#id love to hear peoples opinions about anything in this fandom
katslover · 2 years
i want people to send me asks i’m so bored and i love answering peoples questions!
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syztemerrxr · 5 months
i cant be the only person in the ii fandom that actually DOES like and enjoy the show right ... 😭 i should be sleeping but i just wanna ramble for a sec here
i was on twitter (or x idc) cuz i got a notif for object show discourse yada yada kept scrolling and saw a post where someone was talking about how lightbulb is overrated, and then i saw someone reply smth like "do ii fans even actually like ii" or wtvr 💀
and now that i think of it... i dont think any ii fan ive met actually ENJOYS the show? like. idk
everyone has their preferences, which is probably why im defending it in the first place, but if ur just hyperfixating on a character FROM the show, is that.. actually liking the show itself? you grew an attachment to the character, not the show
maybe im just not seeing exactly why people dislike the show? because im terribly fixated on it and when i fixate on things its actually harder for me to see anything wrong with it unless its Blatanly Obvious (like svtfoe's ending. god.)
and for the plushies - i think they couldve been better. because God. theyre so awful and horrible looking but i still love them anyway
i think the another reason why im defending it is because i just cant understand anyone elses point of view (if its negative) on something that i like 😭 idk
id like to hear others' thoughts on it too just to get opinions, im trying to understand WHY ii fans ... dont like ii 💀 nothing against it because there may be valid points that im just not taking notice of but yeha anywya thanks for reading my silly rant
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verysium · 6 months
hiii!! i absolutely ADORE your characterization of the bllk boys 🩵
but,,, i’m dying to know how you feel about some fans headcanoning rin as a “red flag” if he were in a relationship 🤔 because i can see where they’re coming from (baby boy isn’t the most stable!!) but i can also see him being really devoted to someone if he has a genuine emotional connection to them, especially if it’s romantic. would it be rocky? probably. but would be he toxic? i feel like that’s debatable yk?
anyway, id love to hear what you think he’d really be like!!!
thank you anon for your kind words! ♡ this is just my personal opinion, but i'm usually hesitant to use the term "red flag." i can understand why the fandom would use it though. it's often easier for us to categorize characters/people into groups. that way we have a linear guideline as to what belongs/does not belong to the group and therefore what we should/should not expect/follow/tolerate. the problem with that is that it completely excludes people who do not fall into a group or fall along blurred lines.
in the case of rin, i do think the fandom is right in pointing out that he does have his own issues. if you are going to get into a romantic relationship, you need the correct mindset to do so. you need to mentally and physically make room in your life for another person, and that isn't something that happens overnight. but then again, rin is a dynamic character. he can do anything so long as the right circumstances are there to foster it. he could become sweet and devoted as you said, but that would take a lot of time, patience, and development. he could also become toxic, and that would mean he gives in to his insecurities and doubts. you can't necessarily predict how he is going to be in a relationship because he himself is unpredictable.
that being said, i don't think we should think of rin as being set in his ways. keep in mind that he is still a teenager who is trying to figure out what life is and what he should do with it. even now, the current pxg rin has come a long way from who he once was before. so.....yes, i do think he has the potential to become the romantic and soft boyfriend most people dream about. in fact, he might already have a profound and emotional side to him. we just never see that side of him because the manga/anime only portrays so much.
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zan0tix · 8 months
And it was nice to see you actually enjoyed a media ive enjoyed, I wanted to enjoyed it, but it was hard because ive hearing contants negatives about the fandom in social media (how ive feeling negatives that people dont like dirkjake) So hearing u enjoyed dirkjake make feel better that maybe i can enjoyed homestuck again, so thankies :0
Homestuck is soooo fun and enjoyable when you dont have a bitch in your ear telling you everything about it and all the characters that arent dave or karkst suck 24/7!!!! OFC READ IT CRITICALLY when homestuck is Bad its badbad but damn if homestuck isnt GOOD when its good. Its really fun to analyse and discuss the good parts theres so many interwoven pieces that all fit together somehow I LOVE IT.
I think the best way to enjoy is homestuck is to find friends! Ive had the most fun here by reaching out and befriending mutuals who like it as much as i do and sharing our ideas together. Ive literally muted all the annoying ship names and homestuck tags on twitter because its made my experience there so much more fun😭
If people dont have actual analysis or evidence from the comic behind what theyre saying IDGAF. I feel so much more at peace not listening to people lie at eachother about characters and then all congratulate eachother about “being right”
People shit on literally every ship there. And then everyone in the comments will agree with them LMAO ITS SO WEIRD. Personally i really enjoy having canon material to think about since like i said before theres so many moving parts its so interesting to see how they all come together with the bigger picture and greater themes!! So i love thinking about the canon relationships way more.
I think alot of fandom opinions come from prior experiences detached from canon content itself, the dirkjake yaoi apocalypse was real and i think made alot of people hate them😭 when in canon theyve got so much substance and are really important to act 6.
If you didnt get to have fun with homestuck because of fandom opinions id reccomend trying to read it again ^^! Its way more enjoyable appreciating all the artistry and complexities of the narrative for yourself than trying to fit the understandings of people who erm probably dont have sources to backup their claims about things. Theyre usually just saying things online to get interaction bait 😭
Thank you for the asks though!! I really appreciate it :D I hope anything i said was helpful or insightful LOL im so good at rambling about homestuck (insane)
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utilitycaster · 4 months
hi! is s01e01 representative of midst as a whole? i tried it but couldn't get through it bc i found it very distracting with the bg music/noise and the tag teaming of the narration; it all kept pulling me out of my minds palace and i just couldn't get into it. however, a lot of people on here and on reddit highly recommend it so the story must be good, and i like good stories so id like to enjoy it. does it "get better", so to speak, in regards to the background ambiance and narration? is it available in written form anywhere, so that i could enjoy it by reading it? thank you!
Hi anon,
In terms of the narration style and sound design, yes, it is.
I've thought fairly carefully about this answer but in short: I think with podcasts (and frankly, anything), the medium is the message. There are transcripts, and you can read them. I think if you are hard of hearing such that the sound design makes it difficult to separate narration from the music or noise; or you have misophonia or auditory processing disorders or something similar such that it is genuinely uncomfortable, then the transcripts are available.
However, if that's not the case, Midst's sound design is in my opinion a strength. It is undeniable that if you choose to read the transcripts rather than listen, you will be losing a major dimension of the storytelling and worldbuilding: the sound is, fundamentally, part of the mind palace. And as someone who listens to a decent number of fiction podcasts that have background sounds or music, I actually think the design and the pure technical balance of Midst is one of the best there is, to the point that actually I find that some sounds fade into the background very naturally and I end up relistening when someone else brings them up.
What I would recommend, if you have only listened to the first episode, is to stick it out through a few more, because I suspect that if an auditory issue is not at play, you are actually having difficulty with the three-narrator structure. I personally found it initially difficult but quickly acclimated (and it too is a key part of the whole). Listen to the first 3-4 episodes. Episode 1 is barely over 15 minutes. Would you give up altogether on a TV show 15 minutes in? Give it another hour or so, and if you still don't like it, you can decide what to do from there.
I think just to wrap up I do want to admit that this might make me sound like a cranky millennial and also a completionist, and to be fair I am both these things, but I think there is a tendency in fandom spaces to want to be part of something whether or not it is working for you. This is an understandable impulse. However, I think this has unfortunately become entangled with a tendency I am less sympathetic towards; that of demanding things be catered to your existing preferences rather than allowing yourself to be a little uncomfortable. Naturally I don't think anyone should deliberately trigger themselves or be in pain; but perhaps we could all stand to be more patient, give things more time, be more willing to meet works where they are rather than trying to pull them towards what we already know and love, and listen to the songs on the album we don't love as much rather than skipping to the easy hits. And, if after a good-faith patient effort, it's still not clicking for us, to walk away instead of trying to find a way to sand it down enough to fit into our comfort zone.
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axel-skz · 10 months
Hearing Chan say he can’t do chans room anymore.
I wanna talk about it.
Not that anyone cares about my opinion (it isn’t all that important either) but I wanna say something.
I never got to sit through a full Channies room. I got there a few times at the beginning and I was so happy.
Id join for like a couple minutes and I had no clue what was going on. But it felt nice you know? Somewhere in the world, there’s a bunch of other stays hunched over their laptops or whatever device while we all watch this goofball make us all feel better.
It was nice.
I couldn’t find it in me to stay more then a few minutes though. I get easily overwhelmed with emotions and Chans just the kind of person to make you feel warm and fluffy in an instant. I couldn’t be there for long because him talking about even the most stupid thing makes me cry (not that what he says is stupid, it’s just that if he talks about even menial stuff, I cry 😭)
I wanted to slowly be able to sit through more and more of the lives. He never saw my comments. I don’t know what kind of a flailing crazy person I’d look like if he ever did.
But now I won’t find out.
I see a lot of people talking about how dramatic they feel for talking about how bad this feels but you should watch the past lives again. He’s been there for us on anything and everything for years. In the darkest moments and otherwise. You shouldn’t feel bad for caring so much.
I don’t think anyone in general should ever feel bad for being a loving person.
I feel like apologising to him about whatever part we might have played in having it get taken away.
This sucks.
So much of what I’m saying is so selfish, I can’t imagine how he must have felt when he found out he had to stop. I imagine He’s the kind of person to be over worked and exhausted and still be there for everyone in any way they needed. This something he loves being taken away too. It sucks even more to think that he might’ve known in the last live he did that he wouldn’t be doing them anymore.
I hope it’s just a temporary thing and he can go right back to doing them.
But if not, Thank you Channie for everything. You talked about a god awful amount of stuff and we have your advice on so many things. For those of us who don’t listen to anyone else because we’re stubborn, we might just listen to you. I hope you’re taking the time you would spend on Channies room, resting or something. I hope you don’t feel bad for not being able to do them anymore.
I’m glad to have been a part of one of the best fandoms while Chans room was still around (I’m not going anywhere lmao, just the sentiment you know? This is very much my lifetime group. I’ll be with yall when we’re all 70 and unable to move off our sofas watching them be like 75 and on stage 🫶🏼)
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linklethehistorian · 1 year
Linkle, I must know, what are your thoughts on Mori as a character? His actions and motivations?? Id love to hear your opinion, btw that last chapter of cherish was great!! I loved it so much!!!
Ahhh hello there, anon, thank you so much! 🥺😭💕💖🥰 It’s such an honor to get a message like this from someone who is reading the fic. 💕🥺💖🥰💕🥺💖🥰 I’m so glad you liked Chapter 12; it definitely has one of my own personal favorite scenes, tbh (but I won’t take up your time talking about that right now lol). Having a fan base for Cherish is truly lovely; I’m so blessed by each and every one of you. 🥺💖
As for your question, I’m always happy to share!
Before I say anything at all on my opinion, though, I’m first going to make it clear that I am completely setting aside that one…particular matter that has been discussed to death by the fandom for the moment, because I fear far too many people tend to forget that it is entirely possible to make any remotely positive commentary on a fictional character without that actually somehow meaning you condone his alleged…preferences. For the people in the back that need to hear this out loud to be set at ease: I in absolutely no way do.
Now with that out of the way for a bit, let’s talk about the rest of Mori. I’ll throw it under the cut, though, both for length and for potential spoilers of multiple light novels (Dark Era, Fifteen, Storm Bringer, etc.) and obviously the manga up to his last appearance in current arc. Oh and obviously the typical Mori-related trigger subjects. Yeah.
Honestly, on a general note, these days I think Mori as a character is super cool; I’m not sure where precisely I’d rate him on the list of characters because I honestly like nearly every character in BSD and think they’re pretty awesomely written, but on a general scale of 1 to 10, he’s a very solid 8 or 9 for me.
My first introduction to him was…admittedly not at all the best possible representation of him.
When I first joined the fandom, I began my journey through the series by watching the anime adaption of Dark Era, at the behest of a dear friend who said I would be best off doing so before I watched the rest of the show (of which there were only two seasons at the time) and then reading the manga, in order to get the best and most meaningful experience; it is not something I remotely regret, and in honesty, I would probably wholeheartedly recommend any new people to do the same, if they intended to start with the anime. Regardless, though, this decision did have the impact of making me immediately strongly dislike Mori as a person from the very start, given what he did to the orphans, Oda, and Dazai by extension.
Really, I wouldn’t say that I came to see him in any particular shades of grey motivation-wise until I watched the episode titled Double Black, in which there was the first reference of what would have become of the Port Mafia and Yokohama as a whole had he not usurped the throne to the organization so many years ago.
After that, I began to look at him with a bit more understanding and curiosity, horrible and ruthless though his nature may still mostly have been. Fifteen (specifically the light novel, NOT the anime) — which it should be said, I think is the best existing canon representation of Mori in terms of giving us a good look at his thoughts and motivations — only amplified that outlook and interest for me, and I think it alone is largely to thank for why I enjoy him as a character as much as I do in current time.
Although he’s definitely not someone I’d feel particularly comfortable writing an entire story solely around — as I don’t believe I’m expert nor absurdly passionate enough to do so compared to some genuine Mori fans that I know are out there out there — I nevertheless really, really do enjoy writing him, especially in Cherish (which is only the second time I’ve written him, if I’m honest — at least, in anything I’d consider publishing, anyway).
There’s just so much potential in him plot and personality-wise; he is incredibly flexible of a person in terms of his thoughts, mannerisms, motivations, and actions, which makes it super fun to explore and play around with when telling a story. I’d say he easily has one of the most fun personalities among the BSD ensemble, purely because of utterly unpredictable it can be; on one hand, he has moments where (at least outwardly) is capable of being extremely friendly, outgoing, generous and unassuming, and yet on the other, he is very much always inwardly observant of all that is going on around him and capable of quickly switching to being cold, calculating, and openly cruel at the drop of a hat. But even then, usually, his cruelty doesn’t come in the form of physical violence; it’s often emotional manipulation, intimidation, taking your fears and weaknesses and using them against you to get him whatever he feels he needs in the present moment. Sometimes, it isn’t even outwardly visible that the switch of gears happened; he knows how to poison you in the sweetest and most unassuming yet effective way possible — whether that poison is literal or metaphorical. He’s definitely the kind of person who could sing you to sing to sleep every night and kiss your cheek every morning even as he’s secretly plotting your demise. lol
That being said, I think a lot of the fandom, in their hatred for him as a person, tends to mischaracterize him a lot, rather than looking at it objectively. I’ve seen a lot of fics and general fandom takes that portray him as a sadistic person who is cruel simply for the sake of being cruel and does terrible things to others purely for the enjoyment factor, but that is 100% not who Mori is; canonically, Mori does what he does mostly, if not entirely, out of what he feels is necessity as the leader of the organization. Now, I’m not saying there may not be parts of him that enjoy certain things he does — it’s certainly more than possible, and even highly probable — but his actions as godfather are driven by achieving what he feels is the optimal solution, not by personal pleasure and amusement; as a matter of fact, in Fifteen, he even made it clear when speaking to Chuuya that he fully acknowledges a lot of what he does is morally reprehensible — he just feels that it is his duty to commit these atrocities for the ‘greater good’ of the organization, and that the end therefore justifies the means.
The thing is, there is a character in BSD who is exactly the way this portion of the fandom characterizes Mori, and he was even a member of the Port Mafia, so if people really wanted to canonically explore this dynamic of a character who wholly gets off on tormenting people, causing suffering and probing others’ heads rather than doing it as just a business practice, they absolutely could still do it and be true to canon by writing about said other character; it’s just that it’s not a convenient truth that a lot of the fandom wants or likes to face — because that would mean acknowledging that it was everyone’s beloved Dazai and not the oh-so-despised Mori who used to think in such a sick and twisted way during his days in the criminal underworld.
Granted, some people do write both characters very well and very accurately, and I applaud them, but I do find it frustrating when the fandom reduces either Mori to this purely evil, sadistic villain who is bad just for the sake of being bad, because he is so much more interesting as he truly is in canon.
It’s this dichotomy where his dedication to the overall well-being of his people and company is admirable and even understandable, yet at the same time his individual actions when you look at them from a moral perspective are pretty much all morally reprehensible in some way, shape, or form — if not in every way. The same is true of his time in the army; as a general concept, his desire to protect Japan during the Great War was on the whole admirable and understandable, we know that he was well-meaning about it, but at the same time, no matter how desperate the situation was, what he did to Yosano and his entire army was absolutely disgusting and unacceptable — especially because it came so easily to him to do it and he made no apologies for it nor expressed any guilt over the suffering he caused later on.
Do I think Mori is, on the whole, a good person? Absolutely not. Do I think that he sometimes has the best of intentions in mind with his schemes? In the grander scheme of things, yes; it’s just that he mostly doesn’t care who or how many he has to hurt to achieve that so long as it’s slightly less than his net gain from doing it, which in turn cancels out things enough to prevent him from ever being labeled as being or acting as a “good person” at any moment.
I think the best, most objective description of him is to say that he’s pragmatic and ruthless.
…And then obviously there’s the part that everyone in the fandom discusses to death — about the main universe version of him being into little girls. Not a whole lot to say about that; it’s gross, it’s wrong, it’s unforgivable, it’s morally reprehensible, and it’s chilling and disturbing and it definitely completely disqualifies him from being labeled a good person even if he had been able to earn that title from something he did somewhere along the way.
That being said — and I know this is probably going to be controversial to a lot of the fandom, so let me say upfront that I’m not saying that that isn’t 100% a valid and understandable reading of who he is and the way he feels based on all the evidence throughout the series, nor am I trying to convince anyone otherwise — purely because it is fiction and therefore all made up to begin with, at least for my own personal comfort, I typically choose in my own personal readings to just look at him as someone with a particular weakness for little girls because he’s fatherly — although I make no effort to claim that to be the objective truth, nor does such interpretation affect or influence any of my writings in any way; it’s simply the way I prefer to engage with BSD on my own personal time — outside of my writings.
As a matter of fact, in my one fic, Bittersweet Belief, he was intentionally written with the intention of being portrayed as a groomer, and in Cherish, his ‘tastes’ will be portrayed no less nor more suspicious than how they are in canon, and therefore it will never be fully, directly addressed, but may be interpreted however you wish.
I do not need people coming to me providing evidence of why they believe there is no way to look at it differently, as again, I am not arguing that it is objectively untrue in any way that Mori is written to be a pedo in BSD, and when in public spaces among other people talking about it I don’t even try to say otherwise, much less convince anyone of it. I understand fandom etiquette and I am not trying to erase anything about him from others’ perceptions in order to make him more “likable”. I am just engaging with BSD, whenever I am personally reading it and watching it, in the way that is more comfortable for me. Nothing more, nothing less.
Anyway, yeah, Mori’s a super fun character to write and observe in the BSD world! I think there’s a lot of depth to him and he’s very well-written — probably among my top past antagonists purely for the super interesting personality and the purely pragmatic outlook to life and business.
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punk-and-anxious · 9 months
I’m curious about your reasoning for why midam when they share a body and/or have vessels that are identical(?) and based on Adam is okay, but not if Michael is either using John as a vessel (assuming it’s only the body and John himself is not in there too) or just looks like John in AUs and such. Is it just personal squick?
(Speaking as someone who’s been shipping midam for a while. John as Michael’s vessel was pretty common pre-the s15 reveal, especially in AUs, where it’s just a hot face to give to the archangel we want Adam to kiss. Nothing wrong with disliking it, but I like hearing new opinions on this ship and comparing them to the conversations people have been having about it for a while.)
I honestly have no idea why. I made the og post exactly because i realized my preference and had no actual reason for it?
I was already in the fandom pre s 15 reveal and yes i too read shit ton of midam fics with young Johns face as Michael, so im not totally opposed to it. I just prefer the weird mind fuckery of sharing a body (might be because of my love for all cosmic horror and weird mind fuckery)
I think the preference comes from it still looking like Adams dad in a way? Even when it's not. Like have you seen pictures of your parents when they were young. They dont look like your parents at all but its still them. So id see it as weird on Adams pov. Like would he get past Michael looking like his father? Would he see only Michael or his dad?
And yes i would fuck my own clone if i could (for science) so i dont have an opposition on the whole I SWEAR ITS NOT SELFCEST PLEASE LISTEN version of Midam. Because you dont really see yourself that often, so itd be different? Idk
I have no idea why xD and im not hating on anyone who likes the young John as Michaels vessel/face. Since, like i said, been there! And if i find a really good fic like that, ill happily read it :3 (i know my og post seemed a bit harsh and stuff but thats just my humor. Dry and angry seeming about small shit. Like anwsering FUCK YOU when someone asks you to get the mail, and doing it anyway. Because why woukd i be mad? But akso i get passionate about stuff and so on. I hope it didnt come off as me hating the idea compleatly!)
Idk if this makes any sense or answers anything or if it's just rambles! Like i said i honesky dont know, and the more i think for a reason the more it makes no sense for me to have a preference on it, yet here we are
:3 ill try clear stuff up more if ya need me to <3
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cutekittenlady · 1 year
Oh obvious question that I don't think I've actually seen anybody ask? How long has Ingo been in Hisui? The most common answer seems to be like three or five but I've seen longer and shorter so I'm just kinda curious what other people's answers are. I think good options are like 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 10+. Sorry if I'm being too specific or dictate-y, I don't have a tumblr and I've just been dying to know.
It really depends on the idea, but I tend to go with Ingo being in Hisui for around 10 years or so.
The way I see it it breaks down into the following points.
Ingo looks physically older and while that can be chalked up to stress or even the idea that he fell through time later in life, I still think it's a point worth considering. Between the bags under his eyes, his hunching shoulders, and his hair loss I think we're looking at the combination of natural aging and stress. Of course, I don't consider him elderly. I mean, the youngest Id be willing to buy is maaaaybe in his late 30s if he's a victim of early onset male pattern baldness, but I honestly think he's more likely in his early 40s bare minimum.
Ingos position in the pearl clan is a decent argument that's he's been there for awhile in my opinion. I don't think most of the clan would've been cool with an outsider as a warden if Ingo hadn't first spent a looong time being the helpful resident weirdo and consistently proving he kicks ass (in pokemon battling). I mean, he'd have had to prove he was trustworthy, contributed to the village significantly by learning skills and doing work, building up connections, learning the religious and cultural traditions of the clan, and of course training up a team tough enough that the pearl would've let him become warden. A lotta folks get around this by headcanoning that sneasler picked Ingo herself, but while that's a cool idea and I love it, there's no guarantee that's what took place or even if it would have been enough to get him the job.
This points tied in with the second one in the fact that Ingo wasn't exiled alongside the MC in the game. Now a lot can and has been said about that particular plot point, but it remains that the whole reason the MC gets thrown out is because at the time of the endgame it had been, at most, a year and even if they did all that stuff they still hadn't been around long enough to not be considered a stranger. The fact that we never hear anything about Ingo getting exiled says to me that he's been a member of the pearl clan long enough to not catch any of the same suspicion.
And finally, I just straight up think it makes for a more interesting concept. I mean Ingo being in Hisui for so long is sad, yes, but it opens a lot of very fun and interesting possibilities surrounding regaining his memories, going back to Unova, reuniting with his brother, etc. One of my fave ideas that I rarely see explored is the idea that all the time travel creates an age difference between the twins. I like the particular flavor of Ingo REALLY becoming Emmets big brother and how that potentially changes their dynamic. Or the concept of lost time; when exactly does Ingo get sent back? How much time does he lose or gain? What are the consequences of this?
Tbh I feel like folks are resistant to the idea of I go being older because they don't particularly favor angst and this idea is just too sad. Which, fair strokes, is fine. This is fandom after all. Id be lying if I said my views on this aren't heavily influenced by what I think would be fun to write/read. But it really doesn't have to be all angst. Ingo coming to terms with his time displacement and still appreciating all the friends and connections he made in Hisui, can be a beautiful way to explore the story.
But anyway I wrote this on a phone at 4 am so sorry if it's incoherent.
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sin-content · 2 years
Technecly a info post
So! We meet again tumblr interface! I slightly understand it better now!--
About me! The "artist"
Ok ok, hummmm I dont know how I should start this rewrite but!
The name's Sin! Im a very friendly and probably way to hype artist! Well actually I aint a artist yet, but Im getting there!!
Im a undertale fan! Basicly the only fandom Im actually in--
I have alot of ocs becouse I cant stop imagining things! About 8 ocs not even going to lie-- but I have alot of aus about them and timelines!!
I would love to talk to anyone!! So dont be shy to try! Thats my job--
Ummmm whats else?- ah yes AI art sucks. Its my opinion so ill put it here! Its ok if you get a idea and generate a Imagine to give you a base idea for how it'd look but people who say the ai's art is theyres or trace it- theyre just- "I wont grace it with a discription"
Lastly but not less inportant! Remember to stay positive reader!! I always do and you can too!! >:3
Some rules
Be friendly and polite please! Hehe, its tumblr not twitter-
You dont need to ask if you want to use one of my cherecters for something, thought id say this here since I know some people tend to want to ask when they want to do sth before hand, Id just like to see for what you are usein em hehe ^^
Dont steal my art- please? Becouse I dont think its good enough to be stolen yet but, id cringe so hard if someone did, please avoid that!-
Well lastly I dont want anyone showing or making nsfw content about anything of mine- here its a strict [no nsfw] place!
This blog contains Drawings, Random things, Reblogs of awesome stuff and Writeing ✨️\(òv ó\) Yesh, I can do that too aperently!! ("#my art" and "#my story"/"#writing")
Youll eventually hear snipits of the "rp timeline" that timeline isnt canon but it also is at the same time for my characters keep a eye out for that info buds ;3
Randomness! becouse Im kind of unpredictable when it come to motivation, what I draw and things I want to do! Though thats one of the reasons Ill never open commissions or requests PFFFT :3
Answering asks! I love getting asks! Always make my day! Dont be shy to ask anything you want! Even if its for my ocs to answer! Actually its ok to be shy just do it when you think you are ready! ^^
Alternet blogs
Sin's little blog [Thoughts, Randomness and Cheos >:3]
Ask-SMultiverse [Unsure]
List of Ocs
Aus not included
Things I am adding here
Tumblr media Tumblr media
So! That was basicly it! Hope you have a great day!!
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beth-march · 2 years
Hi! this is out of my comfort zone really by doing this, but I needed to say something and you're the first account i thought couple help! but i've been a confident mileven shipper for years now. i've been able to handle backlash through reason, i've never worried about b*lers, let alone paid them much attention. but after volume two, everything shifted. between the hate mike got at the start for merely voicing the love he's had for the girl he's always loved, to the 180 of people strongly believing he's gay for Will again, it's just incredible. it's inescapable. im mostly observing twitter, which i'd say was a reasonably good place for milevens. it's now turned into a whole other world. infiltrated by kids who claim to want rep, which i fully support as a queer person myself, but who do it in exchange for misogyny and ableism. people who claim to love el yet want her heartbroken. and while this post is a rant, it's also one of concern, and id love to hear from someone as reasonable as you. im firm in my beliefs and my love for mileven, but the duffers have always loved their fan service, and this is unlike anything i've seen since fandoms like Sherlock or Supernatural. Essentially, my question is, do you think the duffers will give into this fan service? clearly the reasonable answer would be no, you don't ruin a 4 season build up like mileven for the sake of fan service. But id be lying if I said the sudden influx of B*ler shippers and the likes they've been getting isn't shocking. So what I'm trying to say is, as Mileven shippers, do you think we need to be worried for season 5? I can't believe im evensaying this; i wouldn't have thought it feasible even a year ago, but the public response is almost intimidating. All the best, and sorry for this dump!
Hey! I’m so happy that you decided to reach out despite it being outside your comfort zone, and I’m touched that you decided to ask me. No need to apologise whatsoever <3
Twitter is fun in that there are some really adamant Mileven defenders on there, but it’s also a deranged swirling cesspit of truly startling volatility, so yes, I understand why you’d be intimidated seeing what goes on over there. Especially given the absolute confidence that hardcore B*lers apparently have in an eventual endgame! It’s astounding to me, how much faith they have. I understand why this vehemence from so many people - making tweets that garner tens of thousands of likes - could make anyone’s faith waver, especially given the Duffers’ history of fan service.
But, I’m still not worried. I’ve never been worried. I know that you’re not really worried yourself, but I understand needing a second person to say that they’re not worried, either. And I’m not! It doesn’t matter how popular that ship becomes, the Duffers are going to stick to their guns when it comes to Mileven. They wrote Mike's monologue themselves. They said in a recent interview that they already know how the show ends and they aren’t going to be influenced by other opinions - they also said “we can’t please everyone”. So that’s a precisely comforting quote for your worries, whether or not it directly applies to By*ler shippers (I wouldn’t be surprised if it did).
If you need some more assurance, just consider where Season 4 left off, and the fact that Season 5 is the last season. In these final eight or nine episodes, the characters are going to be very busy trying to save the world. There isn’t going to be time across those episodes to not only break Mileven up, but also to suddenly have Mike go through a complete and utter change of character, come out as queer, and confess out of nowhere to wanting to be with Will.
It would be very bad story telling, and the Duffers are literally better than that. Their canon romantic relationships are all excellently written - Mileven, Lumax, Jopper and Jancy are all so, so good. So carefully developed, with such good payoffs. If B*ler was going to happen, we would know about it by now. It would not be hidden in subtext - see Vickie and Robin, and Will’s sexuality, which have all been explicitly addressed.
When it comes to our Season 5 endgame, Mileven shippers have one enemy and it’s the possibility of the death trope.
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 1 year
I'll always want to hear your opinions. Tell us. Anything. All of it. Whatever. Just have at it 🙃
i am taking this head on as "i get to complain about ethan as much as i want"
i genuinely dislike him. maybe even hate him. i dont care what pb did to him for rn, im just gonna talk about him as a character
i generally despise any boss/employee relationships (and trust me, ive seen it irl; its never cute its actually obnoxious as hell), but this one will forever and always make me uncomfortable when i really think about it. even playing without picking any extra diamond scenes for ethan, i knew way more about him than i ever wanted to. i know for a fact that he wouldve made jensen genuinely uncomfortable on multiple occasions. the way he treats people who arent patients is genuinely inexcusable. hes put up against people like declan and bloom so he doesnt seem that bad, but, especially in the beginning, he barely regarded the interns as real people with real feelings. there is a difference between tough love and being a complete jackass, and he was most certainly the latter
the only reason he softens up is because of mc, and its bullshit. its not mcs job to like him or correct his behavior. he is a whole adult who should be able to keep his temper tantrums to his damn self in his own home. the excuse that hes passionate is complete garbage; he can be passionate without being mean and intolerable. im not saying he should be a nice person and completely change his demeanor (i actually dislike when this happens in fandom pairings because he barely seems like the same person), but, in his current state, he should not have been overseeing interns
oh and dont even get me started on his trauma card. okay, his mom left. okay, he grew up lonely. okay okay okay to all these things. that is still no reason for him to get away with being a dick. the way he treated mc during the reset times and before that cannot and should not be okay because he has "unresolved issues." then he needs to resolve them!!! no, people are not perfect and good characters shouldnt be either, but there also shouldnt be any way to excuse away all the bad things he did
i think one of the only reasons i really have a problem with all of that is because he is painted like a genius, a dedicated professional, a righteous doctor who is the best of the best, enough so to be a teacher. but, hes not. he was never acknowledged in a bad light beside the occasional throwaway remark about him being stubborn or an asshole. if he was ever regarded as a messed up person with actual issues, then i think id be more okay with it, but hes seriously always shown to be a great person when hes not
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starmanbyler · 7 months
Forget about what David said why are people more concerned about a silly ship then Noah being a racist piece of scum Zionist? Don’t get me wrong I love byler but Noah has tainted it we need a recast!
why is this something you needed to say to me?? i’ve BEEN hating noah these past few days and i still don’t like him bro. i just don’t think i have any obligation to keep talking about noah when it’s not gonna make any difference??? all it does is make me sad to think about what a piece of shit he is. id much rather be doing things i enjoy than thinking or talking about noah, he can fuck off for all i care.
atp i don’t even care abt byler that much. i’m not that excited to come on here anymore because one i’m not really hyperfixated on byler or stranger things rn, and two it’s just tons of negative shit that doesn’t exactly help my anxiety or make this a fun place to be. anyway me choosing to talk about byler on my literal byler fandom blog is pretty understandable in my opinion.
as for a recast i don’t particularly care. i think it’s highly unlikely that it’ll happen and there’s not much we can do to change that. if you want to try then go ahead but it’s not my job to protest the fact noah is in stranger things, him having this job may suck because he’s horrible but it’s not actually gonna do much good for anyone else.
so yeah am i not allowed to make one post about something i’m interested in without being berated for it?? i can literally post what i want and it wasn’t even anything bad. please just let people have lives besides just talking about how awful noah schnapp is all the time, because where i’m at rn, im sick of hearing about him, and it’s not my responsibility to talk about him. i’m a teenager on a fandom blog trying to have a nice time, im not stopping anyone from talking about this, im just sticking to my own life and what i want to do.
what’s weird is how y’all keep insisting we should talk about noah instead of doing something to actually help the people in palestine (such as donating, protesting or boycotting etc). feel free to talk about him if that’s what you care about, but don’t start having a go at me for not wanting to put any more focus on noah schnapp. i’m done with him. thanks.
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pyretta666 · 6 months
hi! i'm doing a presentation on the impact and community of tumblr for my media studies final and i wanted to reach out to my mutuals with some questions that relate to my topic. i would so totally love and appreciate if you could answer some of these for me.
it would be so totally rock and roll and awesome and amazing and i'll literally love you forever and ever and ever! :)
thank you thank you thank you!!!!
the questions(i know it's a lot, im so sorry):
1. how is tumblr different from other social media platforms?
2. how has the tumblr community affected you as a person/online presence?
3. do you feel more inclined to post more personal or private aspects of your life and or opinions on tumblr rather than other apps? as in do you feel you are less likely to be judged on tumblr than other platforms?
4. what are your favorite aspects of tumblr?
5. what would you do if tumblr got shut down?
6. what are some things that only tumblr bloggers would know/understand?
7. are there certain traditions on tumblr that you think other media sites wouldn't understand?(an example being our site wide celebration of the ides of march)
8. what are some of the largest fandoms/inner communities on tumblr? are you apart of these fandoms/communities? if yes, what is that like for you?
9. do you find tumblr to be educational in terms of academics? among other things such as politics and general life experiences?
10. all in all, how has this app changed your perspective on social media, the world, your life, and so on.
please add anything else you find to be important!!
hello! 1. tumblr is different from other social platforms because i think there is no algorithm (like tiktok, youtube, etc.) that shows us content on our dashboard. it is mostly from the blogs we follow. i think there is also more tight knit communities here.
2. tumblr had made me feel more understood online.
3. i do feel more inclined to post more personal stuff here. this is one of my only social medias that i do have. i feel A LOT less judged here if i were to post something personal.
4. my favorite aspects of tumblr are probably the communities here and the customization of blogs/themes. i also enjoy creating things to post!
5. if tumblr got shut down, i'd probably be very upset. i don't think i'd migrate to any other social media apps, i'd most likely stick to pinterest and that's it.
6./7. i think there are many things that only tumblr bloggers would know/understand. i cannot think of any good examples, but it feels a lot more focused on community here. i'm not sure how to phrase it
8. i am part of the goth, metal, and horror communities here. personally, all of the people i have interreacted within these communities have all been super nice and genuine.
9. i wouldn't say i necessarily find it educational, but it definitely can be for other users. i like hearing about other's experiences and things they have gone through. it makes me feel less alone.
10. tumblr has given me a little community that i love interacting with. i trust tumblr more than other social media apps. it's also oddly relaxing sometimes because the corner of tumblr that i have experienced has been overall drama free compared to other social media sites.
i hope this could help, sorry for the later response!
good luck on your presentation! :D
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lonestatus · 6 months
hi! i'm doing a presentation on the impact and community of tumblr for my media studies final and i wanted to reach out to my mutuals and fav blogs with some questions that relate to my topic. i would so totally love and appreciate if you could answer some of these for me.
it would be so totally rock and roll and awesome and amazing and i'll literally love you forever and ever and ever! :)
thank you thank you thank you!!!!
the questions:
1. how is tumblr different from other social media platforms?
2. how has the tumblr community affected you as a person/online presence?
3. do you feel more inclined to post more personal or private aspects of your life and or opinions on tumblr rather than other apps? as in do you feel you are less likely to be judged on tumblr than other platforms?
4. what are your favorite aspects of tumblr?
5. what would you do if tumblr got shut down?
6. what are some things that only tumblr bloggers would know/understand?
7. are there certain traditions on tumblr that you think other media sites wouldn't understand?(an example being our site wide celebration of the ides of march)
8. what are some of the largest fandoms/inner communities on tumblr? are you apart of these fandoms/communities? if yes, what is that like for you?
9. do you find tumblr to be educational in terms of academics? among other things such as politics and general life experiences?
10. all in all, how has this app changed your perspective on social media, the world, your life, and so on.
please add anything else you find to be important!!
aww im honored!
To be truthful, I don't spend much time on any other social media, so I don't have much experience! But in comparison with insta and pinterest, there's far less reason to use the for you tab. Obviously staff has pushed it in recent updates, but it still holds true, at least for me. I think a big draw for me is the built-in customization in general, with tools for making personal blog themes and post tools.
Since I don't use anything but Tumblr, It can be a little hard to connect with my peers who use Twitter or Snapchat, as we don't really have many other ways to connect outside of e-mail or text, which I think have fallen off in popularity with the rise of social media.
I think Tumblr satisfies my parasocial needs pretty well! I think because of the customization you can accumulate a following that's pretty chill. And if there are weirdos, you can block them very easily.
I've prattled on and on about about how cool customizing most aspects of your experience here is, but to reassert my love for it: When customization goes; I go.
While I have some experience with HTML, I might not make my own website on Neocities or a similar platform. I would probably make a Pintrest again. But if they make it so you can register an e-mail to a Neocities domain I'd be down.
I think Tumblr users like to self-aggrandize so I think most of our traditions and mechanics could be understood by other platform's users... Though maybe a lack of algorithms? I hear a lot of people talking about for you pages on other social media. But again, Tumblr's pushed the for you tab instead of the dash, so I'm not sure that's going to be a distinction for much longer...
8. I don't participate in fandom so I wouldn't know! That's not to say that I don't ever see anything from fandom, but really I'm not sure if I'm missing out on anything. I'm content with the content I do see. I guess you could say I'm part of the "My friends" fandom ^-^.
9. While there's plenty of academic discussion on Tumblr, I don't think there's a replacement to more genuine methods of education. However, there have been things I've been informed of through Tumblr, such as posts summarizing and linking news articles, scientific journals, etc. and methods of accessing them (such as 12ft). In that regard, I suppose that Tumblr has been a fine source of education and keeping up-to-date, though it's far from perfect.
10. I think being able to curate my experience has helped make me less tolerant of ads, weird posts, and other distractions. But I think the greatest impact it's had on me has been all the friends I've made.
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princefado · 1 year
3, 13 and 25 for the violent character asks if you're doing them 🙈
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
not really a take or maybe even the worst one but one time i got called a pedophile for not being opposed to giomis
13. worst blorboficiation
this isn't really specific to any particular character, but listen. i love kinnies. i am/was a kinnie. but some kinnies blorboify the FUCK out of their comfort character/ID, and in really obnoxious ways. i know. i used to do it. stop pretending like your meow meow war criminal didn't do anything bad. embrace it. it adds flavor. in ace attorney i mostly see this with mvk and edgeworth lmao, but sometimes even characters like gant??? somehow?? 💀
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
did you mean all of fandom
uhhhhhh i dont know! i guess im tired of hearing "neutral" people complain about people complaining about fandom drama. like, i know there are people who exaggerate, and some things on the internet seem so much bigger than they really are, but there are legitimate and horrific problems with harassment in fandom and it really sucks to not be able to just chill without doing a TON of work to curate your space. it sucks to not be able to be yourself around people when there's always a legitimate chance of some rando deciding to dox you over shipping opinions.
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