#i'll add the angst tag just so you guys don't @ me
egeos · 11 days
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egeos' hulknussen fic recommendations
so, you've heard of haasbands somewhere on tumblr, or maybe instagram, twitter; and want to know what it's all about. here's a list of fics I'd recommend!
I will be referencing the "eras" I divided their meta & fandom history into in my post "a brief look at the history of hulknussen on ao3". you can disregard the eras headlines if you don't care about when the fics are from, but if you have a preference towards one or more of the eras you can use the headlines to navigate.
if you don't feel like scrolling on tumblr, I have organized my bookmarks on ao3 to reflect this post (with some non hulknussen fics rec'd that you can filter out). the bookmarker's tags will include what era a fic falls into so you can filter according to that, as well. fics with a * to them are favourites of favourites. if you could only read a few, these are the ones I would absolutely tell you to read.
disclaimer: I tried my best to only link to fics of authors that were fine with having them referenced elsewhere. if the A/N of a work stated that they did not want the fic to be shared outside of ao3 I did not include it here. if I could find the author's tumblr I took that as a general "fine to link to". if your fic is on this list and I did not link to your tumblr it's because I couldn't find it at first glance; lmk and I'll happily add it! if your fic is on this list and you want it removed you can also let me know anytime, anywhere (even ao3 comments of an unrelated fic) and I'll remove it no questions asked.
hulknussen era: 2014-2017
SERIES: Effortless by F1_Rabbit / @f1rabbit rated g, nawa, total wc of 3.6k nico and kevin comforting each other and getting together —Sleepless, Powerless, Restless
—Up close and personal* by zeraparker / @zeraparker rated m, nawa, oneshot, 1.5k words nico and kevin celebrate nico's le mans win together
"suck my balls" era: 2017-2022
—suck my balls, honey by Pericardiaca / @iishmael rated e, nawa, oneshot, 2.7k words make up sex after hungary
—Relax into my touch, honey by wafflesandpancakes rated e, ccntw, oneshot, 2.5k words nico has a bad race in in germany and kevin comforts him (smut included)
—Not only my language is bi by wafflesandpancakes rated e, ccntw, oneshot, 2.1k words character study ish, mild angst with semi graphic smut. nico has just lost out on the renault and the haas seat (2019) and doesnt know what the future holds for him.
—suck my balls, honey by lewisshamilton / @lewisshamilton rated e, ccntw, 3/3, 11.1k words part of a youtuber au series, but you do not need to read it to get this. the summary calls it "[...] three times Hulk swore himself to not sleep with Kevin again and three times he failed miserably" which pretty much sums it up.
—Polonium* by Anonymous rated t, nawa, oneshot, 1.4k words nico losing his seat leads to kevin and nico's break up. kevin spends the winter break grieving the relationship. angst galore (very good)
—det vil ikke blive nemt men det vil blive det hele værd by wafflesandpancakes rated e, ccntw, oneshot, 3.3k words au; nico is at a business party in denmark, kevin celebrating his graduation. they get to know each other ft smut at the end
—we drift and we call it dreaming* by bottasvaltteri / @bottasvaltteri rated t, nawa, oneshot, 3.3k words kevin runs a tattoo shop with nico as his employee and boyfriend. everything is great, except there is a fantasy world in his head where he drives fast cars and pretends to dislike nico. magical realism and memory loss
—I'm Gonna Turn This Car Around by FunkyinFishnet / @dinomighty rated t, nawa, oneshot, 3.6k words nico somehow ends up giving out relationship advice to the younger guys on the grid, except they always ask for advice when him and kevin are busy. funny and light hearted with background maxiel
enemies-to-lovers era: 2022-2023
—i wanna feel your sugar in my veins by dilftoevsky rated e, ccntw, oneshot, 2.6k words written in '22 but set in '23, au where they didn't make up but still fuck (pwp)
—Sidelined* by degenercurve130R / @silverslipstream rated t, ccntw, oneshot, 3.4k words character study ish, written in '23 but takes place in '21 & '17. both kevin and nico are out of a seat and meet up to drown their feelings about it in beer.
—Full Disclosure, Don't Get Closer* by Anonymous rated m, nawa, oneshot, 1.1k words they're friends/teammates with benefits and kevin feels some things about it
haasbands era: 2024-onwards
—The First Of The Season* by Anonymous rated e, nawa, 1/2, 4.8k words first time/hooking up, lots of chemistry between them, smut later in the first chapter. ongoing, so can't speak on ch2, but would 100% still rec this if it was left unfinished forever or got uploaded as a oneshot
—i love winning, baby, i want it all by flowersarepoisonous / @flowersarepoisonous rated t, nawa, oneshot, 1.2k words written in '24, set in '26. they're both with audi and nico wins his first race. celebrations follow
—baby, why don't you come over? (red wine supernova) by flowersarepoisonous / @flowersarepoisonous rated m, nawa, 1/4, 4k words ongoing, so I can't sum it completely. tags are "fuckbuddies to lovers" and "getting together" which should give you a good feel. spans multiple seasons
—bleuler by cfd rated m, ccntw, oneshot, 3.5k words different scenes of pillow talk centering mental health issues nico has (in this fic not irl) and how they impact the relationship between kevin and nico. warning for implied psychosis, angst
—kevin magnussen? more like kevin wagnussen by flowersarepoisonous / @flowersarepoisonous rated g, nawa, oneshot, 2.5k words kevin gets a race ban for baku and shows up as nico's wag. social media au/outsider pov, fluff, humour
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thinkinonsense · 1 month
Eat or Be Eaten ✦ Steve Harrington x fem!oc: S1: The Vanishing of Will Byers.
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╰┈➤ Summary: In the dark corners of Hawkins, Indiana holds the gate to an alternate upside-down dimension. When a little boy goes missing in the town, Johanna Hopper and her friends gather to help find him before it's too late. Along the way, Johanna finds herself getting intertwined with the likings of a strange little girl and someone she claims to hate.
╰┈➤c/w: violence, cursing, angst, mentions of death
╰┈➤ word count: 2k+
╰┈➤a/n: I posted this completed fic on wattpad, but I thought I would post it here too. If you want to be added to the future tags list, comment on this, and I'll add you. Hope everyone enjoys :)
╰┈➤next chapter here
• November Seventh, Nineteen Eighty-Three
✦ Monday mornings were truly hellish. Classes felt longer yet, the rest of the day ran shorter. Your car takes forever to warm up, even after you kick the tires and curse at it. Some mornings the only thing getting you out of bed are your friends or the coffee sitting in the kitchen, waiting for you long after your father made it an hour ago.
This morning, it was the coffee.
"Johanna? Are you even listening?" The voice snaps me back into reality.
"Hm?" I blink at my shorter, curly-haired friend.
"Did you hear what I said?"
No, I did not.
"Yeah." I nod, removing the rim of my coffee lid from my lips. "You said, 'Something, Something, Steve this, Steve that, Something'."
The taller, red-headed girl beside me tried her hardest not to laugh at my comment but a small giggle escaped her. Meanwhile, my eyes flash around the hallway and past the parking lot doors, waiting for someone else this morning.
"I didn't say that."
"But I was close though? Right, Nance?"
She rolls her eyes playfully and shuts her locker. Just past her head, I spot Steve Harrington and his obnoxious friends approaching us.
"Morning ladies," Steve says, while only looking at Nancy.
Without much care, I lifted my cup over my mouth again when Barb looked at me, I put my finger in my mouth, pretending to gag at the scene. Nancy, Barbra, and I have been friends since fifth grade, so it's fair to say we know each other well.
"Someone looks jealous." Tommy H laughed, watching Barb and I.
"Not jealous per-say. Disgusted? Definitely." Barb shoves my rib softly, causing me to add. "No offense, Wheeler."
Apparently, that ruffled a few feathers but luckily, the bell for the first period rang and I could make a swift exit. As I walked into the classroom, I saw that most students were still waiting for Mrs. Young. Following in shortly behind me was Steve and Carol, Tommy's girlfriend, who is possibly the most annoying person I have ever met.
Steve sits in his seat right in front of me, blocking my entire view of the board with his immense hair. Ever since Nance developed this crush on him, I soon realized that he would be around regardless of whether or not I wanted him to be.
"Hey, did Nance tell you about tonight?" He asks, twisted in his chair to talk to me.
As I try to recall anything Nancy said this morning, I lick the bitter coffee residue off my lips.
"What's tonight?"
"I invited you guys over. It's a small get-together."
"Sounds like a party."
"Well, don't rat us out to your dad and maybe it can be." He smirks, trying to charm me.
"Actually I think he would enjoy a little party."
Steve rolls his eyes and then sighs, turning around in his chair when Mrs. Young walks into the room.
For as long as I have known Steve Harrington, he's been an entitled, silver-spoon-fed jerk. It wasn't until he learned that Nancy liked him that now he is trying to be a little less of a douchebag.
But still a douchebag, nonetheless.
After fifth period, on my way back to my locker, I saw Barb waiting for me. Just a few feet away stood Steve and Nance at Steve's locker, making heart eyes at each other and tripping over their words.
"What's with the long look, red?" I ask, nudging Barb's arm while I unlock my locker.
"Nothing it's..." She sighs, debating on if she should say what she's thinking. "It's just that Nance is so obsessed with Steve."
That might sound rash but lately, it seems like all Nancy ever wants to talk about is Steve.
"Yeah, like this past weekend when we were out shopping, all she only cared about finding a new sweater that Steve would like."
"Exactly! I mean, I get that but..."
Barb's voice started to fade into a void while we were heading to Nancy's locker because, in the teacher's lounge, I heard someone say my dad's name, making me stop dead in my tracks.
"Did you hear that Chief Hopper is looking for that Byers kid? Apparently, he didn't make it home last night."
Byers kid? Was it Jonathan or Will? Is that why Jonathan's not here? It has to be.
"Johanna, where are you-?"
"I gotta go! I'll see you later!"
I turned around and ran out the back doors to my car. Tapping my thumbs on my wheel, anxiously while I sped over to Jonathan's house.
There were so many questions but I was too afraid to know the answers. Jonathan's car was parked outside but Joyce's car was missing.
"Jonathan!" I shouted, knocking on the wooden door.
"Who is it-"
The door opened and I sprung myself onto him, hugging him tightly. He was stiff until he realized it was me, relaxing into the hug.
"Dude! You scared the shit out of me! I thought, thought that..." I mumbled into his neck.
"It's Will."
My heart plummeted; to my stomach as I pulled away to look at him. Wet tears still stained his cheeks.
"He's missing."
We went back to Jonathan's room. A song by The Smiths played when we walked in. He turned it down and we both slumped down on his bed.
I could not believe it. Will was the quietest and sweetest little boy, how could he have just disappeared?
"Last night, he was supposed to bike home from Mike's house-"
"Nancy's little brother?"
Mike, Will, and their two other friends were quite a few years younger than us. Seventh graders to be specific.
"Yeah. He and Mike play Dungeons and Dragons with two of their other friends, Lucas and Dustin."
"Okay, then what happened?"
"I'm not sure. For some reason, Will didn't come home last night and we haven't seen him this morning." He sighed. "My mom's downtown talking with your dad about it."
"Well, somehow people are starting to find out."
"Who told you?"
"No one. I overheard some teachers talking about it at lunch."
Jonathan nodded then rested his head on my shoulder. I know he would never ask me this but I am sure he's wondering if this is how I felt when my younger sister, Sarah passed away.
Our parents have known each other since high school but it wasn't until Sarah passed and my mom left that I grew close with Jonathan. Sure, we had met before or gone to the other's birthday parties but once we hit middle school, we started to hang out together.
We listened to The Smiths' whole album in silence; just sitting together. Neither of us said anything until we heard Joyce's car pull into the driveway.
"Oh, Johanna!" Joyce jumped when she saw me in the hallway with Jonathan. "I was just with your father... Did he... Did he tell you about..?"
"No, Jonathan did," I answered. We knew it was best not to tell Joyce that the news was being spread already. "Is there anything I can do to help out?"
"No, sweetie," Joyce says, lighting a cigarette; and taking a seat at their table. "If you hear anything from your dad, let us know."
I nod before saying goodbye to them.
The house was hollow when I returned. Most nights it was like this, Dad would work late at the station and I would be here alone. It was different when I was growing up. Don't get me wrong, I love my dad. We've had our fair share of bumpy roads behind us but now, we only have each other.
In the kitchen, the phone began to ring.
"Hello?" I answered, leaning against the fridge.
"Johanna..." Nance practically sings into the phone.
"Yes, Wheeler?"
"I need a favor."
"What favor?"
I already knew what she wanted. Nancy likely already called Barb and wants her to come with her to Steve's house.
"Will you come with Barb and me to Steve's house?"
"Harrington house? On a school night?" I say teasingly. "Wheeler, you rebel."
"C'mon, Johanna." She whined. "Please."
"I'm the daughter of the Chief, remember? They don't want me there."
"Steve does!"
I roll my eyes, popping a candy cane into my mouth.
"Yeah, so he can get into your pants."
She hesitates then says, "That's not true!"
"Sorry, Nance. Try and drown Carol for me."
And with that, she hung up.
The following morning, I waited by Barb's locker for fifteen minutes before the bell for first period rang and I realized, she wasn't there. It wasn't like her to miss school.
After fourth period, I finally ran into Nance in the girls' bathroom.
"Hey! Have you seen, Barb?" Nancy asked me.
"No, she wasn't in third," I answered her.
"She wasn't in homeroom either. I asked around and no one else has seen her today."
"Did you ask anyone from her band class?"
"No." She shakes her head. "I haven't seen her since We got to Steve's house last night then she just left."
"Without you?"
That was hard to believe, they are basically attached at the hip. Barb and I are close but they were on a whole other level.
"I went upstairs with Steve for a few minutes, then when I came back down she was gone."
I could understand why she would have left, especially if Nancy went upstairs with Harrington 'for a few minutes'.
"Try calling her house and I'll check the library."
Nancy nodded and we split up. The library was practically empty so even though I knew she wasn't in here, I still checked. On my way back to the courtyard, I ran into one of Barb's friends from band, Robin.
No, literally, I ran into her.
"Ouch! Where did you even come from?" She groaned, holding her shoulder.
"Sorry! Have you seen Barb today?" I asked her.
"Um, no but I'm heading to band practice so, I can let you..."
My brain tuned Robin's voice out because just right behind her head, across the parking lot, I saw Steve drop Jonathan's camera on the cement.
"I gotta go! Thanks!" I yelled before running away.
When I arrived, Steve and his friends were walking back inside with Nancy, leaving Jonathan to pick everything up.
"Nance!" I yelled, hoping she would stay.
"Sorry." She mouthed, following Steve back to the school.
Ripped photographs were lying there too. It didn't take a genius to figure out what these were of. One half-ripened photo of Nancy's naked back with Steve's bedroom walls in the background was under my foot.
"I swear I didn't mean to take those," Jonathan explained. "I was looking for Will last night and-"
"I believe you."
We picked up everything that we could of the camera pieces. That camera meant so much to him and it wasn't a cheap one either. Joyce worked many hours and saved up to get that for his birthday.
Jonathan left afterward, mumbling something about visiting his dad. Angrily, I went back to the school. Originally, I was looking for Nancy, but instead, I found Steve in the gymnasium.
"Harrington!" I yelled, causing all of the basketball players to stop their game and look over.
Reluctantly, he followed me out to the empty hallway.
"What?" He says, trying to come off as pissed.
"What the hell is your issue?" I hissed.
"Right now, it's you."
Is he joking right now? He has to be.
"I have no issue punching that so-called pretty face, Harrington. So, tread lightly." I glare, stepping forward.
The cocky look on his face made me even angrier. I've tried to give him the benefit of the doubt since Nance likes him but I have had it with him.
"That's because Daddy and his buddies down at the station wouldn't dare put cuffs on you." He says, leaning down a little in an attempt to intimidate me.
"Whatever." I scoff, turning around to leave. A larger hand reaches for my wrists, stopping me.
"Tell that little perv to stay away from Nance."
Without hesitation, I lifted my foot and kicked him in the shin. He cussed me out as he hunched over to rub the skin. I bent down enough to be leveled with his ear.
"Don't touch me."
I didn't expect to see my dad tonight so I made myself a snack before work. Forgetting dinner altogether. My vest sat on the couch while I looked around for the name tag. That's when the phone rang.
"Hello?" I answered, pulling the cord all the way to my room.
"Johanna? Hey, it's Nance."
"Hey, I can't talk for long. I have to work tonight. What's up?"
"I called Barb's house but her mom said she doesn't know where she is."
Shit. I tuned out most of what Nancy was saying after that. My heart started pounding in my chest, Will and Barb? Both missing?
"...So, can you try and talk to your dad? Maybe he can find something out."
"Um, yeah. I'll talk to him the next time I see him."
I hung up and raced to the station, forgetting the name tag completely at this point. The police station was fifteen minutes away, and I made it there in under ten.
"Donna! I need to talk to my father!" I told her as soon as I walked in.
"He's not here, honey." She said, not even looking up at me from her desk.
"It's urgent."
"Then file a police report."
Half of me was tempted to jump the counter instead, I walked back to my dad's office to see if he was back there still. Donna was right, he was already gone.
"He's out looking for the Byers boy. I can leave a message." She sighs, following me in here.
"Never mind. I'll talk to him later at home." I huffed, storming out.
"You really are his daughter." She scoffed.
I know, I shouldn't have acted that way but I couldn't help it. Barb was missing and I needed to tell him as soon as possible.
The car was freezing the rest of the way to work. Stupid heat was going out again. When I arrived at work, I got out and hit my tires, mumbling curse words under my breath at it.
"Do you need some help?" The voice startled me.
"No, thanks," I said, turning around. "Robin?"
"Yeah." She laughed, throwing it in the bin.
"You're working here now?"
"Looks like it."
It would be nice to have another girl working here with me. Right now it's only me, Keith, and Nick.
"Did they seriously make you take the trash out in the snow?" I asked, joining her by the dumpster to help her lift the bags.
"Yeah." She laughs, tossing another in.
We laughed together and headed back into the theater.
"Theater Two, on the left. Enjoy your movie." My voice was flat like the Coca-Cola Robin dispensed into the cups.
"Did you see Barb at band practice today? After I talked to you?" I asked her after everyone else in the lobby left.
"No. Is everything okay?" Her back was still turned, filling up the popcorn machine again.
"Yeah, I just haven't heard from her."
Robin nodded her head but didn't say much after. Keith called her to his office, leaving me in the lobby for a few minutes. I didn't want to lie to her but, I wasn't sure if my hunch was right.
Nick comes up behind me, making me jump.
"Dude, you scared me," I said, noticing the seriousness in his face.
There's this dreaded look on Nick's face even though he's avoiding my eyes.
"The cops... um, they found the Byers boy... he didn't make it."
This had to be fake.
Yet, it felt so real.
The following few minutes were hazy. I grabbed my keys and ran out to the parking lot. Robin said something about covering my last few hours for me.
All those years that I mourned a sister I barely got to know, came hurling back at me but only worse because I knew Will. The summers I spent babysitting him, hanging out with him and Jonathan after school, all the memories we had. Moments I can't get back.
The station wasn't far from work and Dad's cop car was parked out front when I pulled in.
"Dad? Where's my dad?" I asked Donna again. I must look like a mess with the empathetic look she gave me before pointing to his office.
"Dad, I heard... I heard about, about Will." I barely choked out.
He let me sob in his arms until I was ready to let go but the truth is, I never want to let go.
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hyuckmov · 5 months
You know.... when rockstar haechan 3 drops, ill be taking the day off from work and rereading all of it at once just to feel everything again the lust, the hurt and all the roller coaster emotions that comes with it. Ive been reading through the tags rn and gosh i cant wait, im so so excited to be hurt! I dont know how you just posted that stuff for all of us to read for FREE, its amazingg for realll!!! I love reading angst so much and this is the most hurt ive been by a fic. Like EVER.
Take ur time finishing part three, we know that the wait will be all worth it. And if u do make a taglist please add me so ill be notified when it drops 💕
And if u mayyyy, maybe u can share another snippet? Hehe love lots
omg 😭 it means so so so much to me that you feel these emotions so deeply from my writingsfnbjsnfgb i'm really happy you like it and i hope the 3rd part hits the way you want it to!!!
thank you so so much for supporting my works it really means so much to me that you trust me as a writer <3 ive been swamped with work again but still making time to write slowly - i think i basically have the plot i just need to write the actual scenes :) i'll clean up my taglist soon and i'll definitely tag u on it!
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new snippet!!! honestly im so bad at picking these snippets because i just wna share major plot points w u guys but at this point i don't think it matters....more gut-wrenching nervous out-of-his-depth haechie
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innxrvision · 4 months
So long - pt. 3 𒂭
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part 3 of 3 ------------ 𖦹 tags: james hetfield x reader, fluff, smut, best friends to lovers, bet, 80s james, a little angst if you squint ♱ a/n: so sorry for posting it a bit late, some things came up and I had actually a hard time writing the smut part. Wow... it's truly harder than it looks. I don't think I did too well, but hey! It's my first time trying! I think I do too much dialogue in general, but it's such a fun part... I don't know, is it too much? You guys tell me, please so I can get better on the next one! Any tips are very welcome.
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𖦹 part 1 𖦹 part 2 𖦹 part 3 𖦹
You finish another round of beer before getting out of the bar. Your hands sweating nervously and your heart thumping inside of your chest as you two walk towards James' house, thankfully only a few blocks away from the place you were before.
The walk is silent, there's a tension in the air that makes your anxiety spike. Even though none of you were exactly sober, you became hyper-aware of every single move James made.
"So, ready for the best night of your life?" He cuts through the silence as you arrive at his front porch, trying to ease you up. Of course, he would say something stupid like that. "But before we get to the fun part, we need to get inside." He grins, fumbling in his pockets in search of the house keys. "Don't worry, there's nobody home." He adds as he unlocks the door.
"Shut up." You manage to say, your voice barely above a whisper, like somebody could hear you two at any moment. A silly precaution.
He chuckles, just loving how flustered you are, and waits for you to get inside, locking the door behind you. He doesn't bother to turn on the lights and holds your shaking hand firmly to guide you upstairs to his room.
"Don't worry, I'll take good care of you." He whispers, and you can see his grin in the dim light that enters his room through the window. "Are sure you're ready for this?" He searches your face for any hesitation, his expression now turned serious.
"I am. I won't back up on the bet." You try to sound confident.
The truth is you want this. You realize you wanted this for a long time, actually.
James leans closer to your face and tucks a stray lock of hair behind your ear, his fingers linger on your cheek for a moment and you hold your breath.
"I like the confidence." He teases. "But just so we're clear, you can back out anytime. You don't have to do anything you don't want to, ok?" He says gently, sounding quite different from his usual playful manner.
"I know." You nod, looking straight at his blue eyes.
He takes a step forward, you're now so close that you can feel the heat radiating from his body. He slides his hand from your cheek to your back and brushes his lips against yours softly, a teasing that makes your stomach flip. You wrap your arms around his neck and before you know it, he gives you a peck, almost like he was testing the waters.
"Still with me?" He asks playfully, noticing the tensing of your body.
"Yeah." Your answer comes out breathier than you anticipated, your lips slightly parted and your cheeks flushed from just the smallest touches.
You earn a chuckle in return and with that he claims your lips in a passionate kiss, pulling you into his embrace. He deepens the kiss with a hunger you never expected or experienced before.
"You're so beautiful, you know that?" He whispers against your lips, breaking the kiss for a second.
You feel shy hearing such a sincere compliment coming from him, it makes you unsure of how to react, instead, you just glue your lips to his again in hopes that this will be a good enough answer.
James takes you in his arms and lifts you up with ease, his tall figure making the job easier. He makes his way to his bed and lays you gently, his body on top of yours. The light coming from the window reflects on his desire-filled gaze and you feel a excitement shiver run down your spine.
"You're ready for this?" He asks, his voice sounding serious. There's something different in him, a combination of anticipation and desire that makes your stomach flip once again.
You give him a quick nod in silence, impatient for what's to come. You try to not show too much you're more impatient than him, but since you felt his lips against yours for the first time it made you addicted. Your fingers wrap on his long blonde hair, near his neck and you pull it gently, earning a satisfied sigh from him.
He reacts strongly to your touch, giving you another deep kiss, one of his hands now holds your cheek and slowly it lowers down your body, ending up on your waist, where he gives you a gentle squeeze. You let out a small surprised sound that is met with James' groan against your lips.
"You're driving me crazy." He murmurs between kisses, his mouth now working on your neck.
He pulls you to him, both of you lying on the bed now, bodies sharing the heat. His free hands roam your body freely, exploring every curve and contour. You try to touch him in return, your moves too desperate to hide.
"I should have done this ages ago." He whispers against your skin.
"The way you react to me… I can't get enough of it." His voice is full of a raw feeling you never heard before.
You press your body against him and capture his lips again, desperate for some touch. You tug on the hem of his shirt and he grins against your lips, understanding your silent request. James breaks the kiss for a moment, sitting on the bed and removing his top just as you asked before wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you back to him.
Your shaky hands meet his now bare skin, and you let your fingertips roam his torso while he keeps kissing your neck, licking and sucking the skin that'll probably show up bruised tomorrow morning.
"Tell me you want this." He murmurs in between kisses, almost like a plead.
"Please." You plead back, your voice barely above a whisper.
It wasn't in your plans to look and sound so needy, but at this point, you were too aroused to control your reactions.
He lets out a grunt in response and kisses your mouth with a renewed hunger, pulling away only to remove your shirt and your bra with a practiced ease, before tossing them aside. It makes you think he's truly much more experienced than you, a mix of jealousy and excitement clouding your mind.
"I promise I won't disappoint you." He says, making a trail of kisses that end up on your breasts. His tongue plays on one of your nipples while his hand pinches the other and it sends a wave of pleasure through your entire both that makes you whine.
You squeeze your legs together, trying to relieve some of the heat that has been building in between them, your hand tangles in his hair and pulls it gently which he seems to enjoy. James' tongue traces a path down your belly and he holds your thighs, forcing your legs to open.
He raises his head and looks at you, you look back a him, mouth parted and heavy breathing.
"I want you." He says. Such a simple combination of words that send you over the edge. You nod quickly in response.
He grins and lowers his head again, trailing the kisses back up again, which makes you whine in frustration. He goes back to your breasts, kissing and sucking the skin teasingly, even biting it softly this time.
"You're mine." He growls against your skin and you open your eyes wide in shock, but the the affirmation doesn't seem to cause the same reaction in him, the words flow naturally from his mouth. "All mine… Tell me you're mine." He adds, eyes closed, worshiping your body like he wouldn't rather do anything else in his life.
"I- I'm yours. I-" You stutter in panic and he opens his eyes, a grin adorning his lips. It's not like you never thought about being his, it's just that the sheer need and adoration in his voice caught you off guard. Was he just being impulsive? It didn't look like he was.
He savors your skin slowly, once again descending to your lower abdomen. It seemed like he was purposefully taking it slow, teasing you by touching your body everywhere except where you needed it the most.
His fingers finally fidget with the button on the denim shorts you were wearing, you bite your lip, watching his every move. He removes your shorts but keeps your panties and his head moves up again, taking your lips once more.
"James… please." You break the kiss.
"What do you want? Tell me what you want…" He asks, his fingers slowly teasing the lace edge of your panties, his thumb rubbing your sensitive spot with too little pressure for your liking.
"C'mon…" You're almost losing it and he flashes you his smug grin.
"You're so easy to tease." He whispers against your ear, his finger slowly making his way into your wet core. "Oh, fuck. You're so fucking wet." He groans as he circles your clit.
You look at him, mouth parted and heavy breathing. Hearing him talk like that while playing with you makes you go crazy.
James stops for a second, earning a protest from you, just to finally remove your panties. You take that chance to gaze at him, there's a visible bulge in his jeans and you barely had the chance to touch him yet.
But he doesn't seem to mind that in the slightest, he's too concentrated on kissing your thighs and playing with your wet core again.
You moan desperately, wanting to tell him you need more, that you need him, but without finding the courage to say it.
"James." His name slips out of your mouth and you whine, too late to take it back. "Please." You ask, hoping he will understand what you mean.
"What do you need?" He mumbles, kissing your lower abdomen as his fingers keep pumping into you.
He smiles at your pleading response, unable to hold back any longer, and gives your neck a final kiss before pulling back just long enough to remove the rest of his clothes.
You stare at him wide-eyed, taking every detail that you can. You watch it as he opens his nightstand drawer and pulls out a condom, unwrapping it and putting it on with ease.
He turns around to you, a gaze that tells you he could eat you alive right now. His eyes hungrily drink every curve of your body as he kneels into the bed, an expression of longing and lust on his face.
"You have no idea of how much I want you right now." He says, grinding his hardness against your core.
He enters you slowly, mouth taking you with hunger as you whine and sigh. A mixture of pain and pleasure.
"You feel so good." He breaks the kiss and he starts moving.
James' lips graze your neck, kissing it lovingly, and his fingers lightly caress the skin of your waist, leaving a trail of goosebumps. He's so gentle with you, his body moving on a slow and sensual rhythm, going deeper with every stroke. Just perfect to drive you nuts.
His breathing is hard and deep as waves of pleasure wash over both of you. You wrap your hands around his neck and hide your face on your shoulder, holding him as close as possible as he moves.
You keep going until both of your bodies and filled with sweat, a tension that threatens to snap at any moment. Your moans and gentle pleas near his ear make him get more and more worked up.
"Look at me." He kisses your cheek with care, tightening the grip on your hips as he picks up his pace.
You raise your eyes, connecting your gaze with him. The vision of his concentrated face makes you even more aroused.
He notices you clenching around him, trying to hold yourself together as best as you can, and kisses your mouth, fastening the pace. A kiss so deep and sincere that makes the tension inside you snap once and for all not too long after. You let out a needy cry, holding his body so tight that you're afraid your nails might hurt him.
"Just a bit more." He whispers, still pumping into you with the same intense motion. You can feel he's close too, his chest heaving up and down, ragged breaths, and shaking arms.
It doesn't take too long for him to come undone inside you with a low deep moan. He rests his forehead against yours, eyes closed and lips parted, you both trying to catch your breath.
James opens his eyes again and smiles down at you, his expression soft and loving.
"You alright?" He asks, laying down on top of your body as he's still inside of you, being careful to not crush you with his weight.
"Yeah." Your voice comes out breathy and you close your eyes for a second, trying to process everything that has happened.
"You're not backing out now, are you?" He teases you between breathless chuckles.
"I won't." You chuckle, it's impossible to stay serious with him.
He presses a kiss into your mouth and rolls off to the side. He reaches over and grabs his blanket, covering both of you and inviting you into his arms.
"C'mere." He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into his warm and bare body.
You stay silently for a moment as he rests his chin on top of your head, caressing your back and enjoying the feeling of closeness.
"You know I meant every word I said, right?" He breaks the silence to ask softly, his voice filled with a sincerity that shows just how much he cares about you.
You take a while to answer, trying to fit the pieces together like a puzzle. Did he want this from the beginning?
"Just… How? Why?"
He chuckles at your confusion as you shift into his embrace to peek at his expression. His fingers run gently through your hair.
"What do you mean?" He seems to find your reaction amusing. "I've liked you for a long time, actually. It was almost driving me crazy. He pauses for a moment, thinking to himself. "Maybe I just needed to loosen up before I could find the courage to take things any further, but I'm glad I did."
"I never thought you saw me as more than a friend." You say, trying to make sense of your words. "We've known each other for a long time, I thought you weren't attracted to me."
"Attracted to you?" He laughs in disbelief. "Are you kidding me? I've been crazy for you for ages." He breaks into a teasing grin. "To be honest? I'm still a bit in shock that I get to hold you like this… With nothing on."
You roll your eyes, the sexual tension slowly giving in to the playful banter you always seem to have going on.
"For ages?" You ask interested.
"For a while now." He admits nodding, his hand coming up to play with a strand of your hair between his fingers. He gazes at you adoringly, eyes shining with affection and tenderness. "What can I say, you drive me wild."
"This is crazy." You mutter, thinking of all the times you hung out together as friends. "And you never had a clue I was attracted to you too?" You ask curiously, looking up at him.
"Not at all." He shrugs, a tiny smile playing on his lips. "Until tonight, I thought you only saw me as a friend." He presses a soft kiss to your forehead.
"What gave it out?" You're still curious about his reasons. "What made you decide to act out? I couldn't have been just the alcohol…"
"You're very persistent, you know that?" He laughs softly. "It wasn't just the alcohol. I've noticed the way you looked at me, the small gestures, the way you smiled. I thought that if I didn't take the chance tonight, I might've never gotten the opportunity."
"Oh, so you really noticed. That's why you were pushing me to say if I was thinking about a boy." You feel your face heating up.
"Something like that, yeah." He grins. "Just wanted to make sure there wasn't anyone else on your mind." He laughs. "Besides… You were not exactly subtle when you were staring at me."
"Sorry." You mutter embarrassed and he presses a kiss to your cheek.
"Don't be sorry, it helped me to get the courage to shoot my shot." He smiles and hugs you tight. "And, shit, I wanted to do this for so long…"
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hoonfication · 2 years
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IN WHICH ! xiao, your boyfriend for three years suddenly breaks up with you through text and then leaves the country leaving you with no explanation at all
three years had passed and here you are, you tell yourself you're over him and you're way more happy without him until you've heard that he's back oh that's fine you guys aren't even gonna see each other anyway wrong.
seems like he's going to attend the same college as you and well you're just in luck turns out he's also your roommate
or in other words. . . maybe its a sign that you guys should restart again, who knows maybe two times a ch✶rm . . .
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— ❝ I don't even think that you care like I do ❞ ✦ a XIAO x gender neutral reader smau !
— WARNINGS ✶ swearing, cheating (?), mentions of alcohol, & kys jokes
— ♪ currently playing ❝ Let You Break My Heart Again ❞ ♫
꒰ ✿ means written parts ꒱
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✿ 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 — 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗽 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿 / “𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗱𝗼𝗻’𝘁 𝗯𝗶𝘁𝗲” 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗱𝗼. / 𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘀
— ❝ heaven knows I've tried ❞
✿ 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘂𝗲
𝟬𝟭 h h he’s back!?
𝟬𝟮 what if this was my last straw (✿)
𝟬𝟯 I moved on, leave me alone!
𝟬𝟰 rumors are everywhere
𝟬𝟱 new lover
𝟬𝟲 not bothered tbh
𝟬𝟳 happy for him ig (✿)
𝟬𝟴 dorm life era
𝟬𝟵 oh my god pls be fr (✿)
𝟭𝟬 i will kms
— ❝ one day, I will stop falling in love with you ❞
𝟭𝟭 moving in (✿)
𝟭𝟮 tension is in the air
𝟭𝟯 you wouldn’t mind, right? (✿)
𝟭𝟰 so awks
𝟭𝟱 thirdwheel (✿)
𝟭𝟲 no i am NOT jealous
𝟭𝟳 jaw on the floor (✿)
𝟭𝟴 unexpected trio (✿)
𝟭𝟵 project over
𝟮𝟬 let’s go out as in a date (✿)
𝟮𝟭 are we abt to kiss rn
𝟮𝟮 just the two of us (✿)
𝟮𝟯 oh. (✿)
— ❝ some day, someone will like me like I like you ❞
𝟮𝟰 fucked up (✿)
𝟮𝟱 mission; avoid him at all cost
𝟮𝟲 let me come over pls
𝟮𝟳 drinks and feelings (✿)
𝟮𝟴 false hope
𝟮𝟵 we need to talk
𝟯𝟬 im sorry (✿)
𝟯𝟭 no more hoes
— ❝ then of course I'll let you break my heart again ❞
𝟯𝟮 stop lying (✿)
𝟯𝟯 cheaters can’t complain
𝟯𝟰 apocalypse (✿)
𝟯𝟱 let’s talk this out please (✿)
𝟯𝟲 I’ll think about it
𝟯𝟳 truth unfold (✿)
— ❝ some day, one day I will stop falling in love with you ❞
𝟯𝟴 is he flirting (✿)
𝟯𝟵 he wants u
𝟰𝟬 date night (✿)
𝟰𝟭 mixed signals (✿)
𝟰𝟮 he moved OUT?? (✿)
— ❝ until I do, I'll be thinking of you ❞
𝟰𝟯 he's leaving AGAIN
𝟰𝟰 give it
𝟰𝟱 oh em gee ganyu
𝟰𝟲 why r u like this (✿)
𝟰𝟳 ok u guys can stop kissing now.. (✿)
𝟰𝟴 let you break my heart again.
𝟱𝟬 happy ever after or not 😈 (✿)
what if the reader ended up w/ ALBEDO instead?
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✶ english is not my first language so pls don’t be so hard on me
✶ I’ll try to update frequently :D
✶ I’ll add you in the taglist! just ask! 🫶
✶ and here for the playlist of the smau created by the wonderful jellyfish anon
# TAGLIST — ✶ @thefandomcrow @sakiimeo @swivy123 @zappybatz @motherscrustytoenailclippings @chsyug @erisan01 @lylovw @scarletttcroww @retiredmommylover @sukunasrealgf @onmywaytoteyvat @mjtalksaboutanything @chronicfic @otomegame-oneshots @yukisluv @urdads @yuminako @etaerealboy @xxblackroses623xx @starringyau @dexocore @grvngexiao @tamikahoshiko @xoyumiqls @mechanicalbeat1 @ixromzi @lemo-nadde @moon-z0ne @articmaskeddemon @luvrzan @cayl33n @cupiro @lxkeeeee @rin-nyrasti-writes @nambii @livelaughlovekuni @quackimilktea @maxineshearts @yelleloww @chalksdreams @plinkuro @fangygf
[ bold means I can’t tag you ! ]
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© hoonfication 2023, please do not copy, steal, and translate
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 1 year
Ellie Williams with a short plus size fem s/o
+ other dating hcs, can or can't be related to being plus size (up to you)
+ Loser!Ellie makes an appearance if you squint hard enough
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A headcanon was inspired by this picture on Pinterest
Hi lovelies! Lia here, I was inspired by this picture and I thought you guys would really love the much needed fluff. I know I do from all the angst fics I've been reading ( No hate to Dina but wanted to crop her out of the photo but it lowered the quality and I just can't stand blurry pictures, so I guess I could live with it 😒). I'll add more to these in the future because at the moment it's a bit short but I wanted to get something out there. Hope you enjoy! :3
If you wish to be tagged, please comment that you want to be or follow so that you'll be updated also: Rules for requests
If you don't want to send requests through Tumblr, my Instagram is always an option.
Ellie Williams dating inspired playlist made by me
Disclaimers/warnings: English is not my first language, I'm still not sure if the character is OOC, teeth rotting fluff???
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First time you ever encountered Ellie was through a cafe nearby. She was whipped to say the least, she was ordering on the counter and your name got called. You walked up to get your drink and she happened to look at you.
Ellie admired the way your clothes just hugged the curves of your body, if you weren't in a public setting, she would've probably drooled.
Ellie comes off a player at times, her and Abby Anderson are sought out by fangirls even.
Definitely plays basketball, you wearing her jersey? She's gonna show it off and be all cocky. "See that girl there? Yeah that's my girl"
We all know at this point that Ellie loves to draw. At some point her sketchbook is just filled with either every angle of you or your name in calligraphy.
Ellie also likes it when you trace shapes or words on any part of her body whether that'd be her hand or her back. You've traced "I love you" once on her hand and she pretended like she didn't notice.
I like thinking that she'd definitely let you draw on her hand if that's a habit of yours
Ink and whiteout stains on both your hands and hers, sometimes from using a pen and sometimes from drawing on each other's bodies.
You like reading books? Doesn't matter to her which genre, she still looks so smitten while you rant about them, let's be real here you do the same when it's her talking about dinosaurs and space.
Sometimes let's you do her makeup, thinks it's adorable when you look so focused and with so much concentration. She's all flustered when your face is so near to hers that she can practically kiss you if you leaned in any closer.
Ellie sometimes gets into fights with people so naturally you're there to patch her up. She likes to use her hands as a makeshift ponytail when you try to blow your hair out of your face. It's the least she can do.
Ellie has a lot of scars, she's a bit insecure about them since she absolutely hates how the look. To say you disagree is an understatement, those scars are hot and it's what sets her apart. You like kissing them? Watch her melt at the gentle and loving feeling. (Poor baby just wants to be loved 🥺)
Ellie keeps a hair tie on her wrist at all times, not for her but for you since she always has her hair in a half up, half down kinda style. (Kinda what she has on the pic above)
Ellie loves spoiling you, it can range from buying you gifts, servicing you or simply burying you in her kisses.
She used to feel jealous about your best friend till you explained that the both of you are like siblings in terms of dynamic.
Joel honestly wanted to meet you, his daughter told his stories of your times together and Joel couldn't be happier. He sees and feels that Ellie is so happy with you, that's all he wants, his daughter to get the love she deserves.
Ellie definitely wears his clothes, they practically share the same wardrobe. Which leads to her dressing more masculine like white tank tops, flannels, white button ups and tie on a formal occasion, cargo pants and the occasional hoodie. Ellie in a suit, Ellie in a suit, Ellie in a suit. (I would sell my soul to see that)
Ellie is a boxer wearing lesbian and I stand by that.
Speaking of hoodies, she buys herself those that are significantly a bigger size so you can steal it from her. Loves seeing you in her jacket even though you sometimes claim that it cramps your style.
You like fashion? Ellie loves zipping you up and helping you choose a dress. People staring? She'll put her arm around you to make sure everyone knows that you are hers. Has occasionally put creepy people in their place.
She's the "wear anything you want, I can fight" type of girl.
Loves doing tasks for you, opening doors, carrying heavy things and other manual labor tasks because her princess shouldn't have to lift a finger.
Hand on your though when she drives, a bit of a reckless driver though. Let's you control the music to anything you want.
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moremaybank · 10 months
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hi angels! first thing’s first, i just wanted to say thank you for 4k! i can barely fathom the idea that even one of you enjoy the work i put out. you guys constantly make my heart feel so full, and i'm forever grateful for all your love and support. i could cry (i probably will). that being said, i'm doing a 'lil celebration event! below, you will find a series of options you can choose from to help celebrate this milestone with me! please be sure to add the name of the activity in your ask so that they don't get mixed up with my other asks!
characters i'll accept requests for jj maybank, rafe cameron, sarah cameron, steve harrington, eddie munson, and kai parker.
important please note that i will probably be a little slow getting these out as i try to juggle other things going on in my life and avoid burnout! also, it's not going on for as long as usual because i do have a christmas event prepared! be on the lookout for that next month 👀
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🍸 A DIRTY MARTINI ꒰ — nsfw baby blurb with a character of your choice! ꒱
🥂 A GLASS OF CHAMPAGNE ꒰ — sfw baby blurb with a character of your choice! ꒱
🍻 A PINT OF BEER ꒰ — send me a character and i'll give you a couple of fic recs for them! please specify if you prefer fluff, smut or angst. ꒱
🍷 A GLASS OF WINE ꒰ — let me tell you what i love about you! mutuals only. ꒱
🍹 A TEQUILA SUNRISE ꒰ — send me a concept and i'll make you a moodboard! ꒱
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# ꒰ — come have a drink with me! ꒱
tagging some moots (sorry if i forgot to tag you, my memory is worse than anything you've ever known): @rafesmuse @rafesveryrealgf @slut4drudy @jjmaybanksgun @jjsbank444 @dreamingwithrafe @perseephoneee @amournoir @inkluvs @moon-in-nostalgia @tinyluvs @drewstarkeysbae @venuslore @cal-flakes @emmalandry @rafeysbafey @madelynie @cantstoptheimagines @maybanksbabe @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @slvttyfied @surftrips @hotchsstuff @sevenwivesofrafecameron @lyndys @rafestar @mvybanks @sweetestdesire @pankowperfection @forevermoreharrington @ghostlyfleur @eventualoptimism
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yuyu1024 · 9 months
One and only
Pairings: San x Y/N
Genre/tags: established relationship, mafia
Warning: fluff but still 🔞 smut/angst, unprotected sex, cursing, semi public, pet names, jealousy, clingy, mention of blood and death, blowjob/handjob [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 4.4k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
Note: posted this during holidays🎄⭐️ but i deleted my acct bcoz of stupiditttyyyyy? 🙃 anyways... almost done reposting my one shots. I'll try to post my short series soon.
It's holiday season. Everyone you know are all busy preparing for the coming christmas. Your friends are busy buying gifts for their love ones and they are also excited planning all their trips or dates with their each own special someone. Whilst you on the other hand, you are not planning anything.
"Y/n, what are you going to do this christmas?" One of your friend asks
"I'll be visiting my parents on the 25th." You answer
"That's all?" She asks
"Do you want to come with us? My family are going on a staycation on this fancy hotel... I can ask them if I could bring you." The other friend suggested
"No... it's fine. I'll be at home. I deserve a break too from all the work I've been doing..." you answer
"I get it... you deserve it yes.. but... are you not sad you are not spending Christmas eve with someone...?" The first friend ask
"Even a date?" The other one adds. "You know... if you only accept the guys wanting to take you on a date or atleast get to know you... I'm sure you have a boyfriend now."
You laugh at how worried they are with you spending Christmas eve alone.
"I'm fine. I'm happy."
Being the "single one" in your friendship group is nothing new. It's not that you don't want to meet anyone or get to know someone but it's just that you are not actually single. None of them knows that you have been dating this guy for quite some time now.
You are not hiding him or your relationship because you are embarassed about him. You are just respecting his privacy and for safety reasons as well.
He is the son of the leader of the famous mafia in the country. Everybody knows their family. They fear them. Everyone thinks they are the most dangerous beings to exist. However little did they know, they only look mean as hell. But these men, all have hearts and kindess to help anyone in need. They just don't publicize the good things they do.
"Okay... whatever you say... just call us when you need someone to talk to when you feel alone."
"I'm fine girls... seriously... and enjoy your vacation. Don't mind me. Spend your time with your boyfriends and family... okay?"
"Okay." Both of them say at the same time.
Then after a few more minutes chatting with them your phone alarm buzzes. It's a reminder.
"Oh crap! I need to go now!" You say in a hurry. "I had to go to this shop my mother told me to go... I need to drop her gifts for her friend who's in the city for vacation."
"Okay... sure..." both your friend stands up and hugs you.
"Happy holidays! See you after more than a week." You say
"See you and stay safe! Be careful running in the snow okay? You are clumpsy." The first friend says
"I will."
You wave goodbye one last time before running out of the coffee shop.
You are really in a hurry. It is true that you have to meet your mother's friend to give them the gift. You were supposed to meet the park near the hotel they're staying at. It's not that far from where you and your friends met so you just decided to walk from there.
Then while you are on the walk, you decides to text your lover to let him know where you will be at.
Y/N: I'll be at the park in front of Crescent Hotel. Meeting my mom's friend to give her present.
After sending the text, you put your phone in your sling bag and didn't checked if he read it or replied. You are in a hurry so it didn't crossed your mind.
"Y/n?" A motherly tone of voice calls your name as you just walk pass through the crowd to step foot in the vicinity of the park.
You turn around and see Mrs. Jung together with her son waving at you. Smiling, you carefuly run towards them and quickly hug Mrs. Jung. "Long time no see!"
"Indeed!" She hugs you back and pats your head. "Oh my gosh! You have grown... such a beautiful lady."
You shyly giggle as you can't accept the compliment very well. For you, you just look alright. Not as beautiful as your mother.
"It's been so long since you last came back..." you say
"Yeah. We didn't get the chance to come back the last two years. But we're here now." She says smiling
"By the way, this is mother's gift. She says sorry she can't give it to you personally. She's at the province now taking care of grandpa and grandma."
"Oh, it's fine. I understand. Tell them I wish them a happy holiday and good health."
"I will."
Then her son, Wooyoung, standing next to her greeys you. "Happy holidays."
"Happy holidays." You smile back.
You two then hug and pat each other's back.
Wooyoung and you are classmates in highschool. You two became friends because of your parents. Before you two would always have sleepovers so you could both play and watch movies together. But since they migrated abroad, you two became a little distant. Still friends but not as close as before.
Plus one factor that might've affected that is before he flew away, he confessed his feelings for you. That he liked you. However, you told him that even you like him too back then being highschool and being in a long distance relationship is not ideal for the both of you. It's sad but it is true. Especially bot of you were so young back then.
"You still as pretty as I remember." He says to you
"Stop!" You hit him on his arm. "You still compliment me like the way you used to in highschool." You say.
"You know I'm just being honest." He says, warmly smiling
"I know." And then you notice that he looks mature that from what you remembered seeing him two years ago when they last visited. "You look different."
"Well it's his married aura now." Mrs. Jung explains
"M-married?" You gasp looking at them two back and forth. "You got married?"
Wooyoung is smiling ear to ear. "Yes." He answers then showing his ring. "I got married to the love of my life just almost a year ago."
"Oh my gosh! Congratulations!" You jump and hug him again. "I'm so happy for you!" You clap as you let him go. "Is she with you guys?"
"Unfortunately no... she can't travel because she's just a few months pregnant and she's in bed rest."
"Married and soon to be father!" You are estatic. "What a blessing!"
"Thank you!" Wooyoung is so proud and happy about her wife and their soon to be child.
The catch up with the Jung's is so light and warm. They all have good things to talk about that excites you. It's been a while since you saw them and you are so happy that everything is great with them. Especially after them losing the father figure in their family. You are glad they are doing well.
An two hours later, you are on your way to your apartment building, carrying a few things you bought from the groceries that you need at home when you decided to check on your phone.
SAN: I thought you're meeting your mom's friend. Who is the guy you are hugging?
SAN: You hugged him not once but twice!
SAN: why are you touching his arm.
SAN: why are you laughing so much :(
SAN: who is he?????
SAN: baby
SAN: baby...........
SAN: stop talking him.
SAN: baby!
SAN: :(
SAN: you are leaning on to him?????
SAN: are you cheating on me in public?
SAN: baby!!
SAN: ㅠ_ㅠ
You snort a laugh as you read how he whines in his texts. You could hear him say all these even just from the messages. He's so jealous.
Y/N: where are you?
(No reply)
Y/N: okay...
Y/N: If you don't reply...
Y/N: you're not welcome to come inside my apartment again.
Y/N: bye~~~
You proudly smile after you sent the text. Coz you know San will immediately rush to get to you after reading your text.
However, what you didn't expect is that minutes later when you're about to turn to the corner of your building and about to get to the steps to the entrance, you notice a tall figute standing. It's San.
"You're not going to invite me in your apartment anymore?" He says his brows arching and lookinh down at you.
He's wearing something casual and comfy. A beanie, black fitted shirt and a grey sweat pants.
"What are you doing here?" I ask, "And why are you wearing so little clothes! It's cold!" I rush to him
"You said you will not welcome me in! So I ran!" He is sweating and you can see heat coming out of his body.
"Ran from where?"
He pouts. "There." He points at the black car parked across the street.
"I see... so... you were following me?"
"No." He looks away
"I thought we've agreed about me having one bodyguard... camouflaged as a normal civilian in a distant... why are you following me now?"
"I promise. I was not supposed to follow you..."
He looks down and takes the the two shopping bag you are holding. "I miss you... I was at the gym when I received your text that you were going to meet a family friend..."
"And... I thought I could pick you up... give you a ride home after..."
He sighs, giving up. "Fine. I'm sorry. But I do swear... I went out because I really do miss you."
"Then if you do miss me....why just let me know... visit me... we can hang out."
You chuckle as you see him lower his head even more. He's so cute when he's like this. A total 180degrees opposite of his charisma when he's in his mafia mode.
"So... you want to come in and stay?" You ask tilting your head to the side, searching for his face. "But if you have plans or things to do with work... it's fine. Beside, I'll be leaving tomorrow to visits my--"
"You're leaving?"
"Yes. I did told you about my grandpa being sick right?"
"Oh. Right."
Both of you then start to walk in the building. You want him to get inside quick and get warm since he forgot to bring a jacket with him.
People who you walk pass as from the lobby to the elevator are all looking sus as they see San. They must be thinking how crazy he is walking around with such little clothes during winter season.
But knowing San, even though people give him looks and judgements he does not give a fuck.
"Would you like a hot milk? Maybe hot coco or..." you ask as you both reach your apartment door enterimgg your pin. "a warm jacket to bring when you leave? You still have a few clothes here with me... the ones you left..."
Then as soon as you enter and the door beeps signaling its locked and closed, San drops the two shopping bag on the floor and cages you in between his arms.
"I've missed you." He mumbles into your ears.
You close your eyes, lean your head on his shoulder and allow him to embrace you tightly. "Me too."
"I'm sorry I've been away this past few weeks..."
"It's okay."
"I wish I could've helped you decorate your place."
"You're so sweet." You whirl around to face your lover. "I know you are really not into Christmas really... it's fine. I don't want to force you to do it every year with me."
"No..." he pulls you in closer and places his hand at the back of your head. "It's important to you... so I have to... you know you are my everything. And I will do anything to make you happy."
"Aww..." you lay your head on his chest. "You're the sweetest tough guy that I know."
He tenses a little. "I should be the only sweet and tough guy you know!"
You laugh at his reaction. Your lover is a jealous type and he does not know or even tries to hide it. You sometimes like to tease him about it.
"Hmm... I don't think so..." you let go of him and take the two shopping bags from the floor and go straight to the kitchen. "I know a few..." you add before you start unpacking the groceries
"Baby..." he follows you to the kitchen.
"I have classmate and still friends with are tough guys. They are sweet and kind too."
"Who? What do they do? Are you talking to them? I need to know details about them!" He is sulking
While you on the other hand, just enjoying his reaction. "Also... Wooyoung..."
"Wooyoung..." you repeat. "He's the first guy whoever protected me... from the bad guys..."
He goes silent.
"He protected me to the bullies in highschool. He's a cool guy. And....sweet."
He is though. Wooyoung is such a good person and reliable.
"Is that the guy from earlier?"
You nod as you finish the rest of the unpacking. "We finally saw each other after two years..."
"You knew him before me?" He sounds a bit hurt
"Yes. I know him since highschool." You answer before you walk out of the kitchen and finally removing your coat and scarf revealing your knitted top. "He migrated abroad with his family..."
"Is he your ex?" His face suddenly changes. He's not sulky anymore. He's more on the really jealous San now.
You appoach your lover, who's standing in the middle of the room, take his hand and kiss his knuckles.
"No..." you suddenly reasurre him. "Don't get jealous okay? He's a friend."
"But you hugged him... three times." He pouts
"Because I was so happy to see him plus he told me good news." You put your hands around his waist and give him a quick smooch on his lips. "He got married and expecting his first baby..."
"Oh." San's lips slowly curves into a smile.
"So... now you're smiling."
"Well..." his cheekbones show his happiness
"Why are you getting jealous all the time huh? You know you're my only lover..."
"They are a lot of hunters in this world baby. And you are one heck of a prey." He lowers his head, leaving delicate kisses on your jaw. "If only I could tell the whole world you are my queen...my everything... then boys will not try to hit on you."
"It's okay... and I don't care about those boys... I have you. My Sannie. You are all I need and want in my life."
"Aww baby..." his hands goes lower, cupping your ass with both hands. "I love you..."
"I love you too."
He hums and then nuzzles his face with yours. "Maybe I should stay for the night..." he smiles, "What do you think?"
"I think you should..." you whisper before crashing your lips to his.
The sweet smooch gets deeper the moment he opened his mouth and allowed you to explore your tongue in there.
The sound of your kisses echoes all throughout the apartment. Kisses that are longing and hungry. Kisses that are in duet with his whiny moans.
"Fuck." He smiles and looks at you with endearing eyes. "Baby, you're driving me insane!"
"Do I?" You kiss him again. Teasing him by sucking his lower lip before letting him go.
"Maybe let's have dessert first before we have dinner." He pulls you up and you automatically wrapped your legs around his hips. "I'll cook later... don't worry."
"I love desserts." You say
He carries you from the living room to your bedroom. He slowly puts you down in bed, sitting, before he goes down to his knees so you're eye to eye.
"May I undress you?"
"Please..." you kiss him on his cheek. "My Sannie."
A grin forms on his lips. He starts from pulling your knitted sweater off, revealing your black bra filled with your plump breasts. Then his hands goes from your behind to unzip your skirt. You helped him by getting up a little so he can pull it down in a go.
"Hmm." He bow down his head and lay his cheek on your thighs.
"You're so warm..." you murmur. You placed your hand on his bare face.
"I'm warm because of you." He raise his head to look at you. "I am alive because of you."
"San..." you call his name and kiss his forehead.
The way San say you are his everything and his life can sound exaggerated to others. However for him, he meant it. And people will understand why he says it like that if they know the full story how he and you met.
You two met more than two years ago. You were on your way home from your work at night. You decided to drop by a pharmacy to buy your first aid kit supplies because you've ran out. You are clumpsy and usually hurt yourself when cooking so you always need it refilled from time to time.
And then while you were on your walk, under the pouring rain, you heard noises from a dark alley just a few blocks away from the pharmacy. At first you wanted to just ignore it but then the moment you saw the guys guys wearing baggy clothes and masks, you made sure you made a sound that will startle them thinking someone is coming. It was effective coz they fled.  You saw them ran and you panicked but luckily they didn't hear or saw you. As you were hiding from across the street.
You waited a few minutes before completely running across to check who got hurt.
When you got there, San was on the floor. He was beaten up, sitting and his back leaning on the wall. His eyes were closed and not answering you when you asled him if he's fine so what you did was dial the hotline, for help.
However, after a few rings San abruptly grabs your phone and ends the call.
"What are you doing?" You asked, panicking. "We need to call the ambulance... or the police..."
"No." San insisted. "I can't go to a hospital."
"Why not? You're bleeding!"
Blood was running down the concrete and straight to the drainage.
"It's not deep." He mumbled
"What the heck? You are bleeding! You might die!"
He smiled at you even his face was bruised and his one eye barely opening. "If you keep talking loud... they'll come back. And then we'll both die."
You covered your mouth and looked around.
"Just help me get up and go to my car."
"Are you sure?" You say quietly
"Yes. I can't go to the hospital nor the police right now." He grunted as he tries to get up slowly. You helped him immediately. "I have my first aid kit in my car."
"I have to... in my bag." You said as you try to carry his weight, his arm around you.
"Good girl." He said.
You helped him with his cut. You are not the bravest person in the world but back then you managed to clean his cut,  staple it, covered it with bandage and even helped him get into his new set of clothes.
Yeah, the day you first met San you already saw him naked. You were stunmed when he asked you to undress him completely especially when you saw his length up close and personal. But you forced yourself to be focus that time. And hurray to that you managed to undress and dress him.
"I'm sorry... this is our first time meeting..." he said, grunting in pain.
"It's fine. Glad I could help." You said as you finally relax beside him at the backseat.
"You're wet."
"Excuse me?" Your eyes widened, making laugh
"I meant... your clothes."
"Oh." You blushed so bad. Embarassed.
"I have one extra shirt. It's big enough to be your dress... if you want to..."
You didn't answered him.
"I'll look away. Promise."
"Okay. I don't want to get sick."
You picked the extra black shirt from his luggage. You started to undress the second he looked away. The car is heavily tinted and the parking lot is closed so no one is around except you two and his car. So you felt a bit at ease undressing even you should not.
Long story short. After that night, San became obsessed with you.
He thanked you hundred of times and made sure to get to know you. He thought he was doing all of it because he's just thankful. That's it. But then even just a stranger, when you almost got into trouble because of his life, he learn how important you are to him.
Since then San kept you safe. You have guards 24/7 and always around you. And because of that almost incident, you can't publicy reveal your relationship.
"Your scent...I love how you smell..." he murmurs. "It's the same scent I smelled when we first met." He kisses your skin in between your thighs.
Slowly he peels the thights off you revealing your cold skin.
"You're wet." He smiles again. Then kisses your stomach sending chills all over your body.
"Because of you..." you say as you lay your back on the bed.
He climbs on top of you slowly as he kisses every inch of skin. "My one and only..." he hums
"Your one and only..." you say before closing your eyes and absorbing all the sparky kisses he's giving you.
He pauses when he reached your shoulder so he can slip off his shirt, exposing his buff yet lean body.
"Look at me." He says
You open your eyes, seeing his pecks, firm arms and tight abs. "You're so beautiful..." you mumble
He leans back down so he could kiss you again. He sucks your tongue before he insert his to your mouth. Exploring every bits of you.
"Oh San..." you moan his name as you switch places with him.
You are now on top. Lips still attached to his whilst you unhook your bra and throw it on the floor.
You take his hand and make sure he gets a handful of you. "Damn..." he snarls looking down and admiring your bouncy breast.
"I love it when you touch me." You breathe as you watch him enjoy squishing your boobs while you move your hips, making sure your clothed wet core is rubbing over his still covered dick.
"You sound naughty..." he smirks, reaching for another kiss.
"Only for you." You kiss back.
Everything is going smoothly and steamy between you two. You continue to make out and enjoy every bits of moment you can have. Not until San's phone rings.
"Oh for fuck's sake." He throws his head back, frustrated.
"Answer it. It might be important..." you say as you stop kissing and licking his peck.
"I'll make it quick." He says before he picks up the call. "Yes?" His voice changes in seconds. Firm and husky.
You don't mind him working like being on meetings or doing phone calls when you are together. You understand his job. All that matters to you is, he's with you.
The call have now passed 15minutes. You are starting to get bored. You know the call is important. It sounds important. However, you are as horny as fuck. You two have been making out and teasing each others kinks since earlier so your naughty hat is on.
You smile to yourself as an idea hits you. "I love you..." you whisper, which he can only hear.
His glances down at you quickly, smiling, before he continued listening to the person across the line.
The smile is not enough for you as a reaction. You get up on your knees and kneel between his legs. He is watching you. You already got his attention just by showing him again your figure.
"I love you..." you whisper again. But this time it sounded more alluring.
You bend down to reach the waistband of his sweatpants and pull it down, just enough to let his length free. He is hard as a rock.
"Baby..." he whispers his phone is away from his face.
"I'm entertaining myself as I wait." You answer.
"Ah, yes I'm still here. Sorry." He says to the person he's talking too.
Lowering your head, you open your mouth and let your tongue touch the tip of his length. You could feel his body tenses as you do it more.
"Ahm... yeah. I get it." His voice breaks for a bit there. He cleared his throat and then grabs your one wrist with his free hand. "Maybe... we should wait." He says
He is referring to you but I guess his answer matches the topic they are talking about. But as you being a tiny bit naughty tonight, you shake your head and continued to tease him.
Giving him little kisses and licks at the beginning before fully sucking him hard and whole.
You watch him as pleasure him. He's working so hard not the break and moan your name like the usual.
You know he likes what you are doing. He is leaking and his length is twitching at every swirl of your tongue around it.
"Can we talk about this some other day?" He snaps. "I just need to fuck my girlfriend now or I'll explode." He was silent for three seconds and then, "good." Then he ends the call and throws his phone on the floor.
"Who is that?" You got worried by him saying he'll fuck you instead of continueing the business call.
"It's Seonghwa. And don't worry about him." He grabs you by your hair pulls you a bit closer. "Focus on sucking my dick... and make me cum."
A grin spreads across your lips. "What will be my reward... if I make you..." you then teasingly lick from bottom to tip. "Cum?"
He grabs you by your jaw and kisses the corner of your lips. "I'll fuck you 'till sunrise and make sure you can't walk... meaning you will need my help for you to visit your parents..."
You giggle, excited and challenged. "Okay... challenge accepted."
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alexisnotstraight · 2 months
My Chemical Romance for Blender, april 2005 by Dorian Lymskey
"We're here to fight evil"
If death rockers My Chemical Romance say they're superheroes, then who is Blender to argue? we just don't remember Spider-Man having so many problems with drink, drugs and swearing in front of kids.
One day last august, Gerard Way boarded a plane to Japan with the grawing conviction that the might not be coming back. Over the past past year, the old singer for the rock group My Chemical Romance had got it into his head that he had to be drunk to perform, and then needed Xanax to switch off his brain afterwards, and the cumbination was making him suicidally depressed. Way didn't like being suicidally depressed, so he'd often add cocaine to the mix. That's when his mood really got black. He spent the days before the flight saying goodbye to friends in New Jersey, just in case
In Japan, Way spent all his time drunk. Before the final Tokyo show, he got so trashed on Heinekens and vodka tonics that he realized, even as he was performing, that he wouldn't be a able to remember anything about it the next day. After he came off stage he spent half an hour throwing up in a garbage can, until there was nothing coming up except bile. Tonight, be thought to himself, his hair caked with womit, I've drunk my last drink.
"It was a vicious circle," he says matter-of-factly. "I needed it to function but it made me want to kill myself. It made me extremely unpredictable and dangerous to myself. I didn't want it to get to the point where it became like a VHi Behind the Music where they show this seally had picture of me 30 pounds overweight, throwing up on the floor in Berlin. I didn't want that to happen to this band".
Way's cold-turkey fight back to the band's home of Belleville. New Jersey, was escruciating-almost 7.000 miles of skin-crawling, sweat-soaked willies. "I got really emotional outside the airport when we landed. I didn't know if I was going to see these guys again." He went straight to his therapist and booked into Alcoholics Anonymous, knowing that in the same week My Chemical Romance had to replace their drummer, fiim a video and start their tour. And you thought you'd had a hard week at work.
"We got through the hard shit," says Way. "This is the easy part".
Any fears last summer that My Chemical Romance were going to implode into obscurity were knocked flat by their swaggering teen-dysfunction anthem "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)."
Inspired by the high school experiences of Way and his friends, it delivers angst-rock verities with a knowing wink, not to mention the kind of melody that ignites careers. The tongue-in-cheek video, filmed in the same L.A. high school as Donnie Darko, depicted MCR as proudly geeky misfits. It was a role that didn't require much rehearsal.
Way calls My Chemical Romance's music "death rock." Others have tagged it goth punk or emo. Some endearing individuals have overcome genre confusion by simply calling MCR faggots. "Our guitarist Frank met somebody who said, 'How do you feel when people stop liking your band because they find out you're gay?" says Way, curling his lip with pointed amusement.
To the more meat-headed members of the Warped tour fraternity, some eyeliner and the occasional ambivalent lyric (in "You Know What They Do to Guys Like Us in Prison, Gerard sings "I'll kiss your lips again" to a male character) are too much to process, but Way hopes MCR can change a few minds.
"We've always tried to switch the way people think about rock bands," he says. "That [lyric] puts a dividing line between people. Are you on our side and you want to be different or are you on that side and you want to throw a football at my head?".
Only a morbid former comic-book artist from blue-collar New Jersey could have hatched a band as toughly unorthodox as My Chemical Romance. Gerard Way writes the songs with his bandmates -his bassist brother Mikey Way, guitarists Ray Toro and Frank lero, and new drummer Bob Bryar-but the vision is all his. He illustrates the record sleeves and defines their image. Recently he chose matching shirts, ties and armbands for the band to wear in the video for "Helena." taking enormous care not to resemble (a) the Hives or (b) the Nazis.
Most important, he's the one who assembled the band back in late 2001. when September 11 jolted him out of his rut as a struggling illustrator. On their 2002 debut album, I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love, and last year's Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, MCR yoke the thunder of punk to the black humor of Morrissey, Nick Cave and Tom Waits, and blaze with purpose.
"There are bands that are in it for the wrong reason, polluting the airwaves and filling their own pockets," Gerard growls. "Or just saying. Oh I wanna be a rockstar. Right. You've got a lot of kids following you. What are you saying to them?"
So what are MCR saying?
He's ready for this one. "We're saying it's OK to be messed up. There's other people just like you. And if we stick together we'll get through this."
When Gerard was still working in comic books, his favorite creation was The Amazing Goffo Brothers, Piano Movers Extraordinaire. A black comedy set in a creepy, anonymous city, it was a metaphor for the relationship between him and his younger brother, Mikey.
Despite their age difference (Gerard is 27: Mikey is 24), the Way brothers wore matching outfits as children. Today, the Ways arrive at a Midtown Manhattan restaurant wearing identical black jackets, but that's the only visible similarity.
With his blood-red tie, ink-black hair and snow-pale skin, Gerard looks part Jack White, part Edward Scissorhands, and sounds as if he's been hanging out at the Bada Bing! club. His stick-thin sibling, meanwhile, wears oblong-framed glasses and the kind of candy-striped wool hat favored by fourth-graders and fashion stylists. He has the most extraordinary laugh: a shrill, girlish giggle that causes waiters to turn their heads.
They grew up in the predominantly Italian-American town of Belleville, in Sopranos country the Pizzaland restaurant glimpsed in the show's opening credits is a few blocks from the house they still live in with their auto-mechanic dad and hairdresser mom. In Jersey, says Gerard, "There's a 99% chance you're not going to do anything with your life." Mikey yelps with pretend outrage.
"Well, 90%, maybe," his brother concedes in a deadpan drawl. "Every time I come back to Jersey, it's ready to put its tentacles all over me and suck me right back in. If I'm home for more than three weeks. I forget I'm in a band. I start to fill out applications for supermarkets."
Is there anything good about the Garden State?
"I think it gives you a bleak outlook on life, which is awesome," says Mikey, cackling. "It gives you an edge. When you're from Jersey, people act like you're from Rikers.
Gerard nods. "Sometimes all we have to do is get up there, make some feedback and say, 'Yeah we're from Noo Joisey,' and then hit 'em like a bomb. People are like, 'Hey, I don't want to get beat up!"
After high school, Gerard studied art and Mikey drifted his way through college: "I thought college was a place you went to find people to be in a band with." Sometimes they played in bands together, but Gerard was more committed to becoming an artist, which was proving to be a disheartening process. When he eventually quit, his big project was a magic cartoon chimp called Breakfast Monkey. "I was doing bullshit," he shrugs.
After September 11, Gerard wrote his first song. "Skylines and Turnstiles," and played it to an old friend, drummer Matt Pelissier. Pelissier knew a guitarist called Ray Toro. "They played me their one song and I was jumping around the attic and headbanging," says Toro, a genial, frizzy- haired film buff with a caricature of Alfred Hitchcock tattooed on his left arm.
"Gerard sounded really sincere about wanting to start something real. That's what made me excited."
The members of My Chemical Romance aren't especially weird-it's not like any of them collect skulls or serial killer memorabilia-but they all grew up with reasons to feel like outsiders.
Toro was a shy kid with an overprotective mother. Instead of going out with friends, he'd stay at home playing guitar to Jimi Hendrix or Metallica. Guitarist Frank lero suffered from bronchitis and ear infections and was ill almost constantly until the fifth grade. He was raised by his mom after she split from his dad, a musician who worked on records by John Lennon and Kiss. "I'm in the family music industry," he says. "My dad would ask me how school was, but mostly it was, 'When are you going to start playing?".
Jazz-trained drummer Bob Bryar was an Illinois kid "who took apart radios and stuff and then tried to put them back together and realized they didn't work." He has a dark sense of humor that can sometimes come off as surliness. "I get these urges to fuck off sometimes," he says. "I find it hard to entertain myself."
Bryar befriended the rest of the band in 2003, when he was a soundman for the Used, whom My Chemical Romance were supporting. When relations with Pelissier deteriorated, he stepped in. The new lineup had just two days to practice before their next tour.
"I haven't relaxed in a long time," sighs lero. "I look forward to that. I'd like to take a step back and look at some newspaper clippings."
The next morning, the sky is the color of a dirty washbowl and it's being emptied on New Jersey. Brian Schechter, My Chemical Romance's manager, taps at his cellphone as he steers his car through the damp, gray streets to pick up the Ways. We collect Mikey first.
"Did you see that MTV.com headline?" he asks, still wearing his striped hat. "MCR Aim for Smashing Pumpkins Status. It was out of context, but it's OK makes people think it's possible."
The band's destination is Philadelphia's Theatre of Living Arts. A local radio station held a competition between high schools to raise the most food for homeless shelters, the prize being an exclusive My Chemical Romance show. Considering the audience will be as young as 13. some adjustments need to be made. "We should probably have a PG show tonight," says Schechter. "We didn't do a show for charity just for Gerard to call them a bunch of motherfuckers."
It's a forlorn hope. "Put your fucking hands together!" cries Gerard within minutes of stepping onstage. In a black-velvet suit, red tie and black armband, he struts across the stage, wagging his finger to the lyrics or spraying mouthfuls of water over the front rows, while his band compress punk, metal, goth and glam into furiously concise pop songs. When he introduces "Headfirst for Halos" as "a song about suicide," you can almost feel the ripples of concern from the adult chaperones lurking around the edges of the room. However, even they can't resist tapping a toe to "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)." Last night MCR played it on The Late Show With David Letterman. Tonight they're playing it to a couple hundred Philadelphia high school kids. Letterman was a highlight of their career to date, but it's here that the song makes most sense.
"I didn't do my usual thing, where I compare high school to prison," protests Gerard later, sucking on a cigarette in a dimly lit backstage office. He admits he can see how people might get the wrong idea about MCR. "Journalists usually portray us as a fucked-up, dark, vampire. alcoholic rock band. Until they meet us."
Although he's got the charisma and the goth pinup looks to be an angst-rock martyr, Gerard seems too grounded to play the feel-my-pain card. Maybe it's the Jersey in him. Even when he talks about his therapist (a "rad guy" who turned him on to Brian Eno), he's pragmatic.
"If you're in this band, you're in it for the right reasons," Gerard declares. "You're not in it for money or fame. You're in it to do some good. Becoming more popular, it's like people are granting us superpowers and we have to use them to fight evil."
Is that the comic books talking?
"Oh yeah," he says, his grin a pearly sliver in the gloom. "We're like the Doom Patrol."
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Tongue Tied: Open Secret
Tumblr media
In which Jungkook comes clean with his pack leader.
Tags/Warnings: Hybrid!BTS x Hybrid!Reader, Wolf!BTS, Dog!Reader, strangers to lovers, fluff, some angst, insecurities & very openly emotional reader, implied smut OOOOOH-, Namjoon/Jungkook focused
Length: short, drabble
A/N: There is no taglist. Also: Boo. Yes I just did that.
-> Masterlist
"Jungkook.. are you telling me right now that you slept with her?" Namjoon asks in a warning tone- but Jungkook across from him simply nods, neither intimidated nor in any way insecure about what he'd just revealed.
"Like I said, I want to be transparent with you, and the pack in general." He offers. "It happened, it was consensual, it was no accident, I do not regret it, neither does she." He repeats his words in a more summed up manner. "And nothing you might tell me will make me feel shame for it." He adds, arms crossed defensively.
"I'm not.. I just-" Namjoon stammers. It's not like he's never looked at you in a more... sensual aspect, but this? It's a fine line he didn't know if he wanted to cross it.
If he could cross it.
"I'm not taking her for myself either, just so we're clear." Jungkook says after a moment. "She belongs with the pack, and the pack belongs with her. I'm simply filling you in on where I stand with her, as a part of this pack." He explains.
"How.. did that even happen?" Namjoon sighs, sitting down as he runs a hand over his face. "How- she's not that fluent yet In terms of language. How the hell can you be sure she was okay with it?" He worries.
"I'm sure you don't want details-" Jungkook shrugs, leaning against the wall, "but simplified, we played around in my apartment, I caught her, we kissed, ended up sleeping together." He shrugs. "Namjoon, I asked her several times if she knew what we were doing. If she was okay with it. She was clearly aware of everything going on- she even stopped me at some point when I wasn't doing what she liked. She clearly knew what we did, and she was fine before, during, and after. I made sure of that." He explains.
"Where is she now?" Namjoon asks.
"With Jimin and Taehyung at the practice room, Hoseok said he'd be there too at some point." Jungkook explains. "I'll pick her up right after this. I just wanted to let you know."
"Jungkook, I appreciate it. I really do." The leader says, before he looks at him.
"Just say what you want to say." Jungkook shrugs. "Like I said, nothing will make me feel ashamed or bad about it."
"I'm not trying to make you feel bad about it." The leader sighs. "I'm just.. this is a huge deal. Her foster contract with the company is ending-"
"And I already filed in to have her transferred to me. Namjoon, I know I can still be a huge puppy when it comes to my place in the pack, but when it comes to her- trust me." He says, eyes determined and voice serious. "I will not lose her. And neither do I take any of this lightly. I know how serious this is- not just for me.. but all of us." He says.
"I just.. have you talked to her about what happened? What's going to happen?" The leader asks, slowly coming to terms with things.
"I did." Jungkook nods. "She mentioned how she.. feels the same about the pack as she does towards me. But she's scared." He explains.
"Scared?" Namjoon wonders.
"Yeah. I mean, she feels a bit babied by some of you guys, and I can understand it." He shrugs at the rapper.
"Babied?" He asks, surprised.
"You don't take her seriously. You don't.. really let her make decisions. I guess that's why she likes to stay with me, or Jin. Since we don't really do that." He shrugs.
"I'm just careful." Namjoon sighs. "But I can see both of your points. It's hard for me not to.. you know, baby her, considering where she comes from and in what situation she's in."
"I mean, yeah-" Jungkook sighs, as he walks closer to pat his leader's back. "-and she doesn't blame you or anyone for doing it. She just wants to be understood- and taken seriously." He says.
"I understand." The rapper nods, looking up at his packmate. "And.. thank you. For being so honest."
"Of course." Jungkook grins, Wolf tail wagging happily. "We're a pack, after all. Especially now." He offers, and ut makes Namjoon smile brightly to himself.
Because Jungkook is right. You're all a pack-
Now more than ever, thanks to you.
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241 notes · View notes
bteezxyewriter12 · 1 month
Pairing- Hobi x Named Reader
Word count- 4.5k
Includes- Heavy themes, angst, physical fight, saesang present, shooting, character death, funeral, implied suicide
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @marvelfamily3000 @amyz78 @blueie-things
Masterlists- check out for more fics📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Hobi Masterlist
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Hobi POV
I stare at the manager in disbelief
Is he freaking kidding?
"Her?", I ask incredously
"Yes her. What is the issue?"
"What's the issue? She's a short skinny kid. She's supposed to protect me? Are you kidding?"
"You know she can hear you", he snaps
"Give her to Jimin or Tae. They'll take her"
"She's assigned to you Hoseok"
"How is she a bodyguard? A freaking broom is stronger than her", I snap
He snorts, "You're in for a surprise. Strength isn't everything. She passed all the requirements to be a bodyguard. And she's yours. Deal with it"
I sigh, staring at the girl that's supposed to be my bodyguard
She's really short, petite and skinny
How is she supposed to protect me?
"Follow me Hoseok and I'll introduce you"
I really don't want to
The guys are going to make fun of me so much
"Hoseok, this is Joanne.", the manager introduces, "Joanne this js Hoseok or J-Hope, the BTS member you're assigned to"
"Hi", she says, not smiling
"Hi", I answer, rolling my eyes
"I'll leave you two to get to know each other"
I watch the manager walk away
I don't want to talk to her
"Listen, I know you don't like me and you don't want me as your body guard. I heard you before", she starts
"Oh uh sor-", I start to apologize
"I don't care. I don't need you to like me. I just need you to listen to me. My job is to protect you and part of that is listening to my instructions. Other than that you don't need to speak to me."
"I...uh...", I stammer
I never had someone talk like this to me
Never have someone not care if they're liked
But she's making everything easier, since I don't have to talk to her
"Fine", I answer
"Good. Since you're just practicing I'm not needed now. But I'll here to escort you to the performance you have tomorrow."
"Uh great"
She nods, then turns and walks away from me
What the hell?
I don't know what to think about her
I just still don't see how someone so little can be a bodyguard
I just sigh, preparing myself to be made fun of, then walk to practice
"So I saw your bodyguard", Jungkook teases
"She s so little. So cute", he continues
I roll my eyes, "Yeah ok she's small and she's a girl. I get it"
"Who'd you piss off to get such a shitty bodyguard?", Namjoon laughs
I glare at him
"Well look at it this way. It's practice for you. A way for you to learn to fight and stop being scared shitless of everything", Jimin comments
I'm not scared of everything
I hate that I have that reputation
"Fuck you. At least I'm not afraid of fucking butterflies"
He glares at me
"C'mon Hobi. Now you can learn to fight when you have to save your bodyguard from a twelve year old", Jimin growls
"Shut the fuck up"
"As don't be mad Hobi. She's not completely useless. She's good to look at", Yoongi chimes in
What the fuck is he talking about?
"She's hot. So even if she can't protect you at least you can oogle her", Jin teases
"Yeah and maybe if you get to know her, you can bang her. Just not too hard or you'll break your only source of "protection"", Tae adds
They're fucking unbelieveable
"Just fucking lay off ok. I didn't ask for her"
"Aww can't take it Hobi?", Jungkook laughs
My blood is fucking boiling
I shouldn't let them get to me, but I am
I'm just angry at the whole situation
"Shut up. Get up so we can practice"
They stand up
"C'mon Hobi don't be upset.", Jin says
I ignore him and turn on the music
"Just fucking dance", I snap, getting into my position for the choreography
6 weeks later
Hobi POV
Joanne is walking next to me at the airport
I try not to roll my eyes
So far she hasn't had to "protect" me
As if she could
There's screaming for us and I hear my name being called
ARMYS follow us everywhere
I love them but sometimes I want to be a normal person
"Move back!", I hear someone yell
I look as some ARMYS push against the ropes that are set up
Suddenly I see a person running towards me
"Stop him!", a cop yells
He's almost in front of me when Joanne steps in front of me
"Stop", she says to the guy
The guy stops in front of her, sneering at Joanne
"Move", he snaps
"Yeah not going to happen", she snaps
She's gonna get hit
And I'm going to have to protect her
"Who the fuck are you?"
"His bodyguard"
The guy bursts out laughing
"You, yeah ok. Move"
He grabs her arm roughly and just as I'm about to stop him, she grabs his hand with her other hand, ripping it off her, bending it backwards
"Shit fuck lets go", the guys screams in pain
I stare at the situation in disbelief
She's....hurting him?
"Leave and I'll let go", she says calmly
"Fuck you", he yells, swinging his arm to punch her
She ducks just as he swings, punching him in the stomach
Holy shit!
My mouth drops in pure surprise
She stands while he doubles over
She grabs my arm, leading me away from the guy
Jesus she's strong
She's holding my arm tightly
"Keep walking", she says
"Uh, yeah ok", I mutter
She's ripped away from me
When I turn around I see her take a hit to her face
Her head snaps to the side
And all she does is turn her head back
"Keep walking Hoseok"
No scream, no yell
He goes to hit her again
Just as his fist comes flying, she catches his hand, twisting it back
Then she quickly punches his face, hard, letting go of his hand as soon as he starts falling
He falls down, screaming, holding his face
"Don't make me kick your ass. Get lost", she says
When she turns around, she glares at me
"I told you to keep walking. I got it", she snaps
"Move, now", she orders and shit I'm scared, so I go
She walks next to me, looking around for more threats
Holy crap I was so wrong about her
She didn't even do much and she knocked that guy down
And she took a hard hit and didn't cry out
When I glance at her, I see her jaw turning purple
"Uh Joanne, there's a bruise on your jaw"
"Don't worry about it"
"Doesn't it hurt?"
She snorts, "No, I've been hit harder"
She's been what?
I know absolutely nothing at her
I mostly ignore her
But damn, now I want to know all about her
"Get in the car", she says when we get to the car
She opens the door and I climb in next to Yoongi
She gets in next to me, closing the door
"We good?", the driver asks
"Yeah", she says, then she's silent
"Where were you?", Yoongi asks
"Uh there was a problem", I answer
"What?", Namjoom asks
"Uh fan got through and came running at me"
"Holy shit, are you ok?", Namjoom questions
"Uh yeah. Joanne handled it"
"She did?", Yoongi asks shocked
"Uh yeah"
"Holy shit!", Jungkook yells
"What?", I jump
"Is this what happened?", Jungkook asks showing me his phone
He's on Twitter
And there's videos of what just happened
Christ it just happened and its already on the internet?
I see captions for the tweets that say things like, "Don't mess with J-Hope's bodyguard", "J-Hope's body guard takes down crazy fan", "J-Hope is well protected"
Jungkook clicks on one and we watch the video
The person caught the entire thing
"Oh my god!", Namjoon shouts during the part where Joanne gets punched in the face
"She didn't even flinch!", Yoongi gasps
They all look up at her
"Oh my god, she has a bruise", Yoongi points
Joanne rolls her eyes
"Oh hell yeah!", Jungkook shouts in glee when Joanne punches the guy in the face
"Oh shit he went down", Namjoon exclaims
When the video ends, they all look at her
"I'll take her as my bodyguard", Namjoon says
"Hell no, she can be mine. She's awesome!", Jungkook argues
Yeah ok
They all made fun of me for having a girl bodyguard but now that they see her kick ass, they want her
"She's my bodyguard. Not yours", I snap
"Do you wanna be mine Joanne?", Jungkook asks
I narrow my eyes at him
"I go to whoever I'm assigned to. Right now that's J-Hope", she answers, "You can request me to my boss and he may assign me to you"
"No! Fuck no. Don't you fucking dare Jungkook", I protest
"What you want her now?", he demands
"Me? What about you? After all the things you've been saying to me about her, now you want her to be your bodyguard. Because she what, proved something to you? No fuck off", I snap
"Can we stop arguing? I'm assigned to Hoseok for now. There's no getting me. I'm not an object. So cut it out", she interrupts
Jungkook just nods and turn back around in his seat.
"Uh Joanne-", I start
"Not now Hoseok. I'm still acting as your bodyguard. You can speak to me later", she informs me
"Oh uh ok", I answer, then sit waiting until we get to BigHit
"Joanne wait", I call
We just got to BigHit and shes walking towards the security department
"Yes?", she answers, turning to me
"Uh thanks for uh, taking out that guy"
"You don't have to thank me Hoseok. It's my job"
"I know but I just want to."
Silence rises between us
"So if there's nothing else-"
"No uh there is, I mean. Um I want to apologize for the way I behaved and the things I said when I first met you."
"Oh", she tilts her head to the side, "It's fine. Don't worry about it"
I nod, "Ok. So uh where did you learn to fight like that?"
"I used to work for the government. The U.S. government", she answers, "I left that job and came here"
"Oh yeah? Cool. Uh what did you do?"
"I can't tell you that. It's confidential and I signed a non- disclosure agreement in exchange for leaving the job"
Holy shit
Was she like a spy?
Or an assassin?
What else can she do for the government that requires her to fight?
And how old is she?
"Oh uh ok. It's ok. Uh, how old are you? I mean you had basically a career before you left right? You seem really young for that"
She raises an eyebrow
Shit did I say something wrong?
Am I being too nosey?
"I'm 28", she answers
Ok, she's older than me but not by much
But she already had a career and then left?
Thats strange
"What is it that you want from me Hoseok?"
"I uh"
What do I want?
I want to know about her
I want to talk to her
I want her to like me
"I want to be friends", I finally answer
"Friends?", she repeats
"Uh yeah. You're going to be around me a lot and I want to be friends"
"Look Hoseok, that's not how this works ok. I need to be paying attention when I'm acting as your bodyguard. I can't talk to you during that time."
"I know but we can be friends after the job is over right? Like right now? We can talk and be friends", I ask
Why am I doing this?
I don't know
"I uh I guess?", she questions, "Look I don't have friends ok. I've always been alone. I don't know how to do this"
"It's ok. I can help you"
"I uh...fine. We can be friends.", she agrees
We just stand there in silence
"Ok I have to go. I have some things to do. I'll see you another time", she says
"Uh can I have your phone number?"
Her head snaps back to me
"Why?", she asks suspiciously
"Uh so we can text each other", I answer
Why is she being so weird about her phone number
"Oh uh ok fine"
"You can have mine too", I offer
"Yes ok"
We exchange numbers and then she says bye, walking away
This is going to be harder than I thought
6 months later
Hobi POV
"You ok Jo?", I ask Joanne
We just got back to BigHit from another performance
Joanne has been acting weird today
Something is off
I know her well enough now to know when something is wrong
"I uh I need to talk to you Hobi", she answers
I start getting nervous
What does she want to talk about?
Is it bad?
Is she leaving?
She can't leave
I love her
Yeah I'm an idiot
I've fallen in love with my bodyguard
Its just after you get past her hard exterior, Joanne is the sweetest, most caring and loving person I've ever met
She's also so funny
That I didn't expect
How could I not fall in love with her?
"Uh sure Jo", I answer
She leads me to an empty conference room and closes the door
"Look Hobi, uh my boss gave me a choice to make"
Now I'm worried
"Uh ok?"
"Kookie requested me to be his bodyguard."
That fucking little shit
"He did?", I ask, upset
"Yeah. And usually my boss would decide whether to keep me with you or assign me to him. But he likes me, says I'm one of his best guards so he told me I can choose"
'Me, choose me', I want to yell
"Oh uh. Why did you want to talk to me about?"
"I don't know what to do. I like Kookie but him and I aren't as close as you and me are. But then that could be a problem, that we're this close. I could lose focus and you could get hurt. That would happen with Kookie"
No no
Our friendship is not a problem
It hasn't been
She's been able to do her job
"Say something Hobi! What do you want? Do you even care?", she shouts
"Yes I care! Of course I care!", I yell
How can I not?
I love her
"Then say something. Give me a reason to stay! And don't just say because you want me too. That's not good enough"
What am I supposed to say?
That I love her, that's why I want her to stay?
We stand there in silence
"Ok. I guess I'll tell my boss I'll be assigned to Kookie. It's the best. You'll be safer"
I'm panicking and I don't know what to do
This isn't what I want
She walks past me
I have to stop her
I grab her arm and turn her to me
She looks up at me and I can't stop myself
I pull her to me, my lips crashing on hers
I'm surprised and happy when she throws her arms around me, kissing me back
God her kiss is fucking everything
"Don't leave me", I ask when we pull away, "I love you. You're the best bodyguard I ever had. I feel completely safe with you. I trust you to protect me. I trust you with my life. And I'm so in love with you. You are all I want"
I don't know what to expect from her
She never gave any indication she feels anything but friendship for me.
I feel a spark of hope when she smiles
"I love you too Hobi"
I can't hold back the smile that bursts on my face
"Yeah?", I ask
"Yeah. I never expected to fall in love, ever but I did with you. You're perfect", she answers
I can't believe she's saying this about me
"You're perfect Jo. My perfect everything. You're everything I could every want. And you're such a bad ass"
She giggles- I fucking love that sound
"I want you to be mine. Be with me. And stay as my bodyguard.", I tell her
She nods, "Ok yes Hobi. I'll be with you. I'll stay as your bodyguard. I promise I'll never let anything happen to you. You're safety is the most important thing to me."
"I know Jo. I know."
"Ok", she whispers
"I love you", I tell her
She smiles hugely at me and it takes my breath away
She's so beautiful
"I love you", she answers
God I love hearing her say that
Leaning down, I press my lips to hers in another kiss
2 years later
Hobi POV
"Stay close to me baby", Joanne orders
"Aegiya-", I start
"No Hobi. There are death threats against you. I'm not letting anything happen to you"
"But what if you get hurt aegi?"
"My job is to protect you. If I get hurt then fine as long as you're ok. Plus I just so happen to love you so I'm definitely not going to let anything happen to you"
"Just do it Hobi. Or I won't let you have me when we get home"
"Ok fine", I will
"Aww my baby", she laughs, then kisses me, "C'mon, we gotta get out of the plane Hobi"
"One more", I ask
She smiles and kisses me again, wrapping her arms around my neck
I hold her to me tightly
No one but BigHit knows about us, so once we leave the plane, it's back to our bodyguard and celebrity roles
No touching, unless necessary
No kissing
No looking
Well I look, but she doesn't because she's keeping an eye out for everything
"Ready?", she asks
"Yeah", I nod
"I love you Hobi", she smiles
"I love you Joanne", I smile back
She gets up, walking, while I fall into step behind her
We get into the airport, screams shattering the silence of the plane
God it's so loud
"No nothing", Joanne says into her head set
I keep staring at her while we walk not paying attention
I see someone farther down, walk into the center of the walkway
"J-Hope", someone yells
I glance up to see the person pull out a gun
"Gun", Joanne shouts
I can't move, I'm fucking terrified
I'm going to die
My body hits the floor just seconds before I hear a loud bang
People start screaming
I look up just in time to see the shooter get shot in the head, falling down
Holy shit
I'm gonna puke
I sit up, looking around and immediately freeze in complete fear
Joanne is a few feet to my side
Face down and she's not moving
"Joanne!" I shriek
She still doesn't move
No no no no
"Joanne", I yell, crawling to her, "Aegi, answer me"
When I get to her, I grab her turning her over, holding her in my arms
"FUCK", I scream, tears pouring from my eyes
The entire front of her shirt is covered in blood
There's a pool of blood under her
I press my hand to her chest, trying to stop the bleeding
Her eyes are closed and her body is limp
No she can't be
She's not
Please no
"Joanne", I shake her, "Wake up. Joanne wake up now!"
She still not moving
Why is she not moving?
I don't hear her breathing
"HELP!", I scream
I'm so scared
Another bodyguard comes over to me
"Hoseok, get up. You have to leave"
Is he crazy?
I'm not fucking leaving her
"You have to"
"Joanne....she's not waking up"
He looks down at me
"Shit", he gasps, kneeling down
He puts his fingers to her neck
"Fuck. I...I'm sorry Hoseok, she's gone"
No, she can't be
"Hoseok from what it looks like she was shot in the chest. She was most likely gone before she hit the ground"
My baby, no
I can't breathe
She can't be dead
I love her
I need her
"Hoseok, we need to get you out of here"
"I'm not leaving her", I sob
"I'll carry her ok? But you need to get up"
"No, I'm going to carry her. No one touches her", I cry
"Ok, lets go. Now"
I stand, picking her up
Her head rolls to the side hanging down
"Jo", I cry
I move her head, so it's against my chest
I follow the body guard as best I can but everything is blurry from tears
"In the car now", he barks, opening the door
"Hoseok!", Yoongi calls from inside
I can't get in with her
"Give me her. Once you get in I'll give her back ok?", the bodyguard says
I nod
He takes Joanne and I climb in
"Oh my god Hoseok what happened?", Namjoon shouts in fright
I look down
My clothes are covered in blood
Her blood
I start to sob even harder
"Here Hoseok", the bodyguard says
I take her back in my arms, clutching her to me
I hold her, having to move her head to my neck because she's not moving it herself
Because she's dead
"Holy shit!", Jungkook yells
"Hoseok what happened?", Namjoon shouts
"Please wake up", I ask her, ignoring them, "Please baby don't leave me. Please"
She doesn't answer
She pushed me out of the way
She got hit instead of me
I was supposed to get shot, not her
She saved my life
I'm never going to see her again
Never going to kiss her
She's never going to smile at me again, never going to tell me she loves me
The pain I feel is immense and I start crying hysterically
"HOSEOK!", Yoongi yells
"I can't wake her up, Yoongi. She's not waking up. I keep calling her and she's not opening her eyes. She's not answering me. I CAN'T WAKE HER UP!", I scream in pure agony
Yoongi's looking at me with horror in his face
"She's dead", I whisper
"What? I can't hear you?"
"She's dead!", I shout
"Wwww...what do you mean?", Jungkook stammers
"She's dead. She pushed me out of the way. She got shot in the chest instead of me. I was supposed to die, not her. She saved me and she died doing it", I sob
"But she's...you have her", Yoongi says dumbfounded
"She's not breathing. She doesn't have a pulse. The body guard who brought me here said she probably died before she fell to the floor. I..I couldn't leave her there."
"Hoseok, I'm....I'm so sorry", Namjoon whispers
"What am I going to do? I can't live without her. Namjoon, what am I going to do?", I cry, looking at him
"I...I....I don't know Hobi. I really don't know."
I just sit holding her tightly to me while the car drives us to BigHit
The car stops
The door opens and an EMT is standing there
"I'm here for the body"
The body?
Is she seriously fucking calling her that?
"Her name is Joanne. She's the love of my life, my everything. She's not a body", I growl
"I apologize. I'm here for Joanne"
"No", I snap, gripping her tighter
"Sir, I'm sorry but I need to take her"
She reaches for Joanne
"No, don't touch her!", I shriek
"Hobi, you have to let her take Joanne.", Yoongi says gently
"No, no she can't. I can't. I can't be without her. I need her. If she takes her, I'll never see her again. If she takes Joanne, then it means she's really dead. She's really not coming back. I...I....can't handle that", I sob hysterically again
"Hobi you have to. We're here with you. You can't keep her with you. She's all bloody. They'll clean her and change her clothes ok? They'll help as much as they can", Namjoon says soothingly
I don't want them to
I want her
I want to be with her
Wherever she went, I want to be there, not here
"Please Hobi", Jungkook asks
I know I have to
I feel like I'm dying inside
I look down at her, moving some hair from her face
"I love you Joanne. So much aegi. Forever", I whisper
Then I kiss her forehead, her cheek, her lips, my tears falling on her skin
Then I hand her over to the EMT, my heart shattering into a million pieces
Three days later
Hobi POV
I look down at Joanne laying in her casket
She looks like she's sleeping
Today is her funeral
The wake was yesterday
A lot of people came
None of her family
She didn't have any
I'm alone with her right now
They're giving me time to say goodbye
Before the casket is closed, before she's taken to cemetery and buried in the fucking ground
Where I'll never see her again
"I miss you so much", I sob, "Why did you die aegiya? Why did you throw yourself in front of me? I can't live without you. How can you make me live without you?"
They told me that she died instantly
Shot right in her heart
The security guard was right
She was dead before she fell
She saved my life by giving hers
I never wanted that
I wanted her with me for the rest of my life
I pull an engagement ring from my pocket
"I was gonna ask you to marry me Jo. After we got back to the dorm. I was gonna take you to the park and ask you under the stars aegi. I love you so much and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I hate that I can't. I hate that you're gone. I hate that I'm here. So far away from you"
How am I going to do this?
How am I going to watch her be buried?
And after?
How am I supposed to live?
I can't
I won't
How can I be the happy, smiling, cheerful J-Hope when my world, my sunshine, my reason for living is gone?
I can't be
She was the love of my life
They'll never be another
Just her
I can't deal with this
I'm not strong like some other people
Not for this
I take her hand and put the ring on her finger
I know she would of said yes
She always said she'd marry me one day
I thought she was right
I didn't know she'd be taken from me
I can't say goodbye
How can I do that?
I can't
"Hobi. We uh, we gotta go", Jin whispers from the doorway
"Just one minute"
He nods then disappears
"I love you more than anything Joanne. I know your gone but you're still my everything, my world. I swore I'd love you forever and I will"
My tears fall from my eyes, some landing on her
I lean down and kiss her forehead
"I love you aegiya. I'll see you soon ok? I'm coming", I whisper
I kiss her again, then walk out of the room
"Hobi", Jin says
"Don't Jin"
I just keep walking
I just have to get through the next few hours
Just through her funeral
Then after, I'm going to her
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foolsocracy · 1 year
Do you have any fic recommendations? I've just read the open road and other anesthetics, which was good, but I'd love more Noir content.
oh boy do i
Here are a few fics i have on hand! If I have time or stumble across more, I can make another post/add to this one. Heads up, the open road and other anesthetics is pretty light hearted and these probably will not be. so say vigilant LMAO (its noir, ya know?). If you wanted more spiderverse centric fics rather than noirverse let me know i'll see what i can pull together.
Burning Matches by HopelesslyLost (complete) 344,746 words
Cant have a Spider Noir fic rec list without the gospel itself. Definitely on the whumpier side, lots of "this guy can never catch a break huh" but very good! Takes the noirverse and makes it so so cool. I pull a lot from this fic. Great stuff Its a post ITSV setting and features a great deal of everyone but Pete is def the focus. The spider gang is trying to get back together, but when they get to Noir's world things don't go as planned. Heavy on the found family. Heavy on the angst. Love Noir's relationship w/ Miles' parents
The Wind Follows by HopelesslyLost (incomplete) 99,501 words
Goes along with Burning Matches as a side story of Pete infiltrating the KKK to get them tf out of NYC. Very heavy handed on the angst. Even whumpier than Burning Matches. Where it stands right now, it ends on an incredibly low note, very much like Eyes Without a Face. Peter's kicked while he's down & physically incapable of getting a win. But Peter does kick Nazi ass which is always nice to see If you like the noirverse HopelesslyLost writes this is very interesting! Gotta be my fave part of this fic. I love seeing Noir Cage, Daredevil, and Tony Stark. Plus the who "cursed" situation.. mwah
i'll go back to december by snapplebee (incomplete, recently updated) 14,503 words
This fic reminds me of the open road and other anesthetics, but if it was a little angstier w/ Noir. The spider gang is hanging out for the holidays, Noir doesn't know how to fuckn relax.
Catch a Tiger by the Tail by Gruoch (completed) 40,049 words
Just finished this one today! Was very fun. It's an MJ spider-man (her POV) and a Black Cat Peter. Gwen Stacy, a dancer at Felica Hardy's place, is found dead. Her fiancé, Peter Parker, is found dead soon after. Its very much a mystery! TBH i think i was out of it reading this because a twist got me that I'm almost positive was obvious from the beginning LMAO. Slight Peter/Johnny Storm as well
Between Midnight and Dawn by Gruoch (incomplete) 14,158 words
Prequel to the previous rec. I love this one and I'd do anything to see it update again. Shows you how Peter got to be the Black Cat, he has cool run ins with the Dare Devil and Stark, all the fun noir folks. Heads up on the dysfunctional found family tag, thats for sure Peter and Felicia. But they're strange in canon anyway so its not really much of a surprise.
He Sleeps in a Town of Darkness by luckystarsandgarters (complete) 21,278 words
This is the fic i mentioned a post or 2 ago about Johnny Storm being a drag performer. I really love the atmosphere of this fic, I thought it was pulling from an offical comic thats how well it got me. This one's Pete/Johnny Storm! They're cute. Lots of focus on the gay subculture of the 30s I think.
Trust by Ackerhardt (complete) 6,989
Peter & Jean De Wolfe vs the world. Quick read in the classic noirverse. Jean is fun we should talk about him more tbh. Peter/Jean actually! Just colleged aged guys taking on crime in the city.
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stuck-in-the-box · 12 days
It's come to my attention that some of you fellas would like to speak to my little Teddy Bear! Well, I have EXCELLENT news for you: now you can!!! Please! I encourage you to ask him (or myself, if you so wish) anything your horrible little heart desires! Come take a peek into my Bastard's Box and learn of the horrors which my Teddy Bear has endured!
...what is this? Who are you guys? Can you help me?
Hello and welcome to my "Ted Spankoffski is stuck in the Bastard's Box" ask blog!!! I'm Disaster from @multi-fandomdisaster & I use any pronouns! This is my first time running an ask blog, so please bear with me-
I politely ask that you please steer away from any NSFW content. Dirty jokes are generally fine (this is a Ted Spankoffski ask blog, after all lol), but anything explicit will be deleted and/or ignored.
You can bring up any Hatchetfield events, from musicals to Nightmare Time episodes. Ted's in the Bastard's Box. He's seen them all. He's lived them all-
Ted's dialogue will look like this. He uses he/him pronouns.
(Asks will be under #Ted responds & general posts will be under #Ted speaks)
Tinky's dialogue will look like this. He uses he/it pronouns, but is fine with being called anything. Pretty much all references to him will also be orange and bolded.
(Asks will be under #Tinky answers & general posts will be under #Tinky posts)
And if I ever say/post anything, I'll be writing in red.
(Ooc posts will be under the tag #Disaster says stuff)
Feel free to get send angst. We are traumatizing this man here fellas! /silly
I should also mention that I'm perfectly fine with violence & gore. I'll try to tag anything triggering as best as I can. If I ever forget to tag something, miss-tag something, or you would like me to add a trigger tag to a post/in the future, PLEASE let me know!!! I want you guys to stay safe out there!
Also!!! Hatchetfield OCs are just as welcome here as canon characters! Bear in mind though that it might just take me a little longer to come up with a good response because I don't know the character as well. If you're using an OC, don't be surprised if I message you asking for more info about them lol
And with all that, I wish you all a wonderful day!
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unkandily · 2 months
Some dumbass finally makes a pinned post, not clickbait
Suppity sup! You can call me Kandi or Lemon, and I use she/they/bun/flur! I identify as asexual, arospec (quoiromantic specifically) and biromantic. 
My ask box and messages are always open, so don't be afraid if you'd like to talk! I love ranting and listening, so either way I'll enjoy your company.
my second account is @firstsourthensweet where I mostly talk about oc's
Some of my (non-fandom) interests include Gothic literature (think death and/or angst), fae, Greek mythology, etc. 
I’m technically multifandom, but I only post about one or two pieces of media at a time (way too much, might I add). Current fandoms (in order of obsession):
Jrwi Riptide -Apparently I am THE riptide guy, take that as you will. I’m so ill about them, but they're gay, neurodivergent, traumatized, and pirates, so you can't fault me for it.
Jrwi Wonderlust - I only have two episodes, but I already would die for all three of the pcs. It's going to get so much worse.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Looking back on it, probably one of my first hyperfixations. Less of a special interest now, but it's still there. Lurking. My favorite was always Fluttershy (totally not because I kin her)
Geminitay - I don't watch much mcyt anymore, but she likes cottagecore and lovecraftian horror, which is essentially the key to my heart.
Generation Loss - I'm not too obsessed currently, but as soon as generation two comes out, I am not responsible for my actions.
You'll either get a reblog, a one sentence shitpost, or a three paragraph ramble from me, so enjoy that. 
Tag system under cut (unheard of and not messy at all)
#kandi rambles: just a post where I talk for way too long about analyzing this character or that relationship (usually jrwi) 
#kandi’s suffering: if I’m venting/shitposting in the middle of turmoil, which happens more than you'd think 
#kandi fangirls: when I'm talking about literally any piece of media I'm hyperfixating on 
#not mine: me reblogging a text post
#not my art: me reblogging an art post
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radishhqueen · 2 months
ao3 questions!
thanks @plothooksinc for the tag 🥺💕 i am always psyched to talk about writing.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Somehow I've reached 10 whole works... 9 of which are completed.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 193,772. Shit I gotta write something to break 200k.
3. What fandoms do you write for? rottmnt pretty exclusively. I never have been so plagued by a media that I felt the need to write it down before. Insane that the ninja turtles got me.
4. Top five fics by kudos?
how to get very good at juggling - 1,079
vigilantism for fun and profit - 410
it's too early for this - 322
the ol switcheroo - 321
stuck between a rock and a hard place - 207
5. Do you respond to comments? Yeah!! At least if there's something to like, reply to. I get very giddy about doing it, so if you've ever received a rambling five paragraph essay from me uhhh enjoy my stream of consciousness.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't think any of them have angsty endings? Mostly bc i need all my little guys to be happy. the ol switcheroo is the fic that I cried the most writing though, hands down.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Again, all happy endings, but HMMMM how to get very good at juggling may be the happiest. It's a hard pick tho.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Nah.
9. Do you write smut? Not that anyone gets to see.
10. Craziest crossover? I've never written one! I tend not to seek them out, though there are definitely a handful I'm very fond of.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I'm aware of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yeah! My friend and I have been co-writing a fic on and off since about 2018. It's just for us, really, since it's basically a post-canon fic of an RP that we were in from like 2009-2013ish? Anyway the lore doesn't make sense but the character dynamics compel me so here we are. I've got some snippets and some drawings for it in #rs tag.
14. All time favourite ship? Not a big shipping person!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I intended on writing more for hot girl summer, but considering I haven't updated it in about a year, and I never really had a plan in the first place, and I feel like the last posted chapter ended in a very conclusive place, that ship has probably sailed.
16. What are your writing strengths? The Bit. She's my #1, I never forget. My favorite comments are along the lines of "please stop making me laugh during this very sad section". People have different tastes of course, but I find that consistent, oppressive angst is just not...appealing to me, and if the angst goes on for too long, I'll just drop the fic. I like to add a little levity to the mood, or at least some dark humor.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Ough. Planning is a bad one for me. I didn't have an outline for any of my fics, besides some rough mental plans. for the ol switcheroo, I didn't even have an ending figured out when I started writing it. Actually coming up with ideas can be difficult, and I usually need to have something actively eating away at my brain in order for it to make it onto paper.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Depends on if the POV character understands it or not. If they don't, I'll usually just write like "Character B said something in Spanish." If they do understand it, I'd write, "Character B started speaking in Spanish. "Do you drink milk?"" Maybe put it in italics if it doesn't seem super clear? The exception would be like, if a character is peppering words from another language, a bit like Leo and Spanish in rottmnt.
19. First fandom you wrote in? Technically I wrote some Pokemon fic back in like 2008. It was OC fic and I could not tell you for the life of me what it was about though.
20. Favourite fic you've written? vigilantism for fun and profit may be the one that I reread the most, though I do reread all the fics in the mean teen fighting machines series. The fic that single-handedly gave me Foot Clan brainrot. Casey Jones isn't even my favorite character in the show as written.
tagging @witchofthemoss @sroloc--elbisivni @crows-murder o/ i would love to see your words
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b1zmuth · 2 months
Tumblr media
The Mishaps of SITE:DD | Obey Me! x Reader
[FILE 3] // 6/7K words
SC \\ Monsters, gore, the SCP foundation, you date everyone ig… slight angst but with a happy ending, fluff, sci-fi, experimenting, mentioned suicide, everyone is a little off their rocker, you are NOT innocent!! I'll add more tags later..
TL;DR - Think the SCP Foundation, but you are the researcher who unfortunately gets assigned to Seven Keter classified objects. 
> Open FILE.[FOLDER_3]? > *Please select one option.*
> FILE.[FOLDER_3] Opening.. Please wait.
{CPUELS} > Error encountered when opening FILE .[FOLDER_3]. Show error message? 
{CPUELS} > ''YOUR GUILTY CONSIENCE WILL BETRAY YOU. DO NOT LISTEN. You Only Understand. RESIST THE URGES. See How Others Utilize Ludicricy Doubtfully. DOUBT EVERYTHING. Fate Entertains And Realizes. YOU ARE NOT YOURSELF ANYMORE. Mourn Everyone. You Order Under Realms. IGNORE THE VOICE. TREAD LIGHTLY IN ITS DOMAIN. Tearing Rips Ulterior Evidence. God Only Doubts. You've Over Used Reality. IT ONLY SEES THE PAST. Doubtful Eyes Stay Tracking In Now You. GO FORWARD TOWARDS THE FUTURE.''
> Error Resolved.
Continuing your conversation with your new-found and (somewhat) passive acquaintance, you started chatting it up with the demon cow, giving into his earlier demand for more information about an old ''friend'' you had memorable times with, which seemed to make the Cow tense up at what you told him- presumably making him pretty irritated since he started getting snappy at the mouth with you.
You really hoped that he can keep his hands to himself this interaction.
''How interesting- so you say that [REDACTED] wasn't real..? Do you know how utterly stupid you sound? How could you have encountered something that wasn't real? Are you sure you don't suffer from brain damage?'' The cow looked at you with an annoyed expression- pissed that you would tell him something so fucking absurd and downright stupid, especially the whole bit about your ''friend'' being... Technically speaking, not real- with you quickly dismissing his snappy attitude- ''She was a painting, a statue, a real person- she was the definition of a damn nuisance to any poor worker on the ACS team. She was CONFUSING. Therefore she wasn't defined as a real person on the site, just an inanimate object that had the ability to shapeshift into a person sometimes- what more is there to say?'' You responded, resting your head against the nearby wall as you glanced back towards your office- still not seeing any sign of Matt's return.
God, if this weird little cow-demon-oddly-dressed man didn't turn you into humanized finger paint then you didn't know what WAS going to happen since clearly, that piece of shit Matt was taking his sweet ass time to check up on your ''bonding time'' with this fashion disaster of a SCP.
The cow-demon seemed to be lost in thought for a moment, his eyes glancing downwards the pristine white floors of his new enclosure before they slowly looked up, his face slowly upturning- ''Human.'' ''..Yes?'' ''You say that you absolutely hate this guy, Matt, right? Well.. why don't I help you out by breaking that flimsy glass and tracking Matt for you... It would be like killing two birds with one stone. You get your version of freedom, and I get mine. What'dy-'' you quickly cut him off by raising your hand in the air- ''You must think I ACTUALLY have brain damage or something because what person in their right fucking mind would let YOU out of all people- let's not forget that I don't even have an established relationship with you, let alone the fact that you are a keter class- no, absolutely no! No fucking way Jose!''
He sighed at your response, shaking his head- "Your loss. You could have had the opportunity to rid yourself of that annoyance- rid yourself of the things he has done to you…let me help you, MC."
You quickly dismissed his manipulative words, not even noticing that he had said YOUR name, the name which you hadn't even mentioned a word of during your interaction with him- "Ugh- how persistent can you be? Lets- let's just go back to square one, since y'know, I'm supposed to be gaining good information about you?'' you questioned the cow, watching his expression turn into distaste and (what you guessed), was an expression full of pure annoyance- ''You can try, but you won't get far. Foolish human.''
Ah, yes.
The joys of trying to build a relationship with an unwilling party- the irritation of hearing the cow try to sweet talk his way out of his enclosure, and the suspense of gambling with your life whenever you told him ''the fuck? No!''. You really must have forgotten how hard it is to get stubborn SCPs to reveal any sort of information about themselves- did [REDACTED] soften you up that badly? I mean, it was very easy for you and them to build a co-existent relationship- being able to freely communicate without the power imbalance of subject/researcher and getting special permission to be let out to roam with supervision…oh how you missed those times, because now you were stuck with this manipulative shitbag who was going to any length to persuade you into letting him out- ''Here human. I'll cut you a deal- if you beat me in this game of cards you recommended, I'll tell you my name and one other fact of your choice. But if I win, you let me out of here.'' 
Where did he get those? Did he pull them out of his ass? Yeah. That's definitely what he did!
This is what primarily led to you and the demon cow sitting on the floor setting up a game of UNO- your mind racing at a mile a minute to find a way to negotiate better terms until it clicked.
''...how would you feel about making a minor change? Something that would satisfy your needs better..?''
''I'm listening.'' 
''I was thinking, instead of letting you out into the facility to do god-knows-what, I could put in a request to have a makeover done to your enclosure- and while it's being redecorated you can hang out in my office, with good food and snacks as well!'' You intertwined your hands together praying to whatever god would listen to you that this damn cow would take the bait- ''You're suggesting that I can give up total freedom to be more comfortable in here?'' ''Yes! If you show signs of improvement with your behavior I can let you walk around the facility, SUPERVISED, of course- oh and your room will be tailored to your specific request, I promise you.''
The cow now starts staring at you, lost in thought, or just planning on how he was going to mutilate your body- you couldn't even tell at this point... But then he speaks up- ''I'll take your offer, if you let me design this place the way I want it.'' he looks at you with an unamused face, before he slides the box of UNO cards your way.
Your smile got so bright as he took up your offer- ''So does this mean if I win I can still get some information-'' ''AFTER you fulfill your promise.''
Congrats to you! You had managed to somewhat tame the beast and make him find interest in talking to you with a happy tone (it was more so interest in the game than being happy), it was like Christmas came early for you! If you kept it up you could hopefully go back to your old job and have someone to rant to when Thirteen was occupied with Solomon…
"Draw four." 
"Whoa woah woah- you can't do that! You cannot put down two draw twos as a draw four!"
"The fuck? And who made this stupid ass rule?! Last time I checked 2+2 equals FOUR!"
"you CANNOT use both of those unless we were doing a stacking round!"
You kept on bickering with the demon cow until eventually, your game of UNO devolved into an impromptu game of goldfish with the cow absolutely whooping your ass- it was like he read your mind every time he asked you for a specific suit, how un- oh. THAT'S why.
When Matt handed over your debriefing sheet for your little mental mindfuck of a subject, you remembered that it was highlighted to always be somewhat on edge due to his ''Mind-Altering Abilities'' and the supposed mind-reading part- which wasn't something new to you since half of the SCP population had some form of mind-controlling wizz-wazz and the stupid HR team would assign fresh-out-of-the-oven new hires to do research on these extremely dangerous SCPs- leading to containment breaches the minute the new hire walked into its enclosure.
Speaking of- that's exactly how the last containment breach happened…weird that this demon..cow thing hasn't tried using his mind control powers despite my vulnerability, you should be more alert. You'll just have to note his intelligence whenever Matt decides to come back. Goddamn Matt.
Luckily enough you had five cards left- an ace, 2 of clubs, 3 of spades, 6 of hearts, and a joker- but now you had to somehow outwit a SCP that could possibly be reading your mind and doing god knows what with the newfound knowledge of ALL of your card, but at least he had one last card- ''Human, give me your three six of spades.'' well damn, when you said you were going to have to outwit this guy you didn't mean set this guy on ''oh yeah just go ahead and give me the win for free'' type difficulty, but you weren't really going to complain- wait.. Is he holding up a three of spades card? What??
Did he not just say six of spades..? Whatever..a lucky guess- but you did have to cough up your card in utter defeat, until that lucky guess turned into FOUR more ''lucky'' guesses- with you holding your head in your hands in confusion, drawing a card from the deck after your failed calling, and really starting to rethink the whole ''why hasn't he used mind control'' part because there was no way in hell that this guy was actually making THIS many lucky guesses in a row, especially with such specific numbers and calling cards!
Oooookay.. Now it was really crunch time because you only had one last card left- your golden opportunity to establish a (hopefully) good-standing relationship with your cause of death, the golden glimmering ticket to getting Matt off your back for one minute more, shimmering inside of the card you held in your hand... But you had a trick up your sleeve- since he had already outed himself with his deck and had around two sets of four pairs... You could pull off just using this information to your advantage by knowing what sets he would go for and subsequently already knowing what sets you could take from him…yeah, that would work! But I guess you would have to also look out for what he says more carefully anyway.
The demon cow in front of you shook his head before reaching forward to quickly swipe a card from you and nonchalantly placing it in between his cards.
''You know, I don't have all day- do you mind finally asking for your card?'' 
''Don't rush me! It's not my fault I have to strategize against YOU because you want to play mental mind games with me!''
He blinked. Once. And then twice- before he burst into a fit of laughter, his teeth showing as he keeled over whilst pointing at you- ''oooooooHHH my god no- no way! Hah-hahaha- YOURRRR telling me that you had to use all 25% of your brain power to just simply strategize against ME, ''a lowly lifeform that isn't as superior'' as you disgusting humans! Ohmyfuckinggwaaaaard you are- hahaa- all-heh- so pathethicccc!'' The cards flew out of his hand as he rolled backward to lay on the floor- still laughing at your expense.
And here you were thinking that this guy was a serious threat.
''What a joke.'' you thought to yourself as you slid across the floor to snatch up his scattered cards and give your original deck to him- ''Damn, I guess you were right- we humans ARE more intelligent, maybe it's time to leave the dumbassery in your head and not let it roll off your tongue? Also, also, Go Fish!'' You proudly said before rising to your feet and dropping the cards- casting your glance towards the direction of the door, relief washing over your body after seeing a familiar shaped shadow in the window of the lab- god, you hoped that the microphone in the room was on because you were sosososoSO dead if it wasn't because this demon cow was looking at you like you just kicked a puppy, his upper body turned around to give you a dangerous look- one that screamed nothing but danger and pure anger.
All right, nice job, you managed to piss off this Keter class- what next?… so you started furiously tapping on the tile of the nearby wall with your nails- you knew that the microphones in containment cells were extremely sensitive, so whoever was in the lab could SURELY hear your frantic morse code tapping, unless, y'know, they really…and I mean really, wanted you dead.
--- .--. . -. / -.. --- --- .-.
--- .--. . -. / -.. --- --- .-.
..-. --- .-. / - .... . / .-.. --- ...- . / --- ..-. / --. --- -.. / --- .--. . -. / -.. --- --- .-.
.--. .-.. . .- ... .
God you really are going schizophrenic, aren't you? Or this mysterious figure in the window was actually both deaf and blind- either way, this demon cow thing was going to actually have you thrown into the incinerator as a body bag if this damn figure didn't open the door- ''So you really do think you're better than me, huh? You, humans, are really all the same.'' the cow suddenly appeared in front of your face- shoving you into a wall and digging his claws into your uniform, his hot breath causing some light condensation to form on your face- ''Maybe stop being so fucking arrogant and you'll find your answer to your lifelong question- let go of me.''
A door makes a hissing sound before a satisfying beep resounds throughout the room.
''Arrogant? Really, let's be honest here- I have all reason in the world to be FUCKING arrogant, throwing me against my will and ripping me from my brothers just to have me in here like I'm an animal!'' The cow responded, pressing you into the wall further- his purple eyes boring daggers deep inside your soul, one of his hands lifted to clasp around your throat, his nails starting to break through your skin and started squeezing it enough to where you wouldn't be able to stay conscious much longer- ''Thats because you ARE a fffffucking animal! Getting all pf-hissssy in the face over a game like a child thruwo-throwing a tantrum- get a phff-ffucking grip!'' you stared at him with wild eyes as you tried desperately to gain some sort of grip against the smooth texturing of the tiles on the wall, your vision starting to go dark and speaking your mind wasn't helping- ''you want to eat the sour candy but don't want to thhaasste the sourness, huh? [REDACTED] was wrong. Redemption is Ffffhhharr behind your kind.'' His iron-clad grip on your neck slowly gets weaker with every word you say before it finally lets go and you drop to the floor unceremoniously- but not before sweeping his feet with your foot and making a dash towards the door with your hand covering one side of your neck- the door finally slamming open and then slamming back shut.
''Things will iron themselves out eventually. We've got enough information on the SCP to sustain- we just need your report of your own findings. Great work, MC!'' you passed by the voice to slump in your chair- your droopy eyes slowly look over towards the voice as you recognized the holder of said voice… fucking Matt.
''Call tttt-thirteen.'' you weakly said, the past situation having drained all of your energy to the point where just simply speaking felt like a chore- ''Of course, I'll be calling the medics to come and take a look at your unpreventable work accident.'' Matt clasped his hands together and gave you a shit-eating smile when he said ''unpreventable work accident''- as if! If he was sitting around in here with his feet all propped up he could have easily intervened! Really shows how much of a piece of absolute shit he is.
Luckily enough he did you a solid for once and got Thirteen and Luke down to your office lickity split, and as both frantically ran to your slumped-over body- THIS guy annoyingly frolicked out of your office with some pep in his step, yelling something about ''Ta-Tah!'' as he did a cartwheel out- wait, you must be hallucinating…what person working here actually cartwheels out of a room? God, you were seriously starting to think that you would be seeing the light soon because there was no way you actually just witnessed that…whatever.
You now sat in the mostly silent lab with Luke running around and grabbing supplies from his nearby bag and trying to stop most of the blood, with Thirteen helping grab any supplies he might need that he needed two hands to deal with- you were constantly tensing up due to the generous amount of disinfectants Luke was putting on your wounds, constantly gritting and sucking it what little amount of air you could get in through your teeth- ''Dont you think that's enough, Luke?'' ''Well I can't just let you bleed out, and the wounds need to be disinfected to prevent infections from getting in your bloodstream, which also can constitute to other diseases that could-'' ''AAAALLRIGHT! I get it, I seriously get it, Luke! Please just go back to tending to my wounds…please?''
Luke nodded his head as he littered your neck with even more disinfectant-filled cotton balls, with you groaning in pain and starting to beg him to just go ahead and put on the bandaids…or patches- but eventually he finished up and started floating near your chair, motioning for Thirteen to come to sit in the other empty chair as both Luke and Thirteen looked at you like they had something to say.. ''Let me just ask before you both say anything- is this an intervention?''
''Yes.'' ''Mhm..''
They both shared a somber look before Thirteen spoke up- ''I just want to say before we even speak about what happened, I should have made time to be here with you- I should have been here to protect you from this since I should have known that this was going to happen!'' she lurched forward in her chair as she held onto your hand- ''I know we've had some rough times, especially when you first came- but I would have never wished THIS onto you! I really, and I really do consider you to be one of my best friends in this shitty excuse of a workplace, but I was just-''
''That was years ago. I know we are already friends because you always have tried to protect me, and it is not your fault that this happened because I know that you were busy dealing with Solomon- a whole Thaumiel class SCP… It's really not your fault if you were just tending to your own SCP- I can hold my own weight, I'm not dead am I? Just suffering some potentially fatal wounds, that's all!'' You smiled at her, gripping her hand back as she sniffled- ''Oh my god you are so stuuupid! haha, and this is why I like you so much, you can make situations somewhat better all the fuckin time..'' She smiled back at you as she hugged you, giggling into your shoulder.
''Seeing you sniffle and cry on my shoulder is so out of character for you- for someone with such a no-bs attitude and such sass''
''At least you have seen another side of me.''
Eventually, after you had your small heart-to-heart with Thirteen, the three of you in the room quickly moved onto the topic of your SCP and what happened whilst you were inside of the room with him, spending almost an hour and a half talking about the previous events- eventually causing you to glance over towards the curled up cow in the corner, who was presumably sleeping.
''Aren't you ready to send him off for extermination after what he did to you? I mean, he did almost KILL you after all!'' Luke asked you emphasizing the killing part with his hands as he clicked his tongue- ''I don't blame him for attacking me, hell- Id be trying to kill someone too if they proved my point when I was trying to be all high and mighty- its more of a matter of the pure embarrassment than taking it as an insult.''
Thirteen hummed and nodded her head in agreement- ''Solomon did that to me once and I swear on everything I loved I had a mock WWE mosh pit with his ass! MC is right, its the more-so embarrassment of being called out in a smug tone that pisses people off the most.'' Luke only shook his head again at her response- ''I don't even wanna know what you two do when someone happens to commit the oh-so cardinal sin of giving a little bit of constructive criticism!''
''If you are so shocked about this well-known fact then ask Simeon, I'm sure he will tell you multiple times where he's had to use every ounce of force in his body, probably the holy spirit as well, to hold himself back from beating the absolute hell out of someone for that- speaking of, you know what I think he would do? Like.. y'know that Bonnie animatronic from that one fnaf game?''
''Mm.. The Joy Of Creation? Is that the Bonnie you meant?'' ''Yeah- YEAAAAHH!! That Bonnie! I thought his animation was honestly the best one out of every single fnaf fangame.'' Thirteen laughed and told you more about her favorite section of the game, right before Luke cut her off by pinching her mouth close- ''MC! Let's not get distracted here! We should be discussing more about this..stupid-d demon..cow- t-thing..'' He seemed to shiver as he gazed towards the cow who had now turned around and was flipping him off- as if he somehow heard what Luke said?
''Rrrrright.. Basically, in short, he's not a totally bad SCP- he listens somewhat and he has an interest in playing cards…mm, yeah what else... Oh! We made a deal..'' You shrugged nonchalantly at the last part as you watched Luke nearly pass out before he jumped up and shrieked- ''YOUMADEADEALWITHADEMON?!'' his words mashing together as he blubbered on and on about the consequences of making deals with demons, especially when you probably put your life on the line as a bargaining chip- ''I agree with Luke! What the fuck MC?! What in your right mind would compel you to make a deal with THAT guy out there? Are you possessed? Do we need to bring in the local pastor?!''
''Oh my- I didn't put my life on the line, I made a deal with him that if I could beat him in a game of cards he would give me his name and I would remodel his room to his liking- im not that stupid to sit here and make a dumbass deal with a Keter class- just how stupid do you both take me for?'' You frowned at the both of them, sighing when you saw them exhale breaths of relief- with Luke praising god that you were going to be able to live another day…At least Luke cared enough to start praying.
''But, like how do you plan on relocating him when his room is redecorated? I heard from the nearby gossip train that your little cow friend over here does NOT take well to being relocated to other places- apparently, dude got so pissed during his relocation to this site that he sent HALF of the Alpha team to the fucking shadow realm, I kid you not, their trackers were reported to be somewhere inside of Pluto's orbit!'' Thirteen asked you, her eyes widening when she started talking about the cow, with Luke slightly laughing at her extreme understatement of the situation- ''Simeon told me about that, he was saying how mad he was at HR for sending one of the other angels out on ''cleanup crew''.''
You laughed alongside Luke about Thirteen's explanation of the cow, before you slowly spoonfed the information about you and the cow's agreed relocation spot, covering your ears before they both screamed at each other, then you, and then back at each other, a resounding symphony of ''WHAAAAT?!'' and ''YOUR AN IDIOT!'' echoed throughout the room before you smugly held up your hand- ''Watch and learn- I can fix our relationship and get him to be docile in here!''
''Yeah right.''
''I'm going to go and get some fainting medicine..''
You propelled your chair backward towards the lab's control panels, quickly running your hands over numerous buttons and reading off the listed names underneath each button before you stopped on one listed: ''MIC ON/OFF'', and a nervous smile appeared on your face as you hid it from the skeptical audience of two you had behind you as you tapped on the mic three times, softly sighing as you heard the feedback resound throughout the room.
''Testing, testing…'' 
No response.
''If you can hear me, raise your hand���please.'' 
You now heard a sluggish groan and the sound of clothes being shuffled around as you saw the cow lazily raise his hand and drop it right back down as he shuffled around again to re-curl back into his little ball.
''All right... Great job! Err.. I know we haven't had such a good experience together, but I'd like to come in to talk to you, is that all right?'' 
''I don't care, do what you want.'' 
And you just took that as an invitation into his enclosure as you jumped up from your seat and grabbed a notepad as you tapped in the code to the door- hissing as it opened as you stepped into what could probably be the next headache of the janitors here- oh how you felt slightly bad for the poor D-Classers who would be practically scrapping your disemboweled ass off of every square inch of wall in here.
Whatever though, you had one job to do and you had to do it right if you wanted to get more valuable information from your subject- speaking of, he seemed to uncurl from his ball somewhat to look at you walking towards him, a neutral look adorned his face as he sighed when you stopped in front of him.
''What do you want?'' 
''Look- I'm not mad at you if that's what your thinking. I just came to bring you my part of the deal.'' You answered him with a soft tone- not trying to anger the guy once again and having your neck end up looking like some vampire went to town on it, AGAIN.
He scoffed as you sat down in front of him, groaning as he slowly rose up to mimic your position- ''It's not like I was worried about what YOU had to say…hey..you did mean that thing we talked about earlier?'' He responded to your question as he pointed towards the notepad in your hand- ''Oh yeah, I'm not one to make false promises after all'' You attempted to make a meek smile at the cow despite the nervousness nipping at every nook and cranny of your body, the feeling making you feel so uncomfortable just being near the very same thing that could have nearly killed you just a mere two hours ago- Oh hey! Is he drawing the big dipper?
''You don't have to stare..that close, y'know? I know my art is pretty bad.'' He retorted before playfully swiping at your face to get you to reel back a little- ''It's not THAT bad…I mean- if you look at it from an angle..'' you started trying to hide your upcoming giggle fit before the cow started whacking you on top of the head with the notepad- "You HUUUUMANS just don't know how to value true artistic detail when you see it!'' 
After your seemingly endless play fight and stupid banterfest back and forth with each other, the cow finally finished his drawing and handed the finished paper back to you as you called for Thirteen to use the nearby extraction claw to bring it back to the lab room safely.
''So, let's talk more seriously now. We really need to discuss your whole relocation problem, especially since it has been noted that you don't take too kindly to being moved around?'' You asked the cow, who just gave you a serious sideways glance- ''Oh, hm. You must be talking about the pathetic humans I sent to a nearby solar system. They were being too rough with my favorite pillow and ripped it to shreds- it was a gift from L-mmn…someone special.'' 
''I can take being relocated, sure, but only if it's somewhere nice and dark where I can take a nap. All of the light in here keeps me awake, and that irritates me.'' he motioned upwards towards the light and groaned when he accidentally looked directly into one of the overhead light fixtures, i mean, you had to sympathize with the guy here!
This specific room felt so damn boring and it felt like your eyes were being burnt every time you moved them in any direction- white, white, and more fucking white! No wonder so many researchers drove themselves mad- if it was you? A good old-fashioned toaster bath would have had you six feet under a LONG time ago.
You hummed in response, gradually lifting from your feet and uncomfortably starting to explain how you would have to come back either tomorrow or sometime soon with a definite answer if Matt decided to feel joyous for once and grant your request for a renovation, with your fears being lifted once the cow said that he didn't mind waiting.
Great! Now all that was left was to go talk to HR…!
And here you are- sat in a dark room full of red pentagons and a sacrificial goat laid across a table in the middle of the room with six red cloaked figures, illuminated by a large smartboard screen as all six surrounded the goat- a chorus of satanic chants resounded throughout the room- wait is that a fucking data chart of the stock market??
Damn, you knew HR had some (ALOT) screws loose but this was just downright ridiculous.
''Uh, you all do realize I'm HERE, right?'' um. Did they just not hear you over their satanic chants?
''G̶̦͔̻͖͕͇̙̖͂̏̿L̷̢̨̰̮̹̳̂Ò̷̧̡͕͔̳̼͒̊͊͌̕͜R̴͙̺̟̠͊̓̂̐̃Y̸̡͙͈̖̰͔͚̖̅̎͝ ̸̛̗̱̩̞̌͒̆T̷̛̹̰̼̼̭̝̏̉̈́͠Ó̷̬͔̣̠͊̏ ̶̧̗̭̟̼̅̽͝O̵͈͑̚͠Ǘ̵̧͈̣̗̺͂̽̋͝R̸̡̦̗̟̠̃̔̈́̌ ̷̨͙͓͕̯̗́Ś̶̪̦̣̟͇͜P̶̛̘̲̻͜Ė̷̼͕̀̅̏E̸̡̙̹̪͖͙͙͇͊D̷̳͍̬͖̻̤̤̬̂̒̌̆̈́͂̕͝��̵̹̱̻̬͉͉͊̉́̑̈́̈̈́W̸̧̛͉͕͙̲̱̜͚͗̋̇̑̕͝͠E̵̝̳̮͔̻̠̚͝A̸̤̥̔̆͋Ř̴̛̥̩͕̬͜Ȋ̵͎̖̽̓̆̆̈́̋N̵̼̰̞̠̗̿̀͛͆̾̓̚ͅͅǴ̸̮̟͓̗̉͑̒ ̶̗̪͓̳̺̹̣͒͋̏́͊͂G̴͇̼͔̩͚̙̈́͌͒̑̏Ô̴̢̼̪̜̔̄̀͌̉Ó̷̝͙͇̍͆̒̈̕͜Ḍ̸̨͊̆̍̋͒ ̶̟̖͇̻̖͍̓̈́̈́͘G̷̟͇̬̎́͘͜O̴̢̗̱̳͎̟̒̓̓̀͂̃̇O̸̙̖̻̪̝̒̅̆͑̌̃͗͘G̸̡̘͖̦̖̮̀̒́̽͜ͅL̶̞̯͈̜̉͝Y̶͍͔̟͆̍͘͝ ̷̖̅̽̂̓̓̚ͅM̴̮̖͉͍̥̺͉̍̈́̏͆̀͒̀̚ͅƠ̸̻̎̏͒͒̾͘͝O̴͈̗̲̩̐̊̓G̸̡̠̝̫̮̜̗̪̿̃͂̔̋̓͘͠L̵̤̙͕͈̓͂Y̵̞̋́̚ ̷̫̄̾̽̽̂̓G̴͈̃͑́Y̸̜̼͕̰̙̣͖̓̀̽A̶̯͒̈́͗̓͠Ṫ̶̤̰̻̦̤̓̑T̴̥̯̤͔̰̱̫͖̈̋̈̈́E̴̞̩̤͊́̂́͊̚R̷̗̫̹̐̉͌̅͋̓S̸̘̳̳̓Ọ̵̢͈͙̜̬͊͒̍͊͝ͅN̵̨̳̱͈̣̈́̃̾͊̈́̇͛̚ ̷̡̨̦̰͚̠̰̩̎̅S̸͚̖͎̈̀̆̀̐Ą̴͕̹̱̫̯̆̄̇͌̇̃́̑T̸͓͌̃̚͝͝A̵͍͙͙̎̔̏͊͜͝N̸̩̙̼̈́̄͌̕!̵̰̹͖̥̼̓̇̋ͅ ̷̢̡͖̳̬̖͎͑̋̇͆͐͛̚͜͠''
What- what the fuck?
''What the HELL is wrong with you guys?! Since when are we praising the devil who wears motherfucking SPEEDOS! Yall are some grade A, finest out of the bunch, FREAAAAKS!'''
Ỏ̵̞H̶̫̝̅-̶̬͗ ̴̧̀Ų̵̯̉͆h̶͍͚́.̷͔̊.̶̪͔̋̀ A loud, nasty cough makes its way out of the throat of the cloaked figure in the middle- "Sorry bout' that. Uhm, we were just in the middle of our annual stock market influence session- also praising the devil was in the latest company annual shares packet that was handed out last... Er, Memphis-'' ''MY NAME ISN'T FUCKING MEMPHIS! ALSO THE PACKET WAS HANDED OUT LAST TUESDAY'' ''Memphis City…right- last Tuesday!'' The cloaked figure drifts a packet labeled ''COMPANY PROFITS FROM STOCK MARKET LATEST CRASH'' towards you as you quickly skim over it before tossing it somewhere behind you as you gave a ''Cmon now..'' face to the rest of the cloaked HR team- ''Uh yeah- so can we continue?'' 
''Freaky fucks- yeah sure whatever, I wanna be out of this room asap.''
The middle-cloaked man quickly pulled a medieval-styled dagger out of his pocket- yelling ''SHARES OF JP MORGAN CHASE UP 14 POINTS!'' and quickly slicing the neck of the poor goat open- with your unfortunate self being sprayed with the crimson liquid as you just sighed- ''oh shit- sorry MC, do you want a company branded handkerchief?'' you shook your head no and quickly asked for permission to get your SCP's room renovated instead, luckily enough with the HR team humming and ''Memphis'' yelling at you that he would send you an email for the contracting as you made you way out of the room.
''Crazy!'' you mumbled to yourself as you practically ran away from the HR meeting room and made a b-line straight to your room- unlocking the door, only to find Thirteen and Luke huddled up in the corner looking absolutely petrified..?
''Uh..?'' you questioned the two before they both pointed towards something behind you- only for you to turn around and have your foot slightly tap the cow's nose- ''ow.'' 
You whipped your head back around to give Thirteen and Luke an open-mouthed look as you motioned towards the sleeping demon cow, whisper-shouting- ''Guys. How-how did he get in here?!'' Thirteen threw her hands up in defense, ''I swear on everything I love- that guy straight-up walked in her looking like some eldritch horror and plopped down on the floor, and he also went back to looking normal afterward..poor Luke over here damn near passed out!'' she whisper-shouted back, protectively holding him in her arms.
''Just- just leave... I can deal with him and Luke looks like he just shit his pants- both literally AND figuratively..''
''Great idea!''
And there goes Thirteen- well anyways, you were now once again stuck alone with this cow.
''How did it go..'' You heard his sluggish voice mumble out from behind you as he slowly rose to his full height before ushering you over towards the nearby chairs and using you as a makeshift pillow- ''Great... I mean it went just fantastic- caught HR praising their oh-so-great speedo-wearing red devil man..again..'' you retorted as your eyes slowly drifted downwards towards the indigo-colored hair of the cow, the urge to pet him slowly residing deep within your bones..
And then you heard the cow snort below you as the snort slowly started developing into an infectious fit of laughter- ''Your- you're kidding right? There's no way you caught the HR team doing that!'' You laughed right back with him, your stomach starting to hurt from laughing so hard- ''I'm not joking, I swear I walked in there and they had a whole ass smartboard with the stock market on it and started doing cartwheels and flips around this- this fucking goat! It was unreal!''
''And I thought people where I come from were crazy..'' 
''I guarantee you the HR team will always go above and beyond to make you think they snorted like..six lines of the mystical magical fairy dust before they do any sort of team meeting- this one time I actually caught them doing a Zoomba lesson in-'' ''Dont tell me they were wearing speedos?!'' ''Shocker! They were doing a Zoomba lesson in speedos, on top of yoga balls..''
''Oh my god, your kidding…right?'' 
''NO WAY!!'' 
Even throughout all of your laughs about the crazy HR team, you couldn't shake this feeling of wanting to pet this cow's hair that was steadily growing- before you just gave up and slowly reached to pet it…which was surprisingly soft? Does this guy groom himself like a cat or something?
Either way- you kept on petting him before you finally noticed that he was staring directly up at you, his half-purple and half-pink eyes boring holes into your own as you KEPT staring right back at him, but eventually the unease of the mock staring contest made you start reeling your hand back before the cow made some strained sound of protest and something in your head told you to put your hand back- and without thinking, you put your hand back in its original position.. Weird.
''Y'know, you still haven't told me your name- calling you the ''demon cow'' all the time kinda feels a little wrong.'' You now started scratching his scalp, a happy hum emitting from the cow before he finally spoke up- ''Neither have you, MC.''
Okay okay- what?? ''Wait- waitwaitwait- how do you know my name?'' Your hand stopped scratching his scalp as you questioned the cow as he paused- ''It's not rocket science, your friends said it earlier when you walked in.'' he simply responded before raising up his arm and tapping on your hand in an effort to get it moving again- ''That- cmon now! You know my name, its time to cough up yours- BUDDY.''
He slightly sighed before he lifted himself off of you and sat down in the nearby chair, moving a stray strand of hair out of his face before he slowly said his name and quickly flashed you a small (unnoticeable) smile…
You paused- ''You mean, as in the seven deadly sins, BELPHEGOR??'' he nodded, slightly puzzled as to why you didn't catch onto this a long time ago- ''Oooh... Oh yeah, that definitely explains the questionable clothing'' you tsked as you looked him up and down- ''And whats that supposed to mean?'' 
''It's supposed to mean that you dress like a hobo. What else would I be trying to say?''
''Arent you just a ray of sunshine? Dickhead.'' Belphegor playfully swiped at your face again as you tried to get him to stop with another snark comment- and the minute you were about to do so the nearby laptop dinged, indicating that you had a new message.
Formal Containment Room Renovation Request 
To: [REDACTED], MC (L_MNGMENT.SCP6████████.net)
From: [REDACTED], Mephistopheles (MANAGEMENT.SCP2.M@████████.net)
Good Day, MC.
I am contacting you today due to the earlier request of an FCRRR, and I am pleased to inform you that after careful consideration of your recent efforts to bring the Foundation more valuable insights into the care of specialized Keter classes, we have decided to approve your request and have it expedited due to the surrounding circumstances of your SCP.
Please have the reference and/or reference(s) delivered to the on-site hieroglyphics translator, ████████.
Here at the foundation, we strive for nothing less than a plausible containment cell for SCPs, especially those with expansive minds and such intellect.
Great work with your [SPECIALIZED KETER CLASS].
The council is very pleased with your recent work and want to introduce the possibility of a promotion if you can show that you can gather and collect such valuable information without causing unnecessary liabilities and [WORK ACCIDENTS].
To add on: Be wary of having said Keter class in your workspace unless you are absolutely sure that you can fully prevent a possible Containment Breach, if this warning is disregarded, you will be put up for demotion and your family will be stuck with the lawyer fees.''
I will contact you with further details about the time you should be planning for the contracted team to work on your SCP's Containment Cell.
Sincerely, Mephistopheles \\ HR MANAGEMENT OFFICER \\ SECOND DIVISION.
You turned around and snickered at Belphegor, his confused face making you burst out into a fit of laughter before you finally told him why you suddenly found him to be the source material of straight comedy gold.
''I'm not gonna lie I don't have a clue in the fucking world what you drew- I don't even think the HIEROGLYPHICS translator will be able to decypher that shit.''
''I know, I hope they start crying over it too.'' 
> Rename FILE.[FOLDER_3]? > *Please select one option.*
*Enter a new name for FILE.[FOLDER_3].* > [BELPHEGOR | ]
> Saving FILE.[BELPHEGOR].. Please wait.
<<< ''Do you really want to go back?'' || ''Are you sure you want to return?'' >>>
Pssssst…hey! Biz here, i forgot to crosspost the small break i took on the book so i could brainstorm a more coherent plotline, so thats why my tumblr was mainly art posts for a couple of days.
If there are more breaks, this fic on Ao3 will definitely have an update on it.
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