#i’ll buy her kid a happy meal
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Survived my first day of my new job :)
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southislandwren · 2 years
I love my fucking apartment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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papaya-twinks · 1 month
happy meals - l.n
Warnings: None
Pairing: Lando Norris x fen!reader
Faceclaim: nOnE
@maxiemclaren i told u I find myself funny
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liked by y/nfans, carmenmundt, Lando orris and 256,027 others… captions: anyone who gets me happy meals is automatically my lover ❤️
user1: y/n pls I’ll buy the entire McDonald’s for you 🙏
-> user2: no, I’ll do it first!
user3: I hear you girl 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
user4: excuse my presence, but Lando in the likes?
-> user5: oooooo he’s plotting
landonorris: coca-cola is a sponsor of McLaren therefore you are advertising me
-> y/n: what in the Nando’s 👹👹
-> user6: they’re both menaces @/user4 I see it…
-> landonorris: stock market gonna break coz of u
❤️ by y/n
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liked by y/n, georgerussell63, martingarrix and 216,273 others… caption: I’m the reason for the stock marker spike actually 😼
-> user8: omg I see it I’m actually freaking right now 🏃
georgerussell63: simp 🫵🫵
-> landonorris: we’ll observed, russell 🤝
y/n: with chicken nuggets? 🥹
-> landonorris: all 11 of them 😁
-> y/n: gosh I’m in love
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liked by landonorris, f1, martingarrix and 216,273 others… caption: maccie maccie maccie love love love L L L ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
user10: WHOS ‘L L L’
-> user11: girl keep up! She’s like flirting w Lando online lmao
-> user12: he’s more into her than she’s into him haha
maxverstappen1: ur gonna get lando off his diet
-> y/n: his problem ❤️❤️❤️
-> landonorris: ur my problem
-> y/n: good 👍
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liked by y/n, y/nnews, mclaren and 329,262 others… caption: how tf does she look so pretty…ordering maccies?
georgerussel63: took a while
-> landonorris: glad to call her mine
-> carmenmundt: she’s acc mine ☝️
-> y/n: @/landonorris yeah sorry…I’m taken
-> landonorris: 💔💔
maxverstappen1: I puked ❤️❤️
-> y/n: me when u steal someone else’s kids
-> maxverstappen1: DIFFERENT STORY
kimi.antonelli: so cute xx
-> y/n: thank u my dear son ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
-> landonorris: what?!
-> y/n: Kimi is our son
-> landonorris: I seem to have stumbled past that important detail
-> kimi.antonelli: mama y papa 💘💘💘💘
comments have been limited to close friends only.
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rollinouttahere-writes · 10 months
Wrote something short for the Little Lucky AU, the Ace interaction prompt really got me itching to write
What'cha Got There?
Yandere Straw Hats + Ace x Child Reader
1.3k words
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“Does he think we’re stupid?”
Sanji’s lighter flickered to life and lit his cigarette. He took a long drag and exhaled it with a huff, sparing a glance towards Nami before zeroing back in on the sight in front of them. “It certainly seems like he does,” he ground out.
The ‘he’ in question being Luffy’s brother, Ace. 
No one thought much of it upon seeing how well he got along with Lucky. You’re a sweet kid, and he seems like a fun and level-headed adult, so there’s no harm in letting you play together. There was, admittedly, a twinge of jealousy when he managed to get her to call him ‘uncle Ace’ within like 24 hours of meeting, but they were all trying to let it go.
Now though, when he’s walking around with a suspiciously child-shaped lump under his clothes while trying to leave, Sanji and Nami are feeling much less generous about it. They were currently standing between him and where his boat was tied to the side of the Going Merry, arms crossed and expressions unamused. 
Ace cringed at the sight, shifting and adjusting the lump that just giggled from being jostled, “Hey! I’m gonna be leaving now, thanks for letting me tag along with you guys for so long. It was really generous of you.”
“Why are you wearing your cloak again?” Nami asked accusingly. Ace was wearing the same cloak he’d had on while they were hiking through the desert, a strange sight to see with how minimal he tended to be in regards to clothing.
“Oh, this? I uh… I got cold?” He offered, not looking like he was even buying what he was selling.
Nami scowled, wanting to reach out and slap the back of his head for telling her the dumbest and most obvious lie she’s ever heard. An impressive feat given what she hears from Usopp on a daily basis. “You, a man with a fire based logia devil fruit, are cold?” She hissed, putting a heavy emphasis on the last word.
Ace looked back and forth, his expression resembling that of a dog being asked why the couch was chewed up, “Yes?”
Sanji pushed off from the railing he was leaning against and began circling around Ace, “I know that you ate a lot at the last meal, but you sure have packed on a shocking amount of weight since then.” Sanji leaned over and poked the lump, watching as it flinched and snickered from the prodding.
He raised an eyebrow at this, “Seems like you’ve got quite the case of indigestion going on there, Ace. Maybe you should rest here another day until it passes?” His foot was tapping very aggressively, and if it weren’t for the fact that you’re currently on Ace’s person, he would have kicked him by now.
“That’s alright!” Ace interjected, hoisting up the wiggling child under his clothes and whispering for you to hush, “Don’t worry about it, I’ll work this off in no time flat!” He tried to step around Sanji, only to promptly bump into Nami.
Nami had had enough of this charade by now and ripped the cloak open, and what do you know, there you are! You froze briefly, eyes wide and mouth opened in surprise, only to then dissolve into laughter from being caught.
“See! I told you it wouldn’t work!”
“Well maybe it would have if you weren’t in there giggling and squirming the whole time!” Ace attempted to defend himself, poking at your cheeks with each word.
“Nuh-uh! You’re silly!” You grabbed onto his one hand with both of yours and tried to push it away, not that it really worked.
“Don’t ‘nuh-uh’ me!” He switched tactics and started tickling your sides, making you wrench away from him and shriek with laughter.
Despite their previous annoyance towards the attempted kidnapping, Nami and Sanji felt the urge to smile upon seeing you so happy. Nami shook her head. No! She needs to get you back before he tries making a break for it.
She stormed forward and snatched you right out of his arms. Instead of being grateful for the rescue, you were protesting and holding your arms out to Ace again. “Namiiii! We were playing!” You whined.
“No, Lucky, he needs to leave. He’s got important things to do, right?” Her eyes were narrowed and boring into him, daring him to contradict her.
Ace sighed and scratched the back of his head, shoulders slumped because Nami was correct, “Yeah, yeah, you’re right.” He shrugged the cloak off his shoulders and stuffed it into his backpack unceremoniously. 
As he approached you and Nami, noting how Nami clutched you tighter when he was in arm's reach, he bent down to your level and offered you a smile as warm as he was, “I’ve got to get going now, Lucky.”
“But you said we were gonna go see your other brothers,” you pouted, crestfallen over not being able to go on a trip with him. “You promised!”
He winced, feeling bad about not being able to keep to his word at this moment, “And we will! Later. I’ve got some business I need to take care of, but as soon as I’m done we’ll go. Promise!”
You eyed him with a high degree of uncertainty, “Hmm… pinky promise?”
Ace stared at your extended pinky for a second before chuckling. He held out his own, completely dwarfing yours and making the super serious pact, “Yeah, pinky promise.”
“When were you going to tell us about this promise?” Sanji seethed. “You can’t just run off with her whenever you want!”
“What? She can’t go and spend time with her favorite uncle once in a while?” Ace smirked, knowing full well how jealous they were. “I just thought maybe you guys would want a break or something.”
“Well we don’t,” Nami deadpanned.
Boisterous laughter cut through the air, and Luffy bounded over to leap onto his brother’s back, “Oh relax, Nami! Ace is just joking around!”
He absolutely wasn’t, and they knew it. And he knew that they knew it, but instead he just smiled innocently at Luffy and agreed. Liar. 
Lucky’s brows furrowed and she looked back and forth between everyone, appearing confused and hurt, “You were? But we pinky promised!” You didn’t know what was the truth anymore.
Ace visibly panicked, “No, no! I meant it about you visiting them, I just,” he fell silent, trying his damnedest to find an answer that would please everyone. “I was joking about it just being the two of us, all of you can come meet them later!”
Luffy accepted this answer at face value, but Nami and Sanji just rolled their eyes, not believing that for a second. Ace would absolutely run off with you the first chance he got, but at least that first chance wouldn’t be today.
You were still pouting, not loving the answer because you were excited to make some new friends, “Fiiiiine.”
Ace laughed and ruffled your hair, “Aww, don’t be like that! It’ll happen soon enough!” He opted to push his luck one last time before he leaves and take you back into his arms for one more hug. Nami was glowering at him, but chose to let it slide since Luffy was still actively clinging onto him. She knows he won’t let you leave.
Visibly torn, Ace forced himself to hand you over to Luffy so he could actually leave now. He leapt onto the wooden railing, looking over his shoulder at the crew members on deck, “I guess it’s time for me to go, see you later everyone.” He made eye contact with you, specifically, “Bye, Lucky!”
“Bye-bye uncle Ace!” You cheerfully chirped back, waving at him enthusiastically.
Ace dropped onto his boat and made quick work of getting it ready for the latest voyage, smiling to himself despite knowing how perilous it was going to be. At least he had something to look forward to after it was all over.
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dirtyvulture · 4 months
Dear Diary
*Set in the Darkest Knight AU*
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Mutant!Reader
18+ only, read at your own risk
Word count: 4459
Summary: Natasha embraces her new life as an X-Men.
AN: I'm back with a little one shot. :) Enjoy!
December 6, 2023
Dear Diary,
Is that an appropriate way to start one of these? I’ve never kept a diary or a journal before. But Marie gave me this cute little notebook and said writing stuff down helps clear her mind, so I don’t think there’s any harm in giving it a shot. They would never let us have something like this in the Red Room. Too much evidence lying around for someone to stumble upon. Should I put a lock on this? Y/N wouldn’t snoop around to read this, would she? Well, I guess if she is–leave my diary alone, you big dummy!
The professor said the Red Room soldiers and Widows are coming tomorrow. This is all my fault. I’ve put these good people and innocent children in danger. Earlier, we went to help the kids pack their bags and board the buses. I’m not sure if Y/N has any kids of her own (or ever did at all), but I can tell she really cares about them. Although she was not happy with some of the excessive luggage some of them were bringing. No one would tell me where they’re sending the kids, but I overheard Ororo mention something about a private resort they had to buy out.
I still don’t quite understand why these people are willing to sacrifice so much for me. I’m basically a stranger to them. I have nothing to give them in return if they ask. Maybe they’ll finally throw me out when they realize how worthless I am. That’s what I really deserve. Not these warm clothes, the home-cooked meals, and this roof over my head. And I definitely don’t deserve the kindness and care Y/N has shown me. I really like her, but I’m afraid she’ll leave me when she realizes how boring and inexperienced I am. 
Oh, I think she’s coming out of the shower now. I’ll continue this later.
December 15, 2023
Dear Diary,
It’s weird how life goes back to normal so fast here. The Red Room soldiers and Widows were here not even a week ago, tearing down doors and blasting out windows, and everything is already repaired and the students are back at it like nothing happened.
A lot of them are excited to go back to their homes and families for the holiday. But a lot of them will also be staying at the mansion, because their families won’t accept them or they just don’t have any home to go back to. The professor asked Y/N to help plan some holiday games so the kids staying don’t get too bored or lonely. She’s acting like it’s the dumbest assignment he’s ever given her, but I’ve seen her spending all her free time ordering presents and decorations (with the professor’s credit card, of course), so I know she takes it very seriously and the kids are going to love whatever she comes up with.
I’m really glad I get to spend Christmas here. It’s been a long time since I’ve actually been able to celebrate it with people I love. I feel so welcomed here and no one looks at me like I’m any different, when I come from a past where there’s red all over my ledger. Sometimes I’m surprised anyone even lets me be around these kids alone, but some of them have powers that even make Y/N nervous, and I think they know they can trust me.
It’ll take some more time before I can be fully comfortable here, but it’s really starting to grow on me and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
December 25, 2023
Natasha wakes up alone. She looks around the bedroom, in case you might be on the floor doing push-ups or in the bathroom showering, but the room is completely empty. Her heartbeat picks up as she jumps out of bed, afraid that you’ve left her, when she notices a note on the desk.
Downstairs making breakfast. Come join when you’re up - Y/N
She relaxes immediately, touched how you made sure to let her know in advance where you would be. She quickly washes up and puts on a robe, then hurries downstairs to a chaotic mess of torn gift wrapping, screaming children, and flashing new toys. She steps into the kitchen, where you are wearing a flowered apron and are threatening Marie with a spatula.
“Stop, those aren’t ready–Marie!” You swat at her hands as she swipes for a pancake.
“Merry Christmas, Miss Nat!” Marie says, moving your attention away from her as your girlfriend appears.
“Merry Christmas, Marie.” Natasha gives the girl a hug, not missing the folded pancake in her hand. 
“Merry Christmas, darling,” you say next, waiting for her to come over. “I made a special plate for you. It’s over here so the kids don’t get into it.” You point to a foil-covered plate off to the side of the stove. Natasha goes to investigate, peeling back the foil to find the plate fully-loaded with two different types of pancakes, one next to a little container of jam and honey, and the other still steaming and garnished with flecks of green onion. There’s even a bowl of grainy buckwheat porridge. Her heart soars at the sight of her favorite native breakfast. With a delighted squeal, she throws herself into your arms.
“Thankyou thankyou thankyou,” she choruses, squeezing you tightly as you rub her back.
“You’re welcome, darling.” 
At this point, you shoo everyone out of the kitchen to finish the preparations. Natasha joins Marie in the dining hall, helping set up the plates and silverware. She watches with great curiosity as Kitty tries getting Peter to step under the mistletoe she hung above the doorway, and then is distracted when Jean and Scott come down for breakfast.
“Y/N cooks Christmas breakfast for us every year,” Jean explains to Natasha. “The kids always look forward to it.”
“Hey, Y/N!” Scott yells into the kitchen. “Keep the walnuts away from my food, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Natasha hears you dismissively respond.
“Scott’s allergic,” Jean whispers to her. “Now there’s no proof how, but he ended up with a plateful of them last year and I almost had to take him to the hospital. Needless to say, it was an eventful Christmas.”
Natasha giggles to herself, already having a feeling she knows exactly how those walnuts got on Scott’s plate.
Everyone finds a seat at the table, the empty one next to Natasha reserved for you. You finally emerge from the kitchen, no longer in the flowered apron but one of your classic checkerboard flannels. You’re carrying an impressive tower of pancakes in one hand and a pan filled half and half with bacon and sausage in the other. The students break out in appreciation and applause as Bobby scoots aside some dishes to make room for the last trays.
“Don’t take more than you can finish,” you remind the kids, going around the table to sit next to Natasha and presenting her with her special plate. “And uh, Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and all that other stuff.” You raise your apple cider in a toast and everyone follows your lead.
“Thanks for breakfast, Y/N,” Ororo says, clinking her glass to yours. The students erupt with more thanks before they start reaching for the food, passing around the mountainous plate of pancakes, scooping whole fried eggs onto each other’s plates.
“Thanks again, babe,” Natasha says, putting her hand on your thigh as she leans over to kiss you on the cheek.
“You should try it first before thanking me,” you tease, still not used to all the praise. You were just trying to be a good partner, and it was somewhat of a Christmas tradition for you to cook breakfast for all the students who stayed at the mansion over break. You didn’t mind it at all, in fact you really did enjoy spending time in the kitchen and it made you feel good to take care of others.
Natasha leaves her hand on your knee as she eats, and eventually you put your hand on top of hers comfortingly. Neither of you engage much in conversation as you eat and listen, happy with the company. Once all of the food has been finished, Ororo rounds up the students to help clean everything before they can continue opening presents. 
Kitty gets you a Johnny Cash vinyl record. Marie and Bobby got you a variety pack of exotic flavors of jerky, including alligator, ostrich, and buffalo. Storm gives you and Natasha tickets to a weekend getaway at a Canadian resort. Jean and Scott also throw in a joint gift of a new set of winter bedsheets. You are very thankful for the presents and pile them neatly by your feet, when Natasha pulls out a box and puts it on your lap. Inside is a familiar-looking flannel shirt.
“It’s a brand new one,” Natasha says. “To replace all the ones I steal from your closet,” Natasha says.
“Thanks,” you say, putting your arm around her to pull her closer so you can kiss her cheek. “This one is from me.” You hand her a very small box.
Natasha opens it delicately and gasps when she sees what you’ve given her. It’s a wooden ring, carved a little roughly around the edges  with little turquoise-colored gems pressed into the outside.
“Did you make this?” Natasha asks, running her finger over the gems.
“Uh, yeah.” You’re suddenly nervous that she doesn’t like it. Woodworking was not your finest hobby, despite your decades to fine-tune the skill, but you preferred to build vast structures and furniture. Tiny little pieces of jewelry were extremely difficult to handle, but hopefully it was worth the numerous cuts and splinters you gave yourself. 
Natasha slips it on her right ring finger–a perfect fit. Maybe you needed to give yourself more credit for your handiwork.
“It’s beautiful,” she says, holding her hand up to admire the ring. “I love it. Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome.” 
Natasha snuggles closer to you and rests her head on your shoulder while you sit back and watch everyone else finish opening their gifts.
The rest of the day is busy but productive. Natasha has never felt happier watching the students competitively decorate gingerbread houses, then go outside and play in the snow. You don’t join in anymore, preferring to watch from the side. You’re already wearing the flannel Natasha got for you and Natasha gazes at you adoringly from afar. Despite the differences the two of you had from time to time, she hasn’t loved another person the way she loves you. But sometimes she worries that you don’t feel the same way. 
You still don’t talk very much, hardly opening up about your past the way Natasha has spilled about hers. Although you seem mostly content at the mansion, Natasha can tell you’re still adjusting to being around so many people. The life of solitude in the cabin in the woods had clearly been more your style, and she feels guilty for dragging you away from that. But as much as she would love to spend all day with you cozied up in a cabin you built with your own hands, it wasn’t a realistic option. Not with all the threats and dangers that could come her way.
Which is why it was so important to Natasha that the Red Room be dealt with, as soon as possible.
She didn’t like how dismissive you got every time she brought it up, but she understood why. You had found your domestic bliss and didn’t want to let it go anytime soon. She wasn’t going to blame you. But she wished you would actually listen to her instead of shutting her down all the time. She would figure out how to broach the topic with you eventually, but today was not that day.
After a quiet dinner, which is basically just warmed up leftovers from breakfast, Natasha finds you sitting by yourself on the couch in front of a dying fire. Most of the students had retired to their rooms, exhausted by the day’s festivities. Natasha sits next to you, leaning her shoulder against yours.
“Hey,” she whispers.
“Hi.” You offer her your hand and she clasps onto it, threading her fingers with yours. You smile when you see the wooden ring on her finger. It looks perfect on her. “Did you have fun today?” you ask. 
“It was the best Christmas I ever had,” she replies. “Thank you for inviting me.”
“Of course.”
Natasha is tired, but there’s still one more thing she wants to do with you. She rests her hand on your thigh, subtly at first, then she slowly starts to stroke your leg, her fingers barely perceptible through your jeans. You ignore her and her movements become bolder, creeping towards the inside of your thigh now and squeezing it lightly.
“Can I help you with something?” you finally ask. Natasha has always been a little more shy when it comes to asking for intimacy with you. But you were patient with her and never pressured her, and that encouraged her to have the confidence to ask if you were in the mood–even if she didn’t always do it with words. 
“Do you want to go upstairs?” she says, leaning forward until her lips almost touch yours. “I still have one more present to give you.”
“Oh, do you now?” you ask, trying to kiss her but she pulls away.
“You have to come upstairs,” she repeats, offering you her hand as she stands up.
“All right, all right.” Your knees creak as you push off the couch, taking Natasha’s hand and following her upstairs. You can hear her heartbeat pounding with excitement or maybe that’s…yours? You hope everyone else has gone to sleep by now, otherwise they wouldn’t be falling asleep anytime soon.
Back in the privacy of the bedroom, you let Natasha lead you to the bed and you sit down on the edge with her climbing onto your lap. 
“Is this okay?” she asks, her hands locking around the back of your neck.
“Of course,” you whisper, leaning in until your foreheads touch. Your arms circle her waist to hold her securely in place. Her breath fans over your face and her heartbeat pumps at an almost alarmingly quick rate. 
“I want you,” she says, rocking her hips against your thighs. “I want you to take me.”
“How do you want me?” you ask, before she presses her lips roughly to yours, her fingers digging into your neck. Her arousal spikes and so does yours. You open your mouth when she licks your lips to deepen the kiss. She tastes like vanilla and cookies and you instinctively pull her closer to you, wanting to devour her until the morning.
Natasha grabs the collar of your flannel, pulling apart the top buttons and running her hands down your chest and abs. Your skin burns where she touches you and you nip lightly on her bottom lip when she rests her hands on the buckle of your belt.
“I want to taste you,” you pant, hoping your request doesn’t come across as too greedy. Natasha has to fight down her thrill of excitement at your suggestion, wondering how you knew exactly what she wanted. She doesn’t even take the time to agree with you, instead hurriedly stripping off her clothes to show you how eager she is. You take off the flannel, setting it aside with reverence, then removing your undershirt and jeans. Natasha tackles you back on the bed, your thigh fitting between her legs and you feel the heat from her center rubbing against you.
“You’re so wet for me,” you say, holding her hips again and guiding her up until she’s hovering over your chest. “My good girl.”
“Your good girl,” Natasha reiterates, grabbing onto the headboard for support before she positions herself over your face. The scent of her arousal is almost overwhelming to you, and you waste no time bringing your arms over her thighs to pull her down. Natasha whines when your mouth makes contact with her slick center, your tongue slipping into her and coating with her juices. 
Natasha moans, grinding down so you can enter her deeper. Your arms tighten to prevent her from moving too much; you want to do things at your own pace. Her taste is so intoxicating and addictive, you could lie here forever eating her out. Natasha grips the headboard tighter, struggling to rock against your face for more friction, but you won’t let her. She whines in desperation, the noises music to your ears. Your tongue dips into her again before tracing up to her clit, flicking against it and Natasha grinds down harder on your chin, gasping and moaning. 
“Y/N,” she begs. “Y/N, please.”
You stop, pulling away from her far enough to say, “What do you want, baby?”
“I want you,” she repeats, her voice breaking. “I need you.”
“I know, baby. I got you.” As much as you love teasing her, this is not the time. You knew Natasha could sometimes be insecure about your relationship with her. But you had no regrets in choosing to be with her and loved her so much. You would never miss an opportunity to show her, either.
You loosen your arms around her so she has some freedom to move and Natasha quickly adjusts herself until she’s comfortable. When she settles back down on your face again, you find her clit and wrap your lips around it, rewarded with a long, drawn-out moan. Natasha rolls her hips to help you find a good rhythm. You feel her thighs tremble and more of her slick spills onto your tongue. 
“Oh, god. Oh fuck, Y/N,” she whimpers, the headboard flexing dangerously from how hard she’s holding onto it. 
Your stomach practically burns from how aroused you are with Natasha riding your face, and you’re hoping she’ll help you relieve some of the tension once you make her finish. You’ve held out as long as you could, and you can tell Natasha is ready to fall over the edge. Your tongue rests on her clit again, swiping upwards in a straight line, then dragging down at a diagonal angle, then going back up.
Your tongue moves in an inverted V next, drawing an imaginary bar between them.
You lick down her clit once more, then swipe perpendicular.
Natasha is panting and shaking, completely unaware that you’re trying to spell her name on her with your tongue. One of her hands has left the headboard and is holding tightly onto your hair in an attempt to guide you, but your own plan is already in action.
She doesn’t make it the next A, her back arching and thighs clamping around your head as she finally cums. You don’t let a drop of it go to waste, lapping at her sensitive folds until she’s whimpering and trying to pull your head away. Natasha lifts herself off your face with a contented sigh, turning herself away from the headboard now, but you’re not quite done with her yet.
You pull her back down on your face and she falls forward with her hands on your chest. 
“Did I say you could go anywhere?” you grumble playfully. 
“Y/N,” Natasha giggles. 
“Can I have one more, darling?” you ask, and she responds by sitting back on your face. But now Natasha is the one with other ideas, as she eyes the veins on your flexing abdomen that disappear behind the band of your underwear. You feel her hands run across your stomach and your breath hitches when she tugs down your underwear.
“Nat, what are you–oh, shit.” Now it’s your turn to gasp and moan when Natasha leans over and places her mouth on your dripping center. You completely lose focus of what you were doing, instinctively spreading your legs open further to give her better access. “Fuck baby, oh fuck,” you whine, your head dropping back on the pillow.
“Did I say you could stop?” Natasha teases, turning your own words back against you. It takes a monumental effort, but you calm yourself enough to put your mouth to work again. Natasha almost soaks herself when she realizes how turned on you’ve gotten just from eating her out. Now she has only one mission in mind: make you cum before she does a second time. But you’re refusing to make it easy for her, and Natasha is already dangerously close despite having finished mere minutes ago. She knows she has to hurry, but judging from the tremble in your thighs, you’re closer than you’re letting on.
Natasha’s tongue circles your clit and she can feel you panting against her, your own efforts faltering in their rhythm. She pushes back against your face to remind you of what you promised her. Your fingers dig into the curve of her ass and you feel her breasts rubbing against your abs. Her mouth is so hot and wet and perfect on you, making you lose your breath every time her tongue touches you.
“Fuck, Nat,” you whimper, feeling like you’re losing control of yourself. You’re not even sure if what you’re doing to her anymore is working because all you can think about is the throbbing in your lower stomach that begs to be released. Your back arches off the bed when her tongue lashes at your clit and she struggles and fails to push down on your thighs to keep you grounded. “Nat, I can’t,” you warn, a little embarrassed at how fast you’re ready to release. 
“It’s okay,” you hear Natasha say, “Cum for me, baby.” 
White floods your vision and all the muscles in your body tighten as you spill into her mouth, a moan catching in your throat. Your head spins in a rush of endorphins and you’re practically convulsing underneath Natasha when you finally come down from your high. She purrs in delight at her success, gently squeezing at your thighs. And as much as you want to flip her around and press her head against your chest, you still do owe her.
Natasha’s second orgasm is a little more subdued but just as pleasurable. She bites the inside of your thigh to quiet the noise of her moan and you almost cum again. But once she finds the strength to move, Natasha crawls back up to you, nuzzling the side of your head and kissing you. Normally, you could go several rounds without even stopping for a break, but you’re unusually exhausted today. Maybe it was from waking up at four o’clock to work on breakfast for everyone or making sure that the Christmas activities throughout the day ran smoothly. 
Natasha rests her head on your chest, listening to your steady heartbeat and you rub her shoulder, tilting your head down to breathe in the faded scent of her shampoo. 
“Merry Christmas, Y/N,” she whispers.
“Merry Christmas, darling.”
January 2, 2024
Dear Diary,
Professor Xavier called me personally to his office today. I was really nervous that I was in trouble for something. I’m still not sure how I feel about his mind-reading thing. I try to keep my thoughts in check when he’s around, but I think that makes it seem like I’m hiding something. But other than that, he’s only ever been polite and respectful to me, and I can tell Y/N really looks up to him as a mentor and father figure.
He told me he has a lead on where the Red Room could be and asked if I still want to pursue them. Of course I do, but I know Y/N isn’t happy about it. I thought she would understand more. I know she’s got her own past that she hasn’t told me the entirety of yet (not that she’s required to), but she’s told a few stories so I know her situation is similar enough to mine. I wish she was more supportive instead of trying to talk me out of it, but I know she’s worried too. She doesn’t want me rushing back into danger and I totally get that. But I just…I can’t stay here and be cared for and protected and loved when there are so many of my sisters still being held against their will and forced into doing horrible things.
Luckily, the professor seems more understanding of things. But I don’t want him or anyone else here risking their lives for me. If I have to go alone, I will. I don’t know if I can do it alone, though. I’m sure Y/N will insist on tagging along no matter what. I just hope she doesn’t get too grumpy about the whole thing.
January 4, 2024
Dear Diary,
I still haven’t told Y/N what the professor told me 2 days ago (assuming she hasn’t already gone through my diary and read about it here). I tried to mention it after dinner, but I could tell as soon as I let the “R” word slip she was not paying attention to the conversation anymore. I don’t want my frustration to build up, so I’ll probably have to be straightforward about it, which isn’t easy.
I know the professor can hear all of my thoughts, so I wonder if he’s going to get tired of them and just talk to Y/N himself. But probably not. This is my problem to handle. I’ll find the courage somehow to deal with it. 
I just hope it doesn’t cause Y/N to look down on me for this. I’m already nervous that I’m constantly annoying her, and if she gets fed up enough and kicks me out I will literally have nowhere to go and at that point, I’d welcome back the Red Room with open arms. That probably seems a little dramatic, but I really don’t want to risk losing the best person that ever came into my life. I have Y/N to thank for everything I have here, and I think most people in my position would call me crazy for trying to make any changes to my situation. 
But I’m not like most people. And I have to do what I think is right, even if others try to stop me. 
I’ll bring it up to Y/N later again. Maybe if I catch her in a good mood she’ll be more receptive to the idea. Wishing luck to my future self.
AN: Please leave likes, comments, and reblog! Follow for more content. 🥰
Multipart sequel in the works!
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marvelnatasha12346 · 7 months
Holiday shopping
Soft Nat
Natasha Romanoff x female reader
Summary: you and Nat go holiday shopping with your kids
Today was the day your family went shopping for Christmas gifts for your friends and extended family (avengers). You guys drove to the mall. “Ok everybody remember we are shopping for our uncles and aunts today,” Nat says. “Mama you help me buy pwents,” Ali states in a bossy voice. “I’ll help you buy presents boss,” your wife says with a laugh. “Me too me too,” Nick says. “Ok I will help you too,” Nat says. The Romanoff’s all go inside the mall. “What story are we going to first?” you ask the kids. “Target so we can get Mac and cheese for Aunty Yelena and things for aunt Wanda,” Ali says. “Ok target great choice,” you say. You all walk into Target. You grab a cart settling Nick inside the cart well Nat carries Taila.
“If you see anything that you would like to get for your other uncles or aunts let me know,” you say. You go down the cookware asisle Taila sees some Christmas towels and a mug that says Ho Ho on it. “Mama mommy can we please get some Christmas towels for Aunt Wanda and a cup for Uncle Bucky that says Ho Ho on it?”Taila asks. “Sure you want to put them in the cart or do you want mama to do it?” you ask. “Mama dose it,” Taila says with a smile. Nat puts the stuff in the cart and go down the clothes isle. Nick spots a purple sweatshirt with a cute dog on it he tugs on your hand. “Did you find something?” you ask. “Pwple pwple pwple,” he says excitedly looking at the purple sweatshirt with a cute dog on it. “Who are we getting the purple sweatshirt for?” Nat asks Nick. “Unle lin,”he says with a toothy grin. You put the sweatshirt in the cart. You go down a few more isles picking out gifts. “Let’s go get some food it’s almost lunch time,” Nat says.
“Great idea my love,” you say. The Romanoff’s all go to the food court. “Ok gang what do we all want?” you ask. “Nugget happy meal,” Ali states. “Nuggets too please,” Nick says. “What do you want mi amor?” you ask the love of your life. “Hmm I’ll have a double hamburger and some fries,” Nat replies. “Ok well I’ll be back with all the food soon,” you say leaving. Nat picks up Nick from the cart and puts him on her hip. He buries his face in his Mama’s neck clearly tired. You come back with the food ten minutes later. “Your food has arrived everyone,” you say setting down the tray of food down. “Thanks Детка,” Nat says. “No problem babe,” you respond. The four of you guys eat your food. After eating your food you all go to another store. “Let’s get the last few gifts for your aunts and uncles,” Nat says.
“Mama me tired,” Nick says trying to stay awake. “I know bud but just a couple more gifts then we can go home,” Nat says softly. You grab the last few gifts for everyone. The gifts are a purple sweatshirt with a cute dog, the mug, Christmas towels, mac and cheese with a bottle of hot sauce, paint supplies, a Spider-Man plushie, an Ironman Christmas sweater, a cute dog plushie, some candles, a photo album, and some science books.
You guys went out to the car Nat strapped the kids in their carseats well you put everything in the car. You drove home the kids all fell asleep on the way home. You and Nat put the kids down for a nap. Then unloaded the car setting everything inside. Nat made some warm drinks for you and you two cuddle on the couch relaxing. “I love spending time as a family, Nat says softly. “Me too love,” you say. You two share a long passionate kiss.
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kimetsu-chan · 4 months
~Zeno Headcanons~
A/N: headcanons for my lovely wife, @larz-barz! I will probably add to these every now and then, I’ll reblog it when I do!
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It is no secret that Zeno is tall
Like, man is a giant
A whole 6’1”(or 6’2”, I can’t remember-)
Point I’m trying to make is, he likes to carry people around
Like, even if the person is taller than him or the same height, he will swoop up behind them and carry the bridal style
He also likes putting people on his shoulders
Especially kids
He has no siblings, so when he interacts with young children, he gets really happy
He wants to have at least 2-3 kids so they won’t grow up lonely like he did
Zeno lore drop? 👀
Zeno has a very weak immune system, which was the cause of most of his loneliness
Super big lore drop, Zeno has lymphoma—
Its minor though, it doesn’t hinder him much besides making him get sick a lot
But his parents didn’t want to have more kids in case they had lymphoma too
And since he was sick often, he wasn’t allowed to play with other kids much as to not get them sick either
Zeno’s favorite food is Zosui, a Japanese rice soup!
He likes it because he learned to make it from a very young age (like… 9?) and his cousin taught him how to cook it
Zeno is very good at household chores. He cooks fairly often, even more so when he becomes a demon slayer since he’s out on his own
He also enjoys cleaning, finding the process rather satisfying
He also sewed his haori himself!
Zeno took a collection of fabric of his two favorite colors, and turned them into a haori
So in conclusion, the man is good housewife material
Someone better wife him up rn
*AHEM* Larz *AHEM*
….. yall hear smth?
Moving on, Zeno obviously is a very teasing dude
He LOVES to tease the living daylights outa people
Whether that be flirtatiously or not
But he is also, ✨ easily flustered ✨
Perfect combo, I know 😎
He’ll tell someone how cute/handsome/gorgeous they are without breaking a sweat
But the moment they throw it right back at him, he is suddenly a very blushy blushy boy o////o
He’d freeze for a few seconds then probably rub the back of his neck, a habit of his
Larz can confirm, this is in one of our rps
His hands are like little heating packets
Oh, you’re shivering? Zeno to the rescue 🤩
Zeno is a very pretty sleeper
Bro looks majestic in his sleep and I have a photo to prove it.
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Also yeah, he got some long lashes
Bro is just pretty 24/7
One thing that really irks Zeno, is when he gets accused of being a player/fboy bc of his personality
And yes, this has happened before
He was jokingly flirting with Aoi when he was helping her buy groceries and some random lady from the street stomped up to him and started lecturing him to “not play with a young lady’s heart”
Zeno has his own house(ik, weird for a 17yo)
But he stays there the days/nights he doesn’t have missions
He lives alone(poor lonely bby 😢) but likes to have people over often
He also likes to cook large portions of food and take them to the elderly people who live in his village, that way they get a free meal and they don’t have to eat alone(if they live alone)
He’s just a cutie patootie + bbg
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heytherejulietx · 2 years
Could I request something like Steve protecting reader in a fight please (maybe with a monster since he's better in those fights)?
ty for the request my love! this is a different take on that scene in the creel house. i got a little carried away with this one again but i hope you like it!
tw - vol 2 spoilers, thoughts of death, injury, near death
1.2k words
@eddie-darling @amazingphanisnotonfire-imagines @80strashbag @ilikefruitgummies @d22malfoys @ninuffi @eldriidd @icarus-star @demigirl-with-problems @alexxavicry @simplymurdock @sydnee-writes @savagejane1 @vintageobx @katsukis1wife @pastel-abyss-x @levylovegood @mayyvh @mystickenz join my tag list
The air was cold, and she shuddered as she walked through the creepy house, her eyes glued to the floor to make sure that she didn’t step on any of the vines. The old Creel house had made her nervous the first time they visited, but it was a whole different type of terrifying in the Upside-Down. It saddened her to think of Will Byers, and that he had gotten stuck there when he was just so small. That kid was way braver than she ever could be.
“Hey,” she had been squeezing the circulation out of Steve’s hand ever since they entered the house, but he hadn’t seemed to mind. His words were whispered and she glanced up at him for a moment. “Where do you fancy, then – Enzo’s, that pizza place near my house, McDonald’s–”
“You want to take me on a date to McDonald’s?”
Steve was good at reading her; what she needed, how she felt, what she thought. And she supposed it was because he knew that she was scared, or simply because he really did want to, but ever since they had climbed back through the portal in Eddie’s trailer he had been planning to take her on a date when they got home. It was sweet, and whilst the nervousness of what they were doing left her chest tight and uncomfortable, Steve still managed to make her smile.
“Well, it might not be the most romantic place, but it’s still nice. I’ll even buy you a Happy Meal.”
“Wow, Harrington, no wonder you’re so popular with the ladies.” She giggled, and he grinned at her.
“Guys,” Nancy’s voice from in front of them was nervous, and the girl’s frown made her feel nauseous with worry. “You hear that?”
Before Nancy could elaborate, a rumble ran through the house before the entire thing began to shake. It felt like the floor was purposely trying to push them over, like a horse trying to get someone off of its back, and if it wasn’t for Steve’s tight grip on her hand she would have fallen backwards down the staircase that took them too long to climb. He yanked her forwards away from the edge, and in her movement her foot stepped on something squishy, but as she gripped onto Steve’s arm with both hands her one thought was that she couldn’t fall over.
All of them were holding onto each other by the time it had stopped. Both of her hands were a vice on Steve’s arm, he had his free hand on Robin’s shoulder, who had her fingers laced with Nancy’s. It took them all a moment to let go of each other, and even then everyone stayed silent, listening for any other hints at it happening again.
“Alright,” Steve finally spoke up, squeezing Robin’s shoulder since she looked like she was about to throw up. “Onwards and upwards?”
Something cold touched her ankle, and her stomach dropped as something wrapped itself around her ankle. Her eyes were wide as she looked down and watched the vine wrap itself around her leg, and she didn’t move in fear of making it worse.
“Steve?” She whispered his name, and by the time he looked at her the vine had stopped moving.
Her hand slipped from his when she was pulled off of her feet, and all of the breath was knocked out of her when she hit the floor. She barely had time to suck a breath back in when another vine snaked around her chest, and she was lifted back up and slammed against the wall with such force that the air was forced from her lungs once again. They were all over her, slimy ropes that pulled at her limbs, restricting her movement whilst they kept her pinned to the wall. She was going to die, she thought as she struggled to breathe in again, oh god she was going to die.
Everyone else was panicking. Through her tears she made out Nancy’s figure as she slammed the butt of her gun against one of the vines, Robin was trying to pull the vines away from her legs, and Steve had his axe raised before he swung it down on the vine closest to her head.
“Steve-” Her words were rasped out through the conscricting vine around her neck, and as the tightness grew and her breathing began to struggle, she panicked more. “I don’t- I don’t wanna die.”
His eyes were wide, like she had slapped him, and for a moment the most terrified look she had ever seen crossed his features. Steve slammed the axe down again, his eyebrows scrunched, and he shook his head. “You’re not going to die.” His voice was firm, like he would not be letting that happen.
The vines were so tight they hurt. Her wrists were burning at the restricted blood flow, her stomach hurt with the pressure, and her throat was on fire from the lack of air. Her last struggled breaths were wheezed in and the heartbeat in her ears almost drowned out everyone else's panicking.
“Nancy!” She barely made out Steve’s panicked words. “You see that there? On my signal, shoot.”
Steve held the axe above his shoulder, and it was the last thing she saw before her eyes squeezed shut. She was growing lightheaded, and the panic was too much whilst watching them as well.
The gunshot was louder than she had anticipated, and it sent a rumble through the wall against her back whilst the axe cut through something on her other side. And thankfully the vines started loosening their hold on her. The one around her neck recoiled first, and she was left gasping for breath as the rest of the vines followed. The one around her stomach was last, and it dropped her from the wall, only to land on Steve, sending them both to the floor.
“Y/N!” His hands were on her cheeks as she spluttered for breath, leant over her as his knees pressed into her back. “Hey, hey talk to me! Are you okay?”
His face was a little blurry through her tears, and by that point she was half breathing in and half crying, but she took one of his wrists with her trembling hand and nodded.
“I’m okay, I’m okay.” She rushed out, and the latter half of her sentence was muffled by Steve’s jacket when he leaned down to hug her.
His palm worked its way against her upper back between her shoulder blades and anchored her to his chest, cradling her like she was a baby, and in the midst of her tears and aching everything it was exactly what she needed.
“Don’t ever do that again,” he mumbled into her hair, where he left a countless amount of kisses. “Okay? Shit, you scared the life out of me.”
“I’m okay,” she assured again, and sighed into his collar as she shut his eyes. “Promise.”
She knew that they still needed to finish what they came to do, but she allowed herself that one moment in his arms to feel better. She took in another deep breath and sighed, safe all the while she was encased in his arms.
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archiveikemen · 1 year
'Wicked Love Blooming In The Dark Night' Story Event: Chapter 2
Liam's Route
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
Liam: I could never do that. Because… you thought of me.
Liam pulled me in for a hug—
Liam: I’ll cherish this for the rest of my life. Thanks, Kate. … I’m very happy.
Being enveloped by a sweet vanilla scent and the feeling of Liam’s stronng arms around me made my heart flutter.
(I didn't expect him to be this pleased. … He’s amazing at making people happy.)
Kate: You’re welcome.
When we passed through the market and arrived at the orphanage, the staff welcomed us warmly.
I could tell that they weren't having an easy time running the orphanage. But—
Children: Big brother Liam…!
Liam: Long time no see. Come here.
(The children’s smiles are so bright… that's good.)
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Children: Hey, Liam. Who is this lady?
Liam: This big sister here is my lovely girlfriend.
Kate: …!
(No, no, this is only because of the setting—)
I noticed that the little girl next to Liam was trembling and looked like she was about to cry.
One glance at her face was enough to tell that she was infatuated with Liam.
Kate: He was just joking. I’m Kate, a friend of Liam’s.
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Liam: Huh?
Kate: Right?
Liam: Uhh if you say so… I guess?
Melissa: I see, you're just friends. Hehehe, I'm glad.
(That was close. I almost ruined a little girl’s puppy love…)
Liam: Hey, Melissa. The friend you usually play with isn’t here today?
Melissa: Yeah. You see, they went to a rich person’s house. … I’ll never see them again.
(Does that mean they got adopted and left the orphanage…?)
Liam: … I see.
Liam: Now, shall I use my magic to get rid of the “loneliness” in you?
Melissa: Magic?
Liam: I’ll perform your favourite story for you.
Melissa: “Cinderella”! Liam is a prince!
Liam: You want to see “Cinderella”? Okay. Then—
Liam took off his jacket and hopped onto a chair—
Liam: “Let’s have a party to find a future bride!”
Kate • Melissa: Wow…!
The story being played in front of us instantly captivated our hearts.
I noticed that the orphanage’s staff had also gathered around and were watching Liam enthusiastically.
Liam could always make the atmosphere so fun that it feels like you’ve escaped reality for a moment.
(... He’s like a star. One that everyone wants to see and reach out for.)
Ever since I stepped into Crown’s darkness, I never had a smile naturally form on my face.
But right now, I found myself unknowingly smiling.
The story of “Cinderella” played by Liam came to an end with a round of applause—
Children: I’m hungry—!
Liam: Is it meal time? I’ll go get the teachers.
Kate: I’ll watch the kids in the meantime.
Liam was taking quite a while to return, so I decided to leave the room in search of him.
(He should be somewhere where the staff are gathered. … Where could that be?)
At that moment, I caught a waft of the vanilla scent Liam always had.
I followed the smell and—
I ended up in an empty basement.
Kate: … Liam?
(... He isn’t here?)
Just as I was about to turn around and leave, a stack of papers fell onto the floor out of nowhere.
I was surprised and… Liam suddenly appeared in front of me.
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Liam: What's the matter, Kate?
Kate: I came looking for you because you didn't come back.
Kate: What on earth were you doing here?
(Even went out of your way to use your ability so you won't get noticed…?)
Liam: Hm? I was playing hide-and-seek. The children invited me to play with them.
The unexpected response caught me by surprise, and a smile of relief followed.
(... Oh.)
Kate: I see. But isn't it unfair if you use your ability to make yourself invisible?
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Liam: Ahaha, you’re right. That means I’ve lost the game of hide-and-seek, it seems?
After meal time, it was time for the children to take a nap.
Perhaps it was because the child had gotten comfortable with me, so I laid down while hugging her.
Melissa, the little girl who was infatuated with Liam, rubbed her eyes sleepily in my arms.
Kate: Able to fall asleep…?
Melissa: Mm-hmm… but I’m scared.
Melissa: Sometimes… I dream of scary things. I don't like it.
Kate: …
I don't know what the child had gone through.
But there might've been permanent wounds in that little heart.
Liam gently stroked Melissa’s soft hair.
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Liam: I understand. Sometimes, sleeping can get… scary.
Liam: … It feels like you’re being chased by a shadow that won't go away. And being forced to face something you don't want to.
(... Liam?)
Liam: I can’t really get rid of those things already in your heart. But…
Liam: I think I can help take away the scary things that are going to happen to you.
Liam: You too, Kate.
Kate: Me?
Liam ruffled my hair with his hand.
Liam: I’ll erase all your fears. All of them, every last one, I’ll make them disappear.
Liam: Everything will be alright. … I can do it.
I looked up when I sensed the restlessness in his voice.
But all I saw was his gentle smile, so I brushed the feeling off as a misunderstanding.
(He must've said that to reassure Melissa and I.)
Everyone has to fight their own fears.
There is definitely no such person who can erase every single scary thing.
(But now… I’m happy to receive Liam’s kindness.)
Liam: Mm, alright. Nap time.
Kate: …
— Good night. Into the peaceful land of dreams you go.
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lunarswritings · 2 years
Inaccurate Random Tears of Themis Headcannons
I litterally don’t know what to write so if u wanna send an idea go for it, if you already sent one I didn’t get it so send it again! If u wanna use these headcannons for whatever just go for it
Warnings: small mentions of death and maybe ooc idk what I’m doing at this point, maybe angst?? Didn’t proof read as much as I should oops
During the 8 years Luke was gone. While Luke would go to the grocery store and go to the candy isle and look at the candy and chips him and Rosa used to eat
Sometimes he would buy Rosa’s favorite candy when he’s feelin a little emotional :(
When Luke was free sometimes he would look at Rosa’s social media to check up on her and even search her up and look at the cases she’s taken
Okay little theory here but I feel like Luke knows the whereabouts of Rosa’s parents since he worked for the government and has A+ searching skills
What if they’re dead and he doesn’t want to tell Rosa omg
Okokok off topic anyway
He checks up on em (if they’re alive) and makes sure they’re ok bc yk family whooo
I don’t think it’s been canon on when Artem fell in love with Rosa but I think it would be super cute if he had a small lil crush before chapter 1
He probably didn’t know it was a crush and thought of it as admiration?
I bet he tried to start a small conversation with her and tried to give her a small compliment of her work and talk about something related to work because that’s totally relatable??
Poor Rosa did not get the message but she still admired him!!
Yk in that sr date Artem said he got a matching set of all his kitchen utensils
If he broke any of them or they worn out somehow I bet he bought the same set and has duplicates of everything just so he could replace that one tool so he has a small box for them
Artem would read the about page of every recipe because he thinks it’s important and is afraid he’ll miss something, even if it’s just a simple history of said meal he’s not taking any risks
As soon as Artem heard what Rosa’s favorite dish is, he searched up a recipe and kept making it until it was PERFECT, down to the seasoning
Bonus points if he knows your spice level
Ok so Idk what canon language Stellis has, maybe Stellis has its own language or maybe it’s Chinese or whatever dub y’all picked
But I feel like when Vyn first was learning the Stellis language he would use formal instead of causal for everything
Yk when ur taking your second language classes and there’s an informal and formal version for addressing people or yourself and other words
or maybe it depends on the language idk
As Vyn was learning the Stellis language he would almost never use informal words when he first learned it since he had his royal image and never used casual terms
I bet people thought his accent was either funny or cute but not in a bad way
Eventually he got better
But he gets really happy when a book he wants has it in the Svart language since he can read the book faster
Movies with Svart subtitles? He’s watching it
He probably takes longer to read documents in Stellis’s language but not like really long
“Wow he’s really taking up all the words and thoroughly checking!”
No he’s just trying to read the poor document
His speed improves tho dw
Vyn used to get a little bit self conscious since he stuck out a lot with his silver hair and he was a foreigner but he stopped thinking about it after a few months
Plus the fan club of Vyn maybe helped in some way?
If Vyn has a small idea of Rosa’s schedule or favorite places sometimes when he’s free he’ll visit or try to go to routes that match Rosa’s schedule
It’s like a “I’ll take a different hallway so I can see my crush for a few seconds” during school
There’s a 50% chance Giann did a “we’re going to Disneyland!” Prank where he’d wake child Marius at 4am to pack his bags and then tell him it was a lie
Marius def cried and went to his dad at like 4 am
Marius gives Disney kid vibes and he definetly loved Tangled
He loved Eugene
Omg what if Rosa and Marius did a rapunzel and Flynn rider costume for Halloween for funsies
Oh my god it’s perfect.
When Marius was in high school I bet at least once he got locked in the art room since he was glued in the art room and the teacher had to kick him out , imagine he couldn’t see him one time and he got locked in
He probably either
A: panicked and called his dad
B: texted his dad and fell asleep in there
Marius likes pineapple on his pizza idk why
Maybe he likes the idea of annoying people who hate it I suppose
Marius found out Rosa’s favorite lipstick/gloss shade and got the makeup department of PAX to make it so Rosa could get a PAX lipstick and for free
“It’s like you’re carrying a piece of me with you!”
Speaking of PAX
I wonder if Marius gives Rosa discounts
If she asked he’d do it anyway
Marius sometimes searches up Rosa online to see anything the news says about her
Maybe when they’re dating he double checks to see if there’s any article catching on their relationship
You know those edits people make of celebrities
What if people made edits of Rosa and Marius when their relationship was public
That’s so funny to think about
Marius would def look through that and look at the comments
Would def have beef with whatever news company said something bad about her
Rosa used to have a romance novel phase
Maybe in like middle school or high school since as a lawyer she doesn’t have time or think about romance
Until like a while after tho
Def would fangirl about them to Luke and get him to read said novel (which he did obviously)
She recites every piece of evidence before a trial and has planned out every possible response to anything the prosecution say the night before
sometimes teaches Vyn slang in Stellis language bc she finds it funny as Vyn contemplates the meaning of them
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dyns33 · 2 years
Flufftober 24 - Wonder woman 1984
Maxwell Lord x Reader
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Everyone was convinced that Maxwell Lord loved Halloween.
After all, Halloween was the most American holiday, one of the most capitalist, which was very much like his job.
Some people who were pretending to be what they were not, who were going through the streets one by one, knocking on all the doors asking for goods to prevent something bad from happening.
Of course, Maxwell didn't like his job that much. He was not always proud to lie, but he did his best to satisfy his customers, his employees and his investors.
Every year he made the joke of showing up at work in exactly the same outfit as usual, stating that he was dressed up as a corrupt salesman who had a gold watch, two houses and a yacht.
He had none of that. He was barely able to pay his bills at the end of the month. But nobody knew that.
Except Y/N.
Even if he had done his best to hide his disastrous financial situation from her when they had met, wanting to impress and seduce her, the young woman was not stupid. It hadn't taken her long to notice that he always wore the same clothes, that he missed certain meals and that he panicked as soon as she asked him if she could come to his place.
           "Max, you know I don't give a damn about your salary."
           "You say that, and you're lovely, and I'm sure you really don't think it's important, but in a few months when I can't buy you flowers on every date or take you to the restaurant, or..."
           "Max." she repeated, taking his face in her hands. "I don't need flowers or restaurants. I don't like you for your money."
           "... It's true that I'm not bad. I'm even good. But I could be better !"
           "Yes, you could be less materialistic." he said, kissing him on the nose.
It was remembering that exchange that Y/N decorated Maxwell's office, expecting him to arrive with pockets full of candy. Even though she kept telling him that he shouldn't waste his money on trivial things, he insisted on giving lots of things to people he met. In return, he was sure to receive their love and admiration.
He really didn't seem to believe this was possible if he was just being himself. It couldn't be enough for people to like him, for Y/N to like him, or for Alistair to like him.
This was the other reason why Maxwell loved Halloween. It was the perfect time to spend time with his son, making him laugh, his eyes sparkling with happiness. Those of the father too, who had remained a big child on the inside, despite his need to be seen as a successful businessman by his peers.
It was a real surprise to see him arrive like every day, displaying his forced smile which barely hid his discomfort, greeting her with a quick kiss before sitting down behind his desk.
           "Oh, you put up the Halloween decorations. I forgot it was soon, it's beautiful sweetie."
           "You can't have forgotten, you love this party."
           "Ah, yes, it's true, it's a great party, I really like this party."
Y/N gave him a long look, but he didn't turn to her, avoiding her eyes and continuing to pretend to work, giggling nervously, using way too many happy expressions to sound sincere.
           "Max. What's going on ?"
           "... I don't have enough money to throw a Halloween party this year."
           "It's not a problem."
           "I... I'm not going to have Alistair this year." he added, biting his lip to keep from crying.
           "What ?! But I thought you were okay with him going to his mom's house for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and you had him for Halloween and New Years."
           "It was what was planned, but in the end his mom changed her mind. She says she's never gone candy hunting with him, so it's her turn, and I'll have Christmas. This isn't so bad, it's good, Christmas, I'm going to save up to buy him all the presents he wants."
           "He just wants to spend time with you."
           "Of course. In two months. He will have grown a lot, it may not be a good idea to buy him a bike, it will be too small for him when he comes."
           "Video games, maybe ? Kids like it, I think. Comics. A horse ! Some..."
           "... I miss him." he muttered, starting to sob. "I would like to see him more often. And... Halloween was our thing."
Y/N immediately hugged him, knowing that wouldn't be enough to comfort him. Maxwell may not have been the perfect father, but he loved his son more than anything. He knew he couldn't see him all the time, he also had to be with his mother a bit, and he couldn't suggest that they do things together, because they were bound to end up arguing, in front of the boy, which was not a good idea.
If he liked Halloween a little, it was only because he could see his son, and that wasn't possible this year.
           "I can remove the decorations if you want."
           "No, no. I don't want to prevent the others from having fun. We can even dress up and go out if you want. Or stay at home watching bad horror movies. We... We do this with Alistair, normally, after the candy hunt."
To not sadden him further, Y/N replied that they had time to think about it, before going to get him a coffee.
As soon as his back was turned, she gradually removed the decorations, to prevent him from getting depressed every time he saw them, while getting ready for the big night.
When it came, being very quiet, Maxwell agreed to put on a ridiculous turtle disguise, while Y/N was dressed as a silly rabbit, and to remain quietly in the chocolate dining room in front of Coraline, after the children had finished ringing their doorbell.
           "It's not a bad movie." he commented as he quickly ate the chocolates. "Alistair likes it."
           "I know." Y/N said mischievously, putting the dvd on stop after looking at the time. "I have a surprise for you."
Then there was a noise in the hall, someone running and a little lion jumping on the couch between them.
           "Daddy !"
           "Alistair ?!"
As he hugged his son, surprised to see him, Y/N quickly went to collect the kid's things and thank his mother, who had agreed to drop him off after the candy hunt. Even though she didn't love Max anymore, she admitted that he wasn't a bad parent, so they could both have a Halloween party with him. She had had the first part, he could watch a movie with him, and reassure him all night if he was scared.
           "Oh, honey, thank you, thank you, thank you !" Maxwell repeated when she came back into the living room.
           "You are the best, Y/N !"
This made her laugh, as they both hugged her before watching the movie. Alistair asserted that he would never go into the world of buttons, with the other parents, because his dad and his second mum were already great. His mum wasn't bad either.
Max tried not to cry with joy.
However, he still didn't understand the message and decided that his son should really have as many toys as possible for Christmas, despite all the patience and gentleness of Y/N to make him understand that it was absolutely not necessary.
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yunieluna · 2 months
These are the Days of our Lives
a Biggs x Jessie fanfic
Chapter 3: Corneo's land / Don't stop me now
Biggs has been reading the letter Jessie sent over and over again. It hasn’t even been addressed to him, and was basically only containing basic information:
>> Ms. Folia,
This is my first payment. I hope it’ll suffice for the moment.
You know, that I had planned to stay here for only a few weeks, but I got an offer to extend my stay - the payment had been so good, that I accepted that offer. So I’ll be staying longer, in fact, until they change the play in 2 months.
I’ll be sending money again soon. If there’s anything else I can do in the meantime, don’t hesitate to ask.
I hope everybody is fine and holding up. I can’t wait to be back.
Many hugs,
Jessie <<
The concerning part was the envelope it came in. There is a the stamp of the Gold Saucer Post Office on it. Many hope to receive written greetings from friends and loved ones featuring this stamp. Stamp . Wonder why that’s the name of Shinra’s mascot? A thought that had crossed Biggs’ mind several times in the past. Especially when they used Stamp the dog as a sign to lead the way in some of their Avalanche operations. Maybe he would’ve been happy about the letter from that particular post office as well, if one detail hadn't been different. The letters underneath the logo of the stamp on the envelope didn’t read ‘Gold Saucer’ anymore, but ‘Corneoland’.
Some news travels slower than others… and they were controlled by Shinra anyway. So to hear that ‘Gold Saucer’ had officially been rebranded and would be called ‘Corneoland’ from now on, was never on the top list of prioritized subjects to report on. Since most people in the slums couldn’t afford to go there anyway, they didn’t even care. Biggs did though. He did some digging, and found out that it was actually not just a rebranding, but a whole change of who’s in charge. Apparently, Dio and Corneo agreed to fight over ownership rights to Gold Saucer in Musclehead Colosseum - the battle arena - and Dio suffered a roaring defeat. Some connections said that it wasn’t fair and square, and Dio had been injured before the battle. But whatever may be true, it doesn’t change the fact that Jessie is there, working for Don Corneo. If that creep is involved, there’s no way this could ever turn out well.
So there’s really only one thing to do. Go, and get her back to Leaf House as fast as possible. Sure, everybody Biggs knows always teases him with being too worried and overprotective, but the last time he had a bad gut feeling, he had dismissed it…and then the slums were buried underneath the one piece of pizza that had been the disc of Sector 7. He won’t be too late this time.
Ms. Folia is understanding and wishing him good luck. The kids are mainly bothered by the fact that he’s leaving again, but since he promised to bring some souvenirs, and Jessie, they gave him a pass. He grabs some money he had hid close to Leaf House, a spot he always uses since he’s been a kid growing up in the orphanage himself, and leaves.
The lights are impressive. In fact, everything about this place is. They use Mako like starving men devouring a meal... Barrett would’ve come up with a much fiercer comparison , Biggs snickers to himself. Focus! I need to find Jessie.
The visitors’ information guide, which oddly looks like the weirdest Moogle one could ever imagine, advises him to go to Event Square - the theater. After reaching it and asking for her specifically, he gets dismissed. Jessie will be performing on stage soon, he can’t see her now.
Wait! He can, actually. So he buys a ticket and waits for the show to begin.
The seats are sold out. Every single guest is eager to see the play. Biggs recognized Jessie’s poster on his way to the theater. She looks like an angel. There wouldn’t be any other description that could ever fit any better. The white flowing dress she’s wearing, the lighting, the white wings, her sincere expression. Definitely not the Jessie I know , he remembers shaking his head slightly in amusement.
Suddenly, the lights go out, the curtain rises, music starts to play…let the show begin. A group of people perform a ballet dance while a narrator sums up the premise of the story they are about to tell…
And then there she is. Slowly descending from the ceiling, bathed in sparkling light. All eyes are on her.
Wow . Biggs knows that this word doesn't even come close to giving justice to what he's seeing. He secretly thanks the circumstances that brought him here. That he got the opportunity to see her like this, performing on stage, being somebody else completely.
She's beautiful, no debate about that. Even when she's sweaty and her face is covered in dirt after missions. But the way it is presented here, the astonishing atmosphere that highlights every aspect of her, amazes him beyond comprehension.
He never really cared about what ‘Loveless' is about. Something romantic , it's in the name, after all. But seeing the story play out for the first time, is invoking a sudden feeling of sadness in him. He can't really pinpoint why it does, though.
The ending is bittersweet. The hero parts from his lover Rosa, the part Jessie plays, promising to come back after he completed his journey. They embrace one last time, then the play is over.
A roaring applause around him is what follows. Biggs somehow still can't really process why the play has affected him so much. Is it, because he had seen Jessie for the first time again? Or because, even though they went through so much, in the end, the lovers still couldn't be together? He's not into romance per se, so why would something like this bother him at all?
He finally manages to get up from his seat and join the crowd in their standing ovations. The lights get turned on again. All actors return to the stage to thank the audience and bathe in the joyous clapping they earned from their stellar performances.
Jessie is beaming in the center of her acting colleagues and scans the crowd from time to time. She loves seeing all the happy, content and moved faces of the audience. It validates her art even more, and gives her the strength to keep going.
There's still so much joy in this world and we definitely need to fight to protect it. She concludes. After her third bow to the audience she looks up again… This can't be! But there's no doubt about it, it IS him. Within the many faces that had just been watching her performance, is Biggs’, who’s smiling right at her. She can't help but tear up a little with the realization. He woke up, he's recovered…and he's here.
As soon as all the actors had returned backstage for good, she ran back to the theater hall. She didn't even change out of her costume.
Please let him still be there. That was her only thought, more of a plea than anything else.
The doors had already been closed for cleaning and the hall was empty, except for a lonely figure still sitting in their seat, waiting.
“Biggs!” she exclaims.
He raises his head when he hears his name. It was the right choice to wait here , he thinks for a second, then gets up from his seat and moves to the aisle…just in time for Jessie to reach him.
He's caught off guard when she flings herself at him. Her arms slung around his neck, her head buried in his chest, an embrace so intimate that he failed to react right away. After a moment and without even realizing it, his hands automatically move around her body, both coming to a stop, resting on her back lightly at first…but when he closes his eyes to bathe in her presence, in this unknown closeness between them, he can't help, but tighten the grip on her body.
It's almost desperate. As if they both feared the other would vanish, if they let go even a little. Jessie doesn't know how much time passed, seconds? Minutes? Years? She finally moves her head to look at him though, is she making sure that he's not a Fata Morgana? Or did she only miss looking him in the eyes?
“I can't believe that you're really here.” She breaks the tightness of the embrace a little when she starts to directly speak to him.
“Wouldn't wanna have missed seeing you perform.” He warmly states.
She knows he means it. But she's also sure that it's not all that there's to it.
“Common, be honest. I know you well enough to know that this isn't the only reason you're here.”
Biggs snickers a little, smiling shyly. They still haven't let go of each other. Biggs’ hands had wandered to get a better look at her, comfortably resting on both sides of her waist. Jessie's fingers were intertwined behind his neck. Neither of them recognized this, though. There was only joy… written over both their faces, so they had no time to realize the gravity of this new kind of intimacy that started to blossom between them.
“And here I am thinkin’ ya would be glad to see me.” He answers teasingly.
A statement like this would usually result in a snarky comment from Jessie, and then they'd banter until one gave up - well, until Biggs gave up. This time, though, Jessie looks him straight in the eyes and sincerely says:
“You have NO idea how happy I am to see you, Biggs.”
His expression freezes a little in shock. Her being like this is rare, she usually hides behind jokes and teasing. He decides to pay her back with sincerity as well.
“Me, too, Jessie…Ms. Folia told me about you…that you were by my side most of the time while I was unconscious…Really, I don’t know what to say…besides, thank you.”
“No,” she shakes her head a little, “I wish I could’ve done more.”
He sees sadness overcoming her expression. Well done, Biggs, you completely ruined the mood. So he tries to change the subject. He lets go of her waist and starts to rummage through one of his pockets. Jessie removes her hands from the place they’d been behind his neck to give him better access to whatever he was looking for.
“Thought ya might want those back?” he says, presenting two items.
One is the glove she left on the desk in his room. The other Wedge’s red bandana. He had really brought them with him. A token for every member of their trio. That’s what they were, at least, before they met Tifa and Barrett.
“Hey, where’s your headband?” It took her until this moment to realize that he wasn’t wearing it. And his clothes had been different too.
“Ah yeah, well, they had cut it open when patching me up…it’s too short to wear now. Same goes for my old clothes.” He scratches the back of his head with his free hand.
Jessie feels a little embarrassed that she hadn’t thought of the obvious. If she had inspected his headband at least once, she would’ve known. Well, too late now. She absolutely doesn’t want any of the two items she gave to him, though. So she puts her hands on Biggs’ one that contained them and closes it gently.
“These are presents, keep them as memorabilia of better days.”
He knows that she’s thinking of Wedge specifically…Jessie and Biggs are still alive, after all. So are Cloud, Tifa and Barrett, although they have gone on a mission to save the planet. At least that’s what they heard from Marlene and Elmyra, Aerith’s mother who took Marlene in after Seventh Heaven, her home, got destroyed. Biggs was relieved that Marlene had been safe and sound. He loves all kids, but to be completely honest, Marlene holds a special place in his heart. Whenever they were tired from their missions, or just hungover from drinking too much, she managed to make them smile. Sometimes, he wondered how it would feel to have a daughter like her of his own. Sure, he already had plenty of kids he took care of, but he always feels more like a big brother or mentor to them than a father. The current world is not exactly a great place to raise a child, though, so he quickly dismisses this thought every single time. Maybe I’ll go with cats then…Just like Wedge .
“Let’s divide Wedge’s bandana between us. You should have something from him, too.” Biggs protests, presenting the red piece of cloth again.
Jessie looks at the bandana, considering, then takes it from Biggs. She enfolds it with her hands and steps in front of him - as close as they were a few moments before. They are looking at each other, studying their behavior. Jessie moves her hands behind his neck again…her gaze never leaves Biggs’... What’s with the weird tension? He finally admits that something about them feels completely different now compared to their interactions before the pillar incident…She’s fidgeting in the meantime.
“Here…let me take a look.” She takes a few steps back from him. “Perfect.”
When he looked down in the direction of his chest, he finally understood what she had been doing.
“You’re not the head bandana type. But it suits you around the neck.” She winks, smiling.
“But…” He’s cut off immediately.
“No protests! You keep it." She insists. “And I get to look at it whenever I see you.” She is radiant, grinning from ear to ear, her eyes sparkling with content.
“It’s a deal.” He happily nods in agreement. Then, after a pause, he adds, “Speaking of which, what’s up with your agreement with Corneo?”
Finally, the cat’s out of the bag, she thinks. He’s worrying again.
“So that’s really why you came here all the way.” She can’t help but feel a little disappointed.
Noticing the change in her demeanor, Biggs tries to appear appeasing, “Look, I know that you’re tough, Jessie. And I’m very glad I saw you perform. You were…” he huffs at the loss of words, “out of everybody else's league.” Radiant, stellar, gorgeous, mesmerizing, beautiful… here he stops mentally adding words and continues his speech.
“Corneo is dangerous, though. You know that he’s powerful, and…on top of that, unpredictable. Come back home with me.” He’s pleading now.
Before Jessie gets to answer, though, they’re suddenly interrupted by two people she would rather not know. Kotch and Scotch, Don Corneo’s right hand men, waltz into the theater hall, right in her and Biggs’ direction.
“My my my, our starlet’s havin’ a nice little chit-chat with one of her fans?” Kotch teases amused.
“Look at how close they are. Bet it’s her boyfriend, nah?” Scotch chimes in.
“The Don ‘ll not be pleased about that, ya know.”
Shit. I need to do something, or we’ll both be in trouble. Jessie takes a small breath and starts her charade.
“No need to be jealous, you two and Corneo know I’m all his.” She then points at Biggs, “This guy right here? He’s just somebody from Midgar I used to know. He happened to recognize me and we just had a little talk about home. He’s about to go now anyway, right?” She looks Biggs in the eyes intently.
Biggs listened to Jessie’s rambling, and hated every single word she uttered. He got the hint at the end, but every fiber in his body fights to follow her lead. He trusts her completely, that’s not the issue. The issue is that he wants to kick the asses of these despicable people, and then move on to Corneo. It’s unfortunate that he couldn't bring his pistol, but firearms are forbidden around here. So he balls his hands into fists instead. At least that releases the tension a little.
Jessie grows impatient, though and addresses him again, “Alright. Was nice chatting with you. Safe travels home.”
Biggs can’t take it anymore. The urge to say something became too strong. The urge to grab her wrists and take her with him is even stronger, though. So he does exactly that...
“No! I’m not letting you stay here with these creeps, Jessie!”
Biggs, what are you doing? Why can’t you just play along? But it’s too late now. Kotch and Scotch had already accepted the challenge.
“Woah, woah, woah, not so fast.” Kotch steps in front of Biggs, “That white knight shit ya pullin’ ain’t impressin’ anybody. She’s the Don’s property, as per contract. So if ya don’t wanna end up as Abzu’s dinner, ya should be gone…and pronto.”
That’s as open as a threat can be. Abzu is Corneo’s pet monster, it’s huge and extremely dangerous.
Dammit! Biggs had just recovered. No way I'll drag him into this mess. This is Jessie’s last chance to keep Biggs safe. To protect him from any harm. It’s on her now and she won’t risk losing him again. Not until he knows…
It was already late at night at Seventh Heaven, only a few lamps above the counter were granting some light to the remaining members of Avalanche. Barrett and Wedge had already retired for the evening, but Biggs and Jessie had volunteered to stay a while longer and help Tifa clean up the bar.
"So, it's just us three again then, huh?" Jessie nearly stumbles over this sentence. After starting the evening test drinking Tifa's new cocktail creations with Biggs, the few beers with the whole Avalanche group later, had really taken a toll on her sobriety.
"I should've really stayed true to my word and cut you off the drinks for good...you can't even form a proper sentence anymore," remarked Biggs.
"Ugh, you're always cutting the fun short, though, so you definitely did at least stay true to that.", Jessie said in a playfully teasing voice.
"Yeah, yeah...got it." He waves his right hand in front of his face in defeat. "Got an early morning tomorrow, so I'm out anyway. Good night, ya’ two!"
Tifa smiles and says, "Good night to you as well. And thanks for helping clean up."
A snicker and small head shake later, Biggs adds, "No worries. 's my hobby. Really helps to clear up your mind."
"Here we go again..."Jessie grins, rolling her eyes a little.
Turning around to leave and trying to ignore Jessie's comment, Biggs can't help but add, "Oh, and Tifa, no more drinks for her. I ain't gonna be around anymore to catch her from falling like earlier...yet alone carry her home."
"Only nice and cool people get to carry me anyway!" is the last he hears before he's out of the bar, chuckling to himself. He might have really gotten on Jessie's bad side with that remark, and he's wondering if it might come back biting him in the ass later. Jessie's a force to be reckoned with after all and she never fails to show that part of her personality to anyone who's dumb enough to underestimate her. But that's a problem for another day, he thinks.
"Psych! So annoying that he treats me like a child...", Jessie mumbles, still in rage mode.
"He only worries about you." Tifa smiles knowingly. "Yeah, way too much though...Anyway, please tell me you're not gonna listen to him, and we can at least enjoy one more drink together before going to bed? You know, us Avalanche girls must stick together." Jessie winks at Tifa while forming this request in a begging tone.
Sticking her tongue out, Tifa says, "Alright, but it's going to be virgin."
Tifa fixes two mocktails in an instant, and Jessie needs to admit that she has never seen a faster and better bartender than her in her entire life. Not even the professionals at the Gold Saucer are able to show this kind of expertise when it comes to drinks... and punches , Jessie internally adds and chuckles about her joke.
"To Avalanche girl power!" Jessie raises the glass of the bright orange drink she received. "Okay then!" and with that, the two women clung their glasses together gracefully, each taking a sip of their drink afterwards.
There's a small moment of silence between them, so Jessie decides to take another gulp of her tasty drink, when suddenly Tifa breaks the silence: "You like him, right? ... Biggs, I mean."
Still wondering if she really heard right, what Tifa just said, the fluid Jessie was just about to swallow, nearly got stuck in her throat. Three small coughs and wiping away a tear that escaped her left eye later, she managed to compose herself.
“Did…Did you just say that you think I’m into Biggs?” Jessie desperately needs to set this straight.
“Sorry for the sudden question…didn’t mean to catch you off guard. I just thought that it’s quite obvious, you know.” Tifa says sincerely.
"Obvious? What makes you think that?" Jessie is shocked that, in fact, this is truly what Tifa believes.
Now it’s Tifa’s turn to take another sip of her drink. She then moves to the other side of the counter to sit next to Jessie, cradling her glass in both hands. Tifa contemplates how to put what she observed into words, when suddenly that weird, knowing smile from earlier appears again.
“Well, you’re a really nice person, Jessie. To everyone, even strangers. Except for Wedge and Biggs, you really give them a hard time sometimes.” Tifa is chuckling for a second and then continues, “I know you have known them both for a long time, but there’s still a difference in how you treat each of them that I recognized…For example, earlier, when we were having pizza and beer and Wedge was kinda having a downer, you instantly built him up because he’s your friend, far and foremost…But you can’t take Biggs’ cheeky remarks for even a second without paying him back - that happened twice today, actually. And one of these instances was very touchy as well.” Jessie became unusually silent by this point. “So that’s why I think you like Biggs more than a mere friend. You’re so different around him, not in a bad way, more like you feel you can be your true self around him, not the perfect actress from the Gold Saucer stage that everyone else expects, just Jessie from Avalanche.”
Tifa had finished her explanation and was waiting for an answer. Or any reaction at all. Jessie, on the other hand, was just staring at her half-emptied glass.
“Wow, and here I was thinking nobody could look through my acting skills,” she suddenly states, still focusing on nothing but her glass.
“Sorry, I didn’t want to embarrass you. Let’s talk about something else.” had been Tifa’s response. But it was too late to deny the truth to Jessie. Screw alcohol for making your tongue loose. ‘In vinum veritas est’ - ‘the truth lies within wine’, the saying goes. Only in this case, it’s more like ‘in Cosmo Canyonum veritas est’.
“No, you’re right, Tifa.” A pause. “I think I’ve been liking him for a while now, actually.”
There’s silence stretching between them again, until Tifa gets up from her stool next to Jessie, gets behind the counter, and prepares another drink for them both. It’s definitely not virgin this time, though.
“Here.” Tifa moves back towards Jessie’s side and sets a second glass in front of her. “This one is perfect for this kind of talk.”
Jessie takes the new drink in her right hand, raises it in the air to salute Tifa, and devours half of it in one go. Tifa tilts her head, watching Jessie, and then moves on to say, “I mean, I get why you’re into him. He’s very kind, protective, funny, smart, and likes kids - seriously, who spends nearly all of his income on donating it to an orphanage?” They both snicker in amazement. “Aaaand, on top, he’s really handsome and well trained too.”
“So, you’re my rival then?” Jessie inquires blushingly, half joking, half completely sincere.
“Oh no, don’t worry. He’s all yours. There’s actually someone I like already.”
“Do I know them?”
“No, he’s someone from my past, my hometown.”
Jessie nods in agreement.
“So, are you going to confess to Biggs?”, is the second time this evening that Jessie nearly chokes on her drink. What’s with Tifa and her bad timing
“No! Never.” Jessie is shaking her head furiously.
“Why’s that?” Tifa asks curiously.
“Isn’t THAT obvious? You already said it yourself. We have known each other for so long, and he’s one of my best friends. I wouldn’t want to risk that. Besides, there’s Avalanche as well. We’ve come really far and are about to really make a difference. No way would I let something like that come in between our goals.”
“But isn’t one of our goals fighting for a better future?” Tifa looks at Jessie intently. “A future we all want to live in? A future that makes us happy? Don’t you think you wouldn't regret not telling him? …Cause, honestly, I did regret that I'd never told the person I liked what I felt. But now, it’s too late. I don’t even know where he is right now.”
Jessie sees the sadness in Tifa’s eyes. It has been a while since she’s been affected by a conversation that much, but it also makes her feel so much closer to her friend.
“Maybe, if our missions go well, I’ll consider telling him…” Jessie winks and then suddenly turns serious, raising her right index finger in front of Tifa’s face “But don’t you dare say a word to anyone!”
Tifa gets the playful hint, “Hehe! I won’t, promise!”
“Go home!" Jessie practically yells at Biggs. “It’s none of your business.” She yanks her hand out of his grip and continues, “I’ll be back after I fulfill my contract." Her voice gets softer again, “Promise, okay?”
He always secretly admired Jessie’s fierce side, even though ending up on her bad side from time to time was scary as hell. Not as scary as what he just witnessed, though. There’s no need to argue any further when she’s like this, that much he knows. So he sadly nods in defeat and turns to leave the hall.
"Alright. If that’s what you want…See ya around then."
As if she really wanted to stay rather than go with him…To be in his presence…To be with him - literally…He has no clue that this is what she wants the most. Biggs, I’m sorry, but I can’t violate the contract. It’s simply too dangerous, you said so yourself…Corneo is unpredictable. Knowing that she did the right thing, doesn’t keep her from feeling her heart torn into two, when she sees the entrance door of the theater hall closing after Biggs.
He stayed at the Haunted Hotel for a night. Not in the hopes of trying again to persuade Jessie to come with him, it was simply too late to leave the previous evening. Since he couldn’t find any rest, he basically spent the whole night drinking at the bar on the first floor. The drinks had been fancy, ghost-themed cocktails that could never reach Tifa’s in quality. He would’ve given one hand for a ‘Cosmo Canyon’. And the other to be able to have drinks again with everyone at Seventh Heaven. People sometimes argue he’s drinking too much, but this, and cleaning, are the only things that keep his mind from overthinking everything.
Much to his own surprise, the alcohol wasn’t able to distract him from worrying this time. Worse, it actually made him wallow in self-pity. He had failed to get Jessie out of Corneo’s reach. You’re useless. You failed to save Wedge. And now you’re losing her, too.
The speakers above his head sprung to life, an announcement followed, the gondola back to the ground would leave soon. He made his way to the station.
The gondola was already in sight when he overheard bits of a conversation. He recognized the voices from the previous day. The most unpleasant encounter he ever had, and they were talking about Jessie at this very moment.
He follows them, but stays as far away as possible, so he wouldn’t raise any suspicion. He definitely needs to know what they are up to, and Jessie’s role in it…he can’t believe what they were talking about.
They suddenly look in his direction, but Biggs is already gone, sprinting to Event Square.
Pic for this chapter:
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Some shots from the games for visual reference:
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Loved writing this chapter, especially the tension between them.
Gold Saucer never becomes Corneoland in the game, thanks to Cloud and friends. I think the bet was also just about naming rights and not ownership. I enjoyed raising the stakes, though.
Biggs is wearing the Rebirth outfit in this story, even though I like the other one better. I really wondered about the bandana he wears around his neck when playing Rebirth, so I came up with a little explanation. Would love if it really is Wedge's.
I mean look at the resemblance of the color and shape - it must be his, right?
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lingering-42-long · 1 year
I’ll be home for Christmas pt 3
Last of the series! I loved writing this as I enjoyed being domestic and true to what many families go though during the holidays. I was also debating on if I should have him come home After Christmas, but everyone wants a happy ending so here it is, enjoy and Merry Christmas!
Warnings: none, General fluff, mention of spicy time, Just Overall, squishy, domestic fluff
(Y/n) lay on her bed, looking though her phone at the list of things she had to get done today. Last minute gifts for the family, make the eggnog for the Christmas Eve party, finish wrapping presents, buy groceries, and house clean. (Y/n) closed her notes and looked at the Home Screen, a picture of Johnny and her last Christmas playing in the snow. It had been a particularly cold winter and snow had fallen. The two of you were playing in the snow. He had thrown a snowball at (y/n) as she made a feeble attempt to catch the snowball, witch had splattered all over her. Laughter could be seen by the two. The photo was taken by Johnny’s cousin.
(Y/n) smiled as she recalled the memories. She hoped Johnny was well and ok. Finally deciding that it was time to get up, (y/n) got dressed and made her way downstairs where she saw Eilidh drinking coffee. “Good mornen love” the older woman smiled. “Good morning! Where’s Keith?”
“Oh he is doing his own running around.” Eilidh shook her head, “left early too.”
“Oh bummer. Are we still good to go shopping today?” (Y/n) asked.
Eilidh shook her head. “I’ve got to take Johnny’s nephew to the doctors, his mother is going to get presents for the kids. I’m sorry love.” She gave a sad smile.
“No no! It’s alright! I got my list and I will be back home before everyone else probably.” (Y/n) chuckled as she made her coffee. “Do you need anything while I’m out?”
“Nope but I will text you if I do.” Jonny’s mother responded. “When are you going to go?” She asked
“Probably after I have my coffee” She shrugged.
“Good idea, git there befer the traffic.” Eilidh nodded. “I hate how busy it can get this time o’ yer”
“Same” (y/n) chuckled.
After some time (y/n) made her way into town, to do the shopping. (Y/n) walked around the many Isles picking up and collecting things that she would need for later on. Christmas Eve was coming tomorrow and she wanted to make sure everything was ready to go. She was just about ready to head to the cash register when she received a text from Eilidh. ‘Hey sorry. I do have a small list I need to pick up. Can you do it for me?’
(Y/n) sighed and texted back ‘sure! Send it over.’ Shopping was never fun bye herself. She preferred to go with somebody, she preferred to go with Johnny, but Johnny wasn’t going to make it she feared. How could he? The list came in. Just a handful of items easy to grab and quickly go. Within a few more minutes she was able to collect all the things that she needed and made her way back to the cashier with another 20 minutes of scanning. Once everything was loaded into her car she made her way back home.
‘I’ll be home for Christmas’ was playing on the radio. It seemed to be the song that kept echoing around more so this time of the year. ‘I bet Johnny is thinking about it too’ (y/n) thought to herself. She wondered what the army did for people who were overseas during the holidays. Did they get a special holiday meal or some form of Sunday service? Did they get the day off? She didn’t know. Rarely did she dive into Johnny’s life in the army. She knew his friends, his battle buddies as he would call them, and she knew a few terms that he would use on a frequent basis with certain terms meant just so that she could stay in a somewhat understanding anytime he was talking to one of his Conrads. But 9 times out of 10 (y/n) Didn’t get herself involved that much. She didn’t want him to think about work while he was at home with his family.
Coming home, finally, after nearly four hours of shopping and driving, (y/n) made it to Johnny’s parents home were she had been staying and helping to decorate. (Y/n) noted Keith was back by his car being in the driveway. Smoke puffed out of the chimney. She got out of the car and grabbed what bags she could carry and made her way to the door.
Opening the door she called out from the foyer “Hey guys I’m home!” (Y/n) walked into the kitchen with the groceries, “Hey can someone help me with the bags, I got a few more in the trunk.” I said
“I can help with tha’” a deep Accented voice approached from behind her. (Y/n) spun around and saw Jonny standing there, smiling at her “hello Lass did you miss meh?” (Y/n)’s eyes glistened with tears as she jumped into his arms “what kind of a crazy question is that you twat”
Johnny laughed, “I missed ye so much” he rocked her back and forth.
“I was afraid you weren’t going to make it”
“Aye, so did I bonne, but I am here now. Da’ got me from tha’ airport this mornin’”
“So your mom and dad knew you were coming, and I’m over here worried sick that you were injured or worse, killed.”
“Ah Lass! They hav’ te stab me a hundred times befer’ I go doon.” Johnny kissed (y/n) passionately and smiled at her “Ga I missed ye so much!”
“I still got the groceries in the car.”
“Let meh help ye with tha’” Johnny got on his coat and shoes and opened the door for (y/n).
That night after dinner and the family was watching football, Johnny was holding onto (y/n), gently rubbing her back with one hand and occasionally kissing her neck. His other fingers entwined with hers as the two nestled underneath a thick, wool blanket. Johnny occasionally whispered “I love ye” and called her all the pet names she loved.
“Christmas eve is tomorrow… are you excited to see everyone?” (Y/n) asked as she nuzzled into his body.
“Aye. It will be nice to see tha’ wee babes.”
“We best get to sleep then. Or I am not going to have any energy for tomorrow.” (Y/n) yawned witch earned her a bunch of wet kisses from her boyfriend.
“I agree.”
The two went up to (y/n)‘s room she had been staying in. Johnny had already had his gear in there at the foot of the bed but he paid no mind to it. “Lass… I want ye” he groaned as Johnny kissed the back of her neck.
“Well Sargent, what are you waiting for?” (Y/n) teased.
That night the two became too tired in the morning.
Sunlight filtered into the room as (y/n) felt something stroking her back. Johnny, who was already awake smiled at (y/n) as she shuffled over to the other side to face him.
“Good mor’n” Johnny kissed (y/n) gently and brought her close to his bare body.
“Morning~” (y/n) yawned and kissed her boyfriend.
“Did ye sleep good?” He asked, stroking his beloved’s cheek.
“What little sleep I did have yes.” (Y/n) chuckled and buried her face in the crook of his neck.
“Ah I know Lass, but we got a busy day ahead of us, tis Christmas Eve und I want ta spend it with my Bonnie Lass and family.” His thick Gaelic coming out strong and deep as his voice was still sleepy.
“But I just wanna sleep.” (Y/n) muffled then sighed.
“Alright, five moe minutes.” Johnny rolled his eyes and laughed.
Five minutes turned into thirty, which then later on turned into an hour because the two had continue to doze on and off, only to wake up fully when Keith knocked on the door asking if they were ever going to come out. Johnny called back to inform his father that they would be down in a bit.
“ I guess tha’s our Queue, Lass” he kissed his girlfriend’s lips gently before sitting up and giving out a big stretch. Y/n could not help but to stare at the way his back muscles rippled, as he pulled his arms up.
“Like wha ya see Lass?” He checked behind him to see (y/n) staring.
“Oh hell yah. You look good” she blushed as she too sat up.
“Well you’re tha one that I loove lookn’ at.” Johnny chuckled as he took a long glance at (y/n)’s naked body “you’re breathtakingly beautiful.” He leaned behind to give her another kiss “It was so ‘ard te leave ya behind. I missed ye so mooch.”
“It was hard for me too. I was worried something happened or worse.” The thought made her shiver.
“Ah Lass I’ll always come back te ye.” Johnny smiled “I already told ye tha’”
Y/n nodded and stood up “right! I got a crap ton of things I got to do.” She smiled “wanna help me my Gaelic sergeant?”
“Aye!” He got up quickly and followed in suit.
Christmas Eve Knights in the family was gather together for a pre-Christmas party. Cousins and their children, the little nieces and nephews running around laughing and giggling as they still cookies and bits of food from the kitchen as the grandparents would scold and chase them out only to have them return once again. Johnny was currently drinking scotch and in a conversation with one of his cousins about a recent rugby match, though, he would glance ever so often on his girlfriend to make sure she was there. It was silly, he knew, but he felt better knowing that he could see (y/n).
(Y/n), on the other hand, was in the kitchen cleaning dishes. The food was about to be served soon and everyone was getting ready. She had made a casserole that her mom had made at large family gatherings.
Keith called from the dining hall, “Alright everyone! Foods ready ta eat!” All the family stopped what they were doing and made there way to the massive dinner table and sat down, the kids had there own table to sit at. (Y/n) was about to pull up a chair when Johnny swooped in from behind to do it for her “my lady” he gave a slight bow. (Y/n) laughed lightly and sat down. Johnny carefully scooted her in and sat next to her.
“Alright! Let’s say grace.” Keith announced. The family bowed there heads as Keith led the family in prayer. With a final Amen, everyone dug into the food.
Laughter and talking could be heard as the family made jokes, told stories, and debated about the political issues in Scotland. (Y/n) was talking to one of the members when she felt her knee get bumped by her boyfriend. She bumped back and the two continued this for a while.
After dinner the family went back into the living room to enjoy dessert. The kids and adults were aloud to look into there stockings as tradition in the McTavish household. (Y/n) was sitting on Johnny’s lap as she was handed her stocking by Eilidh. Some pretty earrings, some of her favorite chocolate, a necklace, a gift card to her favorite book store and a black box. (Y/n) oped the black box and gasped. There nestled in the center was, a beautiful ring. The ring was simple but elegant. A Diamond in the center With two smaller gems that were her birthstones. Followed by four smaller diamonds on each side, it was very simple but beautiful.
(Y/n) looked at Johnny as he set her off his lap and got down on one knee and held her hand “ I wanted ta give this ta ye tomorrow, but I missed ye so much I knew that’ I couldn’t wait much moe’.” Johnny’s eyes glistened slightly and his hands were shaking, but his voice was strong and clear. (Y/n) (Y/l/n), will ye share with meh, your future, hopes, and dreams? Will you marry meh?” it felt like time had stopped and nothing mattered everyone held their breath and looked at the two expectantly “YES! YES YES YES!” (Y/n) threw her arms around her Now Scottish fiancé and peppered his face with kisses as he held on tightly to her letting a few tears slip from his eyes. “Ah Lass ye make me the happiest man in tha’ world!” He picked her up and spun her around the room as everyone clapped and cheered, and congratulated The two.
A bottle of champagne was opened. Johnny‘s male cousins and other relatives were clapping him on the back and congratulating him, while the females were all gathered around marveling at the beautiful ring that was now adorning (y/n)’s ring finger. Johnny looked at his beautiful fiancé, Nothing in this world seem to matter. He would be marrying the love of his life, after three years of carefully considering. He looked forward to starting this new life with his bride to be.
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starjane312 · 1 year
Kit Tanthalos x OC
Big Masterlist
Chapter 23
W: The shattered sea. Where the Maps end and our Final test begins.
E: What’s the test ?
W: We have to walk across it.
J: Ah, a quick stroll I see.
B: Do we Though ? Cause no one who's gone out there has actually ever come back. 
W: Crossing the sea is the Only way to reach the Immemorial City.
K: So let’s go.
I look at her and she's dead pale.
J: No. You need to rest first.
K: I’m Good. 
She takes about five steps forward and falls down. I catch her before she can touch the Ground. And pick her up
J: You ‘re good my ass. You need to rest not only for your sake. That was a High risk for the Baby. 
She looks at me and nods. With her in my Arms we find a Hut. We slowly walk in. It doesn't look like somebody’s here but the Fire is Burning.
G: Hello ? Anybody home ? Hello ? Anyone here ?
I sit kit down on a chair by the Fire and put the Blanket from the Chair on her Lap. She takes my Hand.
K: Thanks.
J: Always.
I take a seat next to her. I look back to the others and see Elora walking towards a Man.
J: Oh great, a dead body.
E: I guess there are worse ways to go.
Suddenly the man opens his eyes.
?: What ?
J: And he’s alive.
E: Oh god.
?: I am dreaming and you are figments of my Imagination.
B: Afraid not.
?: Prove it.
Ja: Proof that we’re real ?
Kit lays her head back on the Chair and gives my Hand a soft squeeze. The man laughs.
?: You can’t, can you ? Or perhaps I’m a figment of your Imagination. Or we're all phantoms in the Dream of some vindictive god suffering from a spot of indigestion.
I look at kit. She still doesn’t look better.
K: I can feel you worrying.
She opens one eye.
K: I’ll be fine.
?: Ah. Liberating isn’t it ?
B: What ?
?: That it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. You have coin ?
W: I have gold, some Gems, diamonds, sapphires, rubies.
I look at him astonished.
J: Are you kidding me ?
G: And we’ve never once stayed at a decent inn.
J: No, we were sleeping on the Floor.
He shrugs.  Out of the Blue a thud and a screech rings out. You can hear chains rattling. I look at Graydon. He is standing closest to it. He goes and checks on it.
?: Don’t get many customers outside of colossus crab season … and even that isn’t what it used to be.
G: What is that?
?: It’s a Mudmander. 
J: Doesn’t sound too happy.
The man turns some leaver and Something like a carriage lights up.
?: Zeb’s silt sleigh. Available for excursions if you fancy a tour around the many scenic coves and islets of the Eastern Coast.
B: And, uh, what if we wanted to take it a bit further ?
J: Yea turns out Willow‘s loaded so that won’t be a problem.
E: Yeah, how much to buy it.
Z: Let’s discuss this after supper.
Food sounds good especially for Kit. 
Z: You all look as if you could do with a hot meal. And lucky for you, I’m an excellent cook.
After half an hour it turns out he is not. I look at the plate and see alive Worms in a white substance. Kit tries to suppress a Gag. I lay my hand on her Thigh. Boorman digs in.
W: Uh, Do you have any salt ?
Z: Salt ?
The man gets up. We dump the food on the floor. I look inside the satchel on my Belt. I still have some berries in there. That’ll have to do.
W: You from Cashmere ?
Z: Aye. You’ve been ?
W: Long time ago.
Z: You ever meet a bloke there named Phil ?
W: Uh … Not that I recall.
Z: Good. He’s a right jackass.
K: What are you doing out here all alone ?
Z: Uh, well, I was a Warrior. Paladin of Cashmere. One of three sent to rescue the Princess, who was taken by servants of a dark power and whom I loved.
Kit grabs my Hand that is still on my Thigh.
Z: Tho she was betrothed to … 
E: To who ?
I see the look she gives me. I roll my eyes. 
Z: No, no hang on a minute. That’s a different quest. 
I furrow my Eyebrows and look at him. 
Z: This one was to find an enchanted pool that granted whomsoever drank of it’s water … No, That’s not the right one either. 
G: You don’t know what Quest you were on ?
I give a side look to Graydon. Obviously that man is out of his mind. I mean who wouldn’t after living out here alone for god knows how long. 
Z: Well all these quests and battles and aspirants vying for the throne, they sometimes sorta all get blended together.
Ja: Well what do you remember?
Kit lays her head on my shoulder. I take a breath. She is exhausted and this is really not helping.
Z: Years wandering the shattered Sea. Our Boots rotting, our swords rusting in their scabbards. Till we forgot who we were, what we were searching for. And in the end, we turned on eachother. Murdered each other.
Hm, that's great. Very promising for the future of our Baby. All of a sudden a Thunderclaps. I Flinch and Kit’s grip on my Hand tightens.
K: What’s beyond the shattered sea ?
Z: Some say that, uh, eventually you reach the edge of the World and get swept off. Others speak of a leviathan so monstrous that even to see it is to lose your mind. But the truth, I know there’s nothing beyond. The sea goes on forever. 
I sigh and lay my Head on Kit’s.
E: Just because you didn’t find anything. Doesn’t mean it isn’t there. It is.
She looks at us.
K: Guess we’ll find out. 
E: Yeah. We will.
For a moment there is nothing but Quietness then Kit sits up.
K: When I was drowing, I saw Aryk and the Crone was reaching out for him. I think he’s running out of time.
I look down at the reminder that I almost lost her. We all get coats from Zeb. Slowly we all retreat and find a palace to Sleep. Me and Kit sit down in a Corner, her back resting against my Chest. Eating the few Berries.
J: I don’t want you to go out there.
She looks at me almost angry.
K: What ?
J: The man said they were out there for years. What if they really were ? I don’t want you to give birth out there with absolutely no one around.
K: Yeah that won’t happen.
J: You don’t know that.
K: You don’t either. Let’s just sleep. I’m exhausted.
She leans back against me. I lay my Arms around her and close my Eyes.
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whats-wild-to-you · 2 years
request for a scenario of reader telling jay she’s pregnant, very cute and fluffy pls 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
this has been sitting in my inbox for way too long .. sorry 🙏 I hope you enjoy 🫶
“Oh,no!” Calmly you placed the pregnancy test on the sink and left the bathroom. You knew something was up when you were late for your period but chucked it up to stress. Breathing heavily, you paced up and down the room. Jay was gone for the day but you knew you’d have to tell him as soon as possible.
You remembered the conversation you had in bed on a random Sunday morning. It was the first weekend Jay had taken off in a long time and he was being extra sweet and attentive. He also told you about upcoming plans and projects and when your face fell he quickly embraced you in his arms, kissing the top of your head.
“I know I said I’d slow down, and I promise I will!”
“It’s okay!”
“No, it’s not!”
“I saw your face when Honey J told us about her pregnancy and her wedding plans! You want it too, a husband and a baby!”
“Every woman does, it part of our DNA!”
“But I’m asking you specifically! Why can’t you answer me? What are you scared of? That I don’t want these things?”
“Well, do you?”
“Of course! I want to start a family with you one day!”
One day. His last words kept replaying in your head while you were frantically thinking of a way to tell him.
Your heart started racing. What if he said it was too soon? You didn’t want to think about that, instead you made some tea and crawled into bed again.
Jay returned after a long day and was surprised to find you curled up in bed.
“Are you sick?”
“No.” You said, staring into space. “I’m sorry, you’re probably hungry. I’ll make dinner.”
“Forget dinner. Tell me what’s wrong?”
Right. You shouldn’t keep it a secret from him. He has the right to know. Maybe his reaction will surprise you!
“Sit down for a moment!” You said while getting out bed.
Jay sat down, looking at you expectantly. You didn’t want to scare him any further so you didn’t beat around the bush.
“I took a pregnancy test this morning and it turned positive.” You said in a calm tone, searching for a reaction in Jay’s face. But he remained silent, just stared at you. Then he grabbed his phone and keys and walked out.
You knew exactly what that meant. He was not ready. Refusing to shed any tears, you looked up OB/GYN’s in your area, determined to get an appointment as soon as possible. Solemnly you headed to the kitchen to make dinner for Jay, knowing full well that he didn’t have a proper meal all day. Vowing to yourself to stay calm once he came back, you silently set the table.
You heard the door spring open soon after, and some rustling as Jay made his way to you. Without a word he set a dozen bags on the kitchen counter, unpacking each one.
“What is t-” Your eyes wandered around, scanning each item. There were vitamins, books, baby clothes, baby toys and some other things you didn’t know the names of.
“I didn’t exactly know what to buy so I asked a sales assistant. If there’s something missing, we’ll go back and buy it tomorrow!”
You were speechless. Jay was staring at you teary eyed, the smile on his face getting bigger as time passed.
“I thought you were mad.” You whispered, wiping off a single tear.
“Are you kidding me? I’m the happiest man alive!” Jay said while stretching out his arms. He engulfed you in a tight hug, crying softly.
“From now on, work comes second on the list! You and our baby are my number one priority!”
After dinner you snuggled up on the couch, with Jay carefully caressing your belly. You were bursting with happiness, grinning from ear to ear as you pictured your little family.
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strawberry-metal · 2 years
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“Ack, sorry, that must of really weirded you out, didn’t it? Would you... at least allow me to explain myself? My sister and I grew up in poverty, we lived in the slums. No one wanted to help us despite being kids, because they were scared of us. People are scared of chimeras. But the people in the slums accepted us. We were the oldest kids there, so we often would look after the little ones, and try to get them any food we could get... so sometimes, Koryea and I would have to survive off of wild plants and grass. We didn’t start getting well off with money until our 20s. Even then, I worry about us reverting back, so I sometimes will still eat wild plants and grass instead of an actual meal, so we won’t have to spend any money to feed me. That’s why my first instinct was to eat the daisies you brought me. I’m sorry!”
Koryea places a comforting hand on his shoulder. She felt guilty. He didn’t say it, but another reason why it took so long for them to start being well off, is because she developed an eating disorder. Anorexia to be exact. It took a few years for her to finally overcome it. If it weren’t for him having to spend so much money to try and get her the proper help she needed, maybe they wouldn’t of been so poor for so long. She’s supposed to be the older twin, but he’s the one always taking care of her.
“ Hyeon... it’s ok. You don’t have to explain yourself every time you make a little mistake.” “Sis... you’re right, I probably overexplain myself too much. But...don’t call me Hyeon. We’re Koryea and Kyle now, remember?” “...Yes.”
“I’m sorry about the daisies. If you still wanna go on a date, I’d be happy to, but I’m not sure if you’d really enjoy it with someone like me, ehehe. I’ll buy you some daisies to make up for the earlier ones!”
Kyle and Koryea models: Me
Metalite-chan model: TheBizarreKazeko/Kazekothestrange
Stage: Amiamy111
Hand poses: purplecapybara
Diffusion7: sovoro
LikeHDR: Otamon
SVSSAO: sovoro
HGdiffuse: HariganeP
Sweet Shader: Ianami
Postrimlighting yellow: MasterBallP edit by ChestNutScoop
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