#i will be taking no inquiries about my mental health
xiaoluclair · 2 years
prompt: dialogue 42, lestappen
THE WAY I FELL IN LOVE WITH THIS PROMPT THE MOMENT I READ IT AND YOU'VE JUST GIVEN IT TO ME ON A SILVER PLATTER I. also yes it has been roughly an entire twenty seven thousand bagels since you sent this ask but i like bagels so i'll happily take them all.
anyway. [coughs.] yes. okay i've completely butchered this one but hooha who cares (at least, i hope you don't [winces]).
prompt: "Touch me again, and I'm pushing you off the bed."
"Careful," says Charles, reaching out to grip Max by the foot and drag him back from death's edge for the fifth time.
Max shakes him off immediately with a wet huff. "Touch me again," he sniffs grumpily, "and I am pushing you off the bed."
It is meant to be threatening. Charles grips the duvet a little higher, bites it to keep his laughter from further angering Max. There is a grunt, a face peeking out from under its arms with glaring creases and an expression of sincerely Put Out.
There has never, thinks Charles only a little delightfully, existed anything cuter.
Aloud, he huffs. "Fine," he says with a wave of his shoulders. "Roll off the bed and die for all I care. Mind if I?"
Max shrugs. Somewhat.
Charles turns over and flicks off the bedside lamp. In darkness and the fabric of his pillow, he lets a grin finally open his teeth to the cold air, burrows deeper within the covers. Beside him, Max is shuffling around too and the mattress dips occasionally.
"Still cold?" asks Charles after a minute of this.
"Fuck off," mutters Max.
The face-breaking smile never leaving his lips, Charles lets his eyes fall shut. And then, despite the sporadic noisy movement just a few inches away, starts to feel himself drift off. Scaly dreams paint themselves bright, snowy caps and steering wheels.
He wakes to something small and dry flicking against his cheek.
Half-asleep, Charles twists around and lifts his T-shirt. Ice drips its way right onto his chest within the millisecond in little patters, and Charles grins dopily down at Max's dark grumping eyes when they peek out from under his collar.
"So cute," he teases.
Max's forked tongue nearly stabs his eye out. "Shut the fuck up."
With a happy hum, Charles settles back into sleep to the tickle of Max's little lizard tail curling around his belly button.
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meanbossart · 8 months
Hi, I'm RJ (Male, 27 years old) I'm a -usually- horror oriented artist and collaborator alongside my partner and better-half @barbatusart, though I'm currently on a Baldur's Gate 3/DnD streak with both my art and writing, specifically centered around the Dark Urge I created for my campaign and his antics, so that's most of what you will find here!
I want to leave a warning right here that I occasionally venture into delicate topics in regards to character lore and history - though none of it strays too far from what the game already delves into and I try to give a heads-up ahead of time whenever I feel like something might catch someone off-guard otherwise.
PSA: I get a lot of asks and I'm slow to go through them, please don't take it personally :U
Anyway, here's the guy of the hour:
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Q: Does your Durge have a name? A: Nope! I named him "drow" when I played the game because I didn't feel like thinking up anything special. His lack of a name has become part of the character's lore and you will find him to always be tagged with "DU drow", or referred to as The Drow or just Drow.
Q: Where can I read your BG3 fan-fiction? And what is it about? A: Right here! The main plot follows DU Drow, Astarion, and Shadowheart on a new adventure that fractures into a couple of different directions, but mainly focuses on the aftermath of the spawn that Astarion has released and the personal development of the main cast, alongside a number of original characters that get involved in the narrative. My goal was to create a kind of "DLC" experience, so you can expect a lot of themes that parallel the main game.
Q: Can I draw one of your characters, a scene from your story, or any of your characters interacting with mine/other characters? And can it be NSFW in nature? A: YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN, AND I'LL BE DELIGHTED TO SEE IT IF YOU CARE TO SHARE. I'm equally fine with NSFW as long as everyone involved (in the art and otherwise) is an adult.
Q: What drawing software/tablet/brushes do you use? A: I draw on a Wacom Cintiq 22, using Clip Studio Pro. I switch around brushes quite often but most of what I use comes from the DAUB super-bundle by Paolo Limoncelli.
Q: Where can I find more of your work? A: You can find mine and my partner's comics here, but please bear in mind that most of it is highly violent stuff and you should read the content warnings on the store page carefully before making any purchases - if in doubt of whether or not any of it could be detrimental to your mental health, DON'T BUY IT. Stay safe!
Q: Do you take commissions? A: I am not currently taking any new commission inquiries, sorry!
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thesirencult · 9 months
Pick A Card : Soul Connection
An intuitive reading about a soul meant to find yours. In epic tales there is a literally mechanism called "recognition". The hero and his counterpart recognize eachother even after years of estrangement. Like Penelope and Odysseus. A love so deep not even multiple lifetimes can erase. A soul kindred to yours you would recognize in a sea of people.
"I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world."
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disclaimer : a tarot reading should never be used in place of professional counselling. Your reading cannot offer legal, medical, business, or financial advice nor does any portion of your reading herein purport to. You should not rely on a tarot reading to make any decision that would affect your legal, financial, or medical condition. If your inquiry involves the law, finance, or medicine, then you should seek the advice of a licensed or qualified legal, financial, or medical professional. Also, tarot reading cannot replace qualified mental health care. A tarot reading can only facilitate how you cope spiritually with a given situation.
The soul meant to find yours is a gentle one. Themes that come up here remind me of couples like Queen Victoria and Albert. I t will be love at first sight. Whatever your genders are, the "supposed" feminine will be the dominant one.
Your person will take the backseat as you run things. You may come from a wealthier background or simply seem "high value". Lady and the trump vibes.
This person will fight for those who didn't get the same opportunities to grow. They cheer for the underdog. This person will love your firey nature and how "bossy" you are. One thing you have to be careful with in this relationship is to keep things balanced as sometimes they might feel like you do not respect them or you don't spend enough time with them.
They could be an INFJ. Sympathetic, compassionate and protective. Practical and detail oriented, this is the safe place you need to come back to after your long trips towards the stars.
The love of your life will be able to see you. The real you. They won't overlook the greyness in your face. "You're Losing Me" by Taylor Swift is a song that can talk about your past.
No one stopped hurting you even though they knew they wouldn't be able to bring you back. They didn't care.
This person is everything that you deserve. They will help you heal. No sad songs with this one. Your happily ever after. This person is a soldier. They would die for love.
Your people pleasing tendencies won't go unnoticed with this one. They care about YOU, not what you can do about THEM.
Give them a chance when they come around. Sweet energy. Safe. Boy-Girl-They next door energy. A sweetheart with a great smile and a kind glint in their eyes. My heart feels warm writing about them. Hallmark movies ain't got nothing on them. Their love is simple and "perfect". No questions and worries. Your safe place.
Your energy reminds me of those wedding photos you see on Instagram of couples in small American towns posing with their golden retriever and smiling at each other. Don't let your past wounds f*ck this up. Sincerely, from one people pleaser to another. If you picked this pile we would have been besties in real life. Lots of love and hugs your way.
P.S. They will always choose you. You are not the first, but the ONLY choice.
Your whole life you have felt alone and isolated. Like life is a party you have not been invited. I wouldn't say you are a "pick me", you are far from that. You just feel like there is no one there for you to keep your hands warm. You have always longed for someone that will look behind the mirror and realize there is someone is behind it. You struggle with finding your inner voice.
The catch here is that you have the ability to choose anyone behind the mirror. You have the ability to show who you truly are. Be wild and crazy. Unstoppable. You didn't come here to do pretty and quiet. You are here to awake others and break the glass.
The person meant for you, your other half is very different from you. They are way more hedonistic and may find solace is the material realm. They will do everything to make you feel wanted and beautiful. This person will see you for who you truly are and they won't feel intimidated. Your "black cat energy" won't drive them away. They have some skeletons in the closet themselves. Disturbing and compelling, this one would make a great "50 Shades Of Grey" type of movie. lol. They could listen a lot to the Weeknd or they used to live a very "rough" lifestyle in the past. Love at first sight. Intense. You slap them and they will kiss you. They will buffle you. "Why doe sthis mfer stick around somehow?".
In all honesty, in this lifetime, your other half will be overbearing. They won't back down until they take you down with them. Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem come to mind in Jamon Jamon. This person may also come from money or have a lot of money and they want you to be their dark princess/prince. It will feel like taking a panther or feral cat and trying to domesticate it. Good try. You are still dangerous though, but they don't mind a few scratches.
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faust-the-enjoyer · 5 months
Anonymous asked: Adoptive!dad!simon x adopted!kid!reader but it starts off with the reader being a foster kid whos lowkey kinda scared of simon
You Remember the First Time You Called Him "Dad"
Tags/warnings: gn!reader, kid!reader (mid teens), foster!father!simon turned into adoptive!dad!simon, sfw, familial, mentions of the military, mentions of therapy, mentions of mental health issues, implicit mentions of child murder, uk foster care system, a bit of angst, fluff, crying.
A/n: aaaaaaaah i loooved writing this!!! I did my research to write it too!!! Hope you like it anon!
-Divider by (@/saradika-graphics)!
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After being discharged from the military due to his mental health, Simon got monthly compensation from the military, and started working as a butcher again, all while going to therapy at the same time. Since he's pretty much done from working as a soldier, he had to find other things to do, he had to learn to help himself, and find purpose, find a new life for himself.
After going to therapy for a good couple of months and being on medication, he found that his life became...repetitive and dull in a way. It's the same thing over and over again, work, therapy, and the times that he went out with his old teammates didn't change things that much, considering they were on missions on many occasions, dating didn't help either, that didn't work out, he's not one for that.
He'd talk about it with his therapist, he'd talk about with his friends, and he'd get a lot of advises, but none that appealed to him. He didn't know what to do, but sometimes, he'd see one of his co-workers at the butchery with his kid sometimes, seeing couples and single parents out with their own as well, and it all just reminded him of his nephew, that poor kid, Joseph. Although it opens up old wounds that never healed, he did think it over, and even asked his therapist for advice over it, and he finally decided to foster a kid after months of thinking about it and considering it.
He wanted to do a short-fostering plan, just in case it doesn't work out for whatever reason. The application took a couple of months in order for him to become a foster parent, but he didn't mind, he worked on his mental health at the time, and even cleaned out a room in his apartment for the kid that'll be there. After making an inquiry at a local foster care agency, and after a social worker visited him and the process took place, he was given some parenting training, and finally matched up with a kid to take care of, that is, you.
Your first meeting was with him and your two's social worker in a small restaurant, he was a big guy, piercing brown eyes, some scars here and there, and a black surgical mask that he took off when he sat down and started talking to you. He was just a bit scary, just a bit though.
After the social worker introduced you two, Simon took the initiative and started talking to you. "R/N, you can just call me Simon, alright?", he asked in a calm tone, and you nodded, it made sense since you two just met, and he really just wants you to be comfortable. After you two chatted a little and he paid for the meal, the social worker walked you two to his car, and talked to you, you were more than willing to stay with him if that meant some stability in your life, even if he was a little scary, so you agreed to stay with him, and he agreed to foster you, and you said your goodbyes to the social worker.
You didn't want to sit in the front passenger seat, this was all too new to you, and Simon didn't make it any better either, all broody and quiet, with that somewhat harsh look on his face, though he doesn't mean to seem like this at all, he really just wants you to feel safe around him, so he lets you get into the backseat and sees you put your little bag of belongings on the seat next to you, "Put your seatbelt on R/N.", and that you do. Five minutes into the drive and he starts talking.
"So, your school's pretty close to where we will, and to be honest with you kid, I'd prefer to drive you every day there, but tell me, what do you prefer?", he asks, eyes on the road, he'd prefer to drive you because it's safer, and he honestly hopes you just choose that, "...I...ok, um, I don't wanna take the bus, so...", you trail off, you can't even talk about what you want, let alone address him by his first name. He lets out a sigh of relief, "Car it is then.". The rest of the drive is filled with him questioning you on the meals you like, and inquiring you about your hobbies.
As the days passed, you two slowly warmed up to each other, and his kindness would show; in the first couple of days of you settling in, he took you shopping, giving you a certain amount of money and telling to buy whatever clothes you needed, he also encouraged you to buy that plushie you had your eye on but didn't openly say you wanted because you're "too old" for it. He'd ask you to cook dinner with him as way as to spend time with you, letting you chop all the vegetables with your not-too sharp knife, and letting you add them and the spices into the pot.
Hell, it would even extend to other things as well, he wouldn't hug you unless you gave him the green light, nor would he enter your room without knocking or asking for your permission first. And in the first week of picking you up from school, he asked if you if anyone was bothering you, and if you made or already have any friends, if you needed any school supplies, or if you wanted a packed lunch. On the first weekend you stayed at his apartment, he ended asking Johnny to borrow that old gaming set he doesn't use anymore just so you (and him) can play on it.
But you were still scared a little, this new environment was too comfortable, too quiet, your mind kept telling you that something was wrong, when you knew there wasn't. Week by week, your fear would slowly melt away, though it was quite slow, yet the social worker was quite delighted during the check-ups that happened.
One night after brushing your teeth and getting into bed, it started raining, that was fine, relaxing even, until you were deeply asleep and got frighteningly woken up by the loud thunder, heart throbbing, body shaky, you needed water, you needed to calm down. You went into the kitchen, heavy breathing echoing throughout the room, you were so shaken up that you accidentally broke the glass of water you were trying to get out of the cabinet, shattering the glass all over the floor, and prompting Simon to wake up and run to the kitchen, only to find you shaking above the broken glass and breathing heavily, you looked like you were on the verge of tears from how overwhelmed you felt.
He carefully walked up to you quickly, "R/N? You alright? Did you step on the glass?", you look up at him, and the waterworks are on, he can't say anything to you in this state and he knows it, so all he does is usher you into a tight hug. "Shh...shh...it's alright, you're not hurt, you're fine kid...", after calming you down, he sits you on the couch and hands you a cup of water, covering you with a blanket and patting your head, "You can tell me what happened, I won't be mad, I promise.", he sighs, he doesn't know what happened, but he wants you to feel safe in this moment and just breath.
You drink from your cup and set it on the coffee table, breathing in and out, "I was just sleeping, but the thunder woke me up and I just...", "You got scared kid?", you nod, eyes still tired from having your sleep interrupted in such a horrifying manner. It's still thundering loudly outside. He sighs, "Alright, tell you what, since you don't have any school tomorrow, how 'bout you sleep on the couch, and I sit near you, yeah? How does that sound?", you think it over, at least he'll be there if you wake up scared again, "Ok.", he gets up and sits on the armchair next to the couch, letting you lay there and get comfy with the blanket and couch pillow. As you slowly close and rest your eyes, you suddenly open them wide, "Wait...you'll sleep on the chair?", "Yeah, what, you've never done that before?", he lets out a small chuckle, you smile a little and put your head back onto the pillow. After you fell asleep, he got up and quietly cleaned up the broken glass in the kitchen, then returned and sat back down, slowly falling asleep too.
As the months passed, you fell into the routine that you two had, it was a calm one, a comforting one that made your worries disappear. He tried his best to be a father to you, a parental figure to you. He'd pat away any creases in your school uniform, make you lunch boxes, and openly told you to rant to him about school and your friends, about what you wanted to do and be in the future. He wanted to know more about you, and if you ever had any issues, you knew to come to him for help, and you did. He never shamed you for it, never made fun of you, he always helped you out, even if your problem seemed "trivial".
He wanted to know what you liked to do, where you liked to eat. On some weekends after you'd do your homework, he'd take you to a small amusement park then to try a new restaurant, and once he even let you have that sundae you've always wanted to try. On some weekdays, he'd help you with your homework after dinner, telling you how proud he was of you, and after, you'd help him with the dishes. He gave you a monthly allowance ever since you started living with him, letting you buy whatever you wanted (within reason), and you wanted to help him with the house, so you started doing some chores, it was perfect, cozy, loving, what you've both wanted. What he offered and gave you was what every child deserves and should have, you both know that, but neither of you ever had that.
You found someone you can lovingly call your parent, and he found a kid he could proudly say was his. It's been a good year since he fostered you, and now he's sat on your bed, talking to you, "R/N, I...would you like me to adopt you? It's possible you know, just some paperwork, I've just...been thinking it over.", your eyes glimmer with joy and content, and a smile is painted on your lips, "Yes!". A man of his word, after discussing it with the social worker and getting the paperwork done, he ended up adopting you out of the foster care system, now having you as his child, permanently. You were so happy, so so so happy.
A couple of days after the adoption process was done, you sat next to him on the couch as he was reading the newspaper. "Simon.", "Hm?", "Can I call you "dad"?", his eyes widen a little, and he has to hold back some of his emotions, or else he'll cry in front of you, "Yeah, yeah can call me "dad" if you want to kid.", he lets out a small chuckle, ruffling your hair. You laugh, "Thanks dad.", it's a much more comfortable term than his first name, one that suits him.
Gaz: So how's everything with the kid?
Simon: Dead good, they're happy.
Gaz: I told you you'd be a good father, you didn't need to worry so much man.
He sets his phone down and looks at you studying for your exams in the living room, a small content smile on his face. He's glad that he can start anew, and he's glad that he's able to give you what he never had; stability, and a loving parent.
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gentil-minou · 9 months
The teen wangxian version of lwj playing inquiry after wwx's death would be lwj texting the number wwx used to use before he deactivated everything. He does this every couple months, with a Hi or How are you or I miss you.
The stranger who uses that number now doesn't want to break the poor boys heart and tell him so they just ignore it.
Wwx isn't dead btw he dropped out of his ivy league after some really bad mental health to live a nomadic lifestyle out of his old beat up van Chenqing, but during that time he'd purposely pushed everyone away
Eventually after 13 months when wwx decides he's ready to go back online and come out of hiding he manages to get his old number back!
Except he keeps getting these messages for a number he doesn't know and he thinks 'wow I wonder what it's like to be loved by someone like this'
(There was a time where he used to know that number by heart
There was a time when a text from that number was the first thing he'd see in the morning and the last message he'd send that night
There was a time when he never would have thought he could forget that number…)
5 months after he's gotten his number back and moved in with the Wens, slowly becoming himself again, the mystery number starts leaving voicemails
They don't say anything, just some faint breathing on the line, like wind whistling by. Soothing, in a way wwx can't figure out why
WQ says he should delete them and block the number. WN says he should politely message the person and let them know they have the wrong number.
Wwx does neither.
His inbox slowly fills with them, and on his worst nights when he feels like hes going to lose it again, when he feels like hes back on that ledge looking over calculating the force from the impact, he'll listen those breaths as he slowly falls asleep
Years pass and the world goes on.
Wwx gets back in touch with his siblings. Their meetings are tense and won't ever be the same as it was…before. But for now, it's enough.
He's working nights at a bar and going to art school during the day. Therapy every week.
It's strange how much he likes school now that he gets to learn the things that interest him. There's a lot he misses from his old life, and a lot he doesn't.
He keeps every message and voice-mail he gets, but he never replies. He can't explain why.
On the side, he helps out the Wens with recovering from their own tragedy.
Years ago there'd been an accident where they'd lost their cousins. At the time, they'd thought that included their nephew. That they'd lost him too.
When Wen Qing finally gets a hold of the report, they learn they didn't.
It's takes some not so legal finagling, but what else is wwx going to use his coding skills for?
The Wens learn their cousins son was injured but alive. That he'd been adopted while he was still recovering in the hospital.
The number the hospital has on file is eerily familiar.
There's no time to think any more about it. The Wens are in hyperdrive, trying to figure out how to contact this person. Hoping they might see their nephew, finally.
WQ says she was able to call the number and talk to the adoptive father about meeting up.
Wwx goes to bed feeling happy and good and like he can still do some things right. He falls asleep with a smile on his face.
He wakes up at 5am the next morning to a text, and he realizes why that number was so familiar.
The text, from a-yuan's adoptive dad, what are the chances, reads:
"I have always lived my life to be true and do what is right, but I find myself afraid. What if I have done something terrible? What would you say?"
His heart beating a hole in his chest, wwx finally texts back.
(threadfic here)
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mbti-notes · 4 months
Anon wrote: Hi mbti-notes, I am a INFJ in their late twenties. My purpose for this inquiry is to better understand, on a mbti-function level, why I am feeling emotionally overwhelmed and burnt out.
For additional context: I am currently in a graduate program that I detest—to the point where I’ve had to keep myself from crying at my desk in public. Usually, when I’m dealing with something arduous I can engage in some sort of Ni-led vision of what I want in the future to encourage myself to keep going. But lately I’ve just been so tired of trying to ‘inspire’ myself to keep moving.
On top of this, I feel like I can’t express my disdain for my work life to friends because they either work in the same field (and they enjoy it) or they are going through other issues of their own. In general, I find that people are (reasonably) concerned with their own sources of stress, and I don’t want to bother them about it again unless its serious.
Additionally, I have found it hard to meaningfully engage with such people about their own life. Instead of being attentive and curious about others’ lives, I now feel like I’m always thinking of my own problems. Is this because I am over-exerting myself (Fe) and not reflecting enough (Ni)? If it is a lack of Ni, then why do I feel so tired of trying to work with Ni (please see ’inspiring myself’ sentence earlier in my post)? Thank you so much for reading and considering my long entry—I really appreciate it.
There are several factors that can contribute to burnout, so the solution will depend on which factors are most influential in your case. You'll have to reflect on it yourself and tailor the right solution. Possible factors include:
1) You are in poor physical health. Your body can only operate at peak efficiency if you eat well, sleep well, get enough exercise, and moderate stress. If you lack energy due to poor physical health, then you need to develop better physical habits.
2) You are expending more energy than you are generating. Ns often need to be reminded that physical and mental energy are finite resources. There is a limit to how much your mind and body can do every day. Everyone needs rest, relaxation, and recuperation time. This is especially the case for introverts. If your workload is too heavy, find a way to reduce it and/or schedule better. Proper work-life balance is necessary for making sure that you take enough time for yourself to recharge.
3) You are taking on too much. Are your work roles and responsibilities clearly articulated? Are you taking on tasks that don't belong to you or should be done by someone else? It's not uncommon for Js to be controlling and Ns to fear missing out, which means they end up doing more work than they should. If this is the case, you need to learn to manage your workload better by prioritizing, deferring, or delegating tasks more appropriately.
4) You are in a disadvantaged position and don't experience all the advantages of your peers. This can happen for a variety of reasons. For example, you might be experiencing overt or covert exclusion because of being a minority and not fitting in (due to class, race, gender, etc). Another example is that you have lower professional status than others, which you might be able to change through hard work and getting promoted to a higher position. Another example is that you haven't done enough to build professional relationships and aren't reaping those social rewards.
5) Your workplace is toxic. A workplace is experienced as unhealthy when you have unsupportive authority figures to contend with, overly competitive or undermining peers to watch out for, and/or unfair practices that don't reward people based on merit. When the social environment is toxic, you can try to improve the situation, or you can leave if you don't have the power to change anything. When leaving is not an option, try to limit engagement and increase positive engagement elsewhere in your life. The more time you spend in a toxic social environment, the more energy it will drain from you until you have no motivation at all.
6) You lack a healthy support system. You seem to downplay or ignore your own needs, which is a common INFJ issue. Yes, you should be professional when dealing with peers/colleagues in a workplace, so it's understandable that you don't want to be constantly discussing your personal issues with them. However, this raises the important question of why you don't have family or friends outside of school/work to lean on and get support from. It sounds like you're not doing enough to build a community for yourself, which leads to isolation and alienation, and eventually, depression that saps away your energy. Neglecting emotional and social needs means you're not taking care of your mental health and well-being. When you don't take care of yourself, you won't be able to attend to others.
7) You lack control and/or confidence. When people don't feel in control or don't feel confident enough to tackle their challenges, they're more likely to waste energy in feeling anxious, preoccupied, distracted, fixated on trivial matters, etc. If this is the case, you may need to be more assertive in: expressing your needs/wants and fulfilling them; organizing your environment to better suit you; clarifying your goals/aspirations; seeking help for improving knowledge and skills that would help you feel more self-confident.
8) You focus too much on the negative and discount the positives. Why is it that two people can work in the same environment but experience it completely differently? Part of it is due to perception. You don't like the work you're doing, so you are full of negative feelings and emotions that then cast everything in a negative light. If this is the case, you need to make more of an effort to recover the positive aspects of the situation. Looking on the bright side involves seeking out and realizing positive possibilities/potential, which should be easy enough with healthy Ni. Positives exist in the present, and you can create them in the decisions you make today. If you're always waiting for happiness to appear in a distant future, chances are, it's not real.
9) Your work doesn't seem to matter or get rewarded. Does this career align with your identity and values? It's hard to feel motivated when you don't believe in your work or others don't recognize your work. Does your work matter? Are there ways your work matters that you're not seeing and appreciating? If others aren't appreciating your work, have you done enough to show it off and keep people informed of your activities?
10) You are on the wrong life path. If you truly believe your work doesn't matter or isn't the right fit for you, why are you still doing it? Why aren't you listening to your own heart? This would constitute going against Ni, which is self-sabotaging. It sounds like you're using Ni-Ti to rationalize. Lying to yourself is only going to make you more and more miserable every time reality slaps you and debunks the lie. While it's true that it's not always easy to change paths, is it really harder than staying on the wrong path forever? I'm not telling you what to do but simply raising the possibility that you haven't done a proper reckoning of the path you've chosen and compared it objectively to the alternative paths that might be better suited to you. Remember that it's not foolish to make a mistake because mistakes are necessary for learning and growth. What's foolish is to deny a mistake and keep suffering from it for the rest of your life.
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mytheoristavenue · 3 months
Discounted Birthday Commissions!
Guess what? My 23rd birthday is exactly a month away! To celebrate, now through July 20th, I'll be taking commissions for half price starting rates!
Event Pricing:
$5 per 1k words, with a 1k word minimum for fluff/angst.
$10 per 1k words, with a 1k word minimum for smut/extreme angst (Including but not limited to descriptive injury or character death).
$15 per 1k words, with a 1k word minimum for fetish content/additional characters (Limit one additional character, $5 per additional character proceeding.)
$5 additional per 1k words for a deadline of less than five days.
$10 additional per 1k words for a deadline of less than three days.
Fetish Themes Include (But not limited to):
Double Penetration
Impact Play
Age Play
Hard Boundaries:
All characters depicted in a sexual manner will expressly be noted as over the age of eighteen, no matter what their canon age is. They will also not be depicted in situations that could imply they may be a minor. (Having sex in detention/classroom for example.)
No scat or fart fetish content of any kind, as I am simply just not comfortable writing it.
No fetishes that exploit poor mental or physical health.
Please do not harass me for updates or encroach on my boundaries as a writer. I will not be willing to make clients partners on the work in progress or allow them to make any changes to it until the designated 'check-in' times.
I will never accept payment until the piece is finished, and I reserve the right to refuse or terminate a commission for any of the above reasons.
That's about it! Please send inquiries directly to me instead of my inbox, so we can further discuss them! Thank you for the support!
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scr3amingqueen · 1 year
I like ur art :3 if u take requests, can u draw sikorsky?
Hello! I’m actually very nervous to take requests since I don’t know if people are gonna like how I sometimes interpret that request visually. Additionally, if I did get requests, I was worried about how many, and how fast I would have to churn them out. I’m still in college and currently working on my thesis over the summer and while I love making art for people, I need to be very careful of burnout and artist block.
If people do want to make requests, feel free! I just want to preface that I don’t know how fast they’ll be done, but I can say that they will be completed. The reason I’m able to be semi consistent right now is that since school is out, I took a mental health month before I get back to working on my thesis part time. I’m in a 3D computer art major and that stuff takes a lot of time to make.
I also want to monetize my art at some point with commissions but I’m a little nervous to put myself out there and I’m not super sure how to go about doing it (and if anyone has tips, please let me know)! If you do have a serious art inquiry, please be sure to send a message my way! I never want to be too expensive for people because while I do value my time and effort, I also love being able to share my creations with others.
And if there’s any interest in seeing any of my 3D art or if you want to commission me for any of that stuff, I’d be honored!
Alright that’s enough of my rambling! I did make a quick profile image of Sikorsky after he possibly…took care of somebody. He’s a bad man who likes to bad things but I’m happy to make art of a lot of Baki characters regardless.
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I hope you like it!
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thegreatyin · 1 year
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Hello! I’m Yin, he/she/they, and welcome to my part of the hellsite, except with a lot more angels and monsters running amok. I’m primarily a hobbyist artist and writer, though I do aspire to get a proper job in either (or both!) professions someday. I’m a big fan of video games, cartoons, and just generally all that cringe fail nerdy stuff. If you want a more detailed introduction including nitty-gritty boundary information, links to and information about personal projects, and what few other social medias I have, you can find all of that stuff just below the cut. You don't have to read all of it, but it's all there if you want to see it.
Don't be afraid to tell me if I need to warn (or be reminded to warn) for triggering content, I am always happy to do so!
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~ Do not interact: ~
The title of this section is a joke. I don't actually have a DNI. What I will lay down is a before you follow:
• I am not comfortable with sharing my personal information on any public social media! Please respect this. I am comfortable disclosing that I am professionally diagnosed with autism and ADHD, and identify... somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum in both orientation and gender. I'm still trying to figure out where, mind you, but definitely somewhere!!
• I am very violently queer and use the word very liberally as a form of self-identification. If this is a serious, major problem for you, I'd recommend you just block this blog and move on.
• This blog is a SFW space and, while I may reblog or post the occasional dirty or suggestive joke, I tend to avoid any and all truly explicit content. Blogs of any caliber are welcome to interact, just be aware my own space will always remain PG-13 at worst. This rule varies when it comes to artistic nudity- generally I will avoid reblogging it here, but if I ever do so it will be tagged appropriately.
• My official stance on any and all shipping discourse is that I prefer to not get personally engaged and keep my own opinions to myself. While I do have personal takes, viewpoints, and to an extent a clearly-defined side on the whole thing, I am not privy to publicly sharing any of these and will ignore any and all inquiries about the topic. I would greatly prefer to be treated as a neutral or otherwise outside party by both sides of the debate, because I do not wish to get involved in any discourse, and earnestly request that everyone respect that to the best of their ability. I'm just a simple hobbit in my own corner of the internet, and boy am I not willing to carry the ring to Mordor anytime soon.
• I write and draw what I want to write and draw. I am an insufferable multishipper and a majority of my works deal with incredibly heavy and graphic topics. These will always be tagged and properly warned for. I will never drop something violent or gory on anyone's dashboards without the appropriate content warnings and disclaimers. As stated near the top of this post, if I ever forget anything, please feel free to remind me about it!!! Other's comfort will always take priority over my own hubris.
• I greatly enjoy eldritch/biblical angel aesthetics and religious horror themes, and they play a prominent role in a good chunk of my personal works. Similarly; body horror, existential dread, various kinds of abuse, struggles with nihilism, and mental health issues of all kinds are either common or at the very least notably existent in virtually all settings I create. If any of this makes you uncomfortable, I would earnestly recommend blocking most of the tags relating to my work.
• This should go without saying, but this blog is open to all sorts of identities and peoples regardless of origin. Short of literally being a crime, I am happy to let people identify however they wish. If you disagree with this statement, please be aware that I block liberally and I block often.
~ ✧ ~
~ Personal Projects and Settings ~
Acts, Promises, and Faith (commonly abbreviated to "APF"): My main ongoing original fiction project, with a clearly defined cast and setting and (almost!) a clearly defined overarching plot. Set on an artificially magic-infused planet known simply as Mimue, it follows a catgirl shapeshifter as she struggles to deal with love, loss, the baby(?) eldritch spider that crashed through her roof last night, and the most powerful person to ever exist taking a personal interest in her journey to bring that spider home. The main story is not currently published, and will likely not be for years, but I do hope to make it into a webcomic someday. Or a book. Or a game. Or just... something.
Outside of the main protagonist quartet, the setting as a whole has an abundance of side characters (and not so side characters), most of which feature in some shape or form in the official stories I have published on Ao3! These side stories also contain major insights into the lore and overall status of the world at large, and I always have ideas in the back of my mind for how I can make more stuff like this in the future. Just make sure to read the content warnings on all published works, and know that none of those were published in anything close to chronological order 👉😎👉
It is also important to note that you should treat all of those aforementioned stories as you would expanded universe material for an already-existing show or franchise- with the incredibly notable exception of one reoccurring character in particular, a majority of the cast given focus in the Ao3 fics do not star or otherwise provide a major role in the plot as it's written right now. I'm essentially constructing this universe backwards by first introducing everyone to Glup Shitto instead of Luke Skywalker. But that's okay, because now you can have both as your blorbos in the end! Everyone wins!
I am always accepting asks and inquiries about this world, because I love it to death and I love my blorbos to death and Rigel is my favorite character I've ever made ever.
Overall genre: Urban... ish fantasy character drama, leaning slightly towards low fantasy in general. The technology level in most of the world is equivalent to America in the early 60s, and magic originates from an outside force/gift in this setting, but is also pretty much seamlessly integrated into society by the modern day. While the story and themes are closer to darker melodrama than light-hearted action adventure, the world is distinctly not grimdark and the plot is mainly motivated by and through character actions and beliefs throughout the narrative.
Notable Content Warnings: Depression, allusions to suicide, drowning, burning alive, occasional gore, PTSD and C-PTSD, unreality and hallucinations from the prospective of the primary protagonist, body horror
Main Tag: #apf for general content, #apf info for more specific information about the world (these posts are not up-to-date most of the time, upfront worldbuilding questions are always preferred!)
Where to read it?: The APF anthology collection on Ao3 currently contains every published story I've ever written in ideal reading order! You definitely don't have to follow it in the slightest, it's just a suggestion due to how many fics there actually are. This setting also has its very own discord server, but for security reasons if anyone wants to enter it they'll have to DM me personally. Go on, give it a shot, I certainly won't mind!
~ ✧ ~
"Above": A work-in-progress name for a mostly sandbox (no clearly defined plot) setting about various gods, angels, and demons getting up to mischief across time and space. Dramatically darker in setting and tone than APF, and far less grounded to boot.
The world of "Above" is currently split between two eras- the "past" era, where a newly-born Seraph named Reguel tries their best to follow the wishes of their god, and the "present" era, where the King of Demons campaigns to end a millennium of torment from his cruel patron deity. At its core, it's a science fantasy setting that ends up focusing 99% of its attention on the duo of god-created fantasy races and very little on the already scarce sci-fi elements. Outside of lore about the gods and their creations, the rest of the world is merely a backdrop to demon and angel tomfoolery. To this effect, the actual "main cast" features funny jesters, friendly demon kings that use emoticons every five sentences, murderous malewives intensely in love with their giant goth girlfriends, and one (1) very sexy butler. Truly, some treats for everyone to enjoy.
Also, demons in this setting are floating mood ring space cannibals. That's really just something you have to experience for yourself to understand.
While there is an ongoing askblog based on this world, the events of that blog are not strictly canonical and will probably never be declared as such for spoiler-related reasons I cannot get into... but I'm also not saying the blog isn't canon. Just like APF, I'm always happy to receive and answer asks about this setting, so feel free to send any when you feel like it!
Overall Genre: The past era is a fantastical tragedy, while the present era is largely a nobledark adventure story. The world of the past is seen only through the eyes of an unreliable narrator, while the present is told through many different perspectives across many different species and locations.
Notable Content Warnings: Everything in the book. Psychosis, self harm, cannibalism, gore, dissociation, suicidal thoughts, PTSD, C-PTSD, parental abuse, parental neglect, abusive relationships... this is a dead dove setting, through and through, and it does not pull its punches. Particularly in the past era, but the whole world in general is a dove actively dying inside a paper bag.
Main Tag: #above.
Where to read it?: As this is largely a sandbox freeform setting, there's far fewer defined ways to access information about the setting and lore. The most notable proper story is God Have Mercy on Them, God Have Mercy on Me, a work-in-progress epic set in the past era that describes Reguel's early life and the choices that led them to where (and who) they are today. It has an absurdly slow update schedule because I write in my free time and it's insanely long, but many of its twists and turns are truly something else. One day I will finish it, and on that day it will be my magnum fucking opus. Probably. Maybe. Who knows, really.
The other option is @xx-hail2theking-xx, a currently ongoing roleplay blog centered around King Paimak and his merry band of cannibals. Unlike all other blogs I've managed in the past, it has a clearly defined act structure and is planned to end after a certain point, but that point is still far off. You don't necessarily need to read through the entire blog to jump into the plot at this point in time, but it certainly wouldn't hurt!
Also I've worked on it for like a year and made a bunch of art and writing just for it and it's kind of just my homemade self-imposed summer art project now. In a wacky demon sort of way.
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The Omniverse: Technically not just my project, but deserves to be included here anyway! This is a set of Undertale Multiverse roleplay blogs I participate in during my off time, although currently they're on indefinite hiatus due to unfortunate life and scheduling reasons.
The simplest way to explain the overarching plot- the very loose, very improv-based plot- of both blogs I run is essentially that there are two concurrent stories running back-to-back. In one, a recovering drug addict struggles with terrifying concepts like "having morals" and "caring about people", while in other the self-proclaimed King of Darkness and Everything Evil has to contest with a madman that wants to wipe out all of reality and build it anew and has already done so once before.
Oh, and the recoverer is the brother of the King's spouse. There's a truckload of complicated roleplay lore associated with each and every character from this setting, and it's almost impossible for me to single-handedly cover it all- especially considering I don't own half of the major cast.
Nothing is currently being done with them right now, but rest assured at any given moment I am rotating Caeru in my mind like a rotisserie chicken.
Overall Genre: Darkly comedic character introspection drama, and grimdark action adventure with a heavy focus on worldbuilding and characters.
Notable Content Warnings: Addiction, drug abuse, excessive violence, PTSD, C-PTSD, self harm, suicidal tendencies and thoughts... okay, maybe this one is kind of a dying dove too.
Main Tag: #rp stuff dwbi for primarily general RP content, while #hag for Hood and Greylu's verse in particular (the King of Darkness' verse)
Where to read it?: @official-saltbag and @darkness-regins respectively, however the quality of my old (and I do mean old) writing found on these blogs is inconsistent and contains many plot points and characterization choices I'm not sure hold up well today. While I hold no lingering resentment or specific apprehension about the blogs in general, I would much rather someone read my current work if they are genuinely interested in my writing style... and also they both completely lack a chrono tag, so good luck properly reading through them without a saintly amount of patience.
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Mistakes, Curses, and Mockeries: APF's semi-sequel, but only in the sense that Deltarune is technically a sequel to Undertale. Set in the same world and continuity as APF, but decades into the future- with a completely separate cast and story structure to boot.
One year after the death of his family at the hands of a mysterious robotic "red devil", a young noble named Equuleus comes to the horrifying realization that he's stuck in a year-spanning timeloop. And in every loop, no matter what, widespread disaster and chaos runs rampant by year's end. Potentially at the very same hands that led his family to ruin.
And thus Leus makes a vow; Force a future where everybody lives, or die trying.
...naturally, it turns out "die trying" can be taken very literally in this exact scenario. Things only spiral from there.
Overall Genre: Fantasy mystery adventures, with a touch of character drama and time shenanigans for spice. Steampunk-magitek-medieval-fantasy mixing pot of a setting with the occasional downright cyperpunk jumpscare. Keeps threatening to become a psychological horror and I keep having to bat it with a stick so it chills the heck out already. (It is doing the exact opposite of chilling the heck out.)
Notable Content Warnings: Major character death, dehumanization, dissociation, existential terror about forgetting everything that you are, insufferable nihilists, potentially even more insufferable fatalists, colonialism
Main Tag: #mcm.
Where to read it?: well first you get a shovel and second you start applying it directly to my skull to get the brain out for advanced noclip telepathy strats... is what I'd usually say, but there's actually a singular fic set in this setting now! I know, I'm shocked too.
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~ Contact information / socials ~
Tumblr is and will forever be my main social media platform, and I rarely consistently maintain accounts on other sites. You can, however, nonetheless find me below:
• @TheGreatWritingYin on Ao3
• @luminxlumina on Twitter
• @TheGreatYin on Cohost
• @TheGreatYin on Artfight
• @TheGreatFrostingWind on Flight Rising
• @TheGreatYin on Pixel Cat's End
• @Yinsie on Fallen London
• ...and that's literally just it!
If you successfully scrolled and read to the bottom of this, congratulations! Have a celebratory cookie. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ 🍪
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barok-vanzieks · 2 months
Lord Van Zieks,
Its wonderful to hear that you are in good health. As for the music you recommended to me, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Now, this is an ask blog, so I suppose I should should ask you another question. Let’s see… this may be a somewhat personal question, but how do you enjoy your job as a prosecutor? Do you wish it was different in any way?
I humbly await your answer.
- Mx. Silvers
Mx. Silvers;
Pray forgive the discourtesy of returning to you with such a delayed response. My return to work has taken up much of my mental faculties of late; unfortunately, it appears that my backlog of work was even greater than I expected--or remembered.
As for your inquiry: I used to greatly enjoy my work as a prosecutor, once upon a time. Admittedly, it has been somewhat... tainted throughout the years, and there have been many times in the past where I have sincerely questioned whether I had the strength and will to carry on. I did take a five year hiatus when the burden finally grew too heavy, but ultimately returned when I... saw an opportunity I could not ignore, let's say.
I did intend to permanently resign from the Prosecutor's Office last November, and at times, I still wish I had. Truth be told, I do not believe the work will ever be as rewarding for me again as it once was, before my brother's death. However... There are aspects of it which bring me some measure of contentment; some of which have felt quite foreign and surprising to discover, and some of which remind me of the old days where my brother and I used to assist each other with our respective cases.
I suppose if there is one aspect I would like to change, it is the lack of truly skilled defence attorneys in this city. Since Mr. Naruhodo left the country, most of the cases I've prosecuted have felt... too easy. Granted, I generally do not take cases where I do not feel convinced that the defendant committed the crime they stand accused for, but I do wonder sometimes about the cases I refuse...
Well, regardless, that is not a discussion to be had in a Tumblr post.
Yours, ever in search of the truth,
Prosecutor Barok van Zieks
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altocat · 1 year
Dear Hojo,
I actually have a question for you this time. Not your work, but you. The person. As a fellow worker in STEM I must ask, how well do you function when you have a fever? My personal experience is being unable to think straight and slight loss of motor function, resulting in an absolute inability to accomplish any work without fatal error and unnecessary frustration. Have you noticed such symptoms in yourself?
Genuinely, for once and don't expect it again,
Dear Hol,
A surprisingly interesting inquiry from one so vexing. You will be pleasantly surprised to know that I simply do not suffer from such ailments. I maintain my own health on my own terms and, give or take a few excitable instances of invigorated intrigue, am the very model of physical and mental wellness.
...That said, it's rather curious. I recall my youth, of suffering quite terribly from fevers on a fairly regularly basis. I suppose it had something to do with my accident. Quite inconvenient. My parents were rather overdramatic about the entire affair. It was only a tiny fall.
No matter. As I've said, my health is mine to control. I will not halt my experiments, not when there are new avenues of discovery to be explored. Control is a matter of the mind. It seems that mine is stronger than yours. A pity.
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misdre · 9 months
hoping to be able to get in a good enough headspace on weekend to take it easy and draw the requests i got, i've been having a mini meltdown over a uni course that i just can't seem to pass no matter what, but today i talked about it to our head teacher who suggested some alternatives (and also said he would. well. send An Inquiry to the course's teacher who's playing dead when i try to ask for help) so maybe my mental health will come back from war. it's very difficult for me to sit down and do anything pleasant when i'm really stressed out and aware that i should instead be doing coursework that i don't know how to do
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figula · 6 months
probably people not in the UK are unaware of the post office scandal - here's a link to the relevant wiki
tldr if you dont feel like clicking: faulty software resulted in hundreds of postmasters being incorrectly charged/convicted with fraud/theft
i have been aware of this but not following it super closely, but last night i noticed on fb the mother of one of my friends (more of an acquaintance really - we didnt hang out but we were on friendly terms) from school posted a death notification of her ex-husband (the "ex" part is notable) and in the status update she referred to her ex-husband's life being hugely affected the post office scandal - and i was like, huh? what? i used to go to his post office ALLL the time. it was a village shop a half hr ride from my house so when my eating disorder was bad i used to go riding about on my bike, pick up some gum and diet coke, and ride back home again. i would see his daughter there bc she was on the tills and we'd have a lil chat!! at some point the shop closed down + i used to ride past it wondering what happened to it bc the family lived over it - it was really integrated into their lives so it was v confusing that they'd just close shop and leave. and what happened was that he was accused of the bogus charges in the scandal, oh my god. he even is named in one of the inquiry transcripts - part of his bit is below (name redacted)
[redacted]'s contract was terminated by the Post Office by letter dated 5 January 2010, as a result of alleged shortfalls and other alleged breaches. Mr [redacted] and his elderly father both had to take out loans to pay the shortfalls demanded by the Post Office to stop him from being prosecuted. Mr [redacted] maintains that the treatment that the Post Office subjected him to caused him to have a mental breakdown. He turned to alcohol and sank into depression. Mr [redacted] attempted suicide on several occasions and was admitted to a mental health institution twice. His marriage broke down as his wife was no longer able to cope with his depression. Mr [redacted]'s life got so bad that even his dog, called [redacted], was taken away from him. Mr [redacted] says that this was a "killer blow". [redacted] feels that he cannot ever be fully compensated for what the Post Office has done. He says that they have "literally ripped the life out of me"
and now i guess he's dead?? unclear what happened but there were requests for donations to be sent to the postmaster fund for the affected to rebuild their lives, so one would imagine it was a fairly direct result. god i found out about this last night + im still shocked. hope his daughters are ok but how could you be?
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terrence-silver · 2 years
Luv luv luv your work❣️❣️ Can you write something about Terry coming home to beloved, specifically after finding out Chozen had lied to him. My heart hurt so much watching this episode, and I hate the narrative the show has taken that Terry’s suffering is vindicated and completely diminishing his mental health struggles/relapse. I’m just wondering how you think Terry reacted after finding out about Chozen lying? How would beloved react to Terry coming home in this state? I hate how Terry’s being shown with such little access to support systems and just want to hug him🥺 or better yet carry on the cobra kai legacy by giving him a kid lol
-"I gave him an easy test and he failed it!"-
Terry paces like tiger in a cage, back and forth and back and forth.
He supposed Sensei Joe was always suspicious, the moment he showed up in the dojo. Terry was no fool. Just the name alone; Sensei Joe. Pah! From the second he's heard that he felt someone was playing an elaborate joke on him. Then there was the fact that he was from Japan, appearing from thin air, out of nowhere, this master martial artist Terry has never heard of, never seen before, no ties to any known Sensei, any known school or dojo, any known pedigree, his team of researchers coming up with nothing but dead ends; almost like a plant he needed to uncover in his own midst and Terry was right to be paranoid. He was right to listen to his instincts. When they raised their glasses and instead of Kanpai, Sensei Joe declared a swift Karii, Terry knew with certainty, having caught him in a trap, the dance of manners, customs and pleasantries a sure way to give away cracks in anyone's facade. Terry knew when the hamo was served. Terry knew when all the inconsistencies in the narrative became apparent. Terry knew from day one. Pretense, by nature, though, had that uncanny ability to sting. Irony wasn't lost on him. He himself tended to sting a lot
Now, someone stinged him back and he didn't enjoy it.
-"Turns out, he came into this house --- my house, into my dojo --- to lie to me!"- Terry points a finger at his own chest for special emphasis, burning with cold indignity, halting suddenly in his tracks, catching sight of your regretful visage from where you were sitting on the couch, looking down at your own lap. -"Oh, Terry. I am so sorry."- You sigh, somber and apologetic. He looks at you. Truly looks at you, standing there in silence in front of the sofa. -"Do you love me?"- Terry chooses to blurt out. -"What?"- Your eyes shoot up towards him, surprised. Wide and glassy. Why were you surprised? Why did the question catch you off guard? Were you going to backstab him too? Rip his heart out? Terry takes a step forward, towards you, poignantly, with purpose. No bullshit. He had no patience for bullshit nowadays. No time for it. -"I asked, do you love me?"- He lowers his head, feeling himself grow impatient, looking down at you, speaking into his own chin, slowly, dragging out every word so you understand it alongside every nuanced and sound. Simple inquiry. Simple response. He's had a bad couple of weeks, culminating with a bad couple of days and a bad couple of hours. He needed to hear it from you, directly.
-"Of course I love you, Terry, what does this have to do with..."-
You stutter, reassuring. Talk is cheap.
Deeds are what matters.
Deeds make a man.
He reaches for one of the antique blades from the glass cabinet on the nearby wall on an impulse, opens it and removes the dagger from the sheet, tossing it aside, doing something that felt right in his heart of hearts. He hands it to you. Here. Fall on it. He almost wishes to demand. -"Cut yourself. Prove it."- Terry orders, not a trace of humor in his voice, watching you with your mouth agape, the steel shimmering cold in his hand. There's silence. For one moment. Two. Tentatively, fingers shaking, you take it from him, visibly frightened, looking at it, up and down, uncertain what to do with it. He watches you, intently. If you expressed the desire, well, he'd lounge it into his heart right now. He asked for so little in return. -"Your palm. Like someone giving an oath."- There it is, an instruction too. If you loved him so fucking much, what was a couple of drops of blood as proof? Nothing. Genuine lovers bleed for each other all the time. Marquis De Sade even famously said that love lacks spice without a little pain; a sentiment Terry wholeheartedly agreed with. -"And look at me as you do it. I want to see your eyes."- The windows to the soul. He practically purrs, finding an odd light in your gaze, like a distant twinkling star. Could've been just the tears.
And then you dig the tip of the Ming dynasty ritual dagger into your forefinger.
The cut drips brilliant crimson with gentle skin punctured.
Within a moment, he sits beside you, taking the knife out of your hands.
Cutting his entire palm without thinking. He's had worse.
-"I want your blood mingled with mine."- Terry wastes not a second as he presses the hot, fresh gash against your open hand, smearing it there, hearing you gasp once he squeezes you in a vice grip; anything, just about anything, to connect himself to you, in irrefutable ways. Use pomp, circumstance, blood magic, voodoo, hoodoo, spellcraft, if need be, to tie you to him. To ensure you'd never leave. Render you incapable, bound by some invisible force, not that he was ever a superstitious man, but goddammit, at this point, after dear John, Chozen Toguchi and after everything else, if witchcraft was what it took, then so be it. -"Yes, just like that."- He whispers, warm against your flesh, speaking into your ear. He feels you shiver. Frozen. He can take people's betrayal. He can take it. He can take it a thousand times so long as you remain steadfast and devoted. -"I want..."- Terry trails off, using his lips to brush away a trickling tear from the side of your cheek. -"...your blood mingled with mine here."- The knife long since discarded, dirtied scarlet on the Persian carpet, undoubtedly leaving a stain his staff can ponder tomorrow, Terry sets his other free hand on your belly. The softness of your stomach. Your womb.
People have been testing him, having him, taking him for a fool.
Trespassing on him, weaving falsehoods.
Using him; toying with him.
He needed something real.
Something substantial.
And if you loved him, you'd give it to him, and yourself, forever.
After all, you were under oath to him.
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askgeraudduroc · 7 months
I’m writing to you regarding the matter of rather miraculous incident what the actual fuck apparently happening to the Duc d’Istrie.
I have received multiple inquiries about the duke’s state of mind and the Duke of Auerstadt voiced his concerns about the presence of Murat and especially Junot being a bad influence (on anyone’s state of mind).
Is everything alright?
I wish you a very pleasant day. At least as pleasant as it can be when you are surrounded by those nutcases
Ah, Ney.
You have my gratitude for showing concern about this... Incident of pure madness.
From what I can recall, I was peacefully drinking my tea, when suddenly Duroc and Bessieres approached me... to show me an egg. It was the biggest egg I ever seen, but i wasn't that amazed.
Then, they hit me with the claim that Bessieres just... layed it. After sneezing. It was in that moment where a fright passed trough my whole body. Two of my most loyal friends were... terribly delirious.
I decided to play along, as currently I'm trying to find them some... mental help, as i also take care of the correspondence.
Perhaps It was the stress caused by the anonymous attacks by a "fake" Murat that led to Duroc having a frail mind, but I'm uncertain of why Bessieres is also affected.
I'm also worried about my own mental health. As i also received the claim that I'm currenly... pregnant of both Lannes and Junot.
Anyways, I thank you again. And I hope you, and Davout, aren't a victim too of this insanity
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auspicious-voice · 1 year
Plans for AUSPICIOUS VOICE Going Forward
EDIT @ 07/10/2023: More explanation on what I will do with my social media accounts at the end of this post
Hey guys!
I'm writing this post to highlight some key changes for this project and its future, especially when I want to move on to other bigger things I'd like to focus on. Of course that doesn't mean I'm abandoning this project, but I just want to scale down on the social aspects of the UTAU hobby significantly for the most part.
If you're interested on what this means for the project, then feel free to read on.
Cover Uploads
Since January 2023, I have been uploading new cover to my YouTube and BiliBili channels on a weekly basis. This was mostly because I had a huge backlog of finished covers I've kept in my hard drive for a long time. But since I've cleared my cover backlog and that I've run into a bit of a burnout AND cover block, I figured that doing weekly uploads isn't really a fun thing to do anymore.
It's hard to find inspiration for songs I want to cover nowadays since I'm all burnt out right now, and I want to upload covers whenever I want to. I won't stop uploading covers but the amount of covers I will upload will decrease over time. I also want to make more time and space for other things I am working on instead of constantly working on covers every week.
Maybe I should build a playlist of songs I want to cover in the future, and when the inspiration really hits, I could revisit the playlist and select the one I like the most...
Voicebank Development and Releases
It never really occured to me that I wanted to stop developing voicebanks up until recently. I will say that I will be stopping voicebank development for Fuwa Maria and Fuwa Mario indefinitely.
Now the reason why I am saying this is because of multiple factors. One is that I don't have the time and energy to devote to developing new voicebanks for my UTAUs these days, and I'm at that point where I look at my current voicebanks and I'm like, "Yeah I don't think I'll record a voicebank as good as that." I'm perfectly fine with the quality of my current voicebanks, and I don't intend to record new versions of them anytime soon. That doesn't mean that I'll stop giving them miniscule QoL updates though.
Producing voicebanks takes a long time, from months to even a year, and it really exhausts me every time I do a voicebank release. So that being said, don't expect new voicebanks to be released anytime soon. This decision isn't permanent, but it will probably remain that way for a long time from now.
Anything else?
For the sake of my social battery and mental health, I won't be directly interacting with the UTAU community (and the greater vocal synth community) from now on. Too much happens on those online spaces to the point where it stresses me out by a ton, and I'm glad that there are people leaving the community to do better things or to improve themselves for the reasons mentioned above. I won't lie that without the UTAU community, I wouldn't have gotten to where I am today, but I think it's time to move on, like a graduation of sorts or something.
That doesn't mean that I won't stop all communications with the UTAU community, but I will be around to check if anything new has been made with Maria and Mario through tags and search results occasionally. I may leave a comment or two at that! I also opened up a new e-mail for inquiries about the voicebanks and characters, so that's my primary form of contact now.
As for the program itself, I have always treated UTAU as a hobby, and I will continue to do so - as something that I like to do for myself in my free time. I will cover the songs I like with my UTAUs (and other voicebanks if I feel like it), and upload them for myself and others to see if they like. And if someone else enjoys it, then that's great! I just love sharing the things I enjoy doing.
Moving forward, this is my way of saying that I will be dialling down on UTAU-related activities significantly in terms of the program itself (maybe a little bit) and the community related to it. I have been valuing my own health recently, which has been bogged down for way too long. And I will be uploading covers sporadically, and I just want to focus on using the new voicebanks I released for years to come. Quite frankly, hobbies and interests are best enjoyed with close friends and probably not with bigger circles, and that alone has done wonders to me.
I will say that if I were to post covers, they might be posted back-to-back on some days. I will post my UTAU work through this site and my YouTube and BiliBili channels from now on, and I have an RSS feed set up in case you guys use them!
See you, HIRA
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