Clay Jensen's help, but things get a bit heated.
Warnings: make-out
Pairing: Clay Jensen x Reader
Word Count: 2k
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The last term of your senior year was going fairly well. The tension between Zach and you were at ease and you both were back to being good sports teammates there was no denying the fact that you guys made the best team.
You found it hard to believe, but it had been a long since you acknowledged that life sucked. But life’s a bitch whenever you feel too happy it bites you in the back.
You got called in by your history teacher and it seemed like you weren’t doing good with your grades, and you needed grades to get into a good college.
“But I’ll have my sports scholarship, so why worry about the grades?” you argued.
“Ms. Y/L/N I understand that you have a sports scholarship but that does not mean that I will be happy to see such low grades in your history test. Y/N you did so well in the first term despite being caught up in sports. I want you to improve your scores as they were. There should always be a backup plan. Let us hope to see a spike in your grades in end-term tests.” The teacher suggested.
To be honest the truth was that you were so caught up with your encounter with Bryce and your breakup with Zach that you almost forgot that you had school to be good at. You made it seem so easy that you could handle it all but, you were just seventeen and you couldn’t handle it all too well. Those sleepless nights of overthinking, thinking how you could have done it differently, what would have happened if you didn’t end up with Bryce in that filthy clubhouse, spending a lot of time in the bathroom crying and the list goes on.
You possessed this power where you can be cheerful and happy from the outside without anyone letting know what’s going on the inside. You never liked the idea of burdening other people with your problems.
Now, you had to move on. Those incidents were not worth anything to put your grades at stake. You decided to ask Clay for help as to who can be a better tutor than the smartest student in the class himself.
The school day ended, and you were going into the parking lot with Jessica where Tony was waiting for you in his car to drop you home. While walking in the hallway towards the gate you came across Clay Jensen. “Jess, you wait for me outside, I gotta talk to Clay about something.” You told Jessica.
“Yeah, I’ll be right outside with Tony.” She spoke.
“Hello, Mr. Nerd.” You greeted Clay.
“Oh, hi! You can see me?” said Clay sarcastically.
You rolled your eyes in embarrassment and said innocently “Okay, I have been a bit busy lately. It’s not like I ghosted you or something we still met at the locker often.”
“Yeah, right right right. You kiss me and then for a month I am just a guy whose locker is neighbors with yours.” You could hear the teasing in his words. He didn’t sound mad he was just being savage which was not unlikely of him.
You sighed heavily, “That is not the point Clay, come on. I need your help. Please listen to me?”
You made your pretty please face which no one has ever been able to deny.
“Yeah, tell me. I was just kidding. Sometimes it feels nice to not be the one getting roasted by Ms. Y/N. Anyway, tell me how I could help you ma’am?” He crossed his arms and was ready to listen attentively.
“I kinda need you to tutor me in History and Maths. I missed a few classes, life’s been pretty rocky, so I wasn’t paying attention. Could you maybe help me?”
“Ah, now I wonder why I got attention from Ms. Y/N/L/N and suddenly I exist for her, of course, it is because you need my help. I get it yeah.” He teased yet again.
“Okay, enough with this sassy treatment Clay, you are lucky I need help from you otherwise I don’t take this shit from anyone. I get it I used you and I am sorry. I am. Please?” you said making your pretty please face again.
“I got homework to do so I might not be able to…”
You cut him off and said “Okay Clay, I have tried to be nice but you’re on the Student Honour Board and you must help every student seeking help. Earlier I asked you as a friend but now I am asking you to perform your duty as a peer. Otherwise, I don’t think so you deserve to be on the Student Board.”
“Damn, you got me. I was just fooling around. I’ll help you. It will be my honor. We can meet at Monéts in an hour.” Finally, he agreed to help.
“No not in an hour, I gotta go home and eat something quickly and come back for practice. How about at 6?” you suggested.
“Oh okay, at 6. But it’ll have to be at my place then. That café turns loud till the evening.”
“Done! Thank you so much, Clay. You are the best.”
You kissed his left cheek in a friendly way which left Clay blushing and staring at the floor with his right hand behind his neck as you walked away.
After practicing you took a quick shower and put on your boyfriend-fit jeans with a black graphic tee on the top and grabbed your leather jacket on your way out. You told your mom that you were going to study at Clay’s place which was the only reason why she would permit you to go to a boy’s place. To study.
On your way to the Jensen’s, you stopped by Monéts to buy a couple of drinks for Clay and yourself. You knocked on the door gently and Clay did not even take a minute to open it seemed like he was eagerly waiting for you.
“Hey Hoodie! See what I brought along with me.”
“Hey Y/N, aren’t we supposed to study?” He inquired.
“Okay, Jensen sue me for needing caffeine while studying.” Sarcasm flows with your words.
“Let me that that.” He offered to take your jacket like a gentleman.
With that, he led the way, and you followed him to the round dining table in the kitchen. You placed the drinks on the table and took out your books. Clay peeped into the drinks curiously, wondering what I could have brought.
You made his work easy by giving him his drink and taking yours, “Here, Hot Chocolate for you and Triple Mocha for me.”
“How come I don’t get coffee?” he asked.
“Simple. Because you don’t drink it.” You answered.
He looked surprised by the fact that you knew that information about him. He further inquired “How’d you know that?”
You tried to make it seem normal as you said “I uh… might have read your fan fiction about Alien Killer Robots and Percy is not a Coffee guy either so I gathered that you won’t be too because you resonate with Percy a lot. You are just like him, brave, courageous, empathetic, and compassionate.”
“You read my fiction???... But didn’t you say that you have no interest in Aline Killer Robots and they creep you out?”
Damn this man had many questions, “Okay, I thought of giving it a try you know starting with the fiction, so I am ready for the real thing. And to be honest I must admit, great writing. You made me fall for the whole Alien concept and I might even borrow those comics you recommend to me earlier.”
You could see the pride on Clay’s face, he was so happy that you called him Percy. You knew he was his favorite character, and he would fight anyone who does not like him.
You both sat down on the wooden chairs and Clay started with American history. It seemed like the house had no one except you two until you heard the door being opened by someone.
“Clay, I am home.” The woman spoke.
That someone was Clay’s mom, Lainie Jensen. She was surprised to see an unexpected guest, but she was so sweet. She instantly brought a huge welcoming smile to her face.
Clay looked a little awkward as he was not expecting either of his parent too early.
“Mom, I thought you were working.”
“Hello to you too Clay. I brought the work home. By the way, who is this beautiful girl?” asked her mom in the sweetest way you could imagine. You always liked when people appreciated you.
Before Clay could say anything, you stretched your hand for a handshake and said “Y/N, Y/Ln. It is so nice to meet you Mrs, Jensen.”
“Oh, so she is the famous Y/N I have heard so much about.” She gasped.
Clay got all awkward again and said, “Not so much about you, you know just a little bit. It’s part of their helicopter parenting where I have to tell them about my day and all. Mom if you would please excuse us, we have to do some studying.”
Clay grabbed all the books, and you picked up your backpack along with the drinks and he led the way toward a narrow staircase. We did not even climb three steps when his mom called for him again.
“Clay, honey, please remember to keep the door open 3 inches”
You tried your best not to laugh but could not help it and let out a small giggle. Clay got embarrassed as he looked at you and then at his mom and said, “Stop humiliating me in front of my friends, mom.” He climbed the stairs in frustration and opened the door for you to his bedroom.
He had a small bedroom but not so small to accommodate a couch in one corner of the room and a queen size bed in the other corner attached to the wall. His study table was just beside the window giving the perfect street view. His walls were dominated by posters of various things this Alien Killer Robots and The Arcade Fire. As he closed the door leaving three inches open as instructed by his mom your eyes fell upon this beautiful doodle of tapes. His bedroom was aesthetically grey which you found soothing and cozy.
Over the span of an hour, you both shifted from the couch to the study table, to the bed and finally, you both settled down on the floor resting your backs on the other side of the bed. Clay was sitting on the side closer to the door and you were sitting near his nightstand.
“So Civil War happened in which year?” asked Clay taking my test.
“1851?” you answered.
“No, Y/N it’s 61”
You groaned in frustration “Why can’t Damon Salvatore be my history tutor? Like he lived the history, he was even part of the war.”
“Don’t you think Damon’s toxic?” asked Clay and jealousy was visible on his face.
You cross-questioned him “Don’t you think Katherine’s a bitch?”
“Yeah, but she’s hot.” Said Clay making an argument.
You patted Clay’s cheek and said with sympathy “Thank you so much for proving my point, Clay.” It didn’t take long for Clay to realize what you meant, and you both laughed loudly.
But suddenly there was an unexpected silence in the room. You felt some kind of tension between the two of you, something that was never experienced between the two of you. It was like a silence that spoke a magnitude of language. You felt a force that was drawing you towards Clay. You took deep breaths and cupped Clay’s face with one hand moving him closer to you. You looked into his eyes and he gave a slight nod.
You leaned in to kiss Clay. Luckily, he started kissing back and you both sunk into the kiss. You still held his face by his jawline keeping him closer and moved towards him decreasing the gap between you two, meanwhile, Clay slid one of his legs to shut the door without breaking the kiss.
You were so impressed by this act; he did this so effortlessly. As you sunk more into the kiss it was getting hot until the door flung open and you stopped abruptly.
A/N: Damn! I wonder who could that be? it's sus. I promise there's a part 2 to it so stay tuned.
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P.S.: I also upload on Wattpad @immafreakingmoonstone, feel free to check out my account :)
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13-reasons-ideas · 4 years
Can’t Go Back Part 16
A/N: This chapter is very Justin-centric. I felt like Addy and Justy needed a day where they didn't need to worry about boys or moms. Just a day to be kids. It’s kind of filler but I like it. It’s a light chapter. As always, feedback is always nice and much love. - Em 
Things were awkward between us for the next week. We had agreed to table the discussion about his dad and had come to a tentative understanding about Justin. We had never had a fight like that before so, we weren’t really sure where the lines were yet. I learned that his dad was a line you don’t cross unless invited. He learned that Justin was a line that was going to run parallel to our relationship, whether he liked it or not. Monty’s behaviour at school was different too. He was a little nicer for people to be around. Not Tyler Down, but I couldn’t really blame him. The kid was fucking creepy. Monty was even sort of polite to Justin.
By the following Monday, things had gone back to normal. Our texts were longer and less to the point. He was… well he was more Monty at school than he was for a few days. His friends didn’t seem to pick up on the change. But I did. He’s trying. I got dressed in in my comfy light wash jeans, because Justin and I were going to the mall after school and paired it with a light pink tank top with an old red and black flannel. The flannel had been sitting at the back of my closet for quite a while. I found it while I was going through and cleaning it out for donations. “Morning Dad.” I called as I heard him pass my room. He cleared his throat and grunted in response. He must have just woken up.
Downstairs, dad was making a cup of coffee while he read the paper. “Morning Addy.” He nodded when he heard me. Definitely just woke up. Grabbing a granola bar for breakfast, I went through and gathered up my books for school. Once they were neatly arranged in my backpack, I set it by the door. My book from last night was still sitting on the island. I took it and flipped it open to my last page since I had a little time to kill before leaving for school. Deciding I would get too lost in the book, I rethought and took it over to my bag to take to school.
“Justin and I are going to the mall after school. He needs help shoe shopping. And I need to grab a few replacement shirts. I had to throw some out that were too old.”
“Have fun. Don’t forget to grab your mom’s prescription on the way home.”
“I won’t. Do we need anything else while we are out?”
“No, we should be okay. I’ll text you if I think of anything today. Your mom will be late today too. One of her students needed to schedule an afterhours meeting.”
“Okay. See you later dad.”
Justin was early today, which surprised me. At least until I noticed his duffel bag. He must have spent the night at Bryce’s last night. He was mingling with his friends. I waved as I passed them to my locker, not paying anyone much mind. I watched them a bit from across the hall. They were goofing off as usual. Justin’s smile seemed a little forced. I’ll talk to him after school. My eyes scanned the group. When they landed on Monty, I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. And I will admit I may have possibly spent more time than strictly required, simply checking him out. It was during my perusal of his body that I noticed something familiar. A little too familiar. My eyes widened and I looked down. That… that’s… we are wearing the same shirt. Spinning around and opening my locker again, I ripped off the flannel and shoved it in my locker.
Casually making my way over to the group of boys, I made sure to rub my arms like I was cold. “Morning Justin. Morning Boys.” I shivered.
“Morning Addy.” Justin said, as he leaned in to hug me gently.
“Where’s my morning Addy?” Bryce smirked.
“Oh, I’m sorry Bryce. I must have forgotten we say morning to each other. Morning Walker.”
“Morning Addy. Are you cold or are you finally going to tell us all what your secret to doing well in school is?”
“I’m cold. And I’ve shared my secret with you before. It’s called actually opening the books they rent to us and reading them. Hey Justin, do you have an extra sweater? I spilled water on my other shirt like right after I left the house.”
“Yeah, I have one in my locker. Go ahead and grab it.”
“Thanks. Have I told you you’re the best lately?”
“Nope.” He laughed.
“Well, now I have.”
I was in a good mood when lunch rolled around. I nodded to Courtney in the hall on my way to the cafeteria. She was talking to Marcus about one thing or another. Tyler was watching Hannah in a way that had it been anyone else, wouldn’t have been weird. Clay was watching her too. I smiled and waved at him. He nodded back. “Hey Addison.” Tyler called. I turned around and he waved his camera at me. I waved my book in the air like I was busy but stopped for the student life photographer anyway. He snapped his photo and I continued on.
Since I was in a good mood, I didn’t even think twice about sitting with Justin and his friends. “Are we eating at the mall?” Justin asked when I sat down.
“I don’t see why not. I’ll have to stop at Baker Drugs on my way home though. Mum has a refill waiting.”
“Okay.” He nodded and bit into his sandwich. Jeff bounded over to the table.
“Guess who got above a C?” He asked, proudly.
“You?” Anders asked in response.
“Yup. Now I can finally make Clay make a move.”
“He’s going to hate it Jeff.” I said.
“I know. But he needs to put himself out there.”
“Make a move on who?” Monty asked.
“Hannah Baker.” Jeff replied. “Everyone knows he likes her.”
“I don’t really pay attention to the Jensen kid.” He shrugged.
“He hates dances.”
“I know. But a deal is a deal. I get above a C he goes to the dance. Are you going Addy?”
“Wasn’t planning on it, no.”
“Why not?” Bryce asked. I rolled my eyes.
“I hate school dances. The only not crappy part is that Tony is DJing.”
“You have to go. I’m going.” Justin begged with his mouth full.
I shook my head. What is it with boys not chewing their food? “I went to the last one. It’s Bryce’s turn to babysit you.”
“I babysat last time.”
“No, you didn’t. You were sneaking off behind the bleachers with your date. I babysat. Plus, I can’t tie a tie. And neither can Justin. Ergo, your turn.”
“Yes you-.” Justin started. I kicked him under the table.
“I’m not going to the stupid dance. Besides, I have homework.”
“Addison. The dance isn’t for like three weeks.” Jeff complained.
“I know Jeff. But I am not Clay Jensen. I have friends. I have a life.”
“Aren’t you friends with Clay?” Scott asked.
“Yes. So, I know he keeps to himself. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to the dance.”
“You’re not going to the dance yet.” Justin smiled devilishly. I rolled my eyes.
“Did you finish your English paper?”
“I’ll take that as a no.”
“Did you?” He challenged. Monty choked on a laugh. Smooth. Bryce quirked his brow.
“Did you just ask her if she finished a homework assignment?”
“Yeah.” He shrugged.
“Yes, I did. Why do you ask?”
“Just curious. Since you’re on me about my homework.”
“Justin. The last time she handed something in late, was like seventh grade because she was out of school the day it was due.” Monty added.
“I remember. She had a stress rash because of it. How do you remember?”
He shrugged. “It had never happened before.” He noticed that? And thought it was important enough to remember? Thankfully before any more questions could be raised, the bell rang.
“I’ll meet you at my locker after school Justin.” He gave me a thumbs up before walking away, already in conversation with Zach about something.
Justin and I drove to the mall, singing along to whatever was on a Spotify artist radio. “Do we want a pretzel now or later?” I asked as I pulled my purse out of my backpack in the car. I had changed back into the flannel from this morning while I waited for my best friend at my locker.
“Now.” We said in unison.
Pretzels in hand, we wandered around the mall for a while. “I need some new shirts. I had to throw a bunch out because they were really old and not able to be donated.”
“You want opinions?”
“Of course.”
“Shoes first?”
“DSW?” He shrugged and nodded. At the store, we headed straight for the men’s section. I pointed out a few pairs that seemed like they were his style. He made a face at the first couple of pairs and shook his head. Shrugging, I pointed out a pair of Nikes that were on sale. He gave me his best seriously look and I laughed. “They could be nice.”
“Yeah. If I want to look like my feet are three sizes bigger than they are.”
“You know what they say about guys with big feet though Justin.” He flipped me off. “What about these?” This time, he actually tried them on. They were not the right ones.
After a few more busts, we decided it was time to try a different store. Famous Footwear was having a sale. We stopped in there. Once again, we headed straight for the men’s sneakers. He tried a couple of pairs of Converse. Neither of us were very big fans. “White?” I asked, pointing out a pair of Pumas.
“No.” He shot down. I nodded and we kept looking. He picked up a pair of grey and white Nikes. “These are nice.”
“They are.” We found his size and he tried them on. “How do they feel?”
“Good.” He flexed his foot a few times before trying them out to walk. “Yeah, these feel good.” I smiled and we placed them back in the box to go pay.
Shoes in hand, we made a quick pitstop for coffee. Justin brought up the topic of the Winter Formal again while we walked around trying to find some shirts for me. “Are you really not going to go Addy?”
“No Justin. I don’t want to go. And besides, I have no one to go with.” At least, no one I can go to a school dance with.
“You can go with us.”
“Go with you and Bryce. And Bryce’s boys?” I quirked my brow, sharply.
“Yeah. We don’t bite. We are fun.”
“Fun. Sure.” I muttered.
“You could see Clay try to talk to Hannah.”
“Or I could sit at home and binge watch Pretty Little Liars.”
“I thought you said you had homework Addy.”
“You know that was just so Jeff would let my excuse slide. For now, at least.”
“Come on. It’ll be fun.”
“If I say I’ll think about it, will you drop it?”
“Yes.” He nodded.
“Then I will think about it.” He made a fist pumping motion and I burst out laughing. “You are such a freaking dork.”
We stopped at Target and looked around the clothes-he wasn’t going to let me look at anything else-for a while. But nothing really felt like me when I looked at it or tried it on. American Eagle was a little better. I was able to at least find things I liked on the hanger and on me. “This?” I asked Justin when I came out of the dressing room in a soft purple shirt.
“It’s nice. Makes your boobs look good.”
“That’s always a plus.” I added it to the small yes pile. A blue one was next. He shook his head.
“Not your colour.”
“Didn’t think so.” A couple more noes were added to the pile before we checked out. Aritzia and Zara were close by, but I didn’t like anything on the rack enough to try it on. We made a quick stop at Madewell and I got a couple of plain white t-shirts.
“Can we make a Sephora stop? I need to replace my foundation.”
“We can if you give me your wallet, so you don’t spend all of your money.”
“I won’t spend it all. I literally only need a new bottle of foundation.”
“Alright. You have ten minutes to get in line tops.”
“Yes Dad.” I shook my head. Justin scoffed jovially. He followed close behind me in the store to make sure I stayed true to my word. They were out of my shade in my usual formula. I grabbed a bottle of my backup formula instead. By the time we were done, I didn’t even have the energy to make a stop at the bookstore. We decided to grab a slice of pizza to go instead of sitting in the food court.
Back in town, we stopped at Baker Drugs and got my mom’s prescription. I grabbed a box of gobstoppers for good measure and grinned at Justin. “Are you spending the night? We can do movies before bed as long as you aren’t a pain in my ass in the morning.”
“Sure. I’ll let my mom know.”
At home, I texted Monty while Justin was in the bathroom. Hey, Justin is spending the night for movie night.
Okay. How was shopping?
Good. I got some stuff.
Awesome. Enjoy your movies babe. Justin came back before I could reply. “Who you texting?”
“Just Zach about our Government assignment. Do we want snacks?”
“Of course, we want snacks.” Together, the two of us went downstairs and raided the cabinets.
“Hi Justin. Hi Addison.” Mum greeted as she came in the door.
“Hi Margot.” Justin replied.
“Hi Mum.”
“Make sure you don’t eat too much candy you two.” She chuckled when she saw us trying to stuff a box of Swedish berries in Justin’s sweater.
“We won’t Mum.”
“Yes Mom.”
I put a bag of popcorn in the microwave. Justin and I ran upstairs with our contraband. We both changed into comfy clothes and arranged our candy on my bed. When the microwave beeped, I ran back down to get it. Mum pretended not to notice me grabbing an extra chocolate bar. I heard her laughing with dad about it though.
“They really are quite cute together.”
“I suppose. Thankfully we don’t need to worry about them being another kind of cute.” Dad said. No, you really don’t.
Justin had Netflix pulled up when I got back to my room and shut the door. He was scrolling aimlessly. “I put butter on in the middle and the top.”
“Wonderful.” He grinned. “What mood are we in?”
“Addison! That is an R rated movie.” He exclaimed, scandalously.
“But it’s funny.”
“Superbad it is.” We got settled and hit play. After it was done, we scrolled through and picked The Social Network. Finally, just for fun to end the night… er, morning, we decided to watch the 2011 Footloose. Between the three films, we ate so much candy we knew we would wake up with stomach aches on Tuesday.
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jjmaebank · 5 years
Justin Foley - Did You Kill Him?
A/N: I know I've been sooo inactive and basically haven't written in over a year but the trailer for the new season of 13rw got me rewatching the series and I just feel like writing for them again idk lol, but I should most definitely be getting on w my college applications rn oops
Your boyfriend Justin has been avoiding you for the last 2 weeks and is clearly keeping a secret, little do you know it's got to do with the murder of Bryce Walker...
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Your boyfriend Justin had been acting off all of this week and last, he'd been avoiding your calls and kept interaction at a minimum at school. You were beginning to think maybe he'd started using again after staying clean for so long. But if that was it, why would he be avoiding you? He still seemed normal with Clay and people, I mean as normal as he could with the Jensens adopting him and all.
Eventually you decided enough was enough. You were practically getting the silent treatment from your own boyfriend, or at least that's what it felt like, and you deserved to know what was going on in his life or at least a reason for why he was shutting you out.
You couldn't imagine that Justin would be anywhere other than the Jensens house on a Thursday evening so you hopped in your car and drove down the familiar route. You arrived at the Jensen household but didn't see Clay's car parked outside. Nevertheless, you proceeded to knock on the front door and hope the two troubled teenagers were home.
"Hey (Y/N), is everything okay? Justin didn't tell us you'd be coming over," Mr Jensen said in his typical friendly and welcoming manner.
"Oh, yeah everything's fine Mr Jensen, sorry to show up so unannounced but is Justin here? I really need to talk to him," you asked.
"No, he isn't actually. Him and Clay left a while ago, said they were working on some group project at Tony's house?" Mr Jensen responded, just as gullible as ever to his sons' cleverly crafted lies.
"Oh right...sorry to bother you then, could you maybe just tell him I stopped by and to call me?" You sulked.
"Why don't you just wait here with Lainie and I? The boys should be back soon, it's a school night and we'd love the company," Mr Jensen smiled.
"I wouldn't want to intrude..." You replied.
"Not at all, come on in," Mr Jensen gestured for you to walk in and shut the door behind you.
About half an hour later you heard the front door open and close, followed by an exchange of angry whispering.
"Clay? Justin?" Lainie yelled from the living room.
"Yeah Mom?" You heard Clay reply from the other side of the wall.
"Could you come in here please?" His mom responded, "Justin too."
You then saw the two boys walk through the door into the living room, both of them taken aback  when seeing you sat on the couch with their parents.
"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" Justin asked, surprise evident in his voice.
"I need to talk to you Justin," you responded, standing up from your spot on the couch.
"At 9 pm on a Thursday night?" He raised his eyebrow, "why didn't you just call me?"
"Well I would've but you don't really answer my calls anymore," you replied, raising your voice a little. How can he act as if nothing's up?
"We'll just leave you to it..." Mr Jensen said rather awkwardly, switching off the TV, "just let us know you get home safe (Y/N) alright?"
"Yeah sure thing Mr Jensen," you responded as him and Lainie went upstairs.
"What did you need to talk about?" Justin asked.
You looked over at Clay who was still in the room, his nosey nature clearly keeping him from giving you and your boyfriend privacy and shot him a look signalling you wanted to be alone.
"Oh right it's like boyfriend girlfriend stuff..." Clay nodded, clicking his tongue awkwardly before turning on his heels and leaving too.
"What's wrong babe?" Justin asked.
"Don't call me babe, Justin, I could ask you the same thing!" You exclaimed, your anger starting to show itself now that it was just you and him.
"What do you mean?"
He was still playing the oblivious card, which was only fuelling your anger more.
"Are you fucking kidding me? You avoid all my calls, hardly speak to me at school or text me for that matter, it's like you don't want to talk to me...so what the fuck is up with you not me?"
Justin began to tap his foot, a sign you knew too well of him trying to come up with a bullshit excuse, "I've just been really busy, that's all. I didn't mean to make you feel like I didn't want to talk to you though."
"Cut the crap Justin, you're clearly not too busy for Clay and Tony, and even Jessica!"
"What are you trying to say?" Justin replied, starting to get angry.
"I don't fucking know Justin! All I know is you're acting normal with almost everyone but me, and I want to know why! What's going on that I don't know about?"
At this point, your anger was clashing with his, this had always been an issue in your relationship, you were both hot tempered and stubborn.
"Nothing! For fucks sake (Y/N), nothing okay! Besides...even if there was something you'd probably be better off not knowing..." he mumbled the last part, but just clear enough for you to comprehend.
"So there is something?" You continued to grill him.
"Wha-no!" Justin rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Stop fucking lying to me Justin! I'm sick of it! I'm sick of being your girlfriend but not actually feeling like it!" You yelled.
"Then maybe you shouldn't..." he whispered.
"Shouldn't what..." You responded in an equally hushed tone, hoping he wasn't insinuating what you thought he was.
"Be my girlfriend," he whispered, looking down at his shoes.
"Can't even look me in the eyes when breaking up with me huh?" You replied, tears welling up in your eyes.
"(Y/N)...." Justin began but you cut him off.
"Just save it okay? Clearly whatever it is you're hiding is worth more than our entire relationship to you," you said, wiping the tears from your eyes and making your way to the front door.
"(Y/N)...I want to tell you...but I don't want you to leave me..." Justin said, his voice pained and his eyes starting to tear up.
"Nothing you say can change the way that I feel about you, don't you get that?" You responded, a last bit of hope resurfacing that maybe your boyfriend will let you back into his life and it wouldn't have to end, at least not in this way.
"This would...(Y/N), please you don't understand!" Justin said, tears rolling down his cheeks at this point.
"Then help me understand!" You exclaimed.
"I-I can't," Justin said, his voice cracking.
"I see..." you responded looking him in the eyes, "bye Justin."
With that you turned around and walked out the house.
"Wait! (Y/N)! Please, just trust me that you're better off not knowing this!" Justin pleaded, following you down the front steps and to your car.
"I don't hide anything from you Justin, I thought we were past that...and clearly my love for you isn't enough to prove to you that nothing you say or do will change how I feel...because you still keep me in the dark and make me feel like you don't trust me!" You exclaimed, getting in your car.
"It's not like that! It's not that I don't trust you! I can't explain it I just don't want you to think I'm a monster!" Justin cried.
"I could never think that Justin, I can't keep telling you this, so I'm not sure whether it's your insecurity of me not loving you enough or you just not trusting me...but either one is damaging our relationship right now, and I can't keep doing this." You replied, tears spilling down your cheeks as you slammed your car door shut and drove off, leaving your boyfriend stood outside his house, cursing himself for what he's done.
A/N: probably gonna make a part two for this where (Y/N) finds out what Justin's been keeping and that he was just trying to protect her from the truth.
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screentimeblog-blog · 5 years
Who Killed Bryce Walker? A review of Season 3
13 Reasons Why Season 3 shifted the focus onto a new storyline. Who Killed Bryce Walker? In typical fashion of the series we quickly learn that everyone had a motive, including new girl Ani who serves as the narrator for events that unfold.
There will be spoilers. So read on only if you have watched season 3 or you don't mind finding out what happened based on this review. 
The first two seasons focused on Bryce and all the bad things he did trying to show he was the king of Liberty high school. Season 3 shed new light on Bryce as he made an effort to try and change his ways and realize all the hurt he had caused his classmates over the years. We quickly learn where Ani falls into this mix as her mother takes the job as an in home nurse to Bryce's ailing grandfather. She quickly becomes intertwined in the web of deception that surrounds the students of Liberty. 
Season 3 started off slower than the first two taking time to really dig deep into what has transpired since the ending of Season 2. What happened to Tyler? How would they help him heal? Could they help him heal? All of that was addressed and more and as the season progresses we learn the truth as to what each student is hiding and why. Starting with Tyler who went to confront Bryce after Monty told him the beating Tyler received was at Bryce's command. Tyler accepts his truth throughout the season and shows his friends that change is possible leading to the ultimate question of whether or not a man as evil as Bryce is capable of redemption.
Next up is Tony Padilla. Already having been arrested twice for assault we learn that during the trial the Walkers were able to find out that Tony's parents were illegals and they were then deported by ICE. Bryce swore up and down to Tony that he had known nothing about what happened but Tony didn't care. In his eyes all of this happened because of Bryce because his actions lead to the trial which lead to Tony being separated from his family. Tony spends most of the season trying to keep this secret from his friends leading to them thinking his rage may have gotten the best of him. 
It's safe to say that none of the audience actually believed Clay Jensen was the one who killed Bryce Walker but he was the number one person on the list of the police. This thanks in large part to multiple threats from Clay, including the events from last season where he pulled a gun on Bryce. Clay with the help of Ani, who we learn had an intimate relationship with Bryce look to clear Clays name for good. Clay just doesn't want to see anyone else's secrets exposed and once again protects his friends at all costs. Clay is both an admirable lead and a complete idiot at times. His courage is good for a lead, but for being a smart kid he does an awful lot that does make him look suspicious. His new found brotherhood with Justin Foley makes things even more complicated as he is willing to take the fall in order to protect Justin and the things he is hiding. 
Then there's the truth. That 3 people directly lead to the events that took Bryce's life. First up is Zach Dempsey. We learn Bryce deliberately set out to hurt Zach because of Chloe (Bryce's ex who had an abortion). Zach then proceeds after the football game to assault Bryce leaving him with a broken arm and leg but very much a live laying on the pier. Which leads to the second and third person. Alex and Jessica. They roll up as Bryce had asked Jess to come see him so he could give her something. We learn that was a tape with his confession and apology. After Alex reluctantly agrees to help Bryce up he begins to swear at Jess and promise to ruin Zach prompting Alex to push him over the edge. 
This is where it gets even more complicated. Ani is called into speak with Deputy Standall where she tells him Montgomery De La Cruz is the one who killed Bryce after the game as a way to keep him silent about the assault on Tyler. Standall agrees in order to protect Alex. Monty has been killed in prison. Yet we learn that Monty had a solid alibi. He was having relations with Hillcrest student Winston. Monty was very protective of sexual orientation and even assaulted Winston following their first hook up in order to protect the secret. 
It was a very engaging season with the murder mystery central premise. It allowed Justin Prentice (Bryce) the chance to show more emotional range than he had been given in the previous two seasons. He was given the daunting task of humanizing a character that had been portrayed as the clear villain if the first two seasons. At times it was hard to feel any different towards Bryce but as the season went along he did make strides. He made an effort and he wanted to realize how badly he hurt people. Prentice has always been one of the best actors on the show and this was his chance to solidify that. He was easy to hate for the first two seasons and during season 3 he was easy to both hate and want to see do better. 
Brandon Flynn as Justin Foley is probably my favorite performance. Justin is probably the most troubled kid in the series and even more so now. We learn he has not given up drugs like he tells everyone he has. Justin often says the dumb thing. He often is the weird comedic relief despite all the negative things going on his life. Justin is loyal. He loves deeply and is thankful for all the things his friends and family have done to try and turn his life around. He comes clean about the lies with the Jensen's at the end who vow that they will help him no matter what the cost. Justin is a troubled character but he has many layers and Flynn gets the chance to show us all of them very frequently throughout this season given that the truth is revealed in pieces as we go a long. 
Hearing both Alisha Boe and Devin Druid deliver monologues about surviving sexual assaults had me tearing up multiple times. Boe played Jess as a new found badass ready to find justice for people who may have lost their voice because of a trauma while helping Tyler find his voice without even realizing. The assembly scene where the survivors stand was both powerful and emotional. Druid expressing all his heartbreak and sadness as Tyler confesses to Clay what happened was very emotional as well. 13 Reasons Why has always been a hard show for me to watch as a parent and just 10 years removed from High School. Now my experience of school was not as distressing as the events depicted on the show, I do remember the days of being pushed into lockers because I was not friends with the jocks. I remember being the kid who sat in the library to avoid the halls because of bullying from kids whose parents were prominent contributors to the school and no matter what happened I was always the bad kid.
13 Reasons Why is a powerful show for those who have never felt like they could be heard. For those who feel never felt like they had friends they could count on to do the right thing. It reminds the good kids to do the right thing. It reminds the bully's that you will face the consequences of your actions. Yes it does make these points in the most exaggerated way possible but unless they did that it's doubtful that people would listen in the first place or pay attention to the fact that all these things are happening. The show reminds us to pay attention to differences in behaviour, to see changes in our friends and to stand up for the people who deserve it most. I think it's safe to say that anyone who has been bullied or stood up to bullies or both women and men who are survivors of sexual assaults can see a little bit of themselves in Clay, Jessica, Tyler and Justin. 
With the announcement of a fourth and final season I can say that I am invested in seeing what they do to wrap this season. I know both seasons 2 and 3 have been given very negative reviews but all of that seems unfair towards a show that has only ever tried to start a conversation and help those struggling with mental health and their secrets. There is no doubt that season 4 will be just as good as the first three and will continue the conversation about seeking help if you need it. For those struggling don't be afraid to reach out to counsellors and trusted adults. 
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pinkykitten · 6 years
Get Away From Her
13 Reasons Why
Zach Dempsey x female! reader
Warning: some cursing, sexual assault, marijuana, alcohol, fighting, blood
Specifics: high school, fighting, man vs man, fluff, comedy, race neutral reader
People: Zach Dempsey, you, Sheri Holland, Clay Jensen, Jeff Atkins, Bryce Walker
Words: 2,135
Summary: Bryce gets a little too comfortable with you, very handsy. He tries to get you alone but Zach is there and he doesn’t like what he is seeing. Zach does everything in his power to protect you.
Authors Note: aghhhh this is my first time writing for 13 r.w. and i luv it!!!! so just a couple of things, i do not curse in real life so the cursing in here looks like this s***. i am just too much of a cinnamon roll and i dont curse. also another thing is to me jeff never died #jeffstilldeservedbetter so he is alive in this. ALL HE HAD WAS A CAR ACCIDENT HE WENT TO THE HOSPITAL AND RECOVERED INEEDTHISINMYLIFECAUSEILUVHIMSOMUCH!!! this deals with a lot of stuff so if this just isnt for u to read then pls skip on. anyways my sis luv zach pretty much anything that has to do with ross butler lol. hope u guys like, pls feedback y’all!
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“C’mon y/n we’re gonna be late,” Sheri called waiting for you outside the bathroom.
 She had asked you to help her study for a history exam you both had coming up. Of course, you being the sweetheart you accepted her request. Unknown to you though she actually wanted to get you to the party at Bryce’s house. Her excuse was, “girl, I’ve seen the way you look at Zach and its time you do something about this love crush.”
So in the bathroom you struggled to put on a dress she let you borrow. 
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As you opened the door you looked down not wanting to see the emotion in Sheri’s eyes, “Sheri this is waaaaayyyyy too short for me. I can’t wear dresses that almost go to my sugar land, especially at a party where there are a ton of horny boys.”
“Y/n, trust me you’ll be fine. I’ll keep on the watch for you, checking up on those horny boys. Plus, you look fantastic and thats what we want, right? Zach maybe can reach that sugar land tonight,” Sheri joked.
You slapped her playfully and grabbed your bag. Sheri said she would watch out for you, but that night was a night you thought maybe going to this party was a mistake.  
As you and Sheri walked up the driveway to Bryce’s party a couple of boys ran in front of you both. Acting silly, and of course it was evident that they were drunk. Your stomach was turning and in the back of your mind you questioned whether this was such a good idea.
Sheri noticed your nervousness and grabbed your arm, “hey y/n, look just have one drink for me, then I promise I’ll take you home. Deal?”
You glanced around the house, straightened your back, put on your big girl panties on and strutted inside the house. You were going to own this night. 
As you searched around the room you noticed some familiar faces from school and some new ones.
“Wow y/n, I’m surprised to see you here. I didn’t know you come to parties,” your friend from Liberty High, Clay Jensen said.
You chuckled, “I didn’t know you come to these dumb things either. Plus I was forced to go.” You pointed to Sheri who was drinking already and laughing with a group of girls. “History exam.”
Clay nodded and said his goodbyes. Great, now what were you supposed to do. You looked like an idiot, just standing near the wall by yourself. That was when you saw in the distance the tall Zach Dempsey. 
“Oh my god y/n, avoid eye contact at all cost. If he doesn’t catch you staring like all those other times he won’t come over here,” you thought to yourself. You looked to the side at some fake, odd, looking plant. Your mistake was you thought Zach was gone but when you went back to look at him he was still there! And his attention was on you. 
“Oh sweet jesus,” you prayed aloud. You thought maybe you should pretend to talk on the phone but as you rummaged through your purse you realized you forgot the dang thing.
“Hey y/n,” a voice called from above you. 
“If only that was god,” you thought in your head. “Heyyyyyy Zach. What brings you here?”
“Well its a party...so.”
Your eyes were opened wide and you plastered on this anxious, nervous, fake smile. All truthfulness you looked like you just peed your pants. 
“Are you okay y/n?”
“Me? Oh yeah,” you waved his concern off, “I’m fine. Just not the party type. I just came here for a friend I’m helping Sheri study for her history exam.”
“Yeah I saw you came in with Sheri. By the way you look amazing in that dress. Your like the best dressed in the whole house.”
“Thanks,” you said awkwardly pulling down the fabric. “I mean its not mine, its Sheri’s, but you think its too much? I mean its just a party and I came all dolled up when everyone is either wearing jeans or skirts.”
“No! I mean no, I think you look perfect.”
You smiled all flustered at his compliments. 
“Hey listen y/n if ever you want to-”
“Whats up bro and...y/n l/n? Wow didn’t think I’d ever catch you here.”
Bryce, Bryce Walker (lol i feel like veronica in heathers)
“Me neither,” you said trying to get out of the conversation. Rumors have spread like fire about Bryce, he was a trouble maker. You did not need that right now, actually how about never. 
“Man, y/n you clean yourself up pretty good. I’m so used to seeing you all covered and a good girl. Now you look pretty bad,” Bryce winked at you while licking his lips.
“I kinda regret wearing this dress now,” you muttered under your breath. 
Zach was getting angrier and angrier by the minute. He saw how much Bryce was making you uncomfortable and he just would not quit. 
“Well, y/n, how bout I show you a good ti-,” Bryce had started to say but you interrupted him with a shriek.
“Oh my god Laura! Whats up cous (cousin)? No I’ll go to you,” you shouted from across the room. 
Zach and Bryce’s attention was to where you were pointing and yelling. 
“I’m sorry guys to cut the talk short but who would of known my cousin is here. Well, I’ll get to you guys later gotta say hi to her or else I am gonna have some family issues,” you faked laugh.
You did erupt a real laugh though as you left because you didn’t have a cousin here. You just made that up to get the heck out of that conversation! You let go of the breath you had contained inside of you. 
Deciding to at least try to enjoy yourself, you grabbed a drink and raised it up to Sheri who was far away. Sheri smiled and clapped, mouthing “good for you.” 
“Y/n just take one drink and then you can get the h*** out of here,” you said aloud.
Your stomach started to grumble so you grab a chip and dip it into salsa. You put the whole thing in your mouth. 
You turn around to see Jeff Atkins (rip😭) , the sayings were true, he was handsome. You almost choke on your chip at his presence. 
“Atkins! Boy you scared the crap out of me,” you exclaimed.
Jeff just giggled, “I’m sorry y/n.”
You shook yourself and regained your composure, “anyways, why did you say don’t?”
“That salsa had marijuana in it, I mean I’m not gonna judge or anything but that s**** strong. So just be careful.”
Your eyes almost bugged out of your head. You put the salsa and chip down and tried to take the left overs out of your mouth.
“I saw you checkin out Zach.”
“Oh my god you too! What is it with people being interested with who I like and don’t? It’s like everyone wants to know!”
“Go after him,” Jeff said leaning against the counter. 
Jeff gets closer, “hey I’m no matchmaker but, I can tell he likes you trust me I’m a guy. I know. Just go back to him and talk. Its better to talk outside so nobody can disturb you,” Jeff wiggled his eyebrows.
“First of all Jeff ewww, no, me and Zach are not doing the do. I just have a crush on him! Can it be that before we make it into teen mom. Second, you say you’re no matchmaker but you sure as h*** always try to be one. Third, I tried to talk to him and I get so nervous I sweat like a waterfall under my armpits! And fourth of all what do you know about girls?”
Jeff just shrugged, “trust me y/n. My advice will come handy one day. One day.”
You shook your head, “silly.”
Again, alone you stood by the drinks. You downed the last of the liquid and had the urge to use the bathroom. As you go to there, you see there is not a soul in sight.
“Finally, peace and quiet. I mean who would gather around and talk around the bathroom, thats just gross.”
As you opened the door to the restrooms you felt a hand on the lower part of your back. You quickly snap in the direction of the hand and see that it is Bryce. 
“H-hey dude,” you said trying to sound confident and not frightened. 
“Hey y/n. I wanted to finish what I started earlier. That dress it just makes the animal come out of me,” Bryce’s hands were roaming all over your body. 
“Animals, I love animals. Why don’t we talk about some, like whats your favorite?”
“I much rather do this to you,” Bryce wore a smirk the whole way through. “You’re so sexy y/n, especially in this dress. How about I take it off of you?”
“Bryce quit it!” You were starting to panic. You tried to pry him off you but he was too strong. You did not want this, Sheri said she would protect you, watch out for you. “Bryce stop it!” But Bryce would not. Instead, every time you said something he would become more handsy. 
“I know you want this y/n. You’re just urging for me to be inside you,” he whispered in your ear, biting your earlobe. Then he grabbed your face harshly to kiss you. 
Your face squirmed in disgust, you tried to kick him in the groin but he grabbed your leg. This was it you were going to be raped on this day. Tears started to form in your eyes. You were scared no terrified at this moment. After he finished making out with you, he zipped down his pants. 
Bryce kept you in a death grip. “Someone please help me! Sheri, Jeff, Zach, Clay, someone please help,” you cried in horror. 
Bryce lifted your dress up and you were sobbing and asking him to stop. Just as Bryce was about to pull down his pants Zach came to view.
Zach’s eyes widened in shock. “Dude what the f*** are you doing to her?”
“C’mon Zack were just having a little fun. Right y/n?”
You shook your head into a no, tears staining your cheeks. “Bryce tried to rape me! You pig!”
“Bryce let her go,” Zach barked out. 
Bryce then grabbed your butt with a smirk and massaged it. Everything went so quickly. Zach lunged for Bryce and Bryce let go of you. Zach punched Bryce’s stomach while Bryce tried to elbow Zach’s face.
Zach tackled Bryce down, Zach on top, started pounding and smashing Bryce’s face. Zach’s face was red of anger. He was so irate and so mad, that all he could do was scream and say “leave her alone.”
All you could do was stand, the moments before this fighting were still fresh in your mind. It replayed like a movie. You looked down at your hands and they were shaking. “Zach please stop!”
You knew Bryce was the golden child of the school, heck the whole neighborhood. If they saw what Zach did to Bryce Zach would have consequences even if he did what was right. Zach would get blamed. 
“Please, Zach stop.”
Zach stood up harshly and looked at your face. He looked as if he could almost cry. Bryce laid on the ground moaning and groaning in pain. Blood spilling from his nose and the cut on his lips. His eyes starting to become swollen. 
Zach ran to you and hugged you, “I’m so sorry y/n I wasn’t here earlier.”
“No you came just in time. Thank you Zach.”
Clay and many other kids came to see what was all the commotion. 
Well you took Jeff’s advice. You led Zach outside to talk to him about the matter. 
“I just wanted to say Zach, thank you.”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you. I should of been there by your side, I should of known what would-”
“Zach! Stop! You could not have done anything more than what you did. And even if Bryce would of done that detestable thing I still would like you.”
You quickly place your palm on your mouth. Did you just say that out loud?
“You like me,” Zach questioned. 
You sheepishly looked down, then grabbed his much more bigger hand in yours, “yes Zach I do.”
Zach looked at you with an overjoyed expression. He inched closer to you putting his hoodie on your back. He gave you a toothy grin, squeezing your hand a little. 
“Hey you maybe wanna go hang out some time? I also need help on studying my history exam.”
You laughed and nodded, “I’d really like that.”
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fcklifeex · 7 years
Jeff Atkins - One Shot
A/N: Please forgive me but this is extremely long. I wanted it to read out like the show where Hannah is the narrator but the flashbacks/events are from the reader’s perspective - kinda like when Clay was reliving them if that makes sense.
Let me know how you like it!
Y/N, I can count all of the times I ran into you on my fingers but yet you left a lasting impression. You and Jeff were the envy of the school. The cheerleader and the all-star jock. There was nothing cuter than when the two of you were together. Your locker was 4 away from mine and there wasn’t a day I didn’t see him meet you there before each class. I envied you so much. Both of you. You had it all. Love. Popularity. Friendship. You were good at everything you tried to do, and you were still some of the sweetest, kind-hearted people, I’d ever met -
“Dang, you’re looking extra fine today, baby.” Jeff said, coming up behind you to press a kiss on the back of your head before leaning against the locker next to yours.
 “Not as fine as Angie’s lips though, right?” You returned hotly, continuing to look through the mess of papers to see if you could find your chemistry study guide.
 It took him a moment to process what you’d just said and he immediately straightened up. “What?”
 “That’s what you said to Angie in the library right?” You slammed your locker shut, throwing your bag over your shoulder. “If she’s what you want then be my guest.”
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Jeff rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around your waist. “You know you’re all I want. You’re all I’ve wanted since 8th grade. I was just congratulating her, that’s all baby. Besides you got best face and best legs. I’m sure you’ve gotten a few compliments today.”
His lips pressed playful kisses along the side your neck, nuzzling his face in your hair to make you laugh. As much as you wanted to stay mad, it was hard when he was just so damn cute. “Besides - since when do you get jealous?” He asked, with an innocent smile on his face. Then in a moment of recognition, his eyes widened. “Uh-oh. Are you on your period? Is that why you’re so emotional?”
You’d known Jeff since the sixth grade and had been dating since the 8th, by sophomore year of high school, he was practically an expert at reading you and making things better. Lowering your head, you nodded it slowly.
“Awh baby.” He pouted his lips, lowering them to kiss yours. “It’s your lunch period right? Let’s go get you some chocolate from the vending machine. My treat.”
I chuckled, wrapping my arm around his torso to hug him tightly. “Well aren’t you my knight in shining armor.”
“You’re damn right I am.” He laughed, kissing the top of your head.
With his arm thrown over over your shoulder, you walked down the hallway together. Clay and Hannah were talking by the his locker and you both smiled at them.
 “Jensen!” Jeff nodded his head at Clay, the smaller man awkwardly smiling and giving a wave.
“Hey Hannah.” You smiled. “I love those boots.”
She looked down at her shoes then up at you with a genuine, touched smile, saying thank you before you and Jeff disappeared around the corner.
 “That kid has the biggest crush on her.” Jeff said, looking down at you.
“If only he had the balls to do something about it.”
You had no idea how much something so small had meant to me. You didn’t know about the shitty day I’d had. You didn’t know about how hard I’d had things lately. You didn’t say it to get something out of it. You were genuine and nice  and it helped a lot that day.
At the dance you and Jeff showed up fashionably late. Your hair was down straight, not a strand out of place. Your makeup was no less than perfect like it usually was. You wore an all black dress that matched Jeff’s suit. Sleeveless, with a puffed skirt. The whole thing molding to your perfect body. I had watched as you two entered the gym - everyone did - your both grabbed the attention of everyone and it never seemed to phase you as you were in your own little world.
“Ayyyy!” Monty came by, throwing an arm around Jeff and I. “You finally made it!”
Jeff laughed, nodding his head towards me. “Would’ve been here 40 minutes ago if Y/N didn’t take forever getting ready.”
“Hey!” You defended, hitting him playfully. “It takes time to create a masterpiece like this.”
“That you are.” Monty looked your up and down, “and those legs definitely deserved to make the list.”
You rolled your eyes and laughed along with Jeff as you were approached by Zach, Justin, and Bryce. Each gave you both a hug and you watched as Jeff tensed when Bryce hugged you. After he let go, Jeff threw his arm around you as if to stake his claim while they made small talk.
“Alright alright. If you fellas don’t mind, I’ma have a dance with my lady.” Jeff said after a while.
“Ooohh” They teased playfully, blowing mock kisses at you.
You laughed as Jeff took you out to the dance floor, his arms wrapping around your waist as you slow danced to the song playing. With your arms wrapped around his neck, holding him close like you had at every dance since you’d been together. He’d gotten better at dancing, certainly improved from the first time when he wouldn’t stop stepping on your feet. He looked down into your eyes, a soft smile on his face.
 “You really are a masterpiece.” He whispered.
You blushed, leaning up to kiss his neck. “All for you baby. Always.”
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“Man am I lucky.” He smiled.
Looking over his shoulder, you could see Bryce creeping on some girl and returned your eyes to Jeff. “What was that about earlier? With Bryce?”
His face turned serious again and he looked over his shoulder to where I had been looking. “He’s not a good guy. I don’t know. Guy gives me a bad vibe.”
You nodded, running your fingers through the back of his hair. “He does seem like a douche bag.”
“Yeah, I try not to hang out with him one on one.” He nodded, before changing the subject. “Will you look at this? Clay sitting on one side, Hannah on the other. This would be like the perfect opportunity for him to ask her to dance.” You laughed, looking at them smiling at each other from across the gym. “Go. Tell him to make a move. I have to use the restroom anyway.”
He smiled, kissing your lips again, before letting go of you to walk up to the bleachers. You smiled to yourself watching him go into big brother mode as he spoke with Clay before you walked out of the gym to use the restroom.
“You and Jeff look so good tonight.” Sheri boosted, applying another coat of lipstick in the mirror. “You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if you guys won prom king and queen for our senior prom. Everyone’s totally jealous of you guys.”
You laughed, brushing a hair behind your ear as you washed your hands. “We are dreamy aren’t we.” You half joked, drying your hands.
“You have no idea. You’ll have the cutest story to tell your kids some day.” She laughed.
“You ready to go back out?” You asked, finally taking notice of her dress. “Damn Sheri, you’re the one looking amazing. I love that dress.”
She laughed, hooking your arm with hers. “Well, I can’t let you have all the glory.”
The two of you walked out of the bathroom and Hannah practically knocked you over as she walked down the hallway, her eyes filled with tears.
“Hannah, hey.” You stopped her, placing a hand on her shoulder to turn her around.
“I’ll meet you inside.” Sheri said, giving us some privacy.
“What’s going on?” You asked her, lifting her chin up to face you. “What happened?”
It’s nothing.” She shook her head, “I just want to go home. It was stupid of me to even think I’d have a good time here.”
“No! Come on - don’t think that way. Come hang out with Jeff and I - Jessica’s in there - we’ll have a great time.”
She looked down then back up at me nodding her head. “Good.” You smiled, taking your hand in hers.
The two of you walked back inside the gym, each grabbing a cup of punch. You knew Jeff had a game early in the morning so you he wouldn’t be drinking, that gave you a free pass to fill from the spiked bowl. You danced with Hannah before she spotted Jessica getting sloppy with Justin.
“Oh god,” She shook her head, looking over at you. “I’m getting her out of here before she does something she’ll regret.”
You tried to convince her to stay but she didn’t opting to pull Jessica away from Justin. Your eyes met Jeff across the room and your lips lifted into a smile, crossing to jump back into his arms. “There you are.” He smiled back, kissing you again, “Let’s dance cause this song’s definitely going to play at our wedding.”
You didn’t have to look out for me that night but you did. I should’ve listened to you, Y/N. I should’ve stayed with you and Jeff and Clay, and ignored everyone else but I didn’t.
It was no surprise that by the time Dollar Valentine came around, you and Jeff had been matched together. While I got guys like Bryce and Marcus, you got your soulmate. Some things just always went right for some people.
“Well obviously I did dollar valentine - It’s for my squad.” You rolled your eyes, at Monty’s question.
“So?” He asked, “who’d you get?” Jeff laughed, putting both of our result sheets on the table. “No - no fucking way!” He laughed in disbelief. “How in the fuck did you two get each other?”
“What can I say man, it’s literally in the cards.” Jeff laughed, pulling you into him before kissing the top of your head. “What do you say? Movies tonight?”
“30 Ways to Die just came out.” You replied. “I’m so down.”
“30 Ways to Die? Seriously?” Zach cocked a brow. “It’s a valentine's day date - shouldn’t you see some mushy shit?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Not when you’ve been together as long as we have. Besides, the romance can happen later” You shot him a wink.
 “Awww shit!” Monty laughed finally catching on.
“Let me guess.” Clay said as you approached the counter. “You two are seeing Never Say goodbye for Valentine’s day.”
“No we’re seeing 30 Ways to Die.” He replied. “You’re a classy date” Hannah joked, counting money at the register.
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“I am.” He returned, hanging his head with a chuckle. “This was her idea.”
“Nothing gets me in the mood like a good horror.” I joked, causing her to laugh out loud by my unexpected comment. 
“Oh wow. That’s a first.” She laughed, wiping her eyes.
“What’s up with that Dollar Valentine thing?” Jeff asked Clay. “You told me -”
He was cut off by Clay giving him a look. Hannah looked over at us then at him.
“We’re goin’ to see our movie.” Jeff backtracked, grabbing the bowl of popcorn. “I’ll catch you later.”
“Later guys.” I waved back at them, pinching Jeff’s arm.
“How was I supposed to know?” He asked with a shrug.
While you were in the theater watching a horror movie, curled against into your boyfriends chest, I spent the next couple of hours wondering why I wasn’t good enough to be doing the same.
I think back to the night of Jessica’s party and wonder if things would’ve gone differently if I hadn’t been there. I convinced myself that I could start over. That I could be a person that fit in.. And for a little while I did and it was the most fun I’d had in a long time. Of course you and Jeff were there, surrounded by your usual crowd. Yet you both still found the time to push Clay and I towards each other and I never got the chance to thank you.
“Justin, Jess is looking for you in the kitchen.” You yelled before you caught sight of Hannah.
“Hannah, hey!” You smiled crossing the room with a red cup in your hand. “I like the new hair.”
 You were always extra touchy when you drank and without even asking, you ran your fingers through her hair to fully appreciate the new length. She smiled at you returning your overly affectionate hug. “Thank you!” She laughed. “Someone’s been drinking.” “Hell yeah. It’s my turn. I was DD last week, this week is Jeff’s turn.” You laughed, motioning to your hubby in the corner talking to Zach and Monty.
“Well - that’s responsible.” She returned.
“Hey - Clay’s here, being his usually secluded self. You should go say hi and bring him out of his shell.”
She froze but a blush swept her cheeks. “Oh - no, I wouldn’t want to bother him.”
“Y/N!” Jeff called from across the room. “Zach thinks he can finally take you at beer pong!”
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“That so Dempsey?” You yelled, then turned back to Hannah. “That’s my cue but next time I see you, you better be with Clay!”
She laughed, nodding her head while you ran over to Jeff and the guys.
“You think Junior year is going to be the year you beat me? History says you’ll lose!”
“Nah - “ He shook his head. “This is my year. I can feel it.”
As the night went on, you ended up making out with Jeff, grinding along to the music while Zach and the guys continued playing. His hand ran up your thigh grabbing your ass through the fabric of your denim shorts. Biting his lower lip, you swept your tongue across it with a smirk, locking your eyes on him.
“You’re totally spending the night at my house.” He whispered. “Tell your mom you’re spending the night at Sheri’s or something.”
 “I’ll call her when we leave.” I smirked, kissing him again.
As much as your mom loved Jeff, she would much quicker approve of you spending the night at your best friends house then at your boyfriends.
“Look -” You motioned your head towards Hannah and Clay walking out to sit by the pool.
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Jeff smiled proudly at his friend as they laughed and giggled. “See, I give good advice.” The two of them looked over at you and Jeff, and the two of you looked away quickly, with you nuzzling your face into his neck with a laugh.
“Uh - oh” You sighed, watching Troy bother them. “Go get him before he ruins it.”
“On it!”
Jeff did as he was told, grabbing Troy and bringing him back towards the ping pong table. You shot Hannah and Clay a wink before Jeff’s lips were back on yours again. “Seriously. I don’t know what it is, but you’re lookin’ extra good tonight. One more hour tops and I’m getting my hands on you.” He promised with a whisper against your lips.
“Your hands are always on me!” You laughed, brushing your hands up through his hair.
“You’re damn right!”
“You’re so bad. This is like the third week in a row. It's only a matter of time before your mom starts to think you're a closet lesbian.” Sheri laughed, looking up at you as you sat up on the kitchen counter.
Courtney said trying to join in with your laughter. “Who would want that right?”
Both of you stopped laughing, your faces turning serious. Neither of you were a fan of Courtney. She was one of the most two faced people you met.
“Fuck off Courtney.” You replied, no humor in your tone.
Her jaw dropped at your straight-forwardness but she turned around walked away, almost bumping into Hannah who was walking into the kitchen.
She looked distraught so you waved her over. “Hey? What happened? You and Clay were hitting it off.”
“I screwed it up.” She sighed. “Just like I screw everything up.”
“Look, you two have been playing this game for too long. Give it a couple of minutes and go talk to him. You gotta go after what you want honey. Make things happen for yourself.”
“Sheri - You’re blocking me in.” Jeff called from the doorway. His eyes landed on your and his lips curled into a bright smile. “There you are.”
“Here I am.” You threw your arms up, pulling him in for a hug. “Where are you going?”
“Let me just grab my stuff, I’m taking off anyway. Hannah if you want to head out I can give you a ride.” Sheri offered, heading out of the room with her.
“Thank you ma’am.” Jeff yelled after them. “Going on a beer run for the guys.” He answered, holding you against him with his hands on your waist.
“You want me to come with?” You asked, pressing kisses along his neck.
“Nah, I’m going to try and take Jensen with me to see what went wrong. But as soon as I come back, we're going home.” He smirked, leaning down to kiss your lips. “Then they’ll be nothing to stop me from doing what I want to you.”
“You promise?” You purred against his lips.
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“Oh I definitely promise.”
I wondered what would’ve happened if I’d listened to you that night. If I stayed with you a little longer. As I looked back at these events, I realized my mistakes in them, and this is one I could've never forgiven myself for.
So we come to the reason you’re listening to this tape.
That night, I had caused Sherri to get distracted and knock over the stop sign. She panicked and took off. I ran to the nearest store to call 911 and report it but I was too late by then.
The police said he was drunk driving. Nobody would listen when you told them he’d been sober but he had been and I hope this gives you the tiniest bit of comfort in knowing you weren't wrong.
I wasn't there to see your face when you got the news. I’ll never forget the broken-hearted gaze in your eyes at the wake.
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You were dressed in all black, again matching Jeff like you always did.Your hair pulled back in a low pony tail. Your makeup done perfectly as always aside from some mascara that had run down from the never-ending flow of tears.
You didn't speak to anyone that night. You took a cushion from one of the chairs and sat next to the coffin the whole time. The guys tried to offer their condolences. Family tried to comfort you. None of it helped.
I watched as Sherri sat down with you for most of the time. She would whisper comforting words and stroke your back to soothe you when the tears began to constrict your breathing. I could see the guilt inside of her yet she never admitted what she'd done.
The light had gone out inside of you the day Jeff died. The vibrant, cheerful, happy-go-lucky girl was no longer there. Not a smile. Not a glimmer. Not a sound.
You slept at the funeral home that night. Under the special circumstances, the owners allowed it. You stayed on an air mattress inflated next to the casket by the guys and there you had the last night you'd ever spend next to him.
Jeff hadn't been drinking that night. He was planning to come back to you and the two of you would go on with your perfect lives.
Knowing I ripped that away from you was a guilt I couldn't bare to live with. I hope you know how truly sorry I am. I hope you can one day find it in your heart to forgive me, though I know I don’t deserve it. Just like I didn't deserve your friendship or his.
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Your fingers brushed over the cassette player. Tears now streaming freely down your face. You're tired eyes landed on the tattoo of Jeff’s initials on the inside of your wrist and your heartbeat had slowed to a dangerous pace while you relieved the memory.
Your eyes met Sherri’s as she approached your table in the courtyard of the school. She glanced down at the player in your hands and her smile instantly fell to one of fear. She'd listened to the tapes - must have - because she instantly opened her mouth to explain.
You stood, as calmly as you could and your hand struck her across the face. You had no words for her. No explanation for anyone. You grabbed your stuff and walked away.
She was your best friend. She should've told you. You should've heard it from her. Not one some tape.
You would never get Jeff back. You would never see his smile again. Smell his cologne. Run your fingers through his hair. All because of some fucked up chain of events.
Jeff deserved to live. He wanted to live. He wanted to play baseball and get married and have kids. All of that was ripped away from him.
How was that fair?
Life had gone on for everyone after Jeff had died, but you wished so badly yours would've ended. You had thought about doing it yourself numerous times but you knew that wasn't was he would’ve wanted.
A/N: I know everyone voted for Jeff to live, and I will do a rewrite of this ending with a happy finish, but I had to get this off my chest for now. Don’t hate me. :(
 ** NONE of the gifs/images are mine.
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multifandom-images · 7 years
Suspended // Monty De La Cruz x Reader
Number 10 from my prompt list for Monty De La Cruz; “I’m having a life crisis right now stop laughing at me.”
Requests and Ships are open!
Italics are flashbacks (F/f) is favorite flavor.
Part Two
“Hannah?” (Y/n) looked at the girl who had tears running down her face in the empty bathroom,“ What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“Oh (Y/n) hey,” Hannah wiped the tears away,“ No yeah I’m fine just a little tired.”
“Honey you’re crying in the bathroom alone you’re anything but fine,” (Y/n) frowned,“ The last time I did this was- well I think that’s a story for another time.. Now tell me what’s wrong my little Baker.”
“You know that photo that was spread out, it was Courtney and I. She got scared and now she told Montgomery of all people that it was Laura and I who even had a three ways with guys and asked Courtney for one! She even told him that I let Justin finger me and had sex with him,” She looked at (Y/n) with more tears filling in her eyes,“ She’s making me the school slut and I just tried to be her friend…”
“Listen up Hannah,” (Y/n) hugged her tightly,“ I’m going to tell you horrible things about Montgomery and Courtney because I know they’ll make you laugh. Because they aren’t sure as hell not worth your tears. You are a beautiful woman who was just wronged by many.”
“How do you have embarrassing stories of them?” Hannah asked as (Y/n) passed her a paper towel.
“I’ve known Courtney since kindergarten, we were never good friends but you know, I still saw her a lot of times,” (Y/n) paused and pursed her lips,“ I’ve known Montgomery my whole life, our parents are best friends and we’re neighbors.”
“Sounds like something that would lead to a love story in a book,” Hannah chuckled.
“Ew no never he is such an asshole and I have to hang out with him at least one two weeks for a while because our family dinners,” The (h/c) haired girl rolled her eyes,“ But we were close when we were younger, you know best friends. He told me everything and I told him everything. Like how he pissed his bed until he was ten.”
“You’re joking?” Hannah laughed, tears of laughter starting to replace the sadness.
“Nope he even wrote it in his diary which he keeps in the back of his closet,” (Y/n) giggled.
~~ “Miss. (Y/n) the office called you,“A dressed up woman handed her a slip as she walked by.
(Y/n) nodded and made her way to the office, pursing her lips as she saw the scruffy Monty and beat up Alex. She already knew what happened. She walked to the front desk and gave the woman the slip.
"Mr. Porter is waiting for you over there,” the woman pointed to where the two boys were.
“Thank you ma'am,” (Y/n) whispered while flashing a polite smile and leading herself to the back where she met the boys and teachers.
“Miss (Y/n),” Mr. Porter nodded at her and talked to her separately,“ Your friend-”
“He’s not my friend he’s my parent’s friend’s son,” (Y/n) cut him off,“ But I’ll talk to him and see what he was thinking.”
It’s been like that since they were little, Monty getting angry and (Y/n) calming him down.
“I’ll send him in,” The teacher sighed and left the room. A few seconds later Montgomery entered and shut the door behind him. He slid down into the chair and (Y/n) glared at him.
“Stop getting into so many fights and being so stupid,” (Y/n) stated bluntly,“ I’m tired of coming here constantly to calm you down, Montgomery.”
“It wasn’t my fault (Y/n),” He rolled his eyes,“ Alex went bat shit crazy. I admit I was going a bit fast but then he started yelling at me and I got mad…”
“So you started a fight? Typical Montgomery, what’s your mom going to say to you?” (Y/n) raised her eyebrow.
“You can get them to not suspend me or anything right?” Monty asked the girl, his knee bouncing at what his mother would say to him.
“I can’t do anything this time,” She shrugged,“ They’re probably just going to tell the Honor’s Board to sort it out because they don’t want to fix problems that students like you cause.”
“Students like me?” Monty asked, looking at her.
“You know, dick bags, assholes, your jock friends,” (Y/n) pushed hair out of her face,“ Bullies.”
“I’m not a bully,” Monty protested, standing up with a clenched fist.
“Remember the winter dance you made a girl cry, Hannah Baker. You always pushed away anyone who tried to get close to me when we were younger because I was your only friend, but then you left me when highschool started. You fight anything that moves near you and you always get the office to call me to help you,” (Y/n) scolded him,“ You need to fix yourself. You’re going to get in trouble because of this fight.”
~~ “Dollar valentine?” (Y/n) raised her eyebrow at Hannah and Clay,“ I mean I signed up for it but I didn’t really get anyone good.”
She filled the bucket with popcorn and smiled at the customer,“ Thank you and enjoy your movie!”
“I didn’t expect you two to sign up for it, who’d you get,” (Y/n) asked the two.
“I didn’t get anyone good,” A flash of disgust crossed Hannah’s face,“ I even got Bryce. I’m sure that’s a mistake.”
“A huge one,” Clay laughed,“ Who’d you get (Y/n)?”
“Well my number two was Jeff Atkins, he was the only decent one,” (Y/n) trailed off as the named boy walked to the counter, arm around a girl,“ And he asked out another girl.”
“Sorry loser,” Jeff laughed,“ Popcorn please.”
“Coming right up,” (Y/n) sent him a smile and walked to the popcorn machine as the other teens stayed in a conversation.
“Here’s your popcorn enjoy your movie,” (Y/n) smiled awkwardly as she noticed the tense atmosphere.
“Thanks (Y/n),” Jeff nodded and sent a look to Clay.
“What happened?” (Y/n) whispered to Clay as Hannah left Crestmont.
“She’s going on a date with Marcus,” Clay whispered as he ripped a paper apart.
“I told you! You should’ve asked her out before she got away,” (Y/n) rolled her eyes, before pulling out her phone,“ Hold on I’ve got to take this, you can man the counter by yourself right?”
Clay nodded and shoo'ed her away. (Y/n) walked out and checked the caller ID. ‘Montgomery Del La Cruz’ popped up with a photo of them as kids.
“Monty what’s wrong?” (Y/n) asked as she answered the phone.
“Okay you’ve got to meet me at Rosie’s,” Monty rushed out,“ Just meet me here asap.”
“Wait Montgomery I’m at work,” (Y/n) started before getting cut off by the phone call ending.
She sighed and walked back to the counter and grabbing her bag,“ Clay gotta go emergency I guess?”
“You guess?” Clay raised an eyebrow.
“Montgomery called emergency apparently,” She rolled her eyes.
“Great Hannah’s going on a date there and you are too,” He muttered,“ Go have fun.”
“Okay it’s not a date,” (Y/n) rolled her eyes and started to leave,“ Bye Clay.”
As she entered Rosie’s she looked around before looking for the freckled boy who was sipping on a vanilla milkshake in the corner. She made her way over and found a plate of french fries and her favorite (F/f) milkshake.
“So what’d you call me down here for?” (Y/n) asked as she sat in the chair,“ Thanks for the shake. You remembered my favorite flavor?”
“I mean that’s all you ordered when we were younger,” He placed his head on the table,“ I called you here for a reason.”
“Well what was your reason?” (Y/n) sipped on her milkshake, swiftly taking a few french fries.
“This was my reason,” Monty slid over the dollar valentine to her, with number one saying (Y/n) (L/n).
“Montgomery,” (Y/n) started before getting cut off by Hannah’s yell at Marcus.
(Y/n) rushed over to Hannah,“ What happened?”
“He- He touched me?” Hannah whispered out to her as Marcus raised his hands in defense.
“Marcus…” (Y/n) glared at him and raised her hand,“ You’re such a prick,” the room went silent as she slapped him.
“What the hell was that?” Marcus got in her face, his fists clenched.
“I would back off,” Monty pushed him away from (Y/n) and got in between them.
“Whatever I’m leaving,” Marcus rolled his eyes at them and started to walk away.
“Fucking hell,” Monty muttered as (Y/n) pushed past him and hugged Hannah. He stood besides the table and took out his jeep keys.
“I’ll get my car want me to take you both home?” He asked quietly.
“No I’m good I’ll stay for a bit,” Hannah whispered out.
“Hannah you sure?”
“Yeah my car’s out there anyway,” she let a tear fall,“ Besides you two are on a date.”
“It’s not a date per say,” (Y/n) thought aloud as Monty smiled at her.
“Let’s go,” Monty pulled (Y/n) away.
“Call me if you need anything,” (Y/n) lowered her voice,“ I’ll make Monty beat up anyone who hurts you.”
“You got suspended?” (Y/n) whisper-yelled at Monty,“ What about Alex?”
“He just got a warning,” Monty rubbed his face,“ Jensen freaked out during it was funny as fuck.”
“Monty stop joking around,” (Y/n) snapped,“ You’re got suspended, your mom is going to kill you!”
“You don’t think I know that?” Monty asked her,“ You don’t think I’m pressured because I’m getting suspended because of a fight I didn’t even start. I’m stressed out okay, (Y/n)?”
“Monty,” She sat against the wall next to him.
“That and the fact that one day I was going to confess my feelings to the girl I’ve known my whole life, then everything gets interrupted and I didn’t grow the balls back,” Monty whispered, leaning his head against her shoulder.
“And who’s the girl you have feelings for?” (Y/n) whispered, playing with Monty’s hair.
“You obviously I’ve liked you since I was a baby,” Monty rolled his eyes,“ Everyone knew this.”
(Y/n) started to giggle at him.
“I’m having a life crisis right now stop laughing at me!” Monty protest as he sat up.
“It’s a little funny I mean I was going to call my number one dollar valentine,” (Y/n) whispered.
As she turned her head she was met with his eyes. She smiled and he yanked her towards him, placing his lips on her.
She froze before kissing back.
“What was that,” (Y/n) asked, out of breath.
“A kiss,” He shrugged.
“You’re still getting suspended though…”
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13rwbabes · 7 years
Montgomery x Reader Imagine (Part 2/?)
NOTE: Thanks for the good feed back, guys! So here comes part 2, unfortunately I’m stupid and in the middle of writing I realised I wrote this one in first person. Anyway, tell me which person do you prefer (I can try the third next time lol). This one is bit longer than the previous one, I hope you’ll like it xx *** I spent most of the Saturday with Sheri so I didn’t have much time to think about the hot tub thing, but Sunday… Most of the day I sat at my room, reading book, even though better word would be holding. I stared at one page for an hour and haven’t read a single word. Was I too hard on him? I mean, I joked around and made innuendos with all the jocks all the time, including Monty, but leaving him like that in the hot tub is something on a whole new level. Whatever, he started it and he deserved it. But memories of his lips and if his hands on my body still gave me chills. Fuck you, Montgomery, I whispered. Next day at school wasn’t anything special until I came to the chemistry lesson, a little bit late. “Please, take a sit, Ms. Y/L.N”, teacher barely even looked at me. I looked around the classroom and spotted last empty chair. Next to Montgomery.   “You gotta be kidding me”, I mumbled under my breath. “Hey, you”, I sat on my chair. “Hey”, he kinda acted normal, kinda stared at me. “How was the rest of the party, huh? You smoked some weed, play some video games?”, why am I like this, why did I even started this topic. “I had to jack off in the hot tub. Because of you”, he whispered through his clenched teeth. “Ew, does Bryce know about it?”, I prayed for him to shut up, afraid that someone would hear something and honestly, I couldn’t imagine anything some embarassing than people finding out that two of us made out. “You will regret it.” “Yeah, right”, I snorted. His hand went behind me and his fingers started running along my spine. I tensed up trying not to show that it had an effect on me. “Okay class”, teacher finally started lesson, “most of this semester, you’ll work in pairs, so look at your neighbour and say Hi to your new partner”. I slowly turned my head to look at Montgomery, now disgusted even more then when he mentioned jacking off in the hot tub. “What did you get in chemistry last semester?”, I asked. “What do I need to play in the team?” “C average or above”, everyone in sports teams said it like a mantra, it was literally the only condition, that has to be fulfilled to be in the team. “So it was C?”, I guessed. “Well, yeah, what did you get?” “A”, I sighed knowing all the work would be on me this semester. Next day I was in cafeteria, waiting in the line to get my food, wearing my cheerleader suit. “You’re looking good, you know?”, I heard annoying voice behind me. “Why don’t you just get ‘lookin’ good’ tattoed on your face?”, I answered bored. “Besides, you have seen me in cheerleader suit a thousand times.” “Yeah, but last Friday I took a good look at you in bathing suit…” “No way”, I interrupted him with sarcastic tone. “… And now I know what’s under it”, he continued. “What has gotten into you today?”, I asked, little bit shocked with his dirty talk. “I told you, you will regret”, he whispered. “So you gonna sexually harrass me for the rest of my life?”, I turned around to look at him and saw Clay Jensen coming up. “Hey, Jensen”, I said bit louder so he could hear. He waved at me and smiled. “Did you talk to Jeff?”, I asked. “US history and English will be kicking his ass once again.” “Yeah, I spoke to him and yeah I will tutor him”, he said as he walked by. “Thank you”, I gave him a high five. “You’re da best.” “Thanks, Y/N”. “Real MVP!”, you shouted and he laugh. I finally got my food, grabbed the tray and went to the table not waiting for Monty. I barely sat went Jessica came over with a smile on her face. “Okay, bitches, party at my place, Friday, 7pm”, she said, punched my arm and went. “Seriously, you have to stop doing it! Where are you going?”, I shouted. “To spread the news!” Friday came up and I really didn’t feel like coming. Again. “You always complain, but still come go the party and have a great time”, Jess said when we were walking home from school. “So stop making up excuses, or I swear I’ll slap you.” “You can’t fight with an argument like this, I guess”, I sighed. My parents didn’t have anything against the party, they didn’t put much interest in me as long as my grades were good and I was in cheerleaders team. I showed up at Jessica’s at 7, and was one of the firsts, because 7 really mean 9, but it was okay. My plan was to get buzzed (and I really wanted to get drunk that night) before party starts for good and to avoid Montgomery. Good thing was that after Tuesday talk in cafeteria he kinda stopped annoying me. By 10 pm I was properly drunk, so when Justin asked if I want to play spin the bottle with him and few other people of course I was like “Duh, fuck yeah”. I sat the floor between Sheri and Zach. “Hey, Monty, you play?”, Zach asked and moved slightly making place for Montgomery to sit between us. It didn’t really bothered me, because last three days he had been acting normal, so I thought he finally accepted the fact he got played. After few spins bottle pointed at me, I leaned towards Troy and gave him a quick kiss. I spinned the bottle and it pointed Monty. With poker I turned to him and kissed him as quickly as I did with Troy. He spinned and it pointed on me again. “Seriously?!”, I sighed. He quickly wrapped his arm around my neck, turned us, so people couldn’t really see our faces and kissed me stucking his tongue in my mouth. It lasted way too long than typical kiss in the game. “At least first bring her a drink, Montgomery”, Justin said and threw chips in our direction. “Easy, hot head”, I mumbled as I moved away without looking at his face. Few minutes later game was over, mostly because Jessica and Justin turned it into make out session. I got up and went to the kitchen, to make myself another drink and grab something to eat. One minute later I felt someone smacked my ass. “Did you just…”, I didn’t even have to look to know who it was. “You’re fucking disgusting, you know that?” “Maybe, but somehow I think you you’re into it and you like what is going on between us”, he took a sip of my drink without asking. “Oh my God, you’re also fucking ridiculous”, I said with my eyes wide open. “I’m too sober for that shit”, I drank whole drink at once. “You swallow fast”, he said with cocky smirk on his face. “One more word and I’ll throw up at you, I swear”. “Yo, Y/N”, I heard Jeff calling my name.  “Wanna go for a beer run with me?” “With pleasure”, I answered and run to him without even looking and Monty. In the car Jeff told me how he helped Clay and Hannah with their twisted situation, clearly proud of himself that for once he turned out to be smarter than Clay. “You’re good guy, Atkins”, I smiled at him. “All you want is to play baseball, have a good grades and help Clay with Hannah and that’s beautiful.” “Oh, come on, I’m gonna blush”, he laughed. “No seriously, I will tell every girl that you’re the most pure, sweetest cinnamon roll and that you’re different than others and don’t care about scoring". Weird grin showed up on his face. “You already scored today, didn’t you?”, I punched him in the arm. “I take my words back, you’re awful”, I laughed. “How does it happen that everyone make out with everyone, except me?“ “You know…”, Jeff moved in the seat. “It’s probably cause you always seem so… tied… And stressed” “Excuse me?”, I turned on the seat. “Well, you know, compared to other cheerleaders… Look, they don’t give a shit about anything, they don’t give a shit about school, about grades, they don’t give a shit even about cheerleading. And you care about everything and that’s why you seem more stressed than them”, he tried to explain. “Take a chill pill, make out with someone, have some fun”, he punched my arm. (Un)fortunately his words and the drink I drank and once before leaving for beer run, both hit me at the same time. Super drunk me decided to make out with somebody. Anybody. We came back, I left the car and started walking towards Jessica’s home, having big troubles with walking in straight line.   “Y/N, for fuck’s sake, just be careful”, Jeff shouted for me. “Yeah, yeah”, I mumbled getting into the house. I looked around and spotted Montgomery sitting on the couch, doing something of his phone. I went there, sat next to him and put my hand on his thigh. “It’s a party, Monty, put this phone away and have some fun”, I said. “Huh, look who’s gotten friendly”, he looked at me suspiciously. “I know, I’ve been a bitch but I went for that beer run with Jeff, you know, and I realized some things”. “Really, what things, for example?”, he put his arm around me. I didn’t answer him, I stared at his face instead, giggling. “God, you’re handsome”, I said glancing at his lips. “Okay, here’s what we gonna do”, he leaned towards me and whispered into my ear, “I’m gonna go upstairs, to Jessica’s room, and you’ll join me in few minutes”, his lips were touching my ear. I nodded my head, Monty quickly kissed me on the neck and basically run upstairs. “I’m gonna get laid”, I mumbled to myself. “I think I’m gonna get laid.” “Hey Y/N”, Jessica jumped on the couch. “Where have you been, I was looking for you.” “I was on a beer run with Jeff.” “Goood, I was afraid we run out of alcohol, but then Jeff came in like a Superman with sixpacks”, she giggled. “I think I need some water”, I smiled at her and left to the kitchen, I need to get rid of her. I poured myself a water, drank it and run upstairs. When I opened door to Jessica’s room, it was dark inside. I closed and locked the door. “Montgomery?”, I whispered. I heard steps behind me, second later Monty pushed me to the wall, grabbed my wrists put them above my head. His hands went down the sides of my body, until he grabbed my thighs and pulled me up, so I could wrap my legs around his waist. He laid me on the bed his lips went from my down neck to collarbones and started sucking it just like a week ago. “Monty”, I punched his arm. He pulled up, stroked cheek, and said, “Today I make the rules”, shiver went down my spine. “Fuck”, I mumbled. His hand went from my thigh to my breast and squizzed it. The other one pulled dress up, he started kissing my stomach, getting lower and lower, sucked my belly button, probably causing huge hickey around it, but I really fucking didn’t care. His head went up and he kissed my lips again. I felt his fingers sliding into panties which only turned me on more. I started unbottoning his shirt but he grabbed both of my wrists with spare hand. “Keep your hands yourself”, he whispered and slided his fingers into me. I scratched his back. “You like that?”, he asked as he curled his fingers and pumped them again and again. “Fuck, Montgomery, I want you, just fuck me already”, I moaned. “Does it turn you on?”, another pump. I nodded my head and bit my lip trying to not make any noices. It was dark, my eyes were closed, butcould sense fucking cocky smirk on his face. He slided out of me and sat bed. “Monty, why did you stop?”, I also sat on bed and switched the light on. He bottoned up two bottons I had undo and fixed his hair. “What the fuck are you doing?”, I asked. He stood up, leaned towards me and looking me in the eyes said, “Guess you can’t play the player, huh?” “Are you kidding me?”, I shouted. “It was fun, see you on Monday”, he unlocked the door, smiled at me and left the room. I sat there speechless for a few good minutes. “What the fuck did just happen?”, I asked myself out loud. I fixed my hair, took a deep breath and decided to go back to the party. “Fucking bastard”, I mumbled. I went down and sat on the couch next to Jess. “Why don’t you have any drink?”, she asked. “I’m good, thanks”. “You know, to be honest, you look a little fucked, break will be good for you”, she said, even though she was the one who was barely able to speak. “ Where the fuck is Justin?”, she looked around. “He’s playing beer pong with Montgomery”, Alex Standall sat on a chair in front of us. “Cool, thanks Alex”, Jessica got up. “You’re not coming?”, she asked me. “No thanks, I’m good, just gonna sit for a while”, I answered but she was gone before I even stopped talking. “How’s the party, Alex?” “I love her”, he mumbled, looking after Jess. “Oh God”, I rolled my eyes. “You two dated for like two months, year ago, seriously man, get over it”. “It’s love. It’s not logic”, he sighed. “Alex, I’m not saying this because I’m a bitch or because I root for Jessica and Justin. I’m saying this because you’re good and you deserve to be happy, okay? Move. On.” Said me. Person who couldn’t get over the fact that she got played by a player because she tried to get him played. Hypocrisy at it’s finest. I walked around the house, looking for Jeff, who was supposed to drive me home. Instead I bumped on Sheri. I pretended to listen to her while I was discretly watching Montgomery talking to some girl, wrapping his disgusting arm around her. “…are you even listening to me?”, she shaked my arm. “Umm, yeah, I was just… Looking at driveway, but I can’t spot Jeff’s car”, I lied quickly, in the meantime Monty got back inside. “He went for another beer run”. “Okay, I gotta go”, I smiled at her and went to the house. I saw de la Cruz shouting something to Justin as he was walking upstairs and then got into bathroom. I got you, you little fucker, I thought, went upstairs and stood next to door as if I was waiting in the line. “Are you waiting to get to the bathroom?”, Troy, the baseball player, patted my shoulder. “Yeah, yeah, I am”, I had to get rid of him, “Umm, you know… I feel a little bit sick, so it may take a moment…” “Are you gonna throw up?” “Maybe… As I said, it may take a moment. But you can use bathroom downstairs, it’ll probably be faster.” “Good idea, you’re smart”, he pointed at me. “Take care, Y/N” “Bye, Troy”, I chuckled watching him, when he was trying not to kill himself on the stairs. And I heard door getting unlocked. Montgomery opened them and then I pushed him back inside and locked the doors again. “We are finishing it now”, I said, grabbed his neck and kissed him.
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 4 months
whats the cause of his cute lil mental break 🥺 and why is it ethan ramsey lol jk
no bc it literally was ethan. + a bunch of other shit but ethan was his breaking point <3
also answering for these two :)
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so to go WAY back to the origin (beyond his usual mental health struggles) he got into his motorcycle accident a montg before he was supposed to leave on a docs without boarders type of trip. on top of the physical pain (fractured humerus, mild shattered knee cap, broken wrist, and a shard of metal to his chest that nearly took out his lung), he was really upset that he couldn't go
healing was a LONG process. it took him a few weeks to get home, and then it was a lot of recovery and pt appointments after the fact. not being able to work/do things bothered him more than the physical pain
he was alone at his place most of the day which was rough, but bryce was sure to come over most nights and his friends would stop by here and there
he's finally cleared to go back to work (w the help of a knee and wrist brace). tobias had taken over the team while he was gone and jensen was fine to let him keep it while he was still getting back to 100%
things were okay but it was rough adjusting, and the whole time he was emailing w the people who ran the trip he was supposed to take, and they had no other openings for like,, two years. so that just kinda crushed him
ab a month after he gets back he tells tobias he's ready to take the team back, to which he happily agrees but made sure to let jensen know that he could let him know if he ever needed a break
not too long later jensen is in a meeting w some of the board + ethan + bloom and other higher up hospital people. he gets a little mouthy about some of the policies they were developing while he was gone, and some of the types of patients they'd be impacting (that they did not consider when developing it)
ethan pulls him aside after and starts comparing him to tobias. mind you tobias did not attend meetings like that since he was a temporary fill in, but as far as communication went he was much more simple compared to jensen. ethan started criticizing how jensen Always has something to say w stuff like that and meetings were perfectly pleasant without him
jensens already sensitive to the fact that he's taking over the dt for a second time, so to have ethan tell him that he'd rather not have him there is tough. he rolls his eyes and moves along like normal but it sticks
over the next month or two it's just more of that from ethan. jensens stressed w the dt workload plus pt appointments plus check ups plus trying to sort out legal stuff from the accident
the board ends up pushing through a policy that particularly impacts non english speaking patients, which puts more work onto jensen as a registered translator. he's constantly being pulled in like 12 directions, and i imagine their nursing staff got a system makeover which means nobody knows how to sort out any complications in scheduling for a bit, and constantly puts them behind schedule
jensen wanted to bring it up to some of the board members ab how it was a bad policy And bad timing but ethan approaches him on why that's not a good idea to bring up
during this time jensen had really been isolating himself just bc he didn't have the energy for his friends or anything aside from work
their argument turns into quite the spectacle. ethan lays into him on causing unnecessary extra problems when the hospital is already struggling w new changes and jensens ab to fucking kill him. jensen is not one to argue back, usually just quietly sits there and takes it, but he fucking blows up on ethan. tells him that he has no idea what it's like actually struggling w shit, how much hes dealing w from recovery to incompetent higher ups to the world falling apart and their political system going up in flames. he is so stressed about everything and ethan thinks it's a good time to ask him to "be pleasant" bitch please.
the argument happens literally in the middle of one of the busiest halls next to one of the nurses stations and it gets them both put on a suspension
jensen does not handle the suspension well. he hadn't been to therapy since before the accident and couldn't get a refill on his meds so he stopped taking them a few weeks ago. he hasn't talked to his friends in a month, and saw bryce maybe twice but bryce was also worrying ab his stuff for his boards so jensen wasn't going to bother him w it anyway
all of this = jensen being completely alone and isolated in his apartment for a week w no mental support after being completely overworked and overwhelmed for months and still getting used to the knee and wrist braces and coming to terms w the longterm impacts of the accident. thus ensues the mental break
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13-reasons-ideas · 4 years
Can’t Go Back Part 13
A/N: This is posted a few days early because of Christmas. There will be a bonus chapter posted on Christmas but that one won't be vital to the story. This chapter deals with more of Montgomery’s over drinking and the fallout from that. Feedback is always appreciated. Much love. - Em
I held my gaze on Justin, ignoring Clay. He made a protesting grunt but before he could say anything, Justin spoke again. He was firmer this time. “Get. Out.” I heard Clay shuffle as he got up and avoided his gaze as he passed. His eyes burrowed into me while he took in my appearance. I must look a mess.
When we were alone, Justin pulled me close and held me for a moment. He pulled me into the room and directed me towards his bed. I sat down and pulled my sweater around me. He watched me as though I was a scared stray cat. Like he was ready to grab and corner me, the second I jumped and thought better of being here. Thought better of being alone in his room, rather than at home trying to fix things. I backed up from the edge of the bed and when I felt my back hit the wall, drew my knees up towards my chest. He grabbed his pillow and motioned for me to make room, “scoot.” He sat against his headboard and I moved down the wall, closer to the end.
“He came home.” I mumbled into my knees.
“That’s good.”
“We got in a fight.”
“I figured. What happened Addison?”
“What do you mean ‘nothing’?” When I didn’t respond, he reached out and grabbed my arm to pull me over to him.
“I mean nothing. We got literally nowhere. He is still convinced that I’m upset about the picture frame. No matter how many times I tried to tell him it wasn’t the stupid picture, he just wouldn’t hear it. It’s like….” I trailed off.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know Justin.”
“Well what else happened?”
“He told me he talked to Scott about it. Like that made everything better. That he had discussed it with his best friend. And we both know that Scott wasn’t the enabler in this situation.”
“You fought about Bryce?”
“Kind of? He wouldn’t really listen. And it isn’t Bryce I’m mad at necessarily. I’m mad at Monty. Then he accused me of telling him he can’t be friends with him anymore. Which I didn’t do. His friends are his choice. And he is the one who made decisions that would cause problems. Not Bryce.”
Justin smiled sadly at me. “Addison. I know you. I know you better than anyone. Are you going to sit here and tell me that this is a Bryce issue, expecting me to believe you?”
“What are you talking about?” I asked. I knew deep down what he was talking about. I just didn’t want to face it.
“Addy.” He prompted with a pointed look. I sighed heavily and adjusted my position. My head was now resting in his lap. He stroked my hair in an attempt to be comforting. I was quiet for a long time. I didn’t want to face the reality of what the issue was.
“It scares me.” I said softly. The two of us sat with that statement for a while. “I know he would never hurt me. But it still scares me when he comes home like that.”
“I don’t think I’m the person you need to tell that to bubs.”
“I know. I just don’t know how to tell him that without crushing him. Or ruining our marriage or something.” I fiddled with my rings absentmindedly. “Wait a second. Did you just call me ‘bubs’?”
“I think not telling him or waiting to see if it gets worse, would be more likely to ruin your marriage. You don’t need to be aggressive about it or anything. If you sit him down and explain how you feel, I don’t see it doing any damage to your relationship. It will probably hurt him. But it might be the kick in the ass he needs for him to change.”
I sat up and faced him. “When did you become so insightful?” I asked with a tilt of my head.
“Rehab and months of meetings?” He offered and then laughed.
“Fair point.” He shot me his best cheeky lopsided grin and I couldn’t help but melt and grin back. Clay’s knock on the door pulled us back to reality and out of our private little bubble.
“Can I come in now?” he called.
“Yeah, sure.” Justin answered. He opened the door and walked in slowly. When he looked at me, I smiled. “I’m okay.”
“Okay. Mom said you can stay for dinner if you want. They made pot roast.”
“Um….” I hesitated. Just then, as if on cue, my phone dinged.
Hey, I know you’re still mad, but I need to know if you’re coming home for dinner so I know if I have to fend for myself tonight or not? I couldn’t help the slight roll of my eyes. Clearly talking to him about this anymore would need to wait until tomorrow. I turned to Justin and showed him the text. He scoffed quietly. “Do I go home and face the music?”
“It’s up to you.”
“Better question. How long do I want to sit in silence in my own home again?”
“That is a better ques-.” Justin started but was cut off by my phone dinging again.
Can I get an answer please?
“Looks like I’m joining you guys for dinner.” I said, as I opened his text.
I’m staying here. He left me on read. I rolled my eyes again and shook my head.
“What did he do?” Clay asked.
“Something stupid.” Justin stated. He wasn’t going to elaborate anymore, and neither was I.
“Okay then.”
The Jensen’s were wonderful to me as usual. Secretly, I think they were just happy that someone other than Jess was spending time with Justin. Dinner was delicious. I was still upset so I didn’t eat as much as I usually did. Clay raised a curious brow at me. I shrugged at him. He shared a curious look with Justin. To get them off my back, I took a particularly large second helping of mashed potatoes. I managed to keep my mind off the tense silence that would undoubtedly await me at home through all of dinner. I politely refused dessert, citing a need to get home and finish some homework. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen do not need to know about this issue.
I thought about what was waiting for me when I got home for the whole drive. Thankfully, his Jeep was still in the driveway. I took a deep breath as I fiddled with my keys at the door. This is still your house too Addison. Just go inside. You can deal with tomorrow, tomorrow. Justin is right. This won’t be something you can’t go back from.  I shook my head to clear my thoughts. It was my turn to awkwardly look around the room and greet my husband.
“Hi.” I said softly.
“Did… did you eat?”
“Yeah. Leftovers in the fridge if you want.”
“I ate at Justin’s.”
“Okay.” I wasn’t sure what to do, so I went and grabbed my laptop and a pair of pyjamas from our room and shut myself away in the guest room. I fell into a fitful sleep a few hours after abandoning my computer.
Sunday morning was just as awkward as Friday morning had been. We were still walking on eggshells around each other. Both of us afraid of saying the wrong thing and messing this up further. The house was eerily silent. It wasn’t very big so it’s not like we could avoid each other forever.
Around noon, I decided I had had enough. We needed to discuss things and handle them like adults. Walking into the living room after my shower, clad in an old gym shirt and a pair of shorts, I stopped and watched Monty reading for a few moments. He must have felt my eyes on him, because he muttered a “hmmm?” as he turned a page.
“I was going to ask if you wanted to talk, but if you’re busy….” God you sound pathetic. He doesn’t get to be busy right now. A stupid book can wait. This can’t.
“Do I get a choice?” he asked, sighing. He was obviously still frustrated. And did not want to talk. Too bad, so sad buddy.
“Not really no.” I watched him blink slowly and take a deep breath.
“We need to talk about this.”
“I was under the impression we already had.”
“You mean when we were yelling at each other yesterday?”
“Yeah. Before you left to go spend your day talking to Justin.”
“Seriously? You’re going to give me shit for talking to Justin? You talked to Scott and acted like that fixed everything.”
Montgomery sat up and ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah. I talked to Scott.”
“So, you can’t say anything about me talking to Justin. I’m not going to do this if we are going to go in circles again. It isn’t about the picture.”
“I know. You’ve said it enough. I get it Addison.”
“I don’t see what your issue is. Is it that I’m friends with Bryce? Because that isn’t going to change Addison.”
“You still don’t get it, do you?”
“Obviously not.” He shook his head and stood to go to the kitchen. I followed after him.
“You are an adult. If you want to have shitty friends, who do shitty things, or encourage you to do shitty things that impact your relationships with people you care about, then more power to you. That isn’t the problem.”
“I’m glad you have such a high opinion of my friends. Just because I’m not friends with Alex Standall and Clay fucking Jensen, doesn’t mean my friends are shitty people.”
“No Montgomery. The fact that you have some friends who are shitty people, makes those friends shitty people. Your friends still aren’t the problem.”
“Then what is the problem?”
“The problem is that you don’t communicate with me. I understand that having someone you actually have to be accountable to is going to take time to get used to. But you don’t get to just come and go as you please. Yeah, I knew you were at Bryce’s place. But I had no idea when or how you were getting home, if you were coming home at all. I didn’t know if you were safe or not. I know you think Bryce is this great guy and everything but trust me. He would just as soon push you under the bus as he would use a wad of cash to fix a problem you had.”
“And how would you know anything about that?”
“Because he did it for Justin. Someone he was arguably just as close, if not closer to, than you. He let you drive home when you were so drunk you couldn’t stand up. Does that sound like something someone you claim is your brother would do if they actually cared about you?”
“I’m not Justin.” He stated, indignantly. Sure, just ignore the rest of my statement.
“I know. But like I said, this isn’t about Bryce. I don’t care if you’re friends with Bryce Walker. I care that you communicate me. I care about knowing if you are okay. I care about you engaging in behaviour that is detrimental to your safety and wellbeing. I care that you come home drunk. If you had sent me a text or called me or sent a carrier pigeon or had one of your friends call or text me, we probably wouldn’t be having this conversation.”
“Okay, I’m sorry. Next time I decide to go out, I’ll assign someone to tell you where I am, every minute I’m gone.”
“Jesus Montgomery. That isn’t what I’m asking of you at all. I just want to know if you’re coming home.”
“Fine.” I was quiet for a bit, not sure how to proceed and bring up my quiet revelation with Justin yesterday. Monty had begun unloading the dishwasher. “I can hear you thinking. You clearly still have more to say. You might as well say it.”
“I… I care that you come home drunk Monty.”
“You said that. Multiple times, actually.”
I sat down at our island. “I care about you.”
“Okay. Given that we are married, I would say that’s a good thing.”
“I… it….” I trailed off.
“What Addison? You what?” he set a bowl down harsher than he meant to and I flinched slightly. He didn’t appear to notice. He went on unloading the dishwasher.
“It scares me.” I said, quietly.
“Hmm?” He muttered, not having heard me. I took a deep breath.
“It scares me.” I said louder as I stared at the design in the marble. He didn’t respond but I could hear him continue moving. “It scares me when you come home like that.” I continued, “you scare me when you come home that drunk.” His movements stilled. I felt tears fill my eyes. One beat, then two, then ten, went by and he still hadn’t said anything. I just ruined everything. Justin was wrong. All I could focus on was the sound of the blood rushing in my head.
I looked up and suddenly Monty was beside me. It looked like he had tears in his eyes. I knew he was trying to hide them. “Are you being serious Addy?” He asked softly. His voice cracked a little about mid-way through his sentence.
“I know that you would never hurt me. It’s just… when I see you like that; I never know what I’m going to get.”
He pulled a stool closer to me and sat down. “Why didn’t you say something before?”
“I don’t know.” I muttered, playing with the hem of my shirt. He reached out and placed his hand on top of mine. I stilled my movements but didn’t look up at him. “I guess I was afraid of how you would react? Or maybe I was afraid to admit it to myself?”
“I had no idea you felt that way.” He pulled on my leg to turn me towards him. I peeked up at him and he was staring at me intensely. I sat up to look him in the eye. “You need to know that I would never do anything to hurt you like that Addison. And I would never lay a finger on our kids.”
“I know. I know you wouldn’t Monty.”
“I can’t promise I’ll never say something stupid or hurtful when we fight, but I can promise you that I will never physically harm you.”
“I know. I can’t promise I won’t say something hurtful in the heat of the moment either.” I wasn’t sure what else to say. I had admitted what the real issue was. Where do we go from here?
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pinkykitten · 6 years
Zach Dempsey x Davina Jensen (who is portrayed by Danielle Campbell)
Warning: some curse words, mentions Hannah’s death, bullying
Specifics: oc, fluff, angst, bullying, comedy, aesthetic, art, nerd, 400 followers competition
People: Zach Dempsey, (oc) Davina Jensen, Clay Jensen, Tyler Down, Matt Jensen, Lainie Jensen, Bryce Walker, Montgomery De La Cruz, Scott Reed, nurse, Hannah Baker (mentioned), Skye Miller (mentioned) 
Words: 3,418
Requested: By @misspygmypie  OC x Zach Dempsey! Her name is Davina,Clays younger sister. She's 5ft, has tattoos and is shy/nerdy/a loser like Clay (they're like besties). Zach sees her hitting her head on a locker accidentally and brings her to the nurse, then takes her home and asks Clay about her the next day. In the end Zach takes her out to a roller skating rink as date. His buddies make fun of him for dating her but Zach kisses her at school in front of everyone, making them "official".
Authors Note: i was so happy to announce the winner of the 400 followers competition, which was the one and only @misspygmypie. thank u so much for participating and to all of u that did. i luved this idea i thought it was so unique and special all ur oc’s fam r special to me 😊. i luved everything about this and i tried to incorporate everything that brigitte gave me. thank u for the request and again thank u all for 400 followers i still am in shock. u guys are amazing, and just thank u all for liking my stories. feedback is much appreciated here. enjoy MY GORGEOUS CHILDREN! hope u like this brigitte, this ones for u!
previous oc story for my 300 followers: Zach Dempsey x oc Adeline Foster
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“C’mon Dav (said like dove but with an a so dav but kinda with an accent) wake up,” Clay groaned as he shook Davina from her slumber.
Big brothers were sometimes tough to handle, especially Clay Jensen. 
Davina shook in her sleep, trying to swat away her annoying brother of hers, “leave me alone! Wake me up later!”
Just then their dad walked in, Matt Jensen, “whats going on here? Mom made breakfast for the two of you, you guys have to already be ready for school.”
Clay pointed to Davina, “as you can see dad thats what I have been trying to do.”
Davina’s dad sighed and patted her softly, “wake up sweetheart, you need to go to school today remember?”
Davina shot up, while rubbing her eyes, “why? School sucks!”
Matt shrugged while rubbing her back, “I want you both downstairs. Now.”
Davina got out of her bed, slipping on her s’mores slippers.
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She yawned and stretched, while her brother just watched, obviously annoyed. “”Can you hurry up with your stretching or do I need to call dad for that too?”
Davina smacked her older brothers head and grinned, “good morning to you too Clay Jensen!”
She ran downstairs to greet her mother and to partake in the breakfast. She was always seated next to Clay. 
Ever since Davina came into this world her and Clay have been like two peas in  a pod. They always acted as if they were twins, knowing what the other one wanted to say, finishing each others sentences. Clay was her best friend, the most important person in her life. 
Thats why it hurt Davina when Clay had to deal with Hannah’s death. It made her sad but her brother was devastated. Clay tried to brush off her death, to try to say he was fine, that it didn’t cause him any pain but deep down Davina knew that, that was not true. 
“So Skye Miller, hmmm? Seems pretty legit, funny my brother goes for someone who also has tattoos,” Davina chuckled at the thought while her brother blushed down in his cereal bowl in embarrassment. 
“Really? Well I hope we can meet her one day,” their mother, Lainie Jensen, said as she put the OJ in the middle of the table. “And honey how many times have I told you I want you to cover up your tattoos?”
“But mom-,” Davina protested. 
“Honey, they make her who she is, and if kids can’t see that those art pieces on her arm make her Davina, then they need to skedaddle away,” her father stood up for her, drinking some of his morning coffee while reading something on his ipad.
“Well just be careful okay. Love the dress though, you look beautiful,” Davina’s mother caressed her cheek. “Always reminding me of those vintage tv shows.”
“Thanks mom.”
Matt peered from the top of his glasses, “What’d you kids think of doing after school?”
In unison Davina and Clay said, “we’re gonna be watching The Empire Strikes Back of course.”
Davina looked up smirking, yep she and her brother were a couple of nerdy kids. Star wars, comic books, video games, all those things and more, thats all she has ever known. 
Their father took his spectacles off and with a confused face just stared at his two children as if they said they were going to eat the toilet. All Davina heard being muttered was a, “thats just creepy.”
Davina laughed and stood up hastily running to the door. “Clay today I’m driving so...lets go!”
Clay groaned in annoyance and quickly grabbed his book bag to try to keep up with her. 
School was a war zone.
Indeed it is.
Stepping into that school made Davina nervous, anxious. Being Clay Jensen’s sister was no easy task. Especially with his reputation at school, people viewed her without getting to know her as a stupid loser. She felt shy, and in many ways unworthy. 
“Whelp getting ready for all those stares,” Davina shrugged. “Crap I forgot to give Tyler that book he borrowed. I’ll be right back.”
Clay gripped her arm and his eyes bugged out, “Dav I don’t think thats such a good idea. I mean Tyler kinda was a-”
“Stalker,” she finished his sentence.
“Don’t worry Clay, you don’t always need to protect me. I’m fine. Go enjoy your girlfriend,” Davina pointed in front of her and Clay turned his head to see Skye waving to him. When Clay turned back to Davina, Davina had walked away backwards while producing kissing sounds. “Go get her lover boy.”
Clay shook his head, chuckling. 
Thankfully, Tyler was close by. “Hey Tyler,” Davina waved to him. 
Tyler gave a shy smile and closed his locker, “H-h, hey Davina whats, whats um going on?”
“I forgot to give you this last week. Thank you so much for letting me borrow this like you’re a life saver!”
“Oh yeah no problem, hey what was you’re favorite part?”
Davina leaned by his locker, placing her hand on her hip. “I love the part when they figure out who the murderer is, to me it seemed super creepy.”
“Really? Oh my god thats my favorite part two, it like gave me the chills!”
Davina nodded and rubbed her arms up and down. Tyler cleaned his camera lens and gulped. 
“Hey Davina, I’ve heard you really like video games and stuff. I was just wondering, me and a couple of friends are gonna play some games at my house this Saturday. Would you like to come? I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to I get it but if you-”
“Sure, I would love to go over. I love video games like I’m obsessed! I might beat you though!”
Tyler was shocked, brushing back his brown curls and licking his lips, “ye-yeah, yeah, okay, yeah, so I’ll get that ready and yeah just show up!”
Just as Davina was about to answer, Bryce and his crew started laughing and saying, “the creep and the loser.” Davina turned around and gave them a glare. But then as she turned her head she saw the tall Zach Dempsey. Her breathing stopped and she was just consumed by the presence of Zach. 
“Anyways thanks Tyler see you later,” Davina left to go put her items in her locker. Her eyes still glued to the dashing Dempsey.
The education rolled off all the teachers tongue as if they were fruit roll ups. Calculus and physics filled up the air all the way to the top. Davina sat at her desk not paying any attention to the class but her thoughts wondered to Zach. She has always been too shy to speak to Zach, so she didn’t know much about him. Only that he was into sports and a part of Bryce’s snotty group. 
The bell rang which meant for lunch and Davina sprinted out of the art class to the lunch room to reunite with her brother. 
Art. One of life’s beautiful appearance of feelings. In the art class they have, Davina was the head of it. Not many children were in that club but she didn’t mind just as long as she got to do what she adored. 
Davina running to her destination didn’t see a locker open and surely enough. 
She met harshly with the locker. The sound of the metal echoed through the halls. Davina fell back, clutching her forehead which was already starting to bruise. 
“Hey, hey are you okay,” came a loud deep voice. 
Davina’s vision was cloudy, and she groaned in pain. “Ouch, my head.”
“You guys wait for me back there. I’m gonna take her to the nurse’s office,” came that voice again. 
A pair of strong arms lifted Davina from the floor. She sighed and slowly regained her vision. She looked up to see who was carrying her, and the sight almost made her want to dig a whole and die in it. 
It was Zach Dempsey. 
“Zach! I think I’m good, you don’t need to do all this,” she giggled shyly. She clutched for Zach’s shirt tightly, afraid of falling from his height. 
“We’re almost there. You hit your head pretty badly, I don’t really want you to pass out.”
Davina nodded and just stayed there like a limp dog. 
She was carried to the nurses office. Feeling so embarrassed that her cheeks were a bright pink. 
Zach gently laid her on one of the beds there. Davina looked everywhere but him, feeling shy. 
“What happened to her,” asked the nurse nonchalantly as if many children looked like this. 
“She hit her head on a locker, you can see the bruise right here,” Zach softly pointed to her bruise. Davina hissed and Zach apologized, he than sat in a nearby chair waiting patiently for Davina. 
Davina tried not to laugh, Zach was so big compared to the chair he was sitting on. 
“I’ll go get an ice pack and call her parents,” the nurse walked on out to get the items. 
“Whats so funny,” Zach smiled charmingly. 
“Its just you look so large compared to the chair you’re sitting on.”
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Zach laughed along side her, awaiting for the nurse to come back. And planting a new seed within them. 
Davina and Zach connected that day. Joking around like a couple of high school kids...wait thats what they are...anyways, joking around. Making each other smile and laugh and just appreciate each others company. 
Clay took Davina home and was furious with her as he put it, “artsy fartsy clumsiness.” She couldn’t help but giggle at that name. 
When they arrived home, Davina’s parents were also irate. Scolding her for not being more aware of her surroundings and not watching out. Now she wore a huge bruise on her forehead. 
“Great,” she muttered to herself as she stared in the mirror. 
Since the dilemma Davina’s parents did not want her going to school the next day so instead Clay got to go only. 
Davina seeing that her mother and her brother had left got on another one of her dresses and set off to her favorite places, first Starbucks then her favorite diner. 
Rosie’s Diner. 
Davina got her favorite Starbucks drink, enjoying the taste of the liquid in her mouth. Next door to Starbucks was the diner. 
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The door made a ring as she opened the old, dingy, door. She sat by the biggest window and pulled out her favorite book. 
Reading was like another world to her. She could put herself anywhere and she was just...there. By a pirate ship in the deep blue sea. On her way to a trip to Mars. She could go anywhere when she read. 
In the afternoon, Davina arrived back home. She walked in on her brother texting his girlfriend. 
“Oooooh Skye, whats she got to say,” Davina wiggled her eyebrows. 
“You’re such a weirdo! Hey have you been talking a lot to Zach?”
Davina’s eyes widened and looked to her hands, her cheeks becoming red. “No.”
“Oh my god Dav, you’re lying!”
“Fine! He’s the one that carried me yesterday to the nurses office right after I hit my head.”
“Wait, wait, what? He carried you? Like, like in as a baby, carried you?”
Davina bit her lip and nodded. 
“Dav, you got to be so careful with those creeps especially that dic* head Zach.”
Davina rolled her eyes and plopped down on Clay’s bed. “You’re not my dad Clay. I’m fine. Besides we just talked, end of story.”
“Not quite,” Clay said as he laid next to you. “He’s been asking about you the whole day. Asking me if you were okay, about your head. He wants to know, and he asked me this personally, if you would like to go on a date with him, at the skating rink?”
Davina punched Clay lightly and shot up. “Are you serious?”
“Jesus Christ Dav, what the heck was that about? Yes I’m serious. Jeesh I think you split my innards.”
“Drama queen,” Davina pushed her lips out. “When though? Aghhh I’m so lost at dating, its just another world I don’t know anything about!”
“Tonight, but hey you’re not actually thinking of going right?”
Davina stopped her pacing and planted her feet sternly to the ground, “why not? I don’t see the issue, Clay he actually likes me. I’ve never gotten that kind of attention, I mean look at me. Why can’t I just have fun for one day?”
Clay shook his head but then sighed in defeat, “fine! You win! Just please be careful okay.”
Davina squealed in excitement and ran to her big brother, “thank you so much Clay! Yes! Oh my god what am I gonna wear?”
Davina sat in the car that her and Clay shared. Waiting for Zach to appear. She was waiting in the parking lot for him at Skatz 4 Dayz.
Davina started to feel as if the date wasn’t going to happen at all. She sighed and felt defeated, she felt played.
“Of course. What did I expect?”
Suddenly, Zach’s car appears. Davina starts to get nervous, tensing up, her palms sweating.
Turning the ignition off and stepping out she makes her way to Zach.
“Hey there, didn’t think you were going to make it,” Davina said truthfully.
Zach gave a confused face, “why wouldn’t I come. Yikes, that bruise does not look good.”
“Crap! I thought I covered it up with makeup. Give me one sec.”
Zach caught her arm and shook his head, “hey you’re fine...actually you’re more than fine. You are really, uhm, beautiful today. But you’re beautiful everyday.”
Davina grinned from ear to ear, “why thank you Mr. Dempsey, shall we?” She grabbed his arm.
“We shall,” he copied her.
While walking in they see a dog. A black poodle to be exact.
“Oh my god how cute is he,” Davina shouted in happiness.
Davina was such a dog lover. Everything about dogs she loved. Since she could remember, she’s always wanted a dog. Enjoying how sweet they were to their owner, they were mans best friend.
Davina crouched down to the dog’s level and said, “look Zach I can speak dog. Hello doggy nice to meet you.”
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Davina shook the dog’s hand and giggled at his cuteness. Zach also giggled but not at the dog, its was how sweet and adorable Davina was acting.
“Dogs are so cute right,” Davina asked staring oblivious to her tall date. Zach nodded and took a hold, shyly, of Davina’s hand.
Her face reddened and she tried to hide behind him.
She felt as if she was in a rom com, how in the world was Davina Jensen supposed to behave on a date?
The whole date was perfect, Davina was on cloud 9. Her heart was beating so fast she could hear it. She was madly in like to Zach. She truly liked him with all her being. They talked through the whole time. Holding hands during the skating, and her falling a couple of times only to be saved by the heroic Zach.
They finished each others sentences, had the same likes and dislikes. Complained about schools, laughed over the same comedic jokes. Both felt as if they have known each other for eternity.
They were both on the skating floor when out of the corner of her eye Davina spots Bryce’s group.
“Is that Dempsey,” yelled Monty.
“Holy shi* it is. And he’s with that weird Davina girl. Hey bro!” Bryce called running to both of them.
Davina closed her eyes knowing what they were going to say.
“Hey brother,” Bryce said as he gave a handshake to Zach. Zach was uncomfortable.
“Ooooh didn’t know you were into the weird ones,” Scott giggles while smirking at Davina.
“Hey aren’t you Jensen’s sister?” Bryce asked giving you his charming, wicked smile.
“Yes, I’m his younger sister. I’m sorry I gotta go though, my mom is probably gonna want me home soon.”
“Whats with all the tattoos,” another one in the group asked. Davina self consciously tried covering her arms, wishing she would of listened to her mothers advice.
“She weird like Skye, duh dude,” Monty laughed.
Davina growled angrily, “Skye is not weird okay. Don’t say that.”
“Ooooh,” they all said, almost tempting Davina.
“Guys I think it will be better if you guys leave,” Zach tried to stop the situation.
“Dude, whatever you can say can be said in front of us,” Bryce said crossing his arms.
“..its nothing,” Zach looked down.
“So what are you guys dating? Cause if you are, its like bro you can do sooooo much better!!!!” Monty put his tongue out and laughed like an idiot.
“Dude thats just wrong,” Bryce cackled as well, agreeing with Monty.
“Guys stop, enough you’re gonna hurt the losers feelings,” one of the other guys said in a whiny voice.
Tears were coming into Davina’s eyes and she just sprinted away from all of the commotion.
Zach ran after her but it was too late Davina was gone like a ghost.
“They laughed at me like a loser! They made fun of me and bullied me,” Davina cried to her brother, Clay.
Clay rubbed her arms up and down, soothing her. She came to him crying hysterically, and Clay knew he should not have let her go.
She now sat on the bed of Clay’s explaining what happened. Why her heart was broken, why she felt so much pain.
“Its okay, you’re here with me. You’re safe,” Clay whispered cuddling with his little baby sister.
She sniffled and just wept some more into his shirt. They both laid down on his bed, cuddling and just being in eachs other presence.
“I’ll make that bastar* pay for what he did,” Clay swore under his breath.
“I should of listened to you Clay, I was so stupid to think he wanted to be with me. Stupid!”
Unfortunately, Davina had to go to school the next day. She felt scared, what would he say? What would happen?
She felt as if she was about to suffocate. She felt fragile.
Upon entering the school the group of Bryce’s was there but no Zach. Davina went to her locker and angrily, stuffed it with her items.
She felt like crying. That is until Zach came in with a megaphone in his hand.
“Davina please listen to me,” Zach pleaded when he saw her. Davina shook her head repeating the word no over and over.
Zach turned on the megaphone, “Davina, I am so sorry for what happened yesterday. I know I should of protected you and I wanted to but, I failed to do that. I made you feel ashamed to be yourself. The truth is Davina I love your tattoos, I love that you’re shy, that you can talk to animals, that you love Star Wars, that you love art, because the thing is Davina I love everything about you. I like you a lot. Like a lot a lot.”
Davina chuckled at his comment, she saw that the group of turds was watching. Monty looked all mad, with Bryce looking concerned. Everyone at school watched Zach.
“You are amazing Davina, I’m sorry you were treated that way, cause you shouldn't have been. You deserved to be treated with respect, so I’m gonna make it up to you. I’m gonna show you that we are official, and just how much I really like you.”
Davina waved her hands in a no matter and stuttered trying to tell Zach she didn’t like where this was going. She felt Zach was about to ruin his reputation. 
Zach dropped the megaphone and went to Davina. He gently pulled her by the waist and in front of everyone he kissed her. The kiss was slow but sensual. Zach’s big hands were placed on her pale cheeks, deepening the kiss. He kissed Davina in front of everyone, in front of Bryce’s group, heck even in front of Clay. Davina didn’t matter, she was kissing...him. The one that made her happy, that made her feel that she wasn’t ashamed to be herself. 
“I’m sorry Davina,” Zach whispered to only her after the kiss. 
Davina gave Zach another peck, “I forgive you, but how about we go somewhere? Just the two of us and maybe, I don’t know go watch a movie?”
Zach smiled, “I would love that,” and wrapped his arms around her as they walked to the exit together. 
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