#idk i feel like it would be a huge mess
beetleviolet · 2 months
Tw discussion of flashbacks, ptsd and anxiety
A lot of people talk about the rottmnt boys trauma and such.. but no one I've seen talks about the possibility of Leo being kinda scared of raph?
Not like all the time ofc, he still loves and enjoys spending time with his big brother, but during an anxious day or a panic attack/flashback i can totally see him him flinching back and not wanting Raph close. Just thinking about how that would royally fuck up their dynamic...
Update: I wrote it
Feel free to write anything too, id love to see it!
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mokeonn · 3 months
Before I go to sleep I leave you all with this piece of advice: sometimes you don't actually have to answer big political questions, sometimes you can just say "I am not smart enough to know that, I just know the small things I do to help." Like you can often times completely avoid making a fool of yourself if you just say you don't know.
#simon says#to explain here and not in a reblog:#sometimes when you try to explain big picture solutions you're gonna sound dumb#you might not have done enough research#you might not have a rebuttal to a counter argument#you might not be articulate enough to explain why you think this#sometimes you gotta take a step back and give the simple solution. the one man solution#you do what you can to fight against the problem#you talk to people to help spread awareness and how to fight the bad problem#and you vote and invite others to vote for bigger steps towards solving the problem#like you can talk about theory and how you believe we need to do a huge drastic thing to solve and issue#but people will disagree and argue til you're blue in the face#they'll poke and prod until you mess up or lose your temper and use it against you#and you'll feel dumb and they'll learn nothing#sometimes the best thing to do is step away from the big picture and just say 'idk what the solution is I just know the things I can do“#sometimes you gotta admit you're not a scientist/expert and you can't answer that#i used this while talking with my Dad tonight#he brought up our climate crisis and space travel as a possible solution#and I said I think that's just addressing the symptom and not the cause and we need to care for our Earth now#and he asked me what solutions I think would fix it#and knowing my incredibly smart Dad who is articulate and ready to throw rebuttles at a moments notice to play devils advocate#and my past experience in struggling in this topic with him before#i just told him I didn't know. all i knew is the little things I can and do do to help#and that hopefully by spreading the word and habits and encouraging others to vote for those bigger solutions I could help make a change#but all I really could do is the little things I have control over#and the topic became much less stressful about the little things we have control over#like planting native plants and recycling and adopting habits that are healthier to our planet#which was 100% more preferable to if I tried to give a big solution. because I would reveal i didn't have all the knowledge needed to argue#and my articulation would make me sound like a stupid kid who only thinks they know what's best#so yeah I basically suggest that if you dont wanna feel like shit after debating someone just step away from the big picture for a moment
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anotherpapercut · 1 month
working with children really will make you examine your thought processes and emotional reactions like nothing else. I've found myself being so much more thoughtful in my daily life about how I respond to my emotions and environment, as well as the reasoning behind why others behave the way they do
#yesterday i got really frustrated and overwhelmed at one point because this one little girl keeps getting really upset when she cant help me#like shell ask to help and i wont have a task (or ive run out bc shes already helped) shes capable of so i tell her that#and thank her for being thoughtful and helpful. admittedly the first time this happened i was really frustrated w her already#bc she had made a huge mess doing something i told her not to do and then didnt want to clean it up and she only came back#and asked to help because her friend had been helping me. so i was like girl. you didnt even clean up the last mess#but i also had nothing for her to do. anyway she started screaming and hid under a table so then her friend did it sith her just. because.#idk kids will see their friend freaking out and they do it too. and i understand it but my god. i dont deal well with really loud noise#and she did it again yesterday. i let her help me and then i ran out of tasks and she started crying and saying i never let her help#and for some reason there were like 6 other kids in there all wanting to help so then several of them started freaking out#and i could not handle it. i literally told my coworker like im about to cry right now lmao#and later the little girl was like wanting to hug me and talk to me and acting like nothing happened and i found myself wanting to withdraw#like i was feeling like i wanted to avoid her and not speak to her or be cold but i also knew i didnt want to treat her that way#and i took a couple minutes by myself and thought about why i felt that way‚ what the effects of that would be‚ and how the kid felt#and i really just had to remind myself that she was feeling just as many emotions as i was but that shes only had 6 years#to learn how to manage them and deal with them in a productive way. she wasnt trying to upset me. she wasnt trying to make me mad#she was just dealing with her emotions in the only way she knew how. and im an adult and if she can get over it i really need to get over it#long ass tag story sorry
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kingworm · 1 year
got to ask: what is the story for the zagreus persphone au??
ah thanks! obviously it’s a bit self indulgent and not really canon compliant or whatnot, but here is the run down of my scattered thoughts:
persephone still runs away after zag is confirmed still born, only once nyx revives him she bundles him up & sends him off with charon (babey zag on the boat) once the boat reaches the surface persephone assumes she’s been caught — but then sees her baby! alive and well :)
i was interested in the ‘hades doesn’t have an heir’ thing, so i thought maybe persephone picking up a baby zag and declaring ‘you will be my heir’ imbues something into him. like the declaration of that allows him to survive on the surface of her cottage without dying. he gets more of a human-tan to his skin, his eyes are that little bit more human-like, and he catches on that his blood is actually amazing plant fertiliser lol (how he found out? he is still just, incredibly accident prone)
the catch is that he still can’t move further than her cottage without dying, which inevitably has him frustrated and restless about the origins of his birth. i thought maybe he somehow encounters thanatos on the surface, which sparks curiosity for both himself and than. i feel like persephone would tell zag bits and pieces, but not much, definitely mentioning cerberus (affectionate) and briefly hades (degrogatory)
my add-on is that one day he wonders out of the cottage, prepared to die once again, but realises it hasn’t happened yet (the closer he gets to hades the less likely he is to die) he eventually stumbles upon the gates and can’t help but go up to it. i feel like he’d try to open the doors, maybe knock, and then as a final last attempt (remembering his mother briefly mentioning cerberus guarded the gate) he calls for cerberus, mentioning that he is ‘zagreus, son of persephone’, the door opens and he’s tackled down by a giant and excitable three headed dog who has missed him plenty :)
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iftitah · 7 months
#this girl was joking about another girl in my batch fasting on karvachauth for her boyfriend and it was the light jokes so it was okay#but then she said why is she doing it her caste is completely different from his her parents would kill her#and that how college relationships are only for time being until you're in college and you're there for each other's support#and that nothing in college couples is that serious and they may turn out just good friends in future#and there's no reason to worship your love because it's just 'casual'??!!#ive so many feelings and a little heartbreak#ive already tried thinking about future but you know it 2ould just spiral me and thinking tha ahead doesn't make sense know#logically speaking she's right that we can go through SO MANY changes during the college years and no one knows anything ahead#but idk like i love him its not just oh im in college and ive got a boyfriend to get my nights busier and go on silly pretend dates#i didn't date anyone for nineteen years because i just wouldn't date anyone#its just surprising me as well how i came here so clueless and how everything led to each other and then into us#and i don't say stuff like marriage and kids because that's too huge. just too huge right now to think off#and that's also a way of keeping myself humble#and i would love love love to think about a future too not just yet it's too quick and im okay understanding everything rather than diving#but what she said. is so um its messing with my brain#ofc im not letting it over weigh me not at least from a person who's with multiple seniors#sends all her money to her so called youtuber bf#and goes to private places with some other guy#who's in everything for casual#but i don't know what im supposed to do with it right now#playing around my head#or maybe i should just trust the process
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whenthegoldrays · 3 days
#don't think that i take for granted the fact that i was born into the happiest marriage/family in our entire extended clan#this family (on both sides) is rife with divorce and rebellious children and couples that have lost their spark and always seem sad#and sure my parents bicker on occasion and have teir frustrations like any couple#but they're in love! still! after 28 years!!! they're each other's best friends#and the three of us get along so wonderfully and we're always laughing together there is LOVE in this household#but that's just so vanishingly rare it feels like#none of my friends are this close to their parents#and idk i feel like most of the couples we know (not all but most) don't have the kind of happiness my parents have#so i'm in between having a huge appreciation for where i am in life#and fear that i'll never find something like that myself#like sometimes i just think too deeply about it and it feels so difficult so impossible#“this happens once every few lifetimes”#but then i think i'm just being paranoid and actually we DO know lots of very happy enduring couples#that CAN be me#but in a way it's just all a game of chance isn't it#no doubt someone out there would be a good fit for me but what if i never meet him#what if we just. miss each other#there's such a fine line between finding true love and eternal solitude#it can be anything a messed up coffee order a dinner you get invited to a job offer you accept#but you never know what it'll be!!!! and that's so scary!!!!!!!!!#okay i think i'm just making myself feel worse so i'll stop here and go to bed#but just. yea. food for thought on this night of my parents' anniversary#elly's posts
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hajihiko · 2 years
Do you think everyone's (dr2 people) immune system is ok?
From what I've heard from the game they did a lot of shitty things to their body and like it was a long term too before Makoto found them
Nah they're probably pretty weak from the whole thing, and the game coma too. Sure hope the island has been isolated from serious diseases!
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dahldahlbills · 1 year
I just finished yoi and I am crying and I REALLY want to know what you think about the ending (a someone who has already watched it dihdjsh)?? I just find it difficult to comprehend everything that just happened and just ಥ‿ಥ
Aaaaaaaaa nivi!!! I’m so glad you finished!! I hope you enjoyed it :’) i was sobbing for several hours after finishing ngl. it’s a really beautiful ending imo two skaters feeling alone in their field finally find happiness together and decide to skate together for as long as they can??? can it get any better than that?? The way the both inspired each other to continue pursuing gold is just SO GOOD. at first i was bummed that yuuri didn’t win but i also saw it coming??? it worked out really well tho bc yuuri didn’t need to win, he needed to find joy in the sport again and to be seen and understood by Victor and he got that :’)
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ehlnofay · 5 months
wip wsunday (night)
tagged by @wispstalk (thank you kindly!) tagging back @ervona and @everybodyknows-everybodydies if you so please.
I put my long-ish tes piece on the backburner to take a break and write shorter things featuring my best friends elder scrolls characters from my mind and then I put THAT on the backburner because my very sweet grandmother paid for me to buy bg3 and. alas. look I can't play a game of this nature without fleshing out my player character far more than necessary and then I get curious. so here's a very shoddily scribbled bit from my very first playing-around piece (a rambling description of my character's extremely abandoned house)
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when ppl who like the huntlow ship post about “all the crumbs” in the show which include cutesy scenes but are mostly just screenshots where theyre in the same frame but most of the time gus is also in the frame and interacting with either hunter or willow more than theyre interacting with each other so ppl just poorly crop gus out of the screenshot
#toh#the owl house#huntlow#hunter toh#willow park#gus porter#when ppl do this with any characters i either find it really annoying or really funny#i like the huntlow ship the way i like most of my ships#where they go through half a decade of angsty pining on either side but at different times#and hunter realizes he still has to recover from ptsd and willow realizes she still has to get better self esteem#so being in a relationship before they do that would be a huge mess that will destroy their friendship which they care way more about#idc if theyre endgame in canon but they gotta address hunters issues with authority figures and give willow a reason to be into him first#and the way most of the fandom portrays it makes me feel iffy bc it reduces both of them down to either#angsty white boy ya love interest number 82374023840238 and his arm candy#or rough and aggressive Strong Female Character and her woobie simp who needs his girlfriend to protect him from anything that moves#not to mention how im uncomfortable with how people see hunter a victim of child abuse respect willow for her strength#and say willow wouldnt be scared of him because she could defend herself from him#and interpret that as 'hunter wants yet another authority figure in his life to physically abuse him but now hes into it bc its willow <3'#idk maybe i just have a Very Specific Way of shipping the huntlow ship and anything too sweet or out of character just rubs me the wrong wa#but anyway because i like the huntlow ship but no not like that#this is one of the rare occasions where i find it both incredibly annoying and incredibly funny at the same time#oh and dont think i dont see you guys disregarding the arguably closer relationship gus has with both willow and hunter#yeah yeah the actual scenes where hunter has a crush on willow are cute#but we all know if either of them were dark skinned or if they were both girls or even dark skinned boys#you guys would not go this crazy over the ship#shut up pandora#lowhunt
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hannanodaa · 2 years
hello again😅👋 srry it’s been wild these past month or two for me but I finally remembered that I have Tumblr and I’m here again 🙈🙈
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marshmellowtea · 1 year
tbh i feel like my interest in willmartha would skyrocket 200% if it wasn’t treated as the fandom’s Golden Fluffy Healthy Ship
#not gonna tag this cuz i’m just taking aloud but this is about the who’s lila characters if you couldn’t tell and we’re curious#like honestly i still think i wouldn’t be that interested in it even without that baggage#martha just. does not interest me lmao and i think they both have more compelling dynamics with other characters#but in the fan content i see for it it feels like. super idealized?#which honestly that one its own is fine. whatever. doesn’t interest me cuz i like mess lol but there’s nothing inherently wrong with that#it’s just when it’s put up against willtanya that it. causes an issue for me#cuz as much as it seems to have died down i can tell at the beginning the fandom had a lot of hostility toward tanya#and agaibst willtanya as a ship#and obviously. i’m a huge fan of both of those things#and it puts a bad taste in my mouth when i get the vibes that willmartha is meant to be this cutesy healthy (better) alternative#both from a willtanya pov but also a ‘you don’t have to think a ship is healthy to enjoy it’ pov#and also from a ‘willtanya doesn’t have to be unhealthy and under better circumstances it could’ve worked you guys are just mean’ pov#i just#really really hate this idea of martha getting pushed forward like ‘see?? here’s will’s REAL perfect partner!! they won’t have any strife!!#when first off all any relationship would have some form of strife#and second of all is just a really boring interpretation of a ship i already feel super bored by#idk if any of this makes sense i’ve just been thinking about this rn hfhfdhvdg#in some alternate universe i could see myself theoretically liking this ship but eugh#the presentation of it bothers me idk idk#marshy speaks
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rosicheeks · 1 year
hmmmmmmm torn on valentine’s day gifts… do you want to be kidnapped and facefucked and played with and used as my personal pretty toy? or, since distance is so homophobic, maybe just get some nudes? or just soft cuddles and reassurance of how beautiful you are and how perfect i know you are, how you deserve the world and more? or heck, just a few hours of casual and gentle pussy eating? so much to do, so little time!
Is all of the above an option 👀
#cause I honestly don’t know what sounds the best#but but but keep in mind if you kidnap me then you won’t have to me limited on time!#you can do all of the above and more while I’m your cute little pet 🫣#lsksmmdnskwnsmxmd#the dream#idk why or when this happened but man oh MAN I have a fantasy where I’m stalked by someone#maybe a follower or mutual and somehow they find out where I live#and they just kinda follow me around all the time????? 🫣🫣🫣🫣 making sure I’m safe and also ya know seeing what I like and my habits#that way when they actually kidnap me they’ll know exactly what I like!!! they’ll also take my stuffies when they kidnap me#and maybe a few other things to make my little cage feel like home 🥺🥺🥺 and then they’ll know exactly what food I like/etc#ok ok sorry fantasy over but going back to your ask#if you kidnap me then you can start with facefucking me and using me however you want and then eat me out for a few hours making me confused#and then finally end with a huge cuddle mess - hold me close into your arms and tell me how pretty I am and all the sweet things 🥺🥺🥺#and then I would just melt into your arms and never want to leave anyway#so yes I’m technically kidnapped and I can’t leave the house unless it’s with you#but it’s just cause you care about me and don’t want anything bad to happen to me 🥺🥺🥺#also you take care of everything anyway so what do I have to worry about??? oh just being the best little pet that you could ever ask for#getting super excited whenever you come home and wanting to listen to you talk about your day while I worship you#kdkdnsnsnkdkdns#so many ideas#so uhm when are you going to come here and do all these things huh????#ask#🌸 anon
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ame-to-ame · 9 days
The hardest part abt break ups is getting advice and comfort from friends who all want the best for you but slowly coming to the harrowing realization that nobody will really get how much you really loved your girlfriend. The only other person you experienced it with isn't here anymore.
Sorry vent in tags lmao I'm going thru it
#Trying not to wonder too much if even she really knew how much I loved her.#The way daily chores and things that were scary and unknown became things I looked forward to when I was with her.#There's nothing I would want more than a happy life and doing laundry together and figuring out mortgages and taxes together.#but really nothing matters if it's not what she wants. i don't want her to choose something that she wants.#honestly. how glad i am she's figuring out what she wants and what she doesn't want. trying really hard not to cry at feeling unwanted tho.#It's so hard because for everything I can do by myself in this life I've never given up on dreams and goals.#If i have something I want I figure out how to do it. You've gotta go for the things you want while you still have the chance.#but when it comes to having other people and what they want involved. im just. a huge mess.#i just never really want other people hurt or disappointed so in the past when there was conflict i always yielded. it's not healthy though#and I've gotten a bit better at stating needs and wants and holding my ground but. when it comes to actual relationships and compromising.#i just don't think i have the heart in me. i don't think i can go in there and be like. here's where i stand. let's figure out a compromise#i just know that if it's me right now. one look. and I'd be surrendering everything. hopefully i grow some spine soon.#ugh sorry#venting on main#i had a really bad physiological rxn and it brought back a lot of repressed feelings.#my friends are being so so nice to me right now and I feel so guilty and I just want to be back to normal and carefree so they don't worry#and most days I'm totally fine. but ugh. i haven't really gone through that much heartbreak and I. really was serious about marrying her.#if she came back and told me it was just a bad time and she was stressed out and she's realized her problems and she wants to work on it tg#i think. i would like. take her back immediately lmao#there would definitely need to be some trust to rebuild and boundaries to set and promises to make and actions to be done.#but deep in my heart i. i always thought and i still probably believe it that everything is fixable.#and I've really had the time to think about it and convince myself of other perspectives. but idk. sometimes the heart wants what it wants#still. though. i know the hard lines I've set down for myself. i have to stand on business 😭#ok being gentle with myself. i am only having these thoughts bc i just sat through 20 hours of transportation without any sleep and food.#once i go home and rest i will. be okay. just 9 more hours and then another 24 hours on train. and then i can let my body regenerate.
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crescendo-system · 1 year
Google how to get through to our therapist that we really really really need to look at our problems beyond Just 'anxiety' or 'depression' when we can't Say we're self-dxers+admit to being a system and Also she is Insistent that EVERYTHING is ultimately caused by anxiety and nothing else for us
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bittersweet-folder · 6 months
“types of kinks svt has” maknae line ver??
~□☆seventeen imagines
~♡Types of kinks I think seventeen has [maknae line version]
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• Here's the hyung line version • masterlist • if you wanna be in the taglist for fics then comment under my master list •
Song rec: funny valentine by misamo🚶🏻‍♀️
[MINORS DO NOT FUCKING INTERACT] [ reader is female with vagina and breasts ]
☆Mingyu: (a switch a pure switch through and through)
Creampie: this man loves lovessss it messy and the way he's so fucking vocal, he can't keep his in moans under control. He will moan loudly because of the way you feel so warm and wet around him. 
Mommy kink: I personally can imagine Mingyu whining and moaning "mommy" or "noona" even into the reader's ears more than him taking control. He likes it rough but you gotta give him kisses like anywhere. He's a huge softie. 
Edging: just like he loves you taking control it also goes the way around too. He loves seeing you struggling to cum.
Sensory deprivation: blindfold him and it's enough for him to go feral 
Begging: told y'all he's a softie also down bad for you. 
Praise kink: he knows he's big so yeah. And he literally worships your beauty. 
Extras: he loves you're boobs and will rest his chin on them afterwards while pulling you closer on the bed
☆Minghao: (a mean yet soft switch with a dom lean)
Edging: so mean I swear and literally loves seeing you all frustrated and become a moaning mess under him.
Waxplay: hmmm Minghao is artist so expect this. and of course he'll use wax which is skin safe.
Bondage:really depends on his mood if he wants to tie you up or not. (* clears throat * that live y'all. remember?🚶🏻‍♀️) and he would let you tie him up as well. Gets so flushed up when you do so.
Spanking: only if you're into it.
Begging: oh he wants you to beg for what you want him to do in the bedroom.
Creampie: I am hoping it's very self explanatory by the first point itself
Slight dacryphilia: sometimes it's so good to him to see you in tears on how he's making you feel.
Extras: is a whore for you in his shirt, riding him until he can't take it anymore.
☆Dokyeom: (a huge softieee switch)
Oral fixation: he's in love. He's love making with you so expect him to be pussy drunk.
Creampie: once is never enough for him. He needs more.
Riding: you riding him in a cowgirl position is enough to drive him crazy. He's so loud and a literal moaning mess under you.
Praise kink: you both literally worship each other's body. He's literally so down bad for you.
Foreplay: it's a must sweetheart we shouldn't forget how much of a softie this man is. He's literally melting into those kisses.
Teasing: idk if I should count this as a kink but yeahh he'll tease the hell outta you once he gets the confidence to.
Extras: he has a thing for you in lingerie. Man's awestruck and so turn on just by the sight of you on lingerie.
☆Seungkwan: (oh he's a fucking power bottom you CANNOT convince me otherwise)
Teasing: he lives to rile you up the best way possible.
Mommy/noona kink: if you're older than him then expect him to moan "noona" while you're fucking him into oblivion. Or even if you aren't he will he will moan mommy.
Marking: he loves claiming what's his and what he can't share.
Pegging: if he's in the mood he'll let you know.
Dacryphilia: he will cry a bit outta pleasure because you're making him feel too good.
Oral fixation: oh he loves eating you out.
Edging: he might seem sweet and sassy but this man loves to see you struggling to reach your high. That goes around the other way as well by the way.
Degradation kink : it's like a once in a blue moon thing when he's "misbehaving".
Extras: he's a softie too. Take care of him. Oh and also he loves it when you ride him in a cowgirl position. He gets very very touchy and moans quite loudly.
☆Vernon ( a soft dom who can go hard later on if you want him too)
Praise kink: yeah Vernon's quiet so what? He's literally so drunk in love he loves praising you and your body.
Foreplay: he lives for those intimate touches and soft kisses before proceeding more.
Marking: oh he can get jealous so he loves claiming what's only his and no one can have it.
Spit kink: if you're into it. Expect him to get nastier after being soft with you.
Teasing: oh he'll tease the hell outta you.
Creampie: he needs more and he knows you do too. He loves it messy and sweaty.
Dacryphilia: oh if he's jealous he will make you cry on his cock.
Extras: he plays all those sensual songs you love when he fucking you into oblivion.
☆Dino ( a soft yet mean dom who loves it rough eventually)
Daddy kink: does this need an explanation? I hope not.
Edging: hmmmm the grin he has on his face while looking are your tired, sweaty flushed up face after not being able to reach an orgasm.
Praise kink: "such a good girl" "You're doing so well, give me one more? Yeah" Man worships your body literally.
Foreplay: we all know how romantic he is. And there will be a session of intimate touches and kisses because he knows you love it just as much as he does.
Spanking: this is like a one in a blue moon thing when he's jealous.
Creampie: he just can't get enough of you. He needs and craves more.
Squirting: man lives for pushing your limits. He fucking devours the view of your exhausted flushed up body after he's made you squirt.
Extras: he loves it when you ride him he loves it when you wanna take control.
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©bittersweet-folder all rights reserved.
don't try to pull any weird stunt of stupidity by pirating my works 🤨✋🏻
A/n: have been mentally exhausted these days and college is tiring. So sorry for the late response anon! Love y'all. Thanks for any kinda support. Also the taglist is only kept for fics I'll write.
Updates about other fics will be posted later.
Thanks for the support.
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