#i woke up soo early to play it just like i woke up early today to check twitter for his design
littlestpetship · 2 years
wow im so bored *looks at scaramouche redesign and feels emotions like never before*
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vanishingstarrs · 1 year
playing house
katsuki bakugo x reader, established relationship, fluff
( my bf and i basically played house yesterday and it felt very bakugo coded so enjoy :) <3 )
It was nearly midday when you woke up, unlocking your phone to multiple messages from your boyfriend. He sent you updates throughout his morning, seeing as he was a much early riser than you. It didn’t help that you were sick (him being the cause of it, you having caught the cold he had last week) and sore from the random urge to redecorate your entire room last night.
Turns out, hauling furniture and books and all the little trinkets you’d received as gifts from your boyfriend took a toll.
You headed down for breakfast (lunch technically) while responding to his messages before acknowledging his see you soon text with a question.
soo what do you wanna do today ?
You’d already been planning on seeing one another, you’d talked about maybe seeing a movie, though none of the ones out now seemed to really catch either your attention. Various messages came in one after the other as you heated up your food.
parents aren’t home today, they’re at some event until late
i was thinking we could watch Y/F/M and buy some snacks
plus you’re sick so i don’t wanna go far
then later i’ll make us dinner
and if you’d like we can go get ice cream
Your heart swelled. Katsuki didn’t always seem like he’d be the sweetest and your friends always questioned the nature of your relationship and how it worked out, but you knew deep down he was a softy. Especially when it came to you.
you offering to take care of me the whole day ? 🥹🫂
He responded quickly.
the least i can do after getting you sick
You laughed.
so you admit you got me sick ?
i didn’t want to
it’s okay, worth it in order to kiss my baby 🫶🏼
lmk when i can pick you up
After your meal, you sat at your vanity, trying to decide how to style your hair, already having opted out of wearing makeup when Katsuki texted you again.
don’t do your hair, i wanna see your natural hair
well in that case you can come get me whenever, i was already planning on skipping makeup
nose is all red from tissues, it’d all come off anyway :(
. . .
You watched the little dots appear, go away, and then come back before a text came.
what if i told you i was already outside ?
You stood up, heading to your window to find your boyfriend standing right outside. You unlocked the latch and called out to him,“Five minutes, I just gotta change clothes!”
“What for? I already told ya my folks aren’t home.”
“I know, but still! Just hold on!”
You shut the window before he could counter you again and quickly found a semi-presentable outfit just in case his parents left their event early as they sometimes did. Katsuki always shook his head at the fact that you insisted on wearing a perfect outfit whenever you’d be at his house, you couldn’t help it though. You wanted to look nice in case his parents wound up being there.
You weren’t even that comfortable being home alone with him, especially when a certain look came over his face and you two wound up in not so innocent positions.
The only reason you were allowed over was because Katsuki had told his parents he’d gotten you sick and he wanted to cook for you.
You bid your parents goodbye and met up with Katsuki, hugging him first thing. You didn’t miss the way he inhaled your scent, most prominent in your hair by the way he buried his face in it before planting a quick kiss on your neck.
“I missed you too.” You grinned, knowing through his actions what he was trying to say.
He was a tad clingy and you loved it.
Since neither one of you had a car, you walked, though you didn’t mind and you knew he didn’t either as you chatted the entire way. Plus, he didn’t live too far.
There was a convenience store near your house, but Katsuki wanted to wait until you guys reached one closer to his as he wanted to pick up a few ingredients for the meal he was planning and he was certain they had them in stock there. Plus that way you didn’t have to carry anything on the way to his house.
So you walked and took turns talking, you told him about the way you’d decorated your room and the new layout of it and then he told you all about the fashion show his parents were attending and how they mentioned they’d like you two to attend with them on a day you weren’t sick since they had a lot of them coming up and they thought it might interest you.
“We’d have to dress up though, and that’d be annoying.” He frowned.
“Sounds like it might be fun though,” you shrugged,“Plus it’s your parents career, wouldn’t hurt to go in support of them.”
“Yeah, true…”
The topic shifted yet again as you neared the store and Katsuki grabbed a basket at the entrance,“Any snacks you want today, babe?”
You pointed out the premade coffee and he shook his head,“What do you need that shit for today? We’re just gonna be laying around all day.”
“It’s not that I need it, I just enjoy the taste, if I needed it at some point it honestly would’ve been last night, I stayed up way too late.” You sighed.
“Tsk, told you you didn’t have to get it all done in a day.”
“Yeah, but I did and I feel way better about it since now I don’t have to worry about it this week.” You countered, watching with a smile as he grabbed the one he knew you liked and tossed it into the basket.
He knew your favorite snacks too so he didn’t really have to ask what would make you feel better, he took his time nitpicking ingredients and you hugged him from behind all the while he decided whether he might change his meal last minute. It was all very domestic and you allowed yourself to imagine that this is what it’d be like if the two of you lived together. “Make your decision yet? I told you I’m okay with whatever, baby, I’ll eat anything you give me.”
“Don’t I know it.” He smirked and you punched his shoulder at the inappropriate comment.
“Stop.” Your cheeks heated up.
“You love it.” He teased further, even going as far as giving your ass a slap, despite the family strolling right by when he did it.
You rolled your eyes, waiting for them to pass before heading back to his side to hug his arm again,“Yeah, maybe.”
“No, completely, or you wouldn’t be with me.” He pecked your cheek and you leaned into the touch of his hand.
Once upon a time he was shy touching you, now he did it so freely and naturally. It felt like you’d been together forever, despite the fact that it’d only been roughly eleven months.
You went about a couple more aisles, finishing up and walking the remainder of the way home. He set up his things in the fridge and grabbed all the snacks and your drink,“You don’t want this in a different cup? I can change it for you, plus it’s already feeling kinda warm. I’ll add ice.”
“It has ice, love. Plus half the fun is the cup it already comes in.” You made grabby hands,“Sit, and let’s watch. You know you’ve been dying to know how this series ends.”
He settled himself beside you on the sofa and you quickly snuggled up to his side, though it was a tad uncomfortable wearing outside clothes when he was lounging comfortably in sweats. Katsuki took notice of how you constantly pulled your shirt down and he sighed,“I told you you should’ve just worn your pajamas. They’re not coming home, you’ll be back at yours way before that.”
“You’ve said that before, you know your dad will wanna bail before it ends.”
“You’re annoying.” He rolled his eyes, but you know he didn’t mean it as he said,“At least wear one of my shirts.”
In the end he somehow convinced you to wear one of his shirts and an old pair of sweatpants he had from when he was younger that fit you.
You frowned all the way down the stairs, but you couldn’t deny the fact that you were a lot more at home in his clothes than what you’d been in before.
You felt him walk up behind you and his teasing voice in your ear,“Now it looks like we fucked.”
“Katsuki!” You shoved him down the remaining steps, but all he did was laugh and open his arms up to you.
You rolled your eyes,“Keep it up and we won’t again for a month.”
“Don’t pretend to be a prude.” He scoffed as he tugged you back down to lay with him.
As soon as your head hit his shoulder, the reality of how sick you felt and tired you were finally settled into your bones and the warmth his body naturally produced made it so you fell asleep at only fifteen minutes into the movie.
By the time your eyes opened again the movie was at its final scene and you felt guilty as you asked him if he was actually paying attention to it and if he genuinely liked it.
He claimed he did after all three times of you asking him if he was sure he enjoyed it. He placed a kiss to your forehead before standing up and stretching,“Gonna get started on dinner, do you want something to snack on in the meantime?”
You thought about it,“Nope.” Better to wait and see what he’d make.
You stood up with him and followed him into the kitchen with the blanket he’d draped over you at some point still wrapped around you, sitting patiently at the island while he maneuvered his way around the familiar space.
The first time you found out Katsuki knew how to cook you’d been shocked, now it seemed fitting that he knew how to work the stove.
In fact, he knew more about knife techniques and the perfect cooking temperatures than you did. The few times you’d found yourself in the kitchen ended in more injuries than successful meals.
You spoke while he cooked and occasionally he’d come over to receive a kiss like it was a reward, when he finally finished he took both your plates and walked you back to the living room to watch something else while you ate. You couldn’t help the thought from crawling into your mind:
Is this what it’d be like if you lived together?
You’d never felt more like an old married couple than you did now, even with all the times you and Katsuki had disagreements and people described you as such. It didn’t really feel like that until now.
“I love you.” You broke the silence that had settled among you both after finishing eating.
He flushed, looking away and you couldn’t help but smile.
“I love you too.”
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Part 4: your fight with Chigiri continues as the third match rolls by, Team W vs Team Z; however, all the feelings finally getting to you by the end of it..will you be able to finish? Will you meet familiar faces again?
Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 -> Masterlist
The next day the team starts their practice early as usual, however, everyone can sense some sort of tension in the air, not many notice what exactly is about though.
Usually you and Chigiri were the first ones to wake up, going to eat breakfast together which leads everyone else to go. Usually you two sit together, him at your side as each and every one of the team starts filling up the table, first Bachira, then Isagi, and so on. Today was different.
You still woke up at the same time Chigiri did, however you didn't talk, you didn't even glance at each other. Same thing happened at breakfast, you two got your usuals but instead of him sitting next to you, he sat at the end of the table, away from you.
Why you were so hurt by the fight was beyond you, you were the one who hurt him after he willingly opened up to you about his past, he should be the one angry at you and you should be the one asking for forgiveness. But for some reason it made you so angry that he decided to waste his talent just because he was scared, just because he didn't want to try again.
The first one to arrive at the table this time was Kunigami, who looked at the two of you, and sits next to you
"Soo…what happened?" He asks as you play with your food
"Nothing, why would anything happen?"
"Don't even try, you and Chigiri haven't even looked at each other" he says as some of the team starts arriving, filling up the previous empty seats
"He…I…we just fought yesterday" you say, torn between telling him exactly what happens or not
"Look, you don't need to tell me the details, that's between you two, but was it for something trivial? Like food for example?"
"No, it was about the reason he doesn't play offensively" you say vaguely
"Well, just so you know, i think it was good that you two fought then" he says eating, chuckling as he sees you confused "I mean, if it was something important that means you really care about him enough to get mad for whatever happened"
"I…guess that's true" you continue to play around with your food, unconsciously pushing it away
"You both are friends, so I get that you feel bad, but not eating it's not an option. We have a lot of practice to do, you need nutrients" Kunigami brings the plate in front of you
"I'm not hungry though"
"Eat. Don't make me call Bachira" he scolds you, making you scoff at him. If Bachira comes he'll definitely try to feed you, so you start eating slowly
"Me? What did I do?" Bachira arriving to the table alongside Isagi, the latter giving you a worried look, after all he probably heard the fight yesterday
"Nothing, just Yn here doesn't want to eat" Kunigami says with a smirk
"Ehh? You have to eat!" Answers Bachira, sitting next to you firmly
The rest of the breakfast passed with both Bachira and Kunigami making sure you finished your food, you noticed that Chigiri sometimes looked in your direction, however you weren't sure if it was because of you or because Bachira louds attempted to feed you himself.
Right now you’re training, the team dividing itself in two to resemble a match, but since you’re 11 people, you’ve to rotate who stays out; right now Isagi was sitting outside the field as you play, after not being able to repeat his shot multiple times already. Your team currently has the ball in control, Raichi currently marking Kunigami, so without many options left, he passes it to you. You take the ball and start running towards the goalie, passing Igarashi quite easily before Chigiri appears in front of you right before the goal; you knew that you could pass him easily if you just change direction fast, but for some reason you wanted to show off a little, so you decided to do a chipped pass to yourself, lifting the ball high and close enough to the goal to do a volley, marking a goal.
You heard Raichi starting to scream at Chigiri for not trying to stop you, however the red-haired man doesn’t seem to acknowledge him as he scoffs, looking at you with a mix of amazement and annoyance. You go back to your team, high fiving them.
“Damn, that was cool” Kunigami says
“I didn’t knew you could do that, Yn-kun” Kuon adds
“As long as you’re not like that useless idiot and can actually do it again, it's fine” adds Raichi, the team slowly coming together as they find their drinks.
“Howdy, you lumps of talent” comes out of the TV with Ego eating appearing “Here are the result and new rankings”
A table appearing with all the teams rankings, Team V was winning by a large margin, a total of 12 points to their name.
“I’m changing up the ranking system now, as strikers you must prove your worth with goals, therefore, those who score more valuable goals will be ranked higher. So Team Z current top player is you…Isagi Yoichi”
The rankings also appear on the screen, from #265 to #275:
Order of rankings
Isagi - YN - Kunigami - Gagamaru - Bachira - Kuon - Raichi - Iemon - Naruhaya - Chigiri - Igarashi
You looked at the rankings, you were second, a rank higher than you were when you started. For some reason you didn’t think you would place this high in the ranks, despite scoring a goal and helping to score a lot of the rest, the words of Ego made you think that he wouldn’t place you as one of the best ones of the team, you shouldn’t stand out after all.
“I said that finding your weapon was the first condition to be a striker, but if you stop after finding it, it’ll be wasted. Your next step is figuring out how to polish that weapon and make it stand out”
He continues rambling about many worldwide known players, however your eyes are glued to the ranks. You were happy with your placement, it was Chigiri that worried you. It made sense he was so low, he barely plays as it is, and when it comes to defense he doesn't do much either, which only made you wish he actually wakes up and starts playing properly. You look in his direction, finding him looking at the results too while grabbing the number tag on his arm, clearly upset, yet you didn't go to talk to him, things were still rough so it wasn't a good idea.
The team slowly started making their way towards the lockers, finishing practice for the day, you desperately wanting to open your binders for a bit. Suddenly Isagi starts running, doing some extra practice, making the rest of the team start moving too.
"Hah, they're idiots" you say out loud to yourself
"They sure are" you hear beside you, Chigiri by your side. You look at him surprised, and as if he didn't mean to answer you out loud, he looks at you the same way. It was awkward to say the least.
"Chigiri…I…I'm s-"
"OI! YN! ARE YOU LOOKING DOWN ON US? YOU BETTER COME TOO" you hear Raichi screams get closer, as he takes you by the arm towards the field again, making you join the extra practice again. You just chuckle at how they fought about whether it was okay to force you to do extra practice, but you just joined anyway.
Chigiri was looking at all of you with a sad look.
You are right now on a team meeting in the monitoring room, Iemon directing the meeting since Kuon was nowhere around, watching the replays of the Team W.
"The key players on Team W are the Wanima twins, their speciality is combination plays, they scored 4 points when they played against Team Y. Their closeness and timing of their movements are powerful weapons that can't be easily defeated"
You keep listening to them boredly, after all you just have to play like you usually do. Kuon arrives shortly, announcing that he came up with a plan, 'operation 3x3 all stars'.
You look at Chigiri, who was on the other side of the table, that means he wouldn't play offensively again, which keeps worrying you.
"Are you fine staying on defense?" You hear Isagi ask Chigiri
"If you have enough time to worry about others, then think about how to score more goals" he answers annoyed before looking at you "That goes for you too"
"I already know how to make goals" you mumble looking away, hearing a quiet 'i know' from him
The next day comes, you stretching lightly as the match was about to start, Team W starting and immediately having to deal with the twins movements. You were the right-back player for the first 30 minutes, a plan that allowed you to enter into defense for the last minutes, for now however, you needed to stop those two freaks from scoring.
The twins pass everyone quickly, reaching the defense incredibly fast, so fast you couldn’t react properly since you were mostly expecting your teammates to slow them down a bit. In no time they reach were you, Isagi and Chigiri were,them slowing down a bit once they notice the red head
“Chigiri?” one of them asks “you mean Chigiri, the glass prodigy?”
You hear him say, making you look confused. Prodigy? Glass? Just because he got injured once? How good was he? What was the connection between those three? All these questions were running through your head
“Hey bro! He’s still playing soccer! He probably can’t get past the glory days of his past!” The other brother nods “as a former teammate of yours let me say this…is all over fo you as an athlete”
Your body reacts before you can think about what you were doing, passing Isagi -who also seems to want to move- in an instant, an acceleration faster than you even knew you could do. You reach them in less than a second, sliding and taking the ball off his feet, making one of the twins fall on his face as you stand up with the ball on your feet.
You look at Chigiri intensely, who looks at you surprised at you sudden appearance, as the twin on the floor shouts something about the fall
“Who the fuck cares about your past?! You aren’t that Chigiri anymore” you say passing the ball to Raichi
“Mind your business, i told you to not worry about me” he says looking away
“Of course I worry about you, you’re my friend!” you say going closer to him, the match suddenly forgotten as you grab his vest. He looks at you wide eyed “Are you going to whine about your past forever?! Are you really letting one injury erase everything you have worked for?!”
“You don’t know wh-”
“No, I don't know. I don't know what it’s like to have a past with triumph in it! But you know what, I don't care, because I can rebuild myself here! Stop making your past decide what your present does!” you basically scream at him as the team marks a goal, you had completely ignore everything that was happening around you two
<Player Yn, release Chigiri Hyoma vest, this is a warning>
You let Chigiri go, breathing hard as you tried to regain your composure, you shouldn’t have gone too far with this, Ego must be shaking his head as he prepares some kind of speech for you about how you almost reveal your true identity or something.
“Blue lock isn’t a place to cry” you finally say, moving back to your position.
The match continues this pace, Kuon somehow marking the next two goals by himself again. You know that you should technically be happy about it, the tea was slowly getting better, but something about those goals felt off.
After halftime you started good, however, Kuon was making some rookie mistakes that not even a kid would make, especially not someone who just made 3 goals. By the second Team W made thanks to Kuon mistakes, he bows down deeply, apologizing, but you notice it, you notice the small smirk on his face, the change of aura around him. This thought only becomes more prevalent when Team W somehow manages to shut down Bachira, Kunigami and yourself as Isagi tries to pass to one of you…and after Kuon misses to save the ball from the goal making them score.
“Is he…?” Isagi mumbles as you walk towards them
“Yeah” you add
“Kuon, are you betraying us?” Isagi asks the man, making the twins appear from behind
“That’s right! They figure it out, so I can say this, right? He leaked all of your strategies, weapons and weaknesses” the twin that speaks says, making Raichi so angry that he took Kuon and hit him, gaining a yellow card
"If we lose this, it's over for you and the rest of us, what's the point of losing on purpose?" Asks Igaguri
"You're wrong" you answer "he's the top scorer now, if we lose, he'll be the only one who'll stay"
Raichi looks even more mad when you say that, but the match starts over as Kuon passes the ball to the twins of Team W, proceeding to make a goal as everyone is still in shock by the betrayal.
Isagi loses the ball one more time, the twins almost making another goal if it wasn't for Iemon tight save.
The ball goes to Chigiri, however he's not able to reach it in time. With five minutes left in the match, Chigiri Hyoma was finally giving up. You won't let him do that.
You run with all the energy you have, ignoring the pain in your chest, towards the twin with the ball
"MOVE CHIGIRI!" you yell at him as you pass beside him
You go straight to the ball, Kunigami already there trying to stop that twin, so you instinctively slide in and hit the ball out his feet, Isagi taking it. Some players try to stop you so Isagi can't pass to anybody, which works for a few seconds before you are able to fool the one marking you by simply pretending to move to one side and then rushing to the other. At the same time Isagi tries to break through himself, but he's able to notice you and sends the ball your way.
It's a messy pass, too high and behind for your liking, so you instinctively do something you've never done before: a bicycle kick. Leaping into the air as you simultaneously arch your back, swinging one leg over your head and striking the ball towards the goal.
The strike is powerful, way more powerful than you thought it would be. You fall into the floor, trying to look up despite the pain; everything almost worked, but since it was your first time doing that trick the ball slightly curved, giving a chance to the goalie to save it
"Tsk" you say annoyed, standing up again ignoring a sharp pain
"Don't mind!" Isagi screams at you as he passes to catch the ball, pushing Chigiri out of the way in the process
You start running again as Isagi prevents the ball from going out, you catching it in the process and going to the goal again. You start feeling a weird pressure behind you, but before you could look behind Isagi calls you
"Yn-kun! Pass me the ball!"
"... fine" you say, tossing it to him again
"ISAGI! YOU CAN'T DO THIS ALONE!" Kunigami says as he asks for the ball, you automatically starting to run to the goal again
Isagi then passes it to someone, a ball that it's too long for anyone to reach…that's what you thought until you saw it; until you saw him.
Red hair flowing in the air was just on the other side of the field, almost like making a red trail by the mere speed he was running, passing not one, not two, but the whole Team W in a few seconds, leaving only the goalie left.
He jumps just at the end, touching the ball slightly which causes the goalie off guard, making the goal for Team Z. The match ended in a draw.
You hear the team celebrate, but your eyes are focused on Chigiri, who's smiling at Isagi as he stands up. You want to go and congratulate him; honestly, you wished you could hug him without him thinking it was weird for a dude to do it just like that, but you were hesitant. What if he was still mad?
"Go" you hear Kunigami as he pushes your back "I'm sure he got over whatever he was hurt for"
"You help him a lot too" he says "that was a good kick by the way, crazy how you almost made it without even practicing it"
"Thanks, I'll go"
You start walking, noticing Chigiri's eyes on you, but you don't get too far as you feel the adrenaline die down.
You fell to the floor, coughing as you tried to breathe, starting feeling the pain in your chest again; your ribs were hurting, at this point you didn't know if it was because of the binder or the fall of your kick, or maybe it was because of both. Your arms are shaking, barely holding your weight to stop you from face planting the grass. Your vision was getting blurry because of the lack of air. You feel a hand on your back.
"Yn!" You barely are able to hear, a loud ringing on your ears "come here"
Someone is pulling you up, you feel an arm in your back holding you by under your arm, a body quickly positioning itself to support your weight as one your arms is passed over someone's shoulders. Your vision is so blurry by now that you aren't able to see the face of who's helping you, but you could recognize that long, red hair anywhere
"I'm…sorry" you whisper before you passed out
You wake up in a dark room, one that looks like Ego's office without the absurd amount of TV's on them. You notice that your clothes have changed, now just wearing the comfy sweatshirt instead of the sports gear. You're able to breathe properly too, meaning that someone had taken your binder off while you were sleeping.
Someone took your binder off?! You started to panic now, what if it was Chigiri? Or one of the guys after they noticed that you passed out? Who took it? Someone saw you naked?
"You're awake" Ego says interrupting your thoughts as he enter "Here, some water"
He passes you a bottle of water, making you realize just how thirsty you were
"Ego-san? Who..?" You ask after drinking
"Anri-chan" he simply states "I sent paramedics as soon as I noticed you were going to pass out, they were informed to not undress you, so Anri-chan did all that before they assisted you"
"Ah, okay..Thanks"
"However" he sits at the side of the makeshift bed "it was almost too close, that red hair was about to take your shirt off if I hadn't stopped him. So I need to ask, why did you overexert yourself? I'm sure you felt the pain in your chest"
"I…I just got too into the game, I didn't want to lose. I thought I would be fine, it was at the last ten minutes" you say embarrassed, making Ego sigh
"I know I told you that it's too soon to leave, but that doesn't mean you should play recklessly" he puts a hand on his face "you also shouldn't get too into the game, remember that your job here it's not to survive, but to help those idiots shine"
"Yeah, I know" you look down
"That bicycle kick was good, but you can't just outshine the re-"
"Ego-san! Don't be so hard on her!" Anri comes in with a tray of food "She was playing like you told her to do! You're putting too much pressure on this girl!" She continues saying angry at Ego, her demeanor changing as she passes you the food "Here sweetie, eat something"
"It's not that much, she just need to-"
"Not that much?! You're telling her to play, but not go too hard; to keep everyone in Team Z in check, but not be too obvious about it; to not lose, but not 'outshine' the others when she tries not to; and pretend to be a boy, when she's not! How it's that not too much?" Anri reprehends Ego, who just scoffs “she was one of the reasons why that Chigiri boy started playing properly, so stop scolding her when she has done her job perfectly”
With that Anri leaves furious at Ego, who is uncharacteristically quiet after that
“Just don’t hurt yourself again, you’re my responsibility” he stands up, patting your head, a weird gesture from him “well done today, you can go back once you finish eating”
“T-thanks, I will”
He leaves the room leaving you in shock, not even when you were a kid he had patted your head, making the gesture even weirder. You keep eating your food as you try to come up with an excuse, thinking about the match, how it made you feel so alive after a long time.
Once you were done, you fixed yourself before leaving towards the dorms; you didn’t feel dirty or smell like sweat, meaning Anri had helped you clean yourself while you were unconscious. You open the door, all eyes on you
"You idiot!" Chigiri comes to you, passing his arm around your shoulders with affection "Don't worry me like that again!"
"Sorry nothing!" He ruffles your hair playfully "I'm the one who should say sorry, I let my anger out on you and yet you still try your hardest for me to not give up. So, sorry"
"It's okay, you told me your past and I shamed you for it, it was my fault too"
"We're both idiots then" he chuckles, extending the other hand that wasn't around you "I'm gonna be the best striker in the world"
"Ha! Keep wishing" you take his hand, chuckling too
"YN-CHAAN!" Bachira screams jumping to hug you, finally escaping the hold of Kunigami, the orange hair holding him and Isagi back to leave you and Chigiri to talk
"That was an awesome bicycle kick, Yn-kun! It was a shame that you didn't make it" Isagi adds
"Of course it was awesome, it's Yn we're talking about" Chigiri says with a smile on his face
"You never practiced that, did you? Or did you practice behind our backs?" Bachira asks as he shakes your shoulders a little, laughing too
"EH?! YOU PRACTICED BEHIND OUR BACKS!" Raichi says now, Bachira laughing harder as he keeps holding onto you "ALSO, DON'T PASS OUT LIKE THAT, YOU IDIOT!"
"Okay, let's all relax now" Iemon says, clapping his hands "glad that you're okay Yn-kun, well played today"
"Thanks" you say, blushing a little at the compliments
"We haven't had dinner yet, so let's all go to eat now" Iemon says, everyone in the team agreeing, soon all of you leaving towards the cafeteria
"Soo" you start saying as you go to the cafeteria alongside Chigiri and Kunigami "What happened to Kuon?"
"The other team beat him up" Kunigami answers "He's not playing with us anymore, so for next match we'll just have 10 people on our side"
"It's gonna be a nightmare, they're the only undefeated team here" adds Chigiri
"How are the points? Before our match we could try to tie to maintain our position"
"What? Are you going berserk again?" Chigiri ruffles your hair again
"Stop that!" You take his hand off
"Everyone shh!" Iemon stops right by the entrance of the cafeteria, looking at something.
You move towards the front and realize that they weren't looking at something, rather someone, Kuon sitting on a table with three other dudes. You feel like you've seen that purple and white hair before. You aren't able to properly see their faces before Isagi goes to them as they walk towards the door, you just could tell that one was carrying the other.
"Don't underestimate soccer!" You hear Isagi as all of you go towards him. You can't hear the others two, you just heard Isagi's answer "Team Z's Yoichi Isagi"
"Oh? Reo-kun? Nagi-kun?" You finally notice them, calling their name. Both Chigiri and Kunigami look at you surprised by the fact that you know them
"Eh? Oh, it's you! We met at the entrance ceremony thingy! Yn, right?" Reo asks as he moves his hand for you to shake it, which you do
"That's me"
"So that's when you ended" Nagi mumbles quietly
"We didn't see you since then, I thought you would be eliminated by now" Reo adds chuckling
"I'm not that weak"
"I hope so, it'll be such a pain other wise" Nagi says "let's go, Reo, I'm tired"
"Fine, fine. See you tomorrow Yn! Don't be boring!" Reo adds with a cheeky grin
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The Wait (part 2)
Hello my beautiful people
8/21- so I definitely spoke too soon last night. Having a BM did NOT help at all. I was still really nauseous and I woke up this morning at about 330 nauseous. I ended up taking a little (10ml) of the liquid nausea med and that seemed to help at least a little bit. I tried to eat a little bit of cereal before taking my morning meds to see if that would help. I normally don't eat breakfast as eating too early often makes me nauseous. It seemed to help until I got in the car and drove to work. The nausea kicked in once I was off.
+++ it's been a mess of a day. My back has been hurting and I've been nauseous all day. I've also been very uncomfortable too all day. I nearly threw up while driving home but I was able to keep it together. I eventually ate a piece of toast.
+++ Ate a little bit of food (hubby went and got McDonalds) for dinner. I really, really want to test early but I also want to wait... I have support group tomorrow (I'm gonna be annoyed if it gets canceled) so maybe that will help.
8/22- I had my virtual support group which was really nice and helpful. I learned not to ice for Love as it makes it hurt and sting more. I did it without icing and it didn't hurt as much. Ive also decided that I'm going to send an email to my previous doctor. The one who gave me my diagnosis. I need to do it for closure but I also think it's important for him to see how his decisions have affected patients.
+++I tried to get chicken nuggets and 2 pieces of mozzarella sticks. I started gagging while I was eating and couldn't finish. I ended up throwing up right before bed.
8/23- I feel like absolute shit. I still felt so sick when I woke up. I ended up taking nausea medicine which helped. I ended up making myself bleed a bit after the Love shot. My hubby bought some of those Pedialyte pops yesterday and I had put them in the fridge so I took 2 for today. One to eat in the car ride to work and one for later. It helped a little bit.
++++ I ended up bleeding after Hubby gave me the PIO shot tonight. I also stabbed myself with the pink needle so that was fun.
8/24- today's been a day. I've been nauseous on and off all day. The shots have been horrible and I've also felt really tired. Monday is beta day.
8/25- today's been okay, nauseous off and on again. Still super tired. We had our niece over and I felt bad because I'm just so tired and uncomfortable that I just can't play with her the way I did before. Thankfully she didn't seem to mind (if she noticed at all) and just focused a lot on hubby. We walked the puppies later which sorta helped but also didn't at the same time
Love yourself and take care of yourself
TRIGGER WARNING!! ⚠️⚠️ Home Testing Results
+++8/21: So listen yall even though I wanted to wait, I decided to test last night because I went to grab one of hubbys shirts from his pile of clean clothes that have been sitting on the bed for a while. idk what is it about his clothes or that bed but anytime his clothes sit there for too long they get a smell. So I always do a smell test and the shirt I wanted made me gag really really bad. like more than usual. so after I was done almost dying I took a test I had and it was a faint positive.
+++8/22-woke up nauseous again and did another test which was a little darker but still a bit faint. I strongly recommend people wait for the beta but it can be soo hard. So at least wait until you're 7-9DPT, as HCG doesn't show up before then.
0 notes
a-strange-familiar · 2 years
A/n : it's me again with a lil bit of angst and my favorite trope.
Warnings : Angst, lil bit of swearing. That's it I think. Maybe a shitty ending. Not proof read, sorry.
Pairing : Actress!y/n and Harry
Summary : Harry forgot Y/n's birthday.
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She woke up , by feeling Harry's warm body next to her.
It's a beautiful and cozy winter morning in London and she is feeling lazy to wake up but she had to because it's a special day.
Today is Y/n's birthday.
Well it's special because it's her first birthday with Harry. This is the day she had been waiting for , to spend her special day with her lover. This is the reason why she wanted to spend a month of her break in London with Harry. She don't know a lot of people in London, except Harry and few of his friends. But she came to London for him to spend time with him while he work on his new album.
She closed her eyes again to just embrace the fact that she is with Harry today. And god , she is soo in love with him. And she drifted back into sleep slowly while feeling content with Harry's embrace.
After few minutes she woke up again to the sound of the shower. She rubbed her eyes with the heal of the palm to erase the sleep completely. She can smell Harry's shower gel from the bathroom. He is taking a shower. She smiled to herself.
She sat and leaned to the headboard. She is very hardly trying to submerge the idea of taking her phone and scroll and check notifications.
Soon after she sound of the shower came to halt. She can hear the shower door opening.
Harry walked out of the ensuit bathroom with all his naked glory. He is all wet from the shower. His hair is still wet and he smell soo delicious. She love his shampoo's and body wash's smell. He always smells like a bowl full of summer fruits. It's one of her favorite smell. He also had this signature scent which is sweet and at the same time masculine and spicy . She is a gonner for him.
"Like what you see ?" Harry interrupted her thoughts.
"I love what I see." She answered with a cheeky grin.
He just chuckle and went in to his closet.
Don't get her wrong. She is not one for the total attention, or one who wants every one to wish her on the special day. But can you blame her now, it's her first birthday with him , she is just so fucking excited about it. So she thought that the minute Harry saw her , he is going to wish her. But he didn't. So she is a bit disappointed. But she again thought maybe he is just playing with her.
Harry returned back wearing a casual white t-shirt and pants. That's odd , because Harry always wear sweats or shorts in home. And he then he applied perfume which made to seem even more odd. Is he going out? She thought.
He is gathering his stuff and searching for his glasses when she spoke.
"What are you doing?" She asked him in confusion.
"Going to studio? Like everyday?" He said to her with a funny look on his face.
"Um-..." she couldn't speak anything. Did he really forgot? Or is he just playing with her and teasing her.
"I told you yesterday , that we are recording this new song today. We have to complete as soon as possible. So far what I know is this one is the hard on to do." He said to her while he made his way to the night stand near the bed to collect his phone.
That, he told her yesterday while having dinner. But she obviously forgot.
This can't happen right now. Did he really forgot her birthday ? She is already one the verge of crying. But she didn't. She can't.
He leaned down to her gave her a kiss. His lips always feel like heaven to her. She can never get bored of them.
"Bye, baby. Love you. I try to get back early today but can't promise you."
She was quite. Don't know what to speak. Afraid that if she speak, she will say something stupid or will directly ask him about if he really forgot her birthday.
"What , love ?" He asked while running his finger on her bottom lip.
"Will you like... maybe . Um-.. be able to make it for lunch. Maybe for an hour?" She asked him with doe eyes.
"Sorry, baby. Maybe I can not. But I promise that I'll make up to you for dinner. Yeah?"
She just noded and gave him her best fake smile to make it seem really genuine.
He gave her on last peck on her lips.
"Bye, puppy. Love you"
"Bye, baby. I love you."
With that he is out of the room. With in minutes he is out of the house.
She fell back on the bed with a sigh. She is disappointed. Not with him. But with herself. For expecting something.
She is never the one for celebrating her birthday days. Actually there is time where she used to despise birthdays. She felt everything is fake. The love , the attention, everything is fake. It only lasts for 24 hours. And later everything is gone. So she is not really interested in them.
Even in her childhood her parents didn't payed too much of time and attention to her. They always saw her as a responsibility and burden. So there are no memorable moments with her family on her birthdays.
High school was a bit different. She had some good friends. They made her feel a bit valuable by not showing fake love only on her birthdays.
And now it's entirely different. They is lot of people's attention now because she is an actress, a public figure. Now she is receiving both true love and adoration and fake love and attention. Her fans are angels, everyone of them. They are her loves. They made her feel like she is worthy of true love. There are people who really adore and love her. She had never been happier in life.
At the same time there are people who are like double masked. People who talk behind her back and praise and wish her in front of her face. She try not to get bothered by them not to let them get to her.
With another sigh she rolled on the bed to reach her phone on the night stand.
She unlocked the phone. Immediately she is met with many notifications. Many people are wishing her. Her friends, her team, her fans.
She felt overwhelmed by all the love. She replied only to few messages from her close friends.
And noticed that there is no single message from her parents.
Well, she expected that. Her parents never loved her. They always treated her like a burden even though she is the only child. They were never happy for achievements in her childhood. So she expected the same for the rest of the life. But once she became an actress and got money and fame. Her family started to show love and care that they never showed before. She felt strange and uncomfortable at beginning. But later she understood that they don't love her , but they want her money and fame. She felt disgust and she said them right across their faces that she never had them in her life before and don't want them anymore. So she didn't wanted to be treated like. So she cut her ties with them though she always sends them money, bought them a new house. But she don't want them in her life showing fake love.
So this a not a shocker that they didn't even cared to message her.
The shocker is the fact that Harry forgot her birthday. Not that she wanted him to do something extravagant and all. She just thought it would be a bit special if he remember and wished her. Harry had always been a wonderful boyfriend. Still is. Every single day. Every single minute. So expecting him to wish her is not her fault
But at the same time. She have to understand him. He is soo stressed with the album right now. That's all he is focused on now.
And also why would he remember? It's just birthday. He have lot more important things to do. An Album, a tour is coming up and many more things. So her birthday must be the last thing on his mind, right?
She don't want to cry but she is crying now. Maybe it's just a birthday rule that she have to cry atleast once on that day.
Hot tears running down her cheeks. Wishing that her parents loved her a bit more. Wishing that Harry remembered her birthday.
Finally what felt like an hour later she got from bed and went to take bath.She spent more time than usual. Pampering her self. Just laying in the tub.
After fourty five minutes she got out of the bathroom.
She went into the closet and picked some casual lingerie. And picked some loose baggy jeans and Harry's old t-shirt which is her favorite. Considering that she have no plans so she don't have to get all dressed. And atleast she will have a peice of him today.
She went down to the kitchen and made herself some smoothie for breakfast.
She sat down on the couch and decided to watch a movie or catch up with some shows since she have nothing to do.
Before she knows it it's past noon. She thought about calling Harry. She messaged him first to see if he is free.
To Harry: call me once your free
Within minutes her phone rang , and Harry's contact id popped up.
She answered it immediately.
"Hi , baby. What's up?"
"Nothing just wanted to talk." She said into the phone.
"Aww is my puppy is already missing me?" Harry said and she can see that shit eating grin with out even seeing it physically.
She started blushing. "Nope, not at all missing you. Im peacefully watching movies without you."
"Hey ! That's rude."
"Haha, fine I'm missing you. Just wanted to talk and see If you had lunch yet."
"No, not yet. But I will. Have you eaten yet?" He asked.
"No, actually not feeling hungry. I will later. How is the recording going on?"
He chuckled at the phone she can hear Jeff's voice from the other side saying something . "Yeah , it's actually going good. Making fun and goofing around now. But yeah we are making progress though." He said
She still is waiting for him to remember today. But that felt like being a bitch for some reason. Like those people who always seeks attention.
"Ok, baby I need to go. I call you later. Yeah?" Harry said
"Yeah OK,bye. love you." She said in a small voice.
"Bye baby, love you more. And eat something." With that he cut the call.
She just sat there in silence. She feels soo sad. Overwhelmed. Because a lot of people are wishing her. All strangers are being exited for her. But her own boyfriend don't even remember.
At the top of this her anxiety is not helping her. She is over thinking everything.
Does he really love her ? Or did he find her boring?
Sure there is nothing special about her. She is so little compared to Harry styles. She is new to industry, very young , not as popular and beautiful as his other Victoria secret models. She have many insecurities and now she even more feeling insecure.
But she don't want to think about them. Maybe Harry just forgot. It's not a big deal. Not at all. Maybe by the end of the day he will remember and will come back.
She stopped thinking about all of that and spent the rest of the day. She spent the day by reading all the messages, watching all the fan edits on social media and watching movies.
And time just flew by. Before she knew it's almost seven pm already.
Harry said he will make it for dinner. So she excited to see him. She took her phone and messaged him asking about dinner.
To Harry: hey ! Do you want me to start preparing dinner? Or you want to order in? At what time will you be back?
She waited few minutes for the reply.
From Harry: shit ! I'm sorry , puppy. Maybe I can't make it early today. We still have a lot to complete. I'll have something in the studio.
She felt her heart crack. This can't be happening. No.
To Harry: Oh. It's ok , fine.
From Harry: sorry , baby. :(
To Harry: it's fine, bubs. Just come home safe. Bye.
From Harry: bye baby, love you. Sorry again.
She kept her phone aside. This is not happening. The universe is plotting against her. Why ?
There is no use of waiting anymore so she just want to do something and just sleep.
She went into the kitchen. She want a cake. After all there is no birthday with out cake , even if your not celebrating.
But she don't want to bake a pity cake for herself. That's too much. And she even don't want to order one. And either way once when Harry comes back he will find out. She don't want that. He will feel bad and she don't want that too.
And then she remembered that they have some cupcakes that Harry brought yesterday.
She went and took the cupcakes box from the fridge. And for her luck there is only one cupcake left. One with white colour frosting and colourful sprinkles.
She bought a small candle and placed at the top of the cupcake and lit it.
She sang a pitiful birthday song for herself while tears rolling down her cheeks.
Harry is going through the lyrics once again. Everyone are on break. This is the third break. And they are about to complete it for today. As Harry thought it is by far the toughest song.
As Harry is just reading again and again. He heard Jeff's voice.
"Harry , why didn't you tell me it's Y/n's birthday today?"
It's not Y/n's birthday. It's not today. He thought to himself.
"No , it's not today. It's on..."
Then it clicked. Something in his mind just went off.
Oh god, no no no. Not today
"What date is it today ?" Harry asked with a fear in his eyes.
"Umm. January 20."
No.no.no.no. NO FUCK! SHIT. It's not happening
"What ? You don't know its her birthday today? " Jeff asked in a shocked tone.
Harry just hung his head low and shook his head.
"How do you know ?" Harry asked Jeff.
"I just saw Y/n's instagram story. She wrote a thank you letter." Jeff handed Harry his phone.
Harry opened her story. It's just a simple paragraph with black background.
'Hello guys. Thank you soo much for all the love and wishes guys have sent me. I'm soo happy to see all the love you guys have given me. It's one of my best days and you guys made my day. And I'm sorry that I was not able to respond to all the wishes. I was busy , I'm sorry. And I wish to celebrate many more birthdays like this with you guys. Lots of love. <3'
Y/n. x
Harry felt like a moron after reading that.
'Busy' It's a lie. She was not Busy, she was just lonely the whole day alone waiting for him.
'Best day ' That's the biggest lie. Maybe this is her worst day ever. Because her boyfriend didn't even remember her birthday.
What kind of a boyfriend is he ?
He felt like an absolute idiot. They felt defeated. He officially is the worst person ever. He knew that her parents don't wish her anymore. He knew that he was only person that she wanted to spend with. She came to London for him. She don't know a lot of people.
He felt sick.
With sadness written all over his face, Harry returned the phone to Jeff.
"So, as per I understood today is Y/n's birthday. But you forgot. And you spent the whole day in the studio. When she is alone in your house. And top of that you didn't even wish her." Jeff said , which actually didn't make Harry's condition better.
He just nodded.
"One a scale from one to I'm the world's worst boyfriend, how much do you think I fucked up ?" Harry asked Jeff.
"I don't know, man. But I'm pretty sure that you just fucked up , big time."
Harry just buried his face in his hands.
"I didn't do it intentionally. I obviously know, but I was a bit behind days with all this album and all. I thought it's still a week later. I even planned a bit for it. But...."
"I know, this album is making you so stressed. And I also know that Y/n will understand it. She is not like every one else. She will get it. "
Obviously she will understand. His Y/n always understands.
"She didn't even bring it up once today. Nothing seemed off. She didn't even sounded mad earlier. She could have just reminded me. GOD. I feel like an idiot. "
"Why does she have to remind you ? As a boyfriend it's your duty to remember, it's not her duty to remind you. And also it's not like that she is gonna come near you and be like.' Hey, Harry it's my birthday today. Wish me and give me gifts.' You have to remember."
Harry just groaned. He is so damn angry at himself.
"You better start now and go. Before the days ended. Make up for her. Take a day off tomorrow. We will manage later. Just take care of her. And tell her my wishes. "
That's what Harry heard before he is running around the studio and collecting his stuff. He said bye to everyone and quickly hoped into the car.
He is driving soo fast. It's already nine pm. He have to be fast. As soon as possible.
He don't even know whether y/n is going to forgive him or not. But he will apologise until she did.
He heart is beating so fast. What if she don't want him anymore? What if she leaves him.
He shook his head to remove those thoughts.
After thirty minutes he reached home.
He stood at the front door for a minute gathering his courage.
He opened the door and met with familiar smell , her smell. The smell he always crave for.
He made his way to the living room, he heard the TV playing. And he saw her.
She was sleep on the couch. The TV was running in the background playing some reality show. She fell asleep while watching TV.
Did she eat ? He thought to himself.
He walk infront of the couch. And he kneeled in front of her.
She looked beautiful. As always. She looked like angel. With her eyes lashes falling on her cheeks. Her chest rising up and down by breathing. A few strands of hair falling on her face, she looked breath taking.
He slowly brought his hand to push a strand of hair behind her ear. He slowly ran his thumb over her cheek.
She slowly shifted in her sleep. And she opened her eyes.
She blinked her eyes a few times to get rid of the sleep.
Then she smiled at him. Smiled.
He was expecting her to be angry and push him away. But she didn't.
She slowly bought his thumb to her lips. And gave it a gentle kiss.
Now Harry is really beating up himself. How could he do that for her. She is literally an angle.
She slowly sat straight on the couch.
"Your back. Sorry, fell asleep. Felt little bit tired."
She stood up from couch. So did he.
"Did you eat anything? You said you'll have dinner. Or do you want me to make something ?" She asked very casually.
He just stood there and looked at her.
"I'll get some water for you." She said with a smile. And turned to get some water for him.
But he grabed her arm and turned her back to face him. And he took two steps and stood directly infront of her.
She looked up at him with confusion. And asked him what happened with her eyes.
He just shook his head and hugged her. He buried his face into her neck. And he inhaled her sent.
On the other side Y/n is in utter confusion. What happened to him? Did anything happened at the studio ?
She brought her hands to his back and hugged him tightly. She lifted one hand to his head and ran her fingers in his hair.
"What happened, bubs ? " She asked few moments later.
"I'm sorry , baby. I'm sorry so much." He wishpered into her neck.
And then she understood. He remembered now. But she didn't want to jump into the conclusion. So she asked him.
"Sorry for what, Harry?"
He removed his face from her neck and stood straight. He looked into her eyes. There is no anger. Just sadness.
"I forgot your birthday."
"That you did." She just said as if it's nothing.
"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to."
"It's fine , Harry." She just smiled at him .
"No it's not. I'm supposed to be the first one to wish you. Im supposed to be there with you and celebrate."
"No, it's fine. I don't-"
"No, stop doing that. It's not fine. I'm your boyfriend. I'm supposed to be there for you and celebrate . Not to leave you in an empty house. I fucked up. I'm sorry."
"Harry, it's fine. Really. You forgot. Yes, but it's ok. Atleast you remembered now. And I know you are soo busy and you have a lot on your plate now. I can understand. I always will. My birthday will come again next year we can do it again. "
He is melting at her words. Damn sure he didn't deserve her. He don't. He forgot her birthday and her she is assuring him that he it's fine. She is an angel.
"But -"
She placed her hand on his mouth to stop him.
"No buts. I'm sad yes. I was alone all day. But it's ok. It's ok until I know that you will come back home to me. That's all I want. And also your work is important. So I understand. "
"Nothing is more important to me more than you." He said.
She smiled "I love you. And nothing is more than you for me too."
Then he kissed her. The kiss is slow and sensual. Passionate. His lips are so soft around hers. Their lips fit perfectly like pieces of puzzle. It's an amazing feeling and Y/n is already feeling light headed. When he licked slowly at her bottom lip she opened her mouth and his tongue met hers.
They both are moaning into the kiss. It's a euphoric feeling.
Harry parted his lips from her and connected his forehead to hers.
"Happy birthday, my love." He said while looking into her eyes.
She just smile and gave him another kiss on lips.
"Will you let me make it up for you now ?" He asked in a low voice.
She just nodded with a grin on her face.
"I'm going to make it up to you darling. A lot. All night. All day, tomorrow. I'm not leaving until tomorrow night."
Thank you, hope you enjoyed.
Lots of love <3
Please like , comments and reblog. Please give feedback. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
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Request: HERE  A/N: UPLOADING IT AGAIN BC I FORGOT TO TAG IT SORRY Soo it’s been what, one year, since I last posted a fic here? I’m kind of rusty ngl but nevertheless, it felt comforting to write something like this :) As usual, critiques and comments are welcome  Word count: 1.7 K+ Warnings: none
To be added - or removed - from the taglist, please DM me or leave me an ask!
GIF credit goes to @edgeofgreta; the original post is HERE
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You walked into the apartment and set the two groceries-filled shopping bags onto the laminated floor. You kicked off your shoes and carried the bags into the open kitchen, placing them on the counter. With boredom, you took out every single item and placed them in their designated spaces. With the same growing boredom, you made your way back into the living room and threw yourself on the navy-blue sofa with your head sinking in one of the biggest pillows.
You pick up your phone and look at the screen – specifically, at the lockscreen wallpaper, which was a photo of you and Jake. Josh had taken that photo on one of the getaways you made together. Jake had on a beige shirt with his top four buttons undone – in other words, only with his lower two buttons done – and his favorite black hat. He was standing up tall, a wide smile on his face, and you were leaning against him, with your head placed on his right shoulder. You smiled and unlocked your phone, then opened the messages app and texted Jake.
I miss you :( Why does tour have to last this long?
Underneath the blue message bubble appeared the notification that the message had been read, then three typing dots appeared on Jake’s end.
I miss you too, honey. I can’t wait to get home and see you.
You begin to type.
Can we facetime later?
The answer came shortly.
Sorry, but tonight we have a gig. Tomorrow, too… We’re having practice now. Josh has again too much energy and needs to drain it a little bit before going onstage. Got to go now :( Love you
You typed back a formal luck-wishing message and threw the phone on the coffee table in front of the sofa. You were bored out of your mind and in the mood to do nothing whatsoever. Jake had been gone for almost three months now. You understood that it was his job and those were the terms and conditions you agreed to when you started dating him, but you didn’t figure at the time that separation would feel like that. It was safe to say that from time to time you missed him so much it hurt you.
You curled into a fetal position and turned on the TV. Flicking through the channels, you stopped at MTV. Highway Tune just began to play. Your heart grew at the sight of the boys and especially at the sight of Jake. You were so proud of them for getting that far and the mere thought that there actually is a far longer way for them to go made your heart beat in exhilaration. As the last notes of the song echoed through the room, you closed your eyes, pleased that you had seen the band on TV again.
You woke up from the “nap” way too late – it was 1 AM when you opened your eyes – so you moved from the living room to the bedroom. You didn’t bother changing your clothes and you just got underneath the blankets covering the double bed. Before falling asleep again, you looked over at the empty space next to you and you caressed the sheets, wishing that Jake would be there.
The new morning brought along a new day, but unfortunately, the base routine was the same: breakfast, staying in bed for way longer than you should’ve, going outside for some more groceries, flipping through magazines, watching TV, texting – or at least trying to text – Jake. The difference was that today, you called in sick for work and decided to do something fun.
After calling multiple of your friends, asking if they were free to go shopping with you, you finally let yourself defeated and decided you’d visit some shops on your own.
While you were at the bookshop – the one you frequently visited with Jake – you found a puzzle which, put together, should create a 3D globe with multiple images from the Renaissance era. You figured that Jake would find that puzzle at least as intriguing as you did. I could start putting together a welcome-home gift for Jake, you grinned as the thought crossed your mind. You picked the puzzle box off the shelf and walked around the bookshop with it. You stopped in front of the vinyl-filled boxes and you began browsing through them. Jake had a ridiculously large vinyl collection, but you listened to it together so many times that you almost knew every record by heart.
After way too much time spent pondering which records to get, you finally settled for The Doors’ Morrison Hotel and T-Rex’s Electric Warrior. On your way to the register, you stopped by the wine-for-special-occasions section and picked up a bottle.
With your heart filled with excitement, you came back home and called out. “Jake, I’m –,” but you stopped as you remembered that he wasn’t actually home. You slowly let the paper bag containing the puzzle, the wine bottle and the two records on the ground as you locked the door. Before unpacking, you checked your phone. No notifications from Jake. You felt your heart lightly twitch. You couldn’t blame Jake: he was just busy and most likely tired.
You took out the new acquisitions and arranged them on the low coffee table and smiled at the thought of Jake coming in through the front door.
You were tired, so you quickly did your night routine and you got into bed. Once you were in bed though, you couldn’t fall asleep. You just kept tossing back and forth, unable to find a comfortable position. Unannouncedly and unexpectedly, tears welled up in your eyes as you laid there, alone, facing the empty space to your left. You didn’t fight the tears back; you were alone in the darkness, there was no one who could see you. You just missed Jake so much. You missed the smell of his cologne imprinted even in his pajamas. You missed his laughter that managed to make you laugh all the time and you missed those moments when you’d both begin to laugh hysterically and you’d laugh at Jake’s laugh and he’d laugh at yours, and you both laughed so much that you forgot what started it in the first place. You missed his random moments of dancing around the house and you missed his complaints mostly aimed at Josh. As the memories reeled in the back of your mind, your sobs got more frequent. Thinking of it, three months didn’t sound like such a long time, but in reality, time is tricky. Three months can easily feel like three hours and just as easy can feel like three years. For you, it felt like three decades. You mindlessly grabbed Jake’s pillow and hugged it tightly to your chest, wishing it would be Jake instead of just a pillow.
As a new day dawned, you shuffled in your sleep and hugged the pillow again. You didn’t want to wake up just yet.
“Wakey, wakey,” a voice said from somewhere behind you, almost through a dream.
“Five more minutes,” you groaned, unwilling to open your eyes. You paused then and held your breath.
“You’re gonna be late for work,” the voice spoke again and a warm finger traced your side.
You jumped almost instantly. “Jake!” you shouted and collapsed over him, your arms circling his shoulders. You buried your face in the crook of his neck and inhaled deeply – that faint smell of freshly squeezed lemons, mint and cigarettes. His arms circled your waist and you both fell onto the bed. “God, I missed you so much,” you whisper.
“I missed you too… I am so happy to be back home,” he said and hugged you tighter.
Time stood still for you. You were in your happy place and nothing could get you away from there. You pulled away and looked at Jake. You ran your index fingers on both sides of his face and then cupped his face in your hands. Jake didn’t break eye contact with you not even for a second. He softly leaned into your right hand and with his right hand, he took your free one and brought it up to his lips, leaving a kiss on it. “Come here,” he whispered and smiled at you, as his hand made its way up to your cheek, slowly guiding you in towards his lips. You closed your eyes and slightly tilted your head to the side, anticipation growing in your stomach. His lips on yours felt so soft, so satin-like and sweet. You couldn’t get enough of this feeling. As an instinctive gesture, you brought your hand up to Jake’s face and let your fingers roam over his soft skin until they mindlessly tangled into his hair. Jake chuckled in-between needier and needier kisses, “More to come later.” He softly pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. “Next time, you’ll quit your job and come with me on tour.”
“Definitely,” you giggle, already picturing it in your mind. City after city, state after state – and you’d be there to see it all. “Jakey,” you say and pout a little.
“Yes, I will cuddle with you,” he nodded his head before you even got the occasion to ask the question. You break out in laughter and fall into the bed which, now that Jake was home, was even more comfortable.
You snaked your arms around Jake’s torso and pulled yourself closer to him. Jake pulled the blanket over the two of you in one swift move and wrapped his arms around your shoulders. “I’m never letting you go,” you whisper and cuddle closer to his chest.
“Please never do,” he answered and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
“Did one of the boys tell you by any chance that we’re coming back early?”
“No, why?”
“Oh, that’s good. I wanted it to be a surprise,” he spoke lowly. “I saw you had some wine in the kitchen.”
You giggled. “It’s for us, for when you would come home.”
“I am home now,” Jake raised an eyebrow.
“I’m calling in sick again,” you announced and Jake’s laugh echoed through the room.
“That’s my girl.”
Tags: @myownparadise96, @satans-helper, @littlegeekwonder, @songbirdkisses, @angelstraightfr0mhell, @freeeshavacadoo, @safari-karrot​, @mountainofthesunn​, @bigthighsandstupidguys​, @starshinekiszka
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whump-town · 4 years
A hurt Emily fic for idk anyone. I just wrote it forever ago and just got around to finishing the ending... Hotchniss and whump soo I’m also like obsessed rn with retired Hotch and Emily still working but also like old Hotchniss is really soft 
“Hotch!” His large dark figure jogs down the hall. Even aged, cheeks covered with a soft greying beard, and hair a little longer than what used to be typical, it takes Garcia only a glance to know that it’s him. A single glance to recognize the distinct way that he exists in space. She rises to her feet to meet him as he comes to a breathless halt. “What’re you doing here?”
He’s shaking, eyes scanning over the little crowd of them. “Where--” he recognizes them even if he doesn’t know them. Luke Alvez, Emily’s always going on about him. Hotch had hired the young man and Emily never stops reminding him of that. He’s surmised the younger man is to her what she used to be to him-- a pain in the ass. Matt Simmons, tall, charming, and looks exactly the same as the first time Hotch met him years ago. Tara, whom he knows, and respects for her ability to work so flawlessly with Emily. Then JJ and Reid.
“Where is she,” he asks. A few years ago, he would never be putting on the show that he is right now. He certainly wouldn’t be standing here. He’d be off hidden somewhere, reeling with emotions and probably being an ass to anyone unfortunate enough to run into him. But not today. “Where’s Emily?”
They’ve been doing this little dance for ages. For longer than it even matters to count. He hadn’t been brave enough to say anything, never has been. So, even after thousands of letters back and forth from London, Emily coming home to help the team, and stopping Scratch… She’d found him, though.
Weekends started revolving around her schedule. She and Jack spending time together, to make up for how she left things after Doyle. Then… they didn’t even need Jack. They started texting again. She’d tell him about Luke and Reid getting into trouble. How Matt has the cutest kids. That Garcia is dragging them out for a girls’ night.
And, standing in the middle of this hospital corridor, he finally understands what it’s like to be on the other half. What it must have been like for Haley and Will and Luke’s wife. To not know if the other half of you is…
Dave appears from the hall, calm. He smiles when he spots Hotch. “Aaron,” he calls, with a small wave. For old friends, he hasn’t seen much of the man since his retirement. More than the team, Jack’s a very big fan of weekends spent up at Dave’s house but still. It’s been a while.
“Dave,” Hotch breaths. He steps up to the older man, twisting and anxiously pulling at his hands. Trying to work the stress out of his body. “Is she okay?”
Rossi looks the younger man over. In this state, he’s not going to be nearly as soothing as Dave needs him to be. Emily’s hurting and she’s asking for Hotch but they’re going to be like gas on a house fire if he lets them near one another right now. “Sit down,” he instructs, motioning to the chairs.
Hotch’s bottom lips trembles, his voice thick as he barely manages to form Rossi’s name. “Dave, please,” he rasp.
Rossi doesn’t budge.
Knees shaking under him, Hotch sinks heavily into the chair. He leans over himself, elbows on his knees. “I don’t have time for this,” he complains, working his fingers through his hair.  He rubs at his face, sniffling as he roughly wipes the tears that fall against his will.
He glances up when a hand falls on his back, Tara offers him a smile. “She’s strong,” Tara informs him with a strength that he wished he had. “I was with her the entire time,” Tara inhales calmly, drawing her shoulders up with the breath. If she wants to reflect the calm that Hotch needs, she needs to look the part. With a nod of her head she adds, “she was aware the entire time. Trying to give orders and keep us calm.”
He nods his head, bottom lip still trembling and eyes rimmed with the tears that he refuses to let fall. “Sounds like Emily,” he manages, eyes shifting to the team as they nod agreeance. Her team. He’d left the BAU to her and she’d nestled and nurtured like she does everything. Looking at them, gathered around him and just as worried as he is, he can’t imagine why she’d ever been so afraid to take over.
“Alright,” Rossi sighs. He sits down beside Aaron, preparing himself. He’d seen her. Not her power of attorney but still trusted enough that his name was the second one she thought of when she woke up. She needed someone and Aaron hadn’t been here. “She’s sedated--” he holds up his hand when Hotch tries to cut in. “I know, I’ve already requested they pull her off the medication. I know she doesn’t like it.”
Pushing his hand through his own hair he sighs, “she’s… tired but she wants to see you.” Hotch nods. “You have to be calm.”
“I’ll be fine.”
Dave shakes his head but caves, “alright.”
She’d taken a hit straight to her vest. Laid out on her back struggling to breathe, she’d realized that she’s way too fucking old for this. She remembered all the times Aaron had tried to convince her back to bed in the early mornings. Practically begging her to just take the day off. To stay here with him.
When she wakes up in the hospital, stiff and in pain, all she wants is him. Someone to hold her hand and to pull her hair off of her back. It’s itchy and she hates it.
Seeing Dave, she could have cried. So certain he was going to deny her and tell her Aaron wasn’t coming.
“Aaron,” she whispers, a sob bubbling its way up out of her throat. She’s too weak and hurting to reach out for him but he doesn’t break stride when he sees her. “There you are,” she can’t remember what happened between taking that shot to the vest and now. There’s a faint, faint, memory of the feeling of her blood pooling around her. Fear. She’d been afraid. Now, face pressed into his shoulder and his arms wrapped tightly around her, she’s not afraid at all.
Pressing her face into his clothes she smiles, “you smell good.”
He laughs but it’s chocked and sounds more like a scoff. “Thanks,” he croaks. Sniffling, he pulls back from her hug. There’s a fleck of blood on her neck, leftover from the wound on her side. He’s already mapping out ways to keep her comfortable when he gets to take her home. The couch isn’t any good but their bedroom is on the second floor of their house. He’s a little too old to be carrying her but he already knows he’ll pull his back out before he makes her walk up the stairs.
“I like the beard,” she whispers dreamily, fingers scratching at his facial hair.
He places his hand over hers, cupping her hand there.
He covers his mouth, looking away as his breathing hitches his tears to fall.
“Honey,” she whispers, tugging his hand when he keeps himself turned from her. Trying to hide his tears. “You don’t have to hide,” she reminds him softly. He still keeps his head turned. “Well, if you’re going to hide your tears will you at least make yourself useful and come over here and cuddle me, huh? I’m tried and I’m in pain and I don’t sleep alone.”
He shakes his head, pulling his hand from hers, wiping at his face.
“I wasn’t playing,” she clarifies. “I need another blanket and your big dumb butt up here with me.”
Rubbing his tears away, Hotch forces himself to breathe. To calm down. Clearing his throat, he goes to the closet on the other side of the room. Retrieving her second blanket. “There’s not enough room on there for me,” he informs her, spreading the blanket and draping it over her delicately.
She frowns, sadly looking down at the room between her sides and the railing. She’s pouting. Very childishly so but he can’t stand to see her sad and she knows it. “Please,” she whispers. “Won’t you just try?”
He sighs and she knows she’s won.
He’s terrified he’ll hurt her but she’s completely okay with that.
“How,” he’s half on the edge, scratching at the side of his face as he tries to figure out how to lay on his side or--
“I don’t care,” she replies, head leaning on the pillow as she watches him. She’s always thought his thinking was rather hot. So analytic and logical. Funny thing is, both of those traits also annoy the hell out of her.
With a nod of his head, she can see he’s come up with his plan. He’s got his “business” face on, or, as she calls it, his “Agent Hotchner” face. It’s very distinct and cute.
“Oh careful with the hands mister,” she giggles, smiling when he places a hand on her stomach, carefully maneuvering himself around her. His thumb grazes her breast and she’s only in this hospital gown. He rolls his eyes but she knows he loves her little jokes.
When he stops moving, he’s successfully managed to get mostly behind her, allowing her to lean back against his chest. A favorite cuddling position of hers. He’s very content with himself. She’s happily moving herself to nestle as closely as she can.
“You’re very warm,” she informs him, wincing when she pulls on her sore side. He rubs her back and she can feel herself relaxing again. Everything is warm. Her head is on his chest, she can hear his heart beating, and his breath running down under her gown across her skin. She’s not going to be able to stay awake like this.
His voice has thickened again and she can hear the tears in his voice. Without opening her eyes she finds his leg and pats it, trying her best sleepy and hurting to comfort him as best she can. “What is it, my love?” She doesn’t make a habit of using little monikers like that in their day-to-day life but occasionally it’s the best way to remind him she loves him.
“I love you,” he whispers, “you know that, right.”
She smirks, he’s always so anxious. Terrified one day she’ll wake up and doubt every minute of the last decade. “I know,” she assures him. “Most of the time,” she amends with a smile, “I doubt it a little when you wake me up snoring or leave the toilet seat up.”
He smiles and shakes his head.
Good, she thinks and sighs contently. They’re going to be okay.
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cuddlepilefics · 4 years
Fandom: Stray Kids
Little: Felix (age 3)
Caregiver: Chan (daddy), Changbin (dada)
 Felix’ POV.:
We had all had a very stressful time lately, so the time we littles had to regress was very limited. I was lucky today, the dance line had finished their work in the early afternoon, so I could go back to the dorm and relax. At first it was only Minho, Hyunjin and me at the dorm, having lunch together before Minho-hyung got a call from Channie-hyung to go and pick Jisung up. My twin, also a little like me, had snapped under the pressure and slipped into his headspace while at the studio with 3racha. I wasn’t too worried about Jisung being little because he’d finally get some rest and while waiting for his caregiver to get him, he was with the two most amazing caregivers any little could wish for. Chan and Changbin have been taking care of my little self for a bit over a year now and they were really good at it. Just thinking about all the soft time we spent together made me feel fuzzy. It had been a while since I last regressed. Usually, I’d have to regress at least twice a week to keep my anxiety at bay but with how tight our schedule was…. How long has it been? Three weeks or maybe four? Yeah, I think it has been around four weeks since I last slipped and I could feel it. Focusing on any task proved to be a struggle, which was the main reason we took so long to learn the choreo and I could tell my two hyungs were starting to get annoyed. Luckily, Minho is a caregiver and therefore a bit more patient and understanding with me.
I should really regress soon, all those big thoughts racing through my head were starting to get overwhelming, so I barely got any sleep lately. No, I didn’t tell my caregivers because I could see that they were just as stressed as me, Chan-hyung probably worse, so I just held my stuffed bunny a bit tighter at night. It was probably a good thing that I couldn’t fall asleep since I often get nightmares. The only people who could calm me down afterwards were my caregivers but they barely spent anytime at the dorm and wouldn’t be there when I woke up shaking with tears streaming down my face. I barely saw them even when I was big and I missed them badly, I couldn’t regress now because I knew my little self would only miss them more and I didn’t think I could take being without them. A loud squeal pulled me from my thoughts and I recognized Jisung’s voice. Minho and him were back from the studio and Hyunjin joined them to play with little Sungie in the living room. I had missed Sungie too but I couldn’t join them because my little friend would always make me slip too. Putting on headphones, I lay my aching body down on the bed and tried to drown them out.
I didn’t know how much time had passed, when suddenly there was someone next to me. Startling, I pulled off the headphones and looked at Hyunjin, who just looked as startled at my reaction. “Sorry, I knocked but you obviously didn’t hear it over your music”, he chuckled, “Sungie missed you and I wanted to ask if you’d like to come play with us too.” Biting my lip, I looked down at my lap. The invitation sounded tempting but I would for sure slip, being surrounded with all those toys. “Lix, you can be little too, if that’s what you’re worried about.” There it was, the sentence that made my resolve crumble. The person telling me that it was okay to slip but was it really? The only people who could tell me that weren’t here. My glossy eyes met Hyunjin’s and I whispered: “Hyung, I can’t. I haven’t slipped for so long and I’d need my caregivers here with me if I was going to be little.” The older gave me a sad smile, knowing as well as me that Chan and Changbin wouldn’t be coming home anytime soon. “We know you haven’t slipped in a while. Our little sunshine is barely smiling anymore, that’s why we thought it’d do you some good to spend this rare free afternoon in your headspace. Yeah, I’m neither a caregiver, nor are we as close to you as your caregivers but we don’t mind taking care of you for the time being, plus Jisung would be playing with you so you don’t even have the time to miss them. Just think about it, Lixxie”, Hyunjin explained, taking a seat next to me and pulling me into a hug. It felt great, I couldn’t remember the last time I got a proper hug, which is a big deal for me with how cuddly of a person I am. We sat in silence for a few minutes and I was grateful Hyunjin didn’t let go, feeling how much I needed the physical comfort right now. Resting my head on my hyung’s shoulder, I closed my eyes and let go of my adult mindset. For the first time in what felt like forever, my mind was nice and quiet, the racing had stopped and the weight on my chest, preventing me from breathing properly, had vanished. I opened my eyes again and blinked up at the person holding me. That wasn’t my daddy and it wasn’t my dada either. “Hyungie?”, I whispered. Hyunjin looked at me stroking his slender fingers through my hair: “Hey there, sunshine.”
 Noone’s POV.:
Finally losing his fight, Felix slipped in the arms of his hyung. He was disappointed when he opened his eyes to see none of his caregivers around but Hyunjin’s hold still gave him a sense of security. The older had meant to return to the living room with Felix right away. However, the way the Aussie snuggled up to him told him to just stay put for a bit and ignore the noises of an excited Jisung running from his caregiver. Usually, Jisung was the quiet and sensitive little, while Felix was the energetic one but today their roles seemed reversed. “Those are some really cute freckles you got there”, Hyunjin hummed, tapping the little’s cheek repeatedly. Felix giggled and buried his face in the older’s shirt to hide the pink dusting his cheeks. A loud whine made them both stare at the door. Apparently, Minho had finally caught the young rapper, who didn’t seem too happy about it. Hyunjin felt a small tug on his shirt and smiled at the little pointing at the door after hearing his friend in the next room. The little grabbed his stuffed bunny just in time before getting scooped up by his hyung, who then carried him to the living room. The older set him down on the carpet, where Felix came face to face with his twin.
Jisung was in one of his older headspaces somewhere around six years old, which explained his noisy personality. “LIXXIE”, the rapper screamed, squeezing the other tightly, “I missed you soo muuuuuch!” The Aussie only blinked in surprise, but then breaking into small giggles at the older little’s silly behavior. “Come, Lix, play tag, play tag”, Jisung yelled, tugging at the younger’s sleeve. Felix flinched, it was too loud and he didn’t feel like running around, considering how sore his muscles still felt. He whined, shrugging the rapper’s hand off and burying his face in the soft fur of his plushie. Jisung’s smile dropped and he tried to pull the bunny away to look at his dongsaeng’s face. Felix thought he wanted to take is plushie away only clutched it tighter. “Lixxie sad!”, the older exclaimed, pointing at his friend. “Nuh, nuh sad”, the Aussie denied, lowering the plushie and putting on a convincing smile. It wasn’t a complete lie, he wasn’t sad, just overwhelmed, or was he? Tilting his head, Jisung pouted: “Play? What do you wanna play?” The other shrugged, not feeling in the mood to do anything before moving closer to the couch and crawling into Hyunjin’s lap.  
While Hyunjin gently rocked the little in his arms, Jisung waddled over to his caregiver. Remembering his inside voice, he looked at the older with doe eyes: “Appa, why Lixxie don’t want play with Sungie?” – “I think Lixxie is just tired and really little right now”, Minho sighed, “Hey, Felix, maybe the two of you could color or watch a cartoon together.” The Aussie nodded making grabby hands at Jisung and pointing at the TV. The two littles cuddled up together and Hyunjin covered them with a blanket while Minho turned on a cartoon both of them liked. The caregiver gave Jisung a soft kiss on the forehead before walking to the kitchen to fill two sippy cups with juice. It were small gestures like this, that made Felix miss his caregivers so much more and he envied the other, that his caregiver came to his aid right away when he heard that he slipped. Did his caregivers even care about him anymore? They always favored their work, at least that’s how Felix felt. Hyunjin prepared a small snack for all four of them and Minho fed his little like he always did, despite him not being that young. Jisung giggled with stuffed cheeks missing how jealous the younger looked. “Come on, Lixxie, you should eat something too, you need the energy after dancing so much”, Hyunjin encouraged, frowning as the little shook his head and avoided his eyes. He never ate by himself when he was little, one of his caregivers always fed him. Of course, the boy would never ask anyone else to feed him, that was a thing between him and his caregivers only.
When another happy squeal came from Jisung, Felix couldn’t take it anymore and fled to his room with his bunny in his arms. He slammed the door shut and locked it, breaking two of their rules at once. Hyunjin had followed the little, feeling that something wasn’t right. He tried to enter the room only to find the door locked. “Lix, please let me in. You know that we don’t lock the doors here”, the dancer said in a warning tone, unaware that the little was fighting back his tears on the other side of the door. Another voice could be heard from the hallway: “Felix, if you don’t open the door before I count to three, you’re going into time out for twenty minutes.” Now, Minho’s caregiver voice could be very authoritative but Felix wouldn’t give in, the older wasn’t his caregiver after all. “One” The Aussie scooted further into the corned, slipping the ear of his plushie between his lips. “Two” The little squeezed his eyes shut as he heard some clicking noises from their lock picking attempts. “Three. That’s it. Time out now!”, Minho announced sternly, walking through the now open door. Felix’ face paled, he hadn’t expected them to be actually able to get in. Scrambling to his feet, he ran, pushing past the two members in his doorway. He wanted to run from the dorm but was stopped by Jisung who was still waiting in the living room, happily playing with his toy cars. The younger got angry at how happy the other little looked, envying him for the affection he got from his caregiver. “Lixxie, let’s play”, the rapper urged, getting up to pull Felix over to the carpet. “Nuh, Lix nuh wike! Go ‘way!”, the Aussie whined, pushing the shorter away harder than he would have needed to. Jisung fell and started to cry, unable to comprehend why his friend suddenly hated him so much. The incident had given Minho enough time to catch up to them and he angrily pulled Felix by his wrist, making him sit in the timeout corner before he went to comfort the crying Jisung. Hyunjin had used the time to call Chan and Changbin, begging them to come home because Felix was little and wouldn’t listen to them.
While the two caregivers were on their way home already pissed at their little for making things difficult on a stressful day, on which they couldn’t really afford to go home early, the little quietly sat in the corner. He didn’t feel the need to cry anymore, who would care anyways? Staring blankly into space, he held his stuffed bunny close to his chest, glad he hadn’t dropped it when trying to run away. It was the only one that still cared about little Lixxie, after losing his caregivers and friends, the boy couldn’t lose his beloved bunny too. Felix faintly heard the other little’s sniffles grow quieter but it didn’t matter to him that he made his friend cry, there was someone to comfort him when he cried after all. If Felix cried now, there would be no one. He didn’t feel sad, he didn’t feel much at all besides emptiness and a dull pain in his chest. The little didn’t even notice how the door opened and his caregivers walked in. Were they still his caregivers? There were still nine more minutes on the timer, then he’d be able to go back to his room and curl up under his fluffy blanket. It probably still smelled like his hyungs after all their cuddle sessions.
Chan and Changbin were watching the little from their seat on the couch, it didn’t seem like he was aware of their presence, or at least he chose not to acknowledge it. The timer rang and Felix slowly got up to trudge to his room, his motions zombie-like and his face emotionless. He had already made it halfway through the living room when Chan cleared his throat. “Where do you think you’re going?”, he asked coldly. The little froze at the familiar voice, looking up at his two caregivers. Suddenly all the emotions came back, reflecting in his eyes and making him feel so broke. All he wanted to do was to run into his daddy’s arms because that always made him feel like everything was ok but the caregiver’s cold expression stopped him. Shyly looking over at his dada, Felix had to realize that he wouldn’t get a hug from him either. “Why, Felix, just why? You hurt Jisung and made him cry. You broke the rules and didn’t listen to your hyungs. Why? You couldn’t just be grateful for having a free afternoon and the chance to distress. Your hyungs offered to take care of you but then you misbehave. You know we were busy but you made us come home. After Jisung left we had to work extra hard because it was only two of us left and you chose to make it even more difficult for us. Just so you know, I am really disappointed in you, Felix”, the leader scolded, his tone icy and dripping with disappointment. If there was one thing worse than an angry Chan, it was a disappointed one. Felix helplessly looked over at Changbin only to see him cross his arms. Chan had said it himself, Jisung had made things hard for them by slipping in the first place but they were nothing but nice to him. He wasn’t even their little but they treated him so gentle and understanding, while all Felix needed was a hug and all he got were cold glares.
It had almost been a minute of the caregivers waiting for Felix to explain himself but he couldn’t. The little didn’t even know why he was so bad today and he couldn’t take the heavy silence anymore. Breaking down into tears, the young Aussie made a run for it, slipping into his room and shutting the door as quiet as he could before sliding down with his back against the door. Harsh sobs wracked his shoulders and he tried to calm himself by hugging his bunny only to notice he had dropped it on the way. His cries grew louder and he felt his chest tighten making it hard to breath. Part of him had expected the caregivers to follow him, even if it was just to yell at him for running off during their talk, but nobody came and that hurt so much more. In a desperate attempt to calm himself down, Felix slipped his thumb into his mouth sucking on it. He was out of breath and his eyes stung but it didn’t matter because the pain in his heart was worse. The little felt so tired. Too tired to cry really. Sucking on his thumb he was reduced to hiccups with the occasional tear running down his cheek.
Minho had been in his room to calm Jisung down but Hyunjin had watched the commotion and after having had a weird feeling before, he decided to step in and talk to the stressed caregivers. The dancer sat them down on the couch again and described the afternoon from his perspective. Yes, he admitted that Felix had definitely acted out but that he was a bit off before and that at least to Hyunjin it seemed that there was something deeper behind the littles actions. Hearing his dongsaeng’s worried voice, made Chan think again. Felix didn’t usually act out and although Hyunjin had no experience as a caregiver, the leader trusted him with his judgement. The oldest repeatedly ran a hand through his already disheveled hair, not knowing how to approach the little after his outburst. Truth be told, the leader had just been too stressed to view the situation from an objective view and he knew he had scared Felix too much for the younger to be able to explain himself. Changbin knew that too and put a comforting hand on his hyung’s shoulder before getting up and making his way to the room they shared with Felix. He heard choked hiccups from the other side but got no reply to knocking on the door. Trying the handle, he found the door unlocked but still wasn’t able to open it. “Lixxie, let dada in please”, he sighed, resting his forehead against the wood. There was some shuffling and then silence. Trying the door again, he stepped in. The room was dim, since it was already evening and the little hadn’t bothered to turn on the light but he could still see the figure sitting hunched over on the floor.
For the sake of Felix’s irritated eyes and his own headache, Changbin decided against turning the lights on, instead closing the door behind him and scooping the little into his arms. He had expected at least some resistance considering how upset both parties were at each other but Felix just let him do whatever, not really caring what happened to himself. The rapper swayed them both from side to side, rubbing the little’s back as he felt the small chest hitch with exhausted hiccups. Despite his own exhaustion, it wasn’t too difficult to hold Felix, had the boy lost weight? The Aussie had always been skinny but this was different. He was hesitant, not knowing what to say for fear of having the situation escalate again but he tried, keeping his voice gentle: “Kitten can you tell dada what’s been up today? You’re usually such a good boy.” The Aussie shook his head, burying his face in his caregiver’s shoulder. “That’s okay, baby”, he hummed, “Maybe you can tell us when you’re ready?” Felix sniffled but nodded against the older. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up a bit. You feel icky, don’t you?” Another small nod, so Changbin turned to the door, carrying the little to the bathroom. He put Felix down on the counter but the little didn’t approve of being out of the older’s arms, afraid the caregiver would walk out and leave him there. Changbin had to stand between the younger’s legs, who clutched onto his sweater, limiting how far the rapper could move away. The bright bathroom light was a stark contrast to the darkness in their bedroom, causing both boys to squint a bit. The caregiver cringed at how red and swollen the little’s eyes lids were, that definitely had to hurt. Only now did he notice the dark bags under Felix eyes, which could even make Chan’s eyebags look harmless. Did Felix not sleep at all recently? “Hey, easy now! I’m not going to leave but I need to grab a washcloth from that cabinet over there”, Changbin whispered, removing the tiny hands from his shirt and holding them in one of his. It allowed him to stretch just far enough to take out a washcloth and towel before turning back to his little.
They stayed silent while Changbin ran the washcloth under warm water, squeezing it till the cloth was only damp before gently wiping the drying tearstains off of Felix’ puffed up cheeks. Then he soaked the cloth in cold water, covering the Aussie’s eyes with it in hopes the cold would sooth the swelling. “There, kitten, does that feel better?”, he cooed, receiving a shy nod against his hand. He kept the cool cloth in place for a few minutes till it became warm, then he removed it and pat Felix’ face dry before applying a thin layer of moisturizer. The caregiver also made sure to put a generous amount of strawberry flavored chapstick onto his little’s lips because they looked so chapped, they could start bleeding any moment. Stepping closer, Changbin wrapped his arms around the younger, who exhaustedly dropped his face against the rapper’s collarbone. Not wanting to break their embrace anytime soon, the caregiver kept one arm on Felix’ back and used the other to check his phone, so the little couldn’t see it. He had a message from Chan, telling him he was preparing a bottle for their little and that they should spend the rest of the evening cuddling after Chan apologized. Changbin quickly texted back asking the leader to add a generous amount of honey to the little’s milk because the sweetness was calming and the nutrients were urgently needed, given how light and weak the boy in his arms seemed. Feeling Felix nuzzle against him, the older put his phone away and carried the little back to their room. He pulled out a pair of his own shorts and a hoodie from Chan before approaching Felix on his bed: “Alrighty, arms up kitten, let’s put on a fresh sweater, it’s daddy’s. I know you like his the most.” The younger looked at him, eyes becoming teary again. “He nuh wan’ me weaw it. Daddy mad at Lixxie”, he breathed, trying to keep from crying again. “No, no, no, daddy loves when you wear his clothes”, Changbin promised, helping the younger to change quickly, “We both love when our kitten wears our clothes, you look so cute and tiny in them.” Felix turned bright red, bringing the sweater paws up to cover his face as he whined: “Dada chu make me all fuzzy.”
Both wearing a fresh change of clothes, the pair sat on Felix’ bed, with the little in Changbin’s lap as he wanted to enjoy his caregiver’s affection as long as it lasted. That’s what Chan walked in on, carrying his dongsaeng’s plushie and bottle. The younger visibly tensed when the leader entered the room, clutching Changbin tighter and holding his breath. “Ssh, it’s ok, seems like none of us have been having the greatest day today, huh?”, the oldest shushed, crouching next to the bed, “I’m sorry for venting my anger at you without even listening to your side of the story. Can you forgive daddy?” Felix gave a small nod and shyly looked up to face his caregiver, immediately spotting the bunny in his hand. The leader saw how the younger’s previously dull eyes lit up and handed the plushie to him, smiling at how gently the little cradled it against his chest. “Aww sweetie, did you miss him?”, he cooed but Felix’ face grew sad. Looking down at his stuffed bunny, he admitted barely audible: “Missed chu mowe.” The caregiver’s made eye-contact, their hearts breaking and the hurt in their little’s voice. “We missed you too, darling, I’m sorry we didn’t even think to check on you between work”, Changbin whispered remorsefully. Squeezing onto the bed next to them the oldest hummed: “Why don’t you have your bottle and them we’ll all go to sleep, hm? It’s been a long and exhausting day and at least daddy needs some cuddles right now.” – “Dada needs cuddles too”, Changbin was quick to agree. Nodding Felix reached for Chan’s hand as he mumbled: “Lixxie cuddles too.” The leader gently took the little into his arms, leaning against the headboard to feed him his bottle while Changbin dimmed the lights and retrieved Felix’ fluffy blanket that they always used when cuddling. He carefully spread it over his friends before climbing under it too and wrapping his arms around his little family. Yes, they do have their up and downs but in the end they always make it out ok.
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sarunohadaki · 3 years
(@proship-hyouga) "Am I going crazy? Would I even know? Am I right back where I started fourteen years ago?" For Abel (Hero) and Bianca for Dragon Quest 5 :) (idk if you've played dq5 but I wanted to suggest it just to try)
(Two things: No, I have never played dq 5, and I chose to interpret these lyrics very literally and not in the context of the song, otherwise this feels too fluffy. Soo, with that out of the way, here it is. Established relationship, post-canon: )
Abel could not remember the last time he had had a moment to himself.
There might have been a time a decade or so ago where he could sit down without feeling an ache in his back or an annoying voice in his ear, and today he woke to one of those things absent.
Actually, something else was absent, too.
His wife.
The space in bed was empty next to him.
He sat up and looked down, and then rubbed his eyes and stood.
The curtains were already pulled apart, allowing bright streaks of morning light into their bedroom. Their children weren’t home, instead spending the weekend at a friend’s house.
It had been a long time since Abel had been left alone.
He padded into the kitchen, which was surprisingly spotless.
There was nothing eerie about that standalone fact, but when paired with the persistent absence of Bianca, it sent a chill down his spine.
Abel didn’t speak, otherwise he might have shouted through the house to get her attention. Instead, he turned toward the sink and set toward making himself a sandwich.
In the middle, he heard a loud bang and looked toward the entrance, where the wooden door shook.
Before Abel had time to think twice, another bang shook the house and a glint of metal peeked out of the door.
An… axe? This early in the fucking morning?
Abel sprang across the room toward the nearest wall, where a miracle sword hung. He armed himself with it and then glanced down to realize he had forgotten to put on trousers, revealing striped boxers instead.
He’d have to worry about that later.
The axe cleaved through the door again, and splintered wood exploded into the living room. Abel reached for the door handle and swung it open, revealing a person in a metal king helm and full armor. Their face was lowered, obscuring the features, as they lunged forward.
The assailant’s axe met Abel’s sword and he grunted, teeth gritting together. His bare feet dragged against the stones as the stranger pushed against him.
He wanted to order them to say what they wanted, and if they were the one who had done something to his wife.
Instead, his train of thought was derailed again when they pushed him flat onto his back. Agh, seemed he’d gotten rusty after too long without proper fighting practice.
He struggled against the legs he found rapidly straddling his sides.
Before Abel could bring his sword up again, his assailant reached for the helm and pulled it off.
Abel gaped.
Bianca’s golden hair fanned out in front of her. She dropped the axe on the floor and Abel sighed deeply, his hands going to her waist.
She laughed and leaned forward, pressing her hands against his chest. “You should have seen your face!”
Abel shook his head. He brought his hands together. “You terrified me,” he signed.
“Sorry, love,” Bianca said. "Good morning though! I thought I'd surprise you on our day alone together."
She pecked him on the nose and then stood again.
Sometimes, Bianca just brought something out of him. All their years together melted away, and it felt like they were children again, playing the same outlandish games together. Even when Bianca did something absolutely ludicrous, Abel couldn’t help but laugh, especially at this. That must have been the biggest fright he’d had in fourteen years.
“Ready for breakfast?” Bianca asked, undoing the breastplate she had strapped to her torso.
Abel nodded, following her back into the kitchen.
(From this ask game!)
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dreamingofmilk · 4 years
Poetic Justice
This was a joy to write. Shout out to @chaneajoyyy and @shaekingshitup for doing this challenge.
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Synopsis: You meet Erik at an open mic night and it changes everything
Warnings: cursing
Word Count: 2597
Coming to open mic night at your favorite cafe was worth it. You only just found out about the elusive and secretive gathering of college individuals. But you made it your goal to go at least once a week. Sometimes it was hard, school work piles up quickly when you are having fun. 
But tonight, you had to get out no matter how many essays and online homework you needed to complete. And you regretted nothing once he took the stage. Tall dark and handsome, Erik Stevens, the poet had you entranced. His poetic stories about black struggle and black love pushed you further down the rabbit hole than you could ever imagine. 
This man seemed to be everything you could ever imagine. And you were so happy to have a seat up close and to the far right of the stage where you could fangirl in peace. 
You’d seen this beauty around campus a few times, but never once did you imagine that he had such a way with words and his voice was that smooth. And the way he strummed the guitar… You only hoped he could strum your clit that delicately. 
You watched his set intensely, his every move an imprint in your mind. You wanted to record it to play it back later, but you knew that would be wildly inappropriate. Snaps filled the room as he finished up and he smiled and bowed his head in acknowledgment. The man knew he was fine. 
Erik Stevens stepped off the stage and packed away his guitar as another talented student took the stage to share her beautiful voice. You watched his broad back shuffle around until he went behind the curtains and came around. The exit for the stage right in front of your high table. 
Erik’s eyes watched you closely, you bit your lips gently when his eyes raked over your body with lust. Damn. How can Just one look from this man have you ready to risk it all? You smiled shyly at Erik when you made eye contact again. Erik sent you a wink and a smile so genuine it made your thighs clench. He then quietly made his way through the crowd to join his friends. 
You smiled softly to yourself then settled in to enjoy the rest of the night with your friend. 
Early morning classes were not your thing. But when one of your major classes is only offered at 8 am on Tuesday’s, you had no choice. Hence why you were in the juice line in your increasingly crowded dining hall. You desperately wanted some freshly juice fruits and were willing to wait in a long line to get it. That or you were looking for any excuse to be late for class. 
“Excuse me. Do you know what juices they have today?” A deep voice from behind you asked. 
“No but it looks so good. Soo… goood…” your voice trailed off when you turned around to talk to the stranger. Erik again. You smiled a polite smile and turned back forward, your heart racing in your chest. Fuck. He was even more attractive up close and in the light. And he smelled so good too. 
Erik smiled and held out his hand for you to shake. You gently put your hand in his. 
“I’m Erik.” His voice washed over you. “You were at the show the other night. You look good in blue.” He complimented your dress from the other night. 
“Thanks.” You told him your name. “You’re a great artist.” You were up in line to order your juice. 
“Thank you babygirl.” His eyes dropped to your lips before flitting back up to meet your eyes. 
“You sitting down to eat? Maybe I could join you?” His voice was hopeful as you stepped up to order. 
Your heart sunk. “Erik I really wish I could but I have to get to class, I'm already late enough waiting for this drink. Next time though. I promise.” Instinctually you held out your pinky finger for him to seal in the promise. You blushed and went to remove yourself. 
“Wait. A promise is a promise and has to be sealed in some way.” He wraps his pinky finger around yours and brings both your hands up so that you can both kiss your fist. The two of you break away, eyes intense and your heart beating out of your chest. 
“Next time.” You smile and step back over to the juice counter. 
He smiles as you leaned forward to accept your drink. “Have a good day.” His eyes watched you as you walked past him to the exit of the dining hall, a smirk on his lips as his eyes fell to your ass. 
Laundry day was one of your faves on campus. Usually you did it so late at night that you had the laundry room to yourself so you would sit on one of the machines, playing games on your phone. 
You’d just beaten a really difficult level and you were up out of your seat cheering in circles for yourself. 
“Damn, if I knew this is the type of introduction I would get, I would ask you to announce at poetry nights.” Erik smiled at you. You turned around quickly, a heat creeping up your body as you saw him leaning against one of the machines. A smirk sat on his full lips and his arms crossed tightly on his chest. 
“Don’t stop now, the only thing I would change is you screaming my name.” Erik’s smirk grew bigger as your ears burned. 
“Shut up.” You smiled bashfully and climbed back on top of the washing machine. Erik approached slowly coming to stand in front of your legs. 
“What’s got you so excited anyway?” Erik took your phone from his hand and started dying of laughter. 
“Candy Crush!” He laughed loudly, you smiled in a daze watching his beautiful smile. “Well I guess I should take it as a win.” He handed you back your phone. “At least it’s not no guy in your phone making you smile like that. I wanna make you smile like that.” Erik stared up at you. 
You looked away, he just didn’t know what he was doing to you. Or he did and he was determined to make you become a massive puddle. Well he succeeded at least halfway, there’s a massive puddle in your shorts right now. 
“Tell me… what do I have to do to make you smile like that?” Erik’s soft hand found its way on the top of your knee. Very gently, his eyes asking for permission. 
You shrugged and nodded at the same time. Erik laughed. “What does that mean?” 
It means that you can eat me out on this washing machine! You screamed in your head. 
“It means that I don’t know what you have to do.” Erik stepped closer bracing his hands on either side of you. 
“You know, I’ve seen you around a lot before. You’re so pretty that I can always pick you out of a crowd. But I never had the courage to speak to you. That is until I saw you at my set.” Erik spoke softly, a small smile found its way onto your lips. 
“There we go. Got something. So I just gotta compliment your fine ass and your face will shine brighter than the sun.”
“Erik if you don’t take your poetic ass somewhere. Don’t you have clothes to wash?” You say smartly. 
“Nah. I just saw you in here and I had to come speak. You see now that we are friends you ain’t never getting rid of me.” Erik gently rubbed the outside of your thigh. “Besides, you owe me company for a meal.”
You rolled your eyes remembering your pinky promise in the dining hall. 
“After your clothes are finished you are coming with me for a midnight meal.” Erik’s eyes twinkled once you agreed and you wondered what his idea of a midnight meal was. 
You sighed and rubbed your face. Fuck this paper! You figured if you went to the library really early you'd be able to focus and get it done, but you were struggling. Coffee wouldn't even help. You'd been at it for 4 hours and barely had 2 pages finished. It was time to cut your losses and try again later. You were putting your last book in your bag when you heard that all too familiar voice.
"What are you doing here so early Y/N?" Erik looked down at you, a smirk on his face. 
Why did you always run into this man? Ever since the open mic night it seemed like you saw him all the time. 
You frowned, "I was trying to get a ten page paper done, but I can't focus."
He scoffed, "You took Mandrake didn't you? That's where you fucked up. Everyone knows she assigns a big paper at the beginning of the semester."
You couldn't help the pout that formed on your lips, "I didn't know!"
"Let me help you. I have some work I need to finish too. Maybe we can help each other focus and get out of here sooner." He smiled sympathetically. 
He sat down across from you and pulled out his materials. He also pulled out a pair of gold rimmed glasses that made him look sexy as fuck. Who the hell makes glasses look that good? 
You couldn't help but be nosy and when he pulled out a book with Freud's name on it. You had to ask.
"Are you a psych major?"
Erik followed your eyes to the book and smiled. "I'm a double major. Psychology and African American Studies."
You whistled "Oh so he's woke and smart."
"I want to be a psychologist for at risk black kids. I went through a lot of shit when I was a kid and it fucked me up for years. I want to prevent that from happening to anyone else." Erik shrugged. 
"That's amazing, Erik." And you meant it. What a great way to make an impact on the community. You already really liked Erik, but this took the cake. He really was a great guy.
He shrugged, his embarrassment clear. "I wish there was someone that could have helped me back then. It would have saved me from making a lot of dumb decisions."
You grabbed his hands, "Seriously Erik. That's really cool. You should be proud of it. You're going to do great things."
Erik's thumb rubbed over your hand and he smiled softly before raising your hand to kiss it. "Thank you, babygirl. I really appreciate that."
You felt like your heart was going to beat right out of your chest. You've never felt chemistry like this with a guy, and you had a feeling you never would again. Erik was someone special.
Erik smirked at you. "Now stop ogling me and get moving on that paper."
Your ears burned as you focused on your laptop, his laugh wrapping around you like a warm blanket. 
You did peep him sneaking glances at you while you both worked though, so you considered it a win regardless.
You rushed out of class. The professor held everyone an extra 10 minutes, and you were running late for your next class. Once you got closer to the quad you noticed there was a crowd. You didn't really care what was going on, you didn't have time to see what had everyone so fascinated. You had just got to where the crowd was but you heard the most beautiful music and you couldn't help but move closer to see where it was coming from. 
And to your surprise standing there, looking more gorgeous than anyone had the right to, was Erik Stevens. The sun lit his profile perfectly, his brown skin glowing in the light. His fingers glided across the guitar, the music lulling you into a state of peace you've never experienced. You couldn't look away from him. He was so captivating. Before you realized it you moved across the quad and stood in the front of the crowd, but off to the side. Erik closed his eyes and his body began swaying to the music. The notes sounded very familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on where you recognized it from. After a few seconds of strumming Erik opened his mouth and started singing India Arie 'Ready for Love'.
You were absolutely sure your jaw was on the ground. You had no idea he could sing! His voice was beautiful, smooth and rich, like the most expensive Hennessy. He glided through the notes effortlessly, adding a few of his own runs and techniques to make it his own. You believed every word he was saying, his voice was so honest. He really sounded like he was in love with someone and it just made his performance that much better.
Someone next to you walked closer to him and dropped a few bills in his guitar case. As they walked back to their spot Erik opened his eyes, instinctually following them. When his eyes met yours you felt your heart rate pick up and your breath catch in your throat. Erik looked right into your eyes and kept singing, a slight smile on his lips. This man was LETHAL. It felt like he was serenading you. You couldn't help but smile back, you were pretty sure there were actual hearts in your eyes. 
I am ready for Y/N
The two of you couldn't look away from each other. You could actually feel a force pulling you to him. The crowd erupted in shocked chatter when he slipped up and sang your name. Erik just smiled and kept going, but you could hardly breathe. You've never heard your name sound so beautiful before. You had a big dopey smile on your face but you couldn't get rid of it if you wanted to.
He strummed the guitar, the notes tapering into silence. As soon as he finished the crowd erupted into loud cheers and applause. As everyone dispersed you made your way over to him. 
"That was amazing Erik. I had no idea you could sing."
He smiled softly, "Yeah, it's not something I do often."
"It was beautiful. You really should sing more often." It'd be a shame for him to hide his talent. 
He smirked. "Sing more in general or sing to you more?"
You looked away in embarrassment, your ears burning. "Why did you say my name?"
"It was an accident. When I saw you I got nervous and made a freudian slip I guess." He rubbed the back of his neck, his smile sheepish.
You pouted, "So you didn't mean it?" 
He smirked, "Of course I meant it. I did say a Freudian slip. You were on my mind so I said your name."
You rolled your eyes, but your tone was teasing. "There's my psychology nerd. I was starting to get worried."
He chuckled and moved in closer, until his chest brushed up against you. He reached out a hand and fixed a piece of your hair before cupping your face. "Be my girl and there's a lot more where that came from."
You smiled, looking into his eyes. "Yes."
His smile was bright. Erik grabbed the back of your neck and kissed you. You may have made a Freudian slip of your own when he sucked your soul out of your mouth.
Taglist: @aislinnsilver @wawakanda-btch @chaneajoyyy @marvelmaree
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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Another day I went home early. I wish I could just stay home. I wish they would just put us in lockdown again. I watched the Governer's press conference and it was infuriating. Said all the things that are going bad but didnt put in any more restrictions. Its ridiculous. But besides that today wasnt a bad day at all. 
I slept alright. I woke up a few times because I keep losing all my blankets and then Im cold. But it wasnt bad sleep. Getting up was just a little hard. 
I got up and dressed and while my hair was a little bit weird today, I felt cute. I packed up my craft bag and James packed my breakfast. And off I went. 
It was drizzling a little when I left but it was a pretty day. Just very cold. But thats alright. I should have worn a scarf by I had my cashmere sweater on and that was great. I just hate that it needs to be drycleaned. 
Another day with no kids. They think everything will be back to normal for the most part tomorrow. Well see. I spent the morning cleaning and writing up a plan for activities if the kids dont have access to their work but still come. But well see. A family called today but when we told them we couldnt help with the computer and so they decided to stay home. 
So I spent the morning sewing. I finished 4 frogs. I did some typing. I made my shop posts. And then it was 1030 and I was bored!!! I was alone and I wanted to go home. 
So I talked to Clifford and he said he thought he could handle the crowds of people and that tomorrow hopefully we would be back to normal. Silly man. We actually had a really nice conversation first thing this morning. He's a really nice person and really smart. 
I headed out though. And it was cold but beautiful. And so I decided I would get five guys and take a drive. And thats what I did. 
I got my food and ate in the car. Listened to a silly podcast.  It was a nice time. 
I ended up driving to a goodwill I had never been to and it was pretty good. I got another house shelf. I would start to paint that and the other one to match the one mom got for me later tonight. I also got a book about cute mobile homes and 2 adorable winter dresses. One is grey with long sleeves and the other in like a black plaid with a keyhole chest detail. Both are so cute. 
I wandered around there for a bit though. And when I was done I decided I would go home. And was back around 1230.
Lana called me and we talked about how we had no kids. And how a lot of staff had been leaving early but apparently some sites were complaining because the contract is for us to be there all day. Even if there are no kids. Which is so batshit I wasnt even going to argue. But my site isnt one that complained so Im not to worried. Like honestly who cares. Well have kids again and then I will have purpose again. 
James was still home. And he showed me some games he bought for us. I played animal crossing for a few minutes. Its december and were getting ready for "Toy Day" on the island. I am said our dog, Bones, moved, but tomorrow my new sheep will be there and Im excited for that. 
Soon James had to leave for work though. I got myself into some work. Some cleaning. I was just in a good mood. 
I decided I was going to donate all my profits from black friday to something and found that very serendipitously and then I was on a "I Dontated Money" high. Just all cheery. I love that feeling. I dont know how rich people arent always doing it because it feels great. 
 So I was in a great mood. And I did some painting of the house shelves and was in a good mood until the stupid press conference. I just want us to all get $3000 and be put in lockdown. Its soo stupid. Its so frustrating. And then I went on twitter to see reactions and morons were just upset that the new health director said we need to make masks the new normal and they were like. NEVER!!!! Ugghhh. 
I had the other half of my sushi burrito for dinner. I made sweetP a new collar. Still cant find his ID so Im looking into ordering a new one on ebay but Im waiting for a response about an engraving question I had. I did a little organizing. I put the space heaters on and I went through my closet. I put a lot of stuff away. I tried to be pragmatic and realistic about what I want to be wearing right now. Almost all black. Mostly cropped sweaters. Cozy to the max. I also decided to buy a cheap garment rack so I can more organize things. I miss my walk in closets. But I am going to make something work for me. Having less things in the closet helps make me feel better though. My storage trunk is pretty full but its basically all stuff I still really like and Im really happy about that. Doing pretty good in that vein. 
Now though I am in bed listening to breadtube and thinking about taking a bath. I want to wash my hair and then paint my nails. Just take care of myself all nice. And then James will be home and we will go to bed and tomorrow I hope to actually have students! Well see. 
I hope you all have a nice night. Take care of eachother. Goodnight. 
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rosyrosethings · 5 years
Harry doesn’t love Y/n anymore.
Okay so this is where Harry doesn’t love Y/n. He falls for someone else but then he realizes the person he left Y/n for was not worth it.
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2k+ words
Y/n has been feeling like Harry has been distant and she didn’t like it. She’s been trying her best to hold on to whatever was there. But she thinks she held on too tight that whatever it was that was left of their love withered away. She tried to give him space because he’s been distant. by focusing on her work as an actress.
But Harry was always gone. He didn’t care what she did to try to bring back the love they once had. Leaving her at home by herself. Her anxiety getting worse and worse. She didn’t think Harry was cheating. She was just so scared that he’d leave her. Ever since Harry came back from tour. Things were so different. Harry would not let y/n cuddle him ‘too hot.” He’d say, even when it cold. He’d never listen when she tried to start conversation. He’d always busy himself with things.sxc
Nights and nights of this. Them not even talking to each other even though they’ve been together for 5 years. Y/n decided that she was gonna go out. With her friend Brianna. She needed some air she’s been feeling suffocated in this house especially since Harry was never here. Y/n texted Harry that she won’t be home tonight she’s gonna spend the night at Bri’s. He read it but didn’t even bother to reply. He always says he’s out working on the album or that he has ‘work to do.’ Y/n just continued to get ready to go out with her friend.
Y/n heard a horn honking. She knew it was Bri. She quickly left the empty home not wanting to be there without him. She got in the car with Bri.
“Are you ready to get wasted hun?” Bri asked excitedly. Y/n shrugged.
“Y/n I got you out the house to not think about him.” She said, Y/n sighed. “You’re right.” She mumbled. “Let’s go have fun.”
The club was fun. Y/n didn’t drink at all because all she could think about is going home to Harry. So she made Bri drop her off at her and Harry’s home. Which they left the club early because Y/n was just thinking about Harry the whole night. When Bri pulled up to Their driveway both of them noticed another car in the driveway.
“Who’s car is that?” Bri asked, y/n shrugged her shoulders.
“Maybe Harry has a friend over.”
“I’m gonna stay out here, text me when it’s okay to leave. I just have a bad feeling.” Bri said, putting her car in park on the side of the road. Y/n didn’t think it was necessary but she didn’t bother telling to her to leave. So y/n got out the car and walked in the house. Y/n heard laughing coming from the dining area. Y/n walked over to the dining room. Seeing A cute candle lit dinner and Harry with Kendall. Her presence stopped the laughter. Both of them were enjoying themselves.their hands were connected across the table. Kendall stopped laughing and looked up at Y/n. Causing Harry to turn around. To make eye contact with Y/n for the first time in a while.
“I’m sorry.. I’m just gonna get my stuff and go. Please continue like I never existed.” She said, with a quick pivot. Y/n threw her heels off and quick ran upstairs to get her stuff. She grabbed one of the bags of luggage out the closet. Pulling out all her clothes just throwing them in the case.
“Y/n can we talk?” She heard. She looked up. Surprisingly she wasn’t crying.
“Ohh now you wanna talk? Months and months of pushing me away and now you wanna talk to me?” She laughed, she didn’t even look at Harry. She just continued to stuffed clothes in her bag.
“If you’re just here to tell me. You don’t love me anymore. Wowww that’s a shocker it’s obvious. You don’t even spend time with me. It’s obvious someone else has your heart and after being with you for five years. It isn’t me anymore you love anymore .” She said, trying to zip up the suit case she over packed.
“I never cheated on you..” he said, looking down at his hand as he leaned against the doorway.
“You fucking liar. Being in love with someone else is emotional cheating. But after tonight you’re free of me so go head and fuck your new girlfriend. I know you want to. You haven’t touched me in months.”
“Y/n please I didn’t wanna hurt yo-“
“I dIDNt wANt tO hURt yOU.” Y/n said in her mimicking voice making a funny face. Harry didn’t say anything. He felt horrible but he didn’t love Y/n anymore. He wish he did but when he saw Kendall over tour he couldn’t help but say Hi to her. After that the rest was history. Kendall has been such a good friend to Harry. He didn’t mean to fall in love with her. But he did. It was killing him that he was hurting Y/n. He wasn’t in love with her anymore but he did still love her. Y/n was his best friend even before he started dating her.
Y/n pushed passed Harry and took her over packed suitcase down the stairs. Harry following behind her.
“I’d be back for the rest of my shit tomorrow!” She yelled slamming the door shut. She rolled her bag to Bri’s car.
“What happen?” Bri asked as Y/n opened the back door to the car stuffing her suitcase in as she decided she’d sit in the back seat. Because she was too frustrated to go in the front.
“He’s in love with fucking Kendall Jenner and so we broke up.”
“That fucking asshole!” Bri said, as she pulled out the driveway driving to her home.
“Well Y/n we are gonna go home and listen to my breakup playlist and get drunk asl and you are gonna realize you don’t need him.” Bri said, but y/n wasn’t really listening. She was heart broken. The love of her life just said he didn’t love her anymore. She was honestly kinda lost. She had a movie premiere to go to in a couple weeks and she planned on taking Harry with her. But she can’t when she goes alone the world would know that her and Harry broke up.
Once they made it to Brianna’s home. Y/n immediately went to Brianna’s liquor cabinet.
“Alexa play Lizzo truth hurts.”
After Y/n got drunk and Alexa started to play the breakup playlist. Y/N and Brianna started to upload videos of them to their Instagram story. Lip syncing to all of the break up hits. From lizzo truth hurts, Ariana Grande boyfriend, to Whitney Houston I will always love you. Y/n knew the way she was singing in that video you could obviously tell that Y/n was single. But she didn’t care. She was so heartbroken that she couldn’t even cry but it did hit her. When she woke up in the middle of night to lay her head on Harry’s chest. But she looked around and realized she was in bed with Brianna and Harry wasn’t there. That’s when she cried until she fell alseep. She tried to get sleep because she had an PR interview for the movie tomorrow with Luke. She didn’t wanna show up looking tired and horrible.
But soon morning arrived and Y/n couldn’t help but feel like shit. Her eyes were swollen but luckily her makeup-artist helped with that on the set of interviews for the movie. Y/n finally had a free moment on set to check her phone and notifications were blowing up. Articles with the titles ‘DID Y/N AND HARRY BREAKUP?!’ Or ‘HARRY STYLES SINGLE?’ And texts from friends and family. Asking is she okay.
“Wow Y/n you look beautiful as always.” Luke said, causing Y/n to look up from her phone to see him there. Blonde curly hair and blue eyes. Cheeks freshly pink. Y/n always thought He was so cute. He was such a good friend to her also. Y/n sent him a small smile.
“And you look adorable as always.” She responded,
“What’s wrong?” He whispered to her. He could tell she was off. Usually Y/n would continue the conversation with Luke. Telling him how cute he would be if he grew his hair out or just asking him anything else to keep the conversation going. But he could also see in her eyes. That she was sad.
“How’d ya know I’m upset?”
“Hmm ya know filming with you for a six months and spending a lot of time with you. Soo when you think about it yYou’re kinda like my best friend. Soo i know when something wrongs with my best friend.” Y/n could help but crack a genuine smile at his response.
“Me and Harry broke up.” She said, Luke frowned at her. She knew she must have been sad. They were together for like 5 years.
“The worst part is. Our 6 year anniversary is in a few months and i already got his gift and I can’t return it.” She said, he knew she was going to cry. He could see it in her eyes.
“Hey how about we spend some time together me, you and Brianna? We could have a fun night and help you forget about him.. and I’d let you do my makeup.” He said, he whispered the last part. Her eyes lit up. She asked Luke thousands of times to do his makeup to see what he looks like as a girl because he was so adorable y/n thought he would be a really cute girl. He’d would always say no.
“Ohh my gosh yess! Sounds amazing to me!”
“Okay guys interview in 5. Get in your seats.” Y/n and Luke obliged to the command by the set coordinator. Soon the interviews started. Multiple different interviews all basically asking the same questions. Until they got to one of them interviewers names Rachel.
“So Y/n is it true that you’re single?” The question shocked Y/n she literally just broke up with Harry yesterday. Y/n didn’t say anything.
“I don’t understand how’s that relevant. Either way single or not. I’m not gonna stop trying to be her next and last boyfriend.” Luke answered. Making Y/n smile. She whispered over to him thank you.
Soon days turned to weeks and weeks turned into months. The media soon found out Y/n and Harry broke up. It was now public that Harry was dating Kendall and That Y/n and Luke were dating each other. Even though they haven’t made things official. They both liked each other. Y/n was starting to be happy again. Even though she did still love Harry and she pretty sure she’d never stop. She’s starting to get a point where she’s happy if he’s happy. Today was the day that she was talking the rest of her stuff to her Brianna house from Harry.
Harry on the other hand has not been taking the break up too well. When Y/n left at first he okay. Kinda hurt but not too hurt because he thought he was in love with someone else. But after the first two weeks of being with Kendall he realized it was all a mistake. The smallest things would make him miss Y/n the most. When it lasted and Harry wants to talk Y/n would listen. Kendall would tell Harry to go back to sleep. Y/n loved kissing all over Harry showing him affection no matter where they are. He’d get lucky if Kendall decides to hold his hand. Harry didn’t want her and not to mention the sex. Y/n was 100 times better than Kendall. Every time they had sex he’d always think of Y/n to make himself cum. As they were sitting there cuddling. Harry was thinking how he made a big mistake. Kendall laying on his chest as he scrolled through his phone. The tv was on. Showing reruns of a celebrity gossip show that Kendall was watching.
“So Y/n, is it true your single?” The reporter asked, he quickly looked at the screen seeing Y/n there with Luke sitting in separate chairs but close to each other y/n didn’t seem like she wanted to ask the question. Why would they ask her that?
“I don’t understand how’s that relevant. Either way single or not. I’m not gonna stop trying to be her next and last boyfriend.” Like responded as Y/n face lit up. Harry couldn’t help but feel jealous. Even though this was old. He felt that Luke was trying to get at his Y/n.
“Ohh so you have a little crush on Y/n?” The reporter ask.
“A little?” He laughed, “she’s so amazing and so good at her job. It’s just an absolute honor just to be next to her. She’s an fantastic person and friend and anyone who doesn’t realize that is dumb.” Luke said, not even looking at the reporter. He was looking directly at Y/n. Y/n leaned over and kissed his cheek. Harry quickly took the remote and changed the channel.
“Why’d you do that?” Kendall asked, sitting up looking at him. He shrrugged his shoulders.
“Harry what’s wrong?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You’re off. Lately you don’t seem too happy with me and I can see you’re getting jealous because another guy admitted he has feelings your ex girlfriend. That you left.”
“I was with her for 5 years. What do you want me to say?” He responded.
“Harry you left her to be able to be with me. You told me you’re not in love with her anymore, Do you even love me?”
“Y/n you know I love you.”
“Y/n?” She laughed, “did you just call me Y/n!” She said, getting up from the couch. Harry was shocked. He didn’t mean to to say Y/N’s name but he does love Y/n.
“Gosh Harry you guys broke up months ago you left her! You shouldn’t even be thinking about her.”
“I’m sorry Kendall.. I just don’t wanna be with you anymore. It was a mistake. ”
“A mistake?! A fucking mistake? You told me we can be together. You told me me all these things how you loved me and you still love her? Do you think she’s gonna take you back?! Do you think she’s gonna come through that door?” Kendall yelled at Harry. Followed by a knock on the door. Causing Kendall to look over at the door. Frustrated Kendall went to the door swinging it open. Revealing Y/n
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Kendall said, Y/n scrunched her face at her greeting.
“I just came to get the last of my stuff.” Y/n said, stepping inside while holding a huge box full of stuff. “I’m leaving.” Kendall announced as she walk she grabbed her keys and purse and walked out the house closing the door behind her.
“I hope everything’s okay.” Y/n said looking over at Harry. Harry sighed and stared at the beauty in front of him. He missed her so much.
“Yea.. everything fine. What’s in the box?” He asked, getting up as he took the box from Y/n. Placing on the table.
“Ya know stuff i made a mistake and took when you dumped me.” She smiled, Harry looked at her. “Must you make things awkward?” He asked.
“Ya know it’s one of my many talents.” She smiled as Harry opens the box. Y/n pulled out the few shirts in the box.
“These are all your favorite T-shirt that i took purposely when we broke up so you’d look for them you’d never be able to find them.” She pulled out the shirts and placed them down. “Here are all you’re old vintage one of a kind records.”
“I was looking for those! Y/n how could you?”
“Do you think i wanna gonna just go and let you be happy? While i sit around and cry over you. You needed some kind of pain.” She said, “wow Y/n. This really hurt my heart.” He said, Harry looked over at her.
“Y/n I’m really sorry for how i handled things.” He said,
“It’s okay Harry. You felt trapped and you didn’t love me anymore and if you want the honest answer. I’m not over you but I’m happy as long as you are.” She said, she reached up to kiss his cheek. She walked around the back room where they kept all storage of things. Grabbing her last couple boxes of stuff walking back to the door.
“I’ve made a mistake.” Harry said, y/n set the boxes down and walked over to Harry.
“Harry I’m pretty sure whatever you and Kendall got to arguing over she would get over I’m pretty sure she’d get over it.” Y/n said as she approached him.
“I’m not talking about that. It’s you. I shouldn’t have left you. When I felt lost.. i shouldn’t have shut you out. I miss you.” He said to Y/n, Y/n was confused . She was planning on coming here telling Harry they could be friends not for him to tell her she misses him.
“Harry I-.” She started but interrupted by a knock on the door. Harry looked over the door and walked over and opens it. Revealing Luke.
“Hey Y/n I just wanted to make sure everything is okay you’ve been in here for a while.” Luke said to Y/n not even bothering to greet Harry.
“Ohh yea me and Harry were just catching up. Harry you remember Luke. He brought me over to get my stuff today.” Y/n said with a half smile. Then she picked up the boxes. “Okay Harry I have to go. We can talk another time.”
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oh-for-fic-sake · 5 years
Billionaires Bae-by
Warnings: Adult content 18+, slight smut, swearing
A/n:Right I'm not 100% on timelines but I'm making it up to fit in around my characters lives ect. Hope you enjoy xx
The time has come for you to become public knowledge, luckily Bruce calls in a friend to help.
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Billionaires Bae-by
You woke up with a start to the screech of a high pitched ringtone confused and bleary eyed you looked around finding yourself on Bruce's side of the bed alone rolling over on the massive bed struggling, arms and legs flaying about doing your best impression of a swimmer to make your way to you phone on the side table as the soft mattress and thick covers swallowed you. Just as you reached your side of the bed then silence the phone had stopped. You'd missed the call. You hung your head sighing until you heard Bruce speaking. Looking over you saw him sitting on the small love seat looking far to handsome this early in the morning, smirking shaking his head at your antics answering his phone. You pouted you'd moved for nothing, and now you were in the cold side of the bed. You huffed slumping onto your back spreading out under the covers.
"...Today?...Yes that'd be great.....thanks Clark " he hung up shaking his head at you as you pouted at him sleepily.
"Not funny" you groaned snuggling into the comforter debating weather to get out of the bed or not. Bruce's bed was far too comfy if you had your way you'd never leave it, tho you dare not let him know that something tells you he wouldn't protest probably encourage it. You pulled the cover to your face breathing in a scent that was just him, it was a mix of the fresh smelling cologne he wore and a distinct musky scent of the man himself. He sat on the bed leaning over pulling you across the bed to him by your wrists you rolled half way on your front propping yourself on your elbows stretching up for a long kiss he grunted sucking your tongue into his mouth a little before pulling back.
"Good morning babe"
"Yes it is. Sweets" you giggled sitting up fully yawning and stretching he got off the bed taking the belt he had hung over the love seat and pulled it through the loops buckling it. You licked your lips unconsciously as he looked at you through the top of his eyes grinning. Then a thought hit you.
"Where did you go last night?" you asked he tilted his head at you. You'd noticed since staying at the manor that he didn't get much sleep. Maybe three to four hours a night. He normally slipped out of bed somewhere between nine and ten then didn't return until around five or six am, it was concerning, when you asked Alfred he had just given you a vague answer ,about work emergencies and stress then that Bruce had had trouble sleeping since his parents and that he was probably leaving the room so he wouldn't wake you as well. All valid reasons you supposed letting it go but you would like to hear it from Bruce himself. He looked up sighing looking a little guilty and seemed off.
"I'm sorry did I wake you?" he asked sitting back down on the bed slipping on his shoes you shimmied down onto the floor and padded around to him softly ruffling his hair moving to cup his face caressing the small scruff he had.
"No... I noticed you were gone when I used the bathroom.... is everything ok?" you said calmly, he tilted his head kissing your palms one by one then held them in his own.
"Yes .....I just have problems sleeping... at first it was nightmares of ...well you know.. then it just became a habit I cant seem to shake... sometimes its to do with work and stuff but I found that I don't need as much sleep anymore." he admitted you could see he was uncomfortable so decided not to pursue it you were satisfied for the moment he would tell you when he was good and ready. You grinned at him
"That's a relief I thought it was my snoring that had drove you away" he bellowed a laugh wrapping you up in a strong hug around your hips holding you tightly against him you winced as he pressed against the marks he had left yesterday.
"Baby loosen up a bit would you... hips" you said he immediately loosened his hold pressing his face into your chest giving a fleeting kiss to each nipple making you jump as they to were still tender and slightly swollen from the past few days of his insatiable ministrations. Smirking he brought his hands up rolling them on his palms making you squirm as he dug his face between your breasts licking over deep purple and blue marks he had sucked into your cleavage just as your breathing started to become harsher pants he retreated completly with a smirk as you leaned forward unconsciously then snapped out of what ever lusy haze he had placed on you chuckling with a hard squeeze pushing you away from him lightly patting your bottom.
"Come on you time to get dressed Clark will be here soon for the interview."
"What he's coming today?" Bruce nodded
"Someone took a photo of us the other day its been doing the rounds on the internet and tv but thankfully not a lot has been in the news or magazines yet, Clark's boss heard and has been all over him about it because he knows we know each other so Clark is coming over this morning to do it and get some photos."you gaped at him
"ok what do you mean by not a lot in the news?" he gave you a look
"Bruce? what have they said?" you asked getting a little panicked mind racing with all the possible rumors they could have started. Or worse what if somehow they'd saw you in his office you gasped freaking out as your mind instantly began thinking the worst. He nodded his head to the small side table by the window seeing a news paper Gotham gazette yesterdays copy with two photos of you and Bruce from the incident at the tower. One was from the side showing your profile more than your actual facial features with your hand on his chest trying to calm him down as he spoke to the guard it showed clearly that he was angry with the man, the other was much clearer a face on shot of you both, you tucked into his side as you made your way to the elevators. The headline read 'Billionaire Bae-by' you took a deep breath no one saw what you'd done in the office. Reading the first few lines of the article. They didn't have much info just that someone had gone to the tower and whilst being escorted out Bruce had come down scolded a security guard and secretary then disappeared with the woman, the rest was just contemplating your identity with words like model and personal assistant thrown in here and there. In a way you were flattered. You felt Bruce walk up behind you placing a hand on your back rubbing small circles.
"Are you ok Sweetsq? don't worry everything will be ok. I've already got Mary and security looking into who took those photos it will all be sorted I promise." you snapped out of your hectic thoughts and scoffed throwing the paper back down
"Bae-by really? they get paid to write for a living and that's the best they got? honestly I'm just happy there's not photos of us in the office" he huffed kissing the back of your head
"Well other tabloids have dubbed you the new queen of Gotham, maybe that's more you? personally I'd say princess well after yesterday at least" he wiggled his eyebrows at you when you faced him you almost didn't take the bait but looked soo pleased with himself you couldn't let him down.
"Oh year and why is that?" he swallowed at the look you gave him
"Well your my little pillow princess" he said as matter of fact grinning you gaped at him shifting on your feet.
"Excuse you!! them water jets were powerful I couldn't move you-you fuck!" you growled out stomping away from him making him laugh out loud apologizing as you made your way over to where your bag had been the previous night stopping short.
"Babe wheres my stuff?"
"In here" he said pulling out a drawer in the dresser beside him.
"And some is in the closet your makeup is in the vanity in the bathroom, I didn't like you living out of a bag so had Alfred move it this morning while you slept." you looked stumped at him slightly touched at the implications.
"You didn't have to do that." moving towards him looking in the drawer seeing a majority of the clothes that jack had brought over for you. You grabbed your long royal blue roll neck jumper and black crushed velvet leggings with your undies.
"You best get ready Clark should be here soon" Bruce commented kissing you then making his way to the door
"You never did tell me who he wrote for."
"Oh he writes for the Daily Planet any way I will see you down stairs in a bit" he left as you tried to wrap your head around what was about to happen.'Daily planet?' Now that was a big deal, it was a bit nerve wracking letting everyone see you , know your name and step into the spotlight but at the same time you trusted those around you, and most of all you trusted bruce he wont let you fall. Making your way to the bathroom having a quick shower not washing your hair as Jack didn't bring your hair dryer and you had no idea where Bruce's one was or if he even had one. Slipping out you quickly threw on your outfit before standing before the vanity your small makeup bag on the side.
'do I got full face or light?' you debated you didn't want to slap a ton on your face too much could go wrong yet there was going to be photos. You decided to play safe and do your normal daily make up of eyebrows and eyeliner reassuring yourself that Bruce loves the way you look with of without. You left the room making your way downstairs hearing Bruce and Alfred talking to someone turning the corner you saw a tall broad man with black hair Bruce's face lit up.
"And here she is now Clark this is Y/n my girlfriend, Y/n this is Clark the reporter I was telling you about." Clark turned to face you smiling a dazzling smile his bright blue eyes shone impossibly bright, he was very handsome in the clean cut boy next door way. You nodded smiling shaking Clark's hand.
"Its nice to meet you, Thank you for doing this .. I've got to admit that I'm nervous about all this so you'll have to bare with me." Clark shook his head watching as you and Bruce seemed to have a pull that tugged you towards one another.
"That's no problem Bruce is a friend we go way back, and you have no reason to be nervous I will send you a copy of my article before it prints and will only write what you ask me to, I understand that you have concerns over your younger brother?" you nodded already liking the man he seemed trustworthy.
"Yes I don't really want him to be included to much... for his sake" Alfred interrupted
"I've set up coffee in the front sitting room if you'd like to make your way through." Bruce nodded thanking him and made your way to the room to conduct the interview. Once you were all settled with your drinks Clark began.
"So your Y/n Cooke?" you nodded shyly sitting tight against Bruce
" If you don't mind me asking how old are you?" you cringed waiting for the judgmental scoff as you stated your age.
"25" he nodded not giving any judgmental indications over your age or bringing up the age gap he just wrote down on his note book.
"And how did you meet ?" you were grateful when Bruce answered making the decision of how much to let people know, he had more experience with these things.
"Damien has been having his best friend from school over for a few months who happens to be y/n's younger brother, he couldn't stop gushing over her so I known of her for nearly seven months before meeting her. We actually met at Damien's school just over 3 months ago there was an incident that has since been dealt with but it involved both Damien and Jack." he smiled down at you.
"She came into the waiting area fretting over both of the boys like a mother hen and I was instantly drawn to her, the way she ignored everything around her instead focused solely on making sure they were unharmed and finding out there side of things."
you blushed continuing.
"I was hounded by Damien for months about coming over to meet Bruce but always brushed him off. But I distinctly remember being mortified when met him, I hadn't realized he was there. I sat down and noticed Bruce had been watching me the whole time. Then he backed me up when trying to sort things out with the principle in the office .. I was shocked but very grateful to him." Clark nodded writing everything down as you both recounted your meeting.
"So you met at the school?for a meeting? that's unusual could you elaborate?" you looked to Bruce who grunted at Clark
"Don't push it, there was a few issues the school had..... overlooked shall we say. For some months, Y/n walked in and set them straight. It has now been sorted. I was impressed at how she dealt with it and invited her out to lunch and we have been together since" he explained you relaxed a bit when he skipped the whole avoidance thing. Clark took a sip of his coffee and turned to you.
"So if you don't mind me asking about your brother? your responsible for him"you shifted uncomfortably.
"I-I am err can we not include to much about Jack? please?" you looked from one to the other
"Its ok I wont include to much just weather your his legal guardian, honestly I probably wont include it to much.. its mainyl to give context to why it was you there and not your parents." Bruce froze seeing where this was going. It has only been recently that you'd informed him of how your parents had died and he knew discussing it would cause upset on both sides he gave a growl of warning.
"Clark don't-" you put a hand up stopping him
"I will tell you the circumstances because your a friend of Bruce's but I'd rather you leave the details out is that fair?" Bruce tried to protest but you waved him off.
"Bruce its fine" you said as Clark nodded looking at Bruce strangely he got the feeling that his reaction wasn't just for you, nevertheless he nodded agreeing to your terms.
"My parents went on a day out, having a romantic trip just the two of them whilst Jack was at school, they were visiting the place's that were special to them where they met, first kiss that sort of thing it was for their anniversary. My dad had booked dinner at the restaurant that they got engaged in as a treat ,mum didn't know that bit he wanted to surprise her....they never made it tho...they.... it was the day of the metropolis disaster needless to say they didn't survive. I was away at college at the time. I had just turned 20, I dropped out that day packed my bags and come back home to Gotham and became Jacks legal guardian and have been looking after him since." you took a deep sigh it was five years but it was still fresh in a sense, luckily you had Jack to focus on and you pulled through it all because of him. You had to be strong for him. You will never forget that day tho, you had phoned over and over desperate to here from them hoping that they hadn't gone, you missed all your classes packing , you just had a gut feeling that you had to go home. When you heard nothing you left and was home in less than a day Jack had stayed with a friend that night, it took Four agonizing days but finally they had been confirmed as some of the casualties you broke down. It was just a devastating case of in the wrong place at the wrong time. With everything that happened in those few days looking back on it was still hard. You looked up again and was startled at the look Clark had on his face. His blue eyes darkened it was like a shadow had fallen over him, he looked absolutely devastated, wracked with guilt for some reason.
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... if I'd have known I'd-" as he trailed off you looked a little confused then remeberd he was from metropolis he probably would have been there. You smiled softly at him.
"Hey its fine I'm ok Jacks ok, no ones to blame, we all have to go sometime It was there time. but they were together and that is a small comfort" Bruce watched quietly knowing how Clark had felt about the whole incident.
"You don't blame anyone? not even superman?" you tilted your head contemplating before leaning back against the loveseat you and Bruce occupied finally shaking your head.
"No. no I don't.. he didn't ask them to come here and fuck shit up.. not like he sent out an invite.. hell no one did I mean they threatened but nobody really believed that it would actually happen. Including my parents.. why should I blame him... he stopped them and in that respect I see him as someone who saved Jack I mean Gotham isn't that far and would have been gone next jack along with it." Clark gave a stiff nod then moved along quickly.
"So you took on Jack and helped him into the scholarship program at school." you nodded to him happy that he seems less gloomy tho you suspected it was a facade.
"Since the papers yesterday some people have reported seeing you out and about together at a restaurants? and cafes? and stuff " Bruce nodded
"We wasn't to keen on being public at first wanting to see how we go, the the more we saw of one another the more serious it became, so began venturing out more and more."
"And I assume that you've met the rest of Bruce's children?"
"Yes I have I was worried at first especially about meeting Dick and Jason, I thought they would disprove of me and Bruce's relationship because of our ages but I was proved wrong they are happy as long as their dad is happy and have both welcomed me with open arms." Clark jotted a few notes then came to the final question.
"and finally I have to ask about the incident at the tower, witnesses said there was an altercation?" you lowered your eyes and Bruce rubbed your leg reassuringly as you took a sip from your drink letting the cup warm your hands ans tucked your feet up onto the seat as Bruce slung an arm across your shoulders you snuggled under his arm as you leaned back on him before he began speaking.
"I was partly to blame for that"
you scoffed into your cup at him and he cocked his eyebrow at you Clark watched as the couple had a small stare down and was floored as Bruce gave in first.
"What you want to explain?"he asked
"No you go right ahead and see who he thinks was the cause of that cave man" you said gulping down another mouthful of coffee Bruce sighed
"it was my fault" you smiled giving an exaggerated nod. He rolled his eyes at you gripping your knee as you laughed.
"Once I got into the office I saw that I only had 2 meetings and would be finished before lunch so I invited Y/n out to lunch as she had an early finish and I made reservations. I had forgotten to have a pass ready for her at the lobby .When she arrived a member of my lobby staff failed to find her on the systems, they didn't believe that y/n was there to see me and was less than pleasant... honestly they had been extremely rude to her before calling security to have Y/n removed. Luckily I had called when this was happening and came down to sort out the confusion." Bruce explained Clark nodded.
"What happened to the staff member?"
"They are undergoing retraining for the position followed by a probation period but if all goes well they will remain at the company"
"And those are the photos we saw?" you nodded
"That one was when Bruce asked the guard who had put in the call to have me removed and the other was as we made our way to the elevators." Clark looked as you pointed out each one then smiled cheekily.
"The real question is did you make the reservations?" he asked slyly Bruce grunted at him his eyes getting darker glint. you ran a hand along his tense jaw.
"No the incident to longer to sort out as Bruce dealt with the staff involved" Clark finished writing then looked up.
"Well I think that's all, just some photos? then I will write it and send it to you for the ok before printing and hopefully be out tomorrow."
"tomorrow? that's fast" you comment
"yes well its better to get these stories done faster than normal that way we can avoid.... more fictitious articles being printed." he leaned down pulling a slim camera from his briefcase. directing you until you were sitting with your legs tucked up under your self leaning into Bruce under his arm he leaned over whispering curling his arm his hand dancing on your bicep pulling you until you felt him below his shirt smiling as Clark held up the camera ready to take some shots.
"Don't look so nervous" you pouted at him turning your head only for him to catch you by surprise with a sweet kiss you heard the snap of a camera Bruce pulled back and you giggled barely registering another camera snap before you both face towards Clark hearing one final snap.
It was later that day you and bruce were alone im the manor alfred had gone to pick up the boys, currently you were lounging around in the den watching some random film playing on tv when Bruce's tablet chimed signalling he had received an email from Clark the article was done.
"That was quick how'd he even get back to metropolis so fast?" He shrugged
"Well you'd be surprised how fast journalists can move.. especially this one" you let out a breath creeping up behind leaning over the back of the sofa peaking at the emailed attachments as he opend them, there was two attachments the first was a front page draft with a blown up photo of you're and Bruce's kiss with the headline 'Gothams New Power Couple' and a small a note 'Our exclusive first interview with the new couple' then the second page was one large page dominated by a photo of you and Bruce face on, you smiling Bruce smirking at you curled up against him and another smaller one of you giggling up at Bruce. You peaked over his shoulder staring at the tablet smileing.
"I like that photo, the big one on the second page" you stated he looked up at you before returning his gaze
"Yes its a keeper... I will get us some copies" he then motioned for you to sit. You did scurried around next to him waiting patiently.
"I'll read it to you. Ready?. " you nodded
"It is official Bruce Wayne is off the market ,he has finally been tamed! I was lucky enough to be invited to Wayne manor for an exclusive interview of Gothams next power couple and was pleasantly suprised. Mr Waynes new mystery partner is not what anyone would have expected. And I can reveal the woman as Miss Y/n Cooke A bright and polite young woman who is mature despite her young age due to her raising her younger brother for the past few years after her parents sudden passing. The couple could not seem to keep away from one another during our interview stealing glances at one another laughing and full of banter ,gravitated towards each other in a way I've rearly seen as they both recounted how they met then explained that they have been secretly dating for nearly four months. The couple met at Mr Waynes sons school where Miss Cooke's brother also attends. They were both invited to a parental meeting and sparks few instantly resulting in there first date, and they have been dateing ever since, being spotted out together in various locations across gotham the past few weeks in particular building up for a big reveal,most recently being photographed together in Wayne Enterprises in the city. Miss Cooke explaind that the photos arent all what they seemed,she went on informing me that she had been invited on to a lunch date with Mr Wayne only to be stopped by some members of staff and eventualy escorted out by security causeing Mr Wayne to intervene resulting in the photos that have previously been leaked on social media. After interviewing Mr Wayne on serveral occasions this is the first time I have seen him this passionate about anything, I saw during my interview a genuine romance that I believe is destined to be a happy ever after for the billionaire business mogul." You smiled a bit shocked at the way Clark had managed kept his word by skipping details yet still gave the media all the answers they wanted, he'd kept Jack out of it for the most part and also sidelined the issues with the school. All in all you thought it was a clever article. Bruce smiled at you.
"What do you think?" You asked apprehensively not really sure if it was good enough having not done this before. He nodded his head
"He is very clever,thats why i called him he has a way of not given any real indepth information but making it sound like he has. He has given enough to satisfy the media. He was a bit sappy at the end but its his way of saying he is happy for me. So you want to let him print it?" You thought for a second. It was a big step in the relationship. But then again he was doing this for you, so you wouldnt have to hide or be made to feel the way you was at the tower. This was so you could both have the freedom to be a couple anywhere. You grinned at that.
"Yeah I dont have any problems with it, I dont see how I could get to much backlash from it... do you?" He shook his head at you before quickly emailing Clark back that it was fine and asked for copies of all the photos ,he wouldnt admit it to you but his favourite was the photo of you giggling and it was going in his office at work... and a copy was going to make its way in the batcave somewhere. He snapped the case closed on his tablet and threw it on the other side of him pulling you to sit on his lap.
"So tomorrow is the big day then... I cant wait until everyone knows your mine." He growled out kissing your shoulder watching the tv you grinned sarcastically.
"Isnt that supposed to be my line?" You leaned back with a calculating look you tilted your head to kiss under his jaw before biting down then lowered your head biting and kissing at his neck, he continued to ignore you watching tv so you upped the anti he furrowed his brow lightly slowly realising what you was upto when he felt you tightened your ass muscles hissing when you sucked harshly rocking on his lap clenching and unclenghing on him whimpering gripping his muscular forearms you felt him twitch below you an insistent prod on your bottom as you gyrated on him. He looked down lust written across his face.
"Are you really ready for me?" He grumbled you looked at him innocently slowly moving his hands from your inner thighs to your hips. you smiled up at him innocently licking your bottom lip befor biting it.
"the question is Mr Wayne are you ready for me?" he groaned wide eyed as you pushed down harshly feeling managing to wedge him between your cheeks lightly and continueds moving he cried out balls aching as he strained against you quickly found himself fully erect rubbing up against you, spinning you straddled his lap squeezing his waist with your thighs pulling one of his hands to your mouth nipping at his pointer and middle fingers lathering them with kitten licks before sucking on them sharply scraping your teeth lightly over them as you pulled back before you pushed forward keeping eye contact , his eyes traced over your face watching with baited breath as you took them deep into your mouth managing not to gag as they past the back of your mouth then pulled them free leaving a small peck on the tips of his fingers. he gulped feeling lost as you pulled back vey pleased with youself he tilted his head at you clearing his throat.
"wh-what are you doing sweets?" you stood leaning down pulling him by the collar forward leaning in as if to kiss him changing direction at the last secodn to whisper in his ear.
"Me? Nothing, apparently I'm a pillow princess" you said before dodging his reaching hands just skimming you as you ran out of the room laughing all the way. He gave chase making you as you grabbed the stair rail turning tight flinging yourself up them as he followed closely hearing him curse as he his hand thumped the post hard when he copied you. Squealing you tucked your bottom underneath you as you heard him catching up fast as you both climbed the stairs he captured you halfway up the stairs pushing you into the wall kissing you. Making you shiver at his quick tongue licking into your mouth moaning at the taste of his tongue. he pushed you tightly against the wall by your shoulders towering over you growling bringing his hips to yours holding you still intimately.
"You think its wise to tease me baby? you think you wont pay for that?" his words hung in the air as he dived back in kissing you. You broke away with a laugh
"well I don't think I will pay tonight at that's for sure" the front door opened and closed followed by a loud chorus of protests coming from below the four boys were home and looked disgusted.
"You have all day to fuck and you choose to have sex on the main stairs when we come home what is wrong with you?" Tim started
"To be fair she was never like this before.... your dad has corrupted her." Jack countered more exasperated then shocked by this point . Jason piped up next arms behind his head slowly making his way to the den.
"Cant argue, good sex has been known to lead women astray." Damien grunted
"Its disgusting are you trying to soil every room in the house?" He was unimpressed apparently. You turned to Bruce smirking deciding to 'poke the bear' as it were
"Not trying Damien we are succeeding first the manor then the cars right Bruce" he barked out a laugh at the faces his two youngest pulled as they boys began to bitch making you both laugh at them. Alfred entered the room from the kitchen obviously hearing some of the conversation he smiled slyly.
"Which reminds me Master Wayne I've drained the Jacuzzi and will be refilling tomorrow there wasn't enough chlorine for the job and it will be arriving tomorrow morning" you heard footsteps running out of the den.
"YOU FUCKED IN THE JACUZZI!!" Jason screamed sliding to a stop beside his brothers who were frozen wide eyed
"WHEN? I USED THAT LAST NIGHT" you looked sheepish then shrugged
"Sorry Jason.... but if its any constellation it was in the morning so hopefully the filter system had gathered any .....err excess she we say?" he paled then ran past you climbing the stairs.
"like you said good sex can lead women astray" Bruce said kissing your head making you giggle at him blushing.
"Your sick sick people! I need a shower, unless you fucked there to?" Bruce raised an eyebrow at you before teasing the teen some more enjoying this far to much
"Well yours is fine we haven't got to that part of the house yet." Jason pointed threateningly at you both speechless
"I......You ......IT'S ........NO!" then padded off down the hall. You pushed Bruce back making your way down to bottom of the stairs slinging your arms across their shoulders making your way to the den each taking a seat you sat beside Jack
"Soo we had an interview today and tomorrow there will be an article in the daily planet about how we met and such... you have been mentioned but not your name ok? and it dose mention our situation" Bruce entered afterwards taking a seat handing Jack his tablet with the email open.
"Here read it for yourself.... If anything happens or is said you-" he cast you a hesitant glance before continuing.
"You can come to me I'll have it all sorted out ok? the papers might try to approach you for comments and such but it'd be better if you didn't they will try to find a way to twist anything you say.... we're family now and I will look after you both" Jack looked from the email to you then Bruce shocked. He and Bruce have banter much like Bruce and his sons but he had felt like he was baggage to a certain extent. jack was touched by Bruce's words he let a small smile slip before covering it quickly. Giving him an accusing look.
"Family? you better not have proposed ,you need my approval for that first sunshine."
"Jack! you little shit he was being genuine" you cried diving at him knocking you both the the floor as Tim quickly snatched the tablet as you began wrestling around on the rug.
"Say sorry!"
"Fuck no!!"
you continued as the others laughed at your antics.
"No no....y/n...... the chin not the neck... yes there the soft bit..... that's it!"
"OOWW! WHAT THE FUCK? WHY DOES THAT HURT SO MUCH" Jack cried as you followed Damien's suggestion.
"Damien! stop encouraging her!" Bruce ordered. .
"I'm not even going to ask" said an unamused Jason as he swept into the room stepping over you and Jack who were still rolling around locked in a grand battle hair damp from the shower he'd just had. This new family was a bit mad but it was yours and you wouldn't change a thing.
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notyobabygirl · 4 years
hey liz!! last night i randomly fell asleep at 11pm which is rly early for me lol. and i woke up around 4am and checked my phone and saw my bf had snapped me a couple times. so i responded and was like “sorry i fell asleep. love you” and i checked his location on snap and it said he was active on it like 10mins before i snapped him. and i knew he was playing video games when i passed out so i figured he had just stayed up playing his game because he usually goes to bed at like 2am at the very latest. and then i couldn’t fall back asleep so i stayed on my phone and i checked his location again 20mins later and it said he was active 3mins ago. so i was like wtf? then i waited another 10mins and checked and it said he was active 1min ago. so his snap score had updated like 3-4 times after me snapping him. like he would go on the app and then go off for a few mins and get back on, but he hadn’t snapped me or even opened my chat. so i took a ss every time it updated so i could show him and ask about it. and i messaged him again on snap saying “ok wtf? why are you ignoring me?” and sent him the screenshots. and he didn’t open it so i checked his location AGAIN a few mins later and it said he was active like 4mins after i sent him that. so i called him because i was like wtf? and it took a few rings and he picked and just said “hello” but he didn’t sound like he was sleeping. like i know his sleeping voice and it didn’t sound like that. so i just hung up without saying anything because i was annoyed. and he texted me and was like “why’d you call me and hang up?” and i said “check snap”. and he after he saw my messages he said “i wasn’t ignoring you. i was asleep and haven’t been on snap” and i said “do you think i’m stupid? it wouldn’t update like that if you weren’t going on and off the app” and he said “idk maybe i fell asleep with my phone with snap open still” and i was like “umm no stupid. it would just said “now” on your location. it wouldn’t keep updating like it was” and i was just pressing him about it and he got sooo mad at me and freaked out because i was saying he was lying. and he called me and was YELLING about how he didn’t lie and he hates that i never believe him and how dumb it was to wake him up and start a fight over something so silly. and he woke his mom up and she got sooo mad. and i feel really bad because since his location kept updating i assumed he was awake and i didn’t know me continuing to say he was lying would make him flip out like that. so i explained that to him and he sent me this long message basically saying “baby i’m serious i wasn’t on snap, wasn’t talking to anyone else, i was fr asleep. i have work in the morning and i wouldn’t be stupid enough to leave my location on if i was ignoring you and snapping other people” and he sent me a ss of his recents list and a screen recording going thru his snaps from that day. so now i feel really bad because 1. his mom got woken up by him freaking out because i didn’t trust him and now i feel like she doesn’t like me 2. i pressed him sm that it caused a big fight. like i’m still suspicious because i don’t think snap would update like that for no reason. ik what it looks like when someone stays on snap for a long time and it constantly updates. not every 3-10mins like his was. we haven’t talked much since that and he’s at work rn still so ya. do you think i should still question it or believe him? and if i see him today it’s gonna be soo awk with his mom because we’ll be at his house. sorry that was insanely long btw!! i tried to narrow it as much as i could to make sense haha
I would have reacted the same way and that has actually happened to me with my ex boyfriend. I would be like what the fuck and ask him why he is ignoring me and accuse you, because its like you had proof it was right in front of your face. so you have a reason to think that. maybe just be like sorry I did that but you have to understand where I am coming from. maybe he didnt actually wake up his mom he just said that because he wanted to scare you. either way im sure it is fine and she already forgot about it! 
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antpernas · 4 years
Today was a good day!!
So I had ended up going to bed super late yesterday since I didn’t want to get out of bed to wash my face and brush my teeth until like 6 AM (I was texting a really sweet guy as well so that didn’t help JAJA) but when that time came around and I actually did that stuff, I finally knocked out.
I woke up around 12:30 (my narcolepsy is DEAD thank god) and had some yogurt and tea for breakfast. I helped our cleaning lady out with some questions (her family is going to Disney and she wanted me to help her buy tickets, I showed her how to find discounts and stuff while we were at it jeje) and chatted with her about my trip and other random stuff.
Pretty much right after she left, my dad came home and told me a friend of his and that person’s son were coming over to our house to play volleyball! The volleyballs we had were kinda old and crusty, so I went to Publix to see if they happened to sell any in their little beach section. They didn’t, so I went to Walgreens across the street; they ALSO didn’t, but this one pissed me off a little more because they DID have basketballs and soccer balls so that was ANNOYING. Knowing this, now I had to drive out of the woods and into the city to go to a Dick’s to get some new balls. Fortunately, though, I’d been meaning to go here to ask about getting a kayak and also restringing my tennis racket since one of the strings popped out, so it was all good!
So I get there, I wasn’t sure how many balls I was getting nor if I was going to get an inflatable kayak or come back at a later date with the intention of getting a hardshell, so I grabbed a shopping cart... I regretted this because I had to go up the escalator with the shopping cart and I felt kind of stupid JAJA! Nobody saw me, or paid me any mind at least, so it was all good. I talked with a kayak dude and he gave me pointers and tips and stuff, and I ended up deciding on a hardshell! I’ll have to go back at a later date to actually pick a specific one, though. After that, I wandered through for a little bit, I was considering getting a new racket but they’re expensive, so it’s probably better to just restring the one that’s broken. I grabbed some handle wraps, two Mikasa volleyballs, and headed out.
After that, I drove home, thankfully I got there at just about the same time our visitors came over! We played for about 3 hours or so, and me and my dad absolutely wiped the flooooooooorrrrr with those two. Volleyball is SOO fun and I really miss it!! It was also interesting to see how the other dad interacted with his son; the son is about 15, and he seemed super shy/reclusive, and to be honest, even uncomfortable! It reminded me of myself. I’m hoping he grows to have a better relationship with his father, or at the very least becomes more confident/comfortable with himself.
So, after that, my mom got home and I went to shower. When I got out, we watched TV while my dad was cooking some steak for dinner. I was snacking on some cheese and chorizos while I was waiting. (Also, sidebar, I’d had this really weird stomach twitching and stomach ache thing going on all day, I think it’s because I didn’t eat while driving down and had a light breakfast. I’m hoping it goes away by tomorrow.)
Once I ate and finally ripped myself away from the television, I went to my room to practice piano. It’s SOOO annoying that even a few days without playing makes me feel like I’ve lost all my practice. But, it’s ok! I played through some warmups, improvised a cute little version of “Le Festin” for the cutie I’m now crushing on, and then called it a night. I finally went and washed my face and brushed my teeth, and now I’m writing this and settling into bed for the night! Hopefully I’ll wake up early, since I’m not going to sleep TOOO late tonight, but usually I go to bed by midnight, so I need to go back to being disciplined with myself. I have a bunch of chores to do tomorrow, too, so it’d be nice to get up early enough to get them all done in the same day. 
OK That’s it for today be safe good night!
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13rwbabes · 5 years
Montgomery x Reader (Part 20/?)
Here is part 20, I was very excited about that one, I hope you like it as well even though it’s not 100% how I was imagining it in my head (I think it’s always that hard, when you have high expectations about something you’re doing, you’re never really satisfied).
Anyway, when I was putting myself in mood for writing this part I was listening to Dress by Taylor Swift because the lyrics fit soo much - here (I even stole one).
My mum was definitely was more excited than me about this whole prom thing. She woke me up at 9 and assured me that breakfast and dinner (that I absolutely have to eat before I leave) will not make me look bloated (not that I cared).
Montgomery didn’t answer my text last night. Not that I expected him to do so. Besides, what can you reply to No problem.
Jessica called me before I even had chance to finish my breakfast in peace.
“Hello?”, I answered.
“I’m just calling to make sure you didn’t change your mind and are still coming to a prom”, she said.
“Yea, I’m coming”, I sighed.
My mum gave me warning look. My dress was gorgeous, but was also very expensive and my mum agreed to pay only if I sweared I’ll go to the prom.
“Just Jess… Don’t have any expectations about tonight, okay? I don’t have. I’m in peace and I decided I’m going there to have fun with my friends”
“Jess”, I said through my clenched teeth.
“Okay, I promise”, I could almost hear her rolling her eyes. “I will not say a word about Montgomery. I swear. Montgomery? I don’t know him”.
I laughed a little. 
“Bye, see you later”.
The day passed faster than usually. I barely blinked and was standing in front of tallest mirror in the house where mum, dad and I could look at me at the same time. I was wearing short, loose golden dress with spaghetti straps. I curled my hair in loose waves and had goldish-brown smoky eye. I also started counting hours until I will be able to take off the heels.
“Oh, sweetie…”, my mum whispered. “You look amazing”.
“Mum, I swear, if you’re gonna cry”, I roll my eyes. “It’s not even homecoming, it’s just winter prom.”
“I know, I know…”, she sighed. “Ugh, you’ll have your own child, you’ll understand.”
“Y/N”, my dad spoke, “you look beautiful”, he said with a smile.
“Thank you”, I smiled.
We heard honking on our driveway.
“It’s Jeff, I have to go”, I put on my leather jacket and went down the stairs.
“Have fun!”, Mum and dad said standing at the front door when I was walking to Jeff’s car.
He was waiting inside with, his girlfriend Leah. I felt like a massive third wheel and assured him I can drive on my own or ask mum or dad, but he was so stubborn about it.
“Hi, guys”, I said as I sat on backseat.
“Hey, you look great”, Jeff said.
“Watch your language, Atkins, your girlfriend is listening”, I joked.
“That dress is bomb”, Leah said.
“Thank you”, I smiled at her. “I love your braid”.
We got to school, but I decided I won’t be third wheeling with them walking to the dance, so instead I went to my locker to put my jacket in there.
I took deep breath and walked in to the dance. I was looking around trying to find someone familiar until I finally spotted Jess, waving at me like a crazy person.
“Oh my God, you look amazing”, she hugged me.
“Thanks”, I smiled.
“I know I promised not to say a word but… Turn around. But don’t make it obvious.”
“Okay, so umm, where’s Justin?”, I said while looking around.
I spotted Monty. He was standing with jocks, staring at me. Suddenly he realised I was looking at him and looked in different direction.
“Listen, the first moment he saw you, I swear, his knees got weak”, Jess said. I didn’t answer anything, just smiled at her.
“Wow, Y/N, I wouldn’t recognize you”, Justin came up with drinks.
“Is there something extra in it?”, I asked taking cup from him.
“Duh”, he chuckled.
***Monty’s POV***
I came to this stupid prom way too early. I was standing on the side with guys, they were commenting appearance of every girl that walked in. But I didn’t care. The only person I cared about was Y/N. I swore to myself that if see her today and I get that gut feeling again I will talk to her. I will tell her fucking everything even if once again it’ll end up with her telling me that I destroy everything and it won’t change. Jeff and his girlfriend came. But Y/N wasn’t with them. It didn’t make sense, he was picking her up on his way here for sure, why didn’t she came in with them? Did she ditch prom? No, impossible, Jessica was giving her so much crap about it, she would come here or Jess would never leave her alone.
“Wow, look at her, man, she won”, I heard one of the boys.
I looked in the same direction they were looking and there she was. She was looking liks a goddess. She always looked great in general, but that dress was doing her huge favour. She had a bit of some sparkly shit on top of her cheeks that made her look angelic. Llittle part of me that was bastard who had no right to be jealous, wanted to get her out of here only so other boys wouldn’t look at her. Y/N quickly walked to Jess, they hugged. Jessica said something, Y/N mumbled something back while looking down and putting hair behind her ear, so more than probably Jess complimented her and she couldn’t take it, as always. Y/N looked around, mentioning something about Justin (what I read from movements of her lips because now I apparently turned into psycho) and then her eyes met me. Jesus, she looked so beautiful it almost hurt. I should’ve walked up to her, take her away from Jessica and tell her whole fucking truth. Instead, she smiled a little at me and I quickly looked away with huge tangle in my stomach. Well played, Monty…
*** Y/N’s POV***
I drank whole drink at once, because apparently I was more nervous than I thought. I didn’t know I was nervous at all.
“I’m going for a refill”, I said.
“It’s in red bowl.”
“Just take it slow, Y/N”, Jess said.
“She’ll be fine”, I heard Justin talking to her as I was walking away.
I was pouring myself a drink when someone stood next to me.
“Hey, Y/N”.
I looked up.
“Oh, hey Scott”, Scott was one of the baseball jocks, we were familiar with each other but never really talked.
“Nice dress”, he said.
“Thanks”, I smiled nervously. Okay this was weird. We almost never talked to each other and suddenly he comes up to me, starts conversation and complements my dress.
“Umm… Would you like to dance?”
“Oh, well, no one is dancing, you know?”, I pointed at the back, where literally everyone was standing I small groups and just talking.
“Yeah, I don’t mean like now, but later?”
“Oh, okay, but why did you ask now and not later?”, I asked.
“I probably wasn’t suppose to tell, but I made a bet with Troy who will dance with you first, so… you know…”, as he was talking he started to realize it sounds bit silly.
“Okay”, I laughed a little.
Suddenly Monty walked up.
“Yo, Scotty, Bryce was looking for you. He and guys went behind the bleachers”, he said .
“Oh, cool, I’m going”, Scott nodded. “Y/N, we have a deal”, he pointed at me and walked away.
“You’re not going?”, I asked because Mintgomery still stood next to me but didn’t say a word.
“No, I don’t feel like smoking today.”
I nodded and looked around nervously.
“So, um, what’s the deal with Scott?”, he asked, looking around, trying to sound relaxed but I could see vein on his neck pulsing.
He was stressed. He was talking to me. About another guy. And was stressed about that. I bit my lips trying not to smile.
“He made a bet with Troy who will dance with me first”, I shrugged. “I don’t know why did they come up with that…”
“Yoo look beautiful”, he said suddenly.
“Thank you”, I smiled and I could feel I started blushed. “Well”, I cleared my throat, “you look good too. That suit? Nice one, de la Cruz.”
“Thanks”, he was looking down at his feet.
“Come oonnn! Y/N!!”, Jess came up, put my cup on the table and took my hand. “Come on, its our song, let’s daaanceeee”
I gave Monty apologising smile as she was pulling me away.
“What the hell, Jess?”
“We can’t give you to him on a golden plate”, she said.
“We? And besides what are you talking about?”, I shook my head. “He came up to me, he started talking to me, because he wanted to do so, what more do you want?”
“He walked up to you to make Scott go away”, she rolled her eyes. “He needs to try harder. Now, dance, he’s watching”
I sighed.
“Whatever”, I mumbled.
Me, Jess and Sheri dance a few songs, then Scott came up.
“Hey, do you remember?”, he asked.
“Yeah, sure”, I nodded.
We danced two songs together, then I remembered I left my phone in my jacket.
“It was really nice, thank you for not trying to put hands on my ass”, I said.
He laughed.
“Can I ask you something?”
I nodded.
“When I told you I made a bet with Troy, you could easily told me and him to go to hell but you agreed?”
“Well… First of all, because I’m quite naive I believed that dance means dance and not trying to having your hands all over my body, which was correct. Second of all, I still decided to dance with you, even though you kind of broke the rules of bet, because you didn’t make any comments when that stupid list came out. Unlike Troy.”
“Cool, thanks”, he smiled and nodded.
I went to my locker. Hall was a little bit scary, because it was dark outside, half of the lights were off and I was alone there. At least that’s what I thought.
“Well, well, well, look who’s here”, I heard Bryce when I was opening my locker.
I rolled my eyes before I turned to him.
“Hey”, I tried to sound neutral.
“Damn, Y/N, you look so hot”, he said standing way too close to me.
“Can you take a step back? I don’t know what the hell did you smoke but it stinks.”
“We were trying some new stuff”, he said but didn’t move. “I like you, you know? Good looks, sharp tongue, that’s good mix”, he said moving even closer.
“I wish I could tell the same about you. Now seriously take a step back, Bryce”
“Oh come”, he put my hair behind my ear. “Don’t be so tense.”
Okay, Bryce was annoying 99% of the time, but this time he was making me feel seriously uncomfortable and I needed to came up with something that would make me leave him alone. Risk was high, because I knew Monty told everything about us to Justin and Zach, but I wasn’t sure if he was talking to Bryce. 
“I would say one word about this to Montgomery and he would fucking kill you”, I said.
“You mean my best friend Montgomery?”, he chuckled. “
"Well, if he’s your best friend then you know I’m right”, I said giving him a daring look.
“Come on, we’re just messing around”, he laughed but took a step back.
“Well, find someone else to mess around”, I said as I shut my locker and quickly walked away.
I got my to the dance, Jeff walked up.
“Hey, you’re good?”, he asked concerned.
“Yeah, Bryce was just talking his shit. Nevermind.”
“Okay”, he nodded his head. “Do you know what haven’t happen yet today? We haven’t dance together”, he took my hand and pull me in the middle of the crowd.
“Come on, Atkins, where’s you girlfriend? Dance with her?”, I moaned.
“She’s in toilet. Stop talking. Dance”, he ordered.
And I did. Dancing with Jeff was pretty much like contest of weird dance moves and making silly faces and I loved it. We had the best time and we didn’t care if other people are watching. We hugged at the end and we heard voice saying, “May I?”
I turned and saw Montgomery.
“She’s yours”, Jeff smiled and walked away.
“Hi”, I said quietly. He smiled at me.
“And we sloooow dooown a little bit”, Tony, today also known as DJ, said and played slow song. As if it couldn’t get any more awkward.
Montgomery put his hands on my waist, I hold my breath for a second because of the feeling of his hands on my body. God, I missed it. I put my hands around his neck. We started dancing slowly.
“So…”, we both started talking at the same time.“
"You go first”, he said.
“Are you feeling better about yesterday?”, I asked. I needed to break the awkward silence and this was all that came up to my mind.
“Yeah, yeah, I am. You are right, it’s just one game”, he shrugged.
“Good”, I nodded.
“Listen… Remember on New year’s Eve when I told you you were the best friend I have ever had?”
“Yes”, I said.
I could swear my hands started sweating.
“Let’s go back to this. I liked having you around. I liked having a friend in you…”
No. I didn’t wanted to go down that road again. I didn’t want to have a friend in him. I mean, I wanted. But I wanted something more.
“I don’t want you like a best friend”, I interrupted him. “I was so stupid and I should do it long time ago… Instead of ending this thing between us and making this whole mess.”
He was looking at me confused.
“I don’t want you like a best friend. I want more…”, I was looking him deep in the eyes. “And I wanted more for so long, but I was coward and pushed you away over and over again”, I was talking when suddenly he put one of his hands in my hair, the other one that was still in my waist pulled me closer and he kissed me.
At first in shock, but I felt like some tension, I wasn’t even aware of, left my body, maybe I even sighed with relief. If we were in a movie that moment, camera would spin around the two of us.
This kiss was different than any kisses before when we were making out. It was soft, delicate and gentle almost as if Monty was careful.
“God, you’re silly”, he whispered after kiss and rested his forehead on mine.
“Huh?”, I mumbled with my eyes still closed.
“How could you not notice that I’m all about you? I’m crazy about you. I’m not great in those big words but… I feel vulnerable when I’m with you. You’re my safe place, Y/N”, he said looking me deep in the eyes.
“I… I…”, I stuttered. But I couldn’t find right words. Instead I tightened my hands hugging him and hid my face in crook of his neck.
“Do you want to get out from here?”, he said into my ear. I nodded.
Monty took my hand and led me through crowd towards the exit. Just before we left I spotted Jess and Sheri smiling at us. We took my jacket from locker, left the school and walked straight, holding hands for the whole time. We were walking in silence, but this silence was different. It felt good.
Tag list: @potatosheepchild, @cigarettesandtattoos, @lord-taika, @starscantshinewithoutdarknesx, @parkershoco 
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