#idk abt the last verse
spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
Fuck you *assigns my own meaning and interpretation onto songs regardless of its accuracy*
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dumbnotstupidfuck · 4 months
the whole soundtrack fucks but the crack they put in that finale song should be studied
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99probalos · 1 year
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drew these gross guys in my sketchbook instead of paying attention to my geology course videos today. cliff arlo and 70s!ray living in my brain and cutting my neurons in half
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benetnvsch · 10 months
Guys who are normal about their favorite songs,,,,,,,,, yeaaaa
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daz4i · 10 months
i've been watching todd in the shadows' top 10 best and worst songs of every year from 2014 to 2022 and i gotta say! this really helped me figure out what my issue with pop music in the last few years is (beyond the basic stuff like tiktok encouraging shorter songs or putting all your energy into one line and nothing else etc)
it's that. pop music isn't fun anymore?? or at least like, the truly fun songs, that make you wanna get up and dance, are so so rare and usually get pushed to the side (and those that do succeed get played to oblivion to the point even the artist gets sick of them. see: say so)
it's kinda like the big boom of edm pop music in the early 10s that made so many popular songs sound the same except today it's all the same sounding beats and quiet singing and not a lot of other elements going on for them or making them particularly memorable
and it's making me sad :^( i like pop but currently, at least the mainstream scene, is so barren and uninteresting
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thinking about jemma, how she's very much not into the whole one night stand/hookup thing, very rarely ever does it, except in the ~year(-ish) after she first leaves shield. she's never been particularly great at dealing with things like emotions and trauma, so she looks for distraction, anything to keep her mind off of what she's seen, been through, what she's left, especially as it all comes crashing onto her after she left and she doesn't have all of shield to keep her busy.
so sometimes she goes to a bar, goes on dates that she doesn't plan on turning into anything serious, and will end up going to a hotel with some guy. sometimes it will turn into a recurring thing, but she only ever plans for it to purely be a distraction, something that will get her out of her own head for a little while.
she's entirely aware it's an unhealthy coping mechanism (especially given it isn't even something she particularly likes to do), but for a while it's the only thing that she can think to do that isn't even more self destructive. however, with the biggest things she's looking for in these interactions being the distraction that it provides, the way it can silence her brain for a while, and the validation it can bring, it can lead to less than healthy dynamics, since she's not great at looking for red flags in the first place, and even more so when she doesn't intend on it becoming anything being serious.
by the time she starts settling into a more permanent place, is no longer so transient (roughly around a year after she's left shield), she's largely left this behavior behind as she is actually attempting to more actively deal with everything.
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line-of-fire · 1 year
Is this primarily a single muse blog? Yes. Does that mean I love my NPCs and background muses any less? Absolutely not they’re all my emotional support gremlins and each and every one of them is dear to me
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mobblespsycho100 · 13 days
👍psychoanalyze ur kabru playlist now boy
yes I shall #1 boykisser... 🫡
ask game thing
anyway formatting the last post was kinda hell for me. which is why I'll do the same exact formatting for this one...
(rambling all over the place is commencing)
1. Valley of The Dolls by MARINA
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baby. where do i freaking begin.
"In the valley of the dolls, we sleep" -> his adoptive mother, Milsiril, is a big fan of collecting dolls. Like, plushies of everything. She animates them to fight, but they're also there to soothe her. She also adopts a lot of children from short-lived races who don't have a family and she got allegations that she treats them all like her dolls lmao... I mean she kind of does in the sense that they're all precious to her. She does respect their autonomy but uhhh still living with such a doting and overbearing/overprotective mother makes u wanna break outta the dollhouse the cage . be free . hashtag transgenderism also gosh im getting off topic . anyway i bet Kabru slept with a lotta those dolls. in his comfy bed . that he left behind because hes not abt that life mama he wanna see the world and save it and get killed in dungeons. boy.
"Got a hole inside of me / Living with identities / That do not belong to me" -> Grouping these lyrics together because it makes sense for my twisted narrative i mean my very real and based takes. Anyway, he's got a hole inside of him the void in his heart (in his mind) and thats why. his autism and ptsd masking swag. thats as eloquent as i can put it. theres a lot more i can say though
"In my life, I got this far" -> He survived the tragedy of Utaya his hometown . the bloodbath because of the dungeon. It has to be for a purpose ™ . It's because he has to save the world from suffering the same fate and it's his burden to bear it's his purpose it was why he survived (the survivor's guilt... goodness man. trauma processing of all time. :[ )
"Now I'm ready for the last hoorah" -> boy . letting these panels speak for itself. putting it under the cut because spoilers for the peeps seeing this maintagged and they're not caught up with manga .
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yeah boy hes falling. fallen. uhm. in the pit. Ready for the last hoorah in this case like. yeah 🤣 just leaving it up to laios (Liar . kabru and mithrun dungeon adventure speedrun)
"Dying like a shooting star" -> guy keeps dying. not even like a shooting star really. well. ig hes going out in style somewhat id getting crushed by Falin's chimera dragon claw counts as shooting star style
2. Lip Sinking by The Hoosiers
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We all know Sash does not play about The Hoosiers which is why I have 26 damn The Hoosiers songs on there I should get awarded tbh .
Now Lip Sinking is really good because it's another one of those scammer / masking guy anthems i keep talking about. These lyrics in Verse 5 in particular is really easy to match to Kabru's character moment™ though, so let's break it down.
"I float above my body" -> Common depersonalization experience. For trauma reasons, Kabru probably feels like this a lot sometimes but specifically in this scene...
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(apologies for no alt text peeps . but this is the friendship confession scene for those in the know if it hasnt loaded in yet)
anyway, back to the show (psychoanalyzing Kabru) . I think this disconnect with his words VS his thoughts and his heart is so real. Like. seeing urself out of ur body is again a depersonalization thing, and idk if hes feeling depersonalization in this moment specifically but he was really out of it and in a sort of , scrambled and intensely anxious state. His usually calm and cool persona slash facade is Crumbling and man he hates that .
"Must be out of my mind / Cos I watch myself / Getting it wrong everytime" -> He's like. man what the hell am I saying
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letting the page speak for itself again because It's like. its there i mean its in tha text what am I supposed to dissect hes dissecting himself already 🤭😭 okay. 'What am I saying' 'I can't find the words' so true man idk what the hell im saying either rn
"I can't tell you how I'm really feeling" -> because he doesn't know his own emotions. He thinks he does, he has been so good at controlling them and like being fake about what he's truly feeling in his heart, adjusting his personality for others' sake. So they trust him, believe in him, listen to him. But for Laios, how does he even say anything? Before this, the words just spilling out, he didn't even know how he felt about Laios. It sounds ridiculous even to himself and that's why he clamps his mouth afterwards but indeed it Is what he was truly feeling all along... (and then Laios thinks he's lying and hes like "NO BITCH!!!? what?!!!?! im being vulnerable and honest rn?!?" )
"Cuz I'm just lip-syncing" -> for so long that's what he's been doing. lip syncing, saying things he doesn't really mean to influence others' perception of him... but this time his mouth moved faster than his mind racing with thoughts. that he's able to convey what he truly wanted all along and finally admit to himself and his own consciousness. like. aaaahgh. man hes so special to meeee....
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bonus: the outro's lyrics is rlly good aha. he can finally say what he actually feels... he can be #real.
3. Allies or Enemies by The Crane Wives
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This one is . a lot of vibes I think.
"Are we allies or enemies? / This will be the death of me / This will be the death of me" -> He legit says this to Laios . like hes still wondering if they're allies or enemies . Technically he doesn't want them to be enemies. he's cautious but he knows Laios isn't really a bad guy but like, his mind just keeps fixating on Laios and the steps he takes to get the dungeon under control so. hes desperately trying to figure it out because goodness this guy is so. waugh
"All is fair in love and war, but I can't fight with you anymore / This will be the death of me" -> his mental conflict is sooo tasty to me. like . all is fair in love and war !!! any method is justifiable !!! means justifies the ends but also he understands that in the end he can't fully wrap his head around Laios' love of monsters but he knows that Laios will be the one to conquer the dungeon because he also loves his family. He can't fight with him anymore and he can't "kill" him anymore because somehow this man has wormed his way in. well, he never wanted him dead in the first place but I find that he often thinks about killing him to save humanity from his... well. freakishness (complimentary) (concerning sometimes) ;;; but in the end Kabru lets him go and is willing to trust and support Laios till the end ... also once again the repetitiveness of "this will be the death of me" because he's stressed as helll!!!!
"What happens now, do we have another go?" -> I think this is post-Marcille being talked down out of being dungeon lord . Kabru's probably like ok so now what. well. Laios goes its my turn with the dungeon lording 😭😭 (and shit goes down) (but its okay he got it covered)
"Do we bow out and take our seperate roads?" -> Now this is probably when they're (the whole gang) is like "WHERE'S LAIOS DID HE DIE?" no he lives guys its fine. and namari toshiro and kabru run at him in relief. wauh. and also ofc the whole people coming together to eat faligon meat and save Falin ... yippeee... so yeah they don't go seperate roads because Kabru is like yeah imma be Laios' pr manager . #royaladvisor . sticking with him fr fr
"I'll admit I had my doubts / But I want to be let in, not out / But I want to be let in, not out" -> again the repetition ... of him wanting to help. I've mostly been talking abt how this entire song is Kabru's conflicted thoughts @ Laios but this can also be Kabru lending a helping hand to Mithrun at the end of everything. Because he's the one to like help Mithrun realize that there is a purpose to living and like . new desires and ppl who care abt him... but also yeah Kabru "i want to be let in, not out" because he wants to help out Laios with running the new kingdom instead of being in the background again and being ignored ahhaa he wants to be friends for real (and maybe even . lovers. lets go gay people)
ANYWAYYY YEAH THATS THE END WOOOOO idk how to close this out. happy belated birthday kabru and ty juno for sending this in ajshjdhsb :33 ♡
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silawastaken · 2 months
I love seeing people compare music to their favourite characters and go like 'oh yeah this verse might be this character... and then this one is the other one... and then this little bit here is them both honestly. Or something like that' because I HAVE gone through every taylor swift song on evermore and folklore and compared it to skk. Sorry to be autistic on the writing account, but this is a fanfic writing account and I'm writing my second novel length fic about them so what did you expect.
folklore/evermore are very canon skk, and verge into fanon and some songs are the reason for very specific head canons, or some of the ways I write the way they perceive each other. 1989... DON'T GET ME STARTED OMFG HAVE YOU EVER LISTENED TO BLANK SPACE? I THINK IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO NOT HAVE AND OMG IT'S SO SKK CODED LIKE WTF. I HAVE VERY FIRM OPINIONS ABOUT WHICH LYRICS ARE THEIRS. Also the vault tracks literally exist what more do you want from me. 'i think about jumping off of very tall somethings just to see you come running and say the one thing I've been wanting' okay dazai pack it up you did that already, beast exists. 'i call my mom sister she said that it was for the best remind myself the more i gave you'd want me less' yeah yeah chuuya we know he left you get over it, it wasn't personal(think that line could go for either of them but the other line 'the way you faded till i left' feels more Dazai personally). Plus suburban legends. For personal reasons I struggle to listen to song without SPIRALING FUCK YOU THAT ONE PERSON SEHDHSSJNS but very skk as well 'we were born to be national treasures' is very soulmates of them. And out of the woods screams them in fanfic when they try to get better. Red, straight away all too well. They both remember it all too well. All too well skk cover with switching vocals anyone? The last time. The one with gary lightbody. Underrated song, is my favourite on that album, and SO THEM. 'this is the last time you tell me ive got it wrong, this is the last time i wont hurt you anymore' because they're fated to be together and are constantly drawn to each other and yet keep HURTING EACH OTHER RAGH. also 'we are never getting back together' is pretty funny and nice when applied to them. also state of grace. any taylor song with a mild drop of religious imagery is them cause yeah. but 'i never saw you coming, and I'll never be the same'... okay pack it up, we don't have time for your yearning. 'you were never a saint' (dazai abt chuuya) 'and i loved in shades of wrong' (bc hes toxic and doesnt know how to healthily like people) 'we learned to live with the pain, mosaic broken hearts' (bc they continue anyway and stick it out, living with the pain of being bad for each other because of how deeply they care). I almost do. Dazai after leaving. moving on to more religion, holy ground. 'for the first time i had something to lose' 'and i guess we fell apart in the usual way, and the storys got dust on every page' AAAAAA IT'S THEM. Can't really speak on debut- but I've listened to our song and picture to burn and if picture to burn isn't a vengeful chuuya idk what is. BOY OH BOY SPEAK NOW.
excuse me. one moment.
Mine- literally a skk au
Sparks fly- 'the way you move is like a rainstorm and im a house full of cards, you're the kind of reckless that should send me running' that entire verse screams dazai's fascination with corrupted chuuya, and the whole song is well yeah
back to december- dazai when they reunite just trust me on it just trust me on it. the repetition was intentional, that's how serious i am. 'i go back to december all the time' 'I got back to december to make it all right'
speak now- might just be me but it really makes me think of teen skk in fanfic harbouring urges to ruin the others relationship for 'some reason. I don't know, seeing him with her just... irks me'.
the story of us- first verse is chuuya, second verse is dazai, and the third is them both because they're LOSERS and they LOVE EACH OTHER and FUCK I'm CRYING NOW. 'id tell you i miss you but i don't know how' EMOTIONALLY CONSTIPATED BASTARD.
enchanted- self explanatory. for more context, i really think it's from dazai's pov in this case, could probably be both, but dazai fell first and harder so it's really like god he's been in love ever since he got kicked into that wall he wants him around forever. He held Chuuya's hand in the fight with rimbaud and then had all those close moments in the manga and went home to lie on his bed kicking his feet and giggling don't lie. (god im still crying this isn't helping)
better than revenge- they're both pretty vengeful idk it makes me think of iwsynttr for some reason
haunted- chuuya pov. 'i thought i had you figured out, something's gone terribly wrong' 'stood there and watched you walk away from everything we had' they're so sad, but the general idea of chuuya thinking he has figured out dazai and knowing how he thinks and then dazai just leaves suddenly and he's like 'Wow! I thought i knew you. How do i forget this'. 'wont finish what you started' bringing chuuya into the mafia then leaving it.
last kiss- 'you told me you love me so why did you go away' chuuya pov again oh god it hurts why am i doing this to myself? 'never imagined we'd end like this, your name, forever the name on my lips' yep yep ow.
LONG LIVE.- LISTEN. TO. THE. SONG. AND TELL ME IT'S NOT DAZAI AND CHUUYA. I COULD DO A WHOLE ANALYSIS ON JUST THIS SONG. 'promise me this, that you'll stand by me forever, but if god forbid fate should step in, and force us into a goodbye...please tell them my name, tell them how the crowds went wild, tell them how i hope they shine, long live the walls we crashed through, i had the time of my life with you' FUCK IT'S DAZAI AN HE'S IN LOVE WITH CHUUYA AND DOESNT KNOW ODAS GONNA DIE YET, JUST THINKS HE DOESNT GET TO KEEP ANYTHING HE WANTS. FUUUUUCK. THEY'RE IN LOVE AND DAZAI WANTS IT REMEMBERED PLEASE I'M SO SAD.
anyway, i can't pretend I'm normal about skk anymore i haven't even covered fearless, reputation, lover or midnights please somebody encourage me to actually write full things dedicated to each album and the most fitting songs from said albums please i'll do it and plus i need to actually gather proof for my autism diagnosis appointment so this would be a good way to to that probably. anyway yeah this'll never make it out my drafts lol
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ponineserrand · 1 year
i saw west end les mis last night!
here are my highlights:
- i LOVED the casting and the personality everyone brought to their characters. everyone in the cast was SO talented!!!!
- natty ong as eponine <33333 SHE WAS SO AMAZING OH MY GOD HER VERSION OF ON MY OWN FUCKING BROKE MY HEART!!!! also, she put SO MUCH into her charafter!!!!!! it blew me away. (her delivery of the "what will you give me?" "anything" line was amazing and really,,, idk, eager?)
- little fall of rain :(
- gavroche!!!! he was sos so so so silly. the silliest. he also flipped off javert lmao
- ENJOLTAIRE CRUMBS. oh my god..... during R's verse in drink w me,,,,,, i was wondering what they were going to to and then... enjolras reaches out to like ??? hug him?? touch his shoulder?? and. r turns away like the dramatic bitch he is and like. goes and cries against a wall. (gavroche hugs him!!) and then sleeps thru the entire first battle. AND when marius gets shot (i think it was him?) both E and R rush over to his body, they hug for A LONG TIME and then enjolras goes and does his death thing. oh my god
- grantaire outlived everyone. he died last. he looked over the fuckinh barricade possibly to see enj's body, and then died. oh my god.
- JOSH PITERMAN VALJEAN OH MY FUCKING GODDDDDD!!!! his version of bring him home was ASTOUNDING!
- lucie as fantine <3 her sheer EMOTION she put into everything abt her character 💕💕💕💕
- also. the confrontation. absolutely feral. crazy. it was the best one i've ever seen (edit: forgot to mention stewart clarke's javert!!! he was feral as fuck also his version of stars <333)
- THE SETSSSSS!!!!! stunning. absolutely amazing!!!!
literally everyone did such an amazing job. the best show i've ever seen so far
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frenzyarts · 6 months
idk if u ever wondered this but i wonder why whenever people talk abt au characters there’s like an exclamation point in the middle. like example yandere!sans like what was up with that
Reddit has the answer :D from this Reddit post (copy and pasted here for your convenience)
“"! = The Exclamation Mark or 'Bang' Symbol -- refers to a short form for expressing the presence of a particular trait or defining quality of a character in a story. One which is usually not part of the original canon characterization, or is at least an extreme interpretation of the canon characterization. Most often written in the format of trait first and character's name last, with the symbol in between. (For example: "Smart!Jack" in Stargate: SG-1, indicating that the character of Jack O'Neill is secretly smarter than he pretends to be.) The compact format of [trait]![character's name] manages to quickly and clearly describe to the reader an accurate depiction of the author's choice in characterization before they even read the story."
EDIT: found some more
"Fan Fic communities will often have tags specific to their fandoms that they use to describe tropes that occur with some regularity (Slytherin!Harry, Future!Hiro, or Vamp!Willow, for example). The title of a given Fan Fic 'verse, or an abbreviation thereof, can also be used to indicate the version of a character from that setting, particularly when there have been major changes to them: UF!Utena, SME!Jadeite. Because this kind of tagging is ad hoc and in no way formalized, it's common to see unusual and/or idiosyncratic tags that indicate some truly wild variants, such as Cyborg!Xander or Amberite!Xena. The practice is starting to seep out from fanfiction, though, and can also be used when talking about similar things in the source material, such as, for example, Future!Hiro, Vamp!Willow, or Brainwashed!Undead!Starscream (Energon!Starscream for short). It's also used in a more tongue-in-cheek manner to categorize examples of the Mary Sue in a quick, concise form. It can also be used to identify a specific version of a character or work when it had been done by different people and/or in different media since those can vary wildly from the source material. Sometimes this uses the name of the specific author or simply the form of the work (Manga!Pride, Anime!Greed, Leroux!Erik, or Movie!Phantom) These tags are also occasionally used when dealing with customizable characters in computer games. In addition, tags like this are used in spreadsheet programs to denote what sheet the cell in question is on if it's not on the same sheet as the cell you're typing in. Bang paths were used in early e-mail to specify a UUCP route to a given user, and they're still part of the return path in Usenet"
EDIT AGAIN: Found even more. There seem to be conflicted views on the origins of this, but this one at least explicitly addresses them:
"Origins The adj!noun format is purported to have started in X-Files fandom. Good examples for this are Wombat's Spotter's Guide to the Common Krycek and the accompanying Spotter's Guide to the Common Mulder where several Krycek sub-species such as Bad to the Bone!Krycek, Bad but Lovin'!Krycek, Hot'n'dirty!Krycek or Misunderstood!Krycek and Mulder sub-subspecies such as Angst!Mulder, Basketcase!Mulder, HappySlut!Mulder, Sensitive!Mulder and WellAdjusted!Mulder are described. The first usage was Action!Mulder, referring to canon scenes where Mulder suddenly went all actiony (instead of talky), followed by Saint!Scully. Eventually they lost the initial capitals and the canon connections; by the time it hit other fandoms, it was being used to describe fannish things.[1] Some believe that the use of the exclamation mark came originally from coding, particularly javascript, where it has the meaning of "not". Thus, Saint!Scully would essentially mean, a characterization (in fanworks) of Scully as a saint which diverges from who Scully really is in the show. This possible origin remains obscure, though, and this belief about the bang appears nowadays quite rare."
Thanks this was actually an interesting little side-trip into something I didn't previously know about.”
Also this:
“Thank you so much! This was exactly what I was after. :)
EDIT: I just found this additional explanation from a Tumblr post, makes sense!
It’s originally from C/C++ code. If you have a boolean variable that’s true or false and you put a ! in front of it, it just flips the value. If the variable is X and X is true, then !X is false. So it’s basically saying the character is the variable, ! activates a different version of the variable, and the identifier at the front tells you what version of the variable it is.”
I had wondered if it had something to do with programming, I’ve worked with C++ and javascript in the past 🤔 thanks for sending me down that rabbit hole anon!!
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lyrichi · 6 months
I know that this account was suppose to turn into a shitpost headcannon account but y'all I fucking love chemistry so much I can't even
Like sometimes I wish that there were fics of MC in obey me verse just doing chemistry with Solomon
For one I'm down bad
Like my fucking chem final is in a few hours and we get to make one paper of a cheet sheet
so I fucking crammed last night and did all of the imporntatnt chapter shit from my notes and the textbook
Back to om for a sec tho I'd totally write a fic abt MC just loving chem as much as I do but like idk the chem in devildom is dif for some reason so they have to relearn shit but also teach people human chem
Like bro I love chem sm 😭😭
I already have some ideas about what could be dif between the two realms;
The periodic table could be different because of exposure to different substances and elements, which in turn makes the organisation different
Like the transition metals are larger, the man-made elements don't exist, the F block is way smaller/larger because of the exposure to different substances,
Exposure to elements are higher - for example, exposure and access to elements like Argon and ones w higher atomic masses and such are easier to find and use in experiments
The safety protocols are WAY dif, like in chem classes they don't even have the fuckin lab safety thing doesn't exist (because they're fucking demons) so things are a lot more reckless
Labs tend to be -- bigger? Like more combustion and danger involved, rather than labs that'd be seen in high school chem classes (mixing Calcium Chloride and Magnesium Sulfate for example)
Yeah man idfk I just love chem
Ooh here are some little snippets 😍
Solomon and MC get paired together in a chem class with not very many instructions, only being told to make an explosion with the least amount of substances. So what do they do? Pour Lithium into water
At some point after MC decides to really live-in their room in the HoL (cause like really they're sleeping in the fucking hotel guest room) they receive some chemistry equipment from Solomon. One night they don't come down for dinner and one of the bros (you choose who) comes to see what's up and they just find MC hunched over their desk trying to organise substances without cross contaminating anything, which is very hard when most things come looking like cocaine
Alternatively, it's the middle of the day and they're doing some experiment involving having to force copper to oxidize, and somehow they make the air in their room extremely explosive (think that one scene in The Martian book) After realising this, they leave their room and sit outside their door while trying to air out their room. (Fan on high, windows open all the way, door open, etc) They get questioned, yadda yadda yadda, they get banned from doing experiments in the house
Fun one; they make elephant toothpaste for Luke after he asked about what they do
Super fun one; they pull a Nile Red and do some crazy shit like make paint thinner into soda and have one (or more) of the characters drink it and half way through them drinking it MC just goes "it's actually paint thinner"
MC correcting the shit out of a teacher in RAD and somehow ending up teaching the class. Then there's a video found online of MC teaching the class and they become the resident chemistry nerd and get paid to do other people's work (before Lucy shuts it down 🙄)
Yeah uh
I don't know man I wrote like half of this at like 7 in the morning before my chem final and my brain is still on chem
I'm on break now so I can do whatever I want now but yk
Oh yeah here are some clarification things for those who have no clue abt terminology 😭
Transition metals are the columns in the periodic table between column 2 and 13, it's the metals like silver, gold, copper, tungsten, etc
The F block is the elements shoved underneath the rest of the table that realistically start in column 2
More for curious people; mixing CaCl2 and MgS gives you a precipitate (solid) and liquid - more specifically MgCl2 and CaS (this is without balancing them)
Lithium explodes in water - don't listen to google when it says to wash it off your hands with water
Oxidizing copper will basically change its color and make it rust
You make elephant toothpaste by mixing dry yeast, warm water, dish soap, and 3% hydrogen peroxide
wooo ok
Yeah that's it idk I love chemistry it's so fun
If anyone's interested in my chem cram sheet lmkkk <33333
drink your dihydrogen monoxide <3
Here's my cram sheets for those who want it
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ruthflemwad · 8 months
parts of the npmd soundtrack that scratch my brain perfectly (act 2)
again its all under the cut. i hope this is comprehensible its longer than the last one. idk what else to say
dan's whole bit at the start. just the way he says everything. so good
the ahh ahh ahhs
the electric guitar <3
curt's voice for bailey esp the growl
the smoooothness of corey's voice and the way he sings things auuauauuau
the harmonies on man down down down down
the little plinky organ melody in the backround that comes in halfway through the chorus UAUUAUAUA
the way jon says donna
donna's "DAN!!!"
i certainly dont LOVE killing!
the harmonies on "bailey's/barry's on the loose and he's got a gun" (im talking mainly abt the soundtrack and not the proshot so bailey is more applicable here but both r so good)
fits the bill! it fits the bill!
the who's swingin the hatchet now harmonies
bryce's solo <3 all of it is so good
BOY JERRY <3 and gerald monroe ig but i love jerry
kim's little opera bit
the final in hatchet town harmony <3
this whole song in general btw. i love ruth fleming so so so so so so so so so much this song was such a silly contemperary theatre tribute
NO, i haven't seen your grill brush, MAURY. huh YEAH! i used it to BRUSH MY HAIR this morning CANT YOU TELL. ugh
DONT LEAVE ME OUT HERE WITH THE MEAT, MAURY! medium WHA? how can something be medium AND WELL, MAURY?
ugh. maury.
*sigh* i turned 40 today.
the piano coming in
the synthy strum
the way lauren sings the word saturday. her voice throughout this whole song just scratches the brain itch so well
the way she says window, right, dream, and had
they never win
and LIIIIIFE is FULLL of all of the Trappings of The Well to Dew
god i love ruth. i love this song i love this song.
the slight tonal shift (thats not the right word ugh) for the choruses.
the way lauren says ensnared
and of the two who's the worse for wear (ME.)
the tambourine
idk what that instrument is in the bg of second chorus it sounds like a saxaphone but also synthy???? idk but i love it
the clarity of lauren's first oh UAUAUA
all 3 just for onces esp the last one with the riff
THE WAY THAT BEHIND THE JUST FOR ONCES YOU CAN HEAR THE "if i can finally be cool i will know that i'm not a loser" MOTIF AUUAUAISUAUUAISIAU
the way the tone calms back down but its still like so vulnerable... uuuuuauu
the way she says every word in this last verse
i used to dance :(
joey's general tone in this UAUAU so good
mariah's deeper voice HEART EYES AUUUU
i just love lautski this song is so good i can barely pick things out bc this whole song scratches my brain
joey's lil growl on "oh babe i'd let u know"
OOOO! i guess we'd better save the date!
need a lover MAYUN
i love when jeff blim crams a lot of syllables into an amount of time like that its so fun
the harmonies <3
wake me up when u turn 18!!!
if i IF I!!!!!
the repeating round style of singing in order to come together eventually I lov them
dissonance <3
the way the lords names are sung i love it sm
the lords names being whispered in the background
tNOY karaxis
the woah ohs and the drums kicking in
the music cutting out
the we will build a portal motif
the laughter
just the whole little lord verses its so discordant and fun and i love it so much i love the voices they put on i love the lyrics
the book has all but closed on ur life!
blinky's we've been watching u gracie
the way curt says spankoffski and toy box
tinky's laugh
jon's wiggly voice
the drums
swallow his soul i wanna lick it!
i wanna see thaaaat
AAAAUHGUGH there IS something!
something FUN!!!
the lords in black the lords in black call us...
what do u want steph...
do it... or DIE
what's in your pocket STEPH-A-KNEE
i love this whole song its so silly and crazy
that last "the lords in black the lords in black call us"
this one makes me really sad :( still so good
one of us is in love :(((((((((
it doesnt TAKE a detective
the violins coming in again
is it really a crime if you get to live your life to the fullest :((((
the i love u i know :(((((((
ur not as cool as u think u are! :(
i will know that you have to do it :(((
joey's lower register for this last little if i loved u chorus :(((
loved u more than the stars above :(((((( (how many sad faces can i use)
the pause before could've :((((
i cant even say anything more abt this one it makes me too sad
ok yes i can the i never wanted you anyway breaks my heart
the guitar
the needy beast esque pronounciation of words idk how else to say it i just love it
we hurted!
the harmonies on town and down
this song is just so fun
it's like you knew me b4 u knew me! that whole bit! i love it!
never gonna fall!
the echoey verse in the back at the end Auuu so good
the ending note harmony
the souls of the pervs make me strong
her laugh
everything she sings here sounds so incredible
i just love this reprise its so so good
i cant point out specific parts bc its just all incredible
when the ensemble comes in heart eyes
run pervs RUN
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hekateinhell · 8 months
Tell me abt preggers armand please. I have a fic im working on and need 2 hear other peoples opinions on this topic 😈
okay so first of all i'm so upset i didn't see this ask until i checked my askbox on my phone which i almost NEVER do anymore since i'm getting old and prefer to just answer things via laptop where i can keyboard smash at full capacity raw and unfiltered but like MY DMS ARE OPEN I'M NOT ALWAYS THE FASTEST RESPONDER BECAUSE I'M IN GRAD SCHOOL AND LIFE AND WHATEVER BUT I DON'T TRUST TUMBLR ANYMORE BECAUSE I DIDN'T SEE THIS UNTIL YESTERDAY ON DESKTOP TUMBLR PLS DON'T DEPRIVE ME OF MY PEOPLE
now that that's out of the way:
it depends! you have to be more specific, like are we talking vampires? human AU? BECAUSE I'VE GOT SOMETHING FOR EACH
canon verse/vampire:
don't ask me to explain the science or whatever lol i don't care, i just skip to the pregnancy part!
i think armand would be SO FUCKING FERAL and defensive, like he's lost so much and been so traumatized in so many ways, the idea of anything happening to his baby would have him in full gremlin mode. imagine a feral cat hissing and spitting and clawing and biting (not for food but for violence)!
on the other hand, he'd be obsessively bonded to his baby daddy (daddies, if there's multiple babies). he is not letting them out of his sight (i default to lestat here LMAO listen i want them to knock each other up so bad--separate universes obviously)
HE WOULD NEST SO FUCKING HARD!!! i was going to say i apologize for my brain but then i realized that i don't actually but i want him to nest on a pile of lestat's clothes and give birth right there like a fucking cat 🥹
ALTERNATIVELY THOUGH: i also had this idea that's like louis impregnates lestat and armand at the same time and they get to go through their pregnancies together and it's every bit as horny, hellish, and sweet as you'd imagine 🫶🏻 i've said it before and i'll say it again--lestat would be the WORST pregnant person ever dead or alive!!
now for human AUs:
i guess my thoughts here primarily but not exclusively exist within the same universe as I Feel You (sorry idk if you read that fic but tl;dr- IT'S PWP OF TRANS!ARMAND 2/3RDS OF THE WAY INTO GETTING A TRAIN RUN ON HIM BY HIS BOYFRIENDS LESTAT, LOUIS, AND DANIEL AND HE'S YOUNG DUMB AND FULL OF CUM SO YOU KNOW IT'S JUST A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE HE'S GOTTA PEE ON A STICK RIP BOYS)
i think each of his boyfriends would handle the whole thing differently! lestat would be so over the moon because he's careless (clearly) but also so damaged from his own childhood he would just see it as a chance for a do-over, reality and responsibility be damned. lestat's on sex and backrub duty, and he's good at it (the backrubs i mean, sex is a 50/50 but you know what, at least he's enthusiastic and good at manhandling armand so that's 70% of it right now and the 30% is absolutely ridiculous horny pregnancy hormones)
louis panics internally as he immediately starts creating a spreadsheet of their finances. outwardly though, he's very calm and supportive and he's the one who's most able to comfort armand the most and settle him down during his crazy mood swings. armand basically lives in louis's baggy sweaters during the last trimester
daniel panics outwardly (listen LOL the whole premise of Our House is that human!daniel molloy is not ready for children and i find it hard to budge from that mindset, but he could ease into the Cool Uncle role quite nicely). he handles distractions and food cravings, and he might not be down to be a dad yet but he does buy very thoughtful and sentimental baby gifts every now and then that make armand tear up
i was gonna add mermaid AU thoughts but then i remembered armand's laying eggs instead (he's feral during that whole process too so i guess it's similar to the vampire version. i just love him so much okay!!!)
pregnant!armand fics on ao3 I'M CRAZY ABOUT AND HAVE REREAD AT LEAST 10 TIMES:
shelter by @rainbowcarousels
it must be the clouds in my eyes and everything in that series by @its-ness-ness
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girlwithfish · 8 months
top 5 alex g songs and why
Snot - feel like this is such a quintessential alex g song.. i lovee the guitar in this song its super catchy and also really fun to play. the bassline is also great it complements the song so well. plus the drums go hard asf! love all the guitar layers and the long outro is perfect to meee. the lyrics are really unique too and i love how the backing guitar during the verses fits the song sm and the lyrics if that makes sense? like it sounds like jangly and light and unique. snot is just a perfectt alex g song imo. every part is so goodd i love the chorus and the outro is iconic. i feel so lucky to have heard it live too
Immunity - probably one of my favorites off GSTA if i had to choose one. love the hyperpop esque sound like he went all out w this song... i loveee the lyrics so much especially the Accident in kansas part and i love the vocal effects. the piano is so good one of my favorite alex g piano parts Ever... plus with the banjo and strings they make the song so unique too. like hyperpop-y and with a banjo and so big and loud! i love the production a lot. also really love the drums. the outro is fire i love a weird alex g outro.. plus i really like the music vid for immunity & i've seen this song 3x live and it has always been amazinggg :) and i got to see it live a few months ago with molly on violin it was the best thing ever! but yeah everything abt this song is perfect 2 me..
Hope - iconic alex g song too... a fan favorite + just one of his best songs ever imo. i love the strumming pattern its so beautiful and fits the song really well like the sense of urgency and sadness idk if that makes sense. love the production of this song 2 (ik i say that 4 every song... sorry) like the synth-y sounds in the background are soo beautiful and i think the lyrics in this song are some of his best. just so raw and sad and tragic and personal :( one of my favorite lines is "I woke in the middle of the night / he spoke with his eyes half closed / can you get me something else to eat? / got a hole in my chest / i can't take it anymore / put my pillow to the desk / let me rest" like its so sad and :( i love his vocals in this song too and just everything about it. ive seen it like 4x live i think and its always amazing!!! love the little interlude instrumental part around 1:26 it fits so well in the whole sound of House of sugar w the synths and all the guitar parts are beautiful and the last verse is soo good too. just everything about this song....
Sportstar - also one of my other favorite alex g songs w a fire piano part! the bassline in this song is one of my favorite basslines of his too. i got to see this live twice, once the first time i ever saw alex g and the last time i saw him (with molly on violin!!! beautiful). im obsessed w the piano in this song the chords r sooo pretty paired w the bassline and im a huge fan of weird alex g vocals so i think it all fits together perfectly. plus the lyrics in this song are some of my favorites as well its so true and beautiful... also this song is one of his most aries venus songs ever ngl... really love the vocals in this song when hes humming and shit too :) the piano is soo good around 1:25 hes so good at piano melodies!!! the repetition of "I play how i wanna play / i say what i wanna say" is sooo good then into the heavy guitar part w the bassline.. and the last two verses are <3 the song is so heartbreaking and fire and aries venus and im obsessed. i think its so unique and pretty and probably one of my favorites off Rocket. also has big immunity vibes which is cool when he released immunity bc it had a lot of similarities in sound/production to sportstar!! i love
End Song - when this song dropped like unofficially but was on youtube after the movie came out i was not a huge fan of it for some reason but i was sooo debased tbh... like i did not appreciate it enough or see how beautiful the instrumentals are and the simplistic but like very deliberate sounding guitar chords in the verses i just lovee now. the guitar riff is simple but pretty and beautiful and fits the desolate vibe of the song paired w the really haunting and poetic lyrics i Luvvvv. i also really love playing this song on guitar its so fun. esp the outro i definitely was sleeping on it for soo long and didnt even appreciate it but when the song finally clicked for me i was obsessed! such a winter song imo. and its beautiful the build up to the outro w all the instruments and the synths and when the chords change into the outro part around 1:57 its just perfect. the outro is definitely one of my favorite outros of his i love how u can hear so much in it and theres like more parts added to it w synths and they all make the outro feel so dynamic and pretty! one of my fav songs to listen to w headphones too u can hear so much its so atmospheric.. so perfect tbh
Honorary mentions
Get happy - one of my favorite songs off Winner which is also one of my favorite underrated albums of his. i hadnt listened to this song in a while and recently i heard it in the car and i think its perfect. i really love the production its so old alex g.. the chord prog is awesome and i reallyyy love the drums and how like bleak and sad and youthful the song sounds it just reminds me of being a depressed teenager or smth and sounds nostalgic and hopeless but like beautiful? i lovee the electric guitar and the drums and the lyrics and the chorus is sooo good its perfect. i would die if there was ever a video of him playing this that resurfaced online bc i dont think hes ever played it live/theres no record :(((( one of my favorite songs ever and i love the last verse too.
Change - i wish i could include this wahhh lol its def one of my favorite alex g songs too the chords are sooo pretty and im obsessed w the backing guitars and its so nostalgic and pretty and sad like :) girl .
ok i cant include more but i had to include get happy & change as honorary mentions lol.. but this list was so hard to make.. also in no particular order either. this was fun to answer ty :)
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chewtoyfrank · 11 months
Holy fuckkk. I. Fuck. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck.
Okay so. Favorites are probably, in order: Bang The Doldrums, I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears, This Ain't A Scene, The (After) Life Of The Party, and Hum Hallelujah.
I feel unwell.
Below are the notes I took while listening to each song 2 or 3 times. View at your own risk.
Holy shittttt what the fuck
Starting off fucking intense
Holy shit
Ily vocals
Well. Uh Oh.
"The Take Over, The Breaks Over"
Ooooooo woah
Broooooooo the chorus fuckss
Oh shitt
Shittt the guitarr
SHITTT the drumss
This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race
That little guitar bit. fuck
The likee buzzy lil emphasis on God Damn is soooo tingly holy shittttt
Fuck. Okay. Yeah. Okay.
I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off
Vocals ilyyyy. Pretty
Hum Hallelujah
That bass fucks
Someone who knows someone who knows-
The chorus is so prettyyy
The pronunciation makes brain go brrrrrr
Crunchy ass ending
Mmmmm piano
Godd i love fucking backing vocals
Oh???? Pretty???
Fuck. Yeah okay
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
Oh shit it's this song i know this one! Kind of
Very dramatic
Oooo clickity clackity
Don't You Know Who I Think I Am?
Epic gamer moment!
I need to take vocal lessons. blease
Sexy ending
The (After) Life Of The Party
Oooooooobh prettyyyy
Thw change into the fucking drums and to the next verse good shit
God DAMN the fucking VOCALS
This Slaps
GOT DAM THAT FUCKING fuckin uhhhh the last 'loose' fuck man
The Carpal Tunnel Of Love
Sexy guitar
The drums fuckingg. Dun dun. Dun dun. 👍
More sexy guitarrrr
Woag bridge what the fuck
God damn girl.
Bang The Doldrums
Ooooo HELL YEAH Guitar!
Oh shitt
Oh Shittttttt it's fuckin bang the doldrums
I don't know it but I've heard about it so that means its popular right
Girl. Girl help.
Uh oh. Autism
This fucks so hard
It's giving uhhhhh piratey? Idk but I like it
Goddamn. Yeah. Yeah.
Fame < Infamy
Sexy guitar, chef's kiss
Haven't deciphered the lyrics but I'm feeling some type of way abt them
More guitar yummm
You're Crashing, But You're No Wave
This fucks
Oh shitt the fucking silence after hushed fuckk
Woahh damn the choiral part, shit
I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears And None On My Fingers
The truth hurts worse part is so brain tingly fucking chills fuck
God Damn. Fuck. Shit
Ooooooh cunty ass intro
Oh shit this slays
Love the energy this fucks
She's so mysterious. What does she stand for
It's Hard To Say "I Do", When I Don't
Damnnnn hella lyrics
Ooooooo that buildup Yessss
The ending that fucks
Dance, Dance - Live
Ily drumsss
Believe it or not. Ily vocals
Good shitt
This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race - Live
Fucks more i think actually
Extra cuntyyy i love it. ILY LIVE VOCALS
Autism hungry feed it fob
Fuckkkk this SLAYS
Thriller - Live
Crunchy AND Pretty. Impeccable.
pretty again. shes versatile
I want to gnaw on this song like a dog bone
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