#i'm not saying it's on you as a parent to go kill a drunk driver that ran over your kid
spite-and-waffles · 2 years
I get so infuriated when people reduce Jason's ultimatum to "trying to force Bruce to kill someone to prove his love". The dishonesty of it. Remove all context from the situation and make it sound like an insane inhumane choice. I can do that too actually. Batman is a rich kid who whales on poor and mentally ill people instead of going to therapy. He colludes with cops to bypass due process and collect evidence illegally. He creates child soldiers and makes them into canon fodder for his obsession. It sounds pretty indefensible when you remove every single context and convention that makes a story work doesn't it? Almost like you're only willing to extend the in-universe rules to the rich white manbaby and not the child whose death he was responsible for, huh?
Also? Moral absolutism is harmful and egoistic. You shouldn't kill people, not even criminals, of course not. But that doesn't mean refusing to kill in any situation whatsoever is the moral choice. There's a difference between killing to protect and killing to avenge. Between killing an active threat who will definitely escape and slaughter a family and killing one who is safely contained. Any rule that's taken purely prescriptively and without regard to the individual context of the choice is simply dogma. Especially if the role you have voluntarily taken on requires the willingness to do whatever it takes to do your fucking job. That's why morality isn't fucking black and white.
That's the crux of it for me; why I take this defense of Batman's choices so personally. I don't trust people who see the world in such a black and white way (this includes Jason, who is exactly as myopic as Bruce, but happens to be right about the Joker imo. Fortunately he's a fictional character and also a kid who has not yet had the opportunity to grow, unlike Bruce). I don't trust people who think morality is about a set of correct judgements rather than the process by which you arrive at said judgements. I don't trust people who won't fucking choose. Inaction is complicity, bitch. The consequences of your choices exist and fall on other people regardless of your refusal to take responsibility for them. Bottomline – if your version of "mercy" results in the death and suffering of other people, maybe consider that you're the villain of the story.
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
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Taxi Cab
Hobie Brown x f!Reader
She would never hurt anyone. He would hurt anyone for her.
Before Hobie, nothing very eventful ever happened in my life. I grew up in a happy home, went to a good school, and decided to become an art teacher. I got good grades, I made life long friendships with people similar to me, and I kept my head down and minded my business.
Though it's been nearly half a year since he came rocketing into my life, I still can't put my finger what exactly drew Hobie to me. We don't have a lot in common. Where I am passive, Hobie is active and fierce. Where I am lenient, Hobie is harsh. Until Hobie, I had never listened to punk music, considered anarchy, or pierced a single thing on my body.
Well, I still haven't done the last one. Besides my ears. Needles are too much for me. Sometimes I get nervous that the spikes on Hobie's wardrobe are going to stick me.
Hobie is a force. He's dangerous, he's passionate, he's larger than life. Being near Hobie is addictive. He has a gravity around him that draws people in, but it tends to spit them out at much the same rate.
For some reason, I've been able to hang on. Sometimes it feels like clinging for dear life, until he reminds me how much he cares.
Even though he can do that in odd ways.
Like tonight.
Ever since I met Hobie, trouble seems to follow me around. I've been mugged twice, had my tires slashed, and even had to move because someone broke into my apartment and trashed the place.
My parents are becoming increasingly alarmed, only satisfied in the fact that Spider-Punk always seems to be nearby. They don't necessarily approve of Spider-Punk (I mean, most don't), but they do at least appreciate that he seems to be looking out for me.
Which is so weird! Hobie can't figure it out either, but he says Spider-Punk is a narcissistic asshole who only saves people to get attention for himself.
He might just be mad that I said I thought Spider-Punk seemed like he'd be cute, under the mask.
I was hoping my luck had turned around and I wouldn't need to run into Spider-Punk again for a while, but I guess that was just silly optimism. On my way to Hobie's with two large bags of groceries in hand, I'm stopped suddenly in the middle of the sidewalk when a taxi cab crashes directly into a fire hydrant.
The fire hydrant lets loose a typhoon of water in my direction, and I scramble to the right to get out of the water, but it's too late. I'm soaked.
"Oi!" I hear the unmistakable sound of Hobie yelling. He was heading my direction after I told him the bags were getting heavy, and arrived just in time to witness the crash. He wrenches open the door of the car and pulls out the taxi driver. He seems unharmed, a little shaken up, with heavy bags under his eyes and a wobble in his step.
Drunk or high.
"You could've killed someone!" Hobie is shouting, looking over at me and then back at the driver. "I ought to kick your fucking arse." He pushes the man against the side of his cab as the water continues to spray. I drop the groceries, mostly ruined now, and approach Hobie.
The man is muttering something under his breath, and as I reach them, I can smell the liquor coming through his pores.
I grab Hobie's arm. "I'm okay. Come on."
"No, I saw it, he nearly killed you, Y/N. Just a few feet over, you'd be gone. Then I'd have to fuckin' kill him!" Hobie slams him against his car one more time, and I pull on his arm harder.
"But he didn't. The cops are on their way. Let's go. I need help carrying the groceries, and it's too cold for me to be all wet."
Hobie looks at me finally, really looks at me, and then with one more burning glance at the inebriated taxi driver, gruffly releases his collar and turns to me.
Effortlessly, he scoops me up into his arms, bridal-style, and I gasp. He strides with ease over to our drowned groceries, and bends down, picking them up in his hands.
"Jesus, have you been working out?" I ask.
His face is too tense for a smile, but the corners of his mouth twitch. Despite my protests, he carries me into his building and up three flights of stairs, only setting me down once we are safe inside the walls of his apartment.
Without me asking, he goes into his room and brings out a pair of leggings I've left here before, and one of his t-shirts. I change in the bathroom, drying my hair as best I can with a towel, before going back to the kitchen to see what can be salvaged of the groceries.
"I think I can still do something with this! The bread is gone but, homemade bread crumbs aren't like, necessary. They're just fancy." I turn to see Hobie leaning against the kitchen counter, arms crossed, still scowling. "Uh, or I can go to the store, if the homemade bread crumbs were like, important."
I let out a yelp of surprise when Hobie pushes himself off the counter and strides towards me, grabbing me by the shoulders and bringing me to him for a rough, passionate kiss.
In moments, I meld into him, wrapping my arms around his waist as his fingers find their way into my hair, and his tongue enters my mouth.
This kiss feels different. Urgent, feverish, desperate. He holds me tightly, pressing me so close to him it feels like he wants us to be one person, like he would climb right into my skin.
I pull away for just a moment, gasping for breath. "Are you okay?" I say on an exhale.
Hobie stares down at me intensely, his hands still in my hair, his eyes wild and the corners of his mouth turned downward.
"I would do anything to keep you safe," he says flatly. "There's no limit to what I'd do."
I bring my hands up to his face, cupping his cheeks, nodding. "I know, Hobie."
"I would have killed that man if you hadn't stopped me."
I know he's exaggerating to make a point, but a chill runs up my spine a the way he says it so calmly, with no hint of irony. I remember his chest heaving, the wild look in his eyes as he held that drunk man up against his own car.
He looked out for blood.
"I'm okay, Hobie. So are you."
"Move in with me. You hate that new place. Stay here."
We've only known each other six months. We're barely adults. I make no money as a new teacher and I honestly haven't figured out how Hobie seems to make so much money off the gigs he plays. It's too soon to move in together. It's not smart.
But I love him. And he loves me. We haven't said it yet, but I don't know that we need to. I can see it in his eyes, feel it while he holds me, taste it on his lips.
He loves me.
"Today. Like, we can get your stuff later, but don't sleep there anymore. Stay with me."
I nod and lean forward, pressing my forehead to his chest. His hands finally leave my hair, and wrap tightly around my shoulders. I listen to his heartbeat - rapid at first, but as we stand there, silently clinging to each other, it begins to slow down.
He's pressing soft kisses to the top of my head, humming quietly, and I've never felt more in love.
I've never felt more cared for, more loved in return, more safe.
Six months or sixty years. I don't think it matters.
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cielcreations · 1 month
Front Seat (Danny Phantom
Characters are aged up to be 18+! Also, no ghosts AU!
I remember past me when I first used Tumblr liked this post and was like "Hey, this is a good idea for a short story."
And now, like 5yrs later, I actually made a short story. Enjoy!
Dash Baxter did not like Danny Fenton. That much was obvious.
He tolerated the annoying bug for the most part because of his sister. Jazz Fenton helped him with work and made it easier for him to somewhat maintain his minimum GPA to stay on the football team. Granted, Dash's definition of "tolerance" was shoving Fenton into lockers or pushing him out of the way. It could be worse. He gives some other nerds swirlies or slam their faces into food, so Fenton should feel somewhat grateful!
One day, when it was snowing and cold, Dash's practice ended early and he needed to get something from his locker. So, after he changed and got dressed, he grabbed his textbooks from his locker and headed out the front doors of the school. As he stepped outside, he saw a none other than Fenton, reading a random book, slouching over as he did.
"What're you doing here, nerd?" Dash asked, not really caring but still curious.
Fenton looked over his shoulder, scoffed and went back to his book.
"Hey! Don't just ignore me!"
"Do you actually care?"
"Just answer, idiot."
The raven groaned, rolled his eyes, and sighed, "Jazz is tutoring some freshmen and I don't have a ride cause parents are busy with ghost work."
"What about that weird goth freak and tech geek?"
"That 'goth freak' and 'tech geek' have names." Fenton hissed, "Sam can't take me home, her parents are weird and don't like my parents and, therein, me, and Tucker is too far away from me. It'd be too out of his way and I don't wanna inconvenience him."
Dash hesitated before walking past him. He noticed Fenton was only wearing a jacket and pants, nothing to help him with the biting cold. Dash wore a scarf, a large winter coat over his long sleeved shirt, his letterman jacket, two pairs of pants, and two pairs of socks. How could Fenton stand this cold? He went to walk away, turned to face the raven, and took another step away. Am I really going to do this?
Dash looked over his shoulder one more time before he groaned dramatically, "Alright, come on."
"What?" Fenton asked.
"Come on, I'll take you home."
"Are you high? No, you don't smoke." The raven shook his head, correcting himself, "Are you drunk?"
"NO!" Dash hissed, groaning, "Listen, if you freeze to death, I am not going to be the last one to have seen you! If Jazz found out I saw you and left you to die in the cold, she'd kill me! And I am not spending my afterlife with you, Fenton!"
"I'm not going to freeze to death, idiot, I'm fine!"
"You barely have anything on!"
"So what?! I'm fine!"
"Nope, nuh uh, come with me, now!"
"Fuck you, I'm not-"
"If you let me drive you home and not make a peep, I'll stop messing with you for a day!"
Fenton's eyes widened before he narrowed, "Seriously? You're willing to do that just to get me to let you drive me home? You got something in your car I should be concerned about?"
"NO! JUST- UUUGH!" Dash pinched his temples, "Listen, recently, during tutoring session, your sister has mentioned how worried she is with you. She said she's afraid you're going to get hypo.... hyper...? The shit when you're too cold!"
"YES! She's worried 'bout that!" The blonde sighed, "She really cares about you and if she finds out I left you out here when it's freezing, she'd make me pay for it. I get not trusting me, but can you at least do it for her?"
Fenton seemed to hesitate before he sighed. He shut his book and stood up, "Fine. But I get bragging rights and get to say I won a bet if anyone sees and asks."
"Ugh, whatever. Just come on."
The two began walking to the blonde's car. Dash unlocked the doors and got in the driver's seat, Fenton getting in the passenger's seat. He sat, looking out the window, hugging his bag to his check, uncomfortable and awkward. Dash turned the car on, turning the heat up and pressing his seat warmer.
"You want yours on?" Dash asked, pointing to the seat warmer button.
Fenton looked at the button and shook his head, looking out the window again, "No."
Dash shrugged and looked over his shoulder. He reversed out of the parking lot, beginning to drive away. The ride was silent for the most part, awkward, on both sides. They stopped at a red light, silent, the only noise being from outside. The blonde was trying to think of something to say, trying to figure out if he should even say something. Suddenly, Fenton leaned over and turned on the radio.
"Hey, don't-"
"Hey, it's Ember's new song!" Fenton exclaimed, excitedly turning the music up a bit, "Don't ruin it!"
Dash looked at the raven out of the corner of his eye, confused, "You... like Ember?"
"Uh, who doesn't?" Fenton rolled his eyes, "You may think I'm a nerd or whatever, but nerds have taste too!"
Dash snorted a laugh, focusing on the road and beginning to move once the light was green, "Well, how was I suppose to know? We don't exactly talk."
"And who's fault is that?"
The blonde was silent, knowing he was right. The raven nodded his head along to the music, mouthing the lyrics, Dash watching out of the corner of his eye. He was... kind of impressed. The other wasn't as lame as he originally thought. Then again, liking Ember McLain is not necessarily anything to write home about. Like Fenton said, who doesn't like her songs? I guess it's weird coming from him. Dash thought, pulling up to the building with the large neon glowing signs and metal space ship looking thing.
Suddenly, green smoke started coming out from the top of the building.
"Ughhhh..." Fenton pinched his temples.
"Uhhhh, is your place... safe?"
"It is. My parents are too stupid for any of their shit to work." Fenton groaned, grabbing his stuff, "Thanks for the ride."
"Uh, yeah, no problem." Dash stared at the green smoke, "Uh, you sure your place is not on fire or something?"
"Dash, did you forget my parents are the crazy ghost fanatics?" The raven opened the passenger door, waving his hand at the smoke, "This is what they do. It's stupid, crazy, and annoying, but to the few who believe in fairy tales, it makes money."
The blonde snickered, "I guess that's what matters?"
Fenton shrugged, stepping out, "Thanks again." He shut the passenger door and walked to front door of his home.
He opened the door and immediately stepped out of the way, just in time for Mr. and Mrs. Fenton to run out of the building and going to the alley next to their home, holding what looked to be junk. The raven groaned and walked inside, slamming the door behind him. 
Dash felt... weird. Bad, maybe? He can't imagine living with those types of parents.
Dash shook his head, beginning to drive away. He wasn't going to worry about Danny.
Fenton. He wasn't going to worry about Fenton.
For the next couple of weeks, the same thing had happened. Dash's practice was cut off early due to weather, he would "forget" his textbooks, and he would find Dan- Fenton sitting at the front, either reading a book, copying some notes, studying for a test, or just on his phone. Dash would offer him a ride and the other would agree. At first, it was reluctant, but over the next few days turned to weeks, he would put up less of a fight, to the point when Dash came out of the building, he would stand up and look at him.
The rides turned from Dash taking Fenton home, to Dash driving to the nearby fast food joint, offering to buy Danny some food. They would hang out, eating in his car, sometimes going inside to do some studying together. Over time, Dash noticed how Danny didn't prepare much for the cold, which made him a bit worried. Danny always said he was fine, but the blonde didn't always believe him.
One day, when he walked out, he shoved a small letterman jacket in Danny's direction, "For you."
"Listen, you don't have a winter's coat and you're probably freezing your ass off. Just take it. It was from my freshman year, so it's too small. It'll just collect dust in my closet anyways."
Danny blinked and took it. He put the letterman on and hummed, hugging himself a bit, "It's... pretty warm."
"I know, why do you think I wear it all the time." Dash snickered, "Come on, we're going to the movies."
"Movies?" Danny was quick to follow him to the car, "Why?"
"Cause I wanna see that new horror movie that just came out and Paulina, Star, and Kwan are too chicken and I know you will enjoy it!"
"Hell yeah!" The raven exclaimed, "I'll pay for-"
"Nope, on me. I'm inviting you out."
They got in their seats, the raven looking at the blonde, smiling, "You don't have to."
"If I'm taking you, it's only right I pay." Dash began to reverse.
Danny chuckled, "You know, Dash, you're not a bad guy!"
The blonde chuckled, "You're not so bad yourself, Danny."
The raven widened his eyes.
"I think that's the first time you've called me by my first name."
Dash blushed a bit and shrugged, "Well, uh, I figured I should."
The ride was silent to the movies, mainly because both we feeling a bit embarrassed and awkward again. Once they got to the movie theater, they hopped out, going to the ticket stand. Dash bought their tickets, a bag of popcorn, and their drinks before they went into the theater room. They sat down and whispered to one another as the ads played, laughing quietly and joking with one another. Once the movie began playing, they shut up and began watching. As it began, Dash thought Danny would get scared, but the other was fine. If anything, he got more excited and loved it. Danny leaned into the blonde, who wrapped his arm around the raven without even thinking.
Once the movie ended, the two stood up, hand in hand, walking out of the theaters, talking excitedly about the movie and how impressed they were with it. They got back to Dash's car and continued laughing, joking, and overall having a nice time as the blonde drove to Danny's home. By the time they got there, the sun had set. Dash walked Danny to the front door, the raven taking out his keys and unlocking the door. He peaked inside, seeing all the lights were off.
"Will you get in trouble?" Dash asked, "Like, do you have a curfew or something?"
"Probably, but where's the fun in that?" Danny snickered, looking at him, "What about you?"
"Meh, my mom's chill."
"Well, good." The raven faced him, smiling, "Thank you, Dash, for the nice time. I-I had a lot of fun."
"Me too. I-I like sending time with you." The blonde responded.
The two stood there for a second, silent. Danny took a step forward and stood on his toes to lean up and kiss Dash's cheek. The blonde grabbed his chin before he could pull away, leaning down and kissing his lips. It was a short kiss, nothing dramatic or otherworldly, but it didn't have to be. They stepped back and smiled at each other.
"Good, I wasn't reading that wrong, then." The raven chuckled.
Dash chuckled awkwardly, "No, you, weren't." He hesitated and stepped back, "So, um, see you tomorrow?"
"See you tomorrow, Dash."
From then on, everything seemed to change.
"Party time! Party time!" Paulina and Star cheered, both dressed in cute short party dresses.
Kwan laughed, wearing a nice button up and pants, holding the door opened for everyone, "Dash! Leo! Come on or we're leaving you!"
"Oh, I'm sorry, who's driving?" Dash teased, tossing a football towards him, also in a nice shirt, blazer, and jeans.
Kwan easily caught it with a laugh.
Leo, a new student at Casper High, easily integrated into the popular clique. He was a great football player, a bit of a class clown, smart, funny, and attractive. They easily accepted him both on the team and part of the friend group.
"I can drive you Kwan, if need be!" Leo chuckled, wearing a shirt with joggers, going for more casual than nice.
"Yeah, with what car?"
"Yours still, I'll just steal your keys!" 
The group laughed and got to Dash's car, the blonde unlocking just the driver's side and getting in. He jokingly made them wait before unlocking the car, allowing everyone to pile in the back.
However, Leo opened the passenger door.
"Nah, nah, nah." Dash immediately stopped him, pointing to the back, "Backseat."
Leo laughed but Dash just pointed to the back again. The man stared, "Wait, seriously?"
"We're picking up someone else. You get in the back."
"Wait, why can't they sit in the back?
"Oh, riiiight!" Kwan exclaimed, "Leo, get in the back, you'll see."
"Just trust us!" Paulina giggled, "Come on!"
Leo begrudgingly got in the back, thankful Dash's car could at least fit all four of them in the back. The group continued talking and laughing as Dash pulled out of the school parking lot, making his way to wherever they were going. No one told Leo what was going on, so he just waited to see what was going on.
They pulled in front of a large building with a glowing neon sign reading Fenton Works. Leo remembered hearing about the Fentons, how Mr. and Mrs. Fenton were crazy about ghosts and their kids did everything in their power to not be embarrassed by them. He heard their daughter was going to college and their son also went to their school. Danny Fenton, the kid who sat with a weird goth chick and tech geek.
"What're we doing here?" Leo asked.
No one responded, rolling down the windows. Dash blasted the music and honked the horn, Paulina, Kwan, and Star cheering. After a few seconds, Danny Fenton emerged from the home, wearing a shirt with the NASA logo, a letterman jacket, and some skinny jeans. He was clearly holding back laughter as he approached the car, the four cheering.
"DANNY! DANNY! DANNY! DANNY!" Kwan, Paulina, Star, and Dash chanted, the raven blushing, covering his face in embarrassment.
"Shut up!" Danny hissed playfully as he hopped in the front seat, "God, you all are embarrassing."
Dash rolled the windows up and turned the music down as Kwan spoke first, "How you doing man, you ready for the party?!"
"Hell yeah I am!"
The group cheered, but Leo stared at Danny in confusion.
"Oh, is Sam gonna be there? I have to return her mirror!" Star explained.
"She and Tuck are carpooling with Valerie."
"Perfect, I need to give Val her headband back!" Paulina explained.
"Oh, Danny, this is Leo." Dash pointed to the seat behind him, Danny turning to face him, "Newbie. Probably heard it around."
The raven smiled, "Oh, nice to meet you. Sorry about them, you were probably confused."
"It's cool, I'm more confused why you get front seat."
Dash glared out his review mirror, Danny chuckled, and the other three jokingly 'ooooh'ed.
"Oh, you are new." He looked at Kwan, Paulina, and Star, who smiled innocently, "And you three didn't tell. Nice play." Finally, the raven looked at Dash, "Dashy~ Can I have a kiss~?"
Dash blushed and nodded softly, leaning over and kissing his lips.
Leo widened his eyes as the other three cheered. Once they pulled away, the blonde quickly focused on driving, embarrassed.
Danny then looked at Leo, winking, "See, I always get front seat. Perks of being the quarterback's boyfriend!"
Leo blushed in embarrassment, looking away as the car erupted into laughter, the group beginning to joke and talk once again.
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jessidogg · 3 months
I'm sorry to say this, but your plead to leave Justin alone just perpetuates white male privilege.
1. He criticized Britney Spears, his ex, for her drinking problems when she was a) being forced to perform to be able to see her children, b) forced to get an IUD, c) being financially abused and defamated by her father and ex, and d) recovering from the mental and emotional trauma of being exploited as a child star. This is one of the main reasons he's being so heavily criticized now. It was not only hypocritical, he ended up doing something worse because Britney never drank and drove
2. OF COURSE the cops say he was perfectly polite. He's a rich white man. He had no reason to fear for his life, the cops probably weren't aggressive towards him at all. He also knew he'd be easily bailed out
3. It is EXTREMELY out of touch to attempt to brush what he did under the rug. My uncle was killed by a drunk driver and it left my aunt and cousins devastated and in a really bad way after his death. Drunk drivers have ruined lives for purely selfish reasons. Just because he voiced your favorite animated troll doesn't diminish that
4. He's a grown ass man. He doesn't need you coming to his aid. People are allowed to be mad at him for his reckless and careless behavior. All your PSA does is try to guilt people to stop criticizing him. That's shitty
Hello! I have read all three of your asks and I totally understand where you're coming from! I'm so sorry that your uncle was killed, that is really depressing and sad and I'm praying for your family still💕
One, I'd like to say that no, JT does not need me to come to his aid. I'm VOLUNTEERING to bc I like him. I don't need his permission to tell people to forgive him, that's stupid. It's totally alright to stand up for people, just bc he is an adult does not mean that I cannot stand up for someone.
Two, you are so right! Driving while drunk is a stupid thing to do, and like I said, I am very frustrated he did such a thing. Justin has done tons of things he regrets from his drinking problems, and I wish he would just stop. But addictions are hard to stop (I totally understand that bc I have been thru multiple myself) but I wish he would just try a bit harder.
But I am not brushing what he did "under the rug". I'm sure that I won't persuade you, and that's fine, but I was only saying that we shouldn't take advantage of this to hate him even more.
I am sick of people going "haha, he's a loser" as if just because he is a celebrity that gives him more reason not to sin. I am saying that him driving drunk is just as bad as anyone else driving drunk, and that being drunk in general is terrible but that also shouldn't be the reason we hate him.
Justin Timberlake would never hurt someone on purpose. We all know that. The fact that he could have hurt someone is terrifying, but it's reality and I realize that. The point is, he made a mistake, and mistake does not mean an "oopsie" in this case, it means a "he knew what he was doing and it was a terrible idea".
In my other post I did not phrase it very well, and I'm sorry about that. What I meant was, Justin did something wrong. I am a strong Christian, and I believe that every sin is just as bad as any other. The difference is, some can cause way worse consequences. Driving while drunk is way more dangerous than maybe lying to your parents. But my God tells me that one is not worse than the other.
Even for those not being a Christian, I think everyone should know that there should not be worse sins, and "okay" ones. Everyone deserves a chance. You should forgive everyone 70 times 7. Then do it all over again.
If a liar told a nasty lie about you and didn't apologize and kept going, but a murderer turned himself in and repented and stopped, would you still say the murderer is the worst person?
The fact that Justin won't try harder annoys me. But we should never put even more hate on him just because he's well-known. He is a human. He is just as bad at stuff as other people are.
Also, Justin Timberlake is a nice guy. The fact that he knew he was going to get released wasn't why he was nice, and being white and rich should have NOTHING to do with what the police say (I find it extremely weird for u to use that description). Justin has been known for being a sweet kind guy and he loves his fans, friends, and family. He has been seen in the middle of a concert stopping everything to make sure a fan who seemed in need of help was alright by ordering security over and asking if they're good. He does tons of stuff around his town just to help out. DudePerfect, one of the most popular trick shot YouTubers, are strong Christians and said that one of their favorite memories was playing golf with Justin Timberlake. There would be no reason for them to lie about that.
Justin should not have criticized Britney Spears about that. That is very confusing why he would, and maybe he was just trying to get her not to go the direction he did a few times, but idk, it is just really stupid. But again, humans in general are stupid. I bet u can name a bazillion times u criticized someone about doing something that you have done or ended up doing yourself.
Gosh, I know I'm probably no getting my point across, here lemme try to say this in an easier way. Erm... Justin Timberlake is human. Humans sin. Okay. Sinning is not good at all. We all do it, however, intentionally, from lying to murdering. Big or small consequences can come from any of them. DWI is terrible. I hate when I hear about anyone doing that. You have a right to be angry, I am angry at Justin. But I hate how the already Justin haters are taking advantage of every thing he does and making him seem worse than he is. You can hate him, whatever, but you can't stand beside him everywhere he goes, paper and pen, and mark down his every sin, calling him "even worse than before" with every count. Being drunk is bad!!! Driving while drunk is bad!!! But we should feel sorry for him that he doesn't seem to be able to find an outlet in something else. And we shouldn't hold up his every action, dangerous or not, against him. If we all counted everyone's sins, we would all add up to the same amount of terrible that Justin Timberlake is. We are all dumb humans. We shouldn't hold up everything against each other. We don't know the whole story of anything. All we know is that he was driving drunk. He was probably stressed, trying to have a good time, other stuff. This doesn't make it right. But it should cause us to be more cautious about the situation. Most of the people who bully have things going on at home that is causing them to let out their anger on others. Not saying that's right, but we shouldn't call them "bad people" and basically say "he did this so we're more better than them." That may not be how you think of it, but it's what you're saying.
I really hope I am not making people feel guilty, that is the last thing I want. I just want people to understand my view. If I made anyone feel guilty or it seemed that way, I apologize, that's not how I meant it at all. I just didn't agree with stuff, and I wanted to say what I thought, just how you just sent me what you thought.
Hope I said this right. I may not have because I am bad at explaining things through type. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I love you all and mean nothing rude. 💕💕❤❤💕💕❤❤💕💕
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I don't know if this is asking too much (if so, I'm sorry) but could you write at least one shot from Paz Lives AU? About family daily life. Or Cabin in the Woods with Hunter, Spider and the twins? I love the dynamics you described and in the form of a short story it would be a masterpiece haha. But I also don't want to distract you too much from the original Canina or seem like Im asking for something all the time in an annoying form
Your not annoying me at all. And if I put Cabin on pause to write a oneshot then that's my choice, I'm fully capable of saying "I like that idea, I'll write it after Cabin."
I don't know if I'll ever write a Paz lives modern Au oneshot. I do have more of those bullet point thoughts written out that I just haven't posted yet but that might be as far as I go with that au. Same with the idea of Cabin with the twins. I like the idea in concept but I don't think I'll take in further then bullet point ideas. That being said I've got a lot of idea's for that au so allow me to share those now
So same sequence of events as Cabin, Paz is killed by a drunk driver while she's pregnant, only this time she's expecting twins and is already a mother to 5 year old Spider and 2 year old Hunter. the twins were able to be saved, Quaritch goes to jail for trying to kill Paz's killer, and all the siblings end up in foster care.
I was reading articles on why siblings are separated in the foster system for another ask and there are a few different reasons but in this case it would be 1. lack of resources. there are just too many of them and no one willing to take in four kids all at once. 2. Spider is of course traumatized from the sudden loss of both his parents and as a result gets super protective of his siblings, to a point where he makes it almost impossible for any adult to take care of any of them. 3. age. Spider is the only one who would be able to remember his siblings. the others are too little to be really bonded to each other. Because of all this it's decided that it'll be best if the kids are separated. The younger kids will all go to stable homes and Spider can get one on one help to process the loss of his family.
Spider never accepts it though, growing bitter at a very young age, hating and distrusting all the adults tasked with caring for him.
Remember in the Cabin prologue when Quaritch went to visit Spider in his group home? That happens here too only instead Spider is 7 and is over joyed to see his dad, begging him to take him away. Quaritch refuses, saying that he needs to get him and his siblings back legally but Norm still catches him and accuses Quaritch of trying to kidnap Spider. This too all plays out like in Cabin with Quaritch being dubbed mentally unstable and having his parental rights terminated.
After this incident though Spider starts running away from his foster homes. He's not specifically trying to get back to his dad, he just really wants out. He's found and brought back every time but as he gets older he gets better at it. His record is going 16 days without being found. He was 11 at the time.
When Spider is 12 he get's placed with the McCosker's
Nash McCosker is an abusive ass hole who screams at and beats Spider for the smallest offense. He threatens Spider with even worse if he tries to tell anyone about it.
So in the middle of the night Spider packs up his backpack and runs
It's around four in the morning, he's exhausted, it feeling like his lungs could burst he's been running for so long and all he wants is to lay down for a little bit, but he knows he can't. He only has two more hours before someone notices that's he's gone. So he forces himself to keep going
But then a car pulls up, blocking his path. The window rolls down, reveling his dad. "get in." he commands
Spider is stunned. A mix of emotions floods him. Shock, anger, grief. He hasn't seen his father since that day at the group home, years ago now. He had said he was trying to get him back. instead he seemed to have abandoned him.
Seeing no other options though Spider gets into his dad's car.
His heart breaks when they pull up to their old family home, now standing like a memorial of everything they've lost.
The moment they get inside Spider turns on his father, "Why did you leave me! You said you where trying to get me back! to get use all back! What the hell happened to that!"
Quaritch does his best to calm his son, explaining everything, that he tried to get them back the legal way but the courts where rigged against him and terminated his parental rights. That he's been watching over all of his kids but particularly Spider since his living situation is the worst out of all of the siblings.
He explains that now that Spider is a know run away he can just stay with him, living in their old home. No one will suspect Quaritch of kidnapping. If the cops come by looking for Spider he can hide in the attic until they leave. In enough time the search will be dropped and they can live peacefully
"but what about my siblings? how can we get them back?" Spider askes innocently.
"don't you worry about that right now. Papa's got a plan. For right now I'm more concerned about you. We'll focus on your siblings once your in the clear."
Spider's a nervous wreak the first few weeks of living with his dad again.
because this is the best he's had it since before his mom died and he's terrified that'll all be ripped away again.
His dad is just as paranoid listening to a police scanner every second of the day.
The police showed up with a search warrant after a month. Spider was safely tucked away in the attic long before they got there.
The entrance to the attic is in a closet on the second floor. it's easy to miss if you don't know where to look. It's completely un detectable after Quaritch hides it with mountains of junk typical for a hallway closet.
the police search the whole house and the surrounding area. They search that closet to. But they never find the attic.
Shortly after the search is called off. Miles "Spider" Socorro is just gone, with no hope of ever finding him.
Father and son are thrilled. they settle into a semblance of a life together. Spider can never really leave the house. His dad homeschools him, but it's no replacement for the social interactions he'd have at a real school. The isolation only makes the absence of his siblings hurt all the more.
It took his father months to even get Spider to go upstairs. The kid broke down when he saw his old room, still exactly how it had been when he'd been taken away. No matter how much time passed he could never bring himself to venture further down the hall. Every time he so much as glanced at the shut doors of his siblings abandoned bedrooms his heart ached.
It took time, but his dad helped him redo his old bedroom, turning it into something befitting of a preteen.
After six months of living with each other Quaritch took Spider out to "visit" his siblings
Hunter was 10 at the time. He was at school, quietly reading on the playground, his face so closely pressed into the book, his nose was touching it's binding, when a bully approached slapping the book from his hand. His father had to physically restrain Spider so he didn't go over there and kick the other kids ass.
Seeing Gunner and Ada was less eventful. The twins where 7 going on 8 at the time. Gunner was playing in a soccer game, Ada was on the side lines with her moms pretending she was a "witch princess" making a potion out of dirt, leaves, and rocks. Spider couldn't help but laugh at his little sister and cheer for his little brother every time he got the ball.
Quaritch and Spider go to spy on his sibling every couple of weeks.
Except in the summer. In the summer they go on a cross country road tip to stay in a cabin high up in the mountains. Spider loves the change in scenery but it still makes him a little sad. Because his father actually built the cabin himself for the entire family. So just like back home, there were three extra bedrooms, awaiting kids that would never live there.
I'm going to continued this in a part 2 so look out for that. Hope you enjoyed💞
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year
uhhh tell me a story about you!!!
what are ur top 5 reasons for thirsting for levi 👀
Top 5 reasons why I'm a Levi slut first and a person second (your words not mine):
1. Himbs eyes, I love his eyes. They're so aljdksjf yanno. I always describe them as hooded lmao, but I really love them. And the color of them too. might collect them and put them in a jar
2. His ARMS OH MY GOD. They're so toned. I just want him to choke me, maybe kill me a little. As a treat.
3. His voice (yes I am talking about his English dub fight me in a Walmart parking lot IDC) Matthew Mercer as Levi just does things to me okay? Okay cool.
5. His personality overall. This should actually be the top of the list but I just needed to get the feral thoughts out of the way. I love how cold and aloof his exterior is but on the inside is actually very caring and compassionate for others. He will protect those at the cost of his own life. Too bad for them, this stubborn idiot refuses to die.
A story about me huh? Hmm.
Tw/cw: alcohol, sexual soliciting (?), underage drinking, illegal affairs
I'll tell you about one of my favorite memories: Accidentally getting drunk then having to chase my friend's dog back into the house at 7 in the morning lmao.
This was the summer after I graduated high school. My best friend, S, and I decided to throw this little party for our just turned seniors friends. So we decided to all go bowling and then have a sleepover at said junior's house, J. Unfortunately our other friend, B, couldn't make it because he was grounded (this is important to note) so it was just the 3 of us. Everything is fine, we all suck at bowling, cool. We all start to drive over to our friend's house for the night.
Once settled, J (the one who we're staying with who by the way of course still lives with her parents since she's 17) then pulls out 3 half filled WATER BOTTLES (yes those plastic disposable ones) of liquor. I don't even know what was in them but it's all horrible. Anyways, I - being the mom of the group - barely have any why these two girls and one guy down it. And we're vibing. But we realize quickly that we're RUNNING OUT OF LIQUOR.
So we're coming up with a game plan to get more. Long story short (because I don't remember how it happened exactly) B says he has a contact that can get us more alcohol but we'd have to drive over to get it. Well this is a conundrum because two friends (S and J) are wasted and one doesn't know how to drive, which left me. BUT I ONLY HAD MY DRIVERS PERMIT AT THE TIME (this is a whole different story of why I couldn't legally drive until I was 18, not important right now) but I am their only option so I was like fine.
We sneak outside to S's car and try to leave but for some reason her car won't start? Like it kept stalling and then I accidentally triggered her car alarm so it was going off for a couple minutes before we were finally able to shut it off. We sit there for a couple minutes in silence, afraid we just woke up J's parents.
We didn't.
But now we're out A CAR. then our other friend B mentions we can just use his car. Which is great BUT WE HAD TO WALK 10 MINUTES TO HIS HOUSE TO GET IT. We forgot to put shoes on S's feet too apparently, I don't remember that but she does. We get to his car finally and drive off. This is my FIRST TIME DRIVING AT NIGHT. I WAS SO SCARED. BUT WE MADE IT TO THIS RANDOM STRANGER'S CONDO
So B handles it, he goes in to grab the liquor. But he's in there for a VERY LONG TIME. He finally comes back with a bottle of skyy vodka and we're like "B what the fuck too you so long." YALL. HE GAVE THIS CONTACT A BLOWJOB IN ORDER TO GET THE LIQUOR AND THATS WHY HE WAS GONE FOR SO LONG. anyways.
So we're back, we're all drinking and having fun. Might have made out with each other idk. After a while, S needs to go potty and the bathroom was actually right next to the bedroom so when you open the door, you can look into it. So she goes, she takes a while to come back. I'm like what the fuck. I'm periodically opening and closing the door to make sure she's okay and she's just throwing up in the toilet. Mind you I'm drunk, so everything is kinda running slow for me. She said she's fine when I ask so I keep checking in on her
anyways panic ensues, mother mode takes over. S is sobbing as she usually does when she's too drunk to handle and I'm stripping her and putting her into the shower because she's a fucking mess okay? And J is drunk off her ass and her mom is trying to damage control her by making her shower too. I'm pretty sure she threw up on herself and at one point ran down the stares ass naked? I don't know. B is passed out on the bed by the way.
There's also this point in time but idk where it lines up but J's dog got out and we had to chase it through the neighborhood while being drunk off our asses at 7am. A running couple came by and asked if we needed help and I was like "nah we're good" but I'm pretty sure they could tell we were drunk. Like we probably looked like a fucking mess. This happened before J's mom found us tho. The sun was fucking out y'all.
We didn't get home until maybe 3pm because we slept in. our cover up story of why we felt and looked sick to our parents was because of food poisoning from the bowling alley.
Anyways. Long story short kids, drink responsibly. I wanna note I am no longer this person, btw.
I uh. A lot has happened to me before the age of 21.
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pandasmagorica · 1 year
Happy endings, sad endings
Sometimes endings are happy. Sometimes endings are sad. Sometime they are bittersweet. And sometimes they are open, ambiguous.
Some people are okay with sad or open endings. Others are not.
The main driver of this post is the impending ending of By My Favorite this coming Friday. I'm posting this on Tuesday, August 8, and the finale is Friday, August 11.
This post has partial spoilers for 3 Will Be Free (through the end of the series), 55:15 Never Too Late (ditto), Bad Buddy (ditto), Secret Crush on You (ditto), Be My Favorite (through the end of episode 11), and miscellaneous queer films and plays, as seen through the lens of someone who is watching Be My Favorite for the first time and has years of queer media watching behind him.
There is some current angst in the Be My Favorite discussion that it could have a sad ending, that is, that Kawi will die. We don't know for sure this will happen. It looks bad. It looks so bad that Pisaeng desperately tries the crystal globe and is rewarded with a trip to the past. The mystery uncle who seems to know everything there is to know about time travel says you can go back in time and change your actions, but you can't change fate. So, the series could still end with Kawi's death at a relatively young age, in his late 20s.
It could also be open-ended where we spend all of episode 12, the finale, in the past and we never find out what happens seven years later.
The point is, it's looking like we're not going to get an unambiguously happy ending.
And I'm okay with that.
I love happy endings. And I think we are getting enough of them that we can tolerate a sad ending now and then.
As I mention in my Tumblr intro post, I'm an older queer cis dude. When I was in college I saw the plays Boys in the Band and Fortune and Men's Eyes on stage. Both present sad pictures of gay male life. Even if nobody died (in Band, don't remember for Fortune), I can't really say that either one presented a happy ending.
When I was coming out in my late 20's, I saw various gay-themed films of the time (from what I can remember) Sebastiane (martyrdom), The Consequence (disappearance), The Children's Hour (suicide), This Special Friendship (suicide), The Music Lovers (suicide or murder), Death in Venice (death from disease), That Certain Summer (rejection by the son), Salo or the 120 Days of Sodom (multiple murders), The Rocky Horror Picture Show (happy ending for the straight couple, death for the homosexual), Fox and His Friends (financial ruin), El diputado (don't remember, but I think it wasn't happy), Deathtrap (the gay characters supposedly kill each other), Taxi Zum Klo (gay teacher shows up drunk in class), Making Love (couple splits but one gets a new relationship), La Cage aux Folles (I think this one ends with the conservative in-laws accepting the gay couple parents), and Personal Best (one of a same-sex couple ends up in a straight relationship).
Gay characters were showing up in non-gay films as well, but didn't always end well. For example, in Francois Truffaut's The Last Metro (1980), there is a gay character who dies. It happens in the middle and is not the focus of the film, but that was common for the time. @absolutebl calls this "Kill the Gays".
There were happy endings for gay characters in film, more and more as time went on, but it wasn't until I moved to San Francisco and started attending the Frameline film festival that I started seeing happy endings regularly. Nowadays there are so many happy endings to gay films that I don't mind the occasional unhappy one.
My lesbian bestie says happy endings for lesbians are few and far between. Heterosexual Jill is a good one.
Okay, lets do some time travel back before I started watching gay and gay-adjacent content.
When studying queer film history casually, I saw Mädchen in Uniform (Germany, 1931) which had an attempted suicide which was averted. But things changed, at least in the US, with the implementation for the Motion Picture Production Code, also known as the Hayes Code, from 1934 to 1968. This required banning on-screen representation of homosexuality, and all extramarital sex had to be shown as unattractive and illicit. Homosexuality became coded, hidden. There was a gay-positive reference at the end of Some Like it Hot (1959), but that film was denied a seal of approval. However, since the code was technically voluntary, it got distributed anyway and was a hit. (Sadly, I didn't like it when I saw it as part of the same study series.)
Okay, so now we move to QL. Thai QL apparently started with the same trend of unhappy endings (Love of Siam and the gay part of Dew the Movie, for instance). But nowadays we get mostly happy endings, particularly on GMMTV.
Some argue whether Bad Buddy has a happy ending. Pat and Pran are together, but officially have to keep their relationship a secret, even though their parents actually know. I argue it is a qualified happy ending, as they are together and happy, if not fully open.
Secret Crush on You has happy endings for not only the gay couples, including femme characters, but also for the non-binary/trans character.
We are also getting some mixed endings in queer-adjacent series.
55:15 Never Too Late leaves a straight teacher dead and the gay character alone (but, I argue, more at peace with his current fate and the opportunity to move forward now that he knows he is loveable). The other straight characters have a chance at happiness but it remains to be seen if they will achieve it. Also, the gay character's 15 year old love interest is left alone, not knowing why the 15 year old he loved disappeared. Hopefully, he has a chance at happiness as well. I'd call it a slice of life open ending.
3 Will Be Free leaves our 3 lead characters safe. The gay character appears to no longer be part of the throuple, but this was the least of his worries during most of the series. The trans character has lost both of the men who she loved and who accepted her unconditionally, and has had experiences which will likely haunt her for the rest of her life, but has gotten closure and affirmed her identity. So I'd call the ending mixed.
So, let's get back to some possible not-so-happy endings for Be My Favorite (thanks to @twig-tea for some episode 12 speculation:
Pisaeng's trip to the past does not result in Kawi surviving. (Kawi may even say he's okay with this.)
Pisaeng breaks up with Kawi so as not to ever infect him.
Pisaeng waits until he is about to be sick then leaves Kawi temporarily so as not to infect him. (Least time away from Kawi but also least dramatic. And if it's fate that Kawi dies it may not help.)
Pisaeng and Kawi wear masks once Pisaeng realizes he's getting sick. (Okay, this one is even less dramatic but I can't believe in the age of COVID they didn't think of that, even if the series doesn't seem to acknowledge that 2020-2022 was treated by most of the world as an epidemic. Not sure whether Thailand is as mask-positive as Hong Kong although I have noticed some masks in various Behind the Scenes videos.) But it's too late and Kawi gets sick and dies anyway.
Let's face it. We have Schroedinger's ending. It's already been edited and in the can (well, on the hard drive). Whatever we will see on Friday has already been ordained: happy, sad, mixed, open, ambiguous.
But we've had enough happy endings for gay characters that if this one's sad, then bring it on. I'll be sad, but not mad as long as they set it up.
And it would be nice to see happy endings for trans and lesbian characters as well.
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fractalkiss · 2 years
could you do a director's commentary on 'who's gonna hold you down'? and/or ⭐ for your deaging fic!
i'm gonna do director's commentary for one of the parts that had me shaking crying throwing up when i was writing 'who's gonna hold you down' AND one from jwds deaging fic because that's fresh in my mind...rip. hope this isn't too much lol thanks for dropping by to ask these!
who's gonna hold you down commentary:
Lucas doesn't like to admit it but he's supposedly (claimed by Dustin) the worst driver out of them. Erica could parallel park better than he can, and she'd just gotten her licence. Even Will—who for some reason, swore he'd suck at driving, could back it out into a busy street with enough calm: whose wasted ass did you steal Jonathan's car for to go pick up? And still? Dustin had asked just a couple months ago in their chatroom, and Will flipped him the bird via text. That's what Lucas told Max anyway. What El tells her on timed phone calls under the phone bill's watchful numbers, was the abridged version but funnier versions, in El's flat unhurried tone. [i just love the idea of erica being able to parallel park better than her older brother and the idea of will taking jonathan's car in the middle of the night to pick up the guy he's been sort of maybe seeing on and off when he's drunk to help bring him home (shoutout to male oc lionel). will deserves so many good things and i want him to be HAPPY. @ duffer bros please dn't kill him off the next season. TERRIFIED for this guy, i want him to live. i'd also like to think that it's maxine and will who doesn't let el pull away from the group too much after her breakup with mike. i almost forgot his name as i was answering this, i was about to say finn wolfhard. my thoughts on el and mike is that there are no thoughts besides el needing to grow as her own person eventually away and separate from mike. me @ el: he's just some guy!!]
The thing is, she's never been impressed by sunsets. Not here, nor the ones that sprawled out over the beaches in California like something alive and hungry. Max imagines instead, a sliced apricot in place of the sun, glowing over the horizon. A side effect of Lucas always reading her to sleep when she was recovering from her broken body, before she got bored with the books she'd chosen herself and couldn't get past the reedy voice he put on for parental figures and asked him to talk about their friends.[max's whiplash in between wanting to die about lucas' impersonations and having to adjust seeing the world by extension via someone else while she's lost some of her vision in this fic, which i think can be pretty debilitating during the recovery phase for someone like her, whose natural inclination is to put up a wall up around herself and hold her own]
It was fine. Lucas didn't have rich or creative descriptions for them sometimes, but she listened. She listened, smiled, jabbed, and choked out laughter at all the good parts, until Lucas didn't have anything to tell her one day.[it's his loneliness upon max's loneliness!! secondhand! he does all this for max but what if it might never be good enough and max knows, so she reacts the way she does--she smiles and laughs and rolls her eyes as long as she listens. one chapter a day and they'll get through it one day at a time!! if she listens and lets him go on then maybe there'd be no need for to give any more of herself back]
"They ask about you," he said.[trying to get through to her via the power of friendship over long distance]
Max is too tired to shrug. "Same old."
"Yeah but, you know," Lucas said, in that voice Max simultaneously hated and loved.[i'd like to think they were 2 years going on strong here and then right after she was released, they took a break lucas knew she needed and then continued on strong again up to the present roadtrip scene] If she hadn't been jacked up on morphine, feeling vaguely disgusting in scrubs she sweat into a lot, she wouldn't have said anything. How unbearable, to still have gotten your feelings hurt by being told you were withdrawing into yourself, again. She thought her shame cortex for displaying basic human vulnerability should have dimmed down after dying once.[this is basically me questioning and navelgazing as i was writing: the power of friends and friendship might have saved someone, but what happens after that? what's life after that when things have to change and people naturally grow apart. in a sense, i meant for it to be max thinking she was gonna live her life every day to the fullest after escaping death, but she's still coming to terms with the life she's left with]
Now, she can smell the ocean, salt and brine after they've found a spot to sit. 
They'd brought Lucas' bike, strapped to the top of his dad's car and wheeled it atop a road that stretched on and on, easy to pedal through with speed, almost as fast as being on a skateboard. Lucas mounts it, and Max gets on behind him. 
"You wanna tell the others about today?" Lucas asks. Not what he'll think of today, but what Max thinks of, the things she wants to remember.[she remembers that there are people who's stuck with the life they're left with too, and that she can't fault them for wanting to share it with her.]
She can smell his clean shampoo, the dense thick pine along the road, and the taste and ringing of something close to happiness in her teeth.[needed sensory descriptions here especially with scent, i was not going to leave that out to describe familiarity and love] "Of course."
They start moving and set off, the wind rushing past their ears like a song[the kids biking + max going along on her skateboard really has become a staple in ST. i thought of kate bush's love and anger for lumax specifically, i think the lyrics encapsulates the kind of dread and hope for a future]
hold your lost causes commentary:
i'll pick one scene that isn't too depressing (to me)
Dongsik nudges Juwon's leg with his knee hard enough that Juwon bristles and says "Don't," but he's smiling a little. Smiling just enough that Dongsik can push himself closer and crowd him in. Juwon tries to elbow Dongsik away, even though he's got his hands fisted in Dongsik's hoodie, shuddering at the warm contact when Dongsik tries to mouth at his neck, and looking pissed off anyway when he manages to straddle Juwon that way on the floor. It's not exactly roughhousing, with the quick kissing in between; Dongsik wonders very briefly if Juwon had anyone to play rough with, in boarding school maybe, or if that was too much for him.[i think i just loved the idea of dongsik trying to lightly roughhouse with juwon and playing unfair by kissing. i personally don't think juwon liked roughhousing at all growing up lmao, but it's dongsik unconsciously filing this thought away in his head to learn something about juwon for later]
"Ah fuck," Dongsik groans, slightly out of breath when Juwon shifts his weight in an actual clean semi-throw to get Dongsik off of him, and pins his leg. "Easy, my back is killing me, actually—"[i love the size difference. and age difference lol so many opportunities for the push and pull between them]
"Sure," Juwon says, but he lets Dongsik's leg out beneath him, one hand on his stomach tentatively, "I did ask you."
"You have all the advantage in the world. You just liked me doing that," Dongsik says as he runs his fingers through Juwon's hair now, tugs gently. He notes how dark Juwon's eyes seem to go. "Why judo?" he asks.
"Why not?"
"Didn't take you for a close contact kind of guy."[lol judo is a martial art that's about grappling, cornering into place/locking, and taking control over your opponent so like BESIDES the close contact, i think judo really does track for juwon. this is me basically taking advantage of the character outline in the translated parts of the script]
Juwon drops his gaze, pushes himself off and sits cross-legged. "Why taekwondo?"
"Jihwa's father had a dojang and held classes. He taught us." 
"Oh Jihwa's father taught you?" Juwon repeats, as if to himself.
"My father encouraged it." Dongsik's father had simply told him when he was a kid that he had to learn how to fight. His brawl streak in middle school and high school became history. "He was always teaching me to fight for yourself as a man. Maybe you wouldn't have liked us at all if we'd known each other then."[i wanted to make sure it was clear in the phrasing that dongsik and his dad were evidently really close back then, besides canon knowledge of it from the drama. it's a reminder every time that dongsik actually had a decent positive relationship with his father in childhood up and juwon is like. acutely aware of this so he listens and tries to push aside his own experiences and understanding of fathers/family as he knows it. at this point after the deaging, it's where he's inclined to want to do this since he thinks dongsik has had a happier childhood--before the tragedy at least--and is thus by far the better person between them just for not lacking this in is early childhood--except dongsik doesn't think this and would never think this of himself.]
"Maybe," Juwon says, subdued. "I suppose it's what fathers do."
"Are you saying that for my sake?" Dongsik asks. There's truth in Juwon's words. The familiar hardness in Juwon's eyes now might have something to do with his father, with whatever Juwon had been doing in Seoul today earlier, but most of the fight inside him had been taught somewhere.
There's a rough, sharp-edged stone that seems to throw itself over in Dongsik's chest each time. He knows what that is, a reminder that's ugly and vindictive, a kind of animal in him that licked at its own wounds when Juwon stood by him years ago against his father.[the kind of animal i envisioned here was meant to be selfish with self-preservation instincts at an all time high ie. not thinking about whether or not juwon gets hurt protecting him, but thinking that it's only right that he can get hurt protecting him because i think, grief and anger is something that people want others to feel with and share and empathize with BUT at the same time, they'll cradle their own grief and anger to themselves and think "no, this is mine to bear and nurse. let me sit with it alone because you would never, and could NEVER understand." like. it's SO conflicting, jwds' relationship is like the ultimate conflict upon conflict LAYERED.] The same brutish, killing animal that imagines the look on Han Kihwan's face if Dongsik visits him just to tell him that his son's a keeper, uses his mouth for something pretty well.[dongsik imagines this, but would never do it because to see any sort of outrage from han kihwan as a father is complicated. would he rather have han kihwan show disinterest and disdain for his own son that he doesn't react? or would being able to hurt him this way actually feel good when that would just mean that he is, still a father most of all? tough choice! conflict upon conflict] But the other curious part of it now, is that maybe Dongsik's feelings are just hurt because Juwon is so careful about putting up a fort around himself. It's terribly ironic; Dongsik is supposed to be the expert here at that.
"Juwon-ah, you don't have to pretend for my sake. Not for me," Dongsik says, barely a whisper. With the rain outside, he's not even sure if Juwon heard it.
But Juwon is close enough that he looks up at him. Just stares at him from the other end of the couch, for what feels like a while, both of them silent like their heads are underwater. "Right. It's just a fighting sport," he says. He says this slowly, like he's really talking about something else.[he's talking about every toxic bad quality that was nurtured and grown in him because of his father]
"It's still you," Dongsik finally says. He'd gotten to know Juwon as a kid and he was always who he was: good. "Maybe I'd want to know. Maybe I don't. And then maybe I'd talk your ear off, would I have that?"[literally the closest to a confession i could write. "will you bear yourself open just a little more for me and listen to me talk your ear off in return??? hmu if yes". essentially, to let someone glimpse you for who you were before and still have them want to stick by you in the present and LEARN about you--that's trust and love baby!!!]
The non-committal phrasing only makes it so much easier to say. That's another thing Juwon learned to understand about Dongsik a long time ago, that he understands now.
"Troublesome," Juwon says, but it's soft. He doesn't make a move to leave. "You have that. You had me long enough."["that was all i've been trying to do with you!!!" (post-canon) "why else would i want to drink an insane amount of tea with u". lord i think i added this line like. a day after posting just because i read it again and thought a more proactive conversation seemed to have better impact, thus adding a line of response from juwon]
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silentxxsoul · 2 years
The 'this fandom is undefeated and Tim owes us all royalties' reaction dump:
I'm not kidding the way this fandom can sus out what they do and the amount of times they pull from us...Tim have your people reach out for a place to send my check 🥰
This, much like every week during football season is going to be a literal mess as I divide my attention once again. I feel like the Burnie meme, tbh - but it's not my fault the Chiefs play tonight and like its RAIDERS WEEK so what am I supposed to do here?
((pretend I have a modicum of an attention span))
Also: quick predictions to get out of my head:
The bike scene is going to end on a cliffy - we won't actually know if Buck gets squished until next week [if true sedate me fam]
Hen is going to be doing a lot of work to try and set up retaking her exam and/or pushing on to next year with the added caveat that she has to retake the course she failed. Can she do this? No idea, I do corporate/adminy things so...
We get a Hen/Denny moment
The lie Eddie catches Denny in is going to be relatively tame - I'm thinking like lying to miss school because of an assignment he forgot or he broke something relatively expensive and doesn't want his dad to panic.
Alternatively he lies to protect his dad - like he gets in trouble at school because someone makes a bad comment that relates to his dad (racist, possibly homophobic if they make inference about Buck being involved...) and lies about either his involvement or what it was really over. Or even if he's being bullied and doesn't want his dad to get upset like with Ana.
Eddie and Hen/Karen/Both bonding over parenting; or even bonding with Bobby and Athena over parenting
Low key I'm about to go back to streaming on Hulu if only to stop seeing Derek Schmidt's ugly, lying, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic ass face on my TV
The ranger narrating is kinda funny, kinda creepy ngl
I REFUSE to believe that is possible I mean - the CGI on that vaulting back over ???? Babes. Baaaaaaaaaabes.
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Captain Hen again ahhhh ♥♥♥
Pls don't lose another one pls pls pls
Bro you can't hit on her right now oh my godddd 🤣 It's giving B99 'Number 5 killed my brother' vibes lmao
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no no nanny buck could be good
Actually please someone fic that
Skipping science club? The kid who loves science? uh oh
Karen snitched so fast, I love her
Bobby knowing she needs to recharge but knowing she'll never take it willingly
"Just say no" - oh that's gonna be a recurring theme I can feel it
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Ok they're adorable
Mr. Fixer is gonna want to do whatever he can regardless of how it actually affect him, isn't he?
Eddie is two seconds from panicking over his kid growing up naturally he needs to deflect to a despondent Buck and boy does his husband need a hug rn
Also can we talk about how easily he believed that Chris would go to Buck over him i mean they're so relationship shaped ?????
Well, this is the drunk driver call and we know that later Buck is fine at Hen's house - so unless that was a dream--
--also that fucking bone out of his face I'm gonna vomit--
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The song choice oh my god yesssss
Chim put your belt on you are making me so freaking nervous
Buck, babe I can't believe that worked either
"straight to jail"
Kick of timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
look at my lil Bobby Witt jr banging the drum 🥰
It's been :45 seconds and there's already a flag for a chop block. I have a feeling this is going to be a looooong game
If we don't get Buck reflecting on almost getting creamed by the car I'm going to be very upset. Which, isn't unusual for this show but still.
Eddie and his dad having a productive conversation? That is self deprecating in the right ways?!!!!!??!?!?!? IN THIS ECONOMY ?
with words of WISDOM TOO
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Why are Buck's arms so biiiiiiiiig in that shirt I mean
Bro, does he ever 💀
he's giving Buck a sweet out, and honestly I'm glad they circled back because yea it was an odd way to ask him to father their child but at the same time having someone from his past call him a good person? That has so, so much weight!!
Buck always talks about his upgrades but he forgets he was always a good person. It isn't like he just started being a good guy with Abby, but a lot of the time I feel like the character does think that, when in reality there were small things about himself he had to refine (thank you Dr. Copeland) but none of those made him inherently bad. It speaks to his self esteem issues and idk if they're going to really give enough attention to how weighty that should have been for Buck.
Ok this next call is going to be so rough for me idk if I can watch this
Yall it was like 4th and 3 on the opposite 30 and you Adams torch you for a TD ???
At first I wasn't too sure about the new dispatcher (I blame Jonah) but I wonder if he's going to fill May's role while we get to watch her explore college life. Honestly I'd love that for them
God this must be so hard for Maddie to listen too
ooooooooooohhhh the Hen/Buck scene is coming yessss
Is that a little Lizzo I hear okay, alright I see you
What a way to break into that lmao
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"Donor not dad" 😔😭
Patty pls keep feeding Kelce
I'm gonna need yall to drop all the happy Dad!Buck fics ASAP pls and thank you
I really need a Buck-Eddie convo stat like I'm not asking Tim
The obvious PI goes uncalled, shocker
Wait the dog was THIS episode
Buck passed out at her table
"Are you two drunk?"
If by protective custody you mean the firehouse, I approve
"You did math in your HEAD..."
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Oh no the Diaz boys are fighting no I don't like this
Honestly big props to Eddie for realizing the conversation was veering into unproductive territory and realizing he needed to take a step back and regroup before getting on the same level as Christopher by sitting in front of him to continue the discussion. Also meeting in the middle and compromising instead of just punishing, and understanding what Chris needed in that moment versus what Eddie was taught growing up.
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Hey Chiefs defense I'm gonna need yall to get a stop here please and thank you
If we don't get a Buck-Eddie or a Buck-Maddie scene talking over this sperm donor dilemma I'm going to have to do a fix it fic, I stg
A practical exam ??? Ooooooooohhhhhh shit. Is this going to be going on while she's saving Karen and Denny at the lab? It is, isn't it.
Please don't, please let her fucking nail this
He's going to do it, isn't he? And it's gonna hit a road block with the Daniel stuff, isn't it?
If not I want this to parlay into Buck having an awakening of wanting a fam and Eddie pointing out he has a fam and like maybe a husband already idk
JFC The Chiefs are playing like their 2009 selves tonight and this is not the vibe
Anyway now I gotta go make a fucking fix it because we got no maddie or eddie insight and like, those are two of the most important people in his life and I refuse to believe he didn't talk to them about what was going on in his head at that time
10/10 loved it tho, so ya know. This season has been phenomenal so far ahhhhhhhhhhhh
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casspurrjoybell-25 · 3 months
Cold as Ice - Chapter 16 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Landon Reilly
I followed Wren back down to his car before we made our way to pick up the food.
I didn't bother asking him why he needed me to come with him because I decided I wouldn't have wanted to stay at that house with his siblings without him.
Maybe he knew that or maybe he thought dragging me out of the house would annoy me.
It was hard to distinguish Wren's good intentions from his self-serving ones.
"So, are you going to see your sister while you're home?" Wren asked casually, making conversation as we stopped at a light.
"I don't know. It's not like I can call her and let her know I'm here."
Wren shot me a questioning look and that made me realize my mistake.
Wren had no idea about my family life or my relationship with my sister.
All he knew was what he had been told by Elijah and Fox and things I probably told him while drunk and whatever other information he inferred about me.
He had no idea I had no way of contacting my sister because our parents monitored her phone and she would get in trouble if they knew she was speaking to me.
Or that I feared whatever my father would do to me if he ever found out I had been speaking to and seeing Olivia secretly since I moved out of their house.
"Don't ask," I said with a sigh, hoping Wren would drop the subject but knowing he would sit there and stew about the meaning of my words, maybe finding meaning that wasn't there but probably seeing right through me.
I was surprised when Wren didn't say anything after that but he still had that look on his face, the look where I could tell he was working through something in his head, probably trying to see into my mind.
Wren pulled into the parking lot and just as I was about to mindlessly follow him out of the car, my eyes locked on a familiar face across the parking lot.
I paused, froze more like it and stared over at the man getting out of his car.
My father, making his way toward the same restaurant I almost just walked into.
I quickly got all the way back into Wren's car and sunk down in the seat to hide myself.
Wren stood there with the driver's door open, looking down at me with a blank expression.
"What the hell are you doing?" he asked, his voice sounding amused. He always seemed amused.
"Just go get the food and let's get out of here," I hissed, glancing up at him with pleading eyes.
"Okay, bossy," he said, slamming the door shut and locking the doors.
I knew he would press me about this later.
It was just in his nature, and as much as he believed I was the predictable one, he was just as easy to predict.
At least when it came to his behaviors toward me.
It seemed like Wren took an eternity in there.
When he eventually came back, he startled me when he unlocked the car and got in.
He put the food in the backseat, then looked down at me with his eyebrows raised in an expectant expression.
"Drive," I exclaimed.
"You need to put your seatbelt on."
I narrowed my eyes at him.
"What, are you going to kill us just driving through the parking lot?"
Wren shrugged.
"Better safe than sorry."
I grumbled but I sat back up in my seat anyway, keeping my head down as I pulled the seatbelt across my body and secured it.
"Happy?" I asked.
"Yes," he replied with a smug expression.
I glanced out the window and saw that my father's car was still in the parking lot but he was not in it.
That only relieved me slightly.
Seeing my father had rattled me more than I thought it would.
I was getting car sick for the first time in my life, my stomach turning every time the car moved.
I could feel Wren glancing at me every so often but he didn't say anything.
I cradled my stomach with my arms, closing my eyes and leaning my head against the window.
Soon, I would be out if this and the nausea would stop.
As soon as we got into the house, I sat down on the couch.
The girls came downstairs and took their food from Wren.
I rested my head in my hand, my elbow propping me up on the arm rest.
I didn't know how long Wren stood there and stared at me but when I glanced over at him, he was standing on the other side of the couch with an unreadable expression on his face.
"Well, aren't you going to eat?" Wren asked gesturing toward the food he put down on the coffee table.
"I will literally throw up right now."
"Always so dramatic," Wren replied, shaking his head as he sat on the couch beside me.
"And to think I bought you dinner and everything."
"You didn't have to do that," I told him with a hard stare.
"Maybe I should've bought you dinner before I asked you to have sex with me," Wren said.
Though hearing his words burned me and twisted my stomach into knots, I made myself keep calm.
He was being playful and light-hearted.
I didn't need to freak out even though seeing my father had rattled me so badly.
"That's what's supposed to come first right?" I replied.
"Dinner then sex?"
Wren grinned, eyes glinting in amusement.
"It's not usually how I do it but I hear that's how some people prefer it. I usually just skip the pleasantries."
"Very classy of you."
Wren shrugged, taking a bite of his food.
He rolled up his sleeves to his elbows, exposing his forearms and that vein I couldn't take my eyes off the last time I saw it.
I brought my eyes to his face, his clear skin, his sharp jaw...
I snapped my eyes shut, holding onto my stomach.
If my father saw me now staring at Wren and talking about having sex with him, he would have shipped me off faster than I could blink.
He was still in my head, telling me how disgusting I was, that I was a disappointment, that I needed to repent for my sin.
"I was trying to hold myself back from asking who you saw that made you hide in my car but you're kind of forcing my hand here," Wren said after a few moments.
"You actually look like you're going to throw up."
"Shut up."
"Was it an old teammate? A coach? Teacher? Parent?"
"Wren. Shut the fuck up right now."
I squeezed my eyes shut tighter as my arms hugged my stomach.
"Okay, moody," he said.
He didn't say anything else as he continued eating his food.
I cracked open my eyes slightly when he got up from the couch.
He picked up the food he had put out in front of me and brought it into the kitchen.
A moment later, he was hauling me off the couch.
"Why the fuck are you touching me?" I asked, pushing away from him.
"Because if my parents came home tonight and found some random kid sleeping on their couch, they'd be concerned and confused."
"You could have just told me to get up," I said, following him toward the stairs.
"Then that would have started a whole other argument and you'd still be on the couch," he said, leading me to his bedroom.
"This way, it still started an argument but at least I got you up."
I rolled my eyes and glared at the back of his head.
When we got in his room, Wren tossed me a pillow and a blanket, the pillow hitting my face before it fell to the floor.
"For your night on the floor," he said, moving to his closet to change.
I looked away as he pulled his shirt off over his head, only getting a glimpse of his bare back.
I quickly changed out of my clothes and into clothes to sleep in while Wren was turned away doing the same.
When I turned back to him, he stood in just pajama pants, no shirt.
I looked down at the floor before lying down there to sleep.
"You can climb into bed with me if you decide your pride isn't worth sleeping on the floor."
Wren shut the light off and stepped over me to get into bed.
He flicked on a lamp beside his bed and picked up one of the books from the top of the headboard.
I didn't know how long I lay there awake, tossing and turning.
Wren had eventually shut off his lamp and put down his book and I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep the whole time he read.
I couldn't stop thinking about seeing my father.
All it did was remind me of the man he was, the things he had said and done to me all my life, the way he had completely altered the way I thought of myself and the way I would think of myself forever.
It wasn't until I started going to therapy that I realized how much emotional and mental damage my father had done to me growing up.
I didn't know if I'd ever be able to accept myself for who I was, not with his voice constantly in the back of my mind telling me who I was was wrong.
"If you can't get comfortable down there, just get in bed," Wren said in a groggy voice.
I hadn't realized that I had turned over again.
I couldn't get in Wren's bed.
There was no way I could get into bed with him.
That would only make my fathers voice louder.
It would only make me feel worse but my father's voice in my head made me feel so alone and I didn't want to feel that way and there was Wren just a few feet away, offering me a place next to him.
So, I sighed, heaved myself off the floor and got into bed.
"I knew you couldn't resist me," Wren said and I could hear the smile in his voice.
I shoved him lightly.
"Shut up, stupid."
I turned away from him and fell asleep.
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scentedchildnacho · 8 months
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Asian pear.......slowly its getting better......I would at least keep reinforcing that cults may not buy my day pads for me tamper with its safety seal and distribute in controlling creepy ways.....and I have learned the tea aisle and consistently attempted to create my coffee preferences.....so gnp ..
Something won't pay for its prostitute and it kept stealing my day pads to give to it's victims
I do not have to support people you dicked and now do not have pleasant vaginal symptoms
Im sorry but LGBT is correct heteronormative sex practice does have to be like royal it's not easily self afforded as addictive and a lot
Subjective we are all voters and have queen based soveriegnty hygiene standards and those people have foul foul foul odour needs to be selected for football so Aaron Hernandez....they need to odour their competition for jobs or jobs already did what it was expected to created the robotic to replace it so their lives could become green
Waymo....you dont have to be a driver it's not enjoyed to train populations to slowly accept jail...captivity
Jackie Onassis Kennedy as a white first lady was like what her racial features promised....she was surprisingly gifted with intelligence and compassion for a drunks history
It was actually Jackie forgiven by confederate klans for being what would bring women fertility compassion about addiction and reproduction
That's me about white chicks sometimes their husbands no....but they in the end finally bringing financial justice to their families and dying of old age in lifestyles of the rich and famous
Feed the pigeons and racoons ra ku.....even the ku if it's the ku...wonder needs Jackie trains people to give them their wonder bread
I believe it there were baby boomers and populations were segregated and more related then realized after nuclear Holocaust so all white people if not fed and clothed have genetic predispositions to kill and even eat human prey
I can't wait till pacific beach extreme sport starts going to get fat....
That's like one of my favorite things about life is how cute baby fat legs are....so cute....and I can't wait till everyone in California stops removing southernism from themselves and they finally sit around on porches fat and pleased at nothing
The hare krishnas gave me a gita which writes dont take things in southern California personnally there is something very sacred about its location and so the experience is more empathy for a battle a lot maybe wasnt internal for me
But that's me about jobs although I appreciate that they need to protect themselves from car tel terrorism.....they indiscriminately create enemies of most of their consumption and that's why I still wont do it no matter Guantanamo tactic used....
Acadianna emigration about gaining rights and property and influence here were actually strategists......not bloody territory tribal for bloody territory
So maybe most people in south cal can say they were attacked but if you ask me they are Stanford's and try to deprivationally torture me till I forcibly make criminal decisions and I am not going to take part in anything
I really don't know who can but I think it's about Jeffrey Dahmer it's forcing criminals to protect themselves from things beyond abnormal psychology
Tucson studies just said about serial killers and prophetics that there are people who do these things and a lot of the homeless population is veterans and it's not my concern
The compass station........uhm I'm not concerned about its staff to me because they appear to have taken on problems that are too important for their capability but maybe they can take on those case loads
They start trying to work with the mothers and my black safe people assure me white isn't favored to executive fashion and lifestyle anymore so it's just don't get involved or I would have been to women's groups from young ages
The beach and Bay News reported arresting parents because babies looked like physical assault but quite frankly the constructive psychological conditions in San Diego could have caused sudden infant death syndrome
No one has actually punched me with their fist and I have deprivational bruises and scratches all over my body
Koreans are here so it's okay....sometimes bruising is a healing sign and I will learn to not freak out and hurt myself if stuff happens to me with more affluence
Men that will kill their own baby that's really really abnormal though pretty rare....
It is just very psychologically abusive in pacific beach till I look like physical assault
I mean maybe that baby has fentanyl in its body is the correct lawsuit but I think she was suppose to exonerate a baby daddy and could get really abused if he is insinuated in any way as too involved with a pregnancy problem
She said she is a veteran and sometimes their murders are about doing anything people want so
My science classes tell me conflicts in African indigenous dark peoples districts are not as easy and basic as racial zoning and differential expectations of achievement and not....
And they have police for their needs and I am like foreign....to it so
0 notes
pagefontanillasy · 11 months
Chapter 4: Assimilation
Sara and Ed has been fighting. Wanting to go back to United States. Kids are already in college age. Sara went home for a while during the summer break.
At the party, just in a joint bar across the Embassy, Ed asks Javier and Steve. "WHheres your boss."
"Oh yeah we she's still in the precinct. She said she'll follow. Forgot about that."
"This should be her night. New captain."
Ed leaves his glass takes his jacket. His driver drives him to the station.
Nobody is there but just the light on Paige's desk.
"Lieutenant?" Ed rang.
"Fucking Christ, Heath. Why are you here?"
"You should have been by the bar."
"You should have brought the bar to me."
"I wish Buti was hoping to drag you out of here."
Paige sits in front of her type writer. Computer also running.
"Thanks but I'm not into a partyingmood tonight."
"What mood are you in?"
"Take a guess." She waves a paperwork.
Ed shakes his head.
"That won't go away. Come on, they are waiting."
"It's fine. Uhh-- I have to turn this over before your boys pack up and leave."
Ed breathes, removes his jacket. "Tell me where to start."
"No. No way. Get out of here."
"I don't get why you're sulking here in the dark when you just had a big win and another one coming. I thought you hate losing. Yorue acting like you lost."
"I have this thing, Cherophobia. I don't celebrate. I don't become sudee my in happy mood."
Ed smiles. Opens one for the files. "These are fucking boring."
He slams it on the table.
"You know what, forget about that party. Let's go somewhere. Peninsula. Or to anywhere you like. It's on me."
"Lieutenant, Come on. " he wears his jacket again.
"Well lose your guards first. They're annoying."
"I won't kill you. I can even write a note here."
"okay, I'll tell Tony to scoot off, you will come with me."
"Sure. If you truest me."
Ed smiles and calls below via the phone. At first, Tony hesitates but follows.
He is advised to get a gun in which he hasn't had for a long time.
Paige drives him to a convenient store. "What's this?"
"Hey you said we can go wherever I like."
She gets bottle of gin, soda, and packets of potato chips.
They drove under the bridge where some lovers or some prostitutes hang out. They set out there.
"You come here a lot?"
"No. Sometimes but it became rare. Last time I was here was with my husband. We almost got caught banging inside the car." Paige laughed. Genuinely. Seeing her laugh.
It was oreicousm that Ed laughs along. "I'm sorry. Is houldnt be telling you that."
"I don't mind. My wife used to do that too. We can't afford a hotel and she lives with her parents."
"You're cheap."
"You do it too."
"It's for thrill. We were married."
"How'd he die?"
"Your husband "
"Oh. We were ambushed. They thought it's me."
"It's not your fault."
"That's what I keep saying to myself."
"If you keep guilt tripping yourself you will lose yourself. I lost my brother. He was undercover. He's name is Richard"
They talk and drink.
"Fuck, it's already 3AM."
"I'm not drunk yet. Are they still there?"
"Maybe "
They drove to the bar but it's already empty. They say by the stools anyway. Continued drinking.
They are getting touchy for a bit. But when the sun is starting to shine, they'll have to head home.
"Can you still drive?"
"I swear I can."
"You're too drunk."
"Alright. I'll just check into a hotel. I'm so sleepy now."
Ed hails a cab, then right into the Solaire. He checks her in and they're still inaughing spirits getting inside.
Paige kicked her shoes immediately.
"Thanks." Paige says. "Now of you'll excuse me, I need to get my 8 hours."
"You'll do fine alone?"
"Yes dad." She Snickers.
"Thabks Ed."
"You just called me by my first name."
"Yeah I guess."
"Can I call you Paige."
"That's fair."
"Good night Paige."
"Goodbye Ed "
Ed leans forward. Too close.
"Ed," she grabs his arm. Then his face he leans in he leans forward. Paige locks in his lips, then to his eyes. Icy blue, his eyebrows still thick.
"Don't do something you'll regret."
"Let's find out if it's worth regretting."
Paige closes her eyes and receives Ed's kiss. His lips thin but dry against her moisturized lips. Their lips lock together, noise coherent as they play with their own and each other's saliva. Ed cupped a feel of Paige's padded breasts. Paige released an inviting moan as they march, Ed leading her to the bed. Their kissing goes fast paced, as if they are rushing at something. Ed palpitates as Paige throbs between. They both fell and felt the foam bounce against them. Paige feels stuffy wiith Ed's structured suit weighing on her. She takes off his jacket and Ed gets the hint that it's undressing time. Simultaneously, Paige and Ed unbuttons each other's white shirt revealing their chests. Ed's hairy one and Paige's white lace bra. Ed swims between her neck, as his lower torso digs between her, making her feel his erection that he has been having ever since they started working together. It was just built up, he fought hard against. He has never cheated. Looked at the other and flirted but never laid his hands on anyone until now.
Paige has finished unbuckling his belt and she pulled down her own pants while Ed is busy unfastening her bra. Then as her legs are free from those right jeans, her amorus soft and perky breasts bounces right in front of the American. The nipples, brownish, looking sweet.
"Fuck," Ed whispered under his nostrils, eyes widening and it bounces up and down from Paige's drunken face to her glorious bouncy breasts.
They lock into stares, and Ed kisses her lips and his hands plays with her other breasts. Slicks of saliva runs out from their mouths as their tongues catches each other trying to knot.
While passionately kissing, Paige can't wait to feel the hardened rod digging against her groin. So she touches it over Ed's briefs and smiles in satisfaction realizing how small her hand is.
"Mmmm..." Ed has felt it and moaned.
Their mouths ran free and they stare into each other.
"You're so fucking beautiful Paige," Ed runs out of air. He takes her hand and kisses it. Paige abandons Ed's clothed dick, both palms slams gently over his cheeks.
"Do you like me?" Paige breathlessly asks.
Ed nods and steals a kiss.
"I want you to fuck me, Ed."
Ed smiles and nods. He quickly gets rid of his tighty whites and grabs the thin garter of Paige's lace panties over her waist. The room is lit dark, so he can't see Paige's pussy. But he feels it, touching it and theres only a soft fur, almost nothing. His hand covers her alits as one of his finger goes wayward, running up and down and in between her moist slick. How long has she been wet? He can't help but think that Paige has engineered the night's event.
Ed continues what he is doing, teasing Paige more. She spreads her legs wider, as Ed dips his second finger.
"Uhmmm!" She moans and Ed watches her face wince in pleasure. Closing her eyes. Her hands grab her other Brest and the other holding his arm.
Ed has a quick rundown of her body. Toned, tanned, and titillating. Her breasts grows right like a teenager. Her pussy too.
Ed deepens his finger into her moistness. Sticky and tight as hell.
"Paige," He breathes. "Can you take me?"
Paige tries to reach on his erection that is directing upwards. It's bigger than she thought.
"I want you now~" She moans.
"Tell me if it hurts."
"Just fucking do it!"
Ed's dick hardened than before so he positions himself between her legs, watching her chest rise and fall. Paige spreads her thighs, welcoming Ed's bulky frame. She grabs his body.
Ed touches the head of his dick and rubs it against her folds.
"Oh fuck." She inhales hard. Ed pushes it, and Paige winces.
"Shit~~ ahhh!"
Ed bends down licking her nipples and sucking it. He continues to glide slowly as if distracting Paige's mind. He is aware of his endowment. His weapon can break Paige's strong but delicate body.
Ed reaches her neck again and slowly thrusted.
Paige claws on his arm but she is reminded that the man has a wife so she is careful not to make incriminating evidence of their adultery.
Ed thrusts in and out again going into a normal pace. "Fuck, Paige, your pussy is tight. You're so wet, baby~~oHhHH!"
"Ed~~ oHHhHhH!"
"You take me so well~~ you're going to make me cum."
The thrustung becomes slow, but loving. Ed hugs Paige tightly but as he thrusts faster into and out of her pussy, Ed pushes against the leather head board. While Paige grabs his hard ass pushing the married man into her.
Wordless moans comes out of them, their breath racing untile they both find a desirable spot.
"Ed, oh yeahhh~~~ aHHHhH~ that's it! Take me~~ oHHhH!"
"Paige, I'm about to cum "
"Ohhh~~ Ed, shit you're so big --aHHhHH!" Paige almost can hit the head board but Ed protects her head.
For one last time before Ed thrusts hard he feeds on Paige's breatss again.
Ed thrusts hard, Paige eyes rolls up feeling the reel of an oncoming wave of orgasm. As he continues to fuck her tight wet pussy, Ed brinfs her to a new height, to bours of pleasurable excess.
"Ed, I'm -~~~ AhHhH!"
"I know baby~~uHHHh!"
Paige ca. Feel his dick about the burst but drunk and horny as she was, she won't let him scatrer his seeds inside.
"Don't shoot it inside~~ uhhh!"
Ed nods, a few pumps and in great timing, just a split second of pleasure, he pulls out fast, faster than he can pull out a gun. Held inbus hand, a moist palpitating organs as he jerks with his hand an explodes over Paige's stomach. Paige takes it with his hand and does it. While Ed presses her pussy and fingers her again and she cum for the second time.
The race is over. Ed collapses beside Paige. It's already 6 in the morning, and the sun has set it's course. Paige rises abandoning the man who fucked her whom she learned to hate since day 1.
After cleaning up herself, she watches Ed snore, bare on his back. Dried of his sweat. Although the sex is great, she realizes she had sex with a married man. But the truth is, she has always been sleeping with married man because she isnt serous with hem. Its easier, they won't chase her down, or pin her down. Theyll be careful not to impregnate her. And it's easy to discard them afterwards.
The whole squad thinks she's just career focused with no time for love. Which is true but she's a woman too. She's a vessel of desires. She lusts too.
But her mistake this time is sleeping with someone that is her colleague or in the same business as her.
Paige got out of there in a swift. She paid for the room and ran off.
0 notes
nyx-night-demon · 1 year
Hi!! So I though I would say this before I come on here and you know like do anything and say I am a wattpad story writer so ima be posting stories here and on wattpad but here is my @
Okay so this is because i see so man and i'm kinda into Batman x Joker . 
In case you were wondering  Joker is going o be he one from suicide squad and so is Harley.
 Batman is going to be the one from The Dark Night.... I think that's the one lol anyway , You may be asking why Harley is even in his and my answer is she is in he book because she is going to be joker's therapist again but instead of  Joker corrupting her  she  becomes a hero or she continues being a therapist i haven't decided  yet but i'm going for her being a hero with batman and  you side with Joker .
SAID I WAS DOING  B A C K S T O R Y  ' S lol so here it is 
We  all know batman's B A C K S T O R Y  and JOKERS so rlly is just you(Myra) & Harley.
Btw the club La Gatita Amable Will be known as JOKERS CLUB
¥/ñ   ßÄÇK§†ÖR¥¥¥:
"Goodnight mom" I Called  "Goodnight darling" My mother called back.  I was not going to bed I was ready to head to a club. Joker's club.  I got in my sexist oufit because joker didn't pay me 300$ every night for me to serve him and the rest of the Suicide Squad food.  I was their personal stripper. As soon as I got to the club Joker approached me stoking my face gently "Your late Kitten" His voice was soft but also a little bit raspy. "I'm sorry Sir. It won't happen again." I Replied  Joker walked behind me and wrapped his hands around her neck. "I love the outfit Kitten but I got out a better one in the back hurry up and get changed Daddy wants to see you in it okay" He said his voice in my ear while I blush and agree. Once I walk out deadshot throws his cash on the floor by the pole as I wrapped my legs around it putting my hands on the bottom of it. 
I was naked at this point dancing on Joker as he requested. "Just like that kitten" Joker whispers while running his hands down the sides of my body Stopping once he got to my hips. Spoon after I heard my phone ring and it was police the phone said the words "Miss.Phelps?" "Yes that is me. Who is this?" I answered nervously "Well this is the police department. Your mother and father woke up to find you not in your bed so they went out to look for you.... And in the process of that A drunk driver hit your parents killing them....." No words were spoken for 10 minutes "O-Oh uhm I actually left for work.." I replied showing no emotion at all Joker stared at Me thinking I might be as psycho as him. " And where is your job ma'am? And the job you have there." The police officer asked kindly "I- uhm well I word at club La Gatita Amable as a stripper...." I blushed as I said this because my shift was over and I was in my black lace panties and black lace bra when he had called and Joker came up behind me moving his hand down my body again. "Okay Ma'am well would you like to talk to someone about the funeral planning?" The man asked quickly "Uhm no not at the moment....... thank you, sir Have a nice rest of your day." I hung up before he could say anything back. I turned around towards Joker as he towers over me. i look up at him and smile
It's had been 4 weeks since my parents died and I had no emotional hurt. No sympathy. Nothing. Not even remorse. "Kitten!" Joker called "Yes sir?" I replied in the back removing my bra. Once Joker walked he stared at m naked body for several minutes. "Y'know  you could join me Myra." He whispered quickly "Join you in wha sir?" I replied turning around "KILLING BATMAN AND ANYONE ELSE WHO GES IN OUR WAY!!" Joker grabbed my face pushing it up. "It's batman's fault my parents are dead..... THAT STUPID FUCK!" I scream "Come. You can be my New Partner Kitten." He smiled and I agreed. I got dressed in my Stripper outfit and that was the day I became We. Joker The clown Prince of crime and Priya Noxious The Queen of death.
 Hårlêêñ £råñ¢ï§ Qµïññ'§ ßå¢k§†ðr¥ ñðw LÖL
My names Harleen Francis Quinn Or Harley Quinn I'm Joker's therapist or psychiatrist whatever you want to call it. "Are you ready to see Joker ma'am?" The guard holding Joker said "Mhm send him in" I called back "Hello~" Joker said "Hi wanna talk this time or ramble on about Arkham prison?" I said smiling "Uuhhhh I don't know Lets talk Quinn..." Joker mumbled  while secretly unlocking his handcuffs. Batman knew Joker was with Harley so he stood outside on the ledge by the window waiting. "Well how have you been since you have gotten out of Arkham" She said writing. "JUST GREAT" Joker screamed frading me by my throat When batman smashed through the window "Joker i should've known you would try to pull something like this..." Batman's voice was raspy and deep "Aww batsy how nice of you to join us." Joker held my neck harder. "B-Batman P-please Help M-me" I managed to say while feeling my breath shortened. Batman threw his batarang and the jokers head knocking him out letting me breath "Thank you batman" I say breathlessly "Your good bate" He replied smiling helping me up "Let me work with you.." I said breathing heavily "No I work alone"  It took  moths of begging for him to finally let me train and fight at his side I turned into we. Batman the dark knight and Hero Harley.
Jokers POV
"Love when we're gonna go through with our plan?"  Myra whispered as she sat next to me in our room "I don't fucking think we got his god damn attention." myra continued "I know darling I don't fucking understand why.....Dose he not love it anymore? I need to find another villain myra. Someone to help us out! The riddler? Oo or maybe the Penguin!" I ranted on
 "okay I can get whichever one you want love~" Myra said laying down pulling my face into a kiss. We kissed for about 20 minutes then I got on top of her. "You really are a naughty girl." I say smiling "You must be a real naughty boy then too baby."  
She laughed and kissed me again. I stopped and got up. "Baby whats wrong?" She frowned " I don't know i want his fucking attention so bad.... I think i'm an attention whore. I only want HIS  attention though." I mumbled 
 "I got it, i'll get Penguin and The Riddler and we can make a truce and uh pay the price..." Myra moaned "As long as they get here, and you do what you can for me baby I wont be mad." I smile at her "Good I love you Joker"  Myra smiled "I love you too darling." 
Okay so Penguin and The Riddler are both from the netflix series Gotham.
Myra's POV
I left the hideout to look for Penguin first. I know his hideout is near the steel mill. It's a very cold gambling room of this abandoned zoo. 
I walked in to see batman on his way. I know Batman knows I'm there so why think of hiding. I just walked behind him until he turned around 
"What are YOU doing here Priya" He mumbled grabbing my face slightly " Nothing that you need to know making Joker all sad." I rolled my eyes "Joker? Sad? About me? No way." batman said laughing a bit 
"Well i'm serious BATSY." I stared at him "I'm leaving for Penguin. Soooo bye" I pushed past him making my way to the place.  wait- Priya.... are you really being serious?"  "Yes i am Batty." He looked down, mumbled something and left. 
10 Minutes Later
"Myra? Is that you..." Penguin grinned  "The One and Only Oswald." I replied  "Joker need ASSISTANCE again?"  
He asked as he put his hand on my face. "Mhm. I can pay the price this time he said so."  I smiled "Good.. I'm guessing you might need the riddler too."
 "Yes i do." I replied  "Hmm alright i was just going that way so i'll join you" He smile brightly planting a kiss on my forehead. 
About 16 minutes later I found the riddler "Hello there darling and My dearest friend Oswald." The riddler cooed
 "I assume Joker needs assistance once again."  He laughed "Yes he dose. I can pay the price this time." I smiled devilishly 
"Well them time to pay the price."
Batman Pov
Joker being sad....about me?  There is no way. I went to the steel mill  to visit joker. After Priya pushed past me to see Penguin "Fuck. Batman is getting on mother fucking nerves. He won't answer. FUCK!" He went on knocking his stuff down. 
"Joker" I said feeling a little bad "B-Batsy?" I walked to him and sat down next to him on his bed. "You really missed me hu." I said looking at the floor 
"of course i did Batsy. I-I.." He was blushing when I looked up. I smiled at the sight. I went to get up and leave when I felt a soft yet chilling pair of lips on mine. I looked down to see the Jokers face and mine together as he tried to invade my mouth with his tongue. He pulled away and laughed at my confused face. 
" Joker what are y-" I got in before he kissed me again but this time I gave in to the kiss. But I pulled away and left the steel mill. I have to tell alfred  o-or maybe Priya.....
Myra's Pov
"S-shit" I whined underneath the penguin "shh darling" he smirked thrusting into me faster
 About an hour later he asked "Do you want me to stop?" Oswald asked breathlessly as he pounded into me. No' I whimpered because I didn't want him to stop. His answer surprised me and I bit my lip to keep from screaming 'yes' as loud as I wanted to.
"Do you want me to stop?" he repeated and I glared at him trying to make him see how much I hated that question.
"No you bastard! Keep going!" I screamed throwing my arms around his neck and squeezing my thighs around his to make sure he knew I wanted him to fuck me hard.
Oswald didn't stop as I asked. He kept thrusting into me and I felt my pussy become more and more wet. My body was responding to his every thrust and I felt myself cumming again and again.
I heard myself scream 'Faster daddy!Faster! Please fuck me harder!' as my body tightened around his and I felt my pussy clench around his cock. Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!'' I groaned as I felt a climax build inside me. It was going to be a big one this time I could tell.Myra! Oh fuck! oswald moaned as he stated to cum 
"Fuck" he grunted as I felt his hot stringy semen shoot deep inside of me. 'Your good at this now it time for the riddler to fuck you.'
Edward smashed his face into mine while he removed he shirt and pants. He pulled his boxers down quickly. Soon he plowed into my ass as i whined under him. While he pounded me he planted kisses on my neck. I had to fight back the urge to scream. 
Edward was so much more aggressive than Oswald. His kisses were so hot and so deep that it made me feel sick. "You Little slut." He whispered as he pressed me down onto the mattress harder while I hold back moans. "You like that dont you." He said. As he pressed down more, my hands were pulled to my sides. My arms were pinned to a crossbar .
 As Edward continued to pound my back, I began to scream. He was pounding so hard that my head began spinning. When I finally came to, Edward had me spread out on the bed. With my face being pushed down with my body and my eyes staring up at him I begged him to continue, he said "I love it when you beg."
I was whimpering as I felt Edward's hand on my shoulder. As I looked up, his eyes were on me with a smirk on his lips. He then grabbed my head and pulled my hair back with his hand. While that happened he pounded my ass even harder with his cock hitting my g-spot each time . I started screaming and pleading with him, his other hand was on the back of my neck and he began pulling my lips to his. 
His hand moved up and down my body as his fingers moved to find my sensitive nipples . My legs were still pinned and I couldn't move. When he found them I started screaming, he pounded faster and harder. As he played with my sensitive nipple, the room started to spin and the ceiling started falling. All the lights went out and then the world went black. 
Edward and oswald were laughing . My eyes popped open and I gasped as my mouth was filled with Edward. "Mm," I moaned as Edward began licking the inside of my mouth. I gave in to the kiss. I whimpered when he cummed so deeply inside me. Then it was all over the price had been payed.
Jokers Pov?
"He left...." I feet stupid I just kissed batty. "Fuck" i moaned putting my head in my hands "Myra my poor girl" I said frowning "She loves me and I lover her but not like I should" I said silently. "What the fuck am I gonna do now....."
< So um this already is to long so next chapter of Basket love is coming up >
Batman Pov
" Joker what are y-" I got in before he kissed me again but this time I gave in to the kiss. But I pulled away and left the steel mill. I have to tell alfred o-or maybe Priya.....
I have no idea what i'm gonna do. "Alfred..." i said into my phone "Yes Master Bruce" alfred replied in his british accent. "Get harley" I spoke  "Anything else master bruce?" alfred replied "Get in contact with Priya.." I mutter "Sir are you positive about that last one? you could tell he was shocked "yes I want her there in 10 minutes. Understood" alfred sighed "Understood Master Bruce."
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Cosmic - A Stranger Things Fanfic
Chapter One
Author's Note: A long one, don't expect more than a single chapter every three or four days. No pairings until I watch season four.
Headcanons for Marianna: HERE
Masterlist: Here
Chapter Master List: Link
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Her parents died shortly after midnight on Thursday. When they got home from their "date night," Marianna, the child of the deceased parents, was intact, in her chair, and the reporters proclaimed that it was a miracle that she survived without being injured. I am sure that if her parents had been that fortunate, she would not have ended up in an orphanage. Depending on the circumstances, it might have been a drunk driver or it might not have been. The details of her case have been a topic of speculation for years among the people around her. As a twelve-year-old girl, she was mourning the loss of her parents on the day of their funeral, when they died.
It took them a year after her adoption for them to be able to see her for the first time. A lot of reasons could be cited as to why it would be better if they did not adopt her and then kill her afterwards. The fact that she did not adapt well to large crowds was one of the reasons that she avoided them whenever possible. The first kickboxing class she attended after school was when she met Galina. After a fight, they became fast friends.
Marianna and Galina were both bullied during this time. While she doesn't mind them talking behind her back. It bothers Galina, as she doesn't like anyone talking about her behind her back. She doesn't allow it and she often says "If you think that about her and you're telling me that you think that way, the most effective way for you to solve that is to just tell her."
But they'd never really listened to her, never really paid any attention to the things she said. This was because they were too intimidated by her to actually sit down and try talking to her. The only thing they ever saw was a strong and brave 12-year-old girl who moved from Russia to America. Which became the main thing they targeted her for. Her Russian heritage and her Russian accent. People looked at her as if she were some tiny Russian spy. No matter how many times she said she wasn't one, they never believed her.
"I suppose this is how things are now." Marianna said to Galina with a sigh.
"No, it's not always going to be this awful. I know that for a fact that it'll never be this way again." Galina promised.
"If you say so, I'm not holding my breath and I certainly hope you start making sense sooner or later. Otherwise someone could kick it at you. More powerful than any punch I've thrown at you." 
"It might also be a smart idea to lighten up a bit as well, you know. Nothing is all doom and gloom like Russia."
"I'll have to hold you to that Galina. Otherwise we're going to have to stop hanging out so much."
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Marianna pulled up in her black 1967 Chevrolet Impala. Just another day in Hawkins, the same people ogling her precious yet extremely expensive car. Normally she would have chosen another car, but it used to belong to her father. She didn't have the willpower to get rid of it. Most of the students attending the school didn't concern her; she didn't even care to know most of them. Galina did most of the talking between the two of them. She knew what to say anyway so why bother putting more effort into speaking to them? 
Initially, it was the effort put into finding Will Byers that caught her eye, and she volunteered to help find him despite the protests of her friends. Elliot, one of the sons of her parents, and his boyfriend helped her by keeping her company in the woods until it was late. She didn't care if she got hurt, she cared about the fact that some poor child is lost, alone and afraid somewhere.
"Can we get you home in one piece please?" Duncan yelled out.
"Maybe, just maybe", Elliot responded.
"Get back to the car, my dudes, I'll be right there in five or ten minutes," Marianna yelled out to them before hearing a growl a few meters away from her. Then she said, "you know what, nevermind let's just leave now." She sprinted to her car, feeling as if she slowed down something would have eaten her alive.
"I'm dropping you off at home, then I might go back, I might, but if I am, you're returning home first. I'm not getting grounded because you decided to get eaten." She stated getting into her car.
"You should have thought of that before,"
"Well I wasn't thinking before, but I certainly am now," she pointed out starting the car.
"Like the time you jumped and got yourself impaled on the fence?" Elliot pointed out remembering each time she bad a bad decision. Which in turn got herself hurt in one way or another.
"I trusted that my friend would have told me about the ginat spikes. Unfortunately no, she didn't tell me and there, I got impaled by a piece of metal."
"And the time you fell out of a tree?"
"Again not my fault,"
"What about the fact that a door slammed meters away and you still got scared?"
"Fear is a natural human emotion."
"When it's rational,"
"Listen, doors shouldn't open and close by themselves. It's a natural response to have to that kind of thing,"
"You have seen so many horror movies. How are you still scared at this point?"
"Watching scary movies and enjoying them is one thing. Being there when something spooky happens in real life is something else entirely." She explained to them.
"Let's stop arguing about this, this is getting to a place that's really uncomfortable for me. Really fast." Duncan states stopping the argument there.
"Go, shoo," She responded waving her arm at the front door of Duncan's place, "You two kids stay there,"
Marianna went back to her house to get her katana from her wall in the living room and headed back to the forest. She didn't want to be defenseless if something were to attack her.
She saw not one, not two but three young boys looking for their friends. Squinting through the glare of the flashlight.
"Why aren't they home? Their parents wouldn't want them out here," she thought to herself as she approached them. She turned off her flashlight in case she heard that creature again. She got closer just to get a clear look at three small monsters that are children, before asking, "what on earth are you doing out this late?"
"What are you doing out this late?" Mike snapped at her.
"Looking for the-"
"What's that?" Dustin asked pointing towards the katana in her hand.
"It's a Japanese sword. It's also something to keep me safe. You three on the other hand should have known better. What if one of you lil dudes disappears?"
"I am not your little dude, stop calling me that."
"As a figure of speech, you are like a duckling. You're most likely to get yourself hurt. Trust me, I know for a fact you will." A long awkward silence washed over for what felt like an hour. "Well, looks like we're stuck with each other. Besides, I heard some weird shit earlier. Let's not dawdle."
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0 notes
Going Back Home
Summary: Claire never thought she would be back in the town she grew up in. But after her fiancé broke off their engagement, leaving her 5 months pregnant and alone she found herself calling Frankie Morales in the middle of the night, one of her childhood friends who insisted that she booked the next flight out. Trying to fix her life with a little help from her friends she would find out soon that going back would be the best decision she ever made.
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Claire Beck
wordcount: 3.1k
Warnings: more or less unplanned pregnancy, break up, mentions of sexual encounters
A/N: I am a weak weak person so here it is, a chaptered fic. I will try to update this weekly, but no promises. Rating will go up later. I'm attempting slow burn. Let's see how slow lol Let me know what you think. Reblogs are, as always, appreciated 💙
Series Masterlist
Taglist in reblog
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Even Though most of her happiest memories were connected with this town, the town she spent most of her life in, Claire never thought she actually would be back here. And certainly not pregnant and all by herself.
It wasn’t that she had been unhappy here. Claire just always wanted something… bigger. Something more. Something exciting. After her parents died and most of her friends moved away, there was nothing holding her back. Well, that wasn’t true. Frankie and Santiago were there. But only when they weren’t overseas or god knows where, which left her with her dream of being a journalist in a small town where she had no chance to ever make it.
She still remembered Santi’s face when she announced that it was her turn to leave just before they were about to be gone for months again. She had gotten a job in New York and thought for days about what to do until she took the job. That was eight years ago and they hadn’t seen each other in person since then.
Yet when she called Frankie three days ago in tears, it was like no time had passed. She wanted to call Santiago first, but she knew him. If she had told him what happened to her he would have gotten into his car and gotten to her, no matter if it took 3 straight days. No, she had called Frankie. He had listened to her for hours until he made her promise to book the next flight out.
When the fuck did her life become such a shit show?
Only a week ago, she had the dream job, was engaged and 5 months pregnant.
Claire was happy. Until her fiance came back from a work trip and suddenly announced that he wanted nothing to do with the child and moved out within days, leaving her on her own. Not even his phone number was working and she wasn’t gonna show up at his work. She wasn’t that desperate. She should have seen it coming. John never planned to have kids. But when Clarie found out that she was pregnant he had already asked her to marry him and maybe he was too proud to end the engagement back then. Thinking back maybe this was the reason he stayed. Because a part of him wanted to spend his life with her. They didn’t fight. He just moved out, told her that he would take care financially of her and the child, but that he didn’t want to be a father.
The first days she was just numb. Trying to wrap her mind around the fact that the man she thought she would spend the rest of her life with, left her while she was pregnant with a child they didn’t plan but that she loved without a doubt. That was what kept her going. Her little bean. Claire would do anything to protect her little girl.
The guys to this day called her bean. She found herself thinking more of them since John left. Even without seeing them in the last years, they still stayed in contact. Not a week went by where she didn’t receive a letter. They had a group chat that was only used when they were at home and the bachelor was on. Cause fuck did they all hate that show but they watched it anyways.
Claire was okay with the whole suddenly being on her own thing, until she felt her baby move for the first time and turned in her bed to wake her fiance, finding the side empty and cold. For one tiny moment, she had forgotten that she was alone in a city where she had only a couple of friends who were his friends rather than hers. She had always had a hard time finding friends. That probably wouldn’t change.
Sucking her bottom lip in, she rested one hand on her belly as she waited for her luggage to arrive. She slept almost through the entire flight. Claire had gotten rid of the last eight years of her life in the last 48 hours. She wanted to start fresh. She needed a fresh start. Even if she had no idea how to deal with all of this on her own.
A woman next to her helped her get her suitcases on the cart, noticing that Claire was on her own. Pushing the cart through security she saw Frankie as soon as the door opened and next to him Ben, Will and Santiago who all smiled at her, while she felt the first tears escaping her eyes.
She had met Ben and Will only a couple times, they were living an hour away, but they became part of the group immediately. Once upon a time her childhood best friend, Leah, was in that group too. Claire hadn’t thought of Leah in a long time. She had died in a car accident almost 12 years ago.
Arms pulled her in a warm embrace and even after years of not seeing each other for such a long time, she still noticed Frankie’s scent.
“We got you,” he whispered, kissing her hair. She sobbed once before she was pulled into Santi’s arms.
“Look at you,” he smiled before he looked down at her belly.
“And look at you?” he smiled and leaned down.
“Hello, this is your favorite Uncle speaking,” he winked, bending down to speak directly to her belly, making her chuckle.
“Oh please, we all know I’m gonna be the favorite, hey bean,” Will hugged her.
“Don’t listen to them baby girl, we know they're all gonna spoil you rotten,” she grinned, letting Ben kiss her cheek.
“So you’re staying?” Frankie asked and you nodded.
“I already called some realtors. I wanna get this over as quickly as possible. Already sold everything back in New York,” Claire said, looking at the two men who formed most of her teenage years.
“Okay. Let’s get you out of this airport first. You okay to stay with Frankie? He has the biggest house,” Santiago asked, pushing the cart as you slowly walked towards the exit with Ben’s arm around her shoulder.
“Uh… I don’t wanna impose. I could just take a room…”
“Fuck no. Stay at my place. It’s my Pa’s old ranch. I’m renovating it.”
“What? No way!” she said surprised but Frankie only nodded.
“Yeah after Liz and South America I needed something to keep me busy. Also needed more space for Elena,” he explained. A small smile sneaked to Claire’s face.
“I still can’t believe you’re a dad Frankie.”
“Can’t believe you gonna be a mom. Fuck we’re really adults now, huh?” he winked and Claire sighed.
“Certainly didn’t plan it that way. Or planned it at all,” she said sadly before she shook her head as if to get rid of the sad thoughts clouding her mind.
“I meant it, Claire. We got you. We are bored most times anyways.”
“Hey speak for yourself, Fish. I got a business,” Santi said.
“Yeah. Yeah. Me too. But after work you’re either drunk or after some pussy so?” Ben grinned, making her chuckle.
“So still no ladies in your life, boys?” Claire asked as they reached what definitely was Frankie’s truck. It had his company name on it. “Morales gardening”
“Nope. But now that you’re here we could finally….” Will started only for Claire to look away in disgust, making them all laugh.
“You ready to become a Daddy, Will?” she asked, her hands both on her belly.
“Uhm… of course?” he answered and she chuckled.
“That’s what I thought,” she patted his cheek.
“Come on. Let’s get you to bed. You must be exhausted,” Frankie said and opened the door for her.
“We’ll see you tomorrow for the BBQ,” they all waved. She waved back, letting Frankie help her inside before he closed the door behind her and hopped into the driver’s seat.
“BBQ?” she asked.
“Can’t blame the folks from wanting to welcome you, bean,” he winked.
“What folks?”
“Ya know. Folks. You gonna see,” he looked at Claire. He felt better now that she was here. Frankie had missed her these last years, the couple of calls throughout hadn’t nearly been enough. And when she called two days ago in tears… He would have gotten the chopper and flown over but he couldn���t risk it. He had to be on good behaviour to be able to keep seeing his daughter.
“I missed you, Francisco,” she whispered.
“Missed you too, Bean.”
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The sun was already setting when Frankie drove down a familiar path. Claire had spent countless days on this ranch when she was younger.
“How is your Dad doing?” she asked softly and Frankie sighed as he killed the engine in front of the house.
“I fucking hate that I can’t take care of him on my own, but he’s hanging in there.”
“I’d like to visit him if you’re okay with that,” she reached over squeezing his hand and he looked at her with a small smile.
“I bet he would love that.”
“And I’m sure he would have wanted it this way, Francisco. You know your dad. He wouldn’t have wanted you to drop everything for him. Don’t be too hard on yourself,” she said quietly.
“Damn I really missed you Bean,” he shook his head.
“Missed you too,” she let her head fall against his shoulder.
Claire didn’t really have eyes for the house, all she wanted was to go to sleep.
“I finished the guest room this morning for you,” Frankie said, setting one of her suitcases down as he opened the door.
“Please tell me you didn’t work overnight to finish this,” she sighed looking at him. He was rubbing the back of his head, pulling the cap he was always wearing down and avoiding her eyes.
Knowingly she shook her head, but couldn’t help the smile sneaking to her face.
“I won’t say it. But please don’t touch the walls, they might still be wet,” he said and she chuckled.
“Okay. Bathroom is over there. The shower isn’t working yet but you’re welcome to use mine. Will is coming over to take a look and make this one work. Other than that if you need anything just ask. Until you found a place this is your home.”
“You really didn’t have to do this, Frankie,” she said quietly, feeling overwhelmed by all of this. So many things had changed in such a short amount of time for her and she only now seemed to realize that she was indeed about to be a single mom.
“I wanted to. You’re… You don’t deserve to be treated like this. So let us help you, okay?” he said softly and she nodded but avoided his eyes.
“Okay. Go to sleep. My room is down the hallway if you need anything,” he stepped closer, kissing her forehead and for one tiny moment, she felt like the 15 year old teenager again who was crushing on Frankie Morales.
“Good night, Francisco,” she smiled.
“Good night, bean,” he whispered before he turned around and closed the door behind him.
Claire looked around, in awe of the room, the bed looking so inviting to her. Sighing she walked over to the window, knowing she would be able to see the whole property during the day. Crossing her arms in front of her she closed her eyes, listening to the sounds of nature that she had no idea she had missed living in the city for all these years. She felt a fluttering in her belly, her hand wandering down to feel a kick.
“We’ll be happy here, I promise,” she vowed, rubbing over her belly.
She didn’t want to disturb Frankie, even though she could hear the TV running so she just washed herself at the sink before she put her Pajamas on and sat down on the bed. She would unpack tomorrow. For now she had to sleep.
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The sun wasn’t even up when Claire woke up. She turned in bed, propping herself up so she could look out the window and watch the sunrise. She had to make a plan. A plan that included finding a house, a doctor and help. Though help would be her smallest problem. She already looked at houses in the area and it didn’t look good. If she had more time she would buy the house just down this road, but there was no way the house would be ready before her due date. She would ask Santi for help. He had a lot of connections through his business. Though Frankie too. Claire knew that he had a little gardening company since he lost his pilot’s license. He never really talked about it, but then again, they didn’t talk that much. She knew that he had some problems with drugs in the past, but that he has been clean for almost two years and was doing better. She also knew that there was a lot more to this story then he had told her. Maybe they would have time to talk. To really talk. Groaning to herself, her quiet and peaceful morning was interrupted by her bladder. Time to start the day.
For a minute she wondered if she could risk sneaking into Frankie’s room to take a shower when she heard music playing. Grabbing her bathrobe and toiletries she opened the door and walked down. Now being really awake she had time to take in the house. It seemed like there still was a lot to do. The walls were still unpainted, the floors still old, though she could see he already started with the floor the closer she got to the kitchen.
Frankie was sitting at the kitchen island, a cup of coffee in front of him as the radio quietly played in the background. He had a serious case of bed hair and she smiled to herself. He hadn’t noticed her yet and she found herself thinking back to all the times she had thought that maybe there was something more in between them than friendship. And maybe there was at one point a long time ago. But that was before he joined the military. She might be selfish for it, but she couldn’t be in a relationship where her partner was gone all the time. She needed someone to be there. Even Though there had been times in the past she had found herself asking if maybe she should have risked it.
Instead she had slept with Santiago.
Yeah, that was a big fuck up. Well it was also a pretty good fuck but it was just once and they definitely were better off as friends. She still didn’t know if Frankie knew. Not that she had to explain herself. Frankie always knew what effect he had on the women around him, and he sure as hell took advantage of it. And now she felt nothing more than love for him. As a friend, nothing more.
“Good Morning,” she said quietly and Frankie turned his head, yawning at her.
Chuckling she walked over taking in the kitchen, setting her toiletries down.
“You weren’t kidding when you say you were still renovating,” she sat down next to him. He got up from his seat walking over to fix her a mug of tea.
“Still hooked on Strawberry tea, I hope?” he asked and she nodded, surprised that he remembered.
“Yeah. Though the kitchen and living room are supposed to be finished by the end of next week. So sorry for the noise in the next couple days,” he walked over and set down the mug of tea in front of her.
“Hey it’s your house. I’m just thankful you let me stay.”
“Of course. Couldn’t let you stay in the dumpster motel in this town,” he winked. She took a sip of the tea and it was perfect.
“So what are you planning for today?” he asked.
“I probably should start looking into houses. I’m kind of on a timetable here,” she rested one hand on her belly and Frankie followed her movement.
“Yeah. I think Pope already called someone for some houses. It’s not looking good.”
“Yeah I thought so. Everything I found on the internet was in really bad shape,” she sighed.
“It’s gonna work out. And if you don’t find something, you’re welcome to stay. The place is big enough,” he shrugged and Claire laughed quietly.
“Yeah I bet you can’t wait to live with a hormonal pregnant woman and then with a newborn,” she joked.
“I lived with Pope. Nothing can be worse and…”
“And?” she asked.
“I already lived with a hormonal pregnant woman. It’s not that bad,” he shrugged with a small smile. She looked at him with a small smile on her face.
“You say that now. Wait till I’m craving your mug cake at 3am now that I’m living with you,” she joked. Frankie laughed.
“Wow I haven’t had one of those in at least 10 years.”
“Well then it’s about time.”
“Yeah,” he sighed, looking at Claire. She looked more relaxed today, like she had a good night’s sleep and he was thankful he put in an overnight to finish the guest room for her. She deserved to relax. When she told him that she not only was pregnant but dumped by her fiance Frankie was furious, yet at the same time he already decided that he would take care of her and help her with everything she needed. It was the least he could do.
Even though they grew apart in the last years, she still was one of his best friends.
“Okay. I’m gonna go take a shower. I got to drive out to check on a project. You gonna be okay here for a while?” Frankie asked. Claire nodded, grabbing her mug of tea.
“Just tell me when you’re going out so I can take a shower,” she said.
“Thank you, Frankie,” she whispered when she stopped next to him and softly kissed his cheek, before she walked down the hallway. Frankie looked after her with a soft smile before he got up to get ready to head out.
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backstamber · 4 years
fuck nate jacobs
summary: maddy calls you after nate abused her
warnings: mention of abuse, underage drinking
word count: 1052
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you knew nate jacobs was a horrible person but you never expected him to lay a hand on maddy. you thought that she was the only person he actually cared for besides himself but you were wrong.
when maddy called you crying from inside her driving car because nate had hurt her you wanted to do nothing more than hurt nate how he hurt her but you knew you needed to be there for maddy.
you told her to pull over and wait for you on the side of the road because you knew she shouldn't drive when she's in a state like that.
you got into your car and drove to where maddy told you she was. maybe you were speeding, maybe not. you just wanted to get to maddy as fast as possible so you could comfort her because you knew she needed it even if she tried to seem strong.
when you got to maddy you immediately got oout of you car and went over to hers.
when you got in you saw the brunette your heart broke. she was sitting there with her mascara running down her face from the tears but you still thought she was pretty.
you embraced the taller girl in a hug to try to comfort her.
you didnt exactly know what to say to her so all you could do was showing her that you were there for her.
''what happened mads?''
she looked at you with her teary eyes and told you exactly what happened and how it happened. you took a minute to process all the information and then just blurted out
''wow fuck nate jacobs''
maddy looked at you with a small smile on her face
''yeah fuck nate jacobs''
you smiled at her and she gave you a slight smile back.
''let's go get fucked up. mckay is throwing a party''
you didn't know if it was a good idea to let her drink right now but what could go wrong right? as long as n*te doesn't show up everything should be perfectly fine right?
''lead the way''
you figured she would be okay to drive considering she seemed a lot calmer than before.
-at the party-
maddy was already three drinks in while you were sipping on your second one. you knew you probably shouldn't let her drink that much but you we're also pretty drunk already so you couldn't say much.
''lets go dance''
you looked at the slightly taller girl with a raised brow and shook your head. there was no way you would be dancing right now, well that's what you thought anyways
with one little pout she got you wrapped around her little finger and you went to the dance floor with her.
she immediately started grinding on you which made you kinda uncomfortable because you got a big fat crush on the dark haired girl.
as the song progressed you got more into it and actually danced with her. you both were the center of attention which maddy noticed but you didn't because all of your attention was on her.
when the song ended maddy turned around and looked at you like she was trying to figure you out.
''what do I hav-''
the brunette cut you off with a kiss.
the kiss was everything that you dreamed of, it was soft and gentle yet so needy and you loved every second of it, but you knew it was wrong. she was drunk and hurt so you gently pushed her away.
maddy looked at you confused and hurt. she thought you liked her.
''you're drunk mads''
''maybe but i still know that i like you and wanted to kiss you''
''lets go home''
the taller girl looks at you with a mix of offence and confusion. as she goes to speak you grab her arm and pull her out of the house (softly <3)
you live close to mckay so you just leave your car there and take maddy to hers.
you set her into the passenger seat and pull the seatbelt over her and go to the drivers side.
when you arrive at maddys house you noticed she fell asleep so you picked her up and carried her into the house. you knew maddys parents weren't home so you just let yourself in with the spare key maddy gave you a while back.
you tucked maddy into bed and went to leave but before you could she pulled you into her bed and pulled you close, you knew you wouldn't get out there because she had a real tight grip on you so you just kicked your shoes off and cuddled into her.
you figured she fell back asleep but then you heard her talk
''you know, i didn't kiss you because i'm drunk, i kissed you because i've always been kinda in love with you''
you didn't know what to say because you didn't expect her to confess her love for you but you figured it was just because shes drunk
''tell me when youre sober and ill believe you''
and with that you closed your eyes and slowly fell asleep.
-the morning after-
when you woke up it was probably around 11 am. maddy was already awake and on her phone scrolling through Instagram next to you. suprsingly you were still cuddled up in her arms.
when maddy noticed you were awake she smiled softly at you
''finally bitch i've been waiting for you to wake up''
you looked at her with your still slightly closed eyes
''yeah why?''
''im in love with you''
you expected everything but this. you thought she forget you ever said that.
''im in love with you too''
maddy grinned at you
''i know. cassie accidently told me''
you made a mental note to kill cassie later.
maddy and you just stared at each other lovingly for a bit waiting for the other to make the move. you figured it wasn't going to be her so you leaned forward till your noses touched.
''is this okay?''
''its more than okay''
she said and closed the distance.
the kiss was even better than the first one.
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