#i’m not giving up not gonna run; i’ll be there when you need me ♥ ᴀᴍᴀʀᴏɴ: ᴘᴜxʀʟᴜɴᴀᴇ
sapientiiae · 7 months
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Don't mind Amaron walking into Zelda's study before placing a flower crown, he had painfully managed to thread together, upon her head. Various wildflowers and long pieces of grass. @puxrlunae
Their meetings had become more regular over time, but they were even more frequent now that Amaron had moved into one of the spare rooms in Hyrule Castle. The only time she knew not to expect him was when he was out on jobs the court had requested of him, which was why she no longer looked up to see who it was entering her study, knowing nine times out of ten it would be him.
“I am on the final page of this report. I can have one of the maids bring up tea if you—“ 
Words falter as she feels something featherlight placed gently on her head, her focus shifting from the parchment and quill to the blonde mercenary that stood in front of her. “What is this?” she questioned, carefully setting down her quill so as to not get ink everywhere before her hands lifted to her head, gingerly feeling for whatever it was Amaron had placed. Hindered by her gloves, Zelda carefully removed the item when she’d been unable to successfully identify the object, a small gasp escaping her lips at the sight of the flower crown.
The wild flowers were vibrant in color and skillfully woven through the long blades or grass. It was a beautiful blend of violet and pastel rose with pops of white that perfectly complimented the bold green of the grass, a sight that brought the brightest of smiles to Zelda’s lips as she looked from the crown back to Amaron.
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“It is beautiful! Did you…make this for me?”
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motelofmermaids · 1 month
anakin skywalker’s & james kelly’s reactions to seeing your scars for the first time
ok soooo this is a little different from what i usually post… and definitely PERSONAL!!! 😟 kinda in a mood & i’m mainly writing this for me… but if this is somehow comforting to other girlies out there, you’re strong & i adore you!!
cw: mentions of self harm & self harm scars
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♥︎ anakin skywalker
anakin had you splayed out on his bed, his lips moving softly against yours—so much so that you were urging him for more. your fingers tangled in his long, soft curls, pulling him further down into you, as if he was your source of oxygen and belonging. “baby,” he coos against your lips, voice hushed and deep. he kissed you until your mind was hazy, and when you hear his voice, feel his lips pull away, you opened your eyes in a daze—blinking them as you smile up at him. he looks proud of you, smiling longingly as he teases the hem of your pants, a silent question of consent; without hesitation, you nod.
and as he tugged gently, pulling them off just above your knees, he suddenly stops. you follow his eyes, to the dozens of fading scars adorning your upper thigh. “oh…” it was dumb, a verbal acknowledgment as if you’d completely forgotten that they were there. when your eyes found his face again you didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, your heart shattering at his expression. he looked heartbroken… angry? frustrated? his eyebrows were furrowed together tightly, his lips parted and eyes glossy. “anakin,” you croak out, your mouth suddenly dry and you need to run—to hide. it was dreadful, and when you attempted to squirm away from his piercing gaze, his big hand ever so gently gripped your calf.
“who did this to you?” and now you really wanted to laugh, because, “what… what do you mean, ani? i did.” he swallowed hard, his mouth closing as he nearly pouted at the sight before him. his hand moved, his fingers slightly curling as he hesitated, before he traced them. his featherlight touches made your heart pound violently in your chest, and your lips parted in disbelief. anakin’s eyes finally met yours, his movements stopping. “i’m sorry, baby, did i—“ your face twisted as you finally bursted into tears, covering your face with shaky hands. anakin was panicking, his hands grabbing your wrists—so gentle, as if you’d break—and pulling them away.
“i’m sorry, my love. i’m so, so sorry. i didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” he mumbled, his lips pressing against your temple. you flutter your eyes shut, shaking your head. “please don’t be mad at me,” it was nearly incoherent, your breaths shaky and your sobs uncontrollable. “please don’t think ‘m ugly—“ large hands cup your face, wiping away your tears. he placed small kisses on your cheeks, your nose, your forehead. “my love,” he breathes out, pausing to kiss a tear away, “i’m not mad at you… nor would i ever, in my lifetime, think you’re ugly. i love you. i’ll always love you, and i’d do anything… anything to make sure you’re okay.”
it takes you a minute to process, but once you open your eyes, your sight blurry and your lip quivering, you know he means it. he looks so in love. and you hadn’t even realized it, but one of his hands was splayed across your scars, his thumb caressing the skin gently. “these are beautiful… they prove just how strong you are.” he says it so easily, his voice unwavering. “you’re my beautiful, strong, and precious girl. i want you to talk to me, okay? whenever you feel hurt, whenever you’re afraid or angry… i want to be with you for it all.” all you can do is nod dumbly, and he smiles—that smile he only ever gives you, so genuine and sweet.
“i love you too, ani.”
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♡︎ james kelly
“ok, so… the appointment is at three.” you had scheduled an appointment for james at the bank, in hopes of getting a loan to start up his auto repair business. he was skeptical, of course, shaking his head slightly. “doll, they aren’t gonna give me a loan.” he lets out a frustrated breath, sitting at the edge of the bed, watching you take out your freshly packed clothes. this had been the first time you’ve spent the night, and he wanted to take it slow—especially after his last relationship. “you don’t know that,” you sigh, pulling down your pajama pants, mindlessly in conversation. “they could give you a loan, james! and this could be the beginning of your business!” you say with a smile, turning to him.
james had his tatted hand covering his mouth, his eyebrows knitted together as he eyed the dozens of scars littering your skin. your gaze moved between your thigh and james, biting on your bottom lip nervously. before you even had the chance to fully process it, james moved to his feet, closing the distance between the both of you. looking down at you, worry and so much adoration mixing in his expression, james parts his lips to speak. “you ok now?” he asks softly, his fingers featherlight as he strokes your cheek. “we don’t have to talk ‘bout it, doll… just wanna know if you’re doin’ better.”
you nod softly, eyes wide and truthful as you gaze into his. “‘m fine, james. it was a while ago… i know they’re not the best to look—“ he quiets you with a gentle kiss, his hands moving to grip your hips. “don’t say that, doll. you’re so fuckin’ gorgeous,” james mumbles against your mouth, pulling you closer to him. “you don’t even get it…” and it sounds so good coming from james’ lips, strained and deep—as if he wanted to devour and worship you all at once. the smile that adorns your face is shy, your cheeks flushing at his praise. the knots that were twisting and turning your stomach into a nervous state eases away, instead being replaced with a comforting warmth.
“now,” james pulls away slightly, hands still comfortably resting your hips, “let’s get to that appointment, baby… and afterwards we’re gonna go on a little date. sounds good?” and who would deny that? who would deny james? you close the distance once more, planting a sweet and lingering kiss on his lips. “thank you for not bein’ weird about it… i really, truly like you.” james’ smile was enough to make your knees wobbly—his deep, blue eyes were no help.
“yeah? well i really, truly like you, too.”
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nqctar · 3 months
super stressed
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이찬영 / anton lee ★
pairings: cg! anton lee x f!little reader. genre: sfw age regression, fluff. synopsis: cg!anton comforts his stressed little after they become too overwhelmed with college. warnings: nonsexual usage of 'daddy.' no major warnings apply. dni: you sexualize little space. requested by @graceslittlecorner ♥︎
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"oh my god," you mumble. "i'm losing my mind." there are homework papers scattered everywhere on your desk and the floor, textbooks stacked on top of each other lay dangerously close to the edge, and the study music you put on loop hours ago started sounding like nails on a chalkboard a few minutes ago.
you weren't usually this unorganized when studying, but midterms were scarily close. everything college related was going good so far, and you were terrified of messing it up.
it had been weeks since you regressed. you felt as if you had no time to do so, and a part of you convinced yourself that you needed to give anton a break. anton on the other hand, was concerned. he subtly tried to get you to regress by putting on cartoons while you two sat in the living room, and "accidentally" leaving your stuffie lulu on the bed with your paci next to it. unfortunately, his attempts were futile.
while lost in thought, you hear a knock and out of the corner of your eye you see anton peeking in, pushing a few books you threw by the door out of the way as he opens it.
"hi love, i brought you some fruit." his tone is sweet, you notice he's speaking to you in his caregiver voice. you smile at him and whisper a 'thank you,' as he sets the bowl on an empty spot on your desk. "how's studying going?" you look at the mess of homework and books everywhere and let out a sigh. "perfectly fine! i have everything under control."
anton can tell that you're feeling overwhelmed. even though he wants to cuddle you and help you slip, he doesn't know if now is a good time to ask.
while trying to reorganize things, you realize one of your homework papers is now missing. you start shoving things off your desk and try your best to not start crying. tears cloud your eyes and you can feel a lump in your throat. "where the hell did i just put my homework?" you whine, letting your tears fall.
anton watches you silently, wondering what's going on.
"is something wrong, bunny?" that nickname sets you off. you didn't want to be big and deal with stupid tests or homework anymore. you wanted your daddy.
tears begin falling down your face faster than you realize, and before you know it anton's cradling you in his arms. "you're okay, just breathe." he says, running his fingers through your hair. "what's wrong baby, hm?" his voice is laced with concern, he knows what’s going on but chooses to let you tell him first.
“so stressed about everything, daddy…” you mumble into his chest. he places a kiss on the top of your head and coos. “i’m sorry things have been so hard for you, babygirl.” anton runs his fingers through your hair in an attempt to soothe your sobs.
“you know you can tell daddy anything, right?” he whispers to you. “any problem big or small, and i’ll help you the best i can.” you look up at him through teary eyes, a slight blush appearing on your face.
you pout. “didn’t wanna bother you. you’re too busy.” anton shakes his head no, and smiles softly at you. “i’m never too busy to take care of my baby. daddy is always gonna be here whenever you need me.” anton wipes a few fallen tears out of your face and then in one motion, scoops you into his arms.
“don’t worry about your homework for now. let’s take a nap, hm?” you nod your head, making a babbling noise in agreement.
anton lies down in bed with you, letting you rest your head against his chest. his heartbeat is almost like a sweet melody. it lulls you to sleep almost immediately.
anton, on the other hand, stays perfectly still as to not wake you. you hadn’t gotten proper sleep in days because of your studies. he hums to you as you drift off and rocks you gently in his arms. it’s the most serene you’ve felt in weeks, all thanks to him.
through sleepy eyes and a quiet voice, you whisper an “i love you,” to anton. right before you drift off to sleep, you hear his voice.
“i love you too, baby. sleep well.”
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: It’s always good to have some alone time once in a while.
Warnings: it’s porn. Cursing words and all of those forbidden things hehehehe.
Word count: 1355
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
GIF's not mine, you can find the credits under the gif :)
Maddy, a 15 year old girl, was Jake’s new nanny. Andy hired her whenever they had their date night. Jake was running around the living room, Maddy closely behind him.
“Alright, we are leaving.” Andy said.
“Yes, Mr. Barber.”
“You know our numbers, if anything happens, anything at all, please call us, ok?”
“Yes, of course!”
Annie came down the stairs wearing the dress Andy gave her for their first anniversary of dating, it was a beautiful navy blue dress with noodle straps and an A cut skirt to her mid-thigh, a pair of white snickers and a light white sweater on top.
“I’m ready!”
“Let’s go.”
“Bye, guys!” Annie waved Jake and Maddy goodbye and off they went.
Andy turned on the engine and then turned to see Annie.
“You look beautiful.” He gave her a peck.
“Thank you. You look handsome.” Another peck, “So what’s the plan?”
“Dinner then Movie Theater.”
“I’ll choose the movie.”
It was close to 10 when they walked into the movie theater. The room was almost empty, except for a few more people a couple of rows in front of them. 15 minutes into the movie when Annie got closer to Andy.
“Andy?” She whispered.
“I’m bored.”
“What? You chose this movie.”
“I know, but is boring.”
“It’s not. Just pay attention; it’s good.”
Annie huffed and turned her face to the screen. She had missed the first 15 minutes and now she was not interested in whatever was happening in front of her.
She then put her hand on Andy’s tight, creeping higher bit by bit.
“What are you doing?” Andy hold her hand.
“I told you I’m bored.”
“Are you insane? Someone might see us.”
“Who? There are like 3 people here and us.”
“I wanna see the movie.”
“Look, either we leave now or I’m sucking your dick right here, right now.”
Andy thought she was joking but her face was completely serious. And when Andy didn’t move, she leaned towards his lap. So he stood up, grabbed her hand and left the theater.
“That was bold.” Andy said once they were outside.
“Yeah, whatever.” They stood there for a minute, “What do we do now?”
“Go home?”
They walked to the parking lot and climbed in the car.
“I have an idea.” Annie said, a playful smile on her face.
“I want to have sex.”
“No, really?” He said in a sarcastic note, “I got that 5 minutes ago! That’s why we are going home.”
“No, I want to have sex here, now.”
“It’s a public place! If someone see us…”
“There’s no one here!”
“I’m the ADA, I have an image to…”
“Oh, please! I’m sure you can manage.”
“No, no way!”
“Come on, it’s gonna be fun.” She grabbed his hand and put it between her legs. Andy felt her wetness right away.
“Are you not wearing panties?”
“Nop.” His fingers caressed her folds, finding her little button making her moan.
“Please, Andy.” She got closer and kissed him with need, “No one, will see us.”
He thought for a moment while he kept his ministrations on her clit. But then he removed his hand.
“We better go home.” Andy started the engine and Annie let out a frustrated sigh.
Andy was driving carefully on Main Street but his mind was elsewhere, thinking about Annie’s pretty pussy. His knuckles were turning white as he grabbed the wheel with force trying hard to keep it together, but his pants were getting tighter and tighter for his own liking. He suddenly gave a turn to the left.
“Where are we going?” Annie asked confused and the car came to a stop. The lights of the car illuminate the end of an empty alley. Andy turned off the lights.
“Come here.” Andy pounced towards her kissing hard with lust. Annie moaned into the kiss, and they only stopped once they needed air.
“But you said…”Annie began but Andy cut her off.
“Get on my lap.” He opened the fly of his pants and took his hard dick out. He pumped it a few times. “You want this?” Annie nodded and bit her lip. Andy pull his seat backwards as much as he could and Annie climbed on his lap, rubbing her pussy on his length.
Andy took her by her hips and pull her up, her pussy almost at his eye level. Her slit was barely wet and he dove in. His tongue lapping at her entrance.
“Oh fuck!” Annie was trying to keep her balance against the wheel. Andy sucked her clit slightly. “God!” Annie pushed her head back.
“Fuck, I need you.” Andy said with her beard glistening in his spit and her juices. He took his member and rubbed it against her slit before slid in. His girt stretched her deliciously. Once he bottom out, they sighed and moaned together.
Andy was just adjusting to her warm hole when Annie began humping him. His dick coming in and out of her.
“Fuck, that’s it, fuck yourself on me.” Annie move faster and faster, chasing her release.
“Andy…” she breathily moaned.
“You gonna come, baby?”
“Yeah… fuck!” Her pace was faster than ever, Andy could feel her walls squeezing him. “I…Can’t…”
Andy looked at her, her brows were knit together. He look down to her pussy and his finger rubbed her clit fast.
Andy moaned as he felt her coming against his cock and her walls milked his dick. The warm feeling of his load filled her pussy and Annie lean against his forehead.
“That was…” Annie began.
They were catching their breath, still join together at their middle when the tap against the now foggy window made them jump. Andy pull the window down only to be met by a flashlight.
“Alright, lovebirds.” The voice sounded very familiar to them. “Oh my god, Annie?” The man moved the light from their faces. “Andy?!”
“Seb, what the fuck?!” Andy said.
“Me?! Why are you doing?! No, never mind I can see.” He said in a teasing tone looking down a bit.
“Don’t fucking look!” Andy said as Annie hid her face in his neck.
“I knew this car looked familiar!” he laughed, “Wait until Anthony hears about this.”
“Don’t you fucking dare!” Andy said pointing Sebastian with his finger.
“Can we go?!” Annie said this time, her face was red. Andy didn’t know if it was because of her orgasm, embarrassment or both.
“Sure! I’ll let you go with a warning. Just keep this,” He gestured with his hand to them, “to your house.”
“Like you’ve never done it!” Andy said.
“I’m not gonna lie, I know good places where no one can disturb you.” Seb said with a smirk. “I’ll tell you about them next Monday, how about that?”
“I wanna go home!” Annie said.
“Fine! You can go. Have a good night.”
Andy saw in the rare mirror how Sebastian jumped on his car and left.
“I can’t believe that just happened.” Annie said as she hid her face with her hands.
 “Hey,” Andy move her hands away from her face, “This was fun, I actually haven’t done it in a car since High School.” She smiled at him, “You get the worst out of me.”
“Don’t be, I loved it.” He lean in and kissed her softly. “And I’m also at fault, I couldn’t control myself.” She kissed him now, “We better get going.” Annie nodded and moved to the passenger seat. She squirmed when she felt his sticky cum coming out of her. She lift her booty and place her sweater on the site. Andy just shook his head, turned the engine back on and went home.
----------(     )----------
Monday morning, ADA’s office. Andy was getting comfortable in his chair, the smell of his coffee filling his nostrils, he took a sip and the door suddenly flew open.
“You had sex in your car?!” Anthony said as Sebastian followed him.
“I can’t believe you actually told him!”
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quinloki · 11 months
Birthday Request Event
"It's my birthday and I'll write what I want to \o/"
Gift Details ♥ Reader: cisfem!Reader Character: Penguin Kink: #2 Praise Kink Prompt: #13 "Don't worry, I'll take care of you." Gift Giver: @firefistussy
Summary: Your first kiss with Penguin is certainly going places >.>
Content Notes: hot and heavy make out session with some praising - implied future shenanigans, but uh - whew, look I like how it came out, but it doesn't get explicit. Just... steamy O_O ♥
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB
The first kiss was dry, brief. You could feel the heat on his face, and both of you were breathing a little heavy. That first rush, that raw desire – it almost felt like you’d been waiting years for this chance.
There’d been plenty of flirting before now. Stolen glances, embarrassed eyes looking away from one another. Tentative and trembling fingers slipping between each other’s. A quiet confession in the med bay, holding his hand and listening to the heart monitor as he healed from wounds earned in a fierce fight.
Wounds he received protecting you, as if you needed any more clues to understand how he felt. The crew looked out for one another, certainly, but you would’ve been less hurt if he’d let you take the hit, and Law had read him the riot act for his actions.
Only a few of his bandages remained, and you were both in a quiet corner of the Tang, responsibilities sorted for the moment, with Shachi ensuring you had a bit of privacy – much as anyone could find on the submarine.
Need was broken by that first kiss and you both chuckled a little, Penguin setting his forehead on your shoulder. Both of you had the tops of your uniforms down, dark undershirts the only things between you, and a slight turn of his head put his lips against the bare skin of the crook of your neck.
You gasped at the sensation and the sound spurred him on, hand wrapping around your waist as he braced himself against the wall with his other arm. You pulled his cap off easily, letting your fingers wander through his hair and urging his lips to continue.
“F-feels good,” you breathe softly, feeling his teeth run along your skin as he moves up your neck. “Muh-more, pleas-aahhmm.” Your request shifts as he nibbles your ear gently.
He leans back a little, eyes on your lips, his tongue slipping across his own before he looks up at you. The shy smile on his face shifts to something more dangerous as he shortens the small distances between you.
“Don’t worry,” he says softly, “I’ll take care of you.”
Penguin’s lips press against yours, pulling a soft moan up to your chest before you push him back. There’s a little confusion in his eyes, but he winces when you squeeze his arm.
“Not like this.” You demand. You try to look at him angrily, but it’s more akin to concern on your face. “Don’t get hurt worse protecting me.” You lean forward, pulling him in, but stopping short of another kiss.
“I can’t just let you-.”
“I’m not asking you to stand idly by,” you grumble, grabbing his collar and leaning in, brushing your lips over his lightly. “I’m telling you the captain won’t get a chance to scold you if you do something so reckless again.”
Penguin’s lips pull into a smile. “Are you telling me to fear you more than the cap’n?” He questions, leaning forward enough to put your back against the wall again. You start to answer with a yes when he leans in and kisses you deeply.
His tongue is deep in your mouth, there’s no hesitation, no exploration, no nerves holding him back. The deep kiss rushes adrenaline through you, and your heart flutters as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you as close as he can. You loose your grip on his collar and let your arms tangle around him.
“You gonna,” your voice slips out between kisses, Penguin barely giving you time to speak. “Be good – annh ♥.” Your words fall into a loud moan as his hands grab your ass and squeeze.
“I’ll be good for you.” He promises, husky voice hot against your skin as he lifts you a little, using the leverage of the wall to keep you in place as he guides your legs around his waist.
You laugh a little between kisses. “You’ll be my good boy, then?” You muses, holding his face in place and stopping him from kissing you. He pouts for a split second before a devious, toothy grin crosses his features, and you’re reminded of Ikkaku’s “warning”.
Ikkaku grins as you admit your crush to her. “Well, I have your back, for sure, but remember (Y/N), cute and fluffy as they are, penguins are carnivorous hunters.”
You laugh a little. “And here I thought you were going to say something about how they mate for life.”
Ikkaku hums, as the two of you enjoy the view of watching Shachi and Penguin swab the deck. “Prolly somethin’ to that, too.” She admits.
“Get that praise in while you can,” he asserts, turning his head and kissing the inside of your palm, eyes holding your gaze. The look in his eyes hitches your breath in your throat for a moment. “I’m going to be so good to you, you won’t be able to say much at all.”
His hips grind into yours as he grabs your wrists and pins you against the wall, leaning in and kissing you all in the same motion. Your gasp of surprise at the action is devoured, and your moans sink into him as you squirm a little under his hold.
“Haa, ahh- Peng!” You shiver with his lips and teeth against your neck. “I – have – have to survive, for you to be guh-good!” You get the shaky words out as he brings your wrists together over your head, holding them with one hand and freeing his other to start tugging your shirt up.
His hand is hot against your waist, fingers nearly burning with desire as his hips shift, pushing his erection into the seam of your uniform.
“Don’t worry, I’ll only eat you out,” he promises, licking his lips as he leans in close to your mouth again. “Not up.”
Check out the event - requests are accepted until 7/31/2023 EST
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agentwhalesong · 8 months
Almost Everything She Ever Wished For
Also posted on AO3 | 3,306 words
Written for the On The Run, @xfilesfanficexchange, based on @kyouryokusenshi's prompt to explain how Scully became a doctor and how her name was cleared.
Enjoy ♥
She didn’t know how long she had been looking outside the kitchen window, watching life as it happened right in their backyard and thinking of her own. It was his presence right behind her more than his voice that woke her from her trance.
"Hey babe," he said, giving a quick kiss to the top of her head as he reached for the cupboard above her.
If he noticed anything off about her, he didn’t show.
"How was church?” he said, pouring himself some milk. “Did you say hi to Jesus for me?"
"I always do," she said, smiling.
“Aren’t you going to have breakfast?”
���I’ve already eaten, sorry for not waiting today.”
She leaned back on the sink while he sat, and uneasiness took over her as she wondered how she would broach the subject.
“Are you gonna tell me what’s wrong or will I have to guess?” He said, after a few moments of silence. “And if you say you’ve just seen Bigfoot outside that window, I’ll know you’re lying because he doesn’t come out of his cave this time of the year.”
This silly, silly man, she thought fondly as she laughed, but her smile slowly faded as she remembered she had a question to answer.
"Something happened today… Father Henderson approached me. It seems he has noticed me, despite my efforts."
"And what did he say?"
Mulder’s actual question was 'What did YOU say?', but she pretended not to have read between the lines.
"He said he's been curious about me. That he's seen me alone every time, and he was wondering if I wanted to do some volunteer work with the community, to kind of mingle and make friends. There's a local hospital in need of people to read to children and some other activities like that, so..."
What she didn't tell Mulder was that the father sensed loneliness in her, some sort of longing to be part of something, which was why he had approached her in the first place. What she didn't say was that Father Henderson was right in his evaluation. It wasn’t Mulder’s fault, of course; she had signed up for this when she decided to jump in that car with him without looking back. She would do it all over again without a second thought, but sometimes she wished she could also have a life outside their pretty, yet unremarkable, little house.
"What did you answer?" He interrupted her thoughts.
His face had changed slightly while she spoke, and she wouldn't have noticed it if she hadn't known him for over a decade; wouldn't have noticed if they hadn't been together day and night for the past couple of years.
"Don't worry, I wasn’t reckless. We are still wanted, no matter if it's been ages since we last sensed we were being followed."
He was quiet for a while, looked at the plate in front of him, bit his lower lip, and all of those small gestures made her look at her own feet, ashamed for having even entertained the idea.
"You should say yes," he finally said, making her look up again and meet his eyes. They were kind eyes. Full-of-love eyes.
"But Mulder…"
She didn't even know how to start a protest, so she just left her sentence unfinished, giving him room to complete his thoughts.
"He doesn't know anything about me, right? So, in his mind, you're a single woman who lives somewhere in this town, somewhere he doesn't know either. I see no harm as long as you're careful, which I know you always are."
She considered his words for a while, wondering if it could really be that simple. Maybe it could.
“Will you…” she hesitated a little before continuing. “... Will you be okay without me?”
He locked eyes with her, and there she read ‘what kind of question is that?’, but the words that came out of his mouth were lighter, bitter less.
“Of course I will. What makes you think that I won’t?”
She shook her head.
“I guess I’m just saying that we haven’t been apart for a single day since we started this life together. Finding ourselves alone, even if for only some hours, can be challenging. Scary, even.”
“Are you scared?”
She hesitated a little, trying to admit it to herself.
“Maybe, I don’t know.”
“You’ll be fine too, Scully. I promise. And if you’re not, you can always say you don’t want to go anymore.”
She nodded, considering this worst case scenario that wasn’t at all that bad. It was this way of his, of filling her heart with hope, that still made her weak in the knees from time to time.
“I love you,” she said in a low voice as a response.
He smiled at her, his eyes surprised upon hearing those words. It’s not like she never said it, but it wasn’t exactly very frequent either.
“You’re cute when you get all sappy,” he said, smirking.
She couldn’t help chuckling.
“Mulder, shut up.”
She then walked towards him, kissed his cheek, and left the room. She still needed some time to think, but maybe she would go talk to father Henderson the following day.
She sighed as she stared at the card in her hand for the millionth time. This definitely wasn’t what she was expecting when she started volunteering, and yet it felt like it was something for which she was secretly hoping.
Mulder entered the bedroom just then, giving her no chance of hiding the small piece of paper that would probably change her life. She had been hiding it enough anyway; it was time for the truth.
She took a deep breath before looking at him.
“We need to talk,” she said quietly.
“Uh oh, don’t tell me you want to file for divorce.”
Close enough, she thought, but didn’t say anything. Did her eyes show what was going on in her mind though?
“Okay, you didn’t laugh or say anything about us not being married, so now I’m scared.” He sat beside her on the bed slowly. “What did I do?”
She interlaced their fingers, stroked his thumb with her own, then let go and silently handed him the business card.
His eyes went over the name of the doctor and his occupation a few times, but she couldn’t read his mind this time.
“Is this guy someone you’re interested in or…”
She chuckled in spite of herself, shaking her head. He ran one of his hands through his forehead as if saying ‘phew’, which made her laugh a little. She had to keep going, though.
“Remember that boy whose life I saved about two months ago, the one who went into cardiac arrest while I read to him?”
He just nodded, waiting.
“It turns out the board of directors have kept a close eye on me since then.”
Mulder clenched his jaw, probably unconsciously. He was starting to get worried, she could tell.
“Does that mean we are not safe anymore?”
She shook her head, although the answer to that would really depend on how you looked at the whole situation.
“It means they took an interest in me, enough to think that I would be a good addition to their medical team. Well, not me exactly, because all of that happened to Katherine, not Dana.”
“And what does Dana want to do?”
“I have to give them an answer by the end of the week.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
She sighed and closed her eyes briefly, knowing what she was getting into.
“I want to say yes.”
He averted his gaze to somewhere on the floor, and it took him a long time to say anything afterwards.
“How long have you had to consider this?”
“About a week.”
“And why are you telling me just now?”
“Because I needed to think, and to talk to someone before I made up my mind.”
“You needed to talk to someone? Shouldn’t you be talking to me instead? I mean—” He raised his voice, which kind of startled her for a moment.
She interrupted him before he jumped to conclusions.
“I needed to talk to an attorney, to know what chances I had of having my name cleared without anyone knowing where you are. I needed to know if I could stop being Katherine No-Last-Name and go back to being Dana Katherine Scully.”
Mulder stood up and ran his hands through his face, pacing the room like he always did when he needed to put his thoughts together in a coherent manner. It took him some time to speak again.
“What did this attorney say?”
“She said I have to move out and live by myself for a while to make a convincing case. That means we’ll only be able to start the whole process about a month after I get my own place, just to be on the safe side. They have to actually believe that I regret my life choices and want to repent, so to speak. I will probably be closely watched, followed, my phone may be tapped… well, you know as well as I do what the FBI can do to catch someone on a lie.”
His eyes teared up while he heard her, and he just nodded when she finished her sentence. Then, in a low, hurt voice, he asked.
“Do you regret all your life choices?”
She stood up, got closer, tried to hold his hand, but he withdrew it before their fingers touched completely.
“Mulder, no. I don’t regret a single day. How many times will I have to say that?”
“I’m sorry, Scully, I’m having a hard time believing that right now.”
He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and then opened them again, speaking more calmly this time.
“Do they know at the hospital that you are not who you say you are?”
She nodded.
“I had to tell Dr. Mills,” she pointed at the business card that was now on the bed. “My first reaction to his proposal was to say I couldn’t, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. So, the next time I went to the hospital, he approached me and I just… told him.”
Mulder’s face changed into a are-you-kidding-me? expression, because now he was probably thinking she had compromised their location and everything they worked hard to hide. It pissed her off that he would think something like that, as if he didn’t know her at all.
“I lied about a few aspects.” She continued, trying not to let her anger show. “He believes the story that I used to be in a relationship with someone who is wanted by the FBI, not that we are still together. But, apparently, this was no big deal to him because he said they can wait for me if I truly want this job. They even offered to let me start as an assistant of sorts while things don’t get solved.”
“You must have made quite an impression.” He scoffed.
The resentment in his voice didn’t let her see it as a compliment. Instead, it made her feel as if she had done it all on purpose, just to hurt him. Her eyes flooded immediately. This wasn’t supposed to go this way.
Her reaction to his words was probably what brought him back from his high of self-pity and anger because his face softened, his eyes moistened, his tongue wet his lips and his voice was low when he spoke.
“Look, I’m not mad that you’re trying to take your life back, you deserve it more than anyone. It’s just not exactly easy to accept that you’re choosing medicine over me. And I guess I never thought we would break up, let alone like this.”
Of course he would get it all wrong.
“Mulder, listen to me.” This time, she grabbed his hand and he allowed it. “We are not breaking up and I’m not choosing medicine over you. We just have to stay apart for a few months until things get cleared. It won’t be easy for either of us, but I would not be doing any of this if it meant I would never see you again. We may have never exchanged vows, but what we have IS until death do us part, do you hear me? Unless you are now having second thoughts about it.”
He stared at her for a moment, digesting her words, then pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. Their foreheads touched, in that comfortable and intimate way they had always done since their early days together.
“I am not having second thoughts.” He whispered. “It is until death do us part for me, too.”
He rubbed his nose against hers. “Promise you’ll come back?”
“I won’t rest until I do.”
He smiled.
“Congratulations, by the way. And I’m sorry for being such a jerk.”
“Thank you.”
Her answer was followed by a kiss, which was eventually followed by clothes on the floor and a slightly creaking bed.
When she woke up the following day, the first thing she did was to go to the hospital and talk to Dr. Mills.
She wasn’t yet cleared of all charges, but at least she was allowed to use her own name and act like an assistant at the hospital. It felt like her intern years sometimes, and some of these times she wondered if she wasn’t too old to be doing this. No, she was just tired.
She arrived at her apartment after one of those long days and checked outside the window to see if the usual agents were there to watch her. Strangely, they weren’t. This had become her routine ever since she started the process of being ‘reinstated into society’, and it was so familiar at this point that sometimes she felt like making coffee and taking some to the man and the woman on stakeout duty.
She smiled as she closed the blinds, thinking that she and Mulder could have used some freshly brewed coffee in their days.
Her smile then faded because thinking of Mulder always sent a pang of sadness to her chest.
Not seeing him for the past three months was worse than she had foreseen. She was constantly worried, wondering if he was taking care of himself, if he still had fun watching trash movies on Saturday nights even though she wasn’t there to make fun of them with him. Did he leave his office from time to time or did he start living there so his obsessions would always be close? How often did he think of her? Did he still have any resentments regarding her choices?
She sighed. It was frustrating that she still could do nothing about it.
She had thought of writing him small letters and have her mother deliver them to him, but she quickly changed her mind as she remembered Maggie could also be followed.
So all the notes and letters became journal entries instead. Maybe she would show him someday, maybe she would keep it private. Only the future could tell.
Her mind had traveled so far away that, when the phone rang, she startled.
The woman on the other side didn’t have to state her name for her to know who it was.
“We got it, Dana! No more hiding for you. You are now officially Dana Katherine Scully again.”
Scully’s heart raced, her eyes filled with tears, a huge smile took over her face, and she heard in a dream-like state her attorney’s instructions on what she had to do next . She barely even noticed when she put the phone back on the hook.
No more hiding for you.
She was so happy and so relieved that she cried for a long time, and when she slept that night, she didn’t have any nightmares or woke up every two hours.
It was about time.
It took her a while to truly believe she wasn't being watched anymore. Sometimes, she would just drive somewhere far to see if someone followed, to see how safe she was if she were to stay away from her apartment or the hospital. There was never any sign that they hadn't believed her or that she was falling into a trap.
Not that she could, or would, abandon her apartment as if she had never lived there, but she could use it less often, maybe pretend she still lived there when her hours at work required her to be somewhere closer just so she could squeeze in some sleep.
So, trusting her instincts and careful observations, she woke up one day and decided to go home.
The dirt road that led to the house in the middle of nowhere finally came into view, making her heart skip a beat.
Remember to breathe, Dana. She told herself silently.
She was dying to see Mulder, but she was also afraid of what she would find. Was he still the same person she had left all those months ago? Did spending time with himself make him reconsider everything they agreed to before she went away?
In just a few moments, she stopped in front of the porch.
When she got out of the car, he was already waiting at the door, looking a little shy even though a beautiful smile rested on his face.
"Hi", she said, walking slowly towards him.
"Hi", he mumbled back.
It was all they could say before their bodies practically crashed into each other as they hugged so tightly that, if it were possible, they would have merged and become only one person.
She didn’t know how long they stood there before she moved in his arms just enough to look at him properly, analyze his features, plant a light kiss on his so-very-soft lips.
“I promised I would be back,” she whispered, still so close that her mouth brushed against his as she spoke.
Instead of saying something back, he glued his lips to hers, raised one of his hands to the back of her neck and slowly let his tongue meet hers. It was as if they were having their first kiss all over again.
It didn’t take long for his hands to go to her waist and lift her off the floor, prompting her legs to wrap around his hips.
They didn’t say anything as he took her inside, laid her on the couch and kissed every single part of her face, or when they took each other’s clothes off and slowly filled their mouths and hands with nipples, lips, necks and usually hidden skins, while their hearts exploded with emotions and sensations. Mulder’s first words came when he himself came.
“Don’t ever leave me again,” he panted, as he pumped one last time inside her.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” she said, breathing into his mouth as he circled her clit in just the right way to help her reach her orgasm in just a few seconds.
As she collapsed onto him, still catching her breath, she whispered.
“So, how’ve you been?”
They both chuckled as they realized they hadn’t exchanged more than a few sentences since she arrived.
“How about we talk about everything on our comfortable bed instead of this old, hard couch?”
“That’s the best idea you’ve ever had,” she joked, kissing his lips once more before getting up.
They went to bed and there they stayed. They had a lot to share with each other and she figured they wouldn’t be getting much rest for the next few days, just the way she wanted it to be.
For the first time in a very long time, she felt as if she had almost everything she ever wished for.
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sanguineterrain · 2 years
Everytime I see u on my dash I go to re-read (at least) the last chapter of No Such Thing. I miss thoes two knuckleheads ♥
you know what! i miss them too. have a self indulgent drabble babes
Bucky poked his head in the doorway. 
You shut your laptop, forehead creasing.
“Essays suck. How did you get in here?”
“Hello, Bucky. It’s so good to see you, Bucky. You’re the hottest boyfriend I’ve ever had and I can’t believe I didn’t realize that sooner, Bucky. Just suggestions.”
“How did you get in, smartass?”
He grinned, strolling into your room.
“Tasha just left, said she’s going to Sam’s.” He waggled his brows. “You know what that means.”
“It means they’re not invited on New Year’s for the rest of our lives.”
He tossed his jacket over your desk chair and flopped onto the bed, closing his eyes. You raised a brow. 
“What’re you doing?”
“I’m resting, sweetheart. See how my eyes are closed?”
“And why couldn’t you rest in your own dorm?”
You knew why. Bucky, as you had quickly come to learn over the past month, enjoyed coming over for a very specific reason. 
“Steve’s there. He’s grumpy over his history project.”
“Oh, I see. You poor dear.”
You opened your laptop, returning to the essay from hell, the bane of your existence. Aside from your boyfriend that was too cute for his own damn good, of course. Truthfully, you needed a break too. Somehow, Bucky was always able to sense that, dropping into the library after practice or slipping you donuts from the good café during a school paper meeting.
A few minutes ticked by. You click-clacked on the keyboard, ignoring Bucky’s restlessness. You pursed your lips to keep your smile away; no doubt he was watching every movement, waiting for you to give in.
“The essay’ll be there in an hour.”
“Mm, yes, I realize that, Bucky. I have used a computer before, you know.”
“I had a long practice today. It was hard.”
“Oh?” you humored. “Even for the superstar running back?”
“Well,” he sighed dramatically. “‘M still recovering from my injuries. Fury said to rest up.”
“Resting is important. Good thing you’re already doing that.”
You squared your shoulders. Once Bucky started in with the sweet names, you were done for.
“Work ain’t goin’ anywhere, honeylove.” 
“Your charms don’t work on me, Barnesy. I thought we established that from day one.”
“You should take a break,” Bucky continued, softer, painfully genuine. 
His arm snaked around your ribcage, hand splaying across your hip. 
“That’s interference,” you accused, glancing down at him, which was your first mistake, because apparently every guy in your life had perfected the puppy eyes.
“Ref says... overruled, on account of you not sleeping enough this week and as your amazing heartthrob boyfriend, it’s my duty to get you to take breaks.”
“Heartthrob? Remind me why I put up with you?”
“‘Cause ya love me,” he grinned, all too proud. 
“I have an essay, Bucky.”
“I’ll write it for you.”
“That is a brazen falsity.”
“My little English major,” he cooed, closing your screen and coaxing the computer out of your hands. “Gonna write your big bestsellers and dedicate ‘em to me?”
“Not little,” you grumbled, all but melting when Bucky eased you down next to him, somehow folding his tree-trunk physique around you. “And there won’t be any bestsellers to dedicate if I don’t submit assignments.”
See, Bucky Barnes, as you’d come to learn, was a cuddler. The poster boy for it, really. It wasn’t uncommon for him to show up at your dorm after a practice to crash. Some days, like today, it took a little cajoling on his part.
“Sweetheart, you’ve been working yourself to the bone. I promise a little catnap won’t hurt ya. C’mon, tell me you ain’t sleepy.”
“I’m not--” you yawned, “--sleepy.”
“I’ll wake you up, promise. Don’t I always?”
Bucky kissed the inside of your neck, nose tracing up to your jaw as he snuggled you further into his chest. You sighed, finally releasing the tension you’d been holding today. 
“Thank you,” you murmured, turning to blindly press a kiss on his lips but landing on his chin. “Think I might keep you ‘round.”
Bucky chuckled, nodding into your head.
“Good to hear, doll.”
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sashi-ya · 3 years
it's me again and requests are open so I wanna request ♥️
May I requests a Law,Luffy,and Kid with a fem S/o (separate) who loves to steal there favorite things? like how would they react?Please and thank you (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Hello darling!! Of course!! I decided to write little scenarios instead of hcs just because I thought it was a little more fun. I hope you enjoy them! Thank u for your support and request ♥ ~
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SFW ~ Law, Luffy & Kid ~ Reaction to his S/O stealing their favorite things ~
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💫 Trafalgar D. Water Law 💫
He would notice if something is missing from him, and that certainly made him get angry at you several times before. But you just love to see his face turn from an annoyed frown, to an out of control one in a matter of seconds (Not only you, but also Shachi and Penguin enjoy making him a little angry from time to time). That day you decided to steal his hat from him while you were having dinner on the Polar Tang. “(name) give me back my hat, right now” he said calmly, yet some veins were starting to swell in his temples. You run through the submarine aisles. You heard Law’s steps following you, not running, but walking fast for sure. You were all laughs and giggles. “I’m gonna put it in the washing machine!! this shit stinks!” you shouted. “WHAT? IT’S CLEAN! GIVE IT BACK!!” he said and you heard him approach you, as he was now running. “ROOM. SHAMBLES”. You thought something would get changed for the hat, but… suddenly, you were in his arms. Law’s face millimetres from yours, his mouth so close you could feel his breath over your lips. “Give it back” he says frowning, yet with a calm tone. “I’ll give it back, only if you give me a kiss” you told him, holding the hat over your head. “Fine…” he said and planted a sweet kiss over your lips. You instantly gave his white mushroom hat back, but he put it over your head and headed to his room, carrying you inside. You can imagine the rest… ♥ ~
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🔧 Eustass "Captain" Kidd 🔧
Kid never gave a single fuck about you stealing his stuff because he simply didn’t notice it, until one day that you stole an INCREDIBLY special -and embarrassing- possession… You were wandering around the Victoria Punk when you saw the door to his room open. Open for you to scrutinize everything you wanted. He has never told you not to do it, and because he is not a super talkative person about his past, and you just needed to know, you entered and closed the door behind you. You’ve been there almost every single night, but never had the chance to look deeply into his stuff. You laid your stomach over his cot and your head hung just to look above the bed.  And there it was, a little wooden box. “That’s his memory box, for sure” you say and take the box out. You sit on the ground and open it. Inside there were several pieces of literal metal, a wrench tool, a photo of Killer and him and some random girl and a little metallic robot that seemed DIYed. “This must be something he made, how cute!” you say. And suddenly you heard the door slam. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT?!!” Kidd shouted. You froze in place, closed your eyes, and flinched. The little robot on your hand got also scared, despite not being a living creature. Hard steps coming towards you, made your ass bounce in place as the wooden floors moved in reaction to Kidd’s walking. He stood up in front of you and told you “WHY DO YOU HAVE THIS? ARE YOU STEALING FROM ME? WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?!”. “I- I’m not… I’m sorry… I just wanted to know you better… If I ever “steal” something from you it’s just for pure fun, you know?” you told him with tears in your eyes. Kidd has a soft spot for you, and watching you cry instantly turns him into a soft smush of a person. “Oi, don’t… don’t cry. It’s ok. But you shouldn’t be touching my stuff without permission” he said, crunching next to you to wipe your tears. “I’m sorry” you said, sniffling. You kept inspecting the toy in your hands, until you asked Kid “Oi, this is just so cute. Did you do it?”. Kidd’s cheeks turned as red as his hair; he was so embarrassed. “I… uhm… I did it, yes” he said and quickly snatched it out of your hands. “Don’t you ever touch stuff like this without asking me first, ok?” he told you, acting angry. You simply laughed and gave him a sweet kiss over his burning cheeks ♥ ~
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🍖 Monkey D. Luffy 🍖
You would say his favourite thing is his straw hat. Surely it is, but he has no problem at all with you wearing it, what’s more you are usually the one that takes care of it during battles. So, what else could you be stealing from him, that could make him really, really act in consequence?... Yeah, you are right, MEAT… “(Name) I have never ever hurt you, but if you don’t give me back my meat you will pay!!” shouts the gum gum boy at you. Chopper and Usopp screaming “give it back!”. Sanji covering his face with his hands because you are over the table, and Luffy too. The rest of course, bursting out in laughter. You run, biting the meat, and that of course get Luffy even mad. “COME BACK!!!” he says and when you reach the grass floor of Sunny’s deck you hear “GOMU GOMU NO…” and a pair of gum stretched arms are around your waist. Next you know Luffy is over you. “GIVE ME MY MEAAAAT” he shouts. You can’t help but laugh and take the bone to his mouth. The future pirate king devours in just one bite the whole cut, including the bone. He of course chokes on it.  “Luffy!!!” you shout laughing still with him over you. Luffy laughs too after being able to breathe properly again and plants a sweet kiss over your cheek. You hug him and enjoy the craziness of being his future pirate queen. ♥ ~
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dilemmaontwolegs · 2 years
Hands That Heal - Ch.9
Bucky Barnes x mechanic!fem!reader
Chapter Summary: The road of recovery is only just beginning but you're not the only one who is feeling broken. Chapter Warning: 18+ only, smut, oral (f rec), unprotected sex, fluff Word count: 2007
Series Warnings: 18+ only, canon-typical violence, swearing, fluff, misogyny/degrading comments from some men, smut.
Main Masterlist || Bucky Masterlist || Hands That Heal Masterlist
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RECAP: “He thought you killed Axel.” You whispered through the lump in your throat. “I wanted to.” “I know, but you didn’t.” You said as you blinked slower and slower, the promise of pain free sleep enticing you with its darkness and you were ready to give in. “You’re too good.”
Pain radiated across your shoulder blade as you woke to the irritating sound of the hospital monitors beeping. A hand was already being placed gently on your lower back to stop you from moving and you managed to turn your head so you could see Bucky sitting beside your bed, guilt eating him alive.
“Hey Hercules.” You murmured through the groggy haze of morphine. “What’s the damage?”
He shook his head and leant forward in the chair so his forehead was resting on your hand, your fingers automatically reaching to run through his messy hair. “I should’ve been there to protect you. I’m so sorry, y/n.”
“You’re my boyfriend, not my bodyguard. It’s not your job to protect me.” You tried to reassure him but he was already withdrawing into himself. “I mean, if it was your job you would be fired so it’s kind of a good thing.”
His lips twitched at your twisted sense of humour and he finally looked you in the eyes. “You’re not funny.”
“Not even a little bit?” You smiled before trying to move closer and hissing at the pain that brought tears to your eyes. “Why does my thigh hurt so much?”
“The surgeon needed a skin graft for your shoulder, she took it from your thigh.” He answered as he pressed the button on the morphine drip and a whir of the machine had you forgetting the pain.
“Ugh, the scars are going to be horrible.” You slurred as the drugs took effect and your mind was like sludge. “You’re na gonna love me anymewww.”
“You loved me with all my scars, doll, I’ll love you with all yours.”
It was your first day back at work after weeks recovering from the surgery and you were pleasantly surprised to find aside from the red scarring around the edge of the graff site, your shoulder blade looked almost normal. You had almost complete mobility but some movements stretched the skin taut and hurt but time, like with most things, would heal that. The patch on your inner thigh was another matter and you hated seeing the rectangle of mottled scarring when you took your clothes off.
“There she is!” Chip shouted from across the garage. “Welcome back.”
“I would say it’s good to be back but now I have to deal with you assholes again.” You teased as Bucky carried your toolbox in for you.
“Don’t hurt yourself alright.” Bucky said for the tenth time, wishing you had taken another week off. “Call me if you need me to pick you up early.”
“Sure thing, dad.” You rolled your eyes before giving him a kiss. “Stop worrying about me, don’t you have plans today?”
His lips curled into a smile as he nodded. “Speaking of, I should get going and meet up with Sam and Torres. Be good, don’t hurt yourself, I love you.”
“I love you too but if you tell me that one more time, I swear to god-”
“What? I love you?”
“No, the other thing.”
“Don’t hurt yourself.”
He laughed as you gently slapped his chest before he stole another kiss and left you to get to work. The cars hadn't stopped arriving just because you were out of commission and now you had a big back log of vehicles to fix.
“Where’s he heading off to?” Chip asked as Bucky gave you a wave as he pulled out, his grin still splitting his face.
“I don’t know, but it's the most I’ve seen him smile since I got home.”
Chip merely grunted and went back to his office, leaving you to work until the streets echoed with the sound of sirens. Dozens of cop cars raced down the block and everyone headed for the street to see what was going down and where. There wasn’t much to see as they turned down Michigan and you thought nothing of it until it was time for lunch.
“Holy shit, Dale, turn it up.” Chip barked from the tatty couch in the break room. “Jiminy, your boy’s on TV.”
You slipped out from under the car you were working on and went into the room to find the old CRT TV on full volume, Bucky and a whole lot of other bystanders watching the Sinner’s MC members getting thrown in the back of the cop cars you had seen earlier. The breaking news banner beneath the screen regaled the tale of a mountain of evidence against the club being anonymously sent to counterterrorism and it was as if he could feel you watching as he threw a wink to the camera before disappearing into the crowd.
“Jeeeesus.” Chip breathed out with relief, a small huff of a laugh to finish it off. “Good riddance to the lot of them. My babies can finally come home.”
You were still sitting in front of the tv watching the teams of police filling the clubhouse and emptying it of the mass of weapons, cash and drugs that had been hidden inside when you heard clapping outside. Peeking over the back of the couch you found Bucky looking for you and his eyes lit up when he found you, rushing into the staff room and closing the door behind him.
“How?” You asked dumbfounded as he crouched down in front of you and took your hands.
“I know a few people in low places and a few people in high places.” He smirked. “I just gave them both a bit of a nudge.”
“I can’t believe it. They’re really gone.”
“They’ve hurt a lot of people and there’s no shortage of evidence against them. They aren’t getting out for a very, very long time.”
“You did all this for me?”
“You’re my best girl, y/n, I’d do anything for you.”
You leant forward and captured his lips with a passion you hadn’t been able to muster since the attack. Your confidence had been at an all time low with the scars, then there had been the fear of another attack despite Bucky never leaving your side for one moment and there was the guilt he held for not getting to you in time. It had put you in a state of mind that left you drier than the sahara desert but it seemed the drought was over and desire was quickly pooling between your legs.
“Fuck…” Bucky groaned as his heightened senses noticed your arousal and he pulled away with almost obsidian eyes. “I just need a minute.”
“You need to take me home.”
His lip was caught between his teeth as he looked out the window and saw Chip and Dale arguing over something before interrupting. “I’m taking y/n home, it's all been a bit much excitement.”
Chip looked at you with concern before nodding, probably mistaking the wide eyes and mussed hair as stress. Bucky was already opening the car door and throwing your toolbox in the back before you had made it halfway across the floor and you couldn’t help giggling at his enthusiasm. A few weeks without sex now felt like a long time to you so you could only imagine how much worse it was for him, given how insatiable he was in bed.
There was no way you were even going to make it to the bedroom at the rate you were going and Bucky decided the couch was the best and closest thing to lay you on when you reached the top of the stairs. Your hands had been roaming his body since he sat in the driver's seat and you were lucky the windows were tinted as you unzipped his pants and stroked him through his boxers. His deep breathing and soft groans had filled the car and he had come to a rather hard stop when he parked in the garage.
It was only as you stood before him half naked and he was pulling your jeans down your legs that doubt crept back in. Your knees tried to pull together as he laid you back on the couch and began kissing his way down your body, but his own knee stopped you from shutting him out.
“You’re beautiful, y/n.” He reassured you between the kisses he was placing on your breasts. “So. Fucking. Beautiful. You hear me?”
You completely whimpered as his mouth finally reached you folds and…he went straight past, his teasing chuckled drifting up your body. Your hands were already reaching to pull him away as you felt his soft lips brush over the scars but he caught them and held them in his hands as his tongue swirled over the uneven surface. Your hands relaxed as warmth began to spread across your skin, the kisses and licks actually feeling really good over the tight skin and soon you were moaning.
Your moans spurred him into action and his tongue lashed between your folds, a hum of satisfaction as he tasted you like it was the first time all over again. Your head tipped back into the couch cushions as he teased your clit and let go of your hands so he could curl two fingers inside you, stretching you ready for him. Your walls were already fluttering around him as he sucked on your clit and rolled his fingers over your g-spot but he wanted to feel you come undone around his cock after so long without it.
“Do you remember what you told me?” He asked as he looked up at you, lazuli eyes captivating yours. “These scars make us who we are, they are proof of everything we have survived.”
“I remember.” You whispered, but giving advice was far easier than taking it.
He crawled up your body, the hard length of him resting on your hip as he shared your taste on his tongue. “I don’t care how many scars you get, I just need you to always survive.”
Your promise was lost in the gasp as he filled you, stretching you with a quick thrust of his hips and his mouth devouring yours, swallowing your needy cries as he let your body adjust around him.
“Fuck me, please, Bucky, I need you now.”
He finally rolled his hips as you begged him and his head tipped back with a growl at how good it felt to be buried inside you again. Sweet nonsense was tumbling from his lips and you had already been on the edge of bliss from his tongue, now you were feeling the coil in your belly tighten impossibly. Your keen cries joined Bucky’s moans as he pulled your leg higher and pushed himself deeper.
“Oh god, fuck, that feel’s so good.” You cried as your heels dug into his ass and you rolled your hips to meet his.
“I’m gonna cum, doll, you feel so fucking tight.”
His hand disappeared between you and his thumb pressed over your clit, your own hips riding you over his touch until the elastic band holding you together snapped. Your pussy clamped down on Bucky as your orgasm washed over you, the heat of it setting you alight from head to toe as your clit pulsed beneath his thumb and he grunted as he spent himself within your walls, the twitches of his cock setting off small aftershocks down your trembling legs.
You both lay entwined on the couch, Bucky still between your legs and his head on your chest as you twirled his growing hair in your fingers. You couldn’t imagine a more perfect moment than that. It had seemed like reaching this point was going to be impossible, that you were destined to remain broken and living in fear for the rest of your life. But Bucky had fixed it, he had fixed you.
You took Bucky’s hands in yours, lacing your fingers between his and kissed them. He thought his hands were weapons, especially the vibranium one, he saw them as tools, hands that cause hurt. You saw them for what they truly were, hands that heal.
Click here for last chapter.
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drrewstarrkey · 3 years
8 Letters , 3 Words
“”Can it be were I’m a pogue but I’m secretly dating Rafe and during the scene where he comes to John B’s house searching for everyone and they are hiding in the trees I convince them to let me be the one to tell him to leave but I didn’t know he was going to kiss me and once he leaves everyone gets down from the tree and we get in a argument when I rush off and meet with Rafe and I tell him I love him for the first time and we kiss and it’s all teasingly cute. Lol thanks :) sorry if it’s long I’m big on details””
@gpiggy98 <3
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Warnings: Fluff , angst. I didn’t proof read SPOILER!!!!
You and Rafe have been together for about 5 months now. You were a pouge and he was the kook prince. An considering your friends and him do not get along you had to keep y’all’s relationship a secret. You’ve been depressed lately considering you thought John B was dead. Your boyfriend Rafe, was the one who actually killed sheriff Peterkin. Also one of the reasons why your friends don’t get along with rafe.Sarah and John B were on the run and their boat went down during a storm. No one knows if they are alive or dead, but we all have hope.
You haven’t spoken to Kie , Pope and JJ considering they had went to Charleston. Pope had gotten a letter to see Mrs. Limbrey for some answers on clearing John B name considering they know it wasn’t John B who killed the Sheriff.
You didn’t want to leave Rafe after what he’s done. You promised him you would stay with him through it all and you have. You didn’t wanna go with your friends to Charleston, you wanted to stay with Rafe. You had told them you had to help your mom out with cleaning someone’s house in Figure Eight. In reality you were on Figure Eight just not cleaning.
You were laying in bed, with your head on his chest. Rafe had come home from Nassau, last night. He had called you to come stay with him last night. He has his mouth parted a little bit. You couldn’t help to just lay there and stare at him. You couldn’t believe that Rafe Cameron the Kook Prince was yours. It was about 8:30 am, you had to sneak out before anyone sees you with him. “ baby , I gotta go “ you say whispering, shaking him just a little. He moved groaning a little, still not waking up. “ Rafe, honey I have to leave. “ he open his eyes blinking, trying to adjust to the light in the room. “ no baby stay a little longer “ he says groaning holding onto you a little tighter.
“ baby you know I can’t. Your dads going to be up soon and I need to leave before hand. “ you say kissing his head. “ UGH cmon on baby I’ll walk you out” he says standing up. Before you walk out the bedroom door Rafe grabs and kisses you. “ I don’t want to to go “ pulling away before giving you another kiss. “ I have to baby “ “ I know , come on let’s go “ he pokes his head the door making sure he doesn’t see anyone, then motions you to go. “ see you later tonight ?” You ask holding his hand. “ yes baby, call me later “ he says rubbing your hand with his thumb. “ I will bye ! “
You walk down his long driveway to your car. You start driving and head to McDonald’s to get some breakfast. You pull into a parking spot to eat. You text in the group chat, it’s early you don’t know if they are awake but worth a shot.
You : You guys back yet ?
JJ🍃: no, the truck broke down last night. We haven’t even made it to Lembrys house yet. We are otw now.
Kie🐢: had to sleep in the bed of the truck last night 🤙🏽
Pope🧠: can’t talk right now , driving.
You: lol poor kie, y’all stay safe and let me know when your home!
You finished eating and go home to take a shower and take a nap. It’s about
Fast forward 4 hours
You wake up, you check the time it’s 1:30 you don’t even realized you had been sleeping that long. You check your messages.
1 message from Rafe.
Rafe♥︎ : Hey baby, I haven’t slept since you left. Miss you too much. See you tonight.
4 messages from P4L
Kie🐢: We got some exciting news! Phones gonna die. Ttyl
Pope: I’ve calculated that we will be home in about 5 hours.
JJ🍃: we are bon voyaging out of here. Just like the Spanish.
Pope🧠: what? That’s not Spanish that French JJ.
JJ🍃: stay at home, Kie will come get you ! BYE
You don’t reply to the group chat considering their phones are probably dead. You reply to rafe saying a short “ call me tonight xo” You decided to get up and clean your room and then watch to Netflix. You couldn’t decide on Greys Anatomy or Lucifer. After 15 minutes of deciding you picked Greys you thought to your self that time could go by watching that.
5 episodes later, 1 bag of chips. Two hot pockets later. You get a knock on your door. You jump up from your seat and run to the door. You open it to see a happy, jumpy kie. “ come on, come on grab your stuff let’s go “ you hurry back to your room and grab your things and run back out. She already has the car started yelling at you to hurry. “ alright alright I’m here , what’s the big surprise “ you say out of breathe from being rushed like that. “OMG I can’t tell you but you’re going to freak out !” She says. She’s trying to speed but not get a ticket at the same time. On the drive she catches you up on everything that had happened. How mrs. Limbrey wanted a key, and tried to kidnap Pope. How their truck broke down again. You had asked her how they got home, but she would just raise her eyebrow at you and say you’ll see. About 5 minutes after the conversation ended you had pulled up to the Chateau.
You get out and look over at the hot tub and you see all the lights had turned on and you hear multiple voices. You look up at where you’re hearing the voices and see what you never thought you see ever again. You couldn’t believe your eyes. Once you seen that smile you know it was him. John booker Rutledge. “ Close your mouth you’re gonna catch flies and get your ass over here and give me a hug.” Before you know it you’re in John bs arm, he swung you around. “ I can’t believe it’s you, you’re not dead” At this point you were crying. You just couldn’t believe he’s here. you look over at every one and see Sarah “ Sarah” you go give her a hug and she winces. “ oh shit sorry, did I hug you too tight?” You ask. “ A little bit I had gotten shot in Nassau “ she says pointing down at her stomach. “ oh my what how “ you asked worried at that point. “ It’s a long story but Rafe shot me “ You eyes go wide. You know something was wrong with him but you didn’t think he would shoot his sister. “ enough of this sad shit, let’s party !“ JJ says.
About 2 hours of y’all having a good time, just laughing. You haven’t heard from Rafe, but you didn’t mind it considering John b and Sarah are here. You guys had been smoking, drinking, just having a blast. John B hears this car door shut. Everyone goes quiet. Scared that the cops had found out about John B being in town and had come looking for him. You guys all jump into the tree, sitting on the branches. You hear voices. You’re body runs cold, you could pin that voice anywhere. You look down and see Rafe and Barry, holding a gun. You look up at Sarah eyes wide. John B looks at you and puts his finger to his lips telling you to be quiet. But you had to do something. You go to jump off the branch and JJ grabs ahold of your shirt and shakes his head. You push his hand off.
You had quietly slid down the tree. The noise from you getting down had made Rafe snap his head towards the sound, with the gun pointed at you. You put your arms up in surrender. “ hey it’s just me” you say softly. His gaze softens a little and he puts the gun down. “ what are you doing here Y/N” he says his voice is stern. “ I’m here with my friends Rafe” you say. You start to slowly come towards him. John B , Sarah and JJ, don’t understand what’s going on and why you had gotten down.
“ Baby why are you here with a gun” you ask at this point your right in front of him. You know that your friends don’t know about you and rafe but you had to calm him down. “ I’m here for John B . “ Rafe responded his voice slightly raising. You go and grab his face. “ baby you need to calm down. Put the gun away. “ you say softly pressing your forehead to his. Your friends in the tree couldn’t believe it. You were dating the enemy. The guy who had killed the Sheriff, who was trying to frame your friend for doing it. The guy who shot his sister.
“ I can’t Y/N, I need to do this “ he says pulling away looking around. Barry had went in the house to look for him but obviously he wasn’t there. “ you know where he is, where is it “ He asks you sternly. “ Rafe, you can’t baby. I love you Rafe please stop. Just calm down” you said , you didn’t even realize those words came out until after you said it. Rafe looked at you eyes wide. “ Y-you love me ?” He says softly. “ yes rafe I do. Besides everything that has happened. I cant help my self but love you “ you say. Rafe drops the gun and hugs you. “ I love you too Y/N “
“ come let’s go “ you say, you bend down and grab the gun and his hand and walk off. “ Country Club Killer in love, never thought I’d see the day.” Barry says shaking his head walking toward the truck. You look up at the tree when you know rafe and him won’t notice. They had their mouth wide out. JJ looked pissed, if looks could kill you would be dead at that moment. You give them a slight smile, knowing that they are beyond upset with you. You’ll talk to them tomorrow, hopefully but all you can think about right now is how Rafe and you finally said those words. You know that, that you shouldn’t just be thinking that considering what has happened in the last 15 minutes but you can’t help it…
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sapientiiae · 5 months
@guideoftime @puxrlunae
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rosemaze-reveries · 3 years
When you accidentally smudge your ceremony makeup
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🌹 Riddle - “Ahem.” He calls your attention forward, and gives you the whole Riddle Lecture™: students of NRC must be mindful of their appearances, looking sloppy is a breach of the dress code... but he’ll fix it for you since it’s his job as dorm leader. “The next time, it will be off with your head. Keep that in mind.”
♥ Ace - You’re midway through tiredly rubbing your eyes when Ace reaches out to grab your wrist. “Oi, you’re gonna mess up your—” he starts, but you’ve already done it. “...makeup.” Once he sees the realization settle in on your face, he just starts snickering at you.
♠ Deuce - “Oh no, your makeup!” Deuce wants to help you, but he doesn’t have a spare cloth or anything—and his NRC robes are too precious to get dirty. In his panic to figure something out, he ends up licking his thumb and tries to rub it off for you.
♣ Trey - “Haha, did you forget you were wearing eyeliner? I’m sure the teachers won’t let you leave to go fix it, but let me see...” With a wave of Doodle Suit, he says, “There—now both eyes are smudged, so it looks intentional. ...Just kidding.” You look ceremony-ready again.
♦ Cater - “Hey hey, could you look at me? ...Yup, I was right! You’ve got a teensy issue going on there! One sec, I’ll fix this up super quick for you!” He tilts your chin up with one hand, using the other to pull out his magical pen and touch up your eyeliner.
🦁 Leona - He catches your gaze from across a few people, and wordlessly gestures to his own eye, a half-smirk on his face. You’re not understanding, so you go up to him for clarification; he just tells you “You look like you got punched in the face.”
🐺 Jack - He notices but can’t for the life of him figure out how to tell you. He hopes one of your closer friends might let you know, but the longer time that passes, the more guilty he feels. Finally: “Er, Director... I think you might want to check your eye makeup.”
🐆 Ruggie - “Shishishi~ Need some help? I could fix that up for you, for the cheap price of 300 madols!” You aren’t going to pay him to touch up your makeup when you could easily do it yourself, but without a mirror you only make the smudge worse. Ruggie can’t stand to watch; he ends up cutting in and forcibly taking over. You can owe him later.
🐙 Azul - “Would you mind if I gave you a bit of advice? Your eye,” he points to your right eye. “I’m certain you don’t mean to wear your eyeliner that way. If you’d like, you can borrow my handkerchief.” Seeing your hesitance, he insists that there aren’t any strings attached.
🐬 Jade - “Oh, dear, you’re a complete mess. Have you been crying? There’s no need to be so nervous for a school ceremony. Or was there a different reason?” Jade removes a glove and wipes his thumb beneath your eye. “Don’t hesitate to let me know if you need my assistance with anything.”
🦈 Floyd - He laughs and points out that it almost looks like you’re crying ink! It reminds him of Azul from when they were kids. You ask for his help in cleaning it up, and his grin only grows bigger. “Whaa~? You want me to lick it off for you~?” How else would he get it off?
☀ Kalim - “!” Leaning in close to you, he whisper-shouts in order to be as lowkey about this as possible: “Your makeup! It’s smudged!! Should we run to the bathroom? Wait, maybe Jamil has some stuff.”
🐍 Jamil - “Oh—hold still.” He came to the ceremony prepared with cotton swabs and a tiny vial of micellar water, probably for Kalim but clearly you need it this time. With a few swift and masterful swipes, you’re good to go.
👑 Vil - “How did you manage to smudge your eyeliner that far?” He’s a little baffled you could show up to a ceremony looking like that, but quickly passes you a handkerchief. “Hurry and fix up that mess.” He also has a spare eyeliner on hand, and reapplies it himself to resolve this as quickly as possible.
🍎 Epel - “Do you need a mirror, maybe?” This is the first time he’s brought his phone to a school ceremony despite there being a rule against it, and he’s secretly very proud of that, so he uses this as a chance to bring it out and let you use the camera.
🏹 Rook - Both of his hands fly up, his lips falling agape. “Mon Dieu! Look this way?” He whips out a small cloth and begins to dab your face. “Ah, Trickster. A makeup disaster would never detract from your beauty, but I thought this would save the embarrassment.”
💀🔥 Idia/Ortho - Idia stares at you for a few minutes without a word, sadistically amused that you’re walking around unaware of your unfortunate beauty mishap. But Ortho notices it too, and he doesn’t skip in a beat in running over to let you know about it.
🐲 Malleus - It’s easier for Malleus to use magic to remedy your makeup rather than inform you about it. It’s not worth bringing to your attention if he can quietly poof it away. (Even better if you rub your eye several times and he has to keep looking back over at you to fix it again and again).
🦇 Lilia - “Hoh, were you going for a subtle corpsepaint look?” He’s a fan of the more extreme renditions of this style, but when you get offended by his question he has to explain that your eyeliner has run down to your cheekbones. But, he insists that it looks rather nice; he even wants to adjust his own makeup to match.
⚔ Silver - His sleepiness sometimes makes it hard to think straight and he mistakes your running makeup for dark eye circles. “Did you stay up all night last night?” He’s a little worried about you.
⚡ Sebek - “HUMAN!! Do you know what your face looks like right now!!? Indecent!! Come here.” Sebek is strict about keeping a tidy and professional appearance in front of Malleus, so he’s actually very good at fixing up makeup.
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Barber.
Warnings: NONE.
A/N:  I honestly cried while writing this. The song I chose for them was “In your eyes” by Peter Gabriel.
Word count: 1609
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
GIFS not mine, you can find the credits in each gif :)
“I think I’m about to throw up.” Annie said as she was getting her make up done.
“Just breathe, darling. You are going to be fine.” Justin, the makeup artist, told her.
“Right, breath.” She took a deep breath and let the air out of her mouth.
“You should probably eat something.” Sharon said.
“Your friend is right. You need to eat before the weeding, I don’t think you want to pass out while walking down the aisle.”
Meanwhile Andy was at the house running around trying to get Jake and himself ready.
“Come on, buddy.”
“No! I don’t like the jacket!”
“Fine! No jacket, but you have to wear the vest and your bowtie.”
“I look stupid.”
“Hey! Language. Thank god, Annie is not here.” Jake ran to his room. “Jake! Please! Do this for me and Annie, it’s just one day, I promise!”
Jake crossed his arms, “I want ice cream.”
“This is not a negotiation!”
“My terms are final.”
“I get you ice cream if you let me dress you.”
Jake thought for a bit before smiling widely “Ok!”
It was 6:30 when Andy left the house along with Jake in the car.
“Please, can someone tell me if Andy is here?”
Annie was ready in the room of the hotel where the wedding was taking place. Pacing around the room with a knot in her stomach.
“I’ll go and check.” Mark said.
Mark was about to leave when Tom walked in.
“Wow!” He looked at her sister lovingly, “You look so beautiful. You look like a princess.” His eyes watered.
“Please don’t cry. If you cry, I’ll cry and that will ruin my make up.” She hugged his brother.
“Yeah, you’re right!” He let out his breath, “Andy is gonna died when he sees you.”
“So, he is here?”
“Of course! I have never seen him so nervous by the way. Not even when he asked for my permission to marry you.” He winked at Annie. “Are you ready?”
“I think so.”
“It’s never too late to run away.” Annie slap him on the chest, “OW! I’m kidding!”
“Let’s go then.”
Annie hooked her arm to his brother’s and left the room, followed by Sharon and Mark.
A couple of minutes later they stood in front of the doors of the hall where all the guests were waiting for her to begin the ceremony.
The wedding march began to play behind the doors and then they open. Everyone were standing there looking at her.
“Breath” Tom said in a low voice and caressed her hand, “Focus on Andy.”
And she did. There he was, wearing a blue tux, smiling and with tears in his eyes. She smiled to him and then they walked.
Andy couldn’t believe what his eyes were seeing, Annie was like a vision, an angel. He could sword there was light coming out of her as he saw her walking down the aisle, she looked perfect; she looked beautiful as always.
Tom handed his sister’s hand to Andy. “Take care of her, will you?”
“I will.” Andy took Annie’s hand, “Hi.”
“Hi.” She smiled.
“Good evening,” The minister spoke, “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Andy and Annie in matrimony. Their time together, they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to live out the rest of their lives as one. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace.” No one said anything. “Marriage is a commitment to life, the best that two people can find and bring out in each other…”
The minister continued as Annie and Andy shared loving looks at each other, not really paying attention to what was happening around them.
“I believe you have written some vows.”
“Yes.” Andy said as he took out a piece of paper out of his pocket. “Annie, I love you with my whole heart. My love for you it’s so great that I can’t express it with words. I promise to be your honest, faithful and loving husband as long as we both live. I will always protect you from harm, to stand with you against your troubles, and to look to you when I need protection.” A few tears were running down his cheeks at this point. He took a breath and continued. “Thank you for being a mother to Jake, for taking care of him, and loving him as if he was your own kid. I couldn’t ask for a better woman to raise Jake with. I love you, and I always will.”
“Yes,” She turned to take her piece of paper from Mark, “Andy, you helped me when I needed the most. You are my every dream come true, and I can't wait for the reality we get to build together. I choose you and promise to choose you as my husband every day we wake. I will love you in word and deed. I will laugh with you, cry with you, scream with you, grow with you, and craft with you. To be your kin and your partner in all of life's adventures is all I could hope for in the world. Loving what I know of you and trusting what I don't yet know, I give you my hand. I give you my love. I give you myself, the good, the bad, and the yet to come. I love you with all my heart, Andy.”
“Andy, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?”
"I do."  Andy said confident.
“Annie, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" 
"I do." Annie said tearfully.
"Repeat after me, Andy" The minister said the lines and Andy repeat them.
"I, Andy, take you Annie, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." 
Annie then followed through.
"I, Annie, take you Andy, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." 
“Can we have the rings?” Jake walked towards his dad and handed him the ring, while Sharon did the same with Annie.
"I give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love." They both said one at the time as they exchanged their rings.
"By virtue of the authority vested in me under the laws of the State of Massachusetts, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Andy, you may kiss the bride."
“Finally!” He said and got closer to her wife and kissed her.
“I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Barber.”
All the guests began clapping as they continued kissing.
“LET’S WELCOME MR. AND MRS. BARBER!!!!!” The singer of the band said through the mic. Everyone cheered and clapped as they walked into the venue. “COME ON! LET’S HEAR IT FOR THE HAPPY COUPLE!” people kept clapping as they moved to the middle of the dance floor. “And now, please everybody take your sits, as the newlyweds will share their first dance together.” The room became silent, “This was a special request from the husband. Annie, this is for you.”
Andy grabbed Annie’s right hand as she placed the other on his shoulder; and the band began to play.
Annie still didn’t know what song Andy had picked for them. He always kept it a secret.
Love I get so lost sometimes
Days pass and this emptiness fills my heart
When I want to run away I drive off in my car
But whichever way I go
I come back to the place you are.
Annie listened to the song attentively as they swing back and forth.
All my instincts, they return
The grand facade, so soon will burn
Without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside
She heard Andy began to sing and turned to see him. He was looking at her, with all the love he had in him. His hand caressed her cheek and she closed her eyes as they hugged each other.
In your eyes
The light, the heat (in your eyes)
I am complete (in your eyes)
I see the doorway (in your eyes)
To a thousand churches (in your eyes)
The resolution (in your eyes)
Of all the fruitless searches (in your eyes).
Oh, I see the light and the heat (in your eyes)
Oh, I wanna be that complete
I wanna touch the light, the heat I see in your eyes.
The song soon came to an end, and they kissed like there was no one around them.
“Congratulations Andy and Annie! We wish you a life time of happiness.” The singer said, “Now let’s get this party started. But first, dinner. Everybody enjoy and we will come back later to keep celebrating our couple.”
“I love you.”
“I love you more, Andy.”
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mymoodwriting · 3 years
The Choice Is Yours
F!Reader x Vampire!Yuta
Genre: Vampire Dystopia
Warning: Blood, Stabbing, Chains, Minor Self Harm
Words: 2.5K
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Epilogue
Prompt: Good behavior goes a long way when a new world order is established within hours and humans wind up at the bottom of the food chain. As luck would have it you were claimed by a vampire named Yuta, so you’re saved in a sense. Many would say you’re in a rather unique situation, and despite its perks it wasn’t really something you asked for.
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“Anything interesting?”
You scoffed. “It’s all interesting, but useless. I don’t think there’s a way back.”
“Not with that attitude.”
“Not ever.”
“You didn’t die.”
“I might as well have.”
“Alright, that’s enough reading for you.”
    Jinwoo took the book from you and placed it on the pile off to the side. He noticed the food he brought you was left untouched.
“Are you okay?”
“Why didn’t you eat?”
“It… it doesn’t taste good.”
“Come on, you can’t be picky about-”
“I tried… but it tasted… like chalk…”
“You’ve only been here for like a day… I thought we’d have more time…”
“I told you… you shouldn’t have brought me here… I’m gonna go crazy soon.”
“So I was just supposed to leave you?”
“Yes. What good am I here? You’re gonna have to kill me.”
“I’m not doing that.”
“I’m not asking. If you don’t do it someone else here will for everyone’s sake. I don’t wanna hurt anyone…”
“I know, but I don’t want to hurt you either.”
“You won’t.”
“That’s gonna be beyond our control soon enough…”
“There has to be something.” Jinwoo grabbed a book. “You’re still human.”
“Am I?”
“You’re not. You haven’t killed anyone.”
“I might.”
“I won’t let that happen.”
“Stop it, just stop. You’re making empty promises. These books aren’t gonna save me or you.”
“So you just want me to kill you?”
“Better than going insane with hunger. I mean… you can always do something else…”
“What? Send you home?”
“You could learn… you guys only know so much about vampires and halfbreeds…”
“Seriously? You’re not some lab rat, I’m not going to torture you. We’ll figure something, please just don’t…”
“Fine. A problem for later.” 
    You leaned back against the rocks, looking down at your chains. Jinwoo didn’t like them but it was your precaution, knowing you couldn’t trust yourself anymore. He was the only one who came to see you, Minhyuk would too on occasion, but no one else. You could hear the discussions outside the caves, about the other people worried over you being with them. Chains or not, they recognized you were a danger, and many questioned Jinwoo’s decision to bring you with in the first place. You appreciated how much he cared, but he’s certainly an idiot.
“How is everything else? In the camp?”
“Good. Others from the house you were in have been settling in nicely.”
“How do you even do it? Run all this?”
“It’s scary… but we need to be strong now more than ever.”
“I didn’t get to see much, but I’m sure this place is beautiful.”
“I wish I could have brought you here the first time.”
“It wasn’t meant to be. So don’t blame yourself.”
“And don’t give up just yet.”
“I’ll try not too.”
“First you get attacked on the road, and now this?” Doyoung spat. “Do you have any idea how much of an embarrassment this is?”
“What did you even do to piss off this rebellious group?”
“Where’s Taeyong…”
“On his way. I’m sure he’ll have things to say too.” Doyoung took a breath. “Do you have a damage report?”
“Yes. YangYang has it… Xiaojun is double checking everything…”
“Alright. I’ll check with him.”
    Yuta stayed outside in the yard. The attack had happened hours ago in the middle of the night, he had only recently awoken. There had been a big group of humans who had come from within the house. He tried to fight back but was overwhelmed. He wound up dragged outside into the night and stabbed multiple times. He bled out before he knew what was truly going on. It wasn’t until late morning that he regained consciousness, a knife or two still in him, and all the other halfbreeds outside with him, unconscious as well.
    When he managed the strength to get up he noticed the house was on fire, at least not completely engulfed. He tried to wake the others but they didn’t seem to be strong enough yet. He stumbled into the house, avoiding the fire and heading down to the kitchen. The only way there was a fire is if the indoor sprinkler system had been deactivated. When he found the control panel he restarted the system and soon enough it started raining. If he had the chance to catch his breath he would, instead making his way upstairs to find you.
    Upon seeing the bedroom door open he assumed the worst. You hadn’t been outside with the others, but he held his breath. The room was empty, and there was no blood in sight. You weren’t dead, or at least he hoped. He found his phone and called Taeyong, explaining the situation to him, and that he might need some help. He didn’t get scolded, but Taeyong assured him he’d be there soon. By then the house wasn’t really on fire anymore, so he decided to look around for damages. 
    It was obvious a lot of servants were gone, but not everyone had escaped. Those still in the house cowered in fear when he approached, but he left them alone. With the fire no longer burning he caught whiff of your scent, following it urgently. He wound up back in that secret tunnel, finding a pool of your blood. Now he began to worry for your safety. It was still somewhat fresh, but he couldn’t follow, not now. He grabbed some blood bags and went back up and out to the yard, seeing the others recovering.
“Are you okay?”
“Sore…” YangYang groaned. “But fine. You?”
“Same. I already called Taeyong.”
“What happened?”
“An attack… I think it was the same ones who blew up the limo.”
“Didn’t know people still held grudges.”
“Apparently.” He handed over a blood bag. “Here, you need your strength.”
“Thanks. What about the servants?”
“Some are gone, others scattered around the house and scared. I need you to round them up and count heads, also check the property for damage, and figure out what happened with the security system.”
“Got it boss.”
    It wasn’t until the sun had begun to set that the other arrived. He was expecting a scolding so he took it from Doyoung. He certainly felt it was deserved, so much had gone wrong he couldn’t even understand it. More than anything he was worried about you. He didn’t know if you were okay, and a part of him feared you were dead out in the woods somewhere.Yet he held onto the hope that you were alive, he’d hate himself if that wasn’t the case. He stayed put until Taeyong arrived, quickly jumping to his feet.
“Taeyong, I’m sorry, I-”
“Are you okay?”
“Are you hurt? Do you need blood?”
“Oh, no, I’m fine. I got stabbed a few times, but I feel better now.”
“Okay, so what happened?”
“I’m not sure… a human rebellious group attacked the house, they came in through the underground tunnels.”
“I thought you sealed those off?”
“I hadn’t gotten to it. I was going to once y/n-”
“Speaking of, where is she? Surely this has all been traumatic for her. She’s not hurt is she?”
“No… well… I don’t know…”
“The rebels… I think they took her… and I think they’re the same ones who blew up the limo.” 
“Interesting. So they took her again. No tracker this time?”
“No, she was home with me and… well I’ve been keeping a close eye on her cause… I turned her…”
“Oh, about time. How is she?”
“She’s been okay, it’s only been a few days.”
“Days! She’s days old!”
“Son of a bitch… he fucken knew too I bet.”
Taeyong pulled out his phone. “Johnny, get the dogs ready, and transport vehicles, we’re going hunting… send a vehicle my way too, and plot a course to the mountains.”
“Mountains?” Yuta questioned. “What do you mean? Do you know where y/n is?”
“In fact I do.”
“It’s not for you to worry about, just gather your strength.”
    Your throat felt dry, and your stomach growled. You knew what you wanted, but there was no way you were getting it, even if you truly wanted it. You could already feel yourself going a little crazy. Your senses were as sharp as ever, as if trying to find the one thing that could satisfy your hunger. Above all you were scared. You were feeling things you never had before, and you didn’t know what the outcome would be. More than anything you were scared to hurt the people here. 
    This was supposed to be their safe place, and you were here as a reminder of the things they should fear. It wasn’t fair to be there, you didn’t deserve to be there, not anymore. It wasn’t your world. While alone you began to look for something. You needed to keep others safe, and you needed to do something now before the hunger took over. You needed something sharp, thinking back to how Jinwoo brought you. If you were injured you’d be no danger to anyone.
    There wasn’t anything sharp, but there were still the utensils from the food. It’d take a lot more to actually stab yourself, but you didn’t have much choice at the moment. You’ve never done something like this before, you never thought you would either, but a lot has changed in your life. You made sure no one was around, and jabbed the utensil into your side. It hurt like never before, and barely went right through. If you were human it wouldn’t have been as easy.
    It wasn’t enough though. You’d go mad before passing out. So you twisted the utensil into the wound, the smell of blood becoming more apparent. You began to wonder if you could die. Jinwoo and the others claimed to kill vampires with fire, but you’d seen first hand one of their attacks yield no casualties. You weren’t a vampire of course, but you wondered if it would be easier for you to die. You kept moving and going deeper, even as your vision began to fade.
    You woke to Jinwoo shaking you, a slightly panicked look on his face. You were a bit surprised you could regain consciousness.
“What did you do!”
“I’m… I’m fine…”
“Y/n, I told you-”
    A scream from outside interrupted him. You thought you were hearing things, but then there were more screams. You tried to sit up, but the blood loss was too much at this time. Jinwoo wasn’t near you anymore, looking out, and then you heard a laugh.
“I guess I took it too far.”
    You managed to sit up, feeling incredibly light headed. You could hear how the panic had spread, and then came another all too familiar noise, hissing. For a moment your energy spiked as you realized what was happening.
“No… no that’s not… how did they…”
    Jinwoo stepped out and you wished you could follow. This place was supposed to be safe and hidden, and yet it was being attacked. You felt guilty, you were the only party that could be blamed, logically that is. All of a sudden you saw Jinwoo stumble back into the cave, laughing, and spitting out some blood.
“I didn’t do anything, I swear.”
    You swear you were hallucinating when you saw Taeyong enter after Jinwoo, looking very much upset.
“You fucken knew!”
“Excuse me for giving her an option, he just wanted a pet, didn’t he?”
“She’s just a child! That still doesn’t give you the right to take her!”
“I didn’t do anything if that’s what you’re scared about.”
“What’s… what’s happening…”
    Taeyong turned to you, seeing the state you were in. His eyes flashed red and he slammed Jinwoo against the wall.
“You didn’t do shit? Huh?”
“I didn’t touch her!”
    Taeyong hissed and then left with Jinwoo in tow. You still weren’t entirely sure if what you saw was real. You tried to get up, only to collapse to the floor again. A moment later you saw Yuta come into your field of vision.
“Y/n… I’m so sorry… here…” He sat you up. “You need to drink.”
“I… no… I can’t…”
“You need to, I know you’re starving, please.”
    You couldn’t deny your hunger either, managing the strength to bite into his wrist and drink. It tasted so good that as you regained your strength you held on tightly to him. He found the cause of your injury and removed the utensil, keeping a hand on your wound to prevent it from bleeding too much as it healed. You collapsed into his arms when you had your fill, still feeling drowsy. Yuta broke the chains that held you and carried you out in his arms. You were semi-conscious but more aware of your surroundings than before. You realized the haven had been attacked, and everyone had been apprehended.
“What happened…”
“Sh, you don’t need to worry about that right now.”
“How did you… find me…”
“It’s complicated.”
    Yuta got you into the backseat of a car, telling the driver to go. You were still mostly out of it, but you managed to glance out the back window, seeing the once safe place in ruins. Yuta pulled your head down to rest on his shoulder, telling you to sleep. You didn’t want to, but the exhaustion and recovery of your injury demanded it.
    This time around you woke up in a bed, all by yourself. You looked around to take in your surroundings, you were a bit surprised you recognized it. It was Yuta’s room, the old one in Taeyong’s house. You had vague memories of the attack, but you understood why you weren’t back there. You got up, taking a second to get your footing. You wandered out of the room, hearing faint signs of life off in the distance. You followed them, hoping to find someone, anyone, who could tell you what had happened. You made your way to the dining hall, seeing a few at the table for breakfast. The room went quiet when you entered, and then Doyoung got up, having you take a seat at the table.
“You must be hungry, eat.”
“Ah… thank you… where’s Yuta?”
“In Taeyong’s office.”
“Is he in trouble…”
“No, they’re just talking about what to do next. This whole situation is gonna have to be presented to the seven.”
“The… the seven? Why?”
“Complications between Taeyong and Jinwoo need to be resolved.”
“Jinwoo? You know Jinwoo?”
“Yes. I thought you did too?”
“Yuta said you read our books from the library.” Ten commented. “Jinwoo writes the ones regarding humans.”
“He… he does? Wait you mean… it’s that same… person?”
“Out of the seven he’s the only one who ever lived among humans, best way to study their behavior supposedly.”
“Study… he studies humans… so the… rebellious…”
“It’s not often you get the chance to study humans in a dystopia situation.” Jaehyun added. “It’s an opportunity he didn’t want to miss.”
    You couldn’t make sense of anything you were hearing. You got up and left the table, ignoring everyone else’s questions. Everything felt like a lie, and you didn’t know what to believe anymore. You were trying to make your way back to the room you came from, but you soon ran into Yuta. You stayed quiet, unsure of what to say to him.
“Come on, Taeyong wants to talk with you.”
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drarryspecificrecs · 5 years
Help please! I started a fic and accidentally exited without saving and now can’t find it. It starts with the trio being in Diagon Alley and they run into Draco, Pansy, and Blaise while Draco is buying a new owl. Thanks!
Anon #2: I’ve been scouring the web for a fic I read a while back and keep coming up short. Maybe you could help me out? All I can really recall is that it was an 8th year fic where Harry and Draco began studying together in private study rooms in the library. While tutoring, Draco realizes that Harry can’t properly read because of his mistreatment/under-education from his childhood and adapts studying to be more kinetic & verbal for him. I seem to remember there being a trade off of ~sexual favors~ for tutoring as well. Any bells ringing? Please and thank you so much!
Anon #3: Hi! I’m looking for this fic that I think is quite popular, and it’s set during 8th year and draco is made to tutor harry in potions? And they get together and harry starts to teach draco defense too. I think it ends with harry making a grand speech in the great hall bc typical harry. Thanks ever so!!
Anon #4: Hey! Can you please help me find this ao3 fic? I remember that it was set post-war, hogwarts eighth year. A few bullies taunt Draco all the time. Later, the bully revealed Draco’s dark mark by taking his arm and lifting the sleeve at breakfast. It was building up & he kept going at Draco with verbal abuse and even Neville said something. Harry stayed silent knowing he could stop it so Draco said “fuck you” and left crying. Harry said he loved him during a speech in front of the school. Thanks!!
Anon #5: hello!! i need help finding for this fic :( its gonna be super vague bc i only remember this one scene ;A; harry is at a ministry gala about to give a speech with hermione ron and others. he invites draco but draco only comes in when harry is giving the speech? and when harry spots him, he changes his whole speech to be about slytherin and draco;; im pretty sure the speech was about war stuff i know its super vague but if anyone finds it i’ll be super glad!! thank you so much!! ❤️
Anon #6: Hello 👋🏼, could you please help me find a fanfic? Everyone returns for eighth year and there is a new Slytherin Head Of House (a young male and a new young female teacher) and Draco is having dreams I think about a fling he had and Harry slowly realises he is in love. I do remember a scene where Draco is sad about sth and Harry takes him at a beach house (one of the Weasley’s beach house). Thank you so much
ETA: Thank you guys for your help ♥
Things Worth Knowing by @femmequixotic & @noeeon [E, 164k]
► After the Battle, Harry thinks he’s left Hogwarts for good, but Minerva insists that all students return for an Eighth Year if they wish to sit for NEWTs in the spring, and Harry needs those NEWTs to go into the Aurors. Draco’s just grateful not to be in Azkaban. Or the Manor. He’s hoping he can steer clear of Potter this year and grapple with his own problems. Unfortunately for him, Potter appears to be one of those problems. And that’s not even addressing the fact that Potter’s got serious issues of his own, which Draco realises as he’s forced to share an Eighth Year dormitory room and several classes with the Gryffindor Git. If only they can make it through the year without killing each other, it should be all right, shouldn’t it? ★ H/D Erised 2017
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spllcat · 5 years
              ( repost, don’t reblog ! )
FULL NAME.  felix blake. NICKNAME.  ely,  kitten,  kitty,  kitty cat. GENDER.  male,  not  gender  conforming  though.  he  couldn’t  care  less  about stereotypes  and  toxic  masculinity. HEIGHT.  6 ft.1  /  184  cm. AGE.  around  800,  appears  to  be  in  his  thirty,  says  he  is  32. ZODIAC.  scorpio. SPOKEN LANGUAGES.  english,  french,  latin,  dead  and  obscure  languages.
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬
HAIR COLOR.   black,  often  tousled. EYE COLOR.  dark brown.  SKIN TONE.  medium,  warm,  tan  easily. BODY TYPE.  athletic  and  fit,  toned  and  chiseled  without  being  overly  muscular,  peak condition,  broad  shoulders,  smaller  waist,  long  legs. VOICE.  deep,  but  not  as  deep  as  his  build  suggests.  DOMINANT HAND.  right. POSTURE.   stand  tall  and  proud,  confident  and  alert. SCARS.  any  wounds  and  scars  he  sustains  disappear  when  he  come  back  to  life.  except  for :  claws  marks  over  his heart (  when  an  evil  creature  tried  to  take  his  heart  )  and  a  cut  on  the side  of  his  throat (  when  he  slit  his  own  throat  ). TATTOOS.  none,  but  he  wears  a rune when he is bonded,  when  someone  asks  he  says  it’s a tattoo. BIRTHMARKS.  none. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).   scent,  presence,  height.
PLACE OF BIRTH.  the  fey  realm. HOMETOWN.  beddgelert. SIBLINGS.  none,  considers  some  familiars  as  such. PARENTS.  none,  considers  his  mentor  as  his  mother.
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞
OCCUPATION.  familiar,  witch’s guide,  familiars’ protector,  occult expert.   apothecarian,  owner  of  a magical  shop. CURRENT RESIDENCE.  verse  dependent, cottage / haunted manor. CLOSE FRIENDS.  verse  dependent. RELATIONSHIP STATUS.  verse  dependent. FINANCIAL STATUS.  wealthy,  doesn’t  flaunt  it,  and  except  for  some  expensive  tastes  he  lives comfortably  but  simply.  DRIVER’S LICENSE.  yes,  but  he  doesn’t  drive  much.  and  when he  does  he  prefers  his  bike  to  a  car. CRIMINAL RECORD.  none,  he  makes  sure  his  existence  remains  in  the  shadow.  VICES.  attention  seeking,  often  to  an  healthy  extent.
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.  pansexual PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.  submissive | dominant | switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.  submissive | dominant | switch LIBIDO.  hedonistic,  high. LOVE LANGUAGE.   touch,  closeness,  easy  affection,  cooking,  sharing  his  magic ... RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.   hopeless  romantic,  faithful,  seek  commitment,  clingy,  vulnerable  (  leaves  himself  open  to  manipulation )
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.   ‘even  if  it  hurts,  sam  tinnesz’  (  even if it hurts ,  even if it's razor deep ,   i’m not giving up  ,  not gonna run  ,  i'll be there when you need me  ) HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.    baking,  gardening,  architecture  ( mainly  castles,  old churches,  gothic style),  poetry,  mystery books,  new  romance,  cuddles  and  snuggles … LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.  right  brained  (  more  intuitive,  thoughtful,  and  subjective.   expression,   emotional  intelligence,  imagination,  creativity  ) FEARS.   his  fears  of  rejection  &  abandonment,   fear  of  failure  &  being  a  burden.  afraid  of  confined  places  and  deep  waters ...   SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.  medium,  constantly  changing  and  evolving. VULNERABILITIES.  his  proteges,  those  he  loves ...
tagged by:  @putrifyre  ♥ tagging:  @finestbones  ,  @zondevol  ,  @sheflirts  ,  @anticheryl  
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