#idk if the three of them or any of them +puffy have group names
thunder-at-dawn · 3 years
October 2nd
word count: 1,200
prompt: truth or dare
summary: the girls are playing truth or dare, and they discover some interesting facts about each other.
hello! idk if this group has a trio name or not but i personally call them girlboss trio LMAO
warning: this is a sfw tickle fic! don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable :]
“Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!”
“You got this, Hannah! Just a little more!”
Hannah Rose was known by some as the polite flower girl of the Dream SMP. Others knew her as someone who could be a force of chaos and ambition. Two of those other people were Puffy and Niki. So, when Puffy had dared her to chug a full bottle of water, she accepted the challenge with no hesitation whatsoever. She finished off the bottle, grinning with pride as her friends applauded and clapped for her.
“Wow, Hannah!” Niki gasped. “I didn’t think that would be something you could do, honest! You don’t seem like the person who would be able to casually chug a whole water bottle!”
“Niki, come on. I’m a plant hybrid. This is a regular day for me.” She chuckled, rejoining the others and sitting down on the blanket they had set down in the grass. The three of them had found a grassy field to sit and relax in for a couple of hours, bringing a few things to eat and organizing a small picnic. After running out of things to talk about, Hannah suggested they play truth or dare, and that was what brought them to where they currently were.
“Alright, so now, it should be Puffy’s turn to get asked by me.” Niki nodded, turning to face her friend. “Puffy, truth or dare?”
Puffy’s eyebrows furrowed, trying to think of which path she wanted to walk down. After a moment, she looked up at Niki. “I choose dare.” She nodded.
“Alright.” Niki chuckled softly. The glint in her eyes gave Puffy the feeling that Niki already had an idea for a dare. The baker adjusted herself to move closer to the pirate. “I dare you to not laugh at all for the next two minutes.”
Puffy blinked with surprise, thinking over the dare in her head. That was it? Seems simple enough.
“…Alright.” Puffy said, still a little bit skeptical, although she was unsure why. Something about Niki’s smile just lit an anticipatory fire in her heart. “Okay, so, now it’s Hannah’s turn to ask Niki.”
“Ok, Niki! Truth or dare?” Hannah asked the infamous question.
“Hmm…” Niki sighed, leaning her head into the crook of Puffy’s shoulder. “I think I’m going to go with truth.”
“Ah, crap. I’m usually better at coming up with dares.” The flower hybrid chuckled. “You’ll have to give me a couple of seconds to think of one.”
“Ok, that’s fine!” Niki nodded, noticing that Puffy’s attention had drifted elsewhere, watching a couple of animals graze in the grass.
“Puffy…” She lightly whispered. The pirate was still distracted, watching a sheep roam around nearby. To grab her attention, she reached out a finger and lightly poked her side. Puffy yelped in surprise, covering her side and turning back around.
“Nihiki!” She giggled in a hushed-whisper.
“Hey! You’re not allowed to laugh, remember?” Niki reminded her.
And suddenly, Niki’s intentions came clear. Puffy gasped, as if she had been betrayed. Niki, on the other hand, simply smiled and started to poke her again, and the pirate zipped her mouth shut, trying to bat her hand away.
After a bit of thought, Hannah snapped her fingers together. “Aha! I’ve got one. Niki, where are you…” She looked up, her words trailed off at the sight of what was happening currently. She noticed how Puffy had one hand over her mouth, the other trying to fend off Niki’s pokes. Thinking of the dare she had been given, wheels started to turn in her head, and she smiled, standing up and moving over to where the other two were sitting on the opposite side of the blanket.
“So, you can’t laugh for two minutes, huh?” Hannah chuckled. Puffy nodded, not risking any giggles spilling out of her mouth by refusing to speak.
“She seems so giggly, I’m just poking her!” Niki acted oblivious, continuing to rapidly poke her side. Hannah looked at the sheep hybrid slyly, grinning to herself as she joined in, lightly tracing a finger across Puffy’s shirt. She squeaked, now holding both hands over her mouth. And that was where Puffy made her mistake.
“Come on, you’re halfway there! Only one more minute.” Niki smiled, stopping her pokes and hearing Puffy’s breath hitch when she started to lightly trail her fingers down her thighs.
“You’re doing great, Puffy.” Hannah chimed in, adding a few more fingers to her tracing. Both of them could tell that Puffy was smiling under her hidden hands, and both of them found it adorable. The captain’s body was quivering under the gentle touches of both girl’s hands. She was tempted to grab at the other two, but knew that uncovering her mouth may result in giggles spilling, and who knew what tricks Niki had up her sleeve for if she laughed?
However, the gentle, ticklish traces finally came to stop. Puffy’s hands rested on her stomach, and the giggles she had been holding in for the past two minutes finally fell out of her mouth. They were high pitched and had a hiccup scattered here and there, and her friends found them endearing.
“Thahat wahas ahawfuhul.” Puffy giggled. “I wahanted toho lahauhugh thahat whohole tihime, thaht wohould’ve mahade ihit soho muhuch eheasihieher toho beahar!”
“Hmm… you bring up a fair point.” Niki nodded, then looked at Puffy. “Well, guess what, Puffy?”
“Your two minutes is up, meaning you can laugh freely now!”
Niki wiggled her fingers excitedly, and before Puffy could stop her, the tickling picked back up. She felt one of Niki’s hands quickly spidering up and down her left thigh, and her other hand gently squeezing her right hip. A surprised squeal ripped out from Puffy’s throat as she threw herself to the ground.
“WahAHAIT, nohOHOho! NihihikiHI!” Puffy laughed softly, squirming softly away from Niki’s hands as her attack commenced.
“She’s right, you are free to laugh now!” Hannah grinned, joining in. Another squeal came from Puffy as she felt another hand join in, fingers lightly trailing along her stomach. Her laughter grew louder, and she used both hands to cover her now pink face. The touches were pretty light from both girls, and it was still maddening.
“OhohokaHAY! Pleheahase, thahat’s enoHOUHUgh! Guhuhuys!” Puffy giggled, a snort escaping her lips as all hands pulled away. All three girls giggled softly as Puffy sat back up, recovering from the surprise attack.
“Shohould wehe continue wihith the game? I think it was Nihiki’s turn to get asked a truth.” Puffy nodded.
“Oh yeah, right, I remember!” Hannah chuckled, recalling the question she wanted to ask. “It’s actually kinda funny that all of that happened, because I was actually about to ask where you were ticklish, Niki.”
It was now Niki’s turn to blush, and now Puffy’s turn to smile mischievously.
“Oh, there’s no need to ask her for an answer, Hannah.” Puffy responded. “I can easily get that answer for you myself!”
“Wahait, P-Puffy. You don’t need to do thAHAT-! NOHOHO!”
The laughter of all three girls filled the air as the childish antics ensued, and Niki got a taste of her own medicine.
...Not like she minded that, of course.
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onetoomanyfilms · 3 years
My Heart’s Always Yours - Part One
Luke Patterson x FemaleOC!Character - Soulmate AU
Hi everyone! Here is Part One of my Luke Patterson story! Thank you so much for the love on the taster...this part is focused in on Luke’s POV. This is quite long so, I hope you enjoy!
Mya lives in a world in which everyone has a soulmate: they share a song. However, finding the person who shares a singular tune with them is near, nigh impossible, so hardly anyone finds them. Mya’s 17, she thinks she knows better than to believe in soulmates. Until three ghosts pop into her best friend’s life and she has to rethink what she thought she knew for certain.
Songs included: 
‘Wow’ - Savannah Lee May, JATP Cast
‘Bright’ - Madison Reyes, Charlie Gillespie, Owen Patrick Joyner, Jeremy Shada, JATP Cast
‘IDK You Yet’ - Alexander 23
Teaser  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five  Masterlist
Today was the day they’d get Julie back into the program. Whether Julie was fully on board with it or not. They’d rehearsed it with her time and time again last night, the boys knew she was going to kill it. So Luke was confused when she looked annoyed. 
They’d decided to come support her. Alex and Reggie had been pacing the garage waiting for any news of how it was going. Luke took charge and, taking them each by the hand, zapped them over to what seemed to be a school hall. He didn’t know how he got here, he just felt this sense of searching for Julie and he found her.
“Yeah we make them say wow!”
A lot of colours flooded Luke’s peripheral vision. He turned his head to see a group of girls in vibrant clothes, performing amazingly he wasn’t ashamed to say. They were good. But the glare he felt on the side of his face from Julie snapped him out of it, the slight bobbing he was doing to the beat coming to a halt. Then he followed Julie’s gaze to Alex, who seemed like he was having the time of his life. With little slap of his arm, Luke told him to cut it out; no words needed. 
As the song came to an end, Luke began to see why Julie was so aggravated as the one in the bright pink took centre stage, standing directly in front of the other band members in a line. “WE LOVE YOU CARRIE!” Luke zoned out for a minute. What about the others? “… make sure to check out my new music video!” And with that they sauntered off, swaying their hips as they went. Together they had such presence on stage, why didn’t she share the glory?
“Now’s your chance, go talk to her.” Luke turned his head to see the girl from Julie’s house earlier walking away from them towards the seating area. “What are you waiting for?”
“Yeah, I mean you look nervous. Like yack in a bowl nervous.”
Julie looked up at Luke. There was this sparkle in her eyes trying to break through the utter terror she felt. “I wouldn’t have given you the song if I didn’t think you were gonna rock it.” He tried to be energetic, hoping the positivity would build her up. It may not have been a lot but hopefully, it was enough to get her on that stage. “Now there’s a piano on that stage with your name on it.” She took off towards backstage.
Approaching the keyboard, Luke started to feel nervous himself. There were butterflies in his stomach. He knew how much this meant to her and all he wanted was for her to rock it. She tried to play a chord but they all knew it was the wrong one. Looking out at the hall, she looked like she could’ve bolted at any minute.
“You got this!” 
Of course, there was a part of Luke that thought that maybe, just maybe, they could’ve been soulmates but there was this part of him telling him: this wasn’t it. He remembered back to the night before. Reggie lounging on the sofa after taking a shower. He couldn’t really get the hang of it so far but he was a determined little fella. He’d get that shower at some point, Luke knew that much. The leather jacketed boy asked “do you think we still have soulmates?” Luke hadn’t paid much attention to that thought before. But now, he couldn’t get it out of his head. 
“Sometimes I think I’m falling down.”
Luke mimed along to the words, urging her to keep going. She was insane. The talent she had, he couldn’t imagine meeting anyone like her. 
“Life is a risk, but I will take it…”
It was building up to the chorus. He felt the chords vibrating through his body. His hands making the chords and strumming on an invisible guitar. He looked over at the boys. He could see they felt the same. They wanted to be on that stage.
And the next minute, they were. 
“And rise, through the night, you and I, we will fight to shine together.”
Smiling at Julie, the joy he felt was indescribable. He almost felt complete at that moment. It was then he noticed the audience. They were looking at him. Actually looking at him. This couldn’t be happening, but he loved it. 
“Uh, is this really happening?” Julie had moved next to him, looking completely confused. He couldn’t stop smiling. “Just go with it.” He took the mic, taking the next verse. Julie riled up the audience whilst the other boys were in their element. The rest of the song went by in a flash. They soaked up the applause until they literally flashed away, appearing again at the side of the stage by the audience. 
What just happened?
The boys were still reeling off of what had happened. They were seen by the whole school whilst they were singing with Julie. It was amazing and none of them could contain their excitement. After leaving Julie talking to her friend, they decided to let off some steam by running around the corridors. Honestly, it felt freeing. He had never liked school much when he was alive but sprinting through the halls of a place he hated, made him feel alive. 
It wasn’t until they heard a faint sound of strumming that they stopped. “What do you think that is?” Reggie was always curious. “I don’t know.” Alex always preferred a certain answer. “Let’s go find out.” Luke wanted to explore. Even though they didn’t have to be quiet, they found themselves tiptoeing towards a room past two large doors. A piano sat to the left, chairs scattered throughout the middle and a girl and her guitar sitting in the corner. Her eyes red, puffy. He could tell she had been crying, a twang ricocheting in his own heart. He’d been there before too. 
But he didn’t realise just how similar it was until he heard the lyrics. Alex had already picked up on it. His gaze lingering on Luke as he waited for him to react. Reggie was still smiling, living off the high of performing again. Then he looked at Alex and felt that he was missing something.
“How can you miss someone you’ve never met. Cause I need you now but I don’t know you yet. But can you find me soon because I’m in my head? Yeah…”
“I need you now but I don’t know you yet.” Luke whispered the words to himself. They were the same words he had written 25 years ago in his bedroom. Who knew he would hear them again here. He began to approach her, Alex’s hand only grazing his arm in an attempt to stop him. Luke was never the best at first impressions. “You’re singing my song.” It came out harsher than he meant it. But he figured she wouldn’t hear him anyway. That’s the upside of being a ghost, no awkward first…
“Excuse me?” She’d heard him. She was looking at him. Right in the eyes. There was a wave of disbelief clouding her eyes, but that seemed to only be there to disguise the nervous tones underneath.  He broke eye contact to glance at Alex and Reggie. They seemed just as surprised. He took in a deep breath, attempting to build up some courage after the seemingly stand-offish introduction he just made. “That song I wrote it.”At that moment, her face fell slightly. 
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I’m tired and I’m not really sure how to write Fundy, but here you go. BTW, i already have a solution planned for them getting in, so if anyone can send me an ask on what they think the solution is uhhhhhh idk you get a cookie or something.
Grum was just finishing up the first floor of their new base when someone approached him from behind. “Hey there, haven’t seen you around before.”
Grum didn’t turn to face them, just continuing to build, though he did catch what looked like a fox tail in the corner of his vision. “That would make sense. I am new to this world along with my brother.”
“Is that so? Met many people yet?”
“Three people. No wait, four. The admin of this world of course visited us due to us being new arrivals. There was a ghost that first greeted us upon our arrival. A Sheep hybrid named Puffy has been giving us temporary housing until this place is complete. Finally we met with a man in a creeper mask known as Mister Sam who assisted us with a redstone issue.”
“I’m sorry, ‘Mister Sam’?”
“Correct. I wish to not upset my brother as the stories he has heards from bzzt about bzzt leave the association with the name do sometimes cause problems.”
“I’m sorry what the fuck was that?”
Now Grum turned to look at the person, wondering what the problem was. Immediately the person jumped back and Grum could see they were a fox hybrid which was clearly on display from their fur being extremely puffed up. Obviously, they were scared of something, so Grum looked around and found nothing. “You seem frightened. May I ask what is causing your concern?”
“What’s up with your face?!”
“You mean my monitor? That is because I am a robot. Unlike what I assume would be everyone else on this server excluding my brother, I was not born but built. Or perhaps you are referring to my small stature and voice seeming to belong to someone young while I have the bzzt of my bzzt.”
Slowly the fox hybrid was calming down, though Grum could tell he was still on edge. “Uh so, you just met with Dream, right? You’re not like… he wasn’t the one to create you?”
“No. My creators are bzzt and bzzt. They made me for bzzt bzzt but after that was over, they bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt until bzzt bzzt and thus took my brother and I to bzzt and made our bodies.”
“Are you doing okay? Is your wiring fine or…?”
“I believe it should be fine. I could allow you to take a look if you wish.” The hybrid seemed to be much calmer now and his tail swished in minor excitement. “I will go to a place to turn off so you can safely look at my wiring. Please do not cause any damage…. I am sorry, I did not catch your name.
“The name’s Fundy. What’s yours?”
“My name is Grumbot.”
“Cool. That stand for anything?”
“Correct, the name of course comes from me being a robot, but it is also a combination of bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt.”
“...Good to know.”
Grum walked inside the barely finished building and sat on his bed next to the charger before turning himself off. He was slightly worried about something bad happening while vulnerable to this Fundy person, but they just seemed a bit curious which was perfectly fine.
When in sleep mode, Grum had dreams, but never really while completely powered off, which was odd when he had one. He was playing a game with someone who was getting more and more frustrated that they didn’t know the password he had thought of. They tried his name, his server name, Jrum’s name, his dads’ names, a lot of names. But then also things he liked, like building and making music and hearing his brother talk about redstone.
“Did you see anything in there?!”
“No! No I swear I didn’t see anything that would give us any answers!”
Grum laughed, they were getting so frustrated. And it seemed like now there was a bet going on for who could figure it out first. He wasn’t sure what the first person would get out of it, but it sounded like the second would get a phone call with a famous redstone person. Maybe Jrum knew who it was.
“Please! I’ll keep trying to figure it out. Maybe he’ll be able to tell us once he’s awake or something just please let me have the communicator!”
Once who was awake? Who were they talking about? A third person who wanted to join the game? Well, perhaps they would continue the game until they arrived. It didn’t seem like these two were getting close to the answer at all. He asked if they were going to keep guessing.
But then he woke up. He was no longer in bed, Grum assumed he was moved when Fundy was looking at him. The admin was also here. “Oh, hello there Dream. I am sorry if I was unavailable. Fundy was worried I had an issue and wanted to make sure I was doing well.
“Yeah, I saw. Asked Fundy to check something for me too. We ran into a small issue, but nothing major.”
Grum tilted his head. “What was the issue?”
“Well, we tried to access something and it completely locked us out.” Fundy answered, Grumbot wondering why the hybrid sounded nervous.
“The only things that should lock you out are my files, and only the most important files. Ones that could cause me great harm if they were messed with. I ended up locking them away after meeting bzzt again, but I made sure that they can be accessed during emergencies through a password.”
“What’s the password?” Fundy asked, before quickly adding on a clarification. “Uh, y’know in case uh, it’s like one of those ‘too weak’ passwords.”
“Oh, I do not believe it is. While there is potential for it to be too weak, it is something that those I am close to would know, thus making it a perfect password since if you were someone who knows the password, I would know it would be safe for access.”
“Riiight. Hey anyway, Dream. Does this mean I-”
Dream threw something at Fundy. “Knock yourself out. One call for every time you help me with this.”
Grum tilted his head, curious about why Fundy seemed so on edge. “If it is an important call, you can take it here. I would not mind. I also do not have to pay attention if it is a private call as many of my functions will be focused on building this starter base.”
“I’m sorry, starter base? This is already pretty huge.”
Grum looked back at the single floor he had built. “Correct. I would like for it to have ample room for the resources my brother and I collect.”
“Ah, right. Forgot about the… two of you thing.”
“That does remind me that I should contact him to see how he is doing. He likes to get himself into trouble and I would not like for him to find a way to lose another life.”
“I’m sorry, another?! You guys have been here how long and he’s already lost one?!”
“There was an issue in our creation. Both of us have lost a single life in attempting to be recognized in this world. So theoretically, we both started with two lives.”
The hybrid looked like he wanted to say more, but didn’t until starting to walk inside. “Uh, I think I’ll take your offer on going inside to take this call.”
“Very well.” Grum nodded and then he pulled out his blocks, ready to continue building.
“Grian stop! You’re just hurting yourself even more!” Mumbo held Grian’s arm, trying to pull him back to the ground while also dodging the flapping wings.
“No! I… There’s… know that… I’m…I know there has to be a way in there! I’m a Watcher! I can get in there!”
“Mate, just let us go in there.” Phil spoke up. “The four of us are supposed to be in the SMP. If you can’t get in for some reason, I’m sure we can.”
Grian shook his head. “Those two are Mumbo and I’s kids! If anyone is going in there to bring them home, it’s going to be us!”
“And so what? We can just go in and at least fix whatever Dream did so you can get in.” Tubbo suggested.
“Absolutely not!” Grian finally landed to directly focus on Tubbo. “I am not letting any of you back there after the horror stories so many of us here have heard! Especially not Tommy!”
“Aww come on big man! We all know what the fuck we’re getting into. Besides, we haven’t been gone that long. Well I have, but I’ll just stay in the shadows or something.”
“That’s even more of a reason for you not to go!” Grian shouted before looking at Phil. “You have to agree with me on this, right?!”
“Are you sERIOUS?! We have gone over this already. I’m sick of hearing you being a sucky parent. I don’t need to see it too! Especially after Mumbo said you were going to try and fix it!”
“Tommy was able to get through all of that and he’s willing to go back to help you. He may not be officially an adult, but he’s not an absolute child.”
“Hey Grian?”
“Not now Mumbo. He didn’t get the chance to be a child because of everything the people there put him throu- I said not now!” Grian whipped his head around to look at Mumbo who was looking quite serious.
“Grian. Stress sent a message. Iskall got a call from someone who they’ve had complete radio silence from for a few months now. Someone that has come up in a few discussions.”
“If it’s not the boys, I don’t care.”
“It’s Fundy. And he’s trying to get help from Iskall on some redstone wiring that is my design. Specifically what I used for the boys.”
“Oh that’s not fucking good.” Phil said first, while Grian was in too much shock.
“G, please, we need to fucking go there. We don’t have any fucking time to wait for you to find a new solution!”
“N-No… If you go there… then…”
“We’re going there whether you want us to or not. Only reason we’re not gone yet is because you’re holding us up.” Techno spoke up, crossing his arms. “Leave Tommy here if you want, but send the rest of us.”
Grian looked conflicted, but Mumbo put a hand on his shoulder. “Look, I don’t like it either, but I don’t like any of this. We said we’d be there for the boys, and right now, us being there is not being there and using up more time to try and find a way in, okay?”
Grian hesitated, but eventually sighed and relented. “Okay. I’ll send you guys over.” And he uses his Watcher powers to send the group of three into the- “Wait.”
“What’s wrong now?” Techno asked, rolling his eyes. “We don’t need you changing your mind now.”
“You can’t get in either.”
“We what?!” Tubbo asked, half shouting from confusion.
“I mean you’ve also been blacklisted. It doesn’t make sense. I… why would you three get blacklisted?”
“Are you saying that none of us really can’t get in?”
Grian hesitated. “Well, obviously yes. I-”
“You haven’t tried it with me yet.” Tommy spoke up.
“No! You are the last person who should be going there alone!”
“But I can get in, can’t I? Dream’s always been obsessed with me. I won’t be blacklisted. I can guarantee it.”
“Absolutely not! What happened to you always saying you never wanted to go back?”
“It’s gonna be one time and it’ll be quick. And I can get back out, I’ll just do what I did last time!”
“Tommy you don’t know what you did last time!” Grian ruffled his feathers angrily. “You are not going and that’s final!”
“Then what the hell are we supposed to do?” Tubbo asked. But Grian didn’t answer.
Iskall and Stress were flying towards the coordinated Mumbo had given to Stress. As they flew, she did her best to help make sure Iskall didn’t crash into anything as he continued the conversation they were having with Fundy. “Are you absolutely sure he doesn’t have a mustache or anything?”
“Yeah! It’s just a fucking smiley face like Dream has!”
“Okay and you still haven’t seen Jrum?”
“No. I’ve tried asking this guy but he won’t stop building and I sort of don’t want to press his buttons too much.”
“Can you contact anyone else about him?”
“Uh… lemmie check with Puffy. Fuck I hope this doesn’t mess things up with you.”
“Look, if he takes your comm away again, Grian can find a way into your server. My only surprise is he isn’t there already.” Iskall looked up, glad they did so at the right time to straighten their flying. “Any idea if Mumbo isn’t with Grian?” 
“I messaged both o’ them love. And I doubt they’d be apart right now. Somefink must be up.”
“Hey Iskall, don’t want to worry you much more, but I’ve also been told to try and find this kid’s password to his important files. I know It’s probably not wise to mess with those, but at the same time, that could be the only way to fix him.”
Iskall sighed. “I wouldn’t know that. That’s gotta be something only Grian and Mumbo know. They haven’t told us much about that, Stress and I especially.”
“That’s- oh shit!”
“What?! Fundy what’s going on?!”
“The kid. Fuck. what the fuck’s going on with him? I… Is that the password?”
“Fundy!” Iskall shouted, getting the hybrid’s attention this time.
“He suddenly fell off the area he was building. His face is going crazy. Like it's how I’m seeing it, then how you describe it, then it’s just a big heart, and he’s just repeating the word gorgeous.”
“He’s what?!” Iskall was so startled they nearly had their elytra close from how they jerked in surprise. “Fundy you need to turn him off and open him up. We’re almost to Mumbo so he should be able to help walk you through it.”
“Okay I-” Fundy’s voice cut out.
“Fundy? Fundy?! Dammit!”
“Try calling him back?”
“I’m trying!” Iskall shouted in frustration. “It’s not going through!”
“Well I see everyone up ahead. I’m sure they can fink of somefink.”
“I hope so.”
Jrum was humming as he walked towards where the charger had been placed. He took a slight detour on the way there to play in a pond, but now he was almost back. He could even see what Grum had been building from this distance. It would be a nice place to stay while they tried to get home. Or waited to be brought back home. It wasn’t like no one was trying to rescue them. They had lots of people who loved them. Even if they had been left alone for a while… Him stuck in the shopping district… not completely sentient during that time… and his brother left in a box…
Well, he shouldn’t dwell on that. He was almost to the house and he would use the furnace and cook some clay he had gathered. Jrum may not have been the best builder, but he liked to help with accents here and there. And there was clay in the pond so they could have some flower pots. Jrum had even found a nice little sprout in his inventory that he hadn’t remembered picking up, but it was very pretty!
“Gruuuum! I’m back with lots of stuff!” There wasn’t an immediate answer so he yelled again. “Gruuuuuum! Stop building and look at what I-” He finally got past the doors and found Grum in bed with a fox person who had opened his repair hatch and was looking through it. “Hi there! Who are you?”
The fox looked up and at Jrum. “Oh thank god you have a mustache.”
“Uh, yeah? Did something happen to Grum’s?”
“Yeah, you could say that. He’s got a password on some important files and I think I need to access those to help him. Please tell me you know what it is.”
Jrum rubbed his chin before nodding. “Yeah! I can put it in for you! But you need to turn him on enough for me to use it.”
“Right. Fuck… what did we do before. Uh…” Fundy did something and Grum turned on. “Okay yes! There we go!”
Jrum looked at his brother whose face was fuzzy. “Hi Grum! We need to get to your important files because you’re a little sick or something. Can we see them?”
“Those files are protected and require a password to access.”
“Well I have the password!” Jrum said before leaning in to where Grum’s ears were, getting right near the pinhole opening of a microphone. He made sure to be very quiet so that the fox person couldn’t hear him since hybrids like that usually had better hearing. “The password is Mumbo4Mayor.”
Jrum leaned back as Grum processed what had been said. “Password has been accepted. Files can now be accessed.”
Jrum watched as in front of the fuzzy image of his brother’s face, files and programs appeared like his monitor was the desktop of a regular computer. It made Jrum wince a little, just another reminder of what they were. Maybe that was why no one had shown up. They could just be replaced. They-
“You okay there?” Jrum looked up to see the fox person looking at him.
“Yeah! Thank you for helping my brother!” The bot held out his hand for a handshake. “What’s your name?”
“Uh, I’m Fundy.” He shook Jrum’s hand, having some trouble as the sort of lego esque hands and his paws made the whole thing a little difficult.
“Fundy? And you’re a fox hybrid?”
Fundy nodded. “Uh, yeah. Sort of obvious.”
“And your dad is named Wilbur and your grandpa is named Philza?” Jrum continued to question.
“Yeah, who told you about that?” The hybrid narrowed his eyes skeptically.
“Grum! He knew ‘cause of grandpa having been a king or something.”
“Okay? How does that fit into knowing that?”
“Because Philza’s my grandpa too!”
Fundy’s mouth opened in shock and he stood there for a few moments before finally speaking. “... He’s what?”
“So. W-What do you do for fun here?”
“Think of things I’ll do once I get out, get myself killed sometimes to see if I can glitch myself out, yell at my dad over and over again and hopefully annoy him into giving me company. Usually he doesn’t because I think he’s still scared I’ll try to kill him again.”
“Isn’t he like, literally death itself or something?”
“Yeah! And the fact that I can actually probably kill him scares him!”
“Alright… uh, what else do you do?”
“Hmmm… sometimes I like to scream until my throat is raw, other times I try swinging around, uh, then there’s messing with food delivery when it comes.”
“Wait shit, you’re supposed to be here! What if I starve because I don’t get food delivered to me?”
“Eh, technically I could let myself die to send you something, but I probably won’t.”
“What? Why not!”
“Because hopefully you die and respawn at spawn so you can come and free me!”
“What?! I don’t know if I’ll even respawn, much less out of this place. I don’t really understand all this hels dimension bullshit so I might not even respawn if I die here.”
“Oh you will. I have tried multiple times to kill your kind and it never works. Though I suppose EX was admin and NPG’s a robot or some shit.”
“So I still might die and not come back? I don’t want to end up stuck like the bots are!
“Oh stop complaining, it could be worse.”
“How? How could it possibly be worse?”
“I’ve been in here alone for a couple years now. You at least have company. I have to keep yelling for Death to show up.”
“Wait. Wait maybe he can let me out! He comes If I call him!”
“You’re not his son.”
“I mean, technically I am. Here. I call the angel of death. … Oh come on Phil! I call the angel of death! … Phiiiiiiil! I call the angel of death! I call the angel of death! I call the angel of death!”
“Oi, can you stop that?”
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zoefandom127 · 3 years
Hands Up With Me Pt. 3
part 3!!! show some love to this on AO3 and Fanfiction.net
"Can you please look again?"
 "I'm sorry Miss but we've looked everywhere."
 They'd been at the airport for at least an hour, waiting at baggage claim. Most everyone has gathered their belongings and left but Julie couldn't leave until…
 "But I swear I brought it with me on the plane," Julie murmured more to herself. In reality, it shouldn't have been that serious. She was 20 years old for goodness sake. But she'd had it since forever. The old fabric and loose stitching forever etched into her mind. It's one of the only living relics her mom had given her before she passed. The thought of it being gone isn't something she could fathom.
 "Miss, we haven't seen a stuffed animal in any of our ports. If we hear anything, we'll let you know." With that, the baggage handler walked away leaving Julie in a mess.
 Honestly, it's just a bear. An old, worn out bear that had been in her life for a long time. She never went anywhere without, always bringing with her on tours and keeping it backstage as a good luck charm before performances. Sometimes it would almost be as if her mom was there with her.
 She knew mentally that her mom would always be with her no matter what. Somewhere in her mind or heart or whatever. But emotionally, that bear was the only other thing that made her feel close to her mom besides music. Mr. Harmelody (when she was younger she stumbled over her words and accidentally combined harmony and melody, somehow the name stuck) was there all the time. And she doesn't know why but she needs it with her.
 "Come on, Julie, it's getting late." Luke laid a hand on her shoulder, pulling her out of her reverie.
 "But…" Julie looked towards the boys and they were almost falling asleep on their feet. It had been a long flight and they still needed to wake up early the next morning for their interview with Carrie. Glancing at her phone, she winced when she saw it was a quarter ‘til one am. "Yeah, okay. Sorry for making you guys wait so long."
 Reggie, who had been leaning on a concrete column, slowly waking at the sound of Julie's voice being directed at him, Alex, and Luke. "No worries, Jules." He gave a tired smile and kicked Alex, jolting him awake.
 "Are we at the hotel yet?" Alex yawned.
 "No, but the cab's outside." Luke grabbed his suitcase and started towards the exit with the boys dragging their feet behind. Julie was lagging behind the three of them sleepily as she tried to rub away the stinging behind her eyes. It's not that serious. Everything will be alright.
Everything was not alright.
 Luke had been sitting with Julie for hours trying to come up with lyrics but the girl was dead on her feet. Ever since she lost Mr. Harmelody (he could imagine 3-year-old Julie saying that name in all her adorable cuteness) she'd been so reserved. Her answers would be 3 words or less. And she looked so distracted lately, always looking at her phone anxiously. Like she was waiting for it to ring and tell her the best news ever.
 He knew the significance of the bear, how much it connected it to her mom. But he didn't think the loss of it would affect her this much. She was barely functioning what with all the singing and touring and late nights but she did it all with a smile on her face. Now she had a blank stare and barely said a word to anyone.
 Yeah, he needed to fix this.
 Once Julie left, Luke pulled out his phone and went straight to his text messages, clicking on the group chat with the boys.
 Luke: guys we gotta help julie
 Alexander: Yeah…
 Reginald: Help her with what?
 Alexander: Haven't you noticed that she's been kinda…
 Luke: d e p r e s s e d
 Alexander: ^^^
 Reginald: Oh i thought she was just thinking. I mean thats what i look like when i think too hard.
 Alexander: Nah you look more constipated
 Luke: we need to find Mr. Harmelody
 Luke: any, ideas?
 Reginald: Oooooo maybe we could bribe them
 Alexander: With what? Your stupidity?
 Reginald: *gasp* I take that very offensive
 Alexander: You should
 Alexander: Calling the airport would probably be the best option
 Alexander: Though I think if they found it they would've called
 Luke: right but maybe we just have to be more insistent
 Alexander: Oh wow Luke, broadening your vocabulary lately?
 Luke: haha
 Luke: instead of calling we could like go in there and demand the bear
 Luke: that could work right?
 Alexander: Not if we want to be carried away by airport security
 Reginald: Ngl thatd be kinda fun
 Luke: idk guys but we have to find it. Julie is not okay
 Reginald: Awww yeah for Jules we gotta find Mr. Harmelody
 Reginald: ...I still think bribing them could work
 Alexander: Wait maybe we could bribe them with a concert.
 Alexander: If they search, we play
 Luke: yeah that could work!
 Luke: i'll call flynn so she can set it up. that girl is more intimidating than our actual manager
 All the details would be figured out now but for now…
 "We're coming for you, Mr. Harmelody."
Julie was bummed.
 Well to be honest, she was bummed all the time now. It had been a little over a week since Mr. Harmelody has been gone. The fact that she was this upset over a stuffed animal made her feel like a child again. She was reminded of the time she lost Mr. Harmelody when she was 9 years old. Her mom had taken her and Carlos to the town fair and her mom warned her not to bring Mr. Harmelody but at the time she was at the age where her attachment to her belongings was fierce. Julie didn't have a good grip on her bear for the dropdown ride and Mr. Harmelody went flying from her hands and through the air.
 As soon as her legs were on solid ground she went running in the general direction of where the bear flew, leaving her mom and Carlos to follow behind her as tears trailed down her face. After an hour of crying and searching, Rose found Mr. Harmelody lodged underneath a vendor cart for funnel cake.
 Maybe she had been a little dramatic back then, especially when she cried "my life is ruined" in her mother's embrace. But all the memories and love engraved in that bear seemed to be lost without it with her.
 Just as they seemed lost right now.
 Walking through the hallway of her apartment building, Julie heard voices from behind her door.
 Furrowing her eyebrows, she placed her ear against the door gently so as not to alert the people inside the apartment of her presence.
 "Okay, I'm gonna set up the camera."
 "Reg, we don't need to record this."
 "Are you kidding? The fans will eat this up. A touching JATP moment, if you will."
 "I will not."
 Hearing enough, Julie unlocked the door and wandered in.
 "Julie!" Luke yelled, surprised.
 There Alex, Luke, and Reggie stood looking as suspicious as ever.
 Hesitantly, Julie continued her trek inside. "Hey…" She spoke wearily.
 "Did we figure out how we're gonna present it to her?" Alex asked after a brief moment of silence as Julie stared at them skeptically with her arms crossed.
 "Uh no. Not really." Reggie responded, still looking at Julie with a smile on his face.
 "What's going on?"
 The boys looked at each other as if making a small agreement as they nodded their heads slightly. Luke had both his hands behind his back, clearly holding something. He stepped up to her and proceeded to show her Mr. Harmelody in all of his stuffed glory.
 Everything was the exact same. The same worn clothes and stitches that were begging to be replaced, albeit a little dirtier than before. Julie reached a hand to touch the fluffiness of the soft bear, tears pricking the corners of her eyes.
 "How did you…"
 "Let's just say we're gonna be performing a private concert at the airport on Thursday." Luke smiled, proudly at her.
 Julie barely even heard him. She quickly gathered the bear from Luke's hands and clutched tightly to her chest, closing her eyes at the familiar yet nonexistent embrace of Mr. Harmelody. She bent her legs until her knees were fully folded against her chest, pushing the bear closer against her as her arms tightened around it.
 Tears streamed down her face freely and she almost didn't register the feeling of her boys kneeling around her. The proximity brought even more comfort.
 "Thank you." Julie croaked out, her eyes still shut firmly.
 "Anytime, Jules." Alex rubbed her back as she cried softly.
 Once her cries ceased, Julie looked up with puffy eyes at each of the boys who surrounded her. "Mr. Harmelody says thank you too." She grinned brightly.
 "Aw," Reggie spoke as he placed his arms around all three of them. "I can't wait to put this on Instagram."
The next day Julie got an Instagram notification that she was tagged in a post from Reggie. The caption read:
 "JATP moments like this>>>"
 Julie smiled down at her phone when she saw a picture of the four of them kneeled on the carpet floor of her apartment gathered in a warm hug. Obviously, he chose not to post the full video, wanting to keep some parts of their lives separate from their fanbase.
 After taking a look through the comments, she finally decided to comment one of her own.
 “Mr. Harmelody is back in commission!"
 lukepatterson replied to your comment: "damn right!"
 alexmercer replied to your comment: "The unofficial member of Julie and the Phantoms"
 Julie grinned happily as she laid her phone on her coffee table. Mr. Harmelody may have been her source of comfort then but now? She had her boys.
hope yall enjoyed!
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sparkstime · 4 years
Fanfic prompt: dick as a kid learning that alfred is a total BAMF. maybe protecting the cave/manor from invaders or maybe they're out in the city?👌
Following the Butterfly - Batfam fanfic
Words: idk somewhere close to 1000 ish
Warnings- does get slightly risky with a pedophile but nothing graphic.
Note- I'm sorry there's no read more I'm on mobile and tried to figure it out but failed and it's 2 am so I guess you're stuck with this long ass post. I apologize for any inconvenience.
    Gotham’s weather was sunny for what felt like the first time in years. Dick Grayson was, as any nine year old would be, exceptionally overjoyed by this fact. It had been raining most of the week, and if it wasn’t raining, the sky had been covered in a thick layer of gray clouds. Today, however, the sun shone brightly, and there was save but a few puffy white clouds dotting the otherwise clear sky.
    The only thing that could have made today better would have been if Bruce were able to be off of work today, but alas, there was a very important meeting to be attended. Lucious had made it very clear that Bruce could not miss it. That didn’t make Dick feel much better about the whole ordeal. 
    “Alfred?” Dick finally asks, after almost an hour of staring out the window longingly. “Do you think we could go to the city today?”
    Alfred looks over, raising an eyebrow as he dusts the mantlepiece. “I don’t suppose I can think of any reason we couldn’t,” He hums. “Any particular reason?”
    “Well,” Dick clears his throat, standing up. “I just thought, maybe we could… go somewhere? I’m bored, and Bruce is at his meeting.”
    Alfred thinks for a moment, giving a slow nod. “How about the park then, hm? Let me finish dusting first.”
    Dick rolls his eyes, but he nods anyways. If there was a spec of dust on that mantlepiece, he would give every last one of his stuffed animals away. He heads up the stairs, figuring he’d better get his shoes and jacket while he waited.
    Half an hour later, and Dick is sitting in the middle seat of the limo, looking out through the tinted windows at the buildings that they pass. Alfred parks the car by the park, and Dick slides out, looking around. There were a few other kids around, spread across the playground. Dick turns to Alfred, who gives a nod.
    Dick takes off onto the playground, not hesitating in the slightest. He goes down the slide a few times, does a few flips on the monkey bars, and even manages to make friends with a slightly younger boy named John. John has to leave not much longer though, and Dick is faced with the sad reality that he will probably never see his newfound friend again. He doesn’t mourn the loss for long though, getting distracted by a white butterfly.
    Dick follows the butterfly all the way across the park, and promptly across the street. He keeps following the small butterfly until it disappears over the top of a building. Dick sighs in disappointment, turning around to go back to the park once again.
    The only issue was that Dick could no longer see the park.
    “Uh oh…” Dick frowns. That wasn’t a good sign. He takes a step back, biting his lip as he tries to remember which way he’d come, but he wasn’t having much luck. 
    Dick is hit with the startling realization that he was alone on the streets of Gotham. Alfred was nowhere to be seen. Being out here felt much different when he wasn’t Robin, even if it was a bright sunny day. 
    Dick keeps walking, holding his breath as he does. Someone he recognizes is bound to show up eventually… right? That idea only seems to last for a good ten minutes before he realizes that it’s useless. He keeps walking anyway. Maybe he could find a phone somewhere? He had a few dollars in his pocket. He could go in and exchange one for a few quarters and make a call. If he could ever find a phone, that is.
    Too focused on trying to find a phone, Dick doesn’t notice two men standing at the edge of an alley until one of them grabs him by the shoulder and shoves him into the alley. Wide eyed, Dick’s gaze snaps between the two of them, and three more men slink in from the shadows. 
    “Well well, if it ain’t the Wayne charity case,” One of them leans forward, and Dick recoils at the strong scent of whiskey coming off his breath. 
    “How much do you think he’s worth?” Another tosses a switchblade between their hands, and Dick takes a step back. He could fight back, maybe, but he didn’t have his suit, for starters, and he was still somewhat shocked by the confrontation in the first place. 
    “Oh, billions, I’m sure,” The first guy hums, setting a hand on Dick’s shoulder. Dick stiffens, but he finds he can’t move. He wanted to. He wanted to run, or to punch them, or do something, but he couldn’t seem to be able to force himself to do it. He just stands there.
    “This circus brat?” A different guy huffs. “I bet the old man won’t even hardly look for him.”
    The first guy gives a chuckle, leaning forward again, his face just a little too close for Dick’s comfort. “Maybe he won’t. Either way, couldn’t hurt to have a little fun, could it?” 
    Dick sucks in a sharp breath, backing away, only to bump right into another one of the other guys. He freezes, staring at the first guy with his eyes taking up the majority of his face. He wanted to say something, do something, anything. He couldn’t figure out how. He swallows as the guy behind him puts his hands on his shoulders to keep him in place. 
    The first guy steps just a little closer with a sloppy grin, putting his hand on Dick’s chin and lifting his face forward. He leans closer, closer, closer… and past Dick’s face. In fact, he entirely slumps down onto the ground. Dick blinks, looking over to see Alfred with a sharp frown as he quickly and efficiently takes out the rest of the group.
    With the swiftness and grace that could only come with Alfred Pennyworth, there are five bodies on the ground surrounding Dick. After a moment of processing, Dick suddenly leaps at Alfred, burying his face in the man’s three piece suit as he clings onto the man like a lifeline. He doesn’t say anything, still in a bit of shock, but he lets out a quiet sob when he feels Alfred’s arms wrap around him.
    “Master Dick, are you alright?” Alfred asks quietly, softly. Dick lets out a shaky breath, but he nods. That had been terrifying, but he was alright. He would be fine. Probably.
    After a few minutes, Dick lets go. “Can we… Can we go home?” He asks, voice quivering. 
    “Of course,” Alfred nods, putting a hand behind Dick’s back as they walk out of the alley. “And Master Dick? I am quite proud of you.”
    Dick pauses. “You are? But I- But I didn’t do anything.”
    “I am. Although, perhaps next time we go to the park, it would be wise to not run away.”
    Dick nods, agreeing whole heartedly. “I didn’t mean to… I was just following the butterfly.”
    “I understand,” Alfred gives him a reassuring smile. “And we know not to follow butterflies now, don’t we?”
    Dick nods, and the two of them continue on towards the car. 
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unicamendes · 5 years
Wandering Romance
Tom Holland, best friend!Shawn x Reader!
A/N: idk just want to put my emotions in a story. I suck sorry. p.s. tell me what to do with my life!! I give u permission! jk plz don’t I already hate my life. Nuff said enjoy! (::
Warnings: angst, heartbroken reader, being a good ass friend, jealous vibes, and language ¿??? Tom being a clueless fuck and asshole :(:
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“Uh, wow! Congratulations...,” you felt your eyes get watery and your throat throbbing because all you wanted to do is cry, but you couldn’t, not in front of him, not wanting to ruin his happiness. He had asked you to come over at his place, said he had amazing news and sure as hell it was.
“I’m getting married! I finally proposed to Sarah!”
His voice echoed through your head and pretty sure you felt your heart break into millions of pieces. How are you going to pretend everything is okay while your best friend, the love of your life, is getting married?
“Y/N! Aren’t you excited?” Tom nudge your shoulder, breaking away from your thoughts.
“Y-Yeah. Once again congratulations! I’m so happy for you!” You beamed, knowing you were just faking it.
“You don’t know how much this means to me..to have your approval on such a huge thing.” He chuckle softly.
“Of course! I’m your best friend and I’ll will always be there for you no matter what.” You looked over at Tom, observing him, he was so blissful, this was a different Tom, this is fiancé Tom. You can’t take that away from him. You just can’t.
“Anyway, I would stay, but I got work tomorrow morning. I’ll just see you around.” You quickly got up, the tears were now visible to see. You brushed them off before Tom got the chance to see your state of being.
“Aww, love, I really wanted you to stay so we can celebrate. How about tomorrow after work?” He suggested.
You took a deep breath, clearing your throat. “Uh, can’t, get out late.”
Pretty little liar.
The past few weeks have been hell and back. Everyone was giving you shit at work and with the whole Tom getting married being plastered in every tv screen, magazine, and social media. You never seem to get a break from it. You didn’t care about work or Tom getting married. Why? It’s life, sometimes we don’t get what we want. It is what it is. That’s until you get a text from a special someone, that can just lure you back into your feelings that you have been trying to push away.
Tom 🖤
come to the bar. drinks on me. (: x
You have been staring at your phone, reading over the text message for the tenth time, debating to text back a ‘okay sure’ or ‘no, thanks, work tomorrow (:’ fiddling your thumbs on the keyboard, to send the text you agreed on, but found Tom double texted you now.
Tom 🖤
you know you have your read receipts on right? if you don’t come I’ll come get you. not taking a no for an answer!
Deleting the previous text and sending a new text.
haha, got me there. send me the address and be there in 10 minutes (:
You let out a groan at your dumbass for forgetting that you had read receipts on, getting up from your couch and heading over to your bedroom to change out of your pajamas. This is a bad idea, you will probably see Sarah with her friends, you can just imagine her flaunting her engagement ring whilst her friends gushed and yelled in excitement.
Fuck, you didn’t really think of that one did you? Maybe you should invite someone to go with you, so that you won’t feel left out.
Heading back to the living room where you left your phone, quickly sending a text. Now you wait while you’re getting ready.
“So, you’re telling me you only invited me because you didn’t want to face Tom and Sarah alone?” He teased, his eyebrow quirked up.
You rolled your eyes, hushing him up as you guys were getting closer to Tom and Harrison.
“You’re such an asshole.” You whispered only for him to hear you. He laughed, engulfing you into a side hug.
“You love me though.” He kissed your head. You pushed him lightly away from you, breaking the hug. Didn’t want Tom to think your off the market, that’s if he’s even looking at you, of course he’s not he’s getting married for gods sakes. He doesn’t look at you the way he looks at Sarah, with such adoration and love.
Finally catching up to Tom and Harrison who were standing near the bar, ordering some more drinks. Harrison was the first one to take notice of your presence.
“Y/N!” He put the drinks of shots on the marble table. “Didn’t think you’d actually come! How are you?”
Tom snap his head up to the sound of your name, looking over at you. He didn’t like that you brought a guy with you.
“I’m good, didn’t think I’d actually show up too.” You giggled. “How are you?”
“Pretty fucking buzzed, but I’m alright. You must take a shot with us.” He took a hold of your hand guiding you to the rest of the group. You got a hold of your friend’s hand to tag along.
“Look who decided to come!” Harrison yelled out. The group hollered with ‘ay!’ and ‘hello’s’. Harrison patted your shoulder before returning back to the bar.
“Y/N! You’re here! We missed you!” Zendaya took you in for a hug. She looked at the man behind you. “Shawn Mendes. You know him?” She was amused.
“Uh, yeah. The perks of having friends who are movies stars.” You smirked. Zendaya took a look at the two of you, seeing that you were holding hands. She gave you a nod of approval confused as to why she needed to nod at you, then it hits you, you were still holding Shawn’s hand. You let go of his hand quickly. Shawn furrowed his eyebrows at the sudden action.
“Hi, nice to meet you. Y/N has told me a lot about you.” He extended his hand for her to shake, but only met with a hug. He awkwardly chuckled, being let go and for her to admire him more.
“Didn’t know Y/N will bring a famous singer. How long have you guys known each other?” She questioned.
“Since we were 17.” They both said in unison.
“So, three years.” She assumed. “Anyway, welcome Shawn, now let’s say hello to the rest of the group.”
“Z, where’s Tom, I think I should at least say hi to him.”
“Last time I checked he was with Harrison. Ask him.” She shrugged. “Shawn, do you drink?” You heard Zendaya ask, as you were leaving to look for Tom. You roamed around the place, to finally catch a glimpse of Tom..and Sarah.
Shit. Fuck. You can do this. Smile and greet.
Walking over to Tom and Sarah, with a smile on your face. Tom noticed you and took a hold of Sarah’s face, kissing her. The smile on your face disappeared only to feel the ache in your heart, your eyes watery, tears threatened to spill.
What the fuck? It’s like he knows how to ruin every mood of yours. Especially your fake ones.
You took a step back, only to bump into someone. You turned around only to be met with Shawn’s eyes.
“I can’t be here. Can we take a walk, please?” Your voice breaking. Shawn understood what was going on, he saw everything. He thought Tom was being an asshole. He interlock your hands with his, guiding you outside.
“Can’t believe I decided to come. I came here to be supportive and he does that shit in front of me. It’s like he knows that I have feelings for him. Ugh, he’s such a fucking asshole. I hate him!” You rant to Shawn, anger filled your bloodstream.
“I know, hun, wanna walk it and talk it out now?”
“Yes.” You intertwined your arm with his.
It has been 20 minutes since you have walked around the block not too far away from the bar. Shawn and you have been talking about what happened inside. You needed to let everything out or else you’d end up doing something irrational.
“Why do you love him? I don’t really understand that.” Shawn interrupted your rant. You paused for a second, licking your lips, thinking for a bit.
“Nobody has ever asked me that.” You admitted, squinting your eyes. “Hmm, that’s something new.”
“Do you love him? Or do you just like the idea of being in love?” Shawn continued, you looked at him in disbelief.
“Y/N, after knowing you for three years-almost four years, all those years were just you talking about Tom, but you never explained why you love him or when you started to love him. So, tell me why do you love him?” He let go of your arm, now looking at you clearly.
“I..I don’t know, maybe I just love him. I can’t really explain, but all I know is that it hurts me to see him with her, it has been two years since they have been dating and it still hurts like a fresh cut, it fucking hurts because he would never love me the way I love him. Now he’s getting fucking married and I have lost my chances with him! Not that I had any, gosh I had hope for us, but that’s gone..and it feels like I lost him!” You cried out, finally letting the emotions out from all the pretending and fake smiles. Tears stained your cheeks, nose red, eyes getting red and puffy.
Shawn’s heart was breaking, he hates seeing you like this, since he was the only one who knew about your love for Tom. He knew everything, you trusted him more than your group of friends.
“I wanna go back home.” You sniffled. “Shawn, please take me back home.” You emphasized, hoping Shawn gets what your hinting on.
“As in, back to Toronto?”
You hiccup, “Yes.”
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taishiroswrld · 5 years
 Paring: Rose x (fem) reader
Warnings: Cheating(not really), sad girl hours, fluff(if i know how to do it), mini panic attack
Summary: you went out with your girlfriend Rose to do something special, but something comes up...
A/n: i just felt like being sad and i haven’t slept at all today so.....your welcome!! (y/e/c)= your eye color
Sorry but I didn’t add Lisa in this...idk why
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“Y/N!!” you heard your name being yelled by your girlfriend from downstairs making you stop what you where doing and head downstairs. “Yes?” you answered in the door way facing the back of your beautiful Rosie. “I want to do something today..” she said as she turned to face you, her luscious light orange hair flowing back over her shoulder to kind of stay out of her face, which was still kind of puffy from it still being an early morning and she had just woken up a few minutes ago. “Something like?..” you answered raising an eyebrow for you to continue what she was saying or give a clue. “Like going to a club, maybe with Jennie and Kai or Jisoo and Hoseok. Just going out.” she replied giving a half smile almost a smirk. 
“Basically partying is what your implying to.” you said smiling as you lean off the door way walking to her. “Basically yes, but if your not in the mood to we don’t have to.” “Who said I wasn’t in the mood.” you answered back looking into her deep brown eyes. “I’d love to, and we can invite Jisoo and Jennie along with they’re boyfriends.” still smiling as you took her hands into yours intertwining fingers and gently placing a soft kiss on her lips. “so tonight?” she asks with a smile. “Tonight, and I know just the club to go to.” you said as you took a step back from her with the same smile on your face. “alright I’ll call the girls.” She replied as she let go of your hands to resume cooking breakfast for the two of you.
“Is that all you wanted from me.” you asked in a whine as you back hugged her, placing your chin on her shoulder as you watch her cook. “For now, yes...what did you think I needed you for?” she asked back looking at you with a slight smirk on her face. “nothing I guess.” you reply pressing a kiss on her cheek and back away from her, you pulled out your phone and connected it to the Bluetooth speaker you kept in the kitchen and started playing some music, singing as dancing around Rose as she giggled at your silliness before beginning to dance with you.
Later that night you and rose had gotten dressed and called the others  to meet up at the club, you messaged the location in a group chat and drove you and Rose there. Once you got there and went inside the club there was a huge crowed of people dancing on the dace floor, people at the bar on both sides of the building, the private areas upstairs, it had everything for an ideal Club in Rose’s mind. Her eyes where sparkling from the excitement  as she looked at you. “wanna dance?” she ask as she takes her hands in yours, You just smile and nod as she drag her to the dace floor. swaying your hips to the music, and playing with your hair as you danced the night away with your lover. You started to notice random guys start dancing against you on purpose(which you were uncomfortable with) and you could no longer see Rose in your sight so you decided to head to a bar to get some space. Once you got there you ordered you a drink  to let time pass by.
after what felt like only three minutes you could see a woman in the corner of your eye, looking at you from your head to toe. She moved closer to you but you didn’t bother to glance at her, just stayed silent. “what’s a pretty girl like you doing here all by yourself.” she asked you could see a seductive smirk on her face without even looking at her. “I’m not alone, I’m with my friends and my-” she cut you off by placing her hand on your thigh making you tense up. “I don’t see your friends around.’’ and she was right, you took a quick look around and you didn’t see any of the friends you arrived with. Once you went to look back you were surprised when her lips crashed into yours, you gasped  at her sudden movement, placing her hand under your shirt. as soon as you attempted to push her away you heard a familiar voice over the music and people shouting. “Y/N Y/L/N!!!” you looked over to see Rose staring dead at you with glossy eyes. “HOW COULD YOU?!” she shouted with all she had just so you could hear how hurt she was over the crowd, “b-baby it’s not what it looks like-” “oh! so it’s not my girlfriend that I’ve been dating for three years now, practically making out with a stranger!” “N-NO it’s not!” she started to back away from you going to find the others. you got up to go after her but the stranger grabbed your wrist. “where are you going babydoll? shes gone, now lets take this to my private room.” you yanked your arm out of her grip glaring her down, “I’m not your babydoll, and don’t fucking touch me again.” you stormed away to go find Rose...
________Rose POV______
I couldn’t believe her, the one I’ve trusted over these years with everything I had. She betrayed me, on.... our anniversary too. I seen my friends on the other side of the bar. with tears still running down my face I walked up to them with my arms crossed, Hoseok was the first to notice me. “Rosie whats wrong?” he asked with a concerned look on his face, “I want to go home, now.” “oh, alright, do you want me to find Y/N-” “no I don’t want to leave with her!” I interrupted her and they all looked at me shocked. “what happened.” Jisoo asked as she walked up me and rubbed my back in attempt to comfort me. “I-i saw her with someone else, now please take me home...please.’’ Jennie and Kai offered to take me home, but once I left the building I heard the voice I didn’t realize I already missed until I had to hear it one last time. “Rose, please wait! let me explain!” I turned to see Y/N with her glossy (y/e/c) eyes that I’ve already missed looking into, but then I remembered why I was so mad, so heartbroken. “I think you’ve done enough tonight.” I looked at her as I continued walking backwards only to see her  walk after me. “I didn’t want to kiss her, I didn’t want her touching me, but i couldn’t do anything. I was trying to look for you guys in the club but when I looked back, it just happened. I’m sorry baby, I really am and I’d never do anything to hurt you that way...” I paused dead in my tracks. I want to believe her, but at the same time I don’t. “R-really?” I asked whipping the last of my tears as my arms fall to my side. “If I didn’t love you as much as I do I wouldn’t have waited until our Fifth year anniversary to do something like that. And you should know that park Chaeyoung.” Jennie and Kai waited at there car for me,
Instead I ran into y/n’s arms as she picked me up and spun me around, I hugged her tight never wanting to let go. “I’m sorry, i’m so sorry. I almost messed things up.” “No, don’t apologize. It’s not your fault, I made a mistake.” She put me down slowly and a smile crept onto our faces as everything was back to normal. “ turned to face Jennie and Kai who where still looking at us with small smiles on they’re faces. “you guys can stay, y/N and I will head home together.” “Okay, you two have fun” Kai smirked as he placed his arm around Jennie's waist and they walked back inside.
I took Y/N’s hand into mine as we walked to our car and got in I hesitated before starting the car and looked at Y/N, “Baby, I’m really sorry. I thought you were cheating on me, and we were going to break up and-” She cut me off placing a kiss on lips, one thing I knew I’d miss if we did split. “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. Ever. It’s not easy to get rid of me.” she answered as she raised a brow. I smiled before kissing her again, more passionately. Melting into the kiss and reviving a small groan from Y/N. I pulled away teasingly as I started the car and drove us home.
just ‘Us’. 
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anuschkalova · 5 years
The Backup Plan (Chapter 1: The Approaching) Elliot x Reader
Summary: Elliot who suffers from weekly crying attacks finds comfort by chatting with a girl called Y/N that he met online. They have a real mutual understanding and grow close. Elliot enjoys the virtual connection, but is soon forced to step out of his comfort zone.  Pairing: Elliot Alderson x Reader Word count: 2.795 Part 2 HERE
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If Elliot had to name one thing that he hated the most, it would be his loneliness.
He hated it whenever the silence overfilled his apartment, making him aware of the missing. He hated the overwhelming sadness that attacked his body, forcing him to curl up into a weeping ball and let it all out. He hated his own fucking blubbering; it was pathetic.  And he hated the fact that his morphine was out. 
Elliot squeezed the empty plastic can in his hand and threw it against the wall. „Fuck!“, he spat and pulled at his hair in frustration, walking in circles. Tonight was far worse than usual - his whole mind was intoxicated by the mixture of every single negative thought he had collected over the years, and this damn mental cocktail was hard to swallow. 
He needed something else to numb the pain, to turn his overheated system into sleep mode. What Elliot needed was a backup plan, a good one and preferentially in the next few seconds.
Flipper’s sudden barking made him slightly jump and Elliot stared at the little dog. She always did this during his crying sessions, probably because she sensed his anxiety. But the longer Elliot stared at the big round black eyes it seemed they fixed something behind him, so he turned and sighed. The computer.
„Of course…“ Elliot sat down and furiously tipped on the keyboard, bringing the monitor to life. Its harsh light illuminated his puffy face and the rest of the dimmed room. 
One klick and the browser opened, Elliot typed swiftly and the white page turned into his surrender: the blue version of his morphine - the most popular social media platform. He created an account, logged in and began searching. Looking for someone to write to, getting off his mind for the moment, exchanging nonsense and feeling normal for once. He went to ‚public groups‘ and thought about a topic, something that his future dialog partner would share with him; a common interest was essential for a fluent conversation. Elliot knew that, but only theoretical.  It was a group called Best movies of all time where he read Y/N’s comment about The Nightcrawler, discussing the two faces of society with three other members and without thinking twice his hands had already started a private conversation.
Elliot A., 12:43  What are your favorite movies?
He brought one hand to his mouth and bit at his knuckles impatiently. Shit, he was so desperate that he forgot a ‚Hey‘ or ‚How are you‘. She probably won’t answer him. One minute had passed and the loneliness was still there. Elliot moved the cursor to close the conversation, eager to find someone else, when a noise accompanied the new message he got.
Y/N, 12:45  I will tell you after a proper greeting.
Elliot A., 12:45  Hey.
He hesitated and typed more.
Elliot A., 12:45  Hey. I’m sorry.
God, why did he have to be that awkward? But nevertheless, he got an answer again.
Y/N, 12:46  Hey, don’t be. I was just messing with you ;-) I do like thriller movies like Shutter Island, Split and Hick. What about you?
Elliot felt his tensed shoulders relax as his eyes roamed over the letters. 
Elliot A., 12:46  Sounds interesting. I like any kind of movie as long as it’s good.
Y/N, 12:46  Haha, and what is ‚good‘?
Elliot A., 12:46  Back to the future is pretty good.
Y/N, 12:47  Yeah, I’ve seen it. So you like the sci-fi genre or just the imagination of traveling through time?
Elliot A., 12:47  Don’t we all wish to do that somehow?
Y/N, 12:47  In order to escape reality, yes. 
Elliot leaned closer to the monitor. He felt a weird sensation, as if somebody had put a cozy blanket over his back and rubbed the soft fabric on his skin while whispering I understand you. Did Y/N understand him?
Elliot A., 12:47  Do you wish to escape reality sometimes?
His heart pounded wildly in his chest as he awaited her answer. Elliot was so nervous that he didn’t register his burning eyes due to not blinking. His body however forced him to do so and after his eyes were set back to the monitor he had a new message.
Y/N, 12:48  Yes.
Her answer was short, but it revealed so much more. Elliot, intrigued by Y/N, clicked on her picture to visit her profile. It was set private, so he just stared at her smiling face. She looked so happy and open-minded, her messy bun had lost some strains of hair that framed her blushed cheeks. What story hid beneath those sparkling eyes? What made her wish to escape reality? Elliot’s fingers began to tingle, they always did before he hacked a person. He felt the urge to open her sealed book, reading the missing lines that would complete her story, the beginning and the ripped out pages - he wanted to know everything - every misery and every secret. 
The familiar annoying noise of another message interrupted his thoughts.
Y/N, 12:49  I don’t want to seem weird or anything, considering we chatted for only 5 minutes, but I’m glad you texted me, Elliot. 
Every word became more blurry as Elliot’s eyes teared up. He ran his hand over his face and took a deep breath. Her honesty unwrapped his true intention, so gently and careful not to rip the thin paper that covers his vulnerability. 
Elliot A., 12:49  I am the weird one. I know it must sound pathetic, but I needed someone to talk to.
Y/N, 12:49  Then you’re not alone. I need someone to talk as well. Idk why, but it’s so much easier with a stranger than a friend.
There it was. He read the sentence over and over like a mantra. You’re not alone. You’re not alone. You’re not alone. And then, the loneliness was gone. Elliot, who went to therapy for over two years now, started to understand Krista’s words. His therapist always urged him to tell his thoughts instead of bottling it all up inside. Now, the relief was overwhelming as the lid was removed, the inner pressure left his body in pleasant small waves. 
Elliot A., 12:49  I understand you. 
Y/N, 12:50  :-) Btw, I guess you’re a man? You have a unisex name, my sister’s name is Elliot as well. 
Elliot A., 12:50  You’re right. How do you know?
He had no profile picture and no information given to the site besides his name. Of course Elliot had used a fake e-mail account during the registration process. The internet was not trustworthy. 
Y/N, 12:50  The way you write gives it away. Or maybe I just traveled through time and got a glimpse of you.
She tried to lighten up the mood and Elliot appreciated it. His lips twitched into a quick smile before he typed his answer.
Elliot A., 12:51  I take option two. So how do I look?
It took a while for Y/N to answer, so he went over to Flipper’s bowl to fill it with fresh water. The little dog wagged its tail happily while drinking. The roll chair creaked when Elliot sat back to read her text.
Y/N, 12:55  You have bright eyes, blue or green, I couldn’t tell in the short time and you have natural curly hair, brunette and not too short. You wear glasses and a knitted oversized sweater with cats on it.
Elliot A., 12:56  I almost believed you. 
Y/N, 12:56  Was worth the try and hey, I don’t judge.
Elliot A., 12:56  I’m more a dog person. 
Y/N, 12:56  Cool. What’s his/her name?
Elliot A., 12:56 Flipper.
And so Elliot told Y/N the story of how he got Flipper, of course leaving out the hacking part, and they continued writing about this and that. He learned that she was addicted to coffee and long hot baths; that she enjoyed going to the cinema and secretly danced at home to 80’s music. Y/N on the other hand found out that Elliot worked for a cybersecurity company and that he had a sister as well. When Y/N excused herself for a moment, Elliot checked the time. It was 2:28 am and for the first time during this day he was calm. The anxiety had crawled back into the back door of his mind and Elliot won’t open it for the rest of the night. He decided to end the chat and go to sleep, work awaited him in 4.5 hours.
Elliot A., 02:28  I’ll go to bed now. It was nice talking to you, Y/N. 
Y/N, 02:29  Alright. Good night, Elliot. Keep the systems clean :-)
Elliot A., 02:29  I will.
Y/N, 02:29  See you soon.
That conversation took place on a Sunday night, and since then the two of them would chat every time Elliot suffered from his loneliness. He could go for a week, completely fine by himself, enduring the lack of human interactions in his life, just to break down within the safety of his apartment. But Elliot had his personal backup plan - Y/N. They wrote about nonsense and meaningful things, about deep emotions and opinions. She was the anchor when his anxiety washed over him like a giant wave, she would keep him on the surface and Elliot stopped panicking.
The routine was set like a clock:  Crying and writing to Y/N. One week past. Crying and writing to Y/N. One week past. Crying again and writing to Y/N.
It worked. She became an important part in Elliot’s life and so it was only natural for him to hack her. He had lasted two days before he gave in and followed his nature. Private messages with friends and family, bank and e-mail accounts, online-shopping activities and social media profiles were not safe from Elliot’s endless thirst for knowledge. He was more than glad to find out that she told him the truth. Then, something caught his attention in her browser’s history, a specific search.
>>Cybersecurity company New York Elliot<<
Y/N had tried to find him. Elliot leaned back in his chair and kept his eyes locked to his name. It was understandable, her wish to put a face to the person she spend hours and hours writing to. Elliot got it, but he still felt uneasy about the imagination showing her his face.  Their relationship would reach a new level of intimacy. He wouldn’t be a screen to her anymore, but a real human. A human she could meet in real life.
„Elliot?“ Krista’s soft voice addressed him, causing him to snap out of his thoughts.  Today was Thursday and Elliot sat on the large couch of his therapist’s office. She titled her head a little. „You are quieter than usual. What are you thinking about?“ Elliot refused to meet her eyes and instead looked down at his fumbling hands. He hadn’t told Krista about Y/N until now.
„I’ve met someone…“ Elliot could see from the corner of his eyes how the woman’s head lifted up, eyebrows raised. He got her full attention. „That’s great, Elliot. Tell me about him, her.“ „Her name is Y/N… We are writing a lot“, he said slowly and his face softened. It was the first time he said her name out loud and he liked the way it left his lips. Krista noticed the change of Elliot’s mimic and smiled in satisfaction. Seeing her patient like that really warmed her heart.
„So you haven’t met Y/N so far?“ Elliot’s head twitched slightly and he turned towards the window. „Elliot?“ „I’m afraid of showing her my face. What if she’ll be disappointed?“, he spoke quietly and Krista watched him swallowing hard, fighting against the upcoming tears.
„What if I won’t match her expectations? We live in a world where looks and status rule. Swiping left because the nose is too big or the eyes are too narrowed, the first impression is always crucial for a relationship.“ Elliot began to shake as the anger built up, his eyes darting across the room before he finally locked gazes with his therapist. Krista raised her hand and motioned him to calm down. He took a deep breath and clenched his hands. 
„You are talking about relationships. Do you feel something for Y/N and are afraid of her possible rejection?“ Elliot shrugged his shoulder and kept his eyes down. „But Elliot, she must be special if you write so much with her. Do you really believe that she’s superficial and will abandon you?“ Krista was right. Y/N wasn’t like the others, she was willing to write to a complete stranger who’s face she hadn’t seen. She had trusted him and what did Elliot do? Hacking and accusing her for being a hypocrite. 
„No…“, he mumbled and Krista nodded. „I know I tell you this every time, but real human interactions are important for you, Elliot.“
Y/N, 10:13  Hey, how are you? 
Elliot frowned at Y/N’s message. It had been three days since his last crying session and she was never the one who approached him first. Y/N always waited for him to start the conversation, because she probably knew not to push him.
Elliot A., 10:14  Hey, is everything okay?
She didn’t answer right away and it fed Elliot’s worry. He tipped his fingers against the wooden desk and his nervous tick made Flipper bark in response. „Sorry“, he said to the dog and finally he heard the noise of a new message.
Y/N, 10:17  I’m sorry it’s just… I feel so alone right now. My shithead of boyfriend broke up with me and I’m not sad about it, just really mad. I knew that he cheated on me and I planed on breaking up, it’s just that he accused me of destroying the relationship… He blamed me for everything and it’s just so frustrating.
Guilt laid heavily on Elliot’s shoulder as he recalled today’s therapy session. He also had blamed his anxiety on her and Elliot regretted it. He also regretted hacking her and therefore feeling the lack of surprise. He had read the chats of Y/N and her boyfriend, hacked his profiles and found out about his dirty secret named Samantha. Judging by the texts, he had cheated on Y/N for 1.5 years and Elliot was often tempted to blow his cover.
But he didn’t, because Y/N knew it. She wrote with her sister about his cheating and how she was going to break up with him. Or using her words ‚beating his ass up‘.
Elliot A., 10:18  Don’t be sorry. I would feel the same. He is more than a shithead if he gives up on such a smart and funny woman.
He hoped that his words eased her pain a little. God, he was so bad at this. How did Y/N just managed to safe him every time he was close to falling apart? He saw her typing, but then she paused a moment before she continued.
Y/N, 10:20  Thank you, Elliot. 
She was holding back something, he felt it.
Elliot A., 10:20  You can tell me anything, Y/N. Don’t hide.
Elliot scoffed at his own text. Don’t hide. He should be the last person telling her to not hide. But his words actually reached her and Elliot’s heart stopped beating when he saw her plead.
Y/N, 10:22  I just wish you could hold me in your arms. I’m sorry if it’s weird, but I trust you so much and I know you probably want to keep it this way and maybe it’s just because of my emotions, but I want to know you more.
Elliot could visualize her crying face - eyes red and cheeks glistening from her salty tears. She must be so desperate if she asked him for the one thing she knew he avoided all the time. Elliot’s backup plan was a real human with real emotions and a beating heart. Y/N had saved him so many times, so wasn’t it his turn to return the favor? His hands ghosted over the keyboards, waiting for his brain’s order. He wet his dry lips as he tipped his message to her.
Elliot A., 10:24  We can meet tomorrow if that’s okay.
To be continued… Part 2 HERE
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bakusquadup · 5 years
Ree idk if it's too soon but if you could write an aftermath to that cheating scenario I would be so grateful! Obviously doesn't have to be a happy ending, but just poor Reader being happy and Bakugou miserable because I really hate cheaters lmao, or you could do anything else but just let poor Reader be happy 😭
ALol okay, a few people have asked for it and I’m not really in the mood to write normal romance stuff right now anyway. A couple people asked for a happy ending with Bakugou, but I can’t bring myself to do it. Maybe, if you guys want, I’ll eventually add in a continuation with another character. This fic doesn’t have any romance in it, though. Enjoy?
(Also, I named part one when I put it on AO3, so I’ll use that name here)
Read part one/the original fic here!
Affairs of the Heart: Part 2 (cheater!Bakugou x Reader)
“With the most recent rankings coming in, the explosion hero Ground Zero has moved up to the second seed, barely edging out winged hero Hawks who has held the position for many years now.” You stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, gazing up at the jumbotron where a news anchor was covering the Hero Billboard Chart that happened the night prior. To his left were small pictures of Bakugou and Hawks, each sporting their hero costumes. “The number one position remains held by hero Deku who assumed the position after flame hero Endeavor’s forced retirement. When asked about rival Ground Zero’s promotion, Deku gave this statement.” The screen cut to a recording of Deku.
“I think it’s great for Kacch- I mean Ground Zero. He’s always had more natural talent than I did.” He chuckled to himself, rubbing at the back of his neck shyly before clenching his fist in front of him. “But I’m not letting go of the number one spot!” You smiled to yourself a bit. You and Deku had never met before, but you had heard Bakugou grumble about him a thousand times over. Bakugou’s depiction of him and his media presence never seemed to align, however, what with Bakugou’s insistence that he was useless and annoying. Maybe being with him had been clouding your judgement.
A passerby smacked into your shoulder, barreling past and not bothering to apologize.
“Get out of the way!” they yelled. Ignoring it, you simply stepped back under a building awning so you weren’t in the middle of the sidewalk where anyone could come running into you.
“Ground Zero failed to attend the Hero Billboard Chart last night,” the newscaster continued, turning to his co-anchor. “Ground Zero’s media presence has always been small, but he hasn’t participated in any interviews for the past three months now. The public has been debating about what could be wrong. What is your take on the matter, Matsuno-san?”
“Well, Edano-san, one of the most popular theories going around right now is that there may be some trouble in his love life.” Letting out an audible sigh, you shook your head. It took the media a lot less time to figure out than you had anticipated. For the majority of your relationship, you had managed to remain unknown, but around a year ago, a photographer managed to get pictures of you and Bakugou out on a date. Your face wasn’t shown, but it had still caused a massive uproar. Because of that, more and more photos of the two of you together were eventually leaked. While the public didn’t know exactly who you were, it became common knowledge that Ground Zero had a long-term girlfriend. A picture of you two flashed up on the screen.
“The woman photographed, who is widely believed to be Ground Zero’s partner, has not been seen with the hero recently. The public has speculated that the couple may have broken up and one source even claims that she was caught cheating on him.”
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me,” you muttered to yourself. For the most part, you didn’t mind the false news stories that went around, but that was so blatantly backwards that it hurt to hear.
“They really got it wrong on that one, huh?” a deep voice stated behind you. Surprised by the sudden comment, you spun on a heel to find yourself face-to-face with a tall, broad-chested redhead. Well, more like face-to-chest given the height difference.
“Kirishima? What are you doing here?”
“You stopped in front of my agency.” He pointed up. Wrinkling your brows, you stepped out from underneath the awning to look up. Lo and behold, there it was, a giant, bright red sign reading “Riot Heroes” across the top of the building. You felt a blush rise in your cheeks.
“Sorry, I was just passing by and stopped to watch the news,” you explained, gesturing back toward the screen, which had since moved onto more news about Deku.
“Of course, don’t apologize. Do you want to stop in for a cup of tea?”
“Oh, no, that’s okay.” Waving your hands in front of you, you took a couple steps backwards, out onto the sidewalk again. You had been headed home from work and you wanted to get going anyway. “I don’t want to bother you. Weren’t you just leaving?”
“It’s not a bother!” he insisted, flashing one of his massive smiles at you. “I was leaving, but what’s a few more minutes? Please, come in, come in.” He grabbed your arm with a surprisingly strong grip, pulling you along behind him, back into the building. As much as you loathed the idea of spending time exchanging pleasantries with your ex’s closest friend, Kirishima was a nice person and easy to talk to. You stopped trying to wrench your arm free and let him drag you.
Inside the building, large groups of heroes, sidekicks, and administrative staff were bustling about the lobby, everyone preoccupied with their own particular tasks.
“Wow, what’s with all the activity?”
“We’re partnering with Deku and Uravity for a few weeks to take down a villain that’s been active a lot recently.” He released your arm, walking a few paces into the chaos and turning back to ensure you were following. You hurried after him.
“Oh, woah, that’s a strong group you’ve set up.”
“Yeah, well, we all went to school together, so we like to team up whenever we can. I asked Bakugou as well, but he refused.” Instinctively, your heart skipped a beat at the mention of Bakugou. Your discomfort at the mention of his name must have shown on your face because Kirishima immediately went into apology mode. “Oh, God, I’m sorry. You don’t want me talking about him. Of course, you don’t.”
“No, it’s fine.” The two of you pushed out of the masses, finding yourselves in front of the elevators. Kirishima reached for the button. “How has he been? Bakugou, I mean.”
“In all honesty, pretty terrible.” A sense of pride swelled within you, overwhelming you with the satisfaction that he was at least feeling an ounce of the regret you hoped he was. The two of you stepped into the elevator. “He’s barely sleeping; we have to constantly remind him to eat regular meals; he’s increasingly irritable – and not irritable the way he usually is either, I saw him yell at an intern a week ago because they tripped and dropped some papers. It’s kind of hard to watch.”
“Good,” was all you said.
Ding! The elevator doors slid open on the top floor, giving way to the large room lined with floor to ceiling windows. The office was elegantly designed with sleek furniture and minimalistic design, but the ambiance was thrown off by the collection of training equipment in one corner and the occasional “manly” object scattered about. Deku and Uravity were already seated in the lounge area, Deku sitting properly in an armchair, while Uravity was sprawled about the couch.
“Kirishima-kun? Back already?” Deku asked, standing up. He was shorter than you imagined the top-hero to be, but from the looks of it, was pure muscle. His arms were probably the width of your thighs and his thighs looked like they were trying to rip free of his khakis, they were so big. He was definitely built for fighting villains.
“I caught this one outside the office.” Kirishima slapped you on the back, pushing you forward toward the other two. “Figured we could have some tea for a bit.” You walked with him up to Deku and Uravity, but felt yourself clamming up in their presence. You had spent plenty of time around Bakugou and Kirishima, so you were used to them, but Deku and Uravity felt too much like heroes in comparison. You idolized them so much, they barely felt like real people. “This is [Y/L/N] [Y/F/N].”
“Um, hello.” Wow, real eloquent.
“[Y/L/N]-san, why do I recognize that name?” Uravity mumbled to herself, sitting up from the sofa. She squinted her eyes at you for a moment before widening them suddenly. “Are you Bakugou-kun’s girlfriend?” You stiffened – as did Kirishima next to you. Uravity looked between the two of you, confused, but then pressed her lips together. “Oh, right, I heard about…um, yeah. Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you said stiffly, shaking your head.
“Well, I don’t think we’ve ever been properly introduced.” It was an awfully awkward transition, but she was trying to stray from an uncomfortable topic and you couldn’t help but appreciate it. “I’m Uraraka Ochako.” She held out her hand. Next to her, Deku stepped forward and held out his as well.
“I’m Midoriya Izuku.”
“I know who both of you are of course, but it’s nice to meet you.” You shook each of their hands in succession. Both of them had hero’s hands – a thing you noticed on both Bakugou and Kirishima as well – their palms rough and coated in callouses from years of rescuing others. Uraraka’s was small, but she had a firm handshake and Midoriya was exactly the opposite, a wide palm with a gentle grip.
Ding! Everyone turned at the sound of the elevator doors opening again.
“Alright, I changed my fucking mind,” a voice called. Oh no.
Bakugou walked into the office and directly made eye-contact with you, freezing just beyond the elevator doors. He looked exactly as Kirishima described him, weak, sleep-deprived, skinnier. His eyes were red and puffy from lack of sleep and the dark purple bags under them were no help. His t-shirt, which was usually completely tight, hung loose around his torso and the sleeves pulled away from his arms. Even just the way he carried himself seemed entirely unlike him, hunched and small, feeble in every sense of the word.
“[Y/N].” The name was soft, barely audible across the large room. He looked at you like you were a ghost and you could only imagine how you were probably looking at him.
“Bakugou, what do you mean you changed your mind?” Kirishima cut into the tension, releasing both you and Bakugou from the trance you’d entered as soon as you saw one another. Bakugou blinked a few times then walked up to join the group. You took a step back so you were standing between Midoriya and Uraraka. Something about being surrounded by those two was comforting, you weren’t sure if it was due to them being heroes or just the vibes they gave off in general, but something. They both glanced at you, but said nothing.
“I wanna join your ‘task force’ or whatever you fucking called it.”
“That’s great.” Kirishima glanced back at you. “How about you come back and we can talk about it then?”
“I’m not fucking leaving,” Bakugou retorted.
“It’s okay, Kirishima,” you interjected. “I’ll just leave and you two can talk about it.”
“[Y/L/N], that’s not necessa-”
“Please don’t go.” To your surprise, Bakugou cut off Kirishima for one of the rawest displays of emotion you’d ever seen from him. Even after years of dating, you had never really since Bakugou expose himself in such a heartfelt manner until now. It was jarring. Midoriya and Uraraka shifted uncomfortably next to you. “I haven’t seen you in so long, let’s just… I don’t know, let’s fucking talk.” The last time you two had met was when he came to move his stuff out of the apartment. Unfortunately for you, you saw his face at the top of every other news story. You were plagued by his presence every day of your life, no matter how much you wanted to never see him again.
“There’s nothing to talk about, Katsuki.” And it was true, you had nothing to say to him. You weren’t even sure you were really angry anymore, disappointed and a little sad, maybe, but not angry. You were spent, no energy left to waste on tiring emotions that only wound up hurting you more.
“Please, just give me ten minutes,” he insisted.
“There’s nothing to discuss. All that would come out of us talking is you feeling better about yourself, that your actions are somehow justified.” You stepped out and past him. “I’ve said all I need to say.” Turning toward the others, you bowed briefly as you headed back to the elevator. “Thank you for inviting me, Kirishima. Maybe we can have tea another time. And Uraraka-san and Deku-san, it was a pleasure to meet you.” Pressing the down arrow, you stepped into the elevator. As the door slid shut, you made eye-contact with Bakugou for a brief instant to see the longing in his eyes, but the next moment the doors were closed and you were gone.
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fortheloveofeos · 7 years
Friends - Noctis x Fem!reader
Hey y’all! So, this is my first request. Unfortunately, I don’t have the message anymore (Idk what I did), but the request was basically as follows:
               s/o confesses feelings to a chocobro and is rejected. S/o grows closer to another chocobro. The latter is irritated that the s/o is rejected and so an argument insues.
There weren’t any preferences in the request for any specific guys and I really hope the person that sent this in likes it. I also used a Fem reader because I find that easiest. This is my first time writing for Noct! I’m so excited to be getting requests so please send some in! Still without internet at home, so I can respond to messages but unfortunately cannot post any new writings.
Enjoy! :)
You sat by the fire wringing your hands and staring at the newly formed callouses. Things really had changed a lot over the last few days. You had been traveling with the Crown Prince of Lucis and his friends for a few weeks on and off now. You had been a new hunter, just starting to take on hunts on your own, when you had run into the band of four after being chased by a Sabertusk that had managed to sneak up behind you while you dealt with its packmate.
Blue light had flashed in your periphereal just as the Noctis launched his Engine Blade into the side of the beast. A moment later, his friends joined the fray and the pack was down in record time. Other than the few scratches on your forearms, you had made it out of the fight in one piece – which was honestly better than you had expected.
“You okay?” Noctis had asked as his blade disappeared into the blue light that had brought it. His raven locks fell loosely into his eyes, masking the glittering blue eyes that shown with concern for a complete stranger.
Nervously, you holstered your pistols and fiddled with the hair that had fallen from your sweaty ponytail. “I’m alright. Th-thank you.” You had been a stuttering mess from the start. One look of his deep blue eyes that seemed to hold the world of the Astrals in them and you were done for. You really had never stood a chance.
Nodding, Noctis had suggested that you join the four for lunch and after the shared meal and some rather telling conversation it had been decided that you would join them. The plan had been for you to stick around for a week or two tops, just long enough for you to gain your footing as a hunter. However, after the second week, you had grown so close to the prince and his friends that you stayed on to help with their quest.
Noctis had easily become your best friend. He was quiet but he made a good listener and he never seemed to judge you for anything you confessed. He always encouraged your hunting and had taught you to use a short sword like he so often did. You had all but abandoned the pistols you had purchased when you started out.
Early that evening Noctis had been teaching you how to use the weight of the sword to spin yourself around to attack an enemy behind you. He had stood behind you, his hands wrapped around yours as he instructed you on your grip and footing. He had noticed your uncharacteristic quietness. “Everything alright,” he mumbled your name as he tried to look you in the eye.
You ducked your head and tried to hide the blush that had crept into your cheeks without your consent. Your chest ached and your heart pounded. Your hands were sweaty from more than the hunting lesson. “Noct, can we…talk for a second?”
He nodded and pulled you down onto the soft grass not far from the Vesperpool. He leaned back onto his hands relaxed in the shade of a few nearby trees. You watched him silently as he closed his eyes as if we were about to drift off in the afternoon heat. “Well? I don’t read minds,” he joked before blinking his eyes open.
You swallowed to clear your throat. “Noct…I know that what I’m about to tell you really doesn’t matter, but…I feel like I have to be honest with you. After everything you’ve done, I can’t go on pretending anymore.” You paused, biting your lip before risking a look at him. He leaned forward he was now sitting straight up with his legs crossed. He looked intrigued but didn’t say anything as he allowed you to get your thoughts in order. “Right. Well, I know you’re engaged to Lady Lunafreya but I…I think I like you Noctis.”
Noctis sighed heavily before running his hands over his face. He mumbled your name before grabbing one of your hands and forcing your face up so that he could look at you. “I…have to marry Luna. If things were different and I weren’t the new King of Lucis…maybe this could work. But I have to make it to Altissa and to Luna.” He paused a moment before running his thumb over your hand. “I’m sorry,” he whispered your name.
What hurt the most was the sadness that had been so evident in his voice when he apologized. You noticed that he didn’t refute your feelings, only informed you that a future for the two of you wasn’t possible. That made it so much worse.
Sputtering, you rose to your feet and handed over the blade you had been practicing with. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.” You turned and ran through the undergrowth towards the road and the Haven were camp had been set up. Noctis called out for you to stop but you kept going. Your legs had burned and you lungs had struggled for air by the time you finally stopped running. You knew Noctis wasn’t much on cardio and doubted he would follow you, especially knowing that you were so upset.
You had ducked into the tent when he and the other had returned to camp that evening. You ate in silence with the others and avoided Noctis and his gaze. Thankfully, Noct had retired rather early – even for him – and you had been left alone in the darkening night.
The fire was beginning to die as you studied your hands. You wished you had kept you mouth shut and just gone on as things had been. You worried that things would be awkward between the two of you now and there was nothing you could do to stop it.
Someone called your name and you jumped, startled from your pressings thoughts. “Are you coming to be - whoa, hey,” Prompto’s light eyes widened before he kneeled before you. You hadn’t realized you had been crying until he reached up to wipe away a few tears. Rather than ask what was wrong, Prompto pulled you in for a warm hug that only made your heart break in to a thousand pieces. He held you carefully and let you cry on his shoulder. He never asked for an explanation, only murmured sweet words into your ear. Once you had finished your tears, he supported your weight and guided you into the tent.
Noct was out in his sleeping bad, snoring slightly. Ignis scribbled away in his journal while Gladio flipped through his book. Neither of the men commented on your obviously red-rimmed eyes or your puffy cheeks. Prompto moved your sleeping bag away from Noctis and between himself and Gladio. You were surprised that he seemed to know what had bothered you and offered him a thankful smile before climbing in. You felt tears sting your eyes once more and Prompto gently played with your hair as you drifted off.
The next morning, you were awoken by a fully dressed prompt. He held his finger to his lips before motioning for you to follow him. After dressing, you grabbed a to-go breakfast from Ignis and followed Prompto into the wilderness. He handed you your guns once you were a bit away from camp.
“What are these for?” You naturally secured the holsters at your hips. It had been at least a week since you had even shot one.
Prompto laughed and held his own shining pistol in his hand after the light of the crystal faded. “Target practice. Always makes me feel better and there’s no better way to relieve some stress.” He smiled and pushed a few unruly blonde locks aside. He pulled a bright marker from his back pocket and drew a lopsided target on the side of an abandoned shack. “Let’s see if you can take on a pro,” he giggled before getting into stance and firing three successive shots at the target. All three shots landed within the center bullseye grouped rather closely together.
You were no Prompto, but you were a pretty good shot. You had really improved since you had joined up with the group. You got in to stance and took aim you were about to pull the trigger when Prompto stopped you. Using his hands, he positioned you so that you stood more firmly and your aim would be more consistent. He lightly kicked at your feet, ushering them slightly farther apart.
“Okay. Try now.”
Nodding, you took aim once more at the makeshift target. Closing one eye, you fired off several rounds.
“Not bad! Keep on like this and you’ll be a reall sharpshooter in no time.”
Sighing, you lowered your arm. “Noctis was teaching me to fight with swords.” You flipped the safety on your pistol before turning it over in your hands. “I guess that’s over now.”
Prompto bit his lip for a moment as if trying to decide if he should ask. “What happened? I mean, if you don’t mind me asking.”
There was no reason for you not to tell Prompto. You should’ve known better from the start. “I…well I told Noctis how I felt. I should’ve known better than to say anything. I mean, he’s got Luna and – “
Prompto pulled you in for another of his signature hugs. He was warmth and sunshine and smiles – almost the opposite of Noctis in nearly every way. “Don’t sell yourself short,” Prompto pulled back to give you a smile. “Noctis just has a lot going on.” His eyes darkened slightly and he seemed to get lost in his thoughts. Shaking his head, he helped you get back into stance. “Come on, I’ve got enough rounds to keep us busy for a bit.”
And so you spent the morning well passed lunch with Prompto. He had always been kind to you, but he was proving to be a good friend. He continued to give you tips and instructed you on how to improve your aim. With his help, you wouldn’t need to learn to fight close combat – you could pick off your targets before they had a chance to get too close. “You’ll be a real sharpshooter by the time I’m done with you,” he teased as you two made your way back to camp. That evening you had planned to investigate the ruins in the area so the two of you wanted to be back in time to eat and rest up before you set out.
You caught sight of the rest of the group around the camp grounds and offered a small wave to Gladio where he sat examining his shield for any damage. Ignis was busy making lunch and Noctis relaxed back into his chair, probably playing King’s Knight. He caught Gladio’s small wave before jumping up from his chair.
“Where were you guys?” Noctis asked as he slipped his phone into his pocket. He looked between you and Prompto as if trying to decide who he was going to interrogate. When his eyes landed on yours, his cheeks flushed red.
Prompto shoved passed his best friend and headed for a chair. “Target practice,” Prompto muttered. He snatched your hand and pulled you along behind him and passed the prince.
Gladio raised an eyebrow at the exchange but didn’t comment. Ignis seamed uninterested as he tested the stew he was concocting. Noctis’ scrunched his brow and looked at the two of you. You thought you saw anger hidden in the dark depths of his eyes but knew you must have been mistaken. You couldn’t understand why he would be angry. “Target practice?” he repeated. “I guess you’re going back to pistols, then?” he asked you almost bashfully.
Prompto jumped up from his chair, his cheeks flushed as he ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “Come on, Noct. Don’t act like you don’t what’s wrong. You pal around with (y/n) all the time. You flirt with her all the time and you act like none of us are allowed to spend time with her. And what do you do when she admits she had feelings for you? You turn her down in the name of your duty? That’s messed up man. Really messed up.”  Prompto shook his head and glanced at both Ignis and Gladio. “Tell me I’m lying.”
“Keep us out of it,” Gladio sighed and rose to his full height.
Ignis pulled the boiling pot from the stove. “Gladio is right. Athough,” he paused to push up his glasses, “I am rather tired of pretended something isn’t going on between the two of you.”
Noctis looked completely taken aback as he glanced around at everyone. When his eyes landed on you, he looked sad. “I didn’t mean to make you feel…led on. I just,” he paused and kicked a booted foot against the stone. “I do have to go to Altissa and save Luna. And I won’t drag you through that.”
A fire lit somewhere in your stomach as you gripped your pistols where they rested at your hips. “I’m not mad at you, Noctis. I get it. I shouldn’t have said anything.” You looked to Prompto and thanked him for helping you with target practice. “But I’m not going anywhere. I signed up to help you guys out and I plan on seeing it though. You’re not dragging me anywhere because I’m committed to this. And I’ll help you save Lunafreya,” you promised despite the tightness in your chest. You meant every word. You had lost your home as well when Insomnia fell and you knew that going to Altissa would be your shot at getting revenge on the Empire with your own hands.
“That’s what I like to hear,” Gladio patted you once on the back.
You nodded and inhaled deeply before looking at Noctis. “I promise that I will see you to Altissa and to Luna.” You offered him a small smile as you held your head high. “That’s what friends do.”
“Friends,” the young king repeated before nodding and pulling you in for a hug.
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