#i wonder why he wants special treasures so bad
starrspice · 3 months
Another question. You said in an old ask that Sun, Moon, and Eclipse "actually started off all running the same ship, but they came to disagree on what they wanted to do overtime so Eclipse struck out on his own." Was this disagreement a big blow-out fight or just a "we'll agree to disagree" kinda deal? And what was it about exactly?
It was a big Blow out kind of fight
The boys had a very big disagreement about continuing treasure hunting
After Eclipse lost his eye Sun and Moon were insistent it was too dangerous and not worth the risk, while Eclipse firmly believed the reward outweighed the risk and that they all knew what they were getting into when they all set out
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eydi-andrius · 11 months
Cruel Existence (Gojo Satoru x Reader)
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summary: Gojo broke up with you a week ago. Trying to forget him, you invited your friends to a night out. It was fun while it lasted, until you realized that you never went home to your own place. In fact, you were sleeping soundly on his bed.
cw/tw: angst, hurt, pain, mentions of break up, regret, mentions of drinking until one passes out (please don't do this), trespassing
a/n: this was fun to write. I hope you like it. Again, as much as I appreciate likes, comments and reblogs motivates me better. Thank you!
It is wild how the stranger you once met becomes the most important person in your life.
Then for one day, life decided to make that person a stranger again.
Some may argue that no, they're not strangers anymore.
However if you think about it, a person who isn't in your life is nothing but a mere stranger.
His memories may be there, and it must have been your greatest treasure. Yet, it doesn't erase the fact that it wasn't them anymore.
Each day, the knife twists deeper, sharper and deadlier the more you think about the what ifs and the whatnots.
It's like a deadly poison slivering inside your vein. Memories turn lethal and invasive. You begged for them to just stop and let you breathe.
You prayed every night for it to be over. As you close your eyes, you wish that the morning will make you feel renewed and the person you once were.
How cruel life can be when all you wanted was to be loved.
Gojo had found you first. Maybe that explains a lot why he ended it in the first place.
"Look at this girl. She called us to drink her sorrows away but she was just holding her beer and staring from afar." Iori called you out. Then, rolled her eyes in annoyance. You gave her a chuckle and muttered an apology.
If she did not call your name, you will probably think about what you did wrong and why he ended your relationship that way. He looks tired, fed up when you ask why. He wasn't the same Satoru to whom you knew. It was true that he could be cold-hearted at times but he never acted that way towards you.
That should have been a red flag but that action had made a swarm of butterflies in your stomach. You almost thought you were special.
You bit your lips as you felt another tear wanting to come out and spill your pain in front of your friends again. Shaking your head and blinking your eyes, you tried your best to stop it.
You called and invited them to forget him. It has been a week. It shouldn't bother you as much anymore. He probably had been enjoying his single life. The pain of being pursued and being rejected after achieving your goal was something you had been trying your best not to overthink about. It might be true, but it wasn't healthy to soak through the scenarios and what ifs you knew nothing about.
It will just kill you inside and there will be no reprieve for it.
Attention and awareness finally came back to what you were doing, and so you looked around. The bar was loud. Blinking lights and the alcohol were giving everyone a false sense of confidence as they danced and socialized on the crowded dance floor. Everyone looked like they were having fun. Now, you kinda felt bad that your friends were just sitting inside the private booth with you. Especially, when all of these independent ladies had been through a tough week doing their work. You felt bad wasting their time to watch you mopping and crying over a man they already told you to be wary about.
"I know what you were thinking. And no, I'd rather sit here and join you into drinking your heart out than be with those strangers. Drink up!" Mei mei raised her eyebrows and tapped your pint. She's always so impressive at reading people. Sometimes you wonder if you had said your thoughts aloud with how accurate her words were, at times.
Heart filled with warmth, with how loving your friends were, you stood up and hugged them all. Shoko who remained quiet and sitted patted your back in reassurance after returning your big hug.
It was probably harder for her to hear what happened. She was close to Gojo. You just hoped she wouldn't be planning his murder though. She may be quiet but when angry, she can be more intense than these two.
Anyway, enough thinking about your ex-boyfriend now! These hot ladies gave you their precious free time so might as well use it wisely and to full extent.
You basically had dragged the three in the middle of the dance floor and showed them your moves, which was nonexistent, so you earned a mocking and hysterical laughter from them. Yet, it did not take long for them to follow suit and even challenge you to a dance battle.
The night was filled with laughter, and for once, during that grueling week, you forgot why you were crying and had to lie about your puffy eyes.
The pain in your head was intolerable. You had been awake for quite some time now but you cannot even lift your eyelids on how painful it was. You groaned. You moaned. You breathed in and out to make it better but the beating of the unbearable pain seems to get worse.
Well, it was true what they said, it had been fun while it lasted.
Last night was a blast. No one can stop the four of you as you claimed the stage and did your greatest night out. You felt the rush of freedom and so you did not stop taking shots after shots. The consequences were pushed back in the deepest part of your brain. And for once, you let your wild side out in public.
You were probably so wasted but at least managed to get home safe. The proof was the soft mattress of your bed. Your fresh sheet enveloping your exhausted body to a warm embrace while the air conditioner blows the perfect amount of cold. This atmosphere should have pulled you back to sleep, if it weren't for this godforsaken headache. Gosh, you wanted so bad to go back to sleep. But you are in pain, needing to pee and calm your growling hunger. You can even feel the vile gastric threatening to come up due to your empty stomach.
"How long do you plan to sleep on my bed?"
Familiar voice had spoken close to you and your body reacted way too fast. You sat up and opened your eyes. Leaning on the doorway was your ex-boyfriend Gojo Satoru. His blue eyes are neutral but his face says he was pissed.
His hair was damp. Droplets were even falling from it but he wore a white towel around his neck to prevent it from cascading further down to his body. He was half naked, only wearing an untied sweats that was hanging way too low for your comfort. Normally, you would say he was hot. But that was not the most important thing right now.
"What do you think you are doing inside my room-!?" In surprise, you yelled but were met by your very hoarse voice. You even ended up violently coughing and wheezing with how dry your throat was. It was as if you did a 24 hour karaoke with your friends or you competed at a screaming contest.
"Maybe before you groaned and moaned to someone else's bed, make sure you were actually on your bed." He tuts and moves towards where you were sitting. You felt a cold metal placed on your forehead and you sighed in relief. Even though it gave you a quick relief, it only happened for a second.
The pain, forgotten for a moment of shock, was now back twice ruthless. Your head was swimming in pain and you felt lightheaded. You left out a loud burp and you felt the hand, holding the can on your forehead, maneuvered fast to pick up the bucket placed methodically on his bedside. The respect you had for this man for preparing this much so he would be able to stop you if you plan to puke all over his place as revenge.
You wretched as if there was no tomorrow. All contents from last night probably had been vomited earlier because you felt only the acid of vile as it pushes whatever was still left inside of you. Heaving, you accepted the water he provided and gargled the last remaining content of puke in your mouth. You cleaned up using the back of your hand and leaned at the nearby chair while you were still sitting on his bed.
This is probably your year's nightmare. Drinking a lot for the first time, losing your friends by walking to someone else's house and worse, sleeping on your ex's bed and thinking it was so comfortable and homey earlier.
While you were thinking and regretting what you had done, you heard the scraping of the table being pulled closer to where you sat. His presence near you again. The clang of utensils, the sound of the lid being opened and plastic wrappers being crumpled and thrown had almost lull you to sleep when you felt a soft tap of his familiar hand on your shoulder.
With a blink, you straightened up and looked at the store bought food, placed in front of you.
It was cup noodles, a bottle of water and ibuprofen, placed on the side. The cold can of coffee just above it.
"Eat up or you will feel shittier than you are right now." He said more like an order and just stood in front of you with arms crossed.
You gulped and tried your best to eat but your hair kept on falling down and dipping on the cup noodles. You were already aware that you smelled like vomit, who could even imagine you can also smell like cup noodles. With a groan of frustration, you collected your hair on the side and was about to eat again when you felt his hand run through your hair.
He mumbled a soft "Let me." and with practiced moves, he was able to tie your hair with a hair tie. He used to do this a lot when you decided not to cut your hair shorter so you can donate it. He was so sweet and attentive when you were still together and this action of concern was not helping your case.
You sat and ate in silence while he stood there for a while and decided it was too awkward and he left you alone. He closed the door as softly as he could. Once you were sure he was gone, you gave out an empty scream and slapped your face multiple times. The pain, embarrassment, and anger were all mixed up as you felt it rise within you.
With a frustrated groan, you bite your lip and pray that this nightmare was all a dream. But you know better. Eyes staring at the familiar ceiling, you sighed. The room is engulfed with quiet except for your ragged breathing, indiciating, how sick you are.
The silence did not last long when you remembered your phone and frantically looked for it. You saw it placed properly on the nearby stool and almost cried when you saw the numerous texts and calls from your friends. Ranging from the early hours of the day and right now, it was asking for the same thing; where were you? or are you okay?.
Nervous, you tried your best to reply even with shaking hands and once you hit send, they immediately saw it and called.
The call was filled with screams of terror and relief that you were okay. But once they calmed down, you were able to talk to them properly. They even answered the gnawing question you had been wondering about when you saw Gojo in front you.
Around 3 am, you four had decided to book a room in a nearby hotel, instead of getting a cab and going home. You all were too wasted to even trust yourselves that you can all recall how to go home.
They never remember much after that but they were sure you were the first one to sleep on the bed. But later, after around 5 or 6, Iori woke up and saw you weren't there. They were filled with panic and terror because there is no way you can stand up after having that short sleep and being too drunk.
They tried to rationalize that maybe you did go home and tried to call you. But when you were still not picking up, they almost trashed the hotel room. Luckily, the cleaning lady was kind enough. When she saw their panicked and disheveled appearance, she asked the security to check if you left the hotel in one piece. It turns out, she had seen you four together and was also worried that something happened to you too.
They had seen you walking out of the room and through the lobby, up to the entrance. You obviously looked still drunk as you tried to wobble and walk straight ahead, outside of the hotel.
Since then, they have been blowing your phone with texts and calls. They could hear it ringing so they suspected that maybe you accidentally turned it to silent mode or you were kidnapped.
Grateful, you reassured them that you were fine. You made up a story that you booked a new hotel room, in another hotel, probably because you were drunk. Currently, you informed them that you were staying in that room and having breakfast. You reasoned out that you were not able to answer their calls and texts because you can barely open your eyes. It uproared another wave of panic but you told them firmly that you were fine and will call them once you take care of your too drunk ass. To stop them from asking further, you hung up the phone with an excuse that your battery was dying out.
There is no way that you will share to them that your drunk ass went to your ex's huge condominium and you thought as you woke that it was yours. You had been staying and visiting this place that your body immediately thought of this place as your other home.
After finishing your meal, and feeling the medicine taking effect. You psych yourself up to face the inevitable. There is no way you can just walk out of this place without confronting him about what you did and what he had to witness.
You walk to the restroom and try your best to look presentable and not a crazy person.
Once done, you slowly crept towards the door and opened it ajar, you scanned the place and looked for him. He was wearing a black fitted plain shirt, as he sat on the couch, sipping a cup of coffee as he typed something on his laptop. Probably, for work.
You walked slowly towards him and coughed to get his attention. His piercing blue eyes stared back at you, as he removed his glasses and closed his laptop. He grumbled and again, crossed his arms to his chest. His lips were abit pouted and the creases on his head showed a frown.
"I'm really sorry for trespassing. I promise I will never drink that hard again." You promised and even did a pinky swear in front of him. He looked unamused though as he replied with a doubtful "hmmm" and still had the same frowning face.
"Do you remember what you did then?" He asked.
"To be honest, no. I only remember being in a hotel with the girls and sleeping. I don't really remember much about what I did." You gulped when you saw him raised his eyebrow and sighed.
"See those keys?" He pointed at the keys placed on a bowl. "You used that to enter my condo. They were my spare keys that were still hidden in the same place. You were so drunk that you thought you went back home and even slept beside me. I thought I was sleeping with my pillow the whole morning, so imagine my surprise when that pillow turned out to be you." He shared with a firm voice, as if he even cannot fathom what happened.
However, something's amiss with that story.
"No way! Don't lie to me. I agree that I may have done the trespassing but sleeping beside you? Nahhhhhhh! I doubt that. Remember, you're a light sleeper! There is no way I can sneak up on you and sleep." It was now your time to raise your eyebrow and cross your arms at him. You even sounded smug for someone who owed him big time.
You do not believe that other accusation at all. That is so unbelievable and he was probably messing with you so you will feel guiltier from entering his home without permission.
"My new doctor prescribed effective sleeping pills for insomnia this time. I have been sleeping better and on time ever since. I never felt any movement at all." He smirked. And you know, you lose. Gojo never lied about these things and you also knew that he was struggling to sleep.
So if this was true, then for the whole morning, you were sleeping together!?
Who would even do that with her ex? Oh god you are stupid!
His smug look had made you feel ashamed even more and you know that you're red as a tomato. You feel hot all over and even at the end of your ears.
Let's end this humiliation and be done with this asap!
"I- Thank you for taking care of me. I owe you one. I'm so sorry again and will promise not to drink again and disturb you. Again, I am so sorry." With a deep bow, you sincerely apologize and you just hear him say "look up."
"It's alright. I'm glad your safe. Hangover but safe. " He taunted and you just wanted to slap that smirk out of his face. He was obviously implying how humiliating your shenanigans were. And they were, but he doesn't have the right to judge.
"Well then, if there's nothing more, I'll go back to the hotel and meet my friends." A bow again and you were on your way out.
You blinked when he slapped his hands on his thighs before he stood up and used his head to tell you to go first.
You frowned a bit in confusion but followed regardless.
This whole interaction was so awkward but familiar. He does this a lot whenever you visit his home. He usually drives you back home or if he can't, he will see you out to the entrance.
The elevator did not come sooner, however. It was creating unnecessary drama and tension between you two. As you just stood there, holding your bag for dear life. You hugged it for comfort and distraction on this growing awkwardness by standing near him. He looks fit. You imagine running your hands over him again. It was more tempting now than before.
"Please take care of yourself." You heard him speak first, breaking the ice. Your head whipped so fast in his direction when you heard his voice break a little when he said that. But when you looked at him, he titled his head to the side, confused at your action. Maybe you imagined it.
Embarrassed, you used the ping of the elevator as an excuse, thank god, and immediately rode the lift.
He was standing there on the other side, he was staring at you. It feels like someone was looking into your soul. You cannot help but feel vulnerable and open in front of his eyes. He looks solemn, calm.
If you stop me, I will forgive you and run back to your loving arms.
It was too late before you realized that you opened your mouth to speak and called his name.
"Satoru." His first name rang smoothly on your mouth. It feels comfortable and your heart twinged in pain when you realized that it may be the last time you will ever see him.
As the door closes slowly, you have seen his mouth move from your peripheral and he uttered your name softly, like how you say the name of the ones you treasured the most.
You do not know if you were just seeing things but his eyes look emotional, somewhat sad for a second. Before the elevator door finally closes and your name echoed when he said it.
There were no tears as the lift started going down. You expected that seeing him one last time, you will feel the pain worse than before. Yet, that did not happen.
Staring at your reflection, your eyes look tired. The way those eyes bore at you speaks volume on how your soul truly feels about this.
You had a moment of acceptance when the doors closed in between you two.
A new chapter of your lives will arise. He will have his own world without you. He will be happy. He will be truly madly deeply in love with someone else.
And now, the hurt and pain became numb and cold.
Just imagining that he would love someone much greater than what he had given you was soul crushing to the point of rude awakening.
During those times, you will be happy for him. But you wish, as selfish as it sounds, that he will not be as happy when you were still together.
Gojo doesn't need to get up to know it was you who entered his condo without notice. He was a bit concerned that you kept on stumbling around and cussing his furniture out that managed to trip you, even though it was clearly your fault.
When he felt the bed dipped and your arms automatically hugging him from behind, it made him a bit nervous. He has to pretend to be asleep or else…….or else what? He never knew.
You smell like alcohol and you're even slurring your words. He never saw you this drunk before. In fact, you never liked alcohol. You have a terrible experience of living with an alcoholic, so a mere smell of alcohol repulses you. He never expected to see you drunk and barely kept together.
He was about to confront you, when he felt your arms tighten around him and your breath tickling his back when you said, "I'm home." with a sigh of relief before passing out.
Gojo had never felt more at peace hearing those words coming from your mouth.
When he woke up, he was just staring at you. He never had any proper sleep since the break up but knowing you were beside him, he was able to sleep well.
Maybe something inside him had been comforted when you said you were home. It actually warms his heart that you felt at home beside him.
He sat up and, a twang of pain rushed inside his chest. He shakes his hair in annoyance using his right hand.
He doesn't have the right to be sad about it when he was the one who broke it up with you.
Gojo never really knew why he did it in the first place. Sure, his family never approved of you but he never really cared about their opinion. He actually wishes for his old folks to die soon so he doesn't have to pretend that he cares about their words. He grew up without them being around.
Or maybe it was because he felt insecure that someone as kind and loving as you chose him. You were so different to the people he usually surrounds himself around but you were warm and he felt safe around you.
With a frustrated groan, Gojo stood up and was about to walk towards the door when he thought of an idea.
He slowly walked towards where you were asleep, bent down and whispered, "Welcome home." before kissing your forehead.
For the first time, after a week of him trying to justify that he made the right choice, making Nanami, his friend, worry that he was working too much, he felt at peace and happy.
Just for a moment, he wanted to pretend that he did not let you go for something so stupid and you were actually home with him.
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fatuismooches · 6 months
fabulam diu oblitus - sequel.
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synopsis: The tale of the raven and the sparrow has ended, but that doesn't mean it can't start again.
includes: dottore w/ gn! reader
notes: This is the fifth and final part of this fic, please read the other four before this! This is a fluffier continuation of the last part in order to soothe your hearts from the last part. Thank you to each and every one of you who supported me with this fic, it was a wonderful experience and I hope you all enjoyed it! Now, let's wrap up the tale of the raven and sparrow once and for all. (Also, I realize that this part may seem a bit reader-centric, but I hope it's still good!)
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prelude. first interlude. second interlude. postlude. sequel.
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It had been years since the Traveler had attended their first Akademiya Extravaganza. It was a marvelous experience. It had also been years since the old sages were overthrown, the Balladeer’s attempt to become a God, and of course, the deletion of the Doctor’s segments as well as the death of the Omega build.
But why was the Traveler still in Teyvat? Since they still had yet to find their treasured sibling, their journey persisted. And so they and their traveling companion had found themselves back in Sumeru for another fun festival. Paimon had already had her fill of games and yummy food, so now they were going to see a performance, by the one and only Nilou. Their friend often danced, but today would be a special one since it was during the festival.
“Oh wow! Zubayr Theater is so much more lively than usual!” Paimon exclaimed. Indeed, there was a large crowd gathered below the stage, all of them excited to watch the dancer’s performance. But there was one person who caught Paimon’s eye. Someone was sitting by themselves, away from the crowd.
“Huh? Look over there, someone is sitting all alone. Do you think they’re okay?”
“Paimon, just because someone is by themselves doesn’t mean they’re in trouble. Maybe they don’t like being around large groups of people.”
“Oh… Paimon knows that! But maybe we should check on them, just in case. We still have some time before Nilou’s performance.” The Traveler gave in to their friend’s request and the pair made their way over to you. But you were too lost in your thoughts to notice them coming.
Your illness still remained, but with all the years that had passed by, at least it wasn’t as bad as it was before. It didn’t totally dominate your life, and you were able to do some things by yourself that you couldn’t do before! It wasn’t a cure, but it was something. Though of course there were bad days, the good days were the ones you focused on more. Good days such as today.
You were back in Sumeru after hundreds of years. You never thought it would happen but, one day your husband came to you and told you the news so casually, you thought you were dreaming. You? Leaving Snezhnaya? It felt unreal! If you were stronger, you would have tackled him to the floor with your love, but alas you had to settle for squeezing him as hard as you could. 
Though, to be honest, you weren’t sure if the Fatui actually had business there, or if he wanted to bring you there since you’d been longing for it for so long. (But it seemed unlikely that Pierro would give him vacation days…) Regardless, your joy was received by him adequately as you peppered his face with kisses.
So now you were here, in your home country. Of course, there were numerous top-tier Fatui agents assigned to you in disguise, always trailing behind with great skill, since Dottore was never going to let you be by yourself. But you didn’t really mind. The past few days had been the most fun you’d had in so long! (If only Dottore could join you. Obviously, he couldn’t in broad daylight… not to mention whatever duties he had.)
As you remember it, each Darshan had set up booths for the Wisdom Gala with a ton of interesting mini-games and other stuff. Though the concept was the same, you were once again realizing how things had changed over the centuries you were asleep… these games were truly novel! You were impressed at the creativity because it was nothing like this when you were a student!
One that was funny was when you were given a mallet… yes a mallet, to hit these little wooden fungi that kept popping up and down in different spots. You were given a question and each of the fungi had a different answer. You had to whack the one with the right answer. Now, figuring out the answer wasn’t the question, but rather hitting them. With your illness, lugging this thing quickly enough to smack them was not an easy task… but it was fun! Hehe, you knew Zandy would have whacked all of them anyway. Ugh, you were really feeling robbed now… the best things always happen in school after you already left.
Though your favorite game was the gear puzzles. You were given multiple gears of different sizes and had to insert them to make all of them eventually turn. You ended up finishing them at record speed, causing a whole swarm of Kshahrewar students around you, begging you to join their Darshan. It was a good thing one of your agents caused a distraction elsewhere for you to swiftly escape… Hmm, maybe you should ask Dottore to make these for you, so you could occupy your mind.
Ahh, not to mention the food… the delicious, authentic Sumerian cuisine that you missed so much. Although some things had naturally changed over four hundred years, it was as yummy as you remembered it. You always packaged some so you could share with Dottore (especially the sweets.) At the end of the day, or when you were tired, you were always escorted back to him. The location was secluded of course, for privacy and safety reasons. Your husband would listen to you ramble about quite literally everything, as you explored Sumeru City thoroughly, not just the festival. Even though he already knew everything you spoke about, he liked seeing your curiosity be indulged in.
But today was different. Today you decided to witness the performances going on in the theater. You had always liked watching them (Columbina often invited you to them) in Snezhnaya, so now you wanted to see what Sumeru had to offer. Four hundred years ago, the Akademiya looked down and shamed the arts far more than they do today. Non-academic writing, drawing, sculpting, acting, singing, dancing, you name it. There was no such thing as the Grand Bazaar or Zubayr Theater. Though you didn’t live here anymore, you were very pleased to see how much the arts were appreciated now, as they should be. Especially that red-haired girl, her dancing was awe-inspiring. You had seen her practice before the performance for a few days, and it was beautiful! If only things were like this when you were a student here…
“Hello there! You’re sitting all the way over here by yourself, are you okay?” A squeaky voice interrupted your reminiscing and you turned to see who it was.
The Traveler and Paimon… It seemed that you were blankly staring at them for too long because the floating one spoke again.
“Um… are you okay?” 
“Oh! I’m fine, sorry, sorry, I just spaced out for a second there,” you apologetically waved them off. This was going to be a bit annoying.
A while ago, you had decided to let go. Let go of the pain, of any possible thoughts of revenge, of the sheer grief you suffered from your loss. Because continuing to work yourself up like that would only worsen your illness and mental state. For the most part, you’d been successful, living each day as best you could along with your husband. You still thought about the segments though, always thankful for what they did for you.
But now that the Traveler stood in front of you in flesh and blood, your composure wavered a little. This was the same person who killed Omega. You couldn’t help but feel a twinge of hatred, but you relaxed with a deep breath.
“That’s okay! Well, Paimon is Paimon, and this here is the Traveler. We saw you here by yourself and just wanted to see if you were alright!” The blonde nodded in affirmation.
“Ah, I see. There’s no need to worry about me. My body can’t handle standing for so long, so it’s better for me to sit, even if I’m a bit far away from the stage.” There was no harm in telling them right off the bat because you had a feeling that Paimon’s line of questioning would make you reveal your illness anyway. She talked a lot, according to your fellow Fatuis.
“Huh? Are you injured?”
“No, it’s just my illness. My body struggles to do many things a healthy person would, so I need to be careful.” The pair nodded at you in sympathy.
“Oh… Paimon is sorry about that. That sounds really tough…” 
“It’s alright. It’s been like this for many years, so I’ve grown accustomed to it.” The fairy placed her hand on her chest in understanding before she brightened.
“Ah, Paimon has a good idea! Why don’t we keep you company during the performance? You know, we’ve been here loads of times and are even friends with Nilou! We can definitely tell you some cool things!”
“Oh, that sounds… nice.” You smiled at them, not because you liked them, but more because you were interested in their stories about this place. Paimon cheered and the Traveler took a seat near you. It made your skin crawl a bit, but you didn’t show any outward reaction.
“Say, Paimon never asked your name.”
“You can call me [Name].” The only person who knew you in this country was the Dendro Archon, and you doubted they would tell her about you, so there was no point in using another name. Also that was too much work.
“So [Name], is this your first time in Sumeru? We can show you all the best restaurants if you need it!” Ah, so the agents were also accurate when they said she liked food a lot. And the fact the Traveler was silent most of the time.
“No, I used to live here. But, I moved away a long time ago, so this is my first time back in many years.”
“That sounds nice. It must feel good to be back, huh? It’s too bad the Interdarshan Championship isn’t taking place this year. That would have been lots of fun!” Paimon sighed, memories of the last one flowing through her mind. Ah yes, you remember that as well. You and Zandik were never chosen as nominees of course… but it was a fun event to observe. For you at least. Zandik would always go on about how foolish the competitors were, how they couldn’t see how simple the seemingly difficult challenge was. You always laughed at his criticism.
“Mhm, it’s too bad. Maybe I can come back another time to see that.”
“Yeah, you definitely should! Speaking of, did you come here with anyone?”
“Yes, my husband accompanied me here. But he’s working right now, so I’m by myself.”
“Aww, that’s too bad. It must be lonely to enjoy a festival by yourself, huh?”
“Perhaps a little bit, but I do not mind. He’s taken care of me for countless years along with his work duties, it’s more than enough for me to even have the opportunity to experience this festival.”
“Wow, you two really do sound like a loving couple!”
“Hehe, yes… yes, we are,” you had started to smile loopily at the thought of Dottore and ignored the look the Traveler and Paimon gave you. But your attention returned when the stage lights flickered on and the crowd started to simmer down.
“Looks like the performance is starting! Oh, Paimon can’t wait to see what Nilou has in store this time!” You were excited to see it as well.
The performances were delightful. The play was well-acted and interesting, and the red-haired girl’s dance at the end was beautiful. Huh… you wish they had more festivals like this in Snezhnaya. Or maybe they did, and you didn’t know about them. You’d have to ask Bina about that when you return.
“That was so, so touching,” Paimon sniffed as the Traveler comforted their friend. You couldn’t help but agree as well. “We have to go say hi to Nilou now!” The Traveler and Paimon rose as you watched them.
“Just stay here [Name], we’ll be back in a few minutes!” You smiled at them as they went off to greet their friend before you quickly dropped your expression. Stay? With them? Nah, you had enough for today. You wanted to go back to Dottore now and bother him to let you cuddle him on his lap. So when they weren’t looking, you slipped out of the theater, and your bodyguards slyly followed, attracting the attention of no one.
Ah, you had a lot of things to say to Dottore now, didn’t you…
“Huh? Where did [Name] go?” When the pair returned, you were gone.
“They must have left. I bet it’s because you were asking them so many questions, Paimon,” the Traveler teased her.
“Hey! Paimon was being friendly and they didn’t seem to mind! Anyway, let’s go outside. It’s only been a few minutes, maybe they’re still around.” The pair exited and walked around the city for a bit, but you had already disappeared into thin air.
“Traveler, Paimon! It’s nice to see you again!” A gentle voice called out to them. It was Nahida, who walked up to them with a bright smile on her face. The other two responded in kind.
“Oh, hey Nahida! Long time no see, huh?”
“Yes, it’s been quite a while. You must come over for a bit and tell me about your travels sometime. I guess you’ve been enjoying the Akademiya Extravaganza, right?”
“Yup! Traveler and Paimon enjoyed a lot of fun games and delicious food! And then we went to see some performances at the theater, and now we were looking for someone, but eh, it’s not really important anymore.”
“Hmm? Looking for who?”
“Just someone we met a few hours ago at the theater. Their name is [Name].” The Dendro Archon’s eyes widened at the mention of your name, immediately straightening up.
“[Name]? Did you say [Name]?” The Traveler and Paimon noticed the God’s surprised expression and inquired about it.
“Yeah, do you know them, Nahida?”
“I… I can’t believe it. Do they happen to look like…” Nahida then went off to give a brief description of you, and the Traveler confirmed that you indeed matched her words. Paimon was a bit worried.
“Nahida, why are you asking us this? You’re making it seem like we were talking to a long-lost criminal or something.”
“Well, I suppose that wouldn’t be too far off. This [Name] that you’ve met is… part of the Fatui. But that’s not the big part. They’re the Doctor’s lover.” It was silent for a few seconds before Paimon responded, nearly yelling as the Traveler’s jaw dropped.
“The man [Name] is married to is THE DOCTOR?!”
“Oh, so they’re married now? Last time I heard they weren’t.”
“Nahida, surely you must be mistaken, right? You’re far too casual about this, no one could be dating the Doctor of their own free will!” Nahida was about to respond when yet another voice interrupted.
“She’s not lying.” A familiar voice echoed from somewhere and the group turned to face it. It was the former Sixth Harbinger, standing to the side, braced against the wall. “That [Name] is indeed the partner of Dottore. I met them while I was in the Fatui.”
“Ahh… Paimon’s head hurts…” The Traveler nodded in agreement as they too rubbed their head at this revelation. “But why? Why would they want to be with the Doctor?”
“It’s futile to ask me about their relationship,” the puppet scoffed. “I cannot begin to comprehend how the two of them supposedly love each other. I’ve spoken to them a few times…” the puppet thought back to those encounters in the lab, “but our conversations did little to enlighten me on the nature of their relationship.”
“[Name] and Dottore have a long history together. It’s… complicated, but I’m not lying when I say they’ve been together for centuries. But what concerns me is that if [Name] is here, then the Doctor must be close by as well… and the Fatui too… He wouldn’t let them roam around all by themselves.”
“Oh no! That’s right, [Name] said that their husband accompanied them here. So that means the Doctor is in Sumeru!”
“I see… the Matra would have noticed if a boat of Fatui arrived at the port… so that means the other agents must be well disguised. But nothing has happened lately. Sumeru has been at peace like usual, there’s nothing that the Fatui have been digging their nose into recently. I wonder…” the God of Wisdom began to mumble to herself while Wanderer merely looked on.
“Paimon would have never guessed they were in the Fatui… do you think they were lying about their illness too?”
“No, they are indeed afflicted with a mysterious illness. From what I know, [Name] used to be quite a formidable force four hundred years ago. But their illness gradually sapped their strength away from them, leaving them as they are now… so they have virtually no physical prowess anymore.”
“Oh… that’s quite sad. Wait, but that doesn’t change the fact they’re part of the Fatui, with the Doctor no less! They’re our enemy, no doubt!”
“That’s not to mean [Name] is weak. Although their mind has certainly been ravaged by many things, they possess a strong will. Not to mention, they are the one and only Doctor’s close confidant. I’m sure if pressed, they have some tricks up their sleeves.”
“We have to do something! The Fatui are always up to no good, I bet they have some horrible, evil plan to… to… ruin the Akademiya Extravaganza! We can’t let them do that!” Paimon exclaimed while the Traveler nodded in complete agreement. “Nahida, what’s the plan?”
“The plan is to let them be.”
“H-Huh? Nahida, you’re just going to let them go?”
“That’s correct, Paimon.”
“Lesser Lord Kusanali, are you sure?” Even Wanderer, who usually went along with the God albeit with some moaning and groaning, had an objection.
“The festival has been going on for several days now, and tomorrow is the last day. If the Fatui truly were planning something, it would have been done by now. And to be honest, I suspect that the only reason the Doctor made the trip here was for…” You, Nahida wanted to say, but then decided against it. She wasn’t one hundred percent sure, after all. “Actually, never mind. Don’t worry about it, Traveler, Paimon. But if you happen to see them tomorrow, you could speak to them again. I am admittedly… interested in [Name].”
“Well… alright Nahida. We trust you.”
While the group was busy chatting about you, you were making your way back to Dottore. It was already evening, and all you wanted to do was relax in the embrace of your beloved. However today, the Fatui agents were escorting somewhere else rather than your temporary home. Where? The more you walked, the quicker you realized.
The large Ruin Golem in the mountains of Sumeru’s forest.
Seeing it from a distance brought back fond memories for you. You remember the first time you and Zandik entered it. He was incredibly fascinated with it and literally spent hours in it. Of course, you were forced to stay with him and help him with all the research and note-taking. But looking back, it was fun. And you may or may not have kissed him a lot in there, and he was very annoyed at you breaking his focus, but did nothing to stop you.
This same spot, near the Ruin Golem, was also a frequent star-gazing spot. Because he would spend so long there, even until night fell, and you kept insisting it’d be romantic to watch the stars here. He didn’t really agree but… Zandik surprisingly indulged you more than you realized.
Soon, you were much closer to the Ruin Golem and Dottore was in sight, waiting for you. The Fatui agents bowed to you as you dismissed them and made your way over to your husband, who was patiently waiting for you while gazing at the large robot in front of him. You wondered if he had finished his work, for him to be wasting time like this.
(In reality, there was no real mission in Sumeru. The five-day long trip was done to indulge your long-time wishes. Pierro had only let Dottore go on it if he managed to finish at least three-quarters of his paperwork before the trip, and the other quarter during it. So needless to say, Dottore had worked quite hard to acquire this time off, but you didn’t need to know that because then you would feel absolutely terrible and he’d have to deal with your countless apologies.)
“[Name],” he greeted you.
“Zandik!” You immediately hugged him to which he reciprocated and patted your head. “I missed you! Oh, I have so much to tell you. You wouldn’t believe what happened. I met the-”
“Traveler,” Dottore interrupted.
“You know already?”
“Of course. I was notified the moment it happened.”
“Oh.” Well, now that you think about it, that made sense. Of course, Dottore would be aware of everything that happened to you… you were alone, but in a way you weren’t. He still had that overprotective and possessive streak, and rightfully so. He chuckled at your reaction.
“But, I believe your point of view will be far more eye-opening. So please, do tell.” You brightened and immediately began prattling about everything, not before you two laid down on the grass and got comfortable, the same as you did four hundred years ago. Though Dottore wasn’t particularly worried about the Traveler doing anything to you, no, of course, he had planned for this possibility (unlike you) and already had measures in place just in case anything happened. 
So the conversation began to move onto softer things. Like you bringing up old memories every five seconds. For example, you two also used to come here frequently to investigate the forest for classes. Zandik usually found these ones boring and was much more interested in Ruin Machines, so you often sped through these boring expeditions in record time so he could do more “fun” things.
“Perhaps we should do that again.”
“Do what? Investigate the biodiversity of Sumeru’s forest?”
“Correct.” You laughed at his words but Dottore looked rather serious about it.
“Isn’t the sun going to set soon? And I thought you weren’t interested in that stuff anymore.” 
You were surprised he was doing this, but Dottore had already risen to his feet and stuck out his hand to you expectantly.
“No matter. We can still see, no? And I do believe it will be interesting to see how it has changed over four hundred years.” That was a lie. He didn’t actually care about the plants of the forest. He was only doing it because he knew it was something you would like. And he was right of course, for you smiled happily and took his hand, clasping it tightly.
“Alright then! I’ll lead the way, just like old times,” you puffed your chest out. “Just follow me, Zandik. And you’re taking notes this time! You don’t know what you put my hand through all those years ago!” Dottore only chuckled at your huffing. You were always on note duty because he kept breaking his pens and spilling ink everywhere, much to your dismay.
But regardless, you two spent an evening examining Sumeru’s fauna, the conversation turning surprisingly rather intellectual. But it soon turned quiet as you two ended the night off by gazing at the stars, just like old times. 
The stars may be a lie, but sometimes lies are still beautiful.
Today was the last day of the Akademiya Extravaganza, and you decided to spend the day enjoying the city one last time. You were set to leave with Dottore this afternoon, so you only had about half a day to do what you needed to do. You didn’t know when you’d be back again, so you wanted to imprint it into your mind, and maybe get a few souvenirs as well. It all went well, you did what you needed to do, bought what you wanted and passed it on to your agents to keep for you, and were actually about to head back to Dottore when you met some familiar faces.
The Traveler and Paimon… again. It seemed like the Gods really did hate you, huh? 
“Hey [Name]!” That familiar high-pitched voice waved to you and called out your name… ugh. Just as you were about to go, too. But you pretended otherwise.
“Hello Paimon, Traveler. It is good to see you again. I must apologize for leaving yesterday. I had… matters to attend to,” you apologized.
“Don’t worry about that! Paimon understands.” You smiled back in response and waited to see if the pair would say anything else, but they just… stood there for a few seconds and looked at you.
“Well, if that’s all…” You turned to leave, but Paimon blurted out a strained response unusually quickly.
“Wait! Paimon means, would you like to take a walk with us? Our conversation got cut short yesterday, it would be nice to talk a bit more.” You squinted a bit at Paimon’s expression. It seemed a bit… off. Regardless, you did have some more time to kill, and perhaps they would tell you something of amusement you could relay back to Dottore. So it wasn’t too bad of a decision.
“Alright, that sounds fine,” you nodded in agreement. Paimon had to hold in her sigh of relief. And so the three of you began to walk, taking in the sights of the city. Paimon asked you some more questions, but she seemed a bit… nervous? You weren’t dumb, the more she talked the easier it was to notice. The Traveler was good at keeping a poker face, but Paimon on the other hand, was not. She was nervously looking back and forth between you and the blonde. Which could only mean one thing. 
They knew your real identity. 
Ah, so they found out. Huh. You weren’t expecting that, but you didn’t care much. They were bound to find out eventually, so long as they kept fighting the Fatui. You didn’t know if they were going to confront you right now or not, but you weren’t going to wait around for it. You knew your Fatui bodyguards were close by somewhere, but you didn’t want them to get hurt by the Traveler, so you stretched your arms out, a signal for them to back away a bit. Because you already had a defense mechanism readied that you didn’t want to affect them. Courtesy of Dottore, of course.
So before Paimon could ask another question, you abruptly stopped. You two had exited the city, so there were no regular civilians around either.
“[Name], why did you-”
“There’s no need to pretend anymore. You know who I am, don’t you?” The looks on their faces gave it all away, and the Traveler instantly put up their guard, which you chuckled at.
“Now now, there’s no need to get all worked up. Surely the ever-righteous Traveler won’t hurt a poor, defenseless soul like me, right?” You simply smiled at them, and Paimon was immediately on the verbal defense.
“Hey! You’re in no position here to be saying stuff like that! The Traveler here has taken out countless Fatui, you’re no different,” the travel guide bluffed. She remembered Nahida’s instructions to let you be, but how could she let you talk to her like that?! “And, and,” she scratched her brain for another warning, “we’ll take you to the Matra for questioning!” Paimon blurted out her best threat, which you only laughed at.
“Oh no, I’m so scared…”
“Hey! We’re not joking! You’re connected with the Doctor, they’ll lock you up!”
“Mhm, you know all of that, don’t you? And yes, I’m well aware of your martial prowess,” you looked directly at the blonde. “The same hands killed Omega, didn’t they?” At the segment’s name, the Traveler stiffened. The look in your eyes wasn’t the same as it was before. It had a carefully veiled sense of loathing that had come up to the surface.
“You know, for years I wondered to myself, how did Omega look like in his last moments? What did he think of? What did he do?” Your voice gradually became a soft whisper. “These questions used to drive me mad, but I don’t think I want to know the answer anymore.” The two were shocked at the clear love and longing you had in your voice for the deceased segment. It wasn’t fake at all.
“But why? Why would you willingly be with someone like the Doctor?” Earlier that day, the Traveler and Paimon had decided to scout Sumeru again in hopes of finding notes that you left behind, and after careful exploration once again, they did. Your notes, however, always had careful logical additions left by Zandik. And then, in response… you’d flirt with him on the note, to which the scholar never responded. The pair didn’t know what to feel or say to that.
“Ah, there it is. The same question I receive every time. But it’s okay. I can understand your confusion. Though if I were to stand here and tell you every reason why, it would make you only more confused. So let me answer your question with the simplest answer of them all. I love Dottore. Dottore loves me. That is the foundation of our relationship.” Unfortunately, that answer seemed to only make the two more confused. 
“… It seems that you still do not understand. But that’s okay. It’s not like it matters anyway,” you supposed they were unconvinced a man such as Dottore could love, but you weren’t here to convince them of that. So then you turned to leave before Paimon spoke again.
“Where do you think you’re going? You are coming with Traveler and Paimon!” You let out a sigh at this creature’s persistence. Looks like you’d have to do something.
“You know, I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to use this,” you mumbled under your breath before you retrieved a pill from your pocket and swallowed it, although it was a different color from your regular ones. The Traveler continued to watch on carefully, ready to summon their sword at any second.
“Hmph! Any last words?” Paimon put her hands on her hips as she stared at you. You thoughtfully looked up and began to think, before you came up with something. You despised the Traveler, but a question couldn’t help but linger in your chest. And hey, they’ve helped Childe and Arlecchino in the past, despite nearly being killed by them, right? And that Electro God too. You didn’t know if they were stupid or just too nice. It was worth a shot. And, you didn’t care if you were selfish or not. You were tired of being nice.
“Traveler… may I ask you a favor?”
The Traveler raised their eyebrow, partially offended and shocked you would ever ask them that considering the antagonistic stance you took. That was the last thing they expected, but you took their silence as an opportunity to continue.
“You hop to different worlds, don’t you? Different universes?” The Traveler nodded, unsure of where you were going with this. Your gaze flickered to the floor, eyebrows furrowing before you made up your mind.
“Then, when you leave Teyvat, could you… look for me?” Out of everything that could have come out of your mouth, the Traveler could not have expected that.
“I want to know… I just want to know if there exists a world, where none of this happened. Where I was never sick, where he didn’t have to do all of this to find a cure. I want to know if there’s a world where everything is okay for us.” Your eyes fluttered shut as you spoke, loads of memories flashing through your head about everything you’ve gone through. The Traveler and Paimon remained speechless because they truly did not know what to say, before you cringed at yourself for saying something so stupid.
“Ah, what am I saying? I know you have no sympathy for us, it was dumb to ask,” you waved it off. “Forget it. But I’m afraid I’ve wasted too much time here with you. I have things to attend to.” At that moment, you reached into your pocket and produced a strange device, and before the Traveler could summon their sword, an irregular, headache-inducing sound echoed throughout the area. Instantly, the Traveler knew it was the same sound device Omega had used to put them to sleep all those years ago. But it was too late, as their mind became foggy and their knees buckled to the floor.
“To think that you fell for the same thing twice… that’s kind of embarrassing for you, mighty Traveler,” your laugh was the last thing they heard before they fell into a dream. “It’s a good thing Dottore told me to carry this thing… and made a pill so the effects wouldn’t work on me. Well, bye now.”
After rendering those two unconscious, you made your way to the boat you and Dottore were going to leave in. Your agents had caught back up to you and you swore you heard them mumbling about how “cool” you were. It was cute.
You saw your husband standing leisurely on the boat. You guess he had no reason to disguise himself considering he was already about to leave. You immediately smiled and climbed onto the boat with his help.
“I guess you were immediately notified of what happened, weren’t you?” You teased. 
“Of course,” he went along with your tone. “I am always aware of what hindrances may plague my spouse.” You hummed in acknowledgment as you watched the Fatui prepare to set off.
“You know, this whole trip, I’ve been thinking something stupid.”
“No thought from you could be stupid. Do tell.”
“I’ve been thinking… that I love you so much that it may begin to physically hurt me when you’re not around.” Dottore seemed amused.
“Is that so?”
“Yes, really! All those times when you left me alone in the lab, I swear I started developing some side effects!” You pouted as Dottore found himself laughing at your pain.
“Well, not to worry. I am a doctor, after all, I know very well how to treat this ailment.” Dottore ran his fingers up and down your neck, leaving behind a tingling sensation.
“Oh, do you? Well, go ahead, doctor. Make me feel better.”
“I would be delighted to but, the treatment is a little… hands-on,” his deep voice made your heart race with excitement.
“Aren’t you the one who always gets mad at me for trying to skip my medicine? I see no reason to hesitate.” You smiled boldly.
“As you wish. But don’t say I didn’t warn you…” Dottore then pressed you against the railing of the boat, holding you down so you wouldn’t tip over, and then began to lean into your lips.
(The Fatui agents kept their heads turned the whole time.)
That had happened years before the Traveler defeated the Doctor, and consequently killed you in the process. Sometimes they wonder if things could have turned out differently. Especially since some of the other Harbingers were certainly not pleased with them when they finally fought, namely the Third, but she too eventually met her demise. But what’s done is done.
The Traveler thought that would be the last they ever saw of you and the Doctor, but they were wrong. As one would expect, Dottore was connected with many of the events in Teyvat, and so he popped up here and there again throughout the rest of the Traveler’s journey.
But one thing they did not expect was to see you and Dottore again. Where? The Ley Lines had somehow shown them people from the past, as they once did with the Shogun. 
It was… strange. Strange to see the two of you just be normal. Normal people, normal students before it all changed. You, a stark contrast to the person they saw before - energetic, bubbly, handling your weapon with ease as you protected Zandik from any possible danger. Zandik, a lot more grouchy and less suave, morally ambiguous but not quite evil yet. Two people who were alone and found company in each other’s likeness. It created a sort of… understanding for the Traveler. Not forgiveness. Understanding.
So when they finally left Teyvat, they decided to fulfill that favor you had asked them. To find you in another universe. It was also to satisfy a sort of curiosity they had themselves. Would you two truly be happy in another world? They would find out as long as they continued to journey with their sibling. So they traveled and traveled and met many new people, and went on many new adventures, your request lingering in the back of their mind every time they visited a new planet.
Admittedly, it was actually kind of… sad to see your fates in the other universes. In many universes, you died, or he died, leaving the other all alone unable to come to terms with their fate. In some universes, you were ill again. You did not survive. In others the relationship did not last, breaking it off due to numerous reasons out of your or Zandik’s control. And maybe the worst fate of them all… you two never crossed paths. Never able to give the other a chance at love.
If the Traveler had a Mora for every time fate divided you two, they might be as rich as Pantalone. They wondered if your request would ever be finished. So when the Traveler entered the next universe, they weren’t expecting much. 
This world was a bit different from the others. It had no supernatural powers, but it had great technology. Things like “internet” and “phones” and “computers.” But they had gotten accustomed to it quickly, as they always had. Right now they were at an outdoor cafe, waiting for their sibling when they heard a familiar voice.
“Ugh, I swear, as soon as the term ends, I will be running to give that guy a scalding rating!” The voice spoke with annoyance and a slam followed soon after, presumably textbooks dumped onto the table. This cafe was frequented by students, so this was no surprise for the Traveler. Cheap, yummy, and a good study spot is what they heard from passersby. 
“I told you not to take him,” another grouchy voice replied. “You brought this on yourself.”
“You know that he was my only option! I literally got the last seat in the class,” you whined back, the chairs dragging across the concrete. “Besides, I don’t want to hear that from you when you complain about your professors every single day, Zandik.” That name nearly made the Traveler choke on their drink.
Zandik? Did they hear that right…? They turned around, hoping not to arouse attention, and then their eyes widened as they looked at the pair that just arrived.
They were the spitting image of the [Name] and Dottore from Teyvat, although these people were dressed in different clothes that were normal for this planet. There were a few minor differences that the Traveler only recognized because they were familiar with Teyvat’s version of you, but there was no doubt about it.
These two people were this planet’s version of you and Dottore. But the question was, were you two happy together? The Traveler needed to find out, and this position wasn’t good for spying so they moved to another inconspicuous location.
Zandik only rolled his eyes at your defiant quip before opening his heavy textbook, which you soon followed suit. The friendly banter between the two of you flowed naturally. When the food came, you tried feeding him the piece of cake which Zandik tried shooing your hand away, but had to give in after a while with slightly red cheeks. Your hands occasionally brushed against each other, but neither of you pulled away. Interesting, very interesting. Could this be the universe…?
After you two left the cafe, the Traveler decided to follow. This was probably a bit stalkerish, but they just needed to confirm. (Good thing they had skill in this area.) 
In the busy public streets, your shoulders only brushed, but when it became more deserted, you reached out to hold hands with Zandik. He huffed and mumbled something to you, which the blonde could not hear, though you only responded with a laugh as you squeezed his hand tighter. But then your attention was diverted by something else.
“Oh, look there Zandik! Do you see that?” You whisper-yelled, drawing his attention to a tree branch. “It’s a raven and a sparrow! Together! The thing is on top of the other’s head!” You couldn’t contain your amusement. “Isn’t that really strange? Don’t ravens eat sparrows sometimes?”
“Yes, and the sparrow must be rather stupid for allowing itself to get so close to something that can kill it,” Zandik said bluntly.
“That’s not nice,” you poked him for that comment. “Just because they’re different doesn’t mean they can’t be friends. Just like us, Zandik!”
“The world is not that nice, [Name],” he sighed, your optimism causing him great headaches sometimes.
“Yeah, I know thatttt~. But you never know! Hehe, you know, this reminds me of the time a few months back when a butterfly landed on your nose. You looked so cute! Ah, I’m so glad I got a picture.” Zandik immediately scowled, because you set the bloody thing as your wallpaper, so anyone who looked at your phone’s home screen could see the embarrassing moment. Ajax and his wretched finance and theater friends did not let him hear the end of it. Your boyfriend then started walking much faster, dragging you along as you yelped at the increased speed.
“Stop babbling and hurry up, otherwise I’ll leave you behind.”
“Okay, okay! Just slow down!!”
Soon, the two of you reached your newly rented apartment. Both of you had only recently moved out of the dorms, but it had been a lot of fun decorating and growing accustomed to this new life. The Traveler watched as you disappeared into the building, and then noticed your figure again through a window near the upper level. You were cradling an animal, a cat actually, and kissed it gently. Zandik then made his way over, uncharacteristically scratching its chin as well, before saying something to you. (Perhaps scolding you for giving your pet too much attention. A very Zandik way of saying he himself wanted more attention too.) You only shook your head with mirth before pressing a kiss to your lover’s lips, and the two of you moved away from the window, now out of sight.
Well, the Traveler’s job was done now. You and Zandik were happy. Maybe not in Teyvat, maybe not in any other world but… you two were happy in this one. And that was all you wished for.
[Name] and Zandik were happy.
And that’s the perfect ending for a fairy tale, right?
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odoraful · 28 days
hello! I hope you're doing well :) Its my birthday tomorrow, so I want to request birthday headcanons for some of my favourites (if you write for them, ofc): Ayato, Wriothesley, and Alhaitham!
Thank you so much! 💞
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— he wouldn't want to miss out on your special day <3
a/n: hi hi!! i'm doing okay 🥹 i really hope i did your request justice seeing as it is your birthday! i might have gotten a bit excited with this and realised my headcanons followed a little storyline but i do hope you enjoy, and a very happy birthday to you! wishing you all the best for the year 💝🎉
Honestly, a small, traitorous part of you believes that the Yashiro Commissioner might have forgotten your birthday. With him being so preoccupied with his work, and much of his days scheduled to the minute by his retainers, you secretly wondered whether he would make time for you. That is why you freeze in shock when you open your front door early in the morning to see your partner at the doorstep. Chuckling at your groggy appearance, he holds your waist and gently combs a hand through your hair to fix it. In your half lucid state you swear you’re dreaming. 
Ayato assures you that all the tasks he had to do for the day had been settled, and that nothing would distract him from celebrating with you. His retainers had even encouraged the idea, leaving small notes at his desk to remind him of your birthday to hasten the completion of his work. It was one of the few plans he offered up to them that didn’t leave them absolutely panicked. 
There’s no need to worry about what is planned for the day, Ayato naturally has everything prepared. If you enjoy food and drink, he has a table booked at Uyuu Restaurant with an eight course meal specially created just for you. If you’re more partial to rest and relaxation, he has ensured private baths at Aisa Bathhouse (Archons knows, he needs a spa day as well). 
As for a gift, Ayato’s observant nature serves him well to pick the perfect one. On your walks about the city, he took note of the objects your eyes sparkled most at. Ones that you picked up, looked at the price tag, then put down in disappointment. In the weeks leading up to your birthday, much of his downtime was spent thinking about what would suit you best. His retainers would catch him with a furrow between his brows, staring into the distance. They would chatter about how committed the clan head is to his duties, even mulling over them during his short breaks. 
In the end, he decided on getting something custom-made for you. A kimono made from a fabric you couldn’t stop admiring at the textile store. A purple silk brocade with delicate white flowers. You had draped it on yourself asking Ayato for his thoughts. Eyes trailing your body, the colours complimented you perfectly. For the first time, Ayato seemed at a loss for words. 
He makes you feel treasured. Despite the obstacles your two had faced, from the critical eye of the public to the hushed whisperings between clans, Ayato’s loyalty was unwavering. 
As someone who has proclaimed how overzealous people can be about birthdays, your excitement in the lead up to yours is actually infectious to him. The night before, he’s surprised to hear humming from the bathroom as you get ready for bed. He can’t contain the fond smile on his face at your slightly off-key tone. The book he was holding has already been stored away on the bedside table as he closes his eyes to focus on your voice. 
Whilst Alhaitham always kisses you on the forehead in the mornings before he gets up, when you wake on your birthday you are being smothered with kisses. You giggle, trying to swat him away, worried about your bad breath, but he’s relentless and you concede. He whispers a ‘happy birthday’ to you after the final peck, content with the reaction he has provoked in you so early in the day.
Although it is your birthday, it is unfortunately still a workday. The very last thing you expect to see is Alhaitham walking into your work area during the middle of the day. Rushing over to him, your eyes wide in surprise, you ask why he’s here so soon. He plainly replies that he had no other essential meetings today, so he left. You’re flabbergasted, but you can’t complain. Especially since it meant more time together on your birthday.
He follows you around as you tend to the plants at the garden, making small conversation with you. You inwardly observe how he looks somewhat like a puppy — cocking his head to the side at a unique flower, curious about your craft. Arms folded, he waits for you to finish up and take your early leave (granted generously to you by the kindness of your supervisor). 
Lambad’s Tavern is quiet in the early evening, the low chatter of few patrons providing a peaceful ambience to your dinner. Rounding the meal off with drinks and a customary dessert. To onlookers, this celebration would seem unusually casual. However, it’s that exact sort of comfortability with him that makes you feel so secure. 
He waits until the private of your home to give your gift. Sitting on the couch, he brings out a small box containing a timepiece in it. Alhaitham remembered how absorbed you often got in your work, even forgetting to take breaks. Even though the Akasha System can instantaneously provide the time upon request, a physical object serves as a better reminder of time for you to eat and step away from work. You return your thanks to the practical yet thoughtful gift by placing a kiss on his cheek, feeling how warm they are under your lips. He’ll assert it’s from the liquor he drank, and surely not the burning affection he feels for you in this moment. 
Clorinde had to endure some minor lecturing after being entrusted with the Fortress of Meropide for the day so Wriothesley could celebrate your birthday. The Duke did not want to be interrupted on this day unless the situation was dire, so he made his instructions clear. Arms folded, Clorinde stopped herself from rolling her eyes (‘He’s acting like I’ve never stepped foot in here before’), but she couldn’t help chuckling at how determined her friend was at wanting to spend time with you. And so, the missive was given that the Duke would be heading to the surface for urgent matters (the nature of such matters left omitted). 
It was a beautiful day on the surface, made even more so when Wriothesley sees you waiting on the street — hands interlocked in front of you, rocking on your heels. Though he did find your pose endearing, he internally curses himself at leaving you waiting on your birthday. He didn’t realise how much he ached for your presence until you looked over with a beaming smile and began running towards him. Gentleman that he is, he hurriedly apologised for making you wait. 
High tea is a must to celebrate, so the two of you head to Hotel Debord or Café Lutece, finding a private corner where you can freely talk. He updates you on the affairs at the Fortress, and he listens attentively at your news about the surface. 
You order different types of teas to try along with complimenting snacks. Wriothesley nods thoughtfully with each cup, but you notice with amusement that he’s holding himself back from truly commenting (“These teas are nice, but I think your collection is better”, you say. He smirks knowingly, but raises his hands in innocence, “I have to say I agree with you there”).  
He’s had your gift planned since the beginning of the year. On a rare outing to the Court of Fontaine to conduct business, a silver necklace on display at a jewellery store halted his stride. It had a red oval-shaped gem as a pendant, which the salesman claimed was the jewelsmith’s symbol for passion. The jewelsmith supposedly fell in love with someone who lived far from Fontaine, and created this piece to commemorate his devotion. It was an obvious marketing technique — one that would entice any imaginative lay person. Despite knowing the salesman’s clever ploy, something did stir within the Duke’s heart. 
Wriothesley sees you almost on the verge of tears when he presents the necklace to you. Embracing you tightly, he whispers promises into your ear. Every birthday feels more intimate than the last, and you can’t help but picture what a future with him would be like.
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ghostofskywalker · 5 months
First Life Day
Words: 1,618
Summary: It's the Bad Batch's first Life Day on Pabu, and you want to get something special for one of them. The only problem is that you have absolutely no idea what.
Note: this is a @cloneficgiftexchange gift for @starrylothcat! You will likely get another gift at some point in the future, but i am assisting your original gifter by making sure that you get a little something extra in this exchange :)
Clone Troopers Masterlist
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What should one purchase a slightly reclusive, often sarcastic, ex-Empire clone sniper for Life Day? Kriff if you knew.
And to make the stakes that much higher, you had feelings for him. If this gift didn’t go over perfectly you faced the potential of losing the friendship you had spent so much time cultivating, and that was not a fate you wanted to experience.
But the issue was, you were completely stumped on a gift, and you couldn’t just go up to Crosshair and ask him what he wanted for Life Day. Best case scenario, he looks at you with a confused expression before muttering something tiny. Worst case scenario, he tells you that he doesn’t want anything from you, and that you had misread every interaction you’ve ever had with him. Neither of them were really great, if you were weighing the options here.
You couldn’t even ask his brothers for ideas, because they were all brand new to the concept of Life Day as well. That, and you didn’t really want to admit why you were so stressed out about what to get Crosshair. The things you had purchased for Hunter, Echo, Wrecker, Tech, and Omega were all simple and functional, nice things that you hoped they would be able to utilize in their daily lives but still would have never purchased for themselves. But in your mind, Crosshair’s gift had to be different, had to be perfect for him in a way that he would never forget.
You had first spoken to him a few months ago, after spending ages watching the stoic newcomer sit on the docks to watch the sun rise and set. Because fishing was your primary trade, the odd hours you kept made it so you crossed paths with him quite a few times, and eventually you mustered up the courage to greet him kindly and make sure that he knew he could come to you if he needed anything.
It took a few more interactions for you to really get through to him, but soon you were at the point where you considered him a friend. And since he would sometimes seek you out at random points in the day to talk or ask questions about whatever was troubling about his new way of life, you liked to think that he considered you a friend as well. And as you walked through Pabu’s open-air market, you could feel the pressure of getting the perfect gift only growing in your mind.
Some of the options were purely functional, and that was an option, but you weren’t sure if that would really communicate to him what you were trying to get across. Some things were purely aesthetic, and as much as you believed that he deserved to own nice things, you weren’t sure if he would want those either. Earlier this year you had given a home decoration to Hunter just because you thought he and Omega would like it, and it took a moment for him to really understand what the purpose of it was. Crosshair seemed like the type of person who might value something more if it was some combination of pretty and useful. But even then, what should you get him?
A fishing rod would be functional, but would he enjoy it? You enjoyed fishing, but of course there were certainly people on the island whose skills and interest lay in other areas, and maybe that was the case for Crosshair. His eyesight was keen, but what if he wanted to move away from that kind of activity and start something more artistic?
You passed by all sorts of trinkets and treasures, wondering the whole time about what he might want, when eventually you laid eyes on a simple black bag. It looked unassuming at first, similar to the satchel you had purchased for Echo, but a smile crossed your face when you saw what was inside.
A deep blue blanket, made of the softest material you’ve ever felt, appeared in your vision, and you instantly knew that this was a perfect gift. Yeah, maybe it wasn’t as useful as the things you had for his brothers, but there was no doubt in your mind that he deserved it. You’ve been to the house where they were staying, you knew that Crosshair had taken to sleeping on the couch (despite the fact that his brothers always offered to procure a bed for him), and maybe this would help make that experience just a little more comfortable. You could see that he sometimes struggled to allow himself simple comforts, and maybe if you handed one directly to him, he would be more apt to relax.
After talking with the seller and purchasing the blanket, you walked back to your home, content in the fact that you were going to (hopefully) play in important role in making sure that Crosshair’s first Life Day was as wonderful as it should be.
Despite its origins as a Wookie holiday, the people of Pabu always went all out when it came to Life Day, especially in the last few years. It was a source of happiness in a time where things often looked bleak, and spending time with one’s loved ones while sharing gifts and a meal certainly helped stave off some of the mounting dread about the Empire’s growing reach and inevitable dominion.
And this year, you had certainly gone all out. Anything you could put on the walls to make the inside of your home brighter, you did. By the time the Bad Batch were knocking on your door, you had put up so many sparkly decorations that you wondered if you would be blinding them as they arrived.
But of course, it was all worth it to see the reaction you got from Omega as she stepped inside. “Wow! This is amazing!”
She raced over to you, and you gave her a hug. “I know, right? And this isn’t even the best part!”
Her eyes got wider, something you didn’t even think was possible. “Really?”
You nodded, telling her to wait right there while you got something from another room. Gift usually came around after the meal was finished, but sometimes traditions were made to be broken.
The rest of the Batch had just finished settling down in your living room as you stepped back into the room, arms laden with bags and wrapped gifts. “I have something for all of you.”
Echo’s eyes grew wide. “What?”
“Part of Life Day is giving presents,” you said brightly. “And I wanted to make sure you guys got the whole experience.”
“But we didn’t get you anything,” said Omega, and you could see worry start to form in her eyes.
“I don’t mind,” you said. “But I’ve always liked giving gifts better anyway.”
You could see most of that worry evaporate from her face, and you handed out the bags and boxes to each of the recipients. You watched with a smile on your face as everyone opened their gifts, and you were overjoyed knowing that everyone liked them. Omega gave you a big hug as she opened the small fishing rod, because she had been begging you to teach her to fish for some time, and she couldn’t stop hugging the small plush creature you had wrapped alongside it.
You watched Crosshair out of the corner of your eye, wanting to see his reaction when he opened the blanket, and your nerves were soothed as you watched him smile when he took the blanket out of the bag. He didn’t put it down, and you really hoped that meant you had picked the right gift for him.
Hunter, Tech, and Echo refused to let you finish cooking the meal (which you weren’t really complaining about), and Wrecker was playing with Omega somewhere outside, which meant that you and Crosshair were by yourselves in your living room. As you sat next to him on the couch, you wondered if you were going to be the one to speak first, and what you would even say.
But surprisingly, he was the one who broke the silence. “Thank you, for all the gifts.”
“You all deserve to have a nice Life Day,” you said. “And I hope I succeeded in making that happen.”
“You certainly did,” he said softly. “I don’t think I can ever repay you for the kindness you’ve shown me since I arrived.”
“I don’t need to be repaid,” you responded. “You will always deserve kindness Crosshair, no matter what you think about yourself.” Your words were a little more personal than usual, but you had talked to Hunter enough about his past, and seen him out in the middle of the night too many times to not realize what was going through his head sometimes.
If he was surprised about what you said, he hid it well. “Thank you,” he said, and you knew that this tiny gesture was coming from a place of sincerity. He fluffed the blanket out so that it covered both of you, and you couldn’t help but smile at the way he couldn't stop running his fingers across the soft material.
You didn’t need a confession of love or some kind of grand gesture from him, especially not when he was still working on healing his own troubles and adjusting to his new life. The smile on his face and the clear happiness he was feeling was worth so much more to you anyway.
Maybe things would change between you in the near future, but at this moment in time, you couldn’t help but believe that you were exactly where you’re supposed to be. 
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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self aware au: basically the same request where the reader enters the game world and when he finds a certain character, hugs them and says how amazing he is, but this time, with Floyd, Ruggie and Jade. I feel like they deserve to be appreciated.
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, violence, manipulation, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, fighting
Ruggie Bucchi/Jade Leech/Floyd Leech-Player hugs them and tells them how amazing they are
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*sobs* I'm so sorry but I don't know whether I should be happy or terrified
You see, Ruggie was always the one making sure that everyone back home was doing well
Please don't think that his family is ungrateful but after a while you just get used to the “Thank you”s and they become just monotone
So imagine someone outside of his circle, may I add the Overseer, is suddenly coming up to him and telling him that he is amazing
Did I mention the hug? Oh yeah, you also did that
He was just walking down the hallway, having to run an errand for the wannabe king of Savanaclaw, and then something just barrels into his side
It's a miracle he didn't hear you from miles away, those beastmen genetics can be quite useful, but let us say that he has been more than just busy on that day
Reggie was ready to defend himself only to notice that... someone was hugging him??!
The hyena was expecting everything but that.
Having to work for his boss had made him one or two enemies so it would have been no surprise if he was attacked
But no. Here you were in your entire glory, hugging one who was the lowest of the low like he was some sort of priceless treasure
And then you told him how amazing you think he is. Please hold on to him, I think he might fall over from shock
Now to the not so pretty part, becoming part of that circle
Now, I'm not saying that his family is made up of bad people but you have that special pedestal
And boy is that pedestal high.
Ever wondered why it has become so hard to talk with others? Well they all have gotten hurt
Only your dear admirer friend Ruggie is still by your side. Him alone. Just how it should be
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So we are talking about the butler danger noodle
He is, how should I say this, always rather busy
Whether his day is filled with making sure that the noodle beside him, also known as his twin, is not beating people left and right up or doing what Azul ells him
Oh right! Almost forgot Mostro Louge, that too
But I think we all can agree that even though he doesn't show it he is pretty much overworked
So imagine how elated he must be when someone finally notices all his hard work
Here you were, hugging the hat stand tightly whilst telling him how amazing he is
You see him turning his head away? He is just getting a bit shy
I mean, no matter how suave you try to be there is always that tiny bit of you that wants recognition
And this is where the fluff ends
You see, that tiny bit of positive attention you gave him had felt so good and who is he to deny such a great feeling?
His shoulders were feeling so light, his neck not stiff and his thoughts clear again
Were you having this effect because you were the Overseer or was it simply because you cared?
But remember, he can be double as cruel as he can be kind
It started slow, students looking at you nervously which soon ended in empty hallways the second you entered them
How sad! Seems like they all were just acting like they liked you. But don't you worry. Jade will be with you now and always
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So we are returning the squeezing now?
But jokes aside, you actually made the usual loud eel very silent for a moment
I don't think that Floyd would be just that loud, violent person but also someone who has a lot more going on in their head than they show
And also, he is probably pretty touch starved because of his rather unpleasant reputation
So here we have an eel who could use a hug and some affection, platonic or not, and who is to deny him that? (You probably should)
Imagine his surprise when he saw you waiting in front of Mostro Lounge
It was almost like a dream, the person he had always admired finally standing in front of him
He was in fact so enthralled that he didn't even notice how a smile formed on your face and you ran towards him
Only when your arms snaked around his torso did he finally notice that you were hugging him
And then you told him how amazing he was!
Jade was lowkey afraid of the calm expression he made the entire day after that
But why are there so many students in the infirmary since you met him?
Floyd has no positive reputation to loose and he knows that
So why hold back?
There are just so many annoyances in this school taking your affection which obviously belongs to him
So don't talk with that student whom you met yesterday. Your Floyd is here, right? So why are you looking for someone else??!
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sanjisboyfie · 7 months
DOMESTICITY: usopp and [name]'s conversation
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(keep safe) usopp + male reader
read the original fic where this usopp and mc are from <33 i actually love this drabble a whole lot UGHHH
for the most part, the sniper was always doubtful of his own abiltiies. wondering if he was too weak, too cowardly to even be sailing as a strawhat crew member. those feelings didn’t let up at all when [name] joined. if anything, they got worse.
comparing himself to [name] was inevitable. how high [name]’s bounty was — the fact [name] had a bounty in the first place was already bad enough. how effortlessly cool [name] was. how he could easily back up threats against enemies, considering how strong he was.
[name] was a force to be reckoned with and usopp was just a fly buzzing around him. it made usopp feel like trash.
and that attitude didn’t go unnoticed by [name] either. every day he had spent on the ship, to the last second, he had noticed how deflated usopp would become when he simply opened his mouth to speak. it was as if [name]’s words were physically harming usopp.
so one night, when the rest of the crew was sleeping and usopp was on night watch duty, [name] decided to confront him on it.
“there’s always a look of pain on your face when i step into a room,” [name] started the conversation with a simple observation.
and that itself sent usopp spiralling. he thought of how pathetic he was for being unable to even hide his emotions. how he was so simple minded as a fellow crewmate, to feel threatened by [name] so easily. how weak he was. the thoughts were going a mile a minute in usopp’s mind and all [name] could see was a struggling sniper.
“why is that, usopp?”
“i don’t anything of the sorts-”
[name] flicked the end of usopp’s nose, “liar!”
“i’m not lying!” usopp tried defending himself, but seeing the bored look on [name]’s face made him give up almost immediately, “it’s just…you’re just like sanji, and zoro, and luffy! you’re strong, alright? and i’m not! it’s plain as day, anyone can see it. if luffy had to choose who he wanted on his crew more, he’d choose you any day,”
[name] flinched at the confession, “hold on, what are you talking about? this sounds like complete bullshit.”
usopp almost laughed, “of course it does! because to you, you don’t even have to worry about this stuff. weaklings like me, i can’t help but think this. do you know how worthless it is to know that i’m just a useless asset to luffy? i can’t perform nearly as well as you three in battle,”
“usopp, you’re not an asset, some tool for luffy to use,” [name] said sternly, and this time when he spoke, he sounded genuinely mad, “you’re our crewmate. there’s no hierarchy in the crew, besides the captain of course. but luffy is special — he cares for all of us equally.”
“like i said, you obviously don’t need to worry about things like that. you’ve known him since he was a kid, of course he cares about you. you’re strong with a high bounty, of course he cares about having you in the crew…it just leaves me in the dust, right where i belong,”
usopp felt like crawling into his own being and extinguishing himself off of the ship. he sounded so pathetic right now!
[name] simply flicked him on the nose once more, “you’re stupid for thinking something like this…what goes on in that head of yours, usopp?” [name] said gently, walking around the subject carefully, “luffy treasures you, y’know? he’d be insulted to hear the way you’re talking about yourself. you’re his best friend!”
usopp looked into [name]’s eyes to try and find any sight of lies, but was only greeted by sparkling e/c pupils. he was about to interject, but [name] wasn’t finished, “you’re our only sniper, that’s a position no one but you can fill! you’re the backbone of this crew, whether you realize it or not. you balance everyone out. i wish i was as versatile as you, usopp.
at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how high a person’s bounty is, or how “useful” they are on the battlefield. it matters how tender their heart is. and i think after luffy, you’ve got the best one of the entire crew.”
[name] poked his finger into usopp’s left chest, right where his heart was, “you’ve got a heart of gold,” and he smiled at the sniper who was stunned into silence, “your worries show that.”
usopp shook his head, refusing to take the compliment when it sounded as if it were coming from a place of pity. but [name] wasn’t having it, “you’ve got the spirit and soul of a brave sailor, usopp. it’s baffling you don’t realize it,”
he wanted to spit out how they were simply lies leaving [name]’s lips, pity comments. but he couldn’t find it within himself to shout them out. one look into [name]’s gentle eyes and he felt a part of him feel whole once again.
[name] was being genuine, he realized. and even if he didn’t completely believe the man’s words, he was swayed into silence right then and there. because when a man of [name]’s reputation and strength speaks so highly of you, it’s hard to not be convinced. when [name] spoke with such avid belief, it almost completely stopped usopp from overthinking things.
obviously, his worries didn’t go away in that one night, but he did start seeing things differently. what usopp refused to see was that [name] was completely right. where [name] lacked, usopp was there to make up for it.
how usopp’s heart and fervor made up for [name]’s often cold and brash personality. the two complimented each other more than they’d either realize.
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harus-simp · 1 year
-Ricky x reader-
Requested: Helloo! can you maybe write smthn about rickyy, like ricky buying almost anything for his s/o like expensive thingss ykyk (@wtfhyuck)
Author's note: Hi anon, I made a little drabble because I didn't know if you wanted headcanons so i hope you are fine with that
Anyways thanks for your request, enjoy it <3
Young and rich, tall and handsome, charisma boss baby ricky goes into action again because he can't help but buy you the whole world <3
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"Ricky, baby, you can't just buy me everything I lay my eyes on!"
"I can and I will"he said leaning in and giving you a short peck while he chuckled
Yeah ricky had done it again, he had bought something for you for the 5th time that week. It was not that you didn't appreciate it, because you truly did, but you didn't like when he spend that much money on you.
So here you were on the door of your apartment as the bell had rung suddenly. To say you were confused was an understatement, you weren't waiting for anyone right?
As you got closer and opened the door revealing ricky with your favourite flowers your heart skipped a beat, smiling shyly at your boyfriend that was staring at you with the sweetest smile ever.
"Just a little something for my baby"he said as he entered inside.
However what you noticed is that he had something else that he was hiding on his back.
"Uhm, babe what is that?"you asked pointing at the little box he held in his hands.
"Oh, you'll see"
Yeah that sounded a little bit suspicious in your opinion.
As he gave it to you and you opened the little box it revealed a delicate and precious gold necklace with two letters hanging ever so gently. And I am not judge but just by looking at it you could tell that it was not the cheapest thing...
"Ricky, you didn't have to"you whined
"Of course I had to, you are really special to me y/n"
Blushing by his comment and hitting lightly his chest you answered back: "i know that, but there are plenty other ways of showing it idiot"
But actually this was kinda more special to him indeed because he hadn't just bought it for you, he had the time and the dedication to order a custom made gift for you. But you didn't know that yet, so curiosity getting the best out of you led you to ask him another question.
"But why are the initials S and Q? Those aren't my initials" (if they are let's just pretend they aren't for the plot to continue ahahshs)
"But they're mine, so you can always have me by your side" (yeah from shen quanrui if you are wondering)
And that's when you felt a literal festival of emotions exploding on your stomach, you had never seen this side of ricky. I mean the one where he spoiled you yes, but not this kind of more personal and close to his heart one, he almost felt kind of vulnerable and unprotected here but everything he did came from deep inside his heart so he hoped you treasured his efforts.
The blush on your cheeks gave away the state you were at right now, and your eyes full of love did too.
"You can't just go there doing that to me y'know?"
"Doing what?"he smiled giggling at your behaviour
"Spoiling me that much, I feel bad. But this one was really cute of you to do, thank you"
"You don't have to feel bad love, that's just my way of expressing my love, I do this because all these little details remind me of you"
"That's kinda cheesy..., but I'll take it"
He then grabbed the necklace and helped you to put it around your neck positioning himself behind you while you held your hair high to make it easier for him. After he finished, he pressed a small kiss on the back of your neck lovingly and made you twirl to see how it fitted you perfectly.
That literally made him fall in love all over again,making him the happiest person on earth.
Now looking back at the first time he gifted you something,you probably wouldn't have guessed how much he would spoil you in the future, but if he truly wanted to be like that you would accept it BUT drawing the line of course, because we all know this man would most definitely buy you the moon and all the stars if he was capable of so. He is really whipped for you.
"Now that that issue is covered, you remembered the bag you liked the other day and that it wasn't on stock?"
"Ricky don't tell me-"
"Yeah, it should be here by tomorrow"
"Ricky, you can't just buy me everything I lay my eyes on!"
Yeah, you should definitely work on the drawing a line part from now on...
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kapapi-o · 6 months
Treasure (nonbinReader x Gojo)
Des: (this takes place around the time Geto and Gojo are still in High School, reader is also their classmate)—So reader is a softie for only Gojo. The man catches on and instantly, he’s down bad lmao. 
-A bit ooc but he gets a little jealous and possessive so are we rlly upset abt it???
Apx. 1.05k words
Girls want to be with him, guys too, (well most want to be like him). He’s just the pinnacle of sorcerer excellence in the Jujutsu world. Ordained at birth for greatness and effortlessly powerful, Gojo Satoru truly was at the top of the world.
Then there you were, a bright eyed classmate, no doubt admiring him like the rest of them from a distance. He noticed you past the crowds and thought to be charitable by coming up to you, waiting to see your thrilled reaction to him coming your way.
But in much contrast to what he’s used to, and to his greater curiosity, you all but smiled. Greeting him politely with, “Hello Gojo.”
 You were clearly delighted to see him but it felt different, somehow…and oddly enough, he was speechless. He quickly uttered out a reply and trailed around campus with you for a bit. You both get to talking about mundane things (as mundane as they can be with the subject being with Gojo), and he’s come to get a good picture of you.
Sure, you admire him but not at all for the reasons he anticipated. Not for the power, wealth, status, fame, achievements…it almost drove him mad as he questioned the cause for that little twinkle in your eye, and not to mention that oh so softness that you always addressed him with.
During empty periods outside of class, he’d go look for you. Bored and wanting something or someone to add a little kick into the routine he was sickly getting used to. Sat alone on a bench, your legs laced on the pavement of the roof, the fence in your view while you listened to music on the bench. Admiring how the coming winds blew the scenery before you, refreshing your dazed brain from those stuffy classes. 
Gojo smirks and leans next to your ear, tapping on your shoulder and startling you when you turn to see his face so suddenly close to yours. You jolt back, your headphones nearly falling off your shoulders as you scold him about scaring you like that again.
The man grins then laughs, taking a seat at your side to inquire about your whereabouts. You amuse him and answer all of his questions, normal and nonsensical ones.
Until finally, he lands on the one thing that he’s been wondering every time he sets his sights on you.
“Why do you do that?
“Hm? Do what?” You tilt your head, confused as to what he could be referring to. He sighs and leans into the backrest of the bench, rethinking his words.
“You know, that thing—where you’re just..all soft on me. I don’t really see you doing that with anybody else, so why me?”
He asks, leaning on the palm of his hand to peek at you through his shades, his blue eyes piercing you ever so slightly. You’re flustered at the spot, caught red handed by your special treatment for him. You take a moment to  mull over it, trying to figure out the reason for your subconscious demeanor towards him.
“I think it’s because..” you pondered, following your train of thought, “you seem like this larger-than-life kinda guy. You look like you’re having fun too, but at the same time, it’s like you’re all by yourself. I just thought that maybe…you needed to be treated with extra care..or something.” You chuckled sheepishly, embarrassed at your wording.
“I don’t know, does that sound weird?” 
Gojo stares stunned at you. In awe, he can only manage to say, “No, not at all.”
“ It feels nice, actually.”
Perhaps this empty feeling is something more than just boredom. When his adoring fans are gone, and he and his best friend separate for the day, there’s only him in between. There’s always been that saying of how lonely it gets at the top. Is that why you cared so much? Bother to amuse him and his antics, never swooning too easily to his teasing, always somehow prepared when he forgot or needed something, it’s you. You were always there…holding out a gentle hand to him without asking for anything.
And when he looks at you for why, you just laugh. Walking in front of him like what you do is nothing much. But it means so much, —so much to him. 
Soon, he finds himself actively seeking you out when he can. Growing clingy and taking advantage of that soft spot you’ve got for him. He doesn’t realize how much he craves having your eyes on him until Geto comes around. Stopping in to say hi, and getting more acquainted with you, the person that has Gojo on his feet all day.
Geto flashes a wolfish smile your way, knowing it wouldn’t set him off but definitely make him bite the inside of his cheek. Pettiness was growing by the moments you spend laughing and chatting with his best friend rather than with him. Quite frankly, he was confused as to who to call a traitor, Geto for playing with him like this, himself for throwing his dignity out, or to you, for making him throw it. Ah, this was all your fault…this icky feeling filling him from the pit of his stomach.
In the middle of your conversation, he abruptly takes your wrist in his hand and drags you away from him. Turning around to throw a glare at Geto’s laughing form as you questioned him for his suddenness. 
“Gojo, what’s the matter? Why’d you drag me here?” You asked, eyeing him in worry and looking at the wrist that was held by him. Now how was he going to explain that he simply didn’t like how you were smiling at someone like Geto, someone arguably second to him in rank. The man could easily compete for your attention and if he’s not careful, win over that tender spot reserved in your heart. The spot that’s his. 
“Gojo?” You called repeatedly, tugging at his sleeve. Gods, he hadn’t realized how much he adored hearing his name fall from your lips.
Without warning, the man in front of you swiftly shoves a lollipop in your mouth. It’s your favorite Chupa flavor. You hummed contently and eyed him in wonder, 
“I just wanted to give you that. It’s for taking good care of me.” He pats your head, smiling to himself and dragging you alongside him in the setting sun, “Now, let’s walk you home.”
He assures himself that he’ll make you his one day. But before then, he needs to make sure that everyone knows that he treasures you as much as you treasure him.
Imma make this a mini series cuz I love writing my faves being down bad. It’s literally my favorite flavor of fic lmao
He might be ooc but it’s okay, we can be a bit delulu, right?
Have a good new year, ya’ll and take care<333
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queenofspades6 · 1 year
A Sergeant and his General. Hunter x Jedi reader. The Bad Batch
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Summary: You, a Jedi who escaped Order 66, decide to surprise Hunter, but it doesn’t really go as planned. Omega, Tech, Wrecker and Echo decide to spy on you two. Tech teaches Omega what is sex.
Warnings: Fluff. Kissing. Mentions of sex. Spoilers from season 2 episode 4 and 5.
Author’s note: Hellooo! Today is my birthday, so I decided to finally share this x reader I was working on for weeks! I am so in love with Hunter, i couldn’t not write for him. I hope you enjoy! Don’t hesitate to like, reblog and tell me what you thought of it!
You’re a Jedi, and the former General of Clone Force 99. Since Order 66, you’ve been hiding with the Bad Batch at Cid’s, completing missions together.
It was just after going on a treasure hunt with Omega and Phee that you noticed how exhausted Hunter was. Always glancing at you or Echo to help him decide. Hunter had told you about this peculiar mission with Echo where they needed to deliver 50 nerf nuggets as fast as possible. Truth was told, Cid never said who it was for. So, when Echo and Hunter arrived, they didn’t expect to see eye to eye with Hondo Ohnaka who had in fact, stolen the nerf nuggets from a Hutt. In order to get paid, Echo and Hunter needed to deliver the nuggets to Hondo, who had already sold the nerf nuggets to someone else. It was supposed to be a simple mission, but Hondo promised to offer them a huge reward if they delivered the 50 nerf nuggets to his client. Hunter and Echo had accepted and almost got killed by the Hutts to deliver the nerf nuggets. The Sergeant of Clone Force 99 had told you everything while rubbing his eyes. This man desperately needed rest.
After that, you noticed how Hunter sighed time to time, or how his eyes were closing when Tech was flying the ship. He always took care of the squad, but you knew it was weighing him. You could even sense in the Force how tired and scared he was. So, one day, you decided to plan something special for him.
“Hunter, I am taking you on a mission.” His eyes crinkled in wonder.
“Cid didn’t tell us we had a new mission.” He retorted, eyebrows furrowed, and a hand on his hip.
“It’s because she doesn’t want all the team involved. It’s just the two of us.”
His eyes widened, and he was looking for the truth in your eyes, knowing you weren’t telling him everything. He sighed and nodded, defeated. How was he supposed to say ‘no’?
“Alright. I’ll look for my equipment.”
Following him closely, you tried to hide the small smile on your lips. Hunter didn’t need a blaster or his vibroknife for this ”secret” mission, but it was so sweet of him to accept to go with you, even if he had enough of everything.
“Hunter! Hunter!” You heard Omega yell. “Where are you going?”
“I am going on a mission with Y/N” He replied, avoiding Omega’s gaze.
“Can I go with you? I made progress with my bow, you’ll see!”
Hunter looked at you, vulnerability glowing in his eyes, almost begging you to say something first.
“Cid asked us two to recover something for her. It’ll be quick, Omega, I promise we are coming back soon!” You told her and gave her a discreet wink, as if to tell her not to insist more.
“That’s not fun!”
“What is not fun?” Wrecker questioned, who had only heard snippets of information. “Hunter and Y/N are going on a secret mission without us! That’s not fair!”
You mentally swore, and almost regretted not telling Omega what you had planned. All this to keep it secret, and now, they all knew something was up.
”What?“ Wrecker yelled in disappointment. “No fight for us today?“
“Why can’t we go with you?” Tech asked suspiciously, looking up from his data pad. “You’ll probably need Wrecker’s force too, Echo’s skills, my knowledge, and Omega’s... tininess.
“Hey! I am not so tiny, Tech!” Omega responded.
“Where we are going, we don’t need you guys. Don’t worry, we’ll come back soon!” You exclaimed, taking Hunter by the hand without letting them talk further.
“What was that all about?“ Hunter questioned dubiously. You didn’t answer, and he groaned at your stubbornness.
“That’s not the way to the ship.” Hunter murmured, looking for your eyes.
“That’s not where we are going.”
Hunter’s eyes plunged into yours, almost asking what was going on. You couldn’t stare at him too long; he already knew something was off. In that whole universe, there was only one person that could read you like an open book, and that was certainly Hunter.
”Trust me.“ You whispered, caressing his hand, and taking it in yours.
Hunter was confused. A special mission with you, a Jedi, and him, a defective clone. What was going on? You didn’t need the Havoc Marauder, nor the whole squad. And now, you were holding his hand, guiding him towards? Towards where? Nowhere?
Holding his hand tightly, you traveled through the crowd of the village market not too far from the ship. You could sense how lost Hunter was feeling, but you didn’t want to break the surprise.
“We are almost here.” You let him know and squeezed his hand.
You looked at the horizon, noticing the cliff you had found a few days earlier with the sea below and its bed of waves. Furthermore, you spotted the blanket you brought, and all the fresh food bought this morning at the market to organize this picnic.
You walked, hand in hand with Hunter. When you arrived close enough to the cliff, Hunter noticed a blanket laid on the grass with fresh food and small things gathered on it. Was it a picnic? For him? He was surprised. He thought that maybe you wanted him to help you rescue another Jedi or anything else to fight the Empire. But he wasn’t planning this.
Seeing him wordless, you smiled slightly.
“This is the ”special” mission I told you about.”
He didn’t reply. You were beginning to doubt. What if he doesn’t want to rest, and especially with you? What if you’re being too straightforward about what you really feel? Attachments were forbidden in the Jedi Code, you were aware of that, but the Jedi Order didn’t exist anymore, and there were probably only a few Jedi who survived Order 66, so you chose only not to care for once. After all, we’re you still a Jedi if there wasn’t any Order anymore? The Jedi Order and all the Jedi wanted to protect the people of all the galaxy, but at what cost? Especially now that they couldn’t protect themselves. How were you and the Jedi supposed to protect others when you couldn’t even protect yourselves?
”It’s alright if you don’t like it. Just say so, and I’ll take everything off. I just wanted you to have a relaxing moment with no thinking, no decision making, no Empire, no Crosshair...“
After what felt like an eternity, Hunter looked at you. “That’s... That’s really kind. Thank you.”
He sat on the blanket and hold out his hand to you.
“You scared me, Y/N, you know?” You titled your head in wonder.
“I thought you wanted us to rescue a Jedi taken captive by the Empire, and that you didn’t want to involve the others.”
You nodded.
“I just wanted you to rest for once.”
He smiled, almost sadly at you, and you could see gratefulness in his eyes. Without a single word, he gestured you to sit next to him. You did, and your thighs brushed his, sending you shivers in all your body.
”I can’t do this anymore, Y/N. I am so tired.” He finally declared, avoiding your gaze.
”I know you are. I am here you know, and the squad is too. You can rely on them.“
”I know, but I am supposed to guide them, to make the right decisions, to protect them, that’s what a leader is for, right?”
“That’s what the Empire taught you, Hunter. You may be the leader of Clone Force 99; because at the time, the Republic chose you to lead the squad, but now, Hunter, the Republic is dead, you are all more than just clones. You are not replaceable. Clone Force 99 is your family now, they are all your brothers, Hunter, they’re here to carry you on when you are not at your best. Trust them.”
Hunter nodded and forced a smile. You offered him berries from the wicker basket you bought earlier. He took it in his hand, thankful, and tasted a few of them.
”I feel like one day I am going to get you all killed.” He confessed, almost ashamed, his eyes focusing on the berries still in his hand.
“We’re adults, Hunter, we follow you. We chose you. We all want what’s best for Omega.”
“I am terrified of losing her, Y/N.”
“Me too, Hunter.”
He looked for your hand, and locked his with yours, eyes lost in the color of yours, saying everything he couldn’t tell you with words.
”I am scared of losing you, Cyar’ika.“
You didn’t leave his gaze, a genuine smile growing on your lips.
”Me too, Hunter.”
“What are they doing?” Wrecker asked, hiding behind a rock not big enough to hide him well.
“It seems they are eating... together.“ Tech replied, examining your form and Hunter’s. ”and... holding hands?“
“It’s a date!“ Omega screamed.
“Shhh. Shhhh Omega! They’re going to hear us.“ Echo murmured.
“What was that?” Hunter questioned at the sound he heard.
”Probably a bird. A weird one.”
Hunter closed his eyes and allowed himself to rest with you. Even if he was confined he heard Omega’s voice.
“Do you see how beautiful it is?” You gestured at the waves crashing against the cliff. It had been years you had not seen the sea.
“It is.” Hunter replied, admiring you watching the sea with stars dancing in the endless green of your eyes.
You focused on Hunter again and caught him looking at you with esteem and respect.
“How do you do that, Y/N?” He questioned.
“Do what?”
“You always see the best in everyone, even Crosshair when everyone thought all hope was lost. You always bring joy to people you are with, even if we are on the run with a kid, you always know how to raise everyone’s spirits.”
You were going to retort that it was because you were a Jedi, and Jedi needed to protect others, and bring them hope, but Hunter cut you off, brushing your hand, almost accidentally.
“No, don’t say that. That’s not because you’re a Jedi. It’s your nature, Y/N, you’ve become indispensable to Clone Force 99.”
You repressed a grin, too shy to accept the praise, and when you looked up at Hunter, he said with passion reflecting in the color of his eyes:
“It’s impossible not to love you, Y/N.”
You couldn’t avoid his gaze, and he couldn’t either. You were entranced by each other, pulled by mysterious forces and strings in the universe. Maybe it was the Force itself that was at work here. Though, you were not done with being a Jedi. Not entirely. You were always reluctant to follow the Jedi Code strictly, you preferred to trust your guts and principles to lead your path. Maybe it was being around Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano that made you like that. Reckless when needed, but always fair. However, accepting you were not a Jedi anymore was more than meet the eye, it was letting go of every moment passed with each Jedi you admired, it was forgetting instants spent with senator Padmé Amidala trying to remake the senate with ‘what if’ and fantasies, it was accepting not to seek help and advice anymore from Obi Wan Kenobi and Master Yoda, it was almost like forgetting who you were before, and finding what and who you were without this title that was assigned to you some years after your birth. And of course, not being a Jedi anymore was acknowledging your feelings for a certain Sergeant of Clone Force 99. Even before Order 66, you were attracted by Hunter, but you knew that such attachments were forbidden by the Jedi Code. It wasn’t just physical, there was something more. And if the Jedi Order knew you had such feelings towards the Sergeant of your squad, only the Force knows what they would have done to you.
You remained silent, conflicted by your deep affection for Hunter, and who you were before Order 66.
Hunter smiled. He didn’t think you would reciprocate what he felt for you. After all, you were and will always be his General.
A shadow of disappointment and sadness passed through his face.
“Hunter.” You whispered.
He looked up. You approached a hand towards his tattooed cheek and caressed the rough skin within your delicate touch. He locked eyes with yours and allowed himself to relax. You were so tempted to lean in and put your lips to his, forgetting all about the old Jedi Code. But was this what he wanted?
And just for now, you didn’t care anymore. There was no rules, no interdiction, just you, a broken Jedi trying to escape Order 66, and Hunter, a defective clone and the leader of Clone Force 99.
You leaned in towards Hunter, and murmured:
“I want to kiss you.”
“Do it.” He answered softly but imperiously, almost sounding like an order from your Sergeant.
Of course, you complied, and your lips touched tenderly. Hunter stroked your hair, and put his hand under your shirt on one of your hips, caressing the sensitive skin, and sending shivers down your spine. It was a shy kiss at first, but then you both needed more. You put your hands in his hair, fondling the fabric of his bandana at the same time. You finally removed it from his hair, and he kissed you again roughly and desperately, hands on your back to keep you pressed against him. His hair was so soft. You heard Hunter chuckle when he realized you were playing with his hair. You kissed his lips again, desire and adrenaline rushing through you and Hunter. If it was supposed to be forbidden by the Jedi Code, why was it so good?
“What are they doing now?” Wrecker asked, not daring to look at you and Hunter.
“Hmmm. It seems they are enjoying berries together, and... sharing a kiss!” Tech replied, removing his goggles to see if he wasn’t mistaken.
“You are not dreaming, Tech.” Echo said, taking a glance at you and Hunter’s form next to the cliff. ”We should have seen it coming, Y/N and Hunter were quite close.”
“I knew it!” Omega whispered, smirking. ”Do you see that? They are kissing!”
“It seems they are doing more than kissing now, Hunter is kissing her neck.”
“I see that! I think I’ll have nightmares about it for months!” Wrecker exclaimed.
Echo tapped Tech’s shoulder, forcing him to keep quiet.
“Tech, Omega’s here.” Echo stared at Tech.
“Sorry Omega.” Tech whispered.
Omega looked at Tech and Echo curiously.
“Tech, Echo, I am curious! Tell me, what are they doing? I can't see anymore.”
“Oh no, not that.” Echo sighed almost inaudibly.
Tech took that as a sign to explain it to her, even if he was quite embarrassed. “When two people love each other, they can have sex and...”
Omega made a face at the sound of the word, and the expressions of Echo, Wrecker and Tech.
”What? Is sex that bad?” She questioned; her head tilted in curiosity.
Tech shook his head in embarrassment and told her to go with him. Echo shrugged and patted his shoulder with a grin.
“Let’s go somewhere else. Hunter and Y/N may need some privacy.“ He said, glancing one last time at you and Hunter.
Tech, Wrecker and Omega all followed Echo to the ship.
You finally broke the kiss, and watched Hunter catch his breath.
What happened? Did you just kiss? Did Hunter kissed your neck?
Hunter scratched the back of his head in discomfort. You stared at the ground quite uneasy. How was it so hard to just tell him you’ve had feelings for him for so long?
”Hunter, I- I...”
He saw an ounce of sadness passing through your eyes. “I know.”
He took your hand in his, caressing the palm with his calloused hand.
”I am sorry.”
You chuckled.
”For what? I was the one who wanted to kiss you for months. It’s me who should apologize.”
A small smile appeared on the corner of his lips.
”I’ve wanted it for long too.“ He confessed, squeezing your hand.
You’ve wanted to tell him for months, and now that you had the opportunity, no words came. But deep down in his eyes, you knew he understood.
“I care about you too, Y/N.”
”Oh Sergeant, are you falling for your General?” You questioned, smirking.
“If only I was just falling.“ He murmured to himself.
”I am falling for you, Hunter.” You admitted.
He nodded in acknowledgment.
“But... I was supposed to be a Jedi, and attachments are forbidden.“
“I shouldn’t either.” He confessed. “You are my superior, and I am a clone.”
” A Jedi and a clone. Quite ironic given Order 66.“
”Jedi or not. I would never hurt you, Y/N. Not intentionally.”
You kissed him again, without warnings, and with a certain sense of urgency.
“I don’t think we need words to express what we feel.” You murmured in his ear.
“For now.” Hunter replied.
”For now.“ You whispered like a pact sealing your fates together for how long the Force knows.
You put your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. You looked for Hunter in the Force, and sensed a feeling of safety, rest and vulnerability. You felt a hand stroking your hair, and you smiled to yourself.
Hunter loved you too.
When Hunter and Y/N came back, Omega ran to them against the protests of Echo.
“Y/N! Hunter!”
You hugged her, and Hunter smiled at your embrace with Omega.
“How was the sex?“ Omega questioned, impatient to know your answer.
“What?“ The Sergeant exclaimed.
His eyes widened, and his eyebrows furrowed. He gave a death glare to Wrecker, Tech, and finally Echo, asking with his eyes ‘what happened?’.
“We followed you to the cliff because we wanted to be part of this ‘secret’ mission, but you guys were kissing!” Omega confessed, giggling.
You had an embarrassed smile on your face, and Hunter was rubbing his bandana.
“Echo didn’t want me to see what you guys were doing, so Tech explained it to me.”
“Tech.” Hunter exclaimed dangerously.
“Yes, Sarge?”
Tech knew he was in trouble.
“It’s nothing, Hunter! Tech explained to me that when two people love each other, they have sex, and there is nothing to be ashamed of!” Omega acknowledged, smiling.
Hunter rubbed his head in discomfort and crouched down to her level.
She looked at him, and then at you. You smiled at her.
“When two people love each other, they do not have sex automatically. It can happen, but it’s not systematic. Y/N and I didn't have sex.” Hunter told her.
He looked at Echo and Tech to agree with him, but they didn't seem to believe him. Hunter groaned, and you chuckled silently.
“Alright.” She sighed, still not convinced. ”But you and Y/N love each other!”
Quite defeated, she went to her bedroom on the ship.
Leaning against the metal of the ship with arms crossed, you didn’t say anything, but grinning.
Hunter watched Omega go, and then, he turned to Tech, Wrecker, and Echo. “For your information, Y/N and I didn’t have sex.”
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If you liked this x reader, you might be interested in this one too :
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giantchasm · 6 months
Some Taransusie Headcanons
Their relationship is atypical and they know it. This is something they were more or less aware would be the case going into it. Susie is not a replacement for Sectonia, nor would Taranza want her to be. He holds the two of them in different parts of his heart, loved separate but equally. Sometimes he needs to take things slow, and Susie understands. She fell in love with him scars and all.
They were best friends before they were lovers. I’m not going to beat this dead horse too much because ya’ll already know how I interpret it, but they initially bonded shortly after Robobot and clicked together because of their grief. While that’s why they originally bonded, though, that’s not the only reason they were close. In general they’ve served as pillars of support and comfort for each other for a long time. They’re some of the only people the other can fully ‘trust.’ They’re legitimately open with each other, and that’s rare. Especially for Susie.
Susie was the first one to fall, but Taranza realized she was in love with him before she did. Initially, it scared him. He was like “Oh gosh, please don’t. I can’t return those feelings. I’m going to break your heart, aren’t I?” and when she eventually confessed, he freaked out. But eventually he realized he did return her feelings and that he couldn’t let the albatross around his neck control him for the rest of his life. Sectonia would (hopefully) want him to move on and be happy. So he told Susie he’d like to at least give it a try, even if (again) he needed to take things slow.
‘Firsts’ (I.E. first kiss, first date, first anniversary) are very different for the two of them. Susie never got to be a dumb teen with a crush so she’s experiencing puppy love now for the first time as an adult. It’s kind of scary, but also kind of a warm, exciting feeling. She doesn’t always show she’s excited or emotional during moments like that, but she is. Taranza, meanwhile… has done this before? This isn’t his first date or kiss or anniversary ever. This makes it different, though not in a bad way. He’s not giddy or nervous, but he’s sentimental and appreciative. During those sorts of shared experiences he’s, more than anything, acutely aware of how special they are. Always aware they’ll never get this exact moment back, and that they should treasure it as much as they can. It’s… nice getting to have new firsts, both in the ways it allows him to reflect on them and as a reminder that, with how different they can be, Susie is her own unique, wonderful person he should be grateful for.
More under the cut!
Susie generally takes on a pretty different demeanor in private vs public. When it’s just her and Taranza, she’s very affectionate, mushy, and playful. When there are others there, she’s much more professional. Not in an unloving way, of course, but in a factual sort of “This is my wonderful partner.” way. Once in a blue moon she slips up though and catches herself gushing in front of others, especially if they’re also people she considers herself relatively close to. Magolor jokes that she seems like a different person entirely during these moments— like some sort of lovey dovey stranger locked up and replaced the real Susie.
They’re pretty silly with each other, although, again: mostly only in private. Taranza especially loves to playfully mess with Susie, saying she’s cute when she’s embarrassed. Sometimes he’ll ‘sneak up behind her’ and hug her. This is, of course, all for show, both because he’s exceptionally dramatic and because she’s so high-strung. She grew up in a nightmare dimension. She’s always alert and on guard. If he actually startled her she’d suplex him on instinct, and neither of them want that. So instead, he makes it exceedingly obvious, all the while she pretends to be surprised. He also loves to leave heart shaped webs in place she’ll find them and call her goofy pet names.
Susie generally does not like to be touched and does not have much sense of touch. The only parts of her body that aren’t cybernetic are her face, parts of her chest/torso, and one heavily scarred hand. Taranza is the one exception to the ‘no touching,’ rule, though. He’s the one person she feels comfortable letting do that. She loves stroking his fuzzy little spider paws or playing with his hair. His touch is very grounding, especially when she’s feeling out of it.
They love to do each others’ hair. It’s a favorite low-energy bonding activity. Taranza will braid Susie’s hair or she’ll brush his, all the while he’s staring at her with the eyes on the back of his head looking lovestruck. She thinks it’s very, very cute, and it’s not rare she leans in to give him a kiss between them.
They also like getting dressed up. They’re both very fashion-oriented people. The sort of duo who’s in different outfits every time you see them. They love going shopping together and trying on different things. Sometimes they even pick out things specifically so they match.
Taranza is the sole person allowed to call Susie Susanna, and even then he only does it in private. Anyone else who tries gets glared at. Initially, even he wasn’t able to call her it, as she has baggage associated with the name, but one day he called her it by accident while messing around, and although he quickly backpedaled, she realized she actually didn’t mind it coming from him. She thinks it’s because… well, the reason she switched to Susie was because she felt like Susanna was dead. She’d been through so much trauma— so much terror and heartbreak that she was changed irreversibly. But when she’s around Taranza, she doesn’t always feel that way. She feels… safe and comfortable enough to let that more vulnerable side of her show. And in that, maybe ‘Susanna’ isn’t entirely gone.
This probably goes without saying, but Taranza has some self-esteem issues. What happened with Sectonia messed him up. She took a lot of her anger regarding her own insecurities out on him once she went off the deep end, and that’s something that’s stuck with him. He does not like how he looks and is afraid he’s ugly, gross and off-putting. Susie doesn’t see it this way, though, and is doing as much as she can to build him back up. She thinks he’s very cute. She especially likes his fuzzy little face and his laugh.
Similarly, while Susie isn’t necessarily as insecure, Taranza is sure to build her up as well. He knows the consequences of not letting someone know how wonderful they are all too well. He’ll take her cybernetic hand and give it kisses and stare into her LED eyes and tell her they’re beautiful… but also stroke her cheek and hold her organic hand tight. Susie sees herself as both mortal and machine, and demonstrating that he loves both of these sides of her is key.
Susie’s employees really, really like Taranza. They think he’s a good influence on her, and he’s helpful in getting her to listen to them because he’s also been the little guy before. So whenever they have a request for Susie they attempt to do it through him, making ASCII puppy dog eyes the entire time.
In contrast, Susie is… not liked amongst the Floralians. Mostly because neither is Taranza. When she first started dating him they were slightly worried, thinking she maybe didn’t know what sort of person he was, but as soon as it became clear she was not only fully aware, but maybe even worse, their attitude towards her soured. She and Taranza have been harassed by angry citizens more than once. They’ve flung insults about Susie’s personhood and morality, saying it seems like Taranza only dates soulless monsters. Susie is not particularly wounded by this, but it makes Taranza seethe. If it weren’t for Kirby keeping him on good behavior, he’d start throwing people in the dungeon again over this. He’s always sure to refute these accusations, saying they’re wrong about Susie, even if: again, Susie doesn’t really need it. She doesn’t expect most flesh and blood beings to understand her… although she is touched by just how much Taranza seems to care.
Taranza is not particularly good with techie things, but insisted Susie teach him how to repair all of her parts anyways, just in case, Void forbid, something were to happen. If she were to get hurt, he’d never want to be in a spot where he couldn’t help. Susie typically does maintenance on herself at least once a week, so when she does he’ll sit beside her and they’ll talk and she’ll show him how everything works. He makes sure to pay very close attention.
Taranza loves to be pampered and showered with expensive gifts. It’s coincidental, but not entirely irrelevant he seems to have only dated rich, famous women. That’s not why he loves Susie or why he loved Sectonia, of course— he’s no gold digger, but he won’t deny it’s a bonus! Thankfully, Susie has a practically infinite supply of money and is very much a gift giver, so he gets showered in expensive, lavish things practically all of the time. It makes him feel very, very special.
The most important gift Taranza ever got from Susie was a lot more mundane, though. She realized he was always making grand gestures, and wanted to make one of her own. So she spent countless hours researching flower meanings and painstakingly grew him a bouquet. This is something that was very, very difficult for her. She’s not used to things that require lots of time and care. She stuck it out for Taranza, though, and was eventually able to present him with the surprise gift. The flowers weren’t perfect— in fact, they were a little scrawny, but Taranza was so, so touched. He keeps them on his bedstand to this day, using his magic to ensure they don’t wilt.
The two of them have a set of matching necklaces. Taranza wanted to get something for them to keep as a momento— a counterpart of sorts to his scarf. You see: said scarf was originally a symbol of his love for Sectonia. They bought a matching set and made a promise to always be by each others’ sides. Obviously, that’s not something they were able to do, but he keeps the scarf on his person at all times in honor of the memories they shared. He didn’t want this to make Susie feel inadequate, though, and suggested they get something to celebrate their love as well. The necklaces are a reminder that Susie is more than enough, loved as she is, and that they’re a team, too. It’s no mistake that both it and the scarf rest right beside Taranza’s heart.
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the-himawari-otome · 2 months
[Shuuen no Virche] Birthday Short Story - Mathis Claude
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The birthday celebration of a certain young man who's fond of books
<Original post here>
・゚・:,。★ translation under the cut ★,。・:・゚
Lucas: Happy birthday, Mathis. I am overjoyed from the bottom of my heart that you were born on this day.
Adolphe: She's going to be joining us later. But she also said she wants to congratulate Mathis with all her heart.
Ankou: Considering it's Princess we are talking about, I am sure she will have some wonderful words to share with you.
Mathis: T-Thank you, everyone! This is my first time having so many people celebrate my birthday...!
Jean: That's right, young master. To think you've made so many friends... I myself am delighted as well.
Yves: Oh, really? In that case, we have to have lots of fun day, right? First thing's first—.
Yves: On that note, I've prepared plenty of my homemade food that Mathis told me he loves so much!
Mathis: Wow, it look delicious! *Drools*... I-Is it really okay to eat such a grand meal?
Jean: ...The light left everyone's eyes in an instant. Are you alright?
Scien: There's no way in hell we'd be alright in the face of tragedy.
Adolphe: You got that right. This sight is bad for our hearts even though we let the food slide since it's Mathis's favourite...
Lucas: So Mathis, have you always been spending your birthdays with Jean?
Mathis: Yes! On those occasions, Jean also tries his hand at making dishes that he's not so great at. I enjoy Jean's homemade cooking much more than food bought at Marché.
Jean: I told him that it would be better to purchase some more proper food—however, he wouldn't hear it, saying he prefers this...
Yves: Ahaha. The two of you really do seem more like a real family than just a boy and his butler.
Mathis: Ehehe. I'm glad if you say so.
Mathis: Oh right, Jean. Why did you leave a present by my pillow this year? I was surprised when I saw it there when I woke up in the morning.
Jean: Oh, was it not to your liking?
Mathis: Oh, no. I was really happy. But I was wondering why you started doing that this year...
Jean: ...Well, there's no particular reason. I simply thought it would be nice to celebrate your birthday "for real" once in a while.
Mathis: ...??
Ankou: My, my. It appears our long-awaited Princess has arrived, Mathis Claude.
Adolphe: Come on. Go ahead, Mathis.
Mathis: Ah, w-welcome! Thank you very much for coming to celebrate my birthday today...!
Mathis: I'll do my very best to entertain you so you have an enjoyable time—.
*Rustle, rustle*
Mathis: ...Hm, what's this? ...A gift that you were tossing and turning over until the very last minute? And you prepared it for me?
Mathis: T-Thank you so much! ...Um, can I open it?
Mathis: ...Wow! It's a bracelet with a beautiful gem!
Mathis: It's filled with your prayers—that I'll be able to continue writing the novels that I love?
Mathis: ...Err, ah, haha... what should I do? I'm so happy that I feel like I'm about to cry.
Mathis: This shouldn't be the first time I've had someone celebrate my birthday. Yet I wonder why I'm getting so emotional...
Jean: ...
Mathis: Thank you very much. I'll treasure it...! And I promise on this gem that you've given me.
Mathis: I'll write tons of stories in my life to come—and I'll ask you, who's special to me, to be my very first reader!
And someday. I hope—I'll be able to convey these feelings to you through the words I've spun myself.
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putschki1969 · 10 months
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『Hikaru B-day LIVE 2023 -Be the Best day-』 Live Report by SPICE
Setlist 01.Surviver 02.JUST DO IT 03.IMPOSSIBLE LOVE 04.空 –Look ahead 05.landscape 06.Flow 07.イエスノウ 08.The Sacred Torch 09.Determination 10.disclose 11.Altern-ate- 12.螺旋の繭 13.Escape 14.Awe <ENCORE> En1.pulsation En2.Treasure En.3紡-TSUMUGU-
I LOVE how Takeshi Kato always makes sure to incorporate Kalafina in his interviews and reports. No matter how briefly, he tries to make some quick little references here and there and I honestly appreciate it so much. Especially since he never does it at the expense of their respective solo careers. He acknowledges that he still has so much love for them as a unit but he also emphasises that he wants people to pay more attention to their solo work (a sentiment I obviously very much relate to).
Very curious that he mostly blames COVID-19 for affecting Hikaru's solo activities. While the pandemic has undoubtedly affected all three Kalafina members to some extent, I wonder if it was really the main issue that caused so much trouble for Hikaru and ultimately led to her becoming a freelance artist...? Maybe her former agency Hifumi expected her to generate much higher sales numbers and that just didn't happen due to COVID so they decided not to extend her contract? I don't know...seems weird to me...especially since her numbers weren't THAT bad...I feel like there must have been more at play here. A lot of weird stuff going on behind the scenes. Oh well, maybe Takeshi Kato is just trying to find ways to justify last year's downward spiral. I'm just glad things seem to be moving toward a more positive direction again. Let's hope for the best!
The way he describes the 空 –Look ahead | landscape | Flow set sounds super lovely, wish I had been there for it. I do enjoy "Sora" and "landscape", I can imagine that "Flow" would have perfectly matched the vibe of those two songs with its "floaty" and ambient atmosphere.
And don't even get me started on the Determination | disclose set! Damn, that must have been super epic.Seems like the live version of "Determination" is even more epic than the studio version.
His thoughts on Hikaru's newest song "Awe" are also quite interesting. According to him it is very reminiscent of her Kalafina singing style. Huh, I did not even consider that but maybe that's the reason why I like it so much? It's certainly on a Kalafina-level of dramatic but I'm not so sure about her singing style. You might remember that my initial reaction to her performance during the most recent special broadcast was rather positive. I actually consider it to be my favourite among her new solo releases despite only hearing it once. The song is scheduled to be released in the next few days so I cannot wait to finally hear the studio version. Hopefully her vocals sound a bit more solid and refined than during the live performance.
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Instagram story by Hikaru
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stardancerluv · 2 years
A Time to Love and to Fight
Part Twelve
Summary: Reader contends with some new developments…and Enjolras has a string of bad luck.
Warning/Notes - angst, implied an attempt at masturbation (M), drinking
The treasure that you allowed me to remove your dress from you, I will not soon forget. -Le trésor que tu m'as permis de t'ôter de ta robe, je ne l'oublierai pas de sitôt.
May have strayed away from Enjolas in this chapter as well. That said, I still tried to keep it to how I believe it would play out with him. That said.. Be nice! Feedback is welcome! Want to be tagged, please let me know! ❤️ and of course…Enjoy!
Having, already knocked on the door you stood happily at the door. Enjolras, reached the end of the street, he turned and glanced back at you. A small smile played on your lips when your eyes met. He gave a nod, before turning and walking down that street.
You resumed standing politely, only gently did to fidget with your gloves. You were really trying to get better at that.
Barely a moment later, the door creaking opened. “My sweet child, are you here to take me to dinner?”
“Wonderful. I have sent for a coach, how does that sound?”
“It has been quite awhile since I rode in a coach. It will be quite grand to be in one again.”
You bumped as the wheels rolled and you even let yourself giggle a few times
“It is a real gift to see you smiling and giggling child.” The doctor said warmly.
“You made mama better and we’re in a coach, how can I not be.” You smiled sweetly at him.
His face grew serious. Your heart stilled.
“It’s not because of the revolutionary with the deep scarlet scarf or the roguish smile?” He rose an eyebrow.
He reached out and took your hands, all of you stilled then. You are barely able to remain the edge of your seat.
“When sent for a carriage, I spotted the two of you in a sweet little alcove.”
“Oh!” You tried to pull your hands away. You suddenly felt ill with worry. Would he tell your mama or worse Greta. All you could do was frown.
He chuckled, it filled the coach.
“Dear child, I am happy for you. Truly, I am.”
You relax a little and he allows you to sit back.
“So I take it mama and Greta have no knowledge of this?”
You nod.
“I won’t breath a word. Though, why I must ask?”
“Greta sent him away. By luck we recently reunited.”
You would not say too much. When comes to matters of the heart, your father had always told you it was very important to keep it to yourself.
“Ahh, that is Greta she is like a great aunty.”
“Yes, she is very protective.”
“Ah, amour doux amour douloureux”
You rose an eyebrow.
“My sweet child, he is a revolutionary and you are dream filled child. The love will eventually become painful.”
“Perhaps.” If he had thrust a dagger into your heart it would have hurt less.
You watched as he inhaled, met your eyes and looked away. He flashed a you quick smile when he glanced back at you. “Yes, not always.”
But the words had already sunk in, with a sigh on your lips, you glanced out of the flap of the carriage. You were only two streets away now.
The night had been cool. Gray, puffy clouds raced across the silvery moon. It was brilliant in its fullness.
Enjolras, had easily vaulted the wall like had done previous nights.
You smiled at him as he brushed aside the slender branches as he came to be under the willow with you.
You cried out as small little things fell from his hands moments later. Giggles did not then take long to then bubble from you as you realized he had rained down small wrapped candies upon you.
“Ce soir, je fais pleuvoir des bonbons sur mon trésor”
He then had kneeled in front of you, he plucked one from the ground. “Shall I give you one n a special away?”
Eager, you nodded rapidly. In the excitement you had lost the ability to speak.
He held the piece back. “Remember, you must use your words, my sweet girl.”
“Yes, Enjolras I would love one from you.”
“That’s my girl. See using your words is good for both of us.”
You almost nodded. “Yes.”
You watched as he gave you a small smile before unwrapping the candy. With flourish, he dropped the candy into his mouth.
He looked at you with a smile that made your heart squeeze in your chest; his eyes hooded. With a free hand, he tilted your face up and his lips met yours. You made a soft sound as he passed the sweet candy to you in the kiss.
After first being swept away with the kiss. You soon realized that this is what he meant. It was intoxicating.
“And mon doux ange, is what imagined when I chose to fill my pockets as I began to make my way here.”
By the time you rolled up to your house, several little moments played in your mind they gave little comfort. For the words that came from a man you trusted as you would your father echoed In your heart. “My sweet child, he is a revolutionary and you are dream filled child. The love will eventually become painful.”
Before coming fully to a stop the doctor reached out and placed a hand over yours, you flinched.
“I am sorry my sweet girl, I’m an old man. I fret and worry took much. Forgive me if I took the sun away from your love.”
The hurt was there, reality had decided to rain down on you. If he said it there must be some truth to it. You gave him a smile. It hurt to give a a falsehood. It had plagued you to do so about your meetings of in garden. But sometimes the walls of falsehoods helped.
“I know. And you care like Greta. That is why it is only a mere fancy. Nothing terribly serious, I assure you.”
You gave him another smile before the wheels came to a crunching stop.
Your mama was practically glowing as she spoke with the doctor, there was only a faint whisper of the wheezing. It was nice to see her so happy. It had been awhile. Not entertaining or throwing wonderful parties must be hard on her. With father gone, much of the joy had faded away. From her and the house.
The food was excellent. You had forgotten yourself how much you loved this dish. But all the doctor’s words continued to swirl in your mind.
“Revolution is ripe in this city.”
“Oh is it truly?” Your mama asked between sips of wine. “I thought we already had one, why another?”
She glanced your way. You shrugged. “Times are still hard.”
“Yes, I suppose. I’ve been too concerned with feeling better.” She reached over and squeezed the doctor’s hand. “Thank you again, I don’t know what I was going to do.”
You pushed a cherry around on your plate. Maybe he had been right. You felt as uninformed as your mama sounded and you didn’t have the excuse of being sick. Sighing, you took another bite.
He placed a hand over hers. “You and your family have always been dear to me. Which reminds me?”
His words caught in your attention, yet you remained looking at your plate.
“If things were to get much worse. Perhaps, we should all got to my country house and wait things out. None of should be so close to the violence those young men and women are inciting these days even if they were right about needing things to change.”
Your heart stopped and you bit the inside of your cheek.
“Oh that is so sweet of you. Is it really that bad?”
“Well I have been hearing gunfire in the streets.”
“Oh dear.”
You looked over. “Mama, those are closer to the city center.”
“I did hear what sounded like musket shots, a few streets away. I just want all of you to be safe.” From the corner of your eye, you saw him glance at all three of you. You kept on looking at your food. “Alister,” He continued. “would never forgive me if something would happen to either of you.” He raised his shoulders, his face, a mask of worry.
Annoyance began to unravel in you. Why was he saying this, you wondered. He had seen you with Enjolras and now he said this. Worry twined with that annoyance. What were you going to do, you wondered. Could he convince her.
“I am terribly sorry to hear that.”
You could practically feel your mother’s concern. Grabbing at your food you took a few more bites.
You were not sure when the house had finally grown completely silent and you were not even sure, but you were sure you had even fallen asleep at one bit.
Pulling your blanket aside, you got up. You went to your armoire, you found one of your more simpler dresses.
You shed your other dress then slipped into the green one your eyes landed on. You tied the ribbons at your waist, eyeing yourself in the mirror.
You slipped on some gloves. Your heart beat in pace of your worries. Seeing the time, you saw it wasn’t even close to the midnight hour. Were you being silly, you thought as you wrapped your blue scarf around you.
But you had to tell him. You were a grown woman, you could just casually look like you just happened to go to the Aviary. Maybe you’d order a drink so his comrades would not suspect anything. He’d see you and being the good man he was, he would surely invite you to the table.
They had long since finished exchanging their ideas about what should be done if General Lamarque finally passes.
He was grateful to have gone back to his room and tidied the blankets. Those blankets had still been warm from you on them.
He tried desperately to focus on his book.
Le trésor que tu m'as permis de t'ôter de ta robe, je ne l'oublierai pas de sitôt, he thought to himself. The petticoat had maintained your dignity and yet it still gave him a sight of you that no other living soul had ever been able to enjoy.
Maybe, he should just simply start a new chapter, or just start reading from the beginning. It wasn’t as if he had read it several times before this night.
When he had been alone in his room, he swallowed hard. He could still see how you had looked so exquisite laying there in only your petticoat. He could still taste your lips, he craved more.
“My death, then, will not be to her as the death of a stranger!" Proclaimed the duke. He read, and reread the line. He kept on drifting back to his room and you.
Enjolras, had sat down on the edge of his bed. One hand relished the lingering warmth of your body while his other hand drifted over himself. He closed his eyes and moaning softly.
He wanted, he longed it to be your hand, his silent wish pulled another soft sound from him.
His hand drifting to where his second heart beat hard, he squeezed himself.
He was not one to be swayed or enslaved by any of this. He bit the inside of his cheek.
Enjolras flinched at the sudden, warm fingers running through his curls.
“Bonjour Monsieur.”
Him and his chair scraped against the stony floor as he pushed himself back and away from the touch. “Please do not touch me, madame.”
Grantaire deep rich laugh filled the small space. “Enjolras, let’s not be rude.”
“I was the one touched when I didn’t want to be, and I am rude?”
“Enjolras, calm yourself we just got a little bit of company to join us in playing our games tonight.” Courfeyrac attempted to comfort him. “Perhaps, it will help you and the love sick Marius.”
Pressing his lips together, he nodded. He had better play it at being nice or they would not let him forget it.
“I was startled.” He sighed. He couldn’t hide in his book any longer. “Well, let’s get a round of drinks and start, yes?”
Tucking his book away, he glanced around and wasn’t particularly happy to see that his comrades had brought some of the ladies from Chaummiere at Sceaux.
After twisting your hair gently in a silken ribbon, you crept downstairs and pulled on your boots.
As you carefully closed the heavy door behind you, you were grateful for no rain tonight.
With excitement in your heart, you walked with a kind of skip in your step as began making your way over to the Aviary.
Enjolras, earlier felt like he was the luckiest man while he spent the afternoon with you. Now, not so much. Quite the opposite.
He had lost most of the rounds of cards. His stomach churned with the seven drinks, he felt ill. Starting on his eighth maybe he would feel better and finally win.
One of the girls had been eyeing him. His resistance to push them away was lower. He’d never bed them, but the attention wasn’t awful.
“Let me bring you luck, sir.”
“Sure.” He finally was tired of her advances from across the corner of the table that they shared.
“Now, you be good I don’t want any wandering hands.”
She nodded. “Yes, sir.”
“So please don’t distract me, girl.” He said as she came over to him, the fabrics and her clothes clung to her in sloppy manner. Covering her up but with the appearance that if there was a well placed tug and she exposed to all that was around her.
Moving and sitting back, he let her sit astride him; “May I?” She gestured to his cards and he nodded. Giving his cards a look, she gave him a crooked smile. “Trade that one and that. She giggled. “Then you will win, I am sure of it.”
“You heard the lady.”
The next few rounds melded into each other. Though, he was finally winning and he drank to celebrate.
He pushed all thoughts of you away. He didn’t want this girl on his lap to get the wrong idea.
“I told you, I’d be good for you.” Her fingers moved to his curls.
That brought him back to the table from which he had drifted away from.
He smiled at her. It was a tight smile.
“Please don’t.”
It was a smile he would not even give his friends when he was annoyed, it was just one he’d plaster across his face so as to not reveal his real feelings.
“But if it feels good, just enjoy it.” Her fingers didn’t leave.
He longed to have an arms around your waist and his face buried in your soft strands.
His smile tightened. “Don’t make me ask again.” His voice took an edge,
Looking her over, she was ruddy and now under a closer look realized she had the appearance of a flower that had been trampled on.
Was sad, but it reminded of him of what he was fighting for. A girl shouldn’t have to do this hoping for scraps of foods or some coins.
He knew in a breath his name had not passed that girls mouth. It had passed your lips, a smile one of being real and genuine curled his lips in the fuzzy haze all of his drinks caused in him.
Looking in its direct he felt like he had fallen into icy waters. There you stood, like a flower among all that was colorless and dull.
The fog of drink that had consumed him was ripped aside. Oh, how he wanted you. Wanted to hold you close, as he saw you there before him.
He whispered your name. He watched as you wavered on your feet. “Please get up.” He nudged the girl on his lap.
Her hand finally dropped from his hair. A cynical laugh came from her. “Oh, you have a fancy lady on your leash.” She laughed again.
“You know nothing. Shut up and move.” He spat out.
Confusion, washed over your face.
“You!” Grantaire, called out. “Enjolras, look its your fine lady, she came here.” He pounded the table.
You shook all over. You heart fell to your feet. Why was this woman in his lap, her hand in his hair. This was his meeting he told you about.
The doctor was right. Enjolras, probably kept you around for amusement. My sweet child, he is a revolutionary and you are dream filled child.
Not saying a word you began making your way through the rowdy people.
“Oh well, hello sweetheart.” A man who towered over you, came to stand in your path. “Did you get lost?”
“I’m fine sir. I was just leaving.”
“Don’t do that, we need someone like you here. Pretty and soft.” He leaned in and took a breath. His rank breath made you feel even more ill. “And you smell good too.”
“Please, let me pass.”
He chuckled. “There’s a fee pretty girl.” He tapped his cheek. “Give us a kiss.”
“Sir Dupont can you stop bothering my girl.”
You looked back at Enjolras, you barely recognized his voice. There was a level of sharpness to it, you had never heard before. It shook you.
@aftertheglitterfades @sebastianstvn @dealswiththedevilsblog @randomstory56 @pl1nfa1 @phantomxoxo @ladybug0095 @the-iridescent-phoenix @maryan028 @netusha @kindablackenedsuperhero @crazyworldofsiani @moondev1l @eddiethebloodiedhand
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aurasoulhikari · 1 year
PMD Hero and Partner Week Day 2: Flowers
Day 2 of Hero and Partner Week! So today the topics were homes, flowers, and favorite scenes. Now this one I had a hard time picking which one to do cause I had a lot of ideas. But then I remembered Sky Peak from Explorers of Sky and it hit me! So today this will be of my Explorers of Sky OC team, Team Truth that consists of Hero Aura the Riolu, partner Blazer the Chimchar, and their third member and friend Amu the Skitty. But this will only have Aura with a few familiar faces.
“Come on guys, we're almost there!”
“That's what you said last time!”
“Well this time I mean it!” Aura was grinning standing on Sky Peak Summit Path behind her were.
“Oh come on Luna it's not that bad.” Celebi smiled.
“Celebi you and Dusknoir can't talk, you can fly and he can float!” Luna the shiny Umbreon pouted.
“You never complained when we did this kind of climbing back in the future.” Grovyle smirked.
“We never climbed these big mountains, Grovyle!” Luna countered. Aura snickered at the usual teasing bickering before looking to Dusknoir.
“I still can't believe you never came here even though you've been here as long as me.” She remarked.
“At the time the mountain and even Shaymin Village was closed off from outsiders. I had only heard stories about it.” Dusknoir admitted.
“Ah well you’ll be in luck to see the top.” Aura grinned. “It just has to be my most favorite spot ever.”
“All the more reason to see it ourselves.” Grovyle remarked, patting his friend’s back. Aura smiled; she had been eternally grateful her old friends were here with her and grateful her teammates gave her this time to spend some time with her friends and getting to know Dusknoir. Soon though they finally reached the summit Luna flopped on the ground with a groan.
“Finally!” She gasped.
“Wasn't so bad.” Celebi smiled, giggling at the glare she got from Luna. Grovyle chuckled but then took notice of the pink flowers that were in bloom around them.
“These are…” He began.
“Gracidea Flowers.” Aura answered with a smile. “Special flowers that only bloom up here on Sky Peak. Shaymins like Shay use them to change to their sky form but you also give a bouquet of these to those you are grateful to as thanks since it looks like Shaymin the Gratitude pokemon.”
“Oh how lovely.” Celebi smiled.
“It is a wonderful custom.” Dusknoir agreed.
“Heh glad you think so but that isn't the only thing I wanted to show you.” Aura grinned. “Come on and you'll see the true treasure of Sky Peak.”
Curious, the future pokemon followed Aura until standing at the summit lookout as she smiled.
“Now start forward and look up.” She told them. They did so and they gasped awed and breathless by the enchanted and beautiful view of Sky Peak from the pure blue sky to be even able to see the bright and colorful stars from above.
“Oh my….” Luna breathed.
“Amazing…” Grovyle whispered.
“Beautiful…” Celebi gasped softly.
“No doubt if we had been in that future we would never be able to witness this.” Aura replied with a serene smile. “That's why after your return this was the very first place I wanted to show you guys.”
Aura then heard choked sounds and glanced to see Dusknoir staring at the view with tears in his one eye holding in sobs. But as the emanating pokemon Aura could sense all the emotions he was feeling. Awe, wonder, joy, pain, and so much guilt. Guilt that he had been part of a tragedy that would've taken something like this away. Grovyle had told Aura what had happened after he and Luna took Dusknoir back to the future with them and what Dusknoir was going through. In ways Aura understood Dusknoir’s reasonings and fears despite not having anything, to just disappear would frighten anyone. Survival was a natural instinct hence why she never truly held any grudges from the wild pokemon of the future and that included Dusknoir as well.
She chose not to say anything and only patted Dusknoir’s back for he wasn't alone anymore now. And now he didn’t need to feel ashamed for wanting to be alive. A feeling she knew all too well after once thinking she had been the only survivor of that dark future. Then Aura felt a tap on her shoulder making her look to see Celebi smiling, holding out a Gracidea flower to her much to the human- turned Riolu’s surprise. Then she saw Grovyle do the same, then Luna, and even Dusknoir. Surprised for a moment Aura smiled, taking each flower from them she held her own small bouquet of Gracidea flowers while they all stood silently with smiles watching the treasured view of Sky Peak.
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ellsieee · 9 months
Thai QL Favorites!
Tagged by: @benkaaoi (I miss our watch parties bb! 😢)
Credits to: @thatgirl4815 for the Thai BL Favorites Tag Game!
Favorite QL: 
My Tee. It's hard to quantify what exactly equals favorite, so I'm going with the Thai ql series I've rewatched the most. My Tee is my comfort series. It has its issues, but it's not boring or as confusing as the people on mdl would have you believe. I enjoyed the low key, humorous, slice of life, coming of age story. The ending admittedly leaves much to be desired, but the Mork/Tee parts of Our Skyy make up for it.
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Favorite Pairing: 
As in acting pair or CP from a series? For established acting pair it's a toss up between EarthMix and KhaotungFirst. Both acting pairs seem to genuinely be good friends which is probably why they have great chemistry. I might have to give the edge to KT and First because I think they're both better actors individually. For a couple from a series it's gotta be Fighter/Tutor. Why R U was one of my early forays into "spicy" Thai bl so Fighter and Tutor have a special place in my heart. Many spicy Thai bls later, I still think their UST/physical chemistry is one of the best. Honorable mention goes to my favorite fluff couple RamKing who was just barely edged out by Tutor's obsession with Fighter's adam's apple.
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Most underrated actor: 
I don't follow Thai ql closely enough to know who is underrated or overrated. I'm just going to say Drake Laedeke because I wish GMMTV would stop doing him dirty and give him some lead roles. He was decent in My Tee and has been great in his supporting roles, so I think it's about time he got another shot at ml.
Favorite Character:
This one is really hard. I'm going to cheat and say it's a tie between Noey from I Will Knock You and King from My Engineer. Does King count as a main character? I adore Noey for his quirkiness, loyalty, and (over) confidence. The way he bossed Thi into falling in love with him. 😅 I love King's curiosity, persistence and patience with Ram. I also find his spacey, plant loving, dog fearing self very cute.
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Favorite Side Character:
My poor long suffering Gap from Triage. 💙 I loved his friendship with Tin and with the rest of the hospital staff and while I am still salty about being robbed of seeing SingGap become bfs, I still love my sweet, exasperated Gap.
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Favorite Scene in a BL:
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This scene healed my soul. I Told Sunset About You was such a heavy series that I needed this scene so much. It felt like all was right with the world and I believed in true love again.
Favorite Line in a BL:
My mind is totally blank and I cannot think of any profound lines. Instead, the only thing that comes to mind is Praram's "Brother that isn't a brother. Just like how daddy doesn't really mean father" from This Is Love Story. 😅
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Most Anticipated BL (and why): 
I waited too long to do this, all of my anticipated bls came out already (Laws of Attraction & I Feel You Linger In the Air). I guess now I'll pick Sunset Vibes because I am ready to watch MosBank play assholes that deserve only each other again. I am anticipating a most wonderful trash watch. 🧡
Healthiest Relationship in BL:
Saen and Aii from You're My Sky. Saen took it slow with Aii and respected his boundaries. They talked about their problems and tried to meet each other halfway. And they were just all kinds of adorable.
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Most Toxic Relationship in BL:
Pok and Tong from Gen Y/Gen Y 2. Threats? ✅ SA? ✅ Manipulation? ✅ I remember thinking damn these bitches are so toxic when I was watching Gen Y, but I was also a bit mesmerized by their toxicity. 😅
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Guilty Pleasure Series: 
Guilty pleasure implies that the series needs to be bad, but what's bad? One's trash is another's treasure. A lot of people rag on My Tee, but I like it, so does that make it a guilty pleasure? It doesn't feel like it. I guess I will go with Big Dragon. I can understand why people think it's awful, but I loved it.
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Most Underrated Series: 
I really want to pick You're My Sky because it was a pretty well done uni/sports bl that got very little attention, but I'm picking He's Coming To Me because it's a very good series that doesn't get enough love. The ghost story part of it was both touching and funny and the investigation/non-bl plot was interesting. Ohm's acting was great too.
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If this wasn't restricted to Thai QL, this would have been a lot harder and a lot of my answers would be different I think. I never know who to tag for these things. If you see this, consider yourself tagged. Edit: I tag YOU @victooooorious
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