#i wonder whether she thinks this is still the same (it isnt)
sirenofthegreenbanks · 8 months
mongwoo playing baduk against the qing ambassador is . very symbolic. THEYRE GONNA TEAM UP IM CALLING IT. (she and the king.) they compliment each other incredibly well, were one has a weakness the other is strong. mongwoo is frankly shit at schemes when real people are involved, and the king is too laden by real-people events and a certain kind of viewpoint when playing baduk. he cant entirely free himself from the strategist he needs to be as the king of a court of vipers, making him worse at baduk than mongwoo. meanwhile mongwoo has the mental flexibility and freedom to see things from unsuspecting angles; she seems to have ingraved the baduk rules in her heart and is now applying them expertly. but a baduk board is different from a real country with real people; her stakes when playing were never big enough to carry that burden. but should they team up they could compliment each other‘s strengths and weaknesses and they could take advantage of mongwoo‘s unique position as a woman crossdressing as the king‘s favourite official. she can go to places the king cant. she has access to the common people, his countrypeople, in a way he hasnt and never will. if they apply their combined smarts, cunning, and good heartedness to handle the precarious situation with the qing things would start to take a turn
#my thoughts#ep9#captivating the king#even though mongwoo is technically playing for her own freedom#it FEELS like more#so far she doesnt seem like shes spent much thought on any of these things#what happens after she has assassinated the king?#who will take over? who is going to suffer for it? how is that going to affect the fragile peace with the qing?#no thoughts head empty just personal revenge#shes a far cry from the woman who sold her baduk skills to free prisoners of war#who risked her own life for the things she believed in#i wonder whether she thinks this is still the same (it isnt)#shes so unhinged im honestly baffled#is she simply overestimating herself?#where does she take that confidence from?#is she aware this is not righteousness?#is the only one who is fooled by her lies she herself?#why would she choose to overthrow the government before talking to the king?#maybe to her this is not a political assassination or staging a coup#maybe its the murder of someone she once thought of as a friend#and who hurt and betrayed her#maybe she is not viewing the king as the king in this . maybe hes simply the person who disappointed her#and who happens to be the guy at the top of the social and political hierarchy#maybe everything else (power vacuum. infighting. political destabilization) is just collateral damage to her#maybe she thinks theyre gonna clean up her mess and everythings gonna go well#(is she stupid?)#maybe she has too much faith in her own judgement because she confuses this to be a game of baduk#reading & watching
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sukunasweetheart · 6 months
I have a idea‼️mutual pining and miscommunications with sukuna: Reader having huge crush on sukuna but she thinks he has a thing with uraume so she kind of gives up but it turns out sukuna likes her too
Reader is close childhood friends with yuji so she usually hears about sukuna and uraume going places from yuji. Imagine reader asking yuji if sukunas going to prom and yuji tells her that he's probably going with uraume!!! So readers gets all sad and gives up, so she spends the rest of the year focusing on herself
Timeskip a year later they're all in college and they get paired together on a assignment. And reader ends up telling him that she had a big crush on him in highschool but since he was dating uraume she gave up. And sukunas just sitting there like "wtf are you talking about😧🤨⁉️"(he still has a fat crush on her so he's shocked) and he doesn't let her leave until she understands that he liked HER the whole time. So they both just sit there mad asf that they could have started dating a long time ago. (and sukuna mad at yuji for making reader think he was dating anyone)
This ending is almost as bad as the last one sorry🙏
OMG!!! i adore this tension so much..... the awkward, teenage love that never gets resolved bc of uncertainty from both parties.... and you focusing on yourself probably got him misunderstanding that you had no interest in him, and he'd probably been wondering why you felt so distant all of a sudden, but had no courage to ask why...
and how neither you or sukuna would've been so open about your crushes on each other so nobody else would've known :( and you would've easily missed sukuna's cues that he liked you bc youre too preoccupied with ur own feelings to notice </3 the same for him as well
misunderstanding that he was with uraume, you probably would've shut down anytime he tried to approach you, which discouraged him more- and you know sukuna's not the type to pathetically cling to someone who clearly "doesn't like him", so he leaves you be, lingering around bc though you dont seem to like him back, he can't get rid of his own feelings still, and wants to at least see you from afar
neither of you know whether to be happy or not about being partnered up for a uni assignment... and then you impulsively, and jokingly talk about how you used to have a crush on him bc you want to try and let go of the past now, only for him to turn to you with wide eyes and say that he felt the same since highschool??
"i don't have that kind of relationship with uraume--"
"but- but- yuuji said-"
"FUCK what that brat told you! i liked- i like you! this must be a joke..."
such a conversation probably draws the attention of a few classmates. curious eyes land on the scene and you feel embarrassed, happy and confused all at the same time.
"the fuck are you guys looking at? piss off."
the professor notices the small commotion and tells all of you to quieten down.
class then continues and while you're facing the front, sukuna puts his hand over yours and whispers "we're talking again after class."
then after things are settled, sukuna probably dashes over to yuuji to throttle him or something, due to being the main cause of the misunderstanding (poor yuuji)
he probably gets uraume to convince you that their relationship isnt what you think it is at all, which still feels a little jarring for you, especially after you've been believing it for a while now...
but, it's college, and you're all still pretty young! it's late but not too late. you start dating sukuna immediately, and as if to make up for lost time, the relationship develops with ease. happy end!
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suugarbabe · 11 months
You are SO amazing love, never let anyone tell you any different. I WILL fight them 😤
Tysm for considering wolfstar!daughter, i think youd enjoy the current fics that are currently out for it. Most of them are x fred or george and it just reminds me of you everytime.
Sorry, this is probs going to be long 😬
For the prompt though, i imagine they came about reader when remus found her on a full moon as a toddler werewolf, abandond in the forest (last yr hogwarts or graduated doesnt matter, whatever you decide) and when Sirius finally finds Remus the next morning he's shocked, confused, and then melts. Big, tall, broard Remus has this small bundle of cuteness wrapped in his sweater trying to cuddle into him.
Whether youd like to continue on from there or do reader growing up or a time skip is up to you. Same as if James dies or not, whatever your brilliant mind decides 🧡 but if it helps this is how i see the family dynamic:
I think Sirius would be the overprotective kind of dad, never failing with that wonderful sense of dramatics!
While Remus is the calm voice of reason that talks himself down when he feels like he might be going a little overboard.
Of course we're Uncle Reggies little star, he will be mean to another child if they hurt you. He and James are constantly arguing over who's the better uncle.
James is the uncle that gives you alcohol illegally and doesnt adhere to a curfew.
So skip to hogwarts in some of the last years (im a ravenclaw so i always imagine reader as a ravenclaw but anyhouse would be fun to explore) and reader makes it official with Theo or Enzo. Harry's a tattle tale and tells his dad who then brags to Reggie, who the apparats him self the Sirius' to demand answers because "who was this vile thing that dared touch his star?? Boyfriend?!?! Fucking over his dead body!!" Fully expecting Sirius to agree with him. But he doesnt, he just sighs because at least they made it til 6th/7th yr before boys started, he'll give the poor boy a chance first. And then Remus bursts in and has a full meltdown. Thats his little wolf; his baby. She can have a boyfriend. A BOYFRIEND!?! He might puke. No this isnt allowed. Boys are gross. And nasty. And theyre going to hurt her. But not before he hurts them!! He's going to put the fear of godric into this boy! RIGHT NOW!! Wheres his wand? He needs to go to Hogwarts.
Its so unexpected that both Black brothers are frozen. Until Remus starts searching for his wand and Sirius has to calm him down while Regulus goads him on. And through all of it, reader and Enzo/Theo were standing at the door to 'meet the parents'.
And then however you want it to go from there love! So sorry that was soo long and rambely. Of couese no pressure to write it and take whatever creative liberties youd like!!
Thank you love x
The group had made an agreement that the girls would all get a flat together, as would the boys. So naturally Sirius, James and Remus planned and found one for themselves that was 'absolutely perfect' as Sirius put it since it back right up to a large patch of woods; 'Perfect for you, Moony'.
In the moment Remus had rolled his eyes, but truly he was thankful. By the last full moon of school, Remus had managed to transform back to himself without completely passing out. After the fourth full moon in the flat, Remus was able to still decently function after his transformations.
What neither Sirius nor James expected happened and they didn't know how to react initially. Sirius and James had lost sight of Remus toward the end of the night, now both transformed back to themselves looking for him.
When Sirius found him, he didn't expect the scene he walked upon. Remus shoulders were hunched over, and at first Sirius thought he was crying. But the closer he got, he realized it was not Remus making those noises, but...a child?
"Moony...what the bloody hell is that," Sirius voice was cautious, he was still convinced he might be hallucinating.
Remus turned around slowly, "She's like me, Pads. She...she was a tiny little wolf, I swear it." Sirius was skeptical, but the way Remus was looking down at you, every doubt was melting away. The way your tiny hands gripped on to Remus's sweater.
When Sirius got close enough, you reached out for him, and he was done for. When James caught up with the pair he had the same initial reaction. But like Sirius, one look at you and he was also convinced.
It had taken the girls no time to swoon after you, and the boys were forever grateful. While Remus declared himself your father (Sirius demanding his was Dad number 2). James became your fun uncle (funcle as he called himself, Lily rolling her eyes each time).
To say it had taken a village was not just a cliché, but reality. Sirius was every over protective father, having a flair for the dramatics any time anything happened, good or bad. Remus was more calm, essentially the voice of reason when Sirius was talking circles. You eventually became the perfect mix of the two, which they both loved.
When you got your Hogwarts letter Sirius threw a party, Remus thinking it was a little over the top but Sirius insisted, "Our little star got her letter, we're celebrating Moony." Regulus had brought you off to the side, insisting you owl him if anyone is mean to you, he'll come and fix it, "Even if it's another little twat kid, you let me know, okay Star?"
After fourth year, James let you try his beer for the first time. Sirius lost his mind, Remus reminded Sirius how much worse he was at your age and that if James was letting her try it that it was a better situation than he used to get in to.
What you didn't expect was the commotion that ensued during Christmas holiday seventh year. It was tradition for you and your dads to throw a party on Christmas Eve. You were putting the final touches on the Christmas biscuits you usually made when a loud pop sounded in the living room.
"SIRIUS GET YOUR ARSE IN HERE NOW!" The voice of Regulus rang throughout your house and you instantly froze. Sirius sauntered in, not bothered by his younger brothers tone, "Seriously, with the shouting Reg, what is it now?"
Regulus looked over Sirius shoulder at you in the kitchen before turning back to his brother, "How could you let her, huh? How could you let her do this, with a Slytherin no less? My little star? Who is this vile snake you've let touch our little girl, a boyfriend, Sirius, really?"
You held your breath, fully expecting your dad to lose it, go full on dramatics, but instead he just pinched the bridge of his nose, "Honestly, Reg, calm down. I'm surprised it took us till seventh year for her to finally decide to get a boyfriend, don't get me wrong, I'm thankful," he turned pointing at you, "but I trust her, Reg. And you should too. She's not like us. Really though, darling, a Slytherin?"
Sirius turned to face you and all you could muster was a shrug of your shoulders before your father burst in. "WHAT did I just hear? My wolf has a WHAT? With a WHO? Darling are you mad, who is this boy? A boyfriend? Oh my Godric, I think I'm going to be sick. Who is he, star? Who, tell me now. I'm getting my wand. Sirius, my wand now."
Remus held out his hand expectantly, but nothing happened. Both Regulus and Sirius stood frozen, mouths agape at Remus's reaction before a sly smirk crawled its way onto Sirius's features, "Oh my my, Moony, this is a sight."
At that moment the Potter's all appeared, the air obviously thick with tension. James looked between his friends, "Oi, what did we miss?"
When you saw Harry you were instantly enraged, your inherant traits from Sirius coming in to play, "You little fucking rat, you weasel, you knew I was going to tell them over break, how could you tell Reggie before I could tell my parents, I'll hex you Potter, I swear it!"
You started after Harry, only for James's strong arms to lift you up by the waist and hold you tight, "Woah there, mini Sirius, calm down. I think this might be my fault. Harry told me out of concern and I might have boasted about your feats to Reggie."
You went slump in your Uncle's grasp, "Uncle Jamie...how could you." You were pouting as he sat you down, giving you a tight hug, "I'm sorry, star, I was just so dang proud of you."
You looked over at your parents, Sirius now rubbing Remus's back who was pinching the bridge of his nose. There was a knock on the door, causing everyone's attention to switch towards the distrubance.
Walking towards the door, you looked back with your hand on the handle, "Be nice." The marauders and Harry held up their hands in defense, Regulus crossed his, "No promises."
When you opened the door, Enzo stood there, cheeks slightly pink. "Erm, are you sure it's okay for me to be here?" You laughed slightly out of embarrassment, "How much did you hear exactly?"
"Enough to know I'm more afraid of Professor Lupin than Sirius," he whispered as he followed you through the door.
"Dad, Father, this is Enzo. My boyfriend," You gestured toward Enzo who gave a shy wave.
Remus placed his hand on his own chest, "Oh thank god it's Berkshire. I was really worried, star dear. Really worried. Thought maybe it was going to be the Nott boy."
This caused both you and Enzo to laugh, Enzo speaking up finally, "Merlin, no, sir. Nott's afraid of Y/n actually. So you've done a good job."
"Don't start kissing ass just yet, Berkshire," Regulus stuck a finger out at the boy.
"Uncle Reggie. Behave," you scolded him like a child, he looked down at the floor like one, too.
Sirius stepped forward, extending his hand, "So sorry, my boy. I'm Sirius, Y/n's father. You've met Moony, erm, Professor Lupin, her dad. He's sorry for anything you may have heard through the door."
Enzo grabbed his hand, shaking it firmly, "It's alright, sir. It's a pleasure to meet the men who've raised such a strong woman." Enzo smiled at you affectionately, causing you to blush in front of your family.
"Look at that, Moons. Our little star is growing up," Sirius wiped a faked fear, while Remus was holding back real ones.
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose like your dad had done earlier, "Alright, who's hungry, hmm? Shall we eat?" You led Enzo towards the large table. Everyone followed suit, both Regulus and Remus grumbling slightly.
As you sat down, Enzo gave your thigh a squeeze. He leaned over and whispered in your ear, "Star, huh? That's cute." You side-eyed him, giving him a slight glare, "You tell anyone, you're a dead man."
Enzo grinned to himself, "It'd be an honor to die by your hands, love."
Across the table, Sirius gave Remus's thigh a squeeze, "She's growing up, Moons. Our little star." Remus nodded, pouring himself some brandy, "That she is, Pads. Our little wolf is a woman now." Sirius scoffed, "She still needs us though right?" Remus nodded, smiling, "We'll always be there for her."
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pastadoughie · 3 months
can non intersex trans people please stop putting intersexism and bio essentialism shit on my dash like??? all the time???
whenever i try to talk about nuance in transphobia and point out blatant intersexism i am simultaneously made out to be a stupid naive little bitch woman who doesnt know what shes talking about and an evil misogynistic man when i am neither. its textbook erasure and dehumanization no matter how polite and understanding i try to be. and i am talking SPECIFICALLY about trans people. often because perisex trans people are WORSE at recognizing and correcting their intersexism because they view themselves as "above" bioessentialism for their transness,,, its honestly tiring
the way sexism presents is the fundamental idea that :
women by default have LESS agency
and men by default have MORE agency
i feel like i shouldnt have to tell you that this is dehumanization of BOTH, but ill do it anyway. someones agency in a given situation depends on a VARIETY of different factors, like class / race / disability / location / & the political views of the community they are in
moreover "man" and "woman" are not actually defined terms. for example, being a victim of misogyny has ZERO correlation to whether or not you are a woman, in BOTH ways that people categorize womanhood. either as a biological trait (or a collection of traits) or as an identity label
if you get catcalled on the street that is not because you ARE a woman but because you are PERCEIVED AS ONE by the catcaller. someones profiling of you as a woman being accurate DOESNT MEAN IT ISNT PROFILING. literally NOBODY has a chromosome detector 3000.
so many forms of gender based discrimination perpetrated in the queer community COMPLETELY skip over these nuances in discrimination and often get EXTREMELY ANGRY when you try to point them out! this is often because people have this inherent belief that they are somehow transcendent and that they DO magically have a chromosome detector 3000, that their profiling is magically always correct, and this belief is tied to their ego.
moreover people mischaracterize sexism as just "hating women" and NOT actually as "sorting people arbitrarily into boxes for their perceived genders", if you are a TERF you are EXACTLY THE SAME AMOUNT OF SEXIST as someone who believes women shouldnt be allowed to vote. they still hold the fundamental idea of men by default having more agency.
i think TERFism is a wonderful example of how people can be sexist against men and the harm that it causes, because that is the ideological core of radfem politics.
people perceived as "male" when placed in a community full of people seen as "female" are automatically seen as predatory for their perceived privilege (regardless of if those privileges actually apply in that setting at all! look at transfemmes! they get literally zero benefits from their perceived manhood, and yet are still seen as predatory because of it ). when i speak about "misandry" however loaded the word is- this is what i am referring to, the assumptions and discrimination that comes from being arbitrarily placed in a gender category seen as having universally more agency.
because agency isnt innate or biological this sorting into categories is ALWAYS sexism even if they benefit the person!!
this is why i think phrases like "TME" are inherently harmful, because weather or not someone is seen as a "man" or a "woman" is completely arbitrary and can differ wildly depending on not only the person doing the profiling, but also the context of the situation. trans-misogyny, being seen as a "man" trying to "invade" a "womans space" is not exclusive to transfemmes nor even universally applies TO transfemmes.
moreover its why i hate the word "trans-androphobia" because its not even descriptive of the perception of being a "girl" trying to be a "man"
i think in general the shorthand the trans community uses lacks so much fucking nuance and is baked in with intersexism and bio essentialism  pretty much as a rule.. i think it's infinitely more clear to use words corresponding to what exactly the profiling of whoever is being bigoted is far more helpful and clear, but in order for something like that to be clear it needs to actually be used with nuance and keeping in mind the fact that discrimination is based on PROFILING and not off of any kind of objective reality. In which words that just mean "the type of discrimination transmen go through" is ambiguous and unhelpful on every level.
if you wanna be less intersexist YOU NEED TO LET GO of the idea that certain people universally have more/less agency AS WELL AS THE IDEA that you are universally exempt from or included in any kind of gender based discrimination
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
hiii! I saw that you already did dad headcanons, but I was wondering how you think those same boys would react to hearing the news about their s/o being pregnant. And how would they break it to the crew?
A/N: OP Boys As Daddies Here! Enjoy!
Next part will have Cora and Law <3
Monster Trio React to Their S/O Being Pregnant (SFW)
Cw: VERY SLIGHT mentions of abortion
Black Fem Reader in Mind
Ft., Luffy, Zoro, Sanji
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I mean it was bound to happen.
Not saying Sanji has a breeding kink, but he has a breeding kink. He got with you and just didn’t know wtf pull out meant.
Plus he does not believe in condoms.
But none the less Sanji would be a treat to tell
It was after dinner and you and Sanji were talking as he cleaned and you wanted to let him know gently because he was a very dramatic man.
“Ji… how do you feel about kids?”
He answers you with glee, he loves kids, he always wanted to have a little family of his own with you once you all achieve your goals. It actually ends up calming the nerves you began to have.
You kept asking baby questions and eventually he turned around and caught on.
“Y/n….what are you trynna tell me…”
“I am pr—-“
The words didn’t even come out of your mouth yet his eyes lit up like a light and he grabbed you tightly crying on your shoulder not even believing you at first until you brought him the pregnancy test.
He still has it btw.
Sanji somehow had a suspicion you were pregnant. He knows your body better than yourself, so even though he cried a little he was happy that his assumptions were correct.
You both didn’t even sleep that night, you just kept talking about your future. You had to hold him to keep him still he just couldnt stop jumping around
As for how you both announced the pregnancy he wanted to tell everybody at breakfast so he made a feast. When Robin asked what the occasion was he grabbed you by the hand and told everyone.
“Y/N and I….are pregnant.” :)
Luffy: Men can’t get pregnant…
None the less it was super sweet and honestly you becoming pregnant changed him in a pleather of ways.
He became more mature, protective, vigilant, calm, and even slowed down on his simping for other women. Because now that you have his baby inside you
You both are his only focus now.
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He didn’t believe you but Chopper was the one to tell you both actually which was really cute because they both nearly fainted.
Also He actually doesn’t understand how you could have gotten pregnant
“Yeah, but i thought after you take a shower it all comes out.”
Bless him
Though his reaction is a bit …delayed best believe he does become happy.
Shocked, but happy.
He will respect your decision whether you want to keep the baby or not but deep inside he hopes you keep it
But thank God you do!
You actually caught him doing that and teased him all day.
He becomes a damn menace though.
He steals parenting books from the library and reads them after training. Even though he acts like having a baby isnt a big deal he is internally panicking.
He wants the best for both you and the baby and it shows in the most annoying way though.
He doesnt even tell the crew yet because he believes them knowing would stress you out
However Zoro is doing that all alone himself
“What are you doing?”
“I cant get up?”
“Its not good for the baby!”
“….i have to pee….AND IM LIKE 2 WEEKS PREGNANT AND IT IS???”
The crew found out because Zoro was upset
You and Zo are known for drinking together alot but of course you stopped and plenty of people began to notice everytime you turned down a drink.
You were sitting on Zo’s lap by the fire with everyone and even Luffy was drinking except you.
“Y/N are you sick? Why arent you drinking?”
“She cant.”
“Because i said so, Luffy.”
“Youre not the boss of Y/N she can drink if she wanna—“
Cue in the dramatics.
Zoro to this day slaps his head thinking about how harshly he made sure YOU and Chopper won’t spill but he ended up doing it himself.
But his worries were diminished realizing the amount of well support you both got from the crew since then.
Zoro puts your safety above his every single time and actually gets mad when you don’t listen.
He takes more care of hisself and he isn’t too reckless when he is fighting. For the first time in his life he knew his life was worth taking care of for his future family.
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Doesn’t get it, but he is a good sport
When you and Chopper tell him he just can’t understand???
“Who’s baby is it?”
“I thought you said if i pull out you wouldn’t get—“
“PULLING OUT BEFORE You ejaculate not AFTER—“
Not until you’re about 2 maybe 3 months and showing is when he finally registers he is going to be a dad.
Every month up until then he looks at you and wonders why you don’t drink, fight, or any thing that you usually do until FINALLY Law explains it to him like he’s 5.
Now that he is up to speed about you being pregnant he suddenly becomes pregnant?
You got cravings? So do Luffy.
You want cake and tacos at 2am
Bless Sanji heart because Luffy do too
He actually ends up gaining a little bit of weight but it wasn’t even noticeable really, he trains too the rubber man really just bulked up
Luffy was showing his concern of being a father to Robin alot. He didn’t want to worry you in thinking he didn’t want the kid especially if you were willing to rid of the baby if he suggested.
Overrall during pregnancy he intrust the crew to watch over you when he leaves. He has complete trust to make sure you are okay and well and healthy.
A few cute things is he will have some moments where he stretches out his belly to bump yours, talk to the baby, sing to it, and even place his hat on your tummy always reminding him or her that their daddy will be the king of the pirates.
You honestly believe you having this baby has matured him in ways you didn’t think was possible.
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
so @alderamiin said subaru for the ask…. yes your ask was the one i deleted on accident whoops 😭😭 BUT HERE WE GO I MADE SURE TO REMEMBER TO DO YOURS WKDNDN (and i LOVE subaru fr i simply could not skip over him also) (pls expect my usual chaotic rambling im so sorry i really am overusing the caps button 😳😭😭)
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual 👍 subaru being somewhere on the ace spectrum isnt a super strong headcanon of mine compared to the bisexual hc but i am still fond of it <33 bc i do tend to just hc him as bisexual but i suppose i could kind of see it <33 :DD !!
Gender Headcanon: subaru is literally, as we’ve all discussed, like EVERY letter of lgbtq+ i swear. like natsumi EXPLICITLY being stated to be his ideal self….. what cisgender boy has his ideal version of himself be a woman…. come on….. and hes been like. dressing and trying to pass as a girl for his crossdressing pre-isekai too. like subarus Practiced A Lot at this. subaru clearly enjoys doing this and he was crushed when he couldnt pass bc of his voice pre-isekai :(( AND LIKE subaru and his complex relationship to masculinity and feeling insecure in his own skin like……………… and then natsumi being his ideal self…… natsumi being the Heroine……….. and its like. subaru clearly has a case of “do i want to be them or be With Them” when it comes to men hes attracted to (most notably julius.) so like. it could apply to women too. like. and then the way subaru reacts to felix’s presentation too………. i just think it says a lot. i dont care what tappei says but he wrote all this shit in the text fr!!! and also in general. natsuki subaru being a gender neutral name…. same with natsumi schwartz… so yes genderqueer subaru for the win. i personally hc subaru as genderfluid or bigender!! and also like. subaru being Very LGBTQ+ is so in line with rezero’s themes of self love and self improvement and self discovery and Identity. i think it hits so much harder if subaru Is lgbtq+ versus if he was just insecure straight cis man. like no wonder subaru was struggling Even More. hes so so far in the closet and struggling with like the internal homophobia and shit fr :(((
that and 1. subaru being lgbt is such a great subversion of what you would think when you first meet his character. and also a subversion of ur typical isekai protag which ADDS to rezeros subversion of isekai in general and 2. i love making Certain People mad with these hcs. like its so supported by the text the only thing missing is explicit confirmation. which. i have my doubts with tappei on that but iirc he DID say he nearly wrote a lust if with the guys…. tappei. come on. you already explicitly said that natsumi is subarus ideal self.
A ship I have with said character: im very open to most subaru ships!!! i just love a lot of them—reinsuba, ottosuba, emisuba, remsuba, julisuba… i just like how each kind of dynamic with subaru has so much range like even in just main route alone?? and then you factor in the ifs and it gets So Interesting. theres so much history with each pairing and so much to explore, whether its platonic or romantic. and subaru has a LOT of love in his heart.
i just like each pairing for different reasons hah—like ok ive talked a lot about reinsuba and emisuba already in other asks so. i DO like remsuba okay. not in the sense that i want it to be the endgame ship in main route bc thats very much not happening and i would prefer The Most Detailed emisuba development of all time. which would be more thematically relevant <3 but i DO ADORE remsubas relationship in general. like its so so complicated??? like. yeah theres the conflict in arc 2. theres the conflict in arc 7 with her waking up and being different and being so mean to him about natsumi :((( theres her “youre my hero” versus “youre not a hero” WHICH. URHGHF ITS SO GOOD….. and like yeah remsuba really do be. iffy. in terms of how healthy it is. but its so complicated bc you also have rem being like—she was like the first person, narratively, to be willing to DIE to save subaru the exact way he does for other people (including rem). and then the famous from zero scene in season one which is a MASTERPIECE but i hate how people fixate on “i love emilia” LIKE REM IS HAPPY FOR SUBARU. SHE IS HAPPY AS LONG AS HE IS. EVEN IF HE DOESNT LIKE HER BACK. but also he did like her back romantically for a time. and also of course rem had her fixation on subaru :(( subaru had his own obsession for emilia while rem had hers for subaru pre-being gluttonyed?? :(( yeah like. remsuba being so complicated is so interesting to me. like she and subaru are very passionate people yes. but also they do need to learn to tone it down sometimes you know? REM ESPECIALLY TOO BECAUSE EVEN AFTER SHE STOPS BEING MURDERY TOWARDS HIM… FOR EXAMPLE IN SEASON ONE SHE WOULD CANONICALLY GO TO HIS ROOM IN THE MORNING AND WAIT FOR HIM TO WAKE UP…. like she'd just sit there at his bedside and Stare at him... like girl chill a bit its okay T^T i havent read sloth if. but it seems like they learned to mellow out and have a happy life T^T apart from. a shit ton of people dying in the background and also subaru dying of old age and resetting back to arc 3. i am interested to see if we’ll get further remsuba closure in arc 8 yes. but also im bonking subaru on the head in arc 7 for saying even REM TORTURING HIM was a fond memory. pls let this be addressed again later i swear sodndn.
ok also julisuba and ottosuba. i am no expert on julisuba but on the other hand i have analyzed Too Much Ottosuba so perhaps i am an expert there wodndn. but YEAH i love those ships. they have so much history and moments between them and they are. definitely the more Explicit evidence of subaru being bi (between subarus Interest in julius and reid calling julisuba boyfriends and SUBARUS INTEREST IN JULIUS... vs ottosuba repeatedly being like “omg do you Like Like me?” “NO I DONT SHUT UP” and also their continued divorce arc dynamics yep). but also i will say i really like ottosuba because specifically they are the subaru pairing where theyre like. Very Much Closer To Being Equals. if theyre not already equals in something. like in terms of power levels and intellect and their very loving families and previous inability to fit in or be believed by people and also their status in the narrative as Being Just A Guy in comparison to everyone else. and yet ottosuba are the MOST important members to their camp for their jobs—subaru keeps everyone alive, and otto handles All the politics, which we see over and over again. they are literally THE power duo. otto is so so important too as the second person to die FOR subaru the same way subarus died for others. like the paralleling of otto pushing subaru out of the way when the white whale drove otto insane (and later otto tried to go back for subaru once he regained his senses ;-;;;) versus otto pushing subaru out of the way so he didnt get killed by garf ;-;;;;;. and otto being the second person after rem to also give subaru an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT speech to him (otto-rem parallels...???) <33 except ottosuba also foil a lot bc of their Different Morals. but theyre both stubborn as hell and have a tendency to go off and do shit they think is best without telling anyone bc theyre too deadset (hah) on what THEY think. (OTTO. SPENDING A WHOLE YEAR SECRETLY GETTING THE BOOK OF WISDOM AND HAVING IT RESTORED?? HELLO???) anyway yeah ill stop right here bc i have So Much ottosuba posts on this damn blog wkdndn but i really do think the appeal of ottosuba is that they Are on a more even playing ground. and their morality flipflops sometimes. ottos issues are just more lowkey than subarus widndnd. i am. however. nervous about all the ottosuba and vincent-chisha parallels in arc 8 bc………. possible otto perma death on the horizon??? 😭😭😭😭 itd CRUSH subaru.
also of course the similar flavors of julisuba and ottosuba….. u can have ur tsundere x tsundere ships in TWO DIFFERENT FONTS. anyway ill become a julius lore expert someday i promise.
A BROTP I have with said character: BROTP ottosuba and ramsuba are so so funny and great wofndn but special shoutout to garf and subaru in particular!!! i think its interesting how far their relationship has come bc they had a VERY rough start and its like. 1. im sure garf would immediately regret going into a rage and killing a shit ton of people in that One Failed Loop and 2. we learn garf is a traumatized fourteen year old whos been trying so hard to take care of the demihumans inside sanctuary while his sister and mom left him, one way or another, and hes very afraid of the outside world. and its like YEAH now your behavior makes sense. and its so good to see garfs growth and also his growth in his relationship with subaru (and otto) bc he looks up to subaru sm!!! subaru helped garf so much T^T theyre brothers guys 😭😭 i think its so adorable and so sweet. ill defend garf all day everyday. garf 🤝 subaru with their DAMN hero complexes while otto tries to keep them both on a leash so they dont do stupid shit. subaru IS a good role model for garf though ill say that. subaru tries so hard to be a good role model wkdndn. and yes i always laugh when garf teases subaru for drawing doodles and writing encouraging things for emilia in the temple.
A NOTP I have with said character: okay so. maybe i will spill some tea here. hah so i went over in ram’s ask how i think ramsuba in wrath if is actually super interesting widndns but otherwise ramsuba to me is bland. which. i also just feel like subaru/crusch and subaru/ana and subaru/priscilla are also bland. like. i dont think theyll ever feel interesting to me akdndn. like theres not. as much to work off of imo. like i just dont think theyre a good match romantically at all. like At All. priscilla especially LMAO…. and im tired of people reducing women in the story to just boobs and being fucked by subaru 😭😭😭 like i dont have anything against those subaru ships, my biggest notp is just seeing a bunch of characters be butchered just to have subaru have sex with various women. 😭😭 obviously not everyone in the fandom does that but i see this happens the most with priscilla fr. pls. shes more than just boobs :(((
anyway. my other notp is like. echidna/subaru but like. i feel similarly to ram/roswaal on this where its like. theres a potential there to show a nuanced complex toxic relationship bc THAT IS what echidna/subaru are. even more so in greed if. like theyve spent an UNGODLY amount of time together like their relationship is so fucked. like god the amount of details that were added to their dynamic in the greed if ln makes me go INSANE….. like you know how echidna said that subaru could use her body with this contract?? what she ALSO really meant was HEY SUBARU YOU CAN KILL ME IF YOU WANT. ILL JUST COME BACK BC WE ALWAYS MEET IN A DREAM WORLD AND THERES NO CONSEQUENCES BUT ITLL FEEL REAL TO YOU. LIKE HOLY FUCK FR 😭😭 and like in generally reading through greed if ln is a Trip alright. like “no yeah duh of course it is, suffaru, its GREED IF” but LISTEN……. echidna being subarus weird mother figure and then like. idk there are obvious implications i feel from like the body fluid tea and then echidna being like “you can use my body” and then theres a moment where she puts his hand on her chest and yeah its to feel her heart but LIKE…. SOMETHING ABOUT THAT SCENE FELT LIKE. SOMETHING. TO ME. AND THEN SHES SO OBSESSED WITH HIM AND HES DEPENDENT ON HER LIKE JESUS ITS A MESS. ITS LIKE HOW SHE WAS WITH OG ROSWAAL. GOD. *puts my head in my hands*
anyway my real notp is like. depicting echidna/subaru like it is a Healthy Thing like no it is not 😭😭😭😭 it never was healthy and it literally never will be unless ur changing echidnas character drastically. if ur gonna show off echidna/subaru then they are gonna be SO RANCID in like every way possible there is no other correct way to write them. she is terrible for him. she literally saw him and went “i can make him worse” and then it happened. bc greed if subaru is a Terrible Person. like. its not even a question. the biggest example i can think of rn other than obvious Rbd use is KEEPING MEILI. A CHILD. HOSTAGE AND LOCKED UP IN ORDER TO USE ELSA. HER OLDER SISTER FIGURE. JEEZ. my biggest notp of all time is treating unhealthy relationships as if they Arent unhealthy.
MY OTHER BIGGEST NOTP OF ALL TIME FOR ANYTHING IS SHIPPING A CHILD AND AN OLDER PERSON TOGETHER. subaru/petra SHOULD BE AN OBVIOUS NOTP BUT SURE DOESNT FEEL LIKE IT SOMETIMES….. guys she is a child. come on. hes seventeen and shes TWELVE. GUYS…. and then theres tappei making iirc an ACTUAL petra if????? and idk what the content in petra if is exactly but i worry given tappeis track record with the child characters sometimes 😭😭 AND THEN PETRA BEING IN LUST IF. TAPPEI…… N-NOTHING HAPPENS, RIGHT? *EXPLODES WITH RAGE*. even if petra and subaru get together later when theyre Older Adults in some AU or something its like. subaru knew her when she was a young child. and she had a crush on him then. um. personally idk if im fully comfortable with that hah T^T
A random headcanon: GONNA TALK ABOUT WRATH IF. anyway so the wrath if divergence point is that subaru gets beatrice to teleport him away and ram chases him down, ram tries to strangle him to death but fails, he smashes her head with a rock. yes. BUT OKAY when u watch the anime. beatrice comes for his aid AFTER subaru gets to the cliff and tries to psych himself up to like. jump off to save rem and stuff. THEREFORE wrath if subaru still considered trying to rbd via jumping off that cliff. he just decided not to and agreed to have beatrice teleport him away. this is something not many people seem to mention or maybe even notice (??) but I THINK ABOUT IT A LOT…. :((
General Opinion over said character: i LOVE SUBARU WITH MY WHOLE BEING. he is my absolute favorite anime character of all time. his character arc is so chaotic and complicated and i think the way he Does like still struggle with the same Inner Conflicts is so so much more realistic. recovery and self improvement are NOT linear and he shows that perfectly. and i hate how much people misread subaru T^T the whole chadbaru trend in fandom of how he should get harems or how he should leave everyone or be terrible to emilia for *insert a long list of Terrible reasons here* is so. like did we all read and watch the same damn story or what hah. the whole point of rezero is LOVE ITSELF….. and subaru ultimately has a lot of love for so many people around him. though of course i do worry for how rbd reveal is going to be handled, and im not entirely sure how to feel about subarus arc 7 development atm. rbd reveal is gonna have catastrophic consequences for Everyone. like everyone hes ever been close to finding out hes died a shit ton of times to save him?? that so many of them have like. maimed and killed him or at least Tried To Do That? like HOW are we gonna get a happy ending out of all of this—hows tappei gonna handle this?? 😭😭 i worry sometimes that when rbd reveal happens it wont be nuanced or itll gloss over certain things or it just. wont be so satisfying. bc u have arc 7 subaru out here with SUICIDE PILLS……. ARC 7 SUBARU IN REPEATED INSANE DEATH LOOPS AS A CHILD….. how are we gonna come back from this?? 😭😭 i have my doubts sometimes but tappei loves insane character development for subaru so i suppose i will hope. i just wish for all the trauma to be seen and addressed akdndn and the fact that rbd is so. complicated. it makes subaru and his relationships with everyone else so complicated. and rbd is inherently unfair in a lot of ways to both subaru and everyone hes close to. i cant wait for more subaru development but i also think after arc 8 he NEEDS a break or like otherwise, personally i think subarus gonna snap for good and not be able to return from it 😭😭 or ill just have to suspend my uhh disbelief. i suppose. but yes i do love subaru a lot!!! his hair is a Pain in the ass to draw but ill endure the pain just for him. <33
but regarding all of subarus loved ones maiming and killing him a lot—i think its fascinating how the if routes prove he is JUST as capable of ruining all their lives. like i feel like people forget that sometimes in favor of woaaah cool what if routes where subaru becomes “badass”…. but LIKE…. hes SO SO CAPABLE of so much destruction. he is choice itself. he is capable of changing the entire world and everyone around him. he is capable of causing the deaths and trauma for SO MANY PEOPLE… and like i think rezero itself and subarus relationships are like an extreme version of hedgehog’s dilemma, u know? like u get close to people to love and be loved, but ur also very vulnerable to getting hurt. and rezero is About love. and part of close relationships are that ur so close u Can be hurt. maybe you Will be hurt. but u will also Love….. unless ur one of the ifbarus then fuck u for making the wrong decisions ig wodndndn. im telling u guys that subaru is LITERALLY an eldritch being at this rate. todd is so right.
and. okay one last thing im gonna be real for a second. im a little eh on subaru being a child, honestly. like i DO like the trope of turning characters back into their child selves in order to explore their psychology that way!! but like. idk i feel like the childbaru arc is kinda too similar to the whole amnesiabaru arc in arc 6. it feels Extraneous. it doesnt feel different enough for me personally. (emphasis on personally. this is all my opinion hah.) and then he is STILL A CHILD IN ARC 8 EVEN THOUGH THE OTHER PEOPLE THAT GOT TURNED INTO KIDS ARE NOW BACK TO NORMAL…… LIKE…. im sorry but the childbaru has overstayed its welcome by the time we get to arc 8 imo 😭😭
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katarinas-redemption · 5 months
S1E22 - Liz: Tom told me something right before he died. Red: What was that? Liz: “Your father’s alive.” James Spader: That was the intention with the line….that you could interpret it either way. That you could interpret it as being the truth or you could interpret it as being figurative.
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Tom said that Liz's father is still alive, but Red insists he's dead. Is Red part of a cover up or does Red really think he's dead?
Jon Bokenkamp: What I do not believe is that Red is lying to Liz. The things he's told her about her father he believes to be true and thus are true, but that doesn't necessarily mean those in the writers' room believe them to be true. It's safe to believe that what he told her on the steps was the truth so far as he knows.
Red is covered in burn scars, so clearly he was in that same fire that apparently claimed the life of Liz's father. Could he be related to her in some other way?
Jon Bokenkamp: It's safe to say that he is connected to her past in some deeply emotional way. Either that, or maybe he was a firefighter in another life. [Laughs] They both have an understanding of [the mythology between them], but don't really have the whole picture.
John Eisendrath Acknowledged that at the end of The Blacklist’s season finale, Red (James Spader) turned around and we saw the burn scars. But that was not meant to confirm to the viewers that he is Elizabeth Keen’s father. Instead, Eisendrath said, “It tells us that there’s a story yet to come about what the truth is, about whether or not he is her father. And this season we’re going to take the opportunity to ask and answer that question in ways that I think will get us closer to the ultimate truth. He also noted that the mythology of the show is "very small." It’s just about the relationship between the two of them. It’s a "very relatable story." There isnt a larger story about why he picked her or why he came back. So it is a challenge to know when to introduce the next surprise in that story.
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Season 1 Berlin Conclusion Commentary with: [Jon Bokenkamp, John Eisdendrath, Joe Carnahan]
42:48 - JC: And this is also an image that we had long ago. Right. The burns. In the ninth episode, we had thought of using this as the end of the episode. A cliff hanger, for the midseason cliff hanger. And we saved it for here, and I think it was a very powerful way to end. Well it becomes, that’s the, it is her father, which is really what you want the punctuation, you want to be on the end of the season is, JB: Or? Is he? JC: Or, is he?
About halfway through the first season, Red tells Liz that he’ll never lie to her, and I was thinking about that line watching the finale, where Liz says that Tom told her that her father is still alive and Red says, “No, that man died in the fire.” And I wondered: Is he speaking figuratively—saying he’s physically still alive, but that guy that he was back then is dead?
James Spader: That was the intention with the line….that you could interpret it either way. That you could interpret it as being the truth or you could interpret it as being figurative.
In the Season 1 finale, we saw the burn scars on Red, after we had heard that Liz’s father rushed into a fire to rescue her. What can we expect from that part of the story, this season?
James Spader: We are shooting Episode 4, right now, in the second season, and that story has not been extrapolated on. That is just percolating for a little bit. The other thing to remember is that Elizabeth Keen has spoken of a memory of being in a fire when she was a child and somebody pulling her out of that fire. She may be assuming that it was her father, but we’ve never said whether it was her father or not.
They were open to change. Or, the show could go in any direction.
(That said, they've only ever had one story in mind since the inception. Redarina. See the post on the Redarina subreddit about Jon always knowing the endgame for the interview excerpts.)
Jon had told the press in early S1 that he had a desired endgame in mind but wasn't sure if NBC would let him do it.
Do you already have an endgame for the Blacklist?
Jon Bokenkamp: Yes. Not sure if Sony or NBC will let me do it, but yes.
Do you know the ultimate answer to that or has it changed as the show has evolved?
Jon Bokenkamp: I definitely have one particular thing in mind and I've shared that with James and [executive producers] John Eisendrath and John Fox. We have a solid landscape that we're working in. That said, James has said before: When you're hoping for something to be on air for years, you really have to be open to change and open to listening to the story. I would be lying if I said we have absolutely everything figured out because that's part of the joy of it.
Did you know you were making a hit when you were working on this?
Jon Bokenkamp: No! I really just love the character of Red and the larger mystery at the core of this. That’s what drew me to it. And now it is fun to look at all the different angles the show can go.
Jon Bokenkamp: I remember talking with James, it was probably right after we shot the pilot, and we were talking about what the show would be, how it would look and feel, and who this character was. The thing that has always stuck with me is that when James read the pilot, he had said that he felt like, at the end of the episode, it’s almost like he knew less about the character than he knew when he started reading the episode.
Jon Bokenkamp: The ending has always been our guiding light. I sat down with James in his backyard. I'll never forget it. I was terrified. After we shot the pilot, He wanted to talk about "where this is going". And I said, well, I have an idea, and I'll tell you what I think it is… Because we could just be completely winging it. You know, I mean that's what happens oftentimes. But I said as a movie guy, I have to know the ending. You can't just. you can't… fake it. You know? You gotta kinda know where you're going. And I pitched him the ending. And in classic Spader sort of that laugh, and the hand rub, and OMG, he was like… alright, "I'm in". You know? and, uh, if he had said no, that would've been terrifying.
What’s required to keep a show going for that long?
James Spader: As many twists and turns as one can provide. When I first read the script, at the end I realized I knew less about the character than when I first started reading. And I thought, “What a great trick that is” — to retain a certain enigmatic aspect. It felt like the premise was perfectly suited to go in any direction and somehow find its way back on track again.
So what was it about this material that grabbed you?
James Spader: - But also, I was really drawn to the fact that I knew nothing about what direction it could go in and what direction this character might go. I knew less after I finished reading the pilot than I did at the beginning of it. And I thought, Fantastic, because to sustain it over a number of seasons, it’s nice to be surprised and keep discovering things
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1tsjusty0u · 7 months
ok but what is miphas relationship with her mom like. or what WAS it like...does she remember her
OUGH HM. i think she has sparse memories of her mom, but as time goes on she forgets more and more and she doesnt know how to feel about it. she doesnt feel particularly sad, but she feels like she should be? dorephan and other zoras have better memory of her which you know now that im saying it out loud could potentially mirror how the zora viewed miphas death post calamity. but anyways!!
from when she was alive i think it was good? like i think when mipha was super little she was Not mature for her age (which is probably a good thing honestly). she would want to fight lynels until she learned of shock arrows of which she would be deathly terrified then. she would also eat bugs. i think she still would honestly and see nothing wrong with it. but because of this her mother and her kind of. not fought but clashed from time to time. like when her mom was going to do something dangerous (skydiving off a really high waterfall like in trident ceremonies, or once again fighting a lynel) she would Really want to go with and would sometimes sneak there just to do it. her mother would have to scruff her by the neck and try to convince mipha to Not do that. though… i kinda wonder how her mother would. interact? because on one hand royalty and also i dont want to have like. the same archetype of women for every women character i have/for every mom i have you know? id almost make her like carol holiday from deltarune but that.. probably wouldnt work for this. honestly though. i think id kind of want their relationship to play into miphas whole doormat thing/fear of standing up/a fear of breaking rules with a supposed consequence. like her mom would have a mindset of “this has to happen because its how things are”, and so while her mom would love her and protect her and all that jazz, she’d accidentally reinforce miphas fears which probably develop more when shes older/ like. 11. in that era mipha would look likw acht side order before sanitization. and she’d be nervous a bit. i dont know how well i described the reinforcement of rules thing honestly. its kind of like a power imbalance that mipha views she has no control over especially when something isnt Traditional but still Legal and Possible.
basically ????? . this is also not helped due to the fact there isnt really a hint of mipha/sidons mom. not even a statue. she could honestly be divorced which while it wouldnt fit the theme itd be Really Funny. though that would raise the question of if she knows about mipha post cal
alsoalso. this is a bigger ??????? because now that im actually writing a fic for this. i would like to see if she could Fit The Themes. when first writing this having her be basically. only really there to further miphas development feels… not great. i dunno i do want to develop her more and maybe reveal some of those developments. but yeah
theres probably a memorial to her. whether or not shes divorced or dead. mipha might also have a relic from her and its complicated.
basically i have no idea. however this Does provide basework to actually make her into a character. I CAN DRAW HER ACTUALLY HAHAH YESSSS WAIT A SECOND
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menalez · 3 months
In regards to ppl jumping down your throat about that post (TM). 1) you're right. But 2) Like... I can see how discussing participating in sex acts with a trans woman is no different from having them with any other male is something that has merit.... But thats not RADICAL FEMINIST content. Like, is it gender critical content? Probably? Thats where it fits better. It would be more appropriate to tag it as such. But radical feminism isnt JUST gender criticality!!! Like, being gender critical is a part of radical feminism but They! Are! Not! The! Same! Thing!
And yeah, people instantly assuming that you asking "how is talking about giving a male person oral sex so explicitly (and in a way that would immediately alienate a lesbian reader... who the post is supposedly for????) is in any way relevant to radical feminism?" Meant that you were saying "female heterosexuality is unsightly and i dont want to see it and also het women need to shut up forever".
(And also the comparison of lesbians being like... I dont want posts about sucking dick to abound in the radfem tag is in ANY WAY AT ALL similar to homophobic people not wanting to see women kiss.... Like???? Thanks for being so bald-faced about your homophobia. Its not the same actually but its interesting to see that you think a minority asking an innocuous question is the same as oppression)
Dear. God. Some people on this site just fucking love to assume the worst from you and needlessly attack you about it. They bring all their lesbophobic assumptions into ANY discussion that you happen to have.
I'll tell you what a rational response could have been to the question you posed. "I think this is relevant based on gender critical beliefs that radfems hold and i wanted to share my experience with that audience"
That doesnt mean that anyone has to agree about whether or not it was a relevant post for a FEMINIST TAG based on FEMINIST CONTENT. But the way ppl responded to you was ABSOLUTELY DERANGED. Words in your mouth. Baseless assumptions. Critique based on things you didnt say. Like..... ????? HUH???
If ppl were normal the convo could have ended with you saying "actually i dont think this is relevant to radical feminist analysis. I think you should have used a different tag for this". Instead you had to have paragraphs long responses where you had to pick apart the lesbophobic rhetoric that is being tossed your way and defend yourself FOR LICHERALLY JUST ASKING A QUESTION.
You didnt even ask an inflammatory question! You didnt even ask it with intent to attack the original OP.
Not only is gender critical and radfem tumblr just.... Fucking radioactive with lesbophobia, but people *specifically* attack you with SO MUCH hostility and treat everything you say with so much bad faith. Like???? Its fucking exhausting to just read, i cannot imagine how fucking irritating it must be to experience it constantly. I wonder if perhaps... Hmmm.. there might be a specific form of oppression you face that might make you more likely to face these attacks.... Hmmm... i think it starts with "race" and ends with "ism". I have not seen white lesbians with similar politics to you facing the same backlash on EVERYTHING they say.
And accusing you of faking anons???????? HUH????? Yeah no, you -- a blog with thousands of followers who regularly gets anons -- MUST OBVIOUSLY have to send urself messages to show ppl agree with you and your opinions 🙄 maddening.
u said it all perfectly anon 😭 and yeah funnily enough it’s very clear people treat me differently, like even if ppl want to argue i’m an obnoxious drama queen or whatever, women who are that & worse still don’t get treated the same way. but if i point out maybe there’s some sort of prejudice underlying ppl treating me differently then i get mocked and belittled further 🤭 oh well. that whole interaction was just insane bc she straight up just lashed out at me & put a bunch of words in my mouth simply bc she saw that i’m a lesbian. funnily enough these things happen even when i word things in the mildest least confrontational way possible so i don’t even know what to do to to get ppl to chill out
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meat-pvppet · 4 months
Hiii hey helloooo really happy i found you! Im in love with your art, its so good! I wanted to learn about your ocs through that one post. Would love to get an answer for every single one, but to spare your time and fingers: alone, desire, future
I love Chasm and Tara so much you have no idea
ok for this ill do both chasm and tara cuz theyre my little gabagoos and yes yes yes
ask game
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
Chasms alone most of the time so he's gotten kinda used to it, but he still has bouts of time where it gets to him, yknow?
Of course, hes never been truly truly alone cuz of Bridge, but generally speaking he gets really introspective about himself and how he interacts with others
how he wishes he could be more outgoing and expressive
hes tried that before though and its simply too draining to him
and it doesnt feel real cuz hes just acting and he knows it
so what would be the point?
he tries to distract himself as much as he can when he starts spiraling like this by doing maintenance on his guns, ship, sparrow, himself
read a little
do some organizing
anything to get him out of his own head
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
whether that be peace in his own mind or across sol
he just wants all the fighting to stop
for the conflict to end
hes not even sure if he'll make it out of the next world-ending scenario that hes gonna get thrust into
or if his daughter will survive
he doesnt really talk about how he yearns for a day where a threat isnt looming over his shoulder every second of his existence
a day where he can freely relax with his daughter without wondering whether or not he'll get to see her again
or who will take care of her when hes gone
is that cuz he wants to keep up appearances? no
its cuz he knows everyone probably wants that too
no need to state the obvious
to fulfill it, to him, theres not much he can do than continue on as he is
continue on as a war machine
fight for his and all of humanity's peace
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
i think itd be either he dies, leaving tara alone to fend for herself
or she dies
one he can try to avoid but he can never guarantee
the other is unfortunately inevitable
teehee mortal daughter immortal father moment
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
tara isnt usually alone since she'll be online talking with friends or (on the rare occasion) out n about with them or playing gigs
when she is alone she ends up alot like chasm a little
quiet and stone faced
she gets pretty lonely whenever shes not around other people, but sometimes she just doesnt wanna be around other people at the same time
so she'll rot in bed for a while
or play guitar
or do whatever to entertain herself
she kinda suffers from chronic loneliness much like her dad so yeag
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
same with chasm id think
she could wish and pray and hope for this but theres not much she can do about it
other than spread peace and love through her music of course but she wishes she could be more proactive about it
like her dad
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
probably also losing chasm tbh
she already had the wake up call that chasm isnt actually immortal fully from the red war and him losing his light
so she knows he can die
and by the nature of being a guardian, he could die
and it would be a very violent death
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skrunglebeasts · 1 year
Hello. I saw your twitter posts about Amphibia, and love the way you give Anne the same attention other people give Sasharcy. I've been interested in writing a S3B fic starring Anne/Sasha as co-commanders, and I was wondering how to write this in a way that displays them both being capable and not making Anne the "weaker/dumber" of the pair I feel like a lot of the fandom does. Namely, how would you differentiate Anne in combat /leadership from Sasha in ways that don't involve her powers?
hi! im going to throw all this under a cut so i dont stretch peoples dashes by overanalyzing a kids cartoon
so first and foremost, in order to be able to write anything decent, you have to come to grips with one of the major problems of S3B: anne is nerfed!
her intelligence, her strength, her ability to think on her feet? they all take a hit so sasha can shine and result in anne being kind of a weenie in comparison. this is the same girl that led a raid on a government facility, got caught, still managed to wiggle herself out of the situation, and beat up a bunch of government agents with a plastic toy sword. AND THEN she uses her powers with incredible precision and ease, barely showing any signs of fatigue after scaring off armed soldiers and slicing an avocado with a thought. she doesnt even go full blue! this is just using the powers enough that her eyes light up
shes powerful, confident, and extremely capable all on her own and then commander anne went "actually ignore that, shes a doofus that needs to be rescued a lot and has no idea how to lead people. also she cant use her powers on command at all" once you reconcile that, then you can decide whether to stick to canon anne, which is possible! or write your own version of s3bs events
both of these are okay options. i cant give you much advice on writing your own version of things, because thats up to you. but i can say that just because im not a fan of anne being nerfed in s3b? doesnt mean that it doesnt make for compelling writing possibilities
her being put back in her stinky school uniform is unforgivable, though. its very sweet, its cool she realized who she is in the uniform, but come on. her s3a fit is so much more fun and its an outfit she chooses as opposed to getting stuck in it but whatever WHATEVER
despite my complaints, s3b anne isnt actually dumb or weak or incapable, its just that theres only so much storytelling you can fit into a silly cartoon told in 12 minute episodes.
but what you can take away from commander anne is tgat anne is tired from running herself ragged to get the plantars back to amphibia and shes reeling from seeing this place that was her home for a few months be absolutely destroyed
real quick aside, anne never sees a restored amphibia or a fixed wartwood, so thats fun
theres also the angle of anne backsliding a bit into old behavior now that shes around a sasha that reminds her of the actual heroic girl she was immediately amazed by as a child. and that means she also...might think sasha is the only suitable leader or hero. this can lead to an interesting bit of conflict between anne and sasha where anne has to catch herself or have it be pointed out to her that shes not really helping sasha by putting all the decision making on her
which leads into how shes a different leader and a different fighter! anne isnt a tactician. shes impulsive and hot headed and that seeps into what she does. she cant guide an entire army, but she can offer perspective (when she convinces sasha shes improved and convinces tritonio to fight against andrias), she understands how various interpersonal relationships work (improving morale by suggesting a pinata party, knowing that sprig and grime DO NOT get along), and shes very good at offering solutions or ideas to help with problems theyre facing (shes the one that suggests they use the war of the warlocks as a battle strategy) shes also capable of spotting weaknesses and as spontaneous as she is, this works in her favor because anne is an unpredictable monster in a fight. she jumps, she swings wildly but with purpose, she puts her whole force into everything shes doing shes also just as strong and athletic as sasha and she has absolutely zero attachment to her weapons. while sasha keeps using the same swords, anne will use anything at her disposal to win a fight. you can see this in what is the closest thing to her signature technique: throwing her sword thats funny. its just funny. she throws things a lot, but you can kind of see the logic behind her doing this. who the hell throws their sword in a fight??? its literally the worse thing you can do. youre disarming yourself, youre creating a massive opening on yourself, and youre wasting time so you have to collect your weapon again. but she makes it work because she doesnt waste time when she does this. its always a step in what shes going to do immediately after. her goal isnt to do the smart thing, its to do the thing that will give her a shot at hitting her opponent because theyre thrown off by her tossing her own damn weapon. its silly, its ridiculous, but somehow she makes it work and she even does this in the fight against andrias to amazing effect also, keep in mind that annes way of looking at things from a different angle and with a sense of compassion is what wins them the war. sasha wasnt winning against andrias before anne showed up because anne provides an angle and a perspective that sashas just not built for theyre co-captains. theyre partners! and theres a very good reason that sasha couldnt make any progress without anne around. sashas the planner. annes the one getting everyone to believe the plan is worth it
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hostilemuppet · 5 months
Hello, long time regem follower here, I was wondering: Since the non-human characters change their appearances when they go to the overworld, do they also use nicknames or can they just say "Hi, I'm Zircon" and everyone else is cool with it? If they use nicknames, what are they?
it depends on the character! both in terms of their personality (would they care enough to come up with a fake name to hide their real identity?) and whether their real name could pass as a human name
i think zircon still goes by zircon. it feels like itd be a name a cool faux-punk artsy chick would pick for herself, and thats the vibe she wants, she WANTS men to think she can be their manic pixie dream girl so she can pick them off easier
sunstone, she cant exactly go by sunstone if she wants to make it big online and not be laughed off as a run-of-the-mill weirdo, so she instead goes by sunny. moonstone doesnt have a "name"; he tells every girl he pursues a different name, and when sunny mentions her manager she only calls him "luna"
amber is already a human name so theyd have no problems there. aquamarine REALLY wouldnt care but i think amber and maybe cinnabar would get worried about it, so maybe they call her "marina", which she thinks is dumb. cinnabar could probably get away with being called "cinna", or maybe cindy
jade, again is already a name
sapphire i think would go by ms sapphire, with it being her surname. she would not answer when asked for her given name
bloodstone is tricky, bc she doesnt really... interact often with any humans other than isaac, but isaac would still need a name to tell people about his girlfriend, and bloodstone isnt exactly a rock you can easily get a name out of. im thinking something super on-the-nose goth, preferably vampiric sounding bc. yknow. bloodstone and isaac are vampire themed. id want it to be very thematically sound even if it wouldnt be used as much as some of the others, bc shes a very theatrical character! maybe "ambrosia" bc of her goals of immortality. itd also be really funny to just call her shiela though, since she is "australian"
alexandrite can just go by alex / alexandra, except i think the russian version of it is aleksandra? and shes "russian", so maybe itd be cute to have her spell it aleksandra
kyanite wouldnt have to worry about a name bc she already looks fucking weird enough on her own, same with corvid. dragons breath opal is already mostly just called "opal" anyway
rhodizite, they have a stage name, they are rocky rhod. serpentine and obsidian also probably have stage names but i dont know yet. maybe they can also be ice cream flavours or other desserts that reference their actual rocks
ruby and jasper are already human names. pyrite doesnt even bother with a human form (he is never shown wit it ever, he will remain the shlubby little critter forever) so he also wouldnt bother with a name, except for how the humans who discuss the rumours of him in hushed rumours know him only as "fool's gold"
the tourmalines would still just call themselves the names the nicknames they use back home: cherry banana and kiwi. maybe banana goes only by "nana"
and finally, 2ircon goes by bunny, which is the nickname isaac gave her bc he felt bad calling her numbers
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
1. I dnt care to know the ins/outs of TZs relarionship bt i always wonder how much they interact/hang out with other celebs (outside of work obligations) lol Z will alwaya go to a Beyonce party, and i remember that sighting of her at a cookout with John David/Sam Jackson bt im nosy to know the celeb parties her n Tom go to. I guess its nt that often cuz shes said shes introverted/shy (and dsnt seem into partying) bt i wonder if she wuld go to a party lik the one Quinta/Questlove histed
2. I want a Euphoria s3 🫣 *runs n hides* i wish that Sam culd get his thoughtz together for s3 (and involve Hunter who directed a great ep.in the past) and they can actually film the show bt i will b watching the nxt season if it actually gets filmed. I want to know wat happens to Rue/her family, Cassie is entertaining and i lik Jules. I hope Z gets to actually direct an episode or 2
2. I think it wuld really help Kaia if she started off with either sum more acting lessons or even do some kids/young adult (high school based) shows/movies first. I think being on a kid/young adults projects can help her emote better and thats smthn she can really work on cuz whatever acting teacher she got now isnt helping her. She dsnt tend to really change her face for modeling editorials and mayb she got the same mindset for acting? Even on this video...why is she barely moving her face, gurl its a kids reading show.. emote for them kids! 😭
Haha, you mean you want to see TZ interacting at some celeb parties? 😅 I feel you Anon. Z is pretty shy/introverted, and Tom says he "hates Hollywood" rotfl, sooo I doubt they go to HW parties that often. Plus, Z has been spending more time in London lately than in LA. She legit moved away from LA last year now that I think about it rotfl. LA is just a rest stop for her now days lol. 😅 I doubt she has that many options for celebrity parties in London compared to ones maybe going on in LA. That party that Quinta and Questlove just hosted looks amazing though! LOL. I LOVE game nights! 😁
2. Hey...it's okay if you want to admit that you wouldn't mind seeing a Euphoria S3 lol.🤭 Lots of people still love the show, so you're not alone there! I personally don't mind if they did 2 or 3 ending episodes to tie up any loose ends so that we can see what happened to the characters, but I personally don't need to see 8 months of filming 8 episodes for a full complete season. It sorta feels like the momentum for the show is dying down a bit. But we all know HBO is going to keep the show on the air as long as Sam writes, because I believe Euphoria is one of HBO's highest-grossing shows right now.
3. (I think you meant for this to be #3? Lol) Anyway....
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I lied. How is her acting bad even just reading children's books?? Lawwwwd! 😩😭😅 Idk whether it's the years of modeling or WHAT, but something just seems so fake. Just read normally! LOL 😅 I think Kaia just needs to work on being NATURAL lol. THAT in itself would improve her acting sooo much.
Anyway.... I'd rather take Tom Hardy's bedtime stories thanks lol... 😅 He's actually pretty good at them!
I could listen to him talk allll day lol 🤣
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mixed-kester · 2 years
hello ms. esther! sorry for suddenly intruding, but i've seen you a lot on my dash n just wanted to say hi! and, well, to also give this tiny brainrot about u and wanderer in offering haha:
i don't know much about your personal lore, but seeing your art for throwaway-yandere's wood vs salt fic had me Thinking Thoughts. do you remember how in the beginning of wanderer-era, before he got his memories as scaramouche back, wanderer was pretty calm and nice? a little ditzy or, well, easily distracted sometimes, yes, but generally, he seemed like someone safe (or at the very least, like he wouldn't suddenly stab you in the back).
what if he met you while in this state? before the traveler found him and brought him back to the sanctuary of surasthana? what if he saw you and felt some dim, compelling force in the hollow of his chest where his heart should be (the lingering influence of irminsul, the all-encompassing obsessive love that scaramouche had for you you you—) when he sees you, a passing visitor in the grand bazaar, and quietly wonders if he's met you before.
now, this could go in many different ways depending on whether or not you remember him (even with irminsul's deletion of scaramouche's existence) and if he decides to do anything about that. one such timeline, like the wood vs salt-esque au, would be so interesting because, well, he doesn't remember pantalone ever being that close to you before. he doesn't remember you working for alhaitham either.
but you still look the same. still smile the same. still blush, huff, and laugh the same and wanderer can't help but cling to that (can't help but listen to the snake-like whispers just behind his ear to hold onto you, tighter this time, and make sure you'll never leave again).
some things are different. some things are the same. and all these unwanted anomalies are easy enough to correct, with or without his vision.
he's learned from the best, after all.
aaa this is very messy n all but i hope i got the idea across! if this isnt ur cup of tea that is very fine wdyhdbd but if nothing else, i would like to say ur art is very cool n ur ebg lore (at least the little i saw of it bc i had pre-mids that week) is very :eyes:
the object of my thoughts.
tags: wanderer, self-insert, situated inside @throwaway-yandere's Apotheosis on Your First Feast...kind of??? maybe??? an AU of sorts.
a/n: omg brain go brrrrr? welcome to my humble blog ajnsbvkjbhlka don't be shy to interact i don't bite- btw this fic is probably nothing like the ask aaaaaaa words: 1,072
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The Grand Bazaar is as bustling as ever. Her nose gets hit with the damp, yet fresh air of the hidden city nestled underneath Sumeru's Great Tree.
At once, Esther hears the quiet, lively atmosphere of the merchants, the lingering tune of a song in Zubayr Theater (Sadly, Nilou will not be dancing today.), and the smell of freshly-made street food, minus the bugs that so happens to linger on the stalls.
This place almost ticks all her checkboxes of a "safe space".
She found herself sitting beside a food stall, waiting for her order to arrive. In Esther's defense, the food was quite tempting. Scented Meat Balls always have a thing going for her mouth. One moment it's there, the next…an empty platter and greasy hands.
A very pleasant experience, 10/10.
With nothing better to do, she rummaged for her shoulder bag and pulled out a small notepad. Some of the signatures are falling off, the purple yarn barely holding it together, and the handmade cover is dirtied with charcoal stains.
Carefully tightening the seams with a sigh, she then looked around, looking for someone to draw. She wouldn't want to ask someone for permission, no. She has to be discreet; quick, yet accurate.
The last time she got "caught", Esther was quite embarrassed, although her subject at the time was quite flattered and even offered some good critiques at her pose anatomy before being dragged off by Alhaitham, of all people.
Alhaitham, your current boss, and the current Acting Grand Sage of Sumeru. Who assigned you to Varanara, just six hours ago.
Vanarana, the supposed home of the Aranara, the children of the Lord of Verdure.
…the Lord of Verdure, and the successful rescuing of Sumeru's future.
A rescue that I refused to join in.
Esther shook her head in an attempt to dispel the frankly annoying and intrusive thoughts in her head. Quickly putting her notepad, aside, she thanked the waitress and tested the waters on the meat balls, still smoking.
Ow. Too hot.
Her eyes roamed around the bazaar like a camera, looking for interesting people to draw. Interesting poses to draw. A merchant selling fruits, a vendor calling for customers. Quite banal.
I spy, with my eyes…
I spy, with my eyes…
Her hands fly towards the notepad, leaves ruffling as she attempts to find an empty page.
The slight off-colored white invites her in to draw the first line, to fill it up with her lines, to see the figure of a person, the someone she chose to draw.
Reaching out again, she tests if the balls are too hot. Feeling the warm, crumbly texture of the finger food, she eats one whole and quickly focuses on the task at hand.
She looks quickly.
He's not looking at her. Perfect.
She quickly dismissed the hat in her drawing. That thing is a pain to draw quickly, she thinks, instead opting for just an ellipse with shaded points.
She quickly deconstructs his relaxed figure, filling it up with more details as the platter beside her grows more and more empty with each passing hour
He doesn't look like he's from here, Esther figures as she draws the man's robes- kimono, she corrects herself- hanging loosely on his figure, making for quite the focus on his high-collared undershirt-
Esther chokes on a crumb. Coughing, she hides her face on her arm and shakes her head again. Taking a bite out of the meatballs, carefully this time, she erases the quite scandalizing abs on her drawing, scolding herself for the…distraction.
She tries to finish the figure without looking this time. A large gold ornament on his left chest… hair shaped like a weird bowl cut…red eyeliner…
hang on.
She glances again. He did not seem to notice, and was still facing away from her, talking to what she presumes is his boss. how did i know his eyeliner is red?
Her gaze lingers on the drawing, slightly smudging the freshly-drawn face as she traces its jaw. She thinks hard, her eyebrows furrowing, the tapping of her pencil serving as a pendulum for her thoughts.
think, think, think.
She tries to chase the thought, but it slips away from her grasp like a falling leaf amid a strong breeze. Whatever the thought is... she deems it not important.
Esther looks at her drawing again, and her grip makes a dent in the notepad. This drawing, this pathetic croquis of a figure...it's too ugly. It doesn't even shine a light on the guy. This drawing of hers is too disgusting to see the light of day.
The left arm is too long, the face is off, the torso is contorted unnaturally, the fingers are unproportioned, the face is off, the eyes are off, the eyes are off, the eyes are off-
She tears off the page, throws it on a random garbage bag, and leaves the bazaar in lower spirits than when she came. so much for relaxation.
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If she dared to look back, the subject of her interest has filched the torn paper.
Behind the tree, his errand remained forgotten, the fruits on the forest floor as he traced every uneven line that captured his inhuman self, marvelling at the seemingly glorious art in his hands.
Why did she discard it? he can only wonder as he gingerly holds the paper like it's a treasured possession of his. He does not understand. Why did she throw it away?
Should he find her? He thinks about it, but then considers his chances. An unknown person asks for her, saying something about knowing her vaguely and asking to come with him? He might as well parade around Sumeru City with the biggest hat he could find, yelling loudly.
What name would he give her when she asks for it?
He is a shugenja; a wanderer, as he calls himself. A tree with no roots. Somebody with no home, no kin, no destination. Someone with no name, no identity to hang on with. Trekking across Teyvat to train himself...it's just an excuse.
That's how absurd this is.
So why is he so hung up on this one person who drew him in such a human fashion? What is there to her that piqued him?
Have we met before?
He sighs, and folds the paper, tucking it in his hat. He picks up the sunsettias on the ground, and makes way to the nearby river to wash it.
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narwhalandchill · 1 year
FINALLY FINISHED 4.1 AQ!!!!! (General thoughts also Lot of childe thoughts + 4.1 spoilers obvi and 4.2 leaks warning, LONG)
ok OK OK that was actually insane holy fuck. i was mad initially when childe lacking voicelines in 4.1 leaked but like bro was Still a central character im cool! im cool! keep it up in 4.2!!!!
FIRSTLY. i was fucking right i KNEW the oratrice was ALWAYS onto childe being connected to the primordial sea through 'it' GOD the sheer fucking amount of "theories" i saw that were like oh its all just arlecchinos machinations nothing abyssal whale is an easter egg (?) childes poor mood is bc hes drugged with sinthe by arle (??????) etc etc etc. eat my fucking ass. i saw this shit coming YEARS ago i knew i fucking knew.
honestly its just like my dearest ajax to minmax his K/D ratio to the point that he becomes the murder weapon to a case that started when he was like 5 like what a legend. he is so talented. 🥰🥰🥰🥰
im still highkey on the copium camp that the leaked humanoid phase of the ptahur fight wouldnt literally be childe tho. unironically mostly bc i think its simply a crime against him to let foul legacys visual design AND ptahurs whale design serve cunt that hard only to do the ugliest most generic possible rectangle shaped dark armor guy for A Boss Fight. Like cmon. the purple cyclops look with the flowing galaxy cape and fluffy collar was The Shit. give us extra galaxy effect pastel purple water-y polar star motif-y foul legacy design for childes magical girl powerup not That. tho if childes only gonna look ugly before he asserts his claim over the whales power and then gets a cunty powerup then all is forgiven 🥰
AND WE SAW THE WHALE I WAS LITERALLY GIDDY WATCHING THE CUTSCENE. knew it was coming bc i spoiled myself on purpose by watching it on yt i Had to see it but. ITS SO GOOD. God. and then 4.2 we will fight them both??? & the boss title is "devourer of the stars"???? like its so fucking abysspilled and real i feel like a starving middle ages peasant being fed from the royal banquet table ive waited SO LONG. foul legacy is called devouring deep and 'it' is Litetally titled devourer. this isnt a fucking coincidenceee im in love . WILF i said what i said
anyway i do agree that in terms of lore implications i dont think its unrealistic at all for it and its will to overwhelm ajax temporarily like that thing is the devourer of stars which. Might i remind people literally means devouring fate in the world of genshin and constellations. a world ending entity. but also at the same time this might be me being insane and abysspilled (always looking for a reason for apologism yk) but like. theres no direct confirmation either way whether ptahurs intentions with childe are really malicious at all. he awakened it, theyre linked and its calling for him and sure thats bad for fontainians' projected life expectancy but we cant assume much else. i mean childe was in the deep sea he might be snezhnayan so immune to anti french bathwater but bro couldve been drowning maybe the whale helped out a pal. and the music in the cutscene was more wonder than terror too? fanon guys are just coping bc they dont want childe to get worse when thats just much sexier Trust (she says, overtaken by constant paranoia that somehow theyll pull a 180 and damsel-ify him with no actual narrative weight or satisfaction for his arc ahahaha)
(but like me when i havent read tusk of monoceros caeli item desc and understood that the all-devouring desire to crush everything in his path like the solipsism represented by the image of a whale cruising through the celestial heights is very explicitly stated to be a part of himself childe chooses to gleefully embrace do not fucking try me you illiterates. sorry i got emotional for a sec back to 4.1)
AND LIKE NO I DID NOT MISS THAT NEUVILLETTE DID NEVER IN FACT CLAIM PTAHURS SENTENCE UPON FONTAINE WAS UNJUSTIFIED. JUST THAT IT WAS TOO HARSH. so like listen listen listen. (pulls up my abyss is justified the gods are false the sky is fake so bringing ruin upon the world in the greatest sin against an artificial system is actually making the sinner the one delivering heavenly justice---- conspiracy whiteboard) ANYWAY point is childe tartaglia ajax should get to torch celestia and im going to kiss him on the mouth when he does. No one @ me. but actually neuvillette genuinely APOLOGIZED for overturning ptahurs authority to deliver its sentence. im gonna read into this so hard it might be reaching but who am i if not behaving down bad horrendously about the abyss and the prospect of a cosmic eldritch entity shattering celestias world order into pieces,?? this is my Brand
act III has so much hate but i thought it was fine SJSJSKSJFKFIDKFK it did what it set out to do and it certainly isnt as interesting as act IV but it did So much of the foundational work for the next act and managed to work well enough. it got a bit repetitive so like no it wasnt perfect at all but idk when u go in with the right mindset its perfectly competent. but i can see it feel horrible when u Really just wanna get to the action parts so like its fine if ppl dislike it jsjajsk not too pressed either way
anyway i find it so cute how many people are reacting to travelers dreams of childes pov as this like omg theyre in sync and not like. An explicit confirmation that visions are mass surveillance tools p much 💀💀💀💀 like its not even ON HIM and he can still be tracked how is this endearing im so lost JSFFJSJSJ
honestly beyond the obvious childe brainrot its hard to even go off about just any specific character bc EVERYONE got it so good. chlorinde dodged the sara allegations im SO fucking happy for her!!! even if it wasnt that much its already far off from that travesty!!! her and wrios dynamic is so fucking funny i adore them and wasnt expecting it at all.
wrio is fucking GREAT! i absolutely lived for every single line of dialogue he had like mans literally the funniest person in fontaine. silver powercreep. but not just that bc hes actually so fucking good and interesting and intriguing and i loved the overall role he played. the whole power play he did w lyney and that entire confrontation played so well with both his and lyneys character im just. this was a certified banger. the house of hearth sibs were all great and lyneys characterization had So much depth and nuance i really liked the way he wasnt dropping his and lynettes backstory in 4.0 just to trauma dump but that it was all actual setup for his minor/major breakdown during act IV and that payoff was so worth it!!! arle chiding him for his pride too. listen to your dad lyney.
speaking of Whom.
oh my god oh my god arle arle arle. this woman had me actually fucking blushing like. Her ENERGY. The Poise. the Threat. the Pressure. the veneer of perfectly conducted civil friendliness that feels more threatening than if she just put a knife to my neck (which. she could. id thank her)??? how shes genuinely LIVID at furina and about the prophecy and just kept pressing at her?????? no woman in this goddamn game has had an effect like this on me i feel so weak im such a fucking dyke oh my god. HER VOICE. HER FUCKING VOICE. EVERY SENTENCE OUT OF HER MOUTH I WAS EATING IT UP. that like. idk how to even call it that like dry breathy quality to her voice is just?????? i was transfixed i was obsessed i was hypnotized.
and ofc she didnt really gaf about childe much SJAJSKSJFKSKSKDKD but like unironically funniest fucking mental image from this AQ was the concept of if arlecchino ever somehow got arrested in another nation CHILDE would be her attorney like. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 HELP (logically ik he would do fine lmao hes smart and literally feeds his ego by being good at his job you guys are just so fucking rude comparing him to 6d chess zhongli in liyue AQ. thats zhongli being too galaxy brain not anyone else being dumb)
honestly i love love love this fucked up strict but seemingly truly genuine in her own fucked up way parental figure that she appears to be?? like this isnt redeeming her this is making her interesting as fuck and i do love that. the fact that shes generally very reasonable and collected but that you can just Feel the danger lurking underneath is literally So attractive i might keel over.
and like FINALLY a nation where its not all the fatuis fault!!! well it is all childes fault (so proud of him. thats my man!!) but you get what i mean GSJSKDK. arlecchino actually offering up her cooperation at the end just feels so refreshing and nice like ahhh. feels good feels organic.
so. neuvillette is the reincarnated hydro sovereign. whos surprised. (silence) yeah fucking thought so. honestly neuvi was both incredibly interesting and good but also his clueless moments of not picking up on jokes and banter are So autistic like if i hadnt already pulled him by the point i started doing act IV i wouldve the second he started sharing his autism diagnosis with us. so like im ecstatic to have him both on my main and NA alt actually.
ALSO. Confirmed that gnoses are based on stolen authority from the sovereigns. as a scalie enthusiast i Always had a hunch sth like this was up but having it confirmed is fucking excellent. and like it feels very much like furina/focalors (r they separate ppl or not? Huh?? is the gnosis in the oratrice?) r gonna allow neuvillette to tackle the bathwater problem by surrendering the authority over hydro back to its rightful heir n thats prolly gonna be a part of how fontaine dodges the prophecy. but its still very hmmmmmm
sigewinnes traitor moment actually caught me off guard it was SO funny. like she was actually fooling us i loved that. sure she always had good intentions and everything but still iconic. in general just how wrio and gang outplayed us in the fortress of merupide was great like it just really emphasizes how bro Runs the place for real for real and it was excellent. the massive ship was kind of out of left field tho. inb4 ptahur just crushes that thing anyway lmaooooo
theres probably more still but uh this is already too long JSJSKSKDK anyway yes i did enjoy acts III and IV very much how did you notice. sorry for the length of this crazed frenzy but not sorry actually. it feels so nice to get fed finally. im so hype for 4.2.
edit: wait i forgor furina. honestly im not gonna lie i was too mesmerized by arlecchino to pay that much attention to her so sorry about that but like GAJSKDJDKDK she was great too!!!
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adelinamoteru · 2 years
okay, so, hear me out, jason has had almost his own version of a justice league. its a reach, but think about it.
kyle rayner and donna troy, in countdown, he worked with a green lantern and a wonder. idk if its still canon that happened, but it did happened once!
roy in the new 52 (i know we aren't supposed to talk about it but technically,) thats the arrow. idk where starfire fits in this, i guess she could be the alien like martian manhunter?
artemis, another wonder. Bizarro, the super.
now all we need now is a speedster and an atlantian (and a martian if starfire isnt enough alien rep lol), and jason has a friend in every version of the core justice league. in my perfect world i would find another arrow for jason cuz roy is more dicks friend, but eh.
i think he deserves this. also it would be cool to see an outlaw justice league vs the regular justice league, like a cool ass civil war type of thing. and it would be funny to see bruces reaction to jason having a justice league, like "look dad! i got my own >:)"
ten years later and I'm finally here to respond
personally, I'm so sorry, but I want jason to have friends that aren't usually also there in relation to other batfam members. more underneath!
artemis and bizarro were top tier! their friendship and outlaws run is just more interesting to me, because we get to see jason making connections on his own. mind you, I really do like the potential of his friendships with kori & roy, but I haven't read a lot of their comics and I know there's a lot of backlash with how they're portrayed in rhato. (I still do like his friendship with them btw, especially roy, I just don't think they got the writing they deserved. they would've been so much more interesting if everyone was written correctly!)
I do like jason with his own team, but I'm genuinely not at all picky with whether he's the leader or not. I think he could be a great leader, but its not something essential to his character. like he doesn't need to be the team leader for me to think he's competent at what he does! I think I'd prefer them to stay on an outlaws route, so technically in a way they are the other side of the justice league, but I don't really think I'd want them to be pitted against each other? top tier characterization would be the outlaws doing their shit every now and then and fucking with the justice league, but no real antagonism conflict?
I loved his team up with donna and kyle and would definitely read more of it! but I can't see them being on a full blown team with him purely because they operate so differently.
I would like to see him working with rose and eddie for sure! and I think they could be a great start to building an outlaws team (whether its the same one as artermis and bizarro or not), but I don't know a lot of other dc characters that fall under the same area as jason so I can't expand beyond that :(
basically for me, I love the idea of jason in outlaws and would prefer it to be with people who didn't have prior attachments to dick (even though I still think on their own, they could be great friendships. I just don't want them to be his only friends). I want jason to have his own people!!! far away from batfam
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