#idk how to properly tw tag this im sorry
trashcreatyre · 2 years
there’s nothing like making a character extremely tired at all times and even a bit vaguely suicidal only to realize you’ve been projecting your own depression onto the character without realizing
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ofghostsandmen · 2 months
why do i feel like nobody talks about how insane the ghost lady in the swamp is. her story isn't the most awful thing we've ever heard in the game, but the ACTING is what got to me. imagine having no idea about the ghost and you're going through the bayou at night and suddenly hear the most gut-wrenching screams from a woman begging her father to put down a gun "for his little girl". not to mention the last time you ever encounter her, shes actually finally ADDRESSING the mc and calling him towards her literal hanging corpse before disappearing for good. her actor did concerningly well with her part, i geniunely felt a little uncomfortable.
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succuhime · 1 year
i’m in the middle of moving my friends dog tried to attack my cat i got between them so she’s ok besides peeing herself and being scared but my ear, hands, arms, legs a lil fucked up i’m just so glad she’s ok i can’t stop crying
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littlest-bugz · 9 months
TW: Vague abuse mention, brief SH mention
Kind of a vent, but more rambling about my current life.
Only tagging triggers (sorry, idk how to trigger SH).
It’s so weird being a DID system and still living in an abusive environment.
Like, we were talking to both our psychiatrist and therapist about our situation, and they both brought up how my coping with dissociation is still something that protects me. And because Im not turning to SH in order to take care of myself, I find myself dissociating so much more. Even with coping mechanisms on hand, it’s just something out of our control in this environment.
It’s weird having so much awareness on our system, but being unable to communicate properly, which is the main problem with our weird amnesia. Where we can be co-con but when we switch in, it’s blackout amnesia. We would have to leave each other notes, but if our abusers saw the notes, they would bring them up.
Like I said, near always co-con with someone. But we forget everything when we switch, which makes our usual rapid switching all the more draining and confusing.
The fact even our professionals are like “all we can do is stabilize you for now, no actual healing can really happen until [I] leave ‘that environment’” makes me want to get better out of spite, but being repeatedly abused means with every step forward, its 2 steps backwards. And that frustrates me. I want to be happy, I want to love and be loved, I want to be vulnerable yet safe. But in this situation it’s impossible. And being disabled and healing from surgeries, its not possible to support myself, so I *have* to rely on my abusers.
This is not fun, but I guess it is what it is.
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rachdam · 5 months
hot take but main tags are for everyone whether u like the content or not. look im really sorry that you saw content that triggered you, thats awful. in this case though u can send a polite ask or comment directly under the post asking the person to add tags such as #tw sa and #tw grooming and then block said tags. if the person refuses (which is an asshole move lol not everyone wants to see this kind of content thats facts,) u can directly block the person and thus never see their content again. but yea agree that not adding tw tags sucks
To be honest I'll say you're right and you should be able to use the main tags. That was more a silly, upset statement on my part because of how I was feeling at the time rather than thinking of it logically.
As for trying to talk or ask for tags/warnings, unfortunately not everyone wants to do that. And I've blocked literal hundreds of people to try and avoid seeing those sorts of posts. I actually blocked that person and all of their hundreds of followers just so I can try and avoid that community on twt.
It's just frustrating to see people time and time and time again not tag their stuff. I have every variation of proship/dead dove/etc. blocked that I could find. I know I said it in a post before this, but I have gone many months without seeing anything proship. All it takes is a few people not tagging their stuff properly to mess that up. I feel it's especially bad on twt because of the word count limit where ppl don't wanna add that extra "hey this is proship! Don't read!" bc it'll take up space. At least most ppl on Tumblr will add something like that, which I certainly respect more.
Idk I just wish people would be more considerate I guess. I think this turned more into a ramble so forgive me for that but yeah.
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writemeagoodprompt · 3 years
Hero laid on the ground, covering their ears as the bomb went off. The explosion was loud since they were nearby, making their ears ring.. Before it went dead silent.
Confused, they snapped their fingers as to check. They did it again and realised they lost their hearing. Their eardrums must've exploded from the noise, since blood was dripping out of their ears. They sat there as the reality of them being deaf now sunk in, their eyes swelling with tears as they started to cry. No no no no- this can't be happening right? This must be a bad dream right? Right??? oh god it isn't a dream isn't it, it's real.
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lachay · 3 years
My dog just dug up a live worm, rolled on it a few times, and then ate it when he thought we'd take it away from him 😭😭😭 what's wrong with him
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lewkowiczki · 4 years
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Hello!!  So I’ve decided to create a proper art account!! We’ll see how it’ll go  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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crossedwithblue · 4 years
people always ask "do you want to be a big fish in a small pond or a little fish in a big pond?" but nobody thinks about what often happens to little fish in bog ponds, which is that they get eaten
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coxinyoface · 5 years
reminder to stop fucking ordering fruit tea drinks because i’m pretty sure they have like 20x the amount of caffeine as the milk teas i usually get and while my sleep schedule is usually reversed i don’t usually go on rants about how much i want to eat raw meat because im bored and unable to focus on work
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rachelsquill · 5 years
its real wanting-to-fucking-destroy-my-body hours
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januarysembers · 6 years
top 5/10 benverly headcannons!!
how dare i be limited to only 10 headcanons
there’s so many that i’ve discussed with@hanscomarsh so i want to give her credits as well, god knows how many ideas we’ve discussed that have crossed wires at some point kjdhsf Anyways:
1. ben hanscom not only making their home but also making dollhouses for their first born daughter and later a treehouse for when their second child comes which happens to be a boy.2. bev finds out she’s pregnant soon after their honeymoon and when she decides to tell ben she doesn’t make it a huge deal, she actually casually mentions it during lunch and ben nearly chokes on his food but they’re both so excited. oh btw they name their girl after bev’s aunt and their boy after ben’s dad :’)3. their first dance at their wedding is to the song unforgettable by nat king cole. i’ve mentioned this before but just the lyrics… so terribly ironic.
4. this is sad but like bev having postpartum depression once their first child hits because she’s not used to having that connection with a parental figure so she’s not sure how to go about it but ben helps her so much along the process. she does get insecure over how bad of a mother she is when ben is the only one that can put their child to bed but she also is extremely grateful to have someone like him.5. i, very much, like to think of different times they’ve crossed paths during their lives and hadn’t recognized each other, going to the same college and passing each other by in between classes, being in the same bar sharing glances, ben grabbing a cereal box on the top shelf that bev needed help getting, being in the same train station terminal going opposite ways, etc. it’s very star-crossed lovers-esque, which i love for them.6. speaking of being at the same bar, their first night out of being reunited after 27 years they visit the same bar ricky lee works at and bev dare tries to drink ben under the table.7. since ben runs all the time i imagine he loves sports drinks and always has some around the house. after a while bev acquires a taste for them too like she doesnt even exercise all that much but she starts drinking them all the time bc ben does.8. during their time apart ben ends up befriending a neighborhood cat and names her bev (short for beverage)9.it doesnt have to be said but a rule in the hanscom household is to never go to bed angry not that they get into fights often but when they do both of them can get pretty upset with the other one however when they both have such sweet spots for the other its hard to stay too mad for that long so obviously one of them eventually caves in and they communicate like all good couples should y’know just talking things out and working out their problems so they can confront it better if the problem should arise once again.10. in one of the early adaptions of the IT (2017) script benverly’s first official meeting was my favorite thing ever because well.. just take a look for yourself. anyways they love to  play this password’s game of creating different passwords. no need to even prefix the game, out of nowhere someone will just start, “mightymouse.” “zipeye” “clickytack” soon enough their kids join in on the game.
bonus hc: ben and bev kiss each other’s scars whenever they can; bev kisses the ‘h’ scar henry bowers left him and ben kisses the cigarette burns her father or tom left on her whenever they caught her smoking
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talizorah-archive · 7 years
Okay so first of all my teeth are shitty bc I had a really fucked up dentist in the past who destroyed my teeth and gave me memories that now lead to straight up panic attacks when I have to go to the dentist. It’s bad. But bc my teeth ARE fucked up, I had to go again yesterday and I’m still not recovered from it. It hurt so much. I was shaking and crying on that stupid fucking chair. And guess what!!!! The tooth my new dentist worked on hurts like hell whenever I eat or drink or put pressure on it. I couldn’t even put in my retainer without crying out in pain, which means I have to go to the dentist again.
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unalivejournal · 3 years
u mentioned only reading kripke era fic do you have a reclist 👀👀👀and if not could you link some of ur faves cuz the stuff that gets circulated the most right now is all like late late seasons fic and kripke era is my favorite too but im having trouble finding that many fics for it or even seasons 6-10 era which im fine with also. its just that like. the last five seasons were so bad that it makes fic generally worse too because people have to jump off of just Thee stupidest plot choices no matter how good their prose skills might be. but anyway yea if u have recs that would be awesome :)
hi anon i was thinking abt making a reclist and u just gave me the perfect excuse thank u
jess adamilligan’s kripke era fic recs
from making this ive learned that i never bookmark ANYTHING. sorry all of these r like….. 10k and under. i DO read longer fic but i don’t have any kripke era longfics bookmarked & tbh i prefer short oneshots
season one gen
disclaimer because it’s unfortunately needed: NONE of these are w*ncest! they’re all completely tagged as gen and i did not read them with the intent of consuming ship content.
Coaster Park by fogsrollingin, 10.4k, G, gen
Coaster Park had been experiencing an unusually high frequency of technical difficulties. Dean wouldn't have pulled a shift treating nauseated, heat-stroked, or dehydrated park-goers for that if he could've helped it, but when 'technical difficulties' were accompanied by rumors of things moving and stopping on their own in front of the operators' eyes, Dean had to throw down.
No historical tragedies or disasters in the area, ectoplasm, or EMF. Dean's only lead was a battered-looking kid that'd been coming to the park every day since it'd all started.
really interesting au fic! slightly ‘it’s a terrible life’. dean winchester is a hunter/EMT and sam wesson is a college kid destined to die on a roller coaster ride.
two basic motivating forces by sahwen, 7.8k, T, gen
He can’t cry, it’s not allowed; even as a child he was hushed into silence, whether his tears were from a long car ride or a late night or a raging fever. It’s never been an option, it’s never been an available outlet, and it’s not about to start being one just because he’s having an emotional breakdown on the bathroom floor.
Sam isn't only afraid of clowns.
BIG emetophobia tw (both for graphic depictions of nausea/vomiting and for the fact that this fic is about sam suffering from emetophobia) for this one but it’s my favorite sickfic. portrays anxiety over getting sick really well and is a fascinating examination of the different ways that sam’s fear of loss of control can manifest itself. also has lovely brothers content <3
Let’s Start at the Very Beginning (Remix of Just as Easy as 123) by nwspaprtaxis, 4k, T, gen
Dean’s functionally illiterate and Sam’s determined to remedy it...
PLEASE READ THIS ONE god it’s so sweet. dean never learned how to read properly due to his nomadic childhood and sam teaches him how.
Broadway Musical by Griftings, 9k, M, m/m
This is the day that marked the Holy and Blessed Union of Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle.
The merging of prominent bloodlines is always a grand occurrence, but breeding pedigree hunter families like Winchester and Harvelle is something to be rejoiced. It is also something to be meticulously planned, which thankfully the Host is very good at.
Or, the romantic comedy where Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle are destined to get married, Castiel is given the task of playing matchmaker and fails terribly, the entire Heavenly Host becomes a sitcom audience, God warns against male pregnancy, and Jimmy Novak is incredibly unimpressed with angels in general.
somewhat of a fandom classic and the humor holds up wonderfully. a very silly fic completed with commentary from angel radio throughout the entire thing.
Sappiest Season by dollsome, 2.7k, G, m/m
In which Dean and Cas have to stop an evil Christmas tree (like you do), and it requires a little fake couple action.
hilarious little s5ish fic. one of the first i read when getting back into spn. i don’t want to spoil anything but this is my favorite pick me up and i still giggle randomly whenever i think about it
The (Mostly Accidental) Courtship of Dean Winchester by tuesday
Angelic marriage rites were never intended to go quite like this.
another fandom classic. ik this one is recced a lot but how could i NOT include it. dean and cas get married (mostly by accident) and they’re huge cunts about it
the one thing in the galaxy god didn't have his eyes on by prufrock, 2.4k, T, gen + m/m
“Wait,” Dean says. “Let me get this right. You can fly, right—you can teleport—but you can’t drive a car?”
or, after the events of S5E03 "Free to Be You and Me," Dean teaches Cas to drive. Cas finds it stressful
im always a sucker for a good ftbyam fic. also i can’t drive so. resonation
So Says The Sword by komodobits, 85k, E, m/m
The briefing was simple: ‘Stand guard over the Michael Sword until the battle is ready to commence. Await further instructions.’
Castiel doesn’t mind working security duty; he was briefed shortly after the initial salvation of the Sword from the pit, and again before taking up his position. He knows what to do. However, it’s easy to forget that the green room isn’t real. Time moves differently there, the space ever-changing to make a prison of mountains, cathedrals, salt flats, orchards, and whatever Castiel was led to believe about Heaven’s greatest weapon—Dean Winchester is something entirely unexpected.
NO introduction neede. i think everyone on spntumblr has read this already but still. if you haven’t then i am demanding that you read it NOW. tbh i’m just adding this one so that i have at least one long fic here 😭
the weight by @myaimistrue, 3.5k, T, gen + m/m
“Do you…” Bobby sighs. “Listen, Dean, do you have something you wanna tell me?”
It’s the conversational equivalent of being punched in the stomach.
Or, Dean works through some things with Bobby's help.
WHEN I SAW THE USERNAME I GASPED I HAD NO IDEA THIS WAS U. anyway i Love coming out fics idk why i just do. the world is ending and dean comes out to bobby
canticles by 2street2car, 10.3k, T, m/m
“But you know something? If I couldn’t get you laid, at least I gave you a good first date.”
feat: footsies at a Ruby Tuesday, stargazing, the recreation of an iconic "Dirty Dancing" scene (no, not that one—the other one), and practicing for When You're With A Girl.
another ftbyam fic that skepticalfrog (i believe?) recommended a while back. made me feel at least 28 new emotions
Epilogue by JayneL, 28k, E, m/m
Bobby is here, swearing somewhere above and behind him; and Dean is here, talking about 2014 like it's a foreign country; and Sam is here, and is not Lucifer. Which means-- Bobby is here, swearing somewhere above and behind him; and Dean is here, talking about 2014 like it's a foreign country; and Sam is here, and is not Lucifer. Which means--
Cas is no longer when he was. Lucifer sent him back.
Coda to 'The End'.
2014 cas gets sent back to 2009, feelings ensue etc. i don’t remember all the details of this one bc it’s been a while but it’s really good
currently reading
Fragile As We Lie by perilously, 11k, E, f/f
Dragging Bela Talbot out of perdition isn't so much a decision as it is a frantic choice based on gut instinct. Her soul is bright, if fractured, and Anna yearns to do good again after the perversion of free will that immediately preceded her death.
Bela's no ordinary human, though; she's prickly and damaged and beautiful, and Anna doesn't want to leave her side. So maybe they can figure out how to navigate post-resurrection, post-Apocalypse-that-wasn't Earth together.
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nowilltodoanything · 4 years
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Tags: @loganis-sherlock (mkay um…imma make a taglist soooo….if you wanna be on it…ask ig?)
Pairings: Anxceit
Prompt: 10. “How was I such an idiot, to believe that you, out of all people, could ever love me?” 47. “You deserve so much better.” 50. “I’m sorry i’m not enough for you.” from prompts
A/n: hhhhhhh o w just like….the prompts hurt…damn ok….also…im delirious soo…~meh~….I cant write like…fight scenes sooooo…this is the best you’re gonna get aksjsmd sorry also it ended up being longer than I intended.
Tw: ~angst~?, mentions of like…alcohol or being intoxicated? ita like…a kinda toxic…relationship? but like….not really? idk its not a super healthy relationship, mentions of bars, mentions of hookups, panic attack, cursing, mentions of blood
“No. You should’ve thought before you did it!!!”
“I wasn’t sober!”
“Yeah, and thats the problem Janus!! You rarely are anymore!!” Virgil started feeling lightheated and thought he was going to faint at any second, but ignored it.
“I- wow you so aren’t being dramatic.”
“Oh yeah! Of course. My boyfriend only cheated on me and tried to lie about it. Yeah, you’re right, nothing big.”
“Virgil thats not what I meant-”
“Mhm.” He then started feeling extremely hot, despite it being extremely cold a few seconds ago. He could also feel his heart beating extremely fast, but blamed it on him being mad.
“Virgil why are you so stubborn? I’m trying to defend myself.”
“Yeah yeah yeah whatever you weren’t sober and weren’t in a good place mentally so instead of talking about it or asking for support, you went to the bar, hooked up with someone, and thought you could get away with it.”
“I-Virgil I love you though…”
“Do you? Huh…thats funny…really funny….I really want to believe that…but I can’t.”
“Im telling the truth you’re just being stubborn!”
“How was I such and idiot that you, out of all people, could ever love me??”
“Virgil! I do love you!! You’re just being….ridiculous!”
“Mhm. Telling me that is going to make this situation better Janus.” Virgil started very quietly gasping for air. He couldn’t breathe anymore…..
“Virgil i’m sorry, alright?! I am. I swear I am…but please calm down. I get you’re mad and you have every right to be. But please. Calm down.”
“You don’t tell me to calm down!!!” He screamed. He actually screamed….was..he going crazy? Nononono he can’t …everyone will hate him..more than they already do and they’ll all leave him and he won’t have any friends…he can’t go crazy….he can’t. Janus was taken back. Virgil…never raises his voice. He jumped slightly when Virgil collapsed onto the wall. Janus moved to catch him and sat both of them down. Virgil moved away from Janus.
“Virgil name five things you see.”
“All i’m seeing is your bullshit lies! Thats hearing but whatever!! I don’t care!! Everything you say is bullshit!!”
“Virgil. Please name five things you see.”
“Why? Im fine!! Just fucking fine!!”
“No you aren’t. Please name five things you see…please.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “You, the floor, the wall, the kitchen, stairs.”
“Good, thank you. Name four things you hear?”
“Air conditioner, you, cars….breathing.”
“Thanksss. Three things you feel?”
“…Hoodie…” He shook his head, not being able to feel anything.
“Good job. Two things you smell?”
“Mint….I- uh…don’t k-know….”
“Thats alright. One thing you taste?”
“Thank you Virgil. Breathe in for four seconds, seven seconds, and exhale for eight seconds.” Virgil followed Janus’ instructions a few times.
“Im sorry….” Virgil said after a few minutes. He sat down against that wall. Janus sat next to him.
“Why? You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“I lashed out and became emotional and wasn’t listening to you or your reasoning…”
“Virgil. How you reacted, was very valid and honestly, I probably would’ve reacted the same way if I were in your shoes.”
Virgil didn’t say anything. He was confused more than anything. He knows that when someone is intoxicated, they aren’t thinking properly…but yet he still feels…upset? Is that even what he’s feeling? He wasn’t sure. Feelings are confusing.
“Virgil? Are…you alright?”
Was he even mad at Janus? Should he be mad? Is Janus mad at Virgil?
Virgil nodded slightly. He kind of just wanted to forget this ever happened, but he knew that that was unrealistic.
“I’m sorry i’m not enough for you…”
“Virgil, you are. You are more than enough. You are sweet, caring, trustful, smart, beautiful, and so much more. Virgil I swear to any higher power person, or supernatural being, that you are enough.”
Virgil was silently crying. Was anything that Janus was saying true? People are the most truthful when they’re drunk…but they also don’t have any sense of morality.
Janus saw that Virgil was curled into himself, silently crying. “Is touch alright?” Virgil nodded slightly. Janus scooted next to Virgil and rubbed his back. Virgil scooted closer to Janus and eventually Janus pulled Virgil on his lap. “You okay with this?” Virgil nodded and leaned into Janus.
Virgil kept repeating an apology. He wasn’t even sure why he was crying. “I’m sorry for being dramatic and dumb and annoying-” He kept listing off things he thought he was for a minute or so. “I’m sorry……you deserve so much better….i’m sorry…”
“Virgil. You’re totally all of those things. You are enough, in fact, you’re more than enough. You did nothing wrong and therefore have no reason to apologize. You always have been enough and you forever will be.” Virgil moved so that he could hug Janus and Janus rubbed his back. They both wanted to start over or at least be friends but weren’t sure if the other wanted that.
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pyroreo · 8 years
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same taste
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