#i've also got a heat pack on which is not helping
sga-owns-my-soul · 7 months
i'm out of town visiting a friend right now and i'm here for 4 days (going back saturday) and my period just fucking started which means not only do i need to suffer through Not Sleeping In My Own Bed (which is hard enough rn bc my depression is flaring and being away from my home and boys and bed is really draining) but i have to do it while i'm fucking dying and in the worst pain ever and i'm so fucking upset
i wanna see this friend and i'm glad we get to visit but fuck all i want to do is go the fuck HOME i hate this!!!!!!
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russellsppttemplates · 10 months
So what about one of the girfriends not feeling well during the raceweeked but being stubborn about it. She ends up feeling really really poorly on race day and has to sit inside with some other wag inside hospitality or even be taken to the medical area for a bit. Maybe it's the heat or the jetlag idk,but driver ends up knowing about it after and he's worried, so he's taking care of her from them on and is grateful for their friends
Tw: sickness from heat stroke, medical visit
"I'm getting a coffee, Y/N, do you want something?", Carmen asked, "can you bring me a bottle of water, please? Cold, if possible", you asked her, seeing her nod as she got up. It was hot, that much you could say. Inside the hospitality, you were feeling okay, but the minute you set foot close to the garage, where the air outside was much more prominent, it was a different story. So, for now, you and Carmen were keeping yourselves indoor until the race started, having already wished good luck to both of your boyfriends on their race, hoping for a double Mercedes podium today.
"How did you convince Mick to let you watch the race here?", Carmen asked as she came back, handing you the cold bottle for you to place it on the nape of your neck, "I might've told him that I was fine, which I feel like I am", you said as the Spanish woman looked at you sternly, "fine-ish, but it's going to be okay, I just have to keep myself in a cooler spot, lots of water, maybe grab some ice from the catering", you joked.
Joking, however, didn't seem like such when about halfway through the race, you started having trouble in seeing the screen properly, even with your glasses on, "you're not feeling well, are you, Y/N?", Carmen asked as she got up, helping you to a cooler part of the garage, "I'm a bit dizzy", you admitted. After giving you some water and placing an ice pack on your neck and another to your wrists, you started feeling a little bit better even though you were still a bit weak.
"I think it's best if we go get you checked out", Carmen reasoned, "you're looking pale and flushed, and those two are never a good sign", she said, getting one of the media girls to help you to the medical tent hoping someone would just check if everything was fine.
"Y/N, have you been sleeping well?", the doctor asked after he took your temperature, "I've been travelling for work, and then I came here, so sleep hasn't been so easy", you clarified, "jet lag and this heat is a bad combination", he stated, "this is likely heat stroke, there's nothing else suggesting another situation, so rest up, lots of fluids, stay away from the sun as much as possible for the next few days and ice packs on your pressure and temperature points should help, too", he concluded as you nodded, thanking him.
"It looks like there might be some celebrations today, but I'd rather you stay in", he said as he showed you the final results, George and Mick getting a Mercedes 1-2 as they crossed the line.
Opting to stay in Mick's driver's room until after the podium, it didn't take long for your boyfriend to walk in, his trophy standing on Toto's counter as he checked you, "I heard what happened, are you okay?", he said, approaching you as Carmen stood back, looking for her boyfriend so she could congratulate him and give you two some privacy, "I'm fine, I just can't take the combination of hot temperatures and sleep deprivation", you smiled, hoping to soothe his worries.
Understandably, you and Mick passed on the team's dinner despite your insistence that Mick should go, "knowing Mick, he would eat very quickly and wait for the best and most polite time to come back to you, so he might as well just pass this one and we will all celebrate later when you feel better", Toto said as you smiled at his attentiveness.
"I have a bath, cool water, so we can wash the day away, I asked room service for something light for dinner and also a bucket of ice", he smiled as he helped you undress, "I know you're tired, but I promise you're going to feel better after this, liebling". Holding you with one arm under your knees and one around your back, Mick eased you into the bathtub before he got in, "don't think I won't scold you for letting me believe you were feeling better when you weren't. I'm just not going to do it now", he chuckled, kissing your shoulders as you snuggled closer to him, "thank you for looking after me", you whispered, "always, liebling, always".
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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raz-writes-the-thing · 10 months
loved the period request you did for Alec!
My period has been really debilitating recently and I'm 99.9% sure that a period fic with Crowley is the only thing that will make me feel better
Hiya gorgeous,
Here's some HCs because I've not got fic inspo for this one yet
Crowley x GN!Reader
GOMENS: @coffee-and-red-lipstick @quickslvxrr @clarina04 @motionlessindoubt @stevekempscocktails @go-bonkers-go-foolish @peytonpenguin37 (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
Crowley has a keen sense of smell, and even if you're not keeping a cycle calendar going, he can smell when your hormones are starting to go all crazy with an oncoming menstrual cycle.
Even though he'd love to, he doesn't want to use too many miracles to ease your cramps, so he prepares little nests for you to cuddle up in.
He preps snacks and blankets and because using miracles for heat and cooling an item are so small they're basically undetectable, he heats up heat packs for you whenever you ask.
When they're really back he rubs your lower spine and does his best to ease your muscles.
He's also always more than willing to fuck or finger the cramps out of you. He's aware that orgasms can ease cramps and is never one to shy away from something that might help you feel better. He's not a squeamish person, anyway.
"Mm- right- I heard you humans are fans of chocolate during these trying times. This true?"
Him getting you so many chocolates. All the chocolates and all the brands.
He also likes to run baths for you and give you massages if you can stand to be touched that much.
He will also give you all the cuddles. He's not a super cuddly person generally speaking, but he will do his best for you when he can. Particularly if you're in pain.
He even tried reading to you once when it was really, really bad. And he hates books. He can't read very well but he did his best for you. It did distract you, which was consolation enough. But he hasn't done it again since.
He has miracled the cramps before, but only when it's super bad and he doesn't have any other choice. He can't stand to see you in so much pain.
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craziness2345 · 8 days
First Mission
Chapter two
A/N a little bit of warning there's some fighting in this one mention of blood. let me know what you think of it i promise we will have more wandanat just trying not to rush it to fast.
It’s been a month since I became a part of the team and surprisingly Wanda and Natasha and I have gotten quite close. They've been inviting me to go out on walks with them, even watching movies in the living room. They’ve even invited me on a couple dates with them which I declined not wanting to intrude on their time together. It’s also not helping that I've grown a crush on them so I kind of try to avoid them a little bit but they don’t let me. I let out a groan rubbing my sides slightly to relieve the pain “ Fuck Nat whats the point of training when i’m on the floor “ I grumble as she let’s out a smirk” Not my fault you can’t keep up” She shrugs, scoffing I walk away “ Bullshit” I grumble “ Language” Steve hollers as i frown “ how the hell” I grumble “ you’re not even near me “ I comment “ I have good hearing “ He shrugs.
I roll my eyes as i head on out of the training rooms running into a body i start to fall before my body stops a force holding me up i realize it’s wanda i let out a slight smile” Hey there thanks for keeping me from falling” I comment as she smiles shrugging “ It’s no problem detka just be careful don’t want you hurting yourself” She comments causing me to salute “ ma’am yes ma’am” I say softly grinning at her. This causes her to roll her eyes at me “ you're insufferable” I scoff “ I thought i was your friend “ I comment grinning causing her to roll her eyes again “ go away” she laughs. I hum and head down the hall “ yeah yeah i’m going see ya” I call out heading to my room to shower i get changed tossing my dirty clothes in the hamper i sigh. 
“ Y/N your presence is being requested by the Director” I jump still not used to the AI “ Oh uh thank Friday” I mumble rubbing the back of my head i head out of my room heading up to the meeting room i head in seeing Tony and steve in there i nod too them seeing the director and Maria standing up. “ Y/L/N  how have you been holding up?” Maria asks, causing me to smile “ Not too bad, starks a bit annoying but it’s been good” I comment tony giving me a dirty look” Hey! I gave you my credit card and this is how you show your thanks?” HE says jokingly, causing me to laugh.
Fury clears his throat” It’s good to know you’re handling it all well Agent now i called you three here for a mission it’s pretty simple in and out.” Fury says pulling the files out and handing them to each of us “ You’re leaving in ten it’s a hydra base but i need stealth tony you're extraction steve you’re on incase it goes haywire and Y/N you are going in I chose you for you’re invisibility power so please don’t use the heat vision i need you guy to break into the lab and get all the information onto this drive” he says as i nod” Yes sir” I say grabbing the drive. “ Okay good you three get ready quinjet leaves in ten” He announces.
I get up heading out with Steve and tony. I head straight to my room packing up and changing into my suit and heading out bumping into Natasha and wanda “ Hey i thought we were going out for lunch?” Wanda asks in confusion causing me to wince “ Shit sorry i was given a mission i have to go Raincheck?” I ask, feeling bad as wanda looks at me worriedly Natasha humming “ Be careful don’t get hurt” Natasha says finally as wanda nods in agreement. I give them a smile “ You got it” I say heading down the hall in a hurry. Getting in the elevators I wave to them before they close.
I take a deep breathe nervously looking at the time as i get to the helipad where the quinjet is i head on tony and steve already in “ Took you long enough kid” Tony teases causing me to roll my eyes playfully “Sorry my suit doesn’t have the function to dress me itself” I say sarcastically causing tony to grin “ Thanks for giving me an idea for you’re new suit” He comments excitedly causing me to roll my eyes as i sit down steve driving the quinjet to the coordinates. “ We’ll be in there in an hour” He calls out. I sit back to relax as tony does his own thing.
I decide to pull the file out going over the mission in my head and studying the layout. Not much later we go towards a spot pretty ar from detection i get ready to head ou as we put our comms in.” ok Y/N this is a pretty simple mission let us know if you end up with any problems okay? Tony will be on standby and also be you’re eyes he’ll be hacked into the camera systems to help you just incase. “ Steve says standing by “ just let me know when you need extraction incase of an emergency i’ll be there to get you” He says. I take a moment to digest everything he says before nodding “ Okay got it “ I say heading off the quinjet i wave before going invisible tony grins” That’s so cool” HE mumbles steve shaking his head. I head in the direction quietly before geeting to the base.
I watch the guards going past them and silently following one inside making sure my breathing is slow and quiet as i make my way behind the guard going down a hall i quickly move against the wall as a groupd of hydra agents walk past. I wait a few minutes before walking again as i go down another hall recalling the lay out i stop at a door praying i went the right way as i open it slowly seeing a few hydra agents i curse before quietly and quickly taking them out thankful that there were only three. I appear back as i start tapping into the system tapping on the comm in my ear “ Okay i made it Tony i need you to get on the cameras outside the room to let me know of anyone coming in this is gonna take a minute” I say
“ Alright i got in Kid youre all clear now” He says causing me to nod as i focus on the computer putting the drive in to start the downloading process “ Okay tony we might havea problem” I say “ Whats wrong?” His voice comes through with concern in his tone “ They know i’m here they must of had something that tripped in the files “ I say as he curses” Yeah theres a group of agents heading your way now” He says quickly causing a groan to leave my lips “ Oh of course why wouldn’t there be” I grumble turning to the door as it breaks open “ on my way kid “ He says quickly i just let a noise out in reply ducking out of the way of a hydra agent as another one goes for a punch i quickly back up again kicking his chest. One goes to shoot at me but i quickly pull the agent next to me causing him to get shot as i push him into the other agent cursing since i cant use the heat vision in this small room. I try my best to keep them away from the drive glancing to see how long it has before duck when one of them goes to hit me with a baton “ why the fuck do you have a electric coming from that you psycho” I exclaim ducking again.
I quickly knock another down getting a bit overwhelmed by the mount coming as im distracted i feel an electric current hit me cuasing my body to jolt i fall to the ground for a second groaning in pain.i quickly shake out of it when one of them starts to grab me groaning i throw my head back hitting them in the nose when they pull me up kicking my feet out to knock him down i end up getting punched in the face before tony breaks in “ fucking took you long enough” I snap as he deals with the rest “ sorry sorry i took a wrong turn “ He says as i roll my eyes and start pulling the drive out “ yeah yeah get me the fuck outta here “ i say as he grabs me blasting his way through as he flies us out to the quinjet landing i stumble a bit before standing straight and getting in as we get out of there i buckle up and lean back in my chair tony handing me a rag “ you’re nose is bleeding kid” he says cuaisng me to thank him laying it on my nose pinching it as i lean back tiredly. “ you did good kid “ he says patting my shoulder before sitting down aswell not long later i fall asleep.
A 8 year old Y/N runs along the road giggling “ come on Jake were gonna be late to the movie!” Y/N exclaims as Jake her 15 year old brother laughs “ I’m coming i’m coming” He says jogging up to catch up with her as he picks hers up tickling her she starts to laugh wiggling a little in his arms “ now stay with me don’t want you getting lost” he says softly as she pouts “ I’m sorry jake” she say as he sets her down “ It’s fine cutie” he says messing up her hair “ I’m just kidding i would never lose you i’ll always be by yourside “ he says as she looks up “ promise?” She asks quietly as he nods kneeling downto her height he holds his pinkie out “ I pinkie promise” He says causing her to smile widely wrapping her pinkie around his.
I shake awake when the quinjet lands rubbing my eyes i realize they were wet quickly looking to make sure tony didn’t notice before relaxing realizing he was sleeping aswell clearing my throat i unbuckle as tony start waking up steve comes out of the pilot seat “ alright don’t forget to fill out your mission reports” he says tony groaning and grumbling as he leaves and i just nod heading off heading straight inside as much as i wanted to bathe i needed to get the mission report done before i forget so i head straight into one of the meeting rooms and sitting down getting started on the mission report making sure to write down each detail of everything that happened. 
I end up losing track of time as i work on the report before not long i hear a person clear there throat. Jolting me from what i was doing i look up to see natasha arms crossed as she leans on the doorframe “ You should get cleaned up “ she states states studying me as i sigh “ i know but i prefer doing the  report now while it’s all on my mind “ I shrug leaning back in my chair “ Yeah well you look like shit with that black eye and swollen bloody nose” she deadpans causing me to roll my eyes “ Thanks” i say sarcastically. 
I lean back tiredly “ I will i’m done anyways” I sigh putting the report away i stand up “ I gotta give this to maria first though” i comment holding the drive in my hand as she hums taking it out of my hand” Go wash up” she orders “ I’ll do this” she says leaving causing me to blink dumb founded by that i sigh getting up and trudging to the elevators going up to my floor i get out and head down to my room pressing the button the doors open up for me as i trudge in undressing i wince looking down at my sidd where i got shocked my skin turning black and blue “ fucking asshole sucha cheap shot” i grumble heading into my bathroom i turn the shower on looking in the mirror hissing at the dried up blood and swollen right eye i touch my tender nose” Fuck you look ugly” i mumble to myself as i head in the shower. I start washing away the dried up blood and wash my hair enjoying the hot water as it relaxes my muscles. Letting my eyes slowly shut enjoying this moment. I stay in the shower for a bit longer before getting out and drying up i stumble out of the room and get changed heading out to the kitchen my stomach grumbling as i go through the fridge “ I left you food in the microwave detka” a sweet angelic voice says turing around i grin “ wanda you are the best” i say happily opening it and pulling the plate out to see its spaghetti i grin excitedly setting it down as i shovel it into my mouth as wanda shakes her head “ Slow down” she scolds causing me to eat slower “ sorry” i mumble with a mouth full of food.
She rolls her eyes “ make sure to ice that eye of yours” she warns as i nod grinning at you “ yes maam” i mumble eating some more of the spaghetti happily. She shakes her her head and hums” don’t forget to rest tommorrow” she says softly before heading off to her and natashas room. I finish eating before heading back to my room collapsing on the bed i turn the tv on and just lay there. My thoughts traveling to old memories of when i was younger hating that i keep going back to that horrible day i shake my head i cover my eyes in annoyance trying to keep my emotions at bay. As i rub my face some more i stare at the tv deciding to just stay up not wanting to relive anymore of those moments. 
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minjiarchive · 7 months
distance apart | jiu x fem!reader
not requested but i'll work on requests after! also just to let everyone know there's gonna be a cliffhanger at the end but listen, i'm planning to make a pt2
warnings / smut, phone sex, kinda a long ass fic btw 😭
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These last few weeks have been hard. They've been frustrating and honestly, you've been pent up this whole week. You haven't been able to give yourself a damn break and it frustrates you. But your mood suddenly softens when Minji calls you, her endearing contact filling your heart with relief. She always knows what to say when you have a bad day, her soft voice bringing you at peace.
This call though... just seemed like she wanted to bring you to a different mood.
“Aww, you've missed me haven't you?” She asks although she doesn't need an answer for that because she knows you do.
“I have... I want to see you already,” Minji can imagine you pouting through the screen and she can't help but smile at the thought.
“Such an impatient girl,” she teases, your face getting flustered at the way she describes you, “you've been more needy since the last time I saw you.”
You'd joke that she's been spying on you since your business trip started because she's right. It's not easy not having her by your side or there to give you the proper comfort. You could survive a few more days without her, you needed to be alive to see her anyway.
“That's because I don't have your hands on me 24/7.”
There's a hum from her and then a long pause. The silence fills both ends with tension and you weren't sure if it was good or bad tension. Maybe that was too bold to say? Fuck, I shouldn't have said that in the first place. You felt awkward now, your thoughts making you feel even more embarrassed.
The prolonged silence was too much to bare so you broke the tension by groaning out, “I'm sorry, I just-”
“Have you been a good girl for me?”
She cuts you off before you can even apologize, her voice low and husky through the phone. You're suddenly met with heat that travels throughout your body, making your lower center warm and throbbing.
It's a question that catches you so off guard that you don't even know how to process it.
'What' is all you can say because you're still trying to wrap your head around what just happened. From an embarrassingly long silence to asking you such a bold question had you questioning everything.
“Cat got your tongue, baby?” Minji chuckles but in a way that she's mocking you.
Your hands grip the sheets and you don't know why but you assume that her condescending tone is so fucking hot that you're left speechless.
In which you are.
“Answer me.”
You're so dumbfounded that you forgot that this all isn't happening through text, where you could easily just leave her on read and hope for the best. It's all happening in real-time.
“I-I've been good, Minji,” you whisper.
“You haven't been touching yourself without my permission, have you?” Minji wonders if you've made it this far without cumming. It's all decided by you though, whether she treats you like a slut or her good girl.
“N-No, I haven't.”
She's shocked but happy, the plan she set up for you is all going well.
“That's my girl,” she praises, making you melt so easily.
“It sounds like you deserve a reward for it then.”
Your eyes lit up at the sound of that, you might finally receive the release you've been wanting all this time. That is if you stay truthful and good to her but that isn't something you have to worry about.
“Did you see the toy I brought along in your suitcase?”
Another one of Minji's questions that has your head spinning with another 'What?' You had two suitcases, one with your essentials and another with all your clothes. You focused more on the suitcase with your clothes so you must've not realized that she put something in your luggage.
You have another one of your moments and decide to check your suitcase, and you were right. It was covered under everything else you packed, a dildo. It had to be one of your favorites that she used on you and you almost drooled on the spot when you saw it.
“Oh my god...” you say, clearly struck at the fact that she packed a toy for you.
“You're so cute. I put it with your luggage because I've been thinking about doing this with you.” You swore that if you stood up, your panties would be soaked. Instead, you just freeze and let her continue herself.
“I want you to put it inside while you're on the phone with me, I'll even let you ride it if you earn it.”
You're fucked.
You rush to the bed again and press your thighs tighter. You've been at a lost for words ever since she asked if you've been good for her, which happened 10 minutes ago.
“Hm? Would you like that, sweetheart?” Minji asks and you almost immediately reply with, “Yes please.”
You're obedient, almost too obedient that you'd allow Minji to do anything to you, but that's what she loves about you and she could never take it for granted.
Since you happily obliged, she smiles and says, “Good, put it inside of you then.”
“Start slow, don't put it in all the way yet,” making sure that the boundary is clear that you don't take it in all the way yet.
“Does it feel good, love?”
She hears the single curse word and confirms that you're enjoying yourself but you add on,
“You feel so good, I've been needing this since I left.”
Minji herself felt her clit grinding against the friction of her pants, hungrily searching for some type of relief. You hear her breathing pick up from the other side of the phone and you take that to your advantage to think about how she'd sound like if she saw you like this.
Her arms holding one of your thighs to the side, digging her nails that would leave marks until the next day.
“My poor baby,” Minji cooed and your legs started spreading wider for her, “helplessly thinking about my strap buried inside of her, isn't that right?”
“Go deeper,” she growls.
“Oh god, please.” Your entire body shudders as you try to take it deeper. You've been so stressed out from work that your muscles have been more tense lately, Minji's been expecting it.
A stretch from your favorite toy would loosen you up, wouldn't it, princess?
You mumble to her how tight you are and how you can't take it – but she doesn't care really. She knows that she can treat you however she wants and not care how much you can take until you say the safe word so she's safe to continue.
The toy fills you up so much that you feel full but you're too greedy to stop. Your slick dripping down the length from how wet you are and it creates a mess underneath you. You speed up your pace and take it faster, hearing all the filthy sounds it makes as you pound yourself with the thought of Minji in your head.
“Tell me what I'd do if I was there with you.”
Minji could practically imagine and tell you what you're thinking of, she is the leader of her group at the end of the day. But her instincts leave her guessing, you must be thinking about a lot of things if she hears you this wet through the call. She takes in the pleasure of making you shy and hot in the face, knowing the result will always be you begging her to cum.
“You would force it all the way inside of me,” you manage out, “t-telling me that I'm your good girl while fuck-”
The mental images that mixed in with arousal made it nearly impossible to finish your sentence. You found yourself stuttering word after word and you weren't even sure if Minji understood what you said before that. It proved the easy access she had over you, so good to please and fuck.
You were both too deep to stop now so she encourages, “C'mon... Y/N, I know you can tell me.”
“While you shove your fingers in my mouth to keep me quiet,“ your own words having you rolling your hips harder into the toy.
“I'm so proud of you.”
Her praise never failed to boost your confidence and she can feel it through the screen, miles apart and her senses are still with you. Minji remembers it all so well. Bending you over while her fingers enter your mouth with ease, pulling them out all coated with your spit that she'll use to fill inside of you.
The memory sticks with her so well, she must remind you, “I'd have you choking around me so much, yet you're all alone in your hotel room...”
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rocknroll7575 · 5 months
Team ARCZ is... Crazy (Pt.3)
Part 1/Part 2/Part 4
"It was here that Cardin knew he was in trouble..."
Cardin's eyes widened as he saw Yang's Semblance activate before him, and he could still feel the heat that burst from her and he was in awe by her glowing fiery hair and her now red eyes.
However, Cardin knew that he was in deep trouble by now, since Yang had said that her Semblance was similar to his own.
Yang glared at him, and in an instant, appeared right in front of him, delivering a powerful blow to his gut that the force instantly caused all the air to leave his body as well as caused some internal bleeding and cracked ribs.
It sent him flying back and skipping across the arena like a stone on water. Once he stopped and landed, Cardin spat up some blood and slowly got up on all fours.
'Shit! She r-really packs a fucking punch!' Cardin thought.
"It was here that Cardin's luck seemed to run out..."
He quickly tried to heal whatever was wrong with his internal wounds but knew that wasn't going to help as he could feel he didn't have much of his aura left, but that was also good news as he knew that after using her Semblance, Yang herself didn't have much either.
Cardin got up as blood dripped down his mouth and yet he had a smile on his face. he looked up at the monitor only to see that while his Aura was at 35%, Yang's was 40%, which meant, he had a chance, even if it was slim.
'I've got a chance!' Cardin thought joyfully. 'I just got to keep pushing it! No stopping! Jaune didn't! Reese didn't! I sure as hell ain't!' Cardin thought.
"...But he can't end on a loss,"
Cardin activated his semblance and set his strength, stamina, into overdrive, and rushed forward, pulling is mace back. Yang saw this incoming and pulled her left fist back, and the two blows clashed, causing a shockwave from the sheer force of the blows.
Yang was confused, 'How is he still so strong?' Yang asked herself.
However, as she was in her own head, she failed to notice Cardin's other hand coming in for a punch, which he landed right right in her face, causing her to stumbled to her left, and Cardin didn't let up as he grabbed his mace with both hands, pulled it back, and swung it right at Yang's end, uppercutting the blonde boxer, and causing her to fly up a little.
'This is crazy! He's still got this much strength!?' Yang cried.
Yang managed to land on her feet, but quickly jumped away, gaining some distance between her and Cardin. When she was far enough, she slammed her foot into the ground, kicking up part of the floor, that flew up in the air, and she pulled her fist back before punching it toward Cardin, which sent it flying dangerously at Cardin.
However, the young man pulled his mace back and struck the piece of flooring like a batter with a ball, sending it back towards Yang, but she moved her head to the side, evading the attack.
Cardin looked at her with a grin before he felt his arms feel severely sore and blood drip from his nose. He staggered forward and felt pain shoot all around his body.
'Damn it! I'm overdoing it! Shit!' He thought with anger. 'At this rate, I won't be able to win!'
Yang saw this and took this moment to blast forward, to end the fight with a single it, knowing she could if she powered enough of her aura and semblance into this next attack.
Not a mere foot away from the mace-wielding teen, she pulled her fist back, but Cardin managed to come out of his thoughts in the nick of time, to see Yang's attack and quickly bent backward just as she threw the punch, narrowly avoiding the blow.
Taking a page out of Jaune's book, he shot his head forward and slammed it right in Yang's face, stunning her and causing her to stagger back.
Cardin then once again, put his entire body into overdrive, and he quickly hit Yang in the face with a quick swipe of his Mace, before he spat more blood out and some more spilled from his eyes.
Yang was shocked by the blood, but that didn't stop Cardin as he went in for another hit, Yang ducked under it, and punched him in the gut again.
The pain in Cardin's stomach doubled, and his mouth filled with blood, but he didn't let it out until he looked at Yanb and spat it out in her face, blinding her.
"AH!" Yang cried as the blood struck her eyes.
Cardin gripped his mace with both hands again, raised his mace up, and struck the brawler over her head, sending her to the ground.
However, that was the straw that broke the camel's back as his entire body finally couldn't handle all the strain Cardin put on it, due to his semblance.
Cardin's eyes rolled into his head and he fell forward unconscious, and as he fell unconscious, Yang slowly got up to her knees and looked up to the ceiling with a smile before she looked back down at him with a wide grin.
"Damn Winchester! You've got some balls on you!" Yang cried with a joyful tone. Yang then looked at the monitor to see that both of their Auras were in the red and seemed to be only one digit apart, with her being at 20% and Cardin being at 19%. "Heh! Ya almost won, but a win's a win!" She said.
However, Yang didn't get up, she just fell onto her back with a smile.
"Cardin may have lost the fight, but he has gained the respect of many others around him, including the Summer Rose herself,"
As Cardin was being carried out by the nurses, Jaune, Reese, and May followed him, praising him as they headed toward the infirmary.
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soaps-mohawk · 7 months
I've a silly question, but I thought it'd be fun to ask anyway. How likely is jealousy in packs? Say, for example, you've got an alpha that insists on being the only alpha in the pack. They may have a few betas too, but no other alphas. What if that alpha had four omegas that they're responsible for and bonded to. Would that create issues? The bond between alphas and omegas is fulfilling in a different way than alphas and betas, or betas and omegas, right? So could there be tension between the omegas if they aren't getting adequate time with their alpha?
I'm kinda imagining the Sister Wives dynamic where the alpha clearly has a favorite, and there's a bunch of tension until the others get fed up and leave. But omegas don't have that option, so would they just have to put up with it?
Also, what would happen if they all went into heat at the same time? Sounds like a disaster to be honest. Are there regulations in place to prevent alphas from taking on too many omegas in their pack?
Ooh yeah, this is a good question.
So I think I mentioned briefly in another answer to a different question that there could be more omegas in a pack than alphas. It's very rare that that happens, for a lot of reasons.
Most (decent) institutes won't allow an alpha to have that kind of imbalance. Even omegas that don't go to institutes, who search for alphas the organic way, usually wouldn't choose to put themselves in that position.
Because...yes, it can cause a whole host of issues. The alpha would have a hard time splitting time and attention between just two omegas, much less four or even more, and as we've seen hints of, omegas can get needy if they're not getting their needs fulfilled and they can get nasty because of that. Jealousy absolutely would be an issue because the alpha would be drawn to one over the others (hence the need for a balance in numbers). An unbalanced dynamic would cause all sorts of issues for the omegas physically and mentally. Especially, like you brought up, if their heats by chance synced. You'd have (in this example) three omegas in heat with no help. So the alpha would have to prepare for that and we'll see later in the fic why that can be hard on the omegas.
It would be a disaster all around, which is why it's so uncommon. Alphas probably still try to do it, just out of some disgusting fantasy or perhaps greed, but it never ends well. Rather morbid, but it likely ends in the death of at least one omega, and probably a lot of pack rejection (which can also lead to death). So yeah, super rare but it does happen.
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deanwax · 2 months
Writer Interview
Cheers for the tags, @autism-purgatory and @the-golden-comet <3
no-presh tag to @dyrewrites and @winterandwords, lets gooo
About Me
When did you first start writing?
I would've cut my teeth in the Neopets roleplay forums around age 11-12, likely didn't start writing standalone fics until age 18-19.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
Not really, but also: I'll read literally anything if it's presented as a graphic novel. It's been a useful way to discover new things, and historical graphic novels have been a gateway drug to documentaries and video essays.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
I don't really concern myself with emulation these days, but way back I tried to style a novel heavily on the works of Poppy Z Brite. I was too green to understand how to give a gothic horror a point, and "Wailing" fizzled out with not much more than wallowing in edgy misery. I've still never been able to salvage the plot or characters to this day.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
In order of frequency: lying on my stomach in bed with a heat pack, at my computer desk, hunched up in the corner of a train, being weirdly intense in the bar of a local theatre. So yeah, I do a lot of writing on my phone.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
I'm actually in the middle of reckoning with my own limitations caused by a chronic pain condition, so I'm more in the camp of "let the muse come to you". I try to check in often, I'd only to smash out a few more notes or paste in some research.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
No, except Sucks Down Under which is literally set in early 2000s Australiana. For the most part I'm making stuff up freestyle.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
I didn't think there'd be so much symbolic cannibalism when I started out, but here we are.
My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
Man. Adam "Flicker" Prescott from Wailing was the OG, man. He was supremely socially awkward and couldn't stick up for himself against his trans friend who was too angry about gender to see how cruel they were being. He could see ghosts. Eventually he got separated from his body entirely and became a spirit trapped in the mind of the vampire who killed him. He deserved better.
Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
Flicker could live in the back of my mind if he wanted. I guess he does.
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Setting aside outright villains, I actually would start to avoid Alistair from Impressions of Aire for long stretches of time if I knew him IRL. He's way too socially outgoing, man. That's not my speed. Small doses only.
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
The speed at which I can come up with these dudes is too fast to clearly separate the process onto steps. It helps to have a prompt to get the bones down, like a genre or an event that will happen in the story. Then: nyeeeooowwww.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
What’s your reason for writing?
Also autism. Yes, yes, the joy of creation. But also: I am putting the characters through The Situations with wildly different parameters.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
Babe, I write original fiction. Any kind of comment at all is a joyous rarity.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
A trickster.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Grounding the actions of the story in some kind of reason, or at least a process that can be observed if not clearly understood.
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
Knack for words.
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
I have loved everything I have ever written.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Yes, so I could read it later.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
Any story where I've tried to inject content that would make it popular has hit wall until I've allowed myself to rework it to be as weird as I truly want it to be.
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gayf1hoe · 2 months
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Part 2
The bright morning sun of Saudi Arabia peeks through the half shut blinds casting a blinding light onto my face. As I open my eyes the slight hangover that I have got as a result of last night's inability to say no to alcohol hits me and in my bout of fatigue and confusion the events of last night come flooding back into my memory.
At the realisation that last night I had kissed Max I feel a wave of indefinite embarrassment and regret pulsate through my body. Thousands of questions race through my mind.
Does he hate me? Does he regret it? Whilst I know what I did was irrational and stupid I can't help but feel euphoric and happy but I'm almost certain that it's just a premature feeling that will be abruptly halted when I eventually and inevitably see him around.
But I don't need that distraction, I've only just made it to F1. I'm not going to ruin it by falling in love, I have bigger things to worry about like improving my team's position in the constructors Championship.
I realise staring into the abyss isn't going to help me and most of all isn't going to help the team. Today we are heading over to Australia and I haven't even packed yet or got anything to eat.
I head over to my closet and begin to fold and place my clothes into my bag when I hear a light knock on the door. I turn the handle and open the door ajar and see it's Zhou standing there.
“Hey Y/N we have to be downstairs in 20 minutes to leave for the airport”, “Yep that's fine, I'll be down soon” I reply.
I gently close the door and get back to packing my bags and I finish doing so quickly. I take one final look around my abnormally small room, which is for some reason smaller than all the others to check if there is anything left. After concluding there is nothing left I walk towards the stairs and walk down them, the midday heat of Abu Dhabi which has encapsulated the entire building is slightly stifling.
As I make it to the bottom of the stairs, I see some of the drivers outside the entrance waiting by the bus. I emerge through the doors and hand my luggage over to the driver who is waiting by the luggage compartment.
I stand outside chatting for a while because Max isn't here so I can only assume he's on the bus and even though we made out last night I can't face him. But eventually we have to set off so I half push past everyone so I'm not last on.
As I step onto the bus, the cool AC hits me and it is a welcoming comfort from the outside heat. The second I step on I see him. He's sitting at the front, we make eye contact for a split second but I quickly avert it to avoid any awkwardness.
He gives me his usual faint, cute and adorable smile but I don't provide any recognition of it. I walk to the complete opposite end of the bus from Max and sit at the back next to Zhou and Yuki.
The pair provide a great relief from the stress of Max through his lengthy verbose conversation about his cat that he just got. I find it adorable though how he finds so much joy in his pet and it does make me wonder if I want to get a pet as a distraction and company.
As we edge further and further into the journey my phone begins to ring, pulling it from my pocket I see its Ollie and immediately answer it faster than I ever have before.
“Hey” I say and before I can ask how he is he begins speaking on without any sign of stopping “Y/N L/N THAT PERFORMANCE YESTERDAY WAS OUTSTANDING P3 IN A SAUBER HOW DID YOU DO IT? ALSO WHY DIDN'T YOU DRINK THAT ALCOHOL? DO YOU RELAISE HOW EXPENSIVE IT IS?”
“Hello to you too Mr Bearman” he laughs at the other end and then asks how I have been, conscious of the people around me I talk in a hushed tone. “I've been good, how have you been?” he replies the same and then asks me how things have been going with men like he normally does. We had created a certain code system for this type of event, so that we could talk even if people were around. I quietly whisper “Code Red” and at the other end I hear a large audible gasp.
“WITH WHO?” He exclaims.
I look around and Zhou has put his headphones in and I double check in front of me and see Lando asleep so I whisper into my phone “Verstappen”. Just by stating his name Olie lets out an even louder gasp and I can tell he's jumping up and down.
“How did it happen?” he prods, “I was supplied with alcohol, and it just happened”. We spend at least 35 minutes talking about the whole situation and I tell him how I'm sort of avoiding him but he tells me to stop being so irrational and just talk to him. I normally take Ollie’s advice but this time I can't help but feel like I shouldn't. We never had the chance to meet up with each other in Abu Dhabi but hopefully we will in Australia.
At the conclusion of our phone call we pull into the parking lot of the small private airport and we are guided towards a seating plan that has been made completely randomly. Looking at the sheet I can't find my name but as I look down the list I see who I'm next to and I want to get on another plane.
9C - Y/N L/N
9B - Max Verstappen
“fuck right off” I sigh immediately and go straight to Checo and ask if he wants to swap but he said he's happy next to Fernando so I try my luck with Zhou but he wants to stay next to Yuki so they can talk about food. I sigh in acceptance of my fate so I begin to dig out my ipad so I can just watch Netflix or listen to an audio book instead of having to engage in conversation with Max.
I reluctantly climbed into the aircraft which for a million dollar private jet is very small and cramped. I can tell the FIA and F1 are trying to save money. I flop down into my window seat and place my headphones in and crank the volume up as much as it can go. I sense a presence next to me and I can tell it's Max by the indistinguishable smell of his cologne.
The engine of the aircraft begins to soar as we thunder down the runway, the light shaking of the cabin sends Max’s shoulder colliding into mine at each bump reminding me of our first encounter which makes me blush at the thought.
I don't remember much about the first half of the flight as I fade away watching my Netflix show but the next thing I know someone is tapping my shoulder. I open my eyes to see the bright smile of Danny Ric bearing over me. I remove my headphones and ask him what he wants. “He sticks out a container that contains pastries and says “You didn't have breakfast this morning” sitting next to Max has made my appetite dissipate so I kindly decline. “You know you must eat” Max interjects. Fuck I think. I don't know what to say.
I laugh lightly “yea I'm not a breakfast person”, he turns to face me “What have I done wrong?” I give him a questioning look “Nothing, why would you assume you had done something wrong”.
“Maybe because we kissed and you have blanked me for the entire day, if I remember correctly you leaned in first for the kiss” he hisses at me.
“Look I was drunk, you were drunk, you probably regret it as you're straight and kissing me and it was awkward and I've just got here I don't need to be causing drama”  I retort.
“Are you gay Y/N?” He asks a little too loud for my liking.
I take a deep breath and lean closer and whisper like he should've done “Did you want to say that any louder for the enitre plane to hear?”. As I finish my sentence I stand up and go up to Charles and ask if he would like to swap because I don't ‘like the window seat’ so I end up spending the rest of the flight next to a hysterical Lando who finds amusement in every little thing.
As I read through my emails Lando asks me a plethora of ‘get to know me’ questions that send me insane.
Before the plane lands he asks me “So can we expect to see a girlfriend of yours around?” I laugh at the blunt question and say what I always seem to say “I don't have one”.
As the plane lands I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders as I can't wait to escape this metal tube that has had all of us entrapped. Stepping out the hot air of Abu Dhabi is insignificant compared to the stifling mid day summer heat of Melbourne which punctates the air.
We all step down onto the tarmac and await our suitcases, Max tries to approach me but I swiftly move away and join Alex and George.
As we are all handed our luggage we hop onto yet another bus, but this time I sit by myself immersing myself into solitude thinking about the predicament that I'm in when I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Danny plunging himself next to me. “Are you ok Danny?” I ask “Why are you avoiding Max, is it because he kissed you back?”.
I panic instantaneously “What are you on about?” I question acting as if I haven't got a clue about what he's talking about. “Max told me everything” he declares “What the fuck” I exclaim.
“Hey, hey calm your tits it's only me that knows, look you don't have to tell Max because he's a loud mouth but you can tell me, are you gay?”
I ponder for a moment, considering how this could all play out and just sigh a simple “yes” but follow on “if I hear of another soul mention the fact that I'm gay, I will know who to go to, and I will make your life so miserable you will wish you were back at McLaren, understood?”.
He laughs and swears a vow of silence. I think my threat may have come across more intimidatory than I had initially thought it sounded but oh well it means he will take it more seriously.
He leaves me alone for the rest of the journey and I can't tell if it's out of respect or fear but either way I'm happy.
The hotel isn't very far away which is just as well as this bus has shit AC that is just blowing warm air.
As we arrive at the front of the Grand Hotel I'm in ore of the outstanding and intricate architecture. But as I walk in I'm in even greater ore of the AC which immediately cools the layer of sweat on my face and is a welcomed relief.
We all begin to check in and once again, coincidentally me and Max are next door to each other and since he told Daniel I don't trust him at all.
As I approach the start of the stairs Max comes alongside me and asks me “do you want me to take your bag?” I turn to him and give him my infamous death glare, “piss off, I'm not an imbecile, I can carry my own bag”. At the end of my sentence I start walking up the stairs and when I reach the top he grabs my shoulder.
“What have I done wrong now?” he questions and I try to collate a creative response but just come out with “Maybe I should kiss you again because it's the only time your fucking mouth is shut, didn't you think to come to me before telling Danny, no?”.
He quietly stands there just looking at me, his face like always is unreadable and I can't tell if he's regretting it or genuinely could care less.
“Look Y/ N I told Danny because he asked me why I was acting off”.
“Never heard of lying,” I retort. “And did you ever hear about how bad it is to lie as a kid” he claps back.
I realise that I will never be able to get him to understand my point of view so I go off in the direction of my room to escape the awkwardness of this conversation, but of course Max is next door to me so I don't really get to escape him.
I enter my room which is much larger than the one in Abu Dhabi which is a great relief, my view from the balcony is absolutely jaw dropping and I have a great view over the local area. I rapidly unpack my clothes and stuff so I can head over to the track for team meetings and media interviews
When I arrive at the track we do a quick strategy meeting ahead of the race on Saturday and discuss how free practice will run. It's quite banal but essential, well that's what Alessandro and the head of engineering said to me when I was close to falling asleep. I have lunch in the hospitality  building and then I head over to the media area and stand there acting like I'm willing to be there, I feel my phone vibrating a lot in my pocket but as I go to pull it out I'm quickly pulled aside by a Sky Sports reporter who begins asking me a plethora of questions.
Reporter: So Y/N second race of the season after an Incredibly strong start for Sauber and yourself, what are your thoughts going into this race?
Y/N: Well of course it was a great start to a P3 result but I must say we wouldn't have achieved that without the brake failure for Hamilton.
Reporter: Now you said at the start you felt out of place, have you started to find your way in F1?
Y/N: I believe so yes, it's hard coming into a place as big as Formula 1 but I'm making friends each day and yeah it's great.
Reporter: Now Y/N we have obviously just heard the rumours that were leaked less than an hour ago about you having a relationship with a male friend in your teens. What do you have to say about this?
I stand shocked, scared, frozen. I don't know what to say. I haven't seen anything about this. I mean it's true, but I don't know how people could've found out. I haven't prepared for this moment and I know if I continue to stand here in silence it will give everyone the answer they want.
Y/N: erm… I haven't heard about these rumours but I strongly deny them.
Reporter: Do you think F1 is ready for a gay driver?
Y/N: F1 has created the initiative We Race as One for this exact reason to foster an inclusive environment for everyone.
Reporter: Thanks Y/N.
As soon as the interview concludes I storm over to my driver's room and slam the door shut in anger, disappointment and embarrassment.
I lock the door and slide against it with tears streaming down my cheek as I pull my phone from my pocket seeing messages from everyone from Ollie, Arthur, Zhou, My Manager to my friends and family all asking: “Are you gay?”.
I see a link pop up in one of the messages and it takes me to an article titled:
Pedantically I scroll further to try and find their source and work out whose life I need to make hell. But all it says is “an anonymous source reported a close relationship between Y/N and one of his close friends during his time in F4”.
“Shit” I shout probably loud enough for the guys in the garage to hear.
As I sit against the door I hear a knock on the door, I stand up and open it and see Alessandro. “I'm in the shit now” I think. He guides me to his office where the media manager is sitting waiting for us, as I take a seat on the adjacent side of the table it feels like a sort of intervention.
He doesn't waste much time when he takes his seat. He is blunt and direct, “Are you gay?”.
“What does it matter?” I ask, “it doesn't but right now it's causing a media meltdown , I have had other news outlets calling asking for interviews, Zhou was cornered and basically interrogated by the media so we need to settle this”.
“Fine, I am, but I want to forget any of this ever happened and focus on the race” I blurt, “unfortunately you can't sweep this under the carpet, you must face facts”. I lean back in my chair sensing where this is going.
“We want you to make a media statement, don't feel pressured or like you have to be someone you are not”. “When is it?” I question.
“in 10 minutes”, “Great” I sigh as I stand up and walk out.
Returning to my drivers room to make myself look like I haven't been crying or going through a midlife crisis despite not being middle aged.
I take stand in front of a dozen journalists and media staff and stutter before I even manage to speak. Their faces intently staring at me, like they are reading my soul and before I speak I see Max walk past and it takes my mind off things for a microsecond but I'm snapped back into reality.
“After seeing the articles about myself regarding my sexuality and relationships it has become apparent I can't run from myself for any longer, F1 is an inclusive and accepting environment that strives for equality.
I don't really have much to say apart from. I'm gay. I hope you all have a good day.”
Abruptly ending my speech I head away from the journalists and go straight back to my hotel room and lock myself away from everyone and bypass all evening socials including dinner.
Day of Free Practice:
I exit from my room for the first time in nearly half a week and it feels weird being outside the 4 walls that have encapsulated me for so long. I hadn't really come out at all. I had got all my meals delivered to my room and cancelled all my plans to explore Melbourne. I have had a few people call at my door but the only one I've opened it to was Ollie. Max has called by every day but I'm not ready to face him.
As I enter the paddock I'm greeted by an abundance of journalists and fans who are all asking where I've been for the past 4 days but just dismiss them all by saying I've been busy.
I enter the garage and greet all the engineers and other staff as I bypass them to go into my driver's room to get changed.
I don't have much of an agenda for FP1 and FP2 other than to continue adjusting to the car.
Out on the track I feel free away from the shit show that is my life off the track. As I start to approach the start line my engineer comes on the radio and says “Y/N be cautious Vertsappen on pit exit”. As I go past the pit exit I see Max emerging and all I can think is "great that's my peace gone” and in true Max style he catches up to me and I give him space to pass but to my surprise he doesn't.
I begin to push the car harder and harder for that hour in order to allow the team to collect the most data.
By the end of FP1 my energy was depleted but I've been sitting in my room for 4 days so I have no excuse to be tired.
FP2 is a bit more difficult, rain begins pelting down and it makes the track completely slippery and difficult to drive on.
There's cars flying everywhere but I don't really focus on the others, well that is until I see a bright blue Williams come up behind me in my mirror and the next thing I know he clips my back end and sends me catapulting into the wall.
Despite racing for years this is my first major crash. I feel stunned for a moment and don't hear my engineer asking if I'm OK. His tone is increasing in fear so I let him know I'm alright and pissed off.
“I'm fine, that fucking Williams, I gave it enough space to pass if it wanted to I wasn't even going fast, what dickhead was driving it?”
“OK Y/N it's good you are alright, and for your information it was Logan Sargeant in the Williams” he replies.
I'm helped out of the car by the race marshal's as I'm half in the barrier. Entering the garage I don't speak to anyone. I'm too pissed off. Instead I get changed and just head back to the hotel as my car is totaled so there is no point in me staying.
As im sitting on the bed engaged in the TV show I'm watching I hear a light knock on the door and hear Max announcing “it's me” this must be the 20th time he's knocked on my door this week. My hand hovers over the handle for a second before I open it and don't give him a chance to speak.
“I have had quite possibly the worst few days of my life, I have been outed, questioned, and crashed into by an incompetent Williams driver. I'm not in the mood for any mind games or arguments”.
As I finish he quickly responds with “I wanted to check you were alright, it was a big crash and I brought you some food from the hospitality building”. I smile at the kind gesture and decide to invite him in.
He takes a seat on the end of my bed and looks up at me with his piercing eyes. And pats the empty spot next to him.
I take a seat next to him and turn to face him, “you know out there on the track, it wasn't your fault", “thanks” I reply as I start eating the salad bowl he brought for me.
We sit in a deafening silence, whilst I eat but it's not an awkward silence it's a comforting one that provides a sense of warmth.
“You know after qualifying tomorrow I would like to take you to this restaurant Danny recommended”, “like a date?” I ask.
“Like a date” he copies but in a different tone. “But what will people think?” I question with a face of concern, “I don't give a fuck what people think” I sigh and think ‘this man is going to get us into some shit’.
Me and Max end up watching a movie together and at around midnight he heads back to his room and then I feel isolated again, alone, sad, miserable.
I missed out on FP3 because my car wasn't fixed in time so I feel under prepared and like I'm not ready at all.
I sit in my car in the garage blankly staring out into the pit lane until it's my time to go out in Q1.
“Y/N get your head in the game you are going out now do your best” as my engineer says that I feel the car being jolted and lowered down and I await the signal from my engineer that it's clear to go out.
As I drive down the pit lane I pass all the other garages and once I pass Logan's I remember what he did to me in FP2 and feel incredibly angered and direct my anger to my accelerator.
Accelerating around the complex track of Melbourne I cross the line and get a time of 1:20:104 and feel incredibly pissed and angry at myself.
As I come down the pit lane I sense the team's disappointment “Y/N that wasn't as strong as we had hoped, we need more pace in Q2” my engineer adds to just reinforce the teams disappointment.
Once again going out for Q2 I just don't feel comfortable in the car. It's like I'm an alien in the world I dreamed of every night.
The anger I felt before clearly wasn't enough determination to get me in a good position so I decide to do what I do best and not use my brake as much as possible.
To my genuine surprise it works. I manage to get a 1:18:649 which enables me to go to Q3. For the second time in my F1 career I'm in Q3 and I can't help but feel a little smug about all the losers who have been proved wrong, the losers who said that I would never do well, especially in a Sauber.
Commencing my second lap I manage to find even more pace and set a time of 1:17:992 which is enough to put me in P2 next to Max who of course got pole position.
“Excellent job Y/N P2, you did a great job on pace, Zhou P7”.
“Great job today guys, tough start but we found pace and improved so much”.
I decide to not do much celebrating as I want to conserve my energy for tomorrow so I instead congratulate Max and Charles and head back to the hotel for an early night.
The paddock is flooded by thousands of people and I can't help but feel overwhelmed but I push through it as I walk to my garage and greet the engineers and Zhou.
We do a brief talk about the race strategy and other factors that could impact our race and before I know it I'm sitting back in the car, and waiting for the red lights to extinguish.
I push the car around the track but I feel my tires locking up so I box much more prematurely than others.
Due to a collision between Ocon and Gasly there is a safety car which sends everyone running into the pits so I am in front of the pack and end up with Max behind me.
I know it's probably killing him seeing a Sauber in front of him but I know the second the safety car goes in he will overtake me so I don't relish in his displeasure.
The second we cross the line he attempts to overtake as we go into turn 1 but gravely misjudges his positioning and spins out going into a wall.
“Y/N, Verstappen is out, yellow flag”
“Is Max alright?” I ask in a concerned tone.
“Yep he's fine Y/N, but it's going to be a DNF for him”
I can't lie seeing Max shunting into the wall is a great relief that there is one less competitor but Lewis is behind me so once again I'm in the same boat I was a couple of seconds ago.
As we begin the last lap Lewis goes alongside me and unlike Max manages to get past me in turn 1.
I would be lying if I felt displeased and annoyed but I know it will take a lot to win in a Sauber so I'm willing to settle for P2 if Checo doesn't get past me between now and the finish line.
I try to stay on top of Lewis as much as possible and even though I get DRS it isn't enough to overtake him, but it's enough to increase the gap between me and the Red Bull that is in my mirror.
Crossing the line I feel a great sense of relief.
“Chequered Flag Y/N, P2 and fastest lap, Zhou is P5 and Y/N you are currently P2 in the championship standings”
“Guys we are improving so much let's continue this success and hopefully achieve a race win”
I navigate my way to the cool down room where I watch Max’s collision and see that he just lost control of his car so it isn't his fault and I decide it's wise to stay away from him to let him cool down and return to a state of equilibrium.
Whilst we stand on the podium it feels weird not to have Max up here or to be hearing the Dutch anthem.
However I catch a glimpse of him and he gives me a bright smile as if he is proud of me and I feel at ease knowing he's alright and somewhat happy.
As I return to my driver's room to get changed my engineer informs me that someone is waiting for me in my room.
I swing the door open, champagne still dripping from my race suit, and see Max sitting on my chair, he stands up immediately as I enter.
“Hey” he says “How are you?” I question. He laughs at my genuine concern “fine, pissed off but fine, anyway enough about me a great result today”.
“I know but I just want to win, I went from F2 where I won every race to now where it doesn't seem plausible that I will even win one”
“It will take time, and you are in a Sauber, don't put too much pressure on yourself” he says, taking a step closer.
"It was so cute of you to check if I was alright after the incident" I blush immensely after he says that.
He lightly places his hand on my cheek and leans in to kiss me and we quickly become immersed in a full make out session that is until Zhou walks in and freezes.
Me and Max pull apart quickly and turn to face him, I pull him in quickly and shut the door.
“You can't tell anyone about this,” I plead with him. He laughs “calm down I won't tell anyone, I promise” he says turning to walk out the door but before he does so he turns to face me “also Y/N, questionable taste” his final remark makes me giggle and Max pulls a shocked face.
“Hey Y/N should we go out tonight” I ponder for a moment but can't resist a night out with Max.
We pull up to a yacht located on the coast, it of course belongs to Danny, when we arrive we are one the first ones and it's only Danny and he shouts “Hey the love birds have arrived” I shoot him a death stare that penetrates through his soul.
Getting on board we are supplied alcohol but after the last time I decide it's best if I don't.
Soon after we arrive everyone else begins to arrive and things start to amp up with everyone drinking and having fun. All the guys are outside whilst I'm inside sitting down with Lilly and Kika talking about guys and fashion following the stereotypical gay guy and girly talk.
We are however interrupted by a tipsy Max who asks if he can speak to me.
I agree and step up from the chair and he guides me to a bedroom located on the stern of the boat.
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lastoneout · 2 months
So my neurologist actually did something right for once and gave me some ambien to help me sleep while I'm on the steroid pack since I already have insomnia and steroids make it WAY worse, and I was really excited because this is legit what I've been wanting a doctor to do for like over a year now...but it didn't really help me sleep, at least not as well as the weed does.
I could possibly just need a higher dose(I am known to be very resistant to these sorts of meds, it takes like twice the normal dose of propofol to put me under) or maybe the steroid is just so powerful the meds can't make a dent in it(which I'd believe since I'm really sensitive to steroids and the weed ALSO doesn't help me sleep as well when I'm on them), and also it's really hot and humid right now which makes it hard to sleep in general AND I just got my bc implant put in which is making it hard to sleep since I have to be careful with my left arm and I like NEED to be able to switch what side I sleep on cuz my shitty arthritic joints don't like staying in one position for too long...but this is a bit of a let down ngl. I was really excited to be able to sleep and then maybe use this as proof that I can be trusted with sleep medication and I could finally stop having to spend damn near $100 on weed gummies every month and a half just to Sleep At All but like...hnnnn.....
Idk, when I see my primary I'm going to beg her to send me to a sleep specialist again bcs the weed is NOT sustainable it's already expensive and on top of that I am absolutely building up a tolerance which means I have to take more to sleep and thus spend more money and it's so fucking annoying. I've already made a lot of progress in the trauma department too and that hasn't really helped me sleep better which leads me to believe this is def a result of one of my other medical issues, I def think a sleep specialist is the best bet rn.
The plus side tho is she gave me 15 ambien and I only have three days of the steroids left, and my arm should be healed better in the next couple of days, so I should have a chance to test the ambien without the dual whammy of the arm pain and steroids wrecking my system, and if even that fails well that's a 15 day T break for the weed which honestly I really do need so like there's that.
Also since I have a bunch of new followers quick FAQ/rundown before anyone gives advice:
I have bipolar disorder type II and adhd and severe chronic pain from fibromyalgia, arthritis, and hEDS. The adderall for my adhd isn't the problem, I actually sleep WAY worse without it. I don't drink that many caffeinated beverages and I especially don't drink them basically at all when I'm on steroids so that's not it either. At least a little of my insomnia is due to trauma and not having a dog currently, but I can't adopt another one right now for numerous reasons, and EMDR has helped the trauma nightmares/anxiety let up quite a lot but that hasn't helped me sleep. I can't take CBD it makes my brain feel like I'm hooked up to a car battery. I also can't smoke bcs asthma so unfortunately I am stuck buying edibles which are very expensive. Insomnia isn't on the medical marijuana criteria in my state so I can't even make it cheaper that way. Melatonin does nothing. Benadryl also does nothing. Exercising before bed also does nothing. I can't do yoga(hEDS) or meditate(adhd). Cutting down on screen time before bed doesn't help and I already spend as little time in my bedroom as possible during the day so my brain keeps associating being in there with sleeping. Listening to music/a podcast doesn't help. Sleepy teas and nice baths and all that before bed doesn't help. I have a weighted blanket which does help a little, but sucks bcs it traps heat like a motherfucker, but I'd sleep worse without it so yeah. Also I can't make my house any cooler/less humid because I'm renting and it's old and shitty and doesn't have real air conditioning and the little portable ac unit + dehumidifier is trying but like...it's not enough I'm still hot and sweaty all night.
I am on hydroxyzine and nortryptraline and they don't make me even a little tired. I cannot take SSRIs or SNRIs on account of the bipolar and the fact that I'm just really sensitive to stuff that messes with my serotonin, even when I'm on a mood stabilizer, and the only med that I can stand that does serotonin stuff is the nortryptraline and it's also the only thing that helps my pain so switching it to something else isn't an option. I build up a resistance to seroquel really fast which makes my insomnia infinitely worse in the long run so I don't see the point in taking it. I have tried basically everything my psychiatrist can think to give me outside of narcotics, which led to her straight up telling me to my face she just can't help me before clarifying that apparently narcotics are somehow worse for me than not sleeping so she won't prescribe them even if they might help. I don't snore or wake up gasping for air so I know I don't have COPD or sleep apnea.
Literally the only thing that has ever made sleeping easy is weed(and opioids but those don't help my pain and have so many hoops to jump through so I don't wanna take them anymore), specifically indica with CBN, but it has to have THC in it I've tried pure CBN + CBD gummies and they don't make me tired they just make me feel weird 'cuz of the CBD.
So yeah. I am up shit creek without a paddle and I really quite desperately need to see a sleep specialist. I appreciate advice but like believe me, I've tried just about everything I can think of and none of it helps. I just naturally have really bad insomnia. And it sucks.
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aching-tummies · 1 year
As I walk in from another day of work I see you once again working when your supposed to be resting. Your doing dishes again making sure every single pot and pan is in place. I'm surprised there's any dirty dishes to do with how little you've been eating this last week. As I quietly walk into the kitchen I can tell your definitely still sick. Your tummy still looks visibly bloated even from where I stand. It's like a balloon that's slowly been getting bigger this last week despite how hard it's been to get you to eat anything. I also see your chicken soup sitting on the dinning table. It looks like you've barely had any! "Hey honey I'm home. What did I tell you about letting me do the housework while your sick?" You slowly turn to me and I can tell by the blush on your face your running a fever. You don't say much just "I'm fine" as your tummy let's out an audible groan. "Your belly thinks otherwise you must be hungry" I say as we both sit down at the table. You try and shake your head no but by then I've already got a spoon of soup in your mouth encouraging you to swallow. Slowly but surely I feed you the rest of the soup despite your protest. Just as we finish you let out a wet sounding belch and another moan. I help you stand and see how firm and bloated you belly is. Filled to bursting with soup and everything else it's refused to digest. "I think someone deserves some rubs for finishing all that soup" I wrap my arms around your tummy feeling the rock hard lump of your stomach. "Baby your hands are putting to much pressure on my tummy it doesn't feel good" but I keep rubbing anyway enjoying the groans you and your tummy are making a little to much.
The following is almost exactly how I imagine such a scenario would go in real-life. I'm not exaggerating how I felt when I was sick--my belly really did feel so insanely bloated that I was literally swallowing back sour liquid all day when I was sick. It didn't help that I was so congested and had such a sore throat that the thought of vomiting terrified me because it was a surefire way to suffocate. My bloated belly was taking up too much room and I couldn't get enough air so I was constantly short of breath...had a partner actually tried anything with my belly, I absolutely would have spewed and likely suffocated/drowned due to all that liquid flooding the one path I had left with which to breathe.
You walk in to our shared apartment an note that I'm at the dish-washer, carefully trying to place a stubborn pan with an awkward handle.
“Hey, honey. I'm home. What did I tell you about letting me do the housework while you're sick?”
Even with the obvious fever, it's clear that I'm glaring at you. I quickly grab the pen and notebook on the counter that's been my primary means of communicating since the sickness robbed me of my voice.
'The less you handle my used cups, the better.'
I quickly open the fridge and point out the packed lunch I've set aside in the usual spot for you. I then gesture at the slow-cooker with a singular portion within it on the keep-warm function on the kitchen counter.
“I'll eat now.” You inform me.
I nod and begin plating up your meal, ladling the curry over a portion of rice and setting the plate on the kitchen table. I move to remove the cooled bowl of chicken broth that I gave up trying to eat some time ago. My stomach grumbles angrily, sickly and bloated despite the fact that I have yet to eat anything today.
“Was that your stomach? Sit.” You call out.
I shake my head, but you're already tugging on my arm, dragging me to sit in one of the dining chairs. I set the cold soup back on the table to avoid spilling it. You quickly whisk it away, setting it in the microwave to reheat.
“ N-Not hungry.” I protest, my voice barely sounding beyond the congestion and sore-throat I'm speaking through. I palm at my belly, feeling no give beneath my palm.
“That's just the sickness talking. Appetite or not, you need to eat.” You mutter, coming back with the re-heated soup.
Before I can grab the spoon to feed myself, you've already taken it into your hand and are bringing a spoonful to my lips. I squirm away from it and pat at my tummy, hoping you'll get the message. I wince at the slight jostling to my bloated belly. My stomach is visibly distended and it feels completely full despite the fact that the soup is still in the bowl. I feel very water-logged, as though the soup is already in my belly despite it very clearly being in the bowl. My stomach grumbles angrily at the patting and I quickly stop, swallowing back against the sudden nausea.
I gesture to your dinner, ignored on the other end of the table.
“You first.” You say, leaning closer to continue spoon-feeding me the unwanted soup. “You must be hungry. It's dinner-time, babe. You made this for yourself at 1PM—you sent a picture. Same bowl and everything.” You had left a note, instructing me to text you when I got up and when I got around to eating. Had I not sent proof of being awake and eating, you would have gone out of your way to pick up something on the way home with which to feed to me.
I gag more than a couple of times before the bowl finally empties. Every breath comes with a wet little 'slap' lapping at the back of my throat as I swallow back against the hot liquid trying to escape my bloated tummy.
A short, sharp, and very wet sounding belch erupts from my belly, unbidden. I slap a hand over my mouth, willing myself not to be sick.
“Oh? Is your belly full?” You tease. I nod, one hand still clapped over my mouth and the other resting on the side of my distended belly as I feel the soup tickling at my throat. I feel like a thermometer in a children's science-class—with the liquid-y contents rising and falling rapidly, being manipulated by people that don't care to understand what's actually going on inside. I feel very much like an abused thermometer, like any second now something's going to crack and spew dangerous liquid absolutely everywhere.
“I think someone deserves some tummy rubs. You did so good, finishing all that soup.” You coo at me as you help me stand.
We slowly make our way to the couch. It's a short distance, but it takes us maybe four times as long as normal to reach it as I stumble, cradling my belly and doubling over every time I feel like I'm about to let everything out. 'Bloated' is an understatement for how ridiculously, painfully full my stomach feels. Imagine filling a glass of water to the absolute brim, liquid forming a meniscus just above the rim of the glass. That is basically how my belly feels in this moment—filled to the point of overflowing, with the liquid constantly threatening to spill over as we move across our apartment.
Your hand brushes across my belly and I hiss, moaning as my mouth floods with something hot and salty. You slide your hand over my belly, not really applying any pressure, but even that light touch is enough to disturb the delicate balance inside of me.
“B-Babe...nnngh...t-that really doesn't feel good on my—o-on my—ulp--on my tummy.” I murmur, stopping to swallow back some hot, sour liquid in the middle of my statement. “Ooooh...n-no rubs...p-please? Too much—urp---p-pressure.” I can't believe I'm refusing belly rubs...but I'm too full. My stomach is rock-solid beneath our palms even though it feels like it's full of liquid.
Even the idea of sitting down on the couch in front of us fills me with dread. Bending at the waist at all sounds like a very, very bad idea right now. My belly feels bloated enough to spontaneously rupture all on it's own and I really don't want to test the durability of my stomach. My own hand is barely skimming my clothed belly, careful to be there just to sort of guard my achingly full belly rather than actually touch it.
“Nonsense! There's nothing a little belly rub can't fix!” You exclaim, slapping me playfully on the back as you do so. The shockwave of the slap reverberates through my bloated belly and my mouth floods with hot soup even as you push your other hand incessantly on the achiest part of my belly as you apply what you believe is a sure-fire way to fix my digestive issues. Either way, my stomach has decided that it's done feeling so full-up. Something's going to give, and it's going to give very, very quickly.
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starseneyes · 1 year
New York, New York - A Union Town
This weekend, I went on a whirlwind adventure up to New York from Virginia on Sunday and back down on Monday. Why? I went to walk the picket line with my Union.
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Why go through 8 excruciating hours of driving up, one brief night of sleep, 4 hours walking 10 miles, and another 8 painful hours driving back in less than 40 hours? I'm glad you asked.
I joined SAG-AFTRA in 2001. I started acting as a kid, but it was then that I had the opportunity to join, at age 17.
It was just AFTRA back then, which is why I still have never had a SAG card. Maybe after I catch up on my dues, I can solicit one, but I'm two years behind due to Pandemic and *waves hands* all this. Those who read this blog often know life's hit us with problem after problem, but we soldier on.
So, why the hell waste money going to New York? Well, first of all, I didn't. I told my husband that I felt like I needed to be there during the first day of negotiations. See, yesterday AMPTP finally met with the NegCom to negotiate a new contract.
The old contract is antiquated, leaves us vulnerable to AI, and has made it almost impossible to make a living as an actor in the current landscape. There was a time voice-acting was a third of my income. Those days are long gone.
It's important to have as many people on the line as possible during negotiations to send a clear message—we're here, and we aren't going anywhere until you give us fair contracts.
I originally was going to bum a night in a sleeping bag on a friend's cat-filled house while freezing because they don't believe in turning on the heat at night. I'm allergic to cats. Still, the idea was the only one I had.
Then, a client of mine (I'm a Digital Marketer by trade because writing and acting don't exactly pay the bills) said she wanted to cover my room.
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We should note that I know writers don't need actors to write. I meant that they needed actors for the Fall Season, and I was having trouble thinking and typing through my tears. Anyway...
That settled, a Twitter friend I've never met in real life reached out offering gas money. I was so thankful, cried again, then quickly packed on a Saturday night for a Sunday morning departure.
I drove up with one stop to relieve my bladder, grab a kids meal (keeping down costs) and gas up.
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I tried to sleep Sunday night, but I'm rubbish at going to bed early. I am good at getting up, early, and was ready for the lines. I put on my WGA East hat a WGA member handed me when I walked the lines back in July. I think they thought I was going to die of heat exhaustion, I was so red.
Instead of politely explaining that I don't temperature regulate and only sweat after I'm already in danger of heat stroke, I said, "Thank you".
I brought it with me this time in case Netflix was a sunny location. Spoiler alert: It wasn't. I didn't need the hat, and I didn't mind one bit.
Also to note: It's not that I was rich in July. No, a dear friend who passed (see blog on Cheryl Anne Marek) gifted us with a little money and said she knew we'd find something good to do with it. We rented a lake house in New Jersey for a vacation with the kids (though I brought my work and worked every day) and I took the train in one day to walk the WGA line.
I lamented that a heat wave shut down the rest of the week's picketing back in July, and always wanted to get back. So, I was ready for walking yesterday!
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I was nearly a half hour early, and remarked that my mother's an IATSE 798 Journeyman makeup artist and I'm very used to being there before actors. I received a polite nod and asked if I could help at all. No, they said, they had a system.
So, I took this picture which strangely got the most attention on Twitter. But, it was a call to action—"I'm here and signed in! Where are you?"
"On our way", came the response. And people came. Our initial group of 20 or so became well over a hundred in under an hour. They kept expanding our walk way, and we marched, sang, and chanted along to the beat of our five percussionists. Yes, people with drums. Actors do not hold back when we're asked to go all-out. We go all-out!
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Shortly after we got started walking in our tight, little circle, a friend of mine found me. Well, Peter and I have been Zoom and Twitter friends for ages, but we finally met. And when we hugged it was like old friends who hadn't seen one another in a few years. Fairly accurate, really.
We're both Pre-WGA—an often polarizing term that simply means we'd like to be WGA someday and are puttering along with spec scripts and screenwriting competitions until our dreams turn real. Being the realist I am, I know my odds are next to null, but the optimistic corner of my brain says not to surrender hope. So, I don't.
We stepped out of line for a quick photo, then back in to dance, chant, chat, and make noise. And while Picket Lines might look like a lot of fun from the outside, I was in a mad amount of pain.
See, I have a lot going on medically. Chronic pain is an old friend. And smiling through it, second nature.
So, if you saw me singing and swinging my hips, that wasn't just the beat. That was me trying to keep everything from locking up and telling myself I could make it just a little longer without a sip of water. And, yes, they handed us waters. I never say no to a proffered (sealed) bottle of water.
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Because Picket Lines aren't just about the dancing, singing, chanting, and chatting. So many people out there are exhausted. But Actors are really good at finding our way through lean times, and Writers are, too, dagnabbit. Several WGA folks were out on the line with us, and they're standing alongside us as we stood alongside them.
Solidarity matters. We stand together, and it's not just Writers and Actors. I've seen IATSE on the lines. I've seen Teamsters on the lines. I've seen vacationers who decided to skip seeing the Empire State Building and come march with us instead. I've met film students (and history students) out on the lines who said they knew this mattered and they had to be a part of it.
I drove 8 hours there. I know people who've driven far more.
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We are Actors. Writers. PAs. Teamsters. Makeup Artists. Hair Artists. Grips. Electricians. Craft Services. Camera Operators. Directors of Photography. Costumers. Best Boys. Boom Mic Operators. Editors. And more.
We—not those few billionaire, decision-making CEOs—create the bounty of beautiful films and television shows that illuminate people's lives. We are the dreamers of dreams.
Throughout the walk, I was struck by the care of the Captains. They made sure we knew where to walk and not. They brought out coffee (regular or black), bagels with cream cheese, cold waters, chips (or crisps, if you're across the pond), and more. These folks are volunteers who believe. We are all out there because we know this matters. But the sacrifice they make cannot be under-represented.
I got a new Strike shirt at the line, and decided to wear it on the drive home. It was far less smelly than the one I'd worn all day, and I was going to be trapped in a small tin can with me for hours, after all.
When I stopped at a service station, a random woman pointed at the shirt and told me she liked it. I smiled and thanked her. It always warms my heart when people see our fight and stand with us.
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I drove home listening to the Good Omens audiobook (have about 41 minutes left, now) I borrowed via my local library (Please support yours. Libraries are amazing!). I was so bloody tired, but the voices of the actors filled my car and the story kept my mind awake. It's bloody brilliant if you've never read/listened.
It was after 9PM when I pulled up to my house. My three children (ages 9, 9, and 6) were still awake.
6yo: Mama, what did you do?! Me: Walked in circles for three hours. 6yo: Walked in circles?
While the twins have a fairly firm grasp on all this, she's six. I pulled her in my arms and hugged her close as I tried to explain a little better.
Because I believe in what we did. I am no influencer or celebrity. I'm simply a girl who believes in her Union. While I've been a Twitter warrior (one WGA guy I met said, "I think I've seen your tweets!"), I wanted to do more. I have been to a rally in Wilmington. I've walked the lines with WGA. But I wanted to walk the lines with my Union, too. It felt like the right thing to do.
My hips were killing me last night. And I admit I worried about my chronic pilonidal disease flaring up. But, I know what to do after a decade of living with it, and today I'm just fine.
Folks, WGA and SAG-AFTRA have been out here fighting for the rights of workers. We're all workers. That's what we are. Most actors and writers aren't famous or rich. We're simply people working our asses off doing what we love, and hoping to make enough to live. It's as simple as that.
I never wanted fame or fortune, even in my youth! I simply wanted to write and act and earn a living. Doesn't seem so strange, right?
Anyway, please do post your support for SAG-AFTRA, if you feel so inclined. If you can make it to a picket line, good on ya! If you can't, no worries. We all have different parameters to what we can and cannot do. And we're all in this together.
Here's to new contracts, a better future, and worker's rights. Onward.
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autisticrosewilson · 4 months
Hi!! Thoughts on O4O JayGrant?? I've seen you going on about it and now I'm curious!!! Also, (politely shooks your shoulders) please write that jaygrant Selkie!Jason au!!
I am SO GLAD you asked!!!
I think they're both kind of repressed about their dynamic, Jason because it made him vulnerable and Grant because it meant he could never live up to Slade in his mind. Neither of them really trust alphas so they end up sharing heats with each other, which turns into casually nesting with each other, which turns into them living together, and suddenly Grant is a regular fixture in the East End because it's no longer just Jason's territory it's their territory.
And then, Tyler comes in. And Sasha. And Respawn. And Poppy. And-
There's a lot of street kids that need places to stay. I've talked before about Jason giving his safe houses to people who need them because I can't fathom the thought that he has a bazillion empty houses when there are so many people who need it. I think this is DOUBLY true in the Omegaverse because Jason sees everyone in the Alley, to some extent, as his pack.
Grant doesn't mean to start helping with this stuff, but before he knows it he sees Jason as his mate and now the Alley people are his pack too. He's got pups to feed, and crooks to discipline. He doesn't have time to run around fucking up his dad's jobs anymore.
Adeline is happy about this, if nothing else. She's been asking after grandpups practically since she found out Grant was alive, and she doesn't much care that none of them are related to her by blood.
If they ever DID want bio pups, well, there's perks to having Talia Head as a mother in law. Not that they need her tech, because apparently the pit and the serum has made it so apparently they can both give pups as well as get them. Which they find out,,,,,very shortly after they tie the proverbial knot.
It's going to be a rough nine months but Steph and Rose are willing to take over patrols and things for them!! And soon there will be at least two more little monsters born and bred to MENACES running around<333
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marshmallowprotection · 4 months
Hi! I’m very allergic to cats but I love them so much :’). I adopted one from the shelter recently and my nose is suffering greatly. But, my heart is full! This cat is perfect! I loveeee her already. Can I request some Saeyoung comfort please?
Saeyoung can't begin to understand the agony of your experience... to love a cat deeply but to be denied the ability to relish the moment in cradling a cat against your face. How tragic! Zen doesn't likes cats, or at the very least, he doesn't like Elizabeth just to spite Jumin for it, but you love cats just as much as Saeyoung does.
How could be this universe be so cruel as to make you suffer from the sniffles for those dreams you share of cuddling with a kitty?!
He knows that he's not going to be able to invent the cure for cat allergies, but my God, he would want to do something to alleviate the struggle you're going through in a way that reduces the chance of you struggling from puffy eyes and scratchy skin. He can't change the fact that you have an allergy, but he wants to do something so you can enjoy the quality time you want to share with your cat.
He understands that there is no hypoallergenic breed of cat, and while some may be better for you than others, the allergy won’t disappear. 
More than anything, he supports your dream of being able to take care of a cat, but he doesn't want you to hurt yourself in the process. He also dreams of being a pet owner, but cats don't typically like him, and he told himself he would be happy to settle with Meowy. Meowy is a robot cat, after all, and Meowy knows all the ways to be the very best cat AND protect you from danger.
It’s a win-win in his book. 
But, cuddling with Meowy isn't fuzzy. Meowy is metal, and even if the robot can heat up with a battery pack, it's not the same, and he knows that.
Of course, you deciding to adopt a real cat won't diminish the love you have for the robot cat, but it will mean that you've got more than one cat now. Meowy and your new kitty get to bond! They'll become a dynamic duo to make you laugh whenever you feel blue, and that's where Saeyoung gets his best idea. Meowy can be programmed to help you brush the cat and reduce dander in the house. That limits how much contact you'll have with allergens.
Meowy also has a sensor that reminds you to take your medication for your allergy! Basically, you can't not take care of yourself because he added programming to Meowy to make sure you're always a-okay! It may not be perfect, but this makes it so you can enjoy being with your kitty-cat.
But, more importantly, when you've got splotchy eyes and you want to hold your kitty cat, he'll smile and take the kitty into his arms so you can cuddle with him, and your direct contact is minimized just a little bit. It won't reduce the allergen, but it will make it easier on your lungs since he's the one with the closest contact compared to you!
"Listen, honey-buns. I know you love your kitty cat just as much as I adore you, but let me hold them this time, okay? I promise I'll be on my best behavior. Look at it this way, while your eyes try to rest and get the medicine in your system, I'll let you admire two cats! I've got my ears on! Now, tell me, which kitty is your favorite? Me or precious fluffy here?"
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Omega-verse Master Post - All info and links will be here
[Edit - this is going to link through to all the initial posts and ideas. When more discourse, and a more thorough approach is reached, an updated version in far greater detail will exist here, or probably on Ao3.]
So, I'm a little sick and tired of seeing 'non-traditional A/B/O dynamics' tags only to read the most misogynistic shit I've ever read - which is what traditional dynamics were - so lets make our own in a way that makes sense.
1 )
First of all, what is this dynamic? How does it work? What are secondaries? I will add resource posts below as I go.
Alphas [here]
Alpha Males
Alpha Females
Betas [here]
Beta Males
Beta Intersex/Hermaphrodites
Beta Females
Omegas [here]
Omega Males
Omega Females
Non-traditional additions
Trans A/B/O
Misconceptions (In-world and real world) [here]
2 )
Secondly, how did this dynamic come to be? Why is this here? What world building have you got in place to make an Omega-verse either necessary or interesting.
External Forces [here]
The Alien Theory
The Magic Theory
The Scientific Accident Theory
Genetic Path Always Meant To Be [here]
The Evolutionary Step Theory
The Lost Third Gender Theory
The Loneliness Theory
3 )
Thirdly, and I swear, if all of your Omega-verse content relies exclusively on the western and modern ideals on how relationships and society works, you're not trying hard enough. There are so many cultures and environments out there in our actual world that would change how these dynamics are treated. How would this work.
Social Structure, Standards, and Variations
Enironmental factors
Cultural diversity [Ethnicity here, Culture here]
Beauty Standards
Pack Structure and Politics [here]
Instincts Engrained in Genetics
4 )
Lastly, what resources exist in this world as a support for people, families, and communities. How do heat suppressants work? How do governments operate around a non-nuclear family unit?
Support, Education and Supplication
Planned Parenthoods for Omegas
Heat and Rut support
Suppressors and Pseudo Sexual Science
Sex Education in the Omega-verse
Births, Deaths, Marriage, and Divorce
These are all important considerations writers frequently forget when making A/B/O fiction. Hopefully, a thorough, and perhaps uselessly long extrapolation provides at least some clarity, and helps writers create a more complex world to operate with.
Any other advice from people who actually feel sexual needs would be nice, at this point.
[I will also take recommendations from the Trans community on how the fuck they want this to work in the Omega-verse, because you bet people are Trans in Omega-verse.
I can't believe I'm writing this. I don't even like this genre.]
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ina11rarepair · 6 months
Can I request some Froy x Asuto headcanons?
✨🌞 GiriMori / Froy Girikanan x Inamori Asuto
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Froy would often tell Asuto stories about Shinjou Takuma when he was working for them or when he's outside of work and accompanying Froy's dad. He'd even ask his brother about Shinjou so that he could tell his boyfriend.
Asuto prefers to work hard to earn his own money but there are times where incomes were short which his boyfriend would help him with. Asuto always feels a little embarrassed accepting Froy's help and feels like he owes Froy big time for his aid (Froy would reassure him to not feel so).
They both love sharing each other countries' cuisines.
Asuto loves fairs a ton, so he always dragon froy along with him when there's one around.
Froy is the one who always wins gifts for Asuto (Asuto sucks at the games, especially the claw machine ^_^).
Froy cooks traditional russian food for Asuto every chance he gets, and Asuto loves it.
They visit each other's towns often and Froy surprisingly loves the heat of inakuni island.
He was scared to visit at first since he's not used to hot weather, so he packed at least 5 different fans.
Froy loves to borrow Asuto's clothes.
They both love cats and would like to adopt one in the future, but they have troubles deciding on the breed they want (Asuto wants a short haired cat meanwhile Froy prefers long haired breeds).
After Irina got arrested, Asuto helped Froy deal with everything since he knew how it felt to lose both parents. That included long walks, lots of gifts, meetups with friends and of course playing football.
They realized they had feelings for each other on one of their walks when they held hands and just spaced out thinking “omg".
It was Froy's first relationship, since he was not allowed to date before but Asuto reassured him and honestly he couldn't have hoped for a better first partner.
They both love lemonade, but Asuto loves to put different kinds of syrups in his glass (Froy tried it with strawberry syrup once but he hated it with a passion).
-🌲, 👛
A little note from admin (👛) here :P so recently I've been looking back at my work for this account, I noticed how rushed most of it was and how little love and care I put into those works. I think they were so half-made because of how busy I am with school since I have so many homework every single day and so little time to do your guys request. Most of the admins have very little time to finish the asks since they also have to focus on a bunch of tests and exams in order to graduate; not to mention some of us get sidetracked a lot on other stuff. Back to the topic, I just wanted to say that I'll put more life into the things I do. sorry for taking so long btw :[
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