#idk whether to scream or cry or laugh
ashenbun · 7 months
The UK government has gone fully insane. I don't even know how tf I'm meant to survive the next year this js so fucked
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cephiius · 1 year
is there... a japanese yaoi game about noli me tangere ... ?
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as a filipino who loves jose rizals works and respects him, but also a person who casually likes shounen ai ... i am EXTREMELY conflicted of the existence of this
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ivettel · 2 years
that's a day i could have spent doing better things but tbh i'm not too mad about it! thank u sebastian vettel for whacking the back of our heads with a chair and tossing us into hell. ciao, enjoy the gp xo
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rusmii · 7 months
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─── xxx...mr. mafia!
paring: n. chuuya x fem!reader/self insert
— ᥫ᭡ : the strange redhead you healed a few weeks back has been nothing but persistent on getting you to join 'mori corp'. what happens when you are found by him in the middle of the night? an official recruitment to the port mafia happens, of course.
— ❣︎ : recruiting, literally false advertising their slogan, smug n teasing chuuya, reader is a very dumb bitch *i dumbified her guys*, THIS HAS NO PLOT GUYS !! just wanted to write chuuya, idk what else to put here
— ♡ : another self-indulgent fic except it's a self insert with my husband bc I've been neglecting him </3
[pt2 to mr. mafia!]
-- wc : 930+
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“boo,” a whisper came from behind you.
you jumped up from where you were squatting at and clutched your ear, “what the fuck?!” you scream as you turned around to see what kind of sick crazy fuck likes scaring girls in the middle of the night.
upon turning around, you were met with a redhead beauty who adorned a devilish smirk. “the hell is wrong with you??” you ask him— he, in return, just gave you a lopsided smile along with another business card in his hand. “pretty and strong girls belong in the workforce, no?”
“no,” you deadpan and turn away. he crouches down to pick up the business card you smacked away from his hand before it flew away.
a meow interrupted the scene, and you spin your head back to where the cat was— only for it to be running elsewhere. “no!!” you cry, “the cat!”
chuuya looked past you and saw the cat jumping off a container, “cats gone,” he shrugs his shoulders. “consider it?” he held out the business card again, and you scoffed, “i'd have already considered joining mori corp if you were 90’s hot.”
“90’s hot?” chuuya repeats, confused as hell when you smack the business card back to the ground. “yep.” you confirm as you walk around him. chuuya stood there gobsmacked for a moment before turning on his heels to follow after you.
“wait-” he grabs your arm, “-the hell does that even mean?”
“what else do you think it means?” you sigh and try to yank your arm back, “it means leonardo dicaprio.” you scoff, “and give me my arm back!” you huffed— chuuya watched you struggle getting his grip off you, “okaayy, so not so strong?” he teases, and you just wanted to slap that stupid sloppy smirk off his face.
“hey!” chuuya jumps back as he blocks your incoming bag, “pretty girls can still join!- you don't always have to be strong,” he points to himself, “we've plenty of that already.”
you roll your eyes, “ughh.. don't tell me you're the persistent type.” you moan and chuuya gave you another smile, “aww, how'd you know? didn't know i already caught your attention.” — “you didn't!”
he laughs to himself, “yeah whatever you say.”
you bit your tongue, refraining from spouting the meanest bullshit known to man. this man who was just an inch deep under your skin made you want to grab a knife and cut him out— scratch that, cut him up.
chuuya notices your off distance stare at him, it was a glare- what else would it be? but there was something else going on behind those eyes of yours.
as he was about to ask you what you were thinking about, you answered it for him.
“what are you doing here?” you blurted out, and it was a question that surprised him a little. surely you knew about this area of yokohama, right? “...i offered the boss to patrol around this area..?” he answers, undecided on whether he should actually tell you the real reason why he was here tonight.
“or you were assigned by your boss to recruit me to the port mafia.” you cross your arms, not believing a word he just uttered, “am i wrong?” chuuya puts his arms up in defeat— like a thief who just got caught lying up their ass. “alright, alright- you caught me.”
his sudden nonchalant attitude caught you off guard— where was the teasing asshole who never left you alone ever since you saved him from death that day? “woah,” you say amused, “what's with the mean tone, mr. mafia?”
chuuya smiled at the nickname you just gave him. you couldn't tell whether it was genuine or not, “[last n.] [first n.], official business is to be spoken privately.” his tone is blank. the sudden change of demeanor gave you a whiplash.
“um.. yeah.. so, what do you want me to do about it?” you squint your eyes— starting to feel nervous. confrontation wasn't your forte, and to be honest— you'd probably cry if he'd yell at you when you finally break under pressure.
chuuya didn't say anything but hand you another business card, this time it was red and written in black ink. “the port mafia wants to officially recruit you [name], meet us at these coordinates, and we'll continue our discussion there.”
you took the card and scanned the front of it— it looked expensive, the pristine coating proved it. you flipped it around and found the coordinates engraved on the back, and under it was the time of the official rendez-vous.
“if you are a no show by any means..” you snapped your head back up, chuuya's face close to yours, “..-then we'd have to rid you from yokohama.” his deep voice made you shudder, the back of your hairs standing as you froze up.
you gulped when he gazed into your eyes. it was so dead and blank inside— no light reflecting off of it could change the way it made you feel at that very moment. still, you were a dumb bitch, “you still didn't answer my question.”
chuuya stared at you, humored at your boldness. stupid, but feisty— he always liked some spunk in his women. “i would answer your question, love to actually, but you already guessed the reason why i came here.”
“oh, i know- how about you answer my question this time?” his tone switched back to its flowy self as he took a step back, his smile— now you knew was nothing but fake, adorned his face “why are you in mafia territory sweetheart?”
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°° ©churuai ; don't repost my works to other sites, copy/plagiarize my works, or translate my works into a different language without my permission. if you intend to use most of my ideas from a post of mine, please don't forget to credit ♡
rbs and comments appreciated <3<3
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sabahs-stuff · 1 month
Manifest appearance change. (Weight loss/gain)
(Success story)
❏First and foremost, Yeah, I know you shouldn't let go of your manifestation. Like detaching from your manifestation bla bla..
However, I have noticed that actively affirming appearance change is difficult for me because I love looking at my reflection in the mirror all the time. And I've to constantly remind myself to affirm. Every time I affirm, one of my inner voices started stating the opposite.
I weighed 47kg (I'm 5'3; I know it's the ideal weight, but I wanted to gain a little more). It was difficult for me to eat more. I believe it was about April 14 or 15. I decided to quit trying to eat more. I started to joke that I was gaining weight without eating,"are u kidding me? I'm eating nothing and also skipping dinner these days, so how tf am I gaining weight?" Some of my friends even laughed at me.🙂
Then, out of nowhere, my sister began complaining that I had gained weight, then few days ago I went to the doctor for a checkup, and they also measured my weight, it's 51KG now. Mind you, I skipped a lot of meals and wasn't eating at all. It was during the Mercury retrograde. I was quite depressed and saddened also someone so close to me died. But it took me like 10 days to gain 4kg. If that's not shocking idk what is.
So, this is what I did (•_•)
Reminder : "If you could make yourself believe that you have the exact appearance you desire, it would change"
Every time I ate, I told myself, "I should be dieting." And look at what I'M doing. I should start working out before it's too late. And that is all. Then I didn't even affirm anything during the day, ( I believe that if you make your brain believe that you're prettiest little creature on the planet and your existence is a service to the humanity then that's how it would be. And my toxic trait is that I believe my presence is a blessing to the humanity.😂
every time I looked in the mirror, I said, "Wtf? I'm gaining weight . "Shit, I need to diet." And trust me when I tell you at that exact moment your brain is going send you a thought "Stop lying; you're still skinny bitch"
But don't forget that you get to select what happens in your reality. If your mind wants to offer you lemons, make lemonade.😂
I said, "Yes, that's correct. If I want to lose my weight I need to affirm I'm still skinny" and I kept on saying "I need to lose weight or I'll gain more weight" just tricked my brain into thinking that I'm chubby and attempting to manifest becoming skinny. And I didn't focused on the end goal; I wasn't obsessed with it; I didn't give a damn about it, but whenever I noticed a little change, I freaked out as if something terrible had happened. And believe me when I say I freaked out it was Oscar worthy😂
I Remember, the first thing I noticed was that my arm was looking a bit chubby. I was screaming and even fake crying, 😭 "Damn this is embarrassing, I need to work out, I'm gaining weight." I then searched and downloaded weight loss workouts online.
Trust me I was living the moment 😂. literally living in the end. It was easy at the time because my brain was literally blank. I had no feelings or emotions, so I fed my brain whatever I wanted, and it ate every thought I gave it. I'm happy with my weight now.
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I'm now 51kg this is just a photo I saved from Pinterest but this is my Desired type-
Here are some tips:
Your appearance is constantly changing with your affirmations and beliefs. So don't doubt whether this is going to work or not. 
Your manifestation will take time, depending on you and your beliefs.
And about mental health, I would post about it later, but it's important.
The more you visualize, the faster it will become a reality.Visualise everything; literally, everything you want, VISUALIZE 🙌 stay in your head
The amount of things I changed and manifested in my life is crazy; it's different for each person. But it took me a year to fully understand manifestation. So give yourself time. Spend time with yourself; the better you know yourself, the better you'll get in manifestation. Best advice: talk to yourself (in your head, of course, or others would think you're crazy, lol 😹.)  gossip with yourself; if you want to be tall tell yourself that you're tall and stick to it refuse to let go. ✊🏻
Hope you like it. It's my first ever post but clearly not the last 😉 feel free to ask any questions. 🩷
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ieatkeyboard · 7 months
Luxiem Boys Reacting to You Getting Your Period
Warnings: AFAB, Nicknames Beautiful/Gorgeous, bLERRRRRD(Blood), Suggestive at the beginning. Also I feel like I've posted something like this before but I can't find it on my page anywhere so- Idk
VOX: He kisses your shoulder as your legs begin to shake. "There we go...Good Pet..." He took you in his arms and carried you too the bathroom and when he sat you down to run the bath, you noticed the blood on your thighs. You sighed and he put his hand under the water. "What is it, My Love?" "I um...Got my period." - He'd hold your hand and take a washcloth from the counter, gently wiping the blood away with cool water. - He'd set you in the bath and wash you off, praising you and telling you not to be embarrassed - He'd wrap you in a towel, run a brush gently through your hair, give you kisses here and there - He grabs you a pair of underwear and one of his shirts and lets you do your thing (Your choice whether you use tampons or pads) - He'd carry you back to bed and rub your back under a heating blanket - You're boutta have the best sleep of your life - He handles your mood swings well! He gives you space when your upset and holds you when you're sad
MYSTA: You rest your head on his chest as you catch your breath, you're boyfriend laying under you, rubbing circles into your hips. "You did really good...Wow.." You chuckled and kissed his cheek and then you felt it. a lot of hot liquid run out of you. "Did you just cum again or?-" You groaned. "I was supposed to get my period today. I'm so sorry." "You're what?" You explain as you sit up and the second he sees blood he panics. "DID I DO THIS??" - You know he means well and he tries to help however he can - He gives you chocolate and fills your hot water bottle - You guys watch a movie of your choice and answer any questions he has - He handles your mood swings kinda well- If you cry he hugs you and laughs when you explain why you're sad but his laugh is cute so it cheers you up. When you're mad he'll take a stuffy off your bed and do a little "puppet show" so you stop giving him the silent treatment :,)
LUCA: You went to stand up but your boyfriend wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your back. "Mmmm...So soft" You giggled and rubbed his forearms "I need to go to the bathroom, Cutie" You turned on the lights of the bathroom and as you sit down you see the blood on your thighs. "Ugh..Are you kidding me-" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" You ran back to your bedroom to see Luca's abdomen and well...y'know...covered in blood. You felt humiliated. "Hey! It's okay! I mean- Uh- Are you okay?? You don't need to be embarrassed! It's alright!" - You two shower together and he holds you close, wrapping you in a towel and covering your face in kisses - He snuggles you in bed, makes you food and whatnot (Thankfully not killing the kitchen in the process) - I'd also like to think that if you're into the kitchen and you lean over the counter because cramps can go CHOKE ON GLAS- He presses himself against you and rubs your lower back (I'M SCREAMING OH MY LORDY LORD) - He handles your mood swings. Period. He tries his best- If you're sad he tries to cheer you up with horrible jokes (You laugh anyway because it's cute) and if you're mad he hugs you and asks if you wanna play with him (Any game of your choice)
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ist4rgirlo · 10 months
Hi I have another Conrad fisher x sister request so reader goes swimming and her leg gets stung by a jellyfish and she gets out of the water and goes back to the house and calls Conrad from upstairs and he comes downstairs and makes her sit on the kitchen counter so he can clean it and he comforts her when it stings ( idk if u write for jere if u don’t forget this part if u do please add that he hears her crying downstairs and hugs her to help her move less to like hold her down and comfort her ) and throughout the day Conrad monitors her temp to make sure she doesn’t get a fever <3 ( this is long and so detailed idk if it’s a good or a bad thing I’m sorry also u don’t have to write it now or like at all if you don’t feel like writing platonic ik 3 requests in a row is a lot so tyt and write it when u feel like it <3 ) 
Summary: Jeremiah and Conrad taking care of their sister.
Warnings: JUST FLUFF, maybe a little bit swearing and crying.
Requested by: Anonymous
''Connie!'' she exclaimed. I heard my mother yelling loudly, her voice sounded concerned -- here I was, being stung by a jellyfish and crying like a little baby because of the sting I got.
There were two of us in the kitchen when Conrad came running downstairs, looking for mom. The second he saw us, he immediately ran towards us, his eyebrows furrowed, and his voice filled with worry "What happened?"
"Well your sister was trying to surf earlier, I told her no because there would jellyfishes out there but she wouldn't listen!" Mom scolded me, I looked at Conrad with tears in my eyes -- his mouth frowning.
I saw Conrad going beside my mom, rubbing her shoulder, "She's going to be fine, don't worry. I'll clean it mom" my mom just nodded before she went back upstairs to continue cleaning.
"IT BURNS!!!" As I screamed, I got up from my seat and sat down on the floor, lying down there sobbing like crazy, I heard Jeremiah run down the stairs, he immediately running to the kitchen after hearing me scream.
"Connie please PLEASE make it go away" I yelled.
"What happened, Connie? y/n?"
"She got stung by a jellyfish"
"Oh you poor girl" Jeremiah frowned before walking towards me, holding onto me -- trying to keep me calm as much as possible.
Conrad panicked, "Shh shh, you're going to be alright okay okay". He went and grabbed me and sat me down on the kitchen counter while Jeremiah was by my side for emotional support.
"Okay, I have to clean so It might sting okay" Conrad said, going towards the cabinet to get some peroxide then kneeling down so he can see my feet better.
"YOU SON OF A BITCH" I yelled, accidentally hitting Conrad on the head. Jeremiah chuckled, laughing at me and Conrad.
Conrad winced, looking up at me and glaring at me. I just smiled awkwardly. "I'm sorry" he just smiled and went back into cleaning my feet.
After Conrad had cleaned my feet, they decided to put me into a bathtub and soak my feet in hot water for a while.
He then set me down on the couch so that he could monitor me every so often and also see if I had any bad reactions to the sting as a result of it. After that he made sure that I was asleep.
Throughout the day, Jeremiah sat beside me till I felt better, he was just there comforting me, making sure that I'm okay. Conrad would come and bring me food and he would always check whether or not I was okay.
"You okay, sis?" Conrad sat down beside me -- patting my head. Jeremiah looked at me and smiled.
"I'm alright now, thanks to you guys" I smiled up a him and Jeremiah before leaning my head on Conrad's shoulder -- feeling myself drift to sleep.
this one is kinda short so im sorry about that !! im trying to work on something which i am very excited bout :)) if y'all have requests just lmk !!
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Ghostface!Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader PART II
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TW[updated]: Stalking, Breaking and entering, bandages, insert of foreign deadly material into privates, somnophilia, dacraephilia, Non-con, dubious con, Con-Non-con (at sm point i hope), bondage, knife play, rape kink, possessive!Spencer, murder threats, kinda forced bj, Creampie, degradation, dvp, BWC ig,(Idk what else BUT BRACE YOURSELF)
He continued to watch you, how you reacted to his light touches. He wanted to laugh at how you seemed to think it was a dream. However his patience kept being overrun by his need to corrupt you, every single inch of you. To ruin you for any man you dared to run to.
He thought about you, hickies splayed all over your neck, lips swollen, cum all over your breasts, cum also leaving out of both your holes.
He felt his cock tighten in his briefs.
He took of your shirt with his knife and started to kneed your breasts, your breaths came in heavy but quiet sighs. You were enjoying this. He wanted to know how you'd feel if you realised who was making you feel this way.
He kissed down your neck leaving visible hickeys all round. He watched in awe as your pussy started to leak, how your hips seemed to grind into thin air.
He took caution to the wind and leaned in, he nipped the groove of your neck as he went down to your breasts he took one in his mouth.
Like clockwork your back arch a moan escaped your lips. For a moment he wondered what his cock around your lips would feel like.
One at a time.
First he was going to fuck you awake.
He remove his belt and kept it to the side, he might need that for you later. He brough out his cock and held it firmly in his hand. For weeks he'd been dying to know how your soft little cunt felt like.
And today was the day.
He slipped the head through and felt euphoria wash over him. That's when you woke up. He got harder as he watched you trash around. The very sight made him harder. He gripped your hips and planted them into the bed.
"Easy now, fuck, you feel so good around my cock," he thrust in sending your back into an arch. You started to cry at the intrusion.
"Fuck even when you're crying you're still so dam fuckabke, fuck I've wanted to see how you'd look around my dick for so long," Your breath started to get heavier as your orgasm approached. "Fuck i should have brought a camera fucking record you,"
"Please...please..." You didn't know whether you were begging for him to stop or for him to go fsster. He went faster ramming into you at an inhuman speed.
"You wanna cum so badly don't you, alright, he leaned in, "Cum for me," he said as he bit into your neck.
You came with a scream, your body feeling ten times lighter, buzzing away. You almost forgot about the man inside you.
"Will you be good girl for me? Hmm?" He says as he cuts your bindings, you're too weak to do much. All you could do was just be. Spencer chuckled as he stayed in you.
"Come here," he said. "We're not done yet," You were soon on his lap, warming up his cock, occasionally he'd thrust up and then make your hips thrust down on it hard and fast leading you to come even more. You were so sensitive that you started to cry.
"I'll have so much fun with you, turning you into my little cumslut"
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hey, maybe something smutty w mindy meeks?? shes criminally underrated
This is my first Mindy smut and idk if I like this one... I need to do better
Warnings: smut, fingering
my taglists are here  + you can requests here at any time
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Mindy’s fingers hammered into you, making you cry out while her mouth was wrapped around your clit, teasing and sucking until your legs were shaking from the intense pleasure. Your fingers had lost their grip in her hair to clutch your bedsheets, your grip so hard you could tear them apart.
You didn’t know how she did it, but Mindy always managed to give an excellent performance when pleasuring you, whether it was with her mouth, fingers or other objects of choice.
You started to clench around her fingers, your orgasm building up. You were so close.
You opened your mouth to let her know, but no words came out.
Shortly after, her name left your lips like a mantra as the knot in your stomach broke, your orgasm hitting so hard you saw stars behind your closed eyes. Mindy continued her ministrations until your body stopped trembling, pressing one last kiss to the inside of your thighs before moving away from between your legs.
‘’I’ve never cum this hard before. Holy shit, Mind.’’ You breathed out heavily, feeling so hot and so tired.
She laid beside you, kissing your bare shoulder tenderly. ‘’You should see the mess you made on the bed.’’
A light flush colored your cheeks, but Mindy was kind enough to not mention it.
‘’I’ll return the favor in a few minutes, okay?’’ you said, your legs aching as if you had just ran a fucking marathon.
Why was sex so exhausting? It should be considered a sport.
You and Mindy would be Olympic athletes if it was.
A laugh bubbled from your lips.
‘’What’s funny?’’ Mindy asked, rolling on her side looking down at you.
You shook your head. ‘’Nothing.’’
She didn’t believe you, but was forced to let it go because her phone vibrated on the nightstand, signaling a new message. Mindy rolled on her other side and reached for the device.
‘’Who is it?’’ you asked, still catching your breath.
‘’Tara. She asked if we want to eat chinese instead.’’
‘’Isn’t the chinese place six blocks farther?’’
Mindy hummed and you felt like crying. Your legs were so dead, you could never make it to the chinese place and back.
‘’Can’t we order chinese and eat at her apartment? You totally wore me out,’’ you said exhaustedly, making the other girl laugh smugly.
She typed your suggestion to Tara, then shifted her attention to you and raised an eyebrow. ‘’I’m that good, uh?’’ 
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog  @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz
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dazealigner · 6 months
As a new Boygenius and Muna fan, scenarios with both groups are just in my head like wild fire ( my notes app is crying. )
And since you’ve asked for our thoughts, I thought I’d share this with you.
I am nervous cuz I don’t really send asks even if they’re anon so I hope this is good :b Also i’m so sorry for the length omg
Whether or not it’s just boygenius, muna, or both bands are on stage at the same time. You are not safe backstage. They have so much love to give, why would you be?
Let me paint the scene for you.
You, the bestfriend of munagenius, a solo artist who does write songs and poetry, but especially loves being crafty. Paintings, drawings, origami, etc. ( I’m saying this because of a different scenario I’ve thought of with Munagenius having an artist!friend, maybe I’ll drop that thought here later 👀)
While you are known for your solo work, you’re also known for the shenanigans you, the boys, and muna get up to.
So since you tend to tag along on tours and gigs, it’s not uncommon for you to be side stage or backstage at their shows. You’re just there being so proud of your bestfriends and how hard they’ve worked to get to where they are.
The crowd doesn’t always know you’re there until they accidentally see you, hear you, or you get pulled on stage, which is not uncommon.
Now imagine both groups are on stage just preforming and rocking their little hearts out as usual. And then the shenanigans start.
The dancing on each other, the kissing, they’re running around the stage, etc, etc.
You’re just there watching them, not really being phased cuz the behavior is normal to you, hell a good chunk of the time you join in, or you gay panic, either or.
So maybe you just stay right there at the side of the stage and watch, maybe you go backstage for whatever reason.
Then… one or two of the people on stage remembers, in the midst of their adrenaline high, that you’re there. Just seeing all this unfold, now all of them have much love to give, obviously they show it to you time and time again, so why not show their love for you, their dear bestfriend, on stage?
Either one of them, two of them, maybe a few more of them just suddenly run backstage to get you.
For this I’m gonna say that the two who decided to go after you was Julien and Jo right, it was not long after they had their little moment ( the one where Jules did the knee thing to Jo? yeah) and all of a sudden they just give each other a look.
Next thing you know they’re running to the side of the stage, confusing the crowd and the rest of the members of their bands cuz why tf did they just bolt like that?
The band members are just looking in confusion, until they slowly smile as they see you being borderline manhandled and dragged onto the stage.
Maybe you tried to run once you saw the two rush towards you, knowing what was about to happen. That wasn’t gonna work cuz regardless of which friend it is they always end up catching you.
Which they did, now you, being shorter than Jo but just a bit taller than julien, is currently being tussled on stage by the both of them(When I tell you, you get caught in seconds when you try to run, idk why you still try)
the crowd is in an uproar of laughs and screams, cuz it’s not like their fans don’t know who you are, you have your own fanbase and Munagenius is almost always talking about you, and if they’re not talking about you, they’re posting you on their social media and vice versa. It’s no secret that you’re very close with both of the groups. Hell they may or may not have written songs about you.
Not only is the group and the crowd glad to see you, you’re literally being dragged on stage by a golden retriever and the little one, who wouldn’t laugh?! (Jo gives off such golden retriever energy I can’t,…… I’ll pitch that Idea to someone’s inbox soon) (also they way I just struggled to type ‘inbox’ is embarrassing but anyways 💀)
Anyways all three of you are laughing and shit, maybe they’re tickling you so it’s harder for you to run.
Eventually you get set down and the storm starts, maybe Jo kissed you first? maybe Lucy? Julien??? who knows, all you know is that your friends are showing you so much love, you can barely breath before another one picks up where the last one started.
They’re kissing you cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, neck, lips. And boooooy do you get shy.
It’s not like you’re afraid to show your love to them, you’ve kissed them, cuddled, wrote songs about them, made art about them more times than you can count, and talked about them in interviews. (I also imagine that their bestfriend is the person to send paragraphs of appreciation for them at random, and post appreciation posts on instagram for any of Munagenius’ birthday ( or again, at random, artist! bff is a very sentimental and grateful being that does stuff out of kindness at random, no special occasion needed!!!) and their words are so genuine and poetic it moves people.
AND they just send photos like “ this made me think of you” to let Munagenius know that they’re on their mind, aw, let me get back on track hold on 😭)
Artist bff is also not shy on stage, when they HAVE preformed….. let’s just say people now demand you pay for emotional damages.
YOU’RE SUCH A FUCKING TEASE ON STAGE, facial expressions, winking, motioning you finger in the ‘come here’ motion, biting your lip, dancing. Artist bff is a damn charisma fairy
Yet here you are, on stage with Muna and Boygenius, Blushing at some kisses???? Unbelievable.
Maybe artist!bff isn’t that used to their love being reciprocated, especially publicly so they’re just a bit surprised and flustered.
So you’re just getting bombarded with kisses and hugs and little tickles from both groups, and they’re teasing and cooing at you for hiding your face cuz the fucking audacity that you have to have insane amounts of charisma and be a tease when you’re preforming but the moment you’re not the one preforming, you’re shy?
BUT LIKE you’re overwhelmed with love ( in a good way) and beautiful people that just so happen to be your best friends are kissing you, live, infront of hundreds of people. Sit here and tell me you wouldn’t gay panic YOU CANT
I also imagine that maybe they all have a nickname for you, like ‘love bug’ or ‘little love’ cuz you’re the youngest out of the 6 of them and one of the shortest, and while you’re being brought on stage Katie’s just like “ Oh, they got bug.” while smiling cuz they all just love you so much and AHHHH
Eventually you end up hiding your face in someone’s neck afterwards and they’re just rocking you side to side chucking at how cute you are. Mind you the show must go on so they’re STILL PREFORMING throughout the whole thing but you’re a bit too overwhelmed to walk off the stage rn so into the escape of someone’s arms you go.
There’s also new edits and clips on y’all on tiktok now so have fun with that LMAO
That was a lot, I probably didn’t write that well so forgive me I tried😭
hiii anon !!! first off, WELCOME TO MUNAGENIUS NATION WOOOO!! i feel like tumblr is the proprietor of munagenius nation so i hope we’ve found you well
and don’t worry about sending asks and their lengths, i literally had the time of my life reading this. you guys could send a five paragraph essay and i would sit through and enjoy every minute of it
but let’s get started because I AM SO INVESTED IN THIS ARTIST!BFF IDEA (if you wouldn’t mind pleaaaase further elaborate on this idea because as i continued reading i only grew to love and adore artist!bff more). and i wanted to add that artist!bff not only being a singer but also being a poet can only mean they’re a brilliant lyricist. and since they also draw, paint, and do origami, i can picture the munagenius members having their drawings pinned on their tour busses. and i can only imagine that artist!bff has made at least one sentimental art project for each munagenius members, so they all have artist!bff’s work framed somewhere in their house.
and not only getting to tag along, but also getting to go to all—if not, most—of their shows sounds like a DREAM. i think it’s hilarious though how artist!bff inevitably gets dragged into their shenanigans in spite of their efforts.
and i am indeed a julien and jo girly, how’d you know!!!!! but artist!bff trying to run away…. lovebug did not stand a CHANCE! julien’s got lighting speed and jo’s strong… you’re doomed. and we already know how crazy munagenius tik tok went for jo and julien’s kiss, could you begin to imagine how crazy they’d go for artist!bff—who also has a large fanbase—being dragged onto the stage by BOTH of them????!
and i could totally see the golden retriever!jo idea. i gotta tell you that when you said that, my initial thought was their new hair just cause it’s so fluffy and golden retriever-like (someone back me up) (also feel free to pitch me this idea as well!!!!! pleeeease)
and in this scenario, i 100% see muna being responsible for the tickling and boygenius being in a rush to get their lips on you. like you’re being manhandled by julien and jo whilst everyone is running over to you and they set you down but naomi’s in tickle monster mode and so is jo so you can’t even attempt to get up. meanwhile lucy’s hovering on top of you kissing all over your face and julien’s hands are in your hair and she kisses your head and phoebe and katie are standing above you guys like “☹️☹️i wanna pucker my lips on them too????!”
and may i just say that i am loving the similarities between me and artist!bff. i as well get incredibly overwhelmed by affection (not that it’s a bad thing) and i physically do not know how to respond to it so as a result i get shy. ALSO ARTIST!BFF BEING A POET/WRITER 🤝 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION AS OUR LOVE LANGUAGE!!! it only makes sense!
artist!bff’s lyricism being detrimental to the mentally ills is one of the several reasons they and munagenius are best friends I DON’T MAKE THE RULES!!!!
and hold on a SECOND. why do i low(high)key want artist!bff….. head my WAY! also your descriptions made me think of reneé rapp (off topic but i’ll do anything to bring up reneé rapp sorry not sorry)
i Imagine that artist!bff has so so so much love and affection to give so when the role’s are switched, they’re like???! they’re flustered but they loooove it.
AND THAT’S SOOO NOT FAIR, all munagenius members have well reached maximum attractiveness and if they’re all kissing artist!bff at the SAME TIME, how else are they supposed to react???? but i mean i get it artist!bff’s fine as FUCK sooo
and i could just picture the edits of artist!bff with their face shoved in someone’s neck (i’ll say katie for this cause i feel like she’d be the only one who isn’t laughing in your face about how your cheeks and ears are red and would just be patting your hair). ALSO LOVEBUG!!!!! i used that name a couple times cause it just seems fitting for artist!bff they’re so cutesie
i literally thought so thoroughly about this idea while writing this, i absolutely love it so so so much. THANK YOU ANON this made my day and i love your mind for coming up with this
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yeonslayjun · 4 months
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MXTX WHY?!?!?!?
i am not okay
IDK WHETHER to scream cry laugh or just die.....dying seems easier
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kireina-vee · 20 days
Can we please talk about August's acting? It really got me on my first watch. Felt almost as betrayed as Gold. But bruh probably thought of Gepetto, just out of reach, unaware of his existence.
Baby Baelfire screaming, shrieking, begging for his dad to come with him just wrenches my heart out, Regina-style. (Idk whether to laugh or cry harder when Rumple tries to dig where he disappeared.)
And my dear lizard meow meow Gold getting therapy AND pouring his heart out to this stranger (I mean, he kinda got some of Milah's facial structure. So yeah, I guess? That's believable as Bae.)
But then, trap card activated! Then bam! UNO reverse card activated! And all those tears wasted! Thanks. I hate it. I love it. And this is why I still rewatch even if some plotlines have pockets, or just straight up annoying.
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hyperraduo22 · 7 months
my dps roman empires
cuz i keep seeing those videos with my love mine all mine on my feed with consistently ugly-sob-inducing stories and roman empires so now i have this long list i wanna share
+ may include some little facts here and there for anyone new in the fandom
• anderperry’s entire relationship and dynamic
literally no explanation needed on why it’s the top of the list and the first thing i wrote down
the whole hourglass and icarus x the sun dynamics makes me sob every time without fail
someone rewrite the script so they have a happy ending please
also me: wym they already do?? they got married and went to new york??????
• charlie and neil :(((
• thinking about charlie’s experience and dealing with grief post-expulsion
• todd’s entire character
bro makes my quiet x anxious kid heart go brrr
like just thinking about the little implications of his behavior and what’s said about his brother in the script makes me wanna cry and scream and throw a tantrum
he really represents the epitome of all quiet shy kids out there and i really appreciate it
• dead poet’s society but from cameron’s perspective
i understand y’all wanting to punch and yell at him and show no forgiveness but i also think you should give a bit of sympathy for this kid
he doesn’t know any better just like charlie or any of the other poets
damn this movie does a great job of showing reality and the fact that there’s no real enemies
• dead poet’s society but from pitts’s perspective 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
like i’d pay to see this honestly
• pitts’s screen time :((((
my underrated boy :(((((
• pitts and cameron’s dynamic
i KNOW we see these two talking in the background and seeing him make cameron laugh and smile the most compared to everyone else
like??? i wanna see more?????
cameron being outwardly comfortable around someone finally???
• the fact that all the movie's events ensued as they’re all high schoolers
like idk if there’s a canonical age for any of them but whether they’re juniors or seniors the trauma is still the same
• the thoughts of the kids who stood up on their desks at the end of the movie
how are they dealing with keating being away now? how do they view life in general?? did they really appreciate keatings class???? would they join the dps if they had the chance???????
• hopkins’s portrayal
its kind of a 50/50 since bro barely has screen time, yet i see his character oftentimes being portrayed as the class asshole
i think it’s clear that him and his friends commit tomfoolery and are overall jerks but to think that he’s the more sensible, level-headed guy makes a lot of sense to me—kinda similar to charlie in a way
like he knows limits and when to not push them even if he doesn’t come off that way. all bro does is chill in class and stare off into the windows daydreaming (as shown in the whole ripping out the poetry intro scene). bro doesn’t wanna be there. he’s just chilling and honestly same💀
• spencer’s actual treatment in the movie
ik we love this man, and our headcanons (or at least what i’ve seen and my own for the most part) say that people treat him well but low key everyone be on his shit
like it brings up the question of whether or not this is considered bullying cause any scene i see he’s either blatantly shoved around or even the guys around him purposely steal his medicine and pass it around so he can’t have it (including stick participating in this)-
like i think there’s some limits to being a jerk and idk how spencer really feels throughout the movie cuz he’s a background character :////
• the fact that ginny’s character just gets completely cutout. like she has a few lines to begin with and then the movie comes out and she ends up being a non-speaking extra in the play like i’m- what happened???
• tina and gloria / girl characters portrayed in dps in general
let me explain cuz i love them but also feel bad for their characters
like low key they’re just used as experiments for the cave (implied by charlie in a deleted scene that wasn’t recovered although i think this part is in the original script as well if i remember correctly)
although he brings them back a second time in a deleted scene where they’re all dancing around outside of the cave on the night of the play only for him to make out with one of them in another deleted scene that wasn’t recovered… (( this was revealed in an old interview on someone working behind the scenes btw ))
so like i kinda feel bad for them. like y’all just there for show but i wish you had more lines and other purposes besides possibly not passing a bechdel test ://////
^ lowkey this same concept is kinda seen with chris’s character too. like all she’s there for is a romantic interest for knox. like cmon now she’s one of the main female characters and THIS is what she gets. i wanna know more about my girl chris!!!!
and i kind of understand why it’s set up this way since y’know it’s an all male boarding school in the 1950s—how do you fit female characters in and how are they viewed? it’s not the greatest setup of all time
• the deleted scene of the poets carrying neil’s coffin 🚶‍♂️
like goodbye. doors closed. tears shed.
kinda glad it’s not in the movie cuz i would’ve sobbed uncontrollably even more than neil’s death
• todd’s poem
another deleted scene that really rearranges my internal organs
the fact that him reading this poem was supposed to be in tandem/include shots with neil’s death-
why do the writers want us to cry rivers?????
• the fact that in the very first version of the script, keating was supposed to have cancer
thank god y’all made the right decision and rewrote the script to take that out
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More chaos with the seductive vampire dudes
David: Y/N DON’T!
Y/n: what?
David: sorry, force of habit
Y/n running: It’s nice to feel wanted
Marko and Paul running with security behind them: NOT BY THE LAW!
Y/n: I’d rather drink blood than cough medicine ever again
David: that can be arranged
Y/n: What?
David: What.
Paul and Marko: Who says you can’t have curly hair?
Dwayne: No one ever said that
Y/n: I did, I’m gatekeeping it now
Dwayne: I wanna gatekeep you three from ever having thoughts again
Paul: I was understandably high as fuck
David: Y/n was supposed to be watching you and Marko
Y/n: understandably I too was high as fuck
David: and what’s your excuse? *gestures to Dwayne*
Dwayne: I live here
Y/n: *drunk* Ok now listen here Marko…Marko stop laughing, okay? Listen. Dieticians couldn’t be vampires, okay?
Marko: (also drunk) *trying not to laugh*
Y/n: You wanna know why Marko?
Marko: *about to cry from holding in laughter* Why Y/n?
Y/n: because they’d ask how many calories a person’s blood is. No. Marko stop laughing. I’m serious Marko.
Marko: *dying of laughter*
Paul: (high and drunk) *bursts out in laughter*
David: I regret ever allowing Y/n to drink with us
Dwayne: agreed.
(Okay idk why but I imagine that sometimes David is like a wine mom. So this is based off that thought.)
Dwayne: David that’s your fourth glass of wine
David: it’s okay wine’s cheaper than therapy
Dwayne: David…no…
Y/n: David I-
David: Hang on Y/n *chugs a bottle of wine*
David: Okay, you were saying?
Y/n: Never mind…
Marko: Y/n are you polyamorous?
Y/n: no I’m polynomial
Paul: I thought you were polyester?
Y/n: nah, my mother is though
Marko: Whether Y/n’s polyamorous or Polynomial, c’mon Dwayne keep up
Paul: Yeah keep up dude
Dwayne: *muffled screaming*
Y/n: I ended a relationship today
David: I’m sorry to hear that
Y/n: It’s okay, it wasn’t mine
Dwayne: Y/n get down.
Y/n: No.
Dwayne: Y/n.
Y/n: You’re not my dad! You can’t tell me what to do!
Dwayne: I’ll call David!
Y/n: wait no.
Dwayne: I’m doing it! *picks up phone*
Y/n: Dwayne don’t.
Dwayne: hi David, just wanted to let you know that Y/n is-
Dwayne: works every time.
Y/n: Don’t make me count to 3 Paul
Paul: pfft, as if you’re gonna actually do it
Y/n: 1..
Paul: wait…
Y/n: 2…
Paul: Y/n stop.
Y/n: 2 and 1/2…
Paul: STAHP!
Dwayne: have you eaten today?
Y/n: yeah
Dwayne: what did you eat?
Y/n: air
Dwayne: Y/n….
Y/n: hehehe the world is twirly
Dwayne: Y/N NO!
Surfer bro: Nice ass!
Marko: *walking with Y/n* Thanks bro!
Surfer bro: wait…I..uh..
Y/n: how come my ass doesn’t get any compliments?
Marko: Because you don’t do those squatting workouts with me
Marko: exactly.
Y/n: for fucks sake..
David: hey, we don’t use that fucking language around here
Marko: wait what?
Dwayne: I can’t find Y/n
David: Don’t worry, I know how to
David: found them
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fluffypotatey · 8 months
If wukong told (lied) to macaque that he never cared about him, do you think that would make macaque even more aggresive or like shut down/be the final straw that finally makes macaque let go of wukong
so, just like my answer for whether macky would willingly erase swk from his life, I think this answer also depends on when in the show swk told macky this, and what better way to explain this than by going through each outcome per season :)
looking at s1, we meet a Macaroni who is very hellbent on killing (or at the very least, heavily damaging) SWK because he feels like the guy never truly gave a shit about him (<- my interpretation). thus, it is safe to assume that if Wukong were to laugh off Marnolo's hurt and anger and tell the guy that he never cared, Mac&cheese will only feel that his current assumptions of SWK are correct and that the guy only cares about himself and his image.
would he feel hurt about it? oh absolutely. maybe punch a wall, destroy the "dojo" he allegedly lives in in an outburst of power and anger. maybe scream and cry but be mad at his own tears (begin to wipe them away but is too hash so he scars himself and then can't stop bc he's very self-destructive)
technically, Wukong is MIA so this would never happen. BUT! have you considered!!! Wukong telling MK that Macdonalds was just some guy from his past, nobody super important, basically a nobody he wronged in his long list of enemies. which MK might possibly parrot back to Macadoo in 2x07
heavens above Marconi would be pissed.
forget trying to be a dick to MK and "teaching" him that his path of emulating Wukong has already made him forget his friends (untrue, but this is what i assume was Macky's interpretation of MK's actions since the guy didn't actively search for his missing friends, who MK thought left him on purpose).
nah, Macky is hunting SWK down. he is out for blood because "did i serious mean so little to you? were our nights under that tree sharing secrets, dreams, peaches fucking nothing to you?" (and idk....maybe after the air clears out, possibly, macky would realize SWK's true reason for being MIA and....help out???? mayhaps???....yeah, yeah, i know only in my dreams T^T)
ok, so we could technically say this sort of happened in ep1 when Sun Wukong said, "i thought it was someone important," and, "so what, you're her puppet now? i mean, makes sense. you always did have a sidekick kind of vibe."
and that is basically Wukong implying that he viewed his relationship with Macaque as one where he didn't consider Macky to be important to him, or someone he saw as a close friend. however, this is also a tactic Wukong uses against nearly every villain he interacts with, simply to get a rise out of them. so, pin that down as Wukong being observant enough to know which words to use to hurt.
AND Macky's reaction to it is him jumping out of his cool-ass looking jet and body-slamming the monkey king to the floor. so, uh, it is safe to assume that Macky was pissed off at Wukong's comment.
THUS! with that in mind, we can say that in this context, Macackle will be upset enough to fight him; however, if we were to consider the end of s3 (like Samadhi Fire ritual to the end) i would go with the option of Mackarell shutting down and feeling like that comment is the nail in the coffin for their relationship.
in s4? absolutely not. he would be dragging Wukong by the ear, demanding that he repeat what he said, ordering Wukong to try and convince himself that their past meant nothing while Macky still lives and breathes. and especially after the s4 special.
you could argue that Macky could shut down in the beginning of s4, but i think he'd probably laugh it off because he knows now that Wukong is lying. he's being his old deflective self and probably doesn't know where to place Macanoli in his head now that they're technically on better terms with LBD done with.
but after all the drama of going through SWK's memories? nuh uh, Wukong can't get out of this, nope. you handed iMac a chocolate peach popsicle. it is too late for you turn back and lie about your feelings. you can dig your grave and lie about it, but he's just gonna hit you right back with your own medicine and make you understand that if y'all truly want to reconcile, you cannot continue lying to yourself that you don't care.
not anymore.
so, anyway, i hope this answers your question, anon! i had a lot of fun running this question around in me braincage :3
#lmk#lmk six eared macaque#lmk sun wukong#shadowpeach#bc i cannot help myself but talk about them in the context of shadowpeach#literally could have said 'i think if swk told macky this now compared to previous episodes' he would know it was bullshit (since he & MK#went through swk's memories and got to SEE swk's side of their relationship) and would've called the idiot out on it bc nuh uh are they#going to go through the same motions as before and fuck up their communication like last time you take that fucking back you bitch'#but (of course) i wanted back up for this answer and this show occupies all the nooks and crannies of my mind :)#for the sake of this mini essay (she says typing out her tags before finishing this post) imma capitalize only the names#for the bit#also mispell macky's name#for the bit....as well#no i am not counting macky out for being self-destructive#he has BEEN self-destructive to himself and his health until the end of s3#nobody can convince me otherwise#this man was on the path of destroying himself to either destroy wukong or free himself from lbd (whom i might add WAS SOMEONE#HE WILLINGLY CONSIDERED IT WA BETTER TO BATHE IN THE FIRES OF SAMADHI TO BE FREE FROM HER CONTRACT! YOU#KNOW....THE VERY SAME FLAMES THAT CAN BURN REALITIES??? THAT FIRE!!!)#*sighs* why must my answers about shadowpeach and almost everything lmk related be long T^T#not mad just confused on that fact that i have been in a writer's traffic jam for weeks but get asked this and SUDDENLY????#all my energy comes back????#rude af brain >:(#asks#anonymous
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wishmemel · 1 year
don't want no other shade of blue but you, ft. gojo satoru
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cw: small jjk manga spoilers, gojo calls reader "princess" synopsis: literally nothing i like writing random scenes which you'll only understand if you can read my mind technically this is reader and toru crying over megumi and i turned it into a small drabble about something idk. tags: gojo x reader, gojo calling reader "princess", little bit of angst, established relationship, hurt/comfort wc. 0.76k published: 18/02/23
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He wipes at your tears—tears that look like pristine droplets of glass rolling down your cheeks in an almost robotic fashion.
You see it then in his gentle movements, in the devastated look in his eyes, in his actions that are too slow, almost as if he himself is lagging. You’re both tuned into each other’s emotions—each other’s actions—so much that you know what he’s thinking before he even thinks of speaking it aloud.
(But he is not the type to do so. Satoru would stay silent and suffer from his own thoughts before sharing them with you.)
“Don’t you dare,” you warn, reaching up to grip the wrist he has positioned at your face. Terror grips your heart like a vice. “Don’t even think about it.”
“Think about what?” he asks, all too softly.
He’s clear cut, like a diamond, all sharp angles and perfection, and you want to be angry he’s playing dumb. You want to scream and rage and ruin his pristine image. You want him to be crying on the couch with you? You want him at his worst beside you.
He should be the one crying. Not you.
It isn’t fair that you’re wrecked and ruined and begging him not to go and he’s sitting there like a porcelain doll, poised and perfect like everyone’s always expected of him. But you—you had never asked that Satoru be perfect.
“Leaving,” you force out. “If you try to leave, god so help me, I’ll—”
“You’ll what?” he prods, and if it weren’t for the melancholic look in his eyes, you’d think he was taunting you for his own amusement.
“I’ll break your legs,” you snap, at your wits’ end. You lower his wrist into your lap, rage burning behind your eyes. The sight of it makes his lips quirk in amusement.
You’ve always been on the fire to his ice. The warmth to his icy demeanor. He’s always had you.
(But, sometimes, you wonder if he’s doing more to push you away than keep you two together.
Which part of Satoru is real and which is pretend? It’s frustrating that you don’t know.
Is he most himself when he’s with you, loud laughter and quick smirks and falling in love like little kids? Or is he most himself when he’s in battle, losing his friends, his hopes, and a part of himself with each fight?)
You can see the quick calculations running behind his mind. You know he’s only trying to do what’s best for you, and as much as you love that about him, you also despise it.
You wish for once that Satoru wouldn’t be the type to do what he thinks is best without consulting you. You wish for once that he would communicate with you, rather than trying to play fate at its own game. He should know he’ll never win.
You know he wants to argue with you—argue that it isn’t that simple. That he can’t stay, not like this. But he also knows that your threat is empty. If he genuinely tried to walk away, you wouldn’t be able to stop him.
Everyone he’s ever had, everyone he’s ever grown close to, has left him. Whether they had a choice in the matter or not, they left regardless.
Suguru. Megumi.
Now he has you, but you wonder if he's afraid.
Does he think he’ll hurt you if he stays? Does he realize how ridiculous that thought is?
You trust him. You trust him with everything, no matter what. You know that he'll always protect you, and vice versa. So why does it feel now as if he's pushing you away?
But you tighten your grip on his slender wrist and keep it pressed against your thigh, pleading with firm eyes, hoping he can see past your angry facade.
“I will break your legs,” you repeat as a threat, voice breaking on the hollow words.
He chokes on a laugh, head falling forward. You take the opportunity to mess up his meticulous hair and when he peeks up at you through long snowy lashes, you see the unshed tears glimmering in those blue eyes.
(No, it’s unfair to call Satoru’s eyes blue. His eyes are ice and snow and winter at its very coldest, where forgiveness would be a most impossible request. His eyes are the ocean, whirlpool against raging whirlpool of vivid blue you could drown in.)
“Princess, break them,” he caves, laughing even as bitter tears spill down his cheeks. “Break them if it means I get to stay.”
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A/N: um hi it's my first time posting my writing on the internet soo i'm a little nervous but enjoy !! (also the dialogue may be a little cringy/stilted but writing dialogue is one of my weaker points and i'm working on it!)
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comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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