#i'mma be honest here-
paruparoplippy · 2 months
klaxon love by fumido really is a song that fits brown x naoya. i dunno what to tell you.
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sam-oberg · 9 months
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Traced over some photos of me to practice, coz now that I've realiesd I'm auto I felt I wanna be better drawing myself… it feels cheesy, and still a bit weird, but hey!
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theroseapothecary · 1 year
if you get this, answer with three random things about yourself and send this to the last seven blogs in your notifications anonymously or not! let's get to know the person behind the blog!
ahhh hi there!! I never know what to say about myself i feel like there's nothing interesting to say about myslef lmao but here we go!
1. i've been doing my BA's degree since i was 18 (am now in my mid-20s) and am still not finished lmao which is actually not funny but rather sad but i AM going to finish in the next 3 months
2. i've been in a relationship for nearly 3 years now and on the one hand i can't believe i've been with someone for so long and on the other hand it feels like we've been together for years and years!
3. i have started reading lotr! and while it's very slow going i do really love it so far
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biathediamond · 1 month
k kids i'm far from a "fandom elder" or whatever but i've been around the block and i'm boutta educate you on how to handle drama of the "more serious" kind
and by more serious i don't mean wars over if a ship should be canon or not. I mean when figures in a fandom (content creator, artist, fanfiction author, popular blogger, etc.) are accused of something wrong. Such as when someone is accused of being racist, a rapist, etc.
This post is NOT to tell you what to do (i'm not your mother. or God.), but as someone who's seen SO MUCH of this go down (and continue to go down) I'm providing some tips on how to maximize your present and future comfort and safety when stuff like this goes down.
So without further ado, my personal guidelines to navigating these tricky situations:
#1. The "Touch Grass"
While feelings are always valid, they do not always require the same response. When someone is accused of something, taking a few minutes to put the accusation into perspective can really help your mindset and how you react.
Unfollowing/blocking people that make you upset is ALWAYS a recommended option, but oftentimes making a stir won't help anything. 9/10 in the drama I've seen, the situation would have been resolved if someone had calmly and rationally explained WHY something was offensive/hurtful and ways to avoid this in the future.
So yeah, always take a few minutes away from the drama to work through your own feelings.
#2. The "I Have Better Things to Do"
Simply put, while you're Touching Grass, you may realize that this shit is not worth your time and energy. Just like unfollowing/blocking is always an option, not posting about the situation is as well. You do not even have to have a trigger surrounding the subject matter because - and listen close:
No one ever has the right to demand your time, attention, money, or other support. Supporting victims is ALWAYS the right move but you should not injure or make yourself miserable "supporting" them in certain ways. And if they demand certain types of support and/or admonish you for refusing/being unable, then they are abusing your sympathy.
People will always be trying to rally you to one cause or another. But if you do not have the time, mental health, physical health, or financial status to participate, then don't. You are also valid for deciding that your attention and resources would help more somewhere else.
#3. The "Up the Street"
This one is specifically tailored for when something happens relatively close to you in your fandom: if this exact situation was happening with those neighbors you never talk to up the street, how would you react?
Well, if you personally witnessed something (they are on your street), and it would help the victim, then maybe you need to report it to the police. And - in EXTREMELY EXTREME SITUATIONS (like my neighbor is a convicted sex offender) - then you need to warn the other people on your street.
However, sometimes what you witnessed - or didn't. rumors are just rumors after all - is only good for a "bless their heart" session during the 4th of July bbq, or you just keep it to yourself. If you wouldn't accuse your neighbor of doing it with the evidence you have, then don't accuse strangers on the internet (who you would conceivably know less about than your neighbor)
This also goes for support. Don't extend to STRANGERS (who, once again, you only see what they claim) what you wouldn't extend to someone you know and see for any reason. Never EVER be a dick to any victim over drama, but sometimes they need to take steps themselves to get therapy/other help, and if they need help with those steps then you, a third party (usually audience member), are likely not even able to be that person for them.
Rounding back to #3., sometimes you are not supposed to be in charge of support. If you can do something that will ACTUALLY help (like reporting something to the police or extending sympathy), then do it, but know what's reasonable in this situation.*
#4. The "What If"
I wanna preface this section with this: NEVER attack or demand information from victims to "make up your mind." NEVER publicly shame or doubt victims. This is a HUGE part of the aforementioned "not being a dick" AND the "What If."
The "What If" is taking several minutes to seriously consider the consequences of your actions if things turn out differently than you think. As much as you think you might know everything, you do not. You never will. And before you give money or extend death threats or tear up your merch, you need to consider if you are being lied or manipulated.
As much as supporting and believing victims is important, there are people out there who will lie or blow situations out of proportion for attention or as revenge. Any action you take should be weighed against the possibility things aren't as they seem. Chances are the people involved directly in the drama aren't even going to see whatever you say, but everyone else will. And it will look very bad if you immediately start wishing death on someone who turns out to be innocent, or a victim themself.
However, this is "What If," not "If You're Wrong." You also need to consider how your actions will come across if the initial perceived victim is actually the victim and they are telling the truth. It will look equally bad if you blindly attacked the perceived victim because they "might" be wrong, or blindly supported the accused because they might be innocent.
It is always okay to say "i don't have enough information" if someone asks you for your opinion, and it is always okay to recognize that there is nothing you can do to help and stepping back from a situation for your own good.
#5. The "Cover Your Ass"
Basically, don't act in a way about this drama that you wouldn't want to see plastered on the front page of the news. And before you go "I'd be proud to see my righteous fury displayed for all to see!," please cycle back to "What If." A response of "i'm deeply disappointed that someone i looked up to acted in this way" is going to look good even if it comes out as a lie. "Kys" is never going to look good.
And no matter your feelings (once again, not your mother. or God), you should cover your ass legally (or at least for future profit). Let me remind you that death threats are still very, very illegal and that if someone kills themselves because you've been harassing them about it, you can be held accountable for their death. And believe me, I know the chance is slim that you'll have any lasting punishment, but do you really want to risk it? over someone who doesn't deserve your time or attention?
Not to mention the aforementioned fact that YOU DO NOT KNOW ALL THE FACTS. and telling someone to kill themselves when you don't have all the facts is just extra scummy (it's scummy in general). Never do it. Never do it anyway but this is just another reason why you never do it.
#6. The "This Kool-Aid Tastes Funny" (or just the Don't Cult)
When tensions get high, especially when someone is accused of doing something REALLY bad. And when this happens, people feel the pressure to do the "correct" thing... and this can escalate scarily fast and way way too far.
And anyone and everyone. Me, and you, and the guy at the auto shop can fall into a cult-like situation over ANYTHING. And it gets easier when you think you are taking a brave stand or "protecting" someone or doing the "right" thing. @furiousgoldfish has an AMAZING post on this topic so I'm going to direct you to them for a more in-depth look at this problem, but basically:
If you feel scared to express a different opinion, or are attacked for "not doing enough," then you should not be hanging around those people. Those people are not looking out for anything actually productive and healing.
#7. The "Ma'am I Am 12"*
I hate to break it to you but if you are a minor and you find yourself in this situation, and ESPECIALLY if you want to show support in a way that goes beyond a supportive and caring tweet, you need to get a trusted adult involved. This includes, but is not limited to: giving money, giving other kinds of gifts, or taking any action against the perpetrator.
your brain is not fully formed, and while adults do stupid, hurtful, and careless things all the time, give yourself a chance to not fuck things up before you're even 18. A trusted adult (recommended that they be a little more experienced than "just got out of school") will better be able to spot when you are being manipulated or scammed. They also will be able to help you find an appropriate response (if one is warranted).
For instance, when i ran into these kinds of situations as a young(er) person, a trusted adult was able to help me understand my anger/denial/grief and also help me find reputable ways to help the problem (for example, if the allegations were about domestic abuse, then donating to a shelter or other verifiable organization helps the problem (domestic violence) immediately in a way that ACTUALLY helps.)
A trusted adult should also be able to bap the phone out of your hand before you breach "Cover Your Ass" and do something you're REALLY gonna regret later (like telling someone to kill themself)
And lastly:
No adult should EVER ask a minor for help with a problem like abuse/rape/to gang up on their abuser. Even indirect asking (such as addressing a wide audience you are apart of) DOES NOT APPLY TO YOU. If you want to help, get a trusted adult involved, other than that, it is not something you need to take upon yourself.
#8. The "Ma'am This is a Wendy's"
Tale as old as time: Someone who wrote a story/made art/made a movie/etc. you reblogged/retweeted/commented on/wrote fanfiction of turns out to be an asshole (the dick-ness ranges).
I'm not going to get into the whole "separating art from the artist" thing right here right now (not mom. or God.), but if people start harassing you for this innocent involvement (how in the world were you supposed to know??), then you need to block them immediately. This goes hand in hand with "Don't Cult."
You may decide to delete everything you ever did that relates to this awful person, or you may decide to keep it up. But you do not deserve to get bullied for it.
There is a time and place for activism. A 2 year old fic's comment section is not one of them.
Lastly, and most importantly: #9. The "If it Sucks, Hit da Bricks"
Leave. Just leave. Leave the conversation, the chat, the fandom circle, the fandom, the internet entirely. Hurting yourself will NEVER help a stranger on the internet (and if they demand it, they are SO far in the wrong). I don't care if you're 13 or 30, you and every other human on earth cannot bear the weight of every bad thing that happens in the world. And so, so many times there are more important things for you to take care of or that you can actually help with.
I know the feel, you see an injustice and you want it righted immediately. But subjecting yourself to doomscrolling or mindless yelling will do absolutely nothing.
Sometimes you have a few dollars to put towards a situation you see unfold online. Sometimes you need to focus on yourself or your cat or your family or a thousand other things. Both are equally valid. And you can do both without succumbing to the unhealthy rage of the internet.
Focus on what ACTUALLY is going to be the most helpful, productive, and healing and do that. If there's one thing I hope you take away from this post, it's that.
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kandycats · 8 months
*Seeing cute art*
Normal People: so cute!!!!
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qcomicsy · 1 year
List of things I think Steph and Jason do as cousins.
Steph to a random woman in the Gala: My friend Jason told me he wants to kiss you (she's lying)
Steph: Bro this dude can't take a no for an answer.
Jason: Gimme your phone
Steph: Here
Jason sending a voice message ( with his Red Hood voice ): I'm going to gut you.
Steph getting in Jason's car after school: What's the occasion?
Jason: Nothing just was in the area, I'mma get you a ride home.
Steph, looking at the police car behind the: You're losing the cops aren't you?
Jason: You wanna go walking?
Spoiler: C'mon Orphan don't stay behind me– Oh it's Red Hood– HOOD!
Red hood:
Red Hood: *gives her the middle finger*
Spoiler: *gives back*
Red Hood sending her a picture of his new mask: Be honest.
Spoiler: You look like a knock off Phantom Of the Opera. Like you took his mask and painted in red and then attached to a helmet.
Red Hood: Holy shit Spoiler you could just said "bad".
Steph: How is the girlfriends?
Jason: How are your grades?
Steph: Fair enough.
Steph: Fuck I haaaaate Mr. Johnson.
In a stake-out
Steph: What are you drinking?
Jason: Coffee.
Steph: Hey I want too–
Jason: Sure *licks the cup*
Steph: You fucking piece of sh–
Jason: You're going to the Gala?
Steph: I'll go if you go.
Jason: Yeah but are you going?
Steph: I'll go. If you. go.
Jason: motherfucker ARE YOU GOING?
Steph: I SAID–
Spoiler dialing Red Hood number: Shitshitshitshitshitshit-
Orphan: He's breathing.
Spoiler: Fuck thank god *erases it*
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trynafindbarbiee · 1 year
I'mma cryyy! It's not even 3 days and I'm here with my success story 🥺💗
Someone please help !! 😩<3
So i started your routine that you followed to tap into the void , my goal was to wake up in the void because I was hella scared of those symptoms we get before tapping in 🤦🏻‍♀️ and lemme tell you on the 2nd day of doing that routine I woke up in the void while I was sleeping at afternoon I didn't realize it because it was such an peaceful experience to be honest , I completely forgot to affirm for my desires because I was just chilling there UwU but my brother woke me up by pulling my legs ( he's so naughty af ) 🥴
Then I changed my affirmations I always wakes up in the void To I'm always aware when I'm in the void , and continued the routine AND on the 3rd day! On the freaking 3rd dayyy at night I went to sleep as usual and again woke up there AaAaAaAaA ??? 😭 but this time I was absolutely aware that I'm in the fuxking VOIDDD! Gurll I hella luv you , I'm not even kidding 💗 THANK YOU 💗(genuinely) 🛐
I manifested :
° Revised myself from head to toe
° Lucky girl syndrome
° Money , money , moneyy 💲
° Df and df ofc
° Having the ability to go back in time whenever I say "Back" 5 times
° Having my desired clothes
° My parents being sweet, caring and loving
° Mu dad to be a big business man
° Hazel eyes
° Beauty with brain
° Whole Aesthetic life
° Unlimited foooood
And some personal things too ☺
Here I'm mentioning those 2 affirmations and subliminal I used so you don't get bombarded with questions :
Affirmations I affirmed throughout the day ( I only choosed 2 )
1. I always wakes up in the void
2. I'm always aware when I'm in the void
The subliminals I used
1. https://youtu.be/J9bJQKr1mZU ( it's @lotusmi 's The mirage void sub, she's my favv sub maker 🪄💗 her subs are awsome )
2. https://youtu.be/oKU8YIicYQg ( elipson waves by slade, this sub is so relaxing It helped me calming down my mind while doing the lullaby method at night )
Can I be your anon 🍬 ? Please
Success story !
This is what I love to read , I'm so happy and proud of uh I couldn't be happier! Gooo bestiee enjoy your life to the fullest ♡
Tysm for sharing the stuff you used ( why this ask is so cute ? 😩 )
iLY TOO <3
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harmshake · 3 months
All To Me: Chapter Seven (Final)
Golden finally chooses which promise is more vital: The one she made to Roman or the one she made to herself...
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Roman Reigns x Golden (Chubby!Black!OC) | 18+ ONLY, NSFW, drama | 4,466 words
Happy reading! Read all the chapters or my other Roman stories here, if you'd like. ✨
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"There's my baby girl!" 
Joe knelt on one knee and opened his arms to catch his daughter in a hug as she galloped to him. She almost tripped in her little, pink boots as she rushed to him down the porch steps of her mom's home, just as excited to see him as he was to see her.
"Whoa, be careful," he said in a concerned tone as he held her but Ka'Mayah giggled with her arms around his neck. It made the grin already on his face grow bigger. "How are you? Feelin' better I see."
"I am. I still cough but Mama said I can go back to school on Monday," Ka'Mayah replied in her tiny voice with a sudden, small cough as if to prove her point, but she covered her mouth with her pink jacket sleeve as Joe hoisted her into his arms. He carried her back inside Jalah's house as she ran out without her bags when he pulled up in his truck and noticed her peeking through the blinds of the front window.
"Did you miss goin' to school this past week?" Joe asked, closing the door behind them and spotting Jalah to their right in the den as she held their daughter's bags in her hand and a slight scowl on her face.
"Nope. But I missed you," Ka'Mayah said and he smiled, even as her mom kept her glare on him. 
Instead of shooting her one back, he kissed his daughter atop her dark, pink-beaded flat twists that fell to her shoulders before he said with a chuckle, "I missed you more."
He decided not to let the woman ruin his good mood. Not when he finally got to be with his daughter after Jalah kept her from him when she had the flu last week—and not when he had a great weekend trip for her to make her feel even better. Yet he needed to speak with Jalah for that exact reason, and while he was certain it would ruin her mood, he didn't care. 
Golden would be on that trip with them and whether his baby's mother liked it or not, she was the future stepmother of their daughter. And Joe needed her to accept that and stop trying to make shit complicated. The way she kept her glare on him as she extended her hand for him to grab Ka'Mayah's bags before she nearly dropped them to the carpet, her other hand planted on her hip, he knew Jalah wasn't done being complicated just yet.
He packed up his daughter and her things in his truck, buckling her into her car seat and securing her pink, wireless headphones over her ears as she turned her attention to her tablet before Joe turned his to her mother behind him on her curb. 
"I'mma keep this short. Don't fix your fingers to hit up my girl on some bullshit ever again. You hear me?" he said to her in a low, cold snarl. He watched her eyes finally widen from her glare before they flitted to Ka'Mayah and back to him.
"That's how you gon' talk to me in front of our daughter?" Jalah retorted with surprise still on her face. Then she smirked and breathed a curt laugh as she added, "Hmph. How I see it, someone had to tell yo' 'girl' that y'all full of shit."
"Naw, that's you. 'Cause your only concern should be how I take care of our child—which I do—and you still wanna act like there's a problem," Joe shot back. "You know I ain't never brought another woman around our daughter, so that should tell you somethin'. You gon' respect Golden 'cause she's a part of Ka'Mayah's life now, too. And that's the way it's gon' be."
Joe felt his nostrils flare with his stern tone, yet his eyes were steady as they bore into Jalah's brown ones that looked unphased by his words before they shifted back into that damn glare. He didn't understand what kept getting under her skin. He was a good dad who would go out of his way for his baby girl. He was honest about his feelings for Golden from the beginning. He was aware that somewhere deep down in her heart, Jalah likely still wanted him but she'd stopped making it obvious...which was for the best as Joe started making his love for Golden crystal clear.
"Yeah, okay, right. We'll see for how long. 'Cause unlike you, I see shit for what it is and what it ain't." Jalah brushed past him to lean into his backseat and give Ka'Mayah hugs and kisses. When she leaned back out, she shook her head at him before stuffing her hands into her hoodie's pocket and scurrying back up her driveway to escape the abrupt, chilly breeze.
Joe climbed into his truck and cranked up the heat to shake that same chill, although it upset him to realize it came from more than just the weather...
Thankfully the weather at Magic Kingdom later that afternoon was sunny, the chill shaken loose by the slightly warm rays that Joe could feel through his collared sweater. He felt that warmth in his heart, as well, as he held Golden's hand in his left and Ka'Mayah's in his right as they strolled out of Peter Pan's Flight. That warmth shined bright from his daughter's energy as she bounced and skipped at his side, tugging him to walk faster when she spotted Tinker Bell posing for a picture with a family a few feet away from them.
That warmth also kissed him on the cheek as Golden nuzzled her nose to it, too, and squeezed his hand as they stood in line to take a photo with the fairy. Joe gazed at that photo on his phone—as well as the many others they took that day, like his daughter with Tiana, her favorite Princess—after they returned to their suite in the Walt Disney World Resort. He couldn't get enough of seeing his two favorite girls together. Granted, it was better to see them right in front of him as they sat on the sofa in the living room as Ka'Mayah snuggled up at her side with her tablet to make her watch The Princess and the Frog with her, a movie his daughter watched at least twice a day.
Joe wanted to be surprised by how easily and quickly they warmed up to each other, Ka'Mayah's little face beaming with smiles and a million questions for Golden that his girlfriend patiently answered as she smiled back, but he always knew this would happen. He knew he'd hear his daughter's voice singing Golden's praises, and he knew he'd see love blossoming in Golden's eyes for her from their instant bond.
What he didn't know for certain was the full of extent of Golden's emotions behind those deep brown eyes. She had a habit of sometimes concealing her fears to put on a content facade for him, and he hoped she was as happy as she appeared to be with Ka'Mayah rewinding scenes of the movie she wanted her to see again.
He stood in the kitchenette organizing the takeout steaks, veggies, chicken tenders, and fries he'd ordered for their dinner onto plates, a smile of his own stuck on his lips until he heard Ka'Mayah ask, "Are you and my Dad gonna get married and be together forever like Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen?"
His eyes darted up to see Golden already staring at him with a flustered look. "Uh, sweetie, come get your plate. You want honey mustard or ranch?" Joe spoke up with enough bass in his gentle tone that his daughter whipped her head to him before leaping off the couch to join him in the kitchen.
When Golden got up, too, Joe saw that her content facade was starting to crack when she shot him a weary smile as she grabbed her plate. He knew better than to ask her right then what was on her mind that avoided him as they all ate dinner and watched Tangled in the living room—but after he tucked Ka'Mayah in for bed and found Golden in the dark master bedroom down the hallway, his voice was soft as he said, "Baby, you alright?"
"Yes. Why do you ask?" She still didn't meet his gaze as hers lingered out and through the curtain at the cloudy midnight sky lit up by lights from suites beneath and around them in the giant resort. Joe flicked on the lamp on the nightstand, sat down next to her on the bed, and carefully wrapped his arm around her waist. At least she nestled closer to his side instead of shirking away from his touch, he considered.
"Just wonderin' you felt about today. I feel like you don't always tell me everything goin' on in that pretty head of yours," Joe said teasingly, hoping it would make her smile. When she sighed with her face hidden in his chest, he cupped her by the chin to make her look at him. "You gon' tell me what's on your mind, sweetheart? 'Cause I can't fix it if I don't know what's wrong."
"I just don't want to ruin our trip talking about the same shit," Golden mumbled.
"The only thing you're ruinin' is your mood by not talkin' to me, baby. I don't care what it's about. I care 'bout how you're feelin'," Joe reminded her with a short and sweet kiss on her thick lips. She reached up then to caress her fingers along his that still held her chin as she studied his face which he hoped conveyed the sincerity of his words.
That's when she took a little breath and spilled the words he knew she'd been holding in. "I spoke with my homegirl earlier today about...all of this. I felt good about it until you told me what Jalah said when you saw her. I let that go but then hearing what your baby said kinda made it all rush back. It made me realize, well, realize again, that I'm a stranger to her. And that it's my fault."
"Before you try to tell me I'm wrong, let me finish. My homegirl told me something that reminded me of something that you actually said last week. 'If it's right, it will feel right.'" Golden put a finger to his lips to keep him from interrupting her before she gently slipped away from Joe to walk over to the curtains that she peered through again. It was like she was looking into the night to find the nerve to say the right words, and it made his heart pound. "She said the right decision is usually the one that lingers on the mind most. And I keep thinking the same thing over and over, Joe."
"What's that?" He hoped his tone didn't waver as his heart was racing now. She kept her back to him and her eyes on the night as he kept his eyes on her, feeling that wave of dread wash over him before she said what he had been fearing she would.
"I can't do this...it just...doesn't feel right." Golden finally turned to him and he saw the tears sliding down her full cheeks. He lept up immediately to embrace her, but she shook her head at him. "I want this to feel right...I really, really want it to, but today reminded me that no matter what, I will always be an outsider to your family."
Joe stood before her feeling helpless as she wouldn't let him even wipe away her tears. "What're you sayin', baby? Ka'Mayah adores you. We were havin' a good time today as a family...what changed?"
"Nothing and that's the problem." She smudged the back of her hand to her face to catch her tears as her soft voice grew even softer like she was afraid to admit the truth to him as she said, "I thought my feelings would change. But they didn't. I don't want to be a mom and I don't want to be a stepmom. And I don't want to hurt her or you any longer by pretending it's something I'll ever want to be."
The weather outside was serene yet Joe felt their old storm thunder in his chest, that crack of lightning striking his heart as he watched her try to snatch up her luggage. It struck his heart hard as that truth poured down on him even harder when Golden jerked away from him when he tried to stop her. 
"So you just gon' walk out right now? You wanna get away from me that bad, Golden? What did I do so wrong that you can't even sleep on it or wait 'til the trip is over to talk it through, huh?" Joe tried not to raise his voice as he didn't want to wake up his daughter or further upset Golden, especially when it wasn't the fury of the storm that made his deep voice boom, but the agonizing shock of lightning that panged his heart.
It made his eyes well with stinging tears that he blinked back as hers still stained her beautiful, brown skin. "I've slept on it for seven years, plus two more weeks. Each time I woke up, I had to convince myself that it felt right," Golden sniffled as she tightly clutched her luggage in her right hand. "But I can't do it anymore. I love you but I can't." 
She switched around to hurry out the bedroom door, and while Joe's mind knew he should let her leave if that's what she wanted, his heart thudded with devastating thunder, moving his body to react instinctively and run after her. His shaky fingers closed around her wrist that held her luggage, feeling her drop it when he brought her hand to his lips to plant trembling kisses on her knuckles. She gazed up at him as he desperately gazed down at her, unable to hold in his tears that he felt wet his face and beard.
"I love you, Golden. Please...don't give up on us." He had never cried over a woman but Golden wasn't just a woman. She was the only woman to him. The only woman he'd ever fallen in love with. The only woman he'd ever envisioned a future with. The thought of her abandoning ship when it hadn't even been a month since they made it official threatened to wreck him.
"I'm not giving up...we tried and it's not working," Golden whispered, her eyes gloomily following his kisses that trailed up her arm and to her shoulder. He prayed she wouldn't yank back as he put his arms around her to kiss her lips, but she did grab his face into her hands to make his teary gaze focus on hers.
"Listen to me. I can't help how I feel, Joe. I feel wrong. Wrong trying to play house with a family I don't belong in...and wrong trying to be someone I'm not."
"Then why does everything 'bout you feel right?" He carefully rested his forehead on hers, the pitter-patter of their breaths on one another's lips. It reminded him of every breath they'd taken when they lightly snored and cuddled in bed on lazy mornings...when they laughed and grinned together...when they kissed softly and inhaled each other's essence as they made love...
When Joe met Golden, he wasn't prepared for the love she would flood his world with. She was just his real estate agent patiently helping him find a place to call home in Florida. Yet the more time they spent together, the more her aura soaked him in a succulent warmth that he couldn't flee, that he could feel even when she wasn't around. He knew then, and for every minute of every year since, that Golden was the love of his life...that she was his true home.
He knew he was the reason there was trouble at home before. Yet he was tireless in rebuilding what he'd broken, long ago deserting other women and his pride to keep their love afloat. He needed to show her the same patience she showed him because Joe wouldn't desert his home. He tentatively kissed her damp cheek as he murmured, "I'll tell you why...'cause you're my everything."
"How can I be your everything when your daughter is, too? Your family is your priority, not me." Golden's voice cracked as his kisses on her face made her cry. He was trying to kiss those tears away and trying to make her understand that his heart had more than enough room for her and his daughter. When she dropped her grasp from his face, he caught them in his hands and kissed her knuckles again, scrambling to find the words that he hoped his eyes would say.
"'Cause I still need you," Joe uttered with another kiss that he pressed to her lips. "What do you need? Whatever it is, I'll do it, baby, 'cause I can't be without you."
He tried to pull her into his arms once more and hold her close, keep her put, but he already felt her pulling away, out of his arms and out of his life as she swiped up her luggage from the floor and stared at him with that desolate and distant gaze that sent a cold chill down his spine.
"You've done everything right, baby. But this ain't right for me. I'm sorry." Golden's final words to him sounded like they tried to choke her as a sob escaped her throat at the same time before she fled the bedroom. Joe's instincts urged him to chase her, do fucking anything to keep her here, but his feet felt weighed to the floor like an anchor was tied to them. 
And as that violent sea of emotions, at last, drowned him, Joe realized with tears as heavy as the storm in his heart that his love would not save them.
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As Golden glanced in the mirror above her foyer end table, she saw a woman with a coily afro that framed her round face glancing back at her in her gold wire frame glasses, a pair she'd kept on her for years when she needed an extra set of eyes for reading or driving. She liked to give herself a final look and smile before she left her home to get behind the wheel and start her work day, a habit she picked up a while ago to boost her mood.
While it didn't always do the trick, Golden had promised herself to be more intentional with her actions and maintain the routine as she was learning consistency was essential. And as Julez scampered and slid across her tile floor to crash into her ankles as he tried to climb them, her puppy Rottweiler was also consistent in saying goodbye to her—which would do the trick.
She scooped him up into her arms, careful not to let him lick off her makeup from her cheeks as he tried to give them frantic kisses that made them hurt from how big she grinned. "I love you, too, sheesh," Golden giggled, kissing him on his furry forehead and putting him down before she heard a knock on her door she was about to open.
"Good morning, Goldie," her dog sitter, Lucretia, said with a sweet smile. Golden adored the way the older woman wore colorful, cotton sweaters that she knitted herself, claiming they fought off the chilly, spring air better than anything from the stores. Golden had to agree as the cable knit, lavender cardigan she made for her was the coziest article of clothing in her closet.
She didn't wear it today as the weather was due to warm up in the afternoon, yet she couldn't resist going to the coffee shop downtown from her job for a hot chocolate she'd bring to the office with her. "Help yourself to coffee and anything in the fridge, Miss Lucretia. Oh! And will you try the apple pie? I baked it last night and did my best with that recipe you gave me," Golden said to her and the woman chuckled as she carefully bent over to pet an excited Julez at her feet. "I'll be home around four today, if that's okay."
"Sounds good. A bit late for you, though, ain't it? You gotchu a lil lunch date?" Lucretia peered over at her with a sly grin.
"Um, not exactly," Golden replied with a blush of embarrassment that her dear dog sitter of all people could tell something was up with her schedule. "I'll see you later."
The small cafe smelled like chai lattes and, like always, was crowded with two separate lines of people—half silent with seven a.m. grogginess and half vibrant with chatter that sounded loud for the hour—waiting on a cup of the best coffee in town. Golden was somewhere in the middle as she stood behind a tall man after placing her order, scrolling through her emails to see what clients and assignments awaited her at the office.
Her eyes landed on the reminder alert from her therapist that she received yesterday, one she had already opened as she wanted the full scope of what to expect from her first session with her this afternoon. She had hesitated to tell Lucretia this was her "date" as Golden wasn't quite ready to share that with her. However, it wasn't a secret to her best friend who had actually recommended Chenelle and promised her she would love her.
She was inclined to believe her friend as Golden had often sought her sound advice, but she knew it was time to be a big girl and invest in her mental wellness. She was grateful that lately it hadn't been as bad as it used to be, but it was still in a place where she wanted to learn to healthily deal with her troubles and heal from them.
Especially as her eyes flickered to the table in the left corner of the room by the window that faced the street. It sat two men with muffins and paper cups of coffee at the moment, but Golden remembered when she and Joe would occupy that space for the better part of an afternoon every afternoon for weeks. She would have her laptop open yet her eyes on him as he gazed at her, too, and spoke about the complexities of his dream home before he'd switch to the complexities of her brown eyes that shone almost hazel in the sunlight that touched her face.
"Did you know your eyes change color? They're beautiful," Joe said as a cute joke and took a long sip of his cappuccino. His tongue quickly caught the bit of foamed milk that touched his top lip, but Golden knew he was making a show of it, flirting with her as usual when they were supposed to be working.
And as usual, she pretended not to notice as he was her client—even if he was dangerously beautiful, as well. "They don't but thank you, Joe. You're just full of compliments today, huh?" Golden remarked with a little giggle as she pried her eyes away from him and back to her laptop screen to tap it and show him a few listings that fit his criteria.
"Why not? You deserve every single one of them and more," Joe hummed, his gracious gaze still on her that she saw from the corner of her eye as she blushed.
The memory could have been more troubling, but it troubled her a bit to deal with the fact that it still lived in her head all these years later. She noticed that even then Joe had been persistent in wanting to be in her life in one way or another, making a home for himself in her heart. For a while, it was just as a fleeting lover and for even longer it was as the love of her life. 
And now it was as nothing at all. It'd been like this for nearly a year and each day it got easier to be by herself as that was something. Golden knew for a long time that being alone and belonging all to herself and no one else was the best way to heal...and she was damn proud of herself.
Golden shoved her phone back into her purse as she moved with the line, following suit when the tall man in front of her stepped out of the way of another giant man holding a cup carrier with his matching giant, to-go cappuccino and a tiny carton of apple juice in one hand and a little girl's hand in his other.
It took her less than a second to recognize that long, black hair slicked back in a bun off his handsome face, his coffee-brown eyes darting to her in that same second. He looked shocked to see Golden and the feeling was mutual as she didn't expect him to be in town on a Friday morning when he was usually on the road. But it was clear from the pink backpack strapped to Ka'Mayah and the tablet glued to her hand that he was off work and on Daddy duty—and in a hurry as he barely stopped long enough for either of them to blink in surprise.
Nonetheless, Joe found another long second to give her a tender smile, one where Golden could see a million emotions as they flitted across his full lips like they wanted to tell her a million things. Yet when he said nothing, Golden softly smiled back.
It was like he could see all over her the only emotion she wanted to feel after finally weathering the storm of their relationship: Peace.
While she may have not achieved perfect peace yet, Golden chose to be patient and diligent with herself as she cleared the clouds from her life to make room for more peaceful, sunny skies. And when Joe gently squeezed his daughter's hand to come along with him, she saw in his small, sentimental smile at her that he chose not to disturb her peace.
She glimpsed behind her to see them weave through the crowd and out of the coffee shop before she looked forward with her delicate smile still on her lips, too, which she hid with the hot chocolate the barista handed to her. She couldn't help but smile to herself as she realized she survived her first post-breakup encounter with him without tripping and falling into the deep pool of his eyes that she had been certain she'd drown in again.
Instead, Golden felt as light as the air that whisked through her hair as she stepped outside and went to work, carrying on with the rest of her tranquil day that she knew would lead to another and another.
Thanks for reading! 💜
a/n: We've finally made it to the end. How we feeling? 🥺
I'll tell you how I'm feeling...relieved! This series was not planned as y'all know I got fifty leven WiPs I could have posted. Lol.
But this story came to me at the start of this new year when I realized I wanted to purge my demons about my past relationships, and finally unpack my trauma the best way I know how: Through my words.
What you read was essentially my story, my grief, and my path to healing from bad relationships. All of Joe's (and Jalah's) actions, right down to some of the dialogue, was something an ex-boyfriend of mine has done and said to me that left me in a new dark place over the years.
And this year, I decided I'm ready to move tf on with my life and feel good about myself and my future.
I hope you enjoyed this series and I hope 2024 treats you well and shows you the kindness you deserve. Just remember: Show yourself kindness first! 🖤
🫶🏾 Tagging: @wrestlingprincess80 @visionarymode @miyuhpapayuh @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @vebner37 @dreamsinfocus @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @jeyusos-girl @nayys-world @msbigredmachine @purplehairgawdess @mohawkmama @po3ticb3auty @alyyaanna @murrylove @papireigns-05 @vintage-pvssy @bebesobrielo @urasunflower @seeingstarks @555sage @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @theninthwonder @tabletheofhead @weirdosandhopelessromantics @venusesworld @ariieeesworld @sassginaswanmills @theglamclosetsl @baeusos @2-muchsauce @empressdede @woahdude9481 @browngalmal @leaderofthebadbitchbrigade @twocentuar @claymorexpunisher @alichesmi @eclectic-tee @brwnsugababe @joannasteez @whatdoeseverybodywant @puppetmastermya
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neko-loogi · 5 months
Alright, I'mma give my opinion again. This time with Hazbin Hotel..
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So I saw the trailer for Hazbin Hotel a few days ago and honestly, I am so disappointed. Like, you're telling me I waited years for them to release a trailer for the series, and this is all we get??
I'm not saying it wasn't enough, no, on the contrary, I think they revealed way too much. But what I mean is, I was expecting something else, because this ain't it, chief.
Alright so first off, we have the voices. I'mma be hella honest with y'all, this shit sounds unfinished, as in, it sounds like Viv got confused and published the behind the scenes instead of the finished product because omfg, the voices sound bad.
I genuinely don't understand the weird obsession Viv has with hiring celebrities or broadway actors into her shitty shows, it's not like she's rich enough to afford that- plus she does this often, doesn't that mean it affects the budget of the show? (I don't know much about that stuff so bear with me).
It's funny cuz, she hires these super famous celebrities to voice characters in her shows, but she doesn't need to, like, you can be a professional, but that doesn't necessarily mean you're a great VA. It almost feels like she does that because she wants to feel important, she wants to show off like "Oh look at me, I have celebrities voicing my characters! Aren't I cool?"
But anyway, going back to the voices, I have to say this, my least favorite are Alastor and Angel Dust. I just think it's absolutely ridiculous that Viv got rid of the pilot VAs just to replace them with broadway actors, only for them to make the characters sound flat and emotionless.
Like, it's funny because she makes these broadway actors imitate the voices from the pilot, however it doesn't come naturally for these actors and it shows. It almost feels like they have no idea what they're doing. It legit sounds like they're reading the script but not putting any effort into it. (Y'know how people shit on anime dubs because they don't sound good or whatever? That's exactly how I feel about this-).
The next thing I wanna talk about is the animation. Don't get me wrong from what I've seen, in some moments the animation looks alright, but other times it looks choppy as hell. I thought this show was supposed to be more 'professional' since they literally got A24 and Bento Box ent. for this. But yeah, all I can say is, the animation hasn't changed at all, the only thing that is slightly different is the art style but aside from that, the animation still sucks.
And finally, the last thing I wanted to discuss is the plot of the series. So as we all know, in the Pilot, it was established that Charlie (along with Vaggie) opened the Happy Hotel in hopes of redeeming sinners so that they can go to heaven because Hell was too overpopulated (plus the whole extermination thing). But the whole point of the plot was that she wasn't entirely sure she could actually do it or if it was even possible, and that's what made the plot more interesting back then. But here? It's absolute garbage. Not only did the trailer basically reveal way too much information already (before the series could even come out yet), but the plot was changed entirely!
Like I mentioned, Charlie's motives were to redeem sinners, but here she's more focused on having some kind of war with heaven/the angels. And that's the thing, now that we know that heaven is a thing in this series, plus the inclusion of Adam, it just makes the series feel so predictable, because now we know that the sinners can be redeemed, which beats the entire purpose of the show. It's like, "Hell bad, but heaven is worse" and "Good VS. Bad!!", cliche type of thing. You think a series 'made for adults' would have a more interesting plot than a kids show, but nah, we get these basic ass levels of writing. I swear a fucking five year old could come up with something better and far more creative than this nonsense-
So yeah, I'm honestly hella disappointed that this is what the series has turned into. I had high hopes for Hazbin Hotel (since Helluva ain't shit-), but nope, it turns out, Viv is capable of making herself look even more stupid by completely butchering her own series. Hell, I actually have Amazon Prime, but I am probably not even gonna watch this shit, I'll just wait till some dumbass on YouTube uploads the first episode or something stupid like that (so that I can watch it and critique it later). Because I know that someone definitely will.
Anyway, that's all for today, thank you for reading my dumb post- alright bye!
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Unpopular Opinion that may get me cancelled:
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This may sound ridiculous but I genuinely don't ship MJ and Peter. Like there's no iteration of them that ignites any type of emotion within me whatsoever.
If I'm being completely honest. It's like "Yes, heterosexual white couple with a woman basically written to be your perfect match from day one, with no sort of later internal conflict or growth at it's basis, yes, give us nothing and argue about the same thing for 50 years"
Every MJ and Peter scene I've seen in my life I've watched like
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Completely emotionless and unmoved. There is no conflict to me. We know they end up together. It's been 70 years. The end.
MAYBE MCU Michelle and Peter from the MCU but even then that's like one specific scene from Far From Home.
But even in ITSV the whole time I was straight faced cause like....
Yeah, they get back together. Of course they do. And if they don't even better for me.
I am a Felicia Hardy supremacist. No offense to MJ but give me a strong sexual assault survivor who is wholy independent, has her own moral code and goals, and is openly ready to deal with conflict between her and Peter even if they still love each other.
Like.. enough of the 'gf sitting at home worried about her superhero bf'. I want the story where the bf is the one worried about his gf doing crazy superhero shit (Peter and Felicia)
Like you can't tell me you be watching MJ Peter scenes not knowing what's gonna happen or what they're gonna say or do they second the scene starts.
It's the same every time. Even if they try and throw in a little conflict it still ends the same.
YEAH and I'm counting NWH because we know we're gonna see Michelle again. The very obviously set up that she remembers Peter so,
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When I'm watching Felicia and Peter - talking the video game - I genuinely don't know what's going to happen, what Felicia's angle is, or how they're going to express their emotions to each other.
There's conflict that actually develops over time and effects their relationship on a deep level for years in the comics.
They write MJ to be perfect for Peter, so every argument or breakup they have is contrived or forced as hell (One More Day). And they expect me to be on the edge of my seat.
At least TASM went for Gwen.
No shade to people who ship them though and I mean that.
It's just- It's just not for me. I need some conflict and growth here.
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I will always ship Peter and Felicia first.
On the basis that their differening moral codes but willingness to see the other side while not compromising their morals plus them not falling into traditional relationship labels is just more compelling to me
Seeing a SA survivor taking back her power by becoming a vigilante, finally growing to trust a man who's face she hasn't even seen, and then coming to terms with who he is under the mask, as well as questioning her moral code of stealing - to be that's way more interesting than whatever the hell him and MJ got going on back at home.
I love MayDay tho.
This is one opinion from me you ain't gonna change. I ain't gonna argue about it. This was a Felicia x Peter blog before it was a Hobie one. Bring out the casket I'mma drop dead on this hill
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clandestine-j · 28 days
okay, still can't access my interview tumblr so I'mma say it here, due to some things I've seen in the tag.
Lets go!
Now, one post I saw, talked about how fans (mainly Louis fans) wanted to pretend like the show runners and etc, didn't say they would revisit ep 5. And while that might be true, I'm not one of them. I'll be honest on my feelings about it.
If they change it, I think it's a bull-shit cop out and I've be heavily disappointed with interview if they went that route. Why? Because I'm tired of black people and poc being made liars and etc! Oh, it's not about race you say? YES IT IS. IT'S ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT RACE IN THE AMC. THEY MENTION IT, THEY MAKE A POINT TO MENTION.
I have consumed enough media about black people and black men being made lairs. I have consumed enough media of black women being maligned.
That's one half of it. The only half, is the main reason why I stopped reading the book series. I wasn't a Lestat fan. In fact, the Lestat I cared about seeing grow and etc, was dropped in favor of making him this perfect godly man at the expense of dropping Louis.
And that brings me to Lestat fans. I want the drop to be real because I'm sick of Lestat discounting everything that Louis says, by calling him a liar. That is why I did not continue the book series. Because anything bad Lestat does, can be excused with, well, Louis is lying. It's lazy story telling to me. But mainly.
The drop was the only time I saw Lestat fans (and more so speaking of the show) have to accept and talk about what Lestat did. I'll be honest, I didn't need the drop to feel some type of way about Lestat. I felt that every single time, he dismissed what his partner, A BLACK MAN FELT. Lestat violence was clear to me and made me feel a way, when he was completely READY to make his BLACK husband, be his VALET, so he could see an opera.
Do you know how fucked up that is? Do you not understand that I'd would've left the relationship in a heartbeat? Like why would you put your partner through that? Like fucking hell. That's what was hurtful.
And while Lestat will do long discourse about how Claudia or Louis is the issue, there, weren't, long detailed post about how that was fucked of Lestat to do. The causal racism that Lestat is willing to benefit from and be apart of, no deep thoughts on that.
There should've been essay's on essay's on how telling your black partner that you want him to be your fucking valet to a racist opera house to make YOU happy. When Louis expressed his feelings for Lestat and Lestat laughs? Oh, he's so cute and funny. But this is a character people call emotional closed off (Louis), opening himself up and GETTING LAUGHED AT. But then Louis will get picked at by fans for never saying I love you.
He opened himself to asking his partner if he's good enough and he gets laughed at. Everyone will talk about the 'of course' Lestat says when he's lying to himself but not the minute before, when he laughed in his husbands face. And do ya'll know how hard is for a black man to open himself up like that? Only to be laughed at. Or the non-discriminating scene, no long post about how it's been years but Lestat still doesn't CARE to understand the racism and nastiness that Louis is going through. He just doesn't care. And that is violence to me.
So, I always knew that they would revisit ep 5 but I still think it's a bullshit cop out to change it.
I'm the biggest bo bo the fool bc I still ship it. But I don't need to make excuses to do so. I still love the fucking toxic mess but the fans...it's always the fans.
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skeleboiii84 · 2 years
Your pet name(s) 😘
What the skelebros would call you in general & during da spicy time 🌶🔥
Baby, nothing to special or anything (cuz he's lazy like that lolll) but he definitely uses this one the most.
Sweetheart, now this one he uses when you're having da special sweet moment I can see him using it like when your cuddling on the sofa and he just kinda lowly mumbles under a hum "I love you sweetheart", hehe
I'mma be honest here I don't really see sans to be the one calling pet names during sex, I feel like he'd just kinda like moan your name or somethin I dunno man.
Sunshine, you can not tell me this golden retriever cuteass man would not give you the cutest ass nicknames EVERRR.
Cutie pie
Sweetheart and or baby, he'd be really like safe during sex like constantly ask if your ok and stuffs🥺
(I'm not gonna lie I love the idea that blue is like sweet right? But can also be like really hot and dominating when he wants to be-)
Sugar, he definitely calls you this because man is just like "oh human you so sweet like sugar!!" Then dead ass looks you in the eyes and goes "sugarr~" and winks at chu (BOIII-)
Baby, like sans classic but cute😊
Pretty girl, (no I don't have to explain nothing to u-) jk jk (͡°͜ʖ͡°) he would definitely use this don't lie cuz man ain't innocent
(Y'all bet ur ass I have a few for him bc he's mah boo lolll)
Honey, obviously
Queen bee, did I mention that I love him-
Good girl/ Atta girl
Y/N he would like whimper it while laying his seed down in that warmth🤭
My good girl
Naughty bitch
He'd be an absolute dick in bed like degrading and rough but ik some of y'all into that soooo
Hun, I feel bosses Nick names would be dry but sweet
My Darling
My love
Daaaa spicy time🔥🔥
Filthy girl
Nasty human
Swap fell:
Precious, hehe he's sooo🤭
Smexy smexy🔥🌶
Pretty girl
I feel if he was getting rough with you he'd be like "oh yeah you like it when I shove my cock in that needy cunt? You're daddy's bitch yeah!" I meannnnnn here me outtt
(He has a mommy and a dominance kink, don't even to try to convince me otherwise y'all know he would)
Daddy's cum dumpster (loll)
Daddy's precious little slut
Heyooo, sorry I've been dead for awhile I've been busy with school 🥲🥲 and also ideas have been shitty for me lately so here's your skeleboi feeding for now lmao.
And obviously any suggestions you can ask away as my ask box is open!
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lunarthefrieschild · 5 months
Yk I'mma be real honest here. When im tired I will straight up and go to sleep if I have the chance to. But to that one person(my bby<33) I would literally talk for hours until they was the first one to gave me a "goodbye" so I have no reason of staying up late and due to that I will straight up sleep if he sleep because it's not worth of staying up late if I'm not talking to him<3333👉👈💖💫
(Also yes I'm deeply in love with him it's my first time being so in love with someone he's my lover,listener, homie and the only best friend I had I love love love him so much that I am too busy focusing on him than other of my things like in Tumblr that's why I'm inactive<33)
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altraviolet · 5 months
Hi! Hope you're doing well! Just an ask abt the ch47 spoiler(thanks for that btw<3)
So in one of the paragraphs it says he feels love for sw and thinks of him as a sorta lover because sw cares for him in a way no not has but doesn't want to acknowledge it bc the only other time he felt that way was with drift. My question is that before sw confessed did he already feel this way before and I just haven't picked it up yet ?
(I just wanted to thank you for getting me into reading mtmte, I'm currently on issue #26 :D)
Before I read teg I had no idea what mtmte was so I just took your description of every character and just rolled with it, but now that I have read a few comics and have a somewhat grasp on their canon attitudes, I can confidently say that you wrote them so well! Every description and attitude you gave the characters matched up so perfectly I just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Also I'm very sorry if this is reaches you at 4am I'M VERY VERY SORRY
yayyyy I'm glad you picked up mtmte!! isn't it good?!?! I'm glad you enjoy the comic and that the fic's characterization works well with it.
>My question is that before sw confessed did he already feel this way before and I just haven't picked it up yet ?
Okay I'll admit I've read this question a bunch of times and I'm not exactly sure how to answer it. I thiiiiink the 'he' refers to Rodimus. I think you're asking, "has Rodimus shown any signs of liking SW and I missed it?" and I don't really have an answer to that, as I don't know what you've gotten out of the text. I think the answer here is: yes?
The fic is told mostly through SW's point of view, so while we haven't seen Rodimus pine over SW, we have gotten other clues as to how he feels. The ch 47 excerpt is the most explicit statement we've gotten about it: we see Rodimus drawing a ton of parallels between waking up with SW and waking up with Drift. As you said, he "doesn't want to acknowledge it bc the only other time he felt that way was with drift." So that part at least is clear.
You want examples of Rodimus becoming close to SW from earlier in the story? They're there. The biggest one is probably holding SW's hand, unprompted, in 2938. Usually I don't mind writing out examples and details, but I'mma be honest with you, I'm really tired xD If you ever feel like rereading the fic, keep an eye on Rodimus as you go. Watch him slowly change. There is definitely a first time he laughs at a SW joke. We do see him acknowledge his own obsession with alt dimensioners until they're assimilated. He tells SW a really big secret very early on. We see him share his private screaming place (the dead zone). We see how hurt he is when SW avoids him after The Irradion incident. We just usually see all these things from SW's point of view, so they don't feel as definitive.
Hope that helps/answered the question :)
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Probably the last art update for tonight, just a bit more cleaning up and detail done on Doffy's linework around the face/hair/neck/man-tiddies.
And I already love him he's so unhinged and pretty
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For those of you that have been here since before I rabbit-holed into Digital Art Land, I'm more than halfway through a headcanon thingy for Crocodaddy that falls in line with this whole ABC series thing I did when I first started Tumbling, so I'mma try to finish that tonight.
And to be honest I'm enjoying it way too much because I've always had a weird thing for the whole mafioso-type-character, and I'm feeling that trope heavily with Croc. As if my fan art wasn't enough of an indication of that. Low-key wanna see him roll up in Godfather-era NYC and effortlessly dominate at least two boroughs in ten minutes flat.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
I Got Tea Spilled On Me (TL;DR) ft. Kev, X, AND ME ON SOME BULLSHIT and People Who Know Things
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DISCLAIMER: this entire post was drafted on at least two different dates and IT IS A WHOLE MESS OF OPIATES and so dates, times, even events are probably mixed up like an overshaken martini. I apologize. LET'S READ MY HORRIBLE BRAIN NOW: I got tea spilled on me and I was not gonna mention it. See, confidentiality is a thing, as is privacy, and I have been in the midst of cancer-y type major surgery and on SUPER DRUGS so I felt it unwise. Believe me when I say I was unwise to the tune of many purchased items, so I hadda keep my trap shut. (I may still be on drugs at the time of this writing I didn't expect so many drugs. Be patient with me plskthx) KEVIN CAME TO SEE ME Y'ALL! Bitch flew over here and took a couple days to come give me ALL THE HUGS and ALL THE KISSES and can I just say that he is quite frankly super-ass annoying when he's being Gay Oppa. We think Jungkook has a hyung kink? NO THIS GUY OMG SO MUCH TESTOSTERONE STOPPP ANYWAY
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So okay. We know there was a recent Hobi JITB party but what you did not know was X was there and Knows Things and so I was like "give me all the gossip" and he was drunkish and feeling kindly so. Here's what I HEARD but this is a no sources no receipts household WRITE THAT DOWN AND REMEMBER IT
Also I am currently high as shit on legal drugs because doctors be doctoring and then I'll be high for like a week in a few days because ya girl is coming home from the hospital with a morphine pump PRAY FOR ME ANYWAY it went like this:
Jungkook was fairly drunk. I mean this goes without saying, everyone was drunk, some of y'all have seen the guy who was literally pouring what might have been decent bourbon down his own throat straight from the bar, you do the math. But Koo was having a Good Time. Jimin drank more but got less hammered. I feel like it usually goes down like that, Jimin seems to have a shark's liver or something. He got the good booze gene and JeiKei got the gene for holy water sweat.
Please remember that in Korea, this is not unusual or even undesirable behavior. It's just how they do things, there. Unclench, if need be. Drop the pearls, Mildred, it's fine.
Everyone had fun except Yoongi who wasn't there obviously.
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The Jeon-Parks did arrive together, although they entered the party slightly seperately. It's hard to explain but I guess everyone got styled at work at the same time but didn't all go into the room at the same time? Anyway, once they were in the same room it was all bets off and they stayed in each other's orbit, Satellite Jeon in full effect. X called it "business manners but also not entirely business", whatever the hell that means.
As nearly as I can tell, that means that they tried to stay in their own space and, um, failed. I feel like this is probably true based on the pics I saw. But what about that bit in the corner though, I asked, and I was told
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That it was definitely a bit of an intimate moment but it was totally not the only one. It just happened to be caught on camera and SO DID SOME OTHER MOMENTS WE HAVEN'T SEEN YET. Because let's be honest, cameras everywhere. But this one: Jungkook walked up as Jimin was talking and working on about his severalth glass of champagne and Koo just not even bothered slid his hand right where it goes, I guess, onto Jimin's waist and leaned in to talk to his man like it wasn't a thing. And nobody in the room blinked BECAUSE THIS IS NORMAL.
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So I go, SO "you're telling me that the Jeon Parks are not exactly hiding things anymore" and X GOES LIKE THIS
"THEY DON'T NEED TO HIDE AROUND THEIR FRIENDS, SILLY" and "literally most of the guest list already knows this, it's not like a super secret in the industry, DUH"
Well FINE just tell me what we already knew then Xie DAMN So I go 'but Eunwoo" and X just shut my ass DOWN.
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"This is normal skinship, GOD YOU PEOPLE" the bitch you peopled me and that is mean. Kevin told me to "stop being so white jagi-ah" LIKE HOW but FINE it's all good, we talk like this to each other.
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THEY HAD ARSON CANDLES KIDS. ARSON. CANDLES. So I asked about the Taekook vibe and, like, there were a few friendly moments at the party:
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But beyond what one could possibly rudely refer to as *choke* fanservice for the cameras, there was very little maknae line interaction on the evening in question. Now the way X put it (he didn't say fanservice that was all me) it sounded kinda sus and I said as much. And it's... Apparently, kids, Taehyung has a (GASP) girlfriend?? FOR REAL. And she's famous (but not at the party tho) and she has been the subject of rumors as recently as May. And it is, also a total rumor, fairly serious. So between that and the reported data that Tae has been a little bit of a little shit where the Jeon-Park household is concerned, there was a touch of freeze happening at this party. Which was noticeable because usually Jimin and Tae are pretty tight regardless, but not on this night. I have no receipts for this -- it could be bullshit -- but the way X was talking I think it's worth watching anyway. MAYBE I SHOULDN'T HAVE SAID THAT IDK IDK I'M NOT POSTING THIS ANYWAY I AM NOT A TAE ANTI I LOVE HIM I WANT HIS SURPRISINGLY HETERO ASS TO BE HAPPY LET HIM LIVE HAPPILY AND GET OFF MY DICK OKAY (Psst look at the girlfriend):
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I'm not the first person to mention it, either. They've apparently been a thing since before the LA concerts is all I'm saying.
ANYWAY WHERE WAS I So Jimin and Jungkook were hanging out with their friends, and holding hands in corners and kinda being boyfies but they got noticed a bit and told to CHILL BRO so they chill bro'd. X says they had a pretty good time even with the orbiting and it was a really good party. Jimin was VERY popular. Lots of selfies with the hoi polloi.
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"Oh Irene's great, they're besties, they hang out" SO I GO "You sure that's all it is because your girl looks happy" and he goes "They're honestly just buds. She's like his you if Hobi was a bisexual Kev" and, well, okay. That makes perfect sense to me. WAIT. BACK UP. SAY AGAIN. HOBI'S OPENLY BISEXUAL? "Hobi's always been bisexual, jeezus. Calm down, this is not exactly new information," says Man With Apparently Normal Information I Do Not Have Access To On A Usual Day. Like we all been knew I guess but I don't know how to function with an actual man on the inside. SHUT UP I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT. THAT'S IT I AM DONE I CAN'T BE HERE ANYMORE. I'll see y'all when I'm actually allowed to speak on things.
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