#i'll have to see the outfit in-game for myself when it comes out and find out if the hair is as bad as it looks in the screenshot ^^'
tiredsurvivoronmain ยท 1 year
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New Dwight skin for July!!
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kiarastromboli ยท 6 months
๐๐ž๐ฒ๐จ๐ง๐ ๐‘๐ž๐š๐ฌ๐จ๐ง:
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๐•Ž๐•’๐•ฃ๐•Ÿ๐•š๐•Ÿ๐•˜: Masturbation, smoker!reader.
๐•Š๐•ฆ๐•ž๐•ž๐•’๐•ฃ๐•ช: Matt's life is going to be completely upheaved by an encounter he will have one day at work, leading him to discover a new feeling: obsession.
โ„•๐• ๐•ฅ๐•–: I'm glad to come back with this new series that I had in mind for a while. I hope you'll enjoy it. The first chapter is from Matt's point of view, but it's possible that in the days to come, the point of view will shift to that of the reader. Anyway, I'll inform you beforehand. Feel free to ask me in the comments if you want to be part of the taglist. Enjoy reading!
๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐Ÿ, ๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ข๐ญ๐ซ๐ž ๐Ÿ‘
๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐Ÿ:
My life has always been a damn bottomless pit without interest. I grew up in a normal family, in a normal town surrounded by normal people; there was nothing special about me.
I've always had this feeling of discomfort, like something was missing from my life.
In high school, I tried to fill that void with sports like any other teenager, but nothing worked.
I was fortunate to be a triplet, so I started life with people to love and who loved me in return.
Naturally, people think that having siblings erases the loneliness of life, but it's false. I had my brothers, but I still felt that emptiness and loneliness.
As I grew older, I realized that I would never fill this void, that I was destined to have an uninteresting life and become Mr. Average.
I moved to New York, where I found a job in a bookstore, which seemed more than logical given my passion for books.
I lived five minutes away from my brother Chris, and Nick, my other brother, continued his studies in Boston.
My weeks repeated and resembled each other.
I worked on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. On Wednesday, I spent the day with Chris; most of the time, we just went out to eat and stroll. As for Sunday, I dedicated it to my motorcycle rides and various hobbies.
By various hobbies, I mean fleeting activities that I forced myself to practice to keep me from losing my mind from living the same days on repeat.
But all of that was before her.
When I saw her for the first time, I felt like I was waking up after an endless sleep.
It was a Thursday evening, we were about to close, I just had to put away the last books we had received, and I could finally close the shop and go home.
That was until I heard the sound of the little bells at the entrance jingling as the door opened.
I sighed when I heard the door open, thinking, 'Another bookworm waiting until the last moment to come get their fill of books.'
I went back to the counter to wait for the person who was there to bring me their book so I could quickly scan it and finally go home.
I honestly expected a student with glasses or some nonsense like that, so I was surprised to see this brown-haired girl a few meters away from me, browsing the shelves to find what she wanted.
I'm not the type to linger on pretty girls, but she had something extra.
She was wearing this navy blue sweater three sizes too big for her, which forced her to roll up her sleeves, and you could see the collar of her white shirt peeking out underneath.
With that, she wore a small brown pleated skirt that matched the bow she had in her hair.
An outfit that said a lot and so little at the same time.
I'm the type to analyze people on a daily basis; it's my thing when you work in a bookstore like this one in New York, you get bored very quickly.
I had a little game with myself where I enjoyed deciphering the people who entered this shop, first by their way of dressing, then by their mannerisms, and finally, I drew a conclusion based on the book they bought.
However, I was stuck on her way of dressing; I couldn't really figure it out. Her outfit was simple and casual, sure, but there was this complexity with her accessories that made me wonder if she did it on purpose or if she just randomly picked out clothes.
I mean, who pairs such a large sweater with such a small skirt? Maybe it's her boyfriend's sweater?
When I thought that, I felt anger rising within me, but why? I don't even know her; what does it matter to me whether she has a boyfriend or not?
I shook my head to try to think of something else and continued to observe her.
She had been wandering around the store for five minutes, stopping at each aisle without ever grabbing a book. Does she even read, or did she just come here thinking she'd find a fun book to read for once?
Even her behavior was indecipherable; the more I looked at her, the more intrigued I became.
She finally stopped at the romance section, where she picked up a book before walking towards me with a big smile.
Strangely, I felt a certain stress when her eyes landed on me; I hadn't realized how harmonious her face was.
"Good evening," she said warmly, placing the book in front of me.
"Good evening," I replied nervously.
"I hope I'm not bothering you by coming at this hour. I'm new in town, and I thought you closed later," she said politely.
"No worries; I didn't have anything planned after anyway," I replied without looking at her; I was far too intimidated for that.
I scanned her book, and of course, that's when the cash register decided not to work properly, leaving us face to face in an awkward silence while I tried to open the register.
She seemed amused, judging by the little chuckle she let out, and when I looked up at her, she simply said, "Sorry," timidly, unable to suppress the little smile on her lips.
I finally managed to unlock the cash register, then gave her the change and reached for a small bag to put her purchase in.
That's when I saw the book she had chosen.
"Pride and Prejudice, good choice," I said without thinking too much.
"I know, I've read it already," she said, chuckling, and I looked up at her to watch her.
"It's a gift," she added.
"For your boyfriend?" I said again without thinking, and this time I quickly added, "Sorry, that was very intrusive of me."
She looked at me with a smile before saying, "For a friend, I don't have a boyfriend."
"Good to know," I replied, handing her the book.
She took the bag with her book inside and turned to start walking towards the exit, and I was dying to catch up with her to continue talking, but I stood there frozen like an idiot.
She walked through the door, and I sighed.
My heart started beating normally again, and I felt a sense of longing in her absence.
My life, which until now had been flat and uninteresting, was unknowingly taking a whole new turn.
I finished tidying up the bookstore, trying to distract myself, but she continued to haunt my thoughts.
I kept asking myself hundreds and thousands of questions.
Will I see her again? What did she think of me? What's her name? What does she do for a living?
Fuck, what had she done to me? I thought as I pushed the door of the store to leave and locked it behind me.
Unintentionally, the key to my apartment detached from the keychain around my waist, and I hadn't noticed until a familiar voice informed me.
"Hey, you dropped this!" the girl from the bookstore said, catching my attention and tapping my shoulder.
I turned around and felt my heart race again when I found myself face to face with her; if she keeps this up, she'll give me a heart attack.
"Thanks," I said, taking my keys from her hand.
Unintentionally, my eyes roamed over her body, analyzing her.
I noticed the butt of a cigarette she held in her other hand, probably the reason she was still around.
"No problem," she said, smiling.
"Can I ask your name, if it's not too forward?" I asked, curious.
"Y/n," she said, extending her hand after finishing her cigarette and tossing it to the ground to crush it with her foot.
"I'mโ€”" I started to say before she cut me off.
"Matt, yeah, I know," she said quickly, and I looked at her confused.
She knows my name?
"Oh, um, it was on your apron earlier, I promise I'm not a weirdo," she said, chuckling, and I chuckled too.
She seems observant too, interesting.
"You don't really seem like a weirdo, if that reassures you," I said, smiling.
"And you don't seem like a guy who reads romance novels; I guess we can all be surprising, maybe you should watch out," she said, shrugging with a smirk.
"Pride and Prejudice is a classic; I work in a bookstore, I have to know my classics," I replied.
"Fair enough," she said, smiling.
A moment of silence ensued, leaving us there in the middle of the street, staring into each other's eyes.
"Are you just passing through here?" I asked, to break the unbearable silence.
"Hm?" she simply hummed, confused.
"You said you were new here earlier," I clarified.
"Oh, um, no, let's just say I'm in the process of settling in," she said, nodding.
"Great, I hope to see you around here then," I said, smiling.
"There's a chance that could happen; this bookstore seems nice, and who knows, maybe I'll need a friend who knows their stuff to advise me," she said, smiling back.
"You already consider me your friend? Wasn't it you who said I should watch out?" I teased her.
"Oh, because you thought I was talking about you? No way, I was talking about my friend who works at the same bookstore as you!" she said, trying to justify herself.
"Oh, really? I probably know that friend then," I said with a smirk.
"Okay, you got me; I'm a big liar," she said, raising her hands, and I laughed.
"I already suspected that," I said, chuckling.
We stayed silent once again, staring into each other's eyes before she spoke again.
"Well, I have to go if I want to have a chance to catch a taxi before it's too late," she said, playing with the ends of her hair.
"I can drop you off if you live nearby," I offered.
"Whether by car or taxi, the journey is still long in the streets of New York, and I don't want to bother you with an extra 20-minute ride," she said timidly.
"I guess it's a good thing I have a motorcycle then," I said, pointing to my bike parked a few steps away.
"I don't know... um," she said, shaking her head hesitantly.
"If you don't trust me and prefer to go by taxi, I totally understand, I won't hold it against you," I said reassuringly.
"You know what? Fuck this; a little danger never hurt anyone, and anyways, if you try to kidnap me, know that I did boxing in middle school, so I won't go down without a fight," she said, pointing her finger at me, and I laughed.
"Alright, Mike Tyson, let me just grab my spare helmet from the bookstore," I said, chuckling before doing just that.
When I returned, I handed her the helmet, which she put on.
She got on behind me after indicating where she lived, and we hit the road directly.
We weaved through traffic, and I could feel her little arms tighten around my waist with each acceleration.
I couldn't help but slightly harden beneath my jeans because of the proximity between us; I could feel her chest pressing against my back.
This girl had something that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up when I looked at her.
She smelled like vanilla and cigarettes.
She was destabilizing, and I felt like I was losing my balance with every word she uttered.
Once we arrived at her destination, I stopped my motorcycle in front of her apartment complex.
It was large and luxurious.
I wondered if she was a daddy's girl to live here, or if she simply had a good job. In either case, this girl clearly wasn't short on money.
"Thanks for the ride," she said, smiling, after taking off her helmet to hand it back to me.
"It was my pleasure," I said, removing my helmet and staying on the bike while she got off.
"That was really nice; I'm glad I made a new friend," she said, quickly fixing her hair.
"So, we're friends?" I said, smiling.
"Of course," she replied, smiling back.
"Great," I said timidly, and a new silence fell.
"Um, I'm going to head in; it's getting late. Good night, Matt," she said this time in a much softer voice.
Why the sudden change in tone?
"Good night, Y/n," I replied, and she turned to walk towards her apartment complex.
I couldn't help but watch her as she went inside. I should have immediately started my bike and left, but I was stuck in place.
She paused in front of her stairs for a moment before suddenly turning around and running back towards me.
I watched her return, a little confused, and when she reached me, she simply said, "Hi."
"Hi," I replied, a bit confused but smiling.
"Is it weird if I suggest we see each other again? It's a friendly offer, of course; you just seem really interesting, and I felt silly leaving like that without suggesting we meet again," she said quickly, and I chuckled at her tone.
"Of course. I finish early on Saturdays; just drop by the bookstore, and we'll go for another motorcycle ride if you want," I said, smiling.
"Sounds great!" she exclaimed excitedly.
"Well, goodbye for real this time," she said, chuckling.
"Bye," I replied, watching her leave before putting my helmet back on and heading home on my motorcycle.
On the journey back, I had only one thing on my mind: her.
Arriving home, I was surprised to find that my erection hadn't subsided.
How could this girl make me so hard without even touching me?
I felt bad for getting hard like this over a girl who seemed as innocent as her. What was wrong with me that I'd do something like this?
I sighed and slumped onto my couch.
I took off my pants and slid my hand under my boxers to touch the bulge there.
I started to stroke myself, unable to stop myself from thinking about her at that moment.
Her sparkling eyes, her long brown hair, her full lips that I was dying to kiss...
Why was she affecting me like this?
Her curves vaguely hidden by her oversized sweater, her legs, and especially her thighs that looked nice and soft.
"Oh my god," I muttered in a low voice, speeding up my movements and throwing my head back.
Her laughter and her voice, yes, her soft and slightly husky voice, almost like she was sick.
I edged dangerously close to the edge, and that's when I remembered her change in tone when she said, "Um, I'm going to head in; it's getting late. Good night, Matt," almost as if she was inviting me to follow her home and do all the things I was dying to do to her.
Maybe she was just as eager as I was. For my hands on her body, my lips on hers, and my name coming out of her mouth.
I thought about what she would look like sitting on me without her clothes, screaming my name, and it pushed me over the edge.
"Y/n," I moaned before climaxing.
I can't deny it any longer, this girl is clearly becoming my obsession.
Taglist: @mayhem-72 @tillies33ssss @junnniiieee07 @bernardenjoyer @whicked-hazlatwhore @nicksmainbitch
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mcflymemes ยท 11 months
AS SAID BY DORIAN PAVUSย  * ย assorted dialogue from dragon age inquisition, updated version
i don't care what they think about me. i care what they think about us.
i like you. more than i should. more than might be wise.
discretion isn't your thing, is it?
all this dancing, politics, and murder makes me a bit homesick.
i suppose it really depends. how bad do you want to be?
living a lie... it festers inside of you, like poison.
i'm a man of many talents. what can i say?
the moment i saw you, i thought "there's a man who knows quality."
if you don't come through this, i swear i'll kill you.
i'm curious where this goes, you and i. we've had fun. perfectly reasonable to leave it here.
here is my proposal: we dispense with the chitchat and move on to something more primal.
i tease you too much, i know.
i'll have to find something we can do that doesn't involve teasing.
time to drink myself into a stupor. it's been that sort of day.
i see you enjoy playing with fire.
i like playing hard to get.
i'm not suggesting we venture into mutual domesticity.
if it's a trap, we escape and kill everyone. you're good at that.
talk to me. let me hear how mystified you are by my anger.
oh, i'm not arguing. just pointing out the ridiculously obvious.
if you choose to leave your door unlocked like a savage, i may or may not come.
now... what was i talking about? ah, yes. me.
i am apparently an incredible ass at accepting gifts.
i prefer the company of men.
would you prefer me bound and leashed?
sometimes the ones you love are also the ones who disappoint you the most.
you are the man i love, [name]. nothing will truly keep us apart.
the things you ask are just... very personal.
sometimes... love isn't enough.
there will always be an "us." we'll just be... farther apart, for a time.
i had no idea something like you was possible.
i'm imagining what you would look like in a dress.
i've never seen you smile so much!
i have no idea what you're talking about.
you stand there, flexing your muscles, huffing like some beast of burden with no thought save conquest.
you're shaping the world for good or ill. how could i aspire to do any less?
my footsies are freezing, thank you.
don't you ever bathe?
you're not suggesting we're similar.
watch where you're pointing that thing!
i'm not wearing a skirt.
it's significantly more impressive than hitting them with a sharp piece of metal.
i only meant to say i'm very sorry for your loss.
we can continue this dance forever, if you wish.
i'm saying we should be careful what we assume when it comes to such matters.
demons don't appreciate a man with good hair.
what i wouldn't give for some proper wine.
your outfit's entertaining. i'll give you that.
he had to leave early on account of assassination.
it's nice to know you have friends.
i'm here to do what is right.
come on, just answer the question.
they were asking me about you. personal things.
you said we'd be ass-deep in trouble. this is more like knee-high.
so what's your estimation? think we can win?
you can't call me pampered. nobody's peeled a grape for me in weeks.
you startled me. you're always so... nondescript.
you're a special and unique snowflake. live the dream.
i wanted to see you make flowers bloom with your song. just once.
you've done a lot less dancing naked in the moonlight than expected.
i've never seen anyone in this part of the world do it.
i realize there's more to you than that.
have i offended you?
for hating the outdoors, you sure seem to like bad weather.
i can't figure you out, [name].
you don't play their stupid game, they send an assassin or three your way.
i can't believe you're scared of magic.
i'm going to take that as a compliment.
still don't like me, [name]? after all this time?
[name], i owe you an apology.
i suspect people will use any excuse to hate us.
why be ashamed? power should be respected, not swept under the carpet.
maybe you're not a complete moron.
i just need to know you're capable of higher thought. for my own comfort.
it would take work. and soap. lots and lots of soap.
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Summary: Ethan and Y/n are roomates, but Ethan had always had a thing for y/n and he secretly stalks you and watches you through your bedroom window he's been secretly obsessed with you for months, watching your every move, finding out your class schedule and finding out and be possessive of exes you had in the past, Until y/n secretly gets a phone call from a raspy voice who wants to play a game with her.
Ethan has been obsessed with you ever since you have been in the group, he loves your cute sexy outfits that barely cover anything , and boy does he love to stare. He stalks your every move he knows that you love shopping everyday with your other friends, he knows that your failing every single one of your classes, as much as he likes to say this Ethan knows that your not that smart but he still loves everything about you.
He was very jealous when you had a boyfriend in the group, Ethan would stalk you and your little boyfriend, he was a football player and he started dating y/n like 4 months ago. Everywhere y/n goes Ethan goes. Ethan knows that you went to your boyfriends football games, shopping together, making out outside of school, and the one time y/n brought her boyfriend home. Y/n knew Ethan wasn't home since he was with his study group but that doesn't mean Ethan wasn't watching, Ethan secretly watches y/n and her little pet having sex in her bedroom window, Ethan gets turned on by your moans but he was furious that she was fucking a guy that wasn't him, Ethan had to take him out. Sooner or later when y/n's boyfriend left her and kissed her goodnight. He left and was walking his way home he heard weird noise so he looked back but nothing was there, so he kept walking but he heard footsteps he turned around and saw Ghostface standing right in front of him stabbing him in the chest until he fell to the ground, Ethan maniacally laughs and starts stabbing him over and over until he was dead, he dragged his body in the corner in the darkness.
Y/n's boyfriends death was all over the news, y/n stopped going out with her friends to the mall, and has been stuck in her dorm room, y/n was around Ethan alot, Ethan wasn't complaining he was glad that asshole was dead and y/n was around him more.
He loves your breast, plump lips, your pink outfits you wear every single day, he loves your butterfly belly button piercing,he loves the way you sit on his lap when your scared it really turns him on and gives him a hard on, But the shocking news is that Ethan and Y/n are roommates.
I know he doesn't like to mention it because the group never knew that Ethan was roommates with Y/n, And don't get the group wrong they love Y/n but they tend to leave her out of things because for not being the smartest in the group, If Ethan didn't have pretend to be Ghostface he would kill every single one of the group take Y/n for his own.
"Hey, Y/n I'm going to go with My study group for econ, I'll be back later." Ethan told y/n as he starts to head out the door.
"You pinky promise ?" Y/n said coming up to Ethan holding out her pinky from him to do the same before he leaves.
"Oh, right, yeah I pinky promise." Ethan said as he stutters around and pinky promises y/n before he leaves.
Y/n giggles and hugs Ethan tightly,Ethan can feels her breast which almost made him grunt but luckily Y/n didn't hear him.
" OK, bye Y/n." Ethan said as he went to the Door and left.
"Well it looks I'm here by myself, I'm gonna go shower." Y/n said talking to herself as she go take a shower for the night.
As Y/n went to the bathroom and turn the water on she takes off all over clothes and get in the shower.
Y/n get her strawberry scented shampoo and put it in her hair she starts washing it off, Y/n starts getting a rag and adding soap and scrubbing her body, as much as Ethan loves the way y/n dresses he is in love with her scent, he loves her strawberry scented hair and her body smelling of vanilla.
Not to mention Ethan loved stalking y/n through the window he sees her walking naked around the house, he would jerk of the thought of your naked body, seeing you in your little shorts that were too short that he could see your pink lacy underwear, you tank tops which shows your perky breasts, he loves when you wear lip gloss he imagines y/n kissing every part of his body.
As y/n steps out the shower she gets her towel starts drying every part of her body, as y/n starts drying herself off she starts putting on deodorant and moisturizing her body.
Y/n looks through her draws getting her red lacy pare underwear and putting on some hello kitty designed shorts and hello kitty tank top.
As y/n made it to the living room she sat down on the couch grabbing the remote turning it on to watch reality TV shows, as y/n giggles watching the drama goes down, all of a sudden your phone vibrates and you look down to see the caller ID says 'Unknown' but you picked it up thinking it was one of your boy toys.
"Hello? " you said seductively. "Hello." Said a man in a deep but raspy voice. "Who is this ?" Y/n questioned.
" My little sweet bimbo doll, those shorts really compliment your ass for every man to see huh? " The man says panting slightly. You roll your eyes in annoyance. "If you wanted a picture of my ass just say that."
" No, you sweet dumb thing I wanna see more than just your ass, sweetheart."
"Really? What do you want to see mystery man?" Y/n said turned on buy kinda intrigued.
"How about we play a game? You like games don't you?" He questions.
"Yeah." Y/n responded nodding her head, biting her lips.
"Strip naked, just because you can't see me doesn't mean I'm not there." He says you can tell he's smirking like this is a joke to him.
You put your phone on the couch putting it on speaker phone. You slowly took off your crop top leaving you bare. The man hummed in satisfaction. You nervously took off you shorts leaving you in your underwear this time it was red. " Is that a new pair, God the things you make me wanna do to you." He laughed.
Y/n started think about how the man on the phone sounded oddly familiar. You were practically wet, dripping down your thighs, your nipples were hard. " Mhm." You heard the man said as you saw a figure from the corner of your eye.
"God, your body is just perfect." You saw a man in a Ghostface costume, He walked up to you and slightly pushed you onto the couch, you on the bottom. He pressed his knee between your thighs holding your waist. "You look so cute like this." Ghostface said but something clicked from the familiar voice.
"Ethan?" You whispered in shock as he takes off his Ghostface mask smiling.
Ethan leans down and kisses y/n as Y/n moans through the kiss.
"You make the most prettiest noises, maybe if I fucked you really good you'll keep this a secret."
438 notes ยท View notes
doyouknowbtsswag ยท 8 months
Hiii, hruuuu i loved your chishiya fic and wanted to request a chishiya imagine/oneshot where he tries to fluster YOU but it backfires and he gets flustered and embarrased and shy (unnecessary detail but the reader is also rlly quiet and is good at manipulating and stuff like that)
Also, no rush, hope ur gonna write this and hope your doing well, eating,drinking and sleeping well, love youuu byeee<33
Playboy |Chishiya|
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I am so sorry itโ€™s been so long since this was requested hopefully you like it๐Ÿ˜ญ
The sound of loud party music and people messing around could be heard miles away. The people around me to hyper for their own good and the alcohol they were drinking wasn't helping. I awkwardly sat on one of the sun chairs annoyed at the current outfit I was wearing if it counts as one. The stupid bikini I had to wear that showed off almost everything on my body. I saw a guy coming over near the group of people in front of me ready to attack them with water. I quickly got up from the chair and wandered around to find somewhere water-free which was inside. I cringed walking past the bar filled with people drunk out of their minds and doing the most vulgar things that belonged in private. I walked faster through the halls not wanting to take the risk of bumping into Niragi. I internally gagged at the thought of him in general. I stayed by myself the whole time I've been in borderland not wanting to cling to someone and then lose them. I opted on going up to the roof knowing no one would party up there. The breeze countered the stuffy feeling downstairs. The smell of alcohol and smoke leaving my nose and having a fresh smell. I leaned against the railing looking out to the sea. I smiled thinking about what my life will be like after Borderland and I don't intend on dying anytime soon.
I play the game as if it was Chess. I collect my allies as if they're my pawns once I don't need them I knock them off the board. The day I ended up here was bittersweet. I need a reliable pawn so I can make my way up to one day get rid of the people in my way to beat the game and one of the people who are in my way so far is that bastard Niragi and the militants who are nothing but assholes. Once that happens I'll get them in my clutch and knock them off my board and make sure they shatter. I groaned in annoyance hearing the door open thinking two people were up here to hook up.
"I didn't see you come up here," a girl said as I glanced over my shoulder.
"I've been up here" I shrugged in an unbothered tone. "It's a nice spot" I turned around to see who it was.
"I can't blame you," the familiar face said. I've seen her multiple times and played a game or two with her.
Perfect pawn
"What's your name again? We've played quite a few games together It's funny we've never exchanged names" I gave a fake smile.
"Oh, I've never seen him before," I said casually nodding to the mysterious guy.
"Chishiya," He said giving an unbothered grin.
Another pawn
"Nice to meet you," I said a little pissed at his perfect grin that matched his face perfectly.
I walked a bit closer so I wasn't so far from the pair but I stood at a comfortable distance from them. However, the blonde seemed amused by the interaction.
"So what brings you up here?" I asked watching and listening to them carefully.
"Why should we tell you?" Chishiya said with his hands in his pockets.
He's confident
"Just wondering since I'm planning on staying up here" I crossed my arms.
"You will eventually so don't worry about it"
Stop with the smug smile
"Maybe I will or maybe I won't" I shrugged.
"So Y/n how've you been?" Kuina asked derailing the topic.
"I've been fine just hanging around" I shrugged. "Not much to do"
"Your right about that"
"Not much of a party girl huh?" The blonde piped in as if he wanted to piss me off.
"Not really I'm not interested in getting wasted when I have to play games to survive wouldn't be smart would it?"
"Your right about that" He moved his head to the side chuckling. "You just look like a party girl"
"Oh really?" I uncrossed my arms. "How so?"
"Your swimsuit and the way you have your hair"
Is he trying to flirt with me or catch me off guard?
"So we're going by looks"
"Maybe," He said confidently.
I walked closer to him till we were shoulder to shoulder.
"Then I guess you look like a playboy" I whispered in his ear. "Thanks for the compliment earlier by the wayโ€
I didn't have to look at his face to see his cheeks tinted red. The way his body tensed up told me I won the silent confidence battle.
"I'll leave you two to talk about whatever you need to talk about" I walked to the roof door to get back down. I waved goodbye seeing Kuina's confused look and Chishiya's mouth wide open. "Oh and don't die" I winked and grinned walking downstairs.
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persona-brainrot-real ยท 2 months
a very long about haru because i love her and im upset about how the game let her story get overshadowed at every turn
its nearly 3am rn but i'm thinking about how genuinely insane it is for persona 5 to introduce Haru as a character who is struggling to find any of her autonomy and treat her the way that they do. her father is marrying her off to a man who makes it explicitly clear he wants to use her for sex and even Okumura, in his palace, is shown to understand this.
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[ID: three screenshots of Persona five royal. In the first, Haru in her Phantom Thief outfit says "Father! You want me to be that mans plaything to satisfy your own ambitions?" the second is of Shadow Okumura, looking angry, saying "This is the only value you've had from the very beginning. The third image is before the boss fight against the cognition of Haru's fiance. He is saying "let's have fun! I'll play with you until I get bored!"]
even outside of the palace, in their daily life he makes it extremely clear that he has no intent on trusting Haru with company business (likely because he expects the company to be handed off to her husband after he dies) and he doesn't acknowledge her feelings or anything she says to defend her own autonomy (i know this is me reciting everything in the game i do have a point)
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[ID: three screenshots of Persona five royal. In the first, Haru is upset as she says "So I'm not even allowed to decide where I will live, am I?". In the second, Okumura is saying "not only do you come home late, you've even stayed out overnight without permission..." looking disapproving. In the third image, Okumura is saying "I have my hands full right now with the company. Don't cause any more trouble for me." He is holding his phone.]
even when she first joins your team, she tries to insist on being useful and fighting, considering this is her request and her fathers palace, and morgana tells her she cant. i know its 'for her own sake' that she cant fight, but considering that Morgana was there when she first awakened and planned on using her to get through a palace alone, its really frustrating to then see him say shes not strong enough to fight in a team.
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[ID: two screenshots of persona five royal. Both are taken in Okumura's palace. In the first, Haru is saying "I can fight too! Please, let me join you in battle!". In the second, Morgana is saying "Your persona is too weak to fight safely at the moment. Just leave that side of things to us for now."]
and this comes in AFTER morgana, while using her, gets her to insult his friends on his behalf because hes annoyed with them, even though she's visibly uncomfortable doing so, contradicts what morgana wants her to say, and is shown later to have no real malicious feelings for them - and all of the bitter feelings she DID have were because morgana told her that the PT's were mean and didn't treat him right or didn't need him, which wasn't true to begin with, and is why she has to ask him for direction on what to say,
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[ID: Haru looks upset. She stands opposite the Phantom Thieves and looks at Morgana. She is asking him "What was it again?"]
and you bring all of this into a brilliant character of a girl who is so self-assured, so firm on what she wants and her own autonomy - i want to be a Phantom Thief, i want to be a hero, i want to have my autonomy but more importantly i want to earn it, i want to change my fathers heart myself so that he becomes a better person and a better business owner, i want to prove to him that i can be trusted with the company and that i have more worth than being married off - but never really gets to express that? Even when it comes to the fight with Okumura and her chance to have her moment - the moment where Yusuke tells Madarame he's a coward who lost sight of his passion, where Ann gets to tell Kamoshida that he's only alive because she wants him to live through all he's done (both in the palace and the real world), where Futaba gets to talk to her mom directly in a scene that always makes me tear up - Haru's moment to stand up to her father is overshadowed by her father speaking to Morgana instead!!!!!
i know that this could also be a huge meta moment - he sees his daughter standing up to him, defending herself, and dismisses her entirely to try and appeal to the next rational subject, a man, but . the man is a cat. it doesnt work as well if he turns to a cat to be like "well certainly you'll be more reasonable" and turns the focus to Morgana - who has already taken up a lot of time that Haru deserved to have recognised!!!!
i have issues with morgana, yes, and I believe a lot of that arc could have been really useful character building for him if it had been handled slightly better, given more weight and better pacing, but it really wouldn't have been such a big problem for me if it hadn't been pushed so heavily during Haru's character moments, because she is SUCH a good character!!!!
in her first appearance she makes for a really good subversion of what the PT's think that they are. her insistence on working for justice helps them work through their temporary doubt for what their purpose is and by having such a difficult situation happening in her life, she unites them all on something that they have to do. At least until they go to Okumura's palace for the first proper investigation, the intent to rescue Haru from her fiance is more important than the Phan-site and more important than any of Okumura's business practices.
she prioritises everyone elses happiness over her own to the point where she watches her father die on live television and tells the PT's to continue having fun at destinyland without her without considering that they'd want to be there for her. She has always suspected that people only wanted to be her friend for her money - and this seems to have affected her so much that despite being 'secretive about her history' at Shujin, she still doesn't mention at any point whether or not she has friends and is only seen speaking with teachers.
after her fathers death she has no real reason to trust any of the PT's - they were navigating with an unknown method, with no proof to show that what they were doing wouldn't cause a mental shutdown, they barely know each other, and yet she trusts them in spite of this and places her faith in the PT's regardless. even when faced with the person who DID kill her father, she understands that his death was a larger piece in a bigger plan and that it wasn't akechi's fault, it was the fault of Shido for ordering him dead, and in Shido's palace she's able to get the catharsis of killing the cognition of the person who aired her fathers death publicly on TV.
And what I think is a more frustrating part than any of that - where all of the Phantom Thieves, after their palace, get following story beats that increase their importance to make sure that you, as the player, can get attached to them, but the more PT's that join the team, the harder it is to juggle all of those characters and a lot of them have very vocal and prominent personalities that keep them involved. Yusuke's general quirks and behaviour keep him interesting, Makoto has an entire arc that's established ages before she's involved in Kaneshiro's palace, Futaba becoming navigator keeps her relevant, but where Haru's arc is taken over by Morgana in the palace where she's introduced, all subsequent story beats are entirely overtaken by Akechi.
Don't get me wrong, I love Akechi and he is in my brain 24/7, but it is extremely unfortunate that her fathers death immediately kickstarts the section of plot where the PT's realise that they're being tricked, meaning the plot suddenly ramps up, and during the school fair (something Haru is explicitly very excited about), Akechi's growing popularity and prominence in the story takes centre stage, especially as a day later he blackmails the PTs and joins their party.
Again, not complaining about Akechi, its just unfortunate that Haru's main story is clouded over by Morgana having a character arc and then the fan favourite comes in and immediately becomes the most prominent character for almost the entire rest of the game. It's sad because I love Haru but it wasn't until I romanced her that I realised how much I love her and how much there is too her - which ESPECIALLY sucks because it makes the section where you're reassuring her in the velvet room fall so flat compared to how you reassure everyone else.
ALL to say that i think it's wild to have a character whose entire arc routinely revolves around proving herself and reclaiming her autonomy from the men in her life, like her father and her fiance, and having her character arc so heavily influenced and even overshadowed by morgana, a male character. thank you guys for listening and if you disagree with me consider writing what your opinions are on your own post and not on mine :3
Anyway. huge rant post over. Haru is my wife and my girlfriend and my silly rabbit and i think she should be hyped up way more. ESPECIALLY for her showtime attack with makoto because that's fucking adorable. everyone must post one thousand haru okumura positivity posts right now
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[ID: a gif of Haru Okumura, in her Phantom Thief outfit, holding her hat with one hand and pointing with the other. She says "I am no longer your subservient puppet!" while looking determined.]
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sakurapika ยท 8 months
What are your all-time favorite outfits from Twisted Wonderland?
Hello @letterstoear, thank you for ask! I've had a lot of fun making this post, and I'm so sorry that it took forever to answer!
Every time I was certain I had my list narrowed down, I remembered another outfit I really liked. (Also, I'm a little bit biased, as you will see...haha). This time, I focused on event outfits to make it easier for myself. Maybe in the future I'll post my "reviews" on dorm uniforms or Halloween costumes.
I am always blown away by the the little details that Yana Toboso and the rest of the design team have added to each of characters' outfits, because they give some interesting insight to their personalities and backgrounds.
Without further ado, let's discuss some outfits! (Please note that there are spoilers for upcoming events from the JP server, as well as some groovy arts!)
My Favorite Twisted Wonderland Outfits
10. Floyd's Outdoor Wear (Vargas Camp)
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Most of the outfits on my list are on the extravagant side. I recently bought a volume of Black Butler, where there was a note about how Yana Toboso loves to draw clothing, and it truly shows.
But in contrast to seeing our beloved characters in over-the-top costumes, it's refreshing to see them wearing casual outfits once in a while as well and see their individual, everyday styles.
I'll admit that I haven't played any of the Vargas Camp events, and have a grand total of zero (0) cards from this series. I'm not sure why; I always miss the event's runtime for some reason.
Still, I've always loved Floyd's little sling bag with the eel keychain, as well as the teal visor. The bright colors stand out and are appealing.
The whole outfit looks like something you could get from a store like Uniqlo, and sometimes it is nice to have that sort of realism in a magical game. He looks like an ordinary teenager I could find on the street. Except...if I did find Floyd on the street, I'd be running in the other direction. But that's not the main idea here.
9. Azul's Glorious Masquerade Outfit
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At first, I sort of forgot that this SSR existed. When the PV for Glorious Masquerade came out, I was more focused on Malleus.
However, eventually, many people began to cosplay as GloMas Azul, and they all looked so amazing. I began to appreciate the outfit more after seeing people pose and dance in it. Azul also tends to have some of the best fanart, and fans have spared no expense when drawing him wearing this.
My favorite part of the outfit is his coat. I like the silhouette it creates with a high-waist belt, and the long coattails that resemble tentacles. The ruffles on his trousers are cute, too. I would buy a pair if I could. Unfortunately, it's hard to see these details on his in-game sprite.
As for his accessories, the pearls are so dramatic (and so very Azul). His round glasses are also cute, I hope he wears them again!
8. Idia's Suitor Suit
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One look at Idia's Ghost Marriage outfit, and you can really tell that it was designed by Yana Toboso. His gloves, coat, and cravat make him look like he's in the Victorian Era. Also, doesn't he look sort of like Grelle from Black Butler?
Speaking of Grelle, Idia's outfit is meant to look more like funeral attire, between the long, black coat and the lilies pinned to his shoulder. There are also skulls hidden throughout his outfit, such as on his jacket chain and cufflinks. I was still new to TWST at the time, so I just thought that Idia liked gothic clothing. I didn't realize he was (at least in his mind) attending his own funeral!
Let's not forget his new hairstyle! This is one of Idia's first SSRs if I remember correctly, so it was exciting to see him with a ponytail.
My love for this outfit also comes from my love for the story associated with it. Fans have pointed out that Idia's "arranged marriage" with Eliza parallels the myth of Hades and Persephone. The design team and Yana were so clever for this.
I don't have this card, either, but I hope to pick him up one day!
7. Ortho's Fairy Gear
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The Shroud brothers are luckyใƒผthey are probably two of the characters with the most SSRs in the game.
That being said, we all have to agree that Ortho's fairy gear is one of the most unique and avant-garde cards in the game.
I really enjoy the white and gold color scheme in this event. His color-changing wings are stunning, and the piece covering his eyes makes him look very mysterious.
I thought this card was cool when I first saw it, but then I learned that Ortho's outfit and hair can turn pink, which is even better.
Every time I see his "pointe shoes," it makes me imagine Ortho and Idia trying to learn how to dance together in Idia's room, and Idia obsessively studying ballet costumes for his younger brother.
Yet again, I don't have this card, but my best friend does! At least I can admire him from her phone...
6. Silver's Rabbit Wear
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There is no way that this outfit is just an R card! When this card was first advertised in one of the JR rail train stations, the pictures showed this card with Deuce's hometown in the background instead of the standard Diasomnia R background, so I thought that this card would at least be an SR. (Although I can't complain so much, because that means it's free!)
Silver is so princely. I am convinced that he can look good in anything. I am fond of pastel colors, and the pink/blue color scheme suits him, as the TWST version of Aurora. The bows may be silly, but I find them adorable.
Compared to the other boys in this event, Silver's outfit looks a little more like a soldier's (albeit a toy soldier's or a nutcracker's), which is a cool touch.
5. Deuce's Rabbit Wear
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Deuce's hometown event was truly one of my favorite events that came out in the JP sever last year. Not only were some of my most favorite characters there, but they were dressed up in the most whimsical outfits possible. (And we got to meet Deuce's motherใƒผshe's the coolest!)
Since Deuce is the main character of this event, his outfit bears the most resemblance to the white rabbit's in most classic illustrations, complete with a bow tie, top hat, and, of course, his pocket watch. His outfit has a blue color scheme. Like Azul in GloMas, Deuce also wears round glasses in his groovy art. Overall, it looks like the sweet ouji style, although I'm not very familiar with this sub-fashion. If anyone who is reading this has studied/worn this style of fashion, please let me know!
I used to play Love Nikki and Shining Nikki (two fashion-themed gacha games), which also featured lolita dresses inspired by Alice in Wonderland characters. For this reason, Deuce's outfit in particular feels very nostalgic to me.
4. Lilia's Right General Armor
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Here's another departure from the cute pastel outfits...
Sleeping Beauty was one of my favorite Disney movies as a child. I always remembered Maleficent's "goons" as short, silly little creatures wearing simple green tunics.
So how on earth did we get to Right General Lilia Vanrouge?!
Seriously, I'm just stunned by how the artists looked at the source material and created something so radically, yet wonderfully, different.
I'm curious about the green stones (jades?) on his outfit--around his waist, there are several pieces attached to tassels, and he has two strapped to his right leg. The material matches the stone used for his weapon. Maybe it represents his status in Briar Valley. If you check his (unposed) sprite, you can also see that he is wearing something around his waist that looks like folded bat wings.
Like everyone else, I'm obsessed with his long hairใƒผit makes him look so formidable, especially with that hood. My friends and I like to joke that his ponytail makes him look like a character in a Chinese martial arts drama.
Again, the story associated with this card made me love it even more. Few books have made me cry as much as Book 7 of TWST.
3. Malleus' Glorious Masquerade Outfit
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While Sleeping Beauty was my favorite movie as a young child, when I got older, I began to love The Hunchback of Notre Dame. It was only natural for this outfit to be among my favorites for this reason.
There are so many details here. The feathered hat. The sheer sleeves. The golden embroidery. The split cape. It's honestly overwhelming to take in at once.
I can say that my favorite detail is his green earrings. They really bring out his eye color, and the PV made them so sparkly.
In addition, everyone I've ever seen who has cosplayed as GloMas Malleus or has drawn fanart of him has increased my appreciation of this outfit.
[Now for some very spoiler-y stuff] The fact that this event came just before the release of Chapter 7 is worth noting. Doesn't it feel a bit tragic that just before Malleus' overblot, we have a chance to see him wearing an outfit that makes him look especially like his mother, having fun and being the star at the masquerade? And what about the feathers on his shouldersใƒผdo they hint at another side of his family? There's so much foreshadowing and mystery going on, and nothing is more suitable for the occasion than masquerade attire.
2. Kalim's New Year Attire
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I've already rambled about how sentimental this outfit is to me in a previous post, but in summary: New Year is my favorite holiday, and the New Year's Sale event was the first event I "seriously" participated in. Kalim looks excessively cute and festive in his kimono, and every time I see this card, I feel nostalgic and in the holiday mood.
1. (Tied) Epel's Applepom Outfit and Riddle's Beach Outfit
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I'm really sorry, Epel and Riddle are my favorite characters, and in the end, I refuse to chose between them. They're like my younger brothers! I try to collect all of their cards, so I pay attention to their outfits the most, and picking only one outfit for each character was a challenge in itself.
My favorite part of Epel's Applepom outfit is his cloak. It looks so fluffy and warm. When you set him as your home screen character, you also have the option to "swap looks" and see his outfit without the cloak--the apple embroidery on the rest of his outfit is very detailed. Many fans have mentioned that the outfits people wear in Harveston resemble traditional Scandinavian clothing, which is really cool!
The little apple slices on his cap are everything.
And I'm always happy to see characters in different hairstyles, such as Epel's little ponytail.
One of my headcanons is that you're allowed to call Epel cute, but only when he wears this specific outfit, because he takes it as a complement to his culture.
As for Riddle, we're all so used to seeing him wearing formal suits. It's so nice to see him loosening up for once. He looks so happy, now that he has the chance to see the ocean for the first time!
I also happened to be on vacation at the beach around the time this event came out, so it felt like a gift.
I have to laugh a little, because there are so many flowers on his outfit. Even Jack pointed it out in the story. But he looks so cute!
I suppose we have to discuss the elephant in the room. My friend saw it before me, so she spammed me with messages along the lines of "RIDDLE IS WEARING A CROP TOP!!! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!!" and I naturally thought she was pranking me. But lo and behold, it's the truth. I like to headcanon that among the rest of the cast in this event, everyone has made an unspoken mutual agreement not to mention it. This Victorian child has already been through enough, and not a word must reach Mrs. Rosehearts.
Thank you once again for the ask! For anyone who read all of this, what do you think about these outfits, and which ones in the game are your favorite?
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linxuelian ยท 5 months
Anime Fest Plus 2024 Convention Experience Log - With Photos!
Hi, hello! As I've recently (as of this post, yesterday morning) attended Anime Fest+ 2024 at Tropicana Gardens Mall, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, I've decided to write an experience log about my day there! While I will be posting a few different cosplays here, since my blog is currently primarily about MDZS, TGCF and SVSSS at the moment, most of the cosplays I'll be sharing will be from these three titles. To add to the fun, I'll also have commentaries on them!
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To preface, the largest anime convention in Malaysia is Comic Fiesta, an annual mecca with 70,000 attendees as of the year 2023. Anime, games and comics are popular in this country, so there are smaller cons dotted throughout the months.
Anyway, the crowd wasn't as large as Comic Fiesta. As the structure of Tropicana Gardens Mall is rather narrow, you'd technically have to file through in two to three lines to be able to walk in and out of the place.
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The exhibition hall at the fourth floor hosted all performances as well as cosplay booths. You'd have to ride one of the two escalators up to the hall - plebs without a ticket are doomed to be stranded at the bottom of said escalators, unable to sop up the merriment held exclusively above.
Here are some pics though, just in case you were a pleb that day, or just didn't attend the event:
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Main hall programs and booths featured mostly Hololive and sexy pretty girl cosplayers and figurines, given the regular, expected fare when it comes to the anime consuming demographic (yes, I'm calling you out, my anime-watching brothers). I didn't take pictures of the doujinshi market out of respect for the art sellers there, but I did buy a beautiful print and got some lovely free stickers from that ONE vendor who sold BL stuff among the throngs of moe girls/Genshin Impact.
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Yes, there was only one stall. But that one vendor made my day! Bless your heart, sister!
Now, I'll move on to the highlight - the cosplays. Nothing fills my heart with more joy than seeing happy people wearing colorful costumes and having a blast just being part of the convention scene. To be honest, it's so common to be wearing cosplay outfits nowadays that folk don't even notice you when you're dressed up - and I say this from experience; nobody noticed at all that I was in costume (or they were far too polite to laugh at how shitty I looked LOL, I didn't even dare take pics of myself). These events usually become scavenger hunts for me, to identify the ones from series I know or my tribe (fellow MXTX fans aha!).
First up is an oldie that's a goldie - Mr. Spock from Star Trek (credit: FaceBook user Yasuhiro Orihusay):
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Honestly, I did NOT expect to find any Star Trek cosplays there. My dad's a Trekkie, so this was one of the first pics I sent him at the con itself. Live long and prosper, Mr. Spock!
Next, a furry OC:
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I wasn't able to get their social media account as they were waiting in line for an autograph by a cosplayer, so unfortunately I'm unable to credit here.
Furries are currently still a new thing in Malaysia - but I'm glad to see them appearing more frequently at our cons, since they do diversify our pop culture scene quite a bit. Furs Upon Malaysia (FURUM) is held annually in Kuala Lumpur. The tickets are always sold out within an hour, so it's definitely growing and also contributing to tourism (Indonesian and Singaporean furries gather there too).
Also, they're fluffy. I love fluffy things. Much thanks, furry fandom, for being fluffy!
Moving on, here's a group cosplay of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure's Six Pistols (Mista from Golden Wind's Stands, if you're wondering which season it's from):
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Vibrant and very spot on! I was unable to get their social media account due to the crowd and disorientation on my part. Do try to look them up, though! They were pretty popular, so I'm sure someone would have shared some info if you're interested.
Anyway, here's a White Mage from Final Fantasy (credit: https://www.instagram.com/yari_hayashi/):
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Final Fantasy's one of the older franchises, but it's definitely rising again due to the new FFVII remake. I thought he was Garnet until I saw the blond wig. Bless the mages, healing power plus!!
Next in line is one of my all-time favorites, Sailor Moon (credit: https://www.instagram.com/jiahuab0719_cos/):
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I'm a Moonie so seeing a Sailor Moon made me pretty excited! I don't see too many Sailor Moon cosplays even in Comic Fiesta - cosplays at our conventions are pretty seasonal and tend to follow trends, from what I've seen. She definitely caught quite a bit of attention with her wings, too. I saw her getting stopped quite a bit, so I'm glad I got a pic before a line formed!
Aaaand! I've saved the best for last! I'll be showcasing the MXTX stuff now. To start off (with a bang), here are two cosplayers of the number one seasonal love interest of the BL world, Hua Cheng a.k.a. San Lang Didi (Grown Up Version):
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Credit: https://www.instagram.com/karry.1213/ (donghua version) and https://www.instagram.com/kopiii_cos/ (manhua version)
Remember how I said cosplays at Malaysian conventions tend to be pretty seasonal? Well, the current flavor of the month for the BL world is definitely TGCF - and the hottest flavor is now San Lang didi. You're going to get stopped for photos pretty often for dressing up as this flashy guy, and for good reason too. Donned in striking red, Hua Cheng is the Ferrari of the danmei world.
I overhead Kopiii_cos' friend saying so many people have been asking for photos! Viva Fafa!
Next, we have the ever beautiful WangXian couple cosplays:
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Credit: Wei Wuxian (https://www.instagram.com/purple_384/) and Lan Wangji (https://www.instagram.com/anson1510/)
WangXian's a staple when it comes to the MXTX fandom. There's nary a person who doesn't love these two soulmates, and with these elaborate costumes, they've certainly stolen the show! They were the first couple I saw at the entrance of the exhibition hall, which makes sense since there was an OTP contest going on that afternoon.
Moving along, we have the main character of his story, the Crown Prince of Xian Le, Xie Lian (credit: https://www.instagram.com/arkutagwa/):
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I gotta admit that this Lian's the sweetest of the Xies so far. Had a field day calling each other cute (what can I say, we both had cute personalities)! Gotta love that charming dimpled cheek, bless!
Speaking of cute, there's also this whole cute pose thing going on with certain attendees (credit: https://www.instagram.com/chzesin/):
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I won't lie - I didn't recognize the character at first. But with the dark-gray-to-white ombre, black and red colors to tell you that's a Wei Wuxian, I'm just going to take a gamble here and deduce that yes, that is indeed a Wei Wuxian and include it. Let me know if you don't think it is.
Last but not least, we have our MXTX OTP group:
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Credits: https://www.instagram.com/ayafvrvv/ (Luo Binghe) and https://www.instagram.com/close0402/ (Lan Wangji) - the rest didn't share their social media accounts but they did say you can find them through each other's accounts.
Turns out they're a group who'd entered the OTP contest that afternoon. If you're wondering, no, Binghe isn't paired with air (this is Bing-mei, not Bing-ge). There was a large number of attendees that day as it was Sunday, so their Shizun was still looking for parking. I'd gotten lucky since I'd arrived there just as they'd opened up Basement 3 so ZOOM I parked near the escalators with plenty of space to spare. Until today I chalk it up to being last-minute dressed as Xie Lian, the god of good luck for hobos like myself (or, according to popular belief, Hua Cheng's blessed every Xie Lian cosplayer out there no matter how much we look like we've just stepped out of a jungle). I also had plenty of space to sit for a lovely lunch of salad and green tea!
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Granted, there were actually a few other Xie Lians there as well (he's the current flavor as well), but I didn't want to chase after them from afar since the flow of human traffic in this particular mall wasn't too conducive for trying to get pictures, unlike KLCC's garden. Usually, more fans are dressed as the two main characters, Wei Wuxian and Xie Lian - or the shous/bottoms in popular danmei. Surprisingly, I actually saw quite a number of gongs/tops this trip round.
So as a bonus, here's a pic with all our dandy gongs/tops together:
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A dashing lot, aren't they?
Anyway, this wraps up my experience log as an MXTX cosplay hunter! Hope you enjoyed it! Bless!
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hazelira ยท 4 months
๐ฉ๐ซ๐ž๐ญ๐ญ๐ฒ ๐›๐จ๐ฒ๐ฌ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ก๐จ๐ฉ๐ž๐ฅ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ ๐ก๐ž๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ฌ | ENHYPEN
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genres:ย fluff, comfort, and angst
word count: 1978
summary:ย Y/N, a hopeless romantic and delusional fan, writes in her diary about each member of ENHYPEN. She reflects on her infatuations, acknowledging their allure but also the pain of knowing they'll eventually find someone else. Through her heartfelt entries, she grapples with her feelings of attachment and the bittersweet reality of being just another fan, and ENGENE.
inspired by: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMrRo1HH2/
Oh,ย Heeseung, you're just a pretty boy, right? I've been with boys like youโ€”charming, effortlessly attractive, with a smile that could melt anyone's heart. You're the type who makes it all look so easy, even when it comes to things like basketball. I've seen you on the court, effortlessly dribbling and shooting, like it's second nature to you. But deep down, I know there's more to you than just your good looks and athletic prowess. I've noticed how you enjoy the simple things in life, like eating ramen. Seeing you slurp noodles with such enthusiasm, your eyes lighting up with each delicious bite, is endearing. And when you're not on the basketball court or indulging in your favourite comfort food, you're probably at home, lost in the world of games. I've seen how you get so focused, your competitive spirit shining through as you strive to beat the highest score. But amidst all the hustle and bustle of life, I wonder if you ever stop to... sleep. I imagine you curled under a cozy blanket, your peaceful expression contrasting your usual energetic self. It's moments like these when I find myself drawn to you even more when I see the vulnerability beneath the surface. And let's not forget your love for animals, especially dogs and cats. I've seen how you light up whenever you're around them, your heart overflowing with affection as you shower them with attention and love. It's a side of you that not everyone gets to see, but it makes me fall for you even harder. But Heeseung, as much as I adore you, I can't help but feel a twinge of sadness when I think about the future. I know that one day, you'll find other girls who look good standing next to youโ€”girls who are as charming and talented as you are. And when that day comes, I'll have to accept that I was just another admirer in the crowd, someone who got too attached to a pretty boy with a heart of gold. But until then, I'll cherish every moment we share, every smile, every laugh. Because even if our time together is fleeting, the memories we create will last a lifetime.
Oh,ย Jay, you're just a pretty boy. I've been with boys who love to cook and eat delicious food, just like you do. It's charming how you light up when you talk about your favourite dishes, how your eyes sparkle when you take that first bite of something delicious. But sometimes, I wonder if you're putting on a show. You make it look effortless like you have it all together, and you live the perfect life. But I see through the facade, Jay. I see the blank stares when you think no one is looking, the moments when you retreat into yourself. And then there are the games. You love to play, don't you? Whether video or board games, you always seem to have a competitive edge. But sometimes, I wonder if it's just a distraction, a way to avoid facing the real world. And let's not forget about shopping. You have a knack for picking out the perfect outfits, always looking put together and stylish. But I can't help but wonder if it's all just surface-level. Do you ever stop to think about what's beneath the clothes, beneath the facade? Oh, Jay, you're a perfect catch; I'll give you that. But I get too attached, don't I? I let myself believe that there's something more beneath the surface, that maybe, just maybe, you're not as perfect as you seem. But deep down, I know the truth. One day, you'll find other girls, won't you? Girls who look good standing next to you fit perfectly into the image you've created for yourself. And I'll be left behind, just another girl who fell for the pretty boy with the charming smile. But until then, I'll keep pretending, won't I? Pretending that there's something more between us, something real and meaningful. Because sometimes, pretending is more accessible than facing the truth.
Oh,ย Jake, you're a pretty boy, right? I've been with boys just like you before. You have that effortless charm, that magnetic smile that draws everyone in. You're the guy who makes it all look so easy, even when it's not. I've noticed how you love soccer and light up when you're out on the field, the competitive fire burning in your eyes. And then there's table tennis, your quick reflexes and precise shots making you a formidable opponent. You're always up for a challenge, always striving to be the best. But it's not just sports that define you. You have a soft spot for puppies, especially your beloved Layla. The way you light up when you're with her, the pure joy in your eyesโ€”it's enough to make anyone swoon. And let's not forget your love for music, especially hip-hop. I've seen you lose yourself in the rhythm, your body swaying to the beat, and a smile on your lips. And then there's your sense of style. You always know exactly what to wear, effortlessly pulling off even the most daring looks. Shopping with you is like entering a fashion magazine; each outfit is carefully curated to perfection. But for all your charm and charisma, a part of me can't help but wonder. When will you find other girls who look good standing next to you? Girls who can match your energy on the soccer field, who can keep up with your lightning-fast reflexes on the table tennis court. Girls who can share your love for music and fashion, who can make you laugh and smile just as much as Layla does. I know I'm just another girl in the crowd, another nameless face in the sea of admirers. And yet, I can't help but get attached. You're a perfect catch, Jake, but I know I'm just setting myself up for heartache. So I'll admire you from afar, cheering you on as you chase your dreams, even if it means watching you walk away with someone else.
Sunghoon, oh Sunghoon. He glides across the ice with grace and elegance, captivating everyone watching him. But I can't help but feel like he's just another pretty boy who's used to getting attention without having to work for it. His love for competitive ice skating makes him seem untouchable, like he's in a world where I'll never belong. And then there's his love for shopping for clothes and shoes. It's so easy to get lost in the allure of luxury and style to imagine myself standing beside him as he picks out the latest trends. But deep down, I know it's just a fantasy, a fleeting moment of wishful thinking. And don't even get me started on lattes. It's a simple pleasure, yet Sunghoon makes it seem like a work of art. His attention to detail and appreciation for life's finer things are intoxicating but also intimidating. I can't help but feel like I'll never meet his standards, as I'll always be just another girl in a sea of admirers. So, Sunghoon, you're just a pretty boy. I've been with boys just like you. I figured out you're someone who makes it look good not to do what I'm supposed to. You're a perfect catch, but I get too attached. When you find other girls, you'll stand well beside them. But for now, I'll keep dreaming, even if it's a fantasy that will never come true.
Sunoo, oh, Sunoo. He's just another pretty boy, isn't he? I've been with boys like him beforeโ€”charming, with that perfect smile that could make anyone swoon. But deep down, I know he's just someone who knows how to play the game and makes it all look effortless. He's a black belt in Hapkido, which should make him challenging, but he's also a sucker for emojis and aegyo. It's like he's mastered the art of being strong and sweet, and it's impossible not to fall for it. Sunoo loves spicy food, Disney movies, and mellow music. He's the kind of guy who would spend hours watching movies with me, snuggled up on the couch, surrounded by scented candles and mood lighting. He'd probably take a hundred selfies to get the perfect shot and then challenge me to a game to see who could win. But despite all that, I can't help but feel like I'm just another girl in a long line of admirers. When will he find someone who looks good standing next to him and fits perfectly into his world of selfies and games?ย I know I'm just getting too attached, but Sunoo has a way of making me believe that maybe, just maybe, I could be the one for him. But for now, I'll keep my feelings to myself and let him continue being the perfect catch that he is.
Oh,ย Jungwon, with his charming smile and effortless grace. Heโ€™s like a character straight out of a romance movieโ€”mysterious yet approachable, strong yet gentle. But deep down, I canโ€™t help but feel like heโ€™s just another pretty boy, a stereotype Iโ€™ve encountered too many times before. His love for taekwondo and how he moves with fluidity and precision are captivating. Itโ€™s as if heโ€™s dancing with the wind, effortlessly powerful yet graceful. But even amidst his martial arts prowess, I canโ€™t shake the feeling that heโ€™s hiding something, that his perfect facade is just thatโ€”a facade. And then there are his simple pleasures, like watching movies and walking in the rain. Itโ€™s these moments of vulnerability that make him so endearing, so relatable. But I know better than to let myself get too attached. After all, heโ€™s just like the other boys Iโ€™ve knownโ€”someone who makes it look good not to do what heโ€™s supposed to. I canโ€™t help but wonder when heโ€™ll find other girls who look good standing next to him, girls who fit into his perfect world effortlessly. And when that happens, where will that leave me? It was just another forgotten chapter in his story, lost in the pages of his past. But for now, Iโ€™ll keep these thoughts to myself, tucked away in the pages of this diary. Because sometimes, itโ€™s easier to dream than to face the harsh reality of unrequited love.
Ni-ki, oh Ni-ki. With his effortless moves on the dance floor, he's like a magnet, drawing me in with every step. But deep down, I know he's just like the other boys I've been withโ€”charming, talented, but ultimately fleeting. His love for sports and movies only adds to his allure. I find myself lost in thoughts of him, imagining us laughing together over our favourite films or cheering on our favourite teams. But I know it's all just a fantasy, a fleeting dream that will fade with time. Even his simple pleasures, like sleeping in on lazy weekends or indulging in Golden Fish Bread and sushi, make me yearn for a connection that I know will never be more than a passing fancy. Ni-ki, with his charm and charisma, is the perfect catch. But I can't help but fear getting too attached, only to watch him move on to someone else who looks good standing next to him. For now, I'll cherish these moments of daydreaming, even as I know they'll never become reality.
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Dear Diary, In the end, theyโ€™re all just boys Iโ€™ll never know. Pretty boys who make it easy to dream, even if those dreams are impossible. I know theyโ€™ll find others who fit perfectly by their side, and Iโ€™ll be left with my what-ifs and maybes. But for now, Iโ€™ll let myself get lost in these hopelessly romantic delusions because sometimes, dreaming is all we have. With love, Y/N; ENGENE signing off ๐Ÿ’Œ
ยฉhazelira, all work is written by me, do not copy or repost.
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tokuxsenshi ยท 3 months
Girls X Heroine "tomboy" essay
Alright I've returned to ramble about a bunch shit no one care about
today it will be about Girls x Heroine specifically about the girls who wear less girly clothing and how in a show made so cute and girly this isnt seen as a bad thing. I feel like growing up with the shows I did it was you could either be sweet girly girl and like singing dancing and flowers or you were a tomboy with an attitude and liked sports video games and fighting which kinda broke my mind alot as a kid because I hated girly clothes but still loved cute things and playing with dolls I did like stuff more aimed to boys but over the years I had changed myself to be less girly and say I hate pink and other girly stuff because I felt I needed to fit a box made by media and life experiences but clearly I grew out of that still dress the same but love my pink and cute thing again. but enough about my school day trauma lets talk about the girls
first I'll direct the attention to Fuuka (miracle tunes)
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For Fuuka I choose to talk about an episode that I also feel highlights alot about what my points are here and thats
episode 8 of Miracle tunes: The road to becoming a stylish idol
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In this episode Kojiro their make up artist and stylish brought the girls out to teach them about how changing your look sometimes can be a good thing and helps to learn what you like and how to show your cute side. some key moments I want to point out with it and how it fits with the tomboy talk is Fuuka says she doesnt want to shop but not because she doesnt like she just rather be working on dancing
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In the store she tells Kojiro to just pick out clothes for her and he picks this and honestly as hates clothe shopping I can relate
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which she doesnt like but it really feel less because its cute and more because it does doesnt look good and he tells her thats why its important to pick out her own clothes
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when being called cute she never rejects the idea shes alittle surprised by it but never says she doesnt like it.
the next time she brings up what shes wearing she doesnt like it because its flashy and like yeah girl see yall from a mile away and why mai got a trucker hat this isnt about her I just dont like that hat.
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but again this feel more like a moment where she just doesnt like the clothes not because their girly but that she just doesnt like them
and the last point this episode I'll bring up is the ending where she in a very cute girly outfit doesnt say she hates it or say its to girly for her
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This feel like the kind of episode if it was in a sitcom I would watch as a kid it would be way more about Fuuka being forced to wear cute thing and change to fit in but its just about learning to find your style and learning to also show off your cute side.
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I truly love that Fuuka was able to dress how she felt comfortable but also allowed to show she like girly things without hiding it she never rejected to the idea of having to look cute and girly to be and idol she was never mocked for how she dressed or wanting to be an idol I also truly love how her idol outfits are still just ask girly and cute as the others while still having shorts even her Miracle Tunes outfit was still just as cute with having shorts you dont have to wear a skirt and dresses to be cute
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So coming back to this a few days after I wrote it I noticed Mai second costume also has shorts like Fuuka so you can even say it has nothing to do with how fuuka dressed
Now to move onto Mitsuki (magimajopures)
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Mitsuki is very sporty but was never shown to be more boyish then the other girl besides how she dressed she not even a blue heroine shes yellow
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she has a very positive and peppy attitude which really goes against what the norm of what usually seen of a character like her she loves flowers and nature because shes a flower witch. I wont talk about a whole epiosde again but I wanted to point out this moment from episode 9 of Magimajopures where Mistuki and here friend Nanami are talking about where Nanami gets her hair done on the way home from tennis practice like to have two sporty character be talking about hair styles is not something I feel like would be seen in the kind stuff I watched as a kid. but Nanami says she goes to a beautician and Mitsuki wants to go right at that moment Nanami says she cant go dressed the way she is not because shes not dressed feminine enough but because shes in a tack suit and thats just not proper beautician seeing attire
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so Mitsuki puts on a cute dress not because she was forced to wear it but because she wanted to I mean she used magic but she wasnt upset to be in the dress so she probably wanted it
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to have the sporty tomboy character deliver this message makes my smile bloom
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and again it being an episode about beauty with the tomboy character that isnt about forcing them to change beautiful. I love Mitsuki and I love that shes a sporty girl but she doesnt fall under the stereotypes that a show would usally put on that character
Honoka (Kirameki Powers)
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Honoka probably the closest well get to a stereotypical in GXH my girl only thought when waking up is FIGHT she loves being strong theres nothing in the show like the other two showing her having any kind of girly side shes alot more stubborn she does still care about her friends and has alot of passion in her for the stuff she likes but like also having a character who is tomboy and fine with that also good sometimes
these three were the big ones on here now just talk about a few character who are shown to dress girly but I wouldnt really say their character would be tomboy in anything else
first Saki (phantomirage)
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Saki really only come into this because her heroine form has shorts and shes doesnt dress girly
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but shes not really sporty or anything like that shes a fangirl espically an idol girly just like me FRFR like really in anything else she would probably be a girly girl character
Shiori (magimajopures)
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Shiori like Saki is purely being brought up because she doesnt dress girly but other then that again her interest don't reflect this style she wants to be a fashion model I really like that they have a character who doesnt have the girly girl look but loves fashion again like saki I feel like she would be throw into a girly girl personality in anything else.
Kirari (Kirameki Powers)
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Kirari defiantly the no where near being a tom boy even though she doesnt wear dresses and skirts her cloths are still very girly in color and style unlike the other but let me just put her on here as one the only girl character whos super girly and loves videos games and it not seen not being a girl thing
This defiently probably more a rant then an essay but uh thanks for reading all this way I stayed up way to late writing all this and it toke me so many hours because when looking into honoka I got stuck the phantomirage episode of kirapowers I just love phantomis I hope you got something out of this
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bonus Honoka going fan fan for making it all the way to the end
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the-autistic-cat-queen ยท 7 days
My thoughts and feelings. 17/08/2024
As an autistic person I sometimes find it difficult to know where my friends begin and where I end. What I mean by this is, sometimes I struggle to know what hobbies I like or if these hobbies are just what my friends like.
Take for example my best friend, she likes to collect blythe dolls. I see how she does their hair and dresses them up and I think to myself, oh wow they look amazing. And that's not wrong, because they really do. They are so adorable, and to be honest I really would like to own one.
Now here is where the problem is, let's say I save up and purchase one for myself, then what? Sure it will look adorable, but will I really spend time with it like my friend does? Or will it just sit there collecting dust?
The idea of it just sitting there collecting dust honestly makes me sad. You see, when I see my friend taking care of hers and taking hers out on trips and spending her time on dressing it up, I can see the excitement in her eyes and on her face, I can see how much joy having the doll brings to her, I can see the comfort to she gets.
Now I know the doll is not alive like in the movie "Toy Story", but I do believe that the things we own, the things that become sentimental to us do carry a little bit of our souls.
To be clear I'm not saying the doll is alive in any way shape or form or that they even truly have souls in the way that we perceive that people do. But there's just something about owning a plush toy or doll or any comfort item for that matter that we can become attached to, it just kind of seems to take on a little bit of our personality. In the same way we associate things with people we know. its the way we can relate to them as a form of comfort.
Take myself for example, I'm almost 45 yet I wear cat ears when ever I leave the house, they have become a comfort item of mine, when wearing them I just feel safer, I feel I'm better equipped to interact with the rest of the world.
If I didn't have them on of course I could still do all these things, however I would just feel more anxious and less likely to want to engage with others. Having comfort items for myself has allowed me to come out my shell a little when ever I'm in public. That and cat ears just look so darn cute.
Another example for you is, my partner wears 50s style dresses, and because she looks so beautiful in them, I myself have started buying 50s style dresses. I also look amazing in them (a little bit of self love for you there.) My point is, I don't really know what i truly like. I tend to just be a mixture of all my friends. So who really am I? What do I truly like? I'm currently in the process of saving up for a sewing machine, I'm doing this because I saw someone online making outfits for Sylvanian Families. (that was all it took). Now apparently I plan to sew.
Which by the way, on that topic, I have already collected over 50 different families. I plan to display them at some point, but we need to buy cabinets first. Otherwise my cats will just start testing gravity on them. (And I don't want to see them all over the livingroom floor).
My point is, will I even enjoy sewing? I honestly have no idea, as I honestly don't even know what I like, or even if I'll enjoy sewing. You see, I just tend to do things on autopilot without over thinking them.
Either way, these are just the thoughts I'm having at the moment, and to be honest I don't know how I feel about it all. I look at my best friend and she amazes me, she has so many different hobbies. Then I look at my partner and I think how wonderful she is and how she manages to play so many different video games. I on the other hand just seem to play the same video game for many years upon years. I currently have over 500 different games on my steam to choose from, (most of which I got on 75% off sales). The thing is, when I tend to buy games, I think to myself they look amazing I think that game would be lots of fun, but then I buy them and never play them.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I just wish I had more direction in my life, and maybe more understanding of who I am, and what I like.
Does anyone else who is autistic ever feel this way?
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olivebranch311 ยท 11 months
Anything your heart desires, Will come to you
Thanks to the reveal of TWST's new Halloween event, I had brain worms to deliver you something new from me! An ADeuce AU fanfic teaser/concept/WIP. I hope you all enjoy it and let me know what you think!
Steaking out the world's most prominent circus hadn't been Deuce's best idea in a while. Even less so when he considers the fact that one of the circus performers, who simply went by the alias "Jack Heart", decided that he would become his unasked-for partner in his investigation.
"So. You're looking for... what exactly?" asked Jack Heart, sweeping the dust off of his single-shoulder cape, the lovely red and gold shining off from the florescent bulbs of the lights. Deuce adjusted his own cape, giving an unamused look at the other.
"I'm looking for clues," he stated, matter of fact. His companion nodded back, raising an eyebrow that gave emotion to his oddly emotionless face, "And... what else? You can't just say we're looking for clues with no other indication of what you want to find."
Not what. Who.
If Jack Heart could help him find Ace, that would be the real deal. If Jack Heart helped him find a direction, he'd take it. He had a member of this weird circus act on his side, for now, and he had to take advantage of that chance.
If Jack Heart did all this to turn him in that man- that freak with the devilish smirk and a cocky grin and his little sidekick, then Deuce would not hesitate to deck this man in the face. He'd take Ace and run, Jack Heart be damned.
Deuce glared at him, before sighing, "I want to look behind the scenes. I wanna see what your boss- that circus manager- is doing. I want to see where my friend is."
Jack Heart made an "ah" noise, and snapped his finger, "Well, he picks up a lot of people, Fellow Honest does. Tell me your friend's name."
Deuce hesitated at that, eyeing the other, "... I think I'll keep it to myself, thanks."
Jack Heart crossed his arms, the tassels on his outfit swaying dully with the motion, "Look. I can't help you unless you tell me things. Unless you just don't trust me."
"I don't. If you really wanna help me, I want you to prove it." He said, boldly. The redhead gave a dull look, "... Prove myself to help you go against my boss. Wow. You really are a punk, Juice."
"It's Deuce! And I'm not a punk!" Deuce yelled at him, making the other only to once again raise his eyebrow and gesture at him, "And you're shouting."
Deuce wanted to deck this guy in his smug mouth. As well as these freakish performers could dance and move, they seemed to have an issue with emoting properly.
"Ugh, if you don't wanna help me, then fine! I'll find my own way around, maybe I can ask your two friends if they'll help- woah!" When Deuce pivoted to march away and cool down from his empty threat, he had no time to do so. Jack Heart grabbed onto his hand, twirling him around and pressing close so that the brims of their hats touched.
Deuce stared, stunned into the empty yet light eyes of Jack Heart. He knew those eyes were like Ace's, his childhood friend had bright red eyes that glimmered when he and Deuce played games or pranked him.
The red-clad performer squeezed his hand and began to sway them, in tandem with the music playing within the large tent, "You want to find your friend. I want some life for once in this circus. What do I need to do to convince you to keep me with you?"
His gloved hand felt warm, not just from his own heat, but from the oddly comforting warmth of the other. He hasn't held anyone's hand since his mother. And before her... Ace.
"... Tell me something," Deuce said, moving clumsily along with Jack Heart's movements, speaking quietly so only they could hear the words, "What does someone have to do, to get kidnapped by this circus?" Jack Heart swept them both along, a flurry of red, blue, black, gold, and white as they moved quietly within the quiet areas behind the large circus tent.
"Well... Before my boss became the circus manager, it was all naughty children." He said, and at Deuce's confused look, he explained, "The kinds that skip school. That don't listen to their parents. The kind that plays pranks and gets into trouble despite all the good advice they get. They got taken away by the circus and made to perform since they liked to have fun."
He clutched onto the other hand that held his tighter. Sure he and Ace were troublesome like that, but they were kids. They never did anything that extreme.
(He blocked out the times after losing Ace. The missing persons report turning cold. Deuce's own lashing out at authority, his own mother, and Ace's family. He was angry and upset and refused to listen. He was a punk. The worst kind, one who was made from angry grief and lack of closure.)
"A-and from... when I was young? What would happen if someone got picked by your boss?" He asked, looking at Jack Heart imploringly. The other was quiet, only swaying a little more before wrapping an arm around Deuce's back and lowering him into a dip, forcing him to grip onto the others shoulder.
"... If there's a dream to be a star, Fellow Honest would make it come true. At the cost of taking you away from all you hold dear," he said. pulling Deuce back up.
"Now, how's that for your trust?" The performer asked. Deuce was quiet before nodding, "Yeah... that checks out." Jack Heart gave a small smile then, and Deuce felt struck by how the smile appeared to him. "We got work to do, Deuce."
Deuce said nothing, only walking close to the other as his arm was wrapped by Jack Heart's arm.
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cherryberg ยท 5 months
Also. This is your sign to introduce an OC. Here and now
hi ardate :] this is a bit late but, since i did it, i might as well introduce her now in this post
for my april fool's day joke, i did a little trick on the find everything discord server where i made a handful of screenshots showing a new (fake) character:
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this is Myla Warper, a Whatsit Woods NPC
i don't have much on her at the moment, and i suspect a lot about her lore will become obsolete when 0.3 comes around, but essentially, she's an engineer and the inventor of the Warp, the in-game fast travel system. she spends a lot of time at home, but is getting out a little more, using the Warp and a range of mobility aids
she managed to trick a few folks (which, looking at how the first find everything hoax, wouldn't've been a hard thing to pull off) but, shortly after - though, in retrospect, it could've been left revealed until the end of the day, i revealed the prank with:
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anyway, i'll put the fake screenshots under the cut and maybe post Myla concepts in a reblog :] + notes. there'll be notes. i've got notes
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i don't remember when exactly i conceptualised Myla, but it might've been between when 0.2 was released and when the developers streamed their 0.2 launch stream a few days later. this is because i had this thought of Myla living in that old abandoned house, working away at her tech (in the early stages, Myla's outfit in my mind would be a the classic tanktop and half-worn jumpsuit where the top half was tied around her waist, you know the look), but obviously had to be just a fun scrapped idea when it was discussed on the stream that Old Man Majig lives there
still, Myla being hidden away in this corner of Whatsit Woods is reminiscent of that idea i guess. it is also just a very good spot for something you could've missed, especially since the community had been combing through save files looking for the second fun value, but it does sort of make her following dialogue a little strange as she's not near any Warp pads
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this bit is meant to, like, mirror dialogue from "tutorial NPCs" who casually introduce new concepts to the player. having worked hard on drawing Illie last year for Halloween, i had her a lot in mind, with Illie also being a tutorial NPC. looked over her 5 lines of dialogue a lot to try and get the vibe down right (of course, she wasn't the only one, but she was the main one) .. i can wrap my head around the Find Everything art style, but writing stuff that matches the FE vibe got me stumped so i hope it didnt stand out all that much
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originally, those first two lines where different and. stiffer for a long while ("I actually make a few Warp Drives myself!"/"Erโ€ฆ Let's not be humble, maybe more than a few. Maybe all of 'em."), but i think it worked out in the end. the very first bit of dialogue was also changed ("Hey there, blockling! Just on a walk.") to just be combined with the next line but i just really wanted to preserve that "blockling" here. i know it's just the species name of like. the Roblox character, but it also reads as a little endearing term to me
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ahh, the reason why i sort of thought up Myla in the first place. see, a big contention in the find everything community is Whatsit Woods being the only major area in the game without a Warp Drive, despite there already being Warp pads by its entrances in two neighbouring areas. the lack of a Whatsit Woods Warp is very likely to be changed with the 0.3 map rework, but i always thought this (and the Construction Zone Warp.. ) discourse was stupid. Myla going "No. Why? I live here." is like. cathartic to me.(??)
but regardless, she and Watcher Macallit are kind of ocs born from asking "why is this the way it is?" why is there no Whatsit Warp Drive? what makes a Thing a Thing? just ocs to play with and sort of expand worldbuilding, and i love doing this
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rosalind-hawkins ยท 6 months
Yay, my first ever ask to someone!
Because I know you love him as much as I do, I'm sure you'll probably won't even have to think very long about the answers: Of course, I'm choosing Duke for the character ask game :D I'd be very much interested in 4, 9, 10, 11, 21, 22, 24 โ€“ but of course, choose wichever ones you like or make it everything <3 And for the freebie question a little headcanon: What would be a typical phrase you imagine him saying all the time?
OMG Honored to be your first! <3 <3 <3 And you're right, I always love talking about Duke. Sincerely shocked how little attention he gets overall. And as predicted, I answered way more questions than you asked lol. Enjoy!
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3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
The cheerleaders. I just, oh boy, wow. Please tell me those girls put those uniforms on themselves and he didn't ask them to. That would be so cringe. >.<
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
So, his English VA, Marc Thompson, does the audiobooks for the Star Wars "Fate of the Jedi" book series that my husband and I are listening to, so I find myself frequently picturing Duke in Star Wars outfits during my Duke Devlin Star Wars Storytime. XD
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Cherry Pie by Warrant, cause I imagine him jamming out to it in his classic car. See also Question 12.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Fandom doesn't do enough with him for me to have an answer to this question, but I have seen people giving him new outfits, which I adore. Yes, dress this boy up, he loves it!
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Yes, I appreciate the YGOTAS theme song jokes as much as the next dude, but if you try to find Duke scenes on Youtube, that's all you can find. :(
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Absolutely. I headcanon that he's really tidy with his personal space, and we could take turns making dinner (thank you Season Four for telling us that he's a good cook).
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Quite possibly, yeah. I have some creative indie side projects of my own, and I feel like he'd have good feedback if I needed another set of eyes on some new character designs or plot-points. I will also be hitting him up for haircare tips all the time lol.
11. Would you date this character?
If I weren't married and I had a chance, absolutely yes. Don't know if it would work out long-term, but it would be fun.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I headcanon that he's a big Adam Lambert fan and sings his music in the shower (and everywhere else he sings). Try listening to the Adam Lambert cover of Holding Out For A Hero and try telling me it doesn't have Duke-like levels of drama and flare, I dare you. Other AL songs I think he'd specifically jam to are Fever, Strut, The Light, and Pop That Lock. I don't always have headcanons for a character's taste in music, but I just get really strong vibes on what he's into. I also think he'd listen to a lot of classic rock.
Another few songs that will go on my Duke playlist when I get around to making it: You Put A Spell On Me and Dangerous Hands both by Austin Giorgio, Fangs by Neoni, 100 degrees by Kenzie, basically everything by Steven Rodriguez (there's not a lot, but it's all so sexy), and Play With Fire by Sam Tinnesz ft. Yacht Money.
Okay, I admit defeat, Duke Devlin Playlist Post coming soon. (Songs he listens to, not songs about him.)
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
I'm not going to pick just one, I can't, but I'll give you my top ships: Mastershipping (Kaiba), Minorshipping (Ryou), Snareshipping (Joey). Poly ships: Mumbleshipping (Kaiba + Ryou), Rollshipping (Joey + Ryou), and Petshipping (Kaiba + Joey). Okay, that's just... all my Duke ships. XD But they're all so good!
I'm intrigued by the idea of Ishizu x Duke, which doesn't have a name. I'm not sure they really know what to make of each other, but I think that keeps them intrigued with each other. I think a first date with them, or even just a flirting scene, could be real fun. She's serious and scholarly, he's fun and free-spirited. They could balance each other.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Him and Tristan, Chaseshipping I think. I think they could be friends just fine, I just don't see the chemistry there.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
I'm leaving out ship characters for the sake of this question.
I actually think he and Mai could be really good pals, they'd go shopping and talk about bfs/gfs and have a good time. They also both own convertibles, so you know they have some of the same tastes.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
One thing that's always fun for me is Duke's flirting. Can't say I'm a master of writing flirtation, but I do my best to make Duke look like a master of it, because he is. I do generally just love writing him so much, though. He's one of the least angsty characters that I write, so he always puts me in a happier headspace.
In my fic Rock Bottom, he's a solid friend to Seto without being too nosy, which Seto appreciates so much. They understand each other on an intellectual level, but even after Seto's like "no thanks" to a relationship, Duke makes it clear that he's always free to change his mind in a no-pressure way. He's supportive but not nosy. I've got a chapter coming up (spoilers) in RB Season Three where Seto just needs somewhere to chill and lay low, hide from reality, and Duke's like, "I won't say a word to anyone that you're here, it's fine, no explanation needed, just take a deep breath pal." Doesn't ask what's going on, just takes him in for the night. (Also negotiates him into cuddles, but that's separate lol.)
He's just there for people, doesn't need answers (unless things are bad enough that some kind of involvement is just necessary).
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
I like when people fill out the details of him balancing his responsibilities between his game shop and managing DDM, or flesh out his relationship with Pegasus even if it's not central to the story. There's just so much more to this boy that we don't get to see, and that stuff just feels like such a necessary backdrop to the rest of his life.
23. Favorite picture(s) of this character?
DSOD did this boy right. He's just so pretty. :')
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But also, look at this boy pretending to read while he eavesdrops. And he set up that hammock so dang high off the ground? Looking down on everybody? No, boy has the high ground, tactical advantage. I love him.
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And wait, what's that? The most Mastershipping moment in the entire anime, you say? Show me!
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Oh. Oh dear. ;P But, for so many reasons, I'll genuinely never get over this scene.
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
I'm gonna try to stick to canon behaviors and traits for this and not let headcanons influence it too much.
ZEN/Hyun Ryu from Mystic Messenger has the same "I'm pretty and I know it" vibe as Duke and shares the casual-but-constant flirting behavior (also ponytail bros). This is a fun comparison for me because their hair and eye colors are also exact opposites.
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From Nanbaka, I'd have to go with Uno, who can be abrasive at times with his enemies/rivals, doesn't let his friends fight alone, and shares the "ladies love me, I know I'm pretty, look at how well I take care of my luscious long hair" confident attitude. Also like Duke, there's a good few times where a friend is doing something/rash or unwise, and he tries to talk reason to them. Also obsessed with games, so they have that hobby in common. He also compulsively flirts with every woman in the vicinity (except the warden, because she's terrifying and he knows better). Real smooth operator, even with the dudes.
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From UtaPri, I'd have to go with Ren Jinguji. Look, they're even hammock bros! Exceptionally confident, but also a bit mysterious. Flirty with the ladies, not that he even needs to try that hard. Actually pretty laid back and down to earth most of the time.
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He also just moves the way I imagine Duke moving, with that fluid grace of a man's who's totally comfortable in his own skin. Just look at him!!!! LOOK AT THE HIP! *chefs kiss*
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Another thing all these boys have in common is a strong fashion sense in addition to a strong sense of showmanship (ZEN as an actor and Ren as an idol, this is obvious, but Uno just can't help showing off lol), two great traits that Duke also has.
Honestly, I can imagine him using "yo" a lot, not exactly a phrase, but a slang term. If anyone tells him something like "that's not cool anymore" he just responds with "it is when I say it ;)"
If we're leaning into my headcanons of him as a good cook, maybe he sometimes uses "now we're cooking with gas!" He probably has to explain this to Tristan and/or Joey, which launches him into the discussion of gas vs electric stoves. He's a strong believer in gas stoves being superior. I wouldn't say he's a snob when it comes to cooking, but there's certain things in the kitchen that he has a strong opinion on.
Bonus Headcanon
Duke Devlin's top Halloween Costumes: some kind of imp/demon/devil (let your imagination run wild with this one, because he definitely did), one of his Monster World OCs, the Phantom of the Opera, vampire, ninja.
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hinatastinygiant ยท 11 months
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7 | Taurus
Pairing: Kita x Fem!Reader
What's Meant to Be Masterlist
That Sunday, the air feels heavy with anticipation as you make your way to the club. Usually you feel comfortable walking to work alone, but this evening., the streets seem a little bit scarier than usual.
Your nerves are on edge, and it's all you can do to keep moving forward. After Friday night with that client, you've become more cautious.
As you're about to cross the street, you hear a voice calling your name. Your eyes dart in its direction, and you spot Sayuri waving her hand.
"Hey," she smiles, walking over to you. "What are you doing here? You're usually not this early."
"Takao said he wanted to talk to me," you explain, not bothering to mention that you also got a new job at the cafe.
"Oh, okay," she nods.
"Why are you here so early?" you then ask.
"Look at me, Y/N, I basically just rolled out of bed. I need to do my hair, makeup, and put on my outfit before my shift starts. So I came early," she shrugs.
"Right," you say, nodding your head. "I guess I should probably do the same. See you inside."
"Yeah, see you."
When you step through the doors, the music is blaring and there's already a good amount of customers inside. You walk over to the manager's suite and knock on the door.
"Come in," a voice calls out.
"Hey," you greet him as you step into the room.
"Ah, Y/N, just the girl I was looking for," he says with a small smile. "I wanted to talk to you about the other night," he begins, his tone serious as he gestures for you to take a seat.
"I'm sorry, sir, I-"
"You have nothing to apologize for," he shakes his head. "In fact, I should be the one apologizing. I was the one who booked you, and I was the one who was supposed to watch over the clients. So, I am sorry, Y/N."
"Thank you, sir. That means a lot to me."
"I shouldn't have had you go off with that guy. It wasn't my intention to put you in that spot," he admits, his voice soft.
"It's okay, sir," you nod. "If you don't mind, I'd like to get ready for my shift."
"Of course, I'll leave you to it. If anything else happens, please, come to me first," he says.
"Yes, sir," you nod. "I will."
Just as you reach the doorknob, he calls out to you once more. "Oh, I almost forgot. I banned the client. He won't be allowed back."
"Thank you," you smile, before leaving the room.
As you make your way to the dressing rooms, Sayuri comes up to you again.
"Hey, how'd it go with Takao?" she asks you.
"It was good. He just wanted to check in."
"He did? That's good," she replies. "God, I swear you're like his favoritest person ever. He never talks to me about anything."
"Sorry," you shrug, trying to play it cool.
"No, it's okay. Honestly, as long as I'm not in trouble with him, I don't really care."
"I get that," you nod. "Well, I'm going to go change and get ready for tonight."
"Alright, see ya," she smiles.
As you walk away, you can't help but feel a sense of relief. You're glad Takao isn't upset with you, and even more grateful that the guy won't be coming back.
Sunday night I find myself at Atsumu's house, surrounded by the familiar laughter of my friends. Some of the guys are engrossed in a competitive game, their shouts and cheers echoing through the small space. Suna and I take charge of ordering pizza, making sure that everyone's preferences are taken into account because if not, we both know that there's going to be hell to pay.
After receiving the pizzas from the delivery man, we return to the room. Atsumu hands each of us a cold beer, the condensation beading on the bottles as he grins in satisfaction.
"This is the life," he chuckles. "No one else in the world can beat me."
Apparently, he had won the last round of whatever game they were just playing.
"Yeah, right," Osamu rolls his eyes, "you just got lucky. Don't get cocky."
As we settle back into the comfort of the couch, the topic of conversation drifts to the upcoming wedding. "So, anyone bringing a date to the wedding?" Atsumu asks, his gaze sweeping across the group.
"I am," Aran speaks up.
"Same here," Omimi adds.
"Are you?" Suna then asks Atsumu, raising an eyebrow.
"I might," he grins, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Really?" Suna scoffs. "Like who?"
"Like, you know," Atsumu says, lowering his voice. "Someone I met the other day."
"That's specific," Aran snorts.
"Hey, if I tell ya, it ruins the fun, ya know?"
"Jesus, Tsumu, didn't I tell you not to mess around with her?" Osamu sighs, shaking his head.
"Wait, is he talking about Y/N?" Aran asks.
"You can't invite her to the wedding, Tsumu," Omimi cuts in.
"Yeah, why not?" he asks, causing the whole group to look over at me.
"Uh, because..." Omimi trails off, not sure what to say.
"Because Kita likes her, idiot," Suna sighs.
"I do not," I roll my eyes.
"Do too," Osamu mutters under his breath.
"Why not ask her, Kita?" Aran then asks, looking over at me.
"Well, because..."
"It's not like he's her type, anyway," Atsumu smirks.
"How the hell would you know?" I glare at him.
"I'm just saying," he shrugs. "You never dated back when you were close."
"Look, I know it's up to you," Aran chimes in, "but if you like her, you should ask her."
"That's pretty serious, though, don't you think?" Suna chimes in.
"So what if it is?" Aran questions. "We're all adults, aren't we? Besides, it's not like they just met."
"True, and," Osamu pauses, shooting his brother a look, "if you bring her then Atsumu can't."
"Aw, come on, Samu," Atsumu whines.
"I agree," Omimi nods. "I think Kita should ask her."
"Alright, fine, I'll ask her," I finally give in.
"Nice!" Aran cheers.
"Thanks, Kita," Osamu chuckles.
"Whatever," I mutter, shaking my head. I still don't think I'll have the nerve to actually ask her, but the guys are relentless. We'll see how it goes.
What's Meant to Be Masterlist
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penneferofvenerburg ยท 2 years
TAGLIST: @evansabove1981 @eddiesquinnsworld @elizabetharegina @littlefreya @henrycavillfan @resowrites @cavillsthighs @confessionbrain-writings @angryschnauzerwrites etc)
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Dating was always a nervous process, for many a person but for Y/n L/n it seemed impossible, she hated being alone though she had one particular view, ' that she's only jumping into book worlds to find friends because they don't judge you as people do in reality' so the dating game is back on, her friends in tied out one Friday evening at the local pub in Kensington where you regularly go out (not that you see anyone of note) you got ready and planned your outfit, sexy but not too sexy.
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(Y/n's night out outfit)
Your disability forbade you from wearing heels so it was your black flat pumps you were going to have to wear.
You tried accepting it, but it just was far too hard to so you gave in. Not complaining about the pain you suffered sometimes from the distance you covered about your house and about in public.
You never cared what other people thought you just got on with it no matter what the world threw at you.
Cerebral palsy was a not illness it's a condition which affects either side of your body the medical term was Hempligia Cerebral palsy where the weakness could appear in either side of you.
Most Friday nights you spent watching The Tudors on DVD as you were a huge fan of Henry Cavill.
The taxi arrived right on time you smiled grabbing your bag you headed out the door. Your friends from work greeted you with a enthusiastic waves from inside the london cab.
" We so have to get you with someone tonight y/n"! Your friend Hannah told you.
" I've told you I'm not looking for anyone"! Came your reply.
" that's rubbish! Y/n we'll find you someone tonight you'll see"! Hannah continued.
A short while later the cab pulled up outside the pub named The Builders arms.
You were nervous about stepping out of the cab, until a tall dark haired fimilar faced well known stranger came to assist you.
" May I help"? He asked that fimilar white broad smile and those muscles and bright blue eyes.
" Yes please! If you could .... take my hand and help me down I'd be more grateful"! Y/n repiled
" yes of course in fact why don't you give both of them then I'll help you out that way"! He suggested, his breath was warm as it wafts across your cheek, you no idea who this guy was who was helping you.
You readily complied and placed your two hands in his warm, large and strong, that gentle gracious smile across his face as he helped you down out of the cab.
" Right now gently because this path isn't the easiest to stand on"! He warned, you stepped out with him still gripping your hands in his, " I'm Henry by the way! Henry Cavill"!
You couldn't hide your smile you knew it was him but you were just too shy to say anything, knowing what your friends were doing to you or going to do you were in luck.
" I'm y/n l/n! Thanks for helping me again"! You gave him you most beautiful smile. That was it he was gone he saw you and fell for you.
" it's a pleasure to meet you Miss l/n"! A lovely young woman like you shouldn't out in scruffy old place like this"! He teased with a wink.
" I wouldn't have come out tonight but these two insisted"! You nudged your head toward the two other women getting out the taxi with you! Hannah watched you have a conversation with Henry while the two of them left you to it.
" Well may I say but I'm glad they did! You look rather .... i hope I'm not being too foward very beautiful this evening"! Henry beamed at you. His eyes seemed to be glued to yours, as he spoke.
" Thankyou I never would have expected to see you here"! You say shyly.
" I do come here when im not working letting my hair down! So to speak ... Come let's get you inside you must be freezing here take my arm"! Henry offered you his arm as you continued toward the door to enter the pub. " you didn't have to do that Henry I can walk myself although with a wobble here and there but otherwise I'm fine"! You reply
" Nonsense! What kind of man would I be if I allowed you to slip and hurt yourself hmm"! Henry smiled
You were struck by how handsome and good natured he was. You thanked him again " thanks for your help henry"! You smile you're blue eyes ablaze with hope. " My pleasure you're more then welcome"! Came Henry's reply, from the look hannah was giving yo u it was quite clear that she thought Henry was the one. " In fact why don't you and your friends come and join us outside I promise you we're safe under my watch anyway"! Henry invited you and your friends to have drinks with him, you're throat went dry you didn't know what to say you knew he was a mega famous movie star but Jesus this was intense.
" okay if your sure"! Your reply came, " Absolutely! Besides it would give me a chance to hey to know you a little more"! Henry confessed whispering in your ear. You were nervous about telling him about your disability and how you got it was hard for you to explain to anyone let alone a mega famous movie star.
As you were a fan of him, your hid that fact away from him too you didn't want him thinking you were a complete lunatic with thing for well seeking actors out on purpose. When in fact it was Hannah who suggested it, " May I ask why your still alone? In the sense of no sufficient other"! Henry asked whispering in your ear you hummed a little then breathed out thinking to yourself " get ready for the pity looks"!, " well I've always been a bit of loner and a bookworm you see I have a condition called Cerebral palsy which affects my right side I don't usually do this .... tell strangers my medical story! I was born with it I lost all hope i guess finding the one"! You told Henry, Henry looked at you and smiled broadly " Miss L/N! You are an absolute amazing young beautiful woman why on earth no one has even snapped you up .....is frankly ashoning"! You felt yourself warm into him, he saw you shivering and he placed his jacket about your shoulders with his strong arm about you slightly unconsciously leant into his touch, he felt it and kissed you on the head while your two friends Hannah and Jess weren't looking.
A few hours later ......
It was getting late and Henry and you had hit off straight way, you're eyes were dropping and he knew you were tired. Hannah and Jess had gotten to chatting to two guys standing inside the pub. " Would you like me to take you home sweetheart? Come on darling your done in .... let's get you home and safe hmm"! Henry offered as he stood to help you up. The two of you walked toward his place and he let you in his massive American Akita coming bounding toward you regnoized him he was your favourite dog Kal. " Come on Sweetheart lets get you settled first"! He guided you over to the setee in the lounge it was grey and very comfy, he noticed how incredibly cold you were. Kissing the top of your head again he left you snuggled into the setee when he returned he came back with a hoodie and a pair of warm slacks. " Come here gorgeous let's get you out of this hmm don't worry I've seen it all before"! He assured you with a tender smile he turned away like the gentleman that he is. " I'm ready"! You squeaked low, when he turned to face you you were wearing his hoodie that buried you his slacks went over you're feet. " My goodness how cute do you look y/n hmm too cute ..... Come here let me cuddle you"! Henry smiled as you leant into his welcoming warm strong embrace. Before long you had fell asleep in his arms and he carried you bridal style upstairs into his bed.
He gently set you down in the bed, stripping himself of all his clothes he climbed in the bed beside you. Lifting your head so it lay on his chest he sighed and whispered into hair. " Goodnight my gorgeous y/n sleep now I'll see you in the morning"! Henry whispered into your hair. What he didn't bank on though was how you could dream about him and literally whisper his name in your sleep he had to smile when at one point he turned on the lamp on the nightstand only to hear you talking to Charles he guessed it was Charles Brandon from the tudors you were talking to. He bent to kiss you twice on the brow " shh Sweetling! It's okay I'm here"! He soothed you stroking your hair as you slept in his bed
Next Morning .........
Henry was up bright and early usually working out in his basement gym with Kal. You woke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafting though the house, you swung back the covers that Henry lay over you the night before and padded out of his bedroom you felt like an utter plank for falling asleep on him.
Henry finished his work out and was stood in the kitchen with his broad bare back to you after he thrown his t shirt in the wash, he was all sweaty and wet, his biceps were something to marvel at. When he felt your gaze on him he turned and held out his arms with a smile " Goodmorning princess! I'd have brought your breakfast in bed had you stayed there"! Henry told you as he wrapped his arms about you, nearly crushing you to death. " Hen! I can't stay un bed I have move about or my legs get stiff"? You repiled with a tired smile. Henry knew that last night he fell for you he just didn't want to scare you off by telling exactly that. " Now what about that nice cup of machine made coffee eh then we can go and get showered .... what we after that I'll leave your hands"! Henry smiled holding you at arms length kissing your forehead you closed your eyes. You could nor remember a time when you felt so happy. " b...but I can't use your shower"! You protested.
Henry decided that was not a statement to answer he just merely picked you up into those strong Superman arms and carried you back upstairs to the bathroom where he then turned on the shower and stripping you of your dirty night out clothes and the ones youd slept in. While you weren't looking he stripped himself of his clothes and got in behind you loving that sensation that your body felt against his. He pulled you back his against his furry chest you lay your head on his muscular toned chest, " Shall we get that hair washed hmm sweetheart"! He gently asked you kissing your cheek as you tentatively took a step forward for him to help you wash your hair. He begun rinsing your hair with the shower water as he hauntingly instructed you " bend your head back angel sos the soap doesn't go in your eyes"! You did exactly what he told to unbeknown to you yoire body was unconsciously reacting to him touching you it felt so tender and somewhat intimate between you the way he caressed your tender skin it sent goosebumps all over you. " Darling! What are you up hm are you thinking naughty thoughts young lady tut tut"! Henry teased as he ticked his tongue. You felt rather cheeky at that moment so you bobbed your tongue back at him. " Oi you! You're being a cheeky madam aren't you"! He playfully smarted at you with in a wink.
You couldn't say anything you were stunned that you even in the shower with him behind you. " whose my gorgeous princess,then hmmm"? He mused at you rinsing the soap away from your hair you laughed " I am"! Henry couldn't stop his smiling as he turned off the shower he stepped out wrapping a white fluffy towel round his middle holding one out and open for you to walk right into the warmth sending goosebumps trailing your skin again. You shivered from the cold hitting you as you stepped out. Despite you wanting to walk back into the bedroom Henry ever the gentleman Carrie's you in. You laughed at him at having to carry you everywhere about the house. " oh Henry! What are you like"! Henry wriggled his eyebrows at you choosing again not to answer you placing you down on the bed, he kissed the tip of your nose. He sat behind you gently towel drying tour long hair, " I'm not hurting you am I bunbun"? Henry asked tenderly, you silently you're head sending shower water droplets over him. After an hour your horn back downstairs you haunting though Netflix when you came across THE TUDORS you're favourite thing that you loved watching at home, Henry walked back into the lounge with Kal curled up at your feet keeping them warm, he smiled at the screen then at you. " Have you watched this before Sweetling"? Henry asked you as he settled beside you with his arm round tour shoulder you passed the remote to Henry, before you confessed to him " a dozen times when I'm at home alone and I'm left to dream about you beside me"! Henry's smile grew wider " well in that case angel ..... I think that's earnt you a kiss come here"! You relaxed into him as he pulled away as it begun to start.
" Huury Henners your going to miss it"! You yelled to him. Henry knew how beautiful you were he just didn't think it was the right time to tell you considering you'd only just met just last night. Now here you were with him actually sat on his setee watching THE TUDORS with him hopefully. Eventually Henry returned with two piping hot cuppas for both if you and your favourite biscuits too on a plate .... " English dunk tea"! He winked at you, carefully handing you yours " Careful angel its hot"! Henry pre warned you. As he retook his place at your side the two of you snuggled in the setee in Kensington happily watching THE TUDORS together.
That's what I call bliss and a dream come true! Want to know more second part will be coming soon so watch out!
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