#idk i just suddenly felt like making this
wolvietxt · 1 day
💭 thinking about…
𝗅𝗈𝗀𝖺𝗇 𝗁𝗈𝗐𝗅𝖾𝗍𝗍 𝗑 𝗍𝖾𝗅𝖾𝗉𝖺𝗍𝗁𝗂𝖼!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
pairing : logan howlett x fem!reader warnings : anxiety, panic, angst, fluff, overstimulation, implied age gap, pet names, budding relationship au wc : 1.5k a/n : i’m thinking about maybe making the odd prompt list, not sure if anyone would be interested? idk i feel like i have so many ideas on what to write but not enough time to actually write them. lmk if it’s something anyone would be interested in😭
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you'd always hated crowded spaces, but this - this was something else entirely.
the pounding bass from the club’s speakers seemed to vibrate through your whole body, and the flashing lights made it impossible to focus on anything for too long. it was all too loud, too chaotic. the mission had been simple: blend in, keep an eye on the target, and extract information. easy enough. except no one had accounted for the fact that a telepath like you could hardly stand in the middle of a packed nightclub without being bombarded by the overwhelming flood of thoughts and emotions from every single person around you.
the drinks, the laughter, the flirtations happening at every corner - they were suffocating. you tried to block them out, but your mental shields were already thin, your energy worn down from the mission prep. and now, with the music and flashing lights adding to the noise in your head, everything was starting to blur together. the alcohol from earlier wasn’t helping either.
you stood near the edge of the room, trying to focus on anything other than the mental cacophony around you. the team was scattered throughout the club, everyone doing their part to blend in with the crowd. but for you, it was becoming harder to concentrate on the task at hand. the target’s thoughts were buried under a thousand others, each one screaming for attention inside your mind.
you felt sick, like the world was spinning too fast. the room was closing in. your head pounded, and you could feel a sharp nausea creeping up your throat. you needed to get out of there, away from the noise, the thoughts, the people.
a warm hand suddenly brushed against your arm, pulling you out of the spiral you were falling into. you turned, blinking, and found logan standing beside you. his sharp eyes were locked on you, concern written all over his face. he’d always been able to read you better than anyone else on the team, even without telepathy.
“you alright, kid?” his voice cut through the haze, gruff but steady. it was like an anchor, something real and solid to focus on.
you nodded quickly, though it was a lie. “i’m fine,” you muttered, but the words felt weak, shaky.
logan didn’t buy it for a second. “yeah, bullshit,” he muttered, his hand still resting on your arm, grounding you. “you’re lookin’ pale as hell. c’mon, bub.”
before you could protest, logan gently but firmly led you toward the exit, weaving through the crowd with ease. you followed, grateful for his presence. the second you stepped outside, the cool night air hit you, and you felt like you could finally breathe again.
logan guided you away from the line of people waiting to get in and toward a quieter spot around the corner of the building, far from the pounding music. the noise from inside was muffled now, and without the sea of thoughts crashing into you from all sides, your head began to clear, just a little.
“better?” logan asked, his voice softer now, though still carrying that rough edge that was so inherently him.
you nodded, taking a deep breath. “yeah… yeah, much better. thanks.”
he leaned back against the brick wall, folding his arms across his chest, watching you carefully. he didn’t push, didn’t demand an explanation, but you could tell by the way his eyes narrowed slightly that he knew something was wrong.
“it’s just... the noise in there,” you said after a moment, your voice quiet, almost embarrassed. “not just the music, but the people. their thoughts. it’s... it’s a lot.”
logan’s expression softened, just a little. he might not understand telepathy the way you experienced it, but he got it in his own way. he knew what it was like to have too much going on in your head, to feel overwhelmed by things out of your control.
“should’ve said somethin’,” he muttered, though his tone wasn’t harsh. “i would’ve gotten you outta there sooner.”
you shook your head. “i didn’t want to mess up the mission.”
“the mission doesn’t matter if you’re about to pass out,” he shot back, his eyes flashing with irritation - not at you, but at the situation. “you gotta take care of yourself.”
you sighed, leaning against the wall beside him. “i know. ‘s just... hard. when you’re in a place like that, and everyone’s thinking all at once, it’s like - ” you shrugged, trying to find the right words. “it’s like being underwater. you can hear everything muffled, but it’s all too much at the same time. i couldn’t block them all out.”
logan was quiet for a moment, processing what you said. then he nodded, as if he understood. “well, you’re outta there now. you don’t need to go back in. the rest of us can handle it.”
you frowned, shaking your head. “no, i can’t leave the team like that. we’re supposed to - ”
“hey,” he interrupted, his voice low but firm. “you’ve done enough, kid. let us take it from here.” his gaze softened as he looked down at you. “besides, you ain’t leavin’ us hangin’. you’re just takin’ a breather. nothin’ wrong with that.”
you met his eyes, feeling a little less guilty under his steady gaze. he was right, of course. but it still felt wrong to step back when the rest of the team was inside, working.
“how about this,” logan added, his tone softening. “you stay out here for a bit, get your head straight, and if you’re feelin’ up to it, we’ll go back in together. but only if you’re ready.”
his words made you relax a little more. the pressure to keep pushing through was gone, and the idea of taking a break, even if just for a few minutes, didn’t feel so bad when he framed it like that.
“okay,” you agreed softly. “i think... i think i need a few minutes.”
logan nodded, satisfied with your answer. he pushed away from the wall and motioned toward a nearby bench. “sit down for a sec. no rush.”
you followed him, sinking onto the bench gratefully. the fresh air felt good, like it was clearing away the fog in your mind. logan sat beside you, silent but present, his arm resting on the back of the bench, his fingers grazing your shoulder lightly.
“how do you do it?” you asked after a few minutes, your voice barely above a whisper.
logan glanced at you, eyebrow raised. “do what?”
“stay so calm,” you murmured, staring down at your hands. “you’re always in control. even when everything’s going crazy, you just... keep it together.”
he huffed a quiet laugh, shaking his head. “you think i’m calm?”
you looked at him, a little surprised by his response. “well, yeah. you always seem like you’ve got it under control.”
logan’s gaze softened as he met your eyes. “darlin’, i ain’t always calm. most of the time, i’m just as pissed off or frustrated as the next guy. but i learned a long time ago that lettin’ it take over don’t do any good. doesn’t mean it’s easy, but... you get used to it.”
you frowned slightly, processing what he said. “so... you’re just used to it?”
“nah,” he corrected, his voice softer now. “i’m used to dealin’ with it. there’s a difference. but i had to figure that out the hard way. you’ll get there, bub. more easily i hope.”
you nodded slowly, letting his words sink in. it wasn’t the same as what you were dealing with, but in a way, it felt like he understood more than anyone else on the team ever could. and the fact that he was here, sitting with you, offering quiet support, meant more than you could express.
“thanks,” you said after a moment, glancing up at him with a small smile. “for getting me out of there. for... everything.”
logan looked at you for a beat, his expression softening. “anytime,” he muttered, his voice gruff but genuine.
for a while, the two of you just sat there in the quiet, the night air cool against your skin. the noise and chaos of the club were distant now, and with logan beside you, the overwhelming thoughts and emotions that had threatened to drown you finally felt manageable.
“you ready to head back in?” logan asked after a few minutes, though his tone wasn’t pushy.
you hesitated for a second, then shook your head. “not yet.”
he smirked slightly, nodding. “good. let’s stay out here a bit longer.”
you smiled, leaning into his shoulder, and he didn’t pull away. instead, his arm settled around you, holding you close as the night stretched on, the two of you finding a moment of peace amidst the chaos.
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general taglist : @coocoocachewgotscrewed, @k1t-k4ts, @icurushasfallen, @eddxemxnson, @nickiinator
@chamomile-tea420, @rooroen, @spitfy, @cannon-writes, @platinumblondeedition
@cloudcandyala, @v3lv3tf0x, @california-boys-and-sun, @harleyyquinnsgf, @lemoanaid
@notacleangirl, @jabberwokee, @aetherthetrashpanda, @schrodingersjigsaw, @sylaswrites
@t0mmy-th3-gh0st, @correnz, @fvhs-things, @kallmeweirdhprroe, @dugiioh
@thugbiscuits, @rosiahills22, @cassehtwah, @whxtewolf, @mystcrium,
@bluevclvet, @angellreads, @babey-fruit-bat
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wcnderlnds · 2 days
stupid for you | peter maximoff
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SUMMARY: you and peter fall out and he makes it up to you in his own peter way WORD COUNT: 928 WARNINGS: some swearing. A/N: idk what this is but writing peter is my fave so he gets all my dumb ideas ❤️ p.s. if the format sucks it’s bc im mobile.
It wasn’t like Peter had meant to upset you. Sometimes his mouth didn’t have a filter and he said things before even thinking about it so when he called you ‘annoying and needy’, he really didn’t mean it. He wasn’t that guy. He wasn’t the type of person to ever want to upset you or anyone for that matter. So when he’d seen you walk away hurt and upset, that had sent him right into action. He just had to make it up to you — make you see how important you really were to him. It gnawed at him inside that he’d been the one to make you feel that way. Never before had he ever felt so bad. So guilty.
He’d spent the whole day trying to think of what he could do to apologise then suddenly the idea hit him. Maybe it was a little stupid, maybe you’d completely hate it but he thought it’d be cool. Different. It’d be something him.
Meanwhile, you’d spent the day moping around the X-Mansion. The training session you’d had earlier had helped distract your mind but as soon as it was over, your thoughts drifted back to Peter. The fight the two of you had had been so stupid. All you’d done is made some comment about Peter needing to slow down for a minute and listen to you and it had spiralled from there. It wasn’t often the two of you argued. In fact, you never really had. In the whole six months you’d been dating things had been going smoothly. Things had been so easy going, so fun — it wasn’t really a surprise that something was bound to happen to ruin that. When things were going good there was always something that had to come along and mess it all up.
With a sigh, you started to head upstairs to your room when suddenly a blur of silver and blue rushed past you. Before you could even blink Peter was stood right in front of you, his hands hidden behind his back. Your arms wrapped around yourself as you looked at him. “Hi.”
Your nerves were mirrored in his face as he spoke. “Hey. Uh…”
The silence fell between you. It was awkward — something that didnt happen often when it came to you and Peter. Just as you were about to open your mouth to say something he began talking.
“Okay, just let me talk for a minute before I chicken out. I’m not good at this shit. I’m not the best at filtering the stuff that comes out of my mouth. That’s why I’m always getting myself in trouble. You know that but the last thing I ever want to do is hurt you. You gotta believe me on that one. If I could, I’d punch myself in the face. I mean, I could but… I can’t break the goods, y’know?” He laughed lightly, trying to ease the tension.
“It’s my fau-“
“Gonna have to stop you there, babe,” he said as he pulled one of his hands from behind his back and held it up to signal you to stop. “Can’t have you taking the fall on this one. It’s all me. A Maximoff fuck up special. That little switch people have in their brain where they tell themselves to shut up before they say something dumb? Yeah, turns out mine is broken. Probably wasn’t born with one actually. I’m not letting you feel bad for this. It’s all on me, okay? I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”
A small smile tugged at your lips. “It’s okay. You really don’t have to apo-“
“I do, I really do, though. Felt bad the second I said what I said. You’re not annoying and I love when you’re clingy. I love you wanting to be around me as much as I want to be around you. You caught me on one of those rare days where I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Maybe Scott even pissed in my cereal or something, who knows. Point is that I messed up.”
“Are you gonna stop cutting me off?” You asked, an amused look on your face as you listened to your boyfriends rambling.
“Oh shit, sorry. My bad. The floor is yours.”
“What I was trying to say was that you don’t need to apologise because I forgive you anyway. We’re gonna mess up sometimes and I know you didn’t mean it. It was just hearing it come from you that upset me, I guess. Anyone else I could take it but you? Your opinions and thoughts about me matter the most. Can we just forget about it and move on?”
“Sure, yeah… but first…” he finally pulled his hand from behind his back to produce a Lego bouquet of flowers. “These are for you and lemme tell you, it was hell trying to put this together.”
“…you got me Lego flowers?”
“Duh. This way they last forever and you won’t have to worry about watering them and you can always remember the time your boyfriend was a dumbass.”
You laughed, taking them from him. “How long did it take you to put it together?”
“Might have cheated and used the ol’ mutation but I kept messing up. Some of the pieces wouldn’t fit where I wanted them to and I almost got mad and thr-“
“There’s instructions, you know.”
“Are you gonna stop cutting me off?” He grinned, hands on his hips as he echoed your words from earlier.
“And don’t you forget it.”
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kentahoe · 11 hours
a nameless hamzah fic because i said so
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srry i can’t NEVER come up with proper names for my fics. THIS PIC OF HIM MAKES ME TWEAKKK
cw: SEX idk what else to put i’ve never written smth like this before🤕 nothing out of pocket but nothing short of freaky deaky.
He was gentle, an easy smile played across his pretty lips, and his eyes were half-lidded in a way that made you feel casual. In every sense, he was someone you wanted to be around. The low hum of his voice when he told jokes, his cute teeth and calming smell.
Hamzah held himself on the couch very languidly, legs comfortably spread, leaning onto the arm rest, head tilted back ever so slightly so you could see the expanse of his neck.
Sitting up, he tilted his head towards you, smirking easily. “What? You picked this movie and suddenly you don’t like it anymore?”
Of course the one time you indulged; allowed yourself a glance, to drink in his essence next to you, of course that’s when he noticed.
“No, I just spaced out. I like it,” You turned back towards the TV, but you felt his lingering eyes on you. You almost felt like they had lasers, heat washing over you wherever they swept past on your face and body, like you had been zapped.
“What are you thinking about? You were looking right at me.” He still has that easy grin, and you feel your eye twitch in annoyance.
But could you ever really be annoyed at him?
“I don’t even remember.” Shaking your head, you chanced looking over at him, meeting his eyes.
They were deep and warm and pretty. Dark eyelashes that curled slightly, that made him even more beautiful. “I think you do.”
Simple response. Simple enough that you couldn’t come up with an answer. One flutter of his eyes and all the words were stolen from your chest. In your head, you were filing through things to say, and the longer you were quiet, the stupider you were sure you seemed.
Hamzah inhaled a breath, removing his hand from the side of his face where it was resting. He lifted himself with his arms, shifting in his cross-legged position to face you on the couch. It startled you a bit, because you didn’t know what he could possibly be implying. Well, you did, but there was a nervousness in your gut.
He uncrossed one leg, letting it fall over the edge of the couch, and he looked at you. With intention in his eyes. There was a goal he was working towards, but you weren’t sure what it was, if it wasn’t what you were thinking. His grey t-shirt was wrinkled a bit, and his black basketball shorts were riding up on his thighs, and you could help but exhale a breath looking at him, swallowing.
“I think you look really good,” you somehow found, straightening your back.
Hamzah’s grin grew, like he reached a new achievement. It would almost annoy you if he wasn’t so handsome. And if there wasn’t a heat boiling inside you that made the hoodie you were wearing almost unbearable. You could see his breath pick up, his chest moving.
It was almost a bit awkward, he let out a chuckle—a giggle— and your face heated up. Hamzah had inched closer to you on the couch, crossing the barrier of the cushion, and you suddenly felt a lot more nervous.
You shifted, thinking maybe you had read the situation wrong. “What? You asked.” You wanted to get defensive, blow the whole thing off and finish watching the movie so you could run away and die.
The giggle stopped, and Hamzah’s voice became very genuine, a comforting, inviting smile on his lips, that you couldn’t help but stare at as he spoke, low and intimate. “No, no. I—thank you, is what I meant.” He paused watching you, “I got nervous.” There was that giggle again.
Uncrossing your arms, you turned to face him again, lowering your voice to match his. “In a good way?” Your eyes danced across his face. Although he tried his best to hide it, the shyness creeped up his neck and seeped into his expression. It was cute.
It was hot.
“Yeah.” It was almost a whisper.
His hand had moved up to his face again, half leaning into it, and half maybe to cover his face from the nervousness he was feeling.
And suddenly you felt very brave.
You scooted towards him, wrapping your fingers gently around his wrist and lowering his hand from his face, watching as he chuckled again, leaning closer. “I think you look very good right now.”
Hamzah’s eyelids seemed to lower even more, and he hummed, his face hovering closer to yours, looking into your eyes through his lashes.
Fuck, you wanted him badly.
“You.. I—“ He started weakly.
There wasn’t enough time to process what you had done before you acted, closing the gap, pressing your lips together. You chest jumped at the feeling, and then flipped indefinitely when you realized he was kissing you back, heavily, needy. His large hand had splayed across your thigh, his other wrapping around the back of the couch as he leaned in.
Deciding after a few seconds that there wasn’t enough contact between you two, you moved your hand that was on his wrist up to his shoulder, then his neck, and the base of his jaw, guiding him to deepen the kiss, which he welcomed with fever, letting out a deep exhale through his nose. His hand became restless on your thigh, and he lazily moved it up and down, prompting you to scoot closer, where you eventually ended up on his lap.
For a moment the difference was odd, being slightly taller than him. But the way he looked up at you, god it was one of the hottest things you’ve ever seen. His beckoning hands shyly trailing up your sides.
You wanted to take this moment in. A moment to look at him. You laced your fingers into his curls at the back of his head, leaning down to connect your lips again, where you let out a breath into his mouth you didn’t know you were holding. It came out sounding like a whine, which he clearly didn’t expect, because there was a hesitation at your audible desire. He chanced it and licked into your mouth, which produced a real whine from you, pulling slightly at his hair.
His chest rumbled slightly with each breath, as his hands found their way under your hoodie and to your back. You pressed closer to him, wanting to be in contact with every part of him. You met his tongue with your own, finding your jaw becoming slightly sore.
Pulling back, you breathed heavily, looking at Hamzah, whose eyes were almost closed, also breathing deeply.
You sat up and ran both of your hands over his shoulders and chest from your position straddling him on the couch. Down his chest and over his stomach. You scooted back more, letting your hands roam over his thighs.
And god, they made you more wet. Squeezing them slightly in awe. They were so strong and you always found them incredibly sexy.
“Fuck Hamzah,” You breathed, and Hamzah raised his eyes from your hands on him to your face.
“Hmm?” He was smirking again, though it faltered slightly when your hands ran close to his dick.
“You’re so hot. Can I…I need to.” You let your fingers dance over his growing dick, and he jolted slightly.
“Ah, yeah, yeah, please.” It was quick, in one breath, desperate as he made eye contact with you, brows furrowed slightly.
Letting yourself caress him fully, you rubbed your flat hand over his bulge, stroking it between your pointed and middle finger, dancing all of your fingers over him.
Hamzah’s own hands were on your knees, squeezing them in reaction to your touches, his stomach flexing. You moved back more, allowing space to pull at the waistband of his basketball shorts that were probably too small, the way they hugged his ass and thighs. Pulling them down, he kicked them off and spread his legs wider, giving you access to his dick, that was growing hotter and hotter under your hand in his boxers.
His tip was sticky, and you used it when you wrapped your hand around him, stroking him up and down. Fuck, he was big. Girthy and heavy, stiff in your hand as you worked him.
The glimmer of sweat was beginning to form on Hamzah’s hairline, and he breathed heavily, still looking up at you. You used your other hand to push his hair back, leaning down to kiss him hard, trying to get more sounds out of him.
It worked, as the sensations seemed to overwhelm him, because he stopped kissing you back after a few seconds, screwing his eyes shut and groaning, leaning his head down and forward. “Fuck, shit.” He breathed, and his hips rolled up into your slick hand.
You stared at him, amazed. “Hamzah,”
You didn’t know why you said his name, maybe it was just acknowledgement in what you were seeing. Him being so pliable and good for you. “You’re so hot, holy shit.”
Even in the middle of getting his dick stroked, he managed to let out a chuckle, not quite used to your praise yet, or how much it excited him.
He was getting dangerously close before he stopped you, grabbing your wrist. “Hey, hey stop. Can I make you feel good? Please?”
You suddenly remembered your own need. The burning heat that shot straight from your stomach, inflaming your limbs and igniting your core. You didn’t have to hesitate to answer him this time. “Yes, yes.”
And you kissed him again, gentler, letting him take the lead. He did, and he grabbed your waist, and slowly laid you back onto the couch, using both his hands to hold up his weight above you as you hand your arms wrapped around the back of his neck. “I want you, so bad.”
Hamzah knelt between your legs, using his knees to spread them. “You’re so pretty. Your hair…looked really good today.”
The comment made you giggle unexpectedly, and you brushed it behind your ear. You remember dreading hanging out with Hamzah because you thought it was a particularly bad hair day for you. “Thank you, handsome. You are, you know? Really handsome.”
“I think I believe you.” Hamzah says, letting his eyes wander over your body.
You become aware of how hot you are, letting go of Hamzah to wiggle out of your hoodie, throwing it to the side. He grins, letting his hand fall to your hip, brushing his thumb over the material of your sweatpants. You kick them off shortly after, left in your underwear and sports bra. Too bad you weren’t wearing something cuter, but that did not seem to matter to Hamzah, he looked at you like you were the most gorgeous being he’s ever seen.
“You look good. Look hot.” It was a little awkward coming from his mouth, but it was so cute that it didn’t deter you one bit.
Instead you put your hands on his shoulders, grabbing his shirt. “Can you take this off for me?”
And he did without another word.
This position, felt so much more real. Hamzah was about to fuck you, and you were wanting it badly.
Hamzah leaned down to kiss you again, connecting his tongue to yours immediately, hands roaming up your waist to your bra, his fingertips slipping under the fabric. You grabbed his wrist and pushed his hand up, lifting your bra and making his hand meet your breast, to which you sighed at, the pressure of his hand feeling euphoric.
Taking your bra off fully, Hamzah pulled back to look at you. Only for a moment, though he was internal freaking out, he told himself he needed to act cool. So, he exhaled and found it in himself let his fingers wander, caressing you gently, firmly. When you let out a whine, he let out what sounded like a surprised cough, “Fuck,”
There seemed to be a lot of that, one word cursing. But it seemed to convey communication well, enough to be able to grasp each others thoughts.
You were kind of tired of it.
“Hamzah, fuck me. If you wanna.” You didn’t know another way to phrase it.
“I do, I will.” A whisper, almost sounding like a threat.
To you, it sounded like a promise.
Finding the waistband of his boxers in the dim lighting, you tugged on them weakly, and after Hamzah had pulled them off, you ran your hands over the curve of his hips and the small of his back, admiring him. God, you could do this all day, you thought, running your nails down his spine.
He shuddered for a second, looking at your underwear before repeating (maybe to himself again), “I will,” With more desperation, an airy voice that made your cunt writhe and stutter. He hooked two fingers at the bottom of the fabric by your leg, sliding them over your smooth legs, dropping them at your feet on the couch, behind him. “Baby,” he breathed, leaning to kiss you as his hand wandered, searing your body, down your stomach and to your cunt, and the same two fingers crazed your clit, sliding up the folds in an experimental way.
Jolting under him, you lifted your hips in protest. “Hamzah,” you warned, though it came out more like a plea.
Hamzah giggled into your neck, kissing it before moving back to your lips to give them a quick peck. He wrapped a hand around his dick and stroked it a couple times, aligning it with your entrance, rubbing it through your wet folds and over your clit, you hissed out on pleasure at the contact, it was becoming unbearable to not have his dick in you right now. As soon as he started to push in, you wrapped your legs around him and squeezed, ushering him in faster.
“Okay, okay baby.” He cooed coolly, his other hand grasping at your waist for leverage to thrust in. “Ah, shit…” Once he was fully in, he didn’t have the resolve to wait, and immediately set a thorough, deep pace.
And just as quickly, you couldn’t think straight, restlessly squirming, trying to move in time with Hamzah’s thrusts, beckoning him to go faster. The stretch was mind-bending, you needed more. “Hamzah, harder. Please.”
“So polite,” he teased, and you sighed when he complied, though just as deep as before, the thrust became harder and licked the spot inside you that caused a moan to lurch from your throat.
As some form of gratitude, you kissed him, lacing your fingers back into his hair. It didn’t last long, as Hamzah’s cool demeanor was slowly melting, and his own moans seeped from his throat, Adam’s apple bobbing pleasantly when his head leant back. “You feel so fucking good,” he babbled, eyes closed, subconsciously moving faster. “So good.”
Fucked out, is what he looked like. Sweat had accumulated farther than his hairline, and upon his top lip that was glistening, occasionally wetted by his tongue that would flick out on concentration. His eyes were screwed shut, thick eyebrows furrowed.
You moved your hands from the back of his head to the top of his head, pushing his curls back that were almost covering his eyes, wanting him to look at you. “Hamzah, open.” You told him, and though it took a moment, he did, and blinked heavily at you, his brows furrowed even more, and his lips parted in a pant, that could have been mistaken for a lazy chuckle.
“Hey,” He said with faux coolness again, and you snickered.
“Keep going,” you grunted, “like that.” Moving in time with his thrusts became easy as mindless— like he made you feel about everything— and quickly you were approaching your climax, a red-hot rod shooting up your center from your cunt to your cheeks, and you new you were getting close.
The thought made you even more feverish, becoming louder and less concerned about your facial expressions. “I need—Hamzah I’m, ah—” He suddenly bit on you neck, not particularly hard, but the sensation was jarring enough, and it deployed a pang straight to your core, you squeezed around his cock desperately.
“I know, I know, baby. Come here.” Wrapping his hands around your torso and pulling you close to him as the reach of his thrusts increased, stroking your insides over and over again, and you finally teetered over the edge.
Hot magma poured from your center and oozed throughout your limbs, white heat flooding every cell, and you were trembling violently, opening your mouth in a moan and tilting you head back, to which Hamzah connected his mouth with again, letting out his own indications that he was on the brink of cumming, too.
“Oh my god, I’m gonna cum, I—“
“Don’t stop,” you assured when he hesitated.
You were still riding out your high when the heat inside you increased, and Hamzah’s thrust were almost animalistic, nails digging into your waist in a way that made your eyes roll back, and your insides were drowned in his cum, deep and full. Hamzah’s hands immediately traveled up to your chest again, rubbing comfortingly over your breasts, he didn’t pull out for a moment, panting, swimming in the aftershock of his orgasm. You ran your nails up and down his back again, and felt the muscles in his back relax, and he eased into you, pulling out and letting his body weight fall comfortably on top of yours.
You twirled his hair in your fingertips, slightly scratching his scalp as your breaths fell in rhythm, hearts connected, chest to chest, and each others warmth’s joining into one, sleep-inducing flame.
“You okay?” He mumbled into your neck.
“Of course,” You replied, looking down at him. “Are you?”
“I…can’t think.” He admitted sheepishly, smiling and kissing your neck.
“Can you think enough to make it to the shower, handsome?” You smiled at him.
Hamzah grew a grin on his lips. “We’ll see.” And he slowly rolled off of you, throwing his boxers on easily, picking up a blackest for you that was on the back of the couch, wrapping it around you and picking up your clothes, setting it on the couch. “After you,” he gestured in front of him, and you led your way into the bathroom.
a/n: i never know how to end these ;-; srry if it was rushed or bad, i don’t know how to properly pace a story. not much of a writer, but the lack of fics igniting smth in my lizard brain.
lmk if u see any typos bc i am NOT proofreading allat😭🙏
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ryo-kaikura · 1 day
Yandere Sebastian Michaelis x Dom(?)male reader
My feelings for him caught on so I'm writing this.
Idk this just came to mind and this was from four or three years ago
One day, you wake up, your body similar to the body you had. You know you died, you saw that ‘God’ or whatever they called themselves. It looked horrific but mesmerizing but they said something along the lines of “it's a mistake” “Game she likes”. 
After arriving it seems that they were talking about your sister's favorite otome game with black butler, a popular anime after it was released for a while but some of the characters were good looking. You always felt a connection with one of the characters, Sebastian Michaelis. 
After you composed yourself, you realize your character is the soft dom butler in love and sorta obsessed with Sebastian then when the MC came and she made you realize he didn't like you, you become obsessed with the MC then one night a mysterious vampire was hungry and drained you, you died in a very tragic and painful way. 
Well you didn't want that and you realize this was months before the MC came to the manor so when you started to work, you slowly distanced yourself from Sebastian.
One day, Sebastian asked to talk to you. He was asking why you seem colder and will it affect your work performance. You, with a “did you hit your head or something” Look, questioned why he would care cause all the staff barely do they're work right and he could do it all again in a second. He then dismisses you. After that you returned to your job while slowly only asking or answering Sebastian when you needed his help or when he needed your assistance. 
Sebastian, after the conversation, questions himself ‘why did i care if he's cold to me’ ‘it didn't even affect the job?’. Later that night Sebastian asked if you liked him. You answered the truth that you used to but you decided to stop your feelings before it got too far. Little did Sebastian or you know, this little conversation would spark a wildfire. 
After a while Sebastian felt that he needed to have your attention on him again. He felt that without your attention he felt something was amiss so he decided to get your attention but it all failed with either a questioning look or other staff praising him. A month passed, the MC still had a few couple months before she arrives but just to prepare for the vampire you started to workout, guess being a “soft dom” Helped cause your strength and muscle mass increase quite fast and you suddenly was able to rip metal, you had to apologize quite a lot cause of that. (The workout was in the course of the month) 
A week later and it was your turn to go shopping in the town for snacks and delicacies that the servants and young earl Phantomhive wanted. After getting what they wanted and ordering for the rest to be sent and some to be brought later, you go and pick the thing you want and for some reason you decide getting some peroxide would be useful. After getting the rest of the items, it turns out it was already late. 
While walking to your horse you felt like someone was watching you or stalking you. You decided if it was a human you could beat them. So you went into an alley. When you look back you saw a… … … Vampire?????
Why did it arrive now??? Wasn't your death by blood drainage months later???? When the vampire attacked you, you felt nothing. Not fear, not adrenaline, nothing. After being pounced on, you felt your life flash before you eyes, the life of a butler over the course of two months. But feeling like this vampire is weak and testing that theory, you decide to pull him off and bite his neck (like "UNO REVERSE B*TCH" type of thing), after he is stunned, you grab his heart and start to rip it to shreds, somewhere in the middle you feel the heart stop beating. 
(I don't really know the other ways to kill a vampire so i just took a theory that you need to stab they're heart with a stake and make it tha even if it's not inside the body, the vampire could still live and just go off that) 
When you woke up, it was in the same room you woke everyday for the past 2 months, your room, and you didn't feel any pain. When you saw yourself in the mirror you saw a body that went from ‘soft dom’ to ‘daddy dom’ (even I'm having secondhand embarrassment). Your body used to have a layer of fat covering your abs but now you're ripped. After thinking how you got back, a memory flashed. You suddenly remember subconsciously bringing the snacks back and cleaning your clothes of any blood with the peroxide. 
Feeling nothing is wrong you decide to continue working. While working you felt that Sebastian has been acting strange, he acted like you're disgusting but also he's in love with you. You didn't know why until you saw Baldroy accidentally cut his finger and wanting to suck it up, you turned into a vampire. You decide nothing of it until that night you had a dream of the ‘God’. 
They said that it was going off course but this was more entertaining so They would let it be and both you and ‘him’ are entertaining to watch. You woke up at midnight confused. When you tried to sleep again you felt thirsty but you didn't want to drink blood like dracula style. So you decide to go to the kitchen. When you were about to go take a glass you saw on the table a red liquid, you already know what it is just by smell but your body felt like it forced itself to go by instinct and gulped it down your throat. Afterwards you felt like you could go to sleep
The next day, you wake up energized and excited so you were able to finish your job early and decided to rest. A few moments later Sebastian passed by. He decided to ask if you're a vampire and he assured you that he would harm you and you showed signs of knowing he is a demon (i think). 
After telling him, Sebastian seems to reassures himself for some reason and then says, there's a guest that comes from France and he hoped you could help the others from making a mess while he helps the young master. You didn't see why not so you helped the others but it seems before you had arrived they had already made a mess. You decided to clean up while waiting for Sebastian to show up as usually he has a plan for all this. 
Well that ended quite happily with the guest running and falling to his carriage. Though with that experience you realize your senses have quadrupled and you could hear almost half the manor if you were in front of it quite clearly if you tried. But it seems sometimes when you don't deliberately try to hear it just goes 3 meters around you clearly. Suddenly you woke up again at midnight thirsty and you saw the same cup filled with blood on the same spot. You thought nothing of it as your body just swallowed the blood like chugging a beer. 
Two months past and there is only two months left before the MC of this game arrives for a “my uncle house burned so he sent me here because your father was close to my uncle and you father owes us something in return of saving his life” quite cliche but ok. But the most surprising thing is that you have slowly fallen in love with Sebastian Michaelis over this past month for no reason!!!! Sure it could be after you turn into a vampire you stopped distancing yourself but how could your heart beat for that heartless demon TT. 
After a few days, you decide to confess as it's best to get your feeling destroyed now than later 🙃. After asking Sebastian to meet you at the kitchen, you waited for the agreed upon time and a few minutes before you saw Sebastian. When you finally said the words, you were hoping Sebastian would dump you by saying things like “a relationship between servants is not ideal for a healthy environment” Or “I'm not looking for a love life, sorry” But it shocked you, Sebastian said that he has had the same feelings for a WHILE!!!. Oh well, guess we're dating now 😬🤭. 
Though somehow your dom character made Sebastian to a sub in the relationship as you thought impossible (i just like making a canonly dom man to a sub😋😓). So he moved into your room and somehow the bed magically got bigger. 
When the day comes for the MC to arrive. You were right beside Sebastian as your relationship still stands and it's strong with Sebastian's subtle jealousy and possessiveness and young master Ciel's permission😭. When MC arrived she was different. She didn't come with a white lotus facade but she came in strong and asked for a job???? 
Afterwards,I thought she would accuse me of stealing Sebastian or something but she didn't care, all she cared about was books and doing her job. Soon she came to me to talk but she didn't sound like she despised me and somehow I accidentally told her you were reincarnated. Then she said she did as well. When we talked about what and where you’re from it turns out this world is currently a BL book and the main character is you. Though whenever she says something that hasn't happened yet you can't seem to hear or understand her. Her writing looks gibberish her words sounds messed up but she's always warning you about something. 
One day you saw her talk to Sebastian about something she knows he's doing and asking him to stop. And Sebastian laughing and telling you won't believe her and you won't even be able to hear her. You decide to ignore and continue working. Later that evening you decide to rest, the MC named Alice (i forgot to name her) meet you and told you something shocking and you were able to hear her completely
the day after you turned into a Vampire, What you didn't know was that Sebastian knew the moment a vampire got inside the house but didn't know who until you showed up to work. He was confused on how you became a vampire and disgusted by the thought of being a vampire but the moment he knew it was you, he decided not to care. That evening, after the young master was still working, Sebastian decided to read about vampires. 
Suddenly he saw a book, the book felt it was calling him. When he picked it up and read it, he saw a bold text. 
Sebastian read the rest of the article saying things like “because to a vampire, a demon’s/devil's blood is like a love potion that if the two months pass, they will never truly hate the demon/devil. Angels have weaker effects because blah blah blah blah” Like being struck by lightning Sebastian knew what to do to poor you. (The “blah blah” is just what Sebastian stopped caring about).
After hearing everything, it all clicked in your head. How you suddenly liked him, how suddenly there was a cup of blood after you turned a vampire and also how suddenly you always felt drinking Sebastian's blood made you fall deeper for him but you thought nothing of it because you trusted him.
you decide to confront him but when you meet him,he was smiling, smirking, unbothered and when you saw his eyes you could think of anything else. Why were you angry, why were you enraged, what made you enraged. After a while of staring into his demonic eyes you snapped out of it. You remembered and asked Him the reason why he did this. He answered that it was because you didn't want to like him anymore so he felt something was missing so he decided to take matters into his own hands and take you for himself.
Usually you would feel betrayed but you felt nothing but affection for the person in front of you for unknown reasons. When you thought of what happened  it felt like everything was erased and written back in a way that Sebastian was seen as the perfect man out there, no flaw in his logic, no problem in his love. You felt it was right to be with him.
When you stop thinking, suddenly your body moves, you move in the direction of Sebastian. You feel the need to drink his blood. He then realizes, his blood isn't only a love potion but it's an addiction, where you can't get anywhere else. 
After Sebastian was able to shoo Alice out of the Phantomhive manor, he was delighted with the new found knowledge. He feels the rush of edging you when you disagree with him and rewarding you with his blood when you can't stop trying to drink his blood. 
He would whine and act pitiful to you, pulling your heartstring but you still lead the relationship but the only reason the relationship even last his Sebastian’s blood
After Sebastian eats Ciel’s soul, he makes a contract with you, as you still had your  soul as you didn't die from being bitten by a vampire. And so the both of you stay together with you leading and slowly falling in love with Sebastian and Sebastian getting more and more obsessed with You
Sorry for not continuing the other story, I had a massive block and can't come up with things to continue the story. I might scratch the one I'm currently writing and re write it for the nth time
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bamsara · 7 months
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I made them a place to sleep. no more nightmares.
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rottengurlz · 1 year
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lover, don't touch me // leave, i am a danger to you // but ooh, i hunger for you
#this is leona's vampire lover audra#i guess you could say the first time they met was when audra nearly killed her in a blood lust because she hadnt fed in so long#idk how to describe it well but audra suddenly stopped devouring her when leona looked at her with no fear in her eyes#but looked at audra like she was something to worship#she whispered that audra was so beautiful even as her own blood was splattered between them and staining her lips#leona had never seen someone or something so perfect and powerful#power that she wanted and knew exactly how to get when audra whimpered over the slightest bit of praise#i never talk about them but i am CONSTANTLY thinking about them <3#some fun little facts is leona killed her husband in cold blood because he was pitiful and boring#she married the first person to show any interest in her just to get away from her family#he would have been a perfectly good husband for anyone else#but the best part of their marriage was when she stabbed him in the stomach 47 times and felt his blood splatter against her skin#for audra OBVIOUSLY had to make another oc who would do anything to be loved even if it means destroying herself#audra was turned very suddenly and without any guidance#she murdered her lover without even realizing it she opened her eyes to find them splattered across every surface of the room#because of that shes done everything she can to protect herself from others even if it means starving herself of blood#until she goes into a frenzy#leona is the first person she has ever willingly fed off of#idk if willingly is the right word since leona practically begs her to do it#i really want to remake leona now.........#i like how leona looks but i want her to match audra better#mysims#the sims 4#simblr#sims 4 screenshots#sims 4 cas#ts4 cas#sims 4 edit#ts4
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tiny-merkitty · 4 months
"impure regression" it's therapy, impurity came free with your xbox
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pardonmydelays · 1 month
routines in the night is my vigilante shit for real
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forcedhesitation · 4 months
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why should it just be steve who has all the torturous purgatory realm fun?
#dbd#myart#wip#quick clarification for those only familiar with the american version of ringu: sadako is 19.#anyway. I love that dbd lets me explore steve and nancy's characters outside the bullshit that the show is.#because the whole steve and nancy dynamic is Interesting. but the dustbags are plagued by cerebral hetrot so that story never GOES anywhere#it's just the “Waaaah love triangle OMG!!! will they? won't they?” crap. idk man. idc. why're these dumbasses breathing in Upside down air?#some people here have seen lucy before-- he is the ghostface pictured. and he's an OC. different person entirely from danny.#I won't explain his full lore here but-- he was a drag queen before the fog who started out by only killing those who he felt deserved it.#his entire persona satirises catholicism and he calls himself “the holy ghost” rather than ghostface. the entity made him an actual devil.#he's obsessed with steve because he LIVES his own role so he sees steve as his heroic opposite or some fucked up gay shit like that.#he's clutching kate's heart because if he were a real character in the game-- he'd have two moris.#one standard... and one for if a steve is present in the lobby. the second would involve him carving out the heart of a survivor as a gift.#he never harms steve though-- so it makes steve's penchant for self-sacrifice pointless.#steve instead has to do what he can to open the gates as fast as possible-- or watch everyone else die! :)#as for the toxic yuri-- it occurred to me that sadako's backstory bears some striking similarities to barb's story.#as soon as I realised this-- it was like I had suddenly gained the ability to see a new colour I could not see before.#sadako wanting to torment nancy as sick revenge for what happened to her but using barb's death as justification for this...#...nancy being unable to escape the ghost of barb... even in this hell dimension full of terrifying monsters--#it is still the memory of the girl she feels she “let” die in steve's pool that scares and hurts her the most.#not to mention that sadako's powers are reminiscent of how the upside down related fuckery appears...#the screwy technology. the telekinesis.#I just REALLY love seeing characters be forced to confront difficult parts of themselves even if that shit REALLY hurts.#dbd makes it so easy to do that to any given character. of course this goes both ways too-- it'd force lucy & sadako to change too.#which opens the door for torment on their end too because killers who disobey the entity are tortured into obeying.#a rock and a hard place on both ends. and that is Exactly how I like it. intense. complicated-- a puzzle to be solved.
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stardial · 7 months
it’s been an incredibly tumultuous last one and a half months for me emotionally, but i think i’m finally starting to recover properly and it feels really nice
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bunnihearted · 3 months
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
#it hurts but it is natural and im not oversensitive and im allowed to feel this way#the future i had envisioned and hoped for and believed in was just.. suddenly gone and im allowed to mourn the loss#because for an entire year i've been wanting this. and imagining it and thought of ways it could be real#and i didnt base my feelings only on imagination but on his words and him saying that we should figure out whatever was between us#and in the way we talked and what we shared and how he did start treating me as 'his girl'#which i also do not think was irresponsible nor am i upset by that. bc i wasnt 100% present bc of my avpd stuff#but it was so amazing and he was so amazing and i'd been having feelings for him for half a year before and then i only fell more and more#im trying to be as non specific as possible bc like i can only talk abt *me*.. but there were just sm other things and circumstances#so it got less and less intense.. and i wanted to give him space and patience and not push smth on him and be insensitive#then i told him abt being in love w him and wanting to be there for him w his struggles and working it out together#and im embarrassed af but i had honestly thought... that would be met well and with reciprocity...#(i understand that feelings cant be forced & im not upset or feel betrayed i just felt v sad bc i was so sure he would want me to be his gf#but i got neither a clear rejection nor much of what he was thinking abt me and what was between us. mostly just that it wasnt a good timin#so again i wanted to respect that and not keep push it. even if i tried bringing it up sometimes it never got anywhere and it didnt feel#right to just keep and keep on doing it. then there were times when i /felt/ rejection and got more hope based on interactions#truly i've been walking around for a year believing that this was smth that would come true if only we could talk#and i've been waiting and hoping and loving. and i've really been thinking of it as a real future#i even tried telling him a few months ago that if he wants me he can have all of me but he told me to stop so i did#and now i've learned that none of my devotion or hope was returned... i've been in this waiting room all alone all this time#i thought i was patient bc of all the other things but he couldnt give me a chance but he did for someone else and that just hurts#idk it hurts bc this love and connection meant so much to me and i wanted to do anything to make it work#and when u realize all of a sudden that it was only u who felt that and that future u so badly thought would happen isnt real#.... i feel extremely lost and despairing. plus it just is how i feel but i've only been this connected to him#honestly it might sound weird how i can feel this much for someone i've never met irl but he has been my only hope and comfort#for the past years he hs been my only comfort and the only thing making me feel good and ok and hopeful.... so it hurts it hurts it hurts!!
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hiphopcherrrypop · 2 years
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venn diagram for how i depict kai and mk ❤
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nikoco11 · 2 years
i feel like. something in my art has shifted. where i’m drawing more similar to my older style but applying the experience my more recent art has given me,,, so basically i’m drawin stuff quickly and cutely and i’m very happy these days!!!!!!
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we-are-inevitable · 1 year
warm up???
little frog lad
a different kind of bloom
we think of rot as a solitary thing, i think lying in the fetal position on an unmade bed hugging a pillow to your chest, praying that it’s spared when the skin slides off your bones and the house caves in on you alone but have we not all rotted before? will we not all rot again? scrolling for miles, addicted, thousands of censored words tattooed on our corneas the coroner will say the cause of death  is the social rot we all hold close to our heart- the sign of being teens when the world stopped but were we not rotting together? did the  rot not spread? our parents will weep for children lost to fairy lights and little frog lads to mushroom earrings and eyeliner on lips to pronouns and pride flags and the beginning of being forever fifteen, forever realizing that the rot clears away the exterior and the bone underneath  is something unifying, a reminder that we are alive beneath the skin we wear when there are no expectations, when there is no social norm to conform to, when the rot seeps through the perfect child and exposes the rest- the messy, the sad, the lonely- to the world. will  we ever recover? will we ever find ourselves again? will we ever need to?
a commentary on the rise of alternative individualism (and the fall to yet another form of social commodification). ironically, this will be posted to tiktok.
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quietwingsinthesky · 11 months
Prompt: the archangelcule celebrating Jack's birthday 🙏
Lucifer runs himself ragged all week getting the party set up (and despite the fact that he’s done this for Jack every time he needs it since he came back into Michael’s life, it still leaves Michael surprised and wondering what happened to the boy who only knew how to bite the hand that fed when Michael abandoned him, when did he learn to be gentle and reliable, why did Michael waste all this time not seeing him?) to the point that he looks like he might fall asleep in front of the birthday cake before Raphael nudges him with their elbow, and he wakes up to sing.
They sing quietly — loud noises hurt Jack’s ears, one of many little oddities, but they rearrange their lives around his needs: no vacuuming unless he’s out of the house and no yelling from room to room — while Jack looks like he’s about to jump right out of his seat with how much he wants to blow out the candles. Gabriel scoops him up in one arm after, lets Jack’s tiny hand curl around the handle of the (dull!) cake knife while his lays over it to guide him, and helps him to cut pieces for them all himself.
(birthday 3 sentence ficathon! come toss a prompt!)
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monsterbisexual · 3 days
#p#i hate feeling like more emotional than usual like the tiniest thing can happen n im like freaking out or miserable#idk if anything did happen sometimes i just suddenly feel anxious n like im gonna fall apart n cry n the worlds endign#<- not always all those at once but sometimes#its like vulnerable doesnt feel like a good word for it cuz idk sounds dumb but like wobbly#maybe..like im doing mostly ok n then ill see 1 post or someone will say smth w a certain tone n im a mess#its hard to tell n i try to for my psych appts but like crazy mood swings wise ive felt worse i think lately#idk what amount of time lately means but ya#it can be better or worse but still its up n down n way outta proportion to like what happened in the real world of not my brain#its extra the feeling like i cant handle anything n like im always on the edge of my day being ruiend#n super hating myself spiral or feeling like a dumb scared kid cuz of nothing#not posting cuz of anything this time its just outta the blue. yayyy#i was thinkin well its 8pm i worked ive been up for ages at least ican sleep soon n the day will be over#maybe a reset to be normaler#but then tomorrow is Another day n theyre just relentless huh -__-#n tomorrow ill have less excuses like ill hurt less from working this weekend ill be less tired n wont have any demanding obligations#which makes it feel worse or more frustrating when i feel shitty n crazy anyway#like there's nooo reason. like especially!!! on those days#sucks that its a Me™️ problem not just like external real shit#im stuck w this fuckin guy forever its so lame#i shld come up w a slightly more coherent version of this post to jot down for therapy next week or whenev#dlt ltr posting like this feels so embarrassing christ#<- disclaimer any mean comments only ever apply to me btw
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