#i've managed to write a hell of a lot with my partner!
starulus · 1 year
{ okay! let’s give this one more whirl. }
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k1rbbbb · 27 days
Another Phighting writing account??YAYYAYYAYAYAY
can you do yan!Subspace x former assassin!reader (reader is gender neutral!). The reader was from Blackrock but ran away and uhh Subspace kinda found them again.. oneshot please!
(I stole this request from someone because the other writer hasnt update for a while and I am in desperate need of fanfics.. thank youu!)
sorry for taking so long on requests! i've got a good handful in my inbox now and since i got a lot of my assignments out of the way, i can start working on these ahaha
requests are also still open! please feel free to send some my way in my inbox :)
aanyways, thank u for being so patient!!! here we go
tw - yandere themes, kidnapping, drugging, semi-realistic violence
˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖
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˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖
Your life at BLACKROCK was -- to put it bluntly, a living hell.
Your entire life, all you ever knew from the moment you entered this world and were shipped off to that horrid faction, was violence, war, weaponry, and murder.
You were trained to hurt people. Hurt demons who dared try to question Blackrock. Those who tried to flee, to escape the freezing confines of the place.
Rules were strictly abided to at Blackrock. Make one mistake -- consider yourself a goner. The best outcome was you being thrown in prison, the worst outcome was being slaughtered publicly.
You were made to abide by the rules and silence those who made the smallest of mistakes.
Nobody ever thought you'd break the rules one day yourself.
So when you one day disappeared, having vanished off the face of the Inpherno, Blackrock believed you were a goner.
That was far from the truth.
You knew the ins and outs of the faction, making your escape was relatively easy -- a cakewalk.
As an assassin, you specialized in stealth, speed, and agility. Maneuvering past guards and treading through freezing cold blizzards did not falter your escape in the slightest.
And when you were finally out, taking a deep breath of the fresher, evenly temperature air, you believed to be in the clear, as long as you managed to keep a life of anonymity, what could go wrong?
And you were right -- everything was fine.
Until one day, when mindlessly watching a PHIGHT, you noticed a familiar face participating in the round.
Subspace T. Mine.
You felt your heart stop in the moment.
Back in Blackrock, the two of you hardly had any form of connection. Rarely spoke to one another, as the two of you were on completely different fields of work.
His rambles about discovery and science nonsense made no sense to you. His work partner - Medkit, seemed constantly annoyed by the guy's presence as well.
You always talked to Hyperlaser more often. You still occasionally met up with him and Katana to go out for drinks in Crossroads -- as Hyperlaser was your only friend from Blackrock who swore to keep your existence a secret to that awful, awful faction.
But you did always take note of how Subspace.. stared at you often, whenever the two of you did manage to encounter one another back in Blackrock.
You remember constantly asking him if he needed something, and he'd whip out some awful excuse, saying how he was just "focusing on something next to you" or "staring off into space".
Yet, he always did it often. It got on your nerves.
The guy was .. a little weird. It's no wonder you constantly avoided him.
But Subspace... knew everything about you. Unbeknownst to you.
He'd often send a Biograft to just .. watch as you worked in Blackrock. He was so utterly captivated by the way you'd wipe out any filthy traitors with a single swipe of your blade.
You were so.. powerful -- flawless, perfect.
Subspace wanted everything you had.
Subspace wanted you.
The way their blood would hit your face, your stoic expression unchanged at their screams and cries -- as you silenced them with ease.
He so badly wanted to talk to you. But he could never find the courage to do so, despite his greatness, talking to you was his only flaw.
Medkit was often forced to listen to his constant rambles about you, often tuning it out and focusing on crystal studies.
But oh -- did Subspace just want to bring you in, set you down and tear you open, digging around at your inner workings, watching as your blood would stain his skin.
He needed you.
So when you disappeared, Subspace was devastated.
His work became sloppy, slower, and his emotions became violent.
Medkit suffered the consequences of his outbursts.
Nothing was never enough. Not without you. He needed to see you again -- even if you were some lifeless, rotting corpse in the midst of a blizzard, or if you were out there somewhere, he needed to find you.
So when he felt eyes on him during a PHIGHT match that he'd found himself participating in, he turned his head.
And he saw you.
You looked different. Your appearance was different, but it did not change the fact that your face was the same.
He found you.
The match? Subspace didn't care about some stupid bux anymore. You instantly clouded his mind. Thoughts of you, your face, your skills, your expression -- everything.
He could hardly hold back the manic laughter bubbling in his chest, rising to his throat.
Subspace had found you.
And he wasn't going to lose you again.
Walking home to your apartment in Crossroads late that night was no unusual activity for you. After saying your goodbyes to Hyperlaser and Katana, you strolled down the empty sidewalk, your apartment building only a few blocks away.
The sounds of crickets in the distance, the soft breeze of the night and the lack of any demons around was rather peaceful for you.
Thoughts of seeing Subspace again had almost completely left your mind, the soft buzz of alcohol from drinking earlier had you a little more careless.
But the sudden rustle of a bush from not far behind you shattered the relaxation you were undergoing, as you froze.
As a trained assassin in the past, you had high reflexes. Any slight noise off in the distance; you were trained to take note of, and prepare to defend yourself.
The night grew still.
You swore you heard quick footsteps.
Multiple footsteps. Two people, max.
One sounded.. normal. The other sounded heavier.
Something wasn't right here.
You quickly took a few steps back, not taking your eyes off of the bushes behind you, your dominant hand moving to reach for your gear so that you could summon it--
You were suddenly yanked backwards by cold, rough, metallic hands wrapping around your waist, locking your arms to your sides.
It wasn't a demon's skin that you felt from your assailant.
You knew those voices.
A Biograft was holding you still.
You ignored the bucket of bolts, slamming your head back onto the robot's in hopes to damage it enough for it to loosen its grip, allowing you to escape.
As you felt the arms around you begin to loosen, a figure suddenly ran in front of you.
You felt a sharp pinch in your neck.
You screamed.
Not out of pain, you were trained to have a high pain tolerance.
But you weren't an idiot. You were clearly getting kidnapped -- and you'd most likely just got some kind of injection.
A cold hand covered your mouth.
"..shh, shh." a familiar voice -- slightly muffled underneath a mask, spoke. "Don't scream, beloved. I only gave you a small pinch!"
The demon in front of you -- you recognized him instantly with horror.
You -- how -- he actually noticed you earlier?!
You noticed your vision growing foggier and foggier - your brain turning into mush as comprehending thoughts became harder and harder.
no no no no noononono
You felt Subspace move his hand away from your mouth and over towards your cheek, softly caressing it with his thumb.
"Don't panic." Subspace reassured -- his voice becoming quieter and quieter, sounding farther off into the distance as your consciousness was quickly deteriorating. "I'll take good care of you."
The last thing you felt was being slowly lifted up by the Biograft - and your world faded to darkness.
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blue--ingenue · 11 months
soft!sebastian headcannons - part 4
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Author's Note: hello loves! i know this isn't the next chapter of 'Evasive Maneuvers' i've been promising, but i promise that's almost finished. summer classes have been ugly busy, so this one's a bit shorter than usual
on a different note, would ya'll be interested if i made a taglist for my soft!seb headcannons? i'm having a lot of fun writing these so i've decided to make this into a regular thing, posting at least once a week :)
insists on being your partner for Crossed Wands. the last time you solo dueled with someone else they managed to hit you with a nasty diffindo. it took you less than a minute to obliterate them after that, but Sebastian was livid. he knows you don’t need him to defend your honor, so he settles for hexing and jinxing them to hell and back for the next week. nothing physically harmful, but uses every embarrassing and inconvenient spell he knows. he makes sure that nobody can tell that it was him. (he secretly hopes the little shit figures out who’s hexing him, but he’s more afraid of facing your wrath if you find out he’s getting revenge for your sake)
is a very emotional drunk. once he’s had a few butterbeers, man is shouting his love for you from the rooftops. clings to you like a lost puppy for the rest of the night and pouts with eyes as big as a mooncalf’s if you so much as leave him for five minutes
isn’t toxically possessive, but will subtly assert that you’re his if someone gets too close to you for comfort. will sling an arm around you if he catches someone staring at you for too long.
he wasn’t able to keep most of his parents’ possessions after they moved to Feldcroft, but he treasures what little he does have. one of his most prized possessions is a satchel his mother enchanted to hold their most valued books. it was intended to hold research books, but Sebastian filled it with some of his favorite childhood books before he left their estate for the last time. he opens it years later and finds that his parents kept a photo album of him and Anne. it turns out they always took the bag with them when they traveled for research, and they took the album on every expedition to look at their pictures and miss them a little less
speaking of possessions he’s kept, he has his mother’s engagement ring tucked safely in his and Ominis’ shared room. his parents met as students at Hogwarts, both of them having been sorted into Slytherin. they were walking together in Hogsmeade and Gladrags had a window display dedicated to wedding and engagement rings (since it was the height of the social season at the time). his mother commented that she never had a taste for diamonds, but the emerald ring caught her eye. and the oval stone - set into a beautiful gold band - was the perfect Slytherin green. she told him that someday she wanted a man to propose to her with a ring just like that. his father spent returned to Gladrags every week until graduation to pay for the ring little-by-little. he proposed to her after they’d decided to pursue the same field of research, and the rest is history
(Sebastian fully intends to follow in his father’s footsteps as soon as the time is right)
Taglist: @mlktea13, @mrsbrookesallow, @ithinkweallsing, @snickette, @crispywiz
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wavypotatochips · 1 year
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𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: NeymarJr x Female Reader
𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 4.4k
𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: You have been hired as a model to appear in a promotional photo session for a lingerie company. You don't find out who your companion is until you arrive at the shoot and encounter Neymar, a boy you despise as he once played with your heart.
𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦:  I have been working on this in-between request and it is finally completed c': I Love writing about Neymar so its no surprise all of the NeyNey imagines I've written are so long LOL. MORE NEYMAR JR RECOGNITION RAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!
Song that inspired this : You Know You Like It by DJ Snake, AlunaGeorge
Your hands are firmly holding the cup of coffee as you lean against the kitchen counter. Taking a short sip, you pay attention to Riley, your manager, as she speaks. "The next shoot will begin in around two hours. Together with another male model, you'll be modeling for a company named Super Dry. The company is seeking a sexual-romantic mood, therefore you two will be very close. While Olivia and Justin work on you, I'll head out to grab everyone Chinese," she says, looking down at her wristwatch. You think to yourself- Ugh, I hate late shoots so much.. Why the hell would they want to start a shoot at 10pm?  "Wait- Do you know who my partner will be?" you ask. "Not yet," she shrugs. 
"Y/N we are ready," Olivia calls out from a room down the hall. You hurriedly drink the remaining coffee since you will need it. “Coming!” You enter the room and immediately sit down in the chair as the process of getting ready begins. When Justin, your hairdresser, starts with your hair, Olivia, your makeup artist, starts with your face. Although they aim to achieve a "natural look," getting dressed shouldn't take too long considering this is just an undergarment shot. Justin starts to say, "Y/N, you are lucky I love you so much because it is past my bedtime,” he sprays some water on your hair to make it easier to brush. You reply, "Your bedtime is 8 o'clock," while laughing. He says, "Of course," and nods. “How else am I supposed to look this handsome?” 
Olivia glares at him and points the makeup brush towards his direction, saying, "By not getting her to talk! I'm making her foundation appear nonexistent at the moment so I need her to remain still,” She then looks down at you and winks, “ Your face will resemble a baby's butt in smoothness once I'm finished.” "Are you saying my child doesn't have a smooth face?" Justin gasps. She threatens him with the brush, making him jump. You laugh at the sight of the two of them bickering, which makes Olivia glare at you as well. You hurriedly close your eyes and stop laughing so she can go on. She murmurs, "That's what I thought." and goes on. You love your team, and the fact that you're all best friends just makes it better. A model will undoubtedly be friends with her crew, with whom she spends all of her time, but you guys are unique in that you have known each other since your first year of college. You are all the same age as you were born in the same year. 
Your desire of becoming a model was something you always had as a child, and in your second year of college, it finally came true in the most unexpected way. You offered to walk the runway in the fashion show that your college was presenting for students majoring in fashion design. A day after the runway show, your phone was flooded with notifications, and you were collecting dozens of followers by the minute. It turns out that some of the footage that students in the crowd recorded of you went viral. And after a week, you received calls from a lot of modeling agencies. You decide to sign up with one of the modeling agencies, but you only agreed to a 3-year contract because you thought it would be sufficient time for you to truly establish your reputation. And boy, did it work even though it was a long shot. As the contract expired, you made the decision that it would be best to start freelancing so you wouldn't have to worry about any hidden agendas. Fast forward to the present, and everything is still going great. And throughout the process you were able to hire your best friends, who have supported you through everything. 
Riley is delivering what she promised—food for everyone—while you are getting your hair done. As you entered the room to get ready, Riley placed an internet order because she knew what everyone would want and is now currently en route to pick it up. Her phone begins to ring as she enters the restaurant,
 “Hello, this is Riley speaking.”
“Hey Riley, it's Clark the photographer for SuperDry! I just wanted to call you to let you know that we changed the room where the shoot will be held, it will be on floor 50 room 202 instead of 48 room 102.” She makes a mental note of the new information.
“Okay thank you… Also, is there any word who the male model will be? Y/N was wondering.” She asks as she takes a seat close to the pickup area.
“Oh yeah! The male model will be Neymar Jr, you know him right?” Her mouth fell open at the sound of his name, and she silently vowed that you are going to kill her. 
She chuckles softly and says, "Well, of course! I'll let Y/N know about this. We will see you later.” She says goodbye and hangs up the phone after that.
There is a very tangled history between you and Neymar Jr., but only in secret. Of course, your closest friends Olivia, Justin, and Riley are the only ones who are aware of what transpired between you two. Until you learned through the paparazzi that Neymar was making out with another female, you and Neymar had been in the "talking stage" for approximately a month and had even discussed starting a relationship. Even though this incident occurred more than five years ago, it still lingers in your memory. You wouldn't describe your feelings as heartbroken; rather, you would describe them as disappointed that the rumors about his reputation as a "playboy" were accurate. Riley debates whether or not to be honest with you because she knows that if you find out who you will be with, you will decline going to the photoshoot, however she also knows that this partnership will be a great benefit to your career. "Riley, pick-up order!" She is pulled from her thoughts by the worker's call. She approaches, smiles and says "thanks" to the employee before hurriedly leaving the restaurant with the food bags in hand.  Y/N please forgive me for what i'm about to do, she thinks to herself.
"All right, that's finished." As you turn to face the mirror, Olivia says, turning the chair. Your hair was naturally down, but the materials he used to style it gave it a "wet" appearance. "Thanks guys, what would I do without you," you say with a smile. Riley's voice can be heard saying, "Foods here!" just as Justin was about to speak. “Ooooooo food!” Justin quickly exits the room, you and Olivia trailing behind him. Riley places the plastic bag on the kitchen counter as the three of you are moving down the hallway. "Y/N I got you veggie lo mein so you can have something light in your stomach, Justin sesame chicken with white rice, Olivia orange chicken with white rice.” Riley hands you your food with a set of chopsticks while Justin and Olivia eagerly take theirs. You thank her and take a seat.Everyone settles down and eats together like a big happy family, chit-chatting here and there until the moment comes when you and Riley have to depart. "You two can stay the night here if you don't want to go home," you tell Oliva and Justin because you don't want them driving home late. They both shake their heads, ”Dont worry about us Y/N, Justin and I don't live too far from here. We will text you when we make it home.” Olivia says as everyone starts gathering their belongings so that you can all depart together. Olivia and Justin merely need to take their personal items and leftover meals as your studio area is where you always get ready. They don't need to grab any of their makeup or hair products. "Just remember to put on additional lip gloss before the shot because it just brings everything together," Olivia advises as everyone walks out of your condo. Indeed, I definitely won't forget. While you lock the door with your other hand, you show her the lipgloss to indicate that you still have it. Together, you all descend the stairs, say your goodbyes, and split ways. You get into Riley's car and she drives to the location of the photoshoot. While you scroll through Instagram on your phone, you ask, "So, did they tell you who I am shooting with?". “Apparently it is going to be a surprise,” she casually says. As you stare out the window, you nod your head without giving it much thought. After a short while of traveling, you arrive at your destination and find a parking space in the garage. You two exit the vehicle and enter the building, Riley leading the way as she's aware of the location of the appropriate floor and room. 
Riley curses silently as she walks down the corridor, looking at her phone. You ask, "Everything okay?," as she sighs. "I forgot to deliver my mom a cake I picked up for her earlier today and she needs it by tomorrow morning for a fundraiser event," "I'll just wake up at 4am to bring it," she says while running her hand through her hair. "4 a.m.?" you ask, shaking your head. “I don’t have any issue with you bringing it to her now… I can handle the shoot by myself, I'm a big girl.”  Also, don't worry about how I'm going to get home- I got it.” She casts a worried glance your way as the two of you approach the door because she's unsure of what you meant by your words. “Just call me when you are done and I can send over a driver.” She hugs you tightly, which you happily return. You tease her, "Sure Mom," and she laughs. You take your lip gloss out of your pocket and spread a layer of it on your lips as she turns to leave. You then knock on the door, only to have someone answer a minute later."Welcome, Y/N! You're as stunning as ever!" You assume that the man speaking is the photographer because he is holding a camera. Currently, the moonlight is perfect, so if you don't mind rapidly changing, that'll be fantastic. "Percilla takes her to the changing room to change," he says, snapping his fingers. He quickly vanishes, leaving you perplexed as you enter the condo. Several models are roaming around, and every few minutes, you can see the flashing lights of a camera snapping pictures. You had expected to have the place to yourself for your photo session, but it appears to be much more crowded than you had anticipated.
"Follow me," a girl says as she rushes to your side. You follow her and when strolling by, you notice that the majority of the staff are packing up their equipment. You figured that the models you saw must have been their final shoot of the day. The young woman motions for you to enter as she opens what appears to be a guest bedroom. A lingerie robe and undergarments are spread out on top of the bed. “The red set will be used for the photos first, followed by the gray and the black. As your manager has most likely informed you, we are seeking for a romantic attraction, therefore your bodies will be intimate. We also apologize for the noise and crowdedness of the living room when you first walked in as we fell a bit behind schedule with our shots, but most of the employees are currently packing up their belongings to go home. The master bedroom, which is the room next to his one, will be the location of the first shot.” Before she shuts the door, she says, "Go to that room after you're changed.” After seeing the door close, you let out a small breath, “Alright, let's get this show on the road.” Of course you love your modeling job, but what no one tells you is that modeling is all theatrical. Right now, for example, you have to act as if you are in a loving relationship with some random person. Maybe you should give acting a try next. You take off your clothing and put on the matching crimson red push-up bra and thong on. You then put on the lingerie robe, which is a see-through, sheer gown with a red feather on the lining to give it a more seductive appearance. "Damn I look nice," you say as you spin around a little in the mirror and take a look at yourself.
Then, as directed, you exit the bedroom and enter the room to the right. You enter the room with confidence. You recognize the photographer who previously answered the door for you, and you hear him yell, "Y/N!" as he approaches you. "We are so happy to have you here! I am deeply sorry about not being able to properly greet myself earlier,” He extends his hand for you to shake, "My name is Maxwell, and I am the head photographer for Super Dry Corporation." You shake his hand and give him your iconic smile, you say, "No worries! I am aware that things happen in life. Nice to formally meet you!” He responds, “Thank you so much for understanding. Now let's get started shall we?” As he approaches the bed, he gestures with his arm, "We can perform your solo shoot now while your partner changes so he can match you. We have already finished the male solo shoots." You climb to the top of the king-sized bed, its white silk sheets remarkably different from what you are wearing. As more moonlight enters the room through the balcony doors, you see Maxwell move over to his studio light and turn it to low so that the light reflecting off of you appears more natural. Right now, there is only you and Maxwell in the room.  “Alright, baby show me something sexy!” He leans slightly over you while standing on a short stool step, bringing the camera up to his eye to achieve a bird's eye perspective. You start slowly removing your robe while hearing the camera click. When the robe is open, you slowly bend your knee up while biting your lower lip and staring straight at the camera. “Perfect!,” Maxwell says, hyping you up. Laying there, you continue to strike various stances until rising to your knees and closing your eyes while running your hands through your hair. This would have been extremely uncomfortable for you if you weren't a model, but fortunately, this isn't your first time in this situation. Once some more time has passed, Maxwell takes the camera off his face, gets off the stool, and browses the pictures he has taken. “These shots are golden… we are definitely ready for Neymar now…” As soon as you heard him say Neymar's name, the smile that had been on your face instantly turned into confusion.  What name did he say? I hope I heard him wrong, you think to yourself. On cue, the woman who had earlier taken you to your room enters holding a box, followed by Neymar, who is just wearing a pair of red boxers.
Oh, youve got to be kidding me.
Neymar was engaging with her at the time and was not paying attention to you. He winks at her, and you cringe as you see her blush and smile. “Neymar you're just in time! I'm ready for you and Y/N to get some close ups.” Until your name is spoken, he doesn't even turn to look at Maxwell. For a split second, he fixes his gaze on Maxwell before turning to face you. His eyes briefly open when he recognizes your face, but as soon as he notices what you are wearing, his eyes quickly narrow and his lips curl into a smirk. Neymar had no idea you were going to be his shooting partner, but he can't say he's upset about it. Even though the two of you had a history, Neymar feels like you were the best partner he's ever had. Personality-wise and sexually-wise. The conclusion that you didn't like him was obvious given that you blocked him from all of your social media accounts. But, the fact that you were there gave him the opportunity to irritate you, and oh, did that idea thrill him. As you get up from the bed and start to move towards Neymar, you give him a fake smile. “Nice to meet you, Neymar.” You reach out your hand as if this is your first time meeting. Neymar participates in the act by reaching out to grab your hand and saying, "The pleasure is all mine, bonita (pretty)," as he elevates your hand to kiss the back of your palm.
You continue to smile at Neymar before turning your gaze to the girl walking over to Maxwell, both of them starting to talk about something. As you see they are not observing you two, you quickly yank your hand away from him and rub your hand against the robe to wipe away his germs. "I'd rather not feel the lips of someone who has kissed millions of people," you say in distaste. He replies, "But you were one of those millions of individuals, so what's the problem," with a slight chuckle. You mumble angrily, "Shut up, I don't even want to talk to you," and then stare at him, "We don't know one other. Play along.” "But my love, how can I forget how those lips felt around me?" he asks, gazing down at your lips. The steam pouring from your head would be visible in a cartoon version of this situation. Before you can react, Maxwell starts to approach you both and says, “Alright now that you two have been able to chat for a little bit- let's continue on shall we?” "Ladies first," Neymar says, winking at you. Seeing how phony your smile was toward him, he couldn't help but smile. You smile, "Oh such a gentleman," and turn to walk to the balcony. While walking, you could feel Neymar's eyes on your rear, so you move one hand behind your back and stick up your middle finger. 
Let the games begin, Neymar thinks to himself.
You and Neymar begin with straightforward poses while switching between several hues of the garments you were to market for the brand. Ney is first asked to sit on the edge of the bed by the photographer, who then instructs you to stand in front of him with one hand on his shoulder and the other reaching for the camera. Neymar gently places his hands on your waist as you two exchange confident looks. The photographer then instructs you both to lie down on the bed side by side with your knees crossed at the ankles and your heads supported by your hands. Ney comes out to shake your hand, and you do so while giving him a loving and secure expression. Of course you snuck in a few looks of displeasure here and there, and Neymar never took his smug expression off his face. 
The photographer also wanted pictures from the balcony. You are currently dressed in black underwear with a lace garter, and you can almost feel Neymar's eyes fixated on you.
The photographer instructs you to strike a pose outside on the balcony, with the lovely night sky and city lights behind you. You start with a basic standing pose, with one foot slightly in front of the other, and your arms resting gently at your sides.
Neymar approaches and stands behind you, and the photographer instructs you both to turn towards each other, one hand on your lower back and the other on Neymar's chest. Neymar grins down at you as you bite your lower lip. Neymar leans down to whisper in your ear as the camera starts to take pictures. You look at the camera and wink to make it seem like another natural pose so the photographer didn't speculate. “How could I not crave someone as gorgeous as you when you look at me like that?” You would be lying if you said you did not feel anything at that moment, and you hated that. You could feel your body temperature rising despite the minimal clothing you are wearing. As the photographer removes the camera from his eye to look at the pictures, you glare at Ney, “Can't you just be quiet?” Neymar's eyes are filled with amusement, “Can you make me?” As soon as you are about to respond, the photographer says, “Okay let's take a few more shots! I need you two to look seductive, you two can look at eachother or the camera.” He explains causing you to nod your head. It's time for you to trade roles because Neymar wants to tease you all the time. You push Neymar down so he can sit in the balcony chair and bend over so you're eye level with him, peering seductively into his eyes. You scan him up and down, almost as if you're examining him. Neymar's jaw tightens as he examines your body, his eyes now able to catch more of your cleavage. “Perfect Y/N!,” the photographer yells as shots are taken. Neymar smirks as he realizes what you are doing. He stands up and moves closer to you after a few more camera flashes. As you put your palm on his chest and fix your gaze on his green eyes, you are entranced by the scene in front of you. You couldn't help but feel aggravated by the situation you find yourself in right now. Only a few inches separate you two, which makes you heat up more. It's difficult to determine if you are burning up out of desire or just from the heat. You know the answer to that though.  You want him to give in and completely fill the space between you two. You want to caress his lips, stroke his hair with your palm, and breathe in his fragrance.
You feel tension between you and just want to give in. You do something you would never have imagined wanting to do again as the camera flashes, surprising not just Neymar but also the photographer. 
You kiss him.
Although surprised, Neymar gives you a kiss right away. As soon as you understand what you've done, you swiftly move away from him and ask, "Are we done for the night now?," behaving as if nothing had occurred. The photographer nods enthusiastically while gazing at his camera and enjoying the image he just captured. Who wouldn't, really? You recently received a picture of a notorious futebol player and a well-known model kissing while displaying your logo. Neymar is ready to speak, reaching out to hold your hand, but you hurriedly leave the balcony and enter the guest room you were in before the transformation.
Once you enter the room and lift your hands over your head, still in shock at what you just accomplished. Why on earth would you kiss someone so attractive? He is a jerk who messed with your heart in the past…….he has grown into  a very attractive jerk who is very kissable though. 
You grumble as you realize that your mind is tricking you and that you are not in control of the situation. You sigh and start to gather the clothes you were wearing when you arrived at the shoot. You hear a knock at the door as you are gathering your clothing. You don't give it much thought because you assume it is either the assistant or the photographer. You shout "Come in!" so they can hear you. You assume that the door is locked because no one enters the space after you said they could. When you have your clothes in your possession, you go to the door to open it, but the person behind it opens it before you get to the door. When Neymar emerges from the door, you give him a confused expression. e closes the door and moves towards you, "Neymar wha-," your sentence is cut short as he takes you by the waist and pulls you in for another kiss. As his tongue prods your mouth, he grunts against your lips. You want to feel his body heat against yours, so you pull him closer to you by wrapping your arms around his neck- dropping your clothes. Only the sounds of the two of you kissing each other and labored breathing can be heard. After pulling away, you ask him, "Why do you do this to me?" while panting heavily. Neymar licks his lips and quietly pant, ”Y/N. I want to get into contact with you again.” You continue gazing mesmerized into his eyes, unsure of how to respond, so you remain silent. “I'll think about it..” You mumble because you are unsure about the solution. Neymar gives you a lovely smile while starting to sing horribly knowing that Bad Bunny is your favorite artist, "As Bad Bunny said,
Contigo tengo que apretar  (I need to be careful with you)
Y en la calle ando suelto    (And in the streets I run free)
Pero por ti me quito          (But for you I stay in)
Si tú me lo pide'              (If you ask for it)
Yo me porto bonito            (I'll behave myself)”
"Sai do meu quarto, Neymar (Get out of my room, Neymar,)" you say, laughing at his ridiculous attempt to serenade you. "Would you unblock me so I don't have to constantly check your profiles from my private account?," he asks, causing your eyebrows to raise, "What?" 
"Nothing just unblock me Bonita (Beautiful), ," he says, smiling and waving as he walks out of the room.
You sigh as you see him leave the room. You can't let yourself be caught in his trap once more. You can't believe he even got you to laugh and that you kissed him twice tonight. You start mentally reciting a list of 100 reasons why you should despise him in order to avoid unblocking him and maintain your distance.
Later that night, you eventually unblocked him.
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plexivie · 1 year
for me?
"cmon get your ass up now."
Today you're training with Bakugou. And surprisingly, he is a great sparring partner. He always pushes you to do better and makes sure you are not slacking off.
He is pretty cute too. You've always had a tiny deniable crush on him. He's almost perfect. His hair, his eyes, his strength. It's amazing. But you knew he would never like you. You were... average. You weren't as pretty as some of the other girls, not as strong. But, over the years, you kind have gotten used to it. Others being better than you doesn't affect you anymore. That's why training with Bakugou isn't bad at all.
"c'mon idiot. I don't have time for you being lazy as hell."
You did as he said and got up into a fighting stance. Your quirk wasn't the strongest, but hey, you got into UA.
You two were practicing behind the UA dorms. It was a quiet, empty place back there.
You guys were fighting, hard. He was blowing explosions every chance he got. It was all going well until you fell... 30 feet to the ground.
You've never screamed so loud in your life. Before you could reach the ground, you passed out.
Bakugou ran to catch you. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he let you get hurt like that. Luckily, he caught you, but when he saw you were passed out, he was scared.
"tsk idiot."
He carried you to Recovery Girls office, just to fix any injuries that may have happened. He waited forever for you to wake up. The quirk made you sleep for too damn long. But once he saw your eyes fluttering the tiniest bit, he was there waiting for you.
You groaned. You had the WORST headache. You felt like everything was spinning, until you saw him. He made everything feel more, calm.
"shit are you okay?"
You never expected him to want to know if you were okay.
"yea I think so."
He let out a breath of relief.
"good, I wouldn't know what I would have done with myself if I let you get hurt."
He looked away.
You were so happy how sweet he was being. You've never seen him like this before with.... anyone.
"be... safer next time, got it?"
You nodded.
"why do you care about my safety so much anyways?"
You were expecting a snarky answer but no, you got
"because I like you idiot."
You were never so surprised in your life. Me? Why would he like me? I'm nothing special.
"me? why?"
He looked annoyed by this.
"what do you mean why. there's nothing not to like about you. I like how you give me a challenge. especially when training. that shit... makes me happy or whatever."
He blushed a bit, and so did you.
"you really think that about me?"
He just nods. Maybe out of embarrassment.
"yea idiot"
You smile and look away. I don't know what made you say this but
"I like you too. like a lot. I just didn't think you ever like me back."
He scoffed.
"I don't know why but whatever. anyway, let's go. I've been sitting in this shitty office for hours waiting for your ass to wake up, so c'mon."
You got up a little dizzy, but you could manage.
"let me... hold your hand or whatever. I don't want you to hurt yourself again."
You've never smiled more in your life. His hands were so warm and comforting.
You guys had already started walking back. While you guys were walking you could tell he had something to say.
"hey, you look like you have something on your mind."
He just looks away.
"Yea I guess."
"well, what is it?"
He just stops walking and turns to you. He doesn't say anything to you at all he just... kisses you. The walk back was silent until you reached your dorm door.
"hey I was wondering if you would want to come hike with me tomorrow or whatever."
You nodded happily smiling.
He then started walking away again until he stopped and turned around to face you.
"stay safe for me ok?"
You smiled happy as ever.
This was a fun write. Let me know if any of you want more! (pls repost for me <3)
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itsdappleagain · 2 months
tagged by @emily-prentits THANK YOUU THIS LOOKS SO FUN
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
141,974 words...which is a little embarassing considering jo, who tagged me, has 59 works and only about 30,000 more words. evidently i like my longfics.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
carmen sandiego 2019! 17 of those and one (1) original work that i dont mention in this post at all
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the cardinal and the kitten - 325 kudos
say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime (let me lead you from your solitude) - 164 kudos (we call her the phantom au for short)
simple are the ways of love (simple as the touch of another's hands) - 156 kudos
Upon the Sword - 154 kudos
Everything is a Lie - 127 kudos
5. do you respond to comments?
Most of them yes!! I LOVE getting comments I screenshot and save every one I get.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hm- I guess it depends. Hellscape ends with Carmen's internal monologue just before she gets mind-wiped by VILE, but its technically no angstier than canon. they gave you life (and in return you gave them hell) is pretty angsty the whole way through and examines Carmen's trauma.
Those are both little one-shots, though- I usually end my reigns of terror within chapter fics pretty happily if I can manage it. The Phantom AU (linked above) ends in a dark place but leagues brighter than it seemed to be heading towards. It isn't a terribly neat and happy ending, and it tells a story of trauma and attempted suicide and the road to recovery from these. Let's go with that one.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
In Love Is A Locked Cell Door Chase Devineaux and Crackle happily start making out in a jail cell and live happily ever after!
Ok, being serious-
For a one-shot, simple (linked above) starts happy and ends happier.
For a chapter fic, Choice ends with Carmen, Julia, and Gray all living in a very happy polycule pardoned from the law with full emotional control of their lives which is fun :]
8. do you get hate on fics?
@emily-prentits used to leave passive aggressive comments on my wattpad and we would fight in the comments sections 💀now we're partners so make of that what you will. but anyway, no serious ones, no!
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
No, not really! I have a few "fade-to-blacks" or skip-overs without any detail. The one time I tried writing smut it was really forced and hard for me to write...doesn't help that I've never felt sexual attraction in my life so I don't know about that. Curse you asexuality for taking papertiger handcuff sex away from the world.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
No, I'm not a fan of crossovers
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I've had one or two...heavily referenced. Not in bad faith, but it was funny to see a lot of my plot and prose mannerisms reworded in a younger author's fic. I think they credited me as inspiration or gifted it to me both times so its not a big deal.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
If FRANTIC FANFIC! counts, which it shouldn't lol. Also the polycule is working on something :3
14. what's your all time favourite ship?
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15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have an au where paper star and black sheep escape VILE together and go through a sort of friends to lovers to enemies deal as carmen (renamed cardinal here due to never escaping in the boat the way she does in canon), though influenced by paper star at the start, eventually finds her inevitable path of good while paper star slips into a chaos that cardinal just can't stomach
ill paste a snippet here that i wrote but its a little bit long and complex and i dont have a ton of motivation for it
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16. what are your writing strengths?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
cohesive plot...lord help me i cannot plan a fic to the end before i post chapter 1 and it bites me in the ass all the time
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
if there's a small amount of it, i usually write it as-is in the other language and use external sources or context clues to explain it. if a lot of dialogue is in another language, I'll put it in brackets and write it in english!
19. first fandom you wrote for?
carmen sandiego. still going lmfao
20. favorite fic you've written?
that's really hard- i'm going to do top three in no particular order SORRY
Love, Carmen - this was the first or one of the first fics I ever wrote. it put me on the map a little bit (wattpad..) in terms of writing and boosted upon the sword and choice when they came along. it was really fun to just be young and writing after finishing all two released seasons of the show. i still like it a lot. its just cute and simple.
the phantom au - what a labor of love. i've had other fics (evil carlotta series, cough cough) that have been long and complex but those strayed into meandering and pointless and i lost a lot of motivation. phantom combined my love of theater with my favorite show and my hunger for angst angst angst. it was super fun to write and, at the risk of sounding vain, i pulled off a very hard to pull off trope at the end and i think i did it well. i think if you read any one of mine, this highlights a lot of my strengths.
the cardinal and the kitten - this is a popular one of mine that kind of serves as an updated love, carmen. i really enjoy how i wrote carmen and julia playing off of each other and my dialogue is very strong in this one.
okay, sorry about how long that was i treated it like a professional interview. i had a lot of fun writing this instead of working on a very important school project
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mirsvintagesonytv · 2 years
Soukoku headcanons from my Chuuya ADA AU
-Chuuya and Dazai actually get along really well now (after spending 2 years in hiding together), the bickering is simply theatrical because Dazai is a melodramatic piece of shit. The rest of the agency simply adapted to the yelling, although they were concerned at first.
-Whenever Kunikida reprimands Dazai, Chuuya will butt in like "yeah Dazai don't jump in the river" "yeah Dazai don't do that again or you'll get fired" with the most SMUG look on his face. Kunikida almost always shouts at Chuuya for this, to which Dazai will return the smug look
-While in hiding, with nothing else to do, they watched a shit ton of reality TV to pass the time. They once stayed up for 3 days straight marathonning Keeping up with the Kardashians and love island, and they both constantly make references and jokes about it. For example:
Ranpo, *complaining about the fact he's run out of snacks to Chuuya*
Chuuya, looking over at Dazai from across the office and grinning: KIM THERE ARE PEOPLE DYING
Dazai, who was drinking coffee: *spits it all over Kunikida across the table from him*
-Again, because they had a lot of free time on their hands in hiding, they watched a lot of movies. Chuuya is a film nerd now. And Dazai is pretentiously into music the same way. They clash a lot about it. Dazai will make fun of Chuuya's favourite movies and Chuuya will respond with something like "i dont want to hear anything from the person who unironically listens to Radiohead and The Smiths."
-Fukuzawa considered partnering Chuuya and Dazai, but quickly realised that they would get no work done and it would be unproductive as hell. As such, Dazai is partnered with Kunikida, and Ranpo practically begged to be partnered with Chuuya, since now he has his own personal battering ram with a powerful ability. Fukuzawa DEFINITELY regrets this sometimes (all the time actually) because Ranpo is corrupt (affectionate) and irresponsible with his newfound authority over such power, and Chuuya is just chaos personified (he gives the agency more bad reviews than Dazai, simply because he punches first, asks questions later, like one time he punched a woman in the face bc she was suspicious when all she wanted was for them to help find her missing cat)
-Chuuya, upon learning that Fukuzawa is a martial artist too, challenged him to a fight. It is one of the only times that he's gotten his ass absolutely HANDED to him, and since that day he has respected the president immensely.
-Chuuya tried to get Fukuzawa to teach him how to wield a sword, and Fukuzawa was like "no." because the mere thought of Chuuya with a SWORD is absolutely terrifying (I cant remember who originally wrote the post I saw that had this hc in it, but whoever you are, I love u and i've adapted it into my au which I will probably never get around to writing, so thank you.) Also to add on to that, he tried to spar against fukuzawa using a sword once because "how hard can it be?" Turns out, it is very hard. He learns this through accidentally smacking himself so hard in the head with his own sword (he'd applied his ability to it) that he gave himself a major concussion and had to be hacked apart by Yosano to heal it.
-Chuuya loves animals. Sometimes of he finds a stray dog or cat in the street he'll just bring it to the agency and walk in like "GUYS GUYS LOOK WHAT I FOUND!" It used to annoy the heck out of everyone (except Ranpo bc they are partners and he is COMPLICIT FR he helps Chuuya sneak the animals into the building lol) especially Dazai because of his hatred for dogs, but once they all see how happy Chuuya is they cant bring it in themselves to say anything because THE SMILE!!
-Leading off of that, one time a bird flew into the window so Chuuya brought it inside thinking it was hurt. Him and Ranpo spent 3 hours taking care of it and feeding it seeds etc. Dazai then tried to pick the bird up, and it got spooked, flying around the office and causing absolute HAVOC for another hour until Kunikida managed to catch it with his skill.
-Atsushi's dorm was originally Chuuya's, but because both Chuuya and Dazai got so used to each other being around during their two years in hiding, and since they're together, they'd always barge in on each other and end up crashing in each others rooms (mostly Dazai's). So when Atsushi joins the ADA, Chuuya offers to give up his dorm since he basically lives with Dazai anyways. Atsushi found a stash of wine his first night in the dorm and was very confused.
Again, Atsushi is just happy to be there honestly and he's so slay for that :)
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autumnpens · 1 year
What if Childe constantly pesters (light-heartedly) to his S/O that doesn't fight as much as him to spar with him a lot, they eventually agree to do so and things were going well! ..Until somehow they managed to beat him. I dont think I've seen any imagines of Childe losing against a spar//fight to reader so this might be neat!
✧ "can i spar you?" ✧
Characters ◦ Childe/Tartaglia
Warnings ◦ none, whiney Tart
Thoughts ◦ this was super fun to write! thank you anon for the ask! <3
Words ◦ 628
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“babe, can we spar?”
“come on, let’s spar already!”
“fight me?”
this was the question you had been pestered with ever since you had gotten close to the redhead at your side, Childe. though aggravating, it made sense, given he was a Harbinger of the Fatui. still, your boyfriend’s tenacity was.. irritating, to put it bluntly.
“милая, please?” upon hearing the plead in his voice, along with a nickname of his native tongue, your resolve had broken.
“fine, one fight. that’s all you get, though.”
cut to the Golden House, his preferred sparring grounds. you adjusted your gloves, and the blade of your polearm glinted in the dim light, reflecting your surroundings.
“don’t go easy on me, ‘kay?” Childe joked, readying his bow.
“yeah-huh.” you scoffed, circling your partner.
Childe had a knack for speed, but his battle prowess was something you had only witnessed from afar. he darted from place to place, keeping considerable distance between the two of you. it was disorienting, to say the least. following the familiar figure was something you had grown accustomed to in crowded areas like the Harbor, but this was much easier, despite the use of his vision creating distractions. the most you could do was dodge his arrows, hurling through the air in deadly arcs. you were used to projectiles, but this was something far more intensive than hillichurl arrows. they were your only frame of reference for this type of thing, as dating a Harbinger practically granted you immunity from the Fatui across Teyvat.
you knew Childe was purposefully missing you, but the arrows came too close to your skin for comfort. gripping your staff, you rushed forward, aiming to sweep his feet. he was far too agile for your out-of-practice attempts, though, and launched himself behind you, grabbing your shoulder and knocking your weapon out of your hand, sending it scathing across the floor in a singular motion. you heard the water of his blades condense into form behind you, and the knowledge of the water at your neck sent a shiver down your spine. you let out a heavy sigh. “fine.”
as soon as the word left your mouth, you were pulled into the air bridal-style, a pout appearing on your boyfriend’s face. “that wasn’t hard, though,” he whined, strolling across the room to retrieve your staff.
“yeah, well, it’s not like I have much to train against with you around.” Childe’s brows furrowed at the comment.
“that’s a good thing, right?”
“yes, fish boy, that’s good.” you smiled, looping an arm around his neck. your free hand outstretched toward your polearm. as you came closer, the weapon started to rattle, and in a swift movement you swung yourself around onto the ground, staff in hand and stunned boyfriend on your back. flipping Childe over, you slammed your weight down, restraining him with your blade at his neck. “do I win now?”
“I..” he laughed, glancing at his lack of non-lethal options, “yeah.” you smiled, stepping off his ribcage and pulling him up. “how the hell did you get your polearm? it was at least ten meters from you when you did that flip thing. you don’t have a vision you didn’t tell me about, did you?”
“no, no I don’t have a vision— I do, however, have alchemy. they’re only testers so far, but I’ve figured out how to implant magnets into these gloves that correspond to a magnetic plate around the pole of my staff! you like it?”
“babe, you’re insane. I love it!” Childe exclaimed, pulling you into a hug that lifted you off the ground. “archons, we’re gonna be unstoppable... you’re so smart you give me goosebumps— you know that, right?” you laughed, placing a quick kiss on his lips.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 2 months
It's Not A Fairy Tale Anymore
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Ok, I will admit to two things: First, this book was leaps and bounds better than ACOTAR in terms of pacing. I was not bored and I wasn't begging the book to HAVE SOMETHING HAPPEN. Second, I think I hated the last six chapters. Like a lot. For some objective and some deeply subjective reasons. And bonus third admission: My reading buddy for this series and I officially have Stockholm syndrome from these books, so we're going on to ACOWAR. But that's getting a bit ahead of myself, so let's talk A Court of Mist and Fury.
Yeah, hi again. This is your SPOILER WARNING. I am going to SPOIL THE END of this book, as well as the beginning and the middle. Consider yourselves warned.
CONTENT WARNING: Some mention and brief discussion of sexual assault and consent.
Ok, so first and foremost: this book understood pacing and it understood plot and I thoroughly enjoyed like 98% of it. I also appreciated that we managed to expand the world a bit, because ACOTAR felt very, very small geographically and politically. Getting to see Velaris, the Summer Court, and getting a wider sense of the politics and intrigue went a long way toward making me feel like there were stakes and point to this book.
Another thing I absolutely adored was the Shadow Fam. I said that Rhys doesn't have found family, he has trauma pack bonds, and I stand by that assessment. That said, I really genuinely LIKED Az, Cass, Mor, and Amren. Yeah, they all have varying flavors of tragic backstory and trauma to facilitate the trauma pack bond, but after an entire book of just Feyre, Tamlin, and Rhys, I was desperate for more characters, and I will say that at the very least, I wasn't mixing up the Shadow Fam in my head. They had distinct personalities, and frankly I'd read the hell out of a novella that really digs into Mor's backstory in particular, mostly because SJM is developing a worrying habit of denoting bad characters by making them rapists (See: Amarantha, Ianthe, Mor's entire goddamn family, a worrying number of non-Shadow Fam Illyrians, etc.) and I want to see how complex this world's conception of consent is. Because Mor's entire situation was coerced, which means that the only non-fucky consent thing is her deciding NOT to sleep with Az. Because no matter what she told Cass, she was having sex with him in a situation where she very well might not have if she wasn't under the duress of a forced marriage. Literally she either didn't tell him anything and just went "Let's do the sex at each other" and he said "sure," or she went "hey, help me get out of this forced marriage by taking my virginity so other dude won't want me" (excuse me while I vomit at the pedestaling of virginity) and he said "sure." While knowing (I'm pretty sure) that Az has the world's biggest crush on Mor.
Literally nothing about this isn't messy AF, and I would a) like to see how we handle the consent stuff and b) eat this up with a SPOON.
But even in the here and now of the book, the whole Shadow Fam have individual relationships with Rhys and Feyre, and I thought that was decently well done. To be clear: its not Tolkien. It's nowhere near the same level. But for popular fun books, I have absolutely seen worse, and there was enough here for me to hang onto and enjoy. If they leaned a little into archetypes and stereotypes, well, it wasn't too egregious.
I think this is where I get to talk about Rhys a little bit too. So I have only read ACOTAR AND ACOMAF as of writing this, but I'm in a lot of book and fandom spaces, so I've heard everything from "Rhys is the embodiment of toxic masculinity and an anti-choice piece of shit" to "Rhys is the pinnacle of a male partner, can do no wrong, and I would let him rail me in a cabin on a mountain top." I'm not going to stand here and say that masculinity in these books is wholly unproblematic, but again: I have seen worse. My biggest problem with Rhys at this point, frankly, is that SJM keeps trying to have it both ways with him. But the "he's half mysterious, slightly evil Shadow daddy and half trauma puppy with a dreamers heart" was super not working for me, not even in a context where it maybe should have. Like, yeah, evil Shadow daddy as a role to protect Velaris makes sense, but then literally everything else we get is a cross between a traumatized dudebro with his buddies and trauma puppy making eyes at Feyre. The gap between the two sides of Rhysand just hit a point where my credulity stretched and broke. That's not to say I didn't enjoy both halves of Rhysand, but they didn't sit comfortably in one fae high lord lord me.
I just also want to briefly address the man pain, because after the Dresden Files, my patience for angsty man pain is THIN. I literally rolled my eyes and went "what the actual fuck" when Cassian provoked Rhys into beating on him for an hour after Feyre accepts the mate bond. Dumbass "if you can't fuck, fight" nonsense has never been my thing, and on principle I don't like it, but given that Feyre is alive and well and grabbing a snack with Mor, I can't argue too much. Battle Ground really set a new low bar for me, so I wasn't even grouchy about Rhys's POV man pain chapter right at the end of the book, because again, Feyre is alive and well and made a choice. I will allow it, but its getting some light side eye. Finally, the other major man pain scene is when Rhys is...I'm gonna call it groveling because I'm not feeling generous, but he's basically giving us a chapter-length recap of the previous book from his perspective. It's tearful, it's earnest, it's all kinds of angsty...And like...I was kinda not here for it. It was not the worst, your mileage may vary. I'm mostly just grateful it was one chapter and not an entire POV-swapped book.
I also want to just real quick tall about tokenism and some...potentially problematic things with the Illyrians. They have some savage warrior stereotypes attached to them that them being Fantasy Scots in the Fantasy UK makes sketchy, given the highland clearances and the generalized othering the England did to basically everyone. Then we get their cultural treatment of women, and the whole thing feels...deeply uncomfortable. I can't even make an oomaks joke about Illyrian wings (despite the fact that Illyrian wings have all the issue that Ferengi ears do multiplied by a factor of ten because THEY'RE WINGS) because I cannot banish the fact that they clip women's wings, which has some deeply uncomfortable resonance with female genital mutilation in the real world. Literally not even the Ferengi did that. And then we get Rhys, who is only half Illyrian, and the token "good" or "progressive" Illyrians, Az and Cass. They're trying to facilitate gender equality and banned wing clipping, but like...its made deeply clear that it's not working super well. So the general message is that of primitive, sexist Illyrians...except for the three good ones. And y'all...I kinda hate that. I'm not complaining that we have Rhys, Az, and Cass, but the Illyrians are deeply uncomfortable in a lot of ways that the version of me that did a PhD is screaming about.
And now we come to Rhys and Feyre. Rhys and Feyre, who spend 89% of this book flirting like dumbass teenagers before Feyre falls right back into the pattern she established with Tamlin where she decides she is going to give her literal all for a people, and I guess we just have to hope she has a partner who won't let her and then smother her to death. Because she is in the EXACT SAME POSITION, the only difference is Rhys. At this point, Feyre going all in is a feature, not a bug, which just makes her assertion that she belongs to herself first feel a wee bit hollow...
But I will say that Rhys and Feyre understanding that they can leverage their bond and Tamlin being just...the biggest dipshit in creation...to actually get an upper hand in this war, and I actually think that now that we've got the teen flirting out of the way, Feyre and Rhys might be a good team. I hope. Please God let them be a good team. I know we won't get Evey and Rick in The Mummy Returns, but I would take even a pale, bat-winged reflection of that relationship.
I guess we have finally arrived at Tamlin. I'm with Feyre that he's not good for her, but uh...the MASSIVE CHARACTER ASSASSINATION at the beginning of this book felt wildly gratuitous. Like, Feyre is wasting away. She's not emotionally ok. She isn't dealing with her trauma, and Tamlin isn't helping. WE GOT THAT. But that was only like, the first ten-odd chapters. So it was a speedrun character assassination, but I thought we were done at that point.
Holy shit, I was wrong.
So, there is a writing school of thought in which every villain needs to feel like they're the hero of their own story. I don't even think this is a bad tack to take. It can help motivate villains or make them sympathetic. And when Tamlin swaggers into the castle room in Hyburn after the king has captured Feyre and the Shadow Fam, you can bet your ass that he feels like he's the rescuing hero swooping in to save his true love from the shadowy douchecanoe who put a mind whammy on her to take her from him. (Which I actually think we might have Lucien to blame for that angle? Since he had to have reported back that Feyre fought him? But the timeline on that isn't clear, so IDK for sure.)
Unfortunately for Timtam, his ENTIRE PLAN makes him look too stupid to live. He KNEW what Amarantha was like. He KNEW that the King of Hyburn was a factor of ten worse than Amarantha. And he STILL made the deal to let Hyburn invade through his kingdom and somehow thought he would HAVE CONTROL OVER THE SITUATION???? And yes, I stand by this, because he keeps trying to tell the king to stop doing shit or do shit differently, and is ABSOLUTELY FLOORED when the king quite rightly laughs in his face. Talk about not thinking a plan through. Literally, I'm pretty sure Timtam was thinking, "I will win her back and be super heroic" and that thought eclipsed all other thoughts, his common sense, and his critical thinking. Which just take the character assassination of Tamlin and skyrockets it. I get that he's not the one, SJM. I got it six different dick moves ago.
Since we're talking about the last six chapters, I also want to just touch on the faeification of Elain and Nesta. Literally all I could think when they dunked our girls was one fantastic chapter title from the fantastic How to Read Literature Like a Professor: "If She Comes Up, It's Baptism." That metaphor doesn't really map perfectly over this situation, but it also isn't really a stretch. It also harkens back to the really old cauldron mythologies, which tracks for fae mythology. Mostly though, if Nesta doesn't murder the King of Hyburn after that foreshadowing (which had all the subtlety of a two-by-four to the skull), I will riot.
Hoo boy, this was a long one, but I think it's time to wrap it up. The TLDR is that this book was really fun as long as I wasn't thinking too hard about any of it. When I do think about it, I can shred it to little tiny peices, but honestly that stops being fun really fast, so I choose fun.
Also my reading buddy and I have Stockholm Syndrome with this series, so stay tuned for my eventual ACOWAR review!F
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cordeliawhohung · 25 days
hihi core!!! i hope you’re doing great! can i get 🍉, 🍒, 🍎, and 🍓 for that ask game? if any of them have already been asked feel free to sub or skip <33 MWAH
hi glossy!! sorry i'm getting to this late lmao.
Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
i prefer to write short fics for the sake of time management. the brain worms force me to write multichaptered works ): jk! depends on the type of story! i prefer both, and realize there are some ideas best left as one shots, and others best expanded into multichaptered. though, the one shots def are a lot less stress lmao
What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
ugh i always love writing traumatized older sibling figure protecting younger sibling figure. i don't think i've written anything like that here, but i have a few og works and other fanworks where i do this. and protecting can mean anything, like saving them from the horrible truth, or just from overall discomfort, etc.
Is there anything you straight-up won’t write?
i can't think of a specific thing off the top of my head, but honestly anything that seems too corny to me i just... hate writing lmao. like anything that seems non-authentic. actually, wait, i also hate writing cheating. like i don't mind writing it if it's not like, between main characters/main romance partners. like, in Where Your Feet Pass reader gets cheated on by her husband, and that's fine to me because that's more of a plot thing that pushes her into Kyle's lap. but i can't stomach writing/even reading cheating in other types of settings.
What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
hmm, i don't know! i always feel like soft spot deserves more love; like, proper love. i have a handful of people following that series who are an absolute joy to interact with! but i feel like a lot of the beginning part of the story was misinterpreted. had a lot of people sort of... demanding what i should be doing with the series and the note fall off once i made it clear this wasn't going to be a complete kink/smut fic was very obvious a;ldkjf. hell, even on ao3 i remember reading a bookmark where someone was like "this fic is good, too bad the smut doesn't start until here tho" and i was like damn, okay then. it's honestly my pride and joy though, and i'm forever grateful to the people who do show it love! they're the reason the series is even close to finishing (145k words later lmao)
thank you so much for the ask! had a joy answering them (:
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artistfingers · 2 years
@agreyshirt submitted:
Hi there! I've recently become a little obsessed with your DP undercover au. I know you have quite a few ideas for the reveal already, but this idea would not leave my head, so I wrote something for it. The first 600 words are mostly just exposition, and it starts off kinda silly but ends up kinda dramatic? Still, I really enjoyed writing it, and I hope you'll enjoy reading it, at least a little bit ^^'
Deep down, they knew that getting involved with Phantom was dangerous. It was a given with all the fights that he had to get involved in, but Sam and Tucker weren't so worried about that. For one, Phantom is their friend and boyfriend? Ghostfriend?? Significant specter??? partner, and he does his best to protect them. For two, they have their own equipment for when he can't protect them. Plus, most ghosts can be reasoned with anyway, so there's nothing to worry about on the ghost fighting front.
But when they all get kidnapped by government agents trying to capture the ghost boy, you could say they're a little unprepared to deal with that situation.
Apparently, these "Guys in White" had opted to take in Sam and Tucker for questioning because they believed Phantom had made them join his "Ghost Army", or something? Tucker had been confused by their conclusions and Sam was just so done already.
It had felt like hours before the agents decided to take a break from questioning and go check up on their real concern, and when they left the two teens immediately tried to find a way to break their restraints. They were scared, tired, and had no plan whatsoever, but they had their goals in mind.
Get out.
Find Phantom and bust him out.
Maybe find some way to deal with these guys so they wouldn't come after them when they all escaped? If they even can?
Give Phantom lots of cuddles and kisses when they get back home.
Unfortunately, breaking out was looking to be impossible since the agents had confiscated all their supplies. They had nothing to break, shoot, or even hack with.
Just when they thought all hope was lost though, who else would Tucker spot popping in through a vent in the wall other than Danny Fenton! They had no idea when these guys had captured him but considering his whole thing with Phantom which he still refuses to tell them, it makes sense. Sam and Tucker just hoped they hadn't been as rough on him as they were with the other three. In any case, Danny was able to free them with a key he'd somehow snagged off an agent. It seemed a little far-fetched, but they were free, so why question it?
Danny then told them that he'd found a way out and beckoned them to follow him into the vents, but Tucker protested that they needed to find Phantom and help him before the Guys in White hurt him. Danny looked off to the side and said that Phantom was already free and waiting for them up ahead before trying to get them to follow him again. Sam found this especially odd. Why would Phantom just leave instead of helping them all escape? They know Phantom, and that didn't sound like him at all! Still, she and Tucker know Danny too. They both know after everything that they can trust him, even if he's a Fenton, and even if he and Phantom are a bit weird around each other.
It was then that an alarm started blaring throughout the place anyway, so it was high time they get the fuck out of there.
It was difficult for the three of them to crawl through the vents, but they managed to make it outside in mere minutes. The first sight that greeted them was snow, which isn't all that odd in Amity Park. The next sight they took in was the large mountain range before them and the huge cliff they stood upon, which was cause for more concern.
"Where the hell are we?" Sam whisper-yelled, trying not to speak too loud in case any more agents were nearby.
"Not in Illinois, that's for sure," Tucker breathes while holding back a shiver.
"I-It's fine guys," Danny tries to assure them with a nervous smile, "we'll find our way back home. But we should get moving. Maybe we can find a cave for shelter around here."
Sam and Tucker exchange a look with each other after hearing that. What he said didn't quite match up with what he told him earlier. "What about Phantom?" Sam questions.
Danny lets out a small sigh and replies, "I'm sure he'll be fine out here guys, but we need to get somewhere safe before we freeze to death. He'll find us later, and then we can all go home."
"But earlier you said he's waiting for us up ahead," Tucker points out. "Didn't he tell you where he was going? Shouldn't we meet up with him first?"
Danny looks down to the snow as he tries to explain, messing with a loose thread on his jacket. "Um, I just- I meant he's waiting for us, y'know, in general? We didn't uh, plan a meet up spot or anything. H-he just kinda flew off an-"
"Danny, cut the crap," Sam interjects, making both Danny and Tucker flinch. Tucker says her name, but she doesn't stop at his request. "Why are you still lying to us? Especially in this situation!"
"I-I'm not!"
"Yes, you are. You tend to fumble your words," she points down to his hand holding the thread as she continues, "and mess with your clothes whenever you're lying." Hearing that, Danny immediately retracts said hand and stuffs it into his pocket. "Why can't you tell us what's really going on?"
Tucker lets out a sigh through his nose before saying, "Sorry Danny, but I'm with Sam on this one. We never wanted to force you to tell us anything, but now is not a good time to be keeping things from each other. The best way for us to get back home is to work together." Tucker looks at Danny over the top of his glasses, concern filling his gaze as he asks, "You trust us, don't you?"
"I do!" Danny responds a little too loudly. He quiets down and clutches the front of his jacket with his hand as he says, "Of course I do. It's...it's ju-"
"THERE THEY ARE!" a distant voice shouts, and they all turn to look further up the mountain where one of the agents points in their direction, another one trying to catch up behind them.
"Shit! C'mon!" Danny tells them once more, and the three of them move as quickly as they can, putting their discussion behind them for now.
It's not easy trying to get away. With how high up they are and all the snow on the ground, it's hard to run without feeling like they'll slip any second. Somehow though, they manage to steadily put more distance between them and the Guys in White. The agents are still shouting after them, but they start thinking that they might actually make it!
Then a green blast shoots out from one of their guns and nearly hits Danny in the head. He ducks out of the way, but his foot slips on the side of the cliff. He manages to catch himself on the cliffside before completely tumbling off, but with no solid purchase it's only a matter of seconds before he slides off and falls from who knows how high.
"DANNY!!" Sam and Tucker both scream, immediately diving down after him. When he slips the rest of the way Sam catches his hand first, but she slowly starts to slide off with him. Then Tucker comes in, grabbing both of their hands in his and managing to bring them to a stop. Danny's hand is already cold as ice compared to theirs, but they don't dare drop him. They'd sooner let their hands freeze like that, together for eternity. They both have one arm and their heads over the side as Danny hangs on above the foggy abyss, but when they try to lift him back up, they struggle to move him even an inch. Maybe they could on any normal day they haven't actually tried before, but they're too tired and worn out for it after all the bullshit these guys put them through.
"Danny, can you try to climb up?!" Tucker asks frantically.
Danny tries to do just that, but his feet slide off all the rocks along the side due to all the ice. "I can't! I'm slipping!"
"Fuck," Sam curses before taking in a deep breath. "On three Tucker. One, two, three!" They try to pull him up again, but to no avail.
Danny looks around as his friends try to pull him up one more time trying to find any way out of this. The Guys in White are getting closer, they have no weapons on them to defend themselves, and no one else around to help. No matter what way they look at it, they're stuck. Danny's gaze falls down to the fog below him, obstructing any view of the ground below it and how far down it is.
"Sam, Tucker," Danny starts, voice monotone and still, "let go."
"What?! NO!!" Tucker shouts at the same time Sam yells, "Are you NUTS!?!"
"Let go, guys!" Danny repeats, looking back up to them with pleading eyes. "Go find shelter! Phantom will find you and he'll take you home. I'll catch up, but you have to let me go!"
Tucker looks down at the foggy chasm beneath Danny and says, "Danny, that's gotta be at least a thousand-foot drop! You're not gonna survive that!"
"I'll be fine! But if you don't go then we'll all be in danger!"
Sam attempts to pull him up once more as she says, "We aren't gonna let you die just so we can escape! You're the one who helped us out in the first place! If we're getting out, we're doing it together!!"
"I told you, I'll be fine! Please, just let go!"
"NO!" Tucker and Sam shout in unison.
Danny tugs on his dark hair with his free hand as he says, "Why won't you just let me do this for you guys?!"
"BECAUSE WE LOVE YOU, DANNY!!" Tucker's voice cracks when he shouts and he tries to blink back tears. Danny startles as he hears the words, a light flush rising to his cheeks. "You're brave, and clever, and fun, and you're our best friend! We care about you so much, and we're not going home without you!!"
"Why do you think we wanted you to join our polycule?! Just for the hell of it?!" Danny turns his shocked gaze over to Sam as she joins in. "We wanna be with you too!! And if you don't want to, that's fine, but there's no way we're just gonna leave you!!"
Danny's gaze flicks between the two of them for a moment in disbelief. They try to pull him up again and his mouth hangs open like he wants to say something, but all he can manage at the moment is a quiet "I..."
"There they are!" He hears the Guys in White even closer than they were before, but he doesn’t pay them any mind.
"I love you guys too!" Danny finally answers back with a weak smile, placing his free hand on top of theirs. They're still so warm compared to him. "I-I know I've been distant lately, but when we get home, I swear things will be different! I wanna learn more sign language with you, and go to a MAY concert with you again, a-and go out with you guys, anywhere you wanna go!! I just...wanna be with you two!"
One of the government agents finally catches up with them and gives them one final warning while Sam and Tucker both smile down at him with tears in their eyes, squeezing his hand in theirs. Seeing their faces almost makes him not want to do what he does next.
"...but right now," he continues, steeling his expression, "I need you to trust me."
Sam and Tucker's hands don't move an inch, but somehow Danny's manages to slip through. It took only a fraction of a second, but it felt like his hand just disappeared.
"DANNY!!!" They both scream at the top of their lungs. Another blast rings out as the agent attempts to shoot at Danny, but it misses the boy as he falls. He gives one more smile to his friends before disappearing into the fog below.
The two just stare in disbelief for a moment. They sit up from their spot on the edge of the cliff, but neither of them make any move to run. Tucker's breathing rapidly accelerates before he grabs onto Sam, burning his head in her shoulder and sobbing. Sam puts her arms around him and holds him tightly, but she doesn't tear her gaze away from the fog as tears stream down her face. The man behind them seems to be speaking, but they can't hear a word he says.
This can't be real. It can't! After everything they've been through, after everything he promised, he can't just be gone! This has to be a nightmare. Any second they'll wake up at home like this never even happened. They'll wake up, go to school and see Danny there, safe and sound. And he'll smile shyly at them and they'll tell him how much they love him again. They have to! It can't just be over like this!
The agent comes up behind them and grabs them by the back of their shirts, but it's at that moment that Sam spots a flash of light from the fog and she lets out a small gasp. She jostles Tucker's shoulder, and he follows her gaze with his tear-stained face just in time to see a monochrome figure rise from the mist. With a couple blasts, Phantom knocks the man back and gets his gun away from him. Then he zooms past Sam and Tucker to grab the man, and they both watch him in shock. He turns back to them for a moment, giving them an apologetic smile before taking off across the mountain, carrying the agent along with him and going after the second one not too far from them.
They watch him go with wide eyes, arms still around each other. After all they've been through, after everything they've noticed between Fenton and Phantom, the pieces finally start to click into place; why they're so hesitant to be around each other, yet know so much about each other, why Danny acts so different about ghosts compared to his parents, why Phantom can't seem to help "possessing" him all the time.
Everything finally becomes clear to Sam and Tucker as they both whisper, "...Danny?"
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rustbeltjessie · 5 months
It has been a hell of a few weeks. (Putting the rest under a cut because there's a lot of hard stuff.)
First I had a CoViD scare (was exposed, tested a bunch, never got it, thankfully); then I got some writing rejections/found out I didn't win some writing contests that were a big deal to me, and that made me super sad. (Sometimes rejections and losses just roll right off me, sometimes they hit me hard. This time they hit me hard.) Then I was busting my ass at my money-making side-hustle to make sure I could afford birthday presents for my youngest kiddo and Xmas presents for both kiddos + my partner, and I managed it, but I burned myself out. And then I basically had a nervous breakdown—it started on December 20, I had a really bad panic attack, the worst I've had in about 20 years, it lasted for over twelve hours. I felt a little better on the 21st and managed to hold it together for my kiddo's birthday celebration, but then the 22nd it started up again. I got the shakes really bad, like I could not stop shaking, and was also dizzy, and even though I was like 90% sure it was 'just' anxiety, I started worrying it was something neurological. Which of course made the anxiety symptoms even worse. So I went to urgent care. The doctor ran me through all the tests they do to check for neurological problems, and I passed them all. They diagnosed it as an anxiety attack and got me to a referral to the hospital system's behavioral health center. I haven't had an appointment with them yet, but hopefully I will soon. I was diagnosed with both Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder (or w/e it's called now) like 20 years ago, and did talk therapy + had a prescription for Xanax, but I haven't had any kind of anxiety meds or any kind of talk therapy in like...over 15 years. So it's probably a blessing in disguise that all this happened, because now I'll finally be treating my anxiety again instead of just trying to ignore it. Because that uh...doesn't work. In the meantime, I've been keeping my caffeine intake really low, because while caffeine isn't the cause of my anxiety, it certainly doesn't help.
Then on Christmas Eve, I had a flare-up of my chronic sinus issues, and I took another CoViD test, because a lot of my sinus symptoms mimic various CoViD symptoms. But I was CoViD-free, and despite feeling half-sick for it, I managed to have a nice Christmas Eve/Christmas despite it. Those symptoms cleared up on the 27th, and I was like: "Oh, good, maybe I can have a relaxing few days leading up to my birthday." And then I got into a big thing with my mom, it's a long story and I don't feel like rehashing it right now, but we were both hurt and angry. Fortunately, we worked through it the same day. Since then, things have been pretty good, but...now I'm having the anxiety shakes again. I drank more coffee today than I have been lately, and that's probably why. (Note to self: don't do that.) At least this time I know it's just anxiety, so I'm not spiraling thinking it's something else. I'm drinking a bunch of water, then I'm going to make myself a hot toddy and hopefully finally finish this fucking installment of my newsletter that I've been working on for a month now. It's been kind of hard to focus on writing with everything else that's been going on. And my birthday's in two days, and I'm tired. The end.
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saltynsassy31 · 2 months
Regarding that Silvaze post. I, of course, can't speak for anyone else, but I can say why I personally fell in love with Silvaze. It's strange, I swear this is like the third time now I've written a response like this to someone asking why people ship Silver and Blaze. I don't want to spend too much time on this, I often get carried away with stuff like this. Ultimately, it comes down to three points:
1. Dynamic - Goofy cringefail boyfriend x stern emotionally-reserved kickass girlfriend, is a fun dynamic. Not to mention I'm a sucker for 'guy who worships his partner like a goddess' archetypes. Lots of fluff potential. That's the fun part, then there's always the angst.
2. Backstory - It's like a damn Greek tragedy! Two people who, in a dark future, only had each other, no home, friends, or hope, just each other. They grow so close that one decides to sacrifice herself for the other. History is reset, memories are erased. Blaze is reborn as a royal in a paradise dimension. Silver is left to relive his life in the apocalypse, only this time all alone. Separated by time and space, memories erased, their life together never existed. And yet! They manage to meet again! And through a strange feeling of deja vu they remember one another! Through muscle memory alone they act in sync without the need for words. AHHHH Like come on, that's writing gold! And that brings us to the final point:
3. Potiental - I would go so far as to call Silvaze a crackship or rare pair, because content for them can be a drought sometimes. It really comes in waves, rather than a constant stream. And canon seems to like to keep them apart which I suppose is poetic in a way, or if they do meet the writers don't really seem interested in their relationship. I think you can count on your hand the number of times they've actually had conversations with each other. Which is a shame. But what often makes me daydream about them, what made me fall in love them is the potential! What if they rediscovered the memories of their previous life? Would Silver be consumed by shame of letting Blaze go when she sacrificed herself for him? Would Blaze feel guilty about leaving her friend behind in a nightmare world while she got to live in a paradise with all the riches and luxuries she could ever ask for? What if we explore their early years in the 06timeline, how they met? Would they be overprotective of each other? Would Blaze offer to shelter Silver in her kingdom to make sure he doesn't have to return and live in his devastated future? What if we explored the whole time travel thing, how it works, can Silver do it on his own? How would they aid each other in their quests? Silver protecting the Sol Kingdom, Blaze returning to the future in hopes of fixing it. There's literally so much you can do with them, they're so interesting!
But those are just my thoughts. Hope this isn't too long. Bye.
Oh dude, don't even WORRY about that, I love long posts! Despite taking forever to reply to them XD
These are some pretty interesting points but that second point....WHAT THE HELL!?! FR!?!
Wait oh my god, I think that has been the biggest revelation to me I'm stumped huh????? Oh god i really have to look deeper into them now wtf
And they have lacking content? That's so unfair! Ugh man, now I wanna try to contribute, I really love them and finding out more about them has only solidified that 😭😭
It's like I can never win with my ships here lmao, I thought I'd be safe with sonamy, only for sonamy to have less than a thousand (completed) fanfics on ao3 with sonado at almost 3k 😭😭 (nothing against sonadow btw, just surprised sonamy doesn't have more)
But I'll try my best do do Sonamy and Silvaze right! I don't have the talent of writing to do nothing with it!
Thank you so much for this small, in depth explanation, I'm really shocked about their past part, this is pretty interesting shit lmao
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bippot · 2 years
Might be weird for you to write if you don't like this kinnnda thing sooo don't do it if your uncomfortable.... love to see something with a daddy kink. Eddie or Adrian? Both if possible. Again I get if you not okay with it. Love yous xx
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Summary: They get paired together for a biology assessment. That's it. The popular cheerleader would never ruin her reputation and standing with her parents for a DnD nerd. Unless....?
Also, why does Jason Carver hate Eddie Munson so much?
Tags: Cheerleaders, Daddy Kink, Semi-Public Sex, Fluff and Smut, Cheating
Song Recommendation: Rich Girl by Hall and Oats.
Stranger Things, Eddie Munson Masterlist - here
Cheerleaders. Love em or hate em, they're an American tradition. There's a reason why you find girls like that in all of the movies surrounding the high school experience. They were supposed to be perfect, pure, and innocent, but as most know, they are notorious bitches.
Well, a lot of them are. Take Y/N for example. She was whip-smart with a sharp tongue and that uniform, oh, that uniform made Eddie feel things that he didn't want to feel. He thought that cheerleading uniforms were some sort of torture device made by perverts to ensure that horny teenage boys got boners whenever they stared at them for too long. But, it was never going to happen. The freak and the queen bitch? Nope. That would never happen to poor ol' Munson, right?
They were in the same year at school. It was back at Eddie's first try at graduating high school. Back when everything seemed possible, when there weren't nearly as many problems in his life. Back when the only problem on his mind was this goddamned assignment that Mr Kane was yapping on about.
Something something biology. Presentation.... oh fuck me in the ass, this class is so fucking boring. If I shoved this pencil in my eye, would I die? What if I shoved two pencils, one in each eye? Would I double die? Or would it cancel each other out?
"Edward Munson, could you please pay attention for five minutes?" Eddie snapped his eyes up from his notebook to his teacher - and the rest of the other students who were staring at him. 
"I'm sorry, what did you say?" he responded politely, but with an air of arrogance that he had perfected throughout high school, knowing that teachers hated it and they hated him for it. It's not his fault that school sucks and is boring. He just spends the majority of it in his own head. It's way more interesting in there.
Mr Kane took that as his cue to continue what he was saying. Like the absolute prick he was, he decided to announce, "It's time to partner up. Yeah, you heard that correctly, I've decided to let you share the brunt of your work with one of your lovely classmates," in a tired and humourless voice.
Brilliant. Amazing. Fucking fantastic. Not only was Eddie going to disappoint Uncle Wayne with his grades, but also one of his fellow students. Perfect. He was waiting for the moment when whoever was picked to go with him, whined about it to the teacher and either:
a) managed to swap partners
b) made it very clear that Eddie 0% of the work
Because that's what was going to happen. Nobody ever wanted to work with him. Why would they? He was awful at homework and tests and all that assignment bullshit. Hell, he barely went to class. He sat alone doodling in his notebook most of the time, staring at the door and waiting for a chance to leave.
"Y/N and.... and, who's left? Y/N and Eddie."
For fucks sake.
There was a smattering of laughter as people snickered to themselves. This wasn't going well at all. What a perfect combination. He could probably survive, right? Maybe. But, then again, maybe not. Oh, how he wished that he was invisible.
Hey, it's all good. It's not like she'll want to talk to him and go over the work or anything. She'll do all the work and get an A- or whatever she usually gets, and he'll get a big, fat F because she'd tell on him in no time. Right?
Right? Wrong. As he left the classroom, he heard her calling his name from behind. Great. Now he'd have to deal with the girl he had been crushing on since the beginning of school. He sighed, preparing himself mentally and emotionally as she caught up with him to tug on his sleeve.
"Are you fucking deaf, Munson?" she snapped in her usual sassy manner as she spoke. He rolled his eyes in return as he glared down at her, raising an eyebrow as he waited for her to continue with the onslaught of insults that were bound to come from those pouty lips of hers.
When she didn't say anything else, he looked at her questioningly, waiting for an explanation. When she remained silent, he decided it would be best if he cut in before she started another tirade. "What is it, Y/N? You want to swap partners? Be my fucking guest. I mean, you obviously want to switch partners. Just say it." He knew he sounded rude, but there was no point in holding back on someone who had a mouth like hers. He couldn't help it, she just pissed him off. She was always like this; sarcastic, disrespectful, rude, pretty, totally out of his league, surprisingly funny when she wanted to be, a quick thinker that he knew had a lot more going on than it seemed at first.
One thing that always brought a smile to his face was a memory that he had of her. It was simple. Quick. He didn't even know if she remembered it. He'd come out of the Hellfire room a little late as he'd been packing up after a session - all the other boys had gone home by now - and he thought that the parking lot would've been empty.
Nope. It wasn't.
Sat on the curb with what Eddie assumed to be her boyfriend's hoodie on, Y/N was still waiting for her ride. Luckily, she wasn't alone. A stray cat that often liked to prowl the school after hours took a shine to the cheerleader, nuzzling itself into her leg. Eddie had never seen Y/N look so happy before. She was smiling, giggling, playing around with the cat, talking softly to it and playing with its ears while Eddie watched on in complete awe. As stupid as it sounds, he came to the realisation 'Oh, she's just a girl'. He'd seen her as this unapproachable and strong, intimidating force, but looking at her now, it seemed like she really wasn't that bad. There was niceness to her. Something inside of her shone through, something soft and kind and sweet that she hid away from the general population of their classmates. 
It hurt his heart a little, but he tried not to think too much about it as he cleared his throat to acknowledge that he was there. "Are you okay?" he asked bluntly as she jumped at his sudden interruption and accidentally scared away the cat. "Whoops, my bad. I'm sorry."
"Eddie Munson? What do you want?" she sneered, crossing her arms as she looked at him with annoyance. Ah, so the mask was back up already.
"Would you like a ride?"
"From you?"
"It looks like it's going to rain."
And, she noticed the sky turning dark. Well, shit, he was right. She glanced down at her watch and realised that it was way beyond the time her boyfriend was supposed to pick her up. Evan had forgotten. 
So, she weakly nodded and accepted his hand when he offered it to help her up. It was awkwardly silent as he guided her to his van and opened the door for her to get in. Y/N had never been treated in such a way.  He was a gentleman. That was new information that she'd try not to dwell on. And since she'd never had the door cordially opened for her, she couldn't help but respond with a coy, "Th-thank you," and if she wasn't mistaken, there was a blush threatening to creep onto her cheeks. 
As soon as she'd taken her seat in his car, he got in and pulled away from the school grounds. After she got settled in, she turned to look at him and saw him watching her with concern. "How was your day?" he asked gently, trying to break the silence.
"Fine." She paused for a second, deciding whether or not to give him some more details, but quickly abandoned the thought. He didn't need them. No matter what she told him, he wouldn't care. "You?"
"Same old, same old," he answered, glancing over at her briefly before he continued driving. They both stared straight ahead in silence again until he decided to ask, "So...you like cats?"
Honestly, it was the only thing he could think of saying. It seemed like the safest question starter, plus, it was better than the tense nothingness that was the alternative. She looked down at her lap, refusing to make eye contact, before replying "Yeah. I'm not allowed any pets at home. Mom says she's allergic but I don't think that's true." Then, she chuckled quietly, "I love animals though."
"There's this dog that is always around where I live. Don't know if he's got a proper name but I call him Scruffball. Don't even know if he's got an owner," he explained, laughing lightly under his breath when he caught her expression at the mention of a dog. It was cute. Very cute. "He loves me. I mean, who doesn't? Yeah, he's always waiting for me when I get home." His smile widened and he added, "He likes to chew on my shoelaces."
A small chuckle escaped her as her gaze lifted to glance at his, meeting his eyes for a split second before shifting her head to look out the window. There was a strange, unfamiliar feeling bubbling inside of her chest. It felt nice. Warm. Comforting. Like butterflies were fluttering around in her stomach. God, she hoped that didn't mean what she thought that meant. Did she like him? No. She was just sad that her boyfriend was probably too preoccupied with fucking her friends to pick her up from practice. No way. It's not as if she had always thought he was cute. He was here. That was it. Evan wasn't here. Eddie was. 
Hardening her resolve, she coolly announced, "You can drop me off here."
"Do you live around here?" Eddie asked curiously, taking in how different the buildings seemed. This neighbourhood definitely wasn't anything like the trailer park. It was that perfect picket fence type of place that he assumed all cheerleaders lived in.
"Does it matter? I can walk."
The weather outside was horrible. Terrible winds and pouring rain. "You're not walking in this rain, Y/N. You'll catch pneumonia or something," he argued, glancing over at her before continuing, "How else will you do all those... moves? All the-" He took both hands off the steering wheel to shake his hands like he was holding pom poms and smiled when he caught her attention. "All of those."
Why was she smiling? Why the hell was she smiling? It was impossible to stop the way the corners of her mouth upturned upwards ever so slightly. Her lips quivered slightly at the sides with amusement as she fought to keep her laugh from escaping.
"You sold to Harrington in the year below at his party last month, right?"
"I live opposite."
He was grinning bigger than before. That smug bastard had weaselled information out of her. He'd gotten his way somehow and safely dropped her off at her house. By the time they'd reached her drive, the rain had stopped.
"Here you go, princess. Your... absolutely fucking huge house," he almost gasped, his jaw hanging open as he saw her home. It wasn't a mansion, but definitely bigger than he was used to. Like three stories with a massive lawn and a Dogwood tree in the yard. Every bit of the shrubbery green and beautiful and well maintained. Everything looked fancy. It looked like it belonged in a movie. 
Was she rich? Most popular people are rich. Why would she be any different? They're all rich and snotty and have pretty things to show off to impress their other snotty friends.
"Do you have a pool? It looks like the type of house to have a pool."
"Yeah. My mother is fucking the pool boy and everything," she joked, trying to pass it off as an offhanded comment that he shouldn't take seriously. It was true. Of course it was.
Normally, when she phrased things like that, people tended to take them as surface level shit. You know, she said them in a jokey way so they must be just that: jokes. Not Eddie. He picked up on the slight sad undertone in her voice and exclaimed, "Really? That sucks. My old man cheated on my mom before she died, yeah, he was the worst. It, uh, never stops feeling weird, just so you know."
"That sucks..."
They fell silent and neither made any move to leave. Neither one knew why. Maybe it was because no matter how cold the air might feel against their skin, they couldn't help feeling warm when they're together. Maybe it was because neither wanted to leave just yet. Maybe it was because neither wanted to let the other go. 
Yet, they couldn't let the other know. Especially not Y/N. Eddie having a crush on Y/N was fine from the outside. Yeah, why wouldn't he? She was popular, hot and mean. The dream girl. Eddie, on the other hand, was social suicide to interact with, let alone be interested in. A loser. A freak. An idiot. A DnD nerd, whatever the fuck that was. There was no way she was going to go public with this information.
"Uh, thanks for the ride." She unbuckled herself and went to pull the door handle but hesitated. Before she could stop herself, she turned and quickly placed a kiss on his cheek then got out. "Don't tell anyone I did that or I will make your life a hell."
"Yes ma'am!" he replied mockingly, his face growing redder by the second. "Good night," he murmured as she closed the door and began walking towards her front door. Once she disappeared into her house, he let out the deep sigh and ran a hand through his hair before leaning back against the headrest and staring ahead. What the fuck had just happened? And why did she act like it hadn't happened when they got to school the next day?
Transporting back to his current mind, Eddie realised he hadn't responded to her yet. She said something and he was too busy thinking about how soft her lips felt against his cheek to pay attention. It was months ago, but it was if she'd just done it, as if it happened yesterday.
"What did you say?"
"Library or my house? And don't say your trailer. My dad would kill me if he heard that I was seen there."
A snort left his lips in disbelief. What? She actually wanted to work with him? Was she trying to get a rise out of him? She must know about his very obvious crush on her. Or was it just her being cute? Oh yeah. That's exactly what it was. A flirty joke, as the kiss must've been too. She was trying to embarrass him in front of everyone. Typical bitchy cheerleader behavior.
"If you don't make your mind up, I will make it for you."
She sighed impatiently, crossing her arms over her chest. If looks could kill, he'd already be dead. How long did he want to prolong this interaction? People had already noticed that she was talking to him. And as she glanced over her shoulder, she noticed Evan walking up to them.
"You know where. Friday. Six. Don't be late."
Woah, she did remember.
Then without another word, she strutted away and straight to her boyfriend with a fake smile plastered on her face that didn't quite reach her eyes, despite her best efforts.
Eddie's heart was beating faster than ever before and he couldn't believe what she had done. Did she really just...? No! No way! Absolutely not. He wouldn't let himself fall for the stupid cheerleader that was the only one who ever offered to let him help out. For the first time in ages, he was going to do half the work, which he'd never been excited about before. And, since he was stationary in the middle of a busy corridor, someone bumped into him and yelled, "Out of the way, fucking loser."
And he couldn't help but retort, "Sorry, couldn't fit your fat head through the gap, Harlington?"
"Fuck you."
"No, fuck you. Eat a dick."
After that, he managed to walk away without further interaction from anyone else. All while thinking to himself, 'Jesus Christ, what the actual fuck?!' He had just gotten a date with the hottest girl at Hawkins High School. A study date, but still. He smiled stupidly to himself, completely lost in his own little world as he made his way to the Hellfire table.
Friday evening was a mix of emotions. On one hand, holy shit was he excited. Eddie Munson was excited to do homework? Well, no. Not that bit. Hanging out with Y/N again, that was it. It would definitely be more time together than their little driving session. Yet, he was also beyond anxious. She wasn't the easiest to interact with at times. She had a temper on her and was extremely stubborn and sometimes harsh. And that just added more fuel to the fire to the fact that he was obsessed with her.
Actually, if it went well and he had the guts to, he could ask if she'd kissed him with the intention of turning his pesky little crush into, well, into what he felt for her now. He couldn't quite bring himself to admit the truth, though, so he settled for just hoping for the best.
There were so many concerns rushing around his fuzzy head. Like, what should he wear? Should he dress casual or something more out there? Eyeliner? What if he looks like a dork? Maybe he should wear his old blue jacket. He was wearing it at school today. Should he go for a new shirt? Wait, did he even need to change? Should he shave? Shit! Does she expect him to shave? No, of course she doesn't.
Oh shit. What if her parents were home? He wasn't good with parents. Parents didn't like him. Fuck, not even his own liked him. That's it! He's cancelling this whole thing! He'd rather die than spend any more time pondering this. Just give up. Stay home and lock himself in his bedroom for as long as he could. Yes. That'll work. That's totally it.
However, he could imagine that annoyed pout she'd get if he didn't turn up and he immediately stopped that train of thought in its tracks before continuing. No, he couldn't just ditch this. This was his chance, right here and now! With all these thoughts running around the inside his head, it took less than two minutes for him to jump in his van and start driving. Hopefully, by the time he got there, all his worries will be put aside for good and it's not like he has any plans for this evening anyway. (He totally got asked if he wanted to hang out with his buddy Socko and get absolutely wasted but he declined because he had 'other' obligations).
As he arrived at her house, he rang the doorbell and waited impatiently for someone to answer it. There was no answer after a whole minute and he was growing desperate. He knew he was going to regret this, but he pressed the doorbell once more anyway and called out, "Hello!"
In a huff, she opened the door wide, revealing herself in her normal clothes opposed to her cheerleading costume with a disapproving frown on her face. "I told you-" she stopped abruptly when she saw him standing there, looking stunned and slightly embarrassed. "Oh, I thought you were...Hi. Come on in."
"Who'd you think I was?"
"My boyfriend," she deadpanned at him. Damn it. He forgot about that asshole Evan. He was the captain of the basketball team. Jocks and cheerleaders make sense together. It was an inevitability that those two would be together.
Eddie shook his head and forced himself to look away from her to focus on the surroundings of her house. Yep, just as he thought - clean and neat. Perfect. Nothing was messy in this place. It was almost as if nobody lived here. It might've been a house that her family lived in but there weren't any photos or personal touches - this wasn't a home. It couldn't be. It was visually so devoid of warmth. Yet, her house looked like her father would have some really nice ashtrays that he'd love to steal.
It looked so cold and lifeless and lonely. He felt a sudden pang of pity for the girl, which quickly faded as she ordered, "Take off your shoes."
"You heard me," she said, crossing her arms over her chest as she gave him a stern look. "Do it." He shrugged and did what she instructed him to do - although, it was obvious that he was reluctant in complying with her request.  
He just hoped she didn't hear him mumbling under his breath, "Cunt." He didn't know why he said that, either. It was reasonable to take your shoes off so you don't trail mud or grime or whatever gross shit lives at the bottom of your shoes. Yet, she could've been nicer. Was that too much to ask?
Emerging from the stairs was a blonde haired boy that Eddie had seen around school. He was also on the basketball team. Eddie was also aware of that. But he hadn't talked to him. Why would he? Just because he was seriously swooning over the guy's sister, didn't mean that Eddie wanted to interact with the other Carver.  "Why's Munson here?"
"Biology project, dear brother."
Jason rolled his eyes and brushed past Y/N to get to the kitchen, giving Eddie a nod as they crossed paths. Weirdly, these siblings looked nothing alike. Eddie's mind went back to the joke about Y/N's mother having an affair, and looking at the two of them, he guessed she had more than one instance of adultery. Y/N's eyes followed her brother as walked and she inquired, "Have you eaten yet?"
"Yeah," Jason lied with a shrug, not caring whether she believed him or not.
"Do you want me to make you anything?"
"I just told you that I've eaten!"
"Well, you lied. Didn't you?"
Siblings. Eddie was glad he didn't have a brother or sister. He was so pleased at that moment to be an only child. 
"So, I'll repeat my question, do you want me to make you anything before you out?"
"Who says I'm going out?"
"Why do you have your jacket on then?" she questioned with a knowing glint to her eye. Jason paused briefly at this question and then turned around to shoot her a glare.
The siblings had a mini staring match as Eddie watched on. Y/N tilted her head to the left and waited for her brother to spill. She knew he would eventually. "Youre such a bitch. I've got a date, okay?!"
"Once a Carver, always a Carver," she quipped back, using the family motto as a defence. She couldn't help but inquire, "Who?"
Cheeks reddening at the thought of his date, Jason responded an almost dreamy, "Chrissy Cunningham." Y/N gasped dramatically and clapped her hands together, chuckling at her brother and making him blush again. He cleared his throat and searched for his keys. "We're getting dinner, so no, don't make me anything."
Y/N pushed Eddie in the general direction of the stairs and teased over her shoulder, "Poor girl." He could feel his ears burning at the comment and hurriedly out of the front door, slamming it behind him.
Were all siblings mean to each other?
Once upstairs she led him to her bedroom, which looked more plain than he expected. There weren't any posters or artwork on the walls or anything. Her bed was pretty simple - just a white bed frame and flowered duvet. Her desk was the only bit of furniture that seemed to have any personality at all. A lot of papers - that mostly consisted of scribbled notes and drawings - and the shelves had a vast array of books. A few of them caught his attention and he wondered how many she actually read.
She closed the door behind them and motioned for him to sit down at the end of her bed whilst she grabbed the notebook that was sitting on her desk. Taking the seat next to him, she took the pen from the metal coil of the notebook and asked, "Alright, what should we start with?"
"You tell me."
"Okay. Where is your textbook?" she asked him, leaning forward on her elbows so she could prop her chin in her hands.
Shit. He knew he forgot something. Eddie swallowed, suddenly nervous. How could he have messed this up? "I didn't bring it," he answered, knowing how stupid that was of him to do. He rarely ever brought them to class, and even if he did, she usually left it in his locker. Hell, he'd used some of the paper as blanks when he rolled his ciggys so maybe a page or two could've been missing.
Honestly, what did she expect? He didn't show up to school with the necessary items, why would he show up to her house with them? He was never one to be reliable anyway, so it wouldn't be surprising if the book was long gone by now. But Y/N sighed, seemingly upset as she replied, "Look. I won't force you to help. If you don't want to do it, I understand. But.. I don't know, I guess I wanted to give you a chance to try because I know most people don't."
That was nice. She'd actually said something nice to him for a change. Even if he didn't really understand why, he appreciated it nonetheless. And there was something about the way she said it too that was somewhat sad. Sad and tired. So, so sad. He felt his heart ache for her and he immediately began racking his brains trying to figure out why. However, his brain was failing at finding an appropriate answer.
"I want to help you." He blurted it out before he could stop himself, even though he knew the chances of him helping her was slim at best. He had not paid attention in biology since third grade. Still, he could try anyways. Maybe he was just desperate to keep her company and see the expression on her face. It sounded stupid. Ridiculous. But it was the truth.
"Really?" she asked, sounding genuinely surprised by his admission. She leaned back against the headboard of her bed and arched her eyebrow curiously at him. As her mouth opened, he thought he was about to get hit by one of her insults but he didn't. Instead, she smiled - a real smile. One where it reached her eyes and lit up her entire face. "Thanks."
Her real smile was like sunshine; warm and inviting. If anything, it was a bit goofy looking. A dimple appeared on her cheek and the corners of her lips curled upwards just enough. It made her seem happy and innocent and cute instead of scary, mean and angry. It was a real contrast from how she presented herself at school.
Now, he felt himself getting sucked into those bright eyes and he found himself blinking rapidly in shock as he tried to tear his gaze away from her. His cheeks burned and his stomach fluttered and he didn't know why. It must be something in the air. Right?
"Well, how about we make a start?"
That's exactly what he needed right now. Some work. Something to distract him from her. And he needed to concentrate. She handed him a sheet of paper as she began explaining their assignment to him and he nodded along, trying to act as though he'd been paying attention to the course, which of course he hadn't. Throughout her explanation, he kept his gaze fixed on her lips as she talked and his mind went crazy. He needed to stay focused - otherwise he'd screw everything up. 
Just look at the page for five seconds. 
Stop gazing at her or she'll figure you out.
Come on, Eddie. Focus.
Stop staring.
"Eddie," she called out to him softly and he snapped out of his trance, finally tearing his gaze away from the sight of her pink lips. He gulped and muttered an 'okay' to her before turning his full attention towards her instructions. She sat back, looking satisfied and slightly amused. She tapped the pen to her lower lip and commented, "This shouldn't be that hard, honestly. We're probably going to have to use these pages for reference... Are you listening?"
Oh yeah. Of course he was. Now he was staring holes into the textbook laying across her thighs, he could hear what she was saying perfectly well. He nodded quickly, biting his lip and fiddling with his fingers, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with her gaze on him. It's fine, he could pretend he was reading. Or he could actually read it. That would've been beneficial to them. She seemed satisfied with his response and his newfound concentration because she returned her gaze back to the open textbook and picked her pen up, preparing to write her notes.
Whatever it was between them was purely academic. All he needed to worry about now was schoolwork. That's all. No feelings involved. Nope, nada, zip. Not at all. Totally not happening. Would never happen. Never ever ever ever ever ever. So why did it feel so good when she pointed out an image of a neanderthal and joked, "That guy kind of looks Mr. Kane. Is it bad that I find it kinda hot?" and then grinned at him while raising one side of her brows, daring him to disagree.
And he couldn't disagree. He was so far gone. He was falling head first without a parachute or a net - just falling straight ahead. Falling down Mount Doom and plummeting to his fiery demise.  "Oh yeah, he's got a real hot bod, huh?" he retorted back, unable to suppress a small smile as he spoke, and was rewarded with a laugh from Y/N. He couldn't help himself - not only because he genuinely enjoyed seeing her happy, but also because he felt something bubbling inside of him - he playfully bumped his shoulder into hers, and smiled when she did it back to him.
They worked in silence for a while, writing their own section and only occasionally exchanging comments back and forth. She felt relaxed around Eddie and it wasn't a feeling she often had around anyone, especially someone who she barely knew at all. And she liked that. It felt almost normal. He didn't know how long they were working on their homework until she stopped for a second to ask, "Do you want a drink or anything? I completely forgot to ask when you came in."
Pleasantries? She was extending pleasantries to him? Where was the notorious bitch of Hawkins High and why had she been replaced with the girl next to him? He could've sworn he'd been a little intimidated by her when he first arrived here but now, he didn't want to leave. Was this a trap?
Trap or not, he was thirsty. "Can I get some water, please? And do you have any aspirin? My head is killing me," he asked, chuckling nervously as he ran his hand through his hair and looked up at her for a second.
"Sure. Bottom draw on the left."
Bottom draw on the left? Bottom draw on the left! Shit. She got halfway down the stairs before she bolted back up, cursing under her breath as she appeared back at her door. She forgot about the other thing in that drawer. Oh no. He'd found it. Immediately turning red as he held the item that caused her to panic so much, Y/N watched on in horror as Eddie inspected the object with wide eyes and an unreadable expression. "What the fuck?! Where'd you get this?!" he questioned incredulously, clearly in disbelief as he waved it around. She gulped, stomping her way towards him to try to take it from his hands, but he didn't let go. Oh boy, did he hold onto that thing tight!
"Put it down."
"No way!"
"Asshole. Just drop it!"
A boisterous cackle erupted from his lips as he used his height as an advantage and lifted his hand above his head so she couldn't reach it. It was amusing watching her jump for it every time she tried. Although he was being a little cruel, he had to admit; she was amusingly adorable when panicking. "What? You don't want me to see you dildo? Huh, Y/N? Look, it's got fake veins and everything." He raised it higher. "What are you going to fuck yourself with now?"
Now she looked murderous. The bitch was back in business. He smiled evilly, knowing full well he was probably being ridiculous, but he still couldn't stop it. This was too good! Too funny! He had her now and he really enjoyed playing the game with her. Especially since her reaction was totally worth it.
"Come and get it," he said triumphantly and took another step forward, closing the distance between them so that he practically loomed over her. He held out the toy, dangling the tip in front of her face tantalisingly close only to swipe it away as quickly as it arrived.
Before he'd registered it, she'd grabbed him by the collar and threatened, "I will tell everyone in school that I caught you breaking into my house to go through my panty drawer. The sherif would love to hear about your breaking and entering, you fucking perv," then held her hand out expectantly.
That caught him off guard. He blinked a couple times, staring in confusion as he processed what she'd said. He knew it was true - she could definitely do it and everyone would believe her. He had no chance in defending himself from that accusation. He'd get laughed at. He'd get further ostracised than he already was. People would think he was a creep as well as a freak, that's for sure. There would be rumours spread amongst the whole town that he was some sort of sicko. He didn't need that. His uncle Wayne didn't need that. He couldn't afford more problems. 
He swallowed dryly and stared down at her for a moment, her eyes shining as she stared daggers that pierced him right through the heart. And he accepted defeat, but as an act of defiance, he suckered the dildo to the wood of her desk rather than placing it in her hand like she wanted him to. 
"Why the hell do you have a dildo? Your boyfriend not doing it for you?"
Silence. Complete, utter and total silence. Her face remained blank as she stared at him. There was nothing she could say. Nothing she could do. He was right and her lack of response gave it away. She bit the inside of her cheek and clenched her teeth together to keep from making any noise, hoping that he wouldn't notice her heartbeat pounding away against her ribs as she thought of her stupid boyfriend.
Taking a deep breath, she explained, "It was a joke gift. All my teammates pitched in - even the ones who are fucking Evan behind my back - and, yeah, they all think it's so funny that he's never made me... he's never cared to, you know, after all our time together," and now she was hoping that somehow he wouldn't hear the slight tremble to her voice and he would stop teasing her, but it was too late. He saw it. He heard it. Everything she was trying to hide, he saw it. She couldn't lie to him.
Oh boy, did he just hear her correctly? No way. If he had a girl like her that would never happen. Her boyfriend was a cheating twat who barely gave two shits about her at all. She deserved better than Evan. A lot better. Someone who loved her unconditionally. Who would make her feel special and satisfied every day just because she was his girlfriend. Someone who she could trust and count on and rely on to be faithful.
"That's fucked up." He sounded so serious that Y/N almost didn't recognize the emotion in his voice. He was angry? Sad? She didn't know which. But it was there.
Weirdly, she felt the need to further, "Cynthia was the one who instigated the whole thing really. I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that she calls her boyfriend daddy." He averted his gaze as she said that nickname, and she made a conscious note of his reaction. "Like out of the bedroom. Inside is completely fine with me. We were at practice and she genuinely squealed 'Oh, daddy!' as he walked into the gym and I couldn't help it."
Again, there was silence. Eddie's eyes shifted back to meet hers, and although he wasn't smiling, his eyebrows were furrowed slightly, his expression one of complete concern. "You have awful friends."
She shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, I'm an asshole so it makes sense that Im surrounded by assholes, right?"
Eddie shook his head, frown deepening slightly at her sarcastic tone. "But-"
"Look, I can handle it, alright? I deserve it."
Her words struck him harder than she thought they would. He didn't know what to think at that moment. Did she honestly believe what she was saying? She couldn't read his expression nor his body language at this moment; he was still glaring at her, but something told her she shouldn't take back what she'd said.
"After all the shit you lot have thrown at me over the years, I should want to agree with you. I don't ," he added, laughing dryly at her last comment. Maybe she wasn't perfect, but at least she was honest. 
There was something about seeing her like that; so open and naïve. He suddenly felt like he was the most likely person to relate to her. She was as perfect as he was. That's why he was here, looking like an idiot in front of her as he picked the dildo up again to jokingly point out, "Hey, this about the same size as me," and relieve any tension that had grown. He wasn't sure if he succeeded or not in any of his missions, but she still cracked a smile despite herself.
"One hundred percent truth."
"I don't believe you."
"I'm not lying."
"Prove it."
Prove it? Prove it! He glanced cautiously down at his belt then back up to her eyes. Was it possible? Why would she even want him to do that? Even if he could prove it to her, what good would it do? How would it possibly help? They'd just had a nice tender moment and now she was telling him to get his cock out. There had to be an ulterior motive in the back of her head. Would she use this as blackmail if he ever accidentally spilled on everything they'd spoken about? Whatever, he needed time to ponder what was the worst outcome that would happen?
"Do you want to forget I ever said anything?"
"Shut up."
There wasn't enough time to ponder. And before he'd even realised he'd moved, his fingers had found the buckle of his belt and were working their magic. He didn't waste another second once he'd gotten his jeans undone, and pushed both his trousers and underwear down around his thighs. He watched intently as she examined him, her eyes wandering over every inch of him. He could almost feel her eyes burning a hole through his skin. She leaned over to retrieve the dildo and held it next to him, but he complained, "At least let me get a little bit harder before you start the comparison. That's not fair."
Okay. That was more fair. Fair enough that she slowly got to her knees in front of him, keeping her eyes glued to his the entire time. She ran a finger along the hardening shaft and smirked as it became evident that her touch alone had affected him so much that he was unable to hold back the moan that escaped his lips. He watched her blush at the sound he made as she shook her head, chuckling softly as he reached out and gently grabbed her chin between his thumb and forefinger so he could tilt her head back upwards, gazing intently into her eyes. He lowered his voice, allowing a few moments to pass as he brushed his thumb lightly across her bottom lip and said, "What's your boyfriend going to think of this?"
"This can be our little secret."
With his consent, she took his cock into her hand and guided it into her mouth, slowly moving to get used to the length of him. As soon as he started hitting her throat, she bobbed back and forth in rhythm, swallowing him whole and enjoying his groans of pleasure, relishing in how wet her mouth felt around him.
Pulling back to breathe for a second, she licked along his length and he moaned so  loud, "Jesus Christ. That feels so good. Your boyfriend is so fucking stupid, you know that?"
At that moment, she remembered something that he'd done earlier. "I do know that." She paused and held the tip of his cock on her bottom lip as she seductively called him, "Daddy."
And that was it. She had hit that particular nerve of his. His eyes darkened as he jerked his hips forward and he swore aloud when he finally slid fully back into her mouth, groaning pornographically. It was as if a switch had flipped in his brain. His cock throbbed furiously in her mouth, pumping it rapidly faster and faster as her throat worked its wonders around him. He was lost to her touch. Lost to everything else. Just pure sensation. Pure pleasure.
His hand tightened against her head and he bit his lip, struggling to maintain his composure. His heart pounded painfully against his chest as he felt her tongue stroking at his length while sucking at him greedily. He was holding onto her for dear life, and thrust upward, gasping, trying desperately to push himself further inside her mouth and lose himself in the pleasure that she brought him.
"Oh fuck!" His one hand shot out and gripped the edge of the her desk so tightly that his knuckles turned white, his jaw was clenched, and his teeth were digging into his bottom lip until he tasted blood.
Then, she pulled away just as he was about to reach his peak. He stared at her in disbelief for several seconds, his chest rising and falling frantically. Everything seemed frozen in his mind as he gazed at her flushed face as she took the dildo and compared him to it. "I stand corrected. I apologise, Munson."
"Oh, it's Munson now you've had my cock down your throat?"
"Sorry. You did seem to prefer it when I called you daddy. Didn't you?" She coquetted as her hand began to move across his slick member. He grunted as his fist closed tightly around a stray lock of her hair, tugging gently with every movement of his hips.
Fuck, how the fuck did she do that? He felt like he was losing himself. He was losing control. This had never happened to him before. He was usually the one taking control, but she took it from him without even trying to. And he hated it.
"Stop teasing me."
"Whatever you say, daddy." 
Jesus, she'd never been into the whole 'Daddy' thing, but fuck, maybe she was now. She'd only said it earlier to mess with him a bit and he'd responded way more enthusiastically than she'd imagined. But she didn't think twice about it. It was clear that he was growing increasingly impatient by the second, especially after seeing her reactions and he couldn't deny that he enjoyed it immensely.
Her tongue flicked out to lick at him hungrily once more. Once he was firmly back into her mouth, he began thrusting into her mouth and she complied without hesitation, moaning his name around his cock. Using her hair, he bounced her up on him faster, her tongue dancing across his shaft and her hand came up to cup his balls, squeezing tightly. His head fell backwards as his eyes rolled into the back of his head, his entire being going wild.
"Like it when daddy fucks your pretty mouth, huh, baby?" He rasped through gritted teeth, pulling sharply out of her throat then plunging straight back into her hot, moist mouth, his hands still firmly gripping her hair, refusing to let go. Her reply was utterly incoherent as she continued to suck greedily at him, her grip tightening on his balls. Eddie groaned loudly and his grip loosened as his hips bucked forward, releasing every bit of cum within the confines of her mouth with a loud, "Fuck, take it all. Take what you want from me."
His eyes flew open, breathing heavily as he stared at the ceiling above him. He was completely spent. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been that turned on by anyone. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this satisfied.
"Jesus fucking christ," he mumbled, running his palm over his face as he tried to regain some semblance of control over his mind. It had gone beyond lust at this point, he needed this. And he needed her to "Take your clothes off."
Fuck, he didn't need to tell her twice. Without a second thought, she swallowed as she stood, removed her sweatshirt from her shoulders and shimmied her jeans down to her ankles. She kicked them to the side carelessly as soon as she was free from them, exposing herself to his view.
"And the rest." His voice was dangerously low, making her breath catch.
"I thought you'd want to take it of me," she replied, biting back a sly smirk as she slowly shifted closer to him to whisper in his ear, "Don't you want to, daddy?"
"You're going to regret saying something like that, babe," he growled, whipping his shirt off, grasping her ass firmly and pulling her close to him. She landed against his chest with a thump and was a little taken back when he sweetly kissed her cheek, then his mouth made its way down her neck.
Each kiss became more and more needy, more desperate, as each one went on for longer than the previous one. Every fibre of his being ached for her touch and every little moan or whimper she made was causing him to caress every bit of bare skin he could.
"No marks," she breathed out, pushing him away slightly. "One rule."
"You got it. Can't have anyone knowing about us."
"Just us."
Just them. 
Those simple words made his heart feel like it had just expanded tenfold or more because he never imagined that she would say them, nor would he ever imagine her saying it to him. In that instant, everything seemed different; better somehow. A little more tender, sweeter. More genuine. Like a promise or a vow between the two of them. One that meant more to him than anything he'd ever wanted or expected.
Tenderly, he tipped her chin up so she would be looking straight into his eyes as he admitted, "Seriously, Evan can go fuck himself. Jesus, this can't be a one time thing, Y/N. I need more of you," and captured her lips in a deep, searing kiss before she had tone to respond. He hooked his arms under her thighs as he deepened the kiss, feeling her wrap her arms around his neck and her hands tangle into his knotty hair, tugging and twisting, eliciting moans from her throat.
In no time, he'd laid her down against her pillows and was kissing down her body once again, licking and pecking in a frenzy of desire as he ran his hands over  every curve, every dip and every inch she offered him willingly. When he eventually arrived back up at her breasts, she lifted herself so he could undo her bra, which he quickly undid with ease and tossed aside. Then he moved lower, taking her breast into his mouth as her fingers combed through his hair roughly and he sucked hard at her taut nipple, earning a whine from her. 
"Such a pretty noise, baby," he murmured as he continued the assault on her breast, nipping at the sensitive skin and swirling his tongue around the swollen flesh. He heard her whimpering his name and felt her hands tugging on his hair as his hand moved into her panties, slipping past the barrier to stroke her wet slit. She was already slick and ready and he smirked, teasing her, "So wet already? I haven't even put in any effort yet. This pretty pussy has been neglected, hasn't it?"
A soft moan escaped her lips as he rubbed her clit in circles, sending jolts of arousal shooting through her body, making her writhe beneath him impatiently. He quickly removed the rings from his hand and chucked them on the floor.
"You have no idea," she chuckled, but the sound eventually died in her throat as it was overshadowed by a loud moan as he rather abruptly pistoned his finger into her. She grasped frantically at the bed sheet, attempting to refrain from wriggling away from him. She felt as though she was melting in his hands, and it only spurred him on.
Without warning, he slid another finger inside her and pumped furiously, relishing the sounds she made as she couldn't help but grasp onto his forearm and squeeze tightly. He knew he was driving her insane, but he also couldn't give a damn right now. She wanted him, and he was going to deliver. No matter what it took.
She arched upwards against him and he pressed his mouth hard against hers as his fingers increased their pace, pumping her repeatedly without mercy. All of her staggered whines were let out against  his lips.
"Come on, baby. Give it to me." 
He slammed two fingers deep into her, watching as she trembled beneath him, her eyes glazed as she cried out his name in pleasure. Her whole body tensed as her walls squeezed tight around his fingers as an orgasm consumed her body. He groaned softly, his head thrown back in pleasure at the sight of her shuddering underneath him.
"Fuck, Eddie. I'm-"
Interrupting what was going to be praise, Eddie decided that it wasn't over. No. He quickly manoeuvred himself between her thighs and lowered his face towards her core.
"Ed, you don't have to. I know some boys don't like it."
"Are you okay with spanking?"
"Do whatever you want to me, Eddie. I'll most likely be into it."
Eddie. Again. 
"No. Not my name right now."
As punishment, he brought her onto her side as his hand slapped her across her ass, causing her to squeal in a weird sense of delight. He watched with satisfaction as she squirmed and writhed beneath him as he began playing with her clit again as he slowly pressed himself down onto the mattress and placed her knees over his shoulders.
"Evan ever eat you out?"
"What a pussy."
After insulting her boyfriend, he held her gaze with a smile as he placed his mouth against her entrance, letting his tongue slip inside and swirl around her entrance for a few moments as if he was trying to taste every bit of her. He licked every inch he possibly could, feeling her muscles twitch beneath his fingertips as she struggled to remain quiet, her hips bucking against his face and urging him to continue. As his tongue worked against her, his hips jerked rhythmically, rubbing himself against the mattress as he moaned into her. 
Her breath came faster and she gripped the sheets beside her as she panted. Her entire body was on fire, as if it had caught alight in flames. Every muscle burned in ecstasy, feeling raw and exposed at the same time.
"Oh fuck, Eddi- I mean...Daddy," she moaned in response to the sensation of his tongue swirling around the entrance to her slit and he smirked. God, he loved hearing her call him that. It felt so good in his ears and it made his cock throb painfully as she bucked against him in an attempt to get closer to the sensations coursing through her body, which only heightened his desire to give her exactly what she wanted.
"Nice save," he teased breathily as he continued to flick his tongue at her clit whilst keeping contact with her entrance, his fingers moving around inside of her, working her over until she was trembling uncontrollably. He used his free hand to hold her hips in place so she wouldn't wriggle away from him.
In a moment when he happened to look up at her face, he noticed that her head had rolled back and her lips slightly parted as she panted up at the ceiling. Her expression was dazed, her breathing laboured, and he found it impossible to believe how beautiful she looked when her whole body trembled with pleasure.
"Y/N, look at me." Her eyes widened as she stared into his chocolate brown ones, seeing nothing but pure adoration in his eyes that made her heart beat out of her chest. He reared back for a minute to command, "Watch what Daddy is doing to your cheating pussy, baby."
At those words, she nodded and proceeded to follow his gaze down to the way his fingers were curling inside her pussy. She gasped loudly and bit her lip, beginning to move her hips to fuck herself deeper onto his digits in an attempt to make herself come. He smiled devilishly at how truly fucked out and desperate she'd become, his own hips rutting faster into the duvet.
"That's right, baby."
"Daddy, please," she begged hoarsely as he kept thrusting into her. His movements were erratic and rough as he tried desperately to make himself as close to coming as he possibly could. Which wasn't that far away as he'd moved his mouth back on her clit, sucking hard as he finger fucking her into oblivion. He was completely oblivious to any other thought in his mind but her. He didn't care about anyone else. 
Not about work. Not about school. Not about Evan. Not about anything else. Because all that mattered to him right then was getting her as close to ecstasy as possible, because she deserved it.
"Be a good girl and come on my face."
She responded by arching her back in response, gripping fistfuls of his hair as she reached her peak, letting out a low, guttural cry. Her orgasm washing over her in waves. He continued pounding into her, loving the feel of her juices flowing into him, soaking his fingers, filling his mouth, and coating her inner thighs.
Eddie quickly got to his knees and took his cock in his hand, pumping three times before placing the tip against her clit and cumming all over her pussy. He let himself take a moment to catch his breath before he collected some of his excitement and pushed it into her entrance, causing her to grab onto his wrist.
"No. Not again. Just fuck me."
"Let me get hard again first."
Both of their voices sounded slightly strained, neither having expected the amount of pleasure they experienced as they lay there catching their breaths. He slowly pulled out of her, licking his fingers clean and flopped on the pillows beside her. She had never been this turned on before. Never. Ever. Not in her wildest dreams.
And yet here she lay with Eddie in her arms. With his chest rising and falling rapidly beside her, his breath mixing with her own, his fingers still intertwined with hers. "Should've guessed that the freak was freaky," she teased him jokingly after a few minutes of silence.
"And I should've known that you are such a fucking tease," Eddie responded, tightening his grasp around her hand in mock irritation. After a while though, he sighed out a small smile and spoke. "I am not kidding though, Y/N. You really are so fucking sexy."
He lifted himself off of her and propped himself up on one elbow above her so he could look down on her flushed, happy, and satisfied face.
"Thanks, Daddy."
"Jesus fucking christ."
Playfully, she giggled and rolled her eyes, resting her hand softly against his slick cheek, her fingers running along his stubble. She loved the feel of his rough stubble against her skin, which sent an involuntary shiver running through her spine. 
The way he was gazing down upon her with a soft expression plastered on his face almost made her forget how utterly ruined she would be if anyone found out about this. She would probably never recover from it, especially since her parents would most definitely find out about it eventually. Associating with those from the trailer park was not Carver behaviour. 
Hell, how was she going to be prom queen with Eddie fucking Munson on her arm?
A slow smile spread across Eddie's lips as she gazed into his deep, chocolate coloured eyes, his thumb stroking her cheek gently, lovingly. His eyes were soft when looking at her, warm and affectionate, which made her heart skip a beat at how cute he looked. And when the corners of his lips curved upwards, revealing two dimples which she adored so much, it only added to the picture.
God, what a fucking idiot she'd turned out to be. This was stupid. So stupid. But, for him? She do it.
Reaching the back of his neck, she pulled him closer for a kiss that was rudely interrupted when their lips were ghosting against each other, mere millimetres apart. The front door, how she wished it had never gone off.
"I'll be right back."
"Y/N...you might want to put your clothes back on to answer the door."
Her footsteps halted and she returned to retrieve her clothes, pulling them on quickly.
"Oh, yeah. My mind is still a bit fucked out..." Before she left the room, she called back, "Thanks for that, by the way."
Dressed, yet still a little flushed, Y/N made it to her front door and opened it to find her boyfriend on the other side. Shit. He wasn't supposed to be here. Oh fuck. Fuckity fuck fuck.
"I know you said not to over the phone, but I'm here."
Without consideration, pushed past her to enter her house, his shoes making loud noises as they struck against the floorboards. He walked towards her kitchen and got a drink from her fridge. She followed behind him, her heart beating a mile a minute as she watched him retrieve a coke. Once he sat down, he raised the can to his lips, drank its contents, before placing the cup down in front of him.
"I was hungry and my mom is out."
"I'm not making you something to fucking eat." She folded her arms across her chest defensively and glared at him as he continued to drink from his soda. "Couldn't Stephanie do it for you? Or Penny? Or Tilly? Huh?"
Evan's eyes narrowed and he placed a forefinger under her chin to tilt her head up. "Calm the fuck down. Don't start this shit now." She rolled her eyes but remained silent, yet she did clench her fists. "You're acting like a total child."
"Okay, Evan. Do whatever you want. Raid my kitchen and then leave," she let out defeatedly, leaving him be to make her way upstairs. She managed to keep her footsteps even and calm until she reached the top step, then she hurried to her room.
During the brief amount of time that they'd been apart, Eddie had retrieved his underwear and pulled them on as he surveyed her bookshelf in more detail. In his haste he hadn't really taken the time to observe it, and the sight of them there caused him to smile softly.
"Nice choice. Neuromancer. Never would've guessed a cheerleader to read that." A light chuckle escaped his lips as his hands traced the spine of the book and looked up at her, immediately seeing how she no longer looked amusement about what was going on. 
Truthfully, it seemed as if her mask was back up.
"Evan is here. Either jump or hide."
After scrambling his clothes on, he looked out of her window at the distance he'd have to fall if he jumped. He exhaled heavily. "I guess jumping it is," he joked, moving towards her and grabbing a handful of her shirt to pull her into a goodbye kiss. It was short, but meaningful nevertheless.
"See you on Monday, Eddie."
As soon as she finished speaking, he jumped out of her bedroom window and landed clumsily on one of her mother's bed of flowers which littered the ground below it. Without hesitation, he sprinted for the gate of the fence surrounding her backyard and scaled it easily before making his way across the street without being seen, disappearing into his van and back to his trailer in no time.
Evan was none the wiser.
School on Monday went swimmingly. The pair hadn't got many classes together so there was no chance at anyone suspecting anything. Yet, if someone was paying really close attention, there was a moment when Eddie happened to be walking behind Y/N and Evan. He couldn't help it. He stared laser beams into the back of her boyfriend's head like it was going to do anything and scoffed when Evan let his hand rest on Y/N's hip as they walked.
When she felt eyes on her back, Y/N turned her body slightly towards Eddie and met his eye for a split second. A small smile played on her on her lips as she whispered something to Evan, who nodded and removed his hand from her.
Whatever the case, at fourth period they had biology. Y/N tried her absolute hardest not to look in Eddie's direction, to act normal, act like nothing special was going on between them, but she was nudged by the girl next to her.
"I think you've got an admirer."
It took a second for Y/N to realise what she was talking about, but when she did, her eyes instantly shot over to where she knew Eddie sat. Sure enough, he was gazing at her. He even mouthed what looked like "Osmond's shitter."
Mrs Osmond's classroom was opposite the staff toilets - a collection of bathrooms that tended to go unused by everyone but stoners. So, she assumed that was a meeting place for them.
After class, she slipped away from her friends and was yanked into one of the bathrooms before she knew what was happening. By the time she managed to catch her bearings, she realised that she was being attacked. She found herself pinned against the wall opposite the bathroom door, a pair of lips pressed against hers in an instant. For a second, she froze in shock. Then, she kissed him back, letting her hands wander freely around his neck, her long fingers tangling themselves in the strands of dark hair.
"Real romantic place you picked, Ed."
Eddie smirked against her mouth, nipping at her lower lip with his teeth and leaving her craving for more. He pulled back reluctantly, leaning against the wall with his forearms braced above Y/N's head, giving himself enough space to see her looking up at him with her big doe eyes.
"Well, I figured the best place for us would be somewhere private, away from prying eyes." He trailed light kisses along her jawline, stopping near her ear as he breathed out,, his voice low and raspy with desire, "And I could wait any longer."
She couldn't help but shiver at his words. It was only when his hands wandered down to her waistband that she snapped out of her daze. "We are going to get caught," she said, attempting to sound stern despite her heart thudding in her throat and her cheeks reddening.
"We won't if you keep quiet." He moved his hips to grind harder against hers, causing her to gasp. She felt heat pooling between her thighs as she felt his arousal growing inside of her jeans. She wanted to cry out his name, to beg for more, but instead swallowed thickly.  Seeing her apprehension, he moved away and cooed, "We don't have to if you don't want to. Please don't feel obliged to, you're not at all. Just slap me away, okay?"
Forgetting her worries, she lifted her hands and placed them on his shoulder, pulling him back towards her, keeping him flush against her chest. "You locked the door, right, daddy?"
He hadn't. He'd been too focused on kissing her as she arrived to do it, so it was a good thing he double checked. It was just the adrenaline rush getting the better of him at that moment, that's all.
Assured that there was a locked door in between them and their schoolmates, Y/N grabbed onto both sides of his shirt tightly and pressed her forehead against his as his hands slid underneath the material of her cheerleaders uniform and ran them down her sides to cup her ass firmly.
"Fuck, baby. I can't stop thinking about you. And I mean that literally. Every. Single. Thought." He leaned forward again, pressing a soft kiss against her lips. She moaned softly, opening her mouth for his tongue and allowing him to slip past her defences and into her mouth, his hand making its way back to her waistband and into her underwear. 
Just as he had predicted, she was already wet, aching, longing for him. She opened her legs wider and gripped his shoulders tighter as her hands travelled higher up, to tangle in his hair for stability as he began slowly sliding his middle finger inside of her.
His touch sent a flood of euphoria through her, and she released a deep sigh, her head falling back against the cold brick wall. She closed her eyes in pleasure as her muscles tensed up automatically and involuntarily.
Once she was substantially prepped, he undid his belt and tugged his jeans down a few inches so that they were bunched around his knees as she flipped her skirt up and joked, "You're lucky I haven't put my spankies on yet."
"I don't know what the fuck that is, but I like the sound of it."
"It's like underwear that cheerleaders have to wear over their actual... you know what, just put your cock in me."
Turning her so she was facing the wall, he moved her panties out of the way and let some drool drip onto his cock before he eased into her with ease. Her back arched upwards at the pressure on her entrance, and she felt her eyes start to slide closed as she let her head drop to the wall once again. She bit down on her bottom lip hard in an attempt to suppress any sort of reaction, trying her damnedest not to make a single noise.
"Holy fuck, you're so tight. I see why your boyfriend cums prematurely now," he cursed quietly at her tightness. He kept kissing the curve of her jaw while he fucked her, and she groaned softly. She never imagined it would happen, especially in the school bathrooms where anyone could be listening in, but it was happening. This was definitely happening though. 
And there was no stopping it now they'd begun.
Laughing at that comment, she opened her eyes and looked back at Eddie, giving him a crooked grin that dropped as her jaw did when he found the right angle, hitting her spot with sort of a methodical accuracy. Her whole body trembled and shook as she gasped, trying in vain to fight back the moans of ecstasy.
"You take cock so well, don't you? I can tell that you really enjoy this, you cheating slut."
It took her a few seconds to collect herself, but when she managed to regain control of her thoughts, she looked back at him again, smiling at the sight of him getting so riled up. "I've had dildo practice, you see," Y/N retorted playfully, rolling her hips back onto him. As he continued to pound into her mercilessly, his hand found hers and he yanked them behind her back as slammed himself harder and harder into her. "Practise for you, daddy."
"Be quiet, we don't want to get caught like this."
"Sorry, but when you say shit like that? I can't help it." He buried his face in the crook of her neck in an effort to contain himself, breathing heavily, and moaning her name repeatedly into the the skin of her neck. 
But then, he happened to remember something and knew it would make this situation ten times hotter. He had to. So, he shifted them in front of the sink and placed his hand on her jaw and lifted it to look in his eyes in the mirror. Her hands immediately clutched onto the porcelain and watched with half lidded eyes as he grabbed her hips with such intensity and bounced her on his cock.
"Like the view, baby?" He asked huskily, grinning widely. His grip tightened on her hips as he continued to rock her body against his, making it increasingly difficult for her to stay composed. "Like watching daddy pound this slutty pussy of yours?"
"Oh God," she whimpered under her breath, her legs shaking as she held on to the counter top with both hands for support. She tried desperately not to react or moan at his words as her mind spun with lust. Her head attempted to roll back on his shoulder but his hand was firm on her jaw, forcing her gaze to stay fixed on his own.
"Good girl," he praised lowly, causing her to bite her lip as she fought back another moan and a whimper escaped her lips. She felt his thumb brush the corner of her lips gently as he smiled, enjoying the way she was looking at him. He liked seeing her eyes go wide and her mouth hanging open slightly as she came undone before his very eyes.
Yet, she had been relatively good at being quiet so he had no idea he needed to put a hand on her mouth until it was already there. Even in his fucked out haze, he'd been quick enough to think about doing it only seconds after he heard the first note of her moan.
Eddie continued to thrust himself into her relentlessly, keeping her trapped beneath him and refusing to stop until he came too. His release came quickly due to the sounds of her mewling into his hand as he asked, "Want Daddy to come inside of your pretty little cunt?"
"Please, Daddy. Come inside me," she whined as the last syllable slipped out of her mouth and he obliged, pumping himself furiously for a brief second before releasing his load into her. They stayed there for several moments afterwards afterwards, simply breathing heavily and listening to each other's panting breaths before eventually letting go of one another's bodies.
He wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his free hand, smiling triumphantly as he pulled out of her and, once again, pushed some of his slick back into her in a possessive manner and postioned her panties back normally.  "Who'd imagine that the head cheerleader is going to be strutting around the halls with Eddie Munson's come deep inside her."
"You'd imagine that."
"Don't have to imagine it, baby."
Finally with most of her bearings back, Y/N turned to wrap her arms around his shoulders and pulled his body closer to hers as she nuzzled her nose into the side of his neck, inhaling the scent of his body wash and presumably all the weed he'd smoked up to this point, feeling content in his arms. As she did this, he wrapped his arm round her torso and kissed the crown of her head. "Now I bet we've missed a lot of sixth period if I had to guess."
She hummed thoughtfully, lifting her head from his shoulder. "Hmm, true..." Her finger twirled one of his curls. "Might as well skip the rest of it, don't you think?"
"What shall we do instead, Ms Carver?" He replied, inching his lips closer and closer to hers. She grinned wickedly before closing the distance between them and smashing her lips onto his, kissing him roughly and passionately, and he responded accordingly, moving his hand across the small of her back to hold her close to him, pulling her tightly against him.
Mrs Osmond's shitter became the meeting spot for the pair at school because, truly, nobody used it. It was always empty and secluded and secret. Whilst it wasn't the most romantic of spots, it was what they needed. A quick get away to see each other during school time to interact any way they wanted to, innocently or not so innocently.
Weeks went by of much the same. Sneaking around at school. Sneaking around at home. Just general sneakery. Yet, as time went on, it became apparent for the both of them that it had turned from lust into something more.
Y/N only came to realise this as she had phoned Eddie to come over as her brother and parents were out and that left her home alone. Her second boyfriend arrived at the door and they didn't fuck.
"I got some popcorn and I rented those Star Wars movies you speak about all the time. Want to watch it?"
"Yeah. Of course," he said happily, taking off his jacket and plopped down on the sofa beside her, setting the bowl of popcorn between them. His arm instinctively wrapped around her shoulders a tugged her closer, and she rested her head on his chest as the movie started playing on the screen.
"Hey," he whispered quietly after a few minutes, his fingers tracing random patterns on her back. "Scruffball misses you. I'm sure of it."
"I miss him too. Sorry I haven't been round, my father was very high strung this week and I didn't want to add anything to it," she apologised in a small, sad voice.
Being together made Eddie realised that her parents weren't...Great. Despite the money and the fancy house and all that shit, they were as bad as his parents. Y/N's mother was not only a cheat but completely concerned with the family name and preservation. Mr Carver, on the other hand, was barely present and when he was, he was an ego maniac. Nothing was too big for him to deal with, even if it meant overlooking his realationships with his friends and family. He could and would start a cult if he was asked.
Such traits had been passed down to their children, so it seemed.
Eddie nodded at her answer, leaning his chin on top of her head. She closed her eyes as the tension left her body and she started to relax into his embrace completely. He lovingly kissed her hair as his hand ran up and down her back rhythmically. They lay like that for a while, the only sound being their breathing and the movie coming from the television.
"Gross. They're siblings?" she exclaimed as she sat up straight, turning her head towards Eddie for confirmation.
"Babe, you're about a year late with that revelation."
"Sorry I'm not a big nerd like you. I was busy having friends," she teased. He leaned forward suddenly and stole her attention as he brought his face closer to hers and kissed her softly, his tongue dancing with hers playfully as they kissed each other senseless like they usually did when they were alone.
Once their tongues parted and he took a moment to catch his breath, he stared at her with soft eyes full of love. There was no doubt in his mind whatsoever that he loved her. Maybe even loved her so much that he couldn't bear to live without her for one second longer than he needed to. He looked down at her as if she was the most beautiful thing in the world and her eyes reflected the exact same feelings back at him.
He leaned forward once again and pressed a kiss to her cheek, and then another one to her temple before leaning backwards again, bringing his hand to the back of her head and gently rubbing her scalp. 
For some reason, it calmed her, just as he always seemed to calm her. It didn't seem strange to be around him, not now as he was rapidly becoming the only person who made her feel safe and happy. She sighed deeply, gazing at his chocolate brown eyes as he watched the movie intently. She never knew she could still smile this much.
She had never been happier in her life. It amazed her how things turned out this way. How simple it had become to look beyond the surface and just be herself. Eddie had shown her that no matter what, she was loved. That she could be loved. That she should be loved. He was everything she had ever needed. He cared about her so much. He treated her right. 
"Eddie?" she whispered, her eyes shining brightly at him through her eyelashes. He immediately stopped watching the movie and turned to look at her.
Take a deep breath and go for it.
"I love you."
A grin broke out across his handsome features as he leaned over to plant kisses on her forehead and cheeks. "I love you too, Y/N." He paused, waiting a minute or two before speaking again as he continued to caress her face and hair. "You know I don't have the money to give you the world, but I'll try."
Her breath hitched in her throat as tears began to form in her eyes. "Oh baby," she whimpered, unable to take his words seriously as she reached up and placed her hands on his cheeks. Her gaze flickered across his face, taking in every detail of him, trying to commit each line of his face into memory. 
This boy was more precious to her than gold; more valuable than diamonds. More precious to her than her mothers pearls. She would sacrifice everything she owned to have him beside her forever. 
A few weeks later, Jason had given up on the party he intended to be at that night and soberly drove home. Y/N had mentioned that she was spending time with Evan, which he didn't quite believe since he was pretty sure he saw his sister's boyfriend at the same party. It was full of members from the basketball team, and the captain definitely made an appearance.
That's why he was surprised when he opened the front door and found his sister in the lap on Eddie Munson. The freak's hands were all over her and his mouth was firmly attached to her neck, sucking on the soft skin there repeatedly while she moaned in pleasure. Jason had to suppress the urge to throw up. 
"What the fuck?" he yelled angrily, glaring at the scene in front of him. His sister's eyes widened when she spotted her younger brother at the door, pushing Eddie to swiftly break away from her neck. "The freak? Really, Y/N?"
"Don't call him that!"
"Everyone else does!"
Y/N got to her feet and glared daggers at her brother. "How dare you?!"
"How dare me? How dare you! You're just like mom!"
It was the last straw, the thing that broke the dam. Tears streamed uncontrollably from her face and she quickly wiped them away angrily. He was right. She was a big ol' cheater.
Eddie was straight to his feet to hold her as soon as he saw her tears falling down her face. "I'm sorry, babe," he muttered against the side of her head, kissing it gently.
"Stop touching her like that."
"Leave her alone!"
At Jason's request, Eddie pulled back with his hands up in surrender. Anger and disappointment filled his Jason's as he watched his sister cry and reach towards the school freak. What the hell is wrong with her, he thought to himself. Why does she keep letting this guy touch her like that? Like she's some kind of whore.
As he stared at his older sister, he felt an uncomfortable knot build up inside of him. It wasn't his business, really, but he couldn't help but find the situation to be distasteful. Eddie, however, remained silent and simply stared as Jason stormed past them. Once the front door slammed shut behind him, he let out a sigh.
"Give him twenty minutes and the whole basketball team will know," she pointed out, sniffing and wiping her face with the sleeve of her tshirt.
They fell into silence, both lost in their own thoughts as Y/N cried into Eddie's shirt. Eddie was thinking about the fact that he had never seen Y/N cry before. Sure, she had always seemed upset whenever she let slip something about her home life, but she never cried. Ever. If anything was happening around her, she hid it well and laughed it off like nothing ever happened. But this time... This time, she clearly hadn't been able to do the latter.
"Are you okay?" he asked her hesitantly, looking down at the girl resting her head in the crook of his arm. She looked up at him with a watery smile.
"Can we go and see Scruffball?"
With that, he nodded his head and led her by the hand to his van where he very swiftly made it back to his trailer, surely bypassing many road safety laws on the way like usual. They got out of the van moments later and Scruffball came running to her feet, excited to see her. She scooped him into her arms as he licked her nose.
All seemed fine when she was with Eddie and his (but also not his) dog. She sat on the ground and ruffled the dog's fur as Eddie watched with a fond smile on his face. She glanced over at Eddie who was still smiling at her before looking back at Scruffball. Maybe everything could be alright after all. Maybe life at the trailer park would be fine.
Evan did find out that night. Once he searched her home and she wasn't there, he knew where to go next. The trailer park had never been a hot spot for the popular people before. Ultimately, Y/N was given a decision.
It was between Evan and his cheating, but the promise of prom queen and a chance to stay head cheerleader vs Eddie and his love, doomed to spend the rest of her school career as a social outcast and, ultimately, become a disappointment to her family.
Was love worth that much?
Apparently not, as when Evan came a-knocking, Y/N left with him.
"What the hell, Y/N?" Eddie yelled after her, standing outside the door as she went out of sight. "Where are you going?!"
But she ignored him as he called out to her once again, begging, pleading, pleading to come back. He sank down onto the doorstep as he stared down at the ground, knowing there was no point anymore in getting up from there. It was pointless to try anyway.
Once a Carver, always a Carver.
Frankly, Y/N had never felt so shitty before. She thought it couldn't get worse, then she saw Eddie at the Hellfire table at lunch on the following Monday. He wasn't even talking to anyone. And, worst of all, he kept staring at her with those same sad eyes that had once been filled with such love.
Noticing where she was looking, Evan. roughly grasped her chin and shifted her head away from her freak in the corner.
"Don't fucking look at him." She tried to pull away from him, but he tightened his grip around her jaw and squeezed until it hurt. "Not in front of everyone."
He released her face after a moment and, you know what, fuck this! She got to her feet and slapped Evan across the face with a sharp "That's for the fact that it takes you a less fucking minute to come." Then she backhanded him. "And that's for coming in every single cheerleader on the team."
With that she began to walk away, only to realise she forgot her bag and had to return to get it so she played it off as if she needed to clarify, "All of them apart from Chrissy! She's actually lovely and if I were to pick a successor, it would be her." It seemed as if the whole cafeteria was watching her every move as she strutted towards the Hellfire table.
Eddie was stood as he was just about to put his tray away when he felt a delicate tap on his shoulder. Upon turning around, his eyes widened in shock when he noticed Y/N standing in front of him. Before he could ask anything, she stood on her tippy toes to plant one straight on his lips. It caught him completely off guard, causing him to blink twice before wrapping his arms securely around her waist and deepening the kiss.
As they kissed, several students around them whistled, hooting and hollering as they watched them. No one expected this pairing, like, ever. And yet here they were.
"I'm sorry," Y/N whispered softly against his lips as she reluctantly tore herself away from him. "Please don't be mad at me."
"Mad?" Eddie echoed as he reached forward and cupped her cheek in his large palm. "I could never be mad at you."
"Can I sit with you guys at lunch? I don't think I have any friends anymore."
"Sure, babe. Come on."
She smiled and happily sat with her only boyfriend at the Hellfire table, where all his friends seemed to be stunned that a cheerleader spoke to Eddie, let alone, dated him. As they all started chatting and catching up, Y/N turned to look at him, a smile on her face that was more real than the others he'd ever seen her wear in public.
Turns out that the Hellfire club was actually filled with cool, easy going individuals. Who would've guessed?
After listening to her new friends talk, Y/N got closer to her boyfriend to kiss him in the cheek and whisper, "Love you, freak." She paused before adding. "Sorry, I know you prefer Daddy, don't you?"
Answering her taunt by squidging his fingers into her hips, playfully pulling her towards him, Eddie smirked and couldn't help but kiss her hairline over and over again, getting a rush from the fact that, yes, he could do it in public now.
In the end, the fact that she was a Carver didn't come up much more during their relationship. Mostly because at the very moment Eddie had enough money to, she wouldn't be a Carver anymore. She'd be a Munson. And a happy Munson at that.
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fenharael · 7 months
me and my partner have been doing couples therapy for a few months and tried it a year or two ago. I love him, but honestly, I'm so super frustrated at this point. I feel like ever since he moved out here I've just become so...complacent. I know it's not fair to blame that on him because the truth is the COVID pandemic just turned me into a mildly agoraphobic depressed shut-in that hasn't really recovered. but I was hoping to have my partner move in with me would help but I feel like it's been draining, not just financially but also emotionally. He is genuinely a good, sweet person and I love him a lot, he just has so much past trauma that affects what feels like EVERYTHING in our relationship. and like, I have my share of baggage, but it's just exhausting. I feel like we are incompatible in just a basic living together situation. For example, I really really really HATE when things are dirty, it makes me legitimately upset. idk if it's a latent OCD thing or a dad-trauma thing or what - but the fact remains I hate it. I also really can’t stand messy things, but I can manage it, also I end up being really messy in my. own room so I can't judge other people for it… but I feel like our home has just been so dirty. :| I really am not happy most of the time bc the constant dirtiness is upsetting and I feel like when I try to take a weekend to clean everything it never stays that way and it's like a losing battle. I’ve talked a lot to my partner about better-dividing household labor and chores, and its helped somewhat but  its been such an uphill battle and honestly it’s just not enough for me. He helps a lot with hlike stereotypical "guy" stuff like electronics or appliances and the cats and the car which is great- but I need help with day to day shit. I need help with COOKING which has been a huge huge point of contention between us. At this point I think i really just want to live alone. I want control over my own space, I want to feel comfortable and clean and safe. I don't want to break up with him, but  right now we are not good housemates. Honestly, I’ve never had a roommate I liked living with except Hannnah because she was just as much of a clean freak as I was and super nice, it was really amazing. Every other person has been hell. Maybe its just because of who I am. I dont know. I feel really bad about this, but its just a lot of things adding up. Maybe some physical space apart will help make things better. I'm just tired of feeling like a parent and a caregiver, I'm tired of feeling like I can't rely on my partner for BASIC things, i'm tired of doing a lot of the emotional heavy lifting. And honestly I’m kind of pissed about the finances in our household which is a whole other thing.
This isnt to say I'm not difficult and he hasn't done stuff for me, he has! i'm very difficult, I'm moody, and particular, and he does a lot for me to comfort me. but I don't know. I just feel bad bc i feel like I’m arguing with someone who is trying  to convince me they’re helpless and incapable of doing basic shit. I can just never tell if  I’m  too much of  a callous hard-ass with too high expectations of people or I am lacking in empathy or compassion. Sometimes it feels that way. Sorry for this vent I just needed to write it down.
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detectivechandler · 2 months
🔥🔥🔥🔥 rant about alllll of the things!
the first thing that has been on my mind a lot lately is the way people (both in the rpc and just in general fandoms) will go OUT OF THEIR WAYYYYY to villainize any female character that gets in the way of their perceived gay ships. i mean they will pick these women apart. they will say they breathe wrong, they will say they are walking red flags for x amount of reasons when these characters are just genuinely trying to live their life and be human. i dont know if its the lack of awareness on the parts of these people about the way romantic relationships actually work or just a no i need these two dudes to kiss mindset but it is driving me wild more and more. You want to write gay ships? fucking go for it. by all means. but do not shit over any CANON piece of the source media just in order to make them gay. there are ways to do divergences etc without being like this woman sucks, death to her!!!!!
going along with the above, i'm tired of seeing sexualized gay ships. that's fetishization. plain and simple. i've seen things that say i don't write smut with my female muses or hetero ships but i absolutely will write it with my gay muses. what the hell is that??? i've seen people tag their smut threads etc with commentary thats like 'love it when boys do boys' and 'oof this is making me hot' . WHAT?! and these are cis women saying these things. stop !!
again, along the same vein here but ... fetishization doesnt mean just sexual stuff. thinking things are inherently cute just because its two males in love is strange and not the way the world works. gay boys have problems (hunter and i can attest to that lmaooo) and nothing is aw so sweet so cute they're so in love just because the ship is between two gay men. if you're going to write gay ships (or any ship!!), portray it accurately. you're writing people, not cardboard cutouts meant to fulfill your weird fantasies
divergences are not canon. i have seen things (especially in the current 'fandom' that this blog belongs to) that claim these whackadooodle ideas are canon when they are not. i mean claim they're canon to the point where i second guessed myself and thought maybe entire scenes had been left out of the version i watched. but no. its just insanity.
LET THOSE OF US WHO DONT WANNA SHIP WITH YOU LIVE IN PEACE. i'm not writing a rupert penry jones hallmark movie for you. i want to write. i want to explore things. i hate shipping. i hate the intimacy associated with shipping. i'm only comfortable enough to do it with hunter. respect the asexual muses. respect the fact that some of us don't want to hear about how attractive you find our fc when we're trying to talk to you about headcanons or plotting or media.
stop telling me how much fun you're supposedly having off of tumblr and just go have fun. if my dash is nothing but 80% your posts talking about you're having so much fun and living your best life .. i'm gonna start wondering how you manage to have much time to be on tumblr telling us about it.
i think rules should stop sounding like an application process where we all list everything short of our addresses and social security numbers. i just dont care enough about you to need to know all this.
remaking entire blogs every few weeks because you think its going to make you feel more comfortable is absolutely asinine. i give up after about the second move, mate. i am no longer invested. i wish you the best (Wherever the hell you are now) but i can't keep up with things that constantly get dropped etc. you need to work on something other than the blog. thats not what the problem is obviously.
time it takes to get replies back doesnt matter. but constantly dropping muses/dropping threads/dropping dynamics etc etc is a great way to lose partners. and then to complain about not having partners??? hello!!! why would any of us put in effort to write with you when its just gonna get dropped bc you're not feeling it in that moment? and ofc every once in a while is fine. its understandable. but if you're dropping everything every week because you dont have muse ... *buzzer noise* next please
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