#i’m really tired and have been watching their skits all night
d0youc0py · 1 year
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Prompt: no way… you’re actually jealous?
He was a man of many emotions. Yet he was also a man of self restraint- only letting himself fly off the handle when he felt it was necessary.
All of that flew out of the window with you.
Was this a necessary time? Absolutely not. In fact it was admittedly childish and embarrassing that he felt such angst rising in his chest.
It was time for the weekly Price family dinner. His older siblings Phoebe and Frank, his younger brother Ralph and of course his parents- Mr. and Mrs. Price all drove an exhausting ten minutes to your house for dinner. Normally he didn’t mind having his family close by especially while he was away, but right now he was one more wine pour away from kicking all of them to the curb.
He had just gotten back this morning from a month long mission and he still hadn’t gotten his you fix. The two of you should be curled up, you mumbling about all the things you did while he was away against his skin. God he could practically smell your shampoo. He wanted your cold hands to crawl up under his shirt searching for the warmth you’ve been denied for far too long.
Instead he was pressed against the firm wood of the dining room chair watching as your attention was constantly being caught by different stories. Something about Phoebe’s car, Frank’s kid is doing shite in school, and Ralph discovered he quite likes golf. He didn’t have the mental power to keep up, his ears only perking up when he heard you speak.
His arm was draped over the back of your chair and it took every ounce of strength to not tug you closer. He couldn’t stop his fingers from reaching out and brushing your cheek though. He almost purred when your soft skin tickled his fingers. Your eyes flickered up sending him a soft sleepy smile.
That’s all it took.
“Goodnight everyone.” John nearly demanded standing up abruptly. The conversation halted everyone looking at you for confirmation that they were really getting kicked out of your house. You looked up at your husband with wide eyes before sending a sheepish smile to your family.
“Johnathan?” His mother questioned. You always giggled when she used his full name.
“I’m tired, alright? I’ll buy us all dinner next week, yeah? For cutting this one short.” That seemed to satisfy them enough. Each of them gave you a kiss goodbye- sending him a glare in the process. “I’ll clean up, love.” He insisted taking the dishware out of your hands.
“It’ll go faster if we both do it.” You yawned pecking his cheek. “You alright? You were quiet all night. Still have some battle skits?” You hummed, causing a small chuckle to escape him. He was always skittish a few days after a mission- understandably- so you had affectionately named it battle skits.
“I missed you.” He whispered. You didn’t know if you wanted to giggle like a child or cry.
“Oh, John.” You sighed, waving him off. You tucked yourself under his arm and he reciprocated by holding you tight against him.
“Everyone was hogging you.” He grunted, inhaling your scent. “Didn’t get enough time with you before the circus rolled in.”
“Someone’s jealous.” You teased, wrapping your arms around his neck. The Captain never got jealous. He was fiercely protective, but he loved to show you off- always being so proud of you.
“Yeah.” He agreed, making your mouth to fall open. His brows furrowed at your reaction. “What?”
“No way! You’re actually jealous?” You sputtered. A cheeky grin spread across his face and he quickly captured you in a kiss.
“Don’t get cocky on me now sweetheart.”
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Prompt: do you ever ask why I get this way? Maybe it’s because- Y’know what, nevermind
You hadn’t meant for things to escalate to this level. You had noticed he was a little jealous after your office party, a few of your coworkers getting a little mouthy from the drinks. You thought it was funny. Your devastatingly attractive boyfriend flushed in the face at the thought of someone like your dim witted coworkers having a shot with you.
“Si, you’re powering down again.” You sighed, tracing over his knuckles. He looked around the almost empty tram, his body pointed away from you. “You still upset?” You hummed, resting your chin on his shoulder. “You know they were just being aholes.”
“But they felt comfortable enough around you to do it.” He snarled. The warmth left your body and you pulled yourself away from his shaky form.
“What do you mean by that? You’re blaming me for the way they were acting?” You moved to the edge of your seat so you could face him.
“Have you ever asked yourself why I get this way? Maybe it’s because”- he cut himself off when he heard your breath hitch. He knew that if he caught sight of those teary eyes he would never say what he wanted to say. You sniffled. “Nevermind.” He grumbled, rubbing his jaw.
“No.” You pressed. “You obviously have something on your mind so say it.”
Using your formal names made both of you sick. You were always sweetheart and he was always Si.
“You have a habit of being overly friendly.” He stated finally. His eyes were trained on the aisle.
“Overly friendly?” You emphasized. He shut his eyes tightly, but slowly nodded his head, agreeing. A light chuckle left you. It wasn’t one of humor, but one of utter shock. Shock that this was even a conversation. “Well not everyone finds a smile as offensive as you do, Simon.” You growled slouching back in your seat.
He didn’t say anything.
Without warning you stood up at the next stop, brushing past him.
“Y/N.” He huffed. His heart pinched at the way you so coldly moved away from him. “Y/N.” He repeated, following you down the aisle.
“I want to be alone.” You didn’t mean for your voice to hit the level it did. People on the tram peered up at you from their phones. Without waiting for a response you hopped off the tram.
He followed.
“I want to be alone.” You affirmed. He slowed his footsteps, but kept you in reach. His towering frame lurked over you like a rain cloud. You turned abruptly on your heels.
“Not lettin’ you walk home by yourself.” He explained.
“I want to be alone.” You growled.
“Well I don’t want anything to happen to you.” He growled back. Only Simon could pull off aggressive affection. “You can be alone a few paces ahead of me.” He nodded his head forward.
“Fuck you, Simon.” You hissed. The way his face fell made you freeze. “I’m sorry.” You said quickly. He waved you off.
“I deserve that.”
“No you don’t.” You insisted. “You hurt my feelings but I shouldn’t have spoken to you that way.”
“Fuck off Y/N.” He teased airily. “I don’t know why I snap like that.” He admitted, shoving his hands in his front pockets.
“You don’t trust me.” You stated. He disagreed with you.
“I think it’s other people I don’t trust. I mean what if I wasn’t there tonight, yeah?” He questioned, his face curling. You hadn’t thought about that. Your co workers were so free with their flirting even with Simon there.
“I understand that.” You sighed, bringing a hand up to rub your headache away. His hand reached up wrapping around your wrist, giving it a soft squeeze.
“I shouldn’t have blamed you sweetheart, I’m sorry.” He molten eyes were nothing but sincere. Your bottom lip jutted out slightly at his apology, and you moved forward wrapping your arms around his middle. Usually public affection embarrassed him, but the way his body craved you outweighed any embarrassment he felt. Plus he obviously needed to do a better job at showing people who you belong to.
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Prompt: What is your problem?
He had no right to feel this way. Yet his stomach was burning so hot the steam was clouding his judgement.
He thought he had made it clear. His silent claim on you since the very moment you had stepped foot on base. He knew it was a horrible and outdated way of thinking, yet the way your eyes sparkled when you met him for the first time- or the way your hand fit so perfectly in his when you introduced yourself was all the proof he needed to justify his feelings.
Obviously the new recruits didn’t get the memo. Being the nicest person on the Task Force caused everyone to flock to you if they needed something making you build relationships fast.
Too fast.
They didn’t know you well enough to wrap an arm around your shoulder, or put a hand on your waist to move past you. They definitely didn’t know you well enough to make you laugh so hard. The huff and grumbles that escaped him gave the rest of the team so much free entertainment, their eyes darting between you and the nearly seething man like it was some kind of soap opera.
“Think we should get the hose ready?” Soap snickered, taking in Gaz’s flushed appearance. Ghost hushed him, something inside him telling him Gaz was about to snap- and he wasn’t going to miss it.
The bomb finally went off when someone’s hand extended towards you in a fit of laughter, their palms spreading wide across your arm. “That’s not fucking happening.” He spat. Gaz’s chair flung back and if it wasn’t for Price it would’ve screeched against the floor.
“What is your problem?” They gasped, his broad strides quickly catching everyones attention.
“Didn’t anyone ever tell you to keep your bloody hands to yourself?” Kyle snarled. Going against his own words he wrapped an arm around you, practically dragging you back to the teams table. “Kindergarten drop outs.” He huffed, holding out a chair for you to sit in, pushing it in for you. Even in his anger he always managed to be a gentleman.
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Prompt: woah, where are we going?
He had sucked down three shots trying his hardest not to loose his cool. He knew he was reactive and the last thing he wanted to do was say something to hurt or embarrass you. Yet no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t push down those feelings. The feeling of jealousy that he couldn’t be the man you obviously wanted. He watched as your pretty eyes sparkled at the other guests of the dinner party he had begged to come to. He should’ve stayed home. He remembers the look on your face when he basically invited himself.
“Jo, I don’t think you’ll like these people.” You winced, giving his hand a squeeze.
You were right.
He didn’t like these people in the slightest. They absorbed all your attention and made him feel like a brute. He had lost track of the conversation when it turned over to politics, even though he probably knew more about what goes on in the world than anyone sitting at that table.
Once dinner was finally over everyone was invited into the living area for tea- how formal. You had turned to him in that moment ready to tease him about what type of tea he was going to choke down, but his hardened face stopped you. He had never been the best at hiding his feelings and you resisted the urge to lean over and kiss him so hard he would have no choice but to smile.
“Actually Johnny and I have plans after this.” You offered a polite smile. His ears perked up, looking at you like a savior.
“That’s too bad.” Your friend sighed giving you a quick hug goodbye. You repressed a giggle when you heard Johnny growl after someone had kissed you on the cheek as a farewell.
“Dinner was lovely.” You smiled over your shoulder, heading out the door. Johnny grabbed your coats sending a quiet thank you their way.
“Thank you.” You whispered, as Johnny wrapped your coat around you.
“No, thank you.” He huffed, tugging you against his side. You wrapped an arm around his waist your other hand tangling itself with his as you walked down the dim streets.
“Woah.” He gasped, when you began pulling him past the car. “Where are we going?”
“I could tell you were upset.” You hummed, your footsteps naturally syncing with his. His nose scrunched.
“You don’t need to apologize Jo.” You assured, pressing yourself closer. He gave your hand a squeeze.
“I didn’t have anything to add to the conversation. Felt like I was a wee one listening to my parents talk about shite I couldn’t understand.” He sighed. “I’m not daft.”
“I know.” You said quickly. “They’re all just repeating things they’ve seen on TikTok anyways. Doubt any of it was original.”
“You enjoyed it though?” He half asked. You looked up at him with curious eyes.
“I had a good time tonight if that’s what you’re asking.” You said. His baby blue eyes searched around your face like you had the words he was looking for written on it.
“No. I mean you wish you had someone to talk like that with more?” He said slowly. Your face fell in realization.
“You mean, do I wish you talked like that? No Tavish.” You smiled at him. “Plus you’re talking like we haven’t had deep conversations. You know more about me than anyone- and I’ve told you things I’ve never told anyone. That’s worth more than anything.”
He pepped up, his shoulders broadening once again.
“You don’t mind that I can’t quote poems off the top of my head?” He questioned, raising a playful brow at you.
You rolled your eyes, nodding your head in a agreement.
“You never told me where we’re going.” He reminded.
“I know you Jo and I also know a salad is not going to keep you full.” You snickered patting at his stomach.
“It was hell tryin to choke that things down.”
Check out katz-chows page right: here
If anyone else wants to join in this little collab or you just need some writing ideas here’s the prompt list:
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pacificzen · 2 months
Inflation is killing my ability to save & I think I might be able to fix it! #FunFact Just before the pandemic, I had reached a point in my life where I was able to save half of my income each month. I didn’t necessarily make a ton of money, it was made possible mainly because of how inexpensive my life is. I have no debt, my bills are super low, I drive an old car etc. I was actually really proud of myself for getting to the point where l could put half of each paycheck in savings. I like the balance of working part time for others & part time for myself, but there is a difference between surviving & thriving. Before the pandemic & this crazy increase of living cost, working that balance could result in being able to save(thrive) not just maintain your life(survive). I’ve been working really hard at it all week & I think I got a 3rd job. I will know more next week. A 3rd job is the only way for me to get back to saving half of my income. I feel relieved! I know that they tell you to save a quarter of your income, but that is not enough. I know it sounds like enough, but it’s not. Everything is always twice as expensive as you expect. One Saturday, in the blink of an eye, my dog had to be rushed into emergency spinal surgery. The total cost of that surgery with after care was almost $10,000. You never know what can happen. Teach your children this & launch them out into the world the correct way. How wonderful would it be if a kid could just start saving half their income from the beginning & not have to wait until they are in their 40s. For young kids, saving half their income probably looks like sharing a house with 10 people to share the rent, but you can do that when you are young:) The inability to save has really been weighing on me, like I struggle to sleep & I wake up in the middle of the night worried about stuff & even like my physical body feels super tense. I feel so grateful that someone was hiring for something that will work around the consultant L & D stuff & the other things I need to do. Apparently, things are about to get crazy & I’m like 200% instinct, so maybe I’m feeling that. A 2nd or 3rd job at Starbucks or the grocery store is better than your savings being depleted because of inflation. Once you dip into your savings, it becomes a slippery slope. I have both experience & education in Human Resource Management & I have never seen so few good jobs available for people & this is in almost every industry except a few. California’s layoffs have shifted a large percentage of people from high paying tech jobs to $50,000/yr jobs & that is pushing the people in the $50,000 jobs down etc. the employees who don’t lose their job are being given more work. The stats are in & things are supposed to get worse next year. Let’s get ahead of it. Have a garage sale, doordash on the weekends, fill that savings account! I feel so thankful for the opportunity to build that buffer back up. #FunFact My dad is kind of a serious guy & he didn’t really watch the rest of In Living Color, but he thought the Hey Mon skits were hilarious. He is from the midwest, so he’s all about work ethic.😸Now that I can relax, it’s time to celebrate. It’s Friday! I’m tired, but I’m still going to celebrate my good news! 🥳 🍕
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gaegalsyd · 3 years
Only for you
Summary: The children conducted a mini talent show
I read a talent show thing somewhere and my dad's been binge watching talent shows then I thought of mphfpc. And do I have unfinished stories? Yes. Will I write random stories instead of finishing those? Also yes.
Time is a precious thing, especially for Alma. Everything must be on time and not one second should not be wasted, but this does not mean not having time for amusement. This is why when Alma told you that it would be good for the children to do something fun, you immediately agreed.
During breakfast, all the children are already talking about what they plan to do for the day when Alma clears her throat to gather everyone’s attention. Before speaking, she looked at you with a little smirk on her face, then you nod to her.
“Children, miss y/n and I have talked last night and thought you might want to have more time to do something fun later this day” this was responded by excited cheers from the children which prompted you to speak with a grin “you all need not to be that excited” then the excited cheers turned to small laughs.
“Can we go to the beach, Miss Peregrine?” Olive asked
“We should have a picnic!” Claire exclaimed, then each of them shared their thoughts on what they should do instead.
Alma looked at you as if asking for some assistance which you responded with a playful shrug and a smirk. You may be considered as the second of the house, but you still leave the decision making to Alma as the ymbryne of this loop and the main caretaker of the children. You are just happy to support her in every choice she makes.
“I’m afraid that we will not have enough time to prepare for a picnic or going to the beach, I guess we can have a mini event instead” Alma said with nothing but gentleness in her voice. You really do adore seeing her being so gentle and loving towards the children.
The children agreed and talked about what they plan to do and they ended up agreeing to do a talent show. “What if we do a talent show but we can’t use our peculiarities?” Enoch voiced out which was immediately agreed to by everyone “And you’re not exempted to this, miss y/n” Enoch added with a smirk that caused another simultaneous agreement. When you looked at Alma, she was already looking at you and was failing to hide the smirk on her face and when you feigned a pout, she just shrugged as well. The two of you were the only ones to know about this small interaction of sorts and the “butterflies in stomach” never stops. This woman will be the death of you.
After breakfast, the children scrambled to finish their chores so they could plan for their mini talent show. You saw Alma in the backyard looking over the twins, you stood beside her and said “the children seemed happy with your idea” she looked at you with a smile and held your hand “you know how they can be sometimes, I am just glad to see them so happy” And you knew that you are being overwhelmed with happiness as well just by seeing her and the children happy “I cannot wait what they will be doing”.
The thing is, you will never exchange these kinds of moments for anything in this world and you may have meant that literally. Your peculiarity to feel if someone is being genuine with what they are saying allows you to pass as normal but you decided to stay in this loop after falling in love with it and to the woman sitting beside you.
After a few hours of continuing your tasks, you went to the library to have some alone moments that are needed when you have to deal with children for the whole day. Millard approached you to tell you that everyone’s already in the parlor and that the event will start any moment.
You went to the parlor and saw that the chairs are arranged the same way when they are having the movie except there is a space in the middle. Some of the children sat on the floor while you noticed that they had made a space for you and Alma to sit on the couch. Millard and Fiona stood in the center of the room, both holding a brush and using it like a microphone.
“Welcome everyone to our talent show! I will be one of your hosts for today and I am excited to showcase our talents.” Millard may be invisible but you can feel that he must be smiling widely. He was immediately followed up by Fiona “And what makes this talent show different is that, we must try our best not to use any of our peculiarities.” Millard started walking around and stopped behind you “Now, let me introduce our special guest, Miss y/n” Even though being a little surprised, you stood up and gave a wave that caused some giggles and after sitting down Millard continued “And of course, Miss Peregrine!” Alma just gave a small smile to the children, but the children seemed to be satisfied with it.
“For our first act, we have the twins!” Fiona introduced and then moved to the side. The twins performed a dance and they did it so synchronously that everyone applauded after they performed. The next to perform is Claire and Bronwyn who both sang joyfully, some of the children even sang along to the lyrics of the song. Horace followed with narrating a poem he wrote. Millard performed with his jokes that made everyone laugh not because it was funny but because of the cliche in every joke. Emma did some magic tricks that were definitely enjoyed by everyone, especially by the younger ones. Fiona showcased her talent in painting some flowers. And for the last act, Enoch, Olive, and Hugh made a skit of their everyday routines in the house, which everyone related to and laughed at.
“And of course, for our final show we have Miss y/n!” Millard announced and everyone, including Alma started applauding. You looked around in confusion but Enoch just said “we did agree that you are not exempted” then you turned to Alma to ask for some help but she just leaned to you and whispered “it’s your turn dear” you had no choice but to just sigh
You did not have any idea what to do as you stood in the middle of the room but when you looked at Alma, suddenly she was the only one you could see and it was as if seeing her again for the first time and wanting to confess your adoration towards her. And so, you knew what you could do and you started singing a song that you wrote, not looking away from Alma.
The simple thought of your name
Sends my heart to a delirious beat
And that look in your eyes,
I would trade for nothing
I was not one who understood
poems, love stories, and romance
But then you looked and smile at me,
I knew I can fill empty pages with love,
And that my soul will always remember.
After you finished singing, the children clapped and you walked slowly towards Alma feeling a little breathless as if you confessed your love to her all over again. But you’ll never tire of telling and showing her how much she means to you, you’ll never tire of seeing her look at you with so much adoration with her cheeks blushing and her eyes brighter than usual. When you reached her, she kissed your cheek that caused you to blush and it made her chuckle and the children are all smiling at the both of you knowingly. You thought that she must have been moved by what you sang, for her to kiss even just your cheek in the presence of the children is a big deal. However, you would not wish for her to take it back so you just smiled at her as a way of showing her how happy you feel.
The show ended with a standing ovation from the children and after the loop was reset, everyone turned in early. You and Alma still had to finish up some things such as tucking the children in and making sure that the house is secured. And as usual every night, you are cuddled with Alma in the bed you are sharing when a thought came up in your mind and you look at her “Why was I not exempted but you are?” which earned a small laugh from the ymbryne, she looked lovely when she doesn’t have her headmistress facade, you thought. “It was the children’s idea, my love” and you just joked to her saying “at least tell me you enjoyed my singing to make it worth it” and another small laugh from her but before saying anything, she kissed your forehead “I loved it” and you just hummed in response for you are already feeling the sleepiness.
But before you succumbed into sleep you heard a whisper from Alma “I love you”. And you may have been too sleepy to respond, but you knew that she was being genuine with her words and your heart felt full. And of course, you also knew that you love her too, with everything that she is and will be.
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hangovercurse · 4 years
Nerd Love
After years of working together, Pete still manages to break you.
Request: “Hi! Can I get a Pete imagine where you guys work on SNL together and you have few skits together and during one of them you can’t stop laughing”
Pete Davidson x Reader
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 2237
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“Live from New York, it’s Saturday night!” You hear Kate and the host of the week announce before Lorne motions that the cameras had cut for commercial break. You and Pete had a sketch together in exactly 12 minutes and 45 seconds, and you were trying to cool your nerves.
You loved your job, writing on SNL was something you had dreamed of since you were in middle school, and now it was your reality. Of course, it was hard, the hours were long and the work was demanding. But having Pete by your side made it all bearable.
You had met on your first day, getting hired one season after him. You two were deemed the “babies” of the cast because you were the youngest, so naturally you got paired up. A lot.
At first it bothered you that you only really ever worked with one person, but after your first few episodes you grew to love Pete. Your energies matched so well, and whenever you wrote together you easily built of each other.
After 6 years of working on the show together, you had become really close friends. You were with him through all of his hard times, and you were one of the few people he let visit him in rehab. In return, he stuck by your side through everything, even when the internet tried to cancel you for an interview that was taken completely out of context.
You couldn’t pinpoint when, but at some point, you had developed real feelings for him. Obviously, you’d never tell him, not wanting to mess up your amazing friendship. But they still flourished, especially when you would be up until 6 am writing sketches and goofing around in the writer’s room. Of course, the comments from fans didn’t help your feelings either. They loved you guys. Anytime you posted Pete on your social media, they were all over it.
But you guys had denied the dating rumors countless times since they’d started 5 years ago. Even though having to hear the words “we’re just friends” over and over killed you.
You were lost in thought when Pete came up behind you, hands grabbing your shoulders and shaking you slightly. “Ready bookworm?” He asked, moving to stand next to you.
“Only if you are, Mr. jock-man.” You laughed, rolling your eyes.
The sketch you and Pete had written was a young couple on a really fancy date to celebrate their 6-month anniversary. Your character was going on the date with Kyle Mooney’s character. Both of you were the stereotypical nerd couple with glasses, suspenders, and everything else. Pete was playing your waiter, who obviously did not give a shit about his job. He was the stereotypical jock character. Your character was super attracted to him and kept paying attention to him. He loved the attention and would do things like show you his (reaaaallllyyy) lame tattoos, tell you about sports, and everything that nerds don’t like. Kyle obviously didn’t like that and kept trying to get your attention in the weirdest of ways.
It was pretty funny in rehearsals, almost too funny. Seeing Pete act so out of character was hilarious to you and having to overdramatically flirt with him felt ridiculous. You barely made it through in rehearsals without laughing, so you had to hope you could do it on stage.
“Y/N, Pete, and Kyle. You’re up.” The stagehand told you, and you grabbed Kyle’s hand, walking to the stage.
The sketch started and you were doing okay. You and Kyle had your conversation about your anniversary and your favorite Star Wars movies. But then Pete walked onto the stage in his ridiculous waiter getup. His white shirt was unbuttoned at the top and wrinkled, his black pants hanging low on his hips, and his apron only half tied. You bit your tongue to keep yourself together.
“Welcome to White Oyster, what do you want?” He said in a very bored voice. You acted interested, eyes raking up and down him. You felt ridiculous and had to swallow a laugh.
Kyle pushed his glasses up on his nose, “me and my girlfriend are here for our six-month anniversary, so we would like the couple’s special.” His nerd voice was incredible.
“Okay. Anything else?” Pete’s voice remained monotone.
You bit your lip, “do you recommend anything else?” You asked, trying to sound nerd-sexy.
You could see Pete struggling to contain a smile. “I mean, whatever. Food here is shitty anyways.”
Kyle’s mouth gaped, “can you not speak like that around my girlfriend, please?”
The sketch continued with you making flirty remarks towards Pete, him being very bored and unaware, and Kyle trying to direct your attention. After your second attempt at flirting with him, you could feel yourself breaking down.
“So, I was wondering. Do you have any tattoos?” You asked him, your elbow on the table, twirling a piece of your hair in your finger.
Pete nodded, pulling up his shirt to show the big MOM tattoo on his side that was drawn on earlier. You felt a giggle slip out, completely out of character.
You tried to cover it up and continue, “wow, you really must love your mom, huh?” Another chuckle leaving your mouth, “that’s kinda hot.”
Kyle looked at you with wide eyes, “Linda!” He screamed the name of your character
Pete shrugged, “Nah, I did it myself. It says WOW, like world of warcraft.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that fell out of your mouth, and one followed from Pete. This was a disaster. You tried to regain your composure, knowing Kyle was probably really frustrated right now. “I just think tattoos are so cool. You don’t have any, do you Darren?” You asked Kyle’s character, eyes narrowing at him. You heard a chuckle from Pete beside you and you bit your cheek.
Kyle faked looking flustered, “N-no. But I have all 7 of the Harry Potter books and 4 collectors wands.”
Pete nodded, “Oh cool, I have a Harry Potter tattoo.” He pulled up his arm to show his real tattoo.
Your eyes went wide, “Wow. That’s way cooler.” You batted your eyes up at Pete, making him break even more. Watching his face go red and his mouth lifting up with laughter made you squeeze your eyes to hide your laughter.
“But babe!” Kyle was starting to break now too. “You love my Harry Potter stuff!”
“It’s cool, I guess.”
The sketch continued with you and Pete laughing anytime you looked at each other, your energies feeding into one another. You both tried really hard to keep it together, but something about flirting with Pete made you so giddy inside that you couldn’t help it.
Eventually the scene ended and the lights went down. You knew the cameras probably caught an extra few seconds after the close of the sketch, meaning they caught you and Pete breaking down into fits of laughter.
You somehow made it offstage, faces red. “We’re so gonna get fired.” He said through giggles.
“I’m so sorry,” You started, trying to take breaths through your laughs. “I don’t know why I couldn’t hold it together.”
“You looked ridiculous.” Pete laughed, pointing at your glasses.
 After the show you made your way back to your dressing room, changing into your day clothes and getting ready to leave. You finally checked your phone, which had been off the duration of the show.
Your twitter feed was filled with clips of you and Pete laughing through the sketch.
They’re so cute together #goals
Love their friendship
Get you someone who looks at you like Pete looks at Y/N
Poor Kyle ☹
The way they can’t get through a skit because they’re too in love
And they say they aren’t dating…
Can’t believe the unprofessionalism
Pete and Y/N are dating… no one can convince me otherwise
The flirting!!! The looks!!!
I would like Pete and Y/N to get married and adopt me please
Your heart melted at all the comments, a sigh leaving your mouth. You watched the video and noticed the way he looked at you anytime you broke character, it was the same way you looked at him all the time.
You shook your head, convincing yourself you were imagining it. You couldn’t afford to think like that, it would ruin your friendship.
A knock at your door pulled you out of your thoughts, “Y/N, wanna go grab a drink with me?” It was Pete.
“You can come in.” You called, and he did so. “I don’t know, I was thinking I might just go home. I’m pretty tired.” You really just wanted to go home and sort through your feelings for the umpteenth time that month.
He nodded, watching as you tossed various items in your bag, “you were great tonight.”
You giggled, “Pete I barely made it through our sketch, it was a disaster.”
He rolled his eyes, walking over to where you were at your vanity. “I messed up too, but it was fine. No one noticed.”
You leaned into the mirror, fixing your makeup slightly. Pete was very close to you, watching you through said mirror. “Trust me, Petey. Everyone noticed.” You laughed, standing up straight again.
Your back was inches from his chest, and you could suddenly feel a different sort of tension in the air. But you didn’t make any move to shift away from him. He gave you a quizzical look through the mirror and you took out your phone, turning to him.
You took in a breath at the proximity. You weren’t close enough to kiss or anything, but his chest was only a few inches away from you. You shook away the thoughts you were having and opened your twitter, letting him scroll through the tweets. He chuckled and shook his head as he read them, eventually handing you your phone back.
“People really like us together.” He said, smiling.
You rolled your eyes, “They have for the past like, 6 years, Petey. We’re funny.” You smiled moving to turn back to grab your bag, but his hand grabbed your hip and made you stay facing him.
Your mind went blank at his touch, trying to figure out if this was real or if you were just really really tired. “That’s not what I meant.” He said, quieter.
You laughed, looking away from his eyes, not really knowing what to say. “I mean, people have always thought… stuff like that.” You mumbled, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
Pete’s eyes were searching your face, taking in every detail. “Have you ever thought about, like, why people think we’re…” He trailed off, but you knew what he was implying.
You blushed, looking down at your toes. “I mean, I guess we’re together a lot and we get on well. People just like to make assumptions, I guess.”
“Yeah, and I’m sure it doesn’t help that I can never keep my eyes off of you, even when the cameras are rolling.” He said, a chuckle following.
You smiled, looking back up at him, your brain trying to process what he just said. After a few moments of silence, you spit out a “why are you bringing this up?” Your voice was soft, almost a whisper.
He sighed, hand moving from your hip and rubbing his face lightly. “I don’t know, I’ve just been thinking a lot.” You gave him a look that told him to continue. “I mean, I think it’s kind of obvious that I like you.”
Your mouth dropped, “obvious? Pete Davidson you have been far from obvious about your feelings.” You really thought you were dreaming, hearing those words from him was just impossible.
“Are you kidding me? How many sketches do I have to write just so I can flirt with you? Have you not picked up on the fact that literally every sketch I write for you to be in we’re playing some sort of couple?” He laughed, stepping towards you, and grabbing your hips again. “Dude, and I thought I was oblivious to this shit.”
“In my defense I’ve spent the past like 6 years trying to convince myself you didn’t feel the same way.” You said, a smile crossing your face.
Pete rolled his eyes, leaning closer to you, “now why would you wanna do that?” There was a playful tone in his voice, but you couldn’t help your serious answer.
“Because I didn’t wanna read the signs wrong and mess up our friendship.” You sighed.
Pete’s smile softened, “Y/N I literally want to kill you right now for making me wait this long.” You giggled, leaning closer to him. “But you’re cute so I guess I can let it slide.”
“If I kiss you will it make up for it?” You asked, batting your eyelashes.
Pete pretended to think about it, “hmmm, maybe. You should definitely give it a shot to see.”
You rolled your eyes, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into you. Your lips touched his and it was like everything in the universe suddenly aligned. His mouth moved against yours in soft, perfect motions. His hands pulled you closer into him, your bodies molding together like it was meant to be.
When you finally pulled away for breath, he pressed his forehead against yours, a wide grin on his face. “So, about those drinks?”
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“It’s You” Chapter 5
Masterlist       Chapter 4   Chapter 6
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(Picture not mine, found on google) 
Pairing: Obi-Wan x Female Reader
Word Count: 2.5 K
Warnings: Evil step-sisters, wicked step-mother, crying and sad reader. Qui-Gon is the best dad. Probably typos. 
A/N: Welcome back! Things are starting to happen and the story is slowly progressing forward. Much more good stuff is coming...as well as some plot twists. I hope you all are enjoying this and thank you for sticking with it, there are good things to come, I promise. As always, also, thank you for all the love and reblogs. If you want to be added to tag list of the story or have feedback, feel free to let me know in the comments. 
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The day of the ball had arrived. You had risen earlier than you normally would have in hopes of giving yourself more time to get ready later in the evening. This was a considerable challenge for your, especially when you thought about how late you had stayed up the night before because you had been finishing up the dress. But, you knew it would all be worth it.
Rena had continued her streak of finding random and odd things for you to do around the house, adding work to your load. You were trying really hard not to confirm your suspicion that she was doing this on purpose. You never liked thinking that she was as evil as she was and still tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. Still though, you worked your hardest to not only ensure you would have enough time to get ready but also to make sure that Rena was in her best mood possible; because everyone was happy when Rena was happy.
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The sun was just starting to set as you climbed the stairs to your room in the attic. Your feet were aching, your back was sore and you were so tired….but none of that could stop the way your heart fluttered with anticipation and the smile that crept across your face.
- - - - - - - - - - -
You stared at your reflection in the old and slightly cracked mirror in your dimly lit room. The dress looked far better on you than you had ever hoped. You would have done your mother proud with the alterations you had completed; after all she was the one who had taught you to sew.
You twirled a little and watched the skit of the grown flow as you spun. Catching a glimpse of your shoes under the yards of fabric, you lips pressed into a flat line. You only had one pair of shoes, and your dingy pair of flats did not match the gorgeous pink gown that you were wearing.
“Hopefully no one will be looking at my feet.” You muttered.
No...you were sure they wouldn’t. You didn’t plan on doing much dancing anyway, so the dress would thankfully be covering the shoes for the majority of the night.
Looking in the mirror, you hardly recognized yourself. You had wiped away the soot and dirt from your face revealing your smooth skin. You wore your hair in an elegant up-do that you had managed to create for yourself. Your eyes seemed to shine with hope as they looked back at you, looking your best and cleanest that you had in years as you smoothed the pink gown under your hands.
Turning to face your friends, you smiled brightly.
“What do you think?”
Angelo gave a deep bark, his tail rattling against the floor as it wagged happily. Your mice friends jumped up and down as they squealed with joy. Even the little birds flew in from the open window and chirped happily around you.
You giggled softly. “Okay, okay….Well don’t go and give me a big ego now…”
Your heart leapt with excitement as you walked towards the door. Turning your over your shoulder, you looked at them one last time.
“Okay all of you, behave while I’m gone. I’ll leave the door open so you can come and go as you please….be good….and wish me luck.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Obi -Wan stood in his dressing room that was attached to his personal quarters.
He had just finished dressing for the ball. He smoothed his hands over his uniform, fixing himself.
He wore a formal creamy white tunic that came slightly to his mid-cafs. Around his waist, on the outside of the tunic, he wore a red belt with a gorgeous gold buckle. A red sash with gold trimming laid across his chest, it sat under one of the gold epaulettes that were on his shoulders. Under that same epaulette, gold ropes were wound around his shoulder, signifying his military accomplishments. His red pants compliments the red accents of attire. Knee high black boots completed his look.
He straightened the high gold collar, with elaborated detailed stitching, that covered his neck. He straightened the thin, long, elegant sword that rested on his belt. Lastly he smoothed his auburn hair.
Turning to look at himself in the mirror, he muttered to himself. “Not bad old boy.”
A knock on his door.
“Enter.” He called, turning over his shoulder.
King Qui-Gon entered the dressing chamber. He wore a red formal tunic similar to the one Obi-Wan wore. The sash that sat across his chest was cream with gold trimming. His epaulettes were gold and he had more ropes that hung across his chest and under his arm. His tunic was also adorned with medals and gold threading on the cuffs and collars. Black pants with a red stripe running down the side were accompanied by knee high black boots as well. His long hair was tied into a neat ponytail and atop of his head sat an ornate gold crown that was littered with rubies and emeralds.
“Ah there you are my boy.” A look of pride on his face as he took in his son's appearance.
Obi-Wan on the other hand was surprised to see his father. “What are you doing here?” He asked curiously.
The King chuckled. “A father can’t come and see his son?”
The Prince smirked but gave his father a pressing look.
Qui-Gon threw his hands up in defense. “Okay, okay…..I…..I um….I wanted to come and see how you were doing….and to….to tell you that I am proud of you.”
Obi-Wan worked hard to stifle his look of shock that wanted to sweep across his face. “Oh?” Was all he managed to get.
“Yes. I know these balls are not all that enjoyable for you and that you much rather fall in love naturally….or just fall in love period ....” He gave a small smile. “I also wanted to tell you that if the girl of your dreams doesn’t appear tonight then….You don’t have to announce your engagement to the Duchess.”
Now Obi-Wan’s mouth fell open, his blue eyes shining in shock. “But….Father, our agreement......I can’t do that to you...to the Kingdom….Prime Minister Palpatine…”
The King held up his hand. “You let me worry about the Prime Minister...You shouldn’t be pressured to do something you don’t want to do just because it “looks good” and it’s what other people want. It’s not fair to you or Satine...No other royal in our family has even been pressured to marry...why should you? No, no more balls after tonight. You’ve done everything myself and the Kingdom has asked of you, becoming a fine young man and a strong leader. You will take the throne with or without a bride when the time comes….With that being said…..Enjoy the evening tonight my son….have a good time with your friends and whomever you choose, if you choose anyone at all….You deserve it.”
Looking down at the floor, Obi-Wan swallowed the lump that was rising in his throat. He ran a hand through his hair as a wave of relief washed over his body. He looked up, his bright blue eyes glistening. “Thank you.” He whispered.
Qui-Gon walked forward and clasped his son a strong and sturdy hug, saying everything that the two royals couldn’t find the words for. As the soft moment between father and son ended.
“Come on….I know the Duke and Duchess of Tattoonie have arrived and they are eager to get this party started…..plus someone has rescued poor Rex and Cody from them.”  He gave his son a wink.
Obi-Wan laughed as he clapped his father on the back. “Shall we then?” He gestured toward the door.
“We shall.” The King said brightly as he returned the gesture of putting his arm around his son.
- - - - - - - - - - -
You hurriedly walked down the stairs, tying your mask around your face and resting the ribbons that held it in place under your hair.
As you descended the many staircases, you could Rena talking to her two daughters.
“Oh my dear girls,” she cooed, “You two look absolutely gorgeous…..Oh, you two will overshadow every other maiden there, no matter their status….The Prince is bound to choose one of you.”
The giggles and excited noises of your two step-sisters masked your footsteps. As you came into view, you saw them before they saw you. Trace was in her tacky yellow dress, her dark hair hung down her back in wavy curls. She wore sIlk gloves the same color as her tacky dress and a set of overbearing jewelry, a necklace and earring set. Rafa’s green dress and gloves were even gwadier on her than they were on the manicken. Her dark hair was in a tight up bun and on her head sat a flashy gold and emerald tiara. Your step mother wore a too large magenta ball gown with a purple shall and purple gloves to match. In her up done hair sat two very stiff and tall purple feathers. Her makeup was much bolder than usual and it only enchanted her sharp facial features.
“What are you doing here?!” Rafa shrieked, noticing you, causing Trace and Rena to turn around and look at you.
Your stepmother's expression twisted into something sour as she watched you descend the remaining steps of the staircase.
“It didn’t cost anything...” You stammered.
“What is that hideous thing you are wearing?” Trace chuckled.
Squaring your shoulders defensively you held your chin a little higher. “It was my mothers old dress from years ago….I mended it and used the fabric from the alterations to make the mask.”
“And what on earth would possess you to do such a thing?”  Rena’s voice was quiet and full of menace. Her emerald eyes narrowed on you.
“I…..I’m….going to the ball…” You stammered. Your hands that rested by your side balled into the fabric of the skirt as you nervously rubbed your fingers over it.
“Oh…..Are you really?” Rena said coldly.
“What makes you think you belong at the ball?” Rafa teased.
“The Royal Advisor handed out invitations from the Palace that said every eligible maiden is to attend….”
“And you think you're included in that?!” Trace shrieked with laughter. Her and Rafa made devious smirks at one another as they both laughed at your statement.
Rena stalked slowly forward towards you. “You think that you would belong at a royal event….dressed in that ridiculous, ugly, old thing?” Her voice was so light and quiet that you could barely hear it. However, an unmistakable rage lay within it.
Your checks filled with heart. “I put a lot of work into this dress.” You whispered.
Trace and Rafa came up to stand behind their mother now as the three of them stood toe-to-toe with you.
“Mmmmmm I can’t see how, it looks as if it’s falling apart.” Rean’s voice was menacing.
She reached out and ripped the sleeve of your shoulder, causing the ripped fabric to hang off of your arm. Trace grabbed your mask and pulled it off your face. Throwing it to the ground, she smooshed into the floor with the heel of her foot. Rafa reached across her mother and grabbed a chunk of material from the skirt and ripped it causing a large tear to form across the skirt of the gown.
The ripped fabric hung off your dress in sections once the girls were done with it. They stood there, in front of you laughing in your face.
Looking down at your dress, your bottom lip wobbled as your eyes became watery.
“Why?” Your words were choked out as your breath hitched on a sob you refused to let out.
Rena’s face twisted into a wicked expression…”Why? WHY? Because….” She jammed her pointer finger in your face causing you to flinch backwards. “You may think you're something with your hamidown dress and your clean looks….but all you will ever be is a ragged, dirty, servant girl….a nothing, A NOBODY! You have no place at a royal ball...You would be a disgrace to this household...YOU ARE NOT GOING TO THE BALL!”
And with that, she turned on her heel, threw her nose up in the air, and walked out the door. After giving you malicious smiles, Trace and Rafa followed.
“.....But….But….” You whimpered as you desperately followed them out the door. But Rena wasn’t listening, she got in the carriage that awaited her and Trace followed.
As you came running down the front steps of the manor, you didn’t notice Rafa. She stuck her foot and it caused to trip and fall, stumbling down the last step and into the muddy ground face first.
You looked in horror at yourself. Your skin, your hair, your shoes…..your pink dress….all covered in mud. You looked up at her with a horrified expression.
She chuckled conceadily as she gave you “Hmph.”
As the carriage pulled away from the manor with three of them laughing, you registered Angleo’s barking and growling behind you.
You pushed yourself by your arms as you sat there in the dirt, tears pricking at your eyes.
Whatever little resolve you had been holding onto, now that you were alone was gone…..you finally broke. Full of mud, in your tattered dress, you got up and ran. You ran back into the yard of the manor, until you couldn’t run anymore.
You sat on your knees, your upper body leaning against the bench that was inside your mothers flower garden. The world was dark to you despite the glow of the large, full moon.
You heaved and sobbed into the cold stone of the bench. You just cried and cried, blocking out the world. You didn’t register the nuzzle Angleo gave you as he laid beside you, or your little mice friends who now sat next to your arm; their soft whiskers tickling your skin.
Looking up threw water eyes, you sobbed as you looked at the night sky. “I’m sorry….I’m sorry Luna….Mother, Father…..I can’t…..I can’t do it anymore, I tried so hard, but I can’t…do it.....I’m so sorry…..” You couldn’t get the rest of your thoughts as your cries took over you.
Angelo had started barking defensively, but you didn’t hear it. Nor did you recognize the golden glow that had filled the garden.
“My Dear, why are you crying?”
You felt a warmness wash over you, like magic. The sensation made you lift your head up. That is when you registered his barking and the glow in the garden.
“What?” You said looking up. It sounded like someone had said something. Great. You were so delirious that now you were imagining things.
“I said my dear child, why are you crying?”
You gasped at the soft famine voice that came from behind you.
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@mrskenobi19​ @sillynilly27​ @thereluctantherosrose​ @fandomtrashwhore​
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alt-rose · 4 years
21 - colson baker
colson baker imagine
21 - Pete Davidson takes you out to celebrate your 21st birthday after SNL, and you make a new friend. 
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“this week a midwestern teenager was arrested for kidnapping livestock and hiding them in their neighbor’s garages. here to comment is our resident young person, (y/n) (y/l/n).”
you took a quick breath before you were pushed toward the weekend update desk. you rolled to a stop next to your castmate Michael Che before you dove into your bit with him about cows and the midwestern community.
you made your SNL debut last season when you were only nineteen. you quickly took over Pete Davidson’s former role as the “resident young person” among the cast, and you had formed a fast friendship with him over the last year and a half. he had been eager to take you out with his friends so that you could experience the true nightlife that New York could offer, and now that you were finally turning 21, he could do just that.
after you exited the stage from your weekend update skit, Pete caught you in the hallway as you headed back to your dressing room to get ready for your last skit.
“hey, next weekend,” Pete started catching your attention. “do you want to go out and celebrate your birthday? Maybe get shitfaced?”
“I don’t know. who’s gonna be there? I don’t really want to feel obligated to entertain people while you’re getting me drunk,” you said apprehensively.
“don’t worry. it’ll be a bunch of people you don’t know so you don’t have to worry about anything other than getting drunk. I’ll keep an eye on you, of course. keep you away from the creepos.”
“how thoughtful,” you say throwing yourself into one of the hair and make-up chairs. “but sure, it sounds fun.”
“great. I’ll get the party lined up for next Saturday after the show.”
you threw him a thumbs up before your attention was directed toward the make-up artist giving you an 80s look for your next skit.
“this week our very own (y/n) (y/l/n) turned 21. here to comment on finally becoming an adult is our resident young person, (y/n) (y/l/n).”
“hey Colin,” you call back to him when you roll up next to Colin Jost at the weekend update desk.
SNL did a similar skit when Pete turned 21 so the writers felt it was only right to do one for you.
“hey (y/n), how does it feel to finally be 21?” he asked tapping his pen on his desk.
“it feels great Colin. you know, it’s a bit of an adjustment, but I’m having a great time.”
“right, you’re finally legal now. you can do adult things.”
“yeah, now I can buy tropical fish at Randy’s Pet Shop by my apartment building. I have a fish named Chet now. he’s pretty cool.”
“wait, you have to be 21 to buy fish from Randy’s Pet Shop?”
“yeah, Randy’s got this weird thing,” you paused to make eye contact with Colin. “anyway, besides that, I don’t really feel like much of an adult, Colin. I’m like five-foot-something and still resemble a fourth grader. like look at me, Colin. I was given a kid’s menu at TGI F.R.I.D.A.Y.’S last week. I am not an adult.”
Colin laughed before looking at you. “(y/n), you really don’t think that you’ve grown in this past year? you haven’t felt like an adult in anyway?”
“well, I think you have. you stopped ordering chicken fingers at every restaurant we go to for cast dinners. I think that’s a big step into adulthood.”
“yeah, well, joke’s on you because I have a bag of dino nuggies hidden in the back of the breakroom fridge.”
“yeah, I just take a few out and wrapping them in tinfoil and heat them up in the microwave for four minutes-”
“wait, hold on, hold on,” Colin laughed waving his hand to stop you. “you put the nuggets in tinfoil before you put them in the microwave?”
“yeah, you just wrap them up in the tinfoil, and they cook really well. they get all sparky and stuff. they taste a little smokey though”
“you’re the reason why the breakroom microwave is always broken?”
“(y/n), you’re not supposed to put tinfoil in the microwave,” Michael chimes in.
“you can’t put metal in the microwave. did you not know that?” Colin asked.
“what?” you put on the confused act.
“(y/n) (y/l/n), everybody,” Colin shouts turning to the audience and ending your segment on the update.
“who let me be an adult?” you laugh shouting to audience as Colin pulls you into a side hug. the crowd cheers as you wave to them.
“for weekend update, I’m Colin Jost.”
“And I’m Michael Che. GOODNIGHT.”
you continue to smile and laugh with both of the guys as the camera panned away from the stage and the recording light turned off. when you made it off stage, you started to head back to your dressing room. you had finished your last sketch of the night, so you planned on getting ready for your night out with Pete and whoever else he invited.
an hour later, you were crammed in the backseat of an uber next to Pete.
“where are we going?” you asked him as you check the battery on your phone.
“this club a few minutes away. it’s pretty lowkey. everyone’s going to meet us there.”
“okay, sounds good-”
“it’s actually right here,” he interrupts stopping the driver. “thanks, man.”
Pete opened the door of the car and climbed out. his lanky form towered over the small sedan. he leaned down to help you scoot over to open door. you took his hand as you scooted over to the door before sliding out of the car as best as you could in your mini skirt.
after both of your feet successfully hit the pavement, you adjusted your black leather mini skirt from riding up before you fixed you black turtleneck to make sure that it was still tucked into your skirt.
“yeah, let’s go.”
after making it past the bouncer, Pete led you over to the bar before dropping you off at a bar stool. you watched as he made his rounds saying hi to everyone. it was almost 1 am now. you began to wonder how late you were going to be out tonight.
you suddenly felt two hands on your shoulders causing you to slightly jump.
“you ready for your birthday drink?” Pete shouted in your ear.
“yeah, let’s do it,” you laugh turning to look at him.
“can we get four shots of Fireball?” he shouted to the bartender.
“four?” you shout over your shoulder at him. “I though you weren’t drinking.”
“I’m not. you are. you’re downing all of those.”
“oh god.”
he slapped his hands on your shoulders once more. “you got this, baby.”
the bartender placed the shots in front of you as Pete opened a tab.
“we doing this?” you asked staring at the shots.
“let’s do it.”
you grab your first shot before raising it as a cheers to him. you brought it to your lips and downed it. you felt it burn as it slid down your throat. you squeezed your eyes shut as you finished it.
“that was strong,” you cough.
“next one.”
you down the second one, and then the third one shortly followed. the cinnamon flavor left a burning sensation in your throat.
“last one, last one.” Pete shook your shoulders cheering you on.
“fuck this.” you downed the last one.
an hour into your party, it was clear to you that you were feeling very drunk. you had spent the last hour dancing with strangers on the dance floor before slipping back to the VIP section Pete had for you and some of the people at the party. after your first couple shots, he had introduced you to a few people, but at this point, you can’t remember your own name so how could you be expected to remember theirs.
you’re currently sipping on a tequila sunrise now that Pete decided that you handled enough straight liquor. you were slightly leaning on Pete as he stood next to you while you were sitting on one of the barstools for the high tabletops.
“yoooo,” you heard someone call as they approached your table. “dude, whassup.”
Pete leaned over to bro-hug someone before that person began to lean on your table next to Pete. you could hear their muffled conversation as you played with the straw in your drink.
“so what’s this party for anyway?”
“it’s a birthday party,” Pete yelled over the music.
“who’s birthday?”
“hers,” Pete said motioning to you causing you to look up at Pete and his friend. “this is my castmate, (y/n). she just turned 21 so we’re celebrating.”
your eyes met the stranger’s, and you smiled. he was pretty with his bleached-out hair. you gave him a small wave.
“I’m Colson,” he said extending his hand to yours.
“(y/n),” you said taking his hand.
“can I buy a drink for the birthday girl?” he asked flashing you a smile.
“sure,” you said before taking the last sip of your tequila sunrise.
when he brought you back a drink, you stood over your shoulder placing the drink in front of you.
“let’s fucking party.”
“okay,” you shouted before knocking back the drink and taking his hand to lead you to the dance floor.
you spent the rest of the night with a set of hands planted firmly around your waist. when you had finally had enough of drinking and dancing, you made your way back over to the VIP section with your six-foot shadow following behind you with his hands still on your hips.
“I’m tired,” you say to Pete as you approach your seat the table. your shadow rested against your back as you hopped up onto the barstool.
“do you want to head home?” Pete asked leaning close to you and your shadow, Colson.
“kinda,” you said leaning your head back on Colson. your drunken state couldn’t careless that you were practically laying against a total stranger.
“do you even have a place to stay tonight?” Pete asked Colson as he looked up from you to the tall guy behind you.
“not really. I could just get a hotel,” you could hear Colson tell Pete.
“you guys can just crash at my apartment. I have a couch and a guest bedroom,” you interrupt as you stare off into space.
“are you sure?” Pete asked.
“yeah, let’s just go home.”
“cool with you?” Pete asked Colson.
“I’m cool,” Colson answered.
10 minutes later, the three of you were sitting in the backseat of a black car, which you assumed was an uber. you head rested against someone’s shoulder as you began to close your eyes.
you felt someone jostle you awake. you opened your eyes to find that the uber had parked in front of your building. Pete was leaning in the car once more to help you out. you blinked the sleep out of your eyes as you took his hands. he helped you out of the car just as he had when you got to the club. you felt a pair of hands gently adjust your skirt, and you whipped your head around to find Colson standing behind of you.
“your skirt was riding up, baby,” he said to you while he tapped your hip.
“thanks,” you murmur.
you slapped your keys into Pete’s hand as he went to buzz you in with your code to the building. you began to walk to the door with Colson resting his arm around your shoulder. he kept you walking upright as you both entered the building. you took the elevator up 12 floors.
when you finally stepped foot into your apartment, you stood in the doorway and ripped your heeled boots from your feet. Pete dropped your keys into the bowl by your door, and Colson closed the door behind the three of you.
you turned around to the both of them, almost tripping over your own feet.
“kitchen,” you said pointing to the kitchen, “couch,” pointing to the living room, “guest room,” pointing to the guest room, “bathroom,” you pointed to the bathroom door. “there’s extra blankets in the closet,” you said pointing to the small closet by the bathroom. “help yourself to anything. I’m going to sleep.” you gave them a salute before turning around to your bedroom.
they laughed lightly as you slammed the door behind you.
as you stumbled into your room, you plugged your phone into the charger on your nightstand. after your phone was charging, you slipped your skirt and turtleneck off before slipping on an oversized t-shirt. you quickly wiped off your makeup before falling face down in your bed.
the next morning, you woke up with blurry eyes and a fog in your head. you blinked a couple times before rolling over to fall back asleep. you had your eyes closed as you tried to fall back asleep.
that’s when you heard a crash in the kitchen.
you whipped yourself out of bed, and you grabbed the baseball bat from under your bed. you took a deep breath before throwing your bedroom door open. with your bat raised, you lunged out of your bedroom at the intruder.
instead of the intruders, you found Pete and some guy standing in your kitchen messing with your pots and pans.
“jesus fucking christ, Pete, what the fuck?”
“oh, sleeping beauty’s up,” the guy called waving his arms out to you with your skillet and spatula in his hands.
“who is this? and what the fuck are you doing?” you shout annoyed at Pete.
“This is Colson, my friend who you met last night, but guessing from your reaction, you don’t remember much. you let us stay over, and now we are making breakfast,” he said before going back to whatever he was doing.
you felt Colson’s gaze on you. you dropped your bat on your shoulder as you met his stare. you glared into his eyes as he intensely stared back into yours.
“nice bat,” he said still staring.
“thanks, I played softball,” you glared back. “I’m gonna go put some clothes on.”
“you don’t have to,” you heard Colson call back to you as he watched you retreat to your room. from your room, you could hear Pete yell at him in the kitchen.
you laughed lightly as you threw on a pair of sweatpants and put a bra on under your oversized shirt. you took a scrunchie and threw your hair up before heading back to the kitchen.
you plopped yourself down on one of the counter stools in your kitchen.
“what are we eating?” you ask the guys.
“I’m attempting to make pancakes with whatever you have,” Colson called back to you.
“fantastic,” you reply.
“how’s your head?” Pete asked from his spot at the counter.
“it’s not bad. I don’t feel very hungover,” you replied.
“that’s surprising seeing how much you drank last night.”
“what even happened last night?”
“you drank a lot. you danced a lot. then, Colson showed up. then, you drank and danced some more with him.”
“wow,” you mutter staring off into space before you felt Colson staring at you again. you met his eyes before speaking up, “I apologize for that and whatever I did.”
“I didn’t mind,” he said before flipping a pancake.
“it was so funny. you were like one of those velcro monkeys wrapped around him all night,” Pete laughed.
“don’t make fun of me,” you yelled before whacking Pete with a dish towel on the counter. “you’re the one who got me drunk.” they both laughed before you looked up at Colson once more. “I am definitely apologizing for that.”
“I don’t mind. I liked being your arm candy for the night,” he said plopping a pancake on a plate.
you rolled your eyes before opening your phone. “what’s the damage? was there any paparazzi last night?”
“weelllllll,” Pete drew out.
“what?” you whine dropping your head a bit.
“there’s a few from when we left the club, and they followed us back to your building so there’s a few from then too. there’s two articles running already.”
“just because we went out for drinks?” you ask motioning between you and Pete.
“no, because we,” Colson motioned between the three of you. “went out for drinks.” he dropped a plate in front of you. “apology pancakes for the tabloids.”
“how thoughtful,” you murmur. “what did the articles say?”
“nothing just speculation,” Pete said taking a drink. “it’ll go away. you just might want to keep away from Colson for a while.”
“you’re kidding,” you said opening your phone before typing your name into safari.
you scrolled through the new section before you found the pictures from last night. in the pictures, Colson had his arm wrapped around your waist as you were shielding your eyes from the flash. you assumed these pictures were from when you left the club. the other pictures were of the guys helping you out of the car. Colson was standing behind you, towering over you with his arm around you. it totally looked like the two of you were a thing with how touchy you two were. you were not a touchy person when you were sober. you could only assume that the alcohol turned you into a velcro monkey as Pete put it. you briefly skimmed the articles only to find that they were speculating that you and Machine Gun Kelly, Colson Baker, were in a relationship.
“Machine Gun Kelly. you’re Machine Gun Kelly?” you ask him, squinting your eyes at Colson.
he and Pete laughed at you.
“I was wondering if you were going to put it together,” Pete laughed. “that took you forever.”
“well, I’m sorry, but I was drunk.”
“you knew I was friends with MGK,” Pete laughed.
“I didn’t think you were going to invite him to my birthday party.”
“so I take it you’re a fan?” Colson said raising an eyebrow at you.
“I’m not actually. I haven’t even heard your stuff. I’m not really into rap,” you said to him.
“ouch. that’s rough,” he sighed.
“sorry,” you shrugged. “thanks for the pancakes though.” you give him a smile before taking a bite.
Pete’s phone buzzed before he got up from his stool.
“shit, I have to go. I have to take my mom to the airport. are you going to be okay if I leave you?” Pete asked staring at you.
“yeah, I’ll be fine. tell your mom hi for me,” you said looking up at him.
“okay, bye kid. happy birthday.” he wrapped his arms around you.
“thanks for getting me drunk. I had fun,” you said patting his arm.
“yeah, I know,” he called back as he headed to your door.
“be safe,” you shouted before he closed your front door, leaving you with Colson in your kitchen.
you and Colson took a pause as you both watched the door. he was the first to break his gaze as he turned to you. you both made eye contact as you both stared at each other.
“so,” you started.
“so,” he replied leaning down on your counter to stare at you at your eye level.
“so, what do we do now?”
“we can watch tv, or you can tell me about last night,” you suggest before shoving another bite into your mouth.
you were not bashful when it came to eating, and you were not deterred by Colson staring into your eyes as you chewed, even if he was really pretty.
“what do you want to know?” he said. his gaze never leaving your eyes.
“we seemed very touchy in those photos,” you hummed taking another forkful of pancakes.
“can’t help that your kinda hot.”
“wow,” you scoff leaning back from the counter. “this is hot for you,” you say shoving the pancakes in your mouth.
“very,” he laughed.
you peered an eye up at him, skeptically. you couldn’t tell if he was being serious. there was no way that someone as pretty as he was would be interested in you.
he extended his hand out to you face as your eyes watched it move to your lip. he flicked a piece of pancake from your lip before smiling at you. you heart practically jumped out of its chest.
fuck. you were crushing.
the two of you hung out and talked for the next hour. you both flirted a bit back and forth. you felt this undeniable connection to him, and it made you feel sick. you were notorious for running from people and your feelings. you always chickened out before saying anything to them, and then when you finally got the courage to, that person had already found somebody else.
“fuck, I should go,” Colson said throwing his head back on the couch from where the two of you were sitting. “I don’t want to though.”
“I need to shower and get started with some pitches for work tomorrow,” you say lightly placing your head on the back of the couch.
“okay, I’ll go.”
“I’ll walk you down.”
he took your hand in his as he got up from the couch. he pulled you up as he grabbed his jacket from where it was placed on the arm of the couch.
you grabbed your keys before he pulled you out the door. you closed the door behind you before the two of you waited for the elevator.
you laced your fingers with his as you stepped into the elevator. here goes nothing, you breathed.
“I had a lot of fun with you,” you say staring straight at the doors of the elevator.
he turned to you with you fingers still locked with his. “I really like you.”
“cool, cool,” you say as you saw the number on the elevator tick to floor 6. you turn to him. “I should give you my number.”
he slipped you his phone, and you typed your number into his phone before handing back to him.
“cool, cool,” he started as he slipped his phone back into his pocket.
you counted before grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him down to your height. you stood on your tiptoes, and you placed your lips on his. he grabbed your face as he kissed you back.
the elevator dinged as the doors opened. you broke away from him as you shoved him out the doors.
“call me sometime,” you say as you stood alone in the elevator.
“aye aye captain,” he saluted you. he moved back toward the elevator before pulling you back to him. “one more for the road.” he kissed you until you couldn’t breathe.
you finally pulled away for air while he held his hands on your head.
“you’re fucking gorgeous.”
“you’re not too bad yourself. now go so I can work,” you said fully pulling away before the elevator alarm was set off. “Bye Colson,” you said hitting your floor button.
“Bye (y/n),” he waved as the doors shut.
as you made your way back to your apartment, your phone dinged.
unknown number: hi velcro monkey
you rolled your eyes as you entered your apartment. this man was going to be the death of you.
first Colson Baker imagine. feel free to send requests. - rose xx
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iguessilovebakugou · 4 years
In Search of Silver Linings, We Discovered Gold ||  Bakugou x Fem!Reader (x Shinsou) ||  Happier pt 3 ||  Series
I really feel like Sleeping At Last’s “Two” resonates with Shinsou in this one.  But also for the Reader towards Bakugou just like...in general.  Also, I would suggest Gang of Youth’s “Achilles, Come Down” as well. And Lauren Aquilina’s “Fools”. 
One day I’m going to make a playlist for this fucking series - and then you bitches will be sorry.  
I’m sorry it took so long to get this part out.  I feel like nothing I would write would live up to what I did 2 years ago now.  So I really hope that people like this one just as much as the others. 
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Part One!  Part Two!
Word Count:  7.7K TW:  Smooching, Death Mention
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“Hey, you okay?”
It should be so easy to explain to them what you were feeling.  They where there with you.  They went through the same thing you had, right?  You were right there with Ochaco, sat right by her side and watched her tell Mr. Aizawa...you should be able to just...
“Yeah,”  You offered Asui a bright smile.  “Just...tired.  These make up classes are just...they’re really killer, you know?”
The dorm had been quiet by the time the raid team had made their way home from their extra classes. Everyone had already gone to bed, the common area devoid of life by the time you had settled on the couches. And you were happy for it.  Ever since...well, it had been a bit harder to be around everyone.  It was hard to come to terms with the fact that after everything that had happened, happened.  And you were supposed to just...move on from it.  Keep going forward.  No time to process.
You pulled out your phone to check your messages.  You had hoped Shinsou would have at least texted you - but you had been left on read.  You tried not to be upset about it and instead, pretended to go to another app and check your messages there.  You even got comfortable and put an arm behind your head - yep, perfectly relaxed and not at all wanting to break down on the inside.  
Tsu’s big bright eyes stared down at you.  You wondered if she felt the same - if Kirishima, Izuku or Ochaco felt the same.  You wondered if sometimes, during class, they just lifted their heads, looked around at your classmates and felt...so out of place.  The only way you could describe it was like stumbling in the middle of a skit being performed in the middle of a park, and no one seemed to quite realize you weren’t actually an extra.
But you didn’t want to run the risk of looking at her.  If she looked at you, she might realize that you hadn’t come to terms with what happened - with Nighteye, Lemillion, with that poor girl, Eri.  And that wouldn’t do.  That might lead into her asking what was wrong.  And what were you supposed to do then?  Answer her honestly?  Come to terms with your feelings like a rational, level headed adult?
You?  Nah. Never.
“Yeah, you’re right.”  Once you were certain her back was towards you, you risked a glance in her direction.  
Your body ached, your eyes were sore, and your mind felt blank but busy at the same time.  You weren’t sure where to begin with everything, where to start with trying to catch up.  But this had become your norm, and as sad as it was, it felt like your body was accommodating to the drama that had become commonplace in your life.  You watched as she met Ochaco at the base of the steps leading up to the rooms.  She seemed surprised when you didn’t move to join them, turning to give you a concerned glance and a lip pout - for extra measure.  
You smiled, lifting up your phone and giving it a little wave.  “I think I’m just going to hang out down here before heading to bed.”
“Oh,”  She muttered softly.  “Okay, if you’re sure?”
You knew she wasn’t buying the act - whatever it was - in the slightest.  You knew Nighteye’s death hit her hard.  A lot harder than you.  As it should have - you had tried to use your quirk to defend her and Nighteye, only to be overpowered and rendered unconscious when it mattered most so you weren’t technically cognizant when she had made her getaway.  But it must have been terrible, holding a man in your arms as he died.   And yet here you are moping about it.  What gives you the right?
“Yeah, I’m sure.”  Another smile, this time a little wider.  “Got some videos to watch, don’t want to run the risk of waking anyone up.”
You turned, ending the conversation there.  You stared at your phone, sitting on the home screen and not bothering to look back once you heard them make the ascent up the stairs to their respective rooms.  It had been getting harder and harder to sleep these past few days and you couldn’t spend another restless night staring at the same four walls anymore.  Watching the same videos, rereading the same texts, you would go insane.  With an exasperated sigh, you tossed your phone to the side.  Hands found your face, fingers rubbing your eyes while reclining back, letting out a slow, low groan.
The lights in the common room were dim, just enough to find your way in case you stumbled down here in the middle of the night.  It was a small comfort, you figured to yourself, to have this moment alone.  To sit in the quiet and listen to the sounds of your friends around you, of the dorm settling snuggly down for another night’s rest.  And there you were, sitting by yourself in the common room.  Trying to decide if you were still mourning for a man you spoke to maybe a handful of times before you watched him get impaled on a spike or if you were ready to move on from it all.  Your head fell back limply against the edge of the couch, staring up at the ceiling as you tried to push any semblance of thought from your mind.  You just needed this one minute, one second for your entire world to just...stop running away from you.
If I could just get to him in time, maybe I could, I could help.  I could save him and be a hero and...
God, how dramatic could you get.  At least you hadn’t held the man in your arms as he lay dying.
With a sigh, you sat yourself back up and went back to your messages, pulling up the chat with Shinsou.  You hoped he was free.  Maybe even free enough to talk.  The empty feeling finding home in your chest was becoming too much.  You could use him, right now.  Maybe you could convince him to leave and come over.  You could watch a movie and just talk until you passed out.
Like friends did.
And if he was there, maybe it would so much easier to stay asleep. 
Hey.  We just got home.  Hope you’re...
Nope, delete.  Didn’t sound right.  
Hey!  You free right now?  I can’t sleep so
Nope, too eager.  
Shinsou, you loser get your ass over here
Nothing was coming out the way you wanted it to.  Nothing had ever sounded right.  You had so many things you wanted to say and yet never seemed to have the energy for it anymore.  Is this depression?  Do you have depression?  Do people who have depression know they have depression without being diagnosed with depression?  
You bit your lip, chewed on it until it grew sore and red and angry.  You needed your friend.  Your best friend.  Your only friend.  You missed hanging out with him, missed being able to text him weird shit and get a selfie of him looking bored at the camera just cause he knew it would make you laugh.  Cause you knew the weird shit you sent him made him laugh.  You wanted to see his face, to hear his voice.  You wanted it to go back before the dorms, back before whatever extra curricular thing he was doing.  But it wasn’t like he was doing this on purpose!  He was busy and you were just being fucking dramatic and needlessly stupid you didn’t even see Nighteye die but Deku did and he is holding himself together so much better and you would be okay if...if...
Why were you fucking crying now???????
Shinsou - I really miss you and I don’t want to be alone right now but I don’t know what to do I just wish you were here
Given the recent events in your life, his gruff voice shattering the quiet of your isolation should have been expected.  Nevertheless, it still sent your heart skyrocketing into your throat.  You thought everyone had gone to bed and you could be a miserable wretch on your own time.  You jumped, sending your phone clattering to the ground and sliding under the coffee table.  The giant...granite...coffee table.  “Ah, shit, shit...”  You fell to your knees, trying to make a grab for it.  “Damn it, damn it, damn it.”
“I thought I would find you down here.”
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Shinsou had hardly heard from you since the night you got back from the raid.  He had seen the news that something had happened.  When you didn’t answer his morning text, he just hoped you were just being your normal self.  When you didn’t show up at lunch, he feared the worst.  He paced his room, hardly ate, did nothing but refresh his news feed to see if your name flashed by as a causality.  He figured no news was good news but waiting to hear from you was the hardest thing he ever had to do.  And the fact you hadn’t told him you were going in the first place and had to find out about it by overhearing one of your classmates mention it?
Ample payback it seemed.  Secrets had become your duo’s new norm - and he hated it. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“We were told not to say anything to anyone.  I’m sorry, Shinsou.”
Your voice had sounded so off, so different in what little words you spoke.  Silence had never been so poignant until he experienced it from you.  As he laid in bed and stared at the phone on his pillow, his heart broke with each toss and turn he could hear from you.  He sat quietly, for that whole 2 hours as you tried to make sense of what you had just been through that day.  But you never said more than a few words and, even so, those were just a mask to hide the rest of the truth you wanted to keep hidden.  He listened, patiently, as you tried to place it all in order so you could begin to move past it.  
He hoped he had helped - in what little way he could.  In what minute way you had allowed him.  You were closing off and he so desperately wanted to cry out for you.  But he stayed quiet.  
And he felt entirely useless. 
He didn’t know exactly what happened; only what little information he had heard from Mr. Aizawa and even that had been bits and pieces.  Confidential, he said.  Bullshit, Shinsou thought.  If he was going to try to begin to figure out a solution to...whatever it was that plagued you, to lift your spirits, he needed to know exactly what happened.  But, when Shinsou had asked if you had been involved, if you were alright...?
“You’re friends with her, right?  She didn’t really seem to want to talk about it when I asked her after the fact.  But I figure that’s just because I’m her teacher.  Maybe you��should be the one to check in on her instead.  She might actually open up to you.”
Open up to him.  
And that was the problem wasn’t it?  Something that always seemed to stand right between the two of you, pushing you in separate directions - opening up to each other.  It was a thought that occurred to him as he watched you spin your spoon around in your soup, but refused to eat.  The two of you had no problems talking, especially you.  You talked a lot, and he...didn’t.  You suited him fine.  More than fine.  
But what is talking if you’re not saying anything?  What was the point of being friends if you couldn’t even rely on each other to keep a secret, to lean on each other when everything seemed so fucking terrible.  Had he done you a disservice, hiding things from you?  Had he given you the impression that you couldn’t come to him for something so small as a crush on...ah, for something really small?  Had you transitioned from “don’t want to bother him with something silly” to “I can’t talk to him anymore period”?
Shinsou had always been the more straightforward one.  Where you seemed to be an endless supply of needless conversation and seemed to always dance around subjects, Shinsou was the one who could give it to you as plainly as possible.  And you knew that.  You knew him better than anyone, could understand him better than anyone.  
So when he didn’t give it to you as honestly, as plainly as he could have, it would stand to reason that you would be sent tumbling.
Shinsou - I really miss you and I don’t want to be alone right now but I don’t know what to do I just wish you were here
The text had come as a surprise.  Shinsou had been trying to sleep, but it was a rare commodity those days.  His mind swirled with thoughts of you.  Of how much he missed just you.  Your laugh, your stupid jokes.  Everything was starting to feel so hollow when he heard that soft ding from across the room.  To say he scrambled towards his desk where the phone lay charging was an understatement.  
I really miss you.
You were screaming for him and he hadn’t heard it.  You were sinking further and further and yet here he was, wondering and waiting for some sort of sign on what to do.  How he could fix it - but later.  He’s not strong enough now.  He’s not ready.  After he’s done with Aizawa.  After he’s a hero.  After after after.  Always cautious, always testing the waters.  
I just wish you were here.
You never waited, never paused, never hesitated.  When Bakugou was kidnapped, you rushed home and came up with a plan of action.  When you wanted to talk to him, you marched from your dorms, almost got into a fist fight, just to talk.  You were reckless in all the best ways.  In all the ways that made him want to scream, to touch you, to praise you, to love...to love you.
“I would be able to sleep if you answered your phone once in a while.”
He gripped his phone and hated that he had to draw one hand up to wipe his eyes.  Hated that his chest ached and hated that you even had to ask him.
“I wish you would have answered me.”
No more.  You would never have to ask him again.
He couldn’t pull his shoes on fast enough.  Before Shinsou could stop, rethink if this was a good idea, he was outside and making his way towards your dorm.  If he couldn’t help you now, when you needed it the most, when you were asking for him to pull you out from the waters...
His heart didn’t have the right to ache for you as much as it did. 
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The two of you had done this so many times, Bakugou was surprised that you weren’t in the kitchen when he finally got down stairs.  The moment he got to the ground floor and saw you hunched over on the couch, his body froze.  
He had been hoping to have a bit more time to think of what he wanted to say.
“Is it just me, or has she not been the same since coming back from the raid?”
“No, I noticed it too.”
“Should we ask her about it?”
The frog grew quiet for a moment.  Bakugou had to strain to hear her response from down the hall.  “I think she’ll open up when she’s ready.”  She said softly.  “If we try to push the issue before then, it might just make matters worse.”
“Yeah,”  Uraraka responded, “I guess you’re right.  Still...I’m just worried.”
Worried.  For you.  
He didn’t want to think about why he was down in the commons, so late at night.  He didn’t want to acknowledge the fact that seeing your shaking shoulders, hearing the fast gasps you were making, ripped his very state of being apart.  He watched you, eyes narrowed.
He didn’t like it.  He didn’t like that you were in this state at all.
He expected you to jump - it was a good thing that you did.  He would drag you out of whatever rut you were in, kicking and screaming if he had to.  
You got to your knees, cursing under your breath and scrambling for whatever you had been holding.  Probably your phone.  Bakugou stepped around the couch, shoving his hands in his pockets.  “Figured I would find you down here.”
You didn’t pay him any attention.  In fact, as you tried to reach under the coffee table, you kept your head turned - enough to where he couldn’t see your face.  You kept cursing, kept trying to reach desperately.  He watched you for a moment, feeling the frustration rise up inside of him.  You were ignoring him.  Like he wasn’t even there.  Like he wasn’t standing in front of you.
“SHHH!”  You snapped to attention, pressing a finger to your lips.  He tried not to stare for too long.  “Do you want to wake the whole dorm!?”
“You should be in bed.”
Your stare lingered on him, for just a moment.  He refused to break eye contact first, refused to back down from the daggers you were sending his way.  You let out a huff, going back to searching for whatever it was that you had dropped.  “Couldn’t sleep.”
Bullshit.  He could tell.  It was a fact that he didn’t like to pay much attention to: tiny mannerisms that caught onto his attention like a hook.  You generally were so bright, hardly ever short.  Low energy, but not tired?  Sure.
He waited another minute.  “The others just got home.”
The slight pause.  Heh - you were like a book.  So easy to read.  “Oh.”  You said so matter-of-factly.  In another beat, you were back to searching, still focusing your gaze on the far side of the wall.  “Yeah, I guess.”
“So unless you got sent back early, I doubt you’ve even had a chance to try and sleep.”
Your fingers clenched, your fist shaking against the granite top.  Your body pulled up and away, resting in a rigid position.  But you were still refusing to look at him; in fact, to ensure that he wouldn’t be able to see anything,  you put your face in your hand.  Still, you didn’t say a word, didn’t argue with him.  So he continued:  “I’m just saying, if you’re going to lie, at least keep track who you tell what.”
You didn’t respond.  And he wished it didn’t make him as angry as it did.  He wished that he had been able to stop the rage that bubbled in his stomach.  But he couldn’t.  He didn’t want you to hide anything from him.  He wanted you to feel comfortable telling him when something was hurting you.  After he laid it all bare for you a few weeks ago, you couldn’t be bothered to at least confide in him what the hell was going on in your tiny little world?
“...tch.”  Bakugou fingers slid under the edge of the coffee table.  “Grab the other side.”
You paused, turning to stare at him.  His eyes met yours and he saw so clearly how blood shot they were, your cheeks blotchy and burning.  You sniffled once, pushing a strand of hair back into place.  “Uh...wha?”
“Do you want your crap or not!?”
“Oh, yeah, uh...”  You pushed yourself up.  His eyes followed you as you stationed yourself on the other side like instructed.  “On three.  One-”
He didn’t bother waiting.  Up he lifted and you scrambled to meet him half way.
Just a little to the side - and the bright screen of your phone illuminated the living room.  It was closest to him, causing him to flinch just slightly when the glow blinded him.  He moved to grab it for you -
Before Bakugou could realize what was happening, your fingers brushed against his.  You both paused, your digits flinching away from him every so slightly.  He didn’t know if he should continue making the grab for it or if he should pull away.  He didn’t want to.  Your skin was so soft and warm and...
He could feel your eyes on him and almost was able keep his gaze away.  Almost able to hold off temptation.  But you were like that, weren’t you?  The light had dimmed, casting a soft glow over your features.  He wanted to look anywhere else - anywhere but at you.  But your eyes held his, demanded that he hold your attention.  He hated the soft sound that escaped him.  Hated the way his heart hammered in his chest as you stared at each other, fingers still touching ever so slightly.  
He shouldn’t feel this way about you.  But he did.
Bakugou pulled back with a grunt.  He could feel your eyes follow him as he stood back up and stepped away, away from you.  Why did you do this to him?  Why did you manage to make him the worst of himself?  Lord Explosion Murder - reduced to a sniveling little puppy, eager to please because a girl he kind of thinks is pretty sometimes makes him feel like he’s going to throw up.  
His fingers shook.  He shoved them back in his pockets to hide the evidence.
You plucked the phone off the ground and immediately hit the lock screen to turn the light off.  You were once against standing alone in the dark, though he could see you plainly.  Neither of you said a word.  He wished he could say something, not scream it but just say it.  His mind strained to find something meaningful to say to you, something catching or just enough to keep you distracted from your thoughts.  But you had the knack for words - he didn’t.  All he could do was leer at you, waiting for you to start conversation.  You always had something to say.  
You silently slipped your phone in the pocket of your skirt.  
There was something different about you.  A wall that was keeping you from him.  Maybe the girls’ concern for you had weight behind it.  You still didn’t look at him, eyes downcast.
He had hoped, that night in the kitchen, that things might have been different.  That maybe...someday...
“You got your damn phone.  Now go to bed.”  He turned on his heels and made his way back towards the stairs.  He was done.  He helped you out enough.  
Sometimes you were too much.  Messed with his head and pulled his mind in so many different directions, he forgot which way was up because right there with you was where he wanted to be. 
“Why do you want to be a hero?”
Your voice cut through the silence of the dorm like a knife.  He hadn’t expected you to speak up now, though it fit you.  Question, make him stay; just when he decided to leave.  And of course, because you asked him to stay - he would.
“What kind of stupid question is that?”
“Humor me.”
He regretted coming down here to talk to you.  He should have just stayed in the comfort of his room.  “Why?”
“Humor.  Me.”  
His eyes narrowed.  Even if you wrapped yourself around him, brought him to his knees and groveling in your steps, no one spoke to him like that.  He spun around, snarl behind gritted teeth.  Who the fuck did you think you were talking to?
Then he paused.
You were watching him and the hollow expression on your face shoved the rage back down into his stomach.  With just a glance, you quelled that fury.  Another noise, another shock. Then your eyes softened and your shoulders slumped.  You remembered where you were, who you were talking to...no...no, you had never been afraid to talk to him like that.  Never afraid to meet his attitude head to head.  So what was different now?  “Please,” You added on, quietly.
What the hell happened to you?
Why did he want to be a hero?  
“To be number one.”
“Is that it?”
I don’t know anymore.  He didn’t like this line of questioning.  Bakugou was a smart kid - he could tell this conversation wasn’t going to be like the last one the two of you had.  No tea, no gentle touches.  The wounds were infected now and he felt shame burrow deep.  You had something you wanted to say, but something else was keeping it trapped, holding you back from being honest with him.  “What are you getting at?”
You fell quiet, letting his eyes take you in.  With a sigh, you turned and sat back down on the couch.  Your body folded in on itself, your hands grasping your arms, shaking fingertips digging into the fabric of the white dress shirt you were wearing.  “Nothing.”  You said finally.  “Just...thinking.  About things.”
You thought a lot about a lot of things.  Perhaps a little too much for too long.  You were receding back into your thoughts, pulling away from him again.  While he didn’t enjoy the feelings that being around you brought, losing you to your own headspace wasn’t something he would do tonight.  Or...any night.  His feet carried him back to the couch.  With a groan he sat down beside you.  “Well, then say it out loud.”
You let out a laugh that sounded too much like a sneer.  “Yeah.  Okay.”
It took everything in him to not reach out and grab you.  “I’m being serious.”
“I know.”
He just wanted to fucking help you.  “So tell me.”
“Tell you what?”
Like you had helped him.  “Whatever the hell that’s going on.”
A moment passed before you pulled your eyes back to his.  Finally, you were back in the present - back in that room with him.  Suddenly, you were aware that he had stationed himself beside you, so close your arms were a breath away from each other.  And there was a moment of panic in your eyes.  
You smirked, “Oh, are you playing therapist now?”
“Shut up!”  He bellowed.  “And tell me what the hell is going on before I change my mind!”
Your laugh was bitter, but it was something.  You used your hands to push your hair back out of your eyes, “...okay.”  You started...then fell quiet again.  He could hear you swallow the regret, the shame, the fear.  He watched as you struggled to put to words everything spinning around you.  “I don’t think I belong here.  At all.”
There were a million things Bakugou would have thought you could have said.  That...wasn’t one of them.  He had never thought of you not here.  What would that look like?
“I look at everyone here: Kirishima and Uraraka and Tsu and Deku...and I just can’t seem to find a place to put myself.  Among the rest of our class.”  His brows furrowed as you spoke.  He watched as your expression shifted with each word - angry and bitter and lost and upset.  “Like, you all are able to keep your heads held high, keep looking forward and never seem to let things drag you down.  I...I just don’t think I can do that.  So...”  You shrugged, swallowing harshly.  “Maybe I don’t deserve to be here if I can’t handle it...not like everyone else can.”
This wasn’t about the raid - that was just a catalyst.  It obviously struck a chord with you.  
“That’s stupid.”  
Another laugh.  This one tear filled but honest; and so, so bittersweet.  “Yeah.  Yeah, you’re absolutely right.  It’s pretty pathetic, huh?”
“No, you idiot.  It’s stupid because you’re wrong.”
You stared at him, mouth agape.  Then, in a second, your eyes narrowed, your lips thinned and your expression darkened.  He couldn’t help but feel the pride bubble in his chest:  You had realized you weren’t going to avoid this.  Not with him.  Not when he could help you.  He closed his eyes, figured it best to keep you out of his sight until he finished.  
“Look, you moron.  If you want to be angry or sad about whatever the hell happened back there, fine.  Do it.  But what good is wallowing in your own self pity if you’re not going to do anything about it?!”
Your voice shook as you spoke.  “Okay fine - then what should I do, Bakugou?”
His eyes snapped open, lips parted in surprise at the question.  There was an edge to your expression, daring him to answer.  Daring him to suggest something.  Blow it up?  Yell at it?  Fight it until it gives up?  But where would you start?  It wasn’t a real person - you couldn’t threaten it to back down.  Eyes scoured the floor for a response, searched desperately to find something - a strand of advice - to give you.  But he had nothing.  
“Yeah,”  You moved, pushing yourself off the couch.  You snatched your bag with such force it almost swung around and hit him in the face.  “That’s what I thought.  You don’t have an answer either.”
Shit.  Shit. He watched you as you skirted past his legs, intent on burying everything again.  If he let this go - let you go - you might actually do it.  You might actually leave UA - leave everyone in Class 1-A, leave your dream, leave...him. 
“It’s fine.”  You added, making your way towards the stairs.  “I’ll be fine.”
But he knew that was a lie.  Everything about this situation was a lie.  You wouldn’t be fine if he let you go upstairs, left you along with those thoughts of inadequacy, and if you kept falling lower and lower...?
You paused in front of the elevator...then pressed the button, it’s soft white glow sending panic down Bakugou’s spine.  The only thing he could see of you in the dark was the back of your head, the way your chin dipped just so lightly to your chest.  You weren’t going to respond if he didn’t do something.  He didn’t want this conversation to end - not like this.  What would All Might say?  What would Kirishima say?  What would Deku say?
What would you say?
“You never told me:  Why did you agree to go on that raid?”
There was a moment of pause before you turned and glanced over your shoulder at him.  There was a confused expression on your face, your eyes scanning him to try and figure out just what he was playing at.  “I told you why I wanted to be a hero.”  It was a challenge.  Stay and face this.  “Now tell me why you went on that stupid raid.”
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“Don’t get too worked up about this.”  Mr. Aizawa - no, Eraserhead - had said.  “The Big Three are one thing:  They’re strong enough to hold their own out there with the Pros.”  He called you all out by name.  Asui, Uraraka, Kirishima and you.  “You didn’t volunteer for this and you’re not obligated to participate.  It’s your call.”
It had been your call.  Your decision.  The Pros wouldn’t have shoved you into a situation you weren’t ready for.  The four of you had known that it was not necessary for you to go above and beyond what you had already done.  It was going to be dangerous, and you needed to not only be physically capable, but mentally as well.  
You should have waited, weighed the odds, thought about it for a moment longer.  
Your call.  Your choice:  Save a little girl who was in danger or back down.  Be a Hero or refuse to answer the call.
Well...the choice was simple than wasn’t it?
You hadn’t been capable.  You screwed up.  Once again jumping deeper into a situation than you should have.  You weren’t like your friends.  
You weren’t like them at all.
“Mr. Ai- I mean, Eraserhead!  After everything we just heard, I can’t imagine not helping out, sir!”
Someone who could raise their head and keep it held high.  Who could look danger in the eye and refuse to back down.
“Yeah, if you’re going to let us be apart of this, I’d like to pitch in however I can!”
Who saw someone and danger and threw themselves into the line of fire.  Who reached out a hand and kept holding on, long past the last scrap of energy was gone. 
"If I can use my power to help that girl even a little bit, then count me in Eraserhead!”
They were heroes.  You weren’t like them.
You stood up, nodding earnestly.  Your look was stern, your eyes hard as you looked at Eraserhead.  You were equals - at least in this moment.  “Yeah,  heroes save people - so I’ll do my best to make sure that girl is safe!”
You could feel Bakugou’s eyes pick you apart and put you back together.  Looking at him made you sick, made you want to crawl into yourself and rot.  But...with a soft sigh, your eyes casted up, trying to keep the tears from falling again.  You had thought you had done all your crying.  God, his face in the dark was a slight comfort.  His eyes practically glowed in the low light of the common room.  His dark t-shirt hung around his shoulders, his hair was a wild mess, sticking up in every direction.  And he just watched you.  No malice, no rage, just...waiting.  
Waiting for your answer.  
Why did you agree to join the raid?
To save that little girl.  Because that’s what heroes do. 
“After my fight with Deku, you sat with me.  You didn’t have to do that either. So why?”
Arms gripping your hoodie, squeezing you for dear life.  His whole body trembled under your touch.  Tears as he begged for forgiveness that you couldn’t give him.  But you wanted to - because it would mean his pain would be put at ease.  If you couldn’t give him what he needed, what he longed for, you would at least be there for a moment longer than the tears would fall.  You just needed him to know he wasn’t alone.  You needed Katsuki Bakugou to know you were there for him, no matter what.
“And with the League attack?  You weren’t with Kirishima and them.  You went off on your own, to try and save me.  Why?”
They wouldn’t see how hard he worked.  How much he wanted to be a hero.  And if they hurt him, if he refused and the villains hurt him?  If they took that away from him…?  All of his hopes and dreams?
No.  No, you weren’t going to let that happen.  
You had to bite you lip to keep it from shaking.  Bakugou was listing off all your fuck ups as if they mattered.  As if they were helping his case.  As if they were something you should be proud of.  You considered telling him, making him aware that even in those moments, you still failed:  you got knocked out during the raid, during the fight with the villains, and that you hadn’t done much besides give him a hug in the kitchen.  You weren’t doing much.
Deep breath, look away.  His face was too much.  It was too honest, trying to grab at you and hold you still.  He could almost convince you that you did something besides hinder those who had a better chance of being a Hero.
“You do half the shit you do because you’re a good person.  You want to help people.”  Movement caused you to glance his way.  He turned to sit back down on the couch.  “As stupid as it is, I guess it’s pretty admirable.”
‘Pretty admirable’?  He - Katsuki Bakugou - thought it was admirable.  You opened your mouth, but after a long moment of silence found you had nothing to say, so you closed it again.  You hated that even without speaking, you were losing this fight.  “So does everyone else.”  You replied weakly.  It didn’t make you special.  It didn’t make you any different.
“That so?”
“Than wouldn’t that mean you belong here with all the other losers looking to be a Hero to protect people?”
Behind you, the elevator opened.  
A soft gasp escaped your chest.  So...that’s what he was doing.  Leave it up to him to talk you around into a circle before shoving your argument back into your face...no, he hadn’t been nearly as harsh as you had expected.  He was speaking so softly to you, being as gentle as he knew how - which granted, wasn’t much, but appreciated none the less.  One shouldn’t look a gift explosion in the mouth.  
You looked at the elevator over your shoulder, stared at it’s open doors.  
You let them shut.
For the first time since that raid, you smiled.  Really, honestly smiled.  You set your bag down against the wall.  The walk back to the couch was the lightest you had felt in a long while.  You sat down next to him, resting your hands on your knees and one by one, you tapped your fingers against your skin.  With a deep breath, you felt your shoulders relaxed.  You weren’t surprised he was able to help.  “I guess...technically...using that logic...you’re not wrong.”
Bakugou scoffed, closing his eyes and tossing his head back.  “Of course I’m not wrong.”
You chuckled, shaking your head.  “How could I have ever thought to argue with you? Truly a futile effort to begin with.”
His smirk was quick, a slight twitch in the corner of his mouth before he grunted and looked away.  The prickly exterior he generally used to conceal himself was growing back into place and you couldn’t help but laugh.  You had been so wrapped up in your own bullshit that you almost forgot how much he made your heart skip.  As you looked over his profile, you realized that you were entirely thankful for Bakugou and not just in that moment.  You had been so stuck in your pit, sinking lower and lower that you didn’t think you’d ever get out of it.
But like everything, he broke the glass ceiling and shot through.  Only this time, he snatched you up and pulled your head to the surface.  Even if for a moment, you could breathe because he was holding your head above the water.  
You leaned over and bumped his shoulder with yours, nudging him warmly.  He ruined expectations again by waiting a moment before doing it back to you.  
He was so warm, his skin amazingly soft.  It lit your chest aflame and your cheeks grew pink - but you didn’t move.  The two of you leaned against each other but said nothing about it.  How did you find yourself here?  You had been close to him before but this was different in a way that didn’t seem to make any sort of sense.  And...you kind of like that it didn’t.  Because it didn’t have to.  You realized that sometimes, when it was just the two of you, as few as those “sometimes” may have been, you simply wanted it to just...be.  
You shouldn’t want to be so close to him, not now.  Would it be in poor taste?  Would he think less of you if he knew?  Did he know?  Did he feel the same way?  You were certain that if he looked over at you, looked into your eyes he would...at least see something.  You weren’t sure exactly what it was, but it was enough to cause your knees to knock and your chest to ache.  And you wondered if he would see how much your fingers longed to reach out and touch his body, draw him close and...  
But that didn’t matter.  Not now. 
You looked down at your hands.  If you...wanted to try...wanted to see if...this was something you could have, you would have to take the first leap.  Bakugou wasn’t going to do it.  He wasn’t going to be the one who dove head first.  But was now the perfect time?  Would there ever be a perfect time?  After having him strip your defenses, tear you down, build you back up - should you wait?
You spared another look, hoping that you might find confidence in his being.  
Your eyes met.  He was looking at you too.
No.  No, you weren’t waiting.  Katsuki Bakugou wasn’t someone you waited for.  If you were going to do this, see if he felt the same way you felt - all the crazy heart skips and lingering glances when the other wasn’t looking - you had to do this now.  
Gathering all your courage, you moved your hand and offered it to him.  His eyes tore away from your face then down at your open palm.  The universe held it’s breath, watched eagerly...as he slid his fingers between yours.  His calloused digits scratched at your skin lightly, his palms were a little clammy and...
Bakugou held you firm, grasping you tightly.  Desperate and scared and you remembered everything that lead you to this moment.
“That Bakugou kid likes you.”
Wild hair haloed in the setting sun peeking above the tops of overgrown trees.  Everyone around you disappears when his arms wrap around you.  He holds your hands, guiding the knife as he helps you chop.
“Out of all those losers, I was glad you were there.”
It felt like something was dragging you to him, tugging your body towards his.  He wasn’t stopping you, he wasn’t yelling or screaming or pushing you away.  He just watched, eyes narrowed and darkened under his hair.  Was he waiting to see what you would do?  Was he too scared to move on his own?  You reached out, gliding your fingers over his sandy blonde locks and brushing them out of the way so you could see his face.  Fingertips drifted down and over his cheek, trying to offer the same warmth he filled you with.  
Defiantly, a daring look in his eye, he pressed his cheek into your hand.  If you’re going to do this, then mean it.  Everything about him made you want to scream, drove you mad.  He always fought - and you saw now, that this whole time...he was fighting for you.  Fighting to let you know.  Had you been so entirely blind all this time?  
You wanted to say something, to let him know that you saw.  But words were wrong, thin, pointless and empty.  Nothing you could say would ever be enough to let him know how you felt.  So you would give all of you and hope that it was enough for him.
Without waiting another moment, you pressed your lips to his.  It was a deep and heavy action, one that he met with passion only he could muster.  You closed your eyes and lost yourself into his taste, the heat of his lips, his very presence.  It was a rush, one that sent you spinning - derailed all train of thought.  All that mattered was him.  All that lived in this universe was you and him.
His arm snaked around your waist, pulling you up and over him and you were happy to follow.  You didn’t dare break away, to lose the contact that you obviously both had been longing for.  Your fingers found their way into his hair, twisting and tangling.  Never once did he pull away - quite the opposite.  He met you, every press of your lips, every motion of want and desire, laid bare in front of both of you.  And as you felt his finger graze over the skin on your back, dipping under your dress shirt to set the nerves there on fire, you realized both of you were utter fools.
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It’s an awful thing: knowing you’re not enough.  Wanting something so badly, but no matter how much you long for it, it still slips through your grasp.  Of knowing that nothing you could have done would have changed the outcome.
He should have stayed in his dorm.  He should have never looked at his phone.  He should have never told you about Bakugou.  
He should have never let you get so close.  
It was by chance he glanced at the window looking into the common room, hand poised in front of the door.  At first, he wasn’t exactly sure what he was looking at - two shadowed masses, one on top of the other.  But then, he saw your face.  His heart wrenched when you pulled away from Bakugou.  A scream locked in his throat the way you smiled at him, soft and loving.  He hated the look in your eyes as you ran your thumb over his lips, as he slid his fingers into your hair to pull you back for more. 
Something Shinsou couldn’t have.  Someone he wasn’t enough for.
He didn’t linger on the steps for too long.  He feared you would see him and then - then you would have to talk.  He wasn’t sure he would be able to handle that, not with Bakugou behind you.  
The walk back to the dorm was a long one and he was surprised he made it into his room without incident.  It was late enough though, most of his classmates were asleep and the rest had retired to their rooms.  No one knew he was gone.  His mind was utterly blank until the locked clicked shut.
He didn’t realize he had punched the wall until his hand pulled back, sliced open.  Blood pooled and ran down his arm.  But it wasn’t enough.  It didn’t stop him from replaying that scene in his head over and over again.  The way you two were looking at each other, the soft touches, gentle smiles...
He slumped to the floor and let out one pitiful sob.  
What was he supposed to do now?
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Author’s Note:  I honestly watched Cats the 2019 musical and then wrote Shinsou’s part because I’ve been having a pretty good week honestly so I wasn’t in the headspace for honest disappointment.  
I just needed something to remind me that happiness is fleeting and something terrible and awful will usually come and destroy what you know and love most in this world.  Drag your joy through the mud until the only thing left is a shell of what once was.
...who let’s Hooper direct shit?
Anyway.  I do think I’m going to lead into a part 4 for this one.  I don’t know.  I’ll let you guys decide if you want something more lol since I’m interested in continuing it.  Especially given the newer chapters. 
Also eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, kissing scene.  First real one on this blog anyway and not a kiss mentioned in passing.  And look, it only took me a year or so to do it. :)  I’m a fantastic mod of this blog who gives people what they want and doesn’t focus on stupid shit in the slightest why are you guys here you should have left me on the street corner where I was standing
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cdt12345 · 4 years
We've been friends many years but I've never thought to ask; Top 10 gay OTPs?
1.) Ian & Mickey (Gallavich) - Shameless us
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What can I say about these two that we haven’t already said about them?! They are my absolute all-time favorite couple ever! Gay or straight. They perfectly complement each other, they love each other on a level I feel like I’ve never seen before (and I have watched a lot of tv/movies), they’re like a comedy duo, they support each other, understand each other better than anyone else ever will, they fell in love as kids, they bring out the best in each other, and they’re each other's best friend. I’m a sucker for opposites attract, who are also best friends. Gallavich really fits that bill. I wish they didn’t have to struggle so much to get their happiness, but I’m happy they finally got it. When they got married, it felt like the biggest victory ever! We went through those years of struggle with them, rooted for them, mourned for them when John Wells let Noel go after season 5. So much has tried to keep these two apart, even real-life circumstances tried to keep them apart. The chemistry between these two characters and between Cameron and Noel was so powerful, they were brought back to the show. That kind of thing doesn’t happen very often. When an actor leaves a show, they don’t usually come back as a series regular, let alone two actors who have already left the show. It felt like a miracle! I will never forget getting the news that Noel was coming back from you @luckyshazmrsmonaghansblog I was crying with happiness bc we wanted this for so long and I never believed we would get to see both Cameron and Noel back on the show. Or that they would get their happy ending outside of a jail cell. Especially after Cameron left the show in season 9. With their return we got a wedding, an entire season of them as a married couple, we got to see them dance with each other twice, we got them singing together, we got to see them start a lucrative business together, we got to see them free and happier than we’ve ever seen them before, and we got to see Terry get what he deserved after putting them through hell. We are only halfway through season 11, but I already feel so fulfilled with this extra time with gallavich that we were never supposed to have. JW tried to take that away from us. I will never understand why, but he failed. I am not surprised this is the one I wrote the most about. I can go on and on about gallavich!
2.) David and Patrick - Schitt’s Creek
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This was everything I ever wanted to see onscreen, where there was zero homophobia. The pansexual character didn’t need to have a big coming out or tell everyone in the town of his sexual orientation, except his best friend. The gay character had a coming out with parents who loved and accepted him for who he is and was only upset that he felt he couldn’t tell them sooner. I dreamt of a day where I could see this kind of representation onscreen. The casual treatment of their sexuality was so refreshing and something I’ve been waiting for. There is no darkness or huge struggle they had to overcome to be together or a sad ending for them. They were allowed to be together without the major conflicts most LGBTQ characters have to go through. Once David made the first move Patrick was comfortable allowing himself to fall for David and start a relationship with him. He was so sure of his feelings for David after that first kiss, he never looked back and I loved that. They had such an adorable love story. Truly one I have been waiting to see for so long between two LGBTQ characters. They made me smile every time they were on screen. They are another of my OTPs that are exact opposites who complement each other perfectly. Patrick was welcomed into David’s family and blended in with them so well, even when he and David had very different upbringings. Patrick serenading David with Tina Turner and then Mariah Carey at their wedding is one of the most romantic things I have ever seen!
3.) Holt and Kevin - Brooklyn Nine-Nine
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Captain Holt and Kevin are strange men on their own but together they are the perfect pair. They get each other in a way no one else does. The best part is their adorable fur baby, Cheddar! They seriously make the cutest family! I was so nervous when they went through a rough patch for a while because I didn’t want them to split up. Thankfully, they made it through and are still going strong!
4.) Will and Vince - Will & Grace
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On the show's first run, Will and Vince were in a serious relationship and Vince was Will’s longest relationship on the show. They broke up a few times but were together by the series finale. The two reunite during the funeral of Will's father. There was a time jump on the series finale. Though I didn’t love everything about the last episode, I did love the fact that Will and Vince had been together for 20 years and raised a son together, who was conceived through in vitro fertilization with a surrogate. After the time jump, nearly twenty years later, their son goes to college and meets Grace's daughter, whom he would eventually marry. Though I wasn’t happy with the fact that Will and Grace didn’t stay close over the years, it did allow for their kids to one day meet, fall in love, and get married. I did like that outcome out of the finale. My family and I used to watch the original show, but we refused to accept or watch the 2017 revival because they completely changed everything from the original series finale. The second I found out they were changing everything; I knew I couldn’t watch it. They even wiped the existence of their kids from the first series finale. The revival was an attempt to cash in on the reboot craze and I wasn’t happy about that already, but even more so when they were going to break up one of my OTPs for easy money. Bobby Cannavale, who played Vince, has become even more famous since starring in Will & Grace. So, I already figured he wouldn’t be back for the show as a regular, but I know he did guest star. I won’t accept the revival and to me, Will and Vince stayed together, and their son married Grace’s daughter. THE END!
5.) Albert and Armand - The Birdcage
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Miss Albert and Armand were the earliest gay couple I remember ever watching onscreen when I was eight years old. I have watched this movie more than I can count over the years. It is a family favorite that we quote often. Their son is planning to marry a girl whose father is in politics and is very conservative. They have to hide the fact that he has two gay fathers for one night, but everything goes awry, and comedy ensues. Nathan Lane and Robin Williams give a wonderful performance without resorting to using the stereotypes that are often used on gay characters, especially back then. It’s a classic!
6.) Stefon and Seth - Saturday Night Live
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Okay, hear me out on this one! They’re not the most conventional OTPs on my list, but I really do love them so much! Stefon started doing a correspondent segment on Weekend Update on SNL. The first time Stefon came on, he flirted with Seth Meyers. The second he did I was like ooh they would make a cute couple! Stefon the wild party guy and Seth the serious news anchor. It was a match made in heaven for me. Before Seth Meyers left SNL to do Late Night with Seth Meyers, Bill Hader came back to play Stefon for Seth’s last episode. I didn’t expect what happened next to happen at all! They gave Seth and Stefon the ending that I haven’t even gotten from some actual scripted shows. I never expected Stefon and Seth to have this big ending, but I could not be happier that they did. I’m posting the link to the six-minute skit/ending and I hope it works. It’s worth watching. Though the video says it’s Stefon’s farewell it was really Seth’s farewell episode.
7.) Mr. Simmons and Peter - Hey Arnold!
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Anyone who grew up watching this show already knew that Mr. Simmons, Arnold’s teacher, was probably gay. It was hinted at in the Thanksgiving episode. Arnold and Helga visit Mr. Simmons on Thanksgiving at his house and his family and “friend” Peter are there. Mr. Simmons mother says she didn’t know Peter was coming to dinner and Peter responds with the infamous line “There’s a lot of things you don’t know.” When Mr. Simmons mom tries to get him to take a woman friend to the ballet, he says he loves the ballet and Peter gives him a disapproving look and Mr. Simmons immediately declines. Those were enough hints for us fans to decide Peter was his boyfriend. Years later, the show's creator Craig Bartlett finally confirmed Mr. Simmons is gay and had them together in the 2017 Hey Arnold: The Jungle Movie. It was so exciting to finally get the confirmation years later, even though I was already certain of it for many years. I was happy that the cartoon no longer had to settle with vague hints about it.
8.) Callie and Arizona - Grey’s Anatomy
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I was very happy to see a lesbian couple on prime time tv and I really liked both characters. I was excited to root for them but sadly as most couples on this show, their relationship took a turn, and I wasn’t thrilled about it. I was disappointed that it came to an end. By then I was already getting tired of watching the show. It was starting to feel like a chore to watch it every week. I tried to stick it out because I don’t like to give up on shows in the middle of it, but I just couldn’t do it anymore. I’m glad I did though because the shocking events with Derek Shepard, is something I’m glad I wasn’t around for. Anyway, I heard things between Callie and Arizona got even worse, so I was even happier I left when I did.
9.) Sherwin and Jonathan - In a Heartbeat
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This was one of the cutest things I have ever seen! I wish this got the full-length movie treatment instead of a short film. But it was still a step in the right direction for the LGBTQ community. Gay characters in cartoons always bring me such joy and that was the focus of this short. A boy with a crush on another boy with a cute ending. What is not to love?!
10.) Mitch and Cam - Modern Family
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Another show I had to give up on in the middle of the series. The show began to be less funny and more annoying to me. Another reason, that really has nothing to do with the show itself, that used to annoy me was that this show repeatedly beat out Parks and Recreation during award season. Parks and Recreation is a superior show when compared to Modern Family. This show won almost every year for years and it got really annoying especially when the quality of the show started slipping and they kept winning. After a few years, they finally stopped winning all the time. But before all that, I was a fan of Cam and Mitch. They were a great couple who I loved watching on the show. They were the best part of the show most of the time. But sadly, my annoyance of the show no longer being as funny as it used to be, was enough for me to stop watching.
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Nightmares and confessions 
Bumswiftery cuz this ship needs more content.
Smoking cw
Skittery stood in the bathroom area of the lodge, debating whether pumping water to wash his face would be too loud and wake the other boys. It was late, although he didn’t know the exact time. He had been trying to save up for a pocket watch but never could scrap together the funds. Judging by the soft sounds of the boys deep in slumber in the next room over and the crescent moon in the sky, he determined it was around midnight. 
He had woken up clammy from a nightmare and didn’t feel like trying to fall asleep again. He had seen some of the other boys have nightmares- Blink mostly, who frequently woke up screaming at any hours of the night before Mush had to rush over and comfort him. He never had dreams like that, which he was thankful for. He couldn’t imagine what that boy had been through to continue to be tortured by his own mind like that. 
The nightmares he had were just vague unsettling things that continuously crept over his mind the rest of the day, or at least until he snatched a cigar from someone. They were usually about improbable, sometimes childish things he felt guilty for letting bother him- monsters, his little brother getting hurt, or his family finding out something about him that he didn’t want anyone knowing. 
Not that he had any secrets that bothered him like that. That’s what he told himself. 
He decided it wasn’t worth it to get water, instead leaning his elbows on the trough and setting his head against his forearms. The cool breeze from the early spring rainstorm drifting in from the drafty windows felt nice against the clammy, bare skin of his back. 
He just wanted to sleep. He was so tired every day no matter what he did. 
After a few silent moments, listening to the rain, he felt the warmth of fingertips creep suddenly onto his shoulder. He jumped up, turning around and instinctively taking a defensive position with his fists balled. It was dark, but the curly mop of brown hair, hazel-green eyes, and toned muscles, visible even through his undershirt, told him who it was. Swifty was always doing that, sneaking up behind people and startling them whether he meant it or not. He was too nimble, too light on his feet. 
“Jeez, what’d ya do that for?” Skittery  whispered furiously, his face growing hot as he wished he had pulled on a shirt when he was leaving his bunk.
“Sorry, wanted to make sure you’s ok,” Swifty whispered back, his cheeks slightly red. 
Of course it had to be Swifty, Skittery thought to himself. Swifty had to be the one to wake up, when he was one of the two causing all these problems in the first place. 
Skittery didn’t blame the two boys for the feelings he got. It wasn’t their fault that he got lost in his head whenever Bumlets flipped his hair out of his face, or that he got a funny feeling in his stomach when Swifty adjusted his clothes. And it certainly wasn’t their fault for that sour, jealous mood that he couldn’t seem to shake after he walked into the lodge early one day, finding Bumlets being pushed up against the wall by Swifty, kissing his neck with his hands at his waist. 
That wasn’t his business. He just wanted a lover- he was jealous for the relationship they had, that was all. He wasn’t going to let his silly envy get in the way of his friendship, or let it bother whatever they had going on. 
“Can’t sleep?”
Skittery watched as Swifty sat down on the weathered floorboards, much to his dismay, his dangling suspenders clattering on the hardwood. He wasn’t in the mindset to stay up with someone. He glanced back to his empty bunk, briefly pondering if he could return to it without seeming rude. He decided against it, reluctantly joining the boy on the floor and crossing his legs. 
“You sick or something? You felt hot,” He asked softly. Swifty knew how hard it was to get Skittery into a conversation when he didn’t initiate it. It was somewhat of a skill, trying to carefully word his sentences to draw him in. Unfortunately, he was still groggy himself, meaning he wasn’t as slick with his tongue as he could be. 
“No, just had a nightmare,” the tall boy mumbled back. 
“You wanna tell me about it?” Swifty patiently asked. 
“Already forgetting it.” 
Swifty nodded, resigning himself to the fact that he wasn’t going to get much of a conversation out of him. After a beat of silence, he dug around in the pockets of his shorts and procured a cigarette, offering it to him. Skittery’s gaze flicked from it back to the other boy's eyes, before taking it from him and setting it in the corner of his mouth. 
After successfully striking a match and lighting the cigarette, tendrils of smoke curling into the air, he leaned back on his elbows and looked Swifty up and down. 
“What about you, huh? What are you doin’ up so early?” 
“Just couldn’t sleep. Have a lot going on in my head,” he answered, somewhat relieved that the cigarette seemed to do the trick to get Skittery out of his shell, at least a little bit. 
He hesitated for a moment, as if deciding whether he gave a fulfilling answer, before holding out the lit cigarette, embers glowing bright in the otherwise dark room. Swifty eyed him curiously, his bright eyes picking out details of the other boy's body best as he could in the darkness. 
“When I get nightmares I cozy up to Bumlets, ya know. You ain’t got someone like that? A gal or a fella or nothin’?” Swifty asked, after passing the cigarette back. 
Skitterys expression stiffened as he tried to ignore the knot forming in his stomach. 
“No, I ain't got a gal like that. And I ain’t like you either.” 
“Like me?” The curly haired boy replied, his eyebrows raising. 
“Ya know with the,” Skittery’s eyes darted to the floor, unable to meet his eyes. “With the fellas.” 
Swifty pulled his legs against his chest, narrowing his eyes. “Well jeez, that ain’t what I was askin’.” 
“It ain’t your business.” 
Swifty sighed, knowing he had ruined what little softness he had pried out of him. “Don’t see how. You’s a looker, Skits.” 
Skittery felt his face flush, accompanied by a strange fluttering in his chest. He hated it. These feelings were stupid, impractical, and most importantly, could never be replicated. Swifty had Bumlets. They were happy together, and Skittery would just have to suck it up and bear through the agony that came with seeing them cuddling at night, or exchange kisses on the cheek in the morning, or playfully ruffle each other’s hair before buying papers. 
It had never occurred to him how much these things bothered him until he had Swifty all to himself, with nothing else but a shared cigarette and that wretched insomnia. 
“I’m going to try to sleep,” Skittery mumbled suddenly, Standing up and heading back towards the threshold between the bathroom and the bunks. In one motion, Swifty grabbed his wrist, pulled him back, and pinned his waist to the counter, gazing up at his face through the thick darkness. 
“What the hell’s up with you lately, John?” He whispered furiously, tightening his grip below his ribs. Skittery stood like a statue, his mouth gaping open as he prayed his weak knees would hold him. Their chests were almost touching, and he could feel the steady rise and fall of his stomach against his own in the brief eternity before he could cough out an answer. 
“Nothin’”, he said, his voice coming out small. His heart drummed as he watched a lock of Swifty's hair uncurl itself from his bangs and fall neatly onto his forehead. His eyes glistened in the shadows, filled with suspicion and curiosity.
“Nothings goin’ on with me, why’d you think that?” 
“I dunno, maybe how you can’t seem to stand being around me during the day?” 
Skittery took a breath, his arms glued to his sides. “It’s just me bein’ dumb, alright? Don’t worry about it.” 
“Worry about it?! Skits you...” he slowly released his grip, his hands trailing down from his waist to his hips. “You ain’t...”
“I ain’t what,” Skittery breathed, barely audible over his heartbeat.  
And in a split second, Swifty closed the gap between their mouths, his eyes fluttering shut as Skittery’s hands found their way onto the back of his neck. It was a tender, slow kiss, filled with questions and curiosity. Every thought or strange feeling left over from his nightmare had vanished. He wasn't sure if the rain was still falling- he couldn't hear a thing. Skittery discovered the other boy's lips were surprisingly silky, and he pulled away, chest heaving, with a fruity taste on his tongue. 
“Why the hell did ya do that?” Skittery said quietly, his fingers biting into the shorter boy’s shoulders. 
He shrugged in response, apparently more agitated from his response than alarmed from kissing his friend. 
“I don’t get you, Victor,” he said uneasily as he saw Swifty’s face drifting up towards his again. 
“Stop.” He pushed him away by his shoulders, struggling to put space in between them. “We can’t do this, Vic, what the hell is wrong with you?” 
“Do I really gotta walk you through why it’s ok to kiss a fella?”He answered in a bemused tone. 
“It ain’t that, Swifty!” he said furiously, forgetting to lower his voice. “You think I don’t wanna do that every time I see ya?! You think I've been putting myself through this shit for nothin’? I ain’t meant for romance. And whatever feelings that gave me ain’t exactly exclusive to you either. I couldn’t make no one happy like they want me to. Nothin’ like that will ever work out for me.” He shoved him away, walking a few paces towards the windows. “And how could ya do somethin’ like this to a sweet fella like Bumlets?!” he added, his voice quiet again. 
Swifty was strangely composed, standing straight up with his hands in his pant pockets. It was strange to see his friend like this. Skittery always spent most of his time contemplating everything, analyzing conversations and movements to make sure he was completely understanding what was going on. He never let a thing go misinterpreted. He was better with being told things straight out- it surprised Swifty that a kiss, which to Skittery might’ve meant anything, for once got his point across efficiently. 
“That’s what you’s worked up about? That I kissed you while I still got Bumlets?” He asked, collected despite the fact his heart was still racing. “Me and him have been talkin’, Skits. He likes you too.”
The other boy froze, the words sending a peculiar feeling down his spine. “What do ya mean by that?” 
“I mean he likes ya, I like ya, and we like each other.” He slowly approached him, as if to not startle him away. “I’m sayin’ if you wanna be in on whatever we got going on,” he trailed off, tenderly slipping his arms around his waist again. 
“Ya mean it, Victor? You two…” he mumbled tentatively, his own hands creeping onto his midsection. 
And before he knew it they were kissing again, searing and passionate. It was something that happened on instinct, a thing Skittery didn’t let control him very often. It was as relieving as it was terrifying. 
Skittery pulled away abruptly, responding to Swifty's confused expression by holding a finger to his lips. He peered over him through the darkness at all the boys seemingly still asleep in the next room over. They were too visible for his liking, especially since he knew many of them pretended to be asleep to pry into others' business. 
He grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him into one of the bathroom stalls, where they whispered little confessions in between long kisses, all the way till light started shining in from under the door and the clamor of waking boys told them they were moments from being discovered.
The next day was gray, with rain that sprinkled heavily on and off. Normally, this would send Skittery into a worse mood than usual, causing him to barely get any papers sold, rather spending his day under shop awnings with the stack over his head. However he barely noticed the rain, and although his mouth was in a tight line and his eyebrows furrowed, there was a pink tinge to his cheeks that he couldn’t get rid of. 
He remembered saying a lot to Swifty the night before, mostly embarrassing, sappy things that he carried on his shoulders with an air of shame. He remembered something about being in love, something about his heart melting when he sees Bumlets, something about him not being able to believe that the two handsomest guys in the lodge liked him. Recalling it made him cringe. He couldn’t believe he would let his guard down like that now that he was out of the moment. 
He knew he had to talk to Bumlets soon and work out his feelings for him as he did with Swifty, but he could barely stand to be in the same room with either of them. He left early, turning away after hearing one of them call his name. He was aware he was just avoiding something that would have to be dealt with eventually. He was no good with feelings, or change for that matter. 
Luckily the opportunity presented itself sooner than he preferred, when he settled on a bench under a damp umbrella in the park. It was a particularly heavy batch of rain, making him shiver no matter how tight he pulled his coat around him. He suddenly felt himself sandwiched by warmth, one of the boys on each side of him. 
“Hey Skits,” he heard Bumlets say, although his gaze stayed fixed on the patch of ground in front of him. “Heard you was bein’ sweet with my fella last night,” he said in an amused tone, hitting his shoulder with his own. 
Skittery felt paralyzed, staying silent as both boys looked at him expectantly. He felt a raindrop snake down his neck and down his collar. 
“Why don’t ya tell Bumlets some of those things you told me last night,” Swifty added once it was clear that he wasn’t going to respond. 
“Won’t you two leave me alone till later,” he finally answered, snapping his head up and looking at the boy on the right. He immediately regretted it. Bumlets’ damp bangs were drooping onto his forehead, his brown eyes illuminated curiously by the  raindrops coming down. His shirt was half unbuttoned, revealing his collarbone dotted with freckles. 
“We ain’t gonna leave you alone, Skits, not with weather as romantic as this!” He motioned wildly with his hand, collecting a few raindrops in his palm before drying it off on Skittery’s knee. “But we also ain’t gonna pressure you or nothin, right Bumlets?” Swifty added. 
Skittery let both boys set their arms around him, although his shoulders were stiff and his face was hot. The three sat there, listening to each other breathing for hours with their arms tangled. The tall boy in the middle indulged himself just a little bit more by the minute, letting himself grow comfortable between them. He knew that's what he wanted. He knew that that’s what he had been dreaming about subconsciously for a lot longer than he cared to admit. It would take time for him to adjust, as it always did for him with new experiences and changes of his life. 
But he was trying to get better at change. Maybe that’s why he let Swifty kiss his cheek, after checking that the rain had driven everyone out of the park. Maybe that’s why he let Bumlets take his waist and kiss him softly, when the moment felt right. And that’s why they walked back to the lodge, shivering, with their arms still hooked around each other, the tallest boy feeling on top of the world.
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Burn It (M.YG x Reader)🔞☁️💜🐾 1
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Pairing: Dragon!Min Yoongi x Dragon!Reader
Genre: Angst, Hybrid AU, Romance, Fluff, eventual Smut
Warnings: (oh boy here we go) Blood, Fighting, Angst, Mentions of mistreatment, Slavery, injuries, killing of animals (they gotta hunt food boo) Separation anxiety, separation depression, Dom/Sub themes because that’s just me and y’all know me I can’t be normal for once lol, famine, war, graphic descriptions of violence, death, y’all gonna hate me after this lmao
Summary: To ensure their own survival, Dragons have made a pact with the Human Kingdom centuries before; letting them claim a Dragon every new generation to keep as whatever they may desire them to be. This has become a tradition, not only the fun and thrill of the hunt for the ruling human species, but also the loss and heartbreak for the Dragon-shifters, the burden never seeming to become easier to carry. The shifters accepted so many things, from the way they’d openly shame their kind, how they would simply do and take whatever they wanted; whenever they wanted, slowly becoming more and more greedy and uncaring for the rules set centuries ago. Min Yoongi however becomes more than determined to end this tradition when his mate is being captured- and if humans thought they could overcome anything in their way, Yoongi will gladly remind them who’s actually in charge. It’s time for things to change. Its time to burn their kingdom to ashes, and maybe even build a new one.
Chapters: 1 | 2 | ?
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The sheets fell comfortably over your bodies, head near his shoulder. The world outside of your nest was already slowly waking up, soft and tired morning chatter increasing in volume with every minute it seemed. "Go back to sleep." He suddenly mumbled, to the regular ear just some random grumbling, yet yours were trained to listen carefully, nowadays able to make out even the faintest of words since he sometimes spoke to you even with his back turned. You giggled, slowly crawling closer to his body, his hands welcoming you instantly by grabbing the back of your upper thigh gently, laying your leg over his lower body, fondly running his hand over your skin, as if to caress you back to sleep.
"Hey, Yoongi?" You asked, own voice still laced with sleep. "What do you think our cubs may look like one day?" You randomly asked, mind still a bit fuzzy with the remnants of your most recent dream. Yoongi simply chuckled at that, shrugging his shoulders with eyes still closed.
"Don't know. We'll see I guess." He mumbled, placing a kiss to your neck. His hand began to wander, brushing over your soft skin further, as he opened one of his cat-like eyes to look at your now open ones. "But now that you talk about it-" He began, and moved to position himself above you, teeth grazing your bonding mark in between the crook of your neck with his pointed canines. "I guess we could use a bit of training, yeah?" He said, and you giggled again, feeling ticklish at his touch. You shoved him a little, and he smiled, playfully biting your skin to keep you immobile for him, as if he needed to- you would never run away from him in a million years and more.
"Yoongi, Seokjin and Namjoon are probably already up and preparing for your arrival." You reminded him, and he nodded with a bit or worry. The other clan, living a bit further into the mountains, away from the woods and deep forests you did had made an alliance decades ago after the first war of men against your kind. He'd made friends with some of them, including their current leading figure Seokjin- even though he'd never openly say that. "You also promised me to give Taehyung his present from me. His birthday is important." Taehyung was a bit older than you, yet he had a youthful charm to him that sometimes made you forget that small fact about him. You adored the dragon dearly, even if he came from a different clan. These days, every Clan stuck together it seemed, boundaries slowly getting blurry as more and more alliances were made, now even clans far away from the mountains agreeing on keeping a friendly bond to one another.
He laughed a bit, but whined his next words playfully dramatic. "I still don't get why you can't come along. You know this man-cub has way too much energy for me." You cooed at him, making him scoff at you. He always acted as if he didn't care much about others, and that he was a tough dragon, yet you and his friends knew that he had a soft heart deep inside him.
"Someone has to stay behind Yoongi. I'll be fine, and its just for today, tomorrow, and the day after." You reassured him, knowing how much he worried due to the current situation. Winter wasn't even hitting with full force yet, only slowly creeping up on the lands, yet the Kingdom of men already faced dire times. Your kind had warned them early on to not be too wasteful, yet they didn't seem to be wanting to listen to you. This were the consequences they would have to face, yet it didn't mean they wouldn't do something drastic. Humans were known to be very impulsive creatures. You had to stay behind to reassure your own clanmates; leaving with Yoongi could paint a wrongful picture of you abandoning them for your own benefit of safety. And you'd never do that in a million years.
You could faintly hear the flapping of wings somewhere in the distance, then a flock of doves skitting away as something heavy landed near your window. Shortly afterwards, a knock was heard, and Yoongi groaned annoyed. You slowly untangled your limbs from around Yoongi's, yawning with a smile while opening the door, greeting whoever was behind it, as Yoongi's body flopped back down on the bed with exaggerated defeat. "Good morning y/n! I guess Yoongi is still asleep?" The young dragon asked, his usual doe-eyes still a bit sleepy, yet face held a bit of worry behind it, which did make you a bit uneasy. You shook your head, when the man in question suddenly appeared behind you, in all his grumpy glory, having noticed your shift of emotions almost instantly.
"I'm awake now, and you're being a cocklock kid. What is it?" He bluntly said, making you slap his chest in embarrassment. The tips of the young dragon's ears turned a bit pink at that, yet he simply cleared his throat, trying to keep his composure. Yoongi had always joked about the fact that Jungkook had a small crush on you, yet you always assured him that that wasn't true- you both simply felt for each other in a way siblings felt, not lovers. That part was forever taken for you.
"The Kingdom has still to announce the date of the hunt." He said, voice a bit hesitant, knowing how fast this topic could rile his older brother up. "But there is a rumor going around that it will be tomorrow." He said, already shrinking a bit, as if to prepare for the older one's outburst.
Yoongis eyes grew angry. "They what?!" He said, only staying calm for your sake as you held onto his shoulder.
The young dragon nodded sadly. "I've personally checked the situation after everyone began to talk about it. They're already preparing, but I've been told not to worry too much by their spokespeople. Me and the other messengers have been given the task to just warn everyone." He said. "I- Namjoon said you should decide yourself if you want to still-" He attempted, yet Yoongi beat him to it.
"I'm not going." He said, already trying to close the door, yet you held it open, trying to diffuse the angry aura.
"Now hold on, we're told not to worry- Yoongi, this is really important, you need to go." You said calmly, shushing him as he attempted to speak again, probably to disagree. "No, if you don't go, it'll just unsettle everyone. We can't have that, not now." You argued, and he sighed after a moment, nodding towards Jungkook to get the message out that he's going to meed the Kim Clan today anyways- even though he had his worries. The younger dragon nodded, flying off after saying his farewells to you, to which you nodded, and closed the door.
Yoongi fell onto the bed next to you as you had sat down to stretch your limbs, arms reaching out for your body, trying to get you back to bed. You giggled, yet playfully shoved him away from you, scolding him gently. "No Yoongi, you need to get up. If you lay down now, you'll just fall asleep again." You said, tapping his chin which made him scoff.
"You act as if you have to mother me." He said, feline eyes looking at you with a mildly impish glint in them. You giggled as he opened his arms, now sitting on the side of your bed, beckoning you to sit on his lap for a moment, simply to hold you. "I'm worried." He finally said, and your arms placed themselves around his middle, trying to calm his nerves.
"I know." You answered, before you squeezed him a bit tighter, just for a second, making him run his hand over your back. "But if you don't leave, you know the kingdom will grow uneasy." You said, worry now on your tongue as well. "They're too easy to rile up these days. Lets not take chances."
He finally nodded, getting up to dress himself, movements lazy as you continued to watch him for a moment, before getting up yourself. It was probably a good idea to start your day as well.
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"I'll fly back immediately if something is wrong. Just send me a sign, I'll be right back, I promis-" You cut his rambling off with a kiss, smiling at him as he looked at you seriously, ready to scold you.
"Yoongi, I'll be fine. Winter is coming, but we'll survive just like last year." You promised, and touched his bonding mark on his neck, making him close his eyes. You knew he hated being away from you, but he was also a very independent and free roaming soul- needing his own time and freedom as much as the air you both breathed every day and night. You loved him for this; his heart still untamed yet he'd bound himself to you despite his need to be on his own. It made you feel as special just like he always said you were.
He nodded, kissing your forehead before jumping off of the cliff, his black dragon form expanding its wings powerfully, his scales reflecting the sunlight in dark rainbow patterns like black opal, making your eyes glow with fondness. He truly was a prince, wasn't he? He always played it off whenever you brought it up, but his royal blood was clearly visible in visual and character- the way he carried himself confident in a way only kings and blue blooded Ancestors did. Maybe that was why the people of his clan had chosen him and you as the leading couple; trust was always placed in the people who seemed the most honest and capable, after all. And he was bluntly honest, never sugarcoating any form of bad news, well known for his loose tongue and ways to negotiate. You adored him for this.
Because even if he didn't want to hold that title, he would always be a king in your eyes.
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It had been only a day after his departure, and you already missed him dearly. The youngest of the clan asked about him with excitement, unbeknownst to your sorrow as it reminded you that two days were still a long time. Yet you smiled brightly as you told them stories about their leader, tales of how he had fought in the last war, bravely defending their unborn lives from any harm and saving their parents. The kids always saw him as a grumpy man, yet you could also spot their respect and awe whenever he joined your tales. He truly was a hero, wasn't he?
As Jungkook landed skillfully, making the kids jump up and run towards him as he looked at you with overwhelmed eyes, you knew that something was up. "Kids, don't hog him like that please." You said, and they seemed to groan at that, already sensing that today he wouldn't play with them. "Go inside and continue your drawings. I'll be with you in a minute, alright?" You said, trying not to make them worry. They thankfully didn't seem to notice.
"They're readying horses and spears." Jungkook said in a hushed tone, and you felt your heart drop a little. "Please, Y/N, you have to let me get Yoongi back. It's obvious what they're doing!" He said, and you bit your lip, looking at the children for a moment, before you opened your mouth for an answer which never came.
Because a flaming arrow buzzed past both of you, missing you both only by a hairs lenght- lodging into a tree behind you, Jungkook immediately moving you behind him as his eyes stared at the flames slowly eating away at the tree's bark.
'And with the flames overtaking a tree growing on stone beneath, the hunt will start for the day of season.'
They really did break their promise.
The day had started so beautifully as well, with the soft breeze of the beginning winter, a time of shared flames and cozy caves where you’d lay with your loved ones and watch nature drown the earth in its white frost to sleep, or in your case, covered under blankets craving the company of your mate. But the Kingdom of Men had been experiencing a famine worse than anything they’ve did before, and desperate as ever they’d decided to hunt whatever they would see fit. Your Clan had tried to convince them to stop their greedy hands, to help them realize that this needed to happen to help the environment recover and heal, yet the only thing it did was fuel their anger. Humans were easily blinded by their own needs, seeing nothing but their own benefit worth fighting for. But what they saw as honorable your kind saw as plain stupid and heartless. But the only thing they seemed to be able to do was take.
And take they did.
The clapping of horseshoes increased in the distance as you locked eyes with another mother, silently giving her the order to evacuate the children to safety- fear in her eyes as she tried to keep the youngest of the clan calm enough to move without much resistance.
You flew over the mountains, trying to keep an eye on the various mothers ushering their children into the deeper caves, others closing them with the largest rocks they could find to keep the men armed to the teeth from entering and stealing their young. You wanted to weep at the sight of spears being thrown and arrows being shot- yet you had to get a grip of yourself. This was not about you; this was about the bigger picture.
"Jungkook!" You roared, claws the color of white moonstone grabbing onto the edge of a cliff to hold onto it as the only slightly older dragon turned his head towards you, desperate eyes finding yours. "Help secure the lower territory! Don't let them get to the safety tunnels!" You yelled, nodding as he did the same, trying to ask you for Yoongi, yet you didn't give him enough time already climbing up to get a better view on the situation. Jungkook himself growled frustrated, as he turned around, letting himself fall down for a moment to aim an attack on a group of soldiers dangerously close to one of the closed caves. You had to save everyone. You had to.
Yoongi had always mocked you for your overly motherly instincts for the clan, even though you were even younger than Jungkook- the so called cub of everyone, with his youthful charm and playful character. You were a gentle dragon, too good as Yoongi always said. And it was true- you were horrible at fighting, scared of even attempting difficult flying maneuvers like others did, glad that you could hold yourself up in the skies. Your scales were never meant to protect you, your claws never given to you for war.
You didn't get to think much about that though, the sign you tried sending to your lover promptly interrupted.
It stung, no, it burned, it felt like the act of ripping your own wing off of your back would’ve hurt less than what you were feeling. One, two, three, four- the way you felt every arrow bury itself into your flesh made you cringe and yell in pain as the flight became too heavy to handle, making you fall down like a rotten apple, tumbling over the rocky ground like moldy fruit. The fall hadn’t been high enough to cause any critical damage, yet you had felt the way the force of gravity pushed and pulled on your body on its way down, sticks and stones ripping on your flesh.
This was it. This was the beginning of your fate. And you had seen it in those cold eyes of the metal-clothed men holding their spears straight at you in a way that reminded you of mockery; they were celebrating already, when your blood hasn’t even stopped running out of your wounds.
You got up, scales tainted red as you swung your claws left and right, trying to escape the ropes being tossed over your body, pulling on your skin underneath the layer of protective scales, as you heard Jungkook roaring in the background, trying to reach you before it was too late. "Don't!" You roared, a language only you and him understood, and he knew better than to question you. It pained him dearly however, as he had to watch them break you down, the poison arrows finally weakening you enough to let go of your dragon form, now barely distinguishable from the humankind hurriedly binding your hands behind your back, immobilizing you for transport. You hope for your last call to be received by your mate, as your eyes slowly close, the hunt ending with the shouts and cries of the soldiers, the first snowflakes slowly falling onto your bruised skin.
What you can’t see as they’re throwing you on the wagon that’s being pulled by two anxious horses is, how Yoongis eyes widen miles over miles away on his hunting trip with the Kim Clan; how he suddenly drops to his knees, and clenches his heart at the pain your bond is sharing with him. He knows. He does not want to accept it, but he knows, he knows that when he suddenly can’t feel you anymore that they really had done it, that their hunt was over. And his soul screams out to you as you’re being taken further and further away from him.
But soon enough this pain turns into fiery anger, as he realizes what exactly had happened. The kingdom had officially broken their Promise.
So how about he breaks his as well?
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Down in the cold chambers, you couldn't feel anything at all. The shackles around your limbs weighted you down embarrassingly, yet you couldn't get up even if you wanted to.
They've dressed you in a simple cotton dress, uncaring of your modesty or pride. You did not care if it got dirty- your entire being already burned and bruised, it wouldn't even make a difference. The doors opened slowly, creaking as someone entered, closing the door behind them. You did not look down as you were being taken out of your cell, gaze always straight ahead. It's something that Yoongi has taught you during your relationship; it didn't matter if they broke your body. As long as your soul and mind was intact, they couldn't break you.
So even as you were slowly led through the colorfully celebrating streets, citizens and children happily throwing flowers at the soldiers and staring at you like a rare gem never seen before, you kept your chin high. It didn't matter to you. You could be strong.
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"I'm going to burn everything down until nothing is left, I swear-" He fumed, eyes glowing dangerously as Jungkook wept in the corner of the now opened cave, guilt still heavy in his bones. Taehyung, who'd followed Yoongi together with his clanmates crouched down next to him, trying to console his friend- yet without luck. He understood the feelings of the younger dragon, sharing the pain almost, since his bond with you was a special one as well.
He loved you dearly like a sister- from the moment you had introduced him to Jungkook, who back then had only been a stray as you called orphaned dragons- raising him as if he was a sibling of yours to be protected. But now that his turn had seemed to be, he couldn't do anything to save you. And it burned in his veins like poison injected.
"Stop fucking blaming yourself." Yoongi growled, clearly hearing the younger ones thoughts. He couldn't control it at the moment, as everyones emotions were scrambled up and shattered like glass.
"Yoongi, I know you don't want to hear it-" Seokjin, the older dragon from Namjoon's and Taehyungs clan said, as Yoongi snapped at him.
"You're right, I dont." He said, eyes piercing and sharp.
"If you start a war right now, we will ultimately loose. You know this; don't do something irrational now." He said, trying to talk to his younger friend.
"How is saving my mate, my love, irrational? Are you fucking listening to yourself right now?!" He yelled, making the youngest of the group hiccup on his tears, Taehyungs hand ever so present on his back, desperately trying to calm him down.
Seokjin sighed. "I know how you feel, please. They will use her against us- she won't survive a fight." He said, and yoongi, for once, stayed silent. Because this was the ultimate truth- every war he'd start now would end with him having to kill you one way or another. And he knew that he could never do that. So he stayed quiet.
Until he lashed out, a harsh growl escaping him as he ran off, his dragonform flying off, thankfully however, not in the direction of the kingdom.
"Jungkook." Seokjin said, gaining the attention of the youngest dragon, red rimmed eyes tearfully gazing at him from his spot in the corner. "Follow him. Keep an eye on him- even if he tells you to leave. He can't be alone right now." He said, and the youngest nodded, sniffling before taking off as well.
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"Eat" the guard barked, staring at you. You simply sat criss crossed on the ground, shackled hands on your lap, the carcass of a rabbit in front of you- untouched. If he thought you would behave like an animal he would be mistaken. You could go without food for a couple of days. You were stubborn. "Propably can't even understand a fucking word." The guard barked, chuckling under his breath.
He clicked his tongue after a moment, simply walking to the other cage, holding someone else apparently. He threw a stale looking small loaf of bread between the bars, laughing as it bounced a bit out of reach for whoever was inside. "Have a good meal, witch." He said, walking off with a snicker.
"I prefer the term 'Alchemist', but I guess witch is fair enough." He mumbled after the door closed, voice higher in pitch than Yoongis and Jungkooks. He looked older than you as he moved forwards a bit, form illuminated by the warm glow that shone from a candle close by, but not as old as your mate was- probably Taehyungs age. His silvery hair hung a bit over his piercing eyes, neck painted in the same letters used on his arms. "Jimin." He said, tossing a broken off piece your way, that you took after nodding gratefully.
Witches, or alchemists as they called themselves nowadays were rookies when it came to magic and spells, yet they had a talent for learning quickly. They despised the pure human way, craving a future of equality instead of power. "Y/N." You answered, chewing on the bread, scared to get caught. Jimin nodded, sending a smile your way. Names were always the same in every language.
"I'm to be hung on the next full moon." He said with little remorse or sadness, taking your nod as a form of telling him that you understood his words. "Until then, I can keep you company if you want." You looked at him, suddenly feeling for him, even though he was of the same species who threw you into this rotting cage in the first place. He was deceived by his own race, making him an outcast. If you could, you would love to help him, save him, yet you could hear Yoongis words echoing in your head.
'you can't save everyone.'
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"leave me alone, brat." He scoffed, claws heavy on the crunching snow underneath him. The younger one didn't leave, merely falling back a few steps to give him space. "I said leave me the fuck alone Jungkook-" He growled, as he turned around, watching and cutting himself off in his words as he saw the younger cower. He was submitting. Apologizing.
"No. She told me to leave too, and look where that lead us!" He whined, voice still distorted after his long crying session back at the cave. "I can't leave you too, I can't be alone again, I can't loose you too." He said, large head almost burying itself into the snow, frozen water slowly melting around where his hot breath escaped his lungs. Yoongis gaze softened.
He remembered the way Jungkook had been brought to his clan years ago, orphaned just mere days ago, life suddenly turned around as he had tried to live on his own. He failed, to be fair, but he had never been prepared for the harsh reality that is a wanderers life- which his parents were. And as Yoongi had looked at you, already throwing your own coat over the freezing form of the boy older than you, the fabric of your clothing barely enough to cover his back, he couldn't let him leave like that.
"It's alright kid." He said, sitting down, wings simply laying flat on the ground, looking as defeated as he felt. "You did well." He murmured, and Jungkook began to cry again, feeling unworthy of his older brother's praise as the snowflakes fell onto his scales, some melting, and some of them building up.
Yoongi looked towards the kingdom as the sun slowly disappeared with its fiery glow, wondering if you were alright.
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"I've been here before." Jimin said, as you looked into his direction, his snicker not making you feel uncomfortable anymore. "Several times." He admitted, and watched the flame of a single candle standing on a small wooden chair close to the main door flickering. "I got bailed out by my mentor." He said, and you looked at him questioningly. Would this person come for him again? "One day, after I got out, he was arrested." His eyes slowly turned melancholic as he told his tale, now looking at his hands.
"He exchanged my life for his."
You saw how he traced the dark lines on his wrist, and you tapped the thick metal bars in front of you, asking him to hold them up. It was in your own tongue, writings of spells and runes, most of them a bit crooked, but well made for someone who didn't speak it natively. "So? Did I do a good job?" He asked impishly, and you smiled, nodding. You pointed towards yourself, than to him, trying to ask him if he understood the words as well. He nodded. "I haven't heard anyone pronounce it properly though, so I can't promise you that I can keep up with what you say." He spoke.
"That's fine." You said gently, voice a bit raspy from lack of use. He smiled, eyes opening wide in wonder, as if you had just showed him a miracle. You held your bound hands through the bars, as best as you could, trying to reach his. He did the same, fingers touching yours, as your eyes glowed gently, his vision now changing.
He suddenly found himself in the midst of your homeland- not the place you currently lived with Yoongi. Your homeland was far away, an island with delicate nature and a view of the raging seas. Jimin could just stare in awe as he watched other dragons of your kind pass by, dipping into the ocean skillfully before emerging again, chirping unheard melodies of a language he barely understood. He could see seagulls eagerly fetching after the large creatures, as if they were playing a game of hide and seek, living in the same world, coexisting without any form of battle between them. He could spot other dragons residing on the island, human forms of them building away on shacks and shelters, kids running around, chasing each other in playful eagerness.
His eyes watered as you let the story unfold in front of his eyes, boats arriving at the calm and serene scene, expensively clothes men walking over plants and insects without much care, holding maps and plans, excitedly chatting away as nature started to rot behind them, their steps seemingly poisonous as they tried to build and build, killing trees and dragons alike, suddenly wearing their scales as if stolen goods were the new trend in fashion, chaining down others for fun. He could hear their cries, feel their pain, as the scene suddenly shifted to a mother, holding her young cub out to a dark dragon unlike her. Its eyes the color of the nightsky as he took the small body from her, flying off, and taking the vision with him.
"I.." He started, as you simply took back your hands, now looking at his tear stained cheeks. He wanted to apologize, but he refused to let himself be acquainted with these people. No, if they said he wasn't human, that was taken as a compliment for him. He would rather have himself hung with his own beliefs, than accepting that this was what his kind was only capable of. He watched as you turned around, closing your eyes as you tried to fall asleep.
He had to do something.
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"Where's Y/N?" a young girl said, running after Yoongi. He turned around, crouching down to her level as he tried to come up with something.
"She's.. uhm..-" He said, before the girl cut him off.
"They say she died, but she didn't right?" She said, tear filled eyes staring at him. He had to swallow.
"Whoever said that is a liar kid. She didn't die.. she just.." The girl nodded seemingly understanding.
"But you're gonna save her, right?" Her face suddenly growing excited. "Cause you're the King, you gotta save the Queen!" She said, jumping up and down, and Yoongi suddenly looked over her head at Jungkook talking to Taehyung.
"You're right." He simply said, ruffling the girls head, before he walked towards the two rookies, determination in his eyes.
This plan was absolutely stupid, he knew that. But maybe he needed a bit of that this time.
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writingsfromhome · 4 years
A/N: This one's told from Harry's pov. I just wanted to have some fun with dialogue, trying fluff for once (I think?)
The flashing lights on the red carpet bring back the headache that was pounding my temples since this morning. I grit my teeth and pose for the last show before making eye contact with my manager. I’m ushered along, a few people calling out for an interview. My manager whispers one would be good for image so I sigh and find myself in one of those millenial gossip journalists.
She asks what I’m wearing, I show off the shimmery fabric of my pantsuit and the fringe on the legs.
“So we heard rumours, Y/N Y/L/N and you are working on an album together?”
I lean in and pretend to look intrigued but my heart picks up speed just from hearing her name. “Who said that?”
The journalist plays her part and laughs at my joke. I say seriously, “I would love to collab with her anytime, she’s a legend. But I haven't even got her digits."
She says something sympathetic, "maybe things will change tonight."
"I hope so! I'm even wearing my liucky ring," I show it off to the camera. Finally the bit is over and I walk into the cool building. People are already breaking into groups and lost guests look for their name.
I knew I would see Y/N today, it was always a mystery whether she would show up to these award shows. She started young in the industry, a child-actor turned singer when she released a single to a movie she starred in as a teen and it stayed in the top charts for months. She was pretty private as far as celebrities went and she didn't always show up to these things. But the couple times I interacted with her we had hit it off. The first was just a casual acquaintance when our mutual friend introduced each other at a premiere.
The second, though, was at a restaurant. The people I was having dinner with invited her party to our table. She had ended up squished beside me but we talked the whole night. We thought alike and turned out she was a big fan of my music, had even attended my concert, proven by some photos she showed me on her phone. I confessed I had a big crush on her in her earlier movies when I was a kid. She teased me and I let her. But we forgot to exchange numbers so I didn't actually talk to her after that. If we had, I would definitely ask her about collaborating.
"Just had to ask Jen, here." My manager comes by with a bottle of water and the painkiller in my hand. I take it gratefully and then he pushes me to my seat. I glance around, a couple familiar names. But mostly it seemed like I was seated with couples. To be the 7th wheel. And my chair had its back to the stage. Whoever planned this did not like me.
The lead up to the start of the awards is a rush of hugs and catching up with people. It isn't until I sit down, my chair turned to face the stage, that I realise Y/N is here and sitting a table down, her chair angled to the stage but she catches my eye.
I can't help the smile that overtakes my face but I manage to resist waving at her like a child. She gives me a nod but her lips tug up into a shy smile as she focuses her eyes on the stage.
We get introductions, a skit, and a performance. They announce some winners and then they announce the surprise performance by Y/N. I hadn't even realised she'd left.
It's so quiet you could hear a pin drop, the stage blacking out until a single light shines. Y/N steps under it and begins, it starts off slow but by the chorus there are dancers and an old school car and a gown with fake blood as she sits atop the car with the dagger sticking out of her chest as she belts out her song. The final notes ring out when she pulls the dagger free and it clatters to the floor. And the entire audience goes crazy. I'm standing clapping and grinning like an idiot. Y/N makes eye contact with me and winks. People turn in my direction but I don't make it obvious it was me. I didn't want any rumours about us.
As the night moves forward, I catch eyes with Y/N a few times. The first time I raise my eyebrows and mimick pulling a dagger out of my chest. She hides her smile behind the pamphlet. The second time she catches me staring at her, she pretends to look annoyed and I pretend to hide my face with my hand. When I check her face she's trying to hide her laugh. Someone behind her leans in to whisper something but she keeps her eyes on me.
I feel like I'm on cloud 9. Not only did I finally see Y/N after so long but she remembered me. And I think she was flirting with me! Maybe she would show up to the after party.
During the break, she motions to the meet her in the foyer and I don't even wait a few minutes. I'm right behind her and follow her into a little enclosure off to the side.
"Hi," I say casually.
"Hi," she smiles. "Long time no see. I like what you're wearing."
"Thanks. You look lovely yourself. I wasn't sure I would see you tonight."
"It's been a while since I've been plucked and prodded and red-carpet ready. A girl misses the feeling of flashing lights and ten reporters asking what you're wearing." She flips her hair over her shoulder, sarcasm in full effect.
"Sounds like you need a drink," I suggest.
"God, yes." She grabs my arm and I lead her to the bar, she leans in next to me as I order for us.
I watch as she takes a sip of the drink I ordered for her. She looks surprised and takes another sip. It settles in even more how normal this felt. And my childhood crush never really went away.
"You should order for me more often. I usually just stick to what I know." She comments.
"Then you should go out with me more often," I say.
She responds by clinking her glass against mine, a mischevious look in her eye.
"What's that look?" I ask.
"What look?"
"The one you're giving me right now!"
"I'm just looking at you!"
"Then what are you thinking? Because you're not just looking at me! You're giving me the look!"
"The look," she scoffs like I was making it up.
"It's there," I tap her temples. "What are you thinking in there?"
"I really don't think you want to know what I'm thinking," she says into her drink.
"No, now I really want to know," I wait for her to move the glass away from her mouth.
"No you don't. It's...not very appropriate." She doesn't look me in the eyes, pretending to be interested on what the little menus read.
"Inappropriate thoughts are my favourite," I say. She looks up and is about to say something.
"Harry!" Someone calls from the side and I'm disappointed that the conversation is cut short. I wanted to know even though I already knew but I greet some friends instead. when I turn backY/N's gone. Damn.
I find her back in her seat but she's talking to a few women I remember she was in movies with in her early days. But it's like she senses me because she turns to look as I sit down. I narrow my eyes at her, she looks away.
When I win for single of the year, I stumble onto stage. I was sure I wouldn't win this. Luckily my manager had made me practice something on the way here just in case but every word leaves my brain when I glance at Y/N and she has the same expression from earlier. I knew she was thinking something inappropriate and that just clears my head of anything except her.
"Sorry I've got some stage fright it seems," I joke and everyone laughs. Phew.
I manage to get some words out, give my thanks and walk back to my table in a daze. People congratulate me but I barely know who. This was a dream come true for me, and nearby a very dreamy woman was giving me eyes and I didn't know how this night could get any more surreal.
But it does.
By the time I get ready to leave for the afterparty, I'd waited for inscribing and more congrats, some pictures and group pictures of winners. I'm tired and stop by my hotel to change into something more casual. I didn't see Y/N and I give up hope that I would. Her going to an awards show and an afterparty were rare. She must have disappeared again, without leaving her number. I would just have to wait for a next time.
But when I get to my hotel door, a figure sits outside it.
"Hello?" I call from afar, if this was a fan that somehow got in there was going to be a security issue. But the person looks up and it's just Y/N. Her glam from earlier is wiped off, she has on just tights and a tanktop. She quickly stands up.
"I didn't see you at the party. Wasn't much in the mood to mingle. I thought I would try your room."
"How did you know my room?" I ask as I open the door and leave it open for her.
"I'm a floor above, I saw you leave."
"So you're stalking me now?" I ask.
"If I remember correctly you were the one watching me all night."
"Really?" I drop my things on the floor and dig through the drawer for a shirt and jeans. "If I remember, you were the one with inappropriate thoughts."
"I never said that," she says as she picks up the award I put on the table. "Congratulations by the way. You totally deserve this like I told you!"
Y/N references part of the conversation we had at that dinner. When she revealed she was a fan, said she was in the industry for years and she saw I had promise.
"And that compliment kept me going through the whole album." It was true, she gave me a boost of confidence that helped keep me focused and crank it out in time.
"So where's my shoutout?" She sits on the desk, her feet swinging back and forth.
"Third song on the album," I say smoothly.
"Really?" She stares. The song was about a mystery woman just being the girl next door. Exactly how I felt about Y/N. "You wrote a song about me? Wow. Not even my exes have given me the honour."
"You deserve a million songs written about you," I say truthfully. Y/N was a special woman-misunderstood and misinterpreted. But she was a powerful singer and a funny, honest, and kind human.
"You're a sweet-talker Harry Styles." Y/N leans back and I can't avoid the way the fabric of her tanktop stretches over her body. She notices and smirks. "It's unfortunate you're just all talk though."
"All talk?" I decide two can play at the game. I take off my silk shirt and wait a few before slipping on my tshirt. I notice her eyes trailing down my body and it gives me the confirmation to step towards her. I put my hands on her thighs, and she parts her legs automatically. I step in between them but stay inches away from her face, "I do more than just talk."
"So show me," she says, her gaze going down to my lips.
"Only if you tell me what you were thinking tonight," I challenge.
"You're still on that?"
"I want to know."
"How about I show you instead."
In a surprising move, she pushes me back and stands up before shoving me onto the bed. It takes me a moment to recover but I'm smiling as the whole Y/N finally comes out of her shell. She peels the tanktop off of her and walks towards me. I lean back on my elbows.
"I wish you showed me earlier," I say. She shuts me up with a passionate kiss.
I'd lost track of time, the rising sun the only tell of how much time had passed. Y/N lies on the pillow beside me, her face peaceful as she sleeps. Her hand is loosely intertwined through mine between us. It was a wild night collaborating after all-just not in a way we wanted share. I almost want to pinch myself to be sure this was real. The woman of my dreams with me tonight. Several times over. Asleep as the first rays of sun leave a soft glow on her skin. She was as beautiful as ever.
I must have fallen asleep too because I wake up with a pressure on my chest. I'm flat on my back and Y/N's head is resting on my chest as she stares at my face.
"I can see up your nose," she comments.
"Stop looking," I mumble in my croaky morning voice.
"I can't stop. It's just so dark and unexplored."
I close my eyes again, not realising she'd taken my finger to stick up my nose until she does. I sit up and she's thrown off of me. I sneeze once, and again. And turn to her.
"I don't like that loo-" she shouts as I pull her to me and hold her down to climb over her. I sneeze again as she wriggles underneath but pretty soon she stops as I kiss her.
"You're lucky I'm so nice," I say into her neck as I kiss her. "Or you would be in a lot more trouble."
"You are not nice," she giggles. "You didn't let me explore up your nos-okay okay!"
She cuts off as I tickle her sides, crying out to stop, saying she can't breathe. "I'll show you not nice," I tell her. I hold her hands above her head and pin it there before I kiss her down her body. She tries to free my grip but I hold on, using my other hand to move lower than my mouth could.
"You wouldn't," she looks me in the eye as I kiss her again.
"Well I'm not very nice," I whisper and watch her squirm underneath me. I finally let go of her hands and she pulls me to her to grip, rolling me over when I'm done so she's on top.
"I'll let you in on a secret, Styles." She tells me while I laugh at how flushed she'd gotten but I quiet when she pulls my arms up like I did to her and somehow finds the robe tie from the floor to tie them in place. "I'm not very nice either."
"Well who said I like nice girls?" I ask her. She only smiles before pulling the blanket over our heads and making sure she tortures me in the best possible way.
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zafedda · 3 years
Toshiki Inoue Interview about Shougeki Gouraigan and an overview of his writing process
This interview was published in the booklet with the first BD set of the series Interviewer: Please tell us how you became the main writer of "Shougeki Gouraigan!!"
Inoue: I got a call from Amemiya saying "It's been a long time, let's work" and I said "Ah, got it". Actually when we met, for the first step we started with approaching the setting of "Light vassal" and "Shadow vassal". Broadly I wanted to make something like a comedy but he wouldn’t listen to me.
Interviewer: Then director Amemiya wrote on his personal blog that Gouraigan would have aim to be a "strange thing"
Inoue: Maybe he was already tired with the same old stuff. (LAUGH) Even for action, he's not even using stuff like wires in town, because he portrays actions in an odd dimension. So he had in mind in the first place some kind of battlefield for actions. After that, to evoke that feeling of "strange thing" , the costumes (TN: the proper term used for costumes is kigurumi which means something like "cartoony costumes") interact in a contest of ordinary life, right? That's the main ingredient, it's not the costumes doing laundry. It's the gap related to daily life that's funny. I think that we moved in order to make that the core of the comedy.
Interviewer: There must have been several meetings, right?
Inoue: We sure had a lot of them, before putting hands in the scenario in order to decide the direction of the show.
Interviewer: That includes director Amemiya?
Inoue: Of course, but it’s like even he couldn’t figure out what to make out of this program? (LAUGH) It’s not a matter to just depend on his ideas, but i wonder how much time it would have taken to reach a common ground. It’s like we committed to pull it through, in the beginning. But, in the middle everyone gave up! It’s that sort of a show (LAUGH)
Interviewer: Considering it’s a comedy, everyone will have a different approach to it, and sure it will be hard to make them grasp this to those who want to watch it.
Inoue: Even if there was the concept of the gap made by the suits interacting in an ordinary life it didn’t pass so well I think. I even tried to convey it from the start in the script. Aaaaaah, why did it happen? I couldn’t make it pass. Not even once in that program. It’s not that a good point? When it comes to making the suits ridiculous you make them ridiculous. Usually everyone looks forward to the transformation, it elevates the coolness of the suits, but this product prefers to degrade this. That sure is new (LAUGH). It's Amemiya's idea. Rather than consecrating the suits you make them look uncool as they are. That’s the kind of treat they get.
Interviewer: In tokusatsu there’s a certain depiction of transformations' scenes
Inoue: In that way we turned around that conception
Interviewer: Depicting the suits in an ordinary life it sure makes harder the problem of giving the action scenes a peculiar flavor this time
Inoue: Isn’t this the cause of the battles in those odd dimensions? With stuff like the sophisticated mandala and that game feel in it, i think their purpose is to make the mind go “AAAAH”
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Interviewer: Since they’re usually under human form, they really can return into the Light vassal form at any time, right?
Inoue: The human is a disguise, or rather that’s the point of view of the Light vassal, but what about the situation where “These humans are illusions” under their human eyes? It would be easy to accept such a situation. Maybe once they turn into humans even the point of view should be human. That is, their appearance is disguised by some kind of light that affects the human eyes, could it be? Because Light vassal (LAUGHS). Anyway that’s a directional matter, that’s why in the script I omitted the hints that indicate the human parts and Light vassal parts. So when you read the script I think it doesn’t turn out to be interesting. When it comes to watching it on screen though I find it very interesting.
Interviewer: I got the impression that the writing style differed from your previous works, were there any critical parts?
Inoue: It might be close to Changerion a little. I wrote it a long time ago but it’s still my reference point as a comedy. Sometimes I’m prone to write them. That’s why I didn’t find particular challenges concerning this product. Since the opportunity showed up again, I want to write comedies whenever there’s a chance
Interviewer: What comes to your mind when you write your ideal comedy?
Inoue: It’s true that Comedies are hard. You can’t make them pass as a low product, but it's no good to treat them as something intellectual. That’s why it’s important to have a lot of ideas. Then the dialogues. Situational dialogues are the bread and butter of comedy.
Interviewer: Any favourite part?
Inoue: In the first episode when Homeless Yamashita said something like “When life gets you a hangover, drinking will sober you up”, when I watched it on TV I thought it was a good line (LAUGH). Many good lines kept coming to my mind, That’s why I didn’t worry too much about it.
Interviewer: So there’s the impression that this work went according to your expectations, right?
Inoue: You can say it. Well, there’s a direction that makes everyone proceed according to expectations, it went mostly like this. But when it comes to shooting it the reactions were really perplexed. It mostly went according to the script but people were “What did you make us shoot!”. It’s just that in this kind of program people who disagree are really picky. I think there were a lot of unagreeable people.
Interviewer: As if they didn’t know what they wanted.
Inoue: Yeah. So it’s not a matter whether this program is good or bad. It’s more like a matter of if you can accept it for what it is. As a matter of course this program would get complaints.
Interviewer: There are people who also demanded to make it more serious right?
Inoue: A lot. It’s really a program that neglects that kind of person. There are also a lot of people who can’t understand where the fun is.
Interviewer: With its late night slot broadcasting, did you have in mind an adult audience?
Inoue: It came up something like that during the planning meetings, the scene of Hitomi making a bath would have certainly been accepted. But with tacit consent, I went to write scenes with sexual appeal as I wished, even Amemiya was left alone when filming in this regard.
Interviewer: The Navi outlook was really something
Inoue: I was surprised too (LAUGH)
Interviewer: When it came to broadcasting, any impression that striked you?
Inoue: The first episode is still sane (LAUGH). It may be a bit hard to understand it though. With stuff like human form and light vessel form, the point of view gradually changes. But watching it with the young staff they said “That’s not true, viewers can keep up this far”. But I got nothing that made me think of that, what about it?
Interviewer: The goal of the story, or how should i put it, it started with no explanation at all of the circumstances, I was surprised.
Inoue: That’s why the point of the drama has become whether they can keep up or not.
Interviewer: At the start of the first episode, the meta narration of Hitomi got me surprised
Inoue: That was an important device, it’s thanks to this that the events were easy to follow yet. We sorted out her feelings by placing her point of view on matters. If it wasn’t for that the scenario would have been all over the place I think. This program is all about Hitomi, or rather she’s really the main pivot. The first episode flows through the scenes involving Hitomi, in these scenes it also became a proclamation of intents that this program is meant to be funny. The gist of it, this product could be seen easily as the story of Hitomi’s personal growth.
Interviewer: On the screen even the supporters made an appearance (N.T: I made supporters = 黒子-> Kuroko are usually black guys on the background in theatre that put on scene any kind of theatrical postures, for example in the Ran episode whenever she transforms artificial butterflies pop up with the black dressed supporters or when Sailor gamer transforms the same dressed supporter lady pops up to undress her to change her clothes)
Inoue: That’s a directional matter, same with the Hitomi narration, i think it was established to give a certain touch to the product
Interviewer: Were there any solid directions from Amemiya about the development of the story of the characters and their backgrounds and the like, right?
Inoue: There were some regarding the characters like “The path is clear!” It's not a line that I put, Amemiya wanted it! It’s like a line that fits a character that confronts the sea shouting at it. Eventually, other characters' backgrounds were picked for me
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Interviewer: Besides Gou were there any rough spots with other characters?
Inoue: More or less I developed the characters as they were talking to each other. But in the end many things came up when I was in the process of writing which I gave life to it. That’s why there weren’t any characters that were particularly hard to write (LAUGH). It went all smoothly. The most troublesome aspect was the Light Vessels’ lifestyles. That’s where the comedy parts are, it was hard to make them whatever in a riciclation shop or rather it was troublesome to think about it. Sexual scenes with suits floated in my head but when it came to writing them I didn't find them funny. Making some kind of osè skits when they were humans felt wrong yet. It’s precisely because they were designed for the suits that it can be said that the scenes were funny. Comedy and skits are separate matters.
Interviewer: Is there a favourite character?
Inoue: Hitomi was the most fun to write. With her rakugo mania, her aloofness, like a guy who’s fine with shutting himself off. In this environment Gou and the others brought her chaos. Hitomi’s absenceness of mind or rather her dull emotions was a really important factor. Then there’s Jin. it makes sense that he gives off a feeling of  being out of place. And it makes sense too that Gou is a straightforward character. it’s stupid eh, just stupid (LAUGH).
Interviewer: Kinda all the Light Vessels are… (LAUGH)
Inoue: That’s true, everyone’s stupid. Sure no one is smart (LAUGH). But because they went to Earth there’s a sort of a gap. You can also say that when they arrived on Earth they got exposed to a lot of new stuff so they get more and more dense.
Interviewer: Originally the characters should have been passionate and wise right?
Inoue: It wasn’t thought of what kind of characters would have inhabited the Spirit World. Just, more or less they commited sins, so I had to put something to fit the occasion in everyone and putting something that would have made them not detached from the world would have been a little wrong.
Interviewer: Isn’t the character of the old lady really appealing?
Inoue: when the Light Vessels got all assembled, I thought that she would get too bothersome. Since depicting her like a young wife or in search of specific attention would have come out wrong in the moment. (LAUGH) There are Shou and also Hitomi, so the atmosphere would have changed up too much in the end. That’s why placing her as a perfect nanny was no good.
Interviewer: Inoue, did you have to go personally to the filming location to make instructions directly?
Inoue: I went just once but it wasn’t for this case at all. I couldn’t be there that much when they planned for the shooting periods, but the shop set was amazing, I was surprised.
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Interviewer: You had to go to have a talk with the actors, right?
Inoue: Whenever I went it was mostly for that. Even if this is the case,  I had the occasion to meet them in this regard once.
Interviewer: How did everyone get along?.
Inoue: It was full of youthness. It was full of spirit and they were good young lads.
Interviewer: If there were some stories behind this program please tell us!
Inoue: When the program was about to start the broadcast I went to drink with the staff, I was scolded to have drunk a very expensive wine (LAUGH). At the time everyone was fixed with the program and the feeling was great. It was fun to have a drink together. The directors were all zealous guys, so I think they had inside their head the purpose of this comedy. So we talked about various things. There was an episode like that.
Interviewer: From episode 1 to 4 please tell us what to look forward to.
Inoue: Gou starts the searching of the Dark Vessels alone but eventually he will make friends. Each character's introductions are surely interesting. There’s this sort of feeling that I like that gets you excited as the episodes go that it’s like “What kind of character will show up next?”. The exchanges with the leading actors and new characters are funny too. Please look forward to that.
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It’s Just A Spark Ch.6 - Maybe
Two days later, Hiccup sealed a big tupperware box and made his way out into the city. His shift didn't start until nine PM, so he still had plenty of time to spare.
The pet shop had never been hard to find; on his first walks through the city alone at night Hiccup had discovered it between a bakery and a bookshop.
A bell chimed as he opened the door and carefully looked around. An elderly woman stood behind the counter, smiling warmly at him.
"Hiccup, dear, hello!"
The young man smiled and stepped closer. "Gothi, hi. How are you?"
"Oh, the sign is new, yes."
"No, I - that's nice. How are you?" Hiccup repearted, louder this time.
"It's new! Yes!" She shouted back and Hiccup gave up.
"Is Astrid in the back?"
"What yak?"
"No, not a -" he sighed. "I'll check myself."
'The back' always promised to be a magical land of supplies and wonder; reality proved the back to only be a small room with a counter, a table and two chairs, a fridge and a locker. There was another door leading to what Hiccup presumed to be the bathroom and one with an old sign that read 'OFFICE' in pale capital letters. Carefully he peeked around the corner and felt his heart jump at the sight of Astrid sitting at the table, a mug in her hands, scanning over a newspaper.
He knocked against the doorframe and watched her raise her head -
Astrid's face lit up immediately at the sight of him.
With a couple of steps she had already crossed the room and stood in front of him, laughing softly when he wrapped his arms around her and shortly spun her around.
"What're you doing here?"
"Oh, I just thought you might fancy some lunch." He grinned and pulled out the container, making her gasp.
"Thank you! That's ... don't you have to work too?"
He grinned lopsidedly at her and ran a hand through his hair. "Night shift," he explained. "Doesn't start until nine PM. I just wanted to drop this by and then I'm back to hitting the mattress for tonight."
He watched her place the container into the fridge and take out two glasses and a bottle of water, smiling up at him.
"But I guess I could make time for another ten minutes," he streched, already sitting down, making her laugh and almost spill his drink.
She had kissed him goodbye on the cheek, making every step he took after that feel like he was flying.
Granted, it was hard sleeping after that.
Toothless had curled up on his chest, purring loudly as Hiccup stared up at the ceiling of his dark room, silently wondering what it would be like having her next to him.
He closed his eyes, remembering the weight of her hands against his chest and imagined pulling her against him until not an inch was left between them.
He groaned, violently scrubbing his hands over his face.
"Face it, Haddock," he muttered to himself. "You can't even kiss her on the cheek. How exactly are you planning on having her lie next to you?"
Fact was, going as far as holding her hand sent sparks down his spine and the thought of doing anything more than that sent shudders across his skin.
That had never really happened before, he realised. He couldn't remember any time he had felt attracted to another person the way he was attracted to Astrid.
But how was this different?
Maybe it was her. Or he had simply got older.
Hiccup stared into the darkness and realised that it was probably (definitely) her.
His door bell rang at exactly 8:30 PM. Toothbrush between his teeth, still only clad in a big towel, Hiccup quickly skitted to a halt in front of the door.
Probably just another package falsely being dropped at his address.
He almost swallowed his toothpaste when it was, in fact, not the mailman.
Astrid, standing in the doorway, offering an empty container.
Astrid, slowly letting her eyes wander across the length of his body, then blushing furiously and almost dropping said container.
Astrid, still not averting her eyes. Instead, they were fixed on his chest.
"Uh." He cleared his throat as well as he could through the toothpaste and toothbrush.
"Shanksh." He pointed at the container.
"You're … welcome."
Awkward silence. More staring (Hiccup began thinking that maybe it was fully intentional) from her side.
"Myou wanna c'm in or," he mumbled and finally she shook herself out of her stupor.
"Oh, no, you - seem … busy. I'll, um. Get … going now. Yes. Good night."
And with that she turned on her heels, fled down the staircase and quickly slammed the door shut. Hiccup exhaled and shuffled back to the bathroom to finally get rid of the toothpaste.
Mere seconds later it rang a second time.
Upon opening he already knew it was Astrid (yet, he had not done anything for his upper body's modesty), who presented the container to him with outstreched arms.
"I … forgot to give this to you," she mumbled and already made her way back to the staircase. Hiccup felt yet again like he had back then before asking her number; and again, he wasn't really thinking (was it just her?).
Quickly he caught her by the wrist and held her back, spun her around and searched her gaze.
"Where do you think you're going?"
His tone was light, disguising his jittery heart and his desperate attempt to gather all his courage - he quickly pressed a kiss to her cheek.
"Good night," he husked and stepped back, letting go of her hand. She bit back a grin, nodded and then stood on her tiptoes, leaned in and whispered into the darkness, "Don't you dare getting fried tonight."
It was the crack of dawn by the time Hiccup dragged himself through the door the next morning. Bathtub, cold water, diffuser, bed. Preferably in that exact order. He slumped upstairs after opening a can of cat food and unceremoneously dumping it into Toothless' bowl and slowly rid himself of his clothing on the way up.
He shivered as he stepped into the bathroom but stuck to a cold shower nontheless, not having the desire for more heat tonight that he'd already had.
People caused way too many fires, he thought hazily as he started scrubbing the sod and ash off of his skin.
At least everybody came out alive. That was the main goal. Get there in time and get everyone out alive. Tonight there had been three cases of smoke poisining and two minor degree burns but they'd driven them to the hospital nontheless.
Hiccup bit back a muffled grunt as he touched his stump. 'I'm helping people, I'm helping people, I'm helping people.' His daily mantra.
"Astrid was right," he groaned into his empty bathroom. "It's a death wish."
Astrid couldn't sleep. The image of a wet-haired, towel-clad Hiccup had burned itself into her mind. She groaned and turned onto her left side. Of course, he wasn't only considerate and funny and challenging, no, he also just had to have a body like this.
She absentmindedly wondered which kind of toothpaste he used.
The look on his face had been priceless, though. And there had been a second emotion the second time she'd been at his door, something … else. Determination? It had felt like more thab that, something she couldn't really put her finger on. All Astrid knew now was that the air between them had felt electrified, just like two days ago. She'd been daring, she knew that, as she'd initiated the conversation about his … behaviour. And her move with the collar bone had definitely been something that shouldn't even be allowed, especially not on a second date. But he'd let her. And she hadn't failed to notice him shudder lightly at her action.
Her mind once again provided her with towel-Hiccup. Sighing Astrid reached out to her phone. She hesitated for a few seconds, then typed, 'Sorry i stared at you.', deleted it, wrote it again, rephrased it and deleted it once more.
Hiccup was already at work when his phone buzzed the next day. His heart did a small somersault as he saw it was from Astrid.
'Sorry about yesterday night…'
He blushed involuntarily.
'don't worry, it's okay'
… 'unless you're repulsed by me now'
She typed. Stopped. Then, 'Remember our talk about your ... antics?'
'Add that to the list.'
Hiccup couldn't help but laugh quietly and hid his blush behind his phone.
'remind me to make a list for you too. we need to balance that out'
Suddenly his phone started ringing, Astrid's face all over the screen.
"Tired of texting already?"
She laughed. "Shut up. I just grew impatient and wanted to hear your voice now that I know you don't hate me."
Hiccup chuckled and leaned back into his chair. "Are you at work?"
She hummed. "Yeah, on my break. Today's been pretty sparse."
"My shift's in about two hours and I just remembered I ran out of cat litter."
"Did you?"
He imagined her raise an eyebrow at him to match her teasing tone.
"Oh yeah, it's very urgent."
The young woman hummed again, pretending to be deep-in thought. When she spoke again Hiccup could almost hear her grin.
"I'll pick you up at 3:30, we're trying out the café."
"Is that a threat?"
She laughed brightly. "That's an outlook on your future."
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sliiiiiides into ur dms with semi-ancient youtube au ideas because I may or may not have reappeared after *checks watch* four years to lurk through your haikyuu tag. Consider: kiyoko being insecure because she hangs out with yacchan and yams and tsukki, all of whom sing and/or play instruments and kiyoko's like "...I'm just pretty and a functional adult, you guys are all so talented". Also consider noya scaring the shit out of asahi who is worried for his boyfriend's health and safety
I haven’t written a thing of substance all summer, and these prompts just SENT me. Some Youtube AU is exactly what I need. 
Shimizu Kiyoko is not an actress. This much she’s figured out; after a long day on set of one of Ennoshita’s short skits in which she just couldn’t deliver the lines right, couldn’t emote enough for the camera, and many more mishaps that Ennoshita was so overly patient for, she never wants to look at a camera again. Except, of course, she has to-- because her girlfriend vlogs exciting life moments, and this apparently constituted as an exciting life moment. Kiyoko knows she looks put-off in the background as Yachi vlogs in the back of their Uber, and she feels bad for not looking a little happier, but she can’t find it in her for some reason. 
The thing is, Kiyoko is always at least moderately good at anything she tries-- with a few exceptions, of which she’s known for a while, like anything musical, or riding bike. She can do both, but very shakily. She had thought maybe acting would be one of the things she’s good at, because in theory it sounds easy, but either she’s really bad or Ennoshita is a mean director because what was supposed to be a two hour shoot had turned into five. Dinner had been awkward, with Kiyoko piping up even less than usual as Yachi and Ennoshita talked about anything and everything. 
Kiyoko is so lost in thought that she doesn’t hear Yachi sign off from her vlog, nor does she notice they’ve pulled up in front of their apartment building; Yachi’s hand on her shoulder startles her, and her cheeks flush a bit in embarrassment. 
“Hey, we’re home...You alright?” Yachi asks. Kiyoko smiles and nods stiffly. 
“Just a bit tired, is all.” She says. It’s not entirely a lie; she’s exhausted from the long day she’s had, and just wants to curl up in bed with her girlfriend. “Let’s go.” 
Opening the door on her side of the car, Kiyoko makes her way around the car and onto the pavement in front of their apartment building; she holds a hand out for Yachi when her door opens, which Yachi takes with a smile. They walk to the elevator in silence. Kiyoko uses her free hand to press the button for the 20th floor, and they start the ride up to their apartment. At first, it’s just as quiet as the walk in, and then Yachi starts to hum the same song playing in the elevator, quiet but still there. Kiyoko feels a soft smile tugging on her lips as she listens to her girlfriend. The elevator dings, and the doors open, and once again they’re walking; it’s a short distance down the hall to their apartment, but Yachi hums the elevator music still as they unlock the door and step in. 
There’s no need to call an “I’m home!” as the both of them are coming in together, and the apartment is silent in return. Yachi lets out a tired sigh, her shoulders slumping as she slips her coat and shoes off. “It’s so good to be home~ I love Enno-san, but that shoot when so looooong! I almost fell asleep during dinner!” 
Kiyoko chuckles and shakes her head, trekking up the small set of stairs that separates the entrance from the rest of the apartment. “It was a long day. I think I’m going to shower and go to bed. You going to join me?” 
“That sounds good. I can wait to edit this vlog until tomorrow.” Yachi replies, muffling a yawn behind her hand. She comes up the stairs a moment later, wrapping her arms around Kiyoko, who leads her down the hall to the bedroom. Yachi falls onto the bed with a soft thunk and Kiyoko smiles as she searches the room for her bath towel. She finds it hanging behind the door, and as she’s turning to go back down the hall to the bathroom, Yachi speaks up, “Hey babe?.. Are you really okay? You looked kinda upset in the car.” 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Kiyoko hums. She leans against the doorframe, looking over at Yachi as she sits back up, The look on Yachi’s face is stern, and Kiyoko hates seeing the worry lines creasing her forehead and between her eyes. “...I suppose I was just a little disappointed in myself today. I couldn’t seem to get my lines right at all.” 
“Hm? That’s all that has you upset? Honey, you did fine.” 
“I know I did fine, it’s just...I had hoped I’d be good at it, is all.” Kiyoko murmurs. She’s embarrassed to say it. Yachi is normally the one that’s insecure, she’s the one that’s supposed to be strong, and here she is embarrassed over one skit. “You and Yamaguchi-kun make it look so easy...Like how you and Yamaguchi-kun or Tsukishima-kun make it look easy to play an instrument...I can’t even read a script and make it sound natural.” 
Yachi frowns, standing up and crossing the small space between them. “You did just fine, dear. And-- And who cares if you’re not good at acting, or singing? There are plenty of other things people like you for.” She says. 
“Yeah, I suppose. I just wish people liked me for more than my looks...All I am is pretty and a little smart.” 
It’s true, even if she doesn’t want to admit it; Kiyoko only posts on her channel once a month, if that, and it’s all educational or how-to videos. She knows her following is mostly people who think she’s attractive, or Yachi’s subscribers who thought she had content similar to her girlfriend’s. How else does she have over a half a million subscribers? She’s not at all talented. 
Yachi lets out an “aww!” and wraps her arms around Kiyoko, who hugs back, although a bit surprised. 
“Wh- What? I said the truth.” 
“That’s not what anyone thinks of you! And if it is, I’ll fight them! All of them!” Yachi says, hugging Kiyoko tight. 
“Your worth is not dependent on your talents. I mean it.” 
“Kiyoko.” Yachi’s voice is strong, probably the most assured she’s ever been, and Kiyoko pauses in her objections. She rests her head on Yachi’s shoulder, hugging her tighter. 
“...How did I get so lucky?” 
“I ask myself the same thing every night. Now go shower, so I can cuddle my wonderful, beautiful girlfriend.” 
Kiyoko smiles as Yachi pulls away, her cheeks flushed. She supposes as long as Yachi loves her, she doesn’t mind if she’s the worst actor in the world. 
Mild Manga spoilers for the Asanoya drabble but like very mild. 
Asahi Azumane, despite his affluence in Japanese fashion, does not go on social media often-- that is, unless his boyfriend and avid world-traveller-slash-modern-day-adventurer is involved. Asahi isn’t able to go on every trip Noya goes on, since his days are busy, but he watches Noya’s videos whilst he’s away. 
Even if Noya calls and details his adventures, Asahi finds comfort --and occasional terror-- in Noya’s vlogs. Seeing Noya (and, on occasion, Tanaka) doing wild stunts in a foreign country is terrifying and sends Asahi’s heart racing. 
Asahi isn’t on social media. Which makes him even more concerned when he logs onto twitter and finds a two-day-old tweet from his boyfriend, the caption on a picture of bloody teeth in a hotel room’s bathroom sink saying “Lol @ tana_ryuu_vlog and I tried surfing in the HUGE tub in my hotel room....Didn’t go too great. Vlog where this happened coming sometime this week!” 
Asahi’s heart sinks and he thinks back to when Noya called him from Bali last night-- he hadn’t said anything about losing his teeth, or an accident of any kind. Yet here Asahi is, staring at the tweet with trembling hands. He doesn’t even noticed he’s exited out of his twitter and into his phone dialer until he sees Noya’s name on the screen, the call processing. He holds the phone to his ear, trying to remember to breathe. 
“Hello? Babe, everything alright? You should be working right now.” Noya sounds tired, like he was asleep, and-- right, it’s only nine in the morning where he is right now. 
“I’m-- I’m fine. Are you okay? I saw your tweet.” Asahi asks, his voice quiet. 
“Huh? Which one?” 
“You tried...bathtub surfing...” 
There’s a quiet “Ah!” and Noya laughs, his tone light despite Asahi’s anxiety. “Right! That was so hilarious, babe, Ryuu lost his two front teeth! Ennoshita-san is going to kill him!” 
It takes a moment for Asahi to process. When he finally does, he blinks. Once, twice. “I-- What?” 
“Yeah, we have ‘em in a glass of milk, he’s going to an emergency dentist across town right now to see if they can put ‘em back in, or if he’ll have to get an implant in when we get back to Japan.” 
...Sometimes Asahi wonders why he loves him so much. 
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nostalthicc · 5 years
unrequited | j.w , t.s
jeff wittek x reader, toddy smith x reader (not jeff x reader x todd)
summary: jeff and his assistant had a strange relationship; fuck buddies, best friends, lovers? but all that changed when todd comes into the picture
warning: cursing, mentions of sex, pregnancy
1.6k words
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y/n mindlessly walked up to the bar after dismissing herself from her group of friends, she had agreed to get the next round drinks- mostly because she was craving another one herself and didn’t want to be rude. y/n ordered a tray of shots, along with natalie’s, jeff’s, and her own signature drinks. 
y/n was jeff’s current assistant and has been for about 8 months, they were the best of friends and probably got less work done working together but neither of them would change it for the world. their relationship was rocky- solid -but rocky, there was the endless flirting, the drunken kisses, cuddling, movie nights, and feel better sex. let’s just say y/n was a lot more than just an assistant to jeff. jeff liked where they stood with their relationship mostly because nothing truly intimate has happened between them, the sex was only lust, the kisses were for vlogs and friends could cuddle, right? maybe deep down he did feel a certain type of way for y/n but neither one of them would do anything to throw off their dynamic. but every day y/n wanted to confess her feelings but she knew they were unrequited. 
before y/n could scoop the tray of the counter, todd beat her to it, putting both hands securely on the tray he gave y/n a big grin. to say she was confused would be an understatement, the two of them have never really talked except for simple ‘hellos’ or a skit whenever they saw each other at jeff’s but besides that never. todd wasn’t very kind to y/n in those very few interactions, fueling more into her confusion. 
“hey, um, i think we got off on the wrong foot,” he shouted over the music, still keeping his hands on the tray and not moving away from the bar. “you know, maybe we should restart or something.” todd watched the girl as her eyebrows pushed together in wonder, to be honest, he was shocked himself right now too. for so long he thought jeff and y/n had something going on, causing him to act coldly towards y/n to try and push her away because todd knew if he let her in he would fall for her immediately but know that jeff cleared the water todd was ready to make a move. 
“oh! why the change of heart?” y/n said, chewing the inside of her cheek. of course she knew where todd was coming from, she didn’t miss all the secret glances he went her way, or the drunken text messages but y/n wasn’t opposed to trying with him. it would be so different than what was going on with jeff, todd was so different than jeff in many ways. y/n deserved a shot at a real relationship, right?
todd didn’t know what to say next, he was sure y/n was going to splash a drink in his face and storm off but she was playing into his game. “who said there was any change at all?” 
if jonah hadn’t walked up to the bar, interrupting the two y/n was sure she would have let todd take her in the bathroom- which she was thankful for. before she jumped into intimate actions was todd y/n wanted to figure out her feelings for her boss and truly get to know him but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be a little bit of a tease. y/n went back to their friends at the booth near the back of the club, her spot was still secured next to jeff which she gladly took, ignoring the strange look todd flashed her way. the rest he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her and soon his suspicions came back, the way jeff looked at y/n, the risky touches they shared, the whispering between the two, todd’s worry started to flood in once again, maybe there was something going on between them. 
“jeff?” y/n asked, lifting her head off his chest to catch his attention. she had something pondering around in her head and wanted to talk to him about it. he hummed in response, his gaze not leaving the computer screen. “i have a date.” she confessed, lodging her bottom lip between her teeth. jeff’s eyes snapped her hers, worry and confusion flooding his features for a quick second. 
“with who?” jeff paused taking in y/n’s features. “todd?” he scoffed.
“he said he wanted to start over when we went out a few days ago and he finally texted me this morning.” he watched as she gushed talking about todd and his actions, his heart ached, a deep pressure building in his chest. he couldn’t tell y/n he didn’t want her to go on the date, she wasn’t his to begin with, jeff had no place. but he couldn’t help the heartbreak upon hearing the news. “you’re okay with that, right?” 
jeff’s eyebrows knitted together, had he been that obvious, quickly he tried to compose himself, his eyes finding the screen again before he answered her nonchalantly. “no, why would i?” now it was y/n’s turn for her heart to drop, she thought maybe deep down everything they had going on wasn’t meaningless but clearly she was wrong. y/n would have stayed home if he asked her too but instead she got off the couch and started collecting her things, mumbling about having to wash her hair before she was out the more- leaving jeff to sit with his regrets of not telling her sooner.
ever since that night jeff and y/n’s relationship became strictly work, she never stayed over after she got everything done and very little did she ever talk to him about anything non-work related. it left a hole heavy in jeff’s heart, he knew while he was suffering y/n was still cozying up with one of his best friends and although he shouldn’t be jealous, jeff can’t help it. y/n was his, never once had she shown interest in other guys when they were together and jeff took advantage of that- he concealed his feelings with sex and lust, now he’s facing the consequences.
for weeks, he has to watch y/n and todd cuddle together at davids, their shared touches, the two sharing jokes back and forth. jeff knows when they leave the group to fuck, he remembers every single queue of y/n feeling horny but instead of her alerting him, she’s alerting todd. the number of times y/n had canceled on him because she was with todd infuriated jeff, he would have probably fired her if it wasn’t for their situation, y/n was slacking and he knew the exact reason why. 
even their friends had started to notice the change in jeff, he stopped hanging out at david’s that much unless it was for a video and very rarely did the group see him and y/n interact. as much as it worried them they learned the first time to stay out of jeff’s and y/n’s business.
“what’s your problem? you’ve been acting like a douche for weeks now and we’re tired of it.” jonah yelled, getting in jeff’s face not realizing he monster he was stirring up. he has been poking at jeff since he got to the house, with good reason- once he caught sight of todd and y/n cuddled on the couch his mood turned sour. jeff had thought they weren’t going to be here tonight. 
jeff ignored him, trying to make his around jonah and to the kitchen, he was not about to be confronted by his friends when they had no idea what was going on. immediately as jeff felt a hand on his forearm he pushed that person back, once again that person happens to be jonah. “stay out of it, man. it has absolutely nothing to do with you.” he said, before storming out the front door.
when jeff got home he was not expecting y/n to be sitting on his couch with her head stuffed between her knees, with a fluffy blanket wrapped around her. he knew he shouldn’t have felt excited about y/n being upset but he couldn’t help but think it meant her and todd have ended things or he did something awful and she needed comfort. he was quick to make his way to her side, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, successfully pulling y/n into his side. 
“i’m sorry, i-i just didn’t know where else to go.” y/n sobbed, burying her head into jeff’s neck. it felt like old times, all the tension between them fading away as he held her. 
“hey, hey, it’s okay. tell me what’s up.” jeff continued to rub her back as the girl cried, his heart broke for her. he wanted y/n back in his arms but not like this, he would give up anything to never see her this torn up again. for as long as jeff’s known y/n she was never one to show her sadness, to show this type of vulnerabilities to one person so he knew whatever was going on in her pretty little head was serious and highly troubling her. 
after a few moments of no words, y/n finally raised her head to meet jeff’s eyes. “i’m pregnant, jeff.” her eyes filled with tears once again as she watched jeff’s features clouded with confusion, she could see the questions swimming through his thoughts. “and i don’t know- i don’t know who’s the dad.” 
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Can you do the “If I die, I’m haunting you first.” Prompt from the random list! I can just picture Auston teasing y/n to no end about something silly and y/n annoyed but at the same time laughing along too lmao
Lol pleaseeeeee and ok I wrote this right after Chris D’Elia’s new Netflix special so here we go
Random 4: “If I die, I’m haunting you first.”
You made a mistake.
It was a rainy off day in Toronto for Auston, so the two of you had no plans to do anything or leave the condo whatsoever. During that afternoon, you thought it’d be a good idea to stay in, make a simple meal, and watch some Netflix. Simple enough, right? Wrong.
Instead of starting a show that you and Auston would watch together, then undoubtedly sass each other if one of you went an episode ahead of the other; the two of you settled on watching some of the comedy specials Netflix had to offer.
You started with Chris D’Elia, watching his specials and laughing especially hard at his skit on how ruthless drunk girls can be. Once you made it through those, you moved onto the John Mulaney specials and even squeezed in a Kevin Hart one before explaining to Auston that you were way too tired to watch another one.
That was fine, the two of you called it a night soon once the show was finished and all was well. But then the next morning, Auston started quoting these comedians… nonstop.
It started when the two of you were finishing up having breakfast. You hadn’t made anything spectacular for yourself, just a bowl of cereal while Auston sipped on the shake he made before having to leave for practice. Once you finished eating, you went to go rinse your bowl out before putting it in the dishwasher but accidentally turned the tap on too quickly, causing water to spray up at you once it hit the dish.
“Shit,” you mumbled and looked down at the wet spot on your T-shirt, not overthinking it. But then you heard snickering from where Auston sat at the kitchen island. “Can I help you?”
“Sh-she wasn’t readyyyyyy,” he replied while mimicking Kevin Harts’ voice.
“Oh, my God,” you groaned and stormed out of the kitchen to go change your shirt.
The quotes became a regular thing throughout the day, and you would’ve been lying if you said it wasn’t starting to get on your nerves a little bit. You loved Auston, you really did, but damn you could not wait to have a break from all of the quotes and references he wouldn’t stop saying.
You spent that evening at home alone. The Leafs had a game, and you had stuff you needed to do for work. So, you curled up on the couch with your laptop, put the game on the TV and got to work.
A couple of hours later, you were finished what you needed to do and decided that you deserved a glass of wine for all your hard work as you waited for your boyfriend to come home. As you drank your wine, you scrolled through your phone, reading some of the post-game comments on twitter before rotating between a few other apps, utterly oblivious to Auston’s silent arrival.
He saw how consumed you were by whatever it was on your phone and decided it was a good idea to mess with you a little bit. So, he quietly locked the door behind him and snuck up to where you were sitting.
“STREET SMARTS!” He yelled, just as you took a sip of wine.
“Holy shi-,” you gasped as you choked on the wine a little bit, and tried to catch your breath again. “Auston!”
“Did I throw you off your rhythm?”
“I could have died.”
You were being dramatic, and you knew it. So did Auston, but that didn’t stop his smile, turning into somewhat of a frown.
“Oh come on, you know I’m just joking. Don’t say stuff like that.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you replied and stood up from the couch. “I’ll have you know, though; if I die, I’m haunting you first and your damn comedy quotes.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” he challenged with a smirk. “There’s no way you’d want to deal with me in the afterlife too.”
“I’ll be the Victorian ghost girl of your nightmares, Matthews,” you said, referencing John Mulaney and making your boyfriend burst into laughter. “Try me.”
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