#i've met that man many times and been in his house and seen my mom help him when his wife is out of town
femmesandhoney · 1 month
my mom is friend's with a guy who's paralyzed and can only control some movement in his hands/fingers and very minimally his arms. he has specialized equipment from his wheelchair, to reconstructing his bathroom, specialized bed and machines to get in and out of it, all this expensive medical gear to accommodate his paralysis. his wife is his carer, though he's grown enough and has lived long enough with it that he's able to do many things on his own. but even then he cannot easily travel with his wife and kids, cannot just on a whim do things he wants to do without struggle, and has to be aided by others to do things that many of us take for granted like washing ourselves. being paralyzed and with minimal mobility, especially when you've lived much of your adult life with full mobility and control of your body, is a terrifying and a hugely expensive experience that changes the trajectory of your life. anyone playing down how that man injured that woman deserves a world of karma, they don't realize how serious it is or just do not care about Bird in the slightest.
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captain-mj · 4 months
Plane Ride
Little Ghost mom centric thing because @snootlestheangel made me think about her again
Mrs. Riley silently handed her ticket to the airport security. She had never flown to America before. If she could, she'd probably feel anxious about doing something wrong and the man yelling at her.
Instead, all she could feel was the swirling mix of dread and relief filling her entire body. They bubbled and foamed inside her until she felt like she might throw up on the nice worker's shoes.
"Mum." Tommy put his hand on arm gently. "Sorry, sir. My brother is in the hospital and neither of us are taking it well."
"Go ahead and go through."
"Thank you, sir." Tommy held her hand as she tried not to cry again. "it's okay, Mum. Simon is alright. We're going to go see him and he's probably going to be fine and tell us we're loonies for even being worried about him."
Mrs. Riley wasn't sure she believed him, but nodded all the same. She was never the strongest person. Mentally or physically. It was not something she was proud of honestly. But she needed to keep herself together through the flight.
Tommy managed to sleep, probably exhausted from handling Joseph and the unknown amount of time he spent on the phone trying to get everything together. She made sure not to wake him up, even as she kept weeping.
Simon was alive. They told her he was dead. Went missing and would never return. That she'd never even get a body.
And now. He was alive, in critical condition and hadn't talked much. Her good boy.
Mrs. Riley started to sob again. She had never been a good mother. She always tried, but she didn't fool herself into thinking she was good. Simon protected her more than she ever protected him and that would probably always haunt her. A better mom would've left. Or at least made sure she was the only one getting hit.
The first time he had broken Simon's arm, she did leave. Just for a day. And then she came back. Weak and unable to handle the world anymore. When did she get like that? She asked herself the question constantly.
Not Simon though. Even as a kid. Always tough as nails.
The poor flight attendant offered her a drink on the house. She simply asked for a water and to please come back when Tommy was awake.
On foreign soil, she wondered how her son did it. Just... went to other countries. Talked with people. Smiled and drank and did all the things she did as a kid so easily.
A military personnel picked them up. They had on their formal wear. Only difference between it and the one, who told her that her eldest had died, was the flag and some colors. He had a scar along his head and tattoos on his arm. For a brief moment, she thought one of them may match her son's but his sleeve was half covering it.
"My name is Sergeant Alex Keller. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
He talked to Tommy like a soldier, greeting him with a thick Texan and shaking his hand. For her though, he must've seen the red eyes and the bags that came under them, because he actually smiled at her.
"I've never met someone as... strong willed as your son. I'll be happy to escort you both to the hospital. However," her blood started to drop in temperature, "i must warn you. He's not a happy camper. His condition also... isn't pretty. Doctors say he's out of the weeds, but recovery is going to be a slow and steady process."
Tommy nodded. "Strong willed... That's one way to describe him."
Sergeant Keller simply smiled and she got the impression he knew something she didn't. Most likely something classified if he was anything like Simon.
Alex took them to the hospital where they were told only one visitor at a time. With no hesitation, Tommy stepped back and said he'd wait in the waiting room. Although it was no doubt killing him, he simply squeezed his mom's hand and let go.
Mrs. Riley followed the nurse through the white halls, feeling nauseated as many childhood A&E visits flashed through her brain.
"Right now, he's on quite a bit of oxycodone."
"He's not supposed to take that."
The nurse faltered a bit. "There was no note in his file for allergies. We couldn't leave him unmedicated. Is there a different one that he should be on?" She sounded almost panicked, as she checked through Simon's file.
"Addiction... runs in the family. Sorry, I trust your judgement, miss. I'm just surprised he let you give him any pain meds."
The nurse relaxed and hesitated, again, almost telling her something. She seemed to take pity on the poor mom. "He was... delirious. We believe he was given some cocktails of hallucinogens and who knows what else. That with the infection and the fever... I don't think he would've stayed coherent enough to make choices."
Mrs. Riley found herself relaxing a little. "Simon knows how to dissociate. Hopefully that's what he did when they... took him. I understand there's certain things you can't tell me. I do. What can you tell me? Before I go in this room. What should I know?"
The nurse paused in front of the door. "I wouldn't normally do this. I need you to understand. But I think someone he's close to should understand what happened." She put the file on a small table nearby. "I'm going to walk away. Just go in when you're ready."
Mrs. Riley smiled at her and waited a moment or two after she walked away before picking it up.
Broken ribs. Dislocated. Vivisections scars. Damage to multiple organs. A surgery had been done to remove internal scar tissue. Puncture wounds all over. Unknown wound on the ribs. Cuts along face. Wound from a previously healed over slit throat. Signs of starvations. Signs of rape. Burns along feet, potentially from walking on hot ground. Scorpion stings on hands and wrists.
There were more, but most were cuts or bruising. Horrible, but nothing like what she had just read.
Mrs. Riley should've taken a moment to compose herself, but she couldn't. She didn't even put the file back on the table, just dropped it and went inside.
There he was. For the first time since he was six years old, he looked small. There were so many bandages, especially around his mouth. But his eyes were exposed. Along with dark hair that had grown out and fell in his face now. For a brief moment, his heart rate spiked in fear as he stared at her.
"There's my good boy." She said softly, walking over. She made herself walk slow and steady despite wanting to collapse. When he flinched away from her, it felt like she had her heart ripped out and picked apart. But he settled, his heart rate began to even back out.
He tried to talk but it seemed to pull something cause it winced in pain instead.
"Simon." His eyes went straight to her, soft and wet. "Blink once if i can take your hand."
One blink.
She grabbed it gently, cradling it. His hands dwarfed hers. There were so many scars. So much bandaging. Her eyes filled with tears and she could hear the heart monitor start to beep faster.
"I'm so glad I have you back, Simon." She rubbed his knuckles gently to calm him back down. "Tommy is outside when you want to see him."
It looked like he tried to sit up but the pained whimpering that came out of him made her sick.
"Sweetheart," she pressed his shoulders back gently, not liking the defocused look in his eyes. "please. Just stay still. Everything can wait. I promise. For once, just... let someone else be the strong one for you, alright?"
Mrs. Riley pulled up a chair and held his hand. Before long, he fell asleep, though he fought it to the bitter end. Tommy was allowed back eventually and she wasn't prepared for how fast he just fell apart.
Her poor boys.
Simon went to comfort him but was luckily stopped by both of them before he could hurt himself. He looked miserably at both of them but Tommy hit the pain med button for him and he relaxed back into a blissful and hopefully pain free sleep.
Mrs. Riley could be strong. She knew she could. Whatever Simon needed, he'd get.
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the-badger-mole · 11 months
The Other Woman: Part 4
Ursa had set out a plate of Zuko's favorite cookies. He'd always known it was juvenile, but he'd always appreciated the thought. Today was different. Now the gesture just seemed infantilizing.
"I'm so happy to see you!" Ursa was saying. "The house feels so empty during the day without Ikem and Kiyi here." She paused and sighed sadly. "Did your sister tell you that all the universities she's considering are hours away from here?"
Zuko winced. He had been present the day that Katara encouraged his youngest sister to take going to college as an opportunity to expand her horizons, both academically and physically. He hadn't added much to the conversation, feeling a bit disloyal to his mother, but he also didn't have the heart to push her to stay closer to home, as he knew Ursa would've wanted. He couldn't after seeing how Kiyi's eyes lit up at the thought of spending time in Ba Sing Se or the Southern Water Tribe. In hindsight, he was glad he hadn't tried to reign in his sister's dreams.
"Mom," Zuko said taking a deep breath. "We need to talk." Ursa froze halfway through filling Zuko's coffee cup. She found a smile a moment later, the consummate hostess, even after all these years since her divorce from his father had taken her far away from the social elite.
"That sounds serious," she said lightly. "I hope it's nothing bad?" Zuko took a breath and silently went over the speech he'd been practicing for the last three days.
"It's about Katara," he said. Ursa's eyes widened, and two splotchy patches of red appeared on her cheeks.
"She's not pregnant, is she?" Ursa tried to keep her tone light, but there was something cold in her tone. Zuko realized with stunning certainty that she would not be happy to hear that Katara was pregnant.
"Mom-" Zuko sighed.
"You should insist on a paternity test," Ursa huffed, setting down the coffee pot and sweeping crumbs from the table, agitatedly. "Before you sign anything, you make sure you get a paternity test. Agni knows how many prominent young men have found themselves bound to supporting uppity little harlots for decades because they signed birth certificates before making sure the child was theirs." Zuko listened to his mother's rant in mounting horror. How had he not seen this hostility towards Katara for what it was? How had Katara taken so long to reach her breaking point?
"Mom, she's not pregnant," Zuko cut in before Ursa could get any further into her insinuations. Ursa visibly relaxed, which made Zuko dread saying what he had to say next. "She broke up with me."
"Oh!" Ursa, to her credit did try not to look too excited. "Well, I never thought she was the right fit for you, anyway. You'll move on in time, you'll see."
"That's just it, Mom," Zuko said as calmly as he could with his insides tumbling wildly inside of him. "Katara is the perfect woman for me. She's smart; she's kind; she's the most patient person I've ever met besides Uncle. She's so far out of my league, I was afraid to talk to her at first. Did you know that it took me almost a year to get the courage to ask her out?"
"Zuko-" Ursa blinked in surprise. She scrambled to find something to say. "I don't know why you would feel that way. You-you're a remarkable young man-"
"And she made sure to tell me that- to make me feel that every opportunity she got!" Zuko exclaimed. "She loved me! If I'm lucky, she still loves me! But I sat by and let her sit through levels of disrespect I wouldn't allow my coworkers to sit through! I ruined the best relationship I ever had because I was afraid of upsetting you!"
"Me!" Ursa gasped. "All I want- all I've ever wanted for you was the best!"
"Then why did you treat Katara so horribly?" Zuko demanded. "She was never anything but respectful to you! And she made me happy. What more could you possibly want from the woman I marry?"
"She isn't good enough for you!" Ursa insisted.
"Why?" Zuko slammed his hands on the table and stood, knocking his chair over "Why don't you think Katara is good enough for me, Mother?" His voice rang through the room. Ursa paled and sank into her chair.
"I feel dizzy," she gasped. Zuko rolled his eyes and got her a bottle of water from the refrigerator.
"All I want is a reason for why you don't like Katara," Zuko groaned.
"I don't like it when you yell," Ursa's voice quaked with unshed tears, and her hands shook as she opened the bottle. "It reminds me so much of your father." Zuko's jaw dropped at that.
"Are you seriously comparing me to him?"
"It's not that, my love," Ursa said hurriedly. "Not at all. It's just that when you were yelling, you reminded me of him. It-it took me back to..." She drew a shallow, shuddering breath.
"Fine, Mom," Zuko growled in frustration. "I won't yell. I just need to know what your problem is with Katara."
"She isn't good-"
"-good enough for me," Zuko interrupted. "So you've said. I want to know why, you think that. What specifically made you think that Katara isn't good enough for me? She's been kind and respectful to you, right?"
"She walked right out of here without saying anything to anyone the other night," Ursa reminded Zuko, defensively. "That's respectful?"
"She heard what you said about her," Zuko told her. "She heard what you said, and she heard me not say anything to you about it. That's why she left. She's always been respectful towards you, and Ikem. And Kiyi loves her. Uncle is furious at me for losing her! Even Azula thinks she's too good for me! Why are you the only one with a problem with her?"
"I'm-I'm sure she's a lovely girl," Ursa forced out. "But you, my son! You are going so many places. You have such a bright future ahead of you. Can you see her being the one to get you there? She is going to want her own career. She won't be there to support your ambitions. She'll put her own ahead of yours. Your children will end up being raised by strangers. Is that what you want?"
"I want her!" Zuko snapped. "I love Katara. And I-I know that I haven't done a good job of letting her know that- of letting you know that. I've wrecked everything with her for your feelings, Mom!"
"Are you blaming me for your break up?" Ursa sputtered indignantly.
"No!" Zuko paced the floor a few times, raking his hand through his hair. "I messed things up with her. I prioritized you over her."
"I'm your mother-"
"Yeah, and you abandoned me !" Zuko rounded on her hotly. "You abandoned me and Azula, and then you showed up ten years later with a new husband and child and wanted us to just play happy family. And, you know what? I was fine with that! I get why you left. I'm not blaming you for that. But Mom, I was an adult when you came back. I'm a grown man, and you still want me to be your little boy. I can't do that anymore. I'm ready for my own family! I want a family with Katara, but I made her take second place to you. I won't do that again. I don't know if she'll ever forgive me, but even if she doesn't, I'm not losing her for nothing.
"What are you talking about?" Ursa asked. Tears were streaming down her face and she had a napkin pressed to her mouth. Guilt lanced Zuko, but he shut his eyes and took a breath.
"I love you, Mom," he said. "But I can't make you the center of my world. I'll still come by to see you, but you can't claim my time for three nights a week anymore. No more last minute favors. No more begging me to come over to check for prowlers when you have a fully functional security system. No more speaking down about people I care about. I want you in my life, Mom. But not at the expense of everyone else."
"Zuko-" Ursa sobbed.
"This has to be the line." Zuko turned his eyes down to the table, with his fists clenched at his sides. "Katara was never a threat to you. I love you because you're my mom. I was hoping you two would get along. Did you know that she lost her mother as a child? I guess, I was hoping..." Zuko pinched his nose and let out a huff. "It doesn't matter what I was hoping. You have two choices now, Mom. Either you respect the fact that I'm a grown man with my own life- respect my time and space and my choice in who I want to spend my life with- or we can't be in each other's lives anymore."
"Zuko!" Usra looked as if she had been slapped in the face. She gaped up at her son in horror. Part of Zuko wanted to cave and apologize for hurting her feelings, but the larger part of him- the part that was still raw and hurting from losing the woman of his dreams- knew that this was for the best. He sighed and turned to leave.
"Good-bye, Mom."
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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final-girl96 · 1 year
My Boyfriend's Back Chapter Five
A/N: This is Part One. The next chapter will be smut! Not nice gentle smut either so that's your warning. Also, I highly recommend watching My Boyfriend's Back it's a good movie. It's on Amazon and YouTube for $3.99 it's also on Redbox for the same price.
I was surprised when I saw yn standing behind me with a bat in her hand. And when it finally clicked that Billy fucking called her at work and that was the reason she was there I was fucking pissed. I mean seeing her swing that bat in her hand and threaten me like she did had my fucking dick hard. But I could have fucking hurt her she would have just snuck up on me. I didn't want her to be a part of this. She didn't have anything to do with Billy's revenge against Sidney. Okay, sure, Maureen was her mother too. But she wasn't Billy's girlfriend.
When he had come to me about killing Maureen I had been hesitant at first. I didn't want to kill my girlfriend's mom. But I'm far too sensitive and gave in to peer pressure. Billy had called me out on the dark fantasy I had of what it would be like to kill someone. He's seen the dolls in the attic. We've both always had that darkness about us. We used to joke about it when we were alone. Then he came to me telling me he knew why his mom left him and that Maureen Prescott had to die. That we would be doing everyone a favor.
She was known to be the whore of Woodsboro. Everyone knew she slept around even yn. Sidney was the one that was in denial. And when Billy looked at Sidney he saw her mother. She looked more like her than yn did. I never wanted yn to find her mom like that. I felt guilty for a long time every time I looked at her. But then we started talking about killing other people. Casey and Steve were brought up and I jumped at it. Then we made more plans. There would be a fake attack on Sidney. Yn wasn't supposed to be a part of that.
Yn wasn't going to be a part of any of this. I had plans to slip her something. She would be asleep the whole time. Then when Billy and I were the last ones left she would be too and I would be the only person she had. She could be mine forever. But now I'm at the fucking police station watching comfort her sister while Deputy Dipshit tried to find their father. They wouldn't find him. He never left town. He's tied up in my basement until we need him. I met Billy's stare and slightly nodded my head. It was part of the plan. He was obsessed with following the fucking plan.
Once the girls were free to go Dewey led us out the back way to avoid the press. I couldn't wait to be famous for being one of the Woodsboro teens who survived a grief ridden man who went on a killing spree right before the one year anniversary of his wife's murder. Of course we didn't get away from the press completely. Gale Weathers was waiting for Sidney and yn as we walked out the door. To my surprise Sidney was the one to punch her.
"I need to go back to the house," yn said. I looked over at her before I started the car. "I left my stuff in my car including my keys. And I need to get a change of clothes." I nodded my head and started the car. "No problem. You okay? You wanna tell me what happened?" I asked. I know Billy called her, there was no way he didn't. She sighed, "he called me at work, the killer I mean. He said that he was watching Sidney and then said that I was going to find her the same way I found my mom." My grip on the steering wheel tightened.
"I rushed home. The doors were locked so I climbed up onto the roof and through my bedroom window." No matter how many times I've told her to lock her damn windows she never does. "And you just decided to threaten a killer with a baseball bat?" I asked. She shrugged, "well I wasn't going to go out with nothing. Just be happy I have some kind of weapon in my room. It makes up for not locking my windows." I laughed at her logic, "funny one, babe. I think when I get you back to my place I'm going to have to punish you." My dick was getting hard again thinking about what she had done.
When we got back to my house I was quick to grab her stuff for her. "What a gentleman," she said. "Anything for you, baby." I smirked. She rolled her eyes and walked into the house. As soon as the door was closed I took her stuff up to my roof. I don't know why she brought clothes when she has clothes here. When I went back downstairs yn wasn't anywhere in sight. "Babe?" I could feel my pulse quicken as I walked closer to the basement door. "Baby?" I spun around when I heard a bang coming from the garage.
I walked through the kitchen, into the laundry room where the door that led out to the garage was open. "Baby, what're you doing?" She looked over her shoulder, "beer." She held up two beers and I smiled. "Beer before bed?" I asked. "I'm not really tired," she sighed. I nodded my head and led her back into the kitchen. "How about we make some popcorn and watch a movie." She nodded her head and sat up on the counter. I started the popcorn and turned around so I could stand between her legs. "What movie do you wanna watch?" I asked, giving her a quick kiss.
"What about…My Boyfriend's Back?" One of her favorite movies. Not exactly a horror and more like a comedy. It's about a teenage boy our age who gets shot trying to impress his long-time crush only to die. Then he comes back from the dead determined to take her to prom. He's technically a zombie but not like the Night of the Living Dead zombies. She thought it was romantic that he came back from the dead to tell his dream girl he was in love with her. The ending was a bit of a twist but not surprising.
"Sure, baby, go put it in," I said, giving her a kiss and helping her off the counter. When I walked into the living room, a bowl of popcorn in my hand and a beer in the other, yn was stretched out on the sofa. The movie was paused waiting for me to get settled so we could watch it. I set the bowl on the table, sat down in the middle of the sofa and moved her legs so they were resting over mine. "Okay, you can start it." She smiled and pressed play on the remote. She was already immersed in the movie but I couldn't help thinking about seeing her tonight. I was pissed but also so fucking turned on.
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nightingale2004 · 5 months
For my Sherlock Johnlock and Potterlock fans. Allow to present a few headcanons for the potterlock au
The Holmes family was originally a pureblood house and part of the original pureblood houses that are filled with Slytherins and Ravenclaw minds
Sherlocks mom fell in love with a muggle in hogwarts who was a Hufflepuff (the man is literally a Hufflepuff. TELL ME I'M WRONG!!)
Sherlocks mom was a Ravenclaw.
After the parents had Sherlock and his siblings, the house members of the Holmes family were cautious of this and what it could mean for their status, but they decided to accept Sherlock's father in their own way including Sherlock and his siblings
This is also set in the marauders era
Despite being half-bloods, Mycroft was the slytherins pride and joy. Best friends with Lucius and many high tier slytherins from very wealthy families and a lot of connections.
Sherlock was a Ravenclaw sass drama king. Never had a lot of friends because of his deductions, rival with severus for obvious reasons, and he called out Dumbledore a long time ago so...THE SAVIOR OF HOGWARTS EVERYONE!!!!
Eurus Holmes is Slytherin and hangs out with Moriarty and his boyfriend Moran, and soon after, they are the ones running the death eaters and they are actually a force to be reckoned with
John Watson is a Gryffindor alongside Lestrade, and they are actually decent Gryffindors compared to the marauders themselves and hated their pranks especially on severus
Molly is a Hufflepuff (you can't tell me otherwise)
John fought in the war alongside Lestrade and the marauders, John still gets injured but he comes back and he starts a career as a doctor.
Lestrade is the head auror, and Mycroft is one of the heads of the ministry department of security and law. (It's been a minute since I've seen Harry potter. Don't judge me)
Sherlock still becomes a consulting detective for both wizard and muggle kind and meets John during one of his cases.
Sherlock did have a relationship with Irene Adler (who is an obvious Slytherin) before he met John, but they broke it off after she left him and stole from him... again.
John was married to Mary (also Slytherin), even during his partnership with Sherlock, but she died during a battle between herself and old death eater foes. Leaving him and their daughter Rosamund alone but Sherlock made sure to protect them.
Mycroft and Lestrade got together after Sherlock introduced them a few endangering life moments later where they both expressed concerns and got to know each other from there.
All I've got so far. Enjoy
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tytarax2 · 2 months
The Day We Met
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"What do you say _____, are you going to train with me?" You heard Shakes say from outside your house. You were talking from your bedroom window and Shakes and his sister were talking from the street.
"I'm sorry Shakes, I've been very busy with university work, my mother would kill me if I don't finish studying for my exams" You responded sadly.
"Come on, it'll just be a little while," said Mandi (Shakes' sister) "My brother wants you to meet his new best friend, who also likes to play football, I've seen that he's very good."
"...Okay, I'll make up an excuse to go out, but we can't be late" You gave up "Great!" The two exclaimed. "But get out of here before my mom realizes the truth."
Being friends with Shakes since childhood made you a rebellious person, you ran away from home and got into a lot of trouble with him and Mandi, and occasionally with Spenza.
You managed to make up an excuse to leave the house and ran into Shakes a few blocks later, who said that Mandi had to go home, and couldn't come with you two.
"I'm sure you'll like him very much," Shakes said after walking for a while. "How did you guys meet? I mean, I've never heard of him and out of nowhere you say he's your best friend?" You asked curiously, it was strange. "I didn't say that, Mandi said it, she's just jealous, you know, she recently arrived from a city in the south, we met one day when I was playing football at the community center, and he asked me if he could play with me, and that's all" Shakes responded simply.
"Oh, okay, cool"
After walking for a while, they finally arrived at the meeting point, the community center, Shakes' favorite place.
It was already late, so there weren't many people, and you were able to spot a young man playing with a ball, the boy had slightly messy and curly hair, and was taller than Shakes. "There it is, let's go," he said before addressing the other boy "Skarra! This way!" He yelled.
The guy, who you now knew as Skarra, turned and greeted you as he walked towards you.
"Hey Shakes, I thought you weren't coming anymore," he said with a raspy voice. "Obviously I was going to come, I just had to convince her to come with me" Shakes answered. "Oh right, Skarra, this is ____, my best friend, ____, this is Skarra."
"Hello, nice to meet you!" He said kindly. Kindness which you reciprocated, "The pleasure is mine, Skarra."
"I invited her to play a game with us, Spenza will be here in a moment, so how about you guys be one team, and Spenza and I are the other?" Shakes asked. "Sounds good" You two responded.
Since then, you have always been a team, not necessarily in football, but you have become very good friends.
Time passed, and Shakes and Skarra began to grow apart, after everything that happened with Shakes' recruitment into the Supa Strikas team. Eventually, Shakes also began to separate from you.
Thanks to that, you and Skarra spent a lot more time together, until he finally asked you to be his girlfriend, to which you gladly accepted.
Skarra was then called up to the Invincible United team, and you guys greatly celebrated that achievement.
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sansloii · 1 year
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"…Can you tell me about how you met mom? And how you started seeing each other? I know I've asked before, but..." But it was something of a comfort story. And Ezra felt like he needed that, right now. The request (and subsequent pause) comes after a long period of silence between them, as Ezra looks through some of the old records Roderick kept at the house. It was obvious that his father knew something was up, but honestly, the last thing Ezra wanted to talk about at that moment, was Andris. Even if he couldn't stop thinking about the blonde, and their...argument? If it could even be called that. Why did love and dating have to be so difficult, anyway? "And...do...do you think you could ever love anyone like that, again...?"
The request ( and subsequent question ) doesn't come as much of a surprise to the older man, as Ezra had come back in quite the mood. The raven was silent a little… mopey, eyes never staying in his direction for long before they drifted elsewhere and, notably, in time with Roderick looking over to him. He'd been crying — he knows his son had been crying — and the thought of that makes him… less than happy. Knowing that he'd likely been with that blonde he's been so captivated with ( Andris, he thinks his name was ) prior to coming home only added to the displeasure slowly growing in the back of his throat.
…However, for Ezra's sake, he swallows it before he opens his mouth to speak.
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“With how many times you've asked me to tell you that story, I'm half tempted to get it published for you.” the man jokes, offering Ezra a light-hearted smile. “That way, you can just read it whenever you need it…I'll still tell it to you if you ask but…”
The man trails off for a little bit and the silence is followed by a soft “Anyway…" and a low clear of his throat, with him now moving from his spot in the sitting room to close the distance between he and Ezra. “We met multiple times, actually… but I don't think I'd count the first few times because I didn't really talk too much to her. I think It was mainly with… whichever parent was with her, honestly — her dad mostly. The times she was there, she tended to be doing something else… or reading — like she didn't really want to be there — so I left her be. Maggie'd tell you that she didn't and her parents dragged her out to… teach her how to take her car in, I think? It was something like that.”
“Maybe a month or so after I last saw her, I'm driving back from an afternoon shift in my truck and… I see her stuck on the side of the road, pacing up a storm in front of what I think was her brand new car. I was gonna stop anyway — given that I'd seen her face before — but she wanted to make sure I did. Waved her arms at me, stepped a little bit into road, called out, and made herself impossible to miss so I'd pull over. So I did.”
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“She was panicking because her car wouldn't start and she didn't know why. Turns out her engine in her shiny car was faulty. It had some issue that I can't even begin to remember but the bottom line was that it needed to be towed back to the shop to be fixed.” It's at this point that Roderick lets his smile warm. “So I proceeded to do just that. She doesn't ask many questions and just goes with it up until she's getting in the truck and I'm asking her if she wants to be dropped off at home before I take her truck 'cause it's late and she says no — says something to the effect of “Coming back late gets me a lecture. Coming back without my car is like signing my death sentence."…and I don't know — the way she said it just stuck with me. It wasn't anything special and I'm sure anyone else in her situation would've said the same… but there was just something about it — about her, you know?”
Roderick reaches out to pick up a vinyl record out of the many that Ezra was idly thumbing through, offering it to him. “We ended up spending a lot of time talking on the way there… and when I was fixing up her car. At first, it was just us complaining about… her “new” car and me shitting all over how it runs and her chiming with the absurb price of it all. After that though… we just talked. We talked and talked until her car was up and fixed and she was ready to take it home…and sure enough, I became her go-to whenever she was having trouble.”
“I don't think I'll have a connection with someone else like I did with Maggie. There was something special to her — something that I don't think I can really see in anyone else. The time that I met her, the type of person I was at that point, the type of person I became because of her…” The man pauses a moment, lips still parted to speak but no words leaving him; a sigh escapes him instead, lips pursed as he shakes his head.
If he was being perfectly honest with himself, no one could stand in his heart the way Magdalena did. Even gone, she still had a hold over him--had his heart in a vice that found himself finding comfort it time and time again. To say he missed her was a far too simple understatement…. but, at the same time, he couldn't think of anything he could say that would do what he felt for her justice.
“…I don't know if I'd ever be able to find something like that in someone else but that's just me. I loved her with… everything I had and everything I was. Something like that never quite leaves you, even if you're apart.” he tells Ezra, “But it's not a bad thing to realize that… to know that. I don't think that you should love anyone the same, exact ways as you've loved someone in the past… because that's not fair to them. You didn't fall in love with someone else because they were the same as someone you knew but because you found something to love about them. Loving someone deeply is a given… that's a constant… but it's always different from person to person.”
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“…Does that help answer your question?”
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Trigger Warning: Suicide
Yesterday was a month. A month since my sister and I got to be part of our first comicon- a very exciting time for us.
But also, a month since my ex-husband was last alive.
That means it's been a month since his mother has slept soundly through the night. A month of her living in his house with his stuff everywhere, but no him. You see, she had retired and come to live with him a week before this month started. That means tomorrow is a month since she got that call- and subsequently a month since I got that call from her. A month where my poor boyfriend has had to deal with me randomly being relived that he's gone, and other times breaking down crying and having panic attacks. A month where he has crossed my mind every single day again, just as I was starting to get him out of my head.
Because it has been 2 years, 1 month, and 3 days since our divorce was final. Obviously, we didn't just end a good relationship. It had many problems. Problems that never could've been overcome because we were 2 very incompatible people with our own mental issues to deal with. I don't think the relationship is entirely to blame for my anxiety, but I do think a large portion of it came from it. There are still times I'll do something and immediately panic thinking he is going to get mad at me for it. But he won't, because we aren't together anymore. And now he won't because he's dead. And that's a weird feeling.
So it's been a month since he could yell at anyone, or hurt anyone, or cause anyone anxiety. But also it's been a month since I've been the only one alive who can tell our stories. The only one who knows about certain inside jokes, and the struggles we faced with moving across states and buying our first house, and all the days we adopted our dogs and our cats, and staying in a cabin in Helen after our wedding, and traveling all over Europe together and him losing his phone to the Mediterranean Sea, and digging up daffodils.
So it's been a month of realizing he can no longer babysit our pets when I go out of town, or pick up packages that get delivered while I'm away. A month of realizing he will no longer show up at mutual friends birthdays and get togethers. A month of trying to help his mom figure out how to pay his bills and get into the utility accounts. A month of going to his house and seeing his stuff and him not being there. A month since suicide had to be explained to my little sisters, talking about a man they've known for almost their entire lives. A month filled with questions for him that he's not here to answer. A month of shock, anger, confusion, sadness, relief, and anxiety.
It's been almost 10 years since we first met. Roughly 9.5, since we met in July of 2014. I almost feel like it's an even amount of time for a chapter, and it makes sense to close it. But this wasn't how I wanted or expected it to close. He touched a lot of lives, for better or for worse. And he hurt people by leaving like he did.
If you're struggling with suicidal thoughts, in the US you can call the Suicide and Crisis Hotline at 988.
Or, call me. Let me tell you how much you are loved and how much you leaving will impact so many people. Or, if that's too much for you, let me just send you pictures and videos of cute animals and people doing dumb stuff.
Don't leave people with those questions and struggles. Stay, because it may be hard, but it will get better, if you just stick around to see it through. There are movies you haven't seen yet and music you haven't heard, and your favorite one may just come out next month. Wait and see. Please, just stay and wait and see.
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letterforyou1984 · 3 months
You Used To Be My Sister
For 25 years I've considered you my best friend. Family. My sister from another mister. We have been through so much shit together.
But, since you stop speaking to me, it's given me time to look back at all the red flags from our entire friendship. Things I've ignored or made excuses for. This isn't me saying I've been perfect either, just saying I should have seen this coming from miles away.
Let's go back to 8th grade. When we met. It was Whitney that made first contact. I don't remember you and I talking much in 8th grade, except during the classes we had together. In gym we bonded over being the "fat" kids, but you made it weird, very quickly. You would beg me to wear my JNCO jeans whenever I wore them to school. My prized possession jeans. My coveted jeans. You would beg me starting at the beginning of gym class, every day I wore them. When I finally caved you would parade around in my jeans while I was wearing your jeans. Then we would trade back right before getting on the bus.
Once the school year was over, we didn't speak at all. Not until the 1st day of high school. Then, somehow I still don't understand, we became inseparable. Talked on the phone every day, ate lunch together every day, passed notes in classes, covered for each other when one was late. Well, more so me covering for you. It got to the point that the teacher would ask me where you were and to go get you.
I knew you were not living in a very safe living situation, and I never judged you for that. If anything I did my best to make sure you could hang out with me or spend the night as much as possible. Then when I started driving I would pick you up as often as I could to get you out of that house. But you were incredibly selfish.
First time I noticed it was when we were supposed to spend the weekend at your dads house in Columbus. Except one of his buddies picked us up, not your dad, and dropped us off at your dads. For us to finally be told your dad was in Vegas gambling and playing billiards. You got pissed at me for calling my parents and telling them of the very unsafe situation we were left in. We were 13 and 14 and I had no idea who that man and his daughter were. But I knew they weren't your dad, who we were supposed to be spending the weekend with.
Any guy I liked, you had to flirt with. Every. Single. Guy. When I finally got the courage to bring it up you would say "omg I didn't know. I was just being nice. I can never tell if I'm coming across as flirting or not" but then you would continue to repeat that cycle for YEARS.
When you left your husband and started dating Jim I went to the Dayton mall with you, so you could see him. You asked me if you could borrow my favorite dress and then proceeded to have sex with him, in his van, wearing my favorite dress, while I sat in the car next to the van hoping security wouldn't show up. I also went to a hotel with you just for him to show up and try and have sex with you, with me in the next bed. Then I was the problem because I got pissed and walked out of the room while yelling at Jim.
Let's not forget how many times I went to West Jeff with you just to be left alone while you made out with someone. Or the time you completely left the party to go have sex with someone. I didn't know any of those people and you left me alone. Even they were mad at you. Hell, your aunt told me to get in the car while she drove to the dudes house to yell at you for leaving me alone at the party.
You did the same thing when we would go out with Chris and his buddies. You two would vanish to go have sex somewhere and I'm left with complete strangers.
You lived with my mom after you left Chris, not paying a penny of rent you agreed/promised her you would pay, I watched your kid for free, and you didn't seem phased at all that it was a financial drain having two extra mouths and no extra income.
Then you started dating Nihk after I started talking to him, just to have him spend the nights knowing how I felt about the situation. And this was after you were caught making fun of me not knowing for a few weeks to your friend Mike!
You made fun of me constantly and then lied about it when I would find out.
"Ty didn't have any money so I had to get it for her"
"It wasn't fair to not get Ty something to eat."
"Ty doesn't know that we made out for hours while she was gone"
"Ty is over reacting to everything and it's pathetic"
Yes, there were moments you were a great friend and there when I needed you, but way too many times what you wanted came first.
I still remember the time I called you in tears, locked in my bathroom, because my boyfriend was screaming at me and kicking things around the house. It took you THREE HOURS to show up because you had stops to make first.
You knew I had a crush on Carly but every single time we saw her, you would look me dead in the eyes and go "I'm sorry, but I would fuck the shit out of her" and start laughing.
If you thought I guy I was talking to at the bar was cute you would pushing your way between us and start flirting with him.
Then we get to this fight in July 2023 where you are just sitting back while I have tabby and Sadi come at me in the group chat. You know how I get when I feel attacked or backed into a corner. I get defensive and I shut down.
You even messaged me privately trying to help me word my responses to get my point across without making it worse. Yet when I tried it your way, and tabby got more pissed off, you immediately took her side on things. You called me a liar and told me I was dramatic, that I've always been dramatic. That I thrive on it. This is not even a month after telling you both there was a strong chance I was autistic.
Not one single time before this fight was it ever brought to my attention that I was upsetting anyone. Or that people felt I was being dismissive or defensive.
All of the sudden I have three people at once telling me how horrible I am and how I'm making them miserable. Then Sadi is getting upset because I wouldn't tell her certain things and that I didn't consider her part of the friend group. She was, just not for me how she was for you and Tabby. Hell, it took a year of you talking to tabby on your own because we even started the group chat. It takes me longer to trust people and let them in. This is not a secret. But then you're watching me get berated for it and say nothing. Next thing I know you're telling me you're setting a boundary, without saying what the boundary is, and completely on tabby's side of things.
You have ONLY ever cared about yourself and how you come across to people.
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edgeoftheeclipse · 5 months
Ezra's Journal, Entry 1
My uncle Ezra kept many journals as a child. His very last one spanned nearly 56 years (almost 3/4 of his life) and yet has very few entries for that entire period. This is the first entry in that final journal. October 7th, 1967
Our hunting trip has gone surprisingly well! Two deer, a pair of rabbits, and a goose that was unlucky enough to wander in front of a stray bullet. Grandpa was shocked to the point of laughter. He says the game is never usually good in this part of Maryland this early in the fall. We roasted the goose and had it for supper. Afterwards, Grandpa tried to scare me with ghost stories, especially the one from the old country about Domnule Slab, but I just laughed. I'm seventeen, not a little kid. He seemed disappointed that I wasn't scared. I'm nearly a full grown man; set to graduate next year and work at the grocers. I simply don't get scared by things like that anymore. We sat under the starlight and talked about the future for a few hours. Grandpa Nikolai and I argued. He thinks I should go to college and make something of myself. I tell him "No, Grandpa. I have an offer to work at the grocer's. If I go to college, who's going to take care of Mom and baby Julia?" He says Julia's not a baby. She's twelve, she can look after Mom. I say that Julia has to go to school. She can't stay home alone with Mom. Especially considering Mom's illness, which is why she can't work.
He said something about how his father didn't emigrate to America with nothing but the clothes on his back and spend three years confined to Ellis Island just for me to waste my life working at a grocery store. I got angry and told him that if he'd actually helped Mom with her medical bills instead of bickering with her constantly, I wouldn't HAVE to work at the grocery store, and we wouldn't have had to sell the house either. I think I was unfair. I mean, it's not his fault Dad left. We got by just fine for twelve years without Grandpa's money, and my job at the grocer's will be enough to pay for Mom's medicine. It will be fine.
I do love Grandpa Nikolai. Honestly. I'll apologize in the morning, we both need time to cool off. October 8th, 1:37 AM
Something just moved outside my tent. I thought it was a bear, but it wasn't. It was Grandpa He got out of his tent and went over to the campfire. Then he took the bones of the goose and put them in his bag. He was crying. I've never seen Grandpa cry before. He was mumbling things under his breath, then he grabbed one of the deer and dragged it away. I've never seen him act like this before. I'm going to follow him. I have to make sure he's okay. October 8th, 2:19 AM
Where is he going? We've been walking for almost and hour. Twice he's sat down. Both times he sat on a rock and cried. Just sat there and bawled like a baby. It was so... unnerving. Now he's standing by a river, just staring into the water, I really don't know what to think. He's acting like Mom does when she has one of her fits. Wait... He's gone. October 8th, 2:49 AM
I can't find Grandpa Nikolai, or the camp. I'm irritated, confused, and worried. If I could just find the camp, I could hike back to the main road and catch a ride to the police station. But my compass is screwed up. Its keeps spinning in a circle. I'm surprised my watch is even working. I keep hearing things. It's probably just the wind, and my nerves, but I could have sworn I heard someone calling "Help me, I'm lost." I need to calm down and look for Grandpa. October 8th, 3:00 AM I FOUND HIM MEUM FATUM OBSIGNATUM October 9th, 11:00 AM
I didn't sleep last night. I may never sleep again. They found Grandpa Nikolai. He's comatose. That may be for the best. Mom had a fit last night. Scared Julia pretty badly. She had some kind of hallucination. Screaming, throwing plates. I'm done journaling. I'm never touching this thing again. I haven't slept all night. I may never sleep again. Yesterday upon the stair I met a man who wasn't there He wasn't there again today I wish I wish he'd go away
If Grandpa Nikolai never wakes up, it'll be too soon by half. I told the police that he wandered off and I got lost looking for him. It's half the truth. I'm going to lock this journal in a box and bury it. Then I'm going to forget about all of this. I'm never journaling again. I'm never going near the woods again. Goodbye- Ezra Vrajal Melchior My Thoughts Ezra never told me about this camping trip. I've never heard about it, before. I've never heard about this Julia person, either- as far as I knew, Grandma Donna's only children were my mother, Judy and Uncle Ezra. Mom died giving birth to me, so I can't ask her about any of this. As far as I know, Great-grandpa Nikolai died after experiencing a stroke that left him in a coma for years. Grandma Donna had schizophrenia, or something very like it, and ended up being put in a psychiatric hospital (they weren't big on mental health back in the 70's D:) where she later committed suicide. I'm surprised about how afraid he seems at the end of this entry. Uncle Ezra never seemed scared of the forest when he, me, Wyatt, and Jace went camping. I wonder why?
The crossed out poem lines are from Antigonish by Hughes Mearnes, and the Latin roughly translates to "My fate is sealed." Very ominous.
I also can't help but wonder about the reference to "Domnule Slab" in the earlier part of the entry. It's a Romanian name, and my family has both Romanian and Russian ancestry, so that's nothing weird. The strange part is how peculiar the phrase is: Domnule Slab roughly translates to "Mister Skinny." Or... Or Mister Lean.
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casspurrjoybell-28 · 7 months
Alpha's Temptation - Chapter 31 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
The past week, Daemon has been distant.
Now I know how agonizing it was for him when I ignored his texts the whole week after our first kiss.
He hardly texts.
We haven't seen each other for a few days.
I can't help but worry that I've done something wrong or that he's tired of me.
I hadn't realized how dependent on him I've come to be.
I can't sleep if he doesn't reply to my message.
My nails are bitten down again, sore and they sting whenever I use my hands.
I'm so attached to him that I've just been miserable not being able to see him.
Something is definitely up with him but Lylah advises me not to be clingy so I try not to bother him.
Anyway, I can't dwell on that right now.
Because I find myself standing in front of the pack-house, doing the breathing exercises my psychiatrist recommended for me to do when I'm really anxious.
The source of my anxiety?
Today I'm going to talk to him.
Lylah told me to take a hands-on approach because if I ask to talk over text he'll just ignore it.
I just really hope this can make our group be back together.
Looking back, when we all first met and hung out are some of my best memories.
I can't let all that go down the drain over Jay.
So taking one last breath, I head in.
I get a little lost on the way but this really nice Alpha directs me to the location I tell him.
I reach the staircase that leads to Wren's dwelling, knocking on his door.
A woman with shiny dark hair just like his opens it.
"Oh my," she exclaims when she sees me.
"Ash. You've finally come to visit."
She opens the door for me with a big smile.
"Call me Gabriela. I'm Wren's mom. I know you from your hair. Wren was telling me about this boy with white hair from his school and Oh I've been so excited to meet his new friend."
I'm overwhelmed by her exuberant personality but pleasantly so.
I take it she doesn't know we've fought.
"N-nice to meet you."
"Don't be shy. Friends are like family in this house."
She envelops me in a hug and it catches me off guard but it's really nice.
It makes me feel like I have a mother and I hug her back, probably a bit too enthusiastically but she doesn't seem to mind.
"Well, Wren is down talking to the neighbor about some leaking pipe problem we have but he'll be back soon."
She immediately pours me a bowl of crackers and chops up some fruit for me.
Wow. I know Wren's the one that supposedly wants to 'be me' but dang.
I feel so envious of him right now.
His mom is probably one of the loveliest, sweetest people I've ever met.
She's so friendly and warm, dressed in a pink floral dress and her hair pinned high in a bun.
She's put up dozens of pictures of Wren around the house at every stage of his life.
In many of the pictures, he's accompanied by his mother and the man that I know is his stepfather.
I've seen him pick Wren up a few times.
There are also photos with his biological father, a tall man who's making silly faces as Wren laughs in almost every photo they have together.
All of their smiles are so bright it makes my heart ache.
Of course, I'm happy for them but... could I have had that?
Could I have had a happy family like that if my father hadn't left the pack?
If no one had ever let my stepfather get his hands on me?
A wave of grief hits me when I think about what could've been.
What I would do for a family like Wren's.
"Honey? Why don't you bring these up to Wren's room?" Gabriela snaps me out of my sad daze, holding out a tray with the snacks on it.
"Oh," I say, taking the tray that she hands to me.
"Thank you so much," I smile at her.
"It's my pleasure, honey," she tells me.
I savor the warmth of her words.
I miss my own mother so badly right now.
I think she was kind of like Wren's mom.
At least before my stepfather broke her.
I do as she says and walk up the stairs, going slowly so as not to let anything tip off the tray.
I find a door marked with a cute sign marked with Wren's name and go in.
I quickly set the food down on his desk then sit in a chair that's in the corner of his room.
I feel kind of awkward being in his private space so I just sit there for a while, not looking at anything so I don't feel like a snoop.
I pull out my cell-phone, nervously swiping though I don't even click on any apps.
I decide maybe I'll go back downstairs to wait for him because it's been like ten minutes and he's not here yet.
I stand up, walking back to the door when something catches my eye.
It's a bulletin board nailed up on his wall.
There are tons of photos and stickers and little decorations pinned to it.
I smile at a pic of a younger Lylah and him hugging.
They're so cute and toothless.
But then I come across something that makes me stop in my tracks.
It's a photo, one that I remember taking.
It's a pic of Lylah, Wren and I that we took together before the football game when we were finally done getting ready.
We took like a hundred photos, retaking it and over, trying to get one where we all thought we looked good.
But the memory of the photo isn't what strikes me.
It's the fact that my face is violently scratched out, the paper's even ripped.
You wouldn't even be able to tell it's me if you didn't know the original photo.
And what's worse is that written over my scratched-out face is the word 'FAKE' printed in big bold red letters.
Anger floods through me like lava.
I clench my fists, just staring at the graffitied photo in vexed contemplation.
Look, I get that he might be frustrated with me.
Because I'm shit at reading social cues, which is why I didn't realize Jay liked me.
But fake? What did I ever do to deserve being called that?
Even if I've tried to hide stuff about my past, I've never been ingenuine to Wren about the things that matter.
Does he think I'm putting on an act?
That I would purposely try to be oblivious about Jay and ignore his feelings?
I didn't know. At all.
I know it sounds like a flimsy excuse.
But I'm terrible at dealing with things like that because it's literally my first time ever dealing with them.
I never had practice.
I never had friends before.
At my old pack, most of the time I was just trying to survive.
I was isolated, stuck in a world of torture that my stepfather kept me locked up in.
Trust me. I tried to leave before because I wanted the normal life that everyone else got to live.
It never worked.
He'd always find me and beat me close to death.
I can only thank luck for me being able to finally get away from him this time.
As much as I was determined to make up with Wren when I first came here, I can't do it anymore.
I don't have the will to make an effort with Wren anymore.
Not just to be slandered behind my back like this.
It makes me so mad.
I turn away from the board, storming out of the room.
I leave the house in a rush, pulling open the front door.
I feel bad for ditching like this, especially when his mom welcomed me so warmly.
But I can't face him right now.
So I quickly descend down the clanky metal steps, before either of them can catch me.
I spend the next half hour purposely getting lost in the maze of the pack-house, reeling over the photo.
Wren scratched me out of it.
He freaking scratched me out.
And now he's gonna know I was there because mom will tell him that I mysteriously disappeared after saying I was would wait for him to show up.
I just hate the situation.
Coming here was a bad idea.
I take a turn down another open hall, slowly dragging my feet.
I should probably just go home.
I look around, observing it's probably late afternoon by now.
I try to recall where I am, wondering how I get back to the main street from here.
I'm about to turn the corner when I hear two voices arguing.
More specifically, I recognize Daemon's voice.
They sound farther down so I take a chance and peek around the corner, spotting him and Tristan standing by the stairwell.
"Daemon, you know it's only because he cares."
"You think I wanna hear that shit?" Daemon snarls at Tristan, who doesn't appear phased.
He holds his ground.
"You're being irrational. Lucien just wants..."
"I don't care what he wants," Daemon cuts him off. "I hate when he pulls shit like this."
"Well he wouldn't have to 'pull shit' like this if you started acting right. We all know you and Theo are fighting over it again."
"Wanna know why that jackass has a black eye? 'Cause he ran his mouth. It wasn't about that."
Tristan's brow furrows in a frown.
"So you're saying it's not because he's blaming you again?"
"Again? He never stopped. But if Lucien thinks this little family trip is gonna make us all fucking forget everything he's retarded."
Tristan growls lowly.
"Hey. That's our Alpha you're talking about."
Daemon turns away from him, walking off.
"Go on your stupid trip with him. See if I care," he seethes. "I'm not going near the grave if Theo's gonna be there."
Tristan slumps in defeat but I don't have time to see any more than that because Daemon is walking right towards me.
If he finds me here he's going to know I was eavesdropping.
So I quickly skitter down the hall and go down a random flight of stairs.
Then I walk back up them again so it looks like that's where I was coming from.
Daemon spots me right away, looking a bit perturbed.
"Ash?" he questions. "What are you doing here?"
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irl-kaeya · 1 year
Genshin Diary Entry #12
We're moving! We're happening!!
So far Act 4 has been really fun; I've bamboozled the soldiers with Cyno and caught up with Tighnari. So much has happened! And I have many thoughts.
First of all, Cyno is such a cool guy. I know evil men are a big thing rn, so im very happy to see a hot man that's like, really strict about morals and justice (the cooler batman if you will). I'm so excited to do his story quest and get to know him! Speaking of Cyno though, I was really happy to see his relationship and interactions with Tighnari, I can't wait to think about them <3
Surprisingly, I did enjoy the mission with Dehya. She's slowly made her way up to my top list of favourite characters. To the point that I don't think I'd be that mad if I get her on the standard banner. Even if I don't end up playing with her much, at least I can have her in my house <3 But yeah, the story was fun, I got to see the evil doctor man again and I got to do the sneaking mission like 5 times cause I suck at those. ALSO I wonder if Tighnari realised that Dottore was the man that hurt Collei? Because if so I imagine that he was this👌 close to killing that man right on the spot.
NOW let me get to the big one of the day. Scaramouche. The Balladeer himself. Lord, I love these kinds of scenes. It was so menacing and intriguing and the voice acting was amazing as well. I'm glad we got an impression of dangerous and deranged Scara really is. Funnily enough, it reminds me of the presence of Raiden/Ei in the Inazuma arc. As in; powerful, God-level enemies that are too far gone to be reasoned with. Also I believe there was a shot of Scara walking down in the air during the conversation? So that's another similarity to dear old mom. I'm so so so excited to get more scara content, mostly because this was one of the first times we have met a character that gets weirdly personal with the Traveller? Like the fact that he calls us out for having a hero complex and throwing ourselves into other people's (world's) problems. I have... so many thoughts about them already.
I have just a few small things to point out before I finish. Firstly I'm surprised that the scene where Tighnari gets hit by lightning wasn't like, a proper cutscene? It could have so much more intense and emotional but... alright. I knew vaguely that he gets hit because of fanart I've seen but I never knew the exact context. Secondly, during the flashback with Tighnari and Dottore, at some point my brain short circuited because I finally processed what the hell that man is wearing. Are you telling me this fucker has a needle earring??? And a BDSM looking choker???? I hate it here. I'm too scared to learn more.
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 3 years
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So I bindged watched the entry of Metal Family (a Russian YouTube series) and its absolutely adorable. My favorite characters are Glam and Dee because obviously I'm always gunna go for either the goofy dad type with a tragic backstory and the sarcastic little smartass.
Anyway, I've been hearing around that Dee might have a girlfriend and as much as I like the idea of him having a cool laidback goth gf, I just can't picture it. He probably doesn't like to admit it but I think Dee and his dad have similar taste in women; ie badasses who are slightly batshit crazy.
Meet Sasha, they were put together as tutors for each other, she was failing math while he was failing art.
At first glance Sasha seems like a sweet, giggly, airhead with an affinity for tacky jewelry and thrift store clothes. Which is of course what Dee assumed when he offered his usual method of helping her cheat her way through her classes.
She smiled at him and called him: a pig-headed narcissistic asshole who couldn't smell the rancid shit coming out of his own mouth.
Yeah, turns out she isn't stupid just has really bad ADHD and needed someone to help her study math because her brain finds it too boring and therefore unimportant to focus on.
Their relationship is sort of similar to Glam and Ches when they first met; Sasha being a witty yet odd character while Dee struggles to makes sense of what the hell she's saying sometimes.
Because of her ADHD Sasha tends to switch out hobbies like socks; she especially likes activities that keep her hands occupied, such as knitting or origami. Dee has no idea how she can multy task so many things at once.
She is very forward and can be quite blunt when speaking her mind, though she tries her best to remain polite.
She is a big fan of grunge music and punk rock. Nirvana and Foo Fighters being her favorite.
She is the third oldest of six, so middle child syndrome all the way!
She's a bit of an anarchist and can often be found during the weekend tagging government property or big name brand store. Somehow she never seems to get caught.
Her parents are ex-punks so they aren't really surprised or disappointed with their daughter's antics so long as she doesn't get arrested. (More on her family later)
She knitted Dee a beanie during one of their study sessions, it was black with little cat ears. Now he wears it any time its even remotely breezy outside.
Heavy was the first to meet Sasha since they go to the same school. He couldn't understand how such a sweet girl could be friends with his asshole of a brother. She simply giggled and ruffled his hair, stating how Heavy remind her of her own younger siblings.
After that meeting people suddenly stopped bullying him. It was weird but Heavy wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth so he didn't question it. He did, however, wonder why Sasha had a baseball bat in her locker when she didn't even play the sport.
When Dee first invited Sasha over to hang out he made sure that his family would be out all day, because he knew that they would all make it their personal mission to embarrass him in front of her.
That plan backfired very quickly as they returned much earlier than expected and the two teens had been in the living room watching movies and cuddling.
Victoria adored her immediately, insisting she say over for dinner all the while making cheeky remarks at Dee to "make sure to keep her happy so she won't realize that she can do better."
Glam had meant to interrogate her, as he is secretly an over protective father at heart, but he was just so damn charmed by her he didn't have the nerve to do it. Instead he ended up showing her the boys' baby pictures (much to Dee and Heavy's protest).
Her and Ches vibed so well together, it was kind of weird and fascinating to observe. They later find out that Sasha is probably the only person out their that can beat both Glam and Ches in poker.
By the end of it Dee is red in the face with embarrassment and when he escorts her to the bus stop he apologizes if it was all a bit overwhelming. Sasha simply giggled, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek assuring him that she really likes his family and can't wait to come over again.
Of course Sasha was the first to confess because Dee still had no idea about his feelings. Thought it was less a confession and more of a statement as if it was something she assumed he already knew.
He didn't, obviously.
Sasha knew that Dee liked her back but she needed for HIM to come to that conclusion himself if they had any hope of starting a relationship. So she remained patient and waited for him to catch up.
Though this did NOT stop her from teasing and flirting with him just a little 😋
She really couldn't help it, Dee was way too cute when he got all flustered and shy (much like his mother in that regards).
So they aren't OFICIALLY dating but they are together, kind of like a trial run (according to Dee at least).
Her parents are high school sweethearts that used to ride around town with Victoria and her old crew.
Sasha's mom is a headstrong yet laid back woman that runs the local laundry mat, popular with bikers as it specializes in cleaning leather. Her father is this big, burly, stoic man that works in construction and doesn't tend to say much. They love each other and their children very much.
Sasha has an older sister and brother as well as three younger siblings, twin boys and a little sister. Her older sister is living in England while also going to college to study political science. Her older brother is on his last year of high school and works as a mechanic at a local bike shop. Her twin brothers are in middle school, just a year below Heavy, while her little sister is just starting the first grade.
When Sasha invites Dee over to her house to study he is greeted at the door by her father who looms over him, glaring daggers. Dee may have seen his life flash before his eyes for a just moment.
Thankfully, her mother was much nicer, inviting him in as she called Sasha downstairs. Her younger siblings were very rowdy, asking him questions about who he is and why he was here. Her older brother however, joined along side his father to glare holes into his head.
He was all too thankful when Sasha finally came downstairs to get him, announcing that they would be in her room studying until dinner. Her older brother shouted after them to "keep the door open" and Sasha gave a cheery reply of two middle fingers in his direction.
Dinner was awkward, at least for Dee, but it wasn't terrible. By the end of it, when they were hanging around the bus stop, Sasha (who insisted on seeing him off as he usual does) proudly said: "I think they like you."
"Oh really?" Dee said with a nervous chuckle, he wasn't quite sure but he trusted her judgment. 🖤🖤🖤
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yesttoheaven · 3 years
I SEE YOU – chapter III
pairing – arthur fleck x female!reader
wc – 2.6k
warnings – just fluff and a little bit of angst
English is not my first language. I am getting help from google translator and he is not always a good ally, so I apologize for any typos or grammar errors.
Y/N – your name
Y/L/N – your last name
🔴 chapter one. chapter two. chapter three.
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The actress looked around, enjoying the apartment where Arthur lived with his mother. The place was small, very different from what she was used to, but this simplicity was nostalgic and reminded her of her childhood; when everything seemed simple, despite the difficulties.
Unfortunately Arthur was still at work, but Penny assured her that he would be back soon and added that Y/N could wait for him. At first Brian didn't approve of this idea, considering that the actress was going to an important dinner tonight, but he should know that it’s impossible to say no to her puppy eyes. Now Brian is probably driving to Misty's house, ready to take her to Y/N's apartment, exactly as they agreed the day before. The only difference would be the absence of the actress, but this would be justified with: "She's at Angelina's." Although the plan was apparently perfect, leaving her alone with practically unknown people was worrisome. Y/N's safety was his responsibility. If something happened to her, Brian would never forgive himself, but she stated with all the letters that she would stay inside the apartment, waiting for him with Arthur and Penny. And they were not bad people.
Y/N didn't like to involve Brian in this web of lies, but Misty knew how to be stifling when she wanted to. Visiting Arthur was not illegal, but she didn't see it that way. In her conception, to be friends with Y/N Y/N/L you need to have a bank account with many zeros after the comma.
Placing her manager at the bottom of her thoughts, Y/N's eyes fell on the small table next to the couch she was on. A few magazines were spread out and a shy smile crossed her lips. She would probably never get used to it.
Noticing the young woman's interest in magazines, Penny said:
"This actress is so graceful."
"You think? I hear only bad things about her." Y/N replied, taking one of the magazines and placing it next to her face, reproducing the cover.
When the realization reached Arthur's mother, she looked at Y/N with wide eyes, thinking it was a mirage caused by the effects of the medicines she used daily. When she opened the door and found the woman on the other side, Penny didn't imagine that Y/N was Y/N Y/L/N, the same woman who is in all these magazines.
"That was my first cover... six years have passed and I'm still nervous on camera." The actress smiled, leaving the magazine with the other copies.
"You need to excuse me, I'm too old for that... I watch your movies with my son and I was unable to recognize you."
"It's all right, these photos are usually a little bit manipulated. Maybe that's why you didn't recognize me."
The conversation continued pleasantly between them. Penny Fleck didn't feel like she was talking to one of Gotham's biggest actresses; Y/N seemed to be just a nice neighbor, the one who always shows up for a visit at the end of the day. They only knew each other for a few minutes, but it didn't matter, Penny was comfortable, sharing with her a little bit of his life with Arthur, or Happy as she used to call her son. The actress considered this point intriguing, because when she met Arthur, sadness was the only thing that existed on his face like a second skin, but maybe she was just impressed.
Every day was exactly the same for Arthur. He went to work, spent the day spinning his sign in front of a store or visited sick children in hospitals – this was his favorite; Carnival loved to bring joy to them. The time to return home represented some relief for the clown. This meant that his co-workers would have to wait for the next day to continue making fun of him. Arthur would always be a joke for everyone.
Tired for another exhausting day at work – or just being who he is – all Arthur wanted at that moment was to relax by smoking a cigarette. Dragging himself out of the elevator, he made his way to his old apartment and took the keys out of his pocket to open the door. He warned that he was back, but his mother did not respond. Arthur suspected she was asleep, but as soon as he put his feet in the living room, his body froze.
The likelihood of them seeing each other again was one in a million, but here she was, surprising him once again. There was no plausible explanation for what he was feeling at the moment. Accelerated heart. Sweaty palms. And the most sincere smile of his entire life. Arthur was genuinely happy. Seeing the actress again was enough to erase all his problems. Y/N was like a breath of fresh air to his lungs. There was something about her, something that you notice from a long distance, but that Arthur can't put into words.
"Happy, your friend was waiting for you." Penny broke the silence, bringing them to reality again.
With a smile, Y/N stood up, running her hands over the dress she wore. She approached the man and greeted him in her soft voice:
"Hi, Arthur. How've you been?" Surprised by her own courage, she touched his shoulder and left a kiss on his cheek.
Arthur felt his cheeks turn into two tomatoes and he automatically looked at the ground, hiding a shy smile in the corner of his lips. But knowing that she was waiting for an answer, he took a deep breath, looking at her again and saying:
"Hey, I'm... I'm good. How about you?"
"I couldn’t be better. I hope I'm not bothering you, your mom said I could stay to wait for you."
"Don't say that, you never bother, dear! Now I'm going to leave you two alone so you can talk." The woman tried to get up and Arthur quickly moved to stand beside her, helping Penny back to the bedroom.
It was easy to see how much he loves his mother.
A few minutes later, Arthur was back in the living room, looking a little nervous about the situation. It was possible to state that the actress felt the same way, remembering the reason that brought her to the other side of the city. She didn't want to say anything in front of Penny, but now she could and the words were stuck in her throat.
"I don't know where to start... I'm so sorry for the way you were treated. They couldn't have done that to you, Arthur."
"How d-did you know?"
"Brian talked to the receptionist..." She said, biting her lower lip in an attempt to control herself, but that was not enough. "I'm so mad at Susan! Who does she think she is to treat you that way?"
"Don't be m-mad at her because of me... It's okay, I'm used to it." Arthur replied, trying to reassure the actress. The last thing he wanted to do was be responsible for erasing her smile, but his words made Y/N even more concerned.
"What are you saying?"
"My life is... different from yours." He murmured, shaking his shoulders as if it didn't matter, but the sad expression on his face showed just the opposite. "I d-don't want to bother you with my stupid problems. This is not worth your time."
"But I have all the time in the world to hear you. Please tell me..." Y/N insisted, still trying to understand what he meant by 'I'm used to it'.
Susan had compared Arthur to a criminal; someone dangerous. She judged him by his appearance. His actions. His somewhat confused way of speaking. No. This is not normal. This is not something that Arthur should just 'get used to'.
"C-Can I get you something to drink?" He asked, shifting the focus of the conversation in the blink of an eye. Just a few more words and he could feel the laughter in the back of his throat, begging to leave. And that was not what he wanted.
"But..." The actress tried again, but acknowledged it was time to stop. She showed one of her beautiful smiles and that was enough to warm the man's heart. "Water, please."
Following Arthur into the kitchen, she stood by the door, watching him. Arthur was not a bad person – and he wasn't a criminal either, as Susan thought. Y/N just wanted to have the opportunity to get to know him better. It was as if the man still has his face paint on; as if he were still Carnival and she desperately wanted to meet the man hiding behind the paint, but Y/N understood that invading his space was not the best way to achieve this.
"Oh, thanks!" She thanked him, holding the cup and drinking, as they walked back to the living room. Pointing to the magazines, she fired: "These magazines are old... Are you a collector or something?"
"Not exactly... It was a few months ago, this guy was throwing the magazines in the trash because nobody wanted to buy, but he sold it to me for half the price..." Arthur's eyes widened when he realized what he had said. He scratched the back of his neck, completely embarrassed, but the actress just started laughing.
"It's okay, Arthur. I like your sincerity." She added, finding the situation funny. "But tell me, what is your favorite?"
The man pointed to the third magazine without thinking twice. Unlike the others, this cover was focused only on Y/N's angelic face. She was holding a white rose; the petals of the flower touching her lips painted in bright red.
"You have the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my life." He thought aloud, making her blush with his sincere words.
Y/N was constantly praised. Men and women. Different ages. Nationalities. Some were adorable, others completely depraved, but no one was able to make her feel what she was feeling right now.
Arthur was surprised at himself. This trust was not constant in his life, but close to her, it was as if he wanted to try. It was easy, because he was just telling the truth. Her smile was beautiful.
"So... what is this?" After a few minutes of silence, she asked, pointing again at the small table in the center of the living room.
"Oh, this is my journal!" The man picked up his journal and sat down next to her on the couch. "My therapist forced me to have one. I write my thoughts, some new jokes and other things..."
"I love jokes, but I need to confess that clowns are not my point."
"Don't you like clowns?" Arthur was not angry with her, in fact he thought it was funny. "How is this possible?"
"Don't judge me! It's nothing personal... I don't hate them completely, i just get a little nervous." Y/N started to laugh, being accompanied by him. When the laughter stopped, she said: "Now the million dollar question... What did you think of 'Midnight Seduction'? But you need to promise me that you will be honest with your criticism, right?"
The man shook his head in agreement.
"So I can start by saying that the ending was not as I expected, she died..." Arthur knew it was just a fictional death, but Y/N's flawless performance took that scene to another level. He was paralyzed by her talent. Y/N was definitely born to shine. Her filmography was rich.
"My Diana..." The actress spoke fondly about the character, remembering the day she read the script for the first time. Nobody was expecting this. "I like to imagine that she had a second chance. No prostitution. No drugs. Without HIV. And with someone by your side to love."
"This is a good ending, I like it... Rosalind was the only person who cared about her."
"Oh, did you notice?" Y/N asked, leaving the glass of water on the table. "I mentioned this in an interview, but the next day everyone was distorting my words!"
"It's just... love. What's wrong with that?"
"Unfortunately some people will never understand what love is."
Looking at Y/N and Arthur, it was possible to see that they were opposite poles. Their lives were completely different, but it was intriguing how they always found a connection. Time passed quickly, but they were still involved in a long conversation. Y/N loved to hear the man tell about his work as a clown – obviously he didn't mention the bad side. The actress told about NGOs, some trips around the globe and the preparation to play her characters. Each character was a new challenge and Arthur found it fascinating that she lived several lives in just one.
When the conversation followed a delicate path, Y/N considered changing this path, but she gave up and stood up, walking around the living room with a nostalgic smile growing on her lips. Arthur watched a few interviews, but hearing the actress speak directly to him about her childhood in Narrows was different. She lived in a simple house with her mother and brother. The situation was not easy, they did not have much money. Today her mother and brother are living in France, enjoying a wonderful life because of Y/N and her promising career. She missed them. She talked to them on the phone every day, but that was her best decision. Gotham has become a hostile, completely violent city, but it was in the middle of this violent city that her life changed...
"I was working at a restaurant in the downtown when Misty saw me in that hideous uniform..." Y/N couldn't help but laugh. "She said I was too pretty to clean shitty toilets, but cleaning shitty toilets was what puts money on the table at the end of the month... So she said she had an indecent proposal for me. I figured she would offer me a job at a nightclub... I probably would have accepted it. I was desperate to help my family, but she asked if i would like to be famous... A simple answer, "yes" and see how I look six years later. That horrible uniform became the most expensive designer dresses in the world, my mom has a beautiful house and everything she deserves, my little brother is having all the support for his studies and that girl with dreams turned into a famous actress, but..."
Y/N completed in her mind, she was not strong enough to say that. She was also not ungrateful. Misty turned the girl's life into a fairy tale, but at the same time it took her life. In six years, she never had a break. Her manager was always bringing her a new job. The actress knew this was important for her career, but she didn't have time for anything other than work. She didn't have time to visit her own family. She was stuck.
Arthur heard someone knock on the door, but he kept his eyes on Y/N. The woman was in absolute silence and close to tears. Her smile was gone. She was suffering in front of him and he didn't know what to do to get this pain out of her.
"You should check this out." She murmured and at first he didn't react, but when the person knocked on the door again, Arthur stood up.
The actress took advantage of the moment to compose herself, trying to normalize her breathing, but when she heard that voice, her body just froze. The next minute the redhead appeared in the living room holding her Prada bag and looking at everything with an expression of disgust, but when she saw Y/N, she said:
"Mon cher, why didn't you tell me you wanted to visit your new friend? You know you don't have to lie to me."
a/n – likes and reblogs are appreciated but honestly I’d love to know what you all think of this one. really hope you enjoy it and thank you soooo much for reading ♡
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kindnessisweakness2 · 3 years
*gif not mine, just thought it was insanely cute*
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Delaney rushed into the office, red faced. "Sorry Gem. I overslept. All the things you texted me to get are in my car, I have the girls unloading it now." Gemma could see straight though delaney's lie. The bags under her eyes showed the young girl was anything but well rested. Gemma noticed the little things about people. People's body language showed more than what they wanted it to. More than what people are willing to say. You can find out alot about a person my observing them, their mannerisms, their characteristics. What makes them tick. What's going on on the inside. You had to read between the lines with Delaney. She would never outright say when things were upsetting her. She was always too worried about other people to bother them with her own problems. Gemma could tell just by looking at her that something was eating at her. For example the sky blue nail polish was extremely chipped, Delaney's usually long nails were bitten down nearly to the nub. It was her worst habit. Gemma knew she only did it when she was stressed or worried. Or even the fact she didn't have a stroke of make up in her face pointed out something was wrong with the girl. Delaney was naturally beautiful. She didn't need make up but she was never seen without it. She portrayed herself as so put together, and usually seemed so strong but something was breaking Delaney and Gemma was going to find out what it is.
A couple of hours Later Delaney was finally done laying the table of finger food in the club house. These boys could eat as much as they drink. "Hey D" Delaney spun around a massive grin spreading on her face. "Your home!!" Her arms wound tightly around Jax's torso, pulling him into a tight hug. In that moment she finally felt safe for the first time in weeks. She felt like she could finally take a breath without drowning in panic. She didn't want to let him go but she had to. "How was Nevada? Jury all good up there?" Delaney sat next to Jax at the bar and for the first time in a while the wide smile on her face reached her eyes.
Gemma watched as Delaney and jax sat catching up. It didn't take a genius to feel and see the chemistry between the pair. It's been like that since they met. Delaney moved to charming a few months after Tara left and the impact she had on jax was massive. She made him smile again, laugh again. Made him realise that life could go on without her when he couldn't see it. Delaney picked Jax up and made him whole when her world was being torn apart. Gemma quickly became fond of her because despite what people told her about samcro Delaney never treated any of them any different. She didn't pry into club business when she overheard bits of information around the garage and She never asked questions. She got hired for the office job and was soon accepted into the fold. She was privy to things many people wasn't and she was trusted by everyone. Jax quickly became protective over Delaney. That's why when she was having trouble with her shithead boyfriend Alex it had to be Gemma and Unser who helped her. Jax still doesn't know what happened to this day and he can't. Jax would kill Alex without a second thought and would still be serving time in Stockton. Gemma couldn't let that happen.
By 10 o'clock the party was in full swing. Delaney was behind the bar as usual, laughing with half sack and juice. "I'm sorry sack but that's the worst pick up line I've ever heard". Delaney patted him on the shoulder before moving to serve Jax a drink. "You need to teach that boy some of your sexy charm. Hes never gonna get laid on his own." Still giggling at the cheesy line sack tried to work on her she poured Jax a whiskey. "You think I'm sexy?" Jax chuckled as she went red. "Those words never left my mouth Teller". Shaking her head Delaney put the bottle of Jack on the bar. "Well you must do something right with the ladies or are they just fucking you because your the Prince of charming?" Delaney rolled her eyes as jax seemed to be enjoying this abit too much. Leaning over the bar Jax kissed her cheek and winked at her "wouldn't you like to know darlin" Delaney shook her head as he sauntered away towards Opie. Cheeky fucker. Truth is she would. She would love to know how people just fall at his feet. She was one of his many victims who would give anything for a relationship with the 'prince'. Except while others want Jaxon Teller the vice president of Samcro. Delaney wanted Jaxon Teller the goofball who was rubbish at video games and snored softly when he slept. The idiot who set his mom's kitchen on fire when he tried to make her breakfast when she was sad. The man who skipped club parties and women who would do anything he asked them to sit in her front room in star wars pyjamas and eat pizza. The soft side to Jax teller that people were not lucky enough to see was the only side of him she knew. And that made her love him more.
Delaney sighed as the party started to die down. Various club members went off with women, some passed out on the sofas not capable of making it to the forms and some went home early eith their old ladies. The funniest of the bunch however was Tig, Who was passed out on top of the pool table face burried in a croweaters chest. Delaney started to clean up the bar feeling sick to her stomach at the thought of going home. Would he be there waiting for her? Would he watch her again? Would he try to get in this time? What if--? "Hey you ok?" Gemmas voice cut her thoughts short. "Y-yeah I'm fine" Delaney forced a smile. "C-can I sleep here tonight? In the spare dorm? Too tired to drive home" Gemmas eyebrows lifted in speculation. Delaney fiddled with the glass in her hands nervously as she waited for Gemma to speak. "Sure baby I'll get you some clean sheets." Delaney could of cried in relief as she turned away but froze as Gemma spoke again. "I know something's bothering you. I know something's wrong and your scared. I wont force you to tell me what it is right now." Locking eyes with Gemma, Delaney felt like a small kid caught in a lie. "But you will tell me. Eventually it'll all become too much and you'll have to. Secrets aren't good baby. They get people hurt." Nodding her head Delaney turned to put the glass down as Gemma walked away.
The last thing Delaney wanted to do was hurt anyone. This was her problem. She needed to deal with it. But she didn't know how much more she could take. How much longer can she cope with this stress and live in fear?
And that's it guys!! Part 3 is up! I'm loving how this is coming along. As usual feedback and advice always welcome. Part 4 coming soon!
So what do you guys think Delaney should do? Tell Gemma Or keep it secret? Let me know what you think!!
Love to you all, stay safe! 🍃
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imagines-choices · 3 years
Ghost Of You - Dakota Winchester x MC
[ Dakota x MC ]
Summary: You always visit Dakota every week for the past few months after he died, but this week was not like any other
Author's note: I started reading WEH and spoiled myself by reading fanfics and now I'm just in denial and I can't accept the fact that Dakota is gone, so I wrote this and a whole bunch of ghost dakota imagines and made the ghost series
Warnings: mentions of death, grief
Word Count: 1,845
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You took a deep breath as you approached the stone, walking through the muddy path. It started to rain slightly just as you arrived in the graveyard, but you didn't care. You needed to see him. You always do every week.
Stopping just in front of Dakota's gravestone, you placed a hand on top of the stone, the tiny droplets of rain pouring down on your hand.
"H-Hey, Um... So it's that time where I go visit you and talk to you again, not that you can hear me right now. I just wanted to let you know that mom and I had some fight the other day about something I said to her. It's silly, really, but I just thought I'd let it out."
"Everyone else is doing well. Uh, Mateo is Mateo. He's always trying to cheer me up by sending me a funny text or something. A-And Lennox as well. I can still recall the time when we first met and I thought she hated me." You smiled at the memory. "They're always telling me that you'll always be here with us, but I just can't help feeling lonely and lost now that you're gone."
"I'm missing you so much right now. And I-I know that you'd probably want me to move on and smile again, but I just can't help think about you all the time."
"Your smile, your laugh, that cheeky look on your face whenever you're planning something I don't know about, or when you're always teasing me. I have to admit, that's pretty annoying, but I would do anything to have you here with me right now. You can tease me and make jokes as much as you want as long as you're here." You laughed as tears started to spill from your eyes.
"A-Anyways, I-I just... really miss you. L-Like, a lot. And you might not be able to hear me right now, but I-I hope you're doing okay up there."
"It's been quite a while since you were gone, but somehow I've always had hope that you can somehow come back. It's really silly, I-I know." You could feel the rain hit your cheeks, blending in with your tears as you smiled.
"I just wish we had more time. I really don't know and don't want to let go of you." You kneeled down on the grown, unable to control the wave of emotions washing over you. Tears flowed freely down your cheeks, hitting the stone path underneath you. You didn't care that your clothes were soaked, or that you might get sick from the rain.
"I wish you were here, I miss you so much." You spoke out, one last time before completely breaking down.
You quietly sobbed for a few more minutes before you felt something light, weighing on your shoulder. You slowly lift your face, turning around to see who's hand it was, when you're greeted by a familiar face, smiling down sympathetically at you.
"Dakota!" You leaped towards him, his arms instantly wrapping around you. You didn't know why you did it. Other people might've just ran away in fear, but all you could think about was the man standing in front of you. He pulled back just a little, to wipe the tears staining your face, his own tears starting to form.
"I missed you too." He responded as you buried your face in his chest, tears freely flowing down.
After a few minutes of holding each other, you started to calm down and your breathing was normal again. You pulled away to look at the ghostly figure in front of you, and you can't help but frown.
"So you're a ghost? Am I imagining things?"
"Something like that. And don't look so disappointed, it took me months to be able to be seen, and it took me even longer to find out a way so people can touch me."
"I'm just glad you're here." You snuggled your face in his chest once more as Dakota ran a hand through your hair.
His head bent down, stopping right next to your ear as he whispered softly, "You should get out of the rain, you'll get sick. And if it makes you feel any better, I can accompany you for a while."
You nodded weakly before feeling him lift you up, never releasing the tight grip on your boyfriend. He guided you back towards your house that wasn't too far from the graveyard. He knew you'd get sick at this point, after spending all that time in the rain. Your mind wandered off as the two of you walked, hand in hand. All of this was a lot to take in. You had just gone from having a normal day without Dakota to crying in the graveyard, and now you're walking with his ghost? This was all too much and too overwhelming.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sudden harsh pouring of the rain. Dakota started urging you to go faster, and the two of you ran back until you've reached the front of your doorstep. You hesitate for a moment, brows furrowing in disappointment. You didn't want this to end. If he goes, who knows if he'll come back.
Noticing your hesitation, Dakota stepped forward and faced you. He lifted a hand up to your cheek, and as if he read your mind, he said, "Hey, it's okay. I'll see you again later. I won't be gone for long, just until you're somewhere where your mom can't see you."
You weren't sure, but you nodded anyways and before you could blink, he faded away. You kept your emotions at bay and reminded yourself that he'll be back. You stepped into the house to be greeted by your mom, her arms folded across her chest.
"I was worried about you, why didn't you come back earlier? And you're soaking wet."
"I'm sorry, it's–" She heavily sighs and shakes her head.
"It's okay, go shower." You gave her a thankful look as you headed upstairs towards your room. You pushed the door forward, jumping at the sight of Dakota sitting on your bed, examining the photo frame in your room. He smiled once he saw you entering, and you raised your eyebrows in question.
"You okay?" Your mom shouted from downstairs.
"I'm fine, mom!" You quickly shut the door before rummaging through your closet to look for some comfy clothes.
"Don't–" You threw your clothes at the boy-er-ghost sitting in front of you. "Scare me like that." He laughed and set your clothes beside him on the bed.
"What can I say? I couldn't resist, now that I can do these ghostly things." There it was. That smug smile of his that you want to both slap and kiss off of him.
"Well go on, I'll be right here."
"Don't even think of doing things."
"I don't know what you mean." The wide grin was still plastered on his face as he leaned back onto your bed. You glared as you retreated to the bathroom before closing the door and stripping down, hopping onto the shower. You closed your eyes in content as the warm water hit your back. You thought of all the crazy events that happened today. To think that all this happened in just one day was hard to believe, just Dakota coming back as a ghost was really hard to believe.
After finishing off, you had just noticed that you left your clothes back in your bedroom. This is going to be interesting, you thought as you wrapped a towel around you.
"Dakota?" You called out and you heard a subtle hum in response. "Can you please get my clothes?"
"Which one?" He pretended to look around the room. "Oh this one?" He asked, grabbing your clothes from the bed and you could practically hear the smirk in his voice.
"Ugh yes just– give me those."
"So you want me to come in through the walls and give you these?"
"N–!" It was too late, he had already phased through the wall, and to your surprise, the clothes made it through the wall as well.
"Here." You could see the struggle in his eyes as he tried keeping them focused on your face, and only your face.
"You're lucky I'm wearing a towel. Now get out before I strip in front of you."
"I certainly wouldn't mind th–"
"Nope! Out." He obliged and you quickly slipped your clothes on before exiting the bathroom, a towel in your hand to dry your hair. Dakota watched as you brushed your hair before making your way to the bed, where he was sitting.
After a few moments of silence, Dakota began to speak up. "I know that this is a lot to process, and you have so many questions right now, but what I need you to know is that you need to go find someone else."
A flash of pain crosses your face and you could see the regret on Dakota's face for being so straightforward.
"Why? You're back now. I-I-We can be together again." He frowned and took both of your hands in his.
"We can't. Just– look at me. We can't have a future together, we can't start a family together. I can't even be seen." Your chest started to hurt from all the thoughts running through your head. Everything the both of you want, but can't have.
"No, we can find a way. A-And for now we can just be together. I lost you, and now we've just found each other again. I can't– we can't– You can't just go visit me as a ghost and then leave!" You squeezed his hands even tighter, trying to keep the tears from falling, but failing miserably as Dakota pulled you towards his embrace and let you cry on his shoulder. You felt something wet against your neck, which could only mean tears of his own were forming.
"The longer I stay the harder it'll be for you to let go of me." He whispered silently.
"I don't care, I-I just want you..." It came out quieter than you intended it to be, but with all the thoughts running through your head, you couldn't think properly.
"You know we can't." His voice was even softer this time.
"I know." You closed your eyes once more, leaning further into him.
"Okay..." He kissed the top of your head, lingering for a little while longer as if he didn't want to stop. He pulled back slightly to look at you, wiping your tears just as he did back when you first saw him today.
"Who knew ghosts could cry?" He cracked up a joke to defuse some of the tension as he laid down, and you smiled at his silly attempt. You let your head fall front to his chest and snuggled into him. You didn't care about the future right now. You didn't think about what would happen after making this choice. What you cared about for now, was being with him.
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