#i wouldn't even leave this flat at all. so you know. naturally. i try to get myself at least some form
featherymainffins · 1 month
Peace and love on planet Earth but if I see one more post NOT about recovery and, in fact, encouraging eating disorders in the ed recovery tag, I might just turn into a chimpanzee and tear everyone's faces off.
#ed recovery#are you people for real?#ONE. I'm asking for ONE tag.#how tone-deaf and cruel do you have to be to post your active ed behaviour absolutely without any trigger warnings#or forewords#you know what i foolishly expect in the es recovery tag? ed recovery. yes i know very presumptuous of me.#i expect people who are trying to recover or are in recovery sharing their experiences and maybe some body positivity#talking about how hard recovery can be; for example. etc etc.#you know what happens in the tag? of course you do. ana meal diaries. posts about nothing but how much you body check#talking about how much you hate yourself because you're trying to lose 10kg and yesterday you had a salad and now you're asking#for tips how to get better at restricting and continuing your ed.#everyone who does that is a ghoul. and I'm done being nice and ignoring that shit.#like. some fucking room check maybe? I'm sitting in my flat shaking from cold which is caused only partly by the room temperature#and I'm doing my best to avoid everyone i know because i can't stand the thought of them seeing my form and when someone#i know accidentally meets me on the street or somewhere i feel like shit because I'm disgusting and if it were up to me#i wouldn't even leave this flat at all. so you know. naturally. i try to get myself at least some form#of support. i try to look for positivity for people like me; who are trying to recover. i want an outside source to affirm that I am not#repulsive. that I'm not insane when i think that all bodies are cool and fascinating and that there's no way or shape anyone is#expecting me to be in order to earn their love or at least their lust. and what do i get instead? you ghouls#wonderful. lovely. think about all the people like me next time you decide to post that shit in the recovery tag. thanks.
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runa-falls · 6 months
my turn
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part 1 | part 2
pairing: marc spector x reader (a bit of steven grant x reader)
summary: marc has had enough of watching you take advantage of steven and not him...
cw: smut (18+), voyeurism, masturbation, rough sex, dirty talk, degrading words, pining omg so much pining, angst, creampie, fluff?, ft. steven
wc: 3.4k
a/n: long time coming (cumming) -- i just realized i barely have marc fics so hopefully this holds up to expectations!
You know Marc. But you wouldn't necessarily say that you're friends. And even if you were, you're definitely not 'friendly' with him the way you are with Steven.
If you were to ask him though, it wasn't for the lack of trying.
Since you've met Steven, Marc has merely been a shadow behind him, stopping in to check on Steven's personal life every so often before disappearing again.
What you aren't aware of, though, is that the only time he trifles in Steven's life is when he gets to see you.
Usually, Marc is uninterested in the daily life of his other half.
Steven wakes up, catches (or misses) the bus, gets to work, grabs some food on the way home, then calls it a day. It's a bland routine that Marc set up specifically to make sure that Steven is safe and sane. So, of course, when there's a change, Marc starts to pay attention.
Suddenly, out of the blue, you're everywhere.
A smile in the background of Steven's phone, a sticky note on the fridge reminding him to get more blueberries, and the oversized sweater you leave on the armchair one day that Steven steals whenever you're away.
He has no idea how you came into the picture, how he's never noticed you, or how Steven of all people captured your attention.
All he knows is that Steven is fumbling. Hard.
Marc had no idea what the nature of your relationship was until he had a front row ticket to one of your friendly favors.
Steven isn't subtle about his feelings. Anytime he's exceptionally scared or excited, Marc is called forward by his subconscious mind just in case he's in danger.
Usually, Marc is forced to front when Steven is about to burn his flat down from his nth attempt at cooking, or when he nearly walks into a busy intersection because he has his nose stuck in a book. But he never expected this.
He knew you liked to baby Steven. Take care of him because he had no one else to turn to (except Gus of course), but he just assumed you were being friendly, a kind soul willing to take Steven under your wing.
Nothing could have prepared him for when he woke up to the sight of you on your knees in front of him. It's odd being in the back seat of his body while Steven is getting all of your attention. He can feel everything, from the way your soft lips brush so sweetly against his cock to the hot suction of your mouth, but there's something that's holding him back from taking what he wants.
He wants so badly to bury his hand in your hair and push you down onto him until you're making a mess of yourself, eyes welling with pretty tears and drool dripping down your chin. He needs to tell you what a good girl you're being for him, so desperate for his cock in your throat. He wants to pick you up and carry you over to the bed to show you just how beautiful you are.
He wants you to look up and know it's him.
But he can't. Because who knows when this development started.
You acted platonically just the other day, and now, you're begging for Steven to cum on your tits.
What are you to each other?
If interferes now and messes this up for Steven, you might leave their lives altogether. Damn, how have you lured him into your clutches without even talking to him?
For all he knows, it could be a one-off thing...
It's decidedly not a one-off thing.
Marc has barely had the chance to front since the first time you made a move on Steven. You're always coming over, whether it's a spontaneous movie night or an offer to cook Steven some dinner, you always find a way to slither your way back into his bed. Not that Steven minds.
But Marc does.
With each fumbling move that Steven makes, Marc gets pushed closer to the edge. He could do it so much better. Make it clear that you're wanted. Give you the pleasure you deserve.
He cringes inside with every wary arm that gets thrown over your shoulder during a movie (one of Steven's signature moves to get you to cuddle -- somehow it works, every time). With the messy, unpracticed kisses that Steven haphazardly presses against your sweet lips.
He physically holds himself back from taking control of the body whenever you fall asleep in Steven's arms. He wants to hold you, feel your body molded against his, even if you have no idea it's him.
It's painful watching the two of you walk circles around the truth.
"I'm always thinking about you." Just tell her that you like her, you idiot! What is there to be afraid of? She looks at you like you painted the stars and hung the moon!
At this point, he doesn't even know why he tries.
Whenever you're around, Steven has total tunnel vision. He practically follows you around like some lost puppy. He lets sweet words spill from his lips without even thinking first and you lap up any type of affection he'll give you.
It's a vicious cycle of obliviousness.
Steven is a lost cause. But he isn't.
He can't take it anymore. He can't take waking up with a lingering taste of you on his tongue, or seeing your lovesick smile directed at someone else. He can't take the way you treat him like a stranger, like someone to avoid.
He wants you. So he's going to show you.
It's been a long day.
Marc's been out, jumping on top of roofs and kicking ass, all while Steven's 'sweetheart' blows up his phone.
Marc narrows his eyes, shuffling through all the smiley faces and hearts that litter your messages (and the thumbs up messages from Steven).
This book made me think of you <3
A cute little picture of you holding a book next to your face stares back at him, painting his face in a soft glow as he stands in the darkness of the night. He wants to crush the device in his hand.
Call me when you get home safe :)
You know exactly where Marc is right now, and what his life consists of, but you always avoid talking about him directly. You're always just waiting for Steven to come home so he can sleepily tell you he's back in bed and give you the green light to come over and snuggle your face into his chest.
Marc likes to think that he makes measured decisions, but what he does next is completely out of character:
Come over.
He's a little impatient, sitting on his worn couch as he waits for you to show up. You said you'd be 20 minutes, but it's been 30 since he texted you.
Sory thought the cookies would be done earlier! I'm otw now!
Your hastily typed out text blinks up from the forgotten phone that lies next to him. He read the sheepish reply when you sent it, but didn't bother to text back because of course you baked cookies for Steven.
He's starting to regret tricking you over. All he can think about is the inevitable rejection he'll get once you realize he's not Steven.
Marc leans back against the collection of overstuffed pillows and (your) gifted squish-mallows that decorate the couch, not caring that he's taking up as much space as possible. Flashes of your time with Steven override his doubts, reminding him of the softness that only you can provide.
He doesn't even realize he's unbuttoning his pants until his hand slips himself out of his briefs. Fuck, he's already so hard just thinking about you.
He doesn't want to get himself too worked up so he attempts to take it slow, stroking and squeezing himself until he's teetering at the edge, pretending that it's your hand instead of his. He quickly gets lost in the feeling, floating in a euphoric dream of you and your touch. It isn't until he hears the door click open that he returns to reality.
You're here. The thought alone nearly makes him spill over himself.
-- And he's good.
"I'm here--oof," He hears you run into a kitchen stool, "why is it so dark in here?"
He should shove himself back into his pants and greet you like a normal human being, but some sick thing inside of him wants you to see what you do to him.
You place a container of freshly baked cookies on the counter with a smile, satisfied with your work and excited to see him try one. You've been working on a new vegan snickerdoodle recipe just for him.
A sweet treat for your sweet treat. You nearly giggle at your thoughts.
You take a second to smooth down any wrinkles on your dress, desperate to look nice for him. Steven has no idea how obsessed with him you are. You want him all the time. You're constantly craving to coax out soft whines and stutters from your favorite boy.
You look around the dim flat.
Where the hell is he?
Usually you'd find him in front of his makeshift desk, sprawling through various books under a harsh lamp, but tonight his spot is empty.
A soft grunt guides you to the couch, your usual movie night spot. No way he's starting without you.
"Ah, there you are." You're slightly put out that he doesn't move to greet you, but maybe Marc's mission just took a particularly harsh toll on his body.
It's only when you're standing at the side of the couch that he meets your eyes. And you meet his...hard cock, desperately throbbing in his hand. What a sight. Your eyes nearly glaze over at the sight of his mussed hair and laid back positioning.
He just looks up at you, casually. He's been expecting you. He wants you to watch him. It makes it that much more delicious.
He doesn't shy back at your presence. If anything, he sits up to give you a better view. His hand moves methodically -- controlled, stroking himself from tip to base as his half-lidded eyes stare straight back at you.
His dark look and posture nearly make him unrecognizable. It's not just the clothes he's wearing, or the 5 o'clock shadow, but the way he furrows his eyebrows and grips himself so confidently, like he does it all the time.
You shake off the odd feeling settling in your stomach and move over to him with the practiced grace that usually makes him weak in the knees for you.
"Mm...Steven...you're quite needy right now, aren't you?"
He raises a dark eyebrow, briefly squeezing himself in his hand as he unabashedly takes in your figure, draped in a soft dress. He's not backing down like you're used to. At this point, he's supposed to be begging for you to touch him, not staring you down like you're a piece of meat.
"M'not Steven, sweetheart." His voice makes you freeze in front of him and all of the confidence you once held rushes out of your body.
A cynical smirk tugs at the corner of his lips.
"You remember me?"
You capture your bottom lip into your mouth, holding yourself back from crawling on top of him and skipping the conversation. The dark and intense version of your lover is serving himself up on a silver platter, and all you can do is watch.
"Why wouldn't I?" He shrugs.
You can tell he's enjoying this, watching you squirm uncomfortably as he teases himself right in front of you. He touches himself like it's an afterthought, something to simply accompany the sight of you.
"W-where's Steven? I was supposed to meet him here..."
"I'm the one who texted you."
You freeze, not knowing what to do.
He wants you here?
He wants you?
"Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna be a good girl for me like you are with Steven?"
What would Steven think?
"I-I don't know..."
"C'mon, you're always dying to suck him off."
Your face flushes at his bluntness. Are you that obvious?
A hand comes up to hold you by the waist before you're pulled closer to him. He looks up at you, eye-level with your chest, looking as predatory as ever, despite his position under you.
"What's the difference, hm?" He slides a warm hand under the hem of your dress, gently caressing the bare skin of your outer thigh. "It's the same body on top of you. The same cock stretching you out..." You shiver when you feel his fingers tease the edge of your panties, the deep red lace you picked out specially for Steven. "...even the same cum filling you up."
You look down, mesmerized by the way his hand moves under the thin fabric of your dress. You watch his shrouded arm pull at the fabric until it barely brushes at your upper thigh as his hand slides up over the softness of your stomach and the dips of your ribs, before stopping at the curve of your breast.
"You want this."
It's not a question, it's a statement. And he's right.
He watches your eyes flutter close as he cups you in his hand. Despite the heat in his eyes, he handles you so softly. Like you're a porcelain doll in his hands. It's a familiar touch, but there's a hint of something more.
"Steven..." You breathe out. It's said out of habit. This feeling inside of you has only been associated with one person. It's always been him. But now, a whole other side of yourself is opening up.
You quickly realize your mistake when his grip tightens around your waist and on your breast, demanding your attention.
"No." His voice is low, "Not him."
He hums and rewards you with a teasing flick of his thumb over your nipple. You're disappointed when his touch suddenly leaves you, but before you can complain, he begins to work his pants all the way off.
"Don't worry about him, sweetheart." He pulls you close enough that you nearly fall over him, causing you to straddle his lap and sit chest-to-chest. "Tonight's about us." The skirt of your dress falls around your thighs, shielding the way his length presses against your inner thigh.
You bury your face in the crook of his neck, flustered by the feeling of his hot body against yours, at the idea that this is really happening.
You breathe in once. Is that..?
And then, once again.
He smells like him.
"You good, baby?" He rubs over the tops of your thighs comfortingly while subtly shoving your skirt up to your waist.
"Mhm..." You hum against his skin, relishing in the feeling of his embrace. You experimentally push your hips against his, grinding your needy center against his. He groans at the contact and cants his hips upwards, forcing you to feel just how hard he is.
Your cunt pulses in desperation as he continues to rut against your clothed clit. You're nearly soaking through your underwear with how wet you are. And by the way he groans against you, he can tell.
An eager hand shoves between your bodies to shove your panties to the side. "Need to feel you." He drags a finger against you, spreading your slick until it runs down the palm of his hand. "Fuck. You're so ready for me."
"P-please." It's a hushed whisper against his shoulder, but he hears it loud and clear.
"Please, what?" He pushes you back, forcing you to look at him as he lines himself up. Heat pricks at the tops of your cheeks before you cast your eyes downwards.
Is he really going to make you say it?
"M-marc." You whimper as he brushes the tip of his cock through the seam of your cunt, covering himself with your lust. He mouths at your neck, ignoring your pleas by keeping himself busy sucking bites and bruises into your skin. "Please, fuck me, Marc."
He barely gives you a second before he's pushing in with a single fluid motion. The feeling is indescribable. How can he share a body with Steven, but make this feel so different?
"So big..." You gasp out, thighs trembling around his.
"Taking me so well, baby. Just let me in."
He pushes up until you're filled to the brim, drawing out a broken moan from your lips. The stretch is exquisite in this position. You feel like you've never felt anyone as deeply as he is right now.
As soon as he's sure you're comfortable, he starts moving, grinding up against you until you're looping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer. You're mewls fill the room as his cock drags perfectly against your slick walls. You arch your back and start moving over him, desperate to feel him entirely.
He watches you bounce on his lap, timing his movements so his thrusts meet yours.
"Such a greedy slut aren't you?" His harsh words are punctuated with sharp thrusts, causing you to clench around him involuntarily. The sensation almost leaves him breathless, but he continues talking through gritted teeth. "You couldn't get enough from Steven, hm?"
His pants turn into rough grunts as he speeds up. He thrusting into you like he's taking revenge, like he's proving that he's the piece that's been missing from your life.
You shake your head, "Need b-both."
"Yeah, you do. Always so desperate to be filled by this cock." He holds you in place and begins to viciously thrust up into you.
"O-oh-!" He's hitting that spot inside of you that makes you see stars. You can't help the way your mouth gapes at the toe curling sensation.
Everything around you quickly fades away and all you can see, hear, and feel is him. You can't even articulate anything when pure ecstasy blooms in your core and permeates throughout your body.
You seize in his hold as he continues to roll his hips against yours, feeling boneless from the pleasure that hums through every nerve. He groans at the flutter of your walls around him, gripping him so tight in your warmth. He can barely get out a handful of thrusts before he's spilling inside of you.
You're a mess on top of him, soaking his lap in a mixture of the two of you. Your hair sticks to your face and neck, but it doesn't matter when you can still feel him pulsing inside of you.
Your eyes flutter open as a gentle hand caresses your jaw and guides you to lean in.
You meet vulnerable eyes framed by dark lashes.
He takes a breath, like he's bracing for the worst, but he doesn't have the chance to let it go before you're pressing your lips against his.
You sleep like a rock. It's almost like no time has passed. Why dream when you have everything you want right in front of you?
Or behind you, that is.
You can already tell it's Steven with the way he nuzzles himself against the back of your neck. "G'mornin', darling." He's adorable with his roughened groggy voice.
"Hi, baby." He curls up at the pet name and holds you closer, already flustered before he has fully woken up. You can tell it takes him a few moments to blink the sleep away because suddenly he's stiff against you (and not in a good way).
"W-what. What happened?"
You sigh, "Marc happened."
"Did he hurt you? Oh my god," He pushes away to get a better view, "was he mauling your neck?!"
"Steven, it's fine." You feel your face warm up at the thought of the night before. "I...kinda liked it."
Steven huffs to himself as his thumb lightly brushes over a particularly obvious bruise on your neck, "He's trying to steal my girlfriend."
You nearly choke on yourself, "G-girlfriend?"
"Yes...? I mean, you are, right? Unless," Steven's eyes widen, "I-uh, didn't mean to assume--"
"No, Steven. I-I'd love to be your girlfriend."
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tinytinyblogs · 3 days
Hey I have a request for skz reaction to their s/o always wanting to be the big spoon?
Cuddling is my favorite!
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Cuddling? Definitely. You want me to be the little spoon? Absolutely.
Hyung line, Maknae line (coming soon)
💬Thank you for the request, and here you go. I hope this meets your expectations, though I know it's not perfect. Nonetheless, it's an honor to fulfill your request, and I'll keep on writing.
Stray kids masterlist
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Your insights and reactions make these posts come alive. Love reblogs, comments, and all the good vibes welcome ✨
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Chan's affectionate nature is deeply ingrained in his character, a constant source of warmth and comfort in your relationship. When you ask for a cuddle, it's as if he's been waiting for the invitation, his response immediate and wholehearted. Without a moment's hesitation, he throws himself into your embrace, his arms wrapping around you tightly, as if trying to merge his being with yours. But what truly sets Chan apart is his willingness to be the little spoon. He doesn't just accept the position; he embraces it with enthusiasm, reveling in the intimacy of being held by you. It's a testament to his trust in you, his vulnerability laid bare as he allows himself to be cradled in your arms. For Chan, your embrace is a sanctuary—a place where he can escape from the chaos of the world and find solace in your presence. The moment he sinks into your hug, feeling the warmth of your body and the rhythm of your breath, all his worries and stresses melt away. It's as if time stands still, and in that fleeting moment, there is nothing else in the world but the two of you. As he nestled into your chest, feeling the comforting warmth of your embrace, he settled into the familiar position of the small spoon.
His head rested just below your chin, and you could feel the gentle rise and fall of his breath. His voice, soft and hoarse with fatigue, broke the tranquil silence. "You know…" he began, his words trailing off as if he was too tired to continue. He wanted nothing more than to drift into sleep wrapped in your arms, yet a part of him clung to wakefulness, eager to prolong this intimate moment. "We need to do this more often," he continued, his voice a mixture of contentment and yearning. He tilted his head back slightly to look up at you, his eyes shining with love and vulnerability. Those eyes, filled with so much emotion, held your gaze as he spoke again. "I love being this close to you, and I love it when I have your full attention," he confessed, his words a tender admission of his feelings. A soft smile curved his lips as he leaned in to give you a quick, affectionate kiss. His arms tightened around you, holding you just a little closer, as if he could never get enough of your presence. The room around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in this perfect, shared moment of connection and love.
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When you asked Minho for a cuddle, he didn't respond right away. He just stayed silent, looking at you with a flat expression. Minho had always claimed he didn't really like physical touch, but deep down, you knew that wasn't true. There was something in his eyes that hinted otherwise, even if he wouldn't admit it out loud. After a few moments of your gentle asking and his continued silence, you started to feel tired and a bit dejected. You let out a small sigh, thinking maybe he really didn't want to cuddle. But then, something changed. Minho began to move closer to you, ever so subtly. At first, he just shifted a bit nearer, trying to act casual as if he was simply adjusting his position. He continued to inch closer, his movements almost imperceptible at first. He sat right next to you, his arm lightly brushing against yours. You could feel the warmth radiating from his body, and you knew he was letting down his guard, even if he didn't say a word. Then, in one swift motion, Minho closed the gap between you two completely. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. His head nestled against your shoulder, and you could feel his breath against your neck. He finally settled into the small spoon position, his body fitting perfectly against yours.
He did it all in silence, not saying anything, but his actions spoke volumes. Maybe he was too shy to admit how much he enjoyed being close to you, or maybe he just didn't know how to express it with words. Either way, his silent gesture was filled with affection and vulnerability, showing you a side of him that he rarely revealed. While holding you tightly, Minho buried his face against your chest, hiding his blush. You could feel the warmth of his cheeks even through your shirt. "I thought you didn't want this, didn't like affection, huh?" you teased gently, a playful tone in your voice. "Shut up," he mumbled, his voice muffled against your chest. He stayed in the same position, not daring to lift his head and reveal his reddened face. After a moment, "You asked for it, so I'm just fulfilling your request." he added. "Sure you are, Minho," you replied knowingly, a smile spreading across your face. You could tell he was enjoying this as much as you were, even if he wouldn't admit it out loud. His grip tightened around you, and after a few seconds of silence, he spoke again, his voice a bit more demanding this time. "What are you doing? Hold me tighter. Give me more of your affection."
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Changbin's face lit up with a playful grin the moment you mentioned cuddling. It was as if he had been waiting for the invitation all along. Without a second thought, he practically leaped into your arms as soon as you opened them, his enthusiasm palpable. "Why bother to ask?" he teased, his voice filled with genuine happiness as he hugged you tightly, relishing in the warmth of your embrace. And when you expressed your wish to be the big spoon for him, Changbin's eyes sparkled with affection. He adored being your baby, finding solace and joy in the simple act of being held by you. Nestled under your arm, he felt a sense of security and belonging unlike anything else in the world. It was his favorite place to be, and he would gladly stay there forever if he could. "I'm always here to be your personal teddy bear," he whispered softly with a giggle escaping his lips, Changbin pulled you even closer, enveloping you in his embrace., his words a sweet melody in the midst of your embrace.
With each passing moment, his love for you seemed to grow stronger, and he couldn't help but feel grateful for every precious second he got to spend with you like this. As your fingers traced soothing patterns through his hair, Changbin's voice drifted into a soft mumble, barely audible but filled with a deep sense of gratitude. "I'm so lucky, being pampered like this," he confessed, his words carrying a gentle undertone of appreciation. Humming a soft melody, he leaned into your touch, finding comfort in the tender affection you showered upon him. Meeting your eyes, Changbin's smile widened, his gaze reflecting a mixture of adoration and contentment. "This feels so right," he whispered, his voice laced with sincerity. "You should give me this love more often," he teased, his chuckle soft and melodious, like a symphony of affection. Leaning in, he pressed a tender kiss against your lips, his affectionate gesture a testament to the depth of his feelings. "I'm your big baby to take care of," he declared with a playful glint in his eyes, his words carrying a sense of playful devotion as he settled back into your embrace, content to bask in the warmth of your love.
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With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Hyunjin quipped, "Ah, someone crazy in love with me," his tone playful as he feigned a scrutinizing look, as if he was assessing your affection levels. But before you could respond, a grin spread across his face, and he couldn't contain his laughter, leaning in closer to you. "You're wanting to be the big spoon, huh? Alright, but just this once." he teased, wrapping his arms around you in a warm embrace as per your request. Hyunjin relished the closeness, savoring the comfort of your touch and the playful banter that characterized your relationship. It was moments like these, filled with laughter and light-hearted teasing, that made your bond even stronger. Each day was an opportunity to share jokes, exchange playful banter, and tease each other relentlessly, creating a dynamic that kept the spark alive. And as you snuggled closer, you both knew that no matter how much you teased, the love and affection you shared would always shine through. As he held you tightly, Hyunjin basked in the comforting warmth you provided, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him. A gentle smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he gazed at you, admiring the love reflected in your eyes.
"Since you love me this much, I'll gladly fulfill your wish," he said with a soft chuckle, his voice filled with affection. He couldn't resist the urge to lean in and press a tender kiss against your pouting lips, savoring the sweetness of the moment. As he pulled back, a playful glint danced in his eyes. "Your pout is too adorable to resist," he teased, his laughter echoing softly in the air. With a reluctant sigh, he confessed, "I had plans to be productive today, but being wrapped up in your embrace makes it hard to leave." His gaze softened as he looked up at you, his thumb gently caressing your cheek. "But I suppose today can be about us," he added, his voice laced with warmth and affection. In that moment, nothing else mattered except the two of you, lost in the comfort of each other's arms. Pulling you even closer, Hyunjin whispered softly, his breath warm against your skin, "Today is about us." His arms wrapped around you tighter, as if trying to convey all his affection and devotion through the embrace alone. Repeating those words like a mantra, he emphasized the importance of cherishing the present moment together, allowing nothing to distract from the love shared between you.
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iveantive · 3 months
Prompt: sakura finds a stray dog
sakura finds feral hybird kazuha and decides to take her in
TW: A/B/O, g!p, hybrids, branding, kinda mentions of abuse, heat cycles, vaginal fingering, masturbation
word count: 11k (it's a full ass plot with porn)
How could you be so stupid? Sakura mumbled to herself.
Raindrops falling from up above started to drop onto her dry hair. It really is her fault. She checked the forecast last night and knew it was going to rain. But, she thought nothing of it because, on most nights, she would already be home cooking dinner.
It was just her luck. Her boss had asked her to stay longer to finish up some extra paperwork, and she couldn't say no. She was aiming to get a promotion within the next couple of months. So, she stayed, and what would've been a minimum of 30 minutes of unpaid labor became an hour when one of her managers, some brazen cocky alpha, tried hitting on her. Luckily, she was good at deflecting all his stupid questions, giving him deadpan answers to show she wasn't interested.
"What're you doing here so late?" She heard the Alpha slide up behind her as she typed on her laptop.
"Working." She said flatly.
"I see that. Do you want some company?" The alpha slid a nearby chair over to them.
"No, I'm trying to go home quickly." Sakura didn't even want to make eye contact with alpha. Knowing if she did, it would make it harder for the alpha to leave her alone.
Alphas, though, once they start, they just don't stop. Especially when they learn Sakura is a single 25-year-old omega. She's been through this time and time again. Some alpha will come along boasting about how they're from this renowned pack, but really Sakura couldn't care less. When she would make that known, the alpha would get defensive and start calling her names before they stomped off angry they didn't get her number.
It's not that Sakura wasn't looking for a mate. She's been on countless blind dates (set up by Chaewon against her will). It was just that none of them made it past the first date. Alphas were predictable, and she always knew how things were gonna go.
"Well, it'd be quicker if we did it together." Sakura felt the alpha's rough hand creep up her lower back. She would have no trouble smacking his hand away if it were any other alpha. But Sakura needed this job. And she knew if she were to flat-out reject the older alpha, he could ruin her career.
"That's okay, I've actually just finished," She gritted through her teeth, managing to slide away from the alpha's grasp. Despite hearing the alpha calling her name behind her, without missing a beat, she quickly got up, packed up her things, and left the office.
That's how Sakura found herself walking home later than usual. The sun had already set. Instead, getting replaced by grey storm clouds. And by now, the loud bustle of the city life had died down.
A loud crash of thunder snapped Sakura out of her thoughts.
Shit, Sakura cursed. Quickening her pace, she was just a block away from her apartment.
She was practically running by the time she was about to round the corner to her building when she heard a noise. It sounded almost animal-like.
Stopping in her tracks. She turned her head towards the alleyway separating her apartment building and the next one over. Sakura peaked her head ever so slightly in trying to see if she could find the source of the noise, to no avail. It was way too dark, and whatever animal was making that noise was deeper in the alleyway than Sakura wanted to go down.
Yet, she doesn't know why she started to tiptoe down an alleyway, ignoring the raindrops drenching her hair. It was like something was luring her closer, and maybe it was out of her innate curious nature. Sakura knew she wouldn't be able to sleep at night if she didn't at least check to see what was making the noise. It could be an injured animal, perhaps even one of her neighbors' pets. Come to think of it, she had heard some dogs fighting the past couple of nights. She had chalked it up to being all in her head. To be fair, she did live in the city, and stray dogs were common.
As Sakura walked closer, the dull noise got sharper, sounding almost like an animal whimpering mixed with a cry. The saliva in Sakura's mouth started to dry up as she stepped closer to the source of the noise.
Then boom another strike of lightning followed by a crash of thunder.
The lightening provided merely a couple of seconds of light, but it was enough. Sakura was able to make out the silhouette.
A girl.
And as the thunder crashed, Sakura heard another loud whimper, followed by cries soon after.
How long was this girl out here, never mind how the real question is why Sakura thought to herself. Whatever, she couldn't think about that right now. She needed to help the girl. She fished her phone out of her pocket, switching the flashlight on.
Sakura's eyes widened.
The source of all that whimper was, in fact, a girl. As Sakura angled her flashlight up and down her body, though, she knew she wasn't just a girl.
The girl was quite bigger than her, from what Sakura was able to make out. That wasn't even the most shocking part. The girl was naked, with various parts of her skin covered in dirt that was forming into mud as the rain continued to pour down on them. Even more shocking, were the wolf-like ears on the top of the girl's head, and another double take down the girl's body was a tail tucked between her legs.
A hybrid.
Sure, Sakura had heard about them before. Something between a wolf and a human. They maintained both canine and human characteristics. The only ones she'd ever known of usually lived in government-provided homes with other hybrids, and the ones that didn't usually end up dead. Nobody would admit it, but hybrids did have a reputation. They were known to be unstable, unpredictable dangerous even.
As far as Sakura knew, she thought they were extremely rare. Which only made her wonder more how and why the hybrid in front of her was on the streets.
Sakura angled the light towards the hybrids face, or atelast tried to. The angle was awkward. The hybrid was cowering in the corner of the dark alleyway. Her hands covered her face as she let out the scared whimpers.
Sakura grimaced, taking the sight in.
"H-hey," Sakura said softly, catching the hybrid's attention. Her hands dropped from her face, immediately started to let out a low growl.
Sakura kneeled closer to the ground and held out her hand to the hybrid.
"i-i'm n-not gonna hurt you." Sakura tried to remain stoic in her place, trying not to let the fear seep through.
The hybrid started to untangle herself from the cowardly position, getting into a more defensive one. The growls still rumbling from her gut, as she inched closer to Sakura.
Sakura closed her eyes, praying for the best. After a few moments, and not feeling her hand getting mauled off by a rabid hybrid, she opened her eyes back up.
The hybrid was sniffing her hand, Sakura mentally sighed in relief. She looked back at the hybrid, being able to make out the light grey fur on her ears and a red scratch on her cheek.
"A-are you here alone?" Sakura looked into the hybrid eyes trying to gauge any sort of emotion she was feeling, but she was able to decipher none. Only earning a growl from the hybrid.
"I live in the building right here. Do you want to come in?" Sakuras' tone was soft.
The hybrid tilted her head, furrowing an eyebrow.
Maybe she doesn't understand, Sakura pondered.
"Inside. Warm." Sakura tried a new approach as she pointed to her apartment building.
She heard a low grunt come from the hybrid before she switched positions again, now being perched on her hands and knees.
"I take that as a yes," Sakura smiled.
Sakura got up from her crouched position. She was looking back at the hybrid, remembering that, yep, she was indeed naked. And something tells Sakura her landlord wouldn't appreciate her taking in a naked, dirt-covered girl into her apartment. Never mind the hybrid part.
Thinking swiftly, Sakura started to undo her padded jacket. It should be enough to cover the hybrid, at least enough that her landlord and other apartment tenants wouldn't question her.
Sakura reached to drape the jacket over the hybrid shoulder, earning another growl from her.
"You have to wear this to come inside."
The hybrid grunted in response before accepting the jacket being put over her shoulders. Sakura held out her hand to the hybrid as she prepared to exit the alleyway.
She had made it a few feet away from the hybrid before Sakura realized she wasn't following her behind.
"What're you waiting for?" Sakura tried to hold out her hand to the hybrid.
"Wet" Instead of taking ahold of Sakura's hand, the hybrid pointed at Sakura's clothes as they were being drenched in water as the rain was now falling much harder than before.
"So you can talk."
Getting the hybrid into her apartment without catching the eyes of passersby was proving to be a harder challenge than she thought. She didn't think it would be a particularly easy task, but the real gravity of the situation started to set in as Sakura stepped toward the front of the building. In the glass door leading into the lobby, she was able to see the young girl's reflection. The hybrid was towering over her. Any movement she made felt like she was walking on eggshells. The hybrid could so easily knock her over, even hold her down if she so pleased.
So, she took it slow. She was only walking a few steps before waiting for the hybrid behind her to follow. Which she did, albeit much slower than Sakura would have liked. It seemed like the hybrid wasn't too keen on walking on two legs, with how much they were wobbling. Perhaps she had been in the area enough to know how to blend in enough, Sakura wondered. And just as she thought that, she could hear the hybrid sniffing the air, letting out a satisfied grunt before sniffing again.
Another challenge faced the pair when it came to getting onto the elevator; Sakura pushed the button to go up, hearing a ding as the doors opened. She stepped in, expecting the hybrid to be following her, but as she turned towards her, she hadn't moved. The light grey ears on top of her head were drooping as she sniffed the surroundings of the elevator.
"You've never ridden in one before?" Sakura took a step forward, using her hand to block the doors shut. The hybrid just grunted in response. I think that's a yes, Sakura thought to herself.
"I-it's okay. It's only a short ride. You won't even notice we're moving," Sakura tried to reassure the hybrid. Not even really sure she could understand her.
"Come on, it'll be okay" Sakura held her hand out to the hybrid. Only for it to get knocked down as the hybrid brushed passed her with another grunt.
Sakura should be happy that she only lived on the 3rd floor, she doesn't even want to think about if she lived on a higher one. As soon as the hybrid got into the elevator, she stayed glued to one of the sides. Sakura pushed the button to her floor, the ding of a bell indicating the doors were closing, and the elevator began to move.
She watched the hybrid eyes widen, and her body dropped to the floor as the mechanical creaking of the elevator sounded out. The young girl cowards in the corner, whimpering with her eyes closed.
"I-it's okay. Nothing bad's gonna happen. The elevator is just lifting us up." Sakura crouched beside the hybrid. She knew it probably wouldn't do her any good if she tried to touch her when her back was turned. The most she could do was talk to her.
"It must have been cold out there by yourself. Did you know it was gonna rain?"
"Yeah, me either. I got stuck in some stupid work thing. Some annoying alpha kept trying to talk to me when I was trying to finish up some report." Sakura glanced her eyes over to the hybrid, and her eyes were no longer squeezed tightly. They were looking at her.
"Usually, by now, I'd have already cooked and eaten dinner. I would be lying on the couch, probably texting Chaewon. She's one of my friends. I've known her ever since I got to Seoul." The hybrid stared at her, furrowing her eyebrows. Could she actually understand her? Sakura wondered. It wouldn't really change much if she did, though. The hybrid seemingly wasn't too keen on talking. Sakura was thankful her rambling had gotten the hybrid to calm down more seemingly.
And with the ding of the elevator indicating they'd made it to Sakura's floor, the hybrid was all but eager to get out. She immediately scampered off the floor and out into the hallway. Heavy steps as she walked down the hallway, sniffing the new air.
"This way, I live a couple doors down." Sakura nodded towards the end of the hallways. She really needs to thank whatever god is up there for making it so none of her neighbors had been in the hallways to see the pair. It was almost comedic in a way, a big hybrid in a way too small padded jacket following behind a petite girl in a skirt and blazer, both drenched with rainwater.
They had finally made it to Sakura's apartment, typing her code into the number pad and pushing the door open.
Sakura stood waiting for the hybrid to step into her home. The hybrid sniffed the air to the apartment before Sakura guessed it was adequate enough and came in. The young girl immediately started snooping around, making her way into the kitchen, sniffing the countertops, and dipping her head in the half-open cabinets. Before she had trekked into the small living room, she had gotten back on all fours, sniffing the cushion to the couch, and ducking under the coffee. At least she's not destroying things, Sakura thought.
Sakura cleared her throat, catching the hybrid's attention. The sniffing had stopped, and the hybrid had gotten back into her view.
"Yeah, it's not much, but it's enough for me." She really had all she needed in the apartment. It was a simple one-bedroom, one-bathroom flat, with a small living room and kitchen to go along with.
"You should get cleaned up, my bathrooms over there." Sakura pointed to the half-open door down the hall.
The older girl waited a couple of seconds for the hybrid to react, only to see her perched on her knees with her head tilted, staring at her. Sakura sighed. She really needed to get a gauge of how much the hybrid could understand her. But, for now, she had two options really, either she let the hybrid stay naked and covered in mud, or she sucked it up and bathed her herself. And seeing how the entranceway and path into the kitchen had prints of mud littering the hardwood the option seemed pretty clear.
Sakura walked closer to the younger girl, her eyes getting bigger as she walked closer.
"I-I'm not gonna hurt you. We just need to get you clean." Sakura held out her hand to the hybrid, who in return brought her nose up to the older girl and sniffed it. Till she heard a grunt, which seemed to be on the more chipper side, Sakura took it as a sign it was okay to get closer.
"I'm gonna take this off, okay? Then we're gonna go to the bathroom." Sakura pointed to her padded jacket the hybrid still had on. She was earning no response, just a blank stare from the younger.
Please don't bite me, please don't bite me was all that was running through Sakura's head as she crouched down to be on the same level as the hybrid. Bringing her hand up to undo the velcro, she held her breath. The crackles of the first piece starting to unravel filled the tension in the air.
She looked at the hybrid, trying to see a response in her, only to see she was looking down, fixated on Sakura's hand. Taking it as a sign to continue, she undid the remaining pieces of velcro much quicker. The older girl reached her hands up the hybrid's shoulders, taking the jacket off, effectively leaving the hybrid exposed to her.
Sakura already knew from the alleyway that the hybrid had to have been in some kind of accident or fight from seeing the scratch mark on her face. However, she wasn't expecting to see cuts littering her collarbones and even more scratches on her arms. She already knew once she bathed the hybrid, without a doubt, she would see more wounds on the poor girl.
"Good, follow me to the bathroom." Sakura motioned for the hybrid to follow.
They made their way to the said bathroom in silence. With Sakura pushing open the door and waiting for the hybrid to come. The young girl was taking her time walking down the hallway, looking at all of the things Sakura had on her wall. Various picture frames she had with friends, even the shelves she had up filled with various things from random books to her crocheting yarn. The hybrid's eyes darted from each item.
"You can look at them later. You need to get cleaned up first." Sakura stood by the doorframe, tapping her nails on the wood. She gained the hybrid's attention, who glanced back at Sakura before making her way over to her.
"This is a bathtub. It's where you get clean. I'm gonna have to rinse you off first before I can wash you, okay?" Sakura pointed to her bathtub.
Much to Sakura's surprise, the hybrid was quick to step into the tub. Which she supposes she should be thankful for.
"The water might come out a little cold at first, but it'll warm up," Sakura said as she reached for the showerhead.
She turned toward the knobs of the bathtub turning the water on, making the hybrid whimper at the sudden noise and contact of the water before she calmed back down. The flow of water spraying down her legs, Sakura watched her bend down sniffing the water. Before she completely bent down and started biting at the water. The sight made Sakura stifle laughter. It was kinda cute, the hybrid nipping at the water for a few seconds, then turning away to breathe. Just to go back to bite the stream of water. In the process getting her ears caught in the water, soaking them.
Sakura stared at the amusing sight for a few more seconds before she recalled why she was doing this in the first place. She alternated between fiddling with the knobs and reaching her hand into the stream of water until the water had reached a warm, comfortable temperature.
She maneuvered the showerhead over the hybrid's body. Spraying her torso and back which were the parts of her covered the most in mud and god knows what else. Sakura watched as the once clean water below the hybrids turned into a dark brown color as the filth was being washed off her.
"How long were you out there?" Sakura asked. She was waiting a couple of seconds only to get none. It had to be longer than just this day, she was sure of. There was no way the hybrid would've been able to get this dirty in a single day.
The hybrid remained silent as Sakura continued rinsing her off, staring down at the ground.
"I'm gonna have to touch you for the next part. Is that okay?" Sakura waited for a response. She looked at the hybrid, who, after a few seconds, gave her a short nod. To her surprise.
Sakura reached for the bottle of soap she had near and began to pour an ample amount into her hand.
"If I touch something that sensitive, just growls at me or something."
The older girl, reached into the tub and began with the hybrids arms. She was using her hands to spread the soap down her limbs. She looked back at the hybrid, to see how she was doing, seeing the hybrid looking at her hands, watching her movements. It almost made Sakura shiver, the way she was staring at her.
She had to ignore it, though, and continued on with the hybrid's upper body. As she got closer to the younger girl, she was also able to see the cuts on her more clearly. Some of them were more healed than others. With some of them already turned into faded white scares, some still pink, and others merely scabbed over. It made Sakura wince as the thought about the possible reason for these marks. If it were just a fight with another hybrid or animal, the marks would be more scattered. But, the marks on the hybrid were calculated, like they were done on purpose.
Sakura took a breath.
"You doing okay?" She doesn't know if she was asking it to herself or the hybrid. But nevertheless she got a grunt in response from the hybrid.
So, She continued on down to the hybrid lower body. When she noticed something that almost made her lose her footing, her eyes had to be bulging out of her head as she stared in shock. She quickly tried to regain her composure, not wanting to panic the hybrid.
A small mark.If she weren't so close to the hybrid she wasn't sure she would've caught it, Maybe even written it off as another scar. However, this mark wasn't like the ones that were on her arms or her upper torso. She got closer, lightly running her fingers over the marks, feeling the indentation.
Those letters were scarred on her skin. Sakura grimaced as she stared at the markings. These markings had to be done on purpose. There was no doubt about it.
Sakura debated in her head on her next action. She had to think that the hybrid knew that she saw it. So, in theory, she could try to ask the hybrid about it, but truthfully, she was afraid of the reaction it could evoke.
So, she didn't. She didn't bring it up. Instead focusing back on the task at hand, and that cleaning the hybrid. She continued washing the hybrid's lower body before she moved on to washing her hair, using her fingers to make an attempt at detangling the disheveled hair, paying extra attention to the fur on her ears. They were soft, so soft. She used her fingernails to really get into her scalp and scratched behind her ears, cleaning them thoroughly, hearing a sigh of relief fall from the hybrid's mouth. Finishing up, she did a last final rinse on the hybrid.
"That wasn't so bad, was it," Sakura said more for herself than the hybrid.
"You smell much better now." Sakura had a soft smile. The hybrid sniffed herself, making a snorting noise afterward. Is that her way of laughing? Sakura tilted her head.
Sakura stood up and grabbed the towel she had hung up, and just as she was about to turn back around, the hybrid shook. The water from the fur on her ears and her tail splattered on the floor on the wall.
"It's a good thing I'm already wet, or else I would totally kick you out right now." Sakura playfully rolled her eyes.
"Use the towel and dry off. I'll get you some clothes." Turning around, She tossed the towel at the hybrid, who surprisingly caught it.
Sakura walked out of the bathroom across the hall to her bedroom and stared at the clothes in her dresser. She really didn't have any clothes that would fit the hybrid. Never mind the fact that she didn't have any underwear for the hybrid to wear. But, something tells her the hybrid wouldn't even care nor notice. She continued to scour her drawers till she settled on the biggest t-shirt she had and the baggiest sweatpants.
When she came back to the bathroom the hybrid had done just as Sakura said. The towel over her shoulders as she stood in the tub.
"You can come out of there now," Sakura said, and the hybrid stepped out of the tub. She wondered why the younger girl hadn't moved without her permission.
"These are the only clothes that I have that I thought would fit you." Sakura handed them to the hybrid. Who began to put the clothes on slowly.
Luckily, the t-shirt did fit the hybrid. Normally it would come down to Sakura's lower thigh, but on the hybrid, it was fitting more like a normal shirt. However, the sweatpants were a different story. The cuffs to the pants only reached her mid-calf, and they got tighter as they went up. They were leaving really no room for imagination of what was under there. Not that Sakura was looking, obviously.
Sakura brought the hybrid back out into the living room, and she had taken out a couple of extra pillows and blankets for the girl.
"You can sleep here for tonight" Sakura pointed towards the couch. She reached for the TV remote on the nearby coffee table and switched it on. The hybrid was immediately going towards the couch, plopping down on the cushions. She stared at the TV enamored.
"I'm gonna go shower. Stay here. You can watch whatever you want," Sakura said as she walked awake, facepalming herself. Could the hybrid even understand her? Did she even know how to work the TV? Whatever, Sakuras is sure she'll be able to figure it out.
Sakura stared at the hybrid from the kitchen. When she had come out of the shower, the hybrid had fallen asleep. Of course, with the TV still on, the hybrid did change the channel to some random romance drama. She wouldn't have taken the hybrid to be the romance type, or maybe the hybrid just found the music playing soothing. Who knows.
With the hybrid being asleep it forced Sakura to reflect on the past few hours. Just what did she get herself into? The scars and scratches she had seen on the young girl's body scared her. How did she get them? Matter of fact where did she even come from? Sakura knew she wasn't gonna get the answer she wanted.
With a sigh, too many questions, no answers. She flopped onto her bed, her phone in hand, the clock reading just a few minutes past midnight.
Yeah, Chaewon was probably still up.
She hovered her finger over the Facetime button, and her phone rang once, twice before Chaewon picked up.
"Damn, isn't your old ass usually asleep by now? What're you doing up?" Chaewon was currently in bed, too, from what Sakura was able to tell.
"Am not! I just appreciate my beauty sleep." Dramatically put a hand to her chest.
"Last Friday, when Yunjin and I asked you to go out with us, you were already asleep." Chaewon deadpanned.
"Fine, you got me there, but I wouldn't want to third-wheel you two anyways." Sakura rolled her eyes.
"Okay, fuck you. Now, why'd you call?" Chaewon asked.
Oh yeah, there was a reason why Sakura called her best friend in the first place before getting psychologically beat up.
"Promise not to freak out"
"The most exciting thing you've done in the past three months is crochet a new sweater. Just tell me." Chaewon rolled her eyes.
Sakura knows there is no easy way to say what she wants to get out without basically dropping it on Chaewon. Hybrids were foreign territory for really everyone she knew. They never even crossed most people's minds. Since they never lived near the city, it was easy for everyone to forget they even existed.
"I brought a hybrid home."
Sakura saw Chaewon's eyes stare in disbelief. Moments of silence passed by before she even heard Chaewon breathe again.
"You're joking," Chaewon snorted.
"I'm not. I just found her in the alleyway by my apartment, and she looked scared. I didn't want to leave her alone. It was raining." She tried to explain.
"I don't believe you. Hybrids are rare. Why the fuck would one just be outside your apartment?" Chaewon prodded.
"I don't know. That's why I took her in; better me than someone else who'd take advantage of her." Sakura reasoned.
Chaewon remained silent for a few seconds.
"Show me her."
"What? She's sleeping. I don't want to wake her up."
"then I won't believe you."
"Oh my god, fine. But you better stay muted. If she mauls my arm off, it's on you."
Sakura rolled off her bed, turning the brightness down on her phone. As she tiptoed out of her bedroom, god, how the fuck did she get here, walking on eggshells in her own home.
She stepped closer and closer to the couch where the hybrid was sleeping. She could hear the little snores the girl was letting out. The lamp on the nearby coffee table provided just enough light, and Sakura was able to see her face. She looked so peaceful, not at all as it looked when she came across her a mere few hours before. Her light grey ears twitched, and her eyebrows furrowed every few breaths. It was like she was dreaming. Maybe she was, for all Sakura knew.
Sakura angled her phone up at the hybrid face, holding her breath as if she would hear her if she were too loud. She tried to make sure she got her ears and her tail that lay heavy on the side of the couch in the frame—staying there for a few moments, looking at the younger girl before she looked back at her phone and saw Chaewon's eyes wide open, her mouth agape.
Yep, that was her cue to get back to her room. So, just as quickly as before, Sakura made her way back to her bed. Then unmuted Chaewon.
"Holy shit, you weren't lying," Chaewon said in disbelief.
"Of course not. Why would I?" Sakura scoffed.
"I don't know, what're you gonna do with her?" Chaewon asked.
"I plan on calling the RoH on Monday when they're open, but for the next couple of days, I don't know." Sakura took a breath.
"mmm, that's a good idea. Have you talked to anyone else about her yet?"
"No, I wasn't sure who to call. I don't even really know what I'd be asking anyway," Sakura sighed.
"It's not like any of you have experiences with hybrids."
She and Chaewon just stayed in comfortable silence for a couple of seconds. Then she saw almost like a lightbulb go off in Chaewon's mind.
"What're you thinking?" Sakura prodded.
"Maybe you should try talking to Wonyoung. She might know more about hybrids."
"What makes you think that?" Wonyoung was an acquaintance, albeit six years younger than her. She had gotten to know the younger girl when she became friends with Chaewon, who was friends with her older sister, Eunbi.
"Do you remember her, mate?" Chaewon asked.
Sakura tried to think back. She'd only met Wonyoung a handful of times. However, she remembered last year when she had introduced her mate Yujin. She didn't actually get to meet her, but she remembers Wonyoung talking about her. An alpha just a year older than her.
"Yujin, right. I remember Wonyoung talking about her a bit".
"Think about it. The way Wonyoung talked about her. It was a bit strange. Doesn't it remind you a little how the hybrid on your couch is"
She recalls Wonyoung explaining how she met Yujin. She didn't go into much detail. But She remembers the young girl talking about how Yujin was from the countryside. And they had met when the alpha had transferred to her colleges. She remembers Wonyoung saying the alpha was still getting used to meeting new people and interacting with them, which she thought was a bit odd but didn't question it at the time.
"A little bit, yeah, but Wonyoung didn't say Yujin was a hybrid." Sakura furrowed her eyebrows.
"Can you blame her, though? Maybe she didn't know how we'd react if she flat out said it"
"You might be right. I'll try to call her tomorrow," Sakura yawned.
"Let me know how it goes. Get some sleep, unnie." Chaewon yawned back. Her eyes had started fluttering shut.
"You too, and tell Yunjin I said hi," Sakura ended the Facetime. Tossing her phone to the side, hitting her head on her pillow with a thud. A million thoughts ran through her mind about the hybrid that night as she tossed and turned in her sleep.
To say Sakura didn't get a lot of sleep last night would be an understatement. She was tired, yes, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't fall asleep for more than 30 minutes at a time. She ended up spending her time googling things about hybrids.
Are hybrids friendly?
Do hybrids like people?
The questions she asked were stupid; Sakura knows it. It's just that schools never taught anything about hybrids other than reiterating the fact if you meet one in the wild, remain calm, stay as far away as possible and call the Register of Hybirds. And, well, she clearly didn't follow the second rule. The hybrid looked so lost and scared last night. Sakura just knew she would've regretted her actions even more if she had done nothing to help her.
But that didn't mean the hybrids presence also didn't scare the shit out of her. The scars and cuts that littered the young girl's skin, god, the letters that were scarred into her skin. Sakura swears she thought up every type of scenario in her sleep-deprived delusional state last night of what possibly could've done that to the hybrid.
It was bright and early the next morning. Sakura had only noticed it was the start of a new day by the sunshine that peaked through the curtains in her room. She wonders if the hybrid is still asleep or if the hybrid is awake, also reflecting on the previous night's events.
A part of Sakura is even scared to come out of her room to check on the hybrid. The younger girl has no reason to keep tolerating her. Maybe the hybrid only tolerated last night because she had offered her a place to stay. The idea that once she exited the room, the hybrid would immediately start growling at her wasn't an unlikely one.
Sakura picked up her phone, looking at the time. 7 am, she sighs. There was no point in staying in her room anymore. She would have to face the hybrid at some point, and it might as well be when there's a possibility she's still asleep, she thought.
She musters up the courage to get out of her bed. Slowly making her way to the door, with a deep breath, she turned the doorknob. She made her way out of her bedroom, moving as quietly as possible. She made it out her door and tip-toed her way to the living room, where she could still hear the sound of the TV making noise.
Had she left it on last night? She swears she turned it off.
As she rounded the corner into the living room, her question answered itself. There was the hybrid sitting with her knees to her chest, staring at the TV. And upon closer inspection the younger girl was watching an episode of Adventure Time. The fear she had of facing the hybrid washed away as she chuckled at the sight.
Sakura took a couple of strides closer, making her presence known to the hybrid.
"Did you sleep well? You were already asleep when I came out of the shower last night. I didn't want to wake you?" Sakura padded over to the opposite side of the couch the hybrid was on and sat down.
The hybrid nodded.
"That's good" Sakura faced the TV, not even really watching, just staring at the screen as she built the courage to ask her next question.
"So, were you thinking about staying here longer?" Sakura held her breath.
To which she got no response. Facing back toward the hybrid, she saw her eyes fixated on the TV.
"It's okay, no pressure. If you do, we're just going to have to talk about some things first" Sakura watched the hybrids face for any sort of expression. But there was none. Sakura sighed. Well, she might as well be honest with the hybrid, she thought.
"If you're still here tomorrow, I'm gonna call the RoH." Sakura saw the hybrid's jaw clench. Yeah, Sakura better explain herself.
"It's not that I don't want you here. It's just going to be hard to have you here when I don't know anything about hybrids, and RoH would be able to help me understand you better." She looked at the hybrid, waiting for any sign of a response.
And after a few moments, she got one, a hesitant nod.
Sakura exhaled the breath she didn't even know she had been holding in this entire time. She faced her attention back to the TV. Resting her eyes as she sank onto the couch. Well, that's one hard conversation down. Good job, Sakura, she mentally patted herself on the back.
The pair continued to sit in silence. It wasn't awkward, per se. Matter of fact, Sakura didn't really mind the hybrid being there. She wasn't used to waking up in the morning and someone else being there with her. Matter of fact, she kinda liked it. Even if the hybrid was hesitant to interact with her, the younger girl's presence was comforting in a way.
The low sounds or stomach rumbling drew Sakura out of her thoughts.
"Oh you must be hungry, when's the last time you ate?" Sakura looked towards the source of the rumbling, who was the hybrid in question.
No response.
"I was getting hungry too. I'll make something for us."
Sakura got up and made her way into the kitchen. She settled on making something easy and filling for them. She was still in no headspace to do anything overly complicated this morning.
It was a simple breakfast: Rice, eggs, spam, kimchi, and seaweed on the side. Nothing more, nothing less. The hybrid had found her way into the kitchen while Sakura was frying up the spam. Sakura deduces it must've been from the smell. The hybrid got closer to the older girl till she was towering over the girl as she cooked, looking over her shoulder. She was sniffing the air around her. It made Sakura's spine stiffen at the feeling of the hybrid being in such close proximity to her.
"C-can you get some plates? They're in the cabinet over there," Sakura pointed at the cabinet. And to her genuine surprise, the hybrid had gone over to the cupboard and pulled out a couple of plates for them. It made Sakura wonder, did the hybrid understand everything she was saying? Did the hybrid pick and choose what she wanted to answer?
Sakura plated each of their meals on the plates and took them over to her kitchen table. It was a small one, built for really only one person. However, she was lucky she was small and also decided to buy a second chair.
She sat across the hybrid, observing her starting to eat her food. She began sniffing at it before grabbing it with her hands and practically inhaling food in her mouth. Sakura looked at the untouched chopsticks a few inches away from the hybrid hands.
Doesn't know how to use utensils, noted.
After the pair had finished eating their breakfast, Sakura brought their dishes to the sink and began to clean up. The hybrid had dropped a fair bit of food out of her mouth onto the table, waiting for Sakura to clean up. She continued to wipe down the table as the hybrid went back into the living room. When she was finished, Sakura sat back down near the hybrid on the couch.
Sakura looked down at her phone to read the time. 10 am. Wonyoung must be awake by now, she thought.
Sakura cleared her throat, catching the attention of the hybrid beside her.
"I'll be back. I need to call a friend." She watched for a response from the younger girl. To which she received a hesitant nod. It was a bare minimum reply, but it was the best she was gonna get from the hybrid. For a majority of the things she asked her, Sakura deduced,
Once Sakura had excused herself to her room, she shut the door behind her and took a seat on the bed before scrolling through her contacts to find the person she needed. And there she was.
Jang Wonyoung.
To be honest, Sakura doesn't even know if Wonyoung answers her call. Sure, they've met a couple of times, but never in a one-on-one setting. Anytime they've hung out together, it had been in the presence of other people. But she was desperate. If there was any chance that somebody she knew had an experience with a hybrid, she wanted to talk to them as soon as possible. Which again, Sakura is unsure if Wonyoungs mate was even a hybrid. And even so, who's to say Wonyoung would want to talk about it? Hybrids were looked down upon in society.
Sakura sat for a few moments, debating whether to call the younger girl. As her finger hovered over the Facetime button, she held her breath as she pushed it. The phone dialed. She heard the tone ring once, twice, three times, and on the fourth chime, Sakura was starting to give up hope on the younger girl picking up.
But, on the sixth chime, she heard the phone connect.
"Sakura, Unnie?" she heard Wonyoungs voice.
"Yeah, yeah, it's me."
"Oh! I wasn't expecting a call this early. How are you?" The younger girl asked.
"I'm doing good, but I actually called because I had something to ask." Sakura could feel herself starting to get hotter.
"Whatever it is, I'm sure I can answer it." She heard the cheerful voice of the younger girl. Sakura's palms were getting sweatier by the second as she was building the courage to ask Wonyoung her burning questions. She didn't want to straight up ask the younger girl right off the bat if her mate was a hybrid. She needed to ease into it.
"What do you know about hybrids?" Sakura softly asked.
"O-oh, um, why do you ask?" Sakura can hear the tension in Wonyoungs voice.
Sakura needed to be honest with you, younger girl. Wonyoung was smart, and she wouldn't just give her the answers she needed without some sort of explanation of why.
"W-well, I have a hybrid staying with me right now," Sakura got out. She saw Wonyoungs eyes widen in shock, and she swears she saw her eyes dart to the side of her.
"O-oh, thats crazy. H-how?, wh-where? I mean, they're so rare?" Wonyoung stuttered.
So Sakura went and gave the younger girl a brief rundown on how she met the hybrid and took her in. Wonyoungs reaction to Sakura's story had been almost the complete opposite of Chaewons to say the least. They were both shocked at the fact that a hybrid had ended up in their city. However, when Sakura got to explaining the hybrid's behaviors and mannerisms, she was calm and simply listened to her.
"To answer your question, yeah, I actually do know a couplet things about hybrids. You called the RoH already, right?" Wonyoung asked.
"Not yet. I plan to call them tomorrow. Right now the hybrid seems comfortable enough with me. I don't want to scare her off or something," Sakura sighed.
"When you talk to the doctor, make sure to ask them to do a blood test. And make sure they do full body exam on them, that could also tell you some general information on her," Wonyoung dropped on the older girl.
"W-woah, that's actually some solid-ass advice," Sakura said in awe. She swears Wonyoung has been more helpful in learning about the hybrid on her couch than the late-night googling did.
"What can I say? I do like hybrids," Wonyoung smiled, and there it was again. Sakura swears she saw Wonyoung look to the side of her.
"Are you with you, Yujin?" Sakura played up the teasingness in her tone.
"H-how'd you know?" Wonyoung seemed to say in genuine shock.
"Who else would your eyes be wandering at during this entire conversation?" Sakura laughs.
"Yeah, Yujins here. She's right next to me." Wonyoung gave up and even denied it.
"Wony, I'm just gonna come out and ask it," Sakura prepared herself to ask the question. To which she saw Wonyoungs eyes widen again.
"I think I have a feeling where this is going, but go on."
"Is Yujin a hybrid?" Sakura asked.
Wonyoung almost laughs. Before she flipped the camera and there Yujin was curled up next to the younger girl with her head in her lap. And upon closer inspection of the screen, Sakura was able to make out the brown ears atop her head.
"Does that answer your question?"
"Holy shit. Now I get Chaewon shock, when I told her about this," Sakura's eyes were wide in disbelief. Previously, when Wonyoung had shown pictures of her and Yujin out together, the framings of the photos were in such a way you weren't able to see the top of either their heads. Sakura could've guessed it. This entire time they were just hiding Yujins ears.
Wonyoung laughed as she flipped the camera back on herself.
"Yeah, she's kinda insufferable sometimes, but I love her," Wonyoung smiled.
"Can I ask you a question about her?" Sakura questioned. She watched her nod.
" Where did Yujin come from?" Sakura held her breath. She assumed it would be a bit of a heavy question. It was common knowledge that hybrids typically weren't mated with humans. She'd only ever head of it being possible a handful of ties. But, with the newfound discovery of Wonyoung and Yujins' relationship, there was no denying that these types of relationships existed.
"I don't want to go into much detail. It's Yujins story to tell, not mine" Sakura nodded her head in understanding.
"I did meet Yujin in college like you guys all know. But I didn't meet her in class like I said. I met her when I was doing my clinicals at the hospital, and I had come across her," Wonyoung explained.
"And you figured out she was your mate?" Sakura asked.
"Not exactly. I had offered to take her in for a couple of weeks when the hospital said they were gonna discharge her; at the time, I thought Yujin didn't have money for anything. And well, I guess you could say she grew on me," Wonyoung beamed.
Sakura smiled at the explanation from the younger girl. It made her ponder the direction her new relationship with the hybrid on her couch could possibly go. Before she shook her head, she shouldn't be thinking about this. It's too early to think about this, both in their relationship and well in the day. She doesn't even know where the hybrid stood. Hell, Sakura still didn't even know her name.
"I want to ask you something else," Sakura said before she got a nod from Woyoung to task.
"Was Yujin able to speak when you found her?" Sakura was curious whether or not the hybrids' behavior was normal to other hybrids.
"Yeah, I mean, she was shy at first. But she was always able to communicate with me. Can your hybrid not?" Wonyoung asked.
"I'm not sure. When I talk to her, sometimes she answers in one word, or sometimes she just nods, but most of the time, she doesn't answer. I'm not sure if it's because she doesn't like me or she genuinely can't talk."
"I'm sorry, unnie, I'm not sure what that could mean. Maybe she's still warming up to you." Wonyoung smiled optimistically.
"Yeah, maybe," Sakura sighed.
"Can I see her?" Wonyoung asked.
"Y-yeah, give me a second." Sakura got up from her bed and made her way down the hallway quietly. She stayed just out of earshot of the hybrid before she flipped the camera to face the hybrid, making sure her light grey ears were visible in the frame.
"At least she seems well-trained enough. When Yujin first came, she wasn't even potty trained," Wonyoung laughs as she recalls the first couple of days with Yujin. Reminding her much of the situation Sakura was currently having.
"Ye-yeah, I guess so."
And just as she says that Sakura can hear the sound of something trickling.
No, No, No, No, is all that rang throughout Sakura's mind as she looked back up at the hybrid. To see that, yep, within a matter of a few seconds, she had her eyes off the hybrid. She somehow managed to take off her sweatpants and start fertilizing the plants, if you will, near a fake plant she had in the corner of her living room.
And it seemed like Wonyoung had heard it, too, with how she had started laughing.
"I'll text you later, Wony. Thanks for the talk. It really helped." Sakura tried to end the Facetime quickly.
"It's no problem, unnie, and I hope everything goes well for you and your hybrid," Wonyoung hung up.
Your hybrid
Now, why was Sakura enjoying the way that sounded? Before, she was interrupted again by the sound of trickling water, which she now knew was, in fact, not water. God Dammit, how much water had the hybrid drank? As Sakura looked up, the hybrid was now doing her business in the middle of the room.
Sakura is thanking whatever god is up there for deciding not to install a carpet and settling for hardwood floors.
- When Sakura had called the RoH and informed them about her current situation with the hybrid they immediately wanted to meet her. From the tone over the phone, Sakura wasn't able to tell if it was purely out of concern for her safety or out of awe that there really was a hybrid in this part of town.
The RoH told her they were going to send a doctor to her apartment as soon as possible. And just a short mere two hours later, there she was. Upon hearing the knock at the door indicating that the doctor was here, the hybrid quickly got up from her place on the couch, got in a defensive position, and started growling at the noise.
Sakura had to tell her it was okay and that RoH was just here to help. She told the hybrid to stay in the apartment while she went and talked to the doctor alone, and she got a grunt of annoyance from the young girl.
When Sakura opened the door, to her surprise, the doctor was a young woman. She was definitely in her 30s, and she was fitted in a white coat carrying along a briefcase.
"Nice to meet you, Mrs?" Sakura held out her hand.
"Bae, it's good to meet you too, Miss Miyawaki," she said as she shook her hand.
"I take it you wanted to talk alone before I meet the hybrid?"
"Yeah, she might be a little on edge right now. I told her a doctor from the RoH was coming over, and her response wasn't great," Sakura tried to explain.
"Mmm, wasn't great how?" The doctor asked.
"At first, when I told her, she seemingly was okay with it, but when she heard you coming to the door, she started growing."
"That's understandable. It's quite common for hybrids to struggle when meeting new people." Mrs. Bae nodded.
"I've already been made aware of the circumstances you came across her. Since then, has there been anything that could give you an idea of where she could have come from?" Mrs Bae asked.
Sakura debated in her head for a couple of moments, debating on whether or not to tell her about the scratches and marks she had found on the hybrid's skin. A part of her was afraid that if she told her, the hybrid would be taken away. And for some reason, she didn't want that. However, she wanted to be honest with the doctor. After all, they would know what's best for the hybrid. And that's what Sakura wants for the hybrid. Right? But was it worth the possibility of her getting taken away? She pondered.
"Um, when I brought her home and gave her a bath, I actually saw a lot of scratches and scars on her body."
"Unfortunately, that is also quite common for hybrids that have been found on the street, whether it be from the physical damage caused by wherever they came from or from wild animals they encountered before being found. It really is a case-by-case sort of thing," The doctor explained.
Was it really that common for hybrids to be treated this badly? Sakura wonders. Sure, hybrids aren't usually in the general population. Since they typically came from the countryside, saying that Sakura assumed that they lived secluded lives.
"Th-there i-is something else, too." Sakura started to feel nervous again. The doctor waited for Sakura to speak again.
"I-I saw some sort of scarring in the shapes of letters, too," Sakura was able to get out. For a split second, she was able to see Mrs. Bae's eyes widen before they went back to normal. She stood there for a moment as she waited for the older woman to collect her thoughts.
"There is quite a high possibility that those marks were a branding." The doctor stated.
Sakura's eyes widened in shock. But, now that she thinks of it, it started to make more sense.
"When hybrids are branded, it typically means they were kept by humans for a reason. I've seen cases when the branding has been used for things such as breeding," Mrs. Bae explained.
Sakura took in the words falling from the doctor's mouth. It was starting to make sense in her head as she started to form the story in her head. The hybrid must have found her way into the alleyway after she had escaped from where she was before.
"W-what does the branding mean?" Sakura asked.
"The reason for them can vary. It can be anything from their name to just random identifiers for their captors."
Sakura just nodded as questions started to flood her head. And as much as she liked to ask them, she needed to focus on the task at hand. Sakura opened the door back to the apartment and was met with the hybrid growling at Mrs. Bae, who remained poised, standing up straight. The doctor observed the hybrid. Maintaining eye contact with the hybrid till she had stopped growling and just remained silent. The doctors started to take notes in her notebook as she did a physical on the hybrid.
To be honest, for Sakura the next hours for her were a blur. Most of what the doctor did for the hybrid was done with Sakura off to the side. Still though, she managed to remember Wonyoungs words and told the doctor specifically to make an appointment for a blood test. She also recalls the doctor telling her she was going to call to set up further health-related appointments as they walked towards her door and bid her a goodbye.
After the visit from the doctor, Sakura had opted just to order pizza for dinner for the pair. They were currently sitting on the couch watching TV. It seemed clear to Sakura that wherever the hybrid was before, she didn't have a TV. Whenever it was turned on, the hybrid seemed so entranced with whatever was playing.
But, for Sakura, she kept thinking about what the doctor had told her. Was it really that far off to think that the hybrid could have been in one of those places where people kept hybrids as captors? It would explain the clearly calculated scratches and marks she had discovered that littered the hybrid's body the day she found her. This would also explain the indentations of letters in her skin. It didn't even feel right just to say they were indentations.
The hybrid was branded by somebody for a reason.
Sakura just couldn't figure out what. And she wasn't sure if she was ready to know. How could somebody do that to her? Sakura knows people hate hybrids, but to abuse them like that. Sakura didn't even want to think about it.
So, she didn't. Well, at least she tried not to.
What didn't leave her mind, though, were the letters.
Were they a company? Maybe the girl's initials? Sakura wonders. And she was really hoping it would be the latter.
If the first two letters are her sir name, then that must mean the last two are her first name, Sakura deduces. She doesn't even know if she's right. However, she supposed she wouldn't ever know unless she tried. So she did.
"Zaho" Sakura blurted out. Catching the attention of the hybrid, but not enough to warrant anything more than a stare.
"Zeha," She tried again.
Upon those syllables falling from her mouth, Sakura hears something. It's a quiet thumping, a sound you would have to focus to hear. Something she would have missed if she wasn't actively wanting her hear a response. She looked around for the source of the noise until she looked down at the gap between her and the hybrid.
"Zuha," Sakura repeated.
There, the noise was again. And as her gaze was on the gap between them, she saw her tail wag. It was thumping on the cushion of the couch. Sakura looked at the hybrid, her eyes still on the TV, but her ears twitching along with her tail.
"Your name is Zuha?" Sakura asked.
The hybrid nodded.
It doesn't even hit Sakura. Her heat had started till it was too late.
Now usually, Sakura was very punctual with her heat schedule. She even had an app that would tell her how far along she was in her heat cycle. It was so unlike her to forget her suppressants. She hadn't forgotten to take them in the last five years, why now she asks herself.
Okay, she may know why she forgot. And it had something to do with the hybrid still residing on her couch. It had been about a week since the hybrid had first come into her home. Sakura had just been so caught up in taking care of Zuha that she had forgotten about herself. Now that she thinks of it, maybe she did simply ignore those notifications she got from her heat app, warning her to take her suppressants.
The hybrid had just been taking up so much of her time lately, from the RoH appointments to teaching her basic chores. Her world was completely taken over by the young girl. Not that she minded, really. It was nice to come home to someone waiting for her. Even if Zuha's communication skills still weren't the best, she was making an effort, and that's what mattered. However, because of all the time she had been taking up, Sakura had ignored the warning signs of her heat coming—the lethargy, the hot skin, and most prominent of all, the warm ache between her legs.
Finally, having time for herself after a long day at work and caring for the hybrid. Sakura was lying in bed, trying to fall asleep, when her mind started wandering. It's not like she was trying to. She really was trying to think about anything else. But, the heat between her legs just was getting harder and harder to ignore. She can't help it, as much as Sakura would hate to say it. She's still an omega, and what she needed right now was an alpha.
And yet she didn't have one. She was alone in her bedroom. It would be so easy to wake up the sleepy hybrid on the couch Sakura thought. Get on top of Zuhas lap, and start grin-
Nope, nope, nope, you still barely even know the girl, Sakura sighed.
It's true that the pair had grown increasingly closer even within just this past week. Zuha would no longer growl at her whenever she got too close. And she had started to try and communicate the best she could with her, even if it was by simple nods or gestures. However, saying that, it was still hard to ever gauge any deep emotion from the younger girl. She had tried to ask Zuha more about her past and how she found herself in the alleyway. But, the hybrid seemed detached whenever she'd bring it up, always just shrugging her shoulders or looking away.
Get ahold of yourself. Sakura ran her hands through her hair as she tried to think about literally anything else that wasn't Zuha related. And unfortunately, it was harder than she thought. It had been so long since she'd last gotten off and even longer since she'd gotten laid. She's not some sort of prude, and it's just that with the convenience of suppressants, she never got the urge.
Sakura tried to remember the feeling of being touched by an alpha. The last one she had been with was good enough. She had gotten her off, and that's much more than she can say for any male alpha she had slept with, if you'd even call it that.
She remembers the touch of the alpha's fingers down her chest. As she imagined it in her head, Sakura reached her hand beneath her shirt, cupping her breast. They were much more sensitive than usual. She let out a sigh of relief as she used one of her fingertips to run her finger over the peak of her nipple.
Fuck she needed more so much more. Sakura could feel the stickiness between her legs growing. She tried to remember the way the alpha pushed her fingers in. Sakura slides her free hand beneath her shorts. She shivers at her cold hands nearing her most sensitive area. She let out a breathy moan as she rubbed herself over her panties. Before quickly biting her lip in an attempt to stifle it, she remembered the hybrid still residing in her house. Thinking about if she could hear her. What would Zuha do? Sakura's mind wandered.
Would Zuha come barging into her room? Rip off her shorts and panties and fuck her right there. Her strong arms could so easily hold her down. Sakura's hand traveled beneath her panties, swiping her fingers over her sensitive core. She's so wet. She reached her hand, previously cupping her breast down to tug down her shorts and panties. The room's cold air made her groan as she felt it hit her core.
She teased her entrance, slowly sinking one of her fingers inside. It wasn't enough, not even close. She craved something deeper. She thinks about Zuha's hands and how much bigger they are than hers. She can recall the touch of them when Zuha would be in the kitchen helping her cook, and she wanted a taste of whatever Sakura was cooking and she'd grab her hand to bring the food into her mouth. Her entire hand wrapped around her hands, almost comedically big.
She can't help but think about her long, slender fingers inside her. How deep they'd reach inside, how much they'd stretch her out.
Fuck Sakura moans, that's what she needs. She needs someone to stretch her out, fuck her deep inside. She needs to feel them. She needs to feel Zuha. She's taken glances at the hybrid bulge way more than she'd like to admit despite having bought underwear, shorts, and pants that actually fit her. The hybrid just never bothered to wear more than just shorts around the house, leaving really nothing to the imagination, which was working in Sakura's favor right now.
Not to mention the hybrids body. She felt like a pervert for even thinking about it. The hybrid still wasn't very good at bathing herself, so Sakura was the one to do it for her. And throughout bathing her, Sakura's gaze couldn't happen but wander. The hybrid had a strong, fit body. Sakura would watch as the water flowed down her skin, over her toned abs. She would find herself getting caught up staring at her body.
She slipped another finger inside easily. She was so wet. She pumped her fingers in as deep as she could, just barely grazing the spot she needed it the most. Sakura's eyes tightened as she teetered closer to her orgasm. She could feel herself starting to drip onto the sheets. She slipped another finger in, the filthy sounds of her pussy filling the room. She lowered one of her hands to her clit, making her let out a high-pitched moan. She started rubbing her clit in a slow and light, as she tried so desperately with her other fingers to fill herself.
It felt good, sure, but it wasn't what she craved. She needed to be full. She needed to be fucked. For fucks sake, she needed to be fucked by the hybrid. She wanted to feel how deep Zuhas cock would reach inside, how much she'd stretch her out. How would it feel to be fucked by her? Would the hybrid be rough or gentle with her, she wonders. She needed it. She was getting closer, she could feel her wrist aching in exhaustion, but her other hand made up for it as she rubbed her clit faster.
Sakura dragged her hips against her fingers, desperately trying to get them as deep as they could go. She didn't even care to muffle her moans. It was not like they'd do much anyway with how loud she was being. Her breaths started hitching as she quicked her wrist movements in a last burst of energy. In tandem with her movement on her clit, Sakura came with a loud moan. As she felt her body spasming, her feet planted on the bed, gripping the sheets.
Her breath started to calm down after a couple of moments. She slowly retracted her hand from her nether regions. Sakura couldn't help it. She felt empty in more ways than one.
Perhaps it has to do with her still heat-cluttered mind. But she wished the hybrid was next to her. Not just for the most obvious reason, but she felt so cold, so alone on her bed. Sakura thought about the feeling of the hybrid arms wrapped around her as she started to drift asleep.
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jacensolodjo · 1 year
It is easy to make jokes about the Eastern European and Jewish prerogative about food. It is not so easy when you know both groups have been literally starved to death through no fault of their own.
It is easy for someone to say "why didn't they just leave" but not so easy knowing because these murders by starvation were intentional, the victims were actively prevented from leaving. Which in itself is proof it was intentional for these people to starve to death.
If you want us to believe something like the Holodomor was a natural famine you shouldn't also tell us about internal passports (something many countries have done in order to keep an eye on where their "undesirables" are going) and people being shot for trying to board trains, planes, busses, and carriages. If, instead, it was natural, why stop people from going somewhere that there IS food?
Through the lens of epigenetics we can begin to understand why a third generation American of EE/Jewish descent might have this anxiety about food, about making sure there is enough, that we remember those who are less fortunate, that we appear to subsist entirely on leftovers. Or, indeed, why many with these epigenetic changes tend to trend towards higher percentages of body fat. Our bodies through our genes remember a time nobody could be even a pound overweight and it knows that the body literally eats itself as we starve and the first to go of course is body fat so our bodies, knowing all this, make sure we have extra "God forbid (ptoo ptoo ptoo), just in case".
"They tried to kill us, they failed, let's eat" isn't just a pithy saying. We outlived them even despite being unable to eat. We do not hoard food, we just happen to have a lot of leftovers through this anxiety about food. "Oy, I ate too much" is a blessing. With it, we are aware of how few times our ancestors could say the same. During Pesach (Passover), we have an entire dinner party (complete with perhaps a little too much wine) and recline in style as we eat matzo and remember why it is just so damn flat (we rushed off to escape from Egypt without finishing making our dough. D'oh!). Everything on the seder plate has a meaning, with some items being added or removed based on the traditions of the family or congregation doing the seder. Such as in the past couple years the olive is added to symbolize the hope for peace in Ukraine (or, for some, peace in the Middle East). Or the orange to symbolize the inclusion of the LGBTQ community.
Perhaps it seems paradoxical to eat so much in one sitting instead of saving some for a time where food may be scarce. But it goes hand in hand with "They tried to kill us, they failed". We have survived another day and have enjoyed good food and good company. In spite of everything they did to us. We feast out of spite. Perhaps because of all those times our enemies were eating without a care in the world while our ancestors watched and starved. We have proof of commie buffets while starving Ukrainians watched from the street. We have proof of Jews being teased with food, with Gentiles tossing heels of bread on the ground so they could watch as said Jews fought over it or flinging a sausage and laughing as Jews raced to get it as if they were playing fetch with a dog. Or the innumerable times people were killed for stealing a handful of grain when many times they were the ones who had farmed the grain in the first damn place.
There are many who do not see starvation as a tool of genocide. They don't understand how starvation can break a community. Death by Hunger, the translation of Holodomor, was not about control like people claim (in other words they claim the death was an accident, that the starving was meant to keep people in line. If they had just behaved themselves they wouldn't have died etc.,). It was always and forever about a stronger group ridding the world of another group without getting literal and metaphorical blood on their hands. They could cite plausible deniability. It wasn't their fault, honest, it was just bad luck.
The stereotypical scene of people in lines that stretch multiple city blocks was in fact the norm. And more often than not, only the first few dozen would get anything at all and everyone else would find they had wasted an entire day waiting for food that was never meant to be given to them in the first place. The supply was purposely small. At least for those who were either too low in the Party or not a part of it at all. For Jews, you turned to the black market which was often caught selling spoiled food as well as food that wasn't actually food at all (such as sawdust masquerading as bread). Which happened even with regular stores because as a Jew you could only buy certain things and everyone knew it and still would not sell the genuine article because why should they? It is, after all, going to a Jew. Soviet areas were guilty of doing this to everyone, too.
So if you are visiting an EE and/or Jewish home and they actively push food on you and insist you take leftovers, that is their love language. We want you to have enough because far too many times our people did not. And in Jewish culture, it is a literal mitzvah to provide food to those who cannot procure it themselves either because of money/access, or they are going thru the bereavement process or otherwise incapable of dealing with making sure they have something to eat (such as an illness that prompts them being added to the Mi Shebeirach list which in many congregations is printed and given out to refer to during the Mi Shebeirach prayer during services and may also be paired with the mourner's kaddish list). It is why when you go to a house where the occupants are sitting Shiva, you will often find their kitchen stacked with tupperware of varying sizes and cuisine and you will often be instructed to bring something as well though it isn't a requirement. Generally, your presence is considered the more important aspect of the Jewish bereavement process. (Just do not say you are going to sit Shiva with someone. Rather, you are paying a Shiva call or condolence call. Only the mourners are in fact sitting Shiva. Also important: try the door first before ringing or knocking, as usually that is seen as an interruption to sitting Shiva which is frowned upon. And do not literally call them unless told otherwise for the same reason.)
Food makes or breaks us. Food is not inherently moral or immoral. And yes, perhaps there is always room for dessert. And maybe we do eat too much but that's okay. We have survived to enjoy it, so let us do so. Nu, it is what our ancestors would want.
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rainba · 10 days
Listen, I love, love, love, Luka so much… however…. I feel like he’s missing something. Maybe I’m just having trouble envisioning him in my head. It may be that I can’t read people very well so I don’t really know if he likes me, but I wanna see the look on his face after I kiss him for the first time. I wanna see the reaction to my fear when he threatens me. I wanna see how his body reacts so my touch. I love him, but for me, I feel like he’s missing a little pizazze in comparison to Kairos. Thank you so much! This is in no way critiquing Luka, his character or your writing, I just wanna have a better idea of him in my head.
(Can I be 🏵️ anon? I’ve sent in a few asks before this so yay :))
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Thank you for the questions! It actually has me thinking more about Luka and his entire character as a whole.
I think that is a big part of Luka: it's hard to get a read on him.
Luka is a man who typically has something of a flat affect. Nothing in life particularly interests him; everything is somewhat boring. He's mastered the art of faking emotions around other people.
There's a part of him that has always wanted to feel something more. A part of him that yearns to know what it's like to love and be loved, what it's like to feel alive.
When he falls for you, he finally gets to feel all of the things he's been (basically) missing out on.
When Luka first kisses you, he freezes in place, his heart skipping a beat as his lips finally meet yours.
When your hands touch his body, he feels an unfamiliar warmth in his chest. All he wants is for you to touch him even more.
When he sees the way you squirm due to his teasing, he can't help but feel pure adoration, smirking all the while.
All of these things, all of these brand-new feelings... It makes him want to possess you entirely.
When Luka falls in love with you, he's willing to do anything to have you, it doesn't matter how horrible it is. By leaving him behind, you're essentially taking his life away.
But also... Luka is just a man who likes to have control; control over both himself and others. It's in his nature.
I think you're right in the sense that he's somewhat missing something- it's probably because I haven't really focused or honed in on the side of him that can't control the new emotions he feels when he's around you.
I haven't really explored the love-struck, obsessive side of him.
I mostly tend to focus on his thirst for control and his deep sense of possessiveness.
I think it'd be interesting to explore that other side of him more! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Luka definitely keeps his emotions extremely well hidden. He could be sweating nervously, his heart pounding in his chest, mind going blank, and he'd still have a neutral expression.
My original intentions for Luka were to have him be a more dominant, stoic, possessive man with a predator/prey dynamic between him and his darling. However, as I kept writing for him, I added on the fact that his darling is the first person to ever make him feel alive.
So, basically: a cold, emotionless character who finally feels warmth and life via meeting his darling, and he quickly grows obsessed with you. I also wanted him to struggle with managing these new-found emotions, but I really haven't done that very much at all...
I'll definitely keep your words in mind as I proceed with writing more stories about him! I've explored Luka's possessive and more animalistic side well enough, but I think it would be interesting for me to dive in to his mind and pick him apart even more.
With Kairos, what you see is what you get, basically. A super obsessive, creepy, doting, emo loser yandere guy... His personality is strong, to put it lightly! ^^;;;;;
While I try to keep my characters consistent for the most part, I also try to remember that tweaking a few of their weak spots wouldn't be such a bad thing.
My ultimate goal for my characters is this:
I want to make characters that are deeply flawed, but still loveable. Characters that could be good people, but the love and obsession that they feel for their darlings ultimately lead them to doing horrible things.
Kairos is someone who's been told his entire life that he's an unlovable freak, so he eventually grows to accept the title, and he's willing to dive into depravity.
Luka is someone who has earned love and respect from others by learning to fake his emotions and fit in with society. He's never been truly loved, and he's never truly felt love either. Luka feels no real attachment to a majority of the people around him, so he doesn't truly care if they think he's a freak when he does something depraved.
Ace is someone who's desperate to get everyone's approval and is absolutely ashamed by his depraved urges. He tries his hardest to be a good person, but ultimately, he is a victim to his impulsivity and desires.
I think with Luka, it's a lot harder to depict his character... Kairos and Ace have something strong right from the get-go, while with Luka, I have to slowly unwrap him...
I'll definitely be making future plans to develop Luka's character more soon. He's a man who's done lots of horrible things in the posts I've made, but there's been very little done to counteract the bad.
To be honest, part of Ace's purpose is to help humanize Luka a bit more, which I plan on further developing in the near future.
But, uh... Really... As much as I love my characters and love writing/thinking about them, I know that none of it is really that serious. ^^;;;;;;;
I have a passion for making characters, I find it to be incredibly fun!! It's- probably a little obvious- so...
If anyone has any comments, I'm open to hear them! I'm trying to get better at taking critiques, too. ╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭
And, yes, you can be 🏵️ anon! Thank you for sending the ask!
Despite everything I've said about Luka and all my doubts with writing him... I still love him ღ He's my silly little creature
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
me: don't think about it
me: Charlie going to the demon over lords like "hey look! heaven attacked and we fought and (mostly) didn't die and a sinner got yeeted up to heaven! Will you please support my (newly rebuilt) hotel now??"
(most) demon over lords looking at charlie like: shit the second most powerful person currently in hell, who was BORN with that power, is trying to fuck up the power that WE clawed our way to the top of (she's ruining it by giving sinners hope) (meaning they won't be so eager to sell themselves off to bigger demons) (meaning bigger demons will have less power) (if she has it her way they'll be fewer sinners at ALL) (which won't work) (bc this is all still Stupid) (BUT) (if the people of hell start thinking they have a chance...) AND she wants us to stick OUR necks on the line in the fight against heaven (who don't traditionally go after her or her family anyway but love hunting US) now she's also got her dad actively backing her up, so we can't just say a flat "no" or try fighting her over it, especially not since she's shown herself to be not so lame after all.... we need a way to get all of hell doubting and mistrusting her, so they don't go to her hotel thing instead of to us... but what can we use against her? what weak spot does she h-
over lords, looking over at charlie's girlfriend vaggie, and her newly returned, never-before mentioned angel wings: ......Hmmm...
charlie: trying to explain that her gf WAS an exorcist yes ok, and sure she DID kill lots of sinners but- No charlie didn't know that when they started dating but they've worked through it and vaggie- look she fought on hell's side during the hotel battle she was right there with charlie up in heaven advocating for sinners getting a second chance-
What? Yeah she, she went back to heaven that one time. No I guess she's not banished exactly, they just tore off her wings and left her to die here after she- NO she does NOT want to go back- yes ok she COULD but she doesn't WANT to, the hotel is her home now and- look she almost died fighting for it-
it wasn't a LIE, she just, she was scared and didn't tell the truth! What do you mean "can't trust your judgment"? I know her and I knew she'd have my back and she DID, the whole POINT of the hotel, which WORKS by the way, is that people can change-
NO SHE ISN'T SPYING ON US FOR HEAVEN! she hates them! no I'm not "just" saying that because "she said so" I can TELL we've been together for THREE YEARS- YES FINE SHE WAS HIDING SOMETHING FROM ME ALL THAT TIME OKAY but look at what she's done and been DOING! Yes, thank you Caramilla- she got her wings back and used them to fight for- she- WHAT?! NO! She's the hotel manager- she's OUR hotel's manager- she can't leave, that's- wh- fire her? It's her HOME! I'm her partner not her boss!! No I'm not listening to this! This is stupid- the whole hotel wouldn't even BE a thing if I hadn't MET her and it wouldn't work without her! I-
vaggie: I'll go vaggie: charlie's being modest. she's got things covered here vaggie: I'll be hell's spy in heaven, if it'll help. IF you all support the hotel.
and the overlords smile and promise-
(of course of course they will, really, it's nothing against her just a little PR issue, a matter of building trust, so naturally she'll report only to them yes? she and charlie will make a little deal not to contact each other otherwise? they're just worried, you see, wouldn't want an angel taking advantage of the princess of hell's confidence again, so glad she understands)
-nice and sharp and already watching eagerly as charlie's newfound backbone crumples while she stares at vaggie, wordless again just like up in heaven, and doesn't react when vaggie takes her hand and gives her a pleading look-
back at the hotel, alone, vaggie is swapping out her hotel vest for the clothes she was in when they met, wrinkled and crammed at the bottom of drawer, while charlie sits on their bed refusing to watch. vaggie doesn't pack for heaven. she walks over with just her spear and holds it out- here. she'll feel better, about being away, if charlie keeps this with her. charlie doesn't take it. charlie doesn't answer. charlie's crying and she latches on tight when vaggie drops the spear to hug her. she should've been able to stop this- she can't keep the hotel running on her- she doesn't WANT to TRY doing this alone-
she won't be. vaggie reminders her, lucifer and the others are all here, charlie isn't alone anymore. she's got the hotel. she's GOT this. and vaggie will come back
but she's tired of being scared and she's not gonna risk both their dream because of it. not again.
so, vaggie goes to heaven, supposedly to help sir pentious settle into his new life up there, with the help of emily to smooth things over and the fact that adam and lute swept her under the rug instead of making her fall an official thing- and considering the circumstances, emily argues, they were in the wrong anyway, especially now a sinner HAS been redeemed
meanwhile charlie stays in hell, at the hotel, without her.
and she's short tempered with worry, impatient with the everyday problems of the hotel- vaggie up in heaven with LUTE the woman who ripped out her eye ripped off her wings tried to kill her- all because charlie couldn't convince the overlords- couldn't convince (wasn't enough to convince?) vaggie to STAY- and,
the other's notice, notice that asking how things are NOW is too raw but asking about the past is easier, lighter, get's charlie lost in memory instead of on of her worry spirals, and there's flashbacks of them getting together- there's vaggie up in heaven quiet and listless as she shadows sir pentious around keeping lute at bay and he looks over at her nervously, he brings up how much he misses cherri, and how he could use a few relationship tips for when she (surely) eventually ends up here too-
charlie and vaggie, both of them apart in the present, neither of them okay, maybe vaggie's snooping up in heaven leads her to lilith and gets her in trouble- maybe charlie makes deals she regrets down in hell trying to keep things going without her- but we see them in the past, together, and them pulling on those memories now, trying to get back to each other again
or something like that.
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visacardteamloverrr · 4 months
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i'll be waiting - c.s.
warnings!!!!!!: my first ever work, pls do not come at me, english is very much not my native language and also this is not proofread. i had this idea for a looooong time and now im sleep deprived so enjoyyy
genre: angst, sort of
inspired by cian's ducrot song - i'll be waiting
leave your keys if you're not coming home
if carlos noticed your absence at home, he would already try to confront you about it, no? after all you hadn't been in your flat for something around five weeks.
that's enough time to realize that something or rather someone is missing, right? and yet, still no call.
maybe he didn't see the blank space in your wardrobe, or the lack of your cd's collection. well he would at least see your keys laying on the table.
you were moving in, now you're moving on
carlos should've known better as to let you go. he couldn't even recall when you stopped sleeping in your, no, his bed, and when your beloved cd's collection disappeared.
it came rather natural. without big fights, without screaming and crying.
somewhere in between his races and your work, you began to lose each other. and now there was nothing else left as to move on.
he aspired to do it like you moved out - slowly but steady.
wish you'd call so I could say goodbye
no matter what, you still missed him. yes, you were enjoying yourself since you broke things off and yes he broke your heart, but there was this compulsion and you couldn't quite put a name on it. you felt as vital part of you were missing and you wanted to call, to say that you should try again, that this time it will be better. but you knew better than lowering your standards for a boy. if he couldn't give you what you wanted then you wouldn't settle for less. charles and lando had let you know how miserable carlos is, but you have put yourself first. now it is time for you to be yours number one priority.
however, you wanted closure. you wanted to know that splitting up was the right choice. you wanted to ultimately close this, his chapter of your life.
you just wanted to say goodbye.
and let you know, i'll wait for you every night
there is a saying about appreciating something when it's gone, and that's how he felt. carlos let the love of his life slip through his fingers.
the best thing that's ever happened to him were you. whenever he was winning, whenever he was frustrated about his race, whenever he felt like the whole world was against him you were there for him.
you were the light of his life, his anchor. and he still couldn't appreciate you enough. somewhere on the way he'd taken you for granted.
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Hi, there! I absolutely love your writing and saw that your requests were open. So, I have one. Can I request a scenario or headcanons or one shot (whatever you feel like writing) of Leona’s partner hanging around in Savanaclaw common areas with skimpy pjs when they sleep over; they are getting annoyed by everyone ogling them so they tell Leona that they are going to cover up more and he is like “no, no, no. You are not going to cover up, they are going to learn not to stare at you like you are a piece of meat”. He is like super protective and maybe it leads into something more smutty? If you can envision it, I will be excited to see what you write, but no pressure :)
Hello Anon ! Thank you!!! It makes me so happy to hear that! ♡ I'm so sorry it took so long 🥲🙇🏻‍♀️ I hope this is what you were imagining! ;3 -🦋
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Your Protective Lion
You could feel their stares as you tried to ignore them. The uneasy feeling like you were being examined head to toe. You couldn't hide with your arms as they wouldn't cover all the spots your pajamas failed to cover. You felt you shouldn't have to feel this uncomfortable. Yet, the fact remained that they were beasts, and they coveted what their leader had.
Leona had been standing outside the commons area with intention of pulling you back to his room. However, he didn't realize he would see the members of his dorm be so tactless toward you.
His eyes closed. He wasn't oblivious to what was going on right now. The men in his dorm were hot-blooded mammals and instinctively wanted what appealed to their eyes. His tail flicked in annoyance as his ears twitched at the filthy things they whispered about you.
You shouldn't have come here. You went to leave the room only to be pulled to the side of the hall.
"Leona?" You were stunned. Had he heard those things? You were a little embarrassed.
"Stay right here." He demanded as he walked in through the to the Savanaclaw lounge. Leona scoffed as he held a smug look on his face. On the inside, he was fuming, but he had to wait for them to own up to their foolish disrespect of his partner. "Do you wanna know what interesting things I just heard you lot whispering?"
They all flinched, panicking because their dorm leader had caught them unexpectedly. They stammered and stuttered trying to talk their way out before Leona roared out in anger at their foolishness.
They all trembled their ears flat to their heads, and the ones who had tails had their tails tucked.
"If I find out again that you've been staring at my partner like their a slab of meat to be devoured, I'll kick your asses until you wish you were dead."
With that stern warning, they all ran off to their respective dorm rooms. Leona released a heavy sigh, his gloved hand on his head. Who knew having a partner would be so much work? Though even if it was a headache trying to keep others away from you. It was also truly rewarding.
Leona walked back through the entrance toward the dorm rooms. He saw you were still waiting for him. Though he could tell you were still feeling troubled. He didn't blame you, but he wouldn't ever allow something like that to happen again.
"______, c'mon." He motioned with a wave of his hand.
You followed, standing beside him. Silence settled around you both until all you could hear were the sounds of nature and the rushing water into the pool from the small waterfall.
Once inside Leona's room, it seemed the stillness was now deafening. Leona laid down on his bed, and he motioned for you to come to lay beside him. You followed and took your place beside him on his bed. His rich emerald irises fixed on you. You were beginning to feel as if he was upset with you. Leona's eyes then wandered to your lips and further down your body. The top of your pajamas had a silk ribbon tied around your neck, a large gap exposing your bare back. Though it was semi-loose, it also was short enough to expose your midriff and paired with shorts - that could easily pass as underwear with how short they were exposing some of your ass. Your thighs were on full display, and you were just that enticing to look at, but only he could look at you with such adoration and longing.
He pulled you in close to his body, nuzzling your neck. His hands wander the shape of your body. Rubbing his hand over your ass before groping the fatty flesh.
"Leona..." You whined.
"Hmm..." He pulled away from peppering kisses along your neck to meet your tinted cheeks.
"Do you really want to do this when so many of the others will hear?"
He smirked a smug look on his face. "Of course, I need to show them who you belong to and the louder you are..." He trailed, pulling the sleeve of your shirt off your shoulder, biting at the exposed flesh causing you to yelp. "...the better."
You flinched from the warmth of his words and now tongue against the newly angered skin indented with his teeth marks.
Leona's hands moved under your shirt as his hands squeezed and fondled your chest. His fingers tormented your nipples. You met his now darkened gaze fueled by his desire for you.
Your fingers grabbed the hem of his shirt before removing it from him. His bare torso is exposed for your eyes to take in. Your hands palmed his chest and moved over his shoulders.
Leona wasted no time in ripping the little clothing that shrouded your body until you were uncovered. You had felt his claws but they grazed your skin only leaving small marks on your flesh.
His lips pressed against yours in a passionate lock. He was claiming your mouth, his tongue pushing through until your tongue met his. Your saliva mixed with his as hands worked quickly to remove his pants. Pushing them down past his hips. Your hands palmed against his cock. A low rumble emitted from his throat.
You were such a tease.
He broke the kiss, as he removed the remainder of his clothing. His hands caught your wrists and pushed them down on either side of your head.
Leona's knee spreads open your legs, as he leans down to your neck, his mouth and tongue finding your sweet spot. Causing you to mewl. His eyes gleamed the animal instinct surfacing, wanting you to make more sounds like that.
Stimulating you by rubbing his thigh against your sex while he marked you making you vocal for his pleasure of essentially dominating his prey.
Feeling the slick of your arousal against his thigh, he then trailed kisses down your body beginning at your collarbone. His teeth marked your shoulders as well as blooms of red that dotted your neck and now around your collar and chest. His teeth grazed over your nipple before his tongue pressed against the bud. Your hands gripped his shoulders and Leona broke away pleased with your reaction.
Trying to touch him, backfired as he restrained your wrists with a growl. "I'm not finished playing with you."
The smug look on his face told you the deep rumble from his chest was all part of his fun in toying with you. Of course, you knew this was his way of getting back at you for teasing him.
You gave him a pleading look. Your sex ached wishing he would do more for you.
He then leaned in close his hair falling around his face as his nose lightly touched the tip of your own. His breath mixed with yours as you felt his fingers touch against where you needed him. The moan that escaped you made Leona's cock twitch and his tail straight. The impulse to bite the nape of your neck was strong.
Leona flipped you onto your stomach and made sure you were well prepared for him. He exposed your nape and bent forward over your body. Nuzzling the side of your neck as you felt the thick tip of his cock press against your slick entrance. You pressed back against him trying to make him enter you.
His hot puffs of breath against your skin made you shiver as he spoke.
"Your so needy, Herbivoire..."
You whimpered and he languidly pushed inside you, your walls sucking him, a breathless sigh left his lips as he nipped at the back of your neck as he fully sheathed himself inside of you. Your fingers dug into the sheets of his bed as he rocked his hips into you.
With each thrust, your pleasure increases. Heavy breathing and the occasional creak of his bed. An arm wrapped around your middle as the other gripped your thigh.
You were so close and you felt Leona's grip on your thigh tightening. He pushed himself deep inside of you and when he thrust in you again smacking against your flesh. You cried out as your hands clenched the sheets.
"Fuck...Leona aah!" you cried as he held you tight.
A few seconds later you felt his cum coat your walls filling you with his seed. His ears were flat against his head as he moaned. Before his teeth were at your nape. He stilled inside of you.
After a moment, he released his hold on you pulling out with a sigh and lying beside you. You turned to face him and he pulled you into his arms. Kissing the top of your head as he held you close to his naked body. You could feel the strong steady beat of his heart.
"You're mine _______. I won't let anyone else have you."
You couldn't help but smile. He was all you wanted anyways. Your protective lion.
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mlmxreader · 9 months
The Imperfect Couple | Eddie Brock x gn!reader
Anonymous asked: Eddie Brock: Hiya!! It's me again! May I please ask for a work using the following prompts for Eddie Brock X non-binary, male, or gn!Reader: “Don’t deny it, be honest” 
summary: you and Eddie aren't perfect, but you love each other, and that's what matters.
tws: swearing, injury
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
Eddie was awoken by the sound of half padded footsteps lurking around the flat, and although he didn't want to leave the warm and comfortable bed, he still dragged himself out of it; tying his dressing gown up, he squinted slightly as he fumbled his way through the darkness, hoping he wouldn't fall over something. More often than not, that something was his own feet.
But he made it, running a hand through his hair as he sighed heavily and braced himself against the counter for a moment, trying to remember where the lightswitch was; with fumbling and clumsy movements, he eventually found it, and winced slightly when the light first came on.
But he soon enough adjusted, and frowned as he looked at you standing against the counter and smoking a cigarette; Matt had told him, you were not meant to walk on that foot if you could help it.
You needed to rest, but seemingly had no intention of doing so as you smiled at Eddie, doing your best to mask the pain and act as if you were completely alright. In truth, your foot was aching, and you knew that you would have blisters soon enough where the bandaging was.
But Eddie didn’t need to know that at all.
“You need to get back to bed,” Eddie huffed, sitting up on the counter and tilting his head to the side slightly, hoping that you would see his pleading puppy dog eyes. “Why are you even awake?”
You shrugged, nudging his legs apart slightly so that you could stand between them, letting him rest his arm around you as he leaned over slightly to place his head atop yours. “It’s all itchy and sore and shit, I gotta walk on it.”
“But Matt said-”
“Matt is a lawyer, not a doctor,” you pointed out. “He isn’t exactly the leading authority.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he grumbled and frowned. “Still. He was the one who got you patched up, he knows more than I do.”
“I’m fine,” you insisted, wrapping your arms around him. “It’s just a little bit of a busted bone. I will live.”
Eddie didn’t want to take that as an answer, gently coaxing you up to sit beside him for a moment; he got down from the counter after a while, nudged your legs apart like he had done to you, and stood between them with his hands on the outside of your thighs as he hummed, pressing his forehead to your chest as he sighed heavily.
It wasn’t that he thought it was awfully serious, he knew that it was a couple of little broken bones, he had actually listened to what Matt had to say about it - and, admittedly, had also asked Dan a little bit here and there regarding the matter - but he always worried. Eddie always worried about you, he had done since the day he had met you; he always worried. He couldn’t not worry.
He cared about you, he always had done; worrying about you was just part of his nature, and he couldn’t change that. Not even if he tried.
He wanted to keep you safe, he wanted to make sure that you were healthy and happy, he worried constantly about your safety and security when he wasn’t around; when he was off galavanting with Venom doing nobody knew what until the news reports came flooding through about headless corpses.
Softly, Eddie grumbled under his breath as he bit back the urge to yawn loudly and until his eyes watered.
“I don’t think it’s me who needs to go to bed,” you chuckled, pushing him away slightly so that you could look into his eyes. He was exhausted, thick bags under blue eyes making you frown slightly. “Don’t deny it, be honest.”
He shrugged, letting out a little yawn. His eyes still watered as he fought back the urge to fall asleep right there, standing on his feet and looking at you. “Maybe… would you come with me, at least?”
You shrugged, licking your lips as you sighed. “Maybe. I don’t really feel like it, though, these fucking bandages are itching.”
He nodded slowly. He could understand, but he still hoped that you would go with him. He was desperate for you to get some rest, and he had only one more ace up his sleeve that he could use.
With a soft hum, he dared to flash those absolutely irresistible puppy dog eyes. “Please?”
Immediately, you caved as you nodded and pushed yourself from the counter, welcoming the feeling of his arms around you as you leaned into his side for a moment and smiled. “It’s not fair when you do the puppy dog eyes… you know that, don’t you?”
“I never play fair,” he pointed out, flashing you a playful but tired smile. “You should know that by now.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you did your best not to laugh, letting him guide you back to the bed; you were the first to get in, squirming and wriggling over to your side before you watched Eddie join you.
Within a split second, you were at his side, snuggling into him as you grumbled under your breath and held onto him tightly; Eddie returned the embrace as best as he could, but the temptation of sleep was all too much for him to resist.
With you at his side, Eddie could always sleep so soundly; he could feel his eyelids getting heavy as he did little to resist, his head tilting slightly to the side, towards you, as he finally let his eyes close.
With a soft breath, he relaxed completely, and was filled with contentment as he started to drift off. For a long while, you listened to him breathing - asking yourself how you ever got so lucky. Sure, Eddie could be selfish, he could be an idiot, he had issues.
He was far from perfect - but you loved him that way. You loved him for being a bit of a dick, for being selfish. Never in spite of it. 
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shoutokozume · 2 years
Bnha with a chubby girlfriend
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Ft. - Bakugo, Kirishima, Denki, Todoroki, and Keigo.
Warnings - Afab, Suggestive, Swearing, insecure reader. Fluffiness...
Bakugo Katsuki
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° You doubted Bakugo would ever even date someone, especially you. The chubby 1a girl that was bullied all throughout middle school, no one thought someone big could be a hero. Even your own teachers doubted you, but an unexpected admirer always seemed to have your back when someone doubted your abilities.
"Oi, flat lips! Don't talk to l/n like you know her. She'll kick your ass easily, she doesn't have time for an extra like you so don't waste your time trying to bring her down! Asshole!" The 1a hothead screamed, making the 1c girl scurry away to her friends.
° Many were taken aback by his protective stance towards you, no one thought he'd care so much for someone that he'd stand up for them like that... He was usually the one bullying. That one lunch made his three month long crush on your painfully obvious, every student and there parents were chatting about the demonic boy finally softening up for someone.
° Randomly gives you love bites when you're alone, cooking? Shoulder bite. Sleeping? Belly bite. Showering? Opening the door to bite your cheek and then leaves. You assume it is some type of stress relief to him, you've never asked him about it since you know he'd become all flustered and probably stop. You don't mind his small bites here and there, it reminds you a of a playful puppy... Especially when he growls.
° Grips the fat of your thighs whenever you two are watching a movie, the only time he doesn't is when he's watching a horror movie because he's worried his nails will dig in too deep. If he notices you dozing off he'll slap your thigh, grumbling about how he said you two should've watched it earlier. Despite his huffs and complaints, Bakugo will have no problem carrying you two bed if you grow too drowsy during movie night.
° Bakugo will hunt down any bully, and demolish them. He's even gotten detention for beating up Mineta when the gross perv made a joke about how low you are on his to do list. Your boyfriend treats you like the treasure you are, and guards you like you're worth billions of dollars. No one gets off easy when they make a stupid comment about your looks, not even his own mother.
° Feeds you every home cooked meal he makes, you're the only one allowed to eat his special meals. He'll say that he simply thinks the others aren't worthy of his food, but you know deep down he's worried they will find it gross. It's always delicious, making you come back for seconds and thirds. He always makes large portions, knowing his girl trains hard every day and deserves as many plates of yummy food as she wants.
Kirishima Eijiro
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° Lowkey a chubby chaser, not to make him sound perverted or sexualize the curvy community by any means. But the boy finds thick women so fucking hot, it's crazy. He wouldn't drool over you or make you uncomfortable by any means, that simply wouldn't be very manly of him. But he does secretly stare at your plump thighs all the time.
"I-I didn't mean to stare I swear I wasn't looking at your ass... I was zoning out and my eyes landed on your thighs which look really sof- Anyways I swear I wasn't being a perv, I would not want to make you uncomfortable y/n." Kirishima ranted on loudly, catching the attention of everyone in the library.
° Hearing the usually somewhat collected Red Riot rant on about how he wasn't staring at your bum was oddly cute, knowing just how flustered you could make him by barely saying anything. Knowing he wouldn't shut up anytime soon, you took his face in your hands and placed a gentle peck to his lips. Completely taking over his thoughts as he became putty in your hands.
° Thighs thighs thighs... Thighs. That's all he thinks about whenever you two cuddle, whether it be laying his head in them, patting them, squeezing them, or rubbing them. He will be making contact with your natural pillows anytime he can, no matter the tempature. Most of your hickeys from makeout sessions or sex, are all on your thighs. He's addicted and there is no cure in sight.
° Has an urge to fight whoever makes mean comments about you, but his urges simmer down a bit when he realizes you'll need comfort more than anything. Eijiro will place you in front of a mirror and make you repeat all of the praises he spills out, not stopping until your tears dry and a small smile play on your lips. After your settled in and content, that's when he messaged whoever upset you, warning them that they will lose whatever battle they wanted with you.
° Places kisses across your body whenever you are going to sleep, stuffing his head under the blankets to kiss his way up from your thighs until he reaches the top of your head. Hearing your tired laugh as you squirm around when he reaches your belly never fails to make his heart melt, everything you do only makes him love you more and you don't even realize how easy you are making it for him.
° Won't want you to lose weight if it's for anyone but yourself, and if you're only doing it because you feel insecure. Kirishima will take you to the gym and help you diet if you're doing it to feel healthier or increase your quirk usage, but he'll remind you that you don't need to lose or gain any weight since you're beautiful as is. And if you lose or gain you'll still be gorgeous, he just wants to make sure you're mentally alright.
Denki Kaminari
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° You're slightly perverted best friend of seven years, the guy who you saw as unavailable for multiple reasons despite him being very attractive and kind. Neither of you wanted to cross that constantly hinted at line that was made between romance and friendship, which is why you walked into his dorm all prettied up for a date that never showed. He bailed on you while you were at the table he reserved, humiliating you.
"That guy is the biggest idiot in existence, and this is coming from the guy who fries his brain every next day. You seriously didn't deserve that y/n, how about you get some pajamas on and I'll make us some food so we can watch whatever show you've been binging. Think of it as a make up date for the failed one. " Denki suggested, wiping away your running mascara with a reassuring smile.
° Since then you two have settled into a healthy relationship, neither of you needed loads of conformation or elegant dates to realize how perfect you two were for each other. You needed some love and were slightly touched starved, while Denki is the clingiest person known to man. You'll be casually talking with Jiro about how much bullshit was on the latest test, then your boyfriend will pop up behind you wrapping his arms around your belly.
° If he notices stretch mark cream in the bathroom, baby will be sad. He'll look at you like a depressed kitten, asking you why you would want to get rid of your cute tiger marks. He may be slightly dramatic at times, but if that's what it takes to make you realise you're perfect in his eyes than so be it. Denki will only do this when you two are alone, which is squeezing your boobs in a non sexual manner. He fidgets a lot, and will not hesitate to pinch your nips while he's zoning out.
° He will give you his last mochi... That's how much he loves you. Denki also calls you his mochi, or mochi girl, or mochi princess. Your cute squishy cheeks and adorable round tummy remind him of his favorite sweets, so why not call you by the sweetness that you are? Denki sometimes treats your cheeks like mochi, sucking and biting on them when he's hyper. You don't mind, but it can be a bit embarrassing having two huge hickeys on your face the next day.
° Has to zap Mineta daily for making fatphobic jokes about you, Denki will 100% clap back with jokes about his useless quirk and ugly face. Denki is a relatively laid back and fun guy, but he is serious when it comes to protecting you and encouraging your beauty. After shocking the classmate, he will shower you in cute praises. Sometimes getting lost in his own little world making his words come out dirtier and dirtier. Until you have to snap him out of it with a hot flushed face, but he won't be embarrassed, no he'll smirk at the effect he has on you.
° Nearly embarrasses you while going shopping, because he praises you so loudly. If you're showing skin and being the hot babe you are... Why should he not praise you? Jiro once had to put a hand over his mouth after going swimsuit shopping with you, that will not stop his constant finger hearts however. And if a certain brand never fits you or doesn't have a plus size friendly environment... Then he won't get that brand either. Even if he is a thin but fit body type, he's a hero and a true hero wouldn't promote such a toxic brand.
Shoto Todoroki
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° It's no surprise that Shoto has some issues and grudges when it comes to his relationship with his father, but it's starting to hit the tip of his blood pressure now. Endeavor noticed you in class 1a and immediately questioned why you were even there, only judging you by your size without even knowing your name or quirk. This hit a certain nerve within his youngest son, seeing as you've been so sweet to Shoto and often helped him heal after every test and battle.
"Her name is y/n, she's the third strongest in this class, she's smart, kind, and heals anyone she can. She'll be twice the hero you'll ever be, so can you not be an arrogant prick for one second of your life?" Shoto spoke up, making the few student left in class freeze. Even his father was taken aback by his words, Shoto was honest and somewhat cold sure... But he rarely got this heated up over someone.
° Before another word could leave Endeavors lips, Shoto was already ushering you out the door with his hand wrapped around your wrist. Until Shoto had a feeling that he was far away from the class, and everyone in general. That's when he stopped and finally looked you in the eyes, his gaze much softer and filled with so much joy just by looking at your cute round face. His large nimble hands cupped your face, allowing him to softly peck your lips once, twice, three times.
° Never let's you visit his house if his dad is home, because he knows for a fact that he will bully everything he can find out about you. But if his dad is away, Shoto will kindly introduce you to Fuyumi and Naoto who happily welcome you into their home. If Shoto notices his dad coming home earlier than expected, he will rush you home before Endeavor can even sense your presence. He's not intimidated or scared by his dad by any means, Shoto just can't stand watching you become upset over the stupidity that Enji spills from his mouth.
° Shoto loves your belly, he doesn't know what it is about it but it just is very endearing to him whenever it pokes out from your shirts, or jiggle gently when you jump or climb up some stairs. This is why you aren't surprised to feel his cold and hot hands grip onto the bottom of your belly and squish it. Sometimes if he's playful he'll jiggle it carefully, but most times he does this is when he's tired or zoning out. Baby loves your tum and never wants it to go away.
° Todoroki loves to spoil you rotten, even if you reassure him that you don't need any gifts and his presence is a gift on its own. That will not satisfy him or his dads credit card that he steals all the time, so expect a lot of stuffies, jewelry, snacks, gift cards, and flowers. On Valentine's day he took you out to get some promise rings, but that's when he noticed your slight discomfort as you looked among the many gorgeous rings. You admitted that rings never fit your fingers, which only encouraged Shoto to find the perfect one... The one that will fit your cute stubby fingers.
° Todoroki knows about chafing, he never has experienced it himself but he's heard about it from Iida, Momo, and Uraraka before. Everytime you wear shorts or a skirt or anything that makes it so you can chafe, Todoroki will not hesitate to either lube up your thighs or give you a piggy back ride around town. He will even cool down your body with his quirk, and will reassure you that you are not too heavy.
Keigo Takami
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° Hawks has noticed you for a few weeks now, only ever going the shitty cafe just so he can get a coffee he will not drink from you. Your adorable tired smile as you greet him, your busty chest struggling to stay in your buttoned uniform, and your bashful state whenever he leaves you a flirty comment or wink. Everything about you was so addicting to him, and he hoped that he could meet you outside of the café. His hopes came true, but in an odd way. You boss fired you for getting a few orders wrong, and was screaming slurs at you outside of the café.
"Hey hey hey, calm down sir. You have no right to call this beautiful young lady any of those names, this woman right here is one of the only reasons anyone ever comes to this café. She's the only lively worker, tries to make the terrible coffee taste good, and tries her damn best to make someone's morning great. " Keigo stepped in, mentally scoffing as the man's behavior changed the moment he met eyes with a pro hero.
° Keigo flew you away from the shitty shop, placing you on the deck of your apartment as he felt his heart drop at your tearful state. His hands were quick to wipe your tears and pull you closer, his wings blocking any of the freezing wind that threatened to touch your soft delicate skin. He admitted that his agencies coffee shop was looking for a new cashier, and sent the email to the owner before you could even respond. He stayed with you on the deck til your breathing calmed, and even then he didn't want to leave you.
° Keigo loves flying with you across the city at night, landing you on the highest buildings so you can gawk at the veiw for as long as you want. Despite your worries about weight, he never once even trembled while carrying your body across the skies. Everytime you sit down on one of the high buildings, Keigo will sit you on his lap and nuzzle his face into your shoulder. His bright red wings cradling your body carefully as you soak in the quiet moonlight.
° Keigo is a sweetheart, there is no doubt about it... But he can become a bit of a perv when he wants to. It often shows whenever he smacks your ass at the most random times, when you stand up from a movie night, when you first wake up, when you are going into a changing room... The list goes on. But the most predictable of them all is when you two shower together, his hands latched onto your rump as he pats a very off beat drum solo to his own amusement.
° Even if Keigo is a perfect boyfriend, a sweet hero, and a playful boy at heart. He's always terrifying whenever he finds out someone has made you upset, his passive aggressive nature towards them, his wings fluttering out to corner them, his voice a few octaves deeper than natural, and his eyes completely dark as they stare into the unfortunate soul that upset you. You are his most prized treasure, and he sure as hell will never let anyone try to belittle you and make you feel bad. Even if it means destroying them.
° Back to slightly pervy Keigo, he doesn't need a pillow to sleep when he has your boobs right in his face. He'll stuff his face under your shirt and between your mounds, lays on top of your shirt, will latch onto a nipple is he's extra clingy, will rub whatever boob he's not paying attention to, and always falls asleep on you within minutes. He loves your body, it's so soft and perfect for cuddles. Your boobs are no exception to this cuddling rule, in fact he's barely used any pillows after you allowed him to sleep on you.
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icespur · 6 months
There are not enough Mpreg Parent Akeshu fics
I must admit, I'm a bit disappointed.
it's not like there's zero. There are some, but not nearly enough or I'm not looking in the right tags.
There's especially HUGE missed potential that not enough people utilize.
I've seen wholesome Akiren as a parent. Seems everyone is in agreement he'd be the chillest, awesomest, father.
But what about Akechi?
Goro "I had a bad childhood, no father figure, Mom passed away when I was young leaving me to grow up in either Foster Homes or the closest living relatives the Social Worker could track down. Who took me in but didn't want me. so I grew up to mask my true nature by being polite on the outside and a celebrity to get some form of positive attention, and I tracked down my deadbeat father who I'm going to ruin the life and career of out of spite and vengeance, for me and my late Mother." Akechi.
The man has childhood baggage, who knows how many young children he's interacted with as an adult. So his experience would range from "limited" to "none existent"
If one of these boys wouldn't take to being a parent well immediately, it would be Akechi. Like, the man is having an external crisis, he's not okay.
"I am the LAST person that should be a father. Do I look like fatherly material to you? I can't even recall the last time I interacted or made eye contact with an infant. Maybe I never did! I can do research and read books, I'm good at researching, I'm going to read the books no matter what but that can only help so much. I know what not to do, from my childhood. I'm going to try my best to do the exact opposite of what Shido did, but no parent is perfect, I could still screw the kid up! Not to mention I'm still processing the fact that MY RIVAL HAS A FUCKING FULLY FUNCTIONING UTERUS.
I knocked up my Rival
I knocked up the man I once shot in the head
I knocked---holy hell what have I done?
I've never been interested in Women, so I never thought I'd have to worry about accidentally planting a little me inside someone. Do you realize how many women I have turned down?
So here I was, thinking I'd be safe. That obviously nothing would come from indulging in a night of passion with my frustrating, Idiotic sexy, alluring, Rival.
But once again, you are just full of surprises apparently in the internal organs sense too because you can carry children and now both of us are unironically FUCKED."
"I'm not going to force this on you, I just thought you deserved to know. If you don't want to we can--"
"Pfft, HAHAHAHA. You say that like it's an actual option. Do I need to remind you what my upbringing was like? I'm not repeating the same mistakes, I'm not leaving. Granted you are obviously in a better financial situation and have a proper support group unlike my Mother. But if I decide to leave now, or stay but run later down the line, what's stopping our child from living in a constant internal state of guilt and loneliness, which will eventually evolve into anger and spite and once they're of age to move out, make it their mission to hunt me down and enter a false work alliance so they can gain my trust enough to eventually betray and torture me. Or just flat out kill me. And You know what? I wouldn't blame them! I'd kill me too if I could. I can't let that happen, I refuse to put a child with my D.N.A. through what I went through. So we are moving in and getting married (oh my god, I have to move in and marry my Rival) Because that's what Japanese family laws all encourage. And I'm going to internally pray and wish that I don't somehow manage to fuck up an innocent being that belongs to us, even though I have no idea what I am doing. Did I mention I have zero experience with babies and children?"
Point is, parentGoro! Has so much potential and it should be a crime that there are so little fics exploring that.
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flailypichu · 7 months
Everyone collects themselves after that near death (not even near death, they watched him die and reform) experience and decide to put off the trip to the moon for at least a day, just to breathe and process. And make sure Ashton doesn't explode again. Like, really make sure.
Fearne doesn't make eye contact with him, each clop of her hooves sounding deep in his body as she gets further away. She links arms with Imogen and Laudna, who glance back at them with twin worried and frustrated expressions. Ashton doesn't think he burned any bridges today, but a few of them are heavily singed to match the rest of him.
FCG and Chetney help them up to their rooms, where Lord de Rolo has banished them to recuperate, Lady Allura still stunned behind him while he gave the order, face blank as she processes what could have happened. The smaller members of the group aren't honestly that much help when it comes to his movement, but if FCG could be pale, they would be, so Ashton lets them hold his hand and appreciates the warm flow of healing still being pumped into him.
And that leaves Orym. Quiet by nature, Ashton is disconcerned to find him near silent. He appears to have retreated into some sort of training, because even though he can see Orym moving slightly behind him, the halfling makes no noise. It's not until they reach the room Ashton was sharing with FCG that Orym says "I'll take them. I bought some healing potions before this, that I can use if we need to. You two get some rest, that took a lot out of you, Letters."
FCG pushes one last burst of healing into Ashton and squeezes their hand. With a firmness rarely heard, they say, "we are going to talk about that later. When I've gathered my thoughts." Ashton wants to bring him in for a hug, but the body language says he wouldn't be welcome. Tomorrow, maybe.
The two of them transfer his care to Orym and Chetney gives a small wave, pulling a lingering FCG into his room. Ashton can hear him muttering something to FCG but doesn't try to make it out, focus narrowing to the small figure standing like a statue in front of him.
Orym also hasn't met his eyes once since he opened them. Ashton waits.
With a hand on his thigh, Orym pushes him into the room and shuts the door. The silence presses in on them, and Ashton almost breaks the silence, but knows any words he wants to say need to take a back seat to whatever is brewing in Orym.
"What was that." Orym's voice comes flat like a bit of flint, wanting to be struck. Ashton chooses his words carefully.
"The stronger I am, the better chance we have to win this fight. The shard made me stronger."
"The shard made you dead." And Ashton does flinch at that. A tiny convulsion of muscles he doesn't have, at the pain in Orym's voice that's seeping into the coldness. "You exploded, and you reformed, and we watched while only two of us could do anything at all." His fists shake by his sides and with effort he flexes them and sits down on the bed. Ashton doesn't sit next to him, but on the floor in front, forcing himself to look up into eyes that swell with tears. Ashton makes an aborted movement towards Orym's hands, stopping themselves at the last moment, only for Orym to close the gap and squeeze.
Tears begin to slip silently down his cheeks and Ashton doesn't regret his choice - he's alive, he has more power with which to help his friends - but he regrets that it caused these tears. "I'm alive, I made it. Orym-" and he rocks back with the force of Orym throwing his arms around them. Long buried instincts kick in and he lifts his arms to return the embrace. Orym has always been careful with his touches, especially with Ashton, and the intensity of this one gives him pause. Orym pulls back and runs his hands through his hair, making it stick up with sweat.
"You idiot -" and suddenly Ashton is being kissed for the second time that day. After the shard settled he'd felt warmth flood his body, and then recede to a gentle simmer. It comes rushing back with the feel of Orym's chapped lips pressed to his, and he rests his hands on Orym's waist, unable to do anything more than helplessly kiss back.
And as soon as it started, Orym retreats and is halfway to the door before Ashton stands up with some notion of stopping him. But Orym stops at the threshold, turning back to say, "I don't know if what I'm feeling for you is going anywhere, but you dying before I can figure it out isn't going to help anyone. Stop throwing yourself into danger, Ashton. Please." And with that he's gone.
Ashton stands stock still, lips buzzing, new arm tingling. "Well, fuck."
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Hello, I am here for the application to be Yoichi's younger sibling.
Hates bank vaults - Sadly, we're not off to a great start as I have several vaults where I put some shiny treasures such the souls of the people who wandered too close to me and sometimes, a fellow owl (who is probably vacationning there because of the chocolate fountain). However, I would never dirty my vaults with an actual human being.
Prefers Captain Hero to the Demon King - Never read this manga but I am 100% wiling to claim in front of AFO that Captain Hero is the most compelling character of the story and to make fun of the Demon King.
Villains need not apply - While I am above good and evil, I am more of an eldritch being and not a villain.
Yoichi would like someone younger than him so that he can be an older brother, but this is not a strict requirement - I am ageless so I don't know who would be the oldest but I am willing to claim the youngest sibling position. Also, I can have whatever appearance I wish for and I am okay with being shorter than Yoichi, if he wants. However, I cannot do anything to hide my incredible beauty so of not being the most beautiful sibling is a deal breaker, I'm afraid it's not worth continuing.
Must have a tolerance for PDA - Kissing with moderation and cuddling is fine but I trust Yoichi and Second and maybe Third to know how to behave themselves and not to something like making out inside a teenager's mind. Because that would be weird.
Yoichi's hair care products are not to be borrowed under any circumstances - This is fair and I would do the same but good sibling must share the names of good brands.
You must be able to defeat All for One in combat. This is very important because All for One will certainly try to murder you for replacing him. - Let's be real, I would obliterate him. I might however turn AFO into a cat or into something ridiculous first because his main amuses me.
However, I must inform Yoichi that I get bored easily so I will probably drop out of the family registry soon enough but I shall take care of AFO right before leaving, for I understand that a good sibling doesn't leave AFO the occasion to say "I told you so."
I also have several conditions, such as Yoichi calling me "The best sibling one could ever hope for" every time AFO is within earshot.
Hmmm you're certainly making it difficult for Yoichi to decide, aren't you? On the one hand:
Vaults are a flat no.
Yoichi is suspicious of people with fae-like names due to his bad experiences with the Fae AFO AUs.
He's also suspicious of people who are "above good and evil." AFO claimed to be above morality despite there being no lower he could sink.
Yoichi must always be the most beautiful sibling. It's written into the very fabric of reality.
On the other hand:
If you're fae then you can't be lying when you say that you wouldn't put a human in your vaults.
Your ideas on tormenting AFO are too good, you're a natural younger sibling. Yoichi would very much love to see AFO as a cat. Perhaps a hairless cat so he can still be bald.
If you're an owl then you can't have better hair than Yoichi, which would have been an unsurmountable obstacle.
You promised to kill AFO.
Thus Yoichi is willing to let you become his new sibling under the condition that you always wear a bag over your head when around him. This will stop you from upstaging his looks, and also prevent you from seeing him making out with his boyfriends while inside a teenager's head. Win-win.
Yoichi will even call you best sibling around AFO, but it's important to him that you know @pocketramblr is best sibling for giving him hair care tips.
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lostonmari · 6 months
SUCCESS #2 - November
Success #2 -- Everything I manifested in November
November is when I started this blog, and also ACTUALLY started applying all of the things I learned started taking affirming and thinking in my favor seriously instead of just sporadically manifesting random things here and there because I was too lazy to put in the work. I never had issues w wavering, but I was just inconsistent as fuck (Hell, I'm still inconsistent with posting on my own damn blog, yall can't possibly think I'm consistent with affirming!) So here's everything I manifested…
Manifested back my old bestfriend/ex-gf after 4 years no contact She came back, apologized for mistreating me and told me basically everything I affirmed for LMAO. and that's one of the things that gave me faith in the law because ik this girl would rather die than ever apologize to someone. Now that she's back I'm manifesting away her friends and leaving her broke down and in shambles because I'm evil and believe in revenge. yall dont know the type of bullsh*t this woman put me through. Idc if everyone is you pushed out, some people don't deserve forgiveness 🤓
My mom is walking again I successfully revised her shattered ankle without the weeks of recovery time the doctors "thought" she needed. She's literally walking around just fine now and doesn't need to wear her cast or whatever that big bulky thing was.
Manifested my brother out of jail on a time crunch Now I'm not sharing my family's whole drama online but… yea. he's out.
No more social anxiety, cured one of my mental health issues I don't wanna trauma dump or go into too much detail about my life but, yes. for anyone also working on mental health, it can be done and you won't regret trying. Life actually feels like it has meaning now and for once in all my years of life, I can actually say that I'm happy. 💗
Stopped nail biting COMPLETELY! I used to struggle with nail biting for YEARSSS whether it was out of stress, anxiety, whatever the fuck. but now it's completely gone. my nails are no longer STUBS, like theyre actually long and healthy. I didn't even affirm for this so I kinda think it came with improving my mental health since I didn't really have the issues that *triggered* nail biting anymore yk?. I'm actually the happiest about this result like yall don't understand how long I've wanted the natural french tips look 💀
[TW: Discussion of binging, discussion of food]
6. WL + Maintained weight loss! I literally changed my entire way of viewing food, and subsequently fixed my lose->gain->lose-> gain again cycle. Ever since learning LOAss If I binged I would be like: I just have a fast metabolism so that's why I'm so hungry my body is burning everything I eat so fast! and I would also tell myself calories don't matter because food is only energy. Basically, reminding myself of what Abdullah told Neville: "If you ate as I did, you would be poisoned because of your belief." (heavily paraphrased because my memory is terrible.. yes I'm working on it 😭) and it keeps me from feeling guilty abt eating. I ate SOOO MUCH food yesterday and I mean SO MUCH. I ate an entire box of cheese sticks, two large chicken sandwiches, 2 pb & j sandwiches total throughout the day, and half a tub of icecream for dessert… Yeah I was going crazy.. to the point I looked 5 months pregnant at the end of the night. Fast forward to today, my stomach is back to flat and back to normal as if it never happened. Food literally will not effect you if you believe it doesn't! This was my main focus too so I'm very proud of myself :)
Moral of the story is, never give up.
YOU decide what happens in your reality and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. There were times when I didn't want to affirm, so I didn't. If I felt lazy then I didn't consciously affirm or listen to subliminals, I just relaxed and went on about my day. I never made affirming feel like a chore. There were times when I had doubts too or thought it wouldn't work. I especially thought it wouldn't work for my mental health but I just affirmed anyway. When you're having resistance literally just know there's nothing bad that can possibly happen from believing in yourself and thinking in your favor. Just DO IT. Persist no matter what and you WILL get what you want!
I'll try to do better with posting my successes (but only ones that actually meant something big to me tbh. I don't see a point in sharing every little thing unless it was me overcoming some type of struggle) and answering messages but I refuse to download the tumblr app so yall just gotta see and hear from me whenever I feel like loading up this website. I'm just enjoying & living my life rn girl I used to dream about times like this and now I finally have them 😭
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chimachapterbooks · 2 months
Gorilla’s Guardian - From the Activity Book Ravens and Gorillas
Ewar the Eagle sat on a tree limb. All was quiet. The Gorillas were asleep with no guard on watch. As far as Ewar could tell, anyone could walk into their compound and capture the whole tribe.
This was exactly what he had warned Gorzan about. Ewar had been helping the other tribes improve their security in case the Crocodiles or Wolves attacked. When he saw that the Gorillas had no protection in place, he couldn't believe his eyes.
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"This is ridiculous!" he insisted to Gorzan. "Why, I'll bet I could sneak into your camp and take something, without any of you Gorillas ever knowing." Gorzan had just smiled. "Go ahead, brother. I'll put my favorite branch out in the middle of the compound. You try to take it, and if you can, we'll agree to any extra security you want."
Ewar had waited a few days before making his attempt, just to make sure the Gorillas guard would be down.
/ don't know why I bothered waiting, though, he said to himself. When is their guard not down?
Ewar flew straight toward the center of the compound. Just as he crossed the border, something grabbed him! It yanked him from the sky and flung him onto the dirt.
What grabbed me? Ewar thought, falntically. Was it a rope? A snake?
A Gorilla? Ewar scanned the trees, but all he saw were leaves and vines.
Hmmm, Ewar thought. That was strange. I must have snagged on a branch. I'll just keep to the ground and stay quiet for now.
Ewar crept toward the sleeping Gorillas. As long as he didn't make any noise, he was sure he could sneak in unnoticed.
Sploosh! A bucket of ice-cold water suddenly fell onto Ewar's head.
"Squawk!" he cried out. He immediately clamped a wing over his mouth.
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Had he just given himself away to the Gorillas?
He stood perfectly still. A Few Gorillas snored, but none woke up.
Phew, thought Ewar. That was close. Now who threw water on me?
Again, Ewar looked up at the tree branches. But no one was there.
Well something is going on, Ewar said to himself. Maybe the Gorillas have a security system in place after all. It's time to try a new tactic.
Rather than enter the front way, Ewar decided he would go in from the back. He carefully tiptoed around to the rear of the Gorilla Compound.
Whump! Ewar tripped and landed flat on his beak! He shot back up and spun around. Sticking out of the ground was a gnarled tree root.
Ewar carefully stepped away from the tree root and started forward again.
Thump! He tripped again! He looked back and couldn't believe his eyes. A new root had sprung up in the middle of the path.
I don't know what's going on, but now I'm getting angry.
Ewar stood up and marched back to the front of the village.
Something grabbed me when I flew.Something tripped me when I walked. So now I'm going to run in, grab Gorzan's branch, and run back out. Nothing's going to stop me!
Ewar charged. But before he could even cross the border, tiny, stinging pebbles began pelting him from every side! He had to slow down to cover his eyes. The next thing he knew, a vine wrapped around his waist.
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Sploosh! A second burst of freezing water splashed on his head.
"What in Chima is going on?" Ewar cried.
Then, as suddenly as it had started, it stopped. The pebbles dropped.
The vine loosened. And slowly, Ewar was lowered to the ground.
The Eagle took a deep breath and opened his eyes. Gorzan was standing over him, smiling.
"See?" said Gorzan. "We have all the protection we need."
"But I don't understand," Ewar sputtered. "You were all fast asleep. Who was attacking me?"
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"It wasn't us, brother," Gorzan explained. "It was nature. We take care of the plants, and they take care of us. The lasso vine kept you from flying in. The bucket flower gave you a bath, the split-second roots tripped you, and the archer plant hit you with its seeds."
Ewar shook his head in amazement. "I wouldn't have believed it, but I'm convinced. You're right... you don't need any more protection. I don't even think a Wolf Pack could get in here. The next time I want to prove someone wrong, I think I'll sneak into someplace safer... like maybe a Crocodile's mouth!"
Gorzan and Ewar both laughed.
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