#i'm more of a cat person but YES CUTE ANIMALS
noxtivagus · 2 years
i lov rinoa
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Natalia Guijarro (OC) x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You meet Natalia's cat
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If you were to describe yourself, you would say you were an animal person. You didn't really make distinctions between whether you were a dog or cat person. You like all animals equally.
Prins was an absolute darling and stuck firmly to your side like he was made for it. He was soft and excitable and was more than able to keep up on your daily runs.
But, it had to be said, there was something about soft, cuddly cats that really got you.
Exactly like the one that was currently rubbing herself all over you.
"She likes you!" Natalia looks delighted, face split wide open in a big smile.
"I like her!"
Reina purrs as you scratch behind her ears, bumping her head more firmly into your hand. Her calico ears twitch slightly when you stop stroking so you redouble your efforts.
Meeting Reina was something that Natalia had been trying to get you to do for weeks now. You'd fully settled in at Barcelona now, even gaining the confidence to stray from her side every now and then and get to know your new teammates privately.
Natalia had been begging you to come over for dinner and meet Reina since the very first week.
You'd put it off for a while with the excuse of getting settled in and then the day you had planned to do it had been taken over by Tia Tana dropping in with strict instructions from your mothers to check you were taking care of yourself.
So, that was why now, you were soaking up all the cat cuddles you could get.
Reina certainly lived up to her name. Elegance seemed to be her main character trait. She was practically show perfect with her long fur and large body.
"Did you just take a picture of me?" You ask when you hear the sound of a phone shutter.
Natalia grins at you. "I have to document this. My two girls, finally meeting." Her tone was wistful and your face burnt red.
You think you kind of like that, being one of Natalia's girls.
"You're lucky she's cute," You reply before smiling down at Reina again," Yes, you are. So cute."
Reina lets out a little chirp before leaning into your space to sniff at your neck. You let her, looking down at the ground to where Prins was whining.
He was doing a good job behaving himself for a puppy so little and Natalia had practically insisted that you bring him along for this occasion.
"Are they ignoring you, little man?" Natalia coos," I'm sorry." She kneels down on the floor to pet him as Reina finally stops sniffing at you.
She brushes her cheek against your shoulder before turning around to peer down at Prins.
Happy with all of this new attention, he jumps up to rest against your legs, stretching as far as he could to greet Reina.
She looks a little insulted by him but leans down to properly make her decision. She stares, unblinking for several seconds before leaping down from your lap.
She inspects Prins at his level which is kind of funny because she towers over him.
She baps him over the head a few times before clearly deciding that he's hers because she tries to pick him up by the scuff of his neck.
It doesn't quite work because he's a bit too big for that so she just kind of ends up herding him where she wants him to go before settling down and grooming him.
Natalia joins you on the sofa, an arm automatically thrown over your shoulders as she settles by your side.
"She likes him."
"I think she thinks that he's her kitten."
"That's sweet. I'm glad they're getting along." She smirks at you, her arm tightening around you. "That means I never have to let you leave."
You roll your eyes. "Except for training."
"Except for training," Natalia agrees," But you agree then? That I should keep you and Prins here?"
"I don't think Reina will let him leave."
You both look over to watch Reina firmly drag Prins back into the cat bed when he tries to leave. He sends you a wounded look as you laugh when Reina practically sits on him and focusses her attention on grooming his back.
"It's the Scandinavian in her," You reply.
Natalia groans good-naturedly. "I take it back. You and Prins can leave. I don't want to be outnumbered by three Scandinavians."
"I mean," You shrug," Technically only Reina and I are Scandinavians. Finland doesn't count."
"But Norway does?! How's that fair?"
You laugh. "Have you ever looked at a map? Finland doesn't count as Scandinavia."
"Your countries confuse me," Natalia laughs too.
"I can leave now, if you really want." You jokingly move to get up but Natalia keeps a firm grip on you. It feels nice, like being wrapped up safely in your baby blanket again and you sag into Natalia's body against yours.
Her arms move from your shoulders because of the change of position. You're sitting between her legs now, splayed out on the sofa and she wraps her arms gently around your waist.
Her grip is firm though and two fingers draw soft patterns on your hip, occasionally going up and under your shirt to draw circles on your side.
The pressure of her hands on you makes your head go a little floaty. You've never seen Natalia do this with any of your teammates at training but it's private here, in her home, so you suppose that she feels like she can be a bit more touchy.
Friendships back home weren't like this. You'd be hard pressed to find any of your friends willing to even hold your hand let alone your waist so this is dangerously new territory.
Selfishly, you wish that her hand would go a bit lower. It makes you feel guilty even entertaining the thought because Natalia's your friend and it isn't right to take advantage of her touchiness.
You can feel her breath on the back of your neck though and it makes your blush spread all through your body.
"So," You manage to get out, desperately trying to not get lost in the feeling of Natalia against you," Are we having dinner or what?"
"My company isn't enough?"
"Your company is perfect," You assure her, desperately wishing she knew just how perfect she really was," But, seriously, I was promised cat cuddles and food. I've had the cuddles. I need the food."
"Maybe we'll hold off on dinner for a bit longer," Natalia says," I like this position too much to move. Is that good with you?"
"That's perfectly fine with me."
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raggedytiger · 3 months
ragatha/agatha and pomni/penny human hcs!
is an english teacher!
yes she still loves horses. she used to ride them, & she loves old western movies.
owns cowboy hat and boots.
analytical and loves long & winding conversations.
has a very happy cat named sandwich.
patches her own clothes, doesn't have kids but if she did she would embroider their names into their belongings.
she still plays cello, she loves music in general, probably sings like an angel.
can't do any mathematics.
can drive, but like a lunatic. somehow has never had an accident though, so it's fine.
probably has a cute little baby blue/yellow car now, but definitely had a beat up offroader truck at some point that got put to good use. or maybe she still does, i'm not the boss.
total lesbian, a bit of a heartbreaker but not intentionally (women just keep falling for her)
goes to town/neighbourhood/community meetings. likely is/was in a knitting circle
absurd number of quilts in her home
is an accountant as we know, and cannot cook for shit as we know.
no pets she can barely take herself for walks. is more similar to a cat, but had a dog growing up. would love a collie or a dalmatian probably.
would name the dog something stupid like Thermometer Johnson.
she can drive, but nervously.
really quick thinker, like impressively, unless she's under HUGE amounts of stress. is literally always thinking at 100mph.
no sense of interior decor or personal style. all practical, kind of butch. really does kill a suit.
very much lesbian but not fully to terms with it. probably had short-lived relationships with men in which she was 'content' but didn't really care for it. seeing agatha as agatha for the first time was probably a crazy punch to her little gay heart. not to mention the cowboy gear.
watches 90s anime to wind down
listens to every single genre of music. passes a lot of time with headphones in, slowly making her way thru the entire world's discography
owns no band merch or anything though she just listens
can't sleep without a fan on, thunderstorm 12hr audio, blackout curtains, weighted blanket, water nearby
does not sleep a lot
both of them (going to call them pomni and ragatha for convenience):
didn't immediately recognise one another. i havent got an exact idea of how they reunited after getting out, but there were tears.
bonded in a very rare and unique way - they got to revel in the newfound joys of real life again. they got to eat delicious food, go on long, unobstructed walks in the real sun, be warmed by it, chew on ice cubes and shiver at the pain, listen to each other's heartbeats, listen to real music, read real books, smell soaps and flowers and sauces. they went to the supermarket together and read all the labels, and bought one of each type of fruit to try between them, and smelled all the candles, and touched all the blankets. spent a lot of time holding hands and kissing and i'm sorry to say, probably having sex, because holy shit, i'm real, you're real, we're real
now live together in ragatha's apartment, after pomni moved out of her small and confusingly-furnished flat.
both of them feel inadequate from time to time. this is resolved by a stern-but-loving talking-to.
sandwich likes pomni very much. pomni doesn't really get cats, but loves sandwich a great deal, and enjoys letting her sleep on her lap.
ragatha is very pleased to see her girls getting along.
ragatha cooks, pomni chops the veg. she often doesn't fuck it up
pomni cleans a lot as a 'thank you for letting me live here, i love you'. she's very much acts of service, ragatha is words & physical touch <3
they watch a lot of movies together. depending on how long they've been stuck, they might have culture to catch up on
ragatha wants to have a house with a garden one day. pomni starts germinating seeds from their fruit & veg like a weird science experiment. ragatha is delighted when she is presented with a baby tomato plant.
clothes are shared. ragatha's are bigger, but most of pomni's are ill-fitting anyway so it can go both ways. ragatha likes to dress pomni up in different outfits and have her do a little fashion show. pomni pretends not to savour the confidence boost.
pomni starts sleeping more
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I've always said that kubota did orihime soooooooo dirty >:( she literally has god powers and they get diminished so harshly... I've always viewed her power as her having the ability to Reject phenomena. In canon she rejects the fact that people are injured. What would happen if she rejected the fact that someone was alive? That someone was in her way? Reject the injustices that led to her and her friends' world being turned upside down. Anyway I love that your hime has the spine she deserves and I'm so excited to be completely normal about aeiwam
Some Important facts about Orihime from canon:
Orihime is the #3 student in her entire (fairly large) high school. Girl Ain't Stupid- if anything, the fact that she's wildly unorthodox in her projects and STILL pulls those kinds of grades and test scores suggests that her teachers are grading her like that because her weird-ass approaches to assignments demonstrate a thorough understanding of the material, so she may actually be smarter than Uryuu, the #1 student who gives me very strong "I'm very good at taking tests and telling teachers what they want to hear, so I can pull good grades even if I have no clue what the subject is" Vibes.
Orihime cooks weird damn food, and enjoys it. She also has strange ideas about what's cute, exceptionally brightly colored clothes relative to everyone else, and does things like get lost following dragonflies for hours on end. Screams sensory processing Weirdness to me. Maybe I'm projecting a bit here, but Sensory processing disorders come with sensory euphoria too- I get to enjoy a huge variety of strange foods and the sound of rain gives me physical joy.
Orihime's best friends* are: -The School's Self-affected "weird boy who might be a delinquent or possibly just insane" guy -A Butch Jock With Anger Issues -The Crafts Club president who has So Much Gender Happening, and also sort-of grew up in a cult -The Giant, scary-looking guy who keeps smuggling small animals into school. -A Genuine sociopath whose family probably has Yakuza Connections -An extremely powerful supernatural being who is like five times her age -Keigo. This is not the friend group of a "Normal"
Taken together, these points form a constellation of THIS GIRL GOT AUTISM. LIKE SO MUCH. LEVEL 999 AUTISM MAGE. She's full of strange joy and magnificently weird and experiencing reality four steps to the left of everyone else AND SHE IS SO, SO SMART.
So in the fic, when she sees Ichigo freaking out because Rukia has been Kidnapped back to Soul Society on Bullshit criminal charges, Orihime does what every autistic person I know does, and immediately begins drafting a Solution.
Namely She begins drafting an extraction plan. She gets slightly in over her head with details about what data they need, how much and what kind of resistance they'd be facing etc. etc. until she realizes she needs some concrete answers and, without regard to social conventions like "time" and "Personal space", more or less kicks in the door to Urahara's shop at 2AM, marches directly into his bedroom and starts interrogating him about the civil services in soul society, yes it's weird you sleep naked with your cat sir but I'm not here to pass judgment I'm here to get answers you can put pants on later.
After the resounding success of their operation in Soul Society, the hardest part when Ulquiorra comes to kidnap her and gives her the completely insane circumstances of "you will be invisible and go through walls for 12 hours, prepare yourself." is not vibrating with the absolute mania of the chance to go to Los Noches and FUCK. SHIT. UP.
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
Well okay. One whole person stated they would like to see the pegging version of catboy Satan so here it is.
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I see you, @cactusmisslittle. I hope it’s okay that I tagged you, but your tags here are the only reason this version exists lol.
An important note! I've been calling this pegging because that's how I've been thinking about it, but I also wanted to keep things gender neutral if possible. I don't know if I succeeded, but to that end, I've used the word "cock" in place of "strap." So if you're imagining a strap, let's just say you call it your cock, okay? I don't know, I couldn't come up with a better way to go about it.
Oh yeah and one more thing - I didn't talk about the putting on of a strap, either, but it would happen when MC is taking off their clothes. Tantan is being patient and waiting for them lol.
The beginning part is all the same, with Satan dropping hints and MC walking into their room to find him. The only part that's changed is the actual sex. Once again, I apologize for low quality, I'm still getting into the swing of writing again.
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GN!MC x Satan
Warnings: soft dom!MC, cat collar with bell & cat ears, praising, use of Tantan as a nickname, still a lil bit of biting, penetration (Satan receiving, could be read as pegging hopefully)
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It might be difficult to tell from an outside perspective, but you knew that Satan was soft for you. The way he trusted you entirely with his feelings, even his anger, let you know that he was perhaps more comfortable with you than anyone else.
So it wasn't entirely a surprise when you started to pick up on some little hints of something he didn't seem to have worked up the courage to ask you directly.
You weren't sure what was happening right away. It started one day when he showed you a collection of cat collars that were for sale online. He scrolled through the pictures on his phone, finally stopping on one with a little bell.
"This one is especially cute, don't you think?" he asked.
You smiled indulgently. "Yeah it is. Are you going to get it for one of the strays in the garden?"
Satan blinked as if he was surprised by this suggestion. He looked at you and the confusion in his eyes was clear. Then you watched as a deep blush spread across his face. "R-right," he said. "Yes."
He immediately changed the subject, but you couldn't stop thinking about his reaction. Like maybe the two of you had been talking about different things.
You puzzled over this for a little while, a suspicion starting to form in the back of your mind.
Confirmation came in the form of a cosplay catalog that Levi left in the common room. The cover featured an anime character wearing cat ears and a collar.
Satan picked up the catalog and you could tell that he had known it was there. "Levi must have left this here," he said. He showed it to you. "Wh-what do you think?"
You looked at the cover. "Hmm," you said. "I like the cat ears. The collar should have a bell, though."
You watched in satisfaction as Satan's face flushed so hard and fast you thought steam might come out of his ears.
After that, you knew what you had to do.
You were careful about your purchase. You made sure it was obtained discreetly.
The collar itself was thick and black with a large silver buckle and a round silver bell. You had chosen black cat ears to match. You left them on Satan's bed with a note that said, Is this what you had in mind? MC.
And then you waited.
The next time you saw Satan was at breakfast. He sat across the table from you and met your eyes directly. He held your gaze for a moment too long before looking away. Nobody else seemed to notice and he acted completely normal the rest of the day.
You had no other indication of his reaction to your gift. For days, you waited for him to do something or say something. Was he upset? He wasn't acting angry.
And then one day you walked into your room and nearly died on the spot. As soon as you recovered, you closed the door and made sure it was locked. And that's when you remembered that everyone else was out of the house today. Was that what Satan had been waiting for?
You turned back to your bed to take in the sight of him.
There he sat, on his knees, with his hands pressed onto the bed between them. The collar was clasped perfectly around his neck, the bell and buckle shining. The cat ears were nestled in his hair, their black tufts a nice contrast to his bright blond. He was frowning, his eyes were closed, his face flushed, and he wore absolutely nothing else.
You slowly approached him, watching him as he stayed still. When you got to the edge of the bed, you stopped. You cupped his cheek, tilting his head to look up at you, even though his eyes stayed closed.
"Look at you," you said softly. "What a beautiful boy you are."
Satan's blush deepened, but he opened his eyes. You saw desire and pleasure and nervousness and embarrassment tumbling through the shades of green.
You brought up your other hand and held his face. "Don't be embarrassed. You look amazing."
The frown eased just a little. "I didn't think you would actually want to do this."
Your eyes widened in surprise. "What? Why would you think that?"
Satan looked away from you. "It doesn't… make you uncomfortable?"
You rested your hands on his shoulders and kissed his forehead. "No. It makes me horny as fuck. And I can see what it's doing to you, too."
You looked down deliberately where Satan's cock had been steadily growing as soon as you got close.
Satan buried his face in his hands, causing the bell around his neck to jingle slightly.
"No, no, no," you said softly, pulling his hands away. He opened his mouth like he was going to protest, but you cut him off with a kiss.
Satan responded to you instantly, opening his mouth for you. As your tongues entwined, you let go of one of his wrists to reach up and grab the collar. You used it to pull his head back, giving you easier access to his mouth as his hand now tugged on the edge of your shirt.
You pulled away to kiss the wrist of the hand you still held, trailing your lips down his arm and up his shoulder. He was breathing heavily as you traced your tongue along the edge of skin where the collar stopped, ringing the bell playfully with your fingers.
Satan moaned, his tugs on your shirt feeble but persistent.
You gave in, moving away from him to remove the shirt quickly, along with all the rest of your clothes. He waited patiently, mouth open, skin flushed, cock straining.
You sat beside him on the bed, putting two fingers beneath the collar to pull him toward you. He moved easily with your guidance, the bell tinkling ever so softly as you caught his swollen lips with yours again.
You ran a teasing finger along the shaft of his cock and it came away covered in pre-cum. Satan whined against your lips and the sound of it sent a shiver through your body.
You pulled away just a little bit. "Use your words, Tantan. Or would you rather meow for me?"
Satan shuddered and the bell tinkled. "Please, MC," he said, his voice low and gruff. It seemed he wasn't quite comfortable enough to meow and his eyes were closed again, his face turned slightly away.
"Look at me," you said.
Obediently, Satan opened his eyes and looked at you. He might have been frowning if he wasn't so overcome with lust in that moment. You took in the darkness of his eyes, the heat clearly visible on his skin, the expression that vacillated between need and embarrassment.
You realized you could tease him for hours if you really wanted to. You also knew that he would let you. Something about the way he was looking at you let you know that he was trusting you entirely. That he was putting himself in your hands, letting you do whatever you wanted to with him.
Certainly, part of this had been previously discussed. The two of you had an established routine, after all. But he was entrusting you with more than he normally did and you recognized that extra vulnerability.
The light of your room hit the silver of the bell around his neck. You took in the collar, the ears. Maybe next time, you could get him to meow for you.
For now, though, you wanted nothing more than to hear that bell chime with every thrust.
You leaned forward, running your fingertips down his cheek. "You're such a good boy," you said, loving the way he seemed to melt whenever you praised him.
You took hold of his collar again, this time pulling him with you as you sat back against the pillows of your bed. You had considered other positions, but you wanted to see that bell as it sounded through the room.
Satan moved where you guided him, but when you let go of the collar, he no longer waited for your direction. He put his lips on your neck, straddling your hips, pressing himself against your cock, his hands roaming across your shoulders and chest.
Satan hesitated, pulling back to look into your eyes. It was as though he caught himself being too eager and now he needed your confirmation.
You had already taken a bottle of lube from your nightstand and now you slathered your fingers with it. You smirked at the way Satan reacted when you slipped them inside him, carefully, one by one. He shivered and the bell tinkled.
You took your time with him until he was whining again, his eyes squeezed shut. When you pulled your fingers out, he didn't wait for anything else. He slowly sank down on your cock and you watched his expression change as he took it all in.
Satan arched his back and your eyes fixed on the brightness of the bell around his neck.
To your great satisfaction, that bell did indeed jingle with every thrust, louder than it had from anything else. Satan was almost creating the sound himself, bracing his hands against your shoulders as he moved himself. But your hands were on his hips, guiding him, and you couldn't prevent yourself from thrusting up into him as well.
The way his moans mingled with the chimes, the way he flung back his head - he was beautiful. There was a soft rumble in his chest and it seemed he was okay with purring if not meowing.
Satan was lost in the sensation of you inside him, but you found it was easy to make him react even more by nibbling a little on his flushed skin. He gasped and clenched down on you every time he felt your teeth pierce him.
You could tell it wouldn't take much more. He had been so good for you and you wanted to reward him. So you took hold of his already slick cock and pumped.
Satan's nails dug into your skin, the bell continuing to jingle as he kept up his pace. His eyes flew open and he looked at you with an expression unlike anything you had ever seen - desperate, begging, needing something more from you.
"It's okay," you said softly. "Come for me, Satan."
It was exactly what he needed to hear. You watched as Satan bit his lip, his body arching as his cum spurted across his stomach.
Satan's body relaxed, the bell no longer jingling as he settled in your lap. He looked at you with heavy eyes. The cat ears were still on his head, but they were askew, poking oddly out of his blond hair.
You reached up to fix them. "Promise me you'll wear these again."
Satan let out a huff, frowning. "I couldn't refuse you even if I wanted to."
You smirked. "Good thing you don't want to, then."
Satan pulled himself up off of your lap and proceeded to give you the most amazing head of your life. It was a struggle not to knock off the cat ears while your hands were twisting in his hair.
Perhaps next time, you would bring a little leash, too. You were curious about how he would react to such an addition. Although he seemed unlikely to do this again when his brothers were around, so you might have to wait. You caught yourself kind of hoping one of his brothers would come home just to hear the consistent jingling of the bell on Satan's cat collar.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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k2ntoss · 5 months
bed time means more jason brain rot :]
- jason with childhood best friend!reader, i think he'd be so mother hen and just constantly fretting over them, like "have you eaten yet? drank water? are you cold? do you want my jacket?" every time
- just....him saying "princess" 🫠🥰
- mmm i had this thought the first time i went to a shooting range and it's stuck with me since: him teaching reader to shoot and putting his hands on their waist to adjust their stance (intentionally lingering a bit, maybe, who knows 👀)
- i get cat person vibes from him but i may also just be biased cuz i have cats lol
am i allowed to say i'm vibrating on a level that's elevating my soul to another realm????? this is what jason brain rot causes yeah
i'm gonna go clear, jason may appear though and rude at first but babyboy is so cute and fluffy, no matter if it's friend or lover, but you can be sure that he's gonna be worried about you all the time now, given how his childhood was he feels you are the most important person on his life so the caring for you goes double (or more) jay is always asking you if you ate during the day and if not he's gonna wait for you at your place to prepare your favorite meal ): he's gonna text you before you go out to remind you to go out dressed properly so you don't get sick BUT if you do get sick he's gonna spend all the week taking care of you.
this one i'll take for further imagine, kay??? but jason at first leans in without any other intention than guiding your stance, trying to hold you when the gun backfires so you don't feel the full blow of it but the way your body leans into his, how your skin feels so soft under his fingertips is starting to distract him and let's not talk about how your pulse rises because of the adrenaline which he feels under his fingers while holding your wrist to adjust your aim and when you shoot your body presses against his in all the right places. (I NEED TO EXPAND THIS, HELP)
jason is def a cat person, i know it by heart like... he feels they are his kind of animal, calm and not so noisy (when they're not hungry or when he isn't in the bathroom) plus he likes it when kitties are all cuddly and lay next to him while he reads or just rests. i'll die with jason cat person supremacy, yes.
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mochinek0 · 6 months
Daminette December 2023: 5-More of a Dog Person
"Sorry, Alya, but I'm more of a dog person." Adrien heard Marinette say.
'Marinette likes dogs? I thought she liked cats.'
"Wait." Alya spoke, "I thought you wanted a hamster. What happened to that dream?"
'She wanted a hamster? What changed her mind? Hamsters are amazing and so cute!'
"All animals are cute, but I recently found out I prefer dogs." Mari admitted.
"Why?" the reporter asked.
'Yeah. Why?'
"Dogs are good boys." Mari simply smiled.
Adrien was confused throughout the day. Marinette said dogs were good boys, but something must have happened to change her mind so drastically.
'Is it just that she likes to call dogs good boys? What id the dog was a girl. Wouldn't be called a good girl?'
Adrien was hoping to find out more, but he never heard Alya or Marinette brought up the topic of animals again. Not even at lunch. He had hoped that was his chance to learn more. Even Alya had seemed shocked by the change in their designer friend.
At the end of the day, the topic still hadn't been brought up.
'It wouldn't hurt to randomly ask; right?'
Before he could ask, Marinette rushed away and ran up to someone he had enver seen before and their dog. Mari began to rub the black dog's ears as she cooed and called him 'Good Boy' and 'Good Dog'. He could only assume she knew them as the owner never scolded his dog or Mari. The dog even licked her face.
Mari giggled, "You take after your master." as she looked up to the guy.
He watched as the guy's cheeks tinged pink.
'Does he like Mari?'
"Angel." he spoke.
'Angel? Is he calling Marinette an angel? He's not wrong but why?'
"Hmmm?" Marinette questioned, standing up.
"What is it you desire?" the guy asked.
"N-Nothing." Marinette stammered.
'Uh oh.'
The guy sighed, "I know you better than that."
'He does?'
Mari sighed, "Fine. I need a model for next week."
"Did you not ask Agreste?" he questioned.
'She was going to ask me to be her model? I would have said yes.'
"No." Marinette answered, "Adrien models enough as it is and I know he hates it. I tried asking other guys-"
'What other guys?'
"I'll do it." the guy stated, lifting her chin to meet his gaze, "I belong to you; do I not?"
'He belongs to Mari? What does he mean by that?'
Marinette simply nodded.
"Then you shouldn't ask other guys." he stated.
Mari smiled, "You're just like Titus."
"How so?" Damian questioned.
"You're territorial, Habibi." she answered.
Damian leaned down and kissed his girlfriend.
"Very." he whispered.
Marinette smiled, happily.
Adrien watched as Marinette walked away with her assumed boyfriend and his dog. Marinette had her sketch book out and was showing him some designs as he led her to a car.
'I guess that solves why she's more of a dog person. I wonder what happened to cats. Is it because Chat Noir rejected her? She at least seemed happy.'
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @missmadwoman @meira-3919  @princessdaisysolosyourfaves @blep-23 @fangirlingfanatic @darkhinauniverse @ravenr22 @im-a-satanic-ritual @ravennm84  @bianca-hooks123 @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @starling218
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cambion-companion · 7 months
I cannot concentrate on my work (ironically as a TA writing up my phd thesis) because I read your intelligence 8 tav x raphael fics and now I am shaken to the core and all I wanna do is daydream about being a clueless little slut in the house of hoep
please saer can I have some more
hahaha I'm so glad that brain worm took root, intelligence 8 Tav is delightful. I also wanted to incorporate this lovely ask as well and express my gratitude for the support you all have given me this month. All is well! Enjoy a drabble with a Tav/reader utterly oblivious to the true nature of a cambion...to them he's just a tiefling with wings! how cool!
Raphael + reader (gn) drabble
(I'll probably write another that's more romantic/cute but this was too funny to pass up)
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"You have an uncanny talent at getting into the most outlandish situations." Raphael pinched the bridge of his nose between thumb and forefinger, inhaling a deep breath.
You looked around at the decadent room he'd rented for himself, steam rising from two baths and flower petals ornamenting the lush red carpet. "I wouldn't think a devil-guy would be the sort to have tulips thrown about."
"Roses." Raphael corrected, his hand clasping firm about your upper arm just in time to save you from slipping on the wet tile and braining yourself. "I would wager a hefty sum of gold your mind does not entertain too many thoughts at one time."
"Thank you." You murmured, touched. You allowed him to escort you to safety upon a chair and watched with vague interest at how his lips twisted in bemusement. "I should thank you for saving my bacon back there. Wasn't expecting to survive that. But Shart always gets Withers to bring me back when we run out of those glowy scroll things."
"I do believe I sense a migraine coming on." Raphael squeezed his eyes shut briefly before crossing to pour you both a glass of dark brown alcohol.
You took the fancy crystal glass and downed the drink with gusto, only realizing your mistake when the scorching whiskey had passed into your gullet, and you burst into a coughing fit. Raphael sighed and gave you a solid couple thumps on your back as you struggled to breath. "There now. Death by imbibing spirits too eagerly is no way to enter the afterlife. Not until you've served your purpose, at least."
"I'm concerned for your well-being, dear."
You wiped your eyes with your sleeve. "That's really nice of you, Raph." He winced at the nickname but just barely managed to keep a pleasant neutral expression. "I don't know why everyone else threw such a fit about you, you're not a bad dude."
"I'm flattered." Raphael almost felt a sense of annoyance at how easy this was. He enjoyed a challenge, and this mortal was certainly not bringing it. He drained his glass fluidly and returned it with a clink to the table. "Now, your person is more or less stable for the time being."
You looked around, checking behind you. "What person?"
"Your body has been plucked from the peril you so naively flounced into." Raphael clarified, a slight edge to his words now, he was running low on patience. "Be a good mouse and run along, fetch me the crown and we can part ways amicably."
"I never imagined mice to be much good at fetching." You mused, rising to your feet as Raphael practically pushed you from his room. "That seems more a dog's forte. Oh, we have a most wonderful dog back at camp-"
The door closed in your face, so close it almost clipped your nose. You stared at the dark wood for a moment, then smiled and shrugged. You spoke a little louder so he would be able to hear through it. "His name is Scratch! What was I saying? Oh yes, dogs fetch crowns and balls better than mice! Maybe keep that in mind when giving people animal nicknames!"
No answer.
He must have gone to take a nap. You were sure cambions probably did that often since they seemed to act much like cats in every other way.
Smiling to yourself you departed, convinced that you and Raphael were now bosom friends.
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danyvhell-writes · 1 year
General Ais headcanons (Touchstarved)
GN reader | The obsession with this game is real guys :') I can't get away
• Cat boyfriend like, bro will fall asleep on you (your chest, lap...) but if you dare to move just a little tiny bit the magic is over ! He will wake up instantly and go somewhere else to take a nap :')
• He's not gonna tell you but he likes when you touch his hair. Caress him, touch his horns, ruffle his hair even ! He's down for it and the moment you discover his little secret he'll give you endless opportunities to do so
• ↑ Scratch his head, please. Weak spot is right at the junction of his back horns, tug softly on his hair and the boy will melt.
• Ais is a man of few words but he really enjoys talking with you. Most of the time he'll annoy you just as an excuse to interact with you so you can start talking with him (and 99% of the time it works). He finds your little conversations entertaining and relaxing somehow.
• Btw, this guy will listen to you rambling. Talk about your latest obsession, stuff you like, things that seem unimportant : he will listen. He's curious to know more and especially if it's related to your fascinating person. Sometimes he'll just sit next to you and lean in your space just to have a better hearing of what you're saying. It might feel like you're monopolising the conversation but no no, he'll respond with snarky comments, laugh if you say something funny or ask you to keep going with your story. And also, he really likes your voice so...
• You remember when he said "I got eyes in the back of my head." ? (something like that) Well yeah ! His eyes are on you, always. His gaze will follow you wherever you are, with or without him. I'm sure this man uses the Groupmind to spy on MC ! Like bro come on, stop crushing this hard.
• If you have pets, they're not yours anymore. He WILL adopt them. Could be any animal or magic creature really, he will offer them absolute love in just two seconds. "Oh, this is my cat ! Her name's Nori, you can pet her if you want, she's super friendly." *pets her* "Oh yes you are !" *lifts her up so he can take her in his arms like a baby*  "Look at you, you're gorgeous. Such pretty eyes, cute little face, kitty kitty~ !" 
• He loves seeing you close to his soulless but he's also a tiny bit jealous to see that you sometimes prefer Princess' company rather than his. He'd be like "Uh hello I can do tricks too if that's what you like ??"
• He likes tea. That's it. That's the headcanon. No more seriously... I feel like he could be a tea amateur and genuinely enjoys a good cup of tea. If you don't know alot about it, he'll teach you the different types, how to infuse them correctly, what dishes you can pair them up with ! Want to learn how to make a real exquisite matcha tea ? He'll show you with much pride ! 
• ↑ Chit chat with him around some tea he made and he's yours. Bonus point if you ask for more. Extra bonus point if you're able to guess which tea it is.
• Has a special cup he keeps just for you when you visit him. He remembers your favourite drink and makes sure to always have a bottle/the ingredients when you come.
• If Ais is an oni, he might be japanese, so, this man speaks japanese. Most people think that because of his appearance he'd be super rude but oh no no no, the boy is polite. People assume he'd use 'ore' but nah ah, full 'watashi' user over here. You know that thing when your voice and demeanor changes a little when you switch languages ? That's him. His voice tends to go softer when he speaks japanese, he doesn't even realize.
• We know he likes learning about new languages, teach him some stuff. Of course he'll remember the curse words & insults quickly but pet names and romantic nouns are his favourites. If you're polyglot, show off a little, he likes it. Talk in your native tongue, even if he doesn't get anything at first, he will crush even harder. "Eh t'savais que les girafes avaient le même nombre de vertèbres que nous ? C'est juste qu'elles sont plus longues. C'est ouf ça !" "You make French sound so attractive and I'm sure you're not even saying anything particularly sexy..." "Yep !" "God, I want them so bad." he thinks
• After some time, you'd both start to naturally use words or phrases you've taught each other/you've heard from each other. He'd flex on you just to show how much of a fast learner he is, he wants to see you proud of him.
• Cracks his joints. A lot. Also stretches a lot.
• That guy who asks you to pull on his arms or whatever to help him stretch as hard as possible. "More." "What do you mean more ? I'm gonna break your bones !" "I said more, I"m not fragile you know." until you hear a big 'pop' and he sighs with contentment.
• If you burp in front of him, he'll make it a competition. "You think this is a big one ? Oh sparrow... you're a little player." And then proceeds to traumatize you for the next decade. "Do you have the fucking devil in you ???" "Nope, just my friend Ocudeus. He's gross, I know >:)"
• Traces small patterns along your skin when he's bored. He's really gentle when it comes to touching you.
• That type of guy who's obsessed with your hair, especially if it has a different texture than his. You could be doing anything and this bastard (affectionate) will twirl your hair, put clips in it, try hairstyles if you let him. He'll let you do the same to him if you want ! Go on, have fun with your new doll lmao
• Give him the silliest clothes and accessories, he will wear them. The bimboest crop top ? Yeah cool. Bat hair clips ? Cute. 
• Would joke about eating you to scare you but strangely you're always the one ending up biting him ! (not that he minds)
• 100% asks you if you want to fight. Like not in a threatening way but to test you out, he wants to see if you can handle a little sparring. 
• If you're someone who enjoys working out, he proposes to train with you. It sometimes follows to some sparring which might end up with you guys kissing... weird uh
• Has a particularly good memory. He remembers things that even yourself forgot, like really he’s your second brain (and often you’re glad). Everytime you’re asking him “How do you even remember that tf ??” and he’s just “Don’t know 🤷🏻‍♂️“
• You're the type of person who calls any guy 'bro' ? No prob, he finds it funny. He's not offended in the slightest and even actually likes it, he knows it's a language tic. Would definitely send you this type of dumb shit ouezghfoez 😭
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• He can be a little chaotic sometimes but you like it. After all he’s a demon, he likes joking and pranking so even better if you join him in his mischievous activities hehe. You guys would do the silliest stuff and try not to burst out laughing. Evil ones, evil.          
• Does that cute thing where he leans in close to you when you’re watching something and follows your gaze. He’s just a curious lil guy !
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joonberriess · 2 years
𓆩♡𓆪 jock!jungkook—a much needed thread.
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⇢ ☆ ˚₊  Jeon Jungkook, third year
Football player and part time fuck-boy (< Jimin said that). He's apart of many different clubs cause he likes the extra activities and the bonus points he gets as credits. A lot of people know him, he's got a snapchat score of more than one-hundred thousand (red flag!1!).
Jungkook's a cool guy, he's messed with a lot of girls but he doesn't take them seriously. Probably only had like one serious girlfriend out of all of them but he ended that real quick cause she wasn't it. Always at the frat parties cause his fraternity throws them lmao. Beer ping-pong enthusiast here!
Drives a black Mercedes Benz, likes to light it up and make thirst traps for his Instagram. His insta is literally only one pic, posts a bit more on stories when he feels like it (rarely). Gym rat with Namjoon. He don't do much outside of school if he's free, often stays at home playing different video games.
Nice "fuckboy".
⇢ ☆ ˚₊  y/n l/n, second year
In the nursing program but mainly majors in accounting/business. Talks to a lot of people but isn't friends with many. Really nice, too sweet for your own good. Lots of people like you, but they also take advantage of you cause you're a little too slow.
Airhead here! Really clueless half the time and is really slow. The nicest way possible you're a dumb bimbo. Likes to wear low cut tops a lot and cute miniskirts with tennis shoes but forgets to wear safety shorts a lot. Carries a big heart underneath those big tits—
Half the male population wants a piece. You have a lot of followers but you don't follow them cause you're busy following cat accounts. Major Animal Crossing and Sailor Moon fan right here. Posts a lot of thirst traps unknowingly. Owns a bunny. Said bunny sleeps on tits.
Hates clothes when at home <<<
⇢ ☆ ˚₊ Are you two dating?? Yes-No.
You act like it. Nothing is official and people are like what the fuck? Especially Jimin. No one is more confused than Jimin. Like what the fuck you mean you're not dating? But you're hitting it?!
It's complicated, you both beat around the bush around that topic but are extremely loyal. Like Jungkook still messes around with other girls but doesn't fuck them? You're too dense to notice any other guy flirting so sex is off the table for you.
Carries your bag around cause you complain it's heavy. Has bought a Nintendo switch just to play Animal Crossing with you. His mom loves you and your mom loves him. Lap is your permanent chair, face is your gaming chair—
Hand? On tits. Always.
⇢ ☆ ˚₊ But you fuck? Yes. Just yes.
Only happened cause he helped you out and you kissed his cheek in return which somehow turned into you giving his dick a kiss and then yeah. Titty galore. This man loves your tits, always leaves a mark and never misses a chance to squeeze. Ass is amazing too but titties..
"Maybe you shouldn't wear any panties when we hang out." "Hm. Okay. I don't like clothes anyways. ^^"
Creampies to the max. Jungkook likes watching your dewy folds stick to his cock whenever he slides out and then pushes back in. He'll fill your pussy and then watch as your pussy gapes around nothing and strings of creamy cum slips from your cunt. Challenges himself to make you cum more then three times in one go.
Got the chubbiest and softest pussy ever. You're a creamer. It's Jungkook's most favorite thing in the world. He'll fuck you slowly just to hear the soft noises your cunt makes. He'll have you on all fours with your chest flat on the bed and ass high in the air. Your hands will come back to grip your ass cheeks and hold it apart to show off your pretty holes.
Jungkook's a huge fan of taking photos of you naked and filled with cum. He'll even video tape you two fucking either from a first person pov or just set the phone up on the nightstand.
⇢ ☆ ˚₊  Ummmmm but the relationship status?? Very much giving "mine and I'm not sharing".
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hiiiii this is a small series i’m considering writing! might turn it into a fic hehe with lots and lots of dirty smut. though, i’m willing to write your ideas based on this thread!
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koolades-world · 11 months
Animal lover Mc!
y'all one of the first questions I had when I started playing obey me was "what is going to happen to my pets while I'm gone??" obviously I would find a way to bring them with me I will NOT be separated from my babies just for some hot demon men
currently I have three cats and a dog, all rescues and eight foster kittens, like, who's gonna feed that many critters for the whole durations of the exchange program not to mention I would miss them!
the first question mc is asking is "where is my entourage?" and when Dia asks what, they're gonna continue to describe their pets in a way only a pet owner would understand. Lucifer understands because he himself is a pet owner
"Welcome to the Devildom! Any questions?"
"where is my entourage?"
"What are you talking about?"
"you know, my zoo? my shadows? my cutie babies? my sillies? my children?"
"Oh, do you mean your pets?"
"Lucifer how did you understand that"
life in the HoL is about to get ten times more chaotic let me tell you
since my dog is a rescue we don't know too much about her past but she does not like tall men and omg what a coincidence! the HoL is all tall men!!1! anyone that doesn't look like me is a red flag to her she's super sweet though once you give her time (one time my school bestie shook a posterboard at her like three years ago and she still remember it to this day and hates him for it)
she warms up eventually if you respect her and listen to her whims but girl... we all know Lucifer would be too prideful to conform to what a dog wants that isn't Cerberus. Satan is a cat person, Beel is a literal giant, Levi would be afraid. she would def like Mammon since he kinda looks like my dad, Belphie is always asleep and therefore can't be a threat to her, and everyone loves Asmo! including me and my dog!
idk about other dogs but my dog just loves to beg and I give in every time. Beel is always eating and probably will give her a little too since he also seems like the puppy eyes would work on him.
I feel like dogs love Levi but he's probably afraid
"Levi we talked about this"
"Are we talking about the same dog? The one that gets excited every time someone arrives home? The one that does a cute little roll over trick? The one that warms your feet on cold nights?"
"She's just looking at you"
"Not helping you"
all of my personal cats are kinda jerks lol... don't get me wrong I love them but like if you aren't used to them (or if they aren't used to you) you will get bitten. two of them have valid excuses, one is an old man, a curmudgeon if you will, and one is a blind kitten so she doesn't take well to new sounds, especially new voices. but my other cat, about three years old now is literally just a brat LOL he once attacked me in my sleep cause i moved a little too much love him tho
just cat things in general, they knock over everything on counters and shelves, they zoom around in the middle of the night, they attack ankles! Satan is in love but Lucifer nearly kicks them
the middle cat loves to sleep in my bed with me, like right on top of me. on my head, on my chest, on my stomach, on my shoulder, on my face. so like, there's no room for anyone else in my bed. yes there might physically be room but my cat's ego is so big there isn't room for another
sorry hot demon men my cat comes first
Belphie would make an excellent pillow for all cats, he's warm, he doesn't move much and he won't care
"Do you know where Belphie is?"
"My room, but don't bother."
"The cats have taken him as their own"
The more Asmo doesn't want cats in his room the more the cats will want to enter his room
omg Satan is about to be your bestie so much quicker than in the original arc. I love the love and care that was placed into befriending Satan but this is the quickest way into his heart
"You must be the exchange student. I... what's in there?"
"My cats"
"Lucifer is letting you have them in the house?"
"You're coming with me. Bring the cats."
"What does that mean? Do you like cats?"
"there are no words to describe my love for cats as deeply as I care for them. they are magnificent creatures. you have single handily done what I have tried to do for millennia. you are my best friend now"
"We will get along just fine"
This isn't even mentioning all of the strange Devildom critters Mc would def befriend
They drag a different brother along each time to feed weird animals that show up in their yard
Feeding stray cats with Satan!!
Dia would totally take them on expeditions to go see Devildom animals in the wild even during school days
Speaking of that, Dia also makes regular trips to the HoL to visit any and all pets
He will never hear the end of it from Barb oh god he will die from all the animal fur he brings back with him
I love rodents but Barb does not...
Nobody tell him that Mc may or may not have a rodent
Mc rescues all of the rats that Barb tries to eliminate and sets them free far away from the castle
the possibilities are endless with this might make a part two
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ultimateyapper · 20 days
anyway, here's wonderwall. | chapter one
[ chapter 2 ]
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were you truly mentally prepared for what would unfold in hotarubi? it couldn't be any worse than having a gun to your head right? despite the late hour, it's nearly impossible to get what taiga said out of your mind.
there's a mole.
but why would there be a mole at darkwick? who would it be? someone you know? a friend? how does taiga even know this?
there's officially too much on your mind to get any sleep.
yawning, you turn over to pull your phone off the charger. it was cute with an adapter shaped like a cat paw. the smile kaito wore as he handed it to you was full of pride. he said he got it "just because". it was clearly a lie after luca suggested it was consolation for skipping out on training but it's funny remembering how red he got afterwards. it was a sweet gesture but how does he expect to pay off his debt if he keeps buying things "just because".
the screen lights up and after blinking away tears from the initial brightness you read the time. ten minutes after midnight. maybe there's something interesting on wickchat? there wasn't a lot of time to check during the last mission.
eventually you make it to your messages. only a select few people are active due to the late hour and kaito is one of them. you can see him typing in your group chat. the one he made after the mission in frostheim. you temporarily left the chat while talking with taiga. although, in all honesty, trying not to get killed by taiga would fit better. you had texted him more than 10 minutes before you came to his room. yet still a gun was pointed to your head for the third (maybe fourth, you were losing track) time that week.
with complete and utter seriousness he claimed he "didn't know any honor student".
how many times did he expect you to introduce yourself exactly? you considered being a smartass and just saying a fake name. instead you decided to move, slowly so you didn't set him off, and show the texts.
suddenly the blonde started spamming the group chat in all caps, lighting up your phone with vibration after vibration. something about getting his point across to that dumbass, who you're assuming is probably luca. in hindsight, you could've just turned notifs off but when taiga was clearly starting to get pissed off you went with the quickest option. upsetting the guy with a machine gun for a special artifact isn't exactly at the top of your to-do list.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
im surprised to see luca up this late
the conversation comes to an abrupt halt. three dots circle at the bottom of your screen followed by a cat emote waving hi.
( kaito ✮ )
hiii : D
i added you back earlier btw i dunno why you left but it was probably an accident right??
wait sorry did i wake u up
mb ����💔
( Lucas Errant )
I suppose it is a bit strange, yes? My conversation with Kaito must have made me lose track of time haha
( #1 peekaboo fan )
yeah you're usually knocked out lol and dw kaito i was already awake : )
( kaito ✮ )
ohh ok lol
i can't sleep either
( Lucas Errant )
You can't? I thought you said you were going to sleep because I was boring you.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
( kaito ✮ )
bro you were talking about fun facts and shi
ofc i was nodding off
( Lucas Errant )
My apologies. I assumed because of your life at home you'd be interested in it.
( kaito ✮ )
no not really
( #1 peekaboo fan )
( kaito ✮ )
he was telling me about farm life as if i didn't get enough of that at home
( #1 peekaboo fan )
wait you grew up on a farm!?
( Lucas Errant )
I'm really interested in the culture. In the U.K I took horseback riding lessons but I've never seen any other farm animals in person.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
ooo that does sound fun
pigs are really cute
( kaito ✮ )
you would take horseback riding lessons
( #1 peekaboo fan )
you didn't like it there?
( kaito ✮ )
i mean... i liked being able to help my grams.
she's older so she needs that support
but in any other scenario??
nobody is getting that muddy for free
like you won't say that when you have a bull sprinting at you full speed
( #1 peekaboo )
this visual... 💀
( kaito ✮ )
bro 😭
( #1 peekaboo fan )
nah but fr
luca if ur interested you should volunteer at jabberwock
it's not the same but it's close
haru could use the extra help
( Lucas Errant )
Working with anamolous creatures would be an interesting learning experience. I'm not familiar so one day if you're free?
( kaito ✮ )
( #1 peekaboo fan )
i'll show you everything i know ^_^
( kaito ✮ )
just the two of you?
( Lucas Errant )
I'm glad! I'll be available tomorrow during advisory. We have the same class right?
( #1 peekaboo fan )
yeah I'll meet u and we can go from there!
it's a date :3
( kaito ✮ )
( #1 peekaboo fan )
u coming with?
( kaito ✮ )
yeah I'll come
( Lucas Errant )
I do worry if this is suited for you Kaito, but if you feel up to it I won't stop you.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
yea u don't like getting dirty right? you don't have to if you don't wanna
( kaito ✮ )
no it's fine i'll just try not to get anything on my uniform and
...keep an eye on him
( #1 peekaboo fan )
( kaito ✮ )
( #1 peekaboo fan )
right so
see y'all tomorrow
im gonna go to bed
( Lucas Errant )
Yes, me as well. I wish both of you a good night's rest.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
seriously get sleep kai or im gonna to get you
( kaito ✮ )
promise? 😳
an emote of a cat waving goodbye signifies the end of the conversation. that's that you suppose. haru wouldn't mind right? he did really need the help. he's impressively good at what he does but you can't help but feel that he overexerts himself. maybe before you go you should text him to—
you nearly jump out of your skin. below you a soft yet prickly sensation is revealed to be a cat, pawing at your leg. the cute little thing is an orange cat with light spots along it's body and tail. as soon as your attention is fully away from your phone it jumps on your leg making you laugh.
it makes no complaints as you scoop it into your arms and cradle it close. it's a bit surprising to see one of the campus cats being so cuddly. they're friendly but very independent as chancellor cornelius had said. most of them don't linger for long, always busy with something else. this one is is a bit smaller though so maybe it was still new to the school.
the vibrant orange of it's coat of fur is reminiscent of the cat who fixed your window. where did that one go off too?
you finally lay down for the night. the warmth from your new companion lulling you to sleep as he settled on top of your chest.
in the morning you'd call haru to let him know you'd found some extra help.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 5 months
My Sweetheart: Part 5
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: You purchase a vintage sweetheart bracelet from an antique store and with it, comes the spirit of the woman who owned it. Through her, you go on an interesting journey to find out what happened to her old lover.
Series Masterlist
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During your next shift, Kamala went to the animal shelter you worked at and picked up several volunteer forms. The young Avenger was excited about bringing herself and her superhero friends to help around your workplace.
It was a week later when she brought back the forms and as you were going through them, you were surprised to see Bucky had signed up. You assumed that Kamala convinced him to volunteer.
Well, here's to hoping this goes how she hopes it does.
After the forms were overlooked, each person who signed up was sent an acceptance email and a date of their orientation. The roster was: Kamala, Kate Bishop, Yelena Belova, America Chavez, Cassie Lang, Scott Lang, Scott's friends Luis, Kurt, and Dave; and lastly, Bucky Barnes.
Eventually, said group arrived Wednesday morning at the front desk. Your coworker, Mikayla, was starstruck. Yes, you told her who would be volunteering there, but that still didn't minimize the feeling of excitement she felt when they arrived.
"Holy shit, this is happening," she stares wide-eyed at the group before her.
You pat her shoulder, "Should I do the orientation?"
Mikayla slowly nods, "Yeah. I think so."
You snort and step forward, "Hi, everyone! I'm Y/N. I help oversee the volunteers that work at the shelter!" you go into your spiel about the shelter, what animals you take care of, some of the tasks everyone is expected to do, etc.
You finish off with asking who'd like to work in what areas of the shelter. Kamala immediately raises her hand, and Bucky's, for when you ask about the cat area. Yelena also volunteers and the three of them follow you to the cat room.
"So we do have a few kittens here that we just received a few days ago, but most of our residents are adult cats."
One particular kitten is crying out, which catches your attention. You turn to its cage and chuckle, "Alright, I hear ya, buddy," you unlock the cage and pull a small white kitten out.
"This is one of our newer residents. His name is Alpine and, don't tell the other cats this, but he's currently my favorite."
The small white cat climbs out of your arms and up your shoulder. Kamala is practically melting at the spot, "Oh my gosh! He's sooo cute!"
You nod, "He is. He was also born with three legs instead of one, but that obviously doesn't stop him. He's a determined little guy."
You look at Bucky, who's softly smiling at the cat. He reaches out and gently pets Alpine behind the ears, "Hey, buddy," he murmurs. He then looks at you, "Can I hold him?"
"Of course," you pluck Al off your shoulder and gently place him in Bucky's arms. Alpine doesn't hesitate to climb up Bucky's shirt.
Bucky winces, "Watch the claws, pal," but he smiles as Al continues to meow.
Yelena snorts, "He likes you, Barnes, probably because he knows you two are alike," she nods at his vibranium arm.
You proceed to inform the three of their duties with the cats, how to clean the cages, how much food to give, the personality of each cat, etc.. Throughout that time, Bucky listened while also stroking Alpine's fur.
While Yelena and Kamala are playing with two other cats, you go up to Bucky, "He really likes you," you gesture to Al who's now asleep in Bucky's arms.
"He's a good one."
"Kamala says your a cat person?"
He shrugs, "I suppose. I like to feed the stray cats I see, pet them if they let me. I like dogs too, but I guess I like cats better because they're more...mellow?"
You snort, "Not all of them are mellow, but I get what you're saying."
Bucky shifts from one foot to the other, "So, uh, is Dot still with you?"
You sigh, twiddling with the sweetheart bracelet on your wrist, "Yeah. She's," you pause to chuckle, "stubborn."
Bucky snorts, "Yeah. She's always been a bit stubborn, even back then when we were together."
"Birds of a feather stay together, I suppose." He raises a brow at you and you explain, "From our short interaction, I can tell you're just as stubborn. You don't want to help me, that's fine, but honestly, this is more about Dot herself. Help me to help her cross over."
You run a hand over your face, "Dot says you're unhappy."
"I'm not!" Bucky raises his voice, causing Alpine to stir from his sleep.
You give Bucky a pointed look and open Al's enclosure so he could place him onto his bed. Once he's safely back in, you turn back to Bucky.
"There isn't anything that you think would make you happier?"
Someone to call my own. A peaceful place for me to live. A family. A chance to grow old.
"Not really," Bucky replies.
You scoff, "I call bullshit."
Bucky's jaw clenches, "Listen here, sweetheart, you don't know me. You don't know what I want or need."
"I don't, but Dot does. Bucky, come on. I don't get why you're so apprehensive about this. This benefits Dot and you."
He leans back against a wall, crossing his arms over his chest. He glances at Kamala and Yelena, who stopped playing with the cats to watch you and him.
Bucky grabs your arm and pulls you out of the cat room and into the hallway, "If I agree to this, what would it entail?"
You shrug and scratch your head, "I dunno. I guess it really depends on what you think would make you happier right now."
Bucky doesn't know you. You're a stranger, but he doesn't get any weird vibes from you. You seem like a genuine person, but he could never be too sure. He can't just tell you his deepest desires. Not yet, anyway.
He sighs, "I guess, a companion?"
"Like a pet or a person?"
He shrugs, "Both? I don't know. I mean, I guess a pet would be nice?"
You roll your eyes, "Okay, well, I guess it's a good thing you volunteered to work here for the month. We'll see how you really feel about having a pet and if you think you can really take care of one."
With that you turn your back to him and enter the cat room again. Bucky watches you through the window as you talk with Kamala and Yelena. He's sure they're berating you about what you and he discussed.
Bucky groans and runs a hand through his cropped hair. He then feels a cool sensation on his shoulder, but it's not alarming. Instead, it brings comfort.
"Thanks, Dot," he murmurs before also heading back inside the cat room.
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areislol · 2 years
I'm so excited everytime you update your streamer au series! I feel so giddy because I love it!! ♡ I'm thinking about reader continuously answering questions in the stream like "Do you like cats?" "Do you hate dogs" and then there's "Do you have a boyfriend?" then you instinctively say yes. Everyone was shocked, including you since it's just your little imagination bc ur crushing hard. Now cue jealous genshin characters interrogating you who is it. "They're like call him, call him! I want to TALK to him."
And everyone saw their shocked meme like face when you just called their number.
streamer! xiao, dainsleif, zhongli, childe, ayato x online friend! reader
ft— xiao, dainsleif, zhongli, childe, ayato warnings— slightly suggestive??, super long!!, fluff!!, not proof-read so maybe some bad grammar, mentions of feet pics/feet... a/n— this idea is so cute omg!! and i love the “call him, i want to “TALK” to him.” it’s funny cuz i can 100% imagine them actually saying that. and im so happy you get so happy every time i update my streamer! au, makes me more motivated to post more!! hope you’re doing alright. 
was originally going to add albedo but i was kind of stressed as it meant i was going to write 6 characters in total and my motivation was just nowhere to be found so i had to remove him, sorry!!
recommend listening to: sweetest pie/wink -  megan thee stallion and dua lipa
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streamer! xiao x reader
“what cup size are you?” “...what the-” *xiao immediately blocks and kicks the person who asked that question* “...... :)”
“ignore them 🥰 ”
you might be asking.. why did they ask that? why on earth would they ask you such question? why were they asking you questions?
like? 🤨
well.. that’s because you had a mini qna during xiao’s stream!!
did xiao mind at all? nope! he didn’t mind at all <3 if anything, he would be learning more about you(as if he doesn’t know everything about you..)
during one of xiaos stream, one person donated to xiao with a message which they said “does y/n like cats?” which you immediately say yes to!!
since then you started to answer more and more questions from xiao’s viewers and most of them(you’ve got to say) were pretty nice questions
questions that you’ve never heard before but did you care? absolutely not as you loved answering their questions.
xiao on the other hand.. minded.
every time someone would ask you questions that seemed kinda of weird or creepy to xiao he would eye them(?? eye who?? who’s them?? im kidding, ... xiao would eye the screen)
xiao would fight the urge to literally ban the person who asked that question AND OR stop the mini qna but you seemed so happy answering their and everyone(s) question so xiao obviously stopped his urges ;(
and so the mini qna went.. many questions such as “what is your favourite animal” and “your fav colour?” was asked a lot and many uhm.. questionable questions were being asked too.
“what’s your feet size?” and more which i will not be adding.
you felt extremely uncomfortable when people would ask you questions that were just creepy over all, so when you told xiao about it, he immediately blocked the user and told E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E to not ask you those type of questions and did his word get into the people’s head? yes!
most of the questions they gave you were pretty simple, you always ended up saying “yes” to many of them.
you practically said “yes” so many times that you’ve kind of.. counted how many times you’ve said “yes”
“do you enjoy going to hotels?” “yes!! i do actually.” *xiao: WRITE THAT DOWN WRITE THAT DOWN!!!!!*
and then suddenly.. “do you have a boyfriend” and now you didn’t really concentrate on what you said and since you’ve said “yes” so many times you accidentally responded with “yes” and oh my god.
the ruckus you’ve caused after saying that...
xiao WAS paying attention and DID hear what you said so when you said “yes” xiao full on whipped his head to your direction and poor baby.. his face said it all..
xiao was like “HUH?! BOYFRIEND?!” in his head, you never told him that you had a boyfriend!!
now he’s upset, really, upset.
and yes, he’s upset because 1, you didn’t tell him and 2, you have a boyfriend!! :(
everyone in chat was shocked, they were all spamming “OH MY GOD???”s and “Y/N HAS A BF????”s
and in all honesty, why did you even say yes?
you did have a crush on a special someone... and as a matter of fact, you were crushing hard.
crushing on who? can you guess who? 3..2..1..!!
xiao!! you had a crush on xiao himself! the very one who’s in your room, looking at you in defeat.. anyways..
lets cut to the chase.
after you and xiao staying silent and the chat wildling, xiao finally spoke up and what he said startled you a bit
“who are they?” “huh? who’s who?” “the special man.” “o-oh! uhm..”
xiao: 🤨
you’re absolutely flustered, your face and ears are just red
xiao and everyone(in chat) could tell that you were embarrassed which made them even more curious and wanting to know WHO the lucky man was
after some silence you decided to grab your phone and when you were unlocking your phone xiao asked “what are you doing?” which you responded with “calling my boyfriend, you wanted to know right?” “..”
you wanted to tease xiao because.. you wanted to see his cute flustered face, but if xiao had no reaction at all then.. that would be embarrassing..
so you decided to call him!! as a.. prank? (i guess you could say that)
xiao was blushing - blushing a lot. sure he “knew” you had a boyfriend as you said “yes” to the question but he didn’t expect you to actually call them.
he was waiting for you to say “JUST KIDDING!!” or “IT’S A PRANK!!!! >:)” but those words never came and so now xiao’s just anxiously waiting for you to call the person without trying to look like he’s constipated or nervous.
 a few minutes pass by and you’re still not calling them, weird isn’t it?
it’s totally not like you’re nervous to press “call” to a special someone(xiao) or anything, right?
you wanted to do this, so why are you struggling to press the “call” button? were you nervous? scared? too embarrassed? you’re feeling all of them right now.
taking in a few deep breaths you decided to just do it, you wanted to see his reaction after all.
“beep” you closed your eyes waiting for xiao to say something but you hear nothing except for a distinct sound coming from right in front of you
you expected to hear a ringtone that everyone would use but instead you hear a song instead. it was a very.. romantic song...
you open your eyes and just stare at a very flustered xiao who is trying to silence his phone but is failing terribly
but before you could laugh or do anything - xiao suddenly stops his attempt on closing his phone and just pauses for a second before he turns to look at you, he stares at you with wide eyes
“why are you looking at me?” “did you just.. call me? “.. what?”
you both are now just blushing profusely and avoiding eye contact as much as possible
everyone in chat was just going crazy or was just simply in shock.
“ahem, i did uh.. call you xiao.” *chat: SO CALL OUT MY NAMEEEEEE* “... i know you did, you said you were going to call your boyfriend, right?” “correct!”
(why did you say that so happily.)
you gave xiao a small smile while trying to suppress the urge to go cover yourself with tons and tons of blankets.
xiao on the other hand.. wasn’t so happy, not in a bad way of course!!
he was shocked, it was a joke and he knew but the thought of him being your boyfriend just makes him feel all jelly like and flustered.
you prevent a laugh from coming out of your mouth but ultimately fail - you burst out laughing while patting xiao on the back - spilling out many “im sorry xiao!!” and “you should’ve seen your reaction!!” but many of those were always cut from your continuous laughter.
xiao no longer cares about what just happens but rather your laughter, god you were so cute. your laugh too!
while xiao still does care about what happened, he doesn’t really mind it now as long as you’re happy <3
(except for the fact that everyone in his chat/comment keeps on making fun of him for looking like he was constipated or his reaction over all)
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streamer! dainsleif x reader
🤨 i see, so you want to scare this poor man’s soul? is that right?
sigh, poor dain ;(
dain was just talking with his viewers, asking them questions and asking if they were doing fine, if they did anything fun and stuff like that
when all of the sudden someone asked if you loved to eat choco pops which you replied “yes! i do, they’re so yummy..” because they were delicious and you couldn’t just leave the person who asked the question hanging!
*dain in his mind: y/n likes choco pops? i might as well buy thousands of them by tomorrow.*
and soon after everyone started to flood dain’s chat with questions that were directed to you because why not?
although you wanted to answer them all you couldn’t, there were just too many questions!! the chat was just going WILD
they were eager for you to answer their question!! you skimmed and scanned the chat but you could only make out some of the questions - the rest were blurred by the continuous bombarding of questions.
you sigh as you get ready to try to answer all of these questions
“atrialopdo donated $3! : do you enjoy shopping?” “yes i do”
“jumpeylap donated $10 : do you enjoy dain’s presence? do you like to hang out with dain, i mean.” “of course i do!! why wouldn’t i? dain’s the best to hang out with!! i enjoy being around dain and he’s just the absolute best and....”
honestly, you kept on talking and talking about dain that dain’s mind just goes blank, he can’t even hear what you’re saying!!
“dainnn? dain! DAIN HELLO?! >:(” “ah! huh? what-” “see? he’s alright guys” “...” “yea! he’s just being quiet right now, i think he’s getting shy just by me talking about him”
you continued to talk while dain was blushing a whole lot.. yea..
lets get into the juicy part >:) 
someone finally asked if you “had a crush” and all of the sudden you said ‘yes’
to be frank, you’ve said the word ‘yes’ or ‘yup’ too many times so...
you were caught off guard with that question which prompted you to answer with “yes”
so it’s not your fault. definenetly not your fault!!
after a few seconds you finally realized what you said but didn’t say anything, but dain? oh boy, when he heard your response he full on whipped his head towards you.
dain had a “did i hear that correctly??” type of face, he looked so confused yet nervous-
you had to hold back your laughter because dain’s face was just too hilarious, how could you not laugh?
you just sat there, looking back and fourth between dain and the chat
dain’s just staring at you with wide eyes, unable to comprehend what you said EVEN though he knew exactly what you said
it was just hard for him to take in kay?!
eventually, dain snapped back to reality and cleared his throat.
“so, who’s.. this man of yours?” “glad you asked! i’ll call him right now!” “dain: 😨”
now dain’s scared fr
dain gets even more scared the more you talk about your boyfriend
“oh yea, and he’s super hot, like handsome. and he’s just like: mwa, chefs kiss”
why must you do this to him?!
you’re just talking and blabbing about your (non existent) boyfriend while pretending to look for his contact when you knew damn well that dains’ contact number was at the top of the list
you didn’t plan on calling dain at all but since you said you had a boyfriend on accident and since dain was there.. , why not entertain his viewers! by calling dain!
dain’s still staring at you, looking at your phone and right back at you, waiting for you to press down on your phone and waiting for the sound of ringing.
you bite your lower lip not knowing if you should do this or not but you decide to just go for it because.. you need to get his reaction.
his reaction will 100% be worth it!!
you press the “call” button and dain suddenly feels and hears a buzz
it came from his pocket, dain just stares at his pocket and grabs his phone, looking at it he sees that you’re calling.. HIM?
while your awkwardly smiling, dain is dying.
everyone in chat was freaking out because they thought this was for real and that this thing was set up to reveal that you and dain were actually dating!!
dain is just slowly melting away, his poor heart ;(
“y/n..” “it’s a prank!! i have no boyfriend and uh yea!” “...?”
it was just a mess over all.
you had to tell dain that it was all a joke and that you actually had no boyfriend and that you accidentally said “yes” and blah blah blah
dain forgives you, of course. but he won’t forgive how you scared him to death(he’s obvi kidding dw)
but dain wasn’t the only person who was turning red, you were too!!
but why? well, that’s because you actually like dain!! what a surprise!!
what a shocker!!
so the thought of you actually dating dain made your just feel absolutely warm and fuzzy, like extremely.
like.. him wrapping his arms around you while nuzzling into your neck.. him kissing your neck and- STOP IT. 😔 not yet..
so yea!! :D two people that look like idiots because they’re blushing profusely while looking anywhere BUT the other person
now kiss
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streamer! zhongli x reader
zhongli was talking to his viewers and talking to you too(of course), zhongli spoke about many things: weird facts about animals, weird facts about the human body, and surprisingly, how to be financially stable!!
(as if he is LMAO)
and it was over all fun!! many of zhongli’s viewers also chimed in there and then to tell some facts too, it was just amazing to talk to everyone.
during one of zhongli’s “lesson of the day” speech, a sudden notification popped out of nowhere, it was a question if you liked cats or dogs more and why.
although the question came out of nowhere you were quick to answer it so zhongli could go on with his speech but it just seemed like more and more people decided to ask you more questions too, you didn’t mind of course. but you felt bad for zhongli as he’s just sitting there, waiting for everyone to quiet down so he could finish what he was saying but it just never happens :(
“do you prefer chocolate over strawberry?” “are you allergic to anything?” “what’s your favourite place to go to and why?”
you answered all their questions but occasionally looked back to zhongli to see if he was feeling down or anything but to your surprise, he didn’t look all that sad!!
instead he was actually enjoying you answering all their questions.
“is there something wrong y/n?” “ah-! no, nothing’s wrong..” “hm, if you say so.”
after answering many questions you were starting to get bored, all you were doing were answering questions, with the same answer over and over again.
“yes” “no” “mmm maybe?” “yes” “i think yes”
how many times did you say “yes”? you were unsure, but all you knew was that you must’ve said “yes” TOO many times that you answered “yes” to the next question that would put you into the situation you’re in right now.
now, what was the question you accidentally answered “yes” to?
“do you have a significant other, y/n?”. yes. that question.
when i tell you zhongli full on turned his head like a 90° angle.. i mean it, zhongli turned his head to face you so quickly. it was kind of scary to witness
“ah- you guys- i-” “you have a lover?” poor zhongli, he had a full on heart attack when he heard you.
your face is extremely red from embarrassment, but why? why would you be embarrassed? that’s because you have a little crush~  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
a crush on who? zhongli! that’s right, the very man who’s right in front of you!
just the thought of actually dating him makes your heart go into a frenzy. you’ve been crushing on him since forever, so him being your boyfriend? oh god.. BUT! another thing that made you red from embarrassment was also because the thought of zhongli being jealous? what a dream!
zhongli isn’t the type to be jealous but your imagination is going wild(rn) so it’s hard to not think about it
the possibility of him ACTUALLY being jealous makes you weak to your knees, like him? looking dead in the eyes of another person? or maybe.. him just mad at the thought of him not confessing earlier and now his chance is gone?
“y/n? are you alright?” “mhm! im fine, and uhm.. yes! yes i do have a lover.. haha...” “is that so..”
“well do you mind calling them? it’s alright if you don’t want to. one’s friend should be able to know one’s significant other, do correct me if im wrong.”
。:゜(;´∩`;)゜:。man... JUST GIVE ME ONE CHANCE PLEASE
zhongli keeps on bombarding you with questions, “what’s their name?” “when did you start to date them?” “are they (even) GOOD looking?” “are they able to provide you with EVERYTHING?”
you’re caught off guard with all the questions and your face reddens even more, you stutter while trying to get a response out of our mouth
“ah- uhm, o-of course! just give me.. a minute” you take out your phone before scrolling through your contacts, and honestly, you didn’t know who to call but in the end you chose zhongli because.. you just wanted to get this over and done with. you click “call” and wait for “him” to respond.
you hold your phone in your hand while looking at your phone and at zhongli anxiously, suddenly, zhongli feels something buzzing in his pocket - it’s his phone.
maybe this was a coincidence? zhongli spares a glance at you, seeing your very red face, he observes you before reaching in his pocket and pulling out his phone and TO HIS AND EVERYONE SURPRISE.. you called him!!
was this some prank? did you accidentally misclick or something?
“y/n- i think you misclicked..” he says while showing and pointing at his phone
you stare blankly at zhongli while trying to think of an answer, but you are unable to.
you stare at zhongli, not knowing what to do before laughing nervously and saying that it was a joke WHICH, you could see zhongli’s shoulder slowly falling down(he’s relieved/heavy burden is gone)
“ah.. i see.” “yeah! so, it was actually a joke.. i don’t know why i said “yes” but uhm yeah. sorry guys!” 
zhongli and everyone forgives you, and then you all lived happily ever after.
not before zhongli tells you to hug him for like hours after stream because of the pain his heart had to go through.
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streamer! childe x reader
you should be scared of this man 😍(in a bad and.. good way?)
childe was streaming himself playing a horror game while you sat beside him, watching(his every move) him play the game
it was kind of boring but you didn’t mind, it was funny when childe got jump scared and screamed like a little girl
after a few rounds childe decided to stop playing and just focus on talking to his viewers, sure playing games are fun and all but childe loves and cherishes his viewers so why not talk to them?
(he loves you more than them ofc..)
“soooo, how are you guys?” “good? that’s good.”
“that sounds extremely creepy childe.” “?? what”
so yea, it was very interesting to say the least, but after asking everyone questions, they decided to ask you guys questions too!!
plus they would get more information about you guys, but mostly childe so those people can FINALLY add the correct information in childe’s biography.
and so the questioning begins.
but i won’t bore you with those questions so time skip to when someone asks you the question
you still sat beside childe and listened to everyone asking him questions and him answering back, when all of the sudden, someone asks you a question - “y/n do u have a lover?”
to be frank, nobody was surprised or shocked with the sudden question but everyone soon was wanting to know your answer, including childe.
childe paused and turned to look at you, giving you the “do you?” look
you open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out, you eye the screen then eye childe.
childe is still staring at you, waiting for your answer while everyone in chat starts to bet if you have a lover or not.
then you finally answer. “yeeesssss?” did you mean for it to come out like that? you sounded unsure.
“was that a “yes i do” yes or a “maybe?” yes, y/n?” childe says while raising his eyebrows, god his stupid face was making you flustered - the things he does to you..
you avoid eye contact with childe and turn your attention to the chat, everyone was asking you questions such as “does y/n have a lover?” or “so does y/n have a lover or not? someone tell meee!!”
you stare at the chat, looking at texts overlapping each other.
you turn to look at childe who now looks absolutely devastated, his smile was now gone, replaced with a frown.
before you could ask if he was okay childe suddenly asks you questions, questions you weren’t able to answer due to the amount of questions he asked you.
“does he treat you right?” “is he as rich as me?” “does he make you feel good.”
then came the “call him.”, you’re just there - not knowing what to do before slowly grabbing your phone while staring at childe who is now looking at you with that shit-eating grin, his whole facial expressions screamed “mischievous”, he was going to do something to your “lover” once you call him, you just knew it
childe scoots closer to you to peer over your shoulder to get a glance of your “lover’s” name but it unable to as you move to face him so he can’t see this “lover” of yours
of course, childe frowns. he stops and just patiently waits for you to call them
you bite your lip as you wonder what do do know, who should you call? what if they don’t play along? you sigh in defeat, but then you think - “what if i call childe?” it won’t hurt to try right? plus! you would be getting a 10/10% reaction from childe.
thinking about how he would react suddenly awakened the demon inside of you 😔
now YOU had a shit-eating grin on your face, and it kind of scared childe(/j)
you pressed “call” and starting to grin even more when you saw how childe’s body froze from the vibration coming from his pockets.
he rushes to grab his phone and what he saw made his heart going into a frenzy that his heart could actually stop.
childe almost faints from what he saw, you giggle before going over to where childe sat to whisper something in his ear and oh lord
what your doing is making childe and everyone CRAZY
and what did you say?
“did you not know we were not dating? what a shame..”
listen you’re not all that flirty okay?! that was the best you could say to be uhm, you know..
but you’re not all that flirty so when you pulled away from childe you became a blushing mess, just like childe himself.
everyone’s in awe now, you two are just so cute <3
now everyone’s determined to get you guys together. they know that you and childe both like each other so now it’s up to them to get you two together!!
it was a sight to see you and childe blushing in silence, yes.
childe gets up and stumbles over to his pc where he ends the stream, not before saying “g-goodbye everyone.” in a rushed manner, now they’re curious about what happened next!!
what did you guys even do after childe ended the stream? 🤔 i’ll leave that one to you!
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streamer! ayato x reader
ayato is a very calm and collected man as we all know, but if you haven’t said that this was all a “joke on accident” he might’ve actually cussed this “lover” of yours
can y’all just imagine him spitting out the most disgusting, inhumane, vile, nasty, despicable, abominable, hellish insult you’ve ever heard out of his mouth. while smiling as if he didn’t just say the most disgusting, inhumane, vile, nasty, despicable, abominable, hellish insult you’ve ever heard out of his mouth...
but anyways!
today was an unusual day, instead of streaming games like scheduled, many of ayato’s viewers demanded that they allow them to ask you questions SINCE ayato had banned everyone from asking you questions as someone had asked you a very personal and creepy question that made you uncomfortable which of course, got ayato mad and banned everyone from asking you questions. even if they were harmless. he would NOT budge
you sigh and close as your eyes as you listen to ayato reminding everyone about what happened last time and that if anyone did ask a question they would be banned.
this went on for a bit before you got a bit tired and said out of no where -  “just let them ask me questions ayato, it won’t hurt right? plus even if someone were to ask me such questions you or the mod could just ban them!”
although it was true that he or the mods could just ban the person he was still hesitant to allow people ask you questions, but ayato reluctantly allows everyone to ask you question but on one condition, once someone asked a creepy a question or a question that makes you uncomfortable he WILL end the questioning stream and will never do a questioning stream ever again.
everyone agreed and somehow “pink promised” ayato not to ask such questions and within a second ayato was now smiling and in a good mood.
and so went the questioning, while it was a little boring because all you were doing was just answering their questions - it was kind of fun as you could answer questions that normally wouldn’t be asked. they were really interesting questions!
of course ayato and the mods were on the look out for any weird questions that would make you feel uncomfortable, and when they did spot one they quickly deleted it and went on to find more
but you might be asking, why did they end the stream like they said? well that was because when ayato saw how much you were enjoying the questions and when he saw how you answered them with such enthusiasm he couldn’t bring himself to stop the stream, he didn’t have the heart to do so. (awww 😊 🔪)
in the middle of the stream someone asked you if you had a “boyfriend or a lover” in which you responded yes.
after saying yes you froze while laughing nervously.
why on earth did you respond with “yes” when you know damn well that you don’t have a boyfriend?
you were still answering a question before that one came and once that question(^) came up you accidentally said “yes” without even knowing you said it. it was, you could say “instinct” but you’ve never been asked about having a lover or not so there was no way you could call it an “instinct”
ayato had to take a moment to process what you said and what the question was and there was no doubt - you said “yes” to “do you have a lover”
he stared at you with wide eyes and an open mouth, you stare back at him while awkwardly laughing
ayato shakes his head as he regains his composure, he clears his throat as he calmly asks you questions about this “lover” of yours.
you play along as you didn’t know what to do and just answer his questions.
“when did you meet him?” “uh like, 3 months.. ago?” “hm okay, is he handsome?” “most definenetly.” “...okay..” and so on
ayato’s heart was breaking one by one as you answered all of his questions
then, ayato decided to ask you if you could call him.
“y/n? is it okay for you to call him? i just want to talk to him.” “just talk? are you sure? i’ve heard you say that many times and then go onto-” “yes! yes, just talk to them.” “ ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ “
you sigh in defeat while pulling out your phone, you had to play along!! what if he gets mad at you for faking this? what if he never talks to you ever again?!
you go into your contacts and while skimming and scanning everyone’s contact you can’t help but feel like you’re being stared at intensely, you take your eyes off your phone and look up to see ayato smiling at you, weirdly. you puff up your cheeks and go back to looking for someone that you know that WOULD play along
you try to find someone, anyone, but to no avail.
then you just decide to give up and press “call” on ayato’s contact
which of course his phone starts to buzz and ayato stops smiling for a bit before picking up his phone
your face is now bright red, though your avoiding eye contact with ayato, ayato is looking at you with a smirk once he realizes what you’ve done.
ayato gets up and turns to stream off leaving everyone on a cliffhanger(good luck to y/n)
once he turns to stream off he turns around and heads towards you
you’re aware that he’s getting closer and closer towards you but you still stay in your place. your face still bright red from embarrassed but also from imagining.. things with ayato.
what do you except anyways?! you have a crush on him so it’s not possible to not think about someone you like in that way!
once ayato is right behind you he ends the call and you hear the sound of ayato sitting right beside you
you slowly turn around to see ayato right. in. front. of. you. literally 2 inches away from your face
you gasp and your cheeks burn a even brighter red, ayato chuckles and pulls you in for a hug, you can hear ayato hums while twirling your hair
now you’re heart is not stable anymore, ayato’s heart isn’t either.
ayato too, is absolutely red from this interaction. although he is the one initiating he can’t help but feel uhm, you know, embarrassed and mushy?
you then hear ayato sigh, a relived sigh. “so you don’t actually have a boyfriend right? or is this some type of way to confess to me?” ayato says while smirking, you could just see him smirking.
you mutter out a “i.. don’t have a boyfriend” before resting your head on ayato’s shoulder.
ayato lets out a hum before going back to playing with your hair, you sigh in pleasure.
“are you alright?” you could only let out a “mhmmm” before closing your eyes, ayato chuckles and pulls you closer where you’re practically up against his chest.
this was the closest you’ve ever gotten to him and you thanked the gods while leaning in to be closer even though you were already close.
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note: if you would like to be added to the genshin taglist pls just ask me!! dont be shy <3
taglist: @tomansimp @one-offmind @miitchiji @dainsleif-when-playable @momoewn (there were two other people but it says that your account does not exist so if you sent an ask or comment to be added please ask again, accs: @mobiuskiss/@viaxiao) liking + following + reblogs are very much appreciated!! another note: sooo you know how i said that the sagau x reader series will be coming out soon...? well uh, im going to postpone as i don’t think im fully ready to post it out yet so maybe later in the year? also this took me weeks to do because i was writing then i lost motivation, then wrote again and the cycle begins. i have many requests(including event) to be done so i will try to prioritize one or two and yeah! i hope you guys enjoyed this <3 kinda rushed towards the end but just ignore all the mistakes, posted this a lot more earlier than expected..
im such a sucker for blushing dain//imagine if this flops
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impishtubist · 9 months
The first time scary biker Sirius comes to the animal shelter Remus is alone in the shift and gets a little terrified because Sirius is all geared up and he is like "I am here to ask some questions" so naturally Remus thinks he is getting into some gang shit by accident...... But the question Sirius wants to ask is "Is this a no kill shelter????" and when Remus confirms that yes it is, Sirius is very delighted and tells that he would love to volunteer with dogs
😭😭😭 oh no it's so cute help
also I'm cackling, I'm thinking about Remus being like "damn it, not again" because of course he would accidentally get involved in some gang shit again. that's kind of the story of his life tbh. keeps accidentally stumbling into dangerous situations and stumbling back out again. but omg Sirius asking if it's a no-kill shelter and then immediately wanting to volunteer 🥺 my heart
(also he says he's only a dog person but Remus has caught him in the cat room more than once, letting all the kittens and cats crawl all over him and giving them lots of pets and treats)
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Actually, while we're on the topic of pets, what pets do you see the others with?
[Referencing this post!]
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I'll (slightly) cheat and condense everyone into their groups, then say "whatever animals fit the motif of their respective character/film". There's some notes for each boy as well, but not always in the most intense of details. (Please keep in mind that this is only covering the main 22 students from NRC!!) Heartslabyul already tends to hedgehogs and flamingos, so those could be common creatures to have as pets/familiars (especially among the card soldiers like Cater, Trey, Deuce, and Ace) Alternatively, there could be other animals from Alice in Wonderland such as cats (for the Cheshire Cat), oysters, living flowers, walruses, dormouses, rabbits/hares, etc. If we want to stray outside of the dorm motifs, a chameleon for Ace (since he has a talent for mimicking people)?? Cater with a fox because of how crafty he can be?? (I don't feel super strong on this choice.) Trey is Normal so a cat or a dog for him!! The dog could be useful for sniffing out special ingredients while a cat is fitting because Trey's VA also voices Lucius... And of course, Deuce deserves a chicken so it can lay many eggs! Riddle I see getting one of the standard pets because "it's the rule/tradition at Heartslabyul!" Uhhh, mostly savanna animals for Savanaclaw I guess?? But again, the same moral debate I mentioned in the original post still applies here. (Like, would it be weird for a lion/wolf/hyena beastman such as Leona/Jack/Ruggie to have a lion/wolf/hyena as a pet/familiar???) Octavinelle would have a lot of aquatic creatures as pets/familiars. I think the "perfect" pet/familiar to match Azul's image would be eels (to mimic Ursula). Not sure what Jade or Floyd would have (the JP fandom uses a dolphin and a shark emoji, respectively, to refer to them so maybe those)?? But since Jade is the informant for the group, I'm thinking something small and agile so he can send it to spy for him. (Plus, it could chill out in his terrariums for funsies later.) Floyd would have something more aggressive... Scarabia would have unconventional animals from all over Twisted Wonderland! Kalim is someone I see as having many animal friends, so I can't think of just one animal. Maybe a tiger (like Princess Jasmine)? But it's also fun to imagine Kalim riding in on a massive elephant! He was originally supposed to have a monkey familiar (like Aladdin), so I can easily see that happening as well. Jamil has a clearer desire for a specific animal companion, and that would be a parrot. I can also see a snake for... obvious reasons. Maybe a bug to really torment them. Peacock for Vil because he sits in a peacock throne and it has a majestic vibe. A crow or raven also works due to its association with the Evil Queen. Rook, like Kalim, is someone I see with a variety of animals and not a specific one. Whatever his pet/familiar is, it would probably be a skilled hunter. I'm thinking like some kind of predator bird like a hawk or falcon. Epel... nothing immediately comes to mind, but maybe something small and cute but tough like he is. Idia would want a kawaii widdle neko-chan (his words, not mine) to keep as a lap warmer while he aggressive games. Ortho is more of a dog person (yes, this is purely because of his Cerberus Gear card), though I picture him engaging with virtual pets and/or those cybernetic dogs more than like... actual animals. I think Lilia's bats already count as his pets, although they are rarely ever mentioned in dialogue. Silver, as a member of the light trio, is another person that I see with many animals (squirrels, deer, birds, rabbits, etc.). Sebek I feel would shout that every animal is inferior to Malleus and that no pet he has could ever match Malleus's, etc. etc. etc. He's usually associated with crocs, so I think many would gravitate to one as Sebek's pet??? I think it would be funny if his familiar was something small, cute, and kinda pathetic (like a chipmunk or something) so he acts all bashful about it... but hey, I think a horse (so he can ride proudly into combat) also works. Malleus I already covered in the original post linked above.
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