#idk if there's an equivalent disaster family out there
twstjam · 1 year
[Book 7 Spoilers]
Do you guys think there's discourse going on rn in twst's in-universe version of twitter? And just social media in general
I mean come on there's no WAY the crisis going on at Sage's Island right now isn't on the news
How much do you guys think the public knows about what's going on? Do they know that Malleus is the one behind this? Do they know the state of the island's residents? Do they know the barrier is GROWING and that the apocalypse will be upon them if Malleus isn't stopped?
You're a normal, everyday citizen of twisted wonderland. One day you go on the in-universe equivalent of tumblr and see one of THESE posts on your dashboard:
> hey guys did you hear about the thorn barrier surrounding sage island rn >> the WHAT >>> On 9:18 pm last night (xx/xx/xxxx) Sage's Island was encased in thorn vines, an impenetrable magical barrier, and a thick fog. The current state of the residents are unknown but are reported by S.T.Y.X. to be safe. >>>>
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(idk much how to imitate posts and stuff also I forgor some twst lore about styx (like if they're public knowledge or not) but I did my best)
Can you imagine some Vil antis stirring up shit by tweeting something like "vil shitheit goes to school at nrc. a magical disaster is going on at sage island and everyone might die CRAB RAVE"
quote retweet: "y'all remember that neige is on that island too right"
Also the fans of both Neige and Vil and freaking out about this and tweeting about sending prayers for them to be saved and this moment of crisis unites both fandoms as they all wait with bated breath for news about their faves.
Meanwhile there's also people complaining about people only giving a shit about Neige and Vil and not the hundreds of other people on that island and their families. It's just a big shitshow on twst!twitter afshsgshs
also you cannot tell me there AREN'T Leona stans jokingly being like
> everyone shut up about vil and neige are we all forgetting that Prince Leona is on that island too >> o7 his royal hotness has served us well >>> oh my god if he dies it's going to be the end of the world like actually >>>> oh well i never liked sports anyways o7
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jaesrri · 1 year
So idk if anyone cares much, but I just gotta throw this out there-
DND Tumblr, send us some luck. I beg of you.
We open session tomorrow with initiative rolls and the facts are these:
We are level 8
Our playgroup is insane-we have a fully homebrew world, run Valda's Spire of Secrets from Mage Hand Press alongside most official 5e content and any other shiny bits that suit us
No really we're nuts. We have 1.6 conlangs (one full, a dialect thereof, and a few extra phrases) This campaign has already spawned a prequel novel, two prequel one-shots, thousands of words of prequel and concurrent text roleplay, an in-universe romance novella, and at least the threat of a prequel detective fiction-of-some-length. Plus assorted art, and an intro and an outro vid, and many, many playlists
The party consists of:
a 13 year old half drow necromancer who isn't exactly an orphan. Raised by the third of her mom's poly triad (terrorist cell leader, jealous AF, sus). Recently chosen as high priestess of Drow goddess of Death we.... May have released/awakened.
A playboy human guardsman (short king, twink, disaster bi) witch/fighter with two souls and royal blood. Also a very good loving mom and stepdad and lotsa excellent (vulnerable) siblings. Recently discovered blood dad and niece rather more questionable
A big (very strong, bit fat, busty) human Magani (oppressed desert culture- the conlang is theirs) fighter/cleric (battle master/twilight) and reluctant Prophet. Her boyfriend (secretly husband (secret wedding 4 in-game days ago)) is Magani by blood but not culture and also a state official (now rogue but not yet officially caught) ((Me!!!))
A Magani amethyst dragonborn aberrant mind sorcerer with a taste for gossip and a successful shop (girlfriend is half-orc craftsman smith- super sweet n talented, shit at finances). Incapable of minding her own buisness
Fairy mad bomber alchemist with a history as an expert fireworks maker and family back home in another country. Here investigating/troubleshooting fuckery in the Dreaming (existential threat to our world). In over their head (we all are)
Human warmage rebel/spy with serious history and beef with the imperial establishment. Recently reunited after 10 years with her sister. Things are rather tense, since said sister is now a warlock of a powerful member of the government (not quite as bad as it sounds, but very awkward)
We have 2 allied NPCs for this encounter, our fighter/cleric's boyfriend (husband), an eloquence bard (9th, poss 10th lvl), and one of the two high government officials that's been trying to make nice with us (sus, but we're pretty desperate) (sister's patron) who is a 20th level Wizard
Our opposition:
one equivalent government official who is absolutely opposed to everything we care about, is genocidal (Magani are probably next), and may infact be some sort of planar horror stuck here for reasons not yet understood. Also a slimy bastard.
And his pet horror who is strongly theorized to be our necromancer's dad, transformed and magically leashed. TBD if there's any of him left
Also of interest
None of us are full up on spells, including our npcs
Being caught doing magic by anyone but our friendly govt guy would be bad
I, (fighter/cleric) gave our witch/fighter my steel sword to hold onto, for I am in possession of the hilt of my ancestor's Thoughtblade which was broken in his last stand. I have learned that in order to reforge I I must simply (not easy) believe. So if I don't believe sufficiently I have no weapon
My steel sword is the only weapon our witch/fighter has, having given his rapier to his younger brother on parting and accidentally left his whip hanging in the coat-closet of the burlesque club we just left.
Our warmage is low-key actively plotting to throw the govt wizard NPC to the creature
Once again, the creature might be our teen necromancer's long lost dad
We have no idea what the super villain govt guy is packing. Wizard? Sorcerer? Horrible abomination? We just don't know
Things we (meta) know
The Dm has said the creature's statblock is unfair
That we should remember running away is an option
That the 20th lvl Wizard would find this challenging
There are five battle maps prepared "In case you do the smart thing and run"
"If you guys play this smart, you may all live to escape. If you guys are very smart, you may even defeat it. If you guys run in like a bunch of idiots, you *are* going to lose PCs. Maybe even permadeath, or very hard to cure death at least."
My character's whole deal is protecting people
We are *not* smart
Several of us are very adverse to allowing collateral damage. Others don't care much
This is a big city. Most of us don't know it well.
We should remember running away is an option
Thank you and I'll update on the fallout after. Hopefully without a blank character sheet in hand.
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thegreatidk · 1 year
I was listening to a pjo podcast and got brainrot. I think fundamentally this AU would not work because I could not see a quest where you would have a trio of only Agatha, Tedros, and Sophie and have it not be a complete disaster. Also it’s literally 12:39am I am dying.
The most obvious would be son of Zeus b/c of daddy issues and like his whole “prince” thing and his human mom would have left him at camp and run off causing him issues forever
But honestly I think it would be more interesting if his mom was actually the goddess who abandoned him which would defo give him so many issues
B/c his dad would be like “your mom is dead” and proceed to spiral and die of alcoholism like in the books, and then Tedros would be shuttled to camp only to find out his mom wasn’t actually dead
And was in fact Aphrodite
I think Aphrodite would be fitting b/c Tedros is honestly rlly vain and like charmspeak seems right up his alley
But I think he would have to prove himself a lot more when it came to fighting
I think it would make sense for his dad to be some high profile politician with like a strong military background (whole family were West Point grads) and so Tedros is really into the athleticism thing
Only to end up in the Aphrodite cabin where he would defo be a kind of outcast
Or I think maybe even a minor goddess would be interesting because Tedros is so used to being a big deal and now he has to deal with the stigma of having a minor god for a parent
I think Nemesis would be really interesting because on one hand Tedros would be like “chivalry” or the equivalent and Nemesis would be like “eye for an eye boy” and I think Tedros would struggle with what he/his father taught him was fair and what maybe he actually thought was just
Also him being like a longtime year-round camper just makes a lot of sense to me
Daughter of Zeus for sure I think
Athena would be really obvious but also slightly a cop-out
I think her being a big 3 kid would match her whole “super OP powers” thing she’s got going on
Plus everyone would think she was a child of Hades, and I think that would make Zeus mad
Also she would beef so hard with him over literally everything and I think daughter of Zeus hating Zeus is so good
Hades to be funny
But honestly I think Hecate would fit more since Sophie’s biggest skill is definitely magic
And I think her having to struggle like Tedros with being a minor god’s kid when her ego is so inflated is very interesting
Especially if it’s a little bit before she gets claimed and she hangs out with Tedros and the Aphrodite kids before she realizes
This would not be a Tophie canon universe tho
Others Speed-Run (the vibes feel right idk)
Hester- Ares
Anadil- Athena
Beatrix - Athena
Kiko - Demeter
Hort- Hermes
Chaddick- Ares
Nicholas- Apollo
Reena- Apollo
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katkafe · 2 years
because i am the biggest dumbest nerd when it comes to the addams family: ive made a crappy list of why wednesday is everything i hoped for and more and why it is absolutely fucking perfect. spoilers.
im not entirely sure on how to start slow with this one so im getting right fucking into it. enjoy reading the disaster of my thoughts on this masterpiece:
AMAZING CASTING. jenna is incredible as wednesday, catherine and luiz are the perfect morticia and gomez, i adored seeing christina ricci KICKING ASS. gwendoline christie was amazing as weems, fred armisen as fester???? lost my shit he was so perfect. i don’t think there was a single cast member i wasn’t amazed with.
no genuinely i loved all of the nevermore students
fell in love w enid so fast omg i was rooting for her so hard her arc was so awesome (her and ajax are so cute too)
rip rowan you would’ve loved wenclair
THING!!!: its not the addams family without thing, and its especially not the addams family if thing isn’t being a little shit stirrer the whole time. perfect beautiful i love him A++ 
THE WEDNESDAY/PUGSLEY DYNAMIC WAS SO ON POINT they literally have the actual best sibling dynamic
i now know that you have not lived until you’ve seen wednesday addams stuck in a love triangle. she is not a character that you would expect to have a romantic interest but now in my mind she’s just beautifully a-spec and probably demiromantic. yes obviously i love xavier.
don’t get mad at me but i don’t ship her w enid that much?? at least not romantically but hey i would not complain if we had a polycule or qpr!!!
also it was genuinely so cute to see wednesday making friends like. why was i sobbing so much when she hugged enid. holy fuck.
i am referring to both her actual dancing and ofc “they couldn’t even spring for real pigs blood. its only paint.” so real.
cant even stop myself from mentioning that jenna ortega looks very hot covered in blood which happens a lot in this series. like almost every episode. jesus fucking christ i am so in love with her.
i am a huge edgar allen poe nerd so i fucking adored every little reference to his works. also the idea that he was an outcast is so real to me.
speaking of outcasts: ngl definitely could’ve come up with a better name, “outcasts” just made it sound weirdly like some awkward teen high school drama but you get used to it
wednesday’s visions were so cool??? i loved the whole goody addams thing their interactions were really cool and god i just was not expecting that at all.
ok tbh it was really weird that her name was goody, since “goody” is the puritan equivalent of “mrs.” (its short for goodwife) so idk why they did that but ok i’m still here for it
honestly in general they do a really good job of keeping you guessing. i was suspicious about almost every single character throughout the whole series. 
in retrospect i should’ve known tyler was gonna be an asshole from the start cause. i mean. his name is tyler. no offense to my tylers, but be real when have you ever seen a tv show character named tyler that wasn’t a douche. i’ll wait.
i’ve typed tyler too many times and it no longer looks like a real name
episodes are nice and long but i obviously wish the series was longer, but it was super bingable and i’m probably gonna rewatch it 3 million times until the next season inevitably comes out.
not to be dorky but i loved how every episode title was a pun w the word “woe” 
i have really horrible media literacy in the sense that i overthink EVERYTHING so to me like almost everything in that was beautifully executed symbolism and maybe it was but when i say i lost my shit when i noticed wednesday stand on enid’s side of the room and fsr thats the only example i can think of rn BUT STILL
overall 5 stars 10/10 show i cant wait for more i love the plot i love the characters i love the cast i will be recommending it to everyone ik and more
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dwellordream · 1 year
please believe me when i say this is Not me fishing for cruel intentions updates - cause thats rude and bc idk how u could even be getting chapters out faster i remain in awe of ur writing speed - but just wanted to say that i am basically constantly Vibrating waiting for more cruel intentions. there are so many things happening and so much that could go wrong and all the characters are fantastic and their relationships are fantastic and i am always on tenterhooks to see what comes next. fictional equivalent of a spectacle scene in a disaster movie just slowed down until u can see into one of the cars thats about to be megatornadoed and watch the painfully insightful examination of what entrenched misogyny and feudal power and fucked up dragon family generational dysfunction can do to a marriage. only one of the ppl in the car is also the tornado. its such a good fic and i cant wait to binge it once its finished and i super cant wait for the next chapter. i respect your craft So much
Thank you! Yes self-insert fics and original characters can be silly but I take Cruel Intentions pretty seriously, despite the dark humor at moments. The Targaryens are fundamentally an absurd fucked up family and I think showing them through the perspective of a person who kind of has a fourth wall breaking lens at times is useful.
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paynnincorporated · 2 years
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More on that de-aged Word AU. more rambly thoughts:
I’m more than aware of how canon Word is nigh impossible to redeem satisfactorily. That brief flashback from Connor, paints a pretty damning picture of Word (It is from Connor’s POV though, but Alchemist sort of affirms it). So canon Word’s defection is personally motivated, yadda yadda.
In my tweaks I enjoy the idea of Word and Connor being pressured a whole lot in the Priesthood to study and train (as child soldiers lbh). Given the seclusion and indoctrination... guess what preoccupies their minds? The DHW and being strong enough to survive/fight it. So it’s not farfetched to rewrite Word’s dabbling into foreign, potentially unethical gear experiments, as an attempt to revive the craft to arm the Priests against the coming war.
This motive + his banishment, leads to a bitter Word who struggles on the streets. Word meets Zulay Paynn (yasss he took her last name because doing this also gives the family name more history/depth seeing that Zulay’s the Dragon Eye’s leader), long-time Down City citizen and leader of a notorious crew of crooks, with dubious morals and greed and ambition for Sun City, her influence on him results in Word going “Fuck it, I’m going to use this knowledge for myself.” Basically, I envision Word to have lived a life of asceticism and probs has less reason to envy life above (The DHW is most important of all), until he becomes disillusioned with his banishment (Because rationally, if I’m training like hell for a war already, why the hell are we not making weapons??) and with Zulay’s less than positive influence... that results in the Word we see in present day. Zulay’s death likely cements his obsession even further, IF Zulay doesn’t chicken out at motherhood like in canon lol (this show’s track record with women I swear). Because she died for this war, this goal of theirs, what kind of partner would he be if he didn’t follow through it to the very end?
And then of course, we come to the neglect of Moordryd, and just ouch. There’s so much potential there, for this narrative of Word finally, finally, letting go of the past, and living for a future with his son by the end of the series. IF we had gotten a more complex Word and Moordryd whose redemption is hinted from the very beginning (imagine.. a Moordryd who sympathises Lance losing his father in the very beginning, who feels bad after being an ass in the races because of that? IMAGINE). Give me a Word that actually tries to parent, whom I don’t question after the BBEG is defeated. In canon, after Armeggadon is defeated, what happens to Word?? How on earth do we resolve the series satisfactorily??? Attempting to redeem canon Word in his current state leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I’m not saying he needs to do it out of the good of his heart lol, but that he’d do it for his son? Oogh, that’s the good stuff, putting down things with Zulay after almost 20 years of doing it alone?? Yeah.
Gosh, the emotions that we could’ve milked from the extremely fraught Paynn family.
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unalivejournal · 3 years
u mentioned only reading kripke era fic do you have a reclist 👀👀👀and if not could you link some of ur faves cuz the stuff that gets circulated the most right now is all like late late seasons fic and kripke era is my favorite too but im having trouble finding that many fics for it or even seasons 6-10 era which im fine with also. its just that like. the last five seasons were so bad that it makes fic generally worse too because people have to jump off of just Thee stupidest plot choices no matter how good their prose skills might be. but anyway yea if u have recs that would be awesome :)
hi anon i was thinking abt making a reclist and u just gave me the perfect excuse thank u
jess adamilligan’s kripke era fic recs
from making this ive learned that i never bookmark ANYTHING. sorry all of these r like….. 10k and under. i DO read longer fic but i don’t have any kripke era longfics bookmarked & tbh i prefer short oneshots
season one gen
disclaimer because it’s unfortunately needed: NONE of these are w*ncest! they’re all completely tagged as gen and i did not read them with the intent of consuming ship content.
Coaster Park by fogsrollingin, 10.4k, G, gen
Coaster Park had been experiencing an unusually high frequency of technical difficulties. Dean wouldn't have pulled a shift treating nauseated, heat-stroked, or dehydrated park-goers for that if he could've helped it, but when 'technical difficulties' were accompanied by rumors of things moving and stopping on their own in front of the operators' eyes, Dean had to throw down.
No historical tragedies or disasters in the area, ectoplasm, or EMF. Dean's only lead was a battered-looking kid that'd been coming to the park every day since it'd all started.
really interesting au fic! slightly ‘it’s a terrible life’. dean winchester is a hunter/EMT and sam wesson is a college kid destined to die on a roller coaster ride.
two basic motivating forces by sahwen, 7.8k, T, gen
He can’t cry, it’s not allowed; even as a child he was hushed into silence, whether his tears were from a long car ride or a late night or a raging fever. It’s never been an option, it’s never been an available outlet, and it’s not about to start being one just because he’s having an emotional breakdown on the bathroom floor.
Sam isn't only afraid of clowns.
BIG emetophobia tw (both for graphic depictions of nausea/vomiting and for the fact that this fic is about sam suffering from emetophobia) for this one but it’s my favorite sickfic. portrays anxiety over getting sick really well and is a fascinating examination of the different ways that sam’s fear of loss of control can manifest itself. also has lovely brothers content <3
Let’s Start at the Very Beginning (Remix of Just as Easy as 123) by nwspaprtaxis, 4k, T, gen
Dean’s functionally illiterate and Sam’s determined to remedy it...
PLEASE READ THIS ONE god it’s so sweet. dean never learned how to read properly due to his nomadic childhood and sam teaches him how.
Broadway Musical by Griftings, 9k, M, m/m
This is the day that marked the Holy and Blessed Union of Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle.
The merging of prominent bloodlines is always a grand occurrence, but breeding pedigree hunter families like Winchester and Harvelle is something to be rejoiced. It is also something to be meticulously planned, which thankfully the Host is very good at.
Or, the romantic comedy where Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle are destined to get married, Castiel is given the task of playing matchmaker and fails terribly, the entire Heavenly Host becomes a sitcom audience, God warns against male pregnancy, and Jimmy Novak is incredibly unimpressed with angels in general.
somewhat of a fandom classic and the humor holds up wonderfully. a very silly fic completed with commentary from angel radio throughout the entire thing.
Sappiest Season by dollsome, 2.7k, G, m/m
In which Dean and Cas have to stop an evil Christmas tree (like you do), and it requires a little fake couple action.
hilarious little s5ish fic. one of the first i read when getting back into spn. i don’t want to spoil anything but this is my favorite pick me up and i still giggle randomly whenever i think about it
The (Mostly Accidental) Courtship of Dean Winchester by tuesday
Angelic marriage rites were never intended to go quite like this.
another fandom classic. ik this one is recced a lot but how could i NOT include it. dean and cas get married (mostly by accident) and they’re huge cunts about it
the one thing in the galaxy god didn't have his eyes on by prufrock, 2.4k, T, gen + m/m
“Wait,” Dean says. “Let me get this right. You can fly, right—you can teleport—but you can’t drive a car?”
or, after the events of S5E03 "Free to Be You and Me," Dean teaches Cas to drive. Cas finds it stressful
im always a sucker for a good ftbyam fic. also i can’t drive so. resonation
So Says The Sword by komodobits, 85k, E, m/m
The briefing was simple: ‘Stand guard over the Michael Sword until the battle is ready to commence. Await further instructions.’
Castiel doesn’t mind working security duty; he was briefed shortly after the initial salvation of the Sword from the pit, and again before taking up his position. He knows what to do. However, it’s easy to forget that the green room isn’t real. Time moves differently there, the space ever-changing to make a prison of mountains, cathedrals, salt flats, orchards, and whatever Castiel was led to believe about Heaven’s greatest weapon—Dean Winchester is something entirely unexpected.
NO introduction neede. i think everyone on spntumblr has read this already but still. if you haven’t then i am demanding that you read it NOW. tbh i’m just adding this one so that i have at least one long fic here 😭
the weight by @myaimistrue, 3.5k, T, gen + m/m
“Do you…” Bobby sighs. “Listen, Dean, do you have something you wanna tell me?”
It’s the conversational equivalent of being punched in the stomach.
Or, Dean works through some things with Bobby's help.
WHEN I SAW THE USERNAME I GASPED I HAD NO IDEA THIS WAS U. anyway i Love coming out fics idk why i just do. the world is ending and dean comes out to bobby
canticles by 2street2car, 10.3k, T, m/m
“But you know something? If I couldn’t get you laid, at least I gave you a good first date.”
feat: footsies at a Ruby Tuesday, stargazing, the recreation of an iconic "Dirty Dancing" scene (no, not that one—the other one), and practicing for When You're With A Girl.
another ftbyam fic that skepticalfrog (i believe?) recommended a while back. made me feel at least 28 new emotions
Epilogue by JayneL, 28k, E, m/m
Bobby is here, swearing somewhere above and behind him; and Dean is here, talking about 2014 like it's a foreign country; and Sam is here, and is not Lucifer. Which means-- Bobby is here, swearing somewhere above and behind him; and Dean is here, talking about 2014 like it's a foreign country; and Sam is here, and is not Lucifer. Which means--
Cas is no longer when he was. Lucifer sent him back.
Coda to 'The End'.
2014 cas gets sent back to 2009, feelings ensue etc. i don’t remember all the details of this one bc it’s been a while but it’s really good
currently reading
Fragile As We Lie by perilously, 11k, E, f/f
Dragging Bela Talbot out of perdition isn't so much a decision as it is a frantic choice based on gut instinct. Her soul is bright, if fractured, and Anna yearns to do good again after the perversion of free will that immediately preceded her death.
Bela's no ordinary human, though; she's prickly and damaged and beautiful, and Anna doesn't want to leave her side. So maybe they can figure out how to navigate post-resurrection, post-Apocalypse-that-wasn't Earth together.
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More Hazbin Theories, “Addict” Edition
My brain is stuck on the “Addict” music video, especially in regards to Triple V, Angel Dust, Alastor, and the general power dynamics of Hell.
Two of my biggest questions are these: 
How old is Valentino? When did he die? And how does that affect everyone else?
Who is the one eyed spider in Cherri Bomb’s flashbacks?
Let’s address part one first, since that’ll tie into the second in a minute here.
We know that Valentino, Vox, and Velvet form Triple V, one of the most powerful overlord alliances in Hell. Of those three, Vox is the only one whose age is confirmed (died in the 1950s). He is also hinted to be the most straight up powerful of the three and is reported to have some sort of yandere/tsundere/rival relationship with Alastor. In the pilot, when the other “evil all powerful overlords” (etc) were mentioned, it is him who is center frame and highlighted with the most contrast, making him stand out the most.
But we know that wherever Vox goes, follows Velvet and Valentino - who is his boyfriend and may or may not be his husband now? (We’re watching that Instagram, Vivz.)
All of their aesthetics are very mixed pop and neon punk, etc. They all give off the same feeling, so its tempting to say they all died around the same time. But prostitution is the oldest profession in the world, and smuggling/trafficking isn’t far behind.
Surely there would have been overlords for those before Valentino and Velvet?
So, that leads us to 3 conclusions: 
Val and Velvet are around the same age/came into power around the same time as Vox, maybe even using his raw power to takeover from previous overlords
Val and possibly Velvet are much older than they first seem and have been running this business for a long time
They simply filled in a power and plot gap and age doesn’t matter
3 is boring and in my opinion, unrealistic, so I’m tossing that one out. Ignoring it. Once again, let’s talk about numero uno first.
So, if Vox came in the mid-1950s and Val and Velvet around the same time... that means that not only is Alastor older than them, but so is Angel Dust. Which would mean that he did something before working for Valentino. Something maybe like... working for his old mafia family? 
I mean, we know they’re all in Hell (besides possibly the mother?) and we know they’re all spiders, so it would stand to reason that the spider in Cherri Bomb’s flashback (hello, original point 2) would be a member of Angel’s family, or - and here is where we start stretching - Angel himself. 
Is it possible for demons to change forms? We know overlords + Alastor can, in some kind of monster vs slightly less monster way, but could Angel? Could his form have changed when he joined Valentino and that’s why he’s covered in hearts - the symbol Valentino seems to use everywhere - or did Val see a heart decorated pretty boy and was like yes this is the symbol I shall use for my sex business. 
It would explain why Angel Dust and Cherri are so close, and also the presence of that figure in Cherri’s flashback, but it’s also probably more likely that while they are someone connected to Angel Dust, they’re also not anyone we know yet. Still. Interesting to think about. What did Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb do before Val, if he arrived in Hell with the rest of the Triple Vs in the 1950s?
Then, there’s the option that Val and/or Velvet are older than Vox - possibly much, much older. Which puts a lot of things into question and perspective. First off, that would mean we have a theoretically two thousand or whatever year old overlord (Valentino) marrying/dating a roughly 70 year old overlord (Vox).
Now look me in the eyes, antis. That’s not “essentially pedophilia.” It’s not. They are both consenting and probably very evil adults. Don’t start that shit. 
BUT it does make you wonder who is really pulling the strings because there would be a definite difference in age and thus experience. Is it Vox, up and rising powerhouse that rivals Alastor and seems to be featured as the enemy in the pilot? Or is it Valentino, known manipulator and abuser who seems to be a huge jackass to both Angel Dust and Vox, based on the “Addict” video and instagram posts.
I mean, Vox getting the equivalent of his nose/face broken by Val and being repeatedly told off online for doing something “wrong” and then buying him TVs etc in apology? The on again off again relationship? Classic signs of douchebag emotional manipulation right there. I mean yes, Vox seems to call Valentino a rat (affectionately), but that also looks more like a tease than, you know, beating someone and then blaming them for making you do it.
That’s a toxic relationship and Vox baby you should be dropping that regardless of the rest, not making business trips/honeymoons together. But maybe that’s how ya’ll like it. Idk. Have your unhealthy relationship, you’re in Hell, after all. 
Or maybe it’s secretly Velvet running everything and no one realizes it. Or maybe they actually are all best friends and just happen to be overdramatic overpowerful asssholes who should still give Angel Dust’s contract to Charlie and let him retire.
If Vox and Val did split ways and break Triple V, I do think that Velvet would side with Val. In the instagram comments and on her own, she seems to side with Val much of the time. She also tells Angel to be nicer to Val because he and Vox are going through a breakup again. Which implies that either she’s a co-manipulator (likely), or maybe Vox is the one manipulating Val (unlikely), or they’re just romantic disasters (possible). 
But Val and Vox also essentially threw their pet shark twice her size at her, so really, whose to say how Triple V works.
Still - what would happen if they did split? would Val and Velvet become/stay as the main “villains,” would Vox go his own way and become a loose cannon, or would he pull a Vegeta and join the Hazbins due to his interest in Alastor and as a “fuck you” to Valentino? 
Anyway - Valentino, definitely an abuser. The spider in the flashback? Almost definitely connected to Angel Dust in some way. The rest? All theories, but imo, interesting thoughts to keep in mind as we wait for more.
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Review Replies for The Second Law Chapter 15
Thanks to the following awesome people for reviewing chapter 15: LunarMagnolia, RogueSareth, Rosenthorne, KairaB, Lady_Experiment, Star-gazer, AfroditeOhki, EllieDoll, RandomBystander, Sachianna, AGreekDemigod, Wallflwr97, NickyADon, Brynn, Espanholina, Geeeny, dancingmagicmyths, Bieslook, and Justice_not_Revenge! I really appreciate your feedback and read each comment to better understand what people may be looking for in this story and what questions and expectations are. So thank you for helping me to write this story!
You can read individual review replies below! :)
LunarMagnolia: As always, thank you so much for your extensive feedback and thoughts on the last chapter! I’m really excited that you like the inclusion of the generals (I hope to include them more as time goes on), and how Lotor is characterized in this fic. Because I want Lotor to feel familiar? But to also expand his character too, given how much his imprisonment might have altered him. And ahhh I’m so glad you enjoyed the addition of Coran! He just wrote himself in doing that—I didn’t really plan for it, haha. But I’m glad it happened. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!
RogueSareth: Thank you so much for continuing to read and review after all of this time. I really appreciate it!
Rosenthorne: Gosh, it does sound nice, haha. I’m making myself hungry with all of this talk about soup. Thank you for returning to read and review!
KairaB: Ahhh thank you for returning to read and review after so long! Sorry that my update schedule for this story has been less than stellar lately, averaging like….one chapter every four months, oof. But it really means a lot that you’ve maintained interest! I really like seeing Allura and Lotor getting closer too. They’re kind of just writing themselves in all of these conversations, so I’m really curious about what they might do next, lol. Thank you again for your reviews!
Lady_Experiment: Yooo! You know Lotor’s secret about the tea is going to come back to haunt him at some point, haha. And yaaas, Coran definitely does take on some Uncle Iroh vibes here. XD Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!
Star-gazer: Thank you, and thanks so much for continuing to read and review this story!
AfroditeOhki: Oh gosh, yeah, Allura def deserves a whole village taking care of her after all she’s done to protecc them all, guh. And ahh I hope you enjoy the movie selected for this next round—Lotor definitely had to come back to the family here even just for that, lol. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing this story still, into year two of its life!
EllieDoll: Thank you so much for that high praise, and guh, I hope this story can continue to help make future days fun! The generals are def fun to write, haha—I’m confident we’ll see more of them, as we will Coran Coran the Healer Man, bless that title omg. And ahhh, I know this story started off as mostly Lotor whump and hurt/comfort, lol, but it really has been fun to reverse the roles and have him comforting our sick princess—while also still bantering with her, lol. As always, thanks so much for all of your support!
RandomBystander: Thank you very much for that kind review, and I’m so happy you’re enjoying the story! I really appreciate your feedback.
Sachianna: Yooo belle + beast vibes is the equivalent of the 100 emoji, blessss!! That’s a great movie, yas, as is Mulan. I would love to see the paladins bursting into song over those, and Lotor’s ears flicking back in just total bewilderment, lol. I really appreciate your support on this story and for reading and reviewing!
AGreekDemigod: asd;jfa;sldfj this is basically your lotura bible? Omg, wow, that is a very high compliment, and I hope to continue to do it justice! I think it’s really fun to write battle scenes, lol, but somehow these characters just kinda write themselves too, so I’m just along for the ride! I definitely think we’ll be seeing more of the generals, and I haven’t forgotten about Adam either! Thank you so much for rereading this story and dropping me a review—it means a lot!
Wallflwr97: Ahh fluff and angst (flangst?) is one of my favorite genres, haha! Yaas, I really enjoy writing this version of Lotor because he’s just got so many stress points to explore, LOL. But gosh, he’s  definitely struggling with how to feel for Allura—maybe watching another movie could help something! As always, thanks so much for reading and reviewing my work. I really appreciate your support too—because that def keeps me inspired and engaged in this ship! So do know just how much you contribute as well! <3
NickyADon: Bless omg, I can see Lotor saying that too and being a very smug brat about it while Allura just starts sputtering, lol. About Keith and Acxa, I definitely do have them set up as a bit of a foil for each other—I always thought that was interesting Acxa’s VA said they were supposed to be shipped, when I was worried that maybe they might be siblings, LOL. And ahhh omg, yaaas I love a Lotor and Shiro friendship—I would have loved to see them grow to be good friends! Thank you so much for always reading and reviewing this story! (And yoo I do love me a more complex and damaged Lotor too, lol!)
Brynn: Yoooo bless you and your extensive reviews, as always! About Allura’s missing piece in her quintessence field, it’s hinted at within the chapter, but Lotor hasn’t put two-and-two together yet either. So it hasn’t been fully revealed yet, but the topic will definitely come back to explain what the effect is on Allura as well. And gosh, I love writing Allura and Lotor arguing, lol—idk why, but they kinda just write themselves bantering, so I go along with it. I think they almost need to argue over even the petty things, given how much tension has been between them, haha. I think it helps to release some of that built-up tension. And ahh we’ll definitely see more of Lotor’s Generals as the story goes along—and more Lotor and team Voltron shenanigans too. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!
Espanholina: Gosh yeah, I feel like canon Allura really undervalues her own life a lot, so I feel like Lotor would be incensed by this. But yaaaas dat mate bond is def growing, and we’ll continue to see it result in some things, even in this upcoming chapter! Allura’s missing piece of quintessence will also reappear as a plot point, muahahaha. And yaaas, they’re getting along again finally—even if they are still a bit jabby at times, XD. “Coran’s Ipurim Trade,” loll omg yas please! That is so cute! Thank you so much as always for reading and reviewing!
Geeeny: LOL I got such a giggle from your reviews, bless and thank you! For as serious as the topics are in this story, I also really like to try having things that lighten the mood, so Lotor liking and using cat memes just makes me feel so warm and fuzzy, haha. I really appreciate your high compliments as to my work, and I hope they can continue to be meaningful for you. Thank you again for your support and reviews!
Dancingmagicmyths: Yoooo bless omg! Okay so when I started this fic, I really did intend it to be focused on just Lotor and Allura. But then the more I got to writing the paladins, the more I realized how much fun it is to have a whole found family interacting together, so I’m really excited that you’ve found meaning in those interactions too! Gosh, I just want to see the disaster royals happy as well, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a sucker for hurt/comfort too, LOL. And I think for me, I really wanted to show that it’s not just a one-way street in terms of caring—that Lotor cares for Allura as much as she does him. (Which gives me more opportunity for more hurt/comfort bwahahaha.) Thank you so much for reading and reviewing this!!
Bieslook: Oh wow, thanks so much for returning to the Voltron fic archives and taking a chance on this story! Yeah, I was disappointed too at how the show turned out and wanted to explore more about this incredibly complex character and all of his potential interactions with a found family. And this story was originally supposed to just be a “what if” thing, lol, but now it’s stretching out into a full s7-s8 rewrite, haha. I really appreciated your note and kind words. Thank you for your review, and for checking out several of my other stories as well!!
Justice_not_Revenge: Thank you so much for reading and reviewing this story; I really appreciate it!
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mytalkingraccoon · 4 years
i had a fucking dream about while exploring the town while camping at the beach (or marshland, idk) (i was technically exploring but mostly protesting for black lives matter by making a cross that was near a place someone died and said “love thy neighbor”) (ive been on tumblr too much, my dreams are becoming too political when its supposed to be about unicorn orgies) when a freaking girl attacked me and my gang. I went off to go fishing with my sister when she attacked. Long story short was i became the grim reaper after a girl that helped me fight the bitch passed me the title after it turned out the girl was life and she was corrupt.
that’s not even the weirdest part. Instead of being handed a scythe and some weird black robe, she just handed me an old rake and said “this isn’t the 18th century bro. we can’t just go out and buy a scythe, what is wrong with you?!” idk kAREN, MAYBE ITS THE FACT WE’RE SUPPOSED TO BE FIGHTING A CHICK NAMED LIFE THAT IS FREAKING STRONGER THAN BOTH OF US AND ALL YOU’RE DOING IS SAYING IM THE NEW GRIM REAPER AND IM SUPPOSED TO CONVERT HER INTO A PINK FAIRY WITH A FUCKING LEAF MOVER.
also other weird stuff:
I was part of a cult with my biological father who was namjoon who tried to help me find “my true self.” He kicked me out when i cried about going down a flight of stairs that was too far up (i have a phobia on heights)
I went to a foster family and fucked my foster brother
i freaking ratted out my foster mother for killing our sugar glider to a neighbor and nearly got murdered
my dad nearly died
we went camping near a river since my dad was away but that ended in a disaster because the dude was a pedo perv
my grandpa wanted to see a boat race and that’s how we ended up at the beach
an eagle is supposed to protect life but it just looked like a parrot on crack
i freaking got the members of bts to be my reaper henchmen. apparently if i make henchmen by duplicating my rake/scythe unlike me they can die and they aren’t as powerful. i also got a cute girl. you best believe i was gay for her
after i converted life to pink jesus and she turned into a pink smurf i had to find a chick named middi who was going to tell me who the next life girl was going to be reborn as. i also became the equivalent of korra in avatar.
afterwards the next big dilemma was catching enough fish with my sister to make a camp feast
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sophiexrph · 4 years
@artcmisrpt wanted to know about them so i’ll give a little tldr !!
samuel (was originally a max irons fc, now an alex fitzalan fc) is the son of a preacher (? reverend? idk im jewish i dont know the difference) in small town upstate new york. he’s the second of five brothers and his mom died when he was in middle school. he and his brothers take care of the church and help their father run the services - they’re well-known around town and thought to be the picture-perfect religious boys, purity rings and all. samuel doubts his religion, though; he’s closeted gay and doesn’t even know where to start going about exploring his sexuality, especially not the crush he has on his older brother’s best friend.
riley is ex-airforce. (originally a mike vogel fc, but you can pretty much put any semi-muscular beefcake/himbo in mike’s place and riley’ll still work). born and raised in louisiana, he’s got a younger sister and is pretty much the epitome of the Older Brother stereotype. he played football in high school and could have continued on into college if he didn’t want to join the military as badly as he did -- his father and grandfather were also military men. he suffered a bad injury in the field and was forced into early retirement. he’s now a volunteer at an animal shelter while working at reception for a law firm for actual money. pretty much a golden retriever in a human’s body. also likes flowers but cannot take care of them for the life of him.
caspian is....a disaster bisexual. (david corenswet fc this is not changing) he was born into an incredibly wealthy family with a pretty large age gap between himself and his older brother. his brother is a shining star, everyone loves him, it seems as if he’s done nothing wrong in his life. no matter how hard caspian tries, he can’t seem to live up to his brother’s spotlight. so he started acting up for attention. in high school he was a heavy partier, would go to any party he knew about. in college, that got worse - he developed an addiction to cocaine and lost the scholarship he’d earned because of his now-low gpa. he took up bartending lessons to pay his own way through school without his parents finding out about his failure. now he’s still working as a bartender and his favorite part of the job is that people just talk to him thinking he’s a brick wall, thinking he won’t remember their little secrets... but he does remember. he remembers very well. and he’s still got that little habit he hasn’t kicked quite yet.
gil is a revolutionary. (michael evans behling, reece king, etc; he’s a poc who looks a little Too Pretty) he’s tired of america’s inequality and he wants to fight back against all forms of it. anti-capitalist, acab, you name it - if there’s a left-leaning protest, he’s there, making a lot of noise. he’s got a tight-knit group of revolutionary friends, they’re the sort to go around the city and plaster posters about the statistics of police brutality in their city anywhere they can find. also he’s queer and Does Not Fuck With gender roles. catch him in skirts and flowy blouses especially in the summer !
margaret (lucy boynton, elizabeth debicki, sophie turner, literally anyone with Powerful Woman Vibes) owns her own literary publishing company. she takes no shit from anyone ever. she takes her coffee black and owns at least three pairs of louboutins. she is the exact opposite of soft -- except for when the girl at the coffee shop on the way to her office hands her her coffee every morning.
shira (beanie feldstein, zoe kravitz) works at a local bookshop. it’s almost as if she’s read every book that they have for sale. she’s always in a good mood, is practically the equivalent of a ray of sunshine. she also has a passion for volunteer work (animal shelters, food banks, pretty much anything, anywhere, at any time). she went to columbia for undergrad and speaks three languages fluently, also will not drink coffee if it isn’t at least 50% cream
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rabbitindisguise · 5 years
oh my GOD what the FUCK 
Carry On was so fucking good
the bit about the dancing as fighting and then mutual surrender? how baz just flat out says “I’m hopelessly in love” and just smacks you with it at the end of a chapter? I had to stop. I had to BREATH DEEPLY because WHAT THE FUUUUCK. Simons just out there with a whole set of wings. I mean, goals, and I know there’s follow up books, but hooooly fuuuuck. And magic working like language! Wait no I don’t really give a shit about that even though it’s cool. VAMPIRES. The fucking truce. The mage was his dad? LUCY WAS HIS MOM? SIMON WILL NEVER DOES NOT CURRENTLY KNOW WHO HIS DAD IS? “LUCY GOT OUT,” BUT SHE’S BIG DEAD??? BAZ DOES A MAGIC THING WHERE HE HAS TO BE IN LOVE FOR IT TO WORK? I’M???
I feel ready to throw a book but like, in the most aggressively delighted way possible. Baz was also really fucking funny as a character. I’m pissed I can’t reasonably stay up for the second one. Christ. Simon going back to Baz’s house. Simon just booking it Baz’s house without even thinking. Sleeping on Baz’s couch. Simon!!! KISSING. BAZ. BAZ WHO HAD A CRUSH ON HIM. BAZ WHO HAD A CRUSH ON HIM A LONG TIME. BAZ WHO WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM A LONG TIME. THAT BAZ. God, I can’t even imagine. I love pining but it usually resolves with the pining character making the move- if this becomes more common I’ll just die I can’t handle it. I need to slip this shit into my writing. Feel like such an ass for not even rewarding myself with the height of unrealistic daydreams, MUTUAL AFFECTION. The way Baz talks about Simon in the books is just absolutely disgustingly dripping with affection. I was actually kind of appalled. Zero restraint! Absolutely none! “I’d kill HEAD MAGE for SIMON but not my whole family and anyone else in the universe or even myself.” TEARING OFF THE CROSS WITH HIS BARE HANDS. Showing him his FANGS. MORE THAN ONCE. EATING IN FRONT OF HIM. This book makes me feral. I can’t stand it. Every instance of being confused if he wants to punch Simon or kiss him. Every fight they get into AFTER they’re ALREADY TOGETHER. HOW THEY KEEP FLIRTING EVEN AFTER THAT. Deciding not to live together full well knowing they’ll be spending their time together anyway. THE LACK OF LOVE CONFESSION YET THEY JUST KEEP CASUALLY SAYING IT. I wouldn’t be surprised if the institution of marriage itself rolled up like “sorry boys, I’m afraid you’re lawfully wed. File your taxes.”
I also feel like I just had the emotional rollercoster equivalent of when you first find out adults sometimes are stupid but also thank christ because the mage was a fucking disaster and I don’t want him to be right about anything. BAZ. Anyway. 
I’m gently vibrating with love. 
I picked up fairly early on that the mage was his dad and that junk but I was still like “NO no- no? No, no” because I SIMPLY didn’t want that. I kept flipping through chapters with big reveals with such dawning horror it was like watching a crash in slow motion. The plotting was so SMOOTH. THE HUMDRUM. I CAN TALK A LONG TIME ABOUT MY FEELINGS ABOUT THE HUMDRUM. “Sometimes a hole just wants to be filled” HUH BAZ HUH YOU WOULDN’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT WANTING SOMETHING YOU CAN’T HAVE JUST LIKE YOUR BOYFRIEND. Your BOY FRIEND OF THE ROMANTIC NATURE?? SIMON??? SIMON SNOW???
(like I said: feral) 
Simon Snow who was also like “obviously my ex girlfriend wants to date him, I want to date him, I mean except he’s a vampire” and then when he finds out he’s actually is a vampire is like “oh cool” and tries to convince his boyfrIEND to love himself at every available opportunity 
what am I even supposed to do now. I don’t even have a book hangover I’m just razzed. I don’t even know if that’s a word. Tumblr really undersold this book to me. I was expecting to grit my teeth through it, but I mean. It’s not my favorite thing in the universe, I wouldn’t go that far, but it’s perfectly itself in every way?? Like a really well stylized anime from the early 2010′s? It takes up its own space, it murdered me twelve times, and I’m not even mad, there’s nothing I feel dissatisfied with. Sometimes a book siphons energy out of a person but I feel like I just lip locked with a live battery for a couple hours, and not in the inspiration sense- however I definitely want to get back to my fic and drag that fucker out even longer because the primal urge for Pining Resolutions has be stated. For now. It’s still nuts to me that they got together. Nothing bad happened! Like, okay, his dad’s a homophobe. No one had any panic attacks about it though. It was weirdly refreshing considering that’s usually my favorite part. But GOD. THE CERTAINTY. HOPELESSLY IN LOVE WITH SIMON SNOW. That’s. That’s fucking narrative poetry. But there was no conflict BETWEEN THEM. I mean, obviously, there was conflict, and they didn’t just smoothly transition from one thing to another, but like. HOPELESSLY IN LOVE. Meanwhile Simon in the background: IDK seemed like a good idea to kiss him? He’s only my enemy and a vampire and whatnot? I’ve never actually fallen in love slowly so I don’t know if it was an accurate depiction, but it was cute as fuck and I guess that’s all that matters. 
SIMON GAVE UP HIS MAGIC FOR HIS BOYFRIEND (and the world) (that his boyfriend lives in) (I’m also stealing this linguistic quirk from the author because I fucking can and no one can stop me) 
*squees into hands* I need to end this. I guess I’m following blogs. If you know of anything that regularly posts about the series, please, put me out of my misery. I need content. Simon and Baz Say Stupid Shit Daily quote spam or something. I don’t even know. I do know that, probably, this tops the list. It’s not naruto, but it’s some of the best canon I’ve ever fooled around in. The only thing I was thinking of ficcing was Simon actually staying over for the holidays and then! he fucking did that sO I guess my fic writing ass needs to finish my fic in other waters. This book is like . . . an important gay milestone or something. It has everything I want, and nothing I don’t. It even ace reads really well, which makes my heart hurt. God. Anyway. Good fucking night people of various genders. I need to like, chill. Deep breaths lavender. Don’t die flipping out about wizards and vampires. 
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ctl-yuejie · 5 years
all of @howdydowdy‘s most loveliest tags for my fanfic, you are so wonderful i don’t know how i deserved the good luck to find you ;A;
1. #OH MY GOD!!!!!!!#it's here!! i'm gonna lose my whole entire mind!!!!!#well i hope everybody's ready for me to scream about every single installment as it comes out because this is the most important thing now#i didn't even know turnip!ah yuan was gonna be in it THIS IS THE BEST SURPRISE!!!!!#i feel so honored that my tags had anything to do with inspiring this incredible au but this is absolutely so much better#even in this short installment i'm getting such a good feel for the three characters who have made an appearance so far!#excited to see your lwj!!!#'the only thing his viewers enjoyed more than his content were the occasional take-downs Wen Qing was dishing out in the comment section'#ahahaha you are so funny#PLEASE EVERYONE LOOK AT THIS AMAZING FIC! I'M SO EXCITED FOR IT!!!!#i don't know all the things that are gonna happen but i have a general idea and guys it's such a good au#op is so creative and brilliant!!!#the untamed#ah yuan and his two dads will be the death of me#fic#these are a few of my favorite things
2. #second! installment!! time!!!#i feel like i'm a reader in dickensian london waiting for the new chapter to come out in the magazine#except there's less pollution and i don't have to put coal in an oven#why are those my associations with dickensian london? idk don't worry about it#jiang cheng makes an appearance! okay so i have never really understood him but i've been reading a LOT of fic#and i'm starting to get the picture i think#this is like...just the right amount ominous to get me super excited to see what happens next#WYD JC????#also wwx's characterization is just *chef's kiss*#<3 <3 <3 love u op you're too good to me#puns
3. #ohhhh shit everybody lwj is here! things are happening!!!!#i love all the sibling feels lxc gives me always#in every single fic i read he's like 'lwj i found another boy your age please be friends with him i love you so much'#oOoOoO the shoot will be four whole days i wonder what can happen in four days you guys...#like maybe...mister stoic guqin falling in love with disaster farmer man????#STAY TUNED#you know what just occurred to me is that lwj needs an emotion translator#i'm thinking like luther the anger translator for obama in those key & peele sketches#except it's just someone interpreting all of lwj's stoic faces#i mean lxc can read his faces so you'd think he could do it but idk if lxc himself is emotive enough#i'll have to think about it more
4. #this fic is the gift that keeps on giving#slowly introducing new characters...now we're meeting my sweet baby wen ning...i don't deserve this happiness...#also wei wuxian's carefree chaotic energy is just to die for#and what's this? jiang cheng appears on the horizon? narrowing his eyes at a tumbleweed that rolls across his path#his spurs jingling menacingly as he stalks ever closer?#hold on to yer hats cowboys i smell some Plot approaching#the untamed#fic#(okay also 'explosive arts & crafts projects' ahaha you are the best at these descriptions)
5. #oooooooo things are really coming together my dudes...#more jiang cheng content! okay he is really growing on me. grouch with a heart of gold. huge schemer. just wants to make fun of his BIL with#his brother but feels like he has to prioritize his ~responsibilities~#he loves wwx and understands what motivates him and at the same time just wants him to like. chill#the air quotes ahaha#that wwx makes them and that jc hates it#also i think my favorite image from this is the fact that one of the draws of the tv show is that all the cultivator hosts are handsome#which means that when lxc needed someone to cover for him he just went to the producers like#'no worries my little brother is also super hot so he should meet all your requirements'#'is he personable? no. does he speak in complete sentences? also no. but are the viewers gonna go batshit over his face? absofuckinlutely'#and the producers were like 'oh yeah dude say no more'#this is so fun i'm really enjoying these updates!!!
6. #not the city centre itself but a nearby mound#which sounds unusual and ominous#honey you got a big storm comin'#lwj is getting there early...oh fuck the suspense...#also 'either this is just how show business works or no one really knows what they are doing' why not both lwj??#ahaha i am cackling and steepling my fingers imagining how this is all gonna go down#babe i'm glad you decided not to give me spoilers because it is so fun watching things unfold
7. #i'm just imagining the perspective of the film crew showing up and it's a barren wasteland#they're like...wtf kind of establishing shots are we supposed to take of this??#don't worry guys the cutest child on the planet lives here. just get some footage of him frolicking in the turnip fields#the audience will lose their effing minds
8. #i love jc's logic like 'no one can find out about this or it'll be bad for the family. how to accomplish this? better get a film crew'#also i love how he's lowkey bitter that no one wants to interview him AHAHA jc you peach#and he's like 'maybe i'll watch the show. JUST TO MAKE FUN OF WWX FOR NO OTHER REASON'#wow i'm like becoming really fond of this character op!!!
9. #AHAHA love this image of lwj staring after nhs as he traipses down the street#'fancy birds? tf kinda innuendo is that??'#also lwj deciding to wear all white so that people won't approach him ahaha damn where is my equivalent outfit??#MATCHMAKER LXC STRIKES AGAIN!!!!!#did lxc even have to go out of town for real or was it all a setup to get lwj and wwx in the same place??#wouldn't put it past him tbh#lwj is so perfectly taciturn here i love it#and not just because he's not personable or something it's because he's having FEELINGS#also because wwx never shuts up lol#'he is doomed just like before because even this unknown wei wuxian he wants to be close to and find out who he is'#ughughguhgghhghhh how are you finding and pushing all my buttons???#hot DAMN i am HERE for this!!!
10. #i've now read this three times and i love it more every time!#you have such a way with words and i love how you're getting into wwx's head#it can be hard to relate to him with how dense he can be but you make it all seem incredibly plausible and realistic!!#i love him like 'wonder what it would be like to share a hotel room. it's totally normal that i'm thinking about this'#and like. you show how he got there in his thought process and it makes total sense!#also: lwj as eye candy YES EXACTLY#nhs is the perfect choice for a tv interior designer expert. that is SO what he would be doing in a universe with tv about interior design#okay and MOST IMPORTANTLY we have come to the part in the gifset!! this is the best crack that ever caught feels omg ilysm#demonic blood pool WEI YIIIIIIIING#wen ning being all yeah goth guys and blood pools two great tastes that taste great together#i love everything about this and it was so worth the wait. very excited for the next installment!!!
11. #you are LITCHRALLY killing me with this sharp characterization!! how are you nailing all their voices!!!!#nhs just in it for the hashtag drama that's so spot on omg. breaking all the rules HE wrote just so he can torture jc#all 'are you seeing this??? ARE YOU??' poor nhs and jc having to watch these two lovesick fools make googly eyes at each other#for YEARS and not REALIZE it well it's your lucky day mr. fan man because soon the whole world will see this UST and validate you#okay but what i love the most is jc the masochist being so uncomfortable he has to keep turning off the video ahahahaha#wangxian out here romancing so hard that jc needs a barf bag. or therapy. or selective amnesia.#you ever get secondhand mortifying ordeal of being known? that's what's happening for jc here#it's mortifying watching other people experience the ordeal of being known. this is the hardest i have ever related to jc#it's like oh fuck. lwj loves wwx and it's so obvious. oh my god. i'm so embarrassed.#wwx is so gone for lwj and it's right there on his face for anyone to read. i'm in agony.#ALSO 'jiang cheng can feel his head get hot and he drops the phone on the table like it personally betrayed him' THANK U FOR THIS#everything about this is the best and my favorite#ahhh i'm so excited for the next chapters and so glad they're already up so i can read them right now!!!!
12. #lxc shooting lwj pointed looks every time the jiang sect comes up in conversation for the past 13 years!!!!! he would!!!!!!#i love the way you describe wwx through lwj's eyes. the love just shines through#also you are so insightful about his character but what else is new??? you're the character breakdown QUEEN#OH MY GOD AH YUAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111#i am writing these tags as i read or that would have been the first tag it's SO important#i mean my tag isn't important it's incoherent but AH YUAN IS IMPORTANT!!!!!#you really want me to die. you really want me to be all the way murdered.#this image of lwj just standing there with impeccable posture one arm behind his back the other holding a sword in the air randomly#with this squirmy lil bab clutching at his clothes and reaching up on his tiptoes#okay dang i didn't know there was gonna be action! intrigue!! an ambush!!!#this fic really has it all#bamf!wwx and rescuer!lwj#battle couple ftw#NOT TO MENTION DRUNK!LWJ!!! SELF SACRIFICING!LWJ!!!!!#how am i supposed to live knowing lwj Did That#ughghughghgughgh#'at least i made him happy.' at least you made him happy???!?!?!?#just let me live for a second!!!#just one second though then i'm gonna read the next chapter
13. #awwww jiang 'I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU I'VE JUST BEEN CUTTING ONIONS' cheng gets a tear in his eye#they are...a fambly.....#my man lxc coming thru for the people!! title of my upcoming inspirational children's book: Lan Xichen Takes a Stand#op you made me love jiang cheng. i'm in it now
14. #omg i forgot that you had written this and sent it to me weeks ago so when i read it just now i was like...obviously that's what happened???#i had already just fully incorporated it into my understanding of these characters in my head and forgotten how it got there#so this was the BEST surprise#i can't believe you. putting ah yuan and bunnies in the same chapter because you love drowning me in cute#soft domestic adoptive dad content???? ugh i literally need to lie down and go into a coma.#just a lil coma. to recharge my feels.#i don't know what you could possibly be putting in the 'extra' but i am. vibrating with excitement!!!!#this is one of my favorite fics ever and i'm forever happy that you came up with this amazing idea and executed it so well#I APPRECIATE AND ADORE YOU!!!#HEART EYES EMOJI#these are a few of my favorite things#the untamed#ah yuan and his two dads will be the death of me
15. #OH MY GOD NHS MASTERMINDED ALL OF IT#this is so perfect i'm in awe!!!!#of course he did!!!!#also 'he had been very invested in this romance he had even painted themed fans for this' ahahaha#these schemes! these machinations!! he got lxc out of the way! he put the idea in jc's head! ahhhhh!#mr. fan man
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aglaecan · 5 years
repost,  don’t reblog !
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.      Margaux Amaranthe Amell-Hawke PRONUNCIATION.       Mar-GO NICKNAME.       Mar to those very close to her or family; Hawke to everyone else; That Pain in the Ass to some. GENDER.         Cis woman. HEIGHT.     5′3″ AGE.    25-35, verse dependent. ZODIAC.         Aquarius. SPOKEN LANGUAGES.  DA Verses: Common, Orlesian, a few Rivaini cursewords picked up from Isabela, a few Tevene cursewords picked up from Fenris, a few Dalish greetings from Merrill. Modern Verses: English, French, some Spanish and Italian cursewords, a wee bit of Irish Gaelic
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.       Black. EYE COLOR.       Hazel – rings of green and golden-brown. SKIN TONE.        Tanned, olive undertone. BODY TYPE.       Very lean and small-bodied, but wiry with muscle. ACCENT.         Situationally dependent; can alternate between “high” and “low” accents easily (which accents depend on verse) but the default, when she’s not affecting an accent not her natural one, is more of a “low” or rural-sounding accent. VOICE.         The VA’s voice is just how I hear her, shrugs? DOMINANT HAND.         Right, but dual-wielding knives has given her a bit of ambidexterity. POSTURE.     Confident, four-square, perhaps a bit stereotypically “masculine.” She doesn’t stand with a cocked hip or any sway to her arse; she’s quite upright, a bit broad in her stance, and always gives an overall impression of energetic readiness. SCARS.         A few small ones on her cheek, temple, jaw; she doesn’t wear a helm even when she should, so things get through. Lots of small ones on her hands too, the legacy of learning to wield knives like she does, and from knives slipping when she’s carving little knick-knacks and toys and things. Larger ones on her lower torso, back, and arms – these will be verse dependent, as some of them might be gunshots in modern but arrows in DA, etc. TATTOOS.        None in canon. In modern she might get the Amell family crest between her shoulder-blades after learning about that side of her heritage; and probably also a stooping hawk on one arm. BIRTHMARKS.         None. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).       Her big, expressive, almost doe-like eyes.
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.        In Canon: outside Amaranthine, Ferelden. In modern: outside Dublin, Ireland HOMETOWN.         Canon: Lothering, and later Kirkwall. Modern: the hypothetical Irish village of Lothering, and later London BIRTH WEIGHT.         Around 6 pounds. (?? Idk what’s normal I literally googled averages for this…) BIRTH HEIGHT.          Around 19 inches. (See above…..) MANNER OF BIRTH.       Natural. FIRST WORDS.       “Da’,” probably. She was a real daddy’s girl. SIBLINGS.         The twins, Bethany and Carver. In some AUs, she has a twin herself, Kaleb Hawke. PARENTS.         Malcolm Hawke and Leandra Amell. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.       Both were very involved, but Malcolm did a little bit more of the active side of the parenting up until his death when she was still a young adult. He was a pragmatic man with a personality very similar to Hawke’s, and did a lot of teaching her the skills he himself had – wood-carving, working with his hands, etc. She can repair almost anything but she can barely sew a stitch straight because she was more interested in her father’s teachings than her mother’s. He also told stories and helped bandage all their little hurts, told jokes and made the children smile. Leandra, meanwhile, had gone from a privileged and wealthy upbringing to hand-to-mouth subsistence and the change made her tired and quite shrewish at times, quick to judge and lay blame instead of providing support or understanding. She insisted on a degree of book-learning beyond what young Hawke herself thought helpful to her life; but as an adult Hawke understands and is grateful to it.
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.         Canon: a mercenary-for-hire, basically, and jack-of-all-work. In modern: a private detective, but her techniques are not entirely legal and she’s not so different from canon, really. CURRENT RESIDENCE.          Kirkwall or London. CLOSE FRIENDS.         The absolute bestie is always Varric Tethras. Other friends include, of course: Fenris, Isabela, Sebastian Vael, Merrill, Anders, Thrask, Serendipity, Jethann. RELATIONSHIP STATUS.        By game default, romanced Anders – but I’ve done playthroughs with Fenris and Sebastian as well, so far. In the course of RPing her, she’s pursued relationships with Nathaniel Howe, Blackwall, Jack Sparrow, John Watson, Deadpool, among others………. In verses in which she’s unattached the ‘default’ assumption is that she was with Anders but the thing fell apart, very messily, in the equivalent to “Act 3.” FINANCIAL STATUS.        Poor as dirt and then literally finds buried treasure and shoots up into the upper upper class. DRIVER’S LICENSE.    Yes. CRIMINAL RECORD.       Mostly she’s never been caught, and when she was she was always able to get out of it somehow, so miraculously enough there’s nothing on the record, no. VICES.       Drinking too much, and bad puns. 
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.         Bisexual disaster with a slight preference for men, but only slight. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.         Biromantic. PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.       submissive |  dominant |  switch  PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.       submissive |  dominant  |  switch (with dom preference) LIBIDO.       Very high. TURN ONS.        Competence, confidence, humor, kindness, that sort of charismatic person who has a mission or just a strong sense of self and of their goals.  TURN OFFS.        Stupidity, ignorance, being too possessive or controlling, cruelty. (Leaving Lottie’s because it fits Mar too.) LOVE LANGUAGE.    Touch and small gestures, and the sort of joke she makes. Hawke isn’t good at putting her love into words; it feels like daring the universe to take it away from her. So she shows her love, demonstrates it… with gifts, with favors, with literally shouldering the entire weight of her loved one’s burdens when she can, and with jokes instead of endearments and soft words. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.    Hawke is almost generous to a fault. She takes on way more than anyone ever should, and she considers it her responsibility to do so. It isn’t to say she can’t have some spectacular arguments with a partner at times; she definitely can. But see above about shouldering emotional burdens; even to her own emotional detriment, she’ll do that. She’s so loyal she’ll stay much longer than she really should in a relationship which is crumbling, constantly trying to shore it up. And that’s only when she’s actually in a committed relationship; she’s far more likely to engage in short-term flings, just for fun and pleasure, because part of her knows how damaging it can be to her otherwise.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.      Either like, the tavern music; or Bad Reputation by Joan Jett. HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.       She reads a lot, and she crafts her own health potions and poisons. She practices knife-throwing and acrobatic type feats… tumbling and the like. Rock climbing, hiking. Also she carves in wood, little statues and things, or makes small wooden toys for sick children in the free clinics. MENTAL ILLNESSES.     PTSD and depression, probably; undiagnosed. PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.       None. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.       Right-brained. PHOBIAS.     Not a huge fan of spiders. Oh, and also, the death and/or loss of literally everyone she’s ever dared to love, in increasingly horrible ways? SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.      When it comes to her physical appearance – I’ll say neutral-ish? She doesn’t think of herself as being beautiful but she also doesn’t really care so much about being beautiful. Sometimes she might think it would be nice to be that sort of girl, but she’s pretty well accepted that she isn’t, and that particular insecurity only rears its head briefly at great intervals. When it comes to her abilities, sky-high. She knows what she can do and she does it. She takes on immense risks because she’s confident that she can pull it off. VULNERABILITIES.       She does take on great risks and doesn’t always actually calculate those risks. She’s that bird meme like ‘the risk I took was calculated but man am I bad at math.’ She’s made a lot of mistakes and her feelings of guilt over that are among the greatest vulnerabilities in her whole makeup. She thinks if she was just better or stronger, these things wouldn’t have happened… which drives her to try to become better and stronger, which leads to emotional burnout and more mistakes. You see the cycle.
TAGGED BY:  @trickstercaptain ty!! TAGGING:  @mindsmade @mercysought @cllgood @resovled @archontem @cyrefinn @meisanimam and anyone else who sees it and wants it!
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crimsonfluidessence · 6 years
RULES. repost ,   don’t  reblog  !  good  luck  !
TAGGED. Found off @bloodsworn-marshal and I was like CHALLENGE ACCEPTED TAGGING. I will not be that cruel
FULL NAME: Esredes Rosemond
AGE: 33
BIRTHDAY: the fuck are birthdays
ETHNIC GROUP: Ishgardian Elezen
LANGUAGE(S): Common Eorzean, Dragonspeak, does ishgard have its own language idefk
CLASS: Gladiator
CURRENT HOME: The Coerthan Wilderness
PROFESSION: Heretic Commander/Ishgard’s Most Wanted
HAIR: Swept back and crimson. Noteworthy for the way it splits into tips at the ends.
EYES: Orange
NOSE: ....a fucking nose what do you expect me to say
FACE: Nasty looking
LIPS: Never anything but a black line in my art style so who fuckin knows
COMPLEXION: Light brown.
SCARS: A lot in various places on the body.
WEIGHT: idk how to do weights
BUILD: Sturdy
FEATURES: uh... he exists
USUAL HAIRSTYLE: As presented. He rarely combs down the tips.
USUAL FACE LOOK: Vaguely pissed off or emotionless.
USUAL CLOTHING: Either the Haubergeon outfit or his red tabard outfit.
FEAR(S): Drowning, Being Captured, Failure, Strangulation, Dying in an embarrassing manner
ASPIRATION(S): Taking over and fixing Ishgard.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Loyal, Brave, Confident, Ambitious, Unyielding
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Manipulative, Brutal, Reserved, Hate-filled
ZODIAC: Fuck the zodiac.
SOUL TYPE(S): what
ANIMALS: Rabbits
VICE  HABIT(S): Over-exerting himself
FAITH: None.
ALIENS?: Dragons already exist
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: He’s like a conservative evil liberal its weird
SOCIO POLITICAL POSITION: Anti Ishgard, pro heresy.
FATHER: Unnamed but he exists
SIBLINGS: Seraphiaux Rosemond What siblings? I guess there’s Ysayle, it’s not like he has any biological ones who still love him...
NAME MEANING(S): Esredes doesn’t meant anything. I made it up. Ezredes means colonel in hungarian though, and that’s a neat coincidence.
HISTORICAL CONNECTION?: Not related to Durendaires.
BOOK: Probably that one epic heroic tale that’s actually realistic out there somewhere
MOVIE: If they existed, he likes action movies.
5 SONGS: Idk, but he sometimes likes humming them to himself.
DEITY: Fuck you.
HOLIDAY: eh... I guess All Saints Wake is pretty decent
MONTH: September
SEASON: Autumn
PLACE: Idyllshire
WEATHER: A slightly cloudy day with a nice, mild breeze.
SOUND: The soft ambience of a forest.
SCENT(S): uh
TASTE(S): Meats
FEEL(S): The hair of someone he cares about when he’s trying to comfort them.
ANIMAL(S): Rabbits
COLORS: Red and Gold
TALENTS: Swordfighting, Strategic Thinking, Manipulation, Flying
BAD AT: People, emotions, cooking, anything involving engineering
TURN ONS: Assertiveness, Confidence
TURN OFFS: Stupidity, Miqo’te
HOBBIES: Flying and hunting
TROPES: Dark Skinned Redhead, Frontline General, Ambiguously Brown, Magnificent Bastard
AESTHETIC TAGS: I can’t aesthetic but like, besides dragon and blood and swords, his aesthetic boils down to regal and elegant but tough
MAIN  FC(S): Nope
ALT FC(S): Nope
VOICE CLAIM(S): The voice he has in my head
Villain protagonist film where Esredes has to stop the Even Worse villain while still being unapologetically evil himself, teaming up with morally gray problematic good guys that don’t give a shit about his evil. General rule of thumb, if you want him to be the protagonist, make the villain the equivalent of Dolores Umbridge atrocious.
It has to be filmed in a way where the visual parallels clearly indicate nobody is in the right, that he is little less atrocious than the other villain. Give it enough of subtle intelligent cinema film style, not enough so that it’s confusing and prone to missing everything. Let the film have an element of pretty cinematography that can be contrasted with the more brutal scenes.
Call it “The Exception, The Guardian, and The Monster.”
Esredes’ song aesthetic is somewhat orchestral, but intense in nature. It has to reflect the battle heavy lifestyle of his, all while making time for the more elegant and sophisticated parts.
I wanted to make dragon characters for my friend’s roleplay group because generally no one gave a shit about all the human characters I came in with. His idea had the most inspirational energy and I went with a character representing everything I hate.
I first began to actually like him because of his dialogue. So much fun to write, like holy shit.
I mean, I find a lot of his personality atrocious in general. I don’t like his abusive tendencies, even though I love writing them because of how it defies the idea of him being the local sad man you can just befriend with sunshine. Really, I don’t like that he has to default to murder as a solution and call it for the greater good. He could be genuinely heroic if he tried to find another solution. And that is why he should never stop doing that.
Desire for quick and snappy change. Generally being the one who can think when no one else can. Thinking nobody likes us while blatantly ignoring all the people directly around us. And both of us have a desire to use our powerful presence, but only one of us can actually pull it off.
He’d probably just call me out on all my weaknesses. Try me, Esrey. So has everyone else before you. You know what it feels like too, don’t you?
All the kids are fun because each flavor of Esredes trying to work with a disaster is beautiful. I love the absolute purity of Clover, the therapy of Dione, the chill of Rev, snark of Bellona, constant anger of Alastor, etc. The parents are also adorable for their emotional support to the character. Agatha and Esrey are fun because of how awkward but friendly they’re trying to be. Oh, and B’ahm is hilarious because the man is just trying to exist and be friendly and is STILL getting all over Esrey’s nerves.
It’s not hard to get inspired to write him in general, since I have a puppetmaster approach and not a muse approach to writing characters. I usually just have to put on epic sounding music and absorb myself into the mental imagery of him it produces.
Like forty five minutes. Git gud.
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tysonrunningfox · 7 years
aaaand actually here's some more: 17, 22, 33, 29 for fuse, 42 and 33 for smitelout (i'm curious because i remember at the start of the fic eret mentioned something about her parents hating each other and like... idk i just wonder what her family life is like??? i'm kind of curious about all the characters tbh when it comes to question 33)
Yessss, thank you 
This got super long again and also, I”m super willing to answer more excessively detailed headcanon asks because these are FUN 
17. Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress? 
Fuse is surprisingly particular about her clothes.  Number one consideration?  Flammability.  Strings hanging down?  No.  Generally close fitting but not flashy, she tends towards the viking equivalent of like, skinny jeans and a long sleeved shirt.  But then comes the next level of functionality which is the vest.  She needs her pockets, she needs multiple things throughout a day of demolition and she has two hands.  The vest is huge and ridiculous and probably a tenth birthday present that she loved above all else and her mom added pockets whenever she grew enough to support them.  The vest is a staple until she gets a strong opinion about being touched without literally sparking and smoking and when she doesn’t have it it’s one of those things where she feels like she forgot something pretty reliably.  
Also, she does her hair like...as frequently as it falls out.  Basically she gets it out of her way, likes that, waits until it doesn’t serve that cause anymore, ties it up again.  It drives her female cousins crazy.  She can’t go to a Thorston-Ingerman gathering without cousins combing out all that strawberry blonde and fixing it.  
22. Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
Something would blow up.  In theory.  If left alone with the paper for too long, the paper would be torn up and folded into something and then eventually caught on fire.  Fuse isn’t really one for idle hands and she doesn’t really see ideas as precious, even if she has a good one now, she’ll have another good one later.  That’s a lot of the reason that her drawings are crumpled up, there’s no reason to believe that they’re a lightning strike occurrence.  
33. Concept of home and family?
Fuse’s concept of home and family is shockingly simple and warm for this au.  She has a family who loves her and has always supported her weirdness, if not worried about her distance from other people her age.  She’s pretty much the youngest of the Thorston-Ingerman brood of cousins and siblings and is very protected and loved as a result.  What started as liking the cool colors of the youngest’s fire ended in a really whole hearted support of their family member’s pretty significant talent.  
She’s a teenager, her older siblings are irritating, her parents embarrass her, her cousins are nice but overwhelming.  Mostly she feels inundated with far too many opinions, most of which she ignores, but they’re filled with love and a fair scoop of insanity.  She fundamentally wants to make her family proud though, and she respects what’s expected of her, because all of it is reasonable, like she should make her own decisions and try to be happy and yeah, her dad is embarrassing but also, he reinforced the front door so she could explode shit in the front yard.  
29. Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
Fuse has a lot of empathy for people she loves but not much attachment to stuff.  So she’d kind of take the position of stability and support.  She wouldn’t hurt herself for objects but if it’s something she believes in, she’s pretty fearless.  If she lost everything, she’d figure it out, that’s not something she’d cave for.  Probably a lot of that comes from the fact that she started making her own money/way very young when her skills were in demand, but she’s very practical in losses that don’t involve life or irreplaceable things.  
42. Hobbies?
It was forging for a long time.  When Eret turned 8 and burned down the forge and started presenting alarmingly Hiccup-like behavior, Smitelout got ousted from her apprenticeship at the forge and missed it dearly until she got it back.  So she invented and worked on stuff in her spare time.  Maybe invented is the wrong word, because she’s far more about the craft than the creativity, but she practiced whenever she had the chance.  Quality products have always been a point of pride for her, which she never fails to announce.  
33. Concept of home and family?  
This makes me so sad.  Basically, Snotlout tries to be a great dad. But he psyches himself out and it doesn’t go well for him.  Instead of pressuring his daughter to win thawfest, he says things like “it’s ok if you don’t win” and Smitelout hears “I don’t think you can win” because she’s so much like her dad.  His efforts to be supportive are almost always construed as deep doubt in her abilities and it hurts me, as an author.  
As for her parents, Snotlout basically got harangued into a political marriage that Hiccup wasn’t there to negotiate because he was off island coping with Astrid’s decisions.  I wouldn’t say that he and his wife hate each other, but it’s political.  They produced a child to join two tribes.  They cohabit.  They get along in the context of not yelling at each other all the time but it’s not a love match in any way.  They’re roommates and Smitelout grew up with the tension that comes with that, she’s an only child because she was the bare minimum necessary.  She knows that at some level.  She doesn’t want what her parents have and she has trust issues due to being around it.  
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