#i’ve always wanted to **** someone maybe this’ll be it
yeagerfate · 1 year
Summary: Your parents make you ride on the bus on the first day at your new highschool. You soon realize that this bus is full of both kids you’re scared of and want to be friends with. Who’s on it, and what are they like? + Headcanons on what they’re like in school.
Warnings: None. This is fluff and slight crack! Also, reader is a minor in this and Miguel’s is platonic since he’s a grown ass adult and reader’s 15. (Every other character in this is assumed to be either 15 or 16.) Additionally, the sketchbook thing mentioned in Miles’ is a true story. That actually happened at my school LMFAO
Characters: Miguel O’Hara, Miles Morales (Earth-1610), Hobie Brown, Gwen Stacy, Pavitr Prabhakar, and Gabriela O’Hara gets her own little feature in Miguel’s.
Notes: I’m a bit nervous for how this’ll go, but I’m excited for its reception, since I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone write this before. Anyways, thank you guys so much for all the love on my posts. From the bottom of my heart it means so so much to me. I have always loved writing, but it’s a hobby I’m really shy about. Your support really helps me come out of my shell more, which is greatly appreciated. You all are awesome and I love being in this fandom so much. It is so so much fun!
is the angry bus driver that beeps at you four times despite you walking towards the bus in his direct line of sight. He says “good morning” to you in a gruff, tired voice and tells you to just sit down and not cause trouble. As you walk in the aisle of the bus, you can see his daughter in the front seat right behind his, wearing the school uniform for the private elementary school down the street from your high school. She’s sipping on apple juice while holding a bag of chocolate chip mini muffins, staring out the window blankly. When he drops you off at the high school, he tells you to stay out of trouble. The questioning look you give him makes him sigh exasperatedly before telling you to have a good day. Maybe he isn’t so bad?
Is staring at the black sketchbook in his hands thoughtfully before he makes eye contact with you. He smiles politely and waves at you, but doesn’t say anything else. When you sit with him, he places the sketchbook on his lap and asks your name. He seems grateful for your presence and tells you it’s been ages since someone new has been assigned to this particular bus. Suddenly, he asks you for your schedule, and is elated when he sees you have biology class together. Though, he lets out a pitiful sigh when he sees who you have for Algebra II. “Good luck with her,” Miles says. “She took away my sketchbook last year because she thought it was a phone.” Miles is always asking you to go to his basketball games on the weekends. He’ll even give you his jersey to wear to cheer him on. Also, if you ever need help on homework, he’s your guy. Especially if it’s math related.
Has his expensive looking Sony headphones on, and his foot is bouncing to the beat of the song he’s listening to. He nods at you, and waves you over once he sees that all the other seats are taken. You are taken aback by his eccentric fashion style. He asks if you’re new. When you say yes, he tells you which teachers to specifically avoid. The next day, he brings in his earbuds so you both can listen to his music. Hobie is always snacking on the bus, and makes sure to bring you some food too, even if you already have some. Gets yelled at by Miguel for not sitting in his seat (He’s just tall. He does sit.) Even though he’s pretty much always a respectful student, he repeatedly arrives on the bus with detention slips for shadow boxing. Also got suspended for a week for piercing people’s noses in the bathrooms during third period. Oh well!
Is quietly scrolling on her phone before she makes eye contact with you. She’s the only other girl in the back of the bus, so you decide to sit with her. Gwen seems shy, so you are the one to make conversation. You quickly find out that she’s a catcher on the softball team and is in a band with Hobie, the kid in the seat next to yours. Gwen informs you of all of the school’s drama from the year before, including the time she got an ISS for giving girls ibuprofen for their period cramps. Regardless of this, she tells you, “I still have it in my bag. If you need it, just ask.” She also sends you the quizlets she makes for the Spanish class you have together. Frequently, Gwen gives you gum, but it is a silent exchange as to prevent the other students from asking for it as well. She is a very generous person.
Is fiddling with his bright school bag before he insists that you sit with him. He is a talker, and tells you all about himself. He urges you to join theatre for the winter musical, which is apparently “The best school event of the year!”. Pavitr is very involved with the school, and is the president of the theatre club, the secretary of the choir club, and is starting a culture club this year. He tells you to sit with him at lunch kindly. Though, his pleasant rant is interrupted when he tells you to avoid the lunch lady whose name is Linda. His reasoning is that, “She argued with me over chai tea.” which you laugh boisterously at. Although Pavitr has a somewhat ingenuous spirit, he forges your mother’s signature on a detention slip you got for going to the bathroom despite your English teacher’s hard “No.” He’s always going out of his way to help you!
Miles is known as one of the best players on the basketball team. Even though he doesn’t bounce it in the hallways, teachers are always telling him to put the basketball in his hands away, which irritates him to no end. Although teachers adore him, they always have to tell him to turn his phone off because it’s always buzzing from Snapchat notifications. He trades food with people at lunch and is on the Robotics team. Miles is one of the only two in the friend group who hasn’t gotten a detention. Is the only boy in your P.E. class who doesn’t treat it like the olympics and makes sure everyone has a good time. Cried once on FaceTime with you because out of stress he drew a dick on his AP Calc packet and forgot to erase it before turning it in. Unironically, Miles will play mermaids with you in the pool.
Hobie has both girls and boys fawning over him all the time, and people are constantly asking for his number. Never pays attention in class but passes. Hobie’s a “C’s get degrees” type of person, regardless of how well he does in school. For school spirit week, instead of bringing a backpack, he brings a Walmart shopping cart. Makes people laugh in class, but does it respectfully to not piss off the teacher. Teachers get sick of how often you pair up with each other for group projects but he tells them you’re a package deal and that you can’t be separated. Once you get your driver’s license, you make him check your parking jobs. He proceeds to ask you who gave you your license. Grew from 5’9 to 6’5 in the span of a school year and was always asking when second lunch was.
Gwen wasn’t on the bus last year, so she was introduced to the friend group because of her role on the theatre’s stage crew. It’s how she met Pavitr, who played the leading role in the Spring musical. To her dismay, her hydro-flask always falls off her desk, which makes such a loud clang she almost cries. Gwen’s locker is messy, with little magnets all over it. Has the best handwriting you’ve ever seen. Says random Disney bully quotes like, “I’ll kick you into next week if ya don’t give me your lunch!” when she sees you in the hallway. When she gets partnered up with you for a lab, she makes sure you finish before everyone else so you can just chill. Gwen always gets you a snack at the vending machine before any class you have together. She paints your nails in the back of the class.
Pavitr is a straight A student. People think he’s stuck in 2016 because he still wears those bands that you slap on your wrist. Gives people haircuts during break time, and wants to become a hairdresser when he’s older. During a fire drill he got yelled at because he stopped, dropped, and rolled for no reason. Tears fall from his eyes frequently because he holds in coughs in class. Jokingly put in a quote from the Lorax for his senior quote when he was on the yearbook team but forgot to take it out. His senior quote is, “Let it grow.” Pav fake falls in class but nobody suspects a thing because they think he’s innocent. He screamed with you when he saw a spider. Gets out of getting in trouble for being late because he got everyone Starbucks. (He got you a cake pop)
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awkward-tension-art · 3 months
Bacta and Bandages Chp.5 (Rex x Reader)
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Chapter 4. Chapter 6.
CW: Slow burn, Two fools trying to ignore their crushes, Rex being cute, firing practice, target practice, Reader is gender neutral, no use of (Y/N), reader is a doctor, if I miss a tag LMK!
Tag list (I am so happy people want to be tagged <3): @heavenseed76 @arctrooper69
Minors DNI
You had to be honest with yourself. 
Your aim sucked. 
As a field surgeon, you technically weren’t supposed to be anywhere near droids. Your main purpose was to stay behind the forces and perform surgery and intensive medical care to those with severe wounds.
Kix would be on the front lines and keep the injured alive as long as possible until he could get them to you. 
You could hit your targets, if they were big enough. Like a tank. Or if they were about 5 feet in front of you…
Ok, you couldn’t really hit your targets. You’ve been with the 501st for months now and you haven’t gotten any better. 
You debated going full clone trooper and just punching the droids. After all, the soldiers had just gotten proper armor for their hands. Maybe you could get a pair of armored gloves…
“Everything alright?” 
You perked up hearing the question from Rex, snapping your attention back to the present. You had zoned out, staring at the same datapad for several minutes now. 
Right, you had come to his office to help a supply crate mix-up. Someone hadn’t properly labeled the crates, so there were blasters mixed with medical supplies, and bandages mixed with armor…It was a mess. And to make sure nothing was missing, you and him were supposed to go over the numbers so no helmet or tube of bacta was out of place. 
You sighed, “Yea, just…thinking. That's all.”
The Captain raised a brow, silently encouraging you to continue.
Over your time with the 501st, you’ve been able to read Rex more than anyone else. You understood what he was thinking through his expressions. You could guess his feelings based on his stance and body language, even when he wore his helmet.
Perhaps it was your training as a doctor that allowed you to read him so easily. 
Or…maybe it was the growing affection you had for him.
It’s a passing crush, that's all. You told yourself, Clones aren’t allowed to have romantic relationships. This’ll pass. Don’t get your hopes up.
Shoving that thought out of your mind you put the datapad down, “I’m a terrible shot.”
Rex let out a soft and surprised chuckle at your blunt statement, “Well…you're technically not supposed to be.”
“No, I mean…even if I need to defend myself or the wounded…I miss almost every shot with a blaster.” You responded, “I’ve tried to practice but…I just can’t aim very well…”
He had a small smirk on his lips, “You can’t be worse than a clanker.” 
“I assure you, I am.” 
Rex laughed again, “I can teach you, if you want. Besides, I’m sure a break would be good for us both.” 
Your heart fluttered. 
“I’d like that.” 
Which is how you found yourself in the hangar, standing about 20 meters away from an empty crate with a painted target. There were scorch marks dotting the metal and yellow paint, indicating that you weren’t the first person to need aim training.
The makeshift target range was mostly out of the way and out of sight of everyone else in the hangar, offering some privacy.
“I didn’t know this was here.” You admitted, staring at the target. 
Rex shrugged, “Some shinies set this up. The General didn’t mind, so I kept it for anyone who wanted to practice their shooting.”
You nodded in understanding. Usually if something didn’t make sense, the answer was always ‘shinies’.
“Alright, now, pick up your blaster.” He took the tone of a commanding Captain. His arms were crossed as he watched you get your pistol ready. You wrapped your hands on your blaster, and got into the stance you were trained to be in. 
You didn’t even put your finger on the trigger before Rex spoke up, “Already, I see the issue.” he stepped towards you, putting his gloved hands over yours. He changed the position of your hold, moving one of your palms from the bottom of the grip to over your other hand. 
You blinked, “Oh, I was holding it wrong.” 
Rex had a relaxed smile, “It's a common mistake.” He stepped back and nodded, “Fire.” 
You pulled the trigger and the blaster kicked back as it fired. However, you managed to keep the gun relatively steady. Your shot missed the target, hitting the upper corner of the crate. With a sigh you looked over at the captain. 
He kept his arms crossed, “Focus on where you’re aiming. Where you look, that's where you’ll hit.”
With a steadying breath, you looked down the sights of your gun and pulled the trigger again. Your shot was closer to the target that time, however, still not a hit. 
“Better.” Rex approached again. This time, he got closer, putting his hands over yours and stepping behind you. You felt the plastoid of his chestplate on your back as he leaned into your body, “Raise the blaster a little higher and try again.”
Don’t get distracted. Don't get distracted. 
You swallowed and pulled the trigger. Again, your shot had gotten closer to the target, barely hitting the yellow of the first ring. Frustration hit you and you huffed. 
Rex laughed softly and it struck you how warm his laugh was. How lovely.
Stop it. Grow out of your crush, you're not some grade school student. You are a grown ass adult. Act like it.
“Just look at the target. Not the sights on the blaster.” The clone captain was rolling incredibly well with your failures. He kept his hold on you as you calmed your emotions to focus. You did as he told, staring at the bright yellow target meters in front of you.
With another breath, you fired. 
This time, you hit the target. Not a bullseye at all, but at least you hit inside the last yellow ring.
“Oh, hey I actually got it.” You perked up, smiling slightly. 
Rex, sadly, let go and stepped back, “Good, now do it again. I want to see you hit the target at least 4 more times.” He put his helmet on, crossing his arms to watch you. He was tense now.
You tried not to let his sudden shift in attitude bother you. He was probably worried that someone might turn the corner and see him so lax and uncaptain-like. Rex did have to be professional after all…
Still, you did miss the warmth he gave. 
Again, you pulled the trigger. Without him holding your gun steady, your shot veered slightly and hit the outermost ring, “That counts.” you stated, looking over to the clone. 
He nodded, “It counts. I’ll be nice this time. But just this once.”
You couldn’t hold back your grin and you shot again. Another hit. Still no bullseye, but you got closer. 
Hey, 3 for 3. One more.
Without getting over confident, you took a steadying breath and pulled the trigger. 
Again, no bullseye, but your shot landed inside the second ring. You were improving. Or this was just pure luck. Either way, you’ll take it.
You smiled and turned to look at Rex. He nodded in approval and stepped towards you, “Very good. You learn quickly. Better than most troopers who step off Kamino.” 
“Aw, you think I’m better than a shiny?” You joked, hoping to help him relax.
He huffed under his helmet, but you could hear the smile in his voice, “That’s not a high bar, Doctor.” 
“I’ll take the compliment, Captain.” 
He was about to respond when your and his coms both beeped. He answered his and you answered yours. 
“Doctor, there's a patient in the sick bay.”
“Captain Rex, you're needed at the command bridge.”
With a sigh, you shared a look with Rex and rolled your eyes. You gave him a grateful smile, “Back to work, then?” 
“It never ends.” He sighed, “If you want…if you want to practice again, just let me know.” 
Your answer was kind and sweet, “I will. Thank you, Rex.” 
As you parted ways, you tried to calm your beating heart. 
It's a crush. It's a crush. Grow up. Just grow up already!
Rex, on the other hand, kept his helmet on as he walked away, because he was certain he was still blushing like a damn cadet.
He’s a captain. Captains shouldn’t fucking blush!
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Hey can you do literally anything with babey civilian / badass supervillain? Maybe a little bit of jealous hero who won't leave civilian alone?
All up to you your work is amazing have a chocolate 🍫 byeeee
This is choco anon i will be back
Hey Choco Anon! Sorry it took so long to reply to this, but yeah, I can give it a try! Thanks for requesting this, here you go!
Thank you to @thepenultimateword for helping me on this one!
The sight of Hero made Civilian walk a little faster. They were anxious to get to their destination without being intercepted by the crime-fighter. Despite the good things the press always said about them, there was something about Hero that sent shivers down Civilian’s spine.
Civilian just reached their bus stop when a gloved hand came to rest on their shoulder.
“Well, hello there, pretty,” Hero said, “what are you doing out alone so late?”
Civilian gulped, their body stiffening. They turned to face them.
“I’m just waiting for my bus,” Civilian said quietly.
“Speak up, doll,” Hero said sweetly, “I have a lot of abilities, but super hearing isn’t one of them.”
“Just waiting for the bus,” Civilian repeated a little louder.
“Hm,” Hero mused, “you don’t usually take a bus to get home, where are you off to?”
Civilian faltered, how did Hero know about their route home?
“I- I’m just-”
“Hope you’re not going near that criminal’s base,” Hero continued, “I’ve noticed Supervillain’s had their eye on you for a while, you need to be careful, doll.”
Civilian nodded stiffly.
“I am careful,” Civilian said, forcing a polite smile.
Hero tucked a strand of hair behind Civilian’s ear. Civilian fought back a shudder.
“I know,” Hero said, “but you’d do well to have someone looking out for you.”
The sound of a bus stopping made Civilian relax just a little. Finally, they were saved!
“Well, uh, this is my bus, so, um, bye-”
Civilian went to leave, but Hero grabbed their wrist.
“Where are you trying to go?” Hero asked, “I can take you there. Statistically, flying is the safest way to travel.”
“Oh, that’s okay-”
“I insist,” Hero said, pulling Civilian closer and starting to rise up.
Civilian’s stomach dropped.
“Hero!” a voice shouted.
Hero stopped a few feet in the air, turning to the source of the voice.
“Hands off,” Supervillain said, approaching them, “they’re not interested.”
“How would you know?” Hero asked, landing back on the ground, “have they told you that?”
“The look on their face says everything,” Supervillain said, charging two balls of dark energy, “let them go. Now.”
Hero chuckled, moving Civilian so that they were behind them.
“This’ll just be a second,” they said.
Hero summoned two fireballs and strutted toward Supervillain. Supervillain cast a glance at Civilian.
“Run,” they mouthed.
Before Hero could turn to see what Civilian would do, Supervillain clocked them hard in the jaw, dark energy spreading into their skin. Civilian didn’t stay to watch what would happen next; they bolted, turning a corner and running to who knew where.
Civilian hid in an alleyway, trying to catch their breath and slow their racing heart. A figure landed next to them. Civilian’s heart leapt into their throat, whipping around to face them.
“Supervillain,” they realized, breathing a sigh of relief.
Civilian collapsed against the alley wall. Supervillain approached them slowly.
“Shh, it’s alright,” Supervillain said, “they won’t bother you anymore. I made sure of it.”
“Thank you,” Civilian breathed, “thank you thank you thank you.”
“…Can I come closer?” Supervillain asked gently.
Civilian managed to nod. Supervillain closed the rest of the distance between them.
“Would you like me to take you home?” they asked.
Civilian shook their head.
“C-can I stay with you tonight? Please?”
“Of course, love. I’m going to pick you up now, alright?”
Civilian nodded again. Supervillain put their arms around them and lifted them into the air, flying back to their base.
“Next time you want to see me, don’t take the bus,” Supervillain said, “just call me and I’ll come get you.”
Civilian buried their face in Supervillain’s chest, muttering out a muffled reply.
Supervillain gently sat Civilian down on the large, plush couch in their living room. They crouched down to get a better look at their lover.
“Talk to me,” Supervillain said, “did they do anything to you?”
Civilian shook their head, tears forming in their eyes.
“I think they were stalking me. I don’t feel safe anymore. They’re so… grabby and forceful.”
Something dark glinted in Supervillain’s eyes, but it faded before Civilian could see it.
“Like I said, they shouldn’t come near you again,” Supervillain said, “if they do, I swear I will finish what I started.”
“What did you do?” Civilian sniffled.
“Don’t worry about it,” Supervillain said with a small smile, “it’s nothing you need to lose sleep over.”
Supervillain sat down on the couch next to Civilian. Civilian cuddled up to them, sobbing quietly. Supervillain ran their hand up and down their lover’s shoulder, shushing them gently.
Hero’s mangled body was rushed to a local hospital, where it was determined that Supervillain had shattered their arms, legs, and jaw. It would be a while before they had an opportunity to bother Civilian again, and if they did… well, the funeral would be a spectacle for sure.
Tags: @mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog @thepenultimateword
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Veiled Promises
A/N: My first Paul Atreides story! I think this’ll be a series, only cause I left it on a bit of a cliffhanger, we shall see. Also, not sure of any typos and spelling errors, but I hope it’s good! ❤️
Pairing: Paul Atreides x Fem!Reader
My mother called out to me, in very faint tone of voice. I squirmed a little in my sleep, refusing to open my eyes.
“(Y/N). Please.’
I waved away my mother dismissively, wanting nothing more than to get some rest.
‘Wake up!’
My eyes immediately opened, at my body shot up looking around for my mother. I have no idea, what that voice was, but it was not my mother.
I got up from the comfort of my bed. My silky, satin sheets, draping onto the cold floor, and looked out the window.
I stared at the horrifying sight just a few feet away from my bedroom window. The place was up in flames, crashed vehicles and aircraft’s, and people lying flat on the sandy floors.
I wanted to look away, turn my head move my body, but it was almost as if my mind wanted me to see this.
My eyes began watering due to my staring out the window.
I then watched as they brought a group of people brought a person out into the middle of the sand. They separated and spread out. And on person stood in-front of the captive.
Once the guy moved out of the way, I could see who the unfortunate person standing there..
That being my mother.
I knew for a fact it was her, no matter how crowded a place may be, or how far away she would be from me, I can always spot her no matter the situation.
I started tearing up even more, and tried hard to break free, from whatever hold was bestowed upon me.
I watched as the person raised something about their head and swiftly bring it down.
Not know what else to do, I screamed. I screamed bloody murder at the top of my lungs.
The person turned to look up at my bedroom window, and I stared back at him. Hoping maybe my stare would turn him into stone, like Medusa had done.
I felt helpless.. I feel helpless..
“(Y/N)? (Y/N)?” I heard, in my ears, and I felt someone touch my shoulder, “Wake up, honey.”
I jolted awake, and looked around the room, clutching the sheets in my hands. “You’re okay. It’s okay, you were having a nightmare again.”
Abigail had informed me and patted my face dry with a towel.
Abigail has been a servant of my House since I turned double digits. She was always there for me, when I needed a talk, or needed someone to solely listen. And she did no matter what, and I loved her for it.
I stared at the window from across the room, breathing heavily. And Abi noticed, getting up and shutting the window for me. “Do you wish to talk about it?”
I couldn’t find the words to say a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ so I just shook my head. And Abi nodded her head in acknowledgment, “You know where to find me if you do, okay?”
I nod, as Abigail put a calming hand atop of my shoulder, before leaning in and placing a kiss on my forehead, before standing up. “I left some water for you over there, and your father wishes for you to be up and ready for breakfast in 10.”
“I understand.” I said softly, my vocals feeling strained from probably yelling in my sleep. Abi gave me a small smile and left the room.
I move closer to the edge of the bed, reaching over to take sip of water. I let out a long sigh, before standing up to put on some clothes.
After finding an outfit suitable for breakfast, I walked into the dining hall, and sat down across from my father.
“Morning, (Y/N).” My father said, and I nodded my head, not wanting to hurt my vocal cords anymore than I already have. “So, I’ve been told that you were screaming in your sleep last night?” He asked and I replied with a shrug of my shoulders.
“Nightmares again?”
“I guess so..” I murmured under my breath, and slowly began to eat my food, but he quickly picked up on it.
“When are you going to get that treated?” He asked, seating his fork down. “It’s not going to treat itself, (Y/N).”
“I know it isn’t, and I-”
“So, what are you doing to do about it?”
“I don’t know, maybe visit the physician or something. Why are you so annoyed with me having nightmares?”
“I am your father, I’m concerned for you and those nightmares of yours.” He says, and I role my eyes.
“The only thing you’re concerned with is finding a possible suitor for me. And you think I can’t find one with having nightmares. They’re normal.”
“Yes, they are normal, but you’d been having one day and every night. That is not normal.” He replied standing up and walked over to my chair and put a hand on my shoulder. “And I do want to find a suitor for you, but I promise you, your health comes first. Understand?”
I nod and he rubs my shoulder, “Promise me, you’ll find some way to at least, bring the amount of nightmares down. I don’t wish to see or hear you suffer every night, my dear.”
“I’ll try, for you father.” He smiled and kissed the top of my head. “Now, I need you in full dress, we have people coming to see us today.” I roll my eyes, and finished my breakfast before going to find Abigail to help me out.
“How do you think this’ll go?” Abi asked as she helped me put on my dress.
“Not sure, same as all the other times, I presume. Bad.”
“Oh come now, they weren’t bad at all.” Abigail says and I give her a look.
“You must’ve been in the wrong place, cause everyone knows how badly it went.” I said, with a laugh, and she joins in.
“Do.. Do you think this suitor will be the one?”
“It’s definitely a possibility, but I know that if it doesn’t turn out the way, father wants it to go, he’ll definitely be at his wits end.” I reply and Abi nods, and fixes a couple strands of hair.
“Well, I hope the day goes well, and you find the one, m’lady.” She says, taking her things and left. I look at myself once more in the mirror before leaving my room to find my father.
“Father?” I call out softly, and find that they are all in the common room, waiting for me.
“Here she is. (Y/N), I’d like for you to meet, Leto Atreides, and Lady Jessica of House Atreides.” I smile and do a bit of a bow to the both of them.
“And this is our son, Paul.” Leto introduced, as I bowed to him as well, noticing his eyes following my every move.
“Pleasure to meet you all.”
“I’ll take Lady Jessica and Leto, out to the gardens, why don’t you and Paul get acquainted, hm?” I nod to my father, and direct Paul to another part of the house.
Oh, what a long day this’ll be..
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rius-cave · 3 months
So I found another AU. And guess what.
It’s one of the most angsty shits I’ve ever came up with.
Guardian Angel AU.
Lucifer is a winner who died with his family in a car accident when he was 14. (Let’s ignore the fact that Lu’s parent is God and throw two random parents. He had a twin brother, Michael and a sister, Charlie.) And they went to Heaven.
Lucifer rose in status and became a Guardian Angel, whose job is to go and help people who SH themselves or people who thinks about oofing themselves. They have timers in Heaven which shows the time left to save these people.
One day, they give him a “To Be Saved” list and he sees his childhood friend, Adam there. They were neighbors until Lucifer moved away when he was 12. Adam lowkey had a crush on him but didn’t realize. He chose him as his next job.
Why does Adam want to oof himself? Let me tell you. Also this is the part with the most tw’s.
Starting from the beginning, Adam’s mental health took damage for the first time when he had a you-know-what relationship with someone named Steve, who was 2 years older than him. He fell in depression. Sera, his adoptive mother, didn’t want to take him to a psychiatrist (Because he’s just being dramatic and should get up and be a man) but Emily, his stepsister insisted, so he did see a doctor and got help. They gave him a medicine to help him heal. (Maybe Xanax)
Also he had to use Vicodin aswell at one point. This’ll be relevant I swear.
Years and years later, he met with Eve. And they had kids when they were both. 20. They got married because their parents forced them and moved to another state, where they opened their small farm. They had twin boys, Cain and Abel btw.
Adam thought maybe, even though they had a rocky start, he could live happily now with his family. But…
Cain killed Abel when they were 14. And he went to juvie.
Adam and Eve broke up after this, with Eve blaming it all on Adam. She got almost all their properties in court, sold them and moved to another country, telling Adam she never wanted to see his stupid face or be associated with someone like him.
Hopeless, Adam contacted his mom. Oh God I wish he didn’t.
Sera too blamed him for everything and disowned him, calling him a murderer because he was supposed to be the father of his kids and raise them properly. It wouldn’t have happened if he just did a better job at raising them. She refused to help him because “he was a grown ass man, he wasn’t a baby”
Emily was in another country as well, she went there for education and stayed there. Sera lied about what Adam did and made him look like the devil himself. So Emily thinks her mom is right to disown him.
Adam stayed at a small apartment for a while, but he couldn’t even afford the rent, so he was going to be thrown at the streets until a “superhero” came and saved him.
Alastor. His step cousin.
Alastor paid the rent, and even bought Adam a house, saying “He can take care of him until he’s fine again”. But as you may have guessed, of course that’s not his intention.
He gave Adam the same pills the doctors gave to Adam when he was a kid. Saying it’d ease the pain. And they did. But..
He became addicted. To both Xanax and Vicodin. He kept buying them from two weirdos named Vox and Velvette, who were actually helping Alastor.
Speaking of Alastor.. He thinks he can do any physical harm to Adam since he saved his ass. He visits him once every three weeks and gladly reminds him how much of a desperate piece of shit he is.
Slowly, Adam became addicted to tequila as well.
Adam slowly became a bit like a hermit, never leaving his house for days and always ordering stuff there.
Phew. With that’s out of the way I can continue.
So Lucifer disguises himself as Adam’s neighbor and does his job the best he could.
What he didn’t expect was to fall in love with him. He couldn’t help it. Adam did as well.
It was forbidden for an angel to love a human but Lucifer didn’t care. Adam literally lived Hell on Earth and deserved someone.
But one day another angel reported this. His ex, Lilith, a heaven born angel.
I’ll get to it later. It has much more stuff.
Well! That whole traumatic backstory seems very on par with what would happen to him tbh, plus the extra Alastor stuff, oof, yeah that's a lot.
The part that stings the most is definitely still the part about his children, but wow he's having not a good time.
You know this kinda reminded me of the youtube pilot Welcome to Hell (super recommend it btw), it has basically the opposite premise to this LOL because its a boy that is tasked to make other people want to end their lives, but then ends up becoming friends with the boy that he's supposed to torment.
Very interesting AU, having Lucifer as a guardian angel is <3<3<3<3<3 love that a lot!
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p0pp3t · 9 months
Gavin x Reader | Special Clientele
gender-neutral reader (freelancer)
2nd person
slightly suggestive near the end
word count: 665
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 “If you can change your appearance, can’t you just ‘paint’ your own nails?”
You sit at the kitchen table across your lover. The little pouch you’ve set down clinks with nail polish bottles, cuticle pushers, and everything else you’d need for an at-home manicure.
“Sure I could, but where’s the fun in that?” Gavin asks. “Anything to have my hands in yours, My Love.”
You roll your eyes, but bring his hand to your lips and press a kiss to his knuckles anyway. Gavin smiles contentedly as you give his nails a closer look.
“Good and strong,” you comment, applying gentle pressure with your thumb. You release his hand and unzip your bag, neatly lining up bottles of nail polish in front of the both of you. “Why don’t you pick your color and,” you open your phone as well; the screen displays a graphic of different nail shapes - “Your shape.”
“With pleasure.”
Taking his time, Gavin’s eyes narrow and brow furrows as he goes through his color options, holding each bottle to the back of his hand and seeing how they complement him. Maybe he’d be a little more decisive choosing his shape.
“Tough choice, isn’t it?” Playful affection tinges your tone. “You can always pick more than one; it’s no trouble.”
“Well, I wanna get this right,” he says in earnest. “You’re the expert. What would you recommend?”
“I’ve always thought that pink suits you; what do you think about this one?” You take a warm shade of magenta and slide it toward Gavin, to which he takes the bottle and holds it against his skin a second time.
“This’ll do perfectly,” he says, satisfied. “And stilettos, if you please.”
Your work is gentle and precise, with soft nudges to Gavin’s cuticles and meticulously laid brushstrokes on his nails. He eyes you the whole time, observing how your brow lowers over your squinted eyes and how constant your hold on each of his fingers is. Looks like you want to get this right, too.
“You have excellent handiwork, but I guess I already knew that,” Gavin offers. You only smile wryly in response, never taking your gaze off the steady lines of paint you’ve left. “You’ve done this before?” he asks, a playful suspicion about his voice.
“Yeah, for a few years by now,” you tell him. “Just my own for a while, but I’ve done other people’s nails a few times before.”
“Well, I feel even better knowing I’m in good hands. And they are very good hands.” Someone’s on his game. You finally take your eyes off Gavin’s nails, if only for a moment to roll them again.
“Enough of that. This is a professional setting,” you tell your client, something barely noticeable tugging the corners of your lips upward.
“My apologies, then. I spoke out of turn.” 
You’re given the peace to carry out the rest of your task undisturbed, with Gavin carefully resting his chin on his free hand and continuing to watch you in quiet fondness. You disrupt his concentration at times to ask that he lays both hands flat on the tabletop, letting you wave a folding fan over the still-drying polish in cool gusts.
“Wouldn’t it be easier to cast a breeze?”
“‘Sure I could, but where’s the fun in that?’” you parrot. 
Eventually, your hard work pays off with a final swipe of top coat and the last few flourishes of your fan. You tap lightly at the corners of the polish, assuring yourself that it’s dry enough to avoid smudging.
“All done. What do you think?”
Gavin holds a hand up to the kitchen light, inspecting the glossy pink at each pointed nail.
“Beautifully done, as expected. Thank you, My Love.” He stands - for the first time in hours (“This takes longer than I thought,”) - and ambles to your side of the table, pressing warm lips to your own.
“Hm, is that my payment?”
“If you’ll accept it. Unless you were looking for more?”
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duckiemimi · 1 year
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this was submitted as a submission! i kept their username hidden just in case they wanted their privacy! also, a heads up—i’ll be talking about death and ideation here.
what is a punishment for a monster?
this’ll be a little soft and embarrassing, but who am i if not soft and embarrassing? i think that’s a good thing. i hope you think so, too.
“punishment for a monster” is a very personal story to me. to this day, i’m not quite sure what prompted me to write it. i can’t really pinpoint a specific event in my life that inspired the structure and the story, but i do know that it felt like a long, overdue hug. it felt it was waiting for me, too.
you ask how i came up with the concept.
if i could pick out a more concrete moment of inspiration, it would be after watching Mike Flanagan’s “Haunting of Hill House”! i won’t spoil you too much,
***(skip this part if you’d rather watch it first!)***
but there’s a character in the show who goes around talking to his dead wife on an every day basis, like she’s there but not really there. at first, we’re led to believe that it’s a classic case of a haunting, like the title implies. by the end of the story, it becomes less clear, more murky. it seemed to me like he kept holding onto the memories of her, like he’d built a moving image of his late wife with every moment of her he could remember. so, yeah: she was there, but not really there. memories are building blocks, i think.
***(spoiler over; you’re good!)***
i’ve always had an interest in death and the afterlife, what it means for the people who keep going and what it means for the people who rest. it’s not particularly religious in nature; hell, i’d consider myself far from religious. i don’t know. i guess i wanted to know why some circles close and why circles don’t. why does the pen stop moving?
my cousin died earlier during the pandemic, and it was also during the time i was put on watch. actually, i think i wanted to go before she actually went. i’m older than her, but i guess that didn’t really mean anything in the end. i’ll always be older. and anyway, it’s selfish to want to go when someone’s already on their way, isn’t it?
in my culture, when people die, sometimes they come back as dreams. they’d come back one last time to say goodbye, and that’s when you know they’re happier. i never saw my cousin in my dreams. i guess i wouldn’t call us close. i hope she visited my sister, though. she wouldn’t tell me, but i don’t pry. it’s something between them only.
you ask about the title.
i’ll be honest, i didn’t really know what to title the story. pinterest is a treasure trove of ideas. all i knew was that it had to be a quote about “punishment.”
“It’s a fitting punishment for a monster. to want something so much—to hold it in your arms—and know beyond a doubt you will never deserve it.”
that’s the full quote from a book titled “The Wrath and the Dawn” by Renee Ahdieh. i’ve never read the book before. i’m sure it’s beautiful, and i know that even by this one line. maybe i’ll read it some day.
it’s a sweet irony, i think, to title a story about healing and second chances “punishment for a monster”, to title a story about forgiveness and metamorphosis something so punitive and cruel. but i guess it works in both geto and gojo’s cases. who is the monster here? who is being punished? but i think people can change. i think love transmutes.
you ask if i was as broken as you as you read it.
well, maybe. i tend to realize things in hindsight. at the time, i was only focused on geto and gojo, where to put my commas and spaces, what words to use to talk about loss. i only realized later on that i’ve typed up most of me into it, too. but isn’t that all art? isn’t art just a giant portrait of who we are at the time? i’m rewriting “honesty corner” and i considered rewriting “punishment for a monster”, but i think i want to keep that picture of me from then. if i ever muster up the courage to read it again, it’ll be like looking through a photo album.
i would write more of how i conceptualized geto and gojo in the story, but i think we’ve connected well enough for you to know what i meant. i read every single comment and so many of you have such personal tethers to the story. i won’t get in your way; you deserve to mourn the way you want, too. and anyway, grief is never-ending. it’s a lifetime thing and it isn’t always linear, and though you carry it for life, it doesn’t define you. love defines you.
(though you could say grief is an extension of love. how’s that poem go again? grief is love in a heavy coat?)
thank you so much for liking a story i wrote of my two favorite characters. i don’t think life is made up of straight lines. one day, when we’re both ready, let’s have some clementines at the table.
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dressing-pafe · 2 years
For the Halloween Event, can we possibly get something for our beloved John Doe? 💜
Also bro I found this like,,, Milky Candy in my Halloween basket, do you want it?? I’ve heard it’s your favorite!! :D
whoaaaa that's so wild bc I just so happened to run out 5 minutes ago!!! thank u for the candy, Roxy! Luckily, I’ve brought some ingredients for a FRANKENSTEIN AU just in case someone needed to use the writer’s choice card :O
Now how this’ll work is simple! You need only to put your head into the thickened water and pick up as many apples as you can until time runs out! You’ll be completing against Doe over here!
As you lowered your head to the… slightly cloudy water, you wondered if this was sanitary. The last thing you saw before you lost consciousness in the water was two big, yellow eyes.
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apples may contain: stalking and unhealthy behaviours, please continue with caution
It wasn't every day that Doe went out. Sure, he'd always sort of followed you around, but he wasn't actively going out for leisure. Only sometimes, when he was sure his hands wouldn’t come loose, did he go out with you, still gently suggesting you go back home every few moments.
Under the cover of night, your stitched lover met you at the fair that you’d been nagging him about for a while now, without the fear of being recognized as one of the... experiments. His hand was uncomfortably cold in yours; just like a dead man, which was the polar opposite of what he really was.
He was alive in those wild chases for your love, he was alive in those kisses, and he was alive right now. More alive than any human you knew.
And yeah, maybe his lips tasted like the earth, and maybe the way his hair seemed to be a limb of its own was a bit inhuman, but he made up for it with how he protected you and how… how eager he was for your love.
“My love, what are you thinking about?” His voice broke you from your thoughts.
You smiled at him, watching how his cool-tinted skin wrinkled and stretched as his mouth pulled itself into a close lipped smile to mirror you. “Nothing, just you.”
“That’s great! So, so, so great!” His smile stretched wider, too many teeth peeking through his lips. “Especially cause… I’m always thinking about you too!”
“You’re so sweet, Doe!” You gushed, kissing his cold cheek, stitches meeting your lips, feeling the electric hum under his skin. "I love you so much!"
A wave of electricity shot through you as he twitched, overjoyed.
"I lo- ove- love, love you too!" His voice stuttered with excitement, his hands gripping your waist tightly.
It was a little painful, you weren't gonna lie, but he just got a little excited! Like he always does!
Pulling him towards a snack stand, your eyes flicked up at him and back at the snacks. Could he eat? Probably not, since he was powered by electricity... maybe it's best not to say anything. Instead, you kept walking, past the stall and towards the Ferris wheel.
Getting on the ride wasn’t much trouble, with him hiding himself from the operator under his heavy hood, but what did catch your eye was the spark that popped between him and the machinery. A little concerning, but you didn't pay it too much mind.
You settled into the cart comfortably as you could, holding his cold hand in yours. Electricity thrummed between your joined hands, while his big, yellow eyes locked onto you, unmoving.
It was only when you felt the ride jolt, then pause, that you grew worried. “Doe, did you do something?”
“What do you mean? Of course I did, silly!” He leaned closer, grin stretching impossibly wider. “I thought you might like it, You…”
“What did you—“
“Sorry everybody! The, uh, the ride’ll be back on in about five minutes!”
“Now we get more time alone!” He kissed your cheek, squeezing your hands. “What do you think, my love?”
“Doe…” you looked down at the fair, blanketed in darkness and peppered with bright lights. “I love it. I love you.”
“I…I-I love you too!” He stuttered excitedly, planting a kiss on your lips.
Then, with a jolt in the cart, the ride was back on again; whoops? At least you had a good time!
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verilly · 1 year
Denji x Reader
aliusworld's songfic event- inspo: MANNEQUIN album (Deco*27)
[Description: “The truth is I just want you to like me.”, “A ‘Hello’ making me spinning”, & “Hey I want you to tell me how I should act in this situation.”]
What’s to come: Basically what happens during the events of “Dilemma, Denji Route.”
[1398 words]
“What should I do.” Denji murmured under his breath, his face was red as he was sitting in your bathroom staring at the handle of the door. Did he really just touch you, like that? It’s been so long, what’s he going to do? He’s stressed, he’s never been this far with someone who he doesn’t even know!
“What should I do??” Repeated over and over and over again. Denji has never been in a relationship before, at least, not in a real relationship before. Nothing like this. Nothing. Every other person who he’s been even a tad bit intimate with has tried to kill him, but you were different, you were safe. You would never do anything like that, not that he would know of.
“Denji is everything alright?” You knock at the door, his eyes look up from the handle to the middle of the doorway, somewhere he knew you were standing on the other side. It was about time he got out anyway.
“Y-yeah. I dunno what happened, sorry about that.” He cringed at his words, it almost seemed he raced into the bathroom after a simple hug. His feelings were overwhelming him. His brain was messing him up, he wished he could just cut it out. Literally.
“Did I do something to overwhelm you?” You ask softly again as the door opens, you jump away from the sudden movement, Denji looks at you, his eyes had a hint of red. Everything you did overwhelmed him. He was… just so so so happy to be with you.
“No! Never… I just. Maybe I should leave now.” Denji stuttered out, his right hand scratching the back of his head as he smiled, his sharp teeth barely showing.
“If I did something you didn’t like you can always just tell me! C’mon, I won’t be mad!~” You smile as you make your way back to your couch.
“I just… I just don’t know what to do now.” Denji confessed, his eyes facing the floor as he walked over to be next to you again, “I’ve never really made it this far. I feel useless.”
“That’s alright, Chainsaw Boy!” You grinned as you grasp his left arm, he opened his mouth in shock before shutting it quickly after, “There’s a first time for everything! You saved the day last time you… with the whole devil attack. So this time, for our relationship, I’ll be your knight in shining armor!”
“H-huh?” His eyes were quickly jolted onto you before he looked away yet again, he was sweaty. How cute, “What do you mean?”
“I’ll teach you the basics, you’ll live and you’ll learn. That’s how life works. Maybe this won’t work out… but! We can make it worth our while.” You laughed as you snuggle into his arm harder.
“I didn’t get anything you just said”
“What I mean is…” You take his head in you hands to make it face you, “You don’t need to worry about anything. This’ll be fine.”
“Alright. If you… uh. Say so.” Denji’s face turned brighter as he finally comprehended that your hands were on his face. Not with any violent intent at all. Your hands were warm, warmer than they usually were when the two of you were at school, “S-so, what should I do now?”
“I don’t need to tell you that, think for yourself!” Those words were the exact opposite of what a certain someone told him. The last person he was able to be intimate with. Makima. He shook his head quickly, you were he exact opposite of her, “So do what you want to do.”
“What I want to do?”
“Exactly.” You take your hands off his face and take his hands into yours instead, “Like for example: I want to hold your hands.” You smile at him, he stares at you, stunned. He watches your features stare back at him in an unforgettable silence.
“I…” Denji looks away for a split second before continuing to make eye contact, “I want to… uhm. Kiss you.”
Your face turns red. You did not expect that, not in the slightest. His eyes didn’t break from yours, you blink to make sure this was really real.
“Are you sure?” You ask, you were sure he could hear it, even if it was quiet.
“Yeah, I want to. I- I really want to.”
“Okay. If it’s what you want, try to start it yourself.” You smirk, “Let’s call this our practice round, my princess.”
Denji smiled at your joke, he waited for a second before speaking again, “Wait really? Uhm. How do I do this?”
“Well, do you want an example?” You joke, a light blush spreading onto your cheeks, knowing him, he’s probably going to say yes.
“Hell yeah— oh. I mean. Yes please.” Denji coughed the other way, fixing his mannerisms.
You smile as you lean in to kiss him, it wasn’t a lot. Just a quick peck on the lips, your eyes were closed for just a second. His lips were soft for someone with such sharp teeth.
“This is the second time, do you think you can do it by yourself now?”
“Just go for it! I’ll close my eyes so you’ll feel more… I dunno. Less pressure I guess.” You close your eyes, still smiling over at the general direction of Denji.
Denji sat there. Watching your lips. Glancing to your other gestures, should he hold your shoulders? Keep his hands with your own? His hands on the back of your head? He had no clue what to do.
Slowly, Denji leaned in closer, keeping his hands where they already were. Your lips were only a few centimeters apart. With a slight push from himself, Denji’s lips were on yours. Pushing further, you were on the edge of the couch, on top of the arm of the sofa. You open your eyes in shock due to his boldness to see his eyes were shut closed.
You smile into the kiss he had yet to part from. One kiss turned into many more, the two of you panting as you finally split apart. Your hands were in his hair as his hands were on your sides, trapping you between them.
“Was that good?” Denji asked, his eyes opening for the first time after the sweet kisses. His face was redder than it was the last time you saw it.
Your lips turnt upwards into a smile as you kiss his cheek, “I guess you can say it needs work, but for now… It was perfect.”
“Good afternoon, Princess~” You joke, waving at him as you make your way towards Denji.
“Urghh… stop calling me that.” Denji sighed, his uniform’s coat unbuttoned lazily and his book bag wedges in between his armpit, “Makes me feel weird.”
“What? You don’t like me pampering you anymore?” You laugh as you pepper kisses all over his face, everywhere but his mouth.
“N-no… I just…” He looks away before walking off, you following effectively next to him, “I guess I must like it then.”
“It’s okay! I’ll be your princess at some point, you just have to wait your turn!” You take his other free arm and latch onto it, not giving him the time of day to break free. It’s not like it bothered him that much anyway.
“You missed my mouth y’know. Aren’t you gonna… like. Try again?” Denji’s ears turned red, you smirk before processing what he said for a few more seconds.
“What? You want me to kiss you for real? Why don’t you practice on me again, like a final boss round!”
“Nah, I don’t think I’m really ready.” Denji’s eyes shifted onto yours, lips turning downward as you two turn into an alleyway.
Quickly, Denji’s lips were on yours. That caught you by surprise, really! You gasped into the kiss, his arms locking you in.
“You liar!” You shrieked in amusement as the two of you finally break off contact.
“Did I win?”
“Yeah. I guess you finally won against the final boss.”
A/n: haven’t been very active I’m sorry! I’m still gonna finish the mannequin event tho
This was a very quick fic that somehow took me a long time to produce cuz I wasn’t very motivated +doing my own shit
Masterlist on profile!
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astrobolical · 11 months
A (Hopefully) Helpful Guide to What in "Hell" is Bad?
Part 4 - Unit Types, Elements, Battle Boards & Battle Tips
Last Updated: Oct 31, 2023
I have a mild love of documentation (okay, it’s a problem) and I find it fun— so here we go! I’ve hopefully written out most of the options you’ll encounter while playing, as I know it’s been a confusing start with the game coming out in the state that it did.
And let’s be real here, most gacha-style games can feel overwhelming at first, especially if you’re new to them overall. It happens, and with all the questions I’ve seen floating about, I wanted to maybe help someone out, as well as have some fun. Or this’ll flop, either way, still fun.
There will absolutely be things I’ve missed, or glossed over— or even gotten wrong— so feel free to ask about anything, tell me things, or correct me.
For full transparency— I have spent money on this game, but I have not “whaled” whatsoever. I wanted to test certain things, and I have a strong sense of curiousity.
Looking for another part of the game? Check out the other parts:
Part 1 - General Overview, Achievements and Contracts
Part 2 - My Devils, Levelling, Skills and Artifacts
Part 3 - Chapters, Levels and Dark Sanctuary
Part 4 - You Are Here!
Part 5 - Shop, Secret Shop, Inventory and Management
Part 6 - Secret Club (Adore), Secret Club (Unholy Board), Hell-Oh! Talk
Now, let's keep going!
Battle - Unit Types
We talked about it before when looking at the "My Devil" screen (very briefly), but each devil has it's own style of fighting and element applicable to it.
For all units, always look at their normal attacks and ultimates (passives as well if applicable) before levelling them or putting them on the field. You’d be surprised what some of them can do.
Types of Units
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Devils: Mammon (Selfie) (L), Bimet (S), Valefor (A+), Eligos (A+), Undertaker (A), Caine (A), John Cena (B), Booker T (B), Rob Van Dam (B),
These units are the bulky boys of the game-- the best example being Mammon (Selfie).
These units are intended for longevity on the battlefield, being bulkier than other units with their health
They also stop multiple enemies-- typically 3 at once, whereas other units can usually only stop one
They have a small range-- usually 3x3
Keep an eye on their health— bulk doesn’t mean invulnerable, especially if you’re fighting stronger enemies
Devils: Beelzebub (Selfie) (L), Naberius (S), Amon (S), Bael (S), Dantalian (S), Stolas (A+), Gusion (A+), Bathin (A+), Phenix (A+), Renové (A+), Toto (A), Max (A), Bella (A), Leo (A), Molly (A), Gaejuki (A), Harumon (A), Bob Marley (B), Lucy (B), Bailey (B), Urupapa (B),
These are DPS devils, attack-based units that require the enemy to be up close and personal.
Depending on the devil, can be a little squishy, so it's best to let them hide behind defense devils, or to the side, if you're a little under leveled
Small range, usually 3x3 but can be a little larger
Usually these can only stop 1 enemy at a time
Devils: Leviathan (Selfie) (L), Leviathan (Bath) (L), Satan (Selfie) (L), Minhyeok (S), Paimon (S), Sitri (S), Leraye (S), Belial (S), Foras (S), Zagan (A+), Ppyong (A+), Astaroth (A+), Barbatos (A+), Glasyalabolas (A+), Ppang (A), Ppam (A), Ppungppung (A), Ppolppol (A), Ppyongppyong (A), Red Ragnarok (B), Nightslave (B), Fishball (B), Darkness Weapon (B), Oni (B)
The long-range units! These boys will pick away at the enemies from a distance. Very squishy— keep them safe.
Their range varies more widely than the other types in the game, but are always good to have in the back or to the side of a lineup
Some like Belial and Leraye have very long ranges, while some like the Leviathans are a bit shorter— make sure to look at their respective ranges when you’re selecting them for the field!
I said it above, but keep them out of harms way, as they can be taken out with relative ease— especially if they’re under leveled
Devils: Marbas (S), Morax (A+), Buer (A+)
These are the boys’ who’ll help keep you alive— but there’s certain ways to use them to make them actually valuable. There’s limitations to what they can do, and often damage can outweigh the minimal health they give without finding ways to utilize them.
As you can see, there aren’t many healers in the game at all yet, and they vary pretty widely in what they can do
In many cases, you probably won’t use your healers… the numbers they give back to you are quite minimal compared to the damage enemies do— but they’re not entirely useless
If you’re pacing the enemies and allowing your healers time to do their work, they can be pretty beneficial
Be sure to look at their range of attacks, too— and keep in mind that Marbas cannot attack at all! (In exchange though he constantly heals in a small area that moves with him, and his ult that releases it charges very quickly and you need only use it once)
Battle - Elements
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I’ll be very honest here— I don’t pay that much mind to these, and usually battles go pretty smoothly. That said, my team is mostly the Light element, so that might have something to do with it.
But, here we go! Good old fashioned strengths and weaknesses— think Pokémon, but incredibly simplified.
Each element has a weakness and a strength— pitting a weaker element against the stronger means your devils are gonna be in for a time.
What are the elements in WHB?
The available elements currently are: Fire, Water, Grass, Light & Dark(?)
There are currently no units available for “Dark” so I can’t double check— I’ll update that when I can or if someone can let me know what it’s meant to be called. Regardless of it’s name, we can still take a look at what it does!
It’s pretty basic—
Water is strong against Fire
Fire is strong against Grass
Grass is strong against Water
The edge cases are Light and “Dark”— as they are strong against one another, and neutral against the other elements.
I’d love to say if you’re having a hard time in a level just try changing your elemental lineup, but in the early game that can be difficult. Eventually level 20s will be too squishy to survive or deal enough damage to be useful, and promoting them is costly. That said— you can get through a good chunk of the game with all level 20s with one level 40.
Battle - Battle Boards
There is a wide array of gridded “boards” that your battles will take place on— all with their own limitations and paths, so I won’t cover every variation here. However these can be divided into three overall “categories.”
Story Battles
Story Boss Monster Battles
Dark Sanctuary Battles
They all have similarities, though, so lets go over the basics. When you enter a battle, you’ll be shown the map layout and a list of your devils along the left side— you can select six of these devils to go to war for you. You can choose to only see certain rarities or just supports during your selection, but there’s no other ways to sort them— so you’ll need to scroll through each time.
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Note: To see your stats like I am in the screenshot above, just press and hold on the devil you want to see the details of!
What can you view right off the bat?
Stage Number - The name/number of the stage you’re currently on (4-50, indicating I’m in Chapter 4 Level 50)
Angel Wing Icon - How many angels you’re dealing with in this stage. Each level will vary (39 in this case)
Heart Icon - That’s that big red heart’s on the left’s health — that indicates you! If three angels touch this, you lose
Paw Print Icon - This indicates how many times you may move your devils once the level has begun — you don’t need to worry about it during the setup phase seen above, but keep an eye on it once the battle starts and you begin to move around as needed!
x1 / x2 Icon - Your current battle speed— angels move slow, and on levels your confident speeding them up is definitely nice. Just tap it to do so. Tap it again to return to x1, if you’re feeling overwhelmed
Pause Icon - Pause the level!
Door Icon - Leave the level
Devil Select List - A list of all your devils (press and hold to see details), drag and drop up to six of them to fight for you! You can only narrow down by rarity and support, so you’ll need to scroll each time
Let’s Roll Button - Start the level! You’ll be warned if your devil count is below six, but you can still start if you want to
Okay, wait, huh? What do I do?
Basically, you’re going to drag and drop six of your devils onto the grid— sometimes, a square may not be allowed, and it won’t let you, so you’ll need to select another one (this can be frustrating).
If you’ve beaten the level once, it’ll remember your team for the next time.
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As you drag your devils onto the board, you’ll be shown their range of attack— keep that in mind! Place your units carefully to support one another, and keeping your squishy units out of harm’s way.
If you change your mind about a devil, drag them down to the blue area in the lower right, and it will take them off.
Okay, good to know. What should I expect from these maps?
That depends on what board you’re on, and differs per level. Let’s delve into those three board “types” I mentioned earlier.
Story Battles
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These are the battles you’ll be undertaking between actual story. The maps vary widely, but tend to be the same for at least a few in a row before changing again.
Keep an eye on where the spawn points are— remember, enemies come in waves, and not all at once
Boss Monster Battles
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Note: The bosses can obscure spawn points for small enemies! Be aware that what you see may not be all of it and don’t be surprised if suddenly an enemy comes out from under or beside it.
Welcome to the big boys— these stages have large enemies just like the Dark Sanctuary, with big AOE or wide-scale attacks (usually). Alongside them will be normal enemies, but in exchange for the big-bad, you won’t have to deal with the hoards you usually see in the regular levels.
Dark Sanctuary Battles
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Note: Just like Boss Monsters— these guys can obscure spawn points. Be mindful! Actually, they can be worse for it (I mean look at that tentacled behemoth)!
These are very similar to Boss Monster Stages— but this is all that Dark Sanctuary is. At lower levels it will just be the boss monster, but as you go up in difficulty it will add in the normal enemies as well— be careful!
What happens if I lose? Or if I want to quit?
Nothing! As of right now, there’s no real repercussions. If you lose or quit a level, you don’t even lose AP— so try all you like.
What about enemies? Anything to say about them?
I’m not going to breakdown each individual enemy (unless you guys want me to, in which I can create a new part, I guess), but here’s a few things to keep in mind.
Each enemy model has three variations: white, red and black, and the colours represent (I believe anyway) the difficulty of the creature
Each enemy has a range! Some, like the slime-like-blobs, need to be right on your devil to do damage, but many have a further range and they can be difficult to deal with (especially with the moving devils glitch that’s currently in the game)
They tend to come out in batches of certain enemy types — i.e. if you see one slime, chances are there’s another one or two behind it (or more), before the enemy type will switch again from that spawn point (it’s not a set in stone rule, though!)
Enemies spawn spaced out from one another, usually when the one on the field is 3-4 squares away from the spawn point, but this varies
Enemies have elements, too— hence the triangle of weaknesses we talked about earlier
Battle - Ultimates, Tips & Tricks
Let’s start at square one - Ultimates
Each devil has an ultimate move that takes time to be able to use— it will build through the battle beside their icon at the bottom—the purple bar beside their health— and the icon will glow when they’re fully charged up.
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When you want to use them, tap their icon— this will slow time for you so you can aim— and you can see a crown above their icon along with a magnifying glass. The magnifying glass will explain what their ultimate will do if you don’t already know— but to use their ult you tap and hold on the crown, then drag it onto the battlefield to see its range of effect. Let go to use it!
The enemies in range will be brighter than those out of range. Once you’ve let go, you’ll see a little animation and hear a voice line before the ultimate hits the field!
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Note: Don’t actually use Leviathan’s ult on a single enemy if you can help it— stun it, build them up by keeping a distance. He’s got such a wide range you may as well take out as many as you can.
You can cancel using your ultimate by dragging it down to the blue area in the bottom right!
Battle - Tips & Tricks
Okay, here’s a couple things I’ve found help, or that I tend to use while I’m playing— hopefully they help! Some are probably obvious, but you never know.
Don’t stress about ‘Required Levels’ that the stages tell you— often you can with with lower levelled units despite the recommendation, play around with placement and see what happens
Don’t spam your ultimates as soon as you get them! Especially with units that stun (Belial and Mammon for example)— it can be pivotal in a harder fight to give yourself a moment to breathe
I actually can’t recommend stunning enemies enough, it helps so much with grouping up enemies and giving your units time to recover health if you want to go that route
Try to aim to hit as many enemies as possible per ultimate (if applicable) — I usually aim to have 3 or 4 enemies within range at least before using ultimates such as Leviathan’s (stun is also good for this, keeping them grouped up)
If you want to bring a healer, I recommend Marbas or Morax over Buer— but honestly bring who you like— but keep in mind you NEED to give your devils space between enemies for them to be helpful at all— healers are SLOW at healing, and give MINIMAL health back so if you’re swarmed with enemies, they just can’t keep up
I actually use Marbas, despite that he can’t attack. I rotate who’s in his AoE and move him as needed flipping who’s under fire and allowing the others to recover with his constant healing
Crowd control ultimates are beyond helpful— getting rid of large amounts at once can save your battle if you’re in a tougher level
Don’t be right on a spawn point if you can help it (sometimes it’s just not easy to avoid), give your range units time to pick away at health bars before they reach your close range/defence units to save them from losing too much health
Ranged enemies are ANNOYING— get rid of them asap. They probably won’t be as bad when we can freely move our units without risk of breaking the level (see below)
This may eventually be patched out, but right now after the battle begins you can often move your units to spaces that were designated as unavailable during the devil selection— and I utilize it as much as I can— being able to place units wherever is incredibly helpful
IMPORTANT! Be extremely careful right now when moving your characters around— there’s currently a glitch that causes them not to move properly, and leave an invisible phantom of themselves where they once were.
This causes issues like:
Accidentally swapping your characters when you move one to where another once was, eating up your limited movements to fix it
If your units DIE while in this state, the enemies will glitch out and soft lock the level, forcing you to start it over
In Part 5 we’ll over the Shop, Secret Shop, Inventory and Management!
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blasphemecel · 2 years
Unohana Retsu ― Fleurs du Mal, Fleurs du Vertu
PAIRING: Unohana Retsu/Reader WORD COUNT: 3.1k TYPE: Angst WARNING(S): !!!!!!SPOILERS for the thousand year blood arc!!!!
(Unohana, you're always...)
"It's always so green around here," you say dumbly, but with a genuine look of amazement on your face. Before this, you'd just been whistling under your breath a melody that was laughably off beat.
She thinks heedlessness suits you.
"Perhaps because we've only visited around spring," Unohana offers. You can only see her captain's cloak fluttering while you trail after her ― a few paces behind, out of respect ― though you can imagine her expression, the placid one she makes when she can't give less of a shit about what you're saying, but she's still humoring you.
The sun is so bright it could blind you, and the tall grass smells fresh and it leaves slight dampness when it brushes against your clothes, and maybe if you'd been here alone the flowers you never bother remembering the names of would've still reminded you of her, anyway.
"It's a shame we always come down to the world of the living for such ugly reasons."
After you say it, Unohana glances at you from over her shoulder.
"Miss Unohana!"
"What do you want now?" It was rare for her to speak, let alone betray irritation, though you'd been acting like an ingrate for long enough. For days on end, always screaming and following her like a lost puppy, even if the connotations of that comparison seemed twisted considering the circumstances.
You were no loyal dog, and she was no loving owner.
You raised your sword at her. It was not very threatening. "Come on! Fight me!"
"You don't interest me," she dismissed. Your eyes met her distanced, cold ones when she had turned her head towards you for a split second, and then she turned her back on you like you were about as menacing as a bug. For a second you felt sheepish, but then you remembered you'd been doing this every day for a few months and it was silly to be remorseful at that point.
"But you're the only one who can survive it!"
She said nothing.
"I know you're looking for an opponent," you bargained, trying to coax her with a salesman's smile. You seemed to be some kind of idiot.
She said... something.
"You're worthless."
"But I've been dying to prove myself to you. You're so unfair, Miss Unohana," you whined.
Unohana rose a brow at this, though the gesture was condescending as if to say whatever your answer may be, she would be unimpressed. Then she asked, "And why would you want to do such a thing?"
"Because... I'm in love with you! You're like my celebrity crush and everything."
You really seemed to be some kind of idiot. Her lips down-turned at your perhaps sociopathic admission ― since there needed to be something wrong with you for you to be fascinated by her in the first place ― and the air of innocence you tried to put on only angered her further. "Let me talk in a way a pest like you will comprehend."
"Sure," you told her with a cheerful lilt of your voice.
"That horrible ability," she started, staring at you dead in the eyes and if you were someone else, maybe you would've felt like your life is in danger, "is proof you'll never understand me. So never say a repulsive thing like this ever again."
You blink at her with a smile on your face as usual and then you shift around her while she fills out the leftovers of her paperwork, pretending you're not there. "Fourth division? No more eleventh?"
"I suppose," is all she replies with.
"But then- But, but, but, BUT, am I still gonna be lieutenant?" you ask while pointing your own index finger at yourself, almost poking out your eye with your careless gestures. Then you switch to holding your fists together like you're begging for something, as if this'll increase your chances.
"Lieutenant? All you can do is destroy. Transferring you is out of the question."
"AND...?" To prove your point, which you haven't even made yet, you strike a few poses and swing your leg around. This does wonders with breaking a couple of vases around the tight office, and that was, of course, a calculated decision and something you obviously meant to do. "I can just watch your back, right?"
Despite your silliness, Unohana seems solemn. "Violence is all I ever showed you, isn't it?"
You lower your leg and take a few moments longer than usual to pick out your words. "No, 's my bad," you say after a while. "It's 'cause I never learned to love battle like you do."
You figured you needed to take direct action to gain Miss Unohana's favor. Surely she didn't like pansies, so you had to prove you were strong enough to at least swat away with force instead of merely being something for her to look past. This time when you pointed your sword at her, you moved to swing too.
There was a thaw of metal clashing and your blade met hers in a flash ― her reflexes were as sharp as you had expected them to be even if you'd never hone your maneuvers to her level ― though her grasp was stronger. She could've pushed you off if she wanted to, you could tell, but you weren't sure if her choosing not to was a show of power.
She stared you down like you were beneath her.
Better yet, she looked at you as if you would be better off dead.
"It disgusts me how you wield that terrible Zanpakutō with a clueless smile on your face."
"You're breaking my heart," you said.
"You say you're heartbroken, yet you're grinning like an imp," she observed with distaste. "Now tell me the real reason you're so desperate to become my apprentice."
You separated from her and put your index finger to your lips then scratched your chin like you were in deep thought. It amused her how you hadn't stopped behaving so harmlessly even after what she had put you through, or after the countless days you'd wasted chasing after her and bearing witness to the other things she had done.
It had to be a front. That, or you were truly viler than what she could account for.
"I think after you were done with the village-" you trailed off for a moment like you weren't sure it was worth saying. It was strange how you called it the village rather than your village since that had been where you lived, "-I realized how lonely you've gotta be. Being the strongest and all."
Unohana sheathed her sword and tried to get a read on you. You were a curiosity.
Isane always stares at you like... Actually, you're not sure, but you don't think it's a good thing, the way she looks at you. After a while of contemplating whatever it was she's been wondering about you, she says, "You're clumsy, [Y/n]," plainly. That can't be it, but you're not surprised. She's always been shy.
"So what?"
She narrows her eyes at you. "It just worries me, but I guess it doesn't matter."
You let her words hang in the air and readjust yourself so you're lying down more comfortably. Then you let out a yawn, and you hope you'll be able to fall asleep soon.
Isane isn't a slacker like you. She's a proper second seat, hardworking and deserving, not the kind of lieutenant you were before you moved to squad four. Still, she sits down next do you with her legs propped criss-cross and she frowns while she goes over something in her head again. Breaking the silence, she asks, "Um, do you think opposites attract?"
"No." You roll over like the hard ground is as good as a bed. "Why?"
Your Zanpakutō stood in your hand still as you were on the lookout for another Menos to appear. It wouldn't take long to clear them out with you and Unohana here.
As usual, her back was facing you, though she didn't need to take glimpses back at you to know you had unveiled it. The foul spiritual pressure always lingered. "I really can't stand the sight of it, you know? That cowardly power."
You pouted, on the verge of throwing a tantrum. "But I'm the strongest after you! You're not very nice, Miss Unohana."
"It was never about that."
You were about to argue ― insolent as you may have seemed; you realized ― but another Hollow appeared and headed towards you. With one clumsy wave of your shoulder, your sword barely grazed it and then you leaned away and closed your eyes when it popped like a balloon. After the explosion, there were no remnants of it left.
"See? You were so scared of battle you did the most despicable thing," Unohana said. "You became invincible."
"I'm not scared," you insisted with pursed lips. "There's nothing to be scared of."
You didn't know your Zanpakutō's name. It was a bleak sword with a boring handle. It was just a thing you happened to own, and you believed it to be so inoffensive. You could only wonder how Miss Unohana had enough energy to hate it so actively, even if you understood.
In wielding this... there was no challenge. Besides the scorned sword, you had no skills. You were incompetent; the type of Shinigami that has no talent for healing or for kido or anything else besides striking things down with a sword. And then, you didn't need to put half as much effort into your swipes as everyone else did.
Minazuki is a beautiful sword, but you would never hold it for her like Isane does. You don't know if you're worthy of it. But even more, you think it'd eat away your skin like acid if you try to. That's the useless vice captain you would be, and the one you’d been before.
"Do you think you'll ever know your Zanpakutō's name?" asks Unohana.
"Iemura was telling me about it," she says. "He thought it was odd." He thought it was odd you're so powerful and so inconsequential simultaneously, but she didn't say this. She wouldn't have, not today.
"I avoid him 'cause he acts like I'm an imbecile."
Unohana seems to find that amusing. "Do you run from Captain Kurotsuchi, too?"
"I don't interest him."
She considers it, and then closes her eyes. "I think if you gave him some time, he could grow fascinated by you."
"That sounds like a threat!"
"He seems like the kind of person you'd like," says Unohana. You think she's right, but you don't confirm it. She always knows. "He likes to modify his swords. Sometimes I imagine he'd like to try it with someone else's blade too, see how it reacts."
"Do you really hate it that much?"
"No," she replies after a while of silence, but she doesn't elaborate.
It had been the first time she saw your smile break. Not like you always grinned like an idiot because sometimes you pretended to be upset and made ugly faces, but this wasn't like that. No, a genuine distress plagued you, and you didn't pull any kind of expression. All you did was settle your lips into a thin line as sweat trickled down your temple and your sword went through another one of these people. Now that you thought about it, you weren't sure where they came from.
After the man had exploded into a pile of dust, Unohana recovered half of his physical body, though it was not enough. You glimpsed at her from the corner of your eye and swallowed dryly, and then you examined all the other unfinished corpses littering about.
"To think your ability wasn't as meaningless as I thought," she mused. "Still, I'm not fast enough."
"Do you really need me to do this?"
It was audacious for someone as wimpy and as lenient as you to not be able to perform any healing, but what was even more audacious was to think that the bloodthirsty woman you revered so deeply would be interested in the art of it. Even if sinister intentions drove her.
"This is the most efficient way." Unohana was not the type to answer a question just like that. Usually she fired back loaded words, or sometimes her reply wouldn't be enough. She gestured for you to continue, but before you could, she asked, "Have you ever wondered why you developed this ability?"
You shrugged. "Dunno, I just have it."
"Because you're immature," she said. "Because being afraid to lose is a childish fear."
You slashed the next person who stumbled in with a blindfold over their eyes and this time, Unohana mended their body up to their neck.
"Now you're responsible for this miserable sword, which knows no thrill."
"You really love fighting that much? Enough to heal someone just to keep it goin'?"
"More than anything."
Your wide eyes peered into her attenuated ones. She was slick, and you were pliant, and between you and Miss Unohana, there was always distance. If you told her she broke your heart now, you wonder if she would've thought you looked like you had meant it.
You think she's slipping back into it. She never seems to be on the verge of doing that from what you can tell, but right now you're all watching from the windows inside the building. Watching the commander-captain die, watching everyone else die, and you do nothing. Besides the concept of imminent death, you've got a bad feeling about this.
Today, something you can't handle will happen.
Isane asks about lending a helping hand, though it's in vain, against the orders. She's nice, you think while you press your palm against the glass. Maybe that's why Unohana likes her so much.
It's after her talk with Shunsui that she approaches you and something bad flares up in your gut. She's closer to sneering than she is to smiling, and you know what this means.
"I'm going to help Zaraki learn the way of the sword."
You wring your hands behind your back. "You're really serious about this, huh?"
Feet shuffle outside, rushing back and forth. Muffled words resound left and right outside the office you're in. The silence stretches.
"I take it you're not gonna come back alive... Miss Unohana?"
"It's what has to happen."
"The day you fought him, I think that was the happiest I've ever seen you," you say with a rash forming on your knuckle. You've scratched and irritated too much. If you thought it'd do any good, you weren't above kneeling and begging, but your words never amount too much. You're too immature to understand her ending her life over a reason you deem so frivolous or something like that.
"Yes, I suppose it made me happy to enjoy battle the way I wanted to."
You're not sure why she sounds so sad.
"I'll choose Isane as my captain," she tells you. "But while I'm still here, while I'm still superior and you're still subordinate, would it be too selfish for me to give you an order one last time...?"
You blink. "No, of course not. Anything for you, Miss Unohana."
"The next time the quincies arrive, can you use your ability, the ability I insulted so much over the years, and get rid of as many as you can? Or is that too heavy of a request to make?"
"It'll be easy." You bow to her. There's no Isane and there's no Shunsui, just like there was no Captain-Commander Yamamoto in your world, only Miss Unohana and her sacred words. Maybe you should kill all of them. "That's the only thing I'm good for."
She steps by the side, ready to head out for the door and for the first time she's smiling and you're not. "You're the last person I'm going to see before I battle Zaraki, [Y/n]."
You wish you weren't so stupid. You wish you knew what that meant.
Unohana leaves you a letter.
The next time you see a flower, you better not think of me. When I go speak with you, I probably won't tell you this, but your shikai grew on me. It felt like I could not lose you and now you're going to lose me.
I'm grateful my cruelty never tainted your kindness. To the miserable Hollows, your ability is the biggest mercy of all. I think you understood me better than I understood you. Remember, next time you see a flower, do not think about me.
It's the first time you cry with handfuls of grass in your balled fists. You enjoyed coming down to the land of the living, to watch the fields with the flowers.
Remember, next time you see a flower, do not think about me.
Hundreds of arrangements with eight thousand flowers wouldn't show the grief you feel for her. Everything is so green and warm that it's not fair. Why does the world get to move on? Does it not understand the losses it suffers?
She really broke your heart.
Unohana said she didn't understand you, but she understood you perfectly well. You're so afraid of fighting you grew to kill everything you touch, and she loved battle so hard she gave up her life guiding the perfect Kenpachi.
He's more worthy of admiring her than you are, but that never stopped you.
When Iemura approaches you, you always assume he's going to berate you, which he does without fail.
"Slacker!" But this time he sounds like he's doing so to get it out of the way before he can say whatever he has to say. "Why don't you do something useful for once and tell me..." In a gesture you recognize as full of unspoken nerves, he adjusts his glasses, "-you were the lieutenant."
"Uh, yeah?"
"Was Captain Unohana really—" bloodthirsty?
You think he's embarrassed someone like you could know anything he doesn't.
You say nothing. He shakes his head to bring himself back on track, and for the first time you find someone else ridiculous, though you're not sure if you have gripes with him for the right reason.
"Who were you- who were you loyal to—" Yachiru or Retsu?
It doesn't take you anytime to come up with an answer, or maybe it's subconscious. Your face splits into a smile and horrible tears run down your eyes and your lips tremble and you huff in a disgusting amount of snot.
"Miss Unohana, of course—" was the one I loved!
Remember, next time you see a flower, do not think about me.
You think if Iemura was a weed, he would be a shriveled, withering one. And you'd be like a crocus, like that Hellenistic tale where a mortal fell in love with a nymph, and they both got punished by the gods and turned into blossoms.
(...walking so far ahead of me.)
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Looking for: not sure maybe just venting, a response if you want.
Idk if there’s tw
I want to know if anybody else has been through similar? I’ve been revictimized a lot in my life I choice to stop socializing and going to events just isolating now because I don’t wanna be abused again…
I had two abusive exes. And after the second one which was pretty bad too, I chose not to date again.
I’ve had some toxic friends but nothing too bad but they do talk a lot of shit about me and spread rumors.
Ive dealt with abusive parents which is probably what set me up for failure in other relationships.
Ive dealt with being bullied by friend groups and by classmates. A lot of people stayed away from me because they heard rumors and some people asked me weird questions like Ik they heard rumors about me.
I feel like it is never ending. And I’m just destined to be abused no matter who I meet it’ll always happen. I always feel like this’ll follow me from lifetime to lifetime and god is punishing me.
I honestly feel like I’m not traumatized or it should’ve been worse for me to complain. Idk if I have any disorders I’m not diagnosed and I can’t find a doctor because I don’t have money. I’m just depressed ig. Kind of numb most days.
It almost feels like im playing victim card or something but Ik what I’ve been through. Like it feels like everyone hates me and they must be right about me. I mean Ik everyone hates me. Nobody wants to go near me. There must be a reason im avoided, there must be a reason im hated, they must’ve seen something broken in me that I couldn’t see and they’re just doing their duty as people to cast me out or bully me. My parents were so happy to have a kid and the picture of them holding me as a baby they look so happy and so caring in those pictures. I must’ve fucked up at a young age and that’s why they didn’t want me anymore. It’s my fault and I know it. Idk what to do anymore. I’m sorry you don’t have to answer this.
Hi anon,
It's entirely up to whether or not you want to date. However it's worth considering that life is a risk and you deserve the possibility of being loved to a degree you've never experienced before. That also extends to social gatherings - human beings are social creatures and need interaction to survive and thrive. Your past experiences do not deserve to steal your ability to have joyful and meaningful connections and memories. There are ways to enjoy a social life and love life without fear of abuse.
It also sounds like you're dealing with "mythologization" which is a common experience among survivors of complex trauma. Mythologization is a term I use to describe the feeling that the abuse you've experienced is on a cosmic or spiritual level, like feeling as if your abuse was predestined by god. Especially when you've been revictimized and polyvictimized, it's even easier to feel this way.
Going drastic lengths to avoid abuse is traumatized behavior. It's also common for trauma survivors to victim-blame and gaslight themselves as you've outlined in your last two paragraphs. It's okay to acknowledge that you have trauma, but it's understandable to find difficulty in accepting this due to the consequences of being traumatized.
It's important to remember that trauma is not defined by what happened, but instead by how we are affected. This is because there are various factors that affect one's resilience - the ability to recover from an adverse experience. Everyone is dealt a unique set of cards which means that everyone had varying degrees of resilience. So what may be traumatic to you may not be traumatic to someone else, but that doesn't mean you aren't or shouldn't be traumatized. It makes sense given the hand you were dealt and that's okay. This also means that it makes little sense to compare your trauma to those you feel have it worse - because they have a completely different life, with a completely different set of cards.
A difficult part of healing is acknowledging the severity of your past while giving yourself permission to be happy and enjoy the present moment. You do not have to be miserable to be a valid trauma survivor. You deserve to be happy in spite of everything that has happened.
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bishop-percival · 6 months
(prev) Theodore simply nodded in acknowledgement, unsure of how he felt about receiving praise from such a repulsive man. Then he started to trudge off to bed and smirked at Sam’s scolding Once he heard the lightning clap he momentarily froze, started to slowly head towards it, then pivoted on his heel to scuttle off in the opposite direction. If it wasn’t for the sensory spell his footsteps would be inaudible. Now that Theodore could use the vents again it took no time at all to make it back to the sea of cots (while grabbing an ice pack on the way.) He cautiously walked near the middle to his bed before slipping under the covers, taking a dose of melatonin, and dozing off as if he had never left.
Once Bishop Percival sensed Bowtie was gone and no one else was listening, he sat on the floor across from Sam. He gave a heavy sigh. 
Sam, still stunned by the entire situation really, worked up the nerve to ask “W-what was that all about?”
Percy chuckled. “Oh, you know how nosey we Glornists are. Y’all love to listen in on me rebuking folks! I just wanted to make sure that Bowtie heard what he wanted to hear so he’d go away.”
Sam’s gaze dropped to the floor. “Your Excellency, I-I’m really sorry. I just hate that asshat so fucking much and I- and I–!”
“Oh, I know, I know. Believe me, if I couldn’t use him right now I’d let you have at him. But I need my mitre, y’know?”
Sam looked back up. “S-so I can kill him when he finishes your hat?”
The bishop shook his head. “Tsk, no, don’t kill him. Listen, Samanthanuel. Let me elaborate on what I said about choosing your targets. Sometimes, there’s more joy to be had in indirectly hurting someone. To let them run free, unbothered. Except, maybe some of their small belongings mysteriously go missing here and there. Maybe unexplained accidents start to happen to them. To their friends. Their loved ones. Maybe their friends and loved ones even… start to go missing. They aren’t so unbothered anymore. They’re a wreck, in fact. But in the end, they’re fine… at least physically. Do you see what I’m saying?”
Sam stared back blankly at him, the gears trying to turn in her head. 
Percy sighed. Dullard. “Sooo, I forbid you from directly hurting Bowtie. Buuut, you can hurt his….” he rolled his hand, encouraging Sam to finish the sentence. 
She finally perked and shouted “Friends and family! I can hurt his friends and family!”
“Sure!,” Percy said with a hearty fist pump. “And remember, it’s always best not to get caught, though!” Did Percy have faith in Sam to be discreet enough to go about these things? Not really. But he didn’t really care either. 
The bishop stood to his feet. “Now go on and get your arm taken care of. I’m still miffed at you for breaking Bowtie’s in the first place, so I’ve forbidden Reverend Miriam from healing you.”
Sam’s eye widened and she jumped up, briefly flinching at the pain it caused. “B-but sir! Who knows how long this’ll take to heal! I have an invasion coming up in two weeks! I-I can’t miss that! The battlefield is where I serve Glorn the best!”
Percy rubbed his chin. “Well… Maybe I’ll lift the order just before then… I’ll think about it. Now get, go on!"
Stepping back and again disrobing, Percy tossed his vestment in the air flat like a pizza. As it fell back down on him, it glowed that bright red light and looked as if the watchdog disappeared into it before the robe bunched up into a ball and vanished into thin air. 
Sam stood blankly for a moment before stuttering “Th-Thank you Bishop Percival!” to nothingness. They then took off from the closet, going to look for a medical professional to finally get their shoulder taken care of.
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hope-to-hell · 10 months
Fulgurite Dreams, chapter 5: Lightning Strikes
Adrian Toomes x Reader. At last, the final installment in this story. Win or lose, you’ve gotta play the game.
When he smiles, it’s with the barest knife’s edge showing beneath the curl of his lip. But you know he’s got softness gathered up at the corners of his eyes; he’s all salt and acrid oil but underneath is the warm wet taste of flesh and the words weighing heavy on his tongue.
(It’s not like you wake up one day and decide to do this. Fate opens a door, and you step through.)
There’s this one ray of sunshine that slices through the window just right: across the pillow and right into his eyes, giving his whole face a honeyed glow; he rises toward wakefulness with a sigh. Still feels strange.
No. Just like— his pupils are pinpricks in the morning light, crows’ feet cut deep— like eating something for the first time. If you lay your head down close you can feel heat rising from his cheeks. And of course you do: you get right up beside him, and nevermind the morning breath; his kiss carries the lazy hunger of someone who knows he will soon be full. My brain knows, but my body’s still catching up.
Just think. Someday you’ll want to close the curtains, ‘stead of getting smacked in the face with sunshine every morning.
Maybe once it gets old.
(Oh shit oh shit oh shitshitshit)
Pete’s getting his ass kicked down there, wild yells drowning out his voice over the comm and he’s so fucking young, not yet steadied by the weight of experience; he’s outmaneuvered, pinned down; the shreds of his suit stream out behind him, and he— hey, it’s just a kid. What the fuck— so what? He’s still a problem— hold still, this’ll only hurt a lot— he needs help.
(Goddammit, kid. Why didn’t you wait?)
There’s frost catching at his mask; contrails spiral out behind him and there is no time; Adrian Toomes doesn’t say a thing but grits his teeth and pulls in his arms and legs as tight as he can and he
Fortune favors the reckless.
The voice on the other end of the line is all grit and broken glass. I— might be home a little late.
You okay? Adrian?
Don’t wait up, honey. Get some rest for me, alright?
Maybe you get what you want, but do you ever really win?
Wind sighs in the trees and all the air smells of raw dark earth. Listen for the faint scratch of nails on wood, on stone, on soft wet flesh. Listen for the missed you, sweetheart. Adrian grins through mossy broken teeth and there is nothing left of him: not crows’ feet or the little scab beneath his jaw from when he nicked himself shaving, not calluses whispering across your skin as he strokes your flank. What’s the matter? Aren’t you glad to see me? And he is
(Oh thank fuck.
Language, kid.)
He’s awake.
Why the hell would you—
You really think I could’ve done anything else?
He’s awake and he looks like hell, one eyebrow singed away and he’s pale, deep bruises around both eyes, sand and blood still caked in his hair. But he’s watching you from his tangle of tubes and wires, sharp as always. When he says c’mere it blooms warmth down your spine; he presses his cheek into your palm and he is going to be alright.
Don’t worry, I told the doctor it was a barbecue accident.
And they bought it?
I don’t think they cared much. Too busy trying to put all his blood back on the inside.
That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. And one more thing—
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[Black screen.]
???: […alone. I’m all alone. I’ve always felt alone…]
???: [Wait, how can I always be alone if I can’t even remember what my name is? Or how I got here? Or why I feel so…out of it.]
Haruki: [Okay. Baby steps. I am Haruki Douzono. I got accepted into Hope’s Peak a week or two ago as the Ultimate Cyborg. And I don’t know where I am.]
Haruki: [I move my body, my arm, my legs, and open my eyes. Above me is a girl with a long, blue ponytail. Her eyes light up when she sees my eyes open.]
???: Hey, hey you’re awake! Everyone!
He’s finally woken up!
Haruki: What’s…what’s going on? Where are we..?
???: We all…we aren’t sure ourselves. We all just woke up here. Anyway, are you okay? Can you stand?
Haruki: [I gently sat up, and looked around. There were more people here, and they all looked confused or quite bored. I got to my feet.]
???: It took you long enough, like, I thought you were dead.
???: Hey now, he had a pulse for a while. I was thinking you suffered a concussion, Hun.
???: You’re okay now, that’s all that matters.
???: Enough glad here, and thankful that, does anyone happen to know how we ended up in this little predicament?
???: Ooooh, maybe we were kidnapped! I always wanted to see what that felt like, hehehehe!
Haruki: Kidnapped? We couldn’t have been kidnapped…I mean, I don’t think this is what kidnapping looks like.
Haruki: [That girl can’t be serious…I mean, it makes a lot of sense, but at least I was warned before being taken away.]
???: Ohhhh, this’ll be a HIT with my followers! Everyone, sayyyy kidnapped!
Haruki: [The person held up their phone, and pointed the camera at the rest of the group. For some reason, my natural instinct is to smile at it. What am I doing?]
???: You have a phone?! Call for help! Call someone!
???: Alright, alright, quit nagging me-
Haruki: [The girl pouted as the person frantically typed on their phone. We all watched in anticipation, but after a while, the person turned off their phone and sighed.]
???: No dice, no signal, no escape. Wahhhh, this sucks, I can’t post-
???: You can get your unhealthy ego boost from the internet later. We need to figure out where we are. Perhaps explore. And check your bodies. There might be signs of distress.
???: Do you m-mean…drugged and dragged?! The image of someone scraping me across the floor as I’m all drugged up…ick!
???: No, we all look fine…and if they would’ve been rough with us, they would’ve tied us up too. It would be gigoehan!
Haruki: [As everyone argued, the blue-ponytailed girl tapped my shoulder.]
???: Hey, I’m just checking on ya. You were out for a while, y’know?
Haruki: Thank you, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be fine. I’m built different.
???: Hehe, cool. I like your jacket! It’s very comfy looking.
Haruki: It is, I sleep in it.
???: Soooo, you must bee getting a great night’s sleep!
Haruki: [Was there a joke I wasn’t getting? She just keeps staring at me.]
???: …
Haruki: …
???: Oh shoot, I haven’t introduced myself yet…the joke would’ve been- nevermind!
Kiki: I’m the Ultimate Beekeeper, Kiki Gunji! We’re going to…beecome such great friends!
Haruki: [Okay, now I get the joke.]
Haruki: Hehehe, I like your puns.
Kiki: Thanks, my Grandma always told me that, even in the darkest of situations, it’ll probably make a funny story one day.
Haruki: True…hopefully this maybe kidnapping will be hysterical.
Kiki: Hmhmhm, soooo, what’s your name? Are you an ultimate too?
Haruki: Yeah, I’m Haruki Douzono. I’m the Ultimate…
Haruki: [I trailed off. I didn’t wanna tell her I was a cyborg…it’s not even a real ultimate. And she might see me as a freak…]
Kiki: You forgot the Ultimate part of your introduction. I can guess! Hm, Hiker, Biker, Spiker-
Haruki: Cyborg. I’m the Ultimate Cyborg.
Kiki: A CYBORG?!
Haruki: [She said loud enough to where a few people looked at us.]
Haruki: Hey, not so loud, please! I don’t want people to know that’s my ultimate.
Kiki: Why not? It’s so cool!
Haruki: Most people don’t think so…and I tend to get seen as less than human.
Haruki: [As soon as I finished that sentence, her eyes seemed to burn with rage.]
Kiki: Less than human?! Are you kidding me?!? That’s pathetic! Being a cyborg is such a feat technologically! They need to shut the fuck up!!
Kiki: Heyo, if anyone is being mean to you because of your cyborg-ness, then send them to me! I’ll give them a beat down!
Haruki: Eh?! No, don’t beat anyone up, please don’t! Thank you for uh, caring that much though.
Kiki: It’s nothing! Don’t thank me!! People being ignorant just really, really pisses me off.
Haruki: Speaking of people, do you think anyone has come up with a plan?
Kiki: Dunno, but-
Haruki: [A sudden crack tore through the air. We all looked to see where it came from, and I was shocked to see a girl with long purple hair holding a riding crop. She cracked it again, then handed it to a tall, platinum blonde man.]
???: Thank you for that.
???: It’s my pleasure, dear.
[The girl handed him the riding crop, and he stepped aside. She cleared her throat.]
???: Everyone, I have devised the absolute best plan for this situation.
[A green haired girl raises her hand.]
???: Yes, Miss?
???: Whyyyy are you the leader? Just because you have a clipboard?
???: I have pockets full of human teeth, so you all should be on your knees.
Haruki: [Sorry, she has what?!]
???: That’s why.
???: I’m TALKING here? Okay, I have reached a conclusion! We all should investigate safely and get acquainted with each other!
???: There is a very real possibility that we could be trapped here for a long time, so we need to gather as much information as we possibly can!
???: Furthermore, making friends and socializing with each other is to help us not feel isolated and alone in a situation like this!
???: Any questions?
Haruki: [A boy with sunglasses raised his hand. The girl at the front pointed to him.]
???: Yes?
???: Chick, you said something like…investigating safely? What didja’ mean by that? Also, loving the dress.
???: One, thank you, I look great in everything! Two, I have taken the time to look at the ground, and I have noticed that there are traps.
???: Traps..? May you elaborate?
???: Perhaps, if you all let me finish my SENTENCE! Huff, on the ground, under the fake grass, there are outlines of trapped doors.
???: Oh! Oh oh, may I test something! It’ll be the most fun! Someone, give me something, anything!
???: Will a pen suffice?
???: Yes, yes! Perfect!
Haruki: [He snatched the pen out of the girl’s hand and smirked.]
???: And a one, and a two-
Haruki: [He tossed the pen on top of the trapped door. We all watched, nothing happened. The girl went to retrieve her pen, but-]
Haruki: WATCH OUT!
Haruki: [She froze in front of the trap door, and we all watched as the flaps opened, and the pen dropped into a pit of fire. The girl, with a face completely void of emotion, turned around.]
???: A pity. I liked that pen.
???: Sooo…search safely.
Haruki: [We all nodded in agreement, and everyone began to search, very very very cautiously.]
Haruki: [I turned to Kiki, who looked a bit worried.]
Haruki: I kinda don’t wanna move anymore.
Kiki: Yeah…that’s fair.
Kiki: Wanna search together?
Haruki: Definitely.
Kiki: Make sure to catch me if I fall into a fire pit!
Haruki: Me and my cybernetic abilities will try to save you.
Kiki: Abilities? Are you super strong or do you have heat vision??
Haruki: I’m a cyborg, not a robot, I’m still human.
Kiki: Oh, sorry-
Haruki: It’s nothing. My powers are…well, I’m not too sure. I know I can shoot energy beams from my hand, but that’s all.
Haruki: The doctors didn’t expect me to live long enough to use them, anyway…
Kiki: What was that?
Haruki: Nothing, let’s start investigating.
Kiki: We also need to introduce ourselves! And we can do that together! Remember, if anyone is being a jerk, I’ll tear them to pieces!! Ha!
Haruki: Thanks, but- eh. Let’s just go.
Haruki: [Kiki and I walked over to the purple haired girl, the one shouting orders at everyone.]
Haruki: Hi, my friend and I were wondering where to start searching?
???: Oh, let’s see…
Haruki: [The girl surveyed the room, and pointed over to a corner.]
???: Right over there, begin searching the walls, then search the floors. But not before checking for more traps of course.
Haruki: Tha-
Kiki: Heyyyy, before we do that, you said we should try to get closer to each other, right?
???: Yes, bonding with each other is crucial!
Kiki: So, we should introduce ourselves! I’m Kiki Gunji, the Ultimate Beekeeper, and this is Haruki Douzono, the Ultimate-
Haruki: Completely normal human being.
???: …I’ve checked and researched Hope’s Peak, and I’ve never, in all my hours, heard Average Joe as an ultimate.
???: So, I can conclude that you are lying to me.
Haruki: [The girl stared at me, with very intense eyes. What was she, a cop?]
Haruki: …okay, I’m the Ultimate Cyborg.
???: Thank you.
Kiki: Moving on, what’s your name?
Benio: Okay, introductions. I am Benio Gima, the Ultimate Party Planner. When talking to me, make sure to keep the conversation moving.
Kiki: Ohhh! A party planner! So that’s why you’re really good at being in charge!
Benio: Naturally. Order and calm is the most important part of terrible situations.
Haruki: You really do think this situation is horrible? We’re Hope’s Peak students, it can’t be that bad.
Benio: You foolish man, it’s because we’re Hope’s Peak students that makes this situation awful!
Kiki: Hey, he isn’t foolish! Maybe this is like…a party for the students! And we’re here early!
Benio: Girl, please! I am a PARTY PLANNER! This is absolutely, positively, totally not like any party I’ve been to!
Haruki: Alrighty, relax, relax. Benio, what can you tell us about this situation?
Haruki: [She seemed to light up, and she pulled out her clipboard.]
Benio: I am SO glad you asked! Point 1 of 56…
Haruki: [Kiki and I looked at each other. She started her list.]
Haruki: [We tried to interject, but she just scoffed everytime we said anything, and kept going.]
Haruki: [And going.]
Haruki: [And going.]
Benio: And point 56 out of 56, there is absolutely no way that-
Kiki: BENIO!
Benio: What?! This is your 6th interjection! It better be at least sort of important this time!
Kiki: Weren’t we supposed to be searching 20 minutes ago?! What the fuck did this achieve?!
Benio: You are being a foolish, ignorant-
Haruki: We’re going to go search now. Thanks, Benio. Come on, Kiki.
Haruki: [I had to practically pull Kiki away from Benio, as she kept ranting about how this was wasting her time. Benio just sarcastically smirked.]
Haruki: [I didn’t tell Kiki that her ranting was also wasting our time.]
Haruki: [Kiki and I walked over to a girl in a green crop top.]
Haruki: [The girl is stretching as she inspects the floor.]
Kiki: Hey! I like your top!
???: Oh, thanks. Your scrunchie is pretty cute too.
Kiki: Awww, thank you!
Haruki: Uhm, Hi. I’m Haruki Douzono, Ultimate Cyborg…
Haruki: [I sighed. If one person knows, everyone else will eventually.]
Haruki: And this is Kiki Gunji, Ultimate Beekeeper.
Kiki: Hey! I’m happy to bee here!
???: Cute, cute. Cyborg sounds pretty awesome, but so does beekeeper. I respect both of you. Congrats on getting in here.
Kiki: Thanks! Who might you be?
Claire: Oh, me? Claire Katz, Ultimate Cheer Captain. I’m pretty chill, I’m nothing to be afraid of.
Kiki: A Cheer Captain?! Neat! Can you show me something??
Haruki: Hey, don't put her on the spot like this-
Claire: Nah, it’s cool. Ahem…1, 2, 3!
Haruki: [She proceeded to do a toe touch, and then a move so impressive I don’t even know what it’s called.]
Haruki: [Then, she casually walks back over to Kiki and I. We both applaud.]
Claire: Hehehe, if you really want to, I could. I’m wayyy better at teaching than I am at doing.
Kiki: Great!! Totally groovy!! When can you teach me?? I’m free anytime!
Haruki: Kiki, maybe you can learn tumbling and cheering after we figure out what’s going on?
Claire: I’m with him. Sorry, Kiki.
Kiki: No, no, I get carried away, haha…
Haruki: Anyway, Claire, have you gathered any more information on our situation? Or at least, this room?
Claire: Hm…I’ve gathered that this grass is totally fake, but that’s obvious.
Claire: Oh, oh oh oh, I also found another trap. Watch this.
Haruki: [Claire pushes us both back, and taps her foot on another patch of grass. Large, metal spikes shoot out of the ground, and then, as fast as they appeared, they retract into the ground.]
Claire: This is like a horror movie. Even worse than the one with the weird puppet thingy.
Kiki: They want us dead! They just want to watch us die!!
Haruki: Who wants to watch us?
Kiki: I don’t know, the puppet thing!!
Claire: I really can’t think of any explanation for any of this…other than this all being a dream.
Haruki: [I pinch myself.]
Haruki: [Ow! No, I’m not dreaming, just making sure.]
Kiki: Thanks for the info, Claire! And when this all is sorted out, we should get a coffee!!
Claire: Or practice cheer in a non-lethal courtyard.
Kiki: Hehehe!! I look forward to it!!
Claire: Gooooo Hope’s Peak!
Haruki: [She strikes a pose, and smiles.]
Haruki: [She’s nice.]
Haruki: [Kiki and I walked over to the person wearing a large sweater.]
Haruki: Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I'm Haruki Douzono, Ultimate Cyborg, and this is Kiki Gunji, Ultimate Beekeeper.
Haruki: [I gesture to Kiki, who smiles and waves. The person just scoffs.]
???: Hi, I guess. What do you want?
Kiki: We’re introducing ourselves like Benio told us to? And investigating!!
???: This is so boringgg. Not as boring as your ultimate, though.
Kiki: Huh?! Beekeeping is REALLY cool and VERY interesting!! Keep this up and I’ll beeeat your ass!!
Haruki: [Only a few sentences in and Kiki is already threatening to beat up someone.]
Haruki: […okay, I’ll play peacemaker.]
Haruki: Hey, hey, uhm, what’s your name and ultimate?
???: Why should I tell either of you? Like, you’ll try to beat me up again.
Haruki: We promise we won’t threaten you again. Right, Kiki?
Kiki: …right…
Yukina: Hmph. I guess I can tell you now. I’m Yukina Jinno, Ultimate Cellist. I’m like…the pride of my orchestra. That goes without saying, though.
Haruki: Woah, a musician! Awesome! I did band in high school.
Yukina: Band and orchestra are not the same thing, duh.
Kiki: Quit being so rude! He just said he played an instrument!
Yukina: Yeah, but band and orchestra just aren’t the same thing at all!
Yukina: Band focuses on more wind and percussion instruments, and orchestra is string instruments.
Yukina: Orchestra is a lot more “refined” than band is, too.
Haruki: [They’re…are they making me feel bad for being a band kid?]
Haruki: Band can be refined too.
Yukina: How?
Haruki: [I didn’t think that far ahead.]
Kiki: Leave him alone, band is just as cool and fancy as orchestra is! It all depends on the piece!
Yukina: Question, what’s your favorite instrument?
Kiki: The accordion!
Haruki: The triangle.
Yukina: Okay, your opinions aren’t valid anyway.
Haruki: [They rolled their eyes.]
Yukina: Accordion? Triangle? Are you kidding me?
Yukina: Whatever, just like- this conversation is over. Talk to me when your taste in instruments isn’t so…dumb.
Yukina: [They shrug, and walk off.]
Kiki: What the hell?! What’s wrong with the accordion?!? I learned polka!!
Haruki: I don’t think that would’ve changed anything.
Kiki: Hmph!!
Haruki: [Kiki crossed her arms. I don’t blame her.]
Haruki: [Kiki and I walked over to the guy wearing big, black glasses.]
Haruki: [He was reading…the Bible. A pocket Bible.]
Kiki: Hellooo!! Whatcha reading?
???: …hm…
Haruki: [I whispered to Kiki.]
Haruki: Hey, maybe we should come back later?
Kiki: No, we already walked up here!! Maybe I just need to be louder!!
Haruki: Not too-
Haruki: [He jumped, dropping his pocket Bible.]
Haruki: [He sighed and looked at us.]
???: I was reading a passage in the Bible…keyword, was.
Kiki: Sorry, I just, didn’t know if you heard me-
Haruki: [She chuckled nervously. The guy just stared.]
Haruki: [His eyes then turned to me.]
Haruki: [He looks dazed. His eyes just look so foggy.]
Haruki: I’m Haruki Douzono, and this is Kiki Gunji.
Kiki: I’m a Beekeeper, and he’s a really awesome and high tech cyborg!
Haruki: [And I would’ve gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for you meddling beekeeper.]
???: A cyborg..? How does that work? And how are you an ultimate?
Haruki: Government.
???: Ahhhh. Makes sense.
Kiki: Who might you be??
Zempei: Oh yes, me. I’m Zempei Nakamura, Ultimate Theologian. Please, be aware I’m not a stuck-up prude as some assume.
Kiki: That’s the study of Christianity, right?? Oh! My uncle is a preacher!! Have you heard of Pastor Yoshie?
Zempei: Hm…is he tall with a handmade cane?
Kiki: That’s the guy!!!
Zempei: Oh. His sermons were average, at best. He just stared at the congregation.
Zempei: He didn’t explain the passage. It was sad, really.
Kiki: What the hell, man?!
Zempei: What? Did I say something?
Haruki: Kiki, he doesn’t understand what he did wrong. Let it go.
Kiki: BUT-
Haruki: [I gently placed my hand on Kiki’s shoulder.]
Haruki: [She looked at me in silence.]
Haruki: [It felt like a while.]
Haruki: [Then, she took a deep breath.]
Kiki: Zempei, I’m sorry for cussing you out, sorry.
Zempei: Oh, it’s fine.
Kiki: Okay, so, redo, redo redo redo…
Kiki: What do you like about theology?
Zempei: The lore.
Haruki: Lore?
Zempei: Yes. The lore.
Haruki: Isn’t that…kind of a weird way to describe the Bible.
Kiki: Oh! Sounds like a video game!! It’s very…beewildering!
Haruki: [He paused for a moment, and stared into space.]
Zempei: Ohhhhhhhh. Bee. Beekeeper. Funny.
Kiki: I’m glad you got it!!
Zempei: Anyway, I call it lore since…
Zempei: …I’m not religious. I just adore the study of Christianity.
Kiki: Ohhh, okay!! That’s pretty cool!! What’s your favorite character?
Zempei: I like Adam and Eve, they basically started it all.
Haruki: [Is the Bible a video game?]
Haruki: Have you discovered anything yet?
Zempei: Let me see…ah! Direct your attention to the wall.
Haruki: [He touches a certain part of the wall, and-]
Haruki: [Under our feet, what looked like hundreds of black widows came out from the place he touched the wall.]
Zempei: Calm down, and watch.
Haruki: [He very calmly walks over to where the fire trap door is, and stands on it.]
Haruki: [All the black widows are following him, and as soon as he steps off the trap door, all of them fall into the fire pit.]
Kiki: Woah!! Are you sure you aren’t the Ultimate Animal Whisperer?! That was insane!!
Zempei: I’m not sure, I just walked and they followed. I feel like Jesus leading his Disciples.
Kiki: Yea- HOLD ON!!
Haruki: Wha- AH!
Haruki: [Before I could even think, Kiki slapped my face. She wiped her hand off on her skirt.]
Haruki: [She’s stronger than she looks- ow, ow ow ow!]
Kiki: I’m sorry! There was one on your face!! I didn’t want you to get bit!! And I promise I’d defend you!!!
Zempei: I suppose I’ll leave you all to it. A pleasure meeting you.
Zempei: Cough…hm. I wonder what I was saying…oh well. See you.
Haruki: [And with that, he walked off.]
Haruki: [Kiki held my cheek-]
Haruki: […]
Kiki: …
Haruki: …
Haruki: I’m…okay.
Kiki: Yeah…yeah that’s good.
Kiki: YEAH!!
Haruki: [Kiki and I walk over to a very tall guy and a girl with a long French braid.]
Haruki: […the same girl with a pocket full of teeth.]
???: N-No, please, I don’t n-need anymore, thanks…
???: Please, I insist. They’re my best teeth. They top my tier list.
???: Tierlist?! You’re s-so weird! That’s g-gross-!
???: I am a dentist. It makes sense.
Haruki: [After…whatever that was, the girl noticed Kiki and I standing there.]
Haruki: [This is going to sound so mean, but she radiates crazy vibes]
Kiki: Hi!! We’re…we’re ultimates too.
Haruki: [If Kiki was timid, then I couldn’t be the only one who thought she was kinda spooky.]
???: You seem scared. I can’t imagine why, hehehe.
???: I sure can!
Haruki: Er- I’m Haruki Douzono, the Ultimate Cyborg, and this is Kiki Gunji, the Ultimate Beekeeper.
Kiki: I beelieve we’ll be great friends!!
Haruki: [Didn't she already use that one?]
???: Cyborg? What t-the hell is that? It sounds l-like a sci-fi movie.
Haruki: I know, I know. It’s just how it is. The government helped me in here.
???: Eito, that was quite rude of you, no need to be so mean.
???: And I can use you being a cyborg to my advantage, hehehe.
Kiki: No you won’t, at least, you won’t until you introduce yourself!!
Chinatsu: Where are my manners? I’m Chinatsu Reni, Ultimate Dentist. You can also call me Ms. Reni. Trust me, I always have great ideas.
Kiki: Is that why you were talking about teeth earlier??
Haruki: [The tall man makes a frantic “stop talking” motion.]
Haruki: [Unfortunately, Kiki didn’t notice.]
Chinatsu: Yes. Teeth, I love teeth. They’re so strange.
Chinatsu: All so different, yet so simple.
Chinatsu: They’re all a piece of art, which is why I fill my pockets with them at all times.
Haruki & Kiki: You what-?
???: I t-tried to warn you.
Haruki: [He crossed his arms and watched as Chinatsu reached into her pockets.]
Haruki: [When her hands resurfaced, there were…animal teeth in both hands.]
Chinatsu: Go ahead, take some. As a gift for our meeting.
Kiki: I mean- I’m good!! I like your bear and deer teeth, though!!
Haruki: Yeah, no thanks.
Chinatsu: You recognize these teeth? Impressive!!
Chinatsu: Let’s talk about animal teeth.
Haruki: [Kiki looked rather intimidated as Chinatsu got closer.]
Haruki: [Oh, I have an idea.]
Haruki: [I pointed towards the tall guy.]
Haruki: What’s your name and ultimate?
???: E-Eep- dammit, I thought you’d forgotten a-about me.
Kiki: Yeah! Let’s talk about you now!!
Kiki: And never think about teeth again!!
Chinatsu: Awww…
Chinatsu: But let’s talk about my sweet Chimura.
???: I j-just met you, weird girl!
Eito: Ugh…I’m Eito Chimura…Ultimate E-Electrician or something! Who c-cares! I don’t!
Chinatsu: He’s a bit unhappy with his ultiamte.
Eito: SHH!
Kiki: It's nice to meet you!! I like your belt!!
Eito: Y-You’re lying to me, rude.
Haruki: She’s being genuine.
Kiki: What Haruki said!!
Eito: Oh, then…then t-thanks.
Haruki: [He put up a strong front, but he smiled to himself.]
Haruki: [He’s just a big softie.]
Chinatsu: You should listen to his little stutter. It’s adorable.
Kiki: Okay, okay, we’ll stop talking about you.
Kiki: Didja to manage to find any traps or anything??
Eito: The only scary thing I found h-here was Chinatsu.
Chinatsu: Awww, you flatter me, Chimura.
Haruki: Alright, well be careful, guys.
Kiki: Wait!! Eito, you’re an electrician, right??
Eito: Yeah.
Kiki: Could you try to check the wiring of how these trap doors work??
Eito: …they’re trap doors. Pressure system.
Eito: I mean, c-come on.
Haruki: Hey, leave her be. She just asked a question.
Kiki: It’s okay, Haruki, I sounded kinda dumb-
Haruki: No, you didn’t.
Haruki: Quit being a jerk.
Eito: I didn’t m-mean to be…s-sorry…
Chinatsu: You leave Chimura alone!
Haruki: You made Kiki-
Haruki: [Kiki grabbed my hand and dragged me away before I said anything else.]
Haruki: […I don’t know what came over me. And he waning even being that rude.]
Kiki: Haruki, thanks for standing up for me, but-
Kiki: I just really wanted to get away from that dentist!! She scared me!!
Haruki: …oh, sorry.
Haruki: [Oops.]
Haruki: [Kiki and I walk over to the guy with the riding crop.]
???: Ahahaha! Success!
Haruki: [He seemed to be having a great time.]
Haruki: [Doing what? No idea.]
Kiki: Heyyyyy!! Whatcha up to?
Haruki: [He whipped around with a terrible, wicked smile on his face.]
???: Ohhhhh, you’ll see, you beautiful beekeeper and sexy cyborg!
Haruki: …huh?
Haruki: [Before I had time to process what he said, he stomped on the ground.]
Haruki: [Where he stomped seemed to have triggered something!]
Kiki: Look!! Murder hornets!! Get-
???: Ah ah ahhhh! Watch and learn!
Haruki: [As the hornets raced towards us, he simply pointed his riding crop at them.]
Haruki: [As if magic, one Hornets flew to the ground below, “planning” their attack.]
???: In three…two…one!
Haruki: [The moment he said one…doors below the hornets opened, sending them into the fiery pit we saw earlier.]
Haruki: […woah.]
Kiki: That was…
???: What a fun way of saying hello, beekeeper.
???: Sighhh, your temper really is short from what I’ve seen, hehehe!
Haruki: Kiki, he’s too stubborn, I can tell.
???: Listen to your friend, Kiki, darling.
Kiki: Hmph! Fine!
???: Gooood, I’m sorry for souring my introduction, though.
Kiki: It was soured the moment you sp-
Haruki: Kiki.
Haruki: [I don’t mean to be rude to her, but she really needs to check her temper.]
Haruki: [If we start fights with everyone here, then I’ll really have to master my cybernetic powers.]
Haruki: [Because we’ll have to be fighting off an angry mob.]
Tomoki: I suppose it’s my turn to have a moment. I am the one, the only, Tomoki Ebihara! Ultimate Unlucky Student! Make sure to stay on my good side, or something…unfortunate might happen to you, hahaha!
Haruki: Unlucky Student? How is that an ultimate!
Haruki: [He laughed and put his arm around my shoulder.]
Haruki: [I looked to Kiki for help. She smiled.]
Haruki: [Okay, this is my karma for telling her to be quiet.]
Tomoki: Haruki, my man, my dear, my sweet cyborg-
Haruki: Stop calling me sweet cyborg, that’s not a core part of who I a-
Tomoki: Right, sweet cyborg. I’ve honed my craft over many, many years!
Tomoki: I can turn my misfortune off of myself onto others!
Tomoki: Which is how I demolished that hornet colony!
Tomoki: Fascinating stuff, no?
Haruki: You sound like a sadist.
Kiki: And a bug squasher!
Tomoki: Hmhmhm, bite your tongue and count to ten or my wrath shall be upon youuuu!
Haruki: [Kiki and I both looked at each other, and silently agreed.]
Haruki: [This guy is nuts, crazy, and quite possibly, bananas.]
Tomoki: Good! Good! I’m glad you all can keep your mouths shut!
Kiki: Only because we were left speechless…
Tomoki: Awww, it’s okay, dear.
Haruki: [He set his hand on Kiki’s shoulder.]
Tomoki: Many people are left speechless by my handsome face and grand power!
Kiki: …okay, I’m done with this, Haruki, let’s bounce.
Haruki: Agreed.
Tomoki: Leaving? So soon? A pity! I was starting to become friends with you!
Tomoki: Also, watch out on your left in three, two, o-
Haruki: [I shoved Kiki out of the way of a random, flaming rock.]
Haruki: [Seriously, this guy is insane!]
Tomoki: Ohhhh well. Bye byeeee! Have a fun time! Love you, sweet cyborg!
Haruki: Kiki, walk faster, walk faster!
Kiki: You don’t have to tell me twice!!
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depressed-sock · 1 year
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bthb: Attacked in their sleep with MacCready from Fallout
Tw: Typical Fallout Violence
Sorry this took awhile lol
MacCready doesn’t usually travel alone these days. There’s no need for it. Not when there’s always someone else on hand willing to go with you. Lending a hand or gun for whatever it is you’re heading out to do. Usually, it’s MacCready lending that extra gun to Sole or whoever in their little group needs it.
Today is different. Sole is off with Preston checking on their settlements, making sure everyone’s got what they need to survive. So they’re nowhere near Sanctuary when one of their Minutemen approaches MacCready with a nervous shift in their steps. He’s sure he wasn’t exactly their first choice but he’s the only one of Sole’s main group still here. Everyone else has already left for the month, going to check in at their usual haunts.
MacCready had just finished packing and was a foot out the door himself, getting ready to check back in at Goodneighbor for any new mail that might have come through. Only to find himself stopped by the figure about a foot smaller than him.
They stand in front of him, their hat tilted just enough to shade their eyes from the sun, and so that they don’t have to look him in the eyes. He waits, they shift nervously from one foot to another, he raises an eyebrow.
They’re quiet a few more seconds before finally they speak in a rush, voice cracking, “Mr. MacCready? Uhm, you’re headed down towards Goodneighbor, right? The Mechanic friend of the General’s finished that fancy radio and it needs to be delivered to the Castle. Uhm, I would’ve asked the General to pick it up but they’re nowhere near here. And I guess I did ask them but they said to just send it with the Caravan but that wouldn’t get there around the same time as them. ” They stop for a second to pull in another breath to continue but MacCready just holds his hand up to stop the barrage of information.
They’re definitely a kid now that he looks at them, possibly a few years shy of eighteen. They tilt their head up, hat moved just enough so that he can see them watching him nervously. “You want me to deliver something to the Castle?” He asks patiently.
They sigh in relief as he says it before nodding their head rigorously, “It’s important and I’d send it off with one of the Caravans like the General said but they’ve got a route to follow so they wouldn’t be there until a week after the General had already passed through. But a person who's just traveling could make it there in a day or two.”
MacCready scratches his chin a bit, thinking about it. He could stop by Goodneighbor, stay the night, maybe pick up Cait or Hancock if they’re there, and then set out for the Castle. That route would be the hardest part of the journey because despite the new patrols the super mutants were definitely still a problem he didn’t want to deal with alone.
“Yeah, I could do that. Sole- The General is supposed to be at the Castle right now?”
“Either there right now or at least in the next few days according to what I’ve been told.”
He nods his head. He can hold up on meeting with Daisy for a few more days. It’s not like he’s waiting for any urgent news now that Duncan’s stable. “Right, I’ll meet them there then. Where’s the thing you want me to deliver?”
He doesn’t think he’s ever seen anyone look so relieved before in his life, they dig through their bag pulling out a carefully wrapped package before handing it to him. “We’ve got two radios but we’d prefer it if you just be really careful with this one. I’m sure the mechanic could make a copy with the scrap laying around but really please make sure it gets there in one piece.”
He rolls his eyes, taking it and gently shoving it into his pack, right between his clothes. “Not my first time delivering something kid. This’ll be easy.”
They nod their head again, stopping only when they seem to be getting just a few times shy of dizzy. “Sure! Just, still, please be careful.”
He chuckles, waving them off as he pulls the strap of his pack onto his shoulder. Starting his way down the road and away from Sanctuary.
“Oh it’ll be easy, what a load of crap. Mother fucking-” He curses under his breath as he dodges into a building. Crouching low in hopes of avoiding the super mutants making their way down the street. He’s still nowhere near Goodneighbor having already taken a few detours to avoid a heavily armed group of raiders and a patrolling group of fucking synths.
Needless to say, his luck has been absolute shi- crap. Enough that he’s broken his no-cussing rule about a dozen times over in these last few hours alone. Sorry, Duncan.
The stomping grows closer, and he decides maybe he’s better off getting to higher ground. Quietly as he can, he sneaks slowly across the floor. Eyes shifting back and forth to the broken windows of the building and to where he’s stepping. Trying to carefully watch out for anything that might make a sound if he stepped on it.
When he finally gets to the stairs he weighs his options. There’s a high possibility that no matter what he does, walking on those steps are going to make them creak. Going slow might be worse if the mutants decide to barge in to find the source that noise. He breathes in once, licking dried lips before he runs quickly up to the next floor. Skipping a few steps at a time to hopefully limit the noise.
He holds his breath when he reaches the top. Stopping for a moment as he listens for the mutants. They’re still walking at their usual pace, not noticeably slowed or hurried. He breathes out a sigh of relief, assuming they must not have noticed any movement in the building.
Listening as they walk past, loudly yelling at each other before their voices start to grow a bit more distant. Then he takes the final set of stairs to the third floor, going slower and keeping as quiet as possible. Just the quick glance around as he navigates the building says this place has been long abandoned. With a layer of dust suggesting it hasn’t been reclaimed by anything else in the wasteland in a long while.
MacCready makes his way to an old apartment room with a view of the street. Peaking out the window, he watches as the super mutants make their way further down the road, heading towards what he assumes is their current base a few more streets down. He could try to continue his way to Goodneighbor. Could take the risk of the night, it’ll give him better cover to sneak around but it’ll give more than just him cover. The last thing he needs is to accidentally stumble across any more mutants or raiders.
He looks around the room he’s in, pretty well fortified all things considered. A sparsely decorated bedroom, with a bed and a few dressers. All four walls are intact and the roof has no holes in it. The windows are cracked but he doubts anything would climb up to the third floor to get him. If he blocks off the doorway anything that might be alive anywhere else in the building shouldn’t be able to get to him. At least not without alerting him to their presence.
He doesn’t even have to sleep, just wait until daybreak then make a run for Goodneighbor.
He can still hear the mutants walking down the road. Voices and steps slowly growing more and more distant. Fuc- Fudge it. He may as well get some rest while he can.
So he waits until he can’t see or hear them anymore, then he waits a few minutes longer just to be sure. Then he slides his bag off, setting it in the corner nearest to the window and farthest from the door. Moving back to the door, closing and testing the lock to find that it works. Then just in case he also moves one of the dressers in front of it. Wincing as it screeches loudly as he pushes it along the wooden floor.
He pauses afterward, keeping an ear out for any possible movement in the building or streets below. There’s only silence to greet him. He sighs, unslinging his rifle from his shoulder before returning to that spot in the corner. He slides against the wall and onto his ass, rifle in hand. He’ll stay awake for most of the night, maybe catch a couple of hours of sleep before dawn. It’ll be fine. Everything will be fine.
He doesn’t know when he nods off to sleep. Only that one moment he can feel himself start to drift off, his eyes closing of their own accord and the next he’s being grabbed and bodily thrown across the room. He tries to rush back to his senses, to get some awareness of the situation.
There’s a low guttural growl that sends a spike of familiar fear as a figure lands on him. He’s trying to scramble to escape as fingers claw at him, and forces him to raise his arms to defend against the assault. Somewhere in his brain, he’s registered that it’s a ghoul that’s trying to rip into him. MacCready can feel himself panicking, falling into that familiar fear as he tries to get the ghoul off of him.
He barely manages to bite back a scream as its jaw latches onto his sleeved arm. The pressure is enough that it could easily rip a chunk out if it weren’t for the coat that is just barely protecting him from it breaking into his skin.
The ghoul is distracted as it tries to chew through his arm and he uses the chance to have his free hand to feel his thigh for the knife strapped to it. Grabbing it and pulling it free just as the ghoul shakes its head like a dog trying to tear apart the meat in its mouth. He grits his teeth, a wounded sound still escaping despite his best efforts.
Which only seems to entice the ghoul further, its hands now trying to rip and tear into his face, one swipe, in particular, leaves him wincing, trying to rear back from the assault. He kicks out trying to dislodge the ghoul just enough so that maybe he can get a clear shot to stab it. But it’s heavier than he expected, barely getting it to move an inch as it continues to attack.
The ghoul’s mouth dropping his arm and now trying for his face. MacCready holds it back with his injured arm, bringing his other up to help, knife still in hand. Gritting his teeth as it pushes further and further down. Rancid breath in his face and drool pooling on his cheek. He twists the knife around pointing the sharp end towards the ghoul’s neck. He sucks in a breath.
Then he stops fighting it. Letting its own weight and strength push the knife through its neck and into its spine.
It falls onto him, still and silent. He quickly pushes it off, coughing as he breathes through the panic still running through his chest. He grabs the knife yanking it free and then he stabs it into the ghoul’s skull over and over again. Until all that’s left is mush, until his breathing finally slows and his heart feels less like it’s going to jump out of his chest.
Then he drops the knife, scooting far enough away from the body that he can curl up into his knees, head hidden as he rocks back and forth and tries not to think about what just happened. He’s still shaking, still reliving what just happened as another scene plays in his head. He knows he needs to move. To check where he went wrong and see if there’s still more around that he needs to worry about.
He breathes in, holding his breath for a second. Then he shakily releases it. MacCready looks up, eyeing the room in the dim moonlight. Nothing has budged the dresser or door. Nothing has broken the windows further and he’s pretty sure he would have heard it if the ghoul had attempted any of those options. That leaves… He peers under the bed, seeing a pooling of blood and other excrement beneath, and silently curses himself.
He hadn’t noticed the smell. All these old buildings around here smell off like this. Of blood and decay. What’s worse though is that he forgot to do a thorough check of the room. Didn’t even bother to. It must have just been fucking lying under the bed this entire time and came out when it finally got hungry enough too.
His hands shake as he pushes himself to stand, stepping near the ghoul only to grab his knife, wiping it off on his pants before placing it back in its sheath. Then he makes his way back to the window and grabs his gun that had been tossed to the side. He sits, checks the bullets, places that safety off, and waits for sunrise. Now fully and utterly awake.
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