#idk maybe not really their kid but still their kid just like wally west
cessmaga · 1 year
dc x marvel au
peter parker is a halbarry kid, no I refuse to elaborate
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queen-lance · 2 years
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Listen... I really enjoy Wally's friendship with the original Titans, but I can't be the only one who thinks he's really OOC in almost every Titans related title, right?
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suzukiblu · 10 months
currently having EMOTIONS abt your 'Billy adopts kon and it goes p good actually'. Billy's there just like oh man I'm rambling they're gonna think I'm so lame...meanwhile I as a reader (and presumably also Kon and possibly the other characters present??) are actually going 'oh my god. oh my god he's known Kon for like one singular minute and already arranged a flat according to his best predictions of Kon's needs/wants, gave Kon FIRST PICK OF BEDROOM, and has freely offered to learn how to cook AND how to drive for the sole purpose of taking better care of Kon'. like. oh my god. oh my god. Billy is so precious and I want to give him a hug. I hope Kon isn't too overwhelmed or suspicious due to Billy's enthusiasm tho lmao. (pls could there be..more? more Billy adopts kon, if possible?) anyway I love ur writing. thank you. idk how to ask from a sidelong but this is tryingahandinholdingapen btw :D
I gotchu, friend, lol. @tryingahandinholdingapen But yeah I love a good unreliable narrator, one way or the other it's just so fun peppering in all the bits of "the actual situation that the narrator is oblivious to", hahaha.
Rich people are weird, Billy decides, then sets the swiss rolls and zebra cakes and rest of the strawberry shortcakes on the counter in case Kid Flash is still hungry or Superboy wants any of them and closes the pantry. Batman’s just doing his best, he guesses. Though Billy hopes he knows how to coupon, if he’s always buying brand-name. 
Well, he’s Batman. It’d be weirder if he didn’t know how to coupon, Billy figures.
It looks like Superboy ate all of his snack cake while Billy and Kid Flash were in the pantry, at least, which Billy hopes means he liked it. He doesn’t know how much real food Superboy’s had, but Batman’d said he should be fine eating solid stuff and not just whatever he’d been getting in his cloning pod. Though Billy’d still asked if they could get some bottled smoothies and protein shakes and stuff like that to keep in the fridge, just in case. He figured those might be easier for him to eat and digest, if it came up. Or like, maybe appeal to him more, if nothing else? 
Billy has no idea, honestly, he’s just doing his best here. The wisdom of Solomon is pretty useful but it’s not really, like, that much of a parenting guide. 
He is not going to cut Superboy in half. Like, ever. Like he understands the idea of that story but also it is an insane and incredibly freaky story and he is just not invoking it, ever. Just no way.
“If it’s alright, Captain, we should get going. We’ve got a bit of a drive to get home,” Mrs. West says, then sighs as Kid Flash empties the boxes of swiss rolls and zebra cakes in lightning-fast succession, though he leaves the strawberry shortcakes alone. Billy checks in the fridge and offers him a couple of the more filling smoothies–peanut butter and banana should be more filling, anyway, even with a speedster’s appetite. He steals those from convenience stores sometimes, when he can. He can’t be Captain Marvel all the time. 
Well–maybe he could, he guesses. But he does miss being himself, sometimes.
“Thanks, man,” Kid Flash says eagerly, then immediately shotguns both smoothies. 
“Wally,” Mr. West says in exasperation as Mrs. West sighs again. “Don’t eat Captain Marvel out of house and home.” 
“It’s okay, we’ve got lots of food!” Billy promises cheerfully. “I work with Flash, I know how hungry he gets. I bet it’s way worse when you still have growth spurts to get through.” 
“It is so much worse,” Kid Flash mutters vehemently, eyeing the empty smoothie bottles in his hands accusingly. Billy gets him another peanut butter banana one on principle. He really doesn’t want Kid Flash to be that hungry. It’s . . . not a good feeling. 
“We appreciate it, Captain, really, but we’ve got snacks and a cooler in the car,” Mrs. West says. 
“Oh, good,” Billy says, relieved. Mr. and Mrs. West both give him strange, inscrutable looks, then glance back to Superboy. Billy wonders if he likes peanut butter banana smoothies. Though if he liked the snack cakes, there’s strawberry banana ones too, so that might be better? And strawberry kiwi, but that’s probably less filling. “Superboy, do you want a smoothie too?” 
“No,” Superboy says. Billy pauses again, then gets him a strawberry banana one and tosses it over. Superboy catches it, eyes it, and then opens it and takes a sip.
Okay, Billy thinks he’s getting the hang of this. But also they should probably talk about how “no” needs to actually mean “no”. Like, for Superboy he’s sure it’s just like that phase when toddlers want to say “no” to everything no matter what, but it’s still important for him to understand. Billy doesn’t want to accidentally upset him or overstep because Superboy doesn’t know how to really say “no” to something.
Yeah, they definitely need to talk about that, he decides.
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mangoisms · 1 year
circle k (back to you)
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summary: in which you're just the graveyard shift employee at circle k bombarded by vigilantes.
━ chapter eight: where did i go wrong? | read chapter seven
━ pairing: tim drake x f!reader
━ word count: 3.7k
━ warnings: canon typical violence, blood, etc
━ masterlist
━ a/n: sorry for disappearing! essentially, i started grad school and it is So Much Work. but if you'd like some unnecessary rambles on tim and wally's relationship here and in light of their og meeting in robin (1993), you can also find my thoughts on that here <3
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 The next day, you don’t hear much from Steph. 
She does text you a few times, mostly reassurances and that she’s working to pull something together. You don’t quite understand but she was so convincing the day before, you let it go. 
You mostly spend the day—after sleeping in—learning your new phone, excited at having something new and so high-tech to play with. Flash texts you several times during the day. Blurry selfies and equally blurry pictures of Keystone and Central. Even a couple of the New York skyline, as he informs you he decided to drop in and visit a few friends. 
You can’t send him much. The clouds that hang in the sky, waiting to pour down on unsuspecting Gothamites at a moment’s notice. The feral cat that hangs out in the alley by your apartments, who you get close enough to to catch mid-hiss. The person on the subway carrying what you suspect to be a possum in their bag but Flash insists is actually an opossum. Whatever the difference is. 
There is a difference!
idk sounds made up
You’re from the city. Of course you think that.
ok WOW
you’re blaming my dead parents for where they settled????
You go into work in relatively high spirits, considering everything. 
Black Bat stops by for some gummy worms and a can of Red Bull and you tease her a bit for it.
“Signal’s influence?”
“Better than coffee.”
“Fair enough.”
Red hasn’t been by, you think, watching her go. Not yesterday and not today, though it’s early. He usually stops by nearly every night, if not for a couple minutes. But nothing specifically decrees that he comes by… You’re just used to it, you suppose, and last night’s absence was noticeable.
There’s still time, though. Maybe you’ll see him later tonight. 
Overhead, the AC turns on. They fixed it, along with that electrical issue Red Robin caused last week. It works a little too well, though. These last few days have had you uncomfortably cold, so today, you come armed with a hoodie—Tim’s hoodie, the only piece of clothing you’ve ever managed to steal from him. A bit baggy on him and even more so on you, it’s a pleasant shade of azure blue. One of your more precious possessions since it’s, like you said, the only thing you really have from him. Also a bit of an indulgence right now but… you’re past the point of caring. 
Maritza pops by a little while later, waving at you. 
“Hey, Mari. Here for a Slurpee?”
“That, and I was wondering if you guys have any pain cream… Abuela’s back is hurting her and we ran out yesterday,” she says, lips pursed, glancing at the aisles. 
“Pain cream,” you repeat thoughtfully, stepping around the counter. “We should. Let’s see.”
She follows you to one of the center aisles.
“How’s summer break been so far?” you ask, running your eyes over displays of toothpaste, disposable toothbrushes, and other basic items. 
“Boring,” she sighs. “It’s too hot to do anything.”
You chuckle, tucking your hands in the pocket of Tim’s hoodie; your fingers are cold. They always seem to be. “Books are excellent ways to preoccupy the time.”
“Think I’ve read every book at the library,” she grumbles, which probably isn’t that much of an exaggeration. Gotham’s public library system is drastically lacking; it was only in May did Wayne Enterprises announce that they were investing more money into it. By now, they probably haven’t reached the library here in the Upper West Side. 
“You should check out GU’s then. Kids get free library cards and our selection is fairly expansive. I’m sure you could get away with checking out some things for your abuela, too. At least until they fix everything in the one here.”
“Huh. Maybe.” She moves ahead of you, scanning the rest of the aisle. “Oh, hey, you guys do have some.”
She reaches for a box. 
The door opens. You turn. 
The wink of the kitchen knife is the first thing you see, then the trembling hand, and then the owner to whom it belongs, too. A scrawny man wearing a grey hoodie, the same hood pulled over his head. 
It’s not great at hiding his face, you think dimly, every muscle inside you locking into place. Mari freezes behind you, breath audibly catching in a gasp as he turns the knife sharply on you.
For a second, the three of you just look at each other. 
You break the silence first. 
“All the money is in the register. Take it.”
A lengthy pause, one that amplifies the dread petrifying your insides. Your new phone, with Flash’s contact info, sits in the pocket of your hoodie, weighing it down; your fingers are laced together, cold, hovering right above it and you recall the rundown you’d been given by Flash last night, the… other not-quite-normal aspects of your new phone. 
“Okay, so, on top of the League encryption stuff, there is something else.”
“Are you tracking me?”
“Not… exactly.”
“That’s reassuring.”
“Your location is logged with the League,” he admits. “But it’s secure. You’re registered with me, so only I can look at it. My wife’s phone is like yours. Her information is there, too. A lot of us do it with our families. Not just to keep sensitive information secure, but there’s… a risk that comes with being with us.”
You frown at him. “Does she know?”
He looks horrified. “Of course she does. I don’t go around just tracking her without her knowledge. That’s weird. And messed up. I don’t even actively do it. Not unless she’s been kidnapped or she wants me to. That’s what I’m trying to say. Your location is being tracked but I’m not peeking in on it. No one is, unless a need comes up. An emergency kind of need. And that brings me to my next thing.”
He pauses, looking at you, calculating, but you just nod for him to continue. 
“You have my number,” he says. “So, you can call me. For emergencies or if you just want to talk about your day. But in the case that you can’t call me, if you’re in some kind of danger…” He plucks the phone out of your grasp, turning it over in his hands, pointing to the power button on the side. “Press this three times and it’ll send an SOS signal to me, along with your location. I’ll come. Okay?”
“Are you… sure?”
He seems affronted. “I don’t just do this for anyone. I thought you’d have seen that by now. You’re…” he stops, frowning deeply. “You mean a lot to me, kid. If I can save you, if I have the opportunity to keep you safe, I’ll take it. I wouldn’t ever ask you to leave Gotham because it’s your home and I know the Bats hang around but… this just makes me feel better. You have a direct line to me. Use it.”
“Batman probably won’t like that.”
“Batman can suck it,” he says petulantly. “Especially after what he did to you last week. I take care of my own. No matter where they are. Got it?”
You got it. 
The thought still astounds you even now, that Flash cares that much about you and how ironic it is that you don’t even know who he is under the cowl but maybe you don’t need to. This is still him, isn’t it?
And you would heed his words. Of course you would. You have no interest in dying. You have no hangups about being saved. Flash didn’t think you incompetent, it was just a precaution, a necessity for living in the world you do.
That is true now more than ever.
Especially with how aware you are of Mari behind you, too. 
“Take your hands outta your pockets,” he says.
Your pulse pounds in your ears.
“Just take the money, man.”
You have to be careful but quick. If you could just unlace your fingers and reach for your phone…
Of course, you have no idea how quickly the signal will reach Flash or how fast he’ll even be able to get here…
You guess you’ll just have to trust him. Trust him and his capabilities.
A step forward. A bead of sweat rolls down your back. You can hear Mari behind you, her breath quick and uneven. You’re most worried about her, to be honest. If you go down, what’s going to happen to her? You dread to think about it.
“Take your hands out of your fuckin’ pocket,” he hisses; despite the severity of his voice, his hand is trembling. You don’t get why he won’t just grab the money and go. 
He must think you can call the police or something but even then, it’s not as if the GCPD are reliable. As if they can do anything. 
As for you, there is nothing else you can do. You need to call him. 
“Mari, run!” 
Your hand grapples for your phone at the same time. 
You hear the snick of sneakers on the tiled floors, your fingers slip over the sides of the new case currently hugging your phone, and he surges forward and then—
Just a mere spark, one that jolts you as you realize what happened. It’s small at first, then bigger, then massive, a forest fire eating you alive from the inside out, burning white-hot. 
You can’t do anything. 
You stare at the man in front of you, closer now, close enough to dig his knife right into the soft flesh of your belly. His eyes are wide, too. Like he can’t believe he just did that. Neither can you.
But the worst of it comes when he pulls the knife out. 
The sound that escapes you is foreign to your ears. Your knees give out. One hand presses to the source of your pain, the other lands hard on the tiled floor; your wrist smarts, your arm trembling as you hold yourself up. 
You’re barely aware of anything other than the pain. Throbbing heat, warmth rapidly spreading through the front of your shirt and hoodie. Your vision blurs, from tears and from the pain, your heart pounds so hard, you feel it in your teeth, hear it in your ears above the rush of your blood. 
You manage a glance behind you, relieved to see Mari is gone and hopefully back in the safety of the apartment building next door. Ahead of you, the man is scrambling to get the cash register open, cursing like a sailor and eventually yanking it off the counter and smashing it on the ground, ducking out of your view.
God, you need to call Flash. Not 911, they won’t get here in time, no way, you need him. Before the man decides to cut his losses and kill you. You hope he’ll just take the money and run, but you’ve seen his face, surely he knows that puts him in that much more danger of being arrested—
The door opens. You hear your name from a familiar voice and then someone steps into view. 
Tim’s eyes are wide as he looks at you, horrified, but behind him, your attacker shoots up from the ground and you choke out a warning, an urging to run, to get out of here, you don’t know what you’d do if anything happened to him, no, no, you can’t lose him like that. 
He whips around just as the man swings himself over the counter, letting out something of a war cry, cash held in one hand and the knife in the other. It gleams red under the light. He lunges.
But his fatal injury does not happen. Instead, you watch him duck out of the way, moving faster, more gracefully than you’ve ever seen, like he’s done this before and the man doesn’t expect it, stumbling with his own momentum. Not stopping, either, Tim grabs the man’s wrist, heaving him over his shoulder until he slams into the ground hard. It’s brutal. It’s violent. It’s nothing you’ve ever seen from Tim, your Tim who… who hates needles and always bemoans going to get the yearly flu shot with you and Steph, your Tim who can get impatient, snippy, but not violent. 
You don’t understand. With the haze of pain, that fact feels oddly upsetting. 
The door opens again. He whips around, geared up for another fight, but it’s just Spoiler, it’s—
Golden hair, familiar blue eyes. A face you know by heart. Even with the bottom of her face hidden. 
They’re both at your side in an instant. In good timing, too, because your arm gives out but before you can crash to the ground, Tim catches you, turning you over in his arms and gently laying you back onto the tile.
“You’re okay,” he says quickly, eyes scanning you frantically. “You’re okay.”
All the movement tugs at your belly, flames flaring for a brief moment, making you dizzy with pain, choking out your voice, leaving you to blink the tears out of your eyes and look up at your friends.
You don’t like the look on their faces. Horrified. Full of dread. It hurts you. 
“Fuck,” Stephanie Brown, also known as Spoiler, says, digging through pouches in her utility belt. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Oracle, where is the nearest hospital?”
“I know where it is,” Tim says, snapping into action, his hands reaching for the hoodie. “Off Murphy Ave.”
He tears through the front part of your hoodie—his hoodie—like it’s nothing. Both their faces drop as they see your shirt underneath it but you’re more focused on the first part of what just happened. 
“Did you—have to tear it?” you whine. “This is the only hoodie I have from you…”
“You can have all of my hoodies,” he promises, reaching for the hem of your shirt. 
Another ripping sound. 
Steph reaches underneath you. “Didn’t go through.”
Tim nods. “The sooner we get her to the hospital, the better. I don’t like how much blood she’s losing.”
“I can hear you, you know,” you mutter, more petulant than you want but considering you are bleeding from a stab wound, you think you get to be. 
They both let out strained chuckles. Tim reaches for one of the pouches of Steph’s belt. You wonder how he knows which one to open. You wonder a lot of things. Where he learned to kick ass. Whether he has always known Steph is Spoiler. How he is so calm right now. It tickles at you, like you have all the pieces to the puzzle but the full picture still isn’t coming out. 
And oh, yeah, the burning throb of the stab wound is really sapping your concentration, too. Cold creeps in at the edges, your fingers feeling icy as you clench them. You shiver violently, though it hurts to move like that. 
“You’re gonna be fine,” Steph says soothingly, squeezing your hand. “We just really need to get you to a hospital to guarantee that.”
“You should—fuck!” The gauze Tim presses to the wound sends shockwaves of pain through you. Black spots appearing in your vision, breath squeezing in your throat.
He says your name loudly. “Breathe.”
“Fuck you,” you wheeze out, trying and failing to curl away from the pressure he is currently applying to your wound. “That—hurts—”
“I know,” he says, pained. “But I have to. We have to. I’m sorry.”
“He’s right,” Steph says, brushing some of your hair away from your face. “Come on, talk to me. Ignore what he’s doing. What were you going to say before?”
“My phone,” you mumble, shivering. “Flash gave it to me. S-Said if I press the power button three times, it sends a distress signal to him.”
“That’s kind of him,” Tim mutters, sounding, dare you say it, jealous, which, in your haze of pain, just pisses you off. 
“You absolute asshole, you don’t get to—”
“Stop it!” Steph snaps, lunging for your phone. “Tim, focus on saving her life and not on being an ass right now, okay? I’m calling him. We need that kind of speed. She’s losing too much blood and the hospital is too far.”
He sobers significantly. A bloodied hand reaches for yours. You’re only aware of it because you see it, the sight of his pale skin covered in your blood, his fingers wrapping around yours. He squeezes.
“Can you feel that?”
“K-Kind of.”
“Do it, Spoiler.”
“I’m doing it, Timothy.”
She is. She holds your phone in gloved hands, pressing the button three times, then scoots away from your head, lifting your feet over her lap. 
Tim continues his work, the pressure he continues to apply to the wound making your head spin. Exhaustion creeps in at the edges, making your eyelids drag with each blink. 
No, no, falling asleep is bad. You’ve seen enough movies and TV shows of injured characters to know that. You have to stay awake. 
Steph watches you, concerned. “How long—”
She doesn’t get to finish her sentence as a sharp gust of wind hits all of you. It knocks things off the shelves and then, all of you are blinking up at the Flash, blue lightning fading away.
He breathes your name and in the next blink, he’s next to you, on his knees. 
“Hey, Flash,” you croak. 
“Hey, kiddo,” he says softly, a gloved hand resting tenderly on your forehead. He looks at Tim and Steph. “Hospital?”
Tim cuts Steph off, staring hard at Flash. “She’ll most likely need a blood transfusion. Her blood type is AB positive—”
“And she’s allergic to penicillin,” Steph tacks on quickly. 
“Got it.” He sweeps you into his arms and you whimper at the movement. “And the hospital?”
“Intersection of Murphy Avenue and Elliot Circle,” Steph tells him.
“Be careful,” Tim stresses. 
Flash gives him a frosty look. “I got it. You’ve done enough.”
Stop fighting, you want to say, but Flash is delightfully warm and you’re so tired. If you rest your eyes for just a little bit, that’s fine, right? 
A sharp tug in your belly, gravity pulling on you, and darkness falls over you like a blanket. You surrender without fight.
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Voices puncture the veil of darkness. Soft murmurs, soothing tones. 
“She’ll be okay, Red,” a woman murmurs. “You got her here on time.”
“I know, Lin,” someone else says and wait, you know that voice. It’s Flash. He sounds so… harrowed. “But I just… I don’t know.”
“You know what the doctors said. The danger is gone. And with you here… maybe…” she trails off, tone implying something you aren’t privy to.
A deep breath. “Do you think so? I could’ve, earlier, but I didn’t know if it would hurt her and I didn’t want to take the chance…”
“Well… I think you’re a big softy and she means a lot more to you than you ever realized. So… maybe.”
“Maybe,” he echoes back and you want to know, want to ask what exactly it is he and this mystery woman are talking about but you slip back under again.
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The next time you resurface, it’s to cutting words and a tension so thick, you feel it, too, even with all your senses muddled, knee-deep in a haze.
“I don’t mind her,” Flash says coldly. “But you, too?”
“She’s my friend. I have a right to see her, too,” someone else says—Tim, you realize. It’s Tim, his tone cutting, temper on the rise. 
“The way you’ve treated her these past two months doesn’t say much about friendship to me.”
“I was going to tell her—”
“Oh, you were going to tell her? Only after you finally fucked it all up being caught hanging out with your friends when you explicitly said you were too busy to hang out with her? Yeah, that’s real great.”
“You haven’t told her,” Tim points out petulantly. 
“Really mature,” Flash scoffs. “I have a good reason to keep it from her. What’s yours? It’s not like you were deprived of her attention. You’re friends. Why the hell would you favor Red Robin over Tim Drake?”
“I wouldn’t expect you to understand—”
“No, I bet you don’t, because it’s easier to excuse yourself that way, isn’t it?” he seethes. “You’re just like him, you know. Just like him.”
You don’t know who they’re talking about. Or maybe you do and it’s just not coming to you. But the comparison isn’t a kind one. The way Tim snaps back in the next second affirms that. 
“She wasn’t talking to me! I was—worried!”
“So, you should’ve talked to her! Instead of going behind her back and befriending her as Red Robin! What the hell did you achieve by doing that?”
“We were going to tell her, too, you know,” the woman from before says, her tone disapproving. “Very soon, in fact. But his situation is different from yours and you know that.”
Silence stretches on.
“Well, I still want to see her,” Tim says quietly, the fight leaving his voice.
“How—” Steph. Her voice cuts out, thick in a way that is unfamiliar to you. She clears her throat. “How is she?”
“Stable,” the mystery woman informs her. 
“Why hasn’t she woken up?” Tim asks. You can just hear the frown in his voice and the vision of him forms easily in your mind, that familiar wrinkle between his brows, pretty pink lips pursed. 
“Anesthesia still needs to wear off,” the woman says. “She’ll wake up soon.”
“But until then,” Flash cuts in, tone still severe. “Feel free to make yourself scarce. Stephanie can hang around. But you? No way in hell.”
“You think she wants that?” Tim shoots back, anger returning. “You don’t know anything. You have no idea. You’re assuming—”
“Yeah, I am. She’s not awake. She can’t tell us. Until then, I—we—can make those decisions.”
“Oh, that’s great. I’m sure she’ll love that—”
“I know what you’re thinking and we’re doing this with good intentions. You can’t say the same, can you?”
That doesn’t help. Fans the flames, if anything, as they keep arguing. 
Ugh. You don’t want to hear this. 
Like mercy, you slip under again. 
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miss-eli-starfleet · 5 months
Okay. This post is gonna be about Bart Allen, and all the Thawne-Allen stuff.
Tagged bc we both love Bart’s Thawne Allen problem: @themaybewoman
This is what I’ve gathered so far about his existence is hopefully comic accurate, but maybe not continuity accurate:
It starts with Iris West. Apparently, it’s recently revealed to me (today) that this girl is actually from the 31st century. Because of the semi-dystopian era of her birth, her real parents sent her back in time to the 21st century to keep her safe. She was adopted by the Wests, but she doesn’t know her future origins until later on.
She meets Barry as a news reporter, and they marry. When they were thinking about having kids, Reverse Flash/Eobard Thawne comes along and murders her because his likes to make Barry’s life as miserable as possible. But because she’s from the future, her parents found some magic comic book science to “revive” her, thus placing her in the 31st century to live her life.
Barry finds out she’s alive in the future, and basically goes into retirement to live with her in the 31st century. He passes the mantle of The Flash to Wally West. Why he doesn’t just get her and bring her back to the 21st century, I’ll never know. Or he just wanted her to be with her real parents (which i would assume she barely knows lol).
I was trying so hard to find out why Barry decided to raise their children in the 31st century, but we have our answer there. Iris is future girl. Their children, Don and Dawn Allen, later operates as the Tornado Twins much like Barry did as the Flash. In Central City, I’m assuming. There was some clashing with the Legion of Superheroes, basically the 31st century’s version of the Justice League, but whatever. Not really important to Bart’s existence.
Dawn Allen marries Jeven Ognats. They have a daughter named Jenni Ognats, who later joins the Legion of Superheroes as XS. Jenni is Bart’s cousin.
Don Allen marries Meloni Thawne, and that’s where this gets more complicated.
Meloni Thawne is the daughter of Earthgov President Thaddeus Thawne, who irrc is a direct descendant of Eobard Thawne. When President Thawne learned of this marriage, the dude’s pissed because the Thawne-Allen feud is still on in his mind. He disowns his daughter, indirectly has the Tornado Twins killed via Dominators, and then kidnaps Bart.
Idk where Barry is in all this, maybe he went into the Speedforce and just chilled there through all this?
Now Bart had this hyper-accelerated aging thing going on as a side effect of being born a speedster (I think). Like nearly a teen by two yrs I think. Thawne grandfather stuck him in this VR so he can grow up “normally”, intending to make him a living weapon against the Flashfam. I’m pretty sure Meloni was locked up or something during that period of time too? Otherwise she would’ve done something about this.
Iris kidnaps Bart, and takes him to the 21st century via the Flash Museum’s Cosmic Treadmill (how they used that idk), hoping that Bart would have Wally West as a mentor. Instead, Wally ditches him to Max Mercury to be trained, and it plays on his low self esteem. Wally was pretty mean to him at some times, like when he gets recruited for the Teen Titans as Kid Flash.
But, hey, Wally did run him around the world fast enough to fix his accelerated aging problem.
Anyways, he gets some visits from his other cousin, Jenni, and his mom in the Impulse 1995 series, which was so fun to read. It was so cool to read them talking to each other in Interlac he Max being all confused.
This all makes me wonder: was Meloni ever Don’s lightning rod? As to Iris is Barry’s lightning rod?
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byfulcrums · 1 year
To be fair to YJ, they did reneg on the idea that the speedforce didn’t exist on earth 16 because I think they realized the implications of not having it (aka making earth 16 not connected to the dc universe among other petty flash things) but they did say that people in that universe don’t know about it yet and that’s why I tend to think an easy out would be in the trauma of the event Wally misremembers how he got his powers and doesn’t remember the lightning storm outside and even his strict agnostic magic isn’t real mindset (that is def no where close to his clap if you believe mindset in the comics, and is more Barry’s mindset) is a way of protecting his own preconceived notions and mind from whatever he saw when he first entered the speedforce which may have been his own first “death” or maybe alternate versions of himself.
One of the things that @babyflash has talked about is Wally as a kid/teen experiencing weird speedforce shit mostly alone like getting stuck in happy death day time loops via thawne/Savitar among other things.
The pain of being some semi sentient demension time monster’s specialist little boy I guess: a Wally west story
Ohh I could talk about Wally not being /human/ all day. I can imagine everyone being weirded out by him not because they know he's not human but because of the little things
Just imagine — and yeah this is Danny Phantom body horror level, maybe even more — how horrifying it would be to not know that there's an eldritch being among humans but to know that you're it. I don't know, I just think people should talk about the potential this has more
I want the characters to notice thay “Hey! This is not normal!” and just not care. I want them to realize that Wally's everything has always been kinda off but writing it off as superhero stuff
I want the little things to be shown more in media. Like how speedsters somehow always know when someone enters the room even if they currently can't hear/see for X reasons. Or like how they seem to be constantly vibrating, or how they generate lightning when they get too excited
I want someone to look at their friends and realize that they're not aging. At all. Even though Flash is supposed to be one of the most ‘normal’ ones of the league in terms of humanity, he's still not aging, and that's honestly really scary if you think about it
It'd be cool if someone realized that no, speedsters aren't impatient, it's just that everything goes so slow for them and hey, you wouldn't be able to sit still either if 5 minutes was 5 hours to you. Because speedsters tend to overthink everything. You'll walk up to them and ask them a question and they've already thought of 100 different ways the conversation could end
I think it'd be very cool if someone, idk, wrote a fanfic about the league (JLU) somehow losing their powers and Wally panicking because oh no he can't think anymore. Everything's suddenly going so fast and he's gotten used to acting slower for everyone around him so now that he doesn't have to do that he's so slow to react. He's way more anxious than usual because now he has no time and there's nothing he can do about it because he has no powers
Speedsters tend to enter Flash Time whenever they're feeling down so that people don't notice. Now that he can't, the team notices how much more quiet and sad and scared he looks, and it's honestly terrifying because he's the happy, funny one! If he's not laughing, then the matter is way too serious for them
The last time he didn't smile in battle was when he almost died fighting the Brainiac/Luthor thing
I also think it'd be cool for them to have like, little twitches or ticks (is that what they're called?) sometimes that are usually unseen because of their powers, but if they lose them...
Idk. This has sm potential and ppl need to talk more about it
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thattimdrakeguy · 3 years
At what age do you think a masked young man can already fight crime, or does it depend on whether it has super powers? Like Superboy being already a superhero at 10 years old ... Or Wally West's son, who is 8 years old and already a hero?
Depends on a lot of things. Cause I thought Jon fighting crime at age 10 was just a bizarre turn in storytelling because he was still learning his powers, it just seemed a bit reckless of Clark to allow it, and not a very realistic decision for him to make.
Plus 10 is still very much too immature--though Tim was a sheltered kid who was incredibly naïve when he was starting so maybe I shouldn't be too hypocritical, but in fairness, Tim at least had some training where as Jon's training would be different since it's super powered that’s still in it’s early stages kind. So if he came across a villain, they could still realistically just like--shred the kid apart not to be graphic.
And I didn't even remember Wally ever had kids. Eight years old is too young even then. Like super powers or not, that kid barely even can comprehend other people being different to themselves during many scenarios. Way too young.
But what age I feel like would make sense really depends on the character. Cause 16 doesn't feel too bad with training, cause if it's as serious of training as Batman makes his partners go under they could take out about anyone no problem combat wise, and I can accept a bit more with suspension of disbelief in check.
But say there's a super powered kid and he's like--idk, 14 or something. Still probably too early, but enough to still have more of a sense of responsibility that isn't totally off the mark.
But even then I can't really say.
Depends on the backstory, I'll say it like that, because ultimately that's what it depends on, cause much like real life everyone is different. It just shouldn't be absolutely baffling to the point it's hard to take serious.
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toosicktoocare · 4 years
Top 5 Young Justice Characters
yoU MONSTER! HOW WOULD I EVEN?? (I kid, and I adore you!) 
Okay, I’m not going to let BatFam influence me. Spoiler Warning!
 In no particular order, except number 1. He stays number 1 forever:
1. Dick Grayson/Nightwing (The OG. I knew before I even started the show that the OG Robin would be my favorite, and man was I right. He says duMB shit about how you need to “stay whelmed,” and I find myself saying that aLL the time. Something I realy loved, too, was how even though he went from Robin to Nightwing, he still has his somewhat goofy personality, just more mature. I just... I can’t. I love him so much.)
2. Violet Harper/Halo (I love every single thing about this pure, innocent soul. Season 3 of Young Justice is EASILY my favorite season for a lot of reasons, and the introduction to her character is at the top of my list.)
3. Bart Allen/Kid Flash/Impulse (Maybe controversial? I do LOVE Wally with my whole ass heart and always will, but there’s something about Bart’s comedic energy? Idk, he’s pure.)
4. Artemis (I adORE her. I love everything about her. I loved her and Wally. I’m still veRY UPSET ABOUT ALL OF THAT. I just think she’s a badass! She can be sassy, and she can kick ass, and my heart is very much here for it.)
5. Tim Drake/Robin (I know, I know. I said I wasn’t going to let BatFam influence my answers. I do really love him, though. I love watching the parallels between his Robin and Dick’s Robin. Even though his Robin, I believe, is modeled more after Jason, bUT WE AREN’T GOING TO GET INTO THAT NOW.) 
Honorable Mentions!
Barbara Gordon/Oracle (we stan a QUEEN! She’s so darn cute, and she’s so smart and efficient, and I love her so much.)
Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle (He’s so underrated?? My most recent rewatch, I was telling my friend how much I loved him and how I didn’t appreciate him enough my first go around with the show?? He’s wholesome.)
Wally West/Kid Flash (sorry I can’t type through my tears. Also still holding onto small hope that he’s going to come back even though we got closure with him and Artemis?? I just... that episode where Dick’s with the Harpers, and... I can’t remember which one, but he’s on the roof of that car with... I think Will? And Will’s talking about how he’s not Wally’s replacement, and I just... my heart. And the freaking weird fever blackout dream in the middle of a battle where Dick’s imagining the OG team, including Wally. Ughhhhh.) 
Roy Harper/Arsenal/Speedy (He’s... His whole plot line confuses me a lot, but I know that I love him. I love how SAUCY he is, like, 85% of the time.)
Soon.... Soon I’ll be able to add Jason Todd, my literal whole heart, to my top five list. He’ll be the only person who will be able to dethrone Dick Grayson, which is saying something because Dick is also my whole heart. DC got me having I S S U E S. 
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heller-obama · 5 years
Operation Newsboy
And this is the chapter that was originally planned to be posted last night, but I just barely didn’t have enough time, so I’m posting this at 7 am before I get ready for the first day of school. Fun!
I also made a tag for what I write and a tag for this specific story (they’re the first two tags at the bottom)
Here’s the prologue, chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, chapter four, and chapter five if you hadn’t read them
Chapter 6
Words: 1,207
Warnings: uhhh blood(not graphic), injuries, swearing(idk if y’all care about that), horrible jokes
Editing: grammarly + read throughs
I shifted awake in my bed, the boys getting ready around me.
“C’mon, Speedy, get up!” Race whacked me in the face with his hat.
I groaned. “Yeah, yeah, I’m up.”
Sara’s voice crackled in my ear. “Wally, this is your complimentary 5:00 AM get-your-ass-out-of-bed call. Please get your ass out of bed.”
I activated my comms, and for the sake of Race and Sara, I said “I’m up!” really loudly.
“Good for you,” Race and Sara said, almost simultaneously.
I subtly switched my comms off.
As usual, we got ready to go out and sell papers.
“‘Ey, Jack! We is leavin’!” Elmer called.
“Go on without me!” Jack yelled.
Elmer looked at me. “You comin’, Speedy?”
“Nah. I’ll wait for Jack.”
”A’ight.” I saw them disappear down the stairs, then heard the tell-tale whoops and yells that meant that the newsies were up and ready for work.
Barely two minutes later, and Jack came down the stairs. “‘Ey, is you waitin’ for me, Speedy?”
“Yeah, just finished getting up, figured I’d wait.” I lied. But how do you say, ‘hey, I’m waiting for you so you don’t get brutally murdered in the street by some magical time assassin’? Well, I could say that, but I might sound a tad crazy. Okay, I’d sound a lot crazy.
Jack clapped my shoulder. “Aw, I’m touched.”
* * * # * * *
We were close, maybe a mile away from the distribution square, when stuff went down.
Jack was talking about the girl he met yesterday, in the theater and on the street, when I got this feeling that someone was following us. I whipped my head around, but no one was there.
“What’s with you?” Jack chuckled.
I shook my head. “I--it’s nothing.” I don’t know who I was trying to convince--me or Jack. “I thought I heard someone behind us.”
Jack looked behind us. “Well, there’s no one there. We’s are all safe—” An abnormally loud sound exploded somewhere off to the side of us, and I whipped my head around, the world slowing down around me. In the alleyway next to us, on the other side of Jack, I saw a dark figure holding what looked like a modern-age gun. There was a flash of light around the muzzle, and there was a bullet flying out of it. But something was wrong. The bullet was flying fast, faster than what should’ve been possible. It wasn’t a gun from my time; this was a gun from the future. Far into the future. I cursed the people who thought they needed to make guns with faster bullets. There was no time to try and grab it, it would just shred my hand. I dashed in front of Jack, and the bullet meant for his throat made its way into my shoulder. Who knew being tall saved history?
Time unfroze, and I stumbled, the force of the bullet knocking me back as it tore through my flesh and muscle. And it burned. Damn, it hurt. “What was that?” Jack asked, and I leaned on him to catch my balance. “Woah there, Speedy.” Jack chuckled and then frowned. “Wait. Weren’t you just—” He pointed to the other side of him.
“Ow.” I groaned.
Jack finally noticed the blood streaming out of my shoulder. “HOLY SHIT!” He leaned me against the side of a building and leaned over me.
“When the hell did that happen?” At least he lowered his voice.
“Goddamn interdimensional time assassins with futuristic guns,” I muttered.
“What do I do?”
“Stopping the bleeding would help.”
“Wally, you’s got a hole in your shoulder and you’s still being a smart-ass?”
“Pain sharpens my tongue.”
“You’re delusional.”
“No, I’m dying of blood loss.”
“Wally, since I’s don’t want you to die, I’mma let that slide.”
“Gee, I’m touched. Can I stop the bleeding now?” Somehow, I wrangled the vest off my chest and ripped a long strip off. I stood up, definitely with a struggle, and tied my makeshift bandage around my shoulder. My shoulder still felt like it was being melted in a forge, but it wasn’t streaming out anymore. It was less like a river and more like a creek. And then I crouched slightly, making sure my hat and bandage were securely fastened.
“What is you doin’?” Jack asked.
“Something I might regret,” I sighed. “Hop on.”
“Youse is delusional!” Jack protested. “You just got shot. I’s should be carryin’ you!”
“Jack,” I said sternly. “Get on my back before I pick you up and carry you like a bride on her honeymoon.”
He sighed. “I don’t know why we’s call you ‘Speedy’,” he grumbled. “we’s shoulda called youse Stubborn.” He hopped on my back anyway.
“Hold on tight,” I warned him.
“I ain’t grabbin’ your wound!”
“Then hold on to my neck!” Jack muttered something about me dying of strangulation before the blood loss killed me.
“Get ready,” I said, shifting my body.
“For what?”
“This.” I took off running, as fast as I could go with the shooting pain in my arm and the pain in the ass on my back.
The aforementioned pain in the ass starting yelling, swatting at the lighting around me.
In seconds, we made it to the park where we hid the Waverider. I stopped and let Jack off my back. He stumbled and threw up in a bush. “Yeah, get it out, bud.” I patted his back as he upchucked his breakfast and dinner in the bush.
“WHAT THE SHITTIN’ HOLY HELL WAS THAT?” He cried, wiping his face with his sleeve.
“That ain’t no science! That’s like that book Frankenstein!”
I was expecting some comic book reference or something. And then it dawned on me. I “Damn, you don’t have superheroes?”
“Long story.”
Jack opened his mouth to say something when a bay door on the Waverider opened. Sara and Mick came out, her bo staff and his heat gun pointed directly at us.
“Wally, why the hell are you here? And why’d you bring him?” Sara yelled, lowering her staff. Mick, predictably, didn’t lower his gun.
Poor Jack was just too overwhelmed. His eyes rolled back into his head and he collapsed. Thankfully, I caught him before he fell.
“Now look what you’ve done!” I cried mockingly. “He’s out cold!” Sara and Mick just glared at me. “Can I come inside, at least?”
“We aren’t stopping you,” Sara said.
“Can you at least help me carry him inside, Mick?” I asked.
“Can’t you do it?” Mick growled.
“I would, but my arm hurts.” I motioned to the blood seeping through my makeshift vest bandage.
“Damn it, West, how’d you manage to get yourself shot?” Sara cried.
“That goddamn time assassin.”
“Care to elaborate?” Sara said, her hands on her hips.
“As long as Gideon stitches me up.”
“Of course she’s gonna—” She trailed off and sighed. “Rory, grab the kid.”
“Which one?”
“The one that’s passed out cold, genius.” While Mick grabbed the unconscious Jack, I walked into the Waverider, the pain in my shoulder slowly coming back as the adrenaline faded.
“I might need an Advil, too.” I joked.
Sara glanced at me, then at my wound. “Wally, you’re gonna need the whole damn bottle.”
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slaps6787 · 6 years
I wrote this last year, but never actually posted it... and since season 4 is coming to an end, and i’m once again disappointed with all the missed opportunities they had I decided this needed to see the light of day (I plan on doing this again after the season 4 finale).
Episodes 1 - 4
- I would have made flashpoint a multiple episode arc. Pretty much 90% of the promotion for season 3 was THEY’RE DOING FLASHPOINT, and i was very disappointed after it was only 1 episode. I would extend it, and play with it a little more.
- I would keep the Westallen courtship/ dating the same I FREAKING LOVED IT, that would be one of the things in wouldn’t change, that was one thing the writers did right
- Next I would’ve had iris secretly picking up the slack for Joe at work. Like she would secretly picking up his cases, and using her investigative reporter skills to solve them, so Joe could keep his job. (wally would help out too)
- I kinda liked Joe being a deadbeat cop, and it would show Iris’s compassion and her just wanting to help people (he would eventually come around)
- Wally would make his own suit, and struggling to balance college and being the flash (like he’s really smart, and is a mechanical engineer like cisco, let him be smart and a college kid) Plus I would love for Wally to try to secretly get out of class, and find an excuse for why he’s leaving
- I also would love for Barry and Iris solve a case together, they combine their CSI and reporter skills to solve a case, and would be working to solve the case     (next bullet point) In the comics they work together a lot, I want to see it happen
- Cisco I would honestly make an evil millionaire, (the person Barry and Iris are trying to take down) I loved reverb, Carlos is an amazing actor, let’s make him a cocky, stuck up, asshole who hates Iris west for exposing his company, and “The Flash” for destroying his company (I don’t have details, i just like the idea) And the Rival was a weak useless villain, and i’m sick of Speedsters not being fast enough against other speedsters
- Harrison wells would work for Cisco (like one of his henchmen) cause I like Tom Cavanagh, and I want him in here. Maybe he would try and Go after Iris or flash (details not fully figured out)
- Caitlin would be Wally’s “doctor” if anything happened to Wally they would go to her. I’m confused AF on what Caitlin’s job is, in season 1 she’s a Bio-engineer, and season 3 she’s a doctor, I know they’re not the same job. So i’m making her a doctor. We would only see her once in like the first episode, and like twice in the last episode. Helping out Wally. They only know her because Iris and Caitlin were friends (I hated how the only 2 females on the show aren’t friends, they’ve even been through the same situations, WTF writers)
- I would want to see more of barry with his parents, that breakfast scene in flashpoint was adorable, i would add a few more of those scenes
- But they only part I would keep is when his Flashpoint life goes downhill (losing memories and speed) Maybe Joe AND Wally get stabbed/ shot, and that would be the ultimate reason Barry leaves, because he realizes he screwed up, and is ruining lives
- Barry would not be the flash, I honestly hated when he suited up again, let Wally star for a little bit
- Barry would leave the end of 4, and pick up in episode 5
- Ultimately keep it light and fun and out of star labs
Episode 5
- This would be the returning back to the “original” timeline. I would make very clear what did and didn’t happen regarding season 1 and 2 (I was extremely confused on what did and didn’t happen in the new timeline I would make it very clear, and I would keep the changes the same, but the repercussions would last longer
- Iris and Joe still wouldn’t talk, Cisco’s brother would be dead, Caitlin would be Killer Frost, but Wally would have his powers (I didn’t like waiting) Julian would be introduced
- Westallen would also be official in this episode
- Jessie Quick and Harry would be introduced at the end of this episode
- Some other changes… In all honestly this is more of a filler episode explaining things
- I would get rid of Dr. Alchemy, he was useless and Savitar could do what what he did, we have to keep they focus on Savitar
Episode 6
- I would make this a West Family episode with some hints of Killer Frost.
- I feel like Iris would want Wally to be Kid Flash (felt OOC her discouraging it in the crossover) but Joe wouldn’t want Wally to use his powers so you get them “dueling” and Wally would just be confused on what he wants, and what’s best
- Wally ultimately decides to become Kid Flash
- Cisco would be salty towards Barry, but not depressed (it was a bummer)
- Barry would refuse to train wally (he’s way too busy with life) That’s when wally calls Harry and Jesse and asks them to train him
- They travel earths, and they help Wally (I LOVE Jessie Quick, and I want to see her train Wally a bit)
- Barry is trying to reconnect Iris and Joe, but they aren’t having it (I love the wests, and this storyline could be interesting, so i would make it a couple episodes; I would keep the reason they’re disconnected the same)
- Barry learns he can solve this, and just have to let it play out
- Caitlin’s struggling with her powers (Killer First is making an appearance a couple times, but controls herself)  and it leads to the next episode
Episode 7
I would keep this episode the same, I didn’t hate it, let Caitlin shine a little bit. Only change I would make is that Cisco would snap Caitlin out of Killer Frost instead of Barry (Caitlin and cisco have a MUCH stronger relationship than Barry and Caitlin)
Episode 8
This episode would also be mainly the same (I don’t watch Supergirl or legends, and I stopped watching Arrow after season 4) biggest change would be adding Jesse Quick and Wally West (They need more people to take down aliens)
Episode 9
- This episode would be pretty much the same
- Harry and Jesse would leave in this episode, and introduce HR
- Jay Garrick pops up in this episode
- Barry would still go to the future, and see Iris die, but seeing that convinces him to get everyone together and happy for the holidays
- Joe and Iris would make up
- Cisco and Barry would make up
- The ending would be the same (Party at the west house) and Barry and Iris move in together
- Not horribly different, I liked this episode
Episodes 10, 11
would stay the same Those episodes were great, and we still had hope then
Episode 12
Only Difference I would make is Iris gets targeted by Yorkin because she’s feeling ballsy she exposes him, for murdering people and gets hit then
Episode 13 + 14
I would still make a 2 parter, but not at gorilla city (it bored me) What always bothers me about this show is they have endless possibilities, but they stay in star labs all the damn time. The Earth 2 episodes are from last year are 2 of my favorite episodes from this series. I would have Cisco go to earth 19 to chase after Gypsy, and get’s stuck there. So HR, Barry, Wally all go to earth 19 to get him back, and we see Different versions of all the characters (IDK what to do with them yet)
- While they’re away I would put Iris through the 5 stages of grief
- She would still be in the denial stage, but looking into savitar, and learning more about him, and actively trying to stop her death
- Joe would be trying to spend A LOT of time with Iris, and would constantly be checking in on her. (He’s just an emotional mess honestly)
- I would spend these 2 episodes setting a strong friendship with Julian (I hated how he was another bland love interest for her) I’d make them bro’s
- And the proposal would not happen until the musical episode (more on that later)
Episode 15
- This episode was depressing AF, and useless
- I would introduce Tracy Brand now (I LOVE her but she came out of nowhere)
- She’s a scientist who is interested in Meta humans
- Tracy approaches Iris to help her with some research to prove her “hypothesis” because Iris has written about Meta humans before
- They work together and they become friends (because we need more female friendships)
- Wally and Barry Train
- Caitlin and Cisco work together
- Just a fun filler episode
- Joe finds out that he get’s honored at city hall (because what happened to the plot line)
Episode 16
- Another depressing, and filler episode,This would be a Joe West episode. He finds out he get’s honored in the future, so the episode is basically him being a lousy cop, doing everything to not get honored. (More on savitar later...)
- Little hints of Killer Frost, she’s slowly losing it
- Iris is still researching savitar
- Joe ultimately fails, and does something amazing, and does get honored anyway (no details figured out)
- Joe refuses to be honored, but everyone convinces him to go
- Everyone attends the ceremony, and is all dressed up (I always wanted Barry and Iris go somewhere as a couple)
- But Joe doesn’t show up
- Iris finds out that Joe didn’t show up because he doesn’t want her to die
- And she’s sick of people treating her differently because they know she might die (This is the Anger part of the 5 stages of grief)
- She’s mad at Barry because everything is his fault, she might die because of him
- Plus I low key like when they fight, and this takes away all they forced angst between them with the first proposal, and we give iris more of a POV for her death
Episode 17
I would keep the musical the same, I personally loved this episode. And by taking out the first proposal, this one is more impactful
Episode 18
- I hated the plot for this episode, it furthered nothing. But I liked abra kadabra
- Abra Kadabra would be on the run from Gypsy (trying to get back to his century)
- Iris would be at the “bargaining” stage of grief, and bargains with him to give her information, but he doesn’t
- I was hoping for some tornado twins or impulse foreshadowing
- SO maybe Abra doesn’t help Iris because he knows that if she lives she has kids, and their grandkids become his greatest enemy (I didn’t like barry being his enemy, just felt stupid)
- Caitlin would somehow become Killer Frost (idk why yet, I just didn’t like the - whole “Caitlin is dead” we know a version of her is coming back, and Danielle Panabaker does a WAY BETTER JOB AS KILLER FROST THAN CAITLIN)
Episode 19
- I would keep this episode the same, only 2 differences
- Iris would be at the depression stage, you see her break down, and finally being vulnerable
- Barry would return to the future and FREAKING GIVE IRIS ALL THE LOVE (low key add a reunion sex scene because i’m thirsty AF)
- Yeah I didn’t hate this episode
Episode 20
- I would make this episode all about Barry and the speedforce, and use this episode as a set up for the season finale when he leaves (since it sort of came out of nowhere)
- And this is when Caitlin goes full killer frost (a good chuck of the episode would be dedicated to her)
Episode 21
- I honestly wouldn’t change a thing about this episode, favorite episode of the season
- But maybe give Barry a real reason to get his memory back
Episode 22
- This episode would play out like how 22 played out, I liked captain cold, and personally loved this episode, except for the “iris died” ending
- Iris is at the acceptance stage of grief, and goes around saying her “goodbyes”
Episode 23
- I would make this episode an intense, earth hopping, basically one big chase to keep Iris hidden from Savitar, and let everyone uses their powers to fight against savitar
- Every person with meta powers would chip in and keep her safe
- HR would not die, i love him as a character, and it was too predictable
- And the season would end with Iris not dying because of The Thinker, since we know he’s the big bad in S4 because Iris is apart of his “big plan”
- I hate how predictable this show has become, none of the “twists” were surprising, I heard theories on how the season would end and it did the way everyone predicted. With the HR swap.
- Barry would only go into the speed force for reasons in “my” episode 20
One shall betray- Caitlin
One will Fall- Iris
One will suffer a fate worse than death- Barry
SO yeah, this was a long ass post but, I was mad and angry with where the Flash is going as a series
So if I was in charge this is how it would’ve went
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bandsanitizer · 7 years
Hey so I read a fanfic and I couldn’t fit everything I needed to say in an ask, so here’s the fic reaction post that tends to occur after I read the most amazing of fics.
As per usually, this is NOT A SPOILER FREE POST.
(In two ways ahahahahah Because Stephanie Brown is mentioned and I can’t be excited over and review a fic without including spoilers)
Now back to the actual point...
Okay but seriously? It was beautiful from beginning to end and slowly this will be a more coherent post as I calm down, but as of starting this I kind of just finished reading the entire thing at 2:30AM.
Can I just say Birdflash is my favorite and I absolutely love Dick Grayson? Especially stories that really portray the “oldest sibling” side of him in a way that isn’t perfect.
This story does that.
first off, the concept of the AU is a fantastic one and it’s... It’s really interesting? Because Bruce Wayne/Batman is an extreme person who is prepared for everything and anything. There’s a reason he has his contingency plans and knows the weaknesses of the people he’s meant to trust, the people he works and fights alongside. This AU really kicks it up a notch but in such a Bruce way? Like only Bruce Wayne would be like “I LOVE YOU KIDS so you’re not allowed to tell anyone who you are”
I mean, that’s a really simplistic view of it, but the idea of keeping your loved ones safe through not the best of plans, is such a Bruce Wayne move that this AU hardly feels absurd or something so... out of the box. It’s also really creative though and I think it’s a fantastic idea. I will cherish this AU for the rest of life i s2g.
REMINDER: SPOILER ALERT!!!! (go read the fic and come back)
Now onto the Batfam.
@grxysxns Your writing of the characters were amazing??????? I LOVE YOUR CHARACTERIZATION OF DICK GRAYSON AND I WILL SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOF TOPS!!!!!! The way you write Tim is superb. I also do like how you wrote the rest of the batfam (even though there wasn’t everyone necessarily, the idea of family was there). Sure, like other fanfic writers, there was some glossing over of the tensions between Jason and the rest of them and maybe some of the other members BUT IN THE CONTEXT OF THE STORY IT WORKS SO WELL AND I CANT REALLY COMPLAIN
Dick takes on so much and he does this thing where he acts strong for the people he loves and the people he wants to protect. The way you wrote that was stunning. I love the balance of you showcasing how much Dick was doing and how much Dick was screwing up. I like the contrast between the things superhero working out with things falling apart with Wally and then sort of a switch later on. I love when writers capture the good and the bad that comes with Dick Grayson trying to take the world on his shoulders for the sake of his family (specifically his younger siblings). I also love how vulnerable and just broken he seemed, which I know sounds bad, but I love me some Angst™️ yknow? This story has a perfect balance of that and happy endings that are too happy, but just right. A nice ending that feels like a happy batfam yknow?
To be honest, I could go on forever about your characterization of Dick Grayson. !!!!!!! Your showcasing of his infamous anger was not missed and I love it! You included his flaws but showed him being great too and that’s !!!!! The best
As for Tim, holy shit, I love the way your wrote Tim, especially his transition out of Robin. Like, it’s not from Tim’s point of view but I LOVE COMMUNICATION AND DICK SITTING DOWN TO HELP TIM WITH THE MESS OF TIM NO LONGER BEING ROBIN AND DICK REALLY MAKING SURE TIM KNOWS THAT DICK ISNT REPLACING HIM AND THAT TIM IS SO SO SPECIAL AND SO SO LOVED!!!! Also their brotherly interactions about Kon were just ... so beautiful *cries*
Damian was great too??? I like the balance of “from the league of assassins” and “still a kid” that was there. I appreciate that moment where Damian’s just so unsure and Dick’s like “over my dead body” because I just love dick!bats and dami!robin?????? I mean Dick!Bats alone isn’t a favorite of mine, but Dick and Damian have this dynamic that I really like and I think you captured their relationship quite amazingly. (I’m sorry I lack a large vocabulary so my adjectives might repeat)
Then with Cass and the signing... It’s not huge but I love it so much.
Also the hints of Babs and Steph, I love them, but the way you wrote their lack of presence was powerful, too, because I think the distance portrayed really fits how they’d handle everything and despite anything to the contrary, I feel like Dick really does understand his siblings enough to know which ones need the daily check ups and which ones need the prolonged space, until they’re ready. (Tim and Cass vs Steph and Jason) And both are good and fine and did I mention I LOVE YOU AND THE WAY YOU WROTE THE BATFAM????
Plus the whole Dick watching everyone move on while he’s busy living the life of his dead father, was a really intriguing contrast that I found unique and interesting. I like the depth of Dick’s distain for being Batman extending beyond the fact that it’s the opposite of everything he tried as Nightwing. It’s also tying to something he knows he needs to move on from and I just love how you wrote it.
And Jason? My god the ending part was great. I liked the interaction and I like the way Jason shooting those guys was handled, because to some degree, I do believe that between Dick and Bruce there are difference in their beliefs in the whole “don’t kill” code. I think it’s be in character, especially for a stressed and tired and hurt, Dick Grayson to overlook it a bit for the sake of family and just cos it’s not the most pressing issue. Idk Bruce might, but Dick Grayson screams family and I love his interaction with Jason
And now to the bIRDFLASH!!!!!!!! Let me tell you, this will FOREVER be my favorite Birdflash fanfic. Okay so like there’s always a chance you’ll write something more amazing, but this is, by far, one of the greatest fanfics I have ever read. It’s beautifully constructed, well planned, has great emotions, and a nice balance of “IMMA MAKE YOU CRY” and “HERE LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF”
Okay anyways, Birdflash.
CONSENT! IS! IMPORTANT! and even if Dick wasn’t necessarily deterred by those kinds of things and more for the sake of keeping up the lie, I really appreciate how much Wally listened and just had basic! human! decency! It was beautiful and soft and just ... so breathtaking
I love soft birdflash yknow?
AND THEN THE ANGST! The whole Dick “learning” Wally’s the Flash and the guilt from Dick and the later misunderstandings and the eventual truth telling... It was excellently crafted in my opinion. It’s a cliché to have the whole superhero and “oh no are they cheating?!” but you wrote it so amazingly and then Wally calling Dick the next day with understanding and apology was refreshing and really sweet.
WALLY REASSURING DICK HE LOVES HIM AND YET ASKING FOR SPACE IS ALSO THE BEST!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HOW YOU WROTE THIS SCENE SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH BECAUSE ITS SO SWEET BUT SO REAL AND GENUINE! It’s realistic to have Wally express love and care but also need space, while Dick gets why Wally needs space but kind of wishes Wally could stay. It’s a lovely balance and I’m so in love with your writing.
Finally, the ending. Which basically is great because I love Robins (and any batkid really) not taking Bruce’s shit. Like him telling Clark and Diana I understand, but then forcing Dick and the rest of them to stick to the gag-order... Not his best move. Yet, like the kids, you can understand part of where he came from... And I like that. I also love how you wrote the scene like...
Bruce: WTF?
Kon: 0.0
Wally: 0.0
Tim: uh...
Dick: *comes running in, but like more hobbling* hI YES I DID IT NOW FIGHT ME BROOSE
Damian: *running in after* You cannot be fighting, Grayson!
So a little off, but main idea: Big Brother Dick Grayson, Protective Damian, Cute TimKon, and Wally “What’s happening?” West.
Overall, what I am trying to say is that this story was a phenomenal read and by far one of my favorites across all fandoms and ships. It stands out as one of the best that I’ve read, in terms of characterization of Dick Grayson and his relationships with the other batfam members. The writing of Dick and Wally’s relationship was stunning and this is definitely one of those fanfics I’ll always find myself coming back to read.
You’re an amazing author and I hope to read more of your writing! This piece had me in awe from start to end and I just... Just Thank you? For writing something so amazing and interesting and balanced.
Seriously, “Every Fiber of My Being” is wonderful, so well written, and a really special type of AU that leaves you with a little sense of “What do you mean this isn’t canon?”
“Every Fiber of My Being” by @grxysxns is a fantastic Birdflash/Batfam AU, that really hits all your Dick Grayson feels with a loving handful of soft and caring Birdflash. GO AND READ IT!!! AND THEN EXPRESS YOUR LOVE TO THE AUTHOR!!!
Also this is intended both as a reaction, a love letter to the author, and a rec for people who haven’t read it, and I apologize for how confusing this might’ve been. But wow, there were hardly enough words to explain the way I feel about this particular fanfic.
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strxwbxnny · 8 years
Conversation Hearts
Preview: Dick’s hand was suddenly over his mouth again, with the other boy looking down at him, the smirk that was only peaking out before now in full throttle.
Wally didn’t lick him. He only had enough brain power right now to stare up at Dick. “Wally, are you asking me out on a date?” Dick teased.
Word count: 1675 words
I was gonna post this on AO3 first but it keeps crashing so here we are ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Anyway Here is my fic for @translatinxjasontodd​ for the @yjficexchange​! I tried to follow your prompt but the fic had a mind of it's own. I wrote half this at like 3 am and I barely edited it and I haven't written fic in years so like. Concrit is helpful? idk
Edit: Read on AO3 here
Wally was draped over the couch in Mount Justice, pushing himself onto Robin’s lap as he whined. Robin stared straight ahead (or at least what Wally assumed was straight ahead, it’s always a little hard to tell with those glasses) at the TV.
Not the reaction Wally wanted. He wiggled himself farther into Rob’s lap, pushing his feet against the arm of the couch for leverage. When he was where he wanted, shoulders resting on the other boy’s thighs, he opened his mouth again.
“Rooo-oooob” He pitched his voice in a way that stretched one syllable into two.
This time Dick did actually look down, his bangs falling forward as he stared down at Wally. He did say anything at first, just raised an eyebrow, then after a moment a gently huffed “what?” that was most a puff of air on Wally’s cheeks.
Wally plastered on his most shit-eating grin. “Hi”
Ok so in Wally’s defense, he totally saw the hand coming. Totally.  He just didn’t wanna move ok? Dick’s palm smooshed over Wally’s face, with his nose poking between his fingers. Wally, of course, licked it.
Dick coiled back, nose scrunching. “Dude gross.” He wiped his palm on the shoulder of Wally’s flannel shirt, which Wally supposed was fair, but he still reached up to flick Dick’s nose in revenge. Rob made a gesture that indicated he was rolling his eyes under the glasses, and looked back to the TV.
Shit. He’d have to start over.
It worked a little better this time. He thinks. Rob is kinda glaring at him now.
“Wally you better not lick me again.”
Wally held his hand above his face, equal parts defense and truce. “I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna. Geez, Rob, I’m not that big of a-”
“Don’t say it”
“-Dick” The shit-eating grin returns.
“Aaaaand you said it. You’re lucky everyone else is out right now” Dick pinched the bridge of his nose, but he grinned a little. Success. “Why are you like this?”
“I dunno, but you love me for it” Wally wiggled his shoulders in Dick’s lap in a weird little dance.
Wally almost missed it, but he could swear he saw Dick’s face get slightly pink at that. But it was gone just as fast, so he brushed it off as a trick of the light from the TV. Dick rapped the back of his knuckles against Wally’s forehead.
“You shut up, you smart ass”
Wally wanted to say ‘but you love this ass’, but he bit it back. He had a mission. Focus, West.
“Fine, but I was gonna ask you something, but I guess you’ll never know now” Wally stuck out his tongue for good measure, pouting a little.
Dick just looked down at him and raised an eyebrow.
Um. When did he stop looking like a little shit when he did that and more like he was maybe attractive? Look, Wally wasn’t blind, he could tell Dick was kinda maybe hot. There’s a reason girls and maybe some guys tended to swoon over him, but shit. Ok so maybe, just maybe, Wally noticed a bit more than he’d like to admit. It’s not like he was opposed to dudes, hell he was bi, but Dick was his bro. Bros don’t kiss bros.
Wally mentally slapped himself. Focus. Mission.
Wally’s throat was suddenly a little dry. “Um.”
Dick hiked his eyebrow up a little higher - if that was even possible - and the beginnings of a smirk pulled at his lips.
Wally squirmed for a moment. “Ok fine” He was a little nervous, especially when Dick has his face like that, but decided to bite the bullet “Um so Singles Awareness Day also known as Valentine’s Day is coming up and like. I don’t know if you noticed, dude, but we’re both painfully single right now, especially me since Arty and I just broke up like a couple months ago, so the thing I had planned with her is obviously not gonna happen, and like I dunno, I got nothing to do that day and -”
Dick’s hand was suddenly over his mouth again, with the other boy looking down at him, the smirk that was only peaking out before now in full throttle.
Wally didn’t lick him. He only had enough brain power right now to stare up at Dick.
“Wally, are you asking me out on a date?” Dick teased.
Wally swatted Dick’s hand away, with an indignant squawk. “What! No! I was just gonna ask if we could hang out and lament our pains of being single together”
Wally could feel Dick’s legs under him start to shake a moment before Dick actually started laughing, hand cupping over his mouth to muffle the sound.
“I was only kidding Wally” Dick managed to get out in a hiccupy breath between laughs.
Wally pouted a little, rolling over to face the TV with a huff. “You’re meaaaannnn” He whined.
Dick slowly came down from his giggle fit, and reached over to lightly tap Wally’s forehead. Wally ignored him. Mostly.
Dick huffed, in the way the made Wally think he was rolling his eyes. “Yes, we can hang out on Valentine’s Day. How about some popcorn and Pacific Rim?”
Wally rolled over again to look at Dick. His smile was a lot less smirky and a lot more smiley now, gentler around the edges.
“I don’t know, you were mean to me, maybe I don’t want to go on a date with you anymore”
“I’ll get you bad chocolates and those conversation hearts you like for some ungodly reason.”
Fuck. He’s pinned.
Riley just announced on screen that Gypsy Danger runs on analog when Wally crams the last handful of popcorn in his mouth, emptying the bowl. He chewed and screwed up his face as he almost got a kernel stuck between his teeth again.
His feet rested in Dick’s lap, with the other boy’s arms over his calves, in the loveseat they shared. He wiggles his feet a little.
“Dude the best part is coming up, time to break out the candy!”
Dick leaned over the arm, grabbing the plastic bag filled with Wally’s desired sugary goodness from where it sat on the floor, and Wally bounced his legs a little, partly excited for the candy, but mostly just releasing energy.
“Don’t eat all the candy, I want some too” Dick said, handing over the bag.
“I won’t, I won’t, jeez cut me some slack” Wally went straight for the chocolate, deciding to leave his favorite, the conversation hearts for last.
He popped open the bag and passes Hershey’s kisses over to Dick, but never tearing his eyes from the screen as Gypsy Danger fought the Kaiju. It didn’t escape his notice though that Dick fingers lingered on his own whenever they passed more kisses between them.
And when the action on screen was less urgent, Wally spared peeks over to the other side of the loveseat, split second looks, and it definitely didn’t escape his notice that Dick’s eyes seemed to linger on him more than the movie. Weird.
As the movie drew on Wally slowly (for him at least) made his way through the candy stash. Hershey’s kisses, cinnamon hearts, those little foil wrapped chocolate hearts, Reese’s cups. Until finally, right around the time that the big battle started, he got to the conversation hearts.
They were his favourite, and not just for their good (read: cheesy) pickup lines. He oddly enough liked the texture and the taste.
Wally doesn’t know why he did what he did next. Couldn’t really say other than maybe it was the naturally teasing relationship he and Dick had, or his weird sense of humor, or maybe just because it was Valentine’s day. But hey, Wally was known to make bad decisions.
He picked out one of the little heart candies, one that said “kiss me” in soft pastel, and placed it on his tongue. The final scene where Riley and Mako embrace plays out on screen. He turned to Dick and stared at him for a moment, almost surprised but not really to find the other boy’s eyes already on him. Dick just looked at the heart on his tongue for a moment and raised his eyebrow. Wally wiggled his eyebrows in a jokingly suggestive way, and then popped his tongue back in his mouth.
And the next thing he knows, the room is dark as the credits starts to run and there’s lips on his own. His motion stutters for a moment. Dick was kissing him. He froze. Shit. A hot guy is kissing you. Kiss back now. So what if he’s your bro, kiss him.
His hands moved before his brain fully caught up, clutching Dick’s shoulder, and his lips move to reciprocate. He kisses back, a bit tentative, with thoughts of this is Dick I’m kissing floating around the back of his mind still. Dick didn’t hold back though, tongue on his lips, gently licking and nibbling until Wally opened up a bit. Dick’s tongue was in his mouth and it felt good. Why was he holding back before again?
Dick’s tongue moved against his for a few moments and all too soon it left his mouth and Dick pulled away, already back in his seat, leaving Wally to flounder for a moment. When Wally finally got his bearings back he looked over at Dick again, puzzled look on his face to silently say “dude what the fuck?”
Dick merely quirks his eyebrow up. Then sticks out his tongue. The conversation heart Wally had before sat there, a little smaller from how long it had been between their mouth, but there nonetheless. Wally’s throat suddenly felt a little dry again as Dick popped his tongue back in his mouth with a snicker and even in the dim light he could definitely see the pink that dusted along Dick’s nose this time. He could feel the heat in his own face.
Ok so maybe bros could kiss bros.
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mc-dude · 8 years
I don't know a whole lot abt Barry's backstory except for what I saw after watching cw Hell, so when I wrote him I just kind of assumed it was normal for him to be adopted by the Wests and used it more played straight... also bc I didn't know enough abt IrisBarry to want to ship them but I still liked that Wally was his nephew... from what I heard though I guess that actually Isn't normal?? What is the Ideal Barry Backstory, or what do you recommend reading in the comics to give a better idea...
yeah, the CW completely made up Iris’s whole living situation.. actually in the comics Iris was actually born in the 30th century and sent back in time to be adopted by Ira & Nadine West.. Joe doesn’t exist in the comics. I assume they made her dad be named Joe bc one of the creators of Iris as a character was named Joe?? Idk man.
Barry’s backstory post-rebirth is basically that he lived with his mom & his dad until his mom was murdered (by Eobard) and his dad gets sent to prison for the crime. he’s then “taken in” but not officially adopted by Captain Darryl Frye at the CCPD where he remains (although in a recent issue it was implied that maybe he was in the foster system for a bit?? it’s not quite clear and dc has never really explained it) until he goes to college & then joins the CCPD as a forensic scientist. Iris and Barry are never like.. step-brother/sister.. in the comics.. not in like any AU scenario or different earth scenario either.. they’re completely unrelated and find each other thru normal means.. they have a cute dynamic where iris writes all the exclusives about the flash and heckles barry for hints on cases he’s working on. it’s way better in the comics IMO.. idk why they did the setup they did on the show but it turned me off from any potential shipping so hard.. just made it so cringey.. yikes
and yeah wally is iris’s nephew in the comics, not half-brother. wally’s father is iris’s step-brother (bc iris is from the future -> sent to the past and is thus adopted), rudy west (who later turns out to be a manhunter cult member.. iirc.. i haven’t actually read that many wally comics) and wally hangs out at iris’s place with barry and her so much because his dad is kinda a dick and life at home is Not That Great. I love barry and his relationship in the comics tbh.. barry’s pretty much his dad just bc wally’s own dad is so shit. barry teaches him everything he knows and helps guide him to be the kinda person wally turns out to be (a cute cinnamon roll who is good thru & thru).
wally’s n52 origin.. well i guess they kinda of retconned the retcon so now there’s another wally in the comics whose father is iris’s brother still but his name is daniel west a.k.a. reverse flash…. it’s complicated. but yeah, wally has always been iris’s nephew. he lives with her in the most recent flash run and teams up with barry as kid flash in a vry cute fashion. i think the show wally is supposed to be more based on this wally 2.0 but they changed so much of his origin that idk anymore
anyways! sorry if that confused you even more lol. I have a [barry reading list] that you might find useful (i haven’t updated it with the recent flash run, i need to get on that…..but also the new run is pretty bad so ur not missing much) to figuring out barry’s backstory, but basically if you just read through these you’ll have a pretty good idea of what’s canon rn:
Flash: Rebirth (there’s two of these.. make sure to read the 2009 one. it’s a 6 issue mini-series)
Flash vol 4 #01 - 24 by Francis Manapul & Brian Buccellato
and you should be basically all caught up with the current continuity of barry’s backstory & origin.
if you have any questions i’m always happy to answer :-)
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mc-dude · 8 years
definitely love your cw wanks! they are full of shit. "there's no flash without iris west" thing is pissing me off because they always try to make the flash all about someone else. first it was the tragedy of his life aka his mother, now it's iris. because they want to make this cringe-worthy relationship between iris and barry (thanks for ruining my favorite straight couple, cw) but it doesn't work. 1/4
Everything is about someone else. The suit, every device used to catch metas, now flash itself. wtf. this barry is just a guy who takes all the credit for others' work, a selfish self righteous asshole who doesn't know how to do anything. how can they disrespect my son like this?! the flash was used to be a guy who can run really fast, he wasn't always stronger than his opponents but he took them down with his wit and by oversmarting them. 2/4
he was a humble, dedicated, simple guy who sees himself no different than any citizen. and then there's wally, my favorite speedster gets ruined in everything lately. his actor looks older than grant lmao and hes so annoying, where's my sweet, funny, a lil bit of an asshole sometimes but cute wally?! grant's barry can't be a mentor to him since he himself knows nothing about speed force still needs all those people to tell him what to do which means this beautiful relationship is also ruined 3/4
and I have seen no development how does he still live? even at the beginning his superhero days, barry has never been a loser like him smh and he definitely didn't need anyone to create him smh don't let them anywhere near hal jordan pls.. i am so pissed u can tell lol 4/4
yeah well it’s kind of the problem with any network show (aka shows whose plots are dictated by ratings and ad revenue) is that they basically just take the show in whatever direction will get them renewed for next season and get them $$ in their wallets.
what they did to barry and iris’s relationship was so awful tbh.. they ruined their relationship from the start with the whole incest vibe and destiny bs. it’s really annoying too cause candice is the only one who can act on that show besides maybe joe & wells and they sidelined her for season 1 and did the whole friendzone trope that really made me just not want her and barry to get together at all.. like her and eddie were even ok.. i didn’t really think they had any chemistry but their relationship seemed way less cringey than her and barry lol idk why cw decided to do the things that they did.. such poor choices!! who let that pilot thru with her and him basically being brother/sister?? wtf!!!!! enough!!
it does really annoy me that they also made barry so dependent on everyone else (especially when his team is like 80 ppl big and every time one person fucks off they replace them with two more) when he’s supposed to be a smart gentle boy who can outthink & outrun any opponent. they also spent like an entire season getting barry to mach 3 which would have been ok but then they brought in jesse & wally and they were like.. instantly that fast.. even faster.. lol ok
i wish they would have made wally a small yeah B( like the whole ‘kid flash’ thing is so dumb because wally looks way older than baby-faced grant lol. i like wally’s actor tho he has a vry cute smile & cute ears..  but his suit looks really bad and they also just did his plot very poorly tbh........ like with the rest of the cw plots... absolutely terrible
yeah i agree i don’t want them to bring hal onto the show at this point.. just keep him away from that steaming shitpile of a show they would just butcher his character to the point where he’s unrecognizable
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